Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was the lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist of the Seattle grunge band, Nirvana.
Bleach (1989)
- I need an easy friend
I do, with an ear to lend
- I'm a negative creep and I'm stoned.
- Negative Creep
- She loves him more than he will ever know
He loves her more than he will ever show.
- Yes, I eat cow
I am not proud.- Mr Moustache
Nevermind (1991)
- With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid, and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us.
- He's the one
Who likes all the pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means.
- Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old enemy
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late.
- I'm so happy
'Cause today I found my friends
They're in my head.
I'm so ugly, that's okay
'Cause so are you,
We've broken our mirrors.
- Polly wants a cracker
Think I should get off her first,
Think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch.
- Just because you're paranoid
Don't mean they're not after you.- Territorial Pissings
- One baby to another says
I'm lucky to have met you
- The finest day that I ever had
Was when I learned to cry on command
- It's OK to eat fish
'Cos they don't have any feelings- Something In The Way
In Utero (1993)
- Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old.- Serve the Servants
- Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back.
- It's so relieving to know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing to hear you're asking wherever you get your way.
It's so soothing to know that you'll sue me,
This is starting to sound the same.
I miss the comfort in being sad.- Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle
- Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend.
- The sun is gone, but I have a light.
- Dumb
- I take pride as the king of illiterature.
- Very Ape
- Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally.
- Hate your enemies
Save your friends
Find your place
Speak the truth.- Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
- All in all is all we are.
B-sides and compilation tracks (1989-1993)
- And the flowers sing in D minor
And the birds fly happily.- Spank Thru
- And if you save yourself
You will make him happy.
Posthumously-released (post-1994)
- Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail.
- Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke in my lungs.- Clean Up Before She Comes
- I need you around
To remind me what not to become.- Blandest
- If I may, and if I might
Lay me down, weeping.- Do Re Mi
MTV Unplugged In New York (Album: 1994; Video: 2007)
- [To Krist Novoselic] No, I don't remember the little bird [on Davey and Goliath]. Remember that really evil episode where...he was really mad at this kid, and he had all these visions of how he was going to... "First, I'm going to take him up to a hill and tie him to a tree and tar and feather him!" That was evil, that wasn't Christian at all!
- I've been waiting for that! (After an audience member requests the band play "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.)
- I don't think MTV would let us play that. (After an audience member requests the band play "Rape Me.")
Nirvana: Live! Tonight! Sold Out! (1994)
- They (Extreme) surround themselves with these professional, dickhead, commercial rock and roll guys...when they show up at an airport, their manager runs ahead of them and yells at the people greeting them, 'No video! We want a path straight to the van! We don't want any pictures taken!' Y'know, I'm like, "So what?"
- Same thing happened in the punk movement in the late 70's...a punk band would start, play one gig, and get signed to a major label right away, 'cause it [was] a trend. That just shows there are a lot of old school dinosaurs in the record industry who need to be weeded out.
- We're waiting for the dinosaurs to die out. They will die. And then we'll move into their homes.
- I would like to think there's some purity in us, yeah. Naive - y'know, purposely naive.
- Music comes first; lyrics are secondary. Most of my lyrics are contradictions. I'll write a few sincere lines, and then I'll have to make fun of [them]. I don't like to make it too obvious, because if it is too obvious, it gets really stale. You shouldn't be in people's faces 100% all the time. We don't mean to be really cryptic or mysterious, but I just think that lyrics that are different and weird and spacey paint a nice picture. It's just the way I like art.
Journals (2002)
- I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own.
- John Lennon has been my idol all my life but he's dead wrong about revolution... find a representative of gluttony or oppression and blow the motherfucker's head off.
- Maybe someday I'll turn into Helen Keller by puncturing my ears with a knife, then cutting my voicebox out.
- Why in the hell do journalists insist on coming up with a second rate Freudian evaluation on my lyrics when 90% of the time they've transcribed the lyrics incorrectly?
- I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.
- Birds are and always have been reincarnated old men with Tourette's syndrome having somehow managed to dupe the reproductive saga. They fuck each other and tend to their home repairs and children while never missing their true mission. To scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder all over the world in our ears, but sadly we don't speak bird.
- I only remember a few things about Jimmy Carter. He had big lips and liked peanuts. I now know that Jimmy Carter was and is a good man.
