Otokojuku (school)
is a fictional school
that appears in Akira Miyashita's manga
series Sakigake!! Otokojuku
and its sequel
Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
in Tokyo
, established over 300 years ago. The headmaster Heihachi Edajima
gathers delinquents
from all over Japan and trains them to become the leaders of the next generation.
Amongst the students, the first years are viewed as slaves, the second years as oni, and the third years as Enma. The third years take instruction from the headmaster alone, as the rest of the instructors are not at the same level as them and can not outpower them enough to punish them. The third years run things from the , and will tour all over Japan in order to settle disputes.
Otokojuku's greatest specialty, used to settle disputes between two teams of four. The entrance is the 1,000 year old , which leads to the skeleton and corpse littered . And the end of it is two giant iron balls called the , which must be rolled up to the summit of Fujiyama. At the check-points, each team chooses one representative to take part in a fight. Whichever surviving side wins in the end is awarded the as champion.
Edajima is the only survivor in its 300 year history, having achieved a magnificent victory 50 years ago in 1950 (Showa 25). Inside Otokojuku is a memorial stone monument in honor of those who lost their lives.
Though not specified as an Otokojuku Specialty, it is a martial arts tournament held once every three years connected to Otokojuku. It is and 8 on 8 team battle connected to the Pa-Lien Tenryuu legend of Sichuan
and is held at the on the Yatsugatake Mountains
in Shinshu, Nagano
. It is Otokojuku's greatest fighting event, and whoever controls the Dai Ishin Pa-Lien Seiha also controls Otokojuku. The previous champion team chooses their opponent team, and Jaki has used this tournament to maintain his authority over the past 10 years.
Furthermore, the 8 on 8 tournament is carried out in four 2 on 2 tag matches, and each two-man team is decided in the Takushouseki ceremony. But, participants are capable of switching their members around if the opposing team agrees to it.
. Also known as Momo. The main character and the strongest of the 1st Years, later the Otokojuku Representative. He is fluent in multiple languages and is a master of various secret techniques. Always wears a white hachimaki
and carries around a katana
. Has a laid-back attitude and sense of humor and often dozes off during class. Very little is known about his past or how he got so strong. In the past, he trained at a temple to learn the Shoukyuu Soudan, and his son Shishimaru in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku underwent the same training. After graduating from Otokojuku, he enrolled in University of Tokyo
, and after that he studied abroad at Harvard University
. In Ten yori Takaku and Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he works for the Prime Minister of Japan
. The leader of the Otokojuku Shock Corps and a close friend of Momo since the beginning of class. He is a brawler and uses a dosu
knife. He always wears a tattered school hat, which is a memento from his late older brother Genkichi who was killed years ago in the same battleground where Togashi fights Senkuu. He has a scar underneath his right eye from a fight 3 years before enrolling in Otokojuku. He does not have any formal martial arts training, but he shows an incredible fighting spirit. Although he has great fights against Hien and Senkuu, he later becomes a comical character and mostly serves as a commentator with Toramaru. He is well known for risking his life and seeming to die, only to return alive and well later. In Ten yori Takaku and Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he has become Edajima’s secretary
. Additionally, his father, Genzo Togashi, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi as an ace pilot for the Imperial Japanese Navy
Combo Techniques
. A comical guy with herculean strength and a big appetite. He claims to practice Mouko-ryuu Kenpo
, but in actuality it is just his own style of Kenpo. Because he farted in the face of an instructor the day he enrolled, he was accuses of treason and forced to hold up a 200 kg suspended ceiling for half a year. Although initially depicted as strong enough to knock out Momo and break off a piece of the ice ring with a single punch, he later mostly serves as a commentator with Togashi. Though he accepts this position and even calls himself the "Eternal Commentator of Otokojuku", whenever he does fight again he fights bravely. His specialty is sumo
and he was a yokozuna back in his hometown. He will often fight wearing only his fundoshi
. In Ten yori Takaku he is the president of Toramaru Finance
. His father Ryuta appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi in a maximum-security army prison, holding a suspended ceiling, the same way his son was introduced.
Naval Academy
. A boxer who uses spiked knuckles made of magnum steel and has a Mach Punch. Originally depicted as one of many students who came to Japan to study abroad, after his fight with Momo he enrolls in Otokojuku. His full name is ( in Ten yori Takaku) and is the son of the well known boxer King Battler. He has several times faced an opponent who was confident in their victory against him, only to be defeated in a come from behind victory by a new blow. His English catchphrase is You are not my match. In Ten yori Takaku he is the commanding officer of the United States Seventh Fleet
, and in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he is the commander in chief of the navy. Additionally, King Battler appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi.
. A bratty yakuza
successor who is enrolled in Otokojuku after his group crumbles due to his profligate ways. He is frequently teased for his short build, but obtains a form of personal growth by hoisting Otokojuku's massive school flag. In the anime, he disliked pro wrestling before entering Otokojuku. In the manga he refers to himself in the first person
as , but in the anime he says . In Ten yori Takaku his family name is changed to and he has become the president of a computer
The live action film focuses a lot on his experience after enrolling in Otokojuku, making him a sort of second main character after Momo.
. The comic relief character along with Hidemaro and Tazawa, he is also the lead yeller and bell ringer in the school's ōendan
. He has an odd hairstyle, similar to the title character in Sazae-san
. His bad premonitions often come true. In Ten yori Takaku he has become the “King of Hotel
s”. His father, Koisachi Matsuo, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi as a similar comic relief role.
