Tomá Lá Dá Cá
Toma Lá, Dá Cá is a Brazil
ian television
sitcom broadcast by Globo Network on Tuesday nights. The episodes are performed in front of a live audience, in a format very similar to the one of older sitcom Sai de Baixo
, also created by Miguel Falabella
, Rio de Janeiro
. Once upon a time, Mário Jorge was married to Rita. They have two children: Isadora and Tatalo. At the same time, Celinha was married to dentist
Arnaldo and they have one son, Adônis. Eventually both couples end their relationships.
Then came the craziness...Mário Jorge married Celinha and Arnaldo married Rita. They all moved into the Jambalaya Building in apartments right across from one another! Celinha's mother, Copélia spends her days finding boyfriends with her granddaughter, Isadora. Tatalo is a fan of Bob Marley
and Adônis is into Japanese animated porn. The two families share the same maid, Bozena: a woman from the south who loves telling weird stories about her hometown, Pato Branco. Álvara is the gossip of the Jambalaya Building and loves to talk badly about everyone's lives. Mostly of the show humor is based in the conflict between the main characters and the circumstances that away goes against them. For example, they once tries to win a reality show challenge for its money prize, but Adônis is against this idea, because he fears that they poor relationship and maturity only will make them being humiliated in the intere country. And in the final, they argue between each other and end up destroying the studio, and as a punishment for their lack of ethics and self-control, they were denied the prize.
Mário Jorge: Tatalo's and Isadora's father, Adônis's stepfather, Rita's ex-husband, and Celinha's second one. Mario Jorge always ramble about his troubles and people's failures. Always Ironic, Mario Jorge says his Daughter, Isadora, has "Devil´s eyes" (Olho Junto in Brazil) or is a "bad character", and rambles about her rebel behavior and the apparent lack of intelligence of her brother Tatalo. Always trying to acquire more money from other people, he is Rita's Business Enemy and always tells about what terrible wife and Mother Rita is. He is identical to his mother, Genova. He is usually the first one to get annoyed by Bozena's crazy histories about her Hometown, and finds Copélia's lustful behavior as shocking, which he always demonstrates by cupping one hand (or both hands) over his mouth after one of her revelations, as one time she told that on the night before she was running naked in Copacabana beach. He reveals in Beautiful Plates that he once smoked Salvia
, but did not swallowed. Although Mario Jorge is usually the most clever and realistic character in the series, he also proved in many times to have a very greedy, obnoxious and selfish side, evident when he openly mocks and insult almost everyone without care for the other's feelings, resulting in several characters in the series to also openly despises him. It's also strongly suggested that this uncaring and negative attitude with his own children (Isadora and Tatalo) may have influenced in their cynicism, as visible when always that Mario Jorge points out that they are the worst children that a parent can have, they often retorts that their childhood with Mario Jorge was hard and uneasy, mostly due do the latter's greediness.
Rita: Tatalo's and Isadora's mother, Mário Jorge's first wife, and Arnaldo's second wife. Unlike Celinha, a dedicated housewife, Rita is always busy with her job as Estate agent, which usually results in failed sells by being beaten by Mário Jorge's competitive business. Due to this, her house is usually a complete mess, rarely having food in the freezer. She is very criticized by Celinha and Bozena because of that, with the Sullist maid openly saying she likes Celinha's house much better than Rita's.
Arnaldo: Adônis's father, Tatalo's and Isadora's Stepfather, Celinha's first husband, and Rita's second husband. Arnaldo is a dentist who is mildly obsessed with his job and always searching for new patients. He is always trying to gain his son, Adônis's love by any means necessary, including smuggling gifts with Isadora. Can be easily angered sometimes by the smaller motives. He has an annoying habit of speaking about teeth in unnecessary times. He reveals in Beautiful Plates that he once smoked Laurel
AND swallowed. Between all, he is the most unlucky character in the sitcom, as visible that the Jambalaya's misfortunes and confusions often tend to affect him more than the other characters, but sometimes, the circumstances and coincidences favor him (in one episode, Mario Jorge tricks him into buying a bad parking, and after he refuses to get it back, Arnaldo annoyingly added that "God punishes!". Mario Jorge mocks of this idea and start to laugh from Arnaldo's misfortune, ONLY to be told that his car was destroyed by an airconditioner, which makes a pleased and delightful Arnaldo yell "GOD IS REAL!".)
Adônis: Arnaldo's and Celinha's only son, and Mário Jorge's stepson. He is an emo in his preteens with a cynical wit. He speaks in a very polished way, at times using words from old Portuguese (like vós, the Portuguese equivalent to thee). He is an otaku, obsessed with oriental women, which made him into a hentai artist. He created the "Furiko series", about a Japanese schoolgirl's adventures in the inefficient Brazilian educational system. He is also shown to be the most intelligent and intellectual character in the series, to the point of Arnaldo claiming that his (Adônis) first word was "Parallelepiped"! Although Adônis is the smartest character in the series, he can be easily bended to Álvara and Ladir's will through money and job promises.
Tatalo: Mário Jorge's and Rita's only son, Isadora's older brother, and Arnaldo's stepson. He is a follower of Bob Marley, once being suspected of consuming weed by his crazy behavior, but earlier in the series it was discovered that he's always like that. He is a wonderful tap and Samba
dancer, though his talents are always ignored by his parents, Mário Jorge being the one who always steps where it hurts. A recurring gag in the series is the fact that he often teams-up with Isadora in her Scams. He reveals in Ep. 26 that he picks his nose. He is also shown to have a very abusive side. His personality greatly changes over the series: In the first session, Tatalo is described as rather clueless and carefree, often remote from the actual situation (and confusion) of a determinate plot, only to surprise the others with occasional moments of intelligence and artistic talent (thus suggesting that he is autistic); In the second session, Tatalo becomes a much more mature and responsible (yet that not necessarily ethical) character. This is mostly due the fact that he become father of uncongenial twins from his girlfriend Gelda, forcing Tatalo to life from small times jobs and his sister's scams in order to pay for his children growth, but unfortunately for Tatalo, these "jobs" are rather surreal in nature, forcing him to use strange costumes like of a frog
, a parrot
, a worm and even a vegetable (he once even breaks the fourth wall by jokily but disgusted suggesting that the writer may be mad at him.); In the third session, Tatalo becomes even more unlucky, pathetic and sarcastic than before, thanks in not small part due to his inability to get even the smallest job and pay is debt with Gelda and gets in trouble with local authorities. In fact, a recurring gag is that Tatalo often and whining ask from Mario Jorge a loan, only to the latter flatly refuses due to his own economical troubles.
