JSC Hydrosila is Ukraine
's company, currently one of the basic companies within the corporation "Hydrosila GROUP" JSC. Nowadays four factories belong to corporation: "Hydrosila" JSC, "Hydrosila MZTG" JSC, "Hydrosila LEDA" JSC, "Hydrosila TETIS" Ltd.
It has a leading position as a manufacturer of hydraulic components for the agricultural, road-building and other machinery in Eastern Europe (the C.I.S. countries) and the Baltic States.
• gear pumps of design groups:"А", "УК", "Г", "М", "N";
• multiple gear pumps;
• low pressure oil gear pumps for auxiliary and lubrication hydraulic systems;
• axial-piston hydraulic motors, fix;
• axial-piston hydraulic pump, variable.
1949. The enterprise mastered the manufacturing of fire-pumps for explosion engines, predecessors of water pumps which were launched in 1952.
The year 1955 became a turning point in the history of the factory. In January 1955 the enterprise was taken over by the Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery of the USSR which set to the factory a new and a rather difficult task: to manage the production of water pumps and oil pumps for the engine У5-М made by Kharkov Factory “Sickle and Hammer”("Serp i Molot").
1958. Without hold up of workshop activities, the company managed to renew the production portfolio, having mastered the manufacturing of water pumps and oil pumps for the engine СМД 1, and – what was especially important - hydraulic gear pumps of type НШ40В, further НШ32У-2 gear pump which later became most commercial scale produced.
1959. There was organized a group of engineers intended to design gear pumps for excavators (named as Chief RD Department). In 1960, was formed a crew for experimental assignments (which grew subsequently into an experimental workshop), and a testing hydro laboratory. Thus, at the Factory, there was established the Chief RD Department which grew into a Branch RD Department and subsequently became the Head Specialized RD Department.
The first achievement made by the Chief RD Department was the design and producing gear pumps НШ-32Э based on gear pump НШ-40В . Main parts of new pumps were already manufactured with the first and second grades of accuracy; the new pumps greatly surpassed the previous analogs in longevity and performance index.
1962. RD Department of the enterprise has developed original gear pumps НШ-67 and НШ-98 (known today as НШ-71 and НШ-100). Home industry had never before made such kind of pumps. Completely new construction, supported by inventors certificate was used for design of the pumps. The design was granted patents in Great Britain, France, Italy, BRD. Commercial scale manufacture of these pumps started in 1968. Further such pumps became widely-operated and well-known under the nickname “round” ones.
1967. Introduced new, high-capacity gear pumps НШ160 and НШ250. Gear pump НШ250 was manufactured exclusively by JSC "Hydrosila" and up to these days is applied as component of heavy-duty tractors made by Chelyabinsk and Cheboksary tractor works, so as dump trucks.
1968. Introduction of unified gear pumps НШ32У, with high longevity.
1972. Introduced НМШ series intended for transmission control without breakage of power flow and lubrication of gearings mounted on the new powerful tractors such as Т-150, Т-150К (made by Kharkov Tractor Works), К-700 (made by Petersburg Tractor Works), Т-330 and Т-500 (made by Cheboksary Tractor Works).
1972. The company produces the whole pump series of own design: НШЗ2, НШ50, НШ67(71), НШ98(100), НШ160, НШ250; a new pump generation, for use as components of engines СМД; and gear pump-motors НМШ25 and НМШ50.
The technical achievements of the enterprise were highly estimated by the officials of Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery. Thus our enterprise was entrusted with mastering of the production of positive-displacement hydraulic drives, fundamentally new for the industry of the USSR.
1977. Formed the Chief RD Department for Axial Piston Units.
1978. Started a new stage on the way of developing more specialized product portfolio. Were made first steps on the way of introduction Axial-Piston Motors – Hydrostatic Transmission (ГСТ) for agricultural machinery under license of Sauer-Sundstrand Co., Germany. It took hardly two and a half years to manage the production run of hydrostatic transmissions ГСТ90.
