Jonathan Randall and Tammy Winslow
Jonathan Randall and Tammy Layne Winslow Randall, portrayed by Tom Pelphrey
and Stephanie Gatschet
, are fictional characters on the American
soap opera
Guiding Light
. The pair, often referred to by the portmanteau "Jammy", is one of the show's supercouple
s. They were controversial as the characters were first half-cousin
s, being the children of half-sisters born to the same mother.
and Tammy Winslow met when Jonathan arrived in Springfield as "JB." Tammy had just broken up with her boyfriend and JB made many attempts to flirt with her. At the same time, Sandy Foster, who was believed to be Reva's son, Jonathan, was having flashback
s of his friend, the real Jonathan Randall, flashbacks centered around Jonathan's death when he fell from a cliff, despite Sandy's attempt to rescue him. When Tammy's boyfriend had finally left, JB took advantage of the situation and attempted to seduce
Tammy, knowing full well he was the real Jonathan Randall, Tammy's cousin. However, no one knew this, especially not Tammy. Luckily, the pair was interrupted by Reva, who took an immediate dislike to JB. Later, a dangerous JB returned to Tammy, but she decided to wait to have sex
Not long after, Sandy was seriously injured after being struck by a car. Coma
tose and in need of a transplant
, JB menacingly sneaked into Sandy's room, telling his "friend" that he was there and was with Reva when she learned Sandy was not her biological son. In the meantime, while Sandy was recovering from liver
transplant surgery (when Reva donated part of her liver to save his life), he received several visits from a very menacing Jonathan, facing the man who purposely left him to die. Wanting to make sure Sandy remained unconscious, a devious Jonathan fed him morphine
drips. At the same time, Reva was trying to locate information on Jonathan. Believing the information could be in Sandy's laptop
, Reva asked Tammy to get it. But Jonathan volunteered to get it for Tammy, and unbeknownst to everyone planted a letter that implied that Sandy had killed Jonathan.
In the meantime, Tammy was falling more and more under JB's spell and the night he planned to seduce her, he and Tammy went to visit Sandy, who was shocked to see Jonathan alive and well. With Tammy out of the room Jonathan not-so-subtly revealed to Sandy that he and Tammy were going to have sex. Then to make sure nothing went wrong with his plan, he bound Sandy, disconnected his phone and call button, and even had a nurse drug Reva who was being released that day. So, that night, Jonathan went ahead with his diabolical plan—he seduced his virginal cousin Tammy in order to get revenge
on his family. Although Sandy was finally able to contact Reva, by the time they found Jonathan and Tammy it was too late; they'd made love. A day later, Reva arrived home to find Jonathan waiting for her. When Jonathan proudly admitted he slept with Tammy. Reva was furious and disgusted. However, when he revealed that he slept with Tammy to hurt Reva more than she hurt him, Reva began to see that she had a hand in making her son a bitter, angry, and damaged person. Tammy was devastated by the events and shunned Jonathan, who always managed to find a way to get to her.
Later, that spring, Tammy informed Jonathan that she was no longer afraid of him, but she determined to keep him from coming between her Aunt Reva and Uncle Josh. As they argued, Jonathan spotted a father angrily berating his little boy. Reminded of his own childhood
, he angrily confronted the violent dad. When a security guard
intervened, Tammy came to Jonathan’s defense. The next day, Reva informed Jonathan that he had to move out of the house. Although he tried to manipulate her into changing her mind but for the first time, he was unsuccessful at getting under her skin. Later, now living at the Springfield Inn, Jonathan became a hero by saving Tammy's life in a fire
. Later, Tammy challenged Jonathan to do something positive with his life, and deciding to reinsert himself into the family, Jonathan asked Josh for a job in the family business
Later, Jonathan was dealing with issues stemming from the abuse
he suffered as a child at the hands of his adoptive father
, Alfred Randall, who came to Springfield under the alias of "Nate." Nate continually told Jonathan that the Lewis' would never accept him and that he was a nobody. The pressure that Nate had been putting on Jonathan finally became too much to bear and he unloaded months of pent up aggression
on Tammy. In an emotional exchange, Tammy admitted that she was inexplicably drawn to Jonathan. When a desperate Jonathan then reached out to her, he was stung when she revealed that she'd always choose Sandy over him. Enraged and humiliated, Jonathan headed for the bar where he targeted an unknown girl and introduced himself as Sandy. He then brought her to Sandy's room and later when she was getting dressed, he pocketed her earring
s and left them for Tammy to find.
Jonathan then stole money
from Lewis Construction, foiling Nate's plans to get a hold of that money. It didn't take long for everyone to realize Jonathan had the money and Nate tried to pressure Jonathan to give him the money by pushing a water-phobic
Jonathan, into the water. Luckily, Tammy came across a drowning
Jonathan and saved him. Far from grateful, Jonathan believed that she should have just let him drown and walked off. With everyone looking for Jonathan, he finally showed up at Tammy's doorstep asking for a place to hide. Tammy offered to let him take a shower
, but then seemingly betrayed him by telling Reva where he was. When Reva and others arrived, Jonathan, attempted to tell everyone that his adopted father (who was in town masquerading as a bar owner named Nate) murder
ed his adoptive mother, Marissa. After being accused of helping to cause Marissa's death, Jonathan angrily took off but came back to Tammy's to confront her about the way she gave him away.
During the discussion, Tammy insisted that she was only trying to help him. The moment, like so many others, became passionate the pair kissed. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Tammy pulled back and ran off. Jonathan finally made an agreement with Sandy to leave town for money. Unfortunately that same day, another attempt by Reva to trap Nate resulted in Tammy getting kidnapped
. Jonathan went to the docks and told Nate he'd go with him in exchange for Tammy's freedom. Though Tammy made an emotional pitch for Jonathan to stay and say goodbye to his father for good, Jonathan couldn't bring himself to leave Nate’s side. He was forced to be deliberately cruel to Tammy in order to get her off the boat. Heartbroken, Tammy gave Jonathan her locket
and left. Jonathan eventually escaped and Nate was killed.
In the meantime Tammy was continuing her relationship
with Sandy and, though she leaned on Jonathan as she learned more about Sandy's mysterious past. Later an argument lead Jonathan to blurt his feelings for Tammy and before she could respond, he pulled her into a kiss
. The impulsive kiss heated up when he confessed that he didn’t want to fight the attraction
between them anymore. Though deeply tempted to give in to her own feelings, she resisted and pushed him away.
Soon after, Jonathan met Tammy at the Jessup farm where she confessed that Sandy was going to propose
and that she intended to say yes. The heat between Tammy and Jonathan was undeniable, however and though she tried to fight it, they begin to kiss. The couple then began to make love, but were interrupted by an urgent call for Tammy telling her Sandy had been electrocuted
. Feeling extremely guilty, Tammy told Jonathan that she could not give in to her feelings for him. Over and over, Jonathan told Tammy she'd end up hurting Sandy cause they'd never be able to stay away from each other. He didn't realize she'd made a deal with God that she'd stay with Sandy if he recovered and she was determined to hold up to her bargain. Although Jonathan tried to convince her that they couldn't deny their feelings, Tammy was resolved. However, Jonathan soon discovered that Sandy was already married to Ava Peralta but he kept quiet, not wanting to get Tammy by default. It came out at the wedding
though, when Sandy was arrested for bigamy
. His divorce
had never went through.
Distraught, Tammy ran out of the church and came face to face with Jonathan who whisked her away. Tammy and Jonathan’s escape from her fiasco of a wedding took them to Towers, where they had their own private reception
as they apologized for hurting each other in the past. They then took off for her honeymoon
cabin in the woods, where Jonathan carried the bride over the threshold and their desire for one another heated up. Unfortunately, they were interrupted again by Tammy's cell phone. Although Jonathan wanted to ignore it, Tammy insisted on settling her past with Sandy before moving forward. Afterwards, Jonathan convinced Tammy to run away with him. Although she agreed, he was heartbroken when she disappeared and apparently went to see Sandy. Thinking she'd chosen Sandy over him again, an angry Jonathan refused to take her calls. Convinced he’d lost Tammy, he broke into her empty dream-house and prepared to set it on fire.
Only Tammy’s arrival and confession that she couldn’t imagine spending her life with anyone but him, kept Jonathan from doing something drastic. Unfortunately, the torch
he was holding accidentally dropped and ended up burning the house down after all. Later, Jonathan was disconcerted when Tammy refused to tell anyone they were involved. Thinking she was ashamed of him, he confronted her only to learn she wasn't ashamed—she was afraid. To demonstrate that there's only one way to deal with fear
, head on, Jonathan jumped off the pier
into the water. After Tammy pulled him out, she agreed to give the courage
thing a shot. As they began to make love in the boathouse
, they were interrupted.
