Bandung is the capital of West Java
province in Indonesia
, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area
in Indonesia, with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 metres (2,520 ft) above sea level, approximately 140 km southeast of Jakarta
, Bandung has cooler temperatures year-around than most other Indonesian cities. The city lies in a river basin surrounded by volcanic
mountains. This topography provides a good natural defense system, which was the primary reason for the Dutch East Indies
government's plan to move the colony capital from Batavia to Bandung.
The Dutch colonials first opened tea plantations around the mountains in the eighteenth century, followed by a road construction connecting the plantation area to the capital (180 km or 112 miles to the northwest). The European inhabitants of the city demanded the establishment of a municipality (gemeente), which was granted in 1906 and Bandung gradually developed itself into a resort city for the plantation owners. Luxurious hotels, restaurants, cafes and European boutiques were opened of which the city was dubbed as Parijs van Java .
After Indonesian independence
, from 1945 onwards, the city experienced a rapid development and urbanization that has transformed Bandung from idyllic town into a dense 16500 people/km² metropolitan area, a living space for over 2 million people. Natural resources have been exploited excessively, particularly in the conversions of protected upland area into highland villa and real estates. Although the city has encountered many problems (ranging from waste disposal, floods to chaotic traffic system, etc.), Bandung still attracts immigrants and weekend travellers.
Bandung, the capital of West Java
province, located about 180 kilometres (111.8 mi) southeast of Jakarta
, is the third largest city in Indonesia. Its elevation is 768 metres (2,519.7 ft) above sea level and is surrounded by up to 2,400 m (7,874 ft) high Late Tertiary
and Quaternary
volcanic terrain. The 400 km² flat of central Bandung plain is situated in the middle of 2,340.88 km² wide of the Bandung Basin
; the basin comprises Bandung, the Cimahi
city, part of Bandung Regency
, part of West Bandung Regency, and part of Sumedang Regency
. The basin's main river is the Citarum
; one of its branches, the Cikapundung, divides Bandung from north to south before it merges with Citarum again in Dayeuhkolot. The Bandung Basin is an important source of water for drinking water, irrigation and fisheries, and its 6,147 million m³ of groundwater is a major reservoir for the city.
The northern part of the city is hillier than the rest; the distinguished truncated flat-peak shape of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano (Tangkuban Perahu literally means 'up-turned boat') can be seen from the city to the north. Long-term volcanic activity has created fertile andisol
soil in the north, suitable for intensive rice
, fruit
, tea
, tobacco
and coffee
plantations. In the south and east, alluvial soils deposited by the Cikapundung river are mostly found.
Geological data shows that the Bandung Basin is located on an ancient volcano, known as Mount Sunda, erected up to 3,000–4,000 metres (9,850–13,100 ft) during the Pleistocene
age. Two large-scale eruptions took place; the first formed the basin and the other (est. 55,000 Before Present
) blocked the Citarum river, turning the basin into a lake known as "the Great Lake of Bandung". The lake drained away; the reason for which is the subject of ongoing debate among geologists.
, Due to its elevation, The climate in Bandung is cooler than most Indonesian cities and can be classified as humid; the average temperature is 23.6 °C (74.5 °F) throughout the year. The average annual rainfall ranges from 1,000 millimetres in the central and southeast regions to 3,500 millimetres in the north of the city. The wet season
conforms with other Indonesian regions, around November to April.
The earliest reference to the city dates back to 1488, but archaeological findings suggest a type of Homo erectus
species had lived on the banks of the Cikapundung River and around the old lake of Bandung. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) opened plantations in the Bandung area. A supply road connecting Batavia (now Jakarta
), Bogor
, Cianjur
, Bandung, Sumedang
and Cirebon
was built in 1786. In 1809, Napoleon I
, the Emperor of the French and conqueror of much of Europe including the Netherlands
and its colonies,(before his ultimate downfall at Waterloo in 1815) ordered the Dutch Indies Governor H.W. Daendels to increase the defensive systems of Java against the British from India. Daendels built a road, stretching approximately 1000 km (621.4 mi) from the west to the east coast of Java, and passing through Bandung. In 1810, the road was laid down in Bandung and was named De Groote Postweg (or the 'main post road'), the present-day site of Asia-Afrika Street. Under Daendels' orders, R.A. Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administration of the Bandung regency at that time, moved its office from Krapyak, in the south, to a place near a pair of holy city wells (sumur Bandung), the present-day site of the city square (alun-alun). He built his dalem (palace), masjid agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (public-official meeting place) in the classical orientation. The pendopo faces Tangkuban Perahu
mountain, which was believed to have a mystical ambience.
In 1880, the first major railroad between Batavia and Bandung was built, boosting light industry in Bandung. Chinese
from outside the city flocked in, to help run facilities, services and selling vendor machines. The old Chinatown district in Bandung is still recognisable in the railroad station vicinity. In 1906, Bandung was given the status of gemeente (municipality) and then later as stadsgemeente (city municipality) in 1926.
In the beginning of the 1920s, the Dutch East Indies government made plans to move the capital of Dutch East Indies from Batavia to Bandung. Accordingly, during this decade, the Dutch colonial government started building military barracks, the central government building (Gouvernments Bedrijven, the present-day Gedung Sate
) and other government buildings. This plan, however, was cut short by World War II
after which the Dutch were not able to re-establish their colony.
The fertile area of the Parahyangan Mountains surrounding Bandung supports productive tea
plantations. In the nineteenth century, Franz Junghuhn
introduced the cinchona
(kina) plant. With its cooler elevated landscape, surrounded by major plantations, Bandung became an exclusive European resort area. Rich plantation owners visited the city on weekends, attracting ladies and business people from the capital, Batavia. Braga Street
grew into a promenade street with cafes, restaurants and boutique shops. Two art-deco style hotels, Savoy Homann and Preanger, were built in the vicinity of the Concordia Society, a club house for the wealthy with a large ballroom and a theatre. The nickname "Parijs van Java" was given to the city.
After the Indonesian Independence
in 1945, Bandung was determined as the capital of West Java
province. During the 1945–1949 independence struggle
against the Dutch when they wanted to reclaim their colonies, Bandung was one of the heaviest battle places. The Dutch military commander set an ultimatum for the Indonesian combatants in Bandung to leave the city. In response, on 24 March 1946, much of the southern part of Bandung was deliberately set alight as the combatants left; an event known as the Bandung Lautan Api or 'Bandung Sea of Flame'.
In 1955, the first Asian-African Conference
-- also known as the Bandung Conference -- was held in Bandung by President Soekarno, attended by head of states representing twenty-nine countries and colonies from Asia and Africa. The conference venue was at the Gedung Merdeka, the former Concordia Society building. The conference announced 10 points of declaration on world peace promotion and oppositions against colonialism, known as the Declaration of Bandung, which followed by wave of nationalism movements around the globe and remapped the world politics. The conference was also the first international conference of people of color in the history of mankind. Richard Wright
in his book, The Color Curtain, captured the epic meanings of the conference for people of color around the world.
In 2005, the concurrent Asian-African Conference also taking partly in Bandung, bringing world figures such as President of Indonesia Susilo B. Yudhoyono, President of China Hu Jintao, Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki, President of Nigeria Obasanjo, and countless other luminaries.
In 1987, the city boundary was expanded with the Greater Bandung (Bandung Raya) plan; a relocation of higher concentration development outside the city in an attempt to dilute some of population in the old city. During its development, however, the city core is often uprooted, old faces are torn down, lot sizes regrouped, and what was idyllic residence is bustling chain supermarkets and rich banks.
The city area in 1906 was 19.22 square kilometres and by 1987 it was 167.2965 km². The city administration is divided into 26 subdistricts
(kecamatan) and 139 villages (kelurahan). A mayor (walikota) leads the city administration. Since 2008, the city residents directly voted for a mayor, while previously mayors were nominated and selected by the city council members or known as the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). As of 2003, the total number of city administration personnel is 20,163.
