List of European regions with alternative names
Most regions and provinces of Europe have alternative names in different languages. Some regions have also undergone name changes
for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all major European regions, provinces, and territories. It also includes some lesser regions that are important because of their location or history.
This article does not offer any opinion about what the "original", "official", "real", or "correct" name of any region is or was. Regions are listed alphabetically by their current best-known name in English, which does not necessarily match the title of the corresponding article. The English version is followed by variants in other languages, in alphabetical order by name, and then by any historical variants and former names.
Foreign names that are the same as their English equivalents may be listed, to provide an answer to the question "Whats is that name in..."?
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! English name
! Other names or former names
| Aargau
| Argobia (Aragonese), Argovia (Franco-Provençal, Galician, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Romansh, Sicilian, Spanish, variant in English), Argòvia (Catalan, Occitan), Argóvia (Portuguese), Argovie (French), Argovio (Esperanto), Argowia (Polish)
| Abruzzo
| Abbruzzu (Sicilian), Abruç (Occitan), Abrucai (Lithuanian), Abruco (Latvian), Abruços (Catalan), Abruss (Piedmontese), Abrútsi (Icelandic), Abruz (Breton), Abruzes (Franco-Provençal), Abruzja (Polish), Abruzo (Esperanto), Abruzos (Aragonese, Portuguese, Spanish), Abruzso (Venetian), Abruzzen (Dutch, German), Abruzzes (French), Abruzzi or Abruzzo (Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Abruzzu (Corsican), Aprutium (Latin)
| Åland
| Ahvenamaa (Estonian), Ahvenanmaa (Finnish), Aland (Basque, Wolof), Åland (Swedish) Åland or Ålandsøerne (Danish), Àland (Catalan), Áland (Faroese), Ålánda (Northern Sami), Alandai (Lithuanian), Alandia (Latin, Spanish), Alândia (Portuguese), Ålandinseln (German), Alando (Esperanto, Ido), Ålandseilanden (Dutch, Dutch Low Saxon), Álandseyjar or Áland (Icelandic), Ālandu salas (Latvian), Ålandy (Czech, Slovak), Wyspy Alandzkie (Polish)
| Algarve
| Algarbia (Latin), Algarve (Italian, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish), Algarvė (Lithuanian), Al-Gharbia (Arabic)
| Allgäu
| Algovia (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Algòvia (Catalan), Allgäu (Dutch, German, Hungarian)
| Alsace
| Alisatia (Latin), Alsace (Danish, Estonian, French), Alsace or Alsass (Swedish), Alsàcia (Catalan), Alsácia (Portuguese), Alsacia (Romanian, Spanish), Alsasko (Czech), Alsatía - Αλσατία (Greek), Alsazia (Italian), Alzacija (Slovene), Alzacja (Polish), Alzas (Serbian), Elsass (Estonian alternate, Finnish, German, Alsatian, variant in Danish and Swedish), Elsaß (German, before 1996), Elzas (Afrikaans, Breton, Croatian, Dutch), Elzasa (Latvian), Elzasas (Lithuanian), Elzász (Hungarian)
| Andalusia
| Andalousie (French), Andalucía (Spanish), Andalusia (Catalan, Finnish, Italian, variant in Romanian), Andalusija (Maltese), Andaloezië or Andalusië (Dutch), Al-Andalus - الأندلس (Arabic, meaning the whole Spain), Andalusien (Danish, German, Swedish), Andaluusia (Estonian), Andaluzia (Portuguese, Romanian), Andalúzia (Hungarian), Andaluzie (Czech), Andalūzija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Andaluzija (Serbian, Slovene), Andaluzja (Polish), Endülüs (Turkish), Vandalitia (Latin)
| Ångermanland
| Angermània (Catalan), Angermânia (Portuguese), Ångermanland (Estonian, Swedish), Angermannia (Latin)
| Anhalt
| Anhalt (Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish), Anhaltas (Lithuanian), Anhaltsko (Czech), Anholt (Afrikaans)
| Anjou
| Andegawenia (Polish), Anjou (Catalan, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian), Angiò (Italian), Anġò (Maltese), Anžuj (Serbian)
| Appenzell
| Àpenzel (Catalan), Appenzell (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian), Appenzello (Italian)
| Apulia
| Apulía - Απουλία (Greek), Apulia (Hungarian, Finnish, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Apúlia (variant in Catalan, Portuguese), Apulie (Czech), Apulië (Dutch), Apulien (Danish, German, Swedish), Apūlija (Latvian), Apulija (Lithuanian, Slovene), Apuulia (Estonian), Pouille (variant in French [rare]), Pouilles (French), Puglia (Italian, Romanian), Puglie (variant in Italian), Pulja (Maltese), Pulla (Catalan)
| Aquitaine
| Akitania (Basque), Akvitaania (Estonian), Akvitania (Finnish), Akvitánia (Hungarian), Akvitánie (Czech), Akvitanien or Aquitaine (Danish, Swedish), Akvitanija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Slovene), Akvitānija (Latvian), Akwitania (Polish), Aquitaine (French), Aquitania (Interlingua, Italian, Latin, Occitan, Romanian, Spanish), Aquitània (Catalan), Aquitânia (Portuguese), Aquitanië (Dutch), Aquitanien (German), Ghienna (variant in Italian), Guienne or Guyenne (variant in English and French), Gujenna (variant in Polish), Gujeno (variant in Esperanto), Guyena (variant in Spanish)
| Aragon
| Aragão (Portuguese), Aragó (Catalan), Aragon (Dutch, French, Occitan, Romanian), Aragón (Aragonese, Estonian, Spanish), Aragona (Italian, Latvian, Maltese), Aragonas (Lithuanian), Aragonia (Finnish, Polish), Aragonía - Αραγωνία (Greek), Aragónia (Hungarian), Aragonien (Danish, German, Swedish), Aragonija (Slovene), Aragun (Arabic), Araùna (Sicilian), Ragona (old Italian)
| Ardennes
| Ardenas (Portuguese, Spanish), Årdene (Walloon), Les Ardenes (Catalan), Ardeni (Croatian, Romanian, Slovene), Ardenne (Italian), Ardennek (Hungarian), Ardennen (Dutch, German), Ardennerna (Swedish), Ardennerne (Danish), Ardennes (French), Ardennid (Estonian), Ardény (Czech), Ardeny (Polish)
| Artois
| Artesië (Dutch), Artois (French, Italian, Romanian)
| Asturias
| Asturia (Finnish, Polish), Astúrias (Portuguese), Asturias (Romanian, Spanish), Asturië (Dutch), Asturie (Italian, Czech), Asturien (Danish, German, Swedish), Asturies (Asturian, French), Astúries (Catalan), Asturii (variant in Romanian), Astūrija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Asturija (Slovene), Astuuria (Estonian), Astyria - Αστυρία (Greek), Asztúria (Hungarian)
| Attica
| Àtica (Catalan), Ática (Portuguese, Spanish), Atika (Estonian, Latvian, Slovene), Attica (Dutch, Latin, Italian, Romanian), Attika (Czech, Danish, Dutch alternate, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Maltese, Swedish, Turkish), Attikí - Αττική (Greek), Attique (French), Attyka (Polish)
| Auvergne
| Alvérni - Αλβέρνη (Greek), Alvèrnia (Catalan), Alvernia (Italian), Alvernja (Maltese), Arvernia (Latin), Auvergne (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Auvèrnha (Occitan), Auvernya (variant in Catalan), Auvernia (Spanish), Auvérnia (Portuguese), Owernia (Polish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Bačka
| Backa (Dutch, Italian), Bačka (Croatian, Estonian, Latvian, Romanian), Bačka - Бачка (Serbian), Bácska (Hungarian), Batschka (German)
| Baden
| Bade (French), Baden (Afrikaans, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish), Baden - Баден (Russian, Serbian), Badenas (Lithuanian), Bādene (Latvian), Badenia (Polish), Bádensko (Czech), Vádhi - Βάδη (Greek)
| Baden-Württemberg
| Bade-Wurtemberg (French), Baden-Virtemberg - Баден-Виртемберг (Serbian), Baden-Vyurtemberg - Баден-Вюртемберг (Russian), Baden-Wuerttemberg (Portuguese variant), Baden-Wúrtemberch (Frisian), Baden-Wurtemberg (Catalan, Spanish), Baden-Wurttemberg (Romanian, variant in English), Baden-Württemberg (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovene, Swedish), Bādene-Virtemberga (Latvian), Badenia-Wirtembergia (Polish), Bádensko-Würtembersko (Czech), Badenas-Viurtembergas (Lithuanian), Bade-Vurtemberga (Portuguese variant), Vádhi-Vytemvérghi - Βάδη-Βυτεμβέργη (Greek)
| Banat
| Banaat (Dutch, Estonian), Banat (Catalan, Croatian, German, Polish, Romanian, Serbian), Banat or Banatet (Danish, Swedish), Banat or Baanaatti (Finnish), Banato (Italian), Bánság (Hungarian), Vanáton - Βανάτον (Greek)
| Baranya
| Baraņa (Latvian), Baranja (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baranya (Estonian, Hungarian), Varonia - Βαρωνεια (Greek)
| Basilicata
| Basilicata (Catalan, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Finnish), Basilicata or Basilikata (German), Basilicate (French), Bazilikata (Latvian), Bażilikata (Maltese), Lucania (former Italian, Latin), Lucània (former Catalan), Lucanie (former French), Lukania (former Polish), Lukanien (former German), Vasilikáta-Lefkanía - Βασιλικατα-Λευκανία (Greek)
| Basque Country
| Auskalerik (Lojban), Bask (Turkish variant), Baskenland (Dutch, German), Baskaralandið (Faroese), Baskerlandet (Danish), Baskicko (Czech), Baskien (Swedish), Baskija (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baskimaa (Estonian, Finnish), Baskonia (Polish), Bask Ülkesi (Turkish), Basku zeme (Latvian), Basukukoku - バスク国 (Japanese), Baszkföld (Hungarian), Euscadi (learned variant in Catalan), Euskadi or Euskal Herria (Basque), Euskadi (Bân-lâm, Breton), Eŭskio (Esperanto), Gwlad y Basg (Welsh), Kraj Basków (Polish), Paesi Baschi (Italian), País Basc or Bascònia (Catalan, Occitan), País Basco (Portuguese), País Vasco or Vascongadas (Spanish), País Vascu (Asturian), Pajjiżi Baski (Maltese), Pays basque (French), Ţara Bascilor (Romanian), An Tìr Basgach (Scots Gaelic), Tír na mBascach (Irish), Vaskonía - Βασκονία (Greek), Vasconia (Latin)
Note: The Basque Country is partitioned between two states
: Spain
and France
, and the name is sometimes used exclusively for the Spanish part
| Bavaria
| Bæjaraland (Icelandic), Baieri (Estonian), Baiern (German until 1825), Baijeri (Finnish), Baijern (German until 1825), Baioaria (Medieval Latin), Bajorország (Hungarian), Bavaria (Latin, Romanian), Bavarja (Maltese), Bavarska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baviera (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), Bavière (French), Bavorsko (Czech, Slovak), Bavyera (Turkish), Bawaria (Polish), Bawaryah - בוואריה (Hebrew), Bayern (Danish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Beieren (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Bavarija - Бавария (Bulgarian, Russian), Bavārija (Latvian), Bavarija (Lithuanian), Bavariya - Баварія (Ukrainian), Bavire (Walloon), Vavaría - Βαβαρία (Greek)
| Bessarabia
| Basarabia (Romanian), Besarabia (Polish, Spanish), Besarābija (Latvian), Bessaràbia (Catalan), Bessarábia (Portuguese), Besarabya (Turkish), Bessaraabia (Estonian), Bessarabeye (Walloon), Bessarabia (Italian, Finnish), Bessarabija - Бессарабия (Russian), Bessarabië (Dutch), Bessarabien (Danish, German, Swedish), Bessarabie (French), Bessarabja (Maltese), Besarábie (Czech), Besarabija (Lithuanian, Serbian), Bessarabija - Бесарабия (Bulgarian), Bessarabija - Бессарабія (Ukrainian), Besszarábia (Hungarian), An Bheasaráib (Irish), Vessaravía - Βεσσαραβία (Greek)
| Bihor
| Bihar (Hungarian), Bihor (Estonian, Romanian)
| Blekinge
| Blechingia (Latin), Blekinge (Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Swedish)
| Boeotia
| Beocia (Spanish), Beòcia (Catalan), Beócia, (variant in Hungarian, Portuguese), Beocja (Polish), Beotië (variant in Dutch), Beoţia (Romanian), Béotie (French), Beotien (variant in Swedish), Beozia (Italian), Beozja (Maltese), Boeotia (Latin), Boeotië (Dutch), Boijotija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Boiootia (Estonian), Boiotia (Finnish), Boiótia (Hungarian), Boiotien (Swedish), Bøotien (Danish), Böotien (German), Viotía - Βοιωτία (Greek)
| Bohemia
| Bæheimur (Icelandic), An Bhóithéim (Irish), Boemia (Italian, Romanian), Boémia (Portuguese), Boêmia (Brazilian Portuguese), Boemja (Maltese), Bohême (French), Bohemen (Dutch), Bohemia or Boiohaemum (Latin), Bohemia (Spanish), Bohèmia (Catalan), Bohémia (old Hungarian variant), Bohēmija (Latvian), Bohemija (Lithuanian), Bohemya (Turkish), Bøhmen (Danish, Norwegian), Böhmen (German, Swedish), Böömi (Finnish), Böömimaa (Estonian alternate), Čechy (Czech, Estonian, Slovak), Čehija - Чехия / Bogemija - Богемия (Russian), Češka (Croatian, Slovene), Csehország (Hungarian), Czechy (Polish), Pihm - פיהם (Yiddish), Voimía - Βοημία (Greek)
| Bohuslän
| Bahusia (Latin), Bohus Len(Danish), Båhuslen or Baahuslen (Norwegian), Bohuslän (Estonian, Swedish)
| Brabant
| Brabân (Frisian), Brabancja (Polish), Brabant (Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Brabante (Italian, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish), Brabantsko (Czech), Braibant (Walloon), Vravándhi - Βραβάνδη (Greek)
| Brandenburg
| Brandebourg (French), Brandeburg (Catalan), Brandeburgo (Italian, Spanish), Brandemburgo (Portuguese, variant in Spanish), Brandenborg (variant in Danish), Brandenburch (Frisian), Brandenburg (Afrikaans, variant in Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish), Brandenburga (Latvian), Brandenburgas (Lithuanian), Brandenburgia (Polish), Bramborska (Sorbian), Braniborsko (Czech), Brannenborg (Low Saxon), Vradhemvourghon - Βραδεμβουργον (Greek)
| Brittany
| Aremorica or Armorica (Classical Latin), Armòrica (learned variant in Catalan), Armorikí-Vretáni - Αρμορική-Βρετάνη (Greek), Bertaèyn (Gallo), An Bhriotáin (Irish), Breizh (Breton), Bretagna (Italian), Bretagne (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Bretaň (Czech), Bretaņa (Latvian), Bretaña (Spanish), Bretanha (Portuguese), Bretania (Polish, Romanian), Bretanija (Slovene), Bretanja (Croatian, Serbian), Bretanya (Catalan, Turkish), Bretonija (Croatian), Britannia minor (Medieval Latin), Brittanja (Maltese), Burtaegne (Walloon), Llydaw (Welsh)
| Bukovina
| Boekowina (Dutch), Buchenland (older German), Bucovina (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian), Bucovine (French), Bukovina (Czech, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish), Bukovina - Буковина (Russian), Bukoviina (Estonian), Bukovyna - Буковина (Ukrainian), Bukowina (German, Polish), Ţara de Sus (older Romanian)
| Burgenland
| Burgenland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Burgenlandas (Lithuanian), Burgenlande (Latvian), Burgenlândia (Portuguese variant), Burgenlandsko (Czech), Burguenland (Catalan), Gradiščanska (Slovene), Gradišće (Croatian), Őrvidék, Felsőőrvidék or Várvidék (Hungarian variants)
| Burgundy
| An Bhurgúin (Irish), Borgogna (Italian), Borgoña (Spanish), Borgonha (Portuguese), Borgònha (Occitan), Borgonja (Maltese), Borgonya (Catalan), Bourgondië (Dutch), Bourgogne (French), Burgonya (Turkish), Burgund (Danish, German, Swedish), Burgundia (Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian), Burgundija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Burgundiya - Бургундия (Russian), Burgundsko (Czech), Burgundia (Latin) Burgundi (Finnish), Bwrgwyn (Welsh), Vourghoundhía - Βουργουνδία (Greek)
| Burzenland
| Barcaság (Hungarian), Burcenlande (Latvian), Burzenland (German), Ţara Bârsei (Romanian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Calabria
| Bruttium (Latin), Calabre (French), Calabria (Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Calábria (Portuguese), Calàbria (Catalan), Calabrië (Dutch), Calabrien (Danish), Kalaabria (Estonian alternate), Kalabria (Faroese, Polish), Kalábria (Hungarian), Kalábrie (Czech), Kalabrien (German, Swedish), Kalabrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Kalavría - Καλαβρία (Greek)
| Campania
| Campania (Estonian, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Campânia (Portuguese), Campània (Catalan), Campanië (Dutch), Campanie (French), Campanien (Danish), Kampanía - Καμπανία (Greek), Kampania (Polish), Kampanien (German, Swedish), Kampanija (Lithuanian), Kampanja (Maltese)
| Cantabria
| Cantabria (Irish, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Cantàbria (Catalan, Scots Gaelic), Cantábria (Portuguese), Cantabrië (Dutch), Cantabrie (French), Cantabrien (Danish), Kantaabria (Estonian), Kantabria (Basque, Faroese, Finnish, Polish, Turkish), Kantábria (Hungarian), Kantábrie (Czech), Kantabrien (German, Swedish), Kantabrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Kantavría - Κανταβρία (Greek)
| Carinthia
| Carantania or Carinthia (Latin), Carinthie (French), Caríntia (Catalan, Portuguese), Carintia (Romanian, Spanish), Carinzia (Italian), Karinthía - Καρινθία (Greek), Karinthië (Dutch), Karintia (Hungarian), Karintija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Karinzja (Maltese), Kärnten (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Swedish), Karyntia (Polish), Koroška (Slovene), Korotan (historical variant in Slovene), Koruška (Croatian, Serbian), Korutany (Czech)
| Carnia
| Carnia (Italian), Cjargne (Friulian), Karnien (German)
| Carniola
| Carniola (Catalan, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Carniole (French), Krain (Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Swedish), Kraina (Polish), Krajna (Hungarian), Kranjska (Croatian, Estonian, Slovene), Kraňsko (Czech)
| Castile
| Castela (Portuguese), Castella (Catalan), Castiglia (Italian), Castilia (Romanian), Castilien (Danish), Castilla (Spanish), Castille (French), An Chaistíl (Irish), Kastiilia (Estonian), Kastilia (Finnish), Kastilie / Kastilsko (Czech), Kastilië (Dutch), Kastilien (German, Swedish), Kastīlija (Latvian), Kastilija (Lithuanian, Slovene), Kastilja (Croatian, Maltese, Serbian), Kastilli - Καστιλλη (Greek), Kastilya (Turkish), Kastylia (Polish), Kasztília (Hungarian)
| Catalonia
| Catalogna (Italian), Catalogne (French, Walloon), Catalonha (Occitan), Catalonia (Romanian), Catalonië (Dutch), Catalonien (Danish), Cataluña (Spanish), Catalunha (Portuguese), Catalunya (Catalan), An Chatalóin (Irish), Katalánsko (Czech), Katalonía - Καταλωνία (Greek), Katalónia (Hungarian), Katalonia (Breton, Finnish, Polish), Katalonien (German, Swedish), Katalonija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Katalonja (Maltese), Katalonya (Turkish), Kataloonia (Estonian)
| Champagne
| Champagne (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Champanhe (Portuguese), Champaña (Spanish), Kampáni - Καμπάνη (Greek), Šampaņa (Latvian), Šampanė (Lithuanian), Šampanija (Slovene), Sciampagna (old Italian), Szampania (Polish), Tchampagne (Walloon), Xampanya (Catalan)
| Chełmno Land
| Culmerland (variant in German), Culmland (variant in English), Kulmerland (Dutch, German, Hungarian), Ziemia Chełmińska (Polish)
| Chod region
| Chodenland (German), Chodovia (Latin), Chod region (English), Chodsko (Czech), Ziemia Chodska (Polish)
| Cerdanya
| Cerdanya (Catalan), Cerdagne (French) (see also French Cerdagne
), Cerdaña (Spanish), Cerdanha (Portuguese)
| Cornwall
| Kernow (Cornish), Cernyw (Welsh), Corn na Breataine (Irish), Cornouailles (French), Cornovaglia (Italian), Cornualha (Portuguese), Cornualla (Catalan), Cornualles (variant in Catalan, Spanish), Cornwall (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Kernev-Veur (Breton), Kornouálli - Κορνουάλλη (Greek), Kornvalo (Esperanto), Kornvol (Serbian), Kornvola (Latvian), Kornwalia (Polish), Kornwall (variant in German)
| Corsica
| An Chorsaic (Irish), Corsica (Danish, Corsican, Dutch, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Corse (French), Còrsega (Catalan), Córsega (Portuguese), Córcega (Spanish), Korsika - Корсика (Bulgarian), Korsika (Breton, Czech, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Swedish, Turkish, variant in Danish), Korsikí - Κορσική (Greek), Korsyka (Polish), Korzika (Croatian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovene)
| Courland
| Courlande (French), Couronia or Curonia (variants in English), Curlanda (variant in Catalan, Romanian), Curlandia (Italian), Curlàndia (Catalan), Curlândia (Portuguese), Koerland (Dutch), Kuramaa (Estonian), Kurland (Danish, Faroese, German, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in English), Kúrland (Icelandic), Kurlandia (Polish), Kurzeme (Latvian), Kuurinmaa (Finnish), Kuršas (Lithuanian)
| Crete
| Candia (former Italian), An Chréit (Irish), Creta (Catalan, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Welsh), Crète (French), Girit (Turkish), Kandia (former Turkish), Kreeta (Estonian, Finnish), Kréta (Czech, Slovak, Hungarian), Kreta (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, German, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Slovene, Swedish), Krēta (Latvian), Krétim - כרתים (Hebrew), Krit (Serbian), Kríti - Κρήτη (Greek)
| Crimea
| An Chrimé (Irish), Crimea (Catalan, Italian), Crimeea (Romanian), Criméia (Portuguese), Crimée (French), Crimêye (Walloon), Kırım (Turkish), Krim (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Serbian, Swedish, Slovene), Krim - קרים (Yiddish), Krima (Latvian), Kriméa - Κριμέα (Greek), Krimea (Maltese), Krimeo (Esperanto), Krimm (Estonian), Krym (Polish, Czech), Krym - Крым (Russian), Krym - Крим (Ukrainian), Krymas (Lithuanian), Qırım (Crimean Tatar, Tatar)
| Cumbria
| Cumbria (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Swedish), Cúmbria (Catalan, Portuguese), Cumbrie (French), Cumbrien (variant in Swedish), Cwmry (Cumbric), Kumbrija (Latvian), Kumbrio (Esperanto)
| Czechia
| Čeahkka (Northern Saami), Cechia (Italian), Cechia / Czechia (variants in Latin), Cecland (Anglo-Saxon), Cehia (Romanian), Čehija (Latvian), Čehija - Чэхія (Belarusian), Čehija - Чexия (Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian), Čehija - Чexiя (Ukrainian), Čehija - Чexиja (Macedonian), Ĉeĥio (Esperanto), Çehiya (Crimean Tatar), Čehmastor - Чехмастор (Moksha), Çekia (Albanian), Čekija (Lithuanian), Çekıstan (Dimli), Çekiye (Turkish), Češka (Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian), Češka - Чeшкa (Serbian), Čěska (Sorbian), Česko (Czech, Slovak), Češ' sko - Чєшьско (Old Church Slavonic), Çexiya (Azerbaijani), Chequia (Portuguese, Spanish), Chexiya (Uzbek), Csehország (Hungarian), Czechy (Polish), Czeskô (Kashubian), Kekkia (Faeroese), Seicia (Irish), Tchequia (Brazilian Portuguese), Tchéquie (French), Tékkland (Icelandic), Tjeckien (Swedish), Tjekkiet (Danish), Tschechia (Romansh), Tschechei (Luxembourgish, Yiddish, variant in German), Tschecherei (Pennsylvania German), Tschechien (German), Tsechía - Τσεχία (Greek), Tšehhi (Estonian), Tšekki (Finnish), Tshecia (Welsh), Tsjechië (Dutch), Tsjekkia (Norwegian), Txekia (Basque), Tzechia (Latin)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Dalecarlia
| Dalarna (Czech, Danish, Dutch, variant in English, Estonian, Portuguese, Swedish), Dālarna (Latvian), Dalecarlia (English, Italian, Latin), Dalécarlie (French), Dalekarlien (German), Taalainmaa (Finnish)
| Dalsland
| Dalia (Latin), Dália (Portuguese), Dalie(French), Dalsland (Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Dālslande (Latvian)
| Dalmatia
| Dalmaatsia (Estonian), Dalmacia (Spanish), Dalmàcia (Catalan), Dalmácia (Hungarian, Portuguese, Slovak), Dalmácie (Czech), Dalmacija (Croatian, Slovene), Dalmācija (Latvian), Dalmacija - Далмација (Serbian), Dalmacja (Polish), Dalmaçya (Turkish), An Dalmáit (Irish), Dalmatia (Finnish, Latin), Dalmatie (French), Dalmatië (Dutch), Dalmátország (Hungarian alternate), Dalmatien (Danish, German, Swedish), Dalmaţia (Romanian), Dalmazia (Italian), Dalmazja (Maltese), Dhalmatía - Δαλματία (Greek)
| Dauphiné
| Daufinat (Occitan), Delfinat (Catalan), Dauphiné (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Dauphiné or Delfinado (Portuguese), Delfinado (Spanish), Delfinat (Maltese, Polish), Delfinato (Italian), Dhelfináton - Δελφινατον (Greek)
| Dobruja
| Dhovroutsá - Δοβρουτσά (Greek), Dobroedzja (Dutch), Dobrogea (Finnish, Romanian, Swedish), Dobroudja (French), Dobruca (Turkish), Dobrudja (variant in English), Dobrudscha (German), Dobrudža (Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Slovene), Dobrudža - Добруџа (Serbian), Dobrudża (Polish), Dobrudža - Добруджа (Bulgarian), Dobrudzsa (Hungarian), Dobrugia (Italian), Dobruja (Catalan, Portuguese)
| Drenthe
| Drende (Catalan), Drente (Latvian, Portuguese), Drenthe (Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German), Drinte (Frisian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Emilia-Romagna
| Aemilia and Romania (Latin), Emilia-Romagna (Danish, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian), Emilia Romagna (Estonian), Emilia-Romaña (Spanish), Emília-Romanha (Portuguese), Emilía-Románia - Εμιλια-Ρωμανια (Greek), Emilia-Romania (Polish), Emília-Romanya (Catalan), Émilie-Romagne (French), Emīlija-Romaņa (Latvian), Emilja-Romanja (Maltese)
| England
| Angel'shchyna - Ангельшчына (Belarusian variant), Anghiltèra (Piedmontese), Anglaterra (Aragonese, Catalan, Interlingua), Anglatèrra (Occitan), Angletè (Haitian Creole), Angleterre (French), Angli - Англи (Chuvash), Anglia (Albanian, Aromanian, Hungarian, Ido, Latin, Polish, Romanian), Anglía - Αγγλία (Greek), Anglicko (Slovak), Anglie (Czech, Friulian), Angliétèrre (Norman), Anglija (Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovenian), Anglija - Англија (Macedonian), Anglio (Esperanto), Anglis - Англис (Ossetian), Angliya (Uzbek), Angliya - Англия (Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Tajik, Tatar), Angliya - Англія (Belarusian, Ukrainian), Änglound (Saterland Frisian), Anh (Vietnamese), Bro-Saoz (Breton), Engalterra (Rumantsch), Engelaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Engeland (Afrikaans, Dutch), Engelane (Sesotho), Engelska (Lower Sorbian), Englaland (Anglo-Saxon), England (Alemannic, Austro-Bavarian, Danish, German, Icelandic, Low German, Luxembourgish, Malay, Norwegian, Swedish, Tsonga), Englánda (Saami), Englanti (Finnish), Engleska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbo-Croat), Engleska - Енглеска (Serbian), Eng-tē (Min Nan), Iengeland (West Flemish), Ilẹ̀gẹ̀ẹ́sì (Yoruba), Ingalaterra (Basque, Extremaduran), Ingarangi (Maori), Ingelân (Frisian), Ingeland (Limburgish), Ingɛlandi (Lingala), INgesi (Xhosa), Ing-geullaendeu - 잉글랜드 (Korean), Inggréh (Acèh), Inggris (Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese), Inghiltera (Venetian), Inghiltèra (Lombard), Inghilterra (Italian, Sardinian), Inghiltæra (Ligurian), INgilandi (Zulu), ʻIngilani (Tongan), Ingilîstan (Kurdish), Ingilterra (Maltese), İngiltere (Turkish), İngiltərə (Azerbaijani), Inglan (Tok Pisin), Ingland (Pitcairn Creole, Scots, Low German), Inglatera (Cebuano, Chavacano, Papiamento, Tagalog), Inglaterra (Asturian, Galician, Kapampangan, Portuguese, Spanish, Tetum, Waray-Waray), Inglatlālpan (Nahuatl), Inglishin Tangghch - Инглишин Таңһч (Kalmyk), Inglismaa (Estonian), Inglüsmaa (Võro), Ingriis (Somalian), Ingurando - イングランド (Japanese), Ingyaterra (Guaraní), Inlatirra (Quechua), Jendźelska (Upper Sorbian), Linglän (Volapük), Lloegr (Welsh), Ngilandi (Swazi), Nglaterra (Sicilian), Ngreterra (Neapolitan), Ngyiresi (Akan), Ongland (Faroese), Onglėjė (Samogitian), Pow Sows (Cornish), Sasainn (Scottish Gaelic), Sasana (Irish), Sostyn (Manx), Uingereza (Swahili), Yīnggélán - 英格兰 (Mandarin Chinese), Yngland (Silesian)
