List of Strike Witches characters
This is a list of major characters that appear in the Strike Witches
series and original video animation
, with some characters also appearing in various manga.
The main character of the series, age fourteen (later fifteen) and hailing from the Fusō Empire. A typical young girl who comes from a family of clinicians who use their magic powers to heal people. Yoshika gains the features of a mame-shiba
when using said power. Her father designed the Striker Units the Strike Witches use to fight. However, because her father died in the war she is vehemently against fighting when Mio Sakamoto appears to recruit her. Only after entering combat for the first time, helping to defend the Fusō fleet heading to Britannia from a Neuroi attack, does she decide to join the 501st. Now she holds the rank of Sergeant
. Yoshika has a talent for cooking, but tends to care more about her food's health benefits than its taste, such as when she introduced the other Witches to nattō
. Carries a type 99 aircraft cannon along with a M712 in battle. She has a small gray dog as a familiar
which does not appear in the anime series. Her Striker Unit is modeled after the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, later a Kyushu J7W
"Shinden" in Season 2 and she is based on the ace Kaneyoshi Mutō. At the end of Season 2, Yoshika loses all of her magical powers meaning she can't be a witch anymore.
The first Strike Witch and sub-commander of the unit, with the commissioned rank of Squadron Leader
. Mio is also the oldest witch in the 501st at nineteen (later, twenty) years old and, like Yoshika, comes from Fusō. She is seemingly the toughest and most mature of the Witches, being an experienced veteran of the early fighting against the Neuroi. She knew Yoshika's father while he was first designing the Striker Unit and was the first person to pilot one. Her usual task is to train new recruits, and in this role she becomes a very strict disciplinarian, appropriately gaining the ears and tail of a Doberman when equipped with her Striker. Otherwise she is quite friendly, if a little too forward at times, with a very distinct laugh. Under Mio's eyepatch is a magic eye that grants her increased visual prowess and the ability to spot Neuroi cores when used. Being 19/20 years old, Mio's magical power has declined too far for her to erect effective shields in combat, however she can still fly and use her magical eye. She carries a type 99 aircraft cannon into a battle along with a magical katana
strapped to her back capable of cutting apart giant Neuroi. In the second season, she builds herself an enhanced katana called the Reppumaru that can cut through Neuroi beams to compensate for the lack of shields. However, the sword drains a substantial amount of magic, shortening her lifespan as a Witch. Her Striker Unit is based on the A6M Zero, later a Kawanishi N1K "Shiden-kai" in Season 2 and she herself is based on Saburō Sakai
. At the end of Season 2, it is implied that Mio, just like Yoshika, has lost all of her magical powers thus ending her career as a witch.
The ranking officer of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing at eighteen years old, Minna has a sisterly air that shows her concern for those under her command. Whether in or out of battle, her first priority is the safety of her subordinates. Her more gentle demeanor means that she often acts as the "good cop" to Mio's "bad cop" when it comes to discipline. She also has a talent for singing, wanting to become a professional before she joined the war effort. However, she gave up that dream when her lover was killed in battle. Because of this, she is afraid of losing anybody else, which leads her to eventually give an order that prohibits the male workers on the base from having unauthorized contact with the witches. She is also rather protective of Mio, usually standing in her way whenever she tries something reckless. Alluding to her namesake, Minna gains wolf features when equipped for combat. Her power grants her enhanced spatial awareness, allowing her to pinpoint the precise location and number of objects in a wide area of space. Holds the commissioned rank of Wing commander
, and her affiliation is the Karlsland JG 3 Luftwaffe
. During combat she arms herself with an MG 42. Her Striker Unit model is the Messerschmitt Bf 109
G-2 and her ace pilot archetype is Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke
Fifteen years old, Lynette (called "Lynne" for short) is the only Witch in the 501st who is native to the Britannian Commonwealth. The middle child of eight siblings, Lynette developed very domestic and practical habits from helping to take care of them. Similarly domestic is the Scottish Fold
, from which her Striker-equipped animal features are based. Plagued by occasional clumsiness and sometimes overlooked, she nevertheless strives to do her best. After she meets Yoshika, the two eventually become best friends. Holds the rank of Sergeant and her affiliation is the Britannian Air Force
610th Fighter Squadron. Her armaments are a Mk. I Boys anti-tank rifle and a Bren light machine gun. She serves as the squadron's sharpshooter and possesses an ability to supercharge magic power into shots she fires. Her Striker Unit is based on the Supermarine Spitfire
Mk IX, and her pilot archetype is unclear, but is likely one of the children of Billy Bishop
, who is the pilot archetype for Minnie Bishop, Lynette's mother. Lynette also has an older sister, Wilma, who is also a Strike Witch, and likely based on Billy Bishop's son, Arthur.