The pair continued to have secret rendezvous as Tammy was still afraid of how her family would react to their romance. Unfortunately, they were discovered by the entire family. Cassie freaked, assuming her nephew was attacking her daughter but was stunned when Tammy announced it was consensual. Although Cassie gave Tammy a choice between her family or Jonathan—Tammy chose Jonathan. That night, Jonathan urged Tammy to call Cassie, put all the blame on him and asked to come home. But Tammy refused, reminding him that they were in this together. They planned to run away together but ended up returning for Christmas. The day after, Tammy publicly announced to the world that she loved Jonathan. Just then, though, the cops arrived. Thanks to Cassie, Jonathan under arrest for arson
. When Tammy spoke up that she was there, she was arrested as well.
Cassie did everything she could to keep Jonathan in jail and away from Tammy. However, Reva was able to get him bail
under the condition that her son take anger management
classes. Jonathan moved in with Reva, who was also housing Tammy. Tammy and Jonathan finally had an honest conversation about what being half-cousins really meant to their relationship and decided that having one grandmother in common didn’t matter and, to prove it, the pair went out on their first ever real date. Unfortunately, while at Towers, they ran into Cassie and Jeffrey. Though Jonathan urged Tammy not to let her mother get to her, but, with Cassie glaring across the room, Jonathan cracked and decided to confront her. He very politely asked her to dance and on the dance floor they, while appearing civil, argued about who was hurting Tammy.
Jonathan's arson charges were dropped with Sandy unexpectedly claimed he accidentally set the fire. Soon after, Cassie told Tammy about Jonathan's blackmail
attempt. Tammy confronted Jonathan who not only admitted it but declared that he'd do it again. He reminded her that he was willing to flatten anyone who might get in the way of the two of them. Later, Jonathan learned that Tammy had been expelled from college because of the arson charges and attempted to talk the dean into letting her back in. Unfortunately, Jonathan's persuasive arguments came out as intimidation and the dean wouldn’t budge. That is for Jonathan; Sandy had no problem getting the dean
to allow Tammy back in.
Sandy continued to be a thorn in the couple's side though they tried to work through it. The pair exchanged private vows to always be together, and finally make love. Afterward, Jonathan assured her that Sandy would never be a problem for the two of them again. This resulted in a showdown between the rivals with Tammy in attendance. Tammy was offering to run away with Sandy (to protect Jonathan). But, as soon as Tammy looked at Jonathan, Sandy realized he’s the one she loved. He grabbed Tammy and warned Jonathan that if he took another step, they’d both going over the cliff
. Jonathan begged Sandy to let Tammy go, and Sandy agreed - as long as Jonathan took her place. Jonathan agreed and the pair faced off, just like they did years earlier. A fistfight
ensued which left Jonathan holding Sandy by the collar, but Reva’s arrival distracted him long enough for Sandy to get free and gain the upper hand. As he was about to toss Jonathan off the cliff, Reva tried to get through by reminding Sandy that she loved him like a son once, and loved him still. But Sandy was determined to finish Jonathan off so Tammy threw herself at Sandy to save Jonathan, but ended up pushing too hard and sent Sandy careening off the cliff to his death.
That same night, Cassie tricked Tammy and locked her in the morgue
with Sandy’s body. Alone with the boy she once loved, Tammy remembered the good Sandy. At that point, Jonathan came to the rescue and Tammy asked him to take her back to the cliffside. There, Tammy sobbed that everyone is trying to tell her it was Jonathan’s fault the three of them ended up on that cliff, but Tammy stated she’s really the one to blame - because she couldn’t choose between the two men in her life soon enough. To alleviate her guilt
, Jonathan finally admitted that he was the one who sabotage
d Sandy's divorce and let him be arrested as a bigamist—thus all of this was his fault. Horrified that he put events in motion that led to her killing Sandy, Tammy railed against Jonathan and left. Although Jonathan asked Reva to back him up, she angered him by telling Tammy that she thinks the pair should stay apart after all. Jonathan kept reminding Tammy that what they had was forever and that they couldn't stay away from each other—they had made vows to never be apart. She reminded him that those vows were made the night she killed Sandy. Even though she was still hurt and angry, Jonathan was right- she desperately missed him and wanted him. He kept showing up, wearing her down. He hid in her back seat and told her he can't stay away from, never could, never will. He gets in the front and grabs her hand- its as electric as ever. He reiterated that they should be together because they'll never be happy apart and she won't be able to stay away from him any more than he can her. She admits she's scared that loving him is changing her and she's gonna lose it—she's gonna wanna be with him and never stop. He says they should never stop. They kiss... until a cop interrupts them. She asks him to get out and she leaves, knowing she can't trust herself to be around him. He is hopeful but she is more scared than ever so she gets a restraining order
against Jonathan because she doesn't trust herself. The next day, Jon tries to talk to her and they argue. She gives him the order. He is devastated and angry- he tells her that's what she got against Sandy. Why would she do this?? She tried to explain it's because she wants him too much. He thinks that's good but she says no, it's not what I need. He says no restraining order will stop them. Frank comes up and says it will—Tammy asks for help and leaves. Jon ends up arrested. Tammy finds out and is upset because that is not what she wanted at all. Things are way out of control.
Lizzie, also broken up with Coop, sees an opportunity. She bails Jon out and they start drinking. They fight with Coop and Ava and Tammy sees it. She is upset and leaves with Marina, Remy and Diaz. Lizzie hatches a plan to win Tammy and Coop back but Jon isn't feeling it. They keep drinking and she kisses Jon. They have sex. He tells her it was anger sex and to leave. She gets mad and tells him she's not done with him. Tammy has gone with Marina to see Harley... Harley talks about her and Gus and tells Tammy that you should never give up on true love. When she thought she'd lost Gus, she was broken and she'll never let him go again. She turns around and Tammy is gone. Jon is still trying to kick Lizzie out but she wants his help. He tells her no—she implies she they could help each other and then says Tammy and Coop don't deserve them. He gets in her face and tells her if she breathes wrong at Tammy, she'll be sorry. She says fine and he tells her to go again. He goes to get her stuff and Tammy shows up. Lizzie covers for why she's there and then goes.
Jonathan is shocked when Tammy says she’s changed her mind—she wanted to be with him. However, Jonathan was a little upset and is understandably angry about the SRO. She apologizes and tells him how nobody gets Harley and Gus but they know why they are together—that's what she wants too for them. She loves him and is taking him back—what they have is real and right, no matter what. He tells her that he'd already told her that—she agrees but says they are unbreakable. He wants to be mad but then kisses her but then Cassie walks in and she jumps away from him. After her Mom leaves, Jon tells Tammy to go too. She is stunned but he says it's over. She begs him not to say that—to accept that sometimes she gets scared and feels guilty. He says no- that he can't keep losing her over and over again whenever she gets scared. She says that what she did was stupid but never again. He packs her stuff as she sobs and he tells her to go. Tammy says she'll make him believe in her again and leaves him the locket. Fast forward about a week and Jonathan won't answer Tammy's calls. She leaves another message. Cassie says that she can't stay away from him and Tammy says no, she loves him and will forever. Cassie shocked Tammy by telling her she’d no longer stand in the way of her and Jonathan if they truly wanted to be together. Lizzie comes to see Jon and tells him to snap out of it. He tells her he'll get back with Tammy—he just wants her to know what it feels like to be dumped. She's all he wants so of course he's taking her back. Lizzie tells him to play hard to get for awhile but the same day, he goes to the farm and he and Tammy reunited.
Weeks later, Jonathan was stunned when Tammy told him she suspected Lizzie was pregnant
. He confronted Lizzie who informed him that she already knew she was pregnant with Coop’s baby when they slept together. However, he wasn’t totally sure she was telling the truth, though he later accepted it as true. Later, there was more talk of babies when he discovered Tammy had been doing some research on genetics
. She told him she discovered that since they’re only half-cousins the risk of defects in their children was very small. She then quickly reassured him that children were far off in their future. He talked Tammy into leaving town to go to San Francisco to make sure they were far away from Lizzie and the mistake he made with her. Reva, however, overhears Beth and Lizzie discussing Jon being the dad and she tells him it's his baby. Jonathan wants nothing to do with the baby- he wants to leave town with Tammy as planned. Reva uses her cancer as a way to manipulate him into publicly admitting he was the father. Tammy was devastated but immediately tells him he is not abandoning his daughter the way their parents did them. She is hurt and angry with Jonathan but he tells her she needs to deal with it because they are not breaking up because they are it for each other- they'll never be able to stay away from each other. After a few days apart, she realizes that she helped cause this mess with the restraining order and causing him tp think they were over, so she forgives him and they happily reconcile. He still wants to give up rights to the child but she doesn't want him to- finally, he comes to term with being a father after a heart to heart with Reva and Tammy is thrilled. She agrees to help him any way she can, and Lizzie too, even though it is obviously painful for her.
