Gunsmith Cats
is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kenichi Sonoda
. It was published in Kodansha
's Afternoon
from 1991 to 1997 and was followed between 2004 and 2008 by a sequel series Gunsmith Cats Burst which included the same characters and situations.
The series describes the adventures of young women fighting crime in Chicago, Illinois.
cartoon Riding Bean
. Set in the U.S., it told about Bean Bandit, a muscle-bound driver who transported dodgy goods on behalf of the mob, and his business partner, the blond-haired Irene "Rally" Vincent.
The anime was cancelled after just one episode, and Sonoda later created the manga
comic Gunsmith Cats, featuring a now dark-haired "Rally" Vincent of Asian Indian
descent, gun shop owner and bounty hunter
, and her pint-sized friend and associate, ex-prostitute and explosives expert "Minnie" May Hopkins. Bean Bandit was also a regular supporting character, Sonoda stating that he is a "guy I can identify with much more personally" as compared to the female heroines.
Gunsmith Cats was originally published in the Japanese Afternoon magazine
between February 1991 and June 1997, and published in English by Dark Horse Comics
in a left-to-right Western orientation. A three-episode anime was released in 1995, featuring an original adventure not based on the comics.
In 2004, after completing Cannon God Exaxxion
, Sonoda created a sequel entitled Gunsmith Cats Burst, which again centered on the exploits of Rally, May and their friends and foes. The final chapter was published in Japan in 2008. Burst was picked up by Dark Horse Comics
for North America
n distribution, who also re-released the original Gunsmith Cats in its original right-to-left Japanese orientation. As of April 2010, the distribution of the entire Gunsmith Cats series has been completed in the USA.
which is the impetus behind many of the stories. She is assisted in both activities by her housemate, former prostitute "Minnie" May Hopkins. Rally is an expert combat shooter and marksman with just about every firearm in existence, as well as a brilliant driver. May is an explosives expert, knowing the inner workings of and many uses of all manner of explosive devices. Teenage ex-burglar and lock-picker Misty Brown later joins the team and there is also Becky Farrah, a top, if expensive, source of information on underworld activity.
Bounty hunting has of course led Rally to making many enemies, most notably Gray, the leader of gangsters whose use of armaments, including bombs, have likened them to terrorists; and Goldie Musou, a leading figure in the Mafia
who uses drugs to manipulate people to the point that they can be brainwashed into killing their nearest and dearest. Bean Bandit, a man who specializes in delivering illegal goods, often features as an alternate ally or enemy — depending on the behavior of his clients, most of whom are being hunted by Rally.
A gunshop owner by trade, Rally dabbles in bounty hunting
to pay the bills. Her father was an Olympic
-level marksman who taught Rally about firearms while running a gun store called Gunsmith Cat in Chicago. Her mother, who had wanted Rally to be a violinist, opposed everything to do with guns and eventually was murdered at the store by robbers when trying to file divorce
papers on her husband. After her father disappeared to search for her mother's murderers, Rally took over the store as her own venture, and recruited Minnie May as an assistant. Upon making May a partner, the shop became known as "Gunsmith Cats".
A bit reserved when it comes to men, Rally feels most comfortable when discussing firearms. While all her IDs state that she is 21 (the age necessary to sell firearms) her actual age is 19. Her weapon of choice is a first version CZ-75. Rally drives a blue 1967 model Shelby Mustang Cobra GT500 with white racing stripes, which she cherishes until its destruction in Gunsmith Cats Burst, when it is replaced by a heavily-modified Mustang II Cobra. When quarreling with Rally, Minnie May implied that guns and cars were sex substitutes for the virginal Rally; there is arguably an erotic undertone to her fondness for guns and cars.
Rally's father is Indian
and her mother was English
. As a result, she has dark blue eyes, dusky skin, and dark hair. She is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, with great speed and physical agility, and is an expert but reckless driver. Although she does not always respect the letter of the law, she has a strong moral sense of right and wrong and is reluctant to kill unless absolutely necessary. An excellent marksman, she often targets her opponents' trigger fingers or crucial components of their guns in combat rather than going for a lethal shot. As a result, she has sometimes been hunted by criminals angry at their mutilation at her hands.
Rally also usually carries a .25 DuO (made by the same company
as the CZ-75) with the trigger guard removed, mounted on a spring-loaded frame strapped to her arm for quick access in a tight spot. When her CZ-75 has been unavailable, she relies on a SIG P210
, another very high quality weapon, and sometimes carries a back-up gun in an ankle holster. She keeps a precision rifle and shotgun in the trunk of her Shelby; these have included a Walther WA2000 and a SIG 550 Sniper variant. Her first gun, given to her by her father, was a AR-7
, a small .22LR rifle that can be disassembled and the components stored inside the buttstock; she uses this from time to time. Other guns Rally owns and cherishes are a 1960 Colt
.25 pocket model, a Beretta 84F
, a Walther P38, a Parabellum P'08 (Luger), a Colt Lawman Mk.3 and a Browning Hi-Power
. She has occasionally used other weapons, including a Glock 19 and an RG14 "Saturday night special
" revolver when she was completely devoid of other weapons, and she is an expert shot with any firearm she has been shown using.
While Irene is her actual name, she chose the alias "Rally (or rather, Larry)" as a pseudonym and cover name to not clarify her gender and demoralize her clients. It was not clear from the Japanese whether Rally's name is intended to be "Irene" or "Eileen" but the official English translation uses Irene. In several Europe
an editions of the manga, most notably in the Italian
one, it is "Aileen". Since L's and R's are mostly interchangeable in Japanese to English translations, the main character's name is often translated as Rally Vincent, and this has become the standard. However, at the 1993 Anime America
convention Kenichi Sonoda, when asked a question about the character, started his answer with "It's Larry, not Rally." This is further backed up in the manga where in one scene she is receiving a fax from Becky (about Riff-Raff), and the note scrawled on it addresses her as Larry.
By the end of the series, as her team members and friends head off towards lighter ventures and greener pastures, Rally herself retires from Chicago's underworld and the bounty hunting scene, moving on with her life, yet still honing her marksmanship.
"Minnie" May Hopkins
A self-styled "bomb specialist", May learned the trade from her boyfriend, Ken Takizawa. While only 17 (in the original English release, her age was raised to 18 since she is depicted performing explicit sexual acts; it was changed back in the Dark Horse revised edition), she is considerably more knowledgeable and mature than the average 17-year old girl.
May ran away from home at 13 for undisclosed reasons and was found and cared for by Ken. When Ken had to go underground for several years, she worked as a prostitute at a brothel
in Chinatown
- even advancing into teaching other newcomers - before leaving and joining up with Rally to run the gun shop. Her time in the brothel is still a very touchy subject for her, though, and she prefers not to bring it up again, though she is quite proud of the skills she acquired there.
When action is called for, May carries a wide range of explosive weapons with her. She typically uses a self-modified grenade
called a "May Special," a grenade
with no materials to cause shrapnel
. Perhaps even more impressive is her talent for disguises and acting; she has fooled Ken into thinking she was a boy for several months, blushed and wept on command, imitated the police chief's voice on the phone so well she fools one of his officers, and impersonated a child actress well enough to fool an entire film crew.
May is tiny and young-appearing for her age, having taken growth-stunting herbal drugs in an effort to stay attractive to Ken (this plot element was modified in the English translation to a condition that she is taking drugs in an attempt to correct). She can pass for a child of ten or twelve and often takes advantage of this. She is very cute - "like Minnie Mouse
", hence her nickname - with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
May is generally cheerful and possesses a great "joie de vivre". She does have a temper, though, particularly if someone comes down hard on her lover and mentor Ken Takizawa, or if it is suggested that she may not be mature enough to handle a particular assignment.
