Robert Tinkler
Robert Tinkler is a Canadian actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

 and television actor who is primarily known for his voiceover
VoiceOver is a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X, iOS and iPod operating systems. By using VoiceOver, the user can access their Macintosh or iOS device based on spoken descriptions and, in the case of the Mac, the keyboard. The feature is designed to increase accessibility for blind...

 work. He is the voice of Howie on Almost Naked Animals
Almost Naked Animals
Almost Naked Animals is a Canadian animated television series that is produced for YTV and Cartoon Network. On January 7, 2011, The series aired a sneak peek on YTV and officially premiered on the next day. The series was created by Noah Z...

, Max on The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police or Sam & Max: Freelance Police!!! is an American animated television series starring Sam & Max, a duo of private investigators composed of Sam, an anthropomorphic dog, and Max, a lagomorph or "hyperkinetic rabbity-thing." The show was created by Steve...

, Delete in the series of Cyberchase
Cyberchase is an American educational television series for children age 6-12, that teaches children discrete mathematics. The show airs on Public Broadcasting Service and PBS Kids GO! in the United States. Seasons one through five were produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana...

, Cenotaph (Season 1) & Brooklyn (Season 3) in Beyblade, Rubeus in the English version of Sailor Moon R, Pupulan in the English version of Sailor Moon SuperS movie
Sailor Moon SuperS movie
Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie is the third theatrically released Sailor Moon film. This simplified name is the one given to the English-dubbed edition released by Geneon Entertainment, while its full name in Japanese is in the style of the series' episode titles:...

, the title character in Pelswick
Pelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It...

, Helios in the English Version of Sailor Moon SuperS and Grumpy Bear in 2004's Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot
Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot
Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot is a 2004 children's animated feature, produced by Nelvana Limited and released by Lions Gate Home Entertainment. Directed by Mike Fallows and written by Jeffrey Alan Schecter, this was the fourth film to star the Care Bears, and their first in over 15 years...

and 2005's The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie
The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie
The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie is a 2005 children's animated feature, produced by Nelvana Limited and released by Lions Gate Home Entertainment. Directed by Larry Jacobs and Ron Pitts, and written by Jeffrey Alan Schechter, the film is a follow-up to the Care Bears' previous efforts in 2004's...

. Robert also plays the pilot in the 1999 PlayStation game Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis
is a survival horror video game by Capcom, originally released in 1999 for the PlayStation and later ported to Microsoft Windows and Dreamcast in 2000...

. He has also done script writing for various cartoons and TV shows.


  • Amuzing Discoveries
  • Comedy Now!
    Comedy Now!
    Comedy Now! is a Canadian comedy television series which debuted in 1997 featuring the newest in Canadian comedic talent. The show has won numerous Gemini Awards as well as many international awards. It is broadcast in Canada on The Comedy Network, CTV and A...

  • Coopers' Camera (Officer Malette)
  • Crazy Canucks
    Crazy Canucks
    The Crazy Canucks was a group of Canadian alpine ski racers who rose to prominence in the World Cup during the 1970s and 80s. Dave Irwin, Dave Murray, Steve Podborski, Jim Hunter and Ken Read earned themselves a reputation for fast and seemingly reckless skiing....

    (Dave Irwin)
  • G-Spot
    The Gräfenberg Spot, often called the G-Spot, is a bean-shaped area of the vagina. Many women report that it is an erogenous zone which, when stimulated, can lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms and female ejaculation...

  • History Bites
    History Bites
    History Bites was a television series on the History Television network that ran from 1998-2003. Created by Rick Green, History Bites explored what would be on television if the medium had been around for the last 5,000 years of human history. Typically, a significant historical event was chosen...

  • In a Heartbeat
    In a Heartbeat
    In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country that premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going...

  • It's Alive!
  • Notes from the Underbelly
    Notes from the Underbelly
    Notes from the Underbelly was an American sitcom that debuted on ABC as a midseason replacement. The series is based upon the novel of the same name by Risa Green, and is produced by Eric and Kim Tannenbaum for Warner Bros. Television...

  • Patti
    Patti may refer to:* Patti , including people with this name* Patti, Sicily* Patti, Punjab, India* Patti, Uttar Pradesh, India* Patti caste, a group of people* Patricia, a given name...

  • P.R.
    P.R. (TV series)
    P.R. was a Canadian television sitcom, which aired on CBC Television in 2000. The show starred Diane Flacks as Alexandra Reed and Ellie Harvie as Jill Hayes, partners in a public relations firm...

