List of nutrition guides
This is a list of nutrition guides. A nutrition guide is a reference
that provides nutrition
advice for general health
, typically by dividing foods into food groups and recommending servings
of each group. Nutrition guides can be presented in written or visual form, and are commonly published by government agencies
, health associations and university
health departments
of Ancient Greece
contains one of the earliest known nutrition guides. It recommends a season
al diet
. For winter
, it advises eating a heavy diet of bread and roasted meat and fish, while avoiding vegetables and restricting liquids to, if anything, strong wine. It then recommends a lighter summer
diet of soft barley
cake, vegetables, boiled meat, and large quantities of diluted wine. Gradual transitions between these two diets are advised in the intervening months.
, Chinese
Sun Simiao
is believed to have written the first nutrition guide in traditional Chinese medicine
. In his book, Precious Prescriptions for Emergencies , the chapter "Dietary Treatment" contains sections describing the effects of eating fruits, vegetables, grains and animals.
's National Board of Health and Welfare developed the idea of "basic foods" that were both cheap and nutritious, and "supplemental foods" that added nutrition missing from the basic foods. KF, a consumer co-op
that worked with the Board, sought to illustrate these food groups. KF developed a food pyramid
because it could depict basic foods as its base, and introduced the guide to the public in 1974 in their magazine, Vi. At the base were bread, cereals, potatoes, milk, cheese and margarine; above it was a large section of supplemental vegetables and fruit; and at the top was an apex of supplemental meat, fish and eggs. The pyramid competed with the National Board's "dietary circle," which KF saw as problematic for resembling a cake divided into seven slices, and for not indicating how much of each food should be eaten. While the Board distanced itself from the pyramid, KF continued to promote it, and food pyramids were developed in other Scandinavia
n countries, plus West Germany
, Japan
and Sri Lanka
. The United States later developed its first food pyramid in 1992.
Today, both the Swedish government and KF have moved to the Plate Model.
n Department of Health and Ageing publishes The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, which features a wheel divided into five sections: approximately 40 percent bread, cereals, rice, pasta and noodles; 30 percent vegetables and legumes; 10 percent fruit; 10 percent milk, yogurt and cheese; and 10 percent lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and legumes. Below the wheel are reminders to drink plenty of water and eat fats and sweets occasionally or in small amounts. More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender, life stage and activity level.
n Federal Ministry of Health uses The Austrian Food Pyramid , which is divided into 25 blocks, each block representing a daily serving from a food group. Starting at the base, there are six servings of non-alcoholic beverages (preferably low-energy drinks like water, tea, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetable juice); three servings of vegetables and legumes; two of fruit; four of cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes (preferably whole grains); three of milk and dairy (two "white," like milk, yogurt or cream cheese, and one of yellow cheese); one of fats and oil (preferably olive or canola oil); three of meat, fish, sausage and eggs (preferably fish or lean meat); and three of fatty, sweet and salty foods (though not nutritionally recommended and to be consumed rarely).
's Ministry of Health
publishes the Food Guide , which features a map of Brazil depicting each of Brazil's five regions
as puzzle pieces representing a food group. However, Brazil's food recommendations differ from the map, and feature eight food groups: rice, bread, pasta, potato and cassavas (5 servings a day); vegetables and legumes (3 servings); fruits (3); milk, cheese and yogurt (3); beans (1); meat, fish and eggs (1); oils and fats (1); and sugars and sweets (no more than one).
is illustrated with a rainbow
of four food groups: vegetables and fruit (7 to 10 servings a day for adults, depending on gender), grain products (6 to 8), milk and alternatives (2), and meat and alternatives (2 to 3). More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender and life stage.
Canada developed its first nutrition guide in 1942 as part of its wartime
nutrition program.
's Ministry of Health uses the Balanced Diet Pagoda
, which is divided into five stories
ascending from largest to smallest. Cereals are at the large base; topped by vegetables and fruits; then fish, poultry, meat, eggs and other animal foods; followed by milk and soy foods; and topped with fats and oils in the small spire
. Beside the pagoda are images representing water and exercise.
's Food Administration uses the Diet Compass to depict its "Dietary 8" guidelines, with an image on each compass point representing a guideline. Those guidelines are: "Eat 6 fruits and vegetables a day," "Eat fish and seafood several times a week," "Eat potatoes, rice or pasta and whole wheat bread every day," "Cut back on sugar," "Cut back on greasy foods," "Eat a varied diet and maintain a normal weight," "Quench your thirst with water," and, "Be physically active at least 30 minutes a day."
's National Institute for Prevention and Health Education has 25 separate food guides under the title The Food Guide For All . Each guide is based on a consumer's personality, habits and lifestyle. There are guides for people who: are health-conscious, don't care about food, prepare family meals, are poor, eat at restaurants, skip meals, don't cook, have large appetites, are on diets, prefer certain foods, avoid various foods (including meat), are sedentary, are athletic, and more. Each guide features a "portrait" in the image of a happy face designed out of foods representing that consumer's type. The portraits are billed as nutrition recommendations, though they are more decorative than informative.
