Scooby-Doo (1976-1979 television series)
The Scooby-Doo Show is the blanket name for the episodes from the third incarnation of the Hanna-Barbera
Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. was an American animation studio that dominated North American television animation during the second half of the 20th century...

 Saturday morning cartoon
Saturday morning cartoon
A Saturday morning cartoon is the colloquial term for the animated television programming that has typically been scheduled on Saturday mornings on the major American television networks from the 1960s to the present; the genre's peak in popularity mostly ended in the 1990s while the popularity of...

Scooby-Doo is an American media franchise based around several animated television series and related works produced from 1969 to the present day. The original series, Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, was created for Hanna-Barbera Productions by writers Joe Ruby and Ken Spears in 1969...

. A total of 40 episodes ran for three seasons, from 1976 to 1978, on ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...

. Sixteen episodes were produced as segments of The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour was a 60-minute package show produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1976 for ABC Saturday mornings. It marked the first new installments of the cowardly canine since 1973, and contained the following segments:...

in 1976, eight episodes were produced as segments of Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
-DVD release:On January 19, 2010, Warner Home Video released Scooby's All-Star Laff-A Lympics - Volume 1 on DVD in Region 1. The single disc release features the first four episodes of the Laff-a-Lympics segment of the package. Target released an exclusive second volume with the next four episodes...

in 1977 and sixteen episodes were produced in 1978, with nine of them running by themselves under the Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of the long-running Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 13, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. EST and ran for two seasons on CBS as a half-hour long show. Twenty-five episodes were produced...

name and the final seven as segments of Scooby's All-Stars.

Despite the yearly changes in the way they were broadcast, the 1976-1978 stretch of Scooby episodes represents, at three seasons, the longest-running format of the original show before the addition of Scrappy-Doo
Scrappy Cornelius Doo is a fictional Great Dane puppy created by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1979 as the nephew of Hanna-Barbera cartoon star Scooby-Doo. Scrappy has appeared in a number of the various incarnations of the Scooby-Doo cartoon series. Lennie Weinrib provided his voice for one season...

. The episodes from all three seasons have been rerun under the title The Scooby-Doo Show since 1980; these Scooby episodes did not originally air under this title. Reruns are seen on Cartoon Network classic network Boomerang.

Like most Saturday morning animated series' of the era, The Scooby-Doo Show contained a laugh track
Laugh track
A laugh track is a separate soundtrack invented by Charles "Charley" Douglass, with the artificial sound of audience laughter, made to be inserted into television programming of comedy shows and sitcoms.The term "laugh track" does not apply to the genuine audience laughter on shows that shoot in...



When television executive Fred Silverman
Fred Silverman
Fred Silverman is an American television executive and producer. He worked as an executive at the CBS, ABC and NBC networks, and was responsible for bringing to television such programs as the series Scooby-Doo , All in the Family , The Waltons , and Charlie's Angels , as well as the...

 moved from CBS to ABC in 1975, the Scooby-Doo gang followed him, making their ABC debut in 1976 as part of The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour was a 60-minute package show produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1976 for ABC Saturday mornings. It marked the first new installments of the cowardly canine since 1973, and contained the following segments:...

. This hour-long package show featured 16 new half-hour adventures in the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of the long-running Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 13, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. EST and ran for two seasons on CBS as a half-hour long show. Twenty-five episodes were produced...

format, with Scooby's country cousin, the Mortimer Snerd-inspired Scooby-Dum joining the gang as a semi-regular character. In addition, Pat Stevens
Pat Stevens
Pat Stevens, also known as Patricia Stevens is an American actress and voice actor. She is perhaps best known for her role as Nurse Baker on M*A*S*H and her role as the second voice of the popular character Velma Dinkley during the same period .-Career:She voiced the character of Velma Dinkley...

 replaced Nicole Jaffe
Nicole Jaffe
Nicole Jaffe is an American actress and voice actress, best known as the original voice of Velma Dinkley in Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo Saturday morning cartoon series from 1969 to 1974...

 as the voice of Velma. The other half of the hour was filled by Dynomutt, Dog Wonder
Dynomutt, Dog Wonder
Dynomutt, Dog Wonder is an American animated television series produced for Saturday mornings by Hanna-Barbera about a Batman-esque super hero, the Blue Falcon and his assistant, a bumbling yet generally effective robot dog Dynomutt, who could produce a seemingly infinite number of mechanical...

