Global 500 Roll of Honour
The United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) established the Global 500 Roll of Honour in 1987 to recognize the environmental achievements of individuals and organizations around the world.
The last Global 500 Roll of Honour awards were made in 2003. A successor system of UNEP awards called Champions of the Earth
started in 2005.
, Paul Winter
, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, Joe Walulya-Mukasa, Aminata Wade, Lily Venizelos
, Tsitsi Vangili, UNEPCOM, George H. Tomlinson, Anitra Thorhaug, Peter S. Thacher, Maurice Strong
, Marion Stoddart, Stichting Werkgroep Behoud Tropisch Regenwoud, Chodchoy Sophonpanich, Ben Soans, Ully Sigar, Jill Sheppard, Philip Shabecoff
, Sahabat Alam, Omda Sabil, Margaret Robertson, Robert Redford
, Peter Raven, Gabor Racz, Carlos Pizani, Claiborne Pell
, Bernard Lédéa Ouédraogo, The Nature Conservancy
, National Geographic Society
, Wlodzimierz Michajlow, Chico Mendes
, Igor Mann, George Livanos
, Guy Lionnet
, Geoffrey Lean, Thomas Landgren, King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, Sophia Wambui Kiarie, Mugamir Eisa Khalifa, Mohamed Kassas
, Mr. G. V. and Mrs. K. Karlekar, Abdullahi Karani, Petar Jovanovic, Instituto Forestal Latinoamericano, Satu Huttunen, Soichiro Honda
, Sir Edmund Hillary
, Rene Daniel Haller, Grupo de los Cien, Green Great Wall Group
, Green Belt Movement
(Wangari Maathai
), Juan Grau, Joseph Glascott, Grigory Galazii, Fundación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza, Fundación para la Defensa del Ambiente (FUNAM), Fundación Natura, Vladimir Flint, Environmental Management Journal, Diario El Comercio, Bedrettin Dalan
, Luc Cuyvers, Herman Contraries Manfredi, College of African Wildlife Management
, Brian Clark, China Environmental News (CEN), Caribbean Conservation Association, Charles Caccia
, Gro Harlem Brundtland
, Bob Brown
, Lester R. Brown
, Francis Boateng, Chandiprasad Bhatt, Bellerive Foundation, Bamburi Portland Cement Ltd.
, David Attenborough
, Asociación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, George W. Archibald, Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE), Azaria Alon, Anil Agarwal
David B. Wingate
Gilbert F. White
Richard A. Vollenweider,
Turkish Association for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,
Foune Traore,
Edward L. Towle,
Sione Latuila Tongilava,
Normita Thongtham,
Anna Teixeira,
Chamlong Srimuang
Irina Vasilevna Springuel,
James G. Speth,
Victoria Sotiriadou,
Song Hak Yun,
Vladimir Evgenievich Sokolov,
Otto Soemarwoto
Shanyi Village,
Seychelles Islands Foundation
Colette Serruya,
Pablo Sánchez
Rauno Ruuhijarvi,
F. Sherwood Rowland,
Celso Roque,
Bruce Rich
Terence Evezard Reilly,
Valentin Rasputin
Dina Iosifovna Protsenko,
Karl Partsch,
Park Ro-Kyeong,
Krishnakumar Panday,
María Teresa Ortiz,
Perez Olindo,
Shigeyuki Okajima,
Oficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales (ONERN),
Hideo Obara,
Natural Resources Defense Council
Pisit Na Patalung,
Norman Myers
T. Muller,
Bruno Messerli,
Abdelwaheb Marrakchi,
Pierre Malychef,
Andrew and Kate Lipkis,
Shuangliang Li,
Aila Inkero Keto,
Shecou-Bah Kabba,
Peter Jones,
David Edward James,
INUIT Regional Conservation Strategy for the Arctic,
International Youth Federation (IYF),
Institute of Desert Research,
Victoria Husband,
Martin Wyatt Holdgate,
Catherine Hicks
Ivan L. Head,
Paul Harrison (pantheist)
Miguel Grinberg,
Greenpeace International,
Murray Gell-Mann
Theodor Geisel
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Franjo Gasparovic,
Garoua College of Wildlife,
Anwar Fazal
Joseph C. Farman,
Olfat Dessouky El-Sebaie,
Gerald Durrell
Paljor Dorje,
Dominica Conservation Association,
Andreas Demetrion Demetropoulos,
Sheila Gwennifer Davis,
Czech National Union of Nature,
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Conservation International
Gabriel L. Charles,
Cetacean Society International,
Centre for Science and Environment
Catherine Caufield,
Jimmy Carter
Mohammad Ilyas Burney,
Idelisa Bonnelly de Calventi,
Michel Batisse,
Mohamed Siad Barre,
Irma Allen,
Saeed Mohamed Al-Haffar,
Badria Abdullah Al-Awadi,
Adebayo Adeola,
Yasin El Hag Abdin,
Beyene Abadi
Julia Hailes
Friends of Trees of Living Beings,
Nijaz Abadzic,
Martin Abraham
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Al-Agib,
Abdulbar Al-Gain,
Jassim Mohammad Al-Hassan,
Gaetano Allotta,
Amasachina Self-Help Association,
Amigos Da Natureza,
Les Amis de la Terre,
Australian Commission for the Future Ltd.,
Rita Barron,
Parbati Baruah,
Kamal H. Batanouny,
Purevjavyn Bayarsaikhan,
Alexander Bonilla,
Francois Bourliere,
Paul Adrian Brodeur,
Kenneth A. Brynaert,
Paul John Butler,
Chengdu Zoo,
Anthony Brian Cleaver,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Whina Cooper
Michel Courtot,
Rogelio Cova,
Maitraye Devi,
Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi (DHKD),
Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov,
Milo Dunphy,
Educational Communications,
Anne Howland Ehrlich,
Paul R. Ehrlich
Fatma El-Gohary,
Anton Eliassen,
John Elkington
Environmental Committee of Limassol
Environmental Education Leading Group of Chaozhou City
Bu Eroh,
Barbara Y. E. Pyle
Mallika Wanigasundara,
Maria Aida Velasquez,
UNESCO Club of the University of Yaounde
The Una Emeralds Society,
Margaret Thatcher
Phra Ajahn Pongsak Tejadhammo,
Bassirou Tall,
Sayyid Shabib Bin Taimour,
Godofredo Stutzin,
Snake in the Grass Moving Theatre,
John Sinclair
Kantilal Jivan Shah,
Roque Sevilla,
Klaus Scharmer,
Chae Shik Rho,
Fiona Reynolds
Iosefatu Reti,
Raulino Reitz,
Population and Community Development Association
Vasiliy Peskov
Paulinho Paiakan,
Gunavantrai Oza,
Michael A. N. Odula,
Mark Dokotela Ncube,
National Mobilization Programme,
Christine Milne
Anna H. Merz,
David McTaggart
Elizabeth May
Jom Malai,
James Lovelock
Joseph T. Ling,
Dean Lindo
Sietz A. Leeflang,
Philippe Lebreton,
Laurel Springs School
Winfried Lang,
Roberto M. Klein,
Kitakyushu City,
Philip Rivogbe Kio,
Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad,
Milton M. Kaufmann,
Kazi Zaker Hussain,
Riel Huaorani,
High Country News
Heheng Village
Mish Hashimoto,
Niki Goulandris
Michael Glantz,
Dhrubajyoti Ghosh,
Kathryn S. Fuller
Ivan Fonseca,
José Jaime Flota,
Fabio Jose Feldmann,
Jairo Escobar,
Hussain Muhammad Ershad,
Mark Edwards,
Ecology Law Quarterly,
Rene Dumont
Barbara d'Achille,
Club des Amis de la Nature,
Chatichai Choonhaven,
Chongololo And Conservation Clubs of Zambia,
Children's Alliance for the Protection of the Environment,
Reid A. Bryson,
Bombay Natural History Society
Enrique Beltran
David James Bellamy,
Jean M. Belanger,
Adel Awad,
Arthur Beresford Archer,
Roula Angelakis-Malakis,
Mary Zanoni Allegretti,
Alcoa of Australia Limited
Michael Alexandrovitch Zablotsky,
Ram Prit Yadav,
Michael Werikhe
David Alexander Weir,
Robert T. Watson,
Stephen S. Wanje,
Valentin V. Voloshin,
Ven Kirantidiye Pannasekera
Vlassis Vellopoulos,
Josef Velek
Krisna Tamrakar,
Robert Swan
David T. Suzuki,
Thodoros Skoulikidis,
Andrew Augustus Simmons,
Sawroop Krishna Sharma,
Leonard Schwartz,
Pierre Schram,
Richard Sandbrook,
Jose Manuel Salazar,
Felix Augustine Ryan,
Felix Yakovlevich Rovinsky,
Basil Allen Rossi,
Anita Roddick
Robert Richter,
G. Radhamohan,
Pokret Gorana Srbije,
Philippine Foundation of Rural Broadcasters,
Pemasky - Kuna Wildlands Project,
David William Pearce,
Chang-Keun Park,
Ontario Public Interest Research Group
Joseph R. O'Neal,
Nyakima Gitiri Women's Group,
Pamuchigere Nembire,
Brian Morton,
Raúl Montenegro
Edgardo Mondolfi,
Mario J. Molina
Harekala Moideen,
Daniel arap Moi
Carlos Minc Baumfeld,
Margaret Mee
Donald McMichael,
Uri Marinov,
Nicos Margaris,
Pierre Gustave Lequeux, Leichtmetallgesellschaft Mbh (LMG),
Hugh Lamprey
Alphonse Lafontaine,
Sook Pyo Kwon,
Shomb Sultan Khan,
Luis Sumar Kalinowski,
Roger James
Hiroyuki Ishi,
Alexander Sergeevich Isaev,
Institute of Tropical Forestry,
Sidney Holt
David L. Holm,
Andrew D. Holleman,
Thilo Walter Hoffman,
Gome Gnohite Hilaire,
Hetian County Government,
Richard A. Hellman,
John Fagan Handley,
Youssef Halim,
Edgardo Gómez,
Germán García-Duran,
Joaquín Fonseca,
Florence Fisher,
Gert Roland Fischer
Jun Ui,
Crispin Tickell
Starkist Seafood Company,
Tiahoga Ruge,
Eduardo Del Rio (Rius),
Yung-Hee Rho,
M. K. Ranjitsinh,
Maritza Pulido-Santana,
Jonathon Porritt
Nicholas Polunin,
Roger Payne
Geoffrey Palmer,
Adama Ouedraogo,
Vereniging Ode, Organisatie Voor,
Nyamuniwa Nyamunda,
Seub Nakhasathien
Ahmad Abu Musa,
Claude Michel
Norman James Melrose,
Peter Matthiessen
Malayan Nature Society,
Robert Glenn Ketchum
Yolanda Kakabadse
Gochoogin Jamts,
Hoogovens Aluminium,
Donald James Henry,
