List of prehistoric mammals
This is an incomplete list of prehistoric mammal
s. It does not include extant mammals or recently extinct mammals. For extinct primate
species, see: list of fossil primates.
–Late Jurassic
Middle Cretaceous
Family Kollikodontidae
Family Tachyglossidae
Zaglossus robustus
Genus Megalibgwilia
Family Steropodontidae
to be sorted
Essonadon? Kimbetohia
Late Triassic
–Late Cretaceous
Family Jeholodentidae
Genus Yanoconodon
Family Gobiconodontidae
–Late Cretaceous
Family Zhangheotheriidae
Family Spalacotheriidae
Family Kuehneotheriidae
to be sorted
Genus Maastrichtidelphys
Genus Necrolestes
Genus Palorchestes
Genus Peradectes
Pucadelphys andinus
Genus Silvabestius
Genus Simosthenurus
leaf-eating (browsing) kangaroosGenus Sinodelphys
) Yalkaparidon coheni ("Thingodon", 20 Ma, Australia
)Genus Wakaleo
Genus Zygomaturus
Genus Sthenurus
"Strong Tail"
Genus Propleopus
, carnivorous kangaroo during the pliocene and pleistocene periods (e.g. giant rat kangaroo)
Family Gypsonictopidae
Family Leptictidae
Genus Palaeictops
Genus Myrmecoboides
Genus Xenacodon
Genus Leptictis
Genus Diaphyodectes?
Family Didymoconidae
Genus Archaeoryctes
Family Pseudorhynchocyonidae
Genus Labidolemur
Genus Unuchinia
Genus Aphronorus
Genus Pentacodon
Genus Protentomodon
Genus Bisonalveus
(60 Ma
)Family Pantolestidae
Genus Bessoecetor
Genus Palaeosinopa
Genus Paleotomus
Genus Pantomimus
Genus Pagonomus
Genus Todralestes
Genus Nosella?
Family Amphilemuridae
Family Dimylidae
Family Mixodectidae
Family Saxonellidae
Family Carpolestidae
Family Picrodontidae
Family Pseudictopidae
Family Astigalidae
Family Zalambdalestidae
to be sorted
Ceratogaulus Eocardia
Eomaia scansoria EougaulusGiant hutia
Kubwaxerus Megapedetes
Mylagaulus Palaeolagus
Phoberomys Pterogaulus Steneofiber
Order Cimolesta
Suborder Taeniodonta
Genus Psittacotherium
Genus Stylinodon
Suborder Didelphodonta
Suborder Pantolesta
Suborder Apatotheria
Suborder Pantodonta
Suborder Tillodontia
Order Dinocerata
Genus Agriotherium
European Cave Bear (Ursus spelaeus)
Genus Ursavus
Infraorder Cynoidea
Subfamily Borophaginae
Family Miacidae
Genus Megantereon
Genus Smilodon
(Saber-Toothed Cat
Smilodon fatalis
Smilodon gracilis
Smilodon populator
Genus Xenosmilus
Subfamily Acinonychinae (Cheetah
Subfamily Felinae
(Small cats
Subfamily Pantherinae
(Big cats
Family Herpestidae (Mongoose
Family Hyaenidae (Hyaena
Genus Protictitherium
Genus Ictitherium
Genus Chasmaporthetes
Genus Adcrocuta
Genus Pachycrocuta
Genus Percrocuta
Family Nandiniidae
Family Viverravidae (Viverravids)
Family Viverridae (Civet
Family Stenoplesictidae
Family Nimravidae
(Nimravids or False sabre-toothed cats)
to be sorted
Genus Enaliarctos
Family Scelidotheriidae
Family Mylodontidae
Family Orophodontidae
Family Megalonychidae
Ground Sloth
( Megalonyx jeffersonii
)Family Megatheriidae
Genus Eremotherium
Genus Glyptodon
to be sorted
Glyptotherium Hapalops
(extinct)Genus Necromanis
(extinct)Genus Patriomanis (extinct)
?–RecentGenus Myorycteropus
Genus Orycteropus
(no family)
Family Deinotheriidae
Family Mammutidae
Borson's mastodon ( Mammut borsoni)
Family Amebelodontidae
Genus Platybelodon
Family Gomphotheriidae
Genus Cuvieronius
Genus Anancus
Family Elephantidae
Genus Stegotetrabelodon
Genus Elephas
Subgenus Palaeoloxodon
Genus Mammuthus
Pygmy Mammoth
( Mammuthus exilis)
Imperial Mammoth ( Mammuthus imperator
)Jeffersonian Mammoth ( Mammuthus jeffersonii)
Sardinian Mammoth ( Mammuthus lamarmorae)
Mammuthus meridionalis
Woolly Mammoth
( Mammuthus primigenius)
Mammuthus trogontherii
See also:
Family Paleoparadoxiidae
Genus Behemotops
Genus Pezosiren
Family Protosirenidae
Family Dugongidae
Steller's Sea Cow
( Hydrodamalis gigas)
Family Trichechidae
to be sorted
Genus Gandakasia
Genus Nalacetus
Genus Ichthyolestes
Family Ambulocetidae
Genus Himalayacetus
Family Remingtonocetidae
Family Protocetidae
(??? Ma)Genus Protocetus
Family Dorudontidae
(40–36 Ma)Genus Zygorhiza
Family Basilosauridae
(40–37 Ma)
Family Cetotheriidae
Genus Piscobalaena
Family Janjucetidae
to be sorted
Genus Squalodon
Shark Tooth dolphinFamily Eurhinodelphidae
Family Kentriodontidae
Family Rhabdosteidae
Family Odobenocetopsidae
Genus Nanotitanops
Subfamily Lambdotheriinae
Genus Xenicohippus
Subfamily Palaeosyopinae
Genus Mulkrajanops
Subfamily Dolichorhininae
Genus Sphenocoelus
Genus Mesatirhinus
Subfamily Brontotheriinae
Genus Brontotherium
Genus Megacerops
Subfamily Embolotheriinae
Genus Embolotherium
Genus Protembolotherium
Subfamily Brontopinae
Genus Pachytitan
Genus Dianotitan
Genus Gnathotitan
Genus Microtitan
Genus Epimanteoceras
Genus Protitan
Genus Rhinotitan
Genus Metatitan
Genus Dolichorhinus
Genus Protitanotherium
Genus Parabrontops
Genus Oreinotherium
Genus Brontops
Genus Protitanops
Genus Pygmaetitan
Subfamily Telmatheriinae
Genus Desmatotitan
Genus Arctotitan
Genus Hyotitan
Genus Sthenodectes
Genus Telmatherium
Genus Sivatitanops
Subfamily Menodontinae
Genus Eotitanotherium
Genus Notiotitanops
Genus Menodus
Genus Ateleodon
Superfamily Pachynolophoidea
Superfamily Equoidea
Genus Propalaeotherium
Genus Palaeotherium
Family Equidae
Genus Orohippus
Genus Mesohippus
Subfamily Anchitheriinae
Genus Megahippus
Genus Anchitherium
Subfamily Equinae
Genus Cormohipparion
Genus Eurygnathohippus
Genus Hipparion
Genus Hippidion
Genus Hippotherium
Genus Merychippus
Genus Parahippus
Genus Pliohippus
Genus Scaphohippus
Family Hyracodontidae
(Giant rhinos) Forstercooperia
Genus Juxia
Genus Benaratherium?
Genus Urtinotherium
Genus Indricotherium
Genus Paraceratherium
Subfamily Allaceropinae
Subfamily Hyracodontinae
Family Rhinocerotidae (Rhino
s) Teleoceras
Genus Trigonias
Subfamily Rhinocerotinae
Genus Dicerorhinus (Sumatran Rhinoceros
)Subfamily Elasmotheriinae
Genus Iranotherium
Genus Menoceras
Genus Elasmotherium
Giant Rhinoceros ( Elasmotherium sibiricum)
Superfamily Tapiroidea
Family Helaletidae
Family Tapiridae
Superfamily Chalicotheroidea
Genus Lophiaspis
Family Chalicotheriidae
Genus Anisodon
Genus Nestoritherium
Subfamily Schizotheriinae
Genus Borissiakia
Genus Chemositia
Genus Kalimantsia
Genus Limognitherium
Genus Moropus
Genus Tylocephalonyx
Genus Diacodexis
Family Entelodontidae (Entelodont
Family Suidae
Family Tayassuidae (Peccaries
Family Oreodontidae (Oreodont
Family Cainotheriidae
Family Raoellidae
Family Hippopotamidae
Genus Hexaprotodon
Madagascan Pygmy Hippo (Hexaprotodon madagascariensis)
Genus Phanourios
Genus Kenyapotamus
Family Anthracotheriidae
Family Oromerycidae
to be sorted
Genus Syndyoceras
Genus Synthetoceras
Genus Kyptoceras
Genus Pseudoprotoceras
Family Climacoceratidae
Genus Prolibytherium
)Genus Orangemeryx
Family Tragulidae (Chevrotain
s) Dorcatherium
Genus Dorcabune
Genus Siamotragulus
Genus Yunnanotherium
Family Giraffidae
s) Eumeryx (Oligocene
)Genus Palaeotragus
) Palaeotragus germaini (Miocene
)Genus Amotherium
)Genus Samotherium
)Genus Sivatherium
) Sivatherium maurusium (Pleistocene
)Genus Bohlinia
)Genus Bramatherium
Genus Giraffokeryx
Genus Helladotherium
Genus Honanotherium
Genus Libytherium
Genus Mitilanotherium
Genus Shansitherium
Genus Okapia (Okapi
)Genus Giraffa
) Giraffa priscilla (Pliocene
) Giraffa jumae
) Giraffa gracilis (Pleistocene
) Giraffa sivalensis (Pleistocene
)Family Leptomericidae
Family Archaeomerycidae
Family Palaeomerycidae
Genus Cranioceras
Genus Pediomeryx
Genus Triceromeryx
Family Hoplitomerycidae
Family Moschidae (Musk deer
s) Blastomeryx
Genus Longirostromeryx
Family Cervidae (Deer
Genus Eucladoceros
Genus Sinomegaceros
Subfamily Capreolinae
Genus Libralces
Genus Odocoileus
Genus Cervalces
Family Antilocapridae (Pronghorn
Genus Hayoceros
Genus Ilingoceros
Genus Cosoryx
Genus Meryceros
Genus Merycodus
Genus Paracosoryx
Genus Ramoceros
Genus Submeryceros
Genus Proantilocapra
Genus Osbornoceros
Genus Ottoceros
Genus Plioceros
Genus Sphenophalos
Genus Ceratomeryx
Genus Hexameryx
Genus Hexobelomeryx
Genus Stockoceros
Genus Tetrameryx
Genus Texoceros
Genus Antilocapra
Family Bovidae (Bovid
Subfamily Alcelaphinae
Subfamily Antilopinae
Subfamily Caprinae
Prehistoric mammal
Prehistoric mammals are groups of mammals that lived before humans developed writing. 164 million years ago, in the Jurassic period, Castorocauda lutrasimilis, a mammal-like animal weighing about 500 grams , had a full mammalian pelt, with guard hairs and under fur, webbed feet, and scales on the...
s. It does not include extant mammals or recently extinct mammals. For extinct primate
A primate is a mammal of the order Primates , which contains prosimians and simians. Primates arose from ancestors that lived in the trees of tropical forests; many primate characteristics represent adaptations to life in this challenging three-dimensional environment...
species, see: list of fossil primates.

- Genus Adelobasileus
- Genus TricuspesTricuspesTricuspes is an extinct genus of cynodont that lived in what would be Europe during the Triassic from 203.6—199.6 mya, existing for approximately...
- Genus HadrocodiumHadrocodiumHadrocodium wui is an extinct basal mammal species that lived during the Lower Jurassic in what is now the Yunnan province of China...
- Family SinoconodonSinoconodonSinoconodon rigneyi is an ancient proto-mammal that appears in the fossil record in the late Triassic period, about 208 million years ago. Although the animal seems more related to Morganucodon than anything else, it differed substantially from other Mammaliaformes in its dental and growth habits...
- Genus SinoconodonSinoconodonSinoconodon rigneyi is an ancient proto-mammal that appears in the fossil record in the late Triassic period, about 208 million years ago. Although the animal seems more related to Morganucodon than anything else, it differed substantially from other Mammaliaformes in its dental and growth habits...
- Genus Sinoconodon
Order Morganucodontia

- Family Morganucodontidae
- Genus EozostrodonEozostrodonEozostrodon was one of the earliest mammals. It lived during the late Triassic and the early Jurassic, about 210 million years ago. Eozostrodon was one of the largest early mammals, measuring more than a meter long....
- Genus ErythrotheriumErythrotheriumErythrotherium is an extinct genus of basal mammal from the Lower Jurassic. It was related to Morganucodon. Only one species is recorded, Erythrotherium parringtoni, from Red Beds, Stromberg Group, Mafeteng and Upper Elliot Formation and Clarens Formation, from Lesotho and South...
- Genus Eozostrodon
- Family Megazostrodontidae
- Genus MegazostrodonMegazostrodonMegazostrodon is an extinct Mammaliaform, widely accepted as being one of the first mammals, appearing in the fossil record approximately 200 million years ago...
- Genus Megazostrodon
Order Docodonta
Late TriassicLate Triassic
The Late Triassic is in the geologic timescale the third and final of three epochs of the Triassic period. The corresponding series is known as the Upper Triassic. In the past it was sometimes called the Keuper, after a German lithostratigraphic group that has a roughly corresponding age...
–Late Jurassic
Late Jurassic
The Late Jurassic is the third epoch of the Jurassic Period, and it spans the geologic time from 161.2 ± 4.0 to 145.5 ± 4.0 million years ago , which is preserved in Upper Jurassic strata. In European lithostratigraphy, the name "Malm" indicates rocks of Late Jurassic age...
- Family DocodontidaeDocodontidaeDocodontidae is an extinct family of omnivorous mammals that lived during the Middle Jurassic to Upper Jurassic. Their remains have been found inEurope, Asia and North America.The mesiolingual part of lower molars regularly have wear.-External links:...
- Genus Castorocauda
- Castorocauda lutrasimilisCastorocauda lutrasimilisCastorocauda was a genus of small, semi-aquatic relative of mammals living in the mid Jurassic period, around 154 million years ago, found in lakebed sediments of the Daohugou Beds of Inner Mongolia...
- Castorocauda lutrasimilis
- Genus Castorocauda
Order Gondwanatheria
- Family SudamericidaeSudamericidaeSudamericidae is a family of gondwanathere mammals that lived during the late Cretaceous to Eocene. Its members include Lavanify from the Cretaceous of Madagascar, Bharattherium from the Cretaceous of India, Gondwanatherium from the Cretaceous of Argentina, Sudamerica from the Paleocene of...
- Genus Dakshina
- Genus GondwanatheriumGondwanatheriumGondwanatherium is a genus of mammal from the extinct suborder Gondwanatheria that lived in Patagonia, South America during the "Age of Dinosaurs", specifically the Upper Cretaceous....
- Genus LavanifyLavanifyLavanify is a mammalian genus from the late Cretaceous of Madagascar. The only species, L. miolaka, is known from two isolated teeth, one of which is damaged. The teeth were collected in 1995–1996 and described in 1997...
- Genus SudamericaSudamericaSudamerica, literally "South America" in Spanish, is a genus of mammal from the extinct suborder Gondwanatheria that lived in Patagonia, South America during the Paleocene, just after the end of the "Age of Dinosaurs"....
- Family FerugliotheriidaeFerugliotheriidaeFerugliotheriidae is one of two known families in the order Gondwanatheria, an enigmatic group of extinct mammals. Gondwanatheres have been classified as a group of uncertain affinities or as members of Multituberculata, a major extinct mammalian order. The best-known representative of...
- Genus
FerugliotheriumFerugliotherium is a fossil mammal from the Campanian and/or Maastrichtian of Argentina in the family Ferugliotheriidae. The genus contains a single species, Ferugliotherium windhauseni, which was first described in 1986...
Infraclass Yinotheria

- Family ShuotheriidaeShuotheriidaeShuotheriidae is the sole family within the order Shuotheridia, it includes Pseudotribos and Shuotherium.-Further reading:Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, Richard L. Cifelli, and Zhe-Xi Luo, Mammals from the Age of Dinosaurs: Origins, Evolution, and Structure , 214-215....
- ShuotheriumShuotheriumShuotherium is a fossil relative of the monotremes from the Jurassic. The original holotype is composed of a partial dentary and seven teeth . The holotypes for other species of this genus are solely represented by teeth...
- PseudotribosPseudotribosPseudotribos is an extinct genus of mammal from the Middle Jurassic some 165 million years ago of China.-External links:*...
- Shuotherium
Order Monotremata