By the end of Gunsmith Cats, May and Ken, married, settle down in a better part of Chicago, with their ties to the world of crime severed, and eventually have a son.
Bean Bandit
A tall, scar-faced tough-as-nails driver for hire known for his invulnerability. He is typically depicted wearing a steel-padded Kevlar
-lined leather jacket, blue jeans and an armored headband. According to sources found in the Riding Bean OAV, his boots, jeans and shirts are all laminated with Kevlar, while his signature jacket is titanium mesh with Kevlar-laminated leather. According to the manga, the jacket is actually a combination of Moose Leather, chain-mail and ceramic plates.
Overall, he is an even better driver than Rally, capable of stunt-driver-level feats. He prefers American muscle car
s of the 1970s and Ford
s in particular; a couple of his personal favorites being a modified 1970 Boss 302 Mustang
and a supercharged 1971 Mach 1
. However, he owns a whole garage full of famous muscle-car models and is often seen driving a 1968 Chevrolet Corvette C3
fitted with an ultra-rare LS-7.
Despite his impressive collection, he has further aspirations: in his signature story arc, he tells Rally about his desire to build his own car, "from the chassis on up", an original, designed to his specifications. At the time he had already paid a designer over three hundred thousand dollars, and it debuts in the eighth story arc. He dubs this monstrous gas-guzzler the 'Buff' (as in African Cape Buffalo
). It is a blueprinted
, supercharged
427 cubic-inch displacement engine
(dyno'd at 500 BHP
), with not only armor plating and bulletproof glass, but a reinforced frame, specifically designed to be bulletproof from the ground up-all but indestructible. It can drive sideways and has special air brakes and wheel spikes to aid in sudden stops. The Buff is very similar in design to the Ford RS200
, a Group B
rally car made in the 1980s. Considering Bean's preference for Fords throughout the series, the design similarities are very likely to be deliberate.
Bean insists on following his strict rules of engagement in all circumstances, and sticks to his word (and he expects his business partners to do the same). Although he doesn't shy away from violence, he prefers to remain neutral when he can and collect his hefty driving fees for almost any kind of job. He will work for criminals and legitimate interests alike as long as he is paid as agreed, although after a competition against Rally about a Kerasine delivery (see Goldie's entry) he has agreed not to deliver any more drugs. He will charge hefty penalties to employers who break his terms; his only Achilles heel is a protective instinct towards children and noncombatants.
Bean is huge and muscular, towering over most people. He can perform amazing feats of strength (like ripping the door off a car with one hand) and shrug off most injuries. Even a pistol shot to his armored headband will barely slow him down. He prefers knives to guns, and can throw a knife straight through a car windscreen with deadly accuracy. He has long black hair, darkish skin and brown eyes, and his race is not determined. However, in interviews, Sonoda has implied that Bean's amazing traits are a result of him being a mix of the strongest characteristics from many different races.
Bean Bandit is also the star of a 1989 original video animation
and manga, written by Sonoda, called Riding Bean
. In this separate story, Bean and a blonde Rally are partners and have a close, but professional, friendship.
At the end of Gunsmith Cats, his recent scuffle with Percy Bacharach, an aggressive and otherwise reckless officer with a long history with Bean, has him leaving the Chicago scene for a while, although still offering his services outside of the state of Illinois.
Becky Farrah
"Becky the Nose" is Rally's main source of information on all the goings on in the Chicago underworld. While her fees are high and she can come across as money-grubbing, most if not all of her information is legitimate; she is also known for working in finding missing persons. When she is not chasing after Rally for her payment, the two share a friendship that crosses business lines. Becky eventually withdraws from the Chicago underworld in the end and uses her scouting skills in investment and business, although her friends remind her when it borders on insider trading.
Becky wears glasses with a ponytail and is usually businesslike in appearance. She can be seen driving a BMW 2002 Turbo.
Ken Takizawa
An explosives expert by trade, he learned his craft through a combination of his connections to the Chicago
underworld and on the set of Hollywood movies. In addition to being Minnie May's on-again off-again boyfriend, he taught her everything he knows. Ken is Japanese-American and about 20 years older than May. He also suffers from multiple sclerosis
, which affects his ability to handle sensitive explosives.
At the end of the series, he and May open up an anime and Japanese hobby store in Chicago after their honeymoon to Osaka, and have a son.
As a personal joke, he uses the nickname "Ken Taki", which is similar to the Japanese pronunciation of the state Kentucky
as well as the fast food franchise, "kentakkī".
Misty Brown
An expert sneak thief and burglar, she is caught by Rally and Minnie-May but joins them upon her subsequent release from jail. Like May, she moves into Rally's house and helps both in the shop and in the pursuit of fugitives, where her lock-picking skills prove useful. Misty doesn't carry any guns but is quite adept in the use of knives, wielded and thrown. She is a lesbian
and has a crush on Rally, whose own feelings for Misty are more those of a devoted friend rather than a lover.
Roy Coleman
A detective of the Chicago Police, Roy is Rally's main contact with the force. Acting as more of an older brother at times, he watches out for Rally when she's in trouble. While considerably older than Rally, he still enjoys spending time with her, as it gives him a sense of belonging to the younger generation, and a contact of his own in the same generation.
At the end of the series, not content with workings of the Chicago Police Department after Percy Bacharach's recent attempt to capture Bean Bandit and Percy's violations of protocol, Roy transfers out to the Rosemount department.
A wild female courier driver, much like Bean Bandit. While working on the wrong side of the law, she has deep within herself a sense of honor which does not let her betray anyone she has taken sympathy to, and becomes a sort-of friend of Bandit, Rally and company. Her greatest dream is to become the best courier driver and outdo Bean himself. She is extremely proud of her driving skills and once belted Bean in the jaw after he had made a crack about her car being an automatic. She can be seen driving an AC Cobra 427; because of her skill with it, she has adopted the name "Snake Charmer".
Her appearance was modeled after the character Luffy from the anime series Gall Force
, to which Kenichi Sonoda also provided the character designs while he worked for ARTMIC
has many large-scale villains, each crossing paths with Rally & company over the course of the series.
Bonnie and Clyde
A fictional take on a factual pair
, Bonnie and Clyde Dorman are a brother-sister pair of hired guns: Bonnie operates in Chicago, while Clyde runs with an outfit in Mexico. Bonnie's first encounter with Rally costs both of her legs and her right thumb; after Clyde facilitates her escape from jail, Bonnie takes to wearing specially-designed prosthetic limbs with weapons inside them, and becomes obsessed with evening the score. Together Bonnie and Clyde hatch a scheme to steal from the local drug cartels, get revenge on Rally, then sneak out of town and retire. They are nearly successful, but are slain in a brief and chaotic firefight.
A drug lord and gang leader, Gray runs a large cocaine
distribution ring in Chicago. During a fateful encounter with Rally, she relieved him of one of his hands by means of a shotgun; henceforth, he sports a prosthetic hook hand. He is eventually caught and imprisoned, though he continues to run his drug ring from his cell. Through his many connections, he is eventually released and swears vengeance on Rally (and eventually gets killed in his pursuit, right after confessing his love for Rally).
A small-time drug dealer, first seen with his driver, Riff-Raff.
A mysterious figure involved in the 'Kidnapped' story arc. In order to draft stage magician and hypnotist Mr. Smart as an accomplice in a heist, Borgnine fits Mr. Smart's daughter Jeena with an explosive collar, which can be detonated via cell phone anytime. Rally is hired by Jeena's friends to rescue Jeena and save Mr. Smart's reputation. Borgnine proves to be a dangerous adversary, but his greed and treachery eventually lead to his demise.