  • Relic Hunter
    Relic Hunter
    Relic Hunter is an anglophone Canadian television series, starring Tia Carrere and Christien Anholt. Actress Lindy Booth also starred for the first two seasons; Tanja Reichert replaced her for the third...

  • SketchCom
    SketchCom was a 1998 Canadian television comedy series, created by Roger Abbott and Don Ferguson of the Royal Canadian Air Farce. The series aired on Monday evenings, 7:30 pm in most time zones....

  • The Blobheads
  • Tilt
    Tilt (TV series)
    Tilt is a U.S. TV series set against the backdrop of the World Championship of Poker tournament in Las Vegas, and with the tagline "You're playing poker. They're playing you." The series first aired on January 13, 2005, and is the second original drama series from ESPN, following Playmakers...

    (Danny - Front Desk)
  • Twice in a Lifetime
    Twice in a Lifetime (TV series)
    Twice in a Lifetime is a Canadian mystery/drama series that originally aired from 1999 to 2001. Created by Steve Sohmer, the series aired on CTV in Canada and PAX in the United States.-Synopsis:...

    (Young Man)
  • Who Rules?
  • Almost Naked Animals
    Almost Naked Animals
    Almost Naked Animals is a Canadian animated television series that is produced for YTV and Cartoon Network. On January 7, 2011, The series aired a sneak peek on YTV and officially premiered on the next day. The series was created by Noah Z...


  • Air Bud: Spikes Back
    Air Bud: Spikes Back
    Air Bud: Spikes Back is the fifth and final film in the original Air Bud series. The film series itself was followed by a spin-off series: the Air Buddies franchise.-Plot:...

  • Future Fear (Young Wallace)
  • Galindez
    Galíndez is a novel by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, published in 1991 that centres on a real, dramatic and dark episode of the history of the Dominican Republic: the kidnapping, torturing and murdering of Jesús de Galíndez in 1956, representative of the Basque government in exile before the U.S...

    (CIA Agent)
  • Ham and Cheese (Damien)
  • Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
    Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
    Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle is a 2004 American stoner film and the first installment in the Harold & Kumar series...

  • Kiss My Act (Greg Slater)
  • MXP: Most Xtreme Primate (Stanley)
  • Possessed
    Possessed (2000 film)
    Possessed is the name of a 2000 Showtime original movie starring Timothy Dalton, based on events appearing in the book Possessed by Thomas B. Allen, which is inspired by the exorcism case of Robbie Mannheim;...

    (American Soldier)
  • The Facts of Life Reunion
    The Facts of Life Reunion
    The Facts of Life Reunion is a 2001 made-for-television movie based on the 1979-1988 sitcom The Facts of Life reuniting original cast members Charlotte Rae, Lisa Whelchel, Mindy Cohn and Kim Fields thirteen years later...

  • The Moving of Sophia Myles (Marcus)
  • The Tuxedo
    The Tuxedo
    The Tuxedo is a 2002 American comedy-action film directed by Kevin Donovan and starring Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. It is a spy spoof that involves a special tuxedo that grants its wearer special abilities and a corporate terrorist threatening to poison the United States' fresh water...

    (CSA Firing Range Op)
  • Thomas and the Magic Railroad
    Thomas and the Magic Railroad
    Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a 2000 British/American film based on the well-known TV series Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends and the United States TV series Shining Time Station. The film was co-produced by Gullane Entertainment and the Isle of Man Film Commission. It was written, produced...

    (Older Patch)

Voice talent

  • 6teen
    6teen is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered in Canada in 2004 on Teletoon. In the USA, 6teen first premiered on Nickelodeon on December 18, 2005 and was removed from the schedule on May 13, 2006 before being removed completely in 2007 before the series' run could be completed. 6teen was...

    (Chad, Record Executive)
  • Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (TV series)
    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is an animated television series based on the film of the same name. The series was produced by Morgan Creek Productions and Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. It aired for two seasons from 1995 to 1997 on CBS...

  • Air Master
    Air Master
    is a seinen manga created by Yokusaru Shibata and serialized in Hakusensha's Young Animal. The story focuses on Maki Aikawa, an ex-gymnast turned street fighter. A 27-episode anime adaptation was produced by Toei Animation. The manga ended in 2006 after a 28 volume run.Geneon had signed an...

  • Almost Naked Animals
    Almost Naked Animals
    Almost Naked Animals is a Canadian animated television series that is produced for YTV and Cartoon Network. On January 7, 2011, The series aired a sneak peek on YTV and officially premiered on the next day. The series was created by Noah Z...

  • American Dad!
    American Dad!
    American Dad! is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane and owned by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions. It is produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television...

