List of Cyberchase characters
This is a list of characters that have appeared on the PBS Kids GO!
series Cyberchase
, double Dutch, skipping, drawing, and writing plays about herself. She likes adventures and her friends when there in Cyberspace. She mostly wears a long-sleeved yellow shirt with a light blue denim skirt, red Jewelry, and dull lavender hi-tops. Her sense of neatness and organization often helps the kids solve their problems faster. Her biggest pet peeve is slimy/icky stuff like bugs and many other "gross" things. When ever something gross is even near her she responds by screaming "Ew, Ew, and Double Ew!" (She once said "Ew, Ew, and Triple Ew!" in the episode, "Clock Like an Egyptian", a.k.a., episode 109. Where she and her friends are in the pyramid.) Whenever she needs to think, she will say, "Make room, I gotta pace." She said it differently twice by saying "Make room, I gotta ace-pace.", in episode 116. And by saying, "Make room, I gotta pace or...paddle.", in episode 308. Like Inez
, she's very fond of Slider. Wicked called Jacqueline once in episode 409 to try to be nice her. Matt called her that in the same episode just yo tease her In a running gag, Jackie sometimes freaks out when they are in a crisis. This encourages Matt to taunt her by making an Academy Awards
-like "Award goes to" comment. For example also she looks like Aka Pella from Histeria!
) is an Irish American
boy. He likes skateboard
s and collecting things (his backpack is always full of useful items). He is impulsive, tells joke
s, swims, and knows a lot about Greek mythology
and Star Wars
. He usually wears a long-sleeved green turtleneck, a red backpack, neon blue jeans, and red hi-tops. According to episode "Penguin Tears," Jackie mentions that Matt is impatient. He can also sometimes be a little too complacent. Matt has multiple pets at home on his family farm - lizards, frogs, and even a pig
named Sherman. He's best at solving a problem when he can hold it in his hands. Playing with a yo-yo
also helps him when he's thinking (his Ken Ken and yo-yo
from the Maury Show of choice is usually yellow with a blue star in the center, though he does have many variations). He frequently calls Inez by the nickname "Nezzie," much to her annoyance. It is also shown that Inez has a slight crush on him, but it is unknown if he knows this or not. However, he seems to reciprocate these feelings due to his jealousy at Inez's closeness with Slider and his fondness for teasing her. It is also shown he can be quite protective of her at times. Sharri Spotter and Mrs. Fileshare are the only two to refer to him as Matthew - with the exception of Inez, who called him Matthew twice in season 2 (episodes 205 and 214) just to tease him.
) is a Hispanic
girl and is well-known for her excellent vocabulary
, for which Matt often teases her. She mostly wears a long-sleeved pink shirt with a gold star on the front, teal shorts, a purple vest, and dark blue boots. Despite being the youngest human member of the gang, she has by far the most book smarts, but is not as good at tracking and cracking cases as Matt is. In "Peace, Love and Hackerness," she also demonstrates an ability to sing. She is the only member of the Cybersquad to have eyeglass
es. Her most common catchphrase is "This is not good; this is not good at all!" Occasionally other people will use the phrase in her place, to which she responds, "My sentiments exactly." Her other commonly used catchphrase is "Don't call me Nezzie!" whenever Matt slips up and uses her nickname. Inez often acts as a buffer for the Cybersquad since she knows how to compromise and mediate when there is a disagreement. She stands on her head
and hand
s to think better. It is suggested that she has, or had, a crush on Slider. Slider has called her "Nezzie" without annoying her in episodes 310 and 606. When Matt asked why, she replied that Slider is "different" because she likes him, and left it at that. However, there have also been other occasions when others, such as Digit, have called her "Nezzie" without making her mad, so she might only have a problem with Matt doing it. It is shown that she may have an inner fondness for Matt, nonetheless.
) is a cyboid that works for Motherboard. He and the kids protect Cyberspace
and Motherboard from Hacker. Digit was created by Hacker and worked for him for a long time, along with Buzz and Delete. He escaped after learning of Hacker's evil doings. He became one of Motherboard's helpers, serving as Dr. Marbles' assistant. He would later join the Cybersquad. Digit can fly by spinning his tail feathers helicopter-fashion. But he has a fear of heights and prefers to walk, despite that he can fly. There are a few epidoes where it shows Digit is unable to fly and is able to fly with his wings. If the Inez, Matt, Jackie and others have a problem, he can fix it by saying, "Never fear, the Didge is here." He's a cook and he didn't go to cooking school for of 'The Cyber Chef' and 'Cookin' with the Didge'. He carries many objects in his chest, including Widget. He used to try building virtual nests and didn't have such accurate practice. He can turn his beak into just about anything, and bends it on usual occasion. In 107, he doesn't appear. He also can disguise his voice very well.
) is a cute and small likeness of Digit, looks like him too. His hat, tail feathers, and bowtie are not screwed on properly. He's seen in episodes: 124, 206, 308, and 504. In episode 124, it is revealed that he can't fly yet.
) is the main villain in the series. In almost every episode, he is trying to conquer all or a part of Cyberspace
, but is thwarted each time by the Cybersquad. He resembles Elvis Presley
, a fact he appears to be aware of, but is green-faced and wears a black wig and has a pointy chin of which he is vain
. He also wears a bicoloured cape. Occasionally, working too hard to take over Cyberspace can make his skin very pale or his chin saggy. He always prefers to be called "The Hacker" because mostly everyone calls him that and if someone calls him Hacker, he usually say in an angry voice in response, "That's THE HACKER to you" ! He was created by Dr. Marbles to assist Motherboard, but he rebelled and was exiled to a Cybersite called the Northern Frontier. Nevertheless, he does have potential to become good again, as shown in one of the episodes where he became a peaceful artist (temporarily). He has two cyborg
lackeys, Buzz and Delete, whose reliability is quite variable; sometimes, he gets very peeved when he has to do things himself that Buzz and Delete can't. He travels in his large spaceship
, the Grim Wreaker (parody of The Grim Reaper). Hacker has several rude, and many times alliterative, names for the Cybersquad (most common "Earth brats" and a couple times "goody-goody gang" and "terrestrial termites"), Digit (most commonly "Cyber-turkey"), and Buzz and Delete (including "(dispicable) duncebuckets", "nickel-plated twits", "maladroit melonheads", and "(half-brained) bucket of bolts"). He is also known to have arachnophobia
, as shown in the episode "And They Counted Happily Ever After" when the Spider from Little Miss Muffet told him to give back their King, and some phasmophobia, (fear of ghosts) after encountering Ivanka The Invincible in "All The Right Angles". He is similar to Doctor Ivo Robotnik aka Eggman, the villain from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
2002-2005, Phil Williams
in 2006-2010) is one of Hacker's henchmen, a small spherical cyborg
with a large mouth and scrawny limbs, but he seems to think he's a big tough guy; however, he can be kind at times. One thing Buzz hates doing is Hacker's work and the episode "Chaos as Usual" he admitted that he didn't like Hacker much after he wouldn't let Buzz play slugball. He also has a pair of antannae that can apparently be used as joysticks (as seen in the episode Trick or Treat.) Buzz's friend Delete calls him Buzzy and Buzz's favorite food is doughnut
s. He's a bit smarter than Delete. The episode "EcoHaven Ooze" was dedicated to Carlson. He is similar to Grounder from the cartoon series, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
) is one of Hacker's henchmen. Delete is taller and skinnier than Buzz, and has a snout like a dog
. He also had extendable arms, as seen in several episodes. In some episodes, he has proven to be an ally to the Cybersquad, including episode 505. Delete's best friend and cohort is Buzz, who calls him "Dee Dee." Delete also loves animal
s of all kinds, especially bunnies
. In episodes 112, 302, 304, and 505, he says, "I wish I had a bunny. I would love him, and keep him, and call him George!" a quote from the Abominable Snowman character from the Looney Tunes
short, The Abominable Snow Rabbit
(which, in turn, is based on the character of Lenny from John Steinbeck
's Of Mice and Men
). In episode 505, when his "fairy borg father
" Zanko pays him a visit, Delete finally gets his very own bunny named George and even invents a new toy: a bunny copter. Delete has a bit of a soft spot to the Cybersquad and is very kind natured. He's not as evil as he seems and like Buzz, only does what he's told to do. He does seem to be getting smarter, in season 8, he tries to warn The Hacker several times, only for Hacker to get angry, but it turns out that he was right. (review and edit needed) He is similar to Scratch from the cartoon series, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
who appears in many adventures. She has bright red hair, likes spending money, and has a quick temper. She wants to take over Cyberspace just as much as Hacker. She is a witch who lives in Happily Ever After and often tries to convince Hacker to become her partner. She and Hacker sometimes have a love for each other.Hacker has several times reluctantly hired or even courted her, but always jilts her and in his appearance on "Lucky Star", he called Wicked a sorry excuse for a sorceress. In return, Wicked either casts a spell on him or wrecks his evil-doing plans. She is voiced by Jane Curtin
, then by Linda Ballantyne
. She's seen in episodes: 108, 109, 122, 201, 203, 211, 309, 310, 311, 407, 409, 501, 503, 510, 603, 606, 608, and 707.
Note: A portrait of her is shown in episode 803 in Seeing Sam's office.
wolf-like cyborg with a British
accent who has often been called up by Hacker to assist in his evil schemes, because of him being more reliable than Buzz and Delete. Of course, because of that, Buzz and Delete don't like him very much, especially when he takes over their daily jobs such as: giving Hacker some tea, ironing his cape, etc. He is also known to work cheap. He's seen in episodes: 112, 407, 504, 704, 705, and 804. He is voiced by Juan Chioran. Baskerville may also be a possible reference to the British horror
movie "Werewolf of London
) is another cyborg was seen helping Hacker in episode #504, also known as "Trash". This cyborg appears to enjoy doughnuts as much as Buzz and eats with a hole in his head covered by a lid. This cyborg was also seen in episodes #609, #704, and #804. He is known for having various skills in slugball.