's state-funded Aid Information Service uses the Food Pyramid , which divides a pyramid into 22 blocks, each block representing a hand-sized serving from a food group. Starting at the base, there are six blocks for beverages, three for vegetables, two for fruit, four for grains, three for dairy, one for meat and fish, one for oils, one for fats, and one for sweets and alcohol. Beverages, vegetables, fruit and grains are marked green for "free travel"; meat and dairy are marked yellow for "caution"; and oils, fats, sweets and alcohol are marked red for "brake lights". Aid also collaborated with the German Nutrition Society to create a 3D
pyramid model.
's National Institute of Nutrition
publishes the Dietary Guidelines for Indians, which, among other diagrams, includes the Food Pyramid. The pyramid has a base of beans and legumes to eat adequately, a second layer of vegetables and fruit to eat liberally, a third layer of meat, fish, eggs and oils to eat moderately, and an apex of fatty, salty and sugary foods to eat sparingly. Accompanying the pyramid is a recommendation of regular exercise and physical activity, as well as warnings against drinking alcohol and smoking.
's Food Safety Promotion Board
uses The Food Pyramid, which is divided into five levels: bread, cereals and potatoes at the large base (6 or more servings); then fruit and vegetables (5); followed by milk, cheese and yogurt (3); then meat, fish, eggs and alternatives (2); and finally fats, high fat/sugar snacks, foods and drinks at the apex (small amounts). At least 8 cups of water a day are also recommended.
's Ministry of Health is divided into six levels. At the wide base is water; followed by starches, including pasta, bread, corn and yams; then fruits and vegetables; then meat, fish, eggs and dairy; then fats and oils; and finally sugary foods at the small apex. Images around the pyramid represent exercise.
Ministry of Health
uses the Italian Food Pyramid , which is divided into squares, triangles, trapezoid
s and rectangles that represent one, one-half, one-and-a-half, and two servings, respectively. Beginning from the base, the divisions are: fruit (2 servings), water (1), vegetables (2), bread (1.5), biscotti (0.5), potatoes (0.5), rice and pasta (1.5), meat (1), eggs (0.5), fish (0.5), legumes (0.5), cold cut
meats (0.5), milk (0.5), dairy (0.5), oils and fats (1), sweets (0.5) and wine or beer (0.5). Along the edges of the pyramid are triangles representing physical activity. The pyramid is intended to represent the variety of foods eaten over an entire week, averaged into daily portions. Also provided is an alternative, more traditional pyramid for a single day, divided into six layers representing six food groups; as well as two additional pyramids for children.
's Health
and Agriculture
ministries, is depicted as a spinning top
with a wide upper layer tapering to a narrow bottom. At the large upper level is a staple meal
of carbohydrates, including rice, bread and noodles (5 to 7 servings a day); followed below by a side dish
of vegetables, potatoes, beans (except soybeans), mushrooms and seaweed (5 to 6); then a smaller main course
of protein, including meat, fish, eggs and soy (3 to 5); and finally the narrow point, divided between dairy (2) and fruit (2). The top's handle is filled with "essential" water and tea, and running in circles around the handle is a figure representing moderate exercise. A small motion line
beside the top represents sweet beverages in moderation.
's Department of Nutrition and Health Promotion uses The Plate of Good Eating , which is divided into thirds: vegetables and fruits (in equal proportion); cereals; and legumes and animal products. The guide further recommends eating "many" vegetables and fruits and "enough" cereals. The legume and animal products section is subdivided, and "few" animal products are recommended, while the guide recommends combining the larger legume section with cereals. Additional recommendations are to include each of the three food groups in each of the three main meals of the day, to eat the greatest possible variety of food, to eat according to individual needs and conditions, and to eat the least possible fats, oils, sugar and salt.
Nutrition Center uses the Wheel of Five , which is divided into five groups: approximately 30 percent vegetables and fruit; 30 percent bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta, couscous, and legumes; 16 percent dairy, meat, fish, eggs and meat substitutes; 16 percent beverages; and 8 percent fats and oils. More specific recommendations are provided based on age and gender.
's Korean Nutrition Society uses the Food Bicycle , with a small front wheel filled with water and a large rear wheel composed of approximately one-third grains; 20 percent meat, fish, eggs and beans; 20 percent vegetables; 12 percent fruits; 12 percent dairy; and 3 percent oils and sugars. A person is pedaling the bicycle, representing exercise. More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender and life stage.
Before 2010, South Korea used a food pagoda model very similar to China's current guide.
's Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality uses the NAOS Pyramid , which promotes a Mediterranean diet
as well as plenty of physical activity, and is drawn as a sailboat on water. It is divided into beverages and water at the base; an equal division between physical activity and a combination of grains, vegetables, tubers, fruit, olive oil and dairy in the second level, which is labeled "several times a day" and color-coded green; an equal division between sports and a combination of meat, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts in the third level, which is labeled "several times a week" and is color-coded orange; and an apex of saturated fats, sugars, salt, and sedentary activity labeled "occasionally" and color-coded red.
