Vologda is a city and the administrative, cultural, and scientific center of Vologda Oblast
, Russia
, located on the Vologda River
. The city is a major transport knot of the Northwest
of Russia
. Vologda is among the Russian cities possessing an especially valuable historical heritage. There are 224 monuments of history, architecture, and culture on the territory of the city.
Now we can state that the place of the foundation of Vologda was not its present central part but the area round the "Lazy ground" , where the Resurrection church was settled down. That place was the center of ancient Vologda up to 1565. Until that time no stone constructions existed in Vologda: all of the city's fortifications, bridges, dwellings, churches, trading and industrial premises were built of wood.
, Tver and Moscow
princes in the 13-15th centuries.
In 1371, three kilometers from Vologda Dimitry Prilutsky founded the Spaso-Prilutsky monastery — the first monastery in the north of Russia where all monks could live together. The monastery building was supported by the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy who considered it an advanced post of the Moscow princedom
in its struggle against Novgorod
for the power in northern lands.
In 1397 the Moscow prince Vasily I attached Vologda to his possessions. However, after that the city was several times attacked by Novgorod
. And it was an object of struggle in the Civil war of 1425-1453. As a result of defeat from Dmitry Shemyaka
, in 1447 Vasily II the Blind was exiled to Vologda. The town was given to him as his possession. From there Vasily II went to the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery
where he got a blessing and continued the struggle for the Moscow throne. In 1450 Vologda was besieged by Dmitry Shemyaka's
armies, however, they didn't manage to occupy the town.
After Vasily's death in 1462 Vologda passed to the possession of his son Andrey Menshoy and became the centre of the Vologda princedom. In 1481 after the death of Andrey who had no successors, Vologda passed to Grand Duke Ivan III and was obtained by the Moscow princedom
Ivan the Terrible Vologda became one of the major transit centres in Russia's foreign trade with England
, Holland and other western countries on the White Sea
water way and in Russia's trade with Siberia
on the Sukhona and the Vychegda. The state court yard was built in the city on the river bank. In 1553 Vologda was visited by the English seafarer Richard Chancellor
who established the diplomatic relations between Russia
and England
that year. In 1554 the trading agent John Gass reported to English merchants about Vologda as a city with an abundance of bread where the goods were twice cheaper than in Moscow
and Novgorod
, and that there was no city in Russia that would not trade with Vologda. After the reports of J. Gass in 1555 Englishmen opened in the city a trading office, and the first Russian ambassador directed to England for negotiations was Osip Nepeya, a native of Vologda.
In 1565 Ivan the Terrible introduced the Oprichnina
order and included Vologda into the structure of Oprichnina
lands. That year he visited the city for the first time and decided to make it the centre of Oprichnina
and so the capital of the country. The tsar ordered to build a new fortress. It was decided to build it in another part of the town limited on the one hand by the river, and on the other hand by current Leningradskaya, Oktyabrskaya and Mira streets. Along them a fortress ditch should be digged out. The fortress foundation took place with the tsar's presence on 28 April 1566 on the day of the sacred apostles Jason
(rus.: Nason) and Sosipater
. Therefore the territory of the fortress located in the new part of Vologda was named the "Nason-gorod" (Nason-city). Other name of the Nason-gorod was the Vologda Kremlin (current inhabitants of Vologda think the Vologda kremlin to be the name not of the former territory of the fortress but only of the Bishop's court yard).
In 1568 on the territory of the fortress the construction of a new cathedral began. It was the first stone construction of Vologda – the Sophia Cathedral. Its construction continued till 1570 and was designed like the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Thus Ivan the Terrible made his northern residence look like the capital. The construction work headed by the architect Razmysl Petrov went on under control of the Tsar who stayed in Vologda many times and for a long period of time. In 1571 Vologda became the center of the Diocese of Vologda and Perm that was formed in 1492 with its main church situated in the far Perm settlement Ust-Vym
. Thereby, along with a trading, military and political eminence there happened a strengthening of Vologda in church affairs.
However in 1571 Ivan the Terrible unexpectedly stopped the construction work in Vologda and left it forever. Probably, it was connected with the decision of the Tsar to abolish Oprichnina
and its assumed center. But the legend says that when Ivan the Terrible visited the Sophia Cathedral a little stone fell from its roof on the head of the Tsar. The superstitious tsar who received a serious head injury took it as an omen of misfortune and decided to leave the city.
This legend can be confirmed by the fact that the Sophia Cathedral which Ivan the Terrible even wanted to destroy was not consecrated during his reign. The consecration of the cathedral took place only at his son Feodor I
in 1587. Parts of the incomplete fortress which were later in the 17th century strengthened with wooden walls stayed up to the 19th century when they were disassembled by the city authorities and local residents as a material for stone building.
for Vologda began with a plague epidemic in 1605 that captured the whole city. In 1608, when one part of Russia was supervised by Tsar Vasily Shuisky and another part - by False Dmitry II
, people of Vologda swore to the impostor. By possessing Vologda he did not only get the control over Russian and English trading warehouses but he could also subordinate the north of Russia. However, the new administration sent to Vologda caused extreme discontent of the population by abuses and boundless requisitions as a result of which Vologda separated from False Dmitry II
. Moreover, in February 1609 a national home guard headed by Nikita Vysheslavtsev left Vologda to struggle against False Dmitry II
In 1612 people of Vologda rendered a serious food and military help to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky's
home guard in its struggle against the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists. However, after the city directed huge military forces to support the second home guard it did not remain a sufficient numder of military people for its own protection. As a result, on 22 September 1612 one of the Lithuanian extortionate groups seized Vologda without effort. Then the city was burnt and many inhabitants were killed or taken as prisoners.
Vologda became one of the main military bases of Russia. Military and technical equipment for fortresses and military ships under construction was stored there. Vessels to deliver food supplies to Arkhangelsk
were constructed in the city. Peter the Great intended to hold them on Lake Kubenskoye
(30 km from Vologda). However, after personally inspecting the lake in 1692, he abandoned the idea deciding that the lake is improper for that purpose.
Peter the Great visited Vologda on no less than ten occasions; six of which (in 1692, 1693, 1694, 1702, 1722, 1724) he stayed in the city. The place of stay of the Tsar was a small house of the Dutch merchant I. Goutman which in 1872 was bought by the city authorities and in 1885 was transformed into the museum of Peter the Great and became the first museum of Vologda.
However, after the foundation of Petersburg
which opened a sea way to Europe through the Baltic Sea
, the importance of Vologda as a center of the foreign trade of Russia lessened. Besides, stopped serving as an administrative center: in 1708 the city was transferred to Arkhangelsk Governorate
. And by Peter's decree of 1722 about the restriction of trade through Arkhangelsk
, Vologda found itself away from trading ways and became empty and turned to a usual country town.
The revival began only at Catherine II's
time who made Vologda the center of Vologda Viceroyalty
in 1780. In 1796, the viceroyalty ruled by the governor-general was transformed into Vologda Governorate
, the borders of which stretched up to the Ural mountains. The territory of a present central part of Vologda was built up according to the plan of a provincial city confirmed in 1781, and received that historical image which is characteristic of it today.