. He is voiced by Robert Tinkler
of Aquari-Yum. She's green with long reddish pinkish purplish hair. She has a yellow shirt, a blue hat and purple lips. She's seen in episode #116.
. He absorbs energy directly from his surroundings, understands several languages, and communicates through patterns of electric buzzes. If he doesn't absorb the natural energy of Aquari-yum, the site boils over. Besides, he needs to feed on energy to survive, otherwise he'd shrivel up to nothing. He can also camouflage
himself. He's seen in episodes: 116, 123, and 402. In 123 he doesn't buzz.
that usually sleeps and knows all. He's seen in episode #402 and voiced by Harvey Atkin
. She has high standards and six arms, and once she makes a decision she is inflexible until she eventually learns to be open-minded. She's seen in episodes 210, 308, and 706.
from Harry Potter
). Shari wears perfectly round and red specs for glasses but in most parts her red specs are purple. She appeared in episodes 311, 401, 601, and 604. She has a crush on Matt which annoys Inez; and in 601, she doesn't talk. Reference of the male Harry Potter
in the Harry Potter book series. She is voiced by Julie Lemieux
, an actual meteorologist with New York's WNBC-TV. She appears in two episodes aired April 20–21. Janice Huff also did the some 'For Real' Segments.
) is Wicked's magic wand who is very smart. Wicked says what to do and she does it. She can only do magic if Wicked gives her a command. She's seen in every episode Wicked appears in, but is only anthropomorphized in episode #503.
who has met Matt and Digit with a big heart. When she is nice, her nostrils are heart-shaped and her tummy symbol is a big heart.
and is ruler of Mount Olympus. He's seen in episodes 106, 121, 126, and 606. (voiced by Philip Bosco
). He is also the ruler of the Gods and has a very boisterous laughter.
as Zeus. She appears in 606 most likely as who would have been in the obstacle course with "strategy".
Voiced by Linda Ballantyne.
and Hermes
atop Mt. Olympus when Zeus
wants them to work as a team before calling Control Central. He would've done the swim. He is recognizable with his trident and merman
-like features. He was a human/mermaid.
, the real god. He has his caduceus, wing helmet, and winged sandals. He is seen in 606 and would've been in the race to the top of Mt. Olympus as he is the speedster of the gods. Seen in 606
s how to play ice hockey
. He uses a monitor to track the puck and show the players what works and what doesn't. He's only seen in episode #403.
He is voiced by James Rankin
is a Persian word for monarch. Voiced by Brad Adamson.
(season 1-2), Danielle Todd (season 8-present).
(season 1-2), and Phillip Williams (Season 8).
-style 13-year-old skateboarder in Radopolis who builds and repairs skateboards and bikes. Since season three, he has been a recurring character in the series. According to Slider, his father Coop had abandoned him when he was younger because The Hacker had hunted Coop for many years. However, in the episode "Measure for Measure" he finds out that his father abandoned him to protect him. Throughout the remainder of the series, Jackie and Inez seem to have a crush on him, which often makes Matt very jealous. Slider is voiced by Tim Hamaguchi and was in: 302, 309, 310, 404, 405, 408, 502, 601, 606, 704, and 801, but in 601, he doesn't talk. His name is probably due to the fact that he is a skateboarder, although it could also be one of the many references to other science fiction television shows on the show. It could also be a spoof of Strider from the Lord of the Rings, or a reference to the sci-fi drama series, Sliders
) is the father of Slider. For several years, The Hacker has hunted Coop in order to find his transformation machine. Although Coop refused to hand it over, The Hacker, in revenge, infected him with a dose of magnetite which prematurely aged him. Since then, he hid from Hacker, leaving Slider to fend on his own. Then Coop was reunited with Slider in episode #405. He was also seen on episode 502 but he does not look like he did in episode 405 (probably because he made a cure for the magnetite, hence the line, "Slider and I are going home to whip up another cure") and does not talk in the later episode.
accent. She often gives offers to visitors a fair game of chance. She is found in episode #'s 103, 119, 121 and 208 but in 208 she doesn't talk. She helps the Cybersquad when Hacker poses a threat to her amusement park. Lucky is voiced by Linda Kash
Grubby is a guy who lives in R-Fair-City. He's very funny but does not seem to like to bathe and wears a garbage can for clothing. He runs a game stand at R-Fair City called "Grubby's Whacky Worms". It's a game with four different chances of winning; you pick a worm, you win a hat, but you have to close your eyes while pulling out a worm from the sack. Each worm has four different colors: brown, orange, chartreuse, and puce. Grubby also appears in the episode "A Fraction of a Chance" to tell Digit and Wicked the final clue to locating the UVO.
) and Sheriff Judy (also voiced by Scott) are the leaders of the Sensible Flats. They are often seen together, usually investigating criminals, the most noteworthy being Hacker. They are seen in episodes: 105, 117, 123, 206, 305, 309, 406, 601, and 804. In some of the episodes, they don't talk.
Their names parity Judge Judy
. Of course, neither Trudy, Judy nor Rudy have heard of him. During especially dry times, he and the fish will do a rain dance in attempt to bring the rain and is seen in episode #117 and #804. He even uses a line graph
to keep track how the water level of the lake changes over time, can predict the future of the water level, and knows climbing tips. Voice credit TBA (please add immediately)
) is the reigning leader of Shangri-La, an Asian like cybersite, and is dressed in a blue robe and holds a rod with a ball with the symbol Pi
. Master Pi can move around by simply appearing and disappearing. He often gives words of wisdom and prosperity. Also, he only provides hospitality to those who understand the rules of politeness. Hacker sometimes calls him Pi-Face and Buzz sometimes calls him Pi-Man. He appears in episodes 118, 209 and 309.
who attends the Mummy's Tomb. She's often impatient, but proves an ally to the Cybersquad. She is also very aggravating to Hacker. Binky is voiced by Bebe Neuwirth
. She's seen in episodes 109, 207, 306, and 309. In 306 and 309, she doesn't talk.
. Hacker attempts to kidnap Zanko to make his wish of taking over Cyberspace come true, but Delete refuses to let him do so, saying that he himself do the wishes and no else, to which Zanko agrees, much to Hacker's anger.
and he is only seen in episode 310. He always maintains the first rule of business: no money, no disposal. In 503, we see the Cybersite but not him.
. In his first appearance in the episode "True Colors", Sam acts as a moderator during an election between Motherboard and Hacker. Sam is seen in episodes: 204, 208, and 211.
is one of the three people who are the main protagonists in the "For Real" segment of the series. She often uses the original plot (the animated main plot) to solve everyday real world problems. She owns a dog named Mojo and hates anchovies. As a character, she is rather absent-minded and arrogant, and does not think before she acts. In one episode, she was seen driving a green VW Beetle. In another episode she was seen driving a white Mercedes Benz which she could not afford. Played by Bianca DeGroat
and Converse shoes. In many of the segments, he's often rather careless, which usually costs him his current job. Harry's wardrobe, including vintage eyewear, is drawn from Matt Wilson's real life wardrobe. He is also a fan of the Mets
, as shown in Chaos as Usual. He also is an expert unicycle rider, as is shown in many episodes. Played by Matthew A. Wilson.
Note: Matthew A. Wilson who plays Harry Wilson also plays Mr. Sleazé.
Harley is sort of rude to Harry. in one episode, Harry wanted to go to the carnival but Harley called and him and said he needed to build a fence but when he got there Harely stayed for a little while and said he would be right back and secretly left to the carnival
hoop. (She claimed it was impossible and demanded for her money back. Sleazé answered with his almost usual phrase; No refunds.) He is a liar and a cheater and is too interested in money to make games fair. Played by Matthew A. Wilson.
Note: Matthew A. Wilson who plays Mr. Sleazé also plays Harry Wilson and he appears in episodes 204, 212 and 302.
PBS Kids GO!
PBS Kids GO! is an educational television brand used by PBS for programs intended for older children, rather than the original PBS Kids. It is primarily broadcast on PBS stations during the afternoons...
series Cyberchase
Cyberchase is an American educational television series for children age 6-12, that teaches children discrete mathematics. The show airs on Public Broadcasting Service and PBS Kids GO! in the United States. Seasons one through five were produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana...
Jackie (voiced by Novie Edwards) is an African-American girl. She has a room of her own that has a bed, computer, window and etc. Her favorite activities include gymnasticsGymnastics
Gymnastics is a sport involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance. Internationally, all of the gymnastic sports are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique with each country having its own national governing body...
, double Dutch, skipping, drawing, and writing plays about herself. She likes adventures and her friends when there in Cyberspace. She mostly wears a long-sleeved yellow shirt with a light blue denim skirt, red Jewelry, and dull lavender hi-tops. Her sense of neatness and organization often helps the kids solve their problems faster. Her biggest pet peeve is slimy/icky stuff like bugs and many other "gross" things. When ever something gross is even near her she responds by screaming "Ew, Ew, and Double Ew!" (She once said "Ew, Ew, and Triple Ew!" in the episode, "Clock Like an Egyptian", a.k.a., episode 109. Where she and her friends are in the pyramid.) Whenever she needs to think, she will say, "Make room, I gotta pace." She said it differently twice by saying "Make room, I gotta ace-pace.", in episode 116. And by saying, "Make room, I gotta pace or...paddle.", in episode 308. Like Inez
Inez is an American spelling of the Spanish and Portuguese name Inés/Inês, the forms of the given name 'Agnes'. The name is pronounced as , , or .Agnes is a woman's given name, which derives from the Greek word hagnē, meaning "pure" or "holy"...
, she's very fond of Slider. Wicked called Jacqueline once in episode 409 to try to be nice her. Matt called her that in the same episode just yo tease her In a running gag, Jackie sometimes freaks out when they are in a crisis. This encourages Matt to taunt her by making an Academy Awards
Academy Awards
An Academy Award, also known as an Oscar, is an accolade bestowed by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers...
-like "Award goes to" comment. For example also she looks like Aka Pella from Histeria!
Histeria! is a 1998 American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicit edutainment program in order to meet FCC requirements for...
