Hidalgo officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Hidalgo (Free and Sovereign State of Hidalgo) is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District
, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico
. It is divided in 84 municipalities
and its capital city is Pachuca de Soto.
In 1869, Benito Juárez
created the State of Hidalgo. He appointed as capital
of the state the city of Pachuca to which was added the name "de Soto" in recognition of Manuel Fernando Soto, who is considered the most important driving force in creating the state. The state was named after Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the initiator of the Mexican War of Independence
It is located in Eastern Mexico
.. Hidalgo is bordered by San Luis Potosí
and Veracruz on the north, Puebla
on the east, Tlaxcala
and México on the south and Querétaro
on the west.
The state has a number of relatively intact native cultures such as the Otomi
. There are also two notable immigrant cultures, those of the descendents of Cornish
miners in the 19th century and a small Jewish enclave which claims to be descended from Sephardi Jews
which came to New Spain
in the 16th century.
The state contains a number of ecotourism, cultural and archeological attractions including the Huasteca area, the ruins of Tula
, natural hot water springs, old hacienda
s and mountain ranges.
. Numerous migrations of indigenous people took place through here, mostly arriving or passing through from the north, with many eventually settling in the Valley of Mexico. The Toltecs initially settled in Xochicoatlán
, now the municipality of Molango
at the beginning of the 7th century. From here they dispersed to locales such as Huejutla
and Tollatzingo (now called Tulancingo
) where they eventually had their capital of Tollan, today known as Tula.
The Toltecs were eventually overrun by Chichimeca
s, who established their capital in Metztitlán
. The Aztec
s arrived in the 12th century, initially establishing themselves in Mixquiahuala
, then founding Tizayuca
later. Eventually, the Aztecs took over most of what is now the southern portion of the state, incorporating it into the Aztec Empire.
After the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the conquistadors carved out territories for themselves from Aztec lands. Hernán Cortés
took possession of lands to the northeast of Mexico City extending into modern Hidalgo state. Evangelization efforts followed soon thereafter with the first Franciscans arriving in 1523.This changed the social, economic and cultural structure of the areas as the Spanish took control of the natural resources especially minerals, and the labor the Indians provided. It also led to a massive decrease in the native population, especially during the governorship of the area by Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán
. By the 18th century, the economy of the Hidalgo area was dominated by mining and agricultural haciendas. Much of the agricultural production during the colonial period was centered on livestock such as sheep and pigs as well as the making of pulque
from the native maguey plant. However, the mining of silver, gold and other metals in the Pachuca/Real del Monte area would be the economic backbone of the area through the colonial period and into most of post Independence period. Mining’s fortunes would rise and fall during the colonial period with one of the most productive eras coming under the control of Pedro Romero de Terreros
in the 18th century.
Despite Spanish control and evangelization efforts since the 16th century, by the 18th century, many of the Otomi and other indigenous groups of the area had not been fully subjugated, especially in the Sierra Gorda and Sierra Baja areas. These groups and others manage a significant amount of success in maintaining cultural, political and economic autonomy through the colonial period. Much of the state still maintains a number of strong indigenous identities.
Many in Hidalgo, especially the indigenous, supported Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s cause, providing leaders such as José María Correa and José Antonio Magos, both of whom were active in the Valley of Mezquital area. However, no major battles of the Mexican War of Independence
were fought in the state. Instead, a number of smaller operations against local Spaniards were conducted. When the war ended in 1821, the country was divided into a number of states. The modern state of Hidalgo was initially part of the very large territory called “Mexico” (which extended in all directions from Mexico City), which eventually was split with the remaining portion becoming the modern State of Mexico. What is now Hidalgo was originally the districts of Tula, Tulancingo and Huejutla of the former entity. The state of Hidalgo would not be formally created until 1860s.
The economic consequences to the mines of Pachuca and Real del Monte during the War of Independence were ruinous. In 1824, British mining companies were brought in to revive the sector. The British introduced steam-powered machinery and other modern techniques as well as a large quantity of Cornish miners. Many of these Cornish miners stayed and English names and foods such as pasties (called “pastes” in Spanish) help define the state, especially in the Pachuca and Real del Monte areas. These Englishmen were forced to sell their interest to Mexican capitalists in 1849, and the mining sector fell again.
In 1861, the government of the vast State of Mexico was centered in Toluca
, east of Mexico City. The distance of the capital was one of the reasons why Hidalgo state would eventually separate. When French forces invaded central Mexico in 1862
, the large territory of Mexico was divided into three military sectors for defense. The second district had its capital in Actopan
and its borders were roughly commensurate with that of modern Hidalgo state. The French succeeded in placing Maximilian I
on the throne of Mexico, who visited Pachuca in 1865. Soon thereafter, insurgent activity against the French government intensified and after Maximilian was overthrown, the new republican government decided to make this military district the state of Hidalgo in 1869. The state was named after Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the first leader of the Mexican Independence movement.
From the establishment of the state until the Porfirio Díaz
period, the economy, especially the mining sector was erratic. In the late 1880s, a number of modern inventions, such as the telegraph, telephone and railroad helped the Hidalgo economy. It also brought in another wave of foreign investment in the mining industry. By the mid 1900s, much of the mining production in Pachuca and Real del Monte was controlled by U.S. based interests such as the United States Mining Smelting and Refining Company. Pulque haciendas, primarily selling to nearby Mexico City, were prosperous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The prosperity of the state was best seen in the capital of Pachuca with the construction of many civic structures, but many rural areas were still quite impoverished. This situation would make the state favor the oncoming Mexican Revolution.
During the Mexican Revolution
, local armed groups, such as the one led by Francisco P. Mariel in Huejutla, faced off against government troops. Forces led by Nicolas Flores took Jacala and threatened Zimapan
and Ixmiquilpan in 1911. Later that same year Gabriel Hernandez took Tulancingo and Pachuca, forcing the then-governor out of power. After Porfirio Diaz fled the country, several factions would vie for power here. The government of the state was seized in 1915 by Agustin Sangins, who declared himself in favor of Victoriano Huerta
, prompting opponents to take up arms in the Huasteca area, Jacala
and Tulancingo. Victory initially went to those in support of Huerta. When Huerta’s government fell, the state had a chaotic succession of governors, each of whom supported different factions. When the war finally wound down by 1920, the state had a new constitution.
In 1920, the first airmail flight took place with a biplane piloted by Horacio Ruiz Gaviño taking off from Pachuca and landing in Mexico City 53 minutes later carrying 543 letters, 61 postcards and other items.
The war left the mining industry in ruins again and the desertion of same by the American companies. Modernization of the nearly destroyed infrastructure began in the 1920s with the reconstruction of telephone lines and the construction of highways within the state. In the 1930s, a number of companies such as Cruz Azul Cement
were expropriated and popular credit schemes such as the Banco de Credito Ejidal were created. Over 130 schools in rural areas were also built. Construction and modernization of infrastructure would continue through the rest of the 20th century.
This wave of mining activity would decline in the mid 20th century, causing the deterioration of the state’s economy, especially in the Pachuca area. In the 1950s and 1960s efforts were undertaken to shift the state’s economy from agriculture and mining to manufacturing. In 1952, an automotive motor production facility called Diesel Nacional (DINA) was constructed. The old Instituto Científico Literario Autónomo de Hidalgo was converted to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado in 1961, with the purpose of turning out engineers and other professionals to provide the impetus for the development of industry. These efforts soon paid dividends and construction growth, especially of suburban subdivisions for workers in newly built factories.
The growth of the Greater Mexico City
area reached the southern border of Hidalgo state in the late 20th and early 21st century with the municipality of Tizayuca formally added into the region in 2005.
One problem the extreme southern part of the state has had in the past decade is the contamination of water from the drainage of the Valley of Mexico. Mexico City pumps out excess water from the area, as the valley has no natural drainage, to the north into Mexico and Hidalgo states. This water is increasingly polluted and is causing damage to these northern zones. The state is negotiating federal and other help to treat and recycle this water so that it does not do further damage to state agriculture and environment.
The state several indigenous groups which have managed to maintain a relatively strong independent cultural identity since the Conquest. These ethnic groups include the Nahua, the Otomis and the Tepehuas, each still speaking their own language. The largest group is the Otomi, which has over 250,000 speakers in the state. The total number of people who speak an indigenous language of any kind was estimated at 320,029 in 2005.
Population of the state historically has risen and fallen based on the state of the economy especially, the health of the mining sector. When mining activity fell in the mid 20th century, the population fell as well. The population began to recover in the 1980s. From then until 2000, the population grew from 1,547,493 to 2,235,591, leaving the state with a large number of people under the age of thirty. The mining sector has also been responsible for immigration to the state, most notably that of the Cornish in the 19th century in the Pachuca and Real de Monte areas. While most descendents of these Cornish immigrants now are monolingual Spanish speakers, many have retained the Protestant faith. The Cornish have had an impact on the cuisine here as well, with one of Hidalgo’s signature dishes being “pastes” (pa-stays), which are Cornish dough pockets
filled with Mexican style meat, vegetable and sweet fillings.
