Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas soundtrack
The soundtrack of the computer and video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
, which is set in 1992 in the fictional U.S. West Coast
state of San Andreas, required that the game's radio station
s reflect the music tastes of the time and area, in addition to covering current events in the state of San Andreas, and even weather forecasts. Together with several pieces of early-1990s music, the soundtrack also included songs from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Many of the songs interpolate
or sample
other songs which feature in this or other GTA titles, such as Ice Cube
's "Check Yo Self", which samples "The Message", which was featured in Vice City
or "Weekend" which appears in its original form on Paradise FM
in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Primarily, the player hears the radio when the protagonist acquires a vehicle. The player is also given the option of listening to the radio stations "out of game" by calling up the game's Audio Options. The station that will be playing when the player gets into a vehicle is determined by several factors, and players can change it or switch it off as desired (or set the game so the last station heard by the player will be playing when a new vehicle is obtained). The only vehicles in which the player cannot access the radio are the emergency and police vehicles (which use the police scanner), tractors, bicycles, forklifts, the Bandito sandrail, and certain boats. Radio stations, or some of the songs featured on them, can also be heard in the background in certain locations, such as bars, clothing stores, clubs, casinos, and safehouse wardrobes. The Xbox and PC versions of the game allow the player to create their own custom radio stations with user imported tracks. However, unlike previous GTA titles, which also offered this feature, San Andreas can place commercials between tracks.
The game offers a few firsts for its soundtrack. One change made it necessary for why the game can place commercials in between the tracks: the player now hears news breaks at certain points during game progress. The news break that plays depends on where the player is in the story. This is later used for Grand Theft Auto IV
's Weasel News. Similarly (and more frequently) some DJs can also be heard announcing the arrival of weather systems such as fog and thunderstorms which occur randomly in San Andreas. Another change was that the stations were now uncensored, and unlike previous entries in the series, words like "fuck" and "shit" were used on the stations without consequence, whereas in the past, DJ's scolded callers for using such language. Finally, at certain points in the game, the game changes the scripts for all of the stations, making them dynamic. This usually occurs when a player unlocks a new major island in the game. This last change has yet to be reimplemented in later GTA games, thus making it an exclusive feature to San Andreas.
The official soundtrack, available on Interscope Records
, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack
and the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack Box Set collection
were released internationally on November 23, 2004 and December 7, 2004 respectively. Michael Hunter
is the composer of the theme song and incidental music.
Genre: Funk
, R&B
Summary: Bounce FM is a funk
radio station hosted by The Funktipus (voiced by George Clinton
) Surprisingly, WCTR's Area 53's host, Marvin Trill, calls into Bounce FM foolishly thinking that 'The Party Ship' (Bounce's sub-heading/nickname) is a genuine space ship, asking how to get on it.
Genre: New Jack Swing
, contemporary R&B
Summary: Contemporary Soul Radio (CSR 103.9) is a new jack swing
radio station hosted by Phillip "PM" Michaels (voiced by Michael Bivins
). Michaels is an extremely self-obsessed character who believes that he is the next big star, despite his entertainment career having very limited success. The game's "Audio" screen and instruction manual refer to this station as CSR 103:2.
Genre: Classic rock
Summary: K-DST "The Dust" is a classic rock
station originating in San Fierro and hosted by Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith (voiced by Guns N' Roses
frontman Axl Rose
), former frontman for the fictional 70s progressive rock band, Crystal Ship, which is also the title of a song by The Doors
. Smith is surprisingly calm and constantly reminds the listeners about the 1970s and the classic "rock n roll" lifestyle. He dislikes Sage, the Radio X DJ, telling her to "get over it!" during the intro to Tom Petty's "Runnin' Down a Dream". In one broadcast, Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith says that, "all we need is patience, I said it before and I'll say it again," probably referring to the Guns' N' Roses song "Patience."
and Johnny Lawton
Genre: Dub
, Reggae
, Dancehall
Summary: K-Jah West is a reggae
radio station hosted by Marshall Peters & Johnny Lawton (voiced by Lowell Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare
respectively). It is also K-JAH's West Coast affiliate.
Genre: Country
Summary: K Rose is a Classic country
station hosted by Mary-Beth Maybell (voiced by Riette Burdick), and based in Bone County (Fort Carson). Mary-Beth has been married numerous times, many of her husbands having died under suspicious circumstances. Oddly, the track New York City was not listed in the included booklet guide for the first PS2 version. It was however included in later versions.
Genre: Funk
, Soul
, Rare Groove
Summary: Master Sounds 98.3 is a San Fierro based rare groove
radio station hosted by Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson (voiced by Ricky Harris). Despite his nickname, it is implied that he is quite short in stature and is possibly a dwarf
Genre: Hip hop
, Old school hip hop
, alternative hip hop
Summary: Hosted by self-righteous conspiracy theorist Forth Right MC (voiced by Chuck D
), Playback FM plays classic old school style
rap from the Golden age hip hop
. The Host is disliked by its listeners, as evident from the station callers and from Julio G
(the DJ of Radio Los Santos), stating that "the station plays great music but the DJ is whack". This station was released on a joint album with Radio Los Santos.
Genre: West Coast hip hop
, Gangsta rap
Summary: Radio Los Santos is a Gangsta rap
, modern golden era
West Coast hip hop
radio station hosted by Julio G
, (who is a real life DJ) located in Los Santos (hence the name). Julio G is a very calm and collected person, who is simply a rap/hip-hop aficionado. He comments on many bad things going on in Los Santos, and persuades people to take a non-violent approach to all things. RLS hosts a number of shout-outs from the public of San Andreas and in-game characters. This station was released in a joint album with Playback FM as part of the 8-Disc soundtrack. The station also includes references to "carjacking
on the rise", that activity being a key element of the gameplay. Sometimes after a mission, Julio gives out weather reports and news regarding Los Santos events, and encourages Carl "CJ" Johnson to phone his girlfriend, Denise.
Genre: Alternative rock
, Grunge
, Heavy metal
, Hard rock
Summary: Radio X is an Alternative
and period modern rock
radio station hosted by Sage (voiced by Jodie Shawback). Sage is a very self-obsessed woman and self-confessed rebel who seems to always be worked up about something, making her a stereotypical Gen X-er
. Sage has a "bleak outlook on life" and her most apparent obsessions are the sound of her own voice, along with sex as she admits to have slept with the entire Danzig line-up, along with a man she "did behind the Cluckin' Bell", and pleads "could somebody please sleep with me!" during the outro to Soundgarden's "Rusty Cage", amongst at least two other references. She comes from an upper class suburban family that gave her a trust fund, which she takes shame in, stating that she is "poor in spirit". Sage has strong dislike towards people over the age of 29, believes in reincarnation
and admits to having huffed paint
and ether
. Sage reacts negatively to the in-game events barring the Los Santos riots, and gets excited when the forecast predicts rain.
Radio X picks up a couple of callers, however these "two" callers are both voiced by Jeff Berlin who voices and produces the Radio X imaging. The name itself is a possible reference on Generation X, who came of age and were the main listeners of the genre in the early 90s, and/or Detroit's alt-rock radio station 89X Radio
, which was founded in the very early '90s.
Genre: Chicago house
, acid house
, Deep house
Summary: San Fierro Underground Radio, abbreviated as SF-UR, is a San Fierro-based (hence the SF abbreviation) house music
station hosted by Hans Oberlander (voiced by Lloyd Floyd
). Oberlander is a very insecure and hyperactive man with a comical German accent. On a number of occasions he begs the public to hug him and even cries on a song intro. One of two callers is Hans' father who orders him to play some "Wagner
", and Oberlander possibly does drugs as his father continues to say "your mother found these pills in your room". Oberlander also inquires if his dealer has shown up yet in another song break. This is the only station not to be released as a San Andreas soundtrack. The song Weekend is Todd Terry's remixed version. The original is present on the Vice City Stories soundtrack.
station. Depending on a player's progress through the game's storyline, the segments played on WCTR will change. Thus, during one segment of the game, the player may only hear specific portions of programs not to be heard again as new segments are aired. This is prominent in the 'WCTR News', 'Entertaining America', and 'The Wild Traveler' programs. Various intros, outros and comments are delivered by Barbara Fox. Several characters from the main game make cameos in the radio programs and advertising. Headquartered in Los Santos, WCTR consists of several programs:
WCTR News — Hosted by Lianne Forget (fɔrˈʒeɪ "for-zhay") (Sharon Washington) with Richard Burns (Wil Wheaton
), which features up-to-date news in the San Andreas state. Overall there are 11 separate installments of the WCTR News throughout the game. The program hints at Forget and Burns having an affair. As the installments progress, the tone gets more and more agitated.
Richard Burns is frequently under influence of something whilst on the air. At the end of each segment, Lianne usually advises people to "stay inside", and tells them, "it's safer there." In one installment, Richard Burns is punched in the groin by "Jimmy", once an extremely popular child actor on a 1980s sitcom in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
, who was drunk in Las Venturas
at the time. In the part when the news are being introduced, there is a part where Big Smoke makes a speech about his program for children in Los Santos (he is also OG Loc's current manager at that time).
The Tight End Zone — Sports program hosted by Derrick Thackery (Peter Appel). Thackery does not actually care as much about the sports as the passions aroused from it. He was molested by his uncle when he was younger and appears to be afraid of making definite comments on sports, women and other things.
The Wild Traveler — Travel program hosted by James Pedeaston (Sam Tsoutsouvas
) Pedeaston is a child molester wanted in Malaysia and is being investigated by the FBI. He enjoys traveling the world and logging some of his most 'exotic' encounters in his travelogue, some of which he accidentally reads on-air to the disgust of the listener. His show appears to be so reviled by his listeners that at one point, he receives few calls which are not supportive. For example, a caller tells him to stop droning on about other countries and focus on talking about where he lives. He also got a phone call from a suicidal man that wanted to go to hell
and he told him "Me too! Buy (me a) refrigerator magnet
when you get there". On October 23, 2003, James was tried and convicted. Sometime in between his trial and the setting of Grand Theft Auto IV
, a site was set up (freejames.org) asking people to donate to his legal fund. The website only received $23.
Entertaining America — Entertainment program hosted by Billy Dexter (Peter Marx) and later Lazlow
(Lazlow Jones), featuring various guests. Dexter is accidentally fatally shot by a gun-wielding Jack Howitzer (star of the Exploder movie from Vice City
) and after a rather lengthy hiatus (which includes Howitzer's subsequent conviction on WCTR news) is replaced by Lazlow
. When Lazlow took over the show, his guests included OG Loc (throughout the interview, he and Loc have several misundestandings, such as when Loc tells Lazlow that he is a 'busta' to which Lazlow cannot understand what it means), Chris Formage (Fred Melamed), leader of a cult called the Epsilon Program, and Darius Fontaine (a new age, radical preacher who urges his fans to 'face their fears'). Opie and Anthony
made a cameo as callers on the show. Opie talked about hunter-gatherer
s while Anthony said that he'd "really like to make out with hot chicks in church", which is a reference to Sex for Sam 3. According to Dexter, Entertaining America is headquartered in Vinewood.
Gardening with Maurice — Gardening show hosted by Maurice (Andy Dick
). Maurice is a rather gay and horny personality that not only loves his gardens, but his own body as well. For example, he likes to take pictures of both when they are "blossoming." He also offers unorthodox advice and unusual plant suggestions to callers. The name of the show originated on the Grand Theft Auto III
rendition of Chatterbox FM, where it was said to be 'taken off the air'. He does occasionally express less than loving comments on flowers, plants and living things in general, "A flower is nothing but an educated weed and like all weeds all living things need to be extinguished!". Maurice expresses much anger towards the Proposition 421 (anti-smoking campaign), "Tobacco is a plant, people, and if it comes out of the ground, you should be able to smoke it!".
I Say/You Say — Political debate show hosted by husband-and-wife liberal-and-conservative team of Peyton Phillips (Paul Ames) and Mary Phillips (Jackie Hoffman
), likely inspired by James Carville
and Mary Matalin
, two real-life political advisers who began dating while working for the 1992 Presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton
and George H. W. Bush
, respectively. Peyton and Mary are caricatures of their ideologies: Peyton is extremely liberal
, and Mary is a hardcore conservative. For example, when dealing with a caller that had recently buried the corpses of numerous illegal immigrants in his backyard, Mary advises the caller on how to use the corpses to legally get a tax break while Peyton mentions recycling and organ donation. Early shows feature a desperate Lazlow looking for a radio job, asking if he can take Peyton's.
Lonely Hearts Show — Relationship advice program hosted by Christy MacIntyre (Sara Moon), featuring Fernando Martinez (Frank Chavez
) of Vice City fame who deviously takes over one show by setting Christy's car on fire and calling in to tell her to look out the window. Christy panics and runs out, only to be locked out of the station by Fernando who takes over and starts giving advice to callers. When Christy finally gets back into the studio her anger quickly melts into arousal after smelling Fernando's cologne. Fernando sees his chance and makes a move on Christy, and the two proceed to have sex while still live on the air. The station cuts the broadcast shortly after this point and the announcer acts like nothing has happened. Fernando also makes references to his time in Vice City, namely the reasons for why he was chased out of the city. Zero calls in early on, desperate to rid himself from celibacy
, as does Jizzy B, hoping to promote his club.
Area 53 — A Coast to Coast AM
spoof hosted by Marvin Trill (Bob Sevra). Broadcasting from 'his trailer in the desert', Trill's main subjects are alien abductions and government conspiracies. Kevin Mitnick
guests as a caller who says that he can launch nuclear missiles by whistling into a payphone. This is a reference to an allegation used by prosecutors to keep Mitnick in solitary confinement. He also says that he now only uses his powers for good (as the real Kevin Mitnick now runs a security consulting company). Adam First (Jamie Canfield), the DJ from Vice City's Wave 103 also calls the show to tell him that he saw a man dressed in a space suit mating with Domestobots, to which Trill replies,"Uhh...He probably wants you to leave him alone," implying that it was Trill himself. Later in the same show, an actual Domestobot calls in to tell him that he knows what Trill is doing to his Domestobot brothers and sisters. The Truth also calls in, but is ridiculed by Trill. The first segment of Area 53, Trill ends his show by saying "Be careful out there, wherever you are". In the second Area 53 segment (while CJ is in San Fierro) the four callers in the middle of the show (Mike, Vyvyan, Neil and Rick) share the names of the four main characters of BBC sitcom The Young Ones
. At the end of the segment, the announcer says " You are now leaving Area 53. Check your rectum." On December 26, 1999, Marvin made a website (viewable in Grand Theft Auto IV
- area53site.com) announcing that he is shutting down the show to "protect his research". He also states that Y2K is very real. He then goes on to say that 10 years from December 26, 1999, he will re-emerge and start a new radio show.
Other Commercials:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a 2004 open world action video game developed by British games developer Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the third 3D game in the Grand Theft Auto video game franchise, the fifth original console release and eighth game overall...
, which is set in 1992 in the fictional U.S. West Coast
West Coast of the United States
West Coast or Pacific Coast are terms for the westernmost coastal states of the United States. The term most often refers to the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. Although not part of the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii do border the Pacific Ocean but can't be included in...
state of San Andreas, required that the game's radio station
Radio station
Radio broadcasting is a one-way wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach a wide audience. Stations can be linked in radio networks to broadcast a common radio format, either in broadcast syndication or simulcast or both...
s reflect the music tastes of the time and area, in addition to covering current events in the state of San Andreas, and even weather forecasts. Together with several pieces of early-1990s music, the soundtrack also included songs from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Many of the songs interpolate
Interpolation (music)
Interpolation in music refers to an abrupt change in musical elements from the main theme.-In classical music:In music and musical composition, especially 20th century and later, interpolation is an abrupt change of elements, with continuation of the first idea...
or sample
Sampling (music)
In music, sampling is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or a different sound recording of a song or piece. Sampling was originally developed by experimental musicians working with musique concrète and electroacoustic music, who physically...
other songs which feature in this or other GTA titles, such as Ice Cube
Ice Cube
O'Shea Jackson , better known by his stage name Ice Cube, is an American rapper and actor. He began his career as a member of the hip-hop group C.I.A. and later joined the rap group N.W.A. After leaving N.W.A in December 1989, he built a successful solo career in music, and also as a writer,...
