English monarchs family tree
This is the English monarchs' family tree for England
(and Wales
after 1282) from William the Conqueror to James I of England
. It is split into three sections each containing a mapped image
with links to articles in the English Wikipedia
. The House of Wessex family tree
precedes this family tree and the British monarchs' family tree
follows it. The Scottish monarchs' family tree
covers the same period in Scotland
and also precedes the British monarchs' family tree.
rect 130 82 250 120 Robert I, Duke of Normandy
rect 300 88 370 114 Herleva
rect 235 126 325 164 William the Conqueror
rect 375 132 470 158 Matilda of Flanders
rect 2 238 82 276 Robert II, Duke of Normandy
rect 132 244 200 270 Robert II, Duke of Normandy#Family
rect 80 190 160 228 Richard, Duke of Bernay
rect 215 196 275 222 Adeliza
rect 280 190 360 228 Cecilia of Normandy
rect 320 244 420 270 William II of England
rect 386 196 446 222 Agatha of Normandy
rect 472 196 548 222 Constance of Normandy
rect 598 190 694 228 Alan IV, Duke of Brittany
rect 437 244 503 270 Adela of Normandy
rect 553 244 691 270 Stephen II, Count of Blois
rect 2 286 100 311 Matilda of Scotland
rect 20 312 80 324 Æthelred the Unready
rect 150 292 262 318 Henry I of England
rect 312 292 418 318 Adeliza of Louvain
rect 416 292 540 318 Stephen of England
rect 590 292 690 318 Matilda of Boulogne
rect 166 346 246 384 Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester
rect 250 346 330 384 Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
rect 415 354 485 380 Sybilla of Normandy
rect 535 348 615 386 Alexander I of Scotland
rect 2 458 120 496 Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor
rect 170 458 330 496 Empress Matilda
rect 380 458 500 496 Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou
rect 300 410 420 448 William Adelin
rect 180 564 260 590 Henry II of England
rect 310 564 470 590 Eleanor of Aquitaine
rect 235 528 368 554 Geoffrey, Count of Nantes
rect 380 528 500 554 William FitzEmpress
rect 305 616 430 642 William IX, Count of Poitiers
rect 240 658 340 696 Henry the Young King
rect 390 658 450 696 Margaret of France, Queen of Hungary
rect 35 712 145 750 Berengaria of Navarre
rect 195 712 290 750 Richard I of England
rect 500 616 560 642 Matilda, Duchess of Saxony
rect 610 610 690 648 Henry the Lion
rect 455 658 545 696 Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany
rect 595 658 695 696 Constance, Duchess of Brittany
rect 40 658 120 696 Alfonso VIII of Castile
rect 170 664 230 690 Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile
rect 2 610 94 648 Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse
rect 144 616 196 642 Joan of England, Queen of Sicily
rect 145 758 355 784 Isabella of Angoulême
rect 405 758 505 784 John of England
rect 555 752 685 790 Isabel, Countess of Gloucester
rect 120 810 240 836 Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall
rect 310 810 370 836 Joan of England, Queen of Scots
rect 420 804 508 842 Alexander II of Scotland
rect 10 846 170 884 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
rect 220 852 280 878 Isabella of England
rect 320 846 420 884 Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester
rect 470 852 550 878 Eleanor of Leicester
rect 600 846 698 884 William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
rect 256 894 344 920 Henry III of England
rect 394 894 506 920 Eleanor of Provence
rect 10 946 100 984 Alexander III of Scotland
rect 150 952 210 978 Margaret of England
rect 215 952 265 978 Henry III of England#Marriage and children
rect 280 952 340 978 Beatrice of England
rect 390 946 462 984 John II, Duke of Brittany
rect 475 946 545 984 Edmund Crouchback
rect 595 946 685 960 Edmund Crouchback#Family
rect 595 970 685 996 Blanche of Artois
rect 80 988 180 1026 Eleanor of Castile
rect 230 988 320 1026 Edward I of England
rect 370 988 470 1026 Margaret of France (died 1318)
rect 2 1116 70 1154 Henry III, Count of Bar
rect 120 1122 180 1148 Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar
rect 2 1158 100 1196 Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford
rect 150 1164 220 1190 Joan of Acre
rect 270 1158 340 1196 Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer
rect 186 1122 254 1148 Margaret of England (1275–1333)
rect 304 1116 376 1154 John II, Duke of Brabant
rect 355 1164 415 1190 Mary of Woodstock
rect 460 1122 520 1148 Elizabeth of Rhuddlan
rect 575 1116 685 1154 Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford
rect 240 1206 330 1232 Isabella of France
rect 390 1206 510 1232 Edward II of England
rect 330 1052 400 1090 Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk
rect 482 1052 558 1090 Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent
rect 608 1058 692 1084 Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell
rect 70 1258 170 1296 Reinoud II of Guelders
rect 220 1264 280 1290 Eleanor of Woodstock
rect 260 1306 340 1332 Edward III of England
rect 390 1306 490 1332 Philippa of Hainault
rect 325 1258 385 1296 John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall
rect 420 1264 480 1290 Joan of The Tower
rect 530 1258 610 1296 David II of Scotland
rect 1 1 699 1359 Background
rect 160 100 240 126 Edward III of England
rect 290 100 390 126 Philippa of Hainault
rect 5 284 95 322 Edward, the Black Prince
rect 145 284 215 309 Joan of Kent
rect 145 310 215 322 Edward I of England
rect 55 158 125 184 Isabella de Coucy
rect 175 152 265 190 Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy
rect 70 194 170 219 Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster
rect 70 220 170 232 Edward I of England
rect 220 194 320 232 Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
rect 150 412 250 437 Blanche of Lancaster
rect 150 438 250 450 Henry III of England
rect 300 412 400 450 John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
rect 450 406 550 432 Infanta Constance of Castile
rect 450 430 550 456 Katherine Swynford
rect 370 206 470 244 Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York
rect 520 212 620 238 Infanta Isabella of Castile
rect 425 152 545 190 Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
rect 595 152 695 177 Eleanor de Bohun
rect 595 178 695 190 Edward I of England
rect 85 348 175 373 Anne of Bohemia
rect 85 374 175 400 Isabella of Valois
rect 225 360 335 386 Richard II of England
rect 70 258 170 284 Philippa, 5th Countess of Ulster
rect 220 252 320 290 Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March
rect 370 270 470 296 Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York
rect 480 270 540 296 Constance of York
rect 445 306 535 331 Anne de Mortimer
rect 445 332 535 344 Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
rect 585 312 695 338 Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge
rect 2 476 100 502 John I of Portugal
rect 150 476 210 502 Philippa of Lancaster
rect 25 512 105 537 John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter
rect 25 538 105 550 Joan of Kent
