January 1991 events in Latvia
The Barricades were events that took place between 13 and 27 January 1991 in Latvia. Latvia, which had declared independence from the Soviet Union
a year earlier, anticipated that Soviet Union might attempt to violently regain control over the country.
After attacks of pro-Soviet OMON
of Riga in early January the government called on people to build barricades for protection of possible targets (mainly in the capital city of Riga
and nearby Ulbroka
, as well as Kuldīga
and Liepāja
). At least 7 people were killed in further attacks, and a total of 15,611 people have registered themselves as participants of the Barricades.
Latvia had been occupied by USSR. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev
introduced glasnost
and perestroika
policies, hoping to salvage the failing Soviet economy. The reforms also lessened restrictions on political freedom
in the Soviet Union. This led to unintended consequence
s as problems within the Soviet Union and crimes of the Soviet regime, previously kept secret and denied by the government, were exposed, causing public dissatisfaction, further deepened by the war in Afghanistan and the Chernobyl disaster
Massive demonstrations against the Soviet regime began. In Latvia an independence movement
was set up. The supporters of independence - the Popular Front of Latvia
, the Latvian Green Party
and the Latvian National Independence Movement
- won elections to the Supreme Soviet
of the Latvian SSR
, on 18 March 1990 and formed the Popular Front of Latvia faction, leaving the pro-Soviet Equal Rights
faction in opposition.
On 4 May 1990, the Supreme Soviet, which afterwards became known as the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia
, declared the restoration of independence of Latvia
and began secession from the Soviet Union. The USSR did not recognize these actions as they were considered contrary to the Soviet federal and republican constitutions. Consequently tension in relations between Latvia and the Soviet Union and between the independence movement and pro-Soviet forces, such as the International Front of the Working People of Latvia
(Interfront) and the Communist Party of Latvia
, along with its All-Latvian Public Rescue Committee, grew.
In late 1990, the Soviet Union called for a new Union Treaty, which Latvian government officials refused to sign, and in addition the Popular Front began to gather signatures against the new Union Treaty on 27 November 1990. By 17 December 1990 1 002 829 signatures had been gathered. The pro-Soviet forces tried to provoke violence and seize power in Latvia. A series of bombings occurred in December 1990, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Dmitry Yazov
admitted that the military was responsible for the first four bombings, perpetrators of the other bombings remain unknown, the pro-Communist press of the time blamed Latvian nationalists.
The government of the Soviet Union and other pro-Soviet groups threatened that a state of emergency
would be established which would grant unlimited authority in Latvia to President Gorbachev and military force would be used to "implement order in the Baltic Republics". At the time Soviet troops, OMON units and KGB
forces were stationed in Latvia. On 23 December 1990 a large combat group of KGB was exposed in Jūrmala
. It was rumored at the time that there would be a coup and a dictatorship would be established. Foreign minister of the Soviet Union Eduard Shevardnadze
seemingly confirmed this when he resigned on 20 December 1990, stating that a dictatorship was coming.
seized the Preses Nams , the national printing house of Latvia and attacked Criminal police officers who were documenting the event. The Supreme council held session in which it was reported that the manager of the Preses Nams was being held hostage, while other workers, although physically and psychologically abused, were apparently allowed to leave the printing house. The Supreme council officially recognised the taking of the printing house as an illegal act on the part of the Communist Party of Latvia
The Popular front organised protests at the Communist party building. The printing house was partly paralysed as it continued to print only pro-Soviet press.
On 4 January the OMON seized the telephone exchange in Vecmīlgrāvis
, it is speculated that it was because the telephone lines the OMON were using were cut off. Thereafter, the OMON seized the Ministry of Internal Affairs but the phone wasn't cut off for fear that the OMON would attack the international telephone exchange
. Contrary to OMON officer claims Boris Karlovich Pugo
and Mikhail Gorbachev
both claimed they were not informed of this attack. Meanwhile, the Soviet military was on the move - that same day an intelligence unit arrived in Riga.
Then on 7 January, following the orders of Mikhail Gorbachev, Dmitriy Yazov sent commando
units into several Republics of the Soviet Union
including Latvia.
On 11 January, the Military Council of the Baltic Military District
was held. It decided to arm Soviet officers and cadets with machine guns. Open movement of Soviet troops and armored vehicles were seen in the streets of Riga. Several meetings by both pro-independence and pro-Soviet movements were held on 10 January. Interfront held a meeting calling on the government of Latvia to resign. Some 50,000 people participated and tried to break into the Cabinet of Ministers building after being asked to do so by military personnel. On 11 January, the Soviet military launched an attack
on Latvia's neighbour, Lithuania
On 12 January, the Popular Front announced nationwide demonstrations to be held on 13 January in support of Latvia's lawfully elected government and the guarding of strategic objectives. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR called on the Soviet government to withdraw its military forces from the Baltic States. Leaders of the Latvian government met with Gorbachev who gave assurances that force would not be used. That night the Popular Front, after learning that Soviet forces in Lithuania had attacked the Vilnius TV Tower
and killed 13 civilians, called on people to gather for the defense of strategic objectives. Due to a united effort of the Baltic states to regain their independence in the previous years of the singing revolution
, an attack on one of them was perceived as an attack on all of them.
