R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital
R. G. Kar Medical College & Hospital [আর.জি.কর মেডিক্যাল কলেজ & হাসপাতাল] is one of the oldest medical college and tertiary care hospital of Kolkata
, West Bengal
in India
named after the famous physician Dr. Radha Gobinda Kar [ ডা. রাধাগোবিন্দ কর ], the founder of the institution.
In 1887, the name of the Calcutta School of Medicine was changed to "The Calcutta Medical School" in the month of August and the medical curricula of the Government School were adopted.
In 1889, a Society was formed and was registered under ACT VI of 1882. Dr. Lal Madhab Mukherjee [ লাল মাধব মুখার্জ্জী ] was elected President and Dr. R. G. Kar was elected Secretary of the Management Committee of the Calcutta Medical School. The medium of teaching was in Bengali
and duration of study was of 3 years. The students used to attend Mayo Hospital for their training which was established in 1874.
In 1895, another non-official medical school named 'College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal' was formed at 294, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta. The period of study was 4 years and only 12 students were on the roll. This school had an indoor facility of 14 beds. In 1897, this school was moved to 228, Upper Circular Road, near Science College of Calcutta University.
In 1898 a plot of land was purchased at present site of College and Hospital at the cost of Rs 25,000/- between Shyambazar [ শ্যামবাজার ] and Belgachhia [ বেলগাছিয়া ]. A one storeyed hospital building was constructed at the cost of Rs. 70,000/- which had indoor facility equipped with 30 beds. A portion of the cost ( Rs. 15,000/- ) was received from the fund raised to commemorate the visit of Prince Albert Victor, and the building was named after him. The formal opening of the Albert Victor Hospital was done by Sir John Woodburn, the then Governor of Bengal in 1902. During 1902-1903, different departments were shifted to the new site.
In 1904, Pannalal Seal [ পান্নালাল শীল ] Outdoor Block was added to the Hospital at a cost of Rs. 12,000/- through a fund available from Babu Manick Lal Seal [ বাবু মানিকলাল শীল ] and was opened by Sir Andrews Frazer. In the same year. The Building Fund was enriched by a donation of Rs. 15,000/- from Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandy [ মহারাজা মনীন্দ্র চন্দ্র নন্দী ], Bahadur of Cossimbazar [ কাশিমবাজার ] and Rs. 10,000/- from Babu Ramcharan Bhur [ বাবু রামচরণ ভর ]. A grant of Rs. 10,000/- was received from Government of Bengal. The two institutions were amalgamated and the name was changed to "The Calcutta Medical School and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal" and thus a medical school with a course of 4 years in Bengali and a college with a course of 5 years in English were in function.
In 1909, the second floor of the Albert Victor Hospital Building was constructed through a donation from Rani Kasturi [ রাণী কস্তুরী ] of Posta Raj Family at a cost of Rs. 37,000/- and the number of bed strength was increased to 100. The new Block was inaugurated by Sir Edward Baker, the then Governor of Bengal, who also announced a donation of Rs. 5,000/- as a mark of appreciation of the services rendered by the authorities. A donation of Rs. 20,000/- from Babu Debaprasanna Ghosh [ বাবু দেবপ্রসন্ন ঘোষ ] was also received.
In 1910, The Manmatha Bhattacharya [ মন্মথ ভট্টাচার্য্য ] Memorial Committee donated a sum of Rs. 9,000/- and a donation of Rs. 17,500/- was received from King Edward Memorial Committee.
In 1911, The Imperial Majestic King Edward V and Queen Mary donated a sum of Rs. 5,000/-, when they visited India
. To cope with the increasing demand of the medical man power several other medical institutions were established by different prominent personalities of Bengal. The Government asked the different private medical institutions in Calcutta to unite to form an efficient teaching Institution and get it affiliated to Calcutta University.
In 1914, The Calcutta Medical School and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal came forward with a proposal to the Government and the Secretary of the State agreed to the proposal with certain conditions.
In 20th December, 1916, Calcutta School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal were merged into a single entity and renamed Belgachhia Medical College which was inaugurated by the then Governor of Bengal Lord Carmichael and with its first batch of 48 students. The Calcutta University granted affiliation upto Preliminary Scientific M.B. Standard.
In 1917, The Calcutta University granted affiliation upto First M.B. Standard. They also granted permission for admission of 100 students. Raja D. N. Mullick Out Door Block was constructed to accommodate all the Out Patients Department except the Ophthalmology
Department, which was housed in Pannalal Seal Dispensary.
In 1918, a society named as "Medical Education Society of Bengal" was formed for the better management of the Institution. Lieutenant Cornell S.P. Sarbadhikari was made the first President of the institution and Dr. R.G. Kar was it's first Secretary.
In 1919, in recognition of the gracious help from Lord Carmichael, the College was named after him as Carmichael Medical College. The college was granted affiliation upto Final M.B. Standard. Another floor was constructed on Albert Victor Hospital Building and Pannalal Seal Dispensary. The different College
and Hospital
departments were equipped with modern instruments. The University of Calcutta
made a grant of Rs. 10,000/- and Government of Bengal donated Rs. 5,000/- to furnish the Laboratories.
In 1921, Lord Ronaldshey laid the foundation stone of the Surgical Building. The student of the institution Sri Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee [ হীরেন্দ্র কুমার চ্যাটার্জ্জী ] was placed First in Order of merit in the First M.B.Examination of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
The construction of the Surgical Building was completed at a cost of Rs. 2,75,000/- and first batch of students passed Final M.B. Examination. A passed-out student Dr. Nirode Baran Mondal [ ডা. নীরদ বরণ মন্ডল ] was first appointed as the Demonstrator of Pathology
of the Institution on the same year. Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was placed First in order of merit in Final M .B. Examination of the Calcutta University for the first time and he also stood first in Surgery this year.
The donation of Sri Balaichand Dey [ বলাইচাঁদ দে ] amounting to Rs. 37,000/- made possible to acquire a plot of land at the eastern side of the boundary to have the isolation ward. The second storey was constructed at the cost of Rs. 28,000/- out of which the Cossipore Chitpur Municipality contributed Rs. 10,000/-. The 3rd floor was constructed through a grant of Rai Jnan Chandra Ghosh [ রায় জ্ঞান চন্দ্র ঘোষ ] of Rs, 1,00,000/- for the Nirmalendu Tuberculosis
and a further amount of Rs. 14,000/- was raised by Dr. Bepin Behari Ghosh Memorial Committee.
