Soviet characters of Command & Conquer
This page lists characters of the Soviet Union
in the Command & Conquer: Red Alert series
of computer and video games
The Premier
and General Secretary
of the Soviet Union, who is based on the real life Joseph Stalin
The Soviet campaign leader, he is backed up by Nadia, General Gradenko, General Georgi Kukov, and Kane.
In the Soviet victory, Great Britain
has been conquered and Stalin is seen celebrating. However, in a plot devised by Stalin's shadowy advisor Kane, Nadia kills Stalin. After drinking poisoned tea prepared by Nadia, Stalin dies and the fate of the Soviet Union remains a mystery.
In the Allied victory movie, after being severely wounded during the siege and capture of Moscow
, he is smothered to death by Stavros.
See the main article: Kane (Command & Conquer)
The mastermind of the Brotherhood of Nod in the Tiberium series, who appears several times throughout the Soviet campaign as a mysterious counselor to Joseph Stalin. In the (noncanonical) end of the Soviet campaign, Nadia assassinates Stalin, proclaiming her secret membership of the Brotherhood; however, when she comments that the commander would serve as a puppet leader for the foreseeable future, Kane shoots her, exclaiming "I am the future". He does not appear in the Red Alert series after that.
His appearance in the game serves as the key confirmation that the Tiberium series take place in the Red Alert universe.
However, as he does not appear again in the timeline after the Allied victory over the Soviets in Red Alert, it may be surmised that the Tiberium timeline only results from a Soviet victory in Red Alert 1 and the subsequent Red Alert 2 & 3 timelines are completely separate from the main Tiberium universe.
A competent military officer who commanded Red Army
troops in the conquest of East Asia
. His success there resulted in his promotion to Marshal and won him an advisory position to Joseph Stalin during the subsequent war in Europe
. Though Gradenko had been an outstanding strategist, he made a number of mistakes at the beginning of this new war which included the loss of the USSR's stockpiles of nerve gas, a critical element in Stalin's original plans. Nadia, who was Gradenko's main opponent at the head of the Communist Party
, convinced Stalin of Gradenko's incompetence. To prove his loyalty, Gradenko was forced by Stalin to sign the death warrants of Soviet generals who Stalin claimed were plotting to assassinate him.
Gradenko was the Soviet leader who was most suspicious of the "General" (the player) and seemed to have a somewhat aggressive attitude towards him. He was also the general who informed Stalin of the Allied Chronosphere project, something that led to Stalin's obsession with seizing it. Neither Gradenko nor his fellow general Kukov were informed of the Iron Curtain project. Nor were either of them (or Stalin for that matter) aware of the true powers within the Communist Party: Kane, the leader of Nod, and Nadia, who served as his deputy.
After numerous failures, Gradenko was killed by poisoned tea served by Nadia and replaced by General Georgi Kukov. Gradenko was subsequently proclaimed a traitor to the Soviet Union.
The chief of the NKVD
, she often gives the player specific assignments as the intelligence officer. Secretly, Nadia actually is a member of the Brotherhood of Nod society, which is featured prominently in the Tiberian series
, as revealed in the final Soviet cutscene. Several scenes hint that she was Stalin's mistress
as well.
Nadia is shown to favor the player over the other Soviet officers, Gradenko and Kukov. She serves poisoned tea to Gradenko, killing him painfully as a punishment for his incompetence. In the end of the Soviet campaign, she poisons Stalin, and shoots him four times in the stomach and once in the eye. She is killed by Kane with a gunshot through her back in the final Soviet ending video, the latter apparently having lost the need for her.
She is famous for her poisoned teas, exclaiming "I prepared it myself" when both Stalin and Gradenko comment on its good taste, and her quote "You bastard pig! You'll never touch me with your filthy hands again!".
The commander of the Red Army
, who was inspired by Georgi Zhukov's figure. Unlike Zhukov, Kukov is depicted as a poor strategist. Showing great individual bravery during the (fictional) capture of Berlin
, Kukov was promoted to a general. He took part in the conspiracy against Field Marshal Gradenko, and Joseph Stalin made him his main advisor. He is killed thanks to his own blunder—when the player is required to capture the Allied Chronosphere (Mission 13) and fails, Kukov blames the player saying he is a horrible strategist, but Nadia counters by saying Kukov's intelligence was the true reason: Kukov had apparently overlooked another Allied base and forgot to inform the player of said base. Needless to say Stalin is furious and kills Kukov by breaking his neck.
A high ranked Soviet military commander and mentor to the player. He only appears during Red Alert: Retaliation. After the final Soviet mission in retaliation, Topolov retires, leaving his "drafty corner office" to the player. Unlike the other Red Alert Soviet military personnel, Topolov is not scheming or manipulative, instead acting friendly towards the commander (after the first mission he says: "I like you – I like you very much; and I'm Russian – I do not like anybody! – But I drink to you, comrade.").
. Due to his cybernetic augmentation he is immune to the Chrono Legionnaire's Neutron Rifle, and the only infantry unit who can safely use the chronosphere.
Chitzkoi is similar to the standard Attack Dogs used by the Soviets, although with a greatly increased attack range, and more health. Volkov and Chitzkoi reappear in the Mental Omega
mod for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.
The eccentric Premier of the Soviet Union following the death of Joseph Stalin, and launches an attack on the United States
. Romanov has a painted turtle
named Sam, after Uncle Sam
. Though he is shown to very ruthless, he is an extremely comical figure and is very prone to make a fool of himself in when things are not going his way.
Romanov is a distant relative of Nicholas II
, the last Tsar of Russia, and—despite the purge of his extended family
—he is also a Bolshevik. He is appointed by the Allied commanders to be the puppet head of the Soviet Union after its defeat following Stalin's invasion of Europe (which took place in Command & Conquer: Red Alert
). Romanov at first acquiesces to the demands the victorious Allies make, though he begins to build up a sizable military again for "defense purposes", and acquires one of Stalin's former psychics, Yuri, as his advisor. He shifts away from the western bloc diplomatically as well, stressing his belief in world revolution
and forming the World Socialist Alliance (with Yuri's aid) for "peaceful" purposes. Romanov's true agenda is to use the World Socialist Alliance to begin a new war against the United States using masses of troops from all of the Second World
's countries to swarm over the U.S. border with Mexico. Romanov's advisor Yuri provides the Soviets with numerous psychic technologies which Romanov implements all over the United States, most notably to mind control civilian populations to stop resistance using psychic beacons, and to mind control the soldiers in the United States' nuclear silos to prevent ICBMs from being used in the war.
In the Soviet campaign of Red Alert 2, Yuri gradually applies psychic pressure until he can mind control Romanov to give him command of the Soviet Union's armed forces, and then has Romanov brutally murdered. Before his death in the Soviet campaign, Romanov records a message on a VHS cassette detailing his plight which is sent to the player. The message gives the player full command over the Soviet troops and to "take my country back for the glory of Russia, and the spirit of justice". This ending is not canonical, as Romanov is still alive at the events of the Yuri's Revenge expansion and the Allies have won the war, where in the ending of the game for the Soviets has the player conquering the world and destroying the Kremlin
, and has all of the original major Soviet characters, except for Lieutenant Zofia and the commander, killed.
In the Allied campaign of Red Alert 2, the Allies invade Moscow, and special agent Tanya arrests Romanov in the Moscow Kremlin
, where he is found with body doubles, while hiding under his desk wearing white boxers with hammers and sickles stamped all over them.
At the start of the Soviet campaign of Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Romanov is imprisoned in the Tower of London
. From his cell, he contacts "Comrade General" (the player) and Lt. Zofia in order to give them a message for his past self, containing warnings about the way Allies won the war using Einstein's Chronosphere technology, as well as information of Yuri's betrayal. After receiving the message, the Romanov from the past instructs the player to destroy professor Albert Einstein's laboratory, thus guaranteeing a victory in the war against the Allies. After his plane is shot down in Morocco
he escapes from Yuri's forces. Romanov is only controlable on that mission. He does nothing much, but must be escorted to an airbase and protected from mind control and being killed. Then he sends the player on missions to crush Yuri and his mind-controlled armies throughout the world and even on the moon. In the ending, the world is conquered by the Soviets and Romanov's ambitious space programs expand the socialist world throughout the Solar System
In the Allied campaign of Yuri's Revenge the Allies still manage to win the war against him. After he surrenders, he meets with the other leaders of the international community in the Parliament building and they write up and ratify a treaty forming a military alliance to defeat Yuri for once and for all. It is assumed he retains control over the Soviet Union after Yuri is defeated.