's "Check Yo Self", which samples "The Message", which was featured in Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a 2002 open world action computer and video game developed by British games developer Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the second 3D game in the Grand Theft Auto video game franchise and sixth original title overall...
or "Weekend" which appears in its original form on Paradise FM
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories soundtrack
The soundtrack of the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is presented as a series of radio stations that broadcast music and information to Vice City, circa 1984. Most of these stations are also featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City; however, as Vice City is set two years later, there...
in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is a 2006 sandbox-style action video game developed by Rockstar Leeds in association with Rockstar North. It was published by Rockstar Games for the PlayStation Portable in late 2006 and later for the PlayStation 2 in March 2007. The game is the eighth...
Primarily, the player hears the radio when the protagonist acquires a vehicle. The player is also given the option of listening to the radio stations "out of game" by calling up the game's Audio Options. The station that will be playing when the player gets into a vehicle is determined by several factors, and players can change it or switch it off as desired (or set the game so the last station heard by the player will be playing when a new vehicle is obtained). The only vehicles in which the player cannot access the radio are the emergency and police vehicles (which use the police scanner), tractors, bicycles, forklifts, the Bandito sandrail, and certain boats. Radio stations, or some of the songs featured on them, can also be heard in the background in certain locations, such as bars, clothing stores, clubs, casinos, and safehouse wardrobes. The Xbox and PC versions of the game allow the player to create their own custom radio stations with user imported tracks. However, unlike previous GTA titles, which also offered this feature, San Andreas can place commercials between tracks.
The game offers a few firsts for its soundtrack. One change made it necessary for why the game can place commercials in between the tracks: the player now hears news breaks at certain points during game progress. The news break that plays depends on where the player is in the story. This is later used for Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV is a 2008 open world action video game published by Rockstar Games, and developed by British games developer Rockstar North. It has been released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles, and for the Windows operating system...
's Weasel News. Similarly (and more frequently) some DJs can also be heard announcing the arrival of weather systems such as fog and thunderstorms which occur randomly in San Andreas. Another change was that the stations were now uncensored, and unlike previous entries in the series, words like "fuck" and "shit" were used on the stations without consequence, whereas in the past, DJ's scolded callers for using such language. Finally, at certain points in the game, the game changes the scripts for all of the stations, making them dynamic. This usually occurs when a player unlocks a new major island in the game. This last change has yet to be reimplemented in later GTA games, thus making it an exclusive feature to San Andreas.
The official soundtrack, available on Interscope Records
Interscope Records
Interscope Records is an American record label owned by Universal Music Group that currently operates as one third of UMG's Interscope-Geffen-A&M label group.-History:...
, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack is the soundtrack to the 2004 action video game, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It was released as a three-disc album on November 23, 2004 through Interscope Records. The first two discs featured the songs for the soundtrack and the third disc is a...
and the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack Box Set collection
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Official Soundtrack Box Set
The Official Box Set of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas soundtracks released internationally on December 7, 2004.The 8 disc collection contains highlights from San Andreass in game radio stations, such as Radio X: The Alternative and Radio Los Santos including period early-1990s hits and modern...
were released internationally on November 23, 2004 and December 7, 2004 respectively. Michael Hunter
Michael Hunter (composer)
Michael Hunter is a British composer and musician from Glasgow, Scotland. He is best known for composing, mixing & producing the theme tunes for both Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto IV. He also composed the incidental music for those games...
is the composer of the theme song and incidental music.
Music Stations
The following is a list of radio stations and songs that are featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.Bounce FM
DJ: The FunktipusGeorge Clinton (funk musician)
George Clinton is an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and music producer and the principal architect of P-Funk. He was the mastermind of the bands Parliament and Funkadelic during the 1970s and early 1980s, and launched a solo career in 1981. He has been cited as one of the foremost...
Genre: Funk
Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid-late 1960s when African American musicians blended soul music, jazz and R&B into a rhythmic, danceable new form of music. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums to the foreground...
, R&B
- ZappZapp (band)Zapp is a soul and funk band formed in 1978 by brothers Roger Troutman, Larry Troutman, Lester Troutman, Terry Troutman, Bobby Glover and Gregory Jackson [Cincinnati Ohio Funk Keyboardist]...
- "I Can Make You DanceZapp IIIZapp III is the third studio album by Ohio P-Funk band Zapp.The song "I Can Make You Dance" is featured on the fictional radio station Bounce FM in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.Heartbreaker was also used in Ice Cube's movie "Friday"...
" - Kool & the GangKool & the GangKool & the Gang are an American jazz, R&B, soul, and funk group, originally formed as the Jazziacs in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1964.They went through several musical phases during the course of their recording career, starting out with a purist jazz sound, then becoming practitioners of R&B and...
- "Hollywood SwingingHollywood Swinging"Hollywood Swinging" is a song by R&B/funk band Kool & the Gang from their album Wild and Peaceful. The song became their first number one R&B single, reaching that position in June, 1974. It proved to also be a successful crossover hit, peaking at number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart....
" - Ohio PlayersOhio PlayersThe Ohio Players were an American funk and R&B band, most popular in the 1970s. They are best known for their double #1 hit songs "Fire" and "Love Rollercoaster".- Biography :...
- "Love RollercoasterLove Rollercoaster"Love Rollercoaster" is a song by American funk/R&B band The Ohio Players, originally featured on their 1975 album Honey. The song was a hit upon its initial release, reaching the top of both the R&B and pop charts. It still sees wide airplay on classic funk and R&B stations...
" - Rick JamesRick JamesJames Ambrose Johnson, Jr. , better known by his stage name Rick James, was an American singer, songwriter, musician and record producer. James was a popular performer in the late 1970s and 1980s, scoring four number-one hits on the U.S. R&B charts performing in the genres of funk and R&B...
- "Cold BloodedCold Blooded (Rick James song)"Cold Blooded" was a hit funk song for Rick James in 1983. James wrote the song about his relationship with actress Linda Blair. Released from the album of the same title, it spent six weeks at number one on the Billboard R&B Singles chart and reached number forty on the Hot 100.In 1999, the song...
" - MazeMaze (band)Maze a soul / quiet storm band, also known alternately as Maze featuring Frankie Beverly and Frankie Beverly and Maze, was established in San Francisco, California in the early 1970s.-Career:...
- "Twilight" - Fatback BandFatback BandThe Fatback Band is an American funk and disco band. Most popular in the 1970s and 1980s, The Fatback Band is most known for their Top Ten R&B hits, " Spanish Hustle", "I Like Girls", "Gotta Get My Hands on Some ", and "Backstrokin'"...
- "Yum Yum (Gimme Some)" - The Isley BrothersThe Isley BrothersThe Isley Brothers are a highly influential, successful and long-running American music group consisting of different line-ups of six brothers, and a brother-in-law, Chris Jasper...
- "Between the SheetsBetween the Sheets (song)"Between the Sheets" is a quiet storm funk song released by American R&B/soul/funk band The Isley Brothers in 1983 off their album of the same name on the T-Neck imprint.-History:...
" (Radio Edit: Ends at 3:35) - Ronnie Hudson & The Street People - "West Coast Poplock"
- LakesideLakeside (band)Lakeside is a funk band, best known for their 1980 number one R&B hit, "Fantastic Voyage."-Formation and early years:In early 1969, The Nomads, a singing quartet consisting of lead singer Mark Wood; Tiemeyer McCain; Tony White; and Brian Marbury, met the Montereys, a band that featured Stephen...
- "Fantastic VoyageFantastic Voyage (Lakeside song)"Fantastic Voyage" is a 1980 funk single by Dayton, Ohio-based group, Lakeside. The song hit number one on the R&B chart and was the group's only entry on the Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at number fifty-five....
" - George ClintonGeorge Clinton (funk musician)George Clinton is an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and music producer and the principal architect of P-Funk. He was the mastermind of the bands Parliament and Funkadelic during the 1970s and early 1980s, and launched a solo career in 1981. He has been cited as one of the foremost...
- "LoopzillaLoopzilla"Loopzilla" is a George Clinton song from his 1982 album Computer Games, reaching #19 on U.S R&B charts. It uses lyrics from many older soul songs, including The Four Tops' "I Can't Help Myself", as well as previous P-Funk hits. It is known for its repeated and warped lines...
" - Dazz BandDazz BandThe Dazz Band is an American funk music band that was most popular in the early 1980s. Emerging from Cleveland, Ohio, the group's biggest hit songs include the Grammy Award-winning "Let It Whip" , "Joystick" , and "Let It All Blow"...
- "Let It WhipLet it Whip"Let It Whip" is a 1982 hit single by the Dazz Band and their biggest hit, peaking at number one on the R&B chart for five non-consecutive weeks. The single also reached number two on the Dance chart and number five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart...
" - CameoCameo (band)Cameo is an American soul-influenced funk group that formed in the early 1970s. Cameo was initially a 13-member group known as the New York City Players; this name was later changed to Cameo to avoid a lawsuit from Ohio Players, another group from that era. Since then, Cameo has recorded several...
- "CandyCandy (Cameo song)"Candy" is a song by funk group Cameo, released as the second single from their 1986 album Word Up!. It reached number twenty-one on the Hot 100 and number one on the R&B charts in 1987...
" - MFSBMFSBMFSB was a pool of more than thirty studio musicians based at Philadelphia’s famed Sigma Sound Studios. They worked closely with the production team of Gamble and Huff and producer/arranger Thom Bell, and backed up such groups as Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, the O’Jays, the Stylistics, the...
- "Love Is The Message" - Ohio PlayersOhio PlayersThe Ohio Players were an American funk and R&B band, most popular in the 1970s. They are best known for their double #1 hit songs "Fire" and "Love Rollercoaster".- Biography :...
- "Funky WormFunky Worm"Funky Worm" is a song by American funk group the Ohio Players, from their album Pleasure. It peaked at number one on the U.S. Billboard R&B charts in 1973 and also peaked at number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100.-Influence:...
" - Johnny HarrisJohnny Harris (musician)Johnny Harris is a Scottish born composer, producer, arranger, conductor and musical director. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland; and a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music in London. He has lived in the US since 1972...
- "Odyssey" - Roy AyersRoy AyersRoy Ayers is an American funk, soul, and jazz composer and vibraphone player. Ayers began his career as a post-bop jazz artist, releasing several albums with Atlantic Records, before his tenure at Polydor Records beginning in the 1970s, during which he helped pioneer jazz-funk .- Biography :Ayers...
- "Running Away" - The Gap Band - "You Dropped a Bomb on MeYou Dropped a Bomb on Me"You Dropped a Bomb on Me" is an electrofunk song performed by The Gap Band, released in 1982 on producer Lonnie Simmons' label, Total Experience Records. It reached #2 on the Billboard R&B charts, #39 on the dance charts and #31 on the Billboard Hot 100....
Summary: Bounce FM is a funk
Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid-late 1960s when African American musicians blended soul music, jazz and R&B into a rhythmic, danceable new form of music. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums to the foreground...
radio station hosted by The Funktipus (voiced by George Clinton
George Clinton (funk musician)
George Clinton is an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and music producer and the principal architect of P-Funk. He was the mastermind of the bands Parliament and Funkadelic during the 1970s and early 1980s, and launched a solo career in 1981. He has been cited as one of the foremost...
) Surprisingly, WCTR's Area 53's host, Marvin Trill, calls into Bounce FM foolishly thinking that 'The Party Ship' (Bounce's sub-heading/nickname) is a genuine space ship, asking how to get on it.
Contemporary Soul Radio, CSR-103.9
DJ: Phillip "PM" MichaelsMichael Bivins
Michael Lamont Bivins, a.k.a. Biv , is the founder and member of the R&B group New Edition and the hip hop group Bell Biv DeVoe...
Genre: New Jack Swing
New jack swing
New jack swing or swingbeat is a fusion genre spearheaded by Teddy Riley and Bernard Belle which became extremely popular from the late-1980s into the mid-1990s. Its influence, along with hip-hop, seeped into pop culture and was the definitive sound of the inventive Black New York club scene...
, contemporary R&B
Contemporary R&B
Contemporary R&B is a music genre that combines elements of hip hop, soul, R&B and funk.Although the abbreviation “R&B” originates from traditional rhythm and blues music, today the term R&B is most often used to describe a style of African American music originating after the demise of disco in...
- SWVSWVSisters with Voices, better known as SWV, is an American female R&B trio from New York. Formed in 1990 as a gospel group, SWV became one of the most successful R&B groups of the 1990s. They had a series of hits, including "Weak", "Right Here/Human Nature", "I'm So Into You", and "You're the One"....
- "I'm So Into YouI'm So Into You"I'm So Into You" is a song by R&B female trio SWV. Released in late 1992 from their debut album, It's About Time, it became their first top-ten song, peaking at number six on the Billboard Hot 100. It also reached number two on the Billboard R&B singles chart. It went on to sell more than one...
" - Soul II SoulSoul II SoulSoul II Soul are a British group that was created in London in 1988. They are best known for their 1989 UK chart-topper and U.S. Top 5 hit, "Back to Life ".-Career:...
- "Keep on Movin'Keep on Movin' (Soul II Soul song)"Keep on Movin'" is a song by British R&B band Soul II Soul. It was the second single released from their debut album Club Classics Vol. One, after "Fairplay"...
" - SamuelleSamuelleSamuelle Pratter, known simply as Samuelle, is an American R&B singer who is a former member of the R&B group, Club Nouveau. He released his first and only solo album entitled, Living in Black Paradise on October 30, 1990 on Atlantic Records, which reached number 37 on the Billboard R&B Albums...
- "So You Like What You SeeSo You Like What You See"So You Like What You See" is the title of a number-one R&B single by Samuelle from his album Living in Black Paradise. The hit song spent two weeks at number-one on the US R&B chart, but did not place on the Hot 100....
" - Johnny GillJohnny GillJohnny Gill is an American R&B singer-songwriter. He is the sixth and final member of the R&B supergroup New Edition, and was also a member of another supergroup called LSG; with Gerald Levert and Keith Sweat. His signature song "My, My, My" has been included on numerous romantic...
- "Rub You the Right WayRub You the Right Way"Rub You the Right Way" is the title of an R&B single by Johnny Gill. Taken as the first single from the artist's debut album under Motown, the hit song spent one week in May of 1990 at number-one on the US R&B chart, and made it to number three on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in August of that...
" (Remix) - Ralph TresvantRalph TresvantRalph Tresvant , aka Rizz, is an American tenor singer, best known as one of the lead singers in New Edition.-New Edition:Tresvant sang lead on many of the New Edition lead singles including "Candy Girl", "Cool It Now" and "If It Isn't Love"...
- "SensitivitySensitivity (song)"Sensitivity" is the title of a number-one R&B single by Ralph Tresvant. It was the first single from the self-titled debut album of the New Edition frontman since the split of the group. The hit song spent one week at number one on the US R&B chart...
" - Guy - "Groove MeGuy (album)-Album:-Singles:"—" denotes releases that did not chart.-Personnel:Information taken from Allmusic.*arranging – Gene Griffin, Teddy Riley*assistant engineering – Franklin D., Alan Friedman, Alan Gregorie, Jay Henry, Dennis Mitchell, Mario Salvati...
" - Aaron Hall - "Don't Be AfraidDon't Be Afraid (Aaron Hall song)"Don't Be Afraid" is the title of an R&B single by singer Aaron Hall. It was produced by Hank Shocklee and Gary G-Wiz and spent two weeks at #1 on the US R&B chart and peaked at #44 on the Hot 100....
" - Boyz II MenBoyz II MenBoyz II Men is an American R&B vocal group best known for emotional ballads and a cappella harmonies. They are the most successful R&B group of all time, having sold more than albums worldwide. In the 1990s, Boyz II Men found fame on Motown Records as a quartet, but original member Michael McCary...
- "MotownphillyMotownphilly"Motownphilly" is Boyz II Men's 1991 debut single for their debut album Cooleyhighharmony. The single was a success peaking at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100. Michael Bivins, who co-wrote the song, provides a guest rap on the song...
" - Bell Biv DeVoeBell Biv DeVoeBell Biv DeVoe is an American R&B musical group which branched off from New Edition. It consists of three of New Edition's previous members, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins, and Ronnie DeVoe...
- "PoisonPoison (Bell Biv DeVoe song)"Poison" is a 1990 single by the New Edition spinoff group, Bell Biv DeVoe. This song—in the style of New Jack Swing, a late-80s hybrid of R&B and hip hop—was the group's most successful, and sings of the dangers of falling in love. "Poison" was the first single taken from Bell Biv DeVoe's debut...
" - Today - "I Got the FeelingI Got the Feeling (Today song)I Got the Feeling is a Hip hop song released as a single by the Motown artists Today. Released in 1990 as the first track on Today's album titled "New Formula", the single was released on August 17, 1990 on both vinyl and cassette. The song peaked at #12 on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart...