's Food Agency uses the Plate Model , which divides a plate into approximately 40 percent potatoes, rice, pasta and bread; 40 percent vegetables and fruit; and 20 percent meat, fish, eggs and legumes. People requiring more energy are allowed a larger share of carbohydrates, while people who are overweight can make up to half their plate vegetables and fruit.
Previously, Sweden used the Dietary Circle created in 1963, while Swedish consumer cooperative KF created the world's first food pyramid in 1974.
's Federal Office of Public Health uses the Food Pyramid developed by the Swiss Society for Nutrition. At the base is 1 to 2 liters of liquids, preferably non-sugared beverages; then three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit of different colors; followed by whole grains, beans, cereals and potatoes to be eaten with each meal; then three servings of milk or dairy; one serving of meat, fish, eggs, cheese or another protein; oils, fats and nuts daily in moderation; and an apex of sweet/salty snacks and sweetened/alcoholic drinks in moderation for pleasure.
's Ministry of Health
uses the Basic Food Groups , a four-part division of milk and dairy; meat, eggs, fish, legumes and seeds; vegetables and fruit; and bread and cereal. Each food group is accompanied by bullet points, such as serving recommendations or advice to eat more raw vegetables and whole grains.
's National Health Service
uses The Eatwell Plate, consisting of roughly one-third fruit and vegetables ("at least 5 portions"); one-third bread, rice, potatoes and pasta ("plenty"); a smaller amount of milk and dairy ("some"); meat, fish, eggs and beans in the same proportion as dairy ("some"); and a small wedge of fatty and sugary foods.
The Eatwell Plate was previously known as The Balance of Good Health.
, the Department of Agriculture
uses MyPlate
, a plate icon divided into approximately 30 percent grains, 30 percent vegetables, 20 percent fruits and 20 percent protein, accompanied by a smaller circle representing dairy. Additional recommendations include to enjoy food but eat less, avoid oversized portions, make at least half of grains whole
, switch to fat-free or low-fat milk, choose foods with less sodium, and drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Previous USDA food guides include the Basic 7 (1943–1956), the Basic Four (1956–1992), the Food Guide Pyramid
(1992–2005), and MyPyramid
The National Institutes of Health
uses the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
(DASH) Eating Plan for people seeking to lower their blood pressure
. DASH differs from MyPlate in that the protein category is replaced by a smaller proportion of lean meats, poultry
, and fish
; there are separate sections for fats and oils
, legumes, and sweets
; and fruits and vegetables don't constitute half of the diet.
uses The 3 Fives, a guide featuring five key points in each of three categories. The three categories are safer food, a healthy diet, and appropriate physical activity. In the healthy diet category, the five keys are: "Give your baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life," "Eat a variety of food," "Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit," "Eat moderate amounts of fats and oil," and "Eat less salt and sugar." Each key includes bullet points with further recommendations. The 3 Fives was originally developed for distribution at major sporting events like the Olympics
and the World Cup
, but it can also be used for general audiences.
Before The 3 Fives, the WHO used the CINDI dietary guide, which included the CINDI pyramid. The guide was intended to help European health professionals and policymakers develop their own national nutrition guides. The pyramid has a large green base representing approximately two-thirds of the triangle's area, which is filled with vegetables, fruits, grains and starches. A middle layer shaded orange for "caution" is divided into two equal sections: low-fat milk and dairy; and beans, lentils, legumes, fish, eggs, poultry and lean meat. At the top is a small "red zone" of fats and sweets.
Reference is derived from Middle English referren, from Middle French rèférer, from Latin referre, "to carry back", formed from the prefix re- and ferre, "to bear"...
that provides nutrition
Nutrition is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet....
advice for general health
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain...
, typically by dividing foods into food groups and recommending servings
Serving size
The serving size of a food product is a confusing term, as it is found both on the Food Pyramid and on Nutrition Labels and has two related but differing meanings...
of each group. Nutrition guides can be presented in written or visual form, and are commonly published by government agencies
Government agency
A government or state agency is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of agency types...
, health associations and university
A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is an organisation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education...
health departments
Academic department
An academic department is a division of a university or school faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline. This article covers United States usage at the university level....
Ancient Greece
The Hippocratic CorpusHippocratic Corpus
The Hippocratic Corpus , or Hippocratic Collection, is a collection of around 60 early Ancient Greek medical works strongly associated with the physician Hippocrates and his teachings...
of Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Included in Ancient Greece is the...
contains one of the earliest known nutrition guides. It recommends a season
A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight.Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the plane of revolution...
al diet
Diet (nutrition)
In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat. With the word diet, it is often implied the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weight-management...
. For winter
Winter is the coldest season of the year in temperate climates, between autumn and spring. At the winter solstice, the days are shortest and the nights are longest, with days lengthening as the season progresses after the solstice.-Meteorology:...
, it advises eating a heavy diet of bread and roasted meat and fish, while avoiding vegetables and restricting liquids to, if anything, strong wine. It then recommends a lighter summer
Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice...
diet of soft barley
Barley is a major cereal grain, a member of the grass family. It serves as a major animal fodder, as a base malt for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods...
cake, vegetables, boiled meat, and large quantities of diluted wine. Gradual transitions between these two diets are advised in the intervening months.