Over 90% identify themselves as Catholic with significant minorities as Protestant or evangelical. Another significant minority are those who practice the Jewish faith. Many of these claim ancestry from Sephardi Jews who came to New Spain in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition
in Spain. When it reached New Spain
, these people moved to the rural hills to continue their practice clandestinely. These are mostly concentrated in the community of Venta Prieta. While their claims have not been proven, there are indications that they are true. Most practitioners in Venta Prieta are Conservative
and José María Rodríguez y Cos
. Rodríguez Galván was born in 1816 in Tizayuca and is considered to be the first Mexican Romance writer. He wrote poetry and plays as well as founding a newspaper called Año Nuevo. Rodríguez y Cos was born in 1823 in Tulancingo and represents Positivism in Mexico, writing poetry and plays. The most important poet from the 20th century is Efrén Rebolledo from Actopán, who lived from 1877 to 1929. Other important writers from this century include Xavier Sorondo, Margarita Michelena
, Gabriel Vargas
, Ricardo Garibay, Gonzalo Martré and Miguel Ángel Granadosa Chapa. Notable painters appear in the 20th century including Byron Gálvez
, Yadira Gutiérrez and José Hernández Delgadillo. The best known musician from the state is Nicandro Castillo, who wrote mostly popular music in the mid 20th century. As part of a performing group called Los Plateados, his work became part of a number of Mexican films, including Cuando habla el corazón, Seda, sangre y sol and Así se quiere en Jalisco. Other important musicians from the state include Abundio Martínez and Demetrio Vite Hernández.
The best known celebrity and artist from the state is Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, better known as El Santo. Born in Tulancingo in 1917,not only was he Mexico's best known lucha libre
wrestler, he experienced success in the movies, playing his lucha libre character battling evil. He never took off his mask in public, until a few weeks before his death in 1984.
Day of the Dead
in the state is referred to as the "Xantolo" which extends from October 31 to November 2. Like in other parts of Mexico, the days around November 2 honor the dead with altars and offerings, although each community has its own variations. One area which is known for its traditions is Huejutla de Reyes
, where altars dedicated to the dead are especially large and profusely decorated with flowers, colored paper and traditional foods, with the intention of counteracting mourning. In a number of areas, rituals based on Huasteca traditions are also performed. One of these is called the "Danza de Xantolo," in which masked figures in robes dance in candlelight. In other communities, youths in costume will dance from house to house, to be invited in to eat dishes prepared for the occasion. Another tradition is to have bands play at the cemeteries on November 2, where tombs are cleaned and decorated with flowers, garlands and more.
, culinary heritage based a number of traditional native animal and vegetable products. One of these is the use of a number of edible insects
, many of which are considered delicacies such as escamoles
(ant eggs) and maguey larvae
as well as others such as larvae found on nopal plants, “chacas ” (beetles) and “chicharras” (cicadas). Other local animals still used for food include tadpoles
(called atepocates), salamander
s and their larvae, squirrels and rabbits. Plant species still commonly used include mesquite beans, nopal and other cactus and various cactus fruit such as “tuna” and “xoconostle.” These are often prepared in dishes that the state shares with most of the rest of Mexico such as tacos, tamale
s, moles and a specialty of central Mexico, mixiote
. Another common central Mexican dish popular in the state is barbacoa
. This dish has its origins in the pre-Hispanic period, when it was meat cooked in an underground pit. Today, it is most often cooked in pots in more conventional ovens, but the meat, today mostly pork, is still smothered in the alcoholic beverage pulque and wrapped in maguey leaves for flavor. This preparation of barbacoa is considered to be the state dish.
, Huasca del Ocampo and Mineral del Chico
The Corridor de los Balnearios (Water Park Corridor) list most of the major water parks, spas, natural pools and thermal springs in the state. Hidalgo ranks second in Mexico for the number of thermal springs. These springs have an average temperature of 38C but some reach as high as 80C. They exist due to rivers of magma that flow under the surface. Municipalites promoted under this category include Ixmiquilpan, Actopan and Cardonal
The Corridor Tulancingo y los 4 elementos (Tulancingo y the 4 elements Corridor) is named for its major location of Tulancingo and the sports that are promoted here. Sporting activities are classed under the elements of air, water, fire and earth and include hot air ballooning
, fishing, boating, rustic ironwork produced in Apulco and hiking in the natural landscapes. The area extends from the municipality of Tulancingo to the municipality of Huehuetla
. (4elementos)
The Corridor de las Haciendas (Haciendas Corridor) contains most of the state’s 176 former haciendas which were constructed between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Most were devoted to mining or the making of pulque. Many contain the original buildings, including the main residences as well as tours. Many of these are in rural municipalities, which conserve old traditions. In the Apan area, most of the old haciendas were devoted to the making of pulque, which is still made and can be sampled. The area also contains many of the state’s former colonial monasteries as well as civic constructions such as the Padre Tembleque Aqueduct
The Sierra de la Huasteca Corridor covers this mountain range which is home to the Huastec people. The area includes ecotourism activities, camping and fishing in an area filled with dense vegetations and heated water sources. Municipalities featured here include Huejutla de los Reyes, Xantolo and Molango where many indigenous people live. The cuisine of the area is also emphasized.
The Tolteca Corridor centers on the archeological site of Tula, which was the home of one of the principal pre-Hispanic civilizations of Mexico. Many of the oldest monasteries of the state, founded in the 16th century, are located here. Featured municipalities include Tula de Allende, Atotonilco de Tula
, Tepeji del Rio
, Mixquiahuala, Tlahuelilpan
, Tlaxcoapan
and Tezontepec
, and the Altiplano Meridional, which contains the highest peaks. Each of these regions are distinct from each other. The north of the state has the lowest elevation and the hottest climate. It is also the smallest region of the state. The second region averages about 800 meters above sea level and is more temperate in climate. The coldest climates at the highest areas are the most populated and average about 2,000 masl.(regions)Major elevations in the state include Cerro la Peñuela (3,350 masl), Cerro el Jihuingo (3,240masl), Cerro la Paila (3,200 masl), Cerro las Navajas (3,180 masl), Cerro el Agual Azul (3,040 masl) and Cerro la Estancia (3,020 masl).
Principal rivers include the Tula
, Amajac
and the Metztitlan. Other rivers in the state flow into these three, such as the Rosas, Cuautitlan , Guadalupe and Salado, which flow into the Tula River. One exception to this is the San Juan River, which forms part of the state’s border with Querétaro
. This river flows into the Pánuco River
in San Luis Potosí
. The Amajac begins in the Sierra de Pachuca and flows southeast. The Metztitlan River begins at the state’s border with Puebla state
and eventually flows into Metztitlan Lake. Principal lakes in the state are the Metztitlan, Zupitlan or Tulancingo, San Antonio, Pueblilla and Carrillos. The state also has a significant number of sulfur and hot water springs such as La Cantera in Tula, Mixquiahual and Vito in Atotonilco, Tephé in Ejido Tephé, Humedades y Dios Padra in Ixmiquilpan and Tolantongo and Textacapa in Cardonal.
There are three main climates in the state. The lowlands are hot with temperatures rising as high as 44C in the summer in places such as the municipality of Pisaflores
. Temperate regions can have hot days but often the temperature is moderated by cooler winds and clouds. Cold climates dominate the highest altitudes where freezing temperatures at night are not uncommon. Rainfall varies widely from as low as 250mm per year to as high as 2,800mm per year. The main indicator of climate type is altitude.
Most plants are either of the desert type with pines and holm oak
in the higher mountain areas. A small area is the Huasteca region is highland rainforest. Wildlife includes thirty one species of serpent, thirteen species of duck, six of doves, three of falcons, as well as mammals such as skunks, spider monkey
s, wild boar, anteater
s and gray foxes.
In addition to the three main geographic/climate regions, the state subdivides into a number of sub-regions. Sub-regions include the La Huasteca area. This extends like a green sash across part of the state, and altitude does not exceed 800 masl. It is mostly located near the Gulf Coast
and receives a significant amount of rainfall from this body of water. The Huasteca is highland rain forest with plants blooming nearly year-round. Forests contain species such as “tlacuilo,” holm oak, Copaifera
, “zuchiate,” mahogany
, white cedar and many others. The area has one of the widest varieties of wild birds including eagles, hummingbirds, wild turkeys and more. Reptiles include a wide variety of snakes and mammals include coyotes, bobcats, wild boar, spotted deer, rabbits and more. Tropical crops are raised here including sugar cane, coconuts, pineapple, bananas, mamey
, tamarind
and more.
The Sierra Alta region is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Some of Hidalgo’s main peaks are located here such as the Cerro del Aguila, Cerro del Santo Roa and Cerrro de Agua Fria. There is also a volcanic cone by the name of Cerro la Aguja de Calnali. Many of Hidalgo’s caves, such as Texcatete in Zacualtipan
, Texcapa in Tepehuacan and Tecamachal and Villacastla in Molango, are located here. This mountain range is part of the temperate climate zone of the state.(regions)
The Sierra Baja is also located in the Sierra Madre Oriental and is characterized by small plains surrounded by stony peaks. There are five major canyons located here, oriented from south to north, which take their names from the rivers that form them:Amajac, Meztitlan, Amolon, Mezquititlan and Tolantongo. Although lower than the temperate Sierra Alta, it still has a temperate climate due to strong, moist winds which flow from the northeast.(regions)
The Sierra Gorda is a branch of the Sierra Madre Oriental which crosses northwest Hidalgo and ends in San Luis Potosí. These are mostly mountains of volcanic origin. The Tula and Moctezuma Rivers meet here, whose waters then cut the Moctezuma Canyon, which has walls up to 480 meters high.
The Sierra de Tenango begins to one side of the Valley of Tulancingo and extends down to the Huasteca region of Puebla and Veracruz
. It is also called the Sierra Norte de Puebla and the Sierra de Huayacocotla. These are low lying mountains with a humid, cloudy temperate climate with frequent rain in the summer. Two of Hidalgo’s main dams, the Tejocotal and the Omitemetl are located on the rivers here, and are part of the Necaxa hydroelectrical system.
The Valley of Tulancingo has a temperate climate with an average year round temperature of 15C. It is bordered by the Sierra de Tenango and the highlands of Apan. It is a large fertile valley with extensive agriculture.