A wealthy and proper fifteen year old Gallian girl who looks down on some of the less-refined habits of her peers. The emotional scars left by the Neuroi's conquest of her homeland cause her numerous problems. She often refuses to work as part of a team, and develops a dislike for the upstart newcomer Yoshika due to her attachment to Mio, which eventually develops into full-blown jealousy, even leading her to challenge Yoshika to a duel (as seen in episode 9). When wearing her Striker Unit, she gains the dark ears and tail of a Chartreux
. Perrine holds the rank of Flying Officer
and her original unit was the Forces Aériennes Galliaises Libres
602nd Flying Corps. Depicted carrying a rapier
in artwork,which briefly appeared on the 9th episode of the second season as an heirloom from her family. She also uses a Bren light machine gun. She has a lightning based spell called Tonnerre
which can strike down multiple targets. Her Striker Unit is based on the Arsenal VG-39
and she is named after Pierre Clostermann
Karlsland's sixteen year old "ultra ace" of the Luftwaffe JG 52 with more than 200 confirmed victories and the rank of Flying Officer. While extremely efficient and strategic in battle, Erica is surprisingly sloppy with her belongings and often neglects cleaning tasks. The type of person who is only serious when the situation calls for it. Her special technique is an offensive barrel roll
named Sturm
which manipulates gusts of ether to attack enemies. With her Striker Unit equipped, Erica gains Dachshund
features. Her armaments are the MG 42 and a MP 40. Her Striker Unit is based on the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 and her ace archetype is Erich Hartmann
Eighteen year old Witch from Karlsland; a Flight Lieutenant
formerly of the Luftwaffe JG 52. Quiet, efficient, and private, Gertrud (known as "Trude" to her friends) tends to support her comrades from the shadows. Her naturally calm attitude grants her great battlefield stamina, allowing her to rack up an impressive shot-down tally. A long-time acquaintance of Minna and Erica, she is often seen supporting the former in her leadership tasks and chastising the latter for her sloppiness. She has a younger sister named Chris who was badly injured during the invasion of her country and vaguely resembles Yoshika, and she often has a complete change in personality whenever she is brought up. Her magical power grants her the most physical strength of all the Witches to the extent where she can lift a steel girder many times her size. In flight she gains the features of a German Wirehaired Pointer
. For battle her armament consists of an MG 42, MG 131, or MG 151 which she dual wields. Her Striker Unit is based on the Focke-Wulf Fw 190
D-6 and her pilot archetype is Gerhard Barkhorn
. She briefly flew a jet striker based on the Messerschmitt Me 262
armed with two twin-linked MK 108 30mm autocannon and a single BK 5 50mm anti-armor cannon. It was much faster and heavily armed but drained magic at a dangerous rate.
Joining the 501st from the Duchy of Romagna, Francesca is the youngest soldier of the unit at a mere twelve years. Her rank is that of a Pilot Officer
and her unit affiliation was with Romagna's Sovrana Aeronautica Romagniana
4th Air Unit. Francesca is often childish and self-indulgent, shirking training and other duties in order to have fun around the base or nap. However, in battle she displays a true talent and passion for flying. Also displayed are the ears and tail of a black leopard
. She is good friends with the similarly casual Charlotte, often pairing with her in battle where she is thrown at high speed to defeat Neuroi. She has a tendency to occasionally speak in a sing-song tone. During battles she carries a M1919 A6
, Breda-SAFAT 12.7 mm
machine gun, or Beretta Model 1938A. She has the power to concentrate energy into a point in front of her, and release it in one powerful burst. Working with her best friend Charlotte, who throws her, she can use this ability to greatly damage an enemy. Her Striker Unit is based on the G.55 Centauro
, and her ace archetype is Franco Lucchini
A sixteen year old girl hailing from the United States of Liberion with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. Magnanimous in character, tall and buxom in appearance, Charlotte, nicknamed Shirley, is a thrill-seeker who is fascinated by speed. Like a speedy hare, she gains the ears and tail of a rabbit
when equipped with her Striker (possibly alluding to model and photographer Bunny Yeager
). Concerned with cleanliness, Charlotte had her personal bath transported all the way to the Strike Witches' Britannia base when she was transferred from the Liberion Army 363rd Fighter Wing. In combat her armament can consist of a M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, Thompson M1 A1
, or Colt Government M1911 A1; also depicted carrying a Bowie knife
. The P-51D Mustang serves as the basis for her Striker Unit that she nicknames Merlin
, while she herself is based on Chuck Yeager
. Like her namesake, Charlotte becomes the first person to break the sound barrier
. Before joining the 501st she was also a motorcycle racer who broke the land speed record on Bonneville Salt Flats using a modified Indian
motorcycle identical to one used by legendary New Zealand speed bike racer Burt Munro
in the 1950s.
The fifteen year old top ace of the Suomus Air Force 24th Unit with the rank of Pilot Officer (although the three roses on her collar would indicate the rank of captain). Eila's hobby is fortune-telling with tarot cards, although the accuracy of her predictions is questionable at best. In battle however, she literally has the magical power of seeing into the future, allowing her to evade incoming attacks with ease. Somewhat mischievous, like the black fox
whose features she gains in flight. She is particularly affectionate towards Sanya and will become cold to anyone who comes too close to her, this usually being Yoshika. In combat her weapons of choice are the MG42 and Suomi M1931 submachine gun. Eila's Striker Unit is based on the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 and she is based on Eino Ilmari Juutilainen
The single Witch in the 501st out of the Orussian Empire at thirteen years old, later fourteen. Preferring to stay indoors during the day, Sanya has been described as "nocturnal." At times she is literally asleep on her feet, counting on Eila to move her around. She has a habit of stumbling into Eila's room to fall asleep in after missions. Despite this somewhat limiting her contact with the other members of the 501st, her low profile makes her ideal for night missions. Also helping her in this duty is her magical specialty, the ability to read signals such as radio waves that are invisible to the naked eye, giving her a highly advanced spatial awareness. Sanya gains the ears and tail of a black cat
with her Striker Unit equipped. The green brackets that form around Sanya's head are reminiscent of the radar antennae
found on night fighters during World War II
, further reinforcing her nocturnal nature. Sanya's rank is Flying Officer and her original unit affiliation is the Orussian Imperial Army 586th Fighter Regiment. Her weapon of choice is a modified Fliegerfaust
called the "Fliegerhammer." Her Striker Unit design is based on the MiG-60 (a fictional warbird combining features of the MiG-1
, MiG-3
, and Yakovlev Yak-1
) and her pilot archetype is Lydia Litvyak
. Sanya is often key in special missions and is one of the more powerful witches despite her relatively small role played in the fighting in the day. The reason Sanya cannot fight in the day is due to the fact that when the witches fly they use up "Magic power" this power is used to power their "Striker Units" which give them the ability to fly. Sanya uses up all of her magic in the all night patrol and is therefore rarely involved in daylight missions and only is when it is pre-planned or is of utmost importance.
The main character. An ace dogfighter from the Fusō Empire, she rose to fame after the initial Neuroi probing attack in the Fusō sea in 1937, where she shot down 7 enemy fighters. She was expecting to get deployed to the frontlines in Karlsland, but was ordered to Suomus instead. Based on Satoru Anabuki
Also from the Fusō Empire, stationed in a naval air flotilla. She is enamored with Tomoko, but her low self-esteem causes her problems. Based on Takeo Tanimizu.