rect 155 518 275 544 Elizabeth of Lancaster, Duchess of Exeter
rect 110 560 190 585 Mary de Bohun
rect 110 586 190 598 Edward I of England
rect 240 560 340 598 Henry IV of England
rect 390 566 478 592 Joan of Navarre, Queen of England
rect 295 527 355 553 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
rect 405 521 505 546 Margaret Holland, Countess of Somerset
rect 405 547 505 559 Edward I of England
rect 328 488 382 514 Henry Beaufort
rect 384 492 436 518 Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter
rect 440 488 500 514 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
rect 550 488 630 514 Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland
rect 20 672 100 698 Henry V of England
rect 150 672 250 698 Catherine of Valois
rect 70 624 140 662 Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence
rect 150 624 210 662 John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford
rect 220 624 300 662 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
rect 280 672 340 698 Blanche of England
rect 320 630 380 656 Philippa of England
rect 445 370 535 396 Isabel of Cambridge, Countess of Essex
rect 490 566 570 592 Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
rect 620 560 698 598 Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
rect 10 724 110 762 Henry VI of England
rect 160 730 260 756 Margaret of Anjou
rect 390 630 442 656 Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
rect 342 730 428 768 Edward IV of England
rect 485 736 585 762 Elizabeth Woodville
rect 420 666 480 692 Edmund, Earl of Rutland
rect 520 630 580 656 Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk
rect 590 630 650 656 Margaret of York
rect 490 678 570 703 Isabella Neville
rect 490 704 570 716 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
rect 620 678 698 716 George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence
rect 290 794 390 820 Richard III of England
rect 20 788 100 826 Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales
rect 150 788 240 813 Anne Neville
rect 150 814 240 826 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
rect 210 834 320 860 Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales
rect 215 872 315 897 Henry VII of England
rect 215 898 315 910 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
rect 365 878 435 904 Elizabeth of York
rect 410 800 510 826 Edward V of England
rect 510 800 590 826 Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York
rect 445 836 565 850 Princes in the Tower
poly 120 450 295 450 295 560 380 560 380 705 200 705 200 850 10 850 10 600 120 600 120 450 House of Lancaster
poly 370 250 698 250 698 910 350 910 350 870 200 870 200 770 330 770 330 706 381 706 381 600 530 600 530 565 625 565 625 400 370 400 370 250 House of York
rect 1 1 699 939 Background
rect 368 136 472 174 Catherine of Valois
rect 522 142 598 168 Owen Tudor
rect 10 100 110 125 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
rect 10 126 110 138 John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
rect 160 106 260 119 Margaret Holland
rect 160 120 260 132 Edward I of England
rect 85 150 185 188 John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset
rect 235 150 347 188 Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso
rect 160 206 260 232 Lady Margaret Beaufort
rect 310 200 410 238 Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
rect 235 250 335 276 Henry VII of England
rect 385 250 485 276 Elizabeth of York
rect 17 392 73 418 Arthur, Prince of Wales
rect 123 392 227 418 Catherine of Aragon
rect 5 524 115 550 James IV of Scotland
rect 165 524 230 550 Margaret Tudor
rect 280 524 380 550 Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Douglas
rect 285 314 375 404 Henry VIII of England
rect 130 302 230 328 Anne of Cleves
rect 130 332 230 358 Catherine Howard
rect 130 362 230 388 Catherine Parr
rect 430 302 510 328 Jane Seymour
rect 430 392 510 418 Anne Boleyn
rect 490 344 550 372 Mary Tudor, Queen of France
rect 600 338 698 378 Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk
rect 500 418 560 444 Frances Brandon
rect 610 412 690 450 Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk
rect 5 594 115 620 James V of Scotland
rect 165 594 245 620 Mary of Guise
rect 250 582 350 608 Margaret Douglas
rect 400 582 500 608 Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox
rect 52 444 148 457 Philip II of Spain
rect 52 458 148 471 Jure uxoris
rect 52 472 148 482 Philip II of Spain
rect 190 444 290 482 Mary I of England
rect 410 450 490 476 Elizabeth I of England
rect 390 354 470 380 Edward VI of England
rect 90 646 190 684 Mary, Queen of Scots
rect 240 646 320 684 Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
rect 335 634 415 672 Charles Stuart, 1st Earl of Lennox
rect 500 476 600 502 Lady Jane Grey
rect 135 696 295 734 James I of England
rect 345 702 445 728 Anne of Denmark
rect 270 748 430 762 British monarchs' family tree
rect 1 1 699 769 Background
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
(and Wales
Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. It has a population of three million, and a total area of 20,779 km²...
after 1282) from William the Conqueror to James I of England
James I of England
James VI and I was King of Scots as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the English and Scottish crowns on 24 March 1603...
. It is split into three sections each containing a mapped image
Image map
In HTML and XHTML , an image map is a list of coordinates relating to a specific image, created in order to hyperlink areas of the image to various destinations . For example, a map of the world may have each country hyperlinked to further information about that country...
with links to articles in the English Wikipedia
English Wikipedia
The English Wikipedia is the English-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Founded on 15 January 2001 and reaching three million articles by August 2009, it was the first edition of Wikipedia and remains the largest, with almost three times as many articles as the next...
. The House of Wessex family tree
House of Wessex family tree
The following chart is a family tree of the kings of the House of Wessex, a dynasty whose members were Kings of Wessex, and then, from Athelstan onwards, Kings of England....
precedes this family tree and the British monarchs' family tree
British monarchs' family tree
This is the British monarchs' family tree, from James VI of Scotland to the present queen, Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.-Before James VI/I:-House of Stuart:-House of Hanover:...
follows it. The Scottish monarchs' family tree
Scottish monarchs' family tree
This is a family tree for the kings of Scotland, since the unification under the House of Alpin in 834, to the personal union with England in 1603 under James VI of Scotland...
covers the same period in Scotland
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...
and also precedes the British monarchs' family tree.
