Baztan is a municipality
located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre
, northern Spain. It is located 58 km (36 mi) from Pamplona
, the capital of Navarre. It is the largest municipality in Navarre, with some 376.8 km2 and just over 8,000 inhabitants.
. There are 14 other villages in the municipality:
, Sancho VI William
, the son of Duke William II Sánchez
and Urraca Garcés of Navarre, widow of famous Count Fernán González of Castile, appears to have put the duchy of Gascony, or some of its territories, under the suzerainty
of King Sancho III of Navarre
. Urraca Garcés, a granddaughter of Toda of Navarre
and King Sancho III was also a descendant on the male side of Queen Consort Toda.
Around 1025 King Sancho III of Navarre created a lordship around the area of the Baztan Valley
for a certain Ximen I Ochoaniz. His son Garcia Xemeniz apparently became a viscount around 1055/1065 and his grandson who was names Ximen I Garciez, Señor of Lizarra and the valley of Salazar
between 1051 and 1080, who killed a nephew, a certain Ximen Sanchez and in reparation gave certain lands and buildings to the Monastery of Leire
for pardonning his sins and killing his nephew.
When the titular King of Navarre, Sancho IV of Navarre
, "el de Peñalén", was assassinated by his siblings in 1076, these Viscounts colluded with the Bishops of Bayonne
, now in France. This alignement with Bayonne rather than Pamplona was possibly due to the new political support to the de Haro family, Lords of Biscay
, recognized and protected by the Kingdom of Castile after 1076, and the absorption and partitioning in his own benefit of Navarrese territories by King Alfonso V of Castile, grandson of King Sancho III of Navarre.
Meantime, titular Kings of Navarre had been, natural son of Sancho III of Navarre, king Ramiro I of Aragon
and Navarre, deceased 1065, and his son king Sancho Ramirez, a.k.a. Sancho V of Navarre and Aragon.
These two Navarrese-Aragonese kings ruled on thinly populated Aragonese territories with much less military strength than the powerful King of Castile, Alfonso VI of Castile, (1040–1109), a nephew of bastard born King Ramiro I of Aragon and supposed ruler of Navarre, too, on the 1076 assassination by his brothers/sisters of Sancho IV of Navarre, whose territory was thereafter punished, occupied and somehow divided or shared .
At these times, Viscount of Baztan area Ximen II got a daughter, Viscountess Maria Ximenes who married in 1085, Fortun Enneconis, de Los Cameros, a former, (10th century), navarrese territory now close to the Kings of Castile and located in La Rioja
, South of the river Ebro
, at the South-East of Logroño
Maria Ximenes got two sons, Ximen III Fortunez, Viscount of Baztan in 1119, no issue, and Pedro I Fortunez, the following Viscount. A son of the later Viscount Pedro II Pedriz of Baztan married towards 1110 and got three sons: Sancho Pedriz de Baztan, Pedro Pedriz de Baztan and Ximen Pedriz de Baztan, assassinated circa 1150 by a "French" neighbour but revenged by his cousin, a "Gramont" family female, these Gramont´s becoming later a very famous and brilliant "French Basque outstanding family name", who punished the assassin by blinding him while detained.
At those times, titular king of Navarre, and Aragon, was Sancho V Ramirez son by his first marriage, Peter I of Navarre and Aragon, but then, deceased in 1104, the next King was his son by a second marriage with a French Nordic woman aristocrat, Félicia de Roucy, a.k.a. Felicia de Ramerupt - Roucy, a.k. a. Felicia de Urgel, (Barbastro
, circa 1050 - Barcelona
, 1094), Alfonso I of Aragon and Navarre, deceased without issue in 1134. This Alfonso I of Aragon-Navarre describes himself as King of the Baztan area in 1132, besides, Alava, Navarra, Sobrarbe, Ribagorza, and Aragon, after besieging and conquering Bayonne
with the military help, between others of Baztanese people, and who had helped him to conquer from the Moors the important town of Zaragoza
in 1118.
The reasons for the military campaign of Alfonso I on what is now France, between October 1130 eand the beginnings of 1131 was to pay protective military duty as suzerain of some of his Lord vassals from the other side of the Pyrenees, Gaston IV of Béarn
"The Crusader", (viscount 1090 - 1131), fighting then against the Moors in Teruel
with Knights of the Order of the Temple, Count Roger III of Foix, ( - Count 1124 - 1147/8), and Count Bernard I of Comminges, later a Knight of the Order of the Temple, as required and obliged by the mutual pacts of protection.
Because the now named French Basques, (then "Gascons"), were unsatisfied with their overlord Duke William X of Aquitaine
, (1099 – Successor to the Duchy 1126 - assassinated in Santiago de Compostela
, Spain, 9 April 1137) he besieged Bayonne
, too, for nearly one year, 1131, and conquered it giving some privileges to the Gascons also. The will of Alfonso I, 1134, giving all his territories to the Knights of the Order of the Temple and of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem was however disputed both by the Roman Popes and the Navarrese and Aragonese Lords.
Then, Navarrese nobility decided to split apart recognizing as a new King of Navarre, a bastard offspring descent of former Kings, named Garcia IV Ramirez "El Restaurador", deceased 1150. It was through his mother that new king Garcia IV Ramirez of Navarre, got the genes of famous Epic Knight and mercenary warrior El Cid Campeador, deceased in July 1099 as conqueror of the town of Valencia.
Apparently, this splitting from Aragon when Alfonso I died in 1134 was punished by the Roman Popes and the other Christian Kings of the regions now described as Spain by describing Garcia IV Ramirez as "Dux Navarrorum" only, existing agreements between the King Consort of Aragon, Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona, and the King of Castile Alfonso VII on conquering and dividing together Navarre on his death in 1150.
The incoming storm was conjured by the 17 year old King of Navarre, Sancho VI
Garcés "The Wise", (1133? - 1194), whose sister, Duchess or Princess Blanca Garcés of Navarre, deceased 1156, married in 1151 to the new King of Castile, but no King of León as till then, Sancho III of Castile
, (1134 - King of Nájera
1149 - August 1158, aged 23, two years after his young Navarrese wife).
The situation became then very delicate indeed. There was only a little Castilian - Navarrese Prince alive, later Alfonso VIII
of Castile, with an uncle, king Ferdinand II of León
, slightly younger than his deceased father, Castilian deceased king Sancho III and Navarrese deceased mother, Princess or Duchess Blanca. Will uncle Fernando, king of Leon, be seeking some sort of "unfortunate death or poisoning" of his nephew, a very young child orphaned, tutored, and plausible king Alfonso VIII?.
Alfonso VIII grand father Garcia IV, on his mother side, the father of young King or Dux Sancho VI of Navarre and of Princess or Duchess Blanca, had married Marguerite de l'Aigle
, the daughter of one of the Norman crusaders fighting in Spain against the Moors in Calahorra
, Tarazona
, Tudela
and Logroño
Aigle is Eagle in Norman French, therefore one black eagle, reivindicated now ignoring the reasons by Basque nationalists for a few years in the 20th century, became customary in the Navarrese and Sicilian Royal Coats of Arma, since the sister of king Sancho VI, and Blanca, Margaret of Navarre, deceased 1183, married William I
"The Bad" or "The Wicked" of (Norman) Sicily, with bastard royal Castilian blood on his mother side, being the mother of William II of Sicily
, (1155 - king of Sicily 1166 - 1189).
The conquest of Lisbon
, Portugal, by international crusaders in October 1147 meant the consolidation of Atlantic - Mediterranean trade, and the setting up of sea faring connections between the regions above Normandy, including England, Scotland, Ireland, Flanders, and Denmark with the Crusaders conquests since 1099 in Palestine
. Equilibrium and loyalty were necessary for it in the Iberian Peninsula. The Great Protector of baby king of Castile would be then an ambitious, hard headed and violent descent of the Counts of Anjou, nonetheless than Henry II of England
, called Curtmantle, (1133–1189), who ruled as King of England (1154–1189), Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes, Lord of Ireland and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland and western France.
Suddendly, in the 1150's, sleepy fishing towns of the Gulf of Biscay, between Bordeaux
and Vigo
, namely between the Duchy of Normandy
in the North of France and in front of England, and the new Iberian Kingdom of Portugal, became valuable spots for trade, including what is described today as the Basque Country
. Iron smelting for tools, nails and weapons, woolens for no getting too wet and fighting the cold nights, gold, silver, glass, salt, leather wares, were fundamental goods.
Near it all there was a rather dull and undistinguished member of the nobility, perhaps more cunny than anyone ever thought, the son of a rather obscure Spanish Crusader in Palestine, described today as Garcia IV Ramirez of Navarra, "El Restaurador", king since 1134, deceased 1150.
His grand son Sancho VII of Navarre, (deceased 1234, buried at Roncesvalles
), would be the brother in law of the King of England, Richard the Lionheart, killed by an arrow besieging one of his unruly vassals in France, in 1199, through his sister Berengaria of Navarre
, deceased at Le Mans
, France, in 1229.
From 1235 onwards, the Count of Champagne
, Theobald I
de Champagne-Navarre, "The Poet" ot "The Troubadour", will achieve the feat of being King of Navarre, thanks to his mother, Princess Blanca Sánchez of Navarre, Blanche of Navarre, deceased 1229, the widower regent in charge for 21 years, after May 24, 1201, 1201–1222, of her former deceased husband seven powerful castles menacingly surrounding the Paris Capet royal territories: Épernay
, Vertus
, Sézanne
, Chantemerle
, Pont-sur-Seine
, Nogent-sur-Seine
and Méry-sur-Seine
, in spite of her "succession as Countess of Champagne" being contested by Theobald's nieces, Alice and Philippa
The Navarrese born Countess of Champagne, Blanche, had been married to the would be Crusader, fourth Crusade, Theobald III of Champagne, and was the youngest sister of king Sancho VII, who had died without "appropriate" legal descents in 1234.
5 years after her death, her 33 years old son, Count Theobald IV of Champagne, would become Inheriting King Theobald I of Navarre
, ruling there for the next 20 years, organizing meantime, 1239, a costly Crusade to Palestine
, too, the same than his father, Count Theobald III of Champagne had triggered in 1201 before he was taken by death .
