Imam Hossein University
The Imam Hossein University
is a public university
of engineering
, science
, and military
in Iran
The university was opened in
1986. The university is one of the top ranking industrial universities in Iran. It is located in Tehran
, Shahid Babaei Highway near Tehran Pars Fourth Square, and Hakimiyeh. The university is named after Imam Hossein, a grandson of the Islamic prophet, who was killed in 680
. Imam Hossein University is often referred to "IHU" by the abbreviation.
Imam Hossein University provides both undergraduate and graduate programs in 15 departments. The student body consists of 6000 undergraduate and graduate students. Funding for Imam Hossein University is provided by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Ministry of Defense, and IRGC. Undergraduate admission is done by the national entrance examination administered yearly by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
|title=Imam Hossein University (دانشگاه امام حسین)
|publisher=Aftab Site (سایت آفتاب)}} In 1994, the faculty of Medicine seceded to become the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, which is the primary medical institution for , and currently trains students up to PhD levels in three faculties, namely: Nursing, Allied Health, and Medicine, as well as the Institute of Research for Military Medicine.
In 1963, Iran placed all military factories under the Military Industries Organization (MIO) of the Ministry of War. Over the next fifteen years, they produced small arms ammunition, explosives, and mortar rounds and fuses. They furthermore produced rifles and machine guns under West German license. Additionally, they assembled helicopters, jeeps, trucks, and trailers from imported kits. However, the Iran Revolution stopped all activities. The MIO was unable to operate without foreign experts, so it had lost much of its management ability and control over its industrial facilities by 1981.
In late 1981, the revolutionary government brought together all military industrial units and placed them under the Defense Industries Organization
(DIO). By 1986, a large number of infantry rifles, machine guns, and mortars and some small-arms ammunition were being manufactured locally. However, they required some specialists and technicians. For this purpose, they opened several universities and colleges e.g. Imam Hossein University, Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
, directly or indirectly linked to DIO by mid-1980s.
Prior to 1989, they began working on the ballistic missiles program was responsibility of the missile unit in IRGC. In 1989, the Ministry of Defense and the Guards merged to form the Ministry of the Armed Forces Logistics, and the IRGC's facilities were merged into the Defense Industry Organization. By the mid-1990s, they were reportedly responsible for Iran's missile programs, headed by the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO).
The nuclear physics program at the Imam Hossein University is as extensive as Sharif University of Technology
, which has the oldest and largest nuclear physics major in the country. The Imam Hossein University, which is particularly run on military lines by IRGC, is the center for experiments on nuclear research. Iranian scientists are conducting nuclear research and development using university laboratories.
However, it is not only a main center for nuclear research. It also has a place for biological research. The Imam Hossein University has a biological section that conducts microbial research.
Nonetheless, nuclear enrichment at the Imam Hossein University is the mother of all research at what called a nuclear weapons university. Prof. Raymond Tanter, of Georgetown University, an expert on Iran, claimed that this university has become the center for all of Iran's secret nuclear programs. In February 1998, Imam Hossein University was identified by the British government as having procured goods and/or technology for weapons of mass destruction
programs, in addition to doing non-proliferation related business.
It was named by the German government as an Iranian military procurement organization working toward acquiring weapons of mass destruction; reportedly conducts nuclear development activities separate from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
, according to US officials produces anthrax
and aflatoxin
During the 1990s, the Iranian regime centralized several centers for nuclear research programme under a single unit. They transferred all of their nuclear facilities around the country to the Defense Ministry and also to the Imam Hossein University. The announcement on the university's now defunct website shed light on one of Iran's developing nuclear programme and the laser enrichment technique. Prof. Raymond Tanter said that it particularly is importance to mention laser enrichment as a mean to create nuclear fuel. One of the most critical projects is conducted at the Imam Hossein University on use of lasers for enrichment. In addition to laser enrichment, the university carried out a test on neutron generator that can also trigger the fission chain reaction.
In January 2006, the university had the third nationwide congress on the modern defensive wars in the field of chemical, biological, nuclear wars as announced on the university's website, which is no longer online. According to the announcement, the congress discussed the new types of bombs, such as: electromagnetic, air fuelled, graphite, laser and enfeebling bombs. Prof. Raymond Tanter argued the conference was a part of the accelerating research and development on nuclear programme.
(IAEA), the university (called a "technical university" in the report) houses the Physics Research Center (PHRC), which controls the Iranian nuclear program, once under the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
(AEOI), Iran's civilian nuclear agency. One of the principal sources of nuclear experts has been the Imam Hossein University. Part of the takeover of the Iranian nuclear program also necessarily included transferring experts from around the country into this university. The IAEA stated the IRGC is believed to have co-opted the nuclear research facilities and experts of the university system in order to conceal and cloak the true military aspect of the Iranian nuclear program. For example, an Iranian company, Kimia Maadan (KM) Company, made use of experts from this university. The IAEA had also questions regarding the role and origin of KM Company. The company was founded by nuclear experts, a core staff about half a dozen experts who had previously worked for the Iranian Ore Processing Center (OPC). There are relationships among various university research teams, PHRC of the Imam Hossein University, the Education Research Institute (ERI) and the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) and KM Company, each working on different aspects of the Iranian nuclear program.
One of the research projects addressed in the IAEA report is the Iranian Green Salt Project, apparently managed by KM Company. The project performed a flowsheet of bench scale conversion of uranium oxide (UO2) into 1 ton of UF4 per year, also known as Green Salt. It is an early step in an enrichment process, beyond the capacity or scope of the Uranium Ore Concentration (UOC) plant. According to the IAEA report, KM Company designed and built a turnkey (flowsheet). The document also referred to the project concerning the missile re-entry vehicle. However, Iran answered that the flowsheets and allegations were baseless and fabrications, and the only project that the KM Company worked on was the UOC plant.