At 4:45 on 13 January, an announcement from the Popular Front was broadcast by Latvian radio calling people to gather in Riga Cathedral square. At 12:00 noon the Supreme Council session on defense issues was held. At 14.00 the Popular Front's demonstration began, around 700,000 people had gathered, Soviet helicopters dropped leaflets
with warnings over the crowd at this point. The Popular Front called on people to build barricades. The Supreme council held another session after the demonstration, the MPs were asked to stay at the Supreme council overnight. The evening session issued a call for Soviet soldiers asking them to disobey orders concerning the use of force against civilians. As night came, following orders from the government, agricultural and construction machines and trucks full of logs arrived in Riga to build barricades. Barricades were also built in Liepāja
and Kuldīga
On 16 January, the supreme council organised MPs to stay overnight at the supreme council building to ensure a quorum in case of need. At 4:45 pm, in another attack on Vecmilgrāvis bridge, Roberts Mūrnieks was killed - becoming the first fatality at the barricades. Two other people were also injured. At 6:30 pm the OMON attacked Brasa bridge, injuring one person. Another bombing took place at 8:45 pm.
On 17 January, the alarm was sounded at the Barricades, the strike committee of the Communist Party of Latvia declared that fascism was being reborn in Latvia. A delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR visited Riga. Upon its return to Moscow, the delegation reported that Latvia was in favour of the establishment of unlimited authority of the USSR president.
On 18 January the Supreme Soviet decided to form a national self-defense committee. The Popular Front withdrew its call to protect the barricades.
On 19 January, the funeral of Roberts Mūrnieks turned into a demonstration. That night the OMON arrested and beat up five members of a volunteer guard unit.
On 20 January, about 100,000 people gathered in Moscow to show their support for the Baltic states, calling on Soviet officials to resign in connection with the events in Vilnius. That evening turned out to be the deadliest at the Barricades after the OMON and other unidentified combat groups attacked the Latvian Interior Ministry. Two policemen, a schoolboy, and a cameraman were killed. Another cameraman died later of his injuries. Four Bauska policemen were injured, as were five participants of the barricades, a Hungarian journalist, and a Russian journalist. It was noted that the attackers also suffered casualties. After the battle, the OMON moved into the Latvian communist party building.
On 21 January, the Supreme council called on youths to apply for a job in the Interior ministry system
. Gorbunov left for Moscow to meet with Gorbachev to discuss the situation in Latvia. On 22 January, Pugo denied that he had ordered an attack on the interior ministry. Another person was killed on the barricades.
On 24 January, the Council of ministers established a public safety department to guard the barricades.
On 25 January, after the funeral of the 20 January victims, most defenders of the barricades went home.
s, engineering vehicle
s and agricultural machinery
were brought into the city to block streets. Trucks were loaded with construction and demolition waste
, logs and other cargo. Large concrete
blocks, walls, wire obstacle
s and other materials were also used. The building work begun on the evening of 13 January and took about three hours. The main objects of strategic interest were the Supreme Council buildings (Old town
near St. James's Cathedral), the Council of Ministers (City center near the Nativity of Christ Cathedral
), Latvian Television
(Zaķusala), Latvian Radio
(Old town
near Riga Cathedral), the International Telephone exchange
offices (City center), Ulbroka
radio and bridges.
Barricades were largely perceived as a form of nonviolent resistance
, people being ready to form a human shield
. However, many people did arm themselves, using whatever was available, ranging from pieces of metal to specially crafted shields and civil defence supplies. Some had also prepared Molotov cocktail
s, but these were confiscated to ensure fire safety. The Latvian militia was armed with sub-machine guns and handguns.
The Latvian government was later criticized for not providing weapons. These they had, as was evidenced after the OMON seized the Ministry of Interior and removed a considerable number of weapons (it was asserted that there were 200 firearms in the ministry). By the 20 January, the government also urged the transfer of control of the barricades to government forces. This was seen by some as disaffection with the whole idea. This opinion was enforced when part of the barricades were demolished after the government took control of them.
Care was taken to record the events, not only for accounting purposes and personal keepsakes, but also to show the world what was happening. About 300 foreign journalists worked in Riga at the time. The Latvian government ensured that the foreign press was provided with constant updates. People also watched satellite television - some say that reports on the Gulf War
helped to destroy belief in the myth of superiority of the Soviet armed forces, which was a result of Soviet propaganda.
Many strategic objects were important mainly for the transfer of information. This would ensure that if the Soviets did launch an attack, the Latvian forces could hold these locations long enough to inform the rest of the world. The international telephone exchange was important to maintain connections with both foreign countries and other parts of the USSR. An often noted example is Lithuania. It was partly cut off from the rest of the world after the Soviet attack. Foreign calls to Lithuania were transferred through Riga. Latvian radio and television worked day and night to broadcast throughout the time of the barricades.
Radio played an important part in life on the barricades. It was used to organize eating and sleeping arrangements, calling people together (e.g. students from the same university), for the various meetings. Artists were invited to entertain people. Foresters were asked to provide firewood for the bonfires that were widely used by the people manning the barricades. Food and drink was provided by a number of public institutions. Many well-wishers provided knit socks and gloves as well as refreshments. Places to sleep were often hard to find - schools were used where possible. Many people either slept at the barricades or went home. Some people experienced exacerbation of their health problems which was not helped by the winter climate, exhaustion and stress.
