Vladimir Kvint
Dr. Vladimir Kvint is an economist
and strategist
, the President of the International Academy of Emerging Markets, and an Adjunct Professor (since 2005) at La Salle University
's School of Business (Pennsylvania, USA). In parallel, since 2007, he has been the Chair of the Department of Financial Strategy at the Moscow School of Economics of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is a Foreign Member (ad vitum) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
. In 2010 Vladimir L. Kvint, has been elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science
. In addition to his professorship, he is currently and has been a consultant to governments of several countries. Since 2009 he is the Global Head of Emerging Markets at one of the largest in the world and oldest architectural and planning company RMJM
. Dr. Kvint’s work has appeared in such well-known publications as The New York Times
and Harvard Business Review
, among others. He has been a contributor to Forbes magazine in which he published his most profound forecast on February 5, 1990, predicting the fall of the Soviet Union
. In addition, he is a member of the Editorial Boards of several professional publications.
in what was the capital of Joseph Stalin
’s infamous labor camp
, GULAG. He then moved to Norilsk
, the most northern city in the world, located 1,000 miles above the Arctic Circle
. He began his 14-year career in the non-ferrous metals industry at the age of 14 as a construction and metal worker. Most of Dr. Kvint’s education was completed in parallel with his professional and athletic activities. By the age of 27 Dr. Kvint had established himself as the Chief Economist and Vice Chairman of a major Russian high-tech company in addition to successfully earning his Ph.D. in Economics ( at age of 26 ) and being well educated in the fields of Mining-Electrical Engineering and Law.
, Dr. Kvint returned north to Norilsk, the most Northern city in the world, located above the Arctic Circle. Between 1975 and 1978, he continued his work in the mining-metallurgical industry. He founded and was Chief of the Department of Organization Management at the Norilsk Mining –Metallurgical Concern, later renamed MMC Norilsk Nickel
, which was the largest Russian enterprise (150,000 employees) and still the largest producer worldwide of nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium and osmium. Under his leadership, the company’s first General Organizational Structure, focusing on the strategic improvement of final products was developed. The theoretical results of his work were published in Moscow in 1976, "The Acceleration of the Industrial-Technical Development". This book received the U.S.S.R. Annual Award “Best Popular Scholarly Book of the Year”.
, this company became one of the first self-sufficient firms in the U.S.S.R. despite the Soviet command planning system. In addition, he was Chief of the Forecasting Economics Laboratory of the Non-ferrous Metals and Gold Industry, and prepared strategies and forecasts for the non-ferrous and precious metal
s and diamond industries.
, and was elected as the Chief of the Department of Regional Problems of Scientific-Technological Progress at the Institute of Economy and Industrial Organization of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
. The Siberian School of Economics was at that time under the leadership of the world renowned economists Abel Aganbegyan
and Leonid Kantorovich
In the Academy, Dr. Kvint found a lack of accurate empirical statistics and economic information. As a result, many economic studies based on this inaccurate information had no practical use. With Dr. Kvint’s business experience, he immediately recognized this serious problem and developed the methods of studying economic situations, natural resources, and strategic business opportunities through the organization of Complex Economic Expeditions.
In 1979 the Chairman of the Siberian branch of the Academy appointed him to head these expeditions. Several of these major expeditions were unprecedented. For example, in 1980 the academician
s ventured across the entire eight seas of the Arctic Seaway by ship, helicopter and SUV. Another economic expedition traveled through three seas along the entire Pacific Coast
of Russia to evaluate the area’s natural resources and productive forces
.[Capitalizing on the New Russia, Arcade Publishing: New York, 1993 p. 29-33]
In 1986, he wrote the report on the organization of strategic development of scientific-technological process which he brought to the attention of the USSR Council of Ministers
, explaining that without the activation of these factors, as well as the function of motivation, the Soviet Union
would have no economic future. After this predication, Dr. Kvint again faced a great deal of pressure from the Soviet power structure
.[March 7, 1990 Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow)]
In 1985, Dr. Kvint prepared his second Doctoral dissertation
on the “Regional Management of the Scientific-Technological Development of the National Economy”. Among the consequences of Dr. Kvint’s recommendations would have been the decentralization of the Soviet command economy
. As a result, he was not allowed to present his dissertation to the Scientific Council until February 1988, when he finally received the highest European scientific degree- Habilitation
-“Doctor of Sciences in Economics”. In 1989, he received the lifetime title of “Professor of Political Economy” - the highest state academic title in the former Soviet Bloc. Many years later, in 2011 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded with titlе of Honored professor of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The fundamental ideas of Dr. Kvint’s theories were explored in his dissertations and books. Since 1989, he has continued his studies in Austria
, and then in the United States
. However, the development of his theory of the Global Emerging Market has its roots in all of his years of scholarly activity. For these studies, Dr. Kvint would later receive international recognition [Kvint, Vladimir, The Global Emerging Market in Transition. Fordham University Press, 2006; Kvint Vladimir, The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics. Routledge
, New York, London, 2009].
, Switzerland
, Italy
, Belgium
, Luxembourg
, China
, the United States
, Great Britain
, and Germany
. Among his many lectures was his speech in front of the Presidium of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences. In 1989-1990, he worked as a visiting professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, an institution with more than 100 years of history. In 2009 Professor Kvint gave a lecture at London School of Economics and Political Science.,, in 2010 - in the Scottish Parliament
, and in 2011 at Imperial College London
and The University of Edinburgh.