" - Wreckx-n-EffectWreckx-N-EffectWreckx-N-Effect was a New Jack Swing Hip-Hop group who had the multi-platinum hit "Rump Shaker" in 1992/1993, which was produced by Teddy Riley.-History:...
- "New Jack Swing" - Bobby BrownBobby BrownRobert Barisford "Bobby" Brown is an American R&B singer-songwriter, occasional rapper, and dancer. After success in pop group New Edition, Brown began his solo career in 1987 and had a string of Top 10 Billboard hits, culminating in a Grammy Award. He was a pioneer of New Jack Swing music, a...
- "Don't Be CruelDon't Be Cruel (Bobby Brown song)"Don't Be Cruel" is a song performed by R&B artist Bobby Brown. Taken from his second and most successful album as its title track, the song was written and produced by the R&B production duo Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and Antonio "L.A." Reid....
" - En VogueEn VogueEn Vogue is an American female R&B vocal group from Oakland, California assembled by music producers Denzil Foster and Thomas McElroy.The group has won more MTV Video Music Awards than any other female group in MTV history, a total of seven, along with four Soul Train Awards, six American Music...
- "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)"My Lovin' " is the first single from musical group En Vogue's second album, Funky Divas. It has been certified gold by the RIAA for shipments of over 500,000 units. The song features Maxine Jones and Dawn Robinson on lead vocals...
Summary: Contemporary Soul Radio (CSR 103.9) is a new jack swing
New jack swing
New jack swing or swingbeat is a fusion genre spearheaded by Teddy Riley and Bernard Belle which became extremely popular from the late-1980s into the mid-1990s. Its influence, along with hip-hop, seeped into pop culture and was the definitive sound of the inventive Black New York club scene...
radio station hosted by Phillip "PM" Michaels (voiced by Michael Bivins
Michael Bivins
Michael Lamont Bivins, a.k.a. Biv , is the founder and member of the R&B group New Edition and the hip hop group Bell Biv DeVoe...
). Michaels is an extremely self-obsessed character who believes that he is the next big star, despite his entertainment career having very limited success. The game's "Audio" screen and instruction manual refer to this station as CSR 103:2.
K-Dust, K-DST,
DJ: Tommy "The Nightmare" SmithAxl Rose
W. Axl Rose is an American singer-songwriter and musician. He is the lead vocalist and only remaining original member of the hard rock band Guns N' Roses, with whom he enjoyed great success and recognition in the late 1980s and early 1990s, before disappearing from the public eye for several years...
Genre: Classic rock
Classic rock
Classic rock is a radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock format in the early 1980s. In the United States, the classic rock format features music ranging generally from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, primarily focusing on the hard rock genre that peaked in popularity in the...
- FoghatFoghatFoghat are a British rock band that had their peak success in the mid- to late-1970s. Their style can be described as "blues-rock," or boogie-rock dominated by electric and electric slide guitar. The band has achieved five gold records...
- "Slow RideSlow Ride"Slow Ride" is the title of a song composed by "Lonesome" Dave Peverett and recorded by the British rock band Foghat, appearing on their fifth album Fool for the City . This was Foghat's top single, peaking at number 20. It also appears on Foghat Live , which was their best selling album at over...
" - Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater Revival was an American rock band that gained popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s with a number of successful singles drawn from various albums....
- "Green RiverGreen River (song)"Green River" is a song by American rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival. The song was written by John Fogerty and was released as a single in July 1969, one month before the album of the same name was released .- Background :...
" - HeartHeart (band)Heart is an American rock band who first found success in Canada. Throughout several lineup changes, the only two members remaining constant are sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson. The group rose to fame in the 1970s with their music being influenced by hard rock as well as folk music...
- "BarracudaBarracuda (song)"Barracuda" is a song written and recorded by the rock band Heart. It was released as the first single from the band's second album Little Queen .-Reception:...
" - KissKISS (band)Kiss is an American rock band formed in New York City in January 1973. Well-known for its members' face paint and flamboyant stage outfits, the group rose to prominence in the mid to late 1970s on the basis of their elaborate live performances, which featured fire breathing, blood spitting,...
- "StrutterStrutter"Strutter" is a song by the American hard rock band Kiss, released on their eponymous debut album in 1974. The song was released as the third single from their album and failed to chart....
" - TotoToto (band)Toto is an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1977. The group currently consists of Joseph Williams , David Paich , Steve Porcaro , Steve Lukather , Mike Porcaro , and Simon Phillips . Toto is known for a musical style that combines elements of pop, rock, soul, funk, progressive rock, hard...
- "Hold The LineHold the LineHold the Line is a song written by David Paich and recorded by the American rock group Toto. The song was the band's first single, and was featured on their debut eponymous album...
" - Rod StewartRod StewartRoderick David "Rod" Stewart, CBE is a British singer-songwriter and musician, born and raised in North London, England and currently residing in Epping. He is of Scottish and English ancestry....
- "Young TurksYoung Turks (song)"Young Turks" is the title of a song by Rod Stewart that first appeared on his album Tonight I'm Yours. The song peaked at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, at #11 on the UK Singles Chart and #3 in Australia....
" - Joe CockerJoe CockerJohn Robert "Joe" Cocker, OBE is an English rock and blues musician, composer and actor, who came to popularity in the 1960s, and is most known for his gritty voice, his idiosyncratic arm movements while performing, and his cover versions of popular songs, particularly those of The Beatles...
- "Woman to WomanWoman to Woman (Joe Cocker song)"Woman to Woman" is a song written by Joe Cocker and Chris Stainton. It was released on Cocker's 1972 album Joe Cocker . It has been recorded by other artists...
" - Tom PettyTom PettyThomas Earl "Tom" Petty is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He is the frontman of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and was a founding member of the late 1980s supergroup Traveling Wilburys and Mudcrutch. He has also performed under the pseudonyms of Charlie T...
- "Runnin' Down a DreamRunnin' Down a Dream"Runnin' Down a Dream" is the title of a song co-written and recorded by Tom Petty. It was released in July 1989 as the second single from his first solo album Full Moon Fever. "Runnin' Down a Dream" achieved reasonable chart success, reaching number 23 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and the top of...
" - Humble PieHumble Pie (band)Humble Pie was a rock band from England, finding success both in the UK and the US. They are remembered for songs such as "Black Coffee" "30 Days in the Hole", "I Don't Need No Doctor", and "Natural Born Bugie"...
- "Get Down to It" - Grand Funk RailroadGrand Funk RailroadGrand Funk Railroad is an American rock band that was highly popular during the 1970s. Grand Funk Railroad toured constantly to packed arenas worldwide. A popular take on the band during its heyday was that, although the critics hated them, audiences loved them...
- "Some Kind of WonderfulSome Kind of Wonderful (Soul Brothers Six song)"Some Kind of Wonderful" is a song written by John Ellison. It was first recorded in 1967 by the American group Soul Brothers Six, peaking at number ninety-one on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100...
" - Lynyrd SkynyrdLynyrd SkynyrdLynyrd Skynyrd is an American rock band prominent in spreading Southern Rock during the 1970s.Originally formed as the "Noble Five" in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1964, the band rose to worldwide recognition on the basis of its driving live performances and signature tune, Freebird...
- "Free BirdFree Bird"Free Bird" is a song by the American southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd...
" (Radio Edit: Ends at 5:30) - AmericaAmerica (band)America is an English-American folk rock band that originally included members Gerry Beckley, Dewey Bunnell and Dan Peek. The three members were barely out of their teens when they became a musical sensation during 1972, scoring #1 hits and winning a Grammy for best new musical artist...
- "A Horse With No NameA Horse with No Name“A Horse with No Name” is a song written by Dewey Bunnell and originally recorded by the band America. It was the band's first and most successful single, released in early 1972, topping the charts in several countries...
" - The WhoThe WhoThe Who are an English rock band formed in 1964 by Roger Daltrey , Pete Townshend , John Entwistle and Keith Moon . They became known for energetic live performances which often included instrument destruction...
- "Eminence FrontEminence Front"Eminence Front" is a song written and sung by Pete Townshend of The Who. It appears as the sixth track on the group's 1982 studio album, It's Hard. The single reached #68 on the Billboard Hot 100. It is the only song from the album that the band has opted to play live after the initial...
" - BostonBoston (band)Boston is an American rock band from Boston, Massachusetts that achieved its most notable successes during the 1970s and 1980s. Centered on guitarist, keyboardist, songwriter, and producer Tom Scholz, the band is a staple of classic rock radio playlists...
- "Smokin'Smokin' (Boston song)"Smokin" is a rock song by the American rock band Boston, released as the b-side to the band's first single,"More Than A Feeling." Like most of the tracks from the group's debut album, it has become a staple on classic rock radio.-History:...
" - David BowieDavid BowieDavid Bowie is an English musician, actor, record producer and arranger. A major figure for over four decades in the world of popular music, Bowie is widely regarded as an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s...
- "Somebody Up There Likes MeSomebody Up There Likes Me (song)"Somebody Up There Likes Me" is a song written and performed by David Bowie for his Young Americans album in 1975. The song was featured in the 2004 video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which was played on the fictional radio station K-DST....
" - Eddie MoneyEddie MoneyEddie Money is an American rock guitarist, saxophonist and singer-songwriter who found success in the 1970s and 1980s with a string of Top 40 hits and platinum albums...
- "Two Tickets to ParadiseTwo Tickets to Paradise"Two Tickets to Paradise" is a song by American rock singer, Eddie Money, from his 1977 album Eddie Money. It was released as a single in June 1978 and reached number 22 on the Billboard Hot 100.-Background and content:...
" - Billy IdolBilly IdolWilliam Michael Albert Broad , better known by his stage name Billy Idol, is an English rock musician. A member of the Bromley Contingent of Sex Pistols fans, Idol first achieved fame in the punk rock era as a member of the band Generation X...
- "White WeddingWhite Wedding (song)"White Wedding" is a song by Billy Idol that appeared on his album Billy Idol . Although "the Big 80's: Episode I" of VH1's Pop-up Video trivia show claims Idol wrote the song to voice his displeasure with his sister's fiance , on an episode of VH1 Storytellers, Idol claimed that there was never...
Summary: K-DST "The Dust" is a classic rock
Classic rock
Classic rock is a radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock format in the early 1980s. In the United States, the classic rock format features music ranging generally from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, primarily focusing on the hard rock genre that peaked in popularity in the...
station originating in San Fierro and hosted by Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith (voiced by Guns N' Roses
Guns N' Roses
Guns N' Roses is an American hard rock band, formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, in 1985. The band has released six studio albums, three EPs, and one live album...
frontman Axl Rose
Axl Rose
W. Axl Rose is an American singer-songwriter and musician. He is the lead vocalist and only remaining original member of the hard rock band Guns N' Roses, with whom he enjoyed great success and recognition in the late 1980s and early 1990s, before disappearing from the public eye for several years...
), former frontman for the fictional 70s progressive rock band, Crystal Ship, which is also the title of a song by The Doors
The Doors
The Doors were an American rock band formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, California, with vocalist Jim Morrison, keyboardist Ray Manzarek, drummer John Densmore, and guitarist Robby Krieger...
. Smith is surprisingly calm and constantly reminds the listeners about the 1970s and the classic "rock n roll" lifestyle. He dislikes Sage, the Radio X DJ, telling her to "get over it!" during the intro to Tom Petty's "Runnin' Down a Dream". In one broadcast, Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith says that, "all we need is patience, I said it before and I'll say it again," probably referring to the Guns' N' Roses song "Patience."
K-Jah West
DJ: Marshall PetersSly and Robbie
Sly and Robbie is the prolific Jamaican rhythm section and production team of drummer Sly Dunbar and bassist Robbie Shakespeare who joined in the mid 1970s after having established themselves separately in Jamaica as professional musicians...
and Johnny Lawton
Sly and Robbie
Sly and Robbie is the prolific Jamaican rhythm section and production team of drummer Sly Dunbar and bassist Robbie Shakespeare who joined in the mid 1970s after having established themselves separately in Jamaica as professional musicians...
Genre: Dub
Dub music
Dub is a genre of music which grew out of reggae music in the 1960s, and is commonly considered a subgenre, though it has developed to extend beyond the scope of reggae...
, Reggae
Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady.Reggae is based...
, Dancehall
Dancehall is a genre of Jamaican popular music that originated in the late 1970s. Initially dancehall was a more sparse version of reggae than the roots style, which had dominated much of the 1970s. In the mid-1980s, digital instrumentation became more prevalent, changing the sound considerably,...
- Black HarmonyBlack Harmony (reggae band)Black Harmony is a British band, whose song "Don't Let It Go To Your Head" is featured in the reggae radio station K-Jah West, in the videogame Grand Theft Auto San Andreas....
- "Don't Let It Go To Your Head" - Blood Sisters - "Ring My BellRing My Bell"Ring My Bell" is a 1979 disco song by Anita Ward. It was originally written for Stacy Lattisaw, but when she signed with a different label, Ward was asked to sing it instead and it became her only major hit. The song hit number one on the disco charts. "Ring My Bell" went to number one on both...
" - Shabba RanksShabba RanksShabba Ranks is a Jamaican dancehall musician.He was one of the most popular dancehall artists of his generation. He was also one of the first Jamaican deejays to gain worldwide acceptance, and recognition for his 'slack' lyrical expressions and content, when "ridin' di riddim"...
- "Wicked Inna Bed" - Buju BantonBuju BantonBuju Banton is a Jamaican dancehall, ragga, and reggae musician.Banton has recorded pop and dance songs, as well as songs dealing with sociopolitical topics....
- "Batty Rider" - Augustus PabloAugustus PabloHorace Swaby , known as Augustus Pablo, was a Jamaican roots reggae and dub record producer, melodica player and keyboardist, active from the 1970s onwards. He popularized the use of the melodica in reggae music...
- "King Tubby Meets Rockers UptownKing Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown (song)"King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown" is a dub instrumental track by reggae musician Augustus Pablo from the 1976 album of the same name. It is a dub version of the Jacob Miller song "Baby I Love You So", also produced by Pablo....
" - Dennis BrownDennis BrownDennis Emmanuel Brown was a Jamaican reggae singer. During his prolific career, which began in the late 1960s when he was aged eleven, he recorded more than 75 albums and was one of the major stars of lovers rock, a sub-genre of reggae...
- "Revolution" - Willie Williams - "Armagideon Time"
- I-RoyI-RoyRoy Samuel Reid better known as I-Roy was a Jamaican DJ who had a very prolific career during the 1970s.-Biography:...
- "Sidewalk Killer" - Toots & the MaytalsToots & the MaytalsToots and the Maytals, originally called simply The Maytals, are a Jamaican musical group and one of the best known ska and reggae vocal groups. According to Sandra Brennan at Allmusic, "The Maytals were key figures in reggae music...
- "Funky KingstonFunky KingstonFunky Kingston is the name of two albums by reggae singing group Toots and the Maytals. The first was issued in Jamaica and the United Kingdom in 1972 on Dragon Records, DRLS 5002, a subsidiary label of Island Records, owned by Chris Blackwell. A different album, with the same cover and title, was...
" - DillingerDillinger (musician)Dillinger is a reggae artist.-Biography:As a young man growing up in Kingston, Dillinger would hang around Dennis Alcapone's El Paso sound system...
- "Cocaine In My Brain" - Toots & the MaytalsToots & the MaytalsToots and the Maytals, originally called simply The Maytals, are a Jamaican musical group and one of the best known ska and reggae vocal groups. According to Sandra Brennan at Allmusic, "The Maytals were key figures in reggae music...
- "Pressure DropPressure Drop (song)"Pressure Drop" is a song recorded in 1969 by The Maytals for producer Leslie Kong. The song appears on their 1970 album Monkey Man and From the Roots...
" - PliersPliers (singer)Pliers , is a Jamaican Reggae singer best known for his collaborations with deejay Chaka Demus under the name Chaka Demus & Pliers...
- "Bam Bam" - Barrington LevyBarrington LevyBarrington Levy is a reggae and dancehall artist from Jamaica.-Career:In 1976, Levy formed a band with his cousin, Everton Dacres, called the Mighty Multitude; the pair released "My Black Girl" in 1977...
- "Here I Come" - Reggie Stepper - "Drum Pan Sound"
- Black UhuruBlack UhuruBlack Uhuru are a Jamaican reggae group formed in 1972, initially as Uhuru . The group has undergone several line-up changes over the years, with Duckie Simpson always maintaining group control and ownership...