First Aid points were setup with additional medical supplies and equipment, some were based on existing locations. Beds were installed in a number and had teams based on doctors from local hospitals. Shifts were formed by daily routine - people who went to their job, studies or home were replaced by people who returned to the barricades after their daily duties. Most workers who had been on the barricades later received their usual salary regardless of if they had or had not been to work. Prime minister Ivars Godmanis regularly held meetings with commanders of individual barricades, the Popular Front also participated to discuss tactics. It was decided to enforce protection of the most important objectives by assigning militia to their defense. The supplies for the barricades were coordinated by the Popular Front. The individual barricades were organised by regions. Thus, people from Vidzeme were assigned to barricades overseen by the Vidzeme suburb chapter of the Popular Front. The pro-Soviet forces tried to infiltrate barricades for sabotage. Rumors were spread that attacks were planned.
several strategic objectives guarded during the barricade phase were seized.
of Riga, however another combat unit was seen during the attack on the Ministry of Interior Affairs. It has been speculated that this unit was Alpha Group
which had been seen in action during the attack on Vilnius. In an interview with film director Juris Podnieks
, an OMON officer stated that originally it was planned to attack Riga, not Vilnius. At the last moment, a week before the attack on Vilnius, the plan was suddenly changed. He also claimed that the OMON of Rīga was so well prepared that there was no need for the Soviet military, which was present in Rīga at the time, to engage.
The OMON did not act on their own - after the Preses Nams was seized the OMON claimed that high officials of the Soviet government - Boris Karlovich Pugo
and Mikhail Gorbachev
knew about the attack, however both denied their involvement and the Supreme Council blamed the Communist Party of Latvia
. In December before the events, the Popular Front, in its instructions for X hour, asserted that a coup was planned by the "Soyuz" group of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR MPs.
Dimitry Yuzhkov admitted that the Soviet military was responsible for the first bombings, however no one claimed responsibility for the rest of the bombings, which the communist press blamed on Latvian nationalists. On the basis of these and subsequent events, several OMON officers were tried, although many of them were not convicted, the Communist Party of Latvia, Interfront, the All-Latvian Public Rescue Committee and a few related organizations were banned by parliament for the attempted coup d'état, and two leaders of CPL and ALPRC were tried for treason
Viktor Alksnis
transplanted a large number of the Baltic OMON forces to the Transnistria
n territory of Moldova in support of the separatist regime there, where Vladimir Antyufeyev, commander of the Riga OMON forces, took on the role of Minister of Security initially under an assumed name (Vladimir Shevstov), a post he still holds. It is unlikely at this point that the OMON will be brought to trial.
In 1995, a support fund for 'Participants of the Barricades of 1991' was created. The fund is for the families of victims. It also gathers information on participants. In 2001 the fund created the 'Museum of the Barricades of 1991' to make historical materials it had gathered available to the public.
20 January is the commemoration day of Participants of the Barricades, on this day as well as on 18 November, 4 May and 21 August, participants of the barricades are awarded commemorative medals, This award was established by the fund of 'Participants of the Barricades of 1991' in 1996. Since 1999 it is awarded by the state for those who had shown courage and unselfishness during the Barricades. The Barricades are also commemorated by numerous monuments in Latvia.
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
a year earlier, anticipated that Soviet Union might attempt to violently regain control over the country.
After attacks of pro-Soviet OMON
OMOH is a generic name for the system of special units of militsiya within the Russian and earlier the Soviet MVD...
of Riga in early January the government called on people to build barricades for protection of possible targets (mainly in the capital city of Riga
Riga is the capital and largest city of Latvia. With 702,891 inhabitants Riga is the largest city of the Baltic states, one of the largest cities in Northern Europe and home to more than one third of Latvia's population. The city is an important seaport and a major industrial, commercial,...
and nearby Ulbroka
Ulbroka is a village near Riga, the capital city of Latvia. It is the center of Stopiņi Municipality. The village is crossed by two first category roads Rīga-Ērgļi and Rīga-Ogre . In 2000 there were 2,701 inhabitants.- References :...
, as well as Kuldīga
Kuldīga is a town in western Latvia. It is the center of Kuldīga municipality with a population of approximately 13,500.Kuldīga was first mentioned in 1242. It joined the Hanseatic League in 1368...
and Liepāja
Liepāja ; ), is a republican city in western Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea directly at 21°E. It is the largest city in the Kurzeme Region of Latvia, the third largest city in Latvia after Riga and Daugavpils and an important ice-free port...
). At least 7 people were killed in further attacks, and a total of 15,611 people have registered themselves as participants of the Barricades.
During World War IIWorld War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
Latvia had been occupied by USSR. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a former Soviet statesman, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991, and as the last head of state of the USSR, having served from 1988 until its dissolution in 1991...
introduced glasnost
Glasnost was the policy of maximal publicity, openness, and transparency in the activities of all government institutions in the Soviet Union, together with freedom of information, introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the second half of the 1980s...
and perestroika
Perestroika was a political movement within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during 1980s, widely associated with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev...
policies, hoping to salvage the failing Soviet economy. The reforms also lessened restrictions on political freedom
Freedom (political)
Political freedom is a central philosophy in Western history and political thought, and one of the most important features of democratic societies...
in the Soviet Union. This led to unintended consequence
Unintended consequence
In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the outcomes intended by a purposeful action. The concept has long existed but was named and popularised in the 20th century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton...
s as problems within the Soviet Union and crimes of the Soviet regime, previously kept secret and denied by the government, were exposed, causing public dissatisfaction, further deepened by the war in Afghanistan and the Chernobyl disaster
Chernobyl disaster
The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine , which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities in Moscow...
Massive demonstrations against the Soviet regime began. In Latvia an independence movement
Latvian independence movement
Latvian independence movement during Soviet and Nazi occupation .-First year of occupation:The effects of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939 assigned Latvia to the Soviet sphere of influence. On August 5, 1940, the Soviet Union annexed Latvia...
was set up. The supporters of independence - the Popular Front of Latvia
Popular Front of Latvia
The Popular Front of Latvia was a political organization in Latvia in late 1980s and early 1990s which led Latvia to its independence from the Soviet Union. It was similar to the Popular Front of Estonia and the Sąjūdis movement in Lithuania....