Since 1990, Dr. Kvint has lived and worked in the United States where he has been granted citizenship. In 1990, he gave lectures and consultations in several think tank
s and leading corporations of the United States including the RAND Corp
, Kissinger Associates
, General Electric
, General Motors
, Transamerica, Timex, and the Exxon Corporation
, among others.
department at Babson College
, MA, a worldwide leading school of Entrepreneurial Studies. Following this, from 1990, until the Fall of 2004, Dr. Kvint was a Professor of Management Systems and International Business at Fordham University
's Graduate School of Business. In addition to his professorship at Fordham, from 1995 through 2000 Dr. Kvint served as an Adjunct Professor of International Business Strategy at New York University
's Stern School of Business. He developed major elements of his theory of the Global Emerging Market, presented it at many conferences and published six books and several articles in major U.S. academic and business magazines, journals and newspapers. Between 2004 and 2007, he was a Professor of International Business at the Kogod School of Business of American University
in Washington, D.C.http://www.american.edu/anewau/kvint.cfm. During this period, he taught the following courses- Fundamentals of International Business, The Global Marketplace, Export-Import Management, Comparative Management Systems and developed and taught the Global Emerging Market course for honors students. Since 2005 Vladimir Kvint is an Adjunct Professor of International Business at La Salle University in Pennsylvania.
Corporation, Cable and Wireless (of Great Britain), Timex Corporation, Tosco Corporation
, Engelhard Corporation
,and Hogan and Hartson LLP- one of the largest law firms in the world. From 1992-1998, Dr. Kvint was the Director of Emerging Markets at Arthur Andersen
, at the time, the largest professional auditing and consulting services firm in the world. This job gave him the opportunity to study emerging market countries of Latin America
, Pacific Asia, and Eastern Europe
and to implement his theory into practice. Between 1997 and 2000 Dr. Kvint was a member of the Board of Directors of PLD Telecom (later merged with Metromedia International Telecom Inc.) a publicly traded company on NASDAQ
and the Toronto Stock Exchange
His consulting and professorship activity was always used as a continuation of his studies and research activity. Dr. Kvint was the Chairman of the World Economic Development Congress' Summit for Institutional Investors (Washington D.C, 1995); the World Economic Development Congress' Global Risk Management Summit, (Washington D.C, 1996); and the International Banking Congress: US-CIS and Baltics, (NYC, 1997). He was an Economic Advisor to the President of the United Nations General Assembly
. Between 1996 and 2001, Dr. Kvint was an economic adviser to the King of Bulgaria, Simeon II. In 2001, the King returned to Bulgaria
and was elected Prime Minister. Between 2001 and 2005, Dr Kvint was an advisor to the government of Albania. Between 2006 - 2008, Dr Kvint was Chairman of the Board of Directors of seaport terminal “Morskoiy Vokzal” in Saint Petersburg
(Russia) http://portnews.ru/news/23825/.
In 1992, Dr. Kvint was awarded a two-year scholarship by the Wexner Heritage Foundation (New York City)http://www.wexnerfoundation.org/WexnerAdmin/Newsletters/10208Newsletter/tabid/306/Default.aspx and in 1993, was presented with the Faculty Scholarship Award by the University of Southern California
. In 1997, the New England
Center for International and Regional Studies (Connecticut) awarded Dr. Kvint the title of an Honorary Fellow.https://www.bridgeport.edu/pages/5224.asp?q=cache:TzJFfxRfpd4J:www.bridgeport.edu/ic/scholars.html+kvint&access=p&output=xml_no_dtd&site=default_collection&ie=UTF-8&client=default_frontend&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&oe=ISO-8859-1. He was recognized with a silver medal by Cambridge Biographical Center (England) as Outstanding Scholar of the XX Century.http://www.internationalbiographicalcentre.com/.
In 2001, as a U.S Fulbright Scholar
Award recipient, Dr. Kvint conducted studies, lectured at Vlora and Tirana Universities in Albania and provided consultations to the government of Albania http://www.cies.org/schlr_directories/usdir00/us_dir_geo.htm#Alba. For these activities, he was given an award by the U.S Department of State
(2002). In 2002, Fordham University
honored Dr. Kvint's professorship with the annual GLOBE Award.
In 2002, Dr. Kvint, together with Steve Forbes
, was awarded the Golden Crest by the Renaissance Society of Bulgaria for his role in the internationalization of Bulgarian and South European emerging markets.
In 2003 the United Nations
' International Informatization Academy recognized Dr. Kvint with a Gold Medal for his achievements in emerging markets studies. In December 2004 the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
presented Dr. Kvint with the Vladimir Vernadsky
Silver Medal and Diploma, for his development of the Theory of the Global Emerging Market.
In 2004 he was awarded with the golden crest "Mecenat" and International Award The Golden Aquarius. For his contribution to the economy of Albania
, he was awarded by Albanian government with the golden plaque “Mother Teresa
In 2005, The City Council of New York awarded Dr. Kvint with a Proclamation “for his outstanding contribution to the City, State and Nation”. In 2005, Dr Kvint was awarded by the Medal for the Promotion of International Friendship by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
In 2006, he was awarded with the “Medal for Peace in the Caspian Region” in Kazakhstan. For Dr. Kvint’s input in the drafting of law and under law regulations for the protection of foreign investments, entrepreneurship, economic freedom
and private property rights, he was awarded the title of Honorary Lawyer of Russia (2003) and the highest award for Advocacy in Russia, The Plevako Gold Medal (2006)
On September 20, 2006, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin
, Dr. Kvint was awarded with one of the highest awards of Russia - the “Order of Friendship”.http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/news.shtml?month=11&day=4&year=2006&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0&prefix=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F&value_from=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F2006%2F11%2F04&value_to=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F2006%2F11%2F04&date=4.11.2006&type=&dayRequired=no&day_enable=true#
In 2007, Dr.Kvint was declared an Honorary Member of the Albanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Dr.Kvint's contribution to the economics of the mining industry was recognized with the Gold Order “Miner of Russia” by the Highest Miner Collegian of the Russian Federation
The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Dr. Kvint with the Wassily Leontief
Memorial Medal for his studies on emerging markets (2007).