Goldie Musou
Arguably the most ruthless of Rally's opponents. Of Italian ancestry, "Iron Goldie" is a high-ranking member of a mob
family in Sicily
. Many call her a Mafia
Queen. She is an incredible hand-to-hand combatant, and is quite skilled at creating complex plans, which, though often successful, often make plain her cavalier attitude towards her subordinates.
She is a pathological personality, the textbook definition of a "control freak." She is obsessed with controlling everything and everyone around her. People who resist her successfully, such as Rally, become even more attractive to her. She is a lesbian, though she tends to express it as a form of sadistic pedophilia. She keeps a trademark harem of young girls who have murdered their parents while under the influence of her drugs.
She and Rally crossed paths many times, and the bounty hunter is usually quite lucky to escape with her life and the lives of her friends. However, this is far better than any of Goldie's previous opponents have done, and repeated escapes quickly turn the mobster's appreciation for her skills into a dedicated sexual obsession. Finally, Goldie decides that she will make Rally her masterpiece - a slave broken to her will through sheer psychological torture, without the aid of drugs.
The linchpin of her power base is psychopharmacology
, or the use of hallucinogenic drugs similar to LSD
. With a valedictorian in pharmaceuticals, over the years she has developed an incredibly effective method of mind control. The first thing she does after she gains chemical control of someone she considers a worthy "pet" is order him or her to kill his or her loved ones. The alternative to the chemically-induced fantasy world she had built for her puppets is a reality where they have murdered everyone who cared for them. She has yet to lose control of a subject whom she has completely enslaved.
Her current empire is based on a powerful designer drug called Kerasine, which is also a major plot device of the series. It is a compound that she knows how to produce cheaply but has yet to be reverse-engineered by chemists outside of her organization. Its popularity is due to both its low cost and its ability to produce the effects of several different drugs: a small amount is a stimulant like cocaine, a larger amount is a euphoric similar to heroin, and the entire contents of a vial combines both with a powerful hallucinogenic effect similar to lysergic acid diethylamide.
All this comes with a nasty side effect - a user of the drug can be given hypnotic commands while he or she is under its influence. Currently, it is the most popular drug in the world of the manga. Several storylines detail Rally's efforts to prevent Goldie from flooding Chicago with this mind-bending substance, including one which involves using Rally's father, through Kerasine inducement, in which he becomes Goldie's personal assassin.
However, despite her malicious actions and otherwise antagonistic qualities, Goldie's plans and desires were often intentioned for means other than a lust for power and dominance over the criminal underworld out of spiteful reasons. By the end of Gunsmith Cats, it was revealed that Kerasine was created as a designer drug that would be addictive yet without negative side effects, allowing for a drug that would not harm consumers and thus, higher profits, and through her influence, that she would use that to establish an honorable and stable order of criminal activity and "necessary evil" in Chicago, wiping out gangs and syndicates with otherwise greedy or selfish intentions and dishonorable and disreputable reputations for breaking deals and cruel intrigues that were also affecting society in a worse way.
The anime version of Gunsmith Cats, released 1995 by Kodansha
/VAP/Tokyo Broadcasting and a year later in North America
by ADV Films, is an original animation story. Was originally released as 3 individual videos, 'Neutral Zone', 'Swing High!' and 'High Speed Edge'. In 1997 it was compiled as a single movie, 'Bulletproof' and re-released with new packaging. Many major characters, such as Misty Brown, Bean Bandit, and Goldie Musou do not appear. It was also one of the most researched anime in regards to locale and feel, as the production team made several trips to Chicago
, which included visits to the Illinois
Police Academy, and an actual gun shop, which is rare in gun-controlled Japan
Several characters were created for the anime:
William "Bill" Collins
An agent in the Chicago
office of the A.T.F., Bill Collins comes across as a sleazy, nosy government agent who fancies himself as Eliot Ness
. He is investigating a gun-running operation, but has run into a lot of dead leads, as well as a few dead agents. Desperate for help, he 'enlists' Rally and May's help by holding up the gun shop's license as insurance.
Although they had success at first by shutting down a distribution point in Chicago
, Jonathan Washington, the lone witness, along with five A.T.F. agents, are murdered in a safehouse by the assassin Natasha Radinov, using Collins' cardkey and access code to gain entry. Now the investigation is due to be closed and Collins soon discovers a conspiracy within the A.T.F., which involves his superior George Black and mayoral candidate Edward Haints who has Rally as a target.
George Black
Collins' superior in the A.T.F. Chicago office, George Black is, in fact, part of a gun-running operation which he co-ran with Edward Haints, an Illinois assemblyman running for mayor in Chicago under a gun-control platform. It was Black who had contracted Natasha Radinov to kill Jonathan Washington, the only witness to the operation, for which he provided her with a cardkey with Collins' ID, as well as Rally and May for helping Collins. He also supplied Radinov with the use of a supposedly shut-down A.T.F. safehouse for her to stay in.
But after the first attempt to kill Rally went awry, Black filed a vacation leave and decided to flee the country. He proceeded to the safehouse where he knew Radinov was. When he got there, he discovered that his partner Haints was talking to Radinov on the phone, with Radinov aiming her pistol at him. Realizing he'd been double-crossed, he tried to persuade Radinov to tell Haints not to kill him, but to no avail. Radinov shoots him, once in the chest and once in the head.
Natasha Radinov
Also known as "Bloody Pierce", Natasha Radinov was originally an agent for the K.G.B. and Spetsnaz
, but when the Soviet Union
fell, she contracted her services out as a freelance assassin
. She is proficient in almost every deadly hand weapon in the world, but prefers to work with silent weapons, especially a Welrod
silenced pistol and a ballistic knife
designed for Spetsnaz use. She also wears a long coat lined with ballistic nylon
and Kevlar
, the inside lining holding a vast arsenal of weapons.
Radinov prefers to be paid for her services in heroin, which she sells in Russia; she personally stays away from the drug herself. Recently, she had accepted an assignment to kill Rally and May because the two had interfered in a gun-running operation run by Edward Haints, an Illinois assemblyman running for mayor under a gun-control platform. However, when the first attempt went wrong, and Radinov was injured because of it, she took it as "a matter of pride" and went after Rally personally. After a violent chase, Radinov is shot and killed by Rally thanks to several shots to the chest at close range.
Edward Haints
A senator in the Illinois State Assembly
, Edward Haints is running for mayor of Chicago. His campaign style has him wrapping himself in an "All American" theme, which favors heavily on protecting the city's citizens by instituting stricter gun-access laws.
In reality, Haints runs one of the biggest gun-running operations in the state, and the strict gun laws he plans to enact will enable him to raise the prices of his own illicit operations. When Bill Collins gets a little too close with his investigations, he asks his friend and partner George Black to hire Natasha Radinov to kill the witnesses and derail the investigation. However, Haints also hires Radinov to kill Black as well, mostly to keep the profits of his gun-running to himself.
He is exposed and arrested after Roy Coleman's partner disguises herself as Radinov and has Becky Farra videotape a meeting between her and Haint.
Jonathan Washington
At the beginning of the series, Jonathan Washington had just skipped bail for drug smuggling charges, only to be captured by Rally Vincent. Actually, Washington was working for Edward Haints' gun-running ring and operated an entire warehouse filled with illicit firearms... firearms that Rally, with a little "help" from Bill Collins, were able to prevent hitting the streets.