Imperial China
During the Tang DynastyTang Dynasty
The Tang Dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China preceded by the Sui Dynasty and followed by the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period. It was founded by the Li family, who seized power during the decline and collapse of the Sui Empire...
, Chinese
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...
Sun Simiao
Sun Simiao
Sun Simiao was a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor of the Sui and Tang dynasty. He was titled as China's King of Medicine for his significant contributions to Chinese medicine and tremendous care to his patients....
is believed to have written the first nutrition guide in traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to a broad range of medicine practices sharing common theoretical concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage , exercise , and dietary therapy...
. In his book, Precious Prescriptions for Emergencies , the chapter "Dietary Treatment" contains sections describing the effects of eating fruits, vegetables, grains and animals.
First food pyramid
Amid high food prices in 1972, SwedenSweden
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....
's National Board of Health and Welfare developed the idea of "basic foods" that were both cheap and nutritious, and "supplemental foods" that added nutrition missing from the basic foods. KF, a consumer co-op
Cooperative federation
A co-operative federation or secondary co-operative is a co-operative in which all members are, in turn, co-operatives.Historically, co-operative federations have predominantly come in the form of co-operative wholesale societies and co-operative unions...
that worked with the Board, sought to illustrate these food groups. KF developed a food pyramid
Food guide pyramid
A food guide pyramid is a triangular or pyramid-shaped nutrition guide divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group. The first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974. The most widely known food pyramid was introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture...
because it could depict basic foods as its base, and introduced the guide to the public in 1974 in their magazine, Vi. At the base were bread, cereals, potatoes, milk, cheese and margarine; above it was a large section of supplemental vegetables and fruit; and at the top was an apex of supplemental meat, fish and eggs. The pyramid competed with the National Board's "dietary circle," which KF saw as problematic for resembling a cake divided into seven slices, and for not indicating how much of each food should be eaten. While the Board distanced itself from the pyramid, KF continued to promote it, and food pyramids were developed in other Scandinavia
Scandinavia is a cultural, historical and ethno-linguistic region in northern Europe that includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, characterized by their common ethno-cultural heritage and language. Modern Norway and Sweden proper are situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula,...
n countries, plus West Germany
West Germany
West Germany is the common English, but not official, name for the Federal Republic of Germany or FRG in the period between its creation in May 1949 to German reunification on 3 October 1990....
, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
and Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. Known until 1972 as Ceylon , Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the...
. The United States later developed its first food pyramid in 1992.
Today, both the Swedish government and KF have moved to the Plate Model.
The AustraliaAustralia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
n Department of Health and Ageing publishes The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, which features a wheel divided into five sections: approximately 40 percent bread, cereals, rice, pasta and noodles; 30 percent vegetables and legumes; 10 percent fruit; 10 percent milk, yogurt and cheese; and 10 percent lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and legumes. Below the wheel are reminders to drink plenty of water and eat fats and sweets occasionally or in small amounts. More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender, life stage and activity level.
The AustriaAustria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...
n Federal Ministry of Health uses The Austrian Food Pyramid , which is divided into 25 blocks, each block representing a daily serving from a food group. Starting at the base, there are six servings of non-alcoholic beverages (preferably low-energy drinks like water, tea, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetable juice); three servings of vegetables and legumes; two of fruit; four of cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes (preferably whole grains); three of milk and dairy (two "white," like milk, yogurt or cream cheese, and one of yellow cheese); one of fats and oil (preferably olive or canola oil); three of meat, fish, sausage and eggs (preferably fish or lean meat); and three of fatty, sweet and salty foods (though not nutritionally recommended and to be consumed rarely).
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
's Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health (Brazil)
The Ministry of Health is one of many the Brazilian federal government ministries.Created on July 25, 1953 as the Ministry of Education and Health , today it is effectively divided into three distinct official organs: Health, Education, and Culture.-External links:*...
publishes the Food Guide , which features a map of Brazil depicting each of Brazil's five regions
Regions of Brazil
Brazil is divided into five regions by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística . These divisions are composed of states within them.-The five regions:-North Region: *Area: 3,869,637.,9 km²...
as puzzle pieces representing a food group. However, Brazil's food recommendations differ from the map, and feature eight food groups: rice, bread, pasta, potato and cassavas (5 servings a day); vegetables and legumes (3 servings); fruits (3); milk, cheese and yogurt (3); beans (1); meat, fish and eggs (1); oils and fats (1); and sugars and sweets (no more than one).
Canada's Food Guide from Health CanadaHealth Canada
Health Canada is the department of the government of Canada with responsibility for national public health.The current Minister of Health is Leona Aglukkaq, a Conservative Member of Parliament appointed to the position by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.-Branches, regions and agencies:Health Canada...
is illustrated with a rainbow
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc...
of four food groups: vegetables and fruit (7 to 10 servings a day for adults, depending on gender), grain products (6 to 8), milk and alternatives (2), and meat and alternatives (2 to 3). More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender and life stage.
