List of algebraic geometry topics
Classical topics in projective geometryProjective geometryIn mathematics, projective geometry is the study of geometric properties that are invariant under projective transformations. This means that, compared to elementary geometry, projective geometry has a different setting, projective space, and a selective set of basic geometric concepts...
- Affine spaceAffine spaceIn mathematics, an affine space is a geometric structure that generalizes the affine properties of Euclidean space. In an affine space, one can subtract points to get vectors, or add a vector to a point to get another point, but one cannot add points. In particular, there is no distinguished point...
- Projective spaceProjective spaceIn mathematics a projective space is a set of elements similar to the set P of lines through the origin of a vector space V. The cases when V=R2 or V=R3 are the projective line and the projective plane, respectively....
- Projective lineProjective lineIn mathematics, a projective line is a one-dimensional projective space. The projective line over a field K, denoted P1, may be defined as the set of one-dimensional subspaces of the two-dimensional vector space K2 .For the generalisation to the projective line over an associative ring, see...
, cross-ratioCross-ratioIn geometry, the cross-ratio, also called double ratio and anharmonic ratio, is a special number associated with an ordered quadruple of collinear points, particularly points on a projective line... - Projective planeProjective planeIn mathematics, a projective plane is a geometric structure that extends the concept of a plane. In the ordinary Euclidean plane, two lines typically intersect in a single point, but there are some pairs of lines that do not intersect...
- Line at infinityLine at infinityIn geometry and topology, the line at infinity is a line that is added to the real plane in order to give closure to, and remove the exceptional cases from, the incidence properties of the resulting projective plane. The line at infinity is also called the ideal line.-Geometric formulation:In...
- Complex projective plane
- Line at infinity
- Complex projective spaceComplex projective spaceIn mathematics, complex projective space is the projective space with respect to the field of complex numbers. By analogy, whereas the points of a real projective space label the lines through the origin of a real Euclidean space, the points of a complex projective space label the complex lines...
- Plane at infinityPlane at infinityIn projective geometry, the plane at infinity is a projective plane which is added to the affine 3-space in order to give it closure of incidence properties. The result of the addition is the projective 3-space, P^3...
, hyperplane at infinity - Projective frameProjective frameIn the mathematical field of projective geometry, a projective frame is an ordered collection of points in projective space which can be used as reference points to describe any other point in that space...
- Projective transformation
- Fundamental theorem of projective geometry
- Duality (projective geometry)Duality (projective geometry)A striking feature of projective planes is the "symmetry" of the roles played by points and lines in the definitions and theorems, and duality is the formalization of this metamathematical concept. There are two approaches to the subject of duality, one through language and the other a more...
- Real projective planeReal projective planeIn mathematics, the real projective plane is an example of a compact non-orientable two-dimensional manifold, that is, a one-sided surface. It cannot be embedded in our usual three-dimensional space without intersecting itself...
- Real projective spaceReal projective spaceIn mathematics, real projective space, or RPn, is the topological space of lines through 0 in Rn+1. It is a compact, smooth manifold of dimension n, and a special case of a Grassmannian.-Construction:...
- Segre embeddingSegre embeddingIn mathematics, the Segre embedding is used in projective geometry to consider the cartesian product of two or more projective spaces as a projective variety...
, multi-way projective space - Rational normal curve
Algebraic curveAlgebraic curveIn algebraic geometry, an algebraic curve is an algebraic variety of dimension one. The theory of these curves in general was quite fully developed in the nineteenth century, after many particular examples had been considered, starting with circles and other conic sections.- Plane algebraic curves...
- Conics, Pascal's theoremPascal's theoremIn projective geometry, Pascal's theorem states that if an arbitrary hexagon is inscribed in any conic section, and pairs of opposite sides are extended until they meet, the three intersection points will lie on a straight line, the Pascal line of that configuration.- Related results :This theorem...
, Brianchon's theoremBrianchon's theoremIn geometry, Brianchon's theorem, named after Charles Julien Brianchon , is as follows. Let ABCDEF be a hexagon formed by six tangent lines of a conic section... - Twisted cubicTwisted cubicIn mathematics, a twisted cubic is a smooth, rational curve C of degree three in projective 3-space P3. It is a fundamental example of a skew curve. It is essentially unique, up to projective transformation...
- Elliptic curveElliptic curveIn mathematics, an elliptic curve is a smooth, projective algebraic curve of genus one, on which there is a specified point O. An elliptic curve is in fact an abelian variety — that is, it has a multiplication defined algebraically with respect to which it is a group — and O serves as the identity...
, cubic curve- Elliptic functionElliptic functionIn complex analysis, an elliptic function is a function defined on the complex plane that is periodic in two directions and at the same time is meromorphic...
, Jacobi's elliptic functionsJacobi's elliptic functionsIn mathematics, the Jacobi elliptic functions are a set of basic elliptic functions, and auxiliary theta functions, that have historical importance with also many features that show up important structure, and have direct relevance to some applications...