However, since Washington was now a vital witness to the gun ring, he was taken to an A.T.F. safehouse outside Chicago
. He had tried to persuade Rally to help him escape the safehouse because he now feared for his life. He knew that George Black, the head of the A.T.F.'s Chicago
office, was also a partner of Haints and had now sent a hitman after him. When Rally refused to help him escape, he was able to leave a fake Rolex
watch and a scrap of paper with the address of his "daughter" on it with May. In fact, the paper held an Internet
address and the watch had an access code to the shipping dates of the gun ring engraved on the back of the watchband's latch.
True to his warning, Washington did meet his end when Natasha Radinov, using a copy of Collins' cardkey and access code, entered the safehouse, and slaughtered Washington and the A.T.F agents guarding him.
Kenichi Sonoda
is a comic book artist and animation character designer.-Professional career:Sonoda moved to Tokyo in 1984, at the age of 21, and began work at Artmic, an anime studio. During this time, he worked on Bubblegum Crisis, producing the original Knight Saber character designs...
. It was published in Kodansha
, the largest Japanese publisher, produces the manga magazines Nakayoshi, Afternoon, Evening, and Weekly Shonen Magazine, as well as more literary magazines such as Gunzō, Shūkan Gendai, and the Japanese dictionary Nihongo Daijiten. The company has its headquarters in Bunkyō, Tokyo...
's Afternoon
Afternoon (magazine)
is a Japanese seinen manga magazine published by Kodansha. It is a monthly anthology, and each issue typically has around thirty ongoing stories by various authors and runs about 800 pages...
from 1991 to 1997 and was followed between 2004 and 2008 by a sequel series Gunsmith Cats Burst which included the same characters and situations.
The series describes the adventures of young women fighting crime in Chicago, Illinois.
Publication History
In the late 1980s, Kenichi Sonoda wrote the animeAnime
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....
cartoon Riding Bean
Riding Bean
is an anime original video animation following the exploits of courier-for-hire Bean Bandit and his partner, gunwoman Rally Vincent.There was also a manga published in the Japanese magazine that was left unfinished after its fourth chapter...
. Set in the U.S., it told about Bean Bandit, a muscle-bound driver who transported dodgy goods on behalf of the mob, and his business partner, the blond-haired Irene "Rally" Vincent.
The anime was cancelled after just one episode, and Sonoda later created the manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...
comic Gunsmith Cats, featuring a now dark-haired "Rally" Vincent of Asian Indian
Indian American
Indian Americans are Americans whose ancestral roots lie in India. The U.S. Census Bureau popularized the term Asian Indian to avoid confusion with Indigenous peoples of the Americas who are commonly referred to as American Indians.-The term: Indian:...
descent, gun shop owner and bounty hunter
Bounty hunter
A bounty hunter captures fugitives for a monetary reward . Other names, mainly used in the United States, include bail enforcement agent and fugitive recovery agent.-Laws in the U.S.:...
, and her pint-sized friend and associate, ex-prostitute and explosives expert "Minnie" May Hopkins. Bean Bandit was also a regular supporting character, Sonoda stating that he is a "guy I can identify with much more personally" as compared to the female heroines.
Gunsmith Cats was originally published in the Japanese Afternoon magazine
Afternoon (magazine)
is a Japanese seinen manga magazine published by Kodansha. It is a monthly anthology, and each issue typically has around thirty ongoing stories by various authors and runs about 800 pages...
between February 1991 and June 1997, and published in English by Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics is the largest independent American comic book and manga publisher.Dark Horse Comics was founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson in Milwaukie, Oregon, with the concept of establishing an ideal atmosphere for creative professionals. Richardson started out by opening his first comic book...
in a left-to-right Western orientation. A three-episode anime was released in 1995, featuring an original adventure not based on the comics.
In 2004, after completing Cannon God Exaxxion
Cannon God Exaxxion
is a seven volume manga by Kenichi Sonoda that deals with Earth's fight against alien colonization with the help of giant robots and super powered battle suits.-Story:...
, Sonoda created a sequel entitled Gunsmith Cats Burst, which again centered on the exploits of Rally, May and their friends and foes. The final chapter was published in Japan in 2008. Burst was picked up by Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics is the largest independent American comic book and manga publisher.Dark Horse Comics was founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson in Milwaukie, Oregon, with the concept of establishing an ideal atmosphere for creative professionals. Richardson started out by opening his first comic book...
for North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
n distribution, who also re-released the original Gunsmith Cats in its original right-to-left Japanese orientation. As of April 2010, the distribution of the entire Gunsmith Cats series has been completed in the USA.
19-year-old Irene "Rally" Vincent operates the titular "Gunsmith Cats" gun shop but also works as a bounty hunterBounty hunter
A bounty hunter captures fugitives for a monetary reward . Other names, mainly used in the United States, include bail enforcement agent and fugitive recovery agent.-Laws in the U.S.:...
which is the impetus behind many of the stories. She is assisted in both activities by her housemate, former prostitute "Minnie" May Hopkins. Rally is an expert combat shooter and marksman with just about every firearm in existence, as well as a brilliant driver. May is an explosives expert, knowing the inner workings of and many uses of all manner of explosive devices. Teenage ex-burglar and lock-picker Misty Brown later joins the team and there is also Becky Farrah, a top, if expensive, source of information on underworld activity.
Bounty hunting has of course led Rally to making many enemies, most notably Gray, the leader of gangsters whose use of armaments, including bombs, have likened them to terrorists; and Goldie Musou, a leading figure in the Mafia
The Mafia is a criminal syndicate that emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in Sicily, Italy. It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct, and whose common enterprise is protection racketeering...
who uses drugs to manipulate people to the point that they can be brainwashed into killing their nearest and dearest. Bean Bandit, a man who specializes in delivering illegal goods, often features as an alternate ally or enemy — depending on the behavior of his clients, most of whom are being hunted by Rally.
Irene "Rally" VincentA gunshop owner by trade, Rally dabbles in bounty hunting
Bounty hunter
A bounty hunter captures fugitives for a monetary reward . Other names, mainly used in the United States, include bail enforcement agent and fugitive recovery agent.-Laws in the U.S.:...
to pay the bills. Her father was an Olympic
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate...
-level marksman who taught Rally about firearms while running a gun store called Gunsmith Cat in Chicago. Her mother, who had wanted Rally to be a violinist, opposed everything to do with guns and eventually was murdered at the store by robbers when trying to file divorce
Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties...
papers on her husband. After her father disappeared to search for her mother's murderers, Rally took over the store as her own venture, and recruited Minnie May as an assistant. Upon making May a partner, the shop became known as "Gunsmith Cats".
A bit reserved when it comes to men, Rally feels most comfortable when discussing firearms. While all her IDs state that she is 21 (the age necessary to sell firearms) her actual age is 19. Her weapon of choice is a first version CZ-75. Rally drives a blue 1967 model Shelby Mustang Cobra GT500 with white racing stripes, which she cherishes until its destruction in Gunsmith Cats Burst, when it is replaced by a heavily-modified Mustang II Cobra. When quarreling with Rally, Minnie May implied that guns and cars were sex substitutes for the virginal Rally; there is arguably an erotic undertone to her fondness for guns and cars.
Rally's father is Indian
Indian subcontinent
The Indian subcontinent, also Indian Subcontinent, Indo-Pak Subcontinent or South Asian Subcontinent is a region of the Asian continent on the Indian tectonic plate from the Hindu Kush or Hindu Koh, Himalayas and including the Kuen Lun and Karakoram ranges, forming a land mass which extends...
and her mother was English
English people
The English are a nation and ethnic group native to England, who speak English. The English identity is of early mediaeval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Anglecynn. England is now a country of the United Kingdom, and the majority of English people in England are British Citizens...