, the Latvian Green Party
Latvian Green Party
The Latvian Green Party is a green political party in Latvia. It was founded January 13, 1990.-Chairpersons:Three co-chairpersons share the leadership position at any one time...
and the Latvian National Independence Movement
Latvian National Independence Movement
The Latvian National Independence Movement was a political organization in Latvia from 1988 till mid-1990s.It formed in 1988, as the radical wing of Latvian nationalist movement...
- won elections to the Supreme Soviet
Supreme Soviet
The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union was the Supreme Soviet in the Soviet Union and the only one with the power to pass constitutional amendments...
of the Latvian SSR
Latvian SSR
The Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic , also known as the Latvian SSR for short, was one of the republics that made up the Soviet Union. Established on 21 July 1940 as a puppet state during World War II in the territory of the previously independent Republic of Latvia after it had been occupied by...
, on 18 March 1990 and formed the Popular Front of Latvia faction, leaving the pro-Soviet Equal Rights
Equal Rights (Latvia)
Equal Rights was a political party in Latvia, mainly supported by the Russian minority.ER was founded on the basis of the "Equal Rights" faction of the Supreme Soviet as an NGO in 1993. The Equal Rights faction had been founded in April, 1990, after the Latvian parliamentary election, 1990.The...
faction in opposition.
On 4 May 1990, the Supreme Soviet, which afterwards became known as the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia
Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia
Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia was the transitional parliament of Latvia from 1990 to 1993, after the restoration of independence. The Supreme Council was elected on 1990 as the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR. On 1990 it declared the restoration of independence of Latvia and began a...
, declared the restoration of independence of Latvia
On the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia
The Declaration "On the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia" was adopted on 4 May 1990, by the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR...
and began secession from the Soviet Union. The USSR did not recognize these actions as they were considered contrary to the Soviet federal and republican constitutions. Consequently tension in relations between Latvia and the Soviet Union and between the independence movement and pro-Soviet forces, such as the International Front of the Working People of Latvia
International Front of the Working People of Latvia
The International Front of the Working People of the Latvian SSR or Interfront was a pro-Soviet socialist organization in the Latvian SSR, which during the years 1989–1991, supported Latvia's remaining part of the USSR....
(Interfront) and the Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia was a political party in Latvia.- Latvian Social-Democracy prior to 1919 :The party was founded at a congress in June 1904. Initially the party was known as the Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party . During its second party congress in 1905 it adopted the programme of...
, along with its All-Latvian Public Rescue Committee, grew.
In late 1990, the Soviet Union called for a new Union Treaty, which Latvian government officials refused to sign, and in addition the Popular Front began to gather signatures against the new Union Treaty on 27 November 1990. By 17 December 1990 1 002 829 signatures had been gathered. The pro-Soviet forces tried to provoke violence and seize power in Latvia. A series of bombings occurred in December 1990, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Marshal of the Soviet Union
Marshal of the Soviet Union was the de facto highest military rank of the Soviet Union. ....
Dmitry Yazov
Dmitry Yazov
Dmitry Timofeyevich Yazov was the last Marshal of the Soviet Union to be appointed before the collapse of the Soviet Union . He was the only Marshal of the Soviet Union to be born in Siberia....
admitted that the military was responsible for the first four bombings, perpetrators of the other bombings remain unknown, the pro-Communist press of the time blamed Latvian nationalists.
The government of the Soviet Union and other pro-Soviet groups threatened that a state of emergency
State of emergency
A state of emergency is a governmental declaration that may suspend some normal functions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, alert citizens to change their normal behaviours, or order government agencies to implement emergency preparedness plans. It can also be used as a rationale...
would be established which would grant unlimited authority in Latvia to President Gorbachev and military force would be used to "implement order in the Baltic Republics". At the time Soviet troops, OMON units and KGB
The KGB was the commonly used acronym for the . It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and was the premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during that time.The State Security Agency of the Republic of Belarus currently uses the...
forces were stationed in Latvia. On 23 December 1990 a large combat group of KGB was exposed in Jūrmala
Jūrmala is a city in Latvia, about 25 kilometers west of Riga. Jūrmala is a resort town stretching and sandwiched between the Gulf of Riga and the Lielupe River...
. It was rumored at the time that there would be a coup and a dictatorship would be established. Foreign minister of the Soviet Union Eduard Shevardnadze
Eduard Shevardnadze
Eduard Shevardnadze is a former Soviet, and later, Georgian statesman from the height to the end of the Cold War. He served as President of Georgia from 1995 to 2003, and as First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party , from 1972 to 1985. Shevardnadze was responsible for many top decisions on...
seemingly confirmed this when he resigned on 20 December 1990, stating that a dictatorship was coming.