    (Doyle, Fusfeld, Wiseacre Clerk)
  • Anatole
    Anatole (TV series)
    Anatole is an animated children's television series based on the Anatole book series by Eve Titus. The series tells the story of Anatole, a mouse who lives in Paris. He works as a night watchman in a cheese factory. He has a wife, Doucette and a family of six little mice. It originally aired in...

  • Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series
    Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series
    Anne: The Animated Series is a half-hour animated television show produced by Sullivan Entertainment and created by writer/director/producer Kevin Sullivan. The series was developed for PBS and each episode contained an educational aspect. An issue or problem was woven into each show for one or...

  • Angela Anaconda
    Angela Anaconda
    Angela Anaconda is a Canadian cutout animation television series that aired on the channels Teletoon and Fox Family. It centers on the adventures of an eight-year-old girl named Angela who lives in the fictional town of Tapwater Springs, has wacky brothers, weird friends, and hates a snobbish...

    (Uncle Nicky)
  • Atomic Betty
    Atomic Betty
    Atomic Betty is a Canadian animated television series produced by Atomic Cartoons, Breakthrough Films & Television, and Tele Images Kids. Additional funding for production is provided by Teletoon in Canada and M6 and Télétoon in France. It currently airs on CITV. The series has once again begun...

  • Babar
    Babar (TV series)
    Babar is an animated television series produced in Canada by Nelvana Limited and The Clifford Ross Company. It premiered in 1989 on CBC and HBO, subsequently was rerun on HBO Family and Qubo. The series is based on Jean de Brunhoff's original Babar books, and was Nelvana's first international...

  • Bad Dog
    Bad Dog (TV series)
    Bad Dog was an animated cartoon that aired on FOX Family and Teletoon in 1998. The cartoon focused on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that, whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was a...

  • Bakugan: New Vestroia (Lync, Helios, Brontes - New Vesoria Arc)
  • Bedtime Primetime Classics
  • Beyblade (Cenotaph, Brooklyn)
  • Beyblade Metal Fusion (Gingka Hagane)
  • Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks
    Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks
    Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks is a children's show on Discovery Kids, that premiered in the fall of 2006 and was produced by Endgame Entertainment and Bigfoot....

    (Concrete Pete)
    BIRDZ or BIRDZ.SK is a social networking site for Slovak teenagers and students. Registration is free and open for all users between 11 and 29 years of age...

  • Blaster's Universe
  • Blazing Dragons
    Blazing Dragons
    Blazing Dragons is the title of a popular British cartoon series, the brainchild of Monty Python's Terry Jones. A coinciding graphic adventure video game was released for the original PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996 by Crystal Dynamics...

  • Bob & Doug
    Bob & Doug (2009 TV series)
    Bob and Doug is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered on Global on April 19, 2009. The series is a revival of the SCTV sketch characters Bob and Doug McKenzie....

  • Bob and Margaret
    Bob and Margaret
    Bob and Margaret was a Canadian/UK animated television series that was also shown in the United States and all over the world. The series was produced by Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio, and created by Canadian David Fine and Brit Alison Snowden...

  • Boom Unit
  • Braceface
    Braceface is a Canadian animated series that aired on Teletoon in Canada, and on Disney Channel and ABC Family in the United States. Then Noggin's pre-teen programming block, The N, aired Braceface in reruns from May 2002 to April 2004. It moved in reruns on CBS as part of its KOL Secret Slumber...

  • Busytown Mysteries
    Busytown Mysteries
    Busytown Mysteries, also known as Hurray for Huckle!, is a Canadian animated television series created by Cookie Jar Entertainment. Currently the series airs in Canada as part of the Kids' CBC block on CBC Television, in the United Kingdom on the Tiny Pop channel and in the United States as part of...

  • Captain Flamingo
    Captain Flamingo
    Captain Flamingo is a Canadian animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of the protagonist and main character Milo Powell Captain Flamingo is a Canadian animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of the protagonist and main character Milo Powell Captain Flamingo...

  • Care Bears: Big Wish Movie (Grumpy Bear)
  • Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot
    Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot
    Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot is a 2004 children's animated feature, produced by Nelvana Limited and released by Lions Gate Home Entertainment. Directed by Mike Fallows and written by Jeffrey Alan Schecter, this was the fourth film to star the Care Bears, and their first in over 15 years...

    (Grumpy Bear)
  • Celebrity Deathmatch
    Celebrity Deathmatch
    Celebrity Deathmatch is a claymation television show that depicts celebrities against each other in a wrestling ring, almost always ending in the loser's gruesome death. It was known for its excessive amount of blood used in every match and exaggerated physical injuries...