The Normans and The Plantagenets
rect 130 82 250 120 Robert I, Duke of Normandy
rect 300 88 370 114 Herleva
Herleva also known as Herleve, Arlette, Arletta and Arlotte, was the mother of William I of England. She had two other sons, Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count of Mortain, who became prominent in William's realm....
rect 235 126 325 164 William the Conqueror
rect 375 132 470 158 Matilda of Flanders
Matilda of Flanders
Matilda of Flanders was the wife of William the Conqueror and, as such, Queen consort of the Kingdom of England. She bore William nine/ten children, including two kings, William II and Henry I.-Marriage:...
rect 2 238 82 276 Robert II, Duke of Normandy
Robert II, Duke of Normandy
Robert the Magnificent , also called Robert the Devil , was the Duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death. Owing to uncertainty over the numbering of the Dukes of Normandy he is usually called Robert I, but sometimes Robert II with his ancestor Rollo as Robert I...
rect 132 244 200 270 Robert II, Duke of Normandy#Family
rect 80 190 160 228 Richard, Duke of Bernay
Richard, Duke of Bernay
Richard of Normandy was the second son of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders, and a potential heir to the English throne. However, Richard predeceased his father and the throne was eventually inherited by his younger brother William II "Rufus"....
rect 215 196 275 222 Adeliza
Adeliza was the daughter of William I of England. There is considerable uncertainty about her life, including dates of birth and death.-Biography:...
rect 280 190 360 228 Cecilia of Normandy
Cecilia of Normandy
Cecilia of Normandy was thought to be the eldest daughter of William I of England and Matilda of Flanders. She was entered into the Abbey of Caen at a young age by her parents. She became Abbess of Holy Trinity in 1112. Cecilia died on 30 July 1126 and was buried within the abbey walls...
rect 320 244 420 270 William II of England
William II of England
William II , the third son of William I of England, was King of England from 1087 until 1100, with powers over Normandy, and influence in Scotland. He was less successful in extending control into Wales...
rect 386 196 446 222 Agatha of Normandy
Agatha of Normandy
Agatha, mentioned by Ordericus Vitalis as one of the daughters of William I of England and Matilda of Flanders, Agatha, who had been betrothed to Harold II , was afterwards demanded in marriage by Alphonso VI of Castile and delivered to his proxies to be conducted to him...
rect 472 196 548 222 Constance of Normandy
Constance of Normandy
Constance of Normandy was a daughter of William I of England and Matilda of Flanders, it was said she was the most highly gifted of all of the Conqueror's daughters. As she was favourite of her mother she was offered later in marriage to Alan IV of Brittany, the year being 1086...
rect 598 190 694 228 Alan IV, Duke of Brittany
Alan IV, Duke of Brittany
Alan IV was Duke of Brittany, from 1084 until his abdication in 1112. He was also Count of Nantes and Count of Rennes. He was son of Hawise, Duchess of Brittany and Duke Hoel II. He was known as Alan Fergant, which in Breton means "Alan the Strong"...
rect 437 244 503 270 Adela of Normandy
Adela of Normandy
Adela of Normandy also known as Adela of Blois and Adela of England was, by marriage, Countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux. She was a daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders...
rect 553 244 691 270 Stephen II, Count of Blois
Stephen II, Count of Blois
Stephen II Henry , Count of Blois and Count of Chartres, was the son of Theobald III, count of Blois, and Garsinde du Maine. He married Adela of Normandy, a daughter of William the Conqueror around 1080 in Chartres...
rect 2 286 100 311 Matilda of Scotland
rect 20 312 80 324 Æthelred the Unready
rect 150 292 262 318 Henry I of England
Henry I of England
Henry I was the fourth son of William I of England. He succeeded his elder brother William II as King of England in 1100 and defeated his eldest brother, Robert Curthose, to become Duke of Normandy in 1106...
rect 312 292 418 318 Adeliza of Louvain
Adeliza of Louvain
Adeliza of Louvain, sometimes known in England as Adelicia of Louvain, also called Adela and Aleidis; was queen consort of the Kingdom of England from 1121 to 1135, the second wife of Henry I...
rect 416 292 540 318 Stephen of England
Stephen of England
Stephen , often referred to as Stephen of Blois , was a grandson of William the Conqueror. He was King of England from 1135 to his death, and also the Count of Boulogne by right of his wife. Stephen's reign was marked by the Anarchy, a civil war with his cousin and rival, the Empress Matilda...
rect 590 292 690 318 Matilda of Boulogne
Matilda of Boulogne
Matilda I was suo jure Countess of Boulogne. She was also queen consort of England as the wife of King Stephen.-Biography:...
rect 166 346 246 384 Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester
Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester
Robert Fitzroy, 1st Earl of Gloucester was an illegitimate son of King Henry I of England. He was called "Rufus" and occasionally "de Caen", he is also known as Robert "the Consul"...
rect 250 346 330 384 Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Reginald de Dunstanville , Earl of Cornwall , High Sheriff of Devon, Earl of Cornwall, was an illegitimate son of Henry I of England and Lady Sybilla Corbet.Reginald had been invested with the Earldom of Cornwall by King...
rect 415 354 485 380 Sybilla of Normandy
rect 535 348 615 386 Alexander I of Scotland
Alexander I of Scotland
Alexander I , also called Alaxandair mac Maíl Coluim and nicknamed "The Fierce", was King of the Scots from 1107 to his death.-Life:...
rect 2 458 120 496 Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor
Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor
Henry V was King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor , the fourth and last ruler of the Salian dynasty. Henry's reign coincided with the final phase of the great Investiture Controversy, which had pitted pope against emperor...
rect 170 458 330 496 Empress Matilda
Empress Matilda
Empress Matilda , also known as Matilda of England or Maude, was the daughter and heir of King Henry I of England. Matilda and her younger brother, William Adelin, were the only legitimate children of King Henry to survive to adulthood...
rect 380 458 500 496 Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou
rect 300 410 420 448 William Adelin
William Adelin
William , surnamed Adelin , was the son of Henry I of England by his wife Matilda of Scotland, and was thus heir-apparent to the throne. His early death without issue caused a succession crisis.William was born in Winchester...
rect 180 564 260 590 Henry II of England
Henry II of England
Henry II ruled as King of England , Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes, Lord of Ireland and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland and western France. Henry, the great-grandson of William the Conqueror, was the...
rect 310 564 470 590 Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. As well as being Duchess of Aquitaine in her own right, she was queen consort of France and of England...
rect 235 528 368 554 Geoffrey, Count of Nantes
rect 380 528 500 554 William FitzEmpress
rect 305 616 430 642 William IX, Count of Poitiers
rect 240 658 340 696 Henry the Young King
Henry the Young King
Henry, known as the Young King was the second of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine but the first to survive infancy. He was officially King of England; Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou and Maine.-Early life:Little is known of the young prince Henry before the events...
rect 390 658 450 696 Margaret of France, Queen of Hungary
rect 35 712 145 750 Berengaria of Navarre
Berengaria of Navarre
Berengaria of Navarre was Queen of the English as the wife of King Richard I of England. She was the eldest daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre and Sancha of Castile. As is the case with many of the medieval queens consort of the Kingdom of England, relatively little is known of her life...
rect 195 712 290 750 Richard I of England
Richard I of England
Richard I was King of England from 6 July 1189 until his death. He also ruled as Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Lord of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Count of Nantes, and Overlord of Brittany at various times during the same period...