The IAEA has also reported the Iranian testing of multiple high-explosive detonators designs and documents the layout for an underground nuclear blast test facility in this university.
In 2006, a senior US official revealed the Washington Post a diagram being schematically consistent with a nuclear test-site schematic in Iran. Later in 2006, a contingent of senior officers from Iran travelled to North Korea to see an underground facility to test explosion. IAEA also made question about the Iranian Shahab-3
missile designs. Specifically, re-entry vehicle designs are believed to be engineered for the ability to carry nuclear warheads.
The various scientific research groups of Iran's nuclear program, run from this university under the direction of the IRGC, are including efforts to obtain training courses and software on spark gaps, shock wave software, neutron sources, special steel parts, radiation measurement equipment, including borehole spectrometers. Nonetheless, Iran answered that it sought PAM shock software to study aircraft
, collision of cars, airbag
s and for the design of seatbelts.
(CSIS) made unsubstantiated claims about the biological activities in Iran, which are centered on the productions of microbial bombs using anthrax
, smallpox
virus, typhoid fever, high dosage of aflatoxin
, plague microbes, and chloromicrobes, done at the Imam Hossein University in Tehran. Genetic cloning is also being carried out at Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
These claims were provided by the National Council of Resistance of Iran in a press conference at the Willard Hotel in Washington on May 15, 2003.
The activities about biological weapons began in 1985, during the Iran-Iraq War. In 1985 and 1986, they established a research center in Tehran's Pasteur Institute
to work on toxic fungus and microbial substances. The center succeeded in producing toxic fungus
, including aflatoxin
. In the next years, as they succeeded in mass production of microbial material, they moved the production centers to the Imam Hossein University. Centers such as Pasteur Institute are now being used for research purposes.
A number of foreign microbial experts from China
, North Korea
, India
, and Russia
are cooperating with the Ministry of Defense of Iran.
A number of them have been hired by this organization. The Biological Research Center of Special Industries Organization is located at Shahid Meisami and Martyr Meisami complex. Also, students are given scholarships to study and use technology. The Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, affiliated with the Baqiyatallah Hospital, is another center which works on microbial works. The Research Center for Direct Biotechnology does not directly work on microbial bombs, but it's used as the research supplement for biological weapons and actively works with Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
and Imam Hossein University, as well as the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University. Notwithstanding, the Centers for Science and Technological Growth of the Biological Research Center of Malek Ashtar, affiliated with the defense industries, are in charge of mass production of biological weapons.
In addition, the Sina Industry (previously named Vira Laboratories) are concentrated on production of the biological materials. It is a center that has been active since 1990. It is one of the most important biological and chemical laboratories of Iran. It seems that basically used as a front, as a cover for doing their research and their activities on biological weapons under the cover and the name of medical research. In this center, the microbial tests are done on animals. Nonetheless, all claims about biological weapons have been rejected by the Iranian government.
Another Organization runs by the Defense Ministry is one of the agencies involved in producing chemical products. They have more than 4,000 employees, a chemical laboratory named Vira Laboratories, and a chemical material storage known as Shahid Meisami. The Parchin Chemical Industries located in south of Tehran
, is another center of chemical products. It includes storage and glass body equipment to produce lethal nerve gas. Much of the equipments have been received from Hungarian manufacturer, Lampert. Another complex manufacturer near the city of Semnan is also engaged in producing nerve gas.
The center for chemical research and chemical engineering located in west of Tehran
is also used for a joint research and technological study of Imam Hossein University and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
. The Chinese experts are supervising some research projects.
The Imam Hossein University offers Aerospace Engineering
degree programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is among 5 public universities in Iran, where provide the Aerospace Engineering degrees. These universities includes K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology
, Amirkabir University of Technology
, Imam Hossein University, and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
. The Sharif University of Technology is the first university, where offers bachelor's degree and master's degree in the field of Aerospace Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering since 1987. The K.N. Toosi University of Technology has also Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering (Joint program with Moscow State Aviation Technological University
in Russia
). The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
is also involved in Aerospace research and programs related to Aerospace engineering.
Iran established the Iranian Space Agency
in an uninhabited desert area in Semnan
Province, south-east of Tehran
in April 2003. The Center has a remote satellite command-and-control facility and a satellite launch pad. The Remote Space Sensing Center affiliated to the Ministry of Post and Telegraph and Technology launched three decades ago. The Aerospace Research Institute affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology is another active organization in the space science and technology applications. The Meteorological Organization performs atmosphere analysis in support of agriculture, transportation, water, energy, and environment. Five public Universities, one private university (Azad University Science and Research Branch), and one college (Civil Aviation Technology College) provide higher education and research in aerospace engineering.
Iran started its scientific aerospace cooperation with China
following the establishment of its Aerospace Organization in 2000. China has successfully launched forty satellites since 1996. In May 2005, Iran signed a regional research cooperation with China for the designing and launching satellites for long distance surveillance, subterranean resources, agrometeorology, and aerospace training at Iranian universities. Iran's Aerospace Organization's has been getting engaged in designing and manufacturing of a small multi-mission satellite with China
and Thailand
since 2005.