, Theobald IV of Champagne, (Born as an orphan at Troyes
, France, 1201 - Pamplona
, 1254) married 3 times, the first marriage being dissolved after two years only and having no issue. On his second marriage with Agnes of Beaujeu
in 1222, the only daughter from the issue, was called also as other women ancestors, Blanche de Navarre, (1226–1283). She eventually married sea faring John I, Duke of Brittany
, being thus the mother of John II
(in Breton Yann II, in French Jean II de Dreux) (1239 – November 18, 1305), who was Duke of Brittany
and Earl of Richmond
, from 1286 to his death.
Another 2 daughters of Theobald I of Navarre third marriage with Margaret of Bourbon, Queen of Navarre
, 1253 - 1256 as Queen regent, daughter of a sire
of the Bourbonnais
, not yet Dukes, military mercenaries Condottiere's or Kings much later in European History were:
a) The so called Margaret of Navarre, as other women ancestors, who in 1255 married Frederick III, Duke of Lorraine
(1238–1303), being thus the mother, between others, of Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine
(1263–1312), his successor in Lorraine.
b) Beatrice of Navarre
, (1242–1295), married in 1258 with Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy
One of the brothers of these two, reaching maturity at age 18, 1256, was the next king, Theobald II of Navarre
, (c. 1238 – December 4, 1270), married in 1255 at Melun
, France, to Isabelle of France, (2 March 1241 - married 6 April 1255 - 17 April 1271).
This Queen Consort of Navarre, Isabelle de France, was the daughter of Marguerite of Provence
, (1221–1295), and King Louis IX of France
, (1214–1270), the son of Louis VIII of France
and Queen Regent of France, Blanche Of Castile
When Theobald II died childless, aged 32, in Trapani
, Sicily
, just three months before Isabelle of France, he had participated in the Eighth Crusade
to Tunis
, North Africa, against the supposed Hafsid first Khalif of Tunis
, Muhammad I al-Mustansir
, (???? - 1277), a former vassal of king Manfred of Sicily
, (1232 - King of Sicily August 1258 - Battle of Benevento
, on February 26, 1266).
Isabelle of France, The Queen Consort of Navarre, was only 30 when she died, strangely enough, and then, the Navarrese crown passed to Theobald II youngest brother, king Henry I
the "Fat"(c. 1244 – 22 July 1274), Count Henry III of Champagne. He only lived till the age of 30 diying of what could be described today as an infarct, ruling thus only for some 3 years.
15 years old Joanna II of Navarre, born 1312, bypassed twice in her succession to the throne of Navarre by her two Capet uncles, Kings of Navarre and France, named differently depending on the mentioned country, Navarre or France, married Count Philip d' Évreux, King Consort known as Philip III of Navarre
, killed in a Spanish-International Crusade over the Andalusian maritime town of Algeciras
in 1343. She died in 1349, aged 37 only.
France and Navarre had been and were de facto two independent Kingdoms being recognized both of them as sovereigns. The acceptance of Queen Joan II by the Navarrese was a wise move in view of the claims of the Counts of Anjou and later Kings of England to succeed, on the same type of grounds and reasons, to the French throne, the seed of the Hundred Years War .
The eldest son of Philippe d'Évreux and Queen Joanna II was Charles II of Navarre
, "The Bad", (1332–1387), who ruled for about 38 years and who brought a lot of trouble with his in-laws, the new Royal family of the Valois, his father in law John II of France
, (1316–1364), and his brother in law Charles V of France
, (1338–1380).
His inheritor was King Charles III of Navarre
, "The Noble", deceased 1425, who ruled also for about 38 years, and protected all the baztanese land proprietors, his daughter being the next (third) rightful Queen Blanche I of Navarre
, who ruled between 1425 and 1441, some 16 years, having been also a consort ruler in Sicily previously.
, then at the Duchy of Aquitania
since the 13th century to the Archbishopric of Pamplona only in 1568. Since at that time Lower Navarre
was run by Calvinist, Huguenot
, Queen Joanna III of Navarre, (1528 - Queen regnant
of Navarre
1555, aged 27 – 1572, aged 44), first from Pau and later from La Rochelle
seafaring town, and her Consort had been the Huguenot Antoine de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme (1518 – from woundings at the siege of Rouen
, 1562) and since Spanish Admiral Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
had sternly killed in 1565 the Huguenot colonists of Fort Caroline
, a.k.a. Fort Matanzas, now near Jacksonville, in Spanish Florida
, did King Philip II of Spain
, then legal King of Upper Navarre,ask either to Roman Pope Pius IV, (1499 - Pope 1559 - 1565) or to Roman Pope Pius V, (1504 - Pope 1562 - 1572) to do anything about this administrative move?.
Has the word Agote
, some sort of highly socially discriminated people over several centuries also living in Baztan, anything to see with the actual French word Huguenot
, Valladolid
and Salamanca
, learning Law and Civil Administration befitting Service to the Empire and/or serving in the Imperial Army/Navy with the status of free men, ("hidalgos"), some sort of social class equivalent to the rural born Squires in England.
Thus, while the past/actual rural "Basques" remained toiling their family lands and their cattle, the rest of their extended family had to make a living assisted by the administrative needs of the Spanish Crown over many millions of Square Kilometers spanning over Europe, the Pacific Ocean Islands and America. Broadly speaking, there were no jobs for them over there.
No racial superiority whatsoever must be admitted therefore valuating these people, obliged to leave their houses to let perpetuate within the mountains the small properties held exclusively by the eldest male brothers toiling their rather modest properties but rather, instead, recording here their privileged possibility of being useful while making a living abroad, be it at the Court, or at Church, thanks to the special characteristics of the vast Spanish Empire needs to be run and administrated instead.
Romantic modern nationalisms, coming out of the blue, have not much to see with protein necessities, though.
Priests and women took in many parts of Spain the mother family name rather than the male side family name, a "de Jaso", for Saint Francis Xavier father, a very important name, too, in the harassed Lower Navarre
Court and within the "Agramonts" power party, but even so, Jesuit Francis Xavier moved afterwards in Europe, India and China close to the Portuguese Crown rather than the Court of Spain as did those keen with the "Beaumonts" power party and one of his main representatives in Upper Navarre and in Pamplona, the founder of the Jesuits, Ignacio de Loyola.
It is most curious what Queen regnant of Navarre Catherine, then aged 26, had to learn in 1495 about the death of her mother, Magdalene of Valois
, (Tours, 1443 - a widow in 1470, aged 27 - Pamplona, January 1495, while being a hostage to king Fernando II of Aragon, "El Catolico", a step brother of Queen regnant Eleanor), the sister of King Louis XI of France, (1423–1483) .
After 1512, with Upper Navarre incorporated to the rest of what is now Spain, Basque people help mediating in such event, too, Queen Catherine would rule only in the little area known as Lower Navarre . In due time and with opportunisms dictated by dire needs and will of power amidst poverty, the by then called Bourbon family would manage to become "Royals", first in France, then in Spain, and later in some Italian territories during the period 1572 - 1793, broadly speaking in France and even till now in other European countries, Spain for instance.
The IV Marquis second marriage was in Granada
, 14 July 1774, to Angela Clara de Pineda y Ramirez de Maldonado, a daughter of a very important lawyer formerly working at the actual Guatemala, Central Americas. Thus, the V Marquiss of Iturbieta, Miguel Francisco de Arizcun y Pineda was born in Pamplona, in May 1775.
This Pineda family, from the High Court of Law of Granada, grafted with the Arizcun, has plenty to see with the heroine Mariana de Pineda y Muñoz, generally known as Mariana Pineda
, ( 1804 – executed May 26, 1831, aged 27) described by famous Spanish play wrighter an poet Federico García Lorca
, assassinated August 1936.
He married Isabel Maria de la Cruz Ahedo, born in Maracaibo
,now the second largest city of Venezuela
. He is the brother of Juan Tomás de Goyeneche e Irigoyen, (1681–1721), both, nephews of Don Juan, the cadet brother of their father Andrés de Goyeche y Gastón, the inheritor, being the eldest male, of all the properties from Baztan.
Curiously enough, there is a Welsh British General in Wikipedia, Harry Prendergast
, (1831–1913) who received the highest military British medal, the Victoria Cross
in 1860, for galantry while in combat, in India and Burma. This is a not very common Welsh family name, too.
Therefore, daughter Ana Maria Prendergast got these titles PLUS the titles of Countess de la Cimera and Countess of Goyeneche as well, some 7 nobility titles. There were two daughters, Elena, who had married Don Matías de Oñate y Lopez and thus, a part of the titles, Countess of Saceda, went again for the successors, now as a part of the Oñate family, and Ana Maria, who was then Marchioness of Ugena.
There is a mythic "Gaston de Belzunce" or Gaston de Belsunce in the Basque histories, reputed to have been driven off, but dying as a result of the battle: of a 3, others say 7, headed hydra
at Larramendi, Gipuzkoa.
Other parts of the four cartels coat of arms are two red cows, cows en gueules, because of family connections with the nearest Viscounty of Béarn
, now part of France.
Goyeneche ancestors of several places can be consulted at the goyeneche family website.
Jáuregui was Governor of Chile since March 1773 under king Carlos III
of Spain and later Viceroy of Peru, (1780–1784). Under his spell of power in Peru, Indian Jose Gabriel Condercanqui, a.k.a. Tupac Amaru II
, (1742–1781, aged 39), was defeated by Jauregui envoy, Jose del Valle y Torres. Tupac Amaru II, his wife and other Indian leaders being then executed. There was also the 1780-1781 rebellion of the Catari
tribes in High Peru, now very extensive territories of the actual Republic of Bolivia
Viceroy of Peru Agustín de Jáuregui
was substituted a few days before diying by the new Viceroy, Teodoro de Croix
, (Viceroy of Peru, 1784–1790).
He was Governor interim of Yucatán
Province, now in Mexico
accommodating the road to the actual Guatemala
, linking thus the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean to improve trade and communications, doing military interventions on what has been described as the fall of the last significant independent Maya
stronghold, Tayasal
, located on an island in Lake Petén Itzá
in the northern Petén Basin
region, North of present-day Guatemala.
Although, apparently, he had been nominated in 1704 to travel to the Philippine Islands he only went there in 1709, replacing thus the former Governor of Philippines, Domingo de Zabalburu de Echeverri, who ruled 8 Sep 1701-25 August 1709).