- Jackie: Cyberspace is doomed, doomed I tell you, DOOOOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-OOMED!!!
- Matt: And the award for best dramatic outburst of the day goes to...Jackie! (Matt!)
Matt (voiced by Jacqueline PillonJacqueline Pillon
Jacqueline Patricia Pillon is a Canadian actress. She is best known as the voice of Matt from Cyberchase.- Early life :...
) is an Irish American
Irish American
Irish Americans are citizens of the United States who can trace their ancestry to Ireland. A total of 36,278,332 Americans—estimated at 11.9% of the total population—reported Irish ancestry in the 2008 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau...
boy. He likes skateboard
A skateboard is typically a specially designed plywood board combined with a polyurethane coating used for making smoother slides and stronger durability, used primarily for the activity of skateboarding. The first skateboards to reach public notice came out of the surfing craze of the early 1960s,...
s and collecting things (his backpack is always full of useful items). He is impulsive, tells joke
A joke is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices...
s, swims, and knows a lot about Greek mythology
Greek mythology
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece...
and Star Wars
Star Wars
Star Wars is an American epic space opera film series created by George Lucas. The first film in the series was originally released on May 25, 1977, under the title Star Wars, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by two sequels, released at three-year...
. He usually wears a long-sleeved green turtleneck, a red backpack, neon blue jeans, and red hi-tops. According to episode "Penguin Tears," Jackie mentions that Matt is impatient. He can also sometimes be a little too complacent. Matt has multiple pets at home on his family farm - lizards, frogs, and even a pig
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig, its ancestor the wild boar, and several other wild relatives...
named Sherman. He's best at solving a problem when he can hold it in his hands. Playing with a yo-yo
The yo-yo in its simplest form is an object consisting of an axle connected to two disks, and a length of twine looped around the axle, similar to a slender spool...
also helps him when he's thinking (his Ken Ken and yo-yo
The yo-yo in its simplest form is an object consisting of an axle connected to two disks, and a length of twine looped around the axle, similar to a slender spool...
from the Maury Show of choice is usually yellow with a blue star in the center, though he does have many variations). He frequently calls Inez by the nickname "Nezzie," much to her annoyance. It is also shown that Inez has a slight crush on him, but it is unknown if he knows this or not. However, he seems to reciprocate these feelings due to his jealousy at Inez's closeness with Slider and his fondness for teasing her. It is also shown he can be quite protective of her at times. Sharri Spotter and Mrs. Fileshare are the only two to refer to him as Matthew - with the exception of Inez, who called him Matthew twice in season 2 (episodes 205 and 214) just to tease him.
Inez (voiced by Annick ObonsawinAnnick Obonsawin
Annick Obonsawin is a Canadian voice actress and musician. She has played roles in many children's shows such as Inez in Cyberchase and Skunk in Franklin. She also plays the voice of Slappy the Dummy in Goosebumps, as well as Sierra in Total Drama Action and Total Drama World...
) is a Hispanic
Hispanic is a term that originally denoted a relationship to Hispania, which is to say the Iberian Peninsula: Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal and Spain. During the Modern Era, Hispanic sometimes takes on a more limited meaning, particularly in the United States, where the term means a person of ...
girl and is well-known for her excellent vocabulary
A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge...
, for which Matt often teases her. She mostly wears a long-sleeved pink shirt with a gold star on the front, teal shorts, a purple vest, and dark blue boots. Despite being the youngest human member of the gang, she has by far the most book smarts, but is not as good at tracking and cracking cases as Matt is. In "Peace, Love and Hackerness," she also demonstrates an ability to sing. She is the only member of the Cybersquad to have eyeglass
Glasses, also known as eyeglasses , spectacles or simply specs , are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes. They are normally used for vision correction or eye protection. Safety glasses are a kind of eye protection against flying debris or against visible and near visible light or...
es. Her most common catchphrase is "This is not good; this is not good at all!" Occasionally other people will use the phrase in her place, to which she responds, "My sentiments exactly." Her other commonly used catchphrase is "Don't call me Nezzie!" whenever Matt slips up and uses her nickname. Inez often acts as a buffer for the Cybersquad since she knows how to compromise and mediate when there is a disagreement. She stands on her head
Head stand
The head stand is a pose that is an inversion posture of standing head up. The technique is used in different settings, like yoga, breakdancing and beginner gymnastics.-In Yoga:The head stand is called Sirsasana or Sirshasana in Hatha yoga....
and hand
A handstand is the act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted vertical position by balancing on the hands. In a basic handstand the body is held straight with arms and legs fully extended, with hands spaced approximately shoulder-width apart...
s to think better. It is suggested that she has, or had, a crush on Slider. Slider has called her "Nezzie" without annoying her in episodes 310 and 606. When Matt asked why, she replied that Slider is "different" because she likes him, and left it at that. However, there have also been other occasions when others, such as Digit, have called her "Nezzie" without making her mad, so she might only have a problem with Matt doing it. It is shown that she may have an inner fondness for Matt, nonetheless.
Digit (voiced by Gilbert GottfriedGilbert Gottfried
Gilbert Gottfried is an American actor, voice actor and stand-up comedian, best known for his trademark comedic persona of speaking in a loud, grating tone of voice. He has played numerous roles in film and television, perhaps most notably voicing the parrot Iago in Disney's Aladdin , and...
) is a cyboid that works for Motherboard. He and the kids protect Cyberspace
Cyberspace is the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place.The term "cyberspace" was first used by the cyberpunk science fiction author William Gibson, though the concept was described somewhat earlier, for example in the Vernor Vinge short story "True...
and Motherboard from Hacker. Digit was created by Hacker and worked for him for a long time, along with Buzz and Delete. He escaped after learning of Hacker's evil doings. He became one of Motherboard's helpers, serving as Dr. Marbles' assistant. He would later join the Cybersquad. Digit can fly by spinning his tail feathers helicopter-fashion. But he has a fear of heights and prefers to walk, despite that he can fly. There are a few epidoes where it shows Digit is unable to fly and is able to fly with his wings. If the Inez, Matt, Jackie and others have a problem, he can fix it by saying, "Never fear, the Didge is here." He's a cook and he didn't go to cooking school for of 'The Cyber Chef' and 'Cookin' with the Didge'. He carries many objects in his chest, including Widget. He used to try building virtual nests and didn't have such accurate practice. He can turn his beak into just about anything, and bends it on usual occasion. In 107, he doesn't appear. He also can disguise his voice very well.
Motherboard (voiced by Kristina Nicoll) is the relaxed and benevolent ruler of Cyberspace and lives in the cybersite Control Central. She looks similar to a mainframe. Her former assistant was Hacker who put a virus in her, but because her firewall wasn't fully uploaded before the virus hit, she was only left weak. Dr. Marbles, Matt, Jackie, Inez, and Digit try to recover the Encryptor Chip and keep Motherboard safe from Hacker. In another episode, the Encryptor Chip is destroyed.Dr. Marbles
Dr. Marbles (voiced by Richard Binsley) is the smart and brilliant inventor who serves Motherboard. He's full of ideas, as the lightbulb on his head suggests. His speech is peppered with computer terms, like "Backspace!" instead of "Hold on a minute!" He is the one responsible for creating Hacker to help and defend Motherboard, although Hacker would later rebel against Motherboard and tried to destroy her. A guilty Marbles would then downgrade Hacker's power and banish him to the Northern Frontier for his wrongful actions, right after Hacker vowing to return to finish Motherboard and Marbles before taking over Cyberspace. He's seen in episodes: 101, 102, 109, 110, 111, 113, 120, 121, 201, 205, 304, 309, 310, and 605. In 304, he doesn't talk. He appears in season 1 the most.Widget
Widget(voiced by Gilbert GottfriedGilbert Gottfried
Gilbert Gottfried is an American actor, voice actor and stand-up comedian, best known for his trademark comedic persona of speaking in a loud, grating tone of voice. He has played numerous roles in film and television, perhaps most notably voicing the parrot Iago in Disney's Aladdin , and...
) is a cute and small likeness of Digit, looks like him too. His hat, tail feathers, and bowtie are not screwed on properly. He's seen in episodes: 124, 206, 308, and 504. In episode 124, it is revealed that he can't fly yet.
The Hacker
Hacker (voiced by Christopher LloydChristopher Lloyd
Christopher Allen Lloyd is an American actor. He is best known for playing Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy, Uncle Fester in The Addams Family and Addams Family Values, and Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He played Reverend Jim Ignatowski in the television series Taxi and more...
) is the main villain in the series. In almost every episode, he is trying to conquer all or a part of Cyberspace
Cyberspace is the electronic medium of computer networks, in which online communication takes place.The term "cyberspace" was first used by the cyberpunk science fiction author William Gibson, though the concept was described somewhat earlier, for example in the Vernor Vinge short story "True...
, but is thwarted each time by the Cybersquad. He resembles Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Elvis Aaron Presley was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. A cultural icon, he is widely known by the single name Elvis. He is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "the King"....
, a fact he appears to be aware of, but is green-faced and wears a black wig and has a pointy chin of which he is vain
In conventional parlance, vanity is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others. Prior to the 14th century it did not have such narcissistic undertones, and merely meant futility. The related term vainglory is now often seen as an archaic synonym for vanity, but...
. He also wears a bicoloured cape. Occasionally, working too hard to take over Cyberspace can make his skin very pale or his chin saggy. He always prefers to be called "The Hacker" because mostly everyone calls him that and if someone calls him Hacker, he usually say in an angry voice in response, "That's THE HACKER to you" ! He was created by Dr. Marbles to assist Motherboard, but he rebelled and was exiled to a Cybersite called the Northern Frontier. Nevertheless, he does have potential to become good again, as shown in one of the episodes where he became a peaceful artist (temporarily). He has two cyborg
A cyborg is a being with both biological and artificial parts. The term was coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline used it in an article about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space. D. S...
lackeys, Buzz and Delete, whose reliability is quite variable; sometimes, he gets very peeved when he has to do things himself that Buzz and Delete can't. He travels in his large spaceship
A spacecraft or spaceship is a craft or machine designed for spaceflight. Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo....