In 2005 the population of Bandung was 2,290,464, with a density of . The May 2010 census count result is 2,393,688 people, making Bandung the third largest city in Indonesia
Most of Bandung's population are of Sundanese descent
. Javanese people are the largest minority; they mostly come from the nearby province
and the eastern part of Java
. Other minorities include Minangkabau people, Chinese Indonesians and Batak
Bandung is renowned for its large stock of Dutch colonial architecture; most notably the tropical Art Deco
architectural style. Henri Maclaine-Pont is among the first Dutch architects who realized how important to combine each architectural style with culture of local people. He stressed that modern architecture should be evolved from local history and native elements. In 1920, Pont planned and designed buildings for the first technical university in the Dutch East Indies
, Technische Hogeschool te Bandung (the present-day Institut Teknologi Bandung), after which he was named as a professor in architecture at the university. A striking local Javanese roof style is noticeably seen on top of the campus' ceremonial hall, embedded in his artwork.
In the same year, another Dutch architect, J Gerber, designed Gouverments Bedrijven (Government Companies) in line with the colonial government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung. The building is an example of a harmonious mixture between West and East architectural styles, particularly the Italian Renaissance style of arch
structures in the west wing and Thailand
's pagoda
-like structures in the middle section. The building is known as Gedung Sate
, named after the distinguished small satay
shaped structure on the roof, and used as the head office of West Java
provincial government and West Java's house of representative.
The modern and native architectural blending was followed by several Dutch architects that have shaped the city landmarks. In the 1930s, Bandung was known also as the city of architecture laboratory because of many Dutch architects made some experiments with new architectural designs. Albert Aalbers
added the expressionist architecture
style to the Art Deco by designing the DENIS bank (1936) and renovated the Savoy Homann Hotel (1939). C.P.W. Schoemaker
was one of celebrated architects who strongly added native elements in his artworks, including the Villa Isola (1932), Hotel Preanger (1929), the regional military headquarter (1918), Gedung Merdeka (1921) and ITB Rectorate Building (1925).
Most people in the surrounding province of West Java are Sundanese
. Sundanese language
is spoken as the first language and is commonly used as informal language for communication in streets, school, campus, work and markets, while Indonesian
- Indonesia's national language and a lingua franca
among its many ethnic units — is used as a second language and the language of government, businesses, and instruction at schools.
Bandung has served for popular weekend-break destination for people living in Jakarta
. The cooler climate of highland plantation area, the varieties of food, the cheaper fashion shops located in factory outlets and distros, golf courses, and a zoo
are some of the attractions of the city. Bandung is also a popular shopping destination for its good value textile and fashion products among Malaysians and Singaporeans.
In the 1990s, local designers opened denim clothing stores along Cihampelas Street which transformed into a "jeans street". The city attracts people from other big cities to buy local fashion wears, as they are cheaper than branded items. Beside at Cihampelas Street, many factory outlets also opened at Riau Street, Setiabudi Street, and Djuanda Street (known as Dago
). Textile factories on the outskirts of Bandung have opened factory outlets on site selling what is marketed as sisa export (rejected or over-produced export quality items). Bandung Supermal, Bandung Indah Plaza, Ciwalk acronims of Cihampelas Walk and Paris van Java are famous shopping centres in Bandung.
In Bandung Supermal area is being built Trans Studio Bandung with 4.2 hectares indoor area. One of rider, launch coaster is one of three in the world (the other two in US). At the same area also will be built 3 stars and 6 stars (first in Bandung) hotels.
Significant tourist sites nearby to Bandung include the Tangkuban Prahu volcano crater to the north, the striking Kawah Putih
volcano lake and Patenggang Lake
, a lake surrounded by tea-plantation about 50 km to the south.
football team. Another team, Persikab, is based in the neighbouring town of Soreang
, the capital city of Bandung Regency
and Pelita Jaya Jawa Barat (PJJB) who share its home base stadium with Persikab at Si Jalak Harupat stadium in Soreang and Pro Duta. Persib Bandung's home base stadium is Siliwangi Stadium
. Other popular sports in Bandung include badminton
and basketball
. Garuda Flexi (formerly PanAsia) is a well-known basketball team in the IBL league. The roads leading up to Lembang and Dago are popular routes for mountain cycling
during the weekend. In the hillside around Bandung, there are a couple of golf courses.
, Galamedia and Tribun Jabar. Several local television station operate in Bandung, such as TVRI Bandung
, Space Toon Bandung, Padjadjaran TV, Bandung TV and STV. Many radio stations broadcast from Bandung
Bandung can be accessed through 4 highways from Jakarta. An intercity toll highway, named as Cipularang toll road
, connecting Jakarta
, Karawang
, Purwakarta
, Padalarang and Bandung, has recently been completed in May 2005. It is currently the fastest way to go to Bandung from the capital. Driving time is about 1.5 hours on average. There are 3 other options: the Puncak route (Jakarta-Cianjur
-Bandung), Purwakarta route (Jakarta-Cikampek-Purwakarta-Cikalong Wetan-Padalarang-Cimahi-Bandung) and the Subang route (Jakarta-Cikampek
-Bandung). From eastern part of the cities (Cirebon
, Tasikmalaya
and Central Java
province), Bandung can be accessed through the main provincial road. Indonesian National Route 3
links Bandung towards Cilegon
and Ketapang (Banyuwangi
The Pasupati bridge recently opened to the public, relieving traffic jams in the city for east-west transport. The 2.8 km cable-stayed bridge
lies through the valley of Cikapundung. It is 30 to 60 metres wide and after extensive delays, its construction finally completed in June 2005, following financial investment from Kuwait
. The bridge is part of Bandung's comprehensive inner-city highways plan.
are widely available. The primary means of public transportation is by minibus, called angkot (from angkutan=transportation and kota=city). They serve certain routes throughout the city, operated privately and cheap, but these city shuttles are not usually known for being comfortable. To find exact angkot routes, information are available through the drivers or at terminals. City-owned bus
es, called DAMRI, operates on larger relatively long routes. Bandung has 2 intercity bus terminals: Leuwipanjang, serving buses from the west, and Cicaheum, serving buses from the east. Both are full and will be replaced by a new terminal at Gedebage on 15 hectares land, while the old terminals will be functioned as inner city terminals. The location of the new terminal will be next of the railways station on 15 hectares area too, both are near of Gedebage container dry port.
Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport
serves direct flights to Jakarta
, Medan
, Batam
, Bandar Lampung
, Solo
, Surabaya
, Yogyakarta, Denpasar
, Palembang
and also international services from Kuala Lumpur
, Singapore Changi Airport
and Johor Airport. The airport is located nearby the Dirgantara aerospace complex and Dirgantara Fairground.
Bandung has two largest railway stations, i.e. Bandung
and Kiaracondong Station
s. Other smaller stations are Cimindi, Andir, Ciroyom
, Cikudapateuh, and Gedebage Stations (only for freight service). Railway connects Bandung to Cianjur
, Jakarta
, Purwakarta
, Bekasi
, Karawang
and Cikampek
to the west, and Surabaya
, Yogyakarta and Solo to the east. It is also the major means of transportation for people living in suburb areas of Cimahi
, Padalarang, Rancaekek, Cicalengka and Cileunyi.
32 shelters of Trans Metro Bandung (similar with TransJakarta
) along Soekarno-Hatta street will be finished at August 2011 with cost Rp13.1 billion ($1.54 million). Additional 30 buses will join the current operation 10 busses, after all shelters have been finished.
Since June 21, 2011 Damri
operator has launched 2 buses with route Cibiru-Kebon Kelapa vice versa special for women passengers only with women drivers. It accommodated the certain religion needs.
