Notre Dame de Paris (musical)
Notre-Dame de Paris is a sung-through
musical which debuted on 16 September 1998 in Paris
. It is based upon the novel Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) by the French
novelist Victor Hugo
. The music was composed by Riccardo Cocciante
(also known as Richard Cocciante) and the lyrics are by Luc Plamondon
Since its debut, it has been played in Canada
, France
, Belgium
, Russia
, Switzerland
, Italy
, Spain
, China
, South Korea
, Haiti
and Taiwan
. A shorter version in English
was performed in 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada
(USA) and a full-length London
production, also in English, ran for seventeen months. Popular songs from the show, such as Belle and Le temps des cathédrales have also been translated into Belarusian
, Catalan
, Czech
, German
, Lithuanian
, Polish
, Russian
, Dutch
and English.
Notre-Dame de Paris, according to the Guinness Book of Records
, had the most successful first year of any musical ever. The score has been recorded at least seven times to date (2007): the original French concept album, which featured Israeli singer Achinoam Nini
(aka Noa) as Esmeralda was followed by a live, complete recording of the original Paris
cast. A complete recording of the score in Italian was made, along with a single disc of highlights in Spanish from the Barcelona
production. The original London cast album featured several of the original Paris stars, but only preserved a fraction of the score in English. The orchestral group I Fiamminghi recorded a CD of melodies from the score. A complete set of instrumental backing tracks has also been released.
Female artists who later assumed the role of Esmeralda include American vocalist Patti Russo
and Australian singer Dannii Minogue
1. Ouverture - Orchestra
2. Le temps des cathédrales (The Age of the Cathedrals) - Gringoire
3. Les sans-papiers (The Refugees) - Clopin & Chorus
4. Intervention de Frollo - Frollo & Phoebus
5. Bohémienne (Bohemian or Gypsy) - Esmeralda
6. Esmeralda tu sais (Esmeralda You Know) - Clopin
7. Ces diamants-là (These Diamonds Here) - Fleur-de-Lys & Phoebus
8. La fête des fous (The Feast Of Fools) - Gringoire & Chorus
9. Le Pape des Fous (The Pope Of Fools) - Quasimodo
10. La sorcière (The Sorceress) - Frollo & Quasimodo
11. L'enfant trouvé (The Foundling) - Quasimodo
12. Les portes de Paris (The Doors Of Paris) - Gringoire
13. Tentative d'enlèvement (Kidnap Attempt) - Phoebus & Esmeralda
14. La Cour des miracles (The Court Of Miracles) - Clopin, Chorus & Esmeralda
15. Le mot Phoebus (The Word Phoebus) - Esmeralda & Gringoire
16. Beau comme le soleil (Beautiful Like The Sun) - Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys
17. Déchiré (Torn) - Phoebus
18. Anarkia (Anarchy) - Frollo & Gringoire
19. À boire! (A Drink) - Chorus, Frollo & Quasimodo
20. Belle
(Beautiful) - Quasimodo, Frollo & Phoebus
21. Ma maison, c'est ta maison (My Home is Your Home) - Quasimodo & Esmeralda
22. Ave Maria païen (The Pagan Ave Maria) - Esmeralda
23. Je sens ma vie qui bascule (I Feel My Life Collapsing) - Frollo
24. Tu vas me détruire (You Will Destroy Me) - Frollo
25. L'ombre (The Shadow) - Phoebus & Frollo
26. Le Val d'Amour (At Val D'amour) - Gringoire, Chorus & Phoebus
27. La volupté (Volutputesness) - Phoebus & Esmeralda
28. Fatalité (Fatality) - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo, Clopin & Fleur-de-Lys
Acte II
29. Florence (Florence) - Frollo & Gringoire
30. Les cloches (The Bells) - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo & Chorus
31. Où est-elle? (Where Is She?) - Frollo, Gringoire & Clopin
32. Les oiseaux qu'on met en cage (The Birds They Put in Cages) - Esmeralda & Quasimodo
33. Condamnés (The Condemmed) - Clopin & Chorus
34. Le procès (The Trial) - Frollo & Esmeralda
35. La torture (The Torture) - Frollo & Esmeralda
36. Phoebus (Phoebus) - Esmeralda
37. Être prêtre et aimer une femme (To Be a Priest and Love a Woman) - Frollo
38. La monture (The Frame) - Fleur-de-Lys
39. Je reviens vers toi (To Get Back To You) - Phoebus
40. Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda (Frollo's Visit To Esmeralda) - Frollo & Esmeralda
41. Un matin tu dansais (One Morning You Danced) - Frollo & Esmeralda
42. Libérés (Free) - Quasimodo, Clopin, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus
43. Lune (Moon) - Gringoire
44. Je te laisse un sifflet (I Leave You With a Whistle) - Quasimodo & Esmeralda
45. Dieu que le monde est injuste (God, You Made the World All Wrong) - Quasimodo
46. Vivre (To Live) - Esmeralda
47. L'attaque de Notre-Dame (Attack On Notre Dame) - Clopin, Frollo, Phoebus, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus
48. Déportés (Deportation) - Phoebus & Chorus
49. Mon maître, mon sauveur (My Master, My Saviour) - Quasimodo & Frollo
50. Donnez-la moi (Give Her To Me) - Quasimodo
51. Danse mon Esmeralda (Dance My Esmeralda) - Quasimodo
52. Danse mon Esmeralda (rappel) (Dance My Esmeralda [Reprise]) - Orchestra
53. Le temps des cathédrales (rappel) (The Age of the Cathedrals [Reprise]) - Gringoire & Ensemble
The homeless and refugees, led by Clopin
, swarm before the entrance to the Cathedral of Notre Dame begging for help and asylum ("Les Sans-Papiers"). Frollo
, the Archdeacon
of Notre Dame, orders Phoebus
, the Captain of the King's Archers, to have his men disperse the crowd. As his men are driving off the refugees, Phoebus catches sight of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda
(in later productions, the scene changes to have him see her while she is dancing before Notre Dame) and seems entranced by her. Esmeralda tells him (and the audience) about herself, her life as a gypsy and her dreams ("Bohémienne"). Instead of arresting her, Phoebus leaves her alone.