, a new Hanna-Barbera cartoon about a superhero
A superhero is a type of stock character, possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers", dedicated to protecting the public. Since the debut of the prototypical superhero Superman in 1938, stories of superheroes — ranging from brief episodic adventures to continuing years-long sagas —...

 named Blue Falcon and his goofy mechanical canine sidekick, Dynomutt. The Mystery, Inc. gang made guest appearances in three of the Dynomutt, Dog Wonder segments. The show was renamed to The Scooby-Doo / Dynomutt Show when ABC added a rerun of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of the long-running Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 13, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. EST and ran for two seasons on CBS as a half-hour long show. Twenty-five episodes were produced...

to the show in November 1976.

In 1977, ABC had a programming block called Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
-DVD release:On January 19, 2010, Warner Home Video released Scooby's All-Star Laff-A Lympics - Volume 1 on DVD in Region 1. The single disc release features the first four episodes of the Laff-a-Lympics segment of the package. Target released an exclusive second volume with the next four episodes...

. The Scooby-Doo segment of this two-hour block included 8 new episodes of Scooby-Doo (two of which featured Scooby-Dum and one of which, "The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller", guest-starred Scooby-Doo and Scooby-Dum's distant female cousin, Scooby-Dee), plus reruns from the 1976–1977 season. The name of the block was changed to Scooby's All-Stars for the 1978–1979 season, when the program was shortened to an hour and a half, after the cancellation of Dynomutt. 16 half-hours of Scooby-Doo (featuring just the original five characters) were produced this season, and began airing earlier in the morning before the Scooby's All-Stars block as a third season of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! in September. Scooby's All-Stars instead aired reruns of the 1976 and 1977 episodes for the first nine weeks of the 1978-79 season. By November, the early-morning airing of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! had been cancelled, and the new 1978 episodes began airing during the Scooby-Doo segment of Scooby's All-Stars.


  • Don Messick
    Don Messick
    Donald Earl "Don" Messick was an American voice actor best known for his work for Hanna-Barbera. Perhaps his most well-known voice creations include Scooby-Doo, Papa Smurf, and Dr. Benton Quest....

     - Scooby Doo
  • Casey Kasem
    Casey Kasem
    Kemal Amin "Casey" Kasem is an American radio personality and voice actor who is best known for being the host of the nationally syndicated Top 40 countdown show American Top 40, and for voicing Shaggy in the popular Saturday morning cartoon franchise Scooby-Doo.Kasem, along with Don Bustany and...

     - Shaggy
  • Frank Welker
    Frank Welker
    Franklin Wendell "Frank" Welker is an American actor who specializes in voice acting and has contributed character voices and other vocal effects to American television and motion pictures.-Acting career:...

     - Fred
  • Heather North
    Heather North
    Heather Lindsay North is an American television and voice actress. She is most notable as having performed the voice of Daphne Blake in all incarnations of Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo Saturday morning cartoon series from 1970 to 1979, 1983 to 1997, and from 2002 to 2003.North was the second actress...

     - Daphne
  • Pat Stevens
    Pat Stevens
    Pat Stevens, also known as Patricia Stevens is an American actress and voice actor. She is perhaps best known for her role as Nurse Baker on M*A*S*H and her role as the second voice of the popular character Velma Dinkley during the same period .-Career:She voiced the character of Velma Dinkley...

     - Velma
  • Daws Butler
    Daws Butler
    Charles Dawson "Daws" Butler was a voice actor originally from Toledo, Ohio. He worked mostly for Hanna-Barbera and originated the voices of many famous animated cartoon characters, including Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw, Snagglepuss, and Huckleberry Hound.Daws Butler trained many working actors...