- "Great Train Robbery" - Max RomeoMax RomeoMax Romeo is a reggae and roots reggae recording artist who has achieved chart success in his home country, and in the UK. Romeo was responsible for launching an entirely new sub-genre of reggae, whose overtly suggestive lyrics caused an outcry but took a massive hold of the music scene regardless...
& The UpsettersThe UpsettersThe Upsetters was the name given to the house band for Jamaican reggae producer Lee "Scratch" Perry. The name of the band comes from Perry's nickname of Upsetter, after his song "I Am The Upsetter", a musical dismissal of his former boss Coxsone Dodd....
- "I Chase The DevilI Chase the Devil"I Chase the Devil" is a reggae song, recorded in 1976 by Max Romeo, with the backing of Lee "Scratch" Perry's house band, The Upsetters. Composed by Perry and Romeo, it was released on the album War Ina Babylon....
Summary: K-Jah West is a reggae
Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady.Reggae is based...
radio station hosted by Marshall Peters & Johnny Lawton (voiced by Lowell Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare
Sly and Robbie
Sly and Robbie is the prolific Jamaican rhythm section and production team of drummer Sly Dunbar and bassist Robbie Shakespeare who joined in the mid 1970s after having established themselves separately in Jamaica as professional musicians...
respectively). It is also K-JAH's West Coast affiliate.
DJ: Mary-Beth MaybellGenre: Country
Country music
Country music is a popular American musical style that began in the rural Southern United States in the 1920s. It takes its roots from Western cowboy and folk music...
- Jerry ReedJerry ReedJerry Reed Hubbard , known professionally as Jerry Reed, was an American country music singer, innovative guitarist, songwriter, and actor who appeared in more than a dozen films...
- "Amos MosesAmos MosesAmos Moses is the title of a song written and recorded by American country music artist Jerry Reed. It was released in October 1970 as the fourth and final single from the album, Georgia Sunshine. This record was Reed's highest-charted single on Billboard Hot 100, peaking No. 8...
" - Conway TwittyConway TwittyConway Twitty , born Harold Lloyd Jenkins, was an American country music artist. He also had success in early rock and roll, R&B, and pop music. He held the record for the most number one singles of any act with 55 No. 1 Billboard country hits until George Strait broke the record in 2006...
& Loretta LynnLoretta LynnLoretta Lynn is an American country music singer-songwriter, author and philanthropist. Born in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky to a coal miner father, Lynn married at 13 years old, was a mother soon after, and moved to Washington with her husband, Oliver Lynn. Their marriage was sometimes tumultuous; he...
- "Louisiana Woman, Mississippi ManLouisiana Woman, Mississippi Man (song)"Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man" is the title of a song, recorded as duet by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn. The song was written by Becki Bluefield and Jim Owen. "Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man" was the title track of the 1973 album by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn and the single was their...
" - Hank Williams, Sr.Hank Williams, Sr.Hank Williams , born Hiram King Williams, was an American singer-songwriter and musician regarded as one of the most important country music artists of all time...
- "Hey Good Lookin'Hey Good Lookin' (song)"Hey Good Lookin" is a 1951 song written and recorded by Hank Williams, and his version was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001. Since its original 1951 recording it has been covered by a variety of artists.-Chart performance:...
" - Juice NewtonJuice NewtonJudith Kay "Juice" Newton is an American Pop music and Country singer, songwriter and guitarist...
- "Queen of HeartsQueen of Hearts (song)"Queen of Hearts" is the title of a country-pop song written by Hank DeVito, who was the pedal steel guitarist in Emmylou Harris' backing group The Hot Band in the early '80s....
" - Statler BrothersStatler BrothersThe Statler Brothers were an American country music vocal group founded in 1955 in Staunton, Virginia.Originally performing gospel music at local churches, the group billed themselves as The Four Star Quartet, and later The Kingsmen...
- "New York City" - Asleep at the WheelAsleep at the WheelAsleep at the Wheel is a American country music group that was formed in Paw Paw, West Virginia, but based in Austin, Texas. Altogether, they have won nine Grammy Awards since their 1970 inception. In their career, they have released more than twenty studio albums, and have charted more than twenty...
- "The Letter That Johnny Walker ReadThe Letter That Johnny Walker Read" Letter That Johnny Walker Read" is the title of song written and recorded by the American country music band Asleep at the Wheel. It was released in August 1975 as the lead single from their album Texas Gold. The song's title is a reference to the Johnnie Walker "Red Label" Scotch whisky...
" - The Desert Rose Band - "One Step ForwardOne Step Forward"One Step Forward" is the title of a song written by Chris Hillman and Bill Wildes, and recorded by American country music group The Desert Rose Band. It was released in October 1987 as the third single from the album The Desert Rose Band. The song reached #2 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles &...
" - Willie NelsonWillie NelsonWillie Hugh Nelson is an American country music singer-songwriter, as well as an author, poet, actor, and activist. The critical success of the album Shotgun Willie , combined with the critical and commercial success of Red Headed Stranger and Stardust , made Nelson one of the most recognized...
- "CrazyCrazy (Willie Nelson song)"Crazy" is a ballad composed by Willie Nelson. It has been recorded by several artists, most notably by Patsy Cline, whose version was a #2 country hit in 1962....
" - Patsy ClinePatsy ClinePatsy Cline , born Virginia Patterson Hensley in Gore, Virginia, was an American country music singer who enjoyed pop music crossover success during the era of the Nashville sound in the early 1960s...
- "Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray" - Statler BrothersStatler BrothersThe Statler Brothers were an American country music vocal group founded in 1955 in Staunton, Virginia.Originally performing gospel music at local churches, the group billed themselves as The Four Star Quartet, and later The Kingsmen...
- "Bed of Rose'sBed of Rose's"Bed of Rose's" was a hit song for the country music vocal group the Statler Brothers. The song, written by bass singer Harold Reid, reached its popularity peak in the winter of 1971, eventually reaching the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart, peaking at number nine...
" - Mickey GilleyMickey GilleyMickey Leroy Gilley is an American country music singer and musician. Although he started out singing straight-up country and western material in the 1970s, he moved towards a more pop-friendly sound in the 1980s, bringing him further success on not just the country charts, but the pop charts as...
- "Make The World Go AwayMake the World Go Away"Make the World Go Away" is a country-popular music song composed by Hank Cochran. It has become a Top 40 popular success three times: for Timi Yuro , for Eddy Arnold , and for the brother-sister duo Donny and Marie Osmond . The original version of the song was recorded by Ray Price during...
" - Ed BruceEd BruceWilliam Edwin "Ed" Bruce, Jr. is an American country music songwriter and singer. He is known for penning the 1975 song "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" .-Early life & songwriting career:...
- "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" - Merle HaggardMerle HaggardMerle Ronald Haggard is an American country music singer, guitarist, fiddler, instrumentalist, and songwriter. Along with Buck Owens, Haggard and his band The Strangers helped create the Bakersfield sound, which is characterized by the unique twang of Fender Telecaster guitars, vocal harmonies,...
- "Always Wanting YouAlways Wanting You"Always Wanting You" is a 1975 single written and recorded by Merle Haggard. It was Haggard's twentieth number-one single on the U.S. country chart. It stayed at number one for two weeks and spent a total of ten weeks on the chart. In 2004, "Always Wanting You" was featured on the radio station...
" - Whitey Shafer - "All My Ex's Live in TexasAll My Ex's Live in Texas"All My Ex's Live In Texas" is the title of a song recorded by country singer George Strait. It was released in April 1987 as the second single from Strait's album, Ocean Front Property. A version of the song recorded by its co-author Sanger D...
" - Eddie RabbittEddie RabbittEdward Thomas "Eddie" Rabbitt was an American singer-songwriter and musician. His career began as a songwriter in the late 1960s, springboarding to a recording career after composing hits such as "Kentucky Rain" for Elvis Presley in 1970 and "Pure Love" for Ronnie Milsap in 1974...
- "I Love a Rainy NightI Love a Rainy Night"I Love a Rainy Night" is a rock song by Eddie Rabbitt. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, Hot Country Singles, and Adult Contemporary Singles charts in 1981...
Summary: K Rose is a Classic country
Classic country
Classic country is a music radio format that specializes in playing mainstream country hits from past decades.This genre generally follows one of two formats: those specializing in hits from the 1920s through the early 1970s, and focus primarily on innovators and artists from country music's Golden...
station hosted by Mary-Beth Maybell (voiced by Riette Burdick), and based in Bone County (Fort Carson). Mary-Beth has been married numerous times, many of her husbands having died under suspicious circumstances. Oddly, the track New York City was not listed in the included booklet guide for the first PS2 version. It was however included in later versions.
Master Sounds 98.3
DJ: Johnny "The Love Giant" ParkinsonGenre: Funk
Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid-late 1960s when African American musicians blended soul music, jazz and R&B into a rhythmic, danceable new form of music. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums to the foreground...
, Soul
Soul music
Soul music is a music genre originating in the United States combining elements of gospel music and rhythm and blues. According to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, soul is "music that arose out of the black experience in America through the transmutation of gospel and rhythm & blues into a form of...
, Rare Groove
Rare groove
Rare groove is defined as very hard to source or relatively obscure soul or jazz music. Rare groove is primarily associated with funk, jazz and pop, but is also connected to sub-genres including jazz fusion, Latin jazz, soul, R&B, northern soul, and disco. Vinyl records that fall into this...
- Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm BandCharles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm BandCharles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band is a pioneering American soul and funk band. Formed in the early 1960s, they had the most visibility from 1967 to 1973 when the band had 9 singles reach Billboard's pop and/or rhythm and blues Hot 100 lists, such as "Do Your Thing" , "Till You Get...
- "Express Yourself" - Maceo & The MacksMaceo ParkerMaceo Parker is an American funk and soul jazz saxophonist, best known for his work with James Brown in the 1960s, as well as Parliament-Funkadelic in the 1970s. Parker was a prominent soloist on many of Brown's hit recordings, and a key part of his band, playing alto, tenor and baritone saxophones...
- "Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back)" - Harlem Underground BandGeorge BensonGeorge Benson is a ten Grammy Award winning American musician, whose production career began at the age of twenty-one as a jazz guitarist....
- "Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba" - The ChakachasThe ChakachasThe Chakachas were a Belgian based group of Latin soul studio musicians. Also known as 'Les Chakachas' or 'Los Chakachas', they were formed by band leader Gaston Bogaert, ex-Los Juano Boengs and The Continentals, percussion ; Tito Puente's singer wife Kari Kenton, vocals and maracas; Vic Ingeveldt...
- "Jungle FeverJungle Fever (song)Jungle Fever is a 1972 song performed by Belgian group The Chakachas, written by Bill Ador and issued by Polydor Records. The song reached #8 in the 1972 United States Billboard Hot 100 and peaked at #29 in the United Kingdom. Jungle Fever was banned by the BBC, who took exception to the song's...
" - Bob JamesBob James (musician)Robert McElhiney James is a jazz keyboardist, arranger and producer.-Biography:During the 1970s, Bob James played a major role in establishing the smooth jazz genre. "Angela", the instrumental theme from the sitcom Taxi, is probably Bob James' most well-known work to date...
- "NautilusNautilus (song)Nautilus is the sixth and final track, lasting 5 minutes and 8 seconds, on the 1974 album One by jazz musician Bob James.Nautilus is famous as being one of the most sampled songs in hip hop history...
" - Booker T. & the M.G.'sBooker T. & the M.G.'sBooker T. & the M.G.'s is an instrumental R&B band that was influential in shaping the sound of southern soul and Memphis soul. Original members of the group were Booker T. Jones , Steve Cropper , Lewie Steinberg , and Al Jackson, Jr....
- "Green OnionsGreen OnionsGreen Onions is the debut album by Booker T. & the M.G.'s, released on Stax Records in October of 1962. It reached number 33 on the Pop Albums chart in the month of its release...
" - The BlackbyrdsThe BlackbyrdsThe Blackbyrds were an American rhythm and blues and jazz-funk fusion group, formed in Washington, D.C. in 1973.-History:The group was inspired by trumpeter Donald Byrd and featured some of his Howard University students: Kevin Toney , Keith Killgo , Joe Hall , Allan C. Barnes , and Barney Perry...
- "Rock Creek Park" - Bobby ByrdBobby ByrdBobby Byrd born Robert Howard Byrd was an American funk/soul/R&B/gospel musician, songwriter and record producer. He was born in Toccoa, Georgia, and is a 1998 winner of the Rhythm and Blues Foundation's prestigious Pioneer Award...
- "Hot PantsHot Pants (song)"Hot Pants " is a song by James Brown. Brown recorded the song in 1971 and released it that year as a three-part single on his People Records label, which was then distributed by his primary label King. It was a number-one R&B hit and reached number fifteen on the pop chart in the U.S...
" - James Brown - "Funky PresidentFunky President"Funky President " is a funk song by James Brown. Released as a single in 1974, it charted #4 R&B. It also appeared on the album Reality. According to Brown the "funky president" of the song's title was meant to refer to U.S...
" - Lyn CollinsLyn CollinsLyn Collins was an African American soul singer best known for working with James Brown in the 1970s. Contrary to some reports, she is not related to Bootsy Collins, nor Catfish Collins....
- "Rock Me Again and Again" - Maceo & The MacksMaceo ParkerMaceo Parker is an American funk and soul jazz saxophonist, best known for his work with James Brown in the 1960s, as well as Parliament-Funkadelic in the 1970s. Parker was a prominent soloist on many of Brown's hit recordings, and a key part of his band, playing alto, tenor and baritone saxophones...
- "Soul Power '74" - Bobby ByrdBobby ByrdBobby Byrd born Robert Howard Byrd was an American funk/soul/R&B/gospel musician, songwriter and record producer. He was born in Toccoa, Georgia, and is a 1998 winner of the Rhythm and Blues Foundation's prestigious Pioneer Award...
- "I Know You Got SoulI Know You Got Soul (Bobby Byrd song)"I Know You Got Soul" is a song recorded by Bobby Byrd with James Brown's band The J.B.'s. The recording was produced by Brown and released as a single in 1971. It reached #30 on the Billboard R&B chart. It was prominently sampled on the 1987 song of the same name by Eric B...
" - James Brown - "The PaybackThe Payback (song)"The Payback" is a funk song by James Brown, the title track from his 1973 album of the same name. The song's lyrics, originally written by trombonist and bandleader Fred Wesley but heavily revised by Brown himself soon before it was recorded, concern the revenge he plans to take against the man...
" - Lyn CollinsLyn CollinsLyn Collins was an African American soul singer best known for working with James Brown in the 1970s. Contrary to some reports, she is not related to Bootsy Collins, nor Catfish Collins....
- "Think (About It)Think (About It)"Think " is a funk song recorded by Lyn Collins and released as a single on James Brown's People Records in 1972. The recording was produced by Brown and featured instrumental backing from his band The J.B.'s...
" - The J.B.'sThe J.B.'sThe J.B.'s were James Brown's band during the first half of the 1970s. On record the J.B.'s were sometimes billed under various alternate names such as The James Brown Soul Train, Maceo and the Macks, A.A.B.B., The First Family and The Last Word...
- "The GruntThe Grunt"The Grunt" is a funk instrumental recorded in 1970 by James Brown's band The J.B.'s. It was released as a two-part single on King. Part 1 of the recording was included on The J.B.'s 1972 album Food for Thought. It was one of only two instrumental singles recorded by the original J.B.'s lineup with...
" - WarWar (band)War is an American funk band from California, known for the hit songs "Low Rider", "Spill the Wine", "The Cisco Kid" and "Why Can't We Be Friends?". Formed in 1969, War was a musical crossover band which fused elements of rock, funk, jazz, Latin, rhythm and blues, and reggae...
- "Low Rider" - Gloria JonesGloria JonesGloria Richetta Jones is an American singer and songwriter from Los Angeles, California. She recorded the 1964 northern soul song, "Tainted Love", later a hit for the British synth-pop duo, Soft Cell. She was the girlfriend of glam rock artist Marc Bolan of the band T...
- "Tainted LoveTainted Love"Tainted Love" is a song composed by Ed Cobb, formerly of The Four Preps, which was originally recorded by Gloria Jones in 1965. It attained worldwide fame after being covered by Soft Cell in 1981, reaching number one in the UK Singles Chart, and has since been covered by numerous groups and...
" - Sir Joe QuartermanJoe QuartermanJoe Quarterman, aka Sir Joe Quarterman and sometimes misspelled as Joe Quatermain is an American funk and soul singer. Quarterman earned the title "Sir" in high school. His single, " So Much Trouble in My Mind," was also his biggest, reaching the R&B Top 30 in 1973, and was featured on the radio...