A new economic lifting of the city was connected with a steamship movement across the Sukhona river and with the building of a new railroad line connecting Vologda with Yaroslavl
and Moscow
(1872), with Arkhangelsk
(1898), with Petersburg
and Vyatka
In 1871 the Danish merchant F.A.Buman opened a specialized butter factory in the Vologda manor Fominskoye (13 km from Vologda). It was the first butter factory both in Vologda Governorate
and in Russia. Since that time Vologda became the center of the butter industry, and Vologda's butter whose manufacturing technique was invented by N.V.Vereschagin and F.A.Buman became a world trademark. In 1911 the Fominskoe manor together with the creamery of F.A. Buman was given to the state, and the Vologda dairy institute was founded on its base. Thereby Vologda turned to one of the largest dairy centers of Russia.
Besides, since the 15th century Vologda was a place for exiles and got a name «Siberia near the capital». In the 19th-20th centuries the city was visited by the exiled Joseph Stalin
, Vyacheslav Molotov
(the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Stalin), Nikolai Berdyaev
(the famous Russian philosopher), Boris Savinkov
(the famous terrorist), Maria Ulyanova (Lenin's
sister), Anatoly Lunacharsky (the first Soviet educational commissioner).
evacuated to Vologda. However, under the pressure of Bolsheviks, on 24 July 1918 the diplomats were compelled to leave Vologda and go home through Arkhangelsk
In the days of the Civil war Vologda became the location of the 6th Red Army's headquarters. It opposed Miller's White Army and military forces of Antanta in the north of Russia.
In 1929, Vologda being the administrative center once again: Vologda Governorate was abolished and included into the structure of a new formation called the Northern Krai
. Territories of Arkhangelsk
and Northern Dvina Governorate
s, and also the autonomous Komi region entered the formation together with Vologda. Arkhangelsk
became the administrative center of Northern Krai. In December 1936, Northern Krai was abolished and divided into the Komi ASSR and the Northern area with Arkhangelsk
as its administrative center. But already on 23 September 1937 the Northern area was divided into Arkhangelsk Oblast
and Vologda Oblast
by the decision of the Central executive committee of the USSR. According to the same decision districts of Cherepovets Okrug of Leningrad Oblast
were attached to Vologda Oblast
making nowadays the western part of the Vologda Oblast. Thereby the current borders of the Vologda region were determined.
In 1930s the process of industrialization went on in Vologda : a flax factory, a coach-repair factory and a factory called «Northern Communard» (wood sawing) were constructed.
During the Second World War the martial law was established in Vologda, and the industrial enterprises changed to the military production. In autumn of 1941 soldiers approached the borders of the Vologda region. Vologda became a front city. Its inhabitants participated in building of defensive boundaries. Vologda was separated into hundreds of sites of self-defense: bomb-proof shelters and elementary shelters were under construction, systems of air defense which protected the railway junction and the military-industrial enterprises were developed. As a result, though attempts of bombardments were numerous, no bombs fell to the city. To memorize it in Vologda there is a monument to the forces of air defense in the form of an anti-aircraft gun (on Zosimovskaya Street).
Besides, Vologda regularly supplied the front by its railway junction and accepted the evacuated equipment and thousands of people. During the war the city was also a large hospital center. Inhabitants of Vologda donated blood, money and jewellery. The tank column «Vologda Collective Farmer» was organized. To memorize it and also the fighting feats of the city inhabitants participated in the war the monument to the tank T-34 was built (in Mira street).
In 1961 Anatoly Drygin became the first secretary of the Vologda regional committee CPSU communist party and the head of the region. During the years of his leadership there were notable changes in all spheres of life and economy both in the city and in the region. The bearing plant, the machinery plant, the optik-mechanical factory were built in Vologda, a poultry farm was founded; the polytechnical institute was opened; the construction of dwellings and the first high-rise buildings was developed. It resulted in the occurrence of new microdistricts (Byvalovo, GPZ, the 5th and 6th microdistricts). In 1976 the trolleybus transport was started up in Vologda.
On 25 July 1996 the City Duma accepted the main city document — the Charter of Vologda. On 6 October 1996 the elections of the mayor took place first in the history of Vologda. Alexey Yakunichev won the elections and was the head of the city up to 2008.
In 2003 the construction of a ring highway began. It connects nowadays lines А114 (Vologda – Novaya Ladoga
), Р5 (Vologda – Medvezhyegorsk
) and М8
– Arkhangelsk
). On 25 August 1995 the City Duma approved the new Charter of Vologda. But though the deputies introduced more than 400 amendments and the volume of the document increased more than twice, in comparison with the Charter of 1996, the Charter of 2005 did not contain any important changes. On 12 October 2008 a new city leader was elected. Evgeny Shulepov became the Head of the city.
(Köppen climate classification
Dfb). Winter is long and cold but not severe and lasts for five months. Spring and autumn are cool; summer is warm,; the coldest months are December and January, the warmest month is July. Rain is most frequent in the summer and autumn.
. A considerable part of the city population is made of official
s of different levels — by different estimations, their number reaches 50 thousand people. The reason is not only functioning of Vologda as a municipality
but also its functioning as the regional centre.
In Vologda there are 193 monuments of architecture and history of federal significance. The most known of them are:
It is necessary to mention monuments of wooden architecture. Of 116 historical cities of Russia only 16 have monuments of wooden architecture. Vologda is among them.
, the Vologda butter
and the Vologda flax
Besides, in Vologda there is a unique Russian private museum of political history – the Museum of the diplomatic corps which is about the stay of a diplomatic corps in Vologda in 1918.
The public transport network is well developed in the city: there are both bus
and trolleybus
lines. The city has four big automobile bridges: two automobile bridges through the Vologda River
and two bridges over railways. There is one foot bridge (the Red bridge) in the city.
is situated 10 km from the city centre along the Arkhangelsk highway
. Planes Yak-40
carry out the regular passenger flights to Moscow
, Ukhta
, Velikiy Ustyug, Kichmengsky Gorodok
, and Vytegra
. Helicopters Mi-2
and Mi-8
are used by the Vologda aviation company. They are used for the emergency aircraft and for the oil pipeline service .
The new district highway with modern outcomes that connects roads A-114, Р-5 and М-8 (the Arkhangelsk destination) is under construction round Vologda. If one goes along М-8
from Moscow one should pass Vologda along Okruzhnoe shosse of 1980s which goes through the city.
and trolleybus
routes, and also by lines of fixed-route taxis
. Regular bus service appeared in Vologda in 1929, trolleybuses – in 1976. Buses and trolley buses work from 6.00 a.m. to 0.00 a.m. Payment for a trip is given to conductors. According to the data of November, 2009 in Vologda there are 5 trolleybus routes, 19 municipal bus routes and about 40 fixed-route taxis. The main transport companies are the open society "VologdaElectroTrans" (trolleybuses), PATP-1 and PATP-32(municipal bus routes).