     - Scooby Dum
  • John Stephenson
    John Stephenson
    John Stephenson may refer to:*John Stephenson , American voice actor*John Stephenson , American baseball catcher*John Stephenson , 19th century Irish-American coachbuilder who created the street railway...

     - Rambling Ghost
  • Michael Bell - Tar Monster

Episode guide

The following guide only includes the 24 minute Scooby-Doo segments; It does not include episodes from other programs that ran alongside them. The episode titles given for the first season reflect Hanna-Barbera studio records, as no on-screen titles were given.

Season 1 (1976, as segments on The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour)

# Episode title Villain Original airdate Plot
SDD-1 "High Rise Hair Raiser" Netty Crabbe and The Spector of Ebenezer Crabbe September 11, 1976 As Fred, Shaggy, & Scooby get jobs as construction workers, they find out about a lot of robberies that happened near the construction site. As they come closer, they find The High Rise Specter who is 180 years old and Netty Crabbe, his great great great granddaughter who is also a ghost.
SDD-2 "The Fiesta Host is an Aztec Ghost" The Ghost
In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to...

 of Katazuma and The Stone
Rock (geology)
In geology, rock or stone is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids.The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock. In general rocks are of three types, namely, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic...

September 18, 1976 The Gang are in Cinqo, Mexico to attend a fiesta
A festival or gala is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community and the Festival....

 which gets canceled because of the ghost Katazuma, an ancient Aztec
The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the late post-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology.Aztec is the...

- Centers of population :* King, Ontario, CanadaIn USA:* King, Indiana* King, North Carolina* King, Lincoln County, Wisconsin* King, Waupaca County, Wisconsin* King County, Washington- Moving-image works :Television:...

 and a Stone Creature.
SDD-3 "The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul" 1 The Gator Ghoul September 25, 1976 On their way to see Ma & Pa Skillet and Scooby-Dum, the gang finds The Gator Ghoul who is scaring people away from the swamp.
SDD-4 "Watt a Shocking Ghost" The 10,000 Volt Ghost October 2, 1976 While skiing in Winterhaven, the gang encounter a glowing orange electric ghost known as The 10,000 Volt Ghost who wants to ruin the power plant. They believe it is a former worker who died in an accident.
SDD-5 "The Headless Horseman of Halloween" 1 The Headless Horseman October 9, 1976 On Halloween, the gang takes Scooby-Dum with them to a Halloween party. Then the electricity goes out and the Headless Horseman appears wanting a head.
SDD-6 "Scared a Lot in Camelot" Merlin and the Black Knight October 16, 1976 Shaggy's Uncle Shagworthy, who the gang are about to visit at his castle, has disappeared. They then discover the ghosts of Merlin the Wizard and his Black Knight.
SDD-7 "The Harum Scarum Sanitarium" The Ghost of Dr. Coffin October 23, 1976 Going to Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
The Niagara Falls, located on the Niagara River draining Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, is the collective name for the Horseshoe Falls and the adjacent American Falls along with the comparatively small Bridal Veil Falls, which combined form the highest flow rate of any waterfalls in the world and has...

 the gang ends up staying at an asylum being haunted by the ghost of Dr. Coffin. His two henchmen seem to be driving an ambulance taking patients, but are they really patients or are they hiding something?
SDD-8 "The No-Faced Zombie Chase Case" The No-Face Zombie and the Gorilla October 30, 1976 While eating dinner, Scooby witnesses a burglary. A valuable coin was stolen by a No-Faced Zombie. As they follow the zombie to the Dilly Dally Dolly toy factory, they encounter a gorilla who might also be part of the robbery
Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear. At common law, robbery is defined as taking the property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear....

SDD-9 "Mamba
Mambas, of the genus Dendroaspis , are a group of highly venomous, fast-moving land-dwelling snakes of Africa. They belong to the family of Elapidae which includes cobras, coral snakes, taipans, brown snakes, tiger snakes, death adders, kraits and, debatably, sea snakes...

 Wamba and the Voodoo Hoodoo
Hoodoo, also known as conjure, is a form of predominantly African-American traditional folk magic that developed from the syncretism of a number of separate cultures and magical traditions. It incorporates practices from African and Native American traditions, as well as some European magical...

