List of Holocaust films
This is an index of all the films that deal with the Holocaust in Europe, which lasted approximately from 1938 to 1945.
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
|David Proshker
| Larry Eisenberg
Czech Republic
|Musíme si pomáhat
| Jan Hrebejk
|English title:Divided We Fall
| Yves Simoneau
|Based on the book by Joseph E. Persico
, about the 21 defendants during the Nuremberg Trials, including Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, and Rudolf Hess.
Czech Republic
|Pramen života
| Milan Cieslar
|English title:The Spring Of Life; based on the book by Vladimír Körner
United States
|Shadows (short film)(short)
| Mitchell S. Levine
United States
|Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness
| Robert Kirk
| Based on the story of Japanese Consul General to Lithuania Chiune Sugihara
United States
|Anne Frank: The Whole Story
| Robert Dornhelm
|Based on the book by Melissa Müller
United States /
United Kingdom
|Conspiracy (TV)
| Frank Pierson
|A dramatic recreation of the Wannsee Conference
| 2001
United States
| The Grey Zone
| Tim Blake Nelson
| based on the book; Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account written by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli
United States/
|Haven (TV)
| John Gray
|Based on the book by Ruth Gruber
|Nirgendwo in Afrika
| Caroline Link
|English title: Nowhere in Africa; based on the book by Stefanie Zweig
United States
| Jon Avnet
Early Modern France /
| Amen. / Der Stellvertreter
| Costa-Gavras
| based on the play Der Stellvertreter
by Rolf Hochhuth
|Perlasca, un eroe italiano
|Alberto Negrin
|based on the book by Enrico Deaglio
Early Modern France /
Germany /
United Kingdom /
|The Pianist
|Roman Polanski
|based on the book by Wladyslaw Szpilman
; Winner of three Academy Awards (Best Actor, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay)
|Annas Heimkehr (TV)
|Xaver Schwarzenberger
|based on the life of Charlotte Knobloch
during World War II
|A Rózsa énekei
|Andor Szilágyi
|La Finestra di Fronte
| Ferzan Özpetek
|English title: Facing Windows
United States
|The Singing Forest
|Jorge Ameer
United States
|Out of the Ashes
|Joseph Sargent
|Based on the book I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz by Gisella Perl
United States
|Hitler: The Rise of Evil
|Christian Duguay
|Ninas resa
|Lena Einhorn
|A true story dramatized with the real protagonist, Nina Einhorn (mother of the director), as narrator. About the ghetto in Warsaw
and its uprising.
|Nihon no Shindler Sugihara Chiune Monogatari 6,000-nin no Inochi no Visa (TV Series)
|Takayoshi Watanabe
| Based on the story of Japanese Consul General to Lithuania Chiune Sugihara
United States
|Everything is Illuminated
|Liev Schreiber
|based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer
| 2005
| Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage
| Marc Rothemund
| English title: Sophie Scholl: The Final Days - Based on the true story of one of the most famous members of the German anti-Nazi group, The White Rose.
|Lajos Koltai
|based on the book by Imre Kertész
English title: Fateless
|Nicht alle waren Moerder
|Jo Baier
|based on the autobiography „Nicht alle waren Mörder” 2002 by Michael Degen English title: Not All Were Murderers
|Black Book
|Paul Verhoeven
|a beautiful Jewish singer in Nazi occupied Netherlands infiltrates the Gestapo HQ
Czech Republic
|Der Letzte Zug
|Joseph Vilsmaier
/ Dana Vávrová
|English title: The Last Train
|Audrius Juzenas
|Based on a play
written by Joshua Sobol about the Vilna Ghetto
| 2006
United States
|Forgiving Dr. Mengele
|Bob Hercules, Cheri Pugh
| 2007
| The Counterfeiters
| Stefan Ruzowitzky
|Based on a memoir
written by Adolf Burger
about Operation Bernhard
| 2008
United Kingdom
| God on Trial
| Andy DeEmmony
| A group of Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz put God on trial as they blame him for the tragedies of the Holocaust
| 2008
United Kingdom/
United States
| The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
| Mark Herman
| The eight-year-old son of the commandant at a concentration camp becomes friends with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence.
| 2008
United States
|Edward Zwick
|based on the book by Nechama Tec
Adam Resurrected
| 2008
United Kingdom/
United States
| The Reader
| Stephen Daldry
| based on the book by Bernhard Schlink
Best Leading Actress
Oscar winner, Kate Winslet
| 2008
United Kingdom
| Good
| Vicente Amorim
| based on the play by Cecil Philip Taylor
| 2009
Early Modern France
| La Rafle
| Rose Bosch
United States/
| The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler
| John Kent Harrison
{| class="wikitable"
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 2010
United States/
| Esther's Diary
| Mariusz Kotowski
| Narrative based on a composite of stories told to the director by his Polish grandparents, who were personally involved in hiding Polish Jews from the Nazis in World War II
; features original footage from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
| 2010
Early Modern France
| Sarah's Key
| Gilles Paquet-Brenner
| An adaptation of the novel Elle s'appelait Sarah by Tatiana De Rosnay
| 2011
United Kingdom
| The Reluctant Infidel
| Josh Appignanesi
| This is not a Holocaust film but makes very pointed references to the Holocaust, Holocaust denial
, and anti-semitism.
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1945
United States
|Death Mills
|Billy Wilder
|English Version of Die Todesmühlen
| 1945
| Majdanek - cmentarzysko Europy
| Aleksander Ford
|English title: Majdanek: Cemetery of Europe
| 1945
United States
| Nazi Concentration Camps http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2074187239501225850
| George Stevens
| Presented as evidence at Nuremberg
| 1945
United States
| The Nazi Plan
| George Stevens
| Presented as evidence at Nuremberg
| 1945
Kingdom of Yugoslavia
| Jasenovac
| Gustav Gavrin&Kosta Hlavaty
| circa 1946
United Kingdom
| Memory of the Camps http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/view
| Alfred Hitchcock
| Unfinished; later reconstructed by American PBS
| 1946
United States
| Seeds of Destiny
| Gene Fowler Jr.
| Shows devastation and solicits relief funds
| 1946
Early Modern France
| Nous Continuons
| English Title: We Live Again. Deals with child survivors. In Yiddish.
Soviet Union
|The Nuremberg Trials
|C Svilov
|Soviet view of the Nuremberg Trials
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1955
Early Modern France
| Nuit et brouillard
| Alain Resnais
| English title: Night and Fog. Written by Jean Cayrol
, an escapee of Mauthausen
. Music by Hanns Eisler
|Der Vorletzte Akt
|Walter Krüttner
|English title: Last Act But One: Brundibar
|Donald Brittain
and John Spotton
|French title: Pour mémoire
Soviet Union
|Obyknovennyy fashizm
|Mikhail Romm
|English title: Ordinary Fascism
|Warsaw Ghetto
|Mordere iblandt os (TV)
|Henning Knudsen
|English title: Murderers Among Us
United States
|The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
|Jack Kaufman
|Based on William L. Shirer
book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
|Andrzej Brzozowski
Early Modern France /
Switzerland /
West Germany
|Le Chagrin et la pitié
|Marcel Ophüls
|English title:The Sorrow and the Pity Vichy France
government collaboration with Nazi Germany
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1970
| The Past That Lives
| Philo Bregstein
| 1974
| The 81st Blow
| David Bergman
, Jacques Ehrlich
and Haim Gouri
| English title:The 81st Blow
| 1976
| /
United States /
Early Modern France /
West Germany
| The Memory of Justice
| Marcel Ophüls
| 4.6 hours long Won Los Angeles Film Critics Special Award
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1980
| Der Gelbe Stern
| Dieter Hildebrandt
| English title:The Yellow Star
| 1981
| The Hunter and the Hunted
| John Oakley
| 1982
United States
| Genocide
| Arnold Schwartzman
| Best Documentary Feature Oscar winner
| 1982
| The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz
| Peter Cohen
and Bo Kuritzen
| 1982
United States
| Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die
| Laurence Jarvik
| Distributed by Kino International Corporation, http://www.kino.com
| 1983
United States
| To Bear Witness
| Gavin P. Boyle
| 1983
United Kingdom
| Schindler: The Documentary (TV)
| Jon Blair
| 1983
United States
| The Work
| Bernard Offen
| 1984
United States
| A Generation Apart
| Jack Fisher
| 1984
United States
| Kaddish
| Steve Brand
| Based on book by Dr. Randolph Braham
| 1985
Soviet Union
| Babiy Yar: Lessons of History
| 1985
| Die Befreiung von Auschwitz
| Irmgard von zur Mühlen
| English title:Liberation of Auschwitz 1945
| 1985
| Goethe in D.
| Manfred Vosz
| 1985
Early Modern France
| Shoah
| Claude Lanzmann
| 9½ hours long
| 1985
United States
| The Ties That Bind
| Su Friedrich
| 1986
United States
| Partisans of Vilna (film)
| Joshua Waletzky
| 1988
| B'Glal Hamilhamah Hahi
| Orna Ben-Dor Niv
| English title:Because of That War
| 1988
United States/
Early Modern France
| Hôtel Terminus: Klaus Barbie, sa vie et son temps
| Marcel Ophüls
| English title: Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie
| 1988
| Mit 22 Jahren wollte man noch nicht sterben
| Rainer Ritzel
| 1988
Early Modern France/
| Témoins
| Marcel Lozinski
| Polish title:Swiadkowie; English title:Witnesses: Anti-Semitism in Poland, 1946
| 1988
United States
| Voices from the Attic
| Debbie Goodstein
| 1989
| Hugo
| Yair Lev
| 1989
United States
| Lodz Ghetto
| Alan Adelson&Kate Taverna
| 1989
| The Architecture of Doom
| Peter Cohen
| English title:The Architecture of Doom
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1990
United States
| C.A.N.D.L.E.S.: The Story of the Mengele Twins (TV)
| Gordon J. Murray
| 1991
Early Modern France
| Premier convoi (TV)
| Jacky Assoun and Suzette Bloch
| 1991
United Kingdom
| Purple Triangles
| Martin Smith
| Describes the accounts of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi camps. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162577/
| 1991
United Kingdom
| Chasing Shadows
| Naomi Gryn
| 1991
| A Day in the Warsaw Ghetto: A Birthday Trip in Hell
| Jack Kuper
| Based on the diaries of Warsaw ghetto inmates
| 1991
United States
| They Risked Their Lives: Rescuers of the Holocaust
| Gay Block
| 1992
United States
| Sequel to Lódz Ghetto
| Alan Adelson
| 1992
| Miejsce urodzenia
| Paweł Łoziński
| English title: Birthplace
| 1992
Early Modern France
| La Rafle du Vel-d'Hiv, La Marche du siècle
| William Karel
| 1992
| The Visas That Saved Lives
| Alan Adelson
| 1992
| Återkomster
| Joanna Helander and Bo Persson
| 1993
| Children of the Shadows
| Marc Cukier
| 1994
| Balagan
| Andres Veiel
| Based on the play Arbeit macht frei
by Smadar Jaaron&David Maayan
| 1994
United States
| Diamonds in the Snow
| Mira Reym Binford
| 1994
United States
| Choosing One's Way: Resistance in Auschwitz/Birkenau
| Ted Kay and Allen Secher
| 1994
United States
| The Holocaust: In Memory of Millions (TV)
| Brian Blake
| Hosted by Walter Cronkite
| 1994
| Die Kunst des Erinnerns - Simon Wiesenthal
| Johanna Heer and Werner Schmiedel
| English title:The Art of Remembrance - Simon Wiesenthal
| 1994
| La Memoria del agua
| Héctor Fáver
| English title:Memory of Water
| 1994
| Unknown
| The Power of Conscience: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews
| Alexandra Isles
| 1994
Early Modern France/
| Tzedek
| Marek Halter
| 1995
United States/
United Kingdom/
| Anne Frank Remembered (TV)
| Jon Blair
| 1995
| Bottles in the Cellar
| Shmuel Imberman
| 1995
United States
| Children Remember the Holocaust (TV)
| Mark Gordon
| Hosted by Keanu Reeves
| 1995
United States
| One Survivor Remembers
| Kary Antholis
| 1995
| Reshimot Vanda (TV)
| Vered Berman
| 1995
| Rhodes nostalgie (TV)
| Diane Perelsztejn
| 1996
United States
| My Knees Were Jumping: Remembering the Kindertransports
| Melissa Hacker
| 1996
United Kingdom
| Nuremberg
| Stephen Trombley
| 1996
United States
| Survivors of the Holocaust
| Allan Holzman
| 1996
United Kingdom
| The Nazis: A Warning from History
| Laurence Rees
and Tilman Remme
| 1997
| Bent
| Sean Mathias
| 1997
Denmark/ /
| The Island on Bird Street
| Søren Kragh-Jacobsen
| Based on the book by Uri Orlev
| 1997
United States
| Blood Money: Switzerland's Nazi Gold
| Stephen Crisman
| 1997
United States
| Grüningers Fall
| Richard Dindo
| Based on the book by Stefan Keller
| 1997
United States
| My Hometown Concentration Camp
| Bernard Offen
| 1997
United States
| In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine
| John Michalczyk
| Based on the book by Stefan Keller
| 1997
| Journal de Rivesaltes 1941–1942
| Jacqueline Veuve
| 1997
United States
| The Long Way Home
| Mark Jonathan Harris
| Narrated by Morgan Freeman
| 1997
United States
| The Lost Children of Berlin
| Elizabeth McIntyre (filmmaker)
| Narrated by Anthony Hopkins
| 1997
United States
| Out Loud!
| Miriam Bjeirre
| 1997
| Das Prinzip Dora
| Claudette Coulanges and Rolf Coulanges
| 1997
United States
| Raising the Ashes
| Michael O'Keefe
| 1997
Czech Republic
| Shahor Lavan Zeh Tzivoni
| Tamir Paul
| 1997
United States
| The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
| Describes the time period of Adolf Eichmann from his being brought to Israel till his execution.Also an insight is given in to the mind of the mass murderer
| 1997
Early Modern France/
| Un vivant qui passe
| Claude Lanzmann
| English title: A Visitor from the Living
| 1997
| Unterwegs als sicherer Ort
| Dietrich Schubert
| English title On the Move Is a Safe Place
| 1997
| Vankileirien paratiisi
| Lisa Hovinheimo
| 1998
Czech Republic
| Diese Tage in Terezin
| Sibylle Schönemann
| English title Those Days in Terezin
| 1998
Early Modern France/
| Fotoamator
| Dariusz Jablonski
| English title Photographer; French title Chronique couleur du ghetto de Łódź; German title Der Fotograf
| 1998
United States
| The Last Days
| James Moll
| Won Academy Award for Documentary Feature
| 1998
United States
| A Letter Without Words
| Lisa Lewenz
| 1998
| Nachrichten aus dem Untergrund
| Andreas Hoessli
| English title Underground Messengers
| 1998
United States
| Never Forget
| Sherrie Drummond
| short
| 1998
United States
| A Sculpture of Love and Anguish: The Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial
| David Braman
| 1999
United States
| Burning Questions
| Michael Porembski
| 1999
United States
| The Children of Chabannes
| Lisa Gossels
| 1999
| Children of the Night
| Jolanta Dylewska
| 1999
| Flucht in den Dschungel
| Michael Juncker
| 1999
| Hidden Heroes
| Karen Pascal
| 1999
| Martin
| Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
| 1999
United States/
United Kingdom
| Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
| Errol Morris
| 1999
United States
| Process B-7815
| Bernard Offen
| 1999
United States
| Tak for Alt: Survival of a Human Spirit
| Laura Bialis
&Broderick Fox&Sarah Levy
| 1999
Early Modern France/
| Un spécialiste, portrait d'un criminel moderne
| Eyal Sivan
| 1999
| Witness: Voices from the Holocaust
| Joshua M. Greene&Shiva Kumar
| 1999
| ... gdzie jest mój starszy syn Kain
| Agnieszka Arnold
| Considers Jedwabne pogrom
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 2000
United Kingdom
| Auschwitz: The Final Witnesses
| Sheldon Lazarus
| 2000
| Cerca del Danubio
| Felipe Vega
| 2000
United States
| Fighter
| Amir Bar-Lev
| 2000
United States
| Typhoons' Last Storm
| Lawrence Bond
| 2000
| Hazehut Ha'Avuda Shel Hanita
| Vered Berman
| 2000
United Kingdom
| The Holocaust on Trial
| Leslie Woodhead
| 2000
United Kingdom/
United States
| Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
| Mark Jonathan Harris
| 2000
United States
| Paragraph 175
| Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman
| Documentary about gays and the holocaust
| 2000
| Reshimat Ahava
| David Fisher
| 2001
United States
| Exodus to Berlin
| Jeff Kamen and Peter Laufer
| 2001
United States
| Holocaust: New York Tolerance Center
| Scott Goldstein
| 2001
| Eine Liebe in Auschwitz
| Thilo Thielke
| 2001
| Śmierć Zygelbojma
| Dżamila Ankiewicz
| 2001
| Sąsiedzi
| Agnieszka Arnold
| Concerns Jedwabne pogrom
| 2001
Early Modern France
| Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures
| Claude Lanzmann
| English title: Sobibor, Oct. 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
| 2001
| Struma
| Radu Gabrea
| 2001
| Svedok
| Dušan Hudec
| 2002
| Illusion
|Concerns Kurt Gerron
| 2002
United States
| Last Dance
| Mirra Bank
| 2002
| Pamiętam
| Marcel Lozinski
| English title:I Remember
| 2002
United States/
United Kingdom
| Prisoner of Paradise
| Malcolm Clarke
and Stuart Sender
| 2002
United States
| Sudbina mi nije dala da odem
| Dominik Sedlar and Jakov Sedlar
| English title:Fate Did Not Let Me Go
| 2002
| Undying Love
| Helene Klodawsky
| 2003
United States
| Berga: Soldiers of Another War
| Charles Guggenheim
| 2003
United States/
| Den Danske løsning
| Karen Cantor and Camilla Kjærulff
| English title:The Danish Solution: The Rescue of the Jews in Denmark
| 2003
| Long Shadows: Stories from a Jewish Home
| Kate Hampel
| 2003
United States
| Luboml: My Heart Remembers
| Eileen Douglas and Ron Steinman
| 2004
United States
| A Is for Auschwitz: A Weekend with My Grandparents
| 2004
| Against the Odds
| Jedrzej Jonasz
| 2004
United States
| Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust
| Daniel Anker
| 2004
United States
| Paper Clips
| Elliot Berlin and Joe Fab
| About the Paper Clips Project
| 2004
| La fuga degli innocenti
| Leone Pompucci
| 2004
| Wege der Tübinger Juden. Eine Spurensuche
| Ulrike Baumgärtner
| 2004
United Kingdom
| Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution' Also known as Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
| Dominic Sutherland
, Martina Balazova and Detlef Siebert
| Companion book: Auschwitz: A New History
| 2004
Czech Republic
| The Ninth Day
| Volker Schlöndorff
| Based on a portion of Pfarrerblock 25487 (ISBN 2-87963-286-2), the diary of Bernard (1907–1994)
| 2005
| Holocausto:Tercera Generación
| Daniel Segal, Daniel Halpern
| 2005
| 2 oder 3 Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß
| Malte Ludin
| English title: 2 or 3 Things I Know About Him — Ludin's family's reaction to their father's role in sending Jews to Auschwitz
| 2005
| Process (TV)
| Péter Muszatics
| 2005
| A Treasure in Auschwitz (TV)
| Yahaly Gat
| 2005
| Wenn lang die Bilder schon verblassen... KZ Theresienstadt - Propagandafilm und Wirklichkeit
| Thilo Pohle
| 2006
Early Modern France
| Amants des hommes
| Isabelle Darmengeat
| English title: Men lovers
| 2006
United States
| Borrowing Time
| Robert Allan Black
| 2006
United States
| Journey to Justice
| Steve Palackdharry
| 2006
United States
| Knocking
| Joel Engardio
and Tom Shepard
| 2006
| La Strada di Levi
| Davide Ferrario
| 2006
| Der letzte Zug
| Joseph Vilsmaier
, Dana Vávrová
| 2006
| The Counterfeiters
| Stefan Ruzowitzky
| 2006
United Kingdom
| Kz
| Rex Bloomstein
| 2011
| Auschwitz
| Uwe Boll
Year | Country | Title | Directors | Notes |
1946 | ![]() |
The Stranger The Stranger (1946 film) The Stranger is an American film noir directed by Orson Welles and starring Welles, Edward G. Robinson, and Loretta Young. The film was based on an Oscar-nominated screenplay written by Victor Trivas. Sam Spiegel was the film's producer, and the film's musical score is by Bronisław Kaper... |
Orson Welles Orson Welles George Orson Welles , best known as Orson Welles, was an American film director, actor, theatre director, screenwriter, and producer, who worked extensively in film, theatre, television and radio... |
Starring: Orson Welles Orson Welles George Orson Welles , best known as Orson Welles, was an American film director, actor, theatre director, screenwriter, and producer, who worked extensively in film, theatre, television and radio... , Edward G. Robinson Edward G. Robinson Edward G. Robinson was a Romanian-born American actor. A popular star during Hollywood's Golden Age, he is best remembered for his roles as gangsters, such as Rico in his star-making film Little Caesar and as Rocco in Key Largo... , and Loretta Young Loretta Young Loretta Young was an American actress. Starting as a child actress, she had a long and varied career in film from 1917 to 1953... . Believed to be the first feature film to include footage of concentration camps. |
1948 | ![]() |
Ostatni etap The Last Stage The Last Stage was a 1947 Polish feature film directed and co-written by Wanda Jakubowska, depicting her experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II... |