| Epirus
| Çamërië / Çamëria (Albanian), Epeiros (Finnish), Epir (Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Turkish), Epīra (Latvian), Épire (French), Epiro (Italian), Épiro (Spanish, Portuguese), Èpir (Catalan), Epirosz (Hungarian), Epiru (Maltese), Epirus (Danish, Dutch, German, Latin, Swedish), Ípeiros (Estonian), Ípiros - Ήπειρος (Greek)
| Euboea
| Eğriboz (Turkish), Eubea (Catalan, Italian, Polish), Eubée (French), Eubeea (Romanian), Eubéia (Portuguese), Eubeja (Croatian), Euböa (German), Euboea (Dutch, Latin), Euboia (Estonian, Swedish, Finnish), Évia (Hungarian), Évvia - Ευβοια (Greek), Negroponte (former Italian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Faroe Islands
| Føroyar (Faroese), Færeyjar (Icelandic), Færøyane (Norwegian nynorsk), Færøyene (Norwegian bokmål), Færøerne (Danish), Fääri saared (Estonian), Färöarna (Swedish), Faeröer (Dutch), Faröe Adaları (Turkish), Färöer (German), Faerské ostrovy (Czech, Slovak), Farēru salas or Fēru salas (Latvian), Farerų salos (Lithuanian), Färsaaret (Finnish), Farska Ostrva (Serbian), Feróes Nisoi - Φερόες Νησοι (Greek), Ferooj (Esperanto), Feröer-szigetek (Hungarian), Ferski otoki (Slovene), na h-Eileanan Fàrach (Scots Gaelic), il-Gzejjer Faroe (Maltese), Îles Féroé (French), Ilhas Faroés or Ilhas Feroé or Ilhas Féroes (Portuguese), Illes Fèroe (Catalan), Insulele Faroe (Romanian), Islas Feroe (Spanish), Isole Fær Øer (Italian), Farski otoci (informal Croatian), Ovčji otoci (official Croatian, rarely used), Na Scigirí (Irish), Wyspy Owcze (Polish)
| Finland Proper
| Dienvidrietumsomija (Latvian), Egentliga Finland (Swedish), Egentlige Finland (Danish), Finlande propre (French), Finlandia Meridionalis (Latin), Finlândia Própria or Finlândia do Sudoeste (Portuguese), Päris-Soome (Estonian), Varsinais-Suomi (Finnish)
| Finnmark
| Finmarka (Latvian), Finnmark (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Finnmarken (Danish), Finnmárku (Sami), Finnmörk (Icelandic), Ruija (Finnish)
| Flanders
| Fiandra or Fiandre (Italian), Fjandra (Maltese), Flamandhía - Φλαμανδία (Greek), Flaman Ovası (Turkish), Flámsko (Slovak), Flande (Walloon), Flanderi (Finnish), Flandern (Danish, German, Swedish), Flandes (Catalan, Spanish), Flandra (Romanian), Flandre or Flandres (French), Flandres (Portuguese), Flandrez (Breton), Flandria (Estonian, Hungarian, Latin, Polish), Flandrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian), Flandry (Czech), Flandrys (Welsh), Flandur or Flæmingjaland (Icelandic), Flóndras (Irish), Vlaanderen (Dutch)
Note: several languages have a plural form and a singular form, with different geographical scope
| Franche-Comté
| Franca Contea (Italian), Franc-Comtat (Catalan), Franche-Comté (Estonian, French, Romanian), Franco-Condado (Portuguese), Franco Condado (Spanish), Freigrafschaft Burgund (German until 17th cent.), Burgundia (Medieval Latin)
| Franconia
| Fragonía - Φραγκωνία (Greek), Franačka (Croatian), Franconia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Francónia (Portuguese), Francònia (Catalan), Francônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Franconie (French), Frangimaa (Estonian), Franken (Danish, Finnish), Franken or Frankenland (Dutch, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Frankföld (Hungarian), Frankonia (Polish), Frankonija (Latvian), Frankonja (Maltese), Franky (Czech)
| Friesland
| Friesland (Dutch, English, German, Indonesian, Norwegian, Swedish), Friisimaa (Estonian), Friisinmaa (Finnish), Frísaland (Faroese), Frise (French), Frísia (Catalan, Portuguese), Frisía - Φρισία (Greek), Frisia (Italian, Latin, Spanish), Frisia or Frislanda (Romansh), Frísko (Czech), Frisland (Danish), Frislandiya - Фрисландия (Russian), Frislando (Esperanto), Frízföld (Hungarian), Frizia (Romanian), Frizija (Croatian), Frīzlande (Latvian), Frizya (Turkish), Fryslân (Frisian), Fryzja (Polish)
| Friuli
| Forum Iulii, Foroiulium or Forum Iulium (Latin), Friaul (German, Hungarian), Frioul (French), Frioulía - Φριουλία (Greek), Friül (Catalan), Friûl (Friulian), Friul (Spanish, variant in Romanian), Friuli (Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Maltese, Polish, Romanian), Friúlia (Portuguese), Furlanija (Croatian, Slovene), Furlánsko (Czech)
| Funen
| Fyn (Danish, Estonian, Norwegian, Swedish, Esperanto, Finnish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian), Fjón (Faroese, Icelandic), Funen (Dutch), Fünen (German), Fionia (Italian, Polish, Spanish, variant in Romanian), Fiònia (Catalan), Fionie (French)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Galicia (Central Europe)
| Gácsország (variant in Hungarian), Galicia (Hungarian, Latin), Galícia (Portuguese), Galicië (Dutch), Galicie (French), Galicija (Croatian, Slovene), Galicja (Polish), Galiçya (Turkish), Galiitsia (Estonian), Galiţia (Romanian), Galitsia (Finnish), Galitsiya - Галиция (Russian), Galitsyen - גאַליציען (Yiddish), Galitzia (Spanish), Galítzia (Catalan), Galizia (Italian), Galizien (Danish, German, Swedish), Galizja (Maltese), Halič (Czech), Halici (variant in Romanian), Halics (variant in Hungarian), Halychyna - Галичина (Ukrainian), Puna-Venäjä (historical Finnish)
| Galicia (Spain)
| Gallaecia (Latin), Galice (French), Galícia (Catalan), Galicia (Estonian, Finnish, Galician, Hungarian, variant in Romanian, Spanish), Galicie (Czech), Galicië (Dutch), Galicien (Danish, German, Swedish), Galicija (Serbian), Galicja or Galisja (Polish), Galiçya (Turkish), Galiţia (Romanian), Galiza (alternative Galician name, Portuguese), Galizia (Italian), Galizja (Maltese), Gal·lècia (old Catalan), Ghallikía - Γαλλικία (Greek)
| Gascony
| Gascogne (French, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in Romanian), Gasconha (Occitan, Portuguese), Gasconia (Romanian), Gasconya and Gascunya (Catalan), Gascuña (Spanish), Gasgwyn (Welsh), Gaskonia (Polish), Gaskonja (Serbian), Gaskonya (Turkish), Guascogna (Italian), Gaskoňsko (Czech), Ghaskonía - Γασκονία (Greek), Vasconia (Latin)
| Gelderland
| Gelderlân (Frisian), Gelderland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Gelre (historical Dutch), Gheldria (Italian), Guelders or Gueldres (alternative English name), Güelda or Güeldes (Catalan), Gueldre (French), Güeldres (Spanish), Guéldria (Portuguese)
| Gästrikland
| Gästrikland (Estonian, Swedish), Gestricia (Latin), Gestricie (French), Gestriklanti (Finnish), Gestrekaland (Old West Norse)
| Götaland
| Gautlönd or Gautaland (Icelandic), Götaland (Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Götamaa (Estonian alternate), Gothia (Latin), Göötanmaa (Finnish), Geatland (variant in English), Götland (German), Gotlandia (Polish), Gotlàndia and Gòtia (Catalan)
| Gotland
| Gotland (Danish, Dutch, Faroese, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish), Gotlanda (Catalan), Gotlandas (Lithuanian), Gotlandia (Latin, Polish), Gotlanti (Finnish), Gutland (Gutnish), Ojamaa (Estonian)
| Graubünden
| Graubünden (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish, variant in English), Grauwbunderland (former Dutch), Grigioni (Italian), Grischun (Romansh), Grisões (Portuguese), Grisons or Els Grisons (Catalan), Grisons (French), Grisones (Spanish), Grizono (Esperanto), Gryzonia (Polish)
| Greater Poland
| Grande Polonia or Posnania (Italian), Grande-Pologne (French), Grande Polônia (Portuguese), Gran-Polònia (Catalan), Great Poland (variant in English), Groot-Polen (Dutch), Großpolen (German), Megháli Polonía - Μεγάλη Πολωνία (Greek), Nagy-Lengyelország (Hungarian), Polonia Maior (Latin), Polonia Mare (Romanian), Storpolen (Danish, Swedish), Wielkopolska (Polish), Velkopolsko (Czech), Suur-Poola (Estonian), Suur-Puola (Finnish)
| Groningen
| Groningen (Dutch, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Groningue (French), Groninga (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), Grinslân (Frisian), Grönnen / Grunnen / Grunn'n (Gronings)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Hainaut
| Hainaut (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian), Henegavsko (Czech), Henegouwen (Dutch), Hennegau (German), Henao (old Spanish), Hinnot (Walloon)
| Halland
| Chalandhía - Χαλανδία (Greek), Halland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Hallandia (Latin), Hallanti (Finnish)
| Hälsingland
| Hälsingland (Dutch, Estonian, Swedish), Helsingia (Latin), Helsingland (French), Helsinglanti (Finnish), Helsingjaland (Old West Norse)
| Härjedalen
| Härjedalen (Estonian, Swedish), Herdalia (Latin), Herdalie (French), Herjedalen (Danish, Norwegian), Herjeådalen (Trøndersk, IOW the regional name), Herjárdalr (Old West Norse), Härjedaelie (Sami)
| Herzegovina
| Erzeghovíni - Ερζεγοβίνη (Greek), Erzegovina (Italian), Heirseagaivéin (Irish), Hercegovina (Albanian, Bosnian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish), Hercegovina - Герцеговина (Belarusian, Russian), Hercegovina - Херцеговина (Bulgarian, Serbian), Hercegovino (Esperanto), Hercegowina (Polish), Herdzegovine (Walloon), Hersegovina (Faroese), Hersegóvína (Icelandic), Hersek (Turkish), Herţegovina (Romanian), Hertsegofina (Welsh), Hertsegoviina (Estonian), Hertsegovina (Finnish), Herzegovina (Basque, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish), Ħerzegovina (Maltese), Herzégovine (French), Herzegowina (German)
| Hesse
| Assia (Italian), Éssi - Έσση (Greek), Hesensko (Czech), Hessa (Romanian), Hessen (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Slovene, Swedish, variant in Romanian, Turkish), Hesse (French, Portuguese, Spanish), Hesja (Polish)
| Hiiumaa
| Dagø (Danish), Dagö (German, Swedish), Dago (Polish, historical), Hiidenmaa (Finnish), Hiiu (Estonian alternate), Hiiumaa (Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Romanian), Hiuma (modern Polish)
| Holland
| Batavia (Latin variant), Belanda (Indonesian, Malay), Holland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Swedish), Holanda (Albanian, Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish), Holandia (Polish), Holandija (Serbian, Slovene), Holandsko (Czech, Slovak), Hollân (Frisian), Hollanda (Turkish), Hollande (French), Hollandia (Hungarian, Latin), Hollanti (Finnish), an Òlaind (Scots Gaelic), Olanda (Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Olandija (Lithuanian), an Ollainn (Irish), Ollanda (Romansh), Ollandhía - Ολλανδία (Greek)
Note: Holland is a former county and region comprising two modern provinces of the Netherlands
, although the name is often used to refer to the whole Dutch realm. Holland
is also a former kingdom (1806–1810) comprising approximately the territory of the modern Netherlands
| Holstein
| Holsetaland (Icelandic), Holstein (Afrikaans, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Holsteen (Low Saxon), Holsten (Danish), Holštýnsko (Czech), Holsztyn (Polish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Île-de-France
| Franciae insula (Latin), Île-de-France (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Ilha-de-França (Portuguese), Isla de Francia (Spanish)
| Ingria
| Ingeri (Estonian), Ingerimaa (Estonian alternate), Ingermanland (Danish, German, Swedish), Ingermanlandia - Ингерманландия (Russian), Ingria (Italian, Latin, Romanian), Íngria (Portuguese), Ingrie (French), Inkeri (Finnish, Ingrian)
| Istria
| Histria (Latin), Istra (Croatian, Estonian, Serbian, Slovene), Ístria (Catalan, Portuguese), Istria (Estonian alternate, Finnish, Italian, Polish, Romanian), Istría - Ιστρία (Greek), Istrië (Dutch), Istrie (French, Czech), Istrien (Danish, German, Swedish), Isztria (Hungarian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Jämtland
| Iempterland (French), Jamtaland (Icelandic, Old West Norse), Jämtland (Dutch, Estonian, German, Swedish), Jämtlanti (Finnish), Jemtia (Latin), Jemtland (Danish, Norwegian), Jamtland/Jamplann (Normalized/Traditional Jamtlandic), Jiemhte (Sami)
| Jura
| Giura (Italian), Jura (Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish)
| Jutland
| An Iútlainn (Irish), Iutlanda (Romanian), Jótland (Icelandic), Jutland (Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Italian, Turkish), Jútland (Faroese), Jütland (German, Hungarian), Jutlandia (Polish, Spanish), Jutlândia (Portuguese), Jutsko (Czech), Jüütimaa (Estonian), Jylland (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish), Jyllanti (Finnish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Kainuu
| Kainuu (Estonian, Finnish), Kajanaland (Swedish)
| Karelia
| Carelia (Italian, Romanian), Carèlia (Catalan), Carélia (Portuguese), Carélie (French), An Chairéil (Irish), Karelen (Danish, Swedish), Karélia (Hungarian), Karelia (Latin, Polish), Kareliâ - Карелия (Russian), Karelië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Karélie (Czech), Karelien (German), Karelija (Croatian), Karelja (Maltese), Karelya (Turkish), Karjala (Estonian, Finnish, Karelian)
| Kashubia
| Cachoubie (French), Caixúbia (Catalan), Cashubia (variant in English), Cassubia (Latin, Italian, Spanish), Kaschubei or Kaschubien (German), Kasjoebië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Kasjubia (Norwegian), Kasjubien (Swedish), Kasubia (Hungarian, Finnish), Kaşubia (Romanian), Kašubija - Кашубия (Russian), Kašubija (Slovene), Kašubsko (Czech), Kašuubia (Estonian alternate), Kaszëbë or Kaszëbskô (Kashubian), Kaszuby (Estonian, Polish)
| Kola
| Kola (Dutch, French, German, Romanian), Kolahalvøen (Danish), Kolahalvön (Swedish), Kola yarımadası (Turkish), Kol'skij poluostrov - Кольский полуостров (Russian), Koola (Estonian), Kuola (Finnish)
| Kosovo
| Kosova (Turkish), Kosovë or Kosova (Albanian), Kosovo i Metohija - Косово и Метохија (Serbian), Kosovo (Estonian, Finnish, German, Maltese), Kosovo or Kosova (Faroese), Kosovo or Kossovo (French), Kosovo or Cosovo (Portuguese), Kosowo (Polish), Kossowo-Metochien or Kosowo-Metochien (German until 1974), Rigómező or Koszovó (Hungarian)
| Kuyavia
| Cuiavia (Italian, Latin, variant in English), Cujávia (Portuguese), Cujavie (French), Kujaavia (Estonian alternate), Kujavia (Finnish, Hungarian), Kujawien (German), Kujawy (Estonian, Polish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Lachia
| Lachei (German), Lachija - Лахия (Russian), Lašsko (Czech, Slovak), Laszczyzna (Polish)
| Languedoc
| Languedoc (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Langwedocja (Polish), Lengadòc (Occitan), Lenguadoc (Old Spanish), Linguadoca (Italian), Llenguadoc (Catalan), Llinguadoc (Leonese)
| Lapland
| Finnmark (Norwegian), Lapimaa (Estonian), An Laplainn (Irish), Lapland (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch), Laponia (Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Lapònia (Catalan), Lapónia (Portuguese), Lapônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Laponie (French), Laponija (Serbian), Laponsko (Czech), Laponya (Turkish), Lappföld (Hungarian), Lappi (Finnish), Lappland or Sámaland (Faroese), Lappland (German, Swedish), Lapponia (Italian), Lapponja (Maltese), Llaponia (Leonese), Sápmi (Sami)
| Laponia (Finland & Sweden)
| Finnmark (Norwegian, older Swedish), Lapimaa (Estonian), Lapland (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch), Lapònia (Catalan), Laponia (Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Lapónia (Portuguese), Lapônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Laponie (French), Laponija (Serbian), Laponska (Slovene), Laponsko (Czech), Laponya (Turkish), Lappföld (Hungarian), Lappi (Finnish), Lappland (Faroese, German, Swedish), Lapponia (Italian), Lapponja (Maltese), Sápmi (Sami)
| Latgalia
| Latgale (Estonian, French, Latvian), Łatgalia (Polish), Latgallia (variant in English, Finnish), Letgallen (Danish), Lettgallen (Swedish), Letgallia (Italian)
| Latium
| Laci (Catalan), Lacij (Croatian), Lácio (Portuguese), Lacio (Spanish), Lacjum (Polish), Latium (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Latin, variant in Romanian), Lazio (Estonian, Italian, Romanian, variant in English), Lazio or Latina (Finnish), Lazjo (Maltese)
| León
| Leão (Portuguese), Leon (Maltese, Polish, Romanian), León (Danish, Estonian, French, Finnish, Hungarian, Spanish), Lleó (Catalan), Lleón (Asturian), Llión (Leonese)
| Lesser Poland
| Kis-Lengyelország (Hungarian), Kleinpolen (German), Klein-Polen (Dutch), Lillepolen (Danish), Little Poland (variant in English), Małopolska (Polish), Malopolsko (Czech), Pequena Polônia (Portuguese), Petite-Pologne (French), Piccola Polonia (Italian), Polonia Micǎ (Romanian), Polonia Minor (Latin), Vähä-Puola (Finnish), Väike-Poola (Estonian)
| Liguria
| Liguria (Italian, Finnish, Hungarian, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Ligúria (Catalan, Portuguese), Ligurië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Ligurie (French), Ligurien (German, Swedish), Ligurija (Croatian, Slovene), Ligurja (Maltese), Ligursko (Czech), Liguuria (Estonian), Lliguria (Leonese)
| Limburg
| Limbourg (French), Limburch (Frisian), Limburg (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish), Limburgia (Polish), Limburgo (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)
| Limousin
| Lemosin (Occitan), Lemosín (Spanish), Limosino (Italian), Limousin (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish), Llemosí (Catalan)
| Livonia
| Inflantia (variant in English and Polish), Inflanty (Polish), Liivimaa (Estonian), Liivinmaa (Finnish), Liflândiâ - Лифляндия (Russian), Lijfland (Dutch), Livland (Danish, German, Swedish), Livonia (Italian, Latin, Romanian), Livònia (Catalan), Livónia (Hungarian), Livônia (Portuguese), Livonie (French), Livonija (Latvian), Livonja (Maltese), Livonsko (Czech), Liwonia (former Polish variant), Llivoña (Leonese), Lyfland (Afrikaans)
| Lombardy
| Langbarðaland (Icelandic), Langobardia (Latin), Llombardia (Catalan), An Lombaird (Irish), Lombardei (German), Lombardia (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak), Lombardía (Spanish), Lombardie (French, Czech), Lombardiet (Danish, Swedish), Lombardija (Croatian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Lombardije (Dutch), Lombardiya (Turkish), Lombardye (Afrikaans)
| Lorraine
| Llorena (Leonese), Lorena (Croatian, Catalan, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Slovene), An Lorráin (Irish), Lorraine (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Swedish), Lotaringia (Latin, variant in Romanian), Lotaringiya - Лотарингия (Bulgarian), Lotaryngia (Polish), Lotharinge (Afrikaans), Lotharingen (Dutch), Lotharingia (Hungarian), Lothringen (German, variant in Finnish, Danish and Swedish), Lotring (Estonian alternate), Lotrinsko (Czech)
| Lower Austria
| Ala-Itävalta (Finnish), Alam-Austria (Estonian), Alsó-Ausztria (Hungarian), Aşağı Avusturya (Turkish), Austria Inferioară or Austria de Jos (Romanian), Awstrija ta' Isfel (Maltese), Baixa Áustria (Portuguese), Baixa Àustria (Catalan), Baja Austria (Spanish), Bassa Austria (Italian), Basse-Autriche (French), Dolna Austria (Polish), Dolní Rakousy (Czech), Donja Austrija (Croatian), Neder-Oostenrijk (Dutch), Neder-Oostenryk (Afrikaans), Niederösterreich (Danish, German, Swedish), Spodnja Avstrija (Slovene), Žemutinė Austrija (Lithuanian)
| Lower Saxony
| Ala-Saksi (Finnish) Alam-Saksi (Estonian), Alsó-Szászország (Hungarian), Aşağı Saksonya (Turkish), Baja Sajonia (Spanish), Bassa Sassonia (Italian), Baixa Saxònia (Catalan), Baixa Saxónia (Portuguese), Baixa Saxônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Baixo Saxe (Portuguese variant), Basse-Saxe (French), Dolna Saksonia (Polish), Dolní Sasko (Czech), Donja Saksonija (Bosnian, Serbian), Donja Saska (Croatian), Neddersassen (Low Saxon), Nedersaksen (Dutch, Frisian), Neder-Sakse (Afrikaans), Niedersachsen (Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sassonja ta' Isfel (Maltese), Saxonia Inferioară or Saxonia de Jos (Romanian), Spodnja Saška (Slovene) Neðra-Saxland (Icelandic)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Macédoine (French), Macedonia (Italian, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Welsh), Macedònia (Catalan), Macedónia (Hungarian (for country), Portuguese), Macedonië (Dutch), Macedonja (Maltese), Maċedonja (Maltese), Macedónsko (Slovak), Makedonia (Finnish), Makedonía - Μακεδονία (Greek), Makedónia (Faroese, Hungarian [for Greek region]), Makedonie (Czech), Makedonien (Danish, Swedish, German [referring to ancient Macedonia]), Maķedonija (Latvian), Makedonija (Lithuanian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene), Makedonya (Turkish), Makedoonia (Estonian), Mazedonien (German)
| Mačva
| Macsó (Hungarian), Mačva - Мачва (Serbian)
| Maramureş
| Maramureş (Romanian), Máramaros (Hungarian), Maramures (Estonian), Marmatie (French)
| Marche
| Las Marcas (Spanish), Marche (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish), Marches (French), Marken (Dutch variant, German)
| Masovia
| Masoovia (Estonian), Masovia (Italian, Finnish), Masovia / Mazovia (Latin), Masovien (Swedish), Masowien (German), Mazóvia (Hungarian), Mazovia (Romanian, Spanish, variant in English), Mazovie (French), Mazovija (Lithuanian), Mazovijsko (Slovenian), Mazovjecko (Croatian), Mazovsko (Czech, Slovak), Mazowsze (Polish)
| Masuria
| Masuren or Masurenland (German), Masuria (Italian, Latin, Finnish), Masurien (Swedish), Masuuria (Estonian), Mazuria (Hungarian, Romanian), Mazurië (Dutch), Mazurie (French), Mozūrija (Lithuanian), Mazury (Polish)
| Mecklenburg
| Mecklembourg (French), Mecklemburgo (Portuguese, Spanish), Mecklenburg (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovene, Swedish), Mecklenbursko (Slovak), Meclenburgo (Italian), Mekelborg (Low Saxon), Meklemburgia (Polish), Meklenburch (Frisian), Meklenburgo (Esperanto), Meklenbursko (Czech)
| Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
| Mecklembourg-Poméranie antérieure or Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale (French), Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Anterior (Spanish), Mecklenburg-Voorpommeren (Afrikaans), Mecklenburg-Voorpommeren or Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren (Dutch), Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania (variant in English), Mecklenburg-Pomerania Inferioară (or Anterioară) (Romanian), Mecklenburg-Pomorjansko (Slovene), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Mecklenburg-Voorpommern (Dutch), Meclenburgo-Pomerania Anteriore (Italian), Mecklenbursko-Predpomoransko (Slovak), Mekelborg-Vörpommern (Low Saxon), Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie (Polish), Meklenburch-Foarpommeren (Frisian), Meklenburgo-Antaŭpomerio (Esperanto), Meklenbursko-Přední Pomořansko (Czech), Mecklenburg-Etu-Pommeri (Finnish)
| Medelpad
| Medelpad (Estonian, French, Swedish), Medelpadia (Latin)
| Metohija
| Métochie (French), Metochien (German), Metohia (Romanian, variant in English), Metohija (Estonian), Metohija - Метохија (Serbian), Rrafsh i Dukagjinit (Albanian)
| Moldavia
| Boğdan (former Turkish), Moldaavia (Estonian alternate), Moldau (German), Moldavia (Basque, Italian, Spanish), Moldàvia (Catalan), Moldávia (Portuguese), Moldavië (Dutch), Moldavie (French), Moldavien (Danish, Swedish), Moldavija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Moldavja (Maltese), Moldavsko (Czech, Slovak), Moldavya (Turkish), Mołdawia (Polish), Moldhavía - Μολδαβία (Greek), Moldova (Estonian, Finnish, Romanian, variant in Swedish), Moldva (Hungarian)
| Montferrat
| Monferrato (Italian, Polish, Spanish), Monfrà (Piedmontese), Montferrat (Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish)
| Moravia
| Määri (Finnish), Määrimaa (Estonian alternate), Mæhren (Danish), Mähren (German, Norwegian, Swedish, variant in Danish), Moraavia (Estonian alternate), Morava (Czech, Estonian), Moravia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Morávia (Portuguese), Moravië (Dutch), Moravie (French), Moravija - Моравия (Russian), Moravja (Maltese), Morawy (Polish), Morvaország (Hungarian), Moravska (Croatian, Slovene)
| Moravian Slovakia
| Mährische Slowakei (German), Mähriska Slovakien (Swedish), Moravska Slovačka (Serbian), Moravskaja Slovakija - Моравская Словакия (Russian), Moravské Slovensko (variant in Czech), Morawska Słowacja (Polish), Slovácko (Czech, Slovak)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Navarre
| Nabarra (popular variant in Basque), Nafarroa (official Basque), Navara (Macedonian), Navarra (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Gascon, German, Hungarian, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Czech), Navarre (French), Nawarra (Polish)
| Närke
| Närke (Estonian, Swedish), Nericia (Latin), Néricie (French), Nerike (oldert variant in Swedish)
| Nidwalden
| Nidvaldo (Italian), Nidwald (French), Nidwalden (Danish, Estonian, German, Swedish)
| Normandy
| Normandí (Icelandic), Normandia (Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian), Normandía (Spanish), Normandië (Dutch), Normandie (Czech, French, German), Normandiet (Danish, Swedish), Normandija (Croatian, Maltese, Slovene), Normandiya (Turkish)
| North Rhine
| Észak-Rajna (Hungarian), Nadrenia Północna (Polish), Noardryn (Frisian), Noord-Rijnland (Dutch), Noordryn (Afrikaans), Nord Reno / Renania settentrionale(Italian), Nordrhein (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Põhja-Rein (Estonian alternate), Renania del Norte (Spanish), Renania de Nord (Romanian), Renânia do Norte (Portuguese), Rhénanie-du-Nord (French), Severno Porenje (Slovene), Severní Porýní (Czech), Sjeverno Porajnje (Croatian)
| North Rhine-Westphalia
| Észak-Rajna-Vesztfália (Hungarian), Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia (Polish), Noardryn-Westfalen (Frisian), Kuzey Ren-Vestfalya (Turkish), Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen or Noordrijn-Westfalen (Dutch), Noordryn-Wesfalen (Afrikaans), Nord Reno-Westfalia / Renania settentrionale-Vestfalia(Italian), Nordrhein-Westfalen (Danish, Estonian, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Põhja-Rein-Vestfaal (Estonian alternate), Renania del Norte-Westfalia (Spanish), Renania de Nord-Westfalia (Romanian), Renânia do Norte-Vestfália (Portuguese), Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie (French), Severno Porenje-Vestfalija (Slovene), Severní Porýní-Vestfálsko (Czech), Sjeverno Porajnje-Zapadna Falačka (Croatian)
| Northumbria
| Norðan-Hymbria (Anglo-Saxon), Norðymbraland (Icelandic), Northumbria (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Latin, Romanian), Northumbrie (French), Northumbrien (German), Nortumbair (Irish), Nortumbria (Italian, Polish), Nortúmbria (Portuguese)
| Nösnerland
| Naszód (Hungarian), Nösnerland (German), Ţara Năsăudului (Romanian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Obwalden
| Obvaldo (Italian), Obwald (French), Obwalden (Dutch, Estonian, German, Swedish)
| Öland
| Elandas (Lithuanian), Oelande (French), Oelandia (Latin), Öland (Estonian, Swedish), Øland (Danish), Olandia (Polish), Öölanti (Finnish)
| Orava
| Arva (Latin), Árva (Hungarian), Arwa (German), Orava (Estonian, Romanian, Slovak), Orawa (Polish)