Since 1990s, Iran started to develop a launch vehicle based on Shahab-3
. The Shahab-3 is a liquid fueled single stage missile. The Iran Space Research Center started testing launch capabilities since early 2007 reaching 150-200 km altitude. These rockets were based on Shahab-3
series and were typically equipped with wind, air and temperature instruments. In August 2008, Iran developed a two stage launch vehicle Safir-1 which launched a dummy satellite. On February 2009, Iran launched a satellite named Omid
into orbit using the domestically built launch vehicle Safir-2, thus becoming the 9th nation to do so on Timeline of first orbital launches by country. Their Aerospace engineering achievement appears as the country has been under nearly 30 years of sanctions.
's Imperial Guards. During the Iranian Revolution
, the garrison fell to Revolutionaries after a fight in which several officers of the guard were killed. The site was later on converted to a research facility.
The Lavizan Technical Site includes faculties of installations industries and metallurgy. According to a document, the alleged Iranian nuclear warheads were being stored in the Lavizan military camp in the Teheran area in 1992. Another document discusses the production of a solid fuel missile prototype completed in Lavizan.
A satellite image of 10 May 2004 showed that Iran had almost totally razed part of the Lavizan Technical Research Center. It showed Iran had been demolishing buildings at Lavizan. The Lavizan Center had imported a whole-body counter (WBC), a device used to identify and measure the radioactive material in the body of human beings and animals. On 29 June 2004, El Baradei said that Iran had accepted that the alleged concealed nuclear site in Tehran was a military-research complex before it was razed. The Iranian authorities stated that this was a physics institute later on turned to be a biotechnology research and development center.
, rocket
s, missiles, mortars
, bombs, rocket
launchers, field kitchens, gyroscopes, transportation means, police equipment, and helmets. Engineering services include precision machining, metal forming, software services, quality control test, dimensional measurement, CNC machine, and Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM).
The Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), also known as the Sanam Industrial Group, is the Defense Industries Organization (DIO) Missile Industries Group. Sanam Industries Group is said to be the lead organization for the development of the Shahab-3
missile. In 1998, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
had reportedly negotiated an agreement with Sanam Industries Group to provide telemetry infrastructure for Iran's Shahab-3
and Shahab-4
ballistic missile.
Baltic State Technical University
in Saint Petersburg
has allegedly contracted with the Sanam Industrial group to train Iranian students in order to design long-range solid fuel rocket boosters. They together created a center known as Persepolis as part of a contract concluded in 1996. On 22 June 1998, Iranian students were expelled from Baltic State Technical University as part of Russia's international obligations to control the spread of missile technology.
In addition to military products, the Sanam Industrial Group also produces non-military products to convene domestic and export markets demands including TVs, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, various types of grinding wheels, stainless steel dishes, industrial fans, motor pumps, and automotive parts. The Sanam Washing Machine use Korean SAMSUNG technology, by which it becomes a powerful, economic and durable washing machine. Sanam Industrial Group in Parchin is licensed by the Italian company Lombardini to fabricate internal combustion engines, that are used in automotive, agricultural, industrial and marine applications.
Parchin was the center of the Defense Industries Organization's (DIO) Chemical industry, and, possibly, the home of the main producers of the Iran’s missiles. Parchin was opened in 1939, and was in operation since before the Second World War. Very few information was available about the post-Revolutionary Iranian arms industry. On 25 August 1999, it included the Parchin Chemical Factories (PCF). PCF was equipped with modern technology producing various commercial explosives, and chemical material.
Parchin is one of Iran's major chemical weapons facilities, along with the facilities located at Damghan
, Esfahan and Qazvin
. US intelligence said Iran has been continuing to improve and develop its chemical warfare production infrastructure and munitions arsenal until 2003. US intelligence reporting Iran tries to dual-use facilities could quickly field chemical agents, but are not mainly active in military. It made also question the character of the facilities at Parchin.
On 29 December 2003, the Wall Street Journal reported that, Ahmad Shirzad
, a deputy from the city of Isfahan, stated that there was a large nuclear underground facility in Parchin.
In an article in the Washington Times, on 7 March 2004, claimed that Iran's nuclear weapons program included use of Belarus-Russian filtering and high-temperature melting technologies for uranium enrichment. The accurate technique supposedly involved was unclear, but would appear to have been thermal diffusion.
The generally Parchin institute represents the chief center of Iran's military industry, so a nuclear program would by now include all the proficiency required within commuting distance. The suspect area was physically isolated from other components, which implies that it was not part of the ammo, chemical or missile programs. The United States made also questions whether Iran is testing high explosives at Parchin. Nonetheless, Hossein Mousavian
, Iran's chief delegate to the IAEA, rejected all claims about a nuclear testing area at Parchin. He categorically denied any nuclear activities in Parchin. He accused the US of deliberately using misinformation to embarrass Iran at IAEA hearings.
Jay C. Davis, former head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency
at the US Department of Defense, said neither the design of the facility nor the nature of the tests is unique to nuclear weapons. Davis added that environmental sampling done by IAEA inspectors could detect the presence of by-products used in the testing of high explosives for a nuclear weapon. On 17 September 2004 IAEA head El Baradei said his organization had found no sign of nuclear-related activity at the Parchin site in Iran, which several US officials had said might be to secret nuclear weapons research. Iran allowed IAEA inspectors to visit the Parchin military site in the interests of transparency, but the visit was limited to only few areas.
On 1 March 2005, Iran abandoned a second request by the IAEA to visit again the Parchin site. However, the IAEA was eventually allowed entrance to the Parchin facility in November 2005. The IAEA did not observe any unusual activities in the buildings visited, and the results of the analysis of environmental samples did not indicate the presence of nuclear material.
Initially Imam Hossein University included four faculties:
Later another faculty was founded:
In 1994, faculty of Medicine seceded to become the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University.