As result of the research work, regarding actual domestic operation conditions (in particular, because of usage of more contaminated oils or oils of improper quality) the design principles of hydrostatic transmission ГСТ90 achieved significant advantage. So, a more reliable new modification with a prolonged service life was launched to the market.
A hydrostatic drive designed on the basis of axial-piston hydraulic units and intended for transmitting power from the engine to the running gear with stepless speed and tractive force control is technically refined and updated. Until now the hydraulic drive is in great demand among our customers, including those from abroad.
1983. By the order of Minister of Agricultural and Tractor Machine-Building Branch, the enterprise has been renamed to Kirovograd Factory, of the Honor Sign order “Hydrosila”. The hydrostatic transmission ГСТ90 was granted a State Quality Mark.
In 1990, a new hydrostatic transmission, ГСТ112, has been designed and tested, followed by both variants of transmission ГСТЗЗ and ГСТ71.
At that time the enterprise produced yearly millions of hydraulic units. The factory grew into the most known and largest producer of such products in the Soviet Union, which were intended to be supplied as machine components to all large-scale tractor and harvester building plants.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union
, all the ties, which have been established over decades, broke. The financial system stops to function. Appeared numerous customs problems. The purchasing capacity of agricultural enterprises dropped rapidly. The consumer plants of hydraulics reduced their capacity 15 to 20 times. Manufacturing at the number of former prosperous machine-building factories was stopped and some of the plants even ceased their existence. Owing to the system collapse “Hydrosila” Factory also underwent the critical fall of its manufacturing capacity.
1994. On the basis of the factory, has been set up the Joint Stock Company "Hydrosila". The enterprise survived. We managed to preserve the highly qualified staff and material resources.
In the second half of 1999, the plant was headed by the new director general – Mr. Yuriy Titov and due to taken anti-crisis measures, the financial situation has been stabilized, and a new stage of the enterprise existence started.
Starting in 1999 the sharp increase of manufacturing capacities, development and introduction of a comprehensive quality management system, establishing sales network and search of regional partners that were entirely absent earlier, when the whole factory’s work had been carried out under the multiple purchase order of State Planning Committee.
There were stated basic strategic goals:
* Increasing of manufacturing capacity;
* Wide developing of the product range;
* increasing of products quality;
* modernization of machinery and improvement of the techniques in operation;
* reduction of process costs;
* setting up an effective sales network;
* introduction of world standards in the sphere of enterprise management;
* development of social environment and favorable conditions for personnel;
* strengthening of the leading position in the market of hydraulics among the CIS and Baltic countries
Economic activities were set as the main results of the work of the plant in a whole and of each department. There were introduced financial planning and control of financial downstream. The management system was restructured with purpose to meet the requirements of modern strategic management and wide computer usage.
There continued work at design and introduction of new hydraulic units. To shorten the time of introduction, for the first time the preproduction was started just after the initiation of designing. Gear pumps of types НШ50УФ-3, НШ32У-3 have been introduced into manufacturing, so as the pump НШ6ФБ equipped with an integrated intake filter and a relief valve.
There was developed a long-term business plan, "Hydrosila 2005" and started the activities purposed to technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
Special emphasis was placed upon raising the level of the personnel skills and education level, especially regarding of executive staff and top managers. The staff of top managers is systematically renewed.
In the first half of 2000, manufacturing capacity and sales volume grew twice (in comparison with the first half of 1999), labor productivity increased 2.15 times, balance sheet profit became 5.56 times as many and average salary increased 1.5 times.
For the first time, there were commercial scale supplies of gear pumps to an assembly line to one of a tractor plants abroad.
3, March 2000. Bureau Veritas Quality International certified the quality management system of JSC “Hydrosila” in accordance with the requirements of an International Standard ISO 9001:1994.
The availability of the certificate for the quality management system raised the consumers’ credit to the products of “Hydrosila” JSC.
As the customers’ needs grow, quality requirements change, increasing products’ updating rates leads to the fast readjustment of production programs. The innovations became the key strategic trends of the enterprise development that caused the establishment of an Innovation center at the enterprise.