Mamba Wamba, The Mamba Zombie and Zombie Lila November 6, 1976 The gang goes to see their friend, Alex's band perform. But when one of the band members is kidnapped by a witch doctor, who claims that by playing a song (based on an ancient voodoo chant) they must suffer the consequences, the gang heads to a plantation to rescue her.
SDD-10 "A Frightened Hound Meets Demons Underground" The Steam Demon November 13, 1976 While in Seattle the gang finds out about a construction site
Construction Site
Construction Site is a television series created by The Jim Henson Company in 1999, and consists of 7 construction vehicles. The show was broadcast on ABC Kids for a while, and had a range of videos. It was originally produced for and shown on CITV starting in 1999. In 2000 it was nominated for a...

 that's being terrorized by demons who live in an underground ancient city. So the gang has an underground mystery to solve.
SDD-11 "A Bum Steer for Scooby" Tamooka the Flying Ghost Bull, The Medicine Man Ghost and the Talking Bull November 20, 1976 While in Texas
Texas is the second largest U.S. state by both area and population, and the largest state by area in the contiguous United States.The name, based on the Caddo word "Tejas" meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in...

 to go visit Daphne's uncle Matt, the gang encounters a flying bull known as Tamooka. They then encounter a ghost known as The Medicine Man Ghost.
SDD-12 "There's a Demon Shark in the Foggy Dark" 3 The Demon Shark November 25, 1976 The Maharaj's jewels are stolen in the airport
An airport is a location where aircraft such as fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and blimps take off and land. Aircraft may be stored or maintained at an airport...

 with a million year old shark. Then the gang is at Aqualand where the shark was heading, and the shark is alive. So the kids must find the jewels and see who this shark is.
SDD-13 "Scooby-Doo, Where's the Crew?" The Ghost of Captain Piscado, The Octopus Monster and The Kelp Monster November 27, 1976 While helping a friend research a sunken ship, the gang runs into The Ghost of Captain Piscado, The Octopus Monster, and The Kelp Monster. These three monsters don't want the kids to research the wreck. But Why?
SDD-14 "The Ghost That Sacked the Quarterback" The Rambling Ghost December 4, 1976 While attending a Hawks football game, the star quarterback
Quarterback is a position in American and Canadian football. Quarterbacks are members of the offensive team and line up directly behind the offensive line...

 disappears and the ghost of an old football player appears.
SDD-15 "The Ghost of the Bad Humor Man" The Vanilla Phantom, The Chocolate Phantom and The Strawberry Phantom December 11, 1976 While driving, the gang finds an ice cream truck full of ice cream. Then they go to the ice cream station where they find three ice cream flavored phantoms in chocolate
Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America. Its earliest documented use is around 1100 BC...

, vanilla
Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla, primarily from the Mexican species, Flat-leaved Vanilla . The word vanilla derives from the Spanish word "", little pod...

, and strawberry
Fragaria is a genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, commonly known as strawberries for their edible fruits. Although it is commonly thought that strawberries get their name from straw being used as a mulch in cultivating the plants, the etymology of the word is uncertain. There...

 who want to scare the gang away. But why?
SDD-16 "The Spirits of 76" The Ghosts of Benedict Arnold, William Demont and John Andre December 18, 1976 While in Washington D.C. the kids visit the Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is an educational and research institute and associated museum complex, administered and funded by the government of the United States and by funds from its endowment, contributions, and profits from its retail operations, concessions, licensing activities, and magazines...

. They lose Scooby
Scooby-Doo (character)
Scoobert "Scooby" Doo is the eponymous character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular American animation company Hanna-Barbera...

 and get locked in after hours. They find strange things going on like a train moving on its own, and the ghosts of Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold V was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He began the war in the Continental Army but later defected to the British Army. While a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and plotted to surrender it to the British forces...

, William Demont and John Andre
John André
John André was a British army officer hanged as a spy during the American War of Independence. This was due to an incident in which he attempted to assist Benedict Arnold's attempted surrender of the fort at West Point, New York to the British.-Early life:André was born on May 2, 1750 in London to...