, Weierstrass's elliptic functionsWeierstrass's elliptic functionsIn mathematics, Weierstrass's elliptic functions are elliptic functions that take a particularly simple form; they are named for Karl Weierstrass... - Elliptic integralElliptic integralIn integral calculus, elliptic integrals originally arose in connection with the problem of giving the arc length of an ellipse. They were first studied by Giulio Fagnano and Leonhard Euler...
- Complex multiplicationComplex multiplicationIn mathematics, complex multiplication is the theory of elliptic curves E that have an endomorphism ring larger than the integers; and also the theory in higher dimensions of abelian varieties A having enough endomorphisms in a certain precise sense In mathematics, complex multiplication is the...
- Weil pairingWeil pairingIn mathematics, the Weil pairing is a construction of roots of unity by means of functions on an elliptic curve E, in such a way as to constitute a pairing on the torsion subgroup of E...
- Elliptic function
- Hyperelliptic curve
- Klein quarticKlein quarticIn hyperbolic geometry, the Klein quartic, named after Felix Klein, is a compact Riemann surface of genus 3 with the highest possible order automorphism group for this genus, namely order 168 orientation-preserving automorphisms, and 336 automorphisms if orientation may be reversed...
- modular curveModular curveIn number theory and algebraic geometry, a modular curve Y is a Riemann surface, or the corresponding algebraic curve, constructed as a quotient of the complex upper half-plane H by the action of a congruence subgroup Γ of the modular group of integral 2×2 matrices SL...
- modular equationModular equationIn mathematics, a modular equation is an algebraic equation satisfied by moduli, in the sense of moduli problem. That is, given a number of functions on a moduli space, a modular equation is an equation holding between them, or in other words an identity for moduli.The most frequent use of the term...
- modular function
- modular groupModular groupIn mathematics, the modular group Γ is a fundamental object of study in number theory, geometry, algebra, and many other areas of advanced mathematics...
- Supersingular primesSupersingular prime (for an elliptic curve)In algebraic number theory, a supersingular prime is a certain type of prime number. If E is an elliptic curve defined over the rational numbers, then a prime p is supersingular for E if the reduction of E modulo p is a supersingular elliptic curve over the residue field Fp.Noam Elkies showed that...
- modular equation
- Fermat curveFermat curveIn mathematics, the Fermat curve is the algebraic curve in the complex projective plane defined in homogeneous coordinates by the Fermat equationX^n + Y^n = Z^n.\ Therefore in terms of the affine plane its equation is...
- Bézout's theoremBézout's theoremBézout's theorem is a statement in algebraic geometry concerning the number of common points, or intersection points, of two plane algebraic curves. The theorem claims that the number of common points of two such curves X and Y is equal to the product of their degrees...
- Brill–Noether theory
- Edwards curveEdwards curveIn mathematics, an Edwards curve is a new representation of elliptic curves, discovered by Harold M. Edwards in 2007. The concept of elliptic curves over finite fields is widely used in elliptic curve cryptography...
- Genus (mathematics)Genus (mathematics)In mathematics, genus has a few different, but closely related, meanings:-Orientable surface:The genus of a connected, orientable surface is an integer representing the maximum number of cuttings along non-intersecting closed simple curves without rendering the resultant manifold disconnected. It...
- Riemann surfaceRiemann surfaceIn mathematics, particularly in complex analysis, a Riemann surface, first studied by and named after Bernhard Riemann, is a one-dimensional complex manifold. Riemann surfaces can be thought of as "deformed versions" of the complex plane: locally near every point they look like patches of the...
- Riemann–Hurwitz formula
- Riemann–Roch theorem
- Abelian integral
- Differential of the first kindDifferential of the first kindIn mathematics, differential of the first kind is a traditional term used in the theories of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves , for everywhere-regular differential 1-forms...
- Jacobian varietyJacobian varietyIn mathematics, the Jacobian variety J of a non-singular algebraic curve C of genus g is the moduli space of degree 0 line bundles...
- Generalized JacobianGeneralized Jacobian- In algebraic geometry :In mathematics, there are several notions of generalized Jacobians, which are algebraic groups or complex manifolds that are in some sense analogous to the Jacobian variety of an algebraic curve, or related to the Albanese variety and Picard variety that generalize it to...
- Generalized Jacobian
- Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem
- Clifford's theoremClifford's theoremIn mathematics, Clifford's theorem on special divisors is a result of W. K. Clifford on algebraic curves, showing the constraints on special linear systems on a curve C....
- Gonality of an algebraic curveGonality of an algebraic curveIn mathematics, the gonality of an algebraic curve C is defined as the lowest degree of a rational map from C to the projective line, which is not constant...
- Weil's reciprocity law
- Goppa code
Algebraic surfaceAlgebraic surfaceIn mathematics, an algebraic surface is an algebraic variety of dimension two. In the case of geometry over the field of complex numbers, an algebraic surface has complex dimension two and so of dimension four as a smooth manifold.The theory of algebraic surfaces is much more complicated than that...