From 25 August 1709 to the day of his death, 4 February 1715, he was Governor of Philippines, being substituted by José de Torralba who ruled till 9 August 1717. He was married to Juana Rosa Bollio y Ojeda, born at the now Mexican town of Mérida
, Yucatán
, daughter of a Spanish Army Captain born at Genoa, Italy. As a widow, Juana Rosa went back to Mexico, probably with the yearly Manila Galleon
, a some 13,000 km. trip, marrying on 23 September 1723, powerful lawyer and political adviser Francisco de Barbadillo y Victoria, (????, Ezcaray
, La Rioja
, Spain- Mexico city ?, 29 December 1724).
The title seems to have been inherited by one of his brothers, and then by a cousin woman family named Irissarry.
Out of some 300 people whose names have been recorded, males, females, girls and boys, there were some 12 comdened to the fire, mainly women. There is now a Museum of Witchcraft to remember this famous Court case, carried out at Logroño
, Rioja
, Spain. Night celebrations seem to be on August 18.
A municipality is essentially an urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. It can also be used to mean the governing body of a municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district...
located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre
Navarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...
, northern Spain. It is located 58 km (36 mi) from Pamplona
Pamplona is the historial capital city of Navarre, in Spain, and of the former kingdom of Navarre.The city is famous worldwide for the San Fermín festival, from July 6 to 14, in which the running of the bulls is one of the main attractions...
, the capital of Navarre. It is the largest municipality in Navarre, with some 376.8 km2 and just over 8,000 inhabitants.
The capital of the valley is ElizondoElizondo, Navarre
Elizondo is a town located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. It is located on both banks of the Baztan River. The town is the capital of the Baztan valley and where most service establishments are concentrated. Elizondo is one of fifteen settlements in the valley...
. There are 14 other villages in the municipality:
- Amaiur o Maya
- Aniz
- Arraioz
- Almandoz
- Arizkun
- Azpilikueta
- Berroeta
- Elbetea
- Garzain
- Irurita
- Lekaroz
- Erratzu
- Oronoz-Mugairi
- Ziga
The Baztan Viscounty (1025-1235)
Around 1025, the duke of GasconyGascony
Gascony is an area of southwest France that was part of the "Province of Guyenne and Gascony" prior to the French Revolution. The region is vaguely defined and the distinction between Guyenne and Gascony is unclear; sometimes they are considered to overlap, and sometimes Gascony is considered a...
, Sancho VI William
Sancho VI William of Gascony
Sancho VI William was the Duke of Gascony from 1009 to his death...
, the son of Duke William II Sánchez
William II Sánchez of Gascony
William II Sánchez , Duke of Gascony from circa 961 at least until 996, was the younger illegitimate son of duke Sancho IV and successor, around 961, of his childless elder brother, duke Sancho V. He united the County of Bordeaux with the Gascony...
and Urraca Garcés of Navarre, widow of famous Count Fernán González of Castile, appears to have put the duchy of Gascony, or some of its territories, under the suzerainty
Suzerainty occurs where a region or people is a tributary to a more powerful entity which controls its foreign affairs while allowing the tributary vassal state some limited domestic autonomy. The dominant entity in the suzerainty relationship, or the more powerful entity itself, is called a...
of King Sancho III of Navarre
Sancho III of Navarre
Sancho III Garcés , called the Great , succeeded as a minor to the Kingdom of Navarre in 1004, and through conquest and political maneuvering increased his power, until at the time of his death in 1035 he controlled the majority of Christian Iberia, bearing the title of rex Hispaniarum...
. Urraca Garcés, a granddaughter of Toda of Navarre
Toda of Navarre
Toda Aznárez, also Teuda de Larraun or Tota , was the queen-consort of Pamplona through her marriage to Sancho I, who reigned 905–925, and was regent of Pamplona, 931–934...
and King Sancho III was also a descendant on the male side of Queen Consort Toda.
Around 1025 King Sancho III of Navarre created a lordship around the area of the Baztan Valley
Baztan (valley)
Baztan is a comarca located in a wide valley in Navarre, Spain, with the Baztan river running through it. The valley belongs to the Merindad de Pamplona.-Municipal terms:*Baztán*Urdax*Zugarramurdi...
for a certain Ximen I Ochoaniz. His son Garcia Xemeniz apparently became a viscount around 1055/1065 and his grandson who was names Ximen I Garciez, Señor of Lizarra and the valley of Salazar
- Angola :* Vila Salazar, Portuguese colonial name for the city of N'dalatando in the province of Cuanza Norte- Spain :* Salazar , a village in the municipality of Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja, province of Burgos, in the autonomous community of Castile and León* Salazar Valley, in...
between 1051 and 1080, who killed a nephew, a certain Ximen Sanchez and in reparation gave certain lands and buildings to the Monastery of Leire
Leire is a village in Leicestershire, England. The name is thought to originate from the old British name for the river Soar, which has a tributary with a source south of the village.Present day Leire has a population of around 500....
for pardonning his sins and killing his nephew.
When the titular King of Navarre, Sancho IV of Navarre
Sancho IV of Navarre
Sancho IV Garcés , called Sancho of Peñalén or Sancho the Noble, was King of Navarre from 1054 to 1076. He was the eldest son and heir of García Sánchez III and Estefanía....
, "el de Peñalén", was assassinated by his siblings in 1076, these Viscounts colluded with the Bishops of Bayonne
Bayonne is a city and commune in south-western France at the confluence of the Nive and Adour rivers, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, of which it is a sub-prefecture...
, now in France. This alignement with Bayonne rather than Pamplona was possibly due to the new political support to the de Haro family, Lords of Biscay
Basque señoríos
The Basque señoríos were medieval hereditary land titles over an area called señorío , recognized by a king to former basque chieftains in relation to the concept of manorialism in exchange for sworn allegiance. The Basque term is jaurerria , means "lord's country" and usually relates to the...
, recognized and protected by the Kingdom of Castile after 1076, and the absorption and partitioning in his own benefit of Navarrese territories by King Alfonso V of Castile, grandson of King Sancho III of Navarre.
Meantime, titular Kings of Navarre had been, natural son of Sancho III of Navarre, king Ramiro I of Aragon
Ramiro I of Aragon
Ramiro I was de facto the first King of Aragon from 1035 until his death. Apparently born before 1007, he was the illegitimate son of Sancho III of Navarre by his mistress Sancha de Aybar...
and Navarre, deceased 1065, and his son king Sancho Ramirez, a.k.a. Sancho V of Navarre and Aragon.
These two Navarrese-Aragonese kings ruled on thinly populated Aragonese territories with much less military strength than the powerful King of Castile, Alfonso VI of Castile, (1040–1109), a nephew of bastard born King Ramiro I of Aragon and supposed ruler of Navarre, too, on the 1076 assassination by his brothers/sisters of Sancho IV of Navarre, whose territory was thereafter punished, occupied and somehow divided or shared .
At these times, Viscount of Baztan area Ximen II got a daughter, Viscountess Maria Ximenes who married in 1085, Fortun Enneconis, de Los Cameros, a former, (10th century), navarrese territory now close to the Kings of Castile and located in La Rioja
La Rioja (Spain)
La Rioja is an autonomous community and a province of northern Spain. Its capital is Logroño. Other cities and towns in the province include Calahorra, Arnedo, Alfaro, Haro, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Nájera.-History:...
, South of the river Ebro
The Ebro or Ebre is one of the most important rivers in the Iberian Peninsula. It is the biggest river by discharge volume in Spain.The Ebro flows through the following cities:*Reinosa in Cantabria.*Miranda de Ebro in Castile and León....
, at the South-East of Logroño
Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. It is the capital of the autonomous community of La Rioja, formerly known as La Rioja Province.The population of Logroño in 2008 was 153,736 and a metropolitan population of nearly 197,000 inhabitants...
Maria Ximenes got two sons, Ximen III Fortunez, Viscount of Baztan in 1119, no issue, and Pedro I Fortunez, the following Viscount. A son of the later Viscount Pedro II Pedriz of Baztan married towards 1110 and got three sons: Sancho Pedriz de Baztan, Pedro Pedriz de Baztan and Ximen Pedriz de Baztan, assassinated circa 1150 by a "French" neighbour but revenged by his cousin, a "Gramont" family female, these Gramont´s becoming later a very famous and brilliant "French Basque outstanding family name", who punished the assassin by blinding him while detained.
At those times, titular king of Navarre, and Aragon, was Sancho V Ramirez son by his first marriage, Peter I of Navarre and Aragon, but then, deceased in 1104, the next King was his son by a second marriage with a French Nordic woman aristocrat, Félicia de Roucy, a.k.a. Felicia de Ramerupt - Roucy, a.k. a. Felicia de Urgel, (Barbastro
Barbastro is a city in the Somontano county, province of Huesca, Spain...
, circa 1050 - Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...
, 1094), Alfonso I of Aragon and Navarre, deceased without issue in 1134. This Alfonso I of Aragon-Navarre describes himself as King of the Baztan area in 1132, besides, Alava, Navarra, Sobrarbe, Ribagorza, and Aragon, after besieging and conquering Bayonne
Bayonne is a city and commune in south-western France at the confluence of the Nive and Adour rivers, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, of which it is a sub-prefecture...
with the military help, between others of Baztanese people, and who had helped him to conquer from the Moors the important town of Zaragoza
Zaragoza , also called Saragossa in English, is the capital city of the Zaragoza Province and of the autonomous community of Aragon, Spain...
in 1118.
The reasons for the military campaign of Alfonso I on what is now France, between October 1130 eand the beginnings of 1131 was to pay protective military duty as suzerain of some of his Lord vassals from the other side of the Pyrenees, Gaston IV of Béarn
Gaston IV of Béarn
Gaston IV was viscount of Béarn from 1090 to 1131. He was called "le Croisé" due to his participation in the First Crusade....
"The Crusader", (viscount 1090 - 1131), fighting then against the Moors in Teruel
Teruel is a town in Aragon, eastern Spain, and the capital of Teruel Province. It has a population of 34,240 in 2006 making it one of the least populated provincial capitals in the country...
with Knights of the Order of the Temple, Count Roger III of Foix, ( - Count 1124 - 1147/8), and Count Bernard I of Comminges, later a Knight of the Order of the Temple, as required and obliged by the mutual pacts of protection.
Because the now named French Basques, (then "Gascons"), were unsatisfied with their overlord Duke William X of Aquitaine
William X of Aquitaine
William X , called the Saint, was Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, and Count of Poitou between 1126 and 1137. He was the son of William IX by his second wife, Philippa of Toulouse....