- I mean I like to be passionate and sincere but I also like to have fun and act like a dork. Geeks unite.
- My generation's apathy. I'm disgusted with it. I'm disgusted with my own apathy too, for being spineless and not always standing up against racism, sexism and all those other -isms the counterculture has been whining about for years.
- To be positive at all times is to ignore all that is important, sacred or valuable. To be negative at all times is to be threatened by ridiculousness and instant discredibility.
- Assassinate the greater and lesser of two evils.
- Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art.
Print interviews (1989 - 1994)
- In Aberdeen, I hated my best friends with a passion, because they were idiots.
- As quoted in The Daily Of The University Of Washington (May 5, 1989)
- I'd like to live off the band, but if not, I'll just retire to Mexico or Yugoslavia with a few hundred dollars, grow potatoes, and learn the history of rock through back issues of Creem magazine.
- As quoted in The Daily Of The University Of Washington (May 5, 1989)
- It's really not hard to keep your dignity and sign to a major label...Most people don't have any dignity in the first place.
- As quoted in Sounds (October, 1990)
- Rap music is the only vital form of music introduced since punk rock.
- As quoted in M.E.A.T (September, 1991)
- I knew I was different. I thought that I might be gay or something because I couldn't identify with any of the guys at all. None of them liked art or music, they just wanted to fight and get laid. It was many years ago but it gave me this real hatred for the average American macho male.
- As quoted in Melody Maker (September 14, 1991)
- Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth. And it happens every few minutes.
- As quoted in New Musical Express (November 23, 1991)
- Hope I die before I turn into Pete Townshend.
- As quoted in BAM (January 10, 1992)
- I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they're out there and it really bothers me.
- As quoted in SPIN (January, 1992)
- We sound like the Bay City Rollers after an assault by Black Sabbath. And, we vomit onstage better than anyone.
- As quoted in Guitar World (January, 1992)
- If I went to jail, at least I wouldn't have to sign autographs.
- As quoted in Details (February 1992)
- I just can’t believe anyone would start a band just to make the scene and be cool and have chicks. I just can’t believe it.
- As quoted in Option (January/ February, 1992)
- Zits are beauty marks.
- As quoted in Sassy (April, 1992)
- All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem. They’re no good at all. But I’m not going to go around preaching against [them].
- As quoted in Rolling Stone (April 16, 1992)
- I wouldn’t wear a tie-dyed tee-shirt unless it was dyed with the urine of Phil Collins and the blood of Jerry Garcia.
- As quoted in Melody Maker (July 18, 1992)
- Yeah, I was run out of town. They chased me up to the castle of Aberdeen with torches. Just like the Frankenstein monster. And I got away in a hot air balloon. And I came here to Seattle.
- As quoted in Monk Magazine (October, 1992)
- If you're really a mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat poop.
- As quoted in Monk Magazine (October, 1992)
- Jocks have completely taken over music... And just to get back at them, I’m going to start playing basketball.
- As quoted in Musician (October, 1993)
- I wouldn't have been surprised if they had voted me Most Likely To Kill Everyone At A High School Dance.
- As quoted in Howl (July 22, 1993)
- If I could get that girl to publish her poetry, the world would change. (On Courtney Love)
- As quoted in SPIN (October, 1993)
- The thrill and embarrassment of becoming international pop stars was too much, so we opened our mouths and put our foot in sometimes.
- As quoted in Details (November 1993)
- I'm a much happier guy than a lot of people think I am.
- As quoted in Rolling Stone (January 27, 1993)
- I can't play [guitar] like Segovia. The flip side of that is that Segovia could probably never have played like me.