The university co-operates with several independent research centers. Among those:
The main buildings are located in Tehran, Shahid Babaei Highway near Tehran Pars Fourth Square, Hakimiyeh and Mini-city, include:
is a public university
Public university
A public university is a university that is predominantly funded by public means through a national or subnational government, as opposed to private universities. A national university may or may not be considered a public university, depending on regions...
of engineering
Engineering is the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of...
, science
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe...
, and military
A military is an organization authorized by its greater society to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, in defending its country by combating actual or perceived threats. The military may have additional functions of use to its greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g...
in Iran
Iran , officially the Islamic Republic of Iran , is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran" has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia...
The university was opened in
1986. The university is one of the top ranking industrial universities in Iran. It is located in Tehran
Tehran , sometimes spelled Teheran, is the capital of Iran and Tehran Province. With an estimated population of 8,429,807; it is also Iran's largest urban area and city, one of the largest cities in Western Asia, and is the world's 19th largest city.In the 20th century, Tehran was subject to...
, Shahid Babaei Highway near Tehran Pars Fourth Square, and Hakimiyeh. The university is named after Imam Hossein, a grandson of the Islamic prophet, who was killed in 680
Year 680 was a leap year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar. The denomination 680 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.- Europe :* The Bulgars subjugate the country of...
. Imam Hossein University is often referred to "IHU" by the abbreviation.
Imam Hossein University provides both undergraduate and graduate programs in 15 departments. The student body consists of 6000 undergraduate and graduate students. Funding for Imam Hossein University is provided by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Ministry of Defense, and IRGC. Undergraduate admission is done by the national entrance examination administered yearly by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
The university was approved in 1986, named Imam Hossein Higher Education by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. It was then recognized as a university. It included faculty of engineering, faculty of science, faculty of social science, and faculty of medicine in 1987. Consequently, it included faculty of military science.|title=Imam Hossein University (دانشگاه امام حسین)
|publisher=Aftab Site (سایت آفتاب)}} In 1994, the faculty of Medicine seceded to become the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, which is the primary medical institution for , and currently trains students up to PhD levels in three faculties, namely: Nursing, Allied Health, and Medicine, as well as the Institute of Research for Military Medicine.

In late 1981, the revolutionary government brought together all military industrial units and placed them under the Defense Industries Organization
Defense Industries Organization
The Defense Industries Organization The Defense Industries Organization The Defense Industries Organization (DIO; Persian: Sasadjah (Sazemane Sanaye Defa) is a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the military of Iran with the necessary...
(DIO). By 1986, a large number of infantry rifles, machine guns, and mortars and some small-arms ammunition were being manufactured locally. However, they required some specialists and technicians. For this purpose, they opened several universities and colleges e.g. Imam Hossein University, Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
, directly or indirectly linked to DIO by mid-1980s.
Prior to 1989, they began working on the ballistic missiles program was responsibility of the missile unit in IRGC. In 1989, the Ministry of Defense and the Guards merged to form the Ministry of the Armed Forces Logistics, and the IRGC's facilities were merged into the Defense Industry Organization. By the mid-1990s, they were reportedly responsible for Iran's missile programs, headed by the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO).
It has a scientific group and a nuclear physics department.The nuclear physics program at the Imam Hossein University is as extensive as Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology is a university of higher education in technology, engineering and physical sciences in Tehran. Sharif University of Technology is one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and is considered Iran's MIT...
, which has the oldest and largest nuclear physics major in the country. The Imam Hossein University, which is particularly run on military lines by IRGC, is the center for experiments on nuclear research. Iranian scientists are conducting nuclear research and development using university laboratories.
However, it is not only a main center for nuclear research. It also has a place for biological research. The Imam Hossein University has a biological section that conducts microbial research.
Nonetheless, nuclear enrichment at the Imam Hossein University is the mother of all research at what called a nuclear weapons university. Prof. Raymond Tanter, of Georgetown University, an expert on Iran, claimed that this university has become the center for all of Iran's secret nuclear programs. In February 1998, Imam Hossein University was identified by the British government as having procured goods and/or technology for weapons of mass destruction
Weapons of mass destruction
A weapon of mass destruction is a weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans and/or cause great damage to man-made structures , natural structures , or the biosphere in general...
programs, in addition to doing non-proliferation related business.
It was named by the German government as an Iranian military procurement organization working toward acquiring weapons of mass destruction; reportedly conducts nuclear development activities separate from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is the main official body responsible for implementing regulations and operating nuclear energy installations in Iran....
, according to US officials produces anthrax
Anthrax is an acute disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Most forms of the disease are lethal, and it affects both humans and other animals...
and aflatoxin
Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are produced by many species of Aspergillus, a fungus, the most notable ones being Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxins are toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known...
During the 1990s, the Iranian regime centralized several centers for nuclear research programme under a single unit. They transferred all of their nuclear facilities around the country to the Defense Ministry and also to the Imam Hossein University. The announcement on the university's now defunct website shed light on one of Iran's developing nuclear programme and the laser enrichment technique. Prof. Raymond Tanter said that it particularly is importance to mention laser enrichment as a mean to create nuclear fuel. One of the most critical projects is conducted at the Imam Hossein University on use of lasers for enrichment. In addition to laser enrichment, the university carried out a test on neutron generator that can also trigger the fission chain reaction.
In January 2006, the university had the third nationwide congress on the modern defensive wars in the field of chemical, biological, nuclear wars as announced on the university's website, which is no longer online. According to the announcement, the congress discussed the new types of bombs, such as: electromagnetic, air fuelled, graphite, laser and enfeebling bombs. Prof. Raymond Tanter argued the conference was a part of the accelerating research and development on nuclear programme.