Isadora: Mário Jorge's and Rita's only Daughter, Tatalo's sister, and Arnaldo's stepdaughter. She is shown to be the most immoral character in the Sitcom, being said to be evil and malicious from childhood and even from birth, from biting people's fingers off and making grim poems and drawings of her father's death to stealing her father's car, illegal transactions, stealing a Senator's prosthetic teeth made by Arnaldo, blackmailing and threatening her own family, selling shirts with pornographic paintings, among other dark things. During Second Season, Isadora runs for Alderwoman, buying votes from a slum named "Smoking Pig" (Porco Fumado in Portuguese) and succeeding in getting the position. Isadora marries a Deputy called Icáro Mojave, a well-known corrupt that is involved in many Martial Processes. Soon after, Icaro dies in a helicopter incident seemingly caused by his family. Soon after, Isadora is discharged of her title and goes back to a normal life. Isadora then goes from small temporary businesses to Illegal Dealings again and, in Third Season, became a Lawyer. Isadora is known for commenting alphabetical errors, such as naming her Adevogada (English Advocate,but misspelled, as if "Adivocate" in English). Isadora became more ignorant though the second season, and Tatalo correctly claims that Isadora does not know the difference between a human being and an abstract conception. Only three characters have a relatively good relationship with her, Copélia (due to the same lustful behavior), Tatalo (because he is a partner in her scams) and Adônis (because he is the least abused by Isadora). She revealed in Ep. 26 that she once smelled Salsa
and Chives
, and planned to sell her nephew that was not even born yet. Despite her lack of academic knowledge, Isadora proved many times to have a remarkable, cunning and manipulative mind, visible when she often and easily convinces anyone around to do what she wants, even when this person is aware of her cruelty and ignorance.
Copélia: Celinha's mother, she display to be the most famous and lustful character, and also the only known character who has a bound with Isadora. She's frequently saying the show's most famous line, "I rather not comment" (prefiro não comentar in Brazil). Copélia is known to have the weirdest desires, such as sleeping and walking on the beach naked and having sex with whatever man she gets to know. A recurring gag in the series is that her sexual life and experiences make Copélia know a large amount of persons, even to the point of write a book when she does not recognise them (as visible in Blind Flight, where she asks to Bozena about her book of friends, loves and relatives, and the book itself is very large and heavy), and because of this, some episodes involve some person in Copélia's past to cause some misadventure to the main characters, which can be influential authority, experienced criminals, wealthy or poor persons, and even supernatural beings (as visible in Scrub the Shrubs, where is revealed that Copélia knows the Cuca
Bozena: is the domestic employed of the both families, is known for being treated like a slave, and loves telling weird stories about her hometown, Pato Branco, thing that annoys everyone around herself. As a tradition person, she tries her best to please both families, but likes even more to work in Celinha's house, and is not afraid to hit it on Rita's face. She has a turbulent relationship with Mario Jorge. In fact, both of them are mortal enemies, as visible by their mutual dislike and disrespect with each other (Mario Jorge hates Bozena's histories and Sullist habits, and Bozena is often annoyed with Mario Jorge's cynism and abuse), often going to the point of annoying and humiliating each other at the first opportunity. A recurring gag in the series is that Bozena constantly calls Mário Jorge of "Horse
" (Cavalo in Portuguese).
Álvara: is the gossip and superintendent of the Jambalaya, a stereotype of person in power, being corrupt, crazy and, to some extent, cruel. In summary, she is very perverse, although not at the same point as Isadora. She also displays to be very naïve, because she does not know that her husband is a homosexual, despite all the evidences about it. From the second season onwards, she always appears when one of the characters simply calls her by her name, reason why they're always referring to her as "The Said One". This whereabouts is so strong that Celinha merely remembered her name once, and she immediately appeared. Also, despite her dislike of Copélias lustful attitude, Alvara seens to be highly promiscuous, point out that in hers adolescence, she tries to sell his soul to the devil only to make sex with him. After Ladir's disappearance, Álvara became even more sadistic and abusive than before, to the point of creating a dictator in Jambalaya, entitled to a "secret" police, and going even further to hire necromancers to command the Jambalaya from post-life. However, the Barra da Tijuca residents make a coup d'état
and Álvara is permanently discharged of her position. And almost immediately after, the Nova Jambalaya slum
raids her apartment in the penthouse and (thanks to Mario Jorge's suggestion) takes all of her furniture, leaving her homeless and hopeless until Ladir arrives to save her in a spaceship.
Ladir: is Alvara's husband, whom she claims it's a "Testosterone Bomb", when he's actually homosexual. Being the superintendent's husband, Ladir has the same power over the condominium as Alvara, although only uses this fact to help Copélia with her schemes. A recurring gag is that he states that everything and everyone around him is "Mara" (short for "Maravilhoso", "Wonderful" in Brazil). He is also told to exaggerate in drinking alcohol. In his early life, Ladir was known as a transsexual singer called "Dirla Tomas". He is the best friend of Copélia and Deise, often getting annoyed with Álvara's homophobia
(going as far to slap her in the face). He was kidnapped by a surgeon in the third season and only returned in the final episode "O Caminho das Estrelas", rescuing the main characters from the condo's massive takeover in a flying saucer.
Deise Coturno: is a huge, Lesbian
woman that resides in Jambalaya. She is constantly flirting with Celinha, Rita and Bozena when visiting their homes. Mário Jorge frequently refers to her as "Big Shoe" ("Sapatão" in Brasil), and Celinha can't help but to be afraid when she shows up. She is revealed to be the Shrub's guard and keeper, and shares some of Copélia's sexual beliefs.
Dr. Percy: is a Psychologist
who attends at the condo's Water Park, and Adônis's advisor. Percy is known to perform group sessions which, as weird as they seem, actually work. She is frequently mentioned in the first two seasons, but gains a physical appearance at the third season (until the actor who played her, Miguel Magno died from Cancer
on August 17, 2009). Her catchphrase is "Confront it!" ("Confronte" in Brazil).
