List of prehistoric bony fish

In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...
from the fossil record that have ever been considered to be bony fish (class osteichthyes
Osteichthyes , also called bony fish, are a taxonomic group of fish that have bony, as opposed to cartilaginous, skeletons. The vast majority of fish are osteichthyes, which is an extremely diverse and abundant group consisting of over 29,000 species...
), excluding purely vernacular terms. The list includes all commonly accepted genera, but also genera that are now considered invalid, doubtful (nomina dubia
Nomen dubium
In zoological nomenclature, a nomen dubium is a scientific name that is of unknown or doubtful application...
), or were not formally published (nomina nuda
Nomen nudum
The phrase nomen nudum is a Latin term, meaning "naked name", used in taxonomy...
), as well as junior synonyms of more established names, and genera that are no longer considered members of osteichthyes
Osteichthyes , also called bony fish, are a taxonomic group of fish that have bony, as opposed to cartilaginous, skeletons. The vast majority of fish are osteichthyes, which is an extremely diverse and abundant group consisting of over 29,000 species...
This list includes 1,386 generic names.
- ExtinctExtinctionIn biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms , normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point...
genera are marked with a dagger (†). - Extant genera are bolded.
Naming conventions and terminology
Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological NomenclatureInternational Code of Zoological Nomenclature
The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is a widely accepted convention in zoology that rules the formal scientific naming of organisms treated as animals...
. Technical terms used include:
- Junior synonym: A name which describes the same taxon as a previously published name. If two or more genera are formally designated and the type specimens are later assigned to the same genus, the first to be published (in chronological order) is the senior synonym, and all other instances are junior synonyms. Senior synonyms are generally used, except by special decision of the ICZN, but junior synonyms cannot be used again, even if deprecated. Junior synonymy is often subjective, unless the genera described were both based on the same type specimen.
- Nomen nudumNomen nudumThe phrase nomen nudum is a Latin term, meaning "naked name", used in taxonomy...
(Latin for "naked name"): A name that has appeared in print but has not yet been formally published by the standards of the ICZN. Nomina nuda (the plural form) are invalid, and are therefore not italicized as a proper generic name would be. If the name is later formally published, that name is no longer a nomen nudum and will be italicized on this list. Often, the formally published name will differ from any nomina nuda that describe the same specimen. - Nomen oblitumNomen oblitumA nomen oblitum is a technical term, used in zoological nomenclature, for a particular kind of disused scientific name....
(Latin for "forgotten name"): A name that has not been used in the scientific community for more than fifty years after its original proposal. - Preoccupied name: A name that is formally published, but which has already been used for another taxon. This second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced. As preoccupied names are not valid generic names, they will also go unitalicized on this list.
- Nomen dubiumNomen dubiumIn zoological nomenclature, a nomen dubium is a scientific name that is of unknown or doubtful application...
(Latin for "dubious name"): A name describing a fossil with no unique diagnostic features. As this can be an extremely subjective and controversial designation, this term is not used on this list.
- †AbadzekhiaAbadzekhiaAbadzekhia is an extinct genus of prehistoric snake mackerel that lived from the early to late Oligocene epoch in what is now the Caucasus Mountains of Southern Russia.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AbsalomichthysAbsalomichthysAbsalomichthys velifer is an extinct, prehistoric spinyfin that lived during the Upper Miocene of what is now Southern California. Its dorsal fin was huge in comparison with living species.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- AcanthognathusAcanthognathusAcanthognathus is a genus of ants that are found in tropical Central and South America. They are reddish in colour and have long trap-jaws that can be compared to those of Odontomachus. These predatory ants live in small colonies that typically consist of less than 30 adults.Mistakenly, the name...
- †AcanthonemusAcanthonemusAcanthonemus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- AcanthonotusAcanthonotusAcanthonotus is an extinct genus of bony fish. It contains three species, A. inflatus, A. niger, and A. tricuspis....
- †AcanthopleurusAcanthopleurusAcanthopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AcanthopygaeusAcanthopygaeusAcanthopygaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- AcanthurusAcanthurusAcanthurus is the type genus of the family Acanthuridae. Approximately half of all members of the family are members of the genus Acanthurus. They are found in tropical oceans, especially near coral reefs, with most species in the Indo-Pacific, but a few are found in the Atlantic Ocean...
- Acentrogobius
- †AcentrophorusAcentrophorusAcentrophorus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AcestrusAcestrusAcestrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Achiurus
- AchoaniaAchoaniaAchoania is an extinct genus of primitive lobe-finned fish which lived during the Early Devonian period. Fossils have been discovered in China....
- †AchrestogrammusAchrestogrammusAchrestogrammus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- AcipenserAcipenserAcipenser is genus of sturgeons. With about 19 species, many of which are threatened, it is the largest genus in the order Acipenseriformes.-Species:*Acipenser baerii J. F. Brandt, 1869**Acipenser baerii baerii J. F...
- †AcrogasterAcrogasterAcrogaster is an extinct genus of Beryciformes from the Cretaceous period.-References:*...
- †AcrognathusAcrognathusAcrognathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AcrolepisAcrolepisAcrolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Acropoma
- †AcrotemnusAcrotemnusAcrotemnus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AdriacentrusAdriacentrusAdriacentrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AedullaAedullaAedulla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AegicephalichthysAegicephalichthysAegicephalichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AeoliscoidesAeoliscoidesAeoliscoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aeoliscus
- †AethalionopsisAethalionopsisAethalionopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AetheodontusAetheodontusAetheodontus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AetheolepisAetheolepisAetheolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AetheretmonAetheretmonAetheretmon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AfricentrumAfricentrumAfricentrum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AglyptorhynchusAglyptorhynchusAglyptorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Agonus
- †AipichthyoidesAipichthyoidesAipichthyoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AipichthysAipichthysAipichthys is an extinct genus of bony fish....
- AlbulaAlbula (genus)Albula is a genus of fish belonging to the bonefish family Albulidae.- Species :The following species are currently recognized:* Albula argentea Albula is a genus of fish belonging to the bonefish family Albulidae.- Species :The following species are currently recognized:* Albula argentea Albula is...
- †AlcoveriaAlcoveriaAlcoveria is an extinct genus of coelacanth fish which lived during the Triassic period....
- AlectisAlectisAlectis is a genus of fish in the family Carangidae containing three extant species, all of which are large marine fishes. They are commonly known as threadfish, diamond trevallies and occasionally pompanos, although they have no close affiliation with the true pompano genus.-Taxonomy:Alectis is...
- AlepesAlepesAlepes is a genus containing five extant species of tropical marine fishes in the jack family, Carangidae. They are commonly known as scads, a term applied to many genera of carangid fishes. Their body form, however, differs from these other scads by being much more ovate in shape, more similar to...
- Alepisaurus
- †AliseaAliseaAlisea is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AlleiolepisAlleiolepisAlleiolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AllelepidotusAllelepidotusAllelepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AllenypterusAllenypterusAllenypterus is a genus of a prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period . Fossils have been discovered in Bear Gulch Limestone, Montana, USA....
- †AlloberyxAlloberyxAlloberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AllolepidotusAllolepidotusAllolepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Allosmerus
- †AllothrissopsAllothrissopsAllothrissops is an extinct genus of bulldog fish....
- Alosa
- Alutera
- †AluvarusAluvarusAluvarus praeimperialis is an extinct bony fish, known from two headless fossil specimens found in the Elam Formation, a Lower Oligocene stratum from the Rupelian epoch, of what is now Iran. A. praeimperialis was originally thought to be a luvar, described as "Luvarus praeimperialis," as it was...
- Amanses
- †AmblypterinaAmblypterinaAmblypterina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AmblypterusAmblypterusAmblypterus is an extinct genus of bony fish.- References :*Evolution: The Grand Experiment by Carl Werner and Debbie Werner*Fishes of the World by Joseph S. Nelson*A Pictorial Guide to Fossils by Gerard Ramon Case...
- †AmiopsisAmiopsisAmiopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish belonging to the Amiidae family.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Ammodytes
- †AmpheristusAmpheristusAmpheristus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AmphipercaAmphipercaAmphiperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Amphistichus
- †AmphistiumAmphistiumAmphistium is a fossil fish which has been identified as an early relative of the Flatfish, and as a Transitional fossil. In a typical modern flatfish, the head is asymmetric with both eyes on one side of the head...
- †AnaethalionAnaethalionAnaethalion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AnalectisAnalectisAnalectis pala is an extinct lamprid of the Family Turkmenidae. Its fossils are found from Late Oligocene strata from what is now Turkmenistan...
- Anarhichas
- Anarrhichthys
- AnchoaAnchoaAnchoa is a genus of anchovies. It currently consists of 35 species.-Species:* Anchoa analis * Anchoa argentivittata...
- †Andreolepis
- Anguilla
- †AnguillavusAnguillavusAnguillavus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AnguilloidesAnguilloidesAnguilloides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Anisotremus
- †AnkylophorusAnkylophorusAnkylophorus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AnomoeodusAnomoeodusAnomoeodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- AntennariusAntennariusAntennarius is a large genus of frogfishes found worldwide in tropical and subtropical oceans. It contains 25 species.-Behavior:Despite the sedentary nature of species of this genus, they are nearly all voracious carnivores which sit quietly waiting for smaller fishes to pass by...
- AntigoniaAntigonia (fish genus)Antigonia is a genus of zeiform marine fish belonging to the family Caproidae, of which it composes eleven of the family's twelve species. Antigonia carry the common name boarfish. These are deep-water species, generally found at depths below ....
- †AntofastaichthysAntofastaichthysAntofastaichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ApateodusApateodusApateodus is a genus of prehistoric fish which was described by Woodward in 1901. Two fossils exist, spanning a period from 112mya to 65.5mya. The fossils are from Russia and India.-References:...
- †ApateopholisApateopholisApateopholis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*...
- †AphanepygusAphanepygusAphanepygus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AphelolepisAphelolepisAphelolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aphia
- †AphnelepisAphnelepisAphnelepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aplodinotus
- ApogonApogonApogon is a large genus of cardinalfishes with 207 currently described species. Many of these fishes live at depths of or more and can only be collected using trawling or dredging and thus are rather poorly known...
- †ApogonoidesApogonoidesApogonoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Apolectus
- Apsilus
- †ApsopelixApsopelixApsopelix Apsopelix agilis were a type of bony fish that existed about 95-80 million years ago in the shallow waters of the Western Interior Seaway and Hudson Seaway.Size was about 1.5 feet or 10–12 cm, most likely they lived in schools...
- Aracana
- Araeosteus
- †AramichthysAramichthysAramichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AraripichthysAraripichthysAraripichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ArchaeolepidotusArchaeolepidotusArchaeolepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ArchaeomaeneArchaeomaeneArchaeomaene tenuis is an extinct species of Late Jurassic prehistoric bony fish from the Talbragar River beds.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ArchaephippusArchaephippusArchaephippus is an extinct genus of prehistoric spadefish that lived from the early to middle Eocene. Several exquisitely preserved fossils have been found from the Monte Bolca lagerstatten.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ArchaeusArchaeusArchaeus is a prehistoric genus of jackfish from the Paleogene of Europe. The oldest species, A. oblongus is from the late/terminal Thanetian epoch of Paleocene Turkmenistan, and the last species, A. glarisianus and possibly A...
- †ArctosomusArctosomusArctosomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ArdiodusArdiodusArdiodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Argentina
- †ArgillichthysArgillichthysArgillichthys is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35557&is_real_user=1...
- †ArgilloberyxArgilloberyxArgilloberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ArgyripnusArgyripnusArgyripnus is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. They are commonly known as bristle-mouth fishes, but that may also refer to the related bristlemouth family . A...
- ArgyropelecusArgyropelecusArgyropelecus is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. A collective name is "silver hatchetfishes", but this can also refer to a species of the freshwater hatchetfishes which are not particularly closely related but merely convergent...
- ArgyrosomusArgyrosomusArgyrosomus is a genus of fish in the drum family, Sciaenidae. They are large fish, with the largest, A. regius growing up to 230 cm in length...
- Ariomma
- AriosomaAriosomaAriosoma is a genus of marine congrid eels.-Species:* Ariosoma anago * Ariosoma anagoides * Ariosoma anale...
- AriusArius (genus)Arius is a genus of catfishes of the family Ariidae. The genus Arius is distributed in brackish and fresh waters of Eastern Africa and south to southeast Asia....
- Arnoglossus
- Artedius
- †AsarotusAsarotusAsarotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AscalobosAscalobosAscalobos is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AsialepidotusAsialepidotusAsialepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AsimaAsimaAsima is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AsineopsAsineopsAsineops is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Edward Drinker Cope in 1870.-References:*, Paleobiology Database...
- †AspidorhynchusAspidorhynchusAspidorhynchus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Fossils have been found in Europe and Antarctica....
- †AsthenocormusAsthenocormusAsthenocormus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Callovian stage of the Middle Jurassic epoch to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Astronesthes
- †Atacamichthyss
- AteleopusAteleopusAteleopus is a genus of ray-finned fish in the jellynose family . It is the type genus of its family, and the order Ateleopodiformes. For some time, it was known as Podateles, because Ateleopus had been used to replace the frog genus name Atelopus, which was deemed to be a spelling error...
- AtheresthesAtheresthesAtheresthes is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It contains twp species.-Species:* Kamchatka flounder, Atheresthes evermanni .* Arrowtooth flounder, Atheresthes stomias ....
- AtherinaAtherinaAtherina, is a genus of fish of Old World silverside family , found in the temporary and tropic zones. Up to 15 cm long. Widespread in the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Sea of Azov, in lagoons and estuaries...
- Atherinopsis
- †AthrodonAthrodonAthrodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish. Little is known of this relic of eons ago.-Reference:-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AtopocephalaAtopocephalaAtopocephala is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AulolepisAulolepisAulolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AulopopsisAulopopsisAulopopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aulopus
- †AulorhamphusAulorhamphusAulorhamphus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aulorhynchus
- †AulostomoidesAulostomoidesAulostomoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Aulostomus
- †AustralosomusAustralosomusAustralosomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AustroclupeaAustroclupeaAustroclupea is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pliocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AustrolepidotusAustrolepidotusAustrolepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Austrophycis
- †AustropleuropholisAustropleuropholisAustropleuropholis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AvitolabraxAvitolabraxAvitolabrax is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early part of the Miocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †AvitoluvarusAvitoluvarusAvitoluvarus is a genus of extinct louvar that lived in the Tethys Ocean during the early Paleogene. The first specimens were found from the Danata Formation Lagerstätten, of the Thanetian epoch of Turkmenistan, where they were originally thought to be smaller or juvenile individuals of the true...
- †AxeliaAxeliaAxelia is a prehistoric genus of lobe-finned fish which belonged to the family of Coelacanthidae.-Species of Axelia:*Axelia elegans Stensio, 1921*Axelia robusta Stensio, 1921...
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- Bairdiella
- †BajaichthysBajaichthysBajaicthys elegans is an extinct Lutetian lamprid from the Monte Bolca Lagerstatten.- Anatomy and appearance :The holotype is four centimeters in length...
- †BaleiichthysBaleiichthysBaleiichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- BalistesBalistesBalistes is a genus of triggerfish. Species include:* B. capriscus * B phaleratus* B ellioti* B polylepis * B punctatus...
- †BalistomorphusBalistomorphusBalistomorphus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BananogmiusBananogmiusBananogmius is an extinct genus of bony fish that lived in what is today Kansas during the Late Cretaceous. It lived in the Western Interior Seaway, which split North America in two during the Late Cretaceous.-In popular culture:...