, (1099 – Successor to the Duchy 1126 - assassinated in Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain.The city's Cathedral is the destination today, as it has been throughout history, of the important 9th century medieval pilgrimage route, the Way of St. James...
, Spain, 9 April 1137) he besieged Bayonne
Bayonne is a city and commune in south-western France at the confluence of the Nive and Adour rivers, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, of which it is a sub-prefecture...
, too, for nearly one year, 1131, and conquered it giving some privileges to the Gascons also. The will of Alfonso I, 1134, giving all his territories to the Knights of the Order of the Temple and of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem was however disputed both by the Roman Popes and the Navarrese and Aragonese Lords.
Then, Navarrese nobility decided to split apart recognizing as a new King of Navarre, a bastard offspring descent of former Kings, named Garcia IV Ramirez "El Restaurador", deceased 1150. It was through his mother that new king Garcia IV Ramirez of Navarre, got the genes of famous Epic Knight and mercenary warrior El Cid Campeador, deceased in July 1099 as conqueror of the town of Valencia.
Apparently, this splitting from Aragon when Alfonso I died in 1134 was punished by the Roman Popes and the other Christian Kings of the regions now described as Spain by describing Garcia IV Ramirez as "Dux Navarrorum" only, existing agreements between the King Consort of Aragon, Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona, and the King of Castile Alfonso VII on conquering and dividing together Navarre on his death in 1150.
The incoming storm was conjured by the 17 year old King of Navarre, Sancho VI
Sancho VI of Navarre
Sancho VI Garcés , called the Wise , was the king of Navarre from 1150 until his death in 1194....
Garcés "The Wise", (1133? - 1194), whose sister, Duchess or Princess Blanca Garcés of Navarre, deceased 1156, married in 1151 to the new King of Castile, but no King of León as till then, Sancho III of Castile
Sancho III of Castile
Sancho III was King of Castile and Toledo for one year, from 1157 to 1158. During the Reconquista, in which he took an active part, he founded the Order of Calatrava...
, (1134 - King of Nájera
Nájera is a small town located in the "Rioja Alta" region of La Rioja, Spain on the river Najerilla. Nájera is a stopping point on the Way of St James.-History:...
1149 - August 1158, aged 23, two years after his young Navarrese wife).
The situation became then very delicate indeed. There was only a little Castilian - Navarrese Prince alive, later Alfonso VIII
Alfonso VIII of Castile
Alfonso VIII , called the Noble or el de las Navas, was the King of Castile from 1158 to his death and King of Toledo. He is most remembered for his part in the Reconquista and the downfall of the Almohad Caliphate...
of Castile, with an uncle, king Ferdinand II of León
Ferdinand II of Leon
Ferdinand II was King of León and Galicia from 1157 to his death.-Life:Born in Toledo, Castile, he was the son of King Alfonso VII of León and Castile and of Berenguela, of the House of Barcelona. At his father's death, he received León and Galicia, while his brother Sancho received Castile and...
, slightly younger than his deceased father, Castilian deceased king Sancho III and Navarrese deceased mother, Princess or Duchess Blanca. Will uncle Fernando, king of Leon, be seeking some sort of "unfortunate death or poisoning" of his nephew, a very young child orphaned, tutored, and plausible king Alfonso VIII?.
Alfonso VIII grand father Garcia IV, on his mother side, the father of young King or Dux Sancho VI of Navarre and of Princess or Duchess Blanca, had married Marguerite de l'Aigle
Marguerite de l'Aigle
Marguerite de l'Aigle was a daughter of Gilbert de l'Aigle, Seigneur de l'Aigle and his wife Juliana du Perche. She was Queen consort of Navarre, by her marriage to García Ramírez of Navarre.- Family :...
, the daughter of one of the Norman crusaders fighting in Spain against the Moors in Calahorra
Calahorra, , La Rioja, Spain is a municipality in the comarca of Rioja Baja, near the border with Navarre on the right bank of the Ebro. During ancient Roman times, Calahorra was a municipium known as Calagurris.-Location:...
, Tarazona
Tarazona is a municipality in the Spanish province of Zaragoza, in the autonomous community of Aragon. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tarazona and the capital of the Tarazona y el Moncayo Aragonese comarca.- History :...
, Tudela
Tudela, Navarre
Tudela is a municipality in Spain, the second city of the autonomous community of Navarre. Its population is around 35,000. Tudela is sited in the Ebro valley. Fast trains running on two-track electrified railways serve the city and two freeways join close to it...
and Logroño
Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. It is the capital of the autonomous community of La Rioja, formerly known as La Rioja Province.The population of Logroño in 2008 was 153,736 and a metropolitan population of nearly 197,000 inhabitants...
Aigle is Eagle in Norman French, therefore one black eagle, reivindicated now ignoring the reasons by Basque nationalists for a few years in the 20th century, became customary in the Navarrese and Sicilian Royal Coats of Arma, since the sister of king Sancho VI, and Blanca, Margaret of Navarre, deceased 1183, married William I
William I of Sicily
William I , called the Bad or the Wicked, was the second king of Sicily, ruling from his father's death in 1154 to his own...
"The Bad" or "The Wicked" of (Norman) Sicily, with bastard royal Castilian blood on his mother side, being the mother of William II of Sicily
William II of Sicily
William II , called the Good, was king of Sicily from 1166 to 1189. William's character is very indistinct. Lacking in military enterprise, secluded and pleasure-loving, he seldom emerged from his palace life at Palermo. Yet his reign is marked by an ambitious foreign policy and a vigorous diplomacy...
, (1155 - king of Sicily 1166 - 1189).
The conquest of Lisbon
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal with a population of 545,245 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Lisbon extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of 3 million on an area of , making it the 9th most populous urban...
, Portugal, by international crusaders in October 1147 meant the consolidation of Atlantic - Mediterranean trade, and the setting up of sea faring connections between the regions above Normandy, including England, Scotland, Ireland, Flanders, and Denmark with the Crusaders conquests since 1099 in Palestine
Palestine is a conventional name, among others, used to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands....
. Equilibrium and loyalty were necessary for it in the Iberian Peninsula. The Great Protector of baby king of Castile would be then an ambitious, hard headed and violent descent of the Counts of Anjou, nonetheless than Henry II of England
Henry II of England
Henry II ruled as King of England , Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes, Lord of Ireland and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland and western France. Henry, the great-grandson of William the Conqueror, was the...
, called Curtmantle, (1133–1189), who ruled as King of England (1154–1189), Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes, Lord of Ireland and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland and western France.
Suddendly, in the 1150's, sleepy fishing towns of the Gulf of Biscay, between Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France.The Bordeaux-Arcachon-Libourne metropolitan area, has a population of 1,010,000 and constitutes the sixth-largest urban area in France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture...
and Vigo
Vigo is a city and municipality in north-west Spain, in Galicia, situated on the ria of the same name on the Atlantic Ocean.-Population:...
, namely between the Duchy of Normandy
Duchy of Normandy
The Duchy of Normandy stems from various Danish, Norwegian, Hiberno-Norse, Orkney Viking and Anglo-Danish invasions of France in the 9th century...
in the North of France and in front of England, and the new Iberian Kingdom of Portugal, became valuable spots for trade, including what is described today as the Basque Country
Basque Country (autonomous community)
The Basque Country is an autonomous community of northern Spain. It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa, also called Historical Territories....
. Iron smelting for tools, nails and weapons, woolens for no getting too wet and fighting the cold nights, gold, silver, glass, salt, leather wares, were fundamental goods.
Near it all there was a rather dull and undistinguished member of the nobility, perhaps more cunny than anyone ever thought, the son of a rather obscure Spanish Crusader in Palestine, described today as Garcia IV Ramirez of Navarra, "El Restaurador", king since 1134, deceased 1150.

Roncesvalles is a small village and municipality in Navarre, northern Spain. It is situated on the small river Urrobi at an altitude of some 900 metres in the Pyrenees, about 8 kilometres from the French frontier....
), would be the brother in law of the King of England, Richard the Lionheart, killed by an arrow besieging one of his unruly vassals in France, in 1199, through his sister Berengaria of Navarre
Berengaria of Navarre
Berengaria of Navarre was Queen of the English as the wife of King Richard I of England. She was the eldest daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre and Sancha of Castile. As is the case with many of the medieval queens consort of the Kingdom of England, relatively little is known of her life...
, deceased at Le Mans
Le Mans
Le Mans is a city in France, located on the Sarthe River. Traditionally the capital of the province of Maine, it is now the capital of the Sarthe department and the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Le Mans. Le Mans is a part of the Pays de la Loire region.Its inhabitants are called Manceaux...
, France, in 1229.
From 1235 onwards, the Count of Champagne
Count of Champagne
The Counts of Champagne ruled the region of Champagne from 950 to 1316. Champagne evolved from the county of Troyes in the late eleventh century and Hugh I was the first to officially use the title "Count of Champagne". When Louis became King of France in 1314, upon the death of his father Philip...
, Theobald I
Theobald I of Navarre
Theobald I , called the Troubadour, the Chansonnier, and the Posthumous, was Count of Champagne from birth and King of Navarre from 1234...
de Champagne-Navarre, "The Poet" ot "The Troubadour", will achieve the feat of being King of Navarre, thanks to his mother, Princess Blanca Sánchez of Navarre, Blanche of Navarre, deceased 1229, the widower regent in charge for 21 years, after May 24, 1201, 1201–1222, of her former deceased husband seven powerful castles menacingly surrounding the Paris Capet royal territories: Épernay
Épernay is a commune in the Marne department in northern France. Épernay is located some 130 km north-east of Paris on the main line of the Eastern railway to Strasbourg...
, Vertus
Vertus is a commune in the Marne department in north-eastern France.-World War II:After the liberation of the area by Allied Forces in September 1944, engineers of the Ninth Air Force IX Engineering Command began construction of a combat Advanced Landing Ground outside of the town...
, Sézanne
Sézanne is a commune in the Marne department and Champagne-Ardenne region in north-eastern France. Its inhabitants are called Sézannais.-See also:*Communes of the Marne department...
, Chantemerle
Chantemerle is a commune in the Marne department in north-eastern France....
, Pont-sur-Seine
Pont-sur-Seine is a commune in the Aube department in north-central France.-Population:-References:*...
, Nogent-sur-Seine
Nogent-sur-Seine is a commune in the Aube department in north-central France.-Population:-Personalities:Camille Claudel lived in Nogent-sur-Seine with her family from 1876 to 1879....
and Méry-sur-Seine
Méry-sur-Seine is a commune in the Aube department in north-central France.-Population:-References:*...