In 1926, the Anatomical Block was constructed at a cost of Rs. 81,400/- out of which Rs. 50,000/- was received from the Government. A cold storage room was constructed for preserving the cadavers.
In 1927, Dr. Upendranath Banerjee [ ডা. উপেন্দ্রনাথ ব্যানার্জ্জী ], an ex-student of the college was appointed as the first Superintendent of the Hospital.
In 1931, for the benefit of the ailing students, a student infirmary was established by the Government of India.
In 1932, Bissumbhur Dutta [ বিশ্বম্ভর দত্ত ] Children Ward was established with a donation of Rs. 44,100/-. The Student's Union was formed this year, with Dr. Umapati Mazumder [ উমাপতি মজুমদার] as the first President and Dr. Sudhir Chandra Moitra [ সুধীর চন্দ্র মৈত্র ] as the General Secretary of the Student's Union.
In 1933, the first Psychiatry
Out Patient Department in Asia was started as General Hospital Psychiatric Units under Professor Girindra Sekhar Bose [ গিরীন্দ্র শেখর বোস ]. The State Government was first approached for assistance in this endeavor by the Calcutta chapter of Indian Association for Mental Hygiene. It was proposed by the Association that adequate room be made available in the state-run Calcutta Medical College for the Clinic. The initial response was positive, but very soon it was made clear by the Government that the time was not yet ripe for it. Thereupon, the Association, under the leadership of Dr. Girindra Sekhar Bose, persuaded the authority of Carmichael Medical College to allow it to open a psychiatric outpatient clinic in the college premises. It was agreed that the Association would pay for the expenses of the clinic. The College authority, however, lent some furniture and arranged for supply of free electricity. Dr. Bose made an advance of Rs. 867.50/- to defray the cost of furnishing the Clinic and purchasing some essential instruments. The working hours of the Clinic was between 8-00 AM and 10-00 AM on every Tuesday and Thursday. The MO-in-Charge was Dr. Girindra Sekhar Bose. He had two other Medical Officers to assist him. They were Dr. Bhupati Mohan Ghosh [ ডা. ভূপতি মোহন ঘোষ ] and Dr. Kamakhya Charan Mukherjee [ ডা. কামাক্ষ্যা চরণ মুখার্জ্জী ]. All the members of the staff worked on honorary basis. The sole exception was a part-time bearer who received a monthly pay of Rs. 2/- (Rupees Two only). Though the Out Patient Department clinic was opened on 1st May, 1933 the first patient was registered on the following day i.e. 2nd May, 1933. The original case record of this patient is still preserved and displayed on the wall of the chamber of the Head of the Department of Psychiatry
of R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital. It is on record that 174 new cases attended the clinic during the first year of its existence.
In this very year, an ex-student of the college Dr. Bidhubhusan Bhattacharya [ ডা. বিধুভূষণ ভট্টাচার্য্য ] obtained the M.D. degree from the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1935, Sir Dr. Kedar Nath Das [ ডা. কেদারনাথ দাস ] Maternity Hospitals was constructed at a cost of Rs. 4,45,000/- out of which the Government of Bengal donated Rs. 1,50,000/-, Calcutta Corporation donated Rs. 34,000/-, Lord S. P. Sinha of Raipur donated Rs. 31,000/- and Nijam of Hyderabad donated Rs. 3,5000/-. A college ex-student Dr. Amiya Kumar Sen [ ডা. অমিয় কুমার সেন ] obtained F.R.C.S. for the first time and on 1936 another ex-student Dr. Jahar Lal Ghosh [ ডা. জহর লাল ঘোষ ] obtained the M.R.C.P for the first time this year.
In 1937, the Biochemistry
department was formed. This was then the first of its kind in an undergraduate institution in the country.
In 1938, another floor was constructed at the Surgical Block. The Tarak Ganguly [ তারক গাঙ্গুলী ] Block was endowed by Sri Lalbehari Ganguly [ লালবিহারী গাঙ্গুলী ] at a cost of Rs. 1,69,000/-.
In 1939, a separate Cardiology
Department was established which was then the first of its kind in the country. Ex-students Dr. Umapada Mukherjee [ ডা. উমাপদ মুখার্জ্জী ] obtained the M.S. degree from Calcutta University and Dr. Siva Prasanna Misra [ ডা. শিবপ্রসন্ন মিশ্র ] obtained M.R.C.O.G. for the first time this year.
In 1940, Sir Niratan Sircar [ নীলরতন সরকার ] Research
Institute was established. The Cardiology
and Biochemistry
Departments were accommodated on its ground floor. Raja Jaharlal Das [ রাজা জহরলাল দাস ] donated Rs. 16,000/- tor the creation of an Antenatal Unit. A college ex-student Dr. Sachchidananda Banerjee [ ডা. সচ্চিদানন্দ ব্যানার্জ্জী ] obtained Griffith Memorial Prize of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1941, the College celebrated Silver Jubilee Celebration. The foundation stone of Silver Jubilee Hall was laid by Sir Nilratan Sircar. Male Students' Hostel was constructed at the cost of Rs. 2,14,000/- this year.
In 1945, Dr. Sachchidanda Banerjee obtained the D. Sc. Degree and was awarded Coats. Medal of the Calcutta University for the first time.
In 1946, a student Sri Ranesh Chandra Chakraborty [ রণেশ চন্দ্র চক্রবর্তী ] acquired honours in all the four subjects in First M.B. examination of Calcutta University which was a record of the time.
In 12th May, 1948, the College was named after him as R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital.
That year in London Olympics
, college students Mr. Talimeran Ao
, Mr. Suhash Chatterjee [সুভাষ চ্যাটার্জ্জী ] and Mr. Bimal Chandra [ বিমল চন্দ্র ] were elected captain of the Football, Water polo
and Swimming
team of the country respectively.
In 1949, further two floors were constructed on Sir Nilratan Sircar Research Institute. The Bengal Immunity Therapeutic Block was opened by Dr. K.N. Katju, the then Governor of West Bengal.
In 1951, the third storey of the Students Infirmary was added. Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was appointed the first Vice-Principal of the Institution. An ex-student Dr. Amar Sen [ ডা. অমর সেন ] did Partial Lobectomy operation in the surgical ward in this year, which was the first Thoracic Surgery operation in the city of Calcutta.
