List of Jackie Chan Adventures characters
This is a list of characters from the animated television series Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie is an archaeologist in the series who lives in San Francisco with his uncle. He is forced into many adventures after being spurred on by both his uncle and close friend Captain Black of Section 13 to stop the Dark Hand from evil acts with magical artifacts and later went up against similar evil forces. Jackie is a skilled martial artist and is very agile, but would prefer not to fight evil forces unless he has no choice. His catchphrases are "Bad day, bad day, bad day, bad day, BAD DAY!" (usually as a huge understatement), "Talk later!", "I'm sorry, I'll bring it back later, thank you!" (this line has also been used by Uncle and Jade) and "That's crazy, Jade! You're crazy!" When he is in shock or dumbfounded, he makes a strange but quiet whooping sound ("Bwaaah!") similar to Hank Hill of King of the Hill. Though by no means stupid and capable of thinking and acting on his feet to make use of whatever is available in dire situations, he does have a habit of stating the obvious or agreeing to strange requests without realizing until after it's been said.
When Jackie uses the Tiger talisman, he is divided in two different beings. His light side is pacifist and soft, yet dimwitted and too sensitive. His dark side is fight-loving, selfish, and rude, but can be helpful at times.
Jade is Jackie's Hong Kong
-born, 11 year-old niece (actually his first-cousin-once-removed, since she is his "cousin Shen's girl") who is already 'Americanized
'. She is adventurous, and to that extent she frequently disobeys her uncle's advice to remain in safety, preferring to accompany Jackie as he goes out on adventures and thus getting herself into trouble, and though she will not admit it, often has to be rescued by Jackie almost every time. Just as often, however, her quick mind and flexible thinking helps Jackie in situations where his moderate thinking and habitual caution are a definite hindrance. A frequent gag in the series is her inexplicable ability to appear in the middle of the action mere seconds after being left in a supposedly secure location/vehicle for her safety.
In the second season it turns out that Jade is possibly the Chosen One of the Ben-Shui order, although she seems largely unaware of this fact. This accounts for her considerable skill, energy, and enthusiasm, and for her immense (yet still mostly unrealized) potential in the martial arts, demonstrated when she easily beat up a skilled Section 13 worker called Mickey in the opening scene of the "Tchang Zu Portal" episode. Moreover, she is very good in using chi magic, as shown when she is able to annihilate Shadowkhan with Uncle's Puffer Fish.
In the last episode, Jade is set to become an agent of Section 13 when she is older. In two episodes, Jade encounters a future version of herself. This future Jade is the head of Section 13 (Captain Black having left to set up "Section 14"), and came back in time once to stop Drago. Later on, present Jade traveled to the future and found that Captain Black is back in charge of Section 13 and her future-self has been reassigned to desk duty as punishment for Future Jade's previous unauthorized use of the Dragon Talisman, which resulted in the destruction of a donut
shop, and it's destruction by Drago. However, with the talismans returned to Shendu, and Shendu returned to the Netherworld, the existence of this timeline is in doubt.
Uncle, as he is known (he is called "sensei" by Tohru), is the uncle of Jackie and great-uncle of Jade. He has a very stereotypical
Cantonese accented drawl, usually talks in third person about himself, and often uses Cantonese in many aspects of his speech (his magic incantation, "Yu1 mo1 gui2 gwai3 fai3 di6 zao2" (妖魔鬼怪快哋走), means "Evil demons and malevolent spirits, be gone!" in Cantonese). His most commonly used magical items are a dried salamander and puffer fish; both having backgrounds in Asian remedies. Tea
is his favorite drink, but he often complains it's too hot or cold and always throws the cup when he finishes. Catchphrases he commonly recites include "Magic must defeat magic!", "Do not question Uncle!", "Ha-cha!", "Aieeeyaaah!", "We must do reeea-search!", "Come Closer To Uncle", "Do not rush the Chi!", "You want a piece of Uncle?", and his most commonly used saying, "One MORE thing!!". He also hits people with 2 fingers in the face, mainly Jackie, Tohru, and Captain Black.
Born in the year of the Dog (The Dog and Piggy Show), Uncle is the owner of an antique store (originally an 8-track tape store when Jade accidentally went back in time using the rabbit talisman) and an accomplished chi wizard, learning his skills from Master Fung. As a child, he was part of the Seven Little Fortunes opera troupe (which the real Jackie was a part of), and thus received opera school training. In addition, he is an accomplished martial artist in his own right, and according to Jackie in The Dog and Piggy Show, Uncle himself was just like Jackie at the same age. Apparently after he became too old for more aggressive martial arts, he studied a fighting style that allowed him to knock out opponents by contacting his opponents' nerve points. Whenever a magical enemy is near, Uncle gets what he calls "the willies".
A common gag between Uncle (sometimes preceded by his catchphrase "Come closer to Uncle") and Jackie is when Jackie does or says something wrong, Uncle hits him over the head with a two-fingered strike. He has hit other characters such as Captain Black, Jackie's Dark Side, Tohru, Daolon Wong, Hsi Wu the Sky Demon, Super Moose, and on one or two occasions himself (the first time it was a hallucination
of himself, and he had blamed himself for a kidnapping of Tohru). He is not what one would call technology-savvy, since he does not understand devices such as faxes (he gets all his facts from books), laptops (calling Jade's a "magic waffle iron"), and the World Wide Web (although, however, he is able to recite an incantation through a cell phone which Jackie points out in 'The Chan who Knew Too Much'). In the episode "The Shadow Eaters", he is revealed to have a passion for oil painting (stating that Uncle needed time for Uncle). His true name is never mentioned, and even Jade's visiting parents call him Uncle. They then explain that they think that he is actually their cousin.
A very large Japanese man, Tohru was once an enforcer for the Dark Hand and a personal servant for Valmont, its leader. From the episode centered around the Pig and Dog talismans, Tohru started to have second thoughts about working for the Dark Hand. Several things point to this, from Jackie trying to tell Tohru to come and work for Section 13 because "they serve donuts every Thursday" (which he stated back in episode 13) to all the insults and blames he bore through his working for the Dark Hand, always angering him. However, when the Dark Hand managed to revive Shendu, the demon sorcerer double-crossed them. Forced to fight Shendu alone, Tohru was quickly defeated, after which he changed his allegiances, and turned himself in to Section 13's authorities. After an ordeal that allowed Tohru some degree of freedom, he became Uncle's apprentice and developed a close big brother relationship with Jade, whom he becomes very protective of.
Though Tohru's size and body mass would suggest he is among the biggest people in the world, he is considered too small to be a sumo wrestler in the reality of the series (as seen in the third season's episode "Re-Enter the J Team"). In the fourth season, he is found to be a descendant of a samurai
. After he and Uncle banished Shendu and Drago, Uncle decides that Tohru is now a full chi wizard. He likes grape soda and hates fish (a cultural irony, given that one of Japan's prime diets is fish), and seems to have a fondness for cats, having used the monkey talisman several times to transform enemies into kittens. He becomes a vital character in the fourth season when they have to battle evil oni, which only he has knowledge of due to childhood tales told by his mother. While he knows how to fight and repel them, he has a deep-set fear of them which proves a somewhat crippling hindrance over the course of the fourth season. Also, just as Uncle had around other dark magical beings, Tohru gets "the willies" when he's around Oni.
Captain Black is the head of Section 13 and Jackie's longtime friend. In the first season episode The Rock, when Jade tries to access Section 13's Vault, it is revealed that Captain Augustus Black was born on October 27, 1959, which Jade thought might have been the Talisman vault's password. It is also hinted that Captain Black may be a fan
of James Bond
as he used "007" as the pass code to the vault (Jade mentions that the code only had 'three numbers, last one seven'). This may also be a nod to Bond, as he also is a spy. In Black Magic, Captain Black mentions that he is a fan
of Elvis Presley
; "The only 'King' I bow to is Elvis, and I don't see you wearing Blue Suede Shoes". He is also relatively sarcastic, as (in episode 62, "A Jolly J-Team Xmas") when mistaken for Tohru's mother, Captain Black commented that, "I am often mistaken for elderly Japanese women."
Uncle has commented that Captain Black has a lot of good chi inside of him, as when Jackie was surprised that Captain Black was able to resist an Oni Mask for a significant amount of time.
Although he initially had strongly believed against the existence of magic, he quickly changed his beliefs when he saw Shendu with his own eyes. Since then, he is frequently covering up the actions of Jackie as he undertakes his various magic-related adventures; his subsequent belief in magic and determination to stop demons have, at times, jeopardized his own position and Section 13's within the government. On rare occasions, he has looked after the antique shop when no one else could, but his curiosity resulted in transforming himself into a toad. In the episode J2 Revisited, Captain Black's future-self is shown to have a beard as well as a firmer attitude towards his agents. Whenever he sees something that shocks or surprises him, he uses his common catch-phrase "Whoa Nelly!".
El Toro Fuerte (often called El Toro) is a Mexican
masked luchador, who prides himself at never removing his mask (ironically enough, in every episode that has centered around El Toro – but not every episode in which he has appeared -, El Toro loses or removes his mask for certain purposes). Originally the holder of the Ox Talisman of super strength, he gives up the talisman to prove that his skills are legitimate. His catchphrases are "Sorry" (usually when he hurts Jackie by accident), "El Toro Fuerte never removes his mask" and "Don't touch the mask." In "Aztec Rat Race", El Toro is revealed to have a fear of mice and rats
Paco, a young boy around Jade's age, is El Toro Fuerte's #1 fan, who believes that El Toro is the greatest fighter ever. Although his belief has been questioned throughout the series, he remains loyal to El Toro, who had given him his own mask as a reward of loyalty, and became his sidekick and student. Whenever they are together, Paco and Jade often end up arguing over whose mentor is better, during which course Paco refers to Jackie as "The Mouse Man" because of his comparatively smaller stature. He habitually calls Jade "Yade" because of his Mexican accent, and it has been hinted he might have a crush on her, but it is never detailed.
The first episode in which she appears features Viper as a thief
who accidentally steals the Snake Talisman instead of the Pink Puma Diamond. After the resulting run-in with the Dark Hand, she gives up her life of crime to work as a security consultant, and is later recruited by Jade to become a member of the J-Team. It is hinted that she may be Jewish when Jade mentions her knowledge of Krav Maga and when in season 3, A Jolly J-Team Xmas (although she may have simply been attending a Hanukkah party as someone's date – she is quick to ditch the guy she was talking to come to Jade's aid). Although there remains Jackie's persistent doubts as to her trustworthiness, she is usually valued in times of need. She is often portrayed as a potential romantic foil for Jackie, which is encouraged by Jade, with whom Viper shares a close big-sister relationship.
"Antler Action"
- Super Moose's catchphrase.
A moose doll fashioned after Jade's favorite cartoon/comic character of Super Moose. Whenever Jade decides she needs a little more muscle to help her help Jackie, she uses the rat
talisman to "re-animate" the doll who truly believes he's a super hero. The character and franchise of "Super Moose" is a running gag throughout the series, as in the first season Jade often wanted to go to Melvin World, a moose-themed amusement park. After the second season, Melvin World seems to have vanished to be replaced by Super Moose. In the fifth season episode "Antler Action", it is revealed that Super Moose also has his own comic series.
who received the Talisman power of heat beam eyes when the Talismans were destroyed. Mordecai belongs to farmer McDonald, a rather pushy old man who actually believes in magic. Mordecai temporarily used his powers in tandem with Eggbert the rooster, whom he developed a friendship with, but then lost them to Daolon Wong. Mordecai later used the Pig Talisman in tandem with Eggbert using the Rooster twice: once to battle the Shadowkhan, and then in the battle with Drago's demon forces.
who received the Talisman power of balance when the Talismans were destroyed. Sasha belongs to a pair of animal trainers performing at Las Vegas. Sasha used her powers to split herself when Jackie landed in her cage. Sasha later used the Talisman magic when Jackie tried to grab both of them twice, turning him into one person with two heads, the right being Jackie's Tiger side and the left his Pussycat. Later in the episode, Jackie would be split into two people in time for an onstage battle with Daolon Wong and his Dark Chi Enforcers. Jackie was later able to reunite both Sashas and her previous owners gave her to the Chans after the fight with Daolon Wong, deeming that a dancing bear would be much safer to handle.
who received the Talisman power of shape-shifting when the Talismans were destroyed. Haiku is an endangered Japanese monkey owned by a rich businessman. The Monkey King was jealous when everyone was preoccupied with catching Haiku, and trapped him in a cage above a volcano. When rescued, Jackie & Jade took Haiku back to Section 13, safe from Daolon Wong.
"Blast"....... Valmont's catchphrase when something goes wrong.
The leader of the Dark Hand who hails from the United Kingdom
. He is a skillful criminal mastermind and martial arts expert who is able to hold his own against (and even get the better of) Jackie in their personal confrontations.
Valmont first conspires with Shendu to acquire all the Talismans (season 1), He serves mainly as a front man for Shendu, rarely meeting Jackie in person. He returns in Season 2, again aiding Shendu (this time involuntarily, since he is accidentally possessed by Shendu) to free the Demon Sorcerers. He later makes other appearances on the show, mostly serving as a minor villain, since his fortune and criminal empire crumbled after the Demon Sorcerer incident and the Talisman hunt. By season three, Valmont is homeless and poor and becomes interested in committing robberies to rebuild the Dark Hand, such as taking control of Tohru to rob a rare jewel for this purpose. He appears only once in season 4 where he has lost everything. He acquires an Oni mask. However he only puts on one half of an oni mask. Later, however, he rips it off as his own mind revolts against the Oni one; he tosses it aside for a box of diamonds but inadvertently gets wrapped up and shipped to Mexico instead.
Valmont has brief non-speaking appearances in season five, including applying for a job as Drago's henchman (but was immediately turned down). He does appear in the final episode of the show; aboard a bus the J-Team helps rescue from falling off a bridge, having taken up a job as a bus driver.
The three main enforcers are more of a nuisance than a threat and provide comic relief while Hak Foo acts as the muscle for the group. Tohru was originally a member of the enforcers, but he left on his own accord. Daolon Wong transformed the enforcers into his Dark Chi Warriors to replace the ones that were defeated and captured by the Chans, but upon Wong's defeat they were reverted into humans. Tarakudo later employed them and treated them more leniently than Shendu or Daolon Wong. Drago also briefly employed them and transformed them into dragon warriors, but he was also aware of their previous failures, and when they failed their first task, he (both literally and figuratively) fired the Enforcers and reverted them to human form, replacing them with the more competent Ice Gang later on. Facing the destruction of the Earth, all of the Enforcers hired their services out to Uncle and helped him recover Shendu from the ruins of Section 13 for the final confrontation with Drago.
When the Dark Hand is at its zenith in the first season, before involvement with Shendu effectively diminishes the organization, several other officers also participate with the main ones, and are in large numbers when participating in the Dragon Talisman raids on federal reserves and the attempt to capture Jackie Chan after the retrieval of the Tiger Talisman. These enforcers disappear after the talisman hunt following the raid on the Dark Hand's main headquarters by Section 13.
of China. Each demon represents an element
(e.g. fire, earth, water, etc.), and have been shown to be able to take on human disguises. They were all sealed in separate portals by the sorcerers using special immortalized items, although the portals can be re-opened using an item called the Pan Ku Box which is essentially a puzzle box containing maps to the portals' locations.