. As a result, she has dark blue eyes, dusky skin, and dark hair. She is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, with great speed and physical agility, and is an expert but reckless driver. Although she does not always respect the letter of the law, she has a strong moral sense of right and wrong and is reluctant to kill unless absolutely necessary. An excellent marksman, she often targets her opponents' trigger fingers or crucial components of their guns in combat rather than going for a lethal shot. As a result, she has sometimes been hunted by criminals angry at their mutilation at her hands.
Rally also usually carries a .25 DuO (made by the same company
Ceská Zbrojovka Uhersky Brod
Česká zbrojovka a.s. Uherský Brod is a Czech firearms manufacturer.-History:CZUB was established in 1936 as a branch of the Česká zbrojovka armament firm in the small Moravian town of Uherský Brod in Czechoslovakia, now in the Czech Republic....
as the CZ-75) with the trigger guard removed, mounted on a spring-loaded frame strapped to her arm for quick access in a tight spot. When her CZ-75 has been unavailable, she relies on a SIG P210
SIG P210
The SIG P210 is a locked breech semi-automatic pistol designed and manufactured in Neuhausen am Rheinfall by Swiss Arms AG, formerly SIG Arms AG .It is of all steel construction chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum and 7.65x21mm Parabellum...
, another very high quality weapon, and sometimes carries a back-up gun in an ankle holster. She keeps a precision rifle and shotgun in the trunk of her Shelby; these have included a Walther WA2000 and a SIG 550 Sniper variant. Her first gun, given to her by her father, was a AR-7
The ArmaLite AR-7 Explorer, designed by M-16 inventor Eugene Stoner, is a semi-automatic .22 Long Rifle rifle developed from the AR-5 adopted by the U.S. Air Force as a pilot and aircrew survival weapon. Its intended markets today are backpackers and other recreational users as a take-down utility...
, a small .22LR rifle that can be disassembled and the components stored inside the buttstock; she uses this from time to time. Other guns Rally owns and cherishes are a 1960 Colt
Colt's Manufacturing Company
Colt's Manufacturing Company is a United States firearms manufacturer, whose first predecessor corporation was founded in 1836 by Sam Colt. Colt is best known for the engineering, production, and marketing of firearms over the later half of the 19th and the 20th century...
.25 pocket model, a Beretta 84F
Beretta 80 Models
The Beretta Cheetah, also known by its original model name of "Series 81", is a line of compact blowback operated semi-automatic pistols designed and manufactured by Beretta of Italy...
, a Walther P38, a Parabellum P'08 (Luger), a Colt Lawman Mk.3 and a Browning Hi-Power
Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power is a single-action, 9 mm semi-automatic handgun. It is based on a design by American firearms inventor John Browning, and completed by Dieudonné Saive at Fabrique Nationale of Herstal, Belgium. Browning died in 1926, several years before the design was finalized...
. She has occasionally used other weapons, including a Glock 19 and an RG14 "Saturday night special
Saturday night special
The phrase Saturday night special is pejorative slang used in the United States and Canada for any inexpensive handgun. Saturday night specials have been defined as compact, inexpensive handguns with low perceived quality; however, there is no official definition of "Saturday night special" under...
" revolver when she was completely devoid of other weapons, and she is an expert shot with any firearm she has been shown using.
While Irene is her actual name, she chose the alias "Rally (or rather, Larry)" as a pseudonym and cover name to not clarify her gender and demoralize her clients. It was not clear from the Japanese whether Rally's name is intended to be "Irene" or "Eileen" but the official English translation uses Irene. In several Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
an editions of the manga, most notably in the Italian
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
one, it is "Aileen". Since L's and R's are mostly interchangeable in Japanese to English translations, the main character's name is often translated as Rally Vincent, and this has become the standard. However, at the 1993 Anime America
Anime America
Anime America was an annual three-day anime convention held between 1993 and 1996 in Santa Clara and later San Jose, California. The first Anime America was held in 1993 in Santa Clara, California.-Event history:...
convention Kenichi Sonoda, when asked a question about the character, started his answer with "It's Larry, not Rally." This is further backed up in the manga where in one scene she is receiving a fax from Becky (about Riff-Raff), and the note scrawled on it addresses her as Larry.
By the end of the series, as her team members and friends head off towards lighter ventures and greener pastures, Rally herself retires from Chicago's underworld and the bounty hunting scene, moving on with her life, yet still honing her marksmanship.
"Minnie" May Hopkins
A self-styled "bomb specialist", May learned the trade from her boyfriend, Ken Takizawa. While only 17 (in the original English release, her age was raised to 18 since she is depicted performing explicit sexual acts; it was changed back in the Dark Horse revised edition), she is considerably more knowledgeable and mature than the average 17-year old girl.
May ran away from home at 13 for undisclosed reasons and was found and cared for by Ken. When Ken had to go underground for several years, she worked as a prostitute at a brothel
Brothels are business establishments where patrons can engage in sexual activities with prostitutes. Brothels are known under a variety of names, including bordello, cathouse, knocking shop, whorehouse, strumpet house, sporting house, house of ill repute, house of prostitution, and bawdy house...
in Chinatown
Chinatown, Chicago
The Chinatown neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois, is on the South Side , centered on Cermak and Wentworth Avenues, and is an example of an American Chinatown, or ethnic-Chinese neighborhood. By the [ftp://ftp2.census.gov/census_2000/datasets/demographic_profile/Illinois/2kh17.pdf 2000 Census], has...
- even advancing into teaching other newcomers - before leaving and joining up with Rally to run the gun shop. Her time in the brothel is still a very touchy subject for her, though, and she prefers not to bring it up again, though she is quite proud of the skills she acquired there.
When action is called for, May carries a wide range of explosive weapons with her. She typically uses a self-modified grenade
A grenade is a small explosive device that is projected a safe distance away by its user. Soldiers called grenadiers specialize in the use of grenades. The term hand grenade refers any grenade designed to be hand thrown. Grenade Launchers are firearms designed to fire explosive projectile grenades...
called a "May Special," a grenade
A grenade is a small explosive device that is projected a safe distance away by its user. Soldiers called grenadiers specialize in the use of grenades. The term hand grenade refers any grenade designed to be hand thrown. Grenade Launchers are firearms designed to fire explosive projectile grenades...
with no materials to cause shrapnel
Fragmentation (weaponry)
Fragmentation is the process by which the casing of an artillery shell, bomb, grenade, etc. is shattered by the detonating high explosive filling. The correct technical terminology for these casing pieces is fragments , although shards or splinters can be used for non-preformed fragments...
. Perhaps even more impressive is her talent for disguises and acting; she has fooled Ken into thinking she was a boy for several months, blushed and wept on command, imitated the police chief's voice on the phone so well she fools one of his officers, and impersonated a child actress well enough to fool an entire film crew.
May is tiny and young-appearing for her age, having taken growth-stunting herbal drugs in an effort to stay attractive to Ken (this plot element was modified in the English translation to a condition that she is taking drugs in an attempt to correct). She can pass for a child of ten or twelve and often takes advantage of this. She is very cute - "like Minnie Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Minerva "Minnie" Mouse is an animated character created by Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney. The comic strip story "The Gleam" by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson first gave her full name as Minerva Mouse. Minnie has since been a recurring alias for her. Minnie is currently voiced by actress Russi...
", hence her nickname - with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
May is generally cheerful and possesses a great "joie de vivre". She does have a temper, though, particularly if someone comes down hard on her lover and mentor Ken Takizawa, or if it is suggested that she may not be mature enough to handle a particular assignment.
By the end of Gunsmith Cats, May and Ken, married, settle down in a better part of Chicago, with their ties to the world of crime severed, and eventually have a son.