In August 5, 2011 Jusuf Kalla
has announced that he would like to build a monorail
in Bandung with value about Rp.4 trillion ($470 million).
Science and education
There are hundreds of public and private schools in Bandung. Like in other Indonesian cities, Bandung has several state-funded and administered junior high and high schools, called State Junior High Schools (SMP Negeri) and State High Schools (SMA Negeri), respectively. At least sixteen universities—three of which are state-owned universities—and 45 professional schools are scattered throughout the city. Education from social sciences, technology until tourism education can be found in one of those universities.
Among the several universities located in Bandung, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology), Universitas Padjadjaran
(Padjadjaran University), Parahyangan Catholic University
, Universitas Kristen Maranatha(Maranatha Christian University), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of Education), Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati (Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University), Institut Teknologi Telkom
(Telkom Institute of Technology), Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Bandung State Polytechnic) and Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (Bandung Manufacture Polytechnic) are considered among the best universities in their respective fields of specialty in Indonesia. Established 1920, Institut Teknologi Bandung is Indonesia's oldest and most prestigious technical university. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (formerly IKIP Bandung, established in 1954) is one of the first institutions of higher education established after Indonesian independence and is currently a leading education university in the country. Universitas Padjadjaran
(established in 1956) is considered to be one of the best universities in the country in the fields of medical, law, communication, and economic studies.
In the north of Bandung, Bosscha Observatory
is the only observatory
in Indonesia. Construction of the observatory began in 1923 and was completed in 1928. In 1922, the first international publication from Bosscha Observatory was published and in 1959, the observatory was included as a part of the department of astronomy
in the Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology).
Bandung economy is mainly built upon tourism, manufacturing, textile/apparel, education institutions, technology, retail, services, plantation/agriculture, financial, pharmaceutical, food, among others. Those are the major investments and most popular fields/industries being sought here.
Bandung has nearly 50 higher educational institutions and is among the most popular destination for education in Indonesia. Creative-based culture has shaped the basis of Bandung economy. The once quiet residential district of Dago has become an important business and entertainment centre. Chic cafes and restaurants are spreading out along Dago Street. In the early 1990s Cihampelas Street became a popular clothing store location.
The distro sell stylish non-trademarked products, made by local designers. Books, indie label records, magazines, fashion products and other accessories are typical distro products. After their products receive large teenagers attention, then these local designers make their own clothing company. Now, there are more than 200 local brand names in Bandung. Distro distance itself from factory outlet in term of its philosophy. Distros come from individual designers and young entrepreneurs, while factory outlet products come from a garment factory.
Environmental issues
The north of the city serves as a water reservoir
for Bandung's 2 million people, however, the area has seen much residential development. Several attempts to reserve this area have been made, including the creation of reserves, such as the Juanda National Park and Puncrut, but the development continues. The real danger has come in the form of several floodings in Bandung's south.
In the middle of 2006, Bandung faced another environmental disaster, as the city's land fill site was reevaluated after a landslide
in 2005. Collection of 8,000 m3/day domestic garbage piled up, causing air pollution
, spreading of diseases, and water contamination. The provincial government eventually stepped in to solve the garbage issues.
Notable people
Sister cities
Bandung has sister relationships
with a number of towns worldwide:Braunschweig
, GermanyCebu, PhilippinesFort Worth
, United StatesKlagenfurt
, AustriaSeremban
, MalaysiaTopolcianky
, Slovak RepublicMiami, United StatesSuwon
, South KoreaBari
External links
West Java
West Java , with a population of over 43 million, is the most populous and most densely populated province of Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, it is slightly smaller in area than densely populated Taiwan, but with nearly double the population...
province in Indonesia
Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...
, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area
Bandung Metropolitan Area
Bandung Metropolitan Area is the metropolitan area surrounds the city of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is less than 20 km from the edge of the metropolitan area of Greater Jakarta , and is contiguous with the border of the Jabodetabek-Cirangkarta definition for metropolitan area of Jakarta...
in Indonesia, with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 metres (2,520 ft) above sea level, approximately 140 km southeast of Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
, Bandung has cooler temperatures year-around than most other Indonesian cities. The city lies in a river basin surrounded by volcanic
2. Bedrock3. Conduit 4. Base5. Sill6. Dike7. Layers of ash emitted by the volcano8. Flank| 9. Layers of lava emitted by the volcano10. Throat11. Parasitic cone12. Lava flow13. Vent14. Crater15...
mountains. This topography provides a good natural defense system, which was the primary reason for the Dutch East Indies
Dutch East Indies
The Dutch East Indies was a Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Netherlands government in 1800....
government's plan to move the colony capital from Batavia to Bandung.
The Dutch colonials first opened tea plantations around the mountains in the eighteenth century, followed by a road construction connecting the plantation area to the capital (180 km or 112 miles to the northwest). The European inhabitants of the city demanded the establishment of a municipality (gemeente), which was granted in 1906 and Bandung gradually developed itself into a resort city for the plantation owners. Luxurious hotels, restaurants, cafes and European boutiques were opened of which the city was dubbed as Parijs van Java .
After Indonesian independence
Indonesian Declaration of Independence
The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, August 17, 1945. The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands until the latter officially acknowledged...
, from 1945 onwards, the city experienced a rapid development and urbanization that has transformed Bandung from idyllic town into a dense 16500 people/km² metropolitan area, a living space for over 2 million people. Natural resources have been exploited excessively, particularly in the conversions of protected upland area into highland villa and real estates. Although the city has encountered many problems (ranging from waste disposal, floods to chaotic traffic system, etc.), Bandung still attracts immigrants and weekend travellers.

West Java
West Java , with a population of over 43 million, is the most populous and most densely populated province of Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, it is slightly smaller in area than densely populated Taiwan, but with nearly double the population...
province, located about 180 kilometres (111.8 mi) southeast of Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
, is the third largest city in Indonesia. Its elevation is 768 metres (2,519.7 ft) above sea level and is surrounded by up to 2,400 m (7,874 ft) high Late Tertiary
The Tertiary is a deprecated term for a geologic period 65 million to 2.6 million years ago. The Tertiary covered the time span between the superseded Secondary period and the Quaternary...
and Quaternary
The Quaternary Period is the most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the ICS. It follows the Neogene Period, spanning 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago to the present...
volcanic terrain. The 400 km² flat of central Bandung plain is situated in the middle of 2,340.88 km² wide of the Bandung Basin
Drainage basin
A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point, usually the exit of the basin, where the waters join another waterbody, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea, or ocean...
; the basin comprises Bandung, the Cimahi
Cimahi is a city located west of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in the Bandung Metropolitan Area. The city is a major textile producer exporter, and is host to several military education facilities....
city, part of Bandung Regency
Bandung Regency
Bandung Regency is an administrative district located to the south, southeast and east of the city of Bandung. Parts of the Bandung Regency are effectively part of the Bandung Metropolitan Area. The Regency is part of the Indonesian province of West Java, about 75 miles south of Jakarta...
, part of West Bandung Regency, and part of Sumedang Regency
Sumedang Regency
Sumedang Regency is a regency of West Java, Indonesia. Sumedang is its capital.The city of Sumedang is famous for its tofu, Tahu bungkeng, that was first produced by a Chinese immigrant from China.-Jatigede Dam:...
. The basin's main river is the Citarum
Citarum River
Citarum is a river in West Java, Indonesia. It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it is used to support agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, electricity etc. There are three Hydroelectric powerplant dams installed along this river; Saguling, Cirata,...
; one of its branches, the Cikapundung, divides Bandung from north to south before it merges with Citarum again in Dayeuhkolot. The Bandung Basin is an important source of water for drinking water, irrigation and fisheries, and its 6,147 million m³ of groundwater is a major reservoir for the city.
