1220 Sweden is defeated by Estonian tribes in the Battle of Lihula.
1240 Swedish-Novgorodian Wars: a Novgorodian army led by Alexander Nevsky defeats the Swedes in the Battle of the Neva.
1323 Signature of the Treaty of Nöteborg between Sweden and Novgorod (Russia), that regulates the border between the two countries for the first time.
1456 The University of Greifswald is established, making it the second oldest university in northern Europe (also for a period the oldest in Sweden, and Prussia)
1471 Battle of Brunkeberg in Stockholm: Sten Sture the Elder, the Regent of Sweden, with the help of farmers and miners, repels an attack by Christian I, King of Denmark.
1520 King Christian II of Denmark and Norway defeats the Swedes at Lake Åsunden.
1520 Stockholm Bloodbath begins: A successful invasion of Sweden by Danish forces results in the execution of around 100 people.
1520 Danish King Christian II executes dozens of people in the Stockholm Bloodbath after a successful invasion of Sweden.
1523 Gustav Vasa is elected King of Sweden, marking the end of the Kalmar Union.
1528 Gustav I of Sweden crowned king of Sweden.
1594 Having already inherited the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth through his mother Catherine Jagellonica of Poland, Sigismund III of the House of Vasa is crowned King of Sweden, succeeding his father John III of Sweden.
1600 The Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden.
1605 The armies of Sweden are defeated by the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Battle of Kircholm.
1617 Sweden and Russia sign the Treaty of Stolbovo, ending the Ingrian War and shutting Russia out of the Baltic Sea.
1628 The Swedish warship {{ship||Vasa|ship|6}} sinks in the Stockholm harbour after only about 20 minutes of her maiden voyage.
1630 Thirty-Years War: 4,000 Swedish troops under Gustavus Adolphus land in Pomerania, Germany.
1632 Battle of Rain; Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus defeat the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War.
1638 Swedish colonists establish the first settlement in Delaware, naming it New Sweden.
1647 Thirty Years' War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.
1656 Polish-Lithuanian forces clash with Sweden and its Brandenburg allies in the start of what is to be known as The Battle of Warsaw which ends in a decisive Swedish victory.
1656 Swedish forces under the command of King Charles X Gustav defeat the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the Battle of Warsaw.
1658 Treaty of Roskilde: After a devastating defeat in the Northern Wars (1655–1661), the King of Denmark-Norway is forced to give up nearly half his territory to Sweden to save the rest.
1659 The assault on Copenhagen by Swedish forces is beaten back with heavy losses.
1660 Treaty of Oliwa is established between Sweden and Poland.
1661 The first banknotes in Europe are issued by the Swedish bank Stockholms Banco.
1676 Battle of Lund: A Danish army under the command of King Christian V of Denmark engages the Swedish army commanded by Field Marshal Simon Grundel-Helmfelt.
1700 Today is followed by March 1 in Sweden, thus creating the Swedish calendar.
1700 Sweden introduces its own Swedish calendar, in an attempt to gradually merge into the Gregorian calendar, reverts to the Julian calendar on this date in 1712, and introduces the Gregorian Calendar on this date in 1753.
1706 During the Battle of Fraustadt Swedish forces defeat a superior Saxon-Polish-Russian force by deploying a double envelopment.
1708 Peter the Great defeats the Swedes at the Battle of Lesnaya.
1712 February 29 is followed by February 30 in Sweden, in a move to abolish the Swedish calendar for a return to the Old style.
1720 Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Stockholm.
1753 In Sweden February 17 is followed by March 1 as the country moves from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.
1762 Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Hamburg.
1772 Gustavus III of Sweden stages a Coup d'état, in which he assumes power and enacts a new constitution that divides power between the Riksdag and the King.
1772 King Gustav III completes his coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of parliamentary rule in Sweden and installing himself as an enlightened despot.
1794 Denmark and Sweden form a neutrality compact.
1808 Finnish War: Sweden loses the fortress of Sveaborg to Russia.
1808 Finnish War: In the Battle of Jutas, Swedish forces under Lieutenant General Georg Carl von Döbeln beat the Russians, making von Döbeln a Swedish war hero.
1809 Charles XIII succeeds Gustav IV Adolf to the Swedish throne.
1809 Peace between Sweden and Russia in the Finnish War. The territory to become Finland is ceded to Russia by the Treaty of Fredrikshamn.
1810 Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, Marshal of France, is elected Crown Prince of Sweden by the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates.
1810 A new Act of Succession is adopted by the Riksdag of the Estates and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte becomes heir to the Swedish throne.
1814 Treaty of Kiel: Frederick VI of Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden in return for Pomerania.
1818 Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte ascends to the thrones of Sweden and Norway.
1844 Oscar I of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Sweden.
1860 Charles XV of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Sweden.
1873 Oscar II is crowned King of Sweden.
1889 The Yngsjö murder occurs in Yngsjö, Sweden and Anna Månsdotter is arrested along with her son.
1890 Anna Månsdotter becomes the last woman in Sweden to be executed, for the 1889 Yngsjö murder.
1905 Norway and Sweden sign the "Karlstad treaty", peacefully dissolving the Union between the two countries.
1905 Norway becomes independent from Sweden.
1910 Johan Alfred Ander becomes the last person in Sweden to be executed.
1927 The first Volvo car premieres in Gothenburg, Sweden.
1931 Ådalen shootings: five people are killed in Ådalen, Sweden, as soldiers open fire on an unarmed trade union demonstration.
1940 In a ceremony held in Berkeley, California, because of the war, physicist Ernest Lawrence receives the 1939 Nobel Prize in Physics from Sweden's Consul General in San Francisco.
1940 Five people are killed in an arson attack on the offices of the communist newspaper ''Norrskensflamman'' in Luleå, Sweden.
1945 Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg disappears in Hungary while in Soviet custody.
1946 Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden join the United Nations.
1961 The 17th century Swedish ship Vasa is salvaged.
1967 Dagen H in Sweden: traffic changes from driving on the left to driving on the right overnight.
1975 The Japanese Red Army takes more than 50 hostages at the AIA Building housing several embassies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The hostages include the U.S. consul and the Swedish chargé d’affaires. The gunmen win the release of five imprisoned comrades and fly with them to Libya.
1977 The Kälvesta air disaster kills 22 people, the worst air crash in Sweden's history.
1980 Victoria is crowned princess of Sweden.
1981 The Soviet submarine ''U 137'' runs aground on the east coast of Sweden.
1989 The last issue of ''Gnistan'' (The Spark), the organ of the Solidaritetspartiet, is published in Sweden.
1994 In a referendum voters in Sweden decide to join the European Union.
1995 The Kingdom of Sweden and the republics of Austria and Finland are admitted into the European Union.
1998 The Gothenburg nightclub fire in Sweden claims 63 lives and injures 200.
1999 The Euro currency is introduced in 11 countries - members of NATO (with the exception of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Greece and Sweden).
1999 Two Swedish police officers are murdered with their own fire arms by the bank robbers Jackie Arklöv and Tony Olsson after a car chase.
2000 The Oresund Bridge, connecting Sweden and Denmark, opens for traffic.
2009 Same-sex marriage is legalized in Sweden.