Lurdinha (played by Bia Nunnes
) is Grace's mother and a close friend of Celinha, even though she usually appears arguing with her. She handles Grace exactly like someone does with an angry dog. Lurdinha greatly disapproves of Adônis's relationship with her daughter, however is forced to keep them together under constant howls and bites from Grace herself.
Ratso (Ratão in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Zacchia) is Isadora's personal "bodyguard" from the "Smoking Pig" community. A skilled burglar, he already managed to steal Dona Alvara's watch twice, under the eyes of the condo's residents. He is the potential lover of Bozena.
Deputy Ícaro Mojave (played by Thiago Fragoso) is Isadora's former husband, a politician even worse than Isadora herself. Both married in Las Vegas
, Nevada after Ícaro tricked her family into entering an illegal plane and almost getting them arrested. According to Isadora, he died after his chopper
was exploded over the Atlantic Ocean
, which caused his family to hunt her for a long time, demanding an evidence implying that Isadora herself killed Ícaro.
Sabará (played by Walney Aguiar) is the condo's Afro-Brazilian
and janitor
. Arnaldo unintentionally performed a wrong operation on his mouth, filling it with teeth. As a result, he cannot even speak on the intercom without spitting on someone.
Leda (played by Carmen Verônica) is one of Copélia's friends. Exactly like her, Leda is very fond of alcohol and sex.
Ms. Quietinha Albuquerque (played by Alexandra Richter from Zorra Total
) is a high-society lady that fell victim to one of Isadora's plans, the girl wanting a DNA sample of her thinking she was her real mother. In "The Island of Dr. Ladir", it is revealed that she usually consumes high doses of a very powerful sleeping pill that leaves her completely doped.
Maddy (Louquinha in Brazil, played by Juliana Baroni
) is Quietinha's daughter, a rebel, punk girl who hates her mother and practically everyone around her.
Gelda (played by Bianca Comparato
) is Tatalo's wife. She is part of a circus cast as the sword eater, and gained two children with Tatalo, Arreli and Mariri. She only appeared in the first season.
Dirceuzinho De Beef (played by Leonardo Miggiorin) is Ladir's apprentice, and almost a perfect replica of him. Can speak English very well and has a high sense of mode (as told by Ladir himself).
Harolda Neves (played by Zezé Polessa) is the chief supervisor and writer of the condo's newspaper. She and Rita are fierce rivals, as Harolda is always writing gossip about the residents, especially Rita's family and relatives. She keeps a pet monkey named Saronga trained to spy both families and provide the gossips she uses to torment Rita with.
Angel Tavares (played by Brazilian singer Léo Jaime
) is the Jambalaya's Guardian angel
, who is very hard-working, but also very unlucky and sarcastic. He is constantly injured and physically harmed in his mission to protect the condo's residents of their own sins, even to point he lost his wings in the process. He appears in the episode "Miracle at Jambalaya", where he tries a last effort to change the Jambalaya's ways, but its residents selfishness proves to be too big for any supernatural intervention. What happens to him is unknown, but he apparently gets in trouble with God
and is turned into a mortal for good.
Mrs. Elvanecir (played by Guida Vianna) is the leader and official commander of the "Nova Jambalaya" slum
community. She is a short, determined woman with communist
tendencies (such as calling the community members her "comrades" and being excessively visionary) that vows to depose Álvara from everything she owns and commands. She is also determined to raid the main characters' apartments and to rule the Jambalaya Ocean Drive herself. She actually manages to do everything she wanted and create a massive, all-out rebellion around the condo. When she informs to the main characters that her slum community would killed them, they begged for mercy and she agrees. Unfortunately, despite acknowledging that only Álvara deserved to die, the sadistic and resentful slum refused in spare any of the main characters, in order to display their power to the Brazilian media. Her slum community is highly armed with Arabic fire weapons and bazooka
s, and is able to shoot down a police helicopter with little efforts.
Ivana Carraro (played by Ângela Dip) is a very influential, sexist business woman who appeared in Ep. 39 Life is a Roulette. Rita tried to make an alliance with her in order to gain money and humiliate Mário Jorge, until she discovered that Ivana was married to him before he met her. Since the episode's beginning, she consumed a large portion of Ladir's drinks and became drunk, then tried to seduce Mário Jorge again, much to Celinha's anger. She is later told by Mário Jorge that he married Rita after she dismissed her, which causes Ivana to fire her, and to be arrested by the police after breaking the Reception's glass window.
Cidalva Moreira (played by Rosamaria Murtinho) is Arnaldo's mother that appeared in Ep. 31 Only a Mother, where she makes a visit to her son to celebrate Mother's Day
. However, Cidalva can barely celebrate anything with her son or Rita, as she is always cold and negligent with her son. She is the only character to ever demonstrate joy when Arnaldo and Celinha were married. She also might be bisexual, as has a romantic past with Deise.
Iraci was a new maid of Rita after Bozena quits of her job, but its soon turned that she is a paranormal witch, and she start to use her mystical/psychical powers for her own selfish purposes, much of Rita angers, since that she was hired to clean her house, not to make fortune teller seasons with the others residents. When Rita fires her, Iraci gets mad and angrily curses them to have an even more unhappy and unlucky life than before, and the curse only could be broken if someone has his wish granted. Celinha then ask Bozena and Rita to reconcile, which the both agree. In certain sense, Iraci was one of the most important minor characters in the series, since that she was the main responsible for Isadora losses her political powers with her curse.
Pilot (2005)
Piloto (Pilot)
Season One (2007)
1- O dia em que a terra tremeu (The Day The Earth Shook)
2- A Mais Bela Casada (The Most Beautiful Bride)
3- Quando Paris Ilumina (When Paris Lights)
4- Boi Sonso, Marrada Certa (Dizzy Ox, Precise Hit)
5- A Língua não tem Osso (The Tongue Doesn't Have A Bone)
6- Espelho, espelho meu (Mirror, Mirror on the Wall)
7- Dolly Pancada Seca (Dolly Clap)
8- Boa Noite, seu Ladir (Good Evening, Mr. Ladir)
9- Freud já não explica mais (Freud Doesn't Explain Anymore)
10- Entrando pelo Cano (Flushed Away)
11- O Sequestro (The Kidnapping)
12- O "Y" do Problema (The "Y" Problem)
13- Atrás do Trio Elétrico (Behind the Electric Trio)
14- De Véu e Grinalda (From Wreath and Veil)
15- Onde Há Fumaça... (Where There is Smoke...)