Traditional national crafts are presented by the closed joint-stock company «Snowflake» (laces), limited liability company "Hope" and other enterprises.
Vologda is a home for:
Vologda is twinned
with: Kouvola
, Finland
, United States
, Hungary
, Netherlands
Vologda Oblast
Vologda Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is Vologda. The largest city is Cherepovets.Vologda Oblast is rich in historic monuments, such as the magnificent Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, Ferapontov Convent , medieval towns of Velikiy Ustyug and Belozersk, baroque...
, Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, located on the Vologda River
Vologda River
The Vologda is a river in Sheksninsky and Vologodsky Districts of Vologda Oblast as well as in the city of Vologda in Russia. It is a right tributary of the Sukhona River. It is long, and the area of its basin . The principal tributaries is the Toshnya...
. The city is a major transport knot of the Northwest
Northwestern Federal District
Northwestern Federal District is one of the eight federal districts of Russia. It consists of the northern part of European Russia. Its population was 13,583,800 according to the 2010 Census, living on an area of...
of Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
. Vologda is among the Russian cities possessing an especially valuable historical heritage. There are 224 monuments of history, architecture, and culture on the territory of the city.
Date of foundation
Two theories exist as to the date of Vologda's foundation.- 1147. It is the official date first fixed in 1780 by Alexey Zasetsky in the "Stories about miracles of Gerasimus of Vologda". It is the story about the foundation of the Trinity monastery near the Vologda riverVologda RiverThe Vologda is a river in Sheksninsky and Vologodsky Districts of Vologda Oblast as well as in the city of Vologda in Russia. It is a right tributary of the Sukhona River. It is long, and the area of its basin . The principal tributaries is the Toshnya...
which was in fact the foundation of the city. However, according to the current scientific data, that information which represented Vologda as the coeval of MoscowMoscowMoscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, is considered legendary. The story was written only in 1666 by a certain Foma under the decree of archbishop Markel. Foma admitted that he had no sufficient data about the biography of the sacred. The biography is full of contradictions. Besides, the monastic building in the Russian North and the Northeast was not known in the 12th century: the first monastery in VladimirVladimirVladimir is a city and the administrative center of Vladimir Oblast, Russia, located on the Klyazma River, to the east of Moscow along the M7 motorway. Population:...
was founded in 1152, in RostovRostovRostov is a town in Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, one of the oldest in the country and a tourist center of the Golden Ring. It is located on the shores of Lake Nero, northeast of Moscow. Population:...
– in 1212, in BelozerskBelozerskBelozersk , known as Beloozero until 1777 , is a town and the administrative center of Belozersky District of Vologda Oblast, Russia, situated on the southern bank of Lake Beloye, from which it takes the name...
area – in 1251. Archeological excavations do not confirm this date as well. They refer the city foundation to the 13th century. - 1264. This date is based on the results of archeological excavations that find out Vologda only in the 13th century. In 1264, Vologda was first mentioned in written sources: Vologodskaya volostVolostVolost was a traditional administrative subdivision in Eastern Europe.In earlier East Slavic history, volost was a name for the territory ruled by the knyaz, a principality; either as an absolute ruler or with varying degree of autonomy from the Velikiy Knyaz...
was in the list of suburban possessions of the Novgorod RepublicNovgorod RepublicThe Novgorod Republic was a large medieval Russian state which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains between the 12th and 15th centuries, centred on the city of Novgorod...
in an agreement with the Grand PrinceGrand PrinceThe title grand prince or great prince ranked in honour below emperor and tsar and above a sovereign prince .Grand duke is the usual and established, though not literal, translation of these terms in English and Romance languages, which do not normally use separate words for a "prince" who reigns...
Now we can state that the place of the foundation of Vologda was not its present central part but the area round the "Lazy ground" , where the Resurrection church was settled down. That place was the center of ancient Vologda up to 1565. Until that time no stone constructions existed in Vologda: all of the city's fortifications, bridges, dwellings, churches, trading and industrial premises were built of wood.
Until the 16th century
The beneficial position of Vologda at the crossroad of waterways made the city the object of internal wars of the NovgorodNovgorod Republic
The Novgorod Republic was a large medieval Russian state which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains between the 12th and 15th centuries, centred on the city of Novgorod...
, Tver and Moscow
Grand Duchy of Moscow
The Grand Duchy of Moscow or Grand Principality of Moscow, also known in English simply as Muscovy , was a late medieval Rus' principality centered on Moscow, and the predecessor state of the early modern Tsardom of Russia....
princes in the 13-15th centuries.
In 1371, three kilometers from Vologda Dimitry Prilutsky founded the Spaso-Prilutsky monastery — the first monastery in the north of Russia where all monks could live together. The monastery building was supported by the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy who considered it an advanced post of the Moscow princedom
Grand Duchy of Moscow
The Grand Duchy of Moscow or Grand Principality of Moscow, also known in English simply as Muscovy , was a late medieval Rus' principality centered on Moscow, and the predecessor state of the early modern Tsardom of Russia....
in its struggle against Novgorod
Novgorod Republic
The Novgorod Republic was a large medieval Russian state which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains between the 12th and 15th centuries, centred on the city of Novgorod...
for the power in northern lands.
In 1397 the Moscow prince Vasily I attached Vologda to his possessions. However, after that the city was several times attacked by Novgorod
Novgorod Republic
The Novgorod Republic was a large medieval Russian state which stretched from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains between the 12th and 15th centuries, centred on the city of Novgorod...
. And it was an object of struggle in the Civil war of 1425-1453. As a result of defeat from Dmitry Shemyaka
Dmitry Shemyaka
Dmitriy Yurievich Shemyaka was the second son of Yury of Zvenigorod by Anastasia of Smolensk and grandson of Dmitri Donskoi. His hereditary patrimony was the rich Northern town Galich-Mersky...
, in 1447 Vasily II the Blind was exiled to Vologda. The town was given to him as his possession. From there Vasily II went to the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery , loosely translated in English as the St. Cyril-Belozersk Monastery, used to be the largest monastery of Northern Russia. The monastery was dedicated to the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, for which cause it was sometimes referred to as the Dormition Monastery...
where he got a blessing and continued the struggle for the Moscow throne. In 1450 Vologda was besieged by Dmitry Shemyaka's
Dmitry Shemyaka
Dmitriy Yurievich Shemyaka was the second son of Yury of Zvenigorod by Anastasia of Smolensk and grandson of Dmitri Donskoi. His hereditary patrimony was the rich Northern town Galich-Mersky...
armies, however, they didn't manage to occupy the town.
After Vasily's death in 1462 Vologda passed to the possession of his son Andrey Menshoy and became the centre of the Vologda princedom. In 1481 after the death of Andrey who had no successors, Vologda passed to Grand Duke Ivan III and was obtained by the Moscow princedom
Grand Duchy of Moscow
The Grand Duchy of Moscow or Grand Principality of Moscow, also known in English simply as Muscovy , was a late medieval Rus' principality centered on Moscow, and the predecessor state of the early modern Tsardom of Russia....