In the second season of the show, Shendu, the most prominent of the demons as well as one of the main antagonists in the series, enlists the Dark Hand and they travel the world to open the portals but they are defeated each time by the Chan family. Shendu ultimately uses the Book of Ages, a book where history is magically written, to alter reality where the demons still rule. However, the Chan family manage to banish all the demons completely, although Shendu escapes in later events of the television show.
Shendu was once the demon
ic dragon
ruler of China
, but his subjects rebelled with Lo Pei, who turned him into a statue
, and then scattered his twelve powers in the form of twelve talisman
s. Shendu vowed revenge, but was unable to do so for 900 years. He eventually teamed up with the Dark Hand, promising them a lost treasure
in return for the talismans. Finn, one of the three enforcers, commonly and playfully refers to Shendu as "Shen-Dude". After they finally recovered them, Shendu came to life, raising his palace
. However, Shendu was blasted into dust by Jade Chan. As a statue he possessed a raspy, hissing voice until he was revived. When reanimated, he had a deeper, more sinister voice; after he was turned back into a statue he retained his hissing, raspy voice from then on (even when he was no longer a statue). His roars also sound similar to the roars of the Tyrannosaurs of the Jurassic Park
Shendu returned as a spirit
and was revealed to be the Fire Demon, one of eight Demon Sorcerers. He had originally been banished with the rest of his brethren by the eight immortals to the Demon Netherworld, but had somehow resurfaced in China before Lo Pei turned him to stone (this detail is never touched upon in the series). He ended up trapped in Valmont's body by mistake, but was eventually banished back into the Demon Nether World. He escaped and possessed Jackie Chan
to rewrite the Book of Ages. He made the Dark Hand and the Chan family into his slaves, but Jade escaped the time alteration and assembled the J-Team against him, fighting again.
Shendu is hated by his demon siblings. They resented in particular the fact that he was able to roam the Earth for more than nine centuries and that he made no attempt to free the rest of his brethren while they remained imprisoned in the Demon Netherworld. Shendu often expresses submissive (if not fearful) behavior around them in face of this antagonism. This may be because of his weakness and vulnerability as he had usually been in corporeal form when confronted, as well as the fact that they are collectively more powerful than he is, except when his power is augmented by the twelve Talismans. Shendu often acts craftily and evasively in order to defend himself, which further strengthens the disdain his brethren have towards him, especially when his tactics have proven deceptive (such as when he falsely claimed to be able to free all seven of them through his own vacant portal).
Shendu was resurrected at the hands of Daolon Wong in exchange for the Dragon Talisman's power (since he is in fact the last living dragon on earth) but double-crossed him, taking the Dragon power as well as both the Pig and Rooster powers that Wong had acquired previously. Shendu managed to reclaim all his powers, but after Daolon Wong was bested by his archnemesis, Uncle Chan, Daolon divulged the ancient spell which Lo Pei used to turn Shendu into a statue. Uncle, Tohru and Section 13
used this spell on Shendu, successfully turning him into statue form and at the same time recreating the Talismans.
Shendu was later revealed to have a son, a junior fire demon by the name of Drago. Coming from an alternate future, Drago attempted to use the magical Dragon's Teeth to free Shendu (the one in the future). However, Drago accidentally destroyed the teeth, preventing the spell from coming to pass. Drago was captured and was sent to prison in the present Section 13, but escaped only to abandon his present-day father in favor of the Chi of the Demon Sorcerers (his aunts and uncles). When Drago held Jackie, Uncle, and Captain Black captive, Jade removed a piece of Shendu's skin to use in a spell against his son, due to needing a DNA sample identical to Drago's. Later, Uncle went to Shendu seeking a way to strip Drago of the eight demon powers. Shendu told Uncle that it was impossible, and asked Uncle to free him so he could defeat Drago. When Drago grew close to turning Earth into Demon World, Uncle relented, using a spell to free Shendu from his statue imprisonment. Freed, Shendu battled Drago, but was outmatched by his super powered offspring. To give Shendu a fighting chance, the J-Team gave him the Talismans. Tohru and Uncle then used a spell to send Drago plummeting into the netherworld, but Drago used this opportunity to falsely apologize to his father and begged him to help him. Shendu fell for it and was tricked, causing both of them to be sealed into the netherworld, ending their threat and sealing both the Talismans and Demon Chi away forever.
Shendu – being the last dragon in existence – also has Noble Right to the Dragon Talisman power, and came to be in possession of all twelve Talisman powers. When Lo Pei performed the spell that imprisoned him in statue form, these powers were stripped of him and each power turned to a talisman, each based on the Chinese Zodiac. Unless Shendu was revived from statue form by means of Dragon Teeth or an unknown spell used by Uncle, he would become dependent on the Talismans, especially the Rat Talisman to sustain his animated form and the Dog Talisman for his immortality. Presumably if revived from his statue form by an alternate means to the Talismans, he would still require them to achieve his full potential and hence would be considerably inferior without them than if he were not dependent on the Talismans.
According to Uncle, he is also well-immune to non-magical weapons, even modern ones, presumably a trait shared by other demons including his own brethren. Shendu has been shown to withstand impacts from rocket launchers and high-powered laser cannons.
Shendu is possibly the only one with Talisman powers. The powers of his brothers and sisters come from unknown origins, yet it is often thought that they come from talismans that are separate from the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals. Perhaps these talismans are not necessarily restricted to just animals. There is also a commentary of Dai Gui, Shendu's brother and Earth demon, where, while fighting with the talisman's powered "J-Team", he says "Shendu and his accursed talismans!", something that indicates that the talismans are a special ability of Shendu that's unrelated from his siblings.
She is the Mountain Demon, and by far, the largest of the demons. She appears as a large green-skinned feminine demon with a ravenous appetite, her favourite food being humans. Her portal is located on an island in the middle of Tokyo Bay
, Japan
. Po Kong's return to her domain in Japan is cut short when she is defeated by an army of magically cloned Jades and sent back to the Netherworld. In the "Demon World" story arc, Po Kong rules Japan and has mankind produce large amounts of salt for her meals. She is defeated and banished forever by the Chans and Tohru. It is revealed that Po Kong is younger than her brother Tso Lan when they were all trying to escape through Shendu's portal. When Drago sought out the demon chi that was on the original symbols that defeated the demons, Po Kong's chi was found on a pair of chopsticks that were made of the drumsticks used to play the drum that defeated her. When Drago and his crew arrived, Jackie and Uncle were forced to take all the chopsticks there were with them, having to find which one had the chi later on. At the time, Jade had Tohru on a diet. When he went down to kitchen in the middle of the night for some rice, he picked up one of the pair of chopsticks that Jackie and Uncle were looking through, these being the ones with Po Kong's chi. When Tohru put the chopsticks in his mouth, he was infused with the chi. This caused him to go on an eating frenzy, consuming not just all the food in the kitchen, but as well as a large amount of the antiques in Uncle's shop (much to Uncle's dismay), growing bigger and becoming more like Po Kong with each bite, and soon moved on to consume everything in the city. Despite his transformation, part of Tohru was still in control. When Drago and his crew attacked the Chans, Tohru heard Jade screaming and came to their aid, using the Mountain Demon's strength to fight Drago. In the end, Drago managed to suck the chi out of Tohru and return him to normal, only to lose it to Uncle (along with his Fire Demon chi). Drago soon managed to absorb the chi again along with the other seven powers.
Tchang Zu is the Demon of Thunder. He appears as an armoured, blue-skinned reptilian demon, with an arrogant and impatient attitude, and shows a deep dislike for his own brother Shendu, seeing himself as Shendu's master rather than a brother. He possesses the ability to control electricity
. He is the third demon to be released, his portal revealed to be in the Megagalactic Studios in Hollywood, but Tchang Zu is astonished to find his palace has been paved over and become a parking lot. He attempts to make the Chinese Theatre
his palace, but is defeated by the Chans who banish him back to the Netherworld. In the "Demon World" two-parter episodes, Tchang Zu's domain is never shown because he is shown visiting Hsi Wu's domain. It is likely that his domain is similar to Hsi Wu's or even an airborne version of Bai Tza's Atlantis, where the domain is located in the sky among the clouds as can be interpreted by his entrance into Hsi-Wu's dome through a cloud only to find his brother banished by the J Team. He battles them but is sealed away forever when Paco reveals castanets (Paco stated that he wanted to keep maracas in his pockets, but the maracas were too big to fit inside), the item used to seal Tchang Zu away in the first place. In the video game adaptation, his portal is located outside a museum in San Francisco.
The Sky Demon, Shi Wu appears to be a human-sized black-skinned demon with wings. He was one of the last Demons to be released, his portal located outside the women's room in Fenway Park. Jade accidentally snapped off his tail, forcing him to flee. He tried to retrieve his tail but Uncle placed a spell that would prevent demons from entering the shop unless they were invited. Seeing Jade, Shi Wu saw his opportunity. He disguised himself as a human boy named Seymour Jahoositz and quickly befriends Jade. He gets inside the shop and nearly to his tail only to be pushed out by Uncle. Next day, he was invited to the Spring dance by Jade and gave him a necklace with one half a coin. He once again tries to get into the shop only to find that Uncle had hexed his tail to immobilize him. Shi Wu catches his tail in a bag, revealing himself to everyone (including to the horror of Jade). He kidnaps uncle, demanding that he undo the spell; Uncle said that he cannot and required to do another spell, but needed books. The Dark Hand brought spell books but their efforts were hampered by Jackie and Tohru. Shi Wu flew off with his tail, determined to find some other way. But Jade, empowered by the Rabbit and Rooster Talismans, begins a flight chase across the industrial district. She is able to release his tail on him, as Jackie played the flute, sending him back to the Netherworld.
The Moon Demon, Tso Lan is a powerful sorcerer with the ability to alter gravity. He appears as a four-armed, black haired grey-skinned humanoid demon, and has a very calm personality and appears proud to some degree. His portal is located half-way between the Earth and the moon, which the Dark Hand and Shendu reach by using Earth's space station
to pass over its location. Upon release, Tso Lan prepares to move the moon out of its orbit, annihilating the Earth's ecosystem in the process to make the planet a more suitable environment for him to live on. He is banished back to the Netherworld by Jackie, Jade and Tohru. During the "Demon World" story arc, Tso Lan is one of the four final demons to be banished away forever, fighting El Toro who used the Rooster Talisman to combat Tso Lan. It is revealed that Tso Lan is older than his sister Po Kong when they were all trying to get through Shendu's portal. He appears to be one of the strongest beings in existence when he tossed Po Kong like a feather, something no other demon could do, and beyond the strength of the Ox Talisman or the shadowkhan summoned by the Fourth Mask, although it also could have been a gravity trick.
The Earth Demon. Dai Gui resembles a large humanoid bull
with great strength. He is shown to not be very intelligent, and has a firm dislike for Shendu (perhaps the greatest hatred for him out of all the demon sorcerers), his talismans, and flower
s which are also the immortal item used to banish him originally. He is shown to be able to dig underground and move like a shark
, his horns visible above ground when he digs. His portal is located in Spain
, where he attempts to dig a new kingdom underground, but is defeated by Jackie who wears the Armour of the Gods, an item related to the sorcerers who banished the demons to the Nether region. In the "Demon World" story arc, he is one of the last four demons to be banished, likely ruling Iberia (Spain and Portugal) or part of or all of Europe
. He is banished forever upon being defeated by Tohru.
The Water Demon, Bai Tsa appears as a blue-skinned hideous mermaid
with waving tentacles for hair similar to Medusa
with her snake hair. She is shown to be very cruel, unforgiving and very intelligent, immediately escaping the Chans upon her release from the Netherworld. Bai Tza is the strongest of Shendu's siblings, for she stayed out of the Demon Netherworld the longest. She seems to be the closest to Shendu of his siblings, although she heavily despises him, likely because of their opposing elements and him not freeing his siblings when they were banished by the Immortals in the first place. Bai Tsa used to rule the mythical Atlantis
, but since its ruination, she required a new empire. She picked San Francisco with the intention to flood it with a tsunami spell. She was banished back to the Netherworld, along with Jade accidentally being sent there too, which in turn led to Shendu's banishment. In the "Demon World" story arc, Bai Tsa was one of the final demons to be banished forever, fighting Viper until she was banished after being blown to water when Viper was briefly transformed into "Robo-Viper", a cyborg version of the character.
The Wind Demon, Xiao Feng is a large purple toad-like demon with the ability to suck in huge breaths and release them as blasts of wind with hurricane speeds. He was the second Demon Sorcerer to be released, his portal located inside a prison in the United States of America (Alcatraz Island
in the video game adaptation). Xiao Feng finds the prison freedom compared to the Netherworld, and is the first demon to show shapeshifting abilities. He is banished by the Chans. In the "Demon World" story arc, Xiao Fung is shown to rule Mexico
or possibly all of South America
. He watches El Toro and another wrestler fight to the death, with Paco as a servant. Paco is shown to be fanning Xiao Fung, the fan enchanted to seal Xiao Fung away forever.
A Dark Chi
wizard (Jade sometimes calls him the "anti-Uncle" because of this). He is also Uncle's main rival in the series. His left eye is grey, his right eye is blue and he has mouths on his palms, which he uses to extract chi.
Wong first appears when Tohru is mistaken for a legendary Chosen One. Using his Dark Chi Warriors, Gan, Ren, and Chui, he attacks Tohru, seeking to destroy him and upset the balance of Chi in favour of evil. He fails in his first attempt, but later returns to use the dark chi contained in the idol of the Three Wise Monkeys
, but is beaten again.
In the third season Wong becomes the main villain in the show as he attempts to steal the Talismans. After his warriors are captured inside the lost urn of Wei Cheing, Wong turns Finn, Ratso, and Chow into his new warriors. Despite obtaining the Pig and Rooster Talisman powers (partially also the Sheep Talisman power), Wong is highly unsuccessful, even when he turns Hak Foo into the fourth Dark Warrior Zhen. He later makes a bargain with Shendu, restoring the dragon to life in exchange for the power of the Dragon talisman. However, Shendu betrays him and takes all his Talisman powers. Wong is later ambushed by Uncle as he is going to challenge Shendu, and loses his powers to one of Uncle's spells. Wong then reveals to Uncle the spell that turns Shendu to stone in order to get revenge against Shendu for his betrayal.
Wong later attempted to escape prison by summoning the Shadowkhan, a feat he had managed once before. However, he instead released Tarakudo. Wong later escaped prison, and went after the Déjà Vu stone. Despite his best efforts, he lost the stone, and was last seen being dragged away by past versions of the Enforcers.
warriors formerly controlled by Shendu. In Season 4, it was revealed Shendu only possessed this power because of a special Oni Mask; Daolon Wong also controlled the Shadowkhan briefly through the same mask. Jade also manages to control them by making a tattoo from the face (notably Tarakudo's) off the cover of a book; she is briefly possessed by its dark power and takes over Section 13 before Tohru manages to remove the tattoo. Tarakudo, king of the Shadowkhan, was later awakened and set out to capture the nine Oni masks that control nine different tribes of Shadowkhan. Chow later put on the mask and took temporary control before having it removed by Jackie. Season four also revealed that there are nine tribes of Shadowkhan, each controlled by a demon general. When the generals were sealed within masks, the host that wears the mask controls the Shadowkhan. Almost every Shadowkhan has the same body, powers, and abilities of their Oni. Tarakudo is the only Oni that can not summon Shadowkhan, despite being known as the 'king of all Shadowkahn'; it is hinted that he is able to summon all the types but never gets a chance to before he is imprisoned in his mask (along with the other Oni generals and their respective Shadowkahn).