In the beginning of Red Alert 3 due to the timeline of Yuri's Revenge he's not imprisoned as stated in Red Alert 2. As the Allies move in towards Moscow he's mentioned to have left his office early in order to escape the Allies. It's presumed that with the elimination of Einstein he never assumed power. This ambiguous disappearance of Romanov might be chalked up to the fact that Worth died in 2007, a year before the release of Red Alert 3.
A loyal and experienced general of the Soviet Union, and its most senior commander. He is well liked by Premier Romanov, who is often wary of sending the other general (the player) out to face enemies without Vladimir's aid in the Soviet missions.
As the Soviets, the player is forced to work under Vladimir's command in attacking a naval base in Florida. Vladimir gets back to Moscow first, however, and takes all of the glory for the operation (which the player is responsible for the vast majority of - at the beginning of the mission, Vladimir recklessly rushes into battle with his command ship, and is quickly forced to retreat by the Allied navy) Yuri uses the excuse that Vladimir is too ambitious and power hungry considering his lack of military achievement, and when Romanov later wants to use Vladimir to defend Vladivostok
from a South Korean attack. Yuri first tries to discourage the notion and then shows that Vladimir is currently in a hot tub with two girls in bikinis. This apparently makes Romanov think less of Vladimir, as in the briefing for the next mission he has succumbed to some of Yuri's psychic pressure and promotes Yuri to Generalissimo of the Soviet Union
When Yuri takes Romanov's place after murdering Romanov, he declares Vladimir an enemy of the people
and a nonperson
and orders the player to kill him. Vladimir, who has taken up refuge in occupied Washington, D.C.
, desperately tries to convince the player of Yuri's treachery but to no avail. The player is forced to capture him in order to proceed to the point where it is found out that Yuri is a traitor.
As the Allies, the player fights against Vladimir at least once, in Chicago. This particular mission ends with a transmission to the player showing Vladimir pressing a button to launch a nuclear missile at the city. During the briefings for several other Allied missions, the player is told that Vladimir is commanding the Soviet forces.
In Red Alert 2, his fate in the Allied campaign and the expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge, is unclear, as it's never stated what happened to him after the war and he doesn't appear in either the Allied and Soviet campaigns in Yuri's Revenge. As the General who ordered the nuclear destruction of Chicago, it can be assumed he was put on trial for war crimes, and possibly executed. In the Soviet campaign, Vladimir is killed by Yuri using his Psychic abilities, after Vladimir rebelled against Yuri's plot to control Soviet Russia and the latter ordered the player to defeat his forces in Washington, D.C.
The Soviet Commander's advisor of Bulgarian
descent, and the Soviet equivalent of Lieutenant Eva Lee, who advises to the player in the Allied campaign. In both the original game and the expansion pack, she plays little to no other role than being a nonetheless competent assistant to the player. She shows great esteem and loyalty towards both the player and Premier Romanov, and seems to be completely devoid of any ulterior motivation. On rare occasions, she displays what seems to be outbursts of affection for the Commander.
Zofia's only active involvement in a combat operation is perhaps during the Soviet ending of Yuri's Revenge expansion pack, where she overloads Yuri's time machine, sending him to the time of the dinosaur
s, where it is assumed that he is eaten by a Tyrannosaurus rex
rifle which is effective against both vehicles and infantry. He can destroy entire buildings by pointing at them with a laser and calling in an airstrike from MiG-29s
He came to be the foremost and mainly used character of the Soviets in some of their missions, specifically speaking, in capturing the time machine. It is said he is a 'hero of all Russia' after distinguishing himself in the last war, although he is never seen in Red Alert 2
His image never seen during any FMV sequences in Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.
Yuri plays a key part in both the preparation and execution of the Soviet invasion of the U.S.
, using his mind-control technology to prevent nuclear
retaliation, and later to turn the American population into mindless slaves via giant Psychic Beacons.
In the Soviet campaign, Yuri initially serves as an advisor to Premier Romanov and the commander of the Psychic Corps of the Soviet Army
. The Premier favors General Vladimir, whom Yuri sees as incompetent. Yuri uses his influence on Romanov to give the command over important battles to the player. As the war progresses successfully, Yuri replaces Romanov as supreme commander of the Soviet army, eventually removing the latter from office completely, claiming the Premier has "fallen ill". Vladimir accuses him of treason. After ignoring Vladimir's accusations for a while, Yuri claims that Romanov has been murdered by Vladimir and declares him a nonperson
. When Vladimir is captured (never to be seen again), Yuri sends members of his "psi corps" to mind control the American President
. When the mission is successful, Yuri realizes the commander he himself so advocated to advance has become too powerful within the army. He then invites the player to come to Moscow
, to "personally thank" him for their services. Simultaneously, a video recording made by Romanov prior to his death reveals that Yuri was actually the mastermind behind his death, controlling him and then disposing of him. The player then destroys the Kremlin
, trapping Yuri under the debris. The Soviets then capture Yuri's files to locate the last remaining Allied base. At the end of the Soviet campaign, a human brain
is shown floating in a jar, and Yuri's voice whispers that he would have liked to have read the player's mind, and that "he may still have a chance".
In the Allied campaign, after a brief appearance in a mission briefing, he is nowhere to be seen. It's assumed that he is gathering his forces and is in San Francisco, setting up the Psychic Dominator as seen in the beginning of Yuri's Revenge.
In the expansion pack Yuri's Revenge, the Allies have won. Yuri returns and serves as the main villain in both campaigns. Yuri then resurfaces with an army of his own and a plot to take over the world with mind-controlling Psychic Dominators affecting nearly every country. Yuri personally announces the activation of this network to President Dugan. The latter orders an airstrike
on the nearest Dominator, damaging its power generator and saving the San Francisco area and his command center from falling under Yuri's control. However, the majority of humanity succumbs to Yuri's dominance permanently. The Allies and Soviets both take up arms against Yuri, using the Allied-built time machine
to travel back in time and stop Yuri from carrying out his plan.
In the Soviet campaign, the Soviets change the outcome of the previous war in their favor by destroying Albert Einstein's laboratory and Chronosphere and gain control of the Allied armies (The player plays the opposing side of an Allied mission from Red Alert 2, in which the player had to defend the lab and Chronosphere. Hence, the mission's name "Operation Deja Vu
"). Shortly after, Yuri's forces intercept Premier Romanov's plane, and attempt to capture him when the latter survives the crash. The attempt fails. Yuri constructs a massive fleet of Boomer submarine
s to take out the world's major cities. When the fleet is sunk, Yuri launches a space mission towards the Moon
. Soviet troops follow this mission and destroy Yuri's new Moon base. Eventually, Soviet and Allied armies defeat Yuri in his family castle in Transylvania
but manages to escape using the time machine captured in the beginning of the campaign. However Lt. Zofia and the commander find out about Yuri's plan and force the time machine to malfunction, sending him in the prehistoric era where he is killed by a T-Rex.
In the Allied campaign, Yuri captures Hollywood and starts "recycling
" its population in Grinders to fuel his war effort. Movie star
s, such as "Flint Westwood
", "Arnie Frankenfurter
", and Sammy Stallion
" aid the Allies in foiling this plot. Yuri then turns his attention to Seattle and "Massivesoft
", using the company's R&D teams to advance his genetic
research (which later manifests in a mutation
inducing device), as well as blackmail
ing its owner for money. Yuri also threatens the city with a nuclear missile, but the Allies push his forces out using a weather-control machine. Next, professor Albert Einstein is kidnapped at Yuri's orders. The former's expertise is used to try and accelerate the construction of Yuri's global network of Psychic Dominators, but Einstein sabotages the one he is assigned to in Egypt
and is later rescued by Tanya Adams. Yuri launches a cloning
operation in Australia
, attempting to replace the world's leaders with clones. When this fails, he mind controls Lt. Eva Lee into revealing the secret location of a convention where the aforementioned leaders gather to sign a military cooperation treaty between the Allies and Soviets. A direct assault on the London Houses of Parliament
ensues. After the assault fails, Yuri is tracked down by Lt. Eva, allowing the Allies and Soviets to finally destroy the last Psychic Dominator and capture him in Antarctica.
The Allies capture Yuri in Antarctica and haul him to prison. There he is put inside Doctor Einstein's latest invention, the Psychic Isolation Chamber, which is used to strip Yuri of his mind control abilities, guarded by security personnel with headsets that block psychic transmission. There, it is assumed Yuri remains in prison for the rest of his life. As General Carville put it: "He won't be able to mind control a fly."
Yuri's ability to mind control animals is arbitrary - he is unable to control attack dogs, the T-Rex that killed him when he transported back to the Jurassic Period, and other dinosaurs encountered during the game. He is however, able to control npc
animals such as the cow, monkey and alligator. He cannot mind control Soviet terror drones or the Allies robot tanks in "Yuri's Revenge" as they have no pilot and he cannot control any type of ore miner for balance reasons.
Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko was the director of the Soviet Temporal Displacement project and went back in time to erase Einstein, resulting in him becoming the Premier in the new timeline. His intention was to save the USSR from defeat at the hands of the Allies. While the USSR is stronger now, his actions led to the rise of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Late in the Soviet campaign, he shows his true colors faking his own "assassination" in order to frame General Krukov and get him killed by the commander. Cherdenko then later tries to kill the commander after he learns of the altered timeline, but fails. Afterward he also disappears and with Dr. Zelinsky dead, this gives the commander a chance to become the new premier after the defeat of the last allied base in New York City. In the Empire campaign, he is seen only when he is killed by the commander for creating a time machine after the destruction of the Kremlin, trying to escape with the time machine in a Twinblade helicopter. In the Allied campaign, he is initially kind to the commander for helping him defeat the Empire of the Rising Sun, but ultimately betrays their alliance despite the commander saving Moscow. In the last mission, the commander must prevent him from escaping into space by destroying the Iron Curtains being used to defend the rocket launch site in Leningrad. After the last mission, he is held in 'cryo-prison" for crimes against humanity.
The leader of the Red Army, who was Cherdenko's superior prior to the trip to the past, so he naturally resents the new Premier. He does not think highly of the Commander as he was Cherdenko’s choice and never shows the commander any respect. Krukov is somewhat narcissistic, sporting a huge row of self-awarded medals. He is a decent commander, but is the type to take credit for the player's successes and blame the player for his failures. In the Soviet campaign, Cherdenko frames Krukov for an attempt on his own life, and thus the General is killed by the player. On the Allies campaign, he attempts to help the commander defeat the Empire of the Rising Sun in Tokyo, by sending the "full" might of the Russian Navy, but made excuses, first saying that they were delayed by weather, and finally stating that they are too far away to make any real difference for the battle. In reality he betrays the Allies by building up an invasion force in Cuba, consisting of Kirov Airships loaded with 50 megaton bombs. At the end of the Allies campaign he is shown to be held in "cryo-prison" along with Cherdenko. In the Empire campaign, he is killed by the player in the mission in Moscow after refusing to surrender to the Emperor.
A scientist, considered one of the most intelligent minds of Russia (if not the entire world) developed the USSR's Temporal Displacement Device in a twelve-year long secret project. His device would be used in the mission to eliminate Einstein, shown in the prelude of Red Alert 3, though he is against the decision and worries of the consequences as he tried to stop the assassination when they met Einstein. With resulting creation of the Empire of the Rising Sun, his concerns were shown to be well-founded. It's shown later on that he defects to the Allies in an attempt to redeem himself of the deeds he created, but in the Soviet campaign he reveals to the player that the Soviets altering the timeline caused the events of the game, and the eventual betrayal of the Premier. When the commander tries to contact him again he's mysteriously gone. He also defects in the Allied campaign, though this time he survives, and reveals to the Allied commander and Bingham that the events that happened were the result of Soviets tampering with the timeline and warns them of the Invasion force being built up in Cuba. The Empire campaign he is first observed via spy robot by the Empire, revealing to Ackerman (the spy robot) and Bingham the Soviets' tampering with the timeline. In the last mission of the Empire campaign, he is apparently granted command over the Soviet army (as both Cherdenko and Krukov are dead) and interferes with the assault using massive Orbital Drops on the entire city, while garrisoning himself inside the Futuretech Co. building in an effort to use the Allies' Chronosphere technology to construct a new time machine and prevent the rise of the Empire. When the Commander manages to reach the outskirts of the Futuretech Co. he chrono-teleports Vacuum Imploders across the entire city, wiping out the player's base and army; using the Emperor's Elite Bodyguards the player destroys the Futuretech Co. building. Dr. Gregor Zelinsky is killed by the player as the Futuretech Co. building is blown up.
His last words were: "No no no no NO! You are a mistake! — My mistake!!!" implying that it was his mistake being unable to stop the Premier using the time machine, and cause the rise of the Empire.
The Soviet Intelligence officer, who performs essentially the same function in the game as the Allies' Lt. Eva and the Empire's Suki Toyama. Her loyalty is with the commander, proven when Premier Cherdenko goes mad and attempts to kill the commander. She is perhaps the firmest believer in communism on the Soviet side, in the Allied campaign she actually considered the Soviets invading New York liberators. In the end of the Soviet Campaign she toasts the commander on his election to Premier.
She returns in Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising as the new Soviet leader. She performs as a respected leader commanding the resistance forces of the Soviet Union who is only a shadow of its previous glory.
Dasha and the Russian Commander together sever the influential corruption of President Rupert Thornley, who is plotting to conquer the world with the FutureTech technology, and to erase the Soviet Union from history through the use of the Sigma Harmonizer.
When proven triumphant by destroying the Future Tech Harmonizer, the Allies leader leave alone the Reds and Dasha at their command. She proclaims in the Soviet ending that they will begin to rebuild the greatest USSR.
A Russian folk hero, so much so that hers is a household name (her first name, that is) among Soviet citizens who love to show up in throngs to her staged appearances on national holidays and in military parades. Paraphernalia autographed by this highly decorated Leningrad-born sniper is known to sell for many tens of thousands of rubles, though few Soviets would be unconscionable enough to willingly part with such a treasure. After all, the Soviet Union has none other so renowned for her astonishing marksmanship, startling beauty, and complete devotion to the Soviet cause. Allegedly, Natasha's natural talent with a rifle was discovered early on by Soviet military recruiters, who worked with the press to make her name and prowess become the talk of the Union—and, before long, the world. Questions exist as to her identity, personality, and abilities, with some suspecting that aspects of these may have been fabricated for the purposes of propaganda
. While her exploits may be exaggerated, she is determined to serve the Soviet cause.
There may be a darker side to Natasha's story. While government agencies have flatly dismissed or even incarcerated journalists who questioned Natasha's military conduct or the validity of official sources about her life and career, rumors and gossip of Natasha's "shocking cruelty" supposedly still circulate among the conscripts who have seen her in combat firsthand. One infamous story about her involves an execution of six enemy prisoners-of-war with a single shot from her custom rifle.
Urban legends further suggest she may not even be of Soviet descent, or that she may not even be the "real" Natasha. This, in turn, gives rise to further conspiracy theories about how, exactly, a youthful-looking woman such as Ms. Volkova could have operated in so many combat encounters in such a short period of time. Certainly, argue the theorists, she cannot be a single person. On the other hand, one of Natasha's qualities that is widely accepted is her propensity for showmanship: Her unorthodox marksmanship technique looks almost like an elaborate dance. In the game, Natasha's has an airstrike calling ability similar to that of Boris, and the vehicle-sniping ability of the GLA's Jarmen Kell. Her sniper shots also have the ability of going through multiple units in a straight line. Due to a combination of her long range and ability to kill any infantry unit with a single hit, Natasha is also among a few units capable of effectively countering the Empire's psychic commando, Yuriko Omega.
A Soviet Co-Commander, who has a background in the Russian Air force and Russian Intelligence. She constantly boasts about having the most loyal units to the Motherland, and is deeply committed to the cause of Soviet Communism. With her background in the Air force, she has preference for air units, in particular the Twin Blade attack helicopter. Since she came into command of the air force (and was included in their ad campaign), the Soviet military has received an unprecedented number of new recruits. She helps the player clear Vladivostok of Empire troops and survive the Premier's betrayal on Easter Island. In the Allied campaign, she leads the Soviets in the attack on one of the Imperial floating fortresses, with the Allied troops. In the Imperial campaign, she fights the Japanese in Stalingrad.
A friend to the Soviet Commander since their days at the Academy. He is mentioned in the game to be one of the few commanders to be promoted from a conscript to a General due to him cheating death on a consistent basis on the battlefield, which explains his respect for the lower ranks of the Soviet Army. Despite being overly casual for a General, his positive attitude and reliability in battle more than compensate for his quirks as a commander. Yet, despite his rise from lowly origins, his strategies are rather basic, as he prefers massing tanks to crush the enemy while placing less emphasis on air and navy units. He deeply admires his long-time friend, the player. He helps protect the St. Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad from Empire attack, as well as capture the Swiss banks in Geneva. Furthermore, he helps the Commander to fight Major Giles at the Von Esling air base and eliminates the "traitorous" General Krukov (branded a traitor by Premier Cherdenko). The Allies fight against Oleg at least twice in the Allied Campaign; during the liberation of Heidelberg, and during the battle on Cuba. In the Imperial Campaign, during the invasion of Vorkuta, he is greatly displeased at the Japanese for attacking on a holiday.
In Uprising, Oleg returns as a military leader of the Soviet affairs. His uniform has changed since Red Alert 3.