- †BarcarenichthyesBarcarenichthyesBarcarenichthyes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Bassozetus
- BathyclupeaBathyclupeaThe deepsea herrings are perciform fishes belonging to a small family with a single genus containing seven species of deep water fishes....
- BathygadusBathygadusBathygadus is a genus of rattails of the family Macrouridae.- Species :* Bathygadus antrodes * Bathygadus bowersi * Codheaded rattail, Bathygadus cottoides Günther, 1878...
- †BathylagusBathylagusBathylagus is a genus of ray-finned fish in the Bathylagidae family.-Species:* Bathylagus andriashevi Kobyliansky, 1986.* Bathylagus antarcticus Günther, 1878.* Bathylagus borealis Gilbert, 1896....
- †BathysomaBathysomaBathysoma lutkeni is an extinct lamprid from the Danian epoch of Sweden, and is the second oldest lamprid known, after Nardovelifer of Campanian/Maastrichian Italy. B. lutkeni has a disk-shaped body and an elongated head. It was originally described as a menid bony fish. Later, it was described...
- Batrachoides
- †BeaumontopercaBeaumontopercaBeaumontoperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BeerichthysBeerichthysBeerichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Belone
- †BelonostomusBelonostomusBelonostomus or Diphyodus is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Louis Agassiz in 1844. Fossils range from to Belonostomus (meaning "big long mouth") or Diphyodus (meaning "double tooth") is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Louis Agassiz in 1844. Fossils range...
- Bembrops
- †BendeniusBendeniusBendenius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Benthocomectes
- Benthosema
- †BerybolcensisBerybolcensisBerybolcensis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BerycomorusBerycomorusBerycomorus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BerycopsiaBerycopsiaBerycopsia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BerycopsisBerycopsisBerycopsis is an extinct genus of beardfish from the Cretaceous period.It was about long and one of the first members of the Acanthopterygii, the group that includes the present day barracuda, swordfish, seahorses, and flatfish...
- Beryx
- †BesaniaBesaniaBesania is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BiliniaBiliniaBilinia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early part of the Miocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BirgeriaBirgeriaBirgeria is an extinct genus of bony fish from the Triassic.-Sources:* Fossils by David Ward...
- †BlabeBlabeBlabe crawleyi is a small, extinct prehistoric bony fish probably belonging to the family Serranidae that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch of Egypt....
- BlenniusBlenniusBlennius is a Genus of Perciform fish in the family Blenniidae. Its members include Blennius ocellaris, the Butterfly Blenny.- Species :* Butterfly Blenny Blennius ocellaris Linnaeus, 1758* Blennius normani Poll, 1949...
- †BlochiusBlochiusBlochius is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Volta in 1800.-References:*, Paleobiology Database...
- †BobasatraniaBobasatraniaBobasatrania is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.Many species of Bobasatrania existed during the Triassic in the shallow coastal waters off the Pangaea supercontinent. Their fossils are therefore found throughout the world, with some of the best examples coming from the Wapiti Lake region...
- †BobbichthysBobbichthysBobbichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- BodianusBodianusBodianus is a genus of wrasses in the family Labridae.- Species :* Lyretail hogfish, Bodianus anthioides * Axilspot hogfish, Bodianus axillaris * Bodianus bathycapros Gomon, 2006...
- †BolbocaraBolbocaraBolbocara is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BolcanguillaBolcanguillaBolcanguilla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BolcyrusBolcyrusBolcyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- BolinichthyesBolinichthyesBolinichthyes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- BoopsBoopsBoops is a genus of ray-finned saltwater fishes. The genus contains two species. Sarpa salpa was once assigned to Boops....
- †BoreichthysBoreichthysBoreichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BoreolepisBoreolepisBoreolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BoreosomusBoreosomusBoreosomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BorichthysBorichthysBorichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- BothusBothusBothus is a genus of flatfish in the family Bothidae .-Species:* Bothus assimilis * Bothus bleekeri Steindachner, 1861* Bothus constellatus...
- BrachionichthysBrachionichthysThe genus Brachionichthys was, until recently, the only genus in the family Brachionichthyidae , but there are presently 5 genera in this family of anglerfishes....
- Brachydeuterus
- †BrachypareionBrachypareionBrachypareion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Brama
- †BramoidesBramoidesBramoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Branchiostegus
- †BrannerionBrannerionBrannerion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BregmaceriniaBregmaceriniaBregmacerinia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early part of the Miocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Bregmaceros
- †BrembodusBrembodusBrembodus is an extinct genus of extinct pycnodontid.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BroovaliaBroovaliaBroovalia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Brosme
- Brosmius
- BrotulaBrotulaBrotulas are a family, Bythitidae, of ophidiiform fishes, also known as viviparous brotulas as they bear live young. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world...
- †BroughiaBroughiaBroughia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BroweriaBroweriaBroweria is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BrowneichthysBrowneichthysBrowneichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BrychaetusBrychaetusBrychaetus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish, known from the Late Cretaceous to the Paleocene. It contains a single species, Brychaetus muelleri Its fossils have been found in Europe, North America, and northern Africa. This freshwater fish had very long, blunt teeth.-See also:*...
- Buglossidium
- †BurbonellaBurbonellaBurbonella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †BurtiniaBurtiniaBurtinia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- Caesio
- †CaeusCaeusCaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CalamostomaCalamostomaCalamostoma is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Calamus
- CallionymusCallionymusDragonets or Callionymus are small perciform marine fish of the diverse family Callionymidae.- Species :* Callionymus aagilis - * Callionymus acutirostris - * Callionymus afilum - * Callionymus africanus -...
- †CallipteryxCallipteryxCallipteryx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CallopterusCallopterusCallopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CallopteusCallopteusCallopteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Kimmeridgian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Callyodon
- CalotomusCalotomusCalotomus is a parrotfish genus from the Indo-Pacific, with a single species ranging into the warmer parts of the east Pacific. Compared to most of their relatives, their colours are relatively dull. Several species in this genus are associated with sea grass beds, but most can also be seen at...
- †CanningiusCanningiusCanningius is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which belonged to the family of Tristichopteridae.-External links:*...
- †CanobiusCanobiusCanobius is an extinct genus of early ray-finned fish that lived in the Carboniferous period of Europe.Canobius was a small fish, in length. Compared with its earlier relatives, it had specialized jaw bones and hyomandibulars which attached the upper jaw to the brain case, meaning that the jaws...
- †CaproberyxCaproberyxCaproberyx is an extinct genus of bony fish from the Cretaceous period of Africa and Europe. It has also been found in Kansas, USA.-Sources:* Fishes of the World by Joseph S. Nelson...
- Capros
- †CaprovesposusCaprovesposusCaprovesposus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CarangodesCarangodesCarangodes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CarangopsisCarangopsisCarangopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- CaranxCaranxCaranx is a genus of tropical to subtropical marine fish in the jack family Carangidae, commonly known as jacks, trevallies and kingfishes. They are moderate to large sized, deep bodied fishes which are distinguished from other carangid genera by specific gill raker, fin ray and dentition...
- Carapus
- †CaridosuctorCaridosuctorCaridosuctor is a genus of prehistoric coelacanth, lobe-finned fish, which lived during the Carboniferous period . Fossils have been found in North America.- External links :*...
- †CarpathichthysCarpathichthysCarpathichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CarsothrissopsCarsothrissopsCarsothrissops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CaruichthysCaruichthysCaruichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CasieriusCasieriusCasierius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Albian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CasieroidesCasieroidesCasieroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †Caturus
- Centracanthus
- Centriscus
- CentroberyxCentroberyxCentroberyx, often referred to as nannygais, is genus of ray-finned fishes found in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean, with the greatest species richness off southern Australia. They are reddish in colour and somewhat resemble the related soldierfish. Depending on species, they have a...
- †CentrolepisCentrolepisCentrolepis is a genus of small herbaceous plants in the family Centrolepidaceae known as thorn grass scales, with about 25 species native to Australia, New Zealand, and south-east Asia extending to Hainan Dao....
- CentropomusCentropomusCentropomus Lacépède, 1802, is a genus of predominantly marine fish in family Centropomidae of order Perciformes. The type species is Centropomus undecimalis, the common snook...
- CentropristisCentropristisCentropristis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CephaloxenusCephaloxenusCephaloxenus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- CepolaCepolaCepola is a genus of marine fish in the bandfish family Cepolidae. The name red bandfish is applied to all members of this genus, but particularly C. macrophthalma, and generally not C...
- †CeramurusCeramurusCeramurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CeratoichthysCeratoichthysCeratoichthys pinnatiformis is an extinct species of lookdown-like prehistoric jackfish that lived during the Lutetian epoch, of the Middle Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy....
- CeratoscopelusCeratoscopelusCeratoscopelus is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Ceratoscopelus maderensis * Dogtooth lampfish, Ceratoscopelus townsendi...
- ChaetodonChaetodonChaetodon is a tropical fish genus in the family Chaetodontidae. Like their relatives, they are known as "butterflyfish". This genus is by far the largest among the Chaetodontidae, with about 90 living species included here, though most might warrant recognition as distinct genera.Several subgenera...
- Chaeturichthys
- †ChagriniaChagriniaChagrinia is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Late Devonian period....
- †ChalcidichthysChalcidichthysChalcidichthys malacapterygius is an extinct, prehistoric manefish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch of Southern California. It is assumed to have preyed on siphonophores, like its living relatives.-See also:* Prehistoric fish...
- ChandaChandaIn Hinduism, Chanda was a monster in the service of Sumbha and Nisumbha that Chamunda Devi killed. It is also a popular name in the Hindu community...
- †ChangxingiaChangxingiaChangxingia is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Late Triassic period....
- †ChanopsisChanopsisChanopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Chanos
- †ChardoniusChardoniusChardonius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †CharitopsisCharitopsisCharitopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CharitosomusCharitosomusCharitosomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CharleuxiaCharleuxiaCharleuxia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Chauliodus
- †ChaunaxChaunaxChaunax is a genus of bony fish in the sea toad family, Chaunacidae.-Species:Species include:...
- CheilinusCheilinusCheilinus is a genus of wrasses in the family Labridae.- Species list :* Cheilinus abudjubbe Rüppell, 1835* Speckled maori wrasse, Cheilinus arenatus Valenciennes, 1840* Cheilinus aurantiacus Castelnau, 1872...
- †CheirodopsisCheirodopsisCheirodopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CheirothrixCheirothrixCheirothrix is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:* - The Paleobiology Database...
- ChelmonChelmonChelmon is a genus of tropical fish in the family Chaetodontidae.- Species :* Margined coralfish, Chelmon marginalis Richardson, 1842* Blackfin coralfish, Chelmon muelleri...
- †ChibapsettaChibapsettaChibapsetta is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pleistocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ChichiaChichiaChichia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Chilara
- Chilomycterus
- †ChirocentritesChirocentritesChirocentrites is an extinct genus of Ichthyodectidae....
- Chirocentrus
- †ChirodipterusChirodipterusChirodipterus is an extinct genus of lungfish which lived during the Devonian period. Fossils have been found in Australia.-External links:*...
- ChirostomaChirostomaChirostoma is a genus of fish in the Atherinidae family.It contains the following species:* Chirostoma bartoni* Chirostoma regani...
- †ChirothrixChirothrixChirothrix is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Chitonotus
- Chlorophthalmus
- †Chondrosteus
- †ChongichthysChongichthysChongichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ChromisChromisChromis is a genus of fish in the family Pomacentridae. While the term Damselfish describes a group of marine fish larger than just one genus, most damselfish are in the genus Chromis...
- †ChrotichthysChrotichthysChrotichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived in the Induan stage of the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ChrysolepisChrysolepis (fish)Chrysolepis is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish that lived during the Devonian period.-References:* Lebedav, O. A., 1983, A new Crossopterygian Fish from the Central Devonian Region: Paleontological Journal, v. 16, part 4, p. 63-70. -External links:*...
- †Chungkingichthyes
- †CimolichthysCimolichthysCimolichthys is an extinct genus of predatory salmonid fish from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Europe....
- Citharichthys
- Citharus
- †CladocyclusCladocyclusCladocyclus is an extinct genus of Ichthyodectidae.-References:* Fishes of the World by Joseph S. Nelson * Discovering Fossil Fishes by John Maisey and John G. Maisey...
- †CleithrolepisCleithrolepisCleithrolepis is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish from the Triassic.The genus grew to about long. It had a weak lower jaw with teeth only at the tip....
- ClidodermaClidodermaClidoderma is a mostly extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-Species:* Roughscale sole, Clidoderma asperrimum .-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ClinusClinusClinus is a genus of clinids found in the southeastern Atlantic and western Indian ocean.-Species:* Sad klipfish, Clinus acuminatus * Agile klipfish, Clinus agilis...
- †ClupavusClupavusClupavus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ClupeaHerringHerring is an oily fish of the genus Clupea, found in the shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic oceans, including the Baltic Sea. Three species of Clupea are recognized. The main taxa, the Atlantic herring and the Pacific herring may each be divided into subspecies...
- Cobitopsis
- †CoccocephalichthysCoccocephalichthysCoccocephalichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CoccodermaCoccodermaCoccoderma is a genus of prehistoric coelacanth lobe-finned fish which lived during the Jurassic period. Fossils have been found in USA. It was small in size, about 27,5 cm. They had very long and sharp teeth that did not regrow unlike today's present sharks....
- †CoccodusCoccodusCoccodus is an extinct genus of extinct pycnodontid fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian. The various species had a pair of massive, curved spines emanating from the lower sides of the head, and one curved spine on the top of its head...
- †CoccolepisCoccolepisCoccolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CoelacanthopsisCoelacanthopsisCoelacanthopsis is an extinct genus of lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period.The Coelacanth is the only living example of the fossil Coelacanth fishes Actinista. They are also the closest link between fish and the first amphibian creatures which made the transition from sea...
- †Coelocanthus
- †CoelodusCoelodusCoelodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CoelogasterCoelogasterCoelogaster is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Coelorhynchus
- †ColobodusColobodusColobodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Colpichthyes
- †ConchodusConchodusConchodus is an extinct genus of lungfish which lived during the Devonian period....
- CongerCongerConger is a genus of marine congrid eels. It includes some of the largest types of eels, ranging up to 3 m in length, in the case of the European conger...
- CoriopsCoriopsCoriops is a genus of prehistoric fish. Its fossils are found in Campanian , Maastrichtian , and possibly Paleocene age deposits...
- †CornuboniscusCornuboniscusCornuboniscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CorunegenysCorunegenysCorunegenys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- CoryphaenoidesCoryphaenoidesCoryphaenoides is a genus of rattails of the family Macrouridae.- Species :* Pacific grenadier, Coryphaenoides acrolepis - * Coryphaenoides affinis - * Coryphaenoides alateralis - * Coryphaenoides altipinnis -...