Shendu's son who came back from the future to free him, but after being imprisoned in the present, he went after the demon sorcerers' powers. In the end he succeeded in absorbing the demon powers, but was trapped into the demon world when he was getting sucked in by a spell Uncle and Torhu devised. Before he fell in, Shendu grabbed his arm to help him, but Drago pulled Shendu in with him and they both ended up in the Demon Netherworld. The last that is seen of them is fighting each other over one having betrayed the other. Drago usually makes puns, such as when Uncle's Chi detector's scale broke he remarked that "I'm off the scale". Drago is shown to have a disdain for water. Strikemaster Ice comments that Drago is scared of water but Drago states that he dislikes water because when in water he is unable to use his fire demon chi. Drago also shows a deep personal relationship with his father Shendu, a respect/hatred relationship, this being as Shendu states that even though his son betrayed him, he would watch proudly as Drago destroys the Earth. Also, when Drago is explaining his plan to Jackie, Uncle and Captain Black, he states, "Daddy would be so proud". Drago is the only major villain Hak Foo never worked for.
Languages Spoken:English,Gangsta
Ice is a teenager at the age of 17–19, and the shortest member of his crew. Also it seems that he has a rather violent allergy to flower pollen.
Originally, Strikemaster Ice used to be a pizza delivery boy until he delivered a pizza to an old man who, instead of a tip, told him a legend of a secret monastery in the far east. Ice traveled there, and in the monastery he learned martial arts skills equal to if not greater than Jackie's. Eventually, he found out that the monks wanted him to learn the ways of peace. Ice was against this, and he and his cohorts, DJ Fist and MC Cobra, were kicked out for bad behavior. They sought revenge against the monastery by attacking it and stealing a jewel that turned into a laser weapon that goes on a person's arm. The Chans, with the help of Finn, Ratso and Chow defeated Ice and his possessor. Later he and his two cronies became Drago's dragonized henchmen and Strikemaster Ice became Drago's second-in-command.
Like Drago, Ice could breathe fire, and he later gained earth-related powers. He and his men lost their dragon powers and reverted back to their human forms when Uncle and Tohru banished Drago and Shendu to the Demon Netherworld. Afterwards he, Fist and Cobra tried to escape, but were stopped by El Toro and Paco. He speaks mainly in "Gangsta Rap", and like his friends has skills in most extreme sports, Skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.
Strikemaster Ice's posse who met him while they trained in the monastery and were kicked out for bad behavior along with Ice. Like Ice, they received dragon powers from Drago. While Cobra ran at super speeds, the silent DJ Fist possessed super strength. When Drago infused them with Demon Chi, Cobra gained wind power while Fist got thunder. When Drago and Shendu were sent to the Demon Netherworld, they, along with Ice, lost their powers. Jackie mentioned that DJ Fist "Doesn't talk much"(not at all) and was never seen or heard talking except for once when Viper jumped on his tail when he had Dragon powers, and even then it was just a painful grunt.
An ancient warrior who was responsible for Shendu's first petrification. This set the stage for the series, as his spell also removed the twelve talismans from Shendu and he then scattered them to the winds. In the present day, a terracotta statue of Lo Pei was placed on exhibit in San Francisco. Uncle and Jackie were studying the statue, in hopes that it hid the key to finding the remaining talismans. Jade inadvertently broke it, and used the Horse Talisman to heal it. She then brought it to life with the Rat, bringing Lo Pei to the modern era. Using his Energy, Immobilizer, and Levitation scrolls, he stole the other talismans from Section 13 (The ones that were in the vault at the time). As he sought to hide the talismans again, he was met by Jackie, whom he mistook for an enemy. He was later tricked by the Dark Hand, who managed to steal all the talismans but the Rat from him. He then befriended Jade, copying her thumbs-up gesture and her cry of "Hooah!" The Dark Hand and the Shadowkhan came looking for the Rat, but Lo Pei recovered the other Talismans and threw the Rat to Jackie and Jade as they made their escape. When the Chans went to visit the statue, they found it slightly altered: one of Lo Pei's hands was making a thumbs-up gesture. Lo Pei later appeared in a Shendu flashback, when Uncle used Lo Pei's original spell to once again return Shendu to stone. But rather than scatter the talismans around the world they were only scattered inches from Shendu.
A classmate of Jade's at her school. When Jade would tell the class the adventures she would have with her Uncle Jackie, the class would tease and make fun of her. Drew is often the main instigator and presumably her rival. There are times in the show where Drew is mere feet from unbelievable experiences (like Jade becoming Queen of the Shadowkhan or Hsi Wu posing as a new student to get to Jade and her family) and he never finds out the truth. Finally an incident involving talisman-powered animals, Daolon Wong and his dark warriors would reveal that Jade was telling the truth all along. When he tries to tell the class what he saw, Jade denies that she knew anything, and then the class laughed at him for a change. Regardless, he still acts like a jerk to Jade.
Stern but well-meaning, Tohru's mother makes frequent appearances in the series. The first time, she arrives and makes Tohru feel unworthy of her love, and she immediately hits off on the wrong note with Uncle (such as, calling the antique shop a "junk shop" and calling him a "Billy Goat"). She later proves herself a feisty, if short, woman, by taking down a room full of thugs back-to-back with Uncle. Mama later joins the Chans and Tohru on a cruise ship, where her antagonism of Uncle continues. However, the two once again work together to stop the forces of darkness, tripping several thieves using shuffleboard pucks.
Mama appears again during the quest for the Snake Talisman power, and inadvertently infuses part of the magic of the egg it is contained in into her tea by dipping in it, turning her invisible. She aids the Chans once again, where Tohru teaches her that he can take care of himself and Uncle reluctantly makes her visible again. Her final appearance was during Christmas when she was flying in by plane and saw Tohru flying in a sleigh as Santa Claus (when Tohru, Jade, and Paco were filling in for Santa to deliver presents) and later acknowledged this when he met her at Uncle's shop. Her mannerisms towards Uncle were referenced in later episodes, such as during Tohru's rift with Uncle in Season 4, and when Tohru is infected by an evil mirror spirit, his worst fears about himself come true and he temporarily turns into a giant version of his mother.
The old monk who first appears in "The Lotus Temple" as Jackie's guide to the temple. He seemed to be a classic wise figure who spends most of his time meditating and speaks in proverbs ("Ancient wisdom:..."), but he turned out to be a greedy Chi magician who was seeking the scroll of Hung Chao. He used Jackie to distract the monster guard, a young girl named Xu-Lin who was compelled by the temple's curse to serve as its guardian after having stumbled into the ruins years ago. The curse also made her unable to leave the temple, until she was encased in an old suit of armor. Jackie, Jade and Xu-Lin managed to escape the temple, but the monk remained behind and became the temple's new guardian.
Later he episodically appears in "Anthler Action" in a team of Jackie's enemies who tried to steal the Earth Demon chi from him.
(nearly every time this is mentioned, a character will say, "The stone, not the niece" or some variant of it), He even has a prosthetic hand made of jade. The J-Team encountered him when Captain Black sends them to infiltrate his organization, to find out where the jade is being kept. They enter as contestants in a martial arts tournament: Tohru is the only one to win his match, and Jackie is left with sore hands from the same competition Chang lost one of his in. Jade (niece) sneaks into Chang's headquarters, and finds the jade (stone). While Tohru's former opponents in the sumo competition take care of Chang's hired thugs, the other J-Team members take on the remaining champions. After successfully defeating Chang, the J-Team take him into custody and recover the jade (stone). Later, Chang returns with a dark wizard at his command, who creates clones of the J-Team to replace and eliminate them, as well as to recover his precious jade (stone). However, the J-Team originals reverse the spells needed to make the clones evil, and the two J-Teams bring down Chang.
He escapes from prison again, however, with the help of his Chang Gang, a group of criminals meant to beat the J-Team at their own strengths. For a while, it seems they might succeed, when an errant spell by Jade turns the J-Team into toddlers. However, Jade strengthens the spell and uses it on the Chang Gang, who are then defeated and sent off to juvenile detention.
Chang is a parody of the evil Han from Bruce Lee
's movie Enter the Dragon
, in which Jackie Chan was an extra. The first episode mentioned above was in fact a homage to that movie.
Voiced by Brian Doyle-Murray.
Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series chronicling the adventures of a fictionalized version of action film star Jackie Chan. Many of the episodes contain references to Chan's actual works. This series ran on Kids' WB! from September 9, 2000 to July 7, 2005 for a total of 95...
Jackie Chan
- Live-action: HimselfJackie ChanJackie Chan, SBS, MBE is a Hong Kong actor, action choreographer, comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts...
(Usually appearing at the end of every episode being interviewed by various children) - English Voice Actor: James Sie (English, animated)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Hiroya IshimaruHiroya Ishimaruis a Japanese voice actor most famous for performing the role of Kouji Kabuto in the 1972 series Mazinger Z and its sequels. He also gave voice to Tutty from Bosco Adventure and recently voiced Ultraman Taro in Ultraman Story, Ultraman Mebius, and Ultraman Mebius and Ultra Brothers He is also the...
(Japanese, animated and live-action)
Jackie is an archaeologist in the series who lives in San Francisco with his uncle. He is forced into many adventures after being spurred on by both his uncle and close friend Captain Black of Section 13 to stop the Dark Hand from evil acts with magical artifacts and later went up against similar evil forces. Jackie is a skilled martial artist and is very agile, but would prefer not to fight evil forces unless he has no choice. His catchphrases are "Bad day, bad day, bad day, bad day, BAD DAY!" (usually as a huge understatement), "Talk later!", "I'm sorry, I'll bring it back later, thank you!" (this line has also been used by Uncle and Jade) and "That's crazy, Jade! You're crazy!" When he is in shock or dumbfounded, he makes a strange but quiet whooping sound ("Bwaaah!") similar to Hank Hill of King of the Hill. Though by no means stupid and capable of thinking and acting on his feet to make use of whatever is available in dire situations, he does have a habit of stating the obvious or agreeing to strange requests without realizing until after it's been said.
When Jackie uses the Tiger talisman, he is divided in two different beings. His light side is pacifist and soft, yet dimwitted and too sensitive. His dark side is fight-loving, selfish, and rude, but can be helpful at times.
Jade Chan
- English Voice Actor: Stacie ChanStacie ChanStacie Chan is an actress and journalist, best known for her role as Jade Chan in the cartoon show Jackie Chan Adventures -Acting career:...
(English, present and future, second appearance) – Lucy LiuLucy LiuLucy Alexis Liu is an American actress and film producer. She became known for playing the role of the vicious and ill-mannered Ling Woo in the television series Ally McBeal , and has also appeared in several Hollywood films including Charlie's Angels, Chicago, Kill Bill, and Kung Fu Panda.-Early...
(English, future (first appearance)) - Japanese Voice Actor: Yōko HonnaYoko Honnais a Japanese voice actress from Sōka, Saitama. She works at Re-Max, although she formerly worked at 81 Produce.- Anime :* Only Yesterday , Taeko Okajima...
(Japanese, both forms)
Jade is Jackie's Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...
-born, 11 year-old niece (actually his first-cousin-once-removed, since she is his "cousin Shen's girl") who is already 'Americanized
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
'. She is adventurous, and to that extent she frequently disobeys her uncle's advice to remain in safety, preferring to accompany Jackie as he goes out on adventures and thus getting herself into trouble, and though she will not admit it, often has to be rescued by Jackie almost every time. Just as often, however, her quick mind and flexible thinking helps Jackie in situations where his moderate thinking and habitual caution are a definite hindrance. A frequent gag in the series is her inexplicable ability to appear in the middle of the action mere seconds after being left in a supposedly secure location/vehicle for her safety.
In the second season it turns out that Jade is possibly the Chosen One of the Ben-Shui order, although she seems largely unaware of this fact. This accounts for her considerable skill, energy, and enthusiasm, and for her immense (yet still mostly unrealized) potential in the martial arts, demonstrated when she easily beat up a skilled Section 13 worker called Mickey in the opening scene of the "Tchang Zu Portal" episode. Moreover, she is very good in using chi magic, as shown when she is able to annihilate Shadowkhan with Uncle's Puffer Fish.
In the last episode, Jade is set to become an agent of Section 13 when she is older. In two episodes, Jade encounters a future version of herself. This future Jade is the head of Section 13 (Captain Black having left to set up "Section 14"), and came back in time once to stop Drago. Later on, present Jade traveled to the future and found that Captain Black is back in charge of Section 13 and her future-self has been reassigned to desk duty as punishment for Future Jade's previous unauthorized use of the Dragon Talisman, which resulted in the destruction of a donut
DONUT was an experiment at Fermilab dedicated to the search for tau neutrino interactions. Even though the detector operated only during a few months in the summer of 1997, it was largely successful. By detecting the tau neutrino, it confirmed the existence of the last lepton predicted by the...
shop, and it's destruction by Drago. However, with the talismans returned to Shendu, and Shendu returned to the Netherworld, the existence of this timeline is in doubt.
Uncle Chan
- English Voice Actor: Sab ShimonoSab ShimonoSab Shimono is an American actor who has appeared in dozens of movies and television shows in character roles.-Career:An accomplished stage actor, he has appeared on Broadway and in regional theaters including San Francisco's American Conservatory Theatre and Berkeley Repertory Theatre...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Takao Ishii (Japanese, present) – Hajime IijimaHajime Iijimais a male Japanese voice actor from Kanagawa Prefecture affiliated with Office Osawa. He was formerly affiliated with Office CHK.-Television animation:*Asatte no Houkou *X-Men: Evolution *Battle Programmer Shirase...
(Japanese, past)
Uncle, as he is known (he is called "sensei" by Tohru), is the uncle of Jackie and great-uncle of Jade. He has a very stereotypical
A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings...
Cantonese accented drawl, usually talks in third person about himself, and often uses Cantonese in many aspects of his speech (his magic incantation, "Yu1 mo1 gui2 gwai3 fai3 di6 zao2" (妖魔鬼怪快哋走), means "Evil demons and malevolent spirits, be gone!" in Cantonese). His most commonly used magical items are a dried salamander and puffer fish; both having backgrounds in Asian remedies. Tea
Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by adding cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant to hot water. The term also refers to the plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world...
is his favorite drink, but he often complains it's too hot or cold and always throws the cup when he finishes. Catchphrases he commonly recites include "Magic must defeat magic!", "Do not question Uncle!", "Ha-cha!", "Aieeeyaaah!", "We must do reeea-search!", "Come Closer To Uncle", "Do not rush the Chi!", "You want a piece of Uncle?", and his most commonly used saying, "One MORE thing!!". He also hits people with 2 fingers in the face, mainly Jackie, Tohru, and Captain Black.
Born in the year of the Dog (The Dog and Piggy Show), Uncle is the owner of an antique store (originally an 8-track tape store when Jade accidentally went back in time using the rabbit talisman) and an accomplished chi wizard, learning his skills from Master Fung. As a child, he was part of the Seven Little Fortunes opera troupe (which the real Jackie was a part of), and thus received opera school training. In addition, he is an accomplished martial artist in his own right, and according to Jackie in The Dog and Piggy Show, Uncle himself was just like Jackie at the same age. Apparently after he became too old for more aggressive martial arts, he studied a fighting style that allowed him to knock out opponents by contacting his opponents' nerve points. Whenever a magical enemy is near, Uncle gets what he calls "the willies".