. The self-proclaimed "Intelligence
of Otokojuku". He is also called the "Brains of Otokojuku", but he often messes up simple things like multiplication tables, making his knowledge questionable. However, he does have rare moments where a glimpse of true intelligence can be seen from him. In the Dai Ishin Paren Seiha Arc, it was his idea to form the "10,000 Man Bridge" human bridge. He was renamed in the anime. In Ten yori Takaku he has gotten to the top of the general contractor
Industry. His father, Tazawa Shintaro, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi, and much like in the original series he serves as part of the comic relief duo with Matsuo.
. A large student with a rather timid personality. He enrolled in Otokojuku to become more manly, but because he can't endure the strict training he tries to run away, only to be caught by Umanosuke Gonda, who then fights him in the men's dorm specialty match . Midway through the match he learns that Gonda had made yakitori
out of his pet , so he becomes enraged and avenges the little bird. After this he gains confidence in himself. Snow is his weakness. In the anime, he is a regular character from the first episode on and also has more lines.
. The strongest of the Otokojuku 2nd Years. He was suspended indefinitely 3 years ago on February 26 for nearly killing a 1st year student in what is referred to as the Otokojuku 2-26 Incident. Master of Ichimonji-ryuu rock splitting sword technique and carries around his sword on his back. It is a very sturdy sword, the only time it ever cracked was when it was hit by J's Magnum Steel Knuckle. He has silver hair, although it was changed to black in the anime.
Both first and second years fear him, and even the third years recognize his great skills. He fights as a supporter for the first time in the Tenchou Gorin Dai Bukai finals. After his fight against Hornet in the Battle of the Seven Tusks, he uses his Zanganken technique in order to save the other Otokojuku students from a trap and then dies. He entrusts his katana
to Momo.
After the series ends he is confirmed to have lived and appears in Ten yori Takaku as the president of a political organization. His son Juuzou appears in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
. The leader of the 2nd years in Akashi’s absence. Depicted as the main tormentor of the 1st years, he usually wears an overly forced smile, but when mad his face changes to one of a furious psychotic killer. In Akatsuki!! Otokojuku, decades have passed but he has yet to graduate and therefore is still enrolled in Otokojuku.
. The leader of the third years and the Otokojuku representative. Known as the Emperor of Otokojuku, he has ruled the school for over 10 years. A master of Daigouin-ryuu and Kikou Touhou. In his earlier appearances he seemd as large as a daibutsu
, but it later seems as though his fighting spirit gives off the feeling that he is that large.
He has won the Dai Ishin Paren Seiha three consecutive times, and he uses his power to defend his position. In the past he challenged Edajima to a duel but suffered his first loss, and came to realize the level of Edajima's greatness.
Before his fight against Spartacus in the Tenchou Gorin, he entrusted the proof of his position as Otokojuku representative to Momo. He continues fighting even after having his heart pierced, and kills himself while finishing the fight with his Shinkuu Senpuu Shou.
In Ten yori Takaku he is alive and appears as the chief of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. However, in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he is still dead and his son Kouki is an orphan. Additionally, his father Shouki appears in Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajima
. The leader and strongest of the Otokojuku . His loyalty to Jaki is very high, and not even in unconsciousness will he step on Jaki's shadow. He is a master of the Kiritsu-ryuu poison fist technique and the Kijin-ryuu weapon style. He joins Jaki in the final battle of the Paren Seiha in the Tenrai Kyoushintou against Momo & Gekkou and defeats Gekkou. In the Tenchou Gorin he is seeming killed during the Preliminary League, but returns later under the guise of Otokojuku's 2nd Supporter .
game). One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He has fingers that can pierce anything and is a master of Kyouke Toushiki Ha. He and Baron Dino face Date and Toramru in the Paren Seiha's Sanshou Rokkyouku Seitou. He possesses an incredible tenacity towards achieving victory at any cost. Years ago he and his platoon crossed the western country to face an old enemy and endured 3 days and 3 nights of hellish torture in a prison. In his fight against Sanen he sacrificed an arm to defeat him, a sacrifice he called a "scratch".
. One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He is a master of Mouryouken, the most feared and darkest form of Kenpo
in history. He and Henshouki face J and Raiden in the Paren Seiha's Jikan Hyaku Chuurintou. He is also a master of poisonous weapon use and conceals needles in his mask. Twice in the Tenchou Gorin he fights against two opponents in a handicap match.
. One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He is a master of Mouryouken Dark Fist and Rikuke Killer Fist. He and Dokugantetsu fight Togashi and Hien in the Paren Seiha's Ryuubon Teimoutou. He is the Shitennou member with the most diverse techniques, including skills with razor sharp blades and excellent kicks. He is initially depicted as very masculine and often sweating, but is later depicted as a man of beauty, often holding a black rose in his mouth. He can use the rose as a weapon, but he is never actually shown doing so. He dislikes killing and always tries to avoid actually stabbing his enemies. He also shows respect to enemies who are willing to die to win, and even saved Togashi's life after defeating him.
. One of the , aka the guard. A master of Niou-ryuu with strong muscles and a poison eye. He also has a rough physique and light gymnastic moves, as well as muscles like steel that not even 1,000 pickaxes could pierce. He claims to be the one who killed Togashi's brother Genkichi.
During the battle against Rouroukan in the Tenchou Gorin Preliminary League he attacks Sou Reigen, but Sou Reigen destroys his poison eye with his Shoukyuu Soudan and breaks his spine, killing him. He is the first Otokojuku fighter to die.