- †CoryphaenopsisCoryphaenopsisCoryphaenopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Coryphopterus
- †CosmolepisCosmolepisCosmolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CosmoptychiusCosmoptychiusCosmoptychius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Cottopsis
- Crenidens
- †CrenolepisCrenolepisCrenolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CretatriacanthusCretatriacanthusCretatriacanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CristigerinaCristigerinaCristigerina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CrossognathusCrossognathusCrossognathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CryptobalistesCryptobalistesCryptobalistes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CryptoberyxCryptoberyxCryptoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Cryptolepis
- Ctenoberyx
- †CtenocephalichthysCtenocephalichthysCtenocephalichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:hi* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CtenodentexCtenodentexCtenodentex is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CtenognathichthysCtenognathichthysCtenognathichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CtenopomichthysCtenopomichthysCtenopomichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Ctenosciaena
- †CtenothrissaCtenothrissaCtenothrissa is a prehistoric genus of ray-finned fish in the supposed order "Ctenothrissiformes". These Teleostei are only known from fossils. While they are sometimes included in the superorder Acanthopterygii or Protacanthopterygii, this is neither well-supported, nor is the monophyly of the...
- †CualabaeaCualabaeaCualabaea is a genus of prehistoric coelacanth fish which lived during the Jurassic period....
- CubicepsCubicepsCubiceps is one genus among 4 genera containing all together 18 species of perciform fish of the family Nomeidae commonly known as Driftfish...
- Cyclopoma
- Cyclopterus
- †CycloptychiusCycloptychiusCycloptychius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Cyclothone
- †CylindracanthusCylindracanthusCylindracanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Cymatogaster
- CynoscionCynoscionCynoscion is a genus of fish in the drum family, Sciaenidae.- Species :The genus consists of 24 species:* Cynoscion acoupa * Cynoscion albus * Cynoscion analis...
- †CyranichthysCyranichthysCyranichthys is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35560&is_real_user=1...
- †CyranorhisCyranorhisCyranorhis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †CyttoidesCyttoidesCyttoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- †DactylopogonDactylopogonDactylopogon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Dactyloptena
- Dactylopterus
- †DaedalichthysDaedalichthysDaedalichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DaitingichthysDaitingichthysDaitingichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DalmatichthysDalmatichthysDalmatichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †DalpiazellaDalpiazellaDalpiazella brevicauda is an extinct prehistoric eel from the Lutetian of the Monte Bolca lagerstatten. D. brevicauda and Paranguilla tigrina comprise of the family Paranguilla.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Damalichthys
- DanaphosDanaphosDanaphos is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. A common name is bottlelights.Only two extant species are placed here, one of them of questionable validity valid:...
- †DanatiniaDanatiniaDanatinia casca is an extinct lamprid from Danata Formation Lagerstatten, of the Upper Paleocene of Turkmenistan. It was first named by Daniltshenko in 1968.D. casca was sympatric with its close relative, Turkmene...
- †DandyaDandyaDandya is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Dannevigia
- †DapalisDapalisDapalis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †DapaloidesDapaloidesDapaloides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DapediumDapediumDapedium is an extinct genus of primitive neopterygian ray-finned fish. The first-described finding was an example of D. politum, found in the Lower Lias of Lyme Regis, on the Jurassic Coast of England...
- †DastilbeDastilbeDastilbe is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish from Brazil that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch....
- †DavichthysDavichthysDavichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- DecapterusDecapterusDecapterus is a genus of marine fishes in the family in the jack family, Carangidae. They are commonly known as mackerel scads, and round scads. They are found throughout the world....
- †DecazellaDecazellaDecazella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Deltentosteus
- Dentex
- †DeprandusDeprandusDeprandus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DercetisDercetisDercetis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35561&is_real_user=1...
- †DercetoidesDercetoidesDercetoides is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35562&is_real_user=1...
- Dermatopsis
- †Devonesteus
- †DevonosteusDevonosteusDevonosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DiabolepisDiabolepisDiabolepis is an extinct genus of sarcopterygian fish related to lungfishes which lived in the Early Devonian period of South China...
- †DialiipinaDialiipinaDialiipina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- DiaphusDiaphusDiaphus is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Gilbert's large lantern fish, Diaphus adenomus Gilbert, 1905* Diaphus aliciae Fowler, 1934* Andersen's lantern fish, Diaphus anderseni Tåning, 1932...
- †DiaphyodusDiaphyodusDiaphyodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- DibranchusDibranchusDibranchus is a fish genus in the family Ogcocephalidae.-Species:* Dibranchus accinctus Bradbury, 1999.* Atlantic batfish, Dibranchus atlanticus Peters, 1876.* Dibranchus cracens Bradbury, McCosker & Long, 1999....
- Dicologoglossa
- †DictyopypeDictyopypeDictyopype is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DigoriaDigoriaDigoria is a historical region at the northern mountainside of the Greater Caucasus Mountain range in the western part of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia. Nowadays the name most often refers to Irafsky and Digorsky districts of the republic.-See also:*History of North Ossetia-Alania*Alania...
- †DimorpholepisDimorpholepisDimorpholepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †DinelopsDinelopsDinelops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †DinopteryxDinopteryxDinopteryx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- DiodonDiodonMembers of the diodontidae, species of the genus diodon are usually known as porcupinefishes or balloonfishes.-Distinguishing features:Fish of the genus Diodon have;...
- Diplacanthopoma
- †DiplocercidesDiplocercidesDiplocercides is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fishbelonging to the coelacanth group which lived during the Late Devonian period...
- Diplodus
- †DipnorhynchusDipnorhynchusDipnorhynchus is an extinct genus of lungfish from the middle Devonian period of Australia and Europe.Dipnorhynchus was a primitive lungfish, but still it had features that set it apart from other sarcopterygians. Its skull lacked the joint that divided the skull in two in rhipidists and...
- †DipterichthysDipterichthysDipterichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DipteronotusDipteronotusDipteronotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †DipterusDipterusDipterus is an extinct genus of lungfish from the late Devonian period of Australia and Europe.In most respects, Dipterus, which was about long, closely resembled modern lungfish. Like its ancestor Dipnorhynchus, it had tooth-like plates on its palate instead of real teeth...
- Dipulus
- Diretmus
- †DollopterusDollopterusDollopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DomeykosDomeykosDomeykos is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DorsolepisDorsolepisDorsolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DrimysDrimys (fish)Drimys is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35563&is_real_user=1...
- †DrydeniusDrydeniusDrydenius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †DuctorDuctorDuctor is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene. Fossils have been found in Monte Bolca.In life, species of Ductor would have resembled pilot fish, though, they are more closely related to the jackfish...
- †DwykiaDwykiaDwykia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
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- †EastmanalepesEastmanalepesEastmanalepes primaevus is an extinct species of prehistoric jack fish that lived from the Lutetian epoch, of what is now Monte Bolca, Italy. It was originally described as a species of the jackfish genus Caranx, of which it has a superficially similar outline to...
- †EbenaquaEbenaquaEbenaqua is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EchelusEchelusEchelus is a genus of eels in the snake eel family Ophichthidae. It currently contains the following species:* Echelus myrus * Echelus pachyrhynchus...
- EcheneisEcheneisAn echeneis is a legendary creature described in medieval bestiaries. It is a described as a fish that is half a foot in length. It is said to latch on to ships, holding them back. They are said to be found in the Indian Ocean...
- †EchidnocephalusEchidnocephalusEchidnocephalus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Echiodon
- †EclipesEclipesEclipes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch....
- †EcrinesomusEcrinesomusEcrinesomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Ectasis
- †EctosteorhachisEctosteorhachisEctosteorhachis is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Permian period . It belonged to the group of Osteolepiformes and to the family of Osteolepidae. Ectosteorhachis lived in fresh waters....
- †EgertoniaEgertoniaEgertonia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EichstaettiaEichstaettiaEichstaettia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EigiliaEigiliaEigilia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ElectronaElectronaElectrona is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Electrona antarctica * Electrona carlsbergi * Electrona paucirastra Bolin, 1962...
- †ElonichthysElonichthysElonichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ElopoidesElopoidesElopoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ElopopsisElopopsisElopopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Cenomanian to Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Elops
- †ElpistoichthysElpistoichthysElpistoichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Emmelichthys
- †EnchelionEnchelionEnchelion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EnchelurusEnchelurusEnchelurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Cenomanian to Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EnchelyolepisEnchelyolepisEnchelyolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EnchodusEnchodusEnchodus is an extinct genus of bony fish. It flourished during the Upper Cretaceous and was small to medium in size. One of the genus' most notable attributes are the large "fangs" at the front of the upper and lower jaws and on the palatine bones, leading to its misleading nickname among fossil...
- EngraulisEngraulisEngraulis is a genus of anchovies. It currently contains nine species.-Species:* Engraulis albidus Borsa, Collet & J. D. Durand, 2004* Engraulis anchoita Carl Hubbs & Marini, 1935 * Engraulis australis Engraulis is a genus of anchovies. It currently contains nine species.-Species:* Engraulis...
- †EnigmatichthysEnigmatichthysEnigmatichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EnischorhynchusEnischorhynchusEnischorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EnniskillenusEnniskillenusEnniskillenus is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Casier in 1966.-References:* , Paleobiology Database...
- Enophrys
- †EnoplophthalmusEnoplophthalmusEnoplophthalmus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Enoplosus
- †EoanguillaEoanguillaEoanguilla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoaulostomusEoaulostomusEoaulostomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EobothusEobothusEobothus is an extinct genus of flatfish from the Eocene period of China, India and Europe.Eobothus is significant as one of the earliest genera of flatfish, one of the last major fish groups to evolve. It closely resembled modern flatfish, with an oval-shaped body about long, surrounded by...
- †EobuglossusEobuglossusEobuglossus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EocoelopomaEocoelopomaEocoelopoma is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EocottusEocottusEocottus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EodiaphyodusEodiaphyodusEodiaphyodus is a genus of Elopiformes fish that is classified in the suborder Albuloidea. It is related to the modern Tarpon. This fish that in Morocco during the Late Cretaceous Period. It crushed its food with bony plates found in the back of its throat.-See also:*Coriops*Flora and fauna of the...
- †EodiodonEodiodonEodiodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoeugnathusEoeugnathusEoeugnathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish. belonging to the Amiiformes order.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoholocentrumEoholocentrumEoholocentrum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EokrefftiaEokrefftiaEokrefftia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EolabroidesEolabroidesEolabroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EolactoriaEolactoriaEolactoria sorbinii is an extinct prehistoric boxfish that lived during the Lutetian epoch of the middle Eocene, in Monte Bolca. It had two pairs of long spines, one over each eye, and one pair beneath the anal and caudal fins, arranged very similarly to those possessed by the modern genus...
- †EolamprogrammusEolamprogrammusEolamprogrammus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Danian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EolatesEolatesEolates is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EolophotesEolophotesEolophotes is an extinct genus of Lampridiformes.-External links:* at the Paleobiology Database...
- †EoluvarusEoluvarusEoluvarus bondei is a species of extinct bony fish once identified as being a luvar from the Fuller's Earth Ypresian formation of the Barmer District of Rajasthan, India. Later, better specimens were found, and E. bondei was reappraised as being a relative of the prehistoric spadefish, Exellia....
- †EomesodonEomesodonEomesodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EomuraenaEomuraenaEomuraena is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EomyctophumEomyctophumEomyctophum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Eomyrophis
- †EomyrusEomyrusEomyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EopeyeriaEopeyeriaEopeyeria is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EophycisEophycisEophycis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoplataxEoplataxEoplatax is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoplectusEoplectusEoplectus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoprotelopsEoprotelopsEoprotelops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EopsettaEopsettaEopsetta is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It contains two species.-Species:* Shotted halibut, Eopsetta grigorjewi .* Petrale sole, Eopsetta jordani ....
- †EosalmoEosalmoEosalmo is a genus of extinct salmon which lived during the Eocene epoch. The genus was first described in 1977 from fossils found in lacustrine deposits near Smithers, British Columbia, Canada. Fossils from this genus have also been found at sites in Princeton, British Columbia and Republic,...
- †EosaurichthysEosaurichthysEosaurichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EosemionotusEosemionotusEosemionotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EoserranusEoserranusEoserranus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Danian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EospinusEospinusEospinus daniltshenkoi is an extinct tetraodontid bony fish from the Eocene. Its fossils are from the Danata Formation lagerstatten of Ypresian Turkmenistan....
- †EosynancejaEosynancejaEosynanceja is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EotetraodonEotetraodonEotetraodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric puffer fish that lived during the Lutetian epoch of middle Eocene Italy. The only fossil specimens are from the Monte Bolca lagerstatten.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EothynnusEothynnusEothynnus salmonens is an extinct species of prehistoric jackfish that lived during the lower Eocene of what is now the Isle of Sheppey Eothynnus salmonens is an extinct species of prehistoric jackfish that lived during the lower Eocene of what is now the Isle of Sheppey Eothynnus salmonens is an...
- †EothyrstitesEothyrstitesEothyrstites is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EotrigonodonEotrigonodonEotrigonodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EozanclusEozanclusEozanclus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EpigonusEpigonus (genus)Epigonus is a fish genus of the family Epigonidae.-Species:*Epigonus affinis Parin & Abramov, 1986 *Epigonus angustifrons Abramov & Manilo, 1987 *Epigonus atherinoides *Epigonus constanciae...
- EpinephelusEpinephelusEpinephelus is a genus of groupers. They are large sea fish. Members of this genus may also be called a Mero.-Species:FishBase lists 99 species:* Areolate grouper, Epinephelus areolatus ....
- Epinnula
- †EriquiusEriquiusEriquius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ErugocentrusErugocentrusErugocentrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EsocelopsEsocelopsEsocelops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EtringusEtringusEtringus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EtrumeusEtrumeusEtrumeus is a genus of round herrings in the herring family, Clupeidae. It currently consists of three described species.-Species:* Etrumeus micropus * Etrumeus teres...
- †EubiodectesEubiodectesEubiodectes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EugnathidesEugnathidesEugnathides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Oxfordian to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EuleptorhamphusEuleptorhamphusEuleptorhamphus is a genus of halfbeaks in the order Beloniformes. It includes two species, the flying halfbeak, E. velox, and the ribbon halfbeak, E. viridis.Both of these species are marine. E...
- Eulichthys
- †EuporosteusEuporosteusEuporosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EurycormusEurycormusEurycormus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Callovian stage of the Middle Jurassic epoch to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EurynotoidesEurynotoidesEurynotoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EurypholisEurypholisEurypholis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*...
- †EurystichthysEurystichthysEurystichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Kimmeridgian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EusemiusEusemiusEusemius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EusthenopteronEusthenopteronEusthenopteron is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which has attained an iconic status from its close relationships to tetrapods. Early depictions of this animal show it emerging onto land, however paleontologists now widely agree that it was a strictly aquatic animal...
- EuthynnusEuthynnusEuthynnus is a fish genus in the family Scombridae.-Species list:* Euthynnus affinis , kawakawa* Euthynnus alletteratus , little tunny* Euthynnus lineatus , black skipjack-See also:...
- †EuthynotusEuthynotusEuthynotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †EutrichiuridesEutrichiuridesEutrichiurides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- EutriglaEutriglaEutrigla is a fish genus in the family Triglidae.-See also:* List of prehistoric bony fish* List of extant animal genera represented in the fossil record...
- †Evenkia
- EvermanellaEvermanellaEvermanella is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*...
- †EvesthesEvesthesEvesthes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Exallias
- †ExelliaExelliaExellia is a genus of extinct spadefish that lived in the Tethys Ocean during the early Paleogene. The adult form is shaped akin to a large spadefish or a short dolphinfish, with very large pelvic fins, and a long dorsal fin starting from in front of the eyes to near the base of the caudal peduncle...
- †ExocoetoidesExocoetoidesExocoetoides is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*...