La Comarca Minera is the mountain area around Pachuca and Real del Monte and contains the Cerro de las Navajas, a mountain made mostly of obsidian
. It extends from the Pachuca area north towards the municipality of Huasca then east towards Actopan. From Pachuca it extends a short ways south to Mineral de la Reforma and Comarca. In almost all of this region, there is extensive mining, both of precious metals as well as lead and building stone such as sandstone and marble. Over 38 million kilograms of silver and 200 tons of fine gold have been extracted since the Conquest, which nearly equals the weight of the stone used to build the Tembleque Aqueduct. In additions to mines, the area is home to extensive forests of oyamel fir, pines and holm oak. Many of its peaks are rocky and barren such as Zumate in Omitlan, Peñas Cargadas in Real del Monte and Peña del Conejo in San Jeronimo.
The Altiplano Meridonal or central high plains are centered around the municipality of Apan and is best known as a major pulque-producing area, although it is also a major producer of barley
for beer-making. In pre-historic times, the area was a huge lake, of which only three small lakes remain today. One is called Apan, which exists only during the rainy season, Tocha or Atocha, which is mostly swamp, and Tecocomulco,which is very shallow and filled with reeds. The soils here are of volcanic origin from local volcanoes such as Tepozán, Jehuingo, Coatzengo and Tecajete. The climate of the area is cold with frequent freezes in the winter.
The very north of the Valley or Basin of Mexico is located within the state, which is separated from the area in which Mexico City is found by a series of low lying mountains. This part of the Valley extends from Tizayuca towards Pachuca. It is separated from the Valley of Mezquital by the Sierra de Tezontlalpan and from the rest of the Valley of Mexico by the low lying Sierra de los Pitos. The climate here is temperate and semi arid with occasional freezes. Except for the forests on the mountain tops, the flora and fauna are those found in more arid regions such as maguey, yucca, rabbits, armadillos and mesquite trees.
Since many of the mountains surrounding Pachuca lack tree cover, little slows the prevailing winds which can reach speeds of up to 120 km per hour. This gives the capital city the nickname of La Bella Airosa (Beautiful, Windy City).
The Valley of Mezquital is three three valleys called the Actopan, the Ixmiquilpan and the Tasquillo as well as flat areas known as Tula and Alfajayucan. The vegetation is mostly that of semi arid regions with mesquite trees and various types of cacti growing. The only areas with tree cover are those near streams and other water sources and on the mountain tops of the peaks. Despite this, the region is considered to be Hidalgo’s granary, growing corn, beans, wheat, tomatoes, onions, oats, olives, cactus fruit, tejocote and much more. It produces more than half of the alfalfa
and green chili peppers in Mexico. Due to the lack of rainfall, irrigation from the areas above and below ground streams is important. However, it is also one of the areas of Mexico with the highest levels of malnutrition. The valley averages 2000 meters above sea level and has a temperate climate with freezes being rare.
Traditionally, Hidalgo’s economy has been based on mining and agriculture, with manufacturing more recently. Most industry is located in what is called the “Urban Industrial Corridor of the South, where most of the state’s economic activity is located. Outside of this corridor, the economy remains based on subsistence farming and has high levels of poverty, with the per capita income only 61.5% of the national average. Industry accounts for more than 25% of the state’s gross domestic product.
However, the state has a higher-than-average growth, averaging 7.7% since the mid 1990s. The state consistently produces and overall surplus. Like other Mexican states, Hidalgo is heavily dependent on the federal government for revenues, with almost 97% of revenues from federal sources, which is high. The state's debt level is very low compared to other rated local and regional governments in Mexico and worldwide. One major debt issue is with pension funds but S&P does not consider it onerous. The state’s economic rating by Standard & Poor’s is ‘mxA-‘ with a stable outlook.
The state contains 2.1 million hectares of land, 30% of which is cultivable. Most of this land is only farmed during the annual rainy season. Corn is the primary crop followed by barley, beans, oats, wheat, green chili peppers, squash and tomatoes. Thirty eight percent of the land is dedicated to grazing and livestock production. Fishing and fish farming are also important producing mojarra
, tilapia
, carp
, trout and charal. Most of the surface area of the state (38%) is used for the raising of livestock with 29% dedicated to agriculture. Forests cover about 22% of the state. Both pine and broadleaf forests are found in the higher mountain areas of the state. The lower altitude Huasteca has rainforest and semi-rainforest vegetation. Hidalgo has approximately 125,000 m3 of commercial timber with a estimated value of 47,771.701 pesos. Non-wood forest products are estimated to value 331,961 pesos. For much of the 20th century, forest size diminished. This is being countered with reforestation efforts over as much as 743,224 hectares, with about 2,500 hectares fully reforested every year. Just over 25% of the population if employed in agriculture and livestock production.
Mining is the oldest and most traditional large-scale economic activity in the state. The mining of magnesium
provides the most income to the state, providing 28% of all revenues, followed by zinc
(18%), silver (14.3%), limestone
(12.9%) and lead
(7.7%). Other minerals include gold, copper, cadmium
and sulfur
. Most precious metals such as gold, silver and copper are mined in Pachuca and Zimapan. Petroleum, natural gas
and other similar deposits also exist.
The most important commercial sector of the state is that of retail foodstuffs, especially those selling groceries, meat and poultry. This represented over 40% of the commercial sector as of 1998. Just over 30% of commerce was dedicated to non-food products such as clothing and pharmaceuticals with the rest mostly dedicated to wholesale foods. From the latter 20th century, tourism has taken up much of the economic slack left behind by the demise of much of the state’s mining industry, with income from this sector surpassing that of the petroleum industry. The state has a variety of historic, cultural and natural attractions. Commerce and tourism employ about 44% of the population.
Industrial production in the state centers on metal products, machinery and equipment, accounting for about 24% of the total. Non-metallic minerals, other than petroleum account for about 25%. However, the most important industry is automobile and train engine production, which is followed by the refining of petroleum products, based mostly in Tula. Automotive and train production is centered in Ciudad Sahagún. Most of the automobiles produced are sold in Mexico City. Other industries include the production of cement
in Tula de Allende and textiles in Tepeji del Río and Tulancingo. This employs about 30% of the population.
Construction accounts for about 4% of the economy of Hidalgo, with utilities such as electricity accounting for about the same. Hidalgo produces about 8.7% of the total electricity used in the country.
In many of the more rural parts of the state, the making of crafts such as textiles, baskets, wood items and more can contribute significantly to household income. Textile production is widespread, but some of the best embroidery is done in Tenango de Doria, in which blouses, skirts and more are covered in designs of bright colors. Another area with noted embroidery is Acaxochitlán and nearby communities in the Sierra de Huasteca. The designs on these pieces are endemic to the area. In the Mezquital Valley, they make items with maguey fiber, often for rope, belts, bags and sandals. The weaving of cotton and wool into items such as blankets, wraps and other items is also a widespread craft. Fibers from maguey plants and palm trees are also used in the production of baskets, hats and mats. One native hat made from palm fronds is called "garambullero" as well as a type of rattle. Other materials worked into baskets and other items include reeds, willow branches and ixtle. The working of all these fibres and materials is primarily done by women.
As the state has a relative abundance of wood, crafts based on this material is common. The most important product is the making of wood furniture, most of which is in a rustic Spanish style. Miniature boxes, flutes and other items are a speciality of a community called Nith in the Ixmiquuilpan municipality. Molango is noted for its guitars. Tenango is noted for the making of wooden utensils such as spoons and spatulas. Pottery production is categorized by the type of clay used. In the Tulancingo Valley, the clay type is known as "chapopote" and is mostly worked into pots, comal
s and other cooking items. Huejutla is known for its "barro blanco" (white clay), also used to make items for cooking. In Huasca de Ocampo
red clay is abundant. In Chililico, the clay is ochre
and typically painted with images of birds and flowers. The Mezquital Valley and the Comarca Minera area makes a type of pottery which is not glazed, mostly for utilitarian items. In some areas, such as Tulancingo and Chapantongo, Talavera
type glazed pottery is also made. Metalworking comes from the state's mining past, where materials such as gold, silver, copper and iron are worked into jewelry, pots, jars, utensils, and railing. Areas best known for their metal working are Pachuca
and Real del Monte (jewelry), The Sierra Alta and Tizapán (copper items) and the Mezquital Valley for ironwork.
The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
began at the same time the state was founded. In 1869, the Instituto Literario y Escuela de Artes y Oficios, the university’s predecessor was founded. It was reorganized in 1872 under the Porfirio Diaz regime and in 1875, the school was moved from the house it was founded in on Allende Street to the former hospital of San Juan de Dios on the west side of Pachuca. The school was closed several times during the Mexican Revolution but was permanently reopened in 1925 as the University of Hidalgo. From the time to the present the school has grown adding new departments such as those in medicine and engineering. In 1948, the school gain autonomy from governmental oversight, changing its name to the current one. This school is the most important in the state as it is organized in the mid 20th century to spur the industrial development on which the state depends today.
. The major communities are:
Mexico City
Mexico City is the Federal District , capital of Mexico and seat of the federal powers of the Mexican Union. It is a federal entity within Mexico which is not part of any one of the 31 Mexican states but belongs to the federation as a whole...
, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
. It is divided in 84 municipalities
Municipalities of Hidalgo
The Mexican state of Hidalgois made up of 84 municipalities :...
and its capital city is Pachuca de Soto.