In 2010 he received International Award - Gold Kondratiev
Medal,issuing once in three years "For Achievements in Social Studies." In the same year Vladimir L. Kvint, has been elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science
"This election acknowledges Vladimir Kvint`s impact on the development of world economic science as well as his fundamental works in the global emerging market and strategic research".
He also received the title of Honorary Professor of Economics from
While his strategic analysis and forecasts of events are not infrequently outspoken, controversial, and at times even criticized as outlandish or impossible [Forbes Global, January 24, 2000 p. 24], in hindsight, they have been remarkably accurate and insightful. Indeed, it becomes evident that his forecasts are soundly grounded in detailed analysis of fact.
One of his most accurate forecasts was published in 1989, proclaiming that “by 1992 there will be no country called the Soviet Union”. In fact, the Soviet Union disappeared in December 1991. Dr. Kvint’s cover story in the February 1990 issue of Forbes Magazine was called “Russia Should Quit the Soviet Union”, and received worldwide attention.
Among his other forecasts are:
, Institutional Investor
, Journal of Accountancy, International Executive, The New York Times
, The Times
(London), Die Presse
(Austria), The New Times
(Moscow), and others.
3.The Global Emerging Market in Transition, 2006, p. 649
4.Gallus, Jacqueline, The Global Emerging Market in Transition, About the Author, p. 692
Kvint, Vladimir. The Global Emerging Market in Transition 3rd Paperback Edition. Published by Fordham University Press
, 2006
Kvint Vladimir. "Russia Should Quit the Soviet Union". Forbes Magazine. February 19, 1990
Forbes, September 16, 1991 p. 96
Kvint, Vladimir Capitalizing on the New Russia, Arcade Publishing: New York, 1993 p. 29-33
March 7, 1990 Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow)
Basler Zeitung (Basel, Switzerland), March 20, 1990, p. 1 (in Gernman) and Der Neue Tag (Bavaria Germany) November 28, 1989, p. 1
Additional works by Dr Vladimir Kvint: http://vkvint.com/documents/bibliography.doc (word doc.)-->
An economist is a professional in the social science discipline of economics. The individual may also study, develop, and apply theories and concepts from economics and write about economic policy...
and strategist
A design strategist has the ability to combine the innovative, perceptive and holistic insights of a designer with the pragmatic and systemic skills of a planner to guide strategic direction in context of business needs, brand intent, design quality and customer values...
, the President of the International Academy of Emerging Markets, and an Adjunct Professor (since 2005) at La Salle University
La Salle University
La Salle University is a private, co-educational, Roman Catholic university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. Named for St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, the school was founded in 1863 by the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. As of 2008 the school has approximately 7,554...
's School of Business (Pennsylvania, USA). In parallel, since 2007, he has been the Chair of the Department of Financial Strategy at the Moscow School of Economics of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is a Foreign Member (ad vitum) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
The Russian Academy of Sciences consists of the national academy of Russia and a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation as well as auxiliary scientific and social units like libraries, publishers and hospitals....
. In 2010 Vladimir L. Kvint, has been elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science
World Academy of Art and Science
The World Academy of Art and Science is an international non-governmental scientific organization, an informal and non-official world network of individual fellows elected for distinguished accomplishments in the fields of natural and social sciences, arts and the humanities...
. In addition to his professorship, he is currently and has been a consultant to governments of several countries. Since 2009 he is the Global Head of Emerging Markets at one of the largest in the world and oldest architectural and planning company RMJM
RMJM is an international architectural practice founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1956 by architects Robert Matthew and Stirrat Johnson-Marshall. The first offices of the practice were its headquarters in Edinburgh, and another in London...
. Dr. Kvint’s work has appeared in such well-known publications as The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization...
and Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives,...
, among others. He has been a contributor to Forbes magazine in which he published his most profound forecast on February 5, 1990, predicting the fall of the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
. In addition, he is a member of the Editorial Boards of several professional publications.
Early life
Vladimir Kvint was born the son of two professional engineers in the very heart of SiberiaSiberia
Siberia is an extensive region constituting almost all of Northern Asia. Comprising the central and eastern portion of the Russian Federation, it was part of the Soviet Union from its beginning, as its predecessor states, the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire, conquered it during the 16th...
in what was the capital of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was the Premier of the Soviet Union from 6 May 1941 to 5 March 1953. He was among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who brought about the October Revolution and had held the position of first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee...
’s infamous labor camp
Labor camp
A labor camp is a simplified detention facility where inmates are forced to engage in penal labor. Labor camps have many common aspects with slavery and with prisons...
, GULAG. He then moved to Norilsk
Norilsk is an industrial city in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, located between the Yenisei River and the Taymyr Peninsula. Population: It was granted city status in 1953. It is the northernmost city in Siberia and the world's second largest city north of the Arctic Circle...
, the most northern city in the world, located 1,000 miles above the Arctic Circle
Arctic Circle
The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. For Epoch 2011, it is the parallel of latitude that runs north of the Equator....
. He began his 14-year career in the non-ferrous metals industry at the age of 14 as a construction and metal worker. Most of Dr. Kvint’s education was completed in parallel with his professional and athletic activities. By the age of 27 Dr. Kvint had established himself as the Chief Economist and Vice Chairman of a major Russian high-tech company in addition to successfully earning his Ph.D. in Economics ( at age of 26 ) and being well educated in the fields of Mining-Electrical Engineering and Law.
Norilisk Mining - Metallurgical Concern- MMC Norilsk Nickel
Despite an invitation to work as an associate professor in MoscowMoscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, Dr. Kvint returned north to Norilsk, the most Northern city in the world, located above the Arctic Circle. Between 1975 and 1978, he continued his work in the mining-metallurgical industry. He founded and was Chief of the Department of Organization Management at the Norilsk Mining –Metallurgical Concern, later renamed MMC Norilsk Nickel
MMC Norilsk Nickel
MMC Norilsk Nickel is a nickel and palladium mining and smelting company. Its largest operations are located in the Norilsk–Talnakh area, in northern Russia. MMC stands for "Mining and Metallurgical Company"....