- Enriques-Kodaira classificationEnriques-Kodaira classificationIn mathematics, the Enriques–Kodaira classification is a classification of compact complex surfaces into ten classes. For each of these classes, the surfaces in the class can be parametrized by a moduli space...
- List of algebraic surfaces
- Ruled surfaceRuled surfaceIn geometry, a surface S is ruled if through every point of S there is a straight line that lies on S. The most familiar examples are the plane and the curved surface of a cylinder or cone...
- Cubic surfaceCubic surfaceA cubic surface is a projective variety studied in algebraic geometry. It is an algebraic surface in three-dimensional projective space defined by a single polynomial which is homogeneous of degree 3...
- Veronese surfaceVeronese surfaceIn mathematics, the Veronese surface is an algebraic surface in five-dimensional projective space, and is realized by the Veronese embedding, the embedding of the projective plane given by the complete linear system of conics. It is named after Giuseppe Veronese...
- Del Pezzo surfaceDel Pezzo surfaceIn mathematics, a del Pezzo surface or Fano surface is a two-dimensional Fano variety, in other words a non-singular projective algebraic surface with ample anticanonical divisor class...
- Rational surfaceRational surfaceIn algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a rational surface is a surface birationally equivalent to the projective plane, or in other words a rational variety of dimension two...
- Enriques surfaceEnriques surfaceIn mathematics, Enriques surfaces, discovered by , are complex algebraic surfacessuch that the irregularity q = 0 and the canonical line bundle K is non-trivial but has trivial square...
- K3 surfaceK3 surfaceIn mathematics, a K3 surface is a complex or algebraic smooth minimal complete surface that is regular and has trivial canonical bundle.In the Enriques-Kodaira classification of surfaces they form one of the 5 classes of surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0....
- Hodge index theoremHodge index theoremIn mathematics, the Hodge index theorem for an algebraic surface V determines the signature of the intersection pairing on the algebraic curves C on V...
- Elliptic surfaceElliptic surfaceIn mathematics, an elliptic surface is a surface that has an elliptic fibration, in other words a proper connected morphism to an algebraic curve, almost all of whose fibers are elliptic curves....
- Surface of general typeSurface of general typeIn algebraic geometry, a surface of general type is an algebraic surface with Kodaira dimension 2. Because of Chow's theorem any compact complex manifold of dimension 2 and with Kodaira dimension 2 will actually be an algebraic surface, and in some sense most surfaces are in this...
- Zariski surfaceZariski surfaceIn algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a Zariski surface is a surface over a field of characteristic p > 0 such that there is a dominant inseparable map of degree p from the projective plane to the surface...
Algebraic geometry: classical approach
- Algebraic varietyAlgebraic varietyIn mathematics, an algebraic variety is the set of solutions of a system of polynomial equations. Algebraic varieties are one of the central objects of study in algebraic geometry...
- HypersurfaceHypersurfaceIn geometry, a hypersurface is a generalization of the concept of hyperplane. Suppose an enveloping manifold M has n dimensions; then any submanifold of M of n − 1 dimensions is a hypersurface...
- QuadricQuadricIn mathematics, a quadric, or quadric surface, is any D-dimensional hypersurface in -dimensional space defined as the locus of zeros of a quadratic polynomial...
- Dimension of an algebraic varietyDimension of an algebraic varietyIn mathematics, the dimension of an algebraic variety V in algebraic geometry is defined, informally speaking, as the number of independent rational functions that exist on V.For example, an algebraic curve has by definition dimension 1...
- Hilbert's NullstellensatzHilbert's NullstellensatzHilbert's Nullstellensatz is a theorem which establishes a fundamental relationship between geometry and algebra. This relationship is the basis of algebraic geometry, an important branch of mathematics. It relates algebraic sets to ideals in polynomial rings over algebraically closed fields...
- Complete variety
- Elimination theoryElimination theoryIn commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, elimination theory is the classical name for algorithmic approaches to eliminating between polynomials of several variables....
- Quasiprojective varietyQuasiprojective varietyIn mathematics, a quasiprojective variety in algebraic geometry is a locally closed subset of a projective variety, i.e., the intersection inside some projective space of a Zariski-open and a Zariski-closed subset...
- Gröbner basisGröbner basisIn computer algebra, computational algebraic geometry, and computational commutative algebra, a Gröbner basis is a particular kind of generating subset of an ideal I in a polynomial ring R...
- Gröbner basis
- Canonical bundleCanonical bundleIn mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety V of dimension n is the line bundle\,\!\Omega^n = \omegawhich is the nth exterior power of the cotangent bundle Ω on V. Over the complex numbers, it is the determinant bundle of holomorphic n-forms on V.This is the dualising...