Times of Ivan the Terrible
During the reign of the tsarTsar
Tsar is a title used to designate certain European Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers. As a system of government in the Tsardom of Russia and Russian Empire, it is known as Tsarist autocracy, or Tsarism...
Ivan the Terrible Vologda became one of the major transit centres in Russia's foreign trade with England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
, Holland and other western countries on the White Sea
White Sea
The White Sea is a southern inlet of the Barents Sea located on the northwest coast of Russia. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, the Kola Peninsula to the north, and the Kanin Peninsula to the northeast. The whole of the White Sea is under Russian sovereignty and considered to be part of...
water way and in Russia's trade with Siberia
Siberia is an extensive region constituting almost all of Northern Asia. Comprising the central and eastern portion of the Russian Federation, it was part of the Soviet Union from its beginning, as its predecessor states, the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire, conquered it during the 16th...
on the Sukhona and the Vychegda. The state court yard was built in the city on the river bank. In 1553 Vologda was visited by the English seafarer Richard Chancellor
Richard Chancellor
Richard Chancellor was an English explorer and navigator; the first to penetrate to the White Sea and establish relations with Russia....
who established the diplomatic relations between Russia
Tsardom of Russia
The Tsardom of Russia was the name of the centralized Russian state from Ivan IV's assumption of the title of Tsar in 1547 till Peter the Great's foundation of the Russian Empire in 1721.From 1550 to 1700, Russia grew 35,000 km2 a year...
and England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
that year. In 1554 the trading agent John Gass reported to English merchants about Vologda as a city with an abundance of bread where the goods were twice cheaper than in Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
and Novgorod
Veliky Novgorod
Veliky Novgorod is one of Russia's most historic cities and the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast. It is situated on the M10 federal highway connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city lies along the Volkhov River just below its outflow from Lake Ilmen...
, and that there was no city in Russia that would not trade with Vologda. After the reports of J. Gass in 1555 Englishmen opened in the city a trading office, and the first Russian ambassador directed to England for negotiations was Osip Nepeya, a native of Vologda.
In 1565 Ivan the Terrible introduced the Oprichnina
The oprichnina is the period of Russian history between Tsar Ivan the Terrible's 1565 initiation and his 1572 disbanding of a domestic policy of secret police, mass repressions, public executions, and confiscation of land from Russian aristocrats...
order and included Vologda into the structure of Oprichnina
The oprichnina is the period of Russian history between Tsar Ivan the Terrible's 1565 initiation and his 1572 disbanding of a domestic policy of secret police, mass repressions, public executions, and confiscation of land from Russian aristocrats...
lands. That year he visited the city for the first time and decided to make it the centre of Oprichnina
The oprichnina is the period of Russian history between Tsar Ivan the Terrible's 1565 initiation and his 1572 disbanding of a domestic policy of secret police, mass repressions, public executions, and confiscation of land from Russian aristocrats...
and so the capital of the country. The tsar ordered to build a new fortress. It was decided to build it in another part of the town limited on the one hand by the river, and on the other hand by current Leningradskaya, Oktyabrskaya and Mira streets. Along them a fortress ditch should be digged out. The fortress foundation took place with the tsar's presence on 28 April 1566 on the day of the sacred apostles Jason
Jason of Tarsus
Jason of Tarsus is numbered among the Seventy Disciples. Jason appears in the Bible in Acts 17. His house is used as a refuge by Paul, Silas, and Timothy in Thessalonica. Jason was arrested when the authorities could locate neither Paul nor Silas, and was made to post bail. He was not...
(rus.: Nason) and Sosipater
Sosipater of Iconium
Sosipater of Iconium is numbered among the Seventy Apostles. St. Sosipater's feast days are on April 28 , or 29 with St. Jason; November 10 with Ss. Erastus, Olympas, Herodian, Quartus and Tertius; and January 4 with the Seventy.-Life:Born in Achaea, he was Bishop in Iconium by his relative the...
. Therefore the territory of the fortress located in the new part of Vologda was named the "Nason-gorod" (Nason-city). Other name of the Nason-gorod was the Vologda Kremlin (current inhabitants of Vologda think the Vologda kremlin to be the name not of the former territory of the fortress but only of the Bishop's court yard).

Ust-Vymsky District
Ust-Vymsky District is an administrative district , one of the twelve in the Komi Republic, Russia. Municipally, it is incorporated as Ust-Vymsky Municipal District. Its administrative center is the rural locality of Aykino. District's population: Population of Aykino accounts for 10.4% of the...
. Thereby, along with a trading, military and political eminence there happened a strengthening of Vologda in church affairs.
However in 1571 Ivan the Terrible unexpectedly stopped the construction work in Vologda and left it forever. Probably, it was connected with the decision of the Tsar to abolish Oprichnina
The oprichnina is the period of Russian history between Tsar Ivan the Terrible's 1565 initiation and his 1572 disbanding of a domestic policy of secret police, mass repressions, public executions, and confiscation of land from Russian aristocrats...
and its assumed center. But the legend says that when Ivan the Terrible visited the Sophia Cathedral a little stone fell from its roof on the head of the Tsar. The superstitious tsar who received a serious head injury took it as an omen of misfortune and decided to leave the city.
This legend can be confirmed by the fact that the Sophia Cathedral which Ivan the Terrible even wanted to destroy was not consecrated during his reign. The consecration of the cathedral took place only at his son Feodor I
Feodor I of Russia
Fyodor I Ivanovich 1598) was the last Rurikid Tsar of Russia , son of Ivan IV and Anastasia Romanovna. In English he is sometimes called Feodor the Bellringer in consequence of his strong faith and inclination to travel the land and ring the bells at churches. However, in Russian the name...
in 1587. Parts of the incomplete fortress which were later in the 17th century strengthened with wooden walls stayed up to the 19th century when they were disassembled by the city authorities and local residents as a material for stone building.
Time of Troubles
The Time of TroublesTime of Troubles
The Time of Troubles was a period of Russian history comprising the years of interregnum between the death of the last Russian Tsar of the Rurik Dynasty, Feodor Ivanovich, in 1598, and the establishment of the Romanov Dynasty in 1613. In 1601-1603, Russia suffered a famine that killed one-third...
for Vologda began with a plague epidemic in 1605 that captured the whole city. In 1608, when one part of Russia was supervised by Tsar Vasily Shuisky and another part - by False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II , also called the rebel of Tushino, was the second of three pretenders to the Russian throne who claimed to be Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich of Russia, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible...
, people of Vologda swore to the impostor. By possessing Vologda he did not only get the control over Russian and English trading warehouses but he could also subordinate the north of Russia. However, the new administration sent to Vologda caused extreme discontent of the population by abuses and boundless requisitions as a result of which Vologda separated from False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II , also called the rebel of Tushino, was the second of three pretenders to the Russian throne who claimed to be Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich of Russia, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible...
. Moreover, in February 1609 a national home guard headed by Nikita Vysheslavtsev left Vologda to struggle against False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II
False Dmitry II , also called the rebel of Tushino, was the second of three pretenders to the Russian throne who claimed to be Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich of Russia, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible...