16- Quem muito se Abaixa... (Who is much Lowers ...)
17- Sem Terra, Sem Grana e Sem Vergonha (No Land, No Money, No Shame)
18- Galinha que come Pedra (A Chicken that Eats Rocks)
19- Nem tudo é Realidade (Not Everything is Reality)
20- O Homem que veio Arrochar (The Man who Came Bursting)
Season Two (2008)
21- Sempre cabe Mais Um (Always Have Space for One More) (First episode with Ladir)
22- Despedida de Casado (To Marry)
23- Quem Canta seus Males Espanta (Who Sings Scares Away His Woes)
24- Uma Epidemia Politicamente Correta (A Politically Correct Epidemy)
25- Errados pra Cachorros (Wrong a Lot)
26- Em Pratos Limpos (Beautiful Plates)
27- Nosso Homem em Malibu (Our Man In Malibu)
28- Falando Grosso (Rough Talk) (First episode with Deise)
29- Os Bem Casados (Well Married)
30- Olha a Cobra! (Look to the Snake!)
31- Mãe só tem Uma (Only a Mother)
32- A Isadora o que é de Isadora (To Isadora what's from Isadora)
33- A Cinderela de Pato Branco (Pato Branco's Cinderella)
34- O Vestido que a Lady Deu (The Dress that Lady Gave)
35- A Greve da Carne (The Sex Strike)
36- A Classe Média vai ao Paraíso (The Middle Class goes to Paradise)
37- Dª Rita, a Solteira (Rita, the Bachelorette)
38- Sururu no Matagal (Scrub the Shrubs)
39- A Vida é uma Roleta (Life is a Roulette)
40- Na Boca do Sapo (At the Frog's Mouth)
41- A Mais Linda das Idades (The Most Beautiful of Ages)
42- A Importância de ser Copélia (Being Copélia)
43- Império sem Sentido (Senseless Empire)
44- Adivinhe quem vem para Mamar (Guess Who's Coming To Nurse)
45- Pior do que está Sempre pode Ficar (Worser than it is, Always will be)
46- O Buraco é mais Embaixo (The Hole's a Little Deeper)
47- Além da Arrebentação (Beyond the Crushing)
48- Vôo Cego (Blind Flight)
49- O Pecado Malha ao Lado (The Seven Days Workout)
50- É dos Carecas que elas gostam mais (They Always Liked the Bald Men)
51- Cara de Uma, Olho Junto da Outra (One's Face, the Other's Devil Eye)
52- A Malícia da Milícia (The Militia's Malice)
53- A Ilha do Dr. Ladir (The Island of Dr. Ladir)
54- A Terceira Praga do Egito (The Third Egypt Plague)
55- Até que a Morte os Reúna (Until Death do us Gather)
56- A Grama do Vizinho (The Neighbor's Grass)
57- Milagre no Jambalaya (Miracle on Jambalaya) (Ladir's last physical appearance)
Season Three (2009)
58- Cada Vez mais Pobres (Pour People)
59- Por Causa da Maionese (Maionnaise) (First episode with Dr. Percy)
60- A Bolsa ou a Vida (Give me the Purse!)
61- Cada Macaco no seu Galho (Stick to the Status Quo)
62- A Garota da Capa (Tha Girl on the Cover)
63- O Rouxinol do Jambalaya (Jambalaya's Songbird)
64- Não tem Pão, Comam Bolo (If There isn't Bread, Eat Cake!)
65- Doze Horas para Salvar seu Casamento (12 Hours to Save your Marriage)
66- Os Politicamente Esquecidos (Politically Forgotten)
67- A Tal da Metalinguagem (That Metalanguage
68- Família é Quadrilha (Family Mafia)
69- A Alma Boa do Bloco H (The H Block's Pure Soul)
70- O Anel que tu me Deste (The Ring you Gave Me)
71- Entre Quatro Paredes (Trapped)
72- A Bicharada em Festa (Party of the Animals)
73- Respondez S'il Vous Plait (Dr. Percy's last appearance)
74- O Melhor Alfredo (The Best Alfredo)
75- Bodas de Latão (Iron Jubilee)
76- Álvara é um Show! (Álvara's Showtime!)
77- Tatalo, Mãos de Tesoura (Tatalo Scissorhands)
78- As Duas Faces de Celinha (Celinha's Other Faces)
79- Cada Qual em seu Preço (Each in its Price)
80- A Foca no Armário (Seal in the Closet)
81- Eu Também Compro esta Mulher (I Also Buy this Woman)
82- A Gravidez das Coisas (The Pregnancy Of Things)
83- Asilo das Almas Aflitas - Parte 1 (Asylum for Troubled Souls - Part 1)
84- Asilo das Almas Aflitas - Parte 2 (Asylum for Troubled Souls - Part 2)
85- Safados na Pista (Rascals on the Trail)
86- Darwin se Equivocou (Darwin
got Mad) - Part 1
87- Darwin se Equivocou (Darwin
got Mad) - Part 2
88- A Guerra das Panelas (War of the Pans) (December 1, 2009)
89- Família Vende Tudo (Family Sells Everything) (December 8, 2009)
90- Revolução no Jambalaya (Jambalaya's Big Revolution) December 15, 2009
91- O Caminho das Estrelas (The Way of the Stars) (December 22, 2009) Series Finale
"Dona Álvara raises mosquitoes to attack superintendent candidates, which coincidentally caught Dengue during the elections" (Adônis in Ep. 26, Beautiful plates).
"Dona Álvara and Seu Ladir aren't human." (Rita in Ep. 33, Pato Branco's Cinderella).
"Jambalaya's whole structure is made of beach sand
, and is slowly sinking into the Barra da Tijuca
" (Tatalo in Ep. 33).
"Ladir is Celinha's biological father" (Adônis in Ep. 40, At the Frog's Mouth).