In 1869, Benito Juárez
Benito Juárez
Benito Juárez born Benito Pablo Juárez García, was a Mexican lawyer and politician of Zapotec origin from Oaxaca who served five terms as president of Mexico: 1858–1861 as interim, 1861–1865, 1865–1867, 1867–1871 and 1871–1872...
created the State of Hidalgo. He appointed as capital
Capital City
Capital City was a television show produced by Euston Films which focused on the lives of investment bankers in London living and working on the corporate trading floor for the fictional international bank Shane-Longman....
of the state the city of Pachuca to which was added the name "de Soto" in recognition of Manuel Fernando Soto, who is considered the most important driving force in creating the state. The state was named after Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the initiator of the Mexican War of Independence
Mexican War of Independence
The Mexican War of Independence was an armed conflict between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial authorities which started on 16 September 1810. The movement, which became known as the Mexican War of Independence, was led by Mexican-born Spaniards, Mestizos and Amerindians who sought...
It is located in Eastern Mexico
Eastern Mexico
The Eastern Mexico or also called East-Central Mexico , is a region of United Mexican States, formed by the states of Hidalgo, Puebla, Tlaxcala and Veracruz...
.. Hidalgo is bordered by San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí officially Estado Libre y Soberano de San Luis Potosí is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 58 municipalities and its capital city is San Luis Potosí....
and Veracruz on the north, Puebla
Puebla officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Puebla is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 217 municipalities and its capital city is Puebla....
on the east, Tlaxcala
Tlaxcala officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Tlaxcala is one of the 31 states which along with the Federal District comprise the 32 federative entities of Mexico. It is divided into 60 municipalities and its capital city is Tlaxcala....
and México on the south and Querétaro
Querétaro officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Querétaro de Arteaga is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided into 18 municipalities and its capital city is Santiago de Querétaro....
on the west.
The state has a number of relatively intact native cultures such as the Otomi
Otomi people
The Otomi people . Smaller Otomi populations exist in the states of Puebla, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Michoacán and Guanajuato. The Otomi language belonging to the Oto-Pamean branch of the Oto-Manguean language family is spoken in many different varieties some of which are not mutually intelligible.One of...
. There are also two notable immigrant cultures, those of the descendents of Cornish
Cornish people
The Cornish are a people associated with Cornwall, a county and Duchy in the south-west of the United Kingdom that is seen in some respects as distinct from England, having more in common with the other Celtic parts of the United Kingdom such as Wales, as well as with other Celtic nations in Europe...
miners in the 19th century and a small Jewish enclave which claims to be descended from Sephardi Jews
Sephardi Jews
Sephardi Jews is a general term referring to the descendants of the Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula before their expulsion in the Spanish Inquisition. It can also refer to those who use a Sephardic style of liturgy or would otherwise define themselves in terms of the Jewish customs and...
which came to New Spain
New Spain
New Spain, formally called the Viceroyalty of New Spain , was a viceroyalty of the Spanish colonial empire, comprising primarily territories in what was known then as 'América Septentrional' or North America. Its capital was Mexico City, formerly Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire...
in the 16th century.
The state contains a number of ecotourism, cultural and archeological attractions including the Huasteca area, the ruins of Tula
Tula, Hidalgo
Tula, formally, Tula de Allende, is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 305.8 km² , and as of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 93,296, with 28,432 in the town...
, natural hot water springs, old hacienda
Hacienda is a Spanish word for an estate. Some haciendas were plantations, mines, or even business factories. Many haciendas combined these productive activities...
s and mountain ranges.
The modern day state of Hidalgo is located within the pre-Hispanic region of MesoamericaMesoamerica
Mesoamerica is a region and culture area in the Americas, extending approximately from central Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, within which a number of pre-Columbian societies flourished before the Spanish colonization of the Americas in the 15th and...
. Numerous migrations of indigenous people took place through here, mostly arriving or passing through from the north, with many eventually settling in the Valley of Mexico. The Toltecs initially settled in Xochicoatlán
Xochicoatlán is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 159.3 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 6,954....
, now the municipality of Molango
Molango is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 246.7 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 10,385....
at the beginning of the 7th century. From here they dispersed to locales such as Huejutla
Huejutla de Reyes
Huejutla de Reyes is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico.The municipality covers an area of 377.8 km². As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 115,786....
and Tollatzingo (now called Tulancingo
Tulancingo is the second-largest city in the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is located in the southeastern part of the state and also forms one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, as well as the Archdiocese of Tulancingo...
) where they eventually had their capital of Tollan, today known as Tula.
The Toltecs were eventually overrun by Chichimeca
Chichimeca was the name that the Nahua peoples of Mexico generically applied to a wide range of semi-nomadic peoples who inhabited the north of modern-day Mexico and southwestern United States, and carried the same sense as the European term "barbarian"...
s, who established their capital in Metztitlán
Metztitlán is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 814.7 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 20,123....
. The Aztec
The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the late post-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology.Aztec is the...
s arrived in the 12th century, initially establishing themselves in Mixquiahuala
Mixquiahuala is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipal seat lies at Mixquiahuala de Juárez . The municipality covers an area of 138.1 km²....
, then founding Tizayuca
Tizayuca is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 92.5 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 56,573....
later. Eventually, the Aztecs took over most of what is now the southern portion of the state, incorporating it into the Aztec Empire.
After the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the conquistadors carved out territories for themselves from Aztec lands. Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro, 1st Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th century...
took possession of lands to the northeast of Mexico City extending into modern Hidalgo state. Evangelization efforts followed soon thereafter with the first Franciscans arriving in 1523.This changed the social, economic and cultural structure of the areas as the Spanish took control of the natural resources especially minerals, and the labor the Indians provided. It also led to a massive decrease in the native population, especially during the governorship of the area by Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán
Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán
Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán or sometimes Nuño de Guzmán was a Spanish conquistador and colonial administrator in New Spain. He was Governor of the province of Pánuco from 1525–1533, and of Nueva Galicia from 1529–1534, President of the first Audiencia from 1528-30. He founded several cities in...
. By the 18th century, the economy of the Hidalgo area was dominated by mining and agricultural haciendas. Much of the agricultural production during the colonial period was centered on livestock such as sheep and pigs as well as the making of pulque
Pulque, or octli, is a milk-colored, somewhat viscous alcoholic beverage made from the fermented sap of the maguey plant, and is a traditional native beverage of Mexico. The drink’s history extends far back into the Mesoamerican period, when it was considered sacred, and its use was limited to...
from the native maguey plant. However, the mining of silver, gold and other metals in the Pachuca/Real del Monte area would be the economic backbone of the area through the colonial period and into most of post Independence period. Mining’s fortunes would rise and fall during the colonial period with one of the most productive eras coming under the control of Pedro Romero de Terreros
Pedro Romero de Terreros
Pedro Romero de Terreros , the first Count of Regla, was a mining magnate and philanthropist in 18th century Mexico.-Early life:...
in the 18th century.
Despite Spanish control and evangelization efforts since the 16th century, by the 18th century, many of the Otomi and other indigenous groups of the area had not been fully subjugated, especially in the Sierra Gorda and Sierra Baja areas. These groups and others manage a significant amount of success in maintaining cultural, political and economic autonomy through the colonial period. Much of the state still maintains a number of strong indigenous identities.
Many in Hidalgo, especially the indigenous, supported Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s cause, providing leaders such as José María Correa and José Antonio Magos, both of whom were active in the Valley of Mezquital area. However, no major battles of the Mexican War of Independence
Mexican War of Independence
The Mexican War of Independence was an armed conflict between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial authorities which started on 16 September 1810. The movement, which became known as the Mexican War of Independence, was led by Mexican-born Spaniards, Mestizos and Amerindians who sought...
were fought in the state. Instead, a number of smaller operations against local Spaniards were conducted. When the war ended in 1821, the country was divided into a number of states. The modern state of Hidalgo was initially part of the very large territory called “Mexico” (which extended in all directions from Mexico City), which eventually was split with the remaining portion becoming the modern State of Mexico. What is now Hidalgo was originally the districts of Tula, Tulancingo and Huejutla of the former entity. The state of Hidalgo would not be formally created until 1860s.
The economic consequences to the mines of Pachuca and Real del Monte during the War of Independence were ruinous. In 1824, British mining companies were brought in to revive the sector. The British introduced steam-powered machinery and other modern techniques as well as a large quantity of Cornish miners. Many of these Cornish miners stayed and English names and foods such as pasties (called “pastes” in Spanish) help define the state, especially in the Pachuca and Real del Monte areas. These Englishmen were forced to sell their interest to Mexican capitalists in 1849, and the mining sector fell again.
In 1861, the government of the vast State of Mexico was centered in Toluca
Toluca, formally known as Toluca de Lerdo, is the state capital of Mexico State as well as the seat of the Municipality of Toluca. It is the center of a rapidly growing urban area, now the fifth largest in Mexico. It is located west-southwest of Mexico City and only about 40 minutes by car to the...
, east of Mexico City. The distance of the capital was one of the reasons why Hidalgo state would eventually separate. When French forces invaded central Mexico in 1862
French intervention in Mexico
The French intervention in Mexico , also known as The Maximilian Affair, War of the French Intervention, and The Franco-Mexican War, was an invasion of Mexico by an expeditionary force sent by the Second French Empire, supported in the beginning by the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain...
, the large territory of Mexico was divided into three military sectors for defense. The second district had its capital in Actopan
Actopan, Hidalgo
Actopan is a city and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 280.1 km². It is crossed by the federal road that runs from Mexico City to Nuevo Laredo and it is located 30 km northwest of Pachuca, the capital city of the state...
and its borders were roughly commensurate with that of modern Hidalgo state. The French succeeded in placing Maximilian I
Maximilian I of Mexico
Maximilian I was the only monarch of the Second Mexican Empire.After a distinguished career in the Austrian Navy, he was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico on April 10, 1864, with the backing of Napoleon III of France and a group of Mexican monarchists who sought to revive the Mexican monarchy...
on the throne of Mexico, who visited Pachuca in 1865. Soon thereafter, insurgent activity against the French government intensified and after Maximilian was overthrown, the new republican government decided to make this military district the state of Hidalgo in 1869. The state was named after Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the first leader of the Mexican Independence movement.
