New Tricks
New Tricks is a BBC television drama
series which follows the work of the Metropolitan Police Service
's Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS). Led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officer
s who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes. The series title is taken from the popular expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". The "old dogs" are successful in adapting their skills and experience to modern policing, with their knowledge of past cases proving especially useful.
Sandra Pullman (Amanda Redman
): Born 1961 she is the head of the unit and is the youngest and only currently serving police officer (and the only woman) in Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS), Sandra Pullman was previously a Scotland Yard
high flyer and a highly successful career woman until an incident involving the shooting of a dog during the rescue of a hostage (which becomes a running gag
during the series). Following this incident, her career stalled and she was given the dubious honour of running UCOS against her will. An intensely ambitious and competitive woman, she has sacrificed most of her personal life in pursuit of her career and likes to be in absolute control of every situation. A running subplot involves Pullman's lonely and unsuccessful love life, consisting of a string of adulterous relationships in her past and numerous failed efforts at romance (including, in one episode, speed dating
), and her lack of domestic skills (Gerry: "Still afraid of the cooker
?"). Pullman believes in following the rules, and is often exasperated by her colleagues' eccentricities and willingness to bend the rules in pursuit of a result. Ironically, she herself does so at times. An example was when the team were told to fix the accounts but the men went behind her back; when she found out she went into the case saying "I'm a copper, not an accountant." Although reluctant to lead the squad, as time goes by she begins to warm to her colleagues and view them as her friends, and at the same time change her attitude towards life. Her mother Grace is still alive, but recently had a stroke. Her father, Detective Inspector Gordon Arthur Pullman committed suicide in 1975 by carbon monoxide poisoning
, when Sandra was 14, while under investigation for corruption by Jack Halford after he attempted to cover up killing a criminal. However, she did not find out about this until 2007, believing that he died of a heart attack. In Season 3, Episode 6, she is introduced as "Chief Superintendent Sandra Pullman" by Strickland at an awards ceremony. She is also called 'Chief Superintendent Pullman' by DCI Melissa Temple in Series 8, Episode 5. However, despite these references, she is referred to in the credits and often in dialogue as a Superintendent, so it can be assumed the references to her being a Chief Superintendent are continuity errors.
Gerald "Gerry" Standing (Ex-Detective Sergeant) (Dennis Waterman
Born Gerard Lestade, the son of Smithfield Market butcher Norman Lestade, Gerry changed his name as he did not get along with his father and loudly protests against his French Huguenot background ("I'm *not* bleedin' French!"), instead preferring to be known as a Cockney
born and raised in Bermondsey
. Nicknamed "Last Man Standing" because of his refusal to take backhanders while the rest of his squad were all bought out by a gangster, his cousins Sid and Barry appeared in the last episode of the 2009 series ("Meat Is Murder"), facing off against Danny Paye, a gangster Gerry owed money to in 1977. Something of a 'Jack the Lad', Gerry Standing is very much an old-school police officer. In his time he was a top 'thief-taker' who passionately enjoyed catching criminals but nevertheless mixed easily with them. As a result, allegations of corruption arose which he angrily denies, but nevertheless were among the reasons he left the police force, the other being that he punched his then-superior officer, Don Bevan, as a result of these allegations. Something of a ladies' man, he has been married three times. Although his marriages were unsuccessful, he is a devoted father to his four daughters and has a grandson, Gerry Jr.. Standing maintains amicable relationships with his three ex-wives, so much so that he occasionally manages to seduce them once again. Although he is now a grandfather, he maintains his devil-may-care lifestyle, but insists that he is merely "a naughty boy, not a bastard". Gerry owns a 1977 Triumph Stag
Roadster which is seen in some scenes. He also has a passion for cooking fine food for his extended family and co-workers. While initial tension existed between them, he and Pullman share a mutually respectful but nonetheless barbed friendship. They sometimes pose as husband and wife when undercover. Along with his familial commitments, he also has a continuing interest in gambling and thus joined UCOS for financial reasons, much to the consternation of DAC
Brian Lane (Ex-Detective
) (Alun Armstrong
Born in either 1946 or 1947, Brian 'Memory' Lane is an exceptional detective, possessing a keen attention to detail and a remarkable instant recall memory that allows him to call up obscure details not only regarding cases but the officers investigating them at the time. He is also extremely socially inept and highly eccentric, a sufferer of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
(OCPD) and a recovering alcoholic
. As a result, despite being an essentially well-meaning individual, he possesses extremely poor social skills and a tendency for getting himself into trouble. He left the force under a cloud, having been held partly responsible for the death of a prisoner in his custody. Although Brian maintains it is part of a conspiracy against him (and was, at least initially, consumed with attempting to discover who was behind it), his colleagues believe that he simply cannot admit he made a mistake. Brian is married to the long-suffering but caring Esther, and they have an adult son called Mark. Brian finds his work in UCOS becoming too stressful for him throughout the fifth series and resumes drinking alcohol when nobody else is around, attending Alcoholics Anonymous
meetings once again. In the final episode of the fifth series ("Mad Dogs"), he gets drunk in a pub and ends up kissing two young women that he is drinking with, in full view of Esther and Mark as they come into the pub to look for him. Esther then walks out, leaving Brian realizing the cost of resuming his alcoholism. Based on the souvenirs in his office and the banner behind his desk, Brian is an ardent supporter of the football club AFC Wimbledon
; at the end of Season 2 Episode 3, he skipped an afterwork celebratory drink with his UCOS mates, saying, "I have an appointment to support my team" while throwing his AFC Wimbledon team scarf around his neck, and singing "A-F-C-Wim-ble-don" to the tune of Verdi's "La donna è mobile
". He is also an avid cyclist
and was revealed to be a keen war-gamer
. In Series 3, Episode 8 "Congratulations", he digs out his old war-gaming board and figurines and attends a war-game tournament, which he wins. He is nearly tempted to take a drink of celebratory champagne out of his cup, saved only by the arrival of the rest of the team who have been looking for him.
Jack Halford (Ex-Detective
Chief Superintendent
) (James Bolam
The highest-ranking ex-officer on the team and the first to be approached by Pullman when she was forming UCOS, Jack Halford is something of a second-in-command to Pullman and acts as a mentor to her on numerous occasions (based on their previous working relationship when she was subordinate to him on the murder squad). Halford retired from the police force to care for his dearly-loved wife Mary who had been involved in a hit-and-run
incident; he is still haunted by her death. This is partly because no-one was ever charged in connection with it, although it was common knowledge that it was Ricky Hanson. After being frustrated by Hanson's acquittal in his trial for his attempted murder of Hanson in a hospital, Halford briefly disappeared, but was found by Brian Lane and returned to UCOS. Ricky Hanson was finally charged with the death of Mary in Series 6, Episode 6 "The Last Laugh" and apparently convicted. Halford still speaks to his wife's memorial in his garden, often seeking her help and opinion in solving cases. A softly-spoken and gentle man, he nevertheless possesses a quick and sometimes violent temper that he has unleashed on several suspects in the cases that he has worked on. Actor James Bolam decided to leave the show after series eight, though he may return for a cameo in series nine to provide closure for his character.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Robert Strickland (Anthony Calf
): Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Robert Strickland is the team's boss. He is a political animal who enjoys basking in reflected glory
of UCOS's clean up rate and his choice of cases is influenced by a desire to make his department look good. Despite this, he is a strong supporter of the UCOS team and has used his influence to protect them when necessary.
Esther Lane (Susan Jameson
): Esther is Brian Lane's long-suffering wife. Esther and Brian met when he arrested her for attempting to steal a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover
from a library. They have an adult son, Mark, who is rarely spoken about but was seen for the first time in the third episode of the second series, where they attend a football match of AFC Wimbledon. Susan Jameson, who plays Esther, is in real life married to co-star James Bolam.
Chief Assistant Commissioner Donald Bevan is the founder of UCOS, originally intending for it to be a public relations
gesture and to prevent an ex-convict from suing the Met for wrongful arrest. In contrast to the team, he was stereotypically obsessed with modern bureaucracy and buzzwords, and relations between them were strained: UCOS's results would anger him for being done in the 'wrong' way. He knows both Jack Halford and Gerry Standing, and strongly opposed Standing's inclusion in the team, mainly because of the history between them. In his final appearance, he tried to get Sandra Pullman hired onto SO10 and suffered politically as a result.
PC Izzy Clark is assigned to the team to help them with their IT
needs and administration, though he soon becomes a valued member of the team. Unlike the retired members of the team, Izzy relies completely on modern policing techniques, an asset valued highly by CAC Donald Bevan.
Grace Pullman is Sandra Pullman's mother and the widow of Sandra's father, Gordon, who committed suicide by carbon monoxide inhalation. Her first appearance occurs when Sandra helps her choose a care home to stay in, due to her recent battle with Ménière's disease
, however, the decision uncovers a murder which prevents Grace from moving into her desired home. She later sufferes a stroke, causing her to reveal to Sandra the truth about her father's death.
Emily Driscoll is a trainee police officer who turns up Gerry's claiming that she thinks he's her dad. However, unknown to her, he does a DNA test which proves he is not her biological father. He doesn't have the heart to tell her, and she continues to believe he is her dad. She soon realises that he has lied to her when he gives evidence in court relating to Ricky Hanson, when he hestitates before claiming that Emily is his daughter. She later ignores his phone calls when he tries to apologise to her. Emily is eager to be a great police officer like the man she believes to be her father and proves successful. Hannah Waterman, who plays Emily, is Dennis Waterman's real life daughter.
Ricky Hanson is a career criminal and the man responsible for death of Jack's wife, Mary. When he confesses this to Jack, he attempts to run Hanson down in his car as Hanson had done to Mary, however, Sandra, along with Gerry and Brian, slams her car into Jack's in order to prevent the murder. Hanson remained unharmed, but all four of the UCOS team were hospitalised. Hanson then appears disguised as a doctor, and visits the ward in which Jack and Brian were being kept, and, after muttering to Jack, "Jack... Jack... Say hello to the wife", begins to smother his nemesis with a pillow. Luckily, Brian, despite being on crutches and without sight in one eye, hits Ricky on the head, stopping him from smothering Jack, however, Ricky starts to choke Brian, but Jack picks up an oxygen cylinder and strikes Hanson on the back of the head, knocking him out. Ricky was then arrested for attempted murder. He then stands trial for the attempted murder. His shrewd representative Ian Figgis (James Fox
) leads the jury to think badly of the UCOS team while they gave evidence: Brian for his recovery of alcoholism and his OCD, Sandra for her occasional tendency to bend rules, and Gerry for incorrect use of forensic facilities within UCOS. When Hanson gives evidence, he lies to the court that he did not attempt to murder Jack, and that he bore no ill will towards him. The jury gives the verdict that Hanson was not guilty, and triumphantly he leaves the court with a few of his criminal friends, all singing smugly at his not guilty verdict. Jack disappears after this, despite the efforts of Sandra, Gerry and Brian to keep him under friendly surveillance, and it was thought that he had left UCOS for good. Strickland ordered Sandra to start interviewing possible replacements for Jack, but Brian becomes determined to get Jack back on the team, and manages to track him down. Jack feels unable to carry on in UCOS, knowing Hanson had been let off with his wife's murder, but Brian persuades him to return to the team to ensure other career criminals like Hanson would not be loose on the streets, and so Jack resumes working for UCOS again. Hanson then returns when he is linked to the disappearance of two Anti-Fascist Activists, leading to renewed hope among UCOS of sending him down. They discover from a former adversary that his son, Luke was in the car when he killed Mary. Though Luke initially denies this, he admits it when it is revealed that Ricky had had an incestuous relationship with his secret daughter. Ricky is arrested for Mary's murder, plus the murders of the two activists and various other crimes, making sure that his downfall was assured and he was sent to prison.