In 1954, the Nurses Hostel was constructed to accommodate 200 nurses and it was inaugurated by Lady Bangabala Mukherjee [ বঙ্গবালা মুখার্জ্জী ]. Ex-student of the college Dr. Binode Behari Roy [ ডা. বিনোদ বিহারী রায় ] had obtained the Ph.D. degree of the Calcutta University and Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was elected to the Senate of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1958 the hospital was taken over by the Government
of West Bengal
. From 2003 academic year, it is under the affiliation of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences
, a recently created university
by the Government of West Bengal
, Biochemistry
, Pharmacology
, Pathology
, Forensic and State Medicine, Preventive and Social Medicine are situated in this building. The Library
and Examination Hall remains at the first floor of the building. The office of the Students' Union and Doctors' canteen are situated at the ground floor of the building.
Hall. At the ground floor remains the demonstration rooms, the cadaver preservation area and the Dissection
section. On the first floor, the departmental office, staff rooms and teachers room are situated. There also remains the Anatomy Museum of the college where various specimens of human anatomy are preserved. On the second floor, the Histology
Section and Dissection
hall are present. The department's Lecture Theatre with Gallery facility is situated at the ground floor slightly separated from the main arena of the building.
Theatre, there lies the Autopsy
Section of the college where post-mortem exmination are done under the supervision of the Department of Forensic and State Medicine. A morgue is also situated in the section to preserve the dead bodies.
section at the northern end of the college, a Platinum Jubilee
Building is situated, which was inaugurated on 1st March, 2011 by the then finance minister of the state of West Bengal, Dr. Asim Dasgupta
[ ডঃ অসীম দাশগুপ্ত ] in presence of Sri Kshiti Goswami [ ক্ষিতি গোস্বামী ], the then Public Welfare Department (P.W.D.) Minister as Guest-in-Chief. Sri Anwarul Haque [ আনোয়ার উল হক ] , Minister of State, Government of West Bengal, was presided over the programme. Dr. M.N. Roy, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal was present as Special Guest, and, Dr. S. N. Banerjee, Director of Medical Education & Ex-Officio Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare; Sri Goutam Mohan Chakraborty [ গৌতম মোহন চক্রবর্তী ], the then Commissioner of Police, Kolkata; Sri Nirmal Kr. Sarkar [ নির্মল কুমার সরকার ], Engineer-in-Chief, Department of P.W.D. & Dr. Ramendu Hom Choudhury [ ডা. রামেন্দু হোম চৌধুরী ] were present as Guests of Honour. The building contains a modern auditorium
Building, where six surgical indoors and a operation theatre (O.T.) complex are present. There are six operation tables in the O.T. Complex which are run simultaneously for elective surgical procedures. A Post Operative Care Unit is present in this building to handle the post operative complications of the patients.
Block, remains the Sir Kedarnath Das Maternity Hospital where the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the college is situated. There is an Obstetric Emergency Room which runs 24 hours a day, an Out Patient Department (OPD) complex where patients are attended on out door basis and an antenatal outdoor for physical check-up for antenatal mothers. The department is equipped with one Labour Room with 6 labour tables, warmers for new-born babies and an observation room for assessment of pre-labour mothers waiting for deliveries. In the labour room complex, there lies another observation room for pregnant women suffering from eclampsia
. There are two O.T. Complexes in the building for elective and emergency surgical procedures for the gynecologic and obstetric patients. There are also a post-operative ward, two observational ward for pre-labour mothers, one ward for infectious patients and one antenatal ward with bedside ultrasonography facility . There is also a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU) equipped with warmers, ventilation and arterial blood gas analysis facility in the building to handle the new-borns who are at risks.
and Department of Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) are situated. It has an OPD complex, indoors for both departments, operation theatre for the CTVS patients, echocardiography facility, Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) for critically ill cardiac patients. An Artificial Valve Bank has been established and was inaugurated on 29.5.11, the first of its kind facility in the state and the second in the country after the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(AIIMS), New Delhi
. A recanalisation unit, first of its kind to be operative in entire North East India region is also present at the building under the Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology to recanalise the post tubectomy females to help them conceive again. The Building has also a Computed Tomography
Scan (C.T. Scan) Facility run by joint venture of government and a private organisation.
, Chest Medicine, Pediatrics
, Ophthalmology
, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry
, Orthopaedics, Neuromedicine, Neurosurgery
, Plastic Surgery
, Urosurgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology
are present. There is a Hemodialysis
Unit present for providing hemodialysis
to patients with renal failure. The X-ray
and Ultrasonography facility are also present under the department of Radio-Diagnosis and Imaging in this building. There is also a newly developed Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) facility at the ground floor run by jointly by government and a private organisation. A highly operative Blood Bank
is also present in the building. It has one of the most busy emergency service in the state running 24 hours a day with a medical emergency, surgical and orthopedic emergency with emergency surgery facility and a casualty observation ward.
Sarani lies the Radiotherapy building with an outdoor, an indoor, radiotherapy and brachytherapy
facility targeted to the patients suffering from cancer
. The department also started the HDR Interstitial Brachytherapy
using Cobalt
60 source first in the world. The department has a future plans for installation of Linear Accelerator, installation of CT simulator with Virtual Simulation and construction of Mould Room, expansion of number of beds in the wards and starting of Tumor Board and Speciality Clinics.
and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
are situated. There is also an Integrated Counseling and Training Centre (ICTC) for providing counseling and anti-retroviral therapy to the patients suffering from HIV infections.
Sir Dr. Kedarnath Das From 1922 to 1936
Dr. M. N. Bose From 1936 to 1952
Dr. S.K. Sen From 1952 to 1955
Dr. A.K. RoyChowdhury From 1955 to 1957
Major H.K. Indra From 1957 to 1963
Dr. Arabinda Mondal From 24.12.1963 to 16.04.1966
Dr. B.B.Roy From 17.04.1966 to 29.02.1968
Dr. S.R.Mukherjee From 11.03.1968 to 02.09.1968
Dr. S.C.Laha From 03.09.1968 to 31.12.1969
Dr. Nilmadhab Banerjee From 02.01.1970 to 05.11.1970
Dr. D.N. Banerjee From 06.11.1970 to 08.07.1971
Dr. P.K.Chakraborty From 08.07.1971 to 15.04.1972
Dr. D.M Chakraborty From 15.04.1972 to 28.06.1972
Dr. B.N.Mitra From 28.06.1972 to 01.03.1974
Dr. S.N.Bose From 01.03.1974 to 12.01.1975
Dr. K.K.Banerjee From 12.01.1975 to 30.06.1979
Dr. S.S.Bhattacharya From 30.06.1979 to 09.09.1980
Dr. K.K.Bhattacharya From 09.09.1980 to 30.05.1985
Dr. Sushil Kr Biswas From 31.05.1985 to 31.03.1988
Dr. S.C.Chakraborti From 31.03.1988 to 27.04.1995
Dr. M.M.Ghosh From 28.04.1995 to 09.05.1995
Dr. P.K.Mukherjee From 10.05.1995 to 31.12.1998
Dr. (Sm) Jayasri Mitra ( Ghosh ) From 01.01.1999 to 25.10.2002
Dr. Indrajit Ray From 25.10.2002 to 22.05.2003
Dr. Basudeb Banerjee From 22.05.2003 to 31.03.2004
Dr. Utpal Kumar Datta From 31.03.2004 to 30-04-2009
Dr. Susanta Kr Bandyopadhyay From 30-04-2009 to Present
Kolkata , formerly known as Calcutta, is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Located on the east bank of the Hooghly River, it was the commercial capital of East India...