In a stunning move, he mounts a full scale assault against the Empire's territory. His first move is to take out the main border by attacking Commander Kenji. Despite ruthless efforts, he is defeated. His last defeat is at the hand of the Imperial Commander who presumably eliminates him along with Moskvin.
A commander with a notorious sadistic streak, his mood swings are as unpredictable as his tactics. His swings from cool to hysterical rage happen without warning but his strategies are always aggressive regardless of his mood. He likes the player and encourages him to eliminate the enemy painfully. He helps the Commander in the assassination of the Emperor, as well as in the destruction of the Statue of Liberty
in New York, and takes great pleasure in killing Tanya if he kills her with his units; if the player kills her then he remarks that she should have had a more painful death. During the Allied campaign, his base in Cannes is destroyed. Later, he is forced to pair up with the Allies to fight against the Imperials in Gibraltar. In the Imperial campaign, his forces (along with Krukov's troops) are helplessly trampled by the Shogun Executioner in Odessa. Moskvin has a preference for special units, such as Terror Drones and Sickles.
In Uprising, he is a Soviet warlord fueled by revenge against the Japanese forces. During the Empire's campaign, Commander Moskvin attempts (and fails) to destroy the tomb of Emperor Yoshiro. He and Commander Oleg Vodnik are defeated and presumably killed in action when the Empire Commander ravages both their bases with the essential support of Giga Fortresses. Before his defeat, Moskvin blames Oleg for their defeat (and Oleg returns the sentiment).
Known as a White Sparrow, this Ukrainian freedom fighter restored some sense of order and hope to the Soviet people after the collapse of their leadership after the war. Her promises of glory and retribution have inspired a new generation of Soviets to take up arms in the defense of their nation. She only appears in the Commander's Challenge.
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
in the Command & Conquer: Red Alert series
Command & Conquer: Red Alert series
Command & Conquer: Red Alert is a series of real time strategy video games set within the Command & Conquer universe. The series is well known for having some of the most quirky and outlandish units in the genre....
of computer and video games
Computer and video games
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device, but following popularization of the term "video game", it now implies any type of...
Premier Joseph Stalin
Played by: Gene DynarskiThe Premier
Premier is a title for the head of government in some countries and states.-Examples by country:In many nations, "premier" is used interchangeably with "prime minister"...
and General Secretary
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was the title given to the leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. With some exceptions, the office was synonymous with leader of the Soviet Union...
of the Soviet Union, who is based on the real life Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was the Premier of the Soviet Union from 6 May 1941 to 5 March 1953. He was among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who brought about the October Revolution and had held the position of first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee...
The Soviet campaign leader, he is backed up by Nadia, General Gradenko, General Georgi Kukov, and Kane.
In the Soviet victory, Great Britain
Great Britain
Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles...
has been conquered and Stalin is seen celebrating. However, in a plot devised by Stalin's shadowy advisor Kane, Nadia kills Stalin. After drinking poisoned tea prepared by Nadia, Stalin dies and the fate of the Soviet Union remains a mystery.
In the Allied victory movie, after being severely wounded during the siege and capture of Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, he is smothered to death by Stavros.

Played by: Joseph D. KucanJoseph D. Kucan
Joseph David Kucan is a Video game developer, director, actor, screenwriter, and casting director for various gaming companies and movies. He is a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada. He is well known for his role as Kane from the Command & Conquer series.-Early life:Kucan was born in Las Vegas, Nevada....
See the main article: Kane (Command & Conquer)
Kane (Command & Conquer)
Kane is a fictional character in the alternate history universe of Westwood Studios' and Electronic Arts' Command & Conquer real-time strategy video games in which he is a seemingly immortal mastermind behind the ancient and secretive Brotherhood of Nod society...
The mastermind of the Brotherhood of Nod in the Tiberium series, who appears several times throughout the Soviet campaign as a mysterious counselor to Joseph Stalin. In the (noncanonical) end of the Soviet campaign, Nadia assassinates Stalin, proclaiming her secret membership of the Brotherhood; however, when she comments that the commander would serve as a puppet leader for the foreseeable future, Kane shoots her, exclaiming "I am the future". He does not appear in the Red Alert series after that.
His appearance in the game serves as the key confirmation that the Tiberium series take place in the Red Alert universe.
However, as he does not appear again in the timeline after the Allied victory over the Soviets in Red Alert, it may be surmised that the Tiberium timeline only results from a Soviet victory in Red Alert 1 and the subsequent Red Alert 2 & 3 timelines are completely separate from the main Tiberium universe.
Field Marshal Gradenko
Played by: Alan TerryA competent military officer who commanded Red Army
Red Army
The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army started out as the Soviet Union's revolutionary communist combat groups during the Russian Civil War of 1918-1922. It grew into the national army of the Soviet Union. By the 1930s the Red Army was among the largest armies in history.The "Red Army" name refers to...
troops in the conquest of East Asia
East Asia
East Asia or Eastern Asia is a subregion of Asia that can be defined in either geographical or cultural terms...
. His success there resulted in his promotion to Marshal and won him an advisory position to Joseph Stalin during the subsequent war in Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
. Though Gradenko had been an outstanding strategist, he made a number of mistakes at the beginning of this new war which included the loss of the USSR's stockpiles of nerve gas, a critical element in Stalin's original plans. Nadia, who was Gradenko's main opponent at the head of the Communist Party
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was the only legal, ruling political party in the Soviet Union and one of the largest communist organizations in the world...
, convinced Stalin of Gradenko's incompetence. To prove his loyalty, Gradenko was forced by Stalin to sign the death warrants of Soviet generals who Stalin claimed were plotting to assassinate him.
Gradenko was the Soviet leader who was most suspicious of the "General" (the player) and seemed to have a somewhat aggressive attitude towards him. He was also the general who informed Stalin of the Allied Chronosphere project, something that led to Stalin's obsession with seizing it. Neither Gradenko nor his fellow general Kukov were informed of the Iron Curtain project. Nor were either of them (or Stalin for that matter) aware of the true powers within the Communist Party: Kane, the leader of Nod, and Nadia, who served as his deputy.
After numerous failures, Gradenko was killed by poisoned tea served by Nadia and replaced by General Georgi Kukov. Gradenko was subsequently proclaimed a traitor to the Soviet Union.
SEC Nadia
Played by: Andrea C. RobinsonThe chief of the NKVD
The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs was the public and secret police organization of the Soviet Union that directly executed the rule of power of the Soviets, including political repression, during the era of Joseph Stalin....
, she often gives the player specific assignments as the intelligence officer. Secretly, Nadia actually is a member of the Brotherhood of Nod society, which is featured prominently in the Tiberian series
Command & Conquer: Tiberian series
The Command & Conquer: Tiberian series is a sub-series of real-time strategy video games belonging to the extensive Command & Conquer franchise by Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts...
, as revealed in the final Soviet cutscene. Several scenes hint that she was Stalin's mistress
Mistress (lover)
A mistress is a long-term female lover and companion who is not married to her partner; the term is used especially when her partner is married. The relationship generally is stable and at least semi-permanent; however, the couple does not live together openly. Also the relationship is usually,...
as well.
Nadia is shown to favor the player over the other Soviet officers, Gradenko and Kukov. She serves poisoned tea to Gradenko, killing him painfully as a punishment for his incompetence. In the end of the Soviet campaign, she poisons Stalin, and shoots him four times in the stomach and once in the eye. She is killed by Kane with a gunshot through her back in the final Soviet ending video, the latter apparently having lost the need for her.
She is famous for her poisoned teas, exclaiming "I prepared it myself" when both Stalin and Gradenko comment on its good taste, and her quote "You bastard pig! You'll never touch me with your filthy hands again!".
General Georgi Kukov
Played by: Craig CavanahThe commander of the Red Army
Red Army
The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army started out as the Soviet Union's revolutionary communist combat groups during the Russian Civil War of 1918-1922. It grew into the national army of the Soviet Union. By the 1930s the Red Army was among the largest armies in history.The "Red Army" name refers to...
, who was inspired by Georgi Zhukov's figure. Unlike Zhukov, Kukov is depicted as a poor strategist. Showing great individual bravery during the (fictional) capture of Berlin
Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...
, Kukov was promoted to a general. He took part in the conspiracy against Field Marshal Gradenko, and Joseph Stalin made him his main advisor. He is killed thanks to his own blunder—when the player is required to capture the Allied Chronosphere (Mission 13) and fails, Kukov blames the player saying he is a horrible strategist, but Nadia counters by saying Kukov's intelligence was the true reason: Kukov had apparently overlooked another Allied base and forgot to inform the player of said base. Needless to say Stalin is furious and kills Kukov by breaking his neck.