, which was the largest Russian enterprise (150,000 employees) and still the largest producer worldwide of nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium and osmium. Under his leadership, the company’s first General Organizational Structure, focusing on the strategic improvement of final products was developed. The theoretical results of his work were published in Moscow in 1976, "The Acceleration of the Industrial-Technical Development". This book received the U.S.S.R. Annual Award “Best Popular Scholarly Book of the Year”.
Sib Tsvemet Automatica
In 1976, Dr. Kvint was promoted to the position of Deputy Director General and Deputy Chairman of “SibTsvemetAutomatica,” a scientific-technological company, which automated the non-ferrous metals industry throughout the former U.S.S.R. [4]. He was responsible for economic policy, business planning, the organization of compensation systems, and accounting departments in this company of 5,000 employees. Under Dr. Kvint’s economic strategyEconomics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...
, this company became one of the first self-sufficient firms in the U.S.S.R. despite the Soviet command planning system. In addition, he was Chief of the Forecasting Economics Laboratory of the Non-ferrous Metals and Gold Industry, and prepared strategies and forecasts for the non-ferrous and precious metal
Precious metal
A precious metal is a rare, naturally occurring metallic chemical element of high economic value.Chemically, the precious metals are less reactive than most elements, have high lustre, are softer or more ductile, and have higher melting points than other metals...
s and diamond industries.
Arctic Seaway Economic Expedition
In 1978, he was invited to join the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet UnionRussian Academy of Sciences
The Russian Academy of Sciences consists of the national academy of Russia and a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation as well as auxiliary scientific and social units like libraries, publishers and hospitals....
, and was elected as the Chief of the Department of Regional Problems of Scientific-Technological Progress at the Institute of Economy and Industrial Organization of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Academy of Sciences
An Academy of Sciences is a national academy or another learned society dedicated to sciences.In non-English speaking countries, the range of academic fields of the members of a national Academy of Science often includes fields which would not normally be classed as "science" in English...
. The Siberian School of Economics was at that time under the leadership of the world renowned economists Abel Aganbegyan
Abel Aganbegyan
Abel Gyozevich Aganbegyan is a leading Soviet and Russian economist of Armenian descent, academic of Russian Academy of Sciences and honorary doctor of business administration of Kingston University, the founder and first editor of the journal EKO....
and Leonid Kantorovich
Leonid Kantorovich
Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich was a Soviet mathematician and economist, known for his theory and development of techniques for the optimal allocation of resources...
In the Academy, Dr. Kvint found a lack of accurate empirical statistics and economic information. As a result, many economic studies based on this inaccurate information had no practical use. With Dr. Kvint’s business experience, he immediately recognized this serious problem and developed the methods of studying economic situations, natural resources, and strategic business opportunities through the organization of Complex Economic Expeditions.
In 1979 the Chairman of the Siberian branch of the Academy appointed him to head these expeditions. Several of these major expeditions were unprecedented. For example, in 1980 the academician
The title Academician denotes a Full Member of an art, literary, or scientific academy.In many countries, it is an honorary title. There also exists a lower-rank title, variously translated Corresponding Member or Associate Member, .-Eastern Europe and China:"Academician" may also be a functional...
s ventured across the entire eight seas of the Arctic Seaway by ship, helicopter and SUV. Another economic expedition traveled through three seas along the entire Pacific Coast
Pacific Coast
A country's Pacific coast is the part of its coast bordering the Pacific Ocean.-The Americas:Countries on the western side of the Americas have a Pacific coast as their western border.* Geography of Canada* Geography of Chile* Geography of Colombia...
of Russia to evaluate the area’s natural resources and productive forces
Productive forces
Productive forces, "productive powers" or "forces of production" [in German, Produktivkräfte] is a central idea in Marxism and historical materialism....
.[Capitalizing on the New Russia, Arcade Publishing: New York, 1993 p. 29-33]
Research at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
In 1982, Dr. Kvint was elected as a Senior Researcher and then as the Head of Department and later a Leading Scholar at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences(Moscow). During these seven years he discovered and developed the concept of two new global trends: Regionalization and Technologization. He defined the category of regional scientific-technological policy and the role of this policy in the reduction of poverty and ecological protection. In the late 1980s he came up with the theory of regional and global emerging marketsEmerging markets
Emerging markets are nations with social or business activity in the process of rapid growth and industrialization. Based on data from 2006, there are around 28 emerging markets in the world . The economies of China and India are considered to be the largest...
In 1986, he wrote the report on the organization of strategic development of scientific-technological process which he brought to the attention of the USSR Council of Ministers
Council of the European Union
The Council of the European Union is the institution in the legislature of the European Union representing the executives of member states, the other legislative body being the European Parliament. The Council is composed of twenty-seven national ministers...
, explaining that without the activation of these factors, as well as the function of motivation, the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
would have no economic future. After this predication, Dr. Kvint again faced a great deal of pressure from the Soviet power structure
A hierarchy is an arrangement of items in which the items are represented as being "above," "below," or "at the same level as" one another...
.[March 7, 1990 Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow)]
In 1985, Dr. Kvint prepared his second Doctoral dissertation
A dissertation or thesis is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings...
on the “Regional Management of the Scientific-Technological Development of the National Economy”. Among the consequences of Dr. Kvint’s recommendations would have been the decentralization of the Soviet command economy
Planned economy
A planned economy is an economic system in which decisions regarding production and investment are embodied in a plan formulated by a central authority, usually by a government agency...