- As quoted in Fender Frontline Magazine (Fall 1994)
Stage banter
Note: All stage banter sourced from The Live Nirvana Tour History- Hello, we're major label corporate rock sell outs. (04/17/91 at the O.K. Hotel, Seattle, Washington)
- There is plenty of Hühnerfleisch in the Kühlschrank. (There is plenty of chicken in the fridge) (08/27/91 at Bremen, Germany)
- Hi, my name is Kurt Cobain, I'm homosexual, I'm a pagan, I'm a drug abuser, and I like to fuck pot-bellied pigs! (12/02/91 at Newcastle, UK)
- What's the matter with all you people at the back, did you come here to see Gloria Estefan? (11/27/93 at AT&T Bayfront Park Amphitheater, Miami, Florida)
- OK, you trained monkeys, everybody jump up and down. Let's bring back the good old pogo! (12/31/93 at Oakland Coliseum Arena, Oakland, California)
- I spent all of my life trying to stay away from sports and here I am in a sporting arena. (12/30/93 at the Great Western Forum, Inglewood, California)
- This song is dedicated to Frank Zappa, and River Phoenix, Fred Gwynne who played Herman Munster, Dixie Lee Ray, Thomas P, Tip O'Neil, and you, dumb ass, who just threw water on me. (01/07/94 at Seattle Center Arena, Seattle, Washington)
- It's better to burn out than to fade away.
- Quoted by Cobain in his suicide note, this is from the song Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) by Neil Young, from his album Rust Never Sleeps (1979)
- Wanting to be somebody else is a waste of the person you are.
- True source unknown
- Nobody dies a virgin... Life fucks us all.
- True source unknown
- I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
- True source unknown
Quotes about Cobain
- I really enjoyed working on [In Utero]. I'm really sad Kurt's gone. And I would do it again.
- Steve Albini, quoted by Keith Cameron in "This Is Pop," MOJO Issue 90 (2001-05).
- Nirvana were like...power-chord music with the occasional Sonic Youth-y flip-out in it. But the power of that band is Kurt Cobain's voice, which is just fucking caramel–a beautiful rock voice.
- Lou Barlow, quoted by Marc Hawthorne in "Interview: Dinosaur Jr.", The A.V. Club (2005-07-20).
- I only met Kurt once...I was touched by him. He seemed a little shell shocked as though he felt yet another shoe might drop at any time.
- Jello Biafra, quoted during a speech at Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA (1994-04-16)
- People were trying to call me to do interviews on the anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. They want me to say some poignant shit about some poor guy who blew his head off. It's just like, "Give me a fuckin' break, man"...Just say the guy made some good records, and let's get on with it.
- Frank Black, quoted by Scott Gordon in "Interview: Frank Black", The A.V. Club (2006-10-19).
- I remember watching Kurt come through and thinking, "God, this music is nuclear," This is really splitting the atom. They raised the temperature for everybody. Manufactured pop never looked so cold as when that heat was around. Nirvana made everything else look silly.
- Bono, quoted in Lorraine Ali, "Cries From The Heart," Newsweek (2002-10-28)
- I was simply blown away when I found out that Kurt Cobain liked my work, and I always wanted to talk to him about his reasons for covering "Man Who Sold The World." It was a straightforward rendition and sounded somehow very honest. It would have been nice to have worked with him, but just talking would have been real cool.
- David Bowie, according to Kurt And Courtney: "Talking" by Nick Wise.
- Cobain was very shy, very polite, and obviously enjoyed the fact that I wasn’t awestruck at meeting him. There was something about him, fragile and engagingly lost.
- William S. Burroughs, according to Nirvana: The Day-By-Day Chronicle by Carrie Borzillo.
- I'm sorry I couldn't have spoken to the young man. I see a lot of people at the Zen Center, who have gone through drugs and found a way out that is not just Sunday school. There are always alternatives, and I might have been able to lay something on him. Or maybe not.
- Leonard Cohen, quoted by Peter Howell, Addicted To Noise (1995-08-06).
- That kid has heart.
- Bob Dylan, after hearing the Nirvana song "Polly", according to Heavier Than Heaven by Charles R. Cross.
- The only person I have any respect for as a songwriter over the last 10 years is Kurt Cobain. He was the perfect cross between Lennon and McCartney...but he was a miserable fuck at the same time.
- Noel Gallagher, quoted in Guitar World (1996-05).
- A couple weeks ago, one of my students gave me a mixed tape of Kurt Cobain and there was a version of "Black Girl" of great artistry. Great vocal control and subtlety, it's almost as good as Leadbelly's.
- Allen Ginsberg, quoted by George Petros in "ALLEN GINSBERG. GROOVIN' GURU. Beat laureate ALLEN GINSBERG goes bananas," Seconds, Issue 28 (1994).