A short-tempered, old fashioned copper, who was a colleague of Gerry when he was still in the force. He and Gerry had a falling-out over a woman. They reunite when Patterson is interviewed over an investigation of the murder of two student activists. The investigation leads on to old rival Ricky Hanson and Patterson gives the team some off-hand insights on how to get Hanson behind bars. These become crucial in Hanson's arrest for the murder of Jack's beloved wife Mary. Patterson returns to get the team to re-investigate an armed robbery and murder in the 80s, with a suspicion that a senior officer might have been tipping off the ringleader of the robbery for a small cut, and conspiring to cover it up. The senior officer is arrested, and Gerry and Frank go out for an old fashioned 'wild' night out on the town.
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8
football team West Bromwich Albion
, named numerous characters after past and then-current players for the club in the first season. The three male characters of the programme, Halford, Lane and Standing, were named after the oldest stand ("The Halfords Lane Stand") at The Hawthorns
football ground in West Bromwich
that week, and the most watched New Tricks episode to that point. The fifth series continued this good run - it was the most watched programme in Britain for the week twice, and the seventh episode gained a new series high rating to that point of 9.36 million - second only to the X Factor
that week. The fifth series began airing on 7 July 2008 and completed its run on 25 August. The sixth series finished location filming on 8 May 2009 in Central London and began airing on 16 July 2009. The opening episode of series six pulled in 8.07 million, despite clashing with Five's The Mentalist
(1.64m) and ITV's Living With Michael Jackson (3.64m). The second episode clashed with The Mentalist and the relaunch of The Bill
on ITV, pulling in 7.59 million.
Series 7 and 8 were commissioned by the BBC in September 2009, ensuring the show would run until 2011. The seventh series began airing on 10 September 2010 and completed its run on 12 November. The eighth series opened on 4 July 2011 with 9.2 million viewers, the show's highest rating for three years, and the first since the fifth series to break the 9 million barrier. The third episode of series 8, "Lost in Translation," was the show's highest rated episode to date with 9.7 million viewers, becoming the most watched television programme of the week in the UK. Episode 7, "The Gentleman Vanishes," superseded this figure with 9.87 million viewers, and was again the top programme of the week.
The BBC announced that New Tricks will return for a ninth series in 2012 and a tenth series in 2013. Both will be ten episodes. On 19 September 2011, it was announced that James Bolam who plays the part of Jack Halford was quitting the show, saying it had "become stale".
The series is currently broadcast in at least 18 other countries (see below). New Tricks is produced by Wall to Wall Television for the BBC
, whose penchant for singing the theme tune
of productions in which he stars is the subject of a famous caricature in the BBC comedy show Little Britain
. In the pilot for the series, Waterman sang the Traveling Wilburys
song, "End of the Line". A full version of the song has been released on YouTube. Production music was composed by father and son team Brian and Warren Bennett
Series Eight is to be available on DVD in November 2011.
These titles are distributed by Acorn Media UK
BBC television drama
BBC television dramas have been produced and broadcast since even before the public service company had an officially established television broadcasting network in the United Kingdom...
series which follows the work of the Metropolitan Police Service
Metropolitan Police Service
The Metropolitan Police Service is the territorial police force responsible for Greater London, excluding the "square mile" of the City of London which is the responsibility of the City of London Police...
's Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS). Led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officer
Police officer
A police officer is a warranted employee of a police force...
s who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes. The series title is taken from the popular expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". The "old dogs" are successful in adapting their skills and experience to modern policing, with their knowledge of past cases proving especially useful.
Main characters
A detective is an investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. The latter may be known as private investigators or "private eyes"...
Superintendent (police)
Superintendent , often shortened to "super", is a rank in British police services and in most English-speaking Commonwealth nations. In many Commonwealth countries the full version is superintendent of police...
Sandra Pullman (Amanda Redman
Amanda Redman
-External links:* ArtistsTheatreSchool.com* The-Little.co.uk...
): Born 1961 she is the head of the unit and is the youngest and only currently serving police officer (and the only woman) in Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad (UCOS), Sandra Pullman was previously a Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service of London, UK. It derives from the location of the original Metropolitan Police headquarters at 4 Whitehall Place, which had a rear entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard. The Scotland Yard entrance became...
high flyer and a highly successful career woman until an incident involving the shooting of a dog during the rescue of a hostage (which becomes a running gag
Running gag
A running gag, or running joke, is a literary device that takes the form of an amusing joke or a comical reference and appears repeatedly throughout a work of literature or other form of storytelling....
during the series). Following this incident, her career stalled and she was given the dubious honour of running UCOS against her will. An intensely ambitious and competitive woman, she has sacrificed most of her personal life in pursuit of her career and likes to be in absolute control of every situation. A running subplot involves Pullman's lonely and unsuccessful love life, consisting of a string of adulterous relationships in her past and numerous failed efforts at romance (including, in one episode, speed dating
Speed dating
Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah, originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet and marry. "SpeedDating", as a single word, is...
), and her lack of domestic skills (Gerry: "Still afraid of the cooker
Kitchen stove
A kitchen stove, cooking stove, cookstove, or cooker is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may also contain an oven, used for baking.In the industrialized world, as stoves replaced open...
?"). Pullman believes in following the rules, and is often exasperated by her colleagues' eccentricities and willingness to bend the rules in pursuit of a result. Ironically, she herself does so at times. An example was when the team were told to fix the accounts but the men went behind her back; when she found out she went into the case saying "I'm a copper, not an accountant." Although reluctant to lead the squad, as time goes by she begins to warm to her colleagues and view them as her friends, and at the same time change her attitude towards life. Her mother Grace is still alive, but recently had a stroke. Her father, Detective Inspector Gordon Arthur Pullman committed suicide in 1975 by carbon monoxide poisoning
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after enough inhalation of carbon monoxide . Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect...
, when Sandra was 14, while under investigation for corruption by Jack Halford after he attempted to cover up killing a criminal. However, she did not find out about this until 2007, believing that he died of a heart attack. In Season 3, Episode 6, she is introduced as "Chief Superintendent Sandra Pullman" by Strickland at an awards ceremony. She is also called 'Chief Superintendent Pullman' by DCI Melissa Temple in Series 8, Episode 5. However, despite these references, she is referred to in the credits and often in dialogue as a Superintendent, so it can be assumed the references to her being a Chief Superintendent are continuity errors.
Gerald "Gerry" Standing (Ex-Detective Sergeant) (Dennis Waterman
Dennis Waterman
Dennis Waterman is a British actor and singer, best known for his tough-guy roles in television series including The Sweeney, Minder and New Tricks.-Early life:...
Born Gerard Lestade, the son of Smithfield Market butcher Norman Lestade, Gerry changed his name as he did not get along with his father and loudly protests against his French Huguenot background ("I'm *not* bleedin' French!"), instead preferring to be known as a Cockney
The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End...
born and raised in Bermondsey
Bermondsey is an area in London on the south bank of the river Thames, and is part of the London Borough of Southwark. To the west lies Southwark, to the east Rotherhithe, and to the south, Walworth and Peckham.-Toponomy:...
. Nicknamed "Last Man Standing" because of his refusal to take backhanders while the rest of his squad were all bought out by a gangster, his cousins Sid and Barry appeared in the last episode of the 2009 series ("Meat Is Murder"), facing off against Danny Paye, a gangster Gerry owed money to in 1977. Something of a 'Jack the Lad', Gerry Standing is very much an old-school police officer. In his time he was a top 'thief-taker' who passionately enjoyed catching criminals but nevertheless mixed easily with them. As a result, allegations of corruption arose which he angrily denies, but nevertheless were among the reasons he left the police force, the other being that he punched his then-superior officer, Don Bevan, as a result of these allegations. Something of a ladies' man, he has been married three times. Although his marriages were unsuccessful, he is a devoted father to his four daughters and has a grandson, Gerry Jr.. Standing maintains amicable relationships with his three ex-wives, so much so that he occasionally manages to seduce them once again. Although he is now a grandfather, he maintains his devil-may-care lifestyle, but insists that he is merely "a naughty boy, not a bastard". Gerry owns a 1977 Triumph Stag
Triumph Stag
The Triumph Stag is a British car that was sold between 1970 and 1978 by the Triumph Motor Company, styled by the Italian designer Giovanni Michelotti.-Design and styling:...
Roadster which is seen in some scenes. He also has a passion for cooking fine food for his extended family and co-workers. While initial tension existed between them, he and Pullman share a mutually respectful but nonetheless barbed friendship. They sometimes pose as husband and wife when undercover. Along with his familial commitments, he also has a continuing interest in gambling and thus joined UCOS for financial reasons, much to the consternation of DAC
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Deputy assistant commissioner is a rank in London's Metropolitan Police Service between assistant commissioner and commander. It is equivalent to deputy chief constable in other British police forces and wears the same insignia: a pip above crossed tipstaves within a wreath.The rank was introduced...
Brian Lane (Ex-Detective
A detective is an investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. The latter may be known as private investigators or "private eyes"...
Inspector is both a police rank and an administrative position, both used in a number of contexts. However, it is not an equivalent rank in each police force.- Australia :...
) (Alun Armstrong
Alun Armstrong (actor)
Alun Armstrong is a prolific British character actor. Armstrong grew up in County Durham in North East England. He first became interested in acting through Shakespeare productions at his grammar school. Since his career began in the early 1970s, he has played, in his words, "the full spectrum of...
Born in either 1946 or 1947, Brian 'Memory' Lane is an exceptional detective, possessing a keen attention to detail and a remarkable instant recall memory that allows him to call up obscure details not only regarding cases but the officers investigating them at the time. He is also extremely socially inept and highly eccentric, a sufferer of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.- Signs and symptoms :The primary symptoms of OCPD...
(OCPD) and a recovering alcoholic
Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing...
. As a result, despite being an essentially well-meaning individual, he possesses extremely poor social skills and a tendency for getting himself into trouble. He left the force under a cloud, having been held partly responsible for the death of a prisoner in his custody. Although Brian maintains it is part of a conspiracy against him (and was, at least initially, consumed with attempting to discover who was behind it), his colleagues believe that he simply cannot admit he made a mistake. Brian is married to the long-suffering but caring Esther, and they have an adult son called Mark. Brian finds his work in UCOS becoming too stressful for him throughout the fifth series and resumes drinking alcohol when nobody else is around, attending Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid movement which says its "primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety." Now claiming more than 2 million members, AA was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio...
meetings once again. In the final episode of the fifth series ("Mad Dogs"), he gets drunk in a pub and ends up kissing two young women that he is drinking with, in full view of Esther and Mark as they come into the pub to look for him. Esther then walks out, leaving Brian realizing the cost of resuming his alcoholism. Based on the souvenirs in his office and the banner behind his desk, Brian is an ardent supporter of the football club AFC Wimbledon
AFC Wimbledon
AFC Wimbledon is a professional English football club that traces its origins to Wimbledon in the London Borough of Merton. Based at Kingsmeadow, Kingston upon Thames, the club are members of Football League Two, the fourth tier of English football....
; at the end of Season 2 Episode 3, he skipped an afterwork celebratory drink with his UCOS mates, saying, "I have an appointment to support my team" while throwing his AFC Wimbledon team scarf around his neck, and singing "A-F-C-Wim-ble-don" to the tune of Verdi's "La donna è mobile
La donna è mobile
"La donna è mobile" is the cynical Duke of Mantua's canzone from Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto . The inherent irony is that it is the callous playboy Duke himself who is mobile...