  1. These episodes guest-star Scooby-Dum.

  1. Title as listed on released DVD.

  1. Episode SDD-12, "There's a Demon Shark in the Foggy Dark", was originally broadcast not on a Saturday morning, but on Thanksgiving Day
    Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. In Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the...

     1976 (November 25), during ABC's Thanksgiving Funshine Festival.

  1. These episodes, and all first-season repeats, were broadcast as part of The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Show, which included an additional half-hour featuring a Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! rerun.

Season 2 (1977, as segments on Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics)

# Episode title Villain Original airdate Plot
SDLA-1 "The Curse of Viking Lake" The Viking Ghosts of Viking Lake September 10, 1977 When the gang arrives at Viking Lake to see Velma's uncle John, they find him missing as well as encountering the ghosts of ancient vikings.
SDLA-2 "Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats" 1 3 The Great Skull Island Vampire September 17, 1977 The gang goes to visit their friend Lisa Banoh at Great Skull Island
Skull Island
Skull Island is a fictional island first appearing in the 1933 film King Kong and later appearing in its sequels and in the two remakes. It is the home of the eponymous King Kong and several other species of creatures, mostly prehistoric and in some cases species that should have been extinct long...

. But as it is her 18th birthday, she inherits the island's hotel, haunted by a vampire. As they get an unexpected and unwanted visit by a vampire, she finds out she is from a long family line of vampires.
SDLA-3 "Hang in There, Scooby-Doo" The Pterodactyl Ghost September 24, 1977 On a trip to a hang gliding contest the gang encounters a Pterodactyl ghost
In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to...

 who tries to scare everyone away from the cliff. But why?
SDLA-4 "The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller" 1 3 The Ghost of Milo Booth October 1, 1977 Scooby-Doo and Scooby-Dum's cousin Scooby-Dee is remaking a movie originally made by Milo Booth, a great movie director. So the gang must protect her from his ghost, who decides to haunt her from remaking the film.
SDLA-5 "The Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race" 3 The Phantom Racer October 8, 1977 At the Osbourne Grand Prix Race
Auto racing
Auto racing is a motorsport involving the racing of cars for competition. It is one of the world's most watched televised sports.-The beginning of racing:...

 1977, a Phantom Racer makes the other drivers disappear when they enter in the fog. As they get deeper into the mystery they find possibly the strangest mystery
Mystery fiction
Mystery fiction is a loosely-defined term.1.It is often used as a synonym for detective fiction or crime fiction— in other words a novel or short story in which a detective investigates and solves a crime mystery. Sometimes mystery books are nonfiction...

 they have ever seen from the race track to the junkyard. Legend has it of a driver who died by driving off a cliff and they think the Phantom Racer is his ghost. Finding new clues gives them new pieces to the puzzle, so the gang asks Shaggy to race the Phantom Racer and find out what happened to the drivers.
SDLA-6 "The Ozark Witch Switch" The Ghost of Witch McCoy and The Zombie October 15, 1977 The rivalry from the 1800s between the Hatfields and McCoys continue in the year 1977. The Mystery Machine breaks down and the gang stays in the Hatfield's cabin. The Hatfields say their longtime enemies are all dead. But the ghost of Old Witch McCoy is out to get them for revenge, and she comes and turns the Hatfields into frogs. While the gang investigates, they encounter a zombie man who is very mysterious.
SDLA-7 "Creepy Cruise" 3 The Future Shocker October 22, 1977 While on a cruise ship, the gang meets a professor who created a time machine. While he tests it, everything goes wrong and a futuristic
The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the nature of the reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist is temporary and will come...

 creature comes out, scares everyone away, and steals the professor's money.
SDLA-8 "The Creepy Heap from the Deep" 2 3 The Creepy Heap from the Deep and The Ghost of Captain Clemens October 29, 1977 At their beach party, the gang discovers a vicious monster
A monster is any fictional creature, usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is somewhat hideous and may produce physical harm or mental fear by either its appearance or its actions...

 from the deep. In an escape effort, they meet a sea captain who informs them that the sea monster is a supernatural creature who feeds on souls to stay alive. When going for help, they find it's too late for the captain, and possibly too late for themselves...
  1. These episodes guest-star Scooby-Dum. Scooby-Dee also guest-stars in episode SDLA-4, "The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller".