Wanda Jakubowska | Starring: Tatjana Gorecka, Antonina Gordon-Górecka, Barbara Drapinska, and Aleksandra Slaska Aleksandra Slaska Aleksandra Śląska was a Polish film actress. She appeared in 18 films between 1948 and 1983. Born in Katowice, Upper Silesia, she left for Warsaw after World War II... . First known Holocaust drama English titles: The Last Stage, The Last Stop |
1948 | ![]() ![]() |
Unzere Kinder | Natan Gross/Shaul Goskind | In Yiddish starring Shimon Dzigan Shimon Dzigan Shimon Dżigan was a Yiddish comedian. His father was a soldier in the Russian military. After the outbreak of the first world war Dzigan was apprenticed to a tailor to help the family make ends meet.... and Israel Shumacher Israel Shumacher Israel Shumacher was a Yiddish comedian who worked together with Shimon Dzigan, thus forming "Dzigan and Shumacher", one of the most famous Yiddish comic duos in the 20th century. Israel Shumacher first met Shimon Dzigan at the revolutionary Jewish theater in Łódź, Poland... . English title: Our Children |
1948 | ![]() |
The Search | Fred Zinnemann Fred Zinnemann Fred Zinnemann was an Austrian-American film director. He won four Academy Awards and directed films like High Noon, From Here to Eternity and A Man for All Seasons.-Life and career:... |
Starring Montgomery Clift Montgomery Clift Edward Montgomery Clift was an American film and stage actor. The New York Times’ obituary noted his portrayal of "moody, sensitive young men".... |
1949 | ![]() ![]() |
Lang ist der Weg | Herbert B. Fredersdorf and Marek Goldstein | Yiddish title: Lang iz der Veg; English title: Long Is the Road |
Year | Country | Title | Director | Notes |
1950 | ![]() |
Daleká cesta Distant Journey (film) Distant Journey is a Czech Holocaust film directed by Alfréd Radok and released in March 1949, immediately after World War II. Radok uses experimental cinematography, blending historic footage of the Nazis with a fictional love story between a Jewish woman and her Gentile husband.Soon after the... |
Alfréd Radok Alfréd Radok Alfréd Radok was a distinguished Czech stage director.He worked as the stage director of the National Theatre in Prague in the years 1948 to 1949 and 1966 to 1968. Radok's work belongs to the top of the Czech stage direction of the 20th century... |
English title: Distant Journey |
1953 | ![]() |
The Juggler The Juggler (film) The Juggler is a drama film about a survivor of the Holocaust, played by Kirk Douglas. The screenplay was adapted by Michael Blankfort from his novel of the same name.-Plot:... |
Edward Dmytryk Edward Dmytryk Edward Dmytryk was an American film director who was amongst the Hollywood Ten, a group of blacklisted film industry professionals who served time in prison for being in contempt of Congress during the McCarthy-era 'red scare'.-Early life:Dmytryk was born in Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada,... |
Starring Kirk Douglas Kirk Douglas Kirk Douglas is an American stage and film actor, film producer and author. His popular films include Out of the Past , Champion , Ace in the Hole , The Bad and the Beautiful , Lust for Life , Paths of Glory , Gunfight at the O.K... |
1956 | ![]() |
Singing in the Dark Singing in the Dark Singing in the Dark is a 1956 black-and-white motion picture about a Holocaust survivor suffering from total amnesia who comes to the United States... |
Max Nosseck Max Nosseck -Selected filmography:* Aventura oriental * Oranje Hein * Overture to Glory * Gambling Daughters * The Brighton Strangler * Black Beauty* Dillinger * And Who Is Kissing Me?... |
Musical about Holocaust survivor with amnesia |
1959 | ![]() ![]() |
Sterne Stars (film) Stars is a 1959 film directed by Konrad Wolf. It tells the story of a Nazi officer who falls in love with a Greek Jewish girl while escorting Jewish prisoners through Bulgaria to a concentration camp. The film won the Special Jury Prize at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival.-Cast:* Sasha Krusharska -... |
Konrad Wolf Konrad Wolf Konrad Wolf was an East German film director, son of Friedrich Wolf, brother of Markus Wolf.... |
English title: Stars |
1959 | ![]() |
The Diary of Anne Frank | George Stevens George Stevens George Stevens was an American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer.Among his most notable films were Diary of Anne Frank , nominated for Best Director, Giant , winner of Oscar for Best Director, Shane , Oscar nominated, and A Place in the Sun , winner of Oscar for Best... |
winner of 3 Academy Awards Academy Awards An Academy Award, also known as an Oscar, is an accolade bestowed by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers... , including Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role is one of the Academy Awards of Merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize an actress who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the film industry. Since its inception, however, the... |
1959 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Kapò Kapò Kapò is an Italian film about the Holocaust directed by Gillo Pontecorvo in 1959. It was nominated for the Academy Award as Best Foreign Language Film. It was an Italian-French co-production filmed in Yugoslavia.-Plot:... |
Gillo Pontecorvo Gillo Pontecorvo Gillo Pontecorvo was an Italian filmmaker. He worked as a film director for more than a decade before his best known film La battaglia di Algeri was released... |
Year | Country | Title | Director | Notes |
1960 | ![]() |
Romeo, Julie a tma | Jiří Weiss | English title: Romeo, Juliet and Darkness . Concerns Operation Anthropoid Operation Anthropoid Operation Anthropoid was the code name for the targeted killing of top German SS leader Reinhard Heydrich. He was the chief of the Reich Main Security Office , the acting Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, and a chief planner of the Final Solution, the Nazi German programme for the genocide of the... . |
1960 | ![]() |
Exodus Exodus (film) Exodus is a 1960 epic war film made by Alpha and Carlyle Productions and distributed by United Artists. Produced and directed by Otto Preminger, the film was based on the 1958 novel Exodus, by Leon Uris. The screenplay was written by Dalton Trumbo, which represented the breaking of the Hollywood... |
Otto Preminger Otto Preminger Otto Ludwig Preminger was an Austro–Hungarian-American theatre and film director.After moving from the theatre to Hollywood, he directed over 35 feature films in a five-decade career. He rose to prominence for stylish film noir mysteries such as Laura and Fallen Angel... |
Based on the novel by Leon Uris Leon Uris Leon Marcus Uris was an American novelist, known for his historical fiction and the deep research that went into his novels. His two bestselling books were Exodus, published in 1958, and Trinity, in 1976.-Life:... ; screenplay by Dalton Trumbo Dalton Trumbo James Dalton Trumbo was an American screenwriter and novelist, and one of the Hollywood Ten, a group of film professionals who refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 during the committee's investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry... . |
1960 | ![]() |
Deveti krug | France Stiglic France Štiglic France Štiglic was a Slovenian film director and screenwriter. His 1948 film On Our Own Land was entered into the 1949 Cannes Film Festival... |
English title:The Ninth Circle |
1961 | ![]() |
Judgment at Nuremberg Judgment at Nuremberg Judgment at Nuremberg is a 1961 American drama film dealing with the Holocaust and the Post-World War II Nuremberg Trials. It was written by Abby Mann, directed by Stanley Kramer, and starred Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Maximilian Schell, Werner Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, Judy... |
Stanley Kramer Stanley Kramer Stanley Earl Kramer was an American film director and producer. Kramer was responsible for some of Hollywood's most famous "message" movies... |
1961 | ![]() |
Samson Samson (1961 film) Samson is a 1961 film made by Academy Award-winning Polish director Andrzej Wajda that uses art house aesthetics to tell a story about the Holocaust. Wajda's World War II film alludes to the Old Testament story of Samson, who had supernatural physical strength... |
Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda is a Polish film director. Recipient of an honorary Oscar, he is possibly the most prominent member of the unofficial "Polish Film School"... |
Operation Eichmann (1961) |
1961 | ![]() |
L'enclos | Armand Gatti Armand Gatti Armand Gatti is a French playwright, poet, journalist, screenwriter, film-maker and former WW II resistance fighter. His 1963 film, El Otro Cristóbal was entered into the 1963 Cannes Film Festival.... |
In a camp, two inmates, a veteran anti-Nazi German and a Jew, are segregated and forced to fight each other, with the promise that the survivor will not be killed. Italian title: Otto ore al buio. Prix de la Critique at 1961 Cannes Festival. |
1963 | ![]() |
Pasażerka | Andrzej Munk | English title: Passenger |
1963 | ![]() |
Nackt unter Wölfen | Frank Beyer Frank Beyer Frank Beyer was German film director. In East Germany he was one of the most important film directors, working for the state film monopoly DEFA and directed films that dealt mostly with the Nazi era and contemporary East Germany. His film Traces of Stones was banned for 20 years in 1966 by the... |
English title: Naked Among Wolves Naked Among Wolves (film) Naked Among Wolves is a 1963 East German film directed by Frank Beyer and starring Erwin Geschonneck and Armin Mueller-Stahl. The film is based on the 1958 novel, also titled Naked Among Wolves, by Bruno Apitz.-Plot:... |
1964 | ![]() |
The Pawnbroker The Pawnbroker The Pawnbroker is a novel by Edward Lewis Wallant which tells the story of Sol Nazerman, a concentration camp survivor who suffers flashbacks of his past Nazi imprisonment as he tries to cope with his daily life operating a pawn shop in East Harlem... |
Sidney Lumet Sidney Lumet Sidney Lumet was an American director, producer and screenwriter with over 50 films to his credit. He was nominated for the Academy Award as Best Director for 12 Angry Men , Dog Day Afternoon , Network and The Verdict... |
The life of a Holocaust survivor in a contemporary New York ghetto |
1964 | ![]() |
Demanty noci | Jan Němec Jan Nemec Jan Němec is a Czech filmmaker whose most important work dates from the 1960s. Film historian Peter Hames has described him as the "enfant terrible of the Czech New Wave."- Biography :... after the novel by Arnošt Lustig Arnošt Lustig Arnošt Lustig was a renowned Czech Jewish author of novels, short stories, plays, and screenplays whose works have often involved the Holocaust.Lustig was born in Prague... |
English title:Diamonds of the Night Diamonds of the Night Diamonds of the Night is a Czech 1964 film about two boys on the run from a train taking them to a concentration camp. It was director Jan Němec's first full-length feature film.-Plot:... ; Two boys escape from a train carrying them from one concentration camp to another; film tells of their fight for survival |
1965 | ![]() |
Obchod na korze | Jan Kadar | English title:The Shop on Main Street The Shop on Main Street The Shop on Main Street is a 1965 Czechoslovak film about the Aryanization programme during World War II in the Slovak State.... ; Elderly Jewish woman gets her shop confiscated and given to a hapless Slovak |
1965 | ![]() |
Chronik eines Mordes | Joachim Hasler | English title:Chronicle of a Murder; Holocaust survivor assassinates her former torturer who is now a West German politician |
1967 | ![]() |
The Diary of Anne Frank The Diary of Anne Frank (1967 TV movie) The Diary of Anne Frank was a 1967 TV miniseries based on the book The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. The TV movie was directed by Alex Segal and it was adapted from the play of the same name by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich... (TV) |
Alex Segal Alex Segal Alex Segal was an American television director, television producer and film director.He directed mostly on television making over 25 productions between his debut as a director on Starring Boris Karloff in 1949 and his death.He directed a few films including Joy in the Morning in 1965.He received... |
Year | Country | Title | Director | Notes |
1970 | ![]() ![]() |
Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (film) The Garden of the Finzi-Continis is a 1970 Italian film, directed by Vittorio de Sica. It stars Lino Capolicchio, Dominique Sanda and Helmut Berger. The film is based upon Giorgio Bassani's novel of the same name.-Plot:... |
Vittorio De Sica Vittorio de Sica Vittorio De Sica was an Italian director and actor, a leading figure in the neorealist movement.... |
English title: The Garden of the Finzi-Continis; Based on the novel by Giorgio Bassani Giorgio Bassani Giorgio Bassani was an Italian novelist, poet, essayist, editor, and international intellectual.-Biography:Bassani was born in Bologna into a prosperous Jewish family of Ferrara, where he spent his childhood with his mother Dora, father Enrico , brother Paolo, and sister Jenny... ; Oscar for Best Foreign Film |
1970 | ![]() |
Hranjenik | Vatroslav Mimica Vatroslav Mimica Vatroslav Mimica is an award-winning Croatian film director and screenwriter.Mimica had enrolled at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine before the outbreak of World War II. In 1942 he joined Young Communist League of Yugoslavia and in 1943 he went on to join the Yugoslav Partisans,... |
English title:The Fed Ones |
1970 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Only Way The Only Way The Only Way is a 1927 British drama film directed by Herbert Wilcox and starring John Martin Harvey, Madge Stuart and Betty Faire. It was based on the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. It cost £24,000 to make and was shot at Twickenham Studios... |
Bent Christensen | Danish title:Oktober-Dage |
1972 | ![]() |
The Day the Clown Cried The Day the Clown Cried The Day the Clown Cried is an unfinished and unreleased 1972 film directed by and starring Jerry Lewis. It is based on a script of the same name by Joan O'Brien, who had co-written the original script with Charles Denton 10 years previously. The film was met with controversy regarding its premise... |
Jerry Lewis Jerry Lewis Jerry Lewis is an American comedian, actor, singer, film producer, screenwriter and film director. He is best known for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage and radio. He was originally paired up with Dean Martin in 1946, forming the famed comedy team of Martin and Lewis... |
Never shown to the general public, Lewis portrays a circus clown imprisoned in a Nazi camp |
1973 | ![]() |
Seventeen Moments of Spring Seventeen Moments of Spring Seventeen Moments of Spring is a 1973 Soviet TV miniseries. It was filmed at Gorky Film Studio, directed by Tatyana Lioznova and based on the book of the same title by the novelist Yulian Semyonov. The series comprises 12 episodes of 70 minutes each... |
Tatiana Lioznova | The dealings of Russian spy Stirlitz within the Gestapo headquarters, amongst the likes of Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Heinrich Mueller, Walter Schellenberg, Heinrich Himmler, and Karl Wolff. |
1974 | ![]() |
QB VII (TV minseries) | Tom Gries Tom Gries Thomas S. "Tom" Gries was an American TV and film director, writer and producer.... |
Fictionalized version of the case of Dr. Wladislaw Dehring, who sued Leon Uris for defamation for a line in Exodus Exodus (novel) Exodus by American novelist Leon Uris is about the founding of the State of Israel. Published in 1958, it is based on the name of the 1947 immigration ship Exodus.... ; based on Leon Uris novel of same name |
1974 | ![]() ![]() |
The Odessa File The ODESSA File (film) The Odessa File is a 1974 film adaptation of the thriller novel by Frederick Forsyth, about a struggle between a young German reporter and the ODESSA, an organization for ex-Nazis. The film stars Jon Voight and was directed by Ronald Neame, with a score by Andrew Lloyd Webber.- Plot :The plot opens... |
Ronald Neame Ronald Neame Ronald Elwin Neame CBE, BSC was an English film cinematographer, producer, screenwriter and director.-Early career:... |
Based on Frederick Forsyth Frederick Forsyth Frederick Forsyth, CBE is an English author and occasional political commentator. He is best known for thrillers such as The Day of the Jackal, The Odessa File, The Fourth Protocol, The Dogs of War, The Devil's Alternative, The Fist of God, Icon, The Veteran, Avenger, The Afghan and The Cobra.-... novel of same name |
1975 | ![]() |
Jacob, the Liar Jacob, the Liar (1975 film) Jacob, the Liar is a 1975 East German-Czechoslovakian film directed by Frank Beyer and based on the eponymous novel by Jurek Becker. It starred Vlastimil Brodský in the title role.-Cast:* Vlastimil Brodský - Jakob Heym* Erwin Geschonneck - Kowalski... |
Frank Beyer Frank Beyer Frank Beyer was German film director. In East Germany he was one of the most important film directors, working for the state film monopoly DEFA and directed films that dealt mostly with the Nazi era and contemporary East Germany. His film Traces of Stones was banned for 20 years in 1966 by the... |
Based on the novel by Jurek Becker Jurek Becker Jurek Becker was a Polish-born German writer, film-author and GDR dissident. His most famous novel is Jacob the Liar, which has been made into two films. He lived in Łódź during World War II for about two years and survived the Holocaust.-Childhood:Jurek Becker was born in 1937 and lived in the... |
1975 | ![]() |
Crvena zemlja | Branimir Tori Jankovic | Concerns the massacre of Serbs at Kraljevo Kraljevo Kraljevo is a city and municipality in central Serbia, built beside the river Ibar, 7 km west of its confluence with the Western Morava. It is located in the midst of an upland valley, between the mountains of Kotlenik in the north, and Stolovi in the south.In 2011 the city has population of... |
1975 | ![]() |
The Hiding Place The Hiding Place (film) The Hiding Place is a 1975 film based on the autobiographical book of the same name by Corrie ten Boom recounting her and her family's experiences before and during their imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust in World War II.-Plot:... |
James F. Collier | Based on the autobiography of Corrie ten Boom Corrie ten Boom Cornelia "Corrie" ten Boom was a Dutch Christian, who with her father and other family members helped many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. Her family was arrested due to an informant in 1944, and her father died 10 days later at Scheveningen prison where they were first held... |
1975 | ![]() |
Seven Beauties | Lina Wertmüller Lina Wertmüller Lina Wertmüller is an Italian film writer and director of aristocratic Swiss descent. In 1976, she became the first woman ever to be nominated for an Academy Award for Directing with the film Seven Beauties.-Biography:... |
Giancarlo Giannini is excellent as an Italian scoundrel with seven ugly sisters in Nazi occupied Europe |
1975 | ![]() |
The Man in the Glass Booth The Man in the Glass Booth The Man in the Glass Booth is a 1975 American drama film directed by Arthur Hiller. The screenplay was adapted from Robert Shaw's 1967 novel and 1968 stage play, both of the same name. The plot was inspired by images of the trial of Adolf Eichmann.... |
Arthur Hiller Arthur Hiller Arthur Hiller, OC is a Canadian film director. His filmography includes 33 major studio releases, including the 1970 film Love Story... |
Israeli agents capture and try Adolph Eichmann |
1976 | ![]() |
Marathon Man Marathon Man (film) Marathon Man is a 1976 thriller film based on the novel of the same name by William Goldman. The film was directed by John Schlesinger, and stars Dustin Hoffman, Roy Scheider, and Laurence Olivier. The original music score was composed by Michael Small.... |
John Schlesinger John Schlesinger John Richard Schlesinger, CBE was an English film and stage director and actor.-Early life:Schlesinger was born in London into a middle-class Jewish family, the son of Winifred Henrietta and Bernard Edward Schlesinger, a physician... |
A thriller dealing with an ex-Nazi dentist and war criminal. Starring Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman Dustin Lee Hoffman is an American actor with a career in film, television, and theatre since 1960. He has been known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and vulnerable characters.... and Laurence Olivier Laurence Olivier Laurence Kerr Olivier, Baron Olivier, OM was an English actor, director, and producer. He was one of the most famous and revered actors of the 20th century. He married three times, to fellow actors Jill Esmond, Vivien Leigh, and Joan Plowright... . |