, the Grim Wreaker (parody of The Grim Reaper). Hacker has several rude, and many times alliterative, names for the Cybersquad (most common "Earth brats" and a couple times "goody-goody gang" and "terrestrial termites"), Digit (most commonly "Cyber-turkey"), and Buzz and Delete (including "(dispicable) duncebuckets", "nickel-plated twits", "maladroit melonheads", and "(half-brained) bucket of bolts"). He is also known to have arachnophobia
Arachnophobia or arachnephobia is a specific phobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions. It is a manifestation of zoophobia, among the most common of all phobias. The reactions of arachnophobics often seem irrational to others...
, as shown in the episode "And They Counted Happily Ever After" when the Spider from Little Miss Muffet told him to give back their King, and some phasmophobia, (fear of ghosts) after encountering Ivanka The Invincible in "All The Right Angles". He is similar to Doctor Ivo Robotnik aka Eggman, the villain from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
Buzz (voiced by Len CarlsonLen Carlson
Len Carlson was a Canadian voice actor on many animated television series from the 1960s onward, an occasional live-action TV actor, and a Kraft Canada TV pitchman during the 1970s and 1980s...
2002-2005, Phil Williams
Phil Williams (presenter)
Phil Williams is a British radio news reporter and presenter, currently presenting the BBC Radio 5 Live weekend breakfast show with Anna Foster....
in 2006-2010) is one of Hacker's henchmen, a small spherical cyborg
A cyborg is a being with both biological and artificial parts. The term was coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline used it in an article about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space. D. S...
with a large mouth and scrawny limbs, but he seems to think he's a big tough guy; however, he can be kind at times. One thing Buzz hates doing is Hacker's work and the episode "Chaos as Usual" he admitted that he didn't like Hacker much after he wouldn't let Buzz play slugball. He also has a pair of antannae that can apparently be used as joysticks (as seen in the episode Trick or Treat.) Buzz's friend Delete calls him Buzzy and Buzz's favorite food is doughnut
A doughnut or donut is a fried dough food and is popular in many countries and prepared in various forms as a sweet snack that can be homemade or purchased in bakeries, supermarkets, food stalls, and franchised specialty outlets...
s. He's a bit smarter than Delete. The episode "EcoHaven Ooze" was dedicated to Carlson. He is similar to Grounder from the cartoon series, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is an American animated series that was first broadcast in September 1993, and only for one season...
Delete (voiced by Robert TinklerRobert Tinkler
Robert Tinkler is a Canadian actor and television actor who is primarily known for his voiceover work. He is the voice of Howie on Almost Naked Animals, Max on The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police, Delete in the series of Cyberchase, Cenotaph & Brooklyn in Beyblade, Rubeus in the...
) is one of Hacker's henchmen. Delete is taller and skinnier than Buzz, and has a snout like a dog
The domestic dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and companion animal in...
. He also had extendable arms, as seen in several episodes. In some episodes, he has proven to be an ally to the Cybersquad, including episode 505. Delete's best friend and cohort is Buzz, who calls him "Dee Dee." Delete also loves animal
Animals are a major group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as they develop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on in their life. Most animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and...
s of all kinds, especially bunnies
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world...
. In episodes 112, 302, 304, and 505, he says, "I wish I had a bunny. I would love him, and keep him, and call him George!" a quote from the Abominable Snowman character from the Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes is a Warner Bros. animated cartoon series. It preceded the Merrie Melodies series and was Warner Bros.'s first animated theatrical series. Since its first official release, 1930's Sinkin' in the Bathtub, the series has become a worldwide media franchise, spawning several television...
short, The Abominable Snow Rabbit
The Abominable Snow Rabbit
The Abominable Snow Rabbit is a six minute 1961 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes theatrical cartoon starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. The cartoon was directed by Chuck Jones and co-directed by Maurice Noble, with a story by Tedd Pierce. The cartoon's title is taken from the phrase and horror film The...
(which, in turn, is based on the character of Lenny from John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. was an American writer. He is widely known for the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden and the novella Of Mice and Men...
's Of Mice and Men
Of Mice and Men
Of Mice and Men is a novella written by Nobel Prize-winning author John Steinbeck. Published in 1937, it tells the tragic story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression in California, USA....
). In episode 505, when his "fairy borg father
Fairy godmother
In fairy tales, a fairy godmother is a fairy with magical powers who acts as a mentor or parent to someone, in the role that an actual godparent was expected to play in many societies...
" Zanko pays him a visit, Delete finally gets his very own bunny named George and even invents a new toy: a bunny copter. Delete has a bit of a soft spot to the Cybersquad and is very kind natured. He's not as evil as he seems and like Buzz, only does what he's told to do. He does seem to be getting smarter, in season 8, he tries to warn The Hacker several times, only for Hacker to get angry, but it turns out that he was right. (review and edit needed) He is similar to Scratch from the cartoon series, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is an American animated series that was first broadcast in September 1993, and only for one season...
Wicked is a tricky witchWitchcraft
Witchcraft, in historical, anthropological, religious, and mythological contexts, is the alleged use of supernatural or magical powers. A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft...
who appears in many adventures. She has bright red hair, likes spending money, and has a quick temper. She wants to take over Cyberspace just as much as Hacker. She is a witch who lives in Happily Ever After and often tries to convince Hacker to become her partner. She and Hacker sometimes have a love for each other.Hacker has several times reluctantly hired or even courted her, but always jilts her and in his appearance on "Lucky Star", he called Wicked a sorry excuse for a sorceress. In return, Wicked either casts a spell on him or wrecks his evil-doing plans. She is voiced by Jane Curtin
Jane Curtin
Jane Therese Curtin is an American actress and comedienne. She is commonly referred to as Queen of the Deadpan.First coming to prominence as an original cast member on Saturday Night Live in 1975, she went on to win back-to-back Emmy Awards for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy Series on the 1980s...
, then by Linda Ballantyne
Linda Ballantyne
Linda Ballantyne is a Canadian voice actress.Born in Toronto, Canada, she is best known for voicing the title role of Serena/Sailor Moon in the the second half of the English version of Sailor Moon....
. She's seen in episodes: 108, 109, 122, 201, 203, 211, 309, 310, 311, 407, 409, 501, 503, 510, 603, 606, 608, and 707.
Note: A portrait of her is shown in episode 803 in Seeing Sam's office.
Baskerville is a hunchbackHunchback
Hunchback may refer to one of the following.*A derogatory term for a person who has severe kyphosis*The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Hunchback , an arcade and computer game from the 1980s*The Hunchback, a 1914 film featuring Lillian Gish...
wolf-like cyborg with a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
accent who has often been called up by Hacker to assist in his evil schemes, because of him being more reliable than Buzz and Delete. Of course, because of that, Buzz and Delete don't like him very much, especially when he takes over their daily jobs such as: giving Hacker some tea, ironing his cape, etc. He is also known to work cheap. He's seen in episodes: 112, 407, 504, 704, 705, and 804. He is voiced by Juan Chioran. Baskerville may also be a possible reference to the British horror
Horror film
Horror films seek to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres...
movie "Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London is a 1935 Horror/werewolf movie starring Henry Hull and produced by Universal Pictures. Jack Pierce's eerie werewolf make-up was simpler than his version six years later for Lon Chaney, Jr., in The Wolf Man but, according to film historians, remains strikingly effective as worn...
Warren is a wayward genie who wants to rule Cyberspace. His full name is Warren Plotnick. His mother is a lunch lady from Nowhere who grounded him for twenty years after his last evil rampage. He's tough and intimidating when alone, but when his mother shows up, he's rather wimpy and overly-obedient. He also used to be Hacker's idol, but after their first encounter, they're never happy to see each other throughout the series. He was seen in episodes 120, 205, 309 and 310. He lives in a bottle in Nowhere but shows up in other cybersites. Digit can imitate Warren's mother's voice.Ann Arki
Ann Arki, whose name is a play on the word "Anarchy," is a villainess who is known as the Queen of Chaos. She is able to appear like a genie and gives out a villain award, called the Arki award. She appears in episode 609, where she wants Hacker to do something dastardly to win the arki, but when he fails to do so, she sends him a letter saying that he is no longer eligible for the arki. She is voiced by L. HolbertOlga
Olga was hired by Hacker to help drain the pond in EcoHaven in episode #504. She appears to be a mechanic. Olga also appeared in episode #804 when Hacker tried to find out who created the Hackerizer. Voiced by Annie WalterCyclops
Cyclops was first seen giving Hacker a massage in episode #409. He was later hired to help drain the pond in Ecohaven in episode #504.Trashinator
Trashinator (voiced by Phil WilliamsPhil Williams
Professor Philip James Stradling Williams was a Welsh politician for Plaid Cymru and scientist.-Background:...
) is another cyborg was seen helping Hacker in episode #504, also known as "Trash". This cyborg appears to enjoy doughnuts as much as Buzz and eats with a hole in his head covered by a lid. This cyborg was also seen in episodes #609, #704, and #804. He is known for having various skills in slugball.
A monster created by Hacker to help him take over all of Cyberspace. Appeared first in the episode "Castleblanca", where he mistakenly got Delete's brain rather than Dr. Marbles's, much to Hacker's embarrassment. He then appeared in the episode "A Perfect Fit", where Hacker tried to use the sun to bring him back to life. His last (and most brief) appearance was in the episode "The Halloween Howl", where he is seen trick-or-treating with a mummyMummy
A mummy is a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness , very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs, so that the recovered body will not decay further if kept in cool and dry...
. He is voiced by Robert Tinkler
Robert Tinkler
Robert Tinkler is a Canadian actor and television actor who is primarily known for his voiceover work. He is the voice of Howie on Almost Naked Animals, Max on The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police, Delete in the series of Cyberchase, Cenotaph & Brooklyn in Beyblade, Rubeus in the...