- Complete intersectionComplete intersectionIn mathematics, an algebraic variety V in projective space is a complete intersection if it can be defined by the vanishing of the number of homogeneous polynomials indicated by its codimension...
- Serre dualitySerre dualityIn algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, Serre duality is a duality present on non-singular projective algebraic varieties V of dimension n . It shows that a cohomology group Hi is the dual space of another one, Hn−i...
- Arithmetic genusArithmetic genusIn mathematics, the arithmetic genus of an algebraic variety is one of some possible generalizations of the genus of an algebraic curve or Riemann surface.The arithmetic genus of a projective complex manifold...
, geometric genusGeometric genusIn algebraic geometry, the geometric genus is a basic birational invariant pg of algebraic varieties and complex manifolds.-Definition:...
, irregularity
- Hypersurface
- Tangent spaceTangent spaceIn mathematics, the tangent space of a manifold facilitates the generalization of vectors from affine spaces to general manifolds, since in the latter case one cannot simply subtract two points to obtain a vector pointing from one to the other....
, Zariski tangent spaceZariski tangent spaceIn algebraic geometry, the Zariski tangent space is a construction that defines a tangent space at a point P on an algebraic variety V... - Function fieldFunction fieldFunction field may refer to:*Function field of an algebraic variety*Function field...
- Ample vector bundle
- Linear system of divisorsLinear system of divisorsIn algebraic geometry, a linear system of divisors is an algebraic generalization of the geometric notion of a family of curves; the dimension of the linear system corresponds to the number of parameters of the family....
- Birational geometryBirational geometryIn mathematics, birational geometry is a part of the subject of algebraic geometry, that deals with the geometry of an algebraic variety that is dependent only on its function field. In the case of dimension two, the birational geometry of algebraic surfaces was largely worked out by the Italian...
- Blowing upBlowing upIn mathematics, blowing up or blowup is a type of geometric transformation which replaces a subspace of a given space with all the directions pointing out of that subspace. For example, the blowup of a point in a plane replaces the point with the projectivized tangent space at that point...
- Rational varietyRational varietyIn mathematics, a rational variety is an algebraic variety, over a given field K, which is birationally equivalent to projective space of some dimension over K...
- Unirational variety
- Blowing up
- Intersection numberIntersection numberIn mathematics, and especially in algebraic geometry, the intersection number generalizes the intuitive notion of counting the number of times two curves intersect to higher dimensions, multiple curves, and accounting properly for tangency...
- Intersection theoryIntersection theoryIn mathematics, intersection theory is a branch of algebraic geometry, where subvarieties are intersected on an algebraic variety, and of algebraic topology, where intersections are computed within the cohomology ring. The theory for varieties is older, with roots in Bézout's theorem on curves and...
- Serre's multiplicity conjecturesSerre's multiplicity conjecturesIn mathematics, Serre's multiplicity conjectures, named after Jean-Pierre Serre, are certain purely algebraic problems, in commutative algebra, motivated by the needs of algebraic geometry...
- Intersection theory
- Albanese varietyAlbanese varietyIn mathematics, the Albanese variety A, named for Giacomo Albanese, is a generalization of the Jacobian variety of a curve, and is the abelian variety generated by a variety V. In other words there is a morphism from the variety V to its Albanese variety A, such that any morphism from V to an...
- Picard group
- Pluricanonical ringPluricanonical ringIn mathematics, the pluricanonical ring of an algebraic variety V , or of a complex manifold, is the graded ringR=R \,of sections of powers of the canonical bundle K...
- Modular formModular formIn mathematics, a modular form is a analytic function on the upper half-plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition. The theory of modular forms therefore belongs to complex analysis but the main importance of the theory has traditionally been in its connections...
- Moduli spaceModuli spaceIn algebraic geometry, a moduli space is a geometric space whose points represent algebro-geometric objects of some fixed kind, or isomorphism classes of such objects...
- Modular equationModular equationIn mathematics, a modular equation is an algebraic equation satisfied by moduli, in the sense of moduli problem. That is, given a number of functions on a moduli space, a modular equation is an equation holding between them, or in other words an identity for moduli.The most frequent use of the term...
- J-invariantJ-invariantIn mathematics, Klein's j-invariant, regarded as a function of a complex variable τ, is a modular function defined on the upper half-plane of complex numbers.We haveThe modular discriminant \Delta is defined as \Delta=g_2^3-27g_3^2...
- J-invariant
- Algebraic functionAlgebraic functionIn mathematics, an algebraic function is informally a function that satisfies a polynomial equation whose coefficients are themselves polynomials with rational coefficients. For example, an algebraic function in one variable x is a solution y for an equationwhere the coefficients ai are polynomial...
- Algebraic form
- Addition theoremAddition theoremIn mathematics, an addition theorem is a formula such as that for the exponential functionthat expresses, for a particular function f, f in terms of f and f...