The number 1 trouble-making insubordinate member of the Britannian Air Force. Considered to be a loose cannon compared to everyone else, Elizabeth was to be executed for her constant insubordination and nature by the Britannian military brass. She is considered to have a rather gloomy personality with a slightly suicidal streak and often has a bit of a depressed side to her but shows supports for Tomoko on her decisions in spite of her insubordinate personality. She also has a close relationship with Hannah Rudel and Wilma Bishop whom were both drinking buddies. Wields a Kukri
in battle. Based on George Beurling
Hailing from Texas in the United States of Liberion, she is a real airheaded dunce. She was transferred over after the Liberion Navy thought she could use some experience over at Sumous rather than dragging her forces down due to her rookie tactics. Despite her inexperience she helps to do her best to keep her team in high spirits. In spite of her cheerfulness, her inability to grasp other cultures except her own may occasionally negate her efforts to befriend others. Based on Edward O'Hare
From Karlsland, she is the twin sister of Erica Hartmann from the anime, as the light novel series and anime take place at different times. The youngest in the squadron at 10 years of age, all she does is read and tries to learn everything according to Karlsland doctrines. She eventually uses her research into rocketry to design the Fliegerhummer prototype that Sanya will use. She also appears in episode 4 of the second anime season. She is named after Erich Hartmann
's wife Ursula.
A native of Suomus, she is nervous, extremely timid, and inexperienced. Initially assigned as the squadron commander of the Suomus Independent Volunteer Air Squadron, she however lacks initiative and often defers to Tomoko. Based on Eino Luukkanen
She is a member from the Principality of Romagna. A former top ace known as the "Non-commissioned General," she lost her memories and skills after being shot down over Neuroi territory. She has an infatuation with Tomoko as well. Based on Giuseppe Cenni.
Appears in episode 12 of the anime. Like Yoshika, she is a Witch from Fusō. She gives Yoshika a letter from her father Dr. Miyafuji, he just made it so that she would get it at that time.
The leader of the 504th Joint Fighter Wing of Strike Witches. She also makes a few appearances in Strike Witches 2.
Pilot archetype is Junichi Sasai
The sister of Amaki Suwa.
Based on one of the best Japanese fighter aircraft in WW2, the Ki-84
A dog familiar who has resided inside a katana for a long time, but is released when Yoshika goes near it. Whilst invisible to most people, certain witches such as Yoshika and Junko are able to see him.
The captain of the 31st Joint Fighter Wing known as the Storm Witches, stationed in Africa. She appears in the Strike Witches 1.5 manga and episode 10 of Strike Witches 2. She is one of the more famous witches known throughout the world, though she insists that she doesn't do autographes. She was formerly in a Karlsland squad alongside Barkhorn and Erica, who weren't fond of her showing off. She has a competitive attitude and tries to motivate Erica, who she views as her equal, to compete for the tiebreaker, which due to her slack nature rarely happens. Her pilot archetype is Hans-Joachim Marseille
Lynette's older sister, who was a former witch in the Farawayland Air Force.
A friend of Perrine's from the Gallian Witches Army. Her pilot archetype is Henri Planchard.
A master sergeant, nicknamed Nipa, who appears to be old friends with Eila. She has a habit of having crash landings and breaking her Striker Units. Her pilot archetype is Nils Katajainen.
A test pilot for the 131st Experimental Flight Regiment. Her pilot archetype is Helmut Lennartz
A lieutenant from the Karlsland Air Force 1st Night Fighter Wing, who has night vision powers. She defends an area alone and thus lacks social skills, sometimes being mistaken for a ghost. Her pilot archetype is Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer
Chris for short, Gertrude's little sister, who was in a coma for most of the first season. Getrude usually dotes on her a lot, and she has a similar appearance to Yoshika. She is named after Gerhard Barkhorn's wife, Christl.
Yoshika's father who was a researcher who helped designed the striker unit and worked alongside Mio. He is reportedly deceased, which surprises Yoshika when she starts receiving letters apparently from him.
A general with authority over the Strike Witches, though his true purpose was to find a way to disband the witches and implement his new weapon, the Warlock, which was made using Neuroi technology, to please the higher ups. However, his plan backfires when the Neuroi takes over the Warlock, and he is arrested by Minna and the other witches. Based on RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory
A mysterious, cheerful young girl who gets saved by Lucchini from two sinister-looking men who appear to attack her in the streets of Rome. She claims not to know the city very well, even though she says to have been born and raised there. Lucchini takes an immediate liking to her and decides to show her around, spending all of the squadron's shopping budget entrusted to her in the process. Maria later turns out to be the Duchess Maria of Romagna.
Strike Witches
is a mixed-media project originally created by Humikane Shimada via a series of magazine illustration columns. It was later adapted into two light novel series, three manga series, an anime OVA, a televised anime series and various video games. The story revolves around teenage girls who are...
501st Joint Fighter Wing
These characters appear in the televised animeAnime
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....
series and original video animation
Original video animation
, abbreviated as media , are animated films and series made specially for release in home-video formats. The term originated in relation to Japanese animation...
, with some characters also appearing in various manga.

The main character of the series, age fourteen (later fifteen) and hailing from the Fusō Empire. A typical young girl who comes from a family of clinicians who use their magic powers to heal people. Yoshika gains the features of a mame-shiba
Shiba Inu
The is the smallest of the six original and distinct breeds of dog from Japan.A small, agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain, the Shiba Inu was originally bred for hunting. It is similar in appearance to the Akita, though much smaller in stature...
when using said power. Her father designed the Striker Units the Strike Witches use to fight. However, because her father died in the war she is vehemently against fighting when Mio Sakamoto appears to recruit her. Only after entering combat for the first time, helping to defend the Fusō fleet heading to Britannia from a Neuroi attack, does she decide to join the 501st. Now she holds the rank of Sergeant
Sergeant is a rank used in some form by most militaries, police forces, and other uniformed organizations around the world. Its origins are the Latin serviens, "one who serves", through the French term Sergent....