A common gag between Uncle (sometimes preceded by his catchphrase "Come closer to Uncle") and Jackie is when Jackie does or says something wrong, Uncle hits him over the head with a two-fingered strike. He has hit other characters such as Captain Black, Jackie's Dark Side, Tohru, Daolon Wong, Hsi Wu the Sky Demon, Super Moose, and on one or two occasions himself (the first time it was a hallucination
A hallucination, in the broadest sense of the word, is a perception in the absence of a stimulus. In a stricter sense, hallucinations are defined as perceptions in a conscious and awake state in the absence of external stimuli which have qualities of real perception, in that they are vivid,...
of himself, and he had blamed himself for a kidnapping of Tohru). He is not what one would call technology-savvy, since he does not understand devices such as faxes (he gets all his facts from books), laptops (calling Jade's a "magic waffle iron"), and the World Wide Web (although, however, he is able to recite an incantation through a cell phone which Jackie points out in 'The Chan who Knew Too Much'). In the episode "The Shadow Eaters", he is revealed to have a passion for oil painting (stating that Uncle needed time for Uncle). His true name is never mentioned, and even Jade's visiting parents call him Uncle. They then explain that they think that he is actually their cousin.
- English Voice Actor: Noah Nelson (English)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Naomi KusumiNaomi Kusumiis a Japanese seiyū from Fukuoka Prefecture. He was formerly attached to the Seinenza Theater Company; as of 1999, he is attached to Mausu Promotion...
A very large Japanese man, Tohru was once an enforcer for the Dark Hand and a personal servant for Valmont, its leader. From the episode centered around the Pig and Dog talismans, Tohru started to have second thoughts about working for the Dark Hand. Several things point to this, from Jackie trying to tell Tohru to come and work for Section 13 because "they serve donuts every Thursday" (which he stated back in episode 13) to all the insults and blames he bore through his working for the Dark Hand, always angering him. However, when the Dark Hand managed to revive Shendu, the demon sorcerer double-crossed them. Forced to fight Shendu alone, Tohru was quickly defeated, after which he changed his allegiances, and turned himself in to Section 13's authorities. After an ordeal that allowed Tohru some degree of freedom, he became Uncle's apprentice and developed a close big brother relationship with Jade, whom he becomes very protective of.
Though Tohru's size and body mass would suggest he is among the biggest people in the world, he is considered too small to be a sumo wrestler in the reality of the series (as seen in the third season's episode "Re-Enter the J Team"). In the fourth season, he is found to be a descendant of a samurai
is the term for the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. According to translator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society, and this is also true of the original term in Japanese, saburau...
. After he and Uncle banished Shendu and Drago, Uncle decides that Tohru is now a full chi wizard. He likes grape soda and hates fish (a cultural irony, given that one of Japan's prime diets is fish), and seems to have a fondness for cats, having used the monkey talisman several times to transform enemies into kittens. He becomes a vital character in the fourth season when they have to battle evil oni, which only he has knowledge of due to childhood tales told by his mother. While he knows how to fight and repel them, he has a deep-set fear of them which proves a somewhat crippling hindrance over the course of the fourth season. Also, just as Uncle had around other dark magical beings, Tohru gets "the willies" when he's around Oni.
Captain Augustus Black
- English Voice Actor: Clancy BrownClancy BrownClarence J. "Clancy" Brown III is an American actor and voice actor. He is known for his roles in live action as The Kurgan in the cult classic film Highlander, Byron Hadley in the award-winning The Shawshank Redemption, Brother Justin Crowe in HBO's critically acclaimed Carnivàle, and Career...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Takamaru Seko (Japanese)
Captain Black is the head of Section 13 and Jackie's longtime friend. In the first season episode The Rock, when Jade tries to access Section 13's Vault, it is revealed that Captain Augustus Black was born on October 27, 1959, which Jade thought might have been the Talisman vault's password. It is also hinted that Captain Black may be a fan
Fan (person)
A Fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with a liking and enthusiasm for something, such as a band or a sports team. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom...
of James Bond
James Bond
James Bond, code name 007, is a fictional character created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who featured him in twelve novels and two short story collections. There have been a six other authors who wrote authorised Bond novels or novelizations after Fleming's death in 1964: Kingsley Amis,...
as he used "007" as the pass code to the vault (Jade mentions that the code only had 'three numbers, last one seven'). This may also be a nod to Bond, as he also is a spy. In Black Magic, Captain Black mentions that he is a fan
Fan (person)
A Fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with a liking and enthusiasm for something, such as a band or a sports team. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom...
of Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Elvis Aaron Presley was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. A cultural icon, he is widely known by the single name Elvis. He is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "the King"....
; "The only 'King' I bow to is Elvis, and I don't see you wearing Blue Suede Shoes". He is also relatively sarcastic, as (in episode 62, "A Jolly J-Team Xmas") when mistaken for Tohru's mother, Captain Black commented that, "I am often mistaken for elderly Japanese women."
Uncle has commented that Captain Black has a lot of good chi inside of him, as when Jackie was surprised that Captain Black was able to resist an Oni Mask for a significant amount of time.
Although he initially had strongly believed against the existence of magic, he quickly changed his beliefs when he saw Shendu with his own eyes. Since then, he is frequently covering up the actions of Jackie as he undertakes his various magic-related adventures; his subsequent belief in magic and determination to stop demons have, at times, jeopardized his own position and Section 13's within the government. On rare occasions, he has looked after the antique shop when no one else could, but his curiosity resulted in transforming himself into a toad. In the episode J2 Revisited, Captain Black's future-self is shown to have a beard as well as a firmer attitude towards his agents. Whenever he sees something that shocks or surprises him, he uses his common catch-phrase "Whoa Nelly!".
El Toro Fuerte
- English Voice Actor: Miguel SandovalMiguel SandovalMiguel Sandoval is an American film and television actor.Sandoval was born in Washington, D.C. He began working as a professional actor in 1975 when he joined a mime school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He later joined the troupe full time and continued his study of mime. He began his film career in...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Takamaru Seko (Japanese)
El Toro Fuerte (often called El Toro) is a Mexican
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
masked luchador, who prides himself at never removing his mask (ironically enough, in every episode that has centered around El Toro – but not every episode in which he has appeared -, El Toro loses or removes his mask for certain purposes). Originally the holder of the Ox Talisman of super strength, he gives up the talisman to prove that his skills are legitimate. His catchphrases are "Sorry" (usually when he hurts Jackie by accident), "El Toro Fuerte never removes his mask" and "Don't touch the mask." In "Aztec Rat Race", El Toro is revealed to have a fear of mice and rats
Fear of mice
Fear of mice and rats is one of the most common specific phobias. It is sometimes referred to as musophobia or murophobia , or as suriphobia, from the French souris, meaning mouse. Dr...
- English Voice Actor: Franco Velez (English)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Mayuko Yunoki (Japanese)
Paco, a young boy around Jade's age, is El Toro Fuerte's #1 fan, who believes that El Toro is the greatest fighter ever. Although his belief has been questioned throughout the series, he remains loyal to El Toro, who had given him his own mask as a reward of loyalty, and became his sidekick and student. Whenever they are together, Paco and Jade often end up arguing over whose mentor is better, during which course Paco refers to Jackie as "The Mouse Man" because of his comparatively smaller stature. He habitually calls Jade "Yade" because of his Mexican accent, and it has been hinted he might have a crush on her, but it is never detailed.
- English Voice Actor: Susan EisenbergSusan EisenbergSusan Eisenberg is a professional voice-over artist known for her animation, commercial and promotional work. Her breakout role was that of Wonder Woman in the acclaimed Justice League and Justice League Unlimited television series, as well as the direct-to-DVD films Superman/Batman: Apocalypse and...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Chizuru Ikewaki (Japanese)
The first episode in which she appears features Viper as a thief
In common usage, theft is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent. The word is also used as an informal shorthand term for some crimes against property, such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, shoplifting and fraud...
who accidentally steals the Snake Talisman instead of the Pink Puma Diamond. After the resulting run-in with the Dark Hand, she gives up her life of crime to work as a security consultant, and is later recruited by Jade to become a member of the J-Team. It is hinted that she may be Jewish when Jade mentions her knowledge of Krav Maga and when in season 3, A Jolly J-Team Xmas (although she may have simply been attending a Hanukkah party as someone's date – she is quick to ditch the guy she was talking to come to Jade's aid). Although there remains Jackie's persistent doubts as to her trustworthiness, she is usually valued in times of need. She is often portrayed as a potential romantic foil for Jackie, which is encouraged by Jade, with whom Viper shares a close big-sister relationship.
Super Moose
- Voice Actor: Clancy BrownClancy BrownClarence J. "Clancy" Brown III is an American actor and voice actor. He is known for his roles in live action as The Kurgan in the cult classic film Highlander, Byron Hadley in the award-winning The Shawshank Redemption, Brother Justin Crowe in HBO's critically acclaimed Carnivàle, and Career...
"Antler Action"
- Super Moose's catchphrase.
A moose doll fashioned after Jade's favorite cartoon/comic character of Super Moose. Whenever Jade decides she needs a little more muscle to help her help Jackie, she uses the rat
Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents of the superfamily Muroidea. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus...
talisman to "re-animate" the doll who truly believes he's a super hero. The character and franchise of "Super Moose" is a running gag throughout the series, as in the first season Jade often wanted to go to Melvin World, a moose-themed amusement park. After the second season, Melvin World seems to have vanished to be replaced by Super Moose. In the fifth season episode "Antler Action", it is revealed that Super Moose also has his own comic series.
The noble dog who received the Talisman power of immortality when the Talismans were destroyed. Scruffy was a stray that was befriended by Jade, before she or anyone else knew he had the Talisman power. Scruffy was the first of the noble animals to be kept in Section 13 away from Daolon Wong. Scruffy played a big role in Season 3, becoming Jade's pet after all the noble animals lost their powers to Shendu. In Season 4, Scruffy showed up in one episode when he accidentally put on an Oni mask and became completely vicious controlling the Bat Shadowkhan. With the help of Super Moose, Mordecai and Eggbert, the T-Troop removed the mask and Scruffy was back to normal. Scruffy was not seen after that.Eggbert
The noble rooster who was granted the Talisman power of Levitation. Eggbert accompanied Jackie and Jade on the quest for the next noble animal, where he made friends with Mordecai the noble pig. After a brief tour of the area, using their powers along the way, Eggbert lost his powers to Daolon Wong and became the property of farmer McDonald. He later returned with his hog buddy to use the Rooster Talisman in battle against the Bat Shadowkhan (it even had a personal telekinetic battle with Tarakudo) and the demon forces unleashed by Drago.Mordecai
The noble pigPig
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig, its ancestor the wild boar, and several other wild relatives...
who received the Talisman power of heat beam eyes when the Talismans were destroyed. Mordecai belongs to farmer McDonald, a rather pushy old man who actually believes in magic. Mordecai temporarily used his powers in tandem with Eggbert the rooster, whom he developed a friendship with, but then lost them to Daolon Wong. Mordecai later used the Pig Talisman in tandem with Eggbert using the Rooster twice: once to battle the Shadowkhan, and then in the battle with Drago's demon forces.
The noble TigerTiger
The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to and weighing up to . Their most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with lighter underparts...
who received the Talisman power of balance when the Talismans were destroyed. Sasha belongs to a pair of animal trainers performing at Las Vegas. Sasha used her powers to split herself when Jackie landed in her cage. Sasha later used the Talisman magic when Jackie tried to grab both of them twice, turning him into one person with two heads, the right being Jackie's Tiger side and the left his Pussycat. Later in the episode, Jackie would be split into two people in time for an onstage battle with Daolon Wong and his Dark Chi Enforcers. Jackie was later able to reunite both Sashas and her previous owners gave her to the Chans after the fight with Daolon Wong, deeming that a dancing bear would be much safer to handle.
The noble MonkeyMonkey
A monkey is a primate, either an Old World monkey or a New World monkey. There are about 260 known living species of monkey. Many are arboreal, although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent. Unlike apes, monkeys...
who received the Talisman power of shape-shifting when the Talismans were destroyed. Haiku is an endangered Japanese monkey owned by a rich businessman. The Monkey King was jealous when everyone was preoccupied with catching Haiku, and trapped him in a cage above a volcano. When rescued, Jackie & Jade took Haiku back to Section 13, safe from Daolon Wong.
The noble rabbit who received the Talisman power of speed when the Talismans were destroyed. Lucky is the Jackalope mascot for a high school football team.Bob
The noble ram who received the Talisman power of astral projection when the Talismans were destroyed. Bob belongs to a Scottish shepherd near the shores of Loch Ness. In his astral forme, he speaks very nobly in a Scottish accent, similar to Sir Sean Connery.Royal Medicine
The noble horse who received the Talisman power of healing when the Talismans were destroyed. She is a racehorse found at the Kempton Racecourse in London, England.Aesop
The tortoise that had the rabbit talisman embedded into his shell so he could move at super speed.Ruby
A stray cat Jade befriends in a ruined Moroccan palace in "Enter the Cat". Cute, but unhelpful, she helps the team only accidentally through her love of milk and protectiveness of Jade.Valmont
- English Voice Actor: Julian SandsJulian SandsJulian M. Sands is an English actor, known for his roles in the Best Picture nominee The Killing Fields, the cult film Warlock, A Room with a View, Arachnophobia, Vatel, the television series 24 and as Jor-El in the television series Smallville.-Career:Sands began his film career appearing in...
(English, season one and season two), Andrew Ableson (English, season three and season four) - Japanese Voice Actor: Akihiko ShimizuAkihiko Shimizuis a Japanese seiyū and actor from Chiba Prefecture. He is affiliated with Bungakuza.-Television animation:*Ben 10 *Detective Conan...
"Blast"....... Valmont's catchphrase when something goes wrong.
The leader of the Dark Hand who hails from the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
. He is a skillful criminal mastermind and martial arts expert who is able to hold his own against (and even get the better of) Jackie in their personal confrontations.
Valmont first conspires with Shendu to acquire all the Talismans (season 1), He serves mainly as a front man for Shendu, rarely meeting Jackie in person. He returns in Season 2, again aiding Shendu (this time involuntarily, since he is accidentally possessed by Shendu) to free the Demon Sorcerers. He later makes other appearances on the show, mostly serving as a minor villain, since his fortune and criminal empire crumbled after the Demon Sorcerer incident and the Talisman hunt. By season three, Valmont is homeless and poor and becomes interested in committing robberies to rebuild the Dark Hand, such as taking control of Tohru to rob a rare jewel for this purpose. He appears only once in season 4 where he has lost everything. He acquires an Oni mask. However he only puts on one half of an oni mask. Later, however, he rips it off as his own mind revolts against the Oni one; he tosses it aside for a box of diamonds but inadvertently gets wrapped up and shipped to Mexico instead.
Valmont has brief non-speaking appearances in season five, including applying for a job as Drago's henchman (but was immediately turned down). He does appear in the final episode of the show; aboard a bus the J-Team helps rescue from falling off a bridge, having taken up a job as a bus driver.