From the establishment of the state until the Porfirio Díaz
Porfirio Díaz
José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori was a Mexican-American War volunteer and French intervention hero, an accomplished general and the President of Mexico continuously from 1876 to 1911, with the exception of a brief term in 1876 when he left Juan N...
period, the economy, especially the mining sector was erratic. In the late 1880s, a number of modern inventions, such as the telegraph, telephone and railroad helped the Hidalgo economy. It also brought in another wave of foreign investment in the mining industry. By the mid 1900s, much of the mining production in Pachuca and Real del Monte was controlled by U.S. based interests such as the United States Mining Smelting and Refining Company. Pulque haciendas, primarily selling to nearby Mexico City, were prosperous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The prosperity of the state was best seen in the capital of Pachuca with the construction of many civic structures, but many rural areas were still quite impoverished. This situation would make the state favor the oncoming Mexican Revolution.
During the Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz. The Revolution was characterized by several socialist, liberal, anarchist, populist, and agrarianist movements. Over time the Revolution...
, local armed groups, such as the one led by Francisco P. Mariel in Huejutla, faced off against government troops. Forces led by Nicolas Flores took Jacala and threatened Zimapan
Zimapan is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 860.9 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 34,476....
and Ixmiquilpan in 1911. Later that same year Gabriel Hernandez took Tulancingo and Pachuca, forcing the then-governor out of power. After Porfirio Diaz fled the country, several factions would vie for power here. The government of the state was seized in 1915 by Agustin Sangins, who declared himself in favor of Victoriano Huerta
Victoriano Huerta
José Victoriano Huerta Márquez was a Mexican military officer and president of Mexico. Huerta's supporters were known as Huertistas during the Mexican Revolution...
, prompting opponents to take up arms in the Huasteca area, Jacala
Jacala, officially Jacala de Ledezma is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipal seat lies at Jacala de Ledezma . The municipality covers an area of 346.9 km²....
and Tulancingo. Victory initially went to those in support of Huerta. When Huerta’s government fell, the state had a chaotic succession of governors, each of whom supported different factions. When the war finally wound down by 1920, the state had a new constitution.
In 1920, the first airmail flight took place with a biplane piloted by Horacio Ruiz Gaviño taking off from Pachuca and landing in Mexico City 53 minutes later carrying 543 letters, 61 postcards and other items.
The war left the mining industry in ruins again and the desertion of same by the American companies. Modernization of the nearly destroyed infrastructure began in the 1920s with the reconstruction of telephone lines and the construction of highways within the state. In the 1930s, a number of companies such as Cruz Azul Cement
Cemento Cruz Azul
Cemento Cruz Azul is one of the most famous cement companies in Mexico. It was founded nearly a century ago.On May 22, 1927, the company's workers organized the Club Deportivo Cruz Azul soccer club, which has gone on to become one of the most famous association football teams in Mexico, winning...
were expropriated and popular credit schemes such as the Banco de Credito Ejidal were created. Over 130 schools in rural areas were also built. Construction and modernization of infrastructure would continue through the rest of the 20th century.
This wave of mining activity would decline in the mid 20th century, causing the deterioration of the state’s economy, especially in the Pachuca area. In the 1950s and 1960s efforts were undertaken to shift the state’s economy from agriculture and mining to manufacturing. In 1952, an automotive motor production facility called Diesel Nacional (DINA) was constructed. The old Instituto Científico Literario Autónomo de Hidalgo was converted to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado in 1961, with the purpose of turning out engineers and other professionals to provide the impetus for the development of industry. These efforts soon paid dividends and construction growth, especially of suburban subdivisions for workers in newly built factories.
The growth of the Greater Mexico City
Greater Mexico City
Greater Mexico City refers to the conurbation around Mexico City, officially called Mexico City Metropolitan Area , constituted by the Federal District—itself composed of 16 boroughs—and 41 adjacent municipalities of the states of Mexico and Hidalgo...
area reached the southern border of Hidalgo state in the late 20th and early 21st century with the municipality of Tizayuca formally added into the region in 2005.
One problem the extreme southern part of the state has had in the past decade is the contamination of water from the drainage of the Valley of Mexico. Mexico City pumps out excess water from the area, as the valley has no natural drainage, to the north into Mexico and Hidalgo states. This water is increasingly polluted and is causing damage to these northern zones. The state is negotiating federal and other help to treat and recycle this water so that it does not do further damage to state agriculture and environment.

Population of the state historically has risen and fallen based on the state of the economy especially, the health of the mining sector. When mining activity fell in the mid 20th century, the population fell as well. The population began to recover in the 1980s. From then until 2000, the population grew from 1,547,493 to 2,235,591, leaving the state with a large number of people under the age of thirty. The mining sector has also been responsible for immigration to the state, most notably that of the Cornish in the 19th century in the Pachuca and Real de Monte areas. While most descendents of these Cornish immigrants now are monolingual Spanish speakers, many have retained the Protestant faith. The Cornish have had an impact on the cuisine here as well, with one of Hidalgo’s signature dishes being “pastes” (pa-stays), which are Cornish dough pockets
A pasty , sometimes known as a pastie or British pasty in the United States, is a filled pastry case, associated in particular with Cornwall in Great Britain. It is made by placing the uncooked filling on a flat pastry circle, and folding it to wrap the filling, crimping the edge at the side or top...
filled with Mexican style meat, vegetable and sweet fillings.
Over 90% identify themselves as Catholic with significant minorities as Protestant or evangelical. Another significant minority are those who practice the Jewish faith. Many of these claim ancestry from Sephardi Jews who came to New Spain in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition
The Inquisition, Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis , was the "fight against heretics" by several institutions within the justice-system of the Roman Catholic Church. It started in the 12th century, with the introduction of torture in the persecution of heresy...
in Spain. When it reached New Spain
Mexican Inquisition
The Mexican Inquisition was an extension of the Spanish Inquisition into the New World. The Spanish Conquest of Mexico was not only a political event for the Spanish, but a religious event as well. In the early 16th century, the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation and the Inquisition were in full...
, these people moved to the rural hills to continue their practice clandestinely. These are mostly concentrated in the community of Venta Prieta. While their claims have not been proven, there are indications that they are true. Most practitioners in Venta Prieta are Conservative
Conservative Judaism
Conservative Judaism is a modern stream of Judaism that arose out of intellectual currents in Germany in the mid-19th century and took institutional form in the United States in the early 1900s.Conservative Judaism has its roots in the school of thought known as Positive-Historical Judaism,...
Hidalgo's literary history extends back to the 19th century with the oldest notable writers being Ignacio Rodríguez GalvánIgnacio Rodríguez Galván
Ignacio Rodríguez Galván is considered to be first Mexican Romantic writer. He was born in Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico in 1816 and died in Havana, Cuba in 1842 at age 26 from yellow fever...
and José María Rodríguez y Cos
José María Rodríguez y Cos
José María Rodríguez y Cos was a Mexican writer who promoted Positivism in the country. He was born in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico in 1823, and although he began his studied to be a doctor, he had to leave university due to finances. He worked as a teacher and began to write, and became associated...
. Rodríguez Galván was born in 1816 in Tizayuca and is considered to be the first Mexican Romance writer. He wrote poetry and plays as well as founding a newspaper called Año Nuevo. Rodríguez y Cos was born in 1823 in Tulancingo and represents Positivism in Mexico, writing poetry and plays. The most important poet from the 20th century is Efrén Rebolledo from Actopán, who lived from 1877 to 1929. Other important writers from this century include Xavier Sorondo, Margarita Michelena
Margarita Michelena
Margarita Michelena was a Mexican poet, literary critic, translator and journalist.-Biography:...
, Gabriel Vargas
Gabriel Vargas
Gabriel Bernal Vargas was a Mexican painter, artist and cartoonist, whose comic strip La Familia Burrón was created in 1937. This cartoon has been described as one of the most important in Mexican popular culture...
, Ricardo Garibay, Gonzalo Martré and Miguel Ángel Granadosa Chapa. Notable painters appear in the 20th century including Byron Gálvez
Byron Galvez
Byron Galvez was a Mexican artist.He painted in an abstract figurative style that borders on abstract expressionism...
, Yadira Gutiérrez and José Hernández Delgadillo. The best known musician from the state is Nicandro Castillo, who wrote mostly popular music in the mid 20th century. As part of a performing group called Los Plateados, his work became part of a number of Mexican films, including Cuando habla el corazón, Seda, sangre y sol and Así se quiere en Jalisco. Other important musicians from the state include Abundio Martínez and Demetrio Vite Hernández.
The best known celebrity and artist from the state is Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, better known as El Santo. Born in Tulancingo in 1917,not only was he Mexico's best known lucha libre
Lucha libre
Lucha libre is a term used in Mexico, and other Spanish-speaking countries, for a form of professional wrestling that has developed within those countries...
wrestler, he experienced success in the movies, playing his lucha libre character battling evil. He never took off his mask in public, until a few weeks before his death in 1984.
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in many cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it attains the quality...
in the state is referred to as the "Xantolo" which extends from October 31 to November 2. Like in other parts of Mexico, the days around November 2 honor the dead with altars and offerings, although each community has its own variations. One area which is known for its traditions is Huejutla de Reyes
Huejutla de Reyes
Huejutla de Reyes is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico.The municipality covers an area of 377.8 km². As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 115,786....