| Ostrobothnia
| Bothnia Orientalis or Ostrobothnia (Latin), Botnie-Orientale (French), Österbotten (Swedish), Pohjanmaa (Estonian, Finnish)
| Östergötland
| Gothie orientale (French), Östergötland (Swedish), Östergötland (Estonian), Ostrogothia or Gothia Orientalis (Latin), Itä-Götanmaa (Finnish)
| Overijssel
| Oaveriesel (local Dutch Low Saxon dialects [Sallands and Twents]), Oerisel (Frisian), Overijssel (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Swedish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Palatinate
| Falcko or Falc (Czech), Palatinado (Portuguese, Spanish), Palatinat (Catalan, French, Romanian), Palatinato (Italian), Palatynat (Polish), Palts (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Palz (Low Saxon), Pfalz (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Slovene, Swedish)
| Peloponnese
| Mora (Turkish), More (Albanian), Morea
(older English, older Italian), Moréas - Μωρέας / Moriás - Μωριάς (variants in Greek), Morée (older French), Peloponeso (Portuguese), Peloponeso or Morea (Spanish), Peloponès (Catalan), Peloponez (Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene), Peloponnes (Danish, German), Péloponnèse (French), Peloponneso (Italian), Peloponnesos (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish), Peloponnesus (Latin), Peloponnészosz (Hungarian), Peloponneżu (Maltese), Pelopónnisos - Πελοπόννησος (Greek)
| Picardy
| An Phiocaird (Irish), Picårdeye (Walloon), Picardia (Finnish, Portuguese, Romanian), Picardía (Spanish), Picardiet (Danish), Picardië (Dutch), Picardie (Estonian, French, Swedish, variant in English and German), Piccardia (Italian), Pikardia (Estonian alternate, Polish), Pikardie (Czech, German), Pikardien (variant in Swedish), Pikardija (Croatian)
| Piedmont
| Pedemontium (Latin), Piamonte (Spanish), Piemont (Piedmontese, Occitan, Catalan, Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian), Piëmont (Dutch), Piémont (French), Piemonte (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish), Píodmant (Irish), Pijemont (Croatian), Pjemonte (Maltese)
| Podlaskie
| Padlyašša - Падляшша (Belarusian), Podlaasia (Estonian), Podlachia (Italian, Latin), Podlachie or Podlaquie (French), Podlachien (German), Podlasia (Finnish), Podlasie (Hungarian, Polish), Podlasien (Danish, Swedish), Podlasko or Podlasze (older Polish names)
| Podolia
| Podillya - Поділля (Ukrainian), Podole (Polish), Podolia (Italian, Romanian), Podólia (Hungarian), Podolië (Dutch), Podolie (French), Podolien (Danish, German, Swedish), Podolya (Turkish), Podoolia (Estonian)
| Poitou
| Pictaviensis (Latin), Poatev (Brezhoneg), Poetou (Poitevin), Poitou (Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norvegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh), Puatu (Lithuanian), Puatú - Пуату́ (Russian)
| Polesie
| Palyes'sye [Palesse] - Палесьсе (Belarusian), Polesia (Finnish, Romanian, variant in English), Polesië (Dutch), Polésie (French), Polesie (Polish), Polesien (Danish, German, Swedish), Polesje (Estonian), Poleszje (Hungarian), Poles'ye - Полесье (Russian), Polezya (Turkish), Poliessia (Italian), Poliezia (variant in Romanian), Polissya - Полісся (Ukrainian)
| Pomerania
| An Phoimearáin (Irish), Pomerania (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Pomerania or Pomorania (Latin), Pomerània (Catalan), Pomeránia (Hungarian), Pomerânia (Portuguese), Poméranie (French), Pomeransko (Croatian), Pomeranya (Turkish), Pomerio (Esperanto), Pommeren (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Pommeri (Finnish), Pommern (Danish, German, Low Saxon, Icelandic, Swedish), Pommeri (Estonian), Pomoransko (Slovak), Pomořansko or Pomořany (Czech), Pomorjansko (Slovene), Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Pomorze (Polish), Pòmòrze (Pomeranian)
| Pomerelia
| Pomorze Gdańskie or Pomorze Wschodnie (Polish), Pòrénkòwô Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Pommerellen (Danish, Dutch, German, Swedish), Kleinpommern (German variant), Pomoří (Czech), Pomérelia (Hungarian), Pomerélia (Portuguese), Pomerellia (Italian, Romanian), Pomérélie or Pomérelie (French), Pomerelia (Spanish, Welsh), Väike-Pommeri (Estonian)
| Prekmurje
| Prekmurje (Croatian, Slovene), Transmuraland (variant in English), Muravidék (Hungarian), Übermurgebiet or Murland (German)
| Provence
| Probenza (Aragonese), Prouvènço (Provençal), Provänce (Kölsch), Provansa (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Provença (Catalan, Occitan, Portuguese), Provence (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Provensálsko (Czech), Provenza (Italian, Maltese, Spanish, Asturian, Galego), Provenţa (variant in Romanian), Province (Walloons), Provincia (Latin), Prowansja (Polish), Pruvenza (Sicilian)
| Prussia
| Borussia or Prussia (Latin), An Phrúis (Irish), Poroszország (Hungarian), Prajzsko (Silesian), Preisi (Estonian alternate), Preisimaa (Estonian), Preußen (German), Preussen (Swiss German, Danish, Swedish), Preussi (Finnish), Prøjsen (older Danish variant), Pruisen (Dutch), Prusia (Romanian, Spanish), Prūsija (Lithuanian), Prusija (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Prusko (Czech), Prusse (French), Prûsse (Walloon), Prussia (Italian), Prússia (Catalan, Portuguese), Prussland (Faroese), Prússland (Icelandic), Prussja (Maltese), Prusy (Polish), Prusya (Turkish), Prwsia (Welsh)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Rhineland
| Dúiche na Réine (Irish), Nadrenia (Polish), Porenje (Slovene), Porýní (Czech), Porýnie (Slovak), Rajna-vidék (Hungarian), Reinimaa (Estonian), Renaneye (Walloon), Renània (Catalan), Renania (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Renânia (Portuguese), y Rheindir (Welsh), Rheinland (Croatian, Danish, Estonian alternate, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Romanian), Rhénanie (French), Rhenlandet (Swedish), Rhinlandet (variant in Danish), Rijnland (Dutch), Rínarlönd (Icelandic), Rynlân (Frisian), Rynland (Afrikaans)
| Rhineland-Palatinate
| Nadrenia-Palatynat (Polish), Porenje-Pfalz (Slovene), Porýní-Falcko (Czech), Rajna-vidék-Pfalz (Hungarian), Reinimaa-Pfalz (Estonian alternate), Renaneye-Palatinat (Walloon), Renânia-Palatinado (Portuguese), Renania-Palatinado (Spanish), Renania-Palatinat (Romanian), Renània-Palatinat (Catalan), Renania-Palatinato (Italian), Rheinland-Palz (Low Saxon), Rheinland-Pfalz (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish), Rhénanie-Palatinat (French), Rijnland-Palts (Dutch), Rynlân-Palts (Frisian), Rynland-Palts (Afrikaans)
| Rhodes
| Rhodes (French), Rhodos (Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Slovak, Swedish), Rhodus (Latin), Rod (Croatian), Rodas (Galician, Spanish), Rodes (Portuguese), Rodi (Italian, Maltese), Rodos (Dutch variant, Finnish, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Turkish), Ródhos (Greek), Ródosz (Hungarian)
| Romagna
| Romagna (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Romagne (French), Romaña (Spanish), Romanha (Portuguese), Romanya (Catalan, Turkish), Romania (Polish, Latin), Romanja (Maltese)
| Roussillon
| Rosellón (Spanish), Rosselló (Catalan), Rossiglione (Italian), Rossilhão (Portuguese), Roussillon (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish)
|Ruhr district
| Ruhr district (English), Ruhrgebiet (German), Ruhrområdet (Swedish)
| Rumelia
| Rumeli (Turkish), Rumelija (Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene), Rumelija - Румелија (Serbian, Macedonian), Rumeliya - Румелия (Bulgarian), Rumelia (Albanian, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Rumélia (Hungarian, Portuguese), Rumelien (Danish, German, Swedish), Roumélie (French), Roemelië (Dutch, Afrikaans), Roúmeli - Ρούμελη or Romylía - Ρωμυλία (Greek)
| Ruthenia
| Rus' - Русь (Russian, Ukrainian), An Rúitéin (Irish), Ruś (Polish), Rus (Czech, Slovak, Swedish), Ruteenia (variant in Estonian), Rutenia (Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Spanish), Ruténia (Hungarian, Portuguese), Rutênia (Brazilian Portuguese), Rutenija (Croatian), Rutenya (Turkish), Ruthenia (Latin), Ruthénie (French), Ruthenien (Danish, German, Swedish), Vene (Estonian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Saaremaa
| Øsel (Danish), Ösel (German, Swedish), Ozylia (former Polish), Saare (Estonian alternate), Saaremaa (Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian), Saarenmaa (Finnish), Sāmsala (Latvian), Sarema (Lithuanian, Polish)
| Saarland
| Posarje (Slovene), Saar (Finnish, variant in Romanian), Saara (Polish), Saarimaa (Estonian), Saarlân (Frisian), Saarland (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, German, Icelandic, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish), Saar-vidék (Hungarian), Sar (Serbian), Sarre (French, Portuguese, Spanish), Sársko (Czech)
| Samland
| Sambia (Finnish, Latin, Polish), Sambie (French), Sambija (Estonian), Samland (Danish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Semlyand (Russian)
| Samogitia
| Samogitia (Latin), Samogitië (Dutch), Samogitie (French), Samogitien (Danish, German, Swedish), Samogizia (Italian), Schamaiten (German), Žemaitija (Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian), Żmudź (Polish)
| Samos
| Sámos (Estonian), Sisam (Turkish)
| Sandžak
| Sancak (Turkish), Sandjak (Danish, Dutch, French), Sandschak (German), Sandżak (Polish), Sandžak - Санџак (Serbian), Sangeac (Romanian), Sangiaccato (Italian); Sandschak von Novi Pazar (former German name), Sangiaccato di Novipazar (former Italian name), Szandzsák (Hungarian)
| Sardinia
| Cerdeña (Spanish), Ichnusa (Phoenician), Sandalyon or Sardo (Classical Greek), Sardaigne (French), Sardegna (Italian), Sardenha (Portuguese), Sardenja (Maltese), Sardenya (Catalan), Sardigna/Sardinna/Sardinnia (Sardinian), Sardiinia (Estonian), Sardinia (Finnish, Latin, Romanian), Sardínia (Slovak), Sardínie (Czech), Sardinië (Dutch), Sardinien (Danish, German, Swedish), Sardinija (Croatian, Serbian), Sardinya (Turkish), Sardynia (Polish), Szardínia (Hungarian), An tSairdín (Irish)
| Satakunta
| Satakunta (Estonian, Finnish, French), Satakunda (Swedish), Finlandia Septentrionalis (Latin)
| Savonia
| Savo (Estonian, Finnish), Savolax (Swedish), Savolaks (Danish), Savonia (Latin, Romanian), Savônia (Portuguese), Savonie (French)
| Savoy
| Sabaudia (Polish), Sabaudia or Sapaudia (Latin), Sabóia (Portuguese), Saboya (Spanish), Savoia or Savoja (Italian, Maltese), Savoia (Catalan, Estonian, Romanian), Savoie (Dutch, French), Savoiji (Finnish), Savoj (Serbian), Savoja (Croatian), Savojen (Swedish), Savojsko (Czech, Slovak), Savooien (variant in Dutch), Szavoja (Hungarian), Savoyen (Danish, German)
| Saxony
| Sachsen (Danish, Estonian alternate, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sacse (Walloon), Sajonia (Spanish), Saksen (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian, variant in Danish and Norwegian), Saksi (Estonian alternate, Finnish), Saksimaa (Estonian), Saksonia (Polish), Saksonija (Bosnian, Lithuanian, Serbian), Saksonya (Turkish), Saska (Croatian), Saška (Slovene), Sasko (Czech, Slovak), Sassen (Low Saxon), Sassonia (Italian), Sassonja (Maltese), Saxe (French), Saxe or Saxónia (Portuguese), Saxland (Icelandic), Saxonia (Latin, Romanian), Saxònia (Catalan), Saxônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Szászország (Hungarian), An tSacsain / An Allshacsain (Irish)
| Saxony-Anhalt
| Sachsen-Anhalt (German, Danish, Estonian alternate, Norwegian, Swedish, Croatian), Sajonia-Anhalt (Spanish), Saksen-Anhalt (Dutch, Frisian), Saksen-Anholt (Afrikaans), Saksi-Anhalt (Estonian, Finnish), Saksonia-Anhalt (Polish), Saška-Anhalt (Slovene), Sasko-Anhaltsko (Czech), Sassen-Anhalt (Low Saxon), Sassonia-Anhalt (Italian), Sassonja-Anhalt (Maltese), Saxe-Anhalt (French), Saxónia-Anhalt (Portuguese), Saxonia-Anhalt (Romanian), Saxônia-Anhalt (Brazilian Portuguese), Szász-Anhalt (Hungarian)
| Scania
| Escania (Spanish), Scania (English, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Scanie (French), Schonen (German), Skåne (Czech, Danish, Estonian, Norwegian, Slovak, Swedish), Skáni (Faroese), Skania (Polish), Skanio (Esperanto), Skánn (Icelandic), Skoone (Finnish)
| Schleswig
| Schleswig (German, Croatian, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Šlesvicko (Czech), Sleeswijk (Dutch), Sleeswyk (Afrikaans, Frisian), Slesvig (Danish, variant in Swedish), Slesvik (variant in Norwegian), Slésvík (Iccelandic) Šlezvig (Serbian), Szlezwik (Polish)
| Schleswig-Holstein
| Schleswig-Holstein (German, Croatian, Danish variant, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Šlesvicko-Holštýnsko (Czech), Sleeswijk-Holstein (Dutch), Sleeswyk-Holstein (Afrikaans, Frisian), Slesvig-Holstein (variant in Swedish), Sleswig-Holsteen (Low Saxon), Slesvig-Holsten (Danish), Šlezvig-Holštajn (Serbian), Szlezwik-Holsztyn (Polish), Slésvík-Holtsetaland (Icelandic)
| Schwyz
| Schwyz (German, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Romanian), Schwytz (French, Finnish), Svitto (Italian), Sviz (Romansh)
| Scotland
| Alba (Scottish Gaelic), Albain (Irish), Alban (Cornish), Albania (Latin variant), Bro-Skos (Breton), Caledonia (Latin variant), Écosse (French), Êcosse (Norman), Ekòs (Haitian Creole), Ekósi (Lingala), Escocia (Aragonese, Asturian, Galician, Spanish, Waray-Waray), Escócia (Extremaduran, Portuguese), Escòcia (Catalan, Occitan), Escôsse (Walloon), Escotlālpan (Nahuatl), Eskosya (Tagalog), Eskozia (Basque), IsiKotilandi (Zulu), İskoçya (Turkish), Iskusya (Quechua), Koterana (Maori), Nalbin (Manx), Schotlaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Schotland (Dutch), Schottland (Alemannic, Austro-Bavarian, German, Low German, Luxembourgish), Scossia (Ligurian), Scòssia (Piedmontese), Scotia (Interlingua, Latin), Scoția (Romanian), Scotland (Anglo-Saxon, Malay, Scots, Vietnamese, Yoruba), Scotlandia (Aromanian), Scot-tē (Min Nan), Scozia (Italian, Lombard, Romantsch, Venetian), Scozzia (Sicilian), Seukoteullaendeu - 스코틀랜드 (Korean), Shatlandyya - Шатландыя (Belarusian), Shatlyandyya - Шатляндыя (Belarusian variant), Shkotska - Шкотска (Macedonian, Serbian), Shotland - Шотланд (Mongolian), Shotlandi - Шотланди (Chuvash, Ossetian), Shotlandiya - Шотландия (Bulgarian, Karachay-Balkar, Russian, Tajik, Tatar), Shotlandiya - Шотландія (Ukrainian), Shotlandiye (Uyghur), Sikoshilandi (Swazi) Sjotland (Limburgish), Skocia (Albanian), Skócia (Hungarian), Skotän (Volapük), Skotia (Ido, Novial), Skotía - Σκωτία (Greek), Skotishin Tangghch - Скотишин Таңһч (Kalmyk), Skotija (Latvian), Škotija (Lithuanian), Skotlan (Tok Pisin), Skotlân (Frisian), Skotland (Afrikaans, Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Kurdish), Skotlandia (Indonesian, Javanese), Skotlando (Esperanto), Skotlanti (Finnish), Skotlund (Pitcairn Creole), Škotska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbo-Croat, Slovenian), Skotsko (Czech), Škótsko (Slovak), Skottland (Norwegian, Swedish), Škuotėjė (Samogitian), Sotimaa (Võro), Šotimaa (Estonian), Šotiska (Lower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian), Şotlandiya (Azerbaijani), Sūgélán - 蘇格蘭 (Mandarin Chinese), Sû-kak-làn (Hakka Chinese), Sukottorando - スコットランド (Japanese), Szkocja (Polish), Szkòckô (Kashubian), Szkocyjo (Silesian), Uskoti (Swahili), Yr Alban (Welsh)
| Selonia
| Felföld (Hungarian), Selija (Estonian, Latvian), Selonia (Finnish, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Sélonie (French)
| Semigalia
| Semgallen (Danish, German, Swedish), Semigalia (Polish), Sémigalle (French), Semigallia (Italian, variant in English, Finnish alternate), Zemgale (Estonian, Latvian), Zemgallia (Finnish), Žiemgala (Lithuanian)
| Sicily
| Sicile (French), Sicilia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Sicília (Catalan, Portuguese), Sicílie (Czech), Sicilië (Dutch), Sicilien (Danish, Swedish), Sicilija (Croatian, Serbian), Sicilya (Turkish), Sikiley (Icelandic), Sisilia (Finnish), Sitsiilia (Estonian), Sizilien (German), Sqallija (Maltese), Sycylia (Polish), Szicília (Hungarian), An tSicil (Irish)
| Silesia
| Schlesien (Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sileesia (Estonian), Silesia (Latin, Spanish), Silèsia (Catalan), Silésia (Portuguese), Silésie (French), Silezia (Romanian), Silezië (Dutch), Silezya (Turkish), Śląsk (Polish), Sleesia (Finnish), Slesia (Faroese, Italian), Slesien (variant in Danish), Šleska (Croatian), Šlezija (Serbian, Slovene), Slezsko (Czech), Sliezsko (Slovak), Ślonsk or Ślunsk (Silesian), Szilézia (Hungarian), An tSiléis (Irish)
| Slavonia
| Eslavônia (Portuguese), Slavonia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Finnish), Slavonië (Dutch), Slavonie (Czech, French), Slavonien (Danish, Swedish, variant in German), Slavonija (Croatian, Serbian), Slavonja (Maltese), Slavónsko (Slovak), Slavonya (Turkish), Slavoonia (Estonian), Slawonia (Polish), Slawonien (German), Szlavónia (Hungarian)
| Småland
| Småland (Danish, Estonian, French, Swedish), Smalandia (Latin, Polish), Smálönd (Icelandic), Smoolanti (Finnish)
| Södermanland
| Södermanland (Estonian, French, Swedish), Södermanlanti (Finnish), Sudermannia (Latin), Suðurmannaland (Icelandic)
| South Tyrol
| Südtirol (German, Ladin), Alt Adis (variant in Friulian), Alto Adidže / Alto Adige (Estonian, Italian), Alto Adigio / Tirol del Sur (Spanish), Dél-Tirol (Hungarian), Dienvidtirole (Latvian), Etelä-Tiroli (Finnish), Górna Adyga / Południowy Tyrol (Polish), Güney Tirol (Turkish), Haut-Adige / Tyrol du Sud (French), Južni Tirol (Croatian, Serbian), Lõuna-Tirool (Estonian alternate), Oberetsch (variant in German [once used by Italian government]), Sud Tirôl (Friulian), Alto Adige / Sudtirolo / Sud Tirolo / Tirolo Meridionale / Tirolo del Sud (variants in Italian), Sydtyrol (Danish), Sydtyrolen (Swedish), Tirol dal Sid (Romansh), Tirol Meridional (Portuguese), Tirolul de Sud (Romanian), Tirolum Meridionale (Latin), Upper Adige (additional variant in English), Zuid-Tirol (Dutch)
| Spiš
| Scepusium (Latin), Spiš (Czech, Estonian, Slovak), Spisz (Polish), Szepes (Hungarian), Zips (French, German)
| Styria
| Estiria (Spanish), Estíria (Catalan, Portuguese), Stájerország (Hungarian), Štajerska (Croatian, Slovene), Steiermark (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Romanian, Swedish), Stiermarken (Dutch), Stiria (Italian), Štirija (Lithuanian), Styria (Polish, Finnish alternate), Styrie (French), Štýrsko (Czech), Ştiria (variant in Romanian)
| Sudetenland
| Kraj Sudetów (Polish), pohraniční území (variant in Czech), pohraničné územie (variant in Slovak), Région des Sudètes (French), Sudeettimaa (Finnish), Sudetendeutschland, Sudetengebiet, Sudetengebiete (variants in German), Sudetenland (English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, variant in Swedish), Sudeterlandet (Danish), Sudeti (Italian), Sudetia (Latin), Sudetio (Esperanto), Sudetlandet (Swedish), Sudetskaja oblast' - Судетская область (Russian), Sudetska oblast - Судетска област (Bulgarian), Sudets'ka oblast' - Судетська область (Ukrainian), Sudetsko (variant in Czech),Sudety (Czech, Slovak), Szudétavidék (Hungarian)
| Svalbard
| Huippuvuoret or Spetsbergen (Finnish), Teravmäed (Estonian), Spetsbergen (Swedish), Spitsbergen (English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian), Spitzbergák (Hungarian), Spitzbergen (German), Svalbard (Catalan, Danish, Estonian, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh), Svalbarð (Faroese, Icelandic), Svalbardo (Esperanto), Szpicbergen (Polish)
| Svealand
| Svealand (Danish, Estonian, French, Swedish), Sveanmaa (Finnish)
| Swabia
| Schwaben or Schwabenland (German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish), Souabe (French), Suábia (Portuguese), Suabia (Spanish), Suebia (Latin, variant in Romanian), Svaabia (Finnish), Švaabimaa (Estonian), Svábföld (Hungarian), Švábsko (Czech, Slovak), Švapska (Croatian, Serbian), Svevia (Italian), Svevja (Maltese) Szwabia (Polish), Şvabia (Romanian), Zwaben (Dutch)
| Syrmia
| Sirmia (Italian, Spanish), Sírmia (Portuguese), Srem (Dutch, Estonian, Romanian), Srem / Syrmia (Polish), Srem - Срем (Serbian), Srem - Срем / Srim - Срім / Srym - Срим (Ukrainian), Sriem (Slovak), Srijem (Croatian), Srim - Срим (Pannonian Rusyn), Syrmia (Finnish, Latin), Syrmie (French), Syrmien (German), Szerém or Szerémség (Hungarian)
| Szeklerland
| Pays des Sicules (French), Seklerlandet (Swedish), Székely Country (English alternate), Székelyföld (Hungarian), Szeklerland (German), Ţinutul Secuiesc (Romanian)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Tavastia
| Häme (Estonian, Finnish), Tavastia (Latin), Tavastie (French), Tavastland (Danish, Swedish)
| Thessaly
| An Teasáil (Irish), Tesalia (Polish, Romanian), Tesalija (Croatian, Serbian), Tesalya (Turkish), Tessaalia (Estonian), Tessaglia (Italian), Tessália (Portuguese), Tessalja (Maltese), Tesszália (Hungarian), Thessalía - Θεσσαλία (Greek), Thessalië (Dutch), Thessalie (French), Thessalien (Danish, German, Swedish), Thesálie (Czech), Thessalia (Latin, Finnish)
| Thrace
| Thrace (French), Thracia (Latin), Thracië (Dutch), Thrákie (Czech), Thrakien (Danish, German, Swedish), Traakia (Estonian, Finnish), Tràcia (Catalan), Tracia (Italian, Romanian), Trácia (Portuguese), Trácia or Trácko (Slovak), Traċja (Maltese), Tracja (Polish), An Tráicia (Irish), Trákia (Hungarian), Thráki - Θράκη(Greek),Þrakía (Icelandic), Trakija (Croatian, Serbian), Trakiya - Тракия (Bulgarian), Trakya (Turkish), Teraqia - תראקיה (Hebrew)
| Thurgau
| Thurgau (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Thurgovia (Latin), Thurgovie (French), Turgovia (Italian, Romanian)
| Thuringia
| Durynsko (Czech), Thouringhía - Θουριγγία (Greek), Thuringe (French), Thuringen (Afrikaans), Thüringen (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Tiringija (Serbian), Turindje (Walloon), Túringen (Frisian), Turíngia (Catalan, Portuguese), Türingia (Hungarian), Turingia (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Turingija (Slovene), Turyngia (Polish), Tüüringi (Estonian), Þýringaland (Icelandic)
| Ticino
| Tessin (French, German, Hungarian, Romansh, Swedish), Ticino (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Romanian)
| Touraine
| Touraine (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian), Turena (Catalan), Turenia (Polish, Romanian), Turenna (Italian)
| Transylvania
| Ardeal,Transilvania (variant in Romanian), Chiskarpattya - Чискарпаття (Ukrainian), Erdel (variant in Turkish), Erdelj (archaic variant in Croatina), Erdély (Hungarian), Sedmigradsko - Седмиградско (variant in Bulgarian), Sedmogradska (variant in Croatian), Sedmograška (variant in Slovene), Sedmihradsko (Czech), Sedmogradsko - Седмоградско (variant in Bulgarian), Sedmohradsko (Slovak), Siebenbürgen (German), Siedmiogród (Polish), Transilvaania (Estonian), Transilvaneye (variant in Walloon), Transilvania (Finnish, Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Transilvània (Catalan), Transilvânia (Portuguese), Transilvanija (Croatian, Slovene), Transilvanija - Трансилванија (Serbian), Erdelj - Ердељ (archaic Serbian), Transilvanija - Трансилвания (variant in Bulgarian), Transilvaniya (variant in Romani), Transilvanja (Maltese), Transsilvania (Latin), Transsilvanien (variant in Danish and German), Transsylvanien (Danish, Swedish), Transsylvanië (Dutch), Transylvania (variant in mediaeval Latin), Transylvánia (variant in Slovak), Transylvanie (French), Transylvánie (variant in Czech), Transylwania (variant in Polish), Transilvanya (Turkish), Urdul (variant in Turkish), Zevenburgen (variant in Dutch), Zibenbergen - זיבּנבּערגען (Yiddish), Zivenbork (Walloon)
| Trentino
| Trentin (Dolomite Ladin, French), Trentino (Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Welschtirol (Deutsch), Trydent (Polish)
| Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
| Trentin-Adesc Aut / Trentin-Alter Ades / Trentin-Südtirol (Ladin), Trentin Haut Adige (French), Trentino-Alto Adige (Italian), Trentino-Alto Adigio (Spanish), Trentino-Südtirol (German), Trentino-Sudtirolo (variant in Italian), Trentino-South Tyrol (English), Autonome Region Trient-Südtirol (German)
| Tuscany
| Toscana (Catalan, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Toscane (Dutch, French), Toscània (old Catalan), Toskana (Croatian, German, Maltese, Serbian, Turkish), Toskania (Polish), Toskánsko (Czech, Slovak), Toszkána (Hungarian), An Tuscáin (Irish), Tuscia (Latin)
| Tyrol
| An Tioróil (Irish), Tirol (Catalan, Croatian, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish), Tiroli (Finnish), Tirolis (Lithuanian), Tirolo (Italian), Tirolska (Slovene), Tirool (Estonian), Tyrol (Danish, French, Polish), Tyrolen (Swedish), Tyrolsko (Czech, Slovak), Tyroly (variant in Czech)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Umbria
| Ombrie (French), Umbria (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Romanian), Úmbria (Catalan, Portuguese), Umbrien (Danish, German, Swedish), Umbrija (Maltese, Serbian)
| Uppland
| Uplandia (Latin), Upland (variant in English), Uplanti (Finnish), Uppland (Estonian, French, Swedish)
| Upper Austria
| Alta Austria (Italian, Leonese, Spanish), Alta Áustria (Portuguese), Aukštutinė Austrija (Lithuanian), Austria de Sus or Austria Superioară (Romanian), Awstrija ta' Fuq (Maltese), Felső-Ausztria (Hungarian), Gornja Austrija (Croatian, Serbian), Górna Austria (Polish), Haute-Autriche (French), Horní Rakousy (Czech), Oberösterreich (Danish, German, Swedish), Opper-Oosterrijk (Dutch), Ülem-Austria (Estonian), Ylä-Itävalta (Finnish), Yukarı Avusturya (Turkish), Zgornja Avstrija (Slovene)
| Uusimaa
| Newland (variant in English), Nyland (Danish, Swedish), Nylandia (Latin, Polish), Uusimaa (Estonia, Finnish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Valais
| Valais (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Romanian, Swedish), Valezo (Esperanto), Vallese (Italian), Wallis (Dutch, German, variant in Danish and Swedish)
| Valtellina
| Valtellina (Italian), Veltlin (German, Hungarian), Veltline (French), Vuclina (Romansh)
| Värmland
| Värmland (Danish, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Vermaland (Icelandic), Vermlanti (Finnish), Wermelandia (Latin)
| Västmanland
| Västmanland (Swedish), Vestmanlanti (Finnish), Vestmannaland (Icelandic), Westmannia (Latin)
| Västerbotten
| Bothnia Occidentalis or Westrobothnia (Latin), Botnie-Occidentale (French), Länsipohja (Finnish), Västerbotten (Swedish and most other languages), West Bothnia (variant in English)
| Västergötland
| Gothie occidentale (France), Länsi-Götanmaa (Finnish), Västergötland (Estonian, Swedish), Vesüda-Götläniän (Volapük), Westgeatland (Anglo-Saxon), Westrogothia or Gothia Occidentalis (Latin)
| Vaud
| Vad (Romansh), Vaud (Estonian, French, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Waadt (Dutch, German)
| Vendée
| Vandea (Italian), Vandeea (Romanian), Vendée (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in Romanian), Vendeo (Esperanto), Wandea (Polish)
| Veneto