The Enforcers
The Enforcers act as henchmen of Valmont (and later effectively directly serve Shendu when he possesses Valmont's body) but later serve several other villains such as Daolon Wong, Tarakudo and very briefly, Drago. They are mainly consisted of Ratso, Finn and Chow and were later joined by Hak Foo.The three main enforcers are more of a nuisance than a threat and provide comic relief while Hak Foo acts as the muscle for the group. Tohru was originally a member of the enforcers, but he left on his own accord. Daolon Wong transformed the enforcers into his Dark Chi Warriors to replace the ones that were defeated and captured by the Chans, but upon Wong's defeat they were reverted into humans. Tarakudo later employed them and treated them more leniently than Shendu or Daolon Wong. Drago also briefly employed them and transformed them into dragon warriors, but he was also aware of their previous failures, and when they failed their first task, he (both literally and figuratively) fired the Enforcers and reverted them to human form, replacing them with the more competent Ice Gang later on. Facing the destruction of the Earth, all of the Enforcers hired their services out to Uncle and helped him recover Shendu from the ruins of Section 13 for the final confrontation with Drago.
When the Dark Hand is at its zenith in the first season, before involvement with Shendu effectively diminishes the organization, several other officers also participate with the main ones, and are in large numbers when participating in the Dragon Talisman raids on federal reserves and the attempt to capture Jackie Chan after the retrieval of the Tiger Talisman. These enforcers disappear after the talisman hunt following the raid on the Dark Hand's main headquarters by Section 13.
- Finn
- English Voice Actor: Adam BaldwinAdam BaldwinAdam Baldwin is an American actor, known for his roles as Animal Mother in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket, Ricky Linderman in My Bodyguard, Knowle Rohrer in The X-Files, and Marcus Hamilton in Joss Whedon's Angel...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Ken Uo (Japanese)
- An Irish-American comedianComedianA comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy...
and the brains (or at least the most intelligent) of the Dark Hand enforcers (after Tohru's defection). He is a 70s fanatic, and sang discoDiscoDisco is a genre of dance music. Disco acts charted high during the mid-1970s, and the genre's popularity peaked during the late 1970s. It had its roots in clubs that catered to African American, gay, psychedelic, and other communities in New York City and Philadelphia during the late 1960s and...
at weddings before joining the Dark Hand. He, along with the other two recurring Enforcers and Hak Foo, worked for Daolon Wong, Tarakudo and Drago. He commonly and playfully refers to Valmont as Big-V (and Little-V when he is reduced to a child) and Shendu as "Shen-DudeDudeA dude is an individual, typically male. The female equivalent, which is used less often, is "dudette" or "dudess". However, "dude" has evolved to become more unisex to encompass all genders, and this was true even in the 1950s....
". When a dragon, he has the ability to shoot fire from his fingers, and as a Dark Chi Warrior he assumes the mantle of his predecessor Rhen. He has a young nephew named Frank, who is unaware of his uncle's criminal career.
- Ratso
- English Voice Actor: Clancy BrownClancy BrownClarence J. "Clancy" Brown III is an American actor and voice actor. He is known for his roles in live action as The Kurgan in the cult classic film Highlander, Byron Hadley in the award-winning The Shawshank Redemption, Brother Justin Crowe in HBO's critically acclaimed Carnivàle, and Career...
(English) - Japanese Voice Actor: Jin UrayamaJin Urayamais a Japanese actor and voice actor from Osaka Prefecture. He is affiliated with Production Taiku.-Television animation:*Blood+ *Cluster Edge *Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid...
(Japanese) - A nerdy strongman who acts somewhat childish and has a fondness of toys, baseball and grilled cheese sandwiches. He wears a bandage across his nose as a fashion statement, and studied theoretical physicsTheoretical physicsTheoretical physics is a branch of physics which employs mathematical models and abstractions of physics to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena...
before joining the Enforcers. When infused with fire demon Chi by Drago, he could generate fire from his hands. When the Monkey Talisman affected him, he was usually turned into a rat (which is fitting, based on his name). He has an unnamed sister and a young nephew named Rocko, who is his sister's son and is unaware of his uncle's criminal career.
- Chow
- English Voice Actor: James Sie (English)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Hajime IijimaHajime Iijimais a male Japanese voice actor from Kanagawa Prefecture affiliated with Office Osawa. He was formerly affiliated with Office CHK.-Television animation:*Asatte no Houkou *X-Men: Evolution *Battle Programmer Shirase...
(Japanese) - Of Asian (likely Chinese) descent, he is the shortest and youngest member of the group. His trademark is a pair of yellow-orange sunglasses, which are actually eyeglasses, and worked at a store called Sunglass Shack where he was employee of the month 3 times before joining the Dark Hand. He gained the ability to shoot fire from his eyes during his employ by Drago (although all too often his sunglasses broke when he used that ability). He's afraid of flying, heights, space travel and a lot of other things. He has a young nephew named Charlie, who is unaware of his uncle's crime life.
- Hak Foo
- English Voice Actor: Jim CummingsJim CummingsJames Jonah "Jim" Cummings is an American voice actor who has appeared in almost 100 roles. He has appeared in classic animated movies such as Aladdin and The Lion King, as well as taking on roles in more current films, such as Bee Movie, Princess and the Frog, and Winnie the Pooh.-Personal...
(English, season one), John DiMaggioJohn DiMaggioJohn William DiMaggio is an American voice actor. A native of North Plainfield, New Jersey, he is known for his gruff, deep voice and New Jersey accent, which he uses to voice mainly villains and anti-heroes.-Filmography:...
(English, season two onwards) - Japanese Voice Actor: Junichi Endō (Japanese)
- A spiky-haired, muscle-bound martial arts thug who shouts out metaphorMetaphorA metaphor is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea; e.g., "Her eyes were glistening jewels." Metaphor may also be used for any rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via...
ical animal-related descriptions each time he launches his attacks (e.g. "Angry Crow Takes Flight", when Hak Foo uses an airborne attack), and occasionally even when he performs mundane tasks (in one episode, he utters "Mouse Runs Through Maze" while navigating through a building, then "Mouse Takes Cheese" when he retrieves the Pan Ku Box shortly after). This unusual practice makes his fighting style rather easy to predict. Hak Foo's techniques also get more and more violent as the series progresses (in Season 2, he uses "Buffalo tramples field mouse"; by Season 4, he has evolved it into "Supernova incinerates field mouse").
- In his first appearance in Season 1, he was the first character that had ever been able to defeat Jackie fairly in a one-on-one match. In season 2 he was brought in as Tohru's replacement. After the hunt to free Shendu's siblings ended, Hak Foo left the Dark Hand and became a freelancer, developing a slight lust for power. He was temporarily a Dark Chi Warrior, and was the only one completely comfortable with the change. Hak Foo then aided Tarakudo in recovering the Oni Masks with the other Enforcers. Hak Foo later aided the J-Team and the other Enforcers in the final battle against Drago. At that point, he was pretty much broke from serving evil and needed some kind of income (as he stated, "Hungry Gopher Digs Hole"). His final metaphor at the end of "The Chi Power" was "Big Bear Hug" where he pulls the Enforcers and Captain Black into a friendly hug. Hak Foo is the only Enforcer who never worked for Drago despite having worked for all other major villains.
The Demon Sorcerers
The Demon Sorcerers are a group of ancient demons who once ruled the Earth in ancient times. According to Uncle in "Day of the Dragon" there have been thousands of demon sorcerers throughout history but only eight of these are revealed in the series. They were imprisoned within a different dimension called the Netherworld by the Eight ImmortalsEight Immortals
The Eight Immortals are a group of legendary xian in Chinese mythology. Each Immortal's power can be transferred to a power tool that can give life or destroy evil. Together, these eight tools are called "Covert Eight Immortals" . Most of them are said to have been born in the Tang Dynasty or...
of China. Each demon represents an element
Classical element
Many philosophies and worldviews have a set of classical elements believed to reflect the simplest essential parts and principles of which anything consists or upon which the constitution and fundamental powers of anything are based. Most frequently, classical elements refer to ancient beliefs...
(e.g. fire, earth, water, etc.), and have been shown to be able to take on human disguises. They were all sealed in separate portals by the sorcerers using special immortalized items, although the portals can be re-opened using an item called the Pan Ku Box which is essentially a puzzle box containing maps to the portals' locations.
In the second season of the show, Shendu, the most prominent of the demons as well as one of the main antagonists in the series, enlists the Dark Hand and they travel the world to open the portals but they are defeated each time by the Chan family. Shendu ultimately uses the Book of Ages, a book where history is magically written, to alter reality where the demons still rule. However, the Chan family manage to banish all the demons completely, although Shendu escapes in later events of the television show.
- English Voice Actor: James Sie (English)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Jin UrayamaJin Urayamais a Japanese actor and voice actor from Osaka Prefecture. He is affiliated with Production Taiku.-Television animation:*Blood+ *Cluster Edge *Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid...
(Japanese) - Demon Sorcerer of: Fire
- Immortal Item: SwordSwordA sword is a bladed weapon used primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the historical epoch or the geographical region under consideration...
of Lü DongbinLü DongbinLǚ Dòngbīn is a historical figure and also a deity/Immortal revered by many in the Chinese culture sphere, especially by Daoists/Taoists. Lǚ Dòngbīn is one of the most widely known of the group of deities known as the Eight Immortals and considered by some to be the de facto leader... - Portal: Hong KongHong KongHong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...
Moose World - Trigram Symbol: ☲

call - 1347 531 7769 for more infoIn Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an "unclean spirit" which may cause demonic possession, to be addressed with an act of exorcism...
ic dragon
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...
ruler of China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
, but his subjects rebelled with Lo Pei, who turned him into a statue
A statue is a sculpture in the round representing a person or persons, an animal, an idea or an event, normally full-length, as opposed to a bust, and at least close to life-size, or larger...
, and then scattered his twelve powers in the form of twelve talisman
An amulet, similar to a talisman , is any object intended to bring good luck or protection to its owner.Potential amulets include gems, especially engraved gems, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants and animals; even words said in certain occasions—for example: vade retro satana—, to...
s. Shendu vowed revenge, but was unable to do so for 900 years. He eventually teamed up with the Dark Hand, promising them a lost treasure
Treasure is a concentration of riches, often one which is considered lost or forgotten until being rediscovered...
in return for the talismans. Finn, one of the three enforcers, commonly and playfully refers to Shendu as "Shen-Dude". After they finally recovered them, Shendu came to life, raising his palace
A palace is a grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of a head of state or some other high-ranking dignitary, such as a bishop or archbishop. The word itself is derived from the Latin name Palātium, for Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills in Rome. In many parts of Europe, the...
. However, Shendu was blasted into dust by Jade Chan. As a statue he possessed a raspy, hissing voice until he was revived. When reanimated, he had a deeper, more sinister voice; after he was turned back into a statue he retained his hissing, raspy voice from then on (even when he was no longer a statue). His roars also sound similar to the roars of the Tyrannosaurs of the Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park (film)
Jurassic Park is a 1993 American science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Michael Crichton. It stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Martin Ferrero, and Bob Peck...
Shendu returned as a spirit
The English word spirit has many differing meanings and connotations, most of them relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body.The spirit of a living thing usually refers to or explains its consciousness.The notions of a person's "spirit" and "soul" often also overlap,...
and was revealed to be the Fire Demon, one of eight Demon Sorcerers. He had originally been banished with the rest of his brethren by the eight immortals to the Demon Netherworld, but had somehow resurfaced in China before Lo Pei turned him to stone (this detail is never touched upon in the series). He ended up trapped in Valmont's body by mistake, but was eventually banished back into the Demon Nether World. He escaped and possessed Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan, SBS, MBE is a Hong Kong actor, action choreographer, comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts...
to rewrite the Book of Ages. He made the Dark Hand and the Chan family into his slaves, but Jade escaped the time alteration and assembled the J-Team against him, fighting again.
Shendu is hated by his demon siblings. They resented in particular the fact that he was able to roam the Earth for more than nine centuries and that he made no attempt to free the rest of his brethren while they remained imprisoned in the Demon Netherworld. Shendu often expresses submissive (if not fearful) behavior around them in face of this antagonism. This may be because of his weakness and vulnerability as he had usually been in corporeal form when confronted, as well as the fact that they are collectively more powerful than he is, except when his power is augmented by the twelve Talismans. Shendu often acts craftily and evasively in order to defend himself, which further strengthens the disdain his brethren have towards him, especially when his tactics have proven deceptive (such as when he falsely claimed to be able to free all seven of them through his own vacant portal).
Shendu was resurrected at the hands of Daolon Wong in exchange for the Dragon Talisman's power (since he is in fact the last living dragon on earth) but double-crossed him, taking the Dragon power as well as both the Pig and Rooster powers that Wong had acquired previously. Shendu managed to reclaim all his powers, but after Daolon Wong was bested by his archnemesis, Uncle Chan, Daolon divulged the ancient spell which Lo Pei used to turn Shendu into a statue. Uncle, Tohru and Section 13
Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series chronicling the adventures of a fictionalized version of action film star Jackie Chan. Many of the episodes contain references to Chan's actual works. This series ran on Kids' WB! from September 9, 2000 to July 7, 2005 for a total of 95...
used this spell on Shendu, successfully turning him into statue form and at the same time recreating the Talismans.
Shendu was later revealed to have a son, a junior fire demon by the name of Drago. Coming from an alternate future, Drago attempted to use the magical Dragon's Teeth to free Shendu (the one in the future). However, Drago accidentally destroyed the teeth, preventing the spell from coming to pass. Drago was captured and was sent to prison in the present Section 13, but escaped only to abandon his present-day father in favor of the Chi of the Demon Sorcerers (his aunts and uncles). When Drago held Jackie, Uncle, and Captain Black captive, Jade removed a piece of Shendu's skin to use in a spell against his son, due to needing a DNA sample identical to Drago's. Later, Uncle went to Shendu seeking a way to strip Drago of the eight demon powers. Shendu told Uncle that it was impossible, and asked Uncle to free him so he could defeat Drago. When Drago grew close to turning Earth into Demon World, Uncle relented, using a spell to free Shendu from his statue imprisonment. Freed, Shendu battled Drago, but was outmatched by his super powered offspring. To give Shendu a fighting chance, the J-Team gave him the Talismans. Tohru and Uncle then used a spell to send Drago plummeting into the netherworld, but Drago used this opportunity to falsely apologize to his father and begged him to help him. Shendu fell for it and was tricked, causing both of them to be sealed into the netherworld, ending their threat and sealing both the Talismans and Demon Chi away forever.
Shendu – being the last dragon in existence – also has Noble Right to the Dragon Talisman power, and came to be in possession of all twelve Talisman powers. When Lo Pei performed the spell that imprisoned him in statue form, these powers were stripped of him and each power turned to a talisman, each based on the Chinese Zodiac. Unless Shendu was revived from statue form by means of Dragon Teeth or an unknown spell used by Uncle, he would become dependent on the Talismans, especially the Rat Talisman to sustain his animated form and the Dog Talisman for his immortality. Presumably if revived from his statue form by an alternate means to the Talismans, he would still require them to achieve his full potential and hence would be considerably inferior without them than if he were not dependent on the Talismans.
According to Uncle, he is also well-immune to non-magical weapons, even modern ones, presumably a trait shared by other demons including his own brethren. Shendu has been shown to withstand impacts from rocket launchers and high-powered laser cannons.