2001-2002. Designed and introduced gear pump НШ10У-3. In order to increase the capacities for the pump manufacturing so as to improve its production quality, there were purchased two 4-coordinate high-speed machining centres.
In view of strong demand for the most widespread and moderately priced pump design of НШ-У type, have been developed modernized pumps of УК series with volume displacements of 32 and 50 сm2 which, due to application of new engineering solutions, were a success in essential reduce of metal consuming and the raise of dependability and performance specifications of these pumps.
Since April 1, 2002, management of the manufacturing processes has being realized under MRP II standard on the basis of information management system ERP-class, BAAN IV.
2003-2004. Mastered manufacturing of gear pumps НШ100Г-4, НШ140Г-4, НШ150Г-4 and НШ180Г-4.
Modernized axial-piston pump of type NAPOR equipped with automatic displacement control and hydraulic load sensing control. Designed a range of pumps with displacements of 25, 45 and 63 cm3 .
Development and introduction of pumping units ТН90-1 and ТН112-2, which had been designed on the basis of variable axial piston pumps, were coupled with one or multiple gear pumps. The pumping unit ТН-112-2, which has no domestic analogues, has been made to order of Rostselmash
Combine Works as a component of a new harvester "Vector"; it became a winner of the competition "100 Best Goods of Ukraine".
2005. To meet the increasing demand for hydraulic units made singularly or in small lots so as in order to expand the production range by means of manufacturing of exclusive products, to complete orders strictly on time, there has been set up, in January, a work shop for production of hydraulics in small lots. The total area of the shop makes 3574 square meters. The work shop is equipped with 3D machining centers, universal and special machinery, CNC-machines which enable to fulfil operational readjustment quickly and without losses.
Today, there have been developed and introduced gear pumps designed to the level of world leading manufacturers: the pump housings are made of high strength aluminium extrusion; the units are equipped with two caps, the PTFE-bushings rated to higher pressure; their overall and joint dimensions are in compliance with standards DIN and SAE. These pumps are interchangeable with analogue pumps made by world known manufacturers.
The gear pump НШ32УКП-0 has been designed. The pilot batch thereof has been undergone a performance test at Minsk Tractor Works, and the first lot of the pumps was delivered to the assembly line.
For application as components of wheeled bulldozers and loaders of make of JSC "Promtractor", the multiple pump НШ100Г-50УКФ-3 has been designed and nowadays is being tested. This unit was designed on the basis of the pump НШ100Г-4 which belong to a heavy-duty series and the pump НШ50УКФ-3 which is known as a pump of higher reliability and differs from the popular pump НШ50УК-3 through the PTFE bushings built-in on the center shaft bearings, which increase the wear resisting property and the load-carrying capacity of the unit in the whole.
The production of gear pump combination of type НШ71-71-50М-4 is being mastered.
Since May 2005, the further business activities and development of JSC “Hydrosila” are being performed under the supervision of General Director Mr. Oleksandr Shamshur.
Since April 2007 Ivan Afanasievich Yurchenko became the new Director General.
The company has business partners in all regions of Ukraine, and as well in Russia
, Belarus
, Moldova
, Baltic States, Kazakhstan
, Turkmenistan
, Uzbekistan
The company supplies its production to assembly departments of more than 50 engineering plants in the C.I.S. countries and worldwide. Among customers there are also three Tractor Plants in Poland, Tractor Plant in Iran
, Harvesters’ Factory and Concrete Mixer Plant in Argentina
, Loaders Factory in Mexico
. There are authorized company-dealers in Bulgaria
, Hungary
and Spain
Export destinations also include Thailand
, Taiwan
, Middle East
, South-East Asia, Latin America.
The BaanERP system is one of world leaders in the sphere of the complex automation of industrial enterprises. The system successfully functions at such industrial world leaders as Boeing
, Mercedes
, Marconi
, Komatsu
, Śkoda
, Volkswagen
, Volvo
, Hyundai
, URALAZ and others.