, in spite of her "succession as Countess of Champagne" being contested by Theobald's nieces, Alice and Philippa
Philippa is a given name meaning "lover of horses" or "horses' friend". Common alternative spellings include Filippa, Phillipa and, less often, Phillippa. It is the feminine form of the masculine name Philip...
The Navarrese born Countess of Champagne, Blanche, had been married to the would be Crusader, fourth Crusade, Theobald III of Champagne, and was the youngest sister of king Sancho VII, who had died without "appropriate" legal descents in 1234.
5 years after her death, her 33 years old son, Count Theobald IV of Champagne, would become Inheriting King Theobald I of Navarre
Theobald I of Navarre
Theobald I , called the Troubadour, the Chansonnier, and the Posthumous, was Count of Champagne from birth and King of Navarre from 1234...
, ruling there for the next 20 years, organizing meantime, 1239, a costly Crusade to Palestine
Palestine is a conventional name, among others, used to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands....
, too, the same than his father, Count Theobald III of Champagne had triggered in 1201 before he was taken by death .
The Navarra Kingdom under the new Champagne Counts dynasty, (1235 - 1305)
Theobald I of NavarreTheobald I of Navarre
Theobald I , called the Troubadour, the Chansonnier, and the Posthumous, was Count of Champagne from birth and King of Navarre from 1234...
, Theobald IV of Champagne, (Born as an orphan at Troyes
Troyes is a commune and the capital of the Aube department in north-central France. It is located on the Seine river about southeast of Paris. Many half-timbered houses survive in the old town...
, France, 1201 - Pamplona
Pamplona is the historial capital city of Navarre, in Spain, and of the former kingdom of Navarre.The city is famous worldwide for the San Fermín festival, from July 6 to 14, in which the running of the bulls is one of the main attractions...
, 1254) married 3 times, the first marriage being dissolved after two years only and having no issue. On his second marriage with Agnes of Beaujeu
Agnes of Beaujeu
Agnes of Beaujeu was a French noblewoman, the daughter of Guichard IV, Sire of Beaujeu and his wife Sybille of Flanders. Agnes was Countess of Champagne by her marriage to Theobald I of Navarre.- Family :...
in 1222, the only daughter from the issue, was called also as other women ancestors, Blanche de Navarre, (1226–1283). She eventually married sea faring John I, Duke of Brittany
John I, Duke of Brittany
John I the Red , known as John the Red due to the colour of his beard, was Duke of Brittany, from 1237 to his death...
, being thus the mother of John II
John II, Duke of Brittany
John II was Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond, from 1286 to his death. He was son of Duke John I and Blanche of Navarre...
(in Breton Yann II, in French Jean II de Dreux) (1239 – November 18, 1305), who was Duke of Brittany
Duke of Brittany
The Duchy of Brittany was a medieval tribal and feudal state covering the northwestern peninsula of Europe,bordered by the Alantic Ocean on the west and the English Channel to the north with less definitive borders of the Loire River to the south and Normandy to the east...
and Earl of Richmond
Earl of Richmond
The now-extinct title of Earl of Richmond was created many times in the Peerage of England. The earldom of Richmond was held by various Bretons, Normans, the royal families of Plantagenet, Capet, Savoy, Tudor and Stuart.-History:...
, from 1286 to his death.
Another 2 daughters of Theobald I of Navarre third marriage with Margaret of Bourbon, Queen of Navarre
Margaret of Bourbon, Queen of Navarre
Margaret of Bourbon was the wife of Theobald I of Navarre, she became Countess of Champagne and Queen of Navarre. Margaret was the daughter of Archambaud VIII of Bourbon and his first wife, Guigone of Forez.- Marriage :...
, 1253 - 1256 as Queen regent, daughter of a sire
Sire may refer to:* Father, the counterpart of a dam, particularly in animal breeding. See also stallion* James W. Sire, author on worldviews* Sire Records, a record label* Sire Advertising, an advertising agency...
of the Bourbonnais
Bourbonnais was a historic province in the centre of France that corresponded to the modern département of Allier, along with part of the département of Cher. Its capital was Moulins.-History:...
, not yet Dukes, military mercenaries Condottiere's or Kings much later in European History were:
a) The so called Margaret of Navarre, as other women ancestors, who in 1255 married Frederick III, Duke of Lorraine
Frederick III, Duke of Lorraine
Frederick III was the Duke of Lorraine from 1251 to his death. He was the only son and successor of Matthias II and Catherine of Limburg....
(1238–1303), being thus the mother, between others, of Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine
Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine
Theobald II was the duke of Lorraine from 1303 to his death. He was the son and successor of Frederick III and Margaret, daughter of King Theobald I of Navarre....
(1263–1312), his successor in Lorraine.
b) Beatrice of Navarre
Beatrice of Navarre
Beatrice of Navarre was a daughter of Theobald I of Navarre and his third wife Margaret of Bourbon. Her siblings included, Theobald II of Navarre and Henry I of Navarre. She is also known as Beatrix of Champagne....
, (1242–1295), married in 1258 with Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy
Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy
Hugh IV of Burgundy was duke of Burgundy between 1218 and 1271. Hugh was the only son of duke Odo III and Alice of Vergy...
One of the brothers of these two, reaching maturity at age 18, 1256, was the next king, Theobald II of Navarre
Theobald II of Navarre
Theobald II , called the Young, was Count of Champagne and Brie and King of Navarre from 1253 until his death....
, (c. 1238 – December 4, 1270), married in 1255 at Melun
Melun is a commune in the Seine-et-Marne department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France. Located in the south-eastern suburbs of Paris, Melun is the capital of the department, as the seat of an arrondissement...
, France, to Isabelle of France, (2 March 1241 - married 6 April 1255 - 17 April 1271).
This Queen Consort of Navarre, Isabelle de France, was the daughter of Marguerite of Provence
Marguerite of Provence
Margaret of Provence was Queen of France as the consort of King Louis IX of France.She was the eldest daughter of Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and Beatrice of Savoy.-Family:...
, (1221–1295), and King Louis IX of France
Louis IX of France
Louis IX , commonly Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 until his death. He was also styled Louis II, Count of Artois from 1226 to 1237. Born at Poissy, near Paris, he was an eighth-generation descendant of Hugh Capet, and thus a member of the House of Capet, and the son of Louis VIII and...
, (1214–1270), the son of Louis VIII of France
Louis VIII of France
Louis VIII the Lion reigned as King of France from 1223 to 1226. He was a member of the House of Capet. Louis VIII was born in Paris, France, the son of Philip II Augustus and Isabelle of Hainaut. He was also Count of Artois, inheriting the county from his mother, from 1190–1226...
and Queen Regent of France, Blanche Of Castile
Blanche of Castile
Blanche of Castile , was a Queen consort of France as the wife of Louis VIII. She acted as regent twice during the reign of her son, Louis IX....
When Theobald II died childless, aged 32, in Trapani
Trapani is a city and comune on the west coast of Sicily in Italy. It is the capital of the Province of Trapani. Founded by Elymians, the city is still an important fishing port and the main gateway to the nearby Egadi Islands.-History:...
, Sicily
Sicily is a region of Italy, and is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Along with the surrounding minor islands, it constitutes an autonomous region of Italy, the Regione Autonoma Siciliana Sicily has a rich and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature,...
, just three months before Isabelle of France, he had participated in the Eighth Crusade
Eighth Crusade
The Eighth Crusade was a crusade launched by Louis IX, King of France, in 1270. The Eighth Crusade is sometimes counted as the Seventh, if the Fifth and Sixth Crusades of Frederick II are counted as a single crusade...
to Tunis
Tunis is the capital of both the Tunisian Republic and the Tunis Governorate. It is Tunisia's largest city, with a population of 728,453 as of 2004; the greater metropolitan area holds some 2,412,500 inhabitants....
, North Africa, against the supposed Hafsid first Khalif of Tunis
Tunis is the capital of both the Tunisian Republic and the Tunis Governorate. It is Tunisia's largest city, with a population of 728,453 as of 2004; the greater metropolitan area holds some 2,412,500 inhabitants....
, Muhammad I al-Mustansir
Muhammad I al-Mustansir
Muhammad I al-Mustansir was the second ruler of the Hafsid dynasty in Ifriqiya and the first to claim the title of Khalif. Al-Mustansir concluded a peace agreement to end the Eighth Crusade launched by Louis IX, King of France, in 1270...
, (???? - 1277), a former vassal of king Manfred of Sicily
Manfred of Sicily
Manfred was the King of Sicily from 1258 to 1266. He was a natural son of the emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen but his mother, Bianca Lancia , is reported by Matthew of Paris to have been married to the emperor while on her deathbed.-Background:Manfred was born in Venosa...
, (1232 - King of Sicily August 1258 - Battle of Benevento
Battle of Benevento
The Battle of Benevento was fought near Benevento, in present-day Southern Italy, on February 26, 1266, between the troops of Charles of Anjou and Manfred of Sicily. Manfred's defeat and death resulted in the capture of the Kingdom of Sicily by Charles....
, on February 26, 1266).
Isabelle of France, The Queen Consort of Navarre, was only 30 when she died, strangely enough, and then, the Navarrese crown passed to Theobald II youngest brother, king Henry I
Henry I of Navarre
Henry I the Fat was the Count of Champagne and Brie and King of Navarre from 1270...
the "Fat"(c. 1244 – 22 July 1274), Count Henry III of Champagne. He only lived till the age of 30 diying of what could be described today as an infarct, ruling thus only for some 3 years.
The Navarre kingdom coveted by the opportunist Capet of France kings dynasty, (1274 - 1305 - 1327)
The succession problem and the Fuero Mejorado de Navarra chart of privileges, year 1327The Capet sub branch of the Évreux in Navarre as Kings of Navarre, (1348 - 1446)
The titular Kings and the titular Queens of Navarre15 years old Joanna II of Navarre, born 1312, bypassed twice in her succession to the throne of Navarre by her two Capet uncles, Kings of Navarre and France, named differently depending on the mentioned country, Navarre or France, married Count Philip d' Évreux, King Consort known as Philip III of Navarre
Philip III of Navarre
Philip III , called the Noble or the Wise, Count of Évreux and King of Navarre , was the second son of Louis of Évreux and Margaret of Artois and therefore a grandson of King Philip III of France...