Shendu is possibly the only one with Talisman powers. The powers of his brothers and sisters come from unknown origins, yet it is often thought that they come from talismans that are separate from the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals. Perhaps these talismans are not necessarily restricted to just animals. There is also a commentary of Dai Gui, Shendu's brother and Earth demon, where, while fighting with the talisman's powered "J-Team", he says "Shendu and his accursed talismans!", something that indicates that the talismans are a special ability of Shendu that's unrelated from his siblings.
Po Kong
- Voice Actor: Mona MarshallMona MarshallMona M. Ianotti is an American voice actress. She is often cast in the role of young boys. Her roles have included parts in not only Japanese anime, but also in American cartoons as well. Mona Marshall has recently lent her voice to the talking bear Koby the Study Buddy...
(English) - Demon Sorcereress of: The Mountains
- Immortal Item: DrumDrumThe drum is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments, which is technically classified as the membranophones. Drums consist of at least one membrane, called a drumhead or drum skin, that is stretched over a shell and struck, either directly with the player's hands, or with a...
of Elder Zhang GuoElder Zhang Guo"Elder Zhang Guo" or "Zhang Guo Lao" is one of the Eight Immortals. Of the Eight Immortals he, along with Chung-li Ch'uan and Lu Yen, was a real historical figure; the rest exist only in legend... - Portal: island in the middle of Tokyo BayTokyo Bayis a bay in the southern Kantō region of Japan. Its old name was .-Geography:Tokyo Bay is surrounded by the Bōsō Peninsula to the east and the Miura Peninsula to the west. In a narrow sense, Tokyo Bay is the area north of the straight line formed by the on the Miura Peninsula on one end and on...
, JapanJapanJapan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south... - Trigram Symbol: ☶
She is the Mountain Demon, and by far, the largest of the demons. She appears as a large green-skinned feminine demon with a ravenous appetite, her favourite food being humans. Her portal is located on an island in the middle of Tokyo Bay
Tokyo Bay
is a bay in the southern Kantō region of Japan. Its old name was .-Geography:Tokyo Bay is surrounded by the Bōsō Peninsula to the east and the Miura Peninsula to the west. In a narrow sense, Tokyo Bay is the area north of the straight line formed by the on the Miura Peninsula on one end and on...
, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
. Po Kong's return to her domain in Japan is cut short when she is defeated by an army of magically cloned Jades and sent back to the Netherworld. In the "Demon World" story arc, Po Kong rules Japan and has mankind produce large amounts of salt for her meals. She is defeated and banished forever by the Chans and Tohru. It is revealed that Po Kong is younger than her brother Tso Lan when they were all trying to escape through Shendu's portal. When Drago sought out the demon chi that was on the original symbols that defeated the demons, Po Kong's chi was found on a pair of chopsticks that were made of the drumsticks used to play the drum that defeated her. When Drago and his crew arrived, Jackie and Uncle were forced to take all the chopsticks there were with them, having to find which one had the chi later on. At the time, Jade had Tohru on a diet. When he went down to kitchen in the middle of the night for some rice, he picked up one of the pair of chopsticks that Jackie and Uncle were looking through, these being the ones with Po Kong's chi. When Tohru put the chopsticks in his mouth, he was infused with the chi. This caused him to go on an eating frenzy, consuming not just all the food in the kitchen, but as well as a large amount of the antiques in Uncle's shop (much to Uncle's dismay), growing bigger and becoming more like Po Kong with each bite, and soon moved on to consume everything in the city. Despite his transformation, part of Tohru was still in control. When Drago and his crew attacked the Chans, Tohru heard Jade screaming and came to their aid, using the Mountain Demon's strength to fight Drago. In the end, Drago managed to suck the chi out of Tohru and return him to normal, only to lose it to Uncle (along with his Fire Demon chi). Drago soon managed to absorb the chi again along with the other seven powers.
Tchang Zu
- Voice Actor: Clancy BrownClancy BrownClarence J. "Clancy" Brown III is an American actor and voice actor. He is known for his roles in live action as The Kurgan in the cult classic film Highlander, Byron Hadley in the award-winning The Shawshank Redemption, Brother Justin Crowe in HBO's critically acclaimed Carnivàle, and Career...
(English) - Demon Sorcerer of: Thunder
- Immortal Item: Castanets of Royal Uncle CaoRoyal Uncle CaoThe newest of the Eight Immortals, Royal Uncle Cao or Cao Guojiu is named one of the following:* Cao Yi * Cao Jing...
- Portal: Los AngelesLos ÁngelesLos Ángeles is the capital of the province of Biobío, in the commune of the same name, in Region VIII , in the center-south of Chile. It is located between the Laja and Biobío rivers. The population is 123,445 inhabitants...
, CaliforniaCaliforniaCalifornia is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area... - Trigram Symbol: ☳
Tchang Zu is the Demon of Thunder. He appears as an armoured, blue-skinned reptilian demon, with an arrogant and impatient attitude, and shows a deep dislike for his own brother Shendu, seeing himself as Shendu's master rather than a brother. He possesses the ability to control electricity
Electricity is a general term encompassing a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. These include many easily recognizable phenomena, such as lightning, static electricity, and the flow of electrical current in an electrical wire...
. He is the third demon to be released, his portal revealed to be in the Megagalactic Studios in Hollywood, but Tchang Zu is astonished to find his palace has been paved over and become a parking lot. He attempts to make the Chinese Theatre
Chinese Theatre
Chinese theatre may refer to:*Chinese theatre, the theatre of China, now often called Chinese opera*Chinese Village , Russia, including the Chinese Opera Theatre of Catherine the Great*Grauman's Chinese Theater, a Hollywood movie theater...
his palace, but is defeated by the Chans who banish him back to the Netherworld. In the "Demon World" two-parter episodes, Tchang Zu's domain is never shown because he is shown visiting Hsi Wu's domain. It is likely that his domain is similar to Hsi Wu's or even an airborne version of Bai Tza's Atlantis, where the domain is located in the sky among the clouds as can be interpreted by his entrance into Hsi-Wu's dome through a cloud only to find his brother banished by the J Team. He battles them but is sealed away forever when Paco reveals castanets (Paco stated that he wanted to keep maracas in his pockets, but the maracas were too big to fit inside), the item used to seal Tchang Zu away in the first place. In the video game adaptation, his portal is located outside a museum in San Francisco.
Shi Wu
- Voice Actor: André SogliuzzoAndré SogliuzzoAndré Sogliuzzo is an Italian-American voice actor, comedian, and actor.-Animated roles:* American Dad! – Dill* Avatar: The Last Airbender – King Bumi, Hakoda, Haru* The Batman – Duncan* Brandy & Mr...
(English) - Demon Sorcerer of: The Sky
- Immortal Item: FluteFluteThe flute is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening...
of Philosopher Han Xiang - Portal: Fenway ParkFenway ParkFenway Park is a baseball park near Kenmore Square in Boston, Massachusetts. Located at 4 Yawkey Way, it has served as the home ballpark of the Boston Red Sox baseball club since it opened in 1912, and is the oldest Major League Baseball stadium currently in use. It is one of two "classic"...
- Trigram Symbol: ☰
The Sky Demon, Shi Wu appears to be a human-sized black-skinned demon with wings. He was one of the last Demons to be released, his portal located outside the women's room in Fenway Park. Jade accidentally snapped off his tail, forcing him to flee. He tried to retrieve his tail but Uncle placed a spell that would prevent demons from entering the shop unless they were invited. Seeing Jade, Shi Wu saw his opportunity. He disguised himself as a human boy named Seymour Jahoositz and quickly befriends Jade. He gets inside the shop and nearly to his tail only to be pushed out by Uncle. Next day, he was invited to the Spring dance by Jade and gave him a necklace with one half a coin. He once again tries to get into the shop only to find that Uncle had hexed his tail to immobilize him. Shi Wu catches his tail in a bag, revealing himself to everyone (including to the horror of Jade). He kidnaps uncle, demanding that he undo the spell; Uncle said that he cannot and required to do another spell, but needed books. The Dark Hand brought spell books but their efforts were hampered by Jackie and Tohru. Shi Wu flew off with his tail, determined to find some other way. But Jade, empowered by the Rabbit and Rooster Talismans, begins a flight chase across the industrial district. She is able to release his tail on him, as Jackie played the flute, sending him back to the Netherworld.
Tso Lan
- Voice Actor: Glenn ShadixGlenn ShadixWilliam Glenn Shadix Scott , born William Glenn Shadix, was an American actor, known for his role as Otho Fenlock in Tim Burton's horror/comedy film Beetlejuice and the voice of the Mayor of Halloween Town in The Nightmare Before Christmas.-Early life and education:Shadix was born in Bessemer,...
(English) - Demon Sorcerer of: The Moon
- Inmortal Item: Lotus BlossomNelumbo nuciferaNelumbo nucifera, known by a number of names including Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, or simply Lotus, is a plant in the monogeneric family Nelumbonaceae...
of Immortal Woman HeImmortal Woman HeNamed Hé Qióng , Immortal Woman He or He Xiangu is the only female deity among the Eight Immortals... - Portal: halfway between the Earth and the Moon
- Trigram Symbol: ☵
The Moon Demon, Tso Lan is a powerful sorcerer with the ability to alter gravity. He appears as a four-armed, black haired grey-skinned humanoid demon, and has a very calm personality and appears proud to some degree. His portal is located half-way between the Earth and the moon, which the Dark Hand and Shendu reach by using Earth's space station
Space station
A space station is a spacecraft capable of supporting a crew which is designed to remain in space for an extended period of time, and to which other spacecraft can dock. A space station is distinguished from other spacecraft used for human spaceflight by its lack of major propulsion or landing...
to pass over its location. Upon release, Tso Lan prepares to move the moon out of its orbit, annihilating the Earth's ecosystem in the process to make the planet a more suitable environment for him to live on. He is banished back to the Netherworld by Jackie, Jade and Tohru. During the "Demon World" story arc, Tso Lan is one of the four final demons to be banished away forever, fighting El Toro who used the Rooster Talisman to combat Tso Lan. It is revealed that Tso Lan is older than his sister Po Kong when they were all trying to get through Shendu's portal. He appears to be one of the strongest beings in existence when he tossed Po Kong like a feather, something no other demon could do, and beyond the strength of the Ox Talisman or the shadowkhan summoned by the Fourth Mask, although it also could have been a gravity trick.
Dai Gui
- Voice Actor: Frank WelkerFrank WelkerFranklin Wendell "Frank" Welker is an American actor who specializes in voice acting and has contributed character voices and other vocal effects to American television and motion pictures.-Acting career:...
(English) - Demon Sorcerer of: The Earth
- Immortal Item: FlowerFlowerA flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants . The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs...
of Lan CaiheLan CaiheLan Caihe is the least defined of the Eight Immortals. Lan Caihe's age and sex are unknown. Lan is usually depicted in sexually ambiguous clothing, but is often shown as a young boy or girl carrying a bamboo flower basket.Stories of Lan's behaviour are often bizarrely eccentric... - Portal: PamplonaPamplonaPamplona is the historial capital city of Navarre, in Spain, and of the former kingdom of Navarre.The city is famous worldwide for the San Fermín festival, from July 6 to 14, in which the running of the bulls is one of the main attractions...
, SpainSpainSpain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula... - Trigram Symbol: ☷
The Earth Demon. Dai Gui resembles a large humanoid bull
Bull usually refers to an uncastrated adult male bovine.Bull may also refer to:-Entertainment:* Bull , an original show on the TNT Network* "Bull" , an episode of television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation...
with great strength. He is shown to not be very intelligent, and has a firm dislike for Shendu (perhaps the greatest hatred for him out of all the demon sorcerers), his talismans, and flower
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants . The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs...
s which are also the immortal item used to banish him originally. He is shown to be able to dig underground and move like a shark
Sharks are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago....
, his horns visible above ground when he digs. His portal is located in Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
, where he attempts to dig a new kingdom underground, but is defeated by Jackie who wears the Armour of the Gods, an item related to the sorcerers who banished the demons to the Nether region. In the "Demon World" story arc, he is one of the last four demons to be banished, likely ruling Iberia (Spain and Portugal) or part of or all of Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
. He is banished forever upon being defeated by Tohru.
Bai Tza
- Voice Actor: Mona MarshallMona MarshallMona M. Ianotti is an American voice actress. She is often cast in the role of young boys. Her roles have included parts in not only Japanese anime, but also in American cartoons as well. Mona Marshall has recently lent her voice to the talking bear Koby the Study Buddy...
(English) - Japanese Seiyu: Chizuru Ikewaki (Japanese)
- Demon Sorceress of: Water
- Immortal Item: GourdGourdA gourd is a plant of the family Cucurbitaceae. Gourd is occasionally used to describe crops like cucumbers, squash, luffas, and melons. The term 'gourd' however, can more specifically, refer to the plants of the two Cucurbitaceae genera Lagenaria and Cucurbita or also to their hollow dried out shell...
of Iron-Crutch Li - Portal: Colosseum in Rome
- Trigram Symbol: ☱
The Water Demon, Bai Tsa appears as a blue-skinned hideous mermaid
A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head, arms, and torso and the tail of a fish. A male version of a mermaid is known as a "merman" and in general both males and females are known as "merfolk"...
with waving tentacles for hair similar to Medusa
In Greek mythology Medusa , " guardian, protectress") was a Gorgon, a chthonic monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. The author Hyginus, interposes a generation and gives Medusa another chthonic pair as parents. Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone...
with her snake hair. She is shown to be very cruel, unforgiving and very intelligent, immediately escaping the Chans upon her release from the Netherworld. Bai Tza is the strongest of Shendu's siblings, for she stayed out of the Demon Netherworld the longest. She seems to be the closest to Shendu of his siblings, although she heavily despises him, likely because of their opposing elements and him not freeing his siblings when they were banished by the Immortals in the first place. Bai Tsa used to rule the mythical Atlantis
Atlantis is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written about 360 BC....
, but since its ruination, she required a new empire. She picked San Francisco with the intention to flood it with a tsunami spell. She was banished back to the Netherworld, along with Jade accidentally being sent there too, which in turn led to Shendu's banishment. In the "Demon World" story arc, Bai Tsa was one of the final demons to be banished forever, fighting Viper until she was banished after being blown to water when Viper was briefly transformed into "Robo-Viper", a cyborg version of the character.
Xiao Feng
- Voice Actor: Glenn ShadixGlenn ShadixWilliam Glenn Shadix Scott , born William Glenn Shadix, was an American actor, known for his role as Otho Fenlock in Tim Burton's horror/comedy film Beetlejuice and the voice of the Mayor of Halloween Town in The Nightmare Before Christmas.-Early life and education:Shadix was born in Bessemer,...
, later Corey BurtonCorey BurtonCorey Burton is an American voice actor, perhaps best known as Count Dooku, Ziro the Hutt and Cad Bane in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Brainiac in the DC animated universe and Spike Witwicky and Shockwave in the Transformers universe...
(English) - Demon Sorcerer of: The Wind
- Immortal Item: FanFan (implement)A hand-held fan is an implement used to induce an airflow for the purpose of cooling or refreshing oneself. Any broad, flat surface waved back-and-forth will create a small airflow and therefore can be considered a rudimentary fan...
of Zhongli QuanZhongli QuanZhongli Quan is one of the most ancient of the Eight Immortals and the leader of the group. He is also known as Zhongli of Han because he was said to be born during the Han Dynasty... - Portal: Hollowlands Penitentiary within the Black ForestBlack ForestThe Black Forest is a wooded mountain range in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany. It is bordered by the Rhine valley to the west and south. The highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493 metres ....