1977 | ![]() |
Aus einem deutschen Leben | Theodor Kotulla | English title: From a German Life; the life of Rudolf Hoess; based on the book by Robert Merle Robert Merle Robert Merle was a French novelist.-Biography:Born in Tébessa in French Algeria, he moved to France in 1918. A professor of English Literature at several universities, during World War II Merle was conscripted in the French army and assigned as an interpreter to the British Expeditionary Force... |
1977 | ![]() |
L'ultima orgia del III Reich L'ultima orgia del III Reich Last Orgy of the Third Reich is a 1977 Italian Nazi exploitation film directed by Cesare Canevari.- Plot :... |
Cesare Canevari | Exploitation film about the sexual exploitation of concentration camp inmates by SS soldiers. |
1977 | ![]() |
Reinhard Heydrich - Manager des Terrors | Heinz Schirk | The life of Reinhard Heydrich Reinhard Heydrich Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich , also known as The Hangman, was a high-ranking German Nazi official.He was SS-Obergruppenführer and General der Polizei, chief of the Reich Main Security Office and Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia... |
1978 | ![]() |
Holocaust Holocaust (miniseries) Holocaust was a television miniseries broadcast in four parts in 1978 on the NBC television network. The series tells the story of the Holocaust from the perspective of the Weiss family of German Jews and that of a rising member of the SS, who gradually becomes a merciless war criminal... (TV miniseries) |
Marvin J. Chomsky Marvin J. Chomsky Marvin J. Chomsky is an American television and film director. He has also worked as a producer. He is a cousin of academic Noam Chomsky.... |
The SS and SD leadership under Reinhard Heydrich and Ernst Kaltenbrunner is depicted in this mini-series. |
1978 | ![]() |
Okupacija u 26 slika | Lordan Zafranovic Lordan Zafranovic Lordan Zafranović is currently "the most controversial Croatian cineaste".-First films:After receiving a degree in literature and visual arts at the University of Split, Zafranović enrolled at the famous FAMU in Prague where he studied film directing and where he eventually graduated in 1981... |
1979 | ![]() |
Baranski | Werner Masten | |
1979 | ![]() |
The House On Garibaldi Street | Peter Collinson Peter Collinson (film director) Peter Collinson was a British film director probably best known for directing the 1969 movie The Italian Job.- Early life :... |
Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann Adolf Eichmann Adolf Otto Eichmann was a German Nazi and SS-Obersturmbannführer and one of the major organizers of the Holocaust... is located in 1960s Argentina and Israel is determined to put him on trial. |
Year | Country | Title | Director | Notes |
1980 | ![]() |
The Diary of Anne Frank (TV) | Boris Sagal Boris Sagal Boris Sagal was a Ukrainian-born American television and film director.-Early life and career:Born in Yekaterinoslav, Soviet Union, Sagal emigrated to the United States where he attended the Yale School of Drama. Sagal's many TV credits include directing episodes of The Twilight Zone, "T.H.E... |
1980 | ![]() |
Playing For Time Playing For Time (film) Playing For Time is a 1980 CBS television film, written by Arthur Miller and Fania Fénelon, based on Fénelon's autobiography, The Musicians of Auschwitz... (TV) |
Daniel Mann Daniel Mann Daniel Mann, also known as Daniel Chugerman , was an American film and television director.Daniel Mann was born in Brooklyn, New York. He was a stage actor since childhood, and attended Erasmus Hall High School, New York's Professional Children's School and the Neighborhood Playhouse... |
Based on the autobiography of Fania Fénelon Fania Fénelon Fania Fénelon was a French pianist, composer and cabaret singer.-Biography:... ; adaptation by Arthur Miller Arthur Miller Arthur Asher Miller was an American playwright and essayist. He was a prominent figure in American theatre, writing dramas that include plays such as All My Sons , Death of a Salesman , The Crucible , and A View from the Bridge .Miller was often in the public eye,... |
1981 | ![]() |
Das Letzte Loch | Herbert Achternbusch | English title:The Last Hole |
1982 | ![]() |
Ein Stück Himmel Ein Stück Himmel Ein Stück Himmel is a German television series.... (TV mini-series) |
Franz Peter Wirth | Based on the autobiography of Janina David Janina David Janina Dawidowicz , better known as Janina David, is a holocaust survivor and a British writer and translator.-Biography:... |
1982 | ![]() |
Remembrance of Love (TV) | Jack Smight Jack Smight Jack Smight was an American theatre and film director.Smight was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and went to school with future actor Peter Graves... |
Stars Kirk Douglas Kirk Douglas Kirk Douglas is an American stage and film actor, film producer and author. His popular films include Out of the Past , Champion , Ace in the Hole , The Bad and the Beautiful , Lust for Life , Paths of Glory , Gunfight at the O.K... |
1982 | ![]() |
Sophie's Choice Sophie's Choice (film) Sophie's Choice is a 1982 American romantic drama film that tells the story of a Polish immigrant, Sophie, and her tempestuous lover who share a boarding house with a young writer in Brooklyn. The film stars Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, and Peter MacNicol. Alan J... |
Alan J. Pakula Alan J. Pakula Alan Jay Pakula was an American film director, writer and producer noted for his contributions to the conspiracy thriller genre.-Career:... |
Based on the novel by William Styron William Styron William Clark Styron, Jr. was an American novelist and essayist who won major literary awards for his work.For much of his career, Styron was best known for his novels, which included... Best Leading Actress Academy Award for Best Actress Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role is one of the Academy Awards of merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize an actress who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the film industry... Oscar winner, Meryl Streep Meryl Streep Mary Louise "Meryl" Streep is an American actress who has worked in theatre, television and film.Streep made her professional stage debut in 1971's The Playboy of Seville, before her screen debut in the television movie The Deadliest Season in 1977. In that same year, she made her film debut with... |
1982 | ![]() |
The Wall | Robert Markowitz Robert Markowitz Robert Markowitz is an American film/television director. He has directed a number television films that include Too Young to Die? , Decoration Day , The Tuskegee Airmen , The Great Gatsby , The Pilot's Wife , Word of Honor and among other films.He also directed episodes... |
Based on the novel by John Hersey John Hersey John Richard Hersey was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American writer and journalist considered one of the earliest practitioners of the so-called New Journalism, in which storytelling devices of the novel are fused with non-fiction reportage... ; concerns Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Warsaw Ghetto Uprising The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the Jewish resistance that arose within the Warsaw Ghetto in German occupied Poland during World War II, and which opposed Nazi Germany's effort to transport the remaining ghetto population to Treblinka extermination camp.... |
1983 | ![]() |
Jób lázadása | Barna Kabay Barna Kabay Barna Kabay is a Hungarian film director, screenwriter and film producer. His film Job's Revolt , which he co-directed with Imre Gyöngyössy, was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.-External links:... |
English title: Job's Revolt. Concerns an old Jewish couple who, after having lost all their children, adopt a little Christian Christian A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament... boy. |
1983 | ![]() ![]() |
Au nom de tous les miens | Robert Enrico Robert Enrico Robert Georgio Enrico was a French film director and scriptwriter.He was born in Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, in the north of France.-Filmography as director:* Fait d'hiver... |
Based on the book by Max Gallo Max Gallo Max Gallo is a French writer, historian and politician.The son of Italian immigrants, Max Gallo's early career was in journalism. At the time he was a Communist . In 1974, he joined the Socialist Party. On April 26, 2007, the French Academy recorded his candidacy for its Seat 24, formerly held by... |
1983 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Scarlet and the Black The Scarlet and the Black The Scarlet and the Black is a 1983 made for TV movie starring Gregory Peck and Christopher Plummer. This production should not be confused with the 1993 British television mini series Scarlet and Black, which starred Ewan McGregor and Rachel Weisz.... (TV) |
Jerry London | Based on the J.P. Gallagher novel "The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican" |
1983 | ![]() |
To Be Or Not To Be To Be or Not to Be (1983 film) To Be or Not to Be is a 1983 20th Century Fox comedy-drama film directed by Alan Johnson, produced by Mel Brooks with Howard Jeffrey as executive producer and Irene Walzer as associate producer. The screenplay was written by Ronny Graham and Thomas Meehan, based on the original story by Melchior... |
Alan Johnson Alan Johnson Alan Arthur Johnson is a British Labour Party politician who served as Home Secretary from June 2009 to May 2010. Before that, he filled a wide variety of cabinet positions in both the Blair and Brown governments, including Health Secretary and Education Secretary. Until 20 January 2011 he was... |
A remake of the 1942 comedy, starring Mel Brooks Mel Brooks Mel Brooks is an American film director, screenwriter, composer, lyricist, comedian, actor and producer. He is best known as a creator of broad film farces and comic parodies. He began his career as a stand-up comic and as a writer for the early TV variety show Your Show of Shows... and Anne Bancroft Anne Bancroft Anne Bancroft was an American actress associated with the Method acting school, which she had studied under Lee Strasberg.... . |
1984 | ![]() |
Banjica Banjica Banjica is an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is divided between the Belgrade's municipalities of Savski Venac and Voždovac .- Location :... (TV mini-series) |
Sava Mrmak | |
1984 | ![]() |
Charlie Grant's War (TV) | Martin Lavut Martin Lavut Martin Lavut is a Canadian voice actor who is best known for his contributions to early Nelvana productions, such as The Devil and Daniel Mouse and its spin-off, Rock & Rule. He studied acting at California’s Pasadena Playhouse, and New York’s American Theatre Wing... |
1984 | ![]() |
Eine blaßblaue Frauenschrift | Axel Corti Axel Corti Axel Corti was an Austrian writer and director.- Life :... |
English Title: A Woman's Pale Blue Handwriting |
1984 | ![]() ![]() |
Forbidden Forbidden (1984 film) Forbidden is a 1984 drama film directed by Anthony Page and starring Jacqueline Bisset, Jürgen Prochnow and Irene Worth. The plot is loosely based on a true story originally told in the non-fiction book The Last Jews In Berlin by Leonard Gross about a countess who hides her Jewish boyfriend in her... |
Anthony Page Anthony Page Anthony Page is a British stage- and film director.-Filmography:*Male of the Species 3-episode TV special that featured Sir Laurence Olivier, Paul Scofield, Sean Connery and Michael Caine. The Scofield episode, Emlyn, won an Emmy Award... |
1984 | ![]() |
Wannseekonferenz (TV) | Heinz Schirk | Precise 85 minute re-enactment of the actual conference |
1985 | ![]() |
The Execution (TV) | Paul Wendkos Paul Wendkos Paul Wendkos was an American television and film director.... |
Based on the novel by Oliver Crawford Oliver Crawford Oliver Crawford was an American screenwriter and author who overcame the Hollywood blacklist during the McCarthy Era of the 1950s to become one of the entertainment industry's most successful television writers... |
1985 | ![]() ![]() |
Novembermond | Alexandra von Grote | Drama about two lesbians in occupied France |
1985 | ![]() |
Wallenberg: A Hero's Story Wallenberg: A Hero's Story Wallenberg: A Hero's Story is a 1985 NBC made-for-television movie starring Richard Chamberlain as Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat instrumental in saving thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust.... |
Lamont Johnson Lamont Johnson Lamont Johnson was an American actor and film director who has appeared in and directed many television shows and movies. He won two Emmy Awards.... |
Concerns Raoul Wallenberg Raoul Wallenberg Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish businessman, diplomat and humanitarian. He is widely celebrated for his successful efforts to rescue thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary from the Holocaust, during the later stages of World War II... |
1986 | ![]() |
Kolysanka (Lullaby, Kolybelnaja) | Efraim Sevela Efraim Sevela Efraim Sevela was a Russian writer, screenwriter, director, producer, who after his emigration from the Soviet Union lived in Israel, USA and Russia.... |
Screenplay by Efraim Sevela Efraim Sevela Efraim Sevela was a Russian writer, screenwriter, director, producer, who after his emigration from the Soviet Union lived in Israel, USA and Russia.... |
1987 | ![]() ![]() |
Escape from Sobibor Escape from Sobibor Escape from Sobibor is a 1987 British made-for-TV film which aired on CBS. It deals with the extermination camp at Sobibor, the site of the most successful uprising by Jewish prisoners of German extermination camps... |
Jack Gold Jack Gold Jack Gold is a British film and television director. He was part of the British Realist Tradition that followed Free Cinema.-Career:... |
From the manuscript by Thomas "Toivi" Blatt Based on the book by Richard Rashke |
1987 | ![]() |
Au Revoir, Les Enfants Au revoir, les enfants Au revoir les enfants is a 1987 film written, produced and directed by Louis Malle. The screenplay was published by Gallimard in the same year... |
Louis Malle Louis Malle Louis Malle was a French film director, screenwriter, and producer. He worked in both French cinema and Hollywood. His films include Ascenseur pour l'échafaud , Atlantic City , and Au revoir, les enfants .- Early years in France :Malle was born into a wealthy industrialist family in Thumeries,... |
1988 | ![]() |
The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank is a 1988 TV film directed by John Erman, based on Miep Gies' book Anne Frank Remembered.-Plot:... (TV) |
John Erman John Erman John Erman is an American television and film director, actor and producer.Born in Chicago, Illinois, Erman spent the early years of his career, after a few small roles in films such as The Cosmic Man , directing episodes of such primetime series as Peyton Place, The Fugitive, The Outer Limits,... |
1988 | ![]() |
I skrzypce przestaly grac | Alexander Ramati | And the Violins Stopped Playing; based on directors novel |
1988 | ![]() |
War and Remembrance War and Remembrance War and Remembrance is a novel by Herman Wouk, published in 1978, which is the sequel to The Winds of War. It continues the story of the extended Henry family and the Jastrow family starting on 15 December 1941 and ending on 6 August 1945. This novel was adapted into a mini-series presented on... (TV miniseries) |
Dan Curtis Dan Curtis Dan Curtis was an American director and producer of television and film, probably best known for his miniseries The Winds of War and War and Remembrance, his afternoon TV series Dark Shadows, and the made for TV movie, . Dark Shadows originally aired from 1966 to 1971 and has aired in syndication... |
Based on the novel by Herman Wouk Herman Wouk Herman Wouk is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author of novels including The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War, and War and Remembrance.-Biography:... Nominated for 15 Emmy Award Emmy Award An Emmy Award, often referred to simply as the Emmy, is a television production award, similar in nature to the Peabody Awards but more focused on entertainment, and is considered the television equivalent to the Academy Awards and the Grammy Awards .A majority of Emmys are presented in various... s; Winner of 3, including Outstanding Miniseries Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries The Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries represents excellence in the category of miniseries that are considered either six hours or more, or more than two parts.... |
1989 | ![]() |
Enemies, a Love Story Enemies, a Love Story (film) Enemies, a Love Story is a 1989 film directed by Paul Mazursky, based on the novel Enemies, a Love Story by Isaac Bashevis Singer.-Plot:... |
Paul Mazursky Paul Mazursky Paul Mazursky is an American film director, screenwriter and actor.-Personal life:He was born Irwin Mazursky in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Jean , a piano player for dance classes, and David Mazursky, a laborer. Mazursky was born to a Jewish family; his grandfather was an immigrant from... |
Based on the novel by Isaac Bashevis Singer Isaac Bashevis Singer Isaac Bashevis Singer – July 24, 1991) was a Polish Jewish American author noted for his short stories. He was one of the leading figures in the Yiddish literary movement, and received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1978... |
1989 | ![]() |
Kornblumenblau | Leszek Wosiewicz | Based on the book by Kazimierz Tyminski; a KZ-Kamp inmate survives solely because he can play their title melody |
1989 | ![]() |
Pursuit Pursuit (TV series) Pursuit is the title of a 30 minute American television anthology drama series which aired on the CBS from 1955—1956.Among the presentations were Kiss Me Again,Stranger starring Jeffrey Hunter, and Margaret O'Brien, Epitaph For a Golden Girl starring Michael Rennie, Rip Torn, and Sally Forrest,... |
Director Ian Sharp | Film tells the story of SS officer who has plastic surgery and passess himself off as a Jew after World War II to escape detection |
1989 | ![]() |
Music Box Music Box (film) Music Box is a 1989 film that tells the story of a Hungarian-American immigrant who is accused of having been a war criminal. The plot revolves around his daughter, an attorney, who defends him, and her struggle to uncover the truth.... |
Costa-Gavras Costa-Gavras Costa-Gavras, is a Greek filmmaker, who lives and works in France, best known for films with overt political themes, most famously the fast-paced thriller, Z... |
1989 | ![]() |
Otche nash | Boris Yermolayev | English title: Our Father |
1989 | ![]() |
Triumph of the Spirit Triumph of the Spirit Triumph of the Spirit is a 1989 American film directed by Robert M. Young and starring Willem Dafoe and Edward James Olmos. The majority of the film is set in the death camp at Auschwitz during the Holocaust and details how the Jewish boxer Salamo Arouch was forces to fight other internees to the... |
Robert M. Young |
Year | Country | Title | Director | Notes |
1990 | ![]() |
Abrahams Gold | Jörg Graser Jörg Graser Jörg Graser is a German film director and screenwriter. His film Abraham's Gold was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1990 Cannes Film Festival.-Filmography:* Der Mond is nur a nackerte Kugel... |
1990 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Europa Europa Europa Europa Europa Europa is a 1990 German language film directed by Agnieszka Holland. Its original German title is Hitlerjunge Salomon, i.e. "Hitler Youth Salomon". It is based on the 1989 autobiography of Solomon Perel, a German Jewish boy who escaped The Holocaust by masquerading not just as a non-Jew, but... |
Agnieszka Holland Agnieszka Holland Agnieszka Holland is a Polish film and TV director and screenwriter. Best recognized for her highly political contributions to Polish cinema, Holland is one of Poland's most prominent filmmakers.-Personal life:... |
1990 | ![]() |
Korczak | Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda is a Polish film director. Recipient of an honorary Oscar, he is possibly the most prominent member of the unofficial "Polish Film School"... |
1990 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
God afton, Herr Wallenberg - En Passionshistoria från verkligheten | Kjell Grede Kjell Grede Kjell Grede is a Swedish film director. He directed nine films between 1967 and 2003. He was married to actress Bibi Andersson from 1960 to 1973. His film Harry Munter was entered into the 1970 Cannes Film Festival. In 1991, his film Good Evening, Mr... |