  1. Following the final first run episode on October 22, reruns of the first season were broadcast alongside reruns of the second season.

  1. Episode title screens are reintroduced, for the first time since Season 2 of the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
    Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
    Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of the long-running Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. It premiered on September 13, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. EST and ran for two seasons on CBS as a half-hour long show. Twenty-five episodes were produced...


None of these episodes appear on either of the DVD releases but are downloadable on iTunes. Note: a version of "Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats" is on the "Scooby-Doo's Spookiest Tales" DVD.

Season 3 (1978, as Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! and segments of Scooby's All-Stars)

# Episode title Villain Original airdate Plot
SDAS-1 "Watch Out! The Willawaw!" 1 The Willawaw and The Owlmen September 9, 1978 Velma gets asked by her uncle Dave to visit. But while visiting, they find out that he's vanished. Then, they encountered the legendary Willawaw and two Owlmen who may be responsible for uncle Dave's disappearance. Legend has it if an owl
Owls are a group of birds that belong to the order Strigiformes, constituting 200 bird of prey species. Most are solitary and nocturnal, with some exceptions . Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish...

 calls your name, you'll be the next victim the Willawaw claims.
SDAS-2 "A Creepy Tangle in the Bermuda Triangle" 1 The Skeleton Men and the UFO September 16, 1978 While on a boat flowing down the Gulf Stream
Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream, together with its northern extension towards Europe, the North Atlantic Drift, is a powerful, warm, and swift Atlantic ocean current that originates at the tip of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean...

, the gang finds a flying saucer
Flying saucer
A flying saucer is a type of unidentified flying object sometimes believed to be of alien origin with a disc or saucer-shaped body, usually described as silver or metallic, occasionally reported as covered with running lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly either...

, hi-jacking airplanes. So as they crash on Diablo Island, they encounter the Skeleton Men.
SDAS-3 "A Scary Night with a Snow Beast Fright" 1 The Snow Beast September 23, 1978 After being invited by Professor Krueger at the North Pole, the gang finds out he's been captured. After encountering an Eskimo named Chief Minook, he gets captured as well. The gang soon discovered the Snow Beast. As legend of the Eskimos has it, the Snow Beast will come and get you if you live on their sacred land. Is this real or is it a cover up for a plan?
SDAS-4 "To Switch a Witch" 1 The Ghost Witch of Old Salem September 30, 1978 On Halloween
Hallowe'en , also known as Halloween or All Hallows' Eve, is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31, the night before All Saints' Day...

 night, the New England
New England
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut...

 town of Salem
Salem, Massachusetts
Salem is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 40,407 at the 2000 census. It and Lawrence are the county seats of Essex County...

 is being haunted by the witch of Milissa Wilcox, who was burned at the stake in 1778. After receiving a vexing call from their friend Arlene Wilcox, a descendant of the accused witch, the gang arrives to help, despite being warned off by the town's mayor. The witch, it seems, looks exactly like Arlene. Soon after the gang's arrival, the townsfolk hold a council and decide to take Arlene into custody and make her confess that she has been taken over by the witch. As Shaggy and Scooby prepare for Halloween, they encounter the witch and discover that she does, in fact, look like Arlene.
SDAS-5 "The Tar Monster" 1 The Tar Monster October 7, 1978 The gang goes to the ancient city of Byzantius in Turkey. On the way there, they met the Tar
Tar is modified pitch produced primarily from the wood and roots of pine by destructive distillation under pyrolysis. Production and trade in tar was a major contributor in the economies of Northern Europe and Colonial America. Its main use was in preserving wooden vessels against rot. The largest...

A monster is any fictional creature, usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is somewhat hideous and may produce physical harm or mental fear by either its appearance or its actions...