, killed in a Spanish-International Crusade over the Andalusian maritime town of Algeciras
Algeciras is a port city in the south of Spain, and is the largest city on the Bay of Gibraltar . Port of Algeciras is one of the largest ports in Europe and in the world in three categories: container,...
in 1343. She died in 1349, aged 37 only.
France and Navarre had been and were de facto two independent Kingdoms being recognized both of them as sovereigns. The acceptance of Queen Joan II by the Navarrese was a wise move in view of the claims of the Counts of Anjou and later Kings of England to succeed, on the same type of grounds and reasons, to the French throne, the seed of the Hundred Years War .
The eldest son of Philippe d'Évreux and Queen Joanna II was Charles II of Navarre
Charles II of Navarre
Charles II , called "Charles the Bad", was King of Navarre 1349-1387 and Count of Évreux 1343-1387....
, "The Bad", (1332–1387), who ruled for about 38 years and who brought a lot of trouble with his in-laws, the new Royal family of the Valois, his father in law John II of France
John II of France
John II , called John the Good , was the King of France from 1350 until his death. He was the second sovereign of the House of Valois and is perhaps best remembered as the king who was vanquished at the Battle of Poitiers and taken as a captive to England.The son of Philip VI and Joan the Lame,...
, (1316–1364), and his brother in law Charles V of France
Charles V of France
Charles V , called the Wise, was King of France from 1364 to his death in 1380 and a member of the House of Valois...
, (1338–1380).
His inheritor was King Charles III of Navarre
Charles III of Navarre
Charles III , called the Noble, was King of Navarre from 1387 to his death and Count of Évreux from 1387 to 1404, when he exchanged it for the title Duke of Nemours...
, "The Noble", deceased 1425, who ruled also for about 38 years, and protected all the baztanese land proprietors, his daughter being the next (third) rightful Queen Blanche I of Navarre
Blanche I of Navarre
Blanche I was Queen of Navarre from 1425 to 1441. She became queen regnant upon the death of her father King Charles III of Navarre...
, who ruled between 1425 and 1441, some 16 years, having been also a consort ruler in Sicily previously.
Some delicate, obscure, points about the Baztan area during the XVI to the XVIII Century
Baztan was transferred as a Catholic circumscription associated to the Bishopric of BayonneBayonne
Bayonne is a city and commune in south-western France at the confluence of the Nive and Adour rivers, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, of which it is a sub-prefecture...
, then at the Duchy of Aquitania
Aquitania may refer to:* the territory of the Aquitani, a people living in Roman times in what is now Aquitaine, France* Aquitaine, a region of France roughly between the Pyrenees, the Atlantic ocean and the Garonne, also a former kingdom and duchy...
since the 13th century to the Archbishopric of Pamplona only in 1568. Since at that time Lower Navarre
Lower Navarre
Lower Navarre is a part of the present day Pyrénées Atlantiques département of France. Along with Navarre of Spain, it was once ruled by the Kings of Navarre. Lower Navarre was historically one of the kingdoms of Navarre. Its capital were Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and Saint-Palais...
was run by Calvinist, Huguenot
The Huguenots were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th centuries. Since the 17th century, people who formerly would have been called Huguenots have instead simply been called French Protestants, a title suggested by their German co-religionists, the...
, Queen Joanna III of Navarre, (1528 - Queen regnant
Queen regnant
A queen regnant is a female monarch who reigns in her own right, in contrast to a queen consort, who is the wife of a reigning king. An empress regnant is a female monarch who reigns in her own right over an empire....
of Navarre
Navarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...
1555, aged 27 – 1572, aged 44), first from Pau and later from La Rochelle
La Rochelle
La Rochelle is a city in western France and a seaport on the Bay of Biscay, a part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is the capital of the Charente-Maritime department.The city is connected to the Île de Ré by a bridge completed on 19 May 1988...
seafaring town, and her Consort had been the Huguenot Antoine de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme (1518 – from woundings at the siege of Rouen
Rouen , in northern France on the River Seine, is the capital of the Haute-Normandie region and the historic capital city of Normandy. Once one of the largest and most prosperous cities of medieval Europe , it was the seat of the Exchequer of Normandy in the Middle Ages...
, 1562) and since Spanish Admiral Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés was a Spanish admiral and explorer, best remembered for founding St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. This was the first successful Spanish foothold in La Florida and remained the most significant city in the region for several hundred years. St...
had sternly killed in 1565 the Huguenot colonists of Fort Caroline
Fort Caroline
Fort Caroline was the first French colony in the present-day United States. Established in what is now Jacksonville, Florida, on June 22, 1564, under the leadership of René Goulaine de Laudonnière, it was intended as a refuge for the Huguenots. It lasted one year before being obliterated by the...
, a.k.a. Fort Matanzas, now near Jacksonville, in Spanish Florida
Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...
, did King Philip II of Spain
Philip II of Spain
Philip II was King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, and, while married to Mary I, King of England and Ireland. He was lord of the Seventeen Provinces from 1556 until 1581, holding various titles for the individual territories such as duke or count....
, then legal King of Upper Navarre,ask either to Roman Pope Pius IV, (1499 - Pope 1559 - 1565) or to Roman Pope Pius V, (1504 - Pope 1562 - 1572) to do anything about this administrative move?.
Has the word Agote
The Cagots were a persecuted and despised minority found in the west of France and northern Spain: the Navarrese Pyrenees, Basque provinces, Béarn, Aragón, Gascony and Brittany...
, some sort of highly socially discriminated people over several centuries also living in Baztan, anything to see with the actual French word Huguenot
The Huguenots were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th centuries. Since the 17th century, people who formerly would have been called Huguenots have instead simply been called French Protestants, a title suggested by their German co-religionists, the...
Some distinguished people from the Navarrese Baztan area, a tentative biographical data base
Family lands property being inherited by the eldest surviving male only provided cadet able bodied women/men for marriage, the service of the Catholic Church, if providing adequate moneys in the case of nuns wishing to spend the rest of their lives leading a contemplative life, expansion of Christianity trying to teach indigenous and/or enslaved people, (blacks and defeated in battle Muslims for instance) and also having access to University colleges, mainly at ZaragozaZaragoza
Zaragoza , also called Saragossa in English, is the capital city of the Zaragoza Province and of the autonomous community of Aragon, Spain...
, Valladolid
Valladolid is a historic city and municipality in north-central Spain, situated at the confluence of the Pisuerga and Esgueva rivers, and located within three wine-making regions: Ribera del Duero, Rueda and Cigales...
and Salamanca
Salamanca is a city in western Spain, in the community of Castile and León. Because it is known for its beautiful buildings and urban environment, the Old City was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. It is the most important university city in Spain and is known for its contributions to...
, learning Law and Civil Administration befitting Service to the Empire and/or serving in the Imperial Army/Navy with the status of free men, ("hidalgos"), some sort of social class equivalent to the rural born Squires in England.
Thus, while the past/actual rural "Basques" remained toiling their family lands and their cattle, the rest of their extended family had to make a living assisted by the administrative needs of the Spanish Crown over many millions of Square Kilometers spanning over Europe, the Pacific Ocean Islands and America. Broadly speaking, there were no jobs for them over there.
No racial superiority whatsoever must be admitted therefore valuating these people, obliged to leave their houses to let perpetuate within the mountains the small properties held exclusively by the eldest male brothers toiling their rather modest properties but rather, instead, recording here their privileged possibility of being useful while making a living abroad, be it at the Court, or at Church, thanks to the special characteristics of the vast Spanish Empire needs to be run and administrated instead.
Romantic modern nationalisms, coming out of the blue, have not much to see with protein necessities, though.
- The mother of famous Jesuit Saint Francis XavierFrancis XavierFrancis Xavier, born Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta was a pioneering Roman Catholic missionary born in the Kingdom of Navarre and co-founder of the Society of Jesus. He was a student of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and one of the first seven Jesuits, dedicated at Montmartre in 1534...
, (1506–1552), a "Azpilicueta" family member of the Baztan area, was closely ascribed to Queen regnant Catherine of NavarreCatherine of NavarreCatherine was Queen of Navarre , duchess of Gandia, Montblanc, and Peñafiel, countess of Foix, Bigorre, and Ribagorza, and viscountess of Béarn.- Biography :...
, (1468 - Queen 1483, aged 15 – 1518, aged 50), the young sister inheritor of King of Navarre Francis Phoebus, (circa 1469 - tutorized King 1479, aged 10 – 1483, aged around 14), both of them grandchildren of Queen regnant Eleanor of NavarreEleanor of NavarreEleanor of Aragon , Regent and the queen regnant of Navarre in 1479...
, (OliteOliteOlite is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain....
, Navarre (now Spain), 2 February 1426 – Tudela, NavarreTudela, NavarreTudela is a municipality in Spain, the second city of the autonomous community of Navarre. Its population is around 35,000. Tudela is sited in the Ebro valley. Fast trains running on two-track electrified railways serve the city and two freeways join close to it...
(now Spain), 12 February 1479, aged 53), Regent (1455–1479) and the Queen regnant of Navarre in 1479 for only 15 days as she was crowned on 28 January 1479 in Tudela.
Priests and women took in many parts of Spain the mother family name rather than the male side family name, a "de Jaso", for Saint Francis Xavier father, a very important name, too, in the harassed Lower Navarre
Lower Navarre
Lower Navarre is a part of the present day Pyrénées Atlantiques département of France. Along with Navarre of Spain, it was once ruled by the Kings of Navarre. Lower Navarre was historically one of the kingdoms of Navarre. Its capital were Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and Saint-Palais...
Court and within the "Agramonts" power party, but even so, Jesuit Francis Xavier moved afterwards in Europe, India and China close to the Portuguese Crown rather than the Court of Spain as did those keen with the "Beaumonts" power party and one of his main representatives in Upper Navarre and in Pamplona, the founder of the Jesuits, Ignacio de Loyola.
It is most curious what Queen regnant of Navarre Catherine, then aged 26, had to learn in 1495 about the death of her mother, Magdalene of Valois
Magdalena of Valois
Magdalena of Valois, also called Madeleine de France , was a daughter of Charles VII of France and Marie of Anjou, and acted as regent for her children, Francis I and Catherine I, who were successively monarchs of Navarre.Magdalena was betrothed to Ladislaus the Posthumous however he died suddenly...
