List of South American mammals
This is a list of the mammal species recorded in South America. South America
's terrestrial mammal
s fall into three distinct groups. The marsupial
s and xenarthra
ns are 'old-timers', their ancestors having been present on the continent since at least the very early Cenozoic
Era. During the early Cenozoic, South America's only land connection was to Antarctica, so it was effectively cut off from most of the world; as the fragments of Gondwana
continued to separate
, this connection was lost, leaving South America an island continent. Caviomorph rodents
and monkeys
arrived as 'waif dispersers' by rafting across
the Atlantic from Africa
by the Oligocene
epoch or slightly earlier, 25 million or more years ago. All the remaining nonflying mammals of South America are recent arrivals, having migrated from North America
via Central America
during the past seven million years as part of the Great American Interchange
; this invasion, which peaked around three million years ago, was made possible when the formation of the volcanic Isthmus of Panama
bridged North and South America. The newcomers out-competed and drove to extinction
many unique mammals that had evolved during South America's long period of isolation, as well as some species from other classes (e.g., terror birds
South America suffered another major loss of mammal species in the Quaternary extinction event
, which started around 12500 cal BP, at roughly the time of arrival of Paleoindians, and may have lasted up to several thousand years. At least 37 genera of mammals were eliminated, including most of the megafauna
. While South America currently has no megaherbivore species weighing more than 1000 kg, prior to this event it had a menagerie of about 25 of them (consisting of gomphothere
s, camelid
s, ground sloth
s, glyptodontids
, and toxodontids
– 75% of these being 'old-timers'), dwarfing Africa's present and recent total of 6.
Anthropogenic climate change
and the damage to its ecosystem
s resulting from the rapid recent growth of the human population pose a further threat
to South America's biodiversity
The list consists of those species found in the nations or overseas territories of continental South America (including their island possessions, such as the Galápagos
and Easter Island
), as well as in Trinidad and Tobago
and the Falkland Islands
; Panama
is not included. Mammal species presumed extinct since AD 1500 (eight or nine cases) are included. Domestic species (e.g., the guinea pig
, alpaca
, and llama
) and introduced species
are not listed.
NOTE: this list is almost inevitably going to be incomplete, since new species are continually being recognized via discovery or reclassification. Places to check for missing species include the Wikipedia missing mammal species list, including recently removed entries, and the species listings in the articles for mammalian genera, especially those of small mammals such as rodents or bats.
The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN
The IUCN status of all listed species except bats was last updated during the period from March to June 2009; bats were updated in September 2009.
Infraclass: Metatheria
The infraclass
Metatheria includes all living and extinct marsupials, but also includes some related extinct orders of mammals that are no longer considered marsupials, such as Sparassodonta
. At least six families of sparassodonts lived in South America prior to the interchange, dominating the niches for large mammalian carnivores.
s are a collection of pouched
mammals that was once more widely distributed. Today they are found primarily in isolated or formerly isolated continents of Gondwana
n origin. South America's 22 extant genera compares with 10 in Central America, 1 in North America north of Mexico, 52 in Australia, 28 in New Guinea and 2 in Sulawesi. South American marsupials are thought to be ancestral to those of Australia.
Order: Didelphimorphia
Didelphimorphia is the order of common opossums of the Western Hemisphere
. Opossums probably diverged from the basic South America
n marsupial
s in the late Cretaceous
or early Paleocene
. They are small to medium-sized marsupials, about the size of a large house cat
, with a long snout and prehensile tail
Subgenus: Micoureus
White-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum
Marmosa constantiae LC
Woolly Mouse Opossum
Marmosa demerarae LC
Tate's Woolly Mouse Opossum
Marmosa paraguayanus LC
Little Woolly Mouse Opossum
Marmosa phaeus VU
Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse Opossum
Marmosa regina LC
Genus: Marmosops
Narrow-headed Slender Opossum
Marmosops cracens DD
Creighton's Slender Opossum
Marmosops creightoni DD
Dusky Slender Opossum
Marmosops fuscatus DD
Handley's Slender Opossum
Marmosops handleyi CR
Tschudi's Slender Opossum
Marmosops impavidus LC
Gray Slender Opossum
Marmosops incanus LC
Junin Slender Opossum
Marmosops juninensis VU
Neblina Slender Opossum
Marmosops neblina LC
White-bellied Slender Opossum
Marmosops noctivagus LC
Dorothy's Slender Opossum
Marmosops ocellatus LC
Delicate Slender Opossum
Marmosops parvidens LC
Brazilian Slender Opossum
Marmosops paulensis LC
Pinheiro's Slender Opossum
Marmosops pinheiroi LC
Genus: Metachirus
Genus: Monodelphis
Northern Three-striped Opossum
Monodelphis americana LC
Northern Red-sided Opossum
Monodelphis brevicaudata LC
Yellow-sided Opossum
Monodelphis dimidiata LC
Gray Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis domestica LC
Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis emiliae LC
Amazonian Red-sided Opossum
Monodelphis glirina LC
Monodelphis handleyi
Ihering's Three-striped Opossum
Monodelphis iheringi DD
Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis kunsi LC
Marajó Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis maraxina DD
Osgood's Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis osgoodi LC
Hooded Red-sided Opossum
Monodelphis palliolata LC
Monodelphis peruviana
Reig's Opossum
Monodelphis reigi VU
Ronald's Opossum
Monodelphis ronaldi LC
Chestnut-striped Opossum
Monodelphis rubida DD
Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum
Monodelphis scalops LC
Southern Red-sided Opossum
Monodelphis sorex LC
Southern Three-striped Opossum
Monodelphis theresa DD
Red Three-striped Opossum
Monodelphis umbristriata VU
One-striped Opossum
Monodelphis unistriata DD
Genus: Philander
Deltaic Four-eyed Opossum
Philander deltae LC
Southeastern Four-eyed Opossum
Philander frenata LC
McIlhenny's Four-eyed Opossum
Philander mcilhennyi LC
Mondolfi's Four-eyed Opossum
Philander mondolfii LC
Olrog's Four-eyed Opossum
Philander olrogi
Gray Four-eyed Opossum
Philander opossum LC
Genus: Thylamys
Elegant Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys elegans LC
Karimi's Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys karimii VU
Paraguayan Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys macrura NT
White-bellied Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys pallidior LC
Common Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys pusillus LC
Argentine Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys sponsorius LC
Tate's Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys tatei DD
Dwarf Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys velutinus LC
Buff-bellied Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Thylamys venustus DD
There are six extant species of shrew opossum. They are small shrew
-like marsupial
s confined to the Andes
Genus: Rhyncholestes
Order: Microbiotheria
The Monito del Monte is the only extant member of its family and the only surviving member of an ancient order, the Microbiotheria. It appears to be more closely related to Australian marsupials
than to other Neotropic marsupials
Order: Sirenia
Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands. All four species are endangered. The manatees are the only extant afrotheria
ns in the Americas. However, a number proboscid
species, some of which survived until the arrival of Paleoindians, once inhabited the region. Those that reached South America have usually been classified as gomphothere
s, but sometimes also as elephantids
The armadillos are small mammals with a bony armored shell. All 21 extant species are found in South America, where they originated. Their much larger relatives, the pampatheres
and glyptodonts
, once lived in North and South America but went extinct following the appearance of humans.
Genus: Chlamyphorus
Genus: Euphractus
Genus: Zaedyus
Subfamily: Tolypeutinae
Genus: Priodontes
Genus: Tolypeutes
Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo
Tolypeutes tricinctus VU
Order: Pilosa
The order Pilosa is confined to the Americas and contains the tree sloth
s and anteater
s (which include the tamandua
s). All 5 extant genera and 9 of 10 extant species are present in South America, the ancestral home of the group. Numerous ground sloth
s, some of which reached the size of elephants, were once present in both North and South America, as well as the Antilles
. (Some west coastal South American forms had even evolved into marine sloths
.) All of these went extinct following the arrival of humans.
Suborder: Vermilingua
Family: Myrmecophagidae
(American anteaters)
Genus: Tamandua
Southern Tamandua
Tamandua tetradactyla LC
The order Primates includes the lemur
s, monkey
s, and ape
s, with the latter category including humans. It is divided into four main groupings: strepsirrhine
s, tarsier
s, monkeys of the New World
Platyrrhini), and monkeys and apes of the Old World
. South America's 19 genera of nonhuman primates compares with 6 in Central America, 15 in Madagascar, 23 in Africa and 17 in Asia. The ancestor of South American monkeys is believed to have rafted over
from Africa 25 million years ago.
Genus: Leontopithecus
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin
Leontopithecus chrysomelas EN
Black Lion Tamarin
Leontopithecus chrysopygus EN
Golden Lion Tamarin
Leontopithecus rosalia EN
Genus: Saguinus
Brown-mantled Tamarin
Saguinus fuscicollis LC
Geoffroy's Tamarin
Saguinus geoffroyi LC
Graells's Tamarin
Saguinus graellsi NT
Emperor Tamarin
Saguinus imperator LC
Mottle-faced Tamarin
Saguinus inustus LC
White-lipped Tamarin
Saguinus labiatus LC
White-footed Tamarin
Saguinus leucopus EN
Martins's Tamarin
Saguinus martinsi LC
White-mantled Tamarin
Saguinus melanoleucus LC
Red-handed Tamarin
Saguinus midas LC
Moustached Tamarin
Saguinus mystax LC
Black Tamarin
Saguinus niger VU
Black-mantled Tamarin
Saguinus nigricollis LC
Cottontop Tamarin
Saguinus oedipus CR
Red-capped Tamarin
Saguinus pileatus LC
Golden-mantled Tamarin
Saguinus tripartitus NT
Family: Cebidae
Subfamily: Saimiriinae
Family: Aotidae (night monkeys)
Family: Pitheciidae
Subfamily: Pitheciinae
Genus: Chiropotes
Red-backed Bearded Saki
Chiropotes chiropotes LC
Brown-backed Bearded Saki
Chiropotes israelita
Black Bearded Saki
Chiropotes satanas CR
Uta Hick's Bearded Saki
Chiropotes utahicki EN
Genus: Cacajao
Bald Uakari
Cacajao calvus VU
Neblina Uakari
Cacajao hosomi VU
Black-headed Uakari
Cacajao melanocephalus LC
Family: Atelidae
Subfamily: Atelinae
Genus: Brachyteles
Northern Muriqui
Brachyteles hypoxanthus CR
Genus: Lagothrix
Brown Woolly Monkey
Lagothrix lagothricha VU
Colombian Woolly Monkey
Lagothrix lugens CR
Silvery Woolly Monkey
Lagothrix poeppigii VU
Genus: Oreonax
Order: Rodent


Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40 percent of mammalian species. They have two incisor
s in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small, although the capybara
can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb). South America's rodent fauna today is largely an outgrowth of two spectacularly fortunate ancient dispersal events
, each of which was followed by explosive diversification
. Caviomorph
rodents are believed to have washed ashore after rafting across
the Atlantic
from Africa
over 30 million years ago. More recently, ancestral sigmodontine
rodents apparently island-hopped from Central America
5 million years or more ago, prior to the formation of the Panamanian land bridge
. These two groups now comprise 36 and 60%, respectively, of all South American rodent species. The corresponding figures are 10 and 26% for Central America, and 0.5 and 3% for North America north of Mexico. Conversely, sciurids make up 3% of rodents in South America, 8% in Central America, and 32% in North America
. Illustrating the advantage of gaining a head start in colonizing a new land mass, sigmodontine rodents comprise 99% of all cricetid rodents
in South America, but only 40% in Central America.
Family: Chinchillidae
(viscachas and chinchillas)
Genus: Lagidium
Northern Viscacha
Lagidium peruanum LC
Southern Viscacha
Lagidium viscacia LC
Wolffsohn's Viscacha
Lagidium wolffsohni DD
Genus: Lagostomus
Family: Dinomyidae
Family: Caviidae
(guinea pigs and cavies)
Genus: Microcavia
Andean Mountain Cavy
Microcavia niata LC
Shipton's Mountain Cavy
Microcavia shiptoni NT
Subfamily: Dolichotinae
Subfamily: Hydrochaeridae (capybaras)
Genus: Kerodon
Rock Cavy
Kerodon rupestris LC
Family: Dasyproctidae
(agoutis and acouchis)
Genus: Myoprocta
Green Acouchi
Myoprocta pratti LC
Family: Cuniculidae
Family: Ctenomyidae (tuco-tucos)
Family: Octodontidae
Genus: Octodon
Octodon degus LC
Moon-toothed Degu
Octodon lunatus VU
Pacific Degu
Octodon pacificus CR
Genus: Octodontomys
Genus: Octomys
Genus: Pipanacoctomys
Genus: Salinoctomys
Genus: Spalacopus
Genus: Tympanoctomys
Family: Abrocomidae
Family: Echimyidae (spiny rats and allies)
Genus: Olallamys
Greedy Olalla Rat
Olallamys edax DD
Subfamily: Echimyinae
Genus: Diplomys
Rufous Soft-furred Spiny-rat
Diplomys labilis LC
Red Crested Soft-furred Spiny-rat
Diplomys rufodorsalis DD
Genus: Echimys
Dark Spiny Tree-rat
Echimys saturnus DD
Echimys vieirai DD
Genus: Isothrix
Yellow-crowned Brush-tailed Rat
Isothrix bistriata LC
Rio Negro Brush-tailed Rat Isothrix negrensis LC
Plain Brush-tailed Rat
Isothrix pagurus LC
Sinnamary Brush-tailed Rat
Isothrix sinnamariensis LC
Genus: Makalata
Brazilian Spiny Tree Rat
Makalata didelphoides LC
Makalata handleyi
Makalata guianae
Makalata longirostris
Long-tailed Armored Tree-rat Makalata macrura LC
Dusky Spiny Tree Rat
Makalata obscura DD
Peruvian Tree Rat
Makalata rhipidura DD
Genus: Pattonomys
Speckled Spiny Tree-rat
Pattonomys semivillosus LC
Genus: Phyllomys
Orange-brown Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys brasiliensis EN
Drab Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys dasythrix LC
Kerr's Atlantic Tree-rat Phyllomys kerri DD
Pallid Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys lamarum DD
Lund's Atlantic Tree-rat Phyllomys lundi EN
Mantiqueira Atlantic Tree-rat Phyllomys mantiqueirensis CR
Long-furred Atlantic Tree-rat Phyllomys medius LC
Black-spined Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys nigrispinus LC
Rusty-sided Atlantic Tree-rat Phyllomys pattoni LC
Phyllomys sulinus
Giant Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys thomasi EN
Short-furred Atlantic Tree-rat
Phyllomys unicolor CR
Genus: Toromys
Subfamily: Eumysopinae
Genus: Clyomys
Broad-headed Spiny Rat Clyomys laticeps LC
Genus: Euryzygomatomys
Fischer's Guiara Euryzygomatomys spinosus LC
Genus: Hoplomys
Genus: Lonchothrix
Genus: Mesomys
Woolly-headed Spiny Tree-rat
Mesomys leniceps DD
Tufted-tailed Spiny Tree-rat Mesomys occultus LC
Pará Spiny Tree Rat Mesomys stimulax LC
Genus: Proechimys
Colombian Spiny-rat
Proechimys canicollis LC
Boyacá Spiny Rat
Proechimys chrysaeolus DD
Cuvier's Spiny-rat Proechimys cuvieri LC
Pacific Spiny-rat
Proechimys decumanus VU
Stiff-spine Spiny-rat Proechimys echinothrix LC
Gardner's Spiny-rat Proechimys gardneri DD
Goeldi's Spiny-rat Proechimys goeldii VU
Guaira Spiny-rat
Proechimys guairae LC
Guyenne Spiny-rat
Proechimys guyannensis LC
Guyanan Spiny-rat Proechimys hoplomyoides DD
Kulina Spiny-rat Proechimys kulinae DD
Long-tailed Spiny-rat Proechimys longicaudatus LC
Magdalena Spiny Rat
Proechimys magdalenae DD
Minca Spiny Rat
Proechimys mincae DD
O'Connell's Spiny-rat
Proechimys oconnelli DD
Patton's Spiny-rat Proechimys pattoni LC
Gray-footed Spiny-rat
Proechimys poliopus VU
Napo Spiny-rat Proechimys quadruplicatus LC
Roberto's Spiny-rat Proechimys roberti VU
Tome's Spiny-rat
Proechimys semispinosus LC
Simon's Spiny-rat Proechimys simonsi LC
Steere's Spiny-rat Proechimys steerei LC
Trinidad Spiny Rat
Proechimys trinitatis DD
Sucre Spiny-rat
Proechimys urichi LC
Genus: Thrichomys
Highlands Punaré
Thrichomys inermis LC
Paraguayan Punaré
Thrichomys pachyurus LC
Genus: Trinomys
Soft-spined Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys dimidiatus LC
Elias' Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys eliasi EN
Gracile Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys gratiosus LC
Ihering's Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys iheringi LC
Dark-caped Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys mirapitanga DD
Moojen's Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys moojeni EN
Mouse-tailed Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys myosuros LC
Spiked Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys paratus DD
Hairy Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys setosus LC
Yonenaga's Atlantic Spiny-rat Trinomys yonenagae EN
Family: Myocastoridae (coypus)
Suborder: Castorimorpha
Family: Heteromyidae

Genus: Aepeomys
Reig's Montane Mouse
Aepeomys reigi VU
Genus: Aegialomys
Yellowish Rice Rat
Aegialomys xanthaeolus LC
Genus: Akodon
Colombian Grass Mouse
Akodon affinis LC
White-bellied Grass Mouse
Akodon albiventer LC
Azara's Grass Mouse
Akodon azarae LC
Bogotá Grass Mouse
Akodon bogotensis LC
Bolivian Grass Mouse
Akodon boliviensis LC
Budin's Grass Mouse
Akodon budini LC
Akodon caenosus
Cursor Grass Mouse
Akodon cursor LC
Day's Grass Mouse
Akodon dayi LC
Dolorous Grass Mouse
Akodon dolores LC
Smoky Grass Mouse
Akodon fumeus LC
Akodon glaucinus
Intelligent Grass Mouse
Akodon iniscatus LC
Junín Grass Mouse
Akodon juninensis LC
Koford's Grass Mouse
Akodon kofordi LC
Ecuadorian Grass Mouse
Akodon latebricola VU
Lindbergh's Grass Mouse
Akodon lindberghi DD
Altiplano Grass Mouse
Akodon lutescens LC
Thespian Grass Mouse
Akodon mimus LC
Soft Grass Mouse
Akodon mollis LC
Montane Grass Mouse
Akodon montensis LC
Caparaó Grass Mouse
Akodon mystax DD
Neuquén Grass Mouse
Akodon neocenus DD
El Dorado Grass Mouse
Akodon orophilus LC
Paraná Grass Mouse
Akodon paranaensis LC
Tarija Akodont
Akodon pervalens DD
Philip Myers' Akodont Akodon philipmyersi DD
Akodon polopi
Reig's Grass Mouse
Akodon reigi LC
São Paulo Grass Mouse
Akodon sanctipaulensis DD
Serra do Mar Grass Mouse Akodon serrensis LC
Cochabamba Grass Mouse
Akodon siberiae NT
White-throated Grass Mouse
Akodon simulator LC
Spegazzini's Grass Mouse
Akodon spegazzinii LC
Puno Grass Mouse
Akodon subfuscus LC
Silent Grass Mouse
Akodon surdus VU
Forest Grass Mouse
Akodon sylvanus LC
Akodon tartareus
Chaco Grass Mouse
Akodon toba LC
Cloud Forest Grass Mouse
Akodon torques LC
Variable Grass Mouse
Akodon varius DD
Genus: Amphinectomys
Genus: Andalgalomys
Genus: Andinomys
Genus: Anotomys
Genus: Auliscomys
Genus: Bibimys
Genus: Blarinomys
Genus: Brucepattersonius
Genus: Calomys
Genus: Cerradomys
Genus: Chelemys
Genus: Chibchanomys
Genus: Chilomys
Genus: Chinchillula
Genus: Delomys
Genus: Deltamys
Genus: Eligmodontia
Genus: Eremoryzomys
Genus: Euneomys
Genus: Euryoryzomys
Genus: Galenomys
Genus: Geoxus
Genus: Graomys
Genus: Gyldenstolpia
Genus: Handleyomys
Genus: Holochilus
Genus: Hylaeamys
Genus: Ichthyomys
Genus: Irenomys
Genus: Juliomys
Genus: Juscelinomys
Genus: Kunsia
Genus: Lenoxus
Genus: Loxodontomys
Genus: Lundomys
Genus: Megaoryzomys
Genus: Melanomys
Genus: Microakodontomys
Genus: Microryzomys
Genus: Mindomys
Genus: Neacomys
Genus: Necromys
Genus: Nectomys
Genus: Neotomys
Genus: Nephelomys
Genus: Nesoryzomys
Genus: Neusticomys
Genus: Noronhomys
Genus: Notiomys
Genus: Oecomys
Genus: Oligoryzomys
Genus: Oreoryzomys
Genus: Oryzomys
Genus: Oxymycterus
Genus: Paralomys
Genus: Pearsonomys
Genus: Phaenomys
Genus: Phyllotis
Genus: Podoxymys
Genus: Pseudoryzomys
Genus: Punomys
Genus: Reithrodon
Genus: Rhagomys
Genus: Rhipidomys
Cariri Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys cariri DD
Cauca Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys caucensis DD
Coues's Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys couesi LC
Eastern Amazon Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys emiliae LC
Buff-bellied Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys fulviventer LC
Gardner's Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys gardneri LC
Broad-footed Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys latimanus LC
White-footed Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys leucodactylus LC
MacConnell's Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys macconnelli LC
Cerrado Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys macrurus LC
Atlantic Forest Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys mastacalis LC
Peruvian Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys modicus NT
Splendid Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys nitela LC
Yellow-bellied Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys ochrogaster DD
Venezuelan Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys venezuelae LC
Charming Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys venustus LC
Wetzel's Climbing Mouse
Rhipidomys wetzeli LC
Genus: Salinomys
Genus: Scapteromys
Genus: Scolomys
Genus: Sigmodon
Genus: Sigmodontomys
Genus: Sooretamys
Genus: Tapecomys
Genus: Thalpomys
Genus: Thaptomys
Genus: Thomasomys
Genus: Transandinomys
Genus: Wiedomys
Genus: Wilfredomys
Genus: Zygodontomys
Family: Muridae
(mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
Order: Lagomorpha
The lagomorphs comprise two families, Leporidae
s and rabbit
s), and Ochotonidae (pika
s). Though they can resemble rodent
s, and were classified as a superfamily
in that order until the early 20th century, they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two. South America's meager lagomorph diversity (3 species compared to 18 for North America north of Mexico) reflects their recent arrival and failure (so far) to diversify much. Only the tapeti is present south of northern South America; lagomorphs are absent from most of South America's southern cone
The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. Shrews and solenodons closely resemble mice, hedgehog
s carry spines, while mole
s are stout-bodied burrowers. In South America, shrews are only found in the north (Colombia
, Venezuela
, Ecuador
and Peru
), a legacy of their relatively recent immigration to the continent by way of Central America
(where shrew species are more numerous and more diverse). Moles are not found in the Americas
south of northern Mexico
The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

Order: Carnivora

There are over 260 species of carnivorans, the majority of which feed primarily on meat. They have a characteristic skull shape and dentition. South America is notable for its diversity of canids, having more genera than any other continent in spite of their relatively brief history there. South America's felid diversity is also greater than that of North America north of Mexico, while its mustelid diversity is comparable and its mephitid and ursid diversities are lower. Its procyonid diversity is somewhat less than that of Central America, the center of the family's recent evolution. The diversification of canids and felids in South America was partly a consequence of the inability of the continent's native avian
and metatherian
predators to compete effectively following the Great American Interchange
The odd-toed ungulates are browsing and grazing
mammals. They are usually large to very large, and have relatively simple stomachs and a large middle toe. Following the interchange with North America, South America's odd-toed ungulates included equids
of genus Equus
, but these died out around the time of the first arrival of humans.
The weight of even-toed ungulate
s is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to human
s. South America's considerable cervid diversity belies their relatively recent arrival. The presence of camelids in South America but not North America today is ironic, given that they have a 45 million year long history in the latter continent (where they originated), and only a 3 million year history in the former. South America once had a great diversity of ungulates of native origin
, but these dwindled after the interchange with North America, and disappeared entirely following the arrival of humans.
Order: Cetacea
The order Cetacea includes whale
s, dolphin
s and porpoise
s. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic
life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater. Their closest extant relatives are the hippos
, which are artiodactyls, from which cetaceans are believed to have descended (as reflected in the naming of the clade
South America
South America is a continent situated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. The continent is also considered a subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east...
's terrestrial mammal
Mammals are members of a class of air-breathing vertebrate animals characterised by the possession of endothermy, hair, three middle ear bones, and mammary glands functional in mothers with young...
s fall into three distinct groups. The marsupial
Marsupials are an infraclass of mammals, characterized by giving birth to relatively undeveloped young. Close to 70% of the 334 extant species occur in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, with the remaining 100 found in the Americas, primarily in South America, but with thirteen in Central...
s and xenarthra
The superorder Xenarthra is a group of placental mammals , existent today only in the Americas and represented by anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos. The origins of the order can be traced back as far as the Paleogene in South America...
ns are 'old-timers', their ancestors having been present on the continent since at least the very early Cenozoic
The Cenozoic era is the current and most recent of the three Phanerozoic geological eras and covers the period from 65.5 mya to the present. The era began in the wake of the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous that saw the demise of the last non-avian dinosaurs and...
Era. During the early Cenozoic, South America's only land connection was to Antarctica, so it was effectively cut off from most of the world; as the fragments of Gondwana
In paleogeography, Gondwana , originally Gondwanaland, was the southernmost of two supercontinents that later became parts of the Pangaea supercontinent. It existed from approximately 510 to 180 million years ago . Gondwana is believed to have sutured between ca. 570 and 510 Mya,...
continued to separate
Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere...
, this connection was lost, leaving South America an island continent. Caviomorph rodents
Caviomorpha is the rodent infraorder or parvorder that unites all South American hystricognaths. It is supported by both fossil and molecular evidence.-Origin:...
and monkeys
New World monkey
New World monkeys are the five families of primates that are found in Central and South America: Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, and Atelidae. The five families are ranked together as the Platyrrhini parvorder and the Ceboidea superfamily, which are essentially synonymous since...
arrived as 'waif dispersers' by rafting across
Rafting event
Oceanic dispersal is a type of biological dispersal that occurs when organisms transfer from one land mass to another by way of a sea crossing on large clumps of floating vegetation. Such matted clumps of vegetation are often seen floating down major rivers in the tropics and washing out to sea,...
the Atlantic from Africa
Africa is the world's second largest and second most populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km² including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area...
by the Oligocene
The Oligocene is a geologic epoch of the Paleogene Period and extends from about 34 million to 23 million years before the present . As with other older geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period are well identified but the exact dates of the start and end of the period are slightly...
epoch or slightly earlier, 25 million or more years ago. All the remaining nonflying mammals of South America are recent arrivals, having migrated from North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
via Central America
Central America
Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is the southernmost, isthmian portion of the North American continent, which connects with South America on the southeast. When considered part of the unified continental model, it is considered a subcontinent...
during the past seven million years as part of the Great American Interchange
Great American Interchange
The Great American Interchange was an important paleozoogeographic event in which land and freshwater fauna migrated from North America via Central America to South America and vice versa, as the volcanic Isthmus of Panama rose up from the sea floor and bridged the formerly separated continents...
; this invasion, which peaked around three million years ago, was made possible when the formation of the volcanic Isthmus of Panama
Isthmus of Panama
The Isthmus of Panama, also historically known as the Isthmus of Darien, is the narrow strip of land that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, linking North and South America. It contains the country of Panama and the Panama Canal...
bridged North and South America. The newcomers out-competed and drove to extinction
In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms , normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point...
many unique mammals that had evolved during South America's long period of isolation, as well as some species from other classes (e.g., terror birds
Phorusrhacids , colloquially known as "terror birds" as the larger species were apex predators during the Miocene, were a clade of large carnivorous flightless birds that were the dominant predators in South America during the Cenozoic, 62–2 million years ago. They were roughly 1–3 meters tall...
South America suffered another major loss of mammal species in the Quaternary extinction event
Quaternary extinction event
The Quaternary period saw the extinctions of numerous predominantly larger, especially megafaunal, species, many of which occurred during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene epoch. However, the extinction wave did not stop at the end of the Pleistocene, but continued especially on...
, which started around 12500 cal BP, at roughly the time of arrival of Paleoindians, and may have lasted up to several thousand years. At least 37 genera of mammals were eliminated, including most of the megafauna
Pleistocene megafauna
Pleistocene megafauna is the set of species of large animals — mammals, birds and reptiles — that lived on Earth during the Pleistocene epoch and became extinct in a Quaternary extinction event. These species appear to have died off as humans expanded out of Africa and southern Asia,...
. While South America currently has no megaherbivore species weighing more than 1000 kg, prior to this event it had a menagerie of about 25 of them (consisting of gomphothere
Gomphotheriidae is a diverse taxonomic family of extinct elephant-like animals , called gomphotheres. They were widespread in North America during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, 12-1.6 million years ago. Some lived in parts of Eurasia, Beringia and, following the Great American Interchange,...
s, camelid
Camelids are members of the biological family Camelidae, the only living family in the suborder Tylopoda. Dromedaries, Bactrian Camels, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas, and guanacos are in this group....
s, ground sloth
Ground sloth
Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. Their most recent survivors lived in the Antilles, where it has been proposed they may have survived until 1550 CE; however, the youngest AMS radiocarbon date reported is 4190 BP, calibrated to c. 4700 BP...
s, glyptodontids
Glyptodonts were large, more heavily armored relatives of extinct pampatheres and modern armadillos.They first evolved during the Miocene in South America, which remained their center of species diversity...
, and toxodontids
Toxodontidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene of South America, with one genus, Mixotoxodon, also known from the Pleistocene of Central America. They somewhat resembled rhinoceroses, and had teeth with high crowns and open roots,...
– 75% of these being 'old-timers'), dwarfing Africa's present and recent total of 6.
Anthropogenic climate change
Global warming
Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans and its projected continuation. In the last 100 years, Earth's average surface temperature increased by about with about two thirds of the increase occurring over just the last three decades...
and the damage to its ecosystem
An ecosystem is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area, as well as all the nonliving , physical components of the environment with which the organisms interact, such as air, soil, water and sunlight....
s resulting from the rapid recent growth of the human population pose a further threat
Holocene extinction event
The Holocene extinction refers to the extinction of species during the present Holocene epoch . The large number of extinctions span numerous families of plants and animals including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and arthropods; a sizeable fraction of these extinctions are occurring in the...
to South America's biodiversity
Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystems. Biodiversity is in part a function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical regions are typically rich whereas polar regions...
The list consists of those species found in the nations or overseas territories of continental South America (including their island possessions, such as the Galápagos
Galápagos Islands
The Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the equator in the Pacific Ocean, west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part.The Galápagos Islands and its surrounding waters form an Ecuadorian province, a national park, and a...
and Easter Island
Easter Island
Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian triangle. A special territory of Chile that was annexed in 1888, Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapanui people...
), as well as in Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago officially the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is an archipelagic state in the southern Caribbean, lying just off the coast of northeastern Venezuela and south of Grenada in the Lesser Antilles...
and the Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands
The Falkland Islands are an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean, located about from the coast of mainland South America. The archipelago consists of East Falkland, West Falkland and 776 lesser islands. The capital, Stanley, is on East Falkland...
; Panama
Panama , officially the Republic of Panama , is the southernmost country of Central America. Situated on the isthmus connecting North and South America, it is bordered by Costa Rica to the northwest, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The...
is not included. Mammal species presumed extinct since AD 1500 (eight or nine cases) are included. Domestic species (e.g., the guinea pig
Guinea pig
The guinea pig , also called the cavy, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, these animals are not in the pig family, nor are they from Guinea...
, alpaca
An alpaca is a domesticated species of South American camelid. It resembles a small llama in appearance.Alpacas are kept in herds that graze on the level heights of the Andes of southern Peru, northern Bolivia, Ecuador, and northern Chile at an altitude of to above sea level, throughout the year...
, and llama
The llama is a South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since pre-Hispanic times....
) and introduced species
Introduced species
An introduced species — or neozoon, alien, exotic, non-indigenous, or non-native species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its indigenous or native distributional range, and has arrived in an ecosystem or plant community by human activity, either deliberate or accidental...
are not listed.
NOTE: this list is almost inevitably going to be incomplete, since new species are continually being recognized via discovery or reclassification. Places to check for missing species include the Wikipedia missing mammal species list, including recently removed entries, and the species listings in the articles for mammalian genera, especially those of small mammals such as rodents or bats.
The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the IUCN
World Conservation Union
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is an international organization dedicated to finding "pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges." The organization publishes the IUCN Red List, compiling information from a network of...
EX | Extinct Extinction In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms , normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point... |
No reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. |
EW | Extinct in the Wild Extinct in the Wild Extinct in the Wild is a conservation status assigned to species or lower taxa, the only known living members of which are being kept in captivity or as a naturalized population outside its historic range.-Examples:... |
Known only to survive in captivity or as a naturalized population well outside its historic range. |
CR | Critically Endangered Critically Endangered Critically Endangered is the highest risk category assigned by the IUCN Red List for wild species. Critically Endangered means that a species' numbers have decreased, or will decrease, by 80% within three generations.... |
The species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. |
EN | Endangered Endangered species An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters... |
The species is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. |
VU | Vulnerable Vulnerable species On 30 January 2010, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species identified 9694 Vulnerable species, subspecies and varieties, stocks and sub-populations.-References:... |
The species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. |
NT | Near Threatened Near Threatened Near Threatened is a conservation status assigned to species or lower taxa that may be considered threatened with extinction in the near future, although it does not currently qualify for the threatened status... |
The species does not currently qualify as being at high risk of extinction but it is likely to do so in the future. |
LC | Least Concern Least Concern Least Concern is an IUCN category assigned to extant taxon or lower taxa which have been evaluated but do not qualify for any other category. As such they do not qualify as threatened, Near Threatened, or Conservation Dependent... |
The species is not currently at risk of extinction in the wild. |
DD | Data Deficient Data Deficient Data Deficient is a category applied by the IUCN, other agencies, and individuals to a species when the available information is not sufficient for a proper assessment of conservation status to be made... |
There is inadequate information to assess the risk of extinction for this species. |
The IUCN status of all listed species except bats was last updated during the period from March to June 2009; bats were updated in September 2009.
Infraclass: MetatheriaMetatheriaMetatheria is a grouping within the animal class Mammalia. First proposed by Thomas Henry Huxley in 1880, it is nearly synonymous with the earlier taxon Marsupialia though it is slightly wider since it also contains the nearest fossil relatives of marsupial mammals.The earliest known...
The infraclassClass (biology)
In biological classification, class is* a taxonomic rank. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, order, family, genus, and species, with class fitting between phylum and order...
Metatheria includes all living and extinct marsupials, but also includes some related extinct orders of mammals that are no longer considered marsupials, such as Sparassodonta
Sparassodonta is an extinct order of carnivorous metatherian mammals native to South America. They were once considered to be true marsupials, but are now thought to be a sister taxon to them. A number of these mammalian predators closely resemble placental predators that evolved separately on...
. At least six families of sparassodonts lived in South America prior to the interchange, dominating the niches for large mammalian carnivores.
Marsupials are an infraclass of mammals, characterized by giving birth to relatively undeveloped young. Close to 70% of the 334 extant species occur in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, with the remaining 100 found in the Americas, primarily in South America, but with thirteen in Central...
s are a collection of pouched
Pouch (marsupial)
The pouch is a distinguishing feature of female marsupials ; the name marsupial is derived from the Latin marsupium, meaning "pouch". Marsupials give birth to a live but relatively undeveloped fetus called a joey. When the joey is born it crawls from inside the mother to the pouch...
mammals that was once more widely distributed. Today they are found primarily in isolated or formerly isolated continents of Gondwana
In paleogeography, Gondwana , originally Gondwanaland, was the southernmost of two supercontinents that later became parts of the Pangaea supercontinent. It existed from approximately 510 to 180 million years ago . Gondwana is believed to have sutured between ca. 570 and 510 Mya,...
n origin. South America's 22 extant genera compares with 10 in Central America, 1 in North America north of Mexico, 52 in Australia, 28 in New Guinea and 2 in Sulawesi. South American marsupials are thought to be ancestral to those of Australia.
Order: DidelphimorphiaDidelphimorphiaOpossums make up the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere, including 103 or more species in 19 genera. They are also commonly called possums, though that term technically refers to Australian fauna of the suborder Phalangeriformes. The Virginia opossum was the first animal to be...
(common opossums)