The Cretaceous , derived from the Latin "creta" , usually abbreviated K for its German translation Kreide , is a geologic period and system from circa to million years ago. In the geologic timescale, the Cretaceous follows the Jurassic period and is followed by the Paleogene period of the...
- Family OrnithorhynchidaeOrnithorhynchidaeOrnithorhynchidae is one of the two extant families in the order Monotremata, and contains the Platypus and its extinct relatives. The other family is the Tachyglossidae, or echidnas...
- Genus Monotrematum
- Genus Monotrematum
- ObdurodonObdurodonObdurodon is an extinct monotreme genus containing three species. Obdurodon differed from modern platypuses in that it had molar teeth .-Obdurodon dicksoni:...
- SteropodonSteropodonSteropodon galmani was a prehistoric species of monotreme, or egg-laying mammal, that lived during the middle Albian stage, in the Lower Cretaceous period...
- Genus KollikodonKollikodonKollikodon ritchiei is a fossil monotreme species. It is known only from an opalised dentary fragment, with one premolar and two molars in situ...
- Genus
Zaglossus hacketti
Zaglossus hacketti is an extinct species of long-beaked echidna from Western Australia that is dated from the Pleistocene. It is known only from a few bones found in Western Australia. It was the size of a sheep, weighing probably up to 100 kg . This makes it the largest monotreme to have ever...
Zaglossus robustus
Zaglossus robustus is an extinct species of long-beaked echidna known from the middle Miocene of Gulgong, New South Wales, Australia. It may belong in the genus Megalibgwilia. The supposed fossil platypus Ornithorhynchus maximus was based on a humerus of this species.-Literature cited:*Hall, B.K....
Megalibgwilia is a genus of echidna known only from Australian fossils that incorporates the oldest known echidna species. It lived during the Pleistocene, becoming extinct about 50,000 years ago....
The Steropodontidae was a family of monotremes that are known from fossils from the Early Cretaceous in Australia.There are two genera placed in this family; Steropodon, and Teinolophos which has been tentatively placed in the family due to the similarity of the lower molars in these two...
- Genus TeinolophosTeinolophosTeinolophos trusleri was a prehistoric species of monotreme, or egg-laying mammal. It is known from a lower jawbone found in Flat Rocks, Victoria, Australia. It lived during the Aptian age of the Lower Cretaceous. It is the earliest known relative of the Platypus.The species name honours the...
Suborder "Plagiaulacida"
- Family AlbionbaataridaeAlbionbaataridaeAlbionbaataridae is a family of small, extinct mammals within the order Multituberculata. Fossil remains are known from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Europe and Asia. These herbivores lived their obscure lives during the Mesozoic, also known as the "age of the dinosaurs." They were...
- Family AllodontidaeAllodontidaeAllodontidae is a family of extinct mammal that lived in what is now North America during the Upper Jurassic period. Allodontids were members of the order Multituberculata. They were relatively early mammals and are within the informal suborder of "Plagiaulacida". The family was named by Othniel...
- Family EobaataridaeEobaataridaeEobaataridae is a family of fossil mammal within the order Multituberculata. Remains are known from the Lower Cretaceous of Europe and Asia. These herbivores thus lived during the Mesozoic era, also known as the "age of the dinosaurs". They were among the most derived representatives of the...
- Family Hahnodontidae
- Family PaulchoffatiidaePaulchoffatiidaePaulchoffatiidae is a family of extinct mammals that lived predominantly during the Upper Jurassic period, though a couple of genera are known from the earliest Cretaceous. Some undescribed fossils from the Middle Jurassic of England may represent earlier versions. Remains have been reported from...
- Family PinheirodontidaePinheirodontidaePinheirodontidae is a poorly known family of fossil mammals within the order Multituberculata. Remains are known from the earliest Cretaceous of Europe, , but are so far restricted to teeth. These small plant-eaters lived during the "age of the dinosaurs"...
- Family PlagiaulacidaePlagiaulacidaePlagiaulacidae is a family of fossil mammals within the order Multituberculata. Remains are known from the Upper Jurassic of North America through the Lower Cretaceous of Europe...
- Family Zofiabaataridae
Suborder Cimolodonta
- Superfamily DjadochtatherioideaDjadochtatherioideaDjadochtatherioidea is a group of extinct mammals known from the upper Cretaceous of Central Asia. They were members of an also extinct order called Multituberculata. These were generally small, somewhat rodent-like creatures, who scurried around during the "age of the dinosaurs". Unusually for...
- Superfamily TaeniolabidoideaTaeniolabidoideaTaeniolabidoidea is a group of extinct mammals known from North America and Asia. They were the largest members of the also extinct order Multituberculata. Lambdopsalis even provides direct fossil evidence of mammalian fur in a fairly good state of preservation for a 60-million-year-old animal...
- Genus LambdopsalisLambdopsalisLambdopsalis is a genus of mammal from the Paleocene of China. This animal was a relatively large member of the extinct order Multituberculata. It is placed within the suborder Cimolodonta and is a member of the superfamily Taeniolabidoidea....
- Genus PrionessusPrionessusPrionessus is a genus of extinct mammal from the Paleocene of Central Asia. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and superfamily Taeniolabidoidea. The genus was named by Matthew W.D. and Granger W. in 1925 and is based on a single species.The species...
- Genus SphenopsalisSphenopsalisSphenopsalis is a genus of extinct mammal from the Paleocene of Central Asia. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata, and lies within the suborder Cimolodonta and the superfamily Taeniolabidoidea. The genus was named by William Diller Matthew, W...
- Genus TaeniolabisTaeniolabisTaeniolabis is a genus of extinct mammal from the Paleocene of North America. It is the largest known member of the extinct order Multituberculata, reaching weights of perhaps 30 kg. It is within the suborder of Cimolodonta and is a member of the superfamily Taeniolabidoidea. The genus was named...
- Genus Lambdopsalis
- Superfamily PtilodontoideaPtilodontoideaPtilodontoidea is a group of extinct mammals from the Northern Hemisphere.They were generally small, somewhat rodent-like creatures of the extinct order Multituberculata.Some of these genera boast a great many species, though remains are generally sparse....
- Genus NeoliotomusNeoliotomusNeoliotomus is a genus of North American mammal from the Paleocene. It existed in the age immediately following the extinction of the last dinosaurs and was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata. It lies within the suborder Cimolodonta and the superfamily Ptilodontoidea...
- Genus Neoliotomus
- Family EucosmodontidaeEucosmodontidaeEucosmodontidae is a poorly preserved family of fossil mammals within the extinct order Multituberculata. Representatives are known from strata dating from the Upper Cretaceous through the Lower Eocene of North America, as well as the Paleocene to Eocene of Europe. The family is part of the...
- Genus EucosmodonEucosmodonEucosmodon is a genus of extinct mammal from the Paleocene of North America. It is a member of the extinct order of Multituberculata within the suborder of Cimolodonta, and the family Eucosmodontidae. This genus has partly also been known as Neoplagiaulax...
- Genus StygimysStygimysStygimys is an extinct mammal genus from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene of North America. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta, family Eucosmodontidae....
- Genus Eucosmodon
- Family MicrocosmodontidaeMicrocosmodontidaeMicrocosmodontidae is a poorly preserved family of fossil mammals within the extinct order Multituberculata. Representatives are known from the Upper Cretaceous though the Lower Paleocene of North America. The family is part of the suborder Cimolodonta...
- Genus AcheronodonAcheronodonAcheronodon is a genus of herbivorous arboreal mammal which belongs to the family Microcosmodontidae and which was endemic to North America during the Early Paleocene subepoch and in existence for approximately ....
- Genus MicrocosmodonMicrocosmodonMicrocosmodon is a mammal genus from the Paleocene of North America. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata, and lies within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Microcosmodontidae. The genus Microcosmodon was named by G.L. Jepsen in 1930.- Species :The species Microcosmodon arcuatus...
- Genus PentacosmodonPentacosmodonPentacosmodon is a mammal genus from the Paleocene of North America, so it lived somewhat after the "age of the dinosaurs". It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata. It's within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Microcosmodontidae....
- Genus Acheronodon
- Family KogaionidaeKogaionidaeKogaionidae is a family of fossil mammals within the extinct order Multituberculata. Representatives are known from the upper Cretaceous and the Paleocene of Europe. This family is part of the suborder Cimolodonta. Other than that, their systematic relationships are hard to define.These small...
- Genus HaininaHaininaHainina is an extinct mammal genus from the Upper Cretaceous to the Paleocene of Europe. Though small, it outsurvived the final dinosaurs.- Genus :...
- Genus Hainina
- Family CimolomyidaeCimolomyidaeCimolomyidae is a family of fossil mammal within the extinct order Multituberculata. Representatives are known from the Upper Cretaceous and the Paleocene of North America and perhaps Mongolia. The family is part of the suborder Cimolodonta. Other than that, their systematic relationships are hard...
- Genus BuginbaatarBuginbaatarBuginbaatar is an extinct genus of mammal from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. It is a member of the extinct order Multituberculata, within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Cimolomyidae. It lived towards the end of the Mesozoic era....
- Genus CimolomysCimolomysCimolomys is a mammal genus from the Upper Cretaceous of North America. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Cimolomyidae.The genus Cimolomys was named by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1889...
- Genus MeniscoessusMeniscoessusMeniscoessus is a genus of extinct mammal from the Upper Cretaceous Period of what is now North America. It lived toward the end of the "age of the dinosaurs" and was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata. It lies within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Cimolomyidae.The genus...
- Genus Buginbaatar
- Family Boffiidae
- Genus BoffiusBoffiusBoffius is a genus of mammal from the Paleocene of Europe. It is a member of the extinct order of Multituberculata. It lies within the suborder Cimolodonta and is the only known member of the family Boffiidae . The genus was named by Vianey-Liaud M. in 1979.The species Boffius splendidus is known...
- Genus Boffius
to be sorted
Anconodon is an extinct genus of mammal from the Paleocene of North America, and thus lived just after the "age of the dinosaurs". It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and possibly the family Cimolodontidae....
Baiotomeus is a genus of mammals from the extinct order of Multituberculata. It is known from the Paleocene of North America.The genus Baiotomeus was formally named by Krause in 1987 , and has also been known as Mimetodon , Neoplagiaulax , and Ptilodus .- B...
Cernaysia is an extinct genus of mammal from the Paleocene of France and the United States. It existed in the age immediately following the extinction of the last dinosaurs. This animal was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and family...
Essonadon? Kimbetohia
Kimbetohia is a genus of mammals from the extinct order Multituberculata. It lived from the Upper Cretaceous to the Paleocene in the United States. The genus was named by the paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson, in 1936 . Kimbetohia has also been called Kimbetohi.- K...
Liotomus is a genus of extinct mammal from the Paleocene epoch . It lived in Europe and North America, and was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata, lying within the suborder Cimolodonta and possibly the family Cimolodontidae....
Mesodma is an extinct genus of mammal, a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta, family Neoplagiaulacidae. It lived during the upper Cretaceous and Paleocene Periods of what is now North America...
Mesodmops is a genus of small mammal from the Eocene of China. It was a late member of the extinct order of Multituberculata. It's within the suborder of Cimolodonta and family Neoplagiaulacidae. The genus was named by Y. Tong and T. Wang in 1994....
Mimetodon is a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America and perhaps Europe. It was a member of the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Neoplagiaulacidae....
Neoplagiaulax is a mammal genus from the Paleocene of Europe and North America. In the case of the latter continent, there may possibly be some slightly earlier, Upper Cretaceous material too. It existed in the age immediately following the extinction of the last dinosaurs...
Prochetodon is a genus of mammals from the extinct order Multituberculata. It lived during the Upper Paleocene and the Lower Eocene in North America. The genus was formally named by G. L. Jepsen in 1940. - P. cavus :...
Ptilodus is a genus of mammals from the extinct order of Multituberculata, and lived during the Paleocene in North America.Ptilodus was a relatively large multituberculate of in length, which is about the same size as a squirrel...
Sinobaatar is a genus of extinct mammal from the Lower Cretaceous of China. It is categorized within the also extinct order Multituberculata and among these it belongs to the plagiaulacid lineage . Sinobaatar was a small herbivore during the Mesozoic era, commonly called "the age of the dinosaurs"....
Xanclomys is a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America. It was a genus within the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Neoplagiaulacidae....
Xyronomys is an extinct genus of small mammals from the Paleocene of North America, with one species described and a second species is awaiting publication. The genus lies within the extinct order Multituberculata within the suborder Cimolodonta and family Neoplagiaulacidae...
Order Triconodonta

Late Triassic
The Late Triassic is in the geologic timescale the third and final of three epochs of the Triassic period. The corresponding series is known as the Upper Triassic. In the past it was sometimes called the Keuper, after a German lithostratigraphic group that has a roughly corresponding age...
–Late Cretaceous
Late Cretaceous
The Late Cretaceous is the younger of two epochs into which the Cretaceous period is divided in the geologic timescale. Rock strata from this epoch form the Upper Cretaceous series...
- Family Repenomamidae
- Genus
Repenomamus is the largest mammal known from the Cretaceous period of Manchuria, and it is the mammal for which there is the best evidence that it fed on dinosaurs. It is not possible to determine if Repenomamus actively hunted live dinosaurs or scavenged dead dinosaurs.-Paleobiology:Repenomamus...
The family Jeholodentidae is a Triconodont family that was present in China around 125 million years ago during the time of the dinosaurs. There are currently two genera assigned to the family, Yanoconodon and Jeholodens.-References:**...
- Genus
Jeholodens was a primitive mammal belonging to the Triconodonta family, and which lived in present-day China during the Middle Cretaceous about 125 million years ago....
Yanoconodon is a monotypic genus of extinct early mammal whose representative species Yanoconodon allini lived 125 million years ago during the Mesozoic in what is now China. It is considered to be a transitional fossil due to the formation of its middle ear, which is a cross between those of...
The Gobiconodontidae are a group of extinct mammals from the Early Creataceous, belonging to the triconodonts.- Phylogeny :Cladogram after Marisol Montellano, James A. Hopson, James M. Clark and Gao et al. .-References:...
- Genus
Gobiconodon is an extinct genus of carnivorous mammal. It weighed 10–12 pounds and measured 18-20 inches, and might have resembled a large and robust opossum.-Species:...
Order Symmetrodonta
Late TriassicLate Triassic
The Late Triassic is in the geologic timescale the third and final of three epochs of the Triassic period. The corresponding series is known as the Upper Triassic. In the past it was sometimes called the Keuper, after a German lithostratigraphic group that has a roughly corresponding age...
–Late Cretaceous
Late Cretaceous
The Late Cretaceous is the younger of two epochs into which the Cretaceous period is divided in the geologic timescale. Rock strata from this epoch form the Upper Cretaceous series...
- Superfamily Spalacotheroidea
- Genus
Maotherium was discovered in Early Cretaceous rocks in Liaoning Province, China, in 2003. Its scientific name means "Mao's beast" after the Chinese politician Mao Zedong. Maotherium belongs to an extinct group of Mesozoic mammals called symmetrodonts. Though little is known about this group, the...
- Genus ZhangheotheriumZhangheotheriumZhangheotherium is a genus of symmetrodont, an extinct order of mammals. Previously known from only the tall pointed crowned teeth, Zhangheotherium, described from Liaoning Province, China, fossils in 1997, is the first symmetrodont known from a complete skeleton. It was dated to between 145-125...
- Genus AkidolestesAkidolestesAkidolestes cifellii is an extinct mammal which dates to the early Cretaceous period, 124.6 million years ago. It is part of the Yixian formation in Liaoning, China. The description is based on a nearly complete skeleton, partially complete skull, and an impression...
Kuehneotheriidae is a clade within Symmetrodonta and was created to embrace Kuehneotherium and Woutersia, which lived in Europe in the late Triassic and early Jurassic...
- Genus WoutersiaWoutersiaWoutersia was a triassic symmetrodont and the only representative of its family. It has been suggested that it may form the sister taxon to Docodonta. Its remains have been found in France.-Sources:*...
- Genus KuehneotheriumKuehneotheriumKuehneotherium was an early symmetrodont whose fossils have been found in Greenland, France and Luxembourg. It is known only from an upper molar as well as nine additional teeth and four dentary fragments.-Further reading:...
Order Dasyuromorphia
- Family DasyuridaeDasyuridaeDasyuridae is a family of marsupials native to Australia and New Guinea, including 61 species divided into 15 genera. Many are small and mouse-like, giving them the misnomer marsupial mice, but the group also includes the cat-sized quolls, as well as the Tasmanian Devil...
- Genus GlaucodonGlaucodonGlaucodon is an extinct genus of marsupial from Australia.- Sources :*Gerdtz, W. and Archbold, N. Glaucodon ballaratensis , a Late Pliocene 'Devil' from Batesford, Victoria, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Vol 115, No 2, pp. 35–44, Royal Society of Victoria, Australia.*Wildlife...
- Genus Glaucodon
- Family ThylacinidaeThylacinidaeThe animals in the Thylacinidae family were all carnivorous marsupials from the order Dasyuromorphia. The only recent member was the Thylacine , which became extinct in 1936...
- Genus ThylacinusThylacinusThylacinus is a genus of extinct carnivorous marsupials from the order Dasyuromorphia. The only recent member was the Thylacine , which became extinct in 1936 due to hunting. The other animals in the group all lived in prehistoric times in Australia...
- ThylacineThylacineThe thylacine or ,also ;binomial name: Thylacinus cynocephalus, Greek for "dog-headed pouched one") was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger or the Tasmanian wolf...
(Thylacinus cynocephalus, AustraliaAustraliaAustralia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
, d. 1936)
- Thylacine
- Genus Thylacinus
Order Peramelemorphia
- Family PeramelidaePeramelidaePeramelidae is the family of marsupials that contains all of the extant bandicoots. One known extinct species of bandicoot, the Pig-footed Bandicoot, was so different than the other species that it was recently moved into its own family. There are four described fossil Peramelids...
- Genus Perameles
- Desert BandicootDesert BandicootThe Desert Bandicoot is an extinct bandicoot of the arid country in the centre of Australia. The last known specimen was collected in 1943 on the Canning Stock Route in Western Australia...
(Perameles eremiana)
- Desert Bandicoot
- Genus Chaeropus
- Pig-footed BandicootPig-footed BandicootThe Pig-footed Bandicoot, Chaeropus ecaudatus, was a small marsupial of the arid and semi-arid plains of Australia. The distribution range of the species was later reduced to an inland desert region, where it was last recorded in the 1950s, and is now presumed to be extinct.-Classification:This...
(Chaeropus ecaudatus)
- Pig-footed Bandicoot
- Genus Perameles
- Family Thylacomyidae
- Genus Macrotis (Thalacomys)
- Lesser BilbyLesser BilbyThe Lesser Bilby , also known as the Yallara, the Lesser Rabbit-eared Bandicoot or the White-tailed Rabbit-eared Bandicoot, was a rabbit-like marsupial. The species was first described by Oldfield Thomas as "Peregale leucura" in 1887 from a single specimen from a collection of mammals of the...
(Macrotis leucura)
- Lesser Bilby
- Genus Macrotis (Thalacomys)
Order Diprotodontia

- Family ThylacoleonidaeThylacoleonidaeThylacoleonidae is a family of extinct meat-eating marsupials from Australia, referred to as marsupial lions. The best known is Thylacoleo carnifex, also called the Marsupial Lion...
- Genus Thylacoleo
- Marsupial LionMarsupial LionThe Marsupial Lion is an extinct species of carnivorous marsupial mammal that lived in Australia from the early to the late Pleistocene...
(Thylacoleo carnifex, AustraliaAustraliaAustralia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
- Marsupial Lion
- Genus Thylacoleo
Suborder Vombatiformes
- Family DiprotodontidaeDiprotodontidaeDiprotodontidae is an extinct family of large, actively mobile marsupial, endemic to what would be Australia, during the Oligocene through Pleistocene periods from 28.4 mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately .-References:...
- Genus DiprotodonDiprotodonDiprotodon, meaning "two forward teeth", sometimes known as the Giant Wombat or the Rhinoceros Wombat, was the largest known marsupial that ever lived...
(1.6 Ma – 50,000 BPPleistoceneThe Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
, AustraliaAustraliaAustralia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
)- Diprotodon australis
- Diprotodon opatum
- Diprotodon minor
- Diprotodon loderi
- Diprotodon annextans
- Genus Diprotodon
Suborder Macropodiformes
- Family PotoroidaePotoroidaeThe marsupial family Potoroidae includes the bettongs, potoroos, and two of the rat-kangaroos. All are rabbit-sized, brown, jumping marsupials and resemble a large rodent or a very small wallaby.- Characteristics :...
- Genus Potorous
- Broad-faced PotorooBroad-faced PotorooThe Broad-faced Potoroo is an extinct species of marsupial that once lived in Australia. The first specimen was collected in 1839 and described by John Gould in 1844, but even then it was rare and only a handful of specimens were ever collected, the last in 1875...
(Potorous platyops)
- Broad-faced Potoroo
- Genus Caloprymnus
- Desert Rat-kangarooDesert Rat-kangarooThe Desert Rat-kangaroo , also called the Buff-nosed Rat-kangaroo or the Plains Rat-kangaroo, is an extinct marsupial that lived in a sand ridge and gibber plain habitat in southwestern Queensland and northeastern South Australia. It was the size of a small rabbit...
(Caloprymnus campestris)
- Desert Rat-kangaroo
- Genus Potorous
- Family Macropodidae
- Genus LagorchestesLagorchestesLagorchestes is a genus containing all but one of the species referred to as hare-wallabies. It has four species, two of which are extinct:* †Lake Mackay Hare-wallaby, Lagorchestes asomatus...
- Eastern Hare Wallaby (Lagorchestes leporides)
- Genus Onychogalea
- Crescent Nailtail Wallaby (Onychogalea lunata)
- Genus ProcoptodonProcoptodonProcoptodon was a genus of giant short-faced kangaroo living in Australia during the Pleistocene epoch. P. goliah, the largest known kangaroo that ever existed, stood approximately 2 meters tall. They weighed about ....
largest leaf-eating kangaroo- Giant Short-faced Kangaroo (Procoptodon goliah)
- Genus Lagorchestes
Order Paucituberculata

- Family Caroloameghiniidae
- Genus ChulpasiaChulpasiaChulpasia is an extinct genus of Eocene marsupial related to today's shrew opossums. It was a small animal, about 20 cm long, with an omnivorous diet. Its diet probably included seeds, small fruits, and insects. It was found in Argentina as well as at the Murgon fossil site in Australia, and...
- Genus Chulpasia
- Family Argyrolagidae
- Genus ArgyrolagusArgyrolagusArgyrolagus is an extinct genus of South American marsupial.Jumping on its hind legs, the long Argyrolagus resembled a gerbil or kultarr. It had a long tail for balance, and a narrow head with a pointed snout. Judging from its huge eyes, Argyrolagus was nocturnal. The form of its teeth suggest...
- Genus Argyrolagus
to be sorted
- Genus
Ekaltadeta is an extinct genus of giant marsupials related to modern rat-kangaroos.They are hypothesized to have been either predatory, or omnivorous with a fondness for meat, based on their chewing teeth. This conclusion is based mainly on the size and shape of a large buzz-saw-shaped cheek-tooth,...
Necrolestes patagonensis is an extinct mammal, possibly a marsupial, that lived in the early Miocene of South America....
Palorchestes is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivorous marsupial of the family Palorchestidae. The genus was endemic to Australia, living from the Late Miocene subepoch through the Pleistocene epoch , and thought to be in existence for approximately .-Description:One species, Palorchestes...
Pucadelphys andinus
Pucadelphys andinus was a marsupial species belonging to the family Didelphidae.Fossils of Pucadelphys have been found at Tiupampa ....
Silvabestius is an extinct genus of marsupial dating to the Early Miocene. They were grazing animals about the size of a modern sheep.This animal is known from two skulls found close together which have come to be known as the "Madonna and Child" fossils.Silvabestius is an extinct genus of...
Simosthenurus is a genus of megafaunal macropods that existed in Australia in the Pleistocene. The members of the genus are large, Simosthenurus occidentalis weighed over 118 kilograms....
leaf-eating (browsing) kangaroos
Sinodelphys is an extinct mammal from the Early Cretaceous. To date, it is the oldest metatherian fossil known, estimated to be 125 million years old...
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
) Yalkaparidon coheni ("Thingodon", 20 Ma, Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
Wakaleo , was a genus of medium-sized thylacoleonids that lived in Australia in the early to late Miocene. It was approximately 2.5 ft long, or the size of a dog...
Zygomaturus is an extinct giant marsupial from Australia during the Pleistocene. It had a heavy body and thick legs and is believed to be similar to the modern Pygmy Hippopotamus in both size and build. The genus moved on all fours. It lived in the wet coastal margins of Australia and became...
Sthenurus is an extinct genus of kangaroo. With a length of about 3 m , some species were twice as large as modern extant species. Sthenurus was related to the better-known Procoptodon.-Fossil habitats:...
"Strong Tail"
Propleopus is an extinct genus of marsupial. Two species are known, P. chillagoensis from the Plio-Pleistocene and P. oscillans from the Pleistocene. In contrast to most other kangaroos, and similar to its small extant relative, the Musky Rat-kangaroo, it was probably omnivorous.-References:*John...
, carnivorous kangaroo during the pliocene and pleistocene periods (e.g. giant rat kangaroo)
Order Leptictida