Clopin, who has watched over Esmeralda since she was eight years old after the death of her parents, tells her that she is no longer a child and that she has reached the age where she will discover love ("Esmeralda, Tu Sais"). He warns her to be extremely careful, since not all men are to be trusted.
In the next number, the audience is introduced to the nobly-born and beautiful yet child-like Fleur-de-Lys, to whom Phoebus is engaged to be married ("Ces Diamants-La"); her love for him is like that of Juliet for Romeo.
Now begins the wild and gay Festival of Fools, presided over by Gringoire ("La Fete des Fous"), the climax of which is the choosing of the King of Fools from among the group of people who can make the ugliest face; the King will be crowned by Esmeralda. Hiding in the shadows is a monstrous figure who is dragged out into the light; it is the bell-ringer of Notre Dame, the hunchbacked and facially deformed Quasimodo
. By unanimous decision, Quasimodo is chosen and crowned as the King of Fools, but he knows that for all the power he has this one day nothing can make a woman (especially Esmeralda) care for him ("Le Pape des Fous").
Frollo breaks up the festivities and orders Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda and bring her to him that night so that she can be imprisoned as a sorceress and a violator of public decency ("La Sorciere"). Quasimodo, who is devoted to Frollo for raising and educating him after he had been abandoned as a baby ("L'Enfant Trouve"), says he will obey.
Night falls on Paris with its dark and hidden secrets commented on by Gringoire ("Les Portes de Paris"). Quasimodo stalks Esmeralda through the dark streets and is about to seize her when Phoebus and his guards arrive and arrest Quasimodo. Phoebus introduces himself to Esmeralda. He makes a date for a rendezvous with her the next night at the Cabaret du Val d'Amour. Phoebus and his men take Quasimodo away and Esmeralda darts off into the darkness ("Tentative d'enlèvement").
At the Court of Miracles, the haven for all of the outcasts of Paris, Clopin presides over a wild revel, remarking that all are truly equal here no matter their race, religion, skin color or criminal background ("La Cour des Miracles"). Gringoire, who has wandered in accidentally, is seized and Clopin tells him that he will be hanged for his trespassing - unless one of the women will agree to marry him. Esmeralda who has arrived during this, agrees to marry Gringoire (in name only) and Clopin, as King of the Outcasts, unites them and they join in the wild revelry.
Later, when Gringoire and Esmeralda are left alone, he introduces himself to her as "the Prince of the Streets of Paris" and assures her that while he is not a "ladies' man" ("un homme a femmes" in the original French), he would be glad if she would be his Muse and inspiration. Since Gringoire is educated, Esmeralda asks him what the word "Phoebus" means; he tells her that in Latin it means "the sun" or "sun god". Esmeralda muses on the word as it romantically relates to the man Phoebus ("Beau Comme le Soleil"); she is joined on stage by Fleur-de-Lys, who also muses on Phoebus (although she seems to be more apprehensive about him), but both believe that Phoebus will love them forever.
Phoebus himself is under no apprehensions about what kind of man he is - he wants both women, one as a wife and one as a temporary mistress ("Déchiré").
The next day, Frollo summons Gringoire to Notre Dame and questions him about Esmeralda, forbidding him to touch her. Gringoire changes the conversation by asking about a strange inscription in Greek on the wall of the Gallerie des Rois in Notre Dame, the word "Ananké". Frollo tells him that "Ananké" means "Fate" in Greek. They watch as Quasimodo is dragged on stage bound on The Great Wheel as sentence for his attempted kidnapping of Esmeralda ("Anarkia").
Quasimodo endures his punishment, but cries out for water ("A Boire"), a plea that is ignored by everyone. Suddenly Esmeralda appears and gives him a drink of water from her cup, an act of kindness that deeply touches the poor hunchback. He is then released from the Wheel, and he, Frollo and Phoebus sing about their different feelings for Esmeralda ("Belle"): Quasimodo about his growing feelings of tenderness for her, Frollo about his growing fascination for her, and Phoebus (watched jealously by Fleur-de-Lys) about his wish for an affair with her before he marries Fleur-de-Lys.
Quasimodo leads Esmeralda into Notre Dame and tells her how the cathedral has been his home and sanctuary, and now it can be hers whenever she needs one ("Ma Maison, c’est Ta Maison"). In spite of her initial fear of this strange, deformed man, Esmeralda is touched by his gentleness and finds herself warming towards Quasimodo. Left alone, Esmeralda, who has never prayed before, prays to the Virgin Mary ("Ave Maria Païen"). Frollo, secretly spying on her, realizes that his lust for her will destroy him but knows that he cannot resist ... and does not really want to ("Tu vas me détruire").
That night, Phoebus is on his way to the Cabaret du Val d’Amour for his rendezvous with Esmeralda when he realizes he is being stalked by a shadowy figure. The figure (Frollo in disguise) warns him to go no further ("L’Ombre"), but Phoebus refuses to heed the threat and continues on his way.
At the Cabaret du Val d’Amour, Gringoire (who seems to be a regular customer) remarks how everyone, no matter the race, creed or color, comes here for a good time of one kind or another ... for a very low price ("Le Val d’Amour"). Phoebus arrives (he seems to be a regular customer here too) and meets Esmeralda in a private room ("La Volupté"). They embrace and are about to make love when Frollo rushes in and stabs Phoebus with Esmeralda’s knife (which she had placed on the floor earlier). Esmeralda collapses over Phoebus’ body, Frollo makes his escape and Gringoire, Clopin, Frollo, Quasimodo and the Chorus comment on the terrible power of Fate ("Fatalité").
and Martin Luther
’s doctrines) are changing the world forever ("Florence"). Gringoire notices how silent the cathedral is and Frollo tells him that Quasimodo has not rung the bells for three days.
Up in the bell tower, Quasimodo recounts how the cathedral bells are his only friends and loves ("Les Cloches"), especially the three "Maries": "Little Marie" which is rung for children’s funerals, "Big Marie" which is rung when ships set sail and "Great Marie" which is rung for weddings. His greatest hope is that they will ring for Esméralda to hear that he loves her.
Frollo asks Gringoire where his "wife" is ("Ou Est Elle?"); Gringoire says he does not know and answers obliquely (but he tells Clopin, who has been searching for Esmeralda, that she has been imprisoned in the prison of La Sainte and that she will be hanged if Clopin doesn’t save her).