Plans for a crisis
On 11 December 1990, the Popular Front released an announcement stating that there was no need for a climate of fear and hysteria in what was dubbed hour X - the unlimited authority of the president - would come and every person should be ready to consider what they would do if that happened. The Popular Front also said what should be done until the hour X and afterwards, if Soviet forces were successful. These plans called for acts to show support for independence, attract the attention of international society and join volunteer guard units. Reasoning with Russians in Latvia explaining to them, especially military officers, that the ideas of the Popular Front are similar to those of Russian democrats. An effort to protect the economy and ensure information circulation should also be made. In case of Soviet control being successfully established, this plan called for a campaign of civil disobedience - ignoring any orders and requests of the Soviet authorities, as well as any Soviet elections and referendums, also to undermine the Soviet economy by going on strike and by following the absurdly elaborate Soviet manufacturing instructions in order to paralyse production, helping the independence movement to continue its work illegally and helping its supporters to get involved in the work of the Soviet institutions. Finally, carefully documenting any crimes Soviet forces might commit during the state of emergency.Early developments
On 2 January 1991 the OMONOMON
OMOH is a generic name for the system of special units of militsiya within the Russian and earlier the Soviet MVD...
seized the Preses Nams , the national printing house of Latvia and attacked Criminal police officers who were documenting the event. The Supreme council held session in which it was reported that the manager of the Preses Nams was being held hostage, while other workers, although physically and psychologically abused, were apparently allowed to leave the printing house. The Supreme council officially recognised the taking of the printing house as an illegal act on the part of the Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia was a political party in Latvia.- Latvian Social-Democracy prior to 1919 :The party was founded at a congress in June 1904. Initially the party was known as the Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party . During its second party congress in 1905 it adopted the programme of...
The Popular front organised protests at the Communist party building. The printing house was partly paralysed as it continued to print only pro-Soviet press.
On 4 January the OMON seized the telephone exchange in Vecmīlgrāvis
Vecmīlgrāvis is a Riga neighbourhood located in the northern part of the city....
, it is speculated that it was because the telephone lines the OMON were using were cut off. Thereafter, the OMON seized the Ministry of Internal Affairs but the phone wasn't cut off for fear that the OMON would attack the international telephone exchange
Telephone exchange
In the field of telecommunications, a telephone exchange or telephone switch is a system of electronic components that connects telephone calls...
. Contrary to OMON officer claims Boris Karlovich Pugo
Boris Karlovich Pugo
Boris Karlovich Pugo, OAN was a hardline Soviet Communist political figure.Pugo was born in Kalinin, Russian SFSR into a family of Latvian communists who had left Latvia after Latvia was proclaimed as an independent country in 1918...
and Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a former Soviet statesman, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991, and as the last head of state of the USSR, having served from 1988 until its dissolution in 1991...
both claimed they were not informed of this attack. Meanwhile, the Soviet military was on the move - that same day an intelligence unit arrived in Riga.
Then on 7 January, following the orders of Mikhail Gorbachev, Dmitriy Yazov sent commando
In English, the term commando means a specific kind of individual soldier or military unit. In contemporary usage, commando usually means elite light infantry and/or special operations forces units, specializing in amphibious landings, parachuting, rappelling and similar techniques, to conduct and...
units into several Republics of the Soviet Union
Republics of the Soviet Union
The Republics of the Soviet Union or the Union Republics of the Soviet Union were ethnically-based administrative units that were subordinated directly to the Government of the Soviet Union...
including Latvia.
On 11 January, the Military Council of the Baltic Military District
Baltic Military District
The Baltic Military District was a military district of the Soviet armed forces, formed briefly before the German invasion, and then reformed after World War II and disbanded after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991....
was held. It decided to arm Soviet officers and cadets with machine guns. Open movement of Soviet troops and armored vehicles were seen in the streets of Riga. Several meetings by both pro-independence and pro-Soviet movements were held on 10 January. Interfront held a meeting calling on the government of Latvia to resign. Some 50,000 people participated and tried to break into the Cabinet of Ministers building after being asked to do so by military personnel. On 11 January, the Soviet military launched an attack
January Events
The January Events took place in Lithuania between January 11 and 13, 1991 in the aftermath of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. As a result of Soviet military actions, 14 civilians were killed and more than 1000 injured...
on Latvia's neighbour, Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...
On 12 January, the Popular Front announced nationwide demonstrations to be held on 13 January in support of Latvia's lawfully elected government and the guarding of strategic objectives. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR called on the Soviet government to withdraw its military forces from the Baltic States. Leaders of the Latvian government met with Gorbachev who gave assurances that force would not be used. That night the Popular Front, after learning that Soviet forces in Lithuania had attacked the Vilnius TV Tower
Vilnius TV Tower
The Vilnius TV Tower is a tower in the Karoliniškės microdistrict of Vilnius, Lithuania. It is the tallest structure in Lithuania, and is occupied by the SC Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre ....
and killed 13 civilians, called on people to gather for the defense of strategic objectives. Due to a united effort of the Baltic states to regain their independence in the previous years of the singing revolution
Singing Revolution
The Singing Revolution is a commonly used name for events between 1987 and 1991 that led to the restoration of the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania...
, an attack on one of them was perceived as an attack on all of them.
Construction of the Barricades

Airborne leaflet propaganda
Airborne leaflet propaganda is a form of psychological warfare in which leaflets are scattered in the air. Military forces have used aircraft to drop leaflets to alter the behavior of people in enemy-controlled territory, sometimes in conjunction with air strikes...
with warnings over the crowd at this point. The Popular Front called on people to build barricades. The Supreme council held another session after the demonstration, the MPs were asked to stay at the Supreme council overnight. The evening session issued a call for Soviet soldiers asking them to disobey orders concerning the use of force against civilians. As night came, following orders from the government, agricultural and construction machines and trucks full of logs arrived in Riga to build barricades. Barricades were also built in Liepāja
Liepāja ; ), is a republican city in western Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea directly at 21°E. It is the largest city in the Kurzeme Region of Latvia, the third largest city in Latvia after Riga and Daugavpils and an important ice-free port...
and Kuldīga
Kuldīga is a town in western Latvia. It is the center of Kuldīga municipality with a population of approximately 13,500.Kuldīga was first mentioned in 1242. It joined the Hanseatic League in 1368...