, who frightens the native workers away while opening the inner sanctum.
SDAS-6 "A Highland Fling with a Monstrous Thing" 1 The Ghost of Finnyan McDuff and The Loch Ness Monster October 14, 1978 The gang travels to Scotland
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the...

 to visit their friend Aggie MacDuff. She says people have left her castle in fear of seeing a ghost. She says that the ghost is her great-grandfather. It seems the ghost plays bagpipes to call on the Loch Ness Monster
Loch Ness Monster
The Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid that is reputed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere, though its description varies from one account to the next....

 to help him scare people away from the castle.
SDAS-7 "The Creepy Case of Old Iron Face" 1 Old Ironface October 21, 1978 As the gang goes water-skiing, they encounter Old Iron Face. He's said to be a prisoner on Skull Island, and now he haunts it. The gang discovers Captain Morgan's disappearance and they go to Skull Island to find him.
SDAS-8 "Jeepers, It's the Jaguaro" 1 The Jaguaro October 28, 1978 After an emergency landing in a jungle in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

, the gang gets caught between headhunter natives, and the Jaguaro: a creature with the head of a jaguar, and the body of an ape.
SDAS-9 "Make a Beeline Away from That Feline" 1 4 The Feline Creature November 4, 1978 While in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

, the gang is about to visit Daphne's Aunt Olivia Dervy. Upon visiting her, the gang comes across a jewelry store that has just been robbed. Shaggy witnessed a vicious cat creature robbing the store. But as the gang goes to visit Daphne's aunt, she said a strange unexpected package arrived at her door that had a cat medallion. She believes that every night, she turns into the cat creature, the same cat creature that has said to have robbed the jewelry store.
SDAS-10 "The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Claw" The Giant Mantis November 11, 1978 The gang visits their friend Professor Greer at Vulture's Claw Botanical Gardens. Soon they discover a creature who is roaming around the place, so it's up to the gang to solve the mystery before it's too late.
SDAS-11 "The Diabolical Disc Demon" The Disc Demon November 18, 1978 The gang goes to Decade Records recording studio to see a live recording from their friend Jimmy Lewis. But the building is haunted by the Diabolical Disc Demon. He seems to want a half-finished song by a missing writer and will stop at nothing until he gets it. The gang must find the missing writer and solve the mystery before it's too late.
SDAS-12 "Scooby's Chinese Fortune Kooky Caper" The Moon Monster November 25, 1978 Stranded in a palace in the city of Rampoo, the gang meet their new friend, Kim. Kim is to receive a wealthy inheritance--and with it a Moon Monster--who's legend says that if you are caught in his shadow, you turn into stone.
SDAS-13 "A Menace in Venice" 2 The Ghostly Gondolier December 2, 1978 The Gang goes to visit their friend Antonio in Venice
Venice is a city in northern Italy which is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its architecture and its artworks. It is the capital of the Veneto region...

. They soon discover the Ghostly Gondolier, who wants a necklace Antonio's wearing. Daphne is given a similar necklace by Antonio and both end up captured, so it's up to Scooby, Shaggy, Fred and Velma to save them.
SDAS-14 "Don't Go Near the Fortress of Fear" 2 The Ghost of Juan Carlos December 9, 1978 As the gang goes to Puerto Rico, they soon discover the ghost of General Juan Carlos who wants the kids far away from his fortress as soon as possible.
SDAS-15 "The Warlock of Wimbledon" Anthos and his Hound December 16, 1978 Going to England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 for Wimbledon to see their friend, tennis star Jimmy Pelton, the gang soon encounter Anthos the Warlock and his hound who tell Jimmy to forfeit the tournament or pay the price.
SDAS-16 "The Beast is Awake in Bottomless Lake" 2 3 The Beast of Bottomless Lake December 23, 1978 In Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

 on a fishing trip, the gang soon encounters a beast who lives under the lake who scares all the village folks away and he wants the gang to stay away too. So the gang goes under the lake to see what this beast is up to.
  1. These episodes were originally broadcast not as part of the 10:00 AM EST Scooby's All-Stars block (which originally aired first and second season reruns), but at 8:00 AM under the Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! name and utilizing the original 1969 opening credits. This earlier broadcast was canceled after "Make a Beeline Away From That Feline", and the remaining seven third-season episodes were aired during the Scooby's All-Stars block.