General Topolov
Played by: Alan CharofA high ranked Soviet military commander and mentor to the player. He only appears during Red Alert: Retaliation. After the final Soviet mission in retaliation, Topolov retires, leaving his "drafty corner office" to the player. Unlike the other Red Alert Soviet military personnel, Topolov is not scheming or manipulative, instead acting friendly towards the commander (after the first mission he says: "I like you – I like you very much; and I'm Russian – I do not like anybody! – But I drink to you, comrade.").
Major Vladmiral Kosygin
An atomic scientist working for the Soviet Union, but loathes Stalin's ethics and defects to the Allies during the course of the game. He is the first to alert the Allies of Soviet nuclear missiles and instructs the player to destroy them.Volkov
Volkov and his dog Chitzkoi are technologically augmented units built by the Soviet Union. Volkov is more powerful than Tanya and has substantially heavier armour. He is either armed with a machine gun or hand cannon. In the expansion mission named "Situation critical" he was captured by the Allies, who attempted to re-program him. The aim of the mission was to recover him before a certain length of time elapsed. If the player was not fast enough in rescuing him the re-programming caused him to begin attacking everything, necessitating his destruction. He was originally supposed to featured in Red Alert 2 and is the character depicted on the games box artwork, by the time of Red Alert 2s release though he had been excluded. The Soviets would not have an equivalent to a Tanya unit in Red Alert 2 until Boris was introduced in Yuri's RevengeCommand & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
In Command and Conquer: Yuri's Revenge, the true story starts off assuming the Allies won in Red Alert 2. The plot is based around Yuri, the former head of the Soviet Psychic Corps, coming out of hiding to take over the world by using his Psychic Dominators...
. Due to his cybernetic augmentation he is immune to the Chrono Legionnaire's Neutron Rifle, and the only infantry unit who can safely use the chronosphere.
Chitzkoi is similar to the standard Attack Dogs used by the Soviets, although with a greatly increased attack range, and more health. Volkov and Chitzkoi reappear in the Mental Omega
Mental Omega
Mental Omega is an unofficial game modification for Westwood Studios' real-time strategy game Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge. It was released for the first time in 2005. It is also an unofficial continuation to the events in Yuri's Revenge....
mod for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.
Yuri and Daniel Molotov
Arms dealers who appear in the expansion pack The Aftermath. They betray the Soviet Union and are killed by the player.Premier Alexander Romanov
Played by: Nicholas WorthNicholas Worth
Nicholas Worth was an American character actor who portrayed General Marzaq and Premier Romanov in Westwood Studios' Command & Conquer series of games, Emperor: Battle for Dune, and also voice-acted as Colonel Bulba/Mr. Jones in Freedom Fighters...
The eccentric Premier of the Soviet Union following the death of Joseph Stalin, and launches an attack on the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
. Romanov has a painted turtle
Painted Turtle
The painted turtle is the most widespread native turtle of North America. It lives in slow-moving fresh waters, from southern Canada to Louisiana and northern Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The turtle is the only species of the genus Chrysemys, which is part of the pond turtle...
named Sam, after Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam is a common national personification of the American government originally used during the War of 1812. He is depicted as a stern elderly man with white hair and a goatee beard...
. Though he is shown to very ruthless, he is an extremely comical figure and is very prone to make a fool of himself in when things are not going his way.
Romanov is a distant relative of Nicholas II
Nicholas II of Russia
Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia, Grand Prince of Finland, and titular King of Poland. His official short title was Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias and he is known as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer by the Russian Orthodox Church.Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until...
, the last Tsar of Russia, and—despite the purge of his extended family
Shooting of the Romanov family
The shooting of the Romanov family, of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, and those who chose to accompany them into exile, Dr. Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp, and Ivan Kharitonov, took place in Yekaterinburg on July 17, 1918 on the orders of Vladimir Lenin, Yakov Sverdlov, and the...
—he is also a Bolshevik. He is appointed by the Allied commanders to be the puppet head of the Soviet Union after its defeat following Stalin's invasion of Europe (which took place in Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Red Alert is a real-time strategy computer game of the Command & Conquer franchise, produced by Westwood Studios and released by Virgin Interactive in...
). Romanov at first acquiesces to the demands the victorious Allies make, though he begins to build up a sizable military again for "defense purposes", and acquires one of Stalin's former psychics, Yuri, as his advisor. He shifts away from the western bloc diplomatically as well, stressing his belief in world revolution
World revolution
World revolution is the Marxist concept of overthrowing capitalism in all countries through the conscious revolutionary action of the organized working class...
and forming the World Socialist Alliance (with Yuri's aid) for "peaceful" purposes. Romanov's true agenda is to use the World Socialist Alliance to begin a new war against the United States using masses of troops from all of the Second World
Second World
The term "Second World" is a phrase used to describe those countries which are allied with or are supported by the "First World" countries . These include countries supported by the United States, such as Colombia, Israel, etc., and those supported by the former Soviet Union, also known as the the...
's countries to swarm over the U.S. border with Mexico. Romanov's advisor Yuri provides the Soviets with numerous psychic technologies which Romanov implements all over the United States, most notably to mind control civilian populations to stop resistance using psychic beacons, and to mind control the soldiers in the United States' nuclear silos to prevent ICBMs from being used in the war.
In the Soviet campaign of Red Alert 2, Yuri gradually applies psychic pressure until he can mind control Romanov to give him command of the Soviet Union's armed forces, and then has Romanov brutally murdered. Before his death in the Soviet campaign, Romanov records a message on a VHS cassette detailing his plight which is sent to the player. The message gives the player full command over the Soviet troops and to "take my country back for the glory of Russia, and the spirit of justice". This ending is not canonical, as Romanov is still alive at the events of the Yuri's Revenge expansion and the Allies have won the war, where in the ending of the game for the Soviets has the player conquering the world and destroying the Kremlin
A kremlin , same root as in kremen is a major fortified central complex found in historic Russian cities. This word is often used to refer to the best-known one, the Moscow Kremlin, or metonymically to the government that is based there...
, and has all of the original major Soviet characters, except for Lieutenant Zofia and the commander, killed.
In the Allied campaign of Red Alert 2, the Allies invade Moscow, and special agent Tanya arrests Romanov in the Moscow Kremlin
Moscow Kremlin
The Moscow Kremlin , sometimes referred to as simply The Kremlin, is a historic fortified complex at the heart of Moscow, overlooking the Moskva River , Saint Basil's Cathedral and Red Square and the Alexander Garden...
, where he is found with body doubles, while hiding under his desk wearing white boxers with hammers and sickles stamped all over them.
At the start of the Soviet campaign of Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
In Command and Conquer: Yuri's Revenge, the true story starts off assuming the Allies won in Red Alert 2. The plot is based around Yuri, the former head of the Soviet Psychic Corps, coming out of hiding to take over the world by using his Psychic Dominators...
Romanov is imprisoned in the Tower of London
Tower of London
Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. It lies within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the eastern edge of the City of London by the open space...
. From his cell, he contacts "Comrade General" (the player) and Lt. Zofia in order to give them a message for his past self, containing warnings about the way Allies won the war using Einstein's Chronosphere technology, as well as information of Yuri's betrayal. After receiving the message, the Romanov from the past instructs the player to destroy professor Albert Einstein's laboratory, thus guaranteeing a victory in the war against the Allies. After his plane is shot down in Morocco
Morocco , officially the Kingdom of Morocco , is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of more than 32 million and an area of 710,850 km², and also primarily administers the disputed region of the Western Sahara...
he escapes from Yuri's forces. Romanov is only controlable on that mission. He does nothing much, but must be escorted to an airbase and protected from mind control and being killed. Then he sends the player on missions to crush Yuri and his mind-controlled armies throughout the world and even on the moon. In the ending, the world is conquered by the Soviets and Romanov's ambitious space programs expand the socialist world throughout the Solar System
Solar System
The Solar System consists of the Sun and the astronomical objects gravitationally bound in orbit around it, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The vast majority of the system's mass is in the Sun...
In the Allied campaign of Yuri's Revenge the Allies still manage to win the war against him. After he surrenders, he meets with the other leaders of the international community in the Parliament building and they write up and ratify a treaty forming a military alliance to defeat Yuri for once and for all. It is assumed he retains control over the Soviet Union after Yuri is defeated.
In the beginning of Red Alert 3 due to the timeline of Yuri's Revenge he's not imprisoned as stated in Red Alert 2. As the Allies move in towards Moscow he's mentioned to have left his office early in order to escape the Allies. It's presumed that with the elimination of Einstein he never assumed power. This ambiguous disappearance of Romanov might be chalked up to the fact that Worth died in 2007, a year before the release of Red Alert 3.