, where altars dedicated to the dead are especially large and profusely decorated with flowers, colored paper and traditional foods, with the intention of counteracting mourning. In a number of areas, rituals based on Huasteca traditions are also performed. One of these is called the "Danza de Xantolo," in which masked figures in robes dance in candlelight. In other communities, youths in costume will dance from house to house, to be invited in to eat dishes prepared for the occasion. Another tradition is to have bands play at the cemeteries on November 2, where tombs are cleaned and decorated with flowers, garlands and more.
Native gastronomy
The Mezquital Valley has best preserved the state’s indigenous, especially OtomiOtomi people
The Otomi people . Smaller Otomi populations exist in the states of Puebla, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Michoacán and Guanajuato. The Otomi language belonging to the Oto-Pamean branch of the Oto-Manguean language family is spoken in many different varieties some of which are not mutually intelligible.One of...
, culinary heritage based a number of traditional native animal and vegetable products. One of these is the use of a number of edible insects
Entomophagy is the consumption of insects as food. Insects are eaten by many animals, but the term is generally used to refer to human consumption of insects; animals that eat insects are known as insectivores...
, many of which are considered delicacies such as escamoles
Escamoles are the larvae of ants of the genus Liometopum, harvested from the roots of the agave or maguey plant in Mexico. In some forms of Mexican cuisine, escamoles are considered a delicacy and are sometimes referred to as "insect caviar"...
(ant eggs) and maguey larvae
Maguey worm
A maguey worm is one of two varieties of edible caterpillars that infest maguey and Agave tequilana plants. The white maguey worms, known as meocuiles, are caterpillars of a butterfly commonly named "tequila giant skipper," Aegiale hesperiaris...
as well as others such as larvae found on nopal plants, “chacas ” (beetles) and “chicharras” (cicadas). Other local animals still used for food include tadpoles
Tadpoles are a psychedelic rock band formed in 1990 in New York City by Todd Parker , Michael Kite Audino and Josh Bracken In 1992, Nick Kramer , David Max and Andrew Jackson of the fledgling Manhattan group, Hit, joined the Tadpoles after putting Hit on hiatus.In 1993 Kite and Jackson left the...
(called atepocates), salamander
Salamander is a common name of approximately 500 species of amphibians. They are typically characterized by a superficially lizard-like appearance, with their slender bodies, short noses, and long tails. All known fossils and extinct species fall under the order Caudata, while sometimes the extant...
s and their larvae, squirrels and rabbits. Plant species still commonly used include mesquite beans, nopal and other cactus and various cactus fruit such as “tuna” and “xoconostle.” These are often prepared in dishes that the state shares with most of the rest of Mexico such as tacos, tamale
A tamale — or more correctly tamal — is a traditional Latin American dish made of masa , which is steamed or boiled in a leaf wrapper. The wrapping is discarded before eating...
s, moles and a specialty of central Mexico, mixiote
A mixiote is a traditional pit-barbecued meat dish in central Mexico; especially in the Basin of Mexico. It can also be prepared in an oven. It is usually made with mutton or rabbit, but chicken is also used. The meat is cubed with the bone and seasoned with pasilla and guajillo chili peppers,...
. Another common central Mexican dish popular in the state is barbacoa
Barbacoa is a form of cooking meat that originated in the Caribbean with the Taíno people, from which the term "barbecue" derives. In contemporary Mexico it generally refers to meats or a whole sheep slow-cooked over an open fire, or more traditionally, in a hole dug in the ground covered with...
. This dish has its origins in the pre-Hispanic period, when it was meat cooked in an underground pit. Today, it is most often cooked in pots in more conventional ovens, but the meat, today mostly pork, is still smothered in the alcoholic beverage pulque and wrapped in maguey leaves for flavor. This preparation of barbacoa is considered to be the state dish.
The state secretary of tourism has divided the state’s attraction into “corridors” with similar themes. The Corridor de la Montaña (Mountain Corridor) is devoted to ecotourism and includes a number of different climates and ecosystems. These areas favor activities such as camping, extreme sports and well as family activities. They include places such as old mining haciendas, archeological sites and state parks. Municipalities which are promoted under this category include Mineral del MonteMineral del Monte
Mineral del Monte is a small town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico, lying at an altitude of 2700 metres ....
, Huasca del Ocampo and Mineral del Chico
Mineral del Chico
Mineral del Chico is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 118.2 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 6,714....
The Corridor de los Balnearios (Water Park Corridor) list most of the major water parks, spas, natural pools and thermal springs in the state. Hidalgo ranks second in Mexico for the number of thermal springs. These springs have an average temperature of 38C but some reach as high as 80C. They exist due to rivers of magma that flow under the surface. Municipalites promoted under this category include Ixmiquilpan, Actopan and Cardonal
Cardonal is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 462.6 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 15,876....
The Corridor Tulancingo y los 4 elementos (Tulancingo y the 4 elements Corridor) is named for its major location of Tulancingo and the sports that are promoted here. Sporting activities are classed under the elements of air, water, fire and earth and include hot air ballooning
Hot air ballooning
Hot air ballooning is the activity of flying hot air balloons. Attractive aspects of ballooning include the exceptional quiet , the lack of a feeling of movement, and the bird's-eye view...
, fishing, boating, rustic ironwork produced in Apulco and hiking in the natural landscapes. The area extends from the municipality of Tulancingo to the municipality of Huehuetla
Huehuetla is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 262.1 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 22,927....
. (4elementos)
The Corridor de las Haciendas (Haciendas Corridor) contains most of the state’s 176 former haciendas which were constructed between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Most were devoted to mining or the making of pulque. Many contain the original buildings, including the main residences as well as tours. Many of these are in rural municipalities, which conserve old traditions. In the Apan area, most of the old haciendas were devoted to the making of pulque, which is still made and can be sampled. The area also contains many of the state’s former colonial monasteries as well as civic constructions such as the Padre Tembleque Aqueduct
Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque
The Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque, or Zempoala Aqueduct, is a Mexican aqueduct located between the towns of Zempoala, Hidalgo and Otumba, in the State of Mexico.- Site Description :...
The Sierra de la Huasteca Corridor covers this mountain range which is home to the Huastec people. The area includes ecotourism activities, camping and fishing in an area filled with dense vegetations and heated water sources. Municipalities featured here include Huejutla de los Reyes, Xantolo and Molango where many indigenous people live. The cuisine of the area is also emphasized.
The Tolteca Corridor centers on the archeological site of Tula, which was the home of one of the principal pre-Hispanic civilizations of Mexico. Many of the oldest monasteries of the state, founded in the 16th century, are located here. Featured municipalities include Tula de Allende, Atotonilco de Tula
Atotonilco de Tula
Atotonilco de Tula is a city and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 31 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 26,500....
, Tepeji del Rio
Tepeji is a city and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 393.4 km²....
, Mixquiahuala, Tlahuelilpan
Tlahuelilpan is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 31.3 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 15,412....
, Tlaxcoapan
Tlaxcoapan is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 79.3 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 24,734....
and Tezontepec
Villa de Tezontepec is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 133.6 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 10,723....
Geography, climate and nature
The terrain of the state is very rugged. At its lowest point it is only a few meters above sea level and it is over 3,300 meters above sea level at its highest. The state is divided into three geographical regions: the Coastal Plain, the Sierra Madre OrientalSierra Madre Oriental
The Sierra Madre Oriental is a mountain range in northeastern Mexico.-Setting:Spanning the Sierra Madre Oriental runs from Coahuila south through Nuevo León, southwest Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, and Hidalgo to northern Puebla, where it joins with the east-west running Eje Volcánico...
, and the Altiplano Meridional, which contains the highest peaks. Each of these regions are distinct from each other. The north of the state has the lowest elevation and the hottest climate. It is also the smallest region of the state. The second region averages about 800 meters above sea level and is more temperate in climate. The coldest climates at the highest areas are the most populated and average about 2,000 masl.(regions)Major elevations in the state include Cerro la Peñuela (3,350 masl), Cerro el Jihuingo (3,240masl), Cerro la Paila (3,200 masl), Cerro las Navajas (3,180 masl), Cerro el Agual Azul (3,040 masl) and Cerro la Estancia (3,020 masl).
Principal rivers include the Tula
Tula River
Rio Tula is a river in Hidalgo state in central Mexico. It runs through the ancient town of Tula....
, Amajac
Amajac River
-References:*Atlas of Mexico, 1975 .*The Prentice Hall American World Atlas, 1984.*Rand McNally, The New International Atlas, 1993....
and the Metztitlan. Other rivers in the state flow into these three, such as the Rosas, Cuautitlan , Guadalupe and Salado, which flow into the Tula River. One exception to this is the San Juan River, which forms part of the state’s border with Querétaro
Querétaro officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Querétaro de Arteaga is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided into 18 municipalities and its capital city is Santiago de Querétaro....
. This river flows into the Pánuco River
Pánuco River
The Pánuco River is a river in Mexico that flows from the River Moctezuma in the Valley of Mexico to the Gulf of Mexico.At its source, it serves as a channel for water-drainage for Mexico City. From there, it becomes the state border between Hidalgo and Querétaro as it moves towards San Luis...
in San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí officially Estado Libre y Soberano de San Luis Potosí is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 58 municipalities and its capital city is San Luis Potosí....
. The Amajac begins in the Sierra de Pachuca and flows southeast. The Metztitlan River begins at the state’s border with Puebla state
Puebla officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Puebla is one of the 31 states which, with the Federal District, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided in 217 municipalities and its capital city is Puebla....
and eventually flows into Metztitlan Lake. Principal lakes in the state are the Metztitlan, Zupitlan or Tulancingo, San Antonio, Pueblilla and Carrillos. The state also has a significant number of sulfur and hot water springs such as La Cantera in Tula, Mixquiahual and Vito in Atotonilco, Tephé in Ejido Tephé, Humedades y Dios Padra in Ixmiquilpan and Tolantongo and Textacapa in Cardonal.