Canada developed its first nutrition guide in 1942 as part of its wartime
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
nutrition program.
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
's Ministry of Health uses the Balanced Diet Pagoda
A pagoda is the general term in the English language for a tiered tower with multiple eaves common in Nepal, India, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Some pagodas are used as Taoist houses of worship. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function, most commonly Buddhist,...
, which is divided into five stories
A storey or story is any level part of a building that could be used by people...
ascending from largest to smallest. Cereals are at the large base; topped by vegetables and fruits; then fish, poultry, meat, eggs and other animal foods; followed by milk and soy foods; and topped with fats and oils in the small spire
A spire is a tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, particularly a church tower. Etymologically, the word is derived from the Old English word spir, meaning a sprout, shoot, or stalk of grass....
. Beside the pagoda are images representing water and exercise.
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark...
's Food Administration uses the Diet Compass to depict its "Dietary 8" guidelines, with an image on each compass point representing a guideline. Those guidelines are: "Eat 6 fruits and vegetables a day," "Eat fish and seafood several times a week," "Eat potatoes, rice or pasta and whole wheat bread every day," "Cut back on sugar," "Cut back on greasy foods," "Eat a varied diet and maintain a normal weight," "Quench your thirst with water," and, "Be physically active at least 30 minutes a day."
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
's National Institute for Prevention and Health Education has 25 separate food guides under the title The Food Guide For All . Each guide is based on a consumer's personality, habits and lifestyle. There are guides for people who: are health-conscious, don't care about food, prepare family meals, are poor, eat at restaurants, skip meals, don't cook, have large appetites, are on diets, prefer certain foods, avoid various foods (including meat), are sedentary, are athletic, and more. Each guide features a "portrait" in the image of a happy face designed out of foods representing that consumer's type. The portraits are billed as nutrition recommendations, though they are more decorative than informative.
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
's state-funded Aid Information Service uses the Food Pyramid , which divides a pyramid into 22 blocks, each block representing a hand-sized serving from a food group. Starting at the base, there are six blocks for beverages, three for vegetables, two for fruit, four for grains, three for dairy, one for meat and fish, one for oils, one for fats, and one for sweets and alcohol. Beverages, vegetables, fruit and grains are marked green for "free travel"; meat and dairy are marked yellow for "caution"; and oils, fats, sweets and alcohol are marked red for "brake lights". Aid also collaborated with the German Nutrition Society to create a 3D
Three-dimensional space
Three-dimensional space is a geometric 3-parameters model of the physical universe in which we live. These three dimensions are commonly called length, width, and depth , although any three directions can be chosen, provided that they do not lie in the same plane.In physics and mathematics, a...
pyramid model.
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
's National Institute of Nutrition
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad
The National Institute of Nutrition is an Indian education and research facility located at Osmania University in Hyderabad. The institute operates under the Indian Council of Medical Research for India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare...
publishes the Dietary Guidelines for Indians, which, among other diagrams, includes the Food Pyramid. The pyramid has a base of beans and legumes to eat adequately, a second layer of vegetables and fruit to eat liberally, a third layer of meat, fish, eggs and oils to eat moderately, and an apex of fatty, salty and sugary foods to eat sparingly. Accompanying the pyramid is a recommendation of regular exercise and physical activity, as well as warnings against drinking alcohol and smoking.
The island of IrelandIreland
Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth...
's Food Safety Promotion Board
Food Safety Promotion Board
The Food Safety Promotion Board , trading as safefood, is the body responsible for the promotion of food safety in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland...
uses The Food Pyramid, which is divided into five levels: bread, cereals and potatoes at the large base (6 or more servings); then fruit and vegetables (5); followed by milk, cheese and yogurt (3); then meat, fish, eggs and alternatives (2); and finally fats, high fat/sugar snacks, foods and drinks at the apex (small amounts). At least 8 cups of water a day are also recommended.
The Food Pyramid from IsraelIsrael
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...
's Ministry of Health is divided into six levels. At the wide base is water; followed by starches, including pasta, bread, corn and yams; then fruits and vegetables; then meat, fish, eggs and dairy; then fats and oils; and finally sugary foods at the small apex. Images around the pyramid represent exercise.
The ItalianItaly
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health (Italy)
The Ministry of Health is a governmental agency of Italy. Its headquarters are in Rome.-External links:* **...
uses the Italian Food Pyramid , which is divided into squares, triangles, trapezoid
In Euclidean geometry, a convex quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides is referred to as a trapezoid in American English and as a trapezium in English outside North America. A trapezoid with vertices ABCD is denoted...
s and rectangles that represent one, one-half, one-and-a-half, and two servings, respectively. Beginning from the base, the divisions are: fruit (2 servings), water (1), vegetables (2), bread (1.5), biscotti (0.5), potatoes (0.5), rice and pasta (1.5), meat (1), eggs (0.5), fish (0.5), legumes (0.5), cold cut
Cold cut
Cold cuts are cheeses or precooked or cured meat, often sausages or meat loaves, that are sliced and usually served cold on sandwiches or on party trays. They can be bought pre-sliced in vacuum packs at a supermarket or grocery store, or they can be purchased at a delicatessen or deli counter,...
meats (0.5), milk (0.5), dairy (0.5), oils and fats (1), sweets (0.5) and wine or beer (0.5). Along the edges of the pyramid are triangles representing physical activity. The pyramid is intended to represent the variety of foods eaten over an entire week, averaged into daily portions. Also provided is an alternative, more traditional pyramid for a single day, divided into six layers representing six food groups; as well as two additional pyramids for children.