, West Bengal
West Bengal
West Bengal is a state in the eastern region of India and is the nation's fourth-most populous. It is also the seventh-most populous sub-national entity in the world, with over 91 million inhabitants. A major agricultural producer, West Bengal is the sixth-largest contributor to India's GDP...
in India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
named after the famous physician Dr. Radha Gobinda Kar [ ডা. রাধাগোবিন্দ কর ], the founder of the institution.
In 1886 after returning from United Kingdom, Dr. Radha Gobinda Kar [ ডঃ রাধাগোবিন্দ কর ] and some other reputed personalities like Dr. Mahendranath Benerjee [ ডঃ মহেন্দ্রনাথ ব্যানার্জ্জী ] , Dr Akshoy Kumar Dutta [ ডঃ অক্ষয় কুমার দত্ত ] , Dr Bipin Behari Moitra [ ডঃ বিপিন বিহারী মৈত্র ], Dr. M. L. De [ ডঃ এম্. এল. দে ], Dr. B. G. Banerjee [ ডঃ বি. জি ব্যানার্জ্জী ] , Dr. Kundan Bhattachayra [ ডঃ কুন্দন ভট্টাচার্য্য ] and others decided in a meeting convened on 18th October, 1886 to establish a medical school separate from the official institutions under the British rulers. 'Calcutta School of Medicine' was established from this decision at 161, Baithak Khana Bazar Road [ বৈঠকখানা বাজার রোড ] and soon moved to 117, Bowbazar Street [ বৌবাজার স্ট্রীট ].In 1887, the name of the Calcutta School of Medicine was changed to "The Calcutta Medical School" in the month of August and the medical curricula of the Government School were adopted.
In 1889, a Society was formed and was registered under ACT VI of 1882. Dr. Lal Madhab Mukherjee [ লাল মাধব মুখার্জ্জী ] was elected President and Dr. R. G. Kar was elected Secretary of the Management Committee of the Calcutta Medical School. The medium of teaching was in Bengali
Bengali language
Bengali or Bangla is an eastern Indo-Aryan language. It is native to the region of eastern South Asia known as Bengal, which comprises present day Bangladesh, the Indian state of West Bengal, and parts of the Indian states of Tripura and Assam. It is written with the Bengali script...
and duration of study was of 3 years. The students used to attend Mayo Hospital for their training which was established in 1874.
In 1895, another non-official medical school named 'College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal' was formed at 294, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta. The period of study was 4 years and only 12 students were on the roll. This school had an indoor facility of 14 beds. In 1897, this school was moved to 228, Upper Circular Road, near Science College of Calcutta University.
In 1898 a plot of land was purchased at present site of College and Hospital at the cost of Rs 25,000/- between Shyambazar [ শ্যামবাজার ] and Belgachhia [ বেলগাছিয়া ]. A one storeyed hospital building was constructed at the cost of Rs. 70,000/- which had indoor facility equipped with 30 beds. A portion of the cost ( Rs. 15,000/- ) was received from the fund raised to commemorate the visit of Prince Albert Victor, and the building was named after him. The formal opening of the Albert Victor Hospital was done by Sir John Woodburn, the then Governor of Bengal in 1902. During 1902-1903, different departments were shifted to the new site.
In 1904, Pannalal Seal [ পান্নালাল শীল ] Outdoor Block was added to the Hospital at a cost of Rs. 12,000/- through a fund available from Babu Manick Lal Seal [ বাবু মানিকলাল শীল ] and was opened by Sir Andrews Frazer. In the same year. The Building Fund was enriched by a donation of Rs. 15,000/- from Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandy [ মহারাজা মনীন্দ্র চন্দ্র নন্দী ], Bahadur of Cossimbazar [ কাশিমবাজার ] and Rs. 10,000/- from Babu Ramcharan Bhur [ বাবু রামচরণ ভর ]. A grant of Rs. 10,000/- was received from Government of Bengal. The two institutions were amalgamated and the name was changed to "The Calcutta Medical School and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal" and thus a medical school with a course of 4 years in Bengali and a college with a course of 5 years in English were in function.
In 1909, the second floor of the Albert Victor Hospital Building was constructed through a donation from Rani Kasturi [ রাণী কস্তুরী ] of Posta Raj Family at a cost of Rs. 37,000/- and the number of bed strength was increased to 100. The new Block was inaugurated by Sir Edward Baker, the then Governor of Bengal, who also announced a donation of Rs. 5,000/- as a mark of appreciation of the services rendered by the authorities. A donation of Rs. 20,000/- from Babu Debaprasanna Ghosh [ বাবু দেবপ্রসন্ন ঘোষ ] was also received.
In 1910, The Manmatha Bhattacharya [ মন্মথ ভট্টাচার্য্য ] Memorial Committee donated a sum of Rs. 9,000/- and a donation of Rs. 17,500/- was received from King Edward Memorial Committee.
In 1911, The Imperial Majestic King Edward V and Queen Mary donated a sum of Rs. 5,000/-, when they visited India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
. To cope with the increasing demand of the medical man power several other medical institutions were established by different prominent personalities of Bengal. The Government asked the different private medical institutions in Calcutta to unite to form an efficient teaching Institution and get it affiliated to Calcutta University.
In 1914, The Calcutta Medical School and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal came forward with a proposal to the Government and the Secretary of the State agreed to the proposal with certain conditions.
In 20th December, 1916, Calcutta School of Medicine and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal were merged into a single entity and renamed Belgachhia Medical College which was inaugurated by the then Governor of Bengal Lord Carmichael and with its first batch of 48 students. The Calcutta University granted affiliation upto Preliminary Scientific M.B. Standard.
In 1917, The Calcutta University granted affiliation upto First M.B. Standard. They also granted permission for admission of 100 students. Raja D. N. Mullick Out Door Block was constructed to accommodate all the Out Patients Department except the Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems...