. Yoshika has a talent for cooking, but tends to care more about her food's health benefits than its taste, such as when she introduced the other Witches to nattō
is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis. It is popular especially as a breakfast food. As a rich source of protein and probiotics, nattō and the soybean paste miso formed a vital source of nutrition in feudal Japan. Nattō can be an acquired taste because...
. Carries a type 99 aircraft cannon along with a M712 in battle. She has a small gray dog as a familiar
Familiar spirit
In European folklore and folk-belief of the Medieval and Early Modern periods, familiar spirits were supernatural entities believed to assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic...
which does not appear in the anime series. Her Striker Unit is modeled after the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, later a Kyushu J7W
Kyushu J7W
|-See also:-References:NotesBibliography* Green, William. Warplanes of the Second World War, Volume Three: Fighters. London: Macdonald & Co. Ltd., 1961 . ISBN 0-356-01447-9....
"Shinden" in Season 2 and she is based on the ace Kaneyoshi Mutō. At the end of Season 2, Yoshika loses all of her magical powers meaning she can't be a witch anymore.
The first Strike Witch and sub-commander of the unit, with the commissioned rank of Squadron Leader
Squadron Leader
Squadron Leader is a commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force and the air forces of many countries which have historical British influence. It is also sometimes used as the English translation of an equivalent rank in countries which have a non-English air force-specific rank structure. In these...
. Mio is also the oldest witch in the 501st at nineteen (later, twenty) years old and, like Yoshika, comes from Fusō. She is seemingly the toughest and most mature of the Witches, being an experienced veteran of the early fighting against the Neuroi. She knew Yoshika's father while he was first designing the Striker Unit and was the first person to pilot one. Her usual task is to train new recruits, and in this role she becomes a very strict disciplinarian, appropriately gaining the ears and tail of a Doberman when equipped with her Striker. Otherwise she is quite friendly, if a little too forward at times, with a very distinct laugh. Under Mio's eyepatch is a magic eye that grants her increased visual prowess and the ability to spot Neuroi cores when used. Being 19/20 years old, Mio's magical power has declined too far for her to erect effective shields in combat, however she can still fly and use her magical eye. She carries a type 99 aircraft cannon into a battle along with a magical katana
A Japanese sword, or , is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. There are several types of Japanese swords, according to size, field of application and method of manufacture.-Description:...
strapped to her back capable of cutting apart giant Neuroi. In the second season, she builds herself an enhanced katana called the Reppumaru that can cut through Neuroi beams to compensate for the lack of shields. However, the sword drains a substantial amount of magic, shortening her lifespan as a Witch. Her Striker Unit is based on the A6M Zero, later a Kawanishi N1K "Shiden-kai" in Season 2 and she herself is based on Saburō Sakai
Saburo Sakai
Sub-Lieutenant was a Japanese naval aviator and flying ace of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Sakai was the Imperial Navy's fourth-ranking ace and Japan's second leading fighter pilot to survive the war ....
. At the end of Season 2, it is implied that Mio, just like Yoshika, has lost all of her magical powers thus ending her career as a witch.
The ranking officer of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing at eighteen years old, Minna has a sisterly air that shows her concern for those under her command. Whether in or out of battle, her first priority is the safety of her subordinates. Her more gentle demeanor means that she often acts as the "good cop" to Mio's "bad cop" when it comes to discipline. She also has a talent for singing, wanting to become a professional before she joined the war effort. However, she gave up that dream when her lover was killed in battle. Because of this, she is afraid of losing anybody else, which leads her to eventually give an order that prohibits the male workers on the base from having unauthorized contact with the witches. She is also rather protective of Mio, usually standing in her way whenever she tries something reckless. Alluding to her namesake, Minna gains wolf features when equipped for combat. Her power grants her enhanced spatial awareness, allowing her to pinpoint the precise location and number of objects in a wide area of space. Holds the commissioned rank of Wing commander
Wing Commander (rank)
Wing commander is a commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force and the air forces of many other Commonwealth countries...
, and her affiliation is the Karlsland JG 3 Luftwaffe
Luftwaffe is a generic German term for an air force. It is also the official name for two of the four historic German air forces, the Wehrmacht air arm founded in 1935 and disbanded in 1946; and the current Bundeswehr air arm founded in 1956....
. During combat she arms herself with an MG 42. Her Striker Unit model is the Messerschmitt Bf 109
Messerschmitt Bf 109
The Messerschmitt Bf 109, often called Me 109, was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser during the early to mid 1930s...
G-2 and her ace pilot archetype is Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke
Wolf-Dietrich "Fürst" Wilcke was a German World War II fighter ace who served in the Luftwaffe from 1935 until his death. A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat...
Fifteen years old, Lynette (called "Lynne" for short) is the only Witch in the 501st who is native to the Britannian Commonwealth. The middle child of eight siblings, Lynette developed very domestic and practical habits from helping to take care of them. Similarly domestic is the Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that makes its ear cartilage contain a fold, causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of their head, which gives the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearanceOriginally called lop-eared or...
, from which her Striker-equipped animal features are based. Plagued by occasional clumsiness and sometimes overlooked, she nevertheless strives to do her best. After she meets Yoshika, the two eventually become best friends. Holds the rank of Sergeant and her affiliation is the Britannian Air Force
Royal Air Force
The Royal Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. Formed on 1 April 1918, it is the oldest independent air force in the world...
610th Fighter Squadron. Her armaments are a Mk. I Boys anti-tank rifle and a Bren light machine gun. She serves as the squadron's sharpshooter and possesses an ability to supercharge magic power into shots she fires. Her Striker Unit is based on the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire
The Supermarine Spitfire is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was used by the Royal Air Force and many other Allied countries throughout the Second World War. The Spitfire continued to be used as a front line fighter and in secondary roles into the 1950s...