Parviez Hassan,
Julian Gonsalves
Bjorn Olov Gillberg,
I. T. Frolov,
Walter Atilio Fontana,
Alegría Fonseca Barrera,
Fleurir Maurice Committee M.G.T.O.,
Philip Martin Fearnside,
Malin Falkenmark,
Environment Telephone of Vereniging,
Herbert Jose de Souza,
Keith Frederick Corbett,
Conservation Council of New Brunswick,
Chul-Whan Cha,
Lynton Keith Caldwell,
Jim Brandenburg
Gertrude Duby Blom,
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
Biplab Bhushan Basu,
Joaquín Araujo,
Mohamed Zahir
, Vivian John Wilson, Davi Kopenawa Yanomami
Women of Mupata Village,
Erna Witoelar,
Pravit Tomyavit,
The Xian Eco-Animal Breeding Farm,
Dutch Cyclists Union (Fietsersbondenfb),
Bjoern Strandli,
Sri Lanka Journalists Forum,
Southern Women against Toxics,
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
Eung-Bai Shin,
Daphne Sheldrick
Shanglijia Village,
Mukhtar Shakhanov,
Anesia do Amaral Schmidt,
Taisitiroo Satoo,
M. A. Partha Sarathy,
Saenaua Women's Association,
V. I. Joy Royes,
Charlotte Rajeriarison,
Vo Quy
Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo,
Participatory Development Forum (PDF),
Paasban / Family Planning Association
NIKA - Magazine of the Czech Union for Nature and Conservation,
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
Josip Movčan
Hasna J. Moudud,
Veer Bhadra Mishra
Shirley McGreal,
Mary McGillicuddy-Sheehy,
Colleen McCrory
J. Michael McCloskey,
Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA),
Gladys Khangwayini Mashinini,
Torsten Malmberg,
Susan Mahon,
Mateo J. Magarinos De Mello,
Thomas E. Lovejoy,
U. B. Lindstrom,
Oliver Henry Knowles,
Ashok Khosla / Development Alternatives,
Hayrettin Karaca,
Zhang Jia-Shun,
Kazuo Hishida,
Jorge Ignacio Hernández Camacho,
Edwige Guillon,
Legeia González L.,
Golden Hope Plantations Berhad,
Herbert Girardet
Perin Savakshaw Fitter,
Ranjen Lalith Fernando,
Salwa Osman Ebeid,
Earthwatch Radio, Francesco di Castri, Tuenjai Deetes
, Rose Cotta, CODDEFFAGOLF, Maria V. Cherkasova, Jorge Cappato, Robert Peter Burton, Michael Bloomfield, George Benneh, Charley Barretto, Brigitte Bardot
, Baha'i Vocational Institute For Women, Association Nationale des Pionniers de Reboisement, Pablo Amaringo
, Miguel Alvarez del Toro
, Roland Albignac, Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Gawaad, Dharman Wickremeratne
Aika Tsubota,
Macon L. Terry,
Nafisa Shah
Nyahode Union Learning Centre,
Inter College,
Chandra Degia and Jimmy Brown,
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Time Magazine,
The Tengtou Village,
Vandana Shiva
Phornthep Phornprapha,
Esther Peter-Davis,
Otil a Beluad, Nancy Lee Nash, Theodore Monod
, M. C. Mehta,
Jesús Estudillo López, Susan Lakhan, Valery P. Kukhar,
Ian Bruce Carrick Kiernan,
Calestous Juma
Akbar Sara Hussain, Jeff Gibbs, Birute Galdikas
, Hafidi My El-Mehdi,
Freddy Ehlers, Ecover
, Tsevegyn Davaajamts, CHASKI Children's Magazine,
Luis Bustamante, Tom Burke
, Roselie Bertell, Mark Attwater, Ndyakira Ntamuhirra Amooti
Zhongwei Gusha Forestry Farm, Edgar Wayburn
, Leonie Vejjajiva, Bernadette Vallely, Brenda and Robert Vale, The Chosun Ilbo
, Josef Tamir, Richard Evans Schultes
, Nicanor Perlas
, Gonzalo Palomino, Garth Owen-Smith
and Margaret Jacobsohn
, Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseyev
, Lillehammer Olympic Organizing Committee and Project for an Environment-Friendly Olympics
, Marie-Paul Labey, Osamu Kobayashi, Joseph Makabuza Kabirizi, Roefie Hueting
, John Houghton
, Gustav Harmer, Masazumi Harada
, Molly R. Gaskin, Fundación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, Paul Ekins
, Karen Eckert, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
, The Ghandruk Conservation and Development Committee, Yul Choi
, Jesus Arias Chavez, Raffi Cavoukian, José Pedro Castro, Sama Siama Banya, Seth Sunday Ajayi, Lorraine Adams
(TVE), Safina Z. Siddiqi, George B. Schaller, Serigne Samb, Queen Noor of Jordan, Ricardo A. Navarro, George Monbiot
, Anna and Livio Michelini, Tamas Lantos, M. Krishnan, Janis and Bob Jones, Robert John Filmer, Bernardo P. Ferraz, Marti Boada, The Bangkok Post, Father Balemans
Wahn Lee,
A High School Student Group of Junior Journalists for Environment,
Herederos del Planeta,
Nergis Yazgan,
Tatyana Fyodorovna Stepanenko,
Ken Saro-Wiwa
Environment 2000 Foundation,
Sonia Regina de Brito Pereira,
Bahuddin Hi Pabbite,
Akio Morishima,
Danuse Kvasnickova,
Veit Koester,
Rampa and Tom Hormel,
Carlos Roberto Hasbun,
Tansu Gurpinar,
Garanti Bank T.A.S.
Miguel A. Reynal,
Earth Love Fund,
Paul Josef Crutzen,
Lalita Balakrishnan
, The Nation (Thailand)
, Kook-Hyun Moon, Theo Manuel,
Sang-Hyun Kim
Edward Solon Hagedorn,
Jane Goodall
Zsuzsa Foltanyi,
Lilian Corra,
Ki-Chel Choi,
Joon-Yuep Cha,
Centro Salvadoreño de Tecnología Apropiada,
BBC World Service Education Department
Siti Aminah, Jon Tinker
Akima Paul, Leave It To Us Junior Board, Hellenic Marine Environment Protection,
Ecole Propre/Ecole Verte, P. B. K. L. Agyirey-Kwakye,
Yiannakis D. Potamitis, Œuvre de Bienfaisance pour Haiti (OBH),
Zygfryd Nowak, Don Merton
, Anne Mearns, Yongshun Ma, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Feodor Konyukhov, Jae-Bum Kim, Greening Australia
, Yasuo Goto, Sylvia Earle
, Valeriy Demyanenko, Melih Boydak, Stephen O. Andersen, Mike Anane, Aga Akbar
, Verna Simpson, Russian Association of the Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON), Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps (PaSEC), Makoto Numata, Capt. C. P. Krishnan Nair
, Sampson Osew Larbi, Global Environmental Action, Kenneth L. Chamberlain, Vilmar Sidnei Demamam Berna, All-China Women's Federation
, Bebe Arcifa Khan-Ajodha
, Conservation Volunteers Australia
, Carlos de Prada, Mei Ng, Reuben Americo Marti, Las Pinas, Robert M. Hager, Fuji Xerox Australia
, Chief Larry Philip Fontaine, Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd (CHICOP)
, Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage Trust, Asbjorn Bjorgvinsson, Anyamathanha Nepabunna Community
, Evergreen Club of Ghana, Arunee Dejdamrongsakkul (Thailand), Triciclo (Italy), Sydney Olympic Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and the Olympic Coordinating Authority
, Oscar Ravera (Italy), Jung Hee Park (Republic of Korea), Sven-Olof Lindblad (Switzerland), Loren Legarda
, Jiro Kondo
, Chan Eng Heng
and Liew Hock Chark (Malasia), Frederick Gikandi
(Kenya), Environmental Investigation Agency
(EIA), Dalian Municipal Government
, Cubasolar Cuban Society for the Protection of Renewable Energy
, Amazon Conservation Team
(ACT), Aohanqi Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia
, Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio (Equador), Shenzhen
, Tabigat Ecological Union (Kazakhstan), Eco-Walk Children of Baguio City
, Joventude Ecologica Angolana (JEA, Angola)
(BELA), Serge M. Antoine, Bindeshwar Pathak
, Najib Saab (Lebanon), Women Environment Preservation Committee (WEPCO, Kathmandu), Boureima Wankoye (Niger), Annelisa Kilbourn (Britain, 1967–2003), Salle Pedagogique des Zones Arides (Algeria).
United Nations Environment Programme
The United Nations Environment Programme coordinates United Nations environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. It was founded as a result of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in June 1972 and has its...
(UNEP) established the Global 500 Roll of Honour in 1987 to recognize the environmental achievements of individuals and organizations around the world.
- "The winners of UNEP's Global 500 Roll of Honour are members of a broad and growing environmental movement that is flourishing around the world. They have taken the path that most of us hesitate to take for want of time or caring. In honouring the Global 500 laureates, UNEP hopes that others will be inspired by their extraordinary deeds." Klaus Toepfer - UNEP's Executive Director 2001
The last Global 500 Roll of Honour awards were made in 2003. A successor system of UNEP awards called Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
The United Nations Environment Programme established Champions of the Earth in 2004 as an annual awards programme to recognize outstanding environmental leaders at a policy level...
started in 2005.
Since the inception of the award in 1987, over 719 individuals and organizations, in both the adult and youth categories, have been honoured with the Global 500 award. Among prominent winners are:- Wangari MaathaiWangari MaathaiWangari Muta Mary Jo Maathai was a Kenyan environmental and political activist. She was educated in the United States at Mount St. Scholastica and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the University of Nairobi in Kenya...