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- Fistularia
- †FistularioidesFistularioidesFistularioides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †FlindersicthysFlindersicthysFlindersicthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Albian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †FlugopterusFlugopterusFlugopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †FukangichthysFukangichthysFukangichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Rhaetian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †FuroFurois a Japanese word for bath. Specifically it is used to refer to a type of bath which originated as a short, steep-sided wooden bathtub. Baths of this type are found all over Japan in houses, apartments and traditional Japanese inns but are now usually made out of a plastic or stainless steel.A...
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- †GabanelliaGabanelliaGabanellia is an extinct genus of bony fish from the Late Triassic.-References:*...
- †GadellaGadellaGadella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pliocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Gadiculus
- GadomusGadomusGadomus is a genus of rattails of the family Macrouridae.- Species :* Filamentous rattail, Gadomus aoteanus McCann & McKnight, 1980* Doublethread grenadier, Gadomus arcuatus...
- Gadus
- Gaidropsarus
- †GanoessusGanoessusGanoessus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GanolytesGanolytesGanolytes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GanorhynchusGanorhynchusGanorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric lungfish from the Devonian period....
- †GardinerichthysGardinerichthysGardinerichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †GarnbergiaGarnbergiaGarnbergia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Anisian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GasteroclupeaGasteroclupeaGasteroclupea is a genus of prehistoric clupeiform fish that is related to modern anchovies and herrings. Its fossils date back to the Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period.- External links :...
- †GasterorhamphosusGasterorhamphosusGasterorhamphosus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- GasterosteusGasterosteusSticklebacks is a genus of fishes in the family Gasterosteidae. Consists of six species:* Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 - Three-spined stickleback* Gasterosteus crenobiontus Băcescu & Mayer, 1956 - Techirghiol stickleback...
- †GaudryellaGaudryellaGaudryella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GazolapodusGazolapodusGazolapodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Gazza
- Gempylus
- Genyonemus
- Genypterus
- Gephyroberyx
- Gerres
- †GharbouriaGharbouriaGharbouria is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GibbodonGibbodonGibbodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †GigantopterusGigantopterusGigantopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Gillicus
- †GillidiaGillidiaGillidia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GinsburgiaGinsburgiaGinsburgia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- GlaucosomaGlaucosomaThe pearl perches are members of the perciform family Glaucosomatidae containing a single genus of four species:* Glaucosoma buergeri Richardson, 1845* Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson, 1845...
- GlyptocephalusGlyptocephalusGlyptocephalus is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family.-Nomenclature:The word Glytocephalus is derived from the Greek γλύφειν , meaning "to carve", and κεφαλος , meaning "head".-Species:...
- †GlyptolepisGlyptolepisGlyptolepis is an extinct genus of porolepiform lobe-finned fish which lived during Devonian period....
- Glyptophidium
- †GlyptopomusGlyptopomusGlyptopomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GnathoberyxGnathoberyxGnathoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- GnathophisGnathophisGnathophis is a genus of marine congrid eels.-Species:* Genus Gnathophis** Gnathophis andriashevi Karmovskaya, 1990** Gnathophis asanoi Karmovskaya, 2004** Gnathophis bathytopos D. G. Smith & Kanazawa, 1977...
- GobiusGobiusGobius is a genus of fish in the Gobiidae family. It contains the typical gobies, being the type genus of its subfamily and family, and the namesake genus of its suborder .It contains the following species:...
- †GonatodusGonatodusGonatodus is an extinct genus of palaeonisciform fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch. It is a member of the family Elonichthyidae.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GoniocranionGoniocranionGoniocranion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Gonostoma
- †GoslinophisGoslinophisGoslinophis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GoudkoffiaGoudkoffiaGoudkoffia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GracilignathicthysGracilignathicthysGracilignathicthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- GrammatorcynusGrammatorcynusGrammatorcynus is a fish genus in the family Scombridae.-See also:* List of prehistoric bony fish* List of extant animal genera represented in the fossil record...
- †GraphiuricthysGraphiuricthysGraphiuricthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GreenwoodellaGreenwoodellaGreenwoodella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †GriphognathusGriphognathusGriphognathus is an extinct genus of lungfish from the late Devonian period of Europe and Australia.Griphognathus was a specialized lungfish, about long, with an elongated snout. The lower jaw and palate were lined with tooth-like denticles. Like all other lungfish, its skin was covered by...
- †GrossipterusGrossipterusGrossipterus is an extinct genus of lungfish which lived during the Devonian period....
- †GrypodonGrypodonGrypodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Gymnosarda
- GymnoscopelusGymnoscopelusGymnoscopelus is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Gymnoscopelus bolini Andriashev, 1962* Gymnoscopelus braueri * Gymnoscopelus fraseri...
- †GyrodusGyrodusGyrodus is an extinct genus of pycnodontiform bony fish that lived in the Jurassic and Cretaceous....
- †GyrolepidoidesGyrolepidoidesGyrolepidoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †GyrolepisGyrolepisGyrolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †GyronchusGyronchusGyronchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †GyroptychiusGyroptychiusGyroptychius is an extinct genus of coelacanthiform lobe-finned fish from the Devonian period.Gyroptychius was a fast riverine predator with an elongated body about long. As its eyes were relatively small, it is presumed to have hunted by smell rather than sight. Gyroptychius had short jaws which...
- †GyrosteusGyrosteusGyrosteus mirabilis is an extinct ray-finned fish. It was found near Whitby and was about 5 m long....
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- †HabroichthysHabroichthysHabroichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HacquetiaHacquetiaHacquetia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene....
- †HadronectorHadronectorHadronector is a prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period of Montana, North America. Hadronector belongs to the group of coelacanth fishes and it is the type genus in the family of Hadronectoridae....
- †HainbergiaHainbergiaHainbergia is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HalecHalecHalec is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35568&is_real_user=1...
- †HalecopsisHalecopsisHalecopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Haliophis
- †HaljuliaHaljuliaHaljulia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.This fish may have used gills or lungs, but the skeleton is inconclusive.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HamodusHamodusHamodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HaplolepisHaplolepisHaplolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the late Moscovian stage of the Pennsylvanian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- HarengulaHarengulaHarengula is a genus of herrings that occur mostly in the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, with one species in the eastern Pacific Ocean...
- †HelgolandichthysHelgolandichthysHelgolandichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HelichthysHelichthysHelichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HelmolepisHelmolepisHelmolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- HemerocoetesHemerocoetesHemerocoetes is a genus of duckbill fishes....
- †HemicalypterusHemicalypterusHemicalypterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HemilampronitesHemilampronitesHemilampronites is a prehistoric genus of flying fish. Its fossils can be found in Maastrichtian aged marine deposits.-Classification:Hemilampronites is a member of the order Beloniformes....
- †HemirhabdorhynchusHemirhabdorhynchusHemirhabdorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric Actinopterygii, or ray-finned fish, that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Hemirhamphus
- †HemisauridaHemisauridaHemisaurida is a genus of prehistoric fish, known from Cretaceous fossils found in Europe.-References:*...
- Hemithyrsites
- †HengnaniaHengnaniaHengnania is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HeptanemaHeptanemaHeptanema is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HeterolepidotusHeterolepidotusHeterolepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HeterostrophusHeterostrophusHeterostrophus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Callovian stage of the Middle Jurassic epoch to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HeterothrissaHeterothrissaHeterothrissa is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Hildebrandia
- HippocampusSeahorseSeahorses compose the fish genus Hippocampus within the family Syngnathidae, in order Syngnathiformes. Syngnathidae also includes the pipefishes. "Hippocampus" comes from the Ancient Greek hippos meaning "horse" and kampos meaning “sea monster”.There are nearly 50 species of seahorse...
- HippoglossoidesHippoglossoidesHippoglossoides is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family.-Species:* Flathead flounder, Hippoglossoides dubius .* Flathead sole, Hippoglossoides elassodon ....
- †HipposyngnathusHipposyngnathusHipposyngnathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HistionotusHistionotusHistionotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HistiothrissaHistiothrissaHistiothrissa is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HolocentritesHolocentritesHolocentrites is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Holocentrus
- †HolodipterusHolodipterusHolodipterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HolophagusHolophagusHolophagus is an extinct genus of lobe-finned fish. It lived through the Jurassic period....
- †HolopterygiusHolopterygiusHolopterygius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HoloptychusHoloptychusHoloptychus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †HolosteusHolosteusHolosteus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35570&is_real_user=1...
- †HomonotichthysHomonotichthysHomonotichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HomorhynchusHomorhynchusHomorhynchus is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Edouard Van Beneden in 1873.-References:*, Paleobiology Database...
- Hoplichthys
- Hoplobrotula
- †HoplopteryxHoplopteryxHoplopteryx is an extinct genus of fish from the Cretaceous.-External links:* in the Paleobiology Database...
- Hoplostethus
- HoplunnisHoplunnisHoplunnis is a genus of eels in the duckbill eel family Nettastomatidae. It currently contains the following species:* Hoplunnis diomediana Goode & Bean, 1896...
- HuchoHuchoHucho is a genus of salmonids.There are five species in the genus Hucho, and all are native exclusively to Asia with the exception of Hucho hucho, the Huchen trout or the Danube salmon, and Hucho taimen the taimen. Hucho taimen is extinct from Europe and now only lives in Mongolia and Russia...
- †HulettiaHulettiaHulettia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish found in the Morrison Formation in the western United States, measuring approximately three to four inches in length. Its body was covered in thick prominent scales.-See also:* Prehistoric fish...
- †HumilichthysHumilichthysHumilichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †HungkiichthysHungkiichthysHungkiichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- HusoHusoHuso is a genus of large sturgeons. It contains two species:*Huso dauricus *Huso huso...
- †HydropessumHydropessumHydropessum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Hygophum
- HymenocephalusHymenocephalusHymenocephalus is a genus of rattails currently with 24 described species.- Species :* Hymenocephalus adelscotti* Hymenocephalus antraeus* Hymenocephalus aterrimus* Hymenocephalus barbatulus* Hymenocephalus billsam...
- Hypacanthus
- Hyperoglyphe
- Hyperoplus
- Hyperprosopon
- HypomesusHypomesusHypomesus is a genus of smelts , consisting of five species found in the northern hemisphere.The pond smelt H. olidus is widespread across norheastern Asia, Alaska, and northwestern Canada, while the Delta smelt H. transpacificus is an endangered species of the Sacramento Delta in California. H...
- HyporhamphusHyporhamphusHyporhamphus is a genus of fish.-Species:* Hyporhamphus yuri* Hyporhamphus xanthopterus* Hyporhamphus unifasciatus* Hyporhamphus unicuspis* Hyporhamphus taiwanensis* Hyporhamphus snyderi* Hyporhamphus sindensis...
- HypsocormusHypsocormusHypsocormus is an extinct genus of teleost fish from the Jurassic period of Europe.Hypsocormus was a fast-swimming predatory fish about long, with a half moon-shaped caudal fin similar to that of a modern mackerel. It had a single dorsal fin, elongated pectoral fins and tiny pelvic fins about half...
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- Icelinus
- †IchthyocerasIchthyocerasIchthyoceros spinosus is an extinct pycnodontid that lived during the lower Cenomanian of what is now Lebanon. I. spinosus had a triple, forward-pointing horn-like spine between its eyes, very similar to the single spine of Trewavasia, and a massive, multipointed spine emanating from .-See also:*...
- IchthyococcusIchthyococcusIchthyococcus are a genus of lightfishes.-Included species:The genus Ichthyococcus include the following species:* Ichthyococcus australis* Slim lightfish, Ichthyococcus elongatus* Ichthyococcus intermedius...
- †IchthyodectesIchthyodectesIchthyodectes ctenodon was a 4-metre long ichthyodectid. It lived in the Western Interior Seaway during the late Cretaceous. It was closely related to the 4 to 6 metre long Xiphactinus audax, and the 2-metre long Gillicus arcuatus, and like other ichthyodectids, I. ctenodon is presumed to have...
- †IchthyokentemaIchthyokentemaIchthyokentema is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †IchthyotringaIchthyotringaIchthyotringa damoni, once referred to as Rhinellus damoni, is a Cretaceous species of prehistoric fish. I. damoni is characterized by a slender beak that accounts for a third of the fish's length.-References:*...
- †IdrissiaIdrissiaIdrissia is a primitive genus of the order Stomiiformes, and is an extinct relative of marine hatchetfish and viperfish. Idrissias position in the order is in doubt, however, as scientists have not studied enough fossil specimens to determine exactly which stomiiforms the genus is most closely...
- †IgornellaIgornellaIgornella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- IlishaIlisha (genus)Ilisha is a genus of ray-finned fishes in the Pristigasteridae family. The genus contains 16 species.-Species:* Ilisha africana * Ilisha amazonica...
- †IlliniichthysIlliniichthysIlliniichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the late Moscovian stage of the Pennsylvanian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ImhoffiusImhoffiusImhoffius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †IndotrigonodonIndotrigonodonIndotrigonodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †InichthysInichthysInichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †InocentrusInocentrusInocentrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †IonoscopusIonoscopusIonoscopus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †IoscionIoscionIoscion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Isacia
- IsopsettaIsopsettaIsopsetta is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It consists of only one species, the butter sole....
- †IstieusIstieusIstieus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Santonian to the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Istiophorus
- †IsurichthysIsurichthysIsurichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †IzuusIzuusIzuus nakamurai is an extinct genus of prehistoric damselfish from the Izu Peninsula, Early Miocene Japan.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- †JacobulusJacobulusJacobulus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- JaponocongerJaponocongerJaponoconger is a genus of eels in the family Congridae. It currently contains the following species:* Japonoconger africanus * Japonoconger caribbeus D. G. Smith & Kanazawa, 1977...
- †JoleaudichthysJoleaudichthysJoleaudichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †JudeichthysJudeichthysJudeichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †JudeoberyxJudeoberyxJudeoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †JungersenichthysJungersenichthysJungersenichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †KankatodusKankatodusKankatodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †KansiusKansiusKansius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †KentuckiaKentuckiaKentuckia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †KnightiaKnightiaKnightia is an extinct genus of bony fish which lived in the fresh water lakes and rivers of North America during the Eocene epoch. It was named by David Starr Jordan in 1907, in honor of the late University of Wyoming professor Wilbur Clinton Knight, "an indefatigable student of the paleontology...
- †KoonwarriaKoonwarriaKoonwarria is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †KorutichthysKorutichthysKorutichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Kryptophaneron
- Kuhlia
- †KushlukiaKushlukiaKushlukia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish, closely related to the luvar, that lived during the lower Eocene. K. permira is from Eocene portion of the Danata Formation Lagerstatten , of Turkmenistan...
- Kyphosida
- †KyrtogymnodonKyrtogymnodonKyrtogymnodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pliocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LabrisomusLabrisomusLabrisomus is a genus of blennies in the labrisomidae family, known largely from the western Atlantic and southeastern Pacific Ocean.-Species:* Whitecheek blenny, Labrisomus albigenys Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928...
- Labrodon
- †LabrophagusLabrophagusLabrophagus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LabrusLabrusLabrus is a genus of wrasses of the Labridae family, currently with four recognised species*Ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767 *Brown wrasse, Labrus merula Linnaeus, 1758 *Cuckoo wrasse, Labrus mixtus Linnaeus, 1758...
- Lactarius
- Laemonema
- Lampadena
- Lampanyctodes
- LampanyctusLampanyctusLampanyctus is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Spinytail lampfish, Lampanyctus acanthurus Wisner, 1974* Lampanyctus alatus Goode & Bean, 1896* Southern lanternfish, Lampanyctus australis Tåning, 1932...