"Jambalaya was built over a swamp" (Arnaldo in many episodes).
himself dismissed Álvara" (Álvara herself in Ep. 80, Seal in the Closet).
"Celinha can read the future in a washing machine" (Adônis in Ep. 7, Dolly Clap).
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...
ian television
Television program
A television program , also called television show, is a segment of content which is intended to be broadcast on television. It may be a one-time production or part of a periodically recurring series...
sitcom broadcast by Globo Network on Tuesday nights. The episodes are performed in front of a live audience, in a format very similar to the one of older sitcom Sai de Baixo
Sai de Baixo
Sai de Baixo is a Brazilian sitcom that first aired on Rede Globo....
, also created by Miguel Falabella
Miguel Falabella
Miguel Falabella is a Brazilian TV, cinema and theater actor, producer, writer and director.-External links:*...
Toma Lá, Dá Cá is set at Jambalaya Ocean Drive Condo at Barra da TijucaBarra da Tijuca
Barra da Tijuca is a famous neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, located southwest of the city on the Atlantic Ocean. Barra, as it is popularly known, will have most of the venues of the 2016 Summer Olympics, which will be the first edition held in South America. Barra is well-known for its...
, Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro , commonly referred to simply as Rio, is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil, and the third largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America, boasting approximately 6.3 million people within the city proper, making it the 6th...
. Once upon a time, Mário Jorge was married to Rita. They have two children: Isadora and Tatalo. At the same time, Celinha was married to dentist
A dentist, also known as a 'dental surgeon', is a doctor that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's supporting team aides in providing oral health services...
Arnaldo and they have one son, Adônis. Eventually both couples end their relationships.
Then came the craziness...Mário Jorge married Celinha and Arnaldo married Rita. They all moved into the Jambalaya Building in apartments right across from one another! Celinha's mother, Copélia spends her days finding boyfriends with her granddaughter, Isadora. Tatalo is a fan of Bob Marley
Bob Marley
Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley, OM was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician. He was the rhythm guitarist and lead singer for the ska, rocksteady and reggae band Bob Marley & The Wailers...
and Adônis is into Japanese animated porn. The two families share the same maid, Bozena: a woman from the south who loves telling weird stories about her hometown, Pato Branco. Álvara is the gossip of the Jambalaya Building and loves to talk badly about everyone's lives. Mostly of the show humor is based in the conflict between the main characters and the circumstances that away goes against them. For example, they once tries to win a reality show challenge for its money prize, but Adônis is against this idea, because he fears that they poor relationship and maturity only will make them being humiliated in the intere country. And in the final, they argue between each other and end up destroying the studio, and as a punishment for their lack of ethics and self-control, they were denied the prize.
Celinha: Adônis's Mother, Arnaldo's ex-wife and Mário Jorge's second wife. Celinha is a great and organized housewife and is always trying to be happy and cheerful in problems but, sometimes, she snaps and screams at people. Always suffers because of her mother's (Copélia) behavior. Celinha has an odd habit of trying to cheer up someone who's feeling down (usually her husband, Mário Jorge) by clapping hands and singing a reason for that person to cheer up, preceded and followed by poorly made drum sounds (Example: Nan, nan, nan, be happy, nan, nan, nan!). Although she does not like the confusion that happens in Jambalaya, she is always ready to comfort anyone who questions the way of life in Jambalaya, saying, "Here in Jambalaya is it anyway!". However, after the events of a culinary contest, Celinha gets mad and is finally tired with the greediness of the Jambalaya residents, and decides to move (much of Mario Jorge's chocked and chagrin, because she attempted to do it without his consent and without any planning).Mário Jorge: Tatalo's and Isadora's father, Adônis's stepfather, Rita's ex-husband, and Celinha's second one. Mario Jorge always ramble about his troubles and people's failures. Always Ironic, Mario Jorge says his Daughter, Isadora, has "Devil´s eyes" (Olho Junto in Brazil) or is a "bad character", and rambles about her rebel behavior and the apparent lack of intelligence of her brother Tatalo. Always trying to acquire more money from other people, he is Rita's Business Enemy and always tells about what terrible wife and Mother Rita is. He is identical to his mother, Genova. He is usually the first one to get annoyed by Bozena's crazy histories about her Hometown, and finds Copélia's lustful behavior as shocking, which he always demonstrates by cupping one hand (or both hands) over his mouth after one of her revelations, as one time she told that on the night before she was running naked in Copacabana beach. He reveals in Beautiful Plates that he once smoked Salvia
Salvia is the largest genus of plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, with approximately 700-900 species of shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and annuals. It is one of several genera commonly referred to as sage. When used without modifiers, sage generally refers to Salvia officinalis ; however, it is...
, but did not swallowed. Although Mario Jorge is usually the most clever and realistic character in the series, he also proved in many times to have a very greedy, obnoxious and selfish side, evident when he openly mocks and insult almost everyone without care for the other's feelings, resulting in several characters in the series to also openly despises him. It's also strongly suggested that this uncaring and negative attitude with his own children (Isadora and Tatalo) may have influenced in their cynicism, as visible when always that Mario Jorge points out that they are the worst children that a parent can have, they often retorts that their childhood with Mario Jorge was hard and uneasy, mostly due do the latter's greediness.
Rita: Tatalo's and Isadora's mother, Mário Jorge's first wife, and Arnaldo's second wife. Unlike Celinha, a dedicated housewife, Rita is always busy with her job as Estate agent, which usually results in failed sells by being beaten by Mário Jorge's competitive business. Due to this, her house is usually a complete mess, rarely having food in the freezer. She is very criticized by Celinha and Bozena because of that, with the Sullist maid openly saying she likes Celinha's house much better than Rita's.
Arnaldo: Adônis's father, Tatalo's and Isadora's Stepfather, Celinha's first husband, and Rita's second husband. Arnaldo is a dentist who is mildly obsessed with his job and always searching for new patients. He is always trying to gain his son, Adônis's love by any means necessary, including smuggling gifts with Isadora. Can be easily angered sometimes by the smaller motives. He has an annoying habit of speaking about teeth in unnecessary times. He reveals in Beautiful Plates that he once smoked Laurel
-Botany:* Laurel family , a group of flowering plants** Azores laurel ** Bay Laurel , also called True Laurel** California Laurel ** Camphor Laurel...