The Food Guide , from JapanJapan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
's Health
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan)
The ' is a cabinet level ministry of the Japanese government. It is commonly known as Kōrō-shō in Japan. This ministry provides regulations on maximum residue limits for agricultural chemicals in foods, basic food and drug regulations, standards for foods, food additives, etc.It was formed with...
and Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan)
The ' a cabinet ministry in the government of Japan responsible for oversight of the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries. Its acronym is MAFF.-History:...
ministries, is depicted as a spinning top
A top is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point. This motion is produced in the most simple forms of top by twirling the stem using the fingers. More sophisticated tops are spun by by holding the axis firmly while pulling a string or twisting a stick or pushing an auger as shown...
with a wide upper layer tapering to a narrow bottom. At the large upper level is a staple meal
Staple food
A staple food is one that is eaten regularly and in such quantities that it constitutes a dominant portion of a diet, and that supplies a high proportion of energy and nutrient needs. Most people live on a diet based on one or more staples...
of carbohydrates, including rice, bread and noodles (5 to 7 servings a day); followed below by a side dish
Side dish
A side dish, sometimes referred to as a side order or simply a side, is a food item that accompanies the entrée or main course at a meal.-Common types:...
of vegetables, potatoes, beans (except soybeans), mushrooms and seaweed (5 to 6); then a smaller main course
Main course
A main dish is the featured or primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses. It usually follows the entrée course, and the salad course. In North American usage it may in fact be called the "entree"....
of protein, including meat, fish, eggs and soy (3 to 5); and finally the narrow point, divided between dairy (2) and fruit (2). The top's handle is filled with "essential" water and tea, and running in circles around the handle is a figure representing moderate exercise. A small motion line
Motion lines
In comics, motion lines is a term that refers to the abstract lines that appear behind a moving object or person to make them look like they're moving quickly....
beside the top represents sweet beverages in moderation.
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
's Department of Nutrition and Health Promotion uses The Plate of Good Eating , which is divided into thirds: vegetables and fruits (in equal proportion); cereals; and legumes and animal products. The guide further recommends eating "many" vegetables and fruits and "enough" cereals. The legume and animal products section is subdivided, and "few" animal products are recommended, while the guide recommends combining the larger legume section with cereals. Additional recommendations are to include each of the three food groups in each of the three main meals of the day, to eat the greatest possible variety of food, to eat according to individual needs and conditions, and to eat the least possible fats, oils, sugar and salt.
The NetherlandsNetherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
Nutrition Center uses the Wheel of Five , which is divided into five groups: approximately 30 percent vegetables and fruit; 30 percent bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta, couscous, and legumes; 16 percent dairy, meat, fish, eggs and meat substitutes; 16 percent beverages; and 8 percent fats and oils. More specific recommendations are provided based on age and gender.
South Korea
South KoreaSouth Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...
's Korean Nutrition Society uses the Food Bicycle , with a small front wheel filled with water and a large rear wheel composed of approximately one-third grains; 20 percent meat, fish, eggs and beans; 20 percent vegetables; 12 percent fruits; 12 percent dairy; and 3 percent oils and sugars. A person is pedaling the bicycle, representing exercise. More specific recommendations are provided based on age, gender and life stage.
Before 2010, South Korea used a food pagoda model very similar to China's current guide.
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
's Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality uses the NAOS Pyramid , which promotes a Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is a modern nutritional recommendation inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of southern Italy, Crete and much of the rest of Greece in the 1960s....
as well as plenty of physical activity, and is drawn as a sailboat on water. It is divided into beverages and water at the base; an equal division between physical activity and a combination of grains, vegetables, tubers, fruit, olive oil and dairy in the second level, which is labeled "several times a day" and color-coded green; an equal division between sports and a combination of meat, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts in the third level, which is labeled "several times a week" and is color-coded orange; and an apex of saturated fats, sugars, salt, and sedentary activity labeled "occasionally" and color-coded red.
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....
's Food Agency uses the Plate Model , which divides a plate into approximately 40 percent potatoes, rice, pasta and bread; 40 percent vegetables and fruit; and 20 percent meat, fish, eggs and legumes. People requiring more energy are allowed a larger share of carbohydrates, while people who are overweight can make up to half their plate vegetables and fruit.
Previously, Sweden used the Dietary Circle created in 1963, while Swedish consumer cooperative KF created the world's first food pyramid in 1974.
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....