English title:Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg |
1990 | / ![]() |
Max and Helen (TV) | Philip Saville Philip Saville Philip Saville is a British television direction and screenwriting from the late 1950s... |
Based on the book by Simon Wiesenthal Simon Wiesenthal Simon Wiesenthal KBE was an Austrian Holocaust survivor who became famous after World War II for his work as a Nazi hunter.... |
1991 | ![]() |
Jeszcze tylko ten las | Jan Lomnicki | English title: Just Beyond That Forest |
1991 | ![]() |
Never Forget Never Forget (1991 film) Never Forget is a TNT Drama movie, starring Leonard Nimoy and directed by Joseph Sargent-Plot:Mr. Mermelstein and Mrs. Mermelstein a true-life California couple, thrown into the spotlight of judicial history in the 1980s... (TV) |
Joseph Sargent Joseph Sargent Joseph Sargent is an American film director. He has directed many television movies, but his best known feature film works are probably White Lightning, MacArthur, Nightmares and Jaws: The Revenge, with his most popular film being The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. He has won four Emmy Awards... |
Based on the life of Mel Mermelstein Mel Mermelstein Mel Mermelstein is a Hungarian-born Jew, sole-survivor of his family's extermination at Auschwitz concentration camp who defeated the Institute for Historical Review in an American court and had the occurrence of gassings in Auschwitz during the Holocaust declared a legally incontestable... |
1991 | ![]() |
Nifradnu Kach | Jorge Gurvich | |
1991 | ![]() ![]() |
Poslední motýl | Karel Kachyňa Karel Kachyna Karel Kachyňa was a Czech film director. His career spanned over five decades.Kachyňa was part of the Czech wave of liberal filmmakers in the 1960s which included Miloš Forman and Jiří Menzel.... |
English title: The Last Butterfly |
1991 | ![]() |
The Quarrel The Quarrel The Quarrel is a 1991 Canadian film directed by Eli Cohen and starring Saul Rubinek and R. H. Thomson. The film was written by David Brandes and Joseph Telushkin.- Summary :... |
Eli Cohen Eli Cohen (actor) Eli Cohen is an Israeli actor and film director. In 1989, his film Summer of Aviya won the Silver Bear Award from the 39th Berlin International Film Festival... |
Based on the story My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner by Chaim Grade Chaim Grade Chaim Grade was one of the leading Yiddish writers of the twentieth century.... and the play by Joseph Telushkin Joseph Telushkin Joseph Telushkin is an American rabbi, lecturer, and author.-Biography:Telushkin attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush, was ordained at Yeshiva University, and studied Jewish history at Columbia University.... |
1992 | / ![]() |
Prague Prague (1992 film) Prague is a 1992 British drama film directed by Ian Sellar. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival.-Cast:* Alan Cumming - Alexander Novak* Sandrine Bonnaire - Elena* Bruno Ganz - Josef* Raphael Meiss - Ralph... |
Ian Sellar | |
1992 | ![]() |
Alan and Naomi | Sterling Van Wagenen | based on a novel by Myron Levoy |
1992 | ![]() |
The Witness The Witness (short film) The Witness is a short film directed by Chris Gerolmo, starring Gary Sinise and Elijah Wood.-Plot:Set in a Nazi concentration camp, The Witness shows a series of repeating set of psychological actions.... (TV) |
Chris Gerolmo Chris Gerolmo Chris Gerolmo is an American writer, director, and singer best known for writing the screenplay for the film Mississippi Burning and co-creating the FX Networks military drama series Over There. He also wrote and directed the acclaimed made-for-TV movie Citizen X, about the Ukrainian serial killer... |
1993 | ![]() ![]() |
Jona che visse nella balena | Roberto Faenza Roberto Faenza Roberto Faenza is an Italian film director.Born in Turin in 1943, Roberto Faenza received a degree in Political Science and a diploma at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.... |
English title:Jonah Who Lived in the Whale , now available in DVD under the title Look to the Sky |
1993 | ![]() |
Schindler's List Schindler's List Schindler's List is a 1993 American film about Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg, and based on the novel Schindler's Ark... |
Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg Steven Allan Spielberg KBE is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, video game designer, and studio entrepreneur. In a career of more than four decades, Spielberg's films have covered many themes and genres. Spielberg's early science-fiction and adventure films were seen as an... |
Winner of 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture |
1993 | Genghis Cohn (BBC BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff... TV) |
Elijah Moshinsky | Based on a novel by Romain Gary | |
1994 | ![]() |
Drei Tage im April (TV) | Oliver Storz | |
1994 | ![]() |
Mishpat Kastner (TV mini) | Uri Barbash Uri Barbash Uri Barbash is an Israeli film director. His film co-wrote with Eran Preis, Beyond the Walls was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film... |
English titles:Kastner Family or The Kastner Trial |
1994 | ![]() |
Leni (TV) | Leo Hiemer | |
1995 | ![]() |
And Many Happy Returns | Owen Shapiro | |
1995 | ![]() |
Les Misérables Les Misérables (1995 film) Les Misérables is a 1995 film written and directed by Claude Lelouch. Set in France during World War II, it concerns a poor and illiterate man Henri Fortin who is introduced to Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Misérables and begins to see parallels between it and his own life.-Plot:The film starts... |
Claude Lelouch | |
1995 | ![]() |
Anne no nikki Anne no nikki - Track listing :#Amsterdam Dawn#Anne's Birthday#The Schoolroom#Letter From Germany#Goodbye Moortje#Candlefire#Renewal#Light Of Love#Chatterbox Waltz#Hanukah#Spring Freedom#Concentration Camp#If#First Kiss#D-Day#The Diary Of Hope#Silent Separation... |
Akinori Nagaoka | Anime adaptation of the Diary of Anne Frank |
1995 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mutters Courage | Michael Verhoeven Michael Verhoeven -Life and work:Verhoeven is the son of German film director, Paul Verhoeven . He married actress Senta Berger in 1966; their son is the actor-director Simon Verhoeven. Together, the couple formed a production company to make films... |
English title: Mother's Courage |
1995 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wielki tydzien | Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda Andrzej Wajda is a Polish film director. Recipient of an honorary Oscar, he is possibly the most prominent member of the unofficial "Polish Film School"... |
English title: The Holy Week |
1996 | ![]() |
Voices of the Children Voices of the Children Voices of the Children is an Emmy-Award winning documentary film that tells the story of three people who were imprisoned as children in the Terezin concentration camp. 16mm - color - 80min.- Content :... |
Zuzana Justman Zuzana Justman Zuzana Justman is a native of the former Czechoslovakia, which she left in 1948. A documentary filmmaker and writer, she now lives in New York, but she has filmed most of her documentaries in the country of her birth and other European countries.-Early life:Her brother was Jiří Robert Pick , Czech... |
Winner of the 1999 Emmy Award for Best Historical Program |
1996 | ![]() |
The Empty Mirror The Empty Mirror The Empty Mirror is a 1996 film set in the underground Führerbunker where Adolf Hitler and his clan of loyal backers strive to outlast the destruction of the Third Reich.-Plot:... |
Barry J. Hershey | |
1996 | ![]() ![]() |
From Hell to Hell | Dmitri Astrakhan | |
1996 | ![]() |
The Man Who Captured Eichmann The Man Who Captured Eichmann The Man Who Captured Eichmann is a 1996 movie about the capture of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann by the Israeli secret service Mossad.The film ends with the take-off of the El Al aircraft taking Eichmann to face trial in Jerusalem. In real life, this aircraft was a turboprop-powered Bristol... |
William A. Graham William A. Graham (director) William A. Graham is an American television and film director.Graham directed episodes of many TV series including The Fugitive, Twelve O'Clock High, The Big Valley, Batman and Ironside... |
Based on the book Eichmann in My Hands by Peter Z. Malkin |
1996 | ![]() |
Mother Night Mother Night Mother Night is a novel by American author Kurt Vonnegut, first published in 1961. The title of the book is taken from Goethe's Faust.... |
Keith Gordon Keith Gordon Keith Gordon is an American actor and film director.-Life and career:Gordon was born in New York City, the son of Barbara, an actress, and Mark Gordon, an actor and stage director. He grew up in an atheist Jewish family and was inspired to become an actor at the age of twelve, after seeing James... |
Based on the novel by Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a 20th century American writer. His works such as Cat's Cradle , Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions blend satire, gallows humor and science fiction. He was known for his humanist beliefs and was honorary president of the American Humanist Association.-Early... , and starring Nick Nolte Nick Nolte Nicholas King "Nick" Nolte is an American actor whose career has spanned over five decades, peaking in the 1990s when his commercial success made him one of the most popular celebrities of that decade.-Early life:... . |
1996 | ![]() |
The Ring The Ring (1996 film) The Ring is a 1996 film, directed by Armand Mastroianni, written by Danielle Steel and starring Nastassja Kinski and Michael York.- Plot :... (TV) |
Armand Mastroianni Armand Mastroianni Armand Mastroianni is an American film director. He is the father of Paul Mastroianni who is also pursuing a career in filmmaking. Armand Mastroianni's directorial debut was the 1980 horror film He Knows You're Alone which was also the screen debut of actor Tom Hanks... |
Based on the novel by Danielle Steel Danielle Steel Danielle Fernandes Dominique Schuelein-Steel , better known as Danielle Steel, is an American romantic novelist and author of mainstream dramas.... |
1996 | ![]() |
The Substance of Fire The Substance of Fire The Substance of Fire is a play by Jon Robin Baitz.At its core is Isaac Geldhart, a childhood survivor of the Holocaust, who arrived in New York City an orphan, reinvented himself as a bon vivant, married well, and found fame and fortune as a champion of authors who are passionate about their work... |
Daniel J. Sullivan Daniel J. Sullivan Daniel J. Sullivan is an American theatre and film director and playwright.-Life and career:Sullivan was born in Wray, Colorado, the son of Mary Catherine and John Martin Sullivan. He was raised in San Francisco, where he graduated from San Francisco State University... |
Based on the play by Jon Robin Baitz Jon Robin Baitz Jon Robin Baitz is an American playwright, screenwriter, television producer and sometime actor.-Life and career:Baitz was born in Los Angeles, California, the son of Edward Baitz, an executive of the Carnation Company. Baitz was raised in Brazil and South Africa before the family returned to... |
1996 | ![]() |
Warsaw Story | Amir Mann Amir Mann Amir Mann is an Israeli American film-maker. Mann attended the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. He met his future wife Dana Janklowicz-Mann while at NYU... |
1997 | Bent Bent (film) Bent is a 1997 British/Japanese drama film directed by Sean Mathias, based on the 1979 play of the same name by Martin Sherman, who also wrote the screenplay. It revolves around the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany after the murder of Sturmabteilung leader Ernst Röhm on the Night of the... |
Sean Mathias Sean Mathias Sean Gerard Mathias is a British theatre director, film director, writer and actor.Mathias was born in Swansea, south Wales. He is known for directing the film, Bent, and for directing highly acclaimed theatre productions in London, New York, Cape Town, Los Angeles and Sydney... |
Based on the play by Martin Sherman Martin Sherman Martin Sherman is an American dramatist and screenwriter, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-nominated play Bent , which explores the persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust... |
1997 | ![]() |
A Call to Remember (TV) | Jack Bender Jack Bender Jack Bender is an American television and film director, actor, television producer and also a screenwriter. Bender was an executive producer and lead director on the ABC television series, Lost. He directed the series finale of Lost. Bender has also directed on other popular shows such as The... |
1997 | ![]() |
Punch Me in the Stomach | Francine Zuckerman | |
1997 | ![]() |
Shanim Trufot | Ilana Tsur | |
1997 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
La Tregua The Truce (1997 film) The Truce is a 1997 film directed by Francesco Rosi, written by Tonino Guerra, based on Primo Levi's autobiography, The Truce. The film deals with Primo Levi's experiences returning from the concentration camp at Auschwitz during the Second World War.... |
Francesco Rosi Francesco Rosi Francesco Rosi is an Italian film director. He is the father of actress Carolina Rosi.-Biography:After studying Law, but hoping to study film, Rosi entered the industry as an assistant to Luchino Visconti on La Terra trema... |
English title: The Truce. Based on the autobiography by Primo Levi Primo Levi Primo Michele Levi was an Italian Jewish chemist and writer. He was the author of two novels and several collections of short stories, essays, and poems, but is best known for If This Is a Man, his account of the year he spent as a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland... |
1997 | ![]() |
Visas and Virtue Visas and Virtue Visas and Virtue is a 1997 narrative short film inspired by the true story of Holocaust rescuer Chiune "Sempo" Sugihara, who is known as "The Japanese Schindler"... (short) |
Chris Tashima Chris Tashima Chris Tashima is a Japanese American actor and director. He is co-founder of the entertainment company Cedar Grove Productions and Artistic Director of its Asian American theatre company, Cedar Grove OnStage. He is the son of U.S. Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima... |
Based on the play by Tim Toyama Tim Toyama Tim Toyama is a playwright and producer. He is Sansei presently living in Los Angeles, CA. He is co-founder of the Asian American media company Cedar Grove Productions, and its sister Asian American theatre company, Cedar Grove OnStage. He attended C.S.U.N... |
1997 | ![]() |
La Vita è bella | Roberto Benigni Roberto Benigni Roberto Remigio Benigni, Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI is an Italian actor, comedian, screenwriter and director of film, theatre and television.- Early years :... |
English title: Life is Beautiful. Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film |
1997 | ![]() ![]() |
The Island on Bird Street The Island on Bird Street The Island on Bird Street is a 1985 semi-autobiographical children's book by Israeli author Uri Orlev, which tells the story of a young boy, Alex, and his struggle to survive alone in a ghetto during World War II... |
Soren Kragh-Jacobsen | Based on the book by Uri Orlev |
1998 | ![]() |
Apt Pupil Apt Pupil (film) Apt Pupil is a 1998 American psychological thriller film based on the eponymous 1982 novella by Stephen King. The film was directed by Bryan Singer and stars Ian McKellen and Brad Renfro... |
Bryan Singer Bryan Singer Bryan Singer is an American film director and film producer. Singer won critical acclaim for his work on The Usual Suspects, and is especially well-known among fans of the science fiction and superhero genres for his work on the X-Men films and Superman Returns.-Early life:Singer was born in New... |
Based on the novela by Stephen King Stephen King Stephen Edwin King is an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy fiction. His books have sold more than 350 million copies and have been adapted into a number of feature films, television movies and comic books... |
1998 | ![]() ![]() |
Left Luggage Left Luggage (film) Left Luggage is a 1998 Dutch film directed by Jeroen Krabbé.-Plot:While escaping from Nazis during WWII, a Jewish man buries two suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the... |
Jeroen Krabbé Jeroen Krabbé Jeroen Aart Krabbé is a Dutch actor and film director who has appeared in many Dutch and international films.-Biography:... |
Based on the novel by Carl Friedman |
1998 | ![]() |
Miracle at Midnight Miracle at Midnight Miracle at Midnight is a TV movie based on the Rescue of the Danish Jews in Denmark during the Holocaust. It is a Disney production and premiered on ccc in 1998. It was also portrayed in Ms... (TV) |
Ken Cameron Ken Cameron Ken Cameron is an Australian film and television director. Cameron graduated from Sydney University with BA in 1968... |
1998 | ![]() |
Pola's March Pola's March Pola's March is a 2001 documentary made by Jonathan Gruber about a Holocaust survivor, Pola Susswein's emotional trip back to her childhood home in Poland after fifty years spent in Israel, trying to forget her painful past.-Summary:... |
Jonathan Gruber Jonathan Gruber (filmmaker) Jonathan Gruber is the executive producer of documentary film company Black Eye Productions. He has been producing and directing documentaries, films, videos and interactive media since 1995.... |
1998 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Train of Life Train of Life Train of Life is a tragicomedy film by France, Belgium, Netherlands, Israel and Romania made in 1998 in French language... (frho. Train de vie) |
Radu Mihaileanu Radu Mihaileanu Radu Mihăileanu is a Jewish Romanian-born French film director and screenwriter. He left Romania in 1980 and graduated the IDHEC cinematographic institute in Paris. In addition to his work in the cinema he published a book of poems in 1987 titled Une vague en mal de mer... |
1999 | ![]() |
The Devil's Arithmetic The Devil's Arithmetic The Devil's Arithmetic is a historical novel written by American author Jane Yolen and published in 1988. The book is about Hannah, a Jewish girl who lives in New Rochelle, New York... |
Donna Deitch Donna Deitch Donna Deitch is an American film and television director best known for her 1986 film Desert Hearts. The film was groundbreaking as one of the first releases to depict a lesbian love story in a generally mainstream, albeit art house, vein but with positive and respectful themes... |
Based on the novel by Jane Yolen Jane Yolen Jane Hyatt Yolen is an American author and editor of almost 300 books. These include folklore, fantasy, science fiction, and children's books... |
1999 | ![]() |
Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod | Rolf Schübel | English title: Glommy Sunday - A Song of Love and Death; based on the novel by Nick Barkow |
1999 | ![]() |
Jakob the Liar Jakob the Liar Jakob the Liar is a 1999 American tragicomedy film directed by Peter Kassovitz and starring Robin Williams, Alan Arkin, Liev Schreiber, Hannah Taylor-Gordon, and Bob Balaban. The movie is set in 1944 in a ghetto in German-occupied Poland in the times of the Holocaust and is based on the book by... |
Peter Kassovitz Peter Kassovitz Peter Kassovitz is a French film director and scriptwriter.He was born in Budapest, Hungary. He left the country at the time of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. He is the father of film director Mathieu Kassovitz.... |
Based on the novel by Jurek Becker Jurek Becker Jurek Becker was a Polish-born German writer, film-author and GDR dissident. His most famous novel is Jacob the Liar, which has been made into two films. He lived in Łódź during World War II for about two years and survived the Holocaust.-Childhood:Jurek Becker was born in 1937 and lived in the... |
1999 | ![]() |
The March | Abraham Ravett | |
1999 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sunshine Sunshine (1999 film) Sunshine is a 1999 historical film written by Israel Horovitz and István Szabó, directed and produced by István Szabó. It follows three generations of a Jewish family during the changes in Hungary from the beginning of the 20th century to the... |
István Szabó István Szabó István Szabó is a Hungarian film director, screenwriter, and opera director.Szabó is the most internationally famous Hungarian filmmaker since the late 1960s. Working in the tradition of European, auteurist art cinema, he has made films that represent many of the psychological and political... |
{| class="wikitable"|-
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes

|David Proshker
| Larry Eisenberg
Larry Eisenberg
Lawrence Eisenberg is a science fiction writer. He is best known for his short story "What Happened to Auguste Clarot?," published in Harlan Ellison's groundbreaking anthology Dangerous Visions...

|Musíme si pomáhat
| Jan Hrebejk
Jan Hrebejk
Jan Hřebejk is a Czech film director.-Early life and education:Born in Prague, Hřebejk studied together with his classmate Petr Jarchovský at high school. Now Jarchovsky is a frequent collaborator as a screenwriter...
|English title:Divided We Fall

Nuremberg (2000 film)
Nuremberg is a 2000 Canadian/United States television docudrama, based on the book Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial by Joseph E. Persico, that tells the story of the Nuremberg Trials.-Part one:...
| Yves Simoneau
Yves Simoneau
Yves Simoneau is a Canadian film and television director.-Recognition:His acclaimed 1987 crime drama Pouvoir intime garnered multiple Genie Awards nominations including best direction at the 8th Genie Awards...
|Based on the book by Joseph E. Persico
Joseph E. Persico
Joseph E. Persico is an author. From 1974 to 1977 he was primary speechwriter to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller...
, about the 21 defendants during the Nuremberg Trials, including Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, and Rudolf Hess.

|Pramen života
| Milan Cieslar
|English title:The Spring Of Life; based on the book by Vladimír Körner
Vladimír Körner
Vladimír Körner is a Czech novelist and screenwriter. His novels were also used as screenplay for about 20 films.- External links :...

|Shadows (short film)(short)
| Mitchell S. Levine

|Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness
| Robert Kirk
Robert Kirk
Robert Kirk is a professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham. Kirk is known for his work on philosophical zombies—putative unconscious beings physically and behaviorally identical to human beings...
| Based on the story of Japanese Consul General to Lithuania Chiune Sugihara
Chiune Sugihara
was a Japanese diplomat who served as Vice-Consul for the Japanese Empire in Lithuania. During World War II, he helped several thousand Jews leave the country by issuing transit visas to Jewish refugees so that they could travel to Japan. Most of the Jews who escaped were refugees from...

|Anne Frank: The Whole Story
Anne Frank: The Whole Story
Anne Frank: The Whole Story is a mini-series based on the book Anne Frank: The Biography by Melissa Müller. The mini-series aired on ABC on May 20 and 21, 2001. The series starred :Ben Kingsley, :Brenda Blethyn, :Hannah Taylor-Gordon, and :Lili Taylor...
| Robert Dornhelm
Robert Dornhelm
Robert Dornhelm is an Austrian film and television director of Romanian ancestry. He has worked on numerous television programmes and has also released such movies as Echo Park, The Venice Project, Der Unfisch, and A Further Gesture...
|Based on the book by Melissa Müller
Melissa Müller
Melissa Müller is an Austrian journalist and author.After working as an au pair for some time in London, Müller decided first for a study of the management economics and German Studies, afterwards she worked for different restaurant editorships and magazines.In the mid-1990s she decided to write...

|Conspiracy (TV)
| Frank Pierson
|A dramatic recreation of the Wannsee Conference
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of the Nazi German regime, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942. The purpose of the conference was to inform administrative leaders of Departments responsible for various policies relating to Jews, that Reinhard Heydrich...
| 2001

| The Grey Zone
The Grey Zone
The Grey Zone is a 2001 film directed by Tim Blake Nelson and starring David Arquette, Steve Buscemi, Harvey Keitel, Mira Sorvino and Daniel Benzali. It is based on the book Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account written by Dr. Miklós Nyiszli....
| Tim Blake Nelson
Tim Blake Nelson
Tim Blake Nelson is an American director, writer, singer, and actor.-Early life:Nelson was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the son of Ruth Kaiser Nelson, who is a noted social activist and philanthropist in Tulsa, and a geologist father...
| based on the book; Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account written by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli

|Haven (TV)
| John Gray
John Gray (director)
John Gray is an American writer, director, producer. He is the creator of the CBS television series Ghost Whisperer starring Jennifer Love Hewitt...
|Based on the book by Ruth Gruber
Ruth Gruber
Ruth Gruber is an American journalist, photographer, writer, humanitarian and a former United States government official.-Early life:...

|Nirgendwo in Afrika
| Caroline Link
Caroline Link
Caroline Link , is a German film director and screenwriter.-Life and work:Caroline Link is the daughter of Jürgen and Ilse Link. From 1986 to 1990 she studied at the Munich Academy of Film and Television , and then worked as an assistant director and script writer.Link's early work includes the...
|English title: Nowhere in Africa; based on the book by Stefanie Zweig
Stefanie Zweig
Stefanie Zweig Stefanie Zweig Stefanie Zweig (born 19 September 1932, Leobschütz (now Głubczyce, Upper Silesia) is a German Jewish writer.- Background :Zweig is best known for her autobiographical novel, Nirgendwo in Afrika (Nowhere in Africa, 1998), based on her early life in Kenya, which was...

Uprising (film)
Uprising is a 2001 war/drama television movie about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The film was directed by Jon Avnet and written by Avnet and Paul Brickman...
| Jon Avnet
Jon Avnet
Jonathan Michael "Jon" Avnet is an American director, writer and producer.-Early life:Avnet was born in Brooklyn, the son of Joan Bertha and Lester Francis Avnet, a corporate executive and electronics distributor. He attended Great Neck North High School in Great Neck, New York...

| Amen. / Der Stellvertreter
| Costa-Gavras
Costa-Gavras, is a Greek filmmaker, who lives and works in France, best known for films with overt political themes, most famously the fast-paced thriller, Z...
| based on the play Der Stellvertreter
The Deputy
The Deputy, a Christian tragedy , also known as The Representative, is a controversial 1963 play by Rolf Hochhuth which indicts Pope Pius XII for his failure to take action or speak out against The Holocaust. It has been translated into more than twenty languages...
by Rolf Hochhuth
Rolf Hochhuth
Rolf Hochhuth is a German author and playwright. He is best known for his 1963 drama The Deputy and remains a controversial figure for his plays and other public comments, such as his insinuation of Pope Pius XII's sympathies for Hitler's extermination of the Jews in the 1963 play The Deputy and...

|Perlasca, un eroe italiano
|Alberto Negrin
|based on the book by Enrico Deaglio
Enrico Deaglio
-Biography:Deaglio was born in Turin, where he graduated in medicine and worked in the Mauriziano Hospital.In the mid-1970s, he started his journalist career for the communist newspaper Lotta continua, of which he was director from 1977 to 1982...

|The Pianist
The Pianist (2002 film)
The Pianist is a 2002 biographical war film directed by Roman Polanski, starring Adrien Brody. It is an adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by Jewish-Polish musician Władysław Szpilman...
|Roman Polanski
Roman Polanski
Roman Polanski is a French-Polish film director, producer, writer and actor. Having made films in Poland, Britain, France and the USA, he is considered one of the few "truly international filmmakers."...
|based on the book by Wladyslaw Szpilman
Wladyslaw Szpilman
Władysław "Wladek" Szpilman was a Polish-Jewish pianist, composer, and memoirist. Szpilman is widely known as the protagonist of the Roman Polanski film The Pianist, which is based on his memoir of the same name recounting how he survived the Holocaust...
; Winner of three Academy Awards (Best Actor, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay)

|Annas Heimkehr (TV)
|Xaver Schwarzenberger
Xaver Schwarzenberger
Xaver Schwarzenberger is an Austrian cinematographer and film director. He has worked over 100 films since 1970. His 1983 film Der stille Ozean was entered into the 33rd Berlin International Film Festival, where it won the Silver Bear for an outstanding single achievement.-Selected filmography:*...
|based on the life of Charlotte Knobloch
Charlotte Knobloch
Charlotte Knobloch was elected President of Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland in June, 2006. She is also Vice President of the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress...
during World War II

|A Rózsa énekei
A Rózsa énekei
A rózsa énekei is a 2003 film about Holocaust victims in Hungary during World War II.-Plot:Autumn 1944. Yellow star, ghettos, Arrow Cross terror. The inhabitants of Hungary's capital, Budapest, await the tragic fulfilment of their fate with helpless resignation. However, above one of the city's...
|Andor Szilágyi

|La Finestra di Fronte
Facing Windows
Facing Windows is a 2003 Italian movie directed by Ferzan Özpetek.Tagline: Desire knows no bounds.-Plot:...
| Ferzan Özpetek
Ferzan Özpetek
Ferzan Özpetek is an Italian-Turkish film director and screenwriter, residing in Italy.- Biography :Ferzan Ozpetek was born in Istanbul in 1959. When he was a young student in 1976, he decided to move to Italy to study Cinema History at Sapienza University of Rome...
|English title: Facing Windows

|The Singing Forest
|Jorge Ameer

|Out of the Ashes
Out of the Ashes
Out of the Ashes is a made-for-television movie that was released by Showtime. It is a dramatization of the life of Holocaust concentration camp survivor Gisella Perl and is based on her book I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz.- Cast :...
|Joseph Sargent
Joseph Sargent
Joseph Sargent is an American film director. He has directed many television movies, but his best known feature film works are probably White Lightning, MacArthur, Nightmares and Jaws: The Revenge, with his most popular film being The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. He has won four Emmy Awards...
|Based on the book I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz by Gisella Perl
Gisella Perl
Gisella Perl was a Jewish gynecologist who lived in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania , until 1944 when the Nazis invaded Hungary and deported its Jewish population....