Western Hemisphere
The Western Hemisphere or western hemisphere is mainly used as a geographical term for the half of the Earth that lies west of the Prime Meridian and east of the Antimeridian , the other half being called the Eastern Hemisphere.In this sense, the western hemisphere consists of the western portions...
. Opossums probably diverged from the basic South America
South America
South America is a continent situated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. The continent is also considered a subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east...
n marsupial
Marsupials are an infraclass of mammals, characterized by giving birth to relatively undeveloped young. Close to 70% of the 334 extant species occur in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, with the remaining 100 found in the Americas, primarily in South America, but with thirteen in Central...
s in the late Cretaceous
The Cretaceous , derived from the Latin "creta" , usually abbreviated K for its German translation Kreide , is a geologic period and system from circa to million years ago. In the geologic timescale, the Cretaceous follows the Jurassic period and is followed by the Paleogene period of the...
or early Paleocene
The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
. They are small to medium-sized marsupials, about the size of a large house cat
The cat , also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felids and felines, is a small, usually furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests...
, with a long snout and prehensile tail
Prehensile tail
A prehensile tail is the tail of an animal that has adapted to be able to grasp and/or hold objects. Fully prehensile tails can be used to hold and manipulate objects, and in particular to aid arboreal creatures in finding and eating food in the trees...
- Family: Didelphidae (American opossums)
- Subfamily: CaluromyinaeCaluromyinaeCaluromyinae is a subfamily of opossums. It includes the extant genera Caluromys, Caluromysiops and Glironia, as well as the extinct Pachybiotherium. It has sometimes been classed as a full family, Caluromyidae....
- Genus: Caluromys
- Derby's Woolly Opossum Caluromys derbianus LC
- Brown-eared Woolly OpossumBrown-eared Woolly OpossumThe Brown-eared Woolly Opossum , also known as the Western Woolly Opossum, is a woolly opossum species from South America...
Caluromys lanatus LC - Bare-tailed Woolly OpossumBare-tailed Woolly OpossumThe bare-tailed woolly opossum , also called the white-eared opossum, is an opossum species from South America. Its range includes Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela...
Caluromys philander LC
- Genus: Caluromysiops
- Black-shouldered OpossumBlack-shouldered OpossumThe Black-shouldered Opossum , also known as the White-eared Opossum is an opossum species from South America. It's found in multistrata evergreen Amazonian forests of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. It is in the monotypic genus Caluromysiops.It's a rare animal species and, probably, highly...
Caluromysiops irrupta LC
- Black-shouldered Opossum
- Genus: Caluromys
- Subfamily: Glironiinae
- Genus: Glironia
- Bushy-tailed OpossumBushy-tailed OpossumThe Bushy-tailed Opossum, Glironia venusta, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru....
Glironia venusta LC
- Bushy-tailed Opossum
- Genus: Glironia
- Subfamily: Hyladelphinae
- Genus: Hyladelphys
- Kalinowski's Mouse OpossumKalinowski's Mouse OpossumKalinowski's Mouse Opossumn or the Peru Gracile Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Peru. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests at elevations up to 1000 m.This is the only living species...
Hyladelphys kalinowskii LC
- Kalinowski's Mouse Opossum
- Genus: Hyladelphys
- Subfamily: DidelphinaeDidelphinaeDidelphinae is a subfamily of opossums. Specimens have been collected throughout the Americas but are predominant in South and Central America....
- Genus Chacodelphys
- Chacoan Pygmy OpossumChacoan Pygmy OpossumThe Chacoan Pygmy Opossum is a recently described genus and species of didelphimorph marsupial. The only species in Chacodelphys, C. formosa, is known from only one specimen collected in 1920 in the Chaco of Formosa Province, Argentina.-Description:The Chacoan Pygmy Opossum is the smallest known...
Chacodelphys formosa VU
- Chacoan Pygmy Opossum
- Genus: Chironectes
- Water OpossumWater OpossumThe water opossum , also locally known as the yapok, is a marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is the only member of its genus, Chironectes...
Chironectes minimus LC
- Water Opossum
- Genus CryptonanusCryptonanusCryptonanus is a genus of opossums from South America. It includes five species found from Bolivia to Uruguay and eastern Brazil, one of which is now extinct. Although the first species were discovered in 1931, the genus was not recognized as distinct from Gracilinanus until 2005...
- Agricola's Gracile OpossumAgricola's gracile opossumAgricola's gracile opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae endemic to eastern Brazil. Its habitat is the caatinga and cerrado. The species is named after Brazilian physician Ernani Agricola....
Cryptonanus agricolai DD - Chacoan Gracile OpossumChacoan gracile opossumThe chacoan gracile opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is native to Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Its habitat is seasonally flooded grasslands and forests in and near the Gran Chaco....
Cryptonanus chacoensis LC - Guahiba Gracile OpossumGuahiba gracile opossumThe Guahiba gracile opossum, Cryptonanus guahybae, is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is endemic to southern Brazil, where it is known only from three islands, Guahiba, São Lourenço, and Taquara, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul...
Cryptonanus guahybae DD - Red-bellied Gracile OpossumRed-bellied Gracile OpossumThe Red-bellied Gracile Opossum is an extinct species of opossum that was native to Jujuy Province, Argentina. Its forest habitat has been destroyed, and it was last seen in 1962....
†Cryptonanus ignitus EX - Unduavi Gracile OpossumUnduavi gracile opossumThe Unduavi gracile opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is native to northern Bolivia, where it has been found in seasonally flooded grassland...
Cryptonanus unduaviensis DD
- Agricola's Gracile Opossum
- Genus: DidelphisDidelphisThe six species in the genus Didelphis, commonly known as large American opossums, are members of the Didelphimorphia order....
- White-eared OpossumWhite-eared OpossumThe White-eared Opossum is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela....
Didelphis albiventris LC - Big-eared OpossumBig-eared OpossumThe Big-eared Opossum is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.This species, which was considered a population of the Common Opossum for some time, was originally described as D. azarae by Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1824, but this name was...
Didelphis aurita LC - Guianan White-eared OpossumGuianan White-eared OpossumThe Guianan White-eared Opossum, Didelphis imperfecta, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Suriname, French Guiana and Venezuela....
Didelphis imperfecta LC - Common OpossumCommon OpossumThe common opossum , also called the southern or black-eared opossum, is a mammal species living from the northeast of Mexico to Bolivia, including the Lesser Antilles, where it is called manicou. It prefers the woods, but can also live in fields and cities...
Didelphis marsupialis LC - Andean White-eared OpossumAndean White-eared OpossumThe Andean White-eared Opossum is an opossum species from South America. It is found in the Andes Mountains, ranging from Venezuela to Bolivia....
Didelphis pernigra LC
- White-eared Opossum
- Genus: GracilinanusGracilinanusGracilinanus is a genus of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It was separated from the genus Marmosa in 1989, and has since had the genus Cryptonanus removed from it...
- Aceramarca Gracile OpossumAceramarca Gracile OpossumThe Aceramarca Gracile Mouse Opossum or Bolivian Gracile Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Bolivia and Peru. This species inhabits tropical forests . It is likely that it is arboreal, although it may forage for fruit, insects and other small invertebrates on...
Gracilinanus aceramarcae LC - Agile Gracile OpossumAgile Gracile OpossumThe Agile Gracile Opossum , is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay....
Gracilinanus agilis LC - Wood Sprite Gracile OpossumWood Sprite Gracile OpossumThe Wood Sprite Gracile Opossum is a mammal. It is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Gracilinanus dryas NT - Emilia's Gracile OpossumEmilia's Gracile OpossumEmilia's Gracile Opossum, Gracilinanus emiliae, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guyana, Surinam.-References:*...
Gracilinanus emiliae DD - Northern Gracile OpossumNorthern Gracile OpossumThe Northern Gracile Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests....
Gracilinanus marica LC - Brazilian Gracile OpossumBrazilian Gracile OpossumThe Brazilian gracile opossum, Gracilinanus microtarsus, is a species of small opposum from Brazil.-Description:Brazilian gracile opossums are relatively small opossums, with males ranging from and females from in head-body length. The tail is between 30 and 50% of the head-body length...
Gracilinanus microtarsus LC
- Aceramarca Gracile Opossum
- Genus: Lestodelphys
- Patagonian OpossumPatagonian OpossumThe Patagonian opossum is the sole species in genus Lestodelphys. They occur further south, in Argentina, than any other living marsupial....
- Patagonian Opossum
- Genus Chacodelphys
- Genus: Lutreolina
- Lutrine OpossumLutrine OpossumThe lutrine opossum , also known as the little water opossum or thick-tailed opossum, is an opossum species from South America and is monotypical of the genus Lutreolina. It is found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia and Guyana...
- Lutrine Opossum
- Subfamily: Caluromyinae
- Genus: Marmosa
- Subgenus:
MarmosaThe nine species in the genus Marmosa are relatively small Neotropic members of the order Didelphimorphia. This genus is one of four that are known as mouse opossums. The others are Micoureus , Thylamys and Tlacuatzin, the grayish mouse opossum...
- Heavy-browed Mouse Opossum
- Isthmian Mouse OpossumIsthmian mouse opossumThe Isthmian Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae found in Colombia and Panama.Foraging along branches and vines for fruit and insects, with the help of a prehensile tail, M...
Marmosa isthmica - Rufous Mouse OpossumRufous Mouse OpossumThe rufous mouse opossum, Marmosa lepida, is an opossum species from South America. The species has been found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Surinam in lowland tropical rainforest at altitudes from 100 to 1000 m. It is presumed to feed on insects and fruit, like its close...
Marmosa lepida LC - Linnaeus's Mouse OpossumLinnaeus's Mouse OpossumLinnaeus's Mouse Opossum , also known as the Common or Murine Mouse Opossum, is a South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae.-Range and habitat:...
Marmosa murina LC - Quechuan Mouse OpossumQuechuan mouse opossumThe Quechuan mouse opossum, Marmosa quichua, is a South American opossum species of the famiy Didelphidae. It is known from two areas of montane forest on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Peru, at altitudes from 300 to 2700 m...
Marmosa quichua LC - Robinson's Mouse OpossumRobinson's Mouse OpossumRobinson's Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family.It is found in Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, Grenada, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela....
Marmosa robinsoni LC - Red Mouse OpossumRed Mouse OpossumThe Red mouse opossum is a South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. Its range includes eastern Ecuador and Peru....
Marmosa rubra DD - Marmosa simonsi
- Tyleria Mouse OpossumTyleria Mouse OpossumTyleria Mouse Opossum is a South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. Its range includes the Guayanan Highland tepuis of Venezuela....
Marmosa tyleriana DD - Marmosa tobagi
- Marmosa waterhousei
- Guajira Mouse OpossumGuajira Mouse OpossumThe Guajira Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela....
Marmosa xerophila VU - Marmosa zeledoni
Micoureus is a genus of Neotropic opossums of the family Didelphidae. It includes the following species:* Alston's Mouse Opossum * White-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum...
- Alston's Mouse OpossumAlston's Mouse OpossumAlston's Mouse Opossum , also known as Alston's Opossum, is a medium sized pouchless marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is arboreal and nocturnal, inhabiting forests from Belize to northern Colombia. The main components of its diet are insects and fruits, but it may also eat small rodents,...
White-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum
The White-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum, Micoureus constantiae, is a small pouchless marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is arboreal and nocturnal and inhabits moist forests in eastern Bolivia, the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso, and northwestern Argentina...
Marmosa constantiae LC
Woolly Mouse Opossum
The long-furred woolly mouse opossum , known locally as the Cuíca, is a South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. Its range includes central Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, eastern Peru, northern Bolivia, and northern Brazil....
Marmosa demerarae LC
Tate's woolly mouse opossum
Tate's woolly mouse opossum is an omnivorous, arboreal South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae, named after American zoologist George Henry Hamilton Tate. Insects are a major component of its diet. It is native to Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina....
Marmosa paraguayanus LC
Little woolly mouse opossum
The little woolly mouse opossum is a nocturnal, arboreal and mainly solitary South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is native to the western slopes of the Andes in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, where it lives at altitudes from sea level to 1500 m...
Marmosa phaeus VU
Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse Opossum
The bare-tailed woolly mouse opossum or short-furred woolly mouse opossum is a South American marsupial of the family Didelphidae. Its range includes Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. It is found in tropical rainforest in the westernmost portion of the Amazon Basin and the eastern...
Marmosa regina LC
Marmosops is a genus of Neotropic opossums of the family Didelphidae. It includes the following species:* Genus Marmosops** Bishop's Slender Opossum ** Narrow-headed Slender Opossum...
- Bishop's Slender OpossumBishop's Slender OpossumBishop's Slender Opossum, Marmosops bishopi is a small, arboreal marsupial opossum native to Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. It somewhat resembles a placental rat or shrew....
Narrow-headed Slender Opossum
The Narrow-headed Slender Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is endemic to Venezuela....
Marmosops cracens DD
Creighton's slender opossum
Creighton's slender opossum , also known commonly as Voss' slender opossum is a species of South American opossum of the family Didelphidae. It is known only from the valley of the Rio Zongo in La Paz Department, Bolivia, where it lives in Andean cloud forests at elevations between 1800 and 3000 m....
Marmosops creightoni DD
Dusky Slender Opossum
The Dusky Slender Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Marmosops fuscatus DD
Handley's Slender Opossum
Handley's Slender Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is endemic to Colombia....
Marmosops handleyi CR
Tschudi's Slender Opossum
Tschudi's Slender Opossum, Marmosops impavidus, is an opossum species from South America, named after Swiss naturalist Johann Jakob von Tschudi. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.-References:*...
Marmosops impavidus LC
Gray Slender Opossum
The Gray Slender Opossum, Marmosops incanus, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Marmosops incanus LC
Junin slender opossum
The Junin slender opossum is a species of South American opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is known only from the valley of the Rio Chanchamayo, Peru , where it lives in Andean montane forests at elevations between 1460 and 2200 m....
Marmosops juninensis VU
Neblina Slender Opossum
The Neblina Slender Opossum, Marmosops neblina, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, and perhaps Peru.-References:*...
Marmosops neblina LC
White-bellied Slender Opossum
The White-bellied Slender Opossum, Marmosops noctivagus, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.Recent research suggests that M. dorothea is a synonym of M. noctivagus.-References:*...
Marmosops noctivagus LC
Dorothys' Slender Opossum
Dorothy's Slender Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Brazil and Bolivia. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Marmosops ocellatus LC
Delicate Slender Opossum
The delicate slender opossum, Marmosops parvidens, is a small pouchless marsupial of the family Didelphidae that occurs in French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and adjacent Venezuela and Brazil...
Marmosops parvidens LC
Brazilian Slender Opossum
The Brazilian Slender Opossum, Marmosops paulensis, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in moist montane forest in the Atlantic Forest region of southeastern Brazil. Its breeding appears to be fully semelparous, unusual for a mammal....
Marmosops paulensis LC
Pinheiro's Slender Opossum
Pinheiro's Slender Opossum, Marmosops pinheiroi, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Marmosops pinheiroi LC
- Brown Four-eyed OpossumBrown Four-eyed OpossumThe Brown Four-eyed Opossum is a pouchless marsupial of the family Didelphidae. It is found in different forested habitats of Central and South America, from Nicaragua and to Paraguay and northern Argentina...
- Sepia Short-tailed OpossumSepia Short-tailed OpossumThe Sepia Short-tailed Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru....
Northern Three-striped Opossum
The northern three-striped opossum, Monodelphis americana, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil.- References :*...
Monodelphis americana LC
Northern Red-sided Opossum
The northern red-sided opossum, Monodelphis brevicaudata, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil. French Guyana, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela.-Behavior:...
Monodelphis brevicaudata LC
Yellow-sided Opossum
The Yellow-sided Opossum, Monodelphis dimidiata, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.-References:*...
Monodelphis dimidiata LC
Gray Short-tailed Opossum
The gray short-tailed opossum is a small member of the Didelphidae family of opossums. It was the first marsupial to have its genome sequenced. It is naturally found in arboreal habitats in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. The opossum is used as a research model in science, and is also frequently...
Monodelphis domestica LC
Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum
Emilia's Short-tailed Opossum, Monodelphis emiliae, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru.-References:*...
Monodelphis emiliae LC
Amazonian red-sided opossum
The Amazonian red-sided opossum, Monodelphis glirina, is a South American opossum species of the family Didelphidae, formerly viewed as part of M. brevicaudata. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru, where it inhabits the Amazon rainforest. It is omnivorous, nocturnal, and primarily...
Monodelphis glirina LC
Ihering's Three-striped Opossum
Ihering's Three-striped Opossum, Monodelphis iheringi, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis iheringi DD
Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum
The Pygmy Short-tailed Opossum, Monodelphis kunsi, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.-References:**...
Monodelphis kunsi LC
Marajó Short-tailed Opossum
The Marajó Short-tailed Opossum, Monodelphis maraxina, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis maraxina DD
Osgood's Short-tailed Opossum
Osgood's Short-tailed Opossum is a species of opossum in the Didelphidae family. It is found in Bolivia and Peru. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland. It is threatened by habitat loss. The opossum is named after...
Monodelphis osgoodi LC
Hooded red-sided opossum
The hooded red-sided opossum, Monodelphis palliolata, is a South American opossum species of the family Didelphidae. Until recently, it was viewed as a subspecies of M. brevicaudata. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela at altitudes from sea level to 2250 m...
Monodelphis palliolata LC
Reig's opossum
Reig's opossum is a South American opossum species of the family Didelphidae, discovered in 2004. It is known so far only from montane forest in Canaima National Park, Venezuela at an elevation of 1300 m in the Sierra de Lema. It is named after Argentine biologist Osvaldo Reig .-References:*...
Monodelphis reigi VU
Ronald's opossum
Ronald's opossum is a South American opossum species of the family Didelphidae. It was discovered in 2004, and most closely resembles M. adusta. It is known only from Manú National Park, Peru, where it inhabits the Amazon rainforest. It is named after American zoologist Ronald H. Pine.-References:*...
Monodelphis ronaldi LC
Chestnut-striped Opossum
The Chestnut-striped Opossum, Monodelphis rubida, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis rubida DD
Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum
The Long-nosed Short-tailed Opossum, Monodelphis scalops, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis scalops LC
Southern Red-sided Opossum
The Southern Red-sided Opossum, Monodelphis sorex, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay....
Monodelphis sorex LC
Southern Three-striped Opossum
The Southern Three-striped Opossum, Monodelphis theresa, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis theresa DD
Red Three-striped Opossum
The Red Three-striped Opossum, Monodelphis umbristriata, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis umbristriata VU
One-striped Opossum
The One-striped Opossum, Monodelphis unistriata, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil.-References:*...
Monodelphis unistriata DD
- Anderson's Four-eyed OpossumAnderson's Four-eyed OpossumAnderson's Four-eyed Opossum, Philander andersoni, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Its dorsal fur is dark, with a black stripe, about 3-4 cm wide, going vertically down the midline of its back. Its dorsal fur is short, about 10...
Deltaic four-eyed opossum
The deltaic four-eyed opossum is a species of opossum found in the Orinoco River delta region of Venezuela, South America, first described in 2006. It inhabits perennially flooded swamp forest or seasonally flooded marsh forest of the adjacent deltas of the Orinoco and nearby rivers. Its dorsal...
Philander deltae LC
Southeastern Four-eyed Opossum
The Southeastern Four-eyed Opossum, Philander frenatus, is an opossum species from South America. It is a large dark gray opossum found in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Its dorsal fur is dark gray. The fur on the sides is also gray, but lighter than the dorsal fur. The ventral fur is white or...
Philander frenata LC
McIlhenny's Four-eyed Opossum
McIlhenny's Four-eyed Opossum, Philander mcilhennyi, is an opossum species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Peru. It is almost entirely black, except for white spots above each eye....
Philander mcilhennyi LC
Mondolfi's four-eyed opossum
Mondolfi's four-eyed opossum is a South American species of opossum found in Colombia and Venezuela, first described in 2006. It inhabits foothills of the Cordillera de Mérida and those on the eastern side of the Cordillera Oriental at elevations from 50 to 800 m. Populations in the two ranges may...
Philander mondolfii LC
Olrog's four-eyed opossum
Olrog's four-eyed opossum is a South American species of opossum found in eastern Bolivia and Peru, first described in 2008. It inhabits the Amazon rainforest. The species is named after Swedish-Argentine biologist Claes C. Olrog. It is sympatric with P. opossum, which it resembles...
Philander olrogi
Gray Four-eyed Opossum
The gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum, is an opossum species from Central and South America, ranging from southern Mexico to Peru, Bolivia and southwestern Brazil, at altitudes from sea level to 1600 m...
Philander opossum LC
Thylamys is a genus of opossum in the family Didelphidae. The premaxillae are rounded rather than pointed. The females lack a pouch. The females' nipples are arranged in two symmetrical rows on the abdomen All species but T...
- Cinderella Fat-tailed Mouse OpossumCinderella fat-tailed mouse opossumThe Cinderella fat-tailed mouse opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in northern Argentina and southern Bolivia, in the eastern foothills of the Andes. Its dorsal fur is gray brown to dark brown. Its ventral fur is gray-based, except for the white to yellowish...
Elegant Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
The Elegant Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. Its head-and-body length ranges from 106 to 121 millimeters. Its tail length ranges from 115 to 142 millimeters. Its tail is swollen and has fine hairs all over it. Its fur color varies, but it usually ranges...
Thylamys elegans LC
Karimi's fat-tailed mouse opossum
Karimi's fat-tailed mouse opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is endemic to central and northeast Brazil, where it is found in the cerrado and caatinga. Its head-and-body length is about 95 millimeters, and its tail length is about 72 millimeters. It is very similar to T....
Thylamys karimii VU
Paraguayan Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
The Paraguayan Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in forested areas of Brazil and Paraguay. It is known only from a few specimens...
Thylamys macrura NT
White-bellied Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
The White-bellied Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.-Description:...
Thylamys pallidior LC
Common Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
The Common Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay in chaco and Andean foothill habitats. Its head-and-body length is about 75 to 120 mm, and its tail length is about 90 to 134 mm...
Thylamys pusillus LC
Argentine fat-tailed mouse opossum
The Argentine fat-tailed mouse opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in the eastern foothills of the Andes in northern Argentina and southern Bolivia. Its dorsal fur is gray brown to dark brown. Its ventral fur is gray-based except for the white to yellowish chest...
Thylamys sponsorius LC
Tate's fat-tailed mouse opossum
Tate's fat-tailed mouse opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae, named after American zoologist George Henry Hamilton Tate. It is found at elevations of 300 to 3,000 m along the coast of central Peru. The species has the northernmost range of any member of its genus. It has white...
Thylamys tatei DD
Dwarf Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
The Dwarf Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum , also known as the Velvety Fat-tailed Opossum is an opossum species from South America. It is endemic to Brazil, where it is found in cerrado and caatinga habitats. Its head-and-body length is about 141-212 mm, and its tail length is about 73-85 mm...
Thylamys velutinus LC
Buff-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum
The buff-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum is a species of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It is found in the forests of northern Argentina and southern Bolivia. Its dorsal fur is cinnamon brown...
Thylamys venustus DD
Order: Paucituberculata (shrew opossums)
There are six extant species of shrew opossum. They are small shrew
A shrew or shrew mouse is a small molelike mammal classified in the order Soricomorpha. True shrews are also not to be confused with West Indies shrews, treeshrews, otter shrews, or elephant shrews, which belong to different families or orders.Although its external appearance is generally that of...
-like marsupial
Marsupials are an infraclass of mammals, characterized by giving birth to relatively undeveloped young. Close to 70% of the 334 extant species occur in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, with the remaining 100 found in the Americas, primarily in South America, but with thirteen in Central...
s confined to the Andes
The Andes is the world's longest continental mountain range. It is a continual range of highlands along the western coast of South America. This range is about long, about to wide , and of an average height of about .Along its length, the Andes is split into several ranges, which are separated...
- Family: Caenolestidae
- Genus: CaenolestesCaenolestesThe common shrew opossums , are members of the Caenolestidae family....
- Gray-bellied Caenolestid
- Andean CaenolestidAndean caenolestidThe Andean caenolestid , or Andean shrew opossum, is a species of shrew opossum in the family Caenolestidae. It is known from one location at an altitude of 2000 m in the Cordillera del Cóndor in Ecuador....
Caenolestes condorensis VU - Northern Caenolestid Caenolestes convelatus VU
- Dusky Caenolestid Caenolestes fuliginosus LC
- Genus: Caenolestes
- Genus: Lestoros
- Incan Caenolestid
- Long-nosed Caenolestid

Order: MicrobiotheriaMicrobiotheriaThe Monito del Monte is the only extant member of its family and the only surviving member of an ancient order, the Microbiotheria. The oldest microbiothere currently recognised is Khasia cordillerensis, based on fossil teeth from Early Palaeocene deposits at Tiupampa, Bolivia...
(Monito del Monte)
The Monito del Monte is the only extant member of its family and the only surviving member of an ancient order, the Microbiotheria. It appears to be more closely related to Australian marsupials
Australidelphia is the superorder that contains roughly three-quarters of all marsupials, including all those native to Australasia and a single species from South America...
than to other Neotropic marsupials
Ameridelphia is traditionally a superorder that includes all marsupials living in the Americas except for the Monito del Monte...
- Family: Microbiotheriidae
- Genus: Dromiciops
- Monito del MonteMonito del MonteThe Monito del Monte The Monito del Monte The Monito del Monte (Spanish for "little mountain monkey", Dromiciops gliroides, is a diminutive marsupial native only to southwestern South America (Chile and Argentina). It is the only extant species in the ancient order Microbiotheria, and the sole New...
- Monito del Monte
- Genus: Dromiciops
Order: SireniaSireniaSirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit swamps, rivers, estuaries, marine wetlands, and coastal marine waters. Four species are living, in two families and genera. These are the dugong and manatees...
(manatees and dugongs)

Afrotheria is a clade of mammals, the living members of which belong to groups from Africa or of African origin: golden moles, sengis , tenrecs, aardvarks, hyraxes, elephants and sea cows. The common ancestry of these animals was not recognized until the late 1990s...
ns in the Americas. However, a number proboscid
Proboscidea is a taxonomic order containing one living family, Elephantidae, and several extinct families. This order was first described by J. Illiger in 1881 and encompasses the trunked mammals...
species, some of which survived until the arrival of Paleoindians, once inhabited the region. Those that reached South America have usually been classified as gomphothere
Gomphotheriidae is a diverse taxonomic family of extinct elephant-like animals , called gomphotheres. They were widespread in North America during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, 12-1.6 million years ago. Some lived in parts of Eurasia, Beringia and, following the Great American Interchange,...
s, but sometimes also as elephantids
Elephantidae is a taxonomic family, collectively elephants and mammoths. These are terrestrial large mammals with a trunk and tusks. Most genera and species in the family are extinct...
- Family: Trichechidae
- Genus: Trichechus
- Amazonian ManateeAmazonian ManateeThe Amazonian Manatee is a species of manatee that lives in the freshwater habitats of the Amazon basin. They are found in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Venezuela. Amazonian manatees are aquatic animals of the Sirenia order and are also known as "seacows". Their colour is grey but...
- Amazonian Manatee
- West Indian ManateeWest Indian ManateeThe West Indian Manatee is a manatee, and the largest surviving member of the aquatic mammal order Sirenia . The West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, is a species distinct from the Amazonian Manatee, T. inunguis, and the West African Manatee, T. senegalensis...
Trichechus manatus VU
- Genus: Trichechus
Order: Cingulata (armadillos)

Pampatheridae is an ancient family, now extinct, of large armadillo-like plantigrade armored xenarthrans. They are related to Glyptodontidae, an extinct family of much larger and more heavily armored xenarthrans, as well as to smaller extant armadillos...
and glyptodonts
Glyptodonts were large, more heavily armored relatives of extinct pampatheres and modern armadillos.They first evolved during the Miocene in South America, which remained their center of species diversity...
, once lived in North and South America but went extinct following the appearance of humans.
- Family: Dasypodidae (armadillos)
- Subfamily: Dasypodinae
- Genus: DasypusDasypusDasypus is a genus of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It is the only genus in the subfamily Dasypodinae and contains the following species:*Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus*Seven-banded Armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus...
- Southern Long-nosed ArmadilloSouthern Long-nosed ArmadilloThe Southern Long-nosed Armadillo, Dasypus hybridus, is an armadillo species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.-References:*...
- Southern Long-nosed Armadillo
- Greater Long-nosed ArmadilloGreater Long-nosed ArmadilloThe Great Long-nosed Armadillo, Dasypus kappleri, is a species of armadillo from South America. It is found in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. It's a solitary nocturnal and terrestrial animal, living, usually, in the vicinity of streams and...
Dasypus kappleri LC - Nine-banded ArmadilloNine-banded ArmadilloThe nine-banded armadillo , or the nine-banded, long-nosed armadillo, is a species of armadillo found in North, Central, and South America, making it the most widespread of the armadillos...
Dasypus novemcinctus LC - Hairy Long-nosed ArmadilloHairy Long-nosed ArmadilloThe hairy long-nosed armadillo is a species of armadillo in the family Dasypodidae. It is endemic to Peru. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical, moist, lowland forests and subtropical or tropical, moist montanes. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Dasypus pilosus VU - Llanos Long-nosed ArmadilloLlanos Long-nosed ArmadilloThe Llanos Long-nosed Armadillo is a species of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It is endemic to Colombia and Venezuela. The species is very closely related to the Nine-banded Armadillo and the Greater Long-nosed Armadillo. It has very little hair and can weigh up to 22 pounds , and can...
Dasypus sabanicola LC - Seven-banded ArmadilloSeven-banded ArmadilloSeven-banded, long-nosed armadillo or just seven-banded armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus, is a species of armadillo from South America...
Dasypus septemcinctus LC - Yepes's MulitaYepes's MulitaYepes's mulita is a species of armadillo in the family Dasypodidae. It is endemic to Argentina. Its natural habitat is subtropical dry forests....
Dasypus yepesi DD
- Genus: Dasypus
- Subfamily: Dasypodinae
- Subfamily: EuphractinaeEuphractinaeEuphractinae is a subfamily of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following genera:*Calyptophractus*Chaetophractus Hairy Armadillos*Chlamyphorus*Euphractus six-banded armadillos*Zaedyus pichis...
- Genus: ChaetophractusChaetophractusChaetophractus is a small genus of armadillos in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following three species:*Screaming Hairy Armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus*Big Hairy Armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus...
- Andean Hairy ArmadilloAndean Hairy ArmadilloThe Andean Hairy Armadillo is an armadillo present in Bolivia, in the region of the Puna, the departments of Oruro, La Paz, and Cochabamba . Nowark describes it as distributed in Bolivia and northern Chile. A recent publication of Pacheco et al. also locates the species in Peru...
- Andean Hairy Armadillo
- Screaming Hairy ArmadilloScreaming Hairy ArmadilloThe Screaming Hairy Armadillo is a species of armadillo also known as the Small Screaming Armadillo, Crying Armadillo or the Small Hairy Armadillo. It is a burrowing armadillo found in the central and southern parts of South America...
Chaetophractus vellerosus LC - Big Hairy ArmadilloBig Hairy ArmadilloChaetophractus villosus, commonly called the Big Hairy Armadillo is one of the largest and most numerous armadillos in South America. It lives from sea level to altitudes of up to 1,300 meters across the southern portion of South America and can be found in grasslands, forests, savannahs, and has...
Chaetophractus villosus LC
- Genus: Chaetophractus
- Genus: Calyptophractus
- Greater Fairy ArmadilloGreater Fairy ArmadilloThe greater fairy armadillo , also known as Burmeister's armadillo or the Chacoan fairy armadillo, is a species of armadillo in the family Dasypodidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry shrubland and subtropical or tropical dry...
- Greater Fairy Armadillo
- Pink Fairy ArmadilloPink Fairy ArmadilloThe pink fairy armadillo or pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo...
- Six-banded ArmadilloSix-banded ArmadilloThe Six-banded Armadillo , also known as the Yellow Armadillo, is a species of armadillo from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and isolated populations in Suriname . Its body is usually yellowish in color, sometimes tan or light reddish-brown...
- PichiPichiThe Pichi or Dwarf Armadillo is a small armadillo that is the only member the genus Zaedyus. The range of the Pichi is from central and southern Argentina , west to the Andean grasslands of Chile and south to the Strait of Magellan.Its body is approximately long with a tail of 4-6 inches...
Tolypeutinae is a subfamily of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following three extant genera:Kuntinaru*Cabassous*Priodontes*Tolypeutes...
- Genus: CabassousCabassousCabassous is a genus of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following species:*Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous centralis*Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous chacoensis...
- Northern Naked-tailed ArmadilloNorthern Naked-tailed ArmadilloThe Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo is a species of armadillo. It is found from Chiapas in southern Mexico to western Colombia, northwestern Ecuador and northwestern Venezuela, at altitudes from sea level to 3000 m...
- Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo
- Chacoan Naked-tailed ArmadilloChacoan Naked-tailed ArmadilloThe Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo is a species of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It is found in Argentina, Paraguay, and possibly Brazil. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Cabassous chacoensis NT - Greater Naked-tailed ArmadilloGreater Naked-tailed ArmadilloThe Greater Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous tatouay, is an armadillo species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.-References:*...
Cabassous tatouay LC - Southern Naked-tailed ArmadilloSouthern Naked-tailed ArmadilloThe Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus, is a small species of armadillo from South America. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil....
Cabassous unicinctus LC
- Giant ArmadilloGiant ArmadilloThe giant armadillo , colloquially tatou, ocarro, tatu-canastra or tatú carreta, is the largest living species of armadillo...
The genus Tolypeutes contains the two species of three-banded armadillos. They are restricted to South America, mostly Brazil.- Species :There are two recognized species:* Tolypeutes matacus – Southern Three-banded Armadillo...
- Southern Three-banded ArmadilloSouthern Three-banded ArmadilloThe Southern Three-banded Armadillo , also called the La Plata Three-Banded Armadillo, is an armadillo species from South America...
Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo
The Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo is an armadillo species endemic to Brazil. It is one of only two species of armadillo that can roll into a ball...
Tolypeutes tricinctus VU
Order: PilosaPilosaThe order Pilosa is a group of placental mammals, extant today only in the Americas. It includes the anteaters and sloths, including the recently extinct ground sloths....
(sloths and anteaters)

Sloths are the six species of medium-sized mammals belonging to the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae , part of the order Pilosa and therefore related to armadillos and anteaters, which sport a similar set of specialized claws.They are arboreal residents of the jungles of Central and South...
s and anteater
Anteaters, also known as antbear, are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and termites. Together with the sloths, they compose the order Pilosa...
s (which include the tamandua
Tamandua is a genus of anteaters. It has two members: the Southern Tamandua and the Northern Tamandua . They live in forests and grasslands, are semi-arboreal, and possess partially prehensile tails. They mainly eat ants and termites, but they occasionally eat bees, beetles, and insect larvae...
s). All 5 extant genera and 9 of 10 extant species are present in South America, the ancestral home of the group. Numerous ground sloth
Ground sloth
Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. Their most recent survivors lived in the Antilles, where it has been proposed they may have survived until 1550 CE; however, the youngest AMS radiocarbon date reported is 4190 BP, calibrated to c. 4700 BP...
s, some of which reached the size of elephants, were once present in both North and South America, as well as the Antilles
The Antilles islands form the greater part of the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. The Antilles are divided into two major groups: the "Greater Antilles" to the north and west, including the larger islands of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola , and Puerto Rico; and the smaller "Lesser Antilles" on the...
. (Some west coastal South American forms had even evolved into marine sloths
Thalassocnus is an extinct genus of semi-aquatic or aquatic marine sloth from the Miocene and Pliocene of South America. Fossils found to date have been from the coast of Peru. They were apparently grazers of sea grass and seaweed. Over time, they apparently shifted from a preference for feeding...
.) All of these went extinct following the arrival of humans.
- Suborder: Folivora
- Family: Bradypodidae (three-toed sloths)
- Genus: Bradypus
- Maned Sloth
- Pale-throated Sloth Bradypus tridactylus LC
- Brown-throated Sloth Bradypus variegatus LC
- Genus: Bradypus
- Family: Bradypodidae (three-toed sloths)
- Family: MegalonychidaeMegalonychidaeMegalonychidae is a group of sloths including the extinct Megalonyx and the living two toed sloths. Megalonychids first appeared in the early Oligocene, about 35 million years ago, in southern Argentina , and spread as far as the Antilles by the early Miocene...
(two-toed sloths)- Genus: Choloepus
- Linnaeus's Two-toed SlothLinnaeus's Two-toed SlothLinnaeus's two-toed sloth , also known as the Southern two-toed sloth or unau, is a species of sloth from South America, found in Venezuela, the Guyanas, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil north of the Amazon River....
- Linnaeus's Two-toed Sloth
- Hoffmann's Two-toed SlothHoffmann's Two-toed SlothHoffmann's two-toed sloth is a species of sloth from Central and South America. It is a solitary nocturnal and arboreal animal, found in mature and secondary rainforests and deciduous forests...
Choloepus hoffmanni LC
- Genus: Choloepus
- Family: CyclopedidaeCyclopedidaeCyclopedidae is a family of anteaters that includes the silky anteater and its extinct relatives....
- Genus: CyclopesSilky AnteaterThe Silky Anteater or Pygmy Anteater is a species of anteater from Central and South America, ranging from extreme southern Mexico south to Brazil Delta Amacuro Venezuela and possibly Paraguay...
- Silky AnteaterSilky AnteaterThe Silky Anteater or Pygmy Anteater is a species of anteater from Central and South America, ranging from extreme southern Mexico south to Brazil Delta Amacuro Venezuela and possibly Paraguay...
- Silky Anteater
- Genus: Cyclopes
Myrmecophagidae is a family of anteaters, the name being derived from the Ancient Greek words for 'ant' and 'eat' . Myrmecophagids are native to Central and South America, from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. There are 2 genera and 3 species in the family, consisting of the Giant Anteater,...
(American anteaters)
- Genus: Myrmecophaga
- Giant AnteaterGiant AnteaterThe Giant Anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, is the largest species of anteater. It is the only species in the genus Myrmecophaga. It is found in Central and South America from Honduras to northern Argentina...
- Giant Anteater
Tamandua is a genus of anteaters. It has two members: the Southern Tamandua and the Northern Tamandua . They live in forests and grasslands, are semi-arboreal, and possess partially prehensile tails. They mainly eat ants and termites, but they occasionally eat bees, beetles, and insect larvae...
- Northern TamanduaNorthern TamanduaThe northern tamandua is a species of tamandua, a small anteater in the family Myrmecophagidae. They live in tropical and subtropical forests from southern Mexico, through Central America, and to the edge of the northern Andes....
Southern Tamandua
The southern tamandua, also called a collared anteater, or lesser anteater , is a species of anteater from South America. It is a solitary animal, found in many habitats from mature to highly disturbed secondary forests and arid savannas. It feeds on ants, termites and bees...
Tamandua tetradactyla LC
Order: Primates