AND swallowed. Between all, he is the most unlucky character in the sitcom, as visible that the Jambalaya's misfortunes and confusions often tend to affect him more than the other characters, but sometimes, the circumstances and coincidences favor him (in one episode, Mario Jorge tricks him into buying a bad parking, and after he refuses to get it back, Arnaldo annoyingly added that "God punishes!". Mario Jorge mocks of this idea and start to laugh from Arnaldo's misfortune, ONLY to be told that his car was destroyed by an airconditioner, which makes a pleased and delightful Arnaldo yell "GOD IS REAL!".)
Adônis: Arnaldo's and Celinha's only son, and Mário Jorge's stepson. He is an emo in his preteens with a cynical wit. He speaks in a very polished way, at times using words from old Portuguese (like vós, the Portuguese equivalent to thee). He is an otaku, obsessed with oriental women, which made him into a hentai artist. He created the "Furiko series", about a Japanese schoolgirl's adventures in the inefficient Brazilian educational system. He is also shown to be the most intelligent and intellectual character in the series, to the point of Arnaldo claiming that his (Adônis) first word was "Parallelepiped"! Although Adônis is the smartest character in the series, he can be easily bended to Álvara and Ladir's will through money and job promises.
Tatalo: Mário Jorge's and Rita's only son, Isadora's older brother, and Arnaldo's stepson. He is a follower of Bob Marley, once being suspected of consuming weed by his crazy behavior, but earlier in the series it was discovered that he's always like that. He is a wonderful tap and Samba
Samba is a Brazilian dance and musical genre originating in Bahia and with its roots in Brazil and Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions. It is recognized around the world as a symbol of Brazil and the Brazilian Carnival...
dancer, though his talents are always ignored by his parents, Mário Jorge being the one who always steps where it hurts. A recurring gag in the series is the fact that he often teams-up with Isadora in her Scams. He reveals in Ep. 26 that he picks his nose. He is also shown to have a very abusive side. His personality greatly changes over the series: In the first session, Tatalo is described as rather clueless and carefree, often remote from the actual situation (and confusion) of a determinate plot, only to surprise the others with occasional moments of intelligence and artistic talent (thus suggesting that he is autistic); In the second session, Tatalo becomes a much more mature and responsible (yet that not necessarily ethical) character. This is mostly due the fact that he become father of uncongenial twins from his girlfriend Gelda, forcing Tatalo to life from small times jobs and his sister's scams in order to pay for his children growth, but unfortunately for Tatalo, these "jobs" are rather surreal in nature, forcing him to use strange costumes like of a frog
Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura , formerly referred to as Salientia . Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits , protruding eyes and the absence of a tail...
, a parrot
Parrots, also known as psittacines , are birds of the roughly 372 species in 86 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. The order is subdivided into three families: the Psittacidae , the Cacatuidae and the Strigopidae...
, a worm and even a vegetable (he once even breaks the fourth wall by jokily but disgusted suggesting that the writer may be mad at him.); In the third session, Tatalo becomes even more unlucky, pathetic and sarcastic than before, thanks in not small part due to his inability to get even the smallest job and pay is debt with Gelda and gets in trouble with local authorities. In fact, a recurring gag is that Tatalo often and whining ask from Mario Jorge a loan, only to the latter flatly refuses due to his own economical troubles.
Isadora: Mário Jorge's and Rita's only Daughter, Tatalo's sister, and Arnaldo's stepdaughter. She is shown to be the most immoral character in the Sitcom, being said to be evil and malicious from childhood and even from birth, from biting people's fingers off and making grim poems and drawings of her father's death to stealing her father's car, illegal transactions, stealing a Senator's prosthetic teeth made by Arnaldo, blackmailing and threatening her own family, selling shirts with pornographic paintings, among other dark things. During Second Season, Isadora runs for Alderwoman, buying votes from a slum named "Smoking Pig" (Porco Fumado in Portuguese) and succeeding in getting the position. Isadora marries a Deputy called Icáro Mojave, a well-known corrupt that is involved in many Martial Processes. Soon after, Icaro dies in a helicopter incident seemingly caused by his family. Soon after, Isadora is discharged of her title and goes back to a normal life. Isadora then goes from small temporary businesses to Illegal Dealings again and, in Third Season, became a Lawyer. Isadora is known for commenting alphabetical errors, such as naming her Adevogada (English Advocate,but misspelled, as if "Adivocate" in English). Isadora became more ignorant though the second season, and Tatalo correctly claims that Isadora does not know the difference between a human being and an abstract conception. Only three characters have a relatively good relationship with her, Copélia (due to the same lustful behavior), Tatalo (because he is a partner in her scams) and Adônis (because he is the least abused by Isadora). She revealed in Ep. 26 that she once smelled Salsa
Salsa (sauce)
Salsa may refer to any type of sauce. In American English, it usually refers to the spicy, often tomato based, hot sauces typical of Mexican and Central American cuisine, particularly those used as dips. In British English, the word typically refers to salsa cruda, which is common in Mexican ,...
and Chives
Chives are the smallest species of the edible onions. A perennial plant, they are native to Europe, Asia and North America.. Allium schoenoprasum is the only species of Allium native to both the New and the Old World....
, and planned to sell her nephew that was not even born yet. Despite her lack of academic knowledge, Isadora proved many times to have a remarkable, cunning and manipulative mind, visible when she often and easily convinces anyone around to do what she wants, even when this person is aware of her cruelty and ignorance.
Copélia: Celinha's mother, she display to be the most famous and lustful character, and also the only known character who has a bound with Isadora. She's frequently saying the show's most famous line, "I rather not comment" (prefiro não comentar in Brazil). Copélia is known to have the weirdest desires, such as sleeping and walking on the beach naked and having sex with whatever man she gets to know. A recurring gag in the series is that her sexual life and experiences make Copélia know a large amount of persons, even to the point of write a book when she does not recognise them (as visible in Blind Flight, where she asks to Bozena about her book of friends, loves and relatives, and the book itself is very large and heavy), and because of this, some episodes involve some person in Copélia's past to cause some misadventure to the main characters, which can be influential authority, experienced criminals, wealthy or poor persons, and even supernatural beings (as visible in Scrub the Shrubs, where is revealed that Copélia knows the Cuca
The Coco is a mythical ghost-monster; equivalent to the boogeyman, found in many Hispanic and Lusophone countries. He can also be considered a Hispanic version of a bugbear, as it is a commonly used figure of speech representing an irrational or exaggerated fear...