Lizzie's grandfather is obsessed with the baby so Tammy invites Lizzie to live with her and Jonathan, though he thinks it's an awful idea. She moves in with them and they make it work, though Lizzie starts cracking up and becoming jealous
. Jonathan secretly proposes to Tammy and they almost get married, but Lizzie interrupts the ceremony. Lizzie gets tired of her grandfathers machinations and shoots him. She goes to trial and Tammy is forced to testify that Lizzie shot him purposely, since she admitted it in front of witnesses. Alan uses this as a way to show Lizzie's instability
and wants to have her committed since she is a danger to the baby, but Jonathan announces to the courtroom
that he'll marry her and he'll take care of her. Tammy stands up and agrees that Lizzie and Jonathan are together so the judge relents and allows them to marry to avoid her being committed. They marry, with the provision that it is in name only until the baby is born.
Tammy and Jon carry on secretly but Lizzie has decided that she loves Jonathan and that they should have a real marriage. She sabotages Jammy every chance she gets and it begins to wear on Tammy. She starts spending time with Remy, which makes Jonathan insanely jealous, since he knows Remy wants Tammy. After an ugly altercation with Alan, Tammy tells Jonathan that it's too hard to continue and they should just stop seeing each other until the baby is born. He is devastated and says he can't so it... she says she can't keep doing what they are dong now. He reminds her that he didn't even want the kid—he wanted to leave with her and start a new life—she pushed him to do all this with Lizzie and the baby. He's angry and thinks Remy is telling her to do this. She tells him no but he doesn't buy it. After seeing Remy comfort her, he publicly humiliates
Remy and his family to show Tammy they aren't any better than them. She is angry with him and he tells her he can't lose her—they are pulling her away from him and they need each other. Remy and Jon fight and Tammy lets Remy take her home, after telling Jonathan that she loves him but needs space. Lizzie tries to use this to her advantage but Jon is despondent overly possibly losing Tammy, since she is moving in with Marina and Remy. Within a few days, and with a nudge from his dead father Alfred, he decides that he can be a Dad without being married to Lizzie. He chases Tammy down and she tells him to leave her alone but he tells her what he decided—they'll fight Alan a different way. They make love and then go to tell Lizzie... they find her on the floor in a pool of blood. They rush her to the hospital and she is diagosed with pre-eclampsia
-- she and the baby almost die. She guilts Jonathan into thinking it's partly his fault and he sends Tammy away when she comes to visit Lizzie after Lizzie freaks out.
Jonathan waits until Lizzie is asleep and then finds Tammy to apologize. She tells him they need to end things—she doesn't want him to be guilty about being with her if something happened to the baby. He doesn't want to accept it and fights with her, accusing her of leaving him again like before. He says they can make it work but she says he has to put the baby first now, not her or them. He doesn't want to accept it and says all he wants is her and his kid but Tammy convinces him that he has to make a choice—them or his baby and it has to be the baby. Weeping, they walk out hand in hand, still knowing they love each other. Jonathan goes back to the hospital and tells Lizzie he wants to take care of her and the baby and try to make the marriage work. She scoffs but he admits he and Tammy broke up. Lizzie is elated. Later, she admits to Tammy that she's in love with Jonathan and has been for a while. Tammy is shocked and feels betrayed once again by Lizzie but she still stays away from Jon.
They try to stay away from each other but Reva's near death pulls them back together. Lizzie tries to get him to confide in her and manipulates him to let her console him, but he only lets her in a little. Tammy runs into him in the hospital chapel
and she asks if he wants Lizzie there with him—he says no and breaks down in her arms. He's angry and bitter at losing her and now Reva, plus he's gonna be a Dad and he doesn't want any of it- he wants things the way they were. She convinces him he hasn't lost her and that he must believe—he says he can't believe in anything without her and she says she's here now. They pray for Reva. She miraculously recovers.
After she gets out of the hospital
, Reva asks Jonathan and Lizzie to move in with her. Tammy doesn't know and comes by to see her but only Jon is home. He invites her in and they try to make small talk while she avoids letting him touch her. He is frustrated and they both know they're on thin ice so she leaves. They are both shaken. A few days later, she is being harassed by reporters and he intervenes. He takes her to his bar & they agree they shouldn't be there together. He brings up the life they had together there and that he still expects to see her come out of their room in the morning. She admits she still unconsciously turns on the blinker when she drives by. They just look at each other and things get warm—she says she should go but he wants to have one drink to the life they shared. As they drink, he just stares at her—Tammy asks if he knows that Lizzie loves him. He says yes and that he'll take care of Lizzie and his kid but he'll love her till the day he dies. Tammy says things will change when Lizzie is sleeping by him every night, touching him, loving him but he disagrees. Tammy says she really needs to go- she goes to leave and Jonathan kisses her. She kisses back then pushes him away and tells him he needs to go home to his wife. Jonathan admits to Lizzie that he is having trouble staying away from Tammy and she tells him he's just like his abusive father. She tells him Tammy let him go to be there for his family but he still hasn't let go of her really. He says he's trying but Lizzie says he's not trying hard enough. He feels horrible, just what Lizzie wanted.
On Thanksgiving
, Jon and Lizzie get stuck in a snowbank and she goes into labor. Tammy and Remy come along and Tammy helps deliver little Sarah. Both she and Lizzie are okay but Alan immediately tries to get custody of Sarah. Jon and Lizzie leave town and Tammy is upset that she missed Jon's call to say goodbye. She asks Remy to find them after Alan tanks in court, thanks to Josh. Remy does and takes Tammy to Towers, where Jon, Lizzie and the family have all assembled. She thanks him and he says it was the right thing to do. Jonathan and Tammy see each other and Lizzie sees the look of love that passes between them and is irked. Jon serves Alan with a restraining order, courtesy of Remy. He, Reva and Josh take Sarah home, while Tammy and Lizzie both stay to have dinner with their Moms. Tammy overhears Lizzie admit to using her pregnancy and Sarah to make Jonathan fall in love with her—Sarah is the best trick in the book and she loves her but she also loves what she can do for her. Tammy is disgusted and feels like she was a sucker for believing that Lizzie had changed and tells Cassie that maybe she made the wrong choice in breaking up with Jonathan. She confronts Lizzie, who tries to play it off but finally cops to it. Lizzie will do whatever it takes to keep Jonathan and make him fall in love with her. She goes home and tries to kiss Jonathan and convince him to make love to her but he won't and tells her she has to give him time.
Tammy stews for a few days on what she learned. The night of Cassie's Christmas
Party, Tammy is at Towers drinking, having decided to stay away since Lizzie and Jonathan will be there. Beth shows up and applauds Tammy for taking the high road—Tammy tells her she wouldn't know the high road if she had a compass and a map. Tammy gets fed up with Beth and leaves. Reva encourages Jonathan to give Lizzie a chance to be a wife and he's trying, he knows he should, but he still totally loves Tammy. He takes her to the party, where she pushes him to dance and then sits in his lap. She tells him she's worried about him—he is confused. She says she wants to satisfy his needs. He laughs and is taken aback. Tammy walks in and Lizzie spots her first. She sends Jon to get her a sweater
and then confronts Tammy about being at the party. Tammy says its her Mom's party so... Lizzie says Jon wouldn't have come if he'd known she'd be there, which hurts Tammy. She is a little drunk by now and she and Lizzie go at it. Tammy tells Lizzie that she only has Jonathan because she gave him up and now she is rethinking that. Lizzie says that Tammy is selfish and that Jon is trying so hard to be a good dad and husband because it's best for Sarah. Tammy doesn't think that anymore—it's sick how Lizzie is manipulating Jon. Lizzie says yeah, it's sick to want parents to be in love so their kids grow up in a happy home. She leads Tammy to believe that Jonathan left the room because he saw her there and she tells her to go. Maybe she can stay and ruin the rest of his holiday
Tammy is still drinking but starts feeling sick so she goes outside, where she finds Jonathan. He is surprised to see her and she realizes Lizzie lied. He tells her he didn't think she was coming- why did she? She tells him she had to see him and he looks nervous. She says she knows he can't admit he wants to see her too but she knows he does. He moves to go inside and she blocks him- he says they shouldn't be outside together. She says she needs to be where he is—he tells her to stop but she reminds him of when he invited her in when he shouldn't. He won't look at her... he says he was wrong then but she asks if maybe they were wrong when they ended it? Maybe the mistake was her letting him go and him going. Still not looking at her, he says she has to stay away or he can't make it work. She tells him not to then... she touches his arm and says she doesn't want it to work. He looks at her with desire but then moves away again. He tells her she doesn't get to do this—she's the one who told him to go. She tells him she loves him ans she was wrong. He says Lizzie is right inside there and she tells him fine, go back in and let her lie to you some more. He is confused and she tells him they don't have a real marriage
-- all they share is a baby and some space. He is visibly shaken—he tells her she's making it worse. She tells him exactly what he always told her—it's only gonna get worse cause they can't be apart. He tells her she doesn't get to do this - she needs to STOP! Just go. She tells him to make her. Instead he passionately kisses her. They end up making love in the barn for a while. He begins to feel bad that he is screwing everything up but Tammy reassures him he's not. They are almost caught—they go back to the house separately. They end up face to face with Lizzie, Josh and Cassie. They are alone for a moment and they both agree what just happened was amazing and that they'd waited too long for it to happen. Lizzie comes back and they leave. Tammy is torn. She stays a while longer and then goes to the bar with Marina.