(ISO), in February 2000.
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...
's company, currently one of the basic companies within the corporation "Hydrosila GROUP" JSC. Nowadays four factories belong to corporation: "Hydrosila" JSC, "Hydrosila MZTG" JSC, "Hydrosila LEDA" JSC, "Hydrosila TETIS" Ltd.
It has a leading position as a manufacturer of hydraulic components for the agricultural, road-building and other machinery in Eastern Europe (the C.I.S. countries) and the Baltic States.
JSC "Hydrosila" makes hydraulic units for mounting on hydraulic systems of harvesters, tractors, road-building and other mobile machines as follows:• gear pumps of design groups:"А", "УК", "Г", "М", "N";
• multiple gear pumps;
• low pressure oil gear pumps for auxiliary and lubrication hydraulic systems;
• axial-piston hydraulic motors, fix;
• axial-piston hydraulic pump, variable.
The history of enterprise began in February 1930 with the establishment of locksmiths and mechanical workshop employing about 57 people. In two years, the workshop already made first products such as pan scales, winches, beer pumps, forges, furnaces, grey iron castings, type-setting machines of type "Agitka".1949. The enterprise mastered the manufacturing of fire-pumps for explosion engines, predecessors of water pumps which were launched in 1952.
The year 1955 became a turning point in the history of the factory. In January 1955 the enterprise was taken over by the Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery of the USSR which set to the factory a new and a rather difficult task: to manage the production of water pumps and oil pumps for the engine У5-М made by Kharkov Factory “Sickle and Hammer”("Serp i Molot").
1958. Without hold up of workshop activities, the company managed to renew the production portfolio, having mastered the manufacturing of water pumps and oil pumps for the engine СМД 1, and – what was especially important - hydraulic gear pumps of type НШ40В, further НШ32У-2 gear pump which later became most commercial scale produced.
1959. There was organized a group of engineers intended to design gear pumps for excavators (named as Chief RD Department). In 1960, was formed a crew for experimental assignments (which grew subsequently into an experimental workshop), and a testing hydro laboratory. Thus, at the Factory, there was established the Chief RD Department which grew into a Branch RD Department and subsequently became the Head Specialized RD Department.
The first achievement made by the Chief RD Department was the design and producing gear pumps НШ-32Э based on gear pump НШ-40В . Main parts of new pumps were already manufactured with the first and second grades of accuracy; the new pumps greatly surpassed the previous analogs in longevity and performance index.
1962. RD Department of the enterprise has developed original gear pumps НШ-67 and НШ-98 (known today as НШ-71 and НШ-100). Home industry had never before made such kind of pumps. Completely new construction, supported by inventors certificate was used for design of the pumps. The design was granted patents in Great Britain, France, Italy, BRD. Commercial scale manufacture of these pumps started in 1968. Further such pumps became widely-operated and well-known under the nickname “round” ones.
1967. Introduced new, high-capacity gear pumps НШ160 and НШ250. Gear pump НШ250 was manufactured exclusively by JSC "Hydrosila" and up to these days is applied as component of heavy-duty tractors made by Chelyabinsk and Cheboksary tractor works, so as dump trucks.
1968. Introduction of unified gear pumps НШ32У, with high longevity.
1972. Introduced НМШ series intended for transmission control without breakage of power flow and lubrication of gearings mounted on the new powerful tractors such as Т-150, Т-150К (made by Kharkov Tractor Works), К-700 (made by Petersburg Tractor Works), Т-330 and Т-500 (made by Cheboksary Tractor Works).
1972. The company produces the whole pump series of own design: НШЗ2, НШ50, НШ67(71), НШ98(100), НШ160, НШ250; a new pump generation, for use as components of engines СМД; and gear pump-motors НМШ25 and НМШ50.
The technical achievements of the enterprise were highly estimated by the officials of Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery. Thus our enterprise was entrusted with mastering of the production of positive-displacement hydraulic drives, fundamentally new for the industry of the USSR.
