(1) The act of applying force to propel something
"After reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"
(2) A journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
"He took the family for a drive in his new car"
(3) The act of driving a herd of animals overland
(4) (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
(5) Hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver
"He sliced his drive out of bounds"
(6) A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
"He supported populist campaigns"
"They worked in the cause of world peace"
"The team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"
"The movement to end slavery"
"Contributed to the war effort"
(7) A wide scenic road planted with trees
"The riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views"
(8) A mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine
"A variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds"
(9) (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium
(10) A road leading up to a private house
"They parked in the driveway"
(11) The trait of being highly motivated
"His drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"
(12) A physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
(13) Move into a desired direction of discourse
"What are you driving at?"
(14) Hunting: chase from cover into more open ground
"Drive the game"
(15) Hunting: search for game
"Drive the forest"
(16) Cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling
"The amplifier drives the tube"
"Steam drives the engines"
"This device drives the disks for the computer"
(17) Excavate horizontally
"Drive a tunnel"
(18) Hit very hard and straight with the bat swinging more or less vertically
"Drive a ball"
(19) Strike with a driver, as in teeing off
"Drive a golf ball"
(20) Cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force
"Drive the ball far out into the field"
(21) Push, propel, or press with force
"Drive a nail into the wall"
(22) Force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
"She rammed her mind into focus"
"He drives me mad"
(23) Compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
"She finally drove him to change jobs"
(24) Travel or be transported in a vehicle
"We drove to the university every morning"
"They motored to London for the theater"
(25) Operate or control a vehicle
"Drive a car or bus"
"Can you drive this four-wheel truck?"
The original meaning was more like "to push". The modern senses can all be seen to derive from this. For example, carts were driven (pushed) or drawn (pulled) long before automobiles were invented.
- To herd (animals) in a particular direction.
- To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal.
- To cause animals to flee out of.
- The beaters drove the brambles, causing a great rush of rabbits and other creatures.
- To move (something) by hitting it with great force.
- You drive nails into wood with a hammer.
- To cause (a mechanism) to operate.
- The pistons drive the crankshaft.
- To operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle).
- To motivate; to provide an incentive for.
- What drives a person to run a marathon?
- To compel (to do something).
- Their debts finally drove them to sell the business.
- To cause to become.
- This constant complaining is going to drive me to insanity.
- You are driving me crazy!
- To hit the ball with a drive.
- To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle.
- I drive to work every day.
- To convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle.
- My wife drove me to the airport.
herd force, push move, operate impel, incentivise/incentivize, motivate, push, urge compel, force, oblige, push, require make, send takeNoun
- Self-motivation; ability coupled with ambition.
- A sustained advance in the face of the enemy to take a strategic objective.
- Napoleon's drive on Moscow was as determined as it was disastrous.
- A motor that does not take fuel, but instead depends on a mechanism that stores potential energy for subsequent use.
- Some old model trains have clockwork drives.
- A trip made in a motor vehicle.
- It was a long drive.
- A driveway.
- The mansion had a long, tree-lined drive.
- A type of public roadway.
- Beverly Hills’ most famous street is Rodeo Drive.
- Desire or interest.
- An apparatus for reading and writing data to or from a mass storage device such as a disk, as a floppy drive.
- A mass storage device in which the mechanism for reading and writing data is integrated with the mechanism for storing data, as a hard drive, a flash drive.
- A stroke made with a driver.
- A ball struck in a flat trajectory.
- A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a vertical arc, through the line of the ball, and hitting it along the ground, normally between cover and midwicket.
Usage notes
- In connection with a mass-storage device, originally the word "drive" referred solely to the reading and writing mechanism. For the storage device itself, the word "disk" was used instead. This remains a valid distinction for components such as floppy drives or CD drives, in which the drive and the disk are separate and independent items. For other devices, such as hard disks and flash drives, the reading, writing and storage components are combined into an integrated whole, and can not be separated without destroying the device. In these cases, the words "disk" and "drive" are used interchangeably.