Bean Bandit
A tall, scar-faced tough-as-nails driver for hire known for his invulnerability. He is typically depicted wearing a steel-padded Kevlar
Kevlar is the registered trademark for a para-aramid synthetic fiber, related to other aramids such as Nomex and Technora. Developed at DuPont in 1965, this high strength material was first commercially used in the early 1970s as a replacement for steel in racing tires...
-lined leather jacket, blue jeans and an armored headband. According to sources found in the Riding Bean OAV, his boots, jeans and shirts are all laminated with Kevlar, while his signature jacket is titanium mesh with Kevlar-laminated leather. According to the manga, the jacket is actually a combination of Moose Leather, chain-mail and ceramic plates.
Overall, he is an even better driver than Rally, capable of stunt-driver-level feats. He prefers American muscle car
Muscle car
Muscle car is a term used to refer to a variety of high-performance automobiles. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines muscle cars as "any of a group of American-made 2-door sports coupes with powerful engines designed for high-performance driving." Usually, a large V8 engine is fitted in a...
s of the 1970s and Ford
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automaker based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. The automaker was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903. In addition to the Ford and Lincoln brands, Ford also owns a small stake in Mazda in Japan and Aston Martin in the UK...
s in particular; a couple of his personal favorites being a modified 1970 Boss 302 Mustang
Boss 302 Mustang
The Boss 302 Mustang is a high performance variant of the Ford Mustang originally produced in 1969 and 1970, but revived in the 2012 model year. It was produced for the Trans Am racing series, while the Mustang Boss 429 which was produced the same years was built around a larger engine.-First...
and a supercharged 1971 Mach 1
Ford Mustang Mach 1
The Ford Mustang Mach 1 was a performance model of the Ford Mustang that Ford produced beginning in 1969. The original production run of the Mach 1 ended in 1979 because the Mustang II coupe was being phased out in favor of newer Mustangs on the Fox body platform.The Mach 1 returned in 2003 as a...
. However, he owns a whole garage full of famous muscle-car models and is often seen driving a 1968 Chevrolet Corvette C3
Chevrolet Corvette C3
The Chevrolet Corvette is a sports car produced by the Chevrolet division of General Motors for the 1968 through 1982 model years. Corvette chief Zora Arkus-Duntov wanted a striking new Corvette; although engines and chassis components were mostly carried over from the previous generation, its...
fitted with an ultra-rare LS-7.
Despite his impressive collection, he has further aspirations: in his signature story arc, he tells Rally about his desire to build his own car, "from the chassis on up", an original, designed to his specifications. At the time he had already paid a designer over three hundred thousand dollars, and it debuts in the eighth story arc. He dubs this monstrous gas-guzzler the 'Buff' (as in African Cape Buffalo
African Buffalo
The African buffalo, affalo, nyati, Mbogo or Cape buffalo is a large African bovine. It is not closely related to the slightly larger wild Asian water buffalo, but its ancestry remains unclear...
). It is a blueprinted
Engine balance
Engine balance is the design, construction and tuning of an engine to run smoothly. Improving engine balance reduces vibration and other stresses and can improve the overall performance, efficiency, cost of ownership and reliability of the engine, as well as reducing the stress on other machinery...
, supercharged
A supercharger is an air compressor used for forced induction of an internal combustion engine.The greater mass flow-rate provides more oxygen to support combustion than would be available in a naturally aspirated engine, which allows more fuel to be burned and more work to be done per cycle,...
427 cubic-inch displacement engine
Cylinder block
A cylinder block is an integrated structure comprising the cylinder of a reciprocating engine and often some or all of their associated surrounding structures...
(dyno'd at 500 BHP
Horsepower is the name of several units of measurement of power. The most common definitions equal between 735.5 and 750 watts.Horsepower was originally defined to compare the output of steam engines with the power of draft horses in continuous operation. The unit was widely adopted to measure the...
), with not only armor plating and bulletproof glass, but a reinforced frame, specifically designed to be bulletproof from the ground up-all but indestructible. It can drive sideways and has special air brakes and wheel spikes to aid in sudden stops. The Buff is very similar in design to the Ford RS200
Ford RS200
The Ford RS200 is a mid-engined, four-wheel drive sports car produced by Ford from 1984 to 1986. The road-going RS200 was based on Ford's Group B rally car and was designed to comply with FIA homologation regulations, which required 200 road legal versions be built...
, a Group B
Group B
Group B was a set of regulations introduced in 1982 for competition vehicles in sportscar racing and rallying regulated by the FIA. The Group B regulations fostered some of the quickest, most powerful and sophisticated rally cars ever built. However, a series of major accidents, some fatal, were...
rally car made in the 1980s. Considering Bean's preference for Fords throughout the series, the design similarities are very likely to be deliberate.
Bean insists on following his strict rules of engagement in all circumstances, and sticks to his word (and he expects his business partners to do the same). Although he doesn't shy away from violence, he prefers to remain neutral when he can and collect his hefty driving fees for almost any kind of job. He will work for criminals and legitimate interests alike as long as he is paid as agreed, although after a competition against Rally about a Kerasine delivery (see Goldie's entry) he has agreed not to deliver any more drugs. He will charge hefty penalties to employers who break his terms; his only Achilles heel is a protective instinct towards children and noncombatants.
Bean is huge and muscular, towering over most people. He can perform amazing feats of strength (like ripping the door off a car with one hand) and shrug off most injuries. Even a pistol shot to his armored headband will barely slow him down. He prefers knives to guns, and can throw a knife straight through a car windscreen with deadly accuracy. He has long black hair, darkish skin and brown eyes, and his race is not determined. However, in interviews, Sonoda has implied that Bean's amazing traits are a result of him being a mix of the strongest characteristics from many different races.
Bean Bandit is also the star of a 1989 original video animation
Original video animation
, abbreviated as media , are animated films and series made specially for release in home-video formats. The term originated in relation to Japanese animation...
and manga, written by Sonoda, called Riding Bean
Riding Bean
is an anime original video animation following the exploits of courier-for-hire Bean Bandit and his partner, gunwoman Rally Vincent.There was also a manga published in the Japanese magazine that was left unfinished after its fourth chapter...
. In this separate story, Bean and a blonde Rally are partners and have a close, but professional, friendship.
At the end of Gunsmith Cats, his recent scuffle with Percy Bacharach, an aggressive and otherwise reckless officer with a long history with Bean, has him leaving the Chicago scene for a while, although still offering his services outside of the state of Illinois.
Becky Farrah
"Becky the Nose" is Rally's main source of information on all the goings on in the Chicago underworld. While her fees are high and she can come across as money-grubbing, most if not all of her information is legitimate; she is also known for working in finding missing persons. When she is not chasing after Rally for her payment, the two share a friendship that crosses business lines. Becky eventually withdraws from the Chicago underworld in the end and uses her scouting skills in investment and business, although her friends remind her when it borders on insider trading.
Becky wears glasses with a ponytail and is usually businesslike in appearance. She can be seen driving a BMW 2002 Turbo.
Ken Takizawa
An explosives expert by trade, he learned his craft through a combination of his connections to the Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
underworld and on the set of Hollywood movies. In addition to being Minnie May's on-again off-again boyfriend, he taught her everything he knows. Ken is Japanese-American and about 20 years older than May. He also suffers from multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease in which the fatty myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to demyelination and scarring as well as a broad spectrum of signs and symptoms...
, which affects his ability to handle sensitive explosives.
At the end of the series, he and May open up an anime and Japanese hobby store in Chicago after their honeymoon to Osaka, and have a son.