    (Jake Gyllenhaal)
  • Chilly Beach
    Chilly Beach
    Chilly Beach is a Canadian animated series, which airs on CBC Television in Canada and The Comedy Channel in Australia. The series is a comedic depiction of life in the fictional Canadian town of Chilly Beach, described by the producers as "a bunch of Canadians doing the stuff that Canadians do,...

  • Committed
    Committed (TV series)
    Committed is a Canadian animated television series that aired on CTV, beginning in 2001. It is currently airing on YTV.It was based on an American comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry, better known for Over the Hedge....

  • Corduroy
    Corduroy (TV series)
    Corduroy is a 1997 animated TV series based on Don Freeman's 1968 children's book Corduroy. The show was shown on PBS Kids' Bookworm Bunch until it was cancelled along with Elliot Moose. The show was set in New York City. It was directed by Louis Piche and Larry Jacobs...

  • Cyberchase
    Cyberchase is an American educational television series for children age 6-12, that teaches children discrete mathematics. The show airs on Public Broadcasting Service and PBS Kids GO! in the United States. Seasons one through five were produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana...

    (Delete & Gigabyte)
  • Delilah and Julius
    Delilah and Julius
    Delilah and Julius is a Canadian animated series which is targeted at children and young teens and is animated using Macromedia Flash technology...

    (Dr. Dimsay)
  • Delta State
    Delta State
    Delta State may refer to:*Delta State, a state in southern Nigeria.*Delta State , a Canadian animated television series.*Delta State University, a public university located in the U.S. state of Mississippi....

  • Di-Gata Defenders
    Di-gata defenders
    Di-Gata Defenders is a Canadian action/adventure, science fiction, fantasy animated television series created by Greg Collinson with Nelvana Entertainment. This show is rated C8 according to the Canadian TV Classification System. The series currently has 52 episodes and is airing the Ethos Saga as...

  • Dino Crisis
    Dino Crisis
    is a survival horror video game by Capcom, originally released in 1999 for the PlayStation and later ported to Microsoft Windows and Dreamcast in 2000...

  • Donkey Kong Country
    Donkey Kong Country (TV series)
    Donkey Kong Country is a French/Canadian computer-generated animated television series. It is based on the Nintendo franchise Donkey Kong as portrayed in the Donkey Kong Country video game series by Rare. Created by France 2 and Nelvana, it was originally titled La Planète de Donkey Kong...

  • Eckhart
    -People with the surname Eckhart:* Aaron Eckhart, an American film actor* Johann Georg von Eckhart, historian* Meister Eckhart, a German theologian and philosopher-Other:* Eckhart Tolle is a German-born writer and public speaker living in Canada....

  • Elliott Moose
  • Erky Perky
    Erky Perky
    Erky Perky is an Australian and Canadian animated television program on YTV developed by CCI Entertainment. and Ambience Entertainment. The show is about two bickering, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who live at a hot dog stand, but are accidentally taken to a house...

  • Flash Gordon
  • Franny's Feet
    Franny's Feet
    Franny's Feet is an animated series for children. It is produced by DHX Media/Halifax Film in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and created by Cathy Moss and Susan Nielsen. The show follows the adventures of four-year-old Frances "Franny" Fantootsie as she tries on various pairs of shoes and travels to...

  • Franklin
    Franklin (TV series)
    Franklin is a Canadian animated television series, based on the Franklin the Turtle books by Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois. The television series was named after its main character, Franklin the Turtle...

  • Freaky Stories
    Freaky Stories
    Freaky Stories is a Canadian television series, which was originally broadcasted by YTV in English and Canal Famille in French...

  • Funpak
  • George and Martha
    George and Martha
    George and Martha is an animated children's television show which comprises 26 episodes made in 1999. The program revolves around the lives of two hippos: George and Martha...

  • George Shrinks
    George Shrinks
    George Shrinks is a Canadian animated television series. It is based on the children's book by William Joyce, produced in China by Jade Animation and in Canada by Nelvana, in association with Public Broadcasting Service . It tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named George who, for unexplained...

  • Gerald McBoing Boing
  • Giggle Factory
  • Girl Stuff, Boy Stuff
  • Grossology
    Grossology (TV series)
    Grossology is a Canadian animated television series produced by Nelvana, and based loosely on the non-fictional children’s book series of the same name by Sylvia Branzei. It debuted on the YTV network in Canada on September 29, 2006, and was first shown on Discovery Kids in the United States on...

  • Growing Up Creepie
    Growing Up Creepie
    Growing Up Creepie was an animated television series made in the USA by Mike Young Productions and produced by Discovery Kids. In other countries the series was simply titled Creepie.- Premise :...

  • Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs
    Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs
    Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs is a series of children's books written and drawn by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds. The series is about a 5-year-old boy named Harry, who has a bucket full of dinosaurs. In the books the dinosaurs talk to Harry but seem to be toys to the other characters...

  • Henry's World
  • Hippo Tub Company
  • Iggy Arbuckle
    Iggy Arbuckle
    Iggy Arbuckle is a Canadian animated series that premiered in Canada on Teletoon in June 2007. Based on a comic strip from National Geographic Kids, the show is created by Guy Vasilovich, and focuses about a pig who happens to be a forest ranger, known in the series as a "Pig Ranger"...

  • Interlude
  • Jacob Two Two
    Jacob Two-Two (TV series)
    Jacob Two-Two is a Canadian animated TV series based on a trilogy of books written by Mordecai Richler that first aired on Canadian children's channel YTV and aired on the French Canadian VRAK.TV as Jacob Jacob and in Spanish on Telemundo as Jacobo Dos Dos. It was produced by Nelvana; before being...

  • Jane and the Dragon
    Jane and the Dragon
    Jane and the Dragon is a series of children's books written and illustrated by Martin Baynton. The three books are "Jane and the Dragon" ; "The Dragon's Purpose" ; and "Jane and the Magician" ....

  • Jerolemon Players
  • Jimmy Two-Shoes
    Jimmy Two-Shoes
    Jimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian/American animated television series. It airs on Disney XD in the United Kingdom and in the USA, and Teletoon in Canada...

  • Kassai and Leuk
  • King
    King (TV series)
    King is a Canadian television series on Family, also aired on Nicktoons TV in the UK from 4 March 2006, and showing on POP! on March 12, 2007.-Plot:...

  • Knights of the Zodiac (DIC
    DiC Entertainment
    DIC Entertainment was an international film and television production company. In addition to animated television shows such as Ulysses 31 , Inspector Gadget , The Littles , The Real Ghostbusters , Captain Planet and the Planeteers , and the first two seasons of the English adaptation of...

  • Kung Fu Magoo
    Kung Fu Magoo
    Kung Fu Magoo is a 2010 direct-to-video animated film from Anima Studios and Classic Media, and written by Emmy Laybourne, Sam Laybourne, Rob Sosin, and Bob Mittenthal and directed by Andrés Couturier...

  • Lil' Bush
    Lil' Bush
    Lil' Bush is a satirical, politically-themed animated television series which premiered on June 13, 2007 on Comedy Central. The series features childlike, caricatures of members of the George W. Bush administration, and other American and international political leaders. Donick Cary created the...

    (Announcer, Lil' Dems Gome Wild Anousers)
  • Little Bear
    Little Bear (TV series)
    Maurice Sendak's Little Bear is a Canadian children's television series starring a Little Bear voiced by Kristin Fairlie. Originally produced by Nelvana for Nickelodeon, it currently airs on Treehouse TV in Canada and Nick Jr. in the United States. A direct-to-video full-length feature film was...

  • Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
    Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
    Maggie and the Ferocious Beast is an animated TV series based on the books by Michael Paraskevas and his mother Betty. It currently airs on the American Channel Nick Jr.....

  • Magi-Nation
    Magi-Nation (TV series)
    Magi-Nation is an animated television series based on the card game Magi Nation Duel. The show premiered in Canada on September 8, 2007 on CBC Television and on September 22, 2007 in the U.S. on Kids' WB. A series of DVDs are set to be released on October 21, 2008 through January 6, 2009. The...

  • Martin Mystery
    Martin Mystery
    Martin Mystery may refer to:*Martin Mystère, an Italian comic book published in the U.S. as Martin Mystery*Martin Mystery, a television animation series inspired by the comic character...

  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (Nova
    Nova (comics)
    Nova is a fictional character, a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics universe. Upon becoming a member of the galaxy's Nova Corps , the youth gained enhanced strength, flight, injury resistance, and a specialized uniform with life support.In May 2011, Nova placed 98th on IGN's Top 100 Comic...

    , Quicksilver
    Quicksilver (comics)
    Quicksilver is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in X-Men #4 and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby...

    , Prodigy
    Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore)
    Prodigy is the name of a superhero in Marvel Comics.-Fictional character biography:Ritchie Gilmore is a typical jock, captain of his college wrestling team, and one of the most popular guys in school. But Ritchie wants more from life; he wants to be stronger and more powerful...

  • Medabots
    Medabots, known in Japan as , is a role-playing video game franchise developed by Natsume and published by Imagineer in Japan in 1997. The video game franchise was later adapted into a Japanese anime television series produced by Bee Train. Spanning 52 episodes, the series originally aired on TV...