Lemurs are a clade of strepsirrhine primates endemic to the island of Madagascar. They are named after the lemures of Roman mythology due to the ghostly vocalizations, reflective eyes, and the nocturnal habits of some species...
s, monkey
A monkey is a primate, either an Old World monkey or a New World monkey. There are about 260 known living species of monkey. Many are arboreal, although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent. Unlike apes, monkeys...
s, and ape
Apes are Old World anthropoid mammals, more specifically a clade of tailless catarrhine primates, belonging to the biological superfamily Hominoidea. The apes are native to Africa and South-east Asia, although in relatively recent times humans have spread all over the world...
s, with the latter category including humans. It is divided into four main groupings: strepsirrhine
The clade Strepsirrhini is one of the two suborders of primates. Madagascar's only non-human primates are strepsirrhines, and others can be found in southeast Asia and Africa...
s, tarsier
Tarsiers are haplorrhine primates of the genus Tarsius, a genus in the family Tarsiidae, which is itself the lone extant family within the infraorder Tarsiiformes...
s, monkeys of the New World
New World monkey
New World monkeys are the five families of primates that are found in Central and South America: Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, and Atelidae. The five families are ranked together as the Platyrrhini parvorder and the Ceboidea superfamily, which are essentially synonymous since...
Order (biology)
In scientific classification used in biology, the order is# a taxonomic rank used in the classification of organisms. Other well-known ranks are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, genus, and species, with order fitting in between class and family...
Platyrrhini), and monkeys and apes of the Old World
Catarrhini is one of the two subdivisions of the higher primates . It contains the Old World monkeys and the apes, which in turn are further divided into the lesser apes or gibbons and the great apes, consisting of the orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans...
. South America's 19 genera of nonhuman primates compares with 6 in Central America, 15 in Madagascar, 23 in Africa and 17 in Asia. The ancestor of South American monkeys is believed to have rafted over
Rafting event
Oceanic dispersal is a type of biological dispersal that occurs when organisms transfer from one land mass to another by way of a sea crossing on large clumps of floating vegetation. Such matted clumps of vegetation are often seen floating down major rivers in the tropics and washing out to sea,...
from Africa 25 million years ago.
- Suborder: HaplorrhiniHaplorrhiniThe haplorhines, the "dry-nosed" primates , are members of the Haplorhini clade: the prosimian tarsiers and the anthropoids...
- Infraorder: Simiiformes
- Parvorder: Platyrrhini (New World monkeys)
- Family: Callitrichidae
- Genus: Callibella
- Roosmalens' Dwarf MarmosetRoosmalens' Dwarf MarmosetRoosmalens' dwarf marmoset , also known as the black-crowned dwarf marmoset, is a small New World monkey native to the Amazon Rainforest, on the east bank of the lower Madeira River, and the west bank of the Aripuanã River, in Brazil. It has the smallest distribution of any primate in Amazonia...
- Roosmalens' Dwarf Marmoset
- Genus: Callibella
- Genus: Cebuella
- Pygmy MarmosetPygmy MarmosetThe pygmy marmoset or dwarf monkey is a New World monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, and northern Bolivia. It is one of the smallest primates, and the smallest true monkey, with its body length ranging from...
- Pygmy Marmoset
- Family: Callitrichidae
- Genus: CallithrixCallithrixCallithrix is a genus of New World Monkeys of the family Callitrichidae, the family containing marmosets and tamarins. The genus contains the Atlantic forest marmosets. The genera Mico and Callibella were formerly considered a subgenus of the genus Callithrix...
- Buffy-tufted MarmosetBuffy-tufted MarmosetThe buffy-tufted marmoset , also known as the buffy tufted-ear marmoset or white-eared marmoset, is a New World monkey that lives in the forests on the Atlantic coast of southeast Brazil. Of all the marmosets, they have the southernmost range.Buffy-tufted marmoset resemble common marmosets but are...
- Buffy-tufted Marmoset
- Buffy-headed MarmosetBuffy-headed MarmosetThe buffy-headed marmoset is a rare species of marmoset endemic to the rainforests of south-eastern Brazil. It occurs in southern Espírito Santo and possibly northern Rio de Janeiro and its distribution extends into Minas Gerais....
Callithrix flaviceps EN - White-headed MarmosetWhite-headed MarmosetThe white-headed marmoset , also known as the tufted-ear marmoset or Geoffrey's marmoset, is a marmoset endemic to Brazil....
Callithrix geoffroyi LC - Common MarmosetCommon MarmosetThe common marmoset is a New World monkey. It originally lived on the Northeastern coast of Brazil, in the states of Piaui, Paraiba, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Bahia...
Callithrix jacchus LC - Wied's MarmosetWied's MarmosetWied's marmoset , also known as Wied's black-tufted-ear marmoset, is a New World monkey that lives in tropical and subtropical forests of southeastern Brazil. Unlike other marmosets, Wied's marmoset lives in groups consisting of 4 or 5 females and 2 or 3 males . They are matriarchal, and only the...
Callithrix kuhlii NT - Black-tufted MarmosetBlack-tufted MarmosetThe black-tufted marmoset , also known as Mico-estrela in Portuguese, is a species of New World monkey that lives primarily in the Neo-tropical gallery forests of the Brazilian Central Plateau. It ranges from Bahia to Paraná, and as far inland as Goiás, between 14 and 25 degrees south of the equator...
Callithrix penicillata LC
- Parvorder: Platyrrhini (New World monkeys)
- Genus: MicoMico (genus)Mico is a genus of New World monkeys of the family Callitrichidae, the family containing marmosets and tamarins. The genus was formerly considered a subgenus of the genus Callithrix.-Taxonomy:...
- Rio Acari MarmosetRio Acari MarmosetThe Rio Acari marmoset, Mico acariensis, is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil.-References:...
- Rio Acari Marmoset
- Silvery MarmosetSilvery MarmosetThe silvery marmoset is a New World monkey that lives in Brazil, south and east of the Amazon basin. Compared to other marmosets, they have a very isolated habitat....
Mico argentatus LC - Golden-and-white Marmoset Mico chrysoleucus DD
- Emilia's MarmosetEmilia's MarmosetEmilia's marmoset , also known as Snethlage's marmoset, is a marmoset endemic to Brazil. It is found only in the Brazilian states of Pará and Mato Grosso. It was named to honour German-born Brazilian ornithologist Emilie Snethlage....
Mico emiliae DD - Santarem MarmosetSantarem MarmosetThe Santarem marmoset , also known as a black and white tassel-ear marmoset is a marmoset endemic to Brazil. It is found in a very restricted area between the Rio Tapajos and lower Rio Madeira and Rio Roosevelt....
Mico humeralifer DD - Hershkovitz's MarmosetHershkovitz's MarmosetHershkovitz's marmoset , also known as the Aripuanã marmoset is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil. The common name is a reference to American zoologist Philip Hershkovitz.-External links:*...
Mico intermedius LC - White MarmosetWhite MarmosetThe white marmoset , or golden-white bare-ear marmoset, is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Mico leucippe VU - Manicore MarmosetManicore MarmosetThe Manicore marmoset is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil. It was discovered less than 200 miles from Manaus, near the Madeira River. Its body is light grey, with orange legs, a black tail, a pinkish face, and naked ears. It is about 9 inches long, excluding the tail, and it has a 15-inch...
Mico manicorensis LC - Marca's MarmosetMarca's MarmosetMarca's marmoset is a species of marmoset that is endemic to the Amazon near the Aripuanã River in Brazil. It is virtually unknown; in 2008 the IUCN noted that it had never been seen in the wild, though it has been observed since then....
Mico marcai DD - Maués MarmosetMaués MarmosetMaués marmoset is a marmoset endemic to Brazil. It is found only on the west bank of the Rio Maues-Acu, in the Amazonas state.-References:...
Mico mauesi LC - Black-tailed MarmosetBlack-tailed MarmosetThe black-tailed marmoset is a species of New World monkey from central South America, where ranging from the south-central Amazon in Brazil, south through the Pantanal and eastern Bolivia, to the Chaco in far northern Paraguay...
Mico melanurus LC - Black-headed MarmosetBlack-headed MarmosetThe black-headed marmoset is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil.-References:*...
Mico nigriceps DD - Rondon's MarmosetRondon's MarmosetRondon's marmoset , also known as the Rondônia marmoset, is a small species of monkey from the family Callitrichidae found in the south-western Amazon in Brazil. It is endemic to the state of Rondônia, and its range bordered by the Rio Mamoré, Rio Madeira, Rio Ji-Paraná, and the Serra dos Pacaás...
Mico rondoni VU - Satéré MarmosetSatéré MarmosetThe Satéré marmoset is a marmoset species endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Mico saterei LC
- Infraorder: Simiiformes
- Genus: Callimico
- Goeldi's MarmosetGoeldi's MarmosetGoeldi's marmoset or Goeldi's monkey is a small, South American New World monkey that lives in the upper Amazon Basin region of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru...
- Goeldi's Marmoset
- Superagui Lion TamarinSuperagui Lion TamarinThe Superagui lion tamarin is a small New World primate of the family Callitrichidae. It is an endemic Brazilian lion tamarin, found in a small area in the coastal Atlantic Forest region of southeast Brazil, and named after a man-made island called Superagui.-External links:*ARKive - *...
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin
The golden-headed lion tamarin is a lion tamarin endemic to Brazil. It is found only in the lowland and premontane tropical forest fragments in the state of Bahia, and therefore is considered to be an endangered species. It lives at heights of . Its preferred habitat is within mature forest, but...
Leontopithecus chrysomelas EN
Black Lion Tamarin
The black lion tamarin also known as the golden-rumped lion tamarin is a lion tamarin endemic to the Brazilian state of São Paulo, almost exclusively at the Morro do Diabo State Park. The lion tamarins are of the rarest of the New world monkeys and for this reason, so little is none about them...
Leontopithecus chrysopygus EN
Golden Lion Tamarin
The golden lion tamarin also known as the golden marmoset, is a small New World monkey of the family Callitrichidae...
Leontopithecus rosalia EN
- Pied TamarinPied TamarinThe pied tamarin is an endangered primate species found in a restricted area in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest.- Range :...
Brown-mantled Tamarin
The brown-mantled tamarin , also known as the saddleback tamarin or the Andean saddle-back tamarin, is a species of tamarin from South America...
Saguinus fuscicollis LC
Geoffroy's Tamarin
Geoffroy's tamarin , also known as the Panamanian, red-crested or rufous-naped tamarin, is a tamarin, a type of small monkey, found in Panama and Colombia. It is predominantly black and white, with a reddish nape. Diurnal, Geoffroy's tamarin spends most of its time in trees, but does come down to...
Saguinus geoffroyi LC
Graells's Tamarin
Graells's tamarin, Saguinus graellsi, is a species of tamarin from the northwestern Amazon in southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru. It has often been treated as a subspecies of the Black-mantled Tamarin, but differs from that species in having a dull olive-brown lower back,...
Saguinus graellsi NT
Emperor Tamarin
The Emperor Tamarin is a tamarin allegedly named for its resemblance to the German emperor Wilhelm II. It lives in the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north Bolivia and in the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas....
Saguinus imperator LC
Mottle-faced Tamarin
The mottle-faced tamarin, Saguinus inustus, is a species of tamarin from South America. It is found in Brazil and Colombia.-References:*...
Saguinus inustus LC
White-lipped Tamarin
The white-lipped tamarin , also known as the red-bellied tamarin, is a tamarin which lives in the Amazon area of Brazil and Bolivia....
Saguinus labiatus LC
White-footed Tamarin
The white-footed tamarin is a tamarin species endemic to Colombia.-References:*...
Saguinus leucopus EN
Martins's Tamarin
Martins's tamarin, Saguinus martinsi, is a species of tamarin endemic to Brazil.-References:*...
Saguinus martinsi LC
White-mantled Tamarin
The White-mantled tamarin, Saguinus melanoleucus, is a species of tamarin from South America. It is found in Brazil, between Rio Jurua and Rio Tarauacá.-Subspecies:*S. m. crandalli Crandall‘s saddleback tamarin or Crandall's saddle-back tamarin...
Saguinus melanoleucus LC
Red-handed Tamarin
The red-handed tamarin , also known as the golden-handed tamarin or Midas tamarin, is a New World monkey named for the contrasting reddish-orange hair on their feet and hands. It is native to wooded areas north of the Amazon River in Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and possibly Venezuela...
Saguinus midas LC
Moustached Tamarin
The moustached tamarin or Spix's moustached tamarin is a tamarin found in tropical forests in Brazil and Peru. It is black with a white moustache, white nose, and brownish back...
Saguinus mystax LC
Black Tamarin
The black tamarin or black-handed tamarin, is a species of tamarin endemic to Brazil. It has traditionally been treated as a subspecies of the Red-handed Tamarin, but lacks the contrasting reddish-orange feet and hands of that species....
Saguinus niger VU
Black-mantled Tamarin
The black-mantled tamarin, Saguinus nigricollis, is a species of tamarin from the northwestern Amazon in far western Brazil, southeastern Colombia and northeastern Peru. It has often included the Graells's Tamarin as a subspecies , but differs from that species in having reddish-orange rump and...
Saguinus nigricollis LC
Cottontop Tamarin
The cotton-top tamarin , also known as the Pinché tamarin, is a small New World monkey weighing less than 1 lb...
Saguinus oedipus CR
Red-capped Tamarin
The red-capped tamarin, Saguinus pileatus, is a species of tamarin from South America. It is found in Brazil, on the eastern margin of Lago de Téfé.It grows to 56 cm long....
Saguinus pileatus LC
Golden-mantled Tamarin
The golden-mantled tamarin is a tamarin species from South America. It is found in Ecuador and Peru, specifically in the upper Amazon , east of the Andes in Ecuador, and Northeast Peru; between the Rio Curaray and Rio Napo in Peru.-Taxonomic classification:There are seventeen species in this...
Saguinus tripartitus NT
The Cebidae is one of the five families of New World monkeys now recognised. It includes the capuchin monkeys and squirrel monkeys. These species are found throughout tropical and subtropical South and Central America.-Characteristics:...
- Subfamily: Cebinae
- Genus: CebusCEBusCEBus, short for Consumer Electronics Bus, also known as EIA-600, is a set of electrical standards and communication protocols for electronic devices to transmit commands and data...
- White-fronted CapuchinWhite-fronted CapuchinThe white-fronted capuchin, Cebus albifrons, is a species of capuchin monkey, a type of New World primate, found in seven different countries in South America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago...
- White-fronted Capuchin
- Tufted CapuchinTufted CapuchinThe tufted capuchin , also known as brown capuchin or black-capped capuchin is a New World primate from South America...
Cebus apella LC - White-headed CapuchinWhite-headed CapuchinThe white-headed capuchin , also known as the white-faced capuchin or white-throated capuchin, is a medium-sized New World monkey of the family Cebidae, subfamily Cebinae...
Cebus capucinus LC - Blond CapuchinBlond CapuchinThe blond capuchin is a species of the Cebus apella group in capuchin monkeys, the genus Cebus. This critically endangered species was rediscovered in 2006. It is endemic to northeastern Brazil, and it is estimated that only about 180 individuals remain.-Classification:The blond capuchin was first...
Cebus flavius CR - Kaapori CapuchinKaapori CapuchinThe Kaapori capuchin is a capuchin monkey endemic to Brazil. This species is found in the Brazilian states of Pará and Maranhão. Formerly considered a subspecies of the weeper capuchin , it was recently elevated to species status....
Cebus kaapori CR - Black-striped CapuchinBlack-striped CapuchinThe black-striped capuchin, Cebus libidinosus, also known as the bearded capuchin, is a capuchin monkey from South America. It was the first non-ape primate where tool usage was documented in the wild, as individuals have been seen cracking nuts by placing them on a stone "anvil" while hitting them...
Cebus libidinosus LC - Large-headed CapuchinLarge-headed CapuchinThe large-headed capuchin is a subspecies of the tufted capuchin from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.-External links:*...
Cebus macrocephalus LC - Black CapuchinBlack CapuchinThe black capuchin, Cebus nigritus, also known as the black-horned capuchin, is a capuchin monkey from the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil and far north-eastern Argentina. Historically, it was included as a subspecies of the Tufted Capuchin....
Cebus nigritus NT - Weeper CapuchinWeeper CapuchinThe weeper capuchin is a capuchin monkey from South America. It is found in northern Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela and possibly northern Colombia.-Diet:...
Cebus olivaceus LC - Golden-bellied CapuchinGolden-bellied CapuchinThe golden-bellied capuchin , also known as the yellow-breasted or buffy-headed capuchin, is one of several species of New World monkeys....
Cebus xanthosternos CR
- Genus: Cebus
- Genus: Saimiri
- Black-capped Squirrel MonkeyBlack-capped Squirrel MonkeyThe black-capped squirrel monkey is a South American squirrel monkey, found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. This South American monkey can be found at the Ellen Trout Zoo.-Subspecies:...
- Black-capped Squirrel Monkey
- Common Squirrel MonkeyCommon Squirrel MonkeyThe common squirrel monkey is a small New World primate from the Cebidae family, and native to the tropical areas of South America.-Location:...
Saimiri sciureus LC - Bare-eared Squirrel MonkeyBare-eared Squirrel MonkeyThe bare-eared squirrel monkey is a squirrel monkey endemic to Brazil....
Saimiri ustus NT - Black Squirrel MonkeyBlack Squirrel MonkeyThe black squirrel monkey , also known as the blackish squirrel monkey or black-headed squirrel monkey, is a small New World primate, endemic to the central Amazon in Brazil...
Saimiri vanzolinii VU
- Genus: AotusNight monkeyThe night monkeys, also known as the owl monkeys or douroucoulis, are the members of the genus Aotus of New World monkeys . They are widely distributed in the forests of Central and South America, from Panama south to Paraguay and northern Argentina...
- Azara's Night MonkeyAzara's Night MonkeyAzara's night monkey, Aotus azarae, is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. It is named after Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara.There are three subspecies of this monkey:...
- Azara's Night Monkey
- Brumback's Night MonkeyBrumback's Night MonkeyBrumback's night monkey is a species of night monkey found in Colombia. It has traditionally been considered a subspecies of A. lemurinus, but it has recently been argued that it should be considered a separate species....
Aotus brumbacki VU - Gray-handed Night MonkeyGray-handed Night MonkeyThe gray-handed night monkey is a species of night monkey formerly considered a subspecies of Gray-bellied night monkey of the family Aotidae. Its range consists of parts of Colombia and Venezuela. The exact classification of the gray-handed night monkey is uncertain. While some authors consider...
Aotus griseimembra VU - Hernández-Camacho's Night MonkeyHernández-Camacho's Night MonkeyThe Hernández-Camacho's night monkey is a species of night monkey of the family Aotidae. It was first described in 2007 by Thomas Defler and Marta Bueno. It has a gray neck and a white patch over each eye, separated by a black band. The fur on the chest, belly, lower arms and lower wrists is...
Aotus jorgehernandezi DD - Gray-bellied Night MonkeyGray-bellied Night MonkeyThe gray-bellied night monkey , also called the lemurine owl monkey, is a small New World monkey of the family Aotidae...
Aotus lemurinus VU - Peruvian Night MonkeyPeruvian Night MonkeyThe Peruvian night monkey is a nocturnal New World monkey endemic to northeastern Peru. Adults weigh around and measure up to in length. Its colour is grey to light brown with characteristic black and white markings on the face...
Aotus miconax VU - Nancy Ma's Night MonkeyNancy Ma's Night MonkeyNancy Ma's night monkey is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia and Peru.It is known in medical research as a model organism for studying the Duffy antigen.-References:...
Aotus nancymaae LC - Black-headed Night MonkeyBlack-headed Night MonkeyThe Black-headed night monkey is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.-References:...
Aotus nigriceps LC - Three-striped Night MonkeyThree-striped Night MonkeyThe three-striped night monkey , also known as northern night monkey or northern owl monkey, is one of several species of owl monkeys currently recognised. It is found in Venezuela and north-central Brazil....
Aotus trivirgatus LC - Spix's Night MonkeySpix's Night MonkeySpix's night monkey, Aotus vociferans, is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru....
Aotus vociferans LC - Panamanian Night MonkeyPanamanian Night MonkeyThe Panamanian night monkey or Chocoan night monkey is a species of night monkey formerly considered a subspecies of the gray-bellied night monkey of the family Aotidae. Its range consists of Panama and the Chocó region of Colombia. There are also unconfirmed reports of its occurrence in Costa...
Aotus zonalis DD
The Pitheciidae are one of the five families of New World monkeys now recognised. Formerly they were included in the family Atelidae. The family includes the titis, saki monkeys and uakaris...
- Subfamily: Callicebinae
- Genus: Callicebus
- Madidi Titi
- Baptista Lake TitiBaptista Lake TitiThe Baptista Lake titi, Callicebus baptista, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Callicebus baptista LC - Barbara Brown's TitiBarbara Brown's TitiBarbara Brown's titi, Callicebus barbarabrownae, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey. This critically endangered species is endemic to the Caatinga in northeastern Brazil, and it is estimated that less than 250 mature individuals remain....
Callicebus barbarabrownae CR - Prince Bernhard's TitiPrince Bernhard's TitiPrince Bernhard's titi is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil. It was formally described in 2002 by Marc van Roosmalen and Russell Mittermeier, and named after Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. This titi has dark orange sideburns and chest, a reddish brown back, and a...
Callicebus bernhardi LC - Brown TitiBrown TitiThe brown titi, Callicebus brunneus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.-External links:*...
Callicebus brunneus LC - Chestnut-bellied TitiChestnut-bellied TitiThe chestnut-bellied titi, Callicebus caligatus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Callicebus caligatus LC - Caquetá TitiCaquetá TitiThe Caquetá titi , also known as the Red-Bearded Titi or the Bushy-Bearded Titi, is a species of titi monkey endemic to Colombia found in the Department of Caquetá region. Taxonomically, it is a member of the Callicebus cupreus group, following Shunsuke Kobayashi's Callicebus grouping...
Callicebus caquetensis - Ashy Black TitiAshy Black TitiThe ashy black titi, Callicebus cinerascens, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Callicebus cinerascens LC - Coimbra Filho's TitiCoimbra Filho's TitiCoimbra Filho's titi or just Coimbra's titi is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to forests in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Sergipe. It was first discovered by Shuji Kobayashi. It is considered one of the most endangered of all Neotropical primates. It is named after...
Callicebus coimbrai EN - Coppery TitiCoppery TitiThe coppery titi, Callicebus cupreus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in the Amazon of Brazil and Peru, and perhaps Bolivia.-External links:*...
Callicebus cupreus LC - White-tailed TitiWhite-tailed TitiThe white-tailed titi, Callicebus discolor, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:...
Callicebus discolor LC - White-eared TitiWhite-eared TitiThe white-eared titi, Callicebus donacophilus, also known as the Bolivian titi or Bolivian gray titi, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from eastern Bolivia and a small area of Brazil. The species has a range that extends east from the Manique River in Beni Department, Bolivia to...
Callicebus donacophilus LC - Hershkovitz's TitiHershkovitz's TitiHershkovitz's titi, Callicebus dubius, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. The common name is a reference to American zoologist Philip Hershkovitz....
Callicebus dubius LC - Hoffmann's Titi Callicebus hoffmannsi LC
- Lucifer TitiLucifer TitiThe Lucifer titi, Callicebus lucifer, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru....
Callicebus lucifer LC - Black TitiBlack TitiThe black titi, Callicebus lugens, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela....
Callicebus lugens LC - Coastal Black-handed TitiCoastal Black-handed TitiThe coastal black-handed titi, Callicebus melanochir, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Callicebus melanochir VU - Colombian Black-handed TitiColombian Black-handed TitiThe Colombian black-handed titi, Callicebus medemi, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Colombia.-References:...
Callicebus medemi VU - Rio Beni TitiRio Beni TitiRio Beni titi, Callicebus modestus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Bolivia.-References:...
Callicebus modestus EN - Red-bellied TitiRed-bellied TitiThe red-bellied titi or dusky titi, Callicebus moloch, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil. It lives in forests and thickets....
Callicebus moloch LC - Black-fronted TitiBlack-fronted TitiThe black-fronted titi, Callicebus nigrifrons, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-References:...
Callicebus nigrifrons NT - Rio Mayo TitiRio Mayo TitiThe Rio Mayo titi, Callicebus oenanthe, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Peru.-References:...
Callicebus oenanthe EN - Ollala Brothers' TitiOllala Brothers' TitiThe Ollala Brothers' titi, Callicebus olallae, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Bolivia.-References:...
Callicebus olallae EN - Ornate TitiOrnate TitiThe ornate titi, Callicebus ornatus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Colombia.-References:...
Callicebus ornatus VU - White-coated TitiWhite-coated TitiThe white-coated titi, Callicebus pallescens, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.-External links:*...
Callicebus pallescens LC - Atlantic TitiAtlantic TitiThe Atlantic titi or masked titi, Callicebus personatus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.-Distribution and general features:...
Callicebus personatus VU - Rio Purus TitiRio Purus TitiThe Rio Purus titi, Callicebus purinus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil....
Callicebus purinus LC - Red-headed TitiRed-headed TitiThe red-headed titi, Callicebus regulus, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil....
Callicebus regulus LC - Stephen Nash's TitiStephen Nash's TitiStephen Nash's titi , also known as just Nash's titi or Stephen Nash's monkey, is a species of titi, a type of New World monkey, endemic to the eastern bank of the Purus River in Brazil. It was discovered by Marc van Roosmalen in 2001 when local fishermen brought specimens to his breeding center....
Callicebus stephennashi DD - Collared TitiCollared TitiThe collared titi, Callicebus torquatus, is a species or a closely related complex of species of titi, a type of New World monkey, from South America.- Taxonomy :...
Callicebus torquatus LC
- Genus: Callicebus
Pitheciinae is a subfamily of the New World monkey family Pitheciidae. It contains three genera and 9 species. Pitheciines are forest dwellers from northern and central South America, east of the Andes....
- Genus: Pithecia
- Equatorial SakiEquatorial SakiThe equatorial saki, Pithecia aequatorialis, is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:...
- Equatorial Saki
- White-footed SakiWhite-footed SakiThe white-footed saki is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil....
Pithecia albicans VU - Rio Tapajós SakiRio Tapajós SakiThe Rio Tapajós saki is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru....
Pithecia irrorata LC - Monk SakiMonk SakiThe monk saki, Pithecia monachus, is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It lives in forested areas. It can grow up to be 37–48 cm long and weigh about 1.5-3 kilograms, approximately the same as a large...
Pithecia monachus LC - White-faced SakiWhite-faced SakiThe white-faced saki , also known as the Guianan saki and the golden-faced saki, is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey, found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and Timbuktu...
Pithecia pithecia LC
- White-nosed SakiWhite-nosed SakiThe white-nosed saki, Chiropotes albinasus, is an endangered species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey, endemic to the south-central Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Both its scientific and common name were caused by the authors working from specimens, where the skin on and around the nose...
Red-backed Bearded Saki
The Red-backed bearded saki, Chiropotes chiropotes, is a species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey, from South America. It is found north of the Amazon River and east of the Branco River in Brazil and the Guianas. It is possible the scientific name C...
Chiropotes chiropotes LC
Brown-backed Bearded Saki
The Brown-backed bearded saki, Chiropotes israelita, is a species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey. It is endemic to the Amazon in north-western Brazil and southern Venezuela. It is possible the correct scientific name for this species is C...
Chiropotes israelita
Black Bearded Saki
The Black bearded saki is a species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey. This critically endangered species is endemic to the far eastern Amazon in Brazil, it being restricted to a relatively small region from the Tocantins River in Pará east to around the Grajaú River in Maranhão...
Chiropotes satanas CR
Uta Hick's Bearded Saki
Uta Hick's bearded saki, Chiropotes utahicki, is an endangered species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey. It is endemic to Brazil, where restricted to the Amazon between the Xingu and Tocantins Rivers. It was formerly treated as a subspecies of the more easternly C. satanas, but its back...
Chiropotes utahicki EN
- Aracá Uakari
Bald Uakari
The bald uakari or bald-headed uakari is a small New World monkey with a very short tail, red face, a bald head, and long coat...
Cacajao calvus VU
Neblina Uakari
The Neblina uakari is a newly described species of monkey from the far northwest Brazilian Amazon and adjacent southern Venezuela. It was found by Jean-Phillipe Boubli of the University of Auckland and described together with the more easternly distributed Aracá Uakari in 2008...
Cacajao hosomi VU
Black-headed Uakari
The black-headed uakari , also known as the golden-backed black uakari, is a New World primate from the family Pitheciidae...
Cacajao melanocephalus LC
Atelidae is one of the five families of New World monkeys now recognised. It was formerly included in the family Cebidae. Atelids are generally larger monkeys; the family includes the howler, spider, woolly and woolly spider monkeys...
- Subfamily: Alouattinae
- Genus: Alouatta
- Ursine HowlerUrsine HowlerThe Ursine howler is a species of howler monkey native to Venezuela, and possibly Colombia. It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the Venezuelan red howler and classified as Alouatta seniculus arctoidea....
- Ursine Howler
- Red-handed HowlerRed-handed HowlerThe red-handed howler is a vulnerable species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey. It is endemic to Brazil, where found in the south-eastern Amazon and disjunctly in Atlantic Forest between Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe....
Alouatta belzebul VU - Black HowlerBlack HowlerThe Black howler is a species of howler monkey, a large New World monkey, from northeast Argentina, east Bolivia, east and south Brazil and Paraguay. Together with the brown howler, it is the southernmost member of the Alouatta genus. Only the adult male is black; adult females and juveniles of...
Alouatta caraya LC - Spix's Red-handed HowlerSpix's Red-handed HowlerSpix's red-handed howler is a vulnerable species of howler monkey native to the south-eastern Amazon in Brazil. Major threats include deforestation and hunting...
Alouatta discolor VU - Brown HowlerBrown HowlerThe Brown howler , also known as Brown howling monkey, is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, that lives in forests in south-eastern Brazil and far north-eastern Argentina . It lives in groups of 2 to 11 individuals...
Alouatta guariba LC - Juruá Red HowlerJuruá Red HowlerThe Juruá red howler is a species of howler monkey, native to Peru, Brazil and possibly Colombia....
Alouatta juara LC - Guyanan Red HowlerGuyanan Red HowlerThe Guyanan red howler is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, native to Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad, French Guiana and Brazil....
Alouatta macconnelli LC - Amazon Black HowlerAmazon Black HowlerThe Amazon black howler is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, endemic to the south-central Amazon in Brazil. Until 2001, most authorities included it as a subspecies of the red-handed howler, though its distinction had already been pointed out much earlier...
Alouatta nigerrima LC - Mantled HowlerMantled HowlerThe mantled howler , or golden-mantled howling monkey, is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central and South America. It is one of the monkey species most often seen and heard in the wild in Central America...
Alouatta palliata LC - Purus Red HowlerPurus Red HowlerThe Purus red howler is a species of howler monkey native to Brazil and Peru....
Alouatta puruensis LC - Bolivian Red HowlerBolivian Red HowlerThe Bolivian red howler is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Bolivia.-External links:* *...
Alouatta sara LC - Venezuelan Red HowlerVenezuelan Red HowlerThe Venezuelan red howler is a South American species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey. It is found in the western Amazon Basin in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil...
Alouatta seniculus LC - Maranhão Red-handed HowlerMaranhão Red-handed HowlerThe Maranhão red-handed howler is an endangered species of howler monkey that is endemic to forests in the northeast Brazilian states of Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí. It was previously thought to be a subspecies of the Red-handed Howler, but unlike that species the Maranhão Red-handed Howler is...
Alouatta ululata EN
- Genus: Alouatta
Atelinae is a subfamily of New World monkeys in the family Atelidae, and includes the various spider and woolly monkeys. The primary distinguishing feature of the atelines is their long prehensile tail which can support their entire body weight....
- Genus: Ateles
- White-fronted Spider MonkeyWhite-fronted Spider MonkeyThe white-fronted spider monkey , also known as the long-haired or white-bellied spider monkey, is an endangered species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey. It is found in the north-western Amazon in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil, ranging as far south as the lower Ucayali...
- White-fronted Spider Monkey
- Peruvian Spider MonkeyPeruvian Spider MonkeyThe Peruvian spider monkey is a species of spider monkey that lives not only in Peru, but also in Brazil and Bolivia. At two feet long, they are relatively large among species of monkey, and their strong, prehensile tails can be up to three feet long. Unlike many species of monkey, they have...
Ateles chamek EN - Black-headed Spider MonkeyBlack-headed Spider MonkeyThe Black-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps, is a species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central and South America. It is found in Colombia, Nicaragua and Panama. Although primatologists such as Colin Groves follow Kellogg and Goldman in treating A...
Ateles fusciceps CR - Geoffroy's Spider MonkeyGeoffroy's Spider MonkeyGeoffroy's spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi, also known as black-handed spider monkey, is a species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central America, parts of Mexico and possibly a small portion of Colombia. There are at least five subspecies. Some primatologists classify the...
Ateles geoffroyi EN - Brown Spider MonkeyBrown Spider MonkeyThe brown spider monkey or variegated spider monkey is a critically endangered species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, from northern Colombia and north-western Venezuela. Its taxonomic history has been confusing, and in the past it has been treated as a subspecies of either the...
Ateles hybridus CR - White-cheeked Spider MonkeyWhite-cheeked Spider MonkeyThe white-cheeked spider monkey, Ateles marginatus, is a species of spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil.There are many different varieties of spider monkeys that make their home in the upper levels of the rain forest...
Ateles marginatus EN - Red-faced Spider MonkeyRed-faced Spider MonkeyThe red-faced spider monkey, Guiana spider monkey, or red-faced black spider monkey, Ateles paniscus, is a species of spider monkey found in the rain forests in northern South America....
Ateles paniscus VU
- Southern MuriquiSouthern MuriquiThe southern muriqui, Brachyteles arachnoides, is a muriqui species endemic to Brazil. It is found in the Brazilian states of Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. This New World monkey is known locally as mono carvoeiro, which translates to charcoal monkey.Muriquis...
Northern Muriqui
The northern muriqui is an endangered muriqui species endemic to Brazil. It is unusual among primates in that shows egaliterian social relationship. It is found in the Atlantic Forest region of the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Bahia. Muriquis are the...
Brachyteles hypoxanthus CR
- Gray Woolly MonkeyGray Woolly MonkeyThe gray woolly monkey, Lagothrix cana, is a woolly monkey species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru....
Brown Woolly Monkey
The brown woolly monkey or common woolly monkey or Humboldt's Woolly Monkey is a woolly monkey from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It lives in groups of 2 to 70 individuals, usually splitting the group into smaller subgroups while in activity.Many published sources give the systematic name as L...
Lagothrix lagothricha VU
Colombian Woolly Monkey
The Colombian woolly monkey, Lagothrix lugens, is a critically endangered species of woolly monkey from Colombia and possibly also Venezuela.-References:...
Lagothrix lugens CR
Silvery Woolly Monkey
The silvery woolly monkey , also known as Poeppig's woolly monkey, is a woolly monkey species from South America. Named after the German zoologist Eduard Friedrich Poeppig, it is found in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru....
Lagothrix poeppigii VU
- Yellow-tailed Woolly MonkeyYellow-tailed Woolly MonkeyThe yellow-tailed woolly monkey is a New World monkey endemic to Peru. It is a rare primate species found only in the Peruvian Andes, in the departments of Amazonas and San Martin as well as bordering areas of La Libertad, Huanuco and Loreto...
Order: RodentRodentRodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing....
ia (rodents)


Incisors are the first kind of tooth in heterodont mammals. They are located in the premaxilla above and mandible below.-Function:...
s in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small, although the capybara
The capybara , also known as capivara in Portuguese, and capibara, chigüire in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador ronsoco in Peru, chigüiro, and carpincho in Spanish, is the largest living rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs...
can weigh up to 45 kg (100 lb). South America's rodent fauna today is largely an outgrowth of two spectacularly fortunate ancient dispersal events
Biological dispersal
Biological dispersal refers to species movement away from an existing population or away from the parent organism. Through simply moving from one habitat patch to another, the dispersal of an individual has consequences not only for individual fitness, but also for population dynamics, population...
, each of which was followed by explosive diversification
Speciation is the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise. The biologist Orator F. Cook seems to have been the first to coin the term 'speciation' for the splitting of lineages or 'cladogenesis,' as opposed to 'anagenesis' or 'phyletic evolution' occurring within lineages...
. Caviomorph
Caviomorpha is the rodent infraorder or parvorder that unites all South American hystricognaths. It is supported by both fossil and molecular evidence.-Origin:...
rodents are believed to have washed ashore after rafting across
Rafting event
Oceanic dispersal is a type of biological dispersal that occurs when organisms transfer from one land mass to another by way of a sea crossing on large clumps of floating vegetation. Such matted clumps of vegetation are often seen floating down major rivers in the tropics and washing out to sea,...
the Atlantic
Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's oceanic divisions. With a total area of about , it covers approximately 20% of the Earth's surface and about 26% of its water surface area...
from Africa
Africa is the world's second largest and second most populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km² including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area...
over 30 million years ago. More recently, ancestral sigmodontine
The subfamily Sigmodontinae is one of the most diverse groups of mammals. It includes New World rats and mice, with at least 376 species. Many authorities include the Neotominae and Tylomyinae as part of a larger definition of Sigmodontinae. When those genera are included, the species count...
rodents apparently island-hopped from Central America
Central America
Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is the southernmost, isthmian portion of the North American continent, which connects with South America on the southeast. When considered part of the unified continental model, it is considered a subcontinent...
5 million years or more ago, prior to the formation of the Panamanian land bridge
Isthmus of Panama
The Isthmus of Panama, also historically known as the Isthmus of Darien, is the narrow strip of land that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, linking North and South America. It contains the country of Panama and the Panama Canal...
. These two groups now comprise 36 and 60%, respectively, of all South American rodent species. The corresponding figures are 10 and 26% for Central America, and 0.5 and 3% for North America north of Mexico. Conversely, sciurids make up 3% of rodents in South America, 8% in Central America, and 32% in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
. Illustrating the advantage of gaining a head start in colonizing a new land mass, sigmodontine rodents comprise 99% of all cricetid rodents
The Cricetidae are a family of rodents in the large and complex superfamily Muroidea. It includes true hamsters, voles, lemmings, and New World rats and mice...
in South America, but only 40% in Central America.
- Suborder: HystricomorphaHystricomorphaThe term Hystricomorpha has had many definitions throughout its history. In the broadest sense it refers to any rodent with a hystricomorphous zygomasseteric system. This includes the Hystricognathi, Ctenodactylidae, Anomaluridae, and Pedetidae...
- Parvorder CaviomorphaCaviomorphaCaviomorpha is the rodent infraorder or parvorder that unites all South American hystricognaths. It is supported by both fossil and molecular evidence.-Origin:...
- Family: Erethizontidae (New World porcupines)
- Subfamily: Erethizontinae
- Genus: Chaetomys
- Bristle-spined Rat
- Genus: Chaetomys
- Genus: Coendou
- Bicolor-spined Porcupine
- Black Dwarf Porcupine Coendou nycthemera DD
- Brazilian PorcupineBrazilian PorcupineThe Brazilian Porcupine is a porcupine found in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, the Guyanas, Bolivia and Trinidad, with a single record from Ecuador. It inhabits tropical forests at elevations up to 1500 m....
Coendou prehensilis LC - Andean PorcupineAndean porcupineThe Andean porcupine is a species of rodent in the family Erethizontidae. It is known from the Andes of Ecuador as well as from the Cordillera Oriental of northeastern Colombia near San Vicente de Chucurí. Although it is morphologically distinctive, it has sometimes been described as a subspecies...
Coendou quichua DD - Rothschild's PorcupineRothschild's PorcupineRothschild's Porcupine, Coendou rothschildi, is a species of rodent in the family Erethizontidae.It is usually considered endemic to Panama. A population in western Ecuador belongs either to this species or to Coendou bicolor....
Coendou rothschildi LC - Santa Marta PorcupineSanta Marta porcupineThe Santa Marta porcupine is a species of rodent in the family Erethizontidae. It is known from dry forests on the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Serranía del Perijá mountains of northern Colombia, at altitudes below 500 and 1100 m, respectively, and intervening lowlands, and...
Coendou sanctamartae DD
- Subfamily: Erethizontinae
- Genus: Echinoprocta
- Stump-tailed PorcupineStump-tailed PorcupineThe Stump-tailed Porcupine is a species of rodent in the Erethizontidae family. It is monotypic within the genus Echinoprocta.Stump-tailed porcupines are found mainly in Colombia, with a couple of records from Ecuador....
- Stump-tailed Porcupine
- Family: Erethizontidae (New World porcupines)
- Genus: SphiggurusSphiggurusSphiggurus is a genus of New World porcupine. It contains the following species:*Sphiggurus ichillus - Streaked Dwarf Porcupine*Sphiggurus insidiosus - Bahia Porcupine*Sphiggurus melanurus - Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf Porcupine...
- Streaked Dwarf PorcupineStreaked dwarf porcupineThe streaked dwarf porcupine, Sphiggurus ichillus, is a porcupine species in the family Erethizontidae. It is known from the lowlands of eastern Ecuador, and may be present in Peru as well. It appears to be nocturnal and arboreal in its habits....
- Streaked Dwarf Porcupine
- Bahia PorcupineBahia PorcupineThe Bahia Porcupine, Sphiggurus insidiosus, is a New World porcupine species in the genus Sphiggurus endemic to the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Sphiggurus pallidus, formerly considered a separate species but known from two young specimens only, is a synonym of this species....
Sphiggurus insidiosus LC - Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf PorcupineBlack-tailed Hairy Dwarf PorcupineThe Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf Porcupine, Sphiggurus melanurus, is a South American porcupine species from the family Erethizontidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Sphiggurus melanurus LC - Frosted Hairy Dwarf PorcupineFrosted hairy dwarf porcupineThe frosted hairy dwarf porcupine, Sphiggurus pruinosus, is a porcupine species in the family Erethizontidae. It is endemic to Colombia and northern and eastern Venezuela. It lives in lowland tropical rainforest and cloud forest at elevations from ....
Sphiggurus pruinosus LC - Roosmalen's Dwarf Porcupine Sphiggurus roosmalenorum DD
- Paraguaian Hairy Dwarf Porcupine Sphiggurus spinosus LC
- Brown Hairy Dwarf PorcupineBrown Hairy Dwarf PorcupineThe Brown Hairy Dwarf Porcupine is a species of rodent in the family Erethizontidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests....
Sphiggurus vestitus VU - Orange-spined Hairy Dwarf PorcupineOrange-spined Hairy Dwarf PorcupineThe Orange-spined Hairy Dwarf Porcupine, Sphiggurus villosus, is a porcupine species from the family Erethizontidae endemic to southern Brazil....
Sphiggurus villosus LC
- Parvorder Caviomorpha
The family Chinchillidae contains the chinchillas, viscachas, and their fossil relatives. They are restricted to southern and western South America, often in association with the Andes. They are large rodents, weighing from to , with strong hind legs and large ears...
(viscachas and chinchillas)
- Genus: ChinchillaChinchillaChinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America. Along with their relatives, viscachas, they make up the family Chinchillidae....
- Short-tailed ChinchillaShort-tailed ChinchillaThe short-tailed chinchilla , also called the Bolivian, Peruvian, and Royal chinchilla, is an endangered species of rodent. Their original range included the Andes Mountains of Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia...
- Short-tailed Chinchilla
- Long-tailed ChinchillaLong-tailed ChinchillaThe long-tailed chinchilla , also called the Chilean, coastal, common chinchilla, or lesser chinchilla, is one of two species of rodents from the genus Chinchilla, the other species being Chinchilla chinchilla. Wild populations of C...
Chinchilla lanigera CR
Lagidium is a genus of rodent in the family Chinchillidae.It contains the following species:* Northern Viscacha * Southern Viscacha * Wolffsohn's Viscacha...
Lagidium ahuacaense
Lagidium ahuacaense is a rodent in the mountain viscacha genus that occurs in southern Ecuador. First observed in 2005 and formally described in 2009, it occurs more than 500 km north of the nearest previously known population of mountain viscachas in central Peru. It is a medium-sized...
Northern Viscacha
The Northern Viscacha is a species of rodent in the family Chinchillidae. It is known from Chile and Peru, at elevations from 300 to 5000 m, and may also be present in Bolivia....
Lagidium peruanum LC
Southern Viscacha
The Southern Viscacha is a species of rodent in the family Chinchillidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru....
Lagidium viscacia LC
Wolffsohn's Viscacha
Wolffsohn's Viscacha is a species of rodent in the family Chinchillidae. It is found in Argentina and Chile. Its natural habitat is rocky areas....
Lagidium wolffsohni DD
Lagostomus is a South American genus of rodents in the family Chinchillidae. It contains a single living species, the plains viscacha, and it is the only recent genus in the subfamily Lagostominae....
- Plains ViscachaPlains ViscachaThe Plains Viscacha or plains vizcacha is a species of rodent in the Chinchillidae family. It is the only living species within the genus Lagostomus. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. The plains viscacha is the largest species of the family Chinchillidae...
Dinomyidae was once a very speciose group of South American hystricognath rodent, but now contains only a single living species, the Pacarana. The Dinomyidae included among its ranks the largest rodents known to date, the bison-sized Josephoartigasia monesi and the smaller Josephoartigasia magna...
- Genus: Dinomys
- PacaranaPacaranaThe Pacarana is a rare and slow-moving nocturnal rodent found only in tropical forests of the western Amazon River basin and adjacent foothills of the Andes Mountains from northwestern Venezuela and Colombia to western Bolivia, including the yungas. One place that it is common is Cotapata National...
- Pacarana
The cavy family is a family of rodents native to South America, and including the domestic guinea pig, wild cavies, and the capybara, among other animals...
(guinea pigs and cavies)
- Subfamily: CaviinaeCaviinaeCaviinae is a subfamily uniting all living members of the family Caviidae with the exception of the maras, capybaras and Kerodon. The subfamily traditionally contained the guinea pig-like forms along with the cursorially adapted Kerodon...
- Genus: CaviaCaviaCavia is a genus in the subfamily Caviinae that contains the rodents commonly known as guinea pigs. The best-known species in this genus is the domestic guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, an important meat animal in South America and a common household pet in the West.-Taxonomic controversy:Cavia are...
- Brazilian Guinea PigBrazilian Guinea PigThe Brazilian Guinea Pig is a guinea pig species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay....
- Brazilian Guinea Pig
- Shiny Guinea PigShiny Guinea PigThe Shiny Guinea Pig, Cavia fulgida, is a guinea pig species from South America. It is found in Brazil and ArgentinaWagler in 1831 first called the species Cavia fulgida; P. W. Lund identified a Cavia rufescens in 1841, but since Oldfield Thomas these are considered to be identical species....
Cavia fulgida LC - Santa Catarina's Guinea Pig Cavia intermedia CR
- Greater Guinea PigGreater Guinea PigThe Greater Guinea Pig, Cavia magna, is a guinea pig species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Uruguay....
Cavia magna LC - Montane Guinea PigMontane Guinea PigThe Montane Guinea Pig, Cavia tschudii, is a guinea pig species from South America. It is found in Peru.Peruvian wild guinea pigs were first described by E. T. Bennett in 1835, who termed them Cavia cutleri...
Cavia tschudii LC
- Genus: Cavia
- Genus: GaleaGalea (genus)Galea is a genus of South American rodents of the family Caviidae. Four species are known, found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Brazil. They are as follows:* Brandt's Yellow-toothed Cavy...
- Yellow-toothed CavyYellow-toothed CavyThe Yellow-toothed Cavy, Galea flavidens, is a cavy species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Galea flavidens LC - Galea leucoblephara
- Muenster Yellow-toothed CavyMuenster yellow-toothed cavyThe Muenster yellow-toothed cavy is a species of rodent in the family Caviidae.It is known only from one location in Valle Hermoso in Bolivia, at an elevation of 2557 m. Specimens from this location were shipped to Muenster, Germany in 1997 for laboratory research, where the species was...
Galea monasteriensis DD - Common Yellow-toothed CavyCommon Yellow-toothed CavyThe common yellow-toothed cavy is a species of rodent in the family Caviidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. It's karyotype has 2n = 68 and FN = 136....
Galea musteloides LC - Spix's Yellow-toothed CavySpix's Yellow-toothed CavySpix's Yellow-toothed Cavy, Galea spixii, is a cavy species from South America. It is found in Bolivia east of the Andes and much of south central to northeastern Brazil. The species is found in open savanna and semiarid habitats, such as the Cerrado and Caatinga. It's karyotype has 2n = 64 and FN...
Galea spixii LC
Microcavia is a rodent genus in the family Caviidae.It contains the following species:* Southern Mountain Cavy, Microcavia australis* Andean Mountain Cavy, Microcavia niata...
- Southern Mountain CavySouthern Mountain CavyThe southern mountain cavy is a species of rodent in the family Caviidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile....
Andean Mountain Cavy
The Andean Mountain Cavy is a species of rodent in the family Caviidae. It is found in Bolivia and Chile....
Microcavia niata LC
Shipton's Mountain Cavy
The Shipton's Mountain Cavy is a species of rodent in the family Caviidae. It is endemic to Argentina....
Microcavia shiptoni NT
- Genus: Dolichotis
- Patagonian MaraPatagonian MaraThe Patagonian Mara, Dolichotis patagonum, is a relatively large rodent in the mara genus . It is also known as the Patagonian cavy or Patagonian hare. This herbivorous, somewhat rabbit-like animal is found in open and semi-open habitats in Argentina, including large parts of Patagonia...
- Patagonian Mara
- Chacoan MaraChacoan MaraThe Chacoan Mara, Dolichotis salinicola, is a relatively large rodent from South America of the cavy family. They are a close relative of the better known Patagonian Mara.-Habitat:...
Dolichotis salinicola LC
- Genus: HydrochoerusHydrochoerusThe genus Hydrochoerus contains two living species of capybaras from South America and Panama, the largest living rodents in the world. The genus name is derived from the Greek ὕδωρ plus χοίρος ....
- CapybaraCapybaraThe capybara , also known as capivara in Portuguese, and capibara, chigüire in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador ronsoco in Peru, chigüiro, and carpincho in Spanish, is the largest living rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs...
- Capybara
- Lesser CapybaraLesser capybaraThe lesser capybara is a large semiaquatic rodent of the family Caviidae found in eastern Panama, northwestern Colombia and western Venezuela. It was recognized as a distinct subspecies of capybara in 1912, and was elevated to species status in 1991. It breeds year-round, with an average litter...
Hydrochoerus isthmius DD
The genus Kerodon contains two species of South American rock cavies related to capybaras.-Characteristics:Adults weigh about 800 grams. Gestation period is 76–77 days with 1-3 young born to females. Metabolic rate is 0.45 ml-O2/...
- Acrobatic CavyAcrobatic CavyThe Acrobatic Cavy, Kerodon acrobata, is a cavy species from South America. It is native to Brazil, and can be found in the Amazon rainforest....
Rock Cavy
The rock cavy or mocó, Kerodon rupestris, is a cavy species endemic to eastern Brazil, from eastern Piauí state to Minas Gerais state...
Kerodon rupestris LC
Dasyproctidae is a family of large South American rodents, comprising the agoutis and acouchis. Their fur is a reddish or dark colour above, with a paler underside. They are herbivorous, often feeding on ripe fruit that falls from trees...
(agoutis and acouchis)
- Genus: Dasyprocta
- Azara's AgoutiAzara's AgoutiAzara's Agouti, Dasyprocta azarae, is a South American agouti species from the family Dasyproctidae. It is found in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It is named after Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara.-Behaviour:...
- Azara's Agouti
- Crested AgoutiCrested AgoutiThe Crested Agouti is a species of rodent in the family Dasyproctidae.It is endemic to Suriname. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Dasyprocta cristata DD - Black AgoutiBlack AgoutiThe Black Agouti, Dasyprocta fuliginosa, is a South American agouti species from the family Dasyproctidae. It is found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil. The agouti is the only animal that has sharp enough teeth to crack open the tough shell of a brazil nut, something that similar rodents...
Dasyprocta fuliginosa LC - Orinoco AgoutiOrinoco AgoutiThe Orinoco Agouti is a species of rodent in the family Dasyproctidae.It is endemic to Venezuela....
Dasyprocta guamara NT - Kalinowski AgoutiKalinowski AgoutiKalinowski's Agouti is a species of rodent in the family Dasyproctidae.It is endemic to Peru. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:...
Dasyprocta kalinowskii DD - Brazilian AgoutiBrazilian AgoutiThe Brazilian Agouti, Dasyprocta leporina, is a South American agouti species from the family Dasyproctidae.It is found in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad & Tobago and Brazil.It has also been introduced to the Lesser Antilles...
Dasyprocta leporina LC - Black-rumped AgoutiBlack-rumped AgoutiThe Black-rumped Agouti, Dasyprocta prymnolopha, is an agouti species from the family Dasyproctidae. It is an endemic species found only in the northeast portion of Brazil.-References:*...
Dasyprocta prymnolopha LC - Central American AgoutiCentral American AgoutiThe Central American Agouti is an agouti species from the family Dasyproctidae. The species is widespread in Mesoamerica and South America. The northern section of the range occurs from Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula to northern Ecuador and Colombia and western Venezuela...
Dasyprocta punctata LC
- Red AcouchiRed AcouchiThe Red Acouchi, Myoprocta acouchy, is a species of rodent in the acouchi genus, part of the family Dasyproctidae, from South America. It is found in the Guyanan subregion of Amazonia, including Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil, east of the Rio Branco and mainly north of the Amazon, with...
Green Acouchi
The Green Acouchi, Myoprocta pratti, is a species of rodent in the acouchi genus, part of the family Dasyproctidae, from South America. Its distribution is in western Amazonia, west of the Rios Negro and Madeira, in northwestern Brazil, northeastern Peru, eastern Ecuador, southeastern Colombia, and...
Myoprocta pratti LC
The Lowland Paca , also known as the Spotted Paca, is a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical America, from East-Central Mexico to Northern Argentina...
- Genus: CuniculusPacaThe Lowland Paca , also known as the Spotted Paca, is a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical America, from East-Central Mexico to Northern Argentina...
- Lowland Paca Cuniculus paca LC
- Mountain PacaMountain PacaThe Mountain Paca is a small burrow-dwelling rodent whose habitats are high altitude South American forests. Pacas are nocturnal, sedentary, and solitary animals with territorial tendencies. It eats mostly fruits and seeds...
Cuniculus taczanowskii NT
- Genus: Ctenomys
- Argentine Tuco-tucoArgentine Tuco-tucoThe Argentine Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Argentina....
- Argentine Tuco-tuco
- Southern Tuco-tucoSouthern Tuco-tucoThe Southern Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys australis EN - Azara's Tuco-tucoAzara's Tuco-tucoAzara's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina. It is named after Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara....
Ctenomys azarae VU - Berg's Tuco-tucoBerg's tuco-tucoBerg's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae, named after the Latvian-Argentine biologist Frederico Guillermo Carlos Berg. It is endemic to central Argentina. Its habitat is grassy areas overlying sand dunes....
Ctenomys bergi VU - Bolivian Tuco-tucoBolivian Tuco-tucoThe Bolivian Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay....
Ctenomys boliviensis LC - Bonetto's Tuco-tucoBonetto's Tuco-tucoBonetto's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys bonettoi EN - Brazilian Tuco-tucoBrazilian Tuco-tucoThe Brazilian Tuco-tuco, Ctenomys brasiliensis, is a tuco-tuco species from South America. It is found mainly in Brazil, though Charles Darwin mentions it during his trip through present Uruguay...
Ctenomys brasiliensis DD - Budin's Tuco-tucoBudin's tuco-tucoBudin's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to northern Argentina. It is viewed as possibly being a subspecies of C. frater. The species is named after Emilio Budin, an Argentine specimen collector who worked with Oldfield Thomas....
Ctenomys budini DD - Colburn's Tuco-tucoColburn's Tuco-tucoColburn's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is known only from Argentina....
Ctenomys colburni DD - Puntilla Tuco-tucoPuntilla tuco-tucoThe Puntilla tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to central Argentina. The common name of the species comes from the municipality of La Puntilla at the type locality....
Ctenomys coludo DD - Conover's Tuco-tucoConover's Tuco-tucoConover's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay....
Ctenomys conoveri LC - Coyhaique Tuco-tucoCoyhaique tuco-tucoThe Coyhaique tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to southern Chile. The name comes from the Chilean province and municipality of Coyhaique....
Ctenomys coyhaiquensis DD - D'Orbigny's Tuco-tucoD'Orbigny's tuco-tucoD'Orbigny's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae, named after French naturalist Alcide d'Orbigny. It is found in northeast Argentina....
Ctenomys dorbignyi NT - Chacoan Tuco-tucoChacoan Tuco-tucoThe Chacoan Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Paraguay....
Ctenomys dorsalis DD - Emily's Tuco-tucoEmily's Tuco-tucoEmily's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:*Woods, C. A. and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2005. Hystricognathi. pp 1538–1600 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference 3rd ed. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds....
Ctenomys emilianus NT - Famatina Tuco-tucoFamatina tuco-tucoThe Famatina tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to northern Argentina. The common name of the species comes from the municipality, department and mountain range of the same name at the type locality....
Ctenomys famosus DD - Flamarion's Tuco-tucoFlamarion's tuco-tucoFlamarion's tuco-tuco, Ctenomys flamarioni, is a South American rodent species of the family Ctenomyidae. It is found in coastal dunes of southern Brazil. The species is threatened by habitat loss due to dune removal and urbanization. It is named after Brazilian biologist Luiz Flamarion B. de...
Ctenomys flamarioni EN - Foch's Tuco-tucoFoch's tuco-tucoFoch's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to northwestern Argentina, where it is known from southwestern Catamarca Province. The species is named after World War I general Ferdinand Foch....
Ctenomys fochi DD - Lago Blanco Tuco-tucoLago Blanco tuco-tucoThe Lago Blanco tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is known only from the Lago Blanco area in southern Argentina....
Ctenomys fodax DD - Reddish Tuco-tucoReddish Tuco-tucoThe Reddish Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Bolivia. It's conservation status was accessed as "Least Concern" by the IUCN in 1996....
Ctenomys frater LC - Tawny Tuco-tucoTawny Tuco-tucoThe Tawny Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile....
Ctenomys fulvus LC - Goodfellow's Tuco-tucoGoodfellow's tuco-tucoGoodfellow's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Bolivia, where it is found in the Chiquitano dry forest ecoregion, bordering on the cerrado. The species is named after British collector Walter Goodfellow....
Ctenomys goodfellowi LC - Haig's Tuco-tucoHaig's Tuco-tucoHaig's tuco-tuco , known regionally as the Patagonian tuco-tuco, is a South American hystricognath rodent. Like other tuco-tucos it is subterranean and thus not often observed, although the "tuc-tuc" call of the males can be heard near burrow sites, especially in early morning. Like most species...
Ctenomys haigi LC - San Juan Tuco-tucoSan Juan tuco-tucoThe San Juan tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to west central Argentina, where it is known only from southern San Juan Province....
Ctenomys johannis DD - Jujuy Tuco-tucoJujuy tuco-tucoThe Jujuy tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is known only from one location in Jujuy Province in northern Argentina....
Ctenomys juris DD - Catamarca Tuco-tucoCatamarca Tuco-tucoThe Catamarca Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:...
Ctenomys knighti DD - Lami Tuco-tucoLami tuco-tucoThe Lami tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to an area in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil, where it is found in the vicinity of sand dunes. The species is threatened by urbanization and the conversion of its habitat to agricultural use...
Ctenomys lami VU - Mottled Tuco-tucoMottled Tuco-tucoThe Mottled Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland....
Ctenomys latro VU - White-toothed Tuco-tucoWhite-toothed Tuco-tucoThe white-toothed tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru....
Ctenomys leucodon LC - Lewis's Tuco-tucoLewis's Tuco-tucoLewis's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Bolivia....
Ctenomys lewisi LC - Magellanic Tuco-tucoMagellanic Tuco-tucoThe Magellanic Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland....
Ctenomys magellanicus VU - Maule Tuco-tucoMaule Tuco-tucoThe Maule Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile....
Ctenomys maulinus LC - Mendoza Tuco-tucoMendoza Tuco-tucoThe Mendoza Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys mendocinus LC - Tiny Tuco-tuco Ctenomys minutus DD
- Furtive Tuco-tucoFurtive Tuco-tucoThe Furtive Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:...
Ctenomys occultus EN - Highland Tuco-tucoHighland Tuco-tucoThe Highland Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru....
Ctenomys opimus LC - Reig's Tuco-tucoReig's tuco-tucoReig's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to central Argentina, where it is known only from a grassland location in Cordoba Province at an elevation above 2000 m in the Sierras Grandes. The species is threatened by disruption of its habitat by fire and sheep...
Ctenomys osvaldoreigi CR - Ctenomys paraguayensis
- Pearson's Tuco-tucoPearson's Tuco-tucoPearson's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Uruguay....
Ctenomys pearsoni NT - Goya Tuco-tucoGoya Tuco-tucoThe Goya Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys perrensi LC - Peruvian Tuco-tucoPeruvian Tuco-tucoThe Peruvian Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Peru.-References:*Woods, C. A. and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2005. Hystricognathi. pp 1538–1600 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference 3rd ed. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds....
Ctenomys peruanus LC - Pilar Tuco-tucoPilar tuco-tucoThe Pilar tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is found in Ñeembucú and Misiones Departments in southern Paraguay, east of the city of Pilar. The species lives in areas with sandy soil. It is present in a few isolated populations and is threatened by conversion of its...
Ctenomys pilarensis EN - San Luis Tuco-tucoSan Luis Tuco-tucoThe San Luis Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys pontifex DD - Porteous's Tuco-tucoPorteous's Tuco-tucoPorteous's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Argentina. The species is named after Lieutenant Colonel John James Porteous and his nephew Don Cecil John Montague Porteous , who owned land in Argentina....
Ctenomys porteousi NT - Pundt's tuco-tucoPundt's tuco-tucoPundt's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to the pampas of southern Córdoba and San Luis Provinces in central Argentina. The species is named after Argentine landowner and collector Moritz Pundt. It has a fragmented population and is threatened by conversion...
Ctenomys pundti VU - Rio Negro Tuco-tucoRio Negro tuco-tucoThe Rio Negro tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is found in a small fragmented range in Entre Ríos Province in northeastern Argentina and in the Río Negro Department of western Uruguay. It is restricted to sand dunes, and is threatened by the conversion of this habitat...
Ctenomys rionegrensis EN - Roig's Tuco-tucoRoig's tuco-tucoRoig's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to a small region near the Paraná River in Corrientes Province, northeastern Argentina, where lives on sand dunes, and near rivers. Development is degrading and shrinking this habitat, threatening the rodent's...
Ctenomys roigi CR - Salta Tuco-tucoSalta Tuco-tucoThe Salta Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys saltarius DD - Scaglia's Tuco-tucoScaglia's tuco-tucoScaglia's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to a locality in Tucumán Province, northern Argentina. The species is named after Argentine naturalist Galileo Juan Scaglia ....
Ctenomys scagliai DD - Silky Tuco-tucoSilky Tuco-tucoThe Silky Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:...
Ctenomys sericeus DD - Social Tuco-tucoSocial Tuco-tucoThe Social Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry lowland grassland....
Ctenomys sociabilis CR - Steinbach's Tuco-tucoSteinbach's Tuco-tucoSteinbach's Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Bolivia. The species is named after zoological collector Dr. José Steinbach ....
Ctenomys steinbachi LC - Forest Tuco-tucoForest tuco-tucoThe forest tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to Salta and southeast Jujuy Provinces in northwest Argentina....
Ctenomys sylvanus DD - Talas Tuco-tucoTalas Tuco-tucoThe Talas Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys talarum LC - Collared Tuco-tucoCollared Tuco-tucoThe Collared Tuco-tuco, Ctenomys torquatus, is a tuco-tuco species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Uruguay.-References:*...
Ctenomys torquatus LC - Robust Tuco-tucoRobust Tuco-tucoThe Robust Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:...
Ctenomys tuconax DD - Tucuman Tuco-tucoTucuman Tuco-tucoThe Tucuman Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina....
Ctenomys tucumanus DD - Sierra Tontal Tuco-tucoSierra Tontal tuco-tucoThe Sierra Tontal tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is known only from a small locality in the Sierra del Tontal, San Juan Province, west central Argentina....
Ctenomys tulduco DD - Strong Tuco-tucoStrong Tuco-tucoThe Strong Tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae.It is endemic to Argentina.-References:...
Ctenomys validus DD - Vipos Tuco-tucoVipos tuco-tucoThe Vipos tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. It is endemic to northern Tucumán Province in northern Argentina. It's common name is a reference to the city of Vipos in the area....
Ctenomys viperinus DD - Yolanda's Tuco-tucoYolanda's tuco-tucoYolanda's tuco-tuco is a species of rodent in the family Ctenomyidae. The species is endemic to Santa Fe Province, northeast Argentina where it lives near rivers. It is named after Argentine biologist Yolanda Davis....
Ctenomys yolandae DD
The Octodontidae are a family of rodents, restricted to south-western South America. Thirteen species of octodontid are recognised, arranged in nine genera. The best known species is the Degu, Octodon degus....
- Genus: AconaemysAconaemysAconaemys is a genus of rodent in the Octodontidae family.It contains the following species:* Chilean Rock Rat * Porter’s Rock Rat * Sage's Rock Rat - References :...
- Chilean Rock RatChilean Rock RatThe Chilean Rock Rat is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile.-References:...
- Chilean Rock Rat
- Porter's Rock RatPorter's Rock RatPorter's Rock Rat is a species of rodent in the Octodontidae family. It is found in Argentina and Chile at altitudes between 900 and 2,000 meters above sea level....
Aconaemys porteri DD - Sage's Rock RatSage's Rock RatSage's Rock Rat is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae.It is found in Argentina and possibly Chile.-References:...
Aconaemys sagei DD
Octodon is a genus of octodontid rodents, of which the best-known member is the degu O. degus. The full list of species is:* O. bridgesi, Bridge's Degu, found in Argentina and Chile...
- Bridges's Degu
The degu is a small caviomorph rodent that is endemic to central Chile.It is sometimes referred to as the brush-tailed rat, and is also called the common degu, to distinguish it from the other members of the genus Octodon. Other members are also called degus, but they are distinguished by...
Octodon degus LC
Moon-toothed Degu
The Moon-toothed degu is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is endemic to Chile, occurring in mountainous areas along the Pacific coast in the central part of the country.-Biology and physiology:...
Octodon lunatus VU
Pacific Degu
The Pacific degu , also known as the Mocha Island degu, is a species of rodent in the Octodontidae family. It is endemic to Chile. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss. It was classified in 1994 by Dr...
Octodon pacificus CR
- Mountain DeguMountain DeguThe Mountain Degu is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is monotypic within the genus Octodontomys. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile....
- Viscacha RatViscacha RatThe viscacha rat , or mountain viscacha rat, is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is endemic to Chile and Argentina.It is the only living species within the genus Octomys...
The Golden Vizcacha Rat ' is the single species of the genus Pipanacoctomys of the rodent family Octodontidae. This animal is tetraploid and has 4x = 2n = 92 chromosomes...
- Golden Vizcacha Rat
- Chalchalero Vizcacha RatChalchalero vizcacha ratThe Chalchalero vizcacha rat is a species of caviomorph rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is monotypic within the genus Salinoctomys. The species is endemic to a small area of northwestern Argentina, where it lives in shrublands bordering the salt flats of the Salinas Grandes. Its diet...
- CoruroCoruroThe Coruro is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is monotypic within the genus Spalacopus. The species is endemic to central Chile, where it has been found in a wide variety of habitats, from coastal to montane. It is fossorial and lives in colonies....
- Plains Viscacha RatPlains Viscacha RatThe Plains Viscacha Rat or Red Vizcacha Rat is a species of rodent in the family Octodontidae. It is monotypic within the genus Tympanoctomys. It is endemic to central western Argentina, where it has a fragmented range. Its natural habitat is desert scrubland, dunes and salt flats, where it eats...
- Genus: AbrocomaAbrocomaAbrocoma is a genus of abrocomid rodents found in the Andes of South America, from southern Peru to central Chile. The genus contains eight species, most of which are found in isolated mountain ranges in northwestern Argentina.- Species :...
- Bennett's Chinchilla RatBennett's Chinchilla RatBennett's Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the Abrocomidae family.It is found only in Chile.-References:...
- Bennett's Chinchilla Rat
- Bolivian Chinchilla RatBolivian Chinchilla RatThe Bolivian Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the Abrocomidae family. It is found only in Manuel María Caballero Province, Bolivia...
Abrocoma boliviensis CR - Budin's Chinchilla RatBudin's Chinchilla RatBudin's Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae. Found only in Argentina, the categorization of this species was based on analysis a single specimen. In 2002, Braun and Mares from the University of Oklahoma examined this specimen and confirmed it to be a separate...
Abrocoma budini DD - Ashy Chinchilla RatAshy Chinchilla RatThe Ashy Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae.They are found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-Description:...
Abrocoma cinerea LC - Famatina Chinchilla RatFamatina Chinchilla RatThe Famatina Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae found only in Argentina....
Abrocoma famatina DD - Sierra del Tontal Chinchilla RatSierra del Tontal Chinchilla RatThe Sierra del Tontal Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae. Found only in Argentina, this species was once thought to be part of Abrocoma cinerea. In 2002, Braun and Mares from the University of Oklahoma confirmed it to be a separate species....
Abrocoma schistacea DD - Uspallata Chinchilla RatUspallata Chinchilla RatThe Uspallata Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae native to Argentina. This species was identified in 2002, by Braun and Mares from the University of Oklahoma. Only a single specimen exists....
Abrocoma uspallata DD - Punta de Vacas Chinchilla RatPunta de Vacas Chinchilla RatThe Punta de Vacas Chinchilla Rat also known as the Mendozan Chinchilla Rat is a species of chinchilla rat in the family Abrocomidae. Found only in Argentina, this species was once thought to be part of Abrocoma cinerea...
Abrocoma vaccarum DD
- Subfamily: Dactylomyinae
- Genus: Kannabateomys
- Atlantic Bamboo Rat
- Genus: Kannabateomys
- Genus: DactylomysDactylomysDactylomys is the genus of South American bamboo rats or coro-coros. Coro-coros are arboreal members of the family Echimyidae. This genus contains three species....
- Bolivian Bamboo RatBolivian Bamboo RatThe Bolivian Bamboo Rat, Dactylomys boliviensis, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Peru.-References:*...
- Bolivian Bamboo Rat
- Amazon Bamboo RatAmazon bamboo ratFor Asian bamboo rats , see Bamboo rat.The Amazon bamboo rat is a species of spiny rat from the Amazon Basin of South America. It is also referred to as coro-coro, Toró, Rato-do-Bambú, or Rata del Bambú in different parts of its range...
Dactylomys dactylinus LC - Montane Bamboo RatMontane Bamboo RatThe Montane Bamboo Rat , or Peruvian Bamboo Rat, is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It is found in Bolivia and Peru.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.-References:...
Dactylomys peruanus DD
Olallamys is the genus of Andean soft-furred spiny rat that range from Panama through Colombia and Venezuela to northern Ecuador. These species are typically found at elevations above 2000 meters.*Genus Olallamys...
- White-tailed Olalla RatWhite-tailed Olalla RatThe White-tailed Olalla Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:...
Greedy Olalla Rat
The Greedy Olalla Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:...
Olallamys edax DD
- Genus: Callistomys
- Painted Tree-rat
Diplomys is a genus of rodent in the Echimyidae family. They are found in Ecuador, Colombia and Panama.It contains the following species:* Arboreal Soft-furred Spiny Rat * Rufous Tree Rat...
- Colombian Soft-furred Spiny-ratColombian Soft-furred Spiny-ratThe Colombian Soft-furred Spiny-rat , or Arboreal Soft-furred Spiny-rat, is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It is found in Colombia and Ecuador....
Rufous Soft-furred Spiny-rat
The Rufous Soft-furred Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.-References:...
Diplomys labilis LC
Red Crested Soft-furred Spiny-rat
The Red-crested Tree Rat, also called the Red Crested Soft-furred Spiny-rat is a unique monotypic genus of rodent in the Echimyidae family. Originally described as Isothrix rufodorsalis in 1899, it was placed in the genus Diplomys in 1935...
Diplomys rufodorsalis DD
Echimys is a genus of spiny rat. Members of the genus are collectively called Spiny Tree-rats as they are arboreal and have pronounced spines.-Classification:The genus contains three extant species...
- White-faced Spiny Tree-rat
Dark Spiny Tree-rat
The Dark Spiny Tree-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It is found in Ecuador and Peru....
Echimys saturnus DD
The toros or brush-tailed rats, genus Isothrix, are a group of spiny rats found in tropical South America, particularly in the Amazon Basin.-Description:...
Isothrix barbarabrownae
Isothrix barbarabrownae is a recently discovered species of rodent most closely related to the spiny rat. It was discovered in Peru, and is about the same size as a large squirrel, such as a Eurasian red squirrel. It inhabits the Peruvian cloud forest, where it forages for fruit and nuts...
Yellow-crowned Brush-tailed Rat
The Yellow-crowned Brush-tailed Rat, Isothrix bistriata, is a South American brush-tailed rat species from the Echimyidae family. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru and Venezuela....
Isothrix bistriata LC
Plain Brush-tailed Rat
The Plain Brush-tailed Rat, Isothrix pagurus, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Isothrix pagurus LC
Sinnamary Brush-tailed Rat
The Sinnamary Brush-tailed Rat , or Brush-tailed Rat, is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in French Guiana, Guyana, and possibly Suriname. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Isothrix sinnamariensis LC
Makalata is a genus of rodents in the family Echimyidae.It contains the following species:* Brazilian Spiny Tree Rat * Long-tailed Armored Tree-rat * Dusky Spiny Tree Rat...
Brazilian Spiny Tree Rat
The Brazilian Spiny Tree Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela, where it lives in lowland tropical rainforest. There is also a population in Ecuador which is referable either to this species or to Makalata...
Makalata didelphoides LC
Dusky Spiny Tree Rat
The Dusky Spiny Tree Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Brazil....
Makalata obscura DD
Peruvian Tree Rat
The Peruvian Tree Rat is a species of rodent in the family Echimyidae. It is found in northeastern Peru and adjacent Ecuador, where it is found in the Amazon rainforest. It is nocturnal and arboreal....
Makalata rhipidura DD
Pattonomys is a genus of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It contains the following species:* Bare-tailed Armored Tree-rat * Speckled Spiny Tree-rat...
- Bare-tailed Armored Tree-ratBare-tailed Armored Tree-ratThe Bare-tailed Armored Tree-rat is a species of arboreal rodent in the family Echimyidae. It is found in lowland tropical rainforest east of the Andes in Ecuador and Peru....
Speckled Spiny Tree-rat
The Speckled Spiny Tree-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in northern Colombia and Venezuela. It is found in gallery forest and dry forest. Its diet includes fruit and seeds....
Pattonomys semivillosus LC
Phyllomys is a genus of arboreal spiny rat, geographically restricted to the forests of eastern Brazil . There are thirteen named species in the genus...
- Golden Atlantic Tree-ratGolden Atlantic Tree-ratThe Golden Atlantic Tree-rat, Phyllomys blainvillii, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Orange-brown Atlantic Tree-rat
The Orange-brown Atlantic Tree-rat, Phyllomys brasiliensis, or Red-nosed Tree Rat, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Phyllomys brasiliensis EN
Drab Atlantic Tree-rat
The Drab Atlantic Tree-rat, Phyllomys dasythrix, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Phyllomys dasythrix LC
Pallid Atlantic Tree-rat
The Pallid Atlantic Tree-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is a species of spiny rat. It is endemic to Brazil, where it is found from Paraiba to Minas Gerais.-References:* Woods, C.A. & Kilpatrick, C.W....
Phyllomys lamarum DD
Black-spined Atlantic tree-rat
The black-spined Atlantic tree-rat, Phyllomys nigrispinus, is a South American spiny rat species in the family Echimyidae. It is found in southeastern Brazil, where it inhabits moist broadleaf forest and semideciduous forest in the Atlantic Forest region. It is arboreal and is believed to build...
Phyllomys nigrispinus LC
Giant Atlantic Tree-rat
The Giant Atlantic Tree-rat, Phyllomys thomasi, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Phyllomys thomasi EN
Short-furred Atlantic Tree-rat
The Short-furred Atlantic Tree-rat, Phyllomys unicolor, or Wagner's Atlantic Tree Rat, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Phyllomys unicolor CR
- Giant Tree RatGiant Tree RatThe Giant Tree Rat , Toromys grandis, formerly known as Echimys grandis, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in flooded forest on both sides of the Amazon in Brazil. It is the only species in the genus Toromys.-References:*Iack-Ximenes, De Vivo & Percequillo 2005...
- Genus: Carterodon
- Owl's Spiny RatOwl's Spiny RatOwl's Spiny Rat, Carterodon sulcidens, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil. It is the only species in the genus Carterodon.-References:*...
- Owl's Spiny Rat
Clyomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains two species, found in Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat * Broad-headed Spiny Rat...
- Bishop's Fossorial Spiny RatBishop's Fossorial Spiny RatBishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat, Clyomys bishopi, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Euryzygomatomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains two species, found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Brandt's Guiara...
- Brandt's GuiaraBrandt's GuiaraBrandt's Guiara, Euryzygomatomys guiara, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
- Armored RatArmored RatThe Armored Rat is a species of rodent in the family Echimyidae. It is monotypic within the genus Hoplomys. It is found in Latin America, from northern Honduras to northwest Ecuador...
- Tuft-tailed Spiny Tree Rat
Mesomys is a genus of South American spiny rats in the family Echimyidae....
- Ferreira's Spiny Tree-rat
Woolly-headed Spiny Tree-rat
The Woolly-headed Spiny Tree-rat is a species of rodent in the family Echimyidae. It is endemic to Peru.-References:...
Mesomys leniceps DD
Proechimys is a genus of South American spiny rats of the family Echimyidae....
- Short-tailed Spiny-ratShort-tailed Spiny-ratThe Short-tailed Spiny-rat, Proechimys brevicauda, or Huallaga Spiny Rat, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.-References:*...
Colombian Spiny-rat
The Colombian Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:...
Proechimys canicollis LC
Boyacá Spiny Rat
The Boyacá Spiny Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia.-References:...
Proechimys chrysaeolus DD
Pacific Spiny-rat
The Pacific Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:...
Proechimys decumanus VU
Guaira Spiny-rat
The Guaira Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Venezuela.-References:...
Proechimys guairae LC
Guyenne Spiny-rat
The Guyenne Spiny-rat, Proechimys guyannensis, or Cayenne Spiny Rat, is a spiny rat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guyana, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela.-References:*...
Proechimys guyannensis LC
Magdalena Spiny Rat
The Magdalena Spiny Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia.-References:...
Proechimys magdalenae DD
Minca Spiny Rat
The Minca Spiny Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia.-References:*Woods, C. A. and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2005. Hystricognathi. Pp 1538-1600 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference 3rd ed. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds....
Proechimys mincae DD
O'Connell's Spiny-rat
O'Connell's Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia.-References:...
Proechimys oconnelli DD
Gray-footed Spiny-rat
The Gray-footed Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:...
Proechimys poliopus VU
Tome's Spiny-rat
Tome's Spiny-rat , also known as the Central American spiny rat, is a species of spiny rat distributed from Honduras to Ecuador. The IUCN classifies it as least concern under P. semispinosus and near threatened as P. gorgonae.-References:*Woods, C. A. and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2005. Hystricognathi...
Proechimys semispinosus LC
Trinidad Spiny Rat
The Trinidad Spiny Rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Trinidad and Tobago....
Proechimys trinitatis DD
Sucre Spiny-rat
The Sucre Spiny-rat is a species of rodent in the Echimyidae family. It is endemic to Venezuela.-References:*Woods, C. A. and C. W. Kilpatrick. 2005. Hystricognathi. Pp 1538-1600 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference 3rd ed. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds....
Proechimys urichi LC
Thrichomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains three species, found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Common Punaré * Highlands Punaré...
- Common Punaré
Highlands punaré
The highlands punaré, Thrichomys inermis, is a caviomorph rodent of South America from the spiny rat family. It is endemic to gallery forest, savanna and rocky outcrop habitats in Bahia State within the cerrado ecoregion of eastern Brazil....
Thrichomys inermis LC
Paraguayan punaré
The Paraguayan punaré, Thrichomys pachyurus, is a caviomorph rodent of South America from the spiny rat family. It is found in savannas and forest edges in southwestern Brazil and northern Paraguay within the cerrado ecoregion.-References:*...
Thrichomys pachyurus LC
Trinomys is a genus of South American spiny rats in the family Echimyidae.- Extant species of Trinomys according to Natureserve :...
- White-spined Atlantic Spiny-rat
- Genus: Myocastor
- CoypuCoypuThe coypu , , also known as the river rat, and nutria, is a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent and the only member of the family Myocastoridae. Originally native to subtropical and temperate South America, it has since been introduced to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, primarily by...
- Coypu