, (Tours, 1443 - a widow in 1470, aged 27 - Pamplona, January 1495, while being a hostage to king Fernando II of Aragon, "El Catolico", a step brother of Queen regnant Eleanor), the sister of King Louis XI of France, (1423–1483) .
After 1512, with Upper Navarre incorporated to the rest of what is now Spain, Basque people help mediating in such event, too, Queen Catherine would rule only in the little area known as Lower Navarre . In due time and with opportunisms dictated by dire needs and will of power amidst poverty, the by then called Bourbon family would manage to become "Royals", first in France, then in Spain, and later in some Italian territories during the period 1572 - 1793, broadly speaking in France and even till now in other European countries, Spain for instance.
- Miguel de Arizcun y Mendinueta, born 1691 at Elizondo, 1st Marqués de Iturbieta, 19 January 1741, by King Felipe V of Spain, Knight of the Military Order of Santiago since 1729. When he died, the title passed to his eldest brother Francisco, born 1685, who had married in Puebla de los Angeles, MexicoMexicoThe United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
, 11 October 1722, Maria Josefa de Irigoyen y de la Fuente, whose parents came from Alzuza, NavarreNavarreNavarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...
. On returning from Mexico before 1737, they got in Madrid, October 1737, Miguel Cipriano de Arizcun e Irigoyen, III Marquis. He married a daughter of Marquis de la Vera, Pedro de Orcasitas, born in Castro UrdialesCastro UrdialesCastro Urdiales is a seaport of northern Spain, in the autonomous community of Cantabria, situated on the bay of Biscay.Castro Urdiales is a modern town, although its castle and the Gothic-style parish church of Santa María de la Asunción, date from the Middle Ages. Its chief industries are...
, CantabriaCantabriaCantabria is a Spanish historical region and autonomous community with Santander as its capital city. It is bordered on the east by the Basque Autonomous Community , on the south by Castile and León , on the west by the Principality of Asturias, and on the north by the Cantabrian Sea.Cantabria...
, Spain, Blasa Manuela de Orcasitas y Salazar, having thus the IV Marquis, born 1750 in Madrid.
The IV Marquis second marriage was in Granada
Granada is a city and the capital of the province of Granada, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Granada is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at the confluence of three rivers, the Beiro, the Darro and the Genil. It sits at an elevation of 738 metres above sea...
, 14 July 1774, to Angela Clara de Pineda y Ramirez de Maldonado, a daughter of a very important lawyer formerly working at the actual Guatemala, Central Americas. Thus, the V Marquiss of Iturbieta, Miguel Francisco de Arizcun y Pineda was born in Pamplona, in May 1775.
This Pineda family, from the High Court of Law of Granada, grafted with the Arizcun, has plenty to see with the heroine Mariana de Pineda y Muñoz, generally known as Mariana Pineda
Mariana Pineda
Mariana Pineda is a play by the Spanish playwright and poet Federico García Lorca. It is based on the life of Mariana de Pineda Muñoz, whose republican opposition to Ferdinand VII had become part of the folklore of Granada. The play was written between 1923 and 1925 and was first performed in June...
, ( 1804 – executed May 26, 1831, aged 27) described by famous Spanish play wrighter an poet Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca
Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca was a Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director. García Lorca achieved international recognition as an emblematic member of the Generation of '27. He is believed to be one of thousands who were summarily shot by anti-communist death squads...
, assassinated August 1936.
- Juan Bautista Iturralde, (Arizcun, Baztan, 1674–1741), Marqués de Murillo el Cuende, title of 1739 confirming the earlier one awarded by King Carlos II of Spain, occupying a rather brief minister of the Exchequer post with King Felipe V of Spain. Born in Arizcun, Baztan, Navarra.No direct issue, married to a Munarriz woman.
- Pedro de Astrearena, II Marqués de Murillo el Cuende
- Ambrosio Agustín de Garro y Micheltorena, (1703–1785), a member of the Exchequer Council, his son here below becoming a President of the Banco de San Carlos, today Banco de EspañaBanco de EspañaThe Bank of Spain , is the national central bank of Spain. Established in Madrid in 1782 by Charles III, today the bank is a member of the European System of Central Banks.-History:...
- Nicolás Ambrosio de Garro y Arizcun, (Madrid, 1747 - Ibidem, 20 de abril de 1825) Marqués de las Hormazas. Marqués Consorte de las Hormazas since 1767.
- Juan de Goyeneche y Gastón, (Arizcun, Baztan, NavarreNavarreNavarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...
, 1656 - Nuevo BaztanNuevo BaztánNuevo Baztán is a municipality southeast of Madrid, near Alcalá de Henares, Spain. It consists of a small historic centre and modern housing estates. The historic centre was designed as an industrial and housing complex laid out on a grid plan...
, MadridMadridMadrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...
, April 1735). He was the treasurier and financial adviser of all the Queen Consorts of Spain since around 1680, and provided a variety of war supplies for the Spanish Army, well over 30 years, between other thigs. His palace in Madrid, is now, modified, the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San FernandoReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San FernandoThe Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando , located on the Calle de Alcalá in the heart of Madrid, currently functions as a museum and gallery....
, Madrid.
- Juan Francisco de Goyeneche Irigoyen, Marqués de Ugena.
He married Isabel Maria de la Cruz Ahedo, born in Maracaibo
Maracaibo is a city and municipality located in northwestern Venezuela off the western coast of the Lake Maracaibo. It is the second-largest city in the country after the national capital Caracas and the capital of Zulia state...
,now the second largest city of Venezuela
Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...
. He is the brother of Juan Tomás de Goyeneche e Irigoyen, (1681–1721), both, nephews of Don Juan, the cadet brother of their father Andrés de Goyeche y Gastón, the inheritor, being the eldest male, of all the properties from Baztan.
- Francisco Miguel de Goyeneche y Balzá, Conde de Saceda. Son of the initiator of the banking family saga Don Juan, who never got any nobility titles as he seemed to be content with being just a SquireSquireThe English word squire is a shortened version of the word Esquire, from the Old French , itself derived from the Late Latin , in medieval or Old English a scutifer. The Classical Latin equivalent was , "arms bearer"...
, ("hidalgo" in Spanish). Title awarded by King Felipe V of Spain, dated 17 December 1743. Married Maria Antonia de Indaburu, with issue:
- Juan Javier, who get by inheritances the titles of Marquiss of Belzunce and Ugena as well as the County of Saceda and married Maria Javiera de Muzquiz with issue of two inheritors:
- Ignaci, deceased 1846, no issue, and Luis, who got another title, Count of Gausa, deceased 1849. His son José María becomes also Count Consort of Tepa, (5 titles), but there is no issue. The Goyeneche family as such disappears from the nobility listings from then on, the 5 titles going to a nephew, named Ignacio Muñoz de Baena y Goyeneche, who was through inheritances and marriage, Marquiss of Pardo Alegre, Marquiss of Ugena, Count of Saceda, Count of Gausa, Count of Tepe, and who married in GranadaGranadaGranada is a city and the capital of the province of Granada, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Granada is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at the confluence of three rivers, the Beiro, the Darro and the Genil. It sits at an elevation of 738 metres above sea...
, Spain, Maria Teresa Velluti y Tavira, a daughter of the Marquiss of Falces and Marquiss of Torreblanca, having thus Teresa Muñoz de Baena y Velluti . Teresa, (deceased 1935), got married to Spanish General Carlos Prendergast y Roberts], (deceased 1929).
Curiously enough, there is a Welsh British General in Wikipedia, Harry Prendergast
Harry Prendergast
General Sir Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast VC GCB was a recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces....
, (1831–1913) who received the highest military British medal, the Victoria Cross
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories....
in 1860, for galantry while in combat, in India and Burma. This is a not very common Welsh family name, too.
Therefore, daughter Ana Maria Prendergast got these titles PLUS the titles of Countess de la Cimera and Countess of Goyeneche as well, some 7 nobility titles. There were two daughters, Elena, who had married Don Matías de Oñate y Lopez and thus, a part of the titles, Countess of Saceda, went again for the successors, now as a part of the Oñate family, and Ana Maria, who was then Marchioness of Ugena.
- Francisco Javier de Goyeneche y Balzá, Marqués de Belzunce, Navarre, married to Micaela de Ovando, no issue.
There is a mythic "Gaston de Belzunce" or Gaston de Belsunce in the Basque histories, reputed to have been driven off, but dying as a result of the battle: of a 3, others say 7, headed hydra
Lernaean Hydra
In Greek mythology, the Lernaean Hydra was an ancient nameless serpent-like chthonic water beast, with reptilian traits, that possessed many heads — the poets mention more heads than the vase-painters could paint, and for each head cut off it grew two more — and poisonous breath so virulent even...
at Larramendi, Gipuzkoa.
Other parts of the four cartels coat of arms are two red cows, cows en gueules, because of family connections with the nearest Viscounty of Béarn
Béarn is one of the traditional provinces of France, located in the Pyrenees mountains and in the plain at their feet, in southwest France. Along with the three Basque provinces of Soule, Lower Navarre, and Labourd, the principality of Bidache, as well as small parts of Gascony, it forms in the...
, now part of France.
- Juan de Goyeneche y Aguerrevere, (Irurita-Valle de Baztán, (Navarre), 1741 - + ArequipaArequipaArequipa is the capital city of the Arequipa Region in southern Peru. With a population of 836,859 it is the second most populous city of the country...
, PeruPeruPeru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....
, 1813). The descendents of this Juan de Goyeneche settled in Peru, were, and are, very important politicians and land owners, both in Peru and in Spain, some of them having been Grandees of Spain, too. For instance, one of his sons: - José Manuel de Goyeneche y Barreda, (ArequipaArequipaArequipa is the capital city of the Arequipa Region in southern Peru. With a population of 836,859 it is the second most populous city of the country...
, PeruPeruPeru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....
, 1776 - MadridMadridMadrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...
, 1846). 1st Count of GuaquiGuaquiGuaqui is a railhead and port in Bolivia on Lake Titicaca. A ferry connects with the Peruvian railhead and port on Puno.- Gauge :The railways on the Bolivian side are gauge, while the railways on the Peruvian side are gauge.- References :...
and a GrandeeGrandeeGrandee is the word used to render in English the Iberic high aristocratic title Grande , used by the Spanish nobility; Portuguese nobility, and Brazilian nobility....
of Spain, Lieutenant General of the Spanish Army.
Goyeneche ancestors of several places can be consulted at the goyeneche family website.