Physics Research Center
According to the ElBaradei's report of the International Atomic Energy AgencyInternational Atomic Energy Agency
The International Atomic Energy Agency is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on 29 July 1957...
(IAEA), the university (called a "technical university" in the report) houses the Physics Research Center (PHRC), which controls the Iranian nuclear program, once under the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is the main official body responsible for implementing regulations and operating nuclear energy installations in Iran....
(AEOI), Iran's civilian nuclear agency. One of the principal sources of nuclear experts has been the Imam Hossein University. Part of the takeover of the Iranian nuclear program also necessarily included transferring experts from around the country into this university. The IAEA stated the IRGC is believed to have co-opted the nuclear research facilities and experts of the university system in order to conceal and cloak the true military aspect of the Iranian nuclear program. For example, an Iranian company, Kimia Maadan (KM) Company, made use of experts from this university. The IAEA had also questions regarding the role and origin of KM Company. The company was founded by nuclear experts, a core staff about half a dozen experts who had previously worked for the Iranian Ore Processing Center (OPC). There are relationships among various university research teams, PHRC of the Imam Hossein University, the Education Research Institute (ERI) and the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) and KM Company, each working on different aspects of the Iranian nuclear program.
One of the research projects addressed in the IAEA report is the Iranian Green Salt Project, apparently managed by KM Company. The project performed a flowsheet of bench scale conversion of uranium oxide (UO2) into 1 ton of UF4 per year, also known as Green Salt. It is an early step in an enrichment process, beyond the capacity or scope of the Uranium Ore Concentration (UOC) plant. According to the IAEA report, KM Company designed and built a turnkey (flowsheet). The document also referred to the project concerning the missile re-entry vehicle. However, Iran answered that the flowsheets and allegations were baseless and fabrications, and the only project that the KM Company worked on was the UOC plant.
The IAEA has also reported the Iranian testing of multiple high-explosive detonators designs and documents the layout for an underground nuclear blast test facility in this university.
In 2006, a senior US official revealed the Washington Post a diagram being schematically consistent with a nuclear test-site schematic in Iran. Later in 2006, a contingent of senior officers from Iran travelled to North Korea to see an underground facility to test explosion. IAEA also made question about the Iranian Shahab-3
The Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the Nodong-1. The Shahab-3 has a range of ; a MRBM variant can now reach...
missile designs. Specifically, re-entry vehicle designs are believed to be engineered for the ability to carry nuclear warheads.
The various scientific research groups of Iran's nuclear program, run from this university under the direction of the IRGC, are including efforts to obtain training courses and software on spark gaps, shock wave software, neutron sources, special steel parts, radiation measurement equipment, including borehole spectrometers. Nonetheless, Iran answered that it sought PAM shock software to study aircraft
An aircraft is a vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet. An aircraft counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines.Although...
, collision of cars, airbag
An Airbag is a vehicle safety device. It is an occupant restraint consisting of a flexible envelope designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision, to prevent occupants from striking interior objects such as the steering wheel or a window...
s and for the design of seatbelts.
Biological Research Center
The Center for Strategic and International StudiesCenter for Strategic and International Studies
The Center for Strategic and International Studies is a bipartisan Washington, D.C., foreign policy think tank. The center was founded in 1962 by Admiral Arleigh Burke and Ambassador David Manker Abshire, originally as part of Georgetown University...
(CSIS) made unsubstantiated claims about the biological activities in Iran, which are centered on the productions of microbial bombs using anthrax
Anthrax is an acute disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Most forms of the disease are lethal, and it affects both humans and other animals...
, smallpox
Smallpox was an infectious disease unique to humans, caused by either of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. The disease is also known by the Latin names Variola or Variola vera, which is a derivative of the Latin varius, meaning "spotted", or varus, meaning "pimple"...
virus, typhoid fever, high dosage of aflatoxin
Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are produced by many species of Aspergillus, a fungus, the most notable ones being Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxins are toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known...
, plague microbes, and chloromicrobes, done at the Imam Hossein University in Tehran. Genetic cloning is also being carried out at Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
These claims were provided by the National Council of Resistance of Iran in a press conference at the Willard Hotel in Washington on May 15, 2003.
The activities about biological weapons began in 1985, during the Iran-Iraq War. In 1985 and 1986, they established a research center in Tehran's Pasteur Institute
Pasteur Institute
The Pasteur Institute is a French non-profit private foundation dedicated to the study of biology, micro-organisms, diseases, and vaccines. It is named after Louis Pasteur, who made some of the greatest breakthroughs in modern medicine at the time, including pasteurization and vaccines for anthrax...
to work on toxic fungus and microbial substances. The center succeeded in producing toxic fungus
A fungus is a member of a large group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds , as well as the more familiar mushrooms. These organisms are classified as a kingdom, Fungi, which is separate from plants, animals, and bacteria...
, including aflatoxin
Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are produced by many species of Aspergillus, a fungus, the most notable ones being Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxins are toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known...
. In the next years, as they succeeded in mass production of microbial material, they moved the production centers to the Imam Hossein University. Centers such as Pasteur Institute are now being used for research purposes.
A number of foreign microbial experts from China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
, North Korea
North Korea
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea , , is a country in East Asia, occupying the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital and largest city is Pyongyang. The Korean Demilitarized Zone serves as the buffer zone between North Korea and South Korea...
, India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
, and Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
are cooperating with the Ministry of Defense of Iran.