, founder of the Green Belt Movement, a Kenyan grassroots environmental organisation. She later won the Nobel Peace prize. - Anil AgarwalAnil Agarwal (environmentalist)Anil Agarwal was an Indian journalist and environmentalist who founded the Centre for Science and Environment in 1980....
, the prominent environmentalist from India - Sir David AttenboroughDavid AttenboroughSir David Frederick Attenborough OM, CH, CVO, CBE, FRS, FZS, FSA is a British broadcaster and naturalist. His career as the face and voice of natural history programmes has endured for more than 50 years...
, producer of environmental television programmes - Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, prominent environmentalist/ecologist from India
- Gro Harlem BrundtlandGro Harlem BrundtlandGro Harlem Brundtland is a Norwegian Social democratic politician, diplomat, and physician, and an international leader in sustainable development and public health. She served three terms as Prime Minister of Norway , and has served as the Director General of the World Health Organization...
, former Prime Minister of Norway - Jimmy CarterJimmy CarterJames Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States and was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, the only U.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office...
, former President of the United States. He later won the Nobel Peace prize. - Jacques-Yves CousteauJacques-Yves CousteauJacques-Yves Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water...
, French marine explorer - Jane GoodallJane GoodallDame Jane Morris Goodall, DBE , is a British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace. Considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National...
of the United Kingdom whose research on wild chimpanzees and olive baboons provided insight into the lives of non-human primates - Chico MendesChico MendesFrancisco Alves Mendes Filho, better known as Chico Mendes , was a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader and environmentalist. He fought to preserve the Amazon rainforest, and advocated for the human rights of Brazilian peasants and indigenous peoples...
, the Brazilian rubber tapper who was murdered during his fight to save the Amazon rainforestAmazon RainforestThe Amazon Rainforest , also known in English as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle, is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America... - George MonbiotGeorge MonbiotGeorge Joshua Richard Monbiot is an English writer, known for his environmental and political activism. He lives in Machynlleth, Wales, writes a weekly column for The Guardian, and is the author of a number of books, including Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain and Bring on the...
, British journalist and researcher - Nikita MoiseyevNikita MoiseyevNikita Nikolayevich Moiseyev was a prominent Russian mathematician, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ....
a prominent Russian scientist, leading expert on consequences of nuclear war - "nuclear winterNuclear winterNuclear winter is a predicted climatic effect of nuclear war. It has been theorized that severely cold weather and reduced sunlight for a period of months or even years could be caused by detonating large numbers of nuclear weapons, especially over flammable targets such as cities, where large...
" - Ken Saro-WiwaKen Saro-WiwaKenule "Ken" Beeson Saro Wiwa was a Nigerian author, television producer, environmental activist, and winner of the Right Livelihood Award and the Goldman Environmental Prize...
, the environmental and human rights activist from Nigeria who was executed for leading the resistance of the Ogoni People against the pollution of their Delta homeland - Harada Masazumi, Japanese medical researcher heavily involved in the study of Minamata diseaseMinamata disease', sometimes referred to as , is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, narrowing of the field of vision and damage to hearing and speech. In extreme cases, insanity, paralysis, coma, and death...
- the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
- Gabriel Lewis-Charles, the prominent environmentalist from St Lucia
Sekkou Zouha, Zhen-Lin Zhang, Bruno P. Zehnder, Marinos Yeroulanos, Worldwide Fund for Nature, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl ScoutsWorld Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is a global association supporting the female-oriented and female-only Scouting organizations in 145 countries. It was established in 1928 and has its headquarters in London, England. It is the counterpart of the World Organization of the Scout...
, Paul Winter
Paul Winter
Paul Winter is an American saxophonist , and is a six-time Grammy Award nominee.- Biography :Paul Winter attended Altoona Area High School and graduated in 1957...
, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, Joe Walulya-Mukasa, Aminata Wade, Lily Venizelos
Lily Venizelos
Lily Venizelos is the founder and president of MEDASSET . Ever since 1983 she has committed herself to protecting the sea turtles that occur in the Mediterranean.- History :...
, Tsitsi Vangili, UNEPCOM, George H. Tomlinson, Anitra Thorhaug, Peter S. Thacher, Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong
Maurice F. Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC is a Canadian entrepreneur and a former under-secretary general of the United Nations. Strong's first name is pronounced "Mor'ris" with the accent on the first syllable....
, Marion Stoddart, Stichting Werkgroep Behoud Tropisch Regenwoud, Chodchoy Sophonpanich, Ben Soans, Ully Sigar, Jill Sheppard, Philip Shabecoff
Philip Shabecoff
Philip Shabecoff was a reporter for the New York Times from 1959 to 1991, who has since specialized on environmentalism.- New York Times career :...
, Sahabat Alam, Omda Sabil, Margaret Robertson, Robert Redford
Robert Redford
Charles Robert Redford, Jr. , better known as Robert Redford, is an American actor, film director, producer, businessman, environmentalist, philanthropist, and founder of the Sundance Film Festival. He has received two Oscars: one in 1981 for directing Ordinary People, and one for Lifetime...
, Peter Raven, Gabor Racz, Carlos Pizani, Claiborne Pell
Claiborne Pell
Claiborne de Borda Pell was a United States Senator from Rhode Island, serving six terms from 1961 to 1997, and was best known as the sponsor of the Pell Grant, which provides financial aid funding to U.S. college students. A Democrat, he was that state's longest serving senator.-Early years:Pell...
, Bernard Lédéa Ouédraogo, The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is a US charitable environmental organization that works to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive....
, National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
The National Geographic Society , headquartered in Washington, D.C. in the United States, is one of the largest non-profit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, the promotion of environmental and historical...
, Wlodzimierz Michajlow, Chico Mendes
Chico Mendes
Francisco Alves Mendes Filho, better known as Chico Mendes , was a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader and environmentalist. He fought to preserve the Amazon rainforest, and advocated for the human rights of Brazilian peasants and indigenous peoples...
, Igor Mann, George Livanos
George Livanos
Georges P. Livanos was born in 1926 in New Orleans. His father was Peter Livanos. During the World War II, Georges Livanos served in the American army in Japan....
, Guy Lionnet
Guy Lionnet
Guy Lionnet was born in Mauritius and settled in Seychelles as a young professional while the country was still a British colony. He was Seychelles' first non-British Director of Agriculture and has contributed much to conservation in Seychelles as chairman of many conservation agencies including...
, Geoffrey Lean, Thomas Landgren, King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, Sophia Wambui Kiarie, Mugamir Eisa Khalifa, Mohamed Kassas
Mohamed Kassas
Mohamed Kassas is an Egyptian botanist and conservationist. He is professor emeritus for Botany at the University of Cairo.He studied at the University of Cairo, where he received a B.Sc. in 1944 and a M.Sc. in 1947, and at the University of Cambridge...
, Mr. G. V. and Mrs. K. Karlekar, Abdullahi Karani, Petar Jovanovic, Instituto Forestal Latinoamericano, Satu Huttunen, Soichiro Honda
Soichiro Honda
was a Japanese engineer and industrialist, and founder of Honda Motor Co., Ltd..Honda was born in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan on November 17, 1906. He spent his early childhood helping his father, Gihei, a blacksmith, with his bicycle repair business. At the time his mother, Mika, was a weaver. At...
, Sir Edmund Hillary
Edmund Hillary
Sir Edmund Percival Hillary, KG, ONZ, KBE , was a New Zealand mountaineer, explorer and philanthropist. On 29 May 1953 at the age of 33, he and Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers known to have reached the summit of Mount Everest – see Timeline of climbing Mount Everest...
, Rene Daniel Haller, Grupo de los Cien, Green Great Wall Group
Green Wall of China
The Green Wall of China, also known as the Green Great Wall or Great Green Wall , will be a series of human-planted forest strips in the People's Republic of China, designed to hold back the expansion of the Gobi Desert...
, Green Belt Movement
Green Belt Movement
The Green Belt Movement is an indigenous grassroots non-governmental organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that takes a holistic approach to development by focusing on environmental conservation, community development and capacity building...
(Wangari Maathai
Wangari Maathai
Wangari Muta Mary Jo Maathai was a Kenyan environmental and political activist. She was educated in the United States at Mount St. Scholastica and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the University of Nairobi in Kenya...
), Juan Grau, Joseph Glascott, Grigory Galazii, Fundación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza, Fundación para la Defensa del Ambiente (FUNAM), Fundación Natura, Vladimir Flint, Environmental Management Journal, Diario El Comercio, Bedrettin Dalan
Bedrettin Dalan
Bedrettin Dalan is a Turkish engineer, former politician and the first mayor of Greater Istanbul. He is the founder of İSTEK Vakfı, a foundation for education and culture, and Yeditepe University in Istanbul.-Biography:...
, Luc Cuyvers, Herman Contraries Manfredi, College of African Wildlife Management
College of African Wildlife Management
The College of African Wildlife Management commonly known as Mweka College or just Mweka, is located near the Village of that name on the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, above the city of Moshi, about 14 kilometres north of its centre.The locality also gives its name to the Mweka...
, Brian Clark, China Environmental News (CEN), Caribbean Conservation Association, Charles Caccia
Charles Caccia
Charles L. Caccia, PC was a Canadian politician.Caccia was a Liberal member of the Canadian House of Commons. He represented the Toronto riding of Davenport between 1968 and 2004.Caccia was born in 1930 in Milan, Italy...
, Gro Harlem Brundtland
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Gro Harlem Brundtland is a Norwegian Social democratic politician, diplomat, and physician, and an international leader in sustainable development and public health. She served three terms as Prime Minister of Norway , and has served as the Director General of the World Health Organization...
, Bob Brown
Bob Brown
Robert James Brown is an Australian senator, the inaugural Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens and was the first openly gay member of the Parliament of Australia...
, Lester R. Brown
Lester R. Brown
Lester Russel Brown is a United States environmental analyst, founder of the Worldwatch Institute, and founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C...
, Francis Boateng, Chandiprasad Bhatt, Bellerive Foundation, Bamburi Portland Cement Ltd.
Bamburi Cement
Bamburi Cement is one of sub-saharan Africa's largest cement producers founded by Felix Mandl. The company is listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange and its name is abbreviated to BCC....
, David Attenborough
David Attenborough
Sir David Frederick Attenborough OM, CH, CVO, CBE, FRS, FZS, FSA is a British broadcaster and naturalist. His career as the face and voice of natural history programmes has endured for more than 50 years...