In her cell, Esmeralda compares herself to a caged bird and calls to Quasimodo to save her, while back at Notre Dame Quasimodo wonders about Esmeralda’s disappearance three days earlier and fears for her safety ("Les Oiseaux Qu’on Met En Cage"). Clopin and a group of outcasts are arrested and thrown into the La Sainte prison ("Condamnes") as Esmeralda is put on trial for the attempted murder of Phoebus and sorcery with Frollo as presiding judge ("Le Procès/La Torture"); when she refuses to confess, she is subjected to a foot-crushing torture
until she cries out "I confess!" Frollo sentences her to death by hanging, but Esmeralda still professes her love for Phoebus and Frollo is left to suffer from the emotional torment of his unrequited passion ("Être Prêtre Et Aimer Une Femme").
Elsewhere, a recovered Phoebus is confronted by Fleur-de-Lys, who tells him that he will still have her heart and love if he will swear to have Esmeralda executed ("La Monture"). Phoebus agrees ("Je Reviens Vers Toi"), claiming as an excuse that he was bewitched by Esmeralda’s "sorcery".
At five o'clock the morning of the execution, Frollo visits Esméralda’s cell and to her horror confesses to her that he knifed Phoebus out of love for her ("Un Matin Tu Dansais") and offers her a choice: death on the gallows or life by giving him love. When Esmeralda rejects his advances, he tries to rape her, but Quasimodo (who has secretly followed him) frees Clopin and the other prisoners. Clopin attacks Frollo, knocking him unconscious, and releases Esméralda and they flee the prison to Notre Dame for sanctuary ("Liberes").
Gringoire sings to the moon ("Lune") in which he describes Quasimodo’s pain and suffering because of his love for Esméralda.
Quasimodo leaves Esmeralda asleep in a safe place in Notre Dame ("Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet"), but bitterly reflects that while he will love her forever, his ugliness will ensure that she will never love him ("Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste"). Alone, Esmeralda hopes that she will survive for the man she loves and sings about how Love has the power to change the world even should she die ("Vivre").
With Clopin and his people occupying Notre Dame, Frollo orders Phoebus and his men to break sanctuary and attack the cathedral to drive them out ("L’Attaque de Notre Dame"). Clopin and his people resist bravely but are no match for the armed soldiers, and in the first attack Clopin is fatally wounded. Dying, he begs Esmeralda to take his place as leader. The final battle has Esmeralda and her people facing off against Phoebus and his soldiers, but the result is a foregone conclusion – Esmeralda is captured and the outcasts defeated. Phoebus coldbloodedly hands Esmeralda over to be executed, orders the outcasts driven out of Paris ("Déportés") and leaves with Fleur-de-Lys.
Quasimodo, searching Notre Dame for Esmeralda, finds Frollo standing at the top of one of the towers and begs him to help Esmeralda ("Mon Maitre, Mon Sauveur"). Frollo, finally driven insane, shows him the sight of Esmeralda being hanged and to Quasimodo's horror announces that he is responsible. As he laughs wildly, the enraged Quasimodo seizes him and hurls him down the stairs of the tower to his death. As the executioners are cutting down Esmeralda’s body from the gibbet, Quasimodo appears and demands that they give him her body. Driving them away, he kneels beside her body and mourns her, promising to stay with her and that even in death they will not be parted ("Danse, Mon Esmeralda").
After the curtain call, Gringoire leads the cast in a reprise of "Le Temps des Cathedrales".
) was released by Celine Dion
, and appears on the original London cast recording, even though she did not participate in the musical.
Director Gilles Maheu staged the show in concert style, with the principal singers standing downstage center, with non-singing dancers upstage providing visual, but not dramatic, excitement. The orchestra and chorus were prerecorded; the principals wore very obvious boom mics.
1998: Concept Album
1998: Original Paris
Cast, live at the Palais des Congrès
2000: London Studio Album
2001: French Studio Album
2001: Paris
Cast (Live At The Théâtre Mogador
2001: Original Barcelona Cast
2001: Original Italian Cast
2002: Original Russian Cast
2002: Italian Cast, Live at the Arena di Verona
2002: French Studio Album with Les Choeurs de France
2003: Original Russian Cast
2005: Korean Tour Cast
2008: Original Korean Cast
Instrumental Albums
1999: Orchestral version by I Fiamminghi
2000: Piano version by Alan Lapointe
Video Recordings
Live At The Palais des Congrès
Live At The Arena di Verona
praised the "doleful energy" of Garou
's Quasimodo and the "occasional imaginative production touches: huge bells with writhing, upside-down humans for clappers" but concludes "Another Les Mis this isn't." The Daily Mail
called it "concert with dance, lighting effects and a lot of French singers throwing their hair around in a collective display of gravelly-voiced pique."
Sung-through refers to a musical or opera with no spoken dialogue, except perhaps for some occasional lines included in some part of a song, but never as stand-alone dialogue...
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
musical which debuted on 16 September 1998 in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
. It is based upon the novel Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) by the French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
novelist Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor-Marie Hugo was a Frenchpoet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and exponent of the Romantic movement in France....
. The music was composed by Riccardo Cocciante
Riccardo Cocciante
Riccardo Cocciante, also known in French-speaking countries as Richard Cocciante , is an Italian singer-songwriter and actor. His oeuvre includes recordings in Italian, French, and Spanish; he has recorded some of his songs in all three languages.He was born in Saigon, French Indochina, now Ho Chi...
(also known as Richard Cocciante) and the lyrics are by Luc Plamondon
Luc Plamondon
Luc Plamondon, OC, CQ is a French-Canadian lyricist.-Career:Plamondon has written for many artists, notably the Québécois singers Bruno Pelletier, Diane Dufresne, Robert Charlebois, Céline Dion, Ginette Reno, Fabienne Thibeault, Martine St. Clair, and Garou, as well as the French singers Julien...
Since its debut, it has been played in Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
, Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
, Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....
, Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
, China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
, South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...
, Haiti
Haiti , officially the Republic of Haiti , is a Caribbean country. It occupies the western, smaller portion of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antillean archipelago, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Ayiti was the indigenous Taíno or Amerindian name for the island...
and Taiwan
Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...
. A shorter version in English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...
was performed in 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and is also the county seat of Clark County, Nevada. Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city for gambling, shopping, and fine dining. The city bills itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is famous...