- Genus
Kennalestes gobiensis is an extinct species of insectivoreous mammal resembling a shrew. It was a common mammal in Mongolia during the Cretaceous period, found in both the Bayan Mandahu Formation and Djadochta Formation....
- Genus
- Genus
Leptictis is an extinct genus of mammal. It was related to the better-known Leptictidium.-References:*McKenna, Malcolm C., and Bell, Susan K. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp. ISBN 0-231-11013-8...
- Genus
- Genus
Leptictidium is an extinct genus of small mammals; together with macropods and humans, they are the only known completely bipedal mammals. Comprising five species, they resembled today's elephant shrews...
Order Apatotheria
- Family ApatemyidaeApatemyidaeApatemyidae is an extinct family of placental mammals that took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids....
- Genus
Order Pantolesta
- Family Pentacodontidae
- Genus
Bisonalveus browni
Bisonalveus is an extinct mammal once believed to be related to the modern pangolin.It was discovered in 1956 in Alberta, Canada. It is known primarily from fossil jaws dating back 60 million years ago, during the Palaeocene epoch...
(60 Ma
The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
Pantolestidae is an extinct family of semi-aquatic, placental mammals that took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids....
- Genus
Suborder Erinaceomorpha
- Family ErinaceidaeErinaceidaeErinaceidae is the only living family in the order Erinaceomorpha, which has recently been subsumed with Soricomorpha into the order Eulipotyphla...
- Genus
Deinogalerix , was a genus of the order Erinaceomorpha, which lived in Italy in the Late Miocene. The genus was apparently endemic to what was then Gargano Island, today's Gargano peninsula...
- Genus
Pholidocercus is an extinct monotypic genus of mammal related to and resembling the modern-day hedgehog with a single species Pholidocercus hassiacus. Like the hedgehog, it was covered in thin spines. Unlike hedgehogs, it had scales on its head in a helmet-like formation, and had a long, thick,...
- Genus
Dimylus is an extinct genus of insectivore mammal.The creature probably resembled the modern desman in terms of size and physical appearance, possessing a proboscis. Its knobby teeth were small and covered with enamel...
Suborder Soricomorpha
- Family PalaeoryctidaePalaeoryctidaePalaeoryctidae is an extinct group of relatively non-specialized placental mammals that strived in North America during the late Cretaceous and took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids.- Description :From a near-complete skull...
- Family Micropternodontidae
- Family Apternodontidae
- Family Nyctitheriidae
Order Dermoptera
The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
- Family Paromomyidae
- Family Plagiomenidae
- Genus
Planetetherium is an extinct genus of herbivorous gliding mammal endemic to North America during the Paleogene living from 56.8—55.4 mya, existing for approximately ....
Mixodectidae or mixodectids is an extinct family of insectivore, placental mammals in the order Dermoptera....
Order Chiroptera
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family ArchaeonycteridaeArchaeonycteridaeArchaeonycteridae is a family of extinct bats. It was originally erected by the Swiss naturalist Pierre Revilliod as Archaeonycterididae to hold the genus Archaeonycteris. It was formerly classified under the superfamily Icaronycteroidea by Kurten and Anderson in 1980...
- Genus
Icaronycteris is an extinct genus of microchiropteran bat that lived in the early Eocene, approximately 52.2 million years ago. Four exceptionally preserved specimens are known from the Green River Formation of North America. There is only one thoroughly described species of bat in the genus, I...
Icaronycteris is an extinct genus of microchiropteran bat that lived in the early Eocene, approximately 52.2 million years ago. Four exceptionally preserved specimens are known from the Green River Formation of North America. There is only one thoroughly described species of bat in the genus, I...
Order Plesiadapiformes
- Family Purgatoriidae
- Genus
Purgatorius is the genus of the four extinct species believed to be the earliest example of a primate or a proto-primate, a primatomorph precursor to the Plesiadapiformes...
- Family Palaechthonidae
- Family Microsyopidae
- Family Toliapinidae
- Family Micromomyidae
- Family PlesiadapidaePlesiadapidaePlesiadapidae is a family of plesiadapiform mammals related to primates known from the Paleocene and Eocene of North America, Europe, and Asia...
- Genus
Plesiadapis is one of the oldest known primate-like mammal species which existed about 58-55 million years ago in North America and Europe. Plesiadapis literally means "near-Adapis", which is a reference to the Eocene lemuriform, Adapis...
Carpolestidae is a family of primate-like Plesiadapiformes that were prevalent in North America and Asia from the mid Paleocene through the early Eocene. Typically, they are characterized by two large upper posterior premolars and one large lower posterior premolar. They weighed about 20-150g, and...
Order Anagalida
- Family Anagalidae
- Genus
Anagale is an extinct genus of mammal from the early Oligocene of Mongolia. Its closest living relatives are the rodents and lagomorphs.Anagale was 30 cm long and resembled a rabbit, but with a longer tail. Also, the build of its hind legs indicates that it walked, and did not hop...
- Genus
Zalambdalestes was a placental mammal living during the Upper Cretaceous in Mongolia. It is one of the oldest examples of a placental mammal known, and would have lived alongside the dinosaurs....
Order Rodentia
The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...

- Family EurymylidaeEurymylidaeEurymylidae is a family of extinct simplicidentates. Most authorities consider them to be basal to all modern rodents and may have been the ancestral stock whence the most recent common ancestor of all modern rodents arose...
- Family AlagomyidaeAlagomyidaeAlagomyidae is a family of rodents known from the late Paleocene and early Eocene of Asia and North America . Alagomyids have been identified as the most basal rodents, lying outside the common ancestry of living forms...
- Family Paramyidae
to be sorted
Birbalomys is an extinct genus of rodent from Asia.The long creature has been thought to have been a member of the extant gundi family, but reconstructions of its physical appearance are highly speculative. Some paleontologists consider Birbalomys to be the most primitive true rodent, related to...
Castoroides, or Giant Beaver, is an extinct genus of enormous beavers that lived in North America during the Pleistocene. There are two known species:*Castoroides leiseyorum...
Ceratogaulus Eocardia
Eocardia is an extinct genus of rodent from South America. The long creature was related to guinea pigs and the capybara. It probably resembled a modern marmot....
Eomaia scansoria Eougaulus
Giant hutia
The giant hutias are an extinct group of large rodents known from fossil and subfossil material in the West Indies. One species, Amblyrhiza inundata, is estimated to have weighed between , big specimens being as large as an American Black Bear...
Ischyromys is an extinct genus of rodent from North America.The 60 cm long creature is one of the oldest rodents known. It resembled a mouse and already had characteristic rodent incisors. Ischyromyss hind legs were longer than the forelegs, which could be used for other means than walking...
Kubwaxerus Megapedetes
Megapedetes is a genus of fossil rodents related to the springhare and other species of the genus Pedetes, with which it forms the family Pedetidae. At least four species are known, which ranged through Africa, southwestern Asia, and southeastern Europe from the Miocene to the Pliocene...
Mylagaulus Palaeolagus
Palaeolagus is an extinct genus of lagomorph. Palaeolagus lived in the Oligocene period which was about 33-23 million years ago. The earliest leporids described from the fossil record of North America and Asia date to the upper Eocene some 40 million years ago. Selective pressure ostensibly drove...
Phoberomys Pterogaulus Steneofiber
Steneofiber is an extinct genus of beaver from Eurasia.This small, 30 cm long creature probably lived in large fresh water lakes, like present day beavers. A semiaquatic lifestyle is indicated by the presence of a combing-claw, which living beavers use to waterproof their fur. Most likely, it...
Telicomys is an extinct genus of rodent from South America.With a length of more than in T. gigantissimus, it contains two or three of the largest rodents that ever lived, along with Phoberomys, Josephoartigasia, and the giant beaver...
Order CimolestaCimolestaCimolesta is an extinct order of mammals. A few experts place the pangolins within Cimolesta, though most other experts prefer to place the pangolins within their own order, Pholidota....
- Family PalaeoryctidaePalaeoryctidaePalaeoryctidae is an extinct group of relatively non-specialized placental mammals that strived in North America during the late Cretaceous and took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids.- Description :From a near-complete skull...
- Genus
Palaeoryctes is an extinct genus of mammal from Middle to Late Palaeocene of North America.Palaeoryctes resembled a modern shrew, being slender and sharp-nosed, with typical insectivore teeth. It was around long, and weighed around . Palaeoryctes or its relatives may have evolved into the large...
- Family Stylinodontidae
- Genus
Schochia sullivani is a primitive species of Taeniodont mammal from the early Paleocene of North America.-References:Lucas, Spencer G. and Thomas E. Williamson. "A New Taeniodont from the Paleocene of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico." Journal of Mammology Vol. 74, No. 1 , p. 175-179....
Psittacotherium is an extinct genus of taeniodont from the Paleocene of North America.- Sources :*Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids by Jordi Agusti and Mauricio Anton*The Beginning of the Age of Mammals by Kenneth D. Rose...
Stylinodon is an extinct genus of taeniodont mammal, and is the best known, and last genus of taeniodonts, lived some 45 million years ago during middle Eocene in North America....
- Family Cimolestidae
- Genus Maelestes
- Genus CimolestesCimolestesCimolestes is a genus of early eutherians. Fossils have been found in North America, where they first appeared during the Late Cretaceous, and died out during the Paleocene....
- Family Paroxyclaenidae
- Genus KopidodonKopidodonKopidodon is a genus of extinct squirrel-like mammals belonging to the order Cimolesta. Kopidodon was one of the largest tree-dwelling mammals known from Eocene Europe: growing 115 centimeters long . This mammal sported fearsome canine teeth, probably for defense. However its molars were designed...
- Genus Kopidodon
- Family PantolestidaePantolestidaePantolestidae is an extinct family of semi-aquatic, placental mammals that took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids....
- Genus Bisonalveus
- Family ApatemyidaeApatemyidaeApatemyidae is an extinct family of placental mammals that took part in the first placental evolutionary radiation together with other early mammals such as the leptictids....
- Genus HeterohyusHeterohyusHeterohyus is an extinct genus of apatemyid from the early to late Eocene.-References:* McKenna, Malcolm C., and Bell, Susan K. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp. ISBN 0-231-11013-8...
- Genus Heterohyus
The Pantodonta are an order of now extinct placental mammals.Pantodonts are well known from the Paleocene of North America and Asia, and one early genus Alcidedorbignya, that was found in the Paleocene of South America...
- Family Barylambdidae
- Genus BarylambdaBarylambdaBarylambda is an extinct genus of pantodont mammal from the middle to late Paleocene, well known from several finds in North America. Like other pantodonts, Barylambda was a heavyset, 5-toed plantigrade. Three species of Barylambda are currently recognised...
- Genus Barylambda
- Family Coryphodontidae
- Genus CoryphodonCoryphodonCoryphodon is an extinct genus of mammal. It was widespread in North America between 59 and 51 million years ago. It is regarded as the ancestor of the genus Hypercoryphodon of Mid Eocene Mongolia....
- Genus HypercoryphodonHypercoryphodonHypercoryphodon was a genus of rhinoceros-sized pantodont native to Middle Eocene Mongolia, and was very similar to its ancestor, Coryphodon....
- Genus Coryphodon
- Family Pantolambdidae
- Genus PantolambdaPantolambdaPantolambda is an extinct genus of Paleocene pantodont mammal. Pantolambda lived during the middle Paleocene, and has been found both in Asia and North America. A generalized early mammal, it had a vaguely cat-like body, heavy head, long tail, and five-toed plantigrade feet ending in blunt nails...
- Genus Pantolambda
- Family Titanoideidae
- Genus TitanoidesTitanoidesTitanoides is an extinct genus of pantodont mammal. It was about long and weighed between 200 and 300 pounds.Titanoides was one of the early Tertiary browsing mammals called pantodonts. Their limbs were short and stout, and they were bear-like in appearance. Some were the size of a rhinoceros....
- Genus Titanoides
Tillodontia is an extinct order of mammals that may be related to the pantodonts. They were widespread across North America and Eurasia during the late Paleocene and most of the Eocene. They went extinct in Europe during the early Eocene, while North American and Asian forms survived until the...
- Family Esthonychidae
- Genus TrogosusTrogosusTrogosus is an extinct genus of tillodont mammal. Fossils have been found in Wyoming, and date from the Eocene between 54.8 to 33.7 million years ago....
- Genus Trogosus
Order Condylarthra

The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family ArctocyonidaeArctocyonidaeArctocyonidae is an extinct family of unspecialized, primitive mammals with more than 20 genera most abundant during the Paleocene, but extant from the late Cretaceous to the early Eocene ....
- Genus ArctocyonArctocyonArctocyon is an extinct genus of condylarth mammals. The jackal-sized creature was plantigrade, that is, it walked on the soles of its feet, like a bear. Although probably mainly terrestrial, it is possible that it also climbed trees. Arctocyon was probably an omnivore....
- Genus ChriacusChriacusChriacus is an extinct genus of prehistoric mammal which lived around 63 million years ago.Chriacus was a raccoon-like mammal of the Paleocene epoch, with a length of about including its long, robust tail, which may or may not have been prehensile. It had a light build, weighing approximately...
- Genus Arctocyon
- Family PeriptychidaePeriptychidaePeriptychidae is a family of Paleocene placental mammals, known definitively only from North America. The family is part of a radiation of early herbivorous and omnivorous mammals classified in the extinct order Condylarthra, which may be related to some or all living ungulates...
- Genus EctoconusEctoconusEctoconus is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivorous mammal of the family Periptychidae, endemic to North America during the Early Paleocene subepochs existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus OxyacodonOxyacodonOxyacodon is an extinct genus of condylarth of the family Periptychidae endemic to North America during the Early Paleocene living from 65—63.3 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus Ectoconus
- Family HyopsodontidaeHyopsodontidaeHyopsodontidae is an extinct family of unspecialized, primitive mammals from the Condylarthra order, living from the Paleocene to the Eocene in North America and EurasiaThey were generally small insectivorous animals. The most common genus is Hyopsodus....
- Genus HyopsodusHyopsodusHyopsodus is a genus of extinct condylarth mammal of the hyopsodontidae family. Fossils of this genus have been found in North America, especially the bighorn basin region of the United States. They are oftentimes nicknamed "tube sheep", due to their strange, weasel-like body....
- Genus Hyopsodus
- Family Mioclaenidae
- Family PhenacodontidaePhenacodontidaeAn extinct family of large herbivorous mammals in the order Condylarthra.Dentition shows that species like Pleuraspidotherium and its relatives were probably browsers....
- Genus MeniscotheriumMeniscotheriumMeniscotherium is an extinct genus of dog-sized mammal which lived 54-38 million years ago. It was a herbivore and had hooves. Fossils have been found in Utah, New Mexico. and Colorado. Many individuals have been found together, indicating that it lived in groups....
- Genus PhenacodusPhenacodusPhenacodus is an extinct genus of mammals from the late Paleocene through middle Eocene, about 55 million years ago. It is one of the earliest and most primitive of the ungulate mammals, typifying the family Phenacodontidae and the order Condylarthra....
- Genus Meniscotherium
- Family Protungulatidae
- Genus Protungulatum
- Family Didolodontidae
- Genus DidolodusDidolodusDidolodus is an extinct genus of mammal. It is currently classified as a condylarth, having been previously associated with arctocyonians and litopterns. Its remains were found in Patagonia....
- Genus Didolodus
- Family Sparnotheriodontidae?
Order Mesonychia
- Family TriisodontidaeTriisodontidaeTriisodontidae is an extinct family of mesonychian placental mammals. Most triisodontid genera lived during the early Paleocene in North America, but the genus Andrewsarchus is known from the late Eocene of Asia. Triisodontids were the first relatively large predatory mammals to appear in North...
- Genus Andrewsarchus
- Andrewsarchus mongoliensisAndrewsarchus mongoliensisAndrewsarchus mongoliensis , was a mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch, roughly between 45 and 36 million years ago. It had a long snout with large, sharp teeth and flat cheek teeth that may have been used to crush bones...
- Andrewsarchus mongoliensis
- Genus Andrewsarchus
- Family HapalodectidaeHapalodectidaeHapalodectidae is an extinct family of relatively small-bodied mesonychian placental mammals from the Paleocene and Eocene of North America and Asia...
- Genus HapalodectesHapalodectesHapalodectes was a genus of otter-like mesonychid from the Late Paleocene to Early Eocene some 55 million years ago. Although the first fossils were found in Eocene strata of Wyoming, the genus originated in Mongolia, as the oldest species is H...
- Genus Hapalodectes
- Family MesonychidaeMesonychidaeMesonychidae is an extinct family of medium to large-sized omnivorous-carnivorous mammals closely related to artiodactyls which were endemic to North America and Eurasia during the Early Paleocene to Late Eocene living from 65—33.9 mya, existing for approximately .- Description :The mesonychids...
- Genus AnkalagonAnkalagonAnkalagon saurognathus is an extinct carnivorous mammal of the family Mesonychidae, endemic to North America during the Paleocene epoch , existing for approximately ....
- Genus MesonyxMesonyxMesonyx was a wolf-like mammal of the family Mesonychidae, the type family of the order Mesonychia , existing 51.8—51.7 Ma . It may have been ancestral to cetaceans....
- Mesonyx obtusidens
- Genus DissacusDissacusDissacus is an extinct carnivorous jackal to coyote-sized mammal of the family Mesonychidae, endemic to Asia and North America during the Paleocene through Eocene epochs 65—50.3 mya, existing for approximately ....
- Genus JiangxiaJiangxiaJiangxia District is one of the administrative districts within the City of Wuhan. Jiangxia district has an area of 2,009 km² and a population of 680,000....
- Genus PachyaenaPachyaenaPachyaena was a genus of heavily built, relatively short-legged mesonychids that originated from Asia. The species ranged in size from a coyote to a bear...
- Genus PyrokerberusPyrokerberusPyrokerberus is an extinct genus of horned mesonychid from the Late Eocene of Death Valley, California....
- Genus SynoplotheriumSynoplotheriumSynoplotherium is an extinct genus of relatively small, wolf-like mesonychids that lived 50 million years ago, in what is now Wyoming....
- Genus SinonyxSinonyxSinonyx was a wolf-like ungulate Mesonychid mammal from the late Paleocene of China that lived about 56 million years ago. It was an early primitive form of mesonychid, which some experts regard as a distinctive group of carnivorous condylarths, which gave rise to artiodactyls. Sinonyx was...
- Genus YangtanglestesYangtanglestesYangtanglestes conexus is a weasel-like Chinese mesonychid with slender jaws that first appeared during the Early Paleocene and was found throughout Asia. It is the oldest known mesonychid...
- Genus Ankalagon
Order Litopterna

The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
- Family Protolipternidae
- Superfamily Macrauchenioidea
- Family MacraucheniidaeMacraucheniidaeMacraucheniidae is a family in the Litopterna order of extinct South American ungulates. The recessed nasal bones of their skulls suggest that they may have had a small proboscis, or trunk. Their hooves were similar to those of rhinoceroses today, with a simple ankle joint and three digits on each...
- Genus CramaucheniaCramaucheniaCramauchenia is a member of the litoptern order of South American mammals. Cramauchenia was named by Florentino Ameghino. The name has no literal translation. Instead, it is an anagram of the name of a related genus Macrauchenia....
- Genus MacraucheniaMacraucheniaMacrauchenia was a long-necked and long-limbed, three-toed South American ungulate mammal, typifying the order Litopterna. The oldest fossils date back to around 7 million years ago, and M...
- Genus MacrauchenidiaMacrauchenidiaMacrauchenidia is an extinct genus of South American litoptern, related to Macrauchenia, and belonging to the same family, Macraucheniidae....
- Genus ParanaucheniaParanaucheniaParanauchenia is an extinct genus of the South American litopterns, related to Macrauchenia, belonging to the same family, Macraucheniidae, and is known only from fossil finds in South America. It possessed three toes and long limbs. The species Paranauchenia denticulata lived in the Miocene epoch...
- Genus Promacrauchenia
- Genus ScalabrinitheriumScalabrinitheriumScalabrinitherium is an extinct genus of the family Macraucheniidae. Fossils of this animal were found amongst the fossils of prehistoric xenarthrans....
- Genus TheosodonTheosodonTheosodon is an extinct genus of litoptern mammal from the early Miocene of South America.Theosodon bore a superficial resemblance the modern guanaco, and was around in length. It had a long neck and tapir-like, three-toed feet...
- Genus VictorlemoineaVictorlemoineaVictorlemoinea is an extinct litoptern genus of the family Macraucheniidae.This animal is considered a member of the Macraucheniidae family, but according to some scientific authorities, could just as easily be from the Sparnotheriodontidae, and is said to share some features with the didolodont...
- Genus Windhausenia
- Genus XenorhinotheriumXenorhinotheriumXenorhinotherium , an extinct Brazilian genus in the family Macraucheniidae, was related to Macrauchenia patachonica of Patagonia.-Name:...
- Genus Cramauchenia
- Family Notonychopidae
- Family Adianthidae
- Family Macraucheniidae
- Superfamily Proterothrrioidea
- Family Prototheriidae
- Genus DiadiaphorusDiadiaphorusDiadiaphorus is an extinct genus of litoptern mammal from the Miocene of South America.Diadiaphorus closely resembled a horse, but was only around in body length, similar to a modern sheep. It had three toes, only one of which touched the ground. This toe had a large hoof; the two outer toes were...
- Genus ThoatheriumThoatheriumThoatherium is an extinct genus of litoptern mammal.With a length of , the gazelle-like Thoatherium was the smallest representative of the order Litopterna. Judging from its long legs, it was a fast runner. Thoatherium had remarkably reduced toes; only one horse-like hoof remained...
- Genus Diadiaphorus
- Family Prototheriidae
Order Notoungulata