  1. These three episodes were, for reasons unknown, never syndicated, and after this last season would not be seen until a decade later, on cable

  1. Following the final first-run episode on December 23, reruns of the first two seasons were broadcast alongside reruns from the third season.

  1. Also known as "Who Was That Cat Creature I Saw You with Last Night."

Home Media Release

The 1976 episodes were released on DVD with the Dynomutt episodes they originally aired with as The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour: The Complete Series on March 7, 2006.

The 1978 episodes were released on DVD as Scooby-Doo, Where are You! The Complete Third Season on April 10, 2007 , although only six of those originally aired under the title Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! in their initial run, and none of the 1978 episodes were presented under the Where are You! title for twenty-eight years following their broadcast debuts (the cartoons on the DVD set still feature the syndicated Scooby-Doo Show opening and closing credits). A rough cut of Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats was included on the "Scooby-Doo's Spookiest Tales" VHS and DVD release. That leaves seven of the eight 1977 episodes that ran as part of Scooby's All-Star Laff-a-Lympics as the only episodes not yet released on DVD from this incarnation.

All forty Scooby-Doo Show episodes are available for purchase and download from the iTunes Store
ITunes Store
The iTunes Store is a software-based online digital media store operated by Apple. Opening as the iTunes Music Store on April 28, 2003, with over 200,000 items to purchase, it is, as of April 2008, the number-one music vendor in the United States...

, as either individual episodes or a season set. The 1976 and 1977 episodes are grouped under The Scooby-Doo Show, while the 1978 episodes are listed under Scooby-Doo, Where are You!
DVD Name Ep # Release Date Additional Information
The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour - The Complete Series 16 March 7, 2006
  • 2 featurettes
  • Image galley
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! The Complete Third Season 16 April 10, 2007
  • 1 featurette

  • See also

    • Dynomutt, Dog Wonder
      Dynomutt, Dog Wonder
      Dynomutt, Dog Wonder is an American animated television series produced for Saturday mornings by Hanna-Barbera about a Batman-esque super hero, the Blue Falcon and his assistant, a bumbling yet generally effective robot dog Dynomutt, who could produce a seemingly infinite number of mechanical...

    • Laff-a-Lympics
      Laff-A-Lympics was the co-headlining segment, with Scooby-Doo, of the package Saturday morning cartoon series Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics, produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The show was a spoof of the Olympics and the ABC television series Battle of the Network Stars, which debuted one...

    • Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
      Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics
      -DVD release:On January 19, 2010, Warner Home Video released Scooby's All-Star Laff-A Lympics - Volume 1 on DVD in Region 1. The single disc release features the first four episodes of the Laff-a-Lympics segment of the package. Target released an exclusive second volume with the next four episodes...

    • The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
      The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour
      The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour was a 60-minute package show produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1976 for ABC Saturday mornings. It marked the first new installments of the cowardly canine since 1973, and contained the following segments:...


    • Two monsters featured in the opening theme song did not appear in any of the episodes. The first was a large phantom seen chasing Scooby-Doo closer towards the end. The second one not to appear was at the end of the theme song, after Scooby-Doo skis off on a snow slope. This villain was dressed in what appeared to be a Native
      Indigenous peoples of the Americas
      The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North and South America, their descendants and other ethnic groups who are identified with those peoples. Indigenous peoples are known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, and in the United States as Native Americans...

    • Scooby-Dee, a one-off character in the episode entitled The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller would show up in one more episode in the entire Scooby-Doo Franchise. In the second season episode of What's New, Scooby-Doo?, Homeward Hound, Scooby-Dee is one of many dogs seen at the dog show the gang is attending. She is seen walking past the screen in two separate scenes in the beginning.
    • Scooby-Dee was meant to return to the series as a girlfriend to Scooby-Doo, but the show ended before that could happen.

    External links

    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.