As a personal joke, he uses the nickname "Ken Taki", which is similar to the Japanese pronunciation of the state Kentucky
The Commonwealth of Kentucky is a state located in the East Central United States of America. As classified by the United States Census Bureau, Kentucky is a Southern state, more specifically in the East South Central region. Kentucky is one of four U.S. states constituted as a commonwealth...
as well as the fast food franchise, "kentakkī".
Misty Brown
An expert sneak thief and burglar, she is caught by Rally and Minnie-May but joins them upon her subsequent release from jail. Like May, she moves into Rally's house and helps both in the shop and in the pursuit of fugitives, where her lock-picking skills prove useful. Misty doesn't carry any guns but is quite adept in the use of knives, wielded and thrown. She is a lesbian
Lesbian is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between females. The word may be used as a noun, to refer to women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality, or as an...
and has a crush on Rally, whose own feelings for Misty are more those of a devoted friend rather than a lover.
Roy Coleman
A detective of the Chicago Police, Roy is Rally's main contact with the force. Acting as more of an older brother at times, he watches out for Rally when she's in trouble. While considerably older than Rally, he still enjoys spending time with her, as it gives him a sense of belonging to the younger generation, and a contact of his own in the same generation.
At the end of the series, not content with workings of the Chicago Police Department after Percy Bacharach's recent attempt to capture Bean Bandit and Percy's violations of protocol, Roy transfers out to the Rosemount department.
A wild female courier driver, much like Bean Bandit. While working on the wrong side of the law, she has deep within herself a sense of honor which does not let her betray anyone she has taken sympathy to, and becomes a sort-of friend of Bandit, Rally and company. Her greatest dream is to become the best courier driver and outdo Bean himself. She is extremely proud of her driving skills and once belted Bean in the jaw after he had made a crack about her car being an automatic. She can be seen driving an AC Cobra 427; because of her skill with it, she has adopted the name "Snake Charmer".
Her appearance was modeled after the character Luffy from the anime series Gall Force
Gall Force
is a metaseries of science fiction anime OVA by the studio Artmic, with production by Youmex and AIC. The original character designs were by Kenichi Sonoda, though these were dropped for the Gall Force Revolution remake .-Star Front Gall Force:This was the origin and precursor to the Gall Force...
, to which Kenichi Sonoda also provided the character designs while he worked for ARTMIC
Artmic is a defunct Japanese design studio formed in 1978. It went bankrupt and was liquidated in 1997...
In Gunsmith Cats, ChicagoChicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
has many large-scale villains, each crossing paths with Rally & company over the course of the series.
Bonnie and Clyde
A fictional take on a factual pair
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow were well-known outlaws, robbers, and criminals who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression. Their exploits captured the attention of the American public during the "public enemy era" between 1931 and 1934...
, Bonnie and Clyde Dorman are a brother-sister pair of hired guns: Bonnie operates in Chicago, while Clyde runs with an outfit in Mexico. Bonnie's first encounter with Rally costs both of her legs and her right thumb; after Clyde facilitates her escape from jail, Bonnie takes to wearing specially-designed prosthetic limbs with weapons inside them, and becomes obsessed with evening the score. Together Bonnie and Clyde hatch a scheme to steal from the local drug cartels, get revenge on Rally, then sneak out of town and retire. They are nearly successful, but are slain in a brief and chaotic firefight.
A drug lord and gang leader, Gray runs a large cocaine
Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic...
distribution ring in Chicago. During a fateful encounter with Rally, she relieved him of one of his hands by means of a shotgun; henceforth, he sports a prosthetic hook hand. He is eventually caught and imprisoned, though he continues to run his drug ring from his cell. Through his many connections, he is eventually released and swears vengeance on Rally (and eventually gets killed in his pursuit, right after confessing his love for Rally).
A small-time drug dealer, first seen with his driver, Riff-Raff.
A mysterious figure involved in the 'Kidnapped' story arc. In order to draft stage magician and hypnotist Mr. Smart as an accomplice in a heist, Borgnine fits Mr. Smart's daughter Jeena with an explosive collar, which can be detonated via cell phone anytime. Rally is hired by Jeena's friends to rescue Jeena and save Mr. Smart's reputation. Borgnine proves to be a dangerous adversary, but his greed and treachery eventually lead to his demise.
Goldie Musou
Arguably the most ruthless of Rally's opponents. Of Italian ancestry, "Iron Goldie" is a high-ranking member of a mob
The Mafia is a criminal syndicate that emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in Sicily, Italy. It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct, and whose common enterprise is protection racketeering...
family in Sicily
Sicily is a region of Italy, and is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Along with the surrounding minor islands, it constitutes an autonomous region of Italy, the Regione Autonoma Siciliana Sicily has a rich and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature,...
. Many call her a Mafia
The Mafia is a criminal syndicate that emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in Sicily, Italy. It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct, and whose common enterprise is protection racketeering...
Queen. She is an incredible hand-to-hand combatant, and is quite skilled at creating complex plans, which, though often successful, often make plain her cavalier attitude towards her subordinates.
She is a pathological personality, the textbook definition of a "control freak." She is obsessed with controlling everything and everyone around her. People who resist her successfully, such as Rally, become even more attractive to her. She is a lesbian, though she tends to express it as a form of sadistic pedophilia. She keeps a trademark harem of young girls who have murdered their parents while under the influence of her drugs.
She and Rally crossed paths many times, and the bounty hunter is usually quite lucky to escape with her life and the lives of her friends. However, this is far better than any of Goldie's previous opponents have done, and repeated escapes quickly turn the mobster's appreciation for her skills into a dedicated sexual obsession. Finally, Goldie decides that she will make Rally her masterpiece - a slave broken to her will through sheer psychological torture, without the aid of drugs.
The linchpin of her power base is psychopharmacology
Psychopharmacology is the scientific study of the actions of drugs and their effects on mood, sensation, thinking, and behavior...
, or the use of hallucinogenic drugs similar to LSD
Lysergic acid diethylamide, abbreviated LSD or LSD-25, also known as lysergide and colloquially as acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family, well known for its psychological effects which can include altered thinking processes, closed and open eye visuals, synaesthesia, an...
. With a valedictorian in pharmaceuticals, over the years she has developed an incredibly effective method of mind control. The first thing she does after she gains chemical control of someone she considers a worthy "pet" is order him or her to kill his or her loved ones. The alternative to the chemically-induced fantasy world she had built for her puppets is a reality where they have murdered everyone who cared for them. She has yet to lose control of a subject whom she has completely enslaved.
Her current empire is based on a powerful designer drug called Kerasine, which is also a major plot device of the series. It is a compound that she knows how to produce cheaply but has yet to be reverse-engineered by chemists outside of her organization. Its popularity is due to both its low cost and its ability to produce the effects of several different drugs: a small amount is a stimulant like cocaine, a larger amount is a euphoric similar to heroin, and the entire contents of a vial combines both with a powerful hallucinogenic effect similar to lysergic acid diethylamide.
All this comes with a nasty side effect - a user of the drug can be given hypnotic commands while he or she is under its influence. Currently, it is the most popular drug in the world of the manga. Several storylines detail Rally's efforts to prevent Goldie from flooding Chicago with this mind-bending substance, including one which involves using Rally's father, through Kerasine inducement, in which he becomes Goldie's personal assassin.
However, despite her malicious actions and otherwise antagonistic qualities, Goldie's plans and desires were often intentioned for means other than a lust for power and dominance over the criminal underworld out of spiteful reasons. By the end of Gunsmith Cats, it was revealed that Kerasine was created as a designer drug that would be addictive yet without negative side effects, allowing for a drug that would not harm consumers and thus, higher profits, and through her influence, that she would use that to establish an honorable and stable order of criminal activity and "necessary evil" in Chicago, wiping out gangs and syndicates with otherwise greedy or selfish intentions and dishonorable and disreputable reputations for breaking deals and cruel intrigues that were also affecting society in a worse way.