| Vènet (Catalan), Vénétie (French), Veneto (Estonian, Italian, Maltese, Romanian, Finnish), Véneto (Spanish), Vêneto (Portuguese), Venezia Euganea (variant in Italian, no longer used), Venetien (Danish, Swedish), Wenecja or Wenecja Euganejska (Polish), Benátsko (Czech), Venetia (Latin), Benečija (Slovene)
| Vojvodina
| Vajdaság (Hungarian), Voievodina (variant in Romanian), Voivodina (Italian, Portuguese, Romanian), Voïvodine (French), Vojvodina (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Maltese, Slovak, Swedish), Vojvodina - Войводина (Rusyn), Vojvodina - Војводина, Vojvodstvo - Војводство, or Vojvodovina - Војводовина (Serbian), Voyvodina (Turkish), Wojwodina (Polish), Woiwodina (former German)
| Volhynia
| Velyn' - Велынь (old Russian variant), Volhínia (Hungarian), Volhynie (French), Volhynien (Danish), Volin - װאָלין (Yiddish), Volinia (Italian, Romanian), Volõõnia (Estonian), Volyn' - Волинь (Ukrainian), Volyn' - Волинь (Russian), Volynia (variant in English), Volynie (variant in French), Volynien (Swedish), Wolhynië (Dutch), Wolhynien (German), Wołyń (Polish), Wolynien (variant in German), Volyně (Czech)
| Vorpommern
| Antaŭpomerio (Esperanto), Antepomerania (variant in Spanish), Elő-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Foarpommeren (Frisian), Forpommern (variant in Danish), Hither Pomerania / Nearer Pomerania / Upper Pomerania (variants in English), Pomerania Anterior (Spanish), Pomerania Anteriore (Italian), Poméranie antérieure (French), Pomerania Inferioară / Anterioară (Romanian), Pomerania Inferior (Latin), Pomorze Przednie / Przedpomorze (Polish), Přední Pomořansko (Czech), Predpomoransko (Slovak), Przédnô Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Voorpommeren (Afrikaans), Voorpommeren or Voor-Pommeren (Dutch), Vorpommern (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Vörpommern (Low Saxon), Yukarı Pomeranya (Turkish); Swedish Pomerania (former name 1641-1815)
| Vosges
| Vogesen (German), Vogeserna (Swedish), Vogeserne (Danish), Vogézek (Hungarian), Vogezen (Dutch), Vogezi (Croatian), Vogézy (Czech), Vosgi (Italian, Romanian), Vosges (French, Portuguese), Vosgos (Spanish, variant in Portuguese), Wasgenwald (former German), Wogezy (Polish)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Wallachia
| Eflak (Turkish), Havasalföld (Hungarian), Ţara Românească (Romanian), Valacchia (Italian), Valachie (French), Valachija - Валахия (Russian), Valahia (variant in Romanian), Valakia (Finnish), Valakiet (Danish, Swedish), Valakkja (Maltese), Valaquia (Spanish), Valàquia (Catalan), Valáquia (Portuguese), Valašsko (Czech), Vallahhia (Estonian), Vlachía - Βλαχία (Greek), Влашко (Macedonian), Vlaška (Croatian, Serbian), Volekhay - װאָלעכײַ (Yiddish), Vološčyna - Волощина (Ukrainian), Walachei (German), Walachia (variant in English), Walachije (Dutch), Wołoszczyzna (Polish)
| Wales
| An Bhreatain Bheag (Irish), Cymru (Welsh), Gales (Spanish), Galler (Turkish), Galles (Italian), Kembre (Breton), País de Gales (Portuguese), Pays de Galles (French), Ţara Galilor (Romanian)
| Wallonia
| Vallonia (Finnish, Italian, Norwegian), Vallonien (Danish, Swedish), Vallonja (Maltese), Valloonia (Estonian), Valonia (Romanian), Valònia (Catalan), Valónia (Portuguese), Valônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Valonija (Croatian), Valonio (Esperanto), Valonsko (Czech), Wallonföld (Hungarian), Walonia (Polish), Wallonië (Dutch), Wallonie (French), Wallonien (German), Walonreye (Walloon)
| Warmia
| Ermland (Swedish), Ermland or Ermeland (French, German), Varmia or Warmia (Latin), Varmie (Czech), Warmia (Polish)
| Western Pomerania
| Bagpommern (variant in Danish), Lääne-Pommeri (Estonian), Länsi-Pommern (Finnish), Nyugat-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Okcidenta Pomerio (Esperanto), Pomerania Occidental (Spanish), Pomerânia Ocidental (Portuguese), Pomerania Occidentală (Romanian), Pomerania Occidentale (Italian), Pomerania Occidentalis (Latin), Poméranie occidentale (French), Pomorze Zachodnie (Polish), Vestpommern (Danish), Vorpommern (German, Swedish), West-Pommeren (Dutch), Zahodnopomorjansko (Slovenian), Zapadnopomeransko (Croatian), Západopomoransko (Slovak)
| Westphalia
| Vestfaal (Estonian alternate), Vestfalia (Italian variant), Vestfália (Portuguese), Vestfalija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Vestfálsko (Czech), Vesztfália (Hungarian), Wesfalen (Afrikaans), Westfalen (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Frisian, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Westfaleye (Walloon), Westfalia (Finnish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Westfàlia (Catalan), Westphalie (French), Zapadna Falačka (Croatian)
| Württemberg
| Virtemberg - Виртемберг (Serbian), Vurtemberga (Portuguese variant), Vytemvérghi - Βυτεμβέργη (Greek), Wirtembergia (Polish), Wirtenberg (medieval German), Wuerttemberg (Portuguese), Wúrtemberch (Frisian), Wurtemberg (Catalan, French, Spanish), Würtembersko (Czech), Württemberg (Croatian, Estonian, German, Swedish), Wurttemberg (Romanian, variant in English)
! English name
! Other names or former names
| Zealand (Denmark)
| Sæland (Faroese), Seeland (Dutch, French, German), vbhn xfcb'Selandia (Spanish), Sjaelland (Basque, Turkish), Sjáland (Icelandic), Sjælland (Catalan, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, Estonian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian), Själland (Swedish), Själlanti (Finnish), Zeland (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), Zelanda (Italian), Zelandia (Polish), Zelândia (Portuguese), Zelandija (Lithuanian)
| Zeeland
| Batavia (Latin), Celandia (Galician), Seelân (Frisian), Seeland (German), Seelanti (Finnish), Zeelaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Zeeland (Danish, Dutch, English variant, Estonian, Finnish variant, Hungarian, Swedish), Zêeland (West Flemish), Zeêland (Zealandic), Zeelanda (Romanian), Zelanda (Catalan, Italian, Spanish, Turkish), Zélande (French), Zelandia (Polish), Zelândia (Portuguese), Zéland (Czech), Zelando (Esperanto), Zieland (Limburgian)
| Žitný ostrov
| Csallóköz (Hungarian), Grosse Schüttinsel (German), Rye Island (English variant), Wyspa Żytnia (Polish)
| Zug
| Tsoug (Franco-Provençal), Tugium (Latin), Zoug (French), Zug (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Zugo (Esperanto, Italian, Venetian)
Geographical renaming
Geographical renaming is the changing of the name of a geographical feature or area. This can range from the uncontroversial change of a street name to a highly disputed change to the name of a country. Some names are changed locally but the new names are not recognised by other countries,...
for political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all major European regions, provinces, and territories. It also includes some lesser regions that are important because of their location or history.
This article does not offer any opinion about what the "original", "official", "real", or "correct" name of any region is or was. Regions are listed alphabetically by their current best-known name in English, which does not necessarily match the title of the corresponding article. The English version is followed by variants in other languages, in alphabetical order by name, and then by any historical variants and former names.
Foreign names that are the same as their English equivalents may be listed, to provide an answer to the question "Whats is that name in..."?
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Aargau
Aargau is one of the more northerly cantons of Switzerland. It comprises the lower course of the river Aare, which is why the canton is called Aar-gau .-History:...
| Argobia (Aragonese), Argovia (Franco-Provençal, Galician, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Romansh, Sicilian, Spanish, variant in English), Argòvia (Catalan, Occitan), Argóvia (Portuguese), Argovie (French), Argovio (Esperanto), Argowia (Polish)
| Abruzzo
Abruzzo is a region in Italy, its western border lying less than due east of Rome. Abruzzo borders the region of Marche to the north, Lazio to the west and south-west, Molise to the south-east, and the Adriatic Sea to the east...
| Abbruzzu (Sicilian), Abruç (Occitan), Abrucai (Lithuanian), Abruco (Latvian), Abruços (Catalan), Abruss (Piedmontese), Abrútsi (Icelandic), Abruz (Breton), Abruzes (Franco-Provençal), Abruzja (Polish), Abruzo (Esperanto), Abruzos (Aragonese, Portuguese, Spanish), Abruzso (Venetian), Abruzzen (Dutch, German), Abruzzes (French), Abruzzi or Abruzzo (Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Abruzzu (Corsican), Aprutium (Latin)
| Åland
| Ahvenamaa (Estonian), Ahvenanmaa (Finnish), Aland (Basque, Wolof), Åland (Swedish) Åland or Ålandsøerne (Danish), Àland (Catalan), Áland (Faroese), Ålánda (Northern Sami), Alandai (Lithuanian), Alandia (Latin, Spanish), Alândia (Portuguese), Ålandinseln (German), Alando (Esperanto, Ido), Ålandseilanden (Dutch, Dutch Low Saxon), Álandseyjar or Áland (Icelandic), Ālandu salas (Latvian), Ålandy (Czech, Slovak), Wyspy Alandzkie (Polish)
| Algarve
| Algarbia (Latin), Algarve (Italian, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish), Algarvė (Lithuanian), Al-Gharbia (Arabic)
| Allgäu
The Allgäu is a southern German region in Swabia. It covers the south of Bavarian Swabia and southeastern Baden-Württemberg. The region stretches from the prealpine lands up to the Alps...
| Algovia (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Algòvia (Catalan), Allgäu (Dutch, German, Hungarian)
| Alsace
Alsace is the fifth-smallest of the 27 regions of France in land area , and the smallest in metropolitan France. It is also the seventh-most densely populated region in France and third most densely populated region in metropolitan France, with ca. 220 inhabitants per km²...
| Alisatia (Latin), Alsace (Danish, Estonian, French), Alsace or Alsass (Swedish), Alsàcia (Catalan), Alsácia (Portuguese), Alsacia (Romanian, Spanish), Alsasko (Czech), Alsatía - Αλσατία (Greek), Alsazia (Italian), Alzacija (Slovene), Alzacja (Polish), Alzas (Serbian), Elsass (Estonian alternate, Finnish, German, Alsatian, variant in Danish and Swedish), Elsaß (German, before 1996), Elzas (Afrikaans, Breton, Croatian, Dutch), Elzasa (Latvian), Elzasas (Lithuanian), Elzász (Hungarian)
| Andalusia
Andalusia is the most populous and the second largest in area of the autonomous communities of Spain. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognised as a nationality of Spain. The territory is divided into eight provinces: Huelva, Seville, Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, Jaén, Granada and...
| Andalousie (French), Andalucía (Spanish), Andalusia (Catalan, Finnish, Italian, variant in Romanian), Andalusija (Maltese), Andaloezië or Andalusië (Dutch), Al-Andalus - الأندلس (Arabic, meaning the whole Spain), Andalusien (Danish, German, Swedish), Andaluusia (Estonian), Andaluzia (Portuguese, Romanian), Andalúzia (Hungarian), Andaluzie (Czech), Andalūzija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Andaluzija (Serbian, Slovene), Andaluzja (Polish), Endülüs (Turkish), Vandalitia (Latin)
| Ångermanland
' is a historical province or landskap in the north of Sweden. It borders to Medelpad, Jämtland, Lapland, Västerbotten and the Gulf of Bothnia. The name "Ångermanland" comes from the Old Norse "anger", which means "deep fjord" and refers to the deep mouth of the river Ångermanälven...
| Angermània (Catalan), Angermânia (Portuguese), Ångermanland (Estonian, Swedish), Angermannia (Latin)
| Anhalt
Anhalt was a sovereign county in Germany, located between the Harz Mountains and the river Elbe in Middle Germany. It now forms part of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.- Dukes of Anhalt :...
| Anhalt (Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish), Anhaltas (Lithuanian), Anhaltsko (Czech), Anholt (Afrikaans)
| Anjou
Anjou is a former county , duchy and province centred on the city of Angers in the lower Loire Valley of western France. It corresponds largely to the present-day département of Maine-et-Loire...
| Andegawenia (Polish), Anjou (Catalan, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian), Angiò (Italian), Anġò (Maltese), Anžuj (Serbian)
| Appenzell
Appenzell is a region and historical canton in the northeast of Switzerland, entirely surrounded by the Canton of St. Gallen....
| Àpenzel (Catalan), Appenzell (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian), Appenzello (Italian)
| Apulia
Apulia is a region in Southern Italy bordering the Adriatic Sea in the east, the Ionian Sea to the southeast, and the Strait of Òtranto and Gulf of Taranto in the south. Its most southern portion, known as Salento peninsula, forms a high heel on the "boot" of Italy. The region comprises , and...
| Apulía - Απουλία (Greek), Apulia (Hungarian, Finnish, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Apúlia (variant in Catalan, Portuguese), Apulie (Czech), Apulië (Dutch), Apulien (Danish, German, Swedish), Apūlija (Latvian), Apulija (Lithuanian, Slovene), Apuulia (Estonian), Pouille (variant in French [rare]), Pouilles (French), Puglia (Italian, Romanian), Puglie (variant in Italian), Pulja (Maltese), Pulla (Catalan)
| Aquitaine
Aquitaine , archaic Guyenne/Guienne , is one of the 27 regions of France, in the south-western part of metropolitan France, along the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees mountain range on the border with Spain. It comprises the 5 departments of Dordogne, :Lot et Garonne, :Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Landes...
| Akitania (Basque), Akvitaania (Estonian), Akvitania (Finnish), Akvitánia (Hungarian), Akvitánie (Czech), Akvitanien or Aquitaine (Danish, Swedish), Akvitanija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Slovene), Akvitānija (Latvian), Akwitania (Polish), Aquitaine (French), Aquitania (Interlingua, Italian, Latin, Occitan, Romanian, Spanish), Aquitània (Catalan), Aquitânia (Portuguese), Aquitanië (Dutch), Aquitanien (German), Ghienna (variant in Italian), Guienne or Guyenne (variant in English and French), Gujenna (variant in Polish), Gujeno (variant in Esperanto), Guyena (variant in Spanish)
| Aragon
Aragon is a modern autonomous community in Spain, coextensive with the medieval Kingdom of Aragon. Located in northeastern Spain, the Aragonese autonomous community comprises three provinces : Huesca, Zaragoza, and Teruel. Its capital is Zaragoza...
| Aragão (Portuguese), Aragó (Catalan), Aragon (Dutch, French, Occitan, Romanian), Aragón (Aragonese, Estonian, Spanish), Aragona (Italian, Latvian, Maltese), Aragonas (Lithuanian), Aragonia (Finnish, Polish), Aragonía - Αραγωνία (Greek), Aragónia (Hungarian), Aragonien (Danish, German, Swedish), Aragonija (Slovene), Aragun (Arabic), Araùna (Sicilian), Ragona (old Italian)
| Ardennes
The Ardennes is a region of extensive forests, rolling hills and ridges formed within the Givetian Ardennes mountain range, primarily in Belgium and Luxembourg, but stretching into France , and geologically into the Eifel...
| Ardenas (Portuguese, Spanish), Årdene (Walloon), Les Ardenes (Catalan), Ardeni (Croatian, Romanian, Slovene), Ardenne (Italian), Ardennek (Hungarian), Ardennen (Dutch, German), Ardennerna (Swedish), Ardennerne (Danish), Ardennes (French), Ardennid (Estonian), Ardény (Czech), Ardeny (Polish)
| Artois
Artois is a former province of northern France. Its territory has an area of around 4000 km² and a population of about one million. Its principal cities are Arras , Saint-Omer, Lens and Béthune.-Location:...
| Artesië (Dutch), Artois (French, Italian, Romanian)
| Asturias
The Principality of Asturias is an autonomous community of the Kingdom of Spain, coextensive with the former Kingdom of Asturias in the Middle Ages...
| Asturia (Finnish, Polish), Astúrias (Portuguese), Asturias (Romanian, Spanish), Asturië (Dutch), Asturie (Italian, Czech), Asturien (Danish, German, Swedish), Asturies (Asturian, French), Astúries (Catalan), Asturii (variant in Romanian), Astūrija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Asturija (Slovene), Astuuria (Estonian), Astyria - Αστυρία (Greek), Asztúria (Hungarian)
| Attica
Attica is a historical region of Greece, containing Athens, the current capital of Greece. The historical region is centered on the Attic peninsula, which projects into the Aegean Sea...
| Àtica (Catalan), Ática (Portuguese, Spanish), Atika (Estonian, Latvian, Slovene), Attica (Dutch, Latin, Italian, Romanian), Attika (Czech, Danish, Dutch alternate, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Maltese, Swedish, Turkish), Attikí - Αττική (Greek), Attique (French), Attyka (Polish)
| Auvergne
Auvergne (province)
Auvergne was a historic province in south central France. It was originally the feudal domain of the Counts of Auvergne. It is now the geographical and cultural area that corresponds to the former province....
| Alvérni - Αλβέρνη (Greek), Alvèrnia (Catalan), Alvernia (Italian), Alvernja (Maltese), Arvernia (Latin), Auvergne (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Auvèrnha (Occitan), Auvernya (variant in Catalan), Auvernia (Spanish), Auvérnia (Portuguese), Owernia (Polish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Bačka
Bačka is a geographical area within the Pannonian plain bordered by the river Danube to the west and south, and by the river Tisza to the east of which confluence is located near Titel...
| Backa (Dutch, Italian), Bačka (Croatian, Estonian, Latvian, Romanian), Bačka - Бачка (Serbian), Bácska (Hungarian), Batschka (German)
| Baden
Baden is a historical state on the east bank of the Rhine in the southwest of Germany, now the western part of the Baden-Württemberg of Germany....
| Bade (French), Baden (Afrikaans, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish), Baden - Баден (Russian, Serbian), Badenas (Lithuanian), Bādene (Latvian), Badenia (Polish), Bádensko (Czech), Vádhi - Βάδη (Greek)
| Baden-Württemberg
Baden-Württemberg is one of the 16 states of Germany. Baden-Württemberg is in the southwestern part of the country to the east of the Upper Rhine, and is the third largest in both area and population of Germany's sixteen states, with an area of and 10.7 million inhabitants...
| Bade-Wurtemberg (French), Baden-Virtemberg - Баден-Виртемберг (Serbian), Baden-Vyurtemberg - Баден-Вюртемберг (Russian), Baden-Wuerttemberg (Portuguese variant), Baden-Wúrtemberch (Frisian), Baden-Wurtemberg (Catalan, Spanish), Baden-Wurttemberg (Romanian, variant in English), Baden-Württemberg (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovene, Swedish), Bādene-Virtemberga (Latvian), Badenia-Wirtembergia (Polish), Bádensko-Würtembersko (Czech), Badenas-Viurtembergas (Lithuanian), Bade-Vurtemberga (Portuguese variant), Vádhi-Vytemvérghi - Βάδη-Βυτεμβέργη (Greek)
| Banat
The Banat is a geographical and historical region in Central Europe currently divided between three countries: the eastern part lies in western Romania , the western part in northeastern Serbia , and a small...
| Banaat (Dutch, Estonian), Banat (Catalan, Croatian, German, Polish, Romanian, Serbian), Banat or Banatet (Danish, Swedish), Banat or Baanaatti (Finnish), Banato (Italian), Bánság (Hungarian), Vanáton - Βανάτον (Greek)
| Baranya
Baranya (region)
Baranya or Baranja is a geographical region between the Danube and the Drava rivers. Its territory is divided between Hungary and Croatia...
| Baraņa (Latvian), Baranja (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baranya (Estonian, Hungarian), Varonia - Βαρωνεια (Greek)
| Basilicata
Basilicata , also known as Lucania, is a region in the south of Italy, bordering on Campania to the west, Apulia to the north and east, and Calabria to the south, having one short southwestern coastline on the Tyrrhenian Sea between Campania in the northwest and Calabria in the southwest, and a...
| Basilicata (Catalan, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Finnish), Basilicata or Basilikata (German), Basilicate (French), Bazilikata (Latvian), Bażilikata (Maltese), Lucania (former Italian, Latin), Lucània (former Catalan), Lucanie (former French), Lukania (former Polish), Lukanien (former German), Vasilikáta-Lefkanía - Βασιλικατα-Λευκανία (Greek)
| Basque Country
Basque Country (historical territory)
The Basque Country is the name given to the home of the Basque people in the western Pyrenees that spans the border between France and Spain on the Atlantic coast....
| Auskalerik (Lojban), Bask (Turkish variant), Baskenland (Dutch, German), Baskaralandið (Faroese), Baskerlandet (Danish), Baskicko (Czech), Baskien (Swedish), Baskija (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baskimaa (Estonian, Finnish), Baskonia (Polish), Bask Ülkesi (Turkish), Basku zeme (Latvian), Basukukoku - バスク国 (Japanese), Baszkföld (Hungarian), Euscadi (learned variant in Catalan), Euskadi or Euskal Herria (Basque), Euskadi (Bân-lâm, Breton), Eŭskio (Esperanto), Gwlad y Basg (Welsh), Kraj Basków (Polish), Paesi Baschi (Italian), País Basc or Bascònia (Catalan, Occitan), País Basco (Portuguese), País Vasco or Vascongadas (Spanish), País Vascu (Asturian), Pajjiżi Baski (Maltese), Pays basque (French), Ţara Bascilor (Romanian), An Tìr Basgach (Scots Gaelic), Tír na mBascach (Irish), Vaskonía - Βασκονία (Greek), Vasconia (Latin)
Note: The Basque Country is partitioned between two states
Sovereign state
A sovereign state, or simply, state, is a state with a defined territory on which it exercises internal and external sovereignty, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. It is also normally understood to be a state which is neither...
: Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
and France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
, and the name is sometimes used exclusively for the Spanish part
Basque Country (autonomous community)
The Basque Country is an autonomous community of northern Spain. It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa, also called Historical Territories....
| Bavaria
Bavaria, formally the Free State of Bavaria is a state of Germany, located in the southeast of Germany. With an area of , it is the largest state by area, forming almost 20% of the total land area of Germany...
| Bæjaraland (Icelandic), Baieri (Estonian), Baiern (German until 1825), Baijeri (Finnish), Baijern (German until 1825), Baioaria (Medieval Latin), Bajorország (Hungarian), Bavaria (Latin, Romanian), Bavarja (Maltese), Bavarska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Baviera (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), Bavière (French), Bavorsko (Czech, Slovak), Bavyera (Turkish), Bawaria (Polish), Bawaryah - בוואריה (Hebrew), Bayern (Danish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Beieren (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Bavarija - Бавария (Bulgarian, Russian), Bavārija (Latvian), Bavarija (Lithuanian), Bavariya - Баварія (Ukrainian), Bavire (Walloon), Vavaría - Βαβαρία (Greek)
| Bessarabia
Bessarabia is a historical term for the geographic region in Eastern Europe bounded by the Dniester River on the east and the Prut River on the west....
| Basarabia (Romanian), Besarabia (Polish, Spanish), Besarābija (Latvian), Bessaràbia (Catalan), Bessarábia (Portuguese), Besarabya (Turkish), Bessaraabia (Estonian), Bessarabeye (Walloon), Bessarabia (Italian, Finnish), Bessarabija - Бессарабия (Russian), Bessarabië (Dutch), Bessarabien (Danish, German, Swedish), Bessarabie (French), Bessarabja (Maltese), Besarábie (Czech), Besarabija (Lithuanian, Serbian), Bessarabija - Бесарабия (Bulgarian), Bessarabija - Бессарабія (Ukrainian), Besszarábia (Hungarian), An Bheasaráib (Irish), Vessaravía - Βεσσαραβία (Greek)
| Bihor
Bihor County
Bihor is a county of Romania, in Crişana, with capital city at Oradea. Together with Hajdú-Bihar County in Hungary it constitutes the Biharia Euroregion.-Demographics:...
| Bihar (Hungarian), Bihor (Estonian, Romanian)
| Blekinge
' is one of the traditional provinces of Sweden , situated in the south of the country. It borders Småland, Scania and the Baltic Sea.The name "Blekinge" comes from the adjective bleke, which corresponds to the nautical term for "dead calm"....
| Blechingia (Latin), Blekinge (Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Swedish)
| Boeotia
Boeotia, also spelled Beotia and Bœotia , is one of the regional units of Greece. It is part of the region of Central Greece. It was also a region of ancient Greece. Its capital is Livadeia, the second largest city being Thebes.-Geography:...
| Beocia (Spanish), Beòcia (Catalan), Beócia, (variant in Hungarian, Portuguese), Beocja (Polish), Beotië (variant in Dutch), Beoţia (Romanian), Béotie (French), Beotien (variant in Swedish), Beozia (Italian), Beozja (Maltese), Boeotia (Latin), Boeotië (Dutch), Boijotija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Boiootia (Estonian), Boiotia (Finnish), Boiótia (Hungarian), Boiotien (Swedish), Bøotien (Danish), Böotien (German), Viotía - Βοιωτία (Greek)
| Bohemia
Bohemia is a historical region in central Europe, occupying the western two-thirds of the traditional Czech Lands. It is located in the contemporary Czech Republic with its capital in Prague...
| Bæheimur (Icelandic), An Bhóithéim (Irish), Boemia (Italian, Romanian), Boémia (Portuguese), Boêmia (Brazilian Portuguese), Boemja (Maltese), Bohême (French), Bohemen (Dutch), Bohemia or Boiohaemum (Latin), Bohemia (Spanish), Bohèmia (Catalan), Bohémia (old Hungarian variant), Bohēmija (Latvian), Bohemija (Lithuanian), Bohemya (Turkish), Bøhmen (Danish, Norwegian), Böhmen (German, Swedish), Böömi (Finnish), Böömimaa (Estonian alternate), Čechy (Czech, Estonian, Slovak), Čehija - Чехия / Bogemija - Богемия (Russian), Češka (Croatian, Slovene), Csehország (Hungarian), Czechy (Polish), Pihm - פיהם (Yiddish), Voimía - Βοημία (Greek)
| Bohuslän
' is a Swedish traditional province, or landskap, situated in Götaland on the northernmost part of the country's west coast. It is bordered by Dalsland to the northeast, Västergötland to the southeast, the Skagerrak arm of the North Sea to the west, and the county of Østfold in Norway to the north...
| Bahusia (Latin), Bohus Len(Danish), Båhuslen or Baahuslen (Norwegian), Bohuslän (Estonian, Swedish)
| Brabant
Brabant may refer to:Historically:*The Duchy of Brabant, a duchy of the Holy Roman Empire between 1183–1648 covering parts of the Netherlands and Belgium, ruled over by the Dukes of Brabant...
| Brabân (Frisian), Brabancja (Polish), Brabant (Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Brabante (Italian, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish), Brabantsko (Czech), Braibant (Walloon), Vravándhi - Βραβάνδη (Greek)
| Brandenburg
Brandenburg is one of the sixteen federal-states of Germany. It lies in the east of the country and is one of the new federal states that were re-created in 1990 upon the reunification of the former West Germany and East Germany. The capital is Potsdam...