- He's the most talented person I ever worked with because he was talented in so many different ways. He's a guitar player and a lead singer and he wrote all the songs. He did everything for Nirvana that it took Jimmy Page and Robert Plant to do for Led Zeppelin. Kurt also designed the album covers and wrote treatments for the videos. He even designed the t-shirts. He was really a comprehensive genius when it came to the art of rock and roll.
- Danny Goldberg, quoted by Stephen Elliott in Shorty Q&A with Kurt Cobain's Former Manager Danny Goldberg", The Rumpus, (2009-01-30).
- I suddenly realized Michael [Pitt] was much taller than Kurt, and much more buff, actually. Kurt was a wee little man, with these big piercing blue eyes and this tremendous smile — and that's one thing that nobody can replicate."
- Kim Gordon, quoted by Rodrigo Perez and Courtney Reimer in "Sonic Youth Revisit Their Friend Kurt Cobain In 'Last Days'", MTV.com (2005-07-22).
- I still dream about Kurt. Every time I see him in a dream, I’ll be amazed and I get this feeling that everyone else thinks he’s dead. It always feels totally real, probably because I’m a very vivid dreamer. But, in my dreams, Kurt’s usually been hiding - we’ll get together and I’ll end up asking him, "God, where have you been"
- Dave Grohl, quoted in "I still dream about Kurt" NME (2007-10-31)
- And he could be a real grumpy bastard, but that was part of his power. You know, without saying a word he could make the whole room feel like shit. You know? And he also had an intense narcissism...But he also didn't have one ATOM of rock star ego, and he needed it. He didn't give himself enough credit. I mean, he knew he was the shit.
- Courtney Love, in an interview with Kurt Loder, broadcast on MTV (1994-09-08).
- Rage and aggression were elements for Kurt to play with as an artist, but he was profoundly gentle and intelligent.
- Thurston Moore, quoted in "When The Edge Moved To The Middle," The New York Times (2004-04-08)
- He was a revealing symbol [of Generation X]. He called himself passive-aggressive. There was self-pity, whining. There was a diminishment, a diminution. He was sitting there in his sweater, hunched over his guitar, looking like a little lost boy. Compare that with the great figures of my generation: Jimi Hendrix. Pete Townshend. Keith Richards. The great achievements of rock--of the Sixties, in fact--were done by assertion and energy. This is why I'm worried about the future.
- Camille Paglia, quoted in Playboy (1995-05).
- Cobain changed the course of where the music went. There are certain people where you can see the axis of musical history twisting on them: Hendrix was pivotal, Prince was pivotal, Cobain was pivotal.
- Vernon Reid, quoted in The "Immortals - The Greatest Artists Of All Time", Rolling Stone (2004-04-15).
- In Kurt’s voice I could hear his love of bluegrass music, of Bill Monroe and Leadbelly. It’s in the twang of his voice.
- Patti Smith, quoted by Jim Farber in "Patti Smith still doesn’t change horses midstream," Pop Matters (2007-10-13).
- Yeah, he talked a lot about what direction he was heading in. I mean, I know what the next Nirvana recording was going to sound like. It was going to be very quiet and acoustic, with lots of stringed instruments. It was going to be an amazing fucking record, and I’m a little bit angry at him for killing himself. He and I were going to record a trial run of the album, a demo tape. It was all set up. He had a plane ticket. He had a car picking him up. And at the last minute he called and said, "I can't come."
- Michael Stipe, quoted by Jeff Giles in "Everybody Hurts Sometimes," Newsweek (1994-09-26).
- I mourn for Kurt. A once beautiful, then pathetic, lost and heroically stupid boy.
- Pete Townshend, quoted in "Why he died before he got old," The Observer, (2002-11-03)
- And like I said I love Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, the lyrics are so deep--stuff like "The animals I've trapped have now become my pets".
- Tricky, quoted by David Trueman in "Tricky Business - An interview with Tricky" on Amazon.co.uk.
- He's your archetypal small guy - wiry, defiantly working class and fiery.
- Everett True, in "Everett True Thrashes It Out With The Latest Wizards From Seattle's Sub Pop Label Who Arrive In Britain Next Week," Melody Maker (1989-10-21).
- ...With Kurt Cobain you felt you were connecting to the real person, not to a perception of who he was - you were not connecting to an image or a manufactured cut-out.