(USA) and a full-length London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...
production, also in English, ran for seventeen months. Popular songs from the show, such as Belle and Le temps des cathédrales have also been translated into Belarusian
Belarusian language
The Belarusian language , sometimes referred to as White Russian or White Ruthenian, is the language of the Belarusian people...
, Catalan
Catalan language
Catalan is a Romance language, the national and only official language of Andorra and a co-official language in the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencian Community, where it is known as Valencian , as well as in the city of Alghero, on the Italian island...
, Czech
Czech language
Czech is a West Slavic language with about 12 million native speakers; it is the majority language in the Czech Republic and spoken by Czechs worldwide. The language was known as Bohemian in English until the late 19th century...
, German
German language
German is a West Germanic language, related to and classified alongside English and Dutch. With an estimated 90 – 98 million native speakers, German is one of the world's major languages and is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union....
, Lithuanian
Lithuanian language
Lithuanian is the official state language of Lithuania and is recognized as one of the official languages of the European Union. There are about 2.96 million native Lithuanian speakers in Lithuania and about 170,000 abroad. Lithuanian is a Baltic language, closely related to Latvian, although they...
, Polish
Polish language
Polish is a language of the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages, used throughout Poland and by Polish minorities in other countries...
, Russian
Russian language
Russian is a Slavic language used primarily in Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is an unofficial but widely spoken language in Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Turkmenistan and Estonia and, to a lesser extent, the other countries that were once constituent republics...
, Dutch
Dutch language
Dutch is a West Germanic language and the native language of the majority of the population of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Suriname, the three member states of the Dutch Language Union. Most speakers live in the European Union, where it is a first language for about 23 million and a second...
and English.
Notre-Dame de Paris, according to the Guinness Book of Records
Guinness World Records
Guinness World Records, known until 2000 as The Guinness Book of Records , is a reference book published annually, containing a collection of world records, both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world...
, had the most successful first year of any musical ever. The score has been recorded at least seven times to date (2007): the original French concept album, which featured Israeli singer Achinoam Nini
Achinoam Nini
Achinoam Nini , also known by her professional name, Noa, is a leading Israeli international concert and recording artist.-Career:...
(aka Noa) as Esmeralda was followed by a live, complete recording of the original Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
cast. A complete recording of the score in Italian was made, along with a single disc of highlights in Spanish from the Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...
production. The original London cast album featured several of the original Paris stars, but only preserved a fraction of the score in English. The orchestral group I Fiamminghi recorded a CD of melodies from the score. A complete set of instrumental backing tracks has also been released.
Original Paris Cast
- Hélène SégaraHélène SégaraHélène Ségara is a French female singer revealed in her interpretation of Esmeralda in the french musical Notre Dame de Paris.-Her childhood in the French Riviera:...
: Esmeralda - GarouGarou (singer)Garou , from the French expression "loup-garou", which means "werewolf" and is a transformation of "Garand", his last name; is a Canadian singer from Sherbrooke, Quebec. He is known for his work in the musical Notre-Dame de Paris and the #1 hits "Belle", "Seul", "Sous le vent", and "La Rivière de...
: QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by... - Daniel LavoieDaniel LavoieDaniel Lavoie is a Canadian singer–songwriter.Lavoie was born in Dunrea, Manitoba, Canada. His mother was a musician and he learned to play piano at a young age...
: FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist... - Bruno PelletierBruno PelletierBruno Pelletier , is a francophone Quebecer singer.-Life:Pelletier was born in Charlesbourg, a suburb of Quebec City. In 1983 Pelletier performed in the bands Amanite and Sneak Preview, which sang in English. He later started a group called Pëll, singing in French. At 23 years old, he moved to...
: Gringoire - Patrick FioriPatrick FioriPatrick Fiori is a French singer.-Biography:Fiori was born to an Armenian father and a Corsican mother in Marseille, France. When he was only 12 years old, he was offered his first role in the musical La légende des santonniers...
: PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at... - Luck MervilLuck MervilLuck Mervil is a Haitian-Canadian actor and singer-songwriter. He is known for his belief in Quebec independence, and was named Patriot of the Year by the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society in 2005....
: ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:... - Julie ZenattiJulie ZenattiJulie Zenatti, born 5 February 1981, is a French singer celebrity. She first played the role of Fleur-de-Lys and later Esmeralda on stage for the musical Notre-Dame de Paris. Zenatti was involved with Notre-Dame de Paris co-star Patrick Fiori from 2002–2006 and the pair were engaged for 2 years...
: Fleur-de-Lys
Original Barcelona Cast
- Thais Ciurana and Lily Dahab : Esmeralda
- Albert Martínez : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Enrique Sequero : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Daniel Anglés : Gringoire
- Lisardo GuarinosLisardo GuarinosLisardo Guarinos an actor and singer simply known as Lisardo, is married since December 2008 to the Mexican singer and actress Lisset.- Television:...
: PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at... - Paco Arrojo : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Elvira Prado : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Italian Cast
- Lola PonceLola PoncePaola Fabiana Ponce , professionally known as Lola Ponce, is an Argentine singer–songwriter, composer, actress and occasional model....
and Rosalia Misseri : Esmeralda - Giò Di Tonno and Fabrizio Voghera : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Vittorio Matteucci and Fabrizio Voghera : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Matteo Setti and Heron Borelli : Gringoire
- Graziano Galatone and Heron Borelli : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Marco Guerzoni and Cristian Mini : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Claudia d'Ottavi and Chiara Di Bari : Fleur-de-Lys
Original North American Cast
- Janien Masse : Esmeralda
- Doug Storm : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Francis Ruivivar, T. Eric Hart : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Deven MayDeven MayDeven Shaw May is a Broadway performer, actor and photographer. He is most famous for his portrayal of the half-bat, half-human boy in Laurence O'Keefe's Off-Broadway musical, Bat Boy, for which he won a Theatre World Award for "Outstanding New York Debut," as well as Drama Desk and Lucille Lortel...
: Gringoire - Mark W Smith : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- David Jennings : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Jessica Grové : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Canadian Cast
- Nadia Bel : Esmeralda
- Matt Laurent : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Jérome Collet : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Richard Charest : Gringoire
- Laurent Ban : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Roddy Julienne : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Marie-Eve Janvier : Fleur-de-Lys
Original London Cast
- Tina ArenaTina ArenaFilippina Lydia "Tina" Arena is an Australian singer, songwriter and musical theatre actress. She has won several awards, most notably 6 ARIA Awards and in both 1996 and 2000 she received the World Music Award for the world's best selling Australian artist...