Ledge is a villain who appears in episodes #804 & #805. In #804, he first appears in a door where he can't be Hackerized. He convinces the Cybersquad to unplug the machine causing everyone to be like Hacker literally. At first, he seems like a nice guy, but then he reveals his true colors when he tells Inez that he created the machine that is causing everyone to be Hacker, as he actually tricked Jackie, Matt, and Digit into being Hackerized, hoping that Inez will fall victim to it as well, revealing himself to be Hacker's greatest fan. Escaping with his plan being into fruition, he goes to Hacker's ship to tell Hacker of his succeeding plan, hoping to get a place on Hacker's side. This impresses Hacker once, but when he is about to bring Ledge into his inner circle, he finds out that the machine gets unplugged by Inez, who has actually avoided been Hackerized. Angered by Ledge's failure, Hacker orders Buzz and Delete to kick Ledge out of the ship. Returning in #805, an angry Ledge then becomes Hacker's dangerous rival, humiliating him several times for deeming him a failure. Using his wits, Ledge intends to steal one Hacker's previous inventions that can be used to help Motherboard, though this was backfired too, thanks to a temporary alliance between the Hacker and the Cybersquad. Despite appearing in two episodes and becoming Hacker's dangerous rival, Ledge can be implied to the Cybersquad's most dangerous enemy, as he plays more wisely to the Cybersquad's moves, unlike Hacker, who underestimates their intelligence all the time. And because of these facts, it's what made both Hacker and the Cybersquad develop a hateful grudge against Ledge, believing him to be a dirty rat. Voiced by Alex KarzisAlex Karzis
Constantine Alexander Karzis is a Canadian film and television actor, voiceover artist, singer, and musician. He was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario....
Binary is the gatekeeper and mermaidMermaid
A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head, arms, and torso and the tail of a fish. A male version of a mermaid is known as a "merman" and in general both males and females are known as "merfolk"...
of Aquari-Yum. She's green with long reddish pinkish purplish hair. She has a yellow shirt, a blue hat and purple lips. She's seen in episode #116.
Icky is a large gastropod resembling a slugSlug
Slug is a common name that is normally applied to any gastropod mollusc that lacks a shell, has a very reduced shell, or has a small internal shell...
. He absorbs energy directly from his surroundings, understands several languages, and communicates through patterns of electric buzzes. If he doesn't absorb the natural energy of Aquari-yum, the site boils over. Besides, he needs to feed on energy to survive, otherwise he'd shrivel up to nothing. He can also camouflage
Camouflage is a method of concealment that allows an otherwise visible animal, military vehicle, or other object to remain unnoticed, by blending with its environment. Examples include a leopard's spotted coat, the battledress of a modern soldier and a leaf-mimic butterfly...
himself. He's seen in episodes: 116, 123, and 402. In 123 he doesn't buzz.
Manny the Medium
Manny the Medium is a lazy cyber-manateeManatee
Manatees are large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows...
that usually sleeps and knows all. He's seen in episode #402 and voiced by Harvey Atkin
Harvey Atkin
Harvey Atkin is a Canadian voice actor who has worked in feature films and television. He has also done voice-overs, and has voiced animations.- Early life :...
The Crab Prince
The Crab Prince of the kingdom is a crab that helps people and begins to be a prince in The Grapes of Plath, Episode #306. He helps Icky the slug keep his energy pod in episode #402. Also, since he's the prince, it's his job to keep Icky's secret hideaway a secret. But tells Jackie, Matt, Inez, and Digit about it. Voiced by Jason MichasJason Michas
Jason Michas is a Canadian-born voice actor, who played in animated television shows such as Sabrina, the Animated Series as Harvey Kinkle, and in Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars as the protagonist in the first four episodes...
The Sams
The Sams are a two-headed creature that often helped the Cybersquad. They appears in the episode where the Cybersquad need new cryoxide for Motherboard when her system blows up. They also appeared in the first Castleblanca episode as music players and are in episodes 102, 114, 115, 121, 405 and 406. They also appears in the "Lucky Star" game clip on the Cyberchase website. voiced by Philip WilliamsPhilip Williams
Phillip Williams was a decorated Captain of the United States Navy and one-time military Governor of the United States Virgin Islands....
Erica Ram
Erica Ram is a pretty, friendly, and inquestive cyboid with pink hair and light blue skin from on a TV show and fell in love with Hacker during the episode, The Halloween Howl, a.k.a., episode 501. Erica gives interviews to people because she is at the Cyberscoop. She almost always smiles, and doesn't like carolers (as seen in episode 312). She's seen in episodes 211, 310, 312, 407, 501, 601, 602, 701 and 804. In episode 602, she doesn't talk at all. Voiced by Carla CollinsCarla Collins
Carla Collins is a Canadian comedian, actress, television host and writer. Astand-up, she has been hailed by the press as “Canada’s Tina Fey” and the “Queen of Comedy”. Carla performs across North America. She is a regular at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles and on tour with the renowned “Hot...
Gnome is in all kinds of castles. Sometimes, he won't let people pass without his permission. He is a mean little guy who prefers people keeping their speeches short. He's seen in episodes: 102 and 114.Mayor Wolfman
Mayor Wolfman is the mayor of Castleblanca. He does not like anybody to take over his castle but Hacker has done it to him and he found the mayor's secret's (the Gargoyles of Grisli). He has a blue or black nose. In his castle there's also a trap door in his study. He's seen in episode #501.Ms. Fileshare
Ms. Fileshare the head cybrarian of the Cybrary is voiced by Jasmine GuyJasmine Guy
Jasmine Guy is an American actress, singer and dancer. She is best known for her starring role as Whitley Gilbert in the television sitcom A Different World.-Biography:...
. She has high standards and six arms, and once she makes a decision she is inflexible until she eventually learns to be open-minded. She's seen in episodes 210, 308, and 706.
Shari Spotter
Shari Spotter is a responsible and nice young wizard/witch-like girl who uses her special powers to protect her school, Frogsnorts Sorcerer's Academy (a reference to HogwartsHogwarts
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or simply Hogwarts is the primary setting for the first six books of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, with each book lasting the equivalent of one school year. It is a fictional boarding school of magic for witches and wizards between the ages of...
from Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...
). Shari wears perfectly round and red specs for glasses but in most parts her red specs are purple. She appeared in episodes 311, 401, 601, and 604. She has a crush on Matt which annoys Inez; and in 601, she doesn't talk. Reference of the male Harry Potter
Harry Potter (character)
Harry James Potter is the title character and main protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Potter who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard...
in the Harry Potter book series. She is voiced by Julie Lemieux
Julie Lemieux
-Character voices:Julie Lemieux has provided the voice for characters such as Sammy Tsukino and Young Sapphire in Sailor Moon, Darien Shields in Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose, and Peruru in Sailor Moon Supers the Movie: Black Dream Hole. She has also played Funshine Bear Care Bears:...
Professor Stumblesnore
- Professor Stumblesnore is the firm headmaster of Frogsnorts who made Shari mind cosmic crumpets. He is seen in episodes: 311, 401 and 604. Reference of Dumbledore from the Harry Potter book series. Voiced by Ivan Sherry.
Mister Zero
Mister Zero is the compassinate king of 0 in all of Cyberspace and he lives in Gollywood and leaves temporarily because Hacker was sending him hateful anonymous letters. He only appeared in episode 303.Stormy Gale
Stormy Gale is a meteorologist and is voiced by Janice HuffJanice Huff
Janice Huff is chief meteorologist for WNBC in New York City.-Early years:As she has sometimes noted on her newscast, though born in New York City, at an early age she moved to her grandparents in Columbia, South Carolina, and graduated from Eau Claire High School with honors, where she was a...
, an actual meteorologist with New York's WNBC-TV. She appears in two episodes aired April 20–21. Janice Huff also did the some 'For Real' Segments.
Grand Ground Hoggian
The Grand Ground Hoggian is a ground hoggian who wakes up on Grand Ground Hoggian Day to see his shadow to symbolize harvest time; he doesn't see his shadow, that means the ground hoggians will wait for 6 more weeks. Before he took the torch, his grandpa was once Grand Ground Hoggian and is three times taller than he is. Voiced by Phillip WilliamsThe King
The King of Happily Ever After is a fictional fairy tale character. In some episodes, he cries when he hears something bad. Digit nicknames him Kingy. (voiced by Bruce HunterBruce Hunter (actor)
Bruce Hunter is a Canadian actor and comedian from Calgary, Alberta. He has appeared in television shows such as Puppets Who Kill and The Red Green Show. Hunter received a Canadian Comedy Awards nomination in 2002 for his work on the television series After Hours...
The Town Crier
The Town Crier is a sad man who worries a lot about Happily Ever After. He usually spreads the news so everyone in Happily Ever After knows. he appears in episodes 108, 122 and 603.Spider
Spider is positive and hopeful who wears glasses, six boots and a green shirt. Jackie has a real fondness for him. He usually an outcast because everyone was afraid of him. However, everyone began to warm up to him when he helped count the golden eggs for the king's ransom. He appeared in 108 and 122.Ziff
A green pig who lives with his two brothers. Previously, his is name was Pig 2 and he formerly made a deal with Hacker, who promised to protect him and his brothers from the Big Bad Wolf (who won't stop pushing them around). He took a big part in season six, episode three where he helped the Cybersquad bring back the happy endings. He appeared in 108, 122, 203, 208, 406, 503, and 603. Voiced by Adrian Egan.Wanda
Wanda (voiced by legendary mathemetician Danica McKellarDanica McKellar
Danica Mae McKellar is an American actress, academic, and education advocate. She is best known for her role as Winnie Cooper in the television show The Wonder Years, and later as author of the three The New York Times bestsellers, Math Doesn't Suck, Kiss My Math, and Hot X: Algebra Exposed, which...
) is Wicked's magic wand who is very smart. Wicked says what to do and she does it. She can only do magic if Wicked gives her a command. She's seen in every episode Wicked appears in, but is only anthropomorphized in episode #503.
Harriet Hippo
A pink hearty hippopotamusHippopotamus
The hippopotamus , or hippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" , is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest land mammal and the heaviest...
who has met Matt and Digit with a big heart. When she is nice, her nostrils are heart-shaped and her tummy symbol is a big heart.