|Hitler: The Rise of Evil
Hitler: The Rise of Evil
Hitler: The Rise of Evil is a Canadian TV miniseries in two parts, directed by Christian Duguay and produced by Alliance Atlantis. It explores Adolf Hitler's rise and his early consolidation of power during the years after World War I and focuses on how the embittered, politically fragmented and...
|Christian Duguay
Christian Duguay
Christian Duguay is an American comic actor. Duguay is most notable as one of the recurring cast of sketch comedy series MADtv.-Early years:...

|Ninas resa
|Lena Einhorn
|A true story dramatized with the real protagonist, Nina Einhorn (mother of the director), as narrator. About the ghetto in Warsaw
Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, roughly from the Baltic Sea and from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population in 2010 was estimated at 1,716,855 residents with a greater metropolitan area of 2,631,902 residents, making Warsaw the 10th most...
and its uprising.

|Nihon no Shindler Sugihara Chiune Monogatari 6,000-nin no Inochi no Visa (TV Series)
|Takayoshi Watanabe
| Based on the story of Japanese Consul General to Lithuania Chiune Sugihara
Chiune Sugihara
was a Japanese diplomat who served as Vice-Consul for the Japanese Empire in Lithuania. During World War II, he helped several thousand Jews leave the country by issuing transit visas to Jewish refugees so that they could travel to Japan. Most of the Jews who escaped were refugees from...

|Everything is Illuminated
Everything Is Illuminated (film)
Everything Is Illuminated is a 2005 adventure/dramedy film, written and directed by Liev Schreiber and starring Elijah Wood and Eugene Hütz...
|Liev Schreiber
Liev Schreiber
Isaac Liev Schreiber , commonly known as Liev Schreiber, is an American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter. He became known during the late 1990s and early 2000s, having initially appeared in several independent films, and later mainstream Hollywood films, including the Scream trilogy of...
|based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer
Jonathan Safran Foer
Jonathan Safran Foer is an American author best known for his novels Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...
| 2005

| Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage
| Marc Rothemund
Marc Rothemund
Marc Rothemund is a German film director. He is the son of the film director Sigi Rothemund and the brother of the actress Nina Rothemund. He began his career as an assistant for his father and then began to direct episodes for TV series. His first feature film was the 1998 production Das...
| English title: Sophie Scholl: The Final Days - Based on the true story of one of the most famous members of the German anti-Nazi group, The White Rose.

|Lajos Koltai
Lajos Koltai
Lajos Koltai, ASC, HSC, is a Hungarian cinematographer and film director best known for his work with legendary Hungarian director Istvan Szabo, and Italian filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore...
|based on the book by Imre Kertész
Imre Kertész
Imre Kertész is a Hungarian Jewish author, Holocaust concentration camp survivor, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2002 "for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history"....
English title: Fateless
Fateless (film)
Fateless is a film directed by Lajos Koltai, released in 2005. It was based on the semi-autobiographical novel Fatelessness by the Nobel Prize-winner Imre Kertész, who wrote the screenplay. It is the story of a teenage boy who is sent to concentration camps at Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Zeitz.Its...

|Nicht alle waren Moerder
|Jo Baier
|based on the autobiography „Nicht alle waren Mörder” 2002 by Michael Degen English title: Not All Were Murderers

|Black Book
|Paul Verhoeven
|a beautiful Jewish singer in Nazi occupied Netherlands infiltrates the Gestapo HQ

|Der Letzte Zug
Der letzte Zug
Der Letzte Zug is a 2006 German film directed by Joseph Vilsmaier and Dana Vávrová, and starring Gedeon Burkhard, Lale Yavas, and Lena Beyerling. The film depicts the fate of some of the last remaining Jews in Berlin, who in April 1943 were rounded up at the Berlin-Grunewald station and sent to...
|Joseph Vilsmaier
Joseph Vilsmaier
Joseph Vilsmaier is a German film director.-Work:After attending a boarding school near Augsburg, he was trained as a technician to make film cameras and then spent nine years at a music conservatory. Following this he was a member of a jazz group...
/ Dana Vávrová
Dana Vávrová
Dana Vávrová was a Czech-German film actress and director.-Biography:Vávrová was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia and played her first main film role in Ať žijí duchové! in 1976, having played a minor role in Jak se točí Rozmarýny...
|English title: The Last Train

A ghetto is a section of a city predominantly occupied by a group who live there, especially because of social, economic, or legal issues.The term was originally used in Venice to describe the area where Jews were compelled to live. The term now refers to an overcrowded urban area often associated...
|Audrius Juzenas
|Based on a play
Play (theatre)
A play is a form of literature written by a playwright, usually consisting of scripted dialogue between characters, intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. There are rare dramatists, notably George Bernard Shaw, who have had little preference whether their plays were performed...
written by Joshua Sobol about the Vilna Ghetto
Vilna Ghetto
The Vilna Ghetto or Vilnius Ghetto was a Jewish ghetto established by Nazi Germany in the city of Vilnius in the occupied Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic , during the Holocaust in World War II...
| 2006

|Forgiving Dr. Mengele
Forgiving Dr. Mengele
Forgiving Dr. Mengele is a documentary film about Eva Mozes Kor, a victim of the Holocaust and her decision to forgive the Nazis who killed her family and in particular Dr...
|Bob Hercules, Cheri Pugh
| 2007

| The Counterfeiters
The Counterfeiters (film)
The Counterfeiters is a 2007 Austrian-German film written and directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky. It fictionalizes Operation Bernhard, a secret plan by the Nazis during the Second World War to destabilize Great Britain by flooding its economy with forged Bank of England bank notes.The film centres on a...
| Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stefan Ruzowitzky is an Academy Award-winning Austrian film director and screenwriter.-Early life:Ruzowitzky was born in Vienna...
|Based on a memoir
A memoir , is a literary genre, forming a subclass of autobiography – although the terms 'memoir' and 'autobiography' are almost interchangeable. Memoir is autobiographical writing, but not all autobiographical writing follows the criteria for memoir set out below...
written by Adolf Burger
Adolf Burger
Adolf Burger Adolf Burger Adolf Burger (born August 12, 1917, Kakaslomnic (aka Nagy-Lomnicz, , , Comitate of Szepes, Kingdom of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire) is a Jewish Slovak typographer, memoir writer, and Holocaust survivor involved in Operation Bernhard...
about Operation Bernhard
Operation Bernhard
Operation Bernhard was the codename of a secret Nazi plan devised during the Second World War by the RSHA and the SS to destabilise the British economy by flooding the country with forged Bank of England £5, £10, £20, and £50 notes...
| 2008

| God on Trial
God on Trial
God on Trial is a 2008 BBC/WGBH Boston television play written by Frank Cottrell Boyce, starring Antony Sher, Rupert Graves and Jack Shepherd. The play takes place in Auschwitz during World War II. The Jewish prisoners put God on trial in absentia for abandoning the Jewish people...
| Andy DeEmmony
| A group of Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz put God on trial as they blame him for the tragedies of the Holocaust
| 2008

| The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (film)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 2008 historical-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne. Directed by Mark Herman and produced by David Heyman, it stars Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga and Rupert Friend.A Holocaust drama, the film...
| Mark Herman
Mark Herman
Mark Herman is an English film director and screenwriter best known for writing & directing the 2008 film The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas....
| The eight-year-old son of the commandant at a concentration camp becomes friends with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence.
| 2008

Defiance (2008 film)
Defiance is a 2008 World War II era film written, produced, and directed by Edward Zwick, set during the occupation of Belarus by Nazi Germany. The film is an account of the Bielski partisans, a group led by three Jewish brothers who saved and recruited Jews in Poland during the Second World War...
|Edward Zwick
Edward Zwick
Edward M. Zwick is an American filmmaker and film producer noted for his epic films about social and racial issues. He has been described as a "throwback to an earlier era, an extremely cerebral director whose movies consistently feature fully rounded characters, difficult moral issues, and plots...
|based on the book by Nechama Tec
Adam Resurrected
| 2008

| The Reader
| Stephen Daldry
Stephen Daldry
Stephen David Daldry, CBE is an English theatre and film director and producer, as well as a three-time Academy Award nominated and Tony Award winning director.-Early years:...
| based on the book by Bernhard Schlink
Bernhard Schlink
Bernhard Schlink is a German jurist and writer. He was born in Bethel, Germany, to a German father and a Swiss mother, the youngest of four children. Both his parents were theology students, although his father lost his job as a Professor of Theology due to the Nazis, and had to settle on being a...
Best Leading Actress
Academy Award for Best Actress
Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role is one of the Academy Awards of merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize an actress who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the film industry...
Oscar winner, Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet
Kate Elizabeth Winslet is an English actress and occasional singer. She has received multiple awards and nominations. She was the youngest person to accrue six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Reader...
| 2008

| Good
Good (film)
Good is a British-German-Hungarian motion picture based on the stage play by C. P. Taylor and starring Viggo Mortensen, Jason Isaacs and Jodie Whittaker...
| Vicente Amorim
| based on the play by Cecil Philip Taylor
Cecil Philip Taylor
Cecil Philip Taylor , usually credited as C. P. Taylor, was a British playwright. He wrote almost 80 plays during his 16 years as a professional playwright, including several for radio and television. He also made a number of documentary programmes for the BBC...
| 2009

| La Rafle
| Rose Bosch

| The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler is a 2009 television film directed by John Kent Harrison. The film is a co-production between United States and Poland companies...
| John Kent Harrison
John Kent Harrison
John Kent Harrison is a television producer, director and writer.Harrison was educated at Columbia University and at Appleby College in Canada....
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| 2010

| Esther's Diary
Esther's Diary (film)
Forgiveness is a 2008 American dramatic Holocaust film written and directed by Polish-American director Mariusz Kotowski, with a screenplay by Allan Knee...
| Mariusz Kotowski
Mariusz Kotowski
Mariusz Kotowski is a Polish-born film director and producer. He has gained a reputation for cinematic portrayals that are atypical of both Hollywood and independent film styles and that cleverly mix different film approaches into a cohesive whole....
| Narrative based on a composite of stories told to the director by his Polish grandparents, who were personally involved in hiding Polish Jews from the Nazis in World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
; features original footage from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum is a memorial and museum in Oświęcim, Poland , which includes the German concentration camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. It is devoted to the memory of the murders in both camps during World War II...
| 2010

| Sarah's Key
Sarah's Key
Sarah's Key is a French drama starring Kristin Scott-Thomas and follows an American journalist's present-day investigation into the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup Sarah's Key is a French drama starring Kristin Scott-Thomas and follows an American journalist's present-day investigation into the Vel' d'Hiv...
| Gilles Paquet-Brenner
| An adaptation of the novel Elle s'appelait Sarah by Tatiana De Rosnay
| 2011

| The Reluctant Infidel
| Josh Appignanesi
Josh Appignanesi
Josh Appignanesi is a British film director, producer, and screenwriter.Appignanesi is best known for the feature film Song Of Songs , starring Nathalie Press, which he directed, co-wrote and co-produced. The film won several awards including a special commendation for Best British Film at the...
| This is not a Holocaust film but makes very pointed references to the Holocaust, Holocaust denial
Holocaust denial
Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews in World War II, usually referred to as the Holocaust. The key claims of Holocaust denial are: the German Nazi government had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews, Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas...
, and anti-semitism.
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| 1945

|Death Mills
Death Mills
Death Mills, or Die Todesmühlen, is a 1945 American propaganda documentary film directed by Billy Wilder and produced by the United States Department of War. It was intended for German audiences to educate them about the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime...
|Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder was an Austro-Hungarian born American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and journalist, whose career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age...
|English Version of Die Todesmühlen
| 1945

| Majdanek - cmentarzysko Europy
| Aleksander Ford
Aleksander Ford
Aleksander Ford born Mosze Lifszyc was a Polish film director; and head of the Polish People's Army Film Crew in the Soviet Union. Ford became director of the nationalized "Film Polski" company at the end of World War II...
|English title: Majdanek: Cemetery of Europe
| 1945

| Nazi Concentration Camps http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2074187239501225850
| George Stevens
George Stevens
George Stevens was an American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer.Among his most notable films were Diary of Anne Frank , nominated for Best Director, Giant , winner of Oscar for Best Director, Shane , Oscar nominated, and A Place in the Sun , winner of Oscar for Best...
| Presented as evidence at Nuremberg
Nuremberg[p] is a city in the German state of Bavaria, in the administrative region of Middle Franconia. Situated on the Pegnitz river and the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal, it is located about north of Munich and is Franconia's largest city. The population is 505,664...
| 1945

| The Nazi Plan
The Nazi Plan
The Nazi Plan is a 1945 American film directed by George Stevens. The film was produced and presented as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials for Hermann Göring and twenty other Nazi leaders.- Cast :*Hermann Göring as Himself...
| George Stevens
George Stevens
George Stevens was an American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer.Among his most notable films were Diary of Anne Frank , nominated for Best Director, Giant , winner of Oscar for Best Director, Shane , Oscar nominated, and A Place in the Sun , winner of Oscar for Best...
| Presented as evidence at Nuremberg
Nuremberg[p] is a city in the German state of Bavaria, in the administrative region of Middle Franconia. Situated on the Pegnitz river and the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal, it is located about north of Munich and is Franconia's largest city. The population is 505,664...
| 1945

| Jasenovac
| Gustav Gavrin&Kosta Hlavaty
| circa 1946

| Memory of the Camps http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/view
| Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, KBE was a British film director and producer. He pioneered many techniques in the suspense and psychological thriller genres. After a successful career in British cinema in both silent films and early talkies, Hitchcock moved to Hollywood...
| Unfinished; later reconstructed by American PBS
Public Broadcasting Service
The Public Broadcasting Service is an American non-profit public broadcasting television network with 354 member TV stations in the United States which hold collective ownership. Its headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia....
| 1946

| Seeds of Destiny
Seeds of Destiny
Seeds of Destiny is a 1946 short propaganda film about the despairing situation faced by millions of children in the wake of the Holocaust who were homeless, parentless, orphaned, and in poor health. The film was produced by the Defense Department of The U.S...
| Gene Fowler Jr.
Gene Fowler Jr.
Gene Fowler Jr. , the eldest son of Gene Fowler, Denver, was a prominent Hollywood film editor. His work included films of Fritz Lang and Samuel Fuller and movies like Stanley Kramer's It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World , John Cassavetes' A Child is Waiting and Hang 'Em High .He was also the director...
| Shows devastation and solicits relief funds
| 1946

| Nous Continuons
| English Title: We Live Again. Deals with child survivors. In Yiddish.

|The Nuremberg Trials
Nuremberg Trials (film)
The Nuremberg Trials was a Soviet-made documentary film about the trials of the Nazi leadership. It was produced by Roman Karmen, and was an English-language version of the Russian language film Суд народов ....
|C Svilov
|Soviet view of the Nuremberg Trials
Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals, held by the victorious Allied forces of World War II, most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of the defeated Nazi Germany....
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| 1955

| Nuit et brouillard
Night and Fog (film)
Night and Fog is a 1955 French documentary short film. Directed by Alain Resnais, it was made ten years after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. The documentary features the abandoned grounds of Auschwitz and Majdanek while describing the lives of prisoners in the camps. Night and Fog was...
| Alain Resnais
Alain Resnais
Alain Resnais is a French film director whose career has extended over more than six decades. After training as a film editor in the mid-1940s, he went on to direct a number of short films which included Nuit et Brouillard , an influential documentary about the Nazi concentration camps.He began...
| English title: Night and Fog. Written by Jean Cayrol
Jean Cayrol
Jean Cayrol was a French poet, publisher, and member of the Académie Goncourt. He is perhaps best known for writing the narration in Alain Resnais's 1955 documentary film, Night and Fog...
, an escapee of Mauthausen
Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp
Mauthausen Concentration Camp grew to become a large group of Nazi concentration camps that was built around the villages of Mauthausen and Gusen in Upper Austria, roughly east of the city of Linz.Initially a single camp at Mauthausen, it expanded over time and by the summer of 1940, the...
. Music by Hanns Eisler
Hanns Eisler
Hanns Eisler was an Austrian composer.-Family background:Eisler was born in Leipzig where his Jewish father, Rudolf Eisler, was a professor of philosophy...
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|Der Vorletzte Akt
|Walter Krüttner
|English title: Last Act But One: Brundibar