Department, which was housed in Pannalal Seal Dispensary.
In 1918, a society named as "Medical Education Society of Bengal" was formed for the better management of the Institution. Lieutenant Cornell S.P. Sarbadhikari was made the first President of the institution and Dr. R.G. Kar was it's first Secretary.
In 1919, in recognition of the gracious help from Lord Carmichael, the College was named after him as Carmichael Medical College. The college was granted affiliation upto Final M.B. Standard. Another floor was constructed on Albert Victor Hospital Building and Pannalal Seal Dispensary. The different College
A college is an educational institution or a constituent part of an educational institution. Usage varies in English-speaking nations...
and Hospital
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Hospitals often, but not always, provide for inpatient care or longer-term patient stays....
departments were equipped with modern instruments. The University of Calcutta
University of Calcutta
The University of Calcutta is a public university located in the city of Kolkata , India, founded on 24 January 1857...
made a grant of Rs. 10,000/- and Government of Bengal donated Rs. 5,000/- to furnish the Laboratories.
In 1921, Lord Ronaldshey laid the foundation stone of the Surgical Building. The student of the institution Sri Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee [ হীরেন্দ্র কুমার চ্যাটার্জ্জী ] was placed First in Order of merit in the First M.B.Examination of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
The construction of the Surgical Building was completed at a cost of Rs. 2,75,000/- and first batch of students passed Final M.B. Examination. A passed-out student Dr. Nirode Baran Mondal [ ডা. নীরদ বরণ মন্ডল ] was first appointed as the Demonstrator of Pathology
Pathology is the precise study and diagnosis of disease. The word pathology is from Ancient Greek , pathos, "feeling, suffering"; and , -logia, "the study of". Pathologization, to pathologize, refers to the process of defining a condition or behavior as pathological, e.g. pathological gambling....
of the Institution on the same year. Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was placed First in order of merit in Final M .B. Examination of the Calcutta University for the first time and he also stood first in Surgery this year.
The donation of Sri Balaichand Dey [ বলাইচাঁদ দে ] amounting to Rs. 37,000/- made possible to acquire a plot of land at the eastern side of the boundary to have the isolation ward. The second storey was constructed at the cost of Rs. 28,000/- out of which the Cossipore Chitpur Municipality contributed Rs. 10,000/-. The 3rd floor was constructed through a grant of Rai Jnan Chandra Ghosh [ রায় জ্ঞান চন্দ্র ঘোষ ] of Rs, 1,00,000/- for the Nirmalendu Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB is a common, and in many cases lethal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body...
A sanatorium is a medical facility for long-term illness, most typically associated with treatment of tuberculosis before antibiotics...
and a further amount of Rs. 14,000/- was raised by Dr. Bepin Behari Ghosh Memorial Committee.
In 1926, the Anatomical Block was constructed at a cost of Rs. 81,400/- out of which Rs. 50,000/- was received from the Government. A cold storage room was constructed for preserving the cadavers.
In 1927, Dr. Upendranath Banerjee [ ডা. উপেন্দ্রনাথ ব্যানার্জ্জী ], an ex-student of the college was appointed as the first Superintendent of the Hospital.
In 1931, for the benefit of the ailing students, a student infirmary was established by the Government of India.
In 1932, Bissumbhur Dutta [ বিশ্বম্ভর দত্ত ] Children Ward was established with a donation of Rs. 44,100/-. The Student's Union was formed this year, with Dr. Umapati Mazumder [ উমাপতি মজুমদার] as the first President and Dr. Sudhir Chandra Moitra [ সুধীর চন্দ্র মৈত্র ] as the General Secretary of the Student's Union.
In 1933, the first Psychiatry
Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study and treatment of mental disorders. These mental disorders include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual abnormalities...
Out Patient Department in Asia was started as General Hospital Psychiatric Units under Professor Girindra Sekhar Bose [ গিরীন্দ্র শেখর বোস ]. The State Government was first approached for assistance in this endeavor by the Calcutta chapter of Indian Association for Mental Hygiene. It was proposed by the Association that adequate room be made available in the state-run Calcutta Medical College for the Clinic. The initial response was positive, but very soon it was made clear by the Government that the time was not yet ripe for it. Thereupon, the Association, under the leadership of Dr. Girindra Sekhar Bose, persuaded the authority of Carmichael Medical College to allow it to open a psychiatric outpatient clinic in the college premises. It was agreed that the Association would pay for the expenses of the clinic. The College authority, however, lent some furniture and arranged for supply of free electricity. Dr. Bose made an advance of Rs. 867.50/- to defray the cost of furnishing the Clinic and purchasing some essential instruments. The working hours of the Clinic was between 8-00 AM and 10-00 AM on every Tuesday and Thursday. The MO-in-Charge was Dr. Girindra Sekhar Bose. He had two other Medical Officers to assist him. They were Dr. Bhupati Mohan Ghosh [ ডা. ভূপতি মোহন ঘোষ ] and Dr. Kamakhya Charan Mukherjee [ ডা. কামাক্ষ্যা চরণ মুখার্জ্জী ]. All the members of the staff worked on honorary basis. The sole exception was a part-time bearer who received a monthly pay of Rs. 2/- (Rupees Two only). Though the Out Patient Department clinic was opened on 1st May, 1933 the first patient was registered on the following day i.e. 2nd May, 1933. The original case record of this patient is still preserved and displayed on the wall of the chamber of the Head of the Department of Psychiatry
Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study and treatment of mental disorders. These mental disorders include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual abnormalities...
of R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital. It is on record that 174 new cases attended the clinic during the first year of its existence.
In this very year, an ex-student of the college Dr. Bidhubhusan Bhattacharya [ ডা. বিধুভূষণ ভট্টাচার্য্য ] obtained the M.D. degree from the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1935, Sir Dr. Kedar Nath Das [ ডা. কেদারনাথ দাস ] Maternity Hospitals was constructed at a cost of Rs. 4,45,000/- out of which the Government of Bengal donated Rs. 1,50,000/-, Calcutta Corporation donated Rs. 34,000/-, Lord S. P. Sinha of Raipur donated Rs. 31,000/- and Nijam of Hyderabad donated Rs. 3,5000/-. A college ex-student Dr. Amiya Kumar Sen [ ডা. অমিয় কুমার সেন ] obtained F.R.C.S. for the first time and on 1936 another ex-student Dr. Jahar Lal Ghosh [ ডা. জহর লাল ঘোষ ] obtained the M.R.C.P for the first time this year.
In 1937, the Biochemistry
Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes...
department was formed. This was then the first of its kind in an undergraduate institution in the country.