Mk IX, and her pilot archetype is unclear, but is likely one of the children of Billy Bishop
Billy Bishop
Air Marshal William Avery "Billy" Bishop VC, CB, DSO & Bar, MC, DFC, ED was a Canadian First World War flying ace, officially credited with 72 victories, making him the top Canadian ace, and according to some sources, the top ace of the British Empire.-Early life:Bishop was born in Owen Sound,...
, who is the pilot archetype for Minnie Bishop, Lynette's mother. Lynette also has an older sister, Wilma, who is also a Strike Witch, and likely based on Billy Bishop's son, Arthur.
A wealthy and proper fifteen year old Gallian girl who looks down on some of the less-refined habits of her peers. The emotional scars left by the Neuroi's conquest of her homeland cause her numerous problems. She often refuses to work as part of a team, and develops a dislike for the upstart newcomer Yoshika due to her attachment to Mio, which eventually develops into full-blown jealousy, even leading her to challenge Yoshika to a duel (as seen in episode 9). When wearing her Striker Unit, she gains the dark ears and tail of a Chartreux
The Chartreux is a breed of domestic cat from France and is recognised by a number of registries around the world. It is not recognised by the GCCF in the UK, ostensibly for being too similar to the British Shorthair, one of whose colours is a similar blue-grey. The Chartreux is large and...
. Perrine holds the rank of Flying Officer
Flying Officer
Flying officer is a junior commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force and the air forces of many countries which have historical British influence...
and her original unit was the Forces Aériennes Galliaises Libres
Free French Air Force
The Free French Air Force was the air arm of the Free French Forces during the Second World War.-Fighting for Free France — the FAFL in French North Africa :...
602nd Flying Corps. Depicted carrying a rapier
A rapier is a slender, sharply pointed sword, ideally used for thrusting attacks, used mainly in Early Modern Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries.-Description:...
in artwork,which briefly appeared on the 9th episode of the second season as an heirloom from her family. She also uses a Bren light machine gun. She has a lightning based spell called Tonnerre
Tonnerre is a commune in the Yonne department in Burgundy in north-central France.-Twin town:* Nenagh, North Tipperary, Ireland-References:*...
which can strike down multiple targets. Her Striker Unit is based on the Arsenal VG-39
Arsenal VG-33
|-See also:-References:NotesBibliography* Breffort, Dominique & Jouineau, André. French Aircraft from 1939 to 1942, Volume 1: from Amiot to Curtiss. Paris, France: Histoire & Collections, 2004. ISBN 2-915239-23-1....
and she is named after Pierre Clostermann
Pierre Clostermann
Pierre Clostermann was a French flying ace, author, engineer, politician and sporting fisherman. Over his flying career he was awarded the Grand-Croix of the French Légion d'Honneur, French Croix de Guerre, British DFC and bar, Distinguished Service Cross , Silver Star , and the Air Medal .-Early...
Karlsland's sixteen year old "ultra ace" of the Luftwaffe JG 52 with more than 200 confirmed victories and the rank of Flying Officer. While extremely efficient and strategic in battle, Erica is surprisingly sloppy with her belongings and often neglects cleaning tasks. The type of person who is only serious when the situation calls for it. Her special technique is an offensive barrel roll
Barrel roll
A barrel roll is an aerial maneuver in which an airplane makes a complete rotation on its longitudinal axis while following a helical path, approximately maintaining its original direction. It is sometimes described as "a combination of a loop and a roll"...
named Sturm
Sturm may refer to:In persons:* Sturm , surname * Saint Sturm, 8th-century monkIn food:* Federweisser, known as Sturm in Austria, wine in the fermentation stage* Sturm Foods, an American dry grocery manufacturer...
which manipulates gusts of ether to attack enemies. With her Striker Unit equipped, Erica gains Dachshund
The dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied dog breed belonging to the hound family. The standard size dachshund was bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature dachshund was developed to hunt smaller prey such as rabbits...
features. Her armaments are the MG 42 and a MP 40. Her Striker Unit is based on the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 and her ace archetype is Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmann
Erich Alfred Hartmann , nicknamed "Bubi" by his comrades and "The Black Devil" by his Soviet enemies, was a German World War II fighter pilot and is the highest-scoring fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare...
Eighteen year old Witch from Karlsland; a Flight Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant
Flight lieutenant is a junior commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force and the air forces of many Commonwealth countries. It ranks above flying officer and immediately below squadron leader. The name of the rank is the complete phrase; it is never shortened to "lieutenant"...
formerly of the Luftwaffe JG 52. Quiet, efficient, and private, Gertrud (known as "Trude" to her friends) tends to support her comrades from the shadows. Her naturally calm attitude grants her great battlefield stamina, allowing her to rack up an impressive shot-down tally. A long-time acquaintance of Minna and Erica, she is often seen supporting the former in her leadership tasks and chastising the latter for her sloppiness. She has a younger sister named Chris who was badly injured during the invasion of her country and vaguely resembles Yoshika, and she often has a complete change in personality whenever she is brought up. Her magical power grants her the most physical strength of all the Witches to the extent where she can lift a steel girder many times her size. In flight she gains the features of a German Wirehaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer
The German wirehaired pointer is a griffon type breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. It became a leading gun dog in Germany in the later part of the 20th century...
. For battle her armament consists of an MG 42, MG 131, or MG 151 which she dual wields. Her Striker Unit is based on the Focke-Wulf Fw 190
Focke-Wulf Fw 190
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger was a German Second World War single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank in the late 1930s. Powered by a radial engine, the 190 had ample power and was able to lift larger loads than its well-known counterpart, the Messerschmitt Bf 109...
D-6 and her pilot archetype is Gerhard Barkhorn
Gerhard Barkhorn
Lieutenant-General Gerhard "Gerd" Barkhorn , was the second most successful fighter ace of all time after fellow Luftwaffe pilot Erich Hartmann...