On 14 January, the Soviet military demanded that Latvian laws be repealed. The OMON attacked Brasa and Vecmilgrāvis bridges. 17 cars were burned during the day. On the night of 15 January the OMON twice attacked the Riga branch of the Minsk Militia Academy. Later that day 10,000 people gathered for an Interfront meeting, where an All-Latvian Public Rescue Committee declared that it was taking over power in Latvia. This announcement was broadcast in the Soviet media.On 16 January, the supreme council organised MPs to stay overnight at the supreme council building to ensure a quorum in case of need. At 4:45 pm, in another attack on Vecmilgrāvis bridge, Roberts Mūrnieks was killed - becoming the first fatality at the barricades. Two other people were also injured. At 6:30 pm the OMON attacked Brasa bridge, injuring one person. Another bombing took place at 8:45 pm.
On 17 January, the alarm was sounded at the Barricades, the strike committee of the Communist Party of Latvia declared that fascism was being reborn in Latvia. A delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR visited Riga. Upon its return to Moscow, the delegation reported that Latvia was in favour of the establishment of unlimited authority of the USSR president.
On 18 January the Supreme Soviet decided to form a national self-defense committee. The Popular Front withdrew its call to protect the barricades.
On 19 January, the funeral of Roberts Mūrnieks turned into a demonstration. That night the OMON arrested and beat up five members of a volunteer guard unit.
On 20 January, about 100,000 people gathered in Moscow to show their support for the Baltic states, calling on Soviet officials to resign in connection with the events in Vilnius. That evening turned out to be the deadliest at the Barricades after the OMON and other unidentified combat groups attacked the Latvian Interior Ministry. Two policemen, a schoolboy, and a cameraman were killed. Another cameraman died later of his injuries. Four Bauska policemen were injured, as were five participants of the barricades, a Hungarian journalist, and a Russian journalist. It was noted that the attackers also suffered casualties. After the battle, the OMON moved into the Latvian communist party building.
On 21 January, the Supreme council called on youths to apply for a job in the Interior ministry system
Law enforcement in Latvia
Law enforcement in Latvia is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior, which is composed of the State Police, Security Police and State Border Guard branches.In 2003, the State Police consisted of 8,222 officers..-External links:***...
. Gorbunov left for Moscow to meet with Gorbachev to discuss the situation in Latvia. On 22 January, Pugo denied that he had ordered an attack on the interior ministry. Another person was killed on the barricades.
On 24 January, the Council of ministers established a public safety department to guard the barricades.
On 25 January, after the funeral of the 20 January victims, most defenders of the barricades went home.
Life on the Barricades
On 13 January, following the Popular Front's calls to build barricades, people gathered in Riga. Part of this crowd gathered in Riga Cathedral Square as the Popular Front had asked in its morning announcement. Others gathered after the midday demonstration. They included work colleagues and students. Some were organised by their employers and alma maters. Many families arrived, including women, the elderly and children. By that time most were already morally prepared that something could happen. People had arrived from all over the country.
A truck or lorry is a motor vehicle designed to transport cargo. Trucks vary greatly in size, power, and configuration, with the smallest being mechanically similar to an automobile...
s, engineering vehicle
Engineering vehicle
Heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing construction tasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as, construction equipment, construction plant, earth movers, engineering vehicles, or simply equipment...
s and agricultural machinery
Agricultural machinery
Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of an agricultural area or farm.-Hand tools:The first person to turn from the hunting and gathering lifestyle to farming probably did so by using his bare hands, and perhaps some sticks or stones. Tools such as knives, scythes, and wooden...
were brought into the city to block streets. Trucks were loaded with construction and demolition waste
Construction and demolition waste
Construction waste consists of unwanted material produced directly or incidentally by the construction or industries. This includes building materials such as insulation, nails, electrical wiring, and rebar, as well as waste originating from site preparation such as dredging materials, tree stumps,...
, logs and other cargo. Large concrete
Concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate , water and chemical admixtures.The word concrete comes from the Latin word...
blocks, walls, wire obstacle
Wire obstacle
In the military science of fortification, wire obstacles are defensive obstacles made from barbed wire, barbed tape or concertina wire. They are designed to disrupt, delay and generally slow down an attacking enemy...
s and other materials were also used. The building work begun on the evening of 13 January and took about three hours. The main objects of strategic interest were the Supreme Council buildings (Old town
Vecrīga is the historical center of Riga, Latvia, located on the east side of Daugava River. Vecrīga is famous for its old churches and cathedrals, such as Riga Cathedral and St. Peter's church.- Origins :...
near St. James's Cathedral), the Council of Ministers (City center near the Nativity of Christ Cathedral
Nativity Cathedral, Riga
The Nativity of Christ Cathedral , Riga, Latvia was built to a design by Nikolai Chagin in a Neo-Byzantine style between 1876 and 1883, during the period when the country was part of the Russian Empire...
), Latvian Television
Latvijas Televizija
Latvijas Televīzija is the state-owned public service broadcasting television company in Latvia.The company is funded by grant-in-aid from the Latvian government , and gaining the rest from showing television commercials . Although moving LTV to licence fee funding has long been debated, this has...
(Zaķusala), Latvian Radio
Latvijas Radio
Latvijas Radio is a public service broadcasting network of Latvia. The organisation was founded 1 November 1925 and is situated in the Latvian capital Riga...