rect 500 616 560 642 Matilda, Duchess of Saxony
rect 610 610 690 648 Henry the Lion
Henry the Lion
Henry the Lion was a member of the Welf dynasty and Duke of Saxony, as Henry III, from 1142, and Duke of Bavaria, as Henry XII, from 1156, which duchies he held until 1180....
rect 455 658 545 696 Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond was Duke of Brittany between 1181 and 1186, through his marriage with the heiress Constance. Geoffrey was the fourth son of King Henry II of England and Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine.-Family:He was a younger maternal half-brother of Marie de...
rect 595 658 695 696 Constance, Duchess of Brittany
Constance, Duchess of Brittany
Constance of Penthièvre was hereditary Duchess of Brittany between 1171 and 1196...
rect 40 658 120 696 Alfonso VIII of Castile
Alfonso VIII of Castile
Alfonso VIII , called the Noble or el de las Navas, was the King of Castile from 1158 to his death and King of Toledo. He is most remembered for his part in the Reconquista and the downfall of the Almohad Caliphate...
rect 170 664 230 690 Eleanor of England, Queen of Castile
rect 2 610 94 648 Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse
rect 144 616 196 642 Joan of England, Queen of Sicily
Joan of England, Queen of Sicily
Joan of England was the seventh child of Henry II of England and his queen consort, Eleanor of Aquitaine.Joan was a younger maternal half-sister of Marie de Champagne and Alix of France...
rect 145 758 355 784 Isabella of Angoulême
Isabella of Angoulême
Isabella of Angoulême was queen consort of England as the second wife of King John from 1200 until John's death in 1216. They had five children by the king including his heir, later Henry III...
rect 405 758 505 784 John of England
John of England
John , also known as John Lackland , was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death...
rect 555 752 685 790 Isabel, Countess of Gloucester
rect 120 810 240 836 Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall
Richard of Cornwall was Count of Poitou , 1st Earl of Cornwall and German King...
rect 310 810 370 836 Joan of England, Queen of Scots
rect 420 804 508 842 Alexander II of Scotland
Alexander II of Scotland
Alexander II was King of Scots from1214 to his death.-Early life:...
rect 10 846 170 884 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick II , was one of the most powerful Holy Roman Emperors of the Middle Ages and head of the House of Hohenstaufen. His political and cultural ambitions, based in Sicily and stretching through Italy to Germany, and even to Jerusalem, were enormous...
rect 220 852 280 878 Isabella of England
Isabella of England
For Isabella of England, the daughter of Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault, see Isabella de Coucy.Isabella of England, also called Elizabeth was an English princess and, by marriage, Holy Roman Empress, German Queen, and Queen consort of Sicily.-Biography:She was the fourth child but...
rect 320 846 420 884 Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester
Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester
Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester, 1st Earl of Chester , sometimes referred to as Simon V de Montfort to distinguish him from other Simon de Montforts, was an Anglo-Norman nobleman. He led the barons' rebellion against King Henry III of England during the Second Barons' War of 1263-4, and...
rect 470 852 550 878 Eleanor of Leicester
rect 600 846 698 884 William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke was a medieval English nobleman, and the son of the famous William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke.-Early life:William was born in Normandy probably during the spring of 1190...
rect 256 894 344 920 Henry III of England
Henry III of England
Henry III was the son and successor of John as King of England, reigning for 56 years from 1216 until his death. His contemporaries knew him as Henry of Winchester. He was the first child king in England since the reign of Æthelred the Unready...
rect 394 894 506 920 Eleanor of Provence
Eleanor of Provence
Eleanor of Provence was Queen consort of England as the spouse of King Henry III of England from 1236 until his death in 1272....
rect 10 946 100 984 Alexander III of Scotland
Alexander III of Scotland
Alexander III was King of Scots from 1249 to his death.-Life:...
rect 150 952 210 978 Margaret of England
Margaret of England
Margaret of England was a medieval English princess who became Queen of Scots. A daughter of the Plantagenet king Henry III of England and his queen, Eleanor of Provence, she was Queen consort to Alexander III "the Glorious", King of the Scots.- Family :She was the second child of Henry III of...
rect 215 952 265 978 Henry III of England#Marriage and children
rect 280 952 340 978 Beatrice of England
Beatrice of England
Beatrice of England , also known as Beatrice de Dreux, was a Princess of England as the daughter of King Henry III of England and Eleanor of Provence...
rect 390 946 462 984 John II, Duke of Brittany
John II, Duke of Brittany
John II was Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond, from 1286 to his death. He was son of Duke John I and Blanche of Navarre...
rect 475 946 545 984 Edmund Crouchback
rect 595 946 685 960 Edmund Crouchback#Family
rect 595 970 685 996 Blanche of Artois
Blanche of Artois
Blanche of Artois was the queen consort of Navarre; after her husband Henry I of Navarre's death, she served as regent from 1274 to 1284 on behalf of her daughter, Joan I...
rect 80 988 180 1026 Eleanor of Castile
Eleanor of Castile
Eleanor of Castile was the first queen consort of Edward I of England. She was also Countess of Ponthieu in her own right from 1279 until her death in 1290, succeeding her mother and ruling together with her husband.-Birth:...
rect 230 988 320 1026 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 370 988 470 1026 Margaret of France (died 1318)
rect 2 1116 70 1154 Henry III, Count of Bar
Henry III, Count of Bar
Henry III of Bar was Count of Bar from 1291 to 1302. He was son of Thibault II of Bar and Jeanne de Toucy.- Life :...
rect 120 1122 180 1148 Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar
rect 2 1158 100 1196 Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford
rect 150 1164 220 1190 Joan of Acre
Joan of Acre
Joan of Acre was an English princess, a daughter of the King Edward I of England and queen Eleanor of Castile...
rect 270 1158 340 1196 Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer
Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer
Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer, Earl of Hertford, Earl of Gloucester, Earl of Atholl -Biography:Ralph was a knight in the household of Joan of Acre, daughter of King Edward I of England. After the death of Joan's husband Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford in 1295, Ralph and Joan...
rect 186 1122 254 1148 Margaret of England (1275–1333)
rect 304 1116 376 1154 John II, Duke of Brabant
John II, Duke of Brabant
John II van Brabant , also called John the Peaceful, was Duke of Brabant, Lothier and Limburg...
rect 355 1164 415 1190 Mary of Woodstock
Mary of Woodstock
Mary of Woodstock , known anachronistically as Mary Plantagenet, was the seventh named daughter of Edward I of England and Eleanor of Castile.-Early life:...
rect 460 1122 520 1148 Elizabeth of Rhuddlan
Elizabeth of Rhuddlan
Elizabeth of Rhuddlan was the eighth and youngest daughter of Edward I of England and Eleanor of Castile...