. She briefly flew a jet striker based on the Messerschmitt Me 262
Messerschmitt Me 262
The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944...
armed with two twin-linked MK 108 30mm autocannon and a single BK 5 50mm anti-armor cannon. It was much faster and heavily armed but drained magic at a dangerous rate.
Joining the 501st from the Duchy of Romagna, Francesca is the youngest soldier of the unit at a mere twelve years. Her rank is that of a Pilot Officer
Pilot Officer
Pilot officer is the lowest commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force and the air forces of many other Commonwealth countries. It ranks immediately below flying officer...
and her unit affiliation was with Romagna's Sovrana Aeronautica Romagniana
Regia Aeronautica
The Italian Royal Air Force was the name of the air force of the Kingdom of Italy. It was established as a service independent of the Royal Italian Army from 1923 until 1946...
4th Air Unit. Francesca is often childish and self-indulgent, shirking training and other duties in order to have fun around the base or nap. However, in battle she displays a true talent and passion for flying. Also displayed are the ears and tail of a black leopard
The leopard , Panthera pardus, is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera, the other three being the tiger, lion, and jaguar. The leopard was once distributed across eastern and southern Asia and Africa, from Siberia to South Africa, but its...
. She is good friends with the similarly casual Charlotte, often pairing with her in battle where she is thrown at high speed to defeat Neuroi. She has a tendency to occasionally speak in a sing-song tone. During battles she carries a M1919 A6
M1919 Browning machine gun
The M1919 Browning is a .30 caliber medium machine gun that was widely used during the 20th century. It was used as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the U.S. and many other countries, especially during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War...
, Breda-SAFAT 12.7 mm
Breda-SAFAT machine gun
Breda-SAFAT was a series of machine-guns mounted on Italian aircraft during World War II. The weapon came in 7.7mm and 12.7mm variants. The 7.7mm model was similar to the M1919 Browning machine gun and could use some types of .303 British ammunition. The 12.7mm version could fire a...
machine gun, or Beretta Model 1938A. She has the power to concentrate energy into a point in front of her, and release it in one powerful burst. Working with her best friend Charlotte, who throws her, she can use this ability to greatly damage an enemy. Her Striker Unit is based on the G.55 Centauro
Fiat G.55
The Fiat G.55 Centauro was a single-engine single-seat World War II fighter aircraft used by the Regia Aeronautica and the A.N.R. in 1943-1945. It was designed and built in Turin by Fiat. The Fiat G.55 was probably the best type produced in Italy during World War II, but it did not enter...
, and her ace archetype is Franco Lucchini
Franco Lucchini
Franco Lucchini, MOVM, was an Italian World War II fighter pilot in the Aviazione Legionaria and in the Regia Aeronautica. During World War II he achieved 21 individual air victories, plus 52 shared, to add to the five kills in Spain, during the Civil War.He was born in Rome, son of a railway...
A sixteen year old girl hailing from the United States of Liberion with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. Magnanimous in character, tall and buxom in appearance, Charlotte, nicknamed Shirley, is a thrill-seeker who is fascinated by speed. Like a speedy hare, she gains the ears and tail of a rabbit
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world...
when equipped with her Striker (possibly alluding to model and photographer Bunny Yeager
Bunny Yeager
Bunny Yeager is an American photographer and former pin-up model.Born in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S. Yeager became one of the most photographed models in Miami. After retiring from modeling, she began her career behind the camera. She met Bettie Page in 1954, and took most of her photographs...
). Concerned with cleanliness, Charlotte had her personal bath transported all the way to the Strike Witches' Britannia base when she was transferred from the Liberion Army 363rd Fighter Wing. In combat her armament can consist of a M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, Thompson M1 A1
Thompson submachine gun
The Thompson is an American submachine gun, invented by John T. Thompson in 1919, that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight in the media of the time, being used by both law enforcement officers and criminals...
, or Colt Government M1911 A1; also depicted carrying a Bowie knife
Bowie knife
A Bowie knife is a pattern of fixed-blade fighting knife first popularized by Colonel James "Jim" Bowie in the early 19th Century. Since the first incarnation was created by James Black, the Bowie knife has come to incorporate several recognizable and characteristic design features, although its...
. The P-51D Mustang serves as the basis for her Striker Unit that she nicknames Merlin
Rolls-Royce Merlin
The Rolls-Royce Merlin is a British liquid-cooled, V-12, piston aero engine, of 27-litre capacity. Rolls-Royce Limited designed and built the engine which was initially known as the PV-12: the PV-12 became known as the Merlin following the company convention of naming its piston aero engines after...
, while she herself is based on Chuck Yeager
Chuck Yeager
Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager is a retired major general in the United States Air Force and noted test pilot. He was the first pilot to travel faster than sound...
. Like her namesake, Charlotte becomes the first person to break the sound barrier
Sound barrier
The sound barrier, in aerodynamics, is the point at which an aircraft moves from transonic to supersonic speed. The term, which occasionally has other meanings, came into use during World War II, when a number of aircraft started to encounter the effects of compressibility, a collection of several...
. Before joining the 501st she was also a motorcycle racer who broke the land speed record on Bonneville Salt Flats using a modified Indian
Indian (motorcycle)
Indian is an American brand of motorcycles. Indian motorcycles were manufactured from 1901 to 1953 by a company in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, initially known as the Hendee Manufacturing Company but which was renamed the Indian Manufacturing Company in 1928. The Indian factory team took the...
motorcycle identical to one used by legendary New Zealand speed bike racer Burt Munro
Burt Munro
Herbert James "Burt" Munro was a New Zealand motorcycle racer, famous for setting an under-1,000 cc world record, at Bonneville, 26 August 1967. This record still stands today...
in the 1950s.