Jam Master
The guardian of the Jimayan pyramid and the symball. He is seen in 607. He laughs diabolically much of the time, but he is just trying to protect the symball. He is voiced by Jim CarreyJim Carrey
James Eugene "Jim" Carrey is a Canadian-American actor and comedian. He has received two Golden Globe Awards and has also been nominated on four occasions. Carrey began comedy in 1979, performing at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto, Ontario...
Jules, who was first seen as a cave guard in episode 507, is a good friend of the Cybersquad, but is often timid, and was scared of the dark (which is why he sleeps with a night light). He appears again in episode 607, where Hacker tricks him into pressing the nose of the Jam Master, causing Matt, Jackie, Creech and himself to get sucked into the chamber of Jamaya. After that he appeared in 801 where he helped in Hacker's Challenge. He is often trying to find a job, but Hacker continuously tries to ruin it for him. He does not let Hacker (or anyone for that matter) push him around. He is voiced by Scott McCordScott McCord
William Scott McCord is a Canadian actor, voice actor, singer and bandleader for the soul/rock pop band . On television he is best known for playing Dan Kuso in Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Owen and Trent in Fresh Animation's Total Drama series.- Animation:* 6teen - Stone* Babar and the Adventures of...
Mayor of Memoryville
He is seen in 610, and promises that he will give the key to the town to whoever wins the slugball championship. But, he has one rule about the key: you can open any door, except for the door to the memory banks. He is voiced by James Rankin.Stats
Stats is the commentator for the slugball game in 610. Voiced by Ian James CorlettIan James Corlett
Ian James Corlett is a Canadian animation voice artist, writer, and musician. He is the creator of Studio B Productions' animated series Being Ian and Yvon of the Yukon....
Zeus is a stereotypic version of his mythological namesakeZeus
In the ancient Greek religion, Zeus was the "Father of Gods and men" who ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father ruled the family. He was the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter and his Etruscan counterpart is Tinia.Zeus was the child of Cronus...
and is ruler of Mount Olympus. He's seen in episodes 106, 121, 126, and 606. (voiced by Philip Bosco
Philip Bosco
-Personal life:Bosco was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, the son of Margaret Raymond , a policewoman, and Philip Lupo Bosco, a carnival worker. Bosco went to high school at St. Peter's Preparatory School in Jersey City. He attended the Catholic University of Washington, D.C. Bosco married Nancy...
). He is also the ruler of the Gods and has a very boisterous laughter.
She is not as close to her mythological namesakeAthena
In Greek mythology, Athena, Athenê, or Athene , also referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, warfare, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, justice, and skill. Minerva, Athena's Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes. Athena is...
as Zeus. She appears in 606 most likely as who would have been in the obstacle course with "strategy".
Voiced by Linda Ballantyne.
He is seen in 606 with AthenaAthena
In Greek mythology, Athena, Athenê, or Athene , also referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, warfare, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, justice, and skill. Minerva, Athena's Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes. Athena is...
and Hermes
Hermes is the great messenger of the gods in Greek mythology and a guide to the Underworld. Hermes was born on Mount Kyllini in Arcadia. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of the cunning of thieves, of orators and...
atop Mt. Olympus when Zeus
In the ancient Greek religion, Zeus was the "Father of Gods and men" who ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father ruled the family. He was the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. His Roman counterpart is Jupiter and his Etruscan counterpart is Tinia.Zeus was the child of Cronus...
wants them to work as a team before calling Control Central. He would've done the swim. He is recognizable with his trident and merman
Mermen are mythical male equivalents of mermaids – legendary creatures who have the form of a human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down.-Mythology:...
-like features. He was a human/mermaid.
Hermes is based on HermesHermes
Hermes is the great messenger of the gods in Greek mythology and a guide to the Underworld. Hermes was born on Mount Kyllini in Arcadia. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of the cunning of thieves, of orators and...
, the real god. He has his caduceus, wing helmet, and winged sandals. He is seen in 606 and would've been in the race to the top of Mt. Olympus as he is the speedster of the gods. Seen in 606
Artemis (voiced by Annie Walter) is seen in episode 805 and helps the cybersquad find the Bluebird of Zappiness by shooting an arrow to the point of the next clue. She has a slight New York accent in the show.Warren's mom
A lunch lady from nowhere, can be kind, but had to ground her son because of an evil rampage. She collects action figures and has a whole stash of them. She speaks with a southern accent. She is voiced by Kathleen LaskeyKathleen Laskey
Kathleen Laskey, sometimes credited as Kathy Laskey, is a Canadian actress, primarily associated with television roles. Her credits include roles in Check it Out!, Being Erica, Street Legal, George Shrinks, Blue Murder, Yin Yang Yo!, Wayside, Weird Years, At the Hotel and The Eleventh...
DJ Groovy
DJ Groovy is the DJ that runs the farout radio. Seen in 803, he talks in hip-hop style with words like "groovy" or "far out". He is voiced by Rory O'SheaHector
Hector is a bee seen in 803 that teams up with the Cybersquad. He can tell what the other bees want or how they feel. He is voiced by Carlos DiazCarlos Diaz
Carlos Diaz may refer to:*Carlos Diaz , pitcher in Major League Baseball*Carlos Díaz , member of the Senate of Puerto Rico*Carlos Díaz , Chilean-born Canadian film and television actor...
TW (Teeny Weeny Parallini) is a small square girl Parallini. She is not scared of Hacker, and despite the fact that her mother wouldn't let her help the cybersquad, she does help them find Diamond Joe. She is seen in 506 and 801. in 801, she helps in the Hacker's challenge. Voiced by Isabel de CarteretDiamond Joe Parallini
Diamond Joe is an old parallini, who used to be a member of the Flying Parallinis, a group of parallelograms that would fly and make shapes in the air. He seams to be somewhat of a cowboy. voiced by James RankinJames Rankin
James Rankin was an American lighthouse keeper.A native of Killashee, County Longford, Ireland, Rankin emigrated to the United States in 1867. He served as the keeper of East Brother Island Light in California from 1877 to 1878, when he was transferred to Fort Point Light in San Francisco, where...
Mother Parallini
She is TW's mother, despite the fact she is strict about the 'no tilting, no leaning' rule, she is kind hearted and wants the best for her fellow Parallinis. She is voiced by Danielle Jonas.Fluff
Fluff is a penguin that plays hockey, which is hard in Cyberia. He tries to think very hard. He's seen in episodes: 403, 602, 702, 801, 802, and 807. He helped the Cybersquad with the hacker's challenge. He is voiced by Austin DilulioCoach
Coach is a penguin who teaches the kids and penguinPenguin
Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have become flippers...
s how to play ice hockey
Ice hockey
Ice hockey, often referred to as hockey, is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use wooden or composite sticks to shoot a hard rubber puck into their opponent's net. The game is played between two teams of six players each. Five members of each team skate up and down the ice trying to take...
. He uses a monitor to track the puck and show the players what works and what doesn't. He's only seen in episode #403.
Ice is known as one of the best players of penguin hockey. She is able to hit the pole every time, by shooting at a special "aiming spot". She's seen in episode 403 (doesn't talk) and 802 where she is the captain of the Penguin Village Voyagers, where she gets fooled by the ads for Cyberblades. She then appears in 807 where she helps the sybersquad and fluff stop the meltinator machine from melting all the snow of penguia. She is sister of Emma Penguin and is voiced by Lisette St. LouisFergie
Fergie is known for her inventions. Her inventions include: The Polar Engine, the Ice-O-Nart, and the Meltmeister. She is seen in episode 702 and is voiced by Julie LemieuxJulie Lemieux
-Character voices:Julie Lemieux has provided the voice for characters such as Sammy Tsukino and Young Sapphire in Sailor Moon, Darien Shields in Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose, and Peruru in Sailor Moon Supers the Movie: Black Dream Hole. She has also played Funshine Bear Care Bears:...
PJ Penguin
PJ is Fluff's dad, and is seen in episodes 602 and 802. Despite the fact he never met them, he proves to be an ally to the cyber squad, as he is against the Hacker, and is determined to stop him, having several times in his appearances told him to give up, and that he was wasting his time trying to ruin starlight night. He participated in the snowflake ceremonies and the Starlight Night Penguin March, then passed his place down to Fluff. He also scored the winning goal to get the Penguia Cup when he played the Titans when he was younger. He's very proud of his son.He is voiced by James Rankin
James Rankin
James Rankin was an American lighthouse keeper.A native of Killashee, County Longford, Ireland, Rankin emigrated to the United States in 1867. He served as the keeper of East Brother Island Light in California from 1877 to 1878, when he was transferred to Fort Point Light in San Francisco, where...
She is the leader of the penguin march, and apparently Fluff's aunt. She is seen in 602 and is voiced by Stacy DePass.Berny
Berny is Fluff's best friend and a fellow member of the penguin village voyagers. He cares about Fluff and appears to have Fluff's best interests at heart. Voiced by Adam LevineAdam Levine
Adam Noah Levine is an American singer-songwriter and musician, best known as the front man and guitarist for the pop rock band Maroon 5. He is also a coach on the American talent show The Voice.-Early life:...
Walter is a crafty cyber walrus who guards the bridge that leads to the Ice Palace. Every year on Starlight Night, he pulls the same old prank by stalling the penguin march (or least he tries to) for the fun of it. He lets the marchers pass only if they correctly answer a question. Rusty doesn't like him very much. Voiced by Kim Mitchel.Razz
A Perfectamundian who is famous for inventing the Digifizz toy. He is partners with Digit and appears in episode 703. Voiced by Helen KingHelen King
Helen King is a Canadian actress working in theatre, film and TV as an actor, voice artist, puppeteer & singer....
Mayor of Perfectamundo
The leader of Perfectamundo. Appears in episode 703. Voiced by Julie LemieuxJulie Lemieux
-Character voices:Julie Lemieux has provided the voice for characters such as Sammy Tsukino and Young Sapphire in Sailor Moon, Darien Shields in Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose, and Peruru in Sailor Moon Supers the Movie: Black Dream Hole. She has also played Funshine Bear Care Bears:...