". He is also an avid cyclist
Cycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, or for sport. Persons engaged in cycling are cyclists or bicyclists...
and was revealed to be a keen war-gamer
A wargame is a strategy game that deals with military operations of various types, real or fictional. Wargaming is the hobby dedicated to the play of such games, which can also be called conflict simulations, or consims for short. When used professionally to study warfare, it is generally known as...
. In Series 3, Episode 8 "Congratulations", he digs out his old war-gaming board and figurines and attends a war-game tournament, which he wins. He is nearly tempted to take a drink of celebratory champagne out of his cup, saved only by the arrival of the rest of the team who have been looking for him.
Jack Halford (Ex-Detective
A detective is an investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. The latter may be known as private investigators or "private eyes"...
Chief Superintendent
Chief Superintendent
Chief superintendent is a senior rank in police forces organised on the British model.- United Kingdom :In the British police, a chief superintendent is senior to a superintendent and junior to an assistant chief constable .The highest rank below Chief Officer level, chief...
) (James Bolam
James Bolam
James Christopher Bolam, MBE is a British actor, best known for his roles as Jack Ford in When the Boat Comes In, Trevor Chaplin in The Beiderbecke Trilogy, Terry Collier in The Likely Lads and its sequel Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?, Roy Figgis in Only When I Laugh, Dr Arthur Gilder in...
The highest-ranking ex-officer on the team and the first to be approached by Pullman when she was forming UCOS, Jack Halford is something of a second-in-command to Pullman and acts as a mentor to her on numerous occasions (based on their previous working relationship when she was subordinate to him on the murder squad). Halford retired from the police force to care for his dearly-loved wife Mary who had been involved in a hit-and-run
Hit and run (vehicular)
Hit-and-run is the act of causing a traffic accident , and failing to stop and identify oneself afterwards...
incident; he is still haunted by her death. This is partly because no-one was ever charged in connection with it, although it was common knowledge that it was Ricky Hanson. After being frustrated by Hanson's acquittal in his trial for his attempted murder of Hanson in a hospital, Halford briefly disappeared, but was found by Brian Lane and returned to UCOS. Ricky Hanson was finally charged with the death of Mary in Series 6, Episode 6 "The Last Laugh" and apparently convicted. Halford still speaks to his wife's memorial in his garden, often seeking her help and opinion in solving cases. A softly-spoken and gentle man, he nevertheless possesses a quick and sometimes violent temper that he has unleashed on several suspects in the cases that he has worked on. Actor James Bolam decided to leave the show after series eight, though he may return for a cameo in series nine to provide closure for his character.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Deputy assistant commissioner is a rank in London's Metropolitan Police Service between assistant commissioner and commander. It is equivalent to deputy chief constable in other British police forces and wears the same insignia: a pip above crossed tipstaves within a wreath.The rank was introduced...
Robert Strickland (Anthony Calf
Anthony Calf
Anthony Calf is a British actor, born in Hammersmith, London, England. He studied acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art . He has recurring roles in the television medical drama Holby City, as Michael Beauchamp, and New Tricks as Strickland...
): Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Deputy assistant commissioner is a rank in London's Metropolitan Police Service between assistant commissioner and commander. It is equivalent to deputy chief constable in other British police forces and wears the same insignia: a pip above crossed tipstaves within a wreath.The rank was introduced...
Robert Strickland is the team's boss. He is a political animal who enjoys basking in reflected glory
Basking in Reflected Glory
Basking in reflected glory is a self-serving cognition whereby an individual associates themself with successful others such that another’s success becomes their own....
of UCOS's clean up rate and his choice of cases is influenced by a desire to make his department look good. Despite this, he is a strong supporter of the UCOS team and has used his influence to protect them when necessary.
Esther Lane (Susan Jameson
Susan Jameson
Susan Jameson is an English actress who is best known for her television work.Jameson was born in Barnt Green, Worcestershire, England, UK. She is married to actor James Bolam with whom she has a daughter, Lucy...
): Esther is Brian Lane's long-suffering wife. Esther and Brian met when he arrested her for attempting to steal a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence, first published in 1928. The first edition was printed privately in Florence, Italy with assistance from Pino Orioli; it could not be published openly in the United Kingdom until 1960...
from a library. They have an adult son, Mark, who is rarely spoken about but was seen for the first time in the third episode of the second series, where they attend a football match of AFC Wimbledon. Susan Jameson, who plays Esther, is in real life married to co-star James Bolam.
Recurring and Previous Characters
- Chief Assistant Commissioner Donald Bevan (Nicholas Day)
- Episodes: "The Chinese Job" - "Talking To The Dead" (7 Episodes)
Chief Assistant Commissioner Donald Bevan is the founder of UCOS, originally intending for it to be a public relations
Public relations
Public relations is the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc....
gesture and to prevent an ex-convict from suing the Met for wrongful arrest. In contrast to the team, he was stereotypically obsessed with modern bureaucracy and buzzwords, and relations between them were strained: UCOS's results would anger him for being done in the 'wrong' way. He knows both Jack Halford and Gerry Standing, and strongly opposed Standing's inclusion in the team, mainly because of the history between them. In his final appearance, he tried to get Sandra Pullman hired onto SO10 and suffered politically as a result.
- PC Izzy Clark (Chiké OkonkwoChiké OkonkwoChiké Okonkwo is an English actor, known for portraying PC Clark in New Tricks and DC Callum Gada in Paradox.-Background:Born and raised in Kingston upon Thames, Okonkwo is of Nigerian descent...
- Episodes: "The Chinese Job" - "Talking To The Dead" (7 Episodes)
PC Izzy Clark is assigned to the team to help them with their IT
Information technology
Information technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications...
needs and administration, though he soon becomes a valued member of the team. Unlike the retired members of the team, Izzy relies completely on modern policing techniques, an asset valued highly by CAC Donald Bevan.
- Grace Pullman (Sheila HancockSheila HancockSheila Cameron Hancock, CBE is an English actress and author.-Early life:Sheila Hancock was born in Blackgang on the Isle of Wight, the daughter of Ivy Louise and Enrico Cameron Hancock, who was a publican. Her sister Billie is seven years older...
- Episodes: "God's Waiting Room" - "Setting Out Your Stall" (5 Episodes)
Grace Pullman is Sandra Pullman's mother and the widow of Sandra's father, Gordon, who committed suicide by carbon monoxide inhalation. Her first appearance occurs when Sandra helps her choose a care home to stay in, due to her recent battle with Ménière's disease
Ménière's disease
Ménière's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear. It is named after the French physician Prosper Ménière, who, in an article published...
, however, the decision uncovers a murder which prevents Grace from moving into her desired home. She later sufferes a stroke, causing her to reveal to Sandra the truth about her father's death.
- Emily Driscoll (Hannah WatermanHannah WatermanHannah Waterman-Groves is an English actress, daughter of Minder star Dennis Waterman and his second wife, actress Patricia Maynard.-Career:...
- Episodes: "Congratulations" - "Dead Men Talking" (7 Episodes)
Emily Driscoll is a trainee police officer who turns up Gerry's claiming that she thinks he's her dad. However, unknown to her, he does a DNA test which proves he is not her biological father. He doesn't have the heart to tell her, and she continues to believe he is her dad. She soon realises that he has lied to her when he gives evidence in court relating to Ricky Hanson, when he hestitates before claiming that Emily is his daughter. She later ignores his phone calls when he tries to apologise to her. Emily is eager to be a great police officer like the man she believes to be her father and proves successful. Hannah Waterman, who plays Emily, is Dennis Waterman's real life daughter.
- Ricky Hanson (David TroughtonDavid TroughtonDavid Troughton is an English actor, best known for his Shakespearean roles on the British stage.- Biography :David Troughton was born in Hampstead, North London. He comes from a theatrical family: he is the son of Doctor Who actor Patrick Troughton, elder brother of Michael Troughton, and father...
- Episodes: "Congratulations" - "The Last Laugh" (4 Episodes)
Ricky Hanson is a career criminal and the man responsible for death of Jack's wife, Mary. When he confesses this to Jack, he attempts to run Hanson down in his car as Hanson had done to Mary, however, Sandra, along with Gerry and Brian, slams her car into Jack's in order to prevent the murder. Hanson remained unharmed, but all four of the UCOS team were hospitalised. Hanson then appears disguised as a doctor, and visits the ward in which Jack and Brian were being kept, and, after muttering to Jack, "Jack... Jack... Say hello to the wife", begins to smother his nemesis with a pillow. Luckily, Brian, despite being on crutches and without sight in one eye, hits Ricky on the head, stopping him from smothering Jack, however, Ricky starts to choke Brian, but Jack picks up an oxygen cylinder and strikes Hanson on the back of the head, knocking him out. Ricky was then arrested for attempted murder. He then stands trial for the attempted murder. His shrewd representative Ian Figgis (James Fox
James Fox
James Fox, OBE is an English actor.-Early life:James Fox was born in London, England to theatrical agent Robin Fox and actress Angela Worthington. He is the brother of actor Edward Fox and film producer Robert Fox. The actress Emilia Fox is his niece and the actor Laurence Fox is his son. His...
) leads the jury to think badly of the UCOS team while they gave evidence: Brian for his recovery of alcoholism and his OCD, Sandra for her occasional tendency to bend rules, and Gerry for incorrect use of forensic facilities within UCOS. When Hanson gives evidence, he lies to the court that he did not attempt to murder Jack, and that he bore no ill will towards him. The jury gives the verdict that Hanson was not guilty, and triumphantly he leaves the court with a few of his criminal friends, all singing smugly at his not guilty verdict. Jack disappears after this, despite the efforts of Sandra, Gerry and Brian to keep him under friendly surveillance, and it was thought that he had left UCOS for good. Strickland ordered Sandra to start interviewing possible replacements for Jack, but Brian becomes determined to get Jack back on the team, and manages to track him down. Jack feels unable to carry on in UCOS, knowing Hanson had been let off with his wife's murder, but Brian persuades him to return to the team to ensure other career criminals like Hanson would not be loose on the streets, and so Jack resumes working for UCOS again. Hanson then returns when he is linked to the disappearance of two Anti-Fascist Activists, leading to renewed hope among UCOS of sending him down. They discover from a former adversary that his son, Luke was in the car when he killed Mary. Though Luke initially denies this, he admits it when it is revealed that Ricky had had an incestuous relationship with his secret daughter. Ricky is arrested for Mary's murder, plus the murders of the two activists and various other crimes, making sure that his downfall was assured and he was sent to prison.
- Frank Patterson (Phil DanielsPhil DanielsPhilip W. "Phil" Daniels is an English actor, most noted for film and television roles as "cockneys" such as Jimmy in Quadrophenia, Richards in Scum, Stewart in The Class of Miss MacMichael, Mark in Meantime, Kevin Wicks in EastEnders, DCS Frank Patterson in New Tricks and Edward Kitchener "Ted"...
- Episodes: "The Last Laugh" - "The Fourth Man" (2 Episodes)
A short-tempered, old fashioned copper, who was a colleague of Gerry when he was still in the force. He and Gerry had a falling-out over a woman. They reunite when Patterson is interviewed over an investigation of the murder of two student activists. The investigation leads on to old rival Ricky Hanson and Patterson gives the team some off-hand insights on how to get Hanson behind bars. These become crucial in Hanson's arrest for the murder of Jack's beloved wife Mary. Patterson returns to get the team to re-investigate an armed robbery and murder in the 80s, with a suspicion that a senior officer might have been tipping off the ringleader of the robbery for a small cut, and conspiring to cover it up. The senior officer is arrested, and Gerry and Frank go out for an old fashioned 'wild' night out on the town.
Guest Stars
Guest stars have included:Series 1
- Jill BakerJill BakerJill Baker is a British actor. She was born Gillian Mary Baker in the UK.Baker made a brief appearance in Only Fools and Horses, in the episode "The Second Time Around", as Del Boy 's ex-fiance, Pauline Harris-Personal life:...