- Miguel Gastón de Iriarte y Elizacoechea, builder of the family palace in Irurita, Baztan, Navarre.
- Agustín de Jáuregui y Aldecoa, (Lecaroz, (Baztan, 1711 - LimaLimaLima is the capital and the largest city of Peru. It is located in the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers, in the central part of the country, on a desert coast overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Together with the seaport of Callao, it forms a contiguous urban area known as the Lima...
, PeruPeruPeru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....
, 27 April 1784). Captain of Dragoons at the Regimiento de Almansa, Lieutenant Coronel in the Antilles Islands, defended Cartagena de Indias, (today in ColombiaColombiaColombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...
, during the British attack of 1740, commanding the Regiment of Dragoons of SaguntoSaguntoSagunto or Sagunt is an ancient city in Eastern Spain, in the modern fertile comarca of Camp de Morvedre in the province of Valencia. It is located in a hilly site, c. 30 km north of Valencia, close to the Costa del Azahar on the Mediterranean Sea...
fighting in Portugal during the Seven Years War, (1756–1763).
Jáuregui was Governor of Chile since March 1773 under king Carlos III
Charles III of Spain
Charles III was the King of Spain and the Spanish Indies from 1759 to 1788. He was the eldest son of Philip V of Spain and his second wife, the Princess Elisabeth Farnese...
of Spain and later Viceroy of Peru, (1780–1784). Under his spell of power in Peru, Indian Jose Gabriel Condercanqui, a.k.a. Tupac Amaru II
Túpac Amaru II
Túpac Amaru II was a leader of an indigenous uprising in 1780 against the Spanish in Peru...
, (1742–1781, aged 39), was defeated by Jauregui envoy, Jose del Valle y Torres. Tupac Amaru II, his wife and other Indian leaders being then executed. There was also the 1780-1781 rebellion of the Catari
Tupac Katari
Túpac Katari or Catari , born Julián Apasa Nina, was a leader in the rebellions of indigenous people of Bolivia against the Spanish Empire in the early 1780s....
tribes in High Peru, now very extensive territories of the actual Republic of Bolivia
Bolivia officially known as Plurinational State of Bolivia , is a landlocked country in central South America. It is the poorest country in South America...
Viceroy of Peru Agustín de Jáuregui
Agustín de Jáuregui
Agustín de Jáuregui y Aldecoa was a Spanish politician and soldier who served as governor of Chile and viceroy of Peru .-Early life:...
was substituted a few days before diying by the new Viceroy, Teodoro de Croix
Teodoro de Croix
Teodoro de Croix was a Spanish soldier and colonial official in New Spain and Peru. From April 6, 1784 to March 25, 1790 he was viceroy of Peru.-Background:...
, (Viceroy of Peru, 1784–1790).
- Pedro de Mendinueta y Múzquiz, (ElizondoElizondo, NavarreElizondo is a town located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. It is located on both banks of the Baztan River. The town is the capital of the Baztan valley and where most service establishments are concentrated. Elizondo is one of fifteen settlements in the valley...
, Baztan, 7 June 1736 - MadridMadridMadrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...
, Spain, 16 February 1825). Military in the Spanish Royal Army since 1756, fought in 1762 in the campaigns of Portugal and CataloniaCataloniaCatalonia is an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, with the official status of a "nationality" of Spain. Catalonia comprises four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. Catalonia covers an area of 32,114 km² and has an...
during the Seven Years War, (1756–1763) and in 1775 in the (failed) campaign to conquest Algier, North Africa, being promoted as Knight of the Military Order of Santiago in 1776 and as a Knight of the Order of Carlos III. In 1782 he went to the Spanish Antilles Islands with O'ReillyO'ReillyO'Reilly is the Anglicised form of the Gaelic Ó Raghallaigh. It is also the patronymic form of the Irish name Reilly . It is commonly found throughout Ireland, with the greatest concentration of the surname found in County Cavan followed by Longford, Meath, Westmeath, Fermanagh and Monaghan, and...
staying with Bernardo Gálvez in the FloridaFloridaFlorida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...
and LouisianaLouisianaLouisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America. Its capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans. Louisiana is the only state in the U.S. with political subdivisions termed parishes, which are local governments equivalent to counties...
, moving to Mexico in 1795 to organize and improve the Spanish Army there.
- Francisco Martín Jáuregui.
- Martín de Ursúa Arizmendi y Aguirre, (Arizcun, Baztan, Spain, February 1653 - Philippine Islands, 4 February 1715) first Conde de Lizárraga, title awarded by King Felipe V in April 1705.
He was Governor interim of Yucatán
Yucatán officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Yucatán is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 106 municipalities and its capital city is Mérida....
Province, now in Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
accommodating the road to the actual Guatemala
Guatemala is a country in Central America bordered by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the Caribbean to the east, and Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast...
, linking thus the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean to improve trade and communications, doing military interventions on what has been described as the fall of the last significant independent Maya
Maya civilization
The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Pre-Classic period The Maya is a Mesoamerican...
stronghold, Tayasal
Tayasal is a pre-Columbian Maya archaeological site that dates to the Postclassic period. The site is located in the southern Maya lowlands on a small island in Lake Petén Itzá, now part of the Department of Petén in northern Guatemala...
, located on an island in Lake Petén Itzá
Lake Petén Itzá
Lake Petén Itzá is a lake in the northern department Petén in Guatemala. It is the second largest lake in Guatemala, the Izabal lake being the largest. It is located around . It has an area of 99 km² some 32 km. long and 5 km wide. Its maximum depth is 160 m...
in the northern Petén Basin
Petén Basin
The Petén Basin is a geographical subregion of Mesoamerica, located in the northern portion of the modern-day nation of Guatemala, and essentially contained within the department of El Petén...
region, North of present-day Guatemala.
Although, apparently, he had been nominated in 1704 to travel to the Philippine Islands he only went there in 1709, replacing thus the former Governor of Philippines, Domingo de Zabalburu de Echeverri, who ruled 8 Sep 1701-25 August 1709).
From 25 August 1709 to the day of his death, 4 February 1715, he was Governor of Philippines, being substituted by José de Torralba who ruled till 9 August 1717. He was married to Juana Rosa Bollio y Ojeda, born at the now Mexican town of Mérida
Mérida, Yucatán
Mérida is the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Yucatán and the Yucatán Peninsula. It is located in the northwest part of the state, about from the Gulf of Mexico coast...
, Yucatán
Yucatán officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Yucatán is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 106 municipalities and its capital city is Mérida....
, daughter of a Spanish Army Captain born at Genoa, Italy. As a widow, Juana Rosa went back to Mexico, probably with the yearly Manila Galleon
Manila Galleon
The Manila galleons or Manila-Acapulco galleons were Spanish trading ships that sailed once or twice per year across the Pacific Ocean between Manila in the Philippines, and Acapulco, New Spain . The name changed reflecting the city that the ship was sailing from...
, a some 13,000 km. trip, marrying on 23 September 1723, powerful lawyer and political adviser Francisco de Barbadillo y Victoria, (????, Ezcaray
Ezcaray is a town and municipality in the Oja Valley in the La Rioja region of northern Spain.The name is of Basque origin.The town is situated at the base of the San Lorenzo peak and is 13 km from the Valdezcaray ski area.-External links:*...
, La Rioja
La Rioja (Spain)
La Rioja is an autonomous community and a province of northern Spain. Its capital is Logroño. Other cities and towns in the province include Calahorra, Arnedo, Alfaro, Haro, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Nájera.-History:...
, Spain- Mexico city ?, 29 December 1724).
The title seems to have been inherited by one of his brothers, and then by a cousin woman family named Irissarry.
External links
- FGM.ac
- CTV.ex
- Baztan in the Bernardo Estornés Lasa - Auñamendi Encyclopedia (Euskomedia Fundazioa)
- Guiapueblos.es
- Witchcraft investigated by the Spanish InquisitionSpanish InquisitionThe Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition , commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition , was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms, and to replace the Medieval...
, (relatively well carried out quite lucidly by Alonso Salazar FriasAlonso Salazar FriasAlonso de Salazar Frías has been given the epithet "The Witches’ Advocate" for his role in establishing the conviction, within the Spanish Inquisition, that accusations against supposed witches were more often rooted in dreams and fantasy than in reality, and the inquisitorial policy that witch...
, (circa 1564 - 1636), Alonso Salazar FriasAlonso Salazar FriasAlonso de Salazar Frías has been given the epithet "The Witches’ Advocate" for his role in establishing the conviction, within the Spanish Inquisition, that accusations against supposed witches were more often rooted in dreams and fantasy than in reality, and the inquisitorial policy that witch...
, for those times compared with the whole of Europe, during the 17th Century, 1610), was performed at ZugarramurdiZugarramurdiZugarramurdi is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. It passed into history as the setting of the infamous Basque witch trials. Every year in spectacular caves near Zugarramundi the town celebrate the ‘day of the witch’.-External...
caves, the Urdazabi or Urdax caves as well as in SaraSareSare is a village in the traditional Basque province of Labourd, now a commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in south-western France....
, France, nearby.
Out of some 300 people whose names have been recorded, males, females, girls and boys, there were some 12 comdened to the fire, mainly women. There is now a Museum of Witchcraft to remember this famous Court case, carried out at Logroño
Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. It is the capital of the autonomous community of La Rioja, formerly known as La Rioja Province.The population of Logroño in 2008 was 153,736 and a metropolitan population of nearly 197,000 inhabitants...
, Rioja
La Rioja (Spain)
La Rioja is an autonomous community and a province of northern Spain. Its capital is Logroño. Other cities and towns in the province include Calahorra, Arnedo, Alfaro, Haro, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Nájera.-History:...
, Spain. Night celebrations seem to be on August 18.
- Gustav Henningsen, The Witches' Advocate: Basque Witchcraft and the Spanish Inquisition (1609–1614), Nevada, (1980). University of Nevada Press, November 1980, ISBN 978-0-87417-056-6
- 607pp. We have tracked also, however: Hardcover, Publishers Association, The, ISBN 0-87417-056-7 (0-87417-056-7)
- Gustav Henningsen (ed.), The Salazar Documents: Inquisitor Alonso de Salazar Frías and Others on the Basque Witch Persecution, Hardcover, Brill Academic Publ., ISBN 90-04-13186-8 (90-04-13186-8) Leiden: Brill, (2004).