, the largest Japanese publisher, produces the manga magazines Nakayoshi, Afternoon, Evening, and Weekly Shonen Magazine, as well as more literary magazines such as Gunzō, Shūkan Gendai, and the Japanese dictionary Nihongo Daijiten. The company has its headquarters in Bunkyō, Tokyo...
/VAP/Tokyo Broadcasting and a year later in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
by ADV Films, is an original animation story. Was originally released as 3 individual videos, 'Neutral Zone', 'Swing High!' and 'High Speed Edge'. In 1997 it was compiled as a single movie, 'Bulletproof' and re-released with new packaging. Many major characters, such as Misty Brown, Bean Bandit, and Goldie Musou do not appear. It was also one of the most researched anime in regards to locale and feel, as the production team made several trips to Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
, which included visits to the Illinois
Illinois is the fifth-most populous state of the United States of America, and is often noted for being a microcosm of the entire country. With Chicago in the northeast, small industrial cities and great agricultural productivity in central and northern Illinois, and natural resources like coal,...
Police Academy, and an actual gun shop, which is rare in gun-controlled Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
Several characters were created for the anime:
William "Bill" Collins
An agent in the Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
office of the A.T.F., Bill Collins comes across as a sleazy, nosy government agent who fancies himself as Eliot Ness
Eliot Ness
Eliot Ness was an American Prohibition agent, famous for his efforts to enforce Prohibition in Chicago, Illinois, and the leader of a legendary team of law enforcement agents nicknamed The Untouchables.- Early life :...
. He is investigating a gun-running operation, but has run into a lot of dead leads, as well as a few dead agents. Desperate for help, he 'enlists' Rally and May's help by holding up the gun shop's license as insurance.
Although they had success at first by shutting down a distribution point in Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
, Jonathan Washington, the lone witness, along with five A.T.F. agents, are murdered in a safehouse by the assassin Natasha Radinov, using Collins' cardkey and access code to gain entry. Now the investigation is due to be closed and Collins soon discovers a conspiracy within the A.T.F., which involves his superior George Black and mayoral candidate Edward Haints who has Rally as a target.
George Black
Collins' superior in the A.T.F. Chicago office, George Black is, in fact, part of a gun-running operation which he co-ran with Edward Haints, an Illinois assemblyman running for mayor in Chicago under a gun-control platform. It was Black who had contracted Natasha Radinov to kill Jonathan Washington, the only witness to the operation, for which he provided her with a cardkey with Collins' ID, as well as Rally and May for helping Collins. He also supplied Radinov with the use of a supposedly shut-down A.T.F. safehouse for her to stay in.
But after the first attempt to kill Rally went awry, Black filed a vacation leave and decided to flee the country. He proceeded to the safehouse where he knew Radinov was. When he got there, he discovered that his partner Haints was talking to Radinov on the phone, with Radinov aiming her pistol at him. Realizing he'd been double-crossed, he tried to persuade Radinov to tell Haints not to kill him, but to no avail. Radinov shoots him, once in the chest and once in the head.
Natasha Radinov
Also known as "Bloody Pierce", Natasha Radinov was originally an agent for the K.G.B. and Spetsnaz
Spetsnaz, Specnaz tr: Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya; ) is an umbrella term for any special forces in Russian, literally "force of special purpose"...
, but when the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
fell, she contracted her services out as a freelance assassin
To carry out an assassination is "to murder by a sudden and/or secret attack, often for political reasons." Alternatively, assassination may be defined as "the act of deliberately killing someone, especially a public figure, usually for hire or for political reasons."An assassination may be...
. She is proficient in almost every deadly hand weapon in the world, but prefers to work with silent weapons, especially a Welrod
The Welrod was a British bolt action, magazine fed, suppressed pistol devised during World War II at the Inter-Services Research Bureau , based near Welwyn Garden City, UK, for use by irregular forces and resistance groups...
silenced pistol and a ballistic knife
Ballistic knife
A ballistic knife is a specialized combat knife with a detachable gas- or spring-propelled blade that can be fired to a distance of several feet or meters by pressing a trigger or switch on the handle.-History and usage:...
designed for Spetsnaz use. She also wears a long coat lined with ballistic nylon
Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers known generically as polyamides, first produced on February 28, 1935, by Wallace Carothers at DuPont's research facility at the DuPont Experimental Station...
and Kevlar
Kevlar is the registered trademark for a para-aramid synthetic fiber, related to other aramids such as Nomex and Technora. Developed at DuPont in 1965, this high strength material was first commercially used in the early 1970s as a replacement for steel in racing tires...
, the inside lining holding a vast arsenal of weapons.
Radinov prefers to be paid for her services in heroin, which she sells in Russia; she personally stays away from the drug herself. Recently, she had accepted an assignment to kill Rally and May because the two had interfered in a gun-running operation run by Edward Haints, an Illinois assemblyman running for mayor under a gun-control platform. However, when the first attempt went wrong, and Radinov was injured because of it, she took it as "a matter of pride" and went after Rally personally. After a violent chase, Radinov is shot and killed by Rally thanks to several shots to the chest at close range.
Edward Haints
A senator in the Illinois State Assembly
Illinois General Assembly
The Illinois General Assembly is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Illinois and comprises the Illinois House of Representatives and the Illinois Senate. The General Assembly was created by the first state constitution adopted in 1818. Illinois has 59 legislative districts, with two...
, Edward Haints is running for mayor of Chicago. His campaign style has him wrapping himself in an "All American" theme, which favors heavily on protecting the city's citizens by instituting stricter gun-access laws.
In reality, Haints runs one of the biggest gun-running operations in the state, and the strict gun laws he plans to enact will enable him to raise the prices of his own illicit operations. When Bill Collins gets a little too close with his investigations, he asks his friend and partner George Black to hire Natasha Radinov to kill the witnesses and derail the investigation. However, Haints also hires Radinov to kill Black as well, mostly to keep the profits of his gun-running to himself.
He is exposed and arrested after Roy Coleman's partner disguises herself as Radinov and has Becky Farra videotape a meeting between her and Haint.
Jonathan Washington
At the beginning of the series, Jonathan Washington had just skipped bail for drug smuggling charges, only to be captured by Rally Vincent. Actually, Washington was working for Edward Haints' gun-running ring and operated an entire warehouse filled with illicit firearms... firearms that Rally, with a little "help" from Bill Collins, were able to prevent hitting the streets.
However, since Washington was now a vital witness to the gun ring, he was taken to an A.T.F. safehouse outside Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
. He had tried to persuade Rally to help him escape the safehouse because he now feared for his life. He knew that George Black, the head of the A.T.F.'s Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
office, was also a partner of Haints and had now sent a hitman after him. When Rally refused to help him escape, he was able to leave a fake Rolex
Rolex SA is a Swiss watchmaking manufacturer of high-quality, luxury wristwatches. Rolex watches are popularly regarded as status symbols and BusinessWeek magazine ranks Rolex No.71 on its 2007 annual list of the 100 most valuable global brands...
watch and a scrap of paper with the address of his "daughter" on it with May. In fact, the paper held an Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide...
address and the watch had an access code to the shipping dates of the gun ring engraved on the back of the watchband's latch.
True to his warning, Washington did meet his end when Natasha Radinov, using a copy of Collins' cardkey and access code, entered the safehouse, and slaughtered Washington and the A.T.F agents guarding him.