The northern part of the city is hillier than the rest; the distinguished truncated flat-peak shape of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano (Tangkuban Perahu literally means 'up-turned boat') can be seen from the city to the north. Long-term volcanic activity has created fertile andisol
In USDA soil taxonomy, Andisols are soils formed in volcanic ash and defined as soils containing high proportions of glass and amorphous colloidal materials, including allophane, imogolite and ferrihydrite...
soil in the north, suitable for intensive rice
Rice is the seed of the monocot plants Oryza sativa or Oryza glaberrima . As a cereal grain, it is the most important staple food for a large part of the world's human population, especially in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and the West Indies...
, fruit
In broad terms, a fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds.The term has different meanings dependent on context. In non-technical usage, such as food preparation, fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and edible in the raw state,...
, tea
Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by adding cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant to hot water. The term also refers to the plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world...
, tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...
and coffee
Coffee is a brewed beverage with a dark,init brooo acidic flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant, colloquially called coffee beans. The beans are found in coffee cherries, which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Southeast Asia,...
plantations. In the south and east, alluvial soils deposited by the Cikapundung river are mostly found.
Geological data shows that the Bandung Basin is located on an ancient volcano, known as Mount Sunda, erected up to 3,000–4,000 metres (9,850–13,100 ft) during the Pleistocene
The Pleistocene is the epoch from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years BP that spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciations. The name pleistocene is derived from the Greek and ....
age. Two large-scale eruptions took place; the first formed the basin and the other (est. 55,000 Before Present
Before Present
Before Present years is a time scale used in archaeology, geology, and other scientific disciplines to specify when events in the past occurred. Because the "present" time changes, standard practice is to use AD 1950 as the origin of the age scale, reflecting the fact that radiocarbon...
) blocked the Citarum river, turning the basin into a lake known as "the Great Lake of Bandung". The lake drained away; the reason for which is the subject of ongoing debate among geologists.
City of Bandung has tropical humid monsoon climateTropical monsoon climate
Tropical monsoon climate, occasionally also known as a tropical wet climate or tropical monsoon and trade-wind littoral climate in climate classification, is a relatively rare type of climate that corresponds to the Köppen climate classification category "Am."Tropical monsoon climates have monthly...
, Due to its elevation, The climate in Bandung is cooler than most Indonesian cities and can be classified as humid; the average temperature is 23.6 °C (74.5 °F) throughout the year. The average annual rainfall ranges from 1,000 millimetres in the central and southeast regions to 3,500 millimetres in the north of the city. The wet season
Wet season
The the wet season, or rainy season, is the time of year, covering one or more months, when most of the average annual rainfall in a region occurs. The term green season is also sometimes used as a euphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the...
conforms with other Indonesian regions, around November to April.

Homo erectus
Homo erectus is an extinct species of hominid that lived from the end of the Pliocene epoch to the later Pleistocene, about . The species originated in Africa and spread as far as India, China and Java. There is still disagreement on the subject of the classification, ancestry, and progeny of H...
species had lived on the banks of the Cikapundung River and around the old lake of Bandung. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) opened plantations in the Bandung area. A supply road connecting Batavia (now Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
), Bogor
Bogor is a city on the island of Java in the West Java province of Indonesia. The city is located in the center of the Bogor Regency , 60 kilometers south of the Indonesian capital Jakarta...
, Cianjur
Cianjur is a city in the West Java province of Indonesia, the capital of Cianjur Regency. Cianjur is located in the middle of the main road between Jakarta and Bandung . The population is about 146,874...
, Bandung, Sumedang
Sumedang is a town in West Java, Indonesia, approximately 35 km northeast of Bandung.The town is famous for tahu Bungkeng, a local variety of deep fried tofu which was first made by a Chinese immigrant, Ong Kino....
and Cirebon
Cirebon is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta, at .The seat of a former Sultanate, the city's West and Central Java border location have...
was built in 1786. In 1809, Napoleon I
Napoleon I
Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader during the latter stages of the French Revolution.As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1815...
, the Emperor of the French and conqueror of much of Europe including the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
and its colonies,(before his ultimate downfall at Waterloo in 1815) ordered the Dutch Indies Governor H.W. Daendels to increase the defensive systems of Java against the British from India. Daendels built a road, stretching approximately 1000 km (621.4 mi) from the west to the east coast of Java, and passing through Bandung. In 1810, the road was laid down in Bandung and was named De Groote Postweg (or the 'main post road'), the present-day site of Asia-Afrika Street. Under Daendels' orders, R.A. Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administration of the Bandung regency at that time, moved its office from Krapyak, in the south, to a place near a pair of holy city wells (sumur Bandung), the present-day site of the city square (alun-alun). He built his dalem (palace), masjid agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (public-official meeting place) in the classical orientation. The pendopo faces Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban Perahu is a dormant volcano 30 km north of the city of Bandung, the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. It last erupted in 1959...
mountain, which was believed to have a mystical ambience.
In 1880, the first major railroad between Batavia and Bandung was built, boosting light industry in Bandung. Chinese
Overseas Chinese
Overseas Chinese are people of Chinese birth or descent who live outside the Greater China Area . People of partial Chinese ancestry living outside the Greater China Area may also consider themselves Overseas Chinese....
from outside the city flocked in, to help run facilities, services and selling vendor machines. The old Chinatown district in Bandung is still recognisable in the railroad station vicinity. In 1906, Bandung was given the status of gemeente (municipality) and then later as stadsgemeente (city municipality) in 1926.
In the beginning of the 1920s, the Dutch East Indies government made plans to move the capital of Dutch East Indies from Batavia to Bandung. Accordingly, during this decade, the Dutch colonial government started building military barracks, the central government building (Gouvernments Bedrijven, the present-day Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate, is a neo-classical building mixed with native elements that now serves as the governor's office of the West Java province in Indonesia. Located in Bandung, the building was designed by a Dutch architect J...
) and other government buildings. This plan, however, was cut short by World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
after which the Dutch were not able to re-establish their colony.
The fertile area of the Parahyangan Mountains surrounding Bandung supports productive tea
Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by adding cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant to hot water. The term also refers to the plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world...
plantations. In the nineteenth century, Franz Junghuhn
Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn
Friedrich Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn , was a German botanist. His father, Friedrich Junghuhn was a barber and a surgeon. His mother was Christine Marie Schiele. Junghuhn studied medicine in Halle and in Berlin from 1827 to 1831, meanwhile publishing a seminal paper on mushrooms in Limnaea...
introduced the cinchona
Cinchona or Quina is a genus of about 38 species in the family Rubiaceae, native to tropical South America. They are large shrubs or small trees growing 5–15 metres in height with evergreen foliage. The leaves are opposite, rounded to lanceolate and 10–40 cm long. The flowers are white, pink...
(kina) plant. With its cooler elevated landscape, surrounded by major plantations, Bandung became an exclusive European resort area. Rich plantation owners visited the city on weekends, attracting ladies and business people from the capital, Batavia. Braga Street
Braga Street
Braga Street is a small street in the center of Bandung, Indonesia, which was famous in the 1920s as a promenade street. Chic cafes, boutiques and restaurants with European ambiance along the street had made the city to attain the Paris of Java nickname...
grew into a promenade street with cafes, restaurants and boutique shops. Two art-deco style hotels, Savoy Homann and Preanger, were built in the vicinity of the Concordia Society, a club house for the wealthy with a large ballroom and a theatre. The nickname "Parijs van Java" was given to the city.