rect 575 1116 685 1154 Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford was a member of a powerful Anglo-Norman family of the Welsh Marches and was one of the Ordainers who opposed Edward II's excesses.-Family background :...
rect 240 1206 330 1232 Isabella of France
Isabella of France
Isabella of France , sometimes described as the She-wolf of France, was Queen consort of England as the wife of Edward II of England. She was the youngest surviving child and only surviving daughter of Philip IV of France and Joan I of Navarre...
rect 390 1206 510 1232 Edward II of England
Edward II of England
Edward II , called Edward of Caernarfon, was King of England from 1307 until he was deposed by his wife Isabella in January 1327. He was the sixth Plantagenet king, in a line that began with the reign of Henry II...
rect 330 1052 400 1090 Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk
Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk
Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk, Lord Marshal of England was the son of Edward I of England and Margaret of France.-Early life:...
rect 482 1052 558 1090 Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent
Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent
Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent was a member of the English Royal Family.-Early life:He was born at Woodstock in Oxfordshire, the son of Edward I Longshanks, King of England and his second wife, Margaret of France. He was 62 years younger than his father, who died when Edmund of Woodstock...
rect 608 1058 692 1084 Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell
Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell
Margaret Wake was the wife of Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent.-Biography:She was the daughter of John Wake, 1st Baron Wake of Liddell, and was descended directly from Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd. Her mother was Joan de Fiennes, making her a cousin of Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of...
rect 70 1258 170 1296 Reinoud II of Guelders
rect 220 1264 280 1290 Eleanor of Woodstock
Eleanor of Woodstock
Eleanor of Woodstock was an English princess.She was born at Woodstock Palace in Oxfordshire to the king Edward II of England and queen Isabella of France...
rect 260 1306 340 1332 Edward III of England
Edward III of England
Edward III was King of England from 1327 until his death and is noted for his military success. Restoring royal authority after the disastrous reign of his father, Edward II, Edward III went on to transform the Kingdom of England into one of the most formidable military powers in Europe...
rect 390 1306 490 1332 Philippa of Hainault
Philippa of Hainault
Philippa of Hainault, or, Philippe de Hainaut was the Queen consort of King Edward III of England. Edward, Duke of Guyenne, her future husband, promised in 1326 to marry her within the following two years...
rect 325 1258 385 1296 John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall
John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall
John of Eltham, 1st Earl of Cornwall was the second son of Edward II of England and Isabella of France. He was heir to the English throne from the date of the abdication of his father to the birth of his nephew Edward of Woodstock .-Life:John was born in 1316 at Eltham Palace, Kent...
rect 420 1264 480 1290 Joan of The Tower
Joan of The Tower
Joan of England , known as Joan of The Tower, was the first wife and Queen consort of king David II of Scotland.-Birth:...
rect 530 1258 610 1296 David II of Scotland
David II of Scotland
David II was King of Scots from 7 June 1329 until his death.-Early life:...
rect 1 1 699 1359 Background
Plantagenets (continued), Houses of Lancaster and York
rect 160 100 240 126 Edward III of England
Edward III of England
Edward III was King of England from 1327 until his death and is noted for his military success. Restoring royal authority after the disastrous reign of his father, Edward II, Edward III went on to transform the Kingdom of England into one of the most formidable military powers in Europe...
rect 290 100 390 126 Philippa of Hainault
Philippa of Hainault
Philippa of Hainault, or, Philippe de Hainaut was the Queen consort of King Edward III of England. Edward, Duke of Guyenne, her future husband, promised in 1326 to marry her within the following two years...
rect 5 284 95 322 Edward, the Black Prince
Edward, the Black Prince
Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Prince of Aquitaine, KG was the eldest son of King Edward III of England and his wife Philippa of Hainault as well as father to King Richard II of England....
rect 145 284 215 309 Joan of Kent
Joan of Kent
Joan, Countess of Kent , known to history as The Fair Maid of Kent, was the first English Princess of Wales...
rect 145 310 215 322 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 55 158 125 184 Isabella de Coucy
Isabella de Coucy
Isabella of England, also known as Dame Isabella de Coucy , was the eldest daughter of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault and the wife of Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy, by whom she had two daughters.She was made a Lady of the Garter in 1376.-Early years:Isabella was the royal...
rect 175 152 265 190 Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy
rect 70 194 170 219 Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster
Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster
Elizabeth de Burgh, Duchess of Clarence, suo jure 4th Countess of Ulster and 5th Baroness of Connaught was a Norman-Irish noblewoman who married Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence.- Family :...
rect 70 220 170 232 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 220 194 320 232 Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, jure uxoris 4th Earl of Ulster and 5th Baron of Connaught, KG was the third son, but the second son to survive infancy, of Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault...
rect 150 412 250 437 Blanche of Lancaster
Blanche of Lancaster
Blanche of Lancaster, Duchess of Lancaster was an English noblewoman and heiress, daughter of England's wealthiest and most powerful peer, Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster...
rect 150 438 250 450 Henry III of England
Henry III of England
Henry III was the son and successor of John as King of England, reigning for 56 years from 1216 until his death. His contemporaries knew him as Henry of Winchester. He was the first child king in England since the reign of Æthelred the Unready...
rect 300 412 400 450 John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster , KG was a member of the House of Plantagenet, the third surviving son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault...
rect 450 406 550 432 Infanta Constance of Castile
rect 450 430 550 456 Katherine Swynford
Katherine Swynford
Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster , née Roet , was the daughter of Sir Payne Roet , originally a Flemish herald from County of Hainaut, later...
rect 370 206 470 244 Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York, 1st Earl of Cambridge, KG was a younger son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault, the fourth of the five sons who lived to adulthood, of this Royal couple. Like so many medieval princes, Edmund gained his identifying nickname from his...
rect 520 212 620 238 Infanta Isabella of Castile
rect 425 152 545 190 Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Buckingham, 1st Earl of Essex, Duke of Aumale, KG was the thirteenth and youngest child of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault...
rect 595 152 695 177 Eleanor de Bohun
Eleanor de Bohun
Eleanor de Bohun was the elder daughter and co-heiress with her sister Mary de Bohun, of their father Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford. Her mother was Lady Joan Fitzalan, daughter of Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel and his second wife Eleanor of Lancaster.-Marriage:In 1376 she...
rect 595 178 695 190 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 85 348 175 373 Anne of Bohemia
Anne of Bohemia
Anne of Bohemia was Queen of England as the first wife of King Richard II. A member of the House of Luxembourg, she was the eldest daughter of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, and Elizabeth of Pomerania....
rect 85 374 175 400 Isabella of Valois
rect 225 360 335 386 Richard II of England
Richard II of England
Richard II was King of England, a member of the House of Plantagenet and the last of its main-line kings. He ruled from 1377 until he was deposed in 1399. Richard was a son of Edward, the Black Prince, and was born during the reign of his grandfather, Edward III...