General Vladimir
Played by: Adam GreggorA loyal and experienced general of the Soviet Union, and its most senior commander. He is well liked by Premier Romanov, who is often wary of sending the other general (the player) out to face enemies without Vladimir's aid in the Soviet missions.
As the Soviets, the player is forced to work under Vladimir's command in attacking a naval base in Florida. Vladimir gets back to Moscow first, however, and takes all of the glory for the operation (which the player is responsible for the vast majority of - at the beginning of the mission, Vladimir recklessly rushes into battle with his command ship, and is quickly forced to retreat by the Allied navy) Yuri uses the excuse that Vladimir is too ambitious and power hungry considering his lack of military achievement, and when Romanov later wants to use Vladimir to defend Vladivostok
The city is located in the southern extremity of Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula, which is about 30 km long and approximately 12 km wide.The highest point is Mount Kholodilnik, the height of which is 257 m...
from a South Korean attack. Yuri first tries to discourage the notion and then shows that Vladimir is currently in a hot tub with two girls in bikinis. This apparently makes Romanov think less of Vladimir, as in the briefing for the next mission he has succumbed to some of Yuri's psychic pressure and promotes Yuri to Generalissimo of the Soviet Union
Generalissimo of the Soviet Union
Generalissimus of the Soviet Union was a military rank created on June 27, 1945 and granted to Joseph Stalin following World War II. It was the highest military rank in the Soviet Union, and Stalin was the only person ever to hold it...
When Yuri takes Romanov's place after murdering Romanov, he declares Vladimir an enemy of the people
Enemy of the people
The term enemy of the people is a fluid designation of political or class opponents of the group using the term. The term implies that the "enemies" in question are acting against society as a whole. It is similar to the notion of "enemy of the state". The term originated in Roman times as ,...
and a nonperson
A nonperson is a citizen or a member of a group who lacks, loses, or is forcibly denied social or legal status, especially basic human rights, or who effectively ceases to have a record of their existence within a society , from a point of view of traceability, documentation, or existence...
and orders the player to kill him. Vladimir, who has taken up refuge in occupied Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the United States Congress approved the creation of a permanent national capital as permitted by the U.S. Constitution....
, desperately tries to convince the player of Yuri's treachery but to no avail. The player is forced to capture him in order to proceed to the point where it is found out that Yuri is a traitor.
As the Allies, the player fights against Vladimir at least once, in Chicago. This particular mission ends with a transmission to the player showing Vladimir pressing a button to launch a nuclear missile at the city. During the briefings for several other Allied missions, the player is told that Vladimir is commanding the Soviet forces.
In Red Alert 2, his fate in the Allied campaign and the expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge, is unclear, as it's never stated what happened to him after the war and he doesn't appear in either the Allied and Soviet campaigns in Yuri's Revenge. As the General who ordered the nuclear destruction of Chicago, it can be assumed he was put on trial for war crimes, and possibly executed. In the Soviet campaign, Vladimir is killed by Yuri using his Psychic abilities, after Vladimir rebelled against Yuri's plot to control Soviet Russia and the latter ordered the player to defeat his forces in Washington, D.C.
Lieutenant Zofia
Played by: Aleksandra KaniakThe Soviet Commander's advisor of Bulgarian
The Bulgarians are a South Slavic nation and ethnic group native to Bulgaria and neighbouring regions. Emigration has resulted in immigrant communities in a number of other countries.-History and ethnogenesis:...
descent, and the Soviet equivalent of Lieutenant Eva Lee, who advises to the player in the Allied campaign. In both the original game and the expansion pack, she plays little to no other role than being a nonetheless competent assistant to the player. She shows great esteem and loyalty towards both the player and Premier Romanov, and seems to be completely devoid of any ulterior motivation. On rare occasions, she displays what seems to be outbursts of affection for the Commander.
Zofia's only active involvement in a combat operation is perhaps during the Soviet ending of Yuri's Revenge expansion pack, where she overloads Yuri's time machine, sending him to the time of the dinosaur
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade and superorder Dinosauria. They were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period until the end of the Cretaceous , when the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event led to the extinction of...
s, where it is assumed that he is eaten by a Tyrannosaurus rex
Tyrannosaurus meaning "tyrant," and sauros meaning "lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex , commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other...
A Soviet commando and counterpart to the Allied Tanya Adams in Yuri's Revenge. He is armed with a powerful AKMAKM
The AKM is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is an upgraded version of the AK-47 rifle and was developed in the 1950s....
rifle which is effective against both vehicles and infantry. He can destroy entire buildings by pointing at them with a laser and calling in an airstrike from MiG-29s
Mikoyan MiG-29
The Mikoyan MiG-29 is a fourth-generation jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union for an air superiority role. Developed in the 1970s by the Mikoyan design bureau, it entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983, and remains in use by the Russian Air Force as well as in many other...
He came to be the foremost and mainly used character of the Soviets in some of their missions, specifically speaking, in capturing the time machine. It is said he is a 'hero of all Russia' after distinguishing himself in the last war, although he is never seen in Red Alert 2
His image never seen during any FMV sequences in Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.
Played by: Udo KierUdo Kier
Udo Kier is a German actor, known primarily for his work in horror and exploitation movies.-Early life:...

United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
, using his mind-control technology to prevent nuclear
Nuclear weapon
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from relatively small amounts of matter. The first fission bomb test released the same amount...
retaliation, and later to turn the American population into mindless slaves via giant Psychic Beacons.
In the Soviet campaign, Yuri initially serves as an advisor to Premier Romanov and the commander of the Psychic Corps of the Soviet Army
Soviet Army
The Soviet Army is the name given to the main part of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union between 1946 and 1992. Previously, it had been known as the Red Army. Informally, Армия referred to all the MOD armed forces, except, in some cases, the Soviet Navy.This article covers the Soviet Ground...
. The Premier favors General Vladimir, whom Yuri sees as incompetent. Yuri uses his influence on Romanov to give the command over important battles to the player. As the war progresses successfully, Yuri replaces Romanov as supreme commander of the Soviet army, eventually removing the latter from office completely, claiming the Premier has "fallen ill". Vladimir accuses him of treason. After ignoring Vladimir's accusations for a while, Yuri claims that Romanov has been murdered by Vladimir and declares him a nonperson
A nonperson is a citizen or a member of a group who lacks, loses, or is forcibly denied social or legal status, especially basic human rights, or who effectively ceases to have a record of their existence within a society , from a point of view of traceability, documentation, or existence...
. When Vladimir is captured (never to be seen again), Yuri sends members of his "psi corps" to mind control the American President
President of the United States
The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces....
. When the mission is successful, Yuri realizes the commander he himself so advocated to advance has become too powerful within the army. He then invites the player to come to Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, to "personally thank" him for their services. Simultaneously, a video recording made by Romanov prior to his death reveals that Yuri was actually the mastermind behind his death, controlling him and then disposing of him. The player then destroys the Kremlin
A kremlin , same root as in kremen is a major fortified central complex found in historic Russian cities. This word is often used to refer to the best-known one, the Moscow Kremlin, or metonymically to the government that is based there...
, trapping Yuri under the debris. The Soviets then capture Yuri's files to locate the last remaining Allied base. At the end of the Soviet campaign, a human brain
The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals—only a few primitive invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, sea squirts and starfishes do not have one. It is located in the head, usually close to primary sensory apparatus such as vision, hearing,...
is shown floating in a jar, and Yuri's voice whispers that he would have liked to have read the player's mind, and that "he may still have a chance".
In the Allied campaign, after a brief appearance in a mission briefing, he is nowhere to be seen. It's assumed that he is gathering his forces and is in San Francisco, setting up the Psychic Dominator as seen in the beginning of Yuri's Revenge.
In the expansion pack Yuri's Revenge, the Allies have won. Yuri returns and serves as the main villain in both campaigns. Yuri then resurfaces with an army of his own and a plot to take over the world with mind-controlling Psychic Dominators affecting nearly every country. Yuri personally announces the activation of this network to President Dugan. The latter orders an airstrike
An air strike is an attack on a specific objective by military aircraft during an offensive mission. Air strikes are commonly delivered from aircraft such as fighters, bombers, ground attack aircraft, attack helicopters, and others...
on the nearest Dominator, damaging its power generator and saving the San Francisco area and his command center from falling under Yuri's control. However, the majority of humanity succumbs to Yuri's dominance permanently. The Allies and Soviets both take up arms against Yuri, using the Allied-built time machine
Time travel
Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space. Time travel could hypothetically involve moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of that point without the...
to travel back in time and stop Yuri from carrying out his plan.