, Asociación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, George W. Archibald, Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE), Azaria Alon, Anil Agarwal
Anil Agarwal (environmentalist)
Anil Agarwal was an Indian journalist and environmentalist who founded the Centre for Science and Environment in 1980....
Nicholas Zalaoras, World Organisation of the Scout Movement, World Assembly of YouthWorld Assembly of Youth
The World Assembly of Youth is the coordinating body of national youth councils and organisations of over one-hundred national youth organizations from around the world. It was founded in 1949 in London, England....
David B. Wingate
David B. Wingate
Dr David Balcombe Wingate OBE, born October 11, 1935, is an ornithologist, naturalist and conservationist. He was born in Bermuda.In 1951 he helped Robert Cushman Murphy and Louis S...
Gilbert F. White
Gilbert F. White
Gilbert Fowler White was a prominent American geographer, sometimes termed the "father of floodplain management" and the "leading environmental geographer of the 20th century"...
Richard A. Vollenweider,
Turkish Association for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,
Foune Traore,
Edward L. Towle,
Sione Latuila Tongilava,
Normita Thongtham,
Anna Teixeira,
Chamlong Srimuang
Chamlong Srimuang
Major General Chamlong Srimuang is a controversial Thai activist and former politician. A former general, he was a leader of the "Young Turks" military clique, founded and led the Phalang Dharma party, served for six years as governor of Bangkok, led the anti-military uprising of May 1992, and...
Irina Vasilevna Springuel,
James G. Speth,
Victoria Sotiriadou,
Song Hak Yun,
Vladimir Evgenievich Sokolov,
Otto Soemarwoto
Otto Soemarwoto
Prof. Otto Soemarwoto was a professor of plant physiology at Padjadjaran University and was director of the National Biology Institute from 1964 to 1972; he also served as director of the Institute of Ecology from 1972 until 1991...
Shanyi Village,
Seychelles Islands Foundation
Seychelles Islands Foundation
Seychelles Islands Foundation manages and protects the World Heritage Sites of Aldabra and Vallee de Mai. The foundation was established as a public trust in 1979, with the President of Seychelles as patron...
Colette Serruya,
Pablo Sánchez
Pablo Sánchez
Pablo Andrés Sánchez is a retired Argentine footballer, who played as a midfielder. During his professional career, he was nicknamed Vitamina.-Playing career:...
Rauno Ruuhijarvi,
F. Sherwood Rowland,
Celso Roque,
Bruce Rich
Bruce Rich
Bruce Rich is an American writer and lawyer who has published extensively on the environment in developing countries and development in general. He is the author of a critique and history of the World Bank, and was awarded the United Nations Global 500 Award for environmental achievement for his...
Terence Evezard Reilly,
Valentin Rasputin
Valentin Rasputin
Valentin Grigoriyevich Rasputin is a Russian writer. He was born and lived much of his life in the Irkutsk Oblast in Eastern Siberia. Rasputin's works depict rootless urban characters and the fight for survival of centuries-old traditional rural ways of life...
Dina Iosifovna Protsenko,
Karl Partsch,
Park Ro-Kyeong,
Krishnakumar Panday,
María Teresa Ortiz,
Perez Olindo,
Shigeyuki Okajima,
Oficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales (ONERN),
Hideo Obara,
Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council
The Natural Resources Defense Council is a New York City-based, non-profit, non-partisan international environmental advocacy group, with offices in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Beijing...
Pisit Na Patalung,
Norman Myers
Norman Myers
Norman Myers BA PhD , is a British environmentalist specialisting in biodiversity. He is an influential figure among policy and institutional circles, although much of his more prominent work - such as on environmental refugees' - is widely viewed as lacking academic credibility...
T. Muller,
Bruno Messerli,
Abdelwaheb Marrakchi,
Pierre Malychef,
Andrew and Kate Lipkis,
Shuangliang Li,
Aila Inkero Keto,
Shecou-Bah Kabba,
Peter Jones,
David Edward James,
INUIT Regional Conservation Strategy for the Arctic,
International Youth Federation (IYF),
Institute of Desert Research,
Victoria Husband,
Martin Wyatt Holdgate,
Catherine Hicks
Catherine Hicks
Catherine Mary Hicks is an American stage, film, television actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Annie Camden on the long-running television series 7th Heaven and as Karen Barclay in Child's Play.-Personal life:...
Ivan L. Head,
Paul Harrison (pantheist)
Paul Harrison (pantheist)
Paul Harrison is an award-winning environmental writer, author of several books and reports on environment and development, and the founder and president of the World Pantheist Movement....
Miguel Grinberg,
Greenpeace International,
Murray Gell-Mann
Murray Gell-Mann
Murray Gell-Mann is an American physicist and linguist who received the 1969 Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the theory of elementary particles...
Theodor Geisel
Dr. Seuss
Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American writer, poet, and cartoonist most widely known for his children's books written under the pen names Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg and, in one case, Rosetta Stone....
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was President of the Maldives from 1978 to 2008. After serving as Minister of Transport, he was nominated as President by the Majlis of the Maldives and succeeded Ibrahim Nasir on November 11, 1978. He eventually became the longest-ruling head of government in Asia...
Franjo Gasparovic,
Garoua College of Wildlife,
Anwar Fazal
Anwar Fazal
Anwar Fazal is a grassroots environmental activist. He was trained at the University of Malaya in Economics and Education...
Joseph C. Farman,
Olfat Dessouky El-Sebaie,
Gerald Durrell
Gerald Durrell
Gerald "Gerry" Malcolm Durrell, OBE was a naturalist, zookeeper, conservationist, author and television presenter...
Paljor Dorje,
Dominica Conservation Association,
Andreas Demetrion Demetropoulos,
Sheila Gwennifer Davis,
Czech National Union of Nature,
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water...
Conservation International
Conservation International
Conservation International is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, which seeks to ensure the health of humanity by protecting Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity. CI’s work focuses on six key initiatives that affect human well-being: climate, food security, freshwater...
Gabriel L. Charles,
Cetacean Society International,
Centre for Science and Environment
Centre for Science and Environment
Centre for Science and Environment is a not-for-profit public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi, India. Established in 1980, CSE has been working on various environment-development issues in India, pushing for policy changes wherever required and better implementation...
Catherine Caufield,
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States and was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, the only U.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office...
Mohammad Ilyas Burney,
Idelisa Bonnelly de Calventi,
Michel Batisse,
Mohamed Siad Barre,
Irma Allen,
Saeed Mohamed Al-Haffar,
Badria Abdullah Al-Awadi,
Adebayo Adeola,
Yasin El Hag Abdin,
Beyene Abadi
Nancy Pearlman,Julia Hailes
Julia Hailes
Julia Hailes , is an author who first came to prominence in 1988, when she wrote The Green Consumer Guide which sold a million copies worldwide. She subsequently wrote The New Green Consumer Guide published in 2007. She has authored or co-authored nine books...
Friends of Trees of Living Beings,
Nijaz Abadzic,
Martin Abraham
Martin Abraham
Martin Abraham is a Czech footballer, who is currently playing for SV Wehen Wiesbaden.-Career:Abraham has previously played for AC Sparta Prague, FK Mladá Boleslav, Slovan Liberec, 1. FC Slovácko, Roubina Dolní Kounice and FC Zeman Brno...
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Al-Agib,
Abdulbar Al-Gain,
Jassim Mohammad Al-Hassan,
Gaetano Allotta,
Amasachina Self-Help Association,
Amigos Da Natureza,
Les Amis de la Terre,
Australian Commission for the Future Ltd.,
Rita Barron,
Parbati Baruah,
Kamal H. Batanouny,
Purevjavyn Bayarsaikhan,
Alexander Bonilla,
Francois Bourliere,
Paul Adrian Brodeur,
Kenneth A. Brynaert,
Paul John Butler,
CARE (relief)
CARE is a broad-spectrum secular relief, humanitarian, and development non-governmental organization fighting global poverty. It is non-political, non-sectarian and operates annually in more than 70 countries across the globe.One of the organization’s primary focuses in its fight to eradicate...
Chengdu Zoo,
Anthony Brian Cleaver,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is the national government body for scientific research in Australia...
Whina Cooper
Whina Cooper
Dame Whina Cooper ONZ DBE , was born Hohewhina Te Wake, daughter of Heremia Te Wake of the Te Rarawa iwi, at Te Karaka, Hokianga,...
Michel Courtot,
Rogelio Cova,
Maitraye Devi,
Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi (DHKD),
Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov,
Milo Dunphy,
Educational Communications,
Anne Howland Ehrlich,
Paul R. Ehrlich
Paul R. Ehrlich
Paul Ralph Ehrlich is an American biologist and educator who is the Bing Professor of Population Studies in the department of Biological Sciences at Stanford University and president of Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology. By training he is an entomologist specializing in Lepidoptera , but...
Fatma El-Gohary,
Anton Eliassen,
John Elkington
John Elkington
John Elkington is a world authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development. He is currently the Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of , a future-focused business working at the intersection of the sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation movements...
Environmental Committee of Limassol
Limassol is the second-largest city in Cyprus, with a population of 228,000 . It is the largest city in geographical size, and the biggest municipality on the island. The city is located on Akrotiri Bay, on the island's southern coast and it is the capital of Limassol District.Limassol is the...
Environmental Education Leading Group of Chaozhou City
Chaozhou is a city in eastern Guangdong province of the People's Republic of China. It borders Shantou to the south, Jieyang to the southwest, Meizhou to the northwest, the province of Fujian to the east, and the South China Sea to the southeast...
Bu Eroh,
Barbara Y. E. Pyle
Arthur H. Westing,Mallika Wanigasundara,
Maria Aida Velasquez,
UNESCO Club of the University of Yaounde
University of Yaoundé
The University of Yaoundé is a leading university in Cameroon, located in Yaoundé.It was built with the help of France and opened in 1962 as the Federal University of Yaoundé, dropping the "Federal" in 1972 when the country was reorganized....
The Una Emeralds Society,
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990...
Phra Ajahn Pongsak Tejadhammo,
Bassirou Tall,
Sayyid Shabib Bin Taimour,
Godofredo Stutzin,
Snake in the Grass Moving Theatre,
John Sinclair
John Sinclair (environmentalist)
John Sinclair received the Global 500 Roll of Honour award in 1990, and was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1993....