There are three main climates in the state. The lowlands are hot with temperatures rising as high as 44C in the summer in places such as the municipality of Pisaflores
Pisaflores is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipal seat lies at Pisaflores . The municipality covers an area of 159.3 km²....
. Temperate regions can have hot days but often the temperature is moderated by cooler winds and clouds. Cold climates dominate the highest altitudes where freezing temperatures at night are not uncommon. Rainfall varies widely from as low as 250mm per year to as high as 2,800mm per year. The main indicator of climate type is altitude.
Most plants are either of the desert type with pines and holm oak
Holm Oak
Quercus ilex, the Holm Oak or Holly Oak is a large evergreen oak native to the Mediterranean region. It takes its name from holm, an ancient name for holly...
in the higher mountain areas. A small area is the Huasteca region is highland rainforest. Wildlife includes thirty one species of serpent, thirteen species of duck, six of doves, three of falcons, as well as mammals such as skunks, spider monkey
Spider monkey
Spider monkeys of the genus Ateles are New World monkeys in the subfamily Atelinae, family Atelidae. Like other atelines, they are found in tropical forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico to Brazil...
s, wild boar, anteater
Anteaters, also known as antbear, are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and termites. Together with the sloths, they compose the order Pilosa...
s and gray foxes.
In addition to the three main geographic/climate regions, the state subdivides into a number of sub-regions. Sub-regions include the La Huasteca area. This extends like a green sash across part of the state, and altitude does not exceed 800 masl. It is mostly located near the Gulf Coast
Gulf Coast of Mexico
The Gulf Coast of Mexico stretches along the Gulf of Mexico from the border with the United states at Matamoros, Tamaulipas all the way to the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula at Cancún. It includes the coastal regions along the Bay of Campeche. Major cities include Veracruz, Tampico, and...
and receives a significant amount of rainfall from this body of water. The Huasteca is highland rain forest with plants blooming nearly year-round. Forests contain species such as “tlacuilo,” holm oak, Copaifera
Copaifera is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae.The scientific name means "copal-bearer" , since economically important resins and essential oils can be acquired from them. They are also important for production of biodiesel and wood, especially Copaifera langsdorffii...
, “zuchiate,” mahogany
The name mahogany is used when referring to numerous varieties of dark-colored hardwood. It is a native American word originally used for the wood of the species Swietenia mahagoni, known as West Indian or Cuban mahogany....
, white cedar and many others. The area has one of the widest varieties of wild birds including eagles, hummingbirds, wild turkeys and more. Reptiles include a wide variety of snakes and mammals include coyotes, bobcats, wild boar, spotted deer, rabbits and more. Tropical crops are raised here including sugar cane, coconuts, pineapple, bananas, mamey
Mamey is a commune in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in north-eastern France.-See also:*Communes of the Meurthe-et-Moselle department*Parc naturel régional de Lorraine...
, tamarind
Tamarind is a tree in the family Fabaceae. The genus Tamarindus is monotypic .-Origin:...
and more.
The Sierra Alta region is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Some of Hidalgo’s main peaks are located here such as the Cerro del Aguila, Cerro del Santo Roa and Cerrro de Agua Fria. There is also a volcanic cone by the name of Cerro la Aguja de Calnali. Many of Hidalgo’s caves, such as Texcatete in Zacualtipan
Zacualtipan is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 241.6 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 25,987....
, Texcapa in Tepehuacan and Tecamachal and Villacastla in Molango, are located here. This mountain range is part of the temperate climate zone of the state.(regions)
The Sierra Baja is also located in the Sierra Madre Oriental and is characterized by small plains surrounded by stony peaks. There are five major canyons located here, oriented from south to north, which take their names from the rivers that form them:Amajac, Meztitlan, Amolon, Mezquititlan and Tolantongo. Although lower than the temperate Sierra Alta, it still has a temperate climate due to strong, moist winds which flow from the northeast.(regions)
The Sierra Gorda is a branch of the Sierra Madre Oriental which crosses northwest Hidalgo and ends in San Luis Potosí. These are mostly mountains of volcanic origin. The Tula and Moctezuma Rivers meet here, whose waters then cut the Moctezuma Canyon, which has walls up to 480 meters high.
The Sierra de Tenango begins to one side of the Valley of Tulancingo and extends down to the Huasteca region of Puebla and Veracruz
Veracruz, formally Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave , is one of the 31 states that, along with the Federal District, comprise the 32 federative entities of Mexico. It is divided in 212 municipalities and its capital city is...
. It is also called the Sierra Norte de Puebla and the Sierra de Huayacocotla. These are low lying mountains with a humid, cloudy temperate climate with frequent rain in the summer. Two of Hidalgo’s main dams, the Tejocotal and the Omitemetl are located on the rivers here, and are part of the Necaxa hydroelectrical system.
The Valley of Tulancingo has a temperate climate with an average year round temperature of 15C. It is bordered by the Sierra de Tenango and the highlands of Apan. It is a large fertile valley with extensive agriculture.
La Comarca Minera is the mountain area around Pachuca and Real del Monte and contains the Cerro de las Navajas, a mountain made mostly of obsidian
Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock.It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimum crystal growth...
. It extends from the Pachuca area north towards the municipality of Huasca then east towards Actopan. From Pachuca it extends a short ways south to Mineral de la Reforma and Comarca. In almost all of this region, there is extensive mining, both of precious metals as well as lead and building stone such as sandstone and marble. Over 38 million kilograms of silver and 200 tons of fine gold have been extracted since the Conquest, which nearly equals the weight of the stone used to build the Tembleque Aqueduct. In additions to mines, the area is home to extensive forests of oyamel fir, pines and holm oak. Many of its peaks are rocky and barren such as Zumate in Omitlan, Peñas Cargadas in Real del Monte and Peña del Conejo in San Jeronimo.
The Altiplano Meridonal or central high plains are centered around the municipality of Apan and is best known as a major pulque-producing area, although it is also a major producer of barley
Barley is a major cereal grain, a member of the grass family. It serves as a major animal fodder, as a base malt for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods...
for beer-making. In pre-historic times, the area was a huge lake, of which only three small lakes remain today. One is called Apan, which exists only during the rainy season, Tocha or Atocha, which is mostly swamp, and Tecocomulco,which is very shallow and filled with reeds. The soils here are of volcanic origin from local volcanoes such as Tepozán, Jehuingo, Coatzengo and Tecajete. The climate of the area is cold with frequent freezes in the winter.
The very north of the Valley or Basin of Mexico is located within the state, which is separated from the area in which Mexico City is found by a series of low lying mountains. This part of the Valley extends from Tizayuca towards Pachuca. It is separated from the Valley of Mezquital by the Sierra de Tezontlalpan and from the rest of the Valley of Mexico by the low lying Sierra de los Pitos. The climate here is temperate and semi arid with occasional freezes. Except for the forests on the mountain tops, the flora and fauna are those found in more arid regions such as maguey, yucca, rabbits, armadillos and mesquite trees.
Since many of the mountains surrounding Pachuca lack tree cover, little slows the prevailing winds which can reach speeds of up to 120 km per hour. This gives the capital city the nickname of La Bella Airosa (Beautiful, Windy City).
The Valley of Mezquital is three three valleys called the Actopan, the Ixmiquilpan and the Tasquillo as well as flat areas known as Tula and Alfajayucan. The vegetation is mostly that of semi arid regions with mesquite trees and various types of cacti growing. The only areas with tree cover are those near streams and other water sources and on the mountain tops of the peaks. Despite this, the region is considered to be Hidalgo’s granary, growing corn, beans, wheat, tomatoes, onions, oats, olives, cactus fruit, tejocote and much more. It produces more than half of the alfalfa
Alfalfa is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop in the US, Canada, Argentina, France, Australia, the Middle East, South Africa, and many other countries. It is known as lucerne in the UK, France, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, and known as...
and green chili peppers in Mexico. Due to the lack of rainfall, irrigation from the areas above and below ground streams is important. However, it is also one of the areas of Mexico with the highest levels of malnutrition. The valley averages 2000 meters above sea level and has a temperate climate with freezes being rare.

However, the state has a higher-than-average growth, averaging 7.7% since the mid 1990s. The state consistently produces and overall surplus. Like other Mexican states, Hidalgo is heavily dependent on the federal government for revenues, with almost 97% of revenues from federal sources, which is high. The state's debt level is very low compared to other rated local and regional governments in Mexico and worldwide. One major debt issue is with pension funds but S&P does not consider it onerous. The state’s economic rating by Standard & Poor’s is ‘mxA-‘ with a stable outlook.
The state contains 2.1 million hectares of land, 30% of which is cultivable. Most of this land is only farmed during the annual rainy season. Corn is the primary crop followed by barley, beans, oats, wheat, green chili peppers, squash and tomatoes. Thirty eight percent of the land is dedicated to grazing and livestock production. Fishing and fish farming are also important producing mojarra
The mojarras are a family, Gerreidae, of fishes in the order Perciformes. It has seven genera.Mojarras are a common prey and bait fish in many parts of the Caribbean including the South American Coast and Caribbean islands. These species tend to be difficult to identify in the field and often...
, tilapia
Tilapia , is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe. Tilapia inhabit a variety of fresh water habitats, including shallow streams, ponds, rivers and lakes. Historically, they have been of major importance in artisan fishing in Africa and the...
, carp
Carp are various species of oily freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, a very large group of fish native to Europe and Asia. The cypriniformes are traditionally grouped with the Characiformes, Siluriformes and Gymnotiformes to create the superorder Ostariophysi, since these groups have certain...