(Old town
Vecrīga is the historical center of Riga, Latvia, located on the east side of Daugava River. Vecrīga is famous for its old churches and cathedrals, such as Riga Cathedral and St. Peter's church.- Origins :...
near Riga Cathedral), the International Telephone exchange
Telephone exchange
In the field of telecommunications, a telephone exchange or telephone switch is a system of electronic components that connects telephone calls...
offices (City center), Ulbroka
Ulbroka is a village near Riga, the capital city of Latvia. It is the center of Stopiņi Municipality. The village is crossed by two first category roads Rīga-Ērgļi and Rīga-Ogre . In 2000 there were 2,701 inhabitants.- References :...
radio and bridges.
Barricades were largely perceived as a form of nonviolent resistance
Nonviolent resistance
Nonviolent resistance is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, and other methods, without using violence. It is largely synonymous with civil resistance...
, people being ready to form a human shield
Human shield
Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of civilians in or around combat targets to deter an enemy from attacking those targets. It may also refer to the use of civilians to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing the civilians to march in...
. However, many people did arm themselves, using whatever was available, ranging from pieces of metal to specially crafted shields and civil defence supplies. Some had also prepared Molotov cocktail
Molotov cocktail
The Molotov cocktail, also known as the petrol bomb, gasoline bomb, Molotov bomb, fire bottle, fire bomb, or simply Molotov, is a generic name used for a variety of improvised incendiary weapons...
s, but these were confiscated to ensure fire safety. The Latvian militia was armed with sub-machine guns and handguns.
The Latvian government was later criticized for not providing weapons. These they had, as was evidenced after the OMON seized the Ministry of Interior and removed a considerable number of weapons (it was asserted that there were 200 firearms in the ministry). By the 20 January, the government also urged the transfer of control of the barricades to government forces. This was seen by some as disaffection with the whole idea. This opinion was enforced when part of the barricades were demolished after the government took control of them.
Care was taken to record the events, not only for accounting purposes and personal keepsakes, but also to show the world what was happening. About 300 foreign journalists worked in Riga at the time. The Latvian government ensured that the foreign press was provided with constant updates. People also watched satellite television - some say that reports on the Gulf War
Gulf War
The Persian Gulf War , commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from 34 nations led by the United States, against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.The war is also known under other names, such as the First Gulf...
helped to destroy belief in the myth of superiority of the Soviet armed forces, which was a result of Soviet propaganda.
Many strategic objects were important mainly for the transfer of information. This would ensure that if the Soviets did launch an attack, the Latvian forces could hold these locations long enough to inform the rest of the world. The international telephone exchange was important to maintain connections with both foreign countries and other parts of the USSR. An often noted example is Lithuania. It was partly cut off from the rest of the world after the Soviet attack. Foreign calls to Lithuania were transferred through Riga. Latvian radio and television worked day and night to broadcast throughout the time of the barricades.
Radio played an important part in life on the barricades. It was used to organize eating and sleeping arrangements, calling people together (e.g. students from the same university), for the various meetings. Artists were invited to entertain people. Foresters were asked to provide firewood for the bonfires that were widely used by the people manning the barricades. Food and drink was provided by a number of public institutions. Many well-wishers provided knit socks and gloves as well as refreshments. Places to sleep were often hard to find - schools were used where possible. Many people either slept at the barricades or went home. Some people experienced exacerbation of their health problems which was not helped by the winter climate, exhaustion and stress.
First Aid points were setup with additional medical supplies and equipment, some were based on existing locations. Beds were installed in a number and had teams based on doctors from local hospitals. Shifts were formed by daily routine - people who went to their job, studies or home were replaced by people who returned to the barricades after their daily duties. Most workers who had been on the barricades later received their usual salary regardless of if they had or had not been to work. Prime minister Ivars Godmanis regularly held meetings with commanders of individual barricades, the Popular Front also participated to discuss tactics. It was decided to enforce protection of the most important objectives by assigning militia to their defense. The supplies for the barricades were coordinated by the Popular Front. The individual barricades were organised by regions. Thus, people from Vidzeme were assigned to barricades overseen by the Vidzeme suburb chapter of the Popular Front. The pro-Soviet forces tried to infiltrate barricades for sabotage. Rumors were spread that attacks were planned.
The actual barricades stayed on the streets of Riga for a long time; for example, those at the Supreme Soviet were removed only in the autumn of 1992. Soviet forces continued to harass Latvia - several Latvian border posts were attacked in the summer and during the Soviet coup attempt of 1991Soviet coup attempt of 1991
The 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt , also known as the August Putsch or August Coup , was an attempt by a group of members of the Soviet Union's government to take control of the country from Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev...
several strategic objectives guarded during the barricade phase were seized.
Major attacks were carried out by the OMONOMON
OMOH is a generic name for the system of special units of militsiya within the Russian and earlier the Soviet MVD...
of Riga, however another combat unit was seen during the attack on the Ministry of Interior Affairs. It has been speculated that this unit was Alpha Group
Alpha Group
The Alpha Group , is an elite component of Russia's Spetsnaz as well as the dedicated counter-terrorism unit of the Federal Security Service...
which had been seen in action during the attack on Vilnius. In an interview with film director Juris Podnieks
Juris Podnieks
Juris Podnieks was a Latvian film director and producer.He graduated from the Soviet VGIK film school in 1975, after which he started working at the Riga Film Studio. He became a director in 1979....