Indonesian Declaration of Independence
The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, August 17, 1945. The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands until the latter officially acknowledged...
in 1945, Bandung was determined as the capital of West Java
West Java
West Java , with a population of over 43 million, is the most populous and most densely populated province of Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, it is slightly smaller in area than densely populated Taiwan, but with nearly double the population...
province. During the 1945–1949 independence struggle
Indonesian National Revolution
The Indonesian National Revolution or Indonesian War of Independence was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between Indonesia and the Dutch Empire, and an internal social revolution...
against the Dutch when they wanted to reclaim their colonies, Bandung was one of the heaviest battle places. The Dutch military commander set an ultimatum for the Indonesian combatants in Bandung to leave the city. In response, on 24 March 1946, much of the southern part of Bandung was deliberately set alight as the combatants left; an event known as the Bandung Lautan Api or 'Bandung Sea of Flame'.
In 1955, the first Asian-African Conference
Asian-African Conference
The first large-scale Asian–African or Afro–Asian Conference—also known as the Bandung Conference—was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on April 18–24, 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia...
-- also known as the Bandung Conference -- was held in Bandung by President Soekarno, attended by head of states representing twenty-nine countries and colonies from Asia and Africa. The conference venue was at the Gedung Merdeka, the former Concordia Society building. The conference announced 10 points of declaration on world peace promotion and oppositions against colonialism, known as the Declaration of Bandung, which followed by wave of nationalism movements around the globe and remapped the world politics. The conference was also the first international conference of people of color in the history of mankind. Richard Wright
Richard Wright (author)
Richard Nathaniel Wright was an African-American author of sometimes controversial novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction. Much of his literature concerns racial themes, especially those involving the plight of African-Americans during the late 19th to mid 20th centuries...
in his book, The Color Curtain, captured the epic meanings of the conference for people of color around the world.
In 2005, the concurrent Asian-African Conference also taking partly in Bandung, bringing world figures such as President of Indonesia Susilo B. Yudhoyono, President of China Hu Jintao, Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki, President of Nigeria Obasanjo, and countless other luminaries.
In 1987, the city boundary was expanded with the Greater Bandung (Bandung Raya) plan; a relocation of higher concentration development outside the city in an attempt to dilute some of population in the old city. During its development, however, the city core is often uprooted, old faces are torn down, lot sizes regrouped, and what was idyllic residence is bustling chain supermarkets and rich banks.
The city area in 1906 was 19.22 square kilometres and by 1987 it was 167.2965 km². The city administration is divided into 26 subdistricts
Subdistricts of Indonesia
In Indonesia, a kecamatan or district is a subdivision of a regency or of a city . A district is itself divided into kelurahan or administrative villages....
(kecamatan) and 139 villages (kelurahan). A mayor (walikota) leads the city administration. Since 2008, the city residents directly voted for a mayor, while previously mayors were nominated and selected by the city council members or known as the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). As of 2003, the total number of city administration personnel is 20,163.
Bandung is divided into 30 subdistrict:- Andir
- Arcamanik
- Astanaanyar
- Babakanciparay
- Bandung Kidul
- Bandung Kulon
- Bandung Wetan
- Batununggal
- Bojongloa Kaler
- Bojongloa Kidul
- Cibeunying Kaler
- Cibeunying Kidul
- CibiruCibiruCibiru is one of the 26 subdistricts of Bandung city in West Java, and the location of an Islamic school and Pharmacy School near West Java district based Police...
- Cicadas
- Cicendo
- Cidadap
- Cinambo
- Coblong
- Gedebage
- Kiaracondong
- Lengkong
- Mandalajati
- Margacinta
- Rancasari
- Regol
- Sukajadi
- Sukasari
- Sumurbandung
- Ujungberung
In 2005 the population of Bandung was 2,290,464, with a density of . The May 2010 census count result is 2,393,688 people, making Bandung the third largest city in Indonesia
Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...
Most of Bandung's population are of Sundanese descent
Sundanese people
The Sundanese are an ethnic group native to the western part of the Indonesian island of Java. They number approximately 31 million, and are the second most populous of all the nation's ethncities. The Sundanese are predominantly Muslim...
. Javanese people are the largest minority; they mostly come from the nearby province
Central Java
Central Java is a province of Indonesia. The administrative capital is Semarang. It is one of six provinces on the island of Java.This province is the province of high Human Development in Indonesia and its Points Development Index countries is equivalent to Lebanon. The province of Central Java...
and the eastern part of Java
East Java
East Java is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Java and includes neighboring Madura and islands to its east and to its north East Java is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Java and includes neighboring Madura and...
. Other minorities include Minangkabau people, Chinese Indonesians and Batak
-Ethnic groups:* Batak ** Batak languages** Batak script** Marga * Batak -Locations:* Batak, Bulgaria, a town in Pazardzhik Province, southern Bulgaria...

Art Deco
Art deco , or deco, is an eclectic artistic and design style that began in Paris in the 1920s and flourished internationally throughout the 1930s, into the World War II era. The style influenced all areas of design, including architecture and interior design, industrial design, fashion and...
architectural style. Henri Maclaine-Pont is among the first Dutch architects who realized how important to combine each architectural style with culture of local people. He stressed that modern architecture should be evolved from local history and native elements. In 1920, Pont planned and designed buildings for the first technical university in the Dutch East Indies
Dutch East Indies
The Dutch East Indies was a Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Netherlands government in 1800....
, Technische Hogeschool te Bandung (the present-day Institut Teknologi Bandung), after which he was named as a professor in architecture at the university. A striking local Javanese roof style is noticeably seen on top of the campus' ceremonial hall, embedded in his artwork.
In the same year, another Dutch architect, J Gerber, designed Gouverments Bedrijven (Government Companies) in line with the colonial government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung. The building is an example of a harmonious mixture between West and East architectural styles, particularly the Italian Renaissance style of arch
An arch is a structure that spans a space and supports a load. Arches appeared as early as the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamian brick architecture and their systematic use started with the Ancient Romans who were the first to apply the technique to a wide range of structures.-Technical aspects:The...
structures in the west wing and Thailand
Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the...
's pagoda
A pagoda is the general term in the English language for a tiered tower with multiple eaves common in Nepal, India, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Some pagodas are used as Taoist houses of worship. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function, most commonly Buddhist,...
-like structures in the middle section. The building is known as Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate
Gedung Sate, is a neo-classical building mixed with native elements that now serves as the governor's office of the West Java province in Indonesia. Located in Bandung, the building was designed by a Dutch architect J...
, named after the distinguished small satay
Satay , or sate, is a dish of marinated, skewered and grilled meat, served with a sauce. Satay may consist of diced or sliced chicken, goat, mutton, beef, pork, fish, other meats, or tofu; the more authentic version uses skewers from the midrib of the coconut palm frond, although bamboo skewers are...
shaped structure on the roof, and used as the head office of West Java
West Java
West Java , with a population of over 43 million, is the most populous and most densely populated province of Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, it is slightly smaller in area than densely populated Taiwan, but with nearly double the population...
provincial government and West Java's house of representative.
The modern and native architectural blending was followed by several Dutch architects that have shaped the city landmarks. In the 1930s, Bandung was known also as the city of architecture laboratory because of many Dutch architects made some experiments with new architectural designs. Albert Aalbers
Albert Aalbers
Albert Frederik Aalbers was a Dutch architect who created elegant villas, hotels and office buildings in Bandung, Indonesia under Dutch colonial rule in the 1930s...
added the expressionist architecture
Expressionist architecture
Expressionist architecture was an architectural movement that developed in Europe during the first decades of the 20th century in parallel with the expressionist visual and performing arts....
style to the Art Deco by designing the DENIS bank (1936) and renovated the Savoy Homann Hotel (1939). C.P.W. Schoemaker
Wolff Schoemaker
Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker was a Dutch architect who designed several distinguished Art Deco buildings in Bandung, Indonesia, including the Villa Isola and Hotel Preanger. He has been described as "the Frank Lloyd Wright of Indonesia," and Wright had a considerable influence on Schoemaker's...
was one of celebrated architects who strongly added native elements in his artworks, including the Villa Isola (1932), Hotel Preanger (1929), the regional military headquarter (1918), Gedung Merdeka (1921) and ITB Rectorate Building (1925).
