1478 George, Duke of Clarence, convicted of treason against his older brother Edward IV of England, is executed in private at the Tower of London.
1521 Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason.
1535 Sir Thomas More is executed for treason against King Henry VIII of England.
1536 Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII of England, is beheaded for adultery, treason, and incest.
1540 Thomas Cromwell is executed at the order of Henry VIII of England on charges of treason. Henry marries his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, on the same day.
1567 At a dinner, the Duke of Alba arrests the Count of Egmont and the Count of Hoorn for treason.
1603 English explorer, writer and courtier Sir Walter Raleigh goes on trial for treason.
1619 Dutch statesman Johan van Oldenbarnevelt is executed in The Hague after being convicted of treason.
1792 French Revolution: King Louis XVI of France is put on trial for treason by the National Convention.
1793 After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention, Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine.
1807 A grand jury indicts former Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr on a charge of treason.
1834 The generals in the Greek War of Independence stand trial for treason.
1885 Canadian rebel leader of the Métis and "Father of Manitoba", Louis Riel is executed for treason.
1894 The Dreyfus affair begins in France, when Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted of treason, on antisemitic grounds.
1941 Corporal Josef Jakobs is executed by firing squad at the Tower of London at 7:12am, making him the last person to be executed at the Tower for treason.
1945 William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) is charged with treason.
1945 World War II: The former premier of Vichy France Pierre Laval is shot by a firing squad for treason.
1948 Cardinal Mindszenty is arrested in Hungary and accused of treason and conspiracy.
1949 Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary is sentenced for treason.
1962 Spiegel scandal: ''Der Spiegel'' publishes the article ''"Bedingt abwehrbereit"'' (''"Conditionally prepared for defense"'') about a NATO manoeuver called "Fallex 62", which uncovered the sorry state of the Bundeswehr (Germany's army) facing the communist threat from the east at the time. The magazine is soon accused of treason.
1999 Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Öcalan is charged with treason in Ankara, Turkey.