& Free Soul - "So Much Trouble In My Mind"
Summary: Master Sounds 98.3 is a San Fierro based rare groove
Rare groove
Rare groove is defined as very hard to source or relatively obscure soul or jazz music. Rare groove is primarily associated with funk, jazz and pop, but is also connected to sub-genres including jazz fusion, Latin jazz, soul, R&B, northern soul, and disco. Vinyl records that fall into this...
radio station hosted by Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson (voiced by Ricky Harris). Despite his nickname, it is implied that he is quite short in stature and is possibly a dwarf
Dwarfism is short stature resulting from a medical condition. It is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 4 feet 10 inches , although this definition is problematic because short stature in itself is not a disorder....
Playback FM
DJ: Forth Right MCChuck D
Carlton Douglas Ridenhour , better known by his stage name, Chuck D, is an American rapper, author, and producer. He helped create politically and socially conscious rap music in the mid-1980s as the leader of the rap group Public Enemy.- Early life :Ridenhour was born in Queens, New York...
Genre: Hip hop
Hip hop music
Hip hop music, also called hip-hop, rap music or hip-hop music, is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted...
, Old school hip hop
Old school hip hop
Old school hip hop describes the earliest commercially recorded hip hop music , and the music in the period preceding it from which it was directly descended . Old school hip hop is said to end around 1983 or 1984 with the emergence of Run–D.M.C., the first new school hip hop group...
, alternative hip hop
Alternative hip hop
Alternative hip hop is a sub-genre of hip hop music. Allmusic defines it as follows: -Origin:...
- Kool G RapKool G RapNathaniel Thomas Wilson , better known by his stage names Kool G Rap , Kool G. Rap, and Giancana , is an American rapper, from the Corona neighborhood of Queens, New York. He began his career in the mid-1980s as one half of the group Kool G Rap & DJ Polo and as a member of the Juice Crew...
& DJ Polo - "Road To The RichesRoad To The RichesRoad to the Riches is the debut album by hip hop duo Kool G Rap & DJ Polo, which was released in 1989 on then-prominent hip hop label Cold Chillin' Records...
" - Big Daddy KaneBig Daddy KaneAntonio Hardy better known by his stage name Big Daddy Kane, is an American rapper who started his career in 1986 as a member of the rap group the Juice Crew. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential and skilled MC's in Hip Hop...
- "Warm It Up, KaneIt's a Big Daddy ThingIt's a Big Daddy Thing is the second full-length album by American rapper Big Daddy Kane. It was released on September 15, 1989.To date, it is his most successful effort commercially, certified gold by RIAA....
" - Spoonie GeeSpoonie GeeSpoonie Gee is one of the earliest rap artists, and one of few rap artists to release records in the 1970s. He has been credited with originating the term 'hip hop' and some the themes in his music were precursors of Gangsta rap....
- "The Godfather" - Masta AceMasta AceDuval Clear , known better by his stage name Masta Ace, is a rapper from Brownsville, Brooklyn. He appeared on the classic 1988 Juice Crew posse cut "The Symphony"...
- "Me & The BizMe & The Biz"Me & The Biz" is a 1990 song by rapper Masta Ace in which he pays homage to fellow Juice Crew rapper and Cold Chillin' Records labelmate Biz Markie by impersonating him...
" - Slick RickSlick RickRichard Walters , better known by his stage name Slick Rick is a Grammy-nominated English-American rapper...
- "Children's StoryChildren's Story"Children's Story" is a single by British-born American hip hop artist Slick Rick, from his album The Great Adventures of Slick Rick.-Reception:It's on the list of the top 100 rap songs, and is ranked #61 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of Hip Hop....
" - Public Enemy - "Rebel Without a PauseRebel Without a PauseRebel Without a Pause is a single by hip hop group Public Enemy from their groundbreaking 1988 album, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. The title is a spoof of Rebel Without a Cause, a 1955 drama movie.-History:...
" - Eric B. & RakimEric B. & RakimEric B. & Rakim were a hip-hop duo composed of DJ Eric Barrier and MC Rakim .Hailing from Long Island, New York, the pair are generally considered by hip hop enthusiasts to be one of the most influential and innovative groups in the genre...
- "I Know You Got Soul" - Rob Base and DJ E-Z RockRob Base and DJ E-Z RockRob Base and DJ E-Z Rock are a hip-hop duo from Harlem, New York who are best known for their hit "It Takes Two." The duo consists of Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock .- Career :Their first U.S...
- "It Takes TwoIt Takes Two (Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock song)"It Takes Two" is a 1988 hip hop song by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock and produced by Teddy Riley that was later certified platinum. The song samples heavily from Lyn Collins' 1972 song "Think ", using multiple drum breaks, the well known "Woo! Yeah!" sample, as well as the lyric sung by Collins which...
" - Gang StarrGang StarrGang Starr was an influential East Coast hip hop duo that consisted of the late MC Guru and DJ/producer DJ Premier. Their style combined elements of New York jazz and hip hop.-Background:...
- "B.Y.S." - Biz MarkieBiz MarkieMarcel Theo Hall better known by his stage name, Biz Markie, is an American rapper, beatboxer, DJ, comedian, singer, reality television personality, and commercial spokesperson. He is best known for his single "Just a Friend", an American Top 10 hit in 1989...
- "The VaporsThe Vapors (song)The Vapors is a song by American hip hop artist Biz Markie. It was released in 1988 from his debut album Goin' Off. The song is featured on the fictional radio station Playback FM in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.-Background:...
" - Brand NubianBrand NubianBrand Nubian is an American hip hop group from New Rochelle, New York, consisting of three MC's: Grand Puba , Sadat X and Lord Jamar , and two DJs: DJ Alamo and DJ Sincere...
- "Brand Nubian" - Ultramagnetic MCsUltramagnetic MCsThe Ultramagnetic MC's is an American hip hop group based in Bronx, New York. Originally founded by Kool Keith, the group is composed of Ced Gee, TR Love, and Moe Love. Tim Dog became an unofficial member in 1989. In 1990, DJ Jaycee was added as Roadmanager and backup DJ. A former member, Rooney...
- "Critical BeatdownCritical BeatdownCritical Beatdown is the debut studio album by American hip hop group Ultramagnetic MCs, released October 4, 1988, on Next Plateau Records. Production for the album was handled primarily by the group's rapper and producer Ced-Gee, who employed a E-mu SP-1200 sampler as the album's main instrument...
Summary: Hosted by self-righteous conspiracy theorist Forth Right MC (voiced by Chuck D
Chuck D
Carlton Douglas Ridenhour , better known by his stage name, Chuck D, is an American rapper, author, and producer. He helped create politically and socially conscious rap music in the mid-1980s as the leader of the rap group Public Enemy.- Early life :Ridenhour was born in Queens, New York...
), Playback FM plays classic old school style
Old school hip hop
Old school hip hop describes the earliest commercially recorded hip hop music , and the music in the period preceding it from which it was directly descended . Old school hip hop is said to end around 1983 or 1984 with the emergence of Run–D.M.C., the first new school hip hop group...
rap from the Golden age hip hop
Golden age hip hop
Hip hop's "golden age" is a name given to a period in mainstream hip hop—usually cited as being a period varying in time frames during the 1980s and 1990s said to be characterized by its diversity, quality, innovation and influence. There were strong themes of Afrocentricity and political...
. The Host is disliked by its listeners, as evident from the station callers and from Julio G
Julio G
Julio G is an influential West Coast hip hop DJ who was born and then raised in Lynwood, CA, and is credited for being responsible for the rise of gangsta rap as part of the KDAY radio station on-air talent in Los Angeles, CA. Following KDAY, he was a DJ at 92.3 The Beat...
(the DJ of Radio Los Santos), stating that "the station plays great music but the DJ is whack". This station was released on a joint album with Radio Los Santos.
- See also: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas OST Volume 2: Playback FM/Radio Los Santos. Despite the old-school designation, the tracks range from 1987 all the way up to 1992, the era the game is set.
Radio Los Santos
DJ: Julio GJulio G
Julio G is an influential West Coast hip hop DJ who was born and then raised in Lynwood, CA, and is credited for being responsible for the rise of gangsta rap as part of the KDAY radio station on-air talent in Los Angeles, CA. Following KDAY, he was a DJ at 92.3 The Beat...
Genre: West Coast hip hop
West Coast hip hop
West Coast hip hop is a hip hop music subgenre that encompasses any artists or music that originates in the westernmost region of the United States, as opposed to East Coast hip hop, based originally in New York alone...
, Gangsta rap
Gangsta rap
Gangsta Rap is a subgenre of hip hop music that evolved from hardcore hip hop and purports to reflect urban crime and the violent lifestyles of inner-city youths. Lyrics in gangsta rap have varied from accurate reflections to fictionalized accounts. Gangsta is a non-rhotic pronunciation of the word...
- 2Pac (feat. PogoDJ PogoDJ Pogo is a DJ/Producer from London, primarily known for his involvement with the British hip hop scene. He was part of the Jus Bad crew, which featured Monie Love, Sparki and MC Mell'O', who released the single "Free Style / Proud" ....
) - "I Don't Give a Fuck" - Compton's Most WantedCompton's Most WantedCompton's Most Wanted is an American gangsta rap group and one of the pioneers of the West Coast Hip Hop scene still performing today on independent labels. The leader of the group was MC Eiht.-Biography:...
- "Hood Took Me UnderHood Took Me Under"Hood Took Me Under" is one of the most popular singles by the group Compton's Most Wanted and was released in their album, Music to Driveby. The song was featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in the fictional radio station, Radio Los Santos...
" - Dr. DreDr. DreAndre Romelle Young , primarily known by his stage name Dr. Dre, is an American record producer, rapper, record executive, entrepreneur, and occasional actor. He is the founder and current CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and a former co-owner and artist of Death Row Records...
(feat. Snoop DoggSnoop DoggCalvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. , better known by his stage name Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Snoop is best known as a rapper in the West Coast hip hop scene, and for being one of Dr. Dre's most notable protégés. Snoop Dogg was a Crip gang member while in high school...
) - "Nuthin' But a "G" Thang" - Too Short - "The GhettoThe Ghetto"The Ghetto" is a 1990 single by Oakland rapper Too Short from his album Short Dog's in the House. The song was featured on the fictional radio station Radio Los Santos in the videogame Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The instrumental was based on the Donny Hathaway song of the same name...
" - N.W.A - "Alwayz Into Somethin'Alwayz Into Somethin'"Alwayz Into Somethin" is a 1991 single by American hip hop group N.W.A featuring Admiral D from their third full-length studio album, Niggaz4Life. The song also appeared on the N.W.A's Greatest Hits album and The Best of N.W.A. - The Strength of Street Knowledge.-History:The song is an early...
" - Ice CubeIce CubeO'Shea Jackson , better known by his stage name Ice Cube, is an American rapper and actor. He began his career as a member of the hip-hop group C.I.A. and later joined the rap group N.W.A. After leaving N.W.A in December 1989, he built a successful solo career in music, and also as a writer,...
(feat. Das EFXDas EFXDas EFX is an American hip hop duo. It consists of emcees Skoob and Dray...
) - "Check Yo SelfCheck Yo Self"Check Yo Self" is the second hit single from Ice Cube's third solo album The Predator. It was released in July 1993 and features New York rappers Das EFX. It topped both the Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop and Rap charts while also reaching number 20 on the Hot 100 chart...
(Message Remix)" - Kid Frost - "La RazaLa Raza (song)"La Raza" is a popular song recorded by the Mexican-American rapper Kid Frost and featured on the album Hispanic Causing Panic. "La Raza", which is Spanish for "the race" or more symbolically "the people", is featured on the soundtrack to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, playing on West Coast hip...
" - Cypress HillCypress HillCypress Hill is an American hip hop group from South Gate, California. Cypress Hill was the first Latino hip-hop group to have platinum and multi-platinum albums, selling over 18 million albums worldwide...
- "How I Could Just Kill a ManHow I Could Just Kill a Man"How I Could Just Kill a Man" is the debut single by hip hop group Cypress Hill from their eponymous debut album, Cypress Hill, and was their first major hit in 1991. It was released as a double A-side to "The Phuncky Feel One" and the music video featured cameos by A Tribe Called Quest's Q-Tip and...
" - Dr. DreDr. DreAndre Romelle Young , primarily known by his stage name Dr. Dre, is an American record producer, rapper, record executive, entrepreneur, and occasional actor. He is the founder and current CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and a former co-owner and artist of Death Row Records...
(feat. Snoop DoggSnoop DoggCalvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. , better known by his stage name Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Snoop is best known as a rapper in the West Coast hip hop scene, and for being one of Dr. Dre's most notable protégés. Snoop Dogg was a Crip gang member while in high school...
& RBXRBXEric Dwayne Collins, better known by his stage name RBX , is a former rapper and R&B singer from Long Beach, California...
) - "Fuck Wit Dre DayFuck Wit Dre Day (And Everybody's Celebratin')"Fuck wit Dre Day " is a hip-hop single by Dr. Dre, with a guest appearance by Snoop Doggy Dogg, from the 1992 album The Chronic on Death Row Records...
" - The D.O.C.The D.O.C.Tracy Lynn Curry , primarily known by his stage name The D.O.C., is an American rapper from Dallas, Texas. In addition to a solo career, he was a member of the hip hop group Fila Fresh Crew, and a creative force behind the gangsta rap group N.W.A, where he co-wrote many of their releases. He has...
- "It's Funky EnoughIt's Funky Enough"It's Funky Enough" was first single by American rapper, The D.O.C., from his 1989 debut album, No One Can Do It Better.-Background:The song was produced by Dr. Dre and samples "Misdemeanor" by Foster Sylvers. The song has appeared on many video games such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, True...
" - N.W.A - "Express YourselfExpress Yourself (N.W.A song)"Express Yourself" is a song recorded by American hip hop group N.W.A. The song, off their 1988 album Straight Outta Compton, samples Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band's song of the same name. Unlike most songs on the album and by N.W.A, the song is almost devoid of profanity and...
" - Ice CubeIce CubeO'Shea Jackson , better known by his stage name Ice Cube, is an American rapper and actor. He began his career as a member of the hip-hop group C.I.A. and later joined the rap group N.W.A. After leaving N.W.A in December 1989, he built a successful solo career in music, and also as a writer,...
- "It Was A Good DayIt Was a Good Day"It Was a Good Day" is a 1993 hit single by American gangsta rapper Ice Cube from his third solo album, The Predator. It is the second single from the album and it peaked at number seven on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. It was also a hit in the UK Charts, peaking at number 27...
" - Eazy-EEazy-EEric Lynn Wright , better known by his stage name Eazy-E, was an American rapper who performed solo and in the hip hop group N.W.A. Wright was born to Richard and Kathie Wright in Compton, California...
- "Eazy-Er Said Than DunnEazy-Er Said Than DunnEazy-Er Said Than Dunn was one of Eazy-E's first and most loved singles apart from N.W.A. It had no explicit lyrics and was listener friendly for the radio. Dr. Dre's part in the song was the memorable intro and his production by using "Scratching" by the Magic Disco Machine and "The Breakdown"...
" - Above The Law - "Murder RapLivin' Like HustlersLivin' Like Hustlers is the debut album by the rap group Above the Law, released in 1990. Dr. Dre produced two tracks, "Murder Rap" and "The Last Song"...
" - Dr. DreDr. DreAndre Romelle Young , primarily known by his stage name Dr. Dre, is an American record producer, rapper, record executive, entrepreneur, and occasional actor. He is the founder and current CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and a former co-owner and artist of Death Row Records...
& Snoop DoggSnoop DoggCalvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. , better known by his stage name Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Snoop is best known as a rapper in the West Coast hip hop scene, and for being one of Dr. Dre's most notable protégés. Snoop Dogg was a Crip gang member while in high school...
- "Deep CoverDeep Cover (song)"Deep Cover", also known as "187", is Dr. Dre's debut solo single, his first song since the N.W.A. break up. It was made for the soundtrack from the film Deep Cover . The song features Snoop Dogg making his first appearance on record.-History:...
" - Da Lench MobDa Lench MobDa Lench Mob was a West Coast hip hop group associated with Ice Cube. The group consisted of rappers J-Dee, Shorty, T-Bone and Maulkie.-History:The group made its debut on Ice Cube's first solo album, AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted...
(feat. Ice CubeIce CubeO'Shea Jackson , better known by his stage name Ice Cube, is an American rapper and actor. He began his career as a member of the hip-hop group C.I.A. and later joined the rap group N.W.A. After leaving N.W.A in December 1989, he built a successful solo career in music, and also as a writer,...