Most people in the surrounding province of West Java are Sundanese
Sundanese people
The Sundanese are an ethnic group native to the western part of the Indonesian island of Java. They number approximately 31 million, and are the second most populous of all the nation's ethncities. The Sundanese are predominantly Muslim...
. Sundanese language
Sundanese language
Sundanese is the language of about 27 million people from the western third of Java or about 15% of the Indonesian population....
is spoken as the first language and is commonly used as informal language for communication in streets, school, campus, work and markets, while Indonesian
Indonesian language
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau Islands dialect of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries....
- Indonesia's national language and a lingua franca
Lingua franca
A lingua franca is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.-Characteristics:"Lingua franca" is a functionally defined term, independent of the linguistic...
among its many ethnic units — is used as a second language and the language of government, businesses, and instruction at schools.

Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
. The cooler climate of highland plantation area, the varieties of food, the cheaper fashion shops located in factory outlets and distros, golf courses, and a zoo
Bandung Zoo
Kebun Binatang Bandung is a botanic zoo located in the city of Bandung in West Java, Indonesia. It is one of the famous zoos in Southeast Asia and is one of the important destinations in Bandung....
are some of the attractions of the city. Bandung is also a popular shopping destination for its good value textile and fashion products among Malaysians and Singaporeans.
In the 1990s, local designers opened denim clothing stores along Cihampelas Street which transformed into a "jeans street". The city attracts people from other big cities to buy local fashion wears, as they are cheaper than branded items. Beside at Cihampelas Street, many factory outlets also opened at Riau Street, Setiabudi Street, and Djuanda Street (known as Dago
Dago, Indonesia
Dago is an area in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It covers Jalan H. Juanda and the surrounding area. The lower Dago area near Jalan Merdeka is one of the trendy areas of Bandung, with shops, shopping malls, cafes, boutiques, and many restaurants and entertainment centers.The upper area has many...
). Textile factories on the outskirts of Bandung have opened factory outlets on site selling what is marketed as sisa export (rejected or over-produced export quality items). Bandung Supermal, Bandung Indah Plaza, Ciwalk acronims of Cihampelas Walk and Paris van Java are famous shopping centres in Bandung.
In Bandung Supermal area is being built Trans Studio Bandung with 4.2 hectares indoor area. One of rider, launch coaster is one of three in the world (the other two in US). At the same area also will be built 3 stars and 6 stars (first in Bandung) hotels.
Significant tourist sites nearby to Bandung include the Tangkuban Prahu volcano crater to the north, the striking Kawah Putih
Kawah Putih
Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.Kawah Putih lake is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano . Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. The Kawah...
volcano lake and Patenggang Lake
Patenggang Lake
Patenggang Lake is a lake located in the area of natural tourist attractions in the southern Bandung city, West Java, Indonesia, to be exact it is in Ciwidey village. Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, this lake has a very exotic landscape.Originally, this lake is called Situ...
, a lake surrounded by tea-plantation about 50 km to the south.
Bandung is the home town of the Persib BandungPersib Bandung
Persib, an acronym for Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia Bandung is an Indonesian football club based in Bandung, West Java. In most of the media, a tautology Persib Bandung is often used...
football team. Another team, Persikab, is based in the neighbouring town of Soreang
Soreang is the capital of the Bandung Regency of West Java, Indonesia....
, the capital city of Bandung Regency
Bandung Regency
Bandung Regency is an administrative district located to the south, southeast and east of the city of Bandung. Parts of the Bandung Regency are effectively part of the Bandung Metropolitan Area. The Regency is part of the Indonesian province of West Java, about 75 miles south of Jakarta...
and Pelita Jaya Jawa Barat (PJJB) who share its home base stadium with Persikab at Si Jalak Harupat stadium in Soreang and Pro Duta. Persib Bandung's home base stadium is Siliwangi Stadium
Siliwangi Stadium
Siliwangi Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Bandung, Indonesia. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium is owned by the Siliwangi Regional Military Commando . The stadium holds 20,000 people. It is the home stadium of Persib and Bandung F.C.....
. Other popular sports in Bandung include badminton
Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players or two opposing pairs , who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net. Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their...
and basketball
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...
. Garuda Flexi (formerly PanAsia) is a well-known basketball team in the IBL league. The roads leading up to Lembang and Dago are popular routes for mountain cycling
Cycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, or for sport. Persons engaged in cycling are cyclists or bicyclists...
during the weekend. In the hillside around Bandung, there are a couple of golf courses.
Bandung has several local daily newspapers, including Pikiran RakyatPikiran Rakyat
Pikiran Rakyat is a daily newspaper published in Bandung, Indonesia. Its circulation covers West Java Province and Banten Province.-External links:* *...
, Galamedia and Tribun Jabar. Several local television station operate in Bandung, such as TVRI Bandung
Televisi Republik Indonesia Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) (formerly known as Televisi Indonesia (Indonesian Television in English) and Radio Indonesia (Indonesian Radio in English) is a state-owned television station, the oldest television station in...
, Space Toon Bandung, Padjadjaran TV, Bandung TV and STV. Many radio stations broadcast from Bandung
Bandung can be accessed through 4 highways from Jakarta. An intercity toll highway, named as Cipularang toll road
Toll road
A toll road is a privately or publicly built road for which a driver pays a toll for use. Structures for which tolls are charged include toll bridges and toll tunnels. Non-toll roads are financed using other sources of revenue, most typically fuel tax or general tax funds...
, connecting Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
, Karawang
Karawang is the capital of the Karawang Regency of West Java, Indonesia. It is located 32 miles east of Jakarta. Karawang has a population of 2,150,610 ....
, Purwakarta
Purwakarta is a City in the West Java province of Indonesia the capital of Purwakarta Regency.Purwakarta existence is inseparable from the history of the struggle against the forces VOC. Around the beginning of the 17th century Sultan Mataram sent an army led by the Regent of Surabaya and West...
, Padalarang and Bandung, has recently been completed in May 2005. It is currently the fastest way to go to Bandung from the capital. Driving time is about 1.5 hours on average. There are 3 other options: the Puncak route (Jakarta-Cianjur
Cianjur is a city in the West Java province of Indonesia, the capital of Cianjur Regency. Cianjur is located in the middle of the main road between Jakarta and Bandung . The population is about 146,874...
Sukabumi is a city surrounded by the regency of the same name in the highlands of West Java, Indonesia, about south of the national capital, Jakarta....
-Bandung), Purwakarta route (Jakarta-Cikampek-Purwakarta-Cikalong Wetan-Padalarang-Cimahi-Bandung) and the Subang route (Jakarta-Cikampek
Cikampek is a subdistrict of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is divided into 10 administrative villages . Distance from subdistrict centre Cikampek to karawang is 21 miles.- Transportation :...
Subang, Indonesia
Subang is the capital of the Subang Regency, West Java, Indonesia....
Lembang is a town in the province of West Java in Java, Indonesia. The population is 183,300.Lembang is situated between 1,312 and 2,084 above sea level. Its highest point is on top of Tangkuban Perahu Mt...
-Bandung). From eastern part of the cities (Cirebon
Cirebon is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta, at .The seat of a former Sultanate, the city's West and Central Java border location have...