- Lars Ulrich, quoted in "Lars Ulrich: Kurt Cobain Didn't Want to Share the Stage with Guns N' Roses," Blabbermouth.net (2004-04-01)
- You know, I always thought I'd go first. I don't know why I thought that, it just seemed like I would. I mean, I didn't know him on a daily basis - far from it. But, in a way, I don't even feel right being here without him. It's so difficult to really believe he's gone. I still talk about him like he's still here, you know. I can't figure it out. It doesn't make any sense.
- Eddie Vedder, quoted in "I'm Not Your Fuckin' Messiah", Melody Maker Magazine (1994-05-21)
- He really, really inspired me. He was so great. Wonderful. One of the best, but more than that. Kurt was one of the absolute best of all time for me.
- Neil Young, quoted in "Reflective Glory" NME (1995-07-15)
Lyrics about Cobain
- Kurt Cobain, we was good friends
Ozzy Osbourne too.- A Baltimore Love Thing by 50 Cent
- And KDC you were much too young
And you changed my life
But I draw the line at suicide.
Here's to Life!- Here's to Life by Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution
- I remember doing nothing on the night Sinatra died
And the night Jeff Buckley died
And the night Kurt Cobain died
And the night John Lennon died.- You Were Right by Badly Drawn Boy
- You can hear them crying down the lane
From Portland to Maryland
From Greece to Spain- Kurt by Dan Bern
- A transvestite in trouble, gee
We can make a double CD
People want to see blood,
To see 'em messed up like a Kurt Cobain- So You Want Me To Bleed by Billie the Vision and the Dancers
- I'll spend my days with J.F.K., Marvin Gaye, Martha Raye, and Lawrence Welk,
And Kurt Cobain, Kojak, Mark Twain and Jimi Hendrix's poltergeist.- Fire Water Burn by The Bloodhound Gang
- Thanks to Elvis and Kurt Cobain
The world will never be the same- One Day At A Time by Deana Carter
- It's a shame about your future
It's a crime about your past.- The Fall (Kurt's Blues) by Cher
- Blown away by fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor.- The Day Seattle Died by Cold
- What of Kurt Cobain, will his presence still remain?
- I'm Still Remembering by The Cranberries
- My sister, she says she knows Elvis Presley
She knows Jesus, John Lennon, and Kurt Cobain personally- Maybe Angels by Sheryl Crow
- Kurt Cobain was so young
Sad to see this poet's gone.- Sacred Life by The Cult
- A whole generation of kids blowin' out their fuckin' brains to this Kurt Cobain music
- Devils's Night by D12
- A daily dose of eMpTyV
Will flush your mind right down the drain
Shannon Hoon and Kurt Cobain,
Make yourself a household name- Just Let Me Breathe by Dream Theater
- My favorite color is red, like the blood shed
from Kurt Cobain's head, when he shot himself dead- Cum On Everybody by Eminem
- And I want it so bad I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins.
I can't remember the good old days.- 27 by Fall Out Boy
- And going for the clincher, a girl cries out in vain
How Jesus lived 6 years longer than Kurt Cobain
And Jesus' hair was longer, and Jesus' arms were stonger
And Jesus's eyes were bluer, and Jesus' thoughts were truer- Jesus Lived 6 Years Longer Than Kurt Cobain by The Floors
- He's never been in love
But he knows just what love is
He says, "nevermind"
And no-one speaks
- Friend of a Friend by Foo Fighters
- He lies in an empty room
With his hair burnt to the back
It sure sounds funny
When you say his name like that.- Mighty K.C. by For Squirrels
- Or take me away like a bullet from Kurt Cobain
- My Life by The Game
- I hang with John and Kurt and Jimi too
With Sandy, Jannie, Albert, Charlie, the whole departed crew- Silent Revolution by Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams
- Kurt Cobain's rich as fuck
He's buried in the ground- Self Suicide by Goldie Lookin' Chain
- And they told me
The times have changed
Cause' our parents had Hendrix, Janis and Jim
But what about River Phoenix and Kurt Cobain.- Sex, Drugs And Rock N' Roll by Guns N roses
- Y hoy me encuentro tan solo y triste
cual hoja al viento
quisiera llorar, quisiera morir,
como Kurt Cobain, de sentimiento.