1977. Formed the Chief RD Department for Axial Piston Units.
1978. Started a new stage on the way of developing more specialized product portfolio. Were made first steps on the way of introduction Axial-Piston Motors – Hydrostatic Transmission (ГСТ) for agricultural machinery under license of Sauer-Sundstrand Co., Germany. It took hardly two and a half years to manage the production run of hydrostatic transmissions ГСТ90.
As result of the research work, regarding actual domestic operation conditions (in particular, because of usage of more contaminated oils or oils of improper quality) the design principles of hydrostatic transmission ГСТ90 achieved significant advantage. So, a more reliable new modification with a prolonged service life was launched to the market.
A hydrostatic drive designed on the basis of axial-piston hydraulic units and intended for transmitting power from the engine to the running gear with stepless speed and tractive force control is technically refined and updated. Until now the hydraulic drive is in great demand among our customers, including those from abroad.
1983. By the order of Minister of Agricultural and Tractor Machine-Building Branch, the enterprise has been renamed to Kirovograd Factory, of the Honor Sign order “Hydrosila”. The hydrostatic transmission ГСТ90 was granted a State Quality Mark.
In 1990, a new hydrostatic transmission, ГСТ112, has been designed and tested, followed by both variants of transmission ГСТЗЗ and ГСТ71.
At that time the enterprise produced yearly millions of hydraulic units. The factory grew into the most known and largest producer of such products in the Soviet Union, which were intended to be supplied as machine components to all large-scale tractor and harvester building plants.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
, all the ties, which have been established over decades, broke. The financial system stops to function. Appeared numerous customs problems. The purchasing capacity of agricultural enterprises dropped rapidly. The consumer plants of hydraulics reduced their capacity 15 to 20 times. Manufacturing at the number of former prosperous machine-building factories was stopped and some of the plants even ceased their existence. Owing to the system collapse “Hydrosila” Factory also underwent the critical fall of its manufacturing capacity.
1994. On the basis of the factory, has been set up the Joint Stock Company "Hydrosila". The enterprise survived. We managed to preserve the highly qualified staff and material resources.
In the second half of 1999, the plant was headed by the new director general – Mr. Yuriy Titov and due to taken anti-crisis measures, the financial situation has been stabilized, and a new stage of the enterprise existence started.
Starting in 1999 the sharp increase of manufacturing capacities, development and introduction of a comprehensive quality management system, establishing sales network and search of regional partners that were entirely absent earlier, when the whole factory’s work had been carried out under the multiple purchase order of State Planning Committee.
There were stated basic strategic goals:
* Increasing of manufacturing capacity;
* Wide developing of the product range;
* increasing of products quality;
* modernization of machinery and improvement of the techniques in operation;
* reduction of process costs;
* setting up an effective sales network;
* introduction of world standards in the sphere of enterprise management;
* development of social environment and favorable conditions for personnel;
* strengthening of the leading position in the market of hydraulics among the CIS and Baltic countries
Economic activities were set as the main results of the work of the plant in a whole and of each department. There were introduced financial planning and control of financial downstream. The management system was restructured with purpose to meet the requirements of modern strategic management and wide computer usage.
There continued work at design and introduction of new hydraulic units. To shorten the time of introduction, for the first time the preproduction was started just after the initiation of designing. Gear pumps of types НШ50УФ-3, НШ32У-3 have been introduced into manufacturing, so as the pump НШ6ФБ equipped with an integrated intake filter and a relief valve.
There was developed a long-term business plan, "Hydrosila 2005" and started the activities purposed to technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
Special emphasis was placed upon raising the level of the personnel skills and education level, especially regarding of executive staff and top managers. The staff of top managers is systematically renewed.
In the first half of 2000, manufacturing capacity and sales volume grew twice (in comparison with the first half of 1999), labor productivity increased 2.15 times, balance sheet profit became 5.56 times as many and average salary increased 1.5 times.