, Tasikmalaya
Tasikmalaya is a city in southeastern West Java, Indonesia, between Bandung and Purwokerto on the southerly of the two major road routes across Java...
and Central Java
Central Java
Central Java is a province of Indonesia. The administrative capital is Semarang. It is one of six provinces on the island of Java.This province is the province of high Human Development in Indonesia and its Points Development Index countries is equivalent to Lebanon. The province of Central Java...
province), Bandung can be accessed through the main provincial road. Indonesian National Route 3
Indonesian National Route 3
Indonesian National Route 3 is the major road in Java Island, Indonesia. It passes through five provinces, namely Banten, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java. In parts it runs close to the south coast of Java...
links Bandung towards Cilegon
Cilegon is a major coastal industrial city in Banten province, Indonesia, covering 175.51 sqkm and has an official intercensal estimated population of 338,027 for 2007...
and Ketapang (Banyuwangi
The Regency of Banyuwangi is located at the easternmost end of the Indonesian island of Java and it is a very strategic area for those who want to go to Bali, since it also serves as an important ferry port between Java and Bali. It is surrounded by mountains and forests to the west; by sea to the...
The Pasupati bridge recently opened to the public, relieving traffic jams in the city for east-west transport. The 2.8 km cable-stayed bridge
Cable-stayed bridge
A cable-stayed bridge is a bridge that consists of one or more columns , with cables supporting the bridge deck....
lies through the valley of Cikapundung. It is 30 to 60 metres wide and after extensive delays, its construction finally completed in June 2005, following financial investment from Kuwait
The State of Kuwait is a sovereign Arab state situated in the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south at Khafji, and Iraq to the north at Basra. It lies on the north-western shore of the Persian Gulf. The name Kuwait is derived from the...
. The bridge is part of Bandung's comprehensive inner-city highways plan.
A taxicab, also taxi or cab, is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. A taxicab conveys passengers between locations of their choice...
are widely available. The primary means of public transportation is by minibus, called angkot (from angkutan=transportation and kota=city). They serve certain routes throughout the city, operated privately and cheap, but these city shuttles are not usually known for being comfortable. To find exact angkot routes, information are available through the drivers or at terminals. City-owned bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
es, called DAMRI, operates on larger relatively long routes. Bandung has 2 intercity bus terminals: Leuwipanjang, serving buses from the west, and Cicaheum, serving buses from the east. Both are full and will be replaced by a new terminal at Gedebage on 15 hectares land, while the old terminals will be functioned as inner city terminals. The location of the new terminal will be next of the railways station on 15 hectares area too, both are near of Gedebage container dry port.
Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport
Husein Sastranegara International Airport
Husein Sastranegara International Airport is an airport in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This fast-growing international airport is located 5 km north-west from the city center, 3 km from Bandung Central train station, occupying area of 145 hectares and serves the area of civil aviation in the...
serves direct flights to Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
, Medan
- Demography :The city is Indonesia's fourth most populous after Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung, and Indonesia's largest city outside of Java island. Much of the population lies outside its city limits, especially in Deli Serdang....
, Batam
Batam is an island and city in Riau Islands Province of Indonesia, known for its free trade zone area as part of the Sijori Growth Triangle, is located off Singapore's south coast...
, Bandar Lampung
Bandar Lampung
- External links :*...
, Solo
-Games:* Dance Dance Revolution Solo, a sub-series of Dance Dance Revolution by Konami-Literature:* Solo , a comic book series* Solo , a Swedish magazine* Solo , a comic book character...
, Surabaya
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...
, Yogyakarta, Denpasar
Denpasar is the capital city of the province of Bali, Indonesia. It has a rapidly expanding population of 788,445 in 2010, up from 533,252 in the previous decade. It is located at .-History:...
, Palembang
Palembang is the capital city of the South Sumatra province in Indonesia. Palembang is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, and has a history of being a capital of a maritime empire. Located on the Musi River banks on the east coast of southern Sumatra island, it has an area of 400.61 square...
and also international services from Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur is the capital and the second largest city in Malaysia by population. The city proper, making up an area of , has a population of 1.4 million as of 2010. Greater Kuala Lumpur, also known as the Klang Valley, is an urban agglomeration of 7.2 million...
, Singapore Changi Airport
Singapore Changi Airport
Singapore Changi Airport , Changi International Airport, or simply Changi Airport, is the main airport in Singapore. A major aviation hub in Southeast Asia, it is about north-east from the commercial centre in Changi, on a site....
and Johor Airport. The airport is located nearby the Dirgantara aerospace complex and Dirgantara Fairground.
Bandung has two largest railway stations, i.e. Bandung
Bandung Station
Bandung Hall Station is the largest train station on Bandung and perhaps on the West Java province, this is where located the "Operation Area 2" which surrounding the area of Bandung and Priangan.-Location:...
and Kiaracondong Station
Kiaracondong Station
Kiaracondong Station is the second largest train station in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is located near the Kiaracondong street , on the Kiaracondong district, Bandung...
s. Other smaller stations are Cimindi, Andir, Ciroyom
Ciroyom Station
Ciroyom Station is a train station that located near Arjuna street at Andir sub district on Bandung city. The station located just on the east side of Ciroyom traditional market.The station also located only 500 meters on the west side of Bandung Station....
, Cikudapateuh, and Gedebage Stations (only for freight service). Railway connects Bandung to Cianjur
Cianjur is a city in the West Java province of Indonesia, the capital of Cianjur Regency. Cianjur is located in the middle of the main road between Jakarta and Bandung . The population is about 146,874...
, Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Officially known as the Special Capital Territory of Jakarta, it is located on the northwest coast of Java, has an area of , and a population of 9,580,000. Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre...
, Purwakarta
Purwakarta is a City in the West Java province of Indonesia the capital of Purwakarta Regency.Purwakarta existence is inseparable from the history of the struggle against the forces VOC. Around the beginning of the 17th century Sultan Mataram sent an army led by the Regent of Surabaya and West...
, Bekasi
Bekasi is a city in West Java, Indonesia, located on the eastern border of Jakarta in the Jabodetabek metropolitan region. To the south is Bogor Regency, east is Bekasi Regency....
, Karawang
Karawang is the capital of the Karawang Regency of West Java, Indonesia. It is located 32 miles east of Jakarta. Karawang has a population of 2,150,610 ....
and Cikampek
Cikampek is a subdistrict of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is divided into 10 administrative villages . Distance from subdistrict centre Cikampek to karawang is 21 miles.- Transportation :...
to the west, and Surabaya
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...
, Yogyakarta and Solo to the east. It is also the major means of transportation for people living in suburb areas of Cimahi
Cimahi is a city located west of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in the Bandung Metropolitan Area. The city is a major textile producer exporter, and is host to several military education facilities....
, Padalarang, Rancaekek, Cicalengka and Cileunyi.
32 shelters of Trans Metro Bandung (similar with TransJakarta
TransJakarta is a bus rapid transit system in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was the first BRT system in Southern and Southeast Asia. TransJakarta started on January 15, 2004. As of March 2011, there were 10 corridors in operation, with five more to be built...
) along Soekarno-Hatta street will be finished at August 2011 with cost Rp13.1 billion ($1.54 million). Additional 30 buses will join the current operation 10 busses, after all shelters have been finished.
Since June 21, 2011 Damri
-External links:*...
operator has launched 2 buses with route Cibiru-Kebon Kelapa vice versa special for women passengers only with women drivers. It accommodated the certain religion needs.
In August 5, 2011 Jusuf Kalla
Jusuf Kalla
is an Indonesian politician who was the 10th Vice President of Indonesia from 2004 to 2009 and Chairman of the Golkar Party during the same period. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the 2009 presidential election.-Early life:...
has announced that he would like to build a monorail
A monorail is a rail-based transportation system based on a single rail, which acts as its sole support and its guideway. The term is also used variously to describe the beam of the system, or the vehicles traveling on such a beam or track...
in Bandung with value about Rp.4 trillion ($470 million).