When Lizzie and Jon get home, she throws herself at him again. He again tells her no, she can't rush things. She doesn't get it and tries to seduce him to no avail. He takes her for a ride on the bike instead and they end up at the bar too. Marina has left and Lizzie goes to check her hair. They agree they need to talk about what happened and what it meant. The next day, Jonathan is guilt ridden that he's a cheating husband
but knows that he'll never love anyone but Tammy. He goes to Tammy and tells her that he wants to be with her but that he can't just leave Lizzie high and dry. They agree to that it's back to sneaking around for now.
Jonathan was all set to leave Lizzie when she suddenly starting acting depressed. Soon she was diagnosed with postpartum depression and Jonathan decided to stay with her until she got better. Suspicious, Tammy went sneaking around Lizzie’s and found a DVD “I Hate My Own Baby: The Janie Walker Story” and was stunned to find out that the words Lizzie has been using to describe how she feels are actually dialogue from this movie. Disgusted that Lizzie was lying, Tammy rushed to find Jonathan and ran into Beth on Main Street. When she told Beth what she found, Beth denied it and practically attacked Tammy to keep her from talking to Jonathan. However, when Tammy got to the cabin, she was shocked to see Jonathan and Lizzie apparently on the couch making love. The next day, Jonathan denied sleeping with Lizzie; it turned out that Lizzie had drugged him. Though she had doubts at first, it occurred to Tammy that Lizzie wasn’t above setting Jonathan up. Tammy then went to Lizzie and told her intention to fight for Jonathan and tell him everything sneaky thing she had done. When Jonathan learned the truth, he immediately left Lizzie. Still desperate to hold on to Jonathan, Lizzie went to church to try and manipulate Father Ray into helping her keep Jonathan and in the process deliberately left Sarah unattended in her car which was promptly stolen. Sarah was found safely, but as a result Jonathan was awarded temporary custody of Sarah. He also got an annulment. Finally free, Jonathan and Tammy got married in a quick, but beautiful, ceremony. Lizzie refused to accept responsibility for her actions and asked Alan for help in keeping custody of Sarah (in which she expected him to bribe judges and such. However, without her knowledge, Alan called a hitman
, Grady "Gillespie" Foley, to take out Jonathan. Gillespie got behind the wheel of a car and sped toward Jonathan. However, instead of hitting Jonathan, he hit Tammy as she was pushing Jonathan out of the path of the speeding car. Tammy was rushed to the hospital. The accident turned out to be fatal and after telling Jonathan she loved him, Tammy drew her last breath.
Jonathan vowed revenge against Alan and set the Spaulding mansion
on fire. He put the fire out after Reva reminded him that he still has his daughter to think of. After Tammy's funeral
, Jon had it out with Alan. Alan left and Jon tells Reva he loves her and leaves with Sarah. A long car chase
after Alan in his limo ended up with what looks like Jonathan veering over the edge of the cliff, his car exploding leaving Reva (who followed him) and Alan peering over the edge. Reva was hysterical and went to Outskirts and found Jonathan's black "Slacker" shirt. She held onto it, tears running down her face for her loss of them all lamenting and gave Jonathan praise. Then she heard Jon's voice saying how good-looking he was as well. She realized that he was there, in person, alive with Sarah. Reva insisted they must call the police and tell everyone! Jonathan refused saying Alan would never let up on getting Sarah. Reva said she could hide them but Jon reminded her that would be impossible once Sarah gets older. The only option he saw was to leave town. After a tearful goodbye, he took Sarah, and left Springfield, faking their deaths.
Tom Pelphrey
-Early years:Born in Howell, New Jersey, Pelphrey graduated from Howell High School in 2000, and from Rutgers University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.-Guiding Light:...
and Stephanie Gatschet
Stephanie Gatschet
Stephanie Lucile Gatschet is an American actress, who has appeared on the soap operas Guiding Light and currently All My Children .-Early career:...
, are fictional characters on the American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...
Guiding Light
Guiding Light
Guiding Light is an American daytime television drama that is credited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running drama in television and radio history, running from 1937 until 2009...
. The pair, often referred to by the portmanteau "Jammy", is one of the show's supercouple
A supercouple or super couple is a popular or financially wealthy pairing that intrigues and fascinates the public in an intense or even obsessive fashion...
s. They were controversial as the characters were first half-cousin
In kinship terminology, a cousin is a relative with whom one shares one or more common ancestors. The term is rarely used when referring to a relative in one's immediate family where there is a more specific term . The term "blood relative" can be used synonymously and establishes the existence of...
s, being the children of half-sisters born to the same mother.
Jonathan RandallJonathan Randall
Jonathan Randall is a fictional character on the television soap opera Guiding Light.He is portrayed by actor Tom Pelphrey, who has been nominated several times for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor, and has won the award twice, in 2006 and 2008 .- Overview :Jonathan is the son...
and Tammy Winslow met when Jonathan arrived in Springfield as "JB." Tammy had just broken up with her boyfriend and JB made many attempts to flirt with her. At the same time, Sandy Foster, who was believed to be Reva's son, Jonathan, was having flashback
Flashback (narrative)
Flashback is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened before the story’s primary sequence of events or to fill in crucial backstory...
s of his friend, the real Jonathan Randall, flashbacks centered around Jonathan's death when he fell from a cliff, despite Sandy's attempt to rescue him. When Tammy's boyfriend had finally left, JB took advantage of the situation and attempted to seduce
In social science, seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage. The word seduction stems from Latin and means literally "to lead astray". As a result, the term may have a positive or negative connotation...
Tammy, knowing full well he was the real Jonathan Randall, Tammy's cousin. However, no one knew this, especially not Tammy. Luckily, the pair was interrupted by Reva, who took an immediate dislike to JB. Later, a dangerous JB returned to Tammy, but she decided to wait to have sex
Sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse, also known as copulation or coitus, commonly refers to the act in which a male's penis enters a female's vagina for the purposes of sexual pleasure or reproduction. The entities may be of opposite sexes, or they may be hermaphroditic, as is the case with snails...
Not long after, Sandy was seriously injured after being struck by a car. Coma
In medicine, a coma is a state of unconsciousness, lasting more than 6 hours in which a person cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light or sound, lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle and does not initiate voluntary actions. A person in a state of coma is described as...
tose and in need of a transplant
Organ transplant
Organ transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another or from a donor site on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. The emerging field of regenerative medicine is allowing scientists and engineers to create organs to be...
, JB menacingly sneaked into Sandy's room, telling his "friend" that he was there and was with Reva when she learned Sandy was not her biological son. In the meantime, while Sandy was recovering from liver
The liver is a vital organ present in vertebrates and some other animals. It has a wide range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion...
transplant surgery (when Reva donated part of her liver to save his life), he received several visits from a very menacing Jonathan, facing the man who purposely left him to die. Wanting to make sure Sandy remained unconscious, a devious Jonathan fed him morphine
Morphine is a potent opiate analgesic medication and is considered to be the prototypical opioid. It was first isolated in 1804 by Friedrich Sertürner, first distributed by same in 1817, and first commercially sold by Merck in 1827, which at the time was a single small chemists' shop. It was more...
drips. At the same time, Reva was trying to locate information on Jonathan. Believing the information could be in Sandy's laptop
A laptop, also called a notebook, is a personal computer for mobile use. A laptop integrates most of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device and speakers into a single unit...
, Reva asked Tammy to get it. But Jonathan volunteered to get it for Tammy, and unbeknownst to everyone planted a letter that implied that Sandy had killed Jonathan.
In the meantime, Tammy was falling more and more under JB's spell and the night he planned to seduce her, he and Tammy went to visit Sandy, who was shocked to see Jonathan alive and well. With Tammy out of the room Jonathan not-so-subtly revealed to Sandy that he and Tammy were going to have sex. Then to make sure nothing went wrong with his plan, he bound Sandy, disconnected his phone and call button, and even had a nurse drug Reva who was being released that day. So, that night, Jonathan went ahead with his diabolical plan—he seduced his virginal cousin Tammy in order to get revenge
Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is also called payback, retribution, retaliation or vengeance; it may be characterized, justly or unjustly, as a form of justice.-Function in society:Some societies believe that the...
on his family. Although Sandy was finally able to contact Reva, by the time they found Jonathan and Tammy it was too late; they'd made love. A day later, Reva arrived home to find Jonathan waiting for her. When Jonathan proudly admitted he slept with Tammy. Reva was furious and disgusted. However, when he revealed that he slept with Tammy to hurt Reva more than she hurt him, Reva began to see that she had a hand in making her son a bitter, angry, and damaged person. Tammy was devastated by the events and shunned Jonathan, who always managed to find a way to get to her.