In the Paren Seiha he displays a sadistic personality disorder
by viciously attacking Hien repeatedly, but he is actually a shy and gentle person despite his huge body and grim face. In the anime he wears an eyepatch
In Ten yori Takaku, though only shown in a single panel, he is the only Chinju Chokurou Sannen-shuu member to be confirmed still alive.
. One of the Chinju Sannin-shuu, aka the guard. A master of one of China's 3 Great Strange Attacks Nanchouji Kyoutaiken and the special techniques Tenpin Shouha and Kousou Henjutsu. His right hand is artificial and he can replace it with blades and his Tosatsu Fuusha. In the manga he had black hair, but in the anime it was changed to silver.
From his first appearance to the Paren Seiha he had puffy eyelids and the face of a sarcastic senpai
character and used cowardly tactics, but in the Tenchou Gorin his face was more slender and attractive. His tactics also changed, and he started using frontal attacks during his Kousou Henjutsu technique.
In the end he is stabbed by Centaur's unicorn horn and dies. He was able to see through Gekkou's blindness.
. One of the Chinju Chokurou Sannin-shuu, aka the guard. A master of Kyokusatsu Doruben, Shisen Chouken, and Hell's Magic. His conspicuous looks include a silk hat and a kaiser moustache. He is usually a polite gentleman with courteous speech, but when he is mad he completely snaps. Though he is highly influenced by the western world
, he usually wears a fundoshi
. In the Tenchou Gorin Finals League he suddenly changes his fighting style to tricky tactics. He later appears alive in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
The wrestler Danshoku Dino
named himself after this character.
A vulgur young man who wears his previous school's hat, geta
, and overcoat
. He survives Otokojuku's Russian roulette
entrance exam
and possesses such raw courage that he never hesitated to pull the trigger. He challenges Momo to decide who deserves the title Otokojuku Representative but is defeated, even with using his motorcycle
as a weapon. After this, he takes part in the mission to save Edajima in the Battle of the Seven Tusks.
A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools...
that appears in Akira Miyashita's manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...
series Sakigake!! Otokojuku
Sakigake!! Otokojuku
by Akira Miyashita is a comedy martial arts manga that was originally serialized at the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. It is staged in a private boy's school that teaches ōendan to troubled teenagers. The students are trained to "revive the Spirit of Japan" and mainly engage in fighting or...
and its sequel
A sequel is a narrative, documental, or other work of literature, film, theatre, or music that continues the story of or expands upon issues presented in some previous work...
Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
Otokojuku Institution
Otokojuku is a private boy's schoolJuku
Gakushū juku are special private schools that offer lessons conducted after regular school hours and on the weekends....
in Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
, established over 300 years ago. The headmaster Heihachi Edajima
Heihachi Edajima
' is a fictional character in Akira Miyashita's manga series Sakigake!! Otokojuku and its sequel Akatsuki!! Otokojuku and is the protagonist of Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajima.-About:...
gathers delinquents
Juvenile delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is participation in illegal behavior by minors who fall under a statutory age limit. Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers. There are a multitude of different theories on the causes of crime, most if not...
from all over Japan and trains them to become the leaders of the next generation.
Amongst the students, the first years are viewed as slaves, the second years as oni, and the third years as Enma. The third years take instruction from the headmaster alone, as the rest of the instructors are not at the same level as them and can not outpower them enough to punish them. The third years run things from the , and will tour all over Japan in order to settle disputes.
Otokojuku Specialties
Anyone who fails to do anything in Otokojuku must undergo a . The outside world is told that these are average school events and special lessons, but in actuality they are various torture methods and duels. A few specialties are known of outside the school, as evident when Hidemaro knew of the Oil Bath before enrolling.Main Specialties
Kyoura Daiyon Kyousatsu
(驚邏大四凶殺, The Four Great Astonishing Assaults)Otokojuku's greatest specialty, used to settle disputes between two teams of four. The entrance is the 1,000 year old , which leads to the skeleton and corpse littered . And the end of it is two giant iron balls called the , which must be rolled up to the summit of Fujiyama. At the check-points, each team chooses one representative to take part in a fight. Whichever surviving side wins in the end is awarded the as champion.
Edajima is the only survivor in its 300 year history, having achieved a magnificent victory 50 years ago in 1950 (Showa 25). Inside Otokojuku is a memorial stone monument in honor of those who lost their lives.
- A fight at one of Japan’s three great sulfur springs, the . The footing is only countless protruding rocks scattered across the place, and those that fall end up in a thousand degree temperature manganeseManganeseManganese is a chemical element, designated by the symbol Mn. It has the atomic number 25. It is found as a free element in nature , and in many minerals...
acidic sulfur spring. Site of J vs. Raiden.
- A fight on Fuji’s 5’th side, the . Both men dangle from a rope with no footing, but the rope itself is made of steel, so there is no chance of it breaking. Site of Togashi vs. Hien.
- A fight in the ice ring inside the cave which in on the land bridge. With icicles sharper than knives waiting below, the temperature from the flames lit on the ceiling causes the ring to gradually melt, eventually resulting in the fighters falling to the icicles. Site of Toramaru vs. Gekkou.
- A fight in the which lies on a large crater on the summit of Fuji. The spider-web shaped Tenjoutou is made of the which is ignited in flames from all sides during the fight, the two fighters compete as the flames draw nearer and the footing becomes unstable. Before the battleground falls the crater bottom becomes the , filled with a large amount of poisonous hydrogen chlorideHydrogen chlorideThe compound hydrogen chloride has the formula HCl. At room temperature, it is a colorless gas, which forms white fumes of hydrochloric acid upon contact with atmospheric humidity. Hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid are important in technology and industry...
gas. Site of Momo vs. Date.
Dai Ishin Pa-Lien Seiha
(大威震八連制覇, The Great Pa-Lien (Unified Eight) Quaking Conquest)Though not specified as an Otokojuku Specialty, it is a martial arts tournament held once every three years connected to Otokojuku. It is and 8 on 8 team battle connected to the Pa-Lien Tenryuu legend of Sichuan
' , known formerly in the West by its postal map spellings of Szechwan or Szechuan is a province in Southwest China with its capital in Chengdu...
and is held at the on the Yatsugatake Mountains
Yatsugatake Mountains
The Yatsugatake Mountains are a volcanic mountain range on the border between Nagano Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture on the island of Honshū in Japan.-Description:...
in Shinshu, Nagano
Nagano Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region of the island of Honshū. The capital is the city of Nagano.- History :Nagano was formerly known as the province of Shinano...
. It is Otokojuku's greatest fighting event, and whoever controls the Dai Ishin Pa-Lien Seiha also controls Otokojuku. The previous champion team chooses their opponent team, and Jaki has used this tournament to maintain his authority over the past 10 years.
Furthermore, the 8 on 8 tournament is carried out in four 2 on 2 tag matches, and each two-man team is decided in the Takushouseki ceremony. But, participants are capable of switching their members around if the opposing team agrees to it.
Momotaro Tsurugi
(剣 桃太郎, Tsurugi Momotarō). Also known as Momo. The main character and the strongest of the 1st Years, later the Otokojuku Representative. He is fluent in multiple languages and is a master of various secret techniques. Always wears a white hachimaki
A hachimaki is a stylized headband in Japanese culture, usually made of red or white cloth, worn as a symbol of perseverance or effort by the wearer. These are worn on many occasions, for example, by sports spectators, by women giving birth, students in cram school, office workers, expert...
and carries around a katana
A Japanese sword, or , is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. There are several types of Japanese swords, according to size, field of application and method of manufacture.-Description:...
. Has a laid-back attitude and sense of humor and often dozes off during class. Very little is known about his past or how he got so strong. In the past, he trained at a temple to learn the Shoukyuu Soudan, and his son Shishimaru in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku underwent the same training. After graduating from Otokojuku, he enrolled in University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo
, abbreviated as , is a major research university located in Tokyo, Japan. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its five campuses are in Hongō, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano. It is considered to be the most prestigious university...
, and after that he studied abroad at Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country...
. In Ten yori Takaku and Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he works for the Prime Minister of Japan
Prime Minister of Japan
The is the head of government of Japan. He is appointed by the Emperor of Japan after being designated by the Diet from among its members, and must enjoy the confidence of the House of Representatives to remain in office...
- Momo crushes an opponent's fist by striking it with his own fist during their punch.
- Momo's sword techniques which excel at both offense and defense.
- An iaiIAIIAI is an acronym for:* The Information Architecture Institute* Institute of Art and Ideas* Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research* International African Institute* International Association for Identification...
strike performed while blinded.
- Used in the fight against Shu Kougen. Momo covers his eyes with his hachimaki, draws a circle in the snow with his own blood, and strikes anyone he senses entering it.
- When an opponent with a katana strikes continuously, Momo strikes at all of their limbs and steals their fighting spirit.
- An iai
- Momo thrusts his katana into the ground and move onto it at high speed. This technique requires tough tendons, remarkable balance, and excellent taijutsuTaijutsuis a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat skill or system. The term is commonly used when referring to a traditional Japanese martial art but has also been used in the naming of modern martial...
.- Momo grabs his katana between his toes and jumps high into the air, and performs a dropping attack be spinning fiercely.
- Momo performs a handstand on his katana and spins around, creating a sudden gust of wind.
- Momo concentrates his kiQiIn traditional Chinese culture, qì is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as life energy, lifeforce, or energy flow. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts...
into his sword blade and sends out a shockwave in the shape of a tiger. Because the overwhelming destructive power exhausts so much ki, it can only be used for a short period of time.
- Battle tactics that rely on ki. When Momo exhausts a large amount of physical strength, his ki runs out as well and he sweats profusely.
- Momo injects his hachimakiHachimakiA hachimaki is a stylized headband in Japanese culture, usually made of red or white cloth, worn as a symbol of perseverance or effort by the wearer. These are worn on many occasions, for example, by sports spectators, by women giving birth, students in cram school, office workers, expert...
with his ki and can use it as a blade for an instant.
- A defense technique where Momo focuses all of his ki into his chest. For an instant his chest becomes like an iron plate, and not even Jaki's Shinkuu Senpuu Shou can hurt him.
- A secret attack where Momo can freely manipulate his opponent's entire body. Momo was one of three successors to the technique, but because the technique is rather cruel and meant for trifling with opponent's lives he usually keeps it sealed away. See Sou Reigen for more information.
Genji Togashi
(富樫 源次, Togashi Genji). The leader of the Otokojuku Shock Corps and a close friend of Momo since the beginning of class. He is a brawler and uses a dosu
A is one of the traditional Japanese swords that were worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan. The tantō dates to the Heian period, when it was mainly used as a weapon but evolved in design over the years to become more ornate...
knife. He always wears a tattered school hat, which is a memento from his late older brother Genkichi who was killed years ago in the same battleground where Togashi fights Senkuu. He has a scar underneath his right eye from a fight 3 years before enrolling in Otokojuku. He does not have any formal martial arts training, but he shows an incredible fighting spirit. Although he has great fights against Hien and Senkuu, he later becomes a comical character and mostly serves as a commentator with Toramaru. He is well known for risking his life and seeming to die, only to return alive and well later. In Ten yori Takaku and Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he has become Edajima’s secretary
A secretary, or administrative assistant, is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication & organizational skills. These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit...
. Additionally, his father, Genzo Togashi, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi as an ace pilot for the Imperial Japanese Navy
Imperial Japanese Navy
The Imperial Japanese Navy was the navy of the Empire of Japan from 1869 until 1947, when it was dissolved following Japan's constitutional renunciation of the use of force as a means of settling international disputes...
Combo Techniques
- Used when teamed up with Toramaru.
Ryuji Toramaru
(虎丸 龍次, Toramaru Ryūji). A comical guy with herculean strength and a big appetite. He claims to practice Mouko-ryuu Kenpo
is the name of several Japanese martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. This term is often informally transliterated as "kempo", as a result of applying Traditional Hepburn romanization, but failing to use a macron to indicate the long vowel...
, but in actuality it is just his own style of Kenpo. Because he farted in the face of an instructor the day he enrolled, he was accuses of treason and forced to hold up a 200 kg suspended ceiling for half a year. Although initially depicted as strong enough to knock out Momo and break off a piece of the ice ring with a single punch, he later mostly serves as a commentator with Togashi. Though he accepts this position and even calls himself the "Eternal Commentator of Otokojuku", whenever he does fight again he fights bravely. His specialty is sumo
is a competitive full-contact sport where a wrestler attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet. The sport originated in Japan, the only country where it is practiced professionally...
and he was a yokozuna back in his hometown. He will often fight wearing only his fundoshi
is the traditional Japanese undergarment for adult males, made from a length of cotton. Before World War II, the fundoshi was the main form of underwear for Japanese adult males...
. In Ten yori Takaku he is the president of Toramaru Finance
"Finance" is often defined simply as the management of money or “funds” management Modern finance, however, is a family of business activity that includes the origination, marketing, and management of cash and money surrogates through a variety of capital accounts, instruments, and markets created...
. His father Ryuta appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi in a maximum-security army prison, holding a suspended ceiling, the same way his son was introduced.
- Toramaru's own style of kenpo.
- Toramaru strikes the back of his opponent’s head with a handblade. This technique was good enough to knock out Momo.
- Toramaru jumps up and performs a two step kick. It is never made clear how he lands afterwards.
- The secret of Moukou-ryuu. A powerful fart that with a wind speedWind speedWind speed, or wind velocity, is a fundamental atmospheric rate.Wind speed affects weather forecasting, aircraft and maritime operations, construction projects, growth and metabolism rate of many plant species, and countless other implications....
that can launch Toramaru 100 meters.- Toramaru ignites his Dai Houhi with a lighterLighterA lighter is a portable device used to generate a flame. It consists of a metal or plastic container filled with a flammable fluid or pressurized liquid gas, a means of ignition, and some provision for extinguishing the flame.- History :...
- Toramaru ignites his Dai Houhi with a lighter
- Toramaru's kusarigamaKusarigamaThe is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of a kama on a metal chain with a heavy iron weight at the end. The kusarigama is said to have developed during the Muromachi period...
attached to an iron ball. It swings powerfully well, but is eventually smashed to pieces by Amon and Unmon. After that he only uses the sickle part.
. An American and former student of the U.S.United States Navy
The United States Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. The U.S. Navy is the largest in the world; its battle fleet tonnage is greater than that of the next 13 largest navies combined. The U.S...
Annapolis, Maryland
Annapolis is the capital of the U.S. state of Maryland, as well as the county seat of Anne Arundel County. It had a population of 38,394 at the 2010 census and is situated on the Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of the Severn River, south of Baltimore and about east of Washington, D.C. Annapolis is...
Naval Academy
United States Naval Academy
The United States Naval Academy is a four-year coeducational federal service academy located in Annapolis, Maryland, United States...
. A boxer who uses spiked knuckles made of magnum steel and has a Mach Punch. Originally depicted as one of many students who came to Japan to study abroad, after his fight with Momo he enrolls in Otokojuku. His full name is ( in Ten yori Takaku) and is the son of the well known boxer King Battler. He has several times faced an opponent who was confident in their victory against him, only to be defeated in a come from behind victory by a new blow. His English catchphrase is You are not my match. In Ten yori Takaku he is the commanding officer of the United States Seventh Fleet
United States Seventh Fleet
The Seventh Fleet is the United States Navy's permanent forward projection force based in Yokosuka, Japan, with units positioned near Japan and South Korea. It is a component fleet force under the United States Pacific Fleet. At present, it is the largest of the forward-deployed U.S. fleets, with...
, and in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he is the commander in chief of the navy. Additionally, King Battler appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi.
Hidemaro Gokukouji
(極小路 秀麻呂, Gokukōji Hidemaro). A bratty yakuza
, also known as , are members of traditional organized crime syndicates in Japan. The Japanese police, and media by request of the police, call them bōryokudan , literally "violence group", while the yakuza call themselves "ninkyō dantai" , "chivalrous organizations". The yakuza are notoriously...
successor who is enrolled in Otokojuku after his group crumbles due to his profligate ways. He is frequently teased for his short build, but obtains a form of personal growth by hoisting Otokojuku's massive school flag. In the anime, he disliked pro wrestling before entering Otokojuku. In the manga he refers to himself in the first person
Grammatical person
Grammatical person, in linguistics, is deictic reference to a participant in an event; such as the speaker, the addressee, or others. Grammatical person typically defines a language's set of personal pronouns...
as , but in the anime he says . In Ten yori Takaku his family name is changed to and he has become the president of a computer
A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem...
The live action film focuses a lot on his experience after enrolling in Otokojuku, making him a sort of second main character after Momo.
Taio Matsuo
(松尾 鯛雄, Matsuo Taio). The comic relief character along with Hidemaro and Tazawa, he is also the lead yeller and bell ringer in the school's ōendan
An , literally "cheering squad" or "cheering section", is a Japanese sports rallying team similar in purpose to a cheerleading squad in the United States, but relies more on making a lot of noise with taiko drums, blowing horns and other items, waving flags and banners, and yelling through plastic...
. He has an odd hairstyle, similar to the title character in Sazae-san
is a Japanese comic strip created by Machiko Hasegawa. It was first published in Hasegawa's local paper, the , on April 22, 1946. When the wished to have Hasegawa draw the comic strip for their paper, she moved to Tokyo in 1949 with the explanation that the main characters had moved from Kyūshū to...
. His bad premonitions often come true. In Ten yori Takaku he has become the “King of Hotel
A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms...
s”. His father, Koisachi Matsuo, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi as a similar comic relief role.
Shinichiro Tazawa
(田沢 慎一郎, Tazawa Shinichirō). The self-proclaimed "Intelligence
Intelligence (information gathering)
Intelligence assessment is the development of forecasts of behaviour or recommended courses of action to the leadership of an organization, based on a wide range of available information sources both overt and covert. Assessments are developed in response to requirements declared by the leadership...
of Otokojuku". He is also called the "Brains of Otokojuku", but he often messes up simple things like multiplication tables, making his knowledge questionable. However, he does have rare moments where a glimpse of true intelligence can be seen from him. In the Dai Ishin Paren Seiha Arc, it was his idea to form the "10,000 Man Bridge" human bridge. He was renamed in the anime. In Ten yori Takaku he has gotten to the top of the general contractor
General contractor
A general contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site, management of vendors and trades, and communication of information to involved parties throughout the course of a building project.-Description:...
Industry. His father, Tazawa Shintaro, appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi, and much like in the original series he serves as part of the comic relief duo with Matsuo.
Kiyomi Tsubakiyama
(椿山 清美, Tsubakiyama Kiyomi). A large student with a rather timid personality. He enrolled in Otokojuku to become more manly, but because he can't endure the strict training he tries to run away, only to be caught by Umanosuke Gonda, who then fights him in the men's dorm specialty match . Midway through the match he learns that Gonda had made yakitori
, grilled chicken, is commonly a Japanese type of skewered chicken. The term Yakitori can also refer to skewered food in general. Kushiyaki , is a formal term that encompasses both poultry and non-poultry items, skewered and grilled...
out of his pet , so he becomes enraged and avenges the little bird. After this he gains confidence in himself. Snow is his weakness. In the anime, he is a regular character from the first episode on and also has more lines.
Gouji Akashi
(赤石 剛次, Akashi Gōji). The strongest of the Otokojuku 2nd Years. He was suspended indefinitely 3 years ago on February 26 for nearly killing a 1st year student in what is referred to as the Otokojuku 2-26 Incident. Master of Ichimonji-ryuu rock splitting sword technique and carries around his sword on his back. It is a very sturdy sword, the only time it ever cracked was when it was hit by J's Magnum Steel Knuckle. He has silver hair, although it was changed to black in the anime.
Both first and second years fear him, and even the third years recognize his great skills. He fights as a supporter for the first time in the Tenchou Gorin Dai Bukai finals. After his fight against Hornet in the Battle of the Seven Tusks, he uses his Zanganken technique in order to save the other Otokojuku students from a trap and then dies. He entrusts his katana
A Japanese sword, or , is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. There are several types of Japanese swords, according to size, field of application and method of manufacture.-Description:...
to Momo.
After the series ends he is confirmed to have lived and appears in Ten yori Takaku as the president of a political organization. His son Juuzou appears in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
(江戸川). The leader of the 2nd years in Akashi’s absence. Depicted as the main tormentor of the 1st years, he usually wears an overly forced smile, but when mad his face changes to one of a furious psychotic killer. In Akatsuki!! Otokojuku, decades have passed but he has yet to graduate and therefore is still enrolled in Otokojuku.
Jaki Daigouin
(大豪院 邪鬼, Daigōin Jaki). The leader of the third years and the Otokojuku representative. Known as the Emperor of Otokojuku, he has ruled the school for over 10 years. A master of Daigouin-ryuu and Kikou Touhou. In his earlier appearances he seemd as large as a daibutsu
or 'giant Buddha' is the Japanese term, often used informally, for large statues of Buddha. The oldest is that at Asuka-dera and the best-known those of Tōdai-ji in Nara and Kōtoku-in in Kamakura , both National Treasures.- Examples :...
, but it later seems as though his fighting spirit gives off the feeling that he is that large.
He has won the Dai Ishin Paren Seiha three consecutive times, and he uses his power to defend his position. In the past he challenged Edajima to a duel but suffered his first loss, and came to realize the level of Edajima's greatness.
Before his fight against Spartacus in the Tenchou Gorin, he entrusted the proof of his position as Otokojuku representative to Momo. He continues fighting even after having his heart pierced, and kills himself while finishing the fight with his Shinkuu Senpuu Shou.
In Ten yori Takaku he is alive and appears as the chief of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. However, in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he is still dead and his son Kouki is an orphan. Additionally, his father Shouki appears in Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajima
Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajima
is a manga series by Akira Miyashita currently serialized in Oh Super Jump. It is a spin off of his previous work, Sakigake!! Otokojuku, and features a young Heihachi Edajima as the protagonist.-About:...
(影慶). The leader and strongest of the Otokojuku . His loyalty to Jaki is very high, and not even in unconsciousness will he step on Jaki's shadow. He is a master of the Kiritsu-ryuu poison fist technique and the Kijin-ryuu weapon style. He joins Jaki in the final battle of the Paren Seiha in the Tenrai Kyoushintou against Momo & Gekkou and defeats Gekkou. In the Tenchou Gorin he is seeming killed during the Preliminary League, but returns later under the guise of Otokojuku's 2nd Supporter .
PlayStation 2
The PlayStation 2 is a sixth-generation video game console manufactured by Sony as part of the PlayStation series. Its development was announced in March 1999 and it was first released on March 4, 2000, in Japan...
game). One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He has fingers that can pierce anything and is a master of Kyouke Toushiki Ha. He and Baron Dino face Date and Toramru in the Paren Seiha's Sanshou Rokkyouku Seitou. He possesses an incredible tenacity towards achieving victory at any cost. Years ago he and his platoon crossed the western country to face an old enemy and endured 3 days and 3 nights of hellish torture in a prison. In his fight against Sanen he sacrificed an arm to defeat him, a sacrifice he called a "scratch".
(卍丸). One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He is a master of Mouryouken, the most feared and darkest form of Kenpo
is the name of several Japanese martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. This term is often informally transliterated as "kempo", as a result of applying Traditional Hepburn romanization, but failing to use a macron to indicate the long vowel...
in history. He and Henshouki face J and Raiden in the Paren Seiha's Jikan Hyaku Chuurintou. He is also a master of poisonous weapon use and conceals needles in his mask. Twice in the Tenchou Gorin he fights against two opponents in a handicap match.
(センクウ). One of the Otokojuku Shitennou. He is a master of Mouryouken Dark Fist and Rikuke Killer Fist. He and Dokugantetsu fight Togashi and Hien in the Paren Seiha's Ryuubon Teimoutou. He is the Shitennou member with the most diverse techniques, including skills with razor sharp blades and excellent kicks. He is initially depicted as very masculine and often sweating, but is later depicted as a man of beauty, often holding a black rose in his mouth. He can use the rose as a weapon, but he is never actually shown doing so. He dislikes killing and always tries to avoid actually stabbing his enemies. He also shows respect to enemies who are willing to die to win, and even saved Togashi's life after defeating him.
(独眼鉄). One of the , aka the guard. A master of Niou-ryuu with strong muscles and a poison eye. He also has a rough physique and light gymnastic moves, as well as muscles like steel that not even 1,000 pickaxes could pierce. He claims to be the one who killed Togashi's brother Genkichi.
During the battle against Rouroukan in the Tenchou Gorin Preliminary League he attacks Sou Reigen, but Sou Reigen destroys his poison eye with his Shoukyuu Soudan and breaks his spine, killing him. He is the first Otokojuku fighter to die.
In the Paren Seiha he displays a sadistic personality disorder
Sadistic personality disorder
Sadistic personality disorder is a diagnosis which appeared only in an appendix of the revised third edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . The current version of the DSM does not include it, so it is no longer considered a valid...
by viciously attacking Hien repeatedly, but he is actually a shy and gentle person despite his huge body and grim face. In the anime he wears an eyepatch
An eyepatch or eye pad is a small patch that is worn in front of one eye. It may be a cloth patch attached around the head by an elastic band or by a string, or an adhesive bandage. It is often worn by people to cover a lost or injured eye, but it also has a therapeutic use in children for the...
In Ten yori Takaku, though only shown in a single panel, he is the only Chinju Chokurou Sannen-shuu member to be confirmed still alive.
(蝙翔鬼). One of the Chinju Sannin-shuu, aka the guard. A master of one of China's 3 Great Strange Attacks Nanchouji Kyoutaiken and the special techniques Tenpin Shouha and Kousou Henjutsu. His right hand is artificial and he can replace it with blades and his Tosatsu Fuusha. In the manga he had black hair, but in the anime it was changed to silver.
From his first appearance to the Paren Seiha he had puffy eyelids and the face of a sarcastic senpai
and are an essential element of Japanese seniority-based status relationships, similar to the way that family and other relationships are decided based on age, with even twins being divided into elder and younger sibling...
character and used cowardly tactics, but in the Tenchou Gorin his face was more slender and attractive. His tactics also changed, and he started using frontal attacks during his Kousou Henjutsu technique.
In the end he is stabbed by Centaur's unicorn horn and dies. He was able to see through Gekkou's blindness.
Baron Dino
(男爵ディーノ, Danshaku Dīno). One of the Chinju Chokurou Sannin-shuu, aka the guard. A master of Kyokusatsu Doruben, Shisen Chouken, and Hell's Magic. His conspicuous looks include a silk hat and a kaiser moustache. He is usually a polite gentleman with courteous speech, but when he is mad he completely snaps. Though he is highly influenced by the western world
Western world
The Western world, also known as the West and the Occident , is a term referring to the countries of Western Europe , the countries of the Americas, as well all countries of Northern and Central Europe, Australia and New Zealand...
, he usually wears a fundoshi
is the traditional Japanese undergarment for adult males, made from a length of cotton. Before World War II, the fundoshi was the main form of underwear for Japanese adult males...