In 1938, another floor was constructed at the Surgical Block. The Tarak Ganguly [ তারক গাঙ্গুলী ] Block was endowed by Sri Lalbehari Ganguly [ লালবিহারী গাঙ্গুলী ] at a cost of Rs. 1,69,000/-.
In 1939, a separate Cardiology
Cardiology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the heart . The field includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology...
Department was established which was then the first of its kind in the country. Ex-students Dr. Umapada Mukherjee [ ডা. উমাপদ মুখার্জ্জী ] obtained the M.S. degree from Calcutta University and Dr. Siva Prasanna Misra [ ডা. শিবপ্রসন্ন মিশ্র ] obtained M.R.C.O.G. for the first time this year.
In 1940, Sir Niratan Sircar [ নীলরতন সরকার ] Research
Research can be defined as the scientific search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, to establish novel facts, solve new or existing problems, prove new ideas, or develop new theories, usually using a scientific method...
Institute was established. The Cardiology
Cardiology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the heart . The field includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology...
and Biochemistry
Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes...
Departments were accommodated on its ground floor. Raja Jaharlal Das [ রাজা জহরলাল দাস ] donated Rs. 16,000/- tor the creation of an Antenatal Unit. A college ex-student Dr. Sachchidananda Banerjee [ ডা. সচ্চিদানন্দ ব্যানার্জ্জী ] obtained Griffith Memorial Prize of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1941, the College celebrated Silver Jubilee Celebration. The foundation stone of Silver Jubilee Hall was laid by Sir Nilratan Sircar. Male Students' Hostel was constructed at the cost of Rs. 2,14,000/- this year.
In 1945, Dr. Sachchidanda Banerjee obtained the D. Sc. Degree and was awarded Coats. Medal of the Calcutta University for the first time.
In 1946, a student Sri Ranesh Chandra Chakraborty [ রণেশ চন্দ্র চক্রবর্তী ] acquired honours in all the four subjects in First M.B. examination of Calcutta University which was a record of the time.
In 12th May, 1948, the College was named after him as R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital.
That year in London Olympics
London Olympics
London has hosted the Olympic Games on two past occasions, in 1908 and 1948, with a third scheduled for 2012. The planned 2012 Olympics will make London the first city to have hosted the modern Games of three Olympiads...
, college students Mr. Talimeran Ao
Talimeran Ao
Talimeran Ao Dr Talimeran Ao, the legendary sports persona was the first captain of Independent India's Olympic Football team and the first athlete from undivided Assam to play at the Olympics.. He was born in the Naga village of Chanki, Assam in 1919. Son of Rev...
, Mr. Suhash Chatterjee [সুভাষ চ্যাটার্জ্জী ] and Mr. Bimal Chandra [ বিমল চন্দ্র ] were elected captain of the Football, Water polo
Water polo
Water polo is a team water sport. The playing team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores more goals. Game play involves swimming, treading water , players passing the ball while being defended by opponents, and scoring by throwing into a...
and Swimming
Swimming (sport)
Swimming is a sport governed by the Fédération Internationale de Natation .-History: Competitive swimming in Europe began around 1800 BCE, mostly in the form of the freestyle. In 1873 Steve Bowyer introduced the trudgen to Western swimming competitions, after copying the front crawl used by Native...
team of the country respectively.
In 1949, further two floors were constructed on Sir Nilratan Sircar Research Institute. The Bengal Immunity Therapeutic Block was opened by Dr. K.N. Katju, the then Governor of West Bengal.
In 1951, the third storey of the Students Infirmary was added. Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was appointed the first Vice-Principal of the Institution. An ex-student Dr. Amar Sen [ ডা. অমর সেন ] did Partial Lobectomy operation in the surgical ward in this year, which was the first Thoracic Surgery operation in the city of Calcutta.
In 1954, the Nurses Hostel was constructed to accommodate 200 nurses and it was inaugurated by Lady Bangabala Mukherjee [ বঙ্গবালা মুখার্জ্জী ]. Ex-student of the college Dr. Binode Behari Roy [ ডা. বিনোদ বিহারী রায় ] had obtained the Ph.D. degree of the Calcutta University and Dr. Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee was elected to the Senate of the Calcutta University for the first time this year.
In 1958 the hospital was taken over by the Government
Government refers to the legislators, administrators, and arbitrators in the administrative bureaucracy who control a state at a given time, and to the system of government by which they are organized...
of West Bengal
West Bengal
West Bengal is a state in the eastern region of India and is the nation's fourth-most populous. It is also the seventh-most populous sub-national entity in the world, with over 91 million inhabitants. A major agricultural producer, West Bengal is the sixth-largest contributor to India's GDP...
It was formerly affiliated to the prestigious University of CalcuttaUniversity of Calcutta
The University of Calcutta is a public university located in the city of Kolkata , India, founded on 24 January 1857...
. From 2003 academic year, it is under the affiliation of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences
West Bengal University of Health Sciences
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences has been set up by an Act of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly in the year 2003 for better management of the health and medical education related courses which were so far taught separately by the University of Calcutta, and the Universities of...
, a recently created university
A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is an organisation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education...
by the Government of West Bengal
Government of West Bengal
The Government of West Bengal also known as the State Government of West Bengal, or locally as State Government, is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of West Bengal and its 19 districts...
R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital is situated on a vast area surrounded by the East Canal Road in its west, Khudiram Bose Sarani to its south, the Circular Railway and Tala Railway Station at its east and Barrackpur Trank Road to its north.Academic Building
At the north-east corner of the campus, there lies the seven storeyed Academic Building. Different academic departments like Departments of PhysiologyPhysiology
Physiology is the science of the function of living systems. This includes how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and bio-molecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system. The highest honor awarded in physiology is the Nobel Prize in Physiology or...
, Biochemistry
Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes...
, Pharmacology
Pharmacology is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action. More specifically, it is the study of the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function...
, Pathology
Pathology is the precise study and diagnosis of disease. The word pathology is from Ancient Greek , pathos, "feeling, suffering"; and , -logia, "the study of". Pathologization, to pathologize, refers to the process of defining a condition or behavior as pathological, e.g. pathological gambling....
, Forensic and State Medicine, Preventive and Social Medicine are situated in this building. The Library
In a traditional sense, a library is a large collection of books, and can refer to the place in which the collection is housed. Today, the term can refer to any collection, including digital sources, resources, and services...
and Examination Hall remains at the first floor of the building. The office of the Students' Union and Doctors' canteen are situated at the ground floor of the building.