The fifteen year old top ace of the Suomus Air Force 24th Unit with the rank of Pilot Officer (although the three roses on her collar would indicate the rank of captain). Eila's hobby is fortune-telling with tarot cards, although the accuracy of her predictions is questionable at best. In battle however, she literally has the magical power of seeing into the future, allowing her to evade incoming attacks with ease. Somewhat mischievous, like the black fox
Fox is a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae family. Foxes are small to medium-sized canids , characterized by possessing a long narrow snout, and a bushy tail .Members of about 37 species are referred to as foxes, of which only 12 species actually belong to...
whose features she gains in flight. She is particularly affectionate towards Sanya and will become cold to anyone who comes too close to her, this usually being Yoshika. In combat her weapons of choice are the MG42 and Suomi M1931 submachine gun. Eila's Striker Unit is based on the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 and she is based on Eino Ilmari Juutilainen
Ilmari Juutilainen
Eino Ilmari Juutilainen was a fighter pilot of the Ilmavoimat , and the top scoring non-German fighter pilot of all time...
The single Witch in the 501st out of the Orussian Empire at thirteen years old, later fourteen. Preferring to stay indoors during the day, Sanya has been described as "nocturnal." At times she is literally asleep on her feet, counting on Eila to move her around. She has a habit of stumbling into Eila's room to fall asleep in after missions. Despite this somewhat limiting her contact with the other members of the 501st, her low profile makes her ideal for night missions. Also helping her in this duty is her magical specialty, the ability to read signals such as radio waves that are invisible to the naked eye, giving her a highly advanced spatial awareness. Sanya gains the ears and tail of a black cat
The cat , also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felids and felines, is a small, usually furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests...
with her Striker Unit equipped. The green brackets that form around Sanya's head are reminiscent of the radar antennae
Lichtenstein radar
Lichtenstein radar was a German airborne radar in use during World War II. It was available in at least four major revisions, the FuG 202 Lichtenstein B/C, FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1, FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 and FuG 228 Lichtenstein SN-3.- FuG 202 Lichtenstein B/C :Early FuG 202 Lichtenstein B/C...
found on night fighters during World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
, further reinforcing her nocturnal nature. Sanya's rank is Flying Officer and her original unit affiliation is the Orussian Imperial Army 586th Fighter Regiment. Her weapon of choice is a modified Fliegerfaust
The Fliegerfaust , also known as the "Luftfaust" , was a prototype unguided German multi-barreled ground-to-air rocket launcher designed to destroy enemy ground attack planes.- Overview :...
called the "Fliegerhammer." Her Striker Unit design is based on the MiG-60 (a fictional warbird combining features of the MiG-1
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 was a Soviet fighter aircraft of World War II that was designed to meet a requirement for a high-altitude fighter issued in 1939. To minimize demand on strategic materials such as aluminum, the aircraft was mostly constructed from steel tubing and wood...
, MiG-3
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 was a Soviet fighter aircraft used during World War II. It was a development of the MiG-1 by the OKO of Zavod No. 1 to remedy problems that had been found during the MiG-1's development and operations. It replaced the MiG-1 on the production line at Factory No...
, and Yakovlev Yak-1
Yakovlev Yak-1
The Yakovlev Yak-1 was a World War II Soviet fighter aircraft. Produced from early 1940, it was a single-seat monoplane with a composite structure and wooden wings....
) and her pilot archetype is Lydia Litvyak
Lydia Litvyak
Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak (Лидия Владимировна Литвяк, (Moscow, August 18, 1921 – Krasnyi Luch August 1, 1943), also known as Lydia Litviak or Lilya Litviak, was a fighter pilot in the Soviet Air Force during World War II...
. Sanya is often key in special missions and is one of the more powerful witches despite her relatively small role played in the fighting in the day. The reason Sanya cannot fight in the day is due to the fact that when the witches fly they use up "Magic power" this power is used to power their "Striker Units" which give them the ability to fly. Sanya uses up all of her magic in the all night patrol and is therefore rarely involved in daylight missions and only is when it is pre-planned or is of utmost importance.
Suomus Independent Volunteer Aerial Squadron
These characters appear in the ongoing light novelLight novel
A is a style of Japanese novel primarily targeting junior high and high school students . The term "light novel" is a wasei-eigo, or a Japanese term formed from words in the English language. Light novels are often called or for short...
The main character. An ace dogfighter from the Fusō Empire, she rose to fame after the initial Neuroi probing attack in the Fusō sea in 1937, where she shot down 7 enemy fighters. She was expecting to get deployed to the frontlines in Karlsland, but was ordered to Suomus instead. Based on Satoru Anabuki
Satoru Anabuki
was, depending on the source, the second or third highest flying ace of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force in World War II, with 39 victories . Strangely enough there are 53 claimed victories to be found in his autobiography "Soku no Kawa" , where his first triple kill was mis-counted as just...
Also from the Fusō Empire, stationed in a naval air flotilla. She is enamored with Tomoko, but her low self-esteem causes her problems. Based on Takeo Tanimizu.
The number 1 trouble-making insubordinate member of the Britannian Air Force. Considered to be a loose cannon compared to everyone else, Elizabeth was to be executed for her constant insubordination and nature by the Britannian military brass. She is considered to have a rather gloomy personality with a slightly suicidal streak and often has a bit of a depressed side to her but shows supports for Tomoko on her decisions in spite of her insubordinate personality. She also has a close relationship with Hannah Rudel and Wilma Bishop whom were both drinking buddies. Wields a Kukri
The kukri is a curved Nepalese Knife, similar to the machete, used as both a tool and as a weapon...
in battle. Based on George Beurling
George Beurling
George Frederick "Buzz" Beurling DSO, DFC, DFM & Bar, RCAF , was the most successful Canadian fighter pilot of the Second World War....
Hailing from Texas in the United States of Liberion, she is a real airheaded dunce. She was transferred over after the Liberion Navy thought she could use some experience over at Sumous rather than dragging her forces down due to her rookie tactics. Despite her inexperience she helps to do her best to keep her team in high spirits. In spite of her cheerfulness, her inability to grasp other cultures except her own may occasionally negate her efforts to befriend others. Based on Edward O'Hare
Edward O'Hare
Lieutenant Commander Edward Henry “Butch” O’Hare was an Irish-American naval aviator of the United States Navy who on February 20, 1942 became the U.S. Navy's first flying ace and Medal of Honor recipient in World War II. Butch O’Hare’s final action took place on the night of November 26, 1943,...