rect 70 258 170 284 Philippa, 5th Countess of Ulster
rect 220 252 320 290 Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March
rect 370 270 470 296 Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York
Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York
Sir Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York, 2nd Earl of Cambridge, Earl of Rutland, Earl of Cork, Duke of Aumale KG was a member of the English royal family who died at the Battle of Agincourt....
rect 480 270 540 296 Constance of York
Constance of York
Constance of York, Countess of Gloucester was the only daughter of Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York and his wife Isabella of Castile, daughter of Pedro of Castile and Maria de Padilla. On about 7 November 1379, Constance married Thomas le Despenser, 1st Earl of Gloucester , who was eventually...
rect 445 306 535 331 Anne de Mortimer
Anne de Mortimer
Anne de Mortimer, Countess of Cambridge was an English noblewoman in line of succession for the throne of England...
rect 445 332 535 344 Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, jure uxoris 4th Earl of Ulster and 5th Baron of Connaught, KG was the third son, but the second son to survive infancy, of Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault...
rect 585 312 695 338 Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge
Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge
Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge was the younger son of Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York and Isabella of Castile....
rect 2 476 100 502 John I of Portugal
John I of Portugal
John I KG , called the Good or of Happy Memory, more rarely and outside Portugal the Bastard, was the tenth King of Portugal and the Algarve and the first to use the title Lord of Ceuta...
rect 150 476 210 502 Philippa of Lancaster
Philippa of Lancaster
Philippa of Lancaster, LG was a Queen consort of Portugal. Born into the royal family of England, her marriage with King John I secured the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance and produced several famous children who became known as the "Illustrious Generation" in Portugal...
rect 25 512 105 537 John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter
John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter
John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter KG , also 1st Earl of Huntingdon, was an English nobleman, primarily remembered for helping cause the downfall of Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester and then for conspiring against Henry IV.He was the third son of Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent and Joan...
rect 25 538 105 550 Joan of Kent
Joan of Kent
Joan, Countess of Kent , known to history as The Fair Maid of Kent, was the first English Princess of Wales...
rect 155 518 275 544 Elizabeth of Lancaster, Duchess of Exeter
rect 110 560 190 585 Mary de Bohun
Mary de Bohun
Mary de Bohun was the first wife of King Henry IV of England and the mother of King Henry V. Mary was never queen, as she died before her husband came to the throne.-Early life:...
rect 110 586 190 598 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 240 560 340 598 Henry IV of England
Henry IV of England
Henry IV was King of England and Lord of Ireland . He was the ninth King of England of the House of Plantagenet and also asserted his grandfather's claim to the title King of France. He was born at Bolingbroke Castle in Lincolnshire, hence his other name, Henry Bolingbroke...
rect 390 566 478 592 Joan of Navarre, Queen of England
rect 295 527 355 553 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Marquess of Somerset and 1st Marquess of Dorset, later only 1st Earl of Somerset, KG was the first of the four illegitimate children of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his mistress Katherine Swynford, later his wife...
rect 405 521 505 546 Margaret Holland, Countess of Somerset
rect 405 547 505 559 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 328 488 382 514 Henry Beaufort
rect 384 492 436 518 Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter
Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter
Thomas Beaufort, 1st Duke of Exeter, KG was an English military commander during the Hundred Years' War, and briefly Chancellor of England. He was the third of four children; the son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his mistress Katherine Swynford...
rect 440 488 500 514 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland was the third or fourth child of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and his mistress, later wife, Katherine Swynford; and, in her widowhood, a powerful landowner in the North of England.-Early life and marriages:She was likely born at the Swynford manor of...
rect 550 488 630 514 Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland
Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland
Sir Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, 4th Baron Neville de Raby, Lord of Richmond, Earl Marshal, KG, PC , was an English nobleman of the House of Neville...
rect 20 672 100 698 Henry V of England
Henry V of England
Henry V was King of England from 1413 until his death at the age of 35 in 1422. He was the second monarch belonging to the House of Lancaster....
rect 150 672 250 698 Catherine of Valois
Catherine of Valois
Catherine of France was the Queen consort of England from 1420 until 1422. She was the daughter of King Charles VI of France, wife of Henry V of Monmouth, King of England, mother of Henry VI, King of England and King of France, and through her secret marriage with Owen Tudor, the grandmother of...
rect 70 624 140 662 Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence
Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence
Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence, KG , also known as Thomas Plantagenet, was the second son of King Henry IV of England and his first wife, Mary de Bohun. He was born before 25 November 1387 as on that date his father's accounts note a payment made to a woman described as his nurse...
rect 150 624 210 662 John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford
John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford
John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford, KG , also known as John Plantagenet, was the third surviving son of King Henry IV of England by Mary de Bohun, and acted as Regent of France for his nephew, King Henry VI....
rect 220 624 300 662 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Humphrey of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Pembroke, KG , also known as Humphrey Plantagenet, was "son, brother and uncle of kings", being the fourth and youngest son of king Henry IV of England by his first wife, Mary de Bohun, brother to king Henry V of England, and uncle to the...
rect 280 672 340 698 Blanche of England
Blanche of England
Blanche of England, LG , also known as Blanche of Lancaster and Blanche Plantagenet, was an English princess of the House of Lancaster....
rect 320 630 380 656 Philippa of England
Philippa of England
Philippa of England , also known as Philippa of Lancaster and anachronistically as Philippa Plantagenet, was the Queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway from 1406 to 1430. She was the consort to Eric of Pomerania, who ruled the three kingdoms...
rect 445 370 535 396 Isabel of Cambridge, Countess of Essex
rect 490 566 570 592 Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
rect 620 560 698 598 Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
Richard Plantagenêt, 3rd Duke of York, 6th Earl of March, 4th Earl of Cambridge, and 7th Earl of Ulster, conventionally called Richard of York was a leading English magnate, great-grandson of King Edward III...
rect 10 724 110 762 Henry VI of England
Henry VI of England
Henry VI was King of England from 1422 to 1461 and again from 1470 to 1471, and disputed King of France from 1422 to 1453. Until 1437, his realm was governed by regents. Contemporaneous accounts described him as peaceful and pious, not suited for the violent dynastic civil wars, known as the Wars...
rect 160 730 260 756 Margaret of Anjou
Margaret of Anjou
Margaret of Anjou was the wife of King Henry VI of England. As such, she was Queen consort of England from 1445 to 1461 and again from 1470 to 1471; and Queen consort of France from 1445 to 1453...
rect 390 630 442 656 Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
-External links:* A Medieval Re-enactment Society based in London, featuring members of the Neville/Plantagenet family....