Dr. M. N. Bose Anatomy Hall
Just in front of the Academic Building lies the three storeyed Dr. M. N. Bose AnatomyAnatomy
Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine that is the consideration of the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy , and plant anatomy...
Hall. At the ground floor remains the demonstration rooms, the cadaver preservation area and the Dissection
Dissection is usually the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components....
section. On the first floor, the departmental office, staff rooms and teachers room are situated. There also remains the Anatomy Museum of the college where various specimens of human anatomy are preserved. On the second floor, the Histology
Histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals. It is performed by examining cells and tissues commonly by sectioning and staining; followed by examination under a light microscope or electron microscope...
Section and Dissection
Dissection is usually the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components....
hall are present. The department's Lecture Theatre with Gallery facility is situated at the ground floor slightly separated from the main arena of the building.
Autopsy Building
Just beside the AnatomyAnatomy
Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine that is the consideration of the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy , and plant anatomy...
thumb|A lecture on [[linear algebra]] at the [[Helsinki University of Technology]]A lecture is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher. Lectures are used to convey critical information, history,...
Theatre, there lies the Autopsy
An autopsy—also known as a post-mortem examination, necropsy , autopsia cadaverum, or obduction—is a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present...
Section of the college where post-mortem exmination are done under the supervision of the Department of Forensic and State Medicine. A morgue is also situated in the section to preserve the dead bodies.
Platinum Jubilee Building
Infront of the AutopsyAutopsy
An autopsy—also known as a post-mortem examination, necropsy , autopsia cadaverum, or obduction—is a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present...
section at the northern end of the college, a Platinum Jubilee
Platinum Jubilee
A Platinum Jubilee is a celebration held to mark an anniversary:* 70th in Commonwealth realms usage. For example, on 6 February 2022, Queen Elizabeth II could celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica and rest of the Commonwealth realms. She would...
Building is situated, which was inaugurated on 1st March, 2011 by the then finance minister of the state of West Bengal, Dr. Asim Dasgupta
Asim Dasgupta
Dr. Asim Dasgupta, also known as Dr. Asim Kumar Dasgupta, was the Minister for Finance and Excise in the Left Front ministry in the Indian state of West Bengal. He was the MLA of Khardaha constituency for twenty-four years until 13 May 2011, when he was defeated by FICCI secretary general Amit...
[ ডঃ অসীম দাশগুপ্ত ] in presence of Sri Kshiti Goswami [ ক্ষিতি গোস্বামী ], the then Public Welfare Department (P.W.D.) Minister as Guest-in-Chief. Sri Anwarul Haque [ আনোয়ার উল হক ] , Minister of State, Government of West Bengal, was presided over the programme. Dr. M.N. Roy, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal was present as Special Guest, and, Dr. S. N. Banerjee, Director of Medical Education & Ex-Officio Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare; Sri Goutam Mohan Chakraborty [ গৌতম মোহন চক্রবর্তী ], the then Commissioner of Police, Kolkata; Sri Nirmal Kr. Sarkar [ নির্মল কুমার সরকার ], Engineer-in-Chief, Department of P.W.D. & Dr. Ramendu Hom Choudhury [ ডা. রামেন্দু হোম চৌধুরী ] were present as Guests of Honour. The building contains a modern auditorium
An auditorium is a room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances at venues such as theatres. For movie theaters, the number of auditoriums is expressed as the number of screens.- Etymology :...
General Sura Shumsher of Nepal Administrative Block
In front of the Anatomy Building lies the General Sura Shumsher of Nepal Administrative Block, where all the administrative works of the college and hospital are done. Here lies the Students Section, Accounts Section, Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, Principal's Office, Office of the Medical Superintendent cum Vice Principal and Principal Secretary's Office.Surgery Block
Just western to the General Sura Shumsher of Nepal Administrative Block, lies the three storeyed SurgerySurgery
Surgery is an ancient medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, or to help improve bodily function or appearance.An act of performing surgery may be called a surgical...
Building, where six surgical indoors and a operation theatre (O.T.) complex are present. There are six operation tables in the O.T. Complex which are run simultaneously for elective surgical procedures. A Post Operative Care Unit is present in this building to handle the post operative complications of the patients.
Sir Kedarnath Das Maternity Hospital
Southern to the SurgerySurgery
Surgery is an ancient medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, or to help improve bodily function or appearance.An act of performing surgery may be called a surgical...
Block, remains the Sir Kedarnath Das Maternity Hospital where the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the college is situated. There is an Obstetric Emergency Room which runs 24 hours a day, an Out Patient Department (OPD) complex where patients are attended on out door basis and an antenatal outdoor for physical check-up for antenatal mothers. The department is equipped with one Labour Room with 6 labour tables, warmers for new-born babies and an observation room for assessment of pre-labour mothers waiting for deliveries. In the labour room complex, there lies another observation room for pregnant women suffering from eclampsia
Eclampsia , an acute and life-threatening complication of pregnancy, is characterized by the appearance of tonic-clonic seizures, usually in a patient who had developed pre-eclampsia...
. There are two O.T. Complexes in the building for elective and emergency surgical procedures for the gynecologic and obstetric patients. There are also a post-operative ward, two observational ward for pre-labour mothers, one ward for infectious patients and one antenatal ward with bedside ultrasonography facility . There is also a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Neonatal intensive care unit
A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit —also called a Special Care Nursery, newborn intensive care unit, intensive care nursery , and special care baby unit —is an intensive care unit specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants.The problem of premature and congenitally ill infants is not a...
(NICU) equipped with warmers, ventilation and arterial blood gas analysis facility in the building to handle the new-borns who are at risks.
Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
Eastern to the Sir Kedarnath Das Maternity Hospital, lies the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, where Department of CardiologyCardiology
Cardiology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the heart . The field includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology...
and Department of Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) are situated. It has an OPD complex, indoors for both departments, operation theatre for the CTVS patients, echocardiography facility, Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) for critically ill cardiac patients. An Artificial Valve Bank has been established and was inaugurated on 29.5.11, the first of its kind facility in the state and the second in the country after the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
All India Institute of Medical Sciences is a premier medical college and teaching hospital based in New Delhi, India. The Institute operates autonomously under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ....
(AIIMS), New Delhi
New Delhi
New Delhi is the capital city of India. It serves as the centre of the Government of India and the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. New Delhi is situated within the metropolis of Delhi. It is one of the nine districts of Delhi Union Territory. The total area of the city is...