- Invariant theoryInvariant theoryInvariant theory is a branch of abstract algebra dealing with actions of groups on algebraic varieties from the point of view of their effect on functions...
- Symbolic method of invariant theory
- Geometric invariant theoryGeometric invariant theoryIn mathematics Geometric invariant theory is a method for constructing quotients by group actions in algebraic geometry, used to construct moduli spaces...
- Toric geometryToric geometryIn algebraic geometry, a toric variety or torus embedding is a normal variety containing an algebraic torus as a dense subset, such that the action of the torus on itself extends to the whole variety.-The toric variety of a fan:...
- Deformation theoryDeformation theoryIn mathematics, deformation theory is the study of infinitesimal conditions associated with varying a solution P of a problem to slightly different solutions Pε, where ε is a small number, or vector of small quantities. The infinitesimal conditions are therefore the result of applying the approach...
- Singular pointMathematical singularityIn mathematics, a singularity is in general a point at which a given mathematical object is not defined, or a point of an exceptional set where it fails to be well-behaved in some particular way, such as differentiability...
, non-singular - Singularity theorySingularity theory-The notion of singularity:In mathematics, singularity theory is the study of the failure of manifold structure. A loop of string can serve as an example of a one-dimensional manifold, if one neglects its width. What is meant by a singularity can be seen by dropping it on the floor...
- Newton polygonNewton polygonIn mathematics, the Newton polygon is a tool for understanding the behaviour of polynomials over local fields.In the original case, the local field of interest was the field of formal Laurent series in the indeterminate X, i.e. the field of fractions of the formal power series ringover K, where K...
- Newton polygon
- Weil conjecturesWeil conjecturesIn mathematics, the Weil conjectures were some highly-influential proposals by on the generating functions derived from counting the number of points on algebraic varieties over finite fields....
Complex manifoldComplex manifoldIn differential geometry, a complex manifold is a manifold with an atlas of charts to the open unit disk in Cn, such that the transition maps are holomorphic....
- Kähler manifoldKähler manifoldIn mathematics, a Kähler manifold is a manifold with unitary structure satisfying an integrability condition.In particular, it is a Riemannian manifold, a complex manifold, and a symplectic manifold, with these three structures all mutually compatible.This threefold structure corresponds to the...
- Calabi–Yau manifold
- Stein manifoldStein manifoldIn mathematics, a Stein manifold in the theory of several complex variables and complex manifolds is a complex submanifold of the vector space of n complex dimensions. The name is for Karl Stein.- Definition :...
- Hodge theoryHodge theoryIn mathematics, Hodge theory, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is one aspect of the study of the algebraic topology of a smooth manifold M. More specifically, it works out the consequences for the cohomology groups of M, with real coefficients, of the partial differential equation theory of generalised...
- Hodge cycleHodge cycleIn differential geometry, a Hodge cycle or Hodge class is a particular kind of homology class defined on a complex algebraic variety V, or more generally on a Kähler manifold. A homology class x in a homology group...
- Hodge conjectureHodge conjectureThe Hodge conjecture is a major unsolved problem in algebraic geometry which relates the algebraic topology of a non-singular complex algebraic variety and the subvarieties of that variety. More specifically, the conjecture says that certain de Rham cohomology classes are algebraic, that is, they...
- Algebraic geometry and analytic geometryAlgebraic geometry and analytic geometryIn mathematics, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are two closely related subjects. While algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties, analytic geometry deals with complex manifolds and the more general analytic spaces defined locally by the vanishing of analytic functions of several...
- Mirror symmetryMirror symmetryIn physics and mathematics, mirror symmetry is a relation that can exist between two Calabi-Yau manifolds. It happens, usually for two such six-dimensional manifolds, that the shapes may look very different geometrically, but nevertheless they are equivalent if they are employed as hidden...
Algebraic groupAlgebraic groupIn algebraic geometry, an algebraic group is a group that is an algebraic variety, such that the multiplication and inverse are given by regular functions on the variety...
- Identity componentIdentity componentIn mathematics, the identity component of a topological group G is the connected component G0 of G that contains the identity element of the group...
- Linear algebraic groupLinear algebraic groupIn mathematics, a linear algebraic group is a subgroup of the group of invertible n×n matrices that is defined by polynomial equations...
- Additive groupAdditive groupAn additive group may refer to:*an abelian group, when it is written using the symbol + for its binary operation*a group scheme representing the underlying-additive-group functor...
- Multiplicative groupMultiplicative groupIn mathematics and group theory the term multiplicative group refers to one of the following concepts, depending on the context*any group \scriptstyle\mathfrak \,\! whose binary operation is written in multiplicative notation ,*the underlying group under multiplication of the invertible elements of...
- Borel subgroupBorel subgroupIn the theory of algebraic groups, a Borel subgroup of an algebraic group G is a maximal Zariski closed and connected solvable algebraic subgroup.For example, in the group GLn ,...