(And today I am so alone and sad
like a leaf in the wind
I wish to cry, I wish to die
like Kurt Cobain, of feeling)- Decadencia(en vivo) - Heroes del Silencio
- I'll finish with a bang, like in Cobain's biography
- Hard Road by Hilltop Hoods
- Help me please
Burn the sorrow from your eyes
Oh come on, be alive again
Don't lay down and die- Malibu by Hole
- Now I'ma pull a fuckin' Jeffery Dahmer
Now he's suicidal, just like Nirvana.
- They all stand straight and swing to the side
No heads, but they feet still glide
Take a step back, twist and dive
I even seen Kurt Cobain get live- Headless Boogie by Insane Clown Posse
- The whole world was crying when Kurt's gun went bang
When Eazy-E died though, it wasn't no thang
Rapper dies of A.I.D.S. but you hardly mention
Rocker blows his face off and becomes a legend- Terrible by Insane Clown Posse
- And a memory that can ease your pain
Like a melody from Kurt Cobain.- Creamer (Radio Is Dead) by Limp Bizkit
- Ne me parle pas de travail à la chaîne
Je veux pas finir comme Kurt Cobain
(Don't talk to me about working on the assembly line/I don't wanna end like Kurt Cobain)- Paradisiaque by MC Solaar
- Way out in Seattle
Young Kurt Cobain
Snuck out to the greenhouse
Put a bullet in his brain.- Love Love Love by the Mountain Goats
- If I think, I think of you
- If I think by Mudhoney
- Keep them high like Kurt Cobain.
- Am I High by N.E.R.D.
- Some believe that you are God,
Others say you were an idiot.
But I only see a good, sad man,
Who's name was K. Cobain- K. Cobain by No Future
- Johnny wishes he was famous
Spends his time alone in the basement
With Lennon and Cobain
And a guitar and a stereo.- Innocent by Our Lady Peace
- Having conversations with Kurt Cobain
I'm drowning my fears in the acid rain.- Acid Rain by Pastor Troy
- And so I parallel the brains of Cobain.
- Are You Gonna Go Our Way by Public Enemy
- He gathered up his loved ones
And he brought them all around
To say, "Goodbye, nice try."- Let Me In by R.E.M.
- Cobain, can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station?
- Left on the floor
Leaving your body
When highs are the lows
And lows are the way** Tearjerker by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Maybe if I put a bullet in my brain
They'd remember me like Kurt Cobain
And the parasites on MTV
Would wipe their eyes and act like they knew me- The Aging Musician by The Residents
- Yeah the whole byrd gangs in here like Kurt Cobain was here.
- Santana's Town (Dipset) by Juelz Santana
- Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside her mind
When she said she thought Dave Grohl had died, and Kurt Cobain was still alive.- Murdered In The Mosh by Son of Dork
- Hard luck god, he never had a chance, you know.
Incurable romantics never do.- Heart by Stars
- There was this boy who played in a rock n' roll band
And he wasn't half bad at saving the world
She said he could do no right, so he took his life
The story is true- Too Cool Queenie by Stone Temple Pilots
- Toward another, he has gone
To breathe an air beyond his own.- About a Boy by Patti Smith
- Disturbed by the fame
Just like Kurt Cobain.- I Try by Talib Kweli
- Kurt Cobain reincarnated
Sighs and licks his face.- Don't Wake Daddy by The Tragically Hip
- So I watched pay per view and polished my shoes and my gun
Was diggin' on Kurt Cobain sing about lithium- Me and My Monkey - Robbie Williams
- He rocked the United States by flying all over the country and playing that rock and roll
He is a good singer
He is my rock star- Kurt Cobain by Wesley Willis
- Too late,
He sleeps with angels
Too soon,
He's always on someone's mind.- Sleeps With Angels by Neil Young
- Любой, имеющий в доме ружье приравнивается к Курту Кобэйну,
Любой, умеющий читать между строк обречен иметь в доме ружье...- Anyone with a shotgun at home equates to Kurt Cobain,
Anyone able to read between the lines is destined to have a shotgun at home. - Пой мне еще - Сплин
- Anyone with a shotgun at home equates to Kurt Cobain,
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