Bozena: is the domestic employed of the both families, is known for being treated like a slave, and loves telling weird stories about her hometown, Pato Branco, thing that annoys everyone around herself. As a tradition person, she tries her best to please both families, but likes even more to work in Celinha's house, and is not afraid to hit it on Rita's face. She has a turbulent relationship with Mario Jorge. In fact, both of them are mortal enemies, as visible by their mutual dislike and disrespect with each other (Mario Jorge hates Bozena's histories and Sullist habits, and Bozena is often annoyed with Mario Jorge's cynism and abuse), often going to the point of annoying and humiliating each other at the first opportunity. A recurring gag in the series is that Bozena constantly calls Mário Jorge of "Horse
The horse is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus, or the wild horse. It is a single-hooved mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large, single-toed animal of today...
" (Cavalo in Portuguese).
Álvara: is the gossip and superintendent of the Jambalaya, a stereotype of person in power, being corrupt, crazy and, to some extent, cruel. In summary, she is very perverse, although not at the same point as Isadora. She also displays to be very naïve, because she does not know that her husband is a homosexual, despite all the evidences about it. From the second season onwards, she always appears when one of the characters simply calls her by her name, reason why they're always referring to her as "The Said One". This whereabouts is so strong that Celinha merely remembered her name once, and she immediately appeared. Also, despite her dislike of Copélias lustful attitude, Alvara seens to be highly promiscuous, point out that in hers adolescence, she tries to sell his soul to the devil only to make sex with him. After Ladir's disappearance, Álvara became even more sadistic and abusive than before, to the point of creating a dictator in Jambalaya, entitled to a "secret" police, and going even further to hire necromancers to command the Jambalaya from post-life. However, the Barra da Tijuca residents make a coup d'état
Coup d'état
A coup d'état state, literally: strike/blow of state)—also known as a coup, putsch, and overthrow—is the sudden, extrajudicial deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to replace the deposed government with another body; either...
and Álvara is permanently discharged of her position. And almost immediately after, the Nova Jambalaya slum
A slum, as defined by United Nations agency UN-HABITAT, is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security. According to the United Nations, the percentage of urban dwellers living in slums decreased from 47 percent to 37 percent in the...
raids her apartment in the penthouse and (thanks to Mario Jorge's suggestion) takes all of her furniture, leaving her homeless and hopeless until Ladir arrives to save her in a spaceship.
Ladir: is Alvara's husband, whom she claims it's a "Testosterone Bomb", when he's actually homosexual. Being the superintendent's husband, Ladir has the same power over the condominium as Alvara, although only uses this fact to help Copélia with her schemes. A recurring gag is that he states that everything and everyone around him is "Mara" (short for "Maravilhoso", "Wonderful" in Brazil). He is also told to exaggerate in drinking alcohol. In his early life, Ladir was known as a transsexual singer called "Dirla Tomas". He is the best friend of Copélia and Deise, often getting annoyed with Álvara's homophobia
Homophobia is a term used to refer to a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay and in some cases bisexual, transgender people and behavior, although these are usually covered under other terms such as biphobia and transphobia. Definitions refer to irrational fear, with the...
(going as far to slap her in the face). He was kidnapped by a surgeon in the third season and only returned in the final episode "O Caminho das Estrelas", rescuing the main characters from the condo's massive takeover in a flying saucer.
Deise Coturno: is a huge, Lesbian
Lesbian is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between females. The word may be used as a noun, to refer to women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality, or as an...
woman that resides in Jambalaya. She is constantly flirting with Celinha, Rita and Bozena when visiting their homes. Mário Jorge frequently refers to her as "Big Shoe" ("Sapatão" in Brasil), and Celinha can't help but to be afraid when she shows up. She is revealed to be the Shrub's guard and keeper, and shares some of Copélia's sexual beliefs.
Dr. Percy: is a Psychologist
Psychologist is a professional or academic title used by individuals who are either:* Clinical professionals who work with patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts .* Scientists conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college...
who attends at the condo's Water Park, and Adônis's advisor. Percy is known to perform group sessions which, as weird as they seem, actually work. She is frequently mentioned in the first two seasons, but gains a physical appearance at the third season (until the actor who played her, Miguel Magno died from Cancer
Cancer , known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the...
on August 17, 2009). Her catchphrase is "Confront it!" ("Confronte" in Brazil).
Minor characters
Princess Grace (played by Jessica Marina) is a young girl that lives in the Jambalaya condo, and Adônis' girlfriend. She was raised since her childhood as a dog, eating dog food and wearing collars. The result was that she constantly barks and growls at the other residents, sometimes even biting them. She is known to only be calm when Adônis is nearby. Even though she broke her relationship with the boy, he always found a way to win her back. Apparently, she finally dismissed Adônis between the events of the 3rd Season.Lurdinha (played by Bia Nunnes
Bia Nunnes
Beatriz Alexim Nunes better known as Bia Nunnes, is a Brazilian actress. She is the sister of actress Maria Cristina Nunes and daughter of the writer and humorist Max Nunes. She has been married to Fernando Berditchevsky since 1982.- Television :* 1976 - Planeta dos Homens* 1978 - Ciranda...
) is Grace's mother and a close friend of Celinha, even though she usually appears arguing with her. She handles Grace exactly like someone does with an angry dog. Lurdinha greatly disapproves of Adônis's relationship with her daughter, however is forced to keep them together under constant howls and bites from Grace herself.
Ratso (Ratão in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Zacchia) is Isadora's personal "bodyguard" from the "Smoking Pig" community. A skilled burglar, he already managed to steal Dona Alvara's watch twice, under the eyes of the condo's residents. He is the potential lover of Bozena.