- Suborder: SciuromorphaSciuromorphaThe term Sciuromorpha has referred to numerous groups of rodents, but the only family common to all variations is the Sciuridae, the squirrels. Most definitions also include the Mountain Beaver....
- Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
- Subfamily: Sciurillinae
- Genus: Sciurillus
- Neotropical Pygmy SquirrelNeotropical Pygmy SquirrelThe Neotropical pygmy squirrel is a very small tree squirrel, being the only living species in the genus Sciurillus and the subfamily Sciurillinae...
- Neotropical Pygmy Squirrel
- Genus: Sciurillus
- Subfamily: Sciurillinae
- Subfamily: SciurinaeSciurinaeThe Sciurinae is a subfamily of squirrels in the . It unites the flying squirrels with certain related tree squirrels. Older sources place the flying squirrels in a separate subfamily and unite all remaining sciurids into the subfamily Sciurinae, but this has been strongly refuted by genetic...
- Tribe: SciuriniSciuriniSciurini is a tribe that includes about forty species of squirrels, mostly from the Americas. It includes five living genera—the American dwarf squirrels, Microsciurus; the Bornean Rheithrosciurus; the widespread American and Eurasian tree squirrels of the genus Sciurus, which includes some of the...
- Genus: MicrosciurusMicrosciurusMicrosciurus or dwarf squirrels is a genus of squirrels from the tropical regions of Central and South America.There are four recognized species, however, recent DNA analysis has shown that there is some confusion regarding the traditional classification of the Microsciurus species:Genus...
- Central American Dwarf SquirrelCentral American Dwarf SquirrelThe Central American dwarf squirrel is a small tree squirrel in the genus Microsciurus and tribe Sciurini found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama....
- Central American Dwarf Squirrel
- Amazon Dwarf SquirrelAmazon Dwarf SquirrelThe Amazon dwarf squirrel or Guianan squirrel is a small chipmunk-size tree squirrel in the genus Microsciurus and tribe Sciurini found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It is diurnal and arboreal, coming to ground from time to time. Its diet consists of fruit, the latex of certain...
Microsciurus flaviventer DD - Western Dwarf SquirrelWestern Dwarf SquirrelThe western dwarf squirrel is a small tree squirrel in the genus Microsciurus and tribe Sciurini found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama....
Microsciurus mimulus LC - Santander Dwarf SquirrelSantander Dwarf SquirrelThe Santander dwarf squirrel Microsciurus santanderensis is a small tree squirrel endemic to Colombia....
Microsciurus santanderensis DD
- Genus: Microsciurus
- Genus: SciurusSciurusThe genus Sciurus contains most of the common, bushy-tailed squirrels in North America, Europe, temperate Asia, Central America and South America.-Species:There are 30 species.Genus Sciurus - Tree squirrels*Subgenus Sciurus...
- Brazilian SquirrelBrazilian SquirrelThe Brazilian squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to South America. It is found in North-eastern Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and Venezuela....
- Brazilian Squirrel
- South Yungas Red Squirrel Sciurus argentinius
- Fiery SquirrelFiery SquirrelThe Fiery Squirrel is a species of rodent in the Sciuridae family. It is endemic to Venezuela.-References:*Thorington, R. W. and R. S. Hoffmann. 2005. Family Sciuridae. Pp 754-818 in Mammal Species of the World A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore....
Sciurus flammifer DD - Yellow-throated SquirrelYellow-throated SquirrelThe yellow-throated squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to South America. It is found in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela....
Sciurus gilvigularis DD - Red-tailed SquirrelRed-tailed SquirrelThe red-tailed Squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to South America. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela....
Sciurus granatensis LC - Bolivian SquirrelBolivian SquirrelThe Bolivian squirrel is a tree squirrel in the family Sciuridae endemic to South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru at elevations up to in the Andes region.-References:...
Sciurus ignitus DD - Northern Amazon Red SquirrelNorthern Amazon Red SquirrelThe Northern Amazon Red Squirrel, Sciurus igniventris, is a squirrel species from South America. It occurs in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela....
Sciurus igniventris LC - Atlantic Forest Squirrel Sciurus ingramiSciurus ingramiSciurus ingrami, commonly known as Ingram's squirrel and serelepe, is a squirrel found in South America regarded variously as a species or as a subspecies of the Brazilian squirrel. It is solitary and territorial, but has been seen to act together and mob a predatory cat, the margay....
- Andean SquirrelAndean SquirrelThe Andean squirrel is a tree squirrel endemic to Colombia.The Andean squirrel is a typical tree squirrel, in its general proportions resembling the Eastern grey squirrel of North America. However, it is much smaller, with a body length of only about , and a tail. Although there are few records...
Sciurus pucheranii DD - Junín Red SquirrelJunín Red SquirrelThe Junín Red Squirrel is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae. It is endemic to Peru.-References:*Thorington, R. W. and R. S. Hoffmann. 2005. Family Sciuridae. pp 754–818 in Mammal Species of the World A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore....
Sciurus pyrrhinus DD - Sanborn's SquirrelSanborn's SquirrelSanborn's squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to Peru. Its natural habitat is Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests....
Sciurus sanborni DD - Southern Amazon Red SquirrelSouthern Amazon Red SquirrelThe Southern Amazon Red Squirrel, Sciurus spadiceus, is a squirrel species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.This species is fairly large in size and has a reddish brown pelage.-References:...
Sciurus spadiceus LC - Guayaquil SquirrelGuayaquil SquirrelThe Guayaquil squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus endemic to Ecuador and Peru....
Sciurus stramineus LC
- Tribe: Sciurini
- Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
Castorimorpha is the suborder of rodents containing the beavers, the pocket gophers, and the kangaroo rats and mice.-Taxonomy:*Suborder Castorimorpha**Superfamily Castoroidea***Family †Eutypomyidae***Family Castoridae - beavers...
- Family: Geomyidae
- Genus: OrthogeomysOrthogeomysOrthogeomys is a genus of rodent in the Geomyidae family, found in Mexico, Central America and Colombia.It contains the following species:* Chiriqui Pocket Gopher * Cherrie's Pocket Gopher...
- Thaeler's Pocket GopherThaeler's Pocket GopherThe Thaeler's Pocket Gopher is a species of rodent in the Geomyidae family. It is endemic to Colombia....
- Thaeler's Pocket Gopher
- Genus: Orthogeomys
The family of rodents that include kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice and rock pocket mice is the Heteromyidae family. Most heteromyids live in complex burrows within the deserts and grasslands of western North America, though species within the Heteromys and Liomys genera are also found in forests and...
- Subfamily: Heteromyinae
- Genus: HeteromysHeteromysHeteromys is a genus of rodent in the family Heteromyidae.It contains the following species:* Trinidad Spiny Pocket Mouse * Southern Spiny Pocket Mouse...
- Trinidad Spiny Pocket MouseTrinidad Spiny Pocket MouseThe Trinidad Spiny Pocket Mouse is a species of rodent in the Heteromyidae family. It is found in Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela....
- Trinidad Spiny Pocket Mouse
- Southern Spiny Pocket MouseSouthern Spiny Pocket MouseThe Southern Spiny Pocket Mouse is a species of rodent in the Heteromyidae family. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama....
Heteromys australis LC - Overlook Spiny Pocket Mouse Heteromys catopterius DD
- Desmarest's Spiny Pocket MouseDesmarest's Spiny Pocket MouseDesmarest's Spiny Pocket Mouse is a species of rodent in the Heteromyidae family. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama....
Heteromys desmarestianus LC - Paraguaná Spiny Pocket MouseParaguaná spiny pocket mouseThe Paraguaná spiny pocket mouse is a species of rodent in the Heteromyidae family. It is known from two localities within the mostly arid Paraguaná Peninsula in Venezuela that provide mesic habitat with evergreen and semideciduous vegetation, such as terrestrial bromeliads....
Heteromys oasicus EN - Ecuadoran Spiny Pocket MouseEcuadoran spiny pocket mouseThe Ecuadoran spiny pocket mouse is a species of rodent in the Heteromyidae family. It is endemic to central western Ecuador, where it is found at elevations from sea level to 2000 m on the coastal plain and western slopes of the Andes...
Heteromys teleus VU
- Genus: Heteromys