) - "Guerillas in tha MistGuerillas in tha MistGuerillas in tha Mist is the debut album by Da Lench Mob, who originally appeared on Ice Cube's debut solo album, Amerikkka's Most Wanted. The titular "Guerillas in tha Mist" was a hit at the release of the album, which also appears in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, on the fictional...
Summary: Radio Los Santos is a Gangsta rap
Gangsta rap
Gangsta Rap is a subgenre of hip hop music that evolved from hardcore hip hop and purports to reflect urban crime and the violent lifestyles of inner-city youths. Lyrics in gangsta rap have varied from accurate reflections to fictionalized accounts. Gangsta is a non-rhotic pronunciation of the word...
, modern golden era
Golden age hip hop
Hip hop's "golden age" is a name given to a period in mainstream hip hop—usually cited as being a period varying in time frames during the 1980s and 1990s said to be characterized by its diversity, quality, innovation and influence. There were strong themes of Afrocentricity and political...
West Coast hip hop
West Coast hip hop
West Coast hip hop is a hip hop music subgenre that encompasses any artists or music that originates in the westernmost region of the United States, as opposed to East Coast hip hop, based originally in New York alone...
radio station hosted by Julio G
Julio G
Julio G is an influential West Coast hip hop DJ who was born and then raised in Lynwood, CA, and is credited for being responsible for the rise of gangsta rap as part of the KDAY radio station on-air talent in Los Angeles, CA. Following KDAY, he was a DJ at 92.3 The Beat...
, (who is a real life DJ) located in Los Santos (hence the name). Julio G is a very calm and collected person, who is simply a rap/hip-hop aficionado. He comments on many bad things going on in Los Santos, and persuades people to take a non-violent approach to all things. RLS hosts a number of shout-outs from the public of San Andreas and in-game characters. This station was released in a joint album with Playback FM as part of the 8-Disc soundtrack. The station also includes references to "carjacking
Carjacking is a form of hijacking, where the crime is of stealing a motor vehicle and so also armed assault when the vehicle is occupied. Historically, such as in the rash of semi-trailer truck hijackings during the 1960s, the general term hijacking was used for that type of vehicle abduction,...
on the rise", that activity being a key element of the gameplay. Sometimes after a mission, Julio gives out weather reports and news regarding Los Santos events, and encourages Carl "CJ" Johnson to phone his girlfriend, Denise.
Radio X
DJ: SageGenre: Alternative rock
Alternative rock
Alternative rock is a genre of rock music and a term used to describe a diverse musical movement that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular by the 1990s...
Alternative metal
Alternative metal is a genre of alternative rock and heavy metal that gained popularity in the early 1990s. Most notably, alternative metal bands are characterized by heavy guitar riffs and experimental approaches to heavy music.-Origins:...
, Grunge
Grunge is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged during the mid-1980s in the American state of Washington, particularly in the Seattle area. Inspired by hardcore punk, heavy metal, and indie rock, grunge is generally characterized by heavily distorted electric guitars, contrasting song...
, Heavy metal
Heavy metal music
Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the Midlands of the United Kingdom and the United States...
, Hard rock
Hard rock
Hard rock is a loosely defined genre of rock music which has its earliest roots in mid-1960s garage rock, blues rock and psychedelic rock...
- HelmetHelmet (band)Helmet is an alternative metal band from New York City formed in 1989. Founded by vocalist and lead guitarist Page Hamilton, Helmet has had numerous lineup changes, and Hamilton has been the only constant member....
- "UnsungUnsung (song)"Unsung" is a single by alternative metal band Helmet from their 1992 album, Meantime. It is the album's fourth track and easily the band's most well known song. A music video was produced for "Unsung" and found significant airplay on MTV in the early 1990s."Unsung" is recorded in Dropped D tuning...
" - Depeche ModeDepeche ModeDepeche Mode are an English electronic music band formed in 1980 in Basildon, Essex. The group's original line-up consisted of Dave Gahan , Martin Gore , Andy Fletcher and Vince Clarke...
- "Personal JesusPersonal Jesus"Personal Jesus" is Depeche Mode's 23rd UK single, released on August 29, 1989, and the first single from the album Violator. The single reached No. 13 on the UK Singles Chart and No. 28 on the Billboard Hot 100...
" - Faith No MoreFaith No MoreFaith No More is an American rock band from San Francisco, California, formed originally as Faith No Man in 1981 by bassist Billy Gould, keyboardist Wade Worthington, vocalist Michael Morris and drummer Mike Bordin. A year later when Worthington was replaced by keyboardist Roddy Bottum, and Mike...
- "Midlife Crisis" - DanzigDanzig (band)Danzig is an American heavy metal band, formed in 1987 in Lodi, New Jersey. The band serves as a musical outlet for the singer/songwriter Glenn Danzig. Danzig can be seen as the third stage in Glenn Danzig's musical career, preceded by the horror punk bands The Misfits and Samhain...
- "MotherMother (Danzig song)"Mother" is a song by Danzig that first appeared on their 1988 debut album, Danzig.Thematically, the song is a rhetorical challenge to parents, primarily inspired by Tipper Gore who, along with the Parents Music Resource Center, introduced the Parental Advisory warning placed on albums that contain...
" - Living ColourLiving ColourLiving Colour is an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1984. Stylistically, the band's music is a creative fusion influenced by free jazz, funk, neo-psychedelia, hard rock, and heavy metal...
- "Cult of PersonalityCult of Personality (song)"Cult of Personality" is a song by funk metal band Living Colour. It was the first single from their debut album, Vivid, released in 1988. "Cult of Personality" reached #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #9 on the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart. It also won the Grammy award for "Best Hard Rock...
" - Primal ScreamPrimal ScreamPrimal Scream are a Scottish alternative rock band originally formed in 1982 in Glasgow by Bobby Gillespie and Jim Beattie and now based in London. The current lineup consists of Gillespie, Andrew Innes , Martin Duffy , and Darrin Mooney...
- "Movin' On UpScreamadelicaScreamadelica is the third studio album by the Scottish alternative rock group Primal Scream and was their first to be a commercial success. It was released on 23 September 1991 in the UK by Creation Records, and 8 October 1991 in North America by Sire Records. Screamadelica peaked at #8 on the UK...
" - Guns N' RosesGuns N' RosesGuns N' Roses is an American hard rock band, formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, in 1985. The band has released six studio albums, three EPs, and one live album...
- "Welcome to the JungleWelcome to the Jungle"Welcome to the Jungle" is a song by American rock band Guns N' Roses, featured on its 1987 debut studio album, Appetite for Destruction. It was released as the band's second single on October 3, 1987, and reached number #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and number #24 on the UK Singles Chart...
" - L7L7 (band)L7 was an American rock band from Los Angeles, that was active from 1985 to 2000. Due to their sound and image, they are often associated with the grunge movement of the late 1980s and early 1990s.-History:...
- "Pretend We're DeadPretend We're Dead"Pretend We're Dead" is a 1992 song by all-female grunge band L7, from the album Bricks Are Heavy. The song was written and sung by Donita Sparks. The song peaked at #8 on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks. The song is also featured in the video games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Rock Band 2...
" - Ozzy OsbourneOzzy OsbourneJohn Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne is an English vocalist, whose musical career has spanned over 40 years. Osbourne rose to prominence as lead singer of the pioneering English heavy metal band Black Sabbath, whose radically different, intentionally dark, harder sound helped spawn the heavy metal...
- "HellraiserHellraiser (song)Hellraiser is a song written by Ozzy Osbourne, his guitarist Zakk Wylde, and Lemmy Kilmister, the frontman of heavy metal band Motörhead. The song was written for Osbourne's No More Tears album, in 1991, and despite being one of the most well known Ozzy Osbourne songs, Ozzy never released it as a...
" - SoundgardenSoundgardenSoundgarden is an American rock band formed in Seattle, Washington in 1984 by singer Chris Cornell, lead guitarist Kim Thayil, and bassist Hiro Yamamoto...
- "Rusty CageRusty Cage"Rusty Cage" is a song by the American rock band Soundgarden. Written by frontman Chris Cornell, "Rusty Cage" was released in 1992 as the third single from the band's third studio album, Badmotorfinger . The song became an instant hit and was released as a single in several different formats...
" - Rage Against the MachineRage Against the MachineRage Against the Machine is an American rock band from Los Angeles, California. Formed in 1991, the group's line-up consists of vocalist Zack de la Rocha, bassist and backing vocalist Tim Commerford, guitarist Tom Morello and drummer Brad Wilk...
- "Killing in the NameKilling in the Name"Killing in the Name" is a song by American rap metal band Rage Against the Machine, featured on their self-titled debut album, and was released as the lead single from the album in November 1992...
" - Jane's AddictionJane's AddictionJane's Addiction is an American alternative rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1985. The band's original line-up featured Perry Farrell , Dave Navarro , Eric Avery and Stephen Perkins . After breaking up in 1991, Jane's Addiction briefly reunited in 1997 and again in 2001, both times...
- "Been Caught StealingBeen Caught Stealing"Been Caught Stealing" is a song by Jane's Addiction. The song was released on their 1990 album, Ritual de lo Habitual, and was re-released on their 2006 compilation Up From The Catacombs. The song was Jane's Addiction's biggest hit, spending 4 weeks at #1 on the U.S. modern rock chart.-In popular...
" - The Stone RosesThe Stone RosesThe Stone Roses are an English alternative rock band formed in Manchester in 1983. They were one of the pioneering groups of the Madchester movement that was active during the late 1980s and early 1990s...
- "Fools GoldFools Gold/What The World Is Waiting For"Fools Gold"/"What the World Is Waiting For" is a non-album double A-side by The Stone Roses. It was released in the UK, U.S., Mexico, Australia, Germany, Japan, and Spain. "Fools Gold" and "What the World Is Waiting For" are also available on the compilation Turns Into Stone...
" - Alice in ChainsAlice in ChainsAlice in Chains is an American rock band formed in Seattle, Washington, in 1987 by guitarist and songwriter Jerry Cantrell and original lead vocalist Layne Staley. The initial lineup was rounded out by drummer Sean Kinney, and bassist Mike Starr...
- "Them BonesThem Bones"Them Bones" is a song by the American rock band Alice in Chains. The song was released as the second single from their second album, Dirt . The song was also included on the compilation albums Nothing Safe: Best of the Box , Music Bank , Greatest Hits , The Essential Alice in Chains...
" - Stone Temple PilotsStone Temple PilotsStone Temple Pilots is an American rock band from San Diego, California that consists of Scott Weiland , brothers Robert DeLeo and Dean DeLeo , and Eric Kretz ....
- "PlushPlush (song)"Plush" is a song by American rock band Stone Temple Pilots. It is one of the band's biggest hits, and was released as the second single from the band's debut studio album, Core .-Composition and inspiration:...
Summary: Radio X is an Alternative
Alternative rock
Alternative rock is a genre of rock music and a term used to describe a diverse musical movement that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular by the 1990s...
and period modern rock
Modern rock
Modern rock is a rock format commonly found on commercial radio; the format consists primarily of the alternative rock genre...
radio station hosted by Sage (voiced by Jodie Shawback). Sage is a very self-obsessed woman and self-confessed rebel who seems to always be worked up about something, making her a stereotypical Gen X-er
Generation X
Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western post–World War II baby boom ended. While there is no universally agreed upon time frame, the term generally includes people born from the early 1960's through the early 1980's, usually no later than 1981 or...
. Sage has a "bleak outlook on life" and her most apparent obsessions are the sound of her own voice, along with sex as she admits to have slept with the entire Danzig line-up, along with a man she "did behind the Cluckin' Bell", and pleads "could somebody please sleep with me!" during the outro to Soundgarden's "Rusty Cage", amongst at least two other references. She comes from an upper class suburban family that gave her a trust fund, which she takes shame in, stating that she is "poor in spirit". Sage has strong dislike towards people over the age of 29, believes in reincarnation
Reincarnation best describes the concept where the soul or spirit, after the death of the body, is believed to return to live in a new human body, or, in some traditions, either as a human being, animal or plant...
and admits to having huffed paint
Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition which after application to a substrate in a thin layer is converted to an opaque solid film. One may also consider the digital mimicry thereof...
and ether
Ethers are a class of organic compounds that contain an ether group — an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups — of general formula R–O–R'. A typical example is the solvent and anesthetic diethyl ether, commonly referred to simply as "ether"...
. Sage reacts negatively to the in-game events barring the Los Santos riots, and gets excited when the forecast predicts rain.
Radio X picks up a couple of callers, however these "two" callers are both voiced by Jeff Berlin who voices and produces the Radio X imaging. The name itself is a possible reference on Generation X, who came of age and were the main listeners of the genre in the early 90s, and/or Detroit's alt-rock radio station 89X Radio
CIMX-FM — branded 89X — is a commercial active-leaning alternative rock radio station based in Windsor, Ontario. 89X serves both Essex County, Ontario and Metro Detroit; its 100,000-watt signal reaches most of southwestern Ontario, southeastern Michigan, the Toledo metro area and the western Lake...
, which was founded in the very early '90s.
San Fierro Underground Radio, SF-UR
DJ: Hans OberlanderLloyd Floyd
Lloyd Floyd, "the man of 1,036 voices" is a voice actor initially known for his work as the voice of DJ Hans Oberlander in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories as the main host of the show Bait and Switch in VCPR station as 'Larry Joe'. He voices Gary Guitar,...
Genre: Chicago house
Chicago house
Chicago house is a style of house music, a genre of electronic dance music which emerged in Chicago in the mid-1980s. Stylistically, Chicago house has no widely accepted definition, but generally includes the first house music productions by Chicago-based artists throughout the 1980s, and any later...
, acid house
Acid house
Acid house is a sub-genre of house music that emphasizes a repetitive, hypnotic and trance-like style, often with samples or spoken lines rather than sung lyrics. Acid house's core electronic squelch sounds were developed around the mid-1980s, particularly by DJs from Chicago who experimented with...
, Deep house
Deep house
Deep house is a subgenre of house music that fuses elements of Chicago house into the 1980s jazz-funk and touches of soul music. In the early compositions , influences of jazz music were most frequently brought out by using more complex chords than simple triads which are held for many bars and...
- JomandaJomanda (group)Jomanda was an American female R&B/house vocal trio from New Jersey. Members included Joanne Thomas, Cheri Williams and Renee Washington. They had several hits on the US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart during the first half of the 1990s, including "Got a Love for You," which reached #1 in 1991...
- "Make My Body Rock" - 808 State808 State808 State are a British electronic music outfit, formed in 1987 in Manchester, taking their name from the Roland TR-808 drum machine and their common state of mind...
- "PacificPacific State (song)"Pacific State" is a single by 808 State released in 1989. The song peaked at #10 on the UK Singles Chart. The track first appeared on their Extended Play release Quadrastate in 1988. It was then remixed to become the group's first release on ZTT Records...
" - The Todd Terry ProjectTodd TerryTodd N. Terry is an American DJ, producer, and remixer.-Career:Terry's productions extensively used samples blending the sounds of classic disco, the Chicago sound, and elements of hip-hop....
- "Weekend (Todd Terry remix)" - NightwritersFrankie KnucklesFrankie Knuckles is an American DJ, record producer and remix artist. He played an important role in developing house music as a Chicago DJ in the 1980s and he helped to popularize house music in the 1990s, with his work as a producer and remixer...
- "Let The Music Use You" - Marshall JeffersonMarshall JeffersonMarshall Jefferson is an American musician, working in house music, in particular, the subgenres of Chicago house and deep house.-Biography:...
- "Move Your Body" - MauriceMaurice JoshuaMaurice Joshua, also known just as Maurice, born in Chicago, Illinois, is a record producer who is most known for his laid back and soulful House music style remixes.-Career:...
- "This Is AcidThis Is Acid"This Is Acid," also known by its full title, "This Is Acid ", is the name of a #1 Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart single by Chicago house music DJ and producer Maurice Joshua, who recorded the track under his first name "Maurice." It reached the top spot in April 1989 and stayed there for two...
" - Mr. Fingers and Royal House - "Can You Feel It?Can You Feel It?Can You Feel It? is a 1986 house record released by Larry Heard . It is regarded as one of the first deep house records and is still a popular track in the deep house scene today.-Original release:...
" - A Guy Called GeraldA Guy Called GeraldA Guy Called Gerald is the stage name for the musician, record producer and DJ Gerald Simpson ....
- "Voodoo RayVoodoo Ray"Voodoo Ray" is a 1988 Acid House single by Gerald Simpson, recording under the name A Guy Called Gerald. The single was released the UK in 1988, in the 7" and 12" vinyl formats, on the Rham! label. It reached number 12 in the UK singles chart, and was the best selling independently released single...