. As a result, he was not allowed to present his dissertation to the Scientific Council until February 1988, when he finally received the highest European scientific degree- Habilitation
Habilitation is the highest academic qualification a scholar can achieve by his or her own pursuit in several European and Asian countries. Earned after obtaining a research doctorate, such as a PhD, habilitation requires the candidate to write a professorial thesis based on independent...
-“Doctor of Sciences in Economics”. In 1989, he received the lifetime title of “Professor of Political Economy” - the highest state academic title in the former Soviet Bloc. Many years later, in 2011 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded with titlе of Honored professor of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The fundamental ideas of Dr. Kvint’s theories were explored in his dissertations and books. Since 1989, he has continued his studies in Austria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...
, and then in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
. However, the development of his theory of the Global Emerging Market has its roots in all of his years of scholarly activity. For these studies, Dr. Kvint would later receive international recognition [Kvint, Vladimir, The Global Emerging Market in Transition. Fordham University Press, 2006; Kvint Vladimir, The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics. Routledge
Routledge is a British publishing house which has operated under a succession of company names and latterly as an academic imprint. Its origins may be traced back to the 19th-century London bookseller George Routledge...
, New York, London, 2009].
European professorship and international lecturing
In 1988 and 1989, Dr. Kvint was finally allowed to travel outside of the Soviet Union, upon which he gave speeches and lectures on the results of his studies. He was invited to many universities and prestigious academic centers in AustriaAustria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...
, Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....
, Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
, Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
, Luxembourg
Luxembourg , officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , is a landlocked country in western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. It has two principal regions: the Oesling in the North as part of the Ardennes massif, and the Gutland in the south...
, China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
, the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
, Great Britain
Great Britain
Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles...
, and Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
. Among his many lectures was his speech in front of the Presidium of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences. In 1989-1990, he worked as a visiting professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, an institution with more than 100 years of history. In 2009 Professor Kvint gave a lecture at London School of Economics and Political Science.,, in 2010 - in the Scottish Parliament
Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Parliament is the devolved national, unicameral legislature of Scotland, located in the Holyrood area of the capital, Edinburgh. The Parliament, informally referred to as "Holyrood", is a democratically elected body comprising 129 members known as Members of the Scottish Parliament...
, and in 2011 at Imperial College London
Imperial College London
Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, specialising in science, engineering, business and medicine...
and The University of Edinburgh.
Since 1990, Dr. Kvint has lived and worked in the United States where he has been granted citizenship. In 1990, he gave lectures and consultations in several think tank
Think tank
A think tank is an organization that conducts research and engages in advocacy in areas such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, and technology issues. Most think tanks are non-profit organizations, which some countries such as the United States and Canada provide with tax...
s and leading corporations of the United States including the RAND Corp
RAND Corporation is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces by Douglas Aircraft Company. It is currently financed by the U.S. government and private endowment, corporations including the healthcare industry, universities...
, Kissinger Associates
Kissinger Associates
Kissinger Associates, Inc., founded in 1982, is a New York City-based international consulting firm, founded and run by Henry Kissinger, and Brent Scowcroft...
, General Electric
General Electric
General Electric Company , or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in Schenectady, New York and headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, United States...
, General Motors
General Motors
General Motors Company , commonly known as GM, formerly incorporated as General Motors Corporation, is an American multinational automotive corporation headquartered in Detroit, Michigan and the world's second-largest automaker in 2010...
, Transamerica, Timex, and the Exxon Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation or ExxonMobil, is an American multinational oil and gas corporation. It is a direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company, and was formed on November 30, 1999, by the merger of Exxon and Mobil. Its headquarters are in Irving, Texas...
, among others.
Professorship in the U.S.A.
Dr. Kvint’s first professorship was in International EconomicsInternational economics
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity of international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the institutions that affect them...
department at Babson College
Babson College
Babson College is a private business school located in Wellesley, Massachusetts near Boston.- History :Babson College was founded by Roger Babson on September 3, 1919, as the Babson Institute. It was renamed "Babson College" in 1969...
, MA, a worldwide leading school of Entrepreneurial Studies. Following this, from 1990, until the Fall of 2004, Dr. Kvint was a Professor of Management Systems and International Business at Fordham University
Fordham University
Fordham University is a private, nonprofit, coeducational research university in the United States, with three campuses in and around New York City. It was founded by the Roman Catholic Diocese of New York in 1841 as St...
's Graduate School of Business. In addition to his professorship at Fordham, from 1995 through 2000 Dr. Kvint served as an Adjunct Professor of International Business Strategy at New York University
New York University
New York University is a private, nonsectarian research university based in New York City. NYU's main campus is situated in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan...
's Stern School of Business. He developed major elements of his theory of the Global Emerging Market, presented it at many conferences and published six books and several articles in major U.S. academic and business magazines, journals and newspapers. Between 2004 and 2007, he was a Professor of International Business at the Kogod School of Business of American University
American University
American University is a private, Methodist, liberal arts, and research university in Washington, D.C. The university was chartered by an Act of Congress on December 5, 1892 as "The American University", which was approved by President Benjamin Harrison on February 24, 1893...
in Washington, D.C.http://www.american.edu/anewau/kvint.cfm. During this period, he taught the following courses- Fundamentals of International Business, The Global Marketplace, Export-Import Management, Comparative Management Systems and developed and taught the Global Emerging Market course for honors students. Since 2005 Vladimir Kvint is an Adjunct Professor of International Business at La Salle University in Pennsylvania.
U.S. and European consulting practice and directorship
Since 1989, Dr. Kvint has been an Economic Consultant to the General ElectricGeneral Electric
General Electric Company , or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in Schenectady, New York and headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, United States...
Corporation, Cable and Wireless (of Great Britain), Timex Corporation, Tosco Corporation
Tosco Corporation
Tosco was an independent US based petroleum refining and marketing corporation. It was founded in 1955 in Santa Monica, California by A&P heir Huntington Hartford, and originally focused on extracting oil from oil shale and developing alternative energy sources.-Oil shale operations:In 1964...