Later, that spring, Tammy informed Jonathan that she was no longer afraid of him, but she determined to keep him from coming between her Aunt Reva and Uncle Josh. As they argued, Jonathan spotted a father angrily berating his little boy. Reminded of his own childhood
Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence. In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood , early childhood , middle childhood , and adolescence .- Age ranges of childhood :The term childhood is non-specific and can imply a...
, he angrily confronted the violent dad. When a security guard
Security guard
A security guard is a person who is paid to protect property, assets, or people. Security guards are usually privately and formally employed personnel...
intervened, Tammy came to Jonathan’s defense. The next day, Reva informed Jonathan that he had to move out of the house. Although he tried to manipulate her into changing her mind but for the first time, he was unsuccessful at getting under her skin. Later, now living at the Springfield Inn, Jonathan became a hero by saving Tammy's life in a fire
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or digestion are not included by this definition....
. Later, Tammy challenged Jonathan to do something positive with his life, and deciding to reinsert himself into the family, Jonathan asked Josh for a job in the family business
Family business
A family business is a business in which one or more members of one or more families have a significant ownership interest and significant commitments toward the business’ overall well-being....
Later, Jonathan was dealing with issues stemming from the abuse
Child abuse
Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of a child. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Children And Families define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or...
he suffered as a child at the hands of his adoptive father
Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents...
, Alfred Randall, who came to Springfield under the alias of "Nate." Nate continually told Jonathan that the Lewis' would never accept him and that he was a nobody. The pressure that Nate had been putting on Jonathan finally became too much to bear and he unloaded months of pent up aggression
In psychology, as well as other social and behavioral sciences, aggression refers to behavior between members of the same species that is intended to cause humiliation, pain, or harm. Ferguson and Beaver defined aggressive behavior as "Behavior which is intended to increase the social dominance of...
on Tammy. In an emotional exchange, Tammy admitted that she was inexplicably drawn to Jonathan. When a desperate Jonathan then reached out to her, he was stung when she revealed that she'd always choose Sandy over him. Enraged and humiliated, Jonathan headed for the bar where he targeted an unknown girl and introduced himself as Sandy. He then brought her to Sandy's room and later when she was getting dressed, he pocketed her earring
Common locations for piercings, other than the earlobe, include the rook, tragus, and across the helix . The simple term "ear piercing" usually refers to an earlobe piercing, whereas piercings in the upper part of the external ear are often referred to as "cartilage piercings"...
s and left them for Tammy to find.
Jonathan then stole money
Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past,...
from Lewis Construction, foiling Nate's plans to get a hold of that money. It didn't take long for everyone to realize Jonathan had the money and Nate tried to pressure Jonathan to give him the money by pushing a water-phobic
Aquaphobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of water. Aquaphobia is a specific phobia that involves a level of fear that is beyond the patient's control or that may interfere with daily life. People suffer aquaphobia in many ways and may experience it even though they realize the water in an...
Jonathan, into the water. Luckily, Tammy came across a drowning
Drowning is death from asphyxia due to suffocation caused by water entering the lungs and preventing the absorption of oxygen leading to cerebral hypoxia....
Jonathan and saved him. Far from grateful, Jonathan believed that she should have just let him drown and walked off. With everyone looking for Jonathan, he finally showed up at Tammy's doorstep asking for a place to hide. Tammy offered to let him take a shower
A shower is an area in which one bathes underneath a spray of water.- History :...
, but then seemingly betrayed him by telling Reva where he was. When Reva and others arrived, Jonathan, attempted to tell everyone that his adopted father (who was in town masquerading as a bar owner named Nate) murder
Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human being, and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide...
ed his adoptive mother, Marissa. After being accused of helping to cause Marissa's death, Jonathan angrily took off but came back to Tammy's to confront her about the way she gave him away.
During the discussion, Tammy insisted that she was only trying to help him. The moment, like so many others, became passionate the pair kissed. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, Tammy pulled back and ran off. Jonathan finally made an agreement with Sandy to leave town for money. Unfortunately that same day, another attempt by Reva to trap Nate resulted in Tammy getting kidnapped
In criminal law, kidnapping is the taking away or transportation of a person against that person's will, usually to hold the person in false imprisonment, a confinement without legal authority...
. Jonathan went to the docks and told Nate he'd go with him in exchange for Tammy's freedom. Though Tammy made an emotional pitch for Jonathan to stay and say goodbye to his father for good, Jonathan couldn't bring himself to leave Nate’s side. He was forced to be deliberately cruel to Tammy in order to get her off the boat. Heartbroken, Tammy gave Jonathan her locket
A locket is a pendant that opens to reveal a space used for storing a photograph or other small item such as a curl of hair. Lockets are usually given to loved ones on holidays such as Valentine's Day and occasions such as Christenings, weddings and, most noticeably during the Victorian Age,...
and left. Jonathan eventually escaped and Nate was killed.
In the meantime Tammy was continuing her relationship
Intimate relationship
An intimate relationship is a particularly close interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic or passionate love and attachment, or sexual activity. The term is also sometimes used euphemistically for a sexual...
with Sandy and, though she leaned on Jonathan as she learned more about Sandy's mysterious past. Later an argument lead Jonathan to blurt his feelings for Tammy and before she could respond, he pulled her into a kiss
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another person or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good...
. The impulsive kiss heated up when he confessed that he didn’t want to fight the attraction
Interpersonal attraction
Interpersonal attraction is the attraction between people which leads to friendships and romantic relationships. Interpersonal attraction, the process, is distinct from perceptions of physical attractiveness which involves views of what is and is not considered beautiful or attractive.The study of...
between them anymore. Though deeply tempted to give in to her own feelings, she resisted and pushed him away.
Soon after, Jonathan met Tammy at the Jessup farm where she confessed that Sandy was going to propose
Proposal of marriage
A marriage proposal is an event where one person in a relationship asks for the other's hand in marriage. If accepted, it marks the initiation of engagement. It often has a ritual quality, sometimes involving the presentation of an engagement ring and a formalized asking of a question such as "Will...
and that she intended to say yes. The heat between Tammy and Jonathan was undeniable, however and though she tried to fight it, they begin to kiss. The couple then began to make love, but were interrupted by an urgent call for Tammy telling her Sandy had been electrocuted
Electrocution is a type of electric shock that, as determined by a stopped heart, can end life. Electrocution is frequently used to refer to any electric shock received but is technically incorrect; the choice of definition varies from dictionary to dictionary...
. Feeling extremely guilty, Tammy told Jonathan that she could not give in to her feelings for him. Over and over, Jonathan told Tammy she'd end up hurting Sandy cause they'd never be able to stay away from each other. He didn't realize she'd made a deal with God that she'd stay with Sandy if he recovered and she was determined to hold up to her bargain. Although Jonathan tried to convince her that they couldn't deny their feelings, Tammy was resolved. However, Jonathan soon discovered that Sandy was already married to Ava Peralta but he kept quiet, not wanting to get Tammy by default. It came out at the wedding
A wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage or a similar institution. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes...
though, when Sandy was arrested for bigamy
In cultures that practice marital monogamy, bigamy is the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another. Bigamy is a crime in most western countries, and when it occurs in this context often neither the first nor second spouse is aware of the other...
. His divorce
Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties...
had never went through.
Distraught, Tammy ran out of the church and came face to face with Jonathan who whisked her away. Tammy and Jonathan’s escape from her fiasco of a wedding took them to Towers, where they had their own private reception
Wedding reception
A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony. It is held usually as hospitality for those who have attended the wedding, hence the name reception: the couple receives society, in the form of family and friends, for the first time as a married couple. Hosts...
as they apologized for hurting each other in the past. They then took off for her honeymoon
-History:One early reference to a honeymoon is in Deuteronomy 24:5 “When a man is newly wed, he need not go out on a military expedition, nor shall any public duty be imposed on him...
cabin in the woods, where Jonathan carried the bride over the threshold and their desire for one another heated up. Unfortunately, they were interrupted again by Tammy's cell phone. Although Jonathan wanted to ignore it, Tammy insisted on settling her past with Sandy before moving forward. Afterwards, Jonathan convinced Tammy to run away with him. Although she agreed, he was heartbroken when she disappeared and apparently went to see Sandy. Thinking she'd chosen Sandy over him again, an angry Jonathan refused to take her calls. Convinced he’d lost Tammy, he broke into her empty dream-house and prepared to set it on fire.