- Lampichthyes
- Lampris
- †LandanichthysLandanichthysLandanichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Danian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Larimus
- †LatviusLatviusLatvius is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LaugiaLaugiaLaugia is a genus of prehistoric coelacanth fish which lived during the Triassic period....
- †LaytoniaLaytoniaLaytonia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Lebonichthyes
- †LedneviaLedneviaLednevia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LeedsichthysLeedsichthysLeedsichthys was a giant pachycormid that lived in the oceans of the Middle Jurassic period. The closest living relative of the pachycormids is the bowfin, Amia calva, but this is only very distantly related....
- †LegnonotusLegnonotusLegnonotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LehmanotusLehmanotusLehmanotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Leiognathus
- Lepidion
- Lepidocottus
- †LepidogobiusLepidogobiusLepidogobius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pleistocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Lepidopus
- Lepidorhombus
- LepidotriglaLepidotriglaLepidotrigla is a fish genus in the family Triglidae.-Species:* Lepidotrigla abyssalis Jordan & Starks, 1904.* Lepidotrigla alata Houttuyn, 1782.* Lepidotrigla alcocki Regan, 1908.* Lepidotrigla annamarae del Cerro & Lloris, 1997....
- †LepidotusLepidotusLepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LepisosteusLepisosteusLepisosteus is a genus of gars in the family Lepisosteidae.There are four species:* Lepisosteus oculatus Winchell, 1864 * Lepisosteus osseus...
- Lepophidium
- †LeptecodonLeptecodonLeptecodon is a genus of prehistoric mackerel-like fish which was described by Williston in 1899 and was possibly preyed on by other sea creatures. However, it was a hunter of smaller creatures itself. This fish sometimes hid in clams such as Inoceramus. The first-discovered fossil was inside a...
- Leptocottus
- †LeptolepidesLeptolepidesLeptolepides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LeptolepisLeptolepisLeptolepis is an extinct genus of teleost fish that lived in the Mesozoic era. It was one of the first teleosts.- Appearance :...
- Leptoscopus
- †LestidiopsLestidiopsLestidiops is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*...
- Lethops
- Leuresthes
- †LibanoberyxLibanoberyxLibanoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LibotoniusLibotoniusLibotonius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LibysLibysLibys is a genus of the prehistoric coelacanth lobe-finned fish which lived during the Jurassic period. Fossils have been found in Germany. Libys belongs to the family of Latimeridae, which is also the family of the living coelacanth, Latimeria....
- †LigulalepisLigulalepisLigulalepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LigulellaLigulellaLigulella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LimandaLimandaLimanda is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family.-Species:* Yellowfin sole, Limanda aspera .* Yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea .* Common dab, Limanda limanda...
- †LiodesmusLiodesmusLiodesmus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LiroscelesLiroscelesLirosceles is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LissoberyxLissoberyxLissoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LithognathusLithognathusLithognathus is a genus of fish in the Sparidae family.It contains the following species:* white steenbras...
- †LitoptychiusLitoptychiusLitoptychius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LizaLiza (genus)Liza is the largest genus of the 17 in the family Mugilidae. The genus Liza contains 24 species.Note: The mullet species with common name Liza is in factMugil liza, thus in the genus Mugil.-Taxonomy:...
- Lobianchia
- †LobopterusLobopterusLobopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LochmocereusLochmocereusLochmocereus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LompoquiaLompoquiaLompoquia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Lonchistium
- †LopharLopharLophar is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LophiostomusLophiostomusLophiostomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- LophiusLophiusMembers of the genus Lophius, also sometimes called monkfish, goosefish, fishing-frogs, frog-fish, and sea-devils, are well known off the coasts of Europe generally, the grotesque shape of its body and its singular habits having attracted the attention of naturalists of all ages...
- †LophosteusLophosteusLophosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Lota
- †LuganoiaLuganoiaLuganoia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LuisichthysLuisichthysLuisichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Oxfordian to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LuisiellaLuisiellaLuisiella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Kimmeridgian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †LusitanichthysLusitanichthysLusitanichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Luvarus
- †LuxilitesLuxilitesLuxilites is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Lycodopsis
- Lyconectes
- LyopsettaLyopsettaLyopsetta is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It consists of only one species, the slender sole.-Species:* Slender sole, Lyopsetta exilis ....
- †LyrolepisLyrolepisLyrolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- MaccullochellaMaccullochellaMaccullochella is a genus of large Australian predatory freshwater fish within the Percichthyidae family. The Maccullochella genus was named after an early Australian fish researcher with the surname McCulloch....
- †MacrepistiusMacrepistiusMacrepistius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Albian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MacroaulostomusMacroaulostomusMacroaulostomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MacropomaMacropomaMacropoma is an extinct genus of coelacanth in the class Sarcopterygii. These fishes have apparently been extinct for over 70 million years and are most closely related to the modern coelacanth Latimeria....
- †MacropomoidesMacropomoidesMacropomoides is an extinct genus of lobe-finned fish which lived during the Cretaceous period....
- †MacrosemiusMacrosemiusMacrosemius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Macruronus
- †MadariscusMadariscusMadariscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- MakairaMakairaMakaira is a genus of marlins and spearfishes. It includes the black, Atlantic blue, and Indo-Pacific blue marlins.- Sustainable consumption :...
- Malacocottus
- †MalacopygaeusMalacopygaeusMalacopygaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Mallotus
- †ManliettaManliettaManlietta is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Marosichthys
- †MartinichthysMartinichthysMartinichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Mastygocercus
- Matarchia
- Maulisia
- MaurolicusMaurolicusMaurolicus is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. They are commonly known as pearlsides, but the brilliant pearlside is the related Argyripnus iridescens...
- Megalops
- †MegapomusMegapomusMegapomus is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period....
- †MegistolepisMegistolepisMegistolepis is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period....
- †MeidiichthysMeidiichthysMeidiichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Melamphaes
- †MelanognathusMelanognathusMelanognathus is a prehistoric lungfish which lived during the Devonian period....
- Melanogrammus
- Melanonus
- MeneMeneThe moonfish of the genus Mene , the sole extant genus of the family Menidae are disk-shaped fish which bear a vague resemblance to gourami, thanks to their thread-like pelvic fins...
- MenidiaMenidiaMenidia is a genus of silverside fish found all around the shores of the Gulf of Maine from Nova Scotia to Cape Cod.The species M. clarkhubbsi, an all-female species, reproduces asexually-References:...
- Menticirrhus
- †MeridensiaMeridensiaMeridensia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Merlangius
- Merluccius
- †MesoclupeaMesoclupeaMesoclupea is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MesolepisMesolepisMesolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MesturusMesturusMesturus is an extinct genus of bony fish....
- †MicrocaprosMicrocaprosMicrocapros is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Microchirus
- Microgadus
- Micromesistius
- †MicromyrusMicromyrusMicromyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MicropycnodonMicropycnodonMicropycnodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- MicrostomusMicrostomusMicrostomus is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family.-Nomenclature:The word Microstomus is derived from the Greek μικρὸς , meaning "small", and στόμα , meaning "mouth".-Species:...
- †MiguashaiaMiguashaiaMiguashaia is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Devonian period. Miguashaia is the most primitive coelacanth fish....
- †MilananguillaMilananguillaMilananguilla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Mimia
- †MioplosusMioplosusMioplosus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.Very similar to today's perch, the Mioplosus is distinguished by its double dorsal fin and pointed teeth. It is thought to have been a solitary predator often attacking fish up to half of its own size...
- MolaMola (genus)Mola is a genus of the family Molidae. It includes two species, the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, and the Southern Ocean sunfish, Mola ramsayi....
- Molva
- Monocentris
- Monochirus
- Monolene
- Monomitopus
- †MoorevilliaMoorevilliaMoorevillia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- MoroneMoroneMorone is a genus of temperate basses , consisting of four species....
- †MoythomasiaMoythomasiaMoythomasia is an extinct genus of early ray-finned fish from the Devonian period of Europe and Australia.Moythomasia was a small freshwater fish, long. It had relatively large eyes, presumably to find prey in murky water...
- MugilMugilMugil is one genus among 17 genera containing all together about 80 species of ray-finned fish of the family Mugilidae commonly known as mullet...
- MullusMullusMullus known as Goatfishes or Mullets is subtropical marine genus of perciform fish of the family Mullidae. Occurs mainly in the Southwest Atlantic near the South American coast and in the Eastern Atlantic including the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. These fish are bottom dwelling over sands and...
- Mupus
- MuraenaMuraenaMuraena is a genus of twelve species of large eels in the family Muraenidae.This genus is common in the Mediterranean, and highly esteemed by the ancient Romans . It is abundantly represented in tropical and subtropical seas, especially in rocky parts or on coral reefs...
- MuraenesoxMuraenesoxMuraenesox is a small genus of eels found throughout the Indo-Pacific. It currently has two described species as most species have been moved to other genera. Members are found in the Indo West Pacific.-Species:* Muraenesox bagio Muraenesox is a small genus of eels found throughout the...
- MyctophumMyctophumMyctophum is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Myctophum affine* Myctophum asperum * Myctophum aurolaternatum* Myctophum brachygnathum* Myctophum fissunovi* Myctophum lunatum...
- †MylacanthusMylacanthusMylacanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †MylomyrusMylomyrusMylomyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Myripristis
- Myroconger
- MystriophisMystriophisMystriophis is a genus of eels in the snake eel family Ophichthidae. It currently contains the following species:* Mystriophis crosnieri Blache, 1971* Mystriophis rostellatus...
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- †NannolepisNannolepisNannolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Nansenia
- †NardoichthysNardoichthysNardoichthys francisci is an extinct species of bony fish from the Campanian/Maastrichtian epoch of Nardò, Italy....
- NasoNaso (genus)The unicorn fishes are 17 species of tropical, herbivorous marine surgeonfishes in the genus Naso. They are so named because of a spike that protrudes from the forehead. Some species have a bulbous protrusion rather than a pronounced spike, and some lack a spike altogether...
- †NatlandiaNatlandiaNatlandia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NaupygusNaupygusNaupygus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NaxilepisNaxilepisNaxilepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Neanthias
- Nebris
- †NematonotusNematonotusNematonotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NematoptychiusNematoptychiusNematoptychius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Neobythites
- †NeocassandraNeocassandraNeocassandra is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NeocybiumNeocybiumNeocybium is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NeohalecopsisNeohalecopsisNeohalecopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NeopachycormusNeopachycormusNeopachycormus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NeopholidophoropsisNeopholidophoropsisNeopholidophoropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Neoplatycephalus
- †NeorhombolepisNeorhombolepisNeorhombolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Neoscombrops
- NerophisNerophisNerophis is a genus of pipefishes. Consists of three species:* Nerophis lumbriciformis - Worm pipefish* Nerophis maculatus Rafinesque, 1810 - Spotted pipefish* Nerophis ophidion - Straightnose pipefish...
- †NesidesNesidesNesides is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- NettastomaNettastomaNettastoma is a genus of eels in the duckbill eel family Nettastomatidae. It currently contains the following species:* Nettastoma falcinaris Parin & Karmovskaya, 1985* Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810...
- †NeuburgellaNeuburgellaNeuburgella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- NezumiaNezumiaNezumia is a large genus of rattails of the family Macrouridae. It has 51 described species at present.-Species:* Common Atlantic grenadier, Nezumia aequalis * Nezumia africana...
- †Niobrara
- †NolfophidionNolfophidionNolfophidion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- NotacanthusNotacanthusNotacanthus is a genus of spiny eels in the family Notacanthidae. It currently contains the following recognized species:* Notacanthus abbotti Fowler, 1934* Notacanthus bonaparte Risso, 1840...
- †NotagogusNotagogusNotagogus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NotelopsNotelopsNotelops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Notesthes
- †NotogoneusNotogoneusNotogoneus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish. A trace fossil attributed to Notogoneus osculus has been found in the Green River Formation.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Notolepis
- Notoscopelus
- †NozamichthysNozamichthysNozamichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the late Moscovian stage of the Pennsylvanian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †NursalliaNursalliaNursallia is an extinct genus of bony fish from the Late Cretaceous period. It is often referred to as "dinner-plate fish" because of its shape and size.-References:...
- †NybelinoidesNybelinoidesNybelinoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- Oblada
- †OccithrissopsOccithrissopsOccithrissops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OcystiasOcystiasOcystias is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OdmdeniaOdmdeniaOdmdenia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OdonteabolcaOdonteabolcaOdonteabolca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- OgcocephalusOgcocephalusOgcocephalus is a fish genus in the family Ogcocephalidae.-Species:* Longnose batfish, Ogcocephalus corniger Bradbury, 1980.* Ogcocephalus cubifrons .* Red-lipped batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958....
- OgilbiaOgilbiaOgilbia is a genus of fish in the Bythitidae family.It contains the following species:* Ogilbia cayorum - Key brotula* Ogilbia galapagosensis - Galapagos cuskeel* Ogilbia pearsei - Mexican blind brotula* Ogilbia suarezae...
- †OhuusOhuusOhuus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OligobalistesOligobalistesOligobalistes robustus is an extinct prehistoric triggerfish that lived during the Rupelian of the Middle Oligocene epoch of Central Europe.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OligodiodonOligodiodonOligodiodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OligolactoriaOligolactoriaOligolactoria bubiki is an extinct prehistoric boxfish that lived during the Rupelian epoch from the Middle Oligocene of Moravia, Czech Republic.In life, it would have strongly resembled a modern cowfish .-See also:...
- †OligopleuraOligopleuraOligopleura is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OligopleurusOligopleurusOligopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Kimmeridgian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Oligoplites
- Oligopus
- †OmosomaOmosomaOmosoma is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OmosomopsisOmosomopsisOmosomopsis is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Gaudant in 1978.-References:*...
- †OncolepisOncolepisOncolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- OncorhynchusOncorhynchusOncorhynchus is a genus of fish in the family Salmonidae; it contains the Pacific salmons and Pacific trouts. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek onkos and rynchos , in reference to the hooked jaws of males in the mating season .-Range:Salmon and trout with ranges generally in waters...
- Onuxodon
- †OnychodusOnychodusOnychodus is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Devonian period . It is one of the best known of the group of onychodontiform fishes. Scattered fossil bones of Onychodus were first discovered in 1857, in North America, and described by John Strong Newberry...
- Ophidion
- Ophiodon
- †OphiopsisOphiopsisOphiopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Ophisthoproctus
- OphisurusOphisurusOphisurus is a genus of eels in the snake eel family Ophichthidae. It currently contains the following species:* Ophisurus macrorhynchos Bleeker, 1853* Ophisurus serpens...
- †OpisthomyzonOpisthomyzonOpisthomyzon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- OpisthonemaOpisthonemaOpisthonema, the thread herrings, is a genus of herring found in tropical waters of the Western Hemisphere. They get their name from a filamentous nature of the last ray of the dorsal fin...
- †OpistopteryxOpistopteryxOpistopteryx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Oplegnathus
- †OpsithrissopsOpsithrissopsOpsithrissops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Optivus
- †OreochimaOreochimaOreochima is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OrnategulumOrnategulumOrnategulum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OrthocormusOrthocormusOrthocormus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Orthopristis
- †OrthurusOrthurusOrthurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OrvikuinaOrvikuinaOrvikuina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OshuniaOshuniaOshunia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OsmeroidesOsmeroidesOsmeroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- OsmerusOsmerusOsmerus is a genus of fish in the Osmeridae family.It contains the following species:* Pygmy smelt * Rainbow smelt * European smelt...
- †OsorioichthysOsorioichthysOsorioichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OspiaOspiaOspia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived in the Induan stage of the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OstariostomaOstariostomaOstariostoma is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †OsteolepisOsteolepisOsteolepis is an extinct genus of lobe-finned fish from the Devonian period. It lived in the Orcadian Lakes of northern Scotland....
- †OsteorachisOsteorachisOsteorachis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- OstracionOstracionThe genus Ostracion, is a member of the boxfish family containing nine species.- Species :* Yellow boxfish, Ostracion cubicus Linnaeus, 1758.* Bluetail trunkfish, Ostracion cyanurus Rüppell, 1828....
- Ostracoberyx
- †OtomitlaOtomitlaOtomitla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Oxyjulis
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- †PachycormusPachycormusPachycormus is an extinct genus of fish from the Jurassic.-Sources:* Fossils by David Ward...
- †PachyrizodusPachyrizodusPachyrizodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Albian to the Campanian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PachythrissopsPachythrissopsPachythrissops is an extinct genus of fish from the Jurassic....
- †PachytrissopsPachytrissopsPachytrissops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- PagellusPagellusPagellus is a genus of porgies in the family Sparidae....
- PagrusPagrusPagrus is a genus of fish in the family Sparidae.It contains the following species:*Pagrus africanus, Southern common seabream *Pagrus auratus, Australasian snapper...
- †PalaedaphusPalaedaphusPalaedaphus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish. It is best known for being the winner.-External links:*...
- †PalaeoatherinaPalaeoatherinaPalaeoatherina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †PalaeobalistumPalaeobalistumPalaeobalistum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †PalaeocentrotusPalaeocentrotusPalaeocentrotus is an extinct genus of Lampridiformes.-External links:* at the Paleobiology Database...
- †PalaeocyttusPalaeocyttusPalaeocyttus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bonery fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeogadusPalaeogadusPalaeogadus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeolycusPalaeolycusPalaeolycus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35574&is_real_user=1...
- †PalaeomolvaPalaeomolvaPalaeomolva is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeomyrusPalaeomyrusPalaeomyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeoniscumPalaeoniscumPalaeoniscum is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish from the Permian period of Europe and North America.Palaeoniscum had a torpedo-shaped body in length, with a deeply forked caudal fin and tall dorsal fin, indicating that it was a fast swimmer. It was probably an active predator, feeding on other...
- †PalaeopercaPalaeopercaPalaeoperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeopercichthysPalaeopercichthysPalaeopercichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeophichthysPalaeophichthysPalaeophichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Desmoinsian stage of the Pennsylvanian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeorhynchusPalaeorhynchusPalaeorhynchus is a genus of prehistoric fish from Romania that was described by Wagner in 1860. One fossil found is dated .-References:*, Paleobiology Database...
- †PalaeothrissumPalaeothrissumPalaeothrissum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PalaeothunnusPalaeothunnusPalaeothunnus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PaleopsephurusPaleopsephurusPaleopsephurus is an extinct genus of paddlefish in the Acipenseriformes family Polyodontidae. At present the genus contains the single species Paleopsephurus wilsoni....
- †PalimphyesPalimphyesPalimphyes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PanderichthysPanderichthysPanderichthys is a 90–130 cm long fish from the Devonian period 397 million years ago, of Latvia. It is named after the german-baltic palaeontologist Christian Heinrich Pander. It has a large tetrapod-like head...
- †PantophilusPantophilusPantophilus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35575&is_real_user=1...
- PanturichthysPanturichthysPanturichthys is a genus of eels of the family Heterenchelyidae that occur in tropical waters along the west coast of Africa from the Gulf of Guinea to Morocco with one species known from the eastern Mediterranean near Isreal...
- †ParaberyxParaberyxParaberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParacalamusParacalamusParacalamus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParacentrophorusParacentrophorusParacentrophorus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived in the Induan stage of the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ParacongerParacongerParaconger is a genus of eels in the family Congridae. It currently contains the following species:* Paraconger californiensis Kanazawa, 1961 * Paraconger caudilimbatus...
- †ParacongroidesParacongroidesParacongroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene period.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParadrydeniusParadrydeniusParadrydenius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParaeoliscusParaeoliscusParaeoliscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParagonatodusParagonatodusParagonatodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParaipichthysParaipichthysParaipichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParalbulaParalbulaParalbula is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParalepidosteusParalepidosteusParalepidosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Albian to the Campanian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParalepidotusParalepidotusParalepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ParalepisParalepisParalepis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35576&is_real_user=1...
- Paralichthys
- †ParalogoniscusParalogoniscusParalogoniscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParamblypterusParamblypterusParamblypterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParamesolepisParamesolepisParamesolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParamphisileParamphisileParamphisile is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParanguillaParanguillaParanguilla tigrina is an extinct prehistoric eel that lived during the Lutetian epoch of the Eocene, in what is now Monte Bolca.Some of the better preserved fossils show that the living animals had complex patterns of spots. P. tigrina and Dalpiazella brevicauda comprise of the extinct family...
- †ParanogmiusParanogmiusParanogmius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Parapercis
- †ParapholidophorusParapholidophorusParapholidophorus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ParaplagusiaParaplagusiaParaplagusia is a genus of tonguefish. It is indigenous to the Indo-West Pacific region, commonly found in shallow muddy or sandy waters along the coast of the Philippines, Thailand and the Malay peninsular, Burma, the Bay of Bengal and as far west as the Red Sea.-Species:** Doublelined tonguesole,...
- †ParaplataxParaplataxParaplatax is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParapleuropholisParapleuropholisParapleuropholis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Parapristopoma
- †ParapygaeusParapygaeusParapygaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PararhenanopercaPararhenanopercaPararhenanoperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParascopelusParascopelusParascopelus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35577&is_real_user=1...
- †ParasemionotusParasemionotusParasemionotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived in the Induan stage of the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParasphyraenaParasphyraenaParasphyraena is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParasynarcualisParasynarcualisParasynarcualis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParatarponParatarponParatarpon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParatarrasiusParatarrasiusParatarrasius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParatichthysParatichthysParatichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParatrachinotusParatrachinotusParatrachinotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Paratrisopterus
- †ParavinciguerriaParavinciguerriaParavinciguerria is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParechelusParechelusParechelus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ParenchodusParenchodusParenchodus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35578&is_real_user=1...
- ParophrysParophrysParophrys is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It consists of only one species, the English sole.-Nomenclature:The English sole was first given the name Parophrys vetulus by Charles Frédéric Girard in 1854; the word parophrys is derived from the Greek para, meaning "near", and ophrys,...
- †ParospinusParospinusParospinus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ParviluxParviluxParvilux is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae....
- †PasaichthysPasaichthysPasaichthys pleuronectiformis is an extinct, prehistoric moonyfish that lived during the Lutetian epoch of Monte Bolca, Italy. The average length of its fossils is about 6 centimeters. In life, it would probably resemble its living relatives of the genus Monodactylus.-See also:* Prehistoric fish*...
- †PatavichthysPatavichthysPatavichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PateropercaPateropercaPateroperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PattersonichthysPattersonichthysPattersonichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PattersonoberyxPattersonoberyxPattersonoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pegusa
- †PeipiaosteusPeipiaosteusPeipiaosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish. This is a very rare species of sturgeon from Jiufotang Formation, Pani Lake, Liaoning Province, China. -See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PelargorhynchusPelargorhynchusPelargorhynchus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35579&is_real_user=1...
- Pelates
- †PeltoperleidusPeltoperleidusPeltoperleidus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PeltopleurusPeltopleurusPeltopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pempheris
- Pennahia
- Pentaceros
- Pentanemus
- Pentaprion
- Percalates
- †PercostomaPercostomaPercostoma is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PericentrophusPericentrophusPericentrophus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PeripeltopleurusPeripeltopleurusPeripeltopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Ladinian stage of the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Peristedion
- †PerleidusPerleidusPerleidus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish from the Triassic period. Fossils have been found worldwide.Perleidus was a freshwater predatory fish, about in length. Its jaws hung vertically under the braincase, allowing them to open wide, a feature it shared with the earlier palaeonisciform...
- Perulibatrachus
- †PetalopteryxPetalopteryxPetalopteryx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Phanerodon
- †PhanerosteonPhanerosteonPhanerosteon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PharmacichthysPharmacichthysPharmacichthys is a genus of prehistoric fish that was described by Woodward in 1942.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35646&is_real_user=1...
- †PhoenicolepisPhoenicolepisPhoenicolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidoctenusPholidoctenusPholidoctenus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidolepisPholidolepisPholidolepis is an extinct prehistoric genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidophoretesPholidophoretesPholidophoretes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidophoristionPholidophoristionPholidophoristion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidophoroidesPholidophoroidesPholidophoroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidophoropsisPholidophoropsisPholidophoropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidophorusPholidophorusPholidophorus is an extinct genus of teleost fish from the Triassic and Jurassic periods of Africa, Europe, and South America.Pholidophorus was a herring-like fish about long, although it was not closely related to modern herring. Like them, however, it had a single dorsal fin, a symmetrical tail,...
- †PholidopleurusPholidopleurusPholidopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PholidorhynchodonPholidorhynchodonPholidorhynchodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PhosphichthysPhosphichthysPhosphichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Photichthys
- Phycis
- †PhylactocephalusPhylactocephalusPhylactocephalus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35580&is_real_user=1...
- †Phyllodus
- PhysiculusPhysiculusPhysiculus is a genus of fish in the Moridae family.It contains the following species:* skulpin...
- †PillararhynchusPillararhynchusPillararhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pimelometopon
- †PinichthysPinichthysPinichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PirskeniusPirskeniusPirskenius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early part of the Miocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PisdurodonPisdurodonPisdurodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PisodonophisPisodonophisPisodonophis is a genus of eels in the snake eel family Ophichthidae. It currently contains the following species:* Pisodonophis boro * Pisodonophis cancrivorus...
- †PiveteauiaPiveteauiaPiveteauia is an extinct genus of prehistoric coelacanth fish which lived during the Lower Triassic period. The genus is named for twentieth century French vertebrate paleontologist Jean Piveteau...
- †PlacopleurusPlacopleurusPlacopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlagioholocentrumPlagioholocentrumPlagioholocentrum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PlataxPlataxPlatax is a genus of Indo-Pacific, reef-associated fish belonging to the family Ephippidae. There are currently five known extant species generally accepted to belong to the genus. They are one of the fish taxa commonly known as "batfish".-Description:...
- PlatichthysPlatichthysStarry flounders is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family. It contains two species.-Species:* European flounder, Platichthys flesus .* Starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus ....
- †PlatinxPlatinxPlatinx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PlatycephalusPlatycephalusPlatycephalus is a genus of mostly-marine, bottom-dwelling fish in the family Platycephalidae.-Etymology and Taxonomic History:The name of the genus, Platycephalus is derived from the Greek words for "flat" and "head"...
- †PlatylaemusPlatylaemusPlatylaemus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlatylatesPlatylatesPlatylates is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlatysiagumPlatysiagumPlatysiagum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlatysomusPlatysomusPlatysomus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish that lived in the Carboniferous and Permian periods. Fossils have been found worldwide....
- †PlectocretacicusPlectocretacicusPlectocretacicus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PlectorhinchusPlectorhinchusThe sweetlips, Plectorhinchus, are a genus in the family Haemulidae, with 35 species found in fresh, brackish and salt waters. These fish have big fleshy lips and tend to live on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific in small groups or pairs...
- Plectrites
- PlectrypopsPlectrypopsPlectrypops is a genus of soldierfish containing two extant species, with one species in the Indo-Pacific, and another in the western Atlantic and the Caribbean. They are red and reach a length of approximately 15 cm...
- †PlesioberyxPlesioberyxPlesioberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlesiococcolepisPlesiococcolepisPlesiococcolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlesiolepidotusPlesiolepidotusPlesiolepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlesioperleidusPlesioperleidusPlesioperleidus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlesioserranusPlesioserranusPlesioserranus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PlethodusPlethodusPlethodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-Biology:As the name would suggest, the bony fish does contain several bones. What most fish enthusiasts fail to recognize is the fish's natural ability to read minds. This psychic fish was deemed to powerful to coexist with other fish species...
- PleuronichthysPleuronichthysPleuronichthys is a genus of fish in the Pleuronectidae family.-Nomenclature:The word Pleuronichthys is derived from the Greek πλευρά , meaning "rib" or "side", and ἰχθύς , meaning "fish".-Species:...
- †PleuropholisPleuropholisPleuropholis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PodocephalusPodocephalusPodocephalus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Podothecus
- Pogonias
- Pollachius
- Polydactylus
- †PolygyrodusPolygyrodusPolygyrodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PolyipnoidesPolyipnoidesPolyipnoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PolyipnusPolyipnusPolyipnus is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. This is the largest genus of the marine hatchetfishes and indeed of the entire Sternoptychidae...
- Polymetme
- Polymetmeglareosus
- Polymixia
- †PolyosteorhynchusPolyosteorhynchusPolyosteorhynchus is an extinct genus of coelacanth lobe-finned fish which lived during the Carboniferous period . The size of Polyosteorhynchus was about 3,5 – 19 cm long....
- †PolzbergiaPolzbergiaPolzbergia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Carnian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PomacanthusPomacanthusPomacanthus is a genus of marine angelfish that is usually found around reefs and coral. Some of the notable places one can see these vari-coloured fish includes the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Sipidan off the southern coast of Sabah, Malaysia.-Species:...
- Pomadasys
- Pomolobus
- PontinusPontinusPontinus is a genus of marine fish....
- Porichthys
- †PorolepisPorolepisPorolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Poromitra
- †PowichthysPowichthysPowichthys is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Devonian period. This fish it was small in size, about 30 cm....
- †PraewoodsiaPraewoodsiaPraewoodsia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PranesusPranesusPranesus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PrevolitansPrevolitansPrevolitans is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PriacanthopsisPriacanthopsisPriacanthopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Priacanthus
- †PrionolepisPrionolepisPrionolepis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35581&is_real_user=1...
- †PrionopleurusPrionopleurusPrionopleurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PrionotusPrionotusPrionotus is a genus of fish in the family Triglidae. It contains eighteen described species.-Species:* Spiny searobin, Prionotus alatus Houttuyn, 1782.* Whitesnout searobin, Prionotus albirostris Jordan & Bollman, 1890....
- †PriscacaraPriscacaraPriscacara is an extinct genus of perch from the Eocene. Fossils of this fish are commonly found in the Green River Formation in Wyoming. Priscacara probably lived in freshwater streams and lakes, feeding on small creatures like snails, crabs, prawns, and tadpoles. Generally, two to three of the...
- Pristigenys
- †PristiosomusPristiosomusPristiosomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProaracanaProaracanaProaracana dubia is an extinct, prehistoric aracanid boxfish that lived during the Lutetian of middle Eocene Monte Bolca.-See also:* Eolactoria* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProargentinaProargentinaProargentina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProcheirichthysProcheirichthysProcheirichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProdiodonProdiodonProdiodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProgempylusProgempylusProgempylus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProgymnodonProgymnodonProgymnodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProhalecitesProhalecitesProhalecites is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProlatesProlatesProlates is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProlepidotusProlepidotusProlepidotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Rhaetian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProleptolepisProleptolepisProleptolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Proluvarus
- †PromegalopsPromegalopsPromegalops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PronotacanthusPronotacanthusPronotacanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PropercarinaPropercarinaPropercarina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PropteridiumPropteridiumPropteridium is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PropterusPropterusPropterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProsauropsisProsauropsisProsauropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProscinetesProscinetesProscinetes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProserranusProserranusProserranus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Danian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProserrivomerProserrivomerProserrivomer is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProsolenostomusProsolenostomusProsolenostomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene....