, Engelhard Corporation
Engelhard Corporation is a former American Fortune 500 company headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey, USA. It is credited with developing the first production catalytic converter. In 2006, the German chemical manufacturer BASF bought Engelhard for $US5 billion....
,and Hogan and Hartson LLP- one of the largest law firms in the world. From 1992-1998, Dr. Kvint was the Director of Emerging Markets at Arthur Andersen
Arthur Andersen
Arthur Andersen LLP, based in Chicago, was once one of the "Big Five" accounting firms among PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and KPMG, providing auditing, tax, and consulting services to large corporations...
, at the time, the largest professional auditing and consulting services firm in the world. This job gave him the opportunity to study emerging market countries of Latin America
Latin America
Latin America is a region of the Americas where Romance languages – particularly Spanish and Portuguese, and variably French – are primarily spoken. Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,500 km² , almost 3.9% of the Earth's surface or 14.1% of its land surface area...
, Pacific Asia, and Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe is the eastern part of Europe. The term has widely disparate geopolitical, geographical, cultural and socioeconomic readings, which makes it highly context-dependent and even volatile, and there are "almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region"...
and to implement his theory into practice. Between 1997 and 2000 Dr. Kvint was a member of the Board of Directors of PLD Telecom (later merged with Metromedia International Telecom Inc.) a publicly traded company on NASDAQ
The NASDAQ Stock Market, also known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. "NASDAQ" originally stood for "National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations". It is the second-largest stock exchange by market capitalization in the world, after the New York Stock Exchange. As of...
and the Toronto Stock Exchange
Toronto Stock Exchange
Toronto Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Canada, the third largest in North America and the seventh largest in the world by market capitalisation. Based in Canada's largest city, Toronto, it is owned by and operated as a subsidiary of the TMX Group for the trading of senior equities...
His consulting and professorship activity was always used as a continuation of his studies and research activity. Dr. Kvint was the Chairman of the World Economic Development Congress' Summit for Institutional Investors (Washington D.C, 1995); the World Economic Development Congress' Global Risk Management Summit, (Washington D.C, 1996); and the International Banking Congress: US-CIS and Baltics, (NYC, 1997). He was an Economic Advisor to the President of the United Nations General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly
For two articles dealing with membership in the General Assembly, see:* General Assembly members* General Assembly observersThe United Nations General Assembly is one of the five principal organs of the United Nations and the only one in which all member nations have equal representation...
. Between 1996 and 2001, Dr. Kvint was an economic adviser to the King of Bulgaria, Simeon II. In 2001, the King returned to Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
and was elected Prime Minister. Between 2001 and 2005, Dr Kvint was an advisor to the government of Albania. Between 2006 - 2008, Dr Kvint was Chairman of the Board of Directors of seaport terminal “Morskoiy Vokzal” in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...
(Russia) http://portnews.ru/news/23825/.
For the development of the theory of regional scientific-technological programs, Vladimir Kvint was awarded with Silver Medal “For The Achievements in National Economy”, 1986 (Russia), Artiom award, 1986 (Ukraine), and Proclamation of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986 (Russia)In 1992, Dr. Kvint was awarded a two-year scholarship by the Wexner Heritage Foundation (New York City)http://www.wexnerfoundation.org/WexnerAdmin/Newsletters/10208Newsletter/tabid/306/Default.aspx and in 1993, was presented with the Faculty Scholarship Award by the University of Southern California
University of Southern California
The University of Southern California is a private, not-for-profit, nonsectarian, research university located in Los Angeles, California, United States. USC was founded in 1880, making it California's oldest private research university...
. In 1997, the New England
New England
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut...
Center for International and Regional Studies (Connecticut) awarded Dr. Kvint the title of an Honorary Fellow.https://www.bridgeport.edu/pages/5224.asp?q=cache:TzJFfxRfpd4J:www.bridgeport.edu/ic/scholars.html+kvint&access=p&output=xml_no_dtd&site=default_collection&ie=UTF-8&client=default_frontend&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&oe=ISO-8859-1. He was recognized with a silver medal by Cambridge Biographical Center (England) as Outstanding Scholar of the XX Century.http://www.internationalbiographicalcentre.com/.
In 2001, as a U.S Fulbright Scholar
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program, including the Fulbright-Hays Program, is a program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946. Under the...
Award recipient, Dr. Kvint conducted studies, lectured at Vlora and Tirana Universities in Albania and provided consultations to the government of Albania http://www.cies.org/schlr_directories/usdir00/us_dir_geo.htm#Alba. For these activities, he was given an award by the U.S Department of State
United States Department of State
The United States Department of State , is the United States federal executive department responsible for international relations of the United States, equivalent to the foreign ministries of other countries...
(2002). In 2002, Fordham University
Fordham University
Fordham University is a private, nonprofit, coeducational research university in the United States, with three campuses in and around New York City. It was founded by the Roman Catholic Diocese of New York in 1841 as St...
honored Dr. Kvint's professorship with the annual GLOBE Award.
In 2002, Dr. Kvint, together with Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes
Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes, Jr. is an American editor, publisher, and businessman. He is the editor-in-chief of business magazine Forbes as well as president and chief executive officer of its publisher, Forbes Inc. He was a Republican candidate in the U.S. Presidential primaries in 1996...
, was awarded the Golden Crest by the Renaissance Society of Bulgaria for his role in the internationalization of Bulgarian and South European emerging markets.
In 2003 the United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...
' International Informatization Academy recognized Dr. Kvint with a Gold Medal for his achievements in emerging markets studies. In December 2004 the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Academy of Natural Sciences
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, formerly Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, is the oldest natural science research institution and museum in the New World...
presented Dr. Kvint with the Vladimir Vernadsky
Vladimir Vernadsky
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky was a Russian/Ukrainian and Soviet mineralogist and geochemist who is considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and of radiogeology. His ideas of noosphere were an important contribution to Russian cosmism. He also worked in Ukraine where he...