| Brandebourg (French), Brandeburg (Catalan), Brandeburgo (Italian, Spanish), Brandemburgo (Portuguese, variant in Spanish), Brandenborg (variant in Danish), Brandenburch (Frisian), Brandenburg (Afrikaans, variant in Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish), Brandenburga (Latvian), Brandenburgas (Lithuanian), Brandenburgia (Polish), Bramborska (Sorbian), Braniborsko (Czech), Brannenborg (Low Saxon), Vradhemvourghon - Βραδεμβουργον (Greek)
| Brittany
Brittany is a cultural and administrative region in the north-west of France. Previously a kingdom and then a duchy, Brittany was united to the Kingdom of France in 1532 as a province. Brittany has also been referred to as Less, Lesser or Little Britain...
| Aremorica or Armorica (Classical Latin), Armòrica (learned variant in Catalan), Armorikí-Vretáni - Αρμορική-Βρετάνη (Greek), Bertaèyn (Gallo), An Bhriotáin (Irish), Breizh (Breton), Bretagna (Italian), Bretagne (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Bretaň (Czech), Bretaņa (Latvian), Bretaña (Spanish), Bretanha (Portuguese), Bretania (Polish, Romanian), Bretanija (Slovene), Bretanja (Croatian, Serbian), Bretanya (Catalan, Turkish), Bretonija (Croatian), Britannia minor (Medieval Latin), Brittanja (Maltese), Burtaegne (Walloon), Llydaw (Welsh)
| Bukovina
Bukovina is a historical region on the northern slopes of the northeastern Carpathian Mountains and the adjoining plains.-Name:The name Bukovina came into official use in 1775 with the region's annexation from the Principality of Moldavia to the possessions of the Habsburg Monarchy, which became...
| Boekowina (Dutch), Buchenland (older German), Bucovina (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian), Bucovine (French), Bukovina (Czech, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish), Bukovina - Буковина (Russian), Bukoviina (Estonian), Bukovyna - Буковина (Ukrainian), Bukowina (German, Polish), Ţara de Sus (older Romanian)
| Burgenland
Burgenland is the easternmost and least populous state or Land of Austria. It consists of two Statutarstädte and seven districts with in total 171 municipalities. It is 166 km long from north to south but much narrower from west to east...
| Burgenland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Burgenlandas (Lithuanian), Burgenlande (Latvian), Burgenlândia (Portuguese variant), Burgenlandsko (Czech), Burguenland (Catalan), Gradiščanska (Slovene), Gradišće (Croatian), Őrvidék, Felsőőrvidék or Várvidék (Hungarian variants)
| Burgundy
| An Bhurgúin (Irish), Borgogna (Italian), Borgoña (Spanish), Borgonha (Portuguese), Borgònha (Occitan), Borgonja (Maltese), Borgonya (Catalan), Bourgondië (Dutch), Bourgogne (French), Burgonya (Turkish), Burgund (Danish, German, Swedish), Burgundia (Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian), Burgundija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Burgundiya - Бургундия (Russian), Burgundsko (Czech), Burgundia (Latin) Burgundi (Finnish), Bwrgwyn (Welsh), Vourghoundhía - Βουργουνδία (Greek)
| Burzenland
The Burzenland is a historic and ethnographic area in southeastern Transylvania, Romania with a mixed population...
| Barcaság (Hungarian), Burcenlande (Latvian), Burzenland (German), Ţara Bârsei (Romanian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Calabria
Calabria , in antiquity known as Bruttium, is a region in southern Italy, south of Naples, located at the "toe" of the Italian Peninsula. The capital city of Calabria is Catanzaro....
| Bruttium (Latin), Calabre (French), Calabria (Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Calábria (Portuguese), Calàbria (Catalan), Calabrië (Dutch), Calabrien (Danish), Kalaabria (Estonian alternate), Kalabria (Faroese, Polish), Kalábria (Hungarian), Kalábrie (Czech), Kalabrien (German, Swedish), Kalabrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Kalavría - Καλαβρία (Greek)
| Campania
Campania is a region in southern Italy. The region has a population of around 5.8 million people, making it the second-most-populous region of Italy; its total area of 13,590 km² makes it the most densely populated region in the country...
| Campania (Estonian, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Campânia (Portuguese), Campània (Catalan), Campanië (Dutch), Campanie (French), Campanien (Danish), Kampanía - Καμπανία (Greek), Kampania (Polish), Kampanien (German, Swedish), Kampanija (Lithuanian), Kampanja (Maltese)
| Cantabria
Cantabria is a Spanish historical region and autonomous community with Santander as its capital city. It is bordered on the east by the Basque Autonomous Community , on the south by Castile and León , on the west by the Principality of Asturias, and on the north by the Cantabrian Sea.Cantabria...
| Cantabria (Irish, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Cantàbria (Catalan, Scots Gaelic), Cantábria (Portuguese), Cantabrië (Dutch), Cantabrie (French), Cantabrien (Danish), Kantaabria (Estonian), Kantabria (Basque, Faroese, Finnish, Polish, Turkish), Kantábria (Hungarian), Kantábrie (Czech), Kantabrien (German, Swedish), Kantabrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Kantavría - Κανταβρία (Greek)
| Carinthia
Carinthia (state)
Carinthia is the southernmost Austrian state or Land. Situated within the Eastern Alps it is chiefly noted for its mountains and lakes.The main language is German. Its regional dialects belong to the Southern Austro-Bavarian group...
| Carantania or Carinthia (Latin), Carinthie (French), Caríntia (Catalan, Portuguese), Carintia (Romanian, Spanish), Carinzia (Italian), Karinthía - Καρινθία (Greek), Karinthië (Dutch), Karintia (Hungarian), Karintija (Latvian, Lithuanian), Karinzja (Maltese), Kärnten (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Swedish), Karyntia (Polish), Koroška (Slovene), Korotan (historical variant in Slovene), Koruška (Croatian, Serbian), Korutany (Czech)
| Carnia
Carnia is a historical-geographic region of Friuli, whose municipalities all belong to the province of Udine, which is part of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region.It covers the western and central part of the mountainous region of the Province of Udine...
| Carnia (Italian), Cjargne (Friulian), Karnien (German)
| Carniola
Carniola was a historical region that comprised parts of what is now Slovenia. As part of Austria-Hungary, the region was a crown land officially known as the Duchy of Carniola until 1918. In 1849, the region was subdivided into Upper Carniola, Lower Carniola, and Inner Carniola...
| Carniola (Catalan, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Carniole (French), Krain (Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Swedish), Kraina (Polish), Krajna (Hungarian), Kranjska (Croatian, Estonian, Slovene), Kraňsko (Czech)
| Castile
Castile (historical region)
A former kingdom, Castile gradually merged with its neighbours to become the Crown of Castile and later the Kingdom of Spain when united with the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre...
| Castela (Portuguese), Castella (Catalan), Castiglia (Italian), Castilia (Romanian), Castilien (Danish), Castilla (Spanish), Castille (French), An Chaistíl (Irish), Kastiilia (Estonian), Kastilia (Finnish), Kastilie / Kastilsko (Czech), Kastilië (Dutch), Kastilien (German, Swedish), Kastīlija (Latvian), Kastilija (Lithuanian, Slovene), Kastilja (Croatian, Maltese, Serbian), Kastilli - Καστιλλη (Greek), Kastilya (Turkish), Kastylia (Polish), Kasztília (Hungarian)
| Catalonia
Catalonia is an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, with the official status of a "nationality" of Spain. Catalonia comprises four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. Catalonia covers an area of 32,114 km² and has an...
| Catalogna (Italian), Catalogne (French, Walloon), Catalonha (Occitan), Catalonia (Romanian), Catalonië (Dutch), Catalonien (Danish), Cataluña (Spanish), Catalunha (Portuguese), Catalunya (Catalan), An Chatalóin (Irish), Katalánsko (Czech), Katalonía - Καταλωνία (Greek), Katalónia (Hungarian), Katalonia (Breton, Finnish, Polish), Katalonien (German, Swedish), Katalonija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Katalonja (Maltese), Katalonya (Turkish), Kataloonia (Estonian)
| Champagne
Champagne, France
Champagne is a historic province in the northeast of France, now best known for the sparkling white wine that bears its name.Formerly ruled by the counts of Champagne, its western edge is about 100 miles east of Paris. The cities of Troyes, Reims, and Épernay are the commercial centers of the area...
| Champagne (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Champanhe (Portuguese), Champaña (Spanish), Kampáni - Καμπάνη (Greek), Šampaņa (Latvian), Šampanė (Lithuanian), Šampanija (Slovene), Sciampagna (old Italian), Szampania (Polish), Tchampagne (Walloon), Xampanya (Catalan)
| Chełmno Land
Chełmno Land
Chełmno land or Chełmno region is a historical region of Poland, located in central Poland, bounded by the Vistula and Drwęca rivers....
| Culmerland (variant in German), Culmland (variant in English), Kulmerland (Dutch, German, Hungarian), Ziemia Chełmińska (Polish)
| Chod region
| Chodenland (German), Chodovia (Latin), Chod region (English), Chodsko (Czech), Ziemia Chodska (Polish)
| Cerdanya
Cerdanya is a natural comarca and historical region of the eastern Pyrenees divided between France and Spain. Historically it has been one of the counties of Catalonia....
| Cerdanya (Catalan), Cerdagne (French) (see also French Cerdagne
French Cerdagne
French Cerdagne is the northern half of Cerdanya, which came under French control as a result of the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, while the southern half remained in Spain . Catalonians often refer to French Cerdagne as Upper Cerdanya...
), Cerdaña (Spanish), Cerdanha (Portuguese)
| Cornwall
Cornwall is a unitary authority and ceremonial county of England, within the United Kingdom. It is bordered to the north and west by the Celtic Sea, to the south by the English Channel, and to the east by the county of Devon, over the River Tamar. Cornwall has a population of , and covers an area of...
| Kernow (Cornish), Cernyw (Welsh), Corn na Breataine (Irish), Cornouailles (French), Cornovaglia (Italian), Cornualha (Portuguese), Cornualla (Catalan), Cornualles (variant in Catalan, Spanish), Cornwall (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Kernev-Veur (Breton), Kornouálli - Κορνουάλλη (Greek), Kornvalo (Esperanto), Kornvol (Serbian), Kornvola (Latvian), Kornwalia (Polish), Kornwall (variant in German)
| Corsica
Corsica is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is located west of Italy, southeast of the French mainland, and north of the island of Sardinia....
| An Chorsaic (Irish), Corsica (Danish, Corsican, Dutch, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Corse (French), Còrsega (Catalan), Córsega (Portuguese), Córcega (Spanish), Korsika - Корсика (Bulgarian), Korsika (Breton, Czech, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Swedish, Turkish, variant in Danish), Korsikí - Κορσική (Greek), Korsyka (Polish), Korzika (Croatian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovene)
| Courland
Courland is one of the historical and cultural regions of Latvia. The regions of Semigallia and Selonia are sometimes considered as part of Courland.- Geography and climate :...
| Courlande (French), Couronia or Curonia (variants in English), Curlanda (variant in Catalan, Romanian), Curlandia (Italian), Curlàndia (Catalan), Curlândia (Portuguese), Koerland (Dutch), Kuramaa (Estonian), Kurland (Danish, Faroese, German, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in English), Kúrland (Icelandic), Kurlandia (Polish), Kurzeme (Latvian), Kuurinmaa (Finnish), Kuršas (Lithuanian)
| Crete
Crete is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands, the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, and one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece. It forms a significant part of the economy and cultural heritage of Greece while retaining its own local cultural traits...
| Candia (former Italian), An Chréit (Irish), Creta (Catalan, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Welsh), Crète (French), Girit (Turkish), Kandia (former Turkish), Kreeta (Estonian, Finnish), Kréta (Czech, Slovak, Hungarian), Kreta (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, German, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Slovene, Swedish), Krēta (Latvian), Krétim - כרתים (Hebrew), Krit (Serbian), Kríti - Κρήτη (Greek)
| Crimea
Crimea , or the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , is a sub-national unit, an autonomous republic, of Ukraine. It is located on the northern coast of the Black Sea, occupying a peninsula of the same name...
| An Chrimé (Irish), Crimea (Catalan, Italian), Crimeea (Romanian), Criméia (Portuguese), Crimée (French), Crimêye (Walloon), Kırım (Turkish), Krim (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Serbian, Swedish, Slovene), Krim - קרים (Yiddish), Krima (Latvian), Kriméa - Κριμέα (Greek), Krimea (Maltese), Krimeo (Esperanto), Krimm (Estonian), Krym (Polish, Czech), Krym - Крым (Russian), Krym - Крим (Ukrainian), Krymas (Lithuanian), Qırım (Crimean Tatar, Tatar)
| Cumbria
Cumbria , is a non-metropolitan county in North West England. The county and Cumbria County Council, its local authority, came into existence in 1974 after the passage of the Local Government Act 1972. Cumbria's largest settlement and county town is Carlisle. It consists of six districts, and in...
| Cumbria (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Swedish), Cúmbria (Catalan, Portuguese), Cumbrie (French), Cumbrien (variant in Swedish), Cwmry (Cumbric), Kumbrija (Latvian), Kumbrio (Esperanto)
| Czechia
| Čeahkka (Northern Saami), Cechia (Italian), Cechia / Czechia (variants in Latin), Cecland (Anglo-Saxon), Cehia (Romanian), Čehija (Latvian), Čehija - Чэхія (Belarusian), Čehija - Чexия (Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian), Čehija - Чexiя (Ukrainian), Čehija - Чexиja (Macedonian), Ĉeĥio (Esperanto), Çehiya (Crimean Tatar), Čehmastor - Чехмастор (Moksha), Çekia (Albanian), Čekija (Lithuanian), Çekıstan (Dimli), Çekiye (Turkish), Češka (Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian), Češka - Чeшкa (Serbian), Čěska (Sorbian), Česko (Czech, Slovak), Češ
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Dalecarlia
| Dalarna (Czech, Danish, Dutch, variant in English, Estonian, Portuguese, Swedish), Dālarna (Latvian), Dalecarlia (English, Italian, Latin), Dalécarlie (French), Dalekarlien (German), Taalainmaa (Finnish)
| Dalsland
Dalsland is a Swedish traditional province, or landskap, situated in Götaland in southern Sweden. Lying to the west of Lake Vänern, it is bordered by Värmland to the north, Västergötland to the southeast, Bohuslän to the west, and Norway to the northwest....
| Dalia (Latin), Dália (Portuguese), Dalie(French), Dalsland (Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Dālslande (Latvian)
| Dalmatia
Dalmatia is a historical region on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. It stretches from the island of Rab in the northwest to the Bay of Kotor in the southeast. The hinterland, the Dalmatian Zagora, ranges from fifty kilometers in width in the north to just a few kilometers in the south....
| Dalmaatsia (Estonian), Dalmacia (Spanish), Dalmàcia (Catalan), Dalmácia (Hungarian, Portuguese, Slovak), Dalmácie (Czech), Dalmacija (Croatian, Slovene), Dalmācija (Latvian), Dalmacija - Далмација (Serbian), Dalmacja (Polish), Dalmaçya (Turkish), An Dalmáit (Irish), Dalmatia (Finnish, Latin), Dalmatie (French), Dalmatië (Dutch), Dalmátország (Hungarian alternate), Dalmatien (Danish, German, Swedish), Dalmaţia (Romanian), Dalmazia (Italian), Dalmazja (Maltese), Dhalmatía - Δαλματία (Greek)
| Dauphiné
The Dauphiné or Dauphiné Viennois is a former province in southeastern France, whose area roughly corresponded to that of the present departments of :Isère, :Drôme, and :Hautes-Alpes....
| Daufinat (Occitan), Delfinat (Catalan), Dauphiné (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Dauphiné or Delfinado (Portuguese), Delfinado (Spanish), Delfinat (Maltese, Polish), Delfinato (Italian), Dhelfináton - Δελφινατον (Greek)
| Dobruja
Dobruja is a historical region shared by Bulgaria and Romania, located between the lower Danube river and the Black Sea, including the Danube Delta, Romanian coast and the northernmost part of the Bulgarian coast...
| Dhovroutsá - Δοβρουτσά (Greek), Dobroedzja (Dutch), Dobrogea (Finnish, Romanian, Swedish), Dobroudja (French), Dobruca (Turkish), Dobrudja (variant in English), Dobrudscha (German), Dobrudža (Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Slovene), Dobrudža - Добруџа (Serbian), Dobrudża (Polish), Dobrudža - Добруджа (Bulgarian), Dobrudzsa (Hungarian), Dobrugia (Italian), Dobruja (Catalan, Portuguese)
| Drenthe
Drenthe is a province of the Netherlands, located in the north-east of the country. The capital city is Assen. It is bordered by Overijssel to the south, Friesland to the west, Groningen to the north, and Germany to the east.-History:Drenthe, unlike many other parts of the Netherlands, has been a...
| Drende (Catalan), Drente (Latvian, Portuguese), Drenthe (Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German), Drinte (Frisian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Emilia-Romagna
Emilia–Romagna is an administrative region of Northern Italy comprising the two historic regions of Emilia and Romagna. The capital is Bologna; it has an area of and about 4.4 million inhabitants....
| Aemilia and Romania (Latin), Emilia-Romagna (Danish, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian), Emilia Romagna (Estonian), Emilia-Romaña (Spanish), Emília-Romanha (Portuguese), Emilía-Románia - Εμιλια-Ρωμανια (Greek), Emilia-Romania (Polish), Emília-Romanya (Catalan), Émilie-Romagne (French), Emīlija-Romaņa (Latvian), Emilja-Romanja (Maltese)
| England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
| Angel'shchyna - Ангельшчына (Belarusian variant), Anghiltèra (Piedmontese), Anglaterra (Aragonese, Catalan, Interlingua), Anglatèrra (Occitan), Angletè (Haitian Creole), Angleterre (French), Angli - Англи (Chuvash), Anglia (Albanian, Aromanian, Hungarian, Ido, Latin, Polish, Romanian), Anglía - Αγγλία (Greek), Anglicko (Slovak), Anglie (Czech, Friulian), Angliétèrre (Norman), Anglija (Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovenian), Anglija - Англија (Macedonian), Anglio (Esperanto), Anglis - Англис (Ossetian), Angliya (Uzbek), Angliya - Англия (Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Tajik, Tatar), Angliya - Англія (Belarusian, Ukrainian), Änglound (Saterland Frisian), Anh (Vietnamese), Bro-Saoz (Breton), Engalterra (Rumantsch), Engelaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Engeland (Afrikaans, Dutch), Engelane (Sesotho), Engelska (Lower Sorbian), Englaland (Anglo-Saxon), England (Alemannic, Austro-Bavarian, Danish, German, Icelandic, Low German, Luxembourgish, Malay, Norwegian, Swedish, Tsonga), Englánda (Saami), Englanti (Finnish), Engleska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbo-Croat), Engleska - Енглеска (Serbian), Eng-tē (Min Nan), Iengeland (West Flemish), Ilẹ̀gẹ̀ẹ́sì (Yoruba), Ingalaterra (Basque, Extremaduran), Ingarangi (Maori), Ingelân (Frisian), Ingeland (Limburgish), Ingɛlandi (Lingala), INgesi (Xhosa), Ing-geullaendeu - 잉글랜드 (Korean), Inggréh (Acèh), Inggris (Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese), Inghiltera (Venetian), Inghiltèra (Lombard), Inghilterra (Italian, Sardinian), Inghiltæra (Ligurian), INgilandi (Zulu), ʻIngilani (Tongan), Ingilîstan (Kurdish), Ingilterra (Maltese), İngiltere (Turkish), İngiltərə (Azerbaijani), Inglan (Tok Pisin), Ingland (Pitcairn Creole, Scots, Low German), Inglatera (Cebuano, Chavacano, Papiamento, Tagalog), Inglaterra (Asturian, Galician, Kapampangan, Portuguese, Spanish, Tetum, Waray-Waray), Inglatlālpan (Nahuatl), Inglishin Tangghch - Инглишин Таңһч (Kalmyk), Inglismaa (Estonian), Inglüsmaa (Võro), Ingriis (Somalian), Ingurando - イングランド (Japanese), Ingyaterra (Guaraní), Inlatirra (Quechua), Jendźelska (Upper Sorbian), Linglän (Volapük), Lloegr (Welsh), Ngilandi (Swazi), Nglaterra (Sicilian), Ngreterra (Neapolitan), Ngyiresi (Akan), Ongland (Faroese), Onglėjė (Samogitian), Pow Sows (Cornish), Sasainn (Scottish Gaelic), Sasana (Irish), Sostyn (Manx), Uingereza (Swahili), Yīnggélán - 英格兰 (Mandarin Chinese), Yngland (Silesian)
| Epirus
The name Epirus, from the Greek "Ήπειρος" meaning continent may refer to:-Geographical:* Epirus - a historical and geographical region of the southwestern Balkans, straddling modern Greece and Albania...
| Çamërië / Çamëria (Albanian), Epeiros (Finnish), Epir (Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Turkish), Epīra (Latvian), Épire (French), Epiro (Italian), Épiro (Spanish, Portuguese), Èpir (Catalan), Epirosz (Hungarian), Epiru (Maltese), Epirus (Danish, Dutch, German, Latin, Swedish), Ípeiros (Estonian), Ípiros - Ήπειρος (Greek)
| Euboea
Euboea is the second largest Greek island in area and population, after Crete. The narrow Euripus Strait separates it from Boeotia in mainland Greece. In general outline it is a long and narrow, seahorse-shaped island; it is about long, and varies in breadth from to...
| Eğriboz (Turkish), Eubea (Catalan, Italian, Polish), Eubée (French), Eubeea (Romanian), Eubéia (Portuguese), Eubeja (Croatian), Euböa (German), Euboea (Dutch, Latin), Euboia (Estonian, Swedish, Finnish), Évia (Hungarian), Évvia - Ευβοια (Greek), Negroponte (former Italian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Faroe Islands
Faroe Islands
The Faroe Islands are an island group situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately halfway between Scotland and Iceland. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, along with Denmark proper and Greenland...
| Føroyar (Faroese), Færeyjar (Icelandic), Færøyane (Norwegian nynorsk), Færøyene (Norwegian bokmål), Færøerne (Danish), Fääri saared (Estonian), Färöarna (Swedish), Faeröer (Dutch), Faröe Adaları (Turkish), Färöer (German), Faerské ostrovy (Czech, Slovak), Farēru salas or Fēru salas (Latvian), Farerų salos (Lithuanian), Färsaaret (Finnish), Farska Ostrva (Serbian), Feróes Nisoi - Φερόες Νησοι (Greek), Ferooj (Esperanto), Feröer-szigetek (Hungarian), Ferski otoki (Slovene), na h-Eileanan Fàrach (Scots Gaelic), il-Gzejjer Faroe (Maltese), Îles Féroé (French), Ilhas Faroés or Ilhas Feroé or Ilhas Féroes (Portuguese), Illes Fèroe (Catalan), Insulele Faroe (Romanian), Islas Feroe (Spanish), Isole Fær Øer (Italian), Farski otoci (informal Croatian), Ovčji otoci (official Croatian, rarely used), Na Scigirí (Irish), Wyspy Owcze (Polish)
| Finland Proper
Finland Proper
Finland Proper or Southwest Finland , is a region in south-western Finland. It borders the regions of Satakunta, Tavastia Proper, Ahvenanmaa and Uusimaa.- Municipalities :...
| Dienvidrietumsomija (Latvian), Egentliga Finland (Swedish), Egentlige Finland (Danish), Finlande propre (French), Finlandia Meridionalis (Latin), Finlândia Própria or Finlândia do Sudoeste (Portuguese), Päris-Soome (Estonian), Varsinais-Suomi (Finnish)
| Finnmark
or Finnmárku is a county in the extreme northeast of Norway. By land it borders Troms county to the west, Finland to the south and Russia to the east, and by water, the Norwegian Sea to the northwest, and the Barents Sea to the north and northeast.The county was formerly known as Finmarkens...
| Finmarka (Latvian), Finnmark (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Finnmarken (Danish), Finnmárku (Sami), Finnmörk (Icelandic), Ruija (Finnish)
| Flanders
Flanders is the community of the Flemings but also one of the institutions in Belgium, and a geographical region located in parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. "Flanders" can also refer to the northern part of Belgium that contains Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp...
| Fiandra or Fiandre (Italian), Fjandra (Maltese), Flamandhía - Φλαμανδία (Greek), Flaman Ovası (Turkish), Flámsko (Slovak), Flande (Walloon), Flanderi (Finnish), Flandern (Danish, German, Swedish), Flandes (Catalan, Spanish), Flandra (Romanian), Flandre or Flandres (French), Flandres (Portuguese), Flandrez (Breton), Flandria (Estonian, Hungarian, Latin, Polish), Flandrija (Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian), Flandry (Czech), Flandrys (Welsh), Flandur or Flæmingjaland (Icelandic), Flóndras (Irish), Vlaanderen (Dutch)
Note: several languages have a plural form and a singular form, with different geographical scope
| Franche-Comté
Franche-Comté the former "Free County" of Burgundy, as distinct from the neighbouring Duchy, is an administrative region and a traditional province of eastern France...
| Franca Contea (Italian), Franc-Comtat (Catalan), Franche-Comté (Estonian, French, Romanian), Franco-Condado (Portuguese), Franco Condado (Spanish), Freigrafschaft Burgund (German until 17th cent.), Burgundia (Medieval Latin)
| Franconia
Franconia is a region of Germany comprising the northern parts of the modern state of Bavaria, a small part of southern Thuringia, and a region in northeastern Baden-Württemberg called Tauberfranken...
| Fragonía - Φραγκωνία (Greek), Franačka (Croatian), Franconia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Francónia (Portuguese), Francònia (Catalan), Francônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Franconie (French), Frangimaa (Estonian), Franken (Danish, Finnish), Franken or Frankenland (Dutch, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Frankföld (Hungarian), Frankonia (Polish), Frankonija (Latvian), Frankonja (Maltese), Franky (Czech)
| Friesland
Friesland is a province in the north of the Netherlands and part of the ancient region of Frisia.Until the end of 1996, the province bore Friesland as its official name. In 1997 this Dutch name lost its official status to the Frisian Fryslân...
| Friesland (Dutch, English, German, Indonesian, Norwegian, Swedish), Friisimaa (Estonian), Friisinmaa (Finnish), Frísaland (Faroese), Frise (French), Frísia (Catalan, Portuguese), Frisía - Φρισία (Greek), Frisia (Italian, Latin, Spanish), Frisia or Frislanda (Romansh), Frísko (Czech), Frisland (Danish), Frislandiya - Фрисландия (Russian), Frislando (Esperanto), Frízföld (Hungarian), Frizia (Romanian), Frizija (Croatian), Frīzlande (Latvian), Frizya (Turkish), Fryslân (Frisian), Fryzja (Polish)
| Friuli
Friuli is an area of northeastern Italy with its own particular cultural and historical identity. It comprises the major part of the autonomous region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, i.e. the province of Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia, excluding Trieste...
| Forum Iulii, Foroiulium or Forum Iulium (Latin), Friaul (German, Hungarian), Frioul (French), Frioulía - Φριουλία (Greek), Friül (Catalan), Friûl (Friulian), Friul (Spanish, variant in Romanian), Friuli (Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Maltese, Polish, Romanian), Friúlia (Portuguese), Furlanija (Croatian, Slovene), Furlánsko (Czech)
| Funen
Funen , with a size of 2,984 km² , is the third-largest island of Denmark following Zealand and Vendsyssel-Thy, and the 163rd largest island of the world. Funen is located in the central part of the country and has a population of 454,358 inhabitants . The main city is Odense, connected to the...
| Fyn (Danish, Estonian, Norwegian, Swedish, Esperanto, Finnish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian), Fjón (Faroese, Icelandic), Funen (Dutch), Fünen (German), Fionia (Italian, Polish, Spanish, variant in Romanian), Fiònia (Catalan), Fionie (French)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Galicia (Central Europe)
| Gácsország (variant in Hungarian), Galicia (Hungarian, Latin), Galícia (Portuguese), Galicië (Dutch), Galicie (French), Galicija (Croatian, Slovene), Galicja (Polish), Galiçya (Turkish), Galiitsia (Estonian), Galiţia (Romanian), Galitsia (Finnish), Galitsiya - Галиция (Russian), Galitsyen - גאַליציען (Yiddish), Galitzia (Spanish), Galítzia (Catalan), Galizia (Italian), Galizien (Danish, German, Swedish), Galizja (Maltese), Halič (Czech), Halici (variant in Romanian), Halics (variant in Hungarian), Halychyna - Галичина (Ukrainian), Puna-Venäjä (historical Finnish)
| Galicia (Spain)
| Gallaecia (Latin), Galice (French), Galícia (Catalan), Galicia (Estonian, Finnish, Galician, Hungarian, variant in Romanian, Spanish), Galicie (Czech), Galicië (Dutch), Galicien (Danish, German, Swedish), Galicija (Serbian), Galicja or Galisja (Polish), Galiçya (Turkish), Galiţia (Romanian), Galiza (alternative Galician name, Portuguese), Galizia (Italian), Galizja (Maltese), Gal·lècia (old Catalan), Ghallikía - Γαλλικία (Greek)
| Gascony
Gascony is an area of southwest France that was part of the "Province of Guyenne and Gascony" prior to the French Revolution. The region is vaguely defined and the distinction between Guyenne and Gascony is unclear; sometimes they are considered to overlap, and sometimes Gascony is considered a...