Only Tammy’s arrival and confession that she couldn’t imagine spending her life with anyone but him, kept Jonathan from doing something drastic. Unfortunately, the torch
A torch is a fire source, usually a rod-shaped piece of wood with a rag soaked in pitch and/or some other flammable material wrapped around one end. Torches were often supported in sconces by brackets high up on walls, to throw light over corridors in stone structures such as castles or crypts...
he was holding accidentally dropped and ended up burning the house down after all. Later, Jonathan was disconcerted when Tammy refused to tell anyone they were involved. Thinking she was ashamed of him, he confronted her only to learn she wasn't ashamed—she was afraid. To demonstrate that there's only one way to deal with fear
Fear is a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger...
, head on, Jonathan jumped off the pier
A pier is a raised structure, including bridge and building supports and walkways, over water, typically supported by widely spread piles or pillars...
into the water. After Tammy pulled him out, she agreed to give the courage
Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation...
thing a shot. As they began to make love in the boathouse
A boathouse is a building especially designed for the storage of boats, normally smaller craft for sports or leisure use. These are typically located on open water, such as on a river. Often the boats stored are rowing boats...
, they were interrupted.
The pair continued to have secret rendezvous as Tammy was still afraid of how her family would react to their romance. Unfortunately, they were discovered by the entire family. Cassie freaked, assuming her nephew was attacking her daughter but was stunned when Tammy announced it was consensual. Although Cassie gave Tammy a choice between her family or Jonathan—Tammy chose Jonathan. That night, Jonathan urged Tammy to call Cassie, put all the blame on him and asked to come home. But Tammy refused, reminding him that they were in this together. They planned to run away together but ended up returning for Christmas. The day after, Tammy publicly announced to the world that she loved Jonathan. Just then, though, the cops arrived. Thanks to Cassie, Jonathan under arrest for arson
Arson is the crime of intentionally or maliciously setting fire to structures or wildland areas. It may be distinguished from other causes such as spontaneous combustion and natural wildfires...
. When Tammy spoke up that she was there, she was arrested as well.
Cassie did everything she could to keep Jonathan in jail and away from Tammy. However, Reva was able to get him bail
Traditionally, bail is some form of property deposited or pledged to a court to persuade it to release a suspect from jail, on the understanding that the suspect will return for trial or forfeit the bail...
under the condition that her son take anger management
Anger management
The term anger management commonly refers to a system of psychological therapeutic techniques and exercises by which someone with excessive or uncontrollable anger & aggression can control or reduce the triggers, degrees, and effects of an angered emotional state...
classes. Jonathan moved in with Reva, who was also housing Tammy. Tammy and Jonathan finally had an honest conversation about what being half-cousins really meant to their relationship and decided that having one grandmother in common didn’t matter and, to prove it, the pair went out on their first ever real date. Unfortunately, while at Towers, they ran into Cassie and Jeffrey. Though Jonathan urged Tammy not to let her mother get to her, but, with Cassie glaring across the room, Jonathan cracked and decided to confront her. He very politely asked her to dance and on the dance floor they, while appearing civil, argued about who was hurting Tammy.
Jonathan's arson charges were dropped with Sandy unexpectedly claimed he accidentally set the fire. Soon after, Cassie told Tammy about Jonathan's blackmail
In common usage, blackmail is a crime involving threats to reveal substantially true or false information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met. It may be defined as coercion involving threats of physical harm, threat of criminal prosecution, or threats...
attempt. Tammy confronted Jonathan who not only admitted it but declared that he'd do it again. He reminded her that he was willing to flatten anyone who might get in the way of the two of them. Later, Jonathan learned that Tammy had been expelled from college because of the arson charges and attempted to talk the dean into letting her back in. Unfortunately, Jonathan's persuasive arguments came out as intimidation and the dean wouldn’t budge. That is for Jonathan; Sandy had no problem getting the dean
Dean (education)
In academic administration, a dean is a person with significant authority over a specific academic unit, or over a specific area of concern, or both...
to allow Tammy back in.
Sandy continued to be a thorn in the couple's side though they tried to work through it. The pair exchanged private vows to always be together, and finally make love. Afterward, Jonathan assured her that Sandy would never be a problem for the two of them again. This resulted in a showdown between the rivals with Tammy in attendance. Tammy was offering to run away with Sandy (to protect Jonathan). But, as soon as Tammy looked at Jonathan, Sandy realized he’s the one she loved. He grabbed Tammy and warned Jonathan that if he took another step, they’d both going over the cliff
In geography and geology, a cliff is a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure. Cliffs are formed as erosion landforms due to the processes of erosion and weathering that produce them. Cliffs are common on coasts, in mountainous areas, escarpments and along rivers. Cliffs are usually...
. Jonathan begged Sandy to let Tammy go, and Sandy agreed - as long as Jonathan took her place. Jonathan agreed and the pair faced off, just like they did years earlier. A fistfight
Russian fist fighting is the traditional bare-knuckle boxing of Russia.-History:The earliest accounts concerning the sport date to the 13th century...
ensued which left Jonathan holding Sandy by the collar, but Reva’s arrival distracted him long enough for Sandy to get free and gain the upper hand. As he was about to toss Jonathan off the cliff, Reva tried to get through by reminding Sandy that she loved him like a son once, and loved him still. But Sandy was determined to finish Jonathan off so Tammy threw herself at Sandy to save Jonathan, but ended up pushing too hard and sent Sandy careening off the cliff to his death.
That same night, Cassie tricked Tammy and locked her in the morgue
A morgue or mortuary is used for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification, or removal for autopsy or disposal by burial, cremation or otherwise...
with Sandy’s body. Alone with the boy she once loved, Tammy remembered the good Sandy. At that point, Jonathan came to the rescue and Tammy asked him to take her back to the cliffside. There, Tammy sobbed that everyone is trying to tell her it was Jonathan’s fault the three of them ended up on that cliff, but Tammy stated she’s really the one to blame - because she couldn’t choose between the two men in her life soon enough. To alleviate her guilt
Guilt is the state of being responsible for the commission of an offense. It is also a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that...
, Jonathan finally admitted that he was the one who sabotage
Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. One who engages in sabotage is...
d Sandy's divorce and let him be arrested as a bigamist—thus all of this was his fault. Horrified that he put events in motion that led to her killing Sandy, Tammy railed against Jonathan and left. Although Jonathan asked Reva to back him up, she angered him by telling Tammy that she thinks the pair should stay apart after all. Jonathan kept reminding Tammy that what they had was forever and that they couldn't stay away from each other—they had made vows to never be apart. She reminded him that those vows were made the night she killed Sandy. Even though she was still hurt and angry, Jonathan was right- she desperately missed him and wanted him. He kept showing up, wearing her down. He hid in her back seat and told her he can't stay away from, never could, never will. He gets in the front and grabs her hand- its as electric as ever. He reiterated that they should be together because they'll never be happy apart and she won't be able to stay away from him any more than he can her. She admits she's scared that loving him is changing her and she's gonna lose it—she's gonna wanna be with him and never stop. He says they should never stop. They kiss... until a cop interrupts them. She asks him to get out and she leaves, knowing she can't trust herself to be around him. He is hopeful but she is more scared than ever so she gets a restraining order
Restraining order
A restraining order or order of protection is a form of legal injunction that requires a party to do, or to refrain from doing, certain acts. A party that refuses to comply with an order faces criminal or civil penalties and may have to pay damages or accept sanctions...
against Jonathan because she doesn't trust herself. The next day, Jon tries to talk to her and they argue. She gives him the order. He is devastated and angry- he tells her that's what she got against Sandy. Why would she do this?? She tried to explain it's because she wants him too much. He thinks that's good but she says no, it's not what I need. He says no restraining order will stop them. Frank comes up and says it will—Tammy asks for help and leaves. Jon ends up arrested. Tammy finds out and is upset because that is not what she wanted at all. Things are way out of control.
Lizzie, also broken up with Coop, sees an opportunity. She bails Jon out and they start drinking. They fight with Coop and Ava and Tammy sees it. She is upset and leaves with Marina, Remy and Diaz. Lizzie hatches a plan to win Tammy and Coop back but Jon isn't feeling it. They keep drinking and she kisses Jon. They have sex. He tells her it was anger sex and to leave. She gets mad and tells him she's not done with him. Tammy has gone with Marina to see Harley... Harley talks about her and Gus and tells Tammy that you should never give up on true love. When she thought she'd lost Gus, she was broken and she'll never let him go again. She turns around and Tammy is gone. Jon is still trying to kick Lizzie out but she wants his help. He tells her no—she implies she they could help each other and then says Tammy and Coop don't deserve them. He gets in her face and tells her if she breathes wrong at Tammy, she'll be sorry. She says fine and he tells her to go again. He goes to get her stuff and Tammy shows up. Lizzie covers for why she's there and then goes.