Kantilal Jivan Shah,
Roque Sevilla,
Klaus Scharmer,
Chae Shik Rho,
Fiona Reynolds
Fiona Reynolds
Dame Fiona Claire Reynolds, DBE is the Director-General of the National Trust. She was awarded the DBE in the New Year Honours 2008 for "services to Heritage and conservation".-Early life:...
Iosefatu Reti,
Raulino Reitz,
Population and Community Development Association
Population and Community Development Association
The Population and Community Development Association is a non-governmental organization in Thailand. Its goal is to reduce poverty through both development initiatives and family planning programs. Originally called the Community-Based Family Planning Service, it was founded by Mechai Viravaidya...
Vasiliy Peskov
Vasiliy Mihaylovich Peskov
Vasiliy Mikhailovich Peskov , is a Russian writer, journalist, photographer, traveller and ecologist. He has worked in the Russian tabloid newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda since 1956. From 1975 until 1990 he conducted the TV programme "In the World of Animals" on Soviet TV.In 1964, he was awarded a...
Paulinho Paiakan,
Gunavantrai Oza,
Michael A. N. Odula,
Mark Dokotela Ncube,
National Mobilization Programme,
Christine Milne
Christine Milne
Christine Anne Milne is an Australian Senator and deputy leader of the Australian Greens.Christine Milne first came to public attention for her role in opposing the building of the Wesley Vale pulp mill near Bass Strait in North Western Tasmania on the basis of its allegedly harmful environmental...
Anna H. Merz,
David McTaggart
David McTaggart
David Fraser McTaggart was a Canadian-born environmentalist who played a central part in the foundation of Greenpeace International....
Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May
Elizabeth Evans May, OC, MP is an American-born Canadian Member of Parliament, environmentalist, writer, activist, lawyer, and the leader of the Green Party of Canada. She was the executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada from 1989 to 2006. She became a Canadian citizen in 1978.May's...
Jom Malai,
James Lovelock
James Lovelock
James Lovelock, CH, CBE, FRS is an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurologist who lives in Devon, England. He is best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which postulates that the biosphere is a self-regulating entity with the capacity to keep our planet healthy by controlling...
Joseph T. Ling,
Dean Lindo
Dean Lindo
Dean Lindo is a Belizean lawyer and politician. He was one of the founding members of the United Democratic Party of Belize and was its leader from 1974 to 1979.Lindo is a member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn....
Sietz A. Leeflang,
Philippe Lebreton,
Laurel Springs School
Laurel Springs School
Laurel Springs School is a WASC-accredited K–12 distance learning school in Ojai, California, United States. Laurel Springs School offers personalized resources, customizable curricula, individualized teacher services, college advising and other services to families attending public and private...
Winfried Lang,
Roberto M. Klein,
Kitakyushu City,
Philip Rivogbe Kio,
Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad,
Milton M. Kaufmann,
Kazi Zaker Hussain,
Riel Huaorani,
High Country News
High Country News
High Country News is a twice-monthly magazine published in Paonia, Colorado that primarily focuses on public policy, environmental issues, and culture in the Western United States. Founded in 1970 in Wyoming by rancher and environmentalist, Tom Bell, High Country News is a non-profit 501 corporation...
Heheng Village
Heheng is a village in Jiangyan city, China. It was awarded Global 500 Roll of Honour by the United Nations Environment Programme in 1990 because of its success in protecting the environment while increasing the grain yield, and its wide use of marsh biogas ponds.-External...
Mish Hashimoto,
Niki Goulandris
Niki Goulandris
Niki Goulandris is a Greek philanthropist and an accomplished botanical painter.She is currently vice-president of the Goulandris Natural History Museum and Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art, former deputy minister for Social Services , honorary deputy president of Hellenic Radio and Television ,...
Michael Glantz,
Dhrubajyoti Ghosh,
Kathryn S. Fuller
Kathryn S. Fuller
Kathryn S. Fuller is the Chair of the non-profit charity, the Ford Foundation, an occupation she has held since May, 2004.Fuller graduated from Pembroke College in Providence, RI in 1968, and from the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, TX in 1976...
Ivan Fonseca,
José Jaime Flota,
Fabio Jose Feldmann,
Jairo Escobar,
Hussain Muhammad Ershad,
Mark Edwards,
Ecology Law Quarterly,
Rene Dumont
René Dumont
René Dumont was a French engineer in agronomy, a sociologist, and an environmental politician.He was born in Cambrai, Nord, in the north of France. His father was a professor in agriculture and his grandfather was a farmer. He graduated from the INA P-G, as an engineer in agronomy...
Barbara d'Achille,
Club des Amis de la Nature,
Erlangen is a Middle Franconian city in Bavaria, Germany. It is located at the confluence of the river Regnitz and its large tributary, the Untere Schwabach.Erlangen has more than 100,000 inhabitants....
Chatichai Choonhaven,
Chongololo And Conservation Clubs of Zambia,
Children's Alliance for the Protection of the Environment,
Reid A. Bryson,
Bombay Natural History Society
Bombay Natural History Society
The Bombay Natural History Society, founded on 15 September 1883, is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in India engaged in conservation and biodiversity research. It supports many research efforts through grants, and publishes the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Many...
Enrique Beltran
Enrique Beltrán
Enrique Beltrán Castillo was one of Mexico's first conservationists. A student of Alfonso Herrera at the UNAM in the 1920s, Beltrán was appointed by Herrera "to head two marine commissions , that were established to study and improve the use of Mexico's coastal fisheries."In 1932, Beltrán received...
David James Bellamy,
Jean M. Belanger,
Adel Awad,
Arthur Beresford Archer,
Roula Angelakis-Malakis,
Mary Zanoni Allegretti,
Alcoa of Australia Limited
Alcoa Inc. is the world's third largest producer of aluminum, behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal. From its operational headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Alcoa conducts operations in 31 countries...
Michael Alexandrovitch Zablotsky,
Ram Prit Yadav,
Michael Werikhe
Michael Werikhe
Michael Werikhe , also known as “the Rhino Man” was a Kenyan conservationist. He became famous through his long fundraising walks in East Africa and overseas. He started his campaign after learning how drastically Black Rhinos had decreased in Africa. Wherever he walked, his arrival was greeted...
David Alexander Weir,
Robert T. Watson,
Stephen S. Wanje,
Valentin V. Voloshin,
Ven Kirantidiye Pannasekera
Ven Kirantidiye Pannasekera
Ven Kirantidiye Pannasekera was a pioneer in environmental conservation activism starting from 1981.He started an organization named Friends of Nature to help protect the Sinharaja Forest of Sri Lanka. He was able to form the "Sri Lanka Environmental Congress" by gathering all the scattered...
Vlassis Vellopoulos,
Josef Velek
Josef Velek
Josef Velek, ing. was a Czechoslovak journalist, author and environmentalist.-Biography:Velek was born November 30, 1939 in Klínec, Czech Republic....
Krisna Tamrakar,
Robert Swan
Robert Swan
Robert Charles Swan, OBE, FRGS is the first person to walk to both Poles.He was born on 28 July 1956 in Durham, England and attended Aysgarth School and then Sedbergh School before completing a BA degree in Ancient History at St Chad's College, Durham University. He is currently an advocate for...
David T. Suzuki,
Thodoros Skoulikidis,
Andrew Augustus Simmons,
Sawroop Krishna Sharma,
Leonard Schwartz,
Pierre Schram,
Richard Sandbrook,
Jose Manuel Salazar,
Felix Augustine Ryan,
Felix Yakovlevich Rovinsky,
Basil Allen Rossi,
Anita Roddick
Anita Roddick
Dame Anita Roddick, DBE was a British businesswoman, human rights activist and environmental campaigner, best known as the founder of The Body Shop, a cosmetics company producing and retailing beauty products that shaped ethical consumerism...
Robert Richter,
G. Radhamohan,
Pokret Gorana Srbije,
Philippine Foundation of Rural Broadcasters,
Pemasky - Kuna Wildlands Project,
David William Pearce,
Chang-Keun Park,
Ontario Public Interest Research Group
Ontario Public Interest Research Group
Ontario Public Interest Research Group is a campus-based student activist non-profit organization based in Ontario, Canada.OPIRG is broken into eleven distinct chapters, and serves as a hub organization, allowing the organizing committees of the local chapters to exchange ideas, better educate...
Joseph R. O'Neal,
Nyakima Gitiri Women's Group,
Pamuchigere Nembire,
Brian Morton,
Raúl Montenegro
Raúl Montenegro
Raúl Montenegro is an Argentine biologist, environmentalist and activist. He has worked as a professor at the University of Córdoba , and at several other educational institutions. In 1982, he founded FUNAM, a grassroots environmental organization, and became its president in 1995...
Edgardo Mondolfi,
Mario J. Molina
Mario J. Molina
Mario José Molina-Pasquel Henríquez is a Mexican chemist and one of the most prominent precursors to the discovering of the Antarctic ozone hole. He was a co-recipient Mario José Molina-Pasquel Henríquez (born March 19, 1943 in Mexico City) is a Mexican chemist and one of the most prominent...
Harekala Moideen,
Daniel arap Moi
Daniel arap Moi
Daniel Toroitich arap Moi was the President of Kenya from 1978 until 2002.Daniel arap Moi is popularly known to Kenyans as 'Nyayo', a Swahili word for 'footsteps'...
Carlos Minc Baumfeld,
Margaret Mee
Margaret Mee
Margaret Ursula Mee, MBE was a British botanical artist who specialized in plants from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. She was also one of the first environmentalists to draw attention to the impact of large-scale mining and deforestation on the Amazon Basin.-Early life:Margaret Ursula Brown was...
Donald McMichael,
Uri Marinov,
Nicos Margaris,
Pierre Gustave Lequeux, Leichtmetallgesellschaft Mbh (LMG),
Hugh Lamprey
Hugh Lamprey
Hugh Lamprey was a British ecologist and bush pilot.He became famous for his UN report on desertification in the African Sahel region, where he stated that "the desert southern boundary has shifted south by an average of 90 to 100 kilometres in the last 17 years"...