" - Cultural Vibe - "Ma Foom Bey"
- CeCe RogersCeCe RogersCeCe Rogers, born Kenneth Jesse Rogers III, is an American singer, musician, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer from Cleveland, Ohio....
- "Someday" - Robert OwensRobert Owens (musician)Robert Owens is an American contemporary R&B and house-music vocalist best known for his work with the Chicago house group Fingers Inc. in the mid-1980s...
- "I'll Be Your Friend" - Frankie KnucklesFrankie KnucklesFrankie Knuckles is an American DJ, record producer and remix artist. He played an important role in developing house music as a Chicago DJ in the 1980s and he helped to popularize house music in the 1990s, with his work as a producer and remixer...
- "Your LoveYour Love (Frankie Knuckles song)"Your Love" is a song by Jamie Principle. Its original recordings are early examples of Chicago house music.Key features of the song are the arpeggiated repeating synthesizer line and a powerful, propulsive bassline. Part of the bassline was based on that of the Italo Disco/boogie track "Feels Good...
" - Joe SmoothJoe smoothJoe Smooth is an American producer and DJ of house music, notably during the late 1980s and early 1990s.-Early life:Smooth was a self-taught musician, and started creating original music at the age of 12...
- "Promised Land" - The 28th Street CrewThe 28th Street CrewThe 28th Street Crew was a short-lived house-music group featuring David Cole and Robert Clivillés; who used the alias The Done Properly Posse! on the album and single....
- "I Need a Rhythm" - RazeRaze (house music group)Raze was an American electronic dance music group, assembled by the multi-instrumentalist and producer, Vaughan Mason. Mason had previously released the hit single, "Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll", for Brunswick Records in 1979. Raze also contained the vocalist, Keith Thompson...
- "Break 4 LoveBreak 4 Love"Break 4 Love" is a song written, produced and recorded by house-music group Raze. The song, the group's only significant U.S. hit, featured vocals by Keith Thompson. The single peaked at number 28 in the UK Singles Chart and it topped the U.S. Hot Dance Club Play chart in 1988...
" - FalloutFallout (house band)Fallout was a House Music project by artists Lenny Dee and Tommy Musto. They had four official releases, under record labels Fourth Floor Records and Azuli Records...
- "The Morning After"
Summary: San Fierro Underground Radio, abbreviated as SF-UR, is a San Fierro-based (hence the SF abbreviation) house music
House music
House music is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in Chicago, Illinois, United States in the early 1980s. It was initially popularized in mid-1980s discothèques catering to the African-American, Latino American, and gay communities; first in Chicago circa 1984, then in other...
station hosted by Hans Oberlander (voiced by Lloyd Floyd
Lloyd Floyd
Lloyd Floyd, "the man of 1,036 voices" is a voice actor initially known for his work as the voice of DJ Hans Oberlander in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories as the main host of the show Bait and Switch in VCPR station as 'Larry Joe'. He voices Gary Guitar,...
). Oberlander is a very insecure and hyperactive man with a comical German accent. On a number of occasions he begs the public to hug him and even cries on a song intro. One of two callers is Hans' father who orders him to play some "Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director, philosopher, music theorist, poet, essayist and writer primarily known for his operas...
", and Oberlander possibly does drugs as his father continues to say "your mother found these pills in your room". Oberlander also inquires if his dealer has shown up yet in another song break. This is the only station not to be released as a San Andreas soundtrack. The song Weekend is Todd Terry's remixed version. The original is present on the Vice City Stories soundtrack.
West Coast Talk Radio, WCTR
Unlike some of the other games in the Grand Theft Auto series, San Andreas features only one radio station dedicated to talk and news. West Coast Talk Radio, abbreviated as WCTR, is a talk radioTalk radio
Talk radio is a radio format containing discussion about topical issues. Most shows are regularly hosted by a single individual, and often feature interviews with a number of different guests. Talk radio typically includes an element of listener participation, usually by broadcasting live...
station. Depending on a player's progress through the game's storyline, the segments played on WCTR will change. Thus, during one segment of the game, the player may only hear specific portions of programs not to be heard again as new segments are aired. This is prominent in the 'WCTR News', 'Entertaining America', and 'The Wild Traveler' programs. Various intros, outros and comments are delivered by Barbara Fox. Several characters from the main game make cameos in the radio programs and advertising. Headquartered in Los Santos, WCTR consists of several programs:
WCTR News — Hosted by Lianne Forget (fɔrˈʒeɪ "for-zhay") (Sharon Washington) with Richard Burns (Wil Wheaton
Wil Wheaton
Richard William "Wil" Wheaton III is an American actor and writer. As an actor, he is best known for his portrayals of Wesley Crusher on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gordie Lachance in the film Stand by Me and Joey Trotta in Toy Soldiers...
), which features up-to-date news in the San Andreas state. Overall there are 11 separate installments of the WCTR News throughout the game. The program hints at Forget and Burns having an affair. As the installments progress, the tone gets more and more agitated.
Richard Burns is frequently under influence of something whilst on the air. At the end of each segment, Lianne usually advises people to "stay inside", and tells them, "it's safer there." In one installment, Richard Burns is punched in the groin by "Jimmy", once an extremely popular child actor on a 1980s sitcom in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a 2002 open world action computer and video game developed by British games developer Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the second 3D game in the Grand Theft Auto video game franchise and sixth original title overall...
, who was drunk in Las Venturas
Las Vegas metropolitan area
The Las Vegas Valley is the heart of the Las Vegas-Paradise, NV MSA also known as the Las Vegas–Paradise–Henderson MSA which includes all of Clark County, Nevada, and is a metropolitan area in the southern part of the U.S. state of Nevada. The Valley is defined by the Las Vegas Valley landform, a ...
at the time. In the part when the news are being introduced, there is a part where Big Smoke makes a speech about his program for children in Los Santos (he is also OG Loc's current manager at that time).
The Tight End Zone — Sports program hosted by Derrick Thackery (Peter Appel). Thackery does not actually care as much about the sports as the passions aroused from it. He was molested by his uncle when he was younger and appears to be afraid of making definite comments on sports, women and other things.
The Wild Traveler — Travel program hosted by James Pedeaston (Sam Tsoutsouvas
Sam Tsoutsouvas
Sam Tsoutsouvas is a veteran actor and lyricist with experience in the stage, television and films.-Broadway plays:*Scapin , Lyrics*Three Sisters , as Solyony*The Beggar's Opera , as Lockit...
) Pedeaston is a child molester wanted in Malaysia and is being investigated by the FBI. He enjoys traveling the world and logging some of his most 'exotic' encounters in his travelogue, some of which he accidentally reads on-air to the disgust of the listener. His show appears to be so reviled by his listeners that at one point, he receives few calls which are not supportive. For example, a caller tells him to stop droning on about other countries and focus on talking about where he lives. He also got a phone call from a suicidal man that wanted to go to hell
In many religious traditions, a hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations...
and he told him "Me too! Buy (me a) refrigerator magnet
Refrigerator magnet
A refrigerator magnet is an ornament, often whimsical, attached to a small magnet which is used to post items such as shopping lists or report cards on a refrigerator door, or which simply serves as decoration. Refrigerator magnets come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including but not...
when you get there". On October 23, 2003, James was tried and convicted. Sometime in between his trial and the setting of Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV is a 2008 open world action video game published by Rockstar Games, and developed by British games developer Rockstar North. It has been released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles, and for the Windows operating system...
, a site was set up (freejames.org) asking people to donate to his legal fund. The website only received $23.
Entertaining America — Entertainment program hosted by Billy Dexter (Peter Marx) and later Lazlow
Lazlow Jones, is an American writer, producer, director and talk show host based in New York City. He was the host of Technofile, a radio show syndicated on more than 100 radio stations in America and as well as Sirius XM Satellite Radio...
(Lazlow Jones), featuring various guests. Dexter is accidentally fatally shot by a gun-wielding Jack Howitzer (star of the Exploder movie from Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a 2002 open world action computer and video game developed by British games developer Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the second 3D game in the Grand Theft Auto video game franchise and sixth original title overall...
) and after a rather lengthy hiatus (which includes Howitzer's subsequent conviction on WCTR news) is replaced by Lazlow
Lazlow Jones, is an American writer, producer, director and talk show host based in New York City. He was the host of Technofile, a radio show syndicated on more than 100 radio stations in America and as well as Sirius XM Satellite Radio...
. When Lazlow took over the show, his guests included OG Loc (throughout the interview, he and Loc have several misundestandings, such as when Loc tells Lazlow that he is a 'busta' to which Lazlow cannot understand what it means), Chris Formage (Fred Melamed), leader of a cult called the Epsilon Program, and Darius Fontaine (a new age, radical preacher who urges his fans to 'face their fears'). Opie and Anthony
Opie and Anthony
Opie and Anthony are the hosts of The Opie & Anthony Show, a talk radio program airing in the United States and Canada on XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio. Since the merger of the two satellite companies, this is now called Sirius/XM...
made a cameo as callers on the show. Opie talked about hunter-gatherer
A hunter-gatherer or forage society is one in which most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies which rely mainly on domesticated species. Hunting and gathering was the ancestral subsistence mode of Homo, and all modern humans were...
s while Anthony said that he'd "really like to make out with hot chicks in church", which is a reference to Sex for Sam 3. According to Dexter, Entertaining America is headquartered in Vinewood.
Gardening with Maurice — Gardening show hosted by Maurice (Andy Dick
Andy Dick
Andrew R. "Andy" Dick is an American comedian, actor, musician and television/film producer. His first regular television role was on the short-lived but highly influential Ben Stiller Show. In the mid-1990s, he had a long-running stint on NBC's NewsRadio...
). Maurice is a rather gay and horny personality that not only loves his gardens, but his own body as well. For example, he likes to take pictures of both when they are "blossoming." He also offers unorthodox advice and unusual plant suggestions to callers. The name of the show originated on the Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III is a 2001 open world action computer and video game developed by DMA Design in the United Kingdom, and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first 3D title in the Grand Theft Auto series. It was released in October 2001 for the PlayStation 2, May 2002 for Microsoft Windows,...
rendition of Chatterbox FM, where it was said to be 'taken off the air'. He does occasionally express less than loving comments on flowers, plants and living things in general, "A flower is nothing but an educated weed and like all weeds all living things need to be extinguished!". Maurice expresses much anger towards the Proposition 421 (anti-smoking campaign), "Tobacco is a plant, people, and if it comes out of the ground, you should be able to smoke it!".
I Say/You Say — Political debate show hosted by husband-and-wife liberal-and-conservative team of Peyton Phillips (Paul Ames) and Mary Phillips (Jackie Hoffman
Jackie Hoffman
Jacqueline Laura Hoffman , known as Jackie Hoffman, is an American actress and stand-up comedian known for her facially-contorting expressions, and one-woman shows of Jewish-themed original songs and monologues...
), likely inspired by James Carville
James Carville
Chester James Carville, Jr. is an American political consultant, commentator, educator, actor, attorney, media personality, and prominent liberal pundit. Carville gained national attention for his work as the lead strategist of the successful presidential campaign of then-Arkansas governor Bill...
and Mary Matalin
Mary Matalin
Mary Joe Matalin is an American political consultant, well known for her work with the Republican Party. She was an assistant to President George W. Bush and counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney until 2003. Matalin has been chief editor of Threshold Editions, a conservative publishing imprint...
, two real-life political advisers who began dating while working for the 1992 Presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Inaugurated at age 46, he was the third-youngest president. He took office at the end of the Cold War, and was the first president of the baby boomer generation...
and George H. W. Bush
George H. W. Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States . He had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States , a congressman, an ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence.Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts, to...
, respectively. Peyton and Mary are caricatures of their ideologies: Peyton is extremely liberal
Liberalism is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally, liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights,...
, and Mary is a hardcore conservative. For example, when dealing with a caller that had recently buried the corpses of numerous illegal immigrants in his backyard, Mary advises the caller on how to use the corpses to legally get a tax break while Peyton mentions recycling and organ donation. Early shows feature a desperate Lazlow looking for a radio job, asking if he can take Peyton's.
Lonely Hearts Show — Relationship advice program hosted by Christy MacIntyre (Sara Moon), featuring Fernando Martinez (Frank Chavez
Frank Chavez
Frank Chavez is a voice actor. He is best known for his works in the Grand Theft Auto video game series as the voice of Fernando Martinez, a DJ for the fictional Radio Station, Emotion 98.3.- Filmography :...
) of Vice City fame who deviously takes over one show by setting Christy's car on fire and calling in to tell her to look out the window. Christy panics and runs out, only to be locked out of the station by Fernando who takes over and starts giving advice to callers. When Christy finally gets back into the studio her anger quickly melts into arousal after smelling Fernando's cologne. Fernando sees his chance and makes a move on Christy, and the two proceed to have sex while still live on the air. The station cuts the broadcast shortly after this point and the announcer acts like nothing has happened. Fernando also makes references to his time in Vice City, namely the reasons for why he was chased out of the city. Zero calls in early on, desperate to rid himself from celibacy
Celibacy is a personal commitment to avoiding sexual relations, in particular a vow from marriage. Typically celibacy involves avoiding all romantic relationships of any kind. An individual may choose celibacy for religious reasons, such as is the case for priests in some religions, for reasons of...
, as does Jizzy B, hoping to promote his club.
Area 53 — A Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM is a North American late-night syndicated radio talk show that deals with a variety of topics, but most frequently ones that relate to either the paranormal or conspiracy theories. It was created by Art Bell and is distributed by Premiere Radio Networks. The program currently...
spoof hosted by Marvin Trill (Bob Sevra). Broadcasting from 'his trailer in the desert', Trill's main subjects are alien abductions and government conspiracies. Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick
Kevin David Mitnick is a computer security consultant, author, and hacker. In the late 20th century, he was convicted of various computer- and communications-related crimes. At the time of his arrest, he was the most-wanted computer criminal in the United States.-Personal life:Mitnick grew up in...
guests as a caller who says that he can launch nuclear missiles by whistling into a payphone. This is a reference to an allegation used by prosecutors to keep Mitnick in solitary confinement. He also says that he now only uses his powers for good (as the real Kevin Mitnick now runs a security consulting company). Adam First (Jamie Canfield), the DJ from Vice City's Wave 103 also calls the show to tell him that he saw a man dressed in a space suit mating with Domestobots, to which Trill replies,"Uhh...He probably wants you to leave him alone," implying that it was Trill himself. Later in the same show, an actual Domestobot calls in to tell him that he knows what Trill is doing to his Domestobot brothers and sisters. The Truth also calls in, but is ridiculed by Trill. The first segment of Area 53, Trill ends his show by saying "Be careful out there, wherever you are". In the second Area 53 segment (while CJ is in San Fierro) the four callers in the middle of the show (Mike, Vyvyan, Neil and Rick) share the names of the four main characters of BBC sitcom The Young Ones
The Young Ones (TV series)
The Young Ones is a British sitcom, first broadcast in 1982, which ran for two series on BBC2. Its anarchic, offbeat humour helped bring alternative comedy to television in the 1980s and made household names of its writers and performers...
. At the end of the segment, the announcer says " You are now leaving Area 53. Check your rectum." On December 26, 1999, Marvin made a website (viewable in Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV is a 2008 open world action video game published by Rockstar Games, and developed by British games developer Rockstar North. It has been released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles, and for the Windows operating system...
- area53site.com) announcing that he is shutting down the show to "protect his research". He also states that Y2K is very real. He then goes on to say that 10 years from December 26, 1999, he will re-emerge and start a new radio show.
Commercials that reference events in game:- Zebra Bar (Ed McMann; two commercials) — An exotic chocolate bar that mixes white chocolateWhite chocolateWhite chocolate is a confectionery derivative of chocolate. It commonly consists of cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids and salt, and is characterized by a pale yellow or ivory appearance...
with dark chocolate. It is mentioned in the first WCTR news bulletin that a protest outside the Zebra Bar Candy Company was occurring. - Proposition 421 — A propositionReferendumA referendum is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a law, the recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. It is a form of...
against smokingTobacco smokingTobacco smoking is the practice where tobacco is burned and the resulting smoke is inhaled. The practice may have begun as early as 5000–3000 BCE. Tobacco was introduced to Eurasia in the late 16th century where it followed common trade routes...
, which would allow a citizen to legally shoot and kill a smoker in self-defense. The name is a possible reference to 420, a slang for marijuana. - The Epsilon Program (Fred Melamed, three commercials) — A CultCultThe word cult in current popular usage usually refers to a group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre. The word originally denoted a system of ritual practices...