, trout and charal. Most of the surface area of the state (38%) is used for the raising of livestock with 29% dedicated to agriculture. Forests cover about 22% of the state. Both pine and broadleaf forests are found in the higher mountain areas of the state. The lower altitude Huasteca has rainforest and semi-rainforest vegetation. Hidalgo has approximately 125,000 m3 of commercial timber with a estimated value of 47,771.701 pesos. Non-wood forest products are estimated to value 331,961 pesos. For much of the 20th century, forest size diminished. This is being countered with reforestation efforts over as much as 743,224 hectares, with about 2,500 hectares fully reforested every year. Just over 25% of the population if employed in agriculture and livestock production.
Mining is the oldest and most traditional large-scale economic activity in the state. The mining of magnesium
Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg, atomic number 12, and common oxidation number +2. It is an alkaline earth metal and the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's crust and ninth in the known universe as a whole...
provides the most income to the state, providing 28% of all revenues, followed by zinc
Zinc , or spelter , is a metallic chemical element; it has the symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is the first element in group 12 of the periodic table. Zinc is, in some respects, chemically similar to magnesium, because its ion is of similar size and its only common oxidation state is +2...
(18%), silver (14.3%), limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate . Many limestones are composed from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera....
(12.9%) and lead
Lead is a main-group element in the carbon group with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82. Lead is a soft, malleable poor metal. It is also counted as one of the heavy metals. Metallic lead has a bluish-white color after being freshly cut, but it soon tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed...
(7.7%). Other minerals include gold, copper, cadmium
Cadmium is a chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. This soft, bluish-white metal is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12, zinc and mercury. Similar to zinc, it prefers oxidation state +2 in most of its compounds and similar to mercury it shows a low...
and sulfur
Sulfur or sulphur is the chemical element with atomic number 16. In the periodic table it is represented by the symbol S. It is an abundant, multivalent non-metal. Under normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with chemical formula S8. Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow...
. Most precious metals such as gold, silver and copper are mined in Pachuca and Zimapan. Petroleum, natural gas
Natural gas
Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons . It is found associated with other hydrocarbon fuel, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is an important fuel source and a major feedstock for fertilizers.Most natural...
and other similar deposits also exist.
The most important commercial sector of the state is that of retail foodstuffs, especially those selling groceries, meat and poultry. This represented over 40% of the commercial sector as of 1998. Just over 30% of commerce was dedicated to non-food products such as clothing and pharmaceuticals with the rest mostly dedicated to wholesale foods. From the latter 20th century, tourism has taken up much of the economic slack left behind by the demise of much of the state’s mining industry, with income from this sector surpassing that of the petroleum industry. The state has a variety of historic, cultural and natural attractions. Commerce and tourism employ about 44% of the population.
Industrial production in the state centers on metal products, machinery and equipment, accounting for about 24% of the total. Non-metallic minerals, other than petroleum account for about 25%. However, the most important industry is automobile and train engine production, which is followed by the refining of petroleum products, based mostly in Tula. Automotive and train production is centered in Ciudad Sahagún. Most of the automobiles produced are sold in Mexico City. Other industries include the production of cement
In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term opus caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern concrete that was made from crushed...
in Tula de Allende and textiles in Tepeji del Río and Tulancingo. This employs about 30% of the population.
Construction accounts for about 4% of the economy of Hidalgo, with utilities such as electricity accounting for about the same. Hidalgo produces about 8.7% of the total electricity used in the country.
In many of the more rural parts of the state, the making of crafts such as textiles, baskets, wood items and more can contribute significantly to household income. Textile production is widespread, but some of the best embroidery is done in Tenango de Doria, in which blouses, skirts and more are covered in designs of bright colors. Another area with noted embroidery is Acaxochitlán and nearby communities in the Sierra de Huasteca. The designs on these pieces are endemic to the area. In the Mezquital Valley, they make items with maguey fiber, often for rope, belts, bags and sandals. The weaving of cotton and wool into items such as blankets, wraps and other items is also a widespread craft. Fibers from maguey plants and palm trees are also used in the production of baskets, hats and mats. One native hat made from palm fronds is called "garambullero" as well as a type of rattle. Other materials worked into baskets and other items include reeds, willow branches and ixtle. The working of all these fibres and materials is primarily done by women.
As the state has a relative abundance of wood, crafts based on this material is common. The most important product is the making of wood furniture, most of which is in a rustic Spanish style. Miniature boxes, flutes and other items are a speciality of a community called Nith in the Ixmiquuilpan municipality. Molango is noted for its guitars. Tenango is noted for the making of wooden utensils such as spoons and spatulas. Pottery production is categorized by the type of clay used. In the Tulancingo Valley, the clay type is known as "chapopote" and is mostly worked into pots, comal
Comal can refer to:*COMAL, a computer programming language*Comal , frequently used to cook tortillasComal is the name of several places:*Comal County, Texas*Comal River, Texas*Comal Springs...
s and other cooking items. Huejutla is known for its "barro blanco" (white clay), also used to make items for cooking. In Huasca de Ocampo
Huasca de Ocampo
Huasca de Ocampo is a town and municipality of the state of Hidalgo in central Mexico. It is located 34 km from Pachuca and 16 km from Real del Monte in the Sierra de Pachuca Mountains. While the town itself it just within the mountain range, much of the municipal land in located in a...
red clay is abundant. In Chililico, the clay is ochre
Ochre is the term for both a golden-yellow or light yellow brown color and for a form of earth pigment which produces the color. The pigment can also be used to create a reddish tint known as "red ochre". The more rarely used terms "purple ochre" and "brown ochre" also exist for variant hues...
and typically painted with images of birds and flowers. The Mezquital Valley and the Comarca Minera area makes a type of pottery which is not glazed, mostly for utilitarian items. In some areas, such as Tulancingo and Chapantongo, Talavera
Talavera (pottery)
Talavera pottery of Puebla, Mexico is a type of majolica pottery, which is distinguished by a milky-white glaze. Authentic Talavera pottery only comes from the city of Puebla and the nearby communities of Atlixco, Cholula, and Tecali, because of the quality of the natural clay found there and the...
type glazed pottery is also made. Metalworking comes from the state's mining past, where materials such as gold, silver, copper and iron are worked into jewelry, pots, jars, utensils, and railing. Areas best known for their metal working are Pachuca
Pachuca, formally Pachuca de Soto is the capital of the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is located in the south-central part of the state. Pachuca de Soto is also the name of the municipality of which the city serves as municipal seat...
and Real del Monte (jewelry), The Sierra Alta and Tizapán (copper items) and the Mezquital Valley for ironwork.
As of the 1999–2000 school year, the state has 7,421 educational centers for grades K-12, with 33,994 teachers and 743,771 students. Only 19.1% of these students are at the middle school level, 8.3% in vocational schools and 3% in preparatory or in higher education. Most of the students at the higher levels are concentrated in municipalities such as Pachuca, Tula de Allende, Huejutla, Ixmiquilpan and Tulancingo. Fifty three percent of 4 year olds and 95% of 5 year olds attend pre school or kindergarten. Ninety two percent of those who finish primary school go on to secondary school. Seventy four percent who finish secondary school go on to high school or vocational school.Of children over 6 years of age, 93.5% are attending school, which is slightly above the national average of 92.2%, putting Hidalgo in 14th place.The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo is a public university in the State of Hildago, Mexico.*F. C. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo...
began at the same time the state was founded. In 1869, the Instituto Literario y Escuela de Artes y Oficios, the university’s predecessor was founded. It was reorganized in 1872 under the Porfirio Diaz regime and in 1875, the school was moved from the house it was founded in on Allende Street to the former hospital of San Juan de Dios on the west side of Pachuca. The school was closed several times during the Mexican Revolution but was permanently reopened in 1925 as the University of Hidalgo. From the time to the present the school has grown adding new departments such as those in medicine and engineering. In 1948, the school gain autonomy from governmental oversight, changing its name to the current one. This school is the most important in the state as it is organized in the mid 20th century to spur the industrial development on which the state depends today.
In recent years Hidalgo has experienced an increase in its infrastructure. Telephone coverage is one per 15.3 inhabitants, and 100% of the population has access to radio and/or television broadcasts, both private and public. There are twelve licensed broadcasters in the state, equally divided between private and public organizations. The state contains 7,923 km of highways, most of which (48.2%) are rural roads. Six cities, Pachuca, Huichapan, Molango, Ixmiquilpan, Tizayuca and Zimapan, have air travel facilities. The airport in Pachuca is the largest, with a 1,800 meter runway for both passengers and freight. An averages of 4,500 flights enter and leave the facility each year. There are 978.5 km of rail lines with only 60 km in disuse.Major communities
The state is divided into 84 municipalitiesMunicipalities of Hidalgo
The Mexican state of Hidalgois made up of 84 municipalities :...
. The major communities are:
- Huejutla de ReyesHuejutla de ReyesHuejutla de Reyes is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico.The municipality covers an area of 377.8 km². As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 115,786....
- Ixmiquilpan
- PachucaPachucaPachuca, formally Pachuca de Soto is the capital of the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is located in the south-central part of the state. Pachuca de Soto is also the name of the municipality of which the city serves as municipal seat...
- Tula de Allende
- Ciudad Sahagun
- Tepeji de Ocampo
- TizayucaTizayucaTizayuca is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. The municipality covers an area of 92.5 km².As of 2005, the municipality had a total population of 56,573....
- TulancingoTulancingoTulancingo is the second-largest city in the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is located in the southeastern part of the state and also forms one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, as well as the Archdiocese of Tulancingo...
- Progreso de Álvaro Obregón