Memorandum (film)
Memorandum is a one-hour 1965 documentary co-directed by Donald Brittain and John Spotton, following a Jewish Holocaust survivor on an emotional pilgrimage back to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Produced by John Kemeny for the National Film Board of Canada, the film received several awards...
|Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain, O.C. was a film director and producer with the National Film Board of Canada.Fields of Sacrifice is considered Brittain's first major film as director....
and John Spotton
|French title: Pour mémoire

|Obyknovennyy fashizm
|Mikhail Romm
Mikhail Romm
Mikhail Ilych Romm was a Soviet film director.He was born in Irkutsk. His father was a social democrat of Jewish descent who had been exiled there. He graduated from gymnasium in 1917 and entered the Moscow College for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture...
|English title: Ordinary Fascism
Ordinary Fascism
Ordinary Fascism is a 1965 documentary film by Mikhail Romm about the German society, Nazi Germany government and Holocaust during World War II....
|Warsaw Ghetto

|Mordere iblandt os (TV)
|Henning Knudsen
|English title: Murderers Among Us

|The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
|Jack Kaufman
|Based on William L. Shirer
William L. Shirer
William Lawrence Shirer was an American journalist, war correspondent, and historian, who wrote The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a history of Nazi Germany read and cited in scholarly works for more than 50 years...
book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a 1960 non-fiction book by William L. Shirer chronicling the general history of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945...

|Andrzej Brzozowski

|Le Chagrin et la pitié
|Marcel Ophüls
Marcel Ophuls
Marcel Ophüls is a documentary film maker and former actor.He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of the director Max Ophüls...
|English title:The Sorrow and the Pity Vichy France
Vichy France
Vichy France, Vichy Regime, or Vichy Government, are common terms used to describe the government of France that collaborated with the Axis powers from July 1940 to August 1944. This government succeeded the Third Republic and preceded the Provisional Government of the French Republic...
government collaboration with Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany , also known as the Third Reich , but officially called German Reich from 1933 to 1943 and Greater German Reich from 26 June 1943 onward, is the name commonly used to refer to the state of Germany from 1933 to 1945, when it was a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by...
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| 1970

| The Past That Lives
| Philo Bregstein
| 1974

| The 81st Blow
The 81st Blow
The 81st Blow is a 1974 Israeli documentary film directed by Haim Gouri. The film covers the oppression of Jews under the Nazis and features rare historical footage of concentration camps. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Documentary Feature. The title is derived from a comment by a...
| David Bergman
David Bergman
David Bergman is an American writer and English professor at Towson University. He was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts , grew up in Laurelton, New York, and graduated from Kenyon College and earned a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University ....
, Jacques Ehrlich
Jacques Ehrlich
Sous Lieutenant Jacques Louis Ehrlich was a World War I flying ace who was one of the leading balloon busters of the war.He enlisted in the French army on 29 May 1913. Three and a half years later, in December 1916, he transferred to aviation. In May 1917, he was brevetted a pilot. Two months...
and Haim Gouri
Haim Gouri
Haim Gouri is an Israeli poet, novelist, journalist, and documentary filmmaker.-Biography:Haim Gouri was born in Tel Aviv. After studying at the Kadoorie Agricultural High School, he joined the Palmach militia. In 1947 he was sent to Hungary to assist Holocaust survivors to come to Palestine...
| English title:The 81st Blow
| 1976
| /

| The Memory of Justice
The Memory of Justice
The Memory of Justice is a 1976 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophüls. It explores the subject of atrocities committed in wartime and features Joan Baez, Karl Dönitz, Hermann Göring, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Yehudi Menuhin, Albert Speer and Telford Taylor.The film was inspired by Telford...
| Marcel Ophüls
Marcel Ophuls
Marcel Ophüls is a documentary film maker and former actor.He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of the director Max Ophüls...
| 4.6 hours long Won Los Angeles Film Critics Special Award
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| 1980

| Der Gelbe Stern
| Dieter Hildebrandt
Dieter Hildebrandt
Dieter Hildebrandt is a German Kabarett artist.Born in Bunzlau, Lower Silesia, Hildebrandt attended school until he became an assistant for the German Air Force in World War II...
| English title:The Yellow Star
| 1981

| The Hunter and the Hunted
| John Oakley
| 1982

| Genocide
Genocide (film)
Genocide is a 1982 documentary by Arnold Schwartzman concerning the Holocaust. It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature....
| Arnold Schwartzman
| Best Documentary Feature Oscar winner
| 1982

| The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz
The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz
The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Łódź is a 1982 documentary that uses archival film footage and photographs to narrate the story of one of the Holocaust's most controversial figures...
| Peter Cohen
Peter Cohen (director)
Peter Cohen is a Swedish film director, writer, editor and producer. His works include the documentaries The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz , The Architecture of Doom and Homo Sapiens 1900 ....
and Bo Kuritzen
| 1982

| Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die
Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die
Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die is a 1982 documentary that asks whether the United States could have stopped the Holocaust. The film combines previously classified information, rare newsreel footage, and interviews with the politicians who were in office at the time, to tell a behind-the-scenes...
| Laurence Jarvik
| Distributed by Kino International Corporation, http://www.kino.com
| 1983

| To Bear Witness
| Gavin P. Boyle
| 1983

| Schindler: The Documentary (TV)
| Jon Blair
Jon Blair
Jon Blair is a South African born writer, producer and director of documentary films, drama and comedy who has lived in England and the United States ever since he was drafted into the South African army in the late 1960s...
| 1983

| The Work
| Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen was born in 1929 in Krakow. He survived the Krakow Ghetto and several Nazi concentration camps.His parents, two brothers and one sister lived in the Podgórze area of Krakow which in March 1941 became the Krakow Ghetto. His mother, Rochme Gittel Schiffer, and his sister Miriam were...
| 1984

| A Generation Apart
| Jack Fisher
| 1984

| Kaddish
| Steve Brand
| Based on book by Dr. Randolph Braham
| 1985

| Babiy Yar: Lessons of History
| 1985

| Die Befreiung von Auschwitz
| Irmgard von zur Mühlen
| English title:Liberation of Auschwitz 1945
| 1985

| Goethe in D.
| Manfred Vosz
| 1985

| Shoah
Shoah (film)
This page is about the film by the name of Shoah. For other uses, see Shoah Shoah is a 1985 French documentary film directed by Claude Lanzmann about the Holocaust...
| Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann is a French filmmaker and professor at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.-Biography:Lanzmann attended the Lycée Blaise-Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. He joined the French resistance at the age of 18 and fought in Auvergne...
| 9½ hours long
| 1985

| The Ties That Bind
| Su Friedrich
Su Friedrich
Su Friedrich is an American avant-garde filmmaker.- Biography :Friedrich graduated from Oberlin College in 1975 and made her first film, Hot Water, in 1978...
| 1986

| Partisans of Vilna (film)
| Joshua Waletzky
| 1988

| B'Glal Hamilhamah Hahi
| Orna Ben-Dor Niv
| English title:Because of That War
| 1988

| Hôtel Terminus: Klaus Barbie, sa vie et son temps
Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie
Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie is a 1988 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophüls about the life of Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie...
| Marcel Ophüls
Marcel Ophuls
Marcel Ophüls is a documentary film maker and former actor.He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of the director Max Ophüls...
| English title: Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie
| 1988

| Mit 22 Jahren wollte man noch nicht sterben
| Rainer Ritzel
| 1988

| Témoins
| Marcel Lozinski
Marcel Lozinski
Marcel Łoziński is a Polish film director and screenwriter. He has directed 22 films since 1972. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short for 89mm from Europe.He was born in Paris, France.-External links:...
| Polish title:Swiadkowie; English title:Witnesses: Anti-Semitism in Poland, 1946
| 1988

| Voices from the Attic
| Debbie Goodstein
| 1989

| Hugo
| Yair Lev
| 1989

| Lodz Ghetto
| Alan Adelson&Kate Taverna
| 1989

| The Architecture of Doom
| Peter Cohen
Peter Cohen (director)
Peter Cohen is a Swedish film director, writer, editor and producer. His works include the documentaries The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz , The Architecture of Doom and Homo Sapiens 1900 ....
| English title:The Architecture of Doom
{| class="wikitable"|-
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 1990

| C.A.N.D.L.E.S.: The Story of the Mengele Twins (TV)
| Gordon J. Murray
| 1991

| Premier convoi (TV)
| Jacky Assoun and Suzette Bloch
| 1991

| Purple Triangles
| Martin Smith
Martin Smith
Martin Smith may refer to:*Martin Smith , British professor of robotics at the Open University*Martin Smith , British actor, singer and composer*Martin Smith , Irish boxer...
| Describes the accounts of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi camps. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162577/
| 1991

| Chasing Shadows
| Naomi Gryn
| 1991

| A Day in the Warsaw Ghetto: A Birthday Trip in Hell
| Jack Kuper
| Based on the diaries of Warsaw ghetto inmates
| 1991

| They Risked Their Lives: Rescuers of the Holocaust
| Gay Block
Gay Block
Gay Block is a fine art portrait photographer, who was born in Houston, Texas.In 1973 she began photographing her own affluent Jewish community in Houston. She later photographed an older Jewish Community of retirees in South Miami Beach, many of whom were Holocaust survivors. Block also...
| 1992

| Sequel to Lódz Ghetto
| Alan Adelson
| 1992

| Miejsce urodzenia
| Paweł Łoziński
| English title: Birthplace
| 1992

| La Rafle du Vel-d'Hiv, La Marche du siècle
| William Karel
William Karel
William Karel is a French film director and author. He is known for his historical and political documentaries.- Biography :After studying in Paris, Karel emigrated to Israel where he lived for about 10 years in a kibbutz...
| 1992

| The Visas That Saved Lives
| Alan Adelson
| 1992

| Återkomster
| Joanna Helander and Bo Persson
| 1993

| Children of the Shadows
| Marc Cukier
| 1994

| Balagan
| Andres Veiel
Andres Veiel
Andres Veiel is a German film director and screenwriter. His 2011 film If Not Us, Who? was nominated for the Golden Bear at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival. Veiel won the Alfred Bauer Prize at the Berlinale....
| Based on the play Arbeit macht frei
Arbeit macht frei
"'" is a German phrase, literally "work makes free," meaning "work sets you free" or "work liberates". The slogan is known for having been placed over the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust, including most infamously Auschwitz I, where it was made by prisoners...
by Smadar Jaaron&David Maayan
| 1994

| Diamonds in the Snow
| Mira Reym Binford
| 1994

| Choosing One's Way: Resistance in Auschwitz/Birkenau
| Ted Kay and Allen Secher
| 1994

| The Holocaust: In Memory of Millions (TV)
| Brian Blake
| Hosted by Walter Cronkite
Walter Cronkite
Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. was an American broadcast journalist, best known as anchorman for the CBS Evening News for 19 years . During the heyday of CBS News in the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as "the most trusted man in America" after being so named in an opinion poll...
| 1994

| Die Kunst des Erinnerns - Simon Wiesenthal
| Johanna Heer and Werner Schmiedel
| English title:The Art of Remembrance - Simon Wiesenthal
| 1994

| La Memoria del agua
| Héctor Fáver
Héctor Fáver
Héctor Fáver is an Argentine film producer and director. His film Memory of Water was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival.-External links:...
| English title:Memory of Water
| 1994
| Unknown
| The Power of Conscience: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews
| Alexandra Isles
Alexandra Isles
Countess Alexandra Moltke or Alexandra M. Isles is an actress and documentary filmmaker. She is best known for her role as the original Victoria Winters from 1966–68 on the cult TV serial Dark Shadows, which aired on ABC TV from 1966–1971.Isles was born in Uppsala, Sweden to Mab Wilson Wright and...
| 1994

| Tzedek
| Marek Halter
Marek Halter
Marek Halter is a French-Jewish novelist. He was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1936. During World War II, he and his parents escaped from the Warsaw Ghetto and fled to the Soviet Union, spending the remainder of the war in Ukraine, Moscow and later in Kokand, Uzbekistan...
| 1995

| Anne Frank Remembered (TV)
| Jon Blair
Jon Blair
Jon Blair is a South African born writer, producer and director of documentary films, drama and comedy who has lived in England and the United States ever since he was drafted into the South African army in the late 1960s...
| 1995

| Bottles in the Cellar
| Shmuel Imberman
| 1995

| Children Remember the Holocaust (TV)
| Mark Gordon
Mark Gordon
Mark Gordon is an American television and film producer.- Background :Gordon was born in Newport News, Virginia on October 10, 1956...
| Hosted by Keanu Reeves
Keanu Reeves
Keanu Charles Reeves is a Canadian actor. Reeves is perhaps best known for his roles in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Speed, Point Break and the science fiction-action trilogy The Matrix...
| 1995

| One Survivor Remembers
One Survivor Remembers
One Survivor Remembers is a 1995 documentary short film by Kary Antholis in which Holocaust survivor Gerda Weissmann Klein recounts her six-year ordeal as a victim of Nazi cruelty, including the loss of her parents, brother, friends, home, possessions, and community.A production of HBO and the...
| Kary Antholis
Kary Antholis
Kary Antholis is an American executive at the television network HBO who has overseen some of its groundbreaking socially conscious programming. He is also an Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker.-Biography:...
| 1995

| Reshimot Vanda (TV)
| Vered Berman
| 1995

| Rhodes nostalgie (TV)
| Diane Perelsztejn
| 1996

| My Knees Were Jumping: Remembering the Kindertransports
| Melissa Hacker
| 1996

| Nuremberg
| Stephen Trombley
Stephen Trombley
Stephen Trombley is an American author and filmmaker. He is president of the independent film and television production company Worldview Pictures.-Early life:...
| 1996

| Survivors of the Holocaust
| Allan Holzman
| 1996

| The Nazis: A Warning from History
The Nazis: A Warning from History
The Nazis: A Warning from History is a 1997 BBC documentary film series that examines Adolf Hitler and the Nazis' rise to power, their zenith, their decline and fall, and the consequences of their reign. It featured archive footage and interviews with eye witnesses and was shown in six...
| Laurence Rees
Laurence Rees
Laurence Rees is a British historian. He is the former Creative Director of History Programs for the BBC, a documentary filmmaker, and the author of five books on war.-Biography:...
and Tilman Remme
| 1997

| Bent
Bent (film)
Bent is a 1997 British/Japanese drama film directed by Sean Mathias, based on the 1979 play of the same name by Martin Sherman, who also wrote the screenplay. It revolves around the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany after the murder of Sturmabteilung leader Ernst Röhm on the Night of the...
| Sean Mathias
Sean Mathias
Sean Gerard Mathias is a British theatre director, film director, writer and actor.Mathias was born in Swansea, south Wales. He is known for directing the film, Bent, and for directing highly acclaimed theatre productions in London, New York, Cape Town, Los Angeles and Sydney...
| 1997

| The Island on Bird Street
The Island on Bird Street
The Island on Bird Street is a 1985 semi-autobiographical children's book by Israeli author Uri Orlev, which tells the story of a young boy, Alex, and his struggle to survive alone in a ghetto during World War II...
| Søren Kragh-Jacobsen
Søren Kragh-Jacobsen
Søren Kragh-Jacobsen is a Danish film director, musician, and song writer. He was one of the founders and practitioners of the Dogme95 project, for creating films without artificial technology or techniques.-Early career:...
| Based on the book by Uri Orlev
Uri Orlev
Uri Orlev is an award-winning Israeli children's author and translator of Polish-Jewish origin.-Biography:Uri Orlev, born Jerzy Henryk Orlowski, was born in Warsaw, Poland. He survived the war years in the Warsaw Ghetto and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where he was sent to after his...
| 1997

| Blood Money: Switzerland's Nazi Gold
| Stephen Crisman
| 1997

| Grüningers Fall
| Richard Dindo
Richard Dindo
Richard Dindo is a Swiss documentary film director. He made his first film in 1970.-Filmography:*The Marsdreamers *Gauguin à Tahiti et aux Marquises *Wer war Franz Kafka?...
| Based on the book by Stefan Keller
Stefan Keller
Stefan Keller is a classical and jazz flute player and composer from Switzerland. He plays all kind of flutes like Quartertone, Glissando, Bebe, alto flute, and bass flute. Most unusual is his contrabass flute made by Kotato and Fukushima. All these instruments are also electronic flutes. One of...
| 1997

| My Hometown Concentration Camp
| Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen was born in 1929 in Krakow. He survived the Krakow Ghetto and several Nazi concentration camps.His parents, two brothers and one sister lived in the Podgórze area of Krakow which in March 1941 became the Krakow Ghetto. His mother, Rochme Gittel Schiffer, and his sister Miriam were...
| 1997

| In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine
| John Michalczyk
| Based on the book by Stefan Keller
Stefan Keller
Stefan Keller is a classical and jazz flute player and composer from Switzerland. He plays all kind of flutes like Quartertone, Glissando, Bebe, alto flute, and bass flute. Most unusual is his contrabass flute made by Kotato and Fukushima. All these instruments are also electronic flutes. One of...
| 1997

| Journal de Rivesaltes 1941–1942
| Jacqueline Veuve
| 1997

| The Long Way Home
The Long Way Home (1997 film)
The Long Way Home is a 1997 documentary film directed by Mark Jonathan Harris. It depicts the plight of Jewish refugees after World War II that contributed to the creation of the State of Israel....
| Mark Jonathan Harris
Mark Jonathan Harris
Mark Jonathan Harris is an American documentary filmmaker probably best known for his films Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport and The Long Way Home...
| Narrated by Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman is an American actor, film director, aviator and narrator. He is noted for his reserved demeanor and authoritative speaking voice. Freeman has received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy, The Shawshank Redemption and Invictus and won...
| 1997