. Numerous people in the game appear to be members including original Entertaining America host Billy Dexter and Area 53 host Marvin Trill. Epsilon Program founder Chris Formage is interviewed by Lazlow on the third and final segment of Entertaining America. Dwayne Thorn, from VCPR in Vice City StoriesGrand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesGrand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is a 2006 sandbox-style action video game developed by Rockstar Leeds in association with Rockstar North. It was published by Rockstar Games for the PlayStation Portable in late 2006 and later for the PlayStation 2 in March 2007. The game is the eighth...
also utters the Program's mantra "Kifflom" at one point, as does VCFL DJ Tina Jane, who insults the cult. It offers "eternal salvation for those who attend". - Inversion Therapy (Danny Burstein) — A form of therapy to overcome rather extreme fears by facing them (for example, if you fear dying, the therapy advises committing suicide to get over it), creator Darius Fontaine calls in on the final Entertaining America, Lazlow having tried the therapy unsuccessfully.
- Castradon — A baldness remedy that eliminatesChemical castrationChemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce libido and sexual activity, usually in the hope of preventing rapists, child molesters and other sex offenders from repeating their crimes...
TestosteroneTestosteroneTestosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands...
and attacks the glands that produce it (i.e. the testicles). Castradon is mentioned as a sponsor of car racingNASCARThe National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing is a family-owned and -operated business venture that sanctions and governs multiple auto racing sports events. It was founded by Bill France Sr. in 1947–48. As of 2009, the CEO for the company is Brian France, grandson of the late Bill France Sr...
on the second episode of The Tight End Zone. - The Cavern of Sorrow — A role-playing game, spoofing Dungeons & DragonsDungeons & DragonsDungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...
. Playback FM DJ Forth Right MC mentions having to get supplies for a Cavern of Sorrow marathon. - Ammu-Nation — (Intro voiced by Frank Chavez) Advertising guns, telling everyone why we should all buy and own a gun ("Ammu-Nation, protecting your family from the evils of a liberal society"). Commercial for the Ammu-Nation store that is in the game. The Ammu-Nation commercial from Vice City that is played in the chain can be heard inside all of the stores throughout the state.
- Cluckin' Bell (Two commercials) — A commercial for the fried chicken chain in the game, which is a parody of KFC. Sage from Radio X dedicates a song off the station (Primal Scream's "Movin' On Up") to a guy she "did behind the Cluckin' Bell." The commercials make references to KFC's many controversies, including accusations of cruelty to chickens. The advertisement host also says, "If you enjoy it, the chicken didn't die in vain!" and "Suffering never tasted so good!"
- Blotto's (Three commercials) — A store catering for daily habitsRecreational drug useRecreational drug use is the use of a drug, usually psychoactive, with the intention of creating or enhancing recreational experience. Such use is controversial, however, often being considered to be also drug abuse, and it is often illegal...
. At the end of the first Gardening with Maurice show, Maurice briefly mentions Blotto's. - Ultimate Disc in the Dark — A San Fierro based game where you throw a flying disc in the dark, the object is to catch a disc and run to the goal to score. It is mentioned as a sponsor for the first installment of The Wild Traveller by host James Pedeaston.
- Bouche Cologne — A cologne for the man who wants to feel like a real man. This is the first of two different colognes that are advertised on the radio within the game. Christy (Lonely Hearts host) becomes aroused by Fernando's Bouche cologne in a later Lonely Hearts segment.
- My Five Uncles — A TV series of which is both a parody of My Two DadsMy Two DadsMy Two Dads is an American sitcom that starred Staci Keanan, Paul Reiser and Greg Evigan. It aired on NBC from 1987 to 1990 and was produced by Michael Jacobs Productions in association with TriStar Television and distributed by TeleVentures.-Show synopsis:The show begins when Marcy Bradford , the...
and Full HouseFull HouseFull House is an American sitcom television series. Set in San Francisco, the show chronicles widowed father Danny Tanner, who, after the death of his wife, enlists his best friend Joey Gladstone and his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis to help raise his three daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and...
. The show is about an "emotionally abused orphan" teenage girl who is adopted by five gay men. The show was broadcasted in "LSBC." CSR DJ Philip "PM" Michaels mentions in his DJ chatter that he auditioned recently for the show. - Celebrate with Cake — (Two commercials) Encourages eating when one is feeling depressed. DJ Philip "PM" Michaels states that he "really wants to sing in that Celebrate with Cake commercial".
Other Commercials:
- Commemorative Miniatures — A historical miniature wargamingMiniature wargamingMiniature wargaming is a form of wargaming that incorporates miniature figures, miniature armor and modeled terrain as the main components of play...
commercial, selling miniatures soldiers and tanks. General CusterGeorge Armstrong CusterGeorge Armstrong Custer was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the Indian Wars. Raised in Michigan and Ohio, Custer was admitted to West Point in 1858, where he graduated last in his class...
, NapoleonNapoleon I of FranceNapoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader during the latter stages of the French Revolution.As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1815...
, Charge of the Light BrigadeCharge of the Light BrigadeThe Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. The charge was the result of a miscommunication in such a way that the brigade attempted a much more difficult objective...
and Trail of TearsTrail of TearsThe Trail of Tears is a name given to the forced relocation and movement of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830...
are mentioned. - Law (Jeff Berlin, three commercials) — Legal drama series broadcast on Thursdays on cable channel Weasel . A parody to legal shows such as L.A. LawL.A. LawL.A. Law is a US television legal drama that ran on NBC from September 15, 1986 to May 19, 1994. L.A. Law reflected the social and cultural ideologies of the 1980s and early 1990s and many of the cases featured on the show dealt with hot topic issues such as abortion, racism, gay rights,...
. "Catch it Thursdays on Weasel, before it catches you!" - Intergalactic Wrestling Title — A spoof of American professional wrestlingProfessional wrestlingProfessional wrestling is a mode of spectacle, combining athletics and theatrical performance.Roland Barthes, "The World of Wrestling", Mythologies, 1957 It takes the form of events, held by touring companies, which mimic a title match combat sport...
that is also broadcast on Weasel. - Proposition 832 — B.I.G.O.T. (Ban Immigration Green CardUnited States Permanent Resident CardUnited States lawful permanent residency refers to a person's immigration status: the person is authorized to live and work in the United States of America on a permanent basis....
s Outright Today) An organization aiming to ban immigration and instead create a new status for illegal aliens, whereby "while they're here, they have no rights." The ad also claims, "If we give them green cards, soon they’ll be just like us - overweight, unhappy, and too lazy to do menial tasks." - Proposition 602 — A proposition to end mass-transit, converting bus-lanes and train tracks into more roads for the benefit of car owners.
- Commando Pest Eradication — A radical team of Vietnam Veterans acting as Insect Exterminators. "It's the War on Nature; and this time, we're winning."
- Dreamakers — Agency where nobodies are trained to become "stars". Based in Vinewood.
- eXsorbeo — A portable game console. The commercial equates playing games on the system with masturbation, with such lines as, "Look mom, I'm playing with myself!" and "don't play too long or you'll go blind". The console has its own website. Likely a parody of the NintendoNintendois a multinational corporation located in Kyoto, Japan. Founded on September 23, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it produced handmade hanafuda cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as a cab company and a love hotel....
GameBoy. - Tropicarcinoma — Anti-tan-cream made from coconut oil, zinc, aluminum, boron, magnesium, and other volatile metals.
- Crimson Executive Spouse Indemnity Services (1-866-505-CRIM) — Easily obtainable legal service offering life insurance policies for husbands in case their wives suffer terrible "accidents" (similar to the D'Leo and Thurax commercial from GTA: Vice City.) The customers in both testimonials are strongly implied to have murdered their spouses to cash in on their new insurance coverage. Possibly a reference to Monty PythonMonty PythonMonty Python was a British surreal comedy group who created their influential Monty Python's Flying Circus, a British television comedy sketch show that first aired on the BBC on 5 October 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four series...
's Crimson Permanent Assurance. - Mike Andrews (Two commercials) — A self-help guruTony RobbinsAnthony "Tony" Robbins is an American self-help author and motivational speaker. He became well known through his infomercials and self-help books, Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement and Awaken The Giant Within...
promoting a "less is more" approach to wealth for the poor. - Kilimanjaro (Two commercials) — A clothes shop "for the bigger menObesityObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems...
." - Eris Pump Up Shoes — A sports shoe commercial which parodies the mid-90s obsession with Reebok PumpReebok PumpThe Reebok Pump is a line of athletic shoes that was popular in the early 1990s. It was the first shoe to have an internal inflation mechanism that regulated a unique fitting cushion in two versions: the lower tongue; and also in the upper to provide locking around the ankle.-History:The original...
shoes. The Eris brand previously featured in a commercial in GTA III. The advertising was voiced by Sean R. Lynch. - Creative Plastic Surgery — A plastic surgeryPlastic surgeryPlastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic: plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand...
clinic promoting unusual changes such as tails or a third breast. - American Bank of Los Santos — A commercial about bank loans, has the same music as the Little Lacy Surprise ad in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
- San Andreas Telephone — (Four commercials) The commercials parody numerous "stay in touch with loved ones" phone company advertising campaigns.
- Glory Hole Theme Park (Mike Blakeney) — (Two commercials) A theme park that caters to unconventional sexual behavior but presents itself as a family amusement park. "Gloryhole! Where strangers become friends! Gloryhole! You don't need to know names!"
- Special Needs Cop (Randy Perlstein, Jeff Berlin, Ron Reeve, Mike, Chris and James Ferrante and Chris Silvestro) — A movie starring action star Jack Howitzer (from the "Exploder" movie in Vice CityVice CityVice City is a fictional city in the Grand Theft Auto series, based on Miami, Florida. Two versions of the city have appeared in different generations of the series: The Grand Theft Auto rendition is geographically very similar to Miami...
) as a cop going undercover in a school for special-needs kids. A spoof on Kindergarten CopKindergarten CopKindergarten Cop is a 1990 American comedy thriller film directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger stars as John Kimble, a tough police detective, who must go undercover as a kindergarten teacher to catch drug dealer Cullen Crisp , before Crisp can get to his...
. - Carcer City — Commercial advertising Carcer City as a holiday destination for those who are "tired of all the sunshine and good weather." Carcer City was the setting of the Rockstar Games title ManhuntManhunt (video game)Manhunt is a stealth game developed by Rockstar Games. It was released to the public on November 18, 2003 for the PlayStation 2 console, and on April 20, 2004 for Xbox and PC. Although it was generally well-received by critics, Manhunt created a controversy due to the graphic violence the player...
. - Shine by Helmut Schein — Designer perfume.
- Renegade Cologne (Jeff Berlin) — "For the man who wants to reek of masculinity."
- Sooth — A hallucinogenic cold and cough syrup made from CodeineCodeineCodeine or 3-methylmorphine is an opiate used for its analgesic, antitussive, and antidiarrheal properties...
, MorphineMorphineMorphine is a potent opiate analgesic medication and is considered to be the prototypical opioid. It was first isolated in 1804 by Friedrich Sertürner, first distributed by same in 1817, and first commercially sold by Merck in 1827, which at the time was a single small chemists' shop. It was more...
, and AlcoholAlcoholIn chemistry, an alcohol is an organic compound in which the hydroxy functional group is bound to a carbon atom. In particular, this carbon center should be saturated, having single bonds to three other atoms....
. Also available for children as Sooth Junior. May be partially inspired by "purple drankPurple drankPurple drank is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the hip hop community in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas. Its main ingredient is prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine. Cough syrup is typically mixed with ingredients such as...
", a recreational drug popular in Southern hip-hop culture. - Rapidyke — The do-it-yourself sexual realignment kit: the quickest and latest way to change your sex. "It's just snip, chop, stuff & swallow. Four quick actions with amazing effects."
- Herr Gruber's Spa — An international spa business owned by Herr Gruber, who has opened spas all around the world including such countries as GermanyGermanyGermany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
, SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSwitzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....
& BrazilBrazilBrazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people... - Sprunk — An explosive re-energizing soft drinkSoft drinkA soft drink is a non-alcoholic beverage that typically contains water , a sweetener, and a flavoring agent...
carbonated with etherEtherEthers are a class of organic compounds that contain an ether group — an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups — of general formula R–O–R'. A typical example is the solvent and anesthetic diethyl ether, commonly referred to simply as "ether"...
. The Sprunk logo and colour scheme bear a strong resemblance to those of SpriteSprite (soft drink)Sprite is a transparent, lemon-lime flavored , caffeine free soft drink, produced by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced in the United States in 1961. This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up, which had begun as "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" in 1929...
. A Sprunk factory can be found situated in one of the Red County's country villages. There is also a Sprunk advertising board in Los Santos, which CJ crashes a car into during the mission "Reuniting the Families" (Reuniting the Families), the catch phrase on the board originally said A Taste of Things to Come, but after the crash, only the words A Taste of Come is left, referring to the word cum: (ejaculationEjaculationEjaculation is the ejecting of semen from the male reproductory tract, and is usually accompanied by orgasm. It is usually the final stage and natural objective of male sexual stimulation, and an essential component of natural conception. In rare cases ejaculation occurs because of prostatic disease...
- semenSemenSemen is an organic fluid, also known as seminal fluid, that may contain spermatozoa. It is secreted by the gonads and other sexual organs of male or hermaphroditic animals and can fertilize female ova...
). A commercial is heard on the radio, saying that Sprunk now has a grenade shaped can. It is also said there is a sweepstakes to win a real box of grenades. - Grin — A medication that cures the depression and anxiety that one gets from living life in the suburbs.
- Ice Diamonds/De Koch Diamonds — The perfect gift for your partner: "chill that bitch out, with ice."
- Fokari Film — Photographic film developing company. "Memories are forever...sort of"
- Abbigo Brokerage and Pawn — Trade in absolutely anything in exchange for cash.
- LoggerLagerLager is a type of beer made from malted barley that is brewed and stored at low temperatures. There are many types of lager; pale lager is the most widely-consumed and commercially available style of beer in the world; Pilsner, Bock, Dortmunder Export and Märzen are all styles of lager...
Beer (Ed MacMann) — "The beer that brought the forest down!" - LoggerLagerLager is a type of beer made from malted barley that is brewed and stored at low temperatures. There are many types of lager; pale lager is the most widely-consumed and commercially available style of beer in the world; Pilsner, Bock, Dortmunder Export and Märzen are all styles of lager...
Light (Ed MacMann) — A low calorieCalorieThe calorie is a pre-SI metric unit of energy. It was first defined by Nicolas Clément in 1824 as a unit of heat, entering French and English dictionaries between 1841 and 1867. In most fields its use is archaic, having been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule...
diet version which "facilitate[s] alcoholism without the attendant weight gain." - Redwood Cigarettes — A brand of cigaretteCigaretteA cigarette is a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in a cylinder of thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth and in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well...
that "helps cure stress." With sponsorship of Los Santos City Marathon. - Don't let Your Children Ride Bicycles — Do the motherly thing and buy your child an over-powered sports car instead of a bike. A public service announcement sponsored by The Governor’s Office of San Andreas, in association with Maibatsu Cars of America.
- Lustrious — (Two commercials) A hair styling product.
- The Crazy Cat — A strip club where the women know how to entertain "gentlemen."
- Executive Intruder Extermination Services — Personal security service offering protection for wealthy paranoids.
- Janus — Service to help people alienate their family to protect their new west coast identities.
- Hampshire Nannies — Company offering strict classical British style nannies. The narrator is "Freddy," the nanny and spanking obsessed caller in previous GTA games.
- Starfish Resort and Casino — Casino targeting children as well as adults.
- Join the Military — Recruiting commercial for the military with the usual GTA touch.
- Midlife Crisis Center — Services provided for middle aged men who want to regain their youth. (Specializing in real estate, divorce attorneys, mistress placement, plastic surgery, hair colouring and replacement and male fur coats.) "Come with your wife, leave with a sports car."
- Official Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas website
- GameFAQs on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Contains scripts and song lyrics from all San Andreas radio stations
- San Andreas Radio – A free program that copies and transfers the sound files from the game (all: commercials, in-game music, DJ banter etc.) into WAV files to the PC (Works with the PS2 game disc only)
- Radio Free San Andreas – a free tool for extracting the soundtrack into OggOggOgg is a free, open container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation. The creators of the Ogg format state that it is unrestricted by software patents and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high quality digital multimedia.The Ogg container format can multiplex...
files - GTA SA Radio on Pandora – A free collection of online radio stations seeded with the songs and artists from the various stations available in the game.