In 1612 people of Vologda rendered a serious food and military help to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky's
Dmitry Pozharsky
For the ship of the same name, see Sverdlov class cruiserDmitry Mikhaylovich Pozharsky was a Rurikid prince, who led Russia's struggle for independence against Polish-Lithuanian invasion known as the Time of Troubles...
home guard in its struggle against the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists. However, after the city directed huge military forces to support the second home guard it did not remain a sufficient numder of military people for its own protection. As a result, on 22 September 1612 one of the Lithuanian extortionate groups seized Vologda without effort. Then the city was burnt and many inhabitants were killed or taken as prisoners.
Under the Romanovs
After 1613 in Vologda there was an economic restoration and the city revived again as the center of the Russian trade with West European countries. At Peter IPeter I of Russia
Peter the Great, Peter I or Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov Dates indicated by the letters "O.S." are Old Style. All other dates in this article are New Style. ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from until his death, jointly ruling before 1696 with his half-brother, Ivan V...
Vologda became one of the main military bases of Russia. Military and technical equipment for fortresses and military ships under construction was stored there. Vessels to deliver food supplies to Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
were constructed in the city. Peter the Great intended to hold them on Lake Kubenskoye
Lake Kubenskoye
Kubenskoe Lake is a large and shallow lake in Vologda Oblast of Russia, situated at the height of 109 metres above mean sea level, stretching for 60 km from north-west to south-east....
(30 km from Vologda). However, after personally inspecting the lake in 1692, he abandoned the idea deciding that the lake is improper for that purpose.
Peter the Great visited Vologda on no less than ten occasions; six of which (in 1692, 1693, 1694, 1702, 1722, 1724) he stayed in the city. The place of stay of the Tsar was a small house of the Dutch merchant I. Goutman which in 1872 was bought by the city authorities and in 1885 was transformed into the museum of Peter the Great and became the first museum of Vologda.
However, after the foundation of Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...
which opened a sea way to Europe through the Baltic Sea
Baltic Sea
The Baltic Sea is a brackish mediterranean sea located in Northern Europe, from 53°N to 66°N latitude and from 20°E to 26°E longitude. It is bounded by the Scandinavian Peninsula, the mainland of Europe, and the Danish islands. It drains into the Kattegat by way of the Øresund, the Great Belt and...
, the importance of Vologda as a center of the foreign trade of Russia lessened. Besides, stopped serving as an administrative center: in 1708 the city was transferred to Arkhangelsk Governorate
Arkhangelsk Governorate
Archangelsk Governorate was an administrative division of the Russian Empire, which existed from 1796 until 1929. Its seat was in Arkhangelsk...
. And by Peter's decree of 1722 about the restriction of trade through Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
, Vologda found itself away from trading ways and became empty and turned to a usual country town.
The revival began only at Catherine II's
Catherine II of Russia
Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great , Empress of Russia, was born in Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia on as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg...
time who made Vologda the center of Vologda Viceroyalty
Vologda Viceroyalty
Vologda Viceroyalty was an administrative division of the Russian Empire, which existed in 1780–1796.The viceroyalty was established by a decree of Catherine II on , 1780...
in 1780. In 1796, the viceroyalty ruled by the governor-general was transformed into Vologda Governorate
Vologda Governorate
The Vologda Governorate or Government of Vologda was a guberniya in the historical northern region of the European part of Russian Empire.In its size it was second right after the neighboring Archangelgorod Governorate...
, the borders of which stretched up to the Ural mountains. The territory of a present central part of Vologda was built up according to the plan of a provincial city confirmed in 1781, and received that historical image which is characteristic of it today.
A new economic lifting of the city was connected with a steamship movement across the Sukhona river and with the building of a new railroad line connecting Vologda with Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl is a city and the administrative center of Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, located northeast of Moscow. The historical part of the city, a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. It is one of the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities...
and Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
(1872), with Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
(1898), with Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...
and Vyatka
Kirov, Kirov Oblast
Kirov , formerly known as Vyatka and Khlynov, is a city in northeastern European Russia, on the Vyatka River, and the administrative center of Kirov Oblast. Population: -History:...
In 1871 the Danish merchant F.A.Buman opened a specialized butter factory in the Vologda manor Fominskoye (13 km from Vologda). It was the first butter factory both in Vologda Governorate
Vologda Governorate
The Vologda Governorate or Government of Vologda was a guberniya in the historical northern region of the European part of Russian Empire.In its size it was second right after the neighboring Archangelgorod Governorate...
and in Russia. Since that time Vologda became the center of the butter industry, and Vologda's butter whose manufacturing technique was invented by N.V.Vereschagin and F.A.Buman became a world trademark. In 1911 the Fominskoe manor together with the creamery of F.A. Buman was given to the state, and the Vologda dairy institute was founded on its base. Thereby Vologda turned to one of the largest dairy centers of Russia.
Besides, since the 15th century Vologda was a place for exiles and got a name «Siberia near the capital». In the 19th-20th centuries the city was visited by the exiled Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was the Premier of the Soviet Union from 6 May 1941 to 5 March 1953. He was among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who brought about the October Revolution and had held the position of first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee...
, Vyacheslav Molotov
Vyacheslav Molotov
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov was a Soviet politician and diplomat, an Old Bolshevik and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s, when he rose to power as a protégé of Joseph Stalin, to 1957, when he was dismissed from the Presidium of the Central Committee by Nikita Khrushchev...
(the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Stalin), Nikolai Berdyaev
Nikolai Berdyaev
Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev was a Russian religious and political philosopher.-Early life and education:Berdyaev was born in Kiev into an aristocratic military family. He spent a solitary childhood at home, where his father's library allowed him to read widely...
(the famous Russian philosopher), Boris Savinkov
Boris Savinkov
Boris Viktorovich Savinkov was a Russian writer and revolutionary terrorist...
(the famous terrorist), Maria Ulyanova (Lenin's
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917. As leader of the Bolsheviks, he headed the Soviet state during its initial years , as it fought to establish control of Russia in the Russian Civil War and worked to create a...
sister), Anatoly Lunacharsky (the first Soviet educational commissioner).
Soviet times
The Soviet power established in Vologda only in December, 1917 and up to the middle of 1918 co-existed with the zemskoe and municipal governments. Besides, in February, 1918 Vologda became a "diplomatic capital of Russia" for some months. Being afraid of Petrograd's capturing by the German army, some embassies led by the American ambassador David R. FrancisDavid R. Francis
David Rowland Francis was an American politician. He served in various positions including Mayor of Saint Louis, the 27th Governor of Missouri, and United States Secretary of the Interior. He was the U.S. Ambassador to Russia between 1916 and 1917, during the Russian Revolution of 1917...
evacuated to Vologda. However, under the pressure of Bolsheviks, on 24 July 1918 the diplomats were compelled to leave Vologda and go home through Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
In the days of the Civil war Vologda became the location of the 6th Red Army's headquarters. It opposed Miller's White Army and military forces of Antanta in the north of Russia.