    (Cyandog, Krosserdog, Seymore "Seaslug" Slugbottoms, Spyke, Zumi)
  • Mini-Man
  • Mischief City
  • Miss BG
    Miss BG
    Miss BG is a 3-D animated series based on the Gudule et les bébés French children's book series published by Hachette-Jeunesse, authored by Fanny Joly and illustrated by Roser Capdevila. It is a joint Canadian/French production and is distributed by Breakthrough Animation...

  • Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends
    Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends
    Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends is an animated program based on the children's books by David Kirk, which airs on Nick Jr. in the United States, on Treehouse TV in Canada, and on Discovery Kids in Brazil...

  • Monster by Mistake
    Monster by Mistake
    Monster by Mistake is a Canadian computer-animated television program aired on YTV. The story deals with an eight-year-old boy named Warren Patterson and his older sister Tracy, as they deal with bullies, ghosts, magic and an irate sorcerer.-Synopsis:...

  • Moville Mysteries
    Moville Mysteries
    Moville Mysteries is a Canadian animated TV series starring Frankie Muniz as Moville. The plot is about moville and his friends stumbling into peculiar supernatural mysteries and occasionally have twist endings. The show is on YTV in Canada and Jetix in Latin America...

  • Mr. Men and Little Miss
    Mr. Men and Little Miss
    Mr Men and Little Miss aired in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In the United Kingdom, the program was fully animated, and the characters were voiced by British voice actors Geoffrey Palmer, Gordon Peters, Arnold Stang, and Jill Shilling. The show was narrated by Geoffrey Palmer...

    (Mr. Quiet)
  • My Dad the Rock Star
    My Dad the Rock Star
    My Dad the Rock Star is an animated television series created by Gene Simmons of KISS fame, and produced by Canadian company Nelvana for the Canadian based channel Teletoon...

  • Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend (Androcles)
  • NASCAR Racers
    NASCAR Racers
    NASCAR Racers is an animated television series about two rival NASCAR racing teams, Team Fastex and Team Rexcor, competing against each other in the futuristic NASCAR Unlimited Division....

  • Ned's Newt
    Ned's Newt
    Ned's Newt is a Canadian/German cartoon series produced by Nelvana and TMO Film GmbH. The program aired from 1993 to 1996 in Germany, and on Teletoon from 1997 to 1998 in Canada. In the United States, the program aired on Fox Kids from 1998 to 1999, and was later rerun on Fox Family Channel...

  • Noddy
  • No Price Too High
  • Odd Job Jack
    Odd Job Jack
    Odd Job Jack was a Canadian animated comedy television show featuring Don McKellar, about one man's misadventures in temporary employment. Seen on and produced for the The Comedy Network, a cable specialty channel, and shown on Adult Swim in Latin America, the show is currently finished its...

  • Pandalian
    Pandalian is a multinational developed animated series, with characters created by the Taiwanese company named TVbean, animation produced by Fuji Creative Corporation and Planet Inc. in Japan, with Nelvana and FUNimation jointly control sales, distribution and merchandising rights outside of Asia...

  • Pecola
    Pecola is a Japanese 3-D Anime series that was computer-generated in Canada, with cube-shaped anthropomorphic animals in a place called Cube Town. It is based on a series of children's picture books by Naomi Iwata. The show stars Pecola, a curious and hyperactive penguin that tries to help the...

  • Peep and the Big Wide World
    Peep and the Big Wide World
    Peep and the Big Wide World is an animated cartoon that teaches nature and basic science concepts to preschoolers. The main characters include a baby chicken named Peep and his friends Quack, a blue duck, and Chirp, a red robin with purple eyelids...

    (Ant, Frog)
  • Pelswick
    Pelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It...

    (Pelswick Eggert)
  • Pippi Longstocking
  • Power Stone
    Power Stone
    Power Stone is a fully 3D arena fighting game series made by Capcom. Power Stone was initially released on the Sega NAOMI hardware and later ported to the Dreamcast...

  • Puppets Who Kill
    Puppets Who Kill
    Puppets Who Kill is a Canadian television comedy programme co-produced by The Comedy Network. It premiered in Canada on the Comedy Network in 2002, and in Australia on The Comedy Channel in 2004....

  • Quads!
  • Redwall
    Redwall (TV series)
    Redwall is a television series made by Canada-based Nelvana and France-based Alphanim and is based on the Redwall novels by Brian Jacques. The series currently spans three seasons, the first based on the first book Redwall, the second on Mattimeo and the third on Martin the Warrior...