: Esmeralda - GarouGarou (singer)Garou , from the French expression "loup-garou", which means "werewolf" and is a transformation of "Garand", his last name; is a Canadian singer from Sherbrooke, Quebec. He is known for his work in the musical Notre-Dame de Paris and the #1 hits "Belle", "Seul", "Sous le vent", and "La Rivière de...
: QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by... - Daniel LavoieDaniel LavoieDaniel Lavoie is a Canadian singer–songwriter.Lavoie was born in Dunrea, Manitoba, Canada. His mother was a musician and he learned to play piano at a young age...
: FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist... - Bruno PelletierBruno PelletierBruno Pelletier , is a francophone Quebecer singer.-Life:Pelletier was born in Charlesbourg, a suburb of Quebec City. In 1983 Pelletier performed in the bands Amanite and Sneak Preview, which sang in English. He later started a group called Pëll, singing in French. At 23 years old, he moved to...
: Gringoire - Steve BalsamoSteve BalsamoSteve Balsamo is a Welsh singer and songwriter, famous for his lead role on the London version of Jesus Christ Superstar during the mid 1990s.-Biography:...
: PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at... - Luck MervilLuck MervilLuck Mervil is a Haitian-Canadian actor and singer-songwriter. He is known for his belief in Quebec independence, and was named Patriot of the Year by the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society in 2005....
: ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:... - Natasha St-PierNatasha St-PierNatasha St Pier is a Canadian pop singer.-Career:Natasha St Pier released her first album, Émergence, in 1996, produced by composer/producer Steve Barakatt...
: Fleur-de-Lys
Female artists who later assumed the role of Esmeralda include American vocalist Patti Russo
Patti Russo
Patricia "Patti" Russo is an American singer/songwriter/actress. She is perhaps best known as Meat Loaf's female lead vocalist, touring the world with his Neverland Express band for eighteen years.-Career:...
and Australian singer Dannii Minogue
Dannii Minogue
Danielle Jane "Dannii" Minogue is an Australian singer-songwriter, actress, television personality, radio personality, fashion designer and model...
Original Russian Cast
- Teona Dolnikova, Diana Savelyeva and Svetlana SvetikovaSvetlana SvetikovaSvetlana Svetikova is a Russian singer and actress. Born in Moscow, in the Entuziastov. Mother - Marina Vladimirovna, singer, father - Andrew V., painter of Florentine mosaic. Sveta has a younger sister, Natalia....
: Esmeralda - Vyacheslav Petkun : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Alexander Marakulin : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Alexander Postolenko : Gringoire
- Anton Makarsky : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Sergey Lee : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Ekaterina Maslovskaya : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Flemish cast
- Sandrine Van Handenhoven : Esmeralda
- Gene Thomas : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Wim Van Den Driessche : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Dennis ten Vergert : Gringoire
- Tim DriesenTim DriesenTim Driesen is an actor, notable for roles in both musicals, plays and television serials. He has composed a full scale musical as well as a number of pop-songs. In 2007, he created the role of Adrian Banks in the Take That musical, Never Forget...
: PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at... - Clayton Peroti : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Jorien Zeevaart : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Korean Cast
- Choi Sung-hee (Bada), Oh Jin-yeong, and Mun Hye-won : Esmeralda
- Yun Hyeong-ryeol, Kim Beop-rae : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Seo Beom-seok, Ryu Chang-woo : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Kim Tae-hun, Park Eun-tae : Gringoire
- Kim Sung-min, Kim Tae-hyeong : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Lee Jeong-yeol, Mun Jong-won : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Kim Jeong-hyeon, Gwak Sun-young : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Latvian Cast
- Dita Kalniņa; Krsistīne Gailīte; Rudīte Ruško : Esmeralda
- Radrigo Fomins; Niks Matvējevs : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Sergejs Martinovs; Aivars Krancmanis : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Nauris Puntulis : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Māris Ēvalds : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Antra Bigača : Fleur-de-Lys
Original Russian parody Cast
- Anastaсia Kudrashova: Esmeralda
- Michael Kulikov : QuasimodoQuasimodoQuasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
- Michael Lyalenkov : FrolloFrolloFrollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
- Nicholas Yudin : Gringoire
- Alex Trefilov : PhoebusCaptain PhoebusCaptain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
- Dmitry Morzavchenkov : ClopinClopinClopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
- Catherine Pochomova (Dobrohotova) : Fleur-de-Lys
Musical numbers
Acte I1. Ouverture - Orchestra
2. Le temps des cathédrales (The Age of the Cathedrals) - Gringoire
3. Les sans-papiers (The Refugees) - Clopin & Chorus
4. Intervention de Frollo - Frollo & Phoebus
5. Bohémienne (Bohemian or Gypsy) - Esmeralda
6. Esmeralda tu sais (Esmeralda You Know) - Clopin
7. Ces diamants-là (These Diamonds Here) - Fleur-de-Lys & Phoebus
8. La fête des fous (The Feast Of Fools) - Gringoire & Chorus
9. Le Pape des Fous (The Pope Of Fools) - Quasimodo
10. La sorcière (The Sorceress) - Frollo & Quasimodo
11. L'enfant trouvé (The Foundling) - Quasimodo
12. Les portes de Paris (The Doors Of Paris) - Gringoire
13. Tentative d'enlèvement (Kidnap Attempt) - Phoebus & Esmeralda
14. La Cour des miracles (The Court Of Miracles) - Clopin, Chorus & Esmeralda
15. Le mot Phoebus (The Word Phoebus) - Esmeralda & Gringoire
16. Beau comme le soleil (Beautiful Like The Sun) - Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys
17. Déchiré (Torn) - Phoebus
18. Anarkia (Anarchy) - Frollo & Gringoire
19. À boire! (A Drink) - Chorus, Frollo & Quasimodo
20. Belle
Belle (song)
"Belle" is a 1997 song performed by the Francophone singers Patrick Fiori, Daniel Lavoie and Garou, from the musical Notre Dame de Paris. Released as a single in 1998, it was a hit in France and Belgium, topping the charts for many months...