Jonathan is shocked when Tammy says she’s changed her mind—she wanted to be with him. However, Jonathan was a little upset and is understandably angry about the SRO. She apologizes and tells him how nobody gets Harley and Gus but they know why they are together—that's what she wants too for them. She loves him and is taking him back—what they have is real and right, no matter what. He tells her that he'd already told her that—she agrees but says they are unbreakable. He wants to be mad but then kisses her but then Cassie walks in and she jumps away from him. After her Mom leaves, Jon tells Tammy to go too. She is stunned but he says it's over. She begs him not to say that—to accept that sometimes she gets scared and feels guilty. He says no- that he can't keep losing her over and over again whenever she gets scared. She says that what she did was stupid but never again. He packs her stuff as she sobs and he tells her to go. Tammy says she'll make him believe in her again and leaves him the locket. Fast forward about a week and Jonathan won't answer Tammy's calls. She leaves another message. Cassie says that she can't stay away from him and Tammy says no, she loves him and will forever. Cassie shocked Tammy by telling her she’d no longer stand in the way of her and Jonathan if they truly wanted to be together. Lizzie comes to see Jon and tells him to snap out of it. He tells her he'll get back with Tammy—he just wants her to know what it feels like to be dumped. She's all he wants so of course he's taking her back. Lizzie tells him to play hard to get for awhile but the same day, he goes to the farm and he and Tammy reunited.
Weeks later, Jonathan was stunned when Tammy told him she suspected Lizzie was pregnant
Pregnancy refers to the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo, in a woman's uterus. In a pregnancy, there can be multiple gestations, as in the case of twins or triplets...
. He confronted Lizzie who informed him that she already knew she was pregnant with Coop’s baby when they slept together. However, he wasn’t totally sure she was telling the truth, though he later accepted it as true. Later, there was more talk of babies when he discovered Tammy had been doing some research on genetics
Genetics , a discipline of biology, is the science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms....
. She told him she discovered that since they’re only half-cousins the risk of defects in their children was very small. She then quickly reassured him that children were far off in their future. He talked Tammy into leaving town to go to San Francisco to make sure they were far away from Lizzie and the mistake he made with her. Reva, however, overhears Beth and Lizzie discussing Jon being the dad and she tells him it's his baby. Jonathan wants nothing to do with the baby- he wants to leave town with Tammy as planned. Reva uses her cancer as a way to manipulate him into publicly admitting he was the father. Tammy was devastated but immediately tells him he is not abandoning his daughter the way their parents did them. She is hurt and angry with Jonathan but he tells her she needs to deal with it because they are not breaking up because they are it for each other- they'll never be able to stay away from each other. After a few days apart, she realizes that she helped cause this mess with the restraining order and causing him tp think they were over, so she forgives him and they happily reconcile. He still wants to give up rights to the child but she doesn't want him to- finally, he comes to term with being a father after a heart to heart with Reva and Tammy is thrilled. She agrees to help him any way she can, and Lizzie too, even though it is obviously painful for her.
Lizzie's grandfather is obsessed with the baby so Tammy invites Lizzie to live with her and Jonathan, though he thinks it's an awful idea. She moves in with them and they make it work, though Lizzie starts cracking up and becoming jealous
Jealousy is a second emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions...
. Jonathan secretly proposes to Tammy and they almost get married, but Lizzie interrupts the ceremony. Lizzie gets tired of her grandfathers machinations and shoots him. She goes to trial and Tammy is forced to testify that Lizzie shot him purposely, since she admitted it in front of witnesses. Alan uses this as a way to show Lizzie's instability
In numerous fields of study, the component of instability within a system is generally characterized by some of the outputs or internal states growing without bounds...
and wants to have her committed since she is a danger to the baby, but Jonathan announces to the courtroom
A courtroom is the actual enclosed space in which a judge regularly holds court.The schedule of official court proceedings is called a docket; the term is also synonymous with a court's caseload as a whole.-Courtroom design:-United States:...
that he'll marry her and he'll take care of her. Tammy stands up and agrees that Lizzie and Jonathan are together so the judge relents and allows them to marry to avoid her being committed. They marry, with the provision that it is in name only until the baby is born.
Tammy and Jon carry on secretly but Lizzie has decided that she loves Jonathan and that they should have a real marriage. She sabotages Jammy every chance she gets and it begins to wear on Tammy. She starts spending time with Remy, which makes Jonathan insanely jealous, since he knows Remy wants Tammy. After an ugly altercation with Alan, Tammy tells Jonathan that it's too hard to continue and they should just stop seeing each other until the baby is born. He is devastated and says he can't so it... she says she can't keep doing what they are dong now. He reminds her that he didn't even want the kid—he wanted to leave with her and start a new life—she pushed him to do all this with Lizzie and the baby. He's angry and thinks Remy is telling her to do this. She tells him no but he doesn't buy it. After seeing Remy comfort her, he publicly humiliates
Humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. It can be brought about through bullying, intimidation, physical or mental mistreatment or trickery, or by embarrassment if a person is revealed to have...
Remy and his family to show Tammy they aren't any better than them. She is angry with him and he tells her he can't lose her—they are pulling her away from him and they need each other. Remy and Jon fight and Tammy lets Remy take her home, after telling Jonathan that she loves him but needs space. Lizzie tries to use this to her advantage but Jon is despondent overly possibly losing Tammy, since she is moving in with Marina and Remy. Within a few days, and with a nudge from his dead father Alfred, he decides that he can be a Dad without being married to Lizzie. He chases Tammy down and she tells him to leave her alone but he tells her what he decided—they'll fight Alan a different way. They make love and then go to tell Lizzie... they find her on the floor in a pool of blood. They rush her to the hospital and she is diagosed with pre-eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia or preeclampsia is a medical condition in which hypertension arises in pregnancy in association with significant amounts of protein in the urine....
-- she and the baby almost die. She guilts Jonathan into thinking it's partly his fault and he sends Tammy away when she comes to visit Lizzie after Lizzie freaks out.
Jonathan waits until Lizzie is asleep and then finds Tammy to apologize. She tells him they need to end things—she doesn't want him to be guilty about being with her if something happened to the baby. He doesn't want to accept it and fights with her, accusing her of leaving him again like before. He says they can make it work but she says he has to put the baby first now, not her or them. He doesn't want to accept it and says all he wants is her and his kid but Tammy convinces him that he has to make a choice—them or his baby and it has to be the baby. Weeping, they walk out hand in hand, still knowing they love each other. Jonathan goes back to the hospital and tells Lizzie he wants to take care of her and the baby and try to make the marriage work. She scoffs but he admits he and Tammy broke up. Lizzie is elated. Later, she admits to Tammy that she's in love with Jonathan and has been for a while. Tammy is shocked and feels betrayed once again by Lizzie but she still stays away from Jon.
They try to stay away from each other but Reva's near death pulls them back together. Lizzie tries to get him to confide in her and manipulates him to let her console him, but he only lets her in a little. Tammy runs into him in the hospital chapel
A chapel is a building used by Christians as a place of fellowship and worship. It may be part of a larger structure or complex, such as a church, college, hospital, palace, prison or funeral home, located on board a military or commercial ship, or it may be an entirely free-standing building,...
and she asks if he wants Lizzie there with him—he says no and breaks down in her arms. He's angry and bitter at losing her and now Reva, plus he's gonna be a Dad and he doesn't want any of it- he wants things the way they were. She convinces him he hasn't lost her and that he must believe—he says he can't believe in anything without her and she says she's here now. They pray for Reva. She miraculously recovers.
After she gets out of the hospital
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Hospitals often, but not always, provide for inpatient care or longer-term patient stays....
, Reva asks Jonathan and Lizzie to move in with her. Tammy doesn't know and comes by to see her but only Jon is home. He invites her in and they try to make small talk while she avoids letting him touch her. He is frustrated and they both know they're on thin ice so she leaves. They are both shaken. A few days later, she is being harassed by reporters and he intervenes. He takes her to his bar & they agree they shouldn't be there together. He brings up the life they had together there and that he still expects to see her come out of their room in the morning. She admits she still unconsciously turns on the blinker when she drives by. They just look at each other and things get warm—she says she should go but he wants to have one drink to the life they shared. As they drink, he just stares at her—Tammy asks if he knows that Lizzie loves him. He says yes and that he'll take care of Lizzie and his kid but he'll love her till the day he dies. Tammy says things will change when Lizzie is sleeping by him every night, touching him, loving him but he disagrees. Tammy says she really needs to go- she goes to leave and Jonathan kisses her. She kisses back then pushes him away and tells him he needs to go home to his wife. Jonathan admits to Lizzie that he is having trouble staying away from Tammy and she tells him he's just like his abusive father. She tells him Tammy let him go to be there for his family but he still hasn't let go of her really. He says he's trying but Lizzie says he's not trying hard enough. He feels horrible, just what Lizzie wanted.
On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. In Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the...