In 1929, Vologda being the administrative center once again: Vologda Governorate was abolished and included into the structure of a new formation called the Northern Krai
Northern Krai
Northern Krai was a krai of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1929 to 1936. Its seat was in the city of Arkhangelsk...
. Territories of Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk Governorate
Archangelsk Governorate was an administrative division of the Russian Empire, which existed from 1796 until 1929. Its seat was in Arkhangelsk...
and Northern Dvina Governorate
Northern Dvina Governorate
Northern Dvina Governorate was a governorate of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1918 to 1929. Its seat was in the city of Veliky Ustyug. The governorate was located in the North of European Russia, and its territory is currently divided between Arkhangelsk, Vologda,...
s, and also the autonomous Komi region entered the formation together with Vologda. Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
became the administrative center of Northern Krai. In December 1936, Northern Krai was abolished and divided into the Komi ASSR and the Northern area with Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
as its administrative center. But already on 23 September 1937 the Northern area was divided into Arkhangelsk Oblast
Arkhangelsk Oblast
Arkhangelsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . It includes the Arctic archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, as well as the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea....
and Vologda Oblast
Vologda Oblast
Vologda Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is Vologda. The largest city is Cherepovets.Vologda Oblast is rich in historic monuments, such as the magnificent Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, Ferapontov Convent , medieval towns of Velikiy Ustyug and Belozersk, baroque...
by the decision of the Central executive committee of the USSR. According to the same decision districts of Cherepovets Okrug of Leningrad Oblast
Leningrad Oblast
Leningrad Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . It was established on August 1, 1927, although it was not until 1946 that the oblast's borders had been mostly settled in their present position...
were attached to Vologda Oblast
Vologda Oblast
Vologda Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is Vologda. The largest city is Cherepovets.Vologda Oblast is rich in historic monuments, such as the magnificent Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, Ferapontov Convent , medieval towns of Velikiy Ustyug and Belozersk, baroque...
making nowadays the western part of the Vologda Oblast. Thereby the current borders of the Vologda region were determined.
In 1930s the process of industrialization went on in Vologda : a flax factory, a coach-repair factory and a factory called «Northern Communard» (wood sawing) were constructed.
During the Second World War the martial law was established in Vologda, and the industrial enterprises changed to the military production. In autumn of 1941 soldiers approached the borders of the Vologda region. Vologda became a front city. Its inhabitants participated in building of defensive boundaries. Vologda was separated into hundreds of sites of self-defense: bomb-proof shelters and elementary shelters were under construction, systems of air defense which protected the railway junction and the military-industrial enterprises were developed. As a result, though attempts of bombardments were numerous, no bombs fell to the city. To memorize it in Vologda there is a monument to the forces of air defense in the form of an anti-aircraft gun (on Zosimovskaya Street).
Besides, Vologda regularly supplied the front by its railway junction and accepted the evacuated equipment and thousands of people. During the war the city was also a large hospital center. Inhabitants of Vologda donated blood, money and jewellery. The tank column «Vologda Collective Farmer» was organized. To memorize it and also the fighting feats of the city inhabitants participated in the war the monument to the tank T-34 was built (in Mira street).
In 1961 Anatoly Drygin became the first secretary of the Vologda regional committee CPSU communist party and the head of the region. During the years of his leadership there were notable changes in all spheres of life and economy both in the city and in the region. The bearing plant, the machinery plant, the optik-mechanical factory were built in Vologda, a poultry farm was founded; the polytechnical institute was opened; the construction of dwellings and the first high-rise buildings was developed. It resulted in the occurrence of new microdistricts (Byvalovo, GPZ, the 5th and 6th microdistricts). In 1976 the trolleybus transport was started up in Vologda.
After disintegration of the USSR
In November, 1991 the city administration was formed and the reform of local governments began. In October, 1993 Council (Soviet) of People's Deputies of all levels were liquidated. After the Council dissolution in Vologda the City Duma was established. The first elections to it took place on 20 March 1994. Its structure included only 6 deputies. In December, 1995 new elections to the City Duma took place, and its structure was expanded to 30 deputies.On 25 July 1996 the City Duma accepted the main city document — the Charter of Vologda. On 6 October 1996 the elections of the mayor took place first in the history of Vologda. Alexey Yakunichev won the elections and was the head of the city up to 2008.
In 2003 the construction of a ring highway began. It connects nowadays lines А114 (Vologda – Novaya Ladoga
Novaya Ladoga
Novaya Ladoga is a town in Volkhovsky District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located at the point where the Volkhov River flows into Lake Ladoga, east of St. Petersburg. Population: The Nikolo-Medvedsky Novaya Ladoga is a town in Volkhovsky District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located at...
), Р5 (Vologda – Medvezhyegorsk
Medvezhyegorsk , formerly known as Medvezhya Gora and Karhumäki, is a town and the administrative center of Medvezhyegorsky District of the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Population: 15,800 ....
) and М8
M8 highway (Russia)
The Russian route M8, also known as the Kholmogory Highway or Yaroslavl highway, is a major trunk road that links Moscow to the Russian North in general and the sea harbour of Arkhangelsk in particular...
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
– Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
). On 25 August 1995 the City Duma approved the new Charter of Vologda. But though the deputies introduced more than 400 amendments and the volume of the document increased more than twice, in comparison with the Charter of 1996, the Charter of 2005 did not contain any important changes. On 12 October 2008 a new city leader was elected. Evgeny Shulepov became the Head of the city.
Vologda's climate is humid continentalHumid continental climate
A humid continental climate is a climatic region typified by large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot summers and cold winters....
(Köppen climate classification
Köppen climate classification
The Köppen climate classification is one of the most widely used climate classification systems. It was first published by Crimea German climatologist Wladimir Köppen in 1884, with several later modifications by Köppen himself, notably in 1918 and 1936...
Dfb). Winter is long and cold but not severe and lasts for five months. Spring and autumn are cool; summer is warm,; the coldest months are December and January, the warmest month is July. Rain is most frequent in the summer and autumn.
- Mean-annual temperature — +2.8 C °
- Mean-annual speed of wind — 3.5 m/s
- Mean-annual humidity of air — 80%
The ethnic composition of the city and the oblast is mainly RussianRussians
The Russian people are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia, speaking the Russian language and primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries....
. A considerable part of the city population is made of official
An official is someone who holds an office in an organization or government and participates in the exercise of authority .A government official or functionary is an official who is involved in public...
s of different levels — by different estimations, their number reaches 50 thousand people. The reason is not only functioning of Vologda as a municipality
A municipality is essentially an urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. It can also be used to mean the governing body of a municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district...
but also its functioning as the regional centre.
Vologda is included into the list of the Russian cities possessing an especially valuable historical heritage. It is one of the most preserved big cities of Russia the existing historical image of which is created by a harmonious combination of stone monuments and wooden architecture.In Vologda there are 193 monuments of architecture and history of federal significance. The most known of them are:
- Vologda Kremlin (Bishop's court-yard)
- Sophia cathedral
- Spaso-Prilutsky monastery,
- Ensemble of the Vladimir churches,
- Konstantin and Elena church, the St. John the Baptist Church in Roshchenie with its frescos
- Dmitry Prilutsky church
- Church of the Intercession on Kozlyona
- architectural ensembles of the Stone bridge and the Revolution square.