- Patrick BaladiPatrick BaladiPatrick Baladi was born on 25 December 1971 and is an English actor.Baladi was born in Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. His father is a gynaecologist from Libya, and his mother was a midwife...
- Isla BlairIsla BlairIsla Blair is an India-born actress of British descent. She made her first stage appearance in 1963 as Philia in the London debut of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and her first credited film appearance in the 1965 horror film Dr. Terror's House of Horrors.- Biography :Isla Blair...
- Philip BrethertonPhilip BrethertonPhilip Bretherton is an English actor best known for his role as Alistair Deacon in the British television series As Time Goes By....
- Paul BrightwellPaul BrightwellPaul Brightwell is an English actor. He has acted in many different films and TV shows since the late 1980s.-Early life & career:Brightwell's first main role was as Uriah Heep in the TV Series David Copperfield in 1986...
- Jan ChappellJan ChappellJan Chappell, is a British actress, known for her portrayal of Cally in the first three series of Blake's 7. She trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art where she received an honours diploma and the Kendal and Jenny Laird Prize....
- Jon FinchJon FinchJon Finch is an English actor noted for many Shakespearean roles. Perhaps his most notable role was the title role in Roman Polanski's 1971 film adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. His other famous role was as a down-and-out ex-RAF pilot wrongly accused of murder in Alfred Hitchcock's...
- Hugh FraserHugh Fraser (actor)Hugh Fraser is an English actor and theatre director.-Early life:Born in London but raised in the East Midlands, Fraser studied acting at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art...
- Anthony HeadAnthony HeadAnthony Stewart Head , usually credited as Anthony Head, is an English actor and musician. He rose to fame in the UK following his role in television advertisements for Nescafé Gold Blend , and is known for his roles as Rupert Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as Uther Pendragon in...
- Cherie LunghiCherie LunghiCherie M. Lunghi is an English film, television and theatre actress. She is probably best known for her role as Guinevere in the 1981 film Excalibur, as football manageress Gabriella Benson in the 1990s television series The Manageress and for starring in a series of adverts for Kenco coffee. She...
- Hattie MorahanHattie MorahanHarriet Jane Morahan is an award-winning English television, film, and stage actress.-Background:Hattie Morahan is the youngest daughter of television and film director Christopher Morahan and actress Anna Carteret...
- Robert PughRobert PughRobert Pugh is a Welsh film and television actor.Pugh was born in Cilfynydd and graduated from Rose Bruford College in 1976. In 2007, he co-starred alongside Genevieve O'Reilly and Geraldine James in ITV1 drama The Time of Your Life, where he played a parent whose 36-year-old daughter was...
Series 2
- Jenny AgutterJenny AgutterJennifer Ann "Jenny" Agutter is an English film and television actress. She began her career as a child actress in the mid 1960s, starring in the BBC television series The Railway Children and the film adaptation of the same book, before moving on to adult roles and relocating to Hollywood.She...
- Keith Allen
- Jane AsherJane AsherJane Asher is an English actress. She has also developed a second career as a cake decorator and cake shop proprietor.-Early life:...
- Keith BarronKeith BarronKeith Barron is an English actor and television presenter, well-known from numerous roles on British television from the 1960s to the present day.-Career:...
- Honor BlackmanHonor BlackmanHonor Blackman is an English actress, known for the roles of Cathy Gale in The Avengers and Bond girl Pussy Galore in Goldfinger .-Early life:...
- Navin ChowdhryNavin ChowdhryNavin Chowdhry is a British television actor.-Personal life:Navin Chowdhry was born and raised in Bristol, England. In 1994, Chowdhry graduated from Imperial College, London earning a 3 year degree in biochemistry, with 2:1 honours.-Career:...
- Anita DobsonAnita DobsonAnita Dobson is an English television actress and singer. She gained her highest profile while playing Angie Watts in the BBC soap opera, EastEnders...
- Shaun DooleyShaun DooleyShaun Dooley is a British actor who regularly appears on television and in British Films.-Biography:Shaun Dooley was born in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. He studied at the Arden School of Theatre in Manchester between 1992 and 1995....
- Lisa FaulknerLisa FaulknerLisa Tamsin Faulkner is an English actress and television personality.-Early life:Faulkner was educated at Tiffin Girls' School, Kingston upon Thames.When Faulkner was 16, her mother, Julie, died of cancer...
- Nicholas JonesNicholas Jones (actor)Nicholas Jones is an English character actor. His older sister is actress Gemma Jones. They are the children of actor Griffith Jones....
- David de KeyserDavid de KeyserDavid de Keyser is a British actor. He is the father of Alexei de Keyser, Pia de Keyser and Thomas de Keyser.In the mid-sixties de Keyser worked twice with the writer, actor and director Jane Arden. Their first collaboration, The Logic Game, was the first BBC drama to be shot on film; it was...
- Nigel LindsayNigel LindsayNigel Lindsay is an English actor. He was nominated for Best British Comedy Performance in Film at the 2011 British Comedy Awards for his performance as Barry, the Muslim convert in Chris Morris's BAFTA winning Four Lions and won the 2011 Whatsonstage Award for Best Supporting Actor as Dr Harry...
- Bill MoodyBill MoodyJudge William E. "Bill" Moody has served as the presiding judge of the 34th District Court in El Paso since 1986.For the Professional wrestling manager William Alvin "Bill" Moody, see Paul Bearer.-2010 Election:...
- Kieran O'BrienKieran O'BrienKieran O'Brien is an English actor.-Biography:O'Brien, who grew up in nearby Royton, began acting at a early age and was the star of a BBC TV series Gruey by the time he was 15. He also featured in several other series at the time in one-off or recurring roles...
- Nadim SawalhaNadim SawalhaNadim Sawalha is a Jordanian-born English actor and father of actresses Julia and Nadia Sawalha.He was born in Madaba in 1935 and came to England from Jordan in the 1950s, to study drama...
- Gillian TaylforthGillian TaylforthGillian Taylforth is an English actress. She is best known for her roles as Kathy Mitchell on the BBC soap opera, EastEnders and as Jackie Pascoe-Webb on ITV's Footballers Wives , but more recently as Sgt. Nikki Wright in ITV's The Bill...
- Stephen TompkinsonStephen TompkinsonStephen Tompkinson is a British actor. He is best known for his work in comedy and drama productions such as Drop the Dead Donkey, Ballykissangel, Grafters, In Deep, Wild at Heart and DCI Banks....
- Rita TushinghamRita Tushingham-Career:Born in Liverpool, Tushingham began her career as a stage actress at the Liverpool Playhouse. Her screen debut was in A Taste of Honey...
- Anthony Valentine
- Nina WadiaNina Wadia-Television and film:Wadia first came to prominence in BBC sketch show Goodness Gracious Me, playing characters such as Mrs "I can make it at home for nothing!" and one half of The Competitive Mothers...
- Harriet WalterHarriet WalterDame Harriet Mary Walter, DBE is a British actress.-Personal life:She is the niece of renowned British actor Sir Christopher Lee, as the daughter of his elder sister Xandra Lee. On her father's side she is a great-great-great-granddaughter of John Walter, founder of The TimesShe was educated at...
- Timothy WestTimothy WestTimothy Lancaster West, CBE is an English film, stage and television actor.-Career:West's craggy looks ensured a career as a character actor rather than a leading man. He began his career as an Assistant Stage Manager at the Wimbledon Theatre in 1956, and followed this with several seasons of...
- Philip WhitchurchPhilip WhitchurchPhilip Whitchurch is a British stage, film, and television actor. He is best known for playing Chief Inspector Philip Cato in The Bill from 1993 to 1995...
Series 3
- Joe AbsolomJoe AbsolomJoseph Absolom is an English actor best known for playing Matthew Rose in the popular BBC soap opera EastEnders and Al Large in Doc Martin.-Biography:...
- Frances BarberFrances BarberFrances Barber is an Olivier Award-nominated English actress with a long and distinguished stage career. She has also appeared in numerous television productions...
- Stephanie BeachamStephanie BeachamStephanie Beacham is a British television, film and theatre actress. Making her film debut in 1971's The Nightcomers opposite Marlon Brando and becoming more well-known on British television in the BBC series Tenko and the ITV series Connie , her worldwide breakthrough came as a result of playing...
- Steven BerkoffSteven BerkoffSteven Berkoff is an English actor, writer and director. Best known for his performance as General Orlov in the James Bond film Octopussy, he is typically cast in villanous roles, such as Lt...
- Denise BlackDenise BlackDenise Black is an English actress, best known for playing Denise Osbourne in the ITV1 soap Coronation Street and Hazel Tyler in Channel 4 TV's Queer As Folk in 1999 and 2000, written by Russell T Davies. After attending Portsmouth's Girls Public Day School, she studied Psychology at London...
- Richard BriersRichard BriersRichard David Briers, CBE is an English actor whose career has encompassed theatre, television, film and radio.He first came to prominence as George Starling in Marriage Lines in the 1960s, but it was in the following decade when he played Tom Good in the BBC sitcom The Good Life that he became a...
- Kenneth ColleyKenneth ColleyKenneth Colley is an English actor. A long-time character actor, he came to wider prominence through his role as Admiral Piett in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi....
- Emma CunniffeEmma CunniffeEmma Cunniffe is a British film, stage and television actress.Her television credits include The Lakes , "Biddy" in a TV adaptation of Great Expectations, All the King's Men, Clash of the Santas, alongside Robson Green and Mark Benton, an ITV adaptation of Appointment with Death, Clocking Off ,...
- Charles DaleCharles DaleCharles Dale is a Welsh actor who is well known for playing Dennis Stringer in Coronation Street, Gary "Chef" Alcock in The Lakes and Clive Eustace in The Eustace Bros.....
- Joe DuttineJoe DuttineJoe Duttine , sometimes credited as Jo Duttine, is an English film, theatre and television actor.-Early life:He was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England...
- Sean GilderSean GilderSean Brian Gilder is an English stage, film and screen actor, he is also a playwright.Gilder was born in Brampton, Cumbria, England. He is best-known for his portrayal of Paddy Maguire on Shameless from 2005 to 2010, and as Styles on Hornblower...
- Dave HillDave HillDave Hill is an English musician, who is the lead guitarist and backing vocalist in the English glam rock group, Slade. The music journalist, Stuart Maconie, commented "he usually wore a jumpsuit made of the foil that you baste your turkeys in and platforms of oil-rig-derrick height...
- Michael Howe
- Gareth HuntGareth HuntAlan Leonard Hunt was an English actor, known as Gareth Hunt, best remembered for playing the footman Frederick Norton in Upstairs, Downstairs and Mike Gambit in The New Avengers.-Early life:...
- Karl JohnsonKarl JohnsonKarl Johnson is a Welsh actor, notable for acting on stage, film and television. He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate from Birmingham City University. His most notable role to date was the title role in Derek Jarman's 1993 film Wittgenstein...
- Anton LesserAnton LesserAnton Lesser is a British actor. He attended Moseley Grammar School and the University of Liverpool before going to RADA in 1977 where he was awarded the Bancroft Gold Medal as the most promising actor of his year....
- Patrick MalahidePatrick MalahidePatrick Malahide is a British actor, who has played many major film and television roles.-Personal life:Malahide, real name Patrick Gerald Duggan, was born in Reading, Berkshire, the son of Irish immigrants, a cook mother and a school secretary father...
- Michael MaloneyMichael MaloneyMichael Maloney is an English actor.Born in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, Maloney's first television appearance was as Peter Barkworth's teenage son in the 1979 drama series, Telford's Change....