- Suborder: MyomorphaMyomorphaSuborder Myomorpha contains 1,137 species of mouse-like rodents, nearly a quarter of all mammal species. Included are mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings and voles. They are grouped according to the structure of the jaw and the structure of the molar teeth. Both their medial and lateral...
- Family: CricetidaeCricetidaeThe Cricetidae are a family of rodents in the large and complex superfamily Muroidea. It includes true hamsters, voles, lemmings, and New World rats and mice...
- Subfamily: TylomyinaeTylomyinaeThe subfamily Tylomyinae consists of several species of New World rats and mice including the vesper and climbing rats. They are not as well known as their relatives in the subfamilies Sigmodontinae and Neotominae...
- Genus: TylomysTylomysTylomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Chiapan Climbing Rat * Fulvous-bellied Climbing Rat * Mira Climbing Rat...
- Mira Climbing RatMira Climbing RatThe Mira Climbing Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.-References:...
- Mira Climbing Rat
- Genus: Tylomys
- Subfamily: Tylomyinae
- Subfamily: NeotominaeNeotominaeNeotominae is a subfamily of the family Cricetidae. It consists of four tribes, 16 genera, and many species of New World rats and mice, predominantly found in North America. Among them are the well-known deer mice, white-footed mice, packrats, and grasshopper mice.Neotomines are related to the...
- Genus: ReithrodontomysReithrodontomysReithrodontomys is the genus of groove-toothed New World harvest mice.-Species:This genus contains twenty species:*Guerrero Harvest Mouse *Short-Nosed Harvest Mouse...
- Mexican Harvest MouseMexican Harvest MouseThe Mexican Harvest Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama in a variety of habitats at altitudes from sea level to 3800 m.-References:*Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton....
- Mexican Harvest Mouse
- Genus: Reithrodontomys
- Family: Cricetidae
- Subfamily: SigmodontinaeSigmodontinaeThe subfamily Sigmodontinae is one of the most diverse groups of mammals. It includes New World rats and mice, with at least 376 species. Many authorities include the Neotominae and Tylomyinae as part of a larger definition of Sigmodontinae. When those genera are included, the species count...
- Genus: Abrawayaomys
- Ruschi's RatRuschi's RatRuschi's Rat , Abrawayaomys ruschii, is a rodent species found in Argentina and Brazil. Some cranial features suggest it may be an archaic relative of the Thomas's Parmo mouse . The upper parts are greyish yellow with a darker head and yellowish-white underparts...
Abrawayaomys ruschii LC
- Genus: Abrawayaomys
- Genus: AbrothrixAbrothrixAbrothrix is a genus of rodent in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae.It contains the following living species:*Abrothrix andinus*Abrothrix hershkovitzi*Abrothrix illuteus*Abrothrix jelskii*Abrothrix lanosus...
- Andean Altiplano MouseAndean Altiplano MouseAbrothrix andinus, also known as the Andean Altiplano Mouse or Andean Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found in the altiplano habitat of the Andes from central Peru through Bolivia south to Argentina and Chile.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and...
- Andean Altiplano Mouse
- Hershkovitz's Grass MouseHershkovitz's Grass MouseAbrothrix hershkovitzi, also known as Hershkovitz's Grass Mouse or Hershkovitz's Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found only on some remote islands in southern Chile. It is named after American zoologist Philip Hershkovitz.-Literature...
Abrothrix hershkovitzi LC - Gray Grass MouseGray Grass MouseAbrothrix illuteus, also known as the Gray Akodont or Gray Grass Mouse, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found only in northwestern Argentina.-Literature cited:...
Abrothrix illuteus NT - Jelski's Altiplano MouseJelski's Altiplano MouseAbrothrix jelskii, also known as Jelski's Altiplano Mouse, Jelski's Grass Mouse, or the Ornate Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found in the altiplano habitat of the Andes from central Peru through Bolivia into northwestern Argentina. Populations...
Abrothrix jelskii LC - Woolly Grass MouseWoolly Grass MouseAbrothrix lanosus, also known as the Woolly Grass Mouse or Woolly Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in southern Argentina and Chile. It was previously classified in the genus Akodon rather than Abrothrix.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and Carleton, M.D. 2005....
Abrothrix lanosus LC - Long-haired Grass MouseLong-haired Grass MouseAbrothrix longipilis, also known as the Long-haired Grass Mouse or Long-haired Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae....
Abrothrix longipilis LC - Olive Grass MouseOlive Grass MouseAbrothrix olivaceus, also known as the Olive Grass Mouse or Olive Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found from northern Chile into southern Chile and Argentina, including the island of Tierra del Fuego. It has had a complex history in both of the...
Abrothrix olivaceus LC - Sanborn's Grass MouseSanborn's Grass MouseAbrothrix sanborni, also known as Sanborn's Grass Mouse or Sanborn's Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Abrothrix of family Cricetidae. It is found in southern Argentina and Chile, but may not be distinct from A. longipilis....
Abrothrix sanborni NT
Aepeomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Olive Montane Mouse * Reig's Montane Mouse...
- Olive Montane MouseOlive Montane MouseThe Olive Montane Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Venezuela....
Reig's Montane Mouse
Reig's Montane Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela. It is named after Argentine biologist Osvaldo Reig ....
Aepeomys reigi VU
Aegialomys is a genus of oryzomyine rodents from the lowlands and mountains of western Peru and Ecuador, including the Galápagos Islands. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys, but according to cladistic research, the genus is more closely related to a group...
- Galápagos Rice RatGalapagos Rice RatAegialomys galapagoensis, also known as the Galápagos Rice Rat or Galápagos Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae from the Galápagos Islands. It belongs to the genus Aegialomys in tribe Oryzomyini, but was previously placed in Oryzomys as Oryzomys galapagoensis. Its natural...
Yellowish Rice Rat
Aegialomys xanthaeolus, also known as the Yellowish Oryzomys or Yellowish Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It belongs to the genus Aegialomys in tribe Oryzomyini, which was not recognized as distinct from Oryzomys until 2006. It is found in coastal Ecuador and Peru...
Aegialomys xanthaeolus LC
Akodon is a genus consisting of South American grass mice. They mostly occur south of the Amazon Basin and along the Andes north to Venezuela, but are absent from much of the basin itself, the far south of the continent, and the lowlands west of the Andes. Akodon is one of the most species-rich...
- Highland Grass MouseHighland Grass MouseAkodon aerosus, also known as the Highland Grass Mouse or Yungas Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in the eastern Andes from eastern Ecuador through Peru into central Bolivia.-Literature cited:...
Colombian Grass Mouse
Akodon affinis, also known as the Colombian Grass Mouse or Cordillera Occidental Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in the Cordillera Occidental of Colombia.-Literature cited:...
Akodon affinis LC
White-bellied Grass Mouse
Akodon albiventer, also known as the White-bellied Grass Mouse or White-bellied Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae...
Akodon albiventer LC
Azara's Grass Mouse
Akodon azarae, also known as Azara's Akodont or Azara's Grass Mouse, is a rodent species from South America. It is found from southernmost Brazil through Paraguay and Uruguay into eastern Argentina. It is named after Spanish naturalist Félix de Azara.-Literature cited:*D'Elia, G. and Pardinas, U....
Akodon azarae LC
Bogota Grass Mouse
Akodon bogotensis, also known as the Bogotá Grass Mouse or Bogotá Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in the Andes eastern and central Colombia and northwestern Venezuela.-Literature cited:...
Akodon bogotensis LC
Bolivian Grass Mouse
Akodon boliviensis, also known as the Bolivian Grass Mouse or Bolivian Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes from southeastern Peru through Bolivia into northwestern Argentina.-Literature cited:...
Akodon boliviensis LC
Budin's Grass Mouse
Akodon budini, also known as Budin's Akodont or Budin's Grass Mouse, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes of northwestern Argentina and adjacent Bolivia. The species is named after Emilio Budin, an Argentine specimen collector who worked with Oldfield...
Akodon budini LC
Cursor Grass Mouse
The Cursor Grass Mouse or Cursorial Akodont , is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil....
Akodon cursor LC
Day's Grass Mouse
Day's Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Bolivia....
Akodon dayi LC
Dolorous Grass Mouse
The Dolorous Grass Mouse or Córdoba Akodont is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Argentina....
Akodon dolores LC
Smoky Grass Mouse
The Smoky Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia and Peru....
Akodon fumeus LC
Intelligent Grass Mouse
The Intelligent Grass Mouse or Patagonian Akodont is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile.-Bibliography:...
Akodon iniscatus LC
Junin Grass Mouse
The Junín Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:...
Akodon juninensis LC
Koford's Grass Mouse
Koford's Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru. It is named after American biologist Carl B. Koford.-References:...
Akodon kofordi LC
Ecuadorian Grass Mouse
The Ecuadorian Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador....
Akodon latebricola VU
Lindbergh's Grass Mouse
Lindbergh's Grass Mouse, Akodon lindberghi, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:**Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. Pp. 894-1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds....
Akodon lindberghi DD
Altiplano Grass Mouse
The Altiplano Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia, and Peru.-References:...
Akodon lutescens LC
Thespian Grass Mouse
The Thespian Grass Mouse or Hocicudo-like Akodont is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru....
Akodon mimus LC
Soft Grass Mouse
The Soft Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru....
Akodon mollis LC
Montane Grass Mouse
The Montane Grass Mouse, Akodon montensis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.-References:*...
Akodon montensis LC
Caparaó Grass Mouse
The Caparaó Grass Mouse, Akodon mystax, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Akodon mystax DD
Neuquen Grass Mouse
The Neuquén Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Argentina....
Akodon neocenus DD
El Dorado Grass Mouse
The El Dorado Grass Mouse or Utcubamba Akodont is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru....
Akodon orophilus LC
Paraná Grass Mouse
The Paraná Grass Mouse, Akodon paranaensis, is a South American rodent species of the family Cricetidae. It is found in northeastern Argentina and southeastern Brazil.-References:*...
Akodon paranaensis LC
Tarija Akodont
The Tarija Akodont is a species in the family Cricetidae native to Bolivia, and possibly Argentina....
Akodon pervalens DD
Reig's Grass Mouse
Reig's Grass Mouse, Akodon reigi, is a South American rodent species found in Brazil and Uruguay. It is named after Argentine biologist Osvaldo Reig .-References:*...
Akodon reigi LC
Sao Paulo Grass Mouse
The São Paulo Grass Mouse, Akodon sanctipaulensis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:**Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. pp. 894–1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson and D. M....
Akodon sanctipaulensis DD
Cochabamba Grass Mouse
The Cochabamba Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Bolivia.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.-Source:...
Akodon siberiae NT
White-throated Grass Mouse
The White-throated or Grey-bellied Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Bolivia.-References:...
Akodon simulator LC
Spegazzini's Grass Mouse
Akodon spegazzinii, also known as Spegazzini's Akodont or Spegazzini's Grass Mouse, is a rodent in the genus Akodon found in northwestern Argentina. It occurs in grassland and forest at 400 to 3500 m above sea level...
Akodon spegazzinii LC
Puno Grass Mouse
The Puno Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru.-References:...
Akodon subfuscus LC
Silent Grass Mouse
The Silent Grass Mouse or Slate-bellied Akodont is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Peru.-References:...
Akodon surdus VU
Forest Grass Mouse
Akodon sylvanus, also known as the Forest Grass Mouse or Woodland Akodont, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in a small part of northwestern Argentina.-References:...
Akodon sylvanus LC
Chaco Grass Mouse
The Chaco Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay.-References:...
Akodon toba LC
Cloud Forest Grass Mouse
The Cloud Forest Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:...
Akodon torques LC
Variable Grass Mouse
The Variable Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from Bolivia, where it is found at elevations from 400 to 3000 m.-References:...
Akodon varius DD
- Ucayali Water RatUcayali Water RatAmphinectomys savamis, also known as the Ucayali Water Rat or Amphibious Rat, is a rodent from Peruvian Amazonia. It is placed as the only member of genus Amphinectomys in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae...
Amphinectomys savamis DD
Andalgalomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Olrog's Chaco Mouse * Pearson's Chaco Mouse * Roig's Chaco Mouse...
- Olrog's Chaco MouseOlrog's Chaco MouseOlrog's Chaco Mouse is a species of South American rodent in the family Cricetidae, endemic to Argentina. The natural habitat of the species is hot deserts. It is named after Swedish-Argentine biologist Claes C. Olrog....
Andalgalomys olrogi LC - Pearson's Chaco MousePearson's Chaco MousePearson's Chaco Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Paraguay.-References:...
Andalgalomys pearsoni LC
- Andean MouseAndean MouseThe Andean Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Andinomys.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-References:...
Andinomys edax LC - Andinomys lineicaudatus
- Aquatic RatAquatic RatThe Aquatic Rat, Ecuador Fish-Eating Rat, or Fish-Eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Anotomys.It is found only in Ecuador....
Anotomys leander VU
Auliscomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Bolivian Big-eared Mouse * Painted Big-eared Mouse * Andean Big-eared Mouse...
- Bolivian Big-eared MouseBolivian Big-eared MouseThe Bolivian Big-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Muridae.It is found in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru....
Auliscomys boliviensis LC - Painted Big-eared MousePainted Big-eared MouseThe Painted Big-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Bolivia and Peru, and possibly Chile....
Auliscomys pictus LC - Andean Big-eared MouseAndean Big-eared MouseThe Andean Big-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Auliscomys sublimis LC
Bibimys is a genus of new world rats. Commonly known as the crimson-nosed rats, there are three species:*Bibimys chacoensis - Chaco Crimson-nosed Rat - found in north-east Argentina...
- Chaco Crimson-nosed Rat Bibimys chacoensis LC
- Large-lipped Crimson-nosed Rat Bibimys labiosus LC
- Torres' Crimson-nosed Rat Bibimys torresi NT
- Brazilian Shrew-mouseBrazilian Shrew-mouseBlarinomys breviceps, also known as the Brazilian Shrew-mouse or the Blarinine Akodont, is a rodent in the tribe Akodontini from the Atlantic Forest of eastern and southeastern Brazil. It is the only species in the genus Blarinomys....
Blarinomys breviceps LC
- Gray-bellied BrucieGray-bellied BrucieBrucepattersonius griserufescens, also known as the Gray-bellied Akodont or Grey-bellied Brucie, is a rodent in the cricetid genus Brucepattersonius from southeastern Brazil...
Brucepattersonius griserufescens DD - Guaraní BrucieGuaraní brucieBrucepattersonius guarani, also known as the Guaraní Akodont or Guaraní Brucie, is a South American rodent in the genus Brucepattersonius. It is known from a single specimen from Misiones Province in northeastern Argentina, at the southern end of the Atlantic Forest.-Literature cited:*Duff, A. and...
Brucepattersonius guarani DD - Red-bellied BrucieRed-bellied BrucieBrucepattersonius igniventris, also known as the Red-bellied Akodont or Red-bellied Brucie, is a South American rodent in the genus Brucepattersonius. It is known only from Iporanga, São Paulo, Brazil.-Literature cited:...
Brucepattersonius igniventris DD - Ihering's HocicudoIhering's HocicudoBrucepattersonius iheringi, also known as Ihering's Akodont, Ihering's Hocicudo, or Ihering's Brucie, is a South American rodent in the genus Brucepattersonius. It occurs in Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, and nearby Misiones Province, Argentina.-Literature cited:*Christoff,...
Brucepattersonius iheringi LC - Misiones BrucieMisiones brucieBrucepattersonius misionensis, also known as the Misiones Akodont or Misiones Brucie, is a rodent species from South America in the genus Brucepattersonius. It is known from a single individual collected in Misiones Province in northeastern Argentina. Its taxonomic status remains to be determined...
Brucepattersonius misionensis DD - Arroyo of Paradise BrucieArroyo of Paradise brucieThe Arroyo of Paradise brucie, Brucepattersonius paradisus, is a South American rodent species of the family Cricetidae. It is known only from northeastern Argentina....
Brucepattersonius paradisus DD - Soricine BrucieSoricine BrucieThe Soricine Brucie, Brucepattersonius soricinus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Brucepattersonius soricinus DD
- Bolivian Vesper MouseBolivian Vesper MouseThe Bolivian Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia and perhaps Peru....
Calomys boliviae LC - Crafty Vesper MouseCrafty Vesper MouseThe Crafty Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Paraguay.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Calomys callidus LC - Large Vesper MouseLarge Vesper MouseThe Large Vesper Mouse, Calomys callosus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.It is particularly notable as the vector of Bolivian hemorrhagic fever....
Calomys callosus LC - Calomys cerqueiraiCalomys cerqueiraiCalomys cerqueirai is a species of rodent in the genus Calomys from southeastern Brazil. Distinct from other Calomys in its karyotype and characters of the fur, it is known only from two places in Minas Gerais...
- Caatinga Vesper MouseCaatinga vesper mouseThe caatinga vesper mouse, Calomys expulsus, is a rodent species in the family Cricetidae from South America. It is endemic to eastern Brazil, where it is found in open savanna and thorny scrub habitats....
Calomys expulsus LC - Fecund Vesper MouseFecund vesper mouseThe fecund vesper mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from Bolivia, where it is found in the yungas and Tucumano boliviano forest ecoregions at elevations from 600 to 2700 m. It is regarded by some authorities as conspecific with C. boliviae....
Calomys fecundus LC - Hummelinck's Vesper MouseHummelinck's Vesper MouseHummelinck's Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Aruba, Brazil, Colombia, the Netherlands Antilles, and Venezuela.-References:...
Calomys hummelincki VU - Small Vesper MouseSmall Vesper MouseThe Small Vesper Mouse, Calomys laucha, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is one of the hosts of hantavirus, causing Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome...
Calomys laucha LC - Andean Vesper MouseAndean Vesper MouseThe Andean Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Calomys lepidus LC - Drylands Vesper MouseDrylands Vesper MouseThe Drylands Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Paraguay.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Calomys musculinus LC - Peruvian Vesper MousePeruvian Vesper MouseThe Peruvian Vesper Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Calomys sorellus LC - Delicate Vesper MouseDelicate Vesper MouseThe Delicate Vesper Mouse, Calomys tener, is a South American rodent species of the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.- References :**...
Calomys tener LC - Tocantins Vesper MouseTocantins Vesper MouseThe Tocantins Vesper Mouse, Calomys tocantinsi, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Calomys tocantinsi LC - Córdoba Vesper MouseCórdoba vesper mouseThe Córdoba vesper mouse is a South American rodent species of the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to the area of Córdoba Province, central Argentina, where it is found in the espinal ....
Calomys venustus LC
Cerradomys is a genus of oryzomyine rodents from eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and central Brazil found in cerrado, Caatinga and Gran Chaco habitats. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys, but according to cladistic research, they are not more closely related to the type...
- Langguth's Rice Rat Cerradomys langguthi
- Maracaju Rice RatMaracaju rice ratCerradomys maracajuensis, also known as the Maracaju Oryzomys, is a rodent species from South America. It is terrestrial and is found in gallery forests in Bolivia, Paraguay and nearby Brazil and Peru. It was first discovered near the Brazilian city of Maracaju.-Literature cited:*Bonvicino, C.,...
Cerradomys maracajuensis LC - Marinho Rice RatMarinho Rice RatCerradomys marinhus, also known as Marinho's Oryzomys, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was formerly known as Oryzomys marinhus, but was transferred to the new genus Cerradomys in 2006....
Cerradomys marinhus DD - Lindbergh's Rice Rat Cerradomys scotti LC
- Terraced Rice RatTerraced Rice RatCerradomys subflavus, also known as the Terraced Rice Rat or Flavescent Oryzomys, is a rodent species from South America in the genus Cerradomys. It is found in the states of Goiás, São Paulo, and Minas Gerais, Brazil...
Cerradomys subflavus LC - Vivo's Rice Rat Cerradomys vivoi
Chelemys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae. Three species—Chelemys delfini, Chelemys macronyx, and Chelemys megalonyx—are known, all found in central and southern Chile and Argentina....
- Magellanic Long-clawed MouseMagellanic long-clawed mouseChelemys delfini, also known as the Magellanic Long-clawed Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Chelemys of family Cricetidae. It is endemic to the areas of Punta Arenas and Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile, where it lives in the grassland and scrub of the Magellanic...
Chelemys delfini DD - Andean Long-Clawed MouseAndean Long-Clawed MouseChelemys macronyx, also known as the Andean Long-clawed Mouse or Andean Long-clawed Akodont, is a species of rodent in the genus Chelemys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina and Chile.-Literature cited:...
Chelemys macronyx LC - Large Long-Clawed MouseLarge Long-Clawed MouseChelemys megalonyx, also known as the Large Long-clawed Mouse or Large Long-clawed Akodont is a species of rodent in the genus Chelemys of family Cricetidae. It is endemic to central Chile.-Literature cited:...
Chelemys megalonyx NT
Chibchanomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Las Cajas Water Mouse * Chibchan Water Mouse...
- Las Cajas Water MouseLas Cajas Water MouseThe Las Cajas Water Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to the Cajas National Park in Ecuador. Its natural habitat is the high grassland of the park, where it lives near streams, eating small fish and large invertebrates....
Chibchanomys orcesi DD - Chibchan Water MouseChibchan Water MouseThe Chibchan Water Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in the Andean highlands of Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela....
Chibchanomys trichotis DD
- Colombian Forest MouseColombian Forest MouseThe Colombian Forest Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Chilomys.It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.-References:...
Chilomys instans LC
- Altiplano Chincilla Mouse Chinchillula sahamae LC
Delomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Thomasomyini of family Cricetidae. Three species are known, all found in Argentina and Brazil. They are as follows:* Montane Atlantic Forest Rat...
- Montane Atlantic Forest RatMontane Atlantic Forest ratThe montane Atlantic Forest rat is a rodent species from South America. It is endemic to part of the Atlantic Forest region of southeastern Brazil, where it is found at elevations from 1000 to 2700 m....
Delomys collinus LC - Striped Atlantic Forest RatStriped Atlantic Forest RatThe Striped Atlantic Forest Rat, Delomys dorsalis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil....
Delomys dorsalis LC - Pallid Atlantic Forest RatPallid Atlantic Forest RatThe Pallid Atlantic Forest Rat, Delomys sublineatus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Delomys sublineatus LC
- Kemp's Grass MouseKemp's Grass MouseKemp's Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Deltamys.It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay....
Deltamys kempi LC
The genus Eligmodontia consists of five or six species of South American sigmodontine mice restricted to Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. Species of Eligmodontia occur along the eastern side of the Andes Mountains, in Patagonia, and in the Chaco thorn forest of South America. They can be found in...
- Eligmodontia bolsonensis
- Eligmodontia hirtipes
- Monte Gerbil MouseMonte Gerbil MouseThe Monte Gerbil Mouse or Monte Laucha is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Argentina.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Eligmodontia moreni LC - Morgan's Gerbil MouseMorgan's Gerbil MouseMorgan's Gerbil Mouse , also known as the Western Patagonian Laucha, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Eligmodontia morgani LC - Andean Gerbil MouseAndean Gerbil MouseThe Andean Gerbil Mouse or Altiplano Laucha is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Eligmodontia puerulus LC - Highland Gerbil Mouse, Eastern Patagonian Gerbil Mouse Eligmodontia typus LC
- Gray Rice RatGray Rice RatEremoryzomys polius, also known as the Gray Rice Rat or the Marañon Oryzomys, is a rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of the family Cricetidae. Discovered in 1912 and first described in 1913 by Wilfred Osgood, it was originally placed in Oryzomys and named Oryzomys polius...
Eremoryzomys polius DD
Euneomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Patagonian Chincilla Mouse * Burrowing Chincilla Mouse * Biting Chincilla Mouse...
- Patagonian Chincilla MousePatagonian Chincilla MouseThe Patagonian Chincilla Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Tierra del Fuego and neighboring areas of southernmost Argentina and Chile....
Euneomys chinchilloides DD - Burrowing Chincilla Mouse Euneomys fossor DD
- Biting Chincilla MouseBiting Chincilla MouseThe Biting Chincilla Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in west central Argentina and nearby areas of Chile, where it inhabits highland meadows, probably at at elevations of 1740 to 3000 m....
Euneomys mordax LC - Peterson's Chincilla MousePeterson's Chincilla MousePeterson's Chincilla Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in west central and southern Argentina and nearby areas of Chile. The species is named after American paleontologist Olaf A. Peterson ....
Euneomys petersoni LC
Euryoryzomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It includes six species, which are distributed in South America. Until 2006, its members were included in the genus Oryzomys, but they are not closely related to the type species of that genus, and therefore they were...
- Emmons's Rice RatEmmons's Rice RatEuryoryzomys emmonsae, also known as Emmons's Rice Rat or Emmons' Oryzomys, is a rodent from Amazonian Brazil in the genus Euryoryzomys of the family Cricetidae. Initially misidentified as E. macconnelli or E. nitidus, it was formally described in 1998. A rainforest species, it may be...
Euryoryzomys emmonsae DD - Monster Rice RatMonster Rice RatEuryoryzomys lamia, also known as the Buffy-sided Oryzomys or Monster Rice Rat is a species of rodent in the genus Euryoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found only in central Brazil, where it lives in the cerrado.-Literature cited:...
Euryoryzomys lamia EN - Tarija Rice Rat Euryoryzomys legatus LC
- MacConnell's Rice RatMacConnell's Rice RatEuryoryzomys macconnelli, also known as MacConnell's Rice Rat or MacConnell's Oryzomys, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, where it lives in lowland tropical rainforest...
Euryoryzomys macconnelli LC - Elegant Rice RatElegant Rice RatEuryoryzomys nitidus, also known as the Elegant Oryzomys or Elegant Rice Rat, is a rodent species in the genus Euryoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It was previously known as Oryzomys nitidus, but is not closely related to Oryzomys as that genus is now constructed...
Euryoryzomys nitidus LC - Russet Rice Rat Euryoryzomys russatus LC
- Garlepp's MouseGarlepp's MouseGarlepp's Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Galenomys. It is found in western Bolivia, southern Peru and possibly Chile at elevations over 3,000 m in the Altiplano.-References:*Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea...
Galenomys garleppi DD
- Long-Clawed Mole MouseLong-Clawed Mole MouseGeoxus valdivianus, also known as the Long-clawed Mole Mouse or Valdivian Long-clawed Akodont, is a species of rodent in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae found in the Valdivian temperate rain forests and Magellanic subpolar forests of Argentina and Chile. It is the only species in the...
Geoxus valdivianus LC
Graomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Central Leaf-eared Mouse * Pale Leaf-eared Mouse * Edith's Leaf-eared Mouse...
- Graomys chacoensis (contains the former Graomys centralis)
- Pale Leaf-eared MousePale Leaf-Eared MouseThe Pale Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Graomys domorum LC - Edith's Leaf-eared MouseEdith's Leaf-Eared MouseEdith's Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodentin the family Cricetidae.It is known only from Argentina, where it was found in a montane grassland on Otro Cerro at an elevation of 3000 m.-References:...
Graomys edithae DD - Gray Leaf-eared MouseGray Leaf-eared MouseThe Gray Leaf-eared Mouse, Graomys griseoflavus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay; its habitat includes the Gran Chaco.-References:*...
Graomys griseoflavus LC
- Fossorial Giant RatFossorial Giant RatThe Fossorial Giant Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina and Brazil. Its natural habitat is dry savanna....
Gyldenstolpia fronto EN - Gyldenstolpia planaltensis
Handleyomys is a genus of Central and South American rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It was first described in 2002 to include two species from the Colombian Andes which were previously included in distinct and unrelated genera, Aepeomys and Oryzomys, but which turned out to...
- Alfaro's Rice RatAlfaro's Rice RatHandleyomys alfaroi, also known as Alfaro's Rice Rat or Alfaro's Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the genus Handleyomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. It was previously included in...
Handleyomys alfaroi LC - Dusky Montane MouseDusky Montane MouseHandleyomys fuscatus, also known as the Dusky-footed Handley's Mouse or Dusky-footed Montane Mouse, is a species of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae...
Handleyomys fuscatus LC - Colombian Rice RatColombian Rice RatHandleyomys intectus, also known as the White-footed Handley's Mouse or Colombian Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Handleyomys of family Cricetidae. It occurs only in Colombia...
Handleyomys intectus LC
Holochilus is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, sometimes called marsh rats. It contains three living species, Holochilus brasiliensis, Holochilus chacarius, and Holochilus sciureus, which are widely distributed in South America east of the Andes, and a...
- Web-footed Marsh RatWeb-footed Marsh RatHolochilus brasiliensis, also known as the Brazilian Marsh Rat or Web-footed Marsh Rat, is a species of semiaquatic rodent from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.-Literature cited:...
Holochilus brasiliensis LC - Chaco Marsh RatChaco Marsh RatHolochilus chacarius, also known as the Chacoan Marsh Rat or Chaco Marsh Rat, is a semiaquatic rodent species in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina and Paraguay within the Gran Chaco.-Literature cited:...
Holochilus chacarius LC - Wagner's Marsh RatWagner's Marsh RatHolochilus sciureus, also known as the Amazonian Marsh Rat, the Common Marsh Rat, or simply the Marsh Rat, is a rodent species from South America. It is found close to rivers in lowland tropical rainforest in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and...
Holochilus sciureus LC
Hylaeamys is a genus of South American oryzomyine rodents found principally in humid forested areas east of the Andes. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys. They are most closely related to Euryoryzomys, Transandinomys, Nephelomys, Oecomys, and Handleyomys, and most...
- Hylaeamys acritusHylaeamys acritusHylaeamys acritus, formerly Oryzomys acritus, is an oryzomyine rodent of the family Cricetidae. It is known only from northeastern Bolivia. It is terrestrial and is found in moist lowland semideciduous forest and savanna.-References:...
DD - Brazilian Rice RatBrazilian Rice RatHylaeamys laticeps, also known as the Atlantic Forest Oryzomys or Large-headed Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Hylaeamys of family Cricetidae. It occurs in the Atlantic Forest region of southeastern Brazil...
Hylaeamys laticeps NT - Azara's Broad-headed Rice RatAzara's Broad-headed Rice RatHylaeamys megacephalus, also known as Azara's Broad-headed Oryzomys or the Large-headed Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Hylaeamys of family Cricetidae, of which it is the type species...
Hylaeamys megacephalus LC - Sowbug Rice Rat Hylaeamys oniscus VU
- Hylaeamys perenensis LC
- Tate's Rice RatTate's rice ratHylaeamys tatei, also known as Tate's Oryzomys or Tate's Rice Rat, is a South American rodent species of the family Cricetidae. It is known only from the eastern foothills of the Andes in central Ecuador, where it has been found at elevations from 1130 to 1520 m. It is most closely related to...
Hylaeamys tatei DD - Yungas Rice RatYungas Rice RatHylaeamys yunganus, also known as the Amazonian Oryzomys or Yungas Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Hylaeamys of family Cricetidae. It is found in lowland tropical rainforest throughout Amazonia, in northeastern Bolivia, eastern Peru, eastern Ecuador, southeastern Colombia, southern...
Hylaeamys yunganus LC
Ichthyomys is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Crab-eating Rat * Pittier's Crab-eating Rat...
- Crab-eating RatCrab-eating RatThe Crab-eating Rat is a species of semiaquatic rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.Its natural habitats are rivers and swamps....
Ichthyomys hydrobates NT - Pittier's Crab-eating RatPittier's Crab-eating RatPittier's Crab-eating Rat is a species of semiaquatic rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela....
Ichthyomys pittieri VU - Stolzmann's Crab-eating RatStolzmann's Crab-eating RatStolzmann's Crab-eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It ist found in Ecuador and Peru. The species is believed to be nocturnal and semiaquatic, and has been found at an elevation range of 900 to 1700 m. A survey in 2010 indicates that it has become a pest at local fish...
Ichthyomys stolzmanni DD - Tweedy's Crab-eating RatTweedy's Crab-eating RatTweedy's Crab-Eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in two disjoint regions in western Ecuador and central Panama. The species is found near fast-flowing streams in primary and secondary forest, and is known from elevations of 900 to 1700 m...
Ichthyomys tweedii DD
- Chilean Climbing MouseChilean Climbing MouseIrenomys tarsalis, also known as the Chilean Climbing Mouse, Chilean Tree Mouse, or Long-footed Irenomys, is a rodent found in Chile, from about 36° to 46°S, and in adjacent Argentina, mainly in forests...
Irenomys tarsalis LC
Juliomys is a genus of South American rodents of the family Cricetidae. Four species are known, all found in Argentina and Brazil. They are as follows:* Juliomys anoblepas * Juliomys ossitenuis*Juliomys pictipes...
- Juliomys ossitenuis
- Juliomys pictipes LC
- Juliomys rimofrons VU
Juscelinomys is a genus of burrowing mice. The name is derived from Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira who created the city of Brasilia where the Brasilia Burrowing Mouse was discovered.There are two living species:...
- Candango MouseCandango MouseThe Candango Mouse, Juscelinomys candango, is an extinct rodent species from South America. It was found around Brasilia in 1960, but its habitat has been overtaken by urban sprawl, and is now presumed extinct.-References:**...
†Juscelinomys candango EX - Rio Guaporé MouseRio Guaporé mouseThe Rio Guaporé mouse, Juscelinomys guaporensis, is a rodent species in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from a small savanna in eastern Bolivia near the Rio Guaporé.-References:**...
Juscelinomys guaporensis DD - Huanchaca MouseHuanchaca mouseThe Huanchaca mouse, Juscelinomys huanchacae, is a rodent species in the family Cricetidae. It is known from savannas in an area at an elevation of 700 m in Serrania Huanchaca, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado in eastern Bolivia.-References:*...
Juscelinomys huanchacae DD
Kunsia is the genus of giant rats. There are two South American species, both of which are classified as vulnerable by IUCN:*K. fronto *K. tomentosus...
- Woolly Giant RatWoolly Giant RatThe Woolly Giant Rat, Kunsia tomentosus, is a burrowing rodent species from South America. It is found in wet grasslands in Bolivia and Brazil, where it feeds on roots and grasses. They prefer elevations from sea level to about one thousand metres above sea level. They create burrows in which to...
Kunsia tomentosus LC
- Andean RatAndean RatThe Andean Rat is the only species in the genus Lenoxus. It is a rodent in the tribe Akodontini found on the eastern slopes of the Andes of eastern Peru and western Bolivia....
Lenoxus apicalis LC
Loxodontomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Phyllotini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in Argentina and Chile. They are as follows:* Southern Big-eared Mouse...
- Southern Big-eared MouseSouthern Big-eared MouseThe southern big-eared mouse , also known as the southern pericote, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina and Chile, and is one of only two species in its genus...
Loxodontomys micropus LC - Pikumche PericotePikumche pericoteThe Pikumche pericote is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from central Chile, where its range includes xeric shrublands .-References:...
Loxodontomys pikumche LC
- Lund's Amphibious Rat Lundomys molitor LC
- Galápagos Giant RatGalápagos Giant RatMegaoryzomys curioi, also known as the Galápagos Giant Rat, is an extinct species of sigmodontine rodent, known only from Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos Islands. It likely met its demise when European settlers introduced invasive species to the island. It is the only species in the genus...
†Megaoryzomys curioi EX
Melanomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, which is distributed in northern South America and adjacent Central America. It contains three species, two of which—Melanomys robustulus and Melanomys zunigae—have limited distributions...
- Dusky Rice RatDusky Rice RatMelanomys caliginosus, also known as the Dusky Melanomys or Dusky Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Melanomys of family Cricetidae. It is found from Central America, in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, into South America, where it occurs in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador....
Melanomys caliginosus LC - Robust Dark Rice RatRobust Dark Rice RatMelanomys robustulus, also known as the Robust Melanomys or Robust Dark Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Melanomys of family Cricetidae. It is found on the eastern slope of the Andes in Ecuador.-Literature cited:...
Melanomys robustulus LC - Zuniga's Dark Rice RatZuniga's Dark Rice RatMelanomys zunigae, also known as Zuniga's Melanomys or Zuniga's Dark Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Melanomys of family Cricetidae. Known only from a small region of coastal Peru, it is listed as "critically endangered" by the IUCN and may even be extinct.-Literature cited:*Musser,...
Melanomys zunigae CR or EX
- Intermediate Lesser Grass Mouse Microakodontomys transitorius VU
Microryzomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is closely related to Oreoryzomys, Oligoryzomys, and Neacomys. It contains two species, both restricted to the Andes: Microryzomys altissimus and Microryzomys minutus.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and Carleton,...
- Highland Small Rice RatHighland Small Rice RatMicroryzomys altissimus, also known as the Páramo Colilargo or Highland Small Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Microryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, but the Colombian segment may be a separate species.-Literature cited:*Gómez-Laverde, M., Rivas,...
Microryzomys altissimus LC - Forest Small Rice RatForest Small Rice RatMicroryzomys minutus, also known as the Montane Colilargo or the Forest Small Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Microryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, but these populations may in fact represent more than one...
Microryzomys minutus LC
- Hammond's Rice RatHammond's Rice RatMindomys hammondi, also known as Hammond's Rice Rat or Hammond's Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae...
Mindomys hammondi EN
The genus Neacomys, also known as bristly mice because of their spiny fur, includes several species of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is most closely related to Oligoryzomys, Oreoryzomys, and Microryzomys. Neacomys species are mainly found in Amazonia, but N. pictus occurs...
- Dubost's Bristly Mouse Neacomys dubosti LC
- Guiana Bristly MouseGuiana Bristly MouseNeacomys guianae, also known as the Guianan Neacomys or Guiana Bristly Mouse, is a nocturnal rodent species from South America. It is found in lowland tropical rainforests in northeastern Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela. Its diet consists of insects, seeds and...
Neacomys guianae LC - Jurua Bristly MouseJurua Bristly MouseNeacomys minutus, also known as the Minute Neacomys or Small Bristly Mouse, is a rodent species from South America in the genus Neacomys. It is found in Brazil.-Literature cited:...
Neacomys minutus LC - Manu Bristly MouseManu Bristly MouseNeacomys musseri, also known as Musser's Neacomys or Musser's Bristly Mouse, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in far western Brazil and southeastern Peru.-Literature cited:...
Neacomys musseri LC - Negro Bristly MouseNegro Bristly MouseNeacomys paracou, also known as the Paracou Neacomys or Paracou Bristly Mouse, is a rodent species from South America in the genus Neacomys. It is found in northern Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and southeastern Venezuela....
Neacomys paracou LC - Northern Bristly MouseNorthern Bristly MouseNeacomys spinosus, also known as the Common Neacomys, Common Bristly Mouse, or Bristly Mouse, is a nocturnal rodent species from South America in the genus Neacomys. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, where it often lives in transition areas between lowland forest and open...
Neacomys spinosus LC - Narrow-footed Bristly MouseNarrow-footed Bristly MouseNeacomys tenuipes, also known as the Narrow-footed Neacomys or Narrow-footed Bristly Mouse, is found along the northern Andes from northwestern Venezuela through Colombia into Ecuador, in rainforest at elevations from 400 to 1750 m...
Neacomys tenuipes LC
Necromys is a genus of South American sigmodontine rodents allied to Akodon. This genus has also been known as Cabreramys or more recently Bolomys. N. urichi has recently been transferred from Akodon....
- Pleasant Bolo MousePleasant Bolo MouseThe Pleasant Bolo Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Bolivia and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Necromys amoenus LC - Argentine Bolo MouseArgentine bolo mouseThe Argentine bolo mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to central Argentina, where it is found in the pampas and the drier espinal ....
Necromys benefactus LC - Rufous-bellied Bolo MouseRufous-bellied Bolo MouseThe Rufous-bellied Bolo Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Bolivia.-References:* Dunnum, J., Vargas, J., Bernal, N. & Jayat, J.P. 2008. . Downloaded on 18 April 2009....
Necromys lactens LC - Hairy-tailed Bolo MouseHairy-tailed Bolo MouseThe Hairy-tailed Bolo Mouse, Necromys lasiurus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.-References:*...
Necromys lasiurus LC - Paraguayan Bolo MouseParaguayan bolo mouseThe Paraguayan bolo mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known from Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, and may be present in Argentina and Brazil. It is found at elevations from 300 to 2030 m in a variety of habitats, including cerrado, chaco and heath pampas....
Necromys lenguarum LC - Dark Bolo MouseDark Bolo MouseThe Dark Bolo Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Uruguay.-References:* D'elia, G., Pardinas, U., Jayat, J.P., Teta, P. & Patterson., B. 2008. . Downloaded on 19 April 2009....
Necromys obscurus NT - Spotted Bolo MouseSpotted Bolo MouseThe Spotted Bolo Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador.-References:...
Necromys punctulatus DD - Temchuk's Bolo MouseTemchuk's Bolo MouseTemchuk's Bolo Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Argentina.-References:* Pardinas, U., D'Elia, G. & Teta, P. 2008. . Downloaded on 19 April 2009....
Necromys temchuki LC - Northern Grass MouseNorthern Grass MouseThe Northern Grass Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.-References:...
Necromys urichi LC
Nectomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is closely related to Amphinectomys and was formerly considered congeneric with Sigmodontomys...
- Western Amazonian Water Rat Nectomys apicalis LC
- Magdalena Water Rat Nectomys magdalenae DD
- Trinidad Water RatTrinidad Water RatNectomys palmipes, also known as the Trinidad Nectomys or Trinidad Water Rat, is a species of rodent in genus Nectomys of family Cricetidae. It is found on the island of Trinidad and on the nearby mainland of Venezuela.-Literature cited:...
Nectomys palmipes LC - Small-footed Bristly MouseSmall-Footed Bristly MouseNectomys rattus, also known as the Amazonian Nectomys, is a species of rodent in the genus Nectomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela, where it lives in a variety of habitats including lowland tropical rainforest, cerrado and...
Nectomys rattus LC - Scaly-footed Water RatScaly-footed Water RatNectomys squamipes, also known as the Atlantic Forest Nectomys, South American Water Rat, or Scaly-footed Water Rat, is a semiaquatic insectivorous rodent species from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay found primarily near forest rivers and streams...
Nectomys squamipes LC
- Andean Swamp RatAndean Swamp RatThe Andean Swamp Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Neotomys.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.-References:...
Neotomys ebriosus LC
Nephelomys is a genus of South American oryzomyine rodents found in the Andes from Bolivia to Venezuela, with a westward extension into the mountains of Costa Rica...
- Tomes's Rice RatTomes's Rice RatNephelomys albigularis, also known as the White-throated Oryzomys or Tomes's Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. Described in 1860, it was the first Nephelomys species to be discovered...
Nephelomys albigularis LC - Nephelomys auriventer LC
- Costa Central Rice RatCosta Central rice ratNephelomys caracolus, also known as the Costa Central Oryzomys or Caracol Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in cloud forest in the Cordillera de la Costa Central of Aragua, Miranda, and the Distrito Federal in north-central Venezuela at...
Nephelomys caracolus LC - Nephelomys childiNephelomys childiNephelomys childi is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. The type locality is at Bogotá, Colombia, and the type locality of its junior synonym, oconnelli, is at a place known as Buenavista, about southeast of Bogotá. It was named after Mr. George D...
- Keays's Rice RatKeays's Rice RatNephelomys keaysi, also known as Keays's Oryzomys or Keays's Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. It is found from southeastern Peru to northern Bolivia on the eastern slope of the Andes in Yungas humid forest at altitudes of 1000 to 2600 m...
Nephelomys keaysi LC - Light-footed Rice RatLight-Footed Rice RatNephelomys levipes, also known as the Nimble-footed Oryzomys or Light-footed Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. It is found on the eastern slope of the Andes from southeastern Peru into west-central Bolivia in cloud forest at elevations from . It occurs...
Nephelomys levipes LC - Nephelomys maculiventerNephelomys maculiventerNephelomys maculiventer is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. The type locality is in Colombia, at "Sierra El Libano, alt. 6000 ft, Santa Marta District". It was originally described on the basis of 47 specimens, including 34 from Sierra El Libano and 13 from...
- Mérida Rice RatMérida rice ratNephelomys meridensis, also known as the Mérida Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in cloud forest in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida of western Venezuela at elevations from 1500 to 3250 m. It is solitary, nocturnal and terrestrial, and has a...
Nephelomys meridensis LC - Nephelomys moerexNephelomys moerexNephelomys moerex is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. The type locality is at Mindo in western Ecuador, where it has been recorded together with three other rodents of the oryzomyine group, Sigmodontomys aphrastus, Mindomys hammondi, and Handleyomys alfaroi, as well...
- Nephelomys nimbosusNephelomys nimbosusNephelomys nimbosus is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. Its type locality is at San Antonio on the northeastern slope of the Tungurahua in the Andes of Ecuador, at an altitude of about . The type series included five individuals.The fur of the upperparts is brown to...
- Nephelomys pectoralisNephelomys pectoralisNephelomys pectoralis is a species of rodent in the genus Nephelomys of family Cricetidae. Its type locality is west of the city of Popayán, Cauca Department, Colombia, at an altitude of . American zoologist Joel Asaph Allen first described it in 1912 on the basis of 112 specimens from several...
Nesoryzomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Other rodents restricted to the Galápagos include Megaoryzomys curioi and Aegialomys galapagoensis.-References:...
- Darwin's Rice RatDarwin's Rice RatNesoryzomys darwini, also known as Darwin's Nesoryzomys or Darwin's Galápagos Mouse, is a species of rodent in the genus Nesoryzomys that lived on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos Islands. It was probably nocturnal and inhabited burrows or rock crevices under bushes. Only four specimens exist,...
†Nesoryzomys darwini EX - Fernandina Rice Rat Nesoryzomys fernandinae VU
- Indefatigable Galápagos MouseIndefatigable Galapagos MouseNesoryzomys indefessus, also known as the Santa Cruz Nesoryzomys or Indefatigable Galápagos Mouse, is a rodent of the genus Nesoryzomys of family Cricetidae from Galápagos Islands of Ecuador. It contains two subspecies: one formerly lived on Santa Cruz Island, but is now extinct, probably due to...
†Nesoryzomys indefessus EX - Fernandina Island Galapagos MouseFernandina Island Galapagos MouseNesoryzomys indefessus narboroughi is a subspecies of Nesoryzomys indefessus, a rodent in the genus Nesoryzomys, from Fernandina Island in the Galápagos Islands. The only other subspecies occurred on Indefatigable Island, but is now extinct. Some consider the two to be distinct species, in which...
Nesoryzomys narboroughi VU - Santiago Galapagos MouseSantiago Galapagos MouseNesoryzomys swarthi, also known as the Santiago Nesoryzomys or Santiago Galápagos Mouse, is a species of rodent in the genus Nesoryzomys of family Cricetidae....
Nesoryzomys swarthi VU
Neusticomys is a genus of semiaquatic South American rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Ferreira's Fish-eating Rat * Montane Fish-eating Rat...
- Ferreira's Fish-eating RatFerreira's fish-eating ratFerreira's fish-eating rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is known only from one lowland tropical rainforest location in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. It is named after 18th-century Brazilian naturalist Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira....
Neusticomys ferreirai DD - Montane Fish-eating RatMontane Fish-eating RatThe Montane Fish-eating Rat is a species of semiaquatic rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is distributed throughout the Andes Mountains of western Colombia and northern Ecuador.-References:...
Neusticomys monticolus LC - Musso's Fish-eating RatMusso's Fish-eating RatMusso's Fish-eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela.-References:*Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Neusticomys mussoi EN - Oyapock's Fish-eating RatOyapock's Fish-eating RatOyapock's Fish-eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in French Guiana and Brazil.-References:...
Neusticomys oyapocki DD - Peruvian Fish-eating RatPeruvian Fish-eating RatThe Peruvian Fish-eating Rat is a species of semiaquatic rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in eastern Peru, where it is known from locations at elevations from 200 to 400 m.-References:...
Neusticomys peruviensis LC - Venezuelan Fish-eating RatVenezuelan Fish-eating RatThe Venezuelan Fish-eating Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Guyana and Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Neusticomys venezuelae VU
- Vespucci's RodentVespucci's RodentNoronhomys vespuccii, also known as Vespucci's Rodent, is an extinct rat species from the islands of Fernando de Noronha off northeastern Brazil. Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci may have seen it on a visit to Fernando de Noronha in 1503, but it subsequently became extinct, perhaps because of the...
†Noronhomys vespuccii EX
- Edward's Long-clawed MouseEdward's Long-clawed MouseNotiomys edwardsii, also known as Edward's Long-clawed Akodont, Milne-Edwards' Long-clawed Mouse, or Edwards's Long-clawed Mouse, is a rodent in the tribe Abrotrichini from southern Argentina. It is the only species in the genus Notiomys, although species of Chelemys and Geoxus were formerly...
Notiomys edwardsii LC
Oecomys is a genus of rodent within the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It contains about 17 species, which live in trees and are distributed across forested parts of South America, extending into Panama and Trinidad.-Literature cited:...
- Guianan Arboreal Rice Rat Oecomys auyantepui LC
- Bicolored Arboreal Rice RatBicolored Arboreal Rice RatOecomys bicolor, also known as the White-bellied Oecomys or Bicolored Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae...
Oecomys bicolor LC - Atlantic Forest Arboreal Rice Rat Oecomys catherinae LC
- Cleber's Arboreal Rice RatCleber's Arboreal Rice RatOecomys cleberi, also known as Cleber's Oecomys or Cleber's Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. Known only from the Federal District of Brazil, its taxonomic status relative to O. concolor and O. paricola is unresolved.-Literature cited:*Costa, L.,...
Oecomys cleberi DD - Unicolored Arboreal Rice RatUnicolored Arboreal Rice RatOecomys concolor, also known as the Unicolored Oecomys, Unicolored Rice Rat, or Unicolored Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae...
Oecomys concolor LC - Yellow Arboreal Rice RatYellow Arboreal Rice RatOecomys flavicans, also known as the Tawny Oecomys or Yellow Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in the mountains of northwestern Venezuela and nearby Colombia.-Literature cited:...
Oecomys flavicans LC - Mamore Arboreal Rice RatMamore Arboreal Rice RatOecomys mamorae, also known as the Mamore Oecomys or Mamore Arboreal Rice Rat, is an arboreal species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. Its distribution extends over much of Bolivia and into nearby Brazil and Paraguay. Although Oecomys has been recorded from Argentina, it is...
Oecomys mamorae LC - Brazilian Arboreal Rice RatBrazilian Arboreal Rice RatOecomys paricola, also known as the Brazilian Oecomys, Brazilian Arboreal Rice Rat, or South Amazonian Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in central Brazil south of the Amazon, where it lives in lowland tropical rainforest.-Literature...
Oecomys paricola DD - Dusky Arboreal Rice RatDusky Arboreal Rice RatOecomys phaeotis, also known as the Dusky Arboreal Rice Rat or Dusky Oecomys, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found on the eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru, at 1500 to 2000 m altitude....
Oecomys phaeotis LC - King Arboreal Rice RatKing Arboreal Rice RatOecomys rex, also known as the Regal Oecomys or King Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and nearby parts of Venezuela and Brazil....
Oecomys rex LC - Robert's Arboreal Rice RatRobert's Arboreal Rice RatOecomys roberti, also known as Robert's Oecomys or Robert's Arboreal Rice Rat, is a rodent species from South America in the genus Oecomys. It has a broad distribution in Amazonia, being found in Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.-Literature cited:*Costa, L.,...
Oecomys roberti LC - Red Arboreal Rice RatRed Arboreal Rice RatOecomys rutilus, also known as the Reddish Oecomys or Red Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and nearby regions of Brazil and Venezuela....
Oecomys rutilus LC - Savanna Arboreal Rice Rat Oecomys speciosus LC
- Foothill Arboreal Rice RatFoothill Arboreal Rice RatOecomys superans, also known as the Large Oecomys or Foothill Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae. It is found along the eastern slope of the Andes in southern Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru and east into Amazonia, including parts of Brazil...
Oecomys superans LC - Oecomys sydandersoniOecomys sydandersoniOecomys sydandersoni is an arboreal species of rodent in the genus Oecomys. It lives in forest patches in a small area in eastern Bolivia. It is a medium-sized species, weighing about 45 g , with mostly grayish and brownish fur and short and broad hindfeet with well-developed pads.First...
- Trinidad Arboreal Rice RatTrinidad Arboreal Rice RatOecomys trinitatis, also known as the Long-furred Oecomys, Long-furred Rice Rat, Trinidad Arboreal Rice Rat, or Big Arboreal Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oecomys of family Cricetidae...
Oecomys trinitatis LC
Oligoryzomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. Many species are known as pygmy rice rats or colilargos...
- Andean Pygmy Rice RatAndean Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys andinus, also known as the Andean Colilargo or Andean Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes of southern Peru and western Bolivia, but may in fact include more than one species.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and...
Oligoryzomys andinus LC - Sandy Pygmy Rice RatSandy Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys arenalis, also known as the Sandy Colilargo or Sandy Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes of Peru at 400 to 2850 m altitude, but may include more than one species.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and Carleton,...
Oligoryzomys arenalis LC - Brenda's ColilargoBrenda's ColilargoOligoryzomys brendae, also known as Brenda's Colilargo, is a South American species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys. It is found only in Tucumán Province in northwestern Argentina, but its taxonomic status requires revision....
Oligoryzomys brendae DD - Chacoan Pygmy Rice RatChacoan Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys chacoensis, also known as the Chacoan Colilargo or Chacoan Pygmy Rice Rat, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in the Gran Chaco region of southeastern Bolivia, southwestern Brazil, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina.It is one of the hosts of the Hantavirus serotype...
Oligoryzomys chacoensis LC - Destructive Pygmy Rice RatDestructive Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys destructor, also known as Tschudi's Colilargo or the Destructive Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae...
Oligoryzomys destructor LC - Yellow Pygmy Rice RatYellow Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys flavescens, also known as the Flavescent Colilargo or Yellow Pygmy Rice Rat is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in southern South America, occurring in southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina.-Literature...
Oligoryzomys flavescens LC - Fornes' ColilargoFornes' ColilargoOligoryzomys fornesi, also known as Fornes' Colilargo, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found from northeastern Brazil via Paraguay into northeastern Argentina.-Literature cited:...
Oligoryzomys fornesi LC - Fulvous Pygmy Rice RatFulvous Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys fulvescens, also known as the Fulvous Colilargo, Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat, or Northern Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae...
Oligoryzomys fulvescens LC - Grayish Pygmy Rice RatGrayish Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys griseolus, also known as the Grizzled Colilargo or the Grayish Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes of Venezuela and nearby Colombia.-Literature cited:...
Oligoryzomys griseolus LC - Long-tailed Pygmy Rice RatLong-Tailed Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys longicaudatus, also known as the Long-tailed Colilargo or Long-tailed Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in the southern Andes of Chile and Argentina, with an outlying population in eastern Argentina.-Literature cited:*Musser,...
Oligoryzomys longicaudatus LC - Magellanic Pygmy Rice RatMagellanic Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys magellanicus, also known as the Patagonian Colilargo and the Magellanic Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in southernmost Argentina and Chile, including Tierra del Fuego.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and Carleton, M.D....
Oligoryzomys magellanicus LC - Small-eared Pygmy Rice RatSmall-eared Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys microtis, also known as the Small-eared Colilargo or Small-eared Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found in western Brazil, eastern Peru, Bolivia, and northern Paraguay....
Oligoryzomys microtis LC - Moojen's Pygmy Rice RatMoojen's pygmy rice ratOligoryzomys moojeni is a species of rodent from South America in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is known only from central Brazil, where it is found in the cerrado and gallery forests. It is named after twentieth-century Brazilian zoologist João Moojen.-Literature cited:*Weksler,...
Oligoryzomys moojeni DD - Black-footed Pygmy Rice RatBlack-footed Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys nigripes, also known as the Black-footed Colilargo or the Black-footed Pygmy Rice Rat, is a rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is found from Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil through the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado into Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, where it...
Oligoryzomys nigripes LC - Rock Pygmy Rice RatRock pygmy rice ratOligoryzomys rupestris is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It is known only from eastern Brazil, where it has been found in several localities in the Campos Rupestres montane savanna, part of the cerrado ecoregion....
Oligoryzomys rupestris DD - Straw-colored Pygmy Rice RatStraw-colored Pygmy Rice RatOligoryzomys stramineus, also known as the Straw-colored Colilargo or Straw-colored Pygmy Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Oligoryzomys of family Cricetidae. It occurs only in the cerrado and caatinga of northeastern Brazil....
Oligoryzomys stramineus LC
- Peruvian Rice RatPeruvian Rice RatOreoryzomys balneator, also known as the Peruvian Rice Rat or Ecuadoran Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is found in Ecuador and northern Peru in cloud forest at elevations from 1500 to 1800 m...
Oreoryzomys balneator DD
Oryzomys is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini living in southern North America and far northern South America. It includes eight species, two of which—the marsh rice rat of the United States and O. couesi of Mexico and Central America—are widespread; the six others have...
- Coues's Rice Rat Oryzomys couesi LC
- Gorgas's Rice RatGorgas's Rice RatOryzomys gorgasi, also known as Gorgas's Oryzomys or Gorgas's Rice Rat, is a rodent in the genus Oryzomys of family Cricetidae. First collected as a living animal in 1967, it is known from only a few localities, including a freshwater swamp in the lowlands of northwestern Colombia and a mangrove...
Oryzomys gorgasi EN
Oxymycterus is the genus of hocicudos. They are rat-like animals endemic to South America.Species listing:Oxymycterus is the genus of hocicudos. They are rat-like animals endemic to South America.Species listing:...
- Argentine HocicudoArgentine HocicudoThe Argentine Hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in northern Argentina in yungas habitat.-References:...
Oxymycterus akodontius DD - Amazonian HocicudoAmazonian HocicudoThe Amazonian Hocicudo, Oxymycterus amazonicus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Oxymycterus amazonicus LC - Angular HocicudoAngular HocicudoThe Angular Hocicudo, Oxymycterus angularis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Oxymycterus angularis LC - Caparaó HocicudoCaparaó HocicudoThe Caparaó Hocicudo, Oxymycterus caparoae, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-References:*...
Oxymycterus caparoae LC - Atlantic Forest HocicudoAtlantic Forest hocicudoThe Atlantic Forest hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in southeastern Brazil, where it lives in the Atlantic Forest and associated wetlands at altitudes from sea level to 800 m....
Oxymycterus dasytrichus LC - Spy HocicudoSpy HocicudoThe Spy Hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Paraguay.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Oxymycterus delator LC - Small HocicudoSmall HocicudoThe Small Hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru on the eastern slopes of the Andes at elevations from 610 to 3500 m.-References:...
Oxymycterus hiska LC - Hispid HocicudoHispid HocicudoThe Hispid Hocicudo, Oxymycterus hispidus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina and Brazil, in the Atlantic Forest....
Oxymycterus hispidus LC - Quechuan HocicudoQuechuan HocicudoOxymycterus hucucha, also known as the Quechuan Hocicudo, is a species of rodent in the genus Oxymycterus of family Cricetidae from South America. It is found only in a small region of the Andes in central Bolivia, where it lives in cloud forest at altitudes from 2600 to 3000 m.Exceptionally small...
Oxymycterus hucucha EN - Incan HocicudoIncan HocicudoThe Incan Hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Oxymycterus inca LC - Cook's HocicudoCook's hocicudoCook's hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in southern Uruguay, where it lives in wetlands, moist grasslands and scrub. The specifies is named after American zoologist Joseph “José” A. Cook....
Oxymycterus josei EN - Long-nosed HocicudoLong-nosed HocicudoThe Long-nosed Hocicudo, Oxymycterus nasutus, is a South American rodent species found in southeastern Brazil and Uruguay. It hunts grubs and worms under the cover of leaves, logs, and stones. It has a long, flexible nose, and usually utilizes the tunnels and pathways created by other...
Oxymycterus nasutus LC - Paramo HocicudoParamo HocicudoThe Paramo Hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Oxymycterus paramensis LC - Quaestor HocicudoQuaestor hocicudoThe quaestor hocicudo is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina, where it lives in forest and moist and dry scrub....
Oxymycterus quaestor LC - Robert's HocicudoRobert's HocicudoRobert's Hocicudo, Oxymycterus roberti, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Paraguay....
Oxymycterus roberti LC - Red HocicudoRed HocicudoThe Red Hocicudo, Oxymycterus rufus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay....
Oxymycterus rufus LC - Oxymycterus wayku
- Gerbil Leaf-eared MouseGerbil Leaf-eared MouseThe Gerbil Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Paralomys.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Paralomys gerbillus LC
- Pearson's Long-clawed MousePearson's Long-clawed MousePearsonomys annectens, also known as Pearson's Long-clawed Akodont or Pearson's Long-clawed Mouse, is a species of rodent in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae, named after American zoologist . It is the only species in the genus Pearsonomys.It is found only in Chile.-Literature...
Pearsonomys annectens VU
- Rio de Janeiro Arboreal RatRio de Janeiro Arboreal RatThe Rio de Janeiro Arboreal Rat, Phaenomys ferrugineus, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil. It is the only species in the genus Phaenomys....
Phaenomys ferrugineus VU
Phyllotis is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Phyllotis alisosiensis* Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse * Andean Leaf-eared Mouse...
- Phyllotis alisosiensis
- Friendly Leaf-eared MouseFriendly Leaf-eared MouseThe Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis amicus LC - Andean Leaf-eared MouseAndean Leaf-eared MouseThe Andean Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis andium LC - Anita's Leaf-eared MouseAnita's leaf-eared mouseAnita's leaf-eared mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It was discovered in Tucumán Province in northwestern Argentina in alder forest of the upper part of the Southern Andean Yungas ecoregion, on the eastern slopes of the Andes. The species is terrestrial and nocturnal, and was...
Phyllotis anitae DD - Buenos Aires Leaf-eared MouseBuenos Aires Leaf-eared MouseThe Buenos Aires Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Argentina.-References:* Contreras, L. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis bonariensis NT - Capricorn Leaf-eared MouseCapricorn Leaf-eared MouseThe Capricorn Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis caprinus LC - Darwin's Leaf-eared MouseDarwin's Leaf-eared MouseDarwin's Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It has terrestrial habits and is endemic to coastal central Chile....
Phyllotis darwini LC - Definitive Leaf-eared MouseDefinitive Leaf-eared MouseThe Definitive Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in west central Peru, in rocky and shrub-covered areas at elevations between 2600 and 3000 m.-References:...
Phyllotis definitus EN - Haggard's Leaf-eared MouseHaggard's Leaf-eared MouseHaggard's Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis haggardi LC - Lima Leaf-eared MouseLima leaf-eared mouseThe Lima leaf-eared mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in a variety of habitats on the western slopes of the Andes from northern Chile to west-central Peru at elevations from sea level to 4000 m....
Phyllotis limatus LC - Master Leaf-eared MouseMaster Leaf-eared MouseThe Master Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Chile and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis magister LC - Osgood's Leaf-eared MouseOsgood's Leaf-eared MouseOsgood's Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in the Altiplano of northeastern Chile. The species is named after American zoologist Wilfred Hudson Osgood.-References:...
Phyllotis osgoodi DD - Bunchgrass Leaf-eared MouseBunchgrass Leaf-eared MouseThe Bunchgrass Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis osilae LC - Wolffsohn's Leaf-eared MouseWolffsohn's Leaf-eared MouseWolffsohn's Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Phyllotis wolffsohni LC - Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared MouseYellow-rumped Leaf-eared MouseThe Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is the most widespread member of the genus, being found in or near the Andes of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, from sea level to 5,000 m.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July...
Phyllotis xanthopygus LC
- Roraima MouseRoraima MouseThe Roraima Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is the only species in the genus Podoxymys.It is found only in Guyana.-References:...
Podoxymys roraimae VU
- Brazilian False Rice RatBrazilian False Rice RatPseudoryzomys simplex, also known as the Brazilian False Rice Rat or False Oryzomys, is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae from south-central South America. It is found in lowland palm savanna and thorn scrub habitats...
Pseudoryzomys simplex LC
Punomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Eastern Puna Mouse * Puna Mouse...
- Eastern Puna MouseEastern puna mouseThe eastern puna mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to southern Peru, where it is found in moist areas within puna grassland at elevations of 4500 to 4800 m in the Cordillera Carabaya section of the Cordillera Oriental.-References:*Musser, G. G. and M. D....
Punomys kofordi VU - Puna MousePuna MouseThe Puna Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to southern Peru, where it is found in puna habitat at elevations of 4400 to 4900 m in the Cordillera Occidental.-References:...
Punomys lemminus VU
Reithrodon is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Bunny Rat * Naked-soled Conyrat...
- Bunny RatBunny RatThe Bunny Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay....
Reithrodon auritus LC - Naked-soled ConyratNaked-soled conyratThe naked-soled conyrat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in grasslands in northern Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay....
Reithrodon typicus LC
Rhagomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Thomasomyini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in Bolivia, southeast Peru and the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. They are as follows:...
- Long-tongued Arboreal MouseLong-tongued arboreal mouseThe long-tongued arboreal mouse, Rhagomys longilingua, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in a variety of habitats in Bolivia and Peru at elevations from 450 to 2100 m. The species is at least partly arboreal....
Rhagomys longilingua LC - Brazilian Arboreal MouseBrazilian Arboreal MouseThe Brazilian Arboreal Mouse, Rhagomys rufescens, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil....
Rhagomys rufescens NT
Rhipidomys is a genus of rodents in the family Cricetidae, comprising at least 18 species of climbing mouse:* Southern Climbing Mouse * Cariri Climbing Mouse...
- Southern Climbing MouseSouthern Climbing MouseThe Southern Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Argentina and Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Cariri climbing mouse
The Cariri climbing mouse, Rhipidomys cariri, is a partly arboreal rodent species from South America. It is known from two mesic localities in Ceara, northeastern Brazil, within the semiarid caatinga ecoregion. It has been found in areas under cultivation. Cariri is the name of an administrative...
Rhipidomys cariri DD
Cauca Climbing Mouse
The Cauca Climbing Mouse is a species of arboreal rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to Colombia, where it is found in montane forest at elevations from 2200 to 3500 m.-References:...
Rhipidomys caucensis DD
Coues's Climbing Mouse
Coues's Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. It is named after American zoologist Elliott Coues.-References:...
Rhipidomys couesi LC
Eastern Amazon climbing mouse
The eastern Amazon climbing mouse, Rhipidomys emiliae, is a rodent species from South America. It is endemic to central Brazil, where it is found in the eastern fringe of the Amazon Rainforest, as well as in gallery forest and tropical dry forest within the cerrado ecoregion. It is often found in...
Rhipidomys emiliae LC
Buff-Bellied Climbing Mouse
The Buff-bellied Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Rhipidomys fulviventer LC
Gardner's Climbing Mouse
Gardner's Climbing Mouse, Rhipidomys gardneri, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Peru....
Rhipidomys gardneri LC
Broad-Footed Climbing Mouse
The Broad-footed Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru....
Rhipidomys latimanus LC
White-footed Climbing Mouse
The White-footed Climbing Mouse, Rhipidomys leucodactylus, is a South American rodent species found in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Rhipidomys leucodactylus LC
MacConnell's Climbing Mouse
MacConnell's Climbing Mouse, Rhipidomys macconnelli, is a nocturnal and arboreal rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela, where it inhabits rainforest at elevations from 300 to 2800 m....
Rhipidomys macconnelli LC
Cerrado climbing mouse
The cerrado climbing mouse is an arboreal rodent species in the family Cricetidae from South America. It is found in central and eastern Brazil in forests of the cerrado and caatinga, and has also been seen in the Atlantic Forest. Its karyotype is 2n = 44, FN = 48-52.It is sometimes commonly known...
Rhipidomys macrurus LC
Atlantic Forest climbing mouse
The Atlantic Forest climbing mouse is an arboreal rodent species in the family Cricetidae from South America. It is found in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil at elevations from sea level to 1500 m. Its karyotype is 2n = 44, FN = 74-80.It is sometimes also referred to as the long-tailed...
Rhipidomys mastacalis LC
Peruvian climbing mouse
The Peruvian climbing mouse, Rhipidomys modicus, is a rodent species from South America. It is endemic to the eastern slopes of the Andes in central Peru, where it is found at altitudes from 700 to 1800 m. The species is nocturnal and arboreal, and lives in lower montane forest and cloud forest. It...
Rhipidomys modicus NT
Splendid Climbing Mouse
The Splendid Climbing Mouse, Rhipidomys nitela, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela....
Rhipidomys nitela LC
Yellow-Bellied Climbing Mouse
The Yellow-bellied Climbing Mouse is a species of arboreal rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from southeastern Peru, where it has been found in cloud forest at an elevation of 1830 m. This species was long known only by the type collection until it was rediscovered in May...
Rhipidomys ochrogaster DD
Venezuelan Climbing Mouse
The Venezuelan Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Venezuela....
Rhipidomys venezuelae LC
Charming Climbing Mouse
The Charming Climbing Mouse is a species of nocturnal rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela....
Rhipidomys venustus LC
Wetzel's Climbing Mouse
Wetzel's Climbing Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Rhipidomys wetzeli LC
- Salt Flat MouseSalt flat mouseThe salt flat mouse is a sigmodontine rodent species in the family Cricetidae from South America. It is the only species in the genus Salinomys. Its habitat is scrublands bordering salt flats in central western Argentina at elevations around 400 m...
Salinomys delicatus DD
Scapteromys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Akodontini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in northern Argentina, southern Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay...
- Argentine Swamp RatArgentine swamp ratThe Argentine swamp rat, Scapteromys aquaticus, is a semiaquatic rodent species from South America. It is found in northeastern Argentina and Paraguay, where it lives in freshwater marshes and along the southern coast of the Río de la Plata estuary, as well as in forests.-References:*...
Scapteromys aquaticus LC - Waterhouse's Swamp RatWaterhouse's Swamp RatWaterhouse's Swamp Rat, Scapteromys tumidus, is a semiaquatic rodent species from South America. It is found in southern Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina, where it lives in freshwater and salt marshes, as well as open grassland of the pampas....
Scapteromys tumidus LC
Scolomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. Some evidence suggests that it is related to Zygodontomys. It is characterized, among other traits, by spiny fur. It contains two species, Scolomys melanops and Scolomys ucayalensis.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and...
- South American Spiny MouseSouth American Spiny MouseScolomys melanops, also known as the Short-nosed Scolomys, South American Spiny Mouse, or Ecuadorian Spiny Mouse, is a species of rodent in the genus Scolomys of family Cricetidae. It is found only in Ecuador.-Literature cited:...
Scolomys melanops LC - Ucayali Spiny MouseUcayali Spiny MouseScolomys ucayalensis, also known as the Long-nosed Scolomys or Ucayali Spiny Mouse is a nocturnal rodent species from South America. It is part of the genus Scolomys within the tribe Oryzomyini. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, at elevations from in the Amazon...
Scolomys ucayalensis LC
- Alston's Cotton RatAlston's Cotton RatAlston's Cotton Rat, Sigmodon alstoni, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela, where it inhabits lowland savannas....
Sigmodon alstoni LC - Southern Cotton RatSouthern cotton ratThe southern cotton rat, Sigmodon hirsutus, is a rodent species in the family Cricetidae. It is found in southern Chiapas in Mexico through Central America, except for Belize, and as far east as northern Colombia and Venezuela. It lives in tropical rainforest, dry forest and savanna, as well as in...
Sigmodon hirsutus LC - Unexpected Cotton RatUnexpected Cotton RatThe Unexpected Cotton Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Ecuador at elevations of 3500 to 4000 m, where it has been found in association with streams and marshes....
Sigmodon inopinatus VU - Peruvian Cotton RatPeruvian Cotton RatThe Peruvian Cotton Rat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Sigmodon peruanus LC
Sigmodontomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is related to Nectomys and Melanomys and was previously included in Nectomys. It includes two species, Sigmodontomys alfari and the much rarer Sigmodontomys aphrastus, but whether these are indeed each other's...
- Alfaro's Rice Water RatAlfaro's Rice Water RatSigmodontomys alfari, also known as the Short-tailed Sigmodontomys, Alfaro's Rice Water Rat, Cana Rice Rat, or Allen's Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in the genus Sigmodontomys of family Cricetidae...
Sigmodontomys alfari LC - Harris's Rice Water RatHarris's Rice Water RatSigmodontomys aphrastus, also known as the Long-tailed Sigmodontomys, Harris's Rice Water Rat, or Long-tailed Rice Rat, is a species of rodent in genus Sigmodontomys of family Cricetidae. It is known from Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador.-Literature cited:*Duff, A. and Lawson, A. 2004. Mammals of...
Sigmodontomys aphrastus DD
- Paraguayan Rice RatParaguayan Rice RatSooretamys angouya, also known as the Angouya Oryzomys, Rat-headed Rice Rat, and Paraguayan Rice Rat, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil and Paraguay in forested areas within the Atlantic Forest and cerrado...
Sooretamys angouya LC
- Tapecomys wolffsohni
- Primordial TapecuaPrimordial TapecuaThe Primordial Tapecua is a species of medium sized rodent in the family Cricetidae. The type locality is in southeastern Bolivia. It is the only known species of the genus Tapecomys. Two specimens were found in 1991 in a forested region at an elevation of 1500 m near the village of Tapecua in the...
Tapecomys primus LC
Thalpomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Akodontini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, both found in the cerrado tropical savanna ecoregion of central Brazil. They are as follows:* Cerrado Mouse...
- Cerrado MouseCerrado MouseThe Cerrado Mouse, Thalpomys cerradensis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Thalpomys cerradensis LC - Hairy-eared Cerrado MouseHairy-eared Cerrado MouseThe Hairy-eared Cerrado Mouse, Thalpomys lasiotis, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Thalpomys lasiotis LC
- Blackish Grass MouseBlackish Grass MouseThe Blackish Grass Mouse, Thaptomys nigrita, also formerly called the Ebony Akodont, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is the only species in the genus Thaptomys....
Thaptomys nigrita LC
Thomasomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae, named after British zoologist Oldfield Thomas. It contains the following species:* Anderson's Oldfield Mouse * Apeco Oldfield Mouse...
- Anderson's Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys andersoni
- Apeco Oldfield MouseApeco oldfield mouseThe Apeco oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from a single locality in north central Peru, which includes Rio Abiseo National Park, where it was found in cloud forest at an elevation of 3300 m. The species name comes from the acronym for the . It is...
Thomasomys apeco VU - Golden Oldfield MouseGolden Oldfield MouseThe Golden Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys aureus LC - Beady-eyed MouseBeady-eyed MouseThe Beady-eyed Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Thomasomys baeops LC - Silky Oldfield MouseSilky Oldfield MouseThe Silky Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Colombia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys bombycinus DD - White-tipped Oldfield MouseWhite-tipped oldfield mouseThe white-tipped oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in the Andes from central Ecuador to northern Peru, at elevations from 2500 to 3350 m, where it lives in montane forest....
Thomasomys caudivarius LC - Ashy-bellied Oldfield MouseAshy-bellied Oldfield MouseThe Ashy-bellied Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Thomasomys cinereiventer LC - Ash-colored Oldfield MouseAsh-colored Oldfield MouseThe Ash-colored Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Thomasomys cinereus LC - Cinnamon-colored Oldfield MouseCinnamon-colored oldfield mouseThe cinnamon-colored oldfield mouse , also called the "cinnamon-colored Thomasomys", is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is present in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes from north central Ecuador to southern Colombia, at elevations from 2400 to 3800 m. It has terrestrial habits,...
Thomasomys cinnameus LC - Daphne's Oldfield MouseDaphne's Oldfield MouseDaphne's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Bolivia and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys daphne LC - Peruvian Oldfield MousePeruvian Oldfield MouseThe Peruvian Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys eleusis LC - Wandering Oldfield MouseWandering oldfield mouseThe wandering oldfield mouse , also called the "wandering Thomasomys", is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It has been found in both the Cordillera Oriental and Cordillera Occidental of the Andes in central and north central Ecuador, at elevations from 2400 to 3600 m...
Thomasomys erro LC - Slender Oldfield MouseSlender Oldfield MouseThe Slender Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys gracilis NT - Hudson's Oldfield MouseHudson's oldfield mouseHudson's oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from the Andes in southern Ecuador, where is has been found at an elevation of 3100 m. It was formerly considered a subspecies of T. gracilis. It is named after American zoologist Wilfred Hudson Osgood....
Thomasomys hudsoni DD - Woodland Oldfield MouseWoodland Oldfield MouseThe Woodland Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys hylophilus EN - Inca Oldfield MouseInca Oldfield MouseThe Inca Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys incanus VU - Strong-tailed Oldfield MouseStrong-tailed Oldfield MouseThe Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Thomasomys ischyurus VU - Kalinowski's Oldfield MouseKalinowski's Oldfield MouseKalinowski's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys kalinowskii VU - Ladew's Oldfield MouseLadew's Oldfield MouseLadew's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys ladewi LC - Soft-furred Oldfield MouseSoft-furred Oldfield MouseThe Soft-furred Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys laniger LC - Large-eared Oldfield MouseLarge-eared oldfield mouseThe large-eared oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from a single locality in the Andes in north central Peru , in montane forest at an elevation of 3300 m. It has terrestrial habits and is sympatric with T. apeco....
Thomasomys macrotis VU - Unicolored Oldfield MouseUnicolored Oldfield MouseThe Unicolored Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Colombia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys monochromos EN - Snow-footed Oldfield MouseSnow-footed Oldfield MouseThe Snow-footed Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Colombia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 9 July 2007....
Thomasomys niveipes LC - Distinguished Oldfield MouseDistinguished Oldfield MouseThe Distinguished Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys notatus LC - Ashaninka Oldfield MouseAshaninka oldfield mouseThe Ashaninka oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is known only from a single locality in the Cordillera Oriental of the southern Peruvian Andes, in montane forest at an elevation of 3350 m. It has terrestrial habits...
Thomasomys onkiro VU - Montane Oldfield MouseMontane Oldfield MouseThe Montane Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Bolivia.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys oreas LC - Paramo Oldfield MouseParamo Oldfield MouseThe Paramo Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. A youth or baby of a Paramo Oldfield mouse is called a 'pinkie', 'kitten' or 'pup'. The females are called 'does' and males 'bucks'...
Thomasomys paramorum LC - Popayán Oldfield MousePopayán oldfield mouseThe Popayán oldfield mouse , also called the "Popayán Thomasomys", is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is present in the Andes of southwestern and central western Colombia, at elevations from 1800 to 3200 m. It has been found in páramo, montane forest, and secondary forest. It was...
Thomasomys popayanus DD - Cajamarca Oldfield MouseCajamarca oldfield mouseThe Cajamarca oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is present in the Andes of northwestern Peru, where its habitats include shrubby páramo, montane forest, and secondary forest. The rodent is nocturnal and may be partly arboreal. It was formerly considered a...
Thomasomys praetor DD - Thomas's Oldfield MouseThomas's Oldfield MouseThomas's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys pyrrhonotus VU - Rhoads's Oldfield MouseRhoads's Oldfield MouseRhoads's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys rhoadsi LC - Rosalinda's Oldfield MouseRosalinda's Oldfield MouseRosalinda's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys rosalinda DD - Forest Oldfield MouseForest Oldfield MouseThe Forest Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Ecuador.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys silvestris LC - Taczanowski's Oldfield MouseTaczanowski's Oldfield MouseTaczanowski's Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Peru.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys taczanowskii LC - Ucucha Oldfield MouseUcucha oldfield mouseThomasomys ucucha, also known as the Ucucha Thomasomys, is a rodent in the genus Thomasomys of the family Cricetidae. Found only in the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador, a mountain range, it lives in forests and grasslands at 3380 to 3720 m above sea level. It may occur with seven other species...
Thomasomys ucucha VU - Dressy Oldfield MouseDressy Oldfield MouseThe Dressy Oldfield Mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It is found only in Venezuela.-References:* Baillie, J. 1996. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Thomasomys vestitus LC - Pichincha Oldfield MousePichincha oldfield mouseThe Pichincha oldfield mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is present in the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador, where its habitats include shrubby páramo and montane forest. It is nocturnal and terrestrial...
Thomasomys vulcani DD
Transandinomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It includes two species—T. bolivaris and T. talamancae—found in forests from Honduras in Central America south and east to southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Venezuela in northern South America...
- Bolivar Rice RatBolivar Rice RatTransandinomys bolivaris, also known as the long-whiskered rice rat, is a rodent in the genus Transandinomys. It is found in humid forest from northeastern Honduras to western Ecuador, up to 1800 m above sea level...
Transandinomys bolivaris LC - Talamancan Rice RatTalamancan Rice RatTransandinomys talamancae is a rodent in the genus Transandinomys that occurs from Costa Rica to southwestern Ecuador and northern Venezuela. Its habitat consists of lowland forests up to 1525 m above sea level. With a body mass of 38 to 74 g , it is a medium-sized rice rat...
Transandinomys talamancae LC
Wiedomys is a genus of South American rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Cerrado Red-nosed Mouse * Red-nosed Mouse...
- Cerrado Red-nosed MouseCerrado red-nosed mouseThe cerrado red-nosed mouse, Wiedomys cerradensis, is a rodent species from South America. It is known from one locality in Bahia, eastern Brazil. The species was found in semi-deciduous forest in the cerrado ecoregion....
Wiedomys cerradensis DD - Red-nosed MouseRed-nosed MouseThe Red-nosed Mouse, Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos, is an arboreal rodent species from South America. It is found in caatinga and cerrado habitat in eastern Brazil....
Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos LC
- Greater Wilfred's MouseGreater Wilfred's MouseThe Greater Wilfred's Mouse, Wilfredomys oenax, is a rodent species from South America. It is found in southern Brazil and Uruguay in subtropical lowland forest. It is arboreal to some degree. It is the only species in the genus Wilfredomys....
Wilfredomys oenax EN
Zygodontomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of the family Cricetidae. Its closest relative may be Scolomys. It ranges from Central America east to the Guianas. It contains two species: Zygodontomys brunneus and Zygodontomys brevicauda....
- Short-tailed Cane RatShort-tailed Cane RatZygodontomys brevicauda, also known as the Short-tailed Zygodont, Short-tailed Cane Mouse, or Common Cane Mouse, is a species of rodent in the genus Zygodontomys of tribe Oryzomyini. It occurs from Costa Rica via Panama, Colombia and Venezuela into Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and northern...
Zygodontomys brevicauda LC - Brown Cane MouseBrown Cane MouseZygodontomys brunneus, also known as the Brown Zygodont, Brown Cane Mouse, or Colombian Cane Mouse, is a rodent species in the genus Zygodontomys of tribe Oryzomyini. It is found only in Colombia.-Literature cited:...
Zygodontomys brunneus LC
Muridae is the largest family of mammals. It contains over 600 species found naturally throughout Eurasia, Africa, and Australia. They have been introduced worldwide. The group includes true mice and rats, gerbils, and relatives....
(mice, rats, voles, gerbils, hamsters, etc.)
- Subfamily: MurinaeMurinaeThe Old World rats and mice, part of the subfamily Murinae in the family Muridae, comprise at least 519 species. This subfamily is larger than all mammal families except the Cricetidae and Muridae, and is larger than all mammal orders except the bats and the remainder of the...
- Genus: Rattus
- Polynesian RatPolynesian RatThe Polynesian Rat, or Pacific Rat , known to the Māori as kiore, is the third most widespread species of rat in the world behind the Brown Rat and Black Rat. The Polynesian Rat originates in Southeast Asia but, like its cousins, has become well travelled – infiltrating Fiji and most Polynesian...
Rattus exulans LC
- Polynesian Rat
- Genus: Rattus
Order: LagomorphaLagomorphaThe lagomorphs are the members of the taxonomic order Lagomorpha, of which there are two living families, the Leporidae , and the Ochotonidae...