| The Lost Children of Berlin
| Elizabeth McIntyre (filmmaker)
| Narrated by Anthony Hopkins
Anthony Hopkins
Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, KBE , best known as Anthony Hopkins, is a Welsh actor of film, stage and television...
| 1997

| Out Loud!
| Miriam Bjeirre
| 1997

| Das Prinzip Dora
| Claudette Coulanges and Rolf Coulanges
| 1997

| Raising the Ashes
| Michael O'Keefe
Michael O'Keefe
Michael Raymond O'Keefe is an American film and television actor.- Early life :O'Keefe was born Raymond Peter O'Keefe, Jr. in Mount Vernon, New York, the oldest of seven children in a devoutly Roman Catholic Irish American family. His father was a law professor at Fordham University, as well as...
| 1997

| Shahor Lavan Zeh Tzivoni
| Tamir Paul
| 1997

| The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
| Describes the time period of Adolf Eichmann from his being brought to Israel till his execution.Also an insight is given in to the mind of the mass murderer
| 1997

| Un vivant qui passe
| Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann is a French filmmaker and professor at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.-Biography:Lanzmann attended the Lycée Blaise-Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. He joined the French resistance at the age of 18 and fought in Auvergne...
| English title: A Visitor from the Living
| 1997

| Unterwegs als sicherer Ort
| Dietrich Schubert
| English title On the Move Is a Safe Place
| 1997

| Vankileirien paratiisi
| Lisa Hovinheimo
| 1998

| Diese Tage in Terezin
| Sibylle Schönemann
| English title Those Days in Terezin
| 1998

| Fotoamator
Fotoamator is a 1998 documentary film directed by Dariusz Jablonski, examining the life of the Jewish population and their Nazi overseers in the Łódź Ghetto.-Subject matter:...
| Dariusz Jablonski
| English title Photographer; French title Chronique couleur du ghetto de Łódź; German title Der Fotograf
| 1998

| The Last Days
The Last Days
The Last Days is a documentary, directed by James Moll and produced by June Beallor and Kenneth Lipper in 1998. Steven Spielberg was one of the executive producers, in his role as founder of the Shoah Foundation. The film tells the the stories of five Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust...
| James Moll
James Moll
James Moll is a film director and producer.His company, Allentown Productions, has been based at Universal Studios since 1994, primarily producing film and television projects focused on stories of non-fiction....
| Won Academy Award for Documentary Feature
Academy Award for Documentary Feature
The Academy Award for Documentary Feature is among the most prestigious awards for documentary films.- Winners and nominees:Following the Academy's practice, films are listed below by the award year...
| 1998

| A Letter Without Words
| Lisa Lewenz
| 1998

| Nachrichten aus dem Untergrund
| Andreas Hoessli
| English title Underground Messengers
| 1998

| Never Forget
| Sherrie Drummond
| short
| 1998

| A Sculpture of Love and Anguish: The Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial
| David Braman
| 1999

| Burning Questions
| Michael Porembski
| 1999

| The Children of Chabannes
| Lisa Gossels
| 1999

| Children of the Night
| Jolanta Dylewska
| 1999

| Flucht in den Dschungel
| Michael Juncker
| 1999

| Hidden Heroes
| Karen Pascal
| 1999

| Martin
| Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
| 1999

| Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. is a 1999 documentary film by Errol Morris about execution technician Fred A. Leuchter.-Plot:...
| Errol Morris
Errol Morris
Errol Mark Morris is an American director. In 2003, The Guardian put him seventh in its list of the world's 40 best directors. Also in 2003, his film The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.-Early life and...
| 1999

| Process B-7815
| Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen
Bernard Offen was born in 1929 in Krakow. He survived the Krakow Ghetto and several Nazi concentration camps.His parents, two brothers and one sister lived in the Podgórze area of Krakow which in March 1941 became the Krakow Ghetto. His mother, Rochme Gittel Schiffer, and his sister Miriam were...
| 1999

| Tak for Alt: Survival of a Human Spirit
| Laura Bialis
Laura Bialis
Laura Bialis is an American-Israeli filmmaker. She grew up in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California and is a graduate of San Marcos High School and Stanford University...
&Broderick Fox&Sarah Levy
| 1999

| Un spécialiste, portrait d'un criminel moderne
| Eyal Sivan
Eyal Sivan
Eyal Sivan is an Israeli filmmaker and critic noted for his criticisms of Israeli policies.-Biography:Born in Haifa, Sivan attended school in Jerusalem, but dropped out to pursue photography...
| 1999
| Witness: Voices from the Holocaust
| Joshua M. Greene&Shiva Kumar
Shiva Kumar
Lieutenant General Siva Kumar, AVSM VSM was the third and final Force commander of UN troops serving in Rwanda.-Biography:...
| 1999

| ... gdzie jest mój starszy syn Kain
| Agnieszka Arnold
Agnieszka Arnold
Agnieszka Arnold is a Polish documentary filmmaker. She compiled two documentaries on the Jedwabne pogrom of Jewish villagers, during World War II, by their Polish neighbors.-Films:* Miś - Assistant director* Kto ziarno nadziei siał...
| Considers Jedwabne pogrom
Jedwabne pogrom
The Jedwabne pogrom of July 1941 during German occupation of Poland, was a massacre of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages. These are the official findings of the Institute of National Remembrance, "confirmed by the number of victims in the two graves, according to the estimate of the...
{| class="wikitable"|-
! Year
! Country
! Title
! Director
! Notes
| 2000

| Auschwitz: The Final Witnesses
| Sheldon Lazarus
| 2000

| Cerca del Danubio
| Felipe Vega
| 2000

| Fighter
| Amir Bar-Lev
Amir Bar-Lev
Amir Bar-Lev is an American film director, producer and writer from Berkeley, California.Bar-Lev is noted for his work in directing documentary films. He has directed such films as Fighter, a documentary film released August 24, 2001. The film received a Special Jury Citation in the 2000 Karlovy...
| 2000

| Typhoons' Last Storm
| Lawrence Bond
| 2000

| Hazehut Ha'Avuda Shel Hanita
| Vered Berman
| 2000

| The Holocaust on Trial
| Leslie Woodhead
Leslie Woodhead
Leslie Woodhead is an award-winning British documentary filmmaker.For his National Service he served in Fife at the Joint Services School for Linguists where he was taught Russian. and posted to West Berlin to monitor the communications of Soviet pilots flying in and out of East Germany...
| 2000

| Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport is a 2000 documentary film directed by Mark Jonathan Harris and narrated by Judi Dench. It tells the story of the kindertransport, an underground railroad that saved the lives of over 10,000 Jewish children...
| Mark Jonathan Harris
Mark Jonathan Harris
Mark Jonathan Harris is an American documentary filmmaker probably best known for his films Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport and The Long Way Home...
| 2000

| Paragraph 175
Paragraph 175
Paragraph 175 was a provision of the German Criminal Code from 15 May 1871 to 10 March 1994. It made homosexual acts between males a crime, and in early revisions the provision also criminalized bestiality. All in all, around 140,000 men were convicted under the law.The statute was amended several...
| Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman
| Documentary about gays and the holocaust
| 2000

| Reshimat Ahava
| David Fisher
| 2001

| Exodus to Berlin
| Jeff Kamen and Peter Laufer
Peter Laufer
Peter Laufer is an independent journalist, broadcaster and documentary filmmaker working in traditional and new media. He is the James Wallace Chair in Journalism at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication.-Career:...
| 2001

| Holocaust: New York Tolerance Center
| Scott Goldstein
| 2001

| Eine Liebe in Auschwitz
| Thilo Thielke
| 2001

| Śmierć Zygelbojma
| Dżamila Ankiewicz
| 2001

| Sąsiedzi
| Agnieszka Arnold
Agnieszka Arnold
Agnieszka Arnold is a Polish documentary filmmaker. She compiled two documentaries on the Jedwabne pogrom of Jewish villagers, during World War II, by their Polish neighbors.-Films:* Miś - Assistant director* Kto ziarno nadziei siał...
| Concerns Jedwabne pogrom
Jedwabne pogrom
The Jedwabne pogrom of July 1941 during German occupation of Poland, was a massacre of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages. These are the official findings of the Institute of National Remembrance, "confirmed by the number of victims in the two graves, according to the estimate of the...
| 2001

| Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures
| Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann is a French filmmaker and professor at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.-Biography:Lanzmann attended the Lycée Blaise-Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand. He joined the French resistance at the age of 18 and fought in Auvergne...
| English title: Sobibor, Oct. 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
| 2001

| Struma
| Radu Gabrea
| 2001

| Svedok
| Dušan Hudec
| 2002
| Illusion
Illusion (film)
Illusion is an independent feature film released in the year 2004. It was directed by Michael Goorjian and features Kirk Douglas.-Plot:Legendary film director Donald Baines lies dying alone in his private screening room, watching the films he has devoted his life to creating. Having isolated...
|Concerns Kurt Gerron
Kurt Gerron
Kurt Gerron was a German Jewish actor and film director.-Life:Born Kurt Gerson into a well-off merchant family in Berlin, he initially studied medicine but was called up for military service in World War I. Seriously wounded he qualified as a military doctor of the German Army...
| 2002

| Last Dance
| Mirra Bank
| 2002

| Pamiętam
| Marcel Lozinski
Marcel Lozinski
Marcel Łoziński is a Polish film director and screenwriter. He has directed 22 films since 1972. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short for 89mm from Europe.He was born in Paris, France.-External links:...
| English title:I Remember
| 2002

| Prisoner of Paradise
Prisoner of Paradise
Prisoner of Paradise is a 2003 Canadian documentary film directed by Malcolm Clarke and Stuart Sender. The film tells the true story of Kurt Gerron, a German-Jewish cabaret and film actor in the 1920s and 1930s who was sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp where he was commanded to write...
| Malcolm Clarke
Malcolm Clarke
Malcolm Clarke was a British composer, and a member of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop for 25 years from 1969 to 1994.Clarke proved somewhat controversial when he joined the workshop, due to his views that Radiophonic music should be, in his words, "fine art," a philosophy that was not shared by...
and Stuart Sender
| 2002

| Sudbina mi nije dala da odem
| Dominik Sedlar and Jakov Sedlar
| English title:Fate Did Not Let Me Go
| 2002

| Undying Love
| Helene Klodawsky
| 2003

| Berga: Soldiers of Another War
| Charles Guggenheim
Charles Guggenheim
Charles Guggenheim was an American film director and producer.- Early life :Guggenheim was born into a prominent German Jewish family in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was a furniture salesman. While studying farming at Colorado A&M in 1943, Guggenheim was drafted into the United States Army...
| 2003

| Den Danske løsning
| Karen Cantor and Camilla Kjærulff
| English title:The Danish Solution: The Rescue of the Jews in Denmark
| 2003

| Long Shadows: Stories from a Jewish Home
| Kate Hampel
| 2003

| Luboml: My Heart Remembers
Luboml: My Heart Remembers (film)
Luboml: My Heart Remembers is a 2003 documentary film produced by Eileen Douglas and Ron Steinman and funded by The Aaron Ziegelman Foundation. It compiles survivor interviews, archival photographs and film footage to reconstruct a sense of life in Luboml, one of the five thousand small shtetls ...
| Eileen Douglas and Ron Steinman
| 2004

| A Is for Auschwitz: A Weekend with My Grandparents
| 2004

| Against the Odds
| Jedrzej Jonasz
| 2004

| Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust
| Daniel Anker
| 2004

| Paper Clips
| Elliot Berlin and Joe Fab
Joe Fab
Joe Fab is an American producer, writer and director.-Personal:Fab has been married for over thirty years to Kay Fab, a voice over artist whose work can be heard in the opening moments of "Paper Clips." They reside in Vienna, Virginia. Their son and three grandchildren live outside of Seattle,...
| About the Paper Clips Project
Paper Clips Project
The Paper Clips Project is a project by middle school students from the small southeastern Tennessee city of Whitwell who created a monument for the Holocaust victims in Nazi Germany. It started in 1998 as a simple 8th-grade project and evolved into one gaining worldwide attention. At last count,...
| 2004

| La fuga degli innocenti
| Leone Pompucci
| 2004

| Wege der Tübinger Juden. Eine Spurensuche
| Ulrike Baumgärtner
| 2004

| Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution' Also known as Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
| Dominic Sutherland
Dominic Sutherland
Dominic Sutherland studied History and Literature at the University of Edinburgh. He is a British television director and producer.-Biography:BBC Career...
, Martina Balazova and Detlef Siebert
Detlef Siebert
Detlef Siebert is a German television writer, director and producer, working in the UK.-Biography:Siebert began his career at the BBC as assistant producer of the 1997 documentary series The Nazis: A Warning from History....
| Companion book: Auschwitz: A New History
| 2004

| The Ninth Day
The Ninth Day
The Ninth Day is a German film, made in 2004 and directed by Volker Schlöndorff. It was released by Kino International.The film is about a Catholic priest from Luxembourg who is imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp, but released for nine days. The story is based on a portion of Pfarrerblock...
| Volker Schlöndorff
Volker Schlöndorff
Volker Schlöndorff is a Berlin-based German filmmaker who has worked in Germany, France and the United States...
| Based on a portion of Pfarrerblock 25487 (ISBN 2-87963-286-2), the diary of Bernard (1907–1994)
| 2005

| Holocausto:Tercera Generación
| Daniel Segal, Daniel Halpern
| 2005

| 2 oder 3 Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß
2 or 3 Things I Know About Him
2 or 3 Things I Know About Him is a documentary film in which German director Malte Ludin examines the impact of Nazism in his family. Malte's father, Hanns Ludin, was the Third Reich's ambassador to Slovakia. As such, he signed deportation orders that sent thousands of Jews to Auschwitz...
| Malte Ludin
Malte Ludin
Malte Ludin is a German filmmaker. He was born in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1942.He studied political science at the Free University of Berlin....
| English title: 2 or 3 Things I Know About Him — Ludin's family's reaction to their father's role in sending Jews to Auschwitz
| 2005

| Process (TV)
| Péter Muszatics
| 2005

| A Treasure in Auschwitz (TV)
| Yahaly Gat
| 2005

| Wenn lang die Bilder schon verblassen... KZ Theresienstadt - Propagandafilm und Wirklichkeit
| Thilo Pohle
| 2006

| Amants des hommes
| Isabelle Darmengeat
| English title: Men lovers
| 2006

| Borrowing Time
| Robert Allan Black
| 2006

| Journey to Justice
| Steve Palackdharry
| 2006

| Knocking
Knocking (documentary)
Knocking is a 2006 documentary film directed by Joel Engardio and Tom Shepard that focuses on the civil liberties fought for by Jehovah's Witnesses...
| Joel Engardio
Joel Engardio
Joel P. Engardio is a candidate for San Francisco District 7 Supervisor. The election is November 6, 2012. Engardio has previously worked as a writer, documentary filmmaker and civil liberties advocate . His journalism work includes print, television and independent film...
and Tom Shepard
| 2006

| La Strada di Levi
| Davide Ferrario
| 2006

| Der letzte Zug
Der letzte Zug
Der Letzte Zug is a 2006 German film directed by Joseph Vilsmaier and Dana Vávrová, and starring Gedeon Burkhard, Lale Yavas, and Lena Beyerling. The film depicts the fate of some of the last remaining Jews in Berlin, who in April 1943 were rounded up at the Berlin-Grunewald station and sent to...
| Joseph Vilsmaier
Joseph Vilsmaier
Joseph Vilsmaier is a German film director.-Work:After attending a boarding school near Augsburg, he was trained as a technician to make film cameras and then spent nine years at a music conservatory. Following this he was a member of a jazz group...
, Dana Vávrová
Dana Vávrová
Dana Vávrová was a Czech-German film actress and director.-Biography:Vávrová was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia and played her first main film role in Ať žijí duchové! in 1976, having played a minor role in Jak se točí Rozmarýny...
| 2006

| The Counterfeiters
The Counterfeiters (film)
The Counterfeiters is a 2007 Austrian-German film written and directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky. It fictionalizes Operation Bernhard, a secret plan by the Nazis during the Second World War to destabilize Great Britain by flooding its economy with forged Bank of England bank notes.The film centres on a...
| Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stefan Ruzowitzky
Stefan Ruzowitzky is an Academy Award-winning Austrian film director and screenwriter.-Early life:Ruzowitzky was born in Vienna...
| 2006

| Kz
| Rex Bloomstein
| 2011

| Auschwitz
Auschwitz (film)
Auschwitz is a 2011 German drama film directed by Uwe Boll.- Cast :* Steffen Mennekes* Arved Birnbaum* Nik Goldman* Alexis Wawerka as Oven prisonner* Maximilian Gärtner* Harold Levy as Dentist Prisonner* Uwe Boll as Nazi officer- Production :...
| Uwe Boll
Uwe Boll
Uwe Boll is a German director, producer and screenwriter, whose work includes several films adapted from video games. He finances his own films through his Boll KG production company. He is often cited as the worst director of all time.-Early life:...
See also
- List of World War II films
- List of films made in the Third Reich
- List of Allied propaganda films of World War II
- Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust