330 Byzantium is renamed ''Nova Roma'' during a dedication ceremony, but it is more popularly referred to as Constantinople.
359 Honoratus, the first known Prefect of the City of Constantinople, takes office.
365 Roman usurper Procopius bribes two legions passing by Constantinople, and proclaims himself Roman emperor.
380 Theodosius I makes his ''adventus'', or formal entry, into Constantinople.
437 Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor, marries Licinia Eudoxia, daughter of his cousin Theodosius II, Eastern Roman Emperor in Constantinople unifying the two branches of the House of Theodosius
475 Byzantine Emperor Zeno is forced to flee his capital at Constantinople.
475 Basiliscus becomes Byzantine Emperor, with a coronation ceremony in the Hebdomon palace in Constantinople.
532 Nika riots in Constantinople.
532 Nika riots in Constantinople fail.
558 In Constantinople, the dome of the Hagia Sophia collapses. Justinian I immediately orders that the dome be rebuilt.
563 The Byzantine church Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is dedicated for the second time after being destroyed by earthquakes.
610 Heraclius arrives by ship from Africa at Constantinople, overthrows Byzantine Emperor Phocas and becomes Emperor.
680 The Sixth Ecumenical Council commences in Constantinople.
880 The Nea Ekklesia is inaugurated in Constantinople, setting the model for all later cross-in-square Orthodox churches.
1081 Alexios I Komnenos is crowned Byzantine emperor at Constantinople, beginning the Komnenian dynasty.
1203 The Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople by assault. The Byzantine emperor Alexius III Angelus flees from his capital into exile.
1204 The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade breach the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy the following day.
1204 Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire.
1261 The city of Constantinople is recaptured by Nicaean forces under the command of Alexios Strategopoulos, re-establishing the Byzantine Empire.
1261 Michael VIII Palaeologus is crowned Byzantine emperor in Constantinople.
1453 Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople (Istanbul), which falls on May 29.
1453 Fall of Constantinople: Ottoman armies under Sultan Mehmed II Fatih capture Constantinople after a 53-day siege, ending the Byzantine Empire. Although the date of May 29, 1453 is that of the Julian Calendar, the event is commemorated in Istanbul on this day of the present Gregorian calendar.
1924 AEK Athens FC is established on the anniversary of the siege of Constantinople by the Turks.
1930 Constantinople and Angora change their names to Istanbul and Ankara.