Alphonse Lafontaine,
Sook Pyo Kwon,
Shomb Sultan Khan,
Luis Sumar Kalinowski,
Roger James
Roger James
Roger James is a former Australian rules footballer in the Australian Football League.James debuted during Port Adelaide's inauguaral season in the AFL and made a name for himself as a tough midfielder...
Hiroyuki Ishi,
Alexander Sergeevich Isaev,
Institute of Tropical Forestry,
Sidney Holt
Sidney Holt
Sidney J. Holt is an important founder of fisheries science. He is best known for the book On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations which he published with Ray Beverton in 1957. The book is a cornerstone of modern fisheries science and remains much used today. Holt served with the FAO in 1953...
David L. Holm,
Andrew D. Holleman,
Thilo Walter Hoffman,
Gome Gnohite Hilaire,
Hetian County Government,
Richard A. Hellman,
John Fagan Handley,
Youssef Halim,
Edgardo Gómez,
Germán García-Duran,
Joaquín Fonseca,
Florence Fisher,
Gert Roland Fischer
Xiao Zhang Zhuang Village,Jun Ui,
Crispin Tickell
Crispin Tickell
Sir Crispin Tickell, GCMG, KCVO, MA , DSc , FRSGS , FRIBA , FZS, FRI , FCIWEM is a British diplomat, environmentalist, and academic.-Background:...
Starkist Seafood Company,
Tiahoga Ruge,
Eduardo Del Rio (Rius),
Yung-Hee Rho,
M. K. Ranjitsinh,
Maritza Pulido-Santana,
Jonathon Porritt
Jonathon Porritt
Jonathon Espie Porritt, CBE, is an English environmentalist and writer. Porritt appears frequently in the media, writing in magazines, newspapers and books, and appearing on radio and television regularly.-Early life and family background:...
Nicholas Polunin,
Roger Payne
Roger Payne
Roger Searle Payne is a biologist and environmentalist famous for the 1967 discovery of Whale song among Humpback whales. Payne later became an important figure in the worldwide campaign to end commercial whaling.Payne studied at Harvard University and Cornell...
Geoffrey Palmer,
Adama Ouedraogo,
Vereniging Ode, Organisatie Voor,
Nyamuniwa Nyamunda,
Seub Nakhasathien
Seub Nakhasathien
Seub Nakhasathien was a Thai conservationist who was well-known for his efforts to conserve and protect the nature in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary and Chiew Larn.-Early life:...
Ahmad Abu Musa,
Claude Michel
Claude Michel
Claude Michel , known as Clodion, was a French sculptor in the Rococo style. He was born in Nancy. Here and probably in Lille he spent the earlier years of his life. In 1755 he came to Paris and entered the workshop of Lambert Sigisbert Adam, his maternal uncle, a clever sculptor...
Norman James Melrose,
Peter Matthiessen
Peter Matthiessen
Peter Matthiessen is a two-time National Book Award-winning American novelist and non-fiction writer, as well as an environmental activist...
Malayan Nature Society,
Robert Glenn Ketchum
Robert Glenn Ketchum
Robert Glenn Ketchum is a landscape and nature photographer whose work has a strong environmental advocacy message.-Life and career:...
Yolanda Kakabadse
Yolanda Kakabadse
Yolanda Kakabadse Navarro is a conservationist from Ecuador.After studies in Educational psychology at the Catholic University of Quito, she became involved in environmental issues. She was a founder of the Fundación Natura in Quito and was its executive director from 1979 to 1990. At the Rio...
Gochoogin Jamts,
Hoogovens Aluminium,
Donald James Henry,
Parviez Hassan,
Julian Gonsalves
Julian Gonsalves
Julian Gonsalves is an Indian environmentalist.Gonslaves is originally from the region of Goa, in western India and he received a PhD in sustainable agriculture from the Cornell University....
Bjorn Olov Gillberg,
I. T. Frolov,
Walter Atilio Fontana,
Alegría Fonseca Barrera,
Fleurir Maurice Committee M.G.T.O.,
Philip Martin Fearnside,
Malin Falkenmark,
Environment Telephone of Vereniging,
Herbert Jose de Souza,
Keith Frederick Corbett,
Conservation Council of New Brunswick,
Chul-Whan Cha,
Lynton Keith Caldwell,
Jim Brandenburg
Jim Brandenburg
Jim Brandenburg is an environmentalist and nature photographer and filmmaker based near Ely, Minnesota. His career includes over 10 years as a newspaper photojournalist, over 30 years as a contract photographer for the National Geographic Society, and commissions from such groups as the United...
Gertrude Duby Blom,
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
Baum is a German surname meaning "tree" and may refer to:* Antoine Baumé, , French chemist* Bernie Baum, American song writer* Eric Baum, American computer scientist and artificial intelligence researcher...
Biplab Bhushan Basu,
Joaquín Araujo,
Mohamed Zahir
Mohamed Zahir
Major General Mohamed Zahir is the former Chief of Defence Force of the Maldives National Defence Force of the Republic of Maldives...
, Vivian John Wilson, Davi Kopenawa Yanomami
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, name also written Davi Kobenawä Yanomamö is a shaman and Portuguese-speaking spokesperson of the Yanomami Indians in Brazil...
Abdullatif K. Youssef,Women of Mupata Village,
Erna Witoelar,
Pravit Tomyavit,
The Xian Eco-Animal Breeding Farm,
Dutch Cyclists Union (Fietsersbondenfb),
Bjoern Strandli,
Sri Lanka Journalists Forum,
Southern Women against Toxics,
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel , or SPNI, is an Israeli non-profit environmental organization working to preserve plants, animals, and natural environments that represent bio-diversity, by protecting the lands and waters needed for their survival, and is Israel's oldest and...
Eung-Bai Shin,
Daphne Sheldrick
Daphne Sheldrick
Dame Daphne Sheldrick, DBE is a Kenyan author, conservationist and expert in animal husbandry, particularly the raising and reintegrating of orphaned elephants into the wild for over 30 years....
Shanglijia Village,
Mukhtar Shakhanov,
Anesia do Amaral Schmidt,
Taisitiroo Satoo,
M. A. Partha Sarathy,
Saenaua Women's Association,
V. I. Joy Royes,
Charlotte Rajeriarison,
Vo Quy
Vo Quy
Dr. Võ Quý is a Vietnamese zoologist and professor at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi. He specialises in studying birds and was a recipient of the 2003 Blue Planet Prize....
Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo,
Participatory Development Forum (PDF),
Paasban / Family Planning Association
Family Planning Association
FPA is a UK registered charity working to enable people to make informed choices about sex and to enjoy sexual health. It is the national affiliate for the International Planned Parenthood Federation in the United Kingdom. It celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2010...
NIKA - Magazine of the Czech Union for Nature and Conservation,
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
The Nigerian Conservation Foundation is a prominent environmental non-governmental organization which works to preserve the natural resources and biodiversity of Nigeria. The Foundation was founded in 1980 and has worked since then on a number of resource management and conservation projects...
Josip Movčan
Josip Movcan
Josip Movčan, B.Sc. / Forestry Mr. Movčan studied forestry at the University of Sopron in Hungary, Department of Forestry. Later he graduated at the Zagreb University, Department of Forestry...
Hasna J. Moudud,
Veer Bhadra Mishra
Veer Bhadra Mishra
Veer Bhadra Mishra is the founding president of the Sankat Mochan Foundation.He is a former professor of Hydraulic engineering and former Head of the Civil Engineering Department at the ITBHU Varanasi. He is also the Mahant of the Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple, Varanasi at Varanasi founded by...
Shirley McGreal,
Mary McGillicuddy-Sheehy,
Colleen McCrory
Colleen McCrory
Colleen McCrory was a Canadian environmental activist.She was born in New Denver, British Columbia. McCrory founded the Valhalla Wilderness Society, a British Columbia environmental group, in 1975....
J. Michael McCloskey,
Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA),
Gladys Khangwayini Mashinini,
Torsten Malmberg,
Susan Mahon,
Mateo J. Magarinos De Mello,
Thomas E. Lovejoy,
U. B. Lindstrom,
Oliver Henry Knowles,
Ashok Khosla / Development Alternatives,
Hayrettin Karaca,
Zhang Jia-Shun,
Kazuo Hishida,
Jorge Ignacio Hernández Camacho,
Edwige Guillon,
Legeia González L.,
Golden Hope Plantations Berhad,
Herbert Girardet
Herbert Girardet
Herbert Girardet is co-founder of the World Future Council. His ten books include Earthrise , The Gaia Atlas of Cities , Creating Sustainable Cities , Cities, People, Planet , Shaping our Future , and Surviving the Century...
Perin Savakshaw Fitter,
Ranjen Lalith Fernando,
Salwa Osman Ebeid,
Earthwatch Radio, Francesco di Castri, Tuenjai Deetes
Tuenjai Deetes
Tuenjai Deetes received the Global 500 Roll of Honour in 1992, and was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1994. Deetes has been working with the Thai hill tribes since the early 1970s. She co-founded the Hill Area Development Foundation in 1986.-References:...
, Rose Cotta, CODDEFFAGOLF, Maria V. Cherkasova, Jorge Cappato, Robert Peter Burton, Michael Bloomfield, George Benneh, Charley Barretto, Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot is a French former fashion model, actress, singer and animal rights activist. She was one of the best-known sex-symbols of the 1960s.In her early life, Bardot was an aspiring ballet dancer...
, Baha'i Vocational Institute For Women, Association Nationale des Pionniers de Reboisement, Pablo Amaringo
Pablo Amaringo
Pablo Cesar Amaringo was an acclaimed Peruvian artist, renowned for his intricate, colourful depictions of his visions from drinking the entheogenic plant brew, ayahuasca. He was first brought to the West's attention by Dennis McKenna and Luis Eduardo Luna, who met Pablo in Pucallpa while...
, Miguel Alvarez del Toro
Miguel Alvarez del Toro
Miguel Carlos Francisco Alvarez del Toro was a Mexican Biologist who worked in the state of Chiapas as head of the Institute of Natural History. He married Clementina Pérez.He was the first Mexican conservationist....
, Roland Albignac, Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Gawaad, Dharman Wickremeratne
Youth Nature Conservationist Centre - WOLVES,Aika Tsubota,
Macon L. Terry,
Nafisa Shah
Nafisa Shah
Dr. Nafisa Shah is a Member of National Assembly from Pakistan Peoples Party , Chair of the National Commission for Human Development , General Secretary of the and a member of parliamentary standing committees on Finance, Minorities, Economic Affairs and Statistics. She frequently writes for...