Silver Medal and Diploma, for his development of the Theory of the Global Emerging Market.
In 2004 he was awarded with the golden crest "Mecenat" and International Award The Golden Aquarius. For his contribution to the economy of Albania
Economy of Albania
The economy of Albania has undergone a transition from its communist past into an open-market economy in the early 1990s. Although the country is rich in natural resources, the economy is mainly bolstered by emigrant annual remittances, the informal economy, and the services and agricultural...
, he was awarded by Albanian government with the golden plaque “Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa , born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu , was a Roman Catholic nun of Albanian ethnicity and Indian citizenship, who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, in 1950...
In 2005, The City Council of New York awarded Dr. Kvint with a Proclamation “for his outstanding contribution to the City, State and Nation”. In 2005, Dr Kvint was awarded by the Medal for the Promotion of International Friendship by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
In 2006, he was awarded with the “Medal for Peace in the Caspian Region” in Kazakhstan. For Dr. Kvint’s input in the drafting of law and under law regulations for the protection of foreign investments, entrepreneurship, economic freedom
Economic freedom
Economic freedom is a term used in economic and policy debates. As with freedom generally, there are various definitions, but no universally accepted concept of economic freedom...
and private property rights, he was awarded the title of Honorary Lawyer of Russia (2003) and the highest award for Advocacy in Russia, The Plevako Gold Medal (2006)
On September 20, 2006, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation
President of the Russian Federation
The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, supreme commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within the Russian Federation...
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin served as the second President of the Russian Federation and is the current Prime Minister of Russia, as well as chairman of United Russia and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Russia and Belarus. He became acting President on 31 December 1999, when...
, Dr. Kvint was awarded with one of the highest awards of Russia - the “Order of Friendship”.http://president.kremlin.ru/eng/sdocs/news.shtml?month=11&day=4&year=2006&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0&prefix=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F&value_from=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F2006%2F11%2F04&value_to=%2Feng%2Fincludes%2Fnews%2F2006%2F11%2F04&date=4.11.2006&type=&dayRequired=no&day_enable=true#
In 2007, Dr.Kvint was declared an Honorary Member of the Albanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Dr.Kvint's contribution to the economics of the mining industry was recognized with the Gold Order “Miner of Russia” by the Highest Miner Collegian of the Russian Federation
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Dr. Kvint with the Wassily Leontief
Wassily Leontief
Wassily Wassilyovich Leontief , was a Russian-American economist notable for his research on how changes in one economic sector may have an effect on other sectors. Leontief won the Nobel Committee's Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1973, and three of his doctoral students have also...
Memorial Medal for his studies on emerging markets (2007).
In 2010 he received International Award - Gold Kondratiev
Kondratiev, Kondratyev or Kondratieff is a Slavic surname.Famous persons with this last name include:* Nikolai Kondratiev , Russian economist, responsible for the Kondratiev wave* Dmitri Kondratyev, cosmonaut...
Medal,issuing once in three years "For Achievements in Social Studies." In the same year Vladimir L. Kvint, has been elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Art and Science
World Academy of Art and Science
The World Academy of Art and Science is an international non-governmental scientific organization, an informal and non-official world network of individual fellows elected for distinguished accomplishments in the fields of natural and social sciences, arts and the humanities...
"This election acknowledges Vladimir Kvint`s impact on the development of world economic science as well as his fundamental works in the global emerging market and strategic research".
Honorary doctorates and honorary professorships
Dr. Kvint was awarded with Honorary Doctor Degrees from:- University of BridgeportUniversity of BridgeportThe University of Bridgeport is a private, independent, non-sectarian, coeducational university located on the Long Island Sound in the South End neighborhood of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The University is fully Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges...
(USA),1997 - Vlora Technological University (Albania)University of VloraUniversity of VloraThe University Ismail Qemali Vlorë is a state supported university in Vlora, Albania, founded as Universiteti Teknologjik Ismail Qemali i Vlorës in 1994.- See also :* List of universities in Albania* List of colleges and universities...
, 2004 - The Academy of Public Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (Russia), 2004
- Donetsk National Technical UniversityDonetsk National Technical UniversityDonetsk National Technical University is the biggest and oldest higher education establishment in Donbas, founded in 1921. It is located in Donetsk, Ukraine. In its early years, it was attended by Nikita Khrushchev.- External links :* ,...
(Ukraine), 2007
He also received the title of Honorary Professor of Economics from
- The Graduate Institute of Oil and Gas (Kazakhstan), 2006
- St. Petersburg Academy of ManagementAcademy of ManagementThe Academy of Management is a professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations. The Academy of Management was established in 1936...
and Economics (Russia) 2006.http://aing-atr.boom.ru/rucov.htm
Topics of research and forecasts
35 years of Dr. Kvint's research and scholarly activity have been dedicated to the creation of theories on new regional economic development and strategy and emerging market countries. Among Dr. Kvint's achievements are:- Theory of Regionalization of Scientific-Technological Progress
- an evaluation of the role of the scientific-technical strategy in the regional economy
- the development of the methodology of strategic regional programs
- the Theory of the Global Emerging Market
- the system of business strategies in emerging market countries
- the development of economic strategic systems of production and distribution of ethanol and other bio-fuels.
While his strategic analysis and forecasts of events are not infrequently outspoken, controversial, and at times even criticized as outlandish or impossible [Forbes Global, January 24, 2000 p. 24], in hindsight, they have been remarkably accurate and insightful. Indeed, it becomes evident that his forecasts are soundly grounded in detailed analysis of fact.