Shah is the ruler of Pompadouria. Briefly made a pawn of by the Hacker, who tried to exchange the Wicked Witch for the Shah's absent daughter. ShahShah
Shāh is the title of the ruler of certain Southwest Asian and Central Asian countries, especially Persia , and derives from the Persian word shah, meaning "king".-History:...
is a Persian word for monarch. Voiced by Brad Adamson.
Petra Petra is a Hedgehopper who appears in episode #707. She helps the group to break the love spell that the Wicked put. Voiced by Bryn McAuleyBryn McAuley
Bryn McAuley, born in 1989, is a voice actress whose roles have included Caillou on the television series of the same name, Anne Shirley on "Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series", Sam on Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, Gina Lash on Angela Anaconda, Harriet on Franklin, Oyster on Toad...
Keesha is a green Hedgehopper that was only mentioned by Petra. She got mad when Mikey was supposed to be in another spot.Mikey
Mikey is a blue Hedgehopper that was only mentioned by Jackie. He went to A10 where Keesha was supposed to be.Annie
Annie is a young poddle seen in episode 107. She helped the kids escape from jail in Poddleville after they were arrested by mistake. She is apparently good friends with Jackie. She will appear in a future episode and is voiced by Elizabeth JonesElizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Jones was the eleventh Chief Engraver of the United States Mint, holding this position from 1981 until her resignation in 1991...
(season 1-2), Danielle Todd (season 8-present).
The Mayor of Poddleville
The Mayor is the mayor of Poddleville and has a 1 on his chest. He is a caring poddle who at first thinks the cybersquad is ruining their town in 107, but then warms up to them when he sees them save poddleville. He appears in 121 where he tries to stop hacker from freezing his sight, and where he appears to be good at saving dr. marbles. He appears again in 212 where he gives a party to hacker for making peace for Poddleville, although it turns out to be a diversion Hacker's doing to steal Poddleville's energy. He will appear in 806, where his name is revealed to be Bert. Voiced by Len CarlsonLen Carlson
Len Carlson was a Canadian voice actor on many animated television series from the 1960s onward, an occasional live-action TV actor, and a Kraft Canada TV pitchman during the 1970s and 1980s...
(season 1-2), and Phillip Williams (Season 8).
Irma is a poddle who is seen in episode 212, and helps with the crime scene investigation. She has a more majour role in 806, where she must prove to her best friend Annie that she doesn't think that she's useless. She's good at being a detective, and is the mayor's daughter. Voiced by Denise OliverDenise Oliver
Denise Oliver is a Canadian voice actress. She is currently the voice of Kitty Ko on the YTV series Sidekick and Yu Tendou of Beyblade: Metal Fusion in the English dub of the anime. She was the voice of Maurecia on Wayside, Hazel on My Friend Rabbit and Irma on Cyberchase....
Lilly is a poddle seen in 806. She wants a larger shadow and is voiced by Katie GriffinKatie Griffin
Katie Griffin is a Canadian actress, voice actress, and singer. She is most famous for voicing Alex in Totally Spies! and Sailor Mars in Sailor Moon. She is also the voice of Yoko in Team Galaxy and Laugh-a-Lot Bear in Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot and as a plush toy...
King Dudicus
- King Dudicus is the fictional head of Radopolis, an extreme sports cybersite and often uses slangSlangSlang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are considered more acceptable when used socially. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo...
. In the episode Totally Rad, The Hacker attempts to dethrone the King. The king decides to resolve the problem as is customary in Radopolis: by a skate-off contest. Voiced by Peter Cugno.
Slider is a serious and James DeanJames Dean
James Byron Dean was an American film actor. He is a cultural icon, best embodied in the title of his most celebrated film, Rebel Without a Cause , in which he starred as troubled Los Angeles teenager Jim Stark...
-style 13-year-old skateboarder in Radopolis who builds and repairs skateboards and bikes. Since season three, he has been a recurring character in the series. According to Slider, his father Coop had abandoned him when he was younger because The Hacker had hunted Coop for many years. However, in the episode "Measure for Measure" he finds out that his father abandoned him to protect him. Throughout the remainder of the series, Jackie and Inez seem to have a crush on him, which often makes Matt very jealous. Slider is voiced by Tim Hamaguchi and was in: 302, 309, 310, 404, 405, 408, 502, 601, 606, 704, and 801, but in 601, he doesn't talk. His name is probably due to the fact that he is a skateboarder, although it could also be one of the many references to other science fiction television shows on the show. It could also be a spoof of Strider from the Lord of the Rings, or a reference to the sci-fi drama series, Sliders
Sliders is an American science fiction television series. It was broadcast for five seasons, beginning in 1995 and ending in 2000. The series follows a group of travelers as they use a wormhole to "slide" between different parallel universes. The show was created by Robert K. Weiss and Tracy Tormé...
Coop (voiced by legendary skateboarder Tony HawkTony Hawk
Anthony Frank "Tony" Hawk , nicknamed "The Birdman" is an American retired professional skateboarder and actor. Hawk gained significant fame for completing the first 900 as well as his licensed video game titles distributed by Activision...
) is the father of Slider. For several years, The Hacker has hunted Coop in order to find his transformation machine. Although Coop refused to hand it over, The Hacker, in revenge, infected him with a dose of magnetite which prematurely aged him. Since then, he hid from Hacker, leaving Slider to fend on his own. Then Coop was reunited with Slider in episode #405. He was also seen on episode 502 but he does not look like he did in episode 405 (probably because he made a cure for the magnetite, hence the line, "Slider and I are going home to whip up another cure") and does not talk in the later episode.
Lucky is the manager of R-Fair City and speaks with a BrooklynBrooklyn
Brooklyn is the most populous of New York City's five boroughs, with nearly 2.6 million residents, and the second-largest in area. Since 1896, Brooklyn has had the same boundaries as Kings County, which is now the most populous county in New York State and the second-most densely populated...
accent. She often gives offers to visitors a fair game of chance. She is found in episode #'s 103, 119, 121 and 208 but in 208 she doesn't talk. She helps the Cybersquad when Hacker poses a threat to her amusement park. Lucky is voiced by Linda Kash
Linda Kash
Linda Kash is a Canadian actress.An alumna of Second City, she played Trudy Weissman in the 1998 Jean Smart sit-com, Style & Substance...
- Favorite Color: Brown
Grubby is a guy who lives in R-Fair-City. He's very funny but does not seem to like to bathe and wears a garbage can for clothing. He runs a game stand at R-Fair City called "Grubby's Whacky Worms". It's a game with four different chances of winning; you pick a worm, you win a hat, but you have to close your eyes while pulling out a worm from the sack. Each worm has four different colors: brown, orange, chartreuse, and puce. Grubby also appears in the episode "A Fraction of a Chance" to tell Digit and Wicked the final clue to locating the UVO.
Cy Clone
Cy Clone is a cowboy-looking "clone" catcher who catches clones wreaking havoc. He appeared only in episode #119, when he was asked by Lucky and the Cybersquad to capture a handful of "Delete" clones bumbling around in R-Fair City.Glowla
Glowla is a bird who looks similar to Digit and is only seen in episode #208. She's a famous performer who loves animals so made Spout and is voiced by Stephanie MorgensternStephanie Morgenstern
Stephanie Grace Morgenstern is a Swiss-Canadian actress, filmmaker, and screenwriter for television and film. Born in Geneva, Switzerland and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Morgenstern began her acting career when she was 15. She has worked extensively on stage, film, and television in both English...
Spout is Glowla's whale helper for performance. Made by Glowla herself, he is a cyberwhale who does not talk. Spout debuts in episode #208.Judge Trudy and Sheriff Judy
Judge Trudy (voiced by Carolyn ScottCarolyn Scott
Carolyn Scott is a art director and set decorator. She won an Academy Award in the category Best Art Direction for the film The Madness of King George.-External links:...
) and Sheriff Judy (also voiced by Scott) are the leaders of the Sensible Flats. They are often seen together, usually investigating criminals, the most noteworthy being Hacker. They are seen in episodes: 105, 117, 123, 206, 305, 309, 406, 601, and 804. In some of the episodes, they don't talk.
Their names parity Judge Judy
Judge Judy
Judge Judy is an American court show featuring former family court judge Judith Sheindlin arbitrating over small claims cases in small claims court...
Rudy is the cousin of Trudy and Judy who manages the Sensible Flats reservoir. He plays the harmonica, and keeps records of the water supply in town. He's seen in episode #117. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.Deke
Deke is an old hermit who lives by Lost Lake that feeds the Sensible Flats reservoir and plays the banjoBanjo
In the 1830s Sweeney became the first white man to play the banjo on stage. His version of the instrument replaced the gourd with a drum-like sound box and included four full-length strings alongside a short fifth-string. There is no proof, however, that Sweeney invented either innovation. This new...
. Of course, neither Trudy, Judy nor Rudy have heard of him. During especially dry times, he and the fish will do a rain dance in attempt to bring the rain and is seen in episode #117 and #804. He even uses a line graph
Line graph
In graph theory, the line graph L of undirected graph G is another graph L that represents the adjacencies between edges of G...
to keep track how the water level of the lake changes over time, can predict the future of the water level, and knows climbing tips. Voice credit TBA (please add immediately)
Master Pi
Master Pi (voiced by Geoffrey HolderGeoffrey Holder
Geoffrey Richard Holder is a Trinidadian actor, choreographer, director, dancer, painter, costume designer, singer and voice-over artist.-Early life:...
) is the reigning leader of Shangri-La, an Asian like cybersite, and is dressed in a blue robe and holds a rod with a ball with the symbol Pi
' is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter. is approximately equal to 3.14. Many formulae in mathematics, science, and engineering involve , which makes it one of the most important mathematical constants...