- Poppy MillerPoppy MillerPoppy Miller is a British actress. Miller was born in Norwich, UK and studied philosophy and English at Cambridge University and later attended the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. She is mostly known for her role as DI Carol Browning in the British detective series The Commander...
- Dearbhla MolloyDearbhla MolloyDearbhla Molloy is an Irish actress of the stage and screen from Dublin.Molloy consolidated her stage reputation at both the Abbey and the Gate theatres, coming to England to tour with an Abbey production. She was invited to join the Royal Shakespeare Company and has played Gertrude to Kenneth...
- Siobhan RedmondSiobhan RedmondSiobhan Redmond is a Scottish actress.Originally from Tollcross, Glasgow, Redmond's first television appearances were in the early 1980s. Her first TV appearance was in 1982 in a sketch show called "Nothing to worry about!" which then lead to the sketch show Alfresco...
- Natalie J. RobbNatalie J. RobbNatalie J. Robb is a Scottish actress born in Bellshill, Glasgow on 3 December 1974.- Personal life :Born Natalie Joy Robb, she is the youngest of three children. As a child, Robb attended weekend drama groups in Glasgow, where she was discovered by director Alan Macmillan, later going to the Royal...
- David RoperDavid RoperDavid Roper is a British actor, best known for his roles in the sitcoms The Cuckoo Waltz and Leave it to Charlie....
- Steve John ShepherdSteve John Shepherd-Career:Shepherd first became known in 1996, when he played the role of Jo, the law clerk, in the critically acclaimed BBC drama This Life. He remained in the role for two series...
- Edward de SouzaEdward de SouzaEdward James de Souza is a British character actor and graduate of RADA with ethnic Portuguese Indian and English origins.-Early life:...
- Maggie SteedMaggie SteedMaggie Steed is an English actress and comedienne.-Youth:After studying drama at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in Bristol, she left the theatre for several years.-Career:...
- Frances de la TourFrances de la TourFrances de la Tour is an English actress perhaps best known for her role as Miss Ruth Jones in the British sitcom Rising Damp, and as Madame Olympe Maxime in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1.-Early life and family:De la...
- Kevin WhatelyKevin WhatelyKevin Whately is an English actor.Whately is known for his starring role as Neville Hope in the British television comedy Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, his role as Dr Jack Kerruish in the drama series Peak Practice, and as Robert "Robbie" Lewis in the crime dramas Inspector Morse and...
Series 4
- David BamberDavid BamberDavid James Bamber is an English actor, known for his television and theatre work. He is an Associate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.-Early years:...
- Geoffrey BayldonGeoffrey BayldonGeoffrey Bayldon is a British actor. After playing roles in many dramas including Shakespeare, he became known for portraying the title role of the children's series Catweazle , after turning down the opportunity to play both the First and Second Doctors in the long-running BBC science fiction...
- Nick BrimbleNick BrimbleNick Brimble , is an English actor known for his performance as Little John in the film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and his appearances on various television shows....
- George Cole
- Lindsey CoulsonLindsey CoulsonLindsey Coulson is an English actress, best known for her role as Carol Jackson in the BBC soap opera EastEnders.- Career :...
- Peter-Hugo DalyPeter-Hugo DalyPeter-Hugo Daly is an actor and musician. In the late 1970s and early 1980s Daly was a member of new wave band the Cross along with fellow actor Phil Daniels. The band released a single, "Kill Another Night" on RCA Records in 1979...
- Geff FrancisGeff FrancisGeoffrey "Geff" Francis, most known as Geff Francis is a Black British actor who portrayed Lynford, a hoodlum in For Queen and Country...
- Jan FrancisJan FrancisJan Francis is an English actress, best known for playing Penny Warrender in the 1980s romantic comedy Just Good Friends.-Early life:Francis was born at the former Charing Cross Hospital near Trafalgar Square, London...
- Roy HuddRoy HuddRoy Hudd, OBE is an English comedian, actor, radio host and author, and an authority on the history of music hall entertainment.- Early life :...
- Philip JacksonPhilip Jackson (actor)Philip Jackson is an English actor, known for his many television and film roles, most notably as Chief Inspector Japp in the television series Poirot and as Abbot Hugo, one of the recurring adversaries in the cult 1980s series Robin of Sherwood. Jackson was born in Retford, Nottinghamshire...
- Ian McNeiceIan McNeiceIan McNeice is a prolific English screen, stage, and television character actor.-Early life:McNeice was born in Basingstoke in Hampshire. McNeice's acting training started at the Taunton School in Somerset, followed by two years at the Salisbury Playhouse...
- Jeff RawleJeff RawleJeff Rawle is a British actor, perhaps best known for playing the long-suffering George in the news-gathering sitcom Drop the Dead Donkey...
- Adrian RawlinsAdrian RawlinsAdrian Rawlins is an English actor who is probably best known for playing Author Kidd in the woman in black .-Early life:Rawlins was born in Stoke-on-Trent, the son of Mavis and Edward Rawlins.-Education:...
- Adrian ScarboroughAdrian ScarboroughAdrian Philip Scarborough is an English character actor and won an Olivier award for best actor in a supporting role in 2011.Scarborough was born in Melton Mowbray, and trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, winning the Chesterton Award for Best Actor.In 1993, he was nominated for the Ian...
- John SessionsJohn SessionsJohn Gibb Marshall , better known by the stage name John Sessions, is a Scottish actor and comedian. He is known for comedy improvisation in television shows such as Whose Line Is It Anyway?; as a panellist on QI; and as a character actor in numerous films, both in the UK and in Hollywood.-Early...
- Jeremy Sheffield
- Steve Speirs
- Eric SykesEric SykesEric Sykes, CBE is an English radio, television and film writer, actor and director whose performing career has spanned more than 50 years. He frequently wrote for and/or performed with many other leading comedy performers and writers of the period, including Tony Hancock, Spike Milligan, Peter...
- June WhitfieldJune WhitfieldJune Rosemary Whitfield, CBE is an English actress, well known in the United Kingdom since the 1950s for roles in radio and television comedy series....
Series 5
- Ruby BentallRuby BentallRuby Bentall is an English actress, known for playing Minnie in Lark Rise to Candleford and Mary Bennet in Lost in Austen.-Background:...
- Claire BloomClaire BloomClaire Bloom is an English film and stage actress.-Early life:Bloom was born in the North London suburb of Finchley, the daughter of Elizabeth and Edward Max Blume, who worked in sales...
- Amelda BrownAmelda BrownAmelda Brown is a British actress. She is best known for playing Brenda Parkin in Backup, Mrs Roach in Soldier Soldier, Pauline Cook in A Touch of Frost and Sue Barnes in Peak Practice and she has also appeared in Inspector Morse, The Bill, Lovejoy, Holby City, The Story of Tracy Beaker, and Doctors...
- Camille CoduriCamille CoduriCamille Coduri is an English actress. She is best known for her role in Doctor Who as Jackie Tyler.-Career:She featured in the film comedies Nuns on the Run and King Ralph...
- George CostiganGeorge Costigan-Early life:Costigan was born in Portsmouth and grew up in Irlams o' th' Height and Weaste in Salford. He attended St. Augustine's C of E Primary School on Bolton Road in Pendlebury, then Wardley Grammar School on Mardale Avenue in Wardley near Swinton.-Career:...
- Dermot CrowleyDermot CrowleyDermot Crowley is a Irish stage, film and television actor.-Career:Crowley's stage work has included a leading role in an Olivier Award winning production of Conor McPherson's The Weir, which played in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States in the late 1990s...
- Nicola DuffettNicola DuffettNicola Duffett is an English actress.She remains best known for two long-running soap opera roles. After appearing as Debbie Bates in EastEnders from 1993 to 1995, she went into the role of boozy floozie Cat Matthews in Family Affairs...
- Dexter FletcherDexter FletcherDexter Fletcher is an English actor. He is best known for his role in Guy Ritchie film, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels as well as television roles in such shows as the dramedy Hotel Babylon, the critically acclaimed HBO series Band of Brothers and earlier in his career, the children's show...
- John FortuneJohn FortuneJohn Fortune is a British satirist, comedian writer and actor, best known for his work with John Bird and Rory Bremner on the TV series Bremner, Bird and Fortune. He was educated at Bristol Cathedral School and King's College, Cambridge, where he was to meet and form a lasting friendship with John...
- James FoxJames FoxJames Fox, OBE is an English actor.-Early life:James Fox was born in London, England to theatrical agent Robin Fox and actress Angela Worthington. He is the brother of actor Edward Fox and film producer Robert Fox. The actress Emilia Fox is his niece and the actor Laurence Fox is his son. His...
- Peter GuinnessPeter Guinness (actor)Peter Guinness is a British film, television and theatre actor.-Career:He has appeared in over fifty television productions and over ten films...
- Richard Harrington
- Sam KellySam KellySam Kelly is an English actor who has appeared in television, radio and theatre.-Career:He has had roles in British sitcoms such as Porridge as Bunny Warren, Allo 'Allo! as Captain Hans Geering leaving after series three, On the Up as Dennis Waterman's chauffeur and We'll Think of Something as Les...
- Will KempWill Kemp (actor)William "Will" Kemp is an English actor and dancer.-Life and career:Kemp was born in Hertfordshire, England, the son of Rosi, a former model, and Barry Kemp, a graphic designer....
- Richard O'CallaghanRichard O'CallaghanRichard O'Callaghan is an English film, stage and television character actor.Born on 7 March 1940, he is the son of actors Patricia Hayes and Valentine Brooke whose stage name was Valentine Rooke. As a boy actor he was known as Richard Brooke. He has led a versatile career in film, stage and...
- Roger Lloyd-Pack
- Reece ShearsmithReece ShearsmithReeson "Reece" Shearsmith is an English actor and writer. He is most famous for his work as part of The League of Gentlemen along with fellow performers Steve Pemberton, Mark Gatiss and co-writer Jeremy Dyson.-Early life:...
- Donald SumpterDonald SumpterDonald Sumpter is a British actor. He has appeared in film and television since the mid 1960s.-Life and work:One of his early television appearances was the 1968 Doctor Who serial The Wheel in Space with Patrick Troughton as the Doctor. He appeared in Doctor Who again in the 1972 serial The Sea...
- Sylvia SymsSylvia SymsSylvia M. L. Syms OBE is a British actress. She is probably best known for her roles in the films Woman in a Dressing Gown , Ice-Cold in Alex , No Trees in the Street , Victim and The Tamarind Seed...
- Danny WebbDanny Webb (actor)Danny Webb is a British television and film actor. He may be best known for his role as the prisoner Morse in Alien 3. He has appeared in many famous British television programmes including The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, Emmerdale Farm, Our Friends in the North, A Touch of Frost, Agatha...
- Diana WestonDiana WestonDiana Weston is an English actress who has been on British television since 1975. She is a grandchild of Charles Basil Price.-Career:...
Series 6
- Glynis BarberGlynis BarberGlynis Barber is a South African actress of Afrikaner descent, born and brought up in South Africa. She was born Glynis van der Riet. When she was five years old, her parents divorced, and she and her mother moved to Johannesburg. She is best known for her portrayal as Sgt...
- Naomi BentleyNaomi BentleyNaomi Bentley is a British actress known for her roles in White Van Man, Primeval, Grownups, Dalziel and Pascoe and Casanova.-Acting career:Bentley graduated from a three-year acting course at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in 2004 and has since been in demand for film, theatre and TV...
- Ace BhattiAce BhattiAhsen Rafiq "Ace" Bhatti is a British actor who trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He has starred in numerous television series, including New Street Law, Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee, The Sarah Jane Adventures as Haresh Chandra and in EastEnders playing Yusef...
- Michael BrandonMichael BrandonMichael Brandon is an American actor who resides in the United Kingdom and United States.-Life and career:Brandon was born Michael Feldman in Brooklyn, New York to Miriam and Sol Feldman...