's Federal Office of Public Health uses the Food Pyramid developed by the Swiss Society for Nutrition. At the base is 1 to 2 liters of liquids, preferably non-sugared beverages; then three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit of different colors; followed by whole grains, beans, cereals and potatoes to be eaten with each meal; then three servings of milk or dairy; one serving of meat, fish, eggs, cheese or another protein; oils, fats and nuts daily in moderation; and an apex of sweet/salty snacks and sweetened/alcoholic drinks in moderation for pleasure.
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...
's Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health (Turkey)
The Ministry of Health is a government ministry office of the Republic of Turkey, responsible for health affairs in Turkey....
uses the Basic Food Groups , a four-part division of milk and dairy; meat, eggs, fish, legumes and seeds; vegetables and fruit; and bread and cereal. Each food group is accompanied by bullet points, such as serving recommendations or advice to eat more raw vegetables and whole grains.
United Kingdom
The United KingdomUnited Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
's National Health Service
National Health Service
The National Health Service is the shared name of three of the four publicly funded healthcare systems in the United Kingdom. They provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use to residents of the United Kingdom...
uses The Eatwell Plate, consisting of roughly one-third fruit and vegetables ("at least 5 portions"); one-third bread, rice, potatoes and pasta ("plenty"); a smaller amount of milk and dairy ("some"); meat, fish, eggs and beans in the same proportion as dairy ("some"); and a small wedge of fatty and sugary foods.
The Eatwell Plate was previously known as The Balance of Good Health.
United States
In the United StatesUnited States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
, the Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture
The United States Department of Agriculture is the United States federal executive department responsible for developing and executing U.S. federal government policy on farming, agriculture, and food...
uses MyPlate
MyPlate is the current nutrition guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture, depicting a plate and glass divided into five food groups. It replaced the USDA's MyPyramid guide on June 2, 2011, ending 19 years of USDA food pyramid diagrams...
, a plate icon divided into approximately 30 percent grains, 30 percent vegetables, 20 percent fruits and 20 percent protein, accompanied by a smaller circle representing dairy. Additional recommendations include to enjoy food but eat less, avoid oversized portions, make at least half of grains whole
Whole grain
Whole grains are cereal grains that contain cereal germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm. Whole grains can generally be sprouted while refined grains generally will not sprout. Whole-meal products are made by grinding whole grains in order to make...
, switch to fat-free or low-fat milk, choose foods with less sodium, and drink water instead of sugary drinks.
Previous USDA food guides include the Basic 7 (1943–1956), the Basic Four (1956–1992), the Food Guide Pyramid
Food guide pyramid
A food guide pyramid is a triangular or pyramid-shaped nutrition guide divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group. The first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974. The most widely known food pyramid was introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture...
(1992–2005), and MyPyramid
MyPyramid, released by the United States Department of Agriculture on April 19, 2005, is an update on the American food guide pyramid that was used until June 2, 2011, when the USDA's MyPlate replaced it. The icon stresses activity and moderation along with a proper mix of food groups in one's diet...
The National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health are an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and are the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and health-related research. Its science and engineering counterpart is the National Science Foundation...
uses the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. What that means is that the heart is having to work harder than it should to pump the blood around the body. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and...
(DASH) Eating Plan for people seeking to lower their blood pressure
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs. When used without further specification, "blood pressure" usually refers to the arterial pressure of the systemic circulation. During each heartbeat, BP varies...
. DASH differs from MyPlate in that the protein category is replaced by a smaller proportion of lean meats, poultry
Poultry are domesticated birds kept by humans for the purpose of producing eggs, meat, and/or feathers. These most typically are members of the superorder Galloanserae , especially the order Galliformes and the family Anatidae , commonly known as "waterfowl"...
, and fish
Fish (food)
Fish is a food consumed by many species, including humans. The word "fish" refers to both the animal and to the food prepared from it. Fish has been an important source of protein for humans throughout recorded history.-Terminology:...
; there are separate sections for fats and oils
Vegetable fats and oils
Vegetable fats and oils are lipid materials derived from plants. Physically, oils are liquid at room temperature, and fats are solid. Chemically, both fats and oils are composed of triglycerides, as contrasted with waxes which lack glycerin in their structure...
, legumes, and sweets
Confectionery is the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection. Modern usage may include substances rich in artificial sweeteners as well...
; and fruits and vegetables don't constitute half of the diet.
World Health Organization
The World Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization
The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April 1948, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health...
uses The 3 Fives, a guide featuring five key points in each of three categories. The three categories are safer food, a healthy diet, and appropriate physical activity. In the healthy diet category, the five keys are: "Give your baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life," "Eat a variety of food," "Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit," "Eat moderate amounts of fats and oil," and "Eat less salt and sugar." Each key includes bullet points with further recommendations. The 3 Fives was originally developed for distribution at major sporting events like the Olympics
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate...
and the World Cup
FIFA World Cup
The FIFA World Cup, often simply the World Cup, is an international association football competition contested by the senior men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association , the sport's global governing body...
, but it can also be used for general audiences.