One of his most accurate forecasts was published in 1989, proclaiming that “by 1992 there will be no country called the Soviet Union”. In fact, the Soviet Union disappeared in December 1991. Dr. Kvint’s cover story in the February 1990 issue of Forbes Magazine was called “Russia Should Quit the Soviet Union”, and received worldwide attention.
Among his other forecasts are:
- accurate prediction of exchange rateExchange rateIn finance, an exchange rate between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another. It is also regarded as the value of one country’s currency in terms of another currency...
between East and West Deutsche Mark during unification of Germany [Basler Zeitung (Basel, Switzerland), March 20, 1990, p. 1 (in Gernman) and Der Neue Tag (Bavaria Germany) November 28, 1989, p. 1]
- prediction of an early resignation of President Boris YeltsinBoris YeltsinBoris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was the first President of the Russian Federation, serving from 1991 to 1999.Originally a supporter of Mikhail Gorbachev, Yeltsin emerged under the perestroika reforms as one of Gorbachev's most powerful political opponents. On 29 May 1990 he was elected the chairman of...
and his replacement by a successor in uniform http://vkvint.com/documents/the_last_days_of_boris_yeltsin.pdf
Published works
Dr. Kvint is the author of 21 books and over 450 articles. Many of his articles have been published and translated around the world, including in Forbes Magazine, the Harvard Business ReviewHarvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives,...
, Institutional Investor
Institutional investor
Institutional investors are organizations which pool large sums of money and invest those sums in securities, real property and other investment assets...
, Journal of Accountancy, International Executive, The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization...
, The Times
The Times
The Times is a British daily national newspaper, first published in London in 1785 under the title The Daily Universal Register . The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times are published by Times Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary since 1981 of News International...
(London), Die Presse
Die Presse
Die Presse is an Austrian daily newspaper based in Vienna. It was founded in 1946 by World War II resistance fighter Ernst Molden and stands in tradition of the Viennese newspapers "Die Presse" and "Neue Freie Presse" . The paper covers general news topics...
(Austria), The New Times
The New Times (Russia)
The New Times, or Novoye Vremya , is a Russian language magazine in Russia established in 1943 in the Soviet Union. It is a small, liberal, independent Russian weekly news magazine, publishing for Russia and Armenia. During the Soviet times it followed the official line...
(Moscow), and others.
- The Acceleration of Technological Development of Production, Moscow, 1976
- The Introduction and Use of Automation Systems: Regional Economic Aspect, Moscow, 1981
- The Krasnoyarsk Economic Experiment, Moscow, 1982
- The Polar Star Above Us, Moscow, 1984
- Management of Scientific Technological Progress: Regional Aspect, Moscow, Nauka, 1986
- Economic and Scientific- Technical Information (Co-Author), Moscow, 1987
- The Development of the Economy of Daghestan (Co-Author), Makhachkala, Daghestan, 1988
- Capitalizing on the New Russia (The Barefoot Shoemaker), Arcade, New York, 1993
- Creating and Managing International Joint Ventures(Co-author), Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut, London, 1996
- Emerging Market of Russia: Sourcebook for Investment and Trade,(Author, Editor-In-Chief), John Wiley & Sons, New York,( also published in Singapore, Toronto - Canada, Chichester - UK, Weinheim - Germany, Brisbane - Australia), 1998
- The Global Emerging Market in Transition, Fordham University Press, 1999, 2000. 2nd Extended Edition, New York, 2004, 2006.
- This book was the subject of a special conference in the UNUnited NationsThe United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...
headquarters in New York City in 1999.
- This book was the subject of a special conference in the UN
- International M&A, Joint Ventures and Beyond,(Co-Author), John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998, 2002.
- Investing Under Fire:Winning Strategies, (Co-Author), Bloomberg Press, New York, 2003.
- With co-authors including General Wesley K. ClarkWesley ClarkWesley Kanne Clark, Sr., is a retired general of the United States Army. Graduating as valedictorian of the class of 1966 at West Point, he was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford where he obtained a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and later graduated from the...
, Ambassador Dennis RossDennis RossDennis B. Ross is an American diplomat and author. He has served as the Director of Policy Planning in the State Department under President George H. W...
, and Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs InternationalGoldman SachsThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American multinational bulge bracket investment banking and securities firm that engages in global investment banking, securities, investment management, and other financial services primarily with institutional clients...
, Robert D. Hormats. Kvint's contribution considered how to calculate the risk of foreign direct investmentForeign direct investmentForeign direct investment or foreign investment refers to the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor.. It is the sum of equity capital,other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown in...
in emerging market countries.
- With co-authors including General Wesley K. Clark
- The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics, Routledge, New York, London, 2009.
- This book was the subject of UN Social and Economic Council symposium in the UN headquarters in New York City in February 2009.
- Business and Strategic Management, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2010.
Ignore this section - work notes
http://www.vkvint.com3.The Global Emerging Market in Transition, 2006, p. 649
4.Gallus, Jacqueline, The Global Emerging Market in Transition, About the Author, p. 692
Kvint, Vladimir. The Global Emerging Market in Transition 3rd Paperback Edition. Published by Fordham University Press
Fordham University Press
The Fordham University Press is a publishing house, a division of Fordham University, that publishes primarily in the humanities and the social sciences...
, 2006
Kvint Vladimir. "Russia Should Quit the Soviet Union". Forbes Magazine. February 19, 1990
Forbes, September 16, 1991 p. 96
Kvint, Vladimir Capitalizing on the New Russia, Arcade Publishing: New York, 1993 p. 29-33
March 7, 1990 Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow)
Basler Zeitung (Basel, Switzerland), March 20, 1990, p. 1 (in Gernman) and Der Neue Tag (Bavaria Germany) November 28, 1989, p. 1
Additional works by Dr Vladimir Kvint: http://vkvint.com/documents/bibliography.doc (word doc.)-->