. Master Pi can move around by simply appearing and disappearing. He often gives words of wisdom and prosperity. Also, he only provides hospitality to those who understand the rules of politeness. Hacker sometimes calls him Pi-Face and Buzz sometimes calls him Pi-Man. He appears in episodes 118, 209 and 309.
Olli is the head manager who gives visitors tours of his cybersite, Solaria. He drives a mobile all around Solaria. He's a wild and crazy sports nut, but also gets very nervous. He's found in episodes 104, 121, and 202. In episode 202, he is the host of the skate-off The Hacker challenged to the kids......in Radopolis. (voiced by Robert Smith)Sedimentary Sentry
The Sedimentary Sentry is a talking face made out of stone. Inez, Jules, and Creech encountered him during their challenge. The Sedimentary Sentry is also the Jam Master's cousin. He is seen in 801. He loves telling jokes, especially if they have to do with rock. Voiced by Phill Collins.AVA
AVA is in charge of cybersite Symmetria and knows all secrets of symmetry. She gets help from Dr. Marbles and thanks him by making miniature robots that resemble him. When Hacker attempts to destroy Symmetria, Motherboard sends the Cyber Squad to stop him and help AVA. At first, AVA does not trust the children, but becomes friendly with them after seeing that Mother board created a half of AVA's name on a piece of paper, leading the kids to realize the properties of reflection symmetry. Voiced by Jasmine GuyJasmine Guy
Jasmine Guy is an American actress, singer and dancer. She is best known for her starring role as Whitley Gilbert in the television sitcom A Different World.-Biography:...
Binky is a smart-mouthed, anthropomorphic catCat
The cat , also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felids and felines, is a small, usually furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests...
who attends the Mummy's Tomb. She's often impatient, but proves an ally to the Cybersquad. She is also very aggravating to Hacker. Binky is voiced by Bebe Neuwirth
Bebe Neuwirth
Beatrice "Bebe" Neuwirth is an American actress, singer and dancer. She has worked in television and is known for her portrayal of Dr. Lilith Sternin, Dr. Frasier Crane's wife , on both the TV sitcom Cheers , and its spin-off Frasier...
. She's seen in episodes 109, 207, 306, and 309. In 306 and 309, she doesn't talk.
Mummsy is the leader of this Cybersite and seen in episodes 109, 207, 309, and 407. In 309, he doesn't talk.Creech
Creech is the young princess-like ruler in the Cybersite, Tikiville. She became the apparent Big Kahuna (the term for their rulers in Tikiville) after competing in a race with other Tikiville-inhabitants as well as Hacker. Creech had mentioned that her first run for the crown was disastrous since she failed to go to the correct direction. Creech is in some ways similar to Inez, and those ways helped the two to become friends easily. Both have a fairly similar outlook, which is optimistic until something goes completely wrong, and they both have a large vocabulary, which, in Inez's case, causes her to be made fun of. She also is the person in charge of Tikiville's Egg of Benedicta. She's found in episodes 305, 410, 505, 601, 607, 705, and 801. In 505 and 601 she does not talk. She's voiced by Stephanie BeardStephanie Beard
Stephanie Beard is a Canadian actress, voice actress and television and radio personality. Her radio host persona goes by Suga BayBee, and as co-host of The Zone, she was called Sugar.Beard was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...
Max is Creech's father and cyber dad of the year. He makes amazing banana pancakes and loves his daughter very much. In school, he always beat Hacker at everything (i.e., track, slugball, debates, their dance contest, etc.) and Hacker hated him for that. He only appeared once in episode 705 and was voiced by Matthew BroderickMatthew Broderick
Matthew Broderick is an American film and stage actor who, among other roles, played the title character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Adult Simba in The Lion King film series, and Leo Bloom in the film and Broadway productions of The Producers.He has won two Tony Awards, one in 1983 for his...
Deci helps around in Thornia and loves decimals so much that he lives by them. He wears an outfit resembling that of a military officer's and is very efficient at his job. He is voiced by Eli JonesEli Jones
Eli Jones was a medical doctor in the 19th-20th centuries who claimed to be able to treat cancer. He is the author ofCancer - Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment -Giving the Results of over Forty Years' Experience in the Medical Treatment of this Disease and Definite Medication.Jones studied...
Zanko is Delete's fairy borg father and was seen in episode #505. Zanko appears to Delete when he is having a bad day and grants him nine wishes. He chews bubble gum and keeps a stash of it in his chest compartment, can fly, and grants wishes using his magic ladleLadle
Ladle may refer to:* Ladle , a serving device, typically for soup* Ladle , a foundry ladle used to carry and pour molten metal...
. Hacker attempts to kidnap Zanko to make his wish of taking over Cyberspace come true, but Delete refuses to let him do so, saying that he himself do the wishes and no else, to which Zanko agrees, much to Hacker's anger.
Rourke is a fairy borg agent from the Fairy Borg Father Eligibility Department in episode 505. It's his job to pay an applicant a visit and inform them if they are qualified for the Fairy Borg Father program or not. He pays up a visit to Hacker only to explain him that he cannot qualify for the Fairy Borg Father Program, meaning that he will never get any wishes ever, much to Hacker's anger.Blenny
Blenny owns his own black holeBlack hole
A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass will deform spacetime to form a black hole. Around a black hole there is a mathematically defined surface called an event horizon that...
and he is only seen in episode 310. He always maintains the first rule of business: no money, no disposal. In 503, we see the Cybersite but not him.
Emma is a penguin that will appear in episode 902. She is a kind penguin that is chosen to be the leader of the penguins' snow celebration by her grandma, who got too old and had to pass her title on. Emma went to school with hacker, and appeared to be a friend, until she got a higher grade in school then him. She has a soft spot for everyone, even hacker. She'll be voiced by Luisa PepeSam Vander Rom
Sam Vander Rom is a robotic reporter featured in the show's second season, voiced by The Today Show weatherman, Al RokerAl Roker
Albert Lincoln "Al" Roker, Jr. is an American television meteorologist as well as an actor and book author. He is best known as being the weather anchor on NBC's Today. On Monday, July 20, 2009, he began co-hosting his new morning show, Wake Up with Al, on The Weather Channel, which airs weekdays...
. In his first appearance in the episode "True Colors", Sam acts as a moderator during an election between Motherboard and Hacker. Sam is seen in episodes: 204, 208, and 211.
Bianca is a feminine given name or an Italian family name. It means "white" and is an Italian cognate of Blanche. Bianca may refer to:-People:*Bianca Balti , Italian model*Bianca Beauchamp , Canadian model...
is one of the three people who are the main protagonists in the "For Real" segment of the series. She often uses the original plot (the animated main plot) to solve everyday real world problems. She owns a dog named Mojo and hates anchovies. As a character, she is rather absent-minded and arrogant, and does not think before she acts. In one episode, she was seen driving a green VW Beetle. In another episode she was seen driving a white Mercedes Benz which she could not afford. Played by Bianca DeGroat
Bianca DeGroat
Bianca Marie DeGroat is an American actress who worked on the PBS Kids show Cyberchase. She played a small role on the TV show Parenthood. She has also worked in various commercials, including McDonalds, Pier One Imports, TurboTax, and Chevrolet. She won a Daytime Emmy in 2007 for her work on...
Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson is another protagonist in the "For Real" segment. He often dresses in a nerdish style and wears horn-rimmed glassesHorn-rimmed glasses
Horn-rimmed glasses are a type of eyeglasses. Originally made out of either horn or tortoise shell, for most of their history they have actually been constructed out of thick plastics designed to imitate those materials...
and Converse shoes. In many of the segments, he's often rather careless, which usually costs him his current job. Harry's wardrobe, including vintage eyewear, is drawn from Matt Wilson's real life wardrobe. He is also a fan of the Mets
New York Mets
The New York Mets are a professional baseball team based in the borough of Queens in New York City, New York. They belong to Major League Baseball's National League East Division. One of baseball's first expansion teams, the Mets were founded in 1962 to replace New York's departed National League...
, as shown in Chaos as Usual. He also is an expert unicycle rider, as is shown in many episodes. Played by Matthew A. Wilson.
Note: Matthew A. Wilson who plays Harry Wilson also plays Mr. Sleazé.
Harley Wilson
Harley Wilson is the cousin of Harry Wilson. He is known to try to pester and annoy Harry and mess with his ideas. He used to work in Hollywood until he lost his wallet with all his money during an airplane flight, which cost him his job. He was also seen at Times Square on New Year's Eve with Harry's girlfriend. He is shown in episodes 401, 403, 509, 510, 601, 602, 605, 606, 705, 706, 801, 804 and 805. In 403 he's raquetballing and in 705 he is spying. (played by Michael R. Buckley)Harley is sort of rude to Harry. in one episode, Harry wanted to go to the carnival but Harley called and him and said he needed to build a fence but when he got there Harely stayed for a little while and said he would be right back and secretly left to the carnival
Kareem Blackwell
Kareem Blackwell was seen only once, as the protagonist for the For Real segment of the pilot episode "The Poddleville Case," where he met with the New York cast of Stomp. Unlike in most future "For Real" segments, Kareem's one-time skit did not use the episode's theme (patterns) as a problem-solving device. Instead, the segment revolved around Stomp explaining how to use patterns in music to create enjoyable songs.Mr. Sleazé
Mr. Sleazé is usually seen cheating in some way or another, such as when he sold Harry Sleazy-Off cream to clean a stain on his shirt, but actually ruined it, when Bianca explained that his wheel game was not fair, as the other kid kept winning again and again, and when Bianca tried to win a prize by shooting a basketball into an ovalOval
An oval is any curve resembling an egg or an ellipse, such as a Cassini oval. The term does not have a precise mathematical definition except in one area oval , but it may also refer to:* A sporting arena of oval shape** a cricket field...
hoop. (She claimed it was impossible and demanded for her money back. Sleazé answered with his almost usual phrase; No refunds.) He is a liar and a cheater and is too interested in money to make games fair. Played by Matthew A. Wilson.
Note: Matthew A. Wilson who plays Mr. Sleazé also plays Harry Wilson and he appears in episodes 204, 212 and 302.