The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
Suborder Notioprogonia
- Family HenricosborniidaeHenricosborniidaeHenricosborniidae is an extinct family comprising four genera of notoungulate mammals known from the Paleocene and early Eocene of South America....
- Family NotostylopidaeNotostylopidaeNotostylopidae is an extinct family comprising five genera of notoungulate mammals known from the early Eocene to early Oligocene of South America...
- Genus NotostylopsNotostylopsNotostylops is an extinct genus of South American ungulate from the Eocene.In life, Notostylops would have resembled a dog-sized rabbit and is suspected to have browsed on low-growing plants. Notostylops was a generalised animal, likely adapted to a fairly wide range of ecological niches. Its tall...
- Genus Notostylops
Suborder Toxodontia
- Family IsotemnidaeIsotemnidaeIsotemnidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Paleocene through Oligocene of South America....
- Genus ThomashuxleyaThomashuxleyaThomashuxleya is an extinct genus of notoungulate mammal, named after famous 19th century biologist Thomas Huxley.Thomashuxyleya was about in length, with a heavy body and strong limbs. Its large skull had 44 teeth in its jaws, including large tusks which may have been used to dig around in earth...
- Genus Thomashuxleya
- Family LeontiniidaeLeontiniidaeLeontiniidae is an extinct family comprising six genera of notoungulate mammals known from the middle Eocene through middle Miocene of South America .-References:...
- Genus ScarrittiaScarrittiaScarrittia is an extinct genus of hoofed mammal of the family Leontiniidae , Order Notoungulata, native to South America during the early Oligocene epoch.- Characteristics :...
- Genus Scarrittia
- Family NotohippidaeNotohippidaeNotohippidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals from South America. Notohippids are known from the Eocene and Oligocene epochs....
- Genus RhynchippusRhynchippusRhynchippus is an extinct genus of notoungulate mammal.Rhynchippus was about in length, with a deep body and three clawed toes on each foot. Although its teeth were extremely similar to those of horses or rhinos, Rhynchippus was actually a relative of Toxodon, having developed teeth suitable for...
- Genus Rhynchippus
- Family ToxodontidaeToxodontidaeToxodontidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene of South America, with one genus, Mixotoxodon, also known from the Pleistocene of Central America. They somewhat resembled rhinoceroses, and had teeth with high crowns and open roots,...
- Genus AdinotheriumAdinotheriumAdinotherium is an extinct genus of Toxodontidae, large bodied hoofed ungulates which inhabited South America during the Miocene living from 17.5—11.61 Ma and existed for approximately ....
- Genus ToxodonToxodonToxodon is an extinct mammal of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs about 2.6 million to 16,500 years ago. It was indigenous to South America, and was probably the most common large-hoofed mammal in South America at the time of its existence....
- Genus TrigodonTrigodonTrigodon gaudryi is an extinct species of the family Toxodontidae, a large bodied notoungulate which inhabited South America during the Miocene living from 11.61—7.25 Ma and existed for approximately ....
- Genus MixotoxodonMixotoxodonMixotoxodon is an extinct genus of notoungulate of the family Toxodontidae which inhabited South America during the Pleistocene living from 1.8—0.30 Ma and existed for approximately ....
- Genus NesodonNesodonNesodon is a genus of Miocene mammal belonging to the extinct order Notoungulata which inhabited southern South America during the Late Oligocene to Miocene living from 29.0—16.3 Ma and existed for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus Adinotherium
- Family HomalodotheriidaeHomalodotheriidaeHomalodotheriidae is an extinct family comprising four genera of notoungulate mammals known from the late Eocene through late Miocene of South America....
- Genus ChasicotheriumChasicotheriumChasicotherium rothi was a large notoungulate discovered in the Chasico Formation, in the stream homónimo of the Party of Villarino, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The sediments in which the animal remains were discovered have an antiquity between 10 and 9 million years. It was an herbivore...
- Genus HomalodotheriumHomalodotheriumHomalodotherium is an extinct genus of the order Notoungulata, an extinct group of hoofed mammals native to South America.Homalodotherium was about in body length, and had long forelimbs with claws instead of hooves...
- Genus Chasicotherium
Suborder Typotheria
- Family OldfieldthomasiidaeOldfieldthomasiidaeOldfieldthomasiidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Paleocene and Eocene of South America....
- Family InteratheriidaeInteratheriidaeInteratheriidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals from South America. Interatheriids are known from the Paleocene or Eocene through the Miocene .-References:...
- Genus ProtypotheriumProtypotheriumProtypotherium is an extinct genus of mammal native to South America during the Miocene epoch. A number of closely related animals date back further, to the Paleocene....
- Genus InteratheriumInteratheriumInteratherium is an extinct genus of Interatheriidae from the early Miocene.-References:*McKenna, Malcolm C., and Bell, Susan K. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp. ISBN 0-231-11013-8...
- Genus Protypotherium
- Family ArchaeopithecidaeArchaeopithecidaeArchaeopithecidae is an extinct family comprising two genera of notoungulate mammals, Acropithecus and Archaeopithecus, both known from the early Eocene of South America .-References:...
- Family Campanorcidae
- Genus CampanorcoCampanorcoCampanorco is an extinct genus of notoungulate mammal from the early Eocene of South America and the only member of the family Campanorcidae .-References:...
- Genus Campanorco
- Family MesotheriidaeMesotheriidaeMesotheriidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Eocene through the Pleistocene of South America. Mesotheriids were small to medium-sized herbivorous mammals adapted for digging.-Characteristics:...
- Subfamily Fiandraiinae
- Genus Fiandraia
- Subfamily Mesotheriinae
- Genus Altitypotherium
- Genus Caraguatypotherium
- Genus Eotypotherium
- Genus Eutypotherium
- Genus Hypsitherium
- Genus MesotheriumMesotheriumMesotherium ,better known by its synonym, "Typotherium," is the type genus of Mesotheriidae, a long-lasting family of superficially rodent-like, burrowing notoungulates from South America. It was first named by Étienne Serres in 1867, and through further finds now contains four species, M....
- Genus Microtypotherium
- Genus Plesiotypotherium
- Genus Pseudotypotherium
- Genus Typotheriopsis
- Subfamily Trachytheriinae
- Genus Anatrachytherus
- Genus Trachytherus
- Subfamily Fiandraiinae
Suborder Hegetotheria
- Family ArchaeohyracidaeArchaeohyracidaeArchaeohyracidae is an extinct family comprising four genera of notoungulate mammals known from the Paleocene through the Oligocene of South America....
- Genus Eohyrax
- Eohyrax rusticus
- Genus Eohyrax
- Family HegetotheriidaeHegetotheriidaeHegetotheriidae is an extinct family of notoungulate mammals known from the Eocene through the Pleistocene of South America...
- Genus Hemihegetotherium
- Species Hemihegetotherium trilobus
- Genus PachyrukhosPachyrukhosPachyrukhos is an extinct genus of mammal from the Oligocene and Miocene of South America.It was about 30 cm long and closely resembled a rabbit, possessing a short tail and long hind feet. Pachyrukhos was probably also able to hop, and it had a rabbit-like skull with teeth adapted for eating nuts...
- Genus Hemihegetotherium
Order Astrapotheria
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
- Family Eoastrapostylopidae
- Family Trigonostylopidae
- Genus TrigonostylopsTrigonostylopsTrigonostylops is an extinct genus of South American ungulate, from the late Paleocene to early Eocene of Argentina.A complete skull of the type species, T. wortmani, has been found, and it has been classified as an astrapothere based on its large lower tusks...
- Genus Trigonostylops
- Family Astrapotheriidae
- Genus Astrapotherium
- Species Astrapotherium magnumAstrapotherium magnumAstrapotherium magnum is an extinct South American mammal which vaguely resembled a cross between a small elephant, and a very large tapir. It may have fed on marsh plants...
- Species Astrapotherium magnum
- Genus Astrapotherium
Order Xenungulata
The Paleogene is a geologic period and system that began 65.5 ± 0.3 and ended 23.03 ± 0.05 million years ago and comprises the first part of the Cenozoic Era...
- Family Etayoidae
- Genus Etayoa
- Etayoa bacatensis
- Genus Etayoa
- Family Carodniidae
- Genus CarodniaCarodniaCarodnia vieirai is an extinct meridiungulate mammal from the Paleocene of South America. It is related to, and possibly gave rise to the order Pyrotheria, into which some experts also place Carodnia....
- Carodnia feruglioi
- Carodnia vieirai
- Genus Carodnia
Order Pyrotheria
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
The Oligocene is a geologic epoch of the Paleogene Period and extends from about 34 million to 23 million years before the present . As with other older geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period are well identified but the exact dates of the start and end of the period are slightly...
- Family PyrotheriidaePyrotheriidaePyrotheriidae is the only family in the order Pyrotheria, provided one does not include the Paleocene genus, Carodnia. These extinct, mastodon-like ungulates include the genera Baguatherium, Carolozittelia, Colombitherium, Gryphodon, Propyrotherium, Proticia, and Pyrotherium.-References:**...
- Genus PyrotheriumPyrotheriumPyrotherium is an extinct genus of South American ungulate, of the order Pyrotheria, that lived in what is now Argentina, during the Early Oligocene...
- Genus Pyrotherium
Order DinocerataDinocerataDinocerata mammals are an extinct order of plant-eating, rhinoceros-like hoofed creatures famous for their paired horns and tusk-like canine teeth...
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family UintatheriidaeUintatheriidaeThe Uintatheriidae is a family of extinct mammals that includes Uintatherium. They belong to the order Dinocerata, one of several extinct orders of primitive mammals that are sometimes united in the Condylarthra....
- Subfamily Gobiatheriinae
- Genus GobiatheriumGobiatheriumGobiatherium was one of the last Uintatheres, from the Mid Eocene of Mongolia. Unlike its North American cousins, Uintatherium or Eobasileus, Gobiatherium lacked knob-like horns, or even fang-like tusks...
- Genus Gobiatherium
- Subfamily Uintatheriinae
- Genus
ProdinocerasProdinoceras was the earliest known uintathere genus, which lived in the late Paleocene of Mongolia. It is also regarded as the basal uintathere, as, although it had the characteristic fang-like tusks, it had yet to evolve the characteristic knob-like horns.It is very similar to its North... - Genus ProbathyopsisProbathyopsisProbathyopsis is an extinct genus of Uintatheriidae.It was similar to Prodinoceras.Probathyopsis lived in the United States in the Paleocene epoch.Its name means "Before Bathyopsis"....
- Genus Dinoceras
- Genus BathyopsisBathyopsisBathyopsis is an extinct genus of uintathere.-References:*Lucas, S.G. and R.M. Schoch. 1998. Dinocerata. pp.284-291 in C.M. Janis, K.M. Scott, and L.L. Jacobs Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.* The Beginning of the Age of Mammals by Kenneth D. Rose...
- Genus UintatheriumUintatheriumUintatherium, is an extinct genus of herbivorous mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch, which includes a single species currently recognized, U. anceps. They were similar to today's rhinoceros both in size and in shape, although they are not closely related...
- Genus EobasileusEobasileusEobasileus cornutus is an extinct species of dinocerate mammal.Eobasileus was long and stood tall at the shoulder. It looked very similar to the related Uintatherium. Like Uintatherium, it had three pairs of blunt horns on its skull, possibly covered with skin like the ossicones of a giraffe...
- Genus TetheopsisTetheopsisTetheopsis is an extinct genus of Uintatheriidae....
- Genus DitetradonDitetradonDitetradon is an extinct genus of Uintatheriidae....
- Genus Jiaoluotherium
- Subfamily Gobiatheriinae
Order Embrithopoda
The Oligocene is a geologic epoch of the Paleogene Period and extends from about 34 million to 23 million years before the present . As with other older geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period are well identified but the exact dates of the start and end of the period are slightly...
- Family ArsinoitheriidaeArsinoitheriidaeArsinoitheriidae was a family of mammals belonging to the extinct order Embrithopoda. Remains have been found in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Romania. When alive, they would have had a great, albeit very superficial, resemblance to the modern rhinoceros...
- Genus ArsinoitheriumArsinoitheriumArsinoitherium is an extinct genus of paenungulate mammal related to elephants, sirenians, hyraxes and the extinct desmostylians, as well as to other extinct embrithopods...
- Genus Arsinoitherium
- Family Phenacolophidae?
Order Creodonta
The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "early recent", is a geologic epoch that lasted from about . It is the first epoch of the Palaeogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era...
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...

- Family OxyaenidaeOxyaenidaeOxyaenidae is a family of the extinct order Creodonta; it contains three subfamilies comprising ten genera. The placement of a fourth subfamily, Machaeroidinae, is unsure; it may belong here or in Hyaenodontidae....
- Subfamily Abloctoninae
- Genus Ambloctonus
- Genus Dipsalodon
- Genus Dormaalodon
- Genus PalaeonictisPalaeonictisPalaeonictis is an extinct hyena-like creodont predator belonging to the family Oxyaenidae, existing from the late Paleocene to the early Eocene times. In life, it would have resembled a large modern wolverine. This oxyaenid had heavy jaws and blunt robust teeth more suited for crushing bones, than...
- Subfamily Oxyaeninae
- Genus Dipsalidictis
- Genus OxyaenaOxyaenaOxyaena is an extinct genus of extinct creodont mammal from the latest Paleocene to early Eocene of North America . The species were superficially cat or wolverine-like, with a flexible body long, and short limbs.Oxyaena had a broad, low skull Oxyaena ("Sharp" or "Drawn-out" + hyena) is an...
- Genus PatriofelisPatriofelisPatriofelis was a large, cat-like oxyaenid creodont of middle Eocene, some 45 million years ago in North America. It was around long, not including the tail, making it around the same size as a modern panther. It had short legs with broad feet, suggesting that it may have been a poor runner, but...
- Genus Protopsalis
- Genus SarkastodonSarkastodonSarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 35 million years ago. It was a large, carnivorous animal that lived in what is today Mongolia...
- Subfamily Tytthaeninae
- Genus Tytthaena
- ?Subfamily Machaeroidinae
- Genus Apataelurus
- Genus MachaeroidesMachaeroidesMachaeroides is a genus of sabre-toothed creodont that lived during the Eocene. Its fossils were found in the U.S. state of Wyoming. It is the earliest known sabre-toothed mammal.-Description:...
- Subfamily Abloctoninae
- Family HyaenodontidaeHyaenodontidaeHyaenodontidae is a family of the extinct order Creodonta, which contains several dozen genera.The Hyaenodontids were important mammalian predators that arose during the late Paleocene and persisted well into the Miocene...
- Genus HyaenodonHyaenodonHyaenodon is an extinct genus of Hyaenodonts, a group of carnivorous creodonts of the family Hyaenodontidae endemic to all continents except South America, Australia and Antarctica, living from 42—15.9 mya, existing for approximately .-Morphology:Some species of this genus were amongst the largest...
- Hyaenodon exicuus
- Hyaenodon horridus
- Hyaenodon mustelinus
- Hyaenodon crucians
- Hyaenodon vetus
- Hyaenodon megaloides
- Hyaenodon milloquensis
- Hyaenodon bavaricus
- Hyaenodon eminus
- Hyaenodon yuanchensis
- Hyaenodon mongoliensis
- Hyaenodon incertus
- Hyaenodon chunkhtensis
- Hyaenodon montanus
- Hyaenodon venturae
- Hyaenodon microdon
- Hyaenodon brevirostris
- Hyaenodon raineyi
- Hyaenodon gigas
- Hyaenodon incertus
- Hyaenodon pervagus
- Hyaenodon eminus
- Hyaenodon weilini
- Genus Hyaenodon
- Genus MegistotheriumMegistotheriumMegistotherium is an extinct genus of creodonts, the only known species of which is Megistotherium osteothlastes....
Suborder Caniformia (Dog-like carnivores)

- Infraorder ArctoideaArctoideaArctoidea is a superfamily of extinct and extant mostly carnivorous mammals which include the extinct group Hemicyonidae , and extant groups Musteloidea , Nothocyon, Pinnipedia , and Ursidae , found in all continents from the Eocene, 46 Ma ago, to the present, approximately ..-Taxonomy:Arctoidea...
- Parvorder Mustelida
- Family ProcyonidaeProcyonidaeProcyonidae is a New World family of the order Carnivora. It includes the raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. Procyonids inhabit a wide range of environments, and are generally omnivorous.-Characteristics:...
(Raccoon family)- Genus ChapalmalaniaChapalmalaniaChapalmalania is an extinct procyonid genus from the Pliocene of South America, that lived from 5.3 to 1.8 million years ago.Though related to raccoons and coatis, Chapalmalania was a large creature reaching in body length, with a short tail. It probably resembled the giant panda. Due to its size,...
- Genus Chapalmalania
- Family Mephitidae (SkunkSkunkSkunks are mammals best known for their ability to secrete a liquid with a strong, foul odor. General appearance varies from species to species, from black-and-white to brown or cream colored. Skunks belong to the family Mephitidae and to the order Carnivora...
s) - Family MustelidaeMustelidaeMustelidae , commonly referred to as the weasel family, are a family of carnivorous mammals. Mustelids are diverse and the largest family in the order Carnivora, at least partly because in the past it has been a catch-all category for many early or poorly differentiated taxa...
(Weasel family)- Genus EkorusEkorusEkorus ekakeran is a large extinct mustelid that inhabited late Miocene Kenya.Standing 60 centimeters tall at the shoulders, its build was not similar to that of modern mustelids. Modern-day weasels have short legs and can only achieve short bursts of speed. The legs of Ekorus are built like those...
- Genus PlesictisPlesictisPlesictis is an extinct prehistoric genus of mustelid endemic to Europe during the Oligocene 33.9—28.4 Ma existing for approximately ....
- Genus PotamotheriumPotamotheriumPotamotherium an extinct genus from the Miocene period, which has been assigned both to the mustelids and to the pinnipeds....
- Genus Ekorus
- Family Procyonidae
- Parvorder Ursida
- Superfamily Amphicyonoidea
- Family Amphicyonidae (Bear-Dogs)
- Genus AmphicyonAmphicyonAmphicyon is an extinct genus of large carnivorous bone-crushing mammals, known as bear-dogs, of the family Amphicyonidae, subfamily Amphicyoninae, from the Aquitanian Epoch until the Tortonian...
- Genus CynodictisCynodictisCynodictis, is a member of extinct terrestrial carnivores belonging to the family Amphicyonidae, suborder Caniformia, and which inhabited Euroasia and Asia from the Late Eocene subepoch to the Early Oligocene subepoch living from 37.2—28.4 Ma, existing for approximately .Cynodictis was one of the...
- Genus DaphoenusDaphoenusDaphoenus is an extinct member of the family Amphicyonidae belonging to the class Mammalia, an extinct order of terrestrial carnivores belonging to the suborder Caniformia, which inhabited North America from the Early Eocene subepoch to the Early Miocene subepoch 42—16.3 Mya, existing for...
- Genus Amphicyon
- Family Amphicyonidae (Bear-Dogs)
- Superfamily Phocoidea
- Family Otariidae (Eared sealEared SealThe eared seals or otariids are marine mammals in the family Otariidae, one of three groupings of Pinnipeds. They comprise 16 species in seven genera commonly known either as sea lions or fur seals, distinct from true seals and the Walrus...
s) - Family OdobenidaeOdobenidaeOdobenidae is a family of Pinnipeds. The only living species is walrus.In the past, however, the group was much more diverse, and includes more than ten fossil genera.- Taxonomy :All genera, except Odobenus, are extinct.*Prototaria...
(WalrusWalrusThe walrus is a large flippered marine mammal with a discontinuous circumpolar distribution in the Arctic Ocean and sub-Arctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The walrus is the only living species in the Odobenidae family and Odobenus genus. It is subdivided into three subspecies: the Atlantic...
es)- Genus ImagotariaImagotariaImagotaria is an extinct monotypic genus of walrus with the sole species Imagotaria downsi. Fossils of Imagotaria are known from the early late Miocene of California .-Description:...
- Genus Imagotaria
- Family Phocidae (Earless sealEarless sealThe true seals or earless seals are one of the three main groups of mammals within the seal superfamily, Pinnipedia. All true seals are members of the family Phocidae . They are sometimes called crawling seals to distinguish them from the fur seals and sea lions of the family Otariidae...
s)- Genus AcrophocaAcrophocaAcrophoca longirostris is an extinct species of pinniped whose fossils have been discovered in Peru and Chile. It is thought to have been the ancestor of the modern leopard seal....
- Genus DesmatophocaDesmatophocaDesmatophoca is an extinct genus of pinniped.This poorly known fossil pinniped is a member of the true seal-like extinct pinniped family, the Desmatophocidae. Unlike modern true seals, it had a tail, although this was relatively short...
- Genus Acrophoca
- Family Enaliarctidae
- Genus EnaliarctosEnaliarctosEnaliarctos is an extinct genus of pinniped.Prior to the discovery of Puijila, the five species in the genus Enaliarctos represented the oldest known pinniped fossils, having been recovered from late Oligocene and early Miocene strata of California and Oregon.It had a short tail and developed...
- Genus Enaliarctos
- Family Otariidae (Eared seal
- Superfamily Ursoidea
- Family Ursidae (BearBearBears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although there are only eight living species of bear, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern...
s)- Genus HemicyonHemicyonHemicyon the so-called "dog-bear," literally "Half Dog" , is an extinct genus of the family Hemicyonidae, which probably originated in Eurasia but was found in Europe, Asia and North America during the Miocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Morphology:Hemicyon was about long, and tall, with...
- Subfamily Ailuropodinae
- Genus AiluropodaAiluropodaAiluropoda is the only genus in the ursid subfamily Ailuropodinae. It contains one living and four fossil species of giant panda....
- Dwarf Panda (
- Genus Ailuropoda
- Genus Hemicyon
- Subfamily TremarctinaeTremarctinaeTremarctinae is a term for the subfamily of Ursidae containing one living representative, the Spectacled Bear of South America, and several extinct species from four genera: the Florida spectacled bear , the North American short-faced bears of genera Plionarctos and Arctodus Tremarctinae is a...
- Genus TremarctosTremarctosTremarctos is a genus of the family Ursidae, subfamily Tremarctinae endemic to Americas from the Pliocene to recent. The northern species, the Florida short-faced bear was extinct 11 000 years ago...
- Florida Cave BearFlorida Cave BearTremarctos floridanus, occasionally called the Florida spectacled bear or rarely Florida short-faced bear is an extinct species of bear in the family Ursidae, subfamily Tremarctinae. T. floridanus was endemic to North America from the Pliocene to Pleistocene epoch , existing for approximately...
- Florida Cave Bear
- Genus Tremarctos
- Genus ArctodusArctodusArctodus — known as the short-faced bear or bulldog bear — is an extinct genus of bear endemic to North America during the Pleistocene ~3.0 Ma.—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately three million years. Arctodus simus may have once been Earth's largest mammalian, terrestrial carnivore...
(Short-Faced Bears)- Giant Short-Faced Bear (
- Short-Faced Bear (Arctodus pristinus)
- Family Ursidae (Bear
- Genus ArctotheriumArctotheriumArctotherium is an extinct genus of South American short-faced bears within Ursidae of the late Pliocene through the end of the Pleistocene. Their ancestors migrated from North America to South America during the Great American Interchange, following the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. They...
- Brazilian Short-Faced Bear (
- Argentine Short-Faced Bear (Arctotherium latidens)
- Superfamily Amphicyonoidea
- Parvorder Mustelida
- Subfamily UrsinaeUrsinaeUrsinae is a subfamily of Ursidae named by Swainson though probably named before Hunt 1998. It was assigned to Ursidae by Bjork , Hunt and Jin et al...
- Genus Ursus
- Auvergne Bear (
Ursus minimusUrsus minimus is an extinct species of bear, endemic to Europe during the Pliocene, living from ~5.3—1.8 Mya, existing for approximately ....
- Genus Ursus
Agriotherium is an extinct genus of Ursidae of the Miocene through Pleistocene epochs, endemic to North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia living from ~13.6–2.5 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Etruscan Bear (
Ursus etruscus
Ursus etruscus is an extinct species of mammal of the family Ursidae , endemic to Europe, Asia and North Africa during the Pliocene through Pleistocene, living from ~5.3 Mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately ....
Ursavus is an extinct genus of mammals of the family Ursidae that existed in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Miocene, living from ~23—5.3 Ma, existing for approximately . It apparently dispersed from Asia into North America about 20 Ma, becoming the earliest member of the...
- Family CanidaeCanidaeCanidae is the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and domestic dogs. A member of this family is called a canid . The Canidae family is divided into two tribes: Canini and Vulpini...
(Canids)- Genus CanisCanisCanis is a genus containing 7 to 10 extant species, including dogs, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, and many extinct species.-Wolves, dogs and dingos:Wolves, dogs and dingos are subspecies of Canis lupus...
(DogDogThe domestic dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in...
s and Wolves)- Dire WolfDire WolfThe Dire Wolf, Canis dirus, is an extinct carnivorous mammal of the genus Canis, and was most common in North America and South America from the Irvingtonian stage to the Rancholabrean stage of the Pleistocene epoch living 1.80 Ma – 10,000 years ago, existing for approximately .- Relationships...
- Dire Wolf
- Giant fox (Vulpes gigas)
- Genus Canis
- Genus Cerdocyon
- Genus CynodesmusCynodesmusCynodesmus is an extinct genus of omnivorous canine which inhabited North America during the Oligocene living from 33.3—-26.3 Ma and existed for approximately ....
- Genus LeptocyonLeptocyonLeptocyon is a small extinct genus of canidae endemic to North America during the Oligocene through Miocene living from 24.8—10.3 mya, existing for approximately .Leptocyon was a small bodied, fox-like animal with a slender jaw.-Taxonomy:...
- Genus PhlaocyonPhlaocyonPhlaocyon is an extinct genus of the Borophaginae and a terrestrial canine which inhabited most of North America during the Whitneyan stage of the Early Oligocene through Late Hemingfordian stage of the Early Miocene epoch 33.3—16.3 Mya existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Phlaocyon was about in...
- Subfamily HesperocyoninaeHesperocyoninaeHesperocyoninae is a subfamily of extinct canids.-Taxonomic history:Hesperocyoninae was named by Martin . The members of this subfamily were reassigned to the family Canidae by Xiaoming Wang in 1999....
- Genus
HesperocyonHesperocyon is an extinct genus of canids, family of Canidae and subfamily Hesperocyoninae which was endemic to North America from southern Canada to appearing during the Uintan age-Bridgerian age of the Mid-Eocene 42.5 mya—31.0 Ma. . Hesperocyon existed for approximately .-Taxonomy:Hesperocyon... - Subfamily Hesperocyoninae
The subfamily Borophaginae is an extinct group of canids called "bone crushing dogs" that were endemic to North America during the Oligocene to Pliocene and lived roughly 36—2.5 million years ago and existing for approximately .-Origin:...
- Genus AelurodonAelurodonAelurodon is an extinct canine genus of the subfamily Borophaginae which lived from the Barstovian land mammal age of the middle Miocene to the Clarendonian age of the late Miocene...
- Genus BorophagusBorophagusBorophagus is an extinct genus of the subfamily Borophaginae, a group of canids endemic to North America from the early Miocene epoch through the Zanclean stage of the Pliocene epoch 23.3—3.6 Mya. Borophagus existed for approximately .-Overview:Borophagus, like other borophagines, are loosely...
- Genus EpicyonEpicyonEpicyon is a large extinct canid genus of the subfamily Borophaginae , native to North America. It lived from the Hemingfordian age of the Early Miocene to the Hemphillian of the Late Miocene Epicyon ("near dog") is a large extinct canid genus of the subfamily Borophaginae ("bone-crushing dogs"),...
- Genus Osteoborus
- Genus MiacisMiacisThe 'genus' Miacis contains extinct species of carnivorous mammals that appeared in the late Paleocene and continued through the Eocene. The genus Miacis is not monophyletic but a diverse collection of species that belong to the stemgroup within the Carnivoramorpha...
Suborder Aeluroidea (Cat-like carnivores)

- Family FelidaeFelidaeFelidae is the biological family of the cats; a member of this family is called a felid. Felids are the strictest carnivores of the thirteen terrestrial families in the order Carnivora, although the three families of marine mammals comprising the superfamily pinnipedia are as carnivorous as the...
- Genus PseudaelurusPseudaelurusPseudaelurus is a prehistoric cat that lived in Europe, Asia and North America in the Miocene approximately 20-8 million years ago. It is an ancestor of today's felines and pantherines as well as the extinct machairodont saber-tooths, and is a successor to Proailurus...
- Genus Pseudaelurus
- Subfamily Proailurinae
- Genus ProailurusProailurusProailurus was a prehistoric carnivore that lived in Europe and Asia approximately 25 million years ago in the Late Oligocene and Miocene. One recent phylogeny places it as a basal member of the Feloidea, the superfamily that includes mongooses, civets, hyenas, and cats; but other studies suggest...
- Genus Proailurus
- Subfamily MachairodontinaeMachairodontinaeMachairodontinae is an extinct carnivoran mammal subfamily of Felidae endemic to Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe from the Miocene to Pleistocene living from c. 23 Ma until c...
(Sabre-toothed cats)- Genus ParamachairodusParamachairodusParamachairodus is an extinct genus of saber-tooth cat of the subfamily Machairodontinae endemic to Europe and Asia, during the late Miocene from 15 to 9 Ma....
- Genus DinofelisDinofelisDinofelis is a genus of sabre-toothed cats belonging to the tribe Metailurini. They were widespread in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America at least 5 million to about 1.2 million years ago...
- Dinofelis barlowi
- Dinofelis diastemata
- Dinofelis paleooncaDinofelis paleooncaDinofelis paleoonca is a species of saber-toothed cats belonging to the tribe Metailurini of the family Felidae endemic to North America during the Pliocene living from 4.9—1.8 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Dinofelis piveteaui
- Genus Paramachairodus
- Genus HomotheriumHomotheriumHomotherium is an extinct genus of machairodontine saber-toothed cats, often termed scimitar cats, endemic to North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs , existing for approximately .It first became extinct in Africa some 1.5 million years ago...
- Genus MachairodusMachairodusMachairodus was a genus of large machairodontine saber-toothed cats that lived in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America during the Miocene through Pleistocene living from 11.6mya—126,000 years ago, existing for approximately .-Species:...
- Machairodus aphanistus
- Machairodus giganteus
- Machairodus oradensis
- Machairodus colorandensis
Megantereon was an ancient machairodontine saber-toothed cat that lived in North America, Eurasia, and Africa. It may be the ancestor of Smilodon.- Fossil range :...
Smilodon , often called a saber-toothed cat or saber-toothed tiger, is an extinct genus of machairodonts. This saber-toothed cat was endemic to North America and South America, living from near the beginning through the very end of the Pleistocene epoch .-Etymology:The nickname "saber-tooth" refers...
(Saber-Toothed Cat
Saber-toothed cat
Saber-toothed cat or Sabre-toothed cat refers to the extinct subfamilies of Machairodontinae , Barbourofelidae , and Nimravidae as well as two families related to marsupials that were found worldwide from the Eocene Epoch to the end of the Pleistocene Epoch ,...
Xenosmilus is a genus of extinct Machairodontinae, or saber-toothed cat. Two fairly intact specimens were found by amateur fossil hunters, in 1983 in the Haile limestone mines in Alachua County, Florida...
The cheetah is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. The cheetah is the only extant member of the genus Acinonyx, most notable for modifications in the species' paws...
- Genus AcinonyxAcinonyxAcinonyx is a genus of mammals from the family Felidae. It is currently distributed in Africa and Asia, but at one time was also present in Europe. The cheetah is the only extant species in the genus. Wozencraft put the genus Acinonyx in their own monophyletic subfamily, Acinonychinae. Salles ,...
(CheetahCheetahThe cheetah is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. The cheetah is the only extant member of the genus Acinonyx, most notable for modifications in the species' paws...
s) - Acinonyx intermedius
- Acinonyx pardinensis
Felinae is a subfamily of the family Felidae which includes the genera and species listed below. Most are small to medium-sized cats, although the group does include some larger animals, such as the Cougar and Cheetah....
(Small cats
Felinae is a subfamily of the family Felidae which includes the genera and species listed below. Most are small to medium-sized cats, although the group does include some larger animals, such as the Cougar and Cheetah....
Pantherinae is the subfamily of the family Felidae, which includes the genera Panthera, Uncia and Neofelis.The divergence of Pantherinae from Felinae has been ranked between six and ten million years ago. DNA analysis suggests that the snow leopard Uncia uncia is basal to the entire Pantherinae and...
(Big cats
Pantherinae is the subfamily of the family Felidae, which includes the genera Panthera, Uncia and Neofelis.The divergence of Pantherinae from Felinae has been ranked between six and ten million years ago. DNA analysis suggests that the snow leopard Uncia uncia is basal to the entire Pantherinae and...
- Genus PantheraPantheraPanthera is a genus of the family Felidae , which contains four well-known living species: the tiger, the lion, the jaguar, and the leopard. The genus comprises about half of the Pantherinae subfamily, the big cats...
- LionLionThe lion is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger...
- American LionAmerican lionThe American lion — also known as the North American lion, Naegele’s giant jaguar or American cave lion — is an extinct lion of the family Felidae, endemic to North America during the Pleistocene epoch , existing for approximately...
- Lion
- Cave LionCave lionPanthera leo spelaea also known as the European or Eurasian cave lion, is an extinct subspecies of lion known from fossils and many examples of prehistoric art.-Physical characteristics:This subspecies was one of the largest lions...
(Panthera leo spelaea)
Mongoose are a family of 33 living species of small carnivorans from southern Eurasia and mainland Africa. Four additional species from Madagascar in the subfamily Galidiinae, which were previously classified in this family, are also referred to as "mongooses" or "mongoose-like"...
For the Siouxsie and the Banshees album, see Hyæna.For the group of animals commonly known as "hyaena", see Hyena.Hyaena is a genus comprising two of the living species of hyenas: the striped hyena from western Asia and northern Africa and the brown hyena from southern Africa...
- Genus ChasmaporthetesChasmaporthetesChasmaporthetes, also known as Hunting or Running Hyena, is an extinct genus of hyena endemic to North America, Africa, and Asia during the Pliocene-Pleistocene epochs, living from 4.9 mya—780,000 years ago, existing for approximately . The genus probably arose from Eurasian Miocene hyenas such as...
- Genus Crocuta
- Crocuta macrodonta
- Crocuta eximia
- Crocuta sivalensis
- Crocuta dietrichi
The Protictitherium were a primitive genus of civet-like hyena, including the earliest species of hyena known, Protictitherium gaillardi. They were small animals with retractable claws, who probably spent the majority of their time in trees, hunting insects and small animals...
Ictitherium is an extinct genus belonging to the family Hyaenidae and the subfamily Ictitheriinae erected by Trouessart in 1897. Ictitherium species were endemic to Eurasia and Africa during the Middle Miocene through the Early Pliocene and existed approximately .Ictitherium were around long, and...
Chasmaporthetes, also known as Hunting or Running Hyena, is an extinct genus of hyena endemic to North America, Africa, and Asia during the Pliocene-Pleistocene epochs, living from 4.9 mya—780,000 years ago, existing for approximately . The genus probably arose from Eurasian Miocene hyenas such as...
Pachycrocuta was a genus of prehistoric hyenas. The largest and most well-researched species was the giant hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris, which stood about at the shoulder and may have weighed — the size of a lioness. This would make it the largest hyena to have ever lived. It lived between the...
Percrocuta is an extinct genus of hyena-like feliform carnivores. It lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa, during the Miocene epoch.With a maximum length of 1.50 m , Percrocuta was much bigger than its modern relatives, but smaller than a female lion. Like the Spotted Hyena, Percrocuta had a robust...
The family Viverridae is made up of around 30 species of medium-sized mammal, including all of the genets, the binturong, most of the civets, and the two African linsangs....
- Genus KanuitesKanuitesKanuites is an extinct genus of viverrid native to Africa.Kanuites was about long, and looked remarkably similar to modern genets. Kanuites was probably an omnivore and may have had retractable claws, like a feline. It may have lived at least part of its life in trees....
- Genus ViverraViverraViverra is a genus of civet commonly found in Southeast Asia.-Species:* Malabar Large-spotted Civet * Large-spotted Civet * Malayan Civet * Large Indian Civet...
Stenoplesictidae is a family of extinct civet-like animals, such as Stenoplesictis....
The Nimravidae, sometimes known as false saber-toothed cats, are an extinct family of mammalian carnivores belonging to the suborder Feliformia and endemic to North America, Europe, and Asia living from the Eocene through the Miocene epochs , existing for approximately .-Morphology:Although some...
(Nimravids or False sabre-toothed cats)
- Genus NimravusNimravusNimravus is an extinct genus of the family Nimravidae, subfamily Nimravinae endemic to North America during the Oligocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus MetailurusMetailurusMetailurus is a genus of false saber-toothed cat of the family Felidae, belonging to the tribe Metailurini endemic to North America, Africa, Europe, and Asia during the Miocene to Pleistocene, living from 9 Ma—11,000 years ago and existed for approximately .Metailurus was named by Zdansky...
- Genus EusmilusEusmilusEusmilus is a prehistoric genus of the family Nimravidae, subfamily Nimravinae endemic to North America, Europe,and Asia during the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene epochs , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus HoplophoneusHoplophoneusHoplophoneus is an extinct genus of the family Nimravidae, subfamily Nimravinae endemic to North America during the Late Eocene-Oligocene epochs , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
to be sorted
- Genus
Lokotunjailurus is the name of a genus of sabre-toothed cats which existed in Kenya and Chad during the Miocene epoch....
Enaliarctos is an extinct genus of pinniped.Prior to the discovery of Puijila, the five species in the genus Enaliarctos represented the oldest known pinniped fossils, having been recovered from late Oligocene and early Miocene strata of California and Oregon.It had a short tail and developed...
Suborder Tardigrada

- Family Rathymotheriidae
- Genus
Scelidotheriidae is a family of extinct mammals within the order of Pilosa and suborder Folivora. This family of ground sloths is related to the other families of extinct ground sloths, being the Megatheriidae, the Mylodontidae, the Nothrotheriidae, and the Orophodontidae...
Mylodontidae is a family of extinct mammals within the order of Pilosa and suborder Folivora living from approximately 23 mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately . This family of ground sloths is related to the other families of extinct ground sloths, being the Megatheriidae, the...
- Genus
Mylodon is an extinct genus of giant ground sloth that lived in the Patagonia area of South America until roughly 10,000 years ago.Mylodon weighed about and stood up to tall when raised up on its hind legs. Preserved dung has shown it was a herbivore. It had very thick hide and had osteoderms...
Orophodontidae is a family of extinct ground sloths within the order of Pilosa and suborder Folivora. The name is often disused with genus members reassigned....
Megalonychidae is a group of sloths including the extinct Megalonyx and the living two toed sloths. Megalonychids first appeared in the early Oligocene, about 35 million years ago, in southern Argentina , and spread as far as the Antilles by the early Miocene...
- Genus
Megalonyx is an extinct genus of giant ground sloths of the family Megalonychidae endemic to North America from the Hemphillian of the Late Miocene through to the Rancholabrean of the Pleistocene, living from ~10.3 Mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:The generic name...
Ground sloth
Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. Their most recent survivors lived in the Antilles, where it has been proposed they may have survived until 1550 CE; however, the youngest AMS radiocarbon date reported is 4190 BP, calibrated to c. 4700 BP...
Megalonyx jeffersonii
Megalonyx jeffersonii, or Jefferson's ground sloth, is an extinct species of giant ground sloth that lived from the Illinoian Stage during the Middle Pleistocene through to the Rancholabrean of the Late Pleistocene . Its closest living relatives are the two-toed tree sloths of the genus...
Megatheriidae is a family of extinct ground sloths that lived from approximately 23 mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately .Megatheriids appeared later in the Oligocene, some 30 million years ago, also in South America. The group includes the heavily-built Megatherium and Eremotherium...
- Genus
Megatherium was a genus of elephant-sized ground sloths endemic to Central America and South America that lived from the Pliocene through Pleistocene existing approximately...
Eremotherium is an extinct genus of actively mobile ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae, endemic to North America and South America during the Pleistocene epoch...
- Giant Ground Sloth (
Suborder Cingulata

- Family GlyptodontidaeGlyptodontidaeGlyptodonts were large, more heavily armored relatives of extinct pampatheres and modern armadillos.They first evolved during the Miocene in South America, which remained their center of species diversity...
- Genus
Doedicurus clavicaudatus was a prehistoric glyptodont, living during the Pleistocene until the end of the last glacial period, some 11,000 years ago. This was the largest known glyptodontid, and one of the better known members of the New World Pleistocene megafauna, with a height of 1.5 meters and...
Glyptodon was a large, armored mammal of the family Glyptodontidae, a relative of armadillos that lived during the Pleistocene Epoch. It was roughly the same size and weight as a Volkswagen Beetle, though flatter in shape...
to be sorted
Eremotherium is an extinct genus of actively mobile ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae, endemic to North America and South America during the Pleistocene epoch...
Glossotherium was a genus of ground sloth. It was a heavily built animal with a length of about snout to tail-tip, and could potentially assume a slight bipedal stance.Fossils of this animal have been found in South America...
Glyptotherium Hapalops
Hapalops is an extinct genus of ground sloth from the late Oligocene of South America.Though related to the giant Megatherium, Hapalops was much smaller, measuring about in length. Like most extinct sloths it is categorized as a ground sloth, but it is believed that the smaller size of Hapalops...
Metacheiromys is an extinct genus of mammal from the Mid Eocene of what is now Wyoming.Metacheiromys looked superficially like a modern mongoose, and measured around long. It had long claws and a narrow head similar in shape to that of an armadillo or an anteater...
Nothrotheriops is a genus of Pleistocene ground sloth found in North and South America. This genus of bear-sized xenarthran was related to the much larger, and far more famous Megatherium, although it has recently been placed in a different family, Nothrotheriidae.-Discovery and species:Fossils of...
Nothrotherium is an extinct genus of ground sloth from South America....
Peltephilus ferox, the Horned Armadillo, was a species of dog-sized, armadillo-like xenarthran mammal which first inhabited Argentina during the Oligocene epoch, and became extinct in the Miocene epoch. Notably, the scutes on its head were so developed that they formed horns protecting its eyes...
Order Pholidota
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family EpoicotheriidaeEpoicotheriidaeEpoicotheriidae is an extinct family of pangolin-like insectivore mammals which were endemic to North America from the Eocene to the Oligocene 55.4—33.9 Ma existing for approximately ..Epoicotheriids were highly specialized animals that were convergent on golden moles in the structure of their...
(extinct) - Family EscavadodontidaeEscavadodontidaeEscavadodontidae is an extinct family of pangolin-like insectivore mammals which were endemic to North America from the Paleocene 63.3—60.2 Ma existing for approximately ..-Taxonomy:...
(extinct) - Family Metacheiromyidae(extinct)
- Family Manidae (extant)
- Subfamily EurotamanduaEurotamanduaEurotamandua is an extinct mammal that lived some 49 million years ago, during the early Eocene.A single fossil is known, coming from the Messel Pit. It was about 90 cm long. It is often classified as a pangolin...
(extinct) - Subfamily Maninae (extant)
- Genus
- Subfamily Eurotamandua
Eomanis is the earliest known true pangolin from the Middle Eocene of Europe. Fossils collected from the Messel Pit, Germany, indicate that this 50 cm long animal was rather similar to living pangolins. However, unlike modern pangolins, its tail and legs did not bear scales...
Necromanis is an extinct genus of pangolin from the Miocene of France. Necromanis is descended from the Eocene pangolins of genus Eomanis....
Order Tubulidentata
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Genus
Orycteropus is a genus of mammals in the family Orycteropodidae within Tubulidentata.The only living species of all Tubulidentata is the Aardvark .- Species :* Orycteropus afer - Aardvark* † Orycteropus abundulafus...
Order Proboscidea

The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family Moeritheriidae
- Genus
Moeritherium is a genus consisting of several species. These prehistoric mammals are related to the elephant and, more distantly, the sea cow...
- Genus
Phiomia is an extinct genus of basal proboscid that lived in what is now Northern Africa during the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene some 36-35 million years ago. "Phiomia serridens" means "saw-toothed animal of Faiyum"....
Deinotheriidae is a family of prehistoric elephant-like proboscideans that lived during the Tertiary period, first appearing in Africa, then spreading across southern Asia and Europe. During that time they changed very little, apart from growing much larger in size - by the late Miocene they had...
- Genus
Deinotherium , also called the Hoe tusker, was a large prehistoric relative of modern-day elephants that appeared in the Middle Miocene and continued until the Early Pleistocene. During that time it changed very little...
Mammutidae is a family of extinct proboscideans that lived between the Miocene to the Pleistocene or Holocene. The family was first described in 1922, classifying fossil specimens of the type genus Mammut , and has since been placed in various arrangements of the order...
- Genus
- American mastodon (
- Genus
Amebelodon is a member of a diverse group of primitive proboscideans called gomphotheres, a group that also gave rise to the modern elephants and their close relative the mammoth. The most striking attribute of this animal is its lower tusks, which are narrow, elongated,and distinctly flattened...
Platybelodon was a genus of large herbivorous mammal related to the elephant . It lived during the Miocene Epoch, about 15-4 million years ago, and ranged over Africa, Europe, Asia and North America...
- Genus
Gomphotherium is an extinct genus of proboscid which evolved in the Early Miocene of North America from 13.650—3.6 Ma, living about .The genus emigrated into Asia, Europe and Africa after a drop in sea level allowed them to cross over...
Cuvieronius is an extinct New World genus of gomphothere. It is named after the French naturalist Georges Cuvier, stood 2.7 m tall and looked like a modern elephant except for its spiral-shaped tusks.-Origin:...
Anancus is an extinct genus of gomphothere endemic to Africa, Europe, and Asia, that lived during the Turolian age of the late Miocene to early Pleistocene, roughly from 3—1.5 million years ago....
Elephantidae is a taxonomic family, collectively elephants and mammoths. These are terrestrial large mammals with a trunk and tusks. Most genera and species in the family are extinct...
Stegotetrabelodon is an extinct genus of elephant or gomphothere from the Miocene.-References:*Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age by Adrian Lister; Paul G. Bahn*Classification of Mammals by Malcolm C. McKenna and Susan K. Bell...
- Genus
Stegodon , is a genus of the extinct subfamily Stegodontinae of the order Proboscidea. It was assigned to the family Elephantidae , but has also been placed in Stegodontidae . Stegodonts were present from 11.6 mya to 4,100 years ago...
Elephas is one of two surviving genera in the order of elephants, Proboscidea. The genus has one surviving species, the Asian elephant Elephas maximus....
Elephas falconeri
Elephas falconeri is an extinct Siculo-Maltese species of elephant closely related to the modern Asian elephant...
Palaeoloxodon is an extinct subgenus of elephants, containing the various species of straight-tusked elephant. Its species' remains have been found in Bilzingsleben, Germany; Cyprus; Japan; Sicily; Malta; and recently in England during the excavation of the second Channel Tunnel. The English...
- Columbian MammothColumbian MammothThe Columbian Mammoth is an extinct species of elephant of the Quaternary period that appeared in North America during the late Pleistocene. It is believed by some authorities to be the same species as its slightly larger cousin, M...
Pygmy Mammoth
The Pygmy Mammoth or Channel Islands Mammoth is an extinct species of dwarf elephant descended from the Columbian mammoth . A case of island or insular dwarfism, M. exilis was only to tall at the shoulder and weighed about , in contrast to its tall, ancestor.Remains of M...
Mammuthus imperator
The Imperial Mammoth is an extinct species of mammoth endemic to North America from the Pliocene through Pleistocene, living from 4.9 mya—11,000 years ago....
Mammuthus meridionalis
Mammuthus meridionalis is an extinct species of mammoth endemic to Europe and central Asia from the Pleistocene, living from 2.5–0.126 mya existing for approximately ....
Woolly mammoth
The woolly mammoth , also called the tundra mammoth, is a species of mammoth. This animal is known from bones and frozen carcasses from northern North America and northern Eurasia with the best preserved carcasses in Siberia...
See also:
- Dwarf elephantDwarf elephantDwarf elephants are prehistoric members of the order Proboscidea, that, through the process of allopatric speciation, evolved to a fraction of the size of their immediate ancestors...
Order Desmostylia

The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
- Family DesmostylidaeDesmostylidaeDesmostylidae is an extinct family of herbivorous marine mammal belonging to the order of Desmostylia living along the coast of the Pacific Ocean from the Rupelian stage of the Early Oligocene through the Chattian stage of the Late Oligocene existing for approximately .Desmostylidae are...
- Genus
Desmostylus is a monotypic extinct genus of herbivorous mammal of the family Desmostylidae living from the Chattian stage of the Late Oligocene subepoch through the Late Miocene subepoch and in existence for approximately ....
- Genus
Paleoparadoxia is a genus of large, herbivorous marine mammals that inhabited the northern Pacific coastal region during the Miocene epoch . It ranged from the waters of Japan , to Alaska to the north, and down to Baja California, Mexico...
- Genus
Ashoroa is an extinct genus of Desmostylia. Fossils for Ashoroa came from Japan and were dated from the late Oligocene....
Behemotops is an extinct genus of herbivorous marine mammal of the family Desmostylidae living from the Rupelian stage of the Early Oligocene subepoch through the Late Oligocene subepoch and in existence for approximately ....
Order Sirenia
The Eocene Epoch, lasting from about 56 to 34 million years ago , is a major division of the geologic timescale and the second epoch of the Paleogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Eocene spans the time from the end of the Palaeocene Epoch to the beginning of the Oligocene Epoch. The start of the...
- Family ProrastomidaeProrastomidaeProrastomidae is a taxonomic family of extinct animals related to the extant manatees and dugong. The family includes two genera:*Pezosiren*Prorastomus...
- Genus
Prorastomus sirenoides is an extinct species of primitive sirenian that lived during the Eocene Epoch 40 million years ago in Jamaica.-Description:...
Pezosiren portelli is the name given to an early sirenian represented by a Jamaican fossil skeleton, described in 2001 by Daryl Domning, a marine mammal paleontologist at Howard University in Washington, DC...
- Genus
Protosiren is an extinct early genus of the order Sirenia. Protosiren existed throughout the Lutetian and Bartonian stages of the Middle Eocene. Its geographic distribution was intercontinental: fossils have been found in the United States , Egypt, France, Hungary, India, and Pakistan...
Dugongidae is a family in the order of Sirenia.The family has one surviving species, the Dugong , one recently extinct species, the Steller's Sea Cow , and a number of extinct genera known from the fossil record....
- Genus
Rytiodus is an extinct genus of sirenian, whose fossils have been discovered in Europe.-Description:With a length of 6 m , Rytiodus was about twice the size as modern sirenians, surpassed only by Steller's sea cow, which was up to 8 m long. Like its closest modern relatives, the dugongs, Rytiodus...
Steller's Sea Cow
Steller's sea cow was a large herbivorous marine mammal. In historical times, it was the largest member of the order Sirenia, which includes its closest living relative, the dugong , and the manatees...
- Genus
to be sorted
Suborder Archaeoceti
- Family Pakicetidae
- Genus
Pakicetus is a genus of extinct terrestrial carnivorous mammal of the family Pakicetidae which was endemic to Pakistan from the Eocene .Pakicetus existed for approximately...
Gandakasia was a genus of ambulocetid from Pakistan, that lived in the Eocene epoch. It probably caught its prey near rivers or streams....
Nalacetus is an extinct genus of mammal belonging to the family Pakicetidae which were endemic to southern Asia living during the Lutenian stage of the Middle Eocene and existing for approximately ....
Ichthyolestes was a genus of mammal belonging to the family Pakicetidae which were endemic to southern Asia living during the Lutenian stage of the Middle Eocene and existing for approximately ....
Ambulocetidae is a family of early cetaceans from Pakistan that still were able to walk on land. The genus Ambulocetus, after which the family is named, is by far the most complete and well-known ambulocetid genus due to the discovery by Thewissen et al. of a partially complete specimen of...
- Genus
Ambulocetus was an early cetacean that could walk as well as swim. It lived during early Eocene some 50-49 million years ago. It is a transitional fossil that shows how whales evolved from land-living mammals. The Ambulocetus fossils were found in Pakistan by anthropologist Johannes Thewissen...
Himalayacetus is an extinct genus of carnivorous aquatic mammal of the family Ambulocetidae from the coastline of the ancient Tethys Ocean during the Eocene, living from 55.8—48.6 mya, existing for approximately ....
Remingtonocetidae is a family of early carnivorous freshwater aquatic mammals of the order Cetacea endemic to the coastline of the ancient Tethys Ocean during the Eocene living from 55.8—48.6 mya, existing for approximately ....
- Genus
Kutchicetus is an extinct genus of early carnivorous freshwater whales of the family Remingtonocetidae endemic to the coastline of the ancient Tethys Ocean during the Eocene living from 55.8—40.4 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
The protocetids form a diverse and heterogeneous group of cetaceans known from Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. There were many genera, and some of these are very well known . Known protocetids had large fore- and hindlimbs that could support the body on land, and it is likely that they...
- Genus
Rodhocetus is one of several extinct whale genera that possess land mammal characteristics, thus demonstrating the evolutionary transition from land to sea.-Description:...
(??? Ma)
Protocetus atavus is an extinct species of primitive cetacean from Egypt. It lived during the middle Eocene period 45 million years ago....
- Genus
Dorudon was a genus of ancient cetacean that lived alongside Basilosaurus 41 to 33 million years ago, in the Eocene. They were about five meters long and were most likely carnivorous, feeding on small fish and mollusks. Dorudontines lived in warm seas around the world...
(40–36 Ma)
Zygorhiza kochii is an extinct species of cetacean.Zygorhiza was a smaller, less elongated, 6 m long relative of the famous Basilosaurus. Its bodily proportions were similar to those of modern whales, although, unlike modern species, it had a distinct neck, and flippers which could be moved at...
Basilosauridae is family of extinct cetaceans that lived in tropical seas during the late Eocene.-Taxonomy:*Family Basilosauridae** Subfamily Basilosaurinae*** Genus Basilosaurus*** Genus Basiloterus** Subfamily Dorudontinae...
- Genus
Basilosaurus is a genus of cetacean that lived from in the Late Eocene. Its fossilized remains were first discovered in the southern United States . The American fossils were initially believed to be some sort of reptile, hence the suffix -"saurus", but later found to be a marine mammal...
(40–37 Ma)
Suborder Mysticeti
- Family MammalodontidaeMammalodontidaeMammalodontidae is an extinct family of whales known from the Oligocene of Australia.There are currently two genera is this family: Janjucetus and Mammalodon. After a new cladistic analysis by Fitzgerald , Janjucetus was transferred into Mammalodontidae, thereby making Janjucetidae a junior synonym...
- Genus
Mammalodon is an extinct genus of whale that was discovered in 1932. It is an early baleen whale which still had teeth, as opposed to baleen plates. It is one of two genera in the family Mammalodontidae....
Cetotheriidae is an extinct family of baleen whales in the suborder Mysticeti. The family existed from the Late Oligocene to the Late Pliocene before going extinct.-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Cetotherium is a genus of the extinct cetaceans from the family Cetotheriidae .-Known species:...
- Genus
Janjucetus is an extinct genus of whale, and a basal form of the Mysticeti, a clade which includes the extant baleen whales. The only known species, Janjucetus hunderi, lived during the late Oligocene, about 25 million years ago in coastal seas off southeast Australia. Unlike modern mysticetes, it...
to be sorted
- Genus
Eobalaenoptera harrisoni
Eobalaenoptera harrisoni is an extinct species of baleen whale. The species was first described in June 2004 by researchers at the Virginia Museum of Natural History....
Suborder Odontoceti
- Family Squalodontidae
- Genus
Prosqualodon is an extinct genus of cetacean.Prosqualodon was related to and looked like modern toothed whales. It was about long and resembled a dolphin...
Squalodon is an extinct genus of whales, belonging to the family Squalodontidae. Named by Grateloup in 1840, it was originally believed to be an iguanodontid dinosaur but has since been reclassified. The name Squalodon comes from Squalus, a genus of shark...
Shark Tooth dolphin
- Genus
Eurhinodelphis is an extinct genus of Miocene cetacean. Its fossils have been found in France, Belgium, Maryland and California.-Description:...
Kentriodontidae is an extinct family of odontocet whales related to modern dolphins. The Family lived from the Oligocene to the Pliocene before going extinct.-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Kentriodon is an extinct species of toothed whale. Fossils have been found in Europe, Asia, New Zealand, and the United States.Kentriodon was the most diverse of all the kentriodontids, which include three named species and five undescribed species...
- Genus
- Genus
Odobenocetops was a small whale from the Pliocene. It had two tusks, and, in some fossils, one tusk was longer than the other.-Description:...
Suborder Hippomorpha
- Superfamily Brontotheroidea
- Family BrontotheriidaeBrontotheriidaeBrontotheriidae, also called Titanotheriidae, is a family of extinct mammals belonging to the order Perissodactyla, the order that includes horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs. Superficially they looked rather like rhinos, although they were not true rhinos and are probably most closely related to...
- Genus
- Family Brontotheriidae
Pakotitanops is an obscure genus of brontothere.The only known species is Pakotitanops latidentatus. It is represented only by a few tooth fragments from the middle Eocene Kuldana Formation, in the Ganda Kas area of Pakistan...
- Genus
Lambdotherium is a genus of North American brontothere....
- Genus
Paleosyops is a genus of small brontothere.These animals are commonly found in Wyoming fossil beds primarily as fossilized teeth. From all of the species of this animal, it is concluded that P. major was the largest, reaching the size of a tapir...
Mulkrajanops is a type of brontothere endemic to India during the Eocene living from 55.8—48.6 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Metarhinus is a genus of brontothere endemic to North America during the Eocene living from 46.2—42 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Metarhinus was named by Osborn . It is not extant. Its type is Metarhinus fluviatilis...
Mesatirhinus is a genus of brontothere endemic to North America during the Eocene living from 50.3—42 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Duchesneodus is a large brontothere endemic to North America during the Eocene living from 46.2—38 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Brontotherium is an extinct genus of prehistoric odd-toed ungulate mammal of the family Brontotheriidae, an extinct group of rhinoceros-like browsers related to horses. The genus was found in North America during the Late Eocene....
Megacerops is an extinct genus of the family Brontotheriidae endemic to North America during the Late Eocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Embolotherium is an extinct genus of brontothere that lived in Mongolia during the late Eocene period. It is most easily recognized by a large bony protuberance emanating from the anterior end of the skull...
- Genus
Brachydiastematherium transylvanicum is the westernmost species of brontothere, with the first fossils of it being found in Transylvania, Romania. In comparison with other brontothere fossils, it is suggested that B...
Rhinotitan is an extinct genus of brontothere from the Eocene of China.-References:* Classification of Mammals by Malcolm C. McKenna and Susan K. Bell...
Sphenocoelus is an extinct genus of brontothere of the subfamily Dolichorhininae, family Brontotheriidae, endemic to North America during the Middle Eocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Protitanotherium emarginatum is a genus of brontothere endemic to North America during the Eocene living from 46.2—33.9 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Oreinotherium is a genus of brontothere.According to one source, the species of Oreinotherium are merged into the genus Megacerops.-References:...
Brontops is an extinct genus of rhinoceros-like perissodactyl mammal.According to one source, Brontops is subsumed into genus Megacerops.-Appearance:...
Protitanops was a genus of brontothere that lived during the Eocene, in the Western United States, especially in Death Valley, California, where the best specimens of the species P. curryi have been found. It bore a strong resemblance to Brontops brontotheres with its knob-shaped horns...
- Genus
Sthenodectes is a genus of brontothere endemic to North America during the Paleogene living from 46.2—42 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Telmatherium is a genus of a North American Brontothere. It stood tall. It lived during the Eocene epoch....
- Genus
Notiotitanops is a brontothere endemic to North America during the Eocene living from 48.6—37.2 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Notiotitanops was named by Gazin and Sullivan...
Menodus giganteus is a species of brontothere. The best known specimen is a mounted skeleton in the Field Museum of Natural History.According to one source , M. giganteus is merged into the genus Megacerops....
Ateleodon is a genus of brontothere from the late Eocene of North America-Taxonomy:According to Mihlbachler and others , Ateleodon is synonymized with Megacerops, which also includes the species of the genera Menodus, Brontotherium, Brontops, Menops, and Oreinotherium...
- Family Pachynolophidae
- Family PalaeotheriidaePalaeotheriidaePalaeotheres are an extinct group of herbivorous mammals related to tapirs and rhinoceros, and probably ancestral to horses. They ranged across Europe and Asia during the Eocene through Oligocene 55—28 Ma, existing for approximately ....
- Genus
Hyracotherium , also known as Eohippus or the dawn horse, is an extinct genus of very small perissodactyl ungulates that lived in the woodlands of the northern hemisphere, with species ranging throughout Asia, Europe, and North America during the early Tertiary Period and the early to mid Eocene...
Propalaeotherium was an early genus of perissodactyl ancestral to the horse endemic to Europe and Asia during the Middle Eocene.Its name means "before Palaeotherium", as it is the ancestor of Palaeotherium, another relative of early horses...
Palaeotherium is an extinct genus of primitive perissodactyl ungulate. George Cuvier originally described them as being a kind of tapir, and as such, Palaeotherium is popularly reconstructed as a tapir-like animal...
Equidae is the taxonomic family of horses and related animals, including the extant horses, donkeys, and zebras, and many other species known only from fossils. All extant species are in the genus Equus...
- Genus
Miohippus was a genus of prehistoric horse existing longer than most Equidae. Miohippus lived in what is now North America during the Oligocene approximately 32-25 million years ago. While descending genera of this species lived during the Miocene period, the Miohippus was a horse of the Oligocene...
Orohippus is an extinct ancestor of the modern horse that lived in the Eocene .thumb|left|Restoration...
Mesohippus is an extinct genus of early horse. It lived some 40 to 30 million years ago from the late Eocene to the mid-Oligocene...
The Anchitheriinae are an extinct subfamily of the Perissodactyla family Equidae, the same family which includes modern horses, zebras and donkeys. This subfamily is more primitive then the living members of the family. The group first appeared with Mesohippus in north America during the middle...
- Genus
Megahippus is an extinct equid genus belonging to the subfamily Anchitheriinae. As with other members of this subfamily, Megahippus is more primitive than the living horses. Fossil remains of Megahippus have been found across the U.S., from Montana to Florida.-References:* *...
Anchitherium was a fossil horse with a three-toed hoof.Anchitherium was a browsing horse that originated in the early Miocene of North America and subsequently dispersed to Europe and Asia, where it gave rise to the larger bodied genus Sinohippus...
Equinae is a subfamily of the family Equidae, which lived worldwide from the Hemingfordian stage of the Early Miocene to present and in existence for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Archaeohippus is an extinct three toed member of the family Equidae known from fossils of Late Oligocene to early Miocene age. The genus is noted for several distinct skeletal features. The skull possesses deeply pocketed fossa in a notably long preorbital region. The genus is considered an...
The extinct Cormohipparion was originally described as a new genus of horse, and assigned to the tribe Hipparionini. However it was soon argued that the partial material fell within the range of morphological variation seen in Hipparion, and that the members of Cormohipparion belonged instead...
Hipparion is an extinct genus of horse living in North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa during the Miocene through Pleistocene ~23 Mya—781,000 years ago, existing for...
Hippidion was a Welsh pony-sized horse that lived in South America during the Pleistocene epoch, between two million and 10,000 years ago....
Hippotherium is an extinct genus of horse endemic to North America, to Asia, Europe, and Africa during the Miocene through Pliocene ~13.65—3.3 Mya, existing for .- Taxonomy :...
Merychippus is an extinct proto-horse of the family Equidae that was endemic to North America during the Miocene from 20.43—10.3 Ma living for approximately .It had three toes on each foot and is the first horse known to have grazed...
Parahippus is an extinct relative of the modern horse, very similar to Miohippus, but slightly larger, at around tall, at the withers....
Pliohippus is an extinct genus of Equidae, the "horse family". Pliohippus arose in the middle Miocene, around 12 million years ago, probably from Calippus. It was similar in appearance to Equus, but had two long extra toes on both sides of the hoof, externally barely visible as callused stubs...
Scaphohippus is an extinct Miocene genus of equine, with two known species, known from fossils found in California, New Mexico, Montana, and Nebraska.-History:...
Suborder Ceratomorpha
- Superfamily Rhinocerotoidea
- Family AmynodontidaeAmynodontidaeThe Amynodonts were a group of hippo-like perissodactyls, related to true rhinoceri, that were descended from the Hyracodontidae. They ranged from North America, Europe and Asia during the Late Eocene to Miocene living from 46.2 Ma—7 Ma years ago and existed for approximately .The last species died...
(Hippo-rhinos)- Subfamily Amynodontinae
- Subfamily Metamynodontinae
- Genus
- Family Amynodontidae
Metamynodon is an extinct genus of amynodont perissodactyls, and is among the longest lived genera of amynodonts, having first appeared during the late Eocene, and becoming extinct during the early Miocene, when it was supplanted by the semiaquatic rhinoceros, Teleoceras...
Hyracodontidae is an extinct family of rhinoceroses endemic to North America, Europe, and Asia during the Eocene through early Miocene living from 55.8—20 mya, existing for approximately .They are typified as having long limbs and having no horns...
(Giant rhinos)
- Subfamily IndricotheriinaeIndricotheriinaeIndricotheriinae is a subfamily of Hyracodontidae, a group of long-limbed, hornless rhinoceroses that evolved in the Eocene epoch and continued through to the early Miocene. The earlier hyracodontid species, such as Hyracodon were modest-sized, fast-running, lightly built animals with little...
- Genus
Juxia is an extinct genus of indricothere, a group of animals similar to the living rhinoceros. Juxia was in the size of a horse. It lived in Asia during the upper Eocene. It had hair on its neck....
- Baluchitherium (
Paraceratherium, also commonly known as Indricotherium or Baluchitherium , is an extinct genus of gigantic hornless rhinoceros-like mammals of the family Hyracodontidae, endemic to Eurasia and Asia during the Eocene to Oligocene 37.2—23.030 Mya, existing for approximately...
- Genus
Hyracodon is an extinct genus of mammal.It was a lightly built, pony-like mammal of about 1.5 m long. Hyracodons skull was large in comparison to the rest of the body...
Rhinoceros , also known as rhino, is a group of five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae. Two of these species are native to Africa and three to southern Asia....
- Genus
Teleoceras is an extinct genus of grazing rhinoceros that lived in North America during the Miocene epoch, which ended about 5.3 million years ago, all the way to the early Pliocene epoch....
Trigonias is an extinct genus of rhinoceros from the late Eocene some 35 million years ago of North America ....
- Genus
- Woolly RhinocerosWoolly RhinocerosThe woolly rhinoceros is an extinct species of rhinoceros that was common throughout Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene epoch and survived the last glacial period. The genus name Coelodonta means "cavity tooth"...
Sumatran Rhinoceros
The Sumatran Rhinoceros is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It is the only extant species of the genus Dicerorhinus. It is the smallest rhinoceros, although is still a large mammal. This rhino stands high at the shoulder, with a head-and-body length of ...
- Genus
Sinotherium was a genus of single-horned rhinoceri of the late Miocene and Pliocene. It was ancestral to Elasmotherium, and its fossils have been found in western China....
Iranotherium was a large elasmothere rhinoceros, as big as a modern white rhino, found in Central Asia. It was a precursor of the related Sinotherium, and may have been ultimately outcompeted by its descendant....
Menoceras is a genus of extinct, small rhinoceros endemic to most of southern North America and ranged as far south as Panama during the early Miocene epoch. It lived from around 30.7—19.7 Ma, existing for approximately .-Behaviour:...
Elasmotherium is an extinct genus of giant rhinoceros endemic to Eurasia during the Late Pliocene through the Pleistocene, documented from 2.6 mya to as late as 50,000 years ago, possibly later, in the Late Pleistocene, an approximate span of slightly less than 2.6 million years. Three species...
Tapiroidea is a superfamily of perissodactyls which includes the modern Tapir. Members of the Superfamily are small to large browsing mammals, roughly pig-like in shape, with short, prehensile snouts. Their closest relatives are the other odd-toed ungulates, including horses and rhinoceroses...
- Genus
Hyrachyus is an extinct genus of perissodactyl mammal that lived in Eocene Europe and North America. Its remains have also been found in Jamaica. It is closely related to Lophiodon....
- Genus
Lophiodon is an extinct genus of mammal related to tapirs. It lived in Eocene Europe, and is closely related to Hyrachyus....
Miotapirus harrisonensis is an extinct species of tapir lived during the early Miocene Epoch some 20 million years ago in North America.Physically Miotapirus was virtually identical to its modern relatives; with a length of 2 m it was even the same size. Most likely it was also nocturnal and very...
- Family Lophiodontidae
- Genus
Lophiodon is an extinct genus of mammal related to tapirs. It lived in Eocene Europe, and is closely related to Hyrachyus....
Lophiaspis is an extinct genus of chalicothere endemic to Europe during the Eocene living from 55.8—37.2 Ma and existed for approximately .Lophiaspis was named by Depéret...
- Subfamily ChalicotheriinaeChalicotheriinaeChalicotheriines make up an extinct subfamily of the family Chalicotheriidae, a group of herbivorous, odd-toed ungulate mammals. Characteristic of this group is an unusual, gorilla-like body plan with very long forelimbs, short hindlimbs, and a partial knuckle-walking position. Analysis of dental...
- Genus
Chalicotherium is a genus of extinct browsing odd-toed ungulates of the order Perissodactyla and family Chalicotheriidae, found in Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Late Oligocene to Lower Pliocene, living from 16—7.75 mya, existing for approximately .This animal...
Anisodon is an extinct genus of chalicothere.-References:* Classification of Mammals by Malcolm C. McKenna and Susan K. Bell...
Nestoritherium is an extinct genus of chalicothere....
Schizotheriines make up an extinct clade of the family Chalicotheriidae, a group of herbivorous, odd-toed ungulate mammals. Unlike the gorilla-like proportions of other chalicotheres, schizotheriines had smaller body proportions, closer to those of Moropus. Analysis of dental microwear implies...
- Genus
Ancylotherium is an extinct genus of the family Chalicotheriidae, subfamily Schizotheriinae, endemic to Europe, Asia, and Africa during the Late Miocene-Pliocene , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Borissiakia is an extinct genus of chalicothere, a group of herbivorous, odd-toed ungulate mammals. They had claws that were likely used in a hook-like manner to pull down branches, suggesting they lived as bipedal browsers.-Sources:...
Chemositia is an extinct genus of chalicothere, a group of herbivorous, odd-toed ungulate mammals. They lived in Africa, and had claws that were likely used in a hook-like manner to pull down branches, suggesting they lived as bipedal browsers....
Kalimantsia is an extinct chalicothere from the Miocene of Bulgaria, Europe. It contains one species, K. bulgarica.-Description:Kalimantsia is named for the area in which it was discovered in 2001 by Geraads, Spassov, and Kovachev...
Limognitherium is an extinct genus of chalicothere....
Moropus is an extinct genus of mammal, belonging to a group called chalicotheres, which were perissodactyl mammals, endemic to North America during the Miocene from ~23.0—13.6 Mya, existing for approximately ....
Tylocephalonyx is an extinct dome-headed chalicothere from the Miocene in North America.It may have used its "dome" in the same way as the pachycephalosaurs...
Suborder Suina
- Family DichobunidaeDichobunidaeDichobunidae is an extinct family of early even-toed hoofed mammals known from the early Eocene to late Oligocene of North America, Europe, and Asia. Dichobunidae includes some of the earliest known artiodactyls, such as Diacodexis....
- Genus
Messelobunodon is an extinct genus of early even-toed ungulate....
Diacodexis is an extinct genus of small herbivore mammal belonging to the family Dichobunidae which lived in North America and Asia from 55.4 mya—46.2 mya. and existing for approximately ....
Entelodonts, sometimes nicknamed hell pigs or terminator pigs, is an extinct family of pig-like omnivores endemic to forests and plains of North America, Europe, and Asia from the middle Eocene to early Miocene epochs , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Entelodontidae was named by Richard...
- Genus ArchaeotheriumArchaeotheriumArchaeotherium is an extinct artiodactyl genus of the family Entelodontidae, endemic to North America during the Oligocene epoch , existing for approximately . Archaeotherium was about 1.2m tall at the shoulder and around 2m long and weighing around 270kg.It was a relative of javelinas and pigs...
- Genus AntillodaeodonAntillodaeodonAntillodaeodon is an extinct genus of horned entelodont from the Late Eocene of Death Valley, California....
- Genus BrachyhyopsBrachyhyopsBrachyhyops is an extinct genus of the family Entelodontidae, endemic to North America and western Asia during the Eocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus ParaentelodonParaentelodonParaentelodon is an extinct entelodont from the Late Oligocene of Eurasia.It was very similar in size and form to the giant entelodont, Daeodon, of early Miocene North America. Some researchers suggest that it was either ancestral to, or shared an ancestor with Daeodon...
- Genus CypretheriumCypretheriumCypretherium coarctatum is an extinct entelodont from the Chadronian strata of the Cypress Hills Formation in Saskatchewan....
- Genus Daeodon
- Genus EoentelodonEoentelodonEoentelodon is a small, primitive entelodont, assigned as such by Carroll , from the Middle Eocene of China. It was a very small entelodont, about the size of a modern pig, and was slightly smaller than its North American counterpart, Brachyhyops.Eoentelodon was synonymized subjectively with...
- Genus EntelodonEntelodonEntelodon , is a genus of Entelodontidae endemic to Europe, Eurasia, Asia from the early Eocene through Oligocene living 37.2—28.4 mya, existing approximately ....
- Genus DinohyusDinohyusDaeodon , one of the largest, if not the largest, entelodont artiodactyls, lived 25-18 million years ago in North America....
Suidae is the biological family to which pigs belong. In addition to numerous fossil species, up to sixteen extant species are currently recognized, classified into between four and eight genera...
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig, its ancestor the wild boar, and several other wild relatives...
- Genus MetridiochoerusMetridiochoerusMetridiochoerus is an extinct genus of pig indigenous to the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Africa.-Description:Metridiochoerus was a large animal, in length, resembling a giant warthog. It had two large pairs of tusks which were pointed sideways and curved upwards...
- Genus KubanochoerusKubanochoerusKubanochoerus was a genus of large, long-legged pigs from the Miocene of Eurasia.-Description:The largest species, the aptly named K. gigas, grew to be up at the shoulder, and probably weighed up to in life. The heads of these pigs were unmistakable, with small eyebrow horns, and a large horn...
- Genus KolpochoerusKolpochoerusKolpochoerus is an extinct genus of the pig family Suidae related to the modern-day genera Hylochoerus and Potamochoerus. It is believed that most of them inhabited African forests, as opposed to the Bushpig and Red River Hog that inhabit open brush and savannas. There are currently 8 recognized...
- Genus Nyanzachoerus
- Genus Notochoerus
A peccary is a medium-sized mammal of the family Tayassuidae, or New World Pigs. Peccaries are members of the artiodactyl suborder Suina, as are the pig family and possibly the hippopotamus family...
- Genus PlatygonusPlatygonusPlatygonus is an extinct genus of herbivorous peccary of the family Tayassuidae, endemic to North America from the Miocene through Pleistocene epochs , existing for approximately ....
- Genus MylohyusMylohyusMylohyus is an extinct genus of peccary found in North and Central America. It evolved in the Pliocene and its extinction is probably as recent as 9,000 years ago. It would have been familiar with early humans....
Oreodons, sometimes called prehistoric "ruminating hogs," were a family of cud-chewing plant-eater with a short face and tusk-like canine teeth...
- Genus Promerycochoerus
- Genus MerycoidodonMerycoidodonMerycoidodon is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore of the family Merycoidodontidae, subfamily Merycoidodontinae ,...
- Genus BrachycrusBrachycrusBrachycrus is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore of the family Merycoidodontidae, subfamily Merycochoerinae, endemic to North America during the Middle Miocene to Late Miocene subepochs existing for approximately ....
- Genus LeptaucheniaLeptaucheniaLeptauchenia is an extinct goat-like genus of terrestrial herbivore belonging to the oreodont family Merycoidodontidae, and the type genus of the tribe Leptaucheniini...
- Genus SespiaSespiaSespia is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore of the family Merycoidodontidae, subfamily Merycoidodontinae , endemic to North America during the Whitneyan stage of the Oligocene-Late Oligocene epochs existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Sespia was named by Schultz and Falkenbach as a...
- Genus MesoreodonMesoreodonMesoreodon is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore of the family Merycoidodontidae, subfamily Merycoidodontinae , endemic to North America during the Whitneyan stage of the Oligocene-Miocene epochs existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Mesoreodon was named by Scott and its type is Mesoreodon...
- Genus MiniochoerusMiniochoerusMiniochoerus is a small extinct genus of oreodont endemic to North America during the Late Eocene which existed for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus EporeodonEporeodonEporeodon is an extinct genus of oreodont belonging to the subfamily Eporeodontidae during the Oligocene epoch existing for approximately ....
- Genus CainotheriumCainotheriumCainotherium commune is an extinct rabbit-sized herbivore that lived in Europe during the Oligocene. It is believed that the 30 cm long Cainotherium was an even-toed ungulate, usually placed in the suborder Tylopoda, along with modern camelids...
Previously grouped with Helohyidae, Raoellidae is now a family in the Suborder Cetancodonta. It is found in Eocene of South and Southeast Asia....
- Genus IndohyusIndohyusIndohyus is a genus of extinct artiodactyl known from Eocene fossils in Asia, purported to be approximately 48 million years old. A December 2007 article in Nature by Thewissen et al. used an exceptionally complete skeleton of Indohyus from Kashmir to indicate that raoellids may be the "missing...
Hippopotamuses are the members of the family Hippopotamidae. They are the only extant artiodactyls which walk on four toes on each foot.- Characteristics :...
The hippopotamus , or hippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" , is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest land mammal and the heaviest...
- Genus ArchaeopotamusArchaeopotamusArchaeopotamus is an extinct genus of Hippopotamidae that lived between 7.5 and 1.8 million years ago in Africa and the Middle East. The genus was described in 2005 to encompass species of hippos that were previously grouped in Hexaprotodon....
- Genus HippopotamusHippopotamusThe hippopotamus , or hippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" , is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest land mammal and the heaviest...
Hippopotamus gorgopsHippopotamus gorgops is an extinct species of hippopotamus. It first appeared in Africa during the late Miocene, and eventually migrated into Europe during the early Pliocene . It became extinct prior to the Ice Age.With a length of and a shoulder height of H... - European HippopotamusEuropean HippopotamusHippopotamus antiquus, sometimes called the European Hippopotamus, was a species of hippopotamus that ranged across Europe, becoming extinct some time before the last ice age at the end of the Pleistocene epoch. H. antiquus ranged from the Iberian Peninsula to the British Isles to the Rhine River...
(Hippopotamus antiquus) - Madagascan Hippo (Hippopotamus madagascariensis)
- Madagascan Dwarf Hippo (Hippopotamus lemerlei)
- Cretan Dwarf HippopotamusCretan Dwarf HippopotamusHippopotamus creutzburgi is an extinct species of hippopotamus which lived on the island of Crete. Hippopopotamus colonized Crete probably 800,000 years ago and lived there during the Middle Pleistocene....
(Hippopotamus creutzburgi) - Maltese HippopotamusMaltese HippopotamusHippopotamus melitensis is an extinct hippopotamus. It arrived after the Messinian salinity crisis and lived during the Pleistocene on Malta. The absence of predators led to the dwarfing of the hippos...
(Hippopotamus melitensis) - Sicilian HippopotamusSicilian HippopotamusHippopotamus pentlandi is an extinct hippopotamus. It arrived after the Messinian salinity crisis and lived during the Pleistocene on Sicily...
(Hippopotamus pentlandi)
Hexaprotodon is a genus of Hippopotamidae that is sometimes applied to the pygmy hippopotamus. Pygmy hippos may be classified as either Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis...
Phanourios can refer to:*Phanourios , an Eastern Orthodox saint*Cyprus Dwarf Hippopotamus...
- Cyprus Dwarf HippopotamusCyprus Dwarf HippopotamusThe Cyprus Dwarf Hippopotamus or Cypriot Pygmy Hippopotamus is an extinct species of hippopotamus that inhabited the island of Cyprus until the early Holocene....
(Phanourios minutus)
Kenyapotamus is a possible ancestor of living hippopotamids that lived in Africa roughly 16 million to 8 million years ago during the Miocene epoch...
Anthracotheriidae is a family of extinct, hippopotamus-like artiodactyl ungulates related to hippopotamuses and whales. The oldest genus, Elomeryx, first appeared during the Middle Eocene in Asia...
- Genus ElomeryxElomeryxElomeryx is an extinct genus of artiodactyl ungulate, and is among the earliest known anthracotheres. The genus was extremely widespread, first being found in Asia in the middle Eocene, in Europe during the latest Eocene, and having spread to North America by the early Oligocene.Elomeryx was about...
- Genus BothriogenysBothriogenysBothriogenys was a genus of anthracotheres that lived in Eastern Africa during the early Oligocene. Most fossils have been found in Fayum, Egypt.In life, they would have resembled hippopotamuses with small, elongated heads....
- Genus BothriodonBothriodonBothriodon is an extinct genus of anthracotheriid artiodactyl from the late Eocene of Asia, Europe, and North America.-Sources:* The Beginning of the Age of Mammals by Kenneth D. Rose...
- Genus AnthracotheriumAnthracotheriumAnthracotherium was a genus of extinct artiodactyl ungulate mammals, characterized by having 44 teeth, with five semi-crescentic cusps on the crowns of the upper molars. The genus ranged throughout the Oligocene period, having a distribution throughout Europe, Asia, and North America...
- Genus LibycosaurusLibycosaurusLibycosaurus was one of the last anthracothere genera. It lived from the Middle to the Late Miocene, and ranged throughout Central and Northern Africa, and in Uganda, in what was then a lush, marshy environment....
- Genus MerycopotamusMerycopotamusMerycopotamus is an extinct genus of Asian anthracothere that appeared during the Middle Miocene, and died out in the Late Pliocene. At the height of the genus' influence, species ranged throughout southern Asia. With the extinction of the last species, M. dissimilis, the lineage of...
Suborder Tylopoda
- Family Camelidae (CamelCamelA camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. There are two species of camels: the dromedary or Arabian camel has a single hump, and the bactrian has two humps. Dromedaries are native to the dry desert areas of West Asia,...
s)- Genus AepycamelusAepycamelusAepycamelus is an extinct genus of camelid, formerly called Alticamelus which lived during the Miocene 20.6-4.9 Ma existing for approximately ....
(MioceneMioceneThe Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
) - Genus CamelopsCamelopsCamelops is an extinct genus of camels that once roamed western North America, where it disappeared at the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago. Its name is derived from the Greek κάμελος + , thus "camel-face."-Background:...
(PliocenePlioceneThe Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
– PleistocenePleistoceneThe Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
) - Genus Camelus
- Camelus hesternus
- Camelus sivalensis
- Genus Aepycamelus
- Genus OxydactylusOxydactylusOxydactylus, is an extinct terrestrial herbivorous genus of the tribe Camelini, family Camelidae, endemic to North America Oligocene through the Middle Miocene and in existence for approximately ....
- Genus PoebrotheriumPoebrotheriumPoebrotherium is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore the family Camelidae, endemic to North America from the Eocene through Oligocene 38—30.8 mya, existing for approximately .-Discovery and history:...
- Genus ProcamelusProcamelusProcamelus is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore the family Camelidae, endemic to North America from the Oligocene through Miocene 20.6—4.9 mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Priscocamelus was named by Leidy . It is not extant...
(MioceneMioceneThe Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
) - Genus StenomylusStenomylusStenomylus is an extinct genus of miniature camelid native to North America. Its name is derived from the Greek στείνος, "narrow" and μύλος, "molar."...
- Genus TitanotylopusTitanotylopusTitanotylopus is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore the family Camelidae, endemic to North America from the Miocene through Pleistocene 10.3 mya—300,000 years ago, existing for approximately ....
(MioceneMioceneThe Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
– PleistocenePleistoceneThe Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
Oromerycidae is a small extinct family of artiodactyls closely related to living camels, known from the middle to late Eocene of western North America....
- Genus ProtylopusProtylopusProtylopus is an extinct genus of camel, lived during middle to late Eocene some 45-40 million years ago in North America.The oldest camel known, it was also the smallest, reaching a length of , and probably weighing around . Based on its teeth, it probably fed on the soft leaves of forest plants...
to be sorted
- Syrian CamelSyrian CamelThe Syrian Camel is an extinct species of camel from Syria. Found to have existed around 100,000 years ago, the camel was up to 3 metres tall at the shoulder, and 4 metres tall overall. The first of the fossils were discovered late in 2005, and several more were discovered about a year later....
Suborder Ruminantia
- Family ProtoceratidaeProtoceratidaeProtoceratidae is an extinct family of herbivorous North American artiodactyls that lived during the Eocene through Pliocene at around 46.2—4.9 Ma., existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Protoceras is an extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Protoceratidae, endemic to North America from the Oligocene through Miocene 33.9—20.6 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Syndyoceras is a small extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Protoceratidae, endemic to central North America from the Eocene epoch 24.8—20.6 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Synthetoceras is a large extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Protoceratidae, endemic to North America from the Miocene epoch, 13.6—5.33 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Kyptoceras is a small extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Protoceratidae, endemic to southeastern North America from the Miocene to Early Pliocene epoch 23.03—3.6 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Pseudoprotoceras is an extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Protoceratidae, endemic to central North America from the Eocene epoch 42—39.9 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Climacoceratidae is a family of superficially deer-like artiodactyl ungulates that were restricted to the Miocene of Africa. They are close to the ancestry of giraffes, with some genera, such as Prolibytherium, having originally identified as being giraffes.The climacoceratids, namely, of what is...
- Genus
Climacoceras was a genus of early Miocene artiodactyl ungulates of Africa and Europe. The members of Climacoceras were related to giraffes, as the genus was once placed within Giraffidae. Fossils of the two best known species of Climacoceras, C. africanus and C. gentryi have been both found in...
Prolibytherium is an extinct artiodactyl ungulate native to Early Miocene North Africa.The 1.80 m long creature was related to the modern giraffe and okapi. Unlike these, however, Prolibytherium had a set of large, leaf-shaped ossicones with a width of 35 cm...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
Chevrotains, also known as mouse deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only members of the infraorder Tragulina. There are 10 living species in three genera, but there are also several species only known from fossils...
- Genus
The giraffids are ruminant artiodactyl mammals that share a common ancestor with deer and bovids. The biological family Giraffidae, once a diverse group spread throughout Eurasia and Africa, contains only two living members, the giraffe and the okapi. Both are confined to sub-saharan Africa: the...
The giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all extant land-living animal species, and the largest ruminant...
- Genus
The Oligocene is a geologic epoch of the Paleogene Period and extends from about 34 million to 23 million years before the present . As with other older geologic periods, the rock beds that define the period are well identified but the exact dates of the start and end of the period are slightly...
Palaeotragus was a genus of very large, primitive okapi from the Miocene of Africa, Asia, and Europe.Palaeotragus primaevus is the older species, being found in early to mid-Miocene strata, while Palaeotragus germaini is found in Late Miocene strata.P. primaevus is distinguished from P. germaini...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
) Palaeotragus germaini (Miocene
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
Samotherium is an extinct genus of giraffe from the Miocene and Pliocene of Eurasia and Africa. Samotherium had two ossicones on its head, and long legs. The ossicones usually pointed upward, and were curved backwards, with males having larger, more curved ossicones, though, in the Chinese...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
Sivatherium ' is an extinct genus of giraffid that ranged throughout Africa to Southern Asia . The African species, S...
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
) Sivatherium maurusium (Pleistocene
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
Bohlinia is an extinct genus of the artiodactyl family Giraffidae. It was first named by the paleontologist Dr. W. Matthew in 1929, and contains two species, B. adoumi and B. attica. The species B. attica has been reclassified several times since its description being first named Camelopardalis...
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...
Bramatherium is an extinct genus of giraffe that ranged from India to Turkey in Asia. It is closely related to the larger Sivatherium.-Etymology:...
Giraffokeryx was a primitive giraffid that lived in the Miocene age around 27 million years ago in Asia, Europe, and Africa. It had two pairs of elongated ossicones, one pair above its eyes, and the other pair upon the snout. Although it bore a very superficial resemblance to the modern Okapi, it...
Helladotherium is an extinct genus of Sivatherine Giraffid from Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Miocene. The most complete skeleton is that of a female, based on a comparison with an intact female Sivatherium giganteum skull.- Sources :...
Honanotherium schlosseri was a giraffid ancestral to the modern giraffe from the late Miocene of Hunan Province, China. It would have resembled a modern giraffe, but, somewhat shorter.-Etymology:...
Mitilanotherium is an extinct genus of giraffe from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Europe.It was a medium-sized giraffid, resembling the modern okapi, with two long ossicones directly above its eyes, and relatively long and slender limbs. Fossils have been found in Greece, Romania, Ukraine, and...
Shansitherium is an extinct genus of superficially moose- or antelope-like giraffe from the late Miocene epoch of Shanxi Province, China. They were closely related to the genus Samotherium....
The okapi , Okapia johnstoni, is a giraffid artiodactyl mammal native to the Ituri Rainforest, located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Central Africa...
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
Giraffa is a genus of mammals in the Giraffidae family. The genus consists of seven species including the giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, the only extant species.- Species :There are six species in the genus Giraffa....
The giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all extant land-living animal species, and the largest ruminant...
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
) Giraffa priscilla (Pliocene
The Pliocene Epoch is the period in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.332 million to 2.588 million years before present. It is the second and youngest epoch of the Neogene Period in the Cenozoic Era. The Pliocene follows the Miocene Epoch and is followed by the Pleistocene Epoch...
) Giraffa jumae
Giraffa jumae
Giraffa jumae is an extinct species of even-toed mammal in the Giraffidae family. The species ranged from Malawi to Chad with a possible occurrence of the species or a closely related species found in Turkey. The type specimen was discovered during trenching excavations on the upper member of the...
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
) Giraffa gracilis (Pleistocene
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
) Giraffa sivalensis (Pleistocene
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
- Genus
Leptomeryx is an extinct genus of ruminant of the family Leptomerycidae, endemic to North America during the Eocene through Oligocene 38—24.8 Mya, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
Archaeomeryx is an extinct genus of ruminant that lived early in the Eocene. It is believed to be close to the ancestry of modern day deers from had fully functioning sharp front teeth. It was also very small in size, comparable to a modern day mouse. It was also very rabbit-like and had several...
Palaeomerycidae is an extinct family of ruminants , probably ancestral to deer and musk deer...
- Genus
Ampelomeryx is an extinct genus of herbivorous even-toed ungulate mammal belonging to the family PalaeomerycidaeAmpelomeryx was named by Duranthon et al. . It was assigned to Palaeomerycinae by Prothero and Liter . It had frontal and occipital appendages. It was similar to Tauromeryx and...
Cranioceras is an extinct genus of artiodactyl from the Miocene to the Pliocene in the United States.-Sources:* After the Dinosaurs: The Age of Mammals by Donald R...
Pediomeryx is an extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Palaeomerycidae, endemic to North America from the early Miocene epoch 10.3—4.9 Ma, existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:Pediomeryx was named by Stirton...
Triceromeryx is an extinct genus of Artiodactyla, of the family Palaeomerycidae, endemic to Europe from the early Miocene epoch, 22.4—20.0 Ma, existing for approximately .It was similar to Ampelomeryx, a herbivore.-Taxonomy:...
- Genus
The extinct five-horned prongdeer Hoplitomeryx matthei with its sabrelike upper canines lived on the former Gargano Island during the Miocene and the Early Pliocene, now a peninsula on the east coast of South Italy....
Musk deer
Musk deer are artiodactyls of the genus Moschus, the only genus of family Moschidae. They are more primitive than the cervids, or true deer, in not having antlers or facial glands, in having only a single pair of teats, and in possessing a gall bladder, a caudal gland, a pair of tusk-like teeth...
- Genus
Blastomeryx is an extinct genus of musk deer of the family Moschidae, subfamily Blastomerycinae, endemic to North America during the Oligocene-Miocene epochs , existing for approximately .-Morphology:...
Longirostromeryx is an extinct genus of saber-toothed deer.-Notes:Longirostromeryx, or the saber toothed deer, lived during the Miocene epoch in what is now central North America. There are 3, perhaps 4, recognised species: Longirostromeryx blicki, L. clarendoniensis, L. novomexicanus, and L....
Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, elk, moose, red deer, reindeer, fallow deer, roe deer and chital. Male deer of all species and female reindeer grow and shed new antlers each year...
- Subfamily Muntiacinae (Muntjacs)
- Genus DicrocerusDicrocerusDicrocerus elegans is an extinct species of deer found in France, Europe . Dicrocerus probably came from Asia, from the region where true deer is believed to have originated and evolved. It inhabited forests in the temperate belt and in Europe it was typical of the Miocene...
- Genus HeteroproxHeteroproxHeteroprox is an extinct genus of cervid from the Miocene of Europe.- Sources :* Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids by Jordi Agusti and Mauricio Anton...
- Genus Dicrocerus
- Subfamily CervinaeCervinaeCervinae or the Old World deer , is a subfamily of deer. Alternatively, they're known as the Plesiometacarpal deer, due to their ankle structure being different from the Telemetecarpal deer of Capreolinae-Classification and Species:The list is based on the studies of Randi, Mucci, Claro-Hergueta,...
- Genus CandiacervusCandiacervusCandiacervus was a genus of deer native to Pleistocene Crete. Their most notable feature, besides their peculiar, spatula-shaped antlers, was their small stature: the smallest species, C. ropalophorus, stood about 40 cm at the shoulders when fully grown, as can be inferred from a mounted...
- Candiacervus major
- Candiacervus pygadiensìs
- Candiacervus cretensis
- Genus Candiacervus
- Genus MegalocerosMegalocerosThe deer of the genus Megaloceros - ; see also Lister - were found throughout Eurasia from the late Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene, and were important herbivores during the Ice Ages. The largest species, M...
- Irish ElkIrish ElkThe Irish Elk or Giant Deer , was a species of Megaloceros and one of the largest deer that ever lived. Its range extended across Eurasia, from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal, during the Late Pleistocene. The latest known remains of the species have been carbon dated to about 7,700 years ago...
6th millennium BCDuring the 6th millennium BC, agriculture spread from the Balkans to Italy and Eastern Europe, and also from Mesopotamia to Egypt. World population was essentially stable at approximately 5 million, though some speculate up to 7 million.-Events:...
) - Irish Elk
Eucladoceros or bush-antlered deer is an extinct genus of deer whose fossils have been discovered in Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.-Description:...
Capreolinae, also known as Odocoileinae or the New World deer , is a subfamily of deer...
- Genus Navahoceros
- American Mountain DeerAmerican Mountain DeerThe American Mountain Deer or Mountain Deer has been declared a nomen nudum, or an invalid construct .It has been show to correspond to Odocoileus lucasi....
- American Mountain Deer
Libralces was a genus of Eurasian deer that lived during the Pliocene period. The genus' main claim to fame are their 2+ meter wide antlers, comparable in size with those of Megaloceros...
Odocoileus is a genus of medium-sized deer containing two species native to the Americas. The name is sometimes spelt odocoeleus; it is from a contraction of the roots odonto- and coelus meaning "hollow-tooth".-Species:...
Odocoileus lucasi
Morejohn and Dailey published the analysis of the osteological anatomy and morphology of a practically complete skeleton of a Pleistocene adult male, Odocoileus lucasi along with other collections labeled as O. lucasi...
- Stag-mooseStag-mooseThe stag-moose or stag moose was a large, moose-like deer of North America of the Pleistocene epoch. It was slightly larger than the moose, with an elk-like head, long legs, and complex, palmate antlers...
The pronghorn is a species of artiodactyl mammal endemic to interior western and central North America. Though not an antelope, it is often known colloquially in North America as the prong buck, pronghorn antelope, or simply antelope, as it closely resembles the true antelopes of the Old World and...
- Genus Capromeryx
Capromeryx minorCapromeryx minor is a very small, extinct species of pronghorn-like antilocaprid ungulate discovered in the La Brea Tar Pits of California and elsewhere. It has been found at least as far east as the coast of Texas. It stood about 60 centimetres tall at the shoulders and weighed about 10...
Hayoceros is an extinct genus of the family Antilocapridae, endemic to North America during the Early Pleistocene epoch , existing for approximately .-Taxonomy:...
Ilingoceros is an extinct genus of pronghorn from the Miocene of North America.At in body length, the animal would have been slightly bigger than the modern pronghorn. It had straight, spiraled horns, which ended in forked tips....
Merycodus is an extinct genus of Antilocapridae....
Ramoceros is an extinct genus of artiodactyl.-References:*Vertebrate Palaeontology by Michael J. Benton*The Evolution of Artiodactyls by Donald R. Prothero and Scott E. Foss...
Proantilocapra is an extinct genus of Antilocapridae....
Osbornoceros is a prehistoric antilocaprid genus belonging to the family Antilocapridae, all of whose species are extinct except for the pronghorn. Osbornoceros osborni is the only known species of the Osbornoceros genus. Osbornoceros lived during the Late Miocene around 7-6 million years ago in...
Hexameryx is an extinct genus of the family Antilocapridae, endemic to North America during the Pliocene epoch , existing for approximately .Hexameryx was a six horned animal-Taxonomy:...
A bovid is any of almost 140 species of cloven-hoofed ruminant mammal at least the males of which bear characteristic unbranching horns covered in a permanent sheath of keratin....
- Subfamily BovinaeBovinaeThe biological subfamily Bovinae includes a diverse group of 10 genera of medium to large sized ungulates, including domestic cattle, the bison, African buffalo, the water buffalo, the yak, and the four-horned and spiral-horned antelopes...
- Genus BosBosBos is the genus of wild and domestic cattle. Bos can be divided into four subgenera: Bos, Bibos, Novibos, and Poephagus, but these divisions are controversial. The genus has five extant species...
Bos acutifronsBos acutifrons is the most ancient representative of the genus Bos. Bos acutifrons lived till in the middle of the Pleistocene still in India. It is widely accepted that from this species all later species arose. Between 1.5 and 2 million years ago the aurochs descended probably from this... - Bos planifronsBos planifronsBos planifrons was a bovine species from the Siwaliks of India and Pakistan. It may have been the ancestor of the Indian Aurochs Bos primigenius namadicus. Its type is a skull.-References:...
- AurochsAurochsThe aurochs , the ancestor of domestic cattle, were a type of large wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is now extinct; it survived in Europe until 1627....
(Bos primigenius) (d. 1627)
- Genus Bos
- Genus BisonBisonMembers of the genus Bison are large, even-toed ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae. Two extant and four extinct species are recognized...
- Ancient Bison (Bison antiquusBison antiquusBison antiquus, sometimes called the ancient bison, was the most common large herbivore of the North American continent for over ten thousand years, and is a direct ancestor of the living American bison....
) - Steppe WisentSteppe WisentThe Steppe Bison or steppe wisent was a bison found on steppes throughout Europe, Central Asia, Beringia, and North America during the Quaternary...
(Bison priscus) (d. Late PleistoceneLate PleistoceneThe Late Pleistocene is a stage of the Pleistocene Epoch. The beginning of the stage is defined by the base of the Eemian interglacial phase before the final glacial episode of the Pleistocene 126,000 ± 5,000 years ago. The end of the stage is defined exactly at 10,000 Carbon-14 years BP...
) - Giant Bison (Bison latifronsBison latifronsBison latifrons is an extinct species of bison that lived in North America during the Pleistocene. Also known as the giant bison, it reached a shoulder height of 2.5 metres , and had horns that spanned over 2 metres...
) - Bison occidentalisBison occidentalisBison occidentalis is an extinct species of bison that lived in North America during the Pleistocene. It probably evolved from Bison priscus. B. occidentalis was smaller and smaller horned than the steppe bison. Unlike any bison before it, its horns pointed upward, parallel to the plane of its face...
- Ancient Bison (Bison antiquus
- Genus BubalusBubalusBubalus is a genus of bovines, whose English name is buffalo. Species that belong to this genus are:* Subgenus Bubalus** Water Buffalo, Bubalus bubalis*** Carabao, Bubalus bubalis carabanesis...
- Bubalus cebuensisBubalus cebuensisThe Cebu tamaraw is a fossil dwarf buffalo discovered in the Philippines, and first described in 2006.-Anatomy and morphology:...
- Bubalus cebuensis
- Genus PelorovisPelorovisPelorovis is an extinct genus of African wild cattle, which first appeared in the Pliocene, 2.5 million years ago., and became extinct at the end of the Late Pleistocene about 12.000 years ago or even during the Holocene, some 4,000 years ago...
- Genus EotragusEotragusEotragus is an early bovid from Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Miocene some 20-18 million years ago. It is related to the modern Nilgai and Four-horned Antelope. It was small and probably lived in woodland environments.-External links:**...
- Genus KipsigicerusKipsigicerusKipsigicerus is an extinct genus of East African antelope from the Middle Miocene. Its closest living relative is the four-horned-antelope....
- Genus LeptobosLeptobosLeptobos is a genus of large Pleistocene bovid found in Europe and Asia.-External links:*http://www.helsinki.fi/~mhaaramo/metazoa/deuterostoma/chordata/synapsida/eutheria/artiodactyla/bovioidea/boselaphini.html*http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl...
The subfamily Alcelaphinae contains Wildebeest, Hartebeest, Bonteboks and several similar species. All in all it contains 10 species in 4 genera, although Beatragus is sometimes considered a subgenus of Damaliscus, and Sigmoceros for the Lichtenstein's Hartebeest.* Family Bovidae** Subfamily...
- Genus MegalotragusMegalotragusMegalotragus is a genus of very large extinct African alcelaphines from the Pliocene and Pleistocene. It resembled modern hartebeests, but differed in larger body size, it includes the largest bovids in the tribe Alcelaphini, reaching a shoulder height of 1,4 m. Megalotragus disappeared at the end...
- Genus ParmulariusParmulariusParmularius is a genus of large extinct African alcelaphines from the Pliocene and Pleistocene. It is a close relative of topi and hartebeest. One species is noticeable by its long, weakly curved horns....
Antilopinae is a subfamily of Bovidae. The gazelles, blackbucks, springboks, gerenuks, dibatags and Central Asian gazelles are often referred to as "True Antelopes" and are usually the sole representatives of the Antilopinae...
- Genus Gazella
Gazella psoleaGazella psolea is an unusual prehistoric species of gazelle that lived in Africa and Arabia; it is only known from fossils. It makes up the subgenus Deprezia due to its unique skull morphology: it had a long premolar row, and its nasal area is peculiar, with short nasal bones and a very large nasal...
- Gazella borbonica
- Gazella deperdita
- Gazella gaudryi
- Gazella triquetrucornis
- Genus Myotragus
- Cave goat Myotragus balearicusMyotragus balearicusMyotragus balearicus , also known as the Balearic Islands Cave Goat, a species of the subfamily Caprinae which lived on the islands of Majorca and Minorca until its extinction around 5,000 years ago...
- Cave goat Myotragus balearicus
- Genus Bootherium
- Harlan's muskox Bootherium bombifrons
- Genus Euceratherium
- Shrub-oxShrub-oxThe shrub-ox is an extinct genus and species of Bovidae native to North America. It is a close relative of the musk-ox....
Euceratherium collinum
- Shrub-ox
- Genus OiocerosOiocerosOioceros is an extinct genus of sheep from the late Miocene. Its fossils have been found in Greece, China,, Iran, and Africa. It was first discovered by Wagner in 1857, and contains nine species, O. rothii, O. atropatenes, O. jiulongkouensis, O. noverca, O. robustus, O. stenocephalus, O....
External links
- Mammals at Mikko's Phylogeny Archive