Before The 3 Fives, the WHO used the CINDI dietary guide, which included the CINDI pyramid. The guide was intended to help European health professionals and policymakers develop their own national nutrition guides. The pyramid has a large green base representing approximately two-thirds of the triangle's area, which is filled with vegetables, fruits, grains and starches. A middle layer shaded orange for "caution" is divided into two equal sections: low-fat milk and dairy; and beans, lentils, legumes, fish, eggs, poultry and lean meat. At the top is a small "red zone" of fats and sweets.
Non-governmental guides
- The American Diabetes AssociationAmerican Diabetes AssociationThe American Diabetes Association is a United States-based association working to fight the consequences of diabetes, and to help those affected by diabetes...
uses the Create Your Plate system, which divides a plate into three sections: non-starchy vegetables (the largest section), starchy foods, and meat or meat substitutes. Like MyPlateMyPlateMyPlate is the current nutrition guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture, depicting a plate and glass divided into five food groups. It replaced the USDA's MyPyramid guide on June 2, 2011, ending 19 years of USDA food pyramid diagrams...
, the ADA complements its plate with a glass of low-fat or nonfat milk. - The GermanGermanyGermany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
Nutrition Society publishes the Food Circle , which is divided into 30 percent cereals and potatoes; 26 percent vegetables and salad; 17 percent fruit; 18 percent milk and dairy; 7 percent meat, sausage, fish and eggs; and 2 percent fats and oils. Beverages, represented by a glass of water, are placed in the middle of the circle. - The Harvard School of Public HealthHarvard School of Public HealthThe Harvard School of Public Health is one of the professional graduate schools of Harvard University, located in the Longwood Area of the Boston, Massachusetts neighborhood of Mission Hill, which is next to Harvard Medical School. HSPH is considered a significant school focusing on health in the...
uses the Healthy Eating PyramidHealthy eating pyramidThe healthy eating pyramid is a nutrition guide developed by the Harvard School of Public Health, suggesting how much of each food category one should eat each day...
, which is split into nine sections, including a base of daily exercise and weight control. Compared to MyPlate, grains become whole grains, with refined grains in a "use sparingly" category; protein is split between "fish, poultry and eggsEgg (food)Eggs are laid by females of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, and have probably been eaten by mankind for millennia. Bird and reptile eggs consist of a protective eggshell, albumen , and vitellus , contained within various thin membranes...
" and "nutsNut (fruit)A nut is a hard-shelled fruit of some plants having an indehiscent seed. While a wide variety of dried seeds and fruits are called nuts in English, only a certain number of them are considered by biologists to be true nuts...
, seeds, beanBeanBean is a common name for large plant seeds of several genera of the family Fabaceae used for human food or animal feed....
s and tofuTofuis a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is part of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and others. There are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and tofu...
" with red meatRed meatRed meat in traditional culinary terminology is meat which is red when raw and not white when cooked. In the nutritional sciences, red meat includes all mammal meat. Red meat includes the meat of most adult mammals and some fowl ....
and processed meat in a "use sparingly" category; healthy fats and oils have their own section; and dairy can be substituted with calcium and vitamin D supplementsDietary supplementA dietary supplement, also known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, that may be missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person's diet...
. To the side of the pyramid are alcoholAlcoholic beverageAn alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits. They are legally consumed in most countries, and over 100 countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption...
in moderation and a daily multivitaminMultivitaminA multivitamin is a preparation intended to supplement a human diet with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, and injectable formulations...
. - The MassachusettsMassachusettsThe Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. As of the 2010...
Department of Health and Human Services uses the Plate Method, which shows a plate that is one-half fruits and vegetables, one-quarter grains and starches, and one-quarter meat and protein. - The Physicians Committee for Responsible MedicinePhysicians Committee for Responsible MedicineThe Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., which promotes a vegan diet, preventive medicine, alternatives to animal research, and encourages what it describes as "higher standards of ethics and effectiveness in research." Its primary...
uses the Power Plate, which promotes a vegan diet and is divided into equal parts fruit, grains, legumes and vegetables. - The University of MichiganUniversity of MichiganThe University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States. It is the state's oldest university and the flagship campus of the University of Michigan...
Health System uses the Healing Foods Pyramid, which consists of 11 sections, including a base of waterDrinking waterDrinking water or potable water is water pure enough to be consumed or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm. In most developed countries, the water supplied to households, commerce and industry is all of drinking water standard, even though only a very small proportion is actually...
. Compared to MyPlate, it adds sections for legumes, seasoningSeasoningSeasoning is the process of imparting flavor to, or improving the flavor of, food.- General meaning :Seasonings include herbs and spices, which are themselves frequently referred to as "seasonings"...
s, healthy fats, and eggs. Lean meats are in a weekly category, as are fish and seafoodSeafoodSeafood is any form of marine life regarded as food by humans. Seafoods include fish, molluscs , crustaceans , echinoderms . Edible sea plants, such as some seaweeds and microalgae, are also seafood, and are widely eaten around the world, especially in Asia...
. An optional category includes alcohol, teaTeaTea is an aromatic beverage prepared by adding cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant to hot water. The term also refers to the plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world...
and dark chocolate.