- ProsopiumProsopiumProsopium is a genus of freshwater whitefishes found in North America and parts of eastern Russia. It contains three fairly widespread species: the round whitefish, the pygmy whitefish, and the mountain whitefish. The remaining species, the Bonneville cisco, the Bonneville whitefish, and the Bear...
- †ProtacanthodesProtacanthodesProtacanthodes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtamblypteraProtamblypteraProtamblyptera is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtanthiasProtanthiasProtanthias is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtarponProtarponProtarpon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Protaulopsis
- †ProtautogaProtautogaProtautoga is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtelopsProtelopsProtelops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProteomyrusProteomyrusProteomyrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtobalistiumProtobalistiumProtobalistium is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtobramaProtobramaProtobrama is an extinct genus of teleost fish from the Cretaceous period of Lebanon.Protobrama was a small fish, only long, and is thought to have hunted around coral reefs. It had a deep body, with long dorsal and anal fins, but had no pelvic fin. The position of the pectoral fins high on the...
- †ProtobrotulaProtobrotulaProtobrotula is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtoclupeaProtoclupeaProtoclupea is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Oxfordian to the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ProtolophotusProtolophotusProtolophotus is an extinct genus of Lampridiformes.-External links:* at the Paleobiology Database...
- ProtomyctophumProtomyctophumProtomyctophum is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae.- Species :* Protomyctophum andriashevi Becker, 1963* Arctic telescope, Protomyctophum arcticum * Protomyctophum beckeri Wisner, 1971...
- †ProtorhamphosusProtorhamphosusProtorhamphosus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtoscaphirhynchusProtoscaphirhynchusProtoscaphirhynchus squamosus is an extinct sturgeon that lived from the Turonian to the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtosphyraenaProtosphyraenaProtosphyraena is a fossil genus of swordfish-like marine fish, that throve worldwide during the Upper Cretaceous Period . Though fossil remains of this taxon have been found in both Europe and Asia, it is perhaps best known from the Smoky Hill Member of the Niobrara Chalk Formation of Kansas...
- †ProtostomiasProtostomiasProtostomias is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ProtriacanthusProtriacanthus-Sources:* New superfamily and three new families of tetraodontiform fishes from the Upper Cretaceous : the earliest and most morphologically primitive plectognaths by James C. Tyler*...
- †PrymnetesPrymnetesPrymnetes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PsenesPsenesPsenes is one genus among 4 genera containing all together 18 species of perciform fish of the family Nomeidae commonly known as Driftfish...
- †PsenicubicepsPsenicubicepsPsenicubiceps is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Psettodes
- †PsettopsisPsettopsisPsettopsis subarcuatus is an extinct, prehistoric moonyfish that lived during the Lutetian epoch of Monte Bolca, Italy.It had large, rounded dorsal and anal fins, and was a comparatively large fish, being about 45 centimeters long, much larger than its relative, Pasaichthys.-See also:* Pasaichthys*...
- †PseudholocentrumPseudholocentrumPseudholocentrum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudoberyxPseudoberyxPseudoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudoegertoniaPseudoegertoniaPseudoegertonia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Danian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pseudohilsa
- Pseudohistiophorus
- †PseudoleptolepisPseudoleptolepisPseudoleptolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pseudophichthyes
- PseudophycisPseudophycisPseudophycis are codlings of the family Moridae found in New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania.-Species:* Pseudophycis bachus or red codling* Pseudophycis barbata or southern bastard codling...
- †PseudoranicepsPseudoranicepsPseudoraniceps is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pseudoscaris
- Pseudoscopelus
- †PseudoseriolaPseudoseriolaPseudoseriola is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudosphaerodonPseudosphaerodonPseudosphaerodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric Actinopterygii, or ray-finned fish, that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudosyngnathusPseudosyngnathusPseudosyngnathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudotetrapterusPseudotetrapterusPseudotetrapterus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:*, Paleobiology Database...
- †PseudoumbrinaPseudoumbrinaPseudoumbrina is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pliocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PseudovomerPseudovomerPseudovomer minutus is an extinct species of prehistoric carangid similar to the modern day Lookdown, Selene vomer, that lived during the Messinian subepoch of what is now Sicily.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Pseudoxenomystax
- †PsilichthysPsilichthysPsilichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PteronisculusPteronisculusPteronisculus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- PterothrissusPterothrissusPterothrissus is a genus of fish belonging to the bonefish family Albulidae.- Species :The following species are currently recognized:* Pterothrissus belloci Cadenat, 1937...
- †PterygocephalusPterygocephalusPterygocephalus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PtycholepisPtycholepisPtycholepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish having the head and opercular bones ornamented with ridges of ganoin, minute teeth, and thick scales . -See also:...
- PungitiusPungitiusPungitius is a genus of fish in the Gasterosteidae family.It contains the following species:* Pungitius bussei * Pungitius hellenicus Stephanidis, 1971 Ellinopygósteos...
- PycnodusPycnodusPycnodus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish ranging from the Cretaceous to Eocene periods. As its name suggests, it is the type genus of Pycnodontiformes....
- †PycnosterinxPycnosterinxPycnosterinx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Santonian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PycnosteroidesPycnosteroidesPycnosteroides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †PygaeusPygaeusPygaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- Rachycentron
- Radulinus
- †RamallichthysRamallichthysRamallichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RamphosusRamphosusRamphosus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Raniceps
- †RankinianRankinianRankinian is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Santonian to the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Rexea
- †RhabdodermaRhabdodermaRhabdoderma is an extinct genus of coelacanth fish in the class Sarcopterygii. It lived in the Carboniferous, and its fossils have been found in Europe and North America....
- †RhabdofarioRhabdofarioOncorhynchus lacustris is an extinct species of prehistoric freshwater trout from the late Miocene to late Pliocene of Western North America. Its fossils have been found in lacustrine deposits in what is now Idaho.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †RhabdolepisRhabdolepisRhabdolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Rhacochilus
- †RhacolepisRhacolepisRhacolepis is an extinct genus of fish from the Cretaceous....
- †RhadinichthysRhadinichthysRhadinichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †RhamphexocoetusRhamphexocoetusRhamphexocoetus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RhamphognathusRhamphognathusRhamphognathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RharbichthysRharbichthysRharbichthys is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35582&is_real_user=1...
- Rhechias
- †RhenanopercaRhenanopercaRhenanoperca is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RhinocephalusRhinocephalusRhinocephalus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †RhinodipterusRhinodipterusRhinodipterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric dipnoan sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish, that lived in the Devonian Period, between 416 and 359 million years ago. It is believed to have inhabited shallow, salt-water reefs, and is one of the earliest known examples of marine lungfish...
- †RhizodusRhizodusRhizodus is an extinct genus of a rhizodont, a branch of the Sarcopterygii, the bony vertebrate clade that also includes tetrapods....
- RhynchocongerRhynchocongerRhynchoconger is a genus of eels in the family Congridae. It currently contains the following species:* Rhynchoconger ectenurus * Rhynchoconger flavus...
- †RhynchocymbaRhynchocymbaRhynchocymba is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Pleistocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RhynchodercetisRhynchodercetisRhynchodercetis is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35583&is_real_user=1...
- †RhynchorinusRhynchorinusRhynchorinus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †RhythmiasRhythmiasRhythmias is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Roncador
- †RubiesichthysRubiesichthysRubiesichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
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- SaccogasterSaccogasterSaccogaster is a genus of fish in the Bythitidae family.It includes Saccogaster melanomycter....
- †SaheliniaSaheliniaSahelinia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †SakamenichthysSakamenichthysSakamenichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SalminopsSalminopsSalminops is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- SalmoSalmoSalmo is a genus of fish in the salmon family that includes the familiar species Atlantic salmon and brown trout . The natural distribution of the genus is chiefly European. Only the range of the Atlantic salmon extends to northern North America...
- SalvelinusSalvelinusSalvelinus is a genus of salmonid fish often called char or charr; some species are called "trout". Salvelinus is a member of the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family. Charr may be identified by light cream pink or red spots over a darker body. Scales tend to be small, with 115-200 along...
- Sarda
- Sardina
- SardinellaSardinellaSardinellaSardinella is a genus of fishes in the family Clupeidae. This genus currently contains 21 recognized species. These fish are generally coastal, schooling fish, and abundant in warmer waters. They can be found nearly anywhere in the tropic and subtropic oceans of the World...
- †SardiniusSardiniusSardinius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SardinoidesSardinoidesSardinoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Sardinops
- SargocentronSargocentronSargocentron is a genus of squirrelfish containing approximately 35 species. They are found in tropical parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, with the greatest species diversity near reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Being largely or entirely nocturnal, they have relatively large eyes. Red and...
- †SargodonSargodonSargodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Sargus
- Sarmatella
- †SasseniaSasseniaSassenia is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SaurichthysSaurichthysSaurichthys is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish from the Triassic period. Fossils have been found worldwide.Saurichthys was an elongated, streamlined, fish about long, and looked similar to the modern pike. Its dorsal and anal fins were placed opposite each other wll back on the body, and the...
- †SaurocephalusSaurocephalusSaurocephalus is an extinct genus of fishes within the family Saurodontidae Cope, 1871.Members of this family were teleostean fishes restricted to the upper Cretaceous...
- †SaurodonSaurodonSaurodon is an extinct genus of Ichthyodectid fish from the Cretaceous.Saurodon leanus is known to occur as early as the late Coniacian through the Santonian, in the Late Cretaceous.- Species :...
- †SauropsisSauropsisSauropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †SaurorhamphusSaurorhamphusSaurorhamphus is a genus of prehistoric fish.-References:http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35585&is_real_user=1...
- †SaurorhynchusSaurorhynchusSaurorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SaurostomusSaurostomusSaurostomus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Scalanago
- †ScanilepisScanilepisScanilepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Rhaetian stage of the Late Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ScarusScarusScarus is a genus of parrotfish. With at least fifty-two currently recognised extant species, it is by far the largest genus in this group. The vast majority are found at reefs in the Indo-Pacific, but a small number of species are found in the warmer parts of the eastern Pacific, and the western...
- Scatophagus
- Sciaena
- Sciaenops
- †SciaenurusSciaenurusSciaenurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ScianenuropsisScianenuropsisScianenuropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †ScleracanthusScleracanthusScleracanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian, or lobe-finned fish.-See also:* Sarcopterygii* List of sarcopterygians* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- ScomberScomberScomber is a genus of ocean-dwelling mackerels in the family Scombridae.-Species:FishBase lists four species:* Blue mackerel, Scomber australasicus Cuvier, 1832.* Atlantic Chub Mackerel, Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789....
- Scomberesox
- Scomberoides
- ScomberomorusScomberomorusScomberomorus is a genus of mackerels in the family Scombridae.-Species:FishBase lists 18 species:* Serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis Collette, Russo & Zavala-Camin, 1978.* King mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla ....
- †ScombramphodonScombramphodonScombramphodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ScombrinusScombrinusScombrinus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ScombroclupeaScombroclupeaScombroclupea is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Scombrops
- †ScombrosardaScombrosardaScombrosarda is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †ScombrosphyraenaScombrosphyraenaScombrosphyraena is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the lower Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Scopelarchus
- Scopelogadus
- †ScopeloidesScopeloidesScopeloides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Scopelopsis
- Scopelosaurus
- ScophthalmusScophthalmusScophthalmus is a genus in the family Scophthalmidae. The genus consists of four species:* Scophthalmus aquosus - Windowpane flounder* Scophthalmus maeoticus - Black-Sea Turbot...
- ScorpaenaScorpaenaScorpaena is a large genus of marine fish. It consists of 62 species:* Scorpaena afuerae – Peruvian scorpionfish* Scorpaena agassizii – longfin scorpionfish* Scorpaena albifimbria – coral scorpionfish...
- Scorpaenichthys
- SebastesSebastesSebastes is a genus of fish in the family Sebastidae , most of which have the common name of rockfish. Most of the world's almost 110 Sebastes species live in the north Pacific, although two live in the south Pacific/Atlantic and four Sebastes is a genus of fish in the family Sebastidae (though...
- †Sebastodes
- †SedenhorstiaSedenhorstiaSedenhorstia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Cenomanian to Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SeefeldiaSeefeldiaSeefeldia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Selar
- Selenaspis
- †SemionotusSemionotusSemionotus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish found throughout Northern Pangaea during the late Triassic, becoming extinct at the start of the Jurassic.-External links:...
- †SeriolaSeriolaSeriola is a genus of bony fish, commonly known as amberjacks. Nine species are currently recognized, although these were formerly split into many more...
- Seriphus
- †SerranopsisSerranopsisSerranopsis is a genus of prehistoric fish related to the modern perch....
- SerranusSerranusSerranus is a genus of fish in the Serranidae family.It contains the following species:* meo viejo * Comber * Painted comber * Belted sandfish...
- †SerrolepisSerrolepisSerrolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †SiganopygaeusSiganopygaeusSiganopygaeus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Sillaginoides
- SillagoSillagoSillago is one of three genera in the family Sillaginidae containing the smelt-whitings, and contains 29 species, making Sillago the only non-monotypic genus in the family. Distinguishing among Sillago species can be difficult, with many similar in appearance and colour, forcing the use of swim...
- †SinocoelacanthusSinocoelacanthusSinocoelacanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SinoeugnathusSinoeugnathusSinoeugnathus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †SinoniscusSinoniscusSinoniscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SinosemionotusSinosemionotusSinosemionotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Middle Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Sirembo
- †Smilodonichthys
- SoleaSoleá"Soleares" is one of the most basic forms or "palos" of Flamenco music, probably originated around Cádiz or Seville in Andalusia, the most southern region of Spain...
- †SolenorhynchusSolenorhynchusSolenorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Solenostomus
- †SonganellaSonganellaSonganella is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- SparisomaSparisomaSparisoma is a genus of parrotfishes native to warmer parts of the Atlantic. FishBase recognize 13 species in this genus, but another was described from Trindade Island in 2010 and a species from the Gulf of Guinea still has not been formally described...
- †SparnodusSparnodusSparnodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Sparus
- †SpathiurusSpathiurusSpathiurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SphathiurusSphathiurusSphathiurus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SphenocephalusSphenocephalusSphenocephalus is an extinct genus of ray-finned fish that lived during the Cretaceous period. Fossils have been found in England and Italy....
- Sphyraena
- †SphyraenodusSphyraenodusSphyraenodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Sphyraenops
- Spicara
- †SpinacanthusSpinacanthusSpinacanthus cuneiformis is an extinct prehistoric tetraodontid bony fish that lived from the Lutetian epoch of Eocene Monte Bolca.In life, it would have resembled a somewhat-flattened boxfish with five massive spines along the anterior-dorsal side, with the longest spine directly above the...
- SpirinchusSpirinchusSpirinchus is a genus of smelts , consisting of three species.-Species:* Spirinchus lanceolatus* Spirinchus starksi* Spirinchus thaleichthys...