A number of them have been hired by this organization. The Biological Research Center of Special Industries Organization is located at Shahid Meisami and Martyr Meisami complex. Also, students are given scholarships to study and use technology. The Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, affiliated with the Baqiyatallah Hospital, is another center which works on microbial works. The Research Center for Direct Biotechnology does not directly work on microbial bombs, but it's used as the research supplement for biological weapons and actively works with Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
and Imam Hossein University, as well as the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University. Notwithstanding, the Centers for Science and Technological Growth of the Biological Research Center of Malek Ashtar, affiliated with the defense industries, are in charge of mass production of biological weapons.
In addition, the Sina Industry (previously named Vira Laboratories) are concentrated on production of the biological materials. It is a center that has been active since 1990. It is one of the most important biological and chemical laboratories of Iran. It seems that basically used as a front, as a cover for doing their research and their activities on biological weapons under the cover and the name of medical research. In this center, the microbial tests are done on animals. Nonetheless, all claims about biological weapons have been rejected by the Iranian government.
Chemical Research Center
The Imam Hossein University is involved in chemical technology, offering scholarships in this subject. Since 1999, they have pursued the chemical research in a much larger scale. One of the projects was to build a fermentor. The 24th Bessat group linked to this university produces a significant amount of nerve gas in liquid, vapor, and powder form. Cyanide, Tri-glycol, Sodium Cyanide are produced for chemical purposes as well.Another Organization runs by the Defense Ministry is one of the agencies involved in producing chemical products. They have more than 4,000 employees, a chemical laboratory named Vira Laboratories, and a chemical material storage known as Shahid Meisami. The Parchin Chemical Industries located in south of Tehran
Tehran , sometimes spelled Teheran, is the capital of Iran and Tehran Province. With an estimated population of 8,429,807; it is also Iran's largest urban area and city, one of the largest cities in Western Asia, and is the world's 19th largest city.In the 20th century, Tehran was subject to...
, is another center of chemical products. It includes storage and glass body equipment to produce lethal nerve gas. Much of the equipments have been received from Hungarian manufacturer, Lampert. Another complex manufacturer near the city of Semnan is also engaged in producing nerve gas.
The center for chemical research and chemical engineering located in west of Tehran
Tehran , sometimes spelled Teheran, is the capital of Iran and Tehran Province. With an estimated population of 8,429,807; it is also Iran's largest urban area and city, one of the largest cities in Western Asia, and is the world's 19th largest city.In the 20th century, Tehran was subject to...
is also used for a joint research and technological study of Imam Hossein University and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
. The Chinese experts are supervising some research projects.
Aerospace Research Center

Aerospace engineering
Aerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction and science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering...
degree programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is among 5 public universities in Iran, where provide the Aerospace Engineering degrees. These universities includes K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology is a university of higher education in technology, engineering and physical sciences in Tehran. Sharif University of Technology is one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and is considered Iran's MIT...
, Amirkabir University of Technology
Amirkabir University of Technology
Amirkabir University of Technology , formerly called the Tehran Polytechnic is a public research university located in Tehran, Iran. AUT is one of the most prestigious universities and the first established technical university in Iran...
, Imam Hossein University, and Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
. The Sharif University of Technology is the first university, where offers bachelor's degree and master's degree in the field of Aerospace Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering since 1987. The K.N. Toosi University of Technology has also Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering (Joint program with Moscow State Aviation Technological University
Moscow State Aviation Technological University
Moscow State Aviation Technological University is a university in Moscow, Russia. The modern name of this university is «MATI» - Russian State University of Aviation Technology...
in Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
). The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
The Malek-Ashtar University of Technology is a public university of engineering, science, and military in Iran.This university was opened in1986. Its campuses are located in Tehran and Isfahan. The university is named after Malik al-Ashtar,...
is also involved in Aerospace research and programs related to Aerospace engineering.
Iran established the Iranian Space Agency
Iranian Space Agency
The Iranian Space Agency is Iran's governmental space agency. Iran is an active participant in the Asian space race and became an orbital-launch-capable nation in 2009...
in an uninhabited desert area in Semnan
Semnan Province
Semnan Province is one of the 31 provinces of Iran. It is in the north of the country, and its center is Semnan. The province of Semnan covers an area of 96,816 square kilometers and stretches along the Alborz mountain range and borders to Dasht-e Kavir desert in its southern parts.Counties of...
Province, south-east of Tehran
Tehran , sometimes spelled Teheran, is the capital of Iran and Tehran Province. With an estimated population of 8,429,807; it is also Iran's largest urban area and city, one of the largest cities in Western Asia, and is the world's 19th largest city.In the 20th century, Tehran was subject to...
in April 2003. The Center has a remote satellite command-and-control facility and a satellite launch pad. The Remote Space Sensing Center affiliated to the Ministry of Post and Telegraph and Technology launched three decades ago. The Aerospace Research Institute affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology is another active organization in the space science and technology applications. The Meteorological Organization performs atmosphere analysis in support of agriculture, transportation, water, energy, and environment. Five public Universities, one private university (Azad University Science and Research Branch), and one college (Civil Aviation Technology College) provide higher education and research in aerospace engineering.
Iran started its scientific aerospace cooperation with China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
following the establishment of its Aerospace Organization in 2000. China has successfully launched forty satellites since 1996. In May 2005, Iran signed a regional research cooperation with China for the designing and launching satellites for long distance surveillance, subterranean resources, agrometeorology, and aerospace training at Iranian universities. Iran's Aerospace Organization's has been getting engaged in designing and manufacturing of a small multi-mission satellite with China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
and Thailand
Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the...
since 2005.
Since 1990s, Iran started to develop a launch vehicle based on Shahab-3
The Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the Nodong-1. The Shahab-3 has a range of ; a MRBM variant can now reach...