. In the Tenchou Gorin Finals League he suddenly changes his fighting style to tricky tactics. He later appears alive in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku.
The wrestler Danshoku Dino
Danshoku Dino
' is a Japanese professional wrestler. Dino plays an overly exaggerated homosexual character similar to the likes of Adrian Street.His ring name comes from the character Baron Dino from the manga series Sakigake!! Otokojuku.-Career:...
named himself after this character.
Souji Togo
(東郷 総司, Tougou Souji)A vulgur young man who wears his previous school's hat, geta
Geta (footwear)
Geta are a form of traditional Japanese footwear that resemble both clogs and flip-flops. They are a kind of sandal with an elevated wooden base held onto the foot with a fabric thong to keep the foot well above the ground. They are worn with traditional Japanese clothing such as kimono or yukata,...
, and overcoat
An overcoat is a type of long coat intended to be worn as the outermost garment. Overcoats usually extend below the knee, but are sometimes mistakenly referred to as topcoats, which are short coats that end at or above the knees. Topcoats and overcoats together are known as outercoats...
. He survives Otokojuku's Russian roulette
Russian roulette
Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which participants place a single round in a revolver, spin the cylinder, place the muzzle against their head and pull the trigger...
entrance exam
Higher education in Japan
- University entrance :University entrance is based largely on the scores that students achieved in entrance examinations . Private institutions accounted for nearly 80% of all university enrollments in 1991, but with a few exceptions, the public national universities are the most highly regarded...
and possesses such raw courage that he never hesitated to pull the trigger. He challenges Momo to decide who deserves the title Otokojuku Representative but is defeated, even with using his motorcycle
A motorcycle is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycles vary considerably depending on the task for which they are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions.Motorcycles are one of the most...
as a weapon. After this, he takes part in the mission to save Edajima in the Battle of the Seven Tusks.
Former Tenchou Gorin Opponents
For information on each, see Tenchou Gorin Dai Bukai. They are second years in the Battle of the Seven Tusks Arc.- Sou Reigen
- Shu Kougen
- Tou Fuketsu
- PharaohPharaohPharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. The title originates in the term "pr-aa" which means "great house" and describes the royal palace...
- Hakuhou
- Souketsu
- Gouki Todo
- Gobalski
: The headmaster of Otokojuku.- The substitute headmaster of Otokojuku. His hair resembles a bowl of ramenRamenis a Japanese noodle dish. It consists of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a meat- or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as , , kamaboko, green onions, and occasionally corn...
and he has a tattoo on his forehead. He is an old friend of Edajima and is about as strong as him, with enough power to fight against Kennou of the Shinken Temple. He tends to speak with only ChineseChinese languageThe Chinese language is a language or language family consisting of varieties which are mutually intelligible to varying degrees. Originally the indigenous languages spoken by the Han Chinese in China, it forms one of the branches of Sino-Tibetan family of languages...
kanjiKanjiKanji are the adopted logographic Chinese characters hanzi that are used in the modern Japanese writing system along with hiragana , katakana , Indo Arabic numerals, and the occasional use of the Latin alphabet...
whenever he appears. He excels at both medicine and genjutsu and is in charge of the students' medical treatment. He has studied 3,000 year old Chinese secrets regarding medicine. In Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi, he meets Edajima at Tokyo Imperial University and teaches him martial arts. - The main instructor of the 1st year students. His appearance is indeed that of an Oni instructor, but he is also a very petty and egotistical person. The students generally dislike him but have been known to show concern for him sometimes. When not instructing, he likes to go to HarajukuHarajukuHarajuku is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo, Japan....
and attempt nanpaNanpa, also transliterated as nampa, in Japanese culture is a type of flirting and seduction popular among teenagers and people in their twenties and thirties. When Japanese women pursue men in a fashion similar to nanpa, it is called .-Etymology:...
, but because of his looks women tend to run away from him. In the anime he wore a kendoKendo, meaning "Way of The Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or kenjutsu.Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements.-Practitioners:Practitioners...
outfit and became more comical to better fit Shigeru Chiba's adlibbing. His father, Oni-Hage (Demon Bald), appears in Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi. - One of the other instructors, he is usually seen with Tetsu Kabuto. He dresses like a fighter pilotFighter pilotA fighter pilot is a military aviator trained in air-to-air combat while piloting a fighter aircraft . Fighter pilots undergo specialized training in aerial warfare and dogfighting...
and has a wife and daughter (whom also wear fighter pilot hats). In the anime he dresses like a monk and is referred to as . - One of the other instructors, he is usually seen with Hikoubou. As his name implies, he wears an iron helmet. He also has a moustache and wears round glasses. In earlier chapters he also wore a Nazi armband. In the anime his face was changed and he was referred to as .
- The superintendent of the Otokojuku student dorms. He likes to work the students unreasonably hard. His specialty dish is escargot.
- Vice Principal: An anime original character, he also acts as Edajima's secretary.
- First Year Students' BudōBudois a Japanese term describing martial arts. In English, it is used almost exclusively in reference to Japanese martial arts.-Etymology:Budō is a compound of the root bu , meaning war or martial; and dō , meaning path or way. Specifically, dō is derived from the Buddhist Sanskrit mārga...
See also
- List of Sakigake!! Otokojuku characters
- Akatsuki!! Otokojuku
- Peerless: The Legend of Heihachi EdajimaPeerless: The Legend of Heihachi Edajimais a manga series by Akira Miyashita currently serialized in Oh Super Jump. It is a spin off of his previous work, Sakigake!! Otokojuku, and features a young Heihachi Edajima as the protagonist.-About:...