. A recanalisation unit, first of its kind to be operative in entire North East India region is also present at the building under the Department of Obstetrics
Obstetrics is the medical specialty dealing with the care of all women's reproductive tracts and their children during pregnancy , childbirth and the postnatal period...
and Gynecology to recanalise the post tubectomy females to help them conceive again. The Building has also a Computed Tomography
Computed tomography
X-ray computed tomography or Computer tomography , is a medical imaging method employing tomography created by computer processing...
Scan (C.T. Scan) Facility run by joint venture of government and a private organisation.
Dr. B. C. Roy Memorial Casualty Block
Eastern to the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, lies the eight storeyed Dr. B. C. Roy Memorial Casualty Block, where Departments of General Medicine, PsychiatryPsychiatry
Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study and treatment of mental disorders. These mental disorders include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual abnormalities...
, Chest Medicine, Pediatrics
Pediatrics or paediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. A medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician or paediatrician...
, Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems...
, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry
Dentistry is the branch of medicine that is involved in the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body. Dentistry is widely considered...
, Orthopaedics, Neuromedicine, Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery is the medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including the brain, spine, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system.-In the United States:In...
, Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic: plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand...
, Urosurgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology
Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine whereby the digestive system and its disorders are studied. The name is a combination of three Ancient Greek words gaster , enteron , and logos...
are present. There is a Hemodialysis
In medicine, hemodialysis is a method for removing waste products such as creatinine and urea, as well as free water from the blood when the kidneys are in renal failure. Hemodialysis is one of three renal replacement therapies .Hemodialysis can be an outpatient or inpatient therapy...
Unit present for providing hemodialysis
In medicine, hemodialysis is a method for removing waste products such as creatinine and urea, as well as free water from the blood when the kidneys are in renal failure. Hemodialysis is one of three renal replacement therapies .Hemodialysis can be an outpatient or inpatient therapy...
to patients with renal failure. The X-ray
X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. X-rays have a wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz and energies in the range 120 eV to 120 keV. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays and longer than gamma...
and Ultrasonography facility are also present under the department of Radio-Diagnosis and Imaging in this building. There is also a newly developed Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging , nuclear magnetic resonance imaging , or magnetic resonance tomography is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize detailed internal structures...
(MRI) facility at the ground floor run by jointly by government and a private organisation. A highly operative Blood Bank
Blood bank
A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term "blood bank" typically refers to a division of a hospital laboratory where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper...
is also present in the building. It has one of the most busy emergency service in the state running 24 hours a day with a medical emergency, surgical and orthopedic emergency with emergency surgery facility and a casualty observation ward.
Radiotherapy Building
Southern to the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences just by the side of Khudiram BoseKhudiram Bose
Khudiram Bose was a Bengali revolutionary, one of the youngest revolutionaries early in the Indian independence movement...
Sarani lies the Radiotherapy building with an outdoor, an indoor, radiotherapy and brachytherapy
Brachytherapy , also known as internal radiotherapy, sealed source radiotherapy, curietherapy or endocurietherapy, is a form of radiotherapy where a radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment...
facility targeted to the patients suffering from cancer
Cancer , known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the...
. The department also started the HDR Interstitial Brachytherapy
Brachytherapy , also known as internal radiotherapy, sealed source radiotherapy, curietherapy or endocurietherapy, is a form of radiotherapy where a radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment...
using Cobalt
Cobalt is a chemical element with symbol Co and atomic number 27. It is found naturally only in chemically combined form. The free element, produced by reductive smelting, is a hard, lustrous, silver-gray metal....
60 source first in the world. The department has a future plans for installation of Linear Accelerator, installation of CT simulator with Virtual Simulation and construction of Mould Room, expansion of number of beds in the wards and starting of Tumor Board and Speciality Clinics.
Out Patient Department Complex
Eastern to the Radiotherapy Building, lies the newly built OPD Complex, where outdoor facility of different departments like Departments of General Medicine, PediatricsPediatrics
Pediatrics or paediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. A medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician or paediatrician...
and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Physical medicine and rehabilitation , physiatry or rehabilitation medicine, is a branch of medicine that aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. A physician having completed training in this field is referred to as a...
are situated. There is also an Integrated Counseling and Training Centre (ICTC) for providing counseling and anti-retroviral therapy to the patients suffering from HIV infections.
Within the campus of the college, two hostels are there for undergraduate and postgraduate male medical students and one hostel for undergraduate and postgraduate female medical students. There is also a hostel for nursing students and staffs. Outside the campus, two boy's hostels are situated, one at Manicktala and another at Belgachhia.Principals
Dr. M.N. Banerjee From 1916 to 1922Sir Dr. Kedarnath Das From 1922 to 1936
Dr. M. N. Bose From 1936 to 1952
Dr. S.K. Sen From 1952 to 1955
Dr. A.K. RoyChowdhury From 1955 to 1957
Major H.K. Indra From 1957 to 1963
Dr. Arabinda Mondal From 24.12.1963 to 16.04.1966
Dr. B.B.Roy From 17.04.1966 to 29.02.1968
Dr. S.R.Mukherjee From 11.03.1968 to 02.09.1968
Dr. S.C.Laha From 03.09.1968 to 31.12.1969
Dr. Nilmadhab Banerjee From 02.01.1970 to 05.11.1970
Dr. D.N. Banerjee From 06.11.1970 to 08.07.1971
Dr. P.K.Chakraborty From 08.07.1971 to 15.04.1972
Dr. D.M Chakraborty From 15.04.1972 to 28.06.1972
Dr. B.N.Mitra From 28.06.1972 to 01.03.1974
Dr. S.N.Bose From 01.03.1974 to 12.01.1975
Dr. K.K.Banerjee From 12.01.1975 to 30.06.1979
Dr. S.S.Bhattacharya From 30.06.1979 to 09.09.1980
Dr. K.K.Bhattacharya From 09.09.1980 to 30.05.1985
Dr. Sushil Kr Biswas From 31.05.1985 to 31.03.1988
Dr. S.C.Chakraborti From 31.03.1988 to 27.04.1995
Dr. M.M.Ghosh From 28.04.1995 to 09.05.1995
Dr. P.K.Mukherjee From 10.05.1995 to 31.12.1998
Dr. (Sm) Jayasri Mitra ( Ghosh ) From 01.01.1999 to 25.10.2002
Dr. Indrajit Ray From 25.10.2002 to 22.05.2003
Dr. Basudeb Banerjee From 22.05.2003 to 31.03.2004
Dr. Utpal Kumar Datta From 31.03.2004 to 30-04-2009
Dr. Susanta Kr Bandyopadhyay From 30-04-2009 to Present