Nyahode Union Learning Centre,
Inter College,
Chandra Degia and Jimmy Brown,
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Severn Cullis-Suzuki is a Canadian environmental activist, speaker, television host and author. She has spoken around the world about environmental issues, urging listeners to define their values, act with the future in mind, and take individual responsibility.-Biography:Cullis-Suzuki was born and...
Time Magazine,
The Tengtou Village,
Vandana Shiva
Vandana Shiva
Vandana Shiva , is a philosopher, environmental activist, and eco feminist. Shiva, currently based in Delhi, has authored more than 20 books and over 500 papers in leading scientific and technical journals. She was trained as a physicist and received her Ph.D...
Phornthep Phornprapha,
Esther Peter-Davis,
Otil a Beluad, Nancy Lee Nash, Theodore Monod
Théodore Monod
Théodore André Monod was a French naturalist, explorer, and humanist scholar.-Exploration:...
, M. C. Mehta,
Jesús Estudillo López, Susan Lakhan, Valery P. Kukhar,
Ian Bruce Carrick Kiernan,
Calestous Juma
Calestous Juma
Calestous Juma is an internationally recognized authority in the application of science and technology to sustainable development worldwide. He is Professor of the Practice of International Development and Director of the Science, Technology and Globalization Project at Harvard Kennedy School...
Akbar Sara Hussain, Jeff Gibbs, Birute Galdikas
Birute Galdikas
Birutė Marija Filomena Galdikas, OC , is a primatologist, conservationist, ethologist, and author of several books relating to the endangered orangutan, particularly the Bornean orangutan. Well known in the field of modern primatology, Galdikas is recognized as a leading authority on orangutans...
, Hafidi My El-Mehdi,
Freddy Ehlers, Ecover
Ecover is a Belgium based company manufacturing and internationally trading domestic ecological cleaning products, of which it is the world's most well-known brand....
, Tsevegyn Davaajamts, CHASKI Children's Magazine,
Luis Bustamante, Tom Burke
Tom Burke (environmentalist)
Tom Burke is an Environmental Policy Adviser to Rio Tinto and a Visiting Professor at Imperial and University Colleges, London. He is Chairman of the Editorial Board of ENDS Magazine....
, Roselie Bertell, Mark Attwater, Ndyakira Ntamuhirra Amooti
The Municipal Ecologic Brigade, Kids for Coral, Omar Castillo Gallegos, Fundación Ecológica Arcoiris, CenterStage Children's Theatre Troupe, Zulekha Ali,Zhongwei Gusha Forestry Farm, Edgar Wayburn
Edgar Wayburn
Edgar Wayburn was an environmentalist who was elected president of the Sierra Club five times in the 1960s. One of America's legendary wilderness champions, Dr...
, Leonie Vejjajiva, Bernadette Vallely, Brenda and Robert Vale, The Chosun Ilbo
The Chosun Ilbo
The Chosun Ilbo is one of the major newspapers in South Korea. With a daily circulation of over 2,200,000, the Chosun Ilbo has undertaken annual inspections since Audit Bureau of Circulations was established in 1993...
, Josef Tamir, Richard Evans Schultes
Richard Evans Schultes
Richard Evans Schultes may be considered the father of modern ethnobotany, for his studies of indigenous peoples' uses of plants, including especially entheogenic or hallucinogenic plants , for his lifelong collaborations with chemists, and...
, Nicanor Perlas
Nicanor Perlas
Nicanor Jesus "Nicky"/"Nick" Pineda Perlas, III is a Filipino activist and a recipient of the Right Livelihood Award in 2003. He was a Philippine presidential aspirant for the 2010 presidential elections but lost to Liberal Party's President Benigno C...
, Gonzalo Palomino, Garth Owen-Smith
Garth Owen-Smith
Garth Owen-Smith is a Namibian environmentalist. He was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1993, jointly with Margaret Jacobsohn, for their efforts on conservation of wildlife in Namibia, where illegal hunting was threatening species such as elephants and black rhinos.- References :...
and Margaret Jacobsohn
Margaret Jacobsohn
Margaret Jacobsohn is a Namibian environmentalist. She was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1993, jointly with Garth Owen-Smith, for their efforts on conservation of wildlife in rural Namibia.She was awarded the Global 500 Roll of Honour in 1994....
, Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseyev
Nikita Moiseyev
Nikita Nikolayevich Moiseyev was a prominent Russian mathematician, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ....
, Lillehammer Olympic Organizing Committee and Project for an Environment-Friendly Olympics
1994 Winter Olympics
The 1994 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XVII Olympic Winter Games, was a winter multi-sport event celebrated from 12 to 27 February 1994 in and around Lillehammer, Norway. Lillehammer failed to win the bid for the 1992 event. Lillehammer was awarded the games in 1988, after having beat...
, Marie-Paul Labey, Osamu Kobayashi, Joseph Makabuza Kabirizi, Roefie Hueting
Roefie Hueting
Roefie Hueting is a Dutch economist , pianist and leader of the Down Town Jazz Band.He has analyzed the environment from the neoclassical point of view of scarcity and developed the concept of Sustainable National Income...
, John Houghton
John T. Houghton
As co-chair of the IPCC, he defends the IPCC process, in particular against charges of failure to consider non-CO2 explanations of climate change. In evidence to, the Select Committee on Science and Technology in 2000 he said:...
, Gustav Harmer, Masazumi Harada
Masazumi Harada
is a Japanese doctor and medical researcher. His most famous work has been into the effects of Minamata disease, a type of severe mercury poisoning that occurred in the city of Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture during the 1950s and 1960s...
, Molly R. Gaskin, Fundación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, Paul Ekins
Paul Ekins
Paul Ekins is a prominent British academic in the field of sustainable economics. He is a former member of the Green Party.-Political career:...
, Karen Eckert, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is the husband of Elizabeth II. He is the United Kingdom's longest-serving consort and the oldest serving spouse of a reigning British monarch....
, The Ghandruk Conservation and Development Committee, Yul Choi
Yul Choi
Yul Choi is a South Korean activist, environmentalist and organizer. He chaired the Korean Anti-Pollution Movement from 1988, and led the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement from 1993. He was awarded the Global 500 Roll of Honour in 1994 and the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1995...
, Jesus Arias Chavez, Raffi Cavoukian, José Pedro Castro, Sama Siama Banya, Seth Sunday Ajayi, Lorraine Adams
Lorraine Adams
Lorraine Adams is an American journalist, and novelist.She was a staff writer for the Washington Post, and the Dallas Morning News.She lives in Washington, D.C.-Awards:* 2010 Guggenheim Fellowship* 2006 VCU First Novelist Award...
Young Pioneers Environmental Monitoring Station of Daxinglu Primary School, Second Creek Environment Project, Humphrey Bheki Mvula, Green Machine Nature Conservation Club, Robert D. Dyer, Association for the Protection of the Environment, Alwan-Al-Teif, Yokkaichi und Bürgermeister Kanshi Kato, Kyung-Sun Won, Ron G. Watkins, Trees for Africa, Television Trust for the EnvironmentTelevision Trust for the Environment
Television Trust for the Environment is an independent, international not-for-profit organisation founded 27 years ago by Central Television, UNEP and WWF...
(TVE), Safina Z. Siddiqi, George B. Schaller, Serigne Samb, Queen Noor of Jordan, Ricardo A. Navarro, George Monbiot
George Monbiot
George Joshua Richard Monbiot is an English writer, known for his environmental and political activism. He lives in Machynlleth, Wales, writes a weekly column for The Guardian, and is the author of a number of books, including Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain and Bring on the...
, Anna and Livio Michelini, Tamas Lantos, M. Krishnan, Janis and Bob Jones, Robert John Filmer, Bernardo P. Ferraz, Marti Boada, The Bangkok Post, Father Balemans
Fatih YilmazFatih Yilmaz
Fatih Yılmaz is a Turkish football player, who last played for Eintracht Braunschweig.-Career:Yilmaz began his career in his hometown for VfB Hannover-Wülfel and joined 2005 in the youthteam of Hannover 96. He played for Hannover 96 between 2007 and signed than in summer of this year with...
Wahn Lee,
A High School Student Group of Junior Journalists for Environment,
Herederos del Planeta,
Nergis Yazgan,
Tatyana Fyodorovna Stepanenko,
Ken Saro-Wiwa
Ken Saro-Wiwa
Kenule "Ken" Beeson Saro Wiwa was a Nigerian author, television producer, environmental activist, and winner of the Right Livelihood Award and the Goldman Environmental Prize...
Environment 2000 Foundation,
Sonia Regina de Brito Pereira,
Bahuddin Hi Pabbite,
Akio Morishima,
Danuse Kvasnickova,
Veit Koester,
Rampa and Tom Hormel,
Carlos Roberto Hasbun,
Tansu Gurpinar,
Garanti Bank T.A.S.
Garanti Bank
Garanti Bank is the second largest-private bank in Turkey with US$90 billion in assets as of December 31, 2010. On November 2nd, 2010 BBVA , Spain's second largest bank, acquired 24.9% stake in Garanti Bank for $5.8 billion. Garanti provides retail, commercial, corporate and private banking...
Miguel A. Reynal,
Earth Love Fund,
Paul Josef Crutzen,
Lalita Balakrishnan
Young Leaders, Health Messengers Association, Carolina Garcia Travesi, Oposa Group, Xialu Township, Jan C. Van der Leun, Ube City, Swire GroupSwire Group
The Swire Group is a transnational corporation headquartered in the Swire House in the City of Westminster, London, England. It controls a range of wholly owned businesses, including deep-sea shipping, cold storage, road transport, and agricultural activities. The current chairman is James...
, The Nation (Thailand)
The Nation (Thailand)
The Nation is a broadsheet, English-language daily newspaper founded in 1971 and published in Bangkok, Thailand, and is owned by the Nation Multimedia Group.The Nation is a member of the Asia News Network...
, Kook-Hyun Moon, Theo Manuel,
Sang-Hyun Kim
Sang-Hyun Kim
Sang-Hyun Kim is a former boxer from South Korea.In 1978, he won the Orient and Pacific Boxing Federation light welterweight title....
Edward Solon Hagedorn,
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall
Dame Jane Morris Goodall, DBE , is a British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace. Considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National...