Science and education
There are hundreds of public and private schools in Bandung. Like in other Indonesian cities, Bandung has several state-funded and administered junior high and high schools, called State Junior High Schools (SMP Negeri) and State High Schools (SMA Negeri), respectively. At least sixteen universities—three of which are state-owned universities—and 45 professional schools are scattered throughout the city. Education from social sciences, technology until tourism education can be found in one of those universities.
Among the several universities located in Bandung, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology), Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Padjadjaran is an institution of higher learning located in Bandung, which is the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Unpad was established through the Government Regulation No...
(Padjadjaran University), Parahyangan Catholic University
Parahyangan Catholic University
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan or Parahyangan Catholic University is a private university in Bandung, Indonesia.-History:...
, Universitas Kristen Maranatha(Maranatha Christian University), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of Education), Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati (Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University), Institut Teknologi Telkom
Institut Teknologi Telkom
Institut Teknologi Telkom is a vocational university specializing in telecommunication engineering. It was established on September 28, 1990 by the Telkom Education Foundation, which is owned by PT Telkom, the semi-privatized government-owned telecommunication company of Indonesia...
(Telkom Institute of Technology), Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Bandung State Polytechnic) and Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung (Bandung Manufacture Polytechnic) are considered among the best universities in their respective fields of specialty in Indonesia. Established 1920, Institut Teknologi Bandung is Indonesia's oldest and most prestigious technical university. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (formerly IKIP Bandung, established in 1954) is one of the first institutions of higher education established after Indonesian independence and is currently a leading education university in the country. Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Padjadjaran is an institution of higher learning located in Bandung, which is the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Unpad was established through the Government Regulation No...
(established in 1956) is considered to be one of the best universities in the country in the fields of medical, law, communication, and economic studies.
In the north of Bandung, Bosscha Observatory
Bosscha Observatory
Bosscha Observatory is the oldest observatory in Indonesia. The observatory is located in Lembang, West Java, approximately north of Bandung. It is situated on a hilly six hectares of land and is above mean sea level plateau...
is the only observatory
An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events. Astronomy, climatology/meteorology, geology, oceanography and volcanology are examples of disciplines for which observatories have been constructed...
in Indonesia. Construction of the observatory began in 1923 and was completed in 1928. In 1922, the first international publication from Bosscha Observatory was published and in 1959, the observatory was included as a part of the department of astronomy
Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth...
in the Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology).

Bandung has nearly 50 higher educational institutions and is among the most popular destination for education in Indonesia. Creative-based culture has shaped the basis of Bandung economy. The once quiet residential district of Dago has become an important business and entertainment centre. Chic cafes and restaurants are spreading out along Dago Street. In the early 1990s Cihampelas Street became a popular clothing store location.
The distro sell stylish non-trademarked products, made by local designers. Books, indie label records, magazines, fashion products and other accessories are typical distro products. After their products receive large teenagers attention, then these local designers make their own clothing company. Now, there are more than 200 local brand names in Bandung. Distro distance itself from factory outlet in term of its philosophy. Distros come from individual designers and young entrepreneurs, while factory outlet products come from a garment factory.
Environmental issues

Water reservoir
A reservoir , artificial lake or dam is used to store water.Reservoirs may be created in river valleys by the construction of a dam or may be built by excavation in the ground or by conventional construction techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete.The term reservoir may also be used to...
for Bandung's 2 million people, however, the area has seen much residential development. Several attempts to reserve this area have been made, including the creation of reserves, such as the Juanda National Park and Puncrut, but the development continues. The real danger has come in the form of several floodings in Bandung's south.
In the middle of 2006, Bandung faced another environmental disaster, as the city's land fill site was reevaluated after a landslide
A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments...
in 2005. Collection of 8,000 m3/day domestic garbage piled up, causing air pollution
Air pollution
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere....
, spreading of diseases, and water contamination. The provincial government eventually stepped in to solve the garbage issues.
Notable people
- Sandra ReemerSandra ReemerBarbara Alexandra "Sandra" Reemer is a Dutch Indo singer of Dutch, Chinese and Javanese extraction...
- Tan Joe HokTan Joe HokTan Joe Hok is an Indonesian badminton hero, who along with Ferry Sonneville and a cadre of fine doubles players set the foundation for an Indonesian badminton dynasty by dethroning perennial Thomas Cup champion Malaysia in 1958.He lived in Bandung until he finished high school. He received his B.S...
- Nazril IrhamNazril IrhamNazril Irham or more popularly known as Ariel or Ariel Peterpan is an Indonesian rock star. He is the lead singer vocalist of multiplatinum band Peterpan. Irham is the youngest of the three Malay brothers in his family. He has also appeared in advertisements...
- Aa TarmanaAa TarmanaAa Tarmana was the mayor of Bandung from 1998 to 2004. He was the front-runner for a reelection, but overnight the second-level parliament elected Dada Rosada instead....
See more at :Category:People from Bandung
Sister citiesSandra Reemer
Barbara Alexandra "Sandra" Reemer is a Dutch Indo singer of Dutch, Chinese and Javanese extraction...
Tan Joe Hok
Tan Joe Hok is an Indonesian badminton hero, who along with Ferry Sonneville and a cadre of fine doubles players set the foundation for an Indonesian badminton dynasty by dethroning perennial Thomas Cup champion Malaysia in 1958.He lived in Bandung until he finished high school. He received his B.S...
Nazril Irham
Nazril Irham or more popularly known as Ariel or Ariel Peterpan is an Indonesian rock star. He is the lead singer vocalist of multiplatinum band Peterpan. Irham is the youngest of the three Malay brothers in his family. He has also appeared in advertisements...
Aa Tarmana
Aa Tarmana was the mayor of Bandung from 1998 to 2004. He was the front-runner for a reelection, but overnight the second-level parliament elected Dada Rosada instead....
Bandung has sister relationships
Town twinning
Twin towns and sister cities are two of many terms used to describe the cooperative agreements between towns, cities, and even counties in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.- Terminology :...
with a number of towns worldwide:Braunschweig
Braunschweig , is a city of 247,400 people, located in the federal-state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located north of the Harz mountains at the farthest navigable point of the Oker river, which connects to the North Sea via the rivers Aller and Weser....
, GermanyCebu, PhilippinesFort Worth
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth is the 16th-largest city in the United States of America and the fifth-largest city in the state of Texas. Located in North Central Texas, just southeast of the Texas Panhandle, the city is a cultural gateway into the American West and covers nearly in Tarrant, Parker, Denton, and...
, United StatesKlagenfurt
-Name:Carinthia's eminent linguists Primus Lessiak and Eberhard Kranzmayer assumed that the city's name, which literally translates as "ford of lament" or "ford of complaints", had something to do with the superstitious thought that fateful fairies or demons tend to live around treacherous waters...
, AustriaSeremban
Seremban is the capital of the Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan, located within the district of Seremban, one of the seven districts of Negeri Sembilan. The town's administration is run by the Seremban Municipal Council or Majlis Perbandaran Seremban...
, MalaysiaTopolcianky
Topoľčianky is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Tourisme:Topol´čienky is unique for its European Bison Reserve. By the 1930s only a handful of wisents remained, in Poland...
, Slovak RepublicMiami, United StatesSuwon
Suwon is the provincial capital of Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. A major city of over a million inhabitants, Suwon lies approximately south of Seoul. It is traditionally known as "The City of Filial Piety"....
, South KoreaBari
Bari is the capital city of the province of Bari and of the Apulia region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, and is well known as a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas...
- 1997: Adipura Award — for the achievement of the most beautiful city in Indonesia.
The Adipura consists of a trophy and an award.
External links- Official site
- Official site
- Official tourism site
- Bandung Heritage Society
- Guest house - Villa and property site in Bandung
- Bandung Daily Photo
- Bandung Map
- Old and New Pictures of Bandung
- JoTravelGuide.com - A comprehensive up to date travel guide to Bandung.