(Beautiful) - Quasimodo, Frollo & Phoebus
21. Ma maison, c'est ta maison (My Home is Your Home) - Quasimodo & Esmeralda
22. Ave Maria païen (The Pagan Ave Maria) - Esmeralda
23. Je sens ma vie qui bascule (I Feel My Life Collapsing) - Frollo
24. Tu vas me détruire (You Will Destroy Me) - Frollo
25. L'ombre (The Shadow) - Phoebus & Frollo
26. Le Val d'Amour (At Val D'amour) - Gringoire, Chorus & Phoebus
27. La volupté (Volutputesness) - Phoebus & Esmeralda
28. Fatalité (Fatality) - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo, Clopin & Fleur-de-Lys
Acte II
29. Florence (Florence) - Frollo & Gringoire
30. Les cloches (The Bells) - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo & Chorus
31. Où est-elle? (Where Is She?) - Frollo, Gringoire & Clopin
32. Les oiseaux qu'on met en cage (The Birds They Put in Cages) - Esmeralda & Quasimodo
33. Condamnés (The Condemmed) - Clopin & Chorus
34. Le procès (The Trial) - Frollo & Esmeralda
35. La torture (The Torture) - Frollo & Esmeralda
36. Phoebus (Phoebus) - Esmeralda
37. Être prêtre et aimer une femme (To Be a Priest and Love a Woman) - Frollo
38. La monture (The Frame) - Fleur-de-Lys
39. Je reviens vers toi (To Get Back To You) - Phoebus
40. Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda (Frollo's Visit To Esmeralda) - Frollo & Esmeralda
41. Un matin tu dansais (One Morning You Danced) - Frollo & Esmeralda
42. Libérés (Free) - Quasimodo, Clopin, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus
43. Lune (Moon) - Gringoire
44. Je te laisse un sifflet (I Leave You With a Whistle) - Quasimodo & Esmeralda
45. Dieu que le monde est injuste (God, You Made the World All Wrong) - Quasimodo
46. Vivre (To Live) - Esmeralda
47. L'attaque de Notre-Dame (Attack On Notre Dame) - Clopin, Frollo, Phoebus, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus
48. Déportés (Deportation) - Phoebus & Chorus
49. Mon maître, mon sauveur (My Master, My Saviour) - Quasimodo & Frollo
50. Donnez-la moi (Give Her To Me) - Quasimodo
51. Danse mon Esmeralda (Dance My Esmeralda) - Quasimodo
52. Danse mon Esmeralda (rappel) (Dance My Esmeralda [Reprise]) - Orchestra
53. Le temps des cathédrales (rappel) (The Age of the Cathedrals [Reprise]) - Gringoire & Ensemble
Act I
The story is set in Paris in the year 1482. The poet Gringoire, who throughout the story acts not only as a participant but also as a sort of commentator, enters to set the scene for the story; he relates how Man has written his history in the building of the cathedrals ("Le Temps des Cathédrales").The homeless and refugees, led by Clopin
Clopin Trouillefou is a fictional character first created in the 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by French author Victor Hugo, and subsequently adapted.-In the novel:...
, swarm before the entrance to the Cathedral of Notre Dame begging for help and asylum ("Les Sans-Papiers"). Frollo
Frollo, as a surname, may refer to the following:*Claude Frollo, the anti-hero of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame*Leone Frollo, Italian comic book and erotic artist...
, the Archdeacon
An archdeacon is a senior clergy position in Anglicanism, Syrian Malabar Nasrani, Chaldean Catholic, and some other Christian denominations, above that of most clergy and below a bishop. In the High Middle Ages it was the most senior diocesan position below a bishop in the Roman Catholic Church...
of Notre Dame, orders Phoebus
Captain Phoebus
Captain Phoebus de Chateaupers is a fictional character and one of the main antagonists in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He is the Captain of the King's Archers. His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun , with whom he shares handsome looks and skill at...
, the Captain of the King's Archers, to have his men disperse the crowd. As his men are driving off the refugees, Phoebus catches sight of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda
Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Esmeralda, or La Esmeralda , born Agnes, is a fictional character in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame . She is a French Gypsy girl...
(in later productions, the scene changes to have him see her while she is dancing before Notre Dame) and seems entranced by her. Esmeralda tells him (and the audience) about herself, her life as a gypsy and her dreams ("Bohémienne"). Instead of arresting her, Phoebus leaves her alone.
Clopin, who has watched over Esmeralda since she was eight years old after the death of her parents, tells her that she is no longer a child and that she has reached the age where she will discover love ("Esmeralda, Tu Sais"). He warns her to be extremely careful, since not all men are to be trusted.
In the next number, the audience is introduced to the nobly-born and beautiful yet child-like Fleur-de-Lys, to whom Phoebus is engaged to be married ("Ces Diamants-La"); her love for him is like that of Juliet for Romeo.
Now begins the wild and gay Festival of Fools, presided over by Gringoire ("La Fete des Fous"), the climax of which is the choosing of the King of Fools from among the group of people who can make the ugliest face; the King will be crowned by Esmeralda. Hiding in the shadows is a monstrous figure who is dragged out into the light; it is the bell-ringer of Notre Dame, the hunchbacked and facially deformed Quasimodo
Quasimodo is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by...
. By unanimous decision, Quasimodo is chosen and crowned as the King of Fools, but he knows that for all the power he has this one day nothing can make a woman (especially Esmeralda) care for him ("Le Pape des Fous").
Frollo breaks up the festivities and orders Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda and bring her to him that night so that she can be imprisoned as a sorceress and a violator of public decency ("La Sorciere"). Quasimodo, who is devoted to Frollo for raising and educating him after he had been abandoned as a baby ("L'Enfant Trouve"), says he will obey.
Night falls on Paris with its dark and hidden secrets commented on by Gringoire ("Les Portes de Paris"). Quasimodo stalks Esmeralda through the dark streets and is about to seize her when Phoebus and his guards arrive and arrest Quasimodo. Phoebus introduces himself to Esmeralda. He makes a date for a rendezvous with her the next night at the Cabaret du Val d'Amour. Phoebus and his men take Quasimodo away and Esmeralda darts off into the darkness ("Tentative d'enlèvement").