Zsuzsa Foltanyi,
Lilian Corra,
Ki-Chel Choi,
Joon-Yuep Cha,
Centro Salvadoreño de Tecnología Apropiada,
BBC World Service Education Department
BBC World Service
The BBC World Service is the world's largest international broadcaster, broadcasting in 27 languages to many parts of the world via analogue and digital shortwave, internet streaming and podcasting, satellite, FM and MW relays...
Siti Aminah, Jon Tinker
Red Scarf Environmental Protection Action Group,Akima Paul, Leave It To Us Junior Board, Hellenic Marine Environment Protection,
Ecole Propre/Ecole Verte, P. B. K. L. Agyirey-Kwakye,
Yiannakis D. Potamitis, Œuvre de Bienfaisance pour Haiti (OBH),
Zygfryd Nowak, Don Merton
Don Merton
Donald Merton, QSM was a New Zealand conservationist best known for saving the black robin from extinction. He also discovered the lek breeding system of the kakapo....
, Anne Mearns, Yongshun Ma, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Feodor Konyukhov, Jae-Bum Kim, Greening Australia
Greening Australia
Greening Australia is an Australian environmental organisation, founded in 1982, the International Year of the Tree, to protect, restore and conserve Australia's native vegetation...
, Yasuo Goto, Sylvia Earle
Sylvia Earle
Sylvia Alice Earle is an American oceanographer. She was chief scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from 1990–1992. She is a National Geographic explorer-in-residence, sometimes called "Her Deepness" or "The Sturgeon General".-Education and career:Earle received a...
, Valeriy Demyanenko, Melih Boydak, Stephen O. Andersen, Mike Anane, Aga Akbar
Water Partnership Project, Eastville Primary School & John Graham Primary School, Kruti Parekh, Junior Eco-Club, Toyota, Masayuki TanakaMasayuki Tanaka
is a Japanese vocalist. He was born in Imari, Saga Prefecture. He is one of the two original vocalists of the band , known for their anime soundtracks such as where Tanaka provided the vocals in the chorus of its opening theme...
, Verna Simpson, Russian Association of the Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON), Pennsylvania Senior Environment Corps (PaSEC), Makoto Numata, Capt. C. P. Krishnan Nair
C. P. Krishnan Nair
Capt. Chittarath Poovakkatt Krishnan Nair is an Indian businessman, who founded Leela Lace Ltd., a textile company in 1957 and later became the Founder-Chairman of the Leela Group of Hotels, established in 1986...
, Sampson Osew Larbi, Global Environmental Action, Kenneth L. Chamberlain, Vilmar Sidnei Demamam Berna, All-China Women's Federation
All-China Women's Federation
The All-China Women's Federation is an organization of women established in China in March 1949. It was constructed as a mass organization supported by the Communist Party of China, and based on Marxist theory...
, Bebe Arcifa Khan-Ajodha
Globetree Foundation, BUNDjugendBUNDjugend
BUNDjugend is the youth organisation of the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland . As an environmental youth organization BUNDjugend is fighting for the protection of nature and environment. BUNDjugend was founded in 1984 and is divided into different state organizations...
, Conservation Volunteers Australia
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Conservation Volunteers Australia is an Australian not-for-profit conservation organisation that attracts and coordinates volunteers for environmental restoration projects.- History :...
, Carlos de Prada, Mei Ng, Reuben Americo Marti, Las Pinas, Robert M. Hager, Fuji Xerox Australia
Fuji Xerox
is a joint venture partnership between the Japanese photographic firm Fuji Photo Film Co. and the American document management company Xerox to develop, produce and sell xerographic and document-related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region...
, Chief Larry Philip Fontaine, Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd (CHICOP)
Chumbe Island
Chumbe Island is a small privately-owned island a few kilometres off of the main island of Zanzibar, known for its ecological innovation and exceptional coral reefs....
, Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage Trust, Asbjorn Bjorgvinsson, Anyamathanha Nepabunna Community
Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam (YAWA, Malasia), Jean-Dominic Lévesque-René (Canada), Khohlooa, Matholoana and Lesotho Herdboys, Jose Marti Pioneer OrganizationJosé Martí Pioneer Organization
Cuba's José Martí Pioneer Organization was established in 1961, created as a replacement for the banned Asociación de Scouts de Cuba.The organization gets its name from Cuban writer and nationalist hero José Martí....
, Evergreen Club of Ghana, Arunee Dejdamrongsakkul (Thailand), Triciclo (Italy), Sydney Olympic Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and the Olympic Coordinating Authority
2000 Summer Olympics
The Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games or the Millennium Games/Games of the New Millennium, officially known as the Games of the XXVII Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated between 15 September and 1 October 2000 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia...
, Oscar Ravera (Italy), Jung Hee Park (Republic of Korea), Sven-Olof Lindblad (Switzerland), Loren Legarda
Loren Legarda
Loren Legarda is a Filipino broadcast journalist, environmentalist, and politician of Visayan ancestry, notable as the only female to top two senatorial elections . During the 2004 Philippine general election, she ran for the position of Vice-President as an Independent with Fernando Poe, Jr...
, Jiro Kondo
Jiro Kondo
is a Japanese Egyptologist, and has worked in tombs KVA and KV22 in the Valley of the Kings and with ARTP. He is a Professor of Archaeology at Waseda University, Tokyo.-References:...
, Chan Eng Heng
Chan Eng Heng
Dr. Chan Eng Heng, a professor at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, is a conservationist who has been recognized by the United Nations for her efforts to protect sea turtles.In 2001, Chan and her husband Liew Hock Chark became Global 500 Laureates....
and Liew Hock Chark (Malasia), Frederick Gikandi
Ngomongo Villages
Ngomongo Villages is a well-known sustainable eco-cultural tourist village located in Mombasa, Kenya.Once a sun baked, arid, barren and rocky base of a former limestone mine, the floor of this quarry was barely five feet above the slightly salty water table. Dr...
(Kenya), Environmental Investigation Agency
Environmental Investigation Agency
The Environmental Investigation Agency is an NGO founded in 1984 by Dave Currey, Jennifer Lonsdale and Allan Thornton, three environmental activists in the United Kingdom. Its stated goal is to investigate and expose crimes against wildlife and the environment...
(EIA), Dalian Municipal Government
Dalian is a major city and seaport in the south of Liaoning province, Northeast China. It faces Shandong to the south, the Yellow Sea to the east and the Bohai Sea to the west and south. Holding sub-provincial administrative status, Dalian is the southernmost city of Northeast China and China's...
, Cubasolar Cuban Society for the Protection of Renewable Energy
H. R. H. Princess Basma bint AliPrincess Basma bint Talal
Princess Basma bint Talal of Jordan is the only daughter of the late King Talal I bin Abdullah and Queen Zain Al-Sharaf Talal of Jordan, sister of the late King Hussein I of Jordan and paternal aunt to the current King of Jordan, HM King Abdullah II...
, Amazon Conservation Team
Amazon Conservation Team
The Amazon Conservation Team is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with indigenous people of tropical America in conserving the biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest as well as the culture and land of its indigenous people....
(ACT), Aohanqi Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia
Chifeng , also known as Ulanhad, is a prefecture-level city in southeastern Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. It borders Xilin Gol to the north and west, Tongliao to the northeast, Chaoyang prefecture of Liaoning province to the southeast, and Chengde prefecture of Hebei province to the...
, Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio (Equador), Shenzhen
Shenzhen is a major city in the south of Southern China's Guangdong Province, situated immediately north of Hong Kong. The area became China's first—and one of the most successful—Special Economic Zones...
, Tabigat Ecological Union (Kazakhstan), Eco-Walk Children of Baguio City
Baguio City
The City of Baguio is a highly urbanized city in northern Luzon in the Philippines. Baguio City was established by Americans in 1900 at the site of an Ibaloi village known as Kafagway...
, Joventude Ecologica Angolana (JEA, Angola)
Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers AssociationBangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association , in short BELA , one of the leading nonprofit organization of lawyears, established in 1992 to provide judicial assistance in saving environment, and achieved the 'Global 500 Roll of Honour' under United Nations Environmental Program in 2003...
(BELA), Serge M. Antoine, Bindeshwar Pathak
Bindeshwar Pathak
Bindheshwar Pathak is an Indian sociologist. He is the founder of Sulabh International, an India-based social service organization which works to promote human rights, environmental sanitation, non-conventional sources of energy, waste management and social reforms through education...
, Najib Saab (Lebanon), Women Environment Preservation Committee (WEPCO, Kathmandu), Boureima Wankoye (Niger), Annelisa Kilbourn (Britain, 1967–2003), Salle Pedagogique des Zones Arides (Algeria).
See also
- Environmental Media AwardsEnvironmental Media AwardsThe Environmental Media Awards have been awarded by the Environmental Media Association since 1991 to the best television episode or film with an environmental message....
- Global Environmental Citizen AwardGlobal Environmental Citizen AwardThe Global Environmental Citizen Award is an environmental award created by the Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment and bestowed annually upon an individual working to restore and protect the global environment.-List of winners:...
- Goldman Environmental PrizeGoldman Environmental PrizeThe Goldman Environmental Prize is a prize awarded annually to grassroots environmental activists, one from each of the world's six geographic regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Islands and Island Nations, North America, and South and Central America. The prize includes a no-strings-attached award of...
- Grantham Prize for Excellence in Reporting on the EnvironmentGrantham Prize for Excellence in Reporting on the EnvironmentThe Grantham Prize is an annual literary award established in September 2005 by Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham and the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting to annually recognize and honor the work of one journalist or team of journalists for exemplary reporting on the...
- Heroes of the EnvironmentHeroes of the EnvironmentHeroes of the Environment is a list published in Time Magazine. The inaugural list was published in October 2007. The list contains 43 entries, individuals or groups that have contributed substantially to the preservation of environment, and is divided into four categories: Leaders & Visionaries,...
- Presidential Environmental Youth AwardsPresidential Environmental Youth AwardsThe Presidential Environmental Youth Awards is a program that recognizes students in America for their efforts and commitment to help the environment. This award was started by President Richard Nixon and was hosted and sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency since 1971...
- Tyler Prize for Environmental AchievementTyler Prize for Environmental AchievementThe Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is an award for environmental science, environmental health and energy. Tyler Laureates receive a $200,000 annual prize and a gold medallion...