, Jon and Lizzie get stuck in a snowbank and she goes into labor. Tammy and Remy come along and Tammy helps deliver little Sarah. Both she and Lizzie are okay but Alan immediately tries to get custody of Sarah. Jon and Lizzie leave town and Tammy is upset that she missed Jon's call to say goodbye. She asks Remy to find them after Alan tanks in court, thanks to Josh. Remy does and takes Tammy to Towers, where Jon, Lizzie and the family have all assembled. She thanks him and he says it was the right thing to do. Jonathan and Tammy see each other and Lizzie sees the look of love that passes between them and is irked. Jon serves Alan with a restraining order, courtesy of Remy. He, Reva and Josh take Sarah home, while Tammy and Lizzie both stay to have dinner with their Moms. Tammy overhears Lizzie admit to using her pregnancy and Sarah to make Jonathan fall in love with her—Sarah is the best trick in the book and she loves her but she also loves what she can do for her. Tammy is disgusted and feels like she was a sucker for believing that Lizzie had changed and tells Cassie that maybe she made the wrong choice in breaking up with Jonathan. She confronts Lizzie, who tries to play it off but finally cops to it. Lizzie will do whatever it takes to keep Jonathan and make him fall in love with her. She goes home and tries to kiss Jonathan and convince him to make love to her but he won't and tells her she has to give him time.
Tammy stews for a few days on what she learned. The night of Cassie's Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...
Party, Tammy is at Towers drinking, having decided to stay away since Lizzie and Jonathan will be there. Beth shows up and applauds Tammy for taking the high road—Tammy tells her she wouldn't know the high road if she had a compass and a map. Tammy gets fed up with Beth and leaves. Reva encourages Jonathan to give Lizzie a chance to be a wife and he's trying, he knows he should, but he still totally loves Tammy. He takes her to the party, where she pushes him to dance and then sits in his lap. She tells him she's worried about him—he is confused. She says she wants to satisfy his needs. He laughs and is taken aback. Tammy walks in and Lizzie spots her first. She sends Jon to get her a sweater
A sweater, jumper, pullover, sweatshirt, jersey or guernsey is a garment intended to cover the torso and arms. It is often worn over a shirt, blouse, T-shirt, or other top, but may also be worn alone as a top...
and then confronts Tammy about being at the party. Tammy says its her Mom's party so... Lizzie says Jon wouldn't have come if he'd known she'd be there, which hurts Tammy. She is a little drunk by now and she and Lizzie go at it. Tammy tells Lizzie that she only has Jonathan because she gave him up and now she is rethinking that. Lizzie says that Tammy is selfish and that Jon is trying so hard to be a good dad and husband because it's best for Sarah. Tammy doesn't think that anymore—it's sick how Lizzie is manipulating Jon. Lizzie says yeah, it's sick to want parents to be in love so their kids grow up in a happy home. She leads Tammy to believe that Jonathan left the room because he saw her there and she tells her to go. Maybe she can stay and ruin the rest of his holiday
A Holiday is a day designated as having special significance for which individuals, a government, or a religious group have deemed that observance is warranted. It is generally an official or unofficial observance of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebrations...
Tammy is still drinking but starts feeling sick so she goes outside, where she finds Jonathan. He is surprised to see her and she realizes Lizzie lied. He tells her he didn't think she was coming- why did she? She tells him she had to see him and he looks nervous. She says she knows he can't admit he wants to see her too but she knows he does. He moves to go inside and she blocks him- he says they shouldn't be outside together. She says she needs to be where he is—he tells her to stop but she reminds him of when he invited her in when he shouldn't. He won't look at her... he says he was wrong then but she asks if maybe they were wrong when they ended it? Maybe the mistake was her letting him go and him going. Still not looking at her, he says she has to stay away or he can't make it work. She tells him not to then... she touches his arm and says she doesn't want it to work. He looks at her with desire but then moves away again. He tells her she doesn't get to do this—she's the one who told him to go. She tells him she loves him ans she was wrong. He says Lizzie is right inside there and she tells him fine, go back in and let her lie to you some more. He is confused and she tells him they don't have a real marriage
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found...
-- all they share is a baby and some space. He is visibly shaken—he tells her she's making it worse. She tells him exactly what he always told her—it's only gonna get worse cause they can't be apart. He tells her she doesn't get to do this - she needs to STOP! Just go. She tells him to make her. Instead he passionately kisses her. They end up making love in the barn for a while. He begins to feel bad that he is screwing everything up but Tammy reassures him he's not. They are almost caught—they go back to the house separately. They end up face to face with Lizzie, Josh and Cassie. They are alone for a moment and they both agree what just happened was amazing and that they'd waited too long for it to happen. Lizzie comes back and they leave. Tammy is torn. She stays a while longer and then goes to the bar with Marina.
When Lizzie and Jon get home, she throws herself at him again. He again tells her no, she can't rush things. She doesn't get it and tries to seduce him to no avail. He takes her for a ride on the bike instead and they end up at the bar too. Marina has left and Lizzie goes to check her hair. They agree they need to talk about what happened and what it meant. The next day, Jonathan is guilt ridden that he's a cheating husband
In many intimate relationships in many cultures there is usually an express or implied expectation of exclusivity, especially in sexual matters. Infidelity most commonly refers to a breach of the expectation of sexual exclusivity.Infidelity can occur in relation to physical intimacy and/or...
but knows that he'll never love anyone but Tammy. He goes to Tammy and tells her that he wants to be with her but that he can't just leave Lizzie high and dry. They agree to that it's back to sneaking around for now.
Jonathan was all set to leave Lizzie when she suddenly starting acting depressed. Soon she was diagnosed with postpartum depression and Jonathan decided to stay with her until she got better. Suspicious, Tammy went sneaking around Lizzie’s and found a DVD “I Hate My Own Baby: The Janie Walker Story” and was stunned to find out that the words Lizzie has been using to describe how she feels are actually dialogue from this movie. Disgusted that Lizzie was lying, Tammy rushed to find Jonathan and ran into Beth on Main Street. When she told Beth what she found, Beth denied it and practically attacked Tammy to keep her from talking to Jonathan. However, when Tammy got to the cabin, she was shocked to see Jonathan and Lizzie apparently on the couch making love. The next day, Jonathan denied sleeping with Lizzie; it turned out that Lizzie had drugged him. Though she had doubts at first, it occurred to Tammy that Lizzie wasn’t above setting Jonathan up. Tammy then went to Lizzie and told her intention to fight for Jonathan and tell him everything sneaky thing she had done. When Jonathan learned the truth, he immediately left Lizzie. Still desperate to hold on to Jonathan, Lizzie went to church to try and manipulate Father Ray into helping her keep Jonathan and in the process deliberately left Sarah unattended in her car which was promptly stolen. Sarah was found safely, but as a result Jonathan was awarded temporary custody of Sarah. He also got an annulment. Finally free, Jonathan and Tammy got married in a quick, but beautiful, ceremony. Lizzie refused to accept responsibility for her actions and asked Alan for help in keeping custody of Sarah (in which she expected him to bribe judges and such. However, without her knowledge, Alan called a hitman
A hitman is a person hired to kill another person.- Hitmen in organized crime :Hitmen are largely linked to the world of organized crime. Hitmen are hired people who kill people for money. Notable examples include Murder, Inc., Mafia hitmen and Richard Kuklinski.- Other cases involving hitmen...
, Grady "Gillespie" Foley, to take out Jonathan. Gillespie got behind the wheel of a car and sped toward Jonathan. However, instead of hitting Jonathan, he hit Tammy as she was pushing Jonathan out of the path of the speeding car. Tammy was rushed to the hospital. The accident turned out to be fatal and after telling Jonathan she loved him, Tammy drew her last breath.
Jonathan vowed revenge against Alan and set the Spaulding mansion
A mansion is a very large dwelling house. U.S. real estate brokers define a mansion as a dwelling of over . A traditional European mansion was defined as a house which contained a ballroom and tens of bedrooms...
on fire. He put the fire out after Reva reminded him that he still has his daughter to think of. After Tammy's funeral
A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and practices used by a culture to remember the dead, from interment itself, to various monuments, prayers, and rituals undertaken in their honor...
, Jon had it out with Alan. Alan left and Jon tells Reva he loves her and leaves with Sarah. A long car chase
Car chase
A car chase is the vehicular pursuit of a suspect by law enforcement officers. Car chases are often captured on film and broadcast due to the availability of video footage recorded by police cars and police and media helicopters participating in the chase...
after Alan in his limo ended up with what looks like Jonathan veering over the edge of the cliff, his car exploding leaving Reva (who followed him) and Alan peering over the edge. Reva was hysterical and went to Outskirts and found Jonathan's black "Slacker" shirt. She held onto it, tears running down her face for her loss of them all lamenting and gave Jonathan praise. Then she heard Jon's voice saying how good-looking he was as well. She realized that he was there, in person, alive with Sarah. Reva insisted they must call the police and tell everyone! Jonathan refused saying Alan would never let up on getting Sarah. Reva said she could hide them but Jon reminded her that would be impossible once Sarah gets older. The only option he saw was to leave town. After a tearful goodbye, he took Sarah, and left Springfield, faking their deaths.