It is necessary to mention monuments of wooden architecture. Of 116 historical cities of Russia only 16 have monuments of wooden architecture. Vologda is among them.
The trademarks of Vologda and so the main subjects of the souvenir production are the Vologda laceLace
Lace is an openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or by hand. The holes can be formed via removal of threads or cloth from a previously woven fabric, but more often open spaces are created as part of the lace fabric. Lace-making is an ancient craft. True lace was...
, the Vologda butter
Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking applications, such as baking, sauce making, and pan frying...
and the Vologda flax
Flax is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and was probably first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent...
There are 10 museums, 4 showrooms of the Vologda regional art gallery and the gallery "Red bridge" in Vologda. The largest cultural centre of the Russian North is the Vologda State Museum-Preserve. Its structure now includes the following museums:- Vologda Kremlin (Bishop's court-yard)
- Peter the Great's house museum (Peter's house) - the first museum of Vologda (opened in 1885)
- Expocenter "Vologda on a boundary of centuries"
- Museum "World of the forgotten things"
- K.N.BatyushkovKonstantin BatyushkovKonstantin Nikolayevich Batyushkov was a Russian poet, essayist and translator of the Romantic era.-Biography:The early years of Konstantin Batyushkov's life are difficult to reconstruct...
's apartment museum - Museum "Literature. Art. XX century"
- A.F.Mozhaysky's house museum
- Museum "Vologda exile"
- Museum of Architecture and Ethnography (Semenkovo)
Besides, in Vologda there is a unique Russian private museum of political history – the Museum of the diplomatic corps which is about the stay of a diplomatic corps in Vologda in 1918.
- Drama theater
- Theater for children and youth
- Puppet theater "Teremok"
- Chamber theater
- Philharmonic society of Valery Gavrilin
- Children's musical theater
Annual festivals
The following annual theatrical festivals are held in Vologda:- "Voices of History" (the beginning of July, every year);
- Gavrilin musical international festival (every year, from October till December);
- Theatrical-concert project «Summer in the Kremlin» (every even year, from June till July);
- The annual open international festival of multimedia art "Multimatograf".
Annual exhibitions also take place in Vologda. Among them:- "Russian Flax".
- "Russian Wood".
- "Gates of the North".
- "Your Home"
Institutions of higher education
- Vologda State Technical UniversityVologda State Technical UniversityVologda State Technical University , is the largest technical university of the Vologda oblast in Russia.-History:The history of the University began in 1966, when the General engineering faculty of the North-Western Extra-mural Polytechnic Institute was founded in Vologda. There was only evening...
- Vologda State Pedagogical University
- N.V. Vereschagin Vologda State Dairy Academy
- Vologda Institute of Law and Economy of the Federal Penal Service
- Vologda Institute of Business
- Branches:
- Vologda branch of the Moscow State Law Academy
- Vologda branch of the Northwestern Academy of Public Service
- Vologda branch of the Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and EconomicsSaint Petersburg State University of Engineering and EconomicsThe Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics is one of the oldest universities in Russia and also is known as ENGECON ....
- Vologda branch of the International Academy of Business and New Technologies
Vologda is a large transport center. It is situated on the crossing of important automobile, railway and waterway roads.The public transport network is well developed in the city: there are both bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
and trolleybus
A trolleybus is an electric bus that draws its electricity from overhead wires using spring-loaded trolley poles. Two wires and poles are required to complete the electrical circuit...
lines. The city has four big automobile bridges: two automobile bridges through the Vologda River
Vologda River
The Vologda is a river in Sheksninsky and Vologodsky Districts of Vologda Oblast as well as in the city of Vologda in Russia. It is a right tributary of the Sukhona River. It is long, and the area of its basin . The principal tributaries is the Toshnya...
and two bridges over railways. There is one foot bridge (the Red bridge) in the city.
Railway transportation
Vologda-1 is the largest sorting and transit spot of the Northern railway in Russia. It includes the stations Vologda-1, Vologda-2, Rybkino, Losta. The site Vologda-2 - Losta is the most active in the network of roads of the Russian Federation, more than 120-150 pairs of trains go through it daily. Suburban trains and long distance trains start from the railway station of Vologda-1.Air transportation
The Vologda AirportVologda Airport
Vologda Airport is an airport in Russia located 8 km north of Vologda. It services small airliners....
is situated 10 km from the city centre along the Arkhangelsk highway
M8 highway (Russia)
The Russian route M8, also known as the Kholmogory Highway or Yaroslavl highway, is a major trunk road that links Moscow to the Russian North in general and the sea harbour of Arkhangelsk in particular...
. Planes Yak-40
Yakovlev Yak-40
The Yakovlev Yak-40 is a small, three-engined airliner that is often called the first regional jet transport aircraft...
carry out the regular passenger flights to Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, Ukhta
Ukhta is an important industrial town in the Komi Republic of Russia. Population: Oil springs along the Ukhta River were already known in the 17th century. In the mid-19th century, industrialist M. K. Sidorov started to drill for oil in this area. It was one of the first oil wells in...
, Velikiy Ustyug, Kichmengsky Gorodok
Kichmengsky Gorodok
Kichmengsky Gorodok is a rural locality and the administrative center of Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky District, Vologda Oblast, Russia, located on the left bank of the Yug River, at the confluence with the Kichmenga River. It also serves as the administrative center of Kichmengsky Selsoviet, one of the...
, and Vytegra
Vytegra may refer to:*Vytegra, a town in Vologda Oblast, Russia*Vytegra River, a river in Vologda Oblast, Russia...
. Helicopters Mi-2
Mil Mi-2
The Mil Mi-2 is a small, lightly armored transport helicopter that could also provide close air support when armed with 57 mm rockets and a 23 mm cannon.-Design and development:...
and Mi-8
Mil Mi-8
The Mil Mi-8 is a medium twin-turbine transport helicopter that can also act as a gunship. The Mi-8 is the world's most-produced helicopter, and is used by over 50 countries. Russia is the largest operator of the Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopter....
are used by the Vologda aviation company. They are used for the emergency aircraft and for the oil pipeline service .
Automobile lines
The following highways go through Vologda:- Federal highway М-8M8 highway (Russia)The Russian route M8, also known as the Kholmogory Highway or Yaroslavl highway, is a major trunk road that links Moscow to the Russian North in general and the sea harbour of Arkhangelsk in particular...
(MoscowMoscowMoscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
— YaroslavlYaroslavlYaroslavl is a city and the administrative center of Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, located northeast of Moscow. The historical part of the city, a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. It is one of the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities...
— Vologda — ArkhangelskArkhangelskArkhangelsk , formerly known as Archangel in English, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea in the north of European Russia. The city spreads for over along the banks of the river...
— SeverodvinskSeverodvinskSeverodvinsk is a city in the north of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, located in the delta of the Northern Dvina River, west of Arkhangelsk. Administratively, it is incorporated as a town of oblast significance . Municipally, it is incorporated as Severodvinsk Urban Okrug. The city was founded as...