, an OMON officer stated that originally it was planned to attack Riga, not Vilnius. At the last moment, a week before the attack on Vilnius, the plan was suddenly changed. He also claimed that the OMON of Rīga was so well prepared that there was no need for the Soviet military, which was present in Rīga at the time, to engage.
The OMON did not act on their own - after the Preses Nams was seized the OMON claimed that high officials of the Soviet government - Boris Karlovich Pugo
Boris Karlovich Pugo
Boris Karlovich Pugo, OAN was a hardline Soviet Communist political figure.Pugo was born in Kalinin, Russian SFSR into a family of Latvian communists who had left Latvia after Latvia was proclaimed as an independent country in 1918...
and Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a former Soviet statesman, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991, and as the last head of state of the USSR, having served from 1988 until its dissolution in 1991...
knew about the attack, however both denied their involvement and the Supreme Council blamed the Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Latvia was a political party in Latvia.- Latvian Social-Democracy prior to 1919 :The party was founded at a congress in June 1904. Initially the party was known as the Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party . During its second party congress in 1905 it adopted the programme of...
. In December before the events, the Popular Front, in its instructions for X hour, asserted that a coup was planned by the "Soyuz" group of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR MPs.
Dimitry Yuzhkov admitted that the Soviet military was responsible for the first bombings, however no one claimed responsibility for the rest of the bombings, which the communist press blamed on Latvian nationalists. On the basis of these and subsequent events, several OMON officers were tried, although many of them were not convicted, the Communist Party of Latvia, Interfront, the All-Latvian Public Rescue Committee and a few related organizations were banned by parliament for the attempted coup d'état, and two leaders of CPL and ALPRC were tried for treason
In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife. Treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a...
Viktor Alksnis
Viktor Alksnis
Viktor Alksnis is an ethnic Latvian Russian politician and former Soviet Air Force colonel. He is the chairman of Russian Center of Free Technologies, an organization intended to promote Free Software and open standards in Russia...
transplanted a large number of the Baltic OMON forces to the Transnistria
Transnistria is a breakaway territory located mostly on a strip of land between the Dniester River and the eastern Moldovan border to Ukraine...
n territory of Moldova in support of the separatist regime there, where Vladimir Antyufeyev, commander of the Riga OMON forces, took on the role of Minister of Security initially under an assumed name (Vladimir Shevstov), a post he still holds. It is unlikely at this point that the OMON will be brought to trial.

20 January is the commemoration day of Participants of the Barricades, on this day as well as on 18 November, 4 May and 21 August, participants of the barricades are awarded commemorative medals, This award was established by the fund of 'Participants of the Barricades of 1991' in 1996. Since 1999 it is awarded by the state for those who had shown courage and unselfishness during the Barricades. The Barricades are also commemorated by numerous monuments in Latvia.
See also
- January EventsJanuary EventsThe January Events took place in Lithuania between January 11 and 13, 1991 in the aftermath of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. As a result of Soviet military actions, 14 civilians were killed and more than 1000 injured...
- LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark... - Black JanuaryBlack JanuaryBlack January , also known as Black Saturday or the January Massacre, was a violent crackdown of the Azerbaijani independence movement in Baku on January 19–20, 1990, pursuant to a state of emergency during the dissolution of the Soviet Union....
- AzerbaijanAzerbaijanAzerbaijan , officially the Republic of Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west, and Iran to... - Singing RevolutionSinging RevolutionThe Singing Revolution is a commonly used name for events between 1987 and 1991 that led to the restoration of the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania...
- Baltic WayBaltic WayThe Baltic Way or Baltic Chain was a peaceful political demonstration that occurred on August 23, 1989. Approximately two million people joined their hands to form a human chain spanning over across the three Baltic states – Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, and Lithuanian SSR, republics of the Soviet...
- Communist Party of LatviaCommunist Party of LatviaCommunist Party of Latvia was a political party in Latvia.- Latvian Social-Democracy prior to 1919 :The party was founded at a congress in June 1904. Initially the party was known as the Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party . During its second party congress in 1905 it adopted the programme of...
- Day of the BarricadesDay of the BarricadesIn the French Wars of Religion, the Day of the Barricades , 12 May 1588, was an apparently spontaneous public uprising in staunchly Catholic Paris against the moderate, hesitant, temporalizing policies of Henry III...
- International Front of the Working People of LatviaInternational Front of the Working People of LatviaThe International Front of the Working People of the Latvian SSR or Interfront was a pro-Soviet socialist organization in the Latvian SSR, which during the years 1989–1991, supported Latvia's remaining part of the USSR....
- Latvian independence movementLatvian independence movementLatvian independence movement during Soviet and Nazi occupation .-First year of occupation:The effects of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939 assigned Latvia to the Soviet sphere of influence. On August 5, 1940, the Soviet Union annexed Latvia...
- Latvian National AwakeningLatvian National AwakeningThe Latvian National Awakening refers to three distinct but ideologically related National revival movements:* the First Awakening refers to the national revival led by the Young Latvians from the 1850s to the 1880s,...
- Latvian SSRLatvian SSRThe Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic , also known as the Latvian SSR for short, was one of the republics that made up the Soviet Union. Established on 21 July 1940 as a puppet state during World War II in the territory of the previously independent Republic of Latvia after it had been occupied by...
- Popular Front of LatviaPopular Front of LatviaThe Popular Front of Latvia was a political organization in Latvia in late 1980s and early 1990s which led Latvia to its independence from the Soviet Union. It was similar to the Popular Front of Estonia and the Sąjūdis movement in Lithuania....