- Raquel CassidyRaquel CassidyRaquel Josephine Dominic Cassidy is an English actress. She is perhaps best known for her television roles as Susan Gately in Teachers , the Home Office Junior Minister Jo Porter in Party Animals, and Mel in Lead Balloon, as well as her various stage works.-Filmography:-Selected...
- Hugh DennisHugh DennisPeter Hugh Dennis is an English actor, comedian, writer, impressionist and voice-over artist, best known for his work with comedy partner Steve Punt. He is also known for his position as a permanent panelist on the TV comedy show Mock The Week...
- Kenny DoughtyKenny DoughtyKenny Doughty is an English actor who trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Married to the actress Caroline Carver.-Filmography as Director:-Filmography as Actor:...
- Ken FarringtonKen FarringtonKen Farrington is an English actor.He first found fame playing the role of Billy Walker, wayward son of publican Annie, in ITV's long running soap opera, Coronation Street...
- Clive FrancisClive Francis-Early life:He is the son of actors Raymond Francis and Margaret Towner. He was born in Eastbourne.His father played Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Lockhart in the 1960s series No Hiding Place and his mother still acts today - most recently she played Jira, Anakin Skywalker's friend, in Star...
- Linal HaftLinal HaftLinal Haft, sometimes known as Lionel Haft, is a British actor.- Biography :Haft made his acting debut in an episode of Homicide as Harry Bruce in 1968. He went on to play his second role later the same year, as Adams in an episode of Contrabandits...
- Rob JarvisRob JarvisRob Jarvis is an English television and film actor. He is most known for his regular role as Eddie on Hustle, the long running BBC television programme; from Liverpool, he is frequently cast as a scouser.-Filmography:-Other Work :...
- Georgina LeonidasGeorgina LeonidasGeorgina Leonidas is a British actress known for playing Miss Molly in The Basil Brush Show and Katie Bell in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. She returned as Katie Bell in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.-Life and career:In her earlier years, Georgina attended Preston Park...
- Michael MeliaMichael MeliaMichael Melia is an established British actor best known for his work on television.Melia was born in Berkshire and attended St. Mary's College, Twickenham, the oldest Roman Catholic college in England. Before taking up acting he was a teacher. At one stage he ran a bar in Spain and thought about...
- Diana QuickDiana Quick-Life:Quick was born in London, England. She grew up in Dartford, Kent, the third of a dentist's four children. She was educated at Dartford Grammar School for Girls, Kent. She was greatly aided by her English teacher, Miss Davis, who encouraged her to pursue acting...
- Shane RichieShane RichieShane Richie is an English actor, comedian, singer and media personality, known for his portrayal of the character Alfie Moon in the BBC One soap opera EastEnders.-Early life and career beginnings:...
- Fay RipleyFay RipleyFay Ripley is an English actress and recipe author. Born in Wimbledon, London, Ripley is a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama . Her first professional role was in the chorus of a pantomime version of Around the World in 80 Days...
- Tony SelbyTony SelbyTony Selby is an English actor.He has appeared in many television programmes including a starring role in RAF National Service comedy Get Some In!, and a recurring role in the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who as the intergalactic conman Sabalom Glitz...
- Imogen StubbsImogen StubbsImogen Stubbs, Lady Nunn is an English actress and playwright.-Early life:Imogen Stubbs was born in Northumberland, lived briefly in Portsmouth, where her father was a naval officer, and then moved with her parents to London, where they lived on an elderly river barge on the Thames...
- Stanley TownsendStanley Townsend-Theatre:Townsend's work in theatre includes: Remember This, Guys and Dolls and Phedre at the National Theatre, London; The Alice Trilogy, Shining City , Under the Blue Sky and The Weir at the Royal Court, London; The Wake, Trinity for Two and Sacred Mysteries at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin; The...
- Samuel WestSamuel WestSamuel Alexander Joseph West is an English actor and theatre director. He is perhaps best known for his role in Howards End and his work on stage. He also starred in the award-winning play ENRON...
- Mark WilliamsMark Williams (actor)Mark Williams is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter and presenter. He is best known as one of the stars of the popular BBC sketch show The Fast Show, as well as for his role as Arthur Weasley in the Harry Potter films....
- Richard Wilson
Series 7
- Sasha BeharSasha BeharSasha Behar is a British actress, known for portraying Maya Sharma in ITV1 soap opera Coronation Street.-Background:...
- Samantha Bond
- Annette CrosbieAnnette CrosbieAnnette Crosbie, OBE is a Scottish character actor.-Life and career:Crosbie was born in Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland, to Presbyterian parents who disapproved of her becoming an actor. Nevertheless, she joined the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School while still in her teens...
- Beth Goddard
- Rupert GravesRupert GravesRupert Graves is an English film, television and theatre actor. He is best known for his role as DI Lestrade in the critically acclaimed television series Sherlock.-Early life:...
- Haydn GwynneHaydn Gwynne-Personal life:Born in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex to father Guy Thomas Hayden-Gwynne, she played county level tennis before studying Sociology at the University of Nottingham, and is fluent in French and Italian...
- Doon MackichanDoon MackichanDoon Mackichan is an English comedienne and actress.-Biography:Born in London, Mackichan was brought up in Surrey until the age of 9 when she moved with her family to Upper Largo, Fife. She is a graduate of Manchester University...
- Martin MarquezMartin MarquezMartin Marquez is a British actor.He is best known on television for his role as Gino Primirola, the head barman, in the British TV comedy drama Hotel Babylon...
- Roy MarsdenRoy MarsdenRoy Marsden is an English actor, who is probably best known for his portrayal of Adam Dalgliesh in the Anglia Television dramatisations of P. D. James's detective novels.- Education :...
- Kevin McNallyKevin McNallyKevin McNally is an English actor who has worked in theatre and radio extensively as well as in film and television.-Life and career:...
- Sian PhillipsSiân PhillipsJane Elizabeth Ailwên "Siân" Phillips, CBE, is a Welsh actress.-Early life:Phillips was born in Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen, Neath Port Talbot, Wales, the daughter of Sally , a teacher, and David Phillips, a steelworker-turned-policeman...
- Anne ReidAnne ReidAnne Reid, MBE is a BAFTA Award-nominated English film and television actress from Newcastle upon Tyne, best known for her roles as Valerie Tatlock in Coronation Street and Jean in dinnerladies....
- David RyallDavid RyallDavid Ryall is an English actor who has appeared on British television since the 1970s. He has had leading roles in Lytton's Diary and Goodnight Sweetheart, as well as memorable roles in Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective and Andrew Davies's adaptation of To Play the King and The Final Cut, the...
- Neil StukeNeil StukeNeil Stuke , is an English actor notable for playing Matthew in the second and third series of Game On after taking over the role from Ben Chaplin,and for his role as Billy Lamb, Head Clerk in the 2011 BBC television series "Silk"...
- Tom WattTom Watt (actor)Thomas Erickson "Tom" Watt is an English radio presenter, journalist and actor, who is best known for playing the role of Lofty Holloway in the BBC soap opera EastEnders.-Acting career:...
- Jimmy YuillJimmy YuillJimmy Yuill is an actor, born in 1959, in Golspie, Scotland.He is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and later joined the Renaissance Theatre Company. He has appeared in many of Kenneth Branagh's films, most recently as Corin in the 2006 As You Like It...
Series 8
- William Armstrong
- Trevor BannisterTrevor BannisterTrevor Gordon Bannister was an English actor best known for playing the womanising junior salesman Mr. Lucas in the sitcom Are You Being Served? from 1972 to 1979, and for his role as Toby Mulberry Smith in the longest-running sitcom Last of the Summer Wine, from 2003 until it ended its run in 2010...
- Jesse BirdsallJesse BirdsallJesse Birdsall is a British actor, known in the UK for his starring roles in several high-profile, popular television programmes, particularly in Bugs as Nick Beckett and later in The Bill as a character named Ron Gregory, a convicted paedophile.As a child, he attended the Anna Scher children's...
- Lucy BrownLucy BrownLucy Brown is an English actress best known for dual roles in the TV series Primeval.-Early life:Lucy Brown was born in Crawley, Sussex, but grew up in Cambridgeshire. She is the daughter of Christopher Brown and Helen Burleigh and has a younger brother named Mark...
- John Bowe
- Cavan ClerkinCavan ClerkinCavan Clerkin is a television actor and writer. He has appeared mainly in comedy shows such as Pulling, The Inbetweeners, Smack the Pony, The IT Crowd, and Look Around You. He also appeared in the films Gangster No 1, Spivs and Pierepoint...
- Michael CochraneMichael CochraneMichael Cochrane is an English actor who specialises in playing upper class characters, sometimes with a suaveness that hides their villainy....
- Peter DavisonPeter DavisonPeter Davison is a British actor, best known for his roles as Tristan Farnon in the television version of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small and the fifth incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who, which he played from 1982 to 1984.-Early life:Davison was born Peter Moffett in Streatham,...
- Robert DawsRobert DawsRobert Daws is an English actor. He is most notable for a variety of roles he has played in television dramas.-Career:Daws played Tuppy Glossop in the early 1990s version of Jeeves and Wooster...
- Shaun DingwallShaun DingwallShaun Dingwall is a British actor and is known for his roles on British television.-Early life:Shaun Dingwall was born in 1972 and attended Ilford County High School for boys. His initial ambition was to become a photographer and for several years he worked as an assistant photographer within the...
- Christopher EllisonChristopher EllisonChristopher Michael Ellison is an English actor. He is best known for his role as DCI Frank Burnside in the popular ITV police series The Bill and short lived spin off series Burnside....
- Nicholas FarrellNicholas FarrellNicholas Farrell is an English stage, film and television actor. His early screen career included the role of Aubrey Montague in the 1981 film Chariots of Fire. In 1983, he starred as Edmund Bertram in a television adaptation of the Jane Austen novel, Mansfield Park...
- Deborah FindlayDeborah FindlayDeborah Findlay is an English actress.Her TV credits include Gillian in the ITV drama The Last Train , the recurring character Greer Thornton in 4 of the 6 episodes of State of Play, and in the episode The French Drop in Foyle's War. She also appeared in 4 episodes of the 2001 series of The...
- Rebecca FrontRebecca FrontRebecca Front is a BAFTA Award–winning English comedian and actress best known for her performances in The Thick of It in the late 2000s, and series of critically acclaimed satirical comedies in the early 1990s: On The Hour, The Day Today and Knowing Me, Knowing You...with Alan Partridge...
- Emily Glenister
- Richard GrahamRichard Graham (actor)Richard Graham is an actor. He is mostly known for his roles opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic and Gangs Of New York , as well as playing Trevor in the football hooligan film I.D. .He has appeared in many television series, including all 12 episodes of Maisie Raine as D.S...
- Caroline HarkerCaroline HarkerCaroline Harker is an English stage and television actress, the sister of actress Susannah Harker, and the daughter of actors Polly Adams and Richard Owens...
- Lucy LiemannLucy LiemannLucy Liemann is a British actress. Liemann was born in Middlesex, UK. After graduation she was spotted at a supermarket by a voice scout who urged her to become a voice artist. Liemann then went on to study acting at the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts...
- Natasha LittleNatasha LittleNatasha Little is a British actress. She is best known for her work on British television, but has also featured in many film and theatre roles.- Early life :...
- Jacquetta MayJacquetta MayJacquetta May is a British actress, writer and theatre director.The Kent born actress worked in theatre for ten years after leaving Bristol University, with one short television role as a vengeful wife in the ITV police drama The Bill...
- Paul McGannPaul McGannPaul McGann is an English actor who made his name on the BBC serial The Monocled Mutineer, in which he played the lead role...