- Trigram Symbol: ☴
The Wind Demon, Xiao Feng is a large purple toad-like demon with the ability to suck in huge breaths and release them as blasts of wind with hurricane speeds. He was the second Demon Sorcerer to be released, his portal located inside a prison in the United States of America (Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz Island is an island located in the San Francisco Bay, offshore from San Francisco, California, United States. Often referred to as "The Rock" or simply "Traz", the small island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a Federal...
in the video game adaptation). Xiao Feng finds the prison freedom compared to the Netherworld, and is the first demon to show shapeshifting abilities. He is banished by the Chans. In the "Demon World" story arc, Xiao Fung is shown to rule Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
or possibly all of South America
South America
South America is a continent situated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. The continent is also considered a subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east...
. He watches El Toro and another wrestler fight to the death, with Paco as a servant. Paco is shown to be fanning Xiao Fung, the fan enchanted to seal Xiao Fung away forever.
Daolon Wong
- Voice Actor: James HongJames HongJames Hong is an American actor and former president of the Association of Asian/Pacific American Artists . A prolific acting veteran, Hong's career spans over 50 years and includes more than 350 roles in film, television, and video games.-Early life:Hong was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His...
A Dark Chi
In traditional Chinese culture, qì is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as life energy, lifeforce, or energy flow. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts...
wizard (Jade sometimes calls him the "anti-Uncle" because of this). He is also Uncle's main rival in the series. His left eye is grey, his right eye is blue and he has mouths on his palms, which he uses to extract chi.
Wong first appears when Tohru is mistaken for a legendary Chosen One. Using his Dark Chi Warriors, Gan, Ren, and Chui, he attacks Tohru, seeking to destroy him and upset the balance of Chi in favour of evil. He fails in his first attempt, but later returns to use the dark chi contained in the idol of the Three Wise Monkeys
Three wise monkeys
The Three Wise Monkeys , sometimes called the Three Mystic Apes, are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"...
, but is beaten again.
In the third season Wong becomes the main villain in the show as he attempts to steal the Talismans. After his warriors are captured inside the lost urn of Wei Cheing, Wong turns Finn, Ratso, and Chow into his new warriors. Despite obtaining the Pig and Rooster Talisman powers (partially also the Sheep Talisman power), Wong is highly unsuccessful, even when he turns Hak Foo into the fourth Dark Warrior Zhen. He later makes a bargain with Shendu, restoring the dragon to life in exchange for the power of the Dragon talisman. However, Shendu betrays him and takes all his Talisman powers. Wong is later ambushed by Uncle as he is going to challenge Shendu, and loses his powers to one of Uncle's spells. Wong then reveals to Uncle the spell that turns Shendu to stone in order to get revenge against Shendu for his betrayal.
Wong later attempted to escape prison by summoning the Shadowkhan, a feat he had managed once before. However, he instead released Tarakudo. Wong later escaped prison, and went after the Déjà Vu stone. Despite his best efforts, he lost the stone, and was last seen being dragged away by past versions of the Enforcers.
Dark Chi Warriors
Wong originally employed three dark warriors known as Gan, Ren, and Chui (Hammer). Each had a different weapon: Ren had a boomerang blade similar to a windmill shuriken (and materialized with a smoke effect), Chui had a sledgehammer (who appears with a flame effect) and Gan had a bo staff/Sa Tjat Koen (with a pouring-in effect). These warriors were all silent, and controlled their weapons with their thoughts. After they were imprisoned in the lost urn of Wei Cheng by Uncle, Wong replaced them with Finn, Ratso, and Chow, respectively. These three retained their predecessors' powers, but still managed to prove incompetent. Wong later made Hak Foo into a Dark Chi Warrior called Zhen, who combined Hak Foo's traditional attack style with powerful magic, and materialized with a lightning bolt effect. Wong temporarily endowed them with armour to battle Shendu, but when Uncle shattered Wong's scepter, the Enforcers returned to normal, and the Dark Chi Warriors ceased to exist.Oni
- Tarakudo (Miguel FerrerMiguel FerrerMiguel José Ferrer is an American actor and voice actor who is often cast as a villain. His notable roles include Bob Morton, a supporting character in RoboCop , the short tempered FBI agent Albert Rosenfield in Twin Peaks, and Dr...
), the kingMonarchA monarch is the person who heads a monarchy. This is a form of government in which a state or polity is ruled or controlled by an individual who typically inherits the throne by birth and occasionally rules for life or until abdication...
of all Shadowkhan and lord of all Oni. Tarakudo is essentially a large floating head in mid-air. Tarakudo once terrorized the Earth, with his trusted nine oni generals. Tarakudo's reign came to an end when the spirits of his generals were trapped within nine masks. Years later, Tarakudo is accidentally awakened by Daolon Wong, when he was trying to get himself out of trouble. Tarakudo sets out to find the generals, but the Chans find all the masks, but the masks break and the generals are released. In the final showdown, the Chans discover there's a tenth mask. Surprisingly, it's Tarakudo's, and Tarakudo's true form is revealed to be a humanoid body. After a struggle with the J-Team, Jade fuses the mask to his face, and he and the nine generals along with the Shadowkhan are sucked into the mask.
- Ikazuki (Maurice LaMarcheMaurice LaMarcheMaurice LaMarche is an Emmy Award winning Canadian-American voice actor and former stand up comedian. He is best known for his voicework in Futurama as Kif Kroker, as Egon Spengler in The Real Ghostbusters, Verminous Skumm and Duke Nukem in Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Big Bob Pataki in Hey...
), Tarakudo's second-in-command and one of the nine Oni Generals. He is also the only named Oni General.
A group of shadowShadow
A shadow is an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object. It occupies all of the space behind an opaque object with light in front of it. The cross section of a shadow is a two-dimensional silhouette, or reverse projection of the object blocking the...
warriors formerly controlled by Shendu. In Season 4, it was revealed Shendu only possessed this power because of a special Oni Mask; Daolon Wong also controlled the Shadowkhan briefly through the same mask. Jade also manages to control them by making a tattoo from the face (notably Tarakudo's) off the cover of a book; she is briefly possessed by its dark power and takes over Section 13 before Tohru manages to remove the tattoo. Tarakudo, king of the Shadowkhan, was later awakened and set out to capture the nine Oni masks that control nine different tribes of Shadowkhan. Chow later put on the mask and took temporary control before having it removed by Jackie. Season four also revealed that there are nine tribes of Shadowkhan, each controlled by a demon general. When the generals were sealed within masks, the host that wears the mask controls the Shadowkhan. Almost every Shadowkhan has the same body, powers, and abilities of their Oni. Tarakudo is the only Oni that can not summon Shadowkhan, despite being known as the 'king of all Shadowkahn'; it is hinted that he is able to summon all the types but never gets a chance to before he is imprisoned in his mask (along with the other Oni generals and their respective Shadowkahn).
- Ninja Khan
These are the basic Shadowkhan, the ones summoned by Shendu, Jade (when she was Queen of the Shadowkhan), Daolon Wong, and Chow once he wears the first Oni mask. They are basically human-looking, but with blue-greyish skin and red luminescent eyes, and seem to be incapable of speech. Their black costumes are fitted with membranes for glidingGlidingGliding is a recreational activity and competitive air sport in which pilots fly unpowered aircraft known as gliders or sailplanes using naturally occurring currents of rising air in the atmosphere to remain airborne. The word soaring is also used for the sport.Gliding as a sport began in the 1920s...
. - Mask: Red mask
- Worn by: Chow
- Place: Shendu's palace
- Removal Recipe: Japanese steel, forged for samurai sword
- Razor Khan
These Shadowkhan are the second variety seen, summoned by Ratso. They have long, sharp edge fingers like knives, and their legs are pointed. They are faster than other Shadowkhan as well. - Mask: Violet Mask with two horns
- Worn by: Ratso
- Place: Tokyo, Japan
- Removal Recipe: Japanese silk
- Bat Khan
These are the only Shadowkhan capable of true flight. They are summoned by Scruffy the dog when he howls. - Mask: Yellow Mask with reptilian face
- Worn by: Scruffy (Jade's dogDogThe domestic dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in...
) - Place: San Francisco
- Removal Recipe: Japanese rice
- Sumo Khan
The most muscular of the Shadowkhan that are larger and have more strength than other tribes of Shadowkhan. They each have the same amount of strength a normal person would if using the ox talisman. Summoned by Captain Black while he wore the tribe's Oni Mask. - Mask: Green Mask
- Worn by: Captain A. Black
- Place: Pacific North-west, in the base of Cascade Mountains.
- Removal Recipe: rare Japanese seaweed
- Samurai Khan
These Shadowkhan look as if they are encased in Samurai armor. This makes them quite durable. They are summoned by Ikazuki, the mask that gets stuck to Finn's behind. They are said to be the strongest kind of Shadowkhan - Mask: Blue Mask
- Worn by: Finn
- Place: Sea of Japan
- Removal Recipe: a piece of Japanese armor
- Squid Khan
These Shadowkhan are the most horrifying in appearance. They are very stretchy snakelike Shadowkhan, with extendable arms, many eyes, a fang-filled mouth. They are summoned by Paco. - Mask: Orange mask
- Worn by: Paco
- Place: Mexico
- Removal Recipe: tentacle of Japanese octopusOctopusThe octopus is a cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda. Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms, and like other cephalopods they are bilaterally symmetric. An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center point of the arms...
- Crab Khan
These Shadowkhan originally appeared as half-Shadowkhan, because their mask was broken in two. Valmont controls the half with the head and scorpion-like claw, Jade controls the half with no head and crablike claw. They eventually join together when the two mask halves meet. These Shadowkhan are extremely powerful, even when split in half. - Mask: Black mask with short-face with reptilian mouth.
- Worn by: Valmont and Jade
- Place: Texas
- Removal Recipe: tearsTearsTears are secretions that clean and lubricate the eyes. Lacrimation or lachrymation is the production or shedding of tears....
of Japanese monkeyMonkeyA monkey is a primate, either an Old World monkey or a New World monkey. There are about 260 known living species of monkey. Many are arboreal, although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent. Unlike apes, monkeys...
- Mini Khan
These Shadowkhan are the smallest of all, looking like cute little sharks. They seem rather pathetic, that is, until they begin eating shadows. They grow progressively in size as they eat a person's shadow. These are the only Shadowkhan with no eyes (The blue eye turns out to be a mouth). They are summoned by Hak Foo. - Mask: Green mask with horn in the middle
- Worn by: Hak Foo
- Place: United States Southern swampSwampA swamp is a wetland with some flooding of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water. A swamp generally has a large number of hammocks, or dry-land protrusions, covered by aquatic vegetation, or vegetation that tolerates periodical inundation. The two main types of swamp are "true" or swamp...
- Removal Recipe: Japanese fishFishFish are a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic vertebrate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups...
- Mantis Khan
These Shadowkhan have mantis-like arms and four legs. This mask was recovered before it could be worn by anyone. - Mask: Red mask
- Worn by: N/A
- Place: bottom of the ocean
- Removal Recipe: Japanese leaf
- Tarakudo Mask
- Mask: Tarakudo's face
- Worn by: Demon General
- Place: The Shadow Realm
- Removal recipe: hair of samurai warrior or a descendant of one
- Voiced by: Michael RosenbaumMichael RosenbaumMichael Owen Rosenbaum is an American actor and director. He is best known for portraying Lex Luthor on the Superman-inspired television series Smallville and Dutch on FOX's Breaking In, and for providing the voice for the Flash in the DC animated universe...
Shendu's son who came back from the future to free him, but after being imprisoned in the present, he went after the demon sorcerers' powers. In the end he succeeded in absorbing the demon powers, but was trapped into the demon world when he was getting sucked in by a spell Uncle and Torhu devised. Before he fell in, Shendu grabbed his arm to help him, but Drago pulled Shendu in with him and they both ended up in the Demon Netherworld. The last that is seen of them is fighting each other over one having betrayed the other. Drago usually makes puns, such as when Uncle's Chi detector's scale broke he remarked that "I'm off the scale". Drago is shown to have a disdain for water. Strikemaster Ice comments that Drago is scared of water but Drago states that he dislikes water because when in water he is unable to use his fire demon chi. Drago also shows a deep personal relationship with his father Shendu, a respect/hatred relationship, this being as Shendu states that even though his son betrayed him, he would watch proudly as Drago destroys the Earth. Also, when Drago is explaining his plan to Jackie, Uncle and Captain Black, he states, "Daddy would be so proud". Drago is the only major villain Hak Foo never worked for.
Strikemaster Ice
- Voiced by Mike ErwinMike ErwinMike Erwin is an American actor who is best known as Colin Hart in the now cancelled WB television series Everwood. He has been more widely heard as the voice of Jak in the Jak and Daxter series from Jak II onward except in the case of Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier in which he did not reprise...
Languages Spoken:English,Gangsta
Ice is a teenager at the age of 17–19, and the shortest member of his crew. Also it seems that he has a rather violent allergy to flower pollen.
Originally, Strikemaster Ice used to be a pizza delivery boy until he delivered a pizza to an old man who, instead of a tip, told him a legend of a secret monastery in the far east. Ice traveled there, and in the monastery he learned martial arts skills equal to if not greater than Jackie's. Eventually, he found out that the monks wanted him to learn the ways of peace. Ice was against this, and he and his cohorts, DJ Fist and MC Cobra, were kicked out for bad behavior. They sought revenge against the monastery by attacking it and stealing a jewel that turned into a laser weapon that goes on a person's arm. The Chans, with the help of Finn, Ratso and Chow defeated Ice and his possessor. Later he and his two cronies became Drago's dragonized henchmen and Strikemaster Ice became Drago's second-in-command.
Like Drago, Ice could breathe fire, and he later gained earth-related powers. He and his men lost their dragon powers and reverted back to their human forms when Uncle and Tohru banished Drago and Shendu to the Demon Netherworld. Afterwards he, Fist and Cobra tried to escape, but were stopped by El Toro and Paco. He speaks mainly in "Gangsta Rap", and like his friends has skills in most extreme sports, Skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.
DJ Fist and MC Cobra
- MC Cobra is voiced by Jeff FischerJeff Fischer (actor)Jeff Fischer is an American voice actor known for his work in commercials, cartoons, and video games. In 2005 he was chosen to announce the Teen Choice Awards....
Strikemaster Ice's posse who met him while they trained in the monastery and were kicked out for bad behavior along with Ice. Like Ice, they received dragon powers from Drago. While Cobra ran at super speeds, the silent DJ Fist possessed super strength. When Drago infused them with Demon Chi, Cobra gained wind power while Fist got thunder. When Drago and Shendu were sent to the Demon Netherworld, they, along with Ice, lost their powers. Jackie mentioned that DJ Fist "Doesn't talk much"(not at all) and was never seen or heard talking except for once when Viper jumped on his tail when he had Dragon powers, and even then it was just a painful grunt.