For the first time, there were commercial scale supplies of gear pumps to an assembly line to one of a tractor plants abroad.
3, March 2000. Bureau Veritas Quality International certified the quality management system of JSC “Hydrosila” in accordance with the requirements of an International Standard ISO 9001:1994.
The availability of the certificate for the quality management system raised the consumers’ credit to the products of “Hydrosila” JSC.
As the customers’ needs grow, quality requirements change, increasing products’ updating rates leads to the fast readjustment of production programs. The innovations became the key strategic trends of the enterprise development that caused the establishment of an Innovation center at the enterprise.
2001-2002. Designed and introduced gear pump НШ10У-3. In order to increase the capacities for the pump manufacturing so as to improve its production quality, there were purchased two 4-coordinate high-speed machining centres.
In view of strong demand for the most widespread and moderately priced pump design of НШ-У type, have been developed modernized pumps of УК series with volume displacements of 32 and 50 сm2 which, due to application of new engineering solutions, were a success in essential reduce of metal consuming and the raise of dependability and performance specifications of these pumps.
Since April 1, 2002, management of the manufacturing processes has being realized under MRP II standard on the basis of information management system ERP-class, BAAN IV.
2003-2004. Mastered manufacturing of gear pumps НШ100Г-4, НШ140Г-4, НШ150Г-4 and НШ180Г-4.
Modernized axial-piston pump of type NAPOR equipped with automatic displacement control and hydraulic load sensing control. Designed a range of pumps with displacements of 25, 45 and 63 cm3 .
Development and introduction of pumping units ТН90-1 and ТН112-2, which had been designed on the basis of variable axial piston pumps, were coupled with one or multiple gear pumps. The pumping unit ТН-112-2, which has no domestic analogues, has been made to order of Rostselmash
Rostselmash is a Russian agricultural equipment company, based in Rostov-on-Don. It was founded in 1929. It primarily produces combine harvesters. The company income in 2005 was 400 million dollars....
Combine Works as a component of a new harvester "Vector"; it became a winner of the competition "100 Best Goods of Ukraine".
2005. To meet the increasing demand for hydraulic units made singularly or in small lots so as in order to expand the production range by means of manufacturing of exclusive products, to complete orders strictly on time, there has been set up, in January, a work shop for production of hydraulics in small lots. The total area of the shop makes 3574 square meters. The work shop is equipped with 3D machining centers, universal and special machinery, CNC-machines which enable to fulfil operational readjustment quickly and without losses.
Today, there have been developed and introduced gear pumps designed to the level of world leading manufacturers: the pump housings are made of high strength aluminium extrusion; the units are equipped with two caps, the PTFE-bushings rated to higher pressure; their overall and joint dimensions are in compliance with standards DIN and SAE. These pumps are interchangeable with analogue pumps made by world known manufacturers.
The gear pump НШ32УКП-0 has been designed. The pilot batch thereof has been undergone a performance test at Minsk Tractor Works, and the first lot of the pumps was delivered to the assembly line.
For application as components of wheeled bulldozers and loaders of make of JSC "Promtractor", the multiple pump НШ100Г-50УКФ-3 has been designed and nowadays is being tested. This unit was designed on the basis of the pump НШ100Г-4 which belong to a heavy-duty series and the pump НШ50УКФ-3 which is known as a pump of higher reliability and differs from the popular pump НШ50УК-3 through the PTFE bushings built-in on the center shaft bearings, which increase the wear resisting property and the load-carrying capacity of the unit in the whole.
The production of gear pump combination of type НШ71-71-50М-4 is being mastered.
Since May 2005, the further business activities and development of JSC “Hydrosila” are being performed under the supervision of General Director Mr. Oleksandr Shamshur.
Since April 2007 Ivan Afanasievich Yurchenko became the new Director General.
Service and sales
Since 2003, “Sales company Hydrosila" JSC deals with sales.The company has business partners in all regions of Ukraine, and as well in Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, Belarus
Belarus , officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered clockwise by Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Its capital is Minsk; other major cities include Brest, Grodno , Gomel ,...
, Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...
, Baltic States, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan , officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a transcontinental country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ranked as the ninth largest country in the world, it is also the world's largest landlocked country; its territory of is greater than Western Europe...
, Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan , formerly also known as Turkmenia is one of the Turkic states in Central Asia. Until 1991, it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic . Turkmenistan is one of the six independent Turkic states...
, Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan , officially the Republic of Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country in Central Asia and one of the six independent Turkic states. It shares borders with Kazakhstan to the west and to the north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east, and Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to the south....
The company supplies its production to assembly departments of more than 50 engineering plants in the C.I.S. countries and worldwide. Among customers there are also three Tractor Plants in Poland, Tractor Plant in Iran
Iran , officially the Islamic Republic of Iran , is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran" has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia...
, Harvesters’ Factory and Concrete Mixer Plant in Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...
, Loaders Factory in Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...
. There are authorized company-dealers in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
, Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...
and Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
Export destinations also include Thailand
Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the...
, Taiwan
Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...
, Middle East
Middle East
The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and Northern Africa. It is often used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East...
, South-East Asia, Latin America.
Manufacturing management
Since 2003, there was implemented the standard for manufacturing management MRPII, carried out on the basis of system - BaanERPBaan
Baan was a vendor of enterprise resource planning software that is now owned by Infor Global Solutions.Baan or Baan ERP was also the name of the ERP product created by this company.-History:...
The BaanERP system is one of world leaders in the sphere of the complex automation of industrial enterprises. The system successfully functions at such industrial world leaders as Boeing
The Boeing Company is an American multinational aerospace and defense corporation, founded in 1916 by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington. Boeing has expanded over the years, merging with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Boeing Corporate headquarters has been in Chicago, Illinois since 2001...
FIAT, an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino , is an Italian automobile manufacturer, engine manufacturer, financial, and industrial group based in Turin in the Italian region of Piedmont. Fiat was founded in 1899 by a group of investors including Giovanni Agnelli...
, Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz is a German manufacturer of automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is a division of its parent company, Daimler AG...
, Marconi
Marconi Company
The Marconi Company Ltd. was founded by Guglielmo Marconi in 1897 as The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company...
, Komatsu
orKomatsu is a multinational corporation that manufactures construction, mining, and military equipment, Industrial equipments such as press machines, lasers, and thermoelectric generators.Its headquarters is at 2-3-6, Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, Japan...
, Śkoda
Škoda is a Czech surname and brand name. It may refer to:* Škoda Auto, automobile manufacturer in the Czech Republic...
, Volkswagen
Volkswagen is a German automobile manufacturer and is the original and biggest-selling marque of the Volkswagen Group, which now also owns the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, and Škoda marques and the truck manufacturer Scania.Volkswagen means "people's car" in German, where it is...
, Volvo
AB Volvo is a Swedish builder of commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses and construction equipment. Volvo also supplies marine and industrial drive systems, aerospace components and financial services...
, Hyundai
Hyundai ) is a global conglomerate company, part of the Korean chaebol, that was founded in South Korea by one of the most famous businessmen in Korean history: Chung Ju-yung...
KAMAZ is a Russian truck manufacturer located in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russian Federation. KAMAZ opened their doors in 1976...
BelAZ is a Belarusian manufacturer of haulage and earthmoving equipment based in Zhodzina. The factory opened its door in 1948 and has produced over 120,000 vehicles for use in the Soviet Union.BELAZ is a site for one of the largest Commonwealth of Independent States investment project...
, URALAZ and others.
Quality management
Hydrosila's quality management system was developed in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001:1994 on the basis of Complexe quality management system, which had been in force since 1983, and certified by experts of Bureau Veritas, representing the International Organization for StandardizationInternational Organization for Standardization
The International Organization for Standardization , widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on February 23, 1947, the organization promulgates worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial...
(ISO), in February 2000.
External links
- Hydrosila — Official site Hydrosila MZTG — Official site