At the Court of Miracles, the haven for all of the outcasts of Paris, Clopin presides over a wild revel, remarking that all are truly equal here no matter their race, religion, skin color or criminal background ("La Cour des Miracles"). Gringoire, who has wandered in accidentally, is seized and Clopin tells him that he will be hanged for his trespassing - unless one of the women will agree to marry him. Esmeralda who has arrived during this, agrees to marry Gringoire (in name only) and Clopin, as King of the Outcasts, unites them and they join in the wild revelry.
Later, when Gringoire and Esmeralda are left alone, he introduces himself to her as "the Prince of the Streets of Paris" and assures her that while he is not a "ladies' man" ("un homme a femmes" in the original French), he would be glad if she would be his Muse and inspiration. Since Gringoire is educated, Esmeralda asks him what the word "Phoebus" means; he tells her that in Latin it means "the sun" or "sun god". Esmeralda muses on the word as it romantically relates to the man Phoebus ("Beau Comme le Soleil"); she is joined on stage by Fleur-de-Lys, who also muses on Phoebus (although she seems to be more apprehensive about him), but both believe that Phoebus will love them forever.
Phoebus himself is under no apprehensions about what kind of man he is - he wants both women, one as a wife and one as a temporary mistress ("Déchiré").
The next day, Frollo summons Gringoire to Notre Dame and questions him about Esmeralda, forbidding him to touch her. Gringoire changes the conversation by asking about a strange inscription in Greek on the wall of the Gallerie des Rois in Notre Dame, the word "Ananké". Frollo tells him that "Ananké" means "Fate" in Greek. They watch as Quasimodo is dragged on stage bound on The Great Wheel as sentence for his attempted kidnapping of Esmeralda ("Anarkia").
Quasimodo endures his punishment, but cries out for water ("A Boire"), a plea that is ignored by everyone. Suddenly Esmeralda appears and gives him a drink of water from her cup, an act of kindness that deeply touches the poor hunchback. He is then released from the Wheel, and he, Frollo and Phoebus sing about their different feelings for Esmeralda ("Belle"): Quasimodo about his growing feelings of tenderness for her, Frollo about his growing fascination for her, and Phoebus (watched jealously by Fleur-de-Lys) about his wish for an affair with her before he marries Fleur-de-Lys.
Quasimodo leads Esmeralda into Notre Dame and tells her how the cathedral has been his home and sanctuary, and now it can be hers whenever she needs one ("Ma Maison, c’est Ta Maison"). In spite of her initial fear of this strange, deformed man, Esmeralda is touched by his gentleness and finds herself warming towards Quasimodo. Left alone, Esmeralda, who has never prayed before, prays to the Virgin Mary ("Ave Maria Païen"). Frollo, secretly spying on her, realizes that his lust for her will destroy him but knows that he cannot resist ... and does not really want to ("Tu vas me détruire").
That night, Phoebus is on his way to the Cabaret du Val d’Amour for his rendezvous with Esmeralda when he realizes he is being stalked by a shadowy figure. The figure (Frollo in disguise) warns him to go no further ("L’Ombre"), but Phoebus refuses to heed the threat and continues on his way.
At the Cabaret du Val d’Amour, Gringoire (who seems to be a regular customer) remarks how everyone, no matter the race, creed or color, comes here for a good time of one kind or another ... for a very low price ("Le Val d’Amour"). Phoebus arrives (he seems to be a regular customer here too) and meets Esmeralda in a private room ("La Volupté"). They embrace and are about to make love when Frollo rushes in and stabs Phoebus with Esmeralda’s knife (which she had placed on the floor earlier). Esmeralda collapses over Phoebus’ body, Frollo makes his escape and Gringoire, Clopin, Frollo, Quasimodo and the Chorus comment on the terrible power of Fate ("Fatalité").
Act II
Frollo and Gringoire discuss the events and scientific discoveries taking place in Florence and how some of them (such as Johannes Gutenberg’s printing pressPrinting press
A printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium , thereby transferring the ink...
and Martin Luther
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517...
’s doctrines) are changing the world forever ("Florence"). Gringoire notices how silent the cathedral is and Frollo tells him that Quasimodo has not rung the bells for three days.
Up in the bell tower, Quasimodo recounts how the cathedral bells are his only friends and loves ("Les Cloches"), especially the three "Maries": "Little Marie" which is rung for children’s funerals, "Big Marie" which is rung when ships set sail and "Great Marie" which is rung for weddings. His greatest hope is that they will ring for Esméralda to hear that he loves her.
Frollo asks Gringoire where his "wife" is ("Ou Est Elle?"); Gringoire says he does not know and answers obliquely (but he tells Clopin, who has been searching for Esmeralda, that she has been imprisoned in the prison of La Sainte and that she will be hanged if Clopin doesn’t save her).
In her cell, Esmeralda compares herself to a caged bird and calls to Quasimodo to save her, while back at Notre Dame Quasimodo wonders about Esmeralda’s disappearance three days earlier and fears for her safety ("Les Oiseaux Qu’on Met En Cage"). Clopin and a group of outcasts are arrested and thrown into the La Sainte prison ("Condamnes") as Esmeralda is put on trial for the attempted murder of Phoebus and sorcery with Frollo as presiding judge ("Le Procès/La Torture"); when she refuses to confess, she is subjected to a foot-crushing torture
Torture is the act of inflicting severe pain as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty. Throughout history, torture has often been used as a method of political re-education, interrogation, punishment, and coercion...
until she cries out "I confess!" Frollo sentences her to death by hanging, but Esmeralda still professes her love for Phoebus and Frollo is left to suffer from the emotional torment of his unrequited passion ("Être Prêtre Et Aimer Une Femme").
Elsewhere, a recovered Phoebus is confronted by Fleur-de-Lys, who tells him that he will still have her heart and love if he will swear to have Esmeralda executed ("La Monture"). Phoebus agrees ("Je Reviens Vers Toi"), claiming as an excuse that he was bewitched by Esmeralda’s "sorcery".
At five o'clock the morning of the execution, Frollo visits Esméralda’s cell and to her horror confesses to her that he knifed Phoebus out of love for her ("Un Matin Tu Dansais") and offers her a choice: death on the gallows or life by giving him love. When Esmeralda rejects his advances, he tries to rape her, but Quasimodo (who has secretly followed him) frees Clopin and the other prisoners. Clopin attacks Frollo, knocking him unconscious, and releases Esméralda and they flee the prison to Notre Dame for sanctuary ("Liberes").