Dragon Minions
The Dragon Minions are Shendu's draconic servants who he planned to unleash to destroy Asia. Before he could free them, he was defeated by the Chans. They later appeared after Shendu altered history, serving as sentries and steeds for the Demon Sorcerer of Fire. They appeared again in the future, where Drago used them to take over Section 13. In the series finale Drago employed the use of other dragon-like demons including ghostly skeletal serpents as well as large violet snake-like monsters (which were also seen in the Shadowkahn's Shadow Realm).Lo Pei
- Voice Actor: David CarradineDavid CarradineDavid Carradine was an American actor and martial artist, best known for his role as a warrior monk, Kwai Chang Caine, in the 1970s television series, Kung Fu, which later had a 1990s sequel series, Kung Fu: The Legend Continues...
(English) - Japanese Seiyu: Yū ShimakaYu Shimakais a Japanese voice actor . He was born on May 6, 1949 in the Nagano Prefecture. He was formerly affiliated with Production Baobab, and is now affiliated with Production Aigumi.-Television animation:*Animaniacs...
An ancient warrior who was responsible for Shendu's first petrification. This set the stage for the series, as his spell also removed the twelve talismans from Shendu and he then scattered them to the winds. In the present day, a terracotta statue of Lo Pei was placed on exhibit in San Francisco. Uncle and Jackie were studying the statue, in hopes that it hid the key to finding the remaining talismans. Jade inadvertently broke it, and used the Horse Talisman to heal it. She then brought it to life with the Rat, bringing Lo Pei to the modern era. Using his Energy, Immobilizer, and Levitation scrolls, he stole the other talismans from Section 13 (The ones that were in the vault at the time). As he sought to hide the talismans again, he was met by Jackie, whom he mistook for an enemy. He was later tricked by the Dark Hand, who managed to steal all the talismans but the Rat from him. He then befriended Jade, copying her thumbs-up gesture and her cry of "Hooah!" The Dark Hand and the Shadowkhan came looking for the Rat, but Lo Pei recovered the other Talismans and threw the Rat to Jackie and Jade as they made their escape. When the Chans went to visit the statue, they found it slightly altered: one of Lo Pei's hands was making a thumbs-up gesture. Lo Pei later appeared in a Shendu flashback, when Uncle used Lo Pei's original spell to once again return Shendu to stone. But rather than scatter the talismans around the world they were only scattered inches from Shendu.
- Voice Actor: Jeannie EliasJeannie EliasJeannie Elias is a Canadian American film and voice actress.-Anime Roles:* Blood+ - Young Haji, Nahabi, Additional Voices* Ergo Proxy - Kitty* Naruto - Kaori-Non-anime Roles:...
A classmate of Jade's at her school. When Jade would tell the class the adventures she would have with her Uncle Jackie, the class would tease and make fun of her. Drew is often the main instigator and presumably her rival. There are times in the show where Drew is mere feet from unbelievable experiences (like Jade becoming Queen of the Shadowkhan or Hsi Wu posing as a new student to get to Jade and her family) and he never finds out the truth. Finally an incident involving talisman-powered animals, Daolon Wong and his dark warriors would reveal that Jade was telling the truth all along. When he tries to tell the class what he saw, Jade denies that she knew anything, and then the class laughed at him for a change. Regardless, he still acts like a jerk to Jade.
Mrs. Hartman
The teacher in Jade and Drew's class in Jade's school. She never believed the outrageous stories Jade told in her classroom about the adventures she would have with her Uncle Jackie. Due to this and Jade's disruptive or rude behavior, Mrs. Hartman would either send Jade to detention or call Jackie. Despite this, Mrs. Hartman loves teaching and her class (even Jade). Seen mainly in the first two seasons and the fifth season where she was accidentally changed into a demon by the Sky Demon's chi (this was her most important appearance), Mrs. Hartman had few appearances in the third and fourth seasons.- Voiced by: Jeannie EliasJeannie EliasJeannie Elias is a Canadian American film and voice actress.-Anime Roles:* Blood+ - Young Haji, Nahabi, Additional Voices* Ergo Proxy - Kitty* Naruto - Kaori-Non-anime Roles:...
Mama Tohru
- Voice Actor: Amy HillAmy HillAmy Marie Hill is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for her roles as Mrs. DePaulo in That's So Raven, Mrs. Kwan in The Cat in the Hat, the Kylie Minogue-inspired singer, Penny Candy from The Puzzle Place, and the voice of Jasmine Lee Amy Marie Hill (born May 9, 1953) is an American...
(English) - Japanese Seiyu: Kazue KomiyaKazue Komiyais a Japanese voice actress who is affiliated with Theater Echo.-TV anime:*Aim for the Ace! *Ashita no Nadja *Combat Mecha Xabungle *Fullmetal Alchemist *Hiatari Ryōkō!...
Stern but well-meaning, Tohru's mother makes frequent appearances in the series. The first time, she arrives and makes Tohru feel unworthy of her love, and she immediately hits off on the wrong note with Uncle (such as, calling the antique shop a "junk shop" and calling him a "Billy Goat"). She later proves herself a feisty, if short, woman, by taking down a room full of thugs back-to-back with Uncle. Mama later joins the Chans and Tohru on a cruise ship, where her antagonism of Uncle continues. However, the two once again work together to stop the forces of darkness, tripping several thieves using shuffleboard pucks.
Mama appears again during the quest for the Snake Talisman power, and inadvertently infuses part of the magic of the egg it is contained in into her tea by dipping in it, turning her invisible. She aids the Chans once again, where Tohru teaches her that he can take care of himself and Uncle reluctantly makes her visible again. Her final appearance was during Christmas when she was flying in by plane and saw Tohru flying in a sleigh as Santa Claus (when Tohru, Jade, and Paco were filling in for Santa to deliver presents) and later acknowledged this when he met her at Uncle's shop. Her mannerisms towards Uncle were referenced in later episodes, such as during Tohru's rift with Uncle in Season 4, and when Tohru is infected by an evil mirror spirit, his worst fears about himself come true and he temporarily turns into a giant version of his mother.
Deadpan Monk
- Voice Actor: Tim Lounibos
The old monk who first appears in "The Lotus Temple" as Jackie's guide to the temple. He seemed to be a classic wise figure who spends most of his time meditating and speaks in proverbs ("Ancient wisdom:..."), but he turned out to be a greedy Chi magician who was seeking the scroll of Hung Chao. He used Jackie to distract the monster guard, a young girl named Xu-Lin who was compelled by the temple's curse to serve as its guardian after having stumbled into the ruins years ago. The curse also made her unable to leave the temple, until she was encased in an old suit of armor. Jackie, Jade and Xu-Lin managed to escape the temple, but the monk remained behind and became the temple's new guardian.
Later he episodically appears in "Anthler Action" in a team of Jackie's enemies who tried to steal the Earth Demon chi from him.
A corrupt businessman with an insatiable craving to possess jadeJade
Jade is an ornamental stone.The term jade is applied to two different metamorphic rocks that are made up of different silicate minerals:...
(nearly every time this is mentioned, a character will say, "The stone, not the niece" or some variant of it), He even has a prosthetic hand made of jade. The J-Team encountered him when Captain Black sends them to infiltrate his organization, to find out where the jade is being kept. They enter as contestants in a martial arts tournament: Tohru is the only one to win his match, and Jackie is left with sore hands from the same competition Chang lost one of his in. Jade (niece) sneaks into Chang's headquarters, and finds the jade (stone). While Tohru's former opponents in the sumo competition take care of Chang's hired thugs, the other J-Team members take on the remaining champions. After successfully defeating Chang, the J-Team take him into custody and recover the jade (stone). Later, Chang returns with a dark wizard at his command, who creates clones of the J-Team to replace and eliminate them, as well as to recover his precious jade (stone). However, the J-Team originals reverse the spells needed to make the clones evil, and the two J-Teams bring down Chang.
He escapes from prison again, however, with the help of his Chang Gang, a group of criminals meant to beat the J-Team at their own strengths. For a while, it seems they might succeed, when an errant spell by Jade turns the J-Team into toddlers. However, Jade strengthens the spell and uses it on the Chang Gang, who are then defeated and sent off to juvenile detention.
Chang is a parody of the evil Han from Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee was a Chinese American, Hong Kong actor, martial arts instructor, philosopher, film director, film producer, screenwriter, and founder of the Jeet Kune Do martial arts movement...
's movie Enter the Dragon
Enter the Dragon
Enter the Dragon is a 1973 Hong Kong martial arts co-production with Golden Harvest and Warner Bros. studios, directed by Robert Clouse; starring Bruce Lee, Jim Kelly and John Saxon. This is Bruce Lee's final film appearance before his death on July 20, 1973...
, in which Jackie Chan was an extra. The first episode mentioned above was in fact a homage to that movie.
- Voiced by: Timothy DangTimothy DangTimothy "Teflon" Dang is an actor and theatre director originally from Hawaii. He serves as the artistic director at the Asian American theatre company, East West Players , in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, California, U.S....
An engineer and inventor working at Section 13. He is frequently too engrossed in his work to notice anything else, especially when Jade greets him and then takes one of his new inventions for a spin. He has invented a jetpack (used by Jade) and a chronoton beam (by which Jade gets zapped and is sent into the past by aid of the Rabbit talisman), and a chronoton beam detector. As a scientist, he does not believe in magic, but is never present to see any magical forces at work anyway.- Voiced by: Ken Uo (Japanese)
Monsters and other supernatural beings
- Springheel Jack (Voiced by Corey BurtonCorey BurtonCorey Burton is an American voice actor, perhaps best known as Count Dooku, Ziro the Hutt and Cad Bane in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Brainiac in the DC animated universe and Spike Witwicky and Shockwave in the Transformers universe...
)- Springheel Jack was a trollTrollA troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In origin, the term troll was a generally negative synonym for a jötunn , a being in Norse mythology...
who terrorized towns and could leap great distances with his feet (his shoes actually have springs mounted in their heels); he also has a habit of constantly speaking in rhyme. Jack was originally turned to stone by Simon MagusSimon MagusSimon the Sorcerer or Simon the Magician, in Latin Simon Magus, was a Samaritan magus or religious figure and a convert to Christianity, baptised by Philip the Apostle, whose later confrontation with Peter is recorded in . The sin of simony, or paying for position and influence in the church, is...
, using magical salt; because of this, he was eager for revenge on his family. Jackie's light side accidentally broke him free, and he searched the city for the Magus's descendants. He arrived at Jade's school play, and threatened her friend Simone, a Magus. The Tiger Talisman separated Jack's Yin and Yang, and the good side revealed the secret to defeating the troll; subsequently, he was turned to stone again.
- OgreOgreAn ogre is a large, cruel, monstrous, and hideous humanoid monster, featured in mythology, folklore, and fiction. Ogres are often depicted in fairy tales and folklore as feeding on human beings, and have appeared in many classic works of literature...
: Daolon Wong was able to conjure a giant ogre-like monster in order to do battle with Jade who had used a growth spell on herself to become older but instead caused her to increase in size. The Ogre wielded a giant club and had a topknot. It possessed superior strength but was eventually defeated.
- Chi Vampire/Jiangshi – A Chinese vampire (Chiang-Shih) whom Jade accidentally uncovered in an abandoned castle where Uncle was taking antiques for his shop. He absorbed the chi of Tohru, Jade and Uncle. Although Tohru survived with a chi transfer from Jade, and Jade from Uncle, Uncle became a vampire servant, but with Jade's temporary wisdom was frozen. They regained their normal chi from the Chi Vampire by chucking his left sock into the flowing water with a mushroom inside of it. The vampire, now weak again, perished in the sun. The Vampire had been able to see, talk and be immune to the sun with more chi energy.
- El ChupacabraChupacabraThe chupacabras is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico , Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities...
– A very powerful Mayan monster , based on the modern-day Puerto Rican urban legend, which would kill livestock nightly. It had great speed and strength. In the opening scene of "The Curse of El Chupacabra", this demonic creature attacked the herd of a mother and her daughter one night. El Toro became aware of this, and enlisted Jackie to translate tablets which he had about the beasts and its traits and characteristics. But as soon as Jackie arrived, it was nearly nightfall, and they had to go defend the mother and her daughter against the monster as he would come out soon. Initially the monster had the upper hand thanks to its strength, but Jackie and El Toro turned the tide halfway through, and the latter soon pinned down the beast, rendering it vulnerable to the rising sun which vanquished it. A celebration was held in town, but this was short lived as it turned out El Toro had been cursed from scratches he received, becoming a Chupacabra himself. Thanks to Uncle's help, the heroes found a cure and cured El Toro. Not only was El Toro as a Chupacabra deadlier than the predecessor, but he also retained some of his human features such as his goatee and the capacity to stand on two legs. The original however, was shown to be able to fly at the beginning of the episode.
- The Monkey King: The Monkey King is a self-indulgent and glory-hounding, but rather untalented jokester with a twisted sense of humor. Originally a Sun Wukong puppet that was sold in a shop owned by a rival of Uncle's, he was bought by Jackie and Jade in order for Jade to use in her school's talent show. However, when Jackie pulled his leg at the suggestion of a poem inside, he was transformed into a puppet, while the Monkey King gained a living body. With the Rat Talisman, Puppet-Jackie was reanimated, and both he and Jade set out to stop the Monkey King's magic-based hijinks from getting out of control at the talent show. Meanwhile, Uncle and Tohru went to the shop and Uncle was forced to pay for a book on how to defeat the Monkey King. Using its knowledge, Uncle contacted Jade on Jackie's cell phone when they lured the Monkey King to a cement factory and using one of Puppet-Jackie's disconnected legs was able to trick the Monkey King to pull it to reverse the spell.
Later, an innocent construction worker pulled the Monkey King's leg and the Monkey King was free again. The Monkey King then went to Uncle's shop, captured Tohru and tickle-tortured him into telling that the Chans were in HawaiiHawaiiHawaii is the newest of the 50 U.S. states , and is the only U.S. state made up entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of...
. He interfered in the Chans' quest for the Monkey Talisman power and captured the Noble Monkey. He later attempted to create a volcanic eruption and the Monkey King was confronted by both the Chans and Daolon Wong. In the end, the Monkey King inadvertently caused a distraction long enough for the Chans to get the Monkey out of there and as a result, he was turned back into a puppet by a very angry Wong. But his wooden body was the final ingredient needed for his spell; however, luckily the eruption was not dangerous at all: the so-called "lava" was cherry-flavored jello, and the Monkey King's final joke, when last seen the puppet is in the jello inside the volcano.
It is possible that this version of the monkey king inspired the later design of the Joker on The Batman.
- Voiced by: Ryūsei NakaoRyusei Nakao, known by his stage name , is a Japanese actor, singer, and voice actor from Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan. He is attached to 81 Produce. He has also worked under the name of ....
(Japanese), Bill Tanzer (English, first appearance), Billy WestBilly WestWilliam Richard "Billy" West is an American voice actor. Born in Detroit but raised in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, Billy launched his career in the early 1980s performing daily comedic routines on Boston's WBCN. He left the radio station to work on the short-lived revival...
(English, second appearance)
- Gnome Kop : Gnome Kop is an action figure that everybody collects. When the rat talisman falls into the back he comes to life and terrorizes the city. His Arch enemy is Turbo Troll.
Voiced by Brian Doyle-Murray.
See also
- Jackie Chan AdventuresJackie Chan AdventuresJackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series chronicling the adventures of a fictionalized version of action film star Jackie Chan. Many of the episodes contain references to Chan's actual works. This series ran on Kids' WB! from September 9, 2000 to July 7, 2005 for a total of 95...