). The entrance to Vologda from the Moscow destination is Okruzhnoe shosse and Koneva street, from the Arkhangelsk destination - Chernyshevskaya street. - Road А-114 (Vologda — CherepovetsCherepovetsCherepovets is the largest city in Vologda Oblast, Russia, located on the bank of the Rybinsk Reservoir of the Sheksna River, a tributary of the Volga River. Population: 311,869 ; It is served by Cherepovets Airport.-Location:...
— Novaya LadogaNovaya LadogaNovaya Ladoga is a town in Volkhovsky District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located at the point where the Volkhov River flows into Lake Ladoga, east of St. Petersburg. Population: The Nikolo-Medvedsky Novaya Ladoga is a town in Volkhovsky District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located at...
). The entrance to Vologda is Leningradskoe shosse and Okruzhnoe shosse. - Line Р-5 (Vologda — Kirillov — VytegraVytegraVytegra may refer to:*Vytegra, a town in Vologda Oblast, Russia*Vytegra River, a river in Vologda Oblast, Russia...
— PudozhPudozhPudozh is a town and the administrative center of Pudozhsky District of the Republic of Karelia, Russia, located on the Vodla River east of Petrozavodsk. Population: 8,000 ....
— MedvezhyegorskMedvezhyegorskMedvezhyegorsk , formerly known as Medvezhya Gora and Karhumäki, is a town and the administrative center of Medvezhyegorsky District of the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Population: 15,800 ....
). The entrance to Vologda is Alexander Klubov street. - Lines of local value to:
- Mozhaiskоye and Norobovo,
- Fetinino (through Semenkovo)
- GryazovetsGryazovetsGryazovets is a town and the administrative center of Gryazovetsky District of Vologda Oblast, Russia. Municipally, it is incorporated as Gryazovetskoe Urban Settlement in Gryazovetsky Municipal District. Population: -History:...
and Rostilovo (old Moscow highway).
The new district highway with modern outcomes that connects roads A-114, Р-5 and М-8 (the Arkhangelsk destination) is under construction round Vologda. If one goes along М-8
M8 highway (Russia)
The Russian route M8, also known as the Kholmogory Highway or Yaroslavl highway, is a major trunk road that links Moscow to the Russian North in general and the sea harbour of Arkhangelsk in particular...
from Moscow one should pass Vologda along Okruzhnoe shosse of 1980s which goes through the city.
Urban public transport
The municipal transportation of Vologda is presented by the system of busBus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
and trolleybus
A trolleybus is an electric bus that draws its electricity from overhead wires using spring-loaded trolley poles. Two wires and poles are required to complete the electrical circuit...
routes, and also by lines of fixed-route taxis
Marshrutka , from marshrutnoye taksi is a share taxi in the CIS countries, the Baltic states, and Bulgaria. Marshrutnoye taksi literally means routed taxicab...
. Regular bus service appeared in Vologda in 1929, trolleybuses – in 1976. Buses and trolley buses work from 6.00 a.m. to 0.00 a.m. Payment for a trip is given to conductors. According to the data of November, 2009 in Vologda there are 5 trolleybus routes, 19 municipal bus routes and about 40 fixed-route taxis. The main transport companies are the open society "VologdaElectroTrans" (trolleybuses), PATP-1 and PATP-32(municipal bus routes).
Nowadays there are more than ten thousand enterprises of various patterns of ownership in Vologda. The most considerable enterprises are:- Closed joint-stock company "Vologda Bearing Factory" — makes bearings of various types
- Open Joint Stock Company "Vagron" - alcohol production
- Open Joint Stock Company "Vologda Machine-Building Plant" — makes various process equipment for agriculture
- Open Joint Stock Company "Vologda Optical and Mechanical Plant" — optical devices
- State-owned enterprise "Vologda Railway-Carriage Repair Works", branch of the Open Society of the Russian Railway — produces various trains, makes repair and reconstruction of old carriages
- Open Joint Stock Company "Byvalovsky machinery plant" — the leading enterprise of the Northwest of RussiaNorthwestern Federal DistrictNorthwestern Federal District is one of the eight federal districts of Russia. It consists of the northern part of European Russia. Its population was 13,583,800 according to the 2010 Census, living on an area of...
that produces cranes - Open Joint Stock Company "ElectroTechMash" — makes electric household and technological products
- Limited liability company "Central operating company" — building, designing, management of dwellings, management of the commercial real estate
- Open Joint Stock Company "Trans-alpha" (former "Vologda mechanical factory") — makes trolleybuses and buses
- Opened joint-stock company "Vologda building designs and road machines factory" — produces mobile buildings of a household, public, industrial kind
- Closed joint-stock company "SoyuzLesMontazh" — makes a wide range of equipment for wood processing and equipment for the paper industry
Traditional national crafts are presented by the closed joint-stock company «Snowflake» (laces), limited liability company "Hope" and other enterprises.
Vologda has large sports objects such as the stadiums "Dynamo", "Locomotive", "Vityaz", the swimming pools "Dynamo" and "Lagoon", the sports and concert complex "Spectrum", fitness centers, regional athletic spots.Vologda is a home for:
- the male soccer team "DynamoFC Dynamo VologdaFC Dynamo Vologda is a Russian football club from Vologda, founded in 1926 and competing professionally since 1966. It was called FC Lokomotiv Vologda until 1966. As of 2009, it plays in the Russian Second Division...
" - the female basketball team "Chevakata"
Twin towns/sister cities

Town twinning
Twin towns and sister cities are two of many terms used to describe the cooperative agreements between towns, cities, and even counties in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.- Terminology :...
with: Kouvola
Kouvola is a town and municipality in southeastern Finland. It is located northeast of the capital, Helsinki.The city has a population of and covers an area of of which is water. The population density is ....
, Finland
Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside...
Londonderry, New Hampshire
-Demographics:As of the census of 2000, there were 23,236 people, 7,623 households, and 6,319 families residing in the town. The population density was 555.8 people per square mile . There were 7,718 housing units at an average density of 184.6 per square mile...
, United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
Miskolc is a city in northeastern Hungary, mainly with heavy industrial background. With a population close to 170,000 Miskolc is the fourth largest city of Hungary It is also the county capital of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and the regional centre of Northern Hungary.- Geography :Miskolc is located...
, Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...
Zwolle is a municipality and the capital city of the province of Overijssel, Netherlands, 120 kilometers northeast of Amsterdam. Zwolle has about 120,000 citizens.-History:...
, Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
- Brumfield, William. Vologda Album (Moscow: Tri Kvadrata, 2005) ISBN 5946070509 (in English and in Russian)
External links
- Vologda City Administration
- Panoramas of Vologda on 360cities.net
- Vologda in Internet
- Tracing Russia's Past and Present in Vologda
- Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery
- Detailed information on Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery
- Portal of Vologda
- view from St. Sophia Cathedral bell tower
- Russian Pillow Lace
- Vologda city views
- Historic architecture of Vologda
- Treasures of the Vologda Region