- †SponysedrionSponysedrionSponysedrion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Squalogadus
- †StegotrachelusStegotrachelusStegotrachelus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †StemmatodusStemmatodusStemmatodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* List of prehistoric bony fish* Prehistoric fish...
- Stenatherina
- Stenobrachius
- †StensioonotusStensioonotusStensioonotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- SternoptyxSternoptyxSternoptyx is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. This is the type genus of the Sternoptychidae, as well as the marine hatchetfish subfamily Sternoptychinae.It contains only four living species:...
- †StichoberyxStichoberyxStichoberyx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †StichocentrusStichocentrusStichocentrus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †StichopterusStichopterusStichopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †StichopteryxStichopteryxStichopteryx is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- StolephorusStolephorusStolephorus is a genus of fish in the Engraulidae family.-Species:It currently contains 20 species:* Stolephorus advenus Wongratana, 1987 * Stolephorus andhraensis Babu Rao, 1966...
- †StomiahykusStomiahykusStomiahykus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †StratodusStratodusStratodus is a genus of prehistoric fish. This sleek fish has an upper jaw filled with multiple layers of tiny teeth.-References:*http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=checkTaxonInfo&taxon_no=35586&is_real_user=1...
- †StrepeoschemaStrepeoschemaStrepeoschema is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Stromateus
- †StromerichthysStromerichthysStromerichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †StrongylosteusStrongylosteusStrongylosteus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Toarcian stage of the Early Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †StruniusStruniusStrunius is an extinct genus of lobe-finned fish from the Devonian period of Germany.Although it was a lobe-finned fish Struniuss fins were supported by fin rays, which are more associated with ray-finned fish. However, its skull was composed of two articulating halves, a feature characteristic of...
- †Styloichthyes
- †StyracopterusStyracopterusStyracopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †SundayichthysSundayichthysSundayichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- SymbolophorusSymbolophorusSymbolophorus is a genus of lanternfish in the family Myctophidae. It feeds on various small forms of sea life, in particular fish.- Species :* Symbolophorus barnardi * Bogue lanternfish, Symbolophorus boops...
- SymphodusSymphodusSymphodus is a genus of fish of Labridae family.- Species :*Symphodus bailloni - Baillon's wrasse*Symphodus cinereus - Grey wrasse*Symphodus doderleini Jordan, 1890...
- SymphurusSymphurusSymphurus is the most speciose genus of tonguefish, family Cynoglossidae. They are distinguished by merged dorsal, caudal, and anal fins, the absence of a lateral line and pectoral fins, and the presence of only one pelvic fin. They are sinistral flatfishes, meaning that as adults their craniums...
- Synagrops
- Syngnathus
- †SynhypuralisSynhypuralisSynhypuralis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- SynodusSynodusSynodus is a genus in the lizardfish family , with 37 species.-Species:** Synodus amaranthus Waples & Randall, 1988** Two-spot lizard fish, Synodus binotatus Schultz, 1953...
- †SyntengmodusSyntengmodusSyntengmodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
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- †TachynectesTachynectesTachynectes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Turonian to the Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Taenioconger
- Tarletonbeania
- †TarrasiusTarrasiusTarrasius is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †TegeolepisTegeolepisTegeolepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †TelepholisTelepholisTelepholis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the Cenomanian to Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TenuicentrumTenuicentrumTenuicentrum is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Teratichthys
- †TetragonolepisTetragonolepisTetragonolepis is an extinct genus of bony fish belonging to the Semionotiformes family Semionotidae.-Sources:* In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs: Early Mesozoic Tetrapods by Nicholas C. Fraser and Hans-Dieter Sues...
- Tetragonurus
- TetraodonTetraodonTetraodon is the largest genus in the pufferfish family . Its 23 members have a wide distribution, from Africa to Southeast Asia...
- †TetrapterusTetrapterusTetrapterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †ThalattorhynchusThalattorhynchusThalattorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †TharrhiasTharrhiasTharrhias is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TharsisTharsisThe Tharsis region on Mars is a vast volcanic plateau centered near the equator in Mars’ western hemisphere. The region is home to the largest volcanoes in the Solar System, including the three enormous shield volcanoes Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Ascraeus Mons, which are collectively known as...
- †ThaumaturusThaumaturusThaumaturus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Theragra
- †ThomasinotusThomasinotusThomasinotus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived in the Induan stage of the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ThoracopterusThoracopterusThoracopterus is an extinct genus of bony fish.-References:* Fishes of the World by Joseph S. Nelson * Wildlife of Gondwana: Dinosaurs and Other Vertebrates from the Ancient Supercontinent by Pat Vickers Rich, Thomas Hewitt Rich, Francesco Coffa, and Steven Morton* The Rise of Fishes: 500 Million...
- †ThrissopsThrissopsThrissops is an extinct genus of teleost fish from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.Thrissops was a fast predatory fish about long, that fed on other bony fish. It had a streamlined body with a deeply cleft tail and only very small pelvic fins...
- ThunnusThunnusThunnus is a genus of ocean-dwelling fish in the family Scombridae, all of which are tuna, although other tuna species are found in other genera. The name of the genus is the Latinized form of the Greek θύννος, thýnnos, tuna, the word being first mentioned in Homer...
- †ThursiusThursiusThursius is a genus of prehistoric fish....
- Thymallus
- †ThyrsionThyrsionThyrsion is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ThyrsitocephalusThyrsitocephalusThyrsitocephalus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the early Oligocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †ThyrsoclesThyrsoclesThyrsocles is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TibetodusTibetodusTibetodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TicinepomisTicinepomisTicinepomis is an extinct genus of coelacanth lobe-finned fish which lived during the Triassic period. It belonged to the family of Coelacanthidae....
- †TienshaniscusTienshaniscusTienshaniscus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TiktaalikTiktaalikTiktaalik is a genus of extinct sarcopterygian from the late Devonian period, with many features akin to those of tetrapods . It is an example from several lines of ancient sarcopterygian "fish" developing adaptations to the oxygen-poor shallow-water habitats of its time, which led to the...
- †TodiltiaTodiltiaTodiltia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- ToxotesArcherfishThe archerfish are a family of fish known for their habit of preying on land based insects and other small animals by literally shooting them down with water droplets from their specialized mouths...
- †TrachelacanthusTrachelacanthusTrachelacanthus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Late Permian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TrachicaranxTrachicaranxTrachicaranx tersus is a primitive, pompano-like jack fish from what is now Turkmenistan. It lived in an ocean upwelling with its relative, Archaeus oblongus during the Thanetian epoch of the late Paleocene. Some incomplete fossil specimens were once identified as being a separate species,...
- †TrachichythyoidesTrachichythyoidesTrachichythyoides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- TrachinusTrachinusTrachinus is a genus of weevers, order Perciformes. Consists of next species:** Spotted weever, Trachinus araneus Cuvier, 1829.** Guinean weever, Trachinus armatus Bleeker, 1861.** Sailfin weever, Trachinus collignoni Roux, 1957....
- TrachurusTrachurusJack mackerels are marine fishes in the Trachurus genus of the Carangidae family. The type species of the genus is the Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek word trachys, meaning "rough", and the Greek word oura, meaning "tail"...
- Trachyrhinchus
- †TrewavasiaTrewavasiaTrewavasia carinata is an extinct pycnodontid that lived during the lower Cenomanian of what is now Lebanon. It had a large, forward-pointing horn-like spine between its eyes, and a massive stump-like spine emanating from the . T...
- Triacanthus
- †TrichiurichthysTrichiurichthysTrichiurichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- Trichiurus
- †TrichuridesTrichuridesTrichurides is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- TriglaTriglaTrigla is a small genus of fish in the family Triglidae. It has two described species.-Species:* Piper gurnard, Trigla lyra Linnaeus, 1758.-See also:* List of prehistoric bony fish* List of extant animal genera represented in the fossil record...
- †TrigonodonTrigonodonTrigonodon is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- TriodonThreetooth pufferThe threetooth puffer, Triodon macropterus, is a tetraodontiform fish, the only living species in the genus Triodon and family Triodontidae. Other members of the family are known from fossils stretching back to the Eocene....
- †TripeltaTripeltaTripelta is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- Triphoturus
- Tripterophycis
- TripterygionTripterygionTripterygion is a genus of triplefins in the family Tripterygiidae.-Species:* Tripterygion delaisi Cadenat & Blache, 1970 - Black-faced blenny* Tripterygion melanurus Guichenot, 1850...
- Trisopterus
- †TselfatiaTselfatiaTselfatia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †TubantiaTubantiaTubantia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the upper Campanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TungtingichthysTungtingichthysTungtingichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TungusichthysTungusichthysTungusichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TunitaTunitaTunita is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TurahbuglossusTurahbuglossusTurahbuglossus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †TurkmeneTurkmeneTurkmene finitimus is an extinct lamprid from the Danata Formation Lagerstatten, of the Upper Paleocene of Turkmenistan. It lived sympatrically with its close relative, Danatinia.In life, T...
- †TylerichthysTylerichthysTylerichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- †Uarbyichthys
- UmbraUmbraThe umbra, penumbra and antumbra are the names given to three distinct parts of a shadow, created by any light source. For a point source only the umbra is cast.These names are most often used to refer to the shadows cast by celestial bodies....
- Umbrina
- †UndinaUndina (fish)Undina is a genus of prehistoric coelacanth, lobe-finned fish which lived during the Late Jurassic period. Fossils have been found in Germany....
- †UranolophusUranolophusUranolophus is a prehistoric lungfish which lived during the Late Devonian period. It is the type genus of the family Uranolophidae....
- UranoscopusUranoscopusUranoscopus is a genus of Stargazers, consists of 23 species:* Uranoscopus affinis* Uranoscopus albesca* Uranoscopus archionema* Uranoscopus bauchotae* Uranoscopus bicinctus* Uranoscopus cadenati* Uranoscopus chinensis...
- †UrenchelysUrenchelysUrenchelys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- UrocongerUrocongerUroconger is a genus of eels in the family Congridae. It currently contains the following species:* Uroconger drachi * Uroconger erythraeus Castle, 1982...
- Urophycis
- †UrosphenUrosphenUrosphen is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †UrosphenopsisUrosphenopsisUrosphenopsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Thanetian stage of the Paleocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †UrosthenesUrosthenesUrosthenes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †UydeniaUydeniaUydenia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- ValenciennellusValenciennellusValenciennellus is an oceanic ray-finned fish genus which belongs in the family Sternoptychidae. They are commonly known as constellationfishes.Its type species is V...
- †VarasichthysVarasichthysVarasichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- VeliferVeliferVelifer hypselopterus is an Indo-Pacific Lampridiformes, better known as the sailfin velifer. The sailfin velifer is closely related to the spinyfin velifer, Metavelifer multiradiatus-External links:* at the Paleobiology Database*...
- VentrifossaVentrifossaVentrifossa is a genus of rattails currently with 24 described species.-Species:*Arrowtooth grenadier Ventrifossa atherodon*Hawaiian grenadier Ventrifossa ctenomelas*Plainfin grenadier Ventrifossa divergens*Ventrifossa fusca...
- Verilus
- †VeronanguillaVeronanguillaVeronanguilla is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †VeronaveliferVeronaveliferVeronavelifer sorbinii is an extinct sailfin moonfish from the Lutetian epoch of the Monte Bolca lagerstatten....
- VinciguerriaVinciguerriaVinciguerria are a genus of lightfishes.-Included species:The genus Vinciguerria include the following species:* Vinciguerria attenuata* Vinciguerria lucetia * Vinciguerria mabahiss...
- †VinctiferVinctiferVinctifer is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †VolcichthysVolcichthysVolcichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Cenomanian.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †VoltacongerVoltacongerVoltaconger is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †VomeropsisVomeropsisVomeropsis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WadeichthysWadeichthysWadeichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †WangiaWangiaWangia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the middle division of the Eocene epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WardichthysWardichthysWardichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WatsonichthyesWatsonichthyesWatsonichthyes is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WatsonulusWatsonulusWatsonulus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Early Triassic epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †Wendyichths
- †WestolliaWestolliaWestollia is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †WetherellusWetherellusWetherellus is an extinct genus of mackerel from the Eocene....
- †WhitapodusWhitapodusWhitapodus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WhiteiaWhiteiaWhiteia is an extinct genus of prehistoric coelacanth fish which lived during the Triassic period.-External links:* at Mikko's Phylogeny Archive.*...
- †WhiteichthysWhiteichthysWhiteichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Tournaisian stage of the Mississippian epoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †WillomorichthysWillomorichthysWillomorichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †WimaniaWimaniaWimania is an extinct genus of coelacanth which lived during the Triassic period. It belonged to the family of Coelacanthidae....
- Xenistius
- †XiphactinusXiphactinusXiphactinus was a large, 4.5 to 6 m long predatory bony fish that lived in the Western Interior Sea, over what is now the middle of North America, during the Late Cretaceous. When alive, the fish would have resembled a gargantuan, fanged tarpon...
- Xiphias
- †XiphiorhynchusXiphiorhynchusXiphiorhynchus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †XiphopterusXiphopterusXiphopterus is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived from the early to middle Eocene.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
- †XyneXyneXyne is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish that lived during the Upper Miocene subepoch.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish...
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- †YonngichthysYonngichthysYonngichthys is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †YoungolepisYoungolepisYoungolepis is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fish which lived during the Early Devonian period . Fossils have been found in China....
- †YuchoulepisYuchoulepisYuchoulepis is an extinct genus of prehistoric bony fish.-See also:* Prehistoric fish* List of prehistoric bony fish-External links:*...
- †ZanclitesZanclitesZanclites is a genus of prehistoric fish....
- ZanclusZanclusZanclus is the legendary first king of the Sicilian city of Messina. He is mentioned in an etiological passage by Diodorus of Sicily, and has become a symbol of Messina. In modern Italian, the form is given as Zanclo....
- ZaniolepisZaniolepisZaniolepis is a genus of scorpaeniform fish known from the fossil record, with a single extant species. This genus is the only member of the subfamily Zaniolepidinae....
- †ZaphlegulusZaphlegulusZaphlegulus is an extinct genus of superficially mackerel-like fish related to the cutlassfish and snake mackerels found off the coast of what is now California during the late Miocene and containing the single species Zaphlegulus venturaensis...
- ZenionZenionZenion is a genus of fish which is known from the fossil record, but is still extant....
- ZenopsisZenopsisZenopsis is a genus of dory with a fossil record dating back to the Oligocene epoch....
- †ZeuchthiscusZeuchthiscusZeuchthiscus is a genus of prehistoric ray finned fish that lived in Australia during the Early Triassic Period. It is believed to have been a nektonic omnivore. Closely related fish had a wide distribution in the northern hemisphere.-External links:*...
- Zeus
- †ZignoichthysZignoichthysZignoichthys is a genus of prehistoric fish that lived during the early Eocene and went extinct before the middle portion of that same epoch.-External links:*...
- ZoarcesZoarcesZoarces is a genus of eelpouts in the Zoarcidae family. Zoarces is also known as Macrozoarces. The members of this genus are ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young.-Species:* Ocean pout, Zoarces americanus ....
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See also
- Bony fish
- Prehistoric fishPrehistoric fishPrehistoric fish refers to early fish that are known only from fossil records. They are the earliest known vertebrates, and include the first and extinct fish that lived through the Cambrian to the Tertiary. The study of prehistoric fish is called paleoichthyology...
- List of sarcopterygians
- List of prehistoric cartilaginous fish
- List of prehistoric jawless fish