- Parabolic subgroup
- Radical of an algebraic groupRadical of an algebraic groupThe radical of an algebraic group is the identity component of its maximal normal solvable subgroup.- External links :*, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics...
- Unipotent radical
- Lie-Kolchin theorem
- Mumford conjectureMumford conjectureIn mathematics Haboush's theorem, often still referred to as the Mumford conjecture, states that for any semisimple algebraic group G over a field K, and for any linear representation ρ of G on a K-vector space V, given v ≠ 0 in V that is fixed by the action of G, there is a...
- Additive group
- Abelian varietyAbelian varietyIn mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry, complex analysis and number theory, an abelian variety is a projective algebraic variety that is also an algebraic group, i.e., has a group law that can be defined by regular functions...
- GrassmannianGrassmannianIn mathematics, a Grassmannian is a space which parameterizes all linear subspaces of a vector space V of a given dimension. For example, the Grassmannian Gr is the space of lines through the origin in V, so it is the same as the projective space P. The Grassmanians are compact, topological...
- Flag manifoldFlag manifoldIn mathematics, a generalized flag variety is a homogeneous space whose points are flags in a finite-dimensional vector space V over a field F. When F is the real or complex numbers, a generalized flag variety is a smooth or complex manifold, called a real or complex flag manifold...
- Algebraic torusAlgebraic torusIn mathematics, an algebraic torus is a type of commutative affine algebraic group. These groups were named by analogy with the theory of tori in Lie group theory...
- Weil restrictionWeil restrictionIn mathematics, restriction of scalars is a functor which, for any finite extension of fields L/k and any algebraic variety X over L, produces another variety ResL/kX, defined over k...
- Differential Galois theoryDifferential Galois theoryIn mathematics, differential Galois theory studies the Galois groups of differential equations.Whereas algebraic Galois theory studies extensions of algebraic fields, differential Galois theory studies extensions of differential fields, i.e. fields that are equipped with a derivation, D. Much of...
Commutative algebraCommutative algebraCommutative algebra is the branch of abstract algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings. Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra...
- Prime idealPrime idealIn algebra , a prime ideal is a subset of a ring which shares many important properties of a prime number in the ring of integers...
- Valuation (mathematics)
- Regular local ringRegular local ringIn commutative algebra, a regular local ring is a Noetherian local ring having the property that the minimal number of generators of its maximal ideal is equal to its Krull dimension. In symbols, let A be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal m, and suppose a1, ..., an is a minimal set of...
- Regular sequence (algebra)Regular sequence (algebra)In commutative algebra, if R is a commutative ring and M an R-module, a nonzero element r in R is called M-regular if r is not a zerodivisor on M, and M/rM is nonzero...
- Cohen–Macaulay ring
- Gorenstein ringGorenstein ringIn commutative algebra, a Gorenstein local ring is a Noetherian commutative local ring R with finite injective dimension, as an R-module. There are many equivalent conditions, some of them listed below, most dealing with some sort of duality condition....
- Koszul complexKoszul complexIn mathematics, the Koszul complex was first introduced to define a cohomology theory for Lie algebras, by Jean-Louis Koszul...
- Spectrum of a ringSpectrum of a ringIn abstract algebra and algebraic geometry, the spectrum of a commutative ring R, denoted by Spec, is the set of all proper prime ideals of R...
- Zariski topologyZariski topologyIn algebraic geometry, the Zariski topology is a particular topology chosen for algebraic varieties that reflects the algebraic nature of their definition. It is due to Oscar Zariski and took a place of particular importance in the field around 1950...
- Kähler differentialKähler differentialIn mathematics, Kähler differentials provide an adaptation of differential forms to arbitrary commutative rings or schemes.-Presentation:The idea was introduced by Erich Kähler in the 1930s...
- Generic flatnessGeneric flatnessIn algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the theorems of generic flatness and generic freeness state that under certain hypotheses, a sheaf of modules on a scheme is flat or free...
- Irrelevant idealIrrelevant idealIn mathematics, the irrelevant ideal is the ideal of a graded ring consisting of all homogeneous elements of degree greater than zero. More generally, a homogeneous ideal of a graded ring is called an irrelevant ideal if its radical contains the irrelevant ideal.The terminology arises from the...
Sheaf theory
- Locally ringed space
- Coherent sheafCoherent sheafIn mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaves are a specific class of sheaves having particularly manageable properties closely linked to the geometrical properties of the underlying space. The definition of coherent sheaves is made with...
- Invertible sheafInvertible sheafIn mathematics, an invertible sheaf is a coherent sheaf S on a ringed space X, for which there is an inverse T with respect to tensor product of OX-modules. It is the equivalent in algebraic geometry of the topological notion of a line bundle...
- Sheaf cohomologySheaf cohomologyIn mathematics, sheaf cohomology is the aspect of sheaf theory, concerned with sheaves of abelian groups, that applies homological algebra to make possible effective calculation of the global sections of a sheaf F...
- Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
- Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem
- Coherent dualityCoherent dualityIn mathematics, coherent duality is any of a number of generalisations of Serre duality, applying to coherent sheaves, in algebraic geometry and complex manifold theory, as well as some aspects of commutative algebra that are part of the 'local' theory....
- DévissageDévissageIn algebraic geometry, dévissage is a technique introduced by Alexander Grothendieck for proving statements about coherent sheaves on noetherian schemes. Dévissage is an adaptation of a certain kind of noetherian induction...
- Affine scheme
- SchemeScheme (mathematics)In mathematics, a scheme is an important concept connecting the fields of algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and number theory. Schemes were introduced by Alexander Grothendieck so as to broaden the notion of algebraic variety; some consider schemes to be the basic object of study of modern...
- Glossary of scheme theoryGlossary of scheme theoryThis is a glossary of scheme theory. For an introduction to the theory of schemes in algebraic geometry, see affine scheme, projective space, sheaf and scheme. The concern here is to list the fundamental technical definitions and properties of scheme theory...
- Éléments de géométrie algébriqueÉléments de géométrie algébriqueThe Éléments de géométrie algébrique by Alexander Grothendieck , or EGA for short, is a rigorous treatise, in French, on algebraic geometry that was published from 1960 through 1967 by the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques...
- Grothendieck's Séminaire de géométrie algébriqueGrothendieck's Séminaire de géométrie algébriqueIn mathematics, the Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie was an influential seminar run by Alexander Grothendieck. It was a unique phenomenon of research and publication outside of the main mathematical journals that ran from 1960 to 1969 at the IHÉS near Paris...
- Flat morphismFlat morphismIn mathematics, in particular in the theory of schemes in algebraic geometry, a flat morphism f from a scheme X to a scheme Y is a morphism such that the induced map on every stalk is a flat map of rings, i.e.,is a flat map for all P in X...
- Finite morphism
- Quasi-finite morphismQuasi-finite morphismIn algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a morphism f : X → Y of schemes is quasi-finite if it is finite type and satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:...
- Group schemeGroup schemeIn mathematics, a group scheme is a type of algebro-geometric object equipped with a composition law. Group schemes arise naturally as symmetries of schemes, and they generalize algebraic groups, in the sense that all algebraic groups have group scheme structure, but group schemes are not...
- Semistable elliptic curveSemistable elliptic curveIn algebraic geometry, a semistable abelian variety is an abelian variety defined over a global or local field, which is characterized by how it reduces at the primes of the field....
- Grothendieck's relative point of viewGrothendieck's relative point of viewGrothendieck's relative point of view is a heuristic applied in certain abstract mathematical situations, with a rough meaning of taking for consideration families of 'objects' explicitly depending on parameters, as the basic field of study, rather than a single such object...
Category theoryCategory theoryCategory theory is an area of study in mathematics that examines in an abstract way the properties of particular mathematical concepts, by formalising them as collections of objects and arrows , where these collections satisfy certain basic conditions...
- Grothendieck topologyGrothendieck topologyIn category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space. A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a site.Grothendieck topologies axiomatize the notion...
- ToposToposIn mathematics, a topos is a type of category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space...
- Descent (category theory)Descent (category theory)In mathematics, the idea of descent has come to stand for a very general idea, extending the intuitive idea of 'gluing' in topology. Since the topologists' glue is actually the use of equivalence relations on topological spaces, the theory starts with some ideas on identification.A sophisticated...
- Grothendieck's Galois theoryGrothendieck's Galois theoryIn mathematics, Grothendieck's Galois theory is a highly abstract approach to the Galois theory of fields, developed around 1960 to provide a way to study the fundamental group of algebraic topology in the setting of algebraic geometry...
- Grothendieck's Galois theory
- Algebraic stack
- GerbeGerbeIn mathematics, a gerbe is a construct in homological algebra and topology. Gerbes were introduced by Jean Giraud following ideas of Alexandre Grothendieck as a tool for non-commutative cohomology in degree 2. They can be seen as a generalization of principal bundles to the setting of 2-categories...
- Étale cohomologyÉtale cohomologyIn mathematics, the étale cohomology groups of an algebraic variety or scheme are algebraic analogues of the usual cohomology groups with finite coefficients of a topological space, introduced by Grothendieck in order to prove the Weil conjectures...
- Motive (mathematics)
- Motivic cohomologyMotivic cohomologyMotivic cohomology is a cohomological theory in mathematics, the existence of which was first conjectured by Alexander Grothendieck during the 1960s. At that time, it was conceived as a theory constructed on the basis of the so-called standard conjectures on algebraic cycles, in algebraic geometry...
- Homotopical algebraHomotopical algebraIn mathematics, homotopical algebra is a collection of concepts comprising the nonabelian aspects of homological algebra as well as possibly the abelian aspects as special cases...