rect 342 730 428 768 Edward IV of England
Edward IV of England
Edward IV was King of England from 4 March 1461 until 3 October 1470, and again from 11 April 1471 until his death. He was the first Yorkist King of England...
rect 485 736 585 762 Elizabeth Woodville
Elizabeth Woodville
Elizabeth Woodville was Queen consort of England as the spouse of King Edward IV from 1464 until his death in 1483. Elizabeth was a key figure in the series of dynastic civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses. Her first husband, Sir John Grey of Groby was killed at the Second Battle of St Albans...
rect 420 666 480 692 Edmund, Earl of Rutland
Edmund, Earl of Rutland
Edmund, Earl of Rutland was the fifth child and second surviving son of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville...
rect 520 630 580 656 Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk
Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk
Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk was the sixth child and third daughter of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville....
rect 590 630 650 656 Margaret of York
Margaret of York
Margaret of York – also by marriage known as Margaret of Burgundy – was Duchess of Burgundy as the third wife of Charles the Bold and acted as a protector of the Duchy after his death. She was a daughter of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, and Cecily Neville, and the sister of...
rect 490 678 570 703 Isabella Neville
rect 490 704 570 716 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland was the third or fourth child of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and his mistress, later wife, Katherine Swynford; and, in her widowhood, a powerful landowner in the North of England.-Early life and marriages:She was likely born at the Swynford manor of...
rect 620 678 698 716 George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence
George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence
George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 1st Earl of Warwick, KG was the third son of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, and Cecily Neville, and the brother of kings Edward IV and Richard III. He played an important role in the dynastic struggle known as the Wars of the...
rect 290 794 390 820 Richard III of England
Richard III of England
Richard III was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 during the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty...
rect 20 788 100 826 Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales
rect 150 788 240 813 Anne Neville
Anne Neville
Lady Anne Neville was Princess of Wales as the wife of Edward of Westminster and Queen of England as the consort of King Richard III. She held the latter title for less than two years, from 26 June 1483 until her death in March 1485...
rect 150 814 240 826 Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland was the third or fourth child of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and his mistress, later wife, Katherine Swynford; and, in her widowhood, a powerful landowner in the North of England.-Early life and marriages:She was likely born at the Swynford manor of...
rect 210 834 320 860 Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales
Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales
Edward of Middleham, 1st Earl of Salisbury , was the only son of King Richard III of England and his wife Anne Neville. He was Richard's only legitimate child and died aged 11....
rect 215 872 315 897 Henry VII of England
Henry VII of England
Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor....
rect 215 898 315 910 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Marquess of Somerset and 1st Marquess of Dorset, later only 1st Earl of Somerset, KG was the first of the four illegitimate children of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his mistress Katherine Swynford, later his wife...
rect 365 878 435 904 Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth of York was Queen consort of England as spouse of King Henry VII from 1486 until 1503, and mother of King Henry VIII of England....
rect 410 800 510 826 Edward V of England
Edward V of England
Edward V was King of England from 9 April 1483 until his deposition two months later. His reign was dominated by the influence of his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who succeeded him as Richard III...
rect 510 800 590 826 Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York
Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York
Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York, 1st Duke of Norfolk, 1st Earl of Norfolk, Earl Marshal was the sixth child and second son of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville. He was born in Shrewsbury....
rect 445 836 565 850 Princes in the Tower
Princes in the Tower
The Princes in the Tower is a term which refers to Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York. The two brothers were the only sons of Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville alive at the time of their father's death...
poly 120 450 295 450 295 560 380 560 380 705 200 705 200 850 10 850 10 600 120 600 120 450 House of Lancaster
House of Lancaster
The House of Lancaster was a branch of the royal House of Plantagenet. It was one of the opposing factions involved in the Wars of the Roses, an intermittent civil war which affected England and Wales during the 15th century...
poly 370 250 698 250 698 910 350 910 350 870 200 870 200 770 330 770 330 706 381 706 381 600 530 600 530 565 625 565 625 400 370 400 370 250 House of York
House of York
The House of York was a branch of the English royal House of Plantagenet, three members of which became English kings in the late 15th century. The House of York was descended in the paternal line from Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York, the fourth surviving son of Edward III, but also represented...
rect 1 1 699 939 Background
House of Tudor
rect 368 136 472 174 Catherine of Valois
Catherine of Valois
Catherine of France was the Queen consort of England from 1420 until 1422. She was the daughter of King Charles VI of France, wife of Henry V of Monmouth, King of England, mother of Henry VI, King of England and King of France, and through her secret marriage with Owen Tudor, the grandmother of...
rect 522 142 598 168 Owen Tudor
Owen Tudor
Sir Owen Meredith Tudor was a Welsh soldier and courtier, descended from a daughter of the Welsh prince Rhys ap Gruffudd, "Lord Rhys". However, Owen Tudor is particularly remembered for his role in founding England's Tudor dynasty – including his relationship with, and probable secret marriage to,...
rect 10 100 110 125 John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Marquess of Somerset and 1st Marquess of Dorset, later only 1st Earl of Somerset, KG was the first of the four illegitimate children of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his mistress Katherine Swynford, later his wife...
rect 10 126 110 138 John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster , KG was a member of the House of Plantagenet, the third surviving son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault...
rect 160 106 260 119 Margaret Holland
Margaret Holland
Margaret Holland, Countess of Somerset was the daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent, who was the son of Joan "the Fair Maid of Kent"...
rect 160 120 260 132 Edward I of England
Edward I of England
Edward I , also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The first son of Henry III, Edward was involved early in the political intrigues of his father's reign, which included an outright rebellion by the English barons...
rect 85 150 185 188 John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset
John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, KG was an English noble and military commander.-Family:Baptised on 25 March 1404, he was the second son of John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset and Margaret Holland, and succeeded his elder brother Henry Beaufort, 2nd Earl of Somerset to become the 3rd Earl of...
rect 235 150 347 188 Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso
Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso
Margaret Beauchamp, of Bletso, Bedfordshire, Spelsbury, Oxfordshire and Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire was the daughter of John Beauchamp, of Bletso and Edith Stourton...
rect 160 206 260 232 Lady Margaret Beaufort
rect 310 200 410 238 Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond , also known as Edmund of Hadham , was the father of King Henry VII of England and a member of the Tudor family of Penmynydd, North Wales.-Birth and early life:...
rect 235 250 335 276 Henry VII of England
Henry VII of England
Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor....
rect 385 250 485 276 Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth of York
Elizabeth of York was Queen consort of England as spouse of King Henry VII from 1486 until 1503, and mother of King Henry VIII of England....
rect 17 392 73 418 Arthur, Prince of Wales
Arthur, Prince of Wales
Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales was the first son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York, and therefore, heir to the throne of England. As he predeceased his father, Arthur never became king...