| Gascogne (French, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in Romanian), Gasconha (Occitan, Portuguese), Gasconia (Romanian), Gasconya and Gascunya (Catalan), Gascuña (Spanish), Gasgwyn (Welsh), Gaskonia (Polish), Gaskonja (Serbian), Gaskonya (Turkish), Guascogna (Italian), Gaskoňsko (Czech), Ghaskonía - Γασκονία (Greek), Vasconia (Latin)
| Gelderland
Gelderland is the largest province of the Netherlands, located in the central eastern part of the country. The capital city is Arnhem. The two other major cities, Nijmegen and Apeldoorn have more inhabitants. Other major regional centers in Gelderland are Ede, Doetinchem, Zutphen, Tiel, Wijchen,...
| Gelderlân (Frisian), Gelderland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Gelre (historical Dutch), Gheldria (Italian), Guelders or Gueldres (alternative English name), Güelda or Güeldes (Catalan), Gueldre (French), Güeldres (Spanish), Guéldria (Portuguese)
| Gästrikland
' is a historical province or landskap on the eastern coast of Sweden. It borders Uppland, Västmanland, Dalarna, Hälsingland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Gästrikland is the southernmost of the Norrland provinces....
| Gästrikland (Estonian, Swedish), Gestricia (Latin), Gestricie (French), Gestriklanti (Finnish), Gestrekaland (Old West Norse)
| Götaland
Götaland , Gothia, Gothland, Gothenland, Gautland or Geatland is one of three lands of Sweden and comprises provinces...
| Gautlönd or Gautaland (Icelandic), Götaland (Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Götamaa (Estonian alternate), Gothia (Latin), Göötanmaa (Finnish), Geatland (variant in English), Götland (German), Gotlandia (Polish), Gotlàndia and Gòtia (Catalan)
| Gotland
Gotland is a county, province, municipality and diocese of Sweden; it is Sweden's largest island and the largest island in the Baltic Sea. At 3,140 square kilometers in area, the region makes up less than one percent of Sweden's total land area...
| Gotland (Danish, Dutch, Faroese, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish), Gotlanda (Catalan), Gotlandas (Lithuanian), Gotlandia (Latin, Polish), Gotlanti (Finnish), Gutland (Gutnish), Ojamaa (Estonian)
| Graubünden
Graubünden or Grisons is the largest and easternmost canton of Switzerland. The canton shares borders with the cantons of Ticino, Uri, Glarus and St. Gallen and international borders with Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein...
| Graubünden (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish, variant in English), Grauwbunderland (former Dutch), Grigioni (Italian), Grischun (Romansh), Grisões (Portuguese), Grisons or Els Grisons (Catalan), Grisons (French), Grisones (Spanish), Grizono (Esperanto), Gryzonia (Polish)
| Greater Poland
Greater Poland
Greater Poland or Great Poland, often known by its Polish name Wielkopolska is a historical region of west-central Poland. Its chief city is Poznań.The boundaries of Greater Poland have varied somewhat throughout history...
| Grande Polonia or Posnania (Italian), Grande-Pologne (French), Grande Polônia (Portuguese), Gran-Polònia (Catalan), Great Poland (variant in English), Groot-Polen (Dutch), Großpolen (German), Megháli Polonía - Μεγάλη Πολωνία (Greek), Nagy-Lengyelország (Hungarian), Polonia Maior (Latin), Polonia Mare (Romanian), Storpolen (Danish, Swedish), Wielkopolska (Polish), Velkopolsko (Czech), Suur-Poola (Estonian), Suur-Puola (Finnish)
| Groningen
Groningen (province)
Groningen [] is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands. In the east it borders the German state of Niedersachsen , in the south Drenthe, in the west Friesland and in the north the Wadden Sea...
| Groningen (Dutch, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Groningue (French), Groninga (Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), Grinslân (Frisian), Grönnen / Grunnen / Grunn'n (Gronings)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Hainaut
| Hainaut (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian), Henegavsko (Czech), Henegouwen (Dutch), Hennegau (German), Henao (old Spanish), Hinnot (Walloon)
| Halland
' is one of the traditional provinces of Sweden , on the western coast of Sweden. It borders Västergötland, Småland, Scania and the sea of Kattegat.-Administration:...
| Chalandhía - Χαλανδία (Greek), Halland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Hallandia (Latin), Hallanti (Finnish)
| Hälsingland
' is a historical province or landskap in central Sweden. It borders to Gästrikland, Dalarna, Härjedalen, Medelpad and to the Gulf of Bothnia...
| Hälsingland (Dutch, Estonian, Swedish), Helsingia (Latin), Helsingland (French), Helsinglanti (Finnish), Helsingjaland (Old West Norse)
| Härjedalen
' is a historical province or landskap in the centre of Sweden. It borders the country of Norway as well as the provinces of Dalarna, Hälsingland, Medelpad, and Jämtland...
| Härjedalen (Estonian, Swedish), Herdalia (Latin), Herdalie (French), Herjedalen (Danish, Norwegian), Herjeådalen (Trøndersk, IOW the regional name), Herjárdalr (Old West Norse), Härjedaelie (Sami)
| Herzegovina
Herzegovina is the southern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. While there is no official border distinguishing it from the Bosnian region, it is generally accepted that the borders of the region are Croatia to the west, Montenegro to the south, the canton boundaries of the Herzegovina-Neretva...
| Erzeghovíni - Ερζεγοβίνη (Greek), Erzegovina (Italian), Heirseagaivéin (Irish), Hercegovina (Albanian, Bosnian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish), Hercegovina - Герцеговина (Belarusian, Russian), Hercegovina - Херцеговина (Bulgarian, Serbian), Hercegovino (Esperanto), Hercegowina (Polish), Herdzegovine (Walloon), Hersegovina (Faroese), Hersegóvína (Icelandic), Hersek (Turkish), Herţegovina (Romanian), Hertsegofina (Welsh), Hertsegoviina (Estonian), Hertsegovina (Finnish), Herzegovina (Basque, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish), Ħerzegovina (Maltese), Herzégovine (French), Herzegowina (German)
| Hesse
Hesse or Hessia is both a cultural region of Germany and the name of an individual German state.* The cultural region of Hesse includes both the State of Hesse and the area known as Rhenish Hesse in the neighbouring Rhineland-Palatinate state...
| Assia (Italian), Éssi - Έσση (Greek), Hesensko (Czech), Hessa (Romanian), Hessen (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Slovene, Swedish, variant in Romanian, Turkish), Hesse (French, Portuguese, Spanish), Hesja (Polish)
| Hiiumaa
Hiiumaa is the second largest island belonging to Estonia. It is located in the Baltic Sea, north of the island of Saaremaa, a part of the West Estonian archipelago. Its largest town is Kärdla.-Name:...
| Dagø (Danish), Dagö (German, Swedish), Dago (Polish, historical), Hiidenmaa (Finnish), Hiiu (Estonian alternate), Hiiumaa (Dutch, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Romanian), Hiuma (modern Polish)
| Holland
| Batavia (Latin variant), Belanda (Indonesian, Malay), Holland (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Swedish), Holanda (Albanian, Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish), Holandia (Polish), Holandija (Serbian, Slovene), Holandsko (Czech, Slovak), Hollân (Frisian), Hollanda (Turkish), Hollande (French), Hollandia (Hungarian, Latin), Hollanti (Finnish), an Òlaind (Scots Gaelic), Olanda (Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Olandija (Lithuanian), an Ollainn (Irish), Ollanda (Romansh), Ollandhía - Ολλανδία (Greek)
Note: Holland is a former county and region comprising two modern provinces of the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
, although the name is often used to refer to the whole Dutch realm. Holland
Kingdom of Holland
The Kingdom of Holland 1806–1810 was set up by Napoleon Bonaparte as a puppet kingdom for his third brother, Louis Bonaparte, in order to better control the Netherlands. The name of the leading province, Holland, was now taken for the whole country...
is also a former kingdom (1806–1810) comprising approximately the territory of the modern Netherlands
| Holstein
Holstein is the region between the rivers Elbe and Eider. It is part of Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost state of Germany....
| Holsetaland (Icelandic), Holstein (Afrikaans, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Holsteen (Low Saxon), Holsten (Danish), Holštýnsko (Czech), Holsztyn (Polish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Île-de-France
Île-de-France (province)
The province of Île-de-France or Isle de France is an historical province of France, and the one at the centre of power during most of French history...
| Franciae insula (Latin), Île-de-France (Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Ilha-de-França (Portuguese), Isla de Francia (Spanish)
| Ingria
Ingria is a historical region in the eastern Baltic, now part of Russia, comprising the southern bank of the river Neva, between the Gulf of Finland, the Narva River, Lake Peipus in the west, and Lake Ladoga and the western bank of the Volkhov river in the east...
| Ingeri (Estonian), Ingerimaa (Estonian alternate), Ingermanland (Danish, German, Swedish), Ingermanlandia - Ингерманландия (Russian), Ingria (Italian, Latin, Romanian), Íngria (Portuguese), Ingrie (French), Inkeri (Finnish, Ingrian)
| Istria
Istria , formerly Histria , is the largest peninsula in the Adriatic Sea. The peninsula is located at the head of the Adriatic between the Gulf of Trieste and the Bay of Kvarner...
| Histria (Latin), Istra (Croatian, Estonian, Serbian, Slovene), Ístria (Catalan, Portuguese), Istria (Estonian alternate, Finnish, Italian, Polish, Romanian), Istría - Ιστρία (Greek), Istrië (Dutch), Istrie (French, Czech), Istrien (Danish, German, Swedish), Isztria (Hungarian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Jämtland
Jämtland or Jamtland is a historical province or landskap in the center of Sweden in northern Europe. It borders to Härjedalen and Medelpad in the south, Ångermanland in the east, Lapland in the north and Trøndelag and Norway in the west...
| Iempterland (French), Jamtaland (Icelandic, Old West Norse), Jämtland (Dutch, Estonian, German, Swedish), Jämtlanti (Finnish), Jemtia (Latin), Jemtland (Danish, Norwegian), Jamtland/Jamplann (Normalized/Traditional Jamtlandic), Jiemhte (Sami)
| Jura
Jura mountains
The Jura Mountains are a small mountain range located north of the Alps, separating the Rhine and Rhone rivers and forming part of the watershed of each...
| Giura (Italian), Jura (Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish)
| Jutland
Jutland , historically also called Cimbria, is the name of the peninsula that juts out in Northern Europe toward the rest of Scandinavia, forming the mainland part of Denmark. It has the North Sea to its west, Kattegat and Skagerrak to its north, the Baltic Sea to its east, and the Danish–German...
| An Iútlainn (Irish), Iutlanda (Romanian), Jótland (Icelandic), Jutland (Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Italian, Turkish), Jútland (Faroese), Jütland (German, Hungarian), Jutlandia (Polish, Spanish), Jutlândia (Portuguese), Jutsko (Czech), Jüütimaa (Estonian), Jylland (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish), Jyllanti (Finnish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Kainuu
Kainuu is a region of Finland. It borders the regions of Northern Ostrobothnia, North Karelia and Northern Savonia. In the east it also borders Russia. Kainuu is known in the ancient Norse sagas as Kvenland....
| Kainuu (Estonian, Finnish), Kajanaland (Swedish)
| Karelia
Karelia , the land of the Karelian peoples, is an area in Northern Europe of historical significance for Finland, Russia, and Sweden...
| Carelia (Italian, Romanian), Carèlia (Catalan), Carélia (Portuguese), Carélie (French), An Chairéil (Irish), Karelen (Danish, Swedish), Karélia (Hungarian), Karelia (Latin, Polish), Kareliâ - Карелия (Russian), Karelië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Karélie (Czech), Karelien (German), Karelija (Croatian), Karelja (Maltese), Karelya (Turkish), Karjala (Estonian, Finnish, Karelian)
| Kashubia
Kashubia or Cassubia - is a language area in the historic Eastern Pomerania region of northwestern Poland. Located west of Gdańsk and the mouth of the Vistula river, it is inhabited by members of the Kashubian ethnic group....
| Cachoubie (French), Caixúbia (Catalan), Cashubia (variant in English), Cassubia (Latin, Italian, Spanish), Kaschubei or Kaschubien (German), Kasjoebië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Kasjubia (Norwegian), Kasjubien (Swedish), Kasubia (Hungarian, Finnish), Kaşubia (Romanian), Kašubija - Кашубия (Russian), Kašubija (Slovene), Kašubsko (Czech), Kašuubia (Estonian alternate), Kaszëbë or Kaszëbskô (Kashubian), Kaszuby (Estonian, Polish)
| Kola
Kola Peninsula
The Kola Peninsula is a peninsula in the far northwest of Russia. Constituting the bulk of the territory of Murmansk Oblast, it lies almost completely to the north of the Arctic Circle and is washed by the Barents Sea in the north and the White Sea in the east and southeast...
| Kola (Dutch, French, German, Romanian), Kolahalvøen (Danish), Kolahalvön (Swedish), Kola yarımadası (Turkish), Kol'skij poluostrov - Кольский полуостров (Russian), Koola (Estonian), Kuola (Finnish)
| Kosovo
Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. Part of the Ottoman Empire for more than five centuries, later the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia...
| Kosova (Turkish), Kosovë or Kosova (Albanian), Kosovo i Metohija - Косово и Метохија (Serbian), Kosovo (Estonian, Finnish, German, Maltese), Kosovo or Kosova (Faroese), Kosovo or Kossovo (French), Kosovo or Cosovo (Portuguese), Kosowo (Polish), Kossowo-Metochien or Kosowo-Metochien (German until 1974), Rigómező or Koszovó (Hungarian)
| Kuyavia
Kujawy , is a historical and ethnographic region in the north-central Poland, situated in the basin of the middle Vistula and upper Noteć Rivers, with its capital in Włocławek.-Etymology:The origin of the name Kujawy was seen differently in history...
| Cuiavia (Italian, Latin, variant in English), Cujávia (Portuguese), Cujavie (French), Kujaavia (Estonian alternate), Kujavia (Finnish, Hungarian), Kujawien (German), Kujawy (Estonian, Polish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Lachia
| Lachei (German), Lachija - Лахия (Russian), Lašsko (Czech, Slovak), Laszczyzna (Polish)
| Languedoc
Languedoc is a former province of France, now continued in the modern-day régions of Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées in the south of France, and whose capital city was Toulouse, now in Midi-Pyrénées. It had an area of approximately 42,700 km² .-Geographical Extent:The traditional...
| Languedoc (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Langwedocja (Polish), Lengadòc (Occitan), Lenguadoc (Old Spanish), Linguadoca (Italian), Llenguadoc (Catalan), Llinguadoc (Leonese)
| Lapland
Lapland (region)
Lapland is a region in northern Fennoscandia, largely within the Arctic Circle. It streches across Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula . On the North it is bounded by the Barents Sea, on the West by the Norwegian Sea and on the East by the White Sea...
| Finnmark (Norwegian), Lapimaa (Estonian), An Laplainn (Irish), Lapland (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch), Laponia (Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Lapònia (Catalan), Lapónia (Portuguese), Lapônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Laponie (French), Laponija (Serbian), Laponsko (Czech), Laponya (Turkish), Lappföld (Hungarian), Lappi (Finnish), Lappland or Sámaland (Faroese), Lappland (German, Swedish), Lapponia (Italian), Lapponja (Maltese), Llaponia (Leonese), Sápmi (Sami)
| Laponia (Finland & Sweden)
| Finnmark (Norwegian, older Swedish), Lapimaa (Estonian), Lapland (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch), Lapònia (Catalan), Laponia (Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Lapónia (Portuguese), Lapônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Laponie (French), Laponija (Serbian), Laponska (Slovene), Laponsko (Czech), Laponya (Turkish), Lappföld (Hungarian), Lappi (Finnish), Lappland (Faroese, German, Swedish), Lapponia (Italian), Lapponja (Maltese), Sápmi (Sami)
| Latgalia
| Latgale (Estonian, French, Latvian), Łatgalia (Polish), Latgallia (variant in English, Finnish), Letgallen (Danish), Lettgallen (Swedish), Letgallia (Italian)
| Latium
| Laci (Catalan), Lacij (Croatian), Lácio (Portuguese), Lacio (Spanish), Lacjum (Polish), Latium (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Latin, variant in Romanian), Lazio (Estonian, Italian, Romanian, variant in English), Lazio or Latina (Finnish), Lazjo (Maltese)
| León
León (province)
León is a province of northwestern Spain, in the northwestern part of the autonomous community of Castile and León.About one quarter of its population of 500,200 lives in the capital, León. The weather is cold and dry during the winter....
| Leão (Portuguese), Leon (Maltese, Polish, Romanian), León (Danish, Estonian, French, Finnish, Hungarian, Spanish), Lleó (Catalan), Lleón (Asturian), Llión (Leonese)
| Lesser Poland
Lesser Poland
Lesser Poland is one of the historical regions of Poland, with its capital in the city of Kraków. It forms the southeastern corner of the country, and should not be confused with the modern Lesser Poland Voivodeship, which covers only a small, southern part of Lesser Poland...
| Kis-Lengyelország (Hungarian), Kleinpolen (German), Klein-Polen (Dutch), Lillepolen (Danish), Little Poland (variant in English), Małopolska (Polish), Malopolsko (Czech), Pequena Polônia (Portuguese), Petite-Pologne (French), Piccola Polonia (Italian), Polonia Micǎ (Romanian), Polonia Minor (Latin), Vähä-Puola (Finnish), Väike-Poola (Estonian)
| Liguria
Liguria is a coastal region of north-western Italy, the third smallest of the Italian regions. Its capital is Genoa. It is a popular region with tourists for its beautiful beaches, picturesque little towns, and good food.-Geography:...
| Liguria (Italian, Finnish, Hungarian, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Ligúria (Catalan, Portuguese), Ligurië (Afrikaans, Dutch), Ligurie (French), Ligurien (German, Swedish), Ligurija (Croatian, Slovene), Ligurja (Maltese), Ligursko (Czech), Liguuria (Estonian), Lliguria (Leonese)
| Limburg
| Limbourg (French), Limburch (Frisian), Limburg (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish), Limburgia (Polish), Limburgo (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)
| Limousin
Limousin (région)
Limousin is one of the 27 regions of France. It is composed of three départements: Corrèze, Creuse and the Haute-Vienne.Situated largely in the Massif Central, as of January 1st 2008, the Limousin comprised 740,743 inhabitants on nearly 17 000 km2, making it the second least populated region of...
| Lemosin (Occitan), Lemosín (Spanish), Limosino (Italian), Limousin (Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish), Llemosí (Catalan)
| Livonia
Livonia is a historic region along the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. It was once the land of the Finnic Livonians inhabiting the principal ancient Livonian County Metsepole with its center at Turaida...
| Inflantia (variant in English and Polish), Inflanty (Polish), Liivimaa (Estonian), Liivinmaa (Finnish), Liflândiâ - Лифляндия (Russian), Lijfland (Dutch), Livland (Danish, German, Swedish), Livonia (Italian, Latin, Romanian), Livònia (Catalan), Livónia (Hungarian), Livônia (Portuguese), Livonie (French), Livonija (Latvian), Livonja (Maltese), Livonsko (Czech), Liwonia (former Polish variant), Llivoña (Leonese), Lyfland (Afrikaans)
| Lombardy
Lombardy is one of the 20 regions of Italy. The capital is Milan. One-sixth of Italy's population lives in Lombardy and about one fifth of Italy's GDP is produced in this region, making it the most populous and richest region in the country and one of the richest in the whole of Europe...
| Langbarðaland (Icelandic), Langobardia (Latin), Llombardia (Catalan), An Lombaird (Irish), Lombardei (German), Lombardia (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak), Lombardía (Spanish), Lombardie (French, Czech), Lombardiet (Danish, Swedish), Lombardija (Croatian, Maltese, Serbian, Slovene), Lombardije (Dutch), Lombardiya (Turkish), Lombardye (Afrikaans)
| Lorraine
Lorraine (région)
Lorraine is one of the 27 régions of France. The administrative region has two cities of equal importance, Metz and Nancy. Metz is considered to be the official capital since that is where the regional parliament is situated...
| Llorena (Leonese), Lorena (Croatian, Catalan, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Slovene), An Lorráin (Irish), Lorraine (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Swedish), Lotaringia (Latin, variant in Romanian), Lotaringiya - Лотарингия (Bulgarian), Lotaryngia (Polish), Lotharinge (Afrikaans), Lotharingen (Dutch), Lotharingia (Hungarian), Lothringen (German, variant in Finnish, Danish and Swedish), Lotring (Estonian alternate), Lotrinsko (Czech)
| Lower Austria
Lower Austria
Lower Austria is the northeasternmost state of the nine states in Austria. The capital of Lower Austria since 1986 is Sankt Pölten, the most recently designated capital town in Austria. The capital of Lower Austria had formerly been Vienna, even though Vienna is not officially part of Lower Austria...
| Ala-Itävalta (Finnish), Alam-Austria (Estonian), Alsó-Ausztria (Hungarian), Aşağı Avusturya (Turkish), Austria Inferioară or Austria de Jos (Romanian), Awstrija ta' Isfel (Maltese), Baixa Áustria (Portuguese), Baixa Àustria (Catalan), Baja Austria (Spanish), Bassa Austria (Italian), Basse-Autriche (French), Dolna Austria (Polish), Dolní Rakousy (Czech), Donja Austrija (Croatian), Neder-Oostenrijk (Dutch), Neder-Oostenryk (Afrikaans), Niederösterreich (Danish, German, Swedish), Spodnja Avstrija (Slovene), Žemutinė Austrija (Lithuanian)
| Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony is a German state situated in north-western Germany and is second in area and fourth in population among the sixteen states of Germany...
| Ala-Saksi (Finnish) Alam-Saksi (Estonian), Alsó-Szászország (Hungarian), Aşağı Saksonya (Turkish), Baja Sajonia (Spanish), Bassa Sassonia (Italian), Baixa Saxònia (Catalan), Baixa Saxónia (Portuguese), Baixa Saxônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Baixo Saxe (Portuguese variant), Basse-Saxe (French), Dolna Saksonia (Polish), Dolní Sasko (Czech), Donja Saksonija (Bosnian, Serbian), Donja Saska (Croatian), Neddersassen (Low Saxon), Nedersaksen (Dutch, Frisian), Neder-Sakse (Afrikaans), Niedersachsen (Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sassonja ta' Isfel (Maltese), Saxonia Inferioară or Saxonia de Jos (Romanian), Spodnja Saška (Slovene) Neðra-Saxland (Icelandic)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
Macedonia (region)
Macedonia is a geographical and historical region of the Balkan peninsula in southeastern Europe. Its boundaries have changed considerably over time, but nowadays the region is considered to include parts of five Balkan countries: Greece, the Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, as...
| Macédoine (French), Macedonia (Italian, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Welsh), Macedònia (Catalan), Macedónia (Hungarian (for country), Portuguese), Macedonië (Dutch), Macedonja (Maltese), Maċedonja (Maltese), Macedónsko (Slovak), Makedonia (Finnish), Makedonía - Μακεδονία (Greek), Makedónia (Faroese, Hungarian [for Greek region]), Makedonie (Czech), Makedonien (Danish, Swedish, German [referring to ancient Macedonia]), Maķedonija (Latvian), Makedonija (Lithuanian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene), Makedonya (Turkish), Makedoonia (Estonian), Mazedonien (German)
| Mačva
Mačva is a geographical region in Serbia, mostly situated in the northwest of Central Serbia. It is located in a fertile plain between the Sava and Drina rivers. The chief town of this region is Šabac. The modern Mačva District of Serbia is named after the region, although the region of Mačva...
| Macsó (Hungarian), Mačva - Мачва (Serbian)
| Maramureş
Maramureș may refer to the following:*Maramureș, a geographical, historical, and ethno-cultural region in present-day Romania and Ukraine, that occupies the Maramureș Depression and Maramureș Mountains, a mountain range in North East Carpathians...
| Maramureş (Romanian), Máramaros (Hungarian), Maramures (Estonian), Marmatie (French)
| Marche
The population density in the region is below the national average. In 2008, it was 161.5 inhabitants per km2, compared to the national figure of 198.8. It is highest in the province of Ancona , and lowest in the province of Macerata...
| Las Marcas (Spanish), Marche (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish), Marches (French), Marken (Dutch variant, German)
| Masovia
| Masoovia (Estonian), Masovia (Italian, Finnish), Masovia / Mazovia (Latin), Masovien (Swedish), Masowien (German), Mazóvia (Hungarian), Mazovia (Romanian, Spanish, variant in English), Mazovie (French), Mazovija (Lithuanian), Mazovijsko (Slovenian), Mazovjecko (Croatian), Mazovsko (Czech, Slovak), Mazowsze (Polish)
| Masuria
Masuria is an area in northeastern Poland famous for its 2,000 lakes. Geographically, Masuria is part of two adjacent lakeland districts, the Masurian Lake District and the Iława Lake District...
| Masuren or Masurenland (German), Masuria (Italian, Latin, Finnish), Masurien (Swedish), Masuuria (Estonian), Mazuria (Hungarian, Romanian), Mazurië (Dutch), Mazurie (French), Mozūrija (Lithuanian), Mazury (Polish)
| Mecklenburg
Mecklenburg is a historical region in northern Germany comprising the western and larger part of the federal-state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern...
| Mecklembourg (French), Mecklemburgo (Portuguese, Spanish), Mecklenburg (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovene, Swedish), Mecklenbursko (Slovak), Meclenburgo (Italian), Mekelborg (Low Saxon), Meklemburgia (Polish), Meklenburch (Frisian), Meklenburgo (Esperanto), Meklenbursko (Czech)
| Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
| Mecklembourg-Poméranie antérieure or Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale (French), Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Anterior (Spanish), Mecklenburg-Voorpommeren (Afrikaans), Mecklenburg-Voorpommeren or Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren (Dutch), Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania (variant in English), Mecklenburg-Pomerania Inferioară (or Anterioară) (Romanian), Mecklenburg-Pomorjansko (Slovene), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Mecklenburg-Voorpommern (Dutch), Meclenburgo-Pomerania Anteriore (Italian), Mecklenbursko-Predpomoransko (Slovak), Mekelborg-Vörpommern (Low Saxon), Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie (Polish), Meklenburch-Foarpommeren (Frisian), Meklenburgo-Antaŭpomerio (Esperanto), Meklenbursko-Přední Pomořansko (Czech), Mecklenburg-Etu-Pommeri (Finnish)
| Medelpad
' is a historical province or landskap in the north of Sweden. It borders to Hälsingland, Härjedalen, Jämtland, Ångermanland and the Gulf of Bothnia....
| Medelpad (Estonian, French, Swedish), Medelpadia (Latin)
| Metohija
Metohija , is a large basin and the name of the region covering the southwestern part of Kosovo.It encompasses three of the seven districts of Kosovo, namely the historical :* District of Peć * District of Đakovica * District of Prizren...
| Métochie (French), Metochien (German), Metohia (Romanian, variant in English), Metohija (Estonian), Metohija - Метохија (Serbian), Rrafsh i Dukagjinit (Albanian)
| Moldavia
Moldavia is a geographic and historical region and former principality in Eastern Europe, corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester river...
| Boğdan (former Turkish), Moldaavia (Estonian alternate), Moldau (German), Moldavia (Basque, Italian, Spanish), Moldàvia (Catalan), Moldávia (Portuguese), Moldavië (Dutch), Moldavie (French), Moldavien (Danish, Swedish), Moldavija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Moldavja (Maltese), Moldavsko (Czech, Slovak), Moldavya (Turkish), Mołdawia (Polish), Moldhavía - Μολδαβία (Greek), Moldova (Estonian, Finnish, Romanian, variant in Swedish), Moldva (Hungarian)
| Montferrat
Montferrat is part of the region of Piedmont in Northern Italy. It comprises roughly the modern provinces of Alessandria and Asti. Montferrat is one of the most important wine districts of Italy...
| Monferrato (Italian, Polish, Spanish), Monfrà (Piedmontese), Montferrat (Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish)
| Moravia
Moravia is a historical region in Central Europe in the east of the Czech Republic, and one of the former Czech lands, together with Bohemia and Silesia. It takes its name from the Morava River which rises in the northwest of the region...
| Määri (Finnish), Määrimaa (Estonian alternate), Mæhren (Danish), Mähren (German, Norwegian, Swedish, variant in Danish), Moraavia (Estonian alternate), Morava (Czech, Estonian), Moravia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Morávia (Portuguese), Moravië (Dutch), Moravie (French), Moravija - Моравия (Russian), Moravja (Maltese), Morawy (Polish), Morvaország (Hungarian), Moravska (Croatian, Slovene)
| Moravian Slovakia
Moravian Slovakia
Moravian Slovakia or Slovácko is a cultural region in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic on the border with Slovakia and Austria, known for its characteristic folklore, music, wine, costumes and traditions...
| Mährische Slowakei (German), Mähriska Slovakien (Swedish), Moravska Slovačka (Serbian), Moravskaja Slovakija - Моравская Словакия (Russian), Moravské Slovensko (variant in Czech), Morawska Słowacja (Polish), Slovácko (Czech, Slovak)
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! Other names or former names
| Navarre
Navarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...