Algebraic geometers
- Niels Henrik AbelNiels Henrik AbelNiels Henrik Abel was a Norwegian mathematician who proved the impossibility of solving the quintic equation in radicals.-Early life:...
- Carl Gustav Jakob JacobiCarl Gustav Jakob JacobiCarl Gustav Jacob Jacobi was a German mathematician, widely considered to be the most inspiring teacher of his time and is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of his generation.-Biography:...
- Jakob SteinerJakob SteinerJakob Steiner was a Swiss mathematician who worked primarily in geometry.-Personal and professional life:...
- Julius PlückerJulius PlückerJulius Plücker was a German mathematician and physicist. He made fundamental contributions to the field of analytical geometry and was a pioneer in the investigations of cathode rays that led eventually to the discovery of the electron. He also vastly extended the study of Lamé curves.- Early...
- Bernhard RiemannBernhard RiemannGeorg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was an influential German mathematician who made lasting contributions to analysis and differential geometry, some of them enabling the later development of general relativity....
- William Kingdon CliffordWilliam Kingdon CliffordWilliam Kingdon Clifford FRS was an English mathematician and philosopher. Building on the work of Hermann Grassmann, he introduced what is now termed geometric algebra, a special case of the Clifford algebra named in his honour, with interesting applications in contemporary mathematical physics...
- Italian school of algebraic geometryItalian school of algebraic geometryIn relation with the history of mathematics, the Italian school of algebraic geometry refers to the work over half a century or more done internationally in birational geometry, particularly on algebraic surfaces. There were in the region of 30 to 40 leading mathematicians who made major...
- Guido CastelnuovoGuido CastelnuovoGuido Castelnuovo was an Italian mathematician. His father, Enrico Castelnuovo, was a novelist and campaigner for the unification of Italy...
- Francesco SeveriFrancesco SeveriFrancesco Severi was an Italian mathematician.Severi was born in Arezzo, Italy. He is famous for his contributions to algebraic geometry and the theory of functions of several complex variables. He became the effective leader of the Italian school of algebraic geometry...
- Guido Castelnuovo
- Solomon LefschetzSolomon LefschetzSolomon Lefschetz was an American mathematician who did fundamental work on algebraic topology, its applications to algebraic geometry, and the theory of non-linear ordinary differential equations.-Life:...
- Oscar ZariskiOscar ZariskiOscar Zariski was a Russian mathematician and one of the most influential algebraic geometers of the 20th century.-Education:...
- Erich KählerErich Kählerwas a German mathematician with wide-ranging geometrical interests.Kähler was born in Leipzig, and studied there. He received his Ph.D. in 1928 from the University of Leipzig. He held professorial positions in Königsberg, Leipzig, Berlin and Hamburg...
- W. V. D. HodgeW. V. D. HodgeWilliam Vallance Douglas Hodge FRS was a Scottish mathematician, specifically a geometer.His discovery of far-reaching topological relations between algebraic geometry and differential geometry—an area now called Hodge theory and pertaining more generally to Kähler manifolds—has been a major...
- Kunihiko Kodaira
- André WeilAndré WeilAndré Weil was an influential mathematician of the 20th century, renowned for the breadth and quality of his research output, its influence on future work, and the elegance of his exposition. He is especially known for his foundational work in number theory and algebraic geometry...
- Jean-Pierre SerreJean-Pierre SerreJean-Pierre Serre is a French mathematician. He has made contributions in the fields of algebraic geometry, number theory, and topology.-Early years:...
- Alexander GrothendieckAlexander GrothendieckAlexander Grothendieck is a mathematician and the central figure behind the creation of the modern theory of algebraic geometry. His research program vastly extended the scope of the field, incorporating major elements of commutative algebra, homological algebra, sheaf theory, and category theory...
- David MumfordDavid MumfordDavid Bryant Mumford is an American mathematician known for distinguished work in algebraic geometry, and then for research into vision and pattern theory. He won the Fields Medal and was a MacArthur Fellow. In 2010 he was awarded the National Medal of Science...
- Igor ShafarevichIgor ShafarevichIgor Rostislavovich Shafarevich is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, founder of a school of algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry in the USSR, and a political writer. He was also an important dissident figure under the Soviet regime, a public supporter of Andrei Sakharov's Human Rights...
- Heisuke HironakaHeisuke Hironakais a Japanese mathematician. After completing his undergraduate studies at Kyoto University, he received his Ph.D. from Harvard while under the direction of Oscar Zariski. He won the Fields Medal in 1970....
- Shigefumi MoriShigefumi Mori-References:*Heisuke Hironaka, Fields Medallists Lectures, Michael F. Atiyah , Daniel Iagolnitzer ; World Scientific Publishing, 2007. ISBN 9810231172...
- Vladimir VoevodskyVladimir VoevodskyVladimir Voevodsky is a Russian American mathematician. His work in developing a homotopy theory for algebraic varieties and formulating motivic cohomology led to the award of a Fields Medal in 2002.- Biography :...