Gringoire sings to the moon ("Lune") in which he describes Quasimodo’s pain and suffering because of his love for Esméralda.
Quasimodo leaves Esmeralda asleep in a safe place in Notre Dame ("Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet"), but bitterly reflects that while he will love her forever, his ugliness will ensure that she will never love him ("Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste"). Alone, Esmeralda hopes that she will survive for the man she loves and sings about how Love has the power to change the world even should she die ("Vivre").
With Clopin and his people occupying Notre Dame, Frollo orders Phoebus and his men to break sanctuary and attack the cathedral to drive them out ("L’Attaque de Notre Dame"). Clopin and his people resist bravely but are no match for the armed soldiers, and in the first attack Clopin is fatally wounded. Dying, he begs Esmeralda to take his place as leader. The final battle has Esmeralda and her people facing off against Phoebus and his soldiers, but the result is a foregone conclusion – Esmeralda is captured and the outcasts defeated. Phoebus coldbloodedly hands Esmeralda over to be executed, orders the outcasts driven out of Paris ("Déportés") and leaves with Fleur-de-Lys.
Quasimodo, searching Notre Dame for Esmeralda, finds Frollo standing at the top of one of the towers and begs him to help Esmeralda ("Mon Maitre, Mon Sauveur"). Frollo, finally driven insane, shows him the sight of Esmeralda being hanged and to Quasimodo's horror announces that he is responsible. As he laughs wildly, the enraged Quasimodo seizes him and hurls him down the stairs of the tower to his death. As the executioners are cutting down Esmeralda’s body from the gibbet, Quasimodo appears and demands that they give him her body. Driving them away, he kneels beside her body and mourns her, promising to stay with her and that even in death they will not be parted ("Danse, Mon Esmeralda").
After the curtain call, Gringoire leads the cast in a reprise of "Le Temps des Cathedrales".
Production history
The original production of Notre-Dame de Paris made musicals fashionable again in France and, since its inception, has spawned a number of other notable productions. As part of the publicity prior to the Paris opening three songs were released as singles: Vivre, Le Temps des cathédrales, and Belle. "Belle" became a huge hit, and was named Song of the Year in France, and nominated for Song of the Century. An English version of "Vivre" (Live for the One I LoveLive (for the One I Love)
"Live " is the second single from Céline Dion's greatest hits album All the Way... A Decade of Song. It was released on February 14, 2000 in Canada and selected European countries....
) was released by Celine Dion
Celine Dion
Céline Marie Claudette Dion, , , is a Canadian singer. Born to a large family from Charlemagne, Quebec, Dion emerged as a teen star in the French-speaking world after her manager and future husband René Angélil mortgaged his home to finance her first record...
, and appears on the original London cast recording, even though she did not participate in the musical.
Director Gilles Maheu staged the show in concert style, with the principal singers standing downstage center, with non-singing dancers upstage providing visual, but not dramatic, excitement. The orchestra and chorus were prerecorded; the principals wore very obvious boom mics.
Cast Albums1998: Concept Album
1998: Original Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
Cast, live at the Palais des Congrès
Palais des congrès de Paris
The Palais des congrès de Paris is a concert venue and convention centre in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, France. The venue was built by French architect Guillaume Gillet, and was inaugurated in 1974. Nearby the venue are Bois de Boulogne and the affluent neighbourhood of Neuilly-sur-Seine...
2000: London Studio Album
2001: French Studio Album
2001: Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
Cast (Live At The Théâtre Mogador
Théâtre Mogador
Théâtre Mogador founded in 1913 and designed by Bertie Crewe, is a Parisian music hall theatre located at 25, rue de Mogador in the 9th district. It seats 1,800 people on three tiers.In 1913 financier Sir Alfred Butt rented an area in Paris...
2001: Original Barcelona Cast
2001: Original Italian Cast
2002: Original Russian Cast
2002: Italian Cast, Live at the Arena di Verona
2002: French Studio Album with Les Choeurs de France
2003: Original Russian Cast
2005: Korean Tour Cast
2008: Original Korean Cast
Instrumental Albums
1999: Orchestral version by I Fiamminghi
2000: Piano version by Alan Lapointe
Video Recordings
Live At The Palais des Congrès
Palais des congrès de Paris
The Palais des congrès de Paris is a concert venue and convention centre in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, France. The venue was built by French architect Guillaume Gillet, and was inaugurated in 1974. Nearby the venue are Bois de Boulogne and the affluent neighbourhood of Neuilly-sur-Seine...
Live At The Arena di Verona
Critical response
Critical reception outside of France has been mixed, with praise for the music and choreography, and general disdain for the English translation of the lyrics and the show's overall direction. For example, The TimesThe Times
The Times is a British daily national newspaper, first published in London in 1785 under the title The Daily Universal Register . The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times are published by Times Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary since 1981 of News International...
praised the "doleful energy" of Garou
Garou (singer)
Garou , from the French expression "loup-garou", which means "werewolf" and is a transformation of "Garand", his last name; is a Canadian singer from Sherbrooke, Quebec. He is known for his work in the musical Notre-Dame de Paris and the #1 hits "Belle", "Seul", "Sous le vent", and "La Rivière de...
's Quasimodo and the "occasional imaginative production touches: huge bells with writhing, upside-down humans for clappers" but concludes "Another Les Mis this isn't." The Daily Mail
Daily Mail
The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market tabloid newspaper owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. First published in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe, it is the United Kingdom's second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun. Its sister paper The Mail on Sunday was launched in 1982...
called it "concert with dance, lighting effects and a lot of French singers throwing their hair around in a collective display of gravelly-voiced pique."
External links
- http://www.notredamedeparisleconcert.com Notre-Dame De Paris Original Cast 2010 Special Concert
- Notre-Dame de Paris Official Web Site
- Notre-Dame de Paris USA production site (Archive)
- Official site of the Italian production
- Notre-Dame de Paris (Spain) : Official Web Site
- Notre-Dame de Paris (Russia) : Official Web Site
- Riccardo Cocciante Official Web Site
- Richard Cocciante
- Luc Plamondon
- Stacy's Musical Village