Leporids are the approximately 50 species of rabbits and hares which form the family Leporidae. The leporids, together with the pikas, constitute the mammalian order Lagomorpha. Leporids differ from pikas in having short furry tails, and elongated ears and hind legs...
Hares and jackrabbits are leporids belonging to the genus Lepus. Hares less than one year old are called leverets. Four species commonly known as types of hare are classified outside of Lepus: the hispid hare , and three species known as red rock hares .Hares are very fast-moving...
s and rabbit
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world...
s), and Ochotonidae (pika
The pika is a small mammal, with short limbs, rounded ears, and short tail. The name pika is used for any member of the Ochotonidae, a family within the order of lagomorphs, which also includes the Leporidae . One genus, Ochotona, is recognised within the family, and it includes 30 species...
s). Though they can resemble rodent
Rodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing....
s, and were classified as a superfamily
Taxonomic rank
In biological classification, rank is the level in a taxonomic hierarchy. Examples of taxonomic ranks are species, genus, family, and class. Each rank subsumes under it a number of less general categories...
in that order until the early 20th century, they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two. South America's meager lagomorph diversity (3 species compared to 18 for North America north of Mexico) reflects their recent arrival and failure (so far) to diversify much. Only the tapeti is present south of northern South America; lagomorphs are absent from most of South America's southern cone
Southern Cone
Southern Cone is a geographic region composed of the southernmost areas of South America, south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Although geographically this includes part of Southern and Southeast of Brazil, in terms of political geography the Southern cone has traditionally comprised Argentina,...
- Family: LeporidaeLeporidaeLeporids are the approximately 50 species of rabbits and hares which form the family Leporidae. The leporids, together with the pikas, constitute the mammalian order Lagomorpha. Leporids differ from pikas in having short furry tails, and elongated ears and hind legs...
(rabbits, hares)- Genus: Sylvilagus
- TapetiTapetiThe Tapeti , also known as the Brazilian Rabbit or Forest Rabbit, is a cottontail rabbit species found in Central and South America....
Sylvilagus brasiliensis LC - Eastern CottontailEastern CottontailThe eastern cottontail is a New World cottontail rabbit, a member of the family Leporidae. It is one of the most common rabbit species in North America.-Distribution:...
Sylvilagus floridanus LC - Venezuelan Lowland RabbitVenezuelan lowland rabbitThe Venezuelan lowland rabbit , also known as the Barinas wild rabbit, is a cottontail rabbit species found in western Venezuela. Its diet consists in large measure of plants of the genus Sida. It is found in lowland savannas close to dry forests within the Llanos ecoregion. It is the largest of...
Sylvilagus varynaensis DD
- Tapeti
- Genus: Sylvilagus
Order: Eulipotyphla (shrews, hedgehogs, moles, and solenodons)
The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. Shrews and solenodons closely resemble mice, hedgehog
A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha. There are 17 species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand . There are no hedgehogs native to Australia, and no living species native to the Americas...
s carry spines, while mole
Mole (animal)
Moles are small cylindrical mammals adapted to a subterranean lifestyle. They have velvety fur; tiny or invisible ears and eyes; and short, powerful limbs with large paws oriented for digging. The term is especially and most properly used for the true moles, those of the Talpidae family in the...
s are stout-bodied burrowers. In South America, shrews are only found in the north (Colombia
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...
, Venezuela
Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...
, Ecuador
Ecuador , officially the Republic of Ecuador is a representative democratic republic in South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is one of only two countries in South America, along with Chile, that do not have a border...
and Peru
Peru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....
), a legacy of their relatively recent immigration to the continent by way of Central America
Central America
Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is the southernmost, isthmian portion of the North American continent, which connects with South America on the southeast. When considered part of the unified continental model, it is considered a subcontinent...
(where shrew species are more numerous and more diverse). Moles are not found in the Americas
The Americas, or America , are lands in the Western hemisphere, also known as the New World. In English, the plural form the Americas is often used to refer to the landmasses of North America and South America with their associated islands and regions, while the singular form America is primarily...
south of northern Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
- Family: Soricidae (shrews)
- Subfamily: Soricinae
- Tribe: Blarinini
- Genus: Cryptotis
- C. nigrescens group
- Eastern Cordillera Small-footed ShrewEastern Cordillera small-footed shrewThe Eastern Cordillera small-footed shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to Colombia, where it is known from the western slopes of the central Cordillera Oriental at elevations from 1300 to 2715 m. It resembles C. colombiana.-References:*...
Cryptotis brachyonyx DD - Colombian Small-eared ShrewColombian small-eared shrewThe Colombian small-eared shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to Colombia, where it is known from the Cordillera Central in Antioquia Department at elevations from 1750 to 2800 m. It is found in montane forest and cultivated areas. It resembles C....
Cryptotis colombiana LC - Darién Small-eared ShrewDarién small-eared shrewThe Darién small-eared shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is known only from montane regions along the border between Colombia and Darién Province, Panama, where it has been found in rainforest at elevations from 1400 to 1500 m. It has terrestrial habits....
Cryptotis mera EN
- Eastern Cordillera Small-footed Shrew
- C. thomasi group
- Ecuadorean Small-eared Shrew Cryptotis equatoris LC
- Medellín Small-eared ShrewMedellín small-eared shrewThe Medellín small-eared shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to Colombia, where it is known from the northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental and Cordillera Central at elevations from 2500 to 2800 m. The species is found in montane forest and cultivated areas,...
Cryptotis medellinia LC - Merida Small-eared ShrewMerida Small-eared ShrewThe Merida Small-eared Shrew is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to Venezuela.-References:* Insectivore Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Cryptotis meridensis LC - Wandering Small-eared ShrewWandering Small-eared ShrewThe Wandering Small-eared Shrew is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is endemic to Ecuador.-References:* Insectivore Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Cryptotis montivaga LC - Peruvian Small-eared ShrewPeruvian small-eared shrewThe Peruvian small-eared shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is known only from northern Peru, where it has been found in shrubby "elfin" cloud forest in the Andes at elevations from 2050 to 3150 m. The species may also be present in Ecuador. It has the southernmost range of...
Cryptotis peruviensis DD - Scaly-footed Small-eared ShrewScaly-footed Small-eared ShrewThe Scaly-footed Small-eared Shrew is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.-References:* Insectivore Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Cryptotis squamipes LC - Tamá Small-eared ShrewTamá small-eared shrewThe Tamá small-eared shrew is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is known from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia and the Páramo de Tamá of western Venezuela, where it has been found primarily in cloud forest at elevations between 2380 and 3330 m. Its range includes Venezuela's El...
Cryptotis tamensis LC - Thomas's Small-eared Shrew Cryptotis thomasi LC
- C. nigrescens group
- Genus: Cryptotis
- Tribe: Blarinini
- Subfamily: Soricinae
Order: Chiroptera (bats)

- Family: Noctilionidae (bulldog bats)
- Genus: Noctilio
- Lesser Bulldog BatLesser Bulldog BatThe Lesser Bulldog Bat is an insectivorous and occasionally carnivorous bat of the , ranging through Central America and northern South America....
Noctilio albiventris LC - Greater Bulldog BatGreater Bulldog BatThe greater bulldog bat or fisherman bat is a type of fishing bat native to Latin America. The bat uses echolocation to detect water ripples made by the fish upon which it preys, then uses the pouch between its legs to scoop the fish up and its sharp claws to catch and cling to it...
Noctilio leporinus LC
- Lesser Bulldog Bat
- Genus: Noctilio
- Family: Vespertilionidae
- Subfamily: Myotinae
- Genus: Myotis
- Southern MyotisSouthern MyotisThe Southern Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It is found only in Argentina....
Myotis aelleni DD - Silver-tipped MyotisSilver-tipped MyotisThe Silver-tipped Myotis is a species of mouse-eared bat found in a range of lowland habitats in the Americas.It is part of the Myotis genus of vesper bats, which includes a large number of common species across the world...
Myotis albescens LC - Atacama MyotisAtacama MyotisThe Atacama Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It can be found in Chile and Peru....
Myotis atacamensis NT - Chilean MyotisChilean MyotisThe Chilean Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It is found in Argentina and Chile.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Myotis chiloensis LC - Myotis dinellii LC
- Hairy-legged MyotisHairy-legged MyotisThe Hairy-Legged Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It can be found in the following countries: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and...
Myotis keaysi LC - Yellowish MyotisYellowish MyotisThe Yellowish Myotis , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay.-References:*...
Myotis levis LC - Curacao MyotisCuracao MyotisThe Curacao Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It is found in Bonaire , Colombia, Curaçao and Venezuela....
Myotis nesopolus LC - Black MyotisBlack MyotisThe Black Myotis , is a bat species from South and Central America.Its body is dark brown/black. The head to body length, not including the tail, is about 5cm . The Black Myotis is a tiny bat with a small pointed non-noseleaf snout. Its ears are pointy and triangular, and extremely sensitive...
Myotis nigricans LC - Montane MyotisMontane MyotisThe Montane Myotis is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela.-References:...
Myotis oxyotus LC - Riparian MyotisRiparian MyotisThe Riparian Myotis , is a bat species from South and Central America....
Myotis riparius LC - Red MyotisRed MyotisThe Red Myotis , is a South American bat species found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay....
Myotis ruber NT - Velvety MyotisVelvety MyotisThe Velvety Myotis , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay....
Myotis simus DD
- Southern Myotis
- Genus: Myotis
- Subfamily: VespertilioninaeVespertilioninaeVespertilioninae is a subfamily of Vesper Bats from the family Vespertilionidae.-Classification:Subfamily Vespertilioninae*Tribe Eptesicini**Genus Arielulus***Collared Pipistrelle, Arielulus aureocollaris...
- Genus: EptesicusEptesicusEptesicus is a genus of bats, commonly called house bats, in the family Vespertilionidae.The 25 species within this genus are:*Little black serotine *Bobrinski's Serotine...
- Little Black SerotineLittle black serotineThe little black serotine is a species of insectivorous vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It is found in Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and possibly Bolivia at elevations from 100 to 3300 m....
Eptesicus andinus LC - Brazilian Brown BatBrazilian Brown BatThe Brazilian Brown Bat, Eptesicus brasiliensis, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Eptesicus brasiliensis LC - Chiriquinan Serotine Eptesicus chiriquinus LC
- Diminutive SerotineDiminutive SerotineThe Diminutive Serotine, Eptesicus diminutus, is a bat species from South America.It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela.-References:*...
Eptesicus diminutus DD - Argentine Brown BatArgentine Brown BatThe Argentine Brown Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America....
Eptesicus furinalis LC - Big brown batBig brown batThe Big Brown Bat is larger in size than comparative species of bats, from about 4 to 5 inches in body length, with a 11-13 inch wingspan and weighing 1/2 to 5/8 ounce. The fur is moderately long, and shiny brown...
Eptesicus fuscus LC - Harmless SerotineHarmless SerotineThe Harmless Serotine is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It is found in western Ecuador and northwestern Peru.-References:*...
Eptesicus innoxius NT - Eptesicus taddeiiEptesicus taddeiiEptesicus taddeii is a species of medium-sized bat belonging to the family Vespertilionidae. It is restricted to the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil....
- Little Black Serotine
- Genus: HistiotusHistiotusHistiotus is a genus of South American vesper bats. Species within this genus are:*Strange Big-eared Brown Bat *Humboldt Big-eared Brown Bat *Thomas's Big-eared Brown Bat...
- Strange Big-eared Brown BatStrange Big-eared Brown BatThe Strange Big-eared Brown Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Histiotus alienus DD - Humboldt Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus humboldti DD
- Thomas's Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus laephotis NT
- Big-eared Brown BatBig-eared Brown BatThe Big-Eared Brown Bat is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It can be found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.-Source:...
Histiotus macrotus LC - Southern Big-eared Brown Bat Histiotus magellanicus LC
- Small Big-eared Brown BatSmall Big-eared Brown BatThe Small Big-Eared Brown Bat is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It can be found in the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, possibly Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela....
Histiotus montanus LC - Tropical Big-eared Brown BatTropical Big-eared Brown BatThe Tropical Big-eared Brown Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay-References:*...
Histiotus velatus DD
- Strange Big-eared Brown Bat
- Genus: LasiurusLasiurusLasiurus is the genus comprising hairy-tailed bats. The name Lasiurus is derived from the Greek lasios and oura . It contains some of the most attractive bats in the whole continent of North America including such species as the red bat, L. borealis, and the hoary bat, L. cinereus...
- Lasiurus atratusLasiurus atratusLasiurus atratus is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It is found in Guyana and Suriname.-References:* Sampaio, E., Lim, B. & Peters, S. 2008. . Downloaded on 11 March 2009....
LC - Desert red batDesert red batThe desert red bat, also known as the Western Red Bat, is one of many species of bats. This particular one is from the Vespertilionidae family which is the largest family. It includes 35 genera and 318 species...
Lasiurus blossevillii LC - Tacarcuna BatTacarcuna BatThe Tacarcuna Bat is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It is found in Costa Rica, Panama and possibly Colombia.-References:...
Lasiurus castaneus DD - Hoary batHoary batThe hoary bat is a species of bat in the vesper bat family, Vespertilionidae. It occurs throughout most of North America and much of South America, with disjunct populations in the Galapagos and Hawaiian Islands...
Lasiurus cinereus LC - Hairy-tailed BatHairy-tailed BatThe Hairy-tailed Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Lasiurus ebenus DD - Southern Yellow BatSouthern Yellow BatThe Southern Yellow Bat , is a species of bat in the vesper bat family, Vespertilionidae. It is native to South, North and Central America, from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas in the United States to Argentina. This species roosts in trees and vegetation...
Lasiurus ega LC - Big Red BatBig Red BatThe Big Red Bat , is a bat species from South, North and Central America. It is found in Brazil and Panama....
Lasiurus egregius DD - Pfeiffer's Red Bat Lasiurus pfeifferi
- Saline Red Bat Lasiurus salinae
- Cinnamon Red Bat Lasiurus varius LC
- Lasiurus atratus
- Genus: RhogeessaRhogeessaRhogeessa is a genus of bats within the "Vesper bats" family, Vespertilionidae. Species within this genus are:*Yucatan Yellow Bat *Allen's Yellow Bat *Genoways's Yellow Bat...
- Husson's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa hussoni DD
- Thomas's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa io LC
- Tiny Yellow BatTiny Yellow BatThe Tiny Yellow Bat is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 19 July 2007....
Rhogeessa minutilla VU
- Genus: Eptesicus
- Subfamily: Tomopeatinae
- Genus: Tomopeas
- Blunt-eared BatBlunt-eared BatThe Blunt-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is monotypic within the genus Tomopeas and subfamily Tomopeatinae. It is endemic to Peru...
Tomopeas ravus VU
- Blunt-eared Bat
- Genus: Tomopeas
- Subfamily: Myotinae

- Family: Molossidae (free-tailed bats)
- Genus: CynomopsCynomopsCynomops is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Molossidae. It has sometimes been considered a subgenus of Molossops...
- Cinnamon Dog-faced BatCinnamon Dog-faced BatThe Cinnamon Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela....
Cynomops abrasus DD - Greenhall's Dog-faced batGreenhall's Dog-faced batGreenhall's Dog-faced Bat is a species of bat distributed from Colombia to Ecuador, Venezuela, the Guianas, northeastern Brazil and Trinidad....
Cynomops greenhalli LC - Para Dog-faced BatPara Dog-faced BatThe Para Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South America....
Cynomops paranus DD - Southern Dog-faced BatSouthern Dog-faced BatThe Southern Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America....
Cynomops planirostris LC
- Cinnamon Dog-faced Bat
- Genus: EumopsEumopsEumops is a genus of bats in the family Molossidae.-Reference:* Baker, R.J.; McDonough, M.M.; Swier, V.J.; Larsen, P.A.; Carrera, J.P.; Ammerman, L.K. 2009. New species of bonneted bat, genus Eumops from the lowlands of western Ecuador and Peru. Acta Chiropterologica 11 : 1-13....
- Black Bonneted BatBlack Bonneted BatThe Black Bonneted Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Barquez, R., Rodriguez, B., Miller, B. & Diaz, M. 2008. . Downloaded on 3 March 2009.*...
Eumops auripendulus LC - Dwarf Bonneted BatDwarf Bonneted BatThe Dwarf Bonneted Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Eumops bonariensis LC - Big Bonneted BatBig Bonneted BatThe Big Bonneted Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is found in Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, and Venezuela.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Eumops dabbenei LC - Wagner's Bonneted BatWagner's Bonneted BatWagner's Bonneted Bat , is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. it is found in the Americas from Argentina and Peru north to Mexico, Cuba and Florida in the United States....
Eumops glaucinus LC - Sanborn's Bonneted BatSanborn's Bonneted BatSanborn's Bonneted Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008*...
Eumops hansae LC - Guianan Bonneted BatGuianan Bonneted BatThe Guianan Bonneted Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is found in Guyana and Suriname; a surprising report has been made from Ecuador. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Eumops maurus DD - Patagonian Bonneted BatPatagonian Bonneted BatThe Patagonian Bonneted Bat is a species of bat found in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay....
Eumops patagonicus LC - Western mastiff batWestern mastiff batThe western mastiff bat , also known as the western bonneted bat, the greater mastiff bat, or the greater bonneted bat, is a member of the free-tailed bat family, Molossidae. It is found in the Western United States, Mexico and South America, and is the largest bat native to North America...
Eumops perotis LC - Colombian Bonneted BatColombian Bonneted BatThe Colombian Bonneted Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Eumops trumbulli LC - Wilson's Bonneted Bat Eumops wilsoni
- Black Bonneted Bat
- Genus: MolossopsMolossopsMolossops is a genus of bat in the family Molossidae.The four member species are found in nearly every country of South America, with the Dwarf Dog-faced Bat being found in the most countries.It contains the following species:...
- Equatorial Dog-faced BatEquatorial Dog-faced BatThe Equatorial Dog-faced Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is endemic to Ecuador.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Molossops aequatorianus VU - Mato Grosso Dog-faced BatMato Grosso Dog-faced BatThe Mato Grosso Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela. Its subgenus Neoplatymops has sometimes been considered a separate genus. If so it would belong to a monotypic genus....
Molossops mattogrossensis LC - Rufous Dog-faced BatRufous Dog-faced BatThe Rufous Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Suriname....
Molossops neglectus DD - Dwarf Dog-faced BatDwarf Dog-faced BatThe Dwarf Dog-faced Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay....
Molossops temminckii LC
- Equatorial Dog-faced Bat
- Genus: MolossusMolossus (genus)Molossus is a genus of bats. The genus contains ten species with a New World distribution from Mexico in the north to northern Argentina at its most southerly limit...
- Barnes's Mastiff Bat Molossus barnesi DD
- Coiban Mastiff BatCoiban mastiff batThe Coiban mastiff bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is found in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Mexico in a variety of forest habitats at elevations from near sea level to 1300 m....
Molossus coibensis LC - Bonda Mastiff BatBonda Mastiff BatThe Bonda Mastiff Bat or Thomas's mastiff bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Molossus currentium LC - Velvety Free-tailed BatVelvety Free-tailed BatThe Velvety Free-tailed Bat or Pallas's Mastiff Bat , is a bat species in the family Molossidae. It occurs in the Americas from Argentina north to Cuba and Mexico and also the Florida Keys in the United States....
Molossus molossus LC - Miller's Mastiff BatMiller's Mastiff BatMiller's Mastiff Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.-References:...
Molossus pretiosus LC - Black Mastiff BatBlack Mastiff BatThe Black Mastiff Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Barquez, R., Rodriguez, B., Miller, B. & Diaz, M. 2008. . Downloaded on 03 March 2009.*-External links:*...
Molossus rufus LC - Sinaloan Mastiff BatSinaloan Mastiff BatThe Sinaloan Mastiff Bat is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. It is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela....
Molossus sinaloae LC - Molossus trinitatis
- Genus: MormopterusMormopterusThe bat genus Mormopterus belongs to a group commonly referred to as "free-tailed bats"...
- Kalinowski's Mastiff BatKalinowski's Mastiff BatKalinowski's Mastiff Bat is a species of bat found in Chile and Peru. It is threatened by ongoing habitat loss.-References:...
Mormopterus kalinowskii LC - Incan Little Mastiff BatIncan Little Mastiff BatThe Incan Little Mastiff Bat is a species of bat found in Peru. It belongs to the subgenus Micronomus.The species is red listed as an endangered as of 2008, mainly because of it is known only from a single location, near the Urubamba River in Peru. It has not been found in nearby suitable...
Mormopterus phrudus VU
- Kalinowski's Mastiff Bat
- Genus: NyctinomopsNyctinomopsNyctinomops is a genus of bats in the family Molossidae....
- Peale's Free-tailed BatPeale's Free-tailed BatPeale's Free-tailed Bat is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Nyctinomops aurispinosus LC - Broad-eared BatBroad-eared BatThe Broad-eared Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*-External links:...
Nyctinomops laticaudatus LC - Big Free-tailed BatBig Free-tailed BatThe Big Free-tailed Bat is a bat species found in South, North and Central America. They have a wingspan of 435 mm and an average length of 140 mm. This bat frequents rocky or canyon country where it roosts in crevices. This migratory species is a swift, powerful flier, and occasional individuals...
Nyctinomops macrotis LC
- Peale's Free-tailed Bat
- Genus: PromopsPromopsPromops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species:Promops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species:Promops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species::Promops centralis - big crested mastiff bat:Promops nasutus - brown mastiff bat...
- Big Crested Mastiff BatBig Crested Mastiff BatThe Big Crested Mastiff Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Promops centralis LC - Brown Mastiff BatBrown Mastiff BatThe Brown Mastiff Bat , is a South American bat species, found in Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.-References:*...
Promops nasutus LC
- Big Crested Mastiff Bat
- Genus: TadaridaTadaridaThe genus Tadarida has ten or more species of bats divided into two subgenera, with the first of these containing seven species spread across the Old World...
- Mexican Free-tailed BatMexican Free-tailed BatThe Mexican free-tailed bat , also known as the Brazilian free-tailed bat, is a medium-sized bat that is native to the Americas and is widely regarded as one of the most abundant mammals in North America...
Tadarida brasiliensis LC
- Mexican Free-tailed Bat
- Genus: Cynomops
- Family: Emballonuridae (ghost batGhost BatThe Ghost Bat , also known as the False Vampire Bat is a bat endemic to Australia, named for the extremely thin membrane of its wings that makes it appear ghostly at night. Ghost Bats have grey fur on their backs and pale grey or white fur on their undersides. They have long, narrow wings but no...
s, sac-winged batSac-winged batThe 51 species of sac-winged or sheath-tailed bats constitute the family Emballonuridae, and can be found in tropical and subtropical regions all over the world. Emballonurids include some of the smallest of all bats, and range from 3.5 to 10 cm in body length...
s and allies)- Genus: BalantiopteryxBalantiopteryxBalantiopteryx is a genus of sac-winged bats. It comprises three species:*Balantiopteryx infusca *Balantiopteryx io *Balantiopteryx plicata -External links:*...
- Ecuadorian Sac-winged BatEcuadorian Sac-Winged BatThe Ecuadorian Sac-winged Bat is a species of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae.It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:...
Balantiopteryx infusca EN - Gray Sac-winged BatGray Sac-Winged BatThe Gray Sac-winged Bat is a species of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae. It is found in Mexico from Baja California Sur and Sonora to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and northern Colombia, at elevations up to 1500 m....
Balantiopteryx plicata LC
- Ecuadorian Sac-winged Bat
- Genus: CentronycterisCentronycterisCentronycteris is a genus of sac-winged bats. It contains 2 species:*Thomas's Shaggy Bat *Shaggy Bat ...
- Thomas's Shaggy BatThomas's Shaggy BatThe Thomas's Shaggy Bat, Centronycteris centralis, is a bat species from South America. It was previously included in the Shaggy Bat but Simmons and Handley showed that the species were distinct.-References:...
Centronycteris centralis LC - Shaggy BatShaggy BatThe Shaggy Bat, Centronycteris maximiliani, is a bat species from South America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Centronycteris maximiliani LC
- Thomas's Shaggy Bat
- Genus: Cormura
- Chestnut Sac-Winged BatChestnut Sac-Winged BatThe Chestnut Sac-winged Bat or Wagner's Sac-winged Bat is a species of sac-winged bat . It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests...
Cormura brevirostris LC
- Chestnut Sac-Winged Bat
- Genus: Cyttarops
- Short-eared BatShort-eared BatThe Short-eared Bat, Cyttarops alecto, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is found in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guyana and Nicaragua. It is monotypic within its genus.-References:...
Cyttarops alecto LC
- Short-eared Bat
- Genus: DiclidurusDiclidurusDiclidurus is a genus of bats whose common name is the ghost bats. They all inhabit South America and sometimes also Central America....
- Northern Ghost BatNorthern Ghost BatThe Northern Ghost Bat or Jumby Bat, Diclidurus albus, is a bat species from South America, Trinidad, and Central America. It is a relatively rare, completely white, insectivorous bat, with an unusual sac at the base of its tail. Specimens have been found infected with rabies in...
Diclidurus albus LC - Greater Ghost BatGreater Ghost BatThe Greater Ghost Bat, Diclidurus ingens, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northwestern Brazil, southeastern Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela....
Diclidurus ingens DD - Isabelle's Ghost BatIsabelle's Ghost BatIsabelle's Ghost Bat, Diclidurus isabellus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northwestern Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela, and possibly Colombia....
Diclidurus isabellus LC - Lesser Ghost BatLesser Ghost BatThe Lesser Ghost Bat, Diclidurus scutatus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northern Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela....
Diclidurus scutatus LC
- Northern Ghost Bat
- Genus: PeropteryxPeropteryxPeropteryx is a genus of 5 species of bat in the family Emballonuridae, namely:*Greater Dog-like Bat *White-winged Dog-like Bat *Lesser Dog-like Bat...
- Greater Dog-like BatGreater Dog-like BatThe Greater Dog-like Bat, Peropteryx kappleri, is a bat species from Central America and South America. It is found from southern Mexico through Brazil and Peru.The Greater Dog-like Bat is so named due to its remarkably dog-like characteristics....
Peropteryx kappleri LC - White-winged Dog-like BatWhite-winged Dog-like BatThe White-winged Dog-like Bat, Peropteryx leucoptera, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northern Brazil, southeastern Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, eastern Peru, Surinam and Venezuela.-References:*...
Peropteryx leucoptera LC - Lesser Doglike BatLesser Doglike BatThe Lesser Dog-like Bat, Peropteryx macrotis, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Peropteryx macrotis LC - Trinidad Dog-like Bat Peropteryx trinitatis DD
- Pale-winged Dog-like Bat Peropteryx pallidoptera
- Greater Dog-like Bat
- Genus: Rhynchonycteris
- Proboscis BatProboscis BatThe proboscis bat, Rhynchonycteris naso, is a bat species from South and Central America. Other common names include sharp-nosed bat, Brazilian long-nosed bat and river bat in English, and murciélago narizón in Spanish. It is monotypic within its genus.This species is in the family Emballonuridae,...
Rhynchonycteris naso LC
- Proboscis Bat
- Genus: SaccopteryxSaccopteryxSaccopteryx is a genus of sac-winged bats from Central and South America. The species within this genus are:*Antioquian Sac-winged Bat Saccopteryx antioquensis*Greater Sac-winged Bat Saccopteryx bilineata...
- Antioquian Sac-winged BatAntioquian Sac-winged BatThe Antioquian Sac-winged Bat is a species of bat in the family Emballonuridae found in Colombia.-References:...
Saccopteryx antioquensis DD - Greater Sac-winged BatGreater Sac-winged BatThe Greater Sac-winged Bat, Saccopteryx bilineata, is a bat of the family Emballonuridae native to Middle and South America.They are the most common bats seen in the rainforest as they often roost on the outside of large trees. They are insectivores and use echolocation calls through the mouth to...
Saccopteryx bilineata LC - Frosted Sac-winged BatFrosted Sac-winged BatThe Frosted Sac-winged Bat is a bat species of the family Emballonuridae from South America. It is found in northern Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela and possibly Bolivia.-References:*...
Saccopteryx canescens LC - Amazonian Sac-winged BatAmazonian Sac-winged BatThe Amazonian Sac-winged Bat, Saccopteryx gymnura, is a bat species of the family Emballonuridae from South America. It is found in northern Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and possibly Venezuela.-References:*...
Saccopteryx gymnura DD - Lesser Sac-winged BatLesser Sac-winged BatThe Lesser Sac-winged Bat is a bat species of the family Emballonuridae from South and Middle America.-References:*...
Saccopteryx leptura LC
- Antioquian Sac-winged Bat
- Genus: Balantiopteryx
- Family: MormoopidaeMormoopidaeThe family Mormoopidae contains bats known generally as mustached bats, ghost-faced bats, and naked-backed bats. They are found in the Americas from the Southwestern United States to Southeastern Brazil....
(mustached bats)- Genus: MormoopsMormoopsMormoops is a genus of bat in the family Mormoopidae.It contains the following species:* Antillean Ghost-faced Bat * Giant Ghost-faced Bat * Ghost-faced Bat...
- Ghost-faced BatGhost-faced BatThe Ghost-faced Bat is a bat in the genus Mormoops. It occurs in Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico. Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela and in Texas in the United States. Mormoops megalophylla is one of only two extant species within it genus, the other being...
Mormoops megalophylla LC
- Ghost-faced Bat
- Genus: PteronotusPteronotusPteronotus is a genus of bats. Seven extant species have been recognized, as well as one relatively recently extinct species-References:...
- Davy's Naked-backed BatDavy's Naked-backed BatDavy's Naked-backed Bat, Pteronotus davyi, is a small insect-eating, cave-dwelling bat and is found throughout South and Central America, including Trinidad, but not Tobago. Its wings are attached to the top of its body instead of to the sides, as in all other bat species. Specimens of this bat...
Pteronotus davyi LC - Big Naked-backed BatBig Naked-backed BatThe Big Naked-backed Bat, Pteronotus gymnonotus, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:*...
Pteronotus gymnonotus LC - Pteronotus paraguanensis CR
- Parnell's Mustached BatParnell's Mustached BatParnell's Mustached Bat, Pteronotus parnellii is an insectivorous bat native to North, Central and South America. This bat species ranges from southern Sonora, Mexico south to Brazil. Historically, it had a wider range as fossil specimens have been collected on the island of New Providence,...
Pteronotus parnellii LC - Wagner's Mustached BatWagner's Mustached BatWagner's Mustached Bat, Pteronotus personatus, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is one of the few New World bats species known to perform Doppler-shift compensation behavior.-Description:...
Pteronotus personatus LC
- Davy's Naked-backed Bat
- Genus: Mormoops