| Nabarra (popular variant in Basque), Nafarroa (official Basque), Navara (Macedonian), Navarra (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Gascon, German, Hungarian, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Czech), Navarre (French), Nawarra (Polish)
| Närke
' is a Swedish traditional province, or landskap, situated in Svealand in south central Sweden. It is bordered by Västmanland to the north, Södermanland to the east, Östergötland to the southeast, Västergötland to the southwest, and Värmland to the northwest...
| Närke (Estonian, Swedish), Nericia (Latin), Néricie (French), Nerike (oldert variant in Swedish)
| Nidwalden
Nidwalden is a canton of Switzerland. It is located in the centre of Switzerland. The population is 40,287 of which 4,046 are foreigners. The capital is Stans.-History:...
| Nidvaldo (Italian), Nidwald (French), Nidwalden (Danish, Estonian, German, Swedish)
| Normandy
Normandy is a geographical region corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy. It is in France.The continental territory covers 30,627 km² and forms the preponderant part of Normandy and roughly 5% of the territory of France. It is divided for administrative purposes into two régions:...
| Normandí (Icelandic), Normandia (Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian), Normandía (Spanish), Normandië (Dutch), Normandie (Czech, French, German), Normandiet (Danish, Swedish), Normandija (Croatian, Maltese, Slovene), Normandiya (Turkish)
| North Rhine
North Rhine-Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous state of Germany, with four of the country's ten largest cities. The state was formed in 1946 as a merger of the northern Rhineland and Westphalia, both formerly part of Prussia. Its capital is Düsseldorf. The state is currently run by a coalition of the...
| Észak-Rajna (Hungarian), Nadrenia Północna (Polish), Noardryn (Frisian), Noord-Rijnland (Dutch), Noordryn (Afrikaans), Nord Reno / Renania settentrionale(Italian), Nordrhein (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Põhja-Rein (Estonian alternate), Renania del Norte (Spanish), Renania de Nord (Romanian), Renânia do Norte (Portuguese), Rhénanie-du-Nord (French), Severno Porenje (Slovene), Severní Porýní (Czech), Sjeverno Porajnje (Croatian)
| North Rhine-Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous state of Germany, with four of the country's ten largest cities. The state was formed in 1946 as a merger of the northern Rhineland and Westphalia, both formerly part of Prussia. Its capital is Düsseldorf. The state is currently run by a coalition of the...
| Észak-Rajna-Vesztfália (Hungarian), Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia (Polish), Noardryn-Westfalen (Frisian), Kuzey Ren-Vestfalya (Turkish), Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen or Noordrijn-Westfalen (Dutch), Noordryn-Wesfalen (Afrikaans), Nord Reno-Westfalia / Renania settentrionale-Vestfalia(Italian), Nordrhein-Westfalen (Danish, Estonian, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Põhja-Rein-Vestfaal (Estonian alternate), Renania del Norte-Westfalia (Spanish), Renania de Nord-Westfalia (Romanian), Renânia do Norte-Vestfália (Portuguese), Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie (French), Severno Porenje-Vestfalija (Slovene), Severní Porýní-Vestfálsko (Czech), Sjeverno Porajnje-Zapadna Falačka (Croatian)
| Northumbria
Northumbria was a medieval kingdom of the Angles, in what is now Northern England and South-East Scotland, becoming subsequently an earldom in a united Anglo-Saxon kingdom of England. The name reflects the approximate southern limit to the kingdom's territory, the Humber Estuary.Northumbria was...
| Norðan-Hymbria (Anglo-Saxon), Norðymbraland (Icelandic), Northumbria (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Latin, Romanian), Northumbrie (French), Northumbrien (German), Nortumbair (Irish), Nortumbria (Italian, Polish), Nortúmbria (Portuguese)
| Nösnerland
The Nösnerland is an historic region of northeastern Transylvania in present-day Romania centered between the Bistriţa and Mureş rivers.Beginning in the 12th century and increasingly in the 13th-14th centuries, Hungarian kings invited German colonists to settle in the eastern lands of the Kingdom...
| Naszód (Hungarian), Nösnerland (German), Ţara Năsăudului (Romanian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Obwalden
Obwalden is a canton of Switzerland. It is located in the centre of Switzerland. The population is 33,997 of which 4,043 are foreigners. Its capital is Sarnen. The canton contains the geographical centre of Switzerland.-History:...
| Obvaldo (Italian), Obwald (French), Obwalden (Dutch, Estonian, German, Swedish)
| Öland
' is the second largest Swedish island and the smallest of the traditional provinces of Sweden. Öland has an area of 1,342 km² and is located in the Baltic Sea just off the coast of Småland. The island has 25,000 inhabitants, but during Swedish Midsummer it is visited by up to 500,000 people...
| Elandas (Lithuanian), Oelande (French), Oelandia (Latin), Öland (Estonian, Swedish), Øland (Danish), Olandia (Polish), Öölanti (Finnish)
| Orava
Orava (county)
Árva is the Hungarian name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in northern Slovakia and southern Poland...
| Arva (Latin), Árva (Hungarian), Arwa (German), Orava (Estonian, Romanian, Slovak), Orawa (Polish)
| Ostrobothnia
Ostrobothnia (region)
Ostrobothnia is a region of Finland. It is located in Western Finland. It borders the regions Central Ostrobothnia, Southern Ostrobothnia, and Satakunta and is one of the four regions making up the historical province of Ostrobothnia....
| Bothnia Orientalis or Ostrobothnia (Latin), Botnie-Orientale (French), Österbotten (Swedish), Pohjanmaa (Estonian, Finnish)
| Östergötland
Östergötland, English exonym: East Gothland, is one of the traditional provinces of Sweden in the south of Sweden. It borders Småland, Västergötland, Närke, Södermanland, and the Baltic Sea. In older English literature, one might also encounter the Latinized version, Ostrogothia...
| Gothie orientale (French), Östergötland (Swedish), Östergötland (Estonian), Ostrogothia or Gothia Orientalis (Latin), Itä-Götanmaa (Finnish)
| Overijssel
Overijssel is a province of the Netherlands in the central eastern part of the country. The region has a NUTS classification of NL21. The province's name means "Lands across river IJssel". The capital city of Overijssel is Zwolle and the largest city is Enschede...
| Oaveriesel (local Dutch Low Saxon dialects [Sallands and Twents]), Oerisel (Frisian), Overijssel (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Swedish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Palatinate
| Falcko or Falc (Czech), Palatinado (Portuguese, Spanish), Palatinat (Catalan, French, Romanian), Palatinato (Italian), Palatynat (Polish), Palts (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Palz (Low Saxon), Pfalz (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Slovene, Swedish)
| Peloponnese
The Peloponnese, Peloponnesos or Peloponnesus , is a large peninsula , located in a region of southern Greece, forming the part of the country south of the Gulf of Corinth...
| Mora (Turkish), More (Albanian), Morea
The Morea was the name of the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. It also referred to a Byzantine province in the region, known as the Despotate of Morea.-Origins of the name:...
(older English, older Italian), Moréas - Μωρέας / Moriás - Μωριάς (variants in Greek), Morée (older French), Peloponeso (Portuguese), Peloponeso or Morea (Spanish), Peloponès (Catalan), Peloponez (Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene), Peloponnes (Danish, German), Péloponnèse (French), Peloponneso (Italian), Peloponnesos (Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish), Peloponnesus (Latin), Peloponnészosz (Hungarian), Peloponneżu (Maltese), Pelopónnisos - Πελοπόννησος (Greek)
| Picardy
| An Phiocaird (Irish), Picårdeye (Walloon), Picardia (Finnish, Portuguese, Romanian), Picardía (Spanish), Picardiet (Danish), Picardië (Dutch), Picardie (Estonian, French, Swedish, variant in English and German), Piccardia (Italian), Pikardia (Estonian alternate, Polish), Pikardie (Czech, German), Pikardien (variant in Swedish), Pikardija (Croatian)
| Piedmont
| Pedemontium (Latin), Piamonte (Spanish), Piemont (Piedmontese, Occitan, Catalan, Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian), Piëmont (Dutch), Piémont (French), Piemonte (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish), Píodmant (Irish), Pijemont (Croatian), Pjemonte (Maltese)
| Podlaskie
| Padlyašša - Падляшша (Belarusian), Podlaasia (Estonian), Podlachia (Italian, Latin), Podlachie or Podlaquie (French), Podlachien (German), Podlasia (Finnish), Podlasie (Hungarian, Polish), Podlasien (Danish, Swedish), Podlasko or Podlasze (older Polish names)
| Podolia
The region of Podolia is an historical region in the west-central and south-west portions of present-day Ukraine, corresponding to Khmelnytskyi Oblast and Vinnytsia Oblast. Northern Transnistria, in Moldova, is also a part of Podolia...
| Podillya - Поділля (Ukrainian), Podole (Polish), Podolia (Italian, Romanian), Podólia (Hungarian), Podolië (Dutch), Podolie (French), Podolien (Danish, German, Swedish), Podolya (Turkish), Podoolia (Estonian)
| Poitou
Poitou was a province of west-central France whose capital city was Poitiers.The region of Poitou was called Thifalia in the sixth century....
| Pictaviensis (Latin), Poatev (Brezhoneg), Poetou (Poitevin), Poitou (Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norvegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh), Puatu (Lithuanian), Puatú - Пуату́ (Russian)
| Polesie
| Palyes'sye [Palesse] - Палесьсе (Belarusian), Polesia (Finnish, Romanian, variant in English), Polesië (Dutch), Polésie (French), Polesie (Polish), Polesien (Danish, German, Swedish), Polesje (Estonian), Poleszje (Hungarian), Poles'ye - Полесье (Russian), Polezya (Turkish), Poliessia (Italian), Poliezia (variant in Romanian), Polissya - Полісся (Ukrainian)
| Pomerania
Pomerania is a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea. Divided between Germany and Poland, it stretches roughly from the Recknitz River near Stralsund in the West, via the Oder River delta near Szczecin, to the mouth of the Vistula River near Gdańsk in the East...
| An Phoimearáin (Irish), Pomerania (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Pomerania or Pomorania (Latin), Pomerània (Catalan), Pomeránia (Hungarian), Pomerânia (Portuguese), Poméranie (French), Pomeransko (Croatian), Pomeranya (Turkish), Pomerio (Esperanto), Pommeren (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian), Pommeri (Finnish), Pommern (Danish, German, Low Saxon, Icelandic, Swedish), Pommeri (Estonian), Pomoransko (Slovak), Pomořansko or Pomořany (Czech), Pomorjansko (Slovene), Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Pomorze (Polish), Pòmòrze (Pomeranian)
| Pomerelia
Pomerelia is a historical region in northern Poland. Pomerelia lay in eastern Pomerania: on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea and west of the Vistula and its delta. The area centered on the city of Gdańsk at the mouth of the Vistula...
| Pomorze Gdańskie or Pomorze Wschodnie (Polish), Pòrénkòwô Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Pommerellen (Danish, Dutch, German, Swedish), Kleinpommern (German variant), Pomoří (Czech), Pomérelia (Hungarian), Pomerélia (Portuguese), Pomerellia (Italian, Romanian), Pomérélie or Pomérelie (French), Pomerelia (Spanish, Welsh), Väike-Pommeri (Estonian)
| Prekmurje
Prekmurje is a geographically, linguistically, culturally and ethnically defined region settled by Slovenes and lying between the Mur River in Slovenia and the Rába Valley in the most western part of Hungary...
| Prekmurje (Croatian, Slovene), Transmuraland (variant in English), Muravidék (Hungarian), Übermurgebiet or Murland (German)
| Provence
Provence ; Provençal: Provença in classical norm or Prouvènço in Mistralian norm) is a region of south eastern France on the Mediterranean adjacent to Italy. It is part of the administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur...
| Probenza (Aragonese), Prouvènço (Provençal), Provänce (Kölsch), Provansa (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Provença (Catalan, Occitan, Portuguese), Provence (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Provensálsko (Czech), Provenza (Italian, Maltese, Spanish, Asturian, Galego), Provenţa (variant in Romanian), Province (Walloons), Provincia (Latin), Prowansja (Polish), Pruvenza (Sicilian)
| Prussia
Prussia was a German kingdom and historic state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the Margraviate of Brandenburg. For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually well-organized and effective army. Prussia shaped the history...
| Borussia or Prussia (Latin), An Phrúis (Irish), Poroszország (Hungarian), Prajzsko (Silesian), Preisi (Estonian alternate), Preisimaa (Estonian), Preußen (German), Preussen (Swiss German, Danish, Swedish), Preussi (Finnish), Prøjsen (older Danish variant), Pruisen (Dutch), Prusia (Romanian, Spanish), Prūsija (Lithuanian), Prusija (Croatian, Serbian, Slovene), Prusko (Czech), Prusse (French), Prûsse (Walloon), Prussia (Italian), Prússia (Catalan, Portuguese), Prussland (Faroese), Prússland (Icelandic), Prussja (Maltese), Prusy (Polish), Prusya (Turkish), Prwsia (Welsh)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Rhineland
Historically, the Rhinelands refers to a loosely-defined region embracing the land on either bank of the River Rhine in central Europe....
| Dúiche na Réine (Irish), Nadrenia (Polish), Porenje (Slovene), Porýní (Czech), Porýnie (Slovak), Rajna-vidék (Hungarian), Reinimaa (Estonian), Renaneye (Walloon), Renània (Catalan), Renania (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Renânia (Portuguese), y Rheindir (Welsh), Rheinland (Croatian, Danish, Estonian alternate, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Romanian), Rhénanie (French), Rhenlandet (Swedish), Rhinlandet (variant in Danish), Rijnland (Dutch), Rínarlönd (Icelandic), Rynlân (Frisian), Rynland (Afrikaans)
| Rhineland-Palatinate
Rhineland-Palatinate is one of the 16 states of the Federal Republic of Germany. It has an area of and about four million inhabitants. The capital is Mainz. English speakers also commonly refer to the state by its German name, Rheinland-Pfalz ....
| Nadrenia-Palatynat (Polish), Porenje-Pfalz (Slovene), Porýní-Falcko (Czech), Rajna-vidék-Pfalz (Hungarian), Reinimaa-Pfalz (Estonian alternate), Renaneye-Palatinat (Walloon), Renânia-Palatinado (Portuguese), Renania-Palatinado (Spanish), Renania-Palatinat (Romanian), Renània-Palatinat (Catalan), Renania-Palatinato (Italian), Rheinland-Palz (Low Saxon), Rheinland-Pfalz (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish), Rhénanie-Palatinat (French), Rijnland-Palts (Dutch), Rynlân-Palts (Frisian), Rynland-Palts (Afrikaans)
| Rhodes
Rhodes is an island in Greece, located in the eastern Aegean Sea. It is the largest of the Dodecanese islands in terms of both land area and population, with a population of 117,007, and also the island group's historical capital. Administratively the island forms a separate municipality within...
| Rhodes (French), Rhodos (Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Slovak, Swedish), Rhodus (Latin), Rod (Croatian), Rodas (Galician, Spanish), Rodes (Portuguese), Rodi (Italian, Maltese), Rodos (Dutch variant, Finnish, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Turkish), Ródhos (Greek), Ródosz (Hungarian)
| Romagna
Romagna is an Italian historical region that approximately corresponds to the south-eastern portion of present-day Emilia-Romagna. Traditionally, it is limited by the Apennines to the south-west, the Adriatic to the east, and the rivers Reno and Sillaro to the north and west...
| Romagna (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Romagne (French), Romaña (Spanish), Romanha (Portuguese), Romanya (Catalan, Turkish), Romania (Polish, Latin), Romanja (Maltese)
| Roussillon
Roussillon is one of the historical counties of the former Principality of Catalonia, corresponding roughly to the present-day southern French département of Pyrénées-Orientales...
| Rosellón (Spanish), Rosselló (Catalan), Rossiglione (Italian), Rossilhão (Portuguese), Roussillon (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish)
|Ruhr district
The Ruhr is a medium-size river in western Germany , a right tributary of the Rhine.-Description:The source of the Ruhr is near the town of Winterberg in the mountainous Sauerland region, at an elevation of approximately 2,200 feet...
| Ruhr district (English), Ruhrgebiet (German), Ruhrområdet (Swedish)
| Rumelia
Rumelia was an historical region comprising the territories of the Ottoman Empire in Europe...
| Rumeli (Turkish), Rumelija (Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene), Rumelija - Румелија (Serbian, Macedonian), Rumeliya - Румелия (Bulgarian), Rumelia (Albanian, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Rumélia (Hungarian, Portuguese), Rumelien (Danish, German, Swedish), Roumélie (French), Roemelië (Dutch, Afrikaans), Roúmeli - Ρούμελη or Romylía - Ρωμυλία (Greek)
| Ruthenia
Ruthenia is the Latin word used onwards from the 13th century, describing lands of the Ancient Rus in European manuscripts. Its geographic and culturo-ethnic name at that time was applied to the parts of Eastern Europe. Essentially, the word is a false Latin rendering of the ancient place name Rus...
| Rus
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Saaremaa
Saaremaa is the largest island in Estonia, measuring 2,673 km². The main island of Saare County, it is located in the Baltic Sea, south of Hiiumaa island, and belongs to the West Estonian Archipelago...
| Øsel (Danish), Ösel (German, Swedish), Ozylia (former Polish), Saare (Estonian alternate), Saaremaa (Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian), Saarenmaa (Finnish), Sāmsala (Latvian), Sarema (Lithuanian, Polish)
| Saarland
Saarland is one of the sixteen states of Germany. The capital is Saarbrücken. It has an area of 2570 km² and 1,045,000 inhabitants. In both area and population, it is the smallest state in Germany other than the city-states...
| Posarje (Slovene), Saar (Finnish, variant in Romanian), Saara (Polish), Saarimaa (Estonian), Saarlân (Frisian), Saarland (Afrikaans, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, German, Icelandic, Italian, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish), Saar-vidék (Hungarian), Sar (Serbian), Sarre (French, Portuguese, Spanish), Sársko (Czech)
| Samland
| Sambia (Finnish, Latin, Polish), Sambie (French), Sambija (Estonian), Samland (Danish, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Swedish), Semlyand (Russian)
| Samogitia
Samogitia is one of the five ethnographic regions of Lithuania. It is located in northwestern Lithuania. Its largest city is Šiauliai/Šiaulē. The region has a long and distinct cultural history, reflected in the existence of the Samogitian dialect...
| Samogitia (Latin), Samogitië (Dutch), Samogitie (French), Samogitien (Danish, German, Swedish), Samogizia (Italian), Schamaiten (German), Žemaitija (Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian), Żmudź (Polish)
| Samos
Samos Island
Samos is a Greek island in the eastern Aegean Sea, south of Chios, north of Patmos and the Dodecanese, and off the coast of Asia Minor, from which it is separated by the -wide Mycale Strait. It is also a separate regional unit of the North Aegean region, and the only municipality of the regional...
| Sámos (Estonian), Sisam (Turkish)
| Sandžak
Sandžak also known as Raška is a historical region lying along the border between Serbia and Montenegro...
| Sancak (Turkish), Sandjak (Danish, Dutch, French), Sandschak (German), Sandżak (Polish), Sandžak - Санџак (Serbian), Sangeac (Romanian), Sangiaccato (Italian); Sandschak von Novi Pazar (former German name), Sangiaccato di Novipazar (former Italian name), Szandzsák (Hungarian)
| Sardinia
Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea . It is an autonomous region of Italy, and the nearest land masses are the French island of Corsica, the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Tunisia and the Spanish Balearic Islands.The name Sardinia is from the pre-Roman noun *sard[],...
| Cerdeña (Spanish), Ichnusa (Phoenician), Sandalyon or Sardo (Classical Greek), Sardaigne (French), Sardegna (Italian), Sardenha (Portuguese), Sardenja (Maltese), Sardenya (Catalan), Sardigna/Sardinna/Sardinnia (Sardinian), Sardiinia (Estonian), Sardinia (Finnish, Latin, Romanian), Sardínia (Slovak), Sardínie (Czech), Sardinië (Dutch), Sardinien (Danish, German, Swedish), Sardinija (Croatian, Serbian), Sardinya (Turkish), Sardynia (Polish), Szardínia (Hungarian), An tSairdín (Irish)
| Satakunta
| Satakunta (Estonian, Finnish, French), Satakunda (Swedish), Finlandia Septentrionalis (Latin)
| Savonia
Savonia (historical province)
Savonia is a historical province in the east of Finland. It borders to Uusimaa, Tavastia, Ostrobothnia, and Karelia. Largest cities in Savo by population are Kuopio, Mikkeli, Savonlinna and Varkaus.-Administration:...
| Savo (Estonian, Finnish), Savolax (Swedish), Savolaks (Danish), Savonia (Latin, Romanian), Savônia (Portuguese), Savonie (French)
| Savoy
Savoy is a region of France. It comprises roughly the territory of the Western Alps situated between Lake Geneva in the north and Monaco and the Mediterranean coast in the south....
| Sabaudia (Polish), Sabaudia or Sapaudia (Latin), Sabóia (Portuguese), Saboya (Spanish), Savoia or Savoja (Italian, Maltese), Savoia (Catalan, Estonian, Romanian), Savoie (Dutch, French), Savoiji (Finnish), Savoj (Serbian), Savoja (Croatian), Savojen (Swedish), Savojsko (Czech, Slovak), Savooien (variant in Dutch), Szavoja (Hungarian), Savoyen (Danish, German)
| Saxony
The Free State of Saxony is a landlocked state of Germany, contingent with Brandenburg, Saxony Anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria, the Czech Republic and Poland. It is the tenth-largest German state in area, with of Germany's sixteen states....
| Sachsen (Danish, Estonian alternate, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sacse (Walloon), Sajonia (Spanish), Saksen (Afrikaans, Dutch, Frisian, variant in Danish and Norwegian), Saksi (Estonian alternate, Finnish), Saksimaa (Estonian), Saksonia (Polish), Saksonija (Bosnian, Lithuanian, Serbian), Saksonya (Turkish), Saska (Croatian), Saška (Slovene), Sasko (Czech, Slovak), Sassen (Low Saxon), Sassonia (Italian), Sassonja (Maltese), Saxe (French), Saxe or Saxónia (Portuguese), Saxland (Icelandic), Saxonia (Latin, Romanian), Saxònia (Catalan), Saxônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Szászország (Hungarian), An tSacsain / An Allshacsain (Irish)
| Saxony-Anhalt
Saxony-Anhalt is a landlocked state of Germany. Its capital is Magdeburg and it is surrounded by the German states of Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia.Saxony-Anhalt covers an area of...
| Sachsen-Anhalt (German, Danish, Estonian alternate, Norwegian, Swedish, Croatian), Sajonia-Anhalt (Spanish), Saksen-Anhalt (Dutch, Frisian), Saksen-Anholt (Afrikaans), Saksi-Anhalt (Estonian, Finnish), Saksonia-Anhalt (Polish), Saška-Anhalt (Slovene), Sasko-Anhaltsko (Czech), Sassen-Anhalt (Low Saxon), Sassonia-Anhalt (Italian), Sassonja-Anhalt (Maltese), Saxe-Anhalt (French), Saxónia-Anhalt (Portuguese), Saxonia-Anhalt (Romanian), Saxônia-Anhalt (Brazilian Portuguese), Szász-Anhalt (Hungarian)
| Scania
Scania is the southernmost of the 25 traditional non-administrative provinces of Sweden, constituting a peninsula on the southern tip of the Scandinavian peninsula, and some adjacent islands. The modern administrative subdivision Skåne County is almost, but not totally, congruent with the...
| Escania (Spanish), Scania (English, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Scanie (French), Schonen (German), Skåne (Czech, Danish, Estonian, Norwegian, Slovak, Swedish), Skáni (Faroese), Skania (Polish), Skanio (Esperanto), Skánn (Icelandic), Skoone (Finnish)
| Schleswig
Schleswig or South Jutland is a region covering the area about 60 km north and 70 km south of the border between Germany and Denmark; the territory has been divided between the two countries since 1920, with Northern Schleswig in Denmark and Southern Schleswig in Germany...
| Schleswig (German, Croatian, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Šlesvicko (Czech), Sleeswijk (Dutch), Sleeswyk (Afrikaans, Frisian), Slesvig (Danish, variant in Swedish), Slesvik (variant in Norwegian), Slésvík (Iccelandic) Šlezvig (Serbian), Szlezwik (Polish)
| Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein is the northernmost of the sixteen states of Germany, comprising most of the historical duchy of Holstein and the southern part of the former Duchy of Schleswig...
| Schleswig-Holstein (German, Croatian, Danish variant, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish), Šlesvicko-Holštýnsko (Czech), Sleeswijk-Holstein (Dutch), Sleeswyk-Holstein (Afrikaans, Frisian), Slesvig-Holstein (variant in Swedish), Sleswig-Holsteen (Low Saxon), Slesvig-Holsten (Danish), Šlezvig-Holštajn (Serbian), Szlezwik-Holsztyn (Polish), Slésvík-Holtsetaland (Icelandic)
| Schwyz
Canton of Schwyz
Schwyz is a canton in central Switzerland between the Alps in the south, Lake Lucerne in the east and Lake Zurich in the north, centered around and named after the town of Schwyz....
| Schwyz (German, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Romanian), Schwytz (French, Finnish), Svitto (Italian), Sviz (Romansh)
| Scotland
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...
| Alba (Scottish Gaelic), Albain (Irish), Alban (Cornish), Albania (Latin variant), Bro-Skos (Breton), Caledonia (Latin variant), Écosse (French), Êcosse (Norman), Ekòs (Haitian Creole), Ekósi (Lingala), Escocia (Aragonese, Asturian, Galician, Spanish, Waray-Waray), Escócia (Extremaduran, Portuguese), Escòcia (Catalan, Occitan), Escôsse (Walloon), Escotlālpan (Nahuatl), Eskosya (Tagalog), Eskozia (Basque), IsiKotilandi (Zulu), İskoçya (Turkish), Iskusya (Quechua), Koterana (Maori), Nalbin (Manx), Schotlaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Schotland (Dutch), Schottland (Alemannic, Austro-Bavarian, German, Low German, Luxembourgish), Scossia (Ligurian), Scòssia (Piedmontese), Scotia (Interlingua, Latin), Scoția (Romanian), Scotland (Anglo-Saxon, Malay, Scots, Vietnamese, Yoruba), Scotlandia (Aromanian), Scot-tē (Min Nan), Scozia (Italian, Lombard, Romantsch, Venetian), Scozzia (Sicilian), Seukoteullaendeu - 스코틀랜드 (Korean), Shatlandyya - Шатландыя (Belarusian), Shatlyandyya - Шатляндыя (Belarusian variant), Shkotska - Шкотска (Macedonian, Serbian), Shotland - Шотланд (Mongolian), Shotlandi - Шотланди (Chuvash, Ossetian), Shotlandiya - Шотландия (Bulgarian, Karachay-Balkar, Russian, Tajik, Tatar), Shotlandiya - Шотландія (Ukrainian), Shotlandiye (Uyghur), Sikoshilandi (Swazi) Sjotland (Limburgish), Skocia (Albanian), Skócia (Hungarian), Skotän (Volapük), Skotia (Ido, Novial), Skotía - Σκωτία (Greek), Skotishin Tangghch - Скотишин Таңһч (Kalmyk), Skotija (Latvian), Škotija (Lithuanian), Skotlan (Tok Pisin), Skotlân (Frisian), Skotland (Afrikaans, Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Kurdish), Skotlandia (Indonesian, Javanese), Skotlando (Esperanto), Skotlanti (Finnish), Skotlund (Pitcairn Creole), Škotska (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbo-Croat, Slovenian), Skotsko (Czech), Škótsko (Slovak), Skottland (Norwegian, Swedish), Škuotėjė (Samogitian), Sotimaa (Võro), Šotimaa (Estonian), Šotiska (Lower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian), Şotlandiya (Azerbaijani), Sūgélán - 蘇格蘭 (Mandarin Chinese), Sû-kak-làn (Hakka Chinese), Sukottorando - スコットランド (Japanese), Szkocja (Polish), Szkòckô (Kashubian), Szkocyjo (Silesian), Uskoti (Swahili), Yr Alban (Welsh)
| Selonia
Selonia , also known as Augšzeme , is a cultural region of Latvia encompassing the eastern part of the historical region of Semigallia...
| Felföld (Hungarian), Selija (Estonian, Latvian), Selonia (Finnish, Italian, Latin, Romanian), Sélonie (French)
| Semigalia
Zemgale, also known under Latinized names Semigalia or Semigallia is a historical region of Latvia, sometimes also including a part of Lithuania. It lies in the middle of the southern part of the Republic of Latvia, and borders historical regions of Selonia, Samogitia, Courland and Livland. The...
| Semgallen (Danish, German, Swedish), Semigalia (Polish), Sémigalle (French), Semigallia (Italian, variant in English, Finnish alternate), Zemgale (Estonian, Latvian), Zemgallia (Finnish), Žiemgala (Lithuanian)
| Sicily
Sicily is a region of Italy, and is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Along with the surrounding minor islands, it constitutes an autonomous region of Italy, the Regione Autonoma Siciliana Sicily has a rich and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature,...