  • Rescue Heroes
    Rescue Heroes
    Rescue Heroes is a line of toys from Fisher-Price that was introduced in 1997. Rescue Heroes depicts various rescue personnel and their equipment. In 1999, an animated television series titled Rescue Heroes was released and was based on the figurines...

  • Roboroach
    Roboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Jetix in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on...

  • Rolie Polie Olie
    Rolie Polie Olie
    Rolie Polie Olie is a children's television series produced by Nelvana and created by William Joyce. The show centers on a little boy who is composed of several spheres and other three-dimensional geometric shapes...

  • Ruby Gloom
    Ruby Gloom
    Ruby Gloom is an animated television show based on an apparel franchise. The show is produced by Nelvana and began airing on October 13, 2006 in Canada on the network YTV...

  • Sailor Moon (Rubeus)
  • Sailor Moon Super S: Black Dream Hole (Pupulan)
  • Scaredy Squirrel
    Scaredy Squirrel
    Scaredy Squirrel is the title character of the Scaredy Squirrel children’s book series. The books often follow the same format: Scaredy identifies his fears, shows how he avoids them at all costs, and develops contingency plans, which usually involve an emergency kit and playing dead till the...

  • Shaun White Snowboarding
    Shaun White Snowboarding
    Shaun White Snowboarding is a sports video game for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Nintendo DS, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Xbox 360 systems. It was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released on November 14, 2008...

  • Silver Surfer
  • Slam Dunk
    Slam Dunk (manga)
    is a sports-themed manga series written by Takehiko Inoue about a basketball team from Shōhoku High School. It was first serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan from 1990 to 1996 and had also been adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation which had been broadcast worldwide,...

    (Hanamichi Sakuragi)
  • Spider Riders
    Spider Riders
    is a series of science fiction novels first published in December 2004, published by Newmarket Press written by Tedd Anasti, Patsy Cameron-Anasti and Stephen D. Sullivan . The stories became the basis of the animated television series produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment of Canada and Bee Train of...

  • Spliced
    Spliced (TV series)
    Spliced is a Canadian animated television series produced by Teletoon and Nelvana. The series made its world premiere on Jetix in Latin America on April 20, 2009. The series currently airs in Canada on Teletoon, in the United States on qubo, in Australia on ABC3, in the United Kingdom on Nicktoons,...

  • Stickin' Around
    Stickin' Around
    Stickin' Around is a Canadian animated children's television series from Nelvana, which originally aired on YTV in Canada and on ABC in Australia. In Latin America, it was broadcast by Nickelodeon under the title Los Grafitos...

  • Superman Returns
    Superman Returns (video game)
    Superman Returns is a video game loosely based on the movie of the same name, developed by Electronic Arts-Tiburon in Orlando, Fla., in conjunction with Warner Bros...

  • Super Why!
    Super Why!
    Super Why! or The Reading Adventures of Super Why! is a CGI animated show developed by Angela C. Santomero and Samantha Freeman Alpert. The TV series is produced by New York City-based Out of the Blue Enterprises and Toronto-based DHX Media through its Decode Entertainment division. The show...

  • Tales from the Cryptkeeper
    Tales from the Cryptkeeper
    Tales from the Cryptkeeper is an animated series aimed at children made byNelvana Limited, PeaceArch Entertainment, kaBOOM! Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television Animation. It was shown on TVO and ABC,and is still shown near Halloween on Teletoon. It was based on the live-action television...

    (Anthrax, Blob)
  • The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
    The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police
    The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police or Sam & Max: Freelance Police!!! is an American animated television series starring Sam & Max, a duo of private investigators composed of Sam, an anthropomorphic dog, and Max, a lagomorph or "hyperkinetic rabbity-thing." The show was created by Steve...

  • The Amazing Spiez!
    The Amazing Spiez!
    The Amazing Spiez! is an animated television series produced by the French company Marathon. It is a spinoff of Totally Spies!.The show had its world premiere on Disney Channel Asia on March 15, 2009. The series premiered on Cartoon Network in the USA on April 26, 2010 at 8:30 am. After...

  • The Avengers: United They Stand
    The Avengers: United They Stand
    The Avengers: United They Stand is an animated series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team The Avengers. It consists of 13 episodes, which originally premiered on October 30, 1999, and was produced by Avi Arad and distributed by 20th Century Fox Television...

  • The Berenstain Bears
    The Berenstain Bears (2003 TV series)
    The Berenstain Bears is a 2003 animated television series based on Stan and Jan Berenstain's children's book series of the same name. Although most of the earlier episodes in the series were based on the book series, later episodes were not based on any of the books.-Sypnosis:The series follows...