- Tim McInnernyTim McInnernyTim McInnerny is an English actor. He is known for his role as Percy in Blackadder and Blackadder II, and as Captain Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth...
- Cyril NriCyril NriCyril Nri is a British actor, writer and director. He attended the Young Vic Youth Theatre in Waterloo, London. He trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, and is probably best known for playing the role of Superintendent Adam Okaro, now Chief Superintendent, in the long-running ITV police...
- Anthony O'DonnellAnthony O'DonnellAnthony O'Donnell is a Welsh actor. In 1982, he was awarded the London Critic's Circle Theatre Award for Most Promising Newcomer in the Stratford Season.-Filmography:*Knock for Knock *Nuts in May *The Sweeney...
- Sally PhillipsSally Phillips-Career:Sally Phillips was the only woman in the 1990 Oxford Revue THRASH which also starred Ed Smith. She did nine consecutive Edinburgh Festivals, appearing in shows such as Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Arthur Smith's version of Hamlet and Cluub Zarathustra with Simon Munnery, Stewart Lee, Richard Thomas,...
- Kazia PelkaKazia PelkaKazia Pelka is a British actress. She trained at the LAMDA where she was awarded the Wilfred Foulis prize...
- Vicki PepperdineVicki PepperdineVicki Pepperdine is an English actress and comedian. She co-writes and stars in the BBC Four sitcom Getting On along with Jo Brand and Joanna Scanlan...
- Tim PlesterTim PlesterTim Plester is a British playwright and actor who lives and works in London.Plester graduated in 1994 with a BA in theatre at Dartington College of Arts in Devon, and went on to obtain an MA in playwriting studies from Birmingham University in 1997...
- Clive RussellClive RussellClive Russell is a British actor.Clive was born in Reeth, England and brought up in Fife, Scotland.He is a familiar face on British television and has appeared in numerous television series including Boys From the Black Stuff ,Hope And Glory, Neverwhere, Great Expectations, The Mists of Avalon,...
- Jamie SivesJamie Sives-Filmography:-External links:...
- Sylvestra Le TouzelSylvestra Le TouzelSylvestra Le Touzel is a British television, film and stage actor who was born on Jersey in the Channel Islands and raised in Kensington, London. She was schooled in East Acton.-TV:...
- Marcia WarrenMarcia WarrenMarcia Warren is an English stage, film and television actress. On stage, she appeared in Blithe Spirit as Madame Arcati, and The Sea at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket.-Partial filmography:...
- Jonathan WatsonJonathan WatsonJonathan Watson is a Scottish comedian and impressionist best known for his comedy sketch show Only an Excuse?, which parodies people and events from the world of Scottish football. Watson also regularly appeared on Tam Cowan's Offside television programme on BBC One Scotland where he performed a...
- Stephen WightStephen WightStephen Wight is a British actor, who trained at the Drama Centre London.-Career:Wight's television career dates back to 2003 with a minor part in Casualty....
- Shaun WilliamsonShaun WilliamsonShaun Williamson is an English actor, singer, media personality and occasional presenter, best known for his former role as Barry Evans in soap opera EastEnders and as a version of himself in BBC sitcom Extras.- Career :...
- Susan LynchSusan LynchSusan Lynch is an actor from Northern Ireland.-Early life:Lynch was born in Corrinshego, Newry, County Armagh, Northern Ireland to an Italian mother and Irish father. Her brother is actor John Lynch, she has a sister, Pauline, who is a drama teacher at St...
Character Naming
One of the original writers, Roy Mitchell, a supporter of the EnglishEngland
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
football team West Bromwich Albion
West Bromwich Albion F.C.
West Bromwich Albion Football Club, also known as West Brom, The Baggies, The Throstles, Albion or WBA, are an English Premier League association football club based in West Bromwich in the West Midlands...
, named numerous characters after past and then-current players for the club in the first season. The three male characters of the programme, Halford, Lane and Standing, were named after the oldest stand ("The Halfords Lane Stand") at The Hawthorns
The Hawthorns
The Hawthorns is an all-seater football stadium in West Bromwich, Sandwell, England, with a capacity of 26,484. It has been the home of West Bromwich Albion F.C. since 1900, when it became the sixth ground to be used by the club. The ground was the last Football League ground to be built in the...
football ground in West Bromwich
West Bromwich
West Bromwich is a town within the Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell, in the West Midlands, England. It is north west of Birmingham lying on the A41 London-to-Birkenhead road. West Bromwich is part of the Black Country...
New Tricks began as a one-off episode, broadcast on 27 March 2003. This attracted a sufficient number of viewers for the BBC to commission a series of six episodes, which began on 1 April 2004. Subsequently eight-episode series were commissioned for 2005, 2006 and 2007. A fifth series was commissioned by the BBC after the audience share rose week upon week for the previous series. In 2007 an episode from the fourth series received viewing figures of 9.25 million, becoming the second most watched programme on BBC OneBBC One
BBC One is the flagship television channel of the British Broadcasting Corporation in the United Kingdom. It was launched on 2 November 1936 as the BBC Television Service, and was the world's first regular television service with a high level of image resolution...
that week, and the most watched New Tricks episode to that point. The fifth series continued this good run - it was the most watched programme in Britain for the week twice, and the seventh episode gained a new series high rating to that point of 9.36 million - second only to the X Factor
The X Factor (UK)
The X Factor is a British television music competition to find new singing talent. Created by Simon Cowell, it began in September 2004 and is contested by aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. It is the originator of the international X Factor franchise. The seven series of the show to date...
that week. The fifth series began airing on 7 July 2008 and completed its run on 25 August. The sixth series finished location filming on 8 May 2009 in Central London and began airing on 16 July 2009. The opening episode of series six pulled in 8.07 million, despite clashing with Five's The Mentalist
The Mentalist
The Mentalist is an American police procedural television series which debuted on September 23, 2008, on CBS. The show was created by Bruno Heller, who is also the show's executive producer...
(1.64m) and ITV's Living With Michael Jackson (3.64m). The second episode clashed with The Mentalist and the relaunch of The Bill
The Bill
The Bill is a police procedural television series that ran from October 1984 to August 2010. It focused on the lives and work of one shift of police officers, rather than on any particular aspect of police work...
on ITV, pulling in 7.59 million.
Series 7 and 8 were commissioned by the BBC in September 2009, ensuring the show would run until 2011. The seventh series began airing on 10 September 2010 and completed its run on 12 November. The eighth series opened on 4 July 2011 with 9.2 million viewers, the show's highest rating for three years, and the first since the fifth series to break the 9 million barrier. The third episode of series 8, "Lost in Translation," was the show's highest rated episode to date with 9.7 million viewers, becoming the most watched television programme of the week in the UK. Episode 7, "The Gentleman Vanishes," superseded this figure with 9.87 million viewers, and was again the top programme of the week.
The BBC announced that New Tricks will return for a ninth series in 2012 and a tenth series in 2013. Both will be ten episodes. On 19 September 2011, it was announced that James Bolam who plays the part of Jack Halford was quitting the show, saying it had "become stale".
The series is currently broadcast in at least 18 other countries (see below). New Tricks is produced by Wall to Wall Television for the BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...
The theme tune is a song called "It's Alright", written by Mike Moran and sung by cast member Dennis WatermanDennis Waterman
Dennis Waterman is a British actor and singer, best known for his tough-guy roles in television series including The Sweeney, Minder and New Tricks.-Early life:...
, whose penchant for singing the theme tune
Theme music
Theme music is a piece that is often written specifically for a radio program, television program, video game or movie, and usually played during the title sequence and/or end credits...
of productions in which he stars is the subject of a famous caricature in the BBC comedy show Little Britain
Little Britain
Little Britain is a British character-based comedy sketch show which was first broadcast on BBC radio and then turned into a television show. It was written by comic duo David Walliams and Matt Lucas...
. In the pilot for the series, Waterman sang the Traveling Wilburys
Traveling Wilburys
The Traveling Wilburys were an English–American supergroup consisting of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison and Tom Petty, accompanied by drummer Jim Keltner...
song, "End of the Line". A full version of the song has been released on YouTube. Production music was composed by father and son team Brian and Warren Bennett
Warren Bennett (musician)
Warren Bennett is an English composer and performer.He was educated at Mill Hill School and is the son of Brian Bennett, The Shadows drummer...