| Sicile (French), Sicilia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Spanish), Sicília (Catalan, Portuguese), Sicílie (Czech), Sicilië (Dutch), Sicilien (Danish, Swedish), Sicilija (Croatian, Serbian), Sicilya (Turkish), Sikiley (Icelandic), Sisilia (Finnish), Sitsiilia (Estonian), Sizilien (German), Sqallija (Maltese), Sycylia (Polish), Szicília (Hungarian), An tSicil (Irish)
| Silesia
Silesia is a historical region of Central Europe located mostly in Poland, with smaller parts also in the Czech Republic, and Germany.Silesia is rich in mineral and natural resources, and includes several important industrial areas. Silesia's largest city and historical capital is Wrocław...
| Schlesien (Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Sileesia (Estonian), Silesia (Latin, Spanish), Silèsia (Catalan), Silésia (Portuguese), Silésie (French), Silezia (Romanian), Silezië (Dutch), Silezya (Turkish), Śląsk (Polish), Sleesia (Finnish), Slesia (Faroese, Italian), Slesien (variant in Danish), Šleska (Croatian), Šlezija (Serbian, Slovene), Slezsko (Czech), Sliezsko (Slovak), Ślonsk or Ślunsk (Silesian), Szilézia (Hungarian), An tSiléis (Irish)
| Slavonia
Slavonia is a geographical and historical region in eastern Croatia...
| Eslavônia (Portuguese), Slavonia (Italian, Latin, Romanian, Finnish), Slavonië (Dutch), Slavonie (Czech, French), Slavonien (Danish, Swedish, variant in German), Slavonija (Croatian, Serbian), Slavonja (Maltese), Slavónsko (Slovak), Slavonya (Turkish), Slavoonia (Estonian), Slawonia (Polish), Slawonien (German), Szlavónia (Hungarian)
| Småland
' is a historical province in southern Sweden.Småland borders Blekinge, Scania or Skåne, Halland, Västergötland, Östergötland and the island Öland in the Baltic Sea. The name Småland literally means Small Lands. . The latinized form Smolandia has been used in other languages...
| Småland (Danish, Estonian, French, Swedish), Smalandia (Latin, Polish), Smálönd (Icelandic), Smoolanti (Finnish)
| Södermanland
', sometimes referred to under its Latin form Sudermannia or Sudermania, is a historical province or landskap on the south eastern coast of Sweden. It borders Östergötland, Närke, Västmanland and Uppland. It is also bounded by lake Mälaren and the Baltic sea.In Swedish, the province name is...
| Södermanland (Estonian, French, Swedish), Södermanlanti (Finnish), Sudermannia (Latin), Suðurmannaland (Icelandic)
| South Tyrol
South Tyrol
South Tyrol , also known by its Italian name Alto Adige, is an autonomous province in northern Italy. It is one of the two autonomous provinces that make up the autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. The province has an area of and a total population of more than 500,000 inhabitants...
| Südtirol (German, Ladin), Alt Adis (variant in Friulian), Alto Adidže / Alto Adige (Estonian, Italian), Alto Adigio / Tirol del Sur (Spanish), Dél-Tirol (Hungarian), Dienvidtirole (Latvian), Etelä-Tiroli (Finnish), Górna Adyga / Południowy Tyrol (Polish), Güney Tirol (Turkish), Haut-Adige / Tyrol du Sud (French), Južni Tirol (Croatian, Serbian), Lõuna-Tirool (Estonian alternate), Oberetsch (variant in German [once used by Italian government]), Sud Tirôl (Friulian), Alto Adige / Sudtirolo / Sud Tirolo / Tirolo Meridionale / Tirolo del Sud (variants in Italian), Sydtyrol (Danish), Sydtyrolen (Swedish), Tirol dal Sid (Romansh), Tirol Meridional (Portuguese), Tirolul de Sud (Romanian), Tirolum Meridionale (Latin), Upper Adige (additional variant in English), Zuid-Tirol (Dutch)
| Spiš
Spiš is a region in north-eastern Slovakia, with a very small area in south-eastern Poland. Spiš is an informal designation of the territory , but it is also the name of one the 21 official tourism regions of Slovakia...
| Scepusium (Latin), Spiš (Czech, Estonian, Slovak), Spisz (Polish), Szepes (Hungarian), Zips (French, German)
| Styria
Styria (state)
Styria is a state or Bundesland, located in the southeast of Austria. In area it is the second largest of the nine Austrian federated states, covering 16,401 km². It borders Slovenia as well as the other Austrian states of Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Burgenland, and Carinthia. ...
| Estiria (Spanish), Estíria (Catalan, Portuguese), Stájerország (Hungarian), Štajerska (Croatian, Slovene), Steiermark (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Romanian, Swedish), Stiermarken (Dutch), Stiria (Italian), Štirija (Lithuanian), Styria (Polish, Finnish alternate), Styrie (French), Štýrsko (Czech), Ştiria (variant in Romanian)
| Sudetenland
Sudetenland is the German name used in English in the first half of the 20th century for the northern, southwest and western regions of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by ethnic Germans, specifically the border areas of Bohemia, Moravia, and those parts of Silesia being within Czechoslovakia.The...
| Kraj Sudetów (Polish), pohraniční území (variant in Czech), pohraničné územie (variant in Slovak), Région des Sudètes (French), Sudeettimaa (Finnish), Sudetendeutschland, Sudetengebiet, Sudetengebiete (variants in German), Sudetenland (English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, variant in Swedish), Sudeterlandet (Danish), Sudeti (Italian), Sudetia (Latin), Sudetio (Esperanto), Sudetlandet (Swedish), Sudetskaja oblast
| Svalbard
Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic, constituting the northernmost part of Norway. It is located north of mainland Europe, midway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. The group of islands range from 74° to 81° north latitude , and from 10° to 35° east longitude. Spitsbergen is the...
| Huippuvuoret or Spetsbergen (Finnish), Teravmäed (Estonian), Spetsbergen (Swedish), Spitsbergen (English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian), Spitzbergák (Hungarian), Spitzbergen (German), Svalbard (Catalan, Danish, Estonian, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh), Svalbarð (Faroese, Icelandic), Svalbardo (Esperanto), Szpicbergen (Polish)
| Svealand
Svealand , Swealand or Sweden proper is the historical core region of Sweden. It is located in south central Sweden and is one of three lands of Sweden, bounded to the north by Norrland and to the south by Götaland. Deep forests, Tiveden, Tylöskog, Kolmården, separated Svealand from Götaland...
| Svealand (Danish, Estonian, French, Swedish), Sveanmaa (Finnish)
| Swabia
Swabia is a cultural, historic and linguistic region in southwestern Germany.-Geography:Like many cultural regions of Europe, Swabia's borders are not clearly defined...
| Schwaben or Schwabenland (German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish), Souabe (French), Suábia (Portuguese), Suabia (Spanish), Suebia (Latin, variant in Romanian), Svaabia (Finnish), Švaabimaa (Estonian), Svábföld (Hungarian), Švábsko (Czech, Slovak), Švapska (Croatian, Serbian), Svevia (Italian), Svevja (Maltese) Szwabia (Polish), Şvabia (Romanian), Zwaben (Dutch)
| Syrmia
Syrmia is a fertile region of the Pannonian Plain in Europe, between the Danube and Sava rivers. It is divided between Serbia in the east and Croatia in the west....
| Sirmia (Italian, Spanish), Sírmia (Portuguese), Srem (Dutch, Estonian, Romanian), Srem / Syrmia (Polish), Srem - Срем (Serbian), Srem - Срем / Srim - Срім / Srym - Срим (Ukrainian), Sriem (Slovak), Srijem (Croatian), Srim - Срим (Pannonian Rusyn), Syrmia (Finnish, Latin), Syrmie (French), Syrmien (German), Szerém or Szerémség (Hungarian)
| Szeklerland
| Pays des Sicules (French), Seklerlandet (Swedish), Székely Country (English alternate), Székelyföld (Hungarian), Szeklerland (German), Ţinutul Secuiesc (Romanian)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Tavastia
Tavastia may refer to:* Tavastia , a historical province of the kingdom of Sweden, located in modern-day Finland* Tavastia Proper, a modern region of Finland* Päijänne Tavastia, another region of Finland...
| Häme (Estonian, Finnish), Tavastia (Latin), Tavastie (French), Tavastland (Danish, Swedish)
| Thessaly
Thessaly is a traditional geographical region and an administrative region of Greece, comprising most of the ancient region of the same name. Before the Greek Dark Ages, Thessaly was known as Aeolia, and appears thus in Homer's Odyssey....
| An Teasáil (Irish), Tesalia (Polish, Romanian), Tesalija (Croatian, Serbian), Tesalya (Turkish), Tessaalia (Estonian), Tessaglia (Italian), Tessália (Portuguese), Tessalja (Maltese), Tesszália (Hungarian), Thessalía - Θεσσαλία (Greek), Thessalië (Dutch), Thessalie (French), Thessalien (Danish, German, Swedish), Thesálie (Czech), Thessalia (Latin, Finnish)
| Thrace
Thrace is a historical and geographic area in southeast Europe. As a geographical concept, Thrace designates a region bounded by the Balkan Mountains on the north, Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea on the south, and by the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara on the east...
| Thrace (French), Thracia (Latin), Thracië (Dutch), Thrákie (Czech), Thrakien (Danish, German, Swedish), Traakia (Estonian, Finnish), Tràcia (Catalan), Tracia (Italian, Romanian), Trácia (Portuguese), Trácia or Trácko (Slovak), Traċja (Maltese), Tracja (Polish), An Tráicia (Irish), Trákia (Hungarian), Thráki - Θράκη(Greek),Þrakía (Icelandic), Trakija (Croatian, Serbian), Trakiya - Тракия (Bulgarian), Trakya (Turkish), Teraqia - תראקיה (Hebrew)
| Thurgau
Thurgau is a northeast canton of Switzerland. The population, , is . In 2007, there were a total of 47,390 who were resident foreigners. The capital is Frauenfeld.-History:...
| Thurgau (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Thurgovia (Latin), Thurgovie (French), Turgovia (Italian, Romanian)
| Thuringia
The Free State of Thuringia is a state of Germany, located in the central part of the country.It has an area of and 2.29 million inhabitants, making it the sixth smallest by area and the fifth smallest by population of Germany's sixteen states....
| Durynsko (Czech), Thouringhía - Θουριγγία (Greek), Thuringe (French), Thuringen (Afrikaans), Thüringen (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Tiringija (Serbian), Turindje (Walloon), Túringen (Frisian), Turíngia (Catalan, Portuguese), Türingia (Hungarian), Turingia (Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Turingija (Slovene), Turyngia (Polish), Tüüringi (Estonian), Þýringaland (Icelandic)
| Ticino
Canton Ticino or Ticino is the southernmost canton of Switzerland. Named after the Ticino river, it is the only canton in which Italian is the sole official language...
| Tessin (French, German, Hungarian, Romansh, Swedish), Ticino (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Romanian)
| Touraine
The Touraine is one of the traditional provinces of France. Its capital was Tours. During the political reorganization of French territory in 1790, the Touraine was divided between the departments of Indre-et-Loire, :Loir-et-Cher and Indre.-Geography:...
| Touraine (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian), Turena (Catalan), Turenia (Polish, Romanian), Turenna (Italian)
| Transylvania
Transylvania is a historical region in the central part of Romania. Bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range, historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni Mountains; however, the term sometimes encompasses not only Transylvania proper, but also the historical...
| Ardeal,Transilvania (variant in Romanian), Chiskarpattya - Чискарпаття (Ukrainian), Erdel (variant in Turkish), Erdelj (archaic variant in Croatina), Erdély (Hungarian), Sedmigradsko - Седмиградско (variant in Bulgarian), Sedmogradska (variant in Croatian), Sedmograška (variant in Slovene), Sedmihradsko (Czech), Sedmogradsko - Седмоградско (variant in Bulgarian), Sedmohradsko (Slovak), Siebenbürgen (German), Siedmiogród (Polish), Transilvaania (Estonian), Transilvaneye (variant in Walloon), Transilvania (Finnish, Italian, Romanian, Spanish), Transilvània (Catalan), Transilvânia (Portuguese), Transilvanija (Croatian, Slovene), Transilvanija - Трансилванија (Serbian), Erdelj - Ердељ (archaic Serbian), Transilvanija - Трансилвания (variant in Bulgarian), Transilvaniya (variant in Romani), Transilvanja (Maltese), Transsilvania (Latin), Transsilvanien (variant in Danish and German), Transsylvanien (Danish, Swedish), Transsylvanië (Dutch), Transylvania (variant in mediaeval Latin), Transylvánia (variant in Slovak), Transylvanie (French), Transylvánie (variant in Czech), Transylwania (variant in Polish), Transilvanya (Turkish), Urdul (variant in Turkish), Zevenburgen (variant in Dutch), Zibenbergen - זיבּנבּערגען (Yiddish), Zivenbork (Walloon)
| Trentino
| Trentin (Dolomite Ladin, French), Trentino (Danish, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Maltese, Romanian), Welschtirol (Deutsch), Trydent (Polish)
| Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
| Trentin-Adesc Aut / Trentin-Alter Ades / Trentin-Südtirol (Ladin), Trentin Haut Adige (French), Trentino-Alto Adige (Italian), Trentino-Alto Adigio (Spanish), Trentino-Südtirol (German), Trentino-Sudtirolo (variant in Italian), Trentino-South Tyrol (English), Autonome Region Trient-Südtirol (German)
| Tuscany
Tuscany is a region in Italy. It has an area of about 23,000 square kilometres and a population of about 3.75 million inhabitants. The regional capital is Florence ....
| Toscana (Catalan, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish), Toscane (Dutch, French), Toscània (old Catalan), Toskana (Croatian, German, Maltese, Serbian, Turkish), Toskania (Polish), Toskánsko (Czech, Slovak), Toszkána (Hungarian), An Tuscáin (Irish), Tuscia (Latin)
| Tyrol
Tyrol (state)
Tyrol is a state or Bundesland, located in the west of Austria. It comprises the Austrian part of the historical region of Tyrol.The state is split into two parts–called North Tyrol and East Tyrol–by a -wide strip of land where the state of Salzburg borders directly on the Italian province of...
| An Tioróil (Irish), Tirol (Catalan, Croatian, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish), Tiroli (Finnish), Tirolis (Lithuanian), Tirolo (Italian), Tirolska (Slovene), Tirool (Estonian), Tyrol (Danish, French, Polish), Tyrolen (Swedish), Tyrolsko (Czech, Slovak), Tyroly (variant in Czech)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Umbria
Umbria is a region of modern central Italy. It is one of the smallest Italian regions and the only peninsular region that is landlocked.Its capital is Perugia.Assisi and Norcia are historical towns associated with St. Francis of Assisi, and St...
| Ombrie (French), Umbria (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Romanian), Úmbria (Catalan, Portuguese), Umbrien (Danish, German, Swedish), Umbrija (Maltese, Serbian)
| Uppland
Uppland is a historical province or landskap on the eastern coast of Sweden, just north of Stockholm, the capital. It borders Södermanland, Västmanland and Gästrikland. It is also bounded by lake Mälaren and the Baltic sea...
| Uplandia (Latin), Upland (variant in English), Uplanti (Finnish), Uppland (Estonian, French, Swedish)
| Upper Austria
Upper Austria
Upper Austria is one of the nine states or Bundesländer of Austria. Its capital is Linz. Upper Austria borders on Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as on the other Austrian states of Lower Austria, Styria, and Salzburg...
| Alta Austria (Italian, Leonese, Spanish), Alta Áustria (Portuguese), Aukštutinė Austrija (Lithuanian), Austria de Sus or Austria Superioară (Romanian), Awstrija ta' Fuq (Maltese), Felső-Ausztria (Hungarian), Gornja Austrija (Croatian, Serbian), Górna Austria (Polish), Haute-Autriche (French), Horní Rakousy (Czech), Oberösterreich (Danish, German, Swedish), Opper-Oosterrijk (Dutch), Ülem-Austria (Estonian), Ylä-Itävalta (Finnish), Yukarı Avusturya (Turkish), Zgornja Avstrija (Slovene)
| Uusimaa
Uusimaa, or Nyland in Swedish, is a region in Finland. It borders the regions Finland Proper, Tavastia Proper, Päijänne Tavastia and Kymenlaakso...
| Newland (variant in English), Nyland (Danish, Swedish), Nylandia (Latin, Polish), Uusimaa (Estonia, Finnish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Valais
The Valais is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland in the southwestern part of the country, around the valley of the Rhône from its headwaters to Lake Geneva, separating the Pennine Alps from the Bernese Alps. The canton is one of the drier parts of Switzerland in its central Rhône valley...
| Valais (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Romanian, Swedish), Valezo (Esperanto), Vallese (Italian), Wallis (Dutch, German, variant in Danish and Swedish)
| Valtellina
Valtellina or the Valtelline valley ; is a valley in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, bordering Switzerland. Today it is known for its skiing, its hot spring spas, its cheeses and its wines...
| Valtellina (Italian), Veltlin (German, Hungarian), Veltline (French), Vuclina (Romansh)
| Värmland
' is a historical province or landskap in the west of middle Sweden. It borders Västergötland, Dalsland, Dalarna, Västmanland and Närke. It is also bounded by Norway in the west. Latin name versions are Vermelandia and Wermelandia. Although the province's land originally was Götaland, the...
| Värmland (Danish, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Swedish), Vermaland (Icelandic), Vermlanti (Finnish), Wermelandia (Latin)
| Västmanland
' is a historical Swedish province, or landskap, in middle Sweden. It borders Södermanland, Närke, Värmland, Dalarna and Uppland.The name comes from "West men", referring to the people west of Uppland, the core province of early Sweden.- Administration :...
| Västmanland (Swedish), Vestmanlanti (Finnish), Vestmannaland (Icelandic), Westmannia (Latin)
| Västerbotten
', English exonym: West Bothnia, is a province or landskap in the north of Sweden. It borders Ångermanland, Lapland, Norrbotten and the Gulf of Bothnia. It is famous for the cheese with the same name as the province.- Administration :...
| Bothnia Occidentalis or Westrobothnia (Latin), Botnie-Occidentale (French), Länsipohja (Finnish), Västerbotten (Swedish and most other languages), West Bothnia (variant in English)
| Västergötland
', English exonym: West Gothland, is one of the 25 traditional non-administrative provinces of Sweden , situated in the southwest of Sweden. In older English literature one may also encounter the Latinized version Westrogothia....
| Gothie occidentale (France), Länsi-Götanmaa (Finnish), Västergötland (Estonian, Swedish), Vesüda-Götläniän (Volapük), Westgeatland (Anglo-Saxon), Westrogothia or Gothia Occidentalis (Latin)
| Vaud
Vaud is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland and is located in Romandy, the French-speaking southwestern part of the country. The capital is Lausanne. The name of the Canton in Switzerland's other languages are Vaud in Italian , Waadt in German , and Vad in Romansh.-History:Along the lakes,...
| Vad (Romansh), Vaud (Estonian, French, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Swedish), Waadt (Dutch, German)
| Vendée
The Vendée is a department in the Pays-de-la-Loire region in west central France, on the Atlantic Ocean. The name Vendée is taken from the Vendée river which runs through the south-eastern part of the department.-History:...
| Vandea (Italian), Vandeea (Romanian), Vendée (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Swedish, variant in Romanian), Vendeo (Esperanto), Wandea (Polish)
| Veneto
Veneto is one of the 20 regions of Italy. Its population is about 5 million, ranking 5th in Italy.Veneto had been for more than a millennium an independent state, the Republic of Venice, until it was eventually annexed by Italy in 1866 after brief Austrian and French rule...
| Vènet (Catalan), Vénétie (French), Veneto (Estonian, Italian, Maltese, Romanian, Finnish), Véneto (Spanish), Vêneto (Portuguese), Venezia Euganea (variant in Italian, no longer used), Venetien (Danish, Swedish), Wenecja or Wenecja Euganejska (Polish), Benátsko (Czech), Venetia (Latin), Benečija (Slovene)
| Vojvodina
Vojvodina, officially called Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province of Serbia. Its capital and largest city is Novi Sad...
| Vajdaság (Hungarian), Voievodina (variant in Romanian), Voivodina (Italian, Portuguese, Romanian), Voïvodine (French), Vojvodina (Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Maltese, Slovak, Swedish), Vojvodina - Войводина (Rusyn), Vojvodina - Војводина, Vojvodstvo - Војводство, or Vojvodovina - Војводовина (Serbian), Voyvodina (Turkish), Wojwodina (Polish), Woiwodina (former German)
| Volhynia
Volhynia, Volynia, or Volyn is a historic region in western Ukraine located between the rivers Prypiat and Southern Bug River, to the north of Galicia and Podolia; the region is named for the former city of Volyn or Velyn, said to have been located on the Southern Bug River, whose name may come...
| Velyn
| Vorpommern
| Antaŭpomerio (Esperanto), Antepomerania (variant in Spanish), Elő-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Foarpommeren (Frisian), Forpommern (variant in Danish), Hither Pomerania / Nearer Pomerania / Upper Pomerania (variants in English), Pomerania Anterior (Spanish), Pomerania Anteriore (Italian), Poméranie antérieure (French), Pomerania Inferioară / Anterioară (Romanian), Pomerania Inferior (Latin), Pomorze Przednie / Przedpomorze (Polish), Přední Pomořansko (Czech), Predpomoransko (Slovak), Przédnô Pòmòrskô (Kashubian), Voorpommeren (Afrikaans), Voorpommeren or Voor-Pommeren (Dutch), Vorpommern (Croatian, Danish, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Swedish), Vörpommern (Low Saxon), Yukarı Pomeranya (Turkish); Swedish Pomerania (former name 1641-1815)
| Vosges
Vosges is a French department, named after the local mountain range. It contains the hometown of Joan of Arc, Domrémy.-History:The Vosges department is one of the original 83 departments of France, created on February 9, 1790 during the French Revolution. It was made of territories that had been...
| Vogesen (German), Vogeserna (Swedish), Vogeserne (Danish), Vogézek (Hungarian), Vogezen (Dutch), Vogezi (Croatian), Vogézy (Czech), Vosgi (Italian, Romanian), Vosges (French, Portuguese), Vosgos (Spanish, variant in Portuguese), Wasgenwald (former German), Wogezy (Polish)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Wallachia
Wallachia or Walachia is a historical and geographical region of Romania. It is situated north of the Danube and south of the Southern Carpathians...
| Eflak (Turkish), Havasalföld (Hungarian), Ţara Românească (Romanian), Valacchia (Italian), Valachie (French), Valachija - Валахия (Russian), Valahia (variant in Romanian), Valakia (Finnish), Valakiet (Danish, Swedish), Valakkja (Maltese), Valaquia (Spanish), Valàquia (Catalan), Valáquia (Portuguese), Valašsko (Czech), Vallahhia (Estonian), Vlachía - Βλαχία (Greek), Влашко (Macedonian), Vlaška (Croatian, Serbian), Volekhay - װאָלעכײַ (Yiddish), Vološčyna - Волощина (Ukrainian), Walachei (German), Walachia (variant in English), Walachije (Dutch), Wołoszczyzna (Polish)
| Wales
Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. It has a population of three million, and a total area of 20,779 km²...
| An Bhreatain Bheag (Irish), Cymru (Welsh), Gales (Spanish), Galler (Turkish), Galles (Italian), Kembre (Breton), País de Gales (Portuguese), Pays de Galles (French), Ţara Galilor (Romanian)
| Wallonia
| Vallonia (Finnish, Italian, Norwegian), Vallonien (Danish, Swedish), Vallonja (Maltese), Valloonia (Estonian), Valonia (Romanian), Valònia (Catalan), Valónia (Portuguese), Valônia (Brazilian Portuguese), Valonija (Croatian), Valonio (Esperanto), Valonsko (Czech), Wallonföld (Hungarian), Walonia (Polish), Wallonië (Dutch), Wallonie (French), Wallonien (German), Walonreye (Walloon)
| Warmia
Warmia or Ermland is a region between Pomerelia and Masuria in northeastern Poland. Together with Masuria, it forms the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship....
| Ermland (Swedish), Ermland or Ermeland (French, German), Varmia or Warmia (Latin), Varmie (Czech), Warmia (Polish)
| Western Pomerania
| Bagpommern (variant in Danish), Lääne-Pommeri (Estonian), Länsi-Pommern (Finnish), Nyugat-Pomeránia (Hungarian), Okcidenta Pomerio (Esperanto), Pomerania Occidental (Spanish), Pomerânia Ocidental (Portuguese), Pomerania Occidentală (Romanian), Pomerania Occidentale (Italian), Pomerania Occidentalis (Latin), Poméranie occidentale (French), Pomorze Zachodnie (Polish), Vestpommern (Danish), Vorpommern (German, Swedish), West-Pommeren (Dutch), Zahodnopomorjansko (Slovenian), Zapadnopomeransko (Croatian), Západopomoransko (Slovak)
| Westphalia
Westphalia is a region in Germany, centred on the cities of Arnsberg, Bielefeld, Dortmund, Minden and Münster.Westphalia is roughly the region between the rivers Rhine and Weser, located north and south of the Ruhr River. No exact definition of borders can be given, because the name "Westphalia"...
| Vestfaal (Estonian alternate), Vestfalia (Italian variant), Vestfália (Portuguese), Vestfalija (Croatian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene), Vestfálsko (Czech), Vesztfália (Hungarian), Wesfalen (Afrikaans), Westfalen (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Frisian, German, Low Saxon, Norwegian, Swedish), Westfaleye (Walloon), Westfalia (Finnish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish), Westfàlia (Catalan), Westphalie (French), Zapadna Falačka (Croatian)
| Württemberg
Württemberg , formerly known as Wirtemberg or Wurtemberg, is an area and a former state in southwestern Germany, including parts of the regions Swabia and Franconia....
| Virtemberg - Виртемберг (Serbian), Vurtemberga (Portuguese variant), Vytemvérghi - Βυτεμβέργη (Greek), Wirtembergia (Polish), Wirtenberg (medieval German), Wuerttemberg (Portuguese), Wúrtemberch (Frisian), Wurtemberg (Catalan, French, Spanish), Würtembersko (Czech), Württemberg (Croatian, Estonian, German, Swedish), Wurttemberg (Romanian, variant in English)
{| class="wikitable"! English name
! Other names or former names
| Zealand (Denmark)
| Sæland (Faroese), Seeland (Dutch, French, German), vbhn xfcb'Selandia (Spanish), Sjaelland (Basque, Turkish), Sjáland (Icelandic), Sjælland (Catalan, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, Estonian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian), Själland (Swedish), Själlanti (Finnish), Zeland (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), Zelanda (Italian), Zelandia (Polish), Zelândia (Portuguese), Zelandija (Lithuanian)
| Zeeland
Zeeland , also called Zealand in English, is the westernmost province of the Netherlands. The province, located in the south-west of the country, consists of a number of islands and a strip bordering Belgium. Its capital is Middelburg. With a population of about 380,000, its area is about...
| Batavia (Latin), Celandia (Galician), Seelân (Frisian), Seeland (German), Seelanti (Finnish), Zeelaand (Dutch Low Saxon), Zeeland (Danish, Dutch, English variant, Estonian, Finnish variant, Hungarian, Swedish), Zêeland (West Flemish), Zeêland (Zealandic), Zeelanda (Romanian), Zelanda (Catalan, Italian, Spanish, Turkish), Zélande (French), Zelandia (Polish), Zelândia (Portuguese), Zéland (Czech), Zelando (Esperanto), Zieland (Limburgian)
| Žitný ostrov
Žitný ostrov
Žitný ostrov, also called Veľký Žitný ostrov to differentiate it from Malý Žitný ostrov , is a river island in southwestern Slovakia, extending from Bratislava to Komárno. It lies between the Danube and its tributary Little Danube and is a major part of the Danubian Flat...
| Csallóköz (Hungarian), Grosse Schüttinsel (German), Rye Island (English variant), Wyspa Żytnia (Polish)
| Zug
Canton of Zug
The Canton of Zug is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland. It is located in central Switzerland and its capital is Zug. With 239 km² the canton is one of the smallest of the cantons in terms of area. It is not subdivided into districts.- History :The earlier history of the canton is...
| Tsoug (Franco-Provençal), Tugium (Latin), Zoug (French), Zug (Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Swedish), Zugo (Esperanto, Italian, Venetian)
See also
- Endonym and exonym
- List of alternative country names
- List of country names in various languages
- List of European rivers with alternative names
- List of European cities with alternative names
- List of Latin place names in Europe
- List of Asian regions with alternative names
- Latin names of regionsLatin names of regionsHere is a list of principalities and regions written in the Latin language and English and other names on the right. This is NOT a duplication of Roman provincial names.*cty. - county*dept. - department*dist. - district*isl. -island*kdom. - kingdom...
- Latin names of islandsLatin names of islandsThe Ancient Romans gave Latin names to every geographical entity in their vast empire, and many outside throughout the then known world; while many of these names were based on pre-existing 'autochthonous' names, sometimes translating, more often just adapting to their tongue, especially the...
- Latin names of mountainsLatin names of mountainsUsers of Neo-Latin have taken the Latin language to places the Romans never went; hence a need arose to make Latin names of mountains that did not exist when Latin was a living language.-Strategies for constructing Latin names:-List of names:...
- Latin names of lakesLatin names of lakesUsers of Neo-Latin have taken the Latin language to places the Romans never went; hence a need arose to make Latin names of lakes that did not exist when Latin was a living language.-Strategies for constructing Latin names:-List of names:...
- List of places
- Polish historical regionsPolish historical regionsPolish historic regions are regions that were related to a former Polish state, or are within present-day Poland without being identified in its administrative division....