. The Shahab-3 is a liquid fueled single stage missile. The Iran Space Research Center started testing launch capabilities since early 2007 reaching 150-200 km altitude. These rockets were based on Shahab-3
The Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the Nodong-1. The Shahab-3 has a range of ; a MRBM variant can now reach...
series and were typically equipped with wind, air and temperature instruments. In August 2008, Iran developed a two stage launch vehicle Safir-1 which launched a dummy satellite. On February 2009, Iran launched a satellite named Omid
Omid is a common Persian male given name, meaning hope...
into orbit using the domestically built launch vehicle Safir-2, thus becoming the 9th nation to do so on Timeline of first orbital launches by country. Their Aerospace engineering achievement appears as the country has been under nearly 30 years of sanctions.
Lavizan Technical Research Center
Originally Lavizan was a heavily fortified Army Garrison housing ShahShah
Shāh is the title of the ruler of certain Southwest Asian and Central Asian countries, especially Persia , and derives from the Persian word shah, meaning "king".-History:...
's Imperial Guards. During the Iranian Revolution
Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution refers to events involving the overthrow of Iran's monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and its replacement with an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the...
, the garrison fell to Revolutionaries after a fight in which several officers of the guard were killed. The site was later on converted to a research facility.
The Lavizan Technical Site includes faculties of installations industries and metallurgy. According to a document, the alleged Iranian nuclear warheads were being stored in the Lavizan military camp in the Teheran area in 1992. Another document discusses the production of a solid fuel missile prototype completed in Lavizan.
A satellite image of 10 May 2004 showed that Iran had almost totally razed part of the Lavizan Technical Research Center. It showed Iran had been demolishing buildings at Lavizan. The Lavizan Center had imported a whole-body counter (WBC), a device used to identify and measure the radioactive material in the body of human beings and animals. On 29 June 2004, El Baradei said that Iran had accepted that the alleged concealed nuclear site in Tehran was a military-research complex before it was razed. The Iranian authorities stated that this was a physics institute later on turned to be a biotechnology research and development center.
Aerospace Industries Organization
Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) is a leading industrial subsidiary of the Ministry of Defense. More than 13 large factories with over 10,000 expert personnel are occupied in manufacturing a vast variety of military and non-military purposes. Products include different types of weapons such as gunsGüns
Güns or Guens may refer to:* Kőszeg, Hungary * Kőszeg Mountains, Hungary * Akiva Güns , birth name of Akiva Eger, a Hungarian-Polish rabbi- See also :* Guns * Gün, a surname...
, rocket
A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. In all rockets, the exhaust is formed entirely from propellants carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work by action and reaction...
s, missiles, mortars
Mortar (weapon)
A mortar is an indirect fire weapon that fires explosive projectiles known as bombs at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories. It is typically muzzle-loading and has a barrel length less than 15 times its caliber....
, bombs, rocket
A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. In all rockets, the exhaust is formed entirely from propellants carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work by action and reaction...
launchers, field kitchens, gyroscopes, transportation means, police equipment, and helmets. Engineering services include precision machining, metal forming, software services, quality control test, dimensional measurement, CNC machine, and Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM).
The Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), also known as the Sanam Industrial Group, is the Defense Industries Organization (DIO) Missile Industries Group. Sanam Industries Group is said to be the lead organization for the development of the Shahab-3
The Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the Nodong-1. The Shahab-3 has a range of ; a MRBM variant can now reach...
missile. In 1998, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation is the main contractor for the Chinese space program. It is state-owned and has a number of subordinate entities which design, develop and manufacture a range of spacecraft, launch vehicles, strategic and tactical missile systems, and ground...
had reportedly negotiated an agreement with Sanam Industries Group to provide telemetry infrastructure for Iran's Shahab-3
The Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and based on the Nodong-1. The Shahab-3 has a range of ; a MRBM variant can now reach...
and Shahab-4
The Shahab-4 aka IRIS liquid propelled missile is an alleged, and possibly fictional, programme for Iran's first missile to bring satellites into orbit....
ballistic missile.
Baltic State Technical University
Baltic State Technical University
Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" D.F.Ustinov is a major Russian military technical university situated in Saint Petersburg. Previously it was known as the Leningrad Mechanical Institute and Military Mechanical Institute .-Faculties:...
in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...
has allegedly contracted with the Sanam Industrial group to train Iranian students in order to design long-range solid fuel rocket boosters. They together created a center known as Persepolis as part of a contract concluded in 1996. On 22 June 1998, Iranian students were expelled from Baltic State Technical University as part of Russia's international obligations to control the spread of missile technology.
In addition to military products, the Sanam Industrial Group also produces non-military products to convene domestic and export markets demands including TVs, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, various types of grinding wheels, stainless steel dishes, industrial fans, motor pumps, and automotive parts. The Sanam Washing Machine use Korean SAMSUNG technology, by which it becomes a powerful, economic and durable washing machine. Sanam Industrial Group in Parchin is licensed by the Italian company Lombardini to fabricate internal combustion engines, that are used in automotive, agricultural, industrial and marine applications.
Parchin Site
Parchin Complex, 30 kilometers southeast of Tehran, was the site for the implementation of a variety of defense projects.Parchin was the center of the Defense Industries Organization's (DIO) Chemical industry, and, possibly, the home of the main producers of the Iran’s missiles. Parchin was opened in 1939, and was in operation since before the Second World War. Very few information was available about the post-Revolutionary Iranian arms industry. On 25 August 1999, it included the Parchin Chemical Factories (PCF). PCF was equipped with modern technology producing various commercial explosives, and chemical material.