From Karlsland, she is the twin sister of Erica Hartmann from the anime, as the light novel series and anime take place at different times. The youngest in the squadron at 10 years of age, all she does is read and tries to learn everything according to Karlsland doctrines. She eventually uses her research into rocketry to design the Fliegerhummer prototype that Sanya will use. She also appears in episode 4 of the second anime season. She is named after Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmann
Erich Alfred Hartmann , nicknamed "Bubi" by his comrades and "The Black Devil" by his Soviet enemies, was a German World War II fighter pilot and is the highest-scoring fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare...
's wife Ursula.
A native of Suomus, she is nervous, extremely timid, and inexperienced. Initially assigned as the squadron commander of the Suomus Independent Volunteer Air Squadron, she however lacks initiative and often defers to Tomoko. Based on Eino Luukkanen
Eino Luukkanen
Eino Luukkanen was a Finnish fighter ace in World War II. Luukkanen scored 56 confirmed victories, becoming Finland's third highest ranking ace. He flew the Fokker D-21, Brewster B-239 Buffalo, and Bf 109G.-Victories:...
She is a member from the Principality of Romagna. A former top ace known as the "Non-commissioned General," she lost her memories and skills after being shot down over Neuroi territory. She has an infatuation with Tomoko as well. Based on Giuseppe Cenni.
Maidens of the Blue Sky
These witches appear in the first manga and PS2 game (although Amaki Suwa also makes small appearances in the anime).Appears in episode 12 of the anime. Like Yoshika, she is a Witch from Fusō. She gives Yoshika a letter from her father Dr. Miyafuji, he just made it so that she would get it at that time.
Maidens of the Heavens
These characters appear in the second manga.The leader of the 504th Joint Fighter Wing of Strike Witches. She also makes a few appearances in Strike Witches 2.
Pilot archetype is Junichi Sasai
Junichi Sasai
Lieutenant Commander was a Japanese naval aviator and fighter ace of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Lieutenant Sasai was killed leading his fighter squadron during an attack of Henderson Field during the Battle of Guadalcanal....
The sister of Amaki Suwa.
Based on one of the best Japanese fighter aircraft in WW2, the Ki-84
Nakajima Ki-84
The Nakajima Ki-84 was a single-seat fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force in World War II. The Allied reporting name was "Frank"; the Japanese Army designation was . Featuring excellent performance and high maneuverability, the Ki-84 was considered to be the best Japanese fighter...
A dog familiar who has resided inside a katana for a long time, but is released when Yoshika goes near it. Whilst invisible to most people, certain witches such as Yoshika and Junko are able to see him.
Sky That Connects Us
These characters are from other squadrons who appear in the Strike Witches 1.5 manga.The captain of the 31st Joint Fighter Wing known as the Storm Witches, stationed in Africa. She appears in the Strike Witches 1.5 manga and episode 10 of Strike Witches 2. She is one of the more famous witches known throughout the world, though she insists that she doesn't do autographes. She was formerly in a Karlsland squad alongside Barkhorn and Erica, who weren't fond of her showing off. She has a competitive attitude and tries to motivate Erica, who she views as her equal, to compete for the tiebreaker, which due to her slack nature rarely happens. Her pilot archetype is Hans-Joachim Marseille
Hans-Joachim Marseille
Hans-Joachim Marseille was a Luftwaffe fighter pilot and flying ace during World War II. He is noted for his aerial battles during the North African Campaign and his bohemian lifestyle. One of the best fighter pilots of World War II, he was nicknamed the "Star of Africa"...
Lynette's older sister, who was a former witch in the Farawayland Air Force.
A friend of Perrine's from the Gallian Witches Army. Her pilot archetype is Henri Planchard.
A master sergeant, nicknamed Nipa, who appears to be old friends with Eila. She has a habit of having crash landings and breaking her Striker Units. Her pilot archetype is Nils Katajainen.
A test pilot for the 131st Experimental Flight Regiment. Her pilot archetype is Helmut Lennartz
Helmut Lennartz
Helmut Lennartz was a former German Luftwaffe fighter ace during World War II. He is credited with 13 aerial victories, including eight victories while flying the Messerschmitt Me-262 jet fighter...
A lieutenant from the Karlsland Air Force 1st Night Fighter Wing, who has night vision powers. She defends an area alone and thus lacks social skills, sometimes being mistaken for a ghost. Her pilot archetype is Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer was a German Luftwaffe night fighter pilot and is the highest scoring night fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare...
Other characters
Yoshika's childhood friend who resides in Fusō. She cares for Yoshika deeply and worries whenever she goes off into action.Chris for short, Gertrude's little sister, who was in a coma for most of the first season. Getrude usually dotes on her a lot, and she has a similar appearance to Yoshika. She is named after Gerhard Barkhorn's wife, Christl.
Yoshika's father who was a researcher who helped designed the striker unit and worked alongside Mio. He is reportedly deceased, which surprises Yoshika when she starts receiving letters apparently from him.
A general with authority over the Strike Witches, though his true purpose was to find a way to disband the witches and implement his new weapon, the Warlock, which was made using Neuroi technology, to please the higher ups. However, his plan backfires when the Neuroi takes over the Warlock, and he is arrested by Minna and the other witches. Based on RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory
Trafford Leigh-Mallory
Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory KCB, DSO & Bar was a senior commander in the Royal Air Force. Leigh-Mallory served as a Royal Flying Corps pilot and squadron commander during World War I...
A mysterious, cheerful young girl who gets saved by Lucchini from two sinister-looking men who appear to attack her in the streets of Rome. She claims not to know the city very well, even though she says to have been born and raised there. Lucchini takes an immediate liking to her and decides to show her around, spending all of the squadron's shopping budget entrusted to her in the process. Maria later turns out to be the Duchess Maria of Romagna.