International broadcasters
Country | TV Network(s) |
![]() Argentina Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires... |
Film&Arts |
![]() Australia Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area... |
ABC1 ABC1 ABC1 was a United Kingdom based television channel from Disney using the branding of the Disney owned American network, ABC.The channel initially launched exclusively on the British digital terrestrial television platform Freeview on 27 September 2004. On 10 December 2004 it was launched on... and UK.TV |
![]() Canada Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean... |
TVOntario TVOntario TVOntario, often referred to only as TVO , is a publicly funded, educational English-language television station and media organization in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is operated by the Ontario Educational Communications Authority, a Crown corporation owned by the Government of Ontario... Knowledge |
![]() Denmark Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark... |
TV 2 Charlie TV 2 Charlie TV 2 Charlie is a Danish television channel owned by TV 2. It was launched on 1 October 2004. The channel is primarily aimed at audiences over 50. It broadcasts from 13:00 in the afternoon to 01:00 in the night, and is available by cable and satellite only... |
![]() Estonia Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia , is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia , and to the east by Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation . Across the Baltic Sea lies... |
ETV Eesti Televisioon Eesti Televisioon is the national public television station of Estonia. It made its first broadcast on 19 July 1955.The bulk of ETV's funding comes from government grant-in-aid, around 15% of which is in turn funded by the fees paid by Estonian commercial broadcasters in return for their... |
![]() Finland Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside... |
YLE TV1 Yleisradio The Finnish Broadcasting Company , abbreviated to YLE , is Finland's national broadcasting company, founded in 1926. YLE is a public-broadcasting organization which shares many of its characteristics with its British counterpart, the BBC, on which it was largely modelled... |
![]() France The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France... |
France 3 France 3 France 3 is the second largest French public television channel and part of the France Télévisions group, which also includes France 2, France 4, France 5, and France Ô.... |
![]() Germany Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate... |
ZDF ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen , ZDF, is a public-service German television broadcaster based in Mainz . It is run as an independent non-profit institution, which was founded by the German federal states . The ZDF is financed by television licence fees called GEZ and advertising revenues... |
![]() India India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world... |
BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment is an international television channel showcasing comedy, drama, light entertainment and children's programming from the BBC and other UK production houses... |
![]() Iran Iran , officially the Islamic Republic of Iran , is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran" has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia... |
Channel 4 (Iran) Channel 4 (Iran) Channel 4 is one of five nationally broadcast television channels in Iran.The IRIB channel started broadcasting shortly after Channel 3 went on air. The channel is known to be a more artistic and academic channel... |
![]() Ireland Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth... |
Raidió Teilifís Éireann Raidió Teilifís Éireann Raidió Teilifís Éireann is a semi-state company and the public service broadcaster of Ireland. It both produces programmes and broadcasts them on television, radio and the Internet. The radio service began on January 1, 1926, while regular television broadcasts began on December 31, 1961, making... |
![]() Israel The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea... |
yes stars 2 |
![]() Italy Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and... |
La7 La7 La7 is an Italian television channel owned by Telecom Italia Media and operated by Telecom Italia.-History:In 2001, Lorenzo Pellicioli and Roberto Colaninno, of Telecom Italia announced they had acquired Telemontecarlo, in order to create a strong competitor against the six other national channels... |
![]() Japan Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south... |
Channel Ginga |
![]() Netherlands The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders... |
KRO KRO KRO, or Katholieke Radio Omroep , is a Dutch public broadcasting organization founded on 23 April 1925. Broadly Catholic in its spiritual outlook, KRO broadcasts the bulk of its television output on the Nederland 1 channel. KRO is also responsible for managing broadcasts made by the Catholic Church... |
![]() New Zealand New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some east of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and roughly south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga... |
TV1 from Series 6 on Prime Prime Television New Zealand Prime is the seventh national free-to-air television station in New Zealand. The station airs a mixed group of programmes, largely imported from Australia, the UK and the United States, as well as free-to-air rugby union, cricket and rugby league matches.... |
![]() Norway Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million... |
![]() Singapore Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the... |
BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment is an international television channel showcasing comedy, drama, light entertainment and children's programming from the BBC and other UK production houses... |
![]() South Africa The Republic of South Africa is a country in southern Africa. Located at the southern tip of Africa, it is divided into nine provinces, with of coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans... |
BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment is an international television channel showcasing comedy, drama, light entertainment and children's programming from the BBC and other UK production houses... |
![]() Sweden Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund.... |
Kanal 9 Kanal 9 Kanal 9 is a commercial television channel owned by ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG broadcasting to Sweden. It targets the 30-59 age group, which is a slightly older age group than the sister channel Kanal 5. The channel launched on 25 February 2007. Its opening night featured the 79th Academy Awards... |
![]() Thailand Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the... |
BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment BBC Entertainment is an international television channel showcasing comedy, drama, light entertainment and children's programming from the BBC and other UK production houses... |
![]() United States The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district... |
KAET KAET KAET is a full-service television station in Phoenix, Arizona, owned by the Arizona Board of Regents and operated by Arizona State University as a PBS member station. It broadcasts in digital on VHF channel 8 in the Phoenix metropolitan area from its transmitter on South Mountain... Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populated city in the United States. Phoenix is home to 1,445,632 people according to the official 2010 U.S. Census Bureau data... KCET Los Angeles, California KCTS-TV KCTS-TV KCTS-TV is a public television station in Seattle, Washington, that is a member of the Public Broadcasting Service , that broadcasts on digital channel 9. Its offices and broadcasting center are located at the northeast corner of Seattle Center... Seattle, Washington Seattle, Washington Seattle is the county seat of King County, Washington. With 608,660 residents as of the 2010 Census, Seattle is the largest city in the Northwestern United States. The Seattle metropolitan area of about 3.4 million inhabitants is the 15th largest metropolitan area in the country... KERA-TV KERA-TV KERA-TV, virtual channel 13 , is the PBS member station in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Licensed to Dallas, it broadcasts from a transmitter located in Cedar Hill. However, it also serves as the default PBS station for the Abilene, San Angelo and Tyler/Longview/Lufkin/Nacogdoches markets, as... Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas Dallas is the third-largest city in Texas and the ninth-largest in the United States. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is the largest metropolitan area in the South and fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States... KETC KETC KETC is the Public Broadcasting Service member Public television station in St. Louis, Missouri. Owned by St. Louis Regional Public Media, the call letters KETC represent the St. Louis Educational Television Comission, the former name of the organization responsible for bringing public television... St. Louis, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri St. Louis is an independent city on the eastern border of Missouri, United States. With a population of 319,294, it was the 58th-largest U.S. city at the 2010 U.S. Census. The Greater St... KFTS Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls is a city in Klamath County, Oregon, United States. Originally called Linkville when George Nurse founded the town in 1867, after the Link River on whose falls this city sat, although no falls currently exist; the name was changed to Klamath Falls in 1892... KOPB-TV KOPB-TV KOPB-TV is a public television station serving the Portland, Oregon television market. It is owned and operated by Oregon Public Broadcasting. It broadcasts its digital signal on VHF channel 10.... Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland is a city located in the Pacific Northwest, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers in the U.S. state of Oregon. As of the 2010 Census, it had a population of 583,776, making it the 29th most populous city in the United States... KSYS Medford, Oregon Medford, Oregon Medford is a city in Jackson County, Oregon, United States. As of the 2010 US Census, the city had a total population of 74,907 and a metropolitan area population of 207,010, making the Medford MSA the 4th largest metro area in Oregon... KQEH San Jose, California San Jose, California San Jose is the third-largest city in California, the tenth-largest in the U.S., and the county seat of Santa Clara County which is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay... WDSC-TV Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Beach is a city in Volusia County, Florida, USA. According to 2008 U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the city has a population of 64,211. Daytona Beach is a principal city of the Deltona – Daytona Beach – Ormond Beach, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area, which the census bureau estimated had... WEAO Akron, OH WFYI Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis Indianapolis is the capital of the U.S. state of Indiana, and the county seat of Marion County, Indiana. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population is 839,489. It is by far Indiana's largest city and, as of the 2010 U.S... WLIW WLIW WLIW, channel 21, is a non-commercial educational public television station licensed to Garden City, New York; which serves as a secondary Public Broadcasting Service member station for the New York City television market... Long Island, New York WMPT Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis is the capital of the U.S. state of Maryland, as well as the county seat of Anne Arundel County. It had a population of 38,394 at the 2010 census and is situated on the Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of the Severn River, south of Baltimore and about east of Washington, D.C. Annapolis is... WNED-TV WNED-TV WNED-TV is a Public Broadcasting Service member Public televisionstation in Buffalo, New York. Owned by the Western New York Public Broadcasting Association, it broadcasts on digital channel 43 from studios in downtown Buffalo and a transmitter located in Grand Island, New York... Buffalo, New York Buffalo, New York Buffalo is the second most populous city in the state of New York, after New York City. Located in Western New York on the eastern shores of Lake Erie and at the head of the Niagara River across from Fort Erie, Ontario, Buffalo is the seat of Erie County and the principal city of the... WNJN (TV) Montclair, New Jersey Montclair, New Jersey -Demographics:As of the census of 2000, there were 38,977 people, 15,020 households, and 9,687 families residing in the township. The population density was 6,183.6 people per square mile . There were 15,531 housing units at an average density of 2,464.0 per square mile... WPBA Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta is the capital and most populous city in the U.S. state of Georgia. According to the 2010 census, Atlanta's population is 420,003. Atlanta is the cultural and economic center of the Atlanta metropolitan area, which is home to 5,268,860 people and is the ninth largest metropolitan area in... UNC-TV UNC-TV University of North Carolina Television, known on-air as UNC-TV, is a public television network in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is operated by the University of North Carolina, with studios located at the UNC Center for Public Television at Research Triangle Park... Chapel Hill, NC |
![]() Uruguay Uruguay ,officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,sometimes the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; ) is a country in the southeastern part of South America. It is home to some 3.5 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the capital Montevideo and its metropolitan area... |
TNU Televisión Nacional Uruguay |
DVD Releases
Series One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven of New Tricks are available on DVD on Region 2 (UK) and Region 4 (Aus).Series Eight is to be available on DVD in November 2011.
These titles are distributed by Acorn Media UK
Acorn Media UK
Acorn Media UK is a DVD publisher which distributes and sells home video products with a particular focus on British television.- Company history :The company was founded in 1997 when Lesley Fromant set up a branch of parent company Acorn Media in the UK....
DVD Title | Discs | Year | Episodes | DVD release | Notes | |||
Region 1 DVD region code DVD region codes are a digital-rights management technique designed to allow film distributors to control aspects of a release, including content, release date, and price, according to the region... |
Region 2 DVD region code DVD region codes are a digital-rights management technique designed to allow film distributors to control aspects of a release, including content, release date, and price, according to the region... |
Region 4 DVD region code DVD region codes are a digital-rights management technique designed to allow film distributors to control aspects of a release, including content, release date, and price, according to the region... |
Complete Series 1 | 3 | 2003 2003 in British television This is a list of British television related events from 2003.-Events:*13 January – ITV soap Crossroads is relaunched under the stewardship of producer Yvon Grace, and with a decidedly camp feel... –2004 2004 in British television This is a list of British television related events from 2004.-Events:*3 January - The BBC cancels the appearance of Coca Cola sponsorship credits in the music charts in its BBC One Top of the Pops show, after criticism from politicians and health campaigners that it would be promoting junk food... |
7 | 25 August 2009 | 23 May 2005 | 1 September 2005 | Includes 2003 2003 in British television This is a list of British television related events from 2003.-Events:*13 January – ITV soap Crossroads is relaunched under the stewardship of producer Yvon Grace, and with a decidedly camp feel... pilot |
Complete Series 2 New Tricks (series 2) New Tricks second series originally ran between 9 May and 27 June 2005, with a total of 8 episodes, each lasting 60 minutes. The series was produced by Wall to Wall and broadcast on BBC One, it was first released on DVD, in the UK, on 24 April 2006... |
3 | 2005 2005 in British television This is a list of British television-related events in 2005.-Events:*5 January—Desperate Housewives makes its initial UK debut with an impressive 5 million viewers... |
8 | 19 January 2010 | 24 April 2006 | 6 July 2006 | — | |
Complete Series 3 | 3 | 2006 2006 in British television The following is a list of British television related events from the year 2006.-Events:-BBC One:-BBC Two:-ITV:-Five:-BBC Three:-New channels:-Returning this year after a break of one year or longer:-1950s:*Panorama .... |
8 | 22 February 2011 | 14 May 2007 | 7 November 2007 | — | |
Complete Series 4 | 3 | 2007 2007 in British television This is a summary of the year 2007 in British television.-Events:*1 January - Celebrity Big Brother 5 launched on Channel 4, with celebrities such as Jermaine Jackson, Dirk Benedict and Leo Sayer.... |
8 | 7 June 2011 | 1 September 2008 | 3 April 2008 | — | |
Complete Series 5 | 3 | 2008 2008 in British television This is a list of events taking place in 2008 related to British television.-Events:-BBC One:-BBC Two:-BBC Three:-BBC Four:-ITV:-Channel 4:-Five:-E4:-Sky1:-Watch:-Dave:-FX:-Changes of network affiliation:... |
8 | 27 September 2011 | 24 August 2009 | 6 August 2009 | — | |
Complete Series 6 | 3 | 2009 2009 in British television This is a list of events taking place in 2009 related to British television.-Events:-BBC:-ITV:-Channel 4:-Five:-Subscription Channels:-New channels:-Defunct channels:-Rebranding channels:-Changes of network affiliation:... |
8 | — | 11 October 2010 | 2 December 2010 | — | |
Complete Series 7 | 3 | 2010 2010 in British television This is a list of events taking place in 2010 related to British television.-Events:-BBC:-ITV:-Channel 4:-Five:-Subscription Channels:-New Channels:-Defunct Channels:-Changes of network affiliation:... |
10 | — | 1 August 2011 | 21 April 2011 | — | |
Complete Series 8 | 3 | 2011 2011 in British television This is a list of events taking place in 2011 related to British television.-Events:-BBC:-ITV:-Channel 4:-Channel 5:-Subscription Channels:-New channels:-Defunct channels:-Rebranding channels:-Changes of network affiliation:... |
10 | — | 21 November 2011 | — | — | |
Complete Series 1–4 | 12 | 2003 2003 in British television This is a list of British television related events from 2003.-Events:*13 January – ITV soap Crossroads is relaunched under the stewardship of producer Yvon Grace, and with a decidedly camp feel... –2007 2007 in British television This is a summary of the year 2007 in British television.-Events:*1 January - Celebrity Big Brother 5 launched on Channel 4, with celebrities such as Jermaine Jackson, Dirk Benedict and Leo Sayer.... |
31 | — | — | 7 November 2008 | Includes 2003 2003 in British television This is a list of British television related events from 2003.-Events:*13 January – ITV soap Crossroads is relaunched under the stewardship of producer Yvon Grace, and with a decidedly camp feel... pilot |
External links
- New Tricks at Wall To Wall, Producers.
- New Tricks at BBC Worldwide Americas, Distributor for United States.