rect 123 392 227 418 Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon , also known as Katherine or Katharine, was Queen consort of England as the first wife of King Henry VIII of England and Princess of Wales as the wife to Arthur, Prince of Wales...
rect 5 524 115 550 James IV of Scotland
James IV of Scotland
James IV was King of Scots from 11 June 1488 to his death. He is generally regarded as the most successful of the Stewart monarchs of Scotland, but his reign ended with the disastrous defeat at the Battle of Flodden Field, where he became the last monarch from not only Scotland, but also from all...
rect 165 524 230 550 Margaret Tudor
Margaret Tudor
Margaret Tudor was the elder of the two surviving daughters of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York, and the elder sister of Henry VIII. In 1503, she married James IV, King of Scots. James died in 1513, and their son became King James V. She married secondly Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of...
rect 280 524 380 550 Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Douglas
rect 285 314 375 404 Henry VIII of England
Henry VIII of England
Henry VIII was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was Lord, and later King, of Ireland, as well as continuing the nominal claim by the English monarchs to the Kingdom of France...
rect 130 302 230 328 Anne of Cleves
Anne of Cleves
Anne of Cleves was a German noblewoman and the fourth wife of Henry VIII of England and as such she was Queen of England from 6 January 1540 to 9 July 1540. The marriage was never consummated, and she was not crowned queen consort...
rect 130 332 230 358 Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard , also spelled Katherine, Katheryn or Kathryn, was the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, and sometimes known by his reference to her as his "rose without a thorn"....
rect 130 362 230 388 Catherine Parr
Catherine Parr
Catherine Parr ; 1512 – 5 September 1548) was Queen consort of England and Ireland and the last of the six wives of King Henry VIII of England. She married Henry VIII on 12 July 1543. She was the fourth commoner Henry had taken as his consort, and outlived him...
rect 430 302 510 328 Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour was Queen of England as the third wife of King Henry VIII. She succeeded Anne Boleyn as queen consort following the latter's execution for trumped up charges of high treason, incest and adultery in May 1536. She died of postnatal complications less than two weeks after the birth of...
rect 430 392 510 418 Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn ;c.1501/1507 – 19 May 1536) was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of Henry VIII of England and Marquess of Pembroke in her own right. Henry's marriage to Anne, and her subsequent execution, made her a key figure in the political and religious upheaval that was the...
rect 490 344 550 372 Mary Tudor, Queen of France
rect 600 338 698 378 Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk
Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk
Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 1st Viscount Lisle, KG was the son of Sir William Brandon and Elizabeth Bruyn. Through his third wife Mary Tudor he was brother-in-law to Henry VIII. His father was the standard-bearer of Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond and was slain by Richard III in person at...
rect 500 418 560 444 Frances Brandon
rect 610 412 690 450 Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk
Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk
Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 3rd Marquess of Dorset, KG was an English nobleman of the Tudor period and the father of Lady Jane Grey.-Henry VIII's reign:...
rect 5 594 115 620 James V of Scotland
James V of Scotland
James V was King of Scots from 9 September 1513 until his death, which followed the Scottish defeat at the Battle of Solway Moss...
rect 165 594 245 620 Mary of Guise
Mary of Guise
Mary of Guise was a queen consort of Scotland as the second spouse of King James V. She was the mother of Mary, Queen of Scots, and served as regent of Scotland in her daughter's name from 1554 to 1560...
rect 250 582 350 608 Margaret Douglas
Margaret Douglas
Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox was the daughter of Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus, and Margaret Tudor, Queen Dowager of Scotland...
rect 400 582 500 608 Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox
Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox
Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox was the 4th Earl of Lennox, and leader of the Catholic nobility in Scotland. He was the son of John Stewart, 3rd Earl of Lennox. His grandson was James VI of Scotland....
rect 52 444 148 457 Philip II of Spain
Philip II of Spain
Philip II was King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, and, while married to Mary I, King of England and Ireland. He was lord of the Seventeen Provinces from 1556 until 1581, holding various titles for the individual territories such as duke or count....
rect 52 458 148 471 Jure uxoris
Jure uxoris
Jure uxoris is a Latin term that means "by right of his wife" or "in right of a wife". It is commonly used to refer to a title held by a man whose wife holds it in her own right. In other words, he acquired the title simply by being her husband....
rect 52 472 148 482 Philip II of Spain
Philip II of Spain
Philip II was King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, and, while married to Mary I, King of England and Ireland. He was lord of the Seventeen Provinces from 1556 until 1581, holding various titles for the individual territories such as duke or count....
rect 190 444 290 482 Mary I of England
Mary I of England
Mary I was queen regnant of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death.She was the only surviving child born of the ill-fated marriage of Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon. Her younger half-brother, Edward VI, succeeded Henry in 1547...
rect 410 450 490 476 Elizabeth I of England
Elizabeth I of England
Elizabeth I was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty...
rect 390 354 470 380 Edward VI of England
Edward VI of England
Edward VI was the King of England and Ireland from 28 January 1547 until his death. He was crowned on 20 February at the age of nine. The son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, Edward was the third monarch of the Tudor dynasty and England's first monarch who was raised as a Protestant...
rect 90 646 190 684 Mary, Queen of Scots
rect 240 646 320 684 Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
Henry Stewart or Stuart, 1st Duke of Albany , styled Lord Darnley before 1565, was king consort of Scotland and murdered at Kirk o'Field...
rect 335 634 415 672 Charles Stuart, 1st Earl of Lennox
Charles Stuart, 1st Earl of Lennox
Charles Stuart, 5th Earl of Lennox was the second son of Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox and of Margaret Douglas, daughter of Margaret Tudor....
rect 500 476 600 502 Lady Jane Grey
Lady Jane Grey
Lady Jane Grey , also known as The Nine Days' Queen, was an English noblewoman who was de facto monarch of England from 10 July until 19 July 1553 and was subsequently executed...
rect 135 696 295 734 James I of England
James I of England
James VI and I was King of Scots as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the English and Scottish crowns on 24 March 1603...
rect 345 702 445 728 Anne of Denmark
Anne of Denmark
Anne of Denmark was queen consort of Scotland, England, and Ireland as the wife of King James VI and I.The second daughter of King Frederick II of Denmark, Anne married James in 1589 at the age of fourteen and bore him three children who survived infancy, including the future Charles I...
rect 270 748 430 762 British monarchs' family tree
British monarchs' family tree
This is the British monarchs' family tree, from James VI of Scotland to the present queen, Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.-Before James VI/I:-House of Stuart:-House of Hanover:...
rect 1 1 699 769 Background
See also
- Lists of monarchs in the British Isles
- Descent of Elizabeth II from William I