  • The Busy World of Richard Scarry
    The Busy World of Richard Scarry
    The Busy World of Richard Scarry is a Canadian/French animated children's television series, produced by CINAR Animation and France Animation in association with Paramount Television, which aired from 1994 to 1997, first on Showtime, later on Nickelodeon, and ran for 65 episodes...

  • The Cat in the Hat
    The Cat in the Hat
    The Cat in the Hat is a children's book by Dr. Seuss and perhaps the most famous, featuring a tall, anthropomorphic, mischievous cat, wearing a tall, red and white-striped hat and a red bow tie. He also carries a pale blue umbrella...

    (Fish,Thing 1 & 2 and Secondary Characters)
  • The Dumb Bunnies
  • The Future is Wild
    The Future is Wild
    The Future Is Wild was a 2002 seven-part documentary television miniseries. Based on research and interviews with several scientists, the miniseries shows how life could evolve in the future if Homo sapiens became extinct; the Discovery Channel broadcast changed this outlook by stating the human...

  • The Joe Duffy Show
  • The Manly Bee
  • The Neverending Story
    The Neverending Story (TV series)
    The Neverending Story: The Animated Adventures of Bastian Balthazar Bux is an animated television series, produced by CineVox , Ellipse , and Nelvana , aired for one season on HBO, ran for 26 episodes, and loosely based on Michael Ende's book, The Neverending Story .In the animated series, the...

  • The Ripping Friends
    The Ripping Friends
    The Ripping Friends was an American/Canadian animated television series, created by John Kricfalusi. The show premiered September 22, 2001 on Fox Kids, but was cancelled in September 2002. Adult Swim later picked up the show. The series occasionally airs in Canada on Teletoon...

  • The Wumblers
  • Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (Claude McGarren - Console Version)
  • Time Warp Trio
    Time Warp Trio
    The Time Warp Trio is a book series written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith and later by Adam McCauley, which chronicles the adventures of three boys - Joe, Sam, and Fred - who travel through time and space with the aid of the mysterious Book.The storyline has been adapted into an...

    (Sellbot, Counterman)
  • Timothy Goes to School
    Timothy Goes to School
    Timothy Goes to School is a cartoon series based on the books by Rosemary Wells.It features a young raccoon, Timothy, who attends a fictional primary school kindergarten. The series aired on PBS Kids as part of the PBS Kids Bookworm Bunch from 2000 until 2004. It was later broadcast on Discovery...

  • Tommy and the Wildcat (Oula)
  • Toot and Puddle
  • Totally Spies! (Arnold)
  • Traffix
  • Turbo Dogs
    Turbo Dogs
    Turbo Dogs is a television show that airs on Qubo and Kids' CBC. The show is based on the book Racer Dogs by Bob Kolar. The show premiered on October 3, 2008.-Premise:...

  • Ultraforce
    Ultraforce (comics)
    The Ultraforce is a fictional superhero group that appears in comic books published by Malibu, and later Marvel, as well as an animated series produced by DIC. Their purpose was to protect the public and keep other Ultras from getting out of line...

  • Uncle Joe's Cartoon Playhouse
  • Undergrads
    Undergrads is an animated television series centered on the lives of four college undergraduate freshmen. Originally broadcast on MTV during 2001, only thirteen episodes were created. It has since been shown on Comedy Central in the United States, Teletoon in Canada, and Trouble in the United Kingdom...

  • Wayside
    Wayside (TV series)
    Wayside is a Canadian animated television series created by Louis Sachar, developed and written by John Derevlany for Canadian television channel Teletoon. The series centers on Todd, a transfer student who attends Wayside, an offbeat educational institution based on Sachar's upbringing...

  • Welcome to Gonzo
  • What It's Like Being Alone
    What It's Like Being Alone
    What It's Like Being Alone is a Canadian television program which aired on CBC Television in 2006. It is a black comedy created by Brad Peyton, and combines clay animation with voice work by Stacey DePass, Adam Reid, Dwayne Hill, Julie Lemieux, Peter Cugno, and Andrew Sabiston.Having debuted on...

  • Willa's Wild Life
    Willa's Wild Life
    Willa's Wild Life is an animated television series that first aired on ABC2 in 2008, then on Qubo and Nickelodeon Canada in 2009. The show is based on Dan Yaccarino's book An Octopus Followed Me Home. It is about a 9 year old girl named Willa who has some very unusual pets...

  • X-Men
  • Yin Yang Yo!
    Yin Yang Yo!
    Yin Yang Yo! is a Canadian-American animated television series created by Bob Boyle II and produced by Jetix Animation Concepts. It is the third Jetix-original show. It premiered on October 2, 2006 on Jetix with a sneak peek airing on August 26, 2006...

External links

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