In the Soviet campaign, the Soviets change the outcome of the previous war in their favor by destroying Albert Einstein's laboratory and Chronosphere and gain control of the Allied armies (The player plays the opposing side of an Allied mission from Red Alert 2, in which the player had to defend the lab and Chronosphere. Hence, the mission's name "Operation Deja Vu
Déjà vu
Déjà vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the prior encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined...
"). Shortly after, Yuri's forces intercept Premier Romanov's plane, and attempt to capture him when the latter survives the crash. The attempt fails. Yuri constructs a massive fleet of Boomer submarine
Ballistic missile submarine
A ballistic missile submarine is a submarine equipped to launch ballistic missiles .-Description:Ballistic missile submarines are larger than any other type of submarine, in order to accommodate SLBMs such as the Russian R-29 or the American Trident...
s to take out the world's major cities. When the fleet is sunk, Yuri launches a space mission towards the Moon
The Moon is Earth's only known natural satellite,There are a number of near-Earth asteroids including 3753 Cruithne that are co-orbital with Earth: their orbits bring them close to Earth for periods of time but then alter in the long term . These are quasi-satellites and not true moons. For more...
. Soviet troops follow this mission and destroy Yuri's new Moon base. Eventually, Soviet and Allied armies defeat Yuri in his family castle in Transylvania
Transylvania is a historical region in the central part of Romania. Bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range, historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni Mountains; however, the term sometimes encompasses not only Transylvania proper, but also the historical...
but manages to escape using the time machine captured in the beginning of the campaign. However Lt. Zofia and the commander find out about Yuri's plan and force the time machine to malfunction, sending him in the prehistoric era where he is killed by a T-Rex.
In the Allied campaign, Yuri captures Hollywood and starts "recycling
Recycling is processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and water pollution by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse...
" its population in Grinders to fuel his war effort. Movie star
Movie star
A movie star is a celebrity who is well-known, or famous, for his or her starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term may also apply to an actor or actress who is recognized as a marketable commodity and whose name is used to promote a movie in trailers and posters...
s, such as "Flint Westwood
Clint Eastwood
Clinton "Clint" Eastwood, Jr. is an American film actor, director, producer, composer and politician. Eastwood first came to prominence as a supporting cast member in the TV series Rawhide...
", "Arnie Frankenfurter
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American former professional bodybuilder, actor, businessman, investor, and politician. Schwarzenegger served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 until 2011....
", and Sammy Stallion
Sylvester Stallone
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone , commonly known as Sylvester Stallone, and nicknamed Sly Stallone, is an American actor, filmmaker, screenwriter, film director and occasional painter. Stallone is known for his machismo and Hollywood action roles. Two of the notable characters he has portrayed...
" aid the Allies in foiling this plot. Yuri then turns his attention to Seattle and "Massivesoft
Microsoft Corporation is an American public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing through its various product divisions...
", using the company's R&D teams to advance his genetic
Genetics , a discipline of biology, is the science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms....
research (which later manifests in a mutation
In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus. They can be defined as sudden and spontaneous changes in the cell. Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic...
inducing device), as well as blackmail
In common usage, blackmail is a crime involving threats to reveal substantially true or false information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met. It may be defined as coercion involving threats of physical harm, threat of criminal prosecution, or threats...
ing its owner for money. Yuri also threatens the city with a nuclear missile, but the Allies push his forces out using a weather-control machine. Next, professor Albert Einstein is kidnapped at Yuri's orders. The former's expertise is used to try and accelerate the construction of Yuri's global network of Psychic Dominators, but Einstein sabotages the one he is assigned to in Egypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...
and is later rescued by Tanya Adams. Yuri launches a cloning
Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments , cells , or...
operation in Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
, attempting to replace the world's leaders with clones. When this fails, he mind controls Lt. Eva Lee into revealing the secret location of a convention where the aforementioned leaders gather to sign a military cooperation treaty between the Allies and Soviets. A direct assault on the London Houses of Parliament
Palace of Westminster
The Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace, is the meeting place of the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom—the House of Lords and the House of Commons...
ensues. After the assault fails, Yuri is tracked down by Lt. Eva, allowing the Allies and Soviets to finally destroy the last Psychic Dominator and capture him in Antarctica.
The Allies capture Yuri in Antarctica and haul him to prison. There he is put inside Doctor Einstein's latest invention, the Psychic Isolation Chamber, which is used to strip Yuri of his mind control abilities, guarded by security personnel with headsets that block psychic transmission. There, it is assumed Yuri remains in prison for the rest of his life. As General Carville put it: "He won't be able to mind control a fly."
Yuri's ability to mind control animals is arbitrary - he is unable to control attack dogs, the T-Rex that killed him when he transported back to the Jurassic Period, and other dinosaurs encountered during the game. He is however, able to control npc
Non-player character
A non-player character , sometimes known as a non-person character or non-playable character, in a game is any fictional character not controlled by a player. In electronic games, this usually means a character controlled by the computer through artificial intelligence...
animals such as the cow, monkey and alligator. He cannot mind control Soviet terror drones or the Allies robot tanks in "Yuri's Revenge" as they have no pilot and he cannot control any type of ore miner for balance reasons.
Premier Anatoly Cherdenko
Played by: Tim CurryTim Curry
Timothy James "Tim" Curry is a British actor, singer, composer and voice actor, known for his work in a diverse range of theatre, film and television productions. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California....
Colonel Anatoly Cherdenko was the director of the Soviet Temporal Displacement project and went back in time to erase Einstein, resulting in him becoming the Premier in the new timeline. His intention was to save the USSR from defeat at the hands of the Allies. While the USSR is stronger now, his actions led to the rise of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Late in the Soviet campaign, he shows his true colors faking his own "assassination" in order to frame General Krukov and get him killed by the commander. Cherdenko then later tries to kill the commander after he learns of the altered timeline, but fails. Afterward he also disappears and with Dr. Zelinsky dead, this gives the commander a chance to become the new premier after the defeat of the last allied base in New York City. In the Empire campaign, he is seen only when he is killed by the commander for creating a time machine after the destruction of the Kremlin, trying to escape with the time machine in a Twinblade helicopter. In the Allied campaign, he is initially kind to the commander for helping him defeat the Empire of the Rising Sun, but ultimately betrays their alliance despite the commander saving Moscow. In the last mission, the commander must prevent him from escaping into space by destroying the Iron Curtains being used to defend the rocket launch site in Leningrad. After the last mission, he is held in 'cryo-prison" for crimes against humanity.
General Nikolai Krukov
Played by: Andrew DivoffAndrew Divoff
Andrew Daniel Divoff is a Venezuelan film and television actor, best known for playing the evil Djinn in the two first Wishmaster films and the villains Cherry Ganz in Another 48 Hrs., Boris Bazylev in Air Force One, Ivan Sarnoff in CSI: Miami and Mikhail Bakunin in Lost.- Early life :Divoff was...
The leader of the Red Army, who was Cherdenko's superior prior to the trip to the past, so he naturally resents the new Premier. He does not think highly of the Commander as he was Cherdenko’s choice and never shows the commander any respect. Krukov is somewhat narcissistic, sporting a huge row of self-awarded medals. He is a decent commander, but is the type to take credit for the player's successes and blame the player for his failures. In the Soviet campaign, Cherdenko frames Krukov for an attempt on his own life, and thus the General is killed by the player. On the Allies campaign, he attempts to help the commander defeat the Empire of the Rising Sun in Tokyo, by sending the "full" might of the Russian Navy, but made excuses, first saying that they were delayed by weather, and finally stating that they are too far away to make any real difference for the battle. In reality he betrays the Allies by building up an invasion force in Cuba, consisting of Kirov Airships loaded with 50 megaton bombs. At the end of the Allies campaign he is shown to be held in "cryo-prison" along with Cherdenko. In the Empire campaign, he is killed by the player in the mission in Moscow after refusing to surrender to the Emperor.
Doctor Gregor Zelinsky
Played by: Peter StormarePeter Stormare
is a Swedish film, stage, voice and television actor as well as a theatrical director, playwright and musician.- Early life :...