- Family: Phyllostomidae (leaf-nosed bats)
- Subfamily: PhyllostominaePhyllostominaePhyllostominae is a subfamily of bats.-List of species:Subfamily Phyllostominae* Tribe Micronycterini**Genus: Glyphonycteris***Behn's Bat, Glyphonycteris behnii***Davies's Big-eared Bat, Glyphonycteris daviesi...
- Genus: Chrotopterus
- Big-eared Woolly Bat Chrotopterus auritus LC
- Genus: GlyphonycterisGlyphonycterisGlyphonycteris is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Behn's Bat * Davies's Big-eared Bat * Tricolored Big-eared Bat...
- Behn's BatBehn's BatBehn's Bat or Behn's Big-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Brazil and Peru. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Glyphonycteris behnii DD - Davies's Big-eared BatDavies's Big-eared BatDavies's Big-eared Bat or the Graybeard Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.-Source:* Ochoa, J. & Velazco, P. 2008. . Downloaded...
Glyphonycteris daviesi LC - Tricolored Big-eared BatTricolored Big-eared BatThe Tricolored Big-eared Bat, Glyphonycteris sylvestris, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Zortea, M., Sampaio, E., Lim, B., Peters, S. & Arroyo-Cabrales, J. 2008. . Downloaded on 04 March 2009.*...
Glyphonycteris sylvestris LC
- Behn's Bat
- Genus: Lampronycteris
- Yellow-throated Big-eared BatYellow-throated Big-eared BatThe Yellow-throated Big-eared Bat, Lampronycteris brachyotis , is a species of bat from South and Central America, where it ranges from southern Mexico to Brazil. It is monotypic within the genus Lampronycteris....
Lampronycteris brachyotis LC
- Yellow-throated Big-eared Bat
- Genus: LonchorhinaLonchorhinaLonchorhina is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-Species:Genus Lonchorhina - Sword-nosed Bats*Tomes's Sword-nosed Bat, Lonchorhina aurita - Tomes, 1863...
- Tomes's Sword-nosed BatTomes's Sword-nosed BatTomes's Sword-nosed Bat, Lonchorhina aurita, is a bat species from South and Central America. Also found in the Bahamas, known only from one specimen collected on the island of New Providence.-References:...
Lonchorhina aurita LC - Fernandez's Sword-nosed BatFernandez's Sword-nosed BatFernandez's Sword-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is endemic to Venezuela. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Lonchorhina fernandezi EN - Northern Sword-nosed BatNorthern Sword-nosed BatThe Northern Sword-nosed Bat, Lonchorhina inusitata, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname and Venezuela....
Lonchorhina inusitata DD - Marinkelle's Sword-nosed BatMarinkelle's Sword-nosed BatMarinkelle's Sword-nosed Bat, Lonchorhina marinkellei, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela....
Lonchorhina marinkellei EN - Orinoco Sword-nosed BatOrinoco Sword-nosed BatThe Orinoco Sword-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Lonchorhina orinocensis VU
- Tomes's Sword-nosed Bat
- Genus: LophostomaLophostomaLophostoma is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-Species:Genus Lophostoma*Equatorial Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma aequatorialis*Pygmy Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma brasiliense...
- Lophostoma aequatorialis DD
- Pygmy Round-eared BatPygmy Round-eared BatThe Pygmy Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma brasiliense, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Lophostoma brasiliense LC - Carriker's Round-eared BatCarriker's Round-eared BatCarriker's Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma carrikeri, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. It was discovered by and named for the well known Dr. Robert Carriker of Lafayette, Louisiana.-References:*...
Lophostoma carrikeri LC - Schultz's Round-eared BatSchultz's Round-eared BatSchultz's Round-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Lophostoma schulzi LC - White-throated Round-eared BatWhite-throated Round-eared BatThe White-throated Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma silvicolum, is a South and Central American bat species, found from Honduras to Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. It creates roosts inside the nests of the termite, Nasutitermes corniger....
Lophostoma silvicolum LC - Lophostoma yasuni DD
- Genus: Macrophyllum
- Long-legged BatLong-legged BatThe Long-legged Bat, Macrophyllum macrophyllum, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic in its genus.It hunts close over the water surfaces of lakes and slowly flowing streams, where it seizes insects right above or directly off the surface in a manner similar to Noctilio...
Macrophyllum macrophyllum LC
- Long-legged Bat
- Genus: MicronycterisMicronycterisMicronycteris is a genus of leaf-nosed bats.-List of species:Genus Micronycteris - Little Big-eared Bats*Brosset's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris brosseti*Giovanni's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris giovanniae...
- Brosset's Big-eared BatBrosset's Big-eared BatBrosset's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris brosseti, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana and Peru....
Micronycteris brosseti DD - Micronycteris giovanniae
- Hairy Big-eared BatHairy Big-eared BatThe Hairy Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris hirsuta, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Micronycteris hirsuta LC - Pirlot's Big-eared Bat Micronycteris homezi
- Matses' Big-eared BatMatses' Big-eared BatMatses' Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris matses, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Micronycteris matses DD - Little Big-eared BatLittle Big-eared BatThe Little Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris megalotis, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Micronycteris megalotis LC - Common Big-eared BatCommon Big-eared BatThe Common Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris microtis, is a bat species from South and Central America.It is a neotropical leaf-nosed bat ....
Micronycteris microtis LC - White-bellied Big-eared BatWhite-bellied Big-eared BatThe White-bellied Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris minuta, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Micronycteris minuta LC - Sanborn's Big-eared BatSanborn's Big-eared BatSanborn's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris sanborni, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia and Brazil....
Micronycteris sanborni DD - Schmidts's Big-eared BatSchmidts's Big-eared BatSchmidts's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris schmidtorum, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Micronycteris schmidtorum LC
- Brosset's Big-eared Bat
- Genus: MimonMimonMimoň is a town in the Czech Republic.- People :* Rudolf Watzke , bass singer* Rudolf Schicketanz , Nazi politician* Hans Watzek , poltician...
- Golden BatGolden BatThe Golden Bat, Mimon bennettii, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.-Conservancy:...
Mimon bennettii LC - Cozumelan Golden Bat Mimon cozumelae LC
- Striped Hairy-nosed BatStriped Hairy-nosed BatThe Striped Hairy-nosed Bat, Mimon crenulatum, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:...
Mimon crenulatum LC - Koepcke's Hairy-nosed Bat Mimon koepckeae DD
- Golden Bat
- Genus: Neonycteris
- Least Big-eared BatLeast Big-eared BatThe Least Big-eared Bat, Neonycteris pusilla, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil and Colombia. It is monotypic within its genus....
Neonycteris pusilla VU
- Least Big-eared Bat
- Genus: Phylloderma
- Pale-faced BatPale-faced BatThe Pale-faced Bat, Phylloderma stenops, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Phylloderma stenops LC
- Pale-faced Bat
- Genus: PhyllostomusPhyllostomusPhyllostomus is a genus of leaf-nosed bat. It contains four described species.-Species:Genus Phyllostomus - Spear-nosed Bats*Pale Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus discolor*Lesser Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus elongatus...
- Pale Spear-nosed BatPale Spear-nosed BatThe Pale Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus discolor, is a bat species from South and Central America. It ranges from southern Mexico to Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, northern Argentina and southeast Brazil.It eats flowers and fruit as well as insects...
Phyllostomus discolor LC - Lesser Spear-nosed BatLesser Spear-nosed BatThe Lesser Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus elongatus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Phyllostomus elongatus LC - Greater Spear-nosed BatGreater Spear-nosed BatThe Greater Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus hastatus, is a bat species of the family Phyllostomidae from South and Central America. It is one of the larger bats of this region, and is omnivorous.- Habitat :...
Phyllostomus hastatus LC - Guianan Spear-nosed BatGuianan Spear-nosed BatThe Guianan Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus latifolius, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Phyllostomus latifolius LC
- Pale Spear-nosed Bat
- Genus: TonatiaTonatiaTonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Tonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Tonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats....
- Greater Round-eared BatGreater Round-eared BatThe Greater Round-eared Bat, Tonatia bidens, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northeastern and southern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. The species feeds on fruit as well as hunting small birds. Once caught birds are taken to a shelter and consumed.-References:*...
Tonatia bidens DD - Stripe-headed Round-eared BatStripe-headed Round-eared BatThe Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat, Tonatia saurophila, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Tonatia saurophila LC
- Greater Round-eared Bat
- Genus: Trachops
- Fringe-lipped BatFringe-lipped BatOnThe Fringe-lipped Bat , also known as the Frog-eating Bat, is a leaf-nosed bat. It has three subspecies currently known today. It ranges from southern Mexico to Bolivia and southern Brazil. The species is monotypic within its genus.-Description:The fringe-lipped bat has a total length of 7.84 mm...
Trachops cirrhosus LC
- Fringe-lipped Bat
- Genus: Trinycteris
- Niceforo's Big-eared BatNiceforo's Big-eared BatNiceforo's Big-eared Bat, Trinycteris nicefori, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic within its genus....
Trinycteris nicefori LC
- Niceforo's Big-eared Bat
- Genus: Vampyrum
- Spectral BatSpectral BatThe Spectral Bat is a large, carnivorous leaf-nosed bat. Some alternate names for this species are the False Vampire Bat, Linnaeus's False Vampire Bat and the Spectral Vampire Bat...
Vampyrum spectrum NT
- Spectral Bat
- Genus: Chrotopterus
- Subfamily: GlossophaginaeGlossophaginaeGlossophaginae is a subfamily of leaf-nosed bats.-List of species:Subfamily: Glossophaginae* Tribe Glossophagini**Genus: Anoura - Geoffroy's Long-nosed Bats***Anoura aequatoris***Cadena's Tailless Bat, Anoura cadenai...
- Genus: AnouraAnouraAnoura is a genus of leaf-nosed bats from Central and South America.-Species:*Anoura aequatoris*Cadena's Tailless Bat, Anoura cadenai*Anoura canishina*Tailed Tailless Bat, Anoura caudifer*Handley's Tailless Bat, Anoura cultrata...
- Anoura aequatoris
- Anoura cadenai
- Tailed Tailless BatTailed Tailless BatThe tailed tailless bat, Anoura caudifer, is a species of leaf-nosed bat from South America.-Name:The scientific name of this species is variously given as either A. caudifer or A. caudifera, with scientists having argued for both names on the basis of Latin grammar and of the ICZN rules on the...
Anoura caudifer LC - Handley's Tailless BatHandley's Tailless BatHandley's Tailless Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela....
Anoura cultrata NT - Tube-lipped Nectar BatTube-lipped Nectar BatThe Tube-lipped Nectar Bat is a bat from Ecuador which was first described in 2005. The species name fistulata is derived from the Latin word 'fistula', meaning 'tube'. It refers to the bat's lower lip which extends 3.3-4.8mm beyond the upper lip and is rolled into a funnel shape. The exact...
Anoura fistulata DD - Geoffroy's Tailless BatGeoffroy's Tailless BatGeoffroy's Tailless Bat , is a bat species from South and Central America, where it is found from central Mexico to Bolivia and southeastern Brazil.-Habitat:...
Anoura geoffroyi LC - Broad-toothed Tailless BatBroad-toothed Tailless BatThe Broad-toothed Tailless Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela....
Anoura latidens LC - Luis Manuel's Tailless Bat Anoura luismanueli LC
- Genus: ChoeroniscusChoeroniscusChoeroniscus is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Godman's Long-tailed Bat * Greater Long-tailed Bat...
- Godman's Long-tailed BatGodman's Long-tailed BatGodman's Long-tailed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Suriname, and Venezuela.-Source:...
Choeroniscus godmani LC - Minor Long-nosed Long-tongued BatMinor Long-nosed Long-tongued BatThe Minor Long-nosed Long-tongued Bat, Choeroniscus minor, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, northwestern Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela and Trinidad....
Choeroniscus minor LC - Greater Long-tailed BatGreater Long-tailed BatThe Greater Long-tailed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Choeroniscus periosus VU
- Godman's Long-tailed Bat
- Genus: GlossophagaGlossophagaGlossophaga is a genus of bats in the leaf-nosed bat family, Phyllostomidae. Members of the genus are native to the American Neotropics.-Species:*G. commissarisi : Commissaris's Long-tongued Bat - Central and South America...
- Commissaris's Long-tongued BatCommissaris's Long-tongued BatCommissaris's Long-tongued Bat, Glossophaga commissarisi, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Glossophaga commissarisi LC - Miller's Long-tongued BatMiller's Long-tongued BatMiller's Long-tongued Bat, Glossophaga longirostris, is a bat species from northern South America, and the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. It is found in northern Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, the Netherlands Antilles and the U.S. Virgin Islands....
Glossophaga longirostris DD - Pallas's Long-tongued BatPallas's Long-tongued BatPallas's Long-tongued Bat, Glossophaga soricina, is a South and Central American bat. It has the fastest metabolism ever recorded in a mammal, similar to those of hummingbirds...
Glossophaga soricina LC
- Commissaris's Long-tongued Bat
- Genus: Leptonycteris
- Southern Long-nosed BatSouthern Long-nosed BatThe Southern Long-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Aruba, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Netherlands Antilles. Its roosts in caves and mines, but only breeds in specific caves on islands....
Leptonycteris curasoae VU
- Southern Long-nosed Bat
- Genus: Lichonycteris
- Dark Long-tongued BatDark Long-tongued BatThe Dark Long-tongued Bat, Lichonycteris obscura, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic within its genus.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Lichonycteris obscura LC
- Dark Long-tongued Bat
- Genus: Lionycteris
- Chestnut Long-tongued BatChestnut Long-tongued BatThe Chestnut Long-tongued Bat, Lionycteris spurrelli, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic within its genus....
Lionycteris spurrelli LC
- Chestnut Long-tongued Bat
- Genus: LonchophyllaLonchophyllaLonchophylla is a genus of bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-List of species:Genus Lonchophylla*Bokermann's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla bokermanni*Cadena's Long-tongued Bat, Lonchophylla cadenai...
- Bokermann's Nectar BatBokermann's Nectar BatBokermann's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla bokermanni, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil.-External links:* - Relevant Scientific Papers and Pictures....
Lonchophylla bokermanni DD - Lonchophylla cadenai
- Lonchophylla chocoana DD
- Lonchophylla concava NT
- Dekeyser's Nectar BatDekeyser's Nectar BatDekeyser's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla dekeyseri, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Lonchophylla dekeyseri NT - Lonchophylla fornicata
- Handley's Nectar BatHandley's Nectar BatHandley's Nectar Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Lonchophylla handleyi LC - Western Nectar BatWestern Nectar BatThe Western Nectar Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Ecuador and Peru. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Lonchophylla hesperia VU - Godman's Nectar BatGodman's Nectar BatGodman's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla mordax, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Panama....
Lonchophylla mordax LC - Lonchophylla orcesi DD
- Lonchophylla pattoni
- Orange Nectar BatOrange Nectar BatThe Orange Nectar Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.-References:...
Lonchophylla robusta LC - Thomas's Nectar BatThomas's Nectar BatThomas's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla thomasi, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Lonchophylla thomasi LC
- Bokermann's Nectar Bat
- Genus: Platalina
- Long-snouted BatLong-snouted BatThe Long-snouted Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is monotypic within the genus Platalina. It is endemic to Peru.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Platalina genovensium NT
- Long-snouted Bat
- Genus: Scleronycteris
- Ega Long-tongued BatEga Long-tongued BatThe Ega Long-tongued Bat, Scleronycteris ega, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northwestern Brazil and southern Venezuela. It is monotypic within its genus....
Scleronycteris ega LC
- Ega Long-tongued Bat
- Genus: Anoura
- Subfamily: CarolliinaeCarolliinaeCarolliinae is a subfamily of bats.-Classification:Subfamily Carolliinae*Genus: Carollia - Short-tailed Leaf-nosed Bats**Benkeith's short-tailed Bat, Carollia benkeithi**Silky Short-tailed Bat, Carollia brevicauda...
- Genus: CarolliaCarolliaCarollia is a genus of bats often referred to as the short-tailed fruit bats. Along with the genus, Rhinophylla, Carollia makes up the subfamily Carolliinae of family Phyllostomidae, the leaf-nosed bats. Currently, nine species of Carollia are recognized, with a number having been described since...
- Benkeith's short-tailed BatBenkeith's Short-tailed BatBenkeith's Short-tailed Bat, Carollia benkeithi, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. C. benkeithi was named by Dr. Robert Baker of Texas Tech University, after Ben E Keith, who donated $5 million to the university.C. benkeithi very closely resembles...
Carollia benkeithi - Silky Short-tailed BatSilky Short-tailed BatThe Silky Short-tailed Bat, Carollia brevicauda, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Mexico and Venezuela.-References:...
Carollia brevicauda LC - Chestnut Short-tailed BatChestnut Short-tailed BatThe Chestnut Short-tailed Bat, Carollia castanea, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Carollia castanea LC - Colombian Short-tailed BatColombian Short-tailed BatThe Colombian Short-tailed Bat, Carollia colombiana is a bat species from Colombia.. A specimen identified as C. colombiana has been proven to be a C. castanea , calling the definition of C. colombiana into question.-Further reading:**...
Carollia colombiana - Carollia manu LC
- Carollia monohernandezi
- Seba's Short-tailed BatSeba's Short-tailed BatSeba's Short-tailed Bat, Carollia perspicillata, is a common and widespread bat species from South and Central America.C. perspicillata dwells in both moist evergreen and dry deciduous forests, usually below 1,000 meters altitude, typically roosting in groups of 10-100 bats in caves, hollow trees,...
Carollia perspicillata LC
- Benkeith's short-tailed Bat
- Genus: RhinophyllaRhinophyllaRhinophylla is a genus of South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae. It contains the following species:* Hairy Little Fruit Bat * Fischer's Little Fruit Bat...
- Hairy Little Fruit BatHairy Little Fruit BatThe Hairy Little Fruit Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Rhinophylla alethina NT - Fischer's Little Fruit BatFischer's Little Fruit BatFischer's Little Fruit Bat, Rhinophylla fischerae, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela....
Rhinophylla fischerae LC - Dwarf Little Fruit BatDwarf Little Fruit BatThe Dwarf Little Fruit Bat, Rhinophylla pumilio, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, northeastern and Amazonian Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Rhinophylla pumilio LC
- Hairy Little Fruit Bat
- Genus: Carollia
- Subfamily: StenodermatinaeStenodermatinaeStenodermatinae is a large subfamily of bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-List of species:Subfamily Stenodermatinae*Genus: Ametrida**Little White-shouldered Bat, Ametrida centurio*Genus: Ardops**Tree Bat, Ardops nichollsi...
- Genus: Ametrida
- Little White-shouldered BatLittle White-shouldered BatThe Little White-shouldered Bat, Ametrida centurio, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic within its genus.-References:*...
Ametrida centurio LC
- Little White-shouldered Bat
- Genus: ArtibeusArtibeusThe Neotropical fruit bats are a genus of bats within the subfamily Stenodermatinae. The genus consists of 21 species, which are native to Central and South America, as well as parts of the Caribbean.-Description:...
- Large Fruit-eating BatLarge Fruit-eating BatThe Large Fruit-eating Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Guyana, and Venezuela.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Artibeus amplus LC - Andersen's Fruit-eating BatAndersen's Fruit-eating BatAndersen's Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus anderseni, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, and Peru....
Artibeus anderseni LC - Gervais's Fruit-eating BatGervais's Fruit-eating BatGervais's Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus cinereus, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Artibeus cinereus LC - Brown Fruit-eating BatBrown Fruit-eating BatThe Brown Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus concolor, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Artibeus concolor LC - Fringed Fruit-eating BatFringed Fruit-eating BatThe Fringed Fruit-eating Bat , is a bat species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay....
Artibeus fimbriatus LC - Fraternal Fruit-eating BatFraternal Fruit-eating BatThe Fraternal Fruit-eating Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Ecuador and Peru.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Artibeus fraterculus LC - Silver Fruit-eating BatSilver Fruit-eating BatThe Silver Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus glaucus, is a South American bat species of the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.-References:*...
Artibeus glaucus LC - Gnome Fruit-eating BatGnome Fruit-eating BatThe Gnome Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus gnomus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela....
Artibeus gnomus LC - Jamaican fruit batJamaican fruit batThe Jamaican, Common or Mexican fruit bat is a fruit bat native to Central and South America, as well as the Greater and many of the Lesser Antilles. It is also an uncommon resident of the Southern Bahamas...
Artibeus jamaicensis LC - Great Fruit-eating BatGreat Fruit-eating BatThe Great Fruit-eating Bat , is a bat species in the family Phyllostomidae from South and Central America. It is found from Mexico to Brazil and Argentina, as well as in Barbados, Grenada, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago.They are 10.5 g at birth and...
Artibeus lituratus LC - Dark Fruit-eating BatDark Fruit-eating BatThe Dark Fruit-eating Bat, Artibeus obscurus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Artibeus obscurus LC - Pygmy Fruit-eating BatPygmy Fruit-eating BatThe pygmy fruit-eating bat, Artibeus phaeotis, is a bat of the family Phyllostomidae. The specific name phaeotis is of Greek derivation, coming from the word phaios meaning dusky, referring to their dusky gray coloration.-Biogeography:...
Artibeus phaeotis LC - Flat-faced Fruit-eating BatFlat-faced Fruit-eating BatThe Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Venezuela.-References:...
Artibeus planirostris LC - Rosenberg's Fruit-eating BatRosenberg's fruit-eating batRosenberg's fruit-eating bat, Artibeus rosenbergi , is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in humid tropical forests in the El Chocó region on the coast of western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador at altitudes below 500 m. Until recently it was included within A. glaucus, a...
Artibeus rosenbergi DD - Toltec Fruit-eating BatToltec Fruit-eating BatThe Toltec Fruit-eating Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.-References:...
Artibeus toltecus LC - Thomas's Fruit-eating BatThomas's fruit-eating batThomas's fruit-eating bat , sometimes also popularly called Watson's fruit-eating bat, is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. The species name is in honor of H. J...
Artibeus watsoni LC
- Large Fruit-eating Bat
- Genus: CenturioWrinkle-faced BatThe Wrinkle-faced Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is the only identified member of the genus Centurio. It is found in various countries in and around Central America. It eats fruit but is not classified within the fruit bats. It is classified as a leaf-nosed bat but does...
- Wrinkle-faced BatWrinkle-faced BatThe Wrinkle-faced Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is the only identified member of the genus Centurio. It is found in various countries in and around Central America. It eats fruit but is not classified within the fruit bats. It is classified as a leaf-nosed bat but does...
Centurio senex LC
- Wrinkle-faced Bat
- Genus: ChirodermaChirodermaChiroderma is a genus of leaf-nosed bat found in Central America, South America and the Lesser Antilles.-Species:Genus Chiroderma - Big-eyed Bats or White-lined Bats*Brazilian Big-eyed Bat, Chiroderma doriae...
- Brazilian Big-eyed BatBrazilian Big-eyed BatThe Brazilian Big-eyed Bat, Chiroderma doriae, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil....
Chiroderma doriae LC - Salvin's Big-eyed BatSalvin's Big-eyed BatSalvin's Big-eyed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.-References:...
Chiroderma salvini LC - Little Big-eyed BatLittle Big-eyed BatThe Little Big-eyed Bat, Chiroderma trinitatum, is a bat species from South and Central America....
Chiroderma trinitatum LC - Hairy Big-eyed BatHairy Big-eyed BatThe Hairy Big-eyed Bat, Chiroderma villosum, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Chiroderma villosum LC
- Brazilian Big-eyed Bat
- Genus: Enchisthenes
- Velvety Fruit-eating BatVelvety Fruit-eating BatThe Velvety Fruit-eating Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is monotypic within the genus Enchisthenes. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States, and Venezuela....
Enchisthenes hartii LC
- Velvety Fruit-eating Bat
- Genus: Mesophylla
- MacConnell's BatMacConnell's BatMacConnell's Bat, Mesophylla macconnelli, is a bat species from South and Central America. It is monotypic within its genus....
Mesophylla macconnelli LC
- MacConnell's Bat
- Genus: PlatyrrhinusPlatyrrhinusPlatyrrhinus is a genus of leaf-nosed bats.-Species:Genus Platyrrhinus*Alberico's Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus albericoi*Platyrrhinus angustirostris*Platyrrhinus aquilus...
- Alberico's Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus alberico LC
- Platyrrhinus angustirostris
- Platyrrhinus aquilus
- Eldorado Broad-nosed BatEldorado Broad-nosed BatThe Eldorado Broad-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Guyana, Suriname, northern Brazil, and southern Venezuela....
Platyrrhinus aurarius LC - Short-headed Broad-nosed BatShort-headed Broad-nosed BatThe Short-headed Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus brachycephalus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, northwestern Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Platyrrhinus brachycephalus LC - Choco Broad-nosed BatChoco Broad-nosed BatThe Choco Broad-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is native to Colombia and Ecuador, where it is found in the Choco region lowlands at elevations from 35 to 305 m. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Platyrrhinus chocoensis EN - Thomas's Broad-nosed BatThomas's Broad-nosed BatThomas's Broad-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Platyrrhinus dorsalis LC - Platyrrhinus fusciventris
- Heller's Broad-nosed BatHeller's Broad-nosed BatHeller's Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus helleri, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Miller, B., Reid, F., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Cuarón, A.D. & de Grammont, P.C. 2008. . Downloaded on 28 February 2009.*...
Platyrrhinus helleri LC - Platyrrhinus incarum
- Buffy Broad-nosed BatBuffy Broad-nosed BatThe Buffy Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus infuscus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, western Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru....
Platyrrhinus infuscus LC - Ismael's Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus ismaeli VU
- White-lined Broad-nosed BatWhite-lined Broad-nosed BatThe White-lined Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus lineatus, is a bat species from South America. It is found in southern and eastern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, French Guyana and Suriname....
Platyrrhinus lineatus LC - Quechua Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus masu LC
- Matapalo Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus matapalensis NT
- Geoffroy's Rayed Bat Platyrrhinus nigellus LC
- Platyrrhinus nitelinea
- Recife Broad-nosed BatRecife Broad-nosed BatThe Recife Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus recifinus, is a species of bat from South America. It is named for the city of Recife in Brazil, where it was first recorded by Oldfield Thomas in 1901....
Platyrrhinus recifinus LC - Shadowy Broad-nosed BatShadowy Broad-nosed BatThe Shadowy Broad-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.-References:* Sampaio, E., Lim, B. & Peters, S. 2008. . Downloaded on 28 February 2009....
Platyrrhinus umbratus DD - Greater Broad-nosed BatGreater Broad-nosed BatThe Greater Broad-nosed Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.-References:...
Platyrrhinus vittatus LC
- Genus: Sphaeronycteris
- Visored BatVisored BatThe Visored Bat, Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela. It is monotypic within its genus.- References :*...
Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum DD
- Visored Bat
- Genus: Pygoderma
- Ipanema BatIpanema BatThe Ipanema Bat, Pygoderma bilabiatum, is a bat species from South America. It is found in northern Argentina, Bolivia, southerneastern Brazil and Paraguay. It is monotypic within its genus.-References:*...
Pygoderma bilabiatum LC
- Ipanema Bat
- Genus: SturniraSturniraSturnira is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Aratathomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira aratathomasi* Bidentate Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira bidens...
- Aratathomas's Yellow-shouldered BatAratathomas's Yellow-shouldered BatAratathomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Sturnira aratathomasi NT - Bidentate Yellow-shouldered BatBidentate Yellow-shouldered BatThe Bidentate Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and possibly Brazil....
Sturnira bidens LC - Bogota Yellow-shouldered BatBogota Yellow-shouldered BatThe Bogotá Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela at altitudes from 300 m to above 2000 m, particularly in cloud forest. The species is primarily frugivorous; it may also consume nectar and pollen....
Sturnira bogotensis LC - Hairy Yellow-shouldered BatHairy Yellow-shouldered BatThe Hairy Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.-References:...
Sturnira erythromos LC - Chocó Yellow-shouldered Bat Sturnira koopmanhilli
- Little Yellow-shouldered BatLittle Yellow-shouldered BatThe Little Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira lilium, is a bat species from South and Central America. The Little Yellow-shouldered Bat is a frugivor.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Sturnira lilium LC - Highland Yellow-shouldered BatHighland Yellow-shouldered BatThe Highland Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela.-References:...
Sturnira ludovici LC - Louis's Yellow-shouldered BatLouis's Yellow-shouldered BatLouis's Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Sturnira luisi LC - Greater Yellow-shouldered BatGreater Yellow-shouldered BatThe Greater Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Sturnira magna LC - Mistratoan Yellow-shouldered Bat Sturnira mistratensis DD
- Talamancan Yellow-shouldered BatTalamancan Yellow-shouldered BatThe Talamancan Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.-Source:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 30 July 2007....
Sturnira mordax NT - Lesser Yellow-shouldered BatLesser Yellow-shouldered BatThe Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is endemic to Peru. It is threatened by habitat loss....
Sturnira nana EN - Tschudi's Yellow-shouldered Bat Sturnira oporaphilum NT
- Soriano's Yellow-shouldered Bat Sturnira sorianoi DD
- Tilda's Yellow-shouldered BatTilda's Yellow-shouldered BatTilda's Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira tildae, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, and Trinidad and Tobago....
Sturnira tildae LC
- Aratathomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat
- Genus: UrodermaUrodermaUroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Uroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Uroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats....
- Tent-making BatTent-making BatThe Tent-making Bat, Uroderma bilobatum, is a bat species from South and Central America. It lives in hollowed out trees. It is sometimes speculated that the bat is green in color, even though it is only thought so because of the "tent" the bat makes is made out a leaf that is green in color, in...
Uroderma bilobatum LC - Brown Tent-making BatBrown Tent-making BatThe Brown Tent-making Bat, Uroderma magnirostrum, is a bat species from South and Central America.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Uroderma magnirostrum LC
- Tent-making Bat
- Genus: VampyressaVampyressaVampyressa is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Bidentate Yellow-eared Bat * Brock's Yellow-eared Bat * Melissa's Yellow-eared Bat...
- Bidentate Yellow-eared BatBidentate Yellow-eared BatThe Bidentate Yellow-eared Bat, Vampyriscus bidens, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.-References:*...
Vampyressa bidens LC - Brock's Yellow-eared BatBrock's Yellow-eared BatBrock's Yellow-eared Bat, Vampyressa brocki, is a bat species from South America. It occurs in northwestern Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname and Peru....
Vampyressa brocki LC - Melissa's Yellow-eared BatMelissa's Yellow-eared BatMelissa's Yellow-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in southern Colombia, Ecuador and Peru....
Vampyressa melissa VU - Striped Yellow-eared BatStriped Yellow-eared BatThe Striped Yellow-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Panama.-References:...
Vampyressa nymphaea LC - Southern Little Yellow-eared BatSouthern Little Yellow-eared BatThe Southern Little Yellow-eared Bat, Vampyressa pusilla, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.-References:* Barquez, R. & Diaz, M. 2008. . Downloaded on 28 February 2009.*...
Vampyressa pusilla DD - Northern Little Yellow-eared BatNorthern Little Yellow-eared BatThe Northern Little Yellow-eared Bat, Vampyressa thyone, is a bat species from South and Central America, where it is found from southern Mexico to Bolivia, the Guianas and western Brazil....
Vampyressa thyone LC
- Bidentate Yellow-eared Bat
- Genus: Vampyrodes
- Great Stripe-faced BatGreat Stripe-faced BatThe Great Stripe-faced Bat, Vampyrodes caraccioli, is a bat species from South and Central America, where it is found from southern Mexico to Bolivia and northwestern Brazil, as well as on Trinidad. The Great Stripe-faced Bat is a frugivore. It is monotypic within its genus....
Vampyrodes caraccioli LC
- Great Stripe-faced Bat
- Genus: Ametrida
- Subfamily: Desmodontinae
- Genus: DesmodusDesmodusDesmodus is a genus of bats often referred to as the vampire bats. Along with the genera, Diaemus and Diphylla, Desmodus makes up the subfamily Desmodontinae of family Phyllostomidae, the vampire bats.Genus Desmodus - vampire bats...
- Common Vampire BatCommon Vampire BatThe Common Vampire Bat is a small leaf-nosed bat native to the Americas. It is one of three extant species of vampire bat, the other two being the Hairy-legged Vampire Bat and the White-winged Vampire Bat. Along with them, it is the only parasitic mammal. It mainly feeds on the blood of livestock...
Desmodus rotundus LC
- Common Vampire Bat
- Genus: Diaemus
- White-winged Vampire BatWhite-winged Vampire BatThe White-winged Vampire Bat is a species of vampire bat. It is the only member of the genus Diaemus. It is found from Mexico to southern Argentina and is present on the islands of Trinidad and Isla Margarita...
Diaemus youngi LC
- White-winged Vampire Bat
- Genus: Diphylla
- Hairy-legged Vampire BatHairy-legged Vampire BatThe Hairy-legged Vampire Bat is one of three species of vampire bat. Despite connotations of vampires, it mainly feeds on the blood of birds. This vampire bat lives mainly in tropical and subtropical forestlands of South America...
Diphylla ecaudata LC
- Hairy-legged Vampire Bat
- Genus: Desmodus
- Subfamily: Phyllostominae
- Family: NatalidaeNatalidaeThe family Natalidae, or funnel-eared bats are found from Mexico to Brazil and the Caribbean islands. The family has three genera, Chilonatalus, Natalus and Nyctiellus. They are slender bats with unusually long tails and, as their name suggests, funnel-shaped ears. They are small, at only 3.5 to...
(funnel-eared bats)- Genus: ChilonatalusChilonatalusThe genus Chilonatalus of funnel-eared bats is found in South America and the Antilles. It has two species....
- Cuban Funnel-eared BatCuban Funnel-eared BatThe Cuban Funnel-eared Bat is a species of bat in the family Natalidae. It is one of two species within the genus Chilonatalus. It is found in Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica....
Chilonatalus micropus NT
- Cuban Funnel-eared Bat
- Genus: NatalusNatalusThe genus Natalus of funnel-eared bats is found from Mexico to Brazil and the Caribbean islands. They are slender bats with unusually long tails and, as their name suggests, funnel-shaped ears. They are small, at only 3.5 to 5.5 cm in length, with brown, grey, or reddish fur...
- Brazilian funnel-eared batBrazilian funnel-eared batThe Brazilian funnel-eared bat, Natalus espiritosantensis, is a South American bat species found in eastern Brazil. It roosts in caves, which makes it vulnerable to disturbance of these scarce sites. It was formerly considered a subspecies of N. stramineus.-References:*...
Natalus espiritosantensis NT - Trinidadian Funnel-eared BatTrinidadian Funnel-eared BatThe Trinidadian Funnel-eared Bat is a species of bat in the Natalidae family. It is endemic to Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago and Netherlands Antilles.-References:...
Natalus tumidirostris LC
- Brazilian funnel-eared bat
- Genus: Chilonatalus
- Family: FuripteridaeFuripteridaeFuripteridae is one of the families of bats. This family contains only two species, the Smokey Bat and the Thumbless Bat. Both are from Central and South America, and are closely related to the bats in the Natalidae and Thyropteridae families. They can be recognized by their reduced and...
(thumbless bats)- Genus: Amorphochilus
- Smoky Bat Amorphochilus schnablii EN
- Genus: Furipterus
- Thumbless BatThumbless BatThe Thumbless Bat is a species of bat in the Furipteridae family, in the monotypic genus Furipterus. It is found in Costa Rica, Brazil, Venezuela; Colombia; Ecuador; Suriname; French Guiana; Guyana; Panama; Trinidad, and Peru. They have a small thumb which is included in the membrane of the wing,...
Furipterus horrens LC
- Thumbless Bat
- Genus: Amorphochilus
- Family: ThyropteridaeThyropteridaeDisc-winged bats are a small group of bats of the family Thyropteridae. They are found in Central and South America, usually in moist tropical rain forests. It is a very small family, consisting of a single genus with four species....
(disc-winged bats)- Genus: Thyroptera
- Peter's Disk-winged BatPeter's Disk-winged BatPeter's Disk-winged Bat, Thyroptera discifera, is a bat species from South and Central America.-External links:*...
Thyroptera discifera LC - de Vivo's Disk-winged Bat Thyroptera devivoi DD
- LaVal's Disk-winged BatLaVal's disk-winged batLaVal's disk-winged bat, Thyroptera lavali, is a species of bat in the family Thyropteridae. It is native to Ecuador, Peru, and possibly Venezuela, where it has been found near streams in tropical rainforest. The bat is insectivorous. It is poorly studied but is believed to be rare. The species was...
Thyroptera lavali DD - Spix's Disk-winged BatSpix's Disk-winged BatSpix's Disk-winged Bat, Thyroptera tricolor, is a bat species from South and Central America. It ranges from south Mexico to Bolivia.-References:* Chiroptera Specialist Group 1996. . Downloaded on 26 October 2008.*...
Thyroptera tricolor LC
- Peter's Disk-winged Bat
- Genus: Thyroptera
Order: CarnivoraCarnivoraThe diverse order Carnivora |Latin]] carō "flesh", + vorāre "to devour") includes over 260 species of placental mammals. Its members are formally referred to as carnivorans, while the word "carnivore" can refer to any meat-eating animal...