Parchin is one of Iran's major chemical weapons facilities, along with the facilities located at Damghan
Damghan is a city in and capital of Damghan County, Semnan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 57,331, in 15,849 families.Damghan is situated from Tehran on the high-road to Mashad, at an elevation of...
, Esfahan and Qazvin
Qazvin is the largest city and capital of the Province of Qazvin in Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 349,821, in 96,420 families....
. US intelligence said Iran has been continuing to improve and develop its chemical warfare production infrastructure and munitions arsenal until 2003. US intelligence reporting Iran tries to dual-use facilities could quickly field chemical agents, but are not mainly active in military. It made also question the character of the facilities at Parchin.
On 29 December 2003, the Wall Street Journal reported that, Ahmad Shirzad
Ahmad Shirzad
Ahmad Shirzad was a member of 6th Iran Parliament .He teaches physics in Isfahan University of Technology....
, a deputy from the city of Isfahan, stated that there was a large nuclear underground facility in Parchin.
In an article in the Washington Times, on 7 March 2004, claimed that Iran's nuclear weapons program included use of Belarus-Russian filtering and high-temperature melting technologies for uranium enrichment. The accurate technique supposedly involved was unclear, but would appear to have been thermal diffusion.
The generally Parchin institute represents the chief center of Iran's military industry, so a nuclear program would by now include all the proficiency required within commuting distance. The suspect area was physically isolated from other components, which implies that it was not part of the ammo, chemical or missile programs. The United States made also questions whether Iran is testing high explosives at Parchin. Nonetheless, Hossein Mousavian
Hossein Mousavian
Dr. Seyed Hossein Mousavian is an Iranian policymaker and scholar who has served on Iran’s nuclear diplomacy team in negotiations with the EU and International Atomic Energy Agency...
, Iran's chief delegate to the IAEA, rejected all claims about a nuclear testing area at Parchin. He categorically denied any nuclear activities in Parchin. He accused the US of deliberately using misinformation to embarrass Iran at IAEA hearings.
Jay C. Davis, former head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is an agency within the United States Department of Defense and is the official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction . DTRA's main functions are threat reduction, threat control, combat support, and technology development...
at the US Department of Defense, said neither the design of the facility nor the nature of the tests is unique to nuclear weapons. Davis added that environmental sampling done by IAEA inspectors could detect the presence of by-products used in the testing of high explosives for a nuclear weapon. On 17 September 2004 IAEA head El Baradei said his organization had found no sign of nuclear-related activity at the Parchin site in Iran, which several US officials had said might be to secret nuclear weapons research. Iran allowed IAEA inspectors to visit the Parchin military site in the interests of transparency, but the visit was limited to only few areas.
On 1 March 2005, Iran abandoned a second request by the IAEA to visit again the Parchin site. However, the IAEA was eventually allowed entrance to the Parchin facility in November 2005. The IAEA did not observe any unusual activities in the buildings visited, and the results of the analysis of environmental samples did not indicate the presence of nuclear material.

- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Mechanical EngineeringMechanical engineeringMechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the...
- Department of Civil EngineeringCivil engineeringCivil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings...
- Department of Electrical EngineeringElectrical engineeringElectrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical...
- Department of Computer Science Engineering
- Department of Industrial EngineeringIndustrial engineeringIndustrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis...
- Department of Chemical EngineeringChemical engineeringChemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with physical science , and life sciences with mathematics and economics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms...
- Department of Aerospace EngineeringAerospace engineeringAerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction and science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering...
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Science
- Department of PhysicsPhysicsPhysics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic...
- Department of ChemistryChemistryChemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds....
- Department of MathematicsMathematicsMathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...
- Department of BiologyBiologyBiology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines...
- Department of Physics
- Faculty of Social Science (1987)
- Department of ManagementManagementManagement in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively...
- Department of EconomicsEconomicsEconomics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...
- Department of Information Technology ManagementInformation technology managementIT management is the discipline whereby all of the technology resources of a firm are managed in accordance with its needs and priorities. These resources may include tangible investments like computer hardware, software, data, networks and data centre facilities, as well as the staffs who are...
- Department of Management
- Faculty of Medicine (1987)
Later another faculty was founded:
- Faculty of Military Science (1990)
In 1994, faculty of Medicine seceded to become the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University.

- Physics Research Center (PHRC)
- Biological Research Center
- Chemical Research Center
- Aerospace Research Center
- Education Research Institute (ERI)
- Institute of Applied Physics (IAP)
- Kimia Maadan (KM) Company
- Ore Processing Center (OPC)
- Shahid Meisami Complex
The university co-operates with several independent research centers. Among those:

- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Physics
- Department of Military Science
- Central Library
- Publication Office
- Restaurant
See also
- List of universities in Iran
- Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University
- Iranian Space AgencyIranian Space AgencyThe Iranian Space Agency is Iran's governmental space agency. Iran is an active participant in the Asian space race and became an orbital-launch-capable nation in 2009...
- Defense Industries OrganizationDefense Industries OrganizationThe Defense Industries Organization The Defense Industries Organization The Defense Industries Organization (DIO; Persian: Sasadjah (Sazemane Sanaye Defa) is a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the military of Iran with the necessary...
- Iran Electronics Industries
- Iran Aviation Industries OrganizationIran Aviation Industries OrganizationThe Iran Aviation Industries Organization was established in 1966 for the purpose of planning, controlling, and managing the military aviation industry of Iran....
- Nuclear program of IranNuclear program of IranThe nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program. The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Iranian Revolution...