A scientist, considered one of the most intelligent minds of Russia (if not the entire world) developed the USSR's Temporal Displacement Device in a twelve-year long secret project. His device would be used in the mission to eliminate Einstein, shown in the prelude of Red Alert 3, though he is against the decision and worries of the consequences as he tried to stop the assassination when they met Einstein. With resulting creation of the Empire of the Rising Sun, his concerns were shown to be well-founded. It's shown later on that he defects to the Allies in an attempt to redeem himself of the deeds he created, but in the Soviet campaign he reveals to the player that the Soviets altering the timeline caused the events of the game, and the eventual betrayal of the Premier. When the commander tries to contact him again he's mysteriously gone. He also defects in the Allied campaign, though this time he survives, and reveals to the Allied commander and Bingham that the events that happened were the result of Soviets tampering with the timeline and warns them of the Invasion force being built up in Cuba. The Empire campaign he is first observed via spy robot by the Empire, revealing to Ackerman (the spy robot) and Bingham the Soviets' tampering with the timeline. In the last mission of the Empire campaign, he is apparently granted command over the Soviet army (as both Cherdenko and Krukov are dead) and interferes with the assault using massive Orbital Drops on the entire city, while garrisoning himself inside the Futuretech Co. building in an effort to use the Allies' Chronosphere technology to construct a new time machine and prevent the rise of the Empire. When the Commander manages to reach the outskirts of the Futuretech Co. he chrono-teleports Vacuum Imploders across the entire city, wiping out the player's base and army; using the Emperor's Elite Bodyguards the player destroys the Futuretech Co. building. Dr. Gregor Zelinsky is killed by the player as the Futuretech Co. building is blown up.
His last words were: "No no no no NO! You are a mistake! — My mistake!!!" implying that it was his mistake being unable to stop the Premier using the time machine, and cause the rise of the Empire.
Intelligence Officer Dasha Fedorovich
Played by: Ivana MiličevićIvana Milicevic
-Early life:Miličević was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina to a Croatian family, the daughter of Tonka, a homemaker, and Damir Miličević, a slaughterhouse worker and entrepreneur. She emigrated to the United States at the age of five and was raised in Michigan...
The Soviet Intelligence officer, who performs essentially the same function in the game as the Allies' Lt. Eva and the Empire's Suki Toyama. Her loyalty is with the commander, proven when Premier Cherdenko goes mad and attempts to kill the commander. She is perhaps the firmest believer in communism on the Soviet side, in the Allied campaign she actually considered the Soviets invading New York liberators. In the end of the Soviet Campaign she toasts the commander on his election to Premier.
She returns in Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising as the new Soviet leader. She performs as a respected leader commanding the resistance forces of the Soviet Union who is only a shadow of its previous glory.
Dasha and the Russian Commander together sever the influential corruption of President Rupert Thornley, who is plotting to conquer the world with the FutureTech technology, and to erase the Soviet Union from history through the use of the Sigma Harmonizer.
When proven triumphant by destroying the Future Tech Harmonizer, the Allies leader leave alone the Reds and Dasha at their command. She proclaims in the Soviet ending that they will begin to rebuild the greatest USSR.
Sniper Natasha Volkova
Played by: Gina CaranoGina Carano
Gina Joy Carano is an American model, actress, and mixed martial arts fighter. Carano appeared as the Gladiator "Crush" on American Gladiators...
A Russian folk hero, so much so that hers is a household name (her first name, that is) among Soviet citizens who love to show up in throngs to her staged appearances on national holidays and in military parades. Paraphernalia autographed by this highly decorated Leningrad-born sniper is known to sell for many tens of thousands of rubles, though few Soviets would be unconscionable enough to willingly part with such a treasure. After all, the Soviet Union has none other so renowned for her astonishing marksmanship, startling beauty, and complete devotion to the Soviet cause. Allegedly, Natasha's natural talent with a rifle was discovered early on by Soviet military recruiters, who worked with the press to make her name and prowess become the talk of the Union—and, before long, the world. Questions exist as to her identity, personality, and abilities, with some suspecting that aspects of these may have been fabricated for the purposes of propaganda
Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself or one's group....
. While her exploits may be exaggerated, she is determined to serve the Soviet cause.
There may be a darker side to Natasha's story. While government agencies have flatly dismissed or even incarcerated journalists who questioned Natasha's military conduct or the validity of official sources about her life and career, rumors and gossip of Natasha's "shocking cruelty" supposedly still circulate among the conscripts who have seen her in combat firsthand. One infamous story about her involves an execution of six enemy prisoners-of-war with a single shot from her custom rifle.
Urban legends further suggest she may not even be of Soviet descent, or that she may not even be the "real" Natasha. This, in turn, gives rise to further conspiracy theories about how, exactly, a youthful-looking woman such as Ms. Volkova could have operated in so many combat encounters in such a short period of time. Certainly, argue the theorists, she cannot be a single person. On the other hand, one of Natasha's qualities that is widely accepted is her propensity for showmanship: Her unorthodox marksmanship technique looks almost like an elaborate dance. In the game, Natasha's has an airstrike calling ability similar to that of Boris, and the vehicle-sniping ability of the GLA's Jarmen Kell. Her sniper shots also have the ability of going through multiple units in a straight line. Due to a combination of her long range and ability to kill any infantry unit with a single hit, Natasha is also among a few units capable of effectively countering the Empire's psychic commando, Yuriko Omega.
Commander Zhana Agonskaya
Played by: Vanessa BranchVanessa Branch
Vanessa Lynn Branch is a British-American actress and model. She is best known in North America as the Orbit Gum television commercial woman .-Life and career:...
A Soviet Co-Commander, who has a background in the Russian Air force and Russian Intelligence. She constantly boasts about having the most loyal units to the Motherland, and is deeply committed to the cause of Soviet Communism. With her background in the Air force, she has preference for air units, in particular the Twin Blade attack helicopter. Since she came into command of the air force (and was included in their ad campaign), the Soviet military has received an unprecedented number of new recruits. She helps the player clear Vladivostok of Empire troops and survive the Premier's betrayal on Easter Island. In the Allied campaign, she leads the Soviets in the attack on one of the Imperial floating fortresses, with the Allied troops. In the Imperial campaign, she fights the Japanese in Stalingrad.
Commander Oleg Vodnik
Played by: Dimitri DiatchenkoA friend to the Soviet Commander since their days at the Academy. He is mentioned in the game to be one of the few commanders to be promoted from a conscript to a General due to him cheating death on a consistent basis on the battlefield, which explains his respect for the lower ranks of the Soviet Army. Despite being overly casual for a General, his positive attitude and reliability in battle more than compensate for his quirks as a commander. Yet, despite his rise from lowly origins, his strategies are rather basic, as he prefers massing tanks to crush the enemy while placing less emphasis on air and navy units. He deeply admires his long-time friend, the player. He helps protect the St. Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad from Empire attack, as well as capture the Swiss banks in Geneva. Furthermore, he helps the Commander to fight Major Giles at the Von Esling air base and eliminates the "traitorous" General Krukov (branded a traitor by Premier Cherdenko). The Allies fight against Oleg at least twice in the Allied Campaign; during the liberation of Heidelberg, and during the battle on Cuba. In the Imperial Campaign, during the invasion of Vorkuta, he is greatly displeased at the Japanese for attacking on a holiday.
In Uprising, Oleg returns as a military leader of the Soviet affairs. His uniform has changed since Red Alert 3.
In a stunning move, he mounts a full scale assault against the Empire's territory. His first move is to take out the main border by attacking Commander Kenji. Despite ruthless efforts, he is defeated. His last defeat is at the hand of the Imperial Commander who presumably eliminates him along with Moskvin.
Commander Nikolai Moskvin
Played by: Gene FarberA commander with a notorious sadistic streak, his mood swings are as unpredictable as his tactics. His swings from cool to hysterical rage happen without warning but his strategies are always aggressive regardless of his mood. He likes the player and encourages him to eliminate the enemy painfully. He helps the Commander in the assassination of the Emperor, as well as in the destruction of the Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886...
in New York, and takes great pleasure in killing Tanya if he kills her with his units; if the player kills her then he remarks that she should have had a more painful death. During the Allied campaign, his base in Cannes is destroyed. Later, he is forced to pair up with the Allies to fight against the Imperials in Gibraltar. In the Imperial campaign, his forces (along with Krukov's troops) are helplessly trampled by the Shogun Executioner in Odessa. Moskvin has a preference for special units, such as Terror Drones and Sickles.
In Uprising, he is a Soviet warlord fueled by revenge against the Japanese forces. During the Empire's campaign, Commander Moskvin attempts (and fails) to destroy the tomb of Emperor Yoshiro. He and Commander Oleg Vodnik are defeated and presumably killed in action when the Empire Commander ravages both their bases with the essential support of Giga Fortresses. Before his defeat, Moskvin blames Oleg for their defeat (and Oleg returns the sentiment).
Commander Vera Belova
Played by: Moran AtiasMoran Atias
-Early life and family:Atias was born in Haifa, Israel, to parents of Moroccan Jewish descent. Atias appeared on the youth TV show "Out of Focus" at age 15, although plans of serving in the Israeli Defense Forces were cut short with a diagnosis of meningitis at age 17...
Known as a White Sparrow, this Ukrainian freedom fighter restored some sense of order and hope to the Soviet people after the collapse of their leadership after the war. Her promises of glory and retribution have inspired a new generation of Soviets to take up arms in the defense of their nation. She only appears in the Commander's Challenge.