Phorusrhacids , colloquially known as "terror birds" as the larger species were apex predators during the Miocene, were a clade of large carnivorous flightless birds that were the dominant predators in South America during the Cenozoic, 62–2 million years ago. They were roughly 1–3 meters tall...
and metatherian
Sparassodonta is an extinct order of carnivorous metatherian mammals native to South America. They were once considered to be true marsupials, but are now thought to be a sister taxon to them. A number of these mammalian predators closely resemble placental predators that evolved separately on...
predators to compete effectively following the Great American Interchange
Great American Interchange
The Great American Interchange was an important paleozoogeographic event in which land and freshwater fauna migrated from North America via Central America to South America and vice versa, as the volcanic Isthmus of Panama rose up from the sea floor and bridged the formerly separated continents...
- Suborder: FeliformiaFeliformiaThe Feliformia are a suborder within the order Carnivora and includes cats , hyenas, mongooses, civets and related taxa. The other suborder of Carnivora is Caniformia...
- Family: FelidaeFelidaeFelidae is the biological family of the cats; a member of this family is called a felid. Felids are the strictest carnivores of the thirteen terrestrial families in the order Carnivora, although the three families of marine mammals comprising the superfamily pinnipedia are as carnivorous as the...
(cats)- Subfamily: FelinaeFelinaeFelinae is a subfamily of the family Felidae which includes the genera and species listed below. Most are small to medium-sized cats, although the group does include some larger animals, such as the Cougar and Cheetah....
- Genus: LeopardusLeopardusLeopardus is a genus consisting of small spotted cats mostly native to Middle and South America. Very few range into the southern United States. The genus is considered the oldest branch of the part of the cat family to cross into the Americas, followed by the genera Lynx and Puma...
- Pantanal CatPantanal CatThe Pantanal Cat is a small feline of far south-eastern and central Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina and Uruguay. It is named after the Pantanal wetlands in central South America, but mainly occurs in grassland, shrubland, savannas and deciduous forests...
Leopardus braccatus - ColocoloColocoloColocolo may refer to:*Colocolo , a Mapuche tribal chief.*Colo Colo creature of the Mapuche mythology.*Colocolo , a South American cat native to Chile.*Colo-Colo, a Chilean football team....
Leopardus colocolo NT - Geoffroy's CatGeoffroy's CatGeoffroy's Cat is a wild cat in the southern and central regions of South America. It is about the size of a domestic cat. While the species is relatively common in many areas, it is considered to be "Near Threatened" by IUCN because of concern over land-use changes in the regions where it lives...
Leopardus geoffroyi NT - KodkodKodkodThe Kodkod , also called Guiña, is the smallest cat in the Americas and also has the smallest distribution, being found primarily in central and southern Chile and marginally in adjoining areas of Argentina...
Leopardus guigna VU - Andean Mountain Cat Leopardus jacobita EN
- Pampas CatPampas CatThe Colocolo is a small spotted and striped cat native to the west Andean slope in central and northern Chile. Until recently it included the more widespread Pampas Cat and Pantanal Cat , and some maintain these as subspecies of the Colocolo...
Leopardus pajeros - OcelotOcelotThe ocelot , pronounced /ˈɒsəˌlɒt/, also known as the dwarf leopard or McKenney's wildcat is a wild cat distributed over South and Central America and Mexico, but has been reported as far north as Texas and in Trinidad, in the Caribbean...
Leopardus pardalis LC - Oncilla Leopardus tigrinus VU
- MargayMargayThe Margay is a spotted cat native to Middle and South America. Named for Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied, it is a solitary and nocturnal animal that prefers remote sections of the rainforest. Although it was once believed to be vulnerable to extinction, the IUCN now lists it as "Near Threatened"...
Leopardus wiedii NT
- Pantanal Cat
- Genus: PumaPuma (genus)Puma is a genus in Felidae that contains the cougar and the jaguarundi, and may also include several poorly known Old World fossil representatives .-Species:*Puma concolor – CougarPuma pardoides Puma is a genus in Felidae that contains the cougar (also known as the puma, among other names)...
- Cougar Puma concolor LC
- JaguarundiJaguarundiThe jaguarundi is a small-sized wild cat native to Central and South America. In 2002, the IUCN classified the jaguarundi as Least Concern as it is likely that no conservation units, with the probable exception of the mega-reserves of the Amazon basin could sustain long-term viable populations. It...
Puma yagouaroundi LC
- Genus: Leopardus
- Subfamily: PantherinaePantherinaePantherinae is the subfamily of the family Felidae, which includes the genera Panthera, Uncia and Neofelis.The divergence of Pantherinae from Felinae has been ranked between six and ten million years ago. DNA analysis suggests that the snow leopard Uncia uncia is basal to the entire Pantherinae and...
- Genus: PantheraPantheraPanthera is a genus of the family Felidae , which contains four well-known living species: the tiger, the lion, the jaguar, and the leopard. The genus comprises about half of the Pantherinae subfamily, the big cats...
- JaguarJaguarThe jaguar is a big cat, a feline in the Panthera genus, and is the only Panthera species found in the Americas. The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The jaguar's present range extends from Southern United States and Mexico...
Panthera onca NT
- Jaguar
- Genus: Panthera
- Subfamily: Felinae
- Family: Felidae
- Suborder: CaniformiaCaniformiaCaniformia, or Canoidea , is a suborder within the order Carnivora. They typically possess a long snout and non-retractile claws . The Pinnipedia evolved from caniform ancestors and are accordingly assigned to this group...
- Family: CanidaeCanidaeCanidae is the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and domestic dogs. A member of this family is called a canid . The Canidae family is divided into two tribes: Canini and Vulpini...
(dogs, foxes)- Genus: DusicyonDusicyonDusicyon is a genus of extinct South American canids. The type species is Dusicyon australis, the extinct Falkland Islands Wolf. In 1914, Oldfield Thomas established the genus Dusicyon, in which he included the Culpeo and other South American foxes...
- Falkland Island Wolf †Dusicyon australis EX
- Genus: UrocyonUrocyonThe genus Urocyon is a genus that contains two living Western Hemisphere foxes in the family Canidae, the Gray Fox and the closely related Island Fox which is a dwarf cousin of the Gray Fox; as well as one fossil species, Urocyon progressus.Urocyon and the...
- Gray FoxGray FoxThe gray fox is a mammal of the order Carnivora ranging throughout most of the southern half of North America from southern Canada to the northern part of South America...
Urocyon cinereoargenteus LC
- Gray Fox
- Genus: Lycalopex
- CulpeoCulpeoThe culpeo , sometimes known as the culpeo zorro or Andean fox , is a South American species of wild dog. It is the second largest native canid on the continent after the maned wolf. In its appearance it bears many similarities to the widely recognized red fox...
Lycalopex culpaeus LC - Darwin's FoxDarwin's FoxDarwin's fox or Darwin's Zorro is a small Critically endangered canine from the genus Lycalopex. It is also known as the Zorro Chilote or Zorro de Darwin in Spanish and lives on Chiloé Island and Nahuelbuta National Park in mainland Chile .Darwin's fox was first collected from San Pedro Island off...
Lycalopex fulvipes CR - South American Gray Fox Lycalopex griseus LC
- Pampas FoxPampas FoxThe Pampas fox , also known as graxaim, sorro, Azara's fox, or Azara's zorro, is a medium sized zorro or "false" fox native to South American pampas and its range is through central South America in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil...
Lycalopex gymnocercus LC - Sechuran Fox Lycalopex sechurae NT
- Hoary FoxHoary FoxThe hoary fox , also called the hoary zorro, is a species of zorro or "false" fox endemic to Brazil. Unlike many other foxes, it feeds primarily on small invertebrates such as insects.-Description:...
Lycalopex vetulus LC
- Culpeo
- Genus: Cerdocyon
- Crab-eating FoxCrab-eating FoxThe crab-eating fox , also known as the forest fox, wood fox, and the common fox, is an extant species of medium-sized canid endemic to the central part of South America and which appeared during the Pliocene epoch...
Cerdocyon thous LC
- Crab-eating Fox
- Genus: Atelocynus
- Short-eared DogShort-eared DogThe short-eared dog , also known as the short-eared fox or the short-eared zorro, is a unique and elusive canid species endemic to the Amazonian basin...
Atelocynus microtis NT
- Short-eared Dog
- Genus: SpeothosSpeothosSpeothos is a genus of canid found in Central and South America. The genus includes the living Bush Dog, Speothos venaticus, as well as an extinct Pleistocene species, Speothos pacivorus. Surprisingly, the fossil species was identified and named prior to the discovery of the extant species, with...
- Bush DogBush DogThe bush dog is a canid found in Central and South America, including Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru , Ecuador, the Guianas, Paraguay, northeast Argentina and Brazil...
Speothos venaticus NT
- Bush Dog
- Genus: Chrysocyon
- Maned WolfManed WolfThe maned wolf is the largest canid of South America, resembling a large fox with reddish fur.This mammal is found in open and semi-open habitats, especially grasslands with scattered bushes and trees, in south, central-west and south-eastern Brazil The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the...
Chrysocyon brachyurus NT
- Maned Wolf
- Genus: Dusicyon
- Family: Ursidae (bears)
- Genus: TremarctosTremarctosTremarctos is a genus of the family Ursidae, subfamily Tremarctinae endemic to Americas from the Pliocene to recent. The northern species, the Florida short-faced bear was extinct 11 000 years ago...
- Spectacled BearSpectacled BearThe spectacled bear , also known as the Andean bear and locally as ukuko, jukumari or ucumari, is the last remaining short-faced bear and the closest living relative to the Florida spectacled bear and short-faced bears of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene age.The spectacled bear is a...
Tremarctos ornatus VU
- Spectacled Bear
- Genus: Tremarctos
- Family: ProcyonidaeProcyonidaeProcyonidae is a New World family of the order Carnivora. It includes the raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. Procyonids inhabit a wide range of environments, and are generally omnivorous.-Characteristics:...
(raccoons, coatis and allies)- Genus: ProcyonProcyon (genus)Procyon is a genus of nocturnal mammals, comprising three species commonly known as raccoons, in the family Procyonidae. The most familiar species, the common raccoon , is often known simply as "the" raccoon, as the two other raccoon species in the genus are native only to the tropics and are...
- Crab-eating RaccoonCrab-eating raccoonThe Crab-eating Raccoon is a species of raccoon native to marshy and jungle areas of Central and South America . It is found from Costa Rica south through most areas of South America east of the Andes down to northern Argentina and Uruguay...
Procyon cancrivorus LC
- Crab-eating Raccoon
- Genus: NasuaNasuaNasua is a genus within the Raccoon family, Procyonidae. The three species within the genus Nasua are generally referred to as coatis. Two additional species of coatis, commonly known as mountain coatis, are placed in the genus Nasuella...
- White-nosed Coati Nasua narica LC
- South American CoatiSouth American CoatiThe South American Coati, or Ring-tailed Coati , is a species of coati from South America. In Brazilian Portuguese it is known as quati. It is native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela. It is the southern replacement of its very...
Nasua nasua LC
- Genus: NasuellaNasuellaMountain coatis are two species of procyonid mammals from the genus Nasuella. Unlike the larger coatis from the genus Nasua, mountain coatis only weigh and are endemic to the north Andean highlands in South America. Until recently only a single species with three subspecies was recognized. In 2009...
- Eastern Mountain CoatiNasuella meridensisThe Eastern Mountain Coati or Eastern Dwarf Coati is a small procyonid found in cloud forest and paramo at altitudes of in the Andes of western Venezuela...
Nasuella meridensis - Mountain Coati Nasuella olivacea DD
- Eastern Mountain Coati
- Genus: Potos
- KinkajouKinkajouThe kinkajou , also known as the honey bear , is a rainforest mammal of the family Procyonidae related to olingos, coatis, raccoons, and the ringtail and cacomistle. It is the only member of the genus Potos. Kinkajous may be mistaken for ferrets or monkeys, but are not closely related...
Potos flavus LC
- Kinkajou
- Genus: Bassaricyon
- Allen's OlingoAllen's OlingoAllen's Olingo is a species of olingo from South America, where it is known from Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru....
Bassaricyon alleni LC - Beddard's OlingoBeddard's OlingoBeddard's Olingo, Bassaricyon beddardi, is an olingo species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Olingos appear similar to the kinkajou ; however, they lack a prehensile tail, and are not closely related. Their tails are bushier and have faint black bands, like most...
Bassaricyon beddardi LC - Bushy-tailed OlingoBushy-tailed OlingoThe bushy-tailed olingo , also known simply as the olingo, is a tree-dwelling member of the family Procyonidae, which also includes raccoons. It was the first species of olingo to be described, and is considered by some authors to be the only genuine olingo species. Its scientific name honors...
Bassaricyon gabbii LC
- Allen's Olingo
- Genus: Procyon
- Family: MustelidaeMustelidaeMustelidae , commonly referred to as the weasel family, are a family of carnivorous mammals. Mustelids are diverse and the largest family in the order Carnivora, at least partly because in the past it has been a catch-all category for many early or poorly differentiated taxa...
(weasels, otters)- Genus: Mustela
- Amazon Weasel Mustela africana LC
- Colombian WeaselColombian WeaselColombian weasel , also known as Don Felipe's weasel, is a very rare species of weasel only known with certainty from the departments of Huila and Cauca in Colombia and nearby northern Ecuador...
Mustela felipei VU - Long-tailed WeaselLong-tailed WeaselThe long-tailed weasel , also known as the bridled weasel or big stoat is a species of mustelid distributed from southern Canada throughout all the United States and Mexico, southward through all of Central America and into northern South America.-Evolution:The long-tailed weasel is the product of...
Mustela frenata LC
- Genus: EiraEiraEira is a neighborhood in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.The district dates back to the early 20th century and received its name after Eira Hospital in the neighboring district of Ullanlinna, which in turn took its name from Eira Hospital in Stockholm, which was named after Eir, the old...
- TayraTayraThe tayra , also known as the Tolomuco or Perico ligero in Central America, and San Hol or viejo de monte in the Yucatan Peninsula is an omnivorous animal from the weasel family Mustelidae. It is the only species in the genus Eira...
Eira barbara LC
- Tayra
- Genus: GalictisGalictisThe grison, also known as the South American glutton, is a neotropical mustelid of South America. Comprising the genus Galictis, it is divided into two species: the greater grison , which is found widely in South America, through Central America to southern Mexico; and the lesser grison , which is...
- Lesser GrisonLesser GrisonThe lesser grison , Galictis cuja, is a mammal species of the ferret family Mustelidae from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay....
Galictis cuja LC - Greater grisonGreater GrisonThe greater grison, Galictis vittata, is an animal belonging to the ferret family Mustelidae from Central and South America, from southern Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia, living in savannas and rainforests, usually seen near rivers and streams....
Galictis vittata LC
- Lesser Grison
- Genus: Lyncodon
- Patagonian WeaselPatagonian WeaselThe Patagonian Weasel is a small mustelid that is the only member of the genus Lyncodon. Its geographic range is the Pampas of western Argentina and sections of Chile...
Lyncodon patagonicus DD
- Patagonian Weasel
- Genus: LontraLontraLontra is a genus of otters from the American continent.The genus comprises four species:*North American River Otter *Southern River Otter *Neotropical Otter...
- Marine OtterMarine OtterThe marine otter, Lontra felina, is a rare and poorly-known South American mammal of the weasel family . The scientific name means "otter cat", and in Spanish the marine otter is also often referred to as : "marine cat"...
Lontra felina EN - Neotropical River OtterNeotropical River OtterThe Neotropical Otter , Lontra longicaudis, is an otter species found in Central America, South America and the island of Trinidad....
Lontra longicaudis DD - Southern River OtterSouthern River OtterThe Southern river otter is a species of otter that lives in Chile and Argentina. Although called a "river otter", it inhabits both marine and freshwater environments....
Lontra provocax EN
- Marine Otter
- Genus: Pteronura
- Giant OtterGiant OtterThe giant otter is a South American carnivorous mammal. It is the longest member of the Mustelidae, or weasel family, a globally successful group of predators. Unusually for a mustelid, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members...
Pteronura brasiliensis EN
- Giant Otter
- Genus: Mustela
- Family: Mephitidae (skunks)
- Genus: Conepatus
- Molina's Hog-nosed SkunkMolina's Hog-nosed SkunkMolina's hog-nosed skunk, also called the Andes Skunk , is a skunk species from South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay in heights up to 5000m.-References:**The Andes: A Trekking Guide...
Conepatus chinga LC - Humboldt's Hog-nosed SkunkHumboldt's Hog-nosed SkunkHumboldt's hog-nosed skunk, also known as the Patagonian hog-nosed skunk is a type of hog-nosed skunk indigenous to the open grassy areas in the Patagonian regions of Argentina and Chile.- Appearance :...
Conepatus humboldtii LC - Striped Hog-nosed SkunkStriped Hog-nosed SkunkThe striped hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus semistriatus, is a skunk species from Central and South America. It lives in a wide range of habitats including dry forest scrub and occasionally, in rainforest....
Conepatus semistriatus LC
- Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk
- Genus: Conepatus
- Family: Otariidae (eared seals, sea lions)
- Genus: ArctocephalusArctocephalusThe genus Arctocephalus consists of eight of the nine species of fur seal. For details see the fur seal article, or the individual species articles.-Taxonomy:* SUBORDER PINNIPEDIA* Family Otariidae...
- South American Fur SealSouth American Fur SealThe South American Fur Seal is a species of fur seal that breeds on the coasts of Chile and Argentina. The total population is around 250,000....
Arctocephalus australis LC - Galapagos Fur SealGalapagos Fur SealThe Galápagos fur seal breeds on the Galápagos Islands in the eastern Pacific, west of mainland Ecuador.- Description :...
Arctocephalus galapagoensis EN - Antarctic Fur SealAntarctic Fur SealThe Antarctic fur seal is one of eight seals in the genus Arctocephalus, and one of nine fur seals in the subfamily Arctocephalinae. As its name suggests, the Antarctic fur seal is distributed in Antarctic waters. Around 95% of the world population breeds at the Island of South Georgia...
Arctocephalus gazella LC - Juan Fernández Fur SealJuan Fernandez Fur SealThe Juan Fernández Fur Seal is a fur seal that breeds on the Juan Fernández Islands off the coast of Chile. It is the second smallest of the otariid seal . Discovered by navigator Juan Fernández in the sixteenth century, the seals became a target for sealers in the Maritime Fur Trade era...
Arctocephalus philippii NT - Subantarctic Fur SealSubantarctic Fur SealThe subantarctic fur seal is a fur seal found in the southern parts of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It was first described by Gray in 1872 from a specimen recovered in northern Australia—hence the inappropriate tropicalis specific name.- Description :The subantarctic fur seal is...
Arctocephalus tropicalis LC
- South American Fur Seal
- Genus: Otaria
- South American Sea LionSouth American Sea LionThe South American sea lion , also called the southern sea lion and the Patagonian sea lion, is a sea lion found on the Chilean, Peruvian, Uruguayan, Argentine and Southern Brazilian coasts. It is the only member of the genus Otaria...
Otaria flavescens LC
- South American Sea Lion
- Genus: ZalophusZalophusZalophus is a genus of the family Otariidae of order Carnivora. It includes three species of which one became recently extinct:*Z. californianus: California Sea Lion*Z. japonicus: Japanese Sea Lion †...
- Galápagos Sea LionGalápagos Sea LionThe Galápagos sea lion , a species of sea lion, exclusively breeds on the Galápagos Islands and – in smaller numbers – on Isla de la Plata . Being fairly social, and one of the most numerous species in the Galápagos archipelago, they are often spotted sun-bathing on sandy shores or rock groups or...
Zalophus wollebaeki EN
- Galápagos Sea Lion
- Genus: Arctocephalus
- Family: Phocidae (earless seals)
- Genus: Hydrurga
- Leopard SealLeopard SealThe leopard seal , also referred to as the sea leopard, is the second largest species of seal in the Antarctic...
Hydrurga leptonyx LC
- Leopard Seal
- Genus: Leptonychotes
- Weddell SealWeddell SealThe Weddell seal , is a relatively large and abundant true seal with a circumpolar distribution surrounding Antarctica. Weddell seals have the most southerly distribution of any mammal, with a habitat that extends as far south as McMurdo Sound...
Leptonychotes weddellii LC
- Weddell Seal
- Genus: Lobodon
- Crabeater SealCrabeater SealThe crabeater seal, Lobodon carcinophagus, is a true seal with a circumpolar distribution around the coast of Antarctica. They are medium to large-sized , relatively slender and pale-colored, found primarily on the free floating pack ice that extends seasonally out from the Antarctic coast, which...
Lobodon carcinophaga LC
- Crabeater Seal
- Genus: Mirounga
- Southern Elephant SealSouthern Elephant SealThe Southern Elephant Seal is one of the two extant species of elephant seal. It is both the most massive pinniped and member of the order Carnivora living today...
Mirounga leonina LC
- Southern Elephant Seal
- Genus: MonachusMonachusMonachus is a genus containing the monk seals, a group of three Pinniped species. They are the only earless seals which are found in tropical climates...
- Caribbean Monk SealCaribbean Monk SealThe Caribbean monk seal or West Indian monk seal is an extinct species of seal. It is the only seal ever known to be native to the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The last verified recorded sighting occurred in 1952 at Serranilla Bank...
†Monachus tropicalis EX
- Caribbean Monk Seal
- Genus: Hydrurga
- Family: Canidae
Order: Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates)

Grazing generally describes a type of feeding, in which a herbivore feeds on plants , and also on other multicellular autotrophs...
mammals. They are usually large to very large, and have relatively simple stomachs and a large middle toe. Following the interchange with North America, South America's odd-toed ungulates included equids
Equidae is the taxonomic family of horses and related animals, including the extant horses, donkeys, and zebras, and many other species known only from fossils. All extant species are in the genus Equus...
of genus Equus
Equus (genus)
Equus is a genus of animals in the family Equidae that includes horses, donkeys, and zebras. Within Equidae, Equus is the only extant genus. Like Equidae more broadly, Equus has numerous extinct species known only from fossils. This article deals primarily with the extant species.The term equine...
, but these died out around the time of the first arrival of humans.
- Family: Tapiridae (tapirs)
- Genus: Tapirus
- Baird's TapirBaird's TapirBaird’s Tapir is a species of tapir that is native to Central America and northern South America. It is one of three Latin American species of tapir.-Names:...
Tapirus bairdii EN - Mountain TapirMountain TapirThe Mountain Tapir or Woolly Tapir is the smallest of the four species of tapir and is the only one to live outside of tropical rainforests in the wild...
Tapirus pinchaque EN - Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris VU
- Baird's Tapir
- Genus: Tapirus
Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)

Ungulates are several groups of mammals, most of which use the tips of their toes, usually hoofed, to sustain their whole body weight while moving. They make up several orders of mammals, of which six to eight survive...
s is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to human
Humans are the only living species in the Homo genus...
s. South America's considerable cervid diversity belies their relatively recent arrival. The presence of camelids in South America but not North America today is ironic, given that they have a 45 million year long history in the latter continent (where they originated), and only a 3 million year history in the former. South America once had a great diversity of ungulates of native origin
Meridiungulata is an extinct clade with the rank of cohort or super-order, containing the South-American ungulates: Pyrotheria , Astrapotheria, Notoungulata and Litopterna...
, but these dwindled after the interchange with North America, and disappeared entirely following the arrival of humans.
- Family: Tayassuidae (peccaries)
- Genus: Catagonus
- Chacoan PeccaryChacoan peccaryThe Chacoan peccary or Tagua is a species of peccary found in the Gran Chaco of Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. About 3000 exist in the world...
Catagonus wagneri EN
- Chacoan Peccary
- Genus: PecariPecariPecari is a genus of mammals in the peccary family, Tayassuidae. The genus was monotypic until the description of P. maximus in 2007, but the scientific evidence for its status as a species separate from P...
- Collared PeccaryCollared PeccaryThe collared peccary is a species of mammal in the family Tayassuidae that is found in North, Central, and South America. They are commonly referred to as javelina, saíno or báquiro, although these terms are also used to describe other species in the family...
Pecari tajacu LC - Giant Peccary Pecari maximus DD
- Collared Peccary
- Genus: Tayassu
- White-lipped PeccaryWhite-lipped PeccaryThe White-lipped Peccary, Tayassu pecari, is a peccary species found in Central and South America, living in rainforest, dry forest and chaco scrub. It is monotypic within the genus Tayassu....
Tayassu pecari NT
- White-lipped Peccary
- Genus: Catagonus
- Family: Camelidae (camels, llamas)
- Genus: LamaLama (genus)Lama is the modern genus name for two South American camelids, the wild guanaco and the domesticated llama. This genus is closely allied to the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca of the genus Vicugna. Before the Spanish conquest of the Americas, llamas and alpacas were the only domesticated...
- Guanaco Lama guanicoe LC
- Genus: VicugnaVicugnaVicugna is a genus containing two South American camelids, the vicuña and the alpaca.Previously thought to be descended from the llama, the alpaca was reclassified as part of Vicugna after a 2001 paper on alpaca DNA. The paper showed that the alpaca is descended from the vicuña, not the...
- VicuñaVicuñaThe vicuña or vicugna is one of two wild South American camelids, along with the guanaco, which live in the high alpine areas of the Andes. It is a relative of the llama, and is now believed to share a wild ancestor with domesticated alpacas, which are raised for their fibre...
Vicugna vicugna LC
- Vicuña
- Genus: Lama
- Family: Cervidae (deer)
- Subfamily: CapreolinaeCapreolinaeCapreolinae, also known as Odocoileinae or the New World deer , is a subfamily of deer...
- Genus: Blastocerus
- Marsh deerMarsh DeerThe Marsh Deer, Blastocerus dichotomus , is the largest deer species from South America reaching a length of and a height of at the rump. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay...
Blastocerus dichotomus VU
- Marsh deer
- Genus: Hippocamelus
- TarucaTarucaThe Taruca , or North Andean Deer, is a species of deer that ranges across the Andes of Peru and Bolivia and the north of Chile and the northwest of Argentina...
Hippocamelus antisensis VU - South Andean DeerSouth Andean DeerThe South Andean Deer, Hippocamelus bisulcus, also known as the Huemul , is an endangered species of deer native to the mountains of Argentina and Chile. One of two mid-sized deer of the Hippocamelus genus, the South Andean Deer ranges across the high mountainsides and cold valleys of the Andes...
Hippocamelus bisulcus EN
- Taruca
- Genus: MazamaBrocket DeerBrocket deer are the species of deer in the genus Mazama. They are medium to small in size, and are found in the Yucatán Peninsula, Central and South America, and the island of Trinidad. Most species are primarily found in forests. They are superficially similar to the African duikers and the Asian...
- Red BrocketRed BrocketThe Red Brocket , is a species of brocket deer from forests in South America, ranging from northern Argentina to Colombia and the Guianas...
Mazama americana DD - Small Red BrocketSmall Red BrocketThe Small Red Brocket is a small species of deer in the Cervidae family. It is endemic to Atlantic Forest in Paraná and São Paulo in southeastern Brazil. This species, which only was scientifically described in 1996, is threatened by habitat loss. Though its size and structure most resemble that...
Mazama bororo VU - Merida BrocketMerida BrocketThe Mérida Brocket , also known as the Merioa Brocket or Rufous Brocket, is a small species of deer. It is found in forest and páramo at altitudes of in the Andes of northern Colombia and western Venezuela...
Mazama bricenii VU - Dwarf BrocketDwarf BrocketThe Dwarf Brocket , or Chunyi, is a small species of deer native to the Andean highlands in western Bolivia and south-eastern Peru, where found in forest and páramo. Its pelage is redddish-brown with dark grey foreparts and neck. The underparts are lighter brown, and the muzzle short and thick...
Mazama chunyi VU - Gray BrocketGray BrocketThe Gray Brocket , also known as the brown brocket, is a species of brocket deer from northern Argentina, Bolivia, eastern and southern Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. It formerly included the Amazonian Brown Brocket and sometimes also the Yucatan Brown Brocket as subspecies...
Mazama gouazoupira LC - Pygmy BrocketPygmy BrocketThe Pygmy Brocket, Mazama nana, is a brocket deer species from South America. It is found in Argentina, southern Brazil and Paraguay. It is a small deer with short legs, weighing . It is reddish-brown in color....
Mazama nana DD - Amazonian Brown BrocketAmazonian brown brocketThe Amazonian brown brocket , also known as the small brown brocket, is a small species of deer that is almost entirely restricted to South America. It is known from Panama The Amazonian brown brocket (Mazama nemorivaga), also known as the small brown brocket, is a small species of deer that is...
Mazama nemorivaga LC - Little Red BrocketLittle Red BrocketThe Little Red Brocket , also known as the Ecuador Red Brocket, is a small, little-studied deer native to the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru, where found in forest and páramo at altitudes between . It is one of the smallest brocket deer. The coat is reddish, and the legs and crown are...
Mazama rufina VU - Central American Red BrocketCentral American red brocketThe Central American red brocket, Mazama temama, is a species of brocket deer ranging from southern Mexico, through Central America, to northwestern Colombia. It was formerly treated as a subspecies of the red brocket from South America, but its karyotype has 2n = 50, while the latter's was...
Mazama temama DD
- Red Brocket
- Genus: OdocoileusOdocoileusOdocoileus is a genus of medium-sized deer containing two species native to the Americas. The name is sometimes spelt odocoeleus; it is from a contraction of the roots odonto- and coelus meaning "hollow-tooth".-Species:...
- White-tailed deerWhite-tailed DeerThe white-tailed deer , also known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail, is a medium-sized deer native to the United States , Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America as far south as Peru...
Odocoileus virginianus LC
- White-tailed deer
- Genus: Ozotoceros
- Pampas deerPampas DeerPampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus, live in the grasslands of South America at low elevations. They are also known as Venado or Gama. Their habitat includes water and hills, often with winter drought, and grass that is high enough to cover a standing deer...
Ozotoceros bezoarticus NT
- Pampas deer
- Genus: PudúPudúThe pudús are two species of South American deer from the genus Pudu; the world's smallest deer. The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile...
- Northern Pudu Pudu mephistophiles VU
- Southern Pudu Pudu puda VU
- Genus: Blastocerus
- Subfamily: Capreolinae
Order: CetaceaCetaceaThe order Cetacea includes the marine mammals commonly known as whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Cetus is Latin and is used in biological names to mean "whale"; its original meaning, "large sea animal", was more general. It comes from Ancient Greek , meaning "whale" or "any huge fish or sea...

Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. The term whale sometimes refers to all cetaceans, but more often it excludes dolphins and porpoises, which belong to suborder Odontoceti . This suborder also includes the sperm whale, killer whale, pilot whale, and beluga...
s, dolphin
Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from and , up to and . They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating...
s and porpoise
Porpoises are small cetaceans of the family Phocoenidae; they are related to whales and dolphins. They are distinct from dolphins, although the word "porpoise" has been used to refer to any small dolphin, especially by sailors and fishermen...
s. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic
Aquatic adaptation
Several animal groups have undergone aquatic adaptation, going from being purely terrestrial animals to living at least part of the time in water. The adaptations in early speciation tend to develop as the animal ventures into water in order to find available food. As successive generations spend...
life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater. Their closest extant relatives are the hippos
Hippopotamuses are the members of the family Hippopotamidae. They are the only extant artiodactyls which walk on four toes on each foot.- Characteristics :...
, which are artiodactyls, from which cetaceans are believed to have descended (as reflected in the naming of the clade
A clade is a group consisting of a species and all its descendants. In the terms of biological systematics, a clade is a single "branch" on the "tree of life". The idea that such a "natural group" of organisms should be grouped together and given a taxonomic name is central to biological...
Cetartiodactyla is the clade in which whales and even-toed ungulates have currently been placed. The term was coined by merging the name for the two orders, Cetacea and Artiodactyla, into a single word. The term Cetartiodactyla reflects the idea that whales evolved within the artiodactyls...
- Suborder: Mysticeti
- Family: BalaenidaeBalaenidaeBalaenidae is a family of mysticete whales that contains two living genera. Commonly called the right whales as it contains mainly right whale species...
(right whales)- Genus: Eubalaena
- Southern Right WhaleSouthern Right WhaleThe southern right whale is a baleen whale, one of three species classified as right whales belonging to the genus Eubalaena. Like other right whales, the southern right whale is readily distinguished from others by the callosities on its head, a broad back without a dorsal fin, and a long arching...
Eubalaena australis LC
- Southern Right Whale
- Genus: Eubalaena
- Family: Balaenopteridae (rorquals)
- Subfamily: Balaenopterinae
- Genus: BalaenopteraBalaenopteraBalaenoptera is a genus of Balaenopteridae, the Rorqual whales, and contains eight species. The species Balaenoptera omurai was published in 2003...
- Common Minke WhaleCommon Minke WhaleThe common minke whale or northern minke whale, , is a species of minke whale within the suborder of baleen whales.-Taxonomy:...
Balaenoptera acutorostrata LC - Antarctic Minke WhaleAntarctic Minke WhaleThe Antarctic minke whale or southern minke whale , is a species of minke whale within the suborder of baleen whales.-Taxonomy:...
Balaenoptera bonaerensis DD - Sei WhaleSei WhaleThe sei whale , Balaenoptera borealis, is a baleen whale, the third-largest rorqual after the blue whale and the fin whale. It inhabits most oceans and adjoining seas, and prefers deep offshore waters. It avoids polar and tropical waters and semi-enclosed bodies of water...
Balaenoptera borealis EN - Bryde's WhaleBryde's WhaleBryde's whales are baleen whales, one of the "great whales" or rorquals. They prefer tropical and temperate waters over the polar seas that other whales in their family frequent. They are largely coastal rather than pelagic. Bryde's whales are very similar in appearance to sei whales and almost as...
Balaenoptera brydei DD - Blue WhaleBlue WhaleThe blue whale is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales . At in length and or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed....
Balaenoptera musculus EN - Fin WhaleFin WhaleThe fin whale , also called the finback whale, razorback, or common rorqual, is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. It is the second longest whale and the sixth largest living animal after the blue whale, bowhead whale, and right whales, growing to nearly 27 metres long...
Balaenoptera physalus EN
- Common Minke Whale
- Genus: Balaenoptera
- Subfamily: Megapterinae
- Genus: Megaptera
- Humpback WhaleHumpback WhaleThe humpback whale is a species of baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from and weigh approximately . The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. It is an acrobatic animal, often breaching and slapping the...
Megaptera novaeangliae LC
- Humpback Whale
- Genus: Megaptera
- Subfamily: Balaenopterinae
- Family: Neobalaenidae
- Genus: Caperea
- Pygmy Right WhalePygmy Right WhaleThe pygmy right whale is a baleen whale, the sole member of the family Neobalaenidae. First described by John Edward Gray in 1846, it is the smallest of the baleen whales, ranging between and in length and 3,000 and 3,500 kg in mass...
Caperea marginata DD
- Pygmy Right Whale
- Genus: Caperea
- Family: Balaenidae
- Suborder: Odontoceti
- Superfamily: Platanistoidea
- Family: IniidaeIniidaeIniidae is a family of river dolphins containing one living and three extinct genera.-Taxonomy:The family was described by John Edward Gray in 1846.Current classifications include a single living genera, Inia, with one species and three subspecies...
- Genus: IniaIniaInia is a genus of river dolphin containing one or possibly two species.-Taxonomy:The genus was described by Alcide d'Orbigny in 1834 when Delphinus geoffrensis, described by Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville in 1817, was recognized to be a unique taxon...
- Amazon River Dolphin Inia geoffrensis DD
- Genus: Inia
- Family: Pontoporiidae
- Genus: PontoporiaLa Plata DolphinThe La Plata Dolphin or Franciscana is found in coastal Atlantic waters of southeastern South America. Taxonomically it is a member of the river dolphin group and the only one that actually lives in the ocean and saltwater estuaries, rather than inhabiting exclusively freshwater...
- La Plata DolphinLa Plata DolphinThe La Plata Dolphin or Franciscana is found in coastal Atlantic waters of southeastern South America. Taxonomically it is a member of the river dolphin group and the only one that actually lives in the ocean and saltwater estuaries, rather than inhabiting exclusively freshwater...
Pontoporia blainvillei VU
- La Plata Dolphin
- Genus: Pontoporia
- Family: Phocoenidae (porpoises)
- Genus: Phocoena
- Spectacled PorpoiseSpectacled PorpoiseThe Spectacled Porpoise is a rarely seen member of the porpoise family. The species is readily distinguished from other porpoises by a characteristic dark ring around the eyes, which gives the animals their name. This ring is commonly surrounded by a farther lighter ring...
Phocoena dioptrica DD - Burmeister's PorpoiseBurmeister's PorpoiseBurmeister's Porpoise is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America. It was first described by Hermann Burmeister, for whom the species is named, in 1865...
Phocoena spinipinnis DD
- Spectacled Porpoise
- Genus: Phocoena
- Family: Physeteridae (sperm whales)
- Genus: Physeter
- Sperm WhaleSperm WhaleThe sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, is a marine mammal species, order Cetacea, a toothed whale having the largest brain of any animal. The name comes from the milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in the animal's head. The sperm whale is the only living member of genus Physeter...
Physeter macrocephalus VU
- Sperm Whale
- Genus: Physeter
- Family: Kogiidae (pygmy, dwarf sperm whales)
- Genus: Kogia
- Pygmy Sperm WhalePygmy Sperm WhaleThe Pygmy Sperm Whale is one of three species of toothed whale in the sperm whale family. They are not often sighted at sea, and most of what is known about them comes from the examination of stranded specimens.-Taxonomy:...
Kogia breviceps DD - Dwarf Sperm WhaleDwarf Sperm WhaleThe Dwarf Sperm Whale is one of three species in the sperm whale family. They are not often sighted at sea. As such, most information is a result of the study of stranded carcasses.-Taxonomy:...
Kogia sima DD
- Pygmy Sperm Whale
- Genus: Kogia
- Family: Ziphidae (beaked whales)
- Genus: Ziphius
- Cuvier's Beaked WhaleCuvier's Beaked WhaleCuvier's beaked whale is the most widely distributed of all the beaked whales. It is the only member of the genus Ziphius. Another common name for the species is goose-beaked whale because its head is said to be shaped like the beak of a goose. Georges Cuvier first described it in 1823 from part...
Ziphius cavirostris LC
- Cuvier's Beaked Whale
- Genus: Berardius
- Arnoux's Beaked WhaleGiant beaked whaleThe genus Berardius contains two species of beaked whale, Baird's beaked whale and Arnoux's beaked whale. The two species are so similar, some scientists regard their separation into distinct species as a historical anomaly...
Berardius arnuxii DD
- Arnoux's Beaked Whale
- Genus: Tasmacetus
- Shepherd's Beaked WhaleShepherd's Beaked WhaleShepherd's beaked whale , also commonly called Tasman's beaked whale or simply the Tasman whale, is a cetacean of the family Ziphidae. The whale has been little studied. Only four confirmed at sea sightings have been made and 42 strandings recorded . It was first known to science in 1937, being...
Tasmacetus shepherdi DD
- Shepherd's Beaked Whale
- Subfamily: Hyperoodontidae
- Genus: Hyperoodon
- Southern Bottlenose WhaleBottlenose whaleThe Northern bottlenose whale is a species of the ziphiid family, one of two members of the Hyperoodon genus. The northern bottlenose was hunted heavily by Norway and Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries...
Hyperoodon planifrons LC
- Southern Bottlenose Whale
- Genus: Mesoplodon
- Andrews' beaked whaleAndrews' Beaked WhaleAndrews' beaked whale , sometimes known as the deep-crest beaked whale or splay-toothed whale, is one of the most poorly known members of a poorly known genus...
Mesoplodon bowdoini DD - Blainville's Beaked WhaleBlainville's Beaked WhaleBlainville's beaked whale , or the dense-beaked whale, is the widest ranging mesoplodont whale and perhaps the most documented. Henri de Blainville first described the species in 1817 from a small piece of jaw—the heaviest bone he had ever come across—which resulted in the name densirostris...
Mesoplodon densirostris DD - Gervais' Beaked WhaleGervais' Beaked WhaleGervais' beaked whale , sometimes known as the Antillian beaked whale, Gulf Stream beaked whale, or European beaked whale is the most frequently stranding type of mesoplodont whale off the coast of North America...
Mesoplodon europaeus DD - Ginkgo-toothed Beaked WhaleGinkgo-toothed Beaked WhaleThe ginkgo-toothed beaked whale is a poorly known species of whale even for a beaked whale, and was named for the unusual shape of its dual teeth...
Mesoplodon ginkgodens DD - Gray's Beaked WhaleGray's Beaked WhaleGray's beaked whale , sometimes known as Haast's beaked whale, the Scamperdown whale, or the southern beaked whale, is one of the better-known members of the genus Mesoplodon. The scientific name refers to John Edward Gray, a zoologist at the British Museum. This species is fairly gregarious and...
Mesoplodon grayi DD - Hector's Beaked WhaleHector's Beaked WhaleHector's beaked whale , is a small mesoplodont living in the Southern Hemisphere. This whale is named after Sir James Hector, a founder of the colonial museum in Wellington, New Zealand...
Mesoplodon hectori DD - Strap-toothed Whale Mesoplodon layardii DD
- Pygmy Beaked WhalePygmy Beaked WhaleThe pygmy beaked whale , also known as the bandolero beaked whale, Peruvian beaked whale and lesser beaked whale, is the smallest of the mesoplodonts and one of the newest discoveries. There were at least two dozen sightings of an unknown beaked whale named Mesoplodon sp...
Mesoplodon peruvianus DD - Spade-toothed Whale Mesoplodon traversii DD
- Andrews' beaked whale
- Genus: Hyperoodon
- Genus: Ziphius
- Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
- Genus: CephalorhynchusCephalorhynchusCephalorhynchus is a genus in the dolphin family Delphinidae. It consists of four species:*Commerson's Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus commersonii*Chilean Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus eutropia*Heaviside's Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus heavisidii...
- Commerson's DolphinCommerson's DolphinCommerson's Dolphin is one of four dolphins in the Cephalorhynchus genus. The species has also the common names Skunk Dolphin, Piebald Dolphin and Panda Dolphin...
Cephalorhynchus commersonii DD - Chilean DolphinChilean DolphinThe Chilean Dolphin , also known as the Black Dolphin, is one of four dolphins in the Cephalorhynchus genus. The dolphin is only found off the coast of Chile, it is commonly referred to in the country as Tunina....
Cephalorhynchus eutropia NT
- Commerson's Dolphin
- Genus: Steno
- Rough-toothed DolphinRough-toothed DolphinThe Rough-toothed dolphin is species of dolphin that can be found in deep warm and tropical waters around the world.The species was first described by Georges Cuvier in 1823...
Steno bredanensis LC
- Rough-toothed Dolphin
- Genus: Sotalia
- TucuxiTucuxiThe Tucuxi , alternately bufeo gris or bufeo negro is a dolphin found in the rivers of the Amazon Basin. The word "tucuxi" is derived from the Tupi language word tuchuchi-ana and has now been adopted as the species' common name...
Sotalia fluviatilis DD - CosteroCosteroThe Costero is found in the coastal waters to the north and east of South America. The common name "costero" has been suggested by Caballero and colleagues due to the species' affinity for coastal habitats. The Costero is a member of the oceanic dolphin family . Physically it resembles the...
Sotalia guianensis DD
- Tucuxi
- Genus: Tursiops
- Common Bottlenose DolphinCommon Bottlenose DolphinTursiops truncatus, commonly known as the Common Bottlenose Dolphin, is the most well-known species from the family Delphinidae.Common bottlenose dolphins are the most familiar dolphins due to the wide exposure they receive in captivity in marine parks, dolphinarias, in movies, and television...
Tursiops truncatus LC
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin
- Genus: StenellaStenellaStenella is a genus of aquatic mammals in Delphinidae, the family informally known as the oceanic dolphins.Currently five species are recognised in this genus:*Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, S. attenuata*Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, S. frontalis...
- Pantropical Spotted DolphinPantropical Spotted DolphinThe Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is a species of dolphin found in all the world's temperate and tropical oceans. The species was beginning to come under threat due to the killing of millions of individuals in tuna purse seines...
Stenella attenuata LC - Clymene DolphinClymene DolphinThe Clymene dolphin , in older texts known as the Short-snouted spinner dolphin, is a dolphin endemic to the Atlantic Ocean.- Taxonomy :...
Stenella clymene DD - Striped DolphinStriped DolphinThe Striped Dolphin is an extensively studied dolphin that is found in temperate and tropical waters of all the world's oceans.-Taxonomy:...
Stenella coeruleoalba LC - Atlantic Spotted DolphinAtlantic Spotted DolphinThe Atlantic Spotted Dolphin is a dolphin found in the Gulf Stream of the North Atlantic Ocean. Older members of the species have a very distinctive spotted coloration all over their body.-Taxonomy:...
Stenella frontalis DD - Spinner DolphinSpinner DolphinThe Spinner Dolphin is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which they spin longitudinally along their axis as they leap through the air.-Taxonomy:...
Stenella longirostris DD
- Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
- Genus: DelphinusDelphinusDelphinus is a constellation in the northern sky, close to the celestial equator. Its name is Latin for dolphin. Delphinus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains among the 88 modern constellations recognized by the International Astronomical...
- Long-beaked Common DolphinLong-beaked Common DolphinThe Long-beaked Common Dolphin is a species of common dolphin. It has a more restricted range than the Short-beaked Common Dolphin . It has a disjointed range in coastal areas in tropical and warmer temperate oceans...
Delphinus capensis DD - Short-beaked Common DolphinShort-beaked Common DolphinThe short-beaked common dolphin is a species of common dolphin. It has a larger range than the long-beaked common dolphin , occurring throughout warm-temperate and tropical oceans, with the possible exception of the Indian Ocean...
Delphinus delphis LC
- Long-beaked Common Dolphin
- Genus: Lagenodelphis
- Fraser's DolphinFraser's DolphinFraser's Dolphin or Sarawak Dolphin is a cetacean in the family Delphinidae found in deep waters in the Pacific Ocean and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.-Taxonomy:...
Lagenodelphis hosei LC
- Fraser's Dolphin
- Genus: LagenorhynchusLagenorhynchusLagenorhynchus is a genus in the order Cetacea, traditionally containing six species:* white-beaked dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris* Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus...
- Peale's DolphinPeale's DolphinPeale's Dolphin is a small dolphin found in the waters around Tierra del Fuego at the foot of South America. It is also commonly known as the Black-chinned Dolphin or even Peale's Black-chinned Dolphin...
Lagenorhynchus australis DD - Hourglass DolphinHourglass DolphinThe hourglass dolphin is a small dolphin in the family Delphinidae that inhabits Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters....
Lagenorhynchus cruciger LC - Dusky DolphinDusky DolphinThe dusky dolphin is a dolphin found in coastal waters in the Southern Hemisphere. Its specific epithet is Latin for "dark" or "dim". It is very closely genetically related to the Pacific white-sided dolphin, but current scientific consensus is that they are distinct species...
Lagenorhynchus obscurus DD
- Peale's Dolphin
- Genus: Lissodelphis
- Southern Right Whale DolphinSouthern Right Whale DolphinThe southern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis peronii, is a small and slender species of mammal found in cool waters of the southern hemisphere...
Lissodelphis peronii DD
- Southern Right Whale Dolphin
- Genus: GrampusRisso's DolphinRisso's dolphin is the only species of dolphin in the genus Grampus.-Taxonomy:Risso's dolphin is named after Antoine Risso, whose description formed the basis of the first public description of the animal, by Georges Cuvier, in 1812...
- Risso's DolphinRisso's DolphinRisso's dolphin is the only species of dolphin in the genus Grampus.-Taxonomy:Risso's dolphin is named after Antoine Risso, whose description formed the basis of the first public description of the animal, by Georges Cuvier, in 1812...
Grampus griseus LC
- Risso's Dolphin
- Genus: Feresa
- Pygmy Killer WhalePygmy Killer WhaleThe pygmy killer whale is a small, rarely seen cetacean of the oceanic dolphin family . It derives its common name from sharing some physical characteristics with the orca It is the smallest species that has "whale" in its common name. In fact, "killer" may be more apt in the case of the pygmy...
Feresa attenuata DD
- Pygmy Killer Whale
- Genus: Orcinus
- OrcaOrcaThe killer whale , commonly referred to as the orca, and less commonly as the blackfish, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas...
Orcinus orca DD
- Orca
- Genus: Pseudorca
- False Killer WhaleFalse Killer WhaleThe False Killer Whale is a cetacean, and the third largest member of the oceanic dolphin family . It lives in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. As its name implies, the False Killer Whale shares characteristics, such as appearance, with the more widely known Orca...
Pseudorca crassidens DD
- False Killer Whale
- Genus: Globicephala
- Short-finned Pilot WhaleShort-finned Pilot WhaleThe Short-finned Pilot Whale is one of the two species of cetacean in the genus Globicephala. It is part of the oceanic dolphin family , though its behaviour is closer to that of the larger whales....
Globicephala macrorhynchus DD - Long-finned Pilot WhaleLong-finned Pilot WhaleThe long-finned pilot whale is one of the two species of cetacean in the genus Globicephala. It belongs to the oceanic dolphin family , though its behavior is closer to that of the larger whales.-Description:...
Globicephala melas DD
- Short-finned Pilot Whale
- Genus: Peponocephala
- Melon-headed WhaleMelon-headed WhaleThe melon-headed whale is a cetacean of the oceanic dolphin family . It is closely related to the pygmy killer whale and pilot whale, and collectively these dolphin species are known by the common name blackfish. It is also related to the false killer whale...
Peponocephala electra LC
- Melon-headed Whale
- Genus: Cephalorhynchus
- Family: Iniidae
- Superfamily: Platanistoidea
See also
- List of chordate orders
- Lists of mammals by region
- List of prehistoric mammals
- Mammal classificationMammal classificationMammalia is a class of animal within the Phylum Chordata. Mammal classification has been through several iterations since Carolus Linnaeus initially defined the class. Many earlier ideas have been completely abandoned by modern taxonomists, among these are the idea that bats are related to birds...
- New mammal species