Deputy Ícaro Mojave (played by Thiago Fragoso) is Isadora's former husband, a politician even worse than Isadora herself. Both married in Las Vegas
Las Vegas metropolitan area
The Las Vegas Valley is the heart of the Las Vegas-Paradise, NV MSA also known as the Las Vegas–Paradise–Henderson MSA which includes all of Clark County, Nevada, and is a metropolitan area in the southern part of the U.S. state of Nevada. The Valley is defined by the Las Vegas Valley landform, a ...
, Nevada after Ícaro tricked her family into entering an illegal plane and almost getting them arrested. According to Isadora, he died after his chopper
A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by one or more engine-driven rotors. This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forwards, backwards, and laterally...
was exploded over the Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's oceanic divisions. With a total area of about , it covers approximately 20% of the Earth's surface and about 26% of its water surface area...
, which caused his family to hunt her for a long time, demanding an evidence implying that Isadora herself killed Ícaro.
Sabará (played by Walney Aguiar) is the condo's Afro-Brazilian
In Brazil, the term "preto" is one of the five categories used by the Brazilian Census, along with "branco" , "pardo" , "amarelo" and "indígena"...
Property caretaker
A Property caretaker is a person, group or organization that cares for real estate for trade or financial compensation, and sometimes as a barter for rent-free living accommodations...
and janitor
A janitor or custodian is a professional who takes care of buildings, such as hospitals and schools. Janitors are responsible primarily for cleaning, and often some maintenance and security...
. Arnaldo unintentionally performed a wrong operation on his mouth, filling it with teeth. As a result, he cannot even speak on the intercom without spitting on someone.
Leda (played by Carmen Verônica) is one of Copélia's friends. Exactly like her, Leda is very fond of alcohol and sex.
Ms. Quietinha Albuquerque (played by Alexandra Richter from Zorra Total
Zorra Total
Zorra Total is a Brazilian television comedy broadcast by Globo Network. It was launched on March 25, 1999 and has aired on Saturdays, at 10p.m., ever since May 1999....
) is a high-society lady that fell victim to one of Isadora's plans, the girl wanting a DNA sample of her thinking she was her real mother. In "The Island of Dr. Ladir", it is revealed that she usually consumes high doses of a very powerful sleeping pill that leaves her completely doped.
Maddy (Louquinha in Brazil, played by Juliana Baroni
Juliana Baroni
Juliana Riva Baroni is a Brazilian actress, dancer and singer. She is best known for being a paquita for five years and for her leading role on the Rede Bandeirantes telenovela Dance, Dance, Dance.-Career:...
) is Quietinha's daughter, a rebel, punk girl who hates her mother and practically everyone around her.
Gelda (played by Bianca Comparato
Bianca Comparato
Bianca Comparato is a Brazilian actress.- Filmography :...
) is Tatalo's wife. She is part of a circus cast as the sword eater, and gained two children with Tatalo, Arreli and Mariri. She only appeared in the first season.
Dirceuzinho De Beef (played by Leonardo Miggiorin) is Ladir's apprentice, and almost a perfect replica of him. Can speak English very well and has a high sense of mode (as told by Ladir himself).
Harolda Neves (played by Zezé Polessa) is the chief supervisor and writer of the condo's newspaper. She and Rita are fierce rivals, as Harolda is always writing gossip about the residents, especially Rita's family and relatives. She keeps a pet monkey named Saronga trained to spy both families and provide the gossips she uses to torment Rita with.
Angel Tavares (played by Brazilian singer Léo Jaime
Léo Jaime
Leonardo Jaime , widely known by stage name Leo Jaime, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter. Jaime was a part of the original formation of the carioca rockabilly group called "João Penca & Seus Miquinhos Amestrados". He left the group to pursue a solo career...
) is the Jambalaya's Guardian angel
Guardian angel
A guardian angel is an angel assigned to protect and guide a particular person or group. Belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity...
, who is very hard-working, but also very unlucky and sarcastic. He is constantly injured and physically harmed in his mission to protect the condo's residents of their own sins, even to point he lost his wings in the process. He appears in the episode "Miracle at Jambalaya", where he tries a last effort to change the Jambalaya's ways, but its residents selfishness proves to be too big for any supernatural intervention. What happens to him is unknown, but he apparently gets in trouble with God
God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism....
and is turned into a mortal for good.
Mrs. Elvanecir (played by Guida Vianna) is the leader and official commander of the "Nova Jambalaya" slum
A slum, as defined by United Nations agency UN-HABITAT, is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security. According to the United Nations, the percentage of urban dwellers living in slums decreased from 47 percent to 37 percent in the...
community. She is a short, determined woman with communist
Communism is a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of a classless, moneyless, revolutionary and stateless socialist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production...
tendencies (such as calling the community members her "comrades" and being excessively visionary) that vows to depose Álvara from everything she owns and commands. She is also determined to raid the main characters' apartments and to rule the Jambalaya Ocean Drive herself. She actually manages to do everything she wanted and create a massive, all-out rebellion around the condo. When she informs to the main characters that her slum community would killed them, they begged for mercy and she agrees. Unfortunately, despite acknowledging that only Álvara deserved to die, the sadistic and resentful slum refused in spare any of the main characters, in order to display their power to the Brazilian media. Her slum community is highly armed with Arabic fire weapons and bazooka
Bazooka is the common name for a man-portable recoilless rocket antitank weapon, widely fielded by the U.S. Army. Also referred to as the "Stovepipe", the innovative bazooka was amongst the first-generation of rocket propelled anti-tank weapons used in infantry combat...
s, and is able to shoot down a police helicopter with little efforts.
Ivana Carraro (played by Ângela Dip) is a very influential, sexist business woman who appeared in Ep. 39 Life is a Roulette. Rita tried to make an alliance with her in order to gain money and humiliate Mário Jorge, until she discovered that Ivana was married to him before he met her. Since the episode's beginning, she consumed a large portion of Ladir's drinks and became drunk, then tried to seduce Mário Jorge again, much to Celinha's anger. She is later told by Mário Jorge that he married Rita after she dismissed her, which causes Ivana to fire her, and to be arrested by the police after breaking the Reception's glass window.
Cidalva Moreira (played by Rosamaria Murtinho) is Arnaldo's mother that appeared in Ep. 31 Only a Mother, where she makes a visit to her son to celebrate Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, yet most commonly in March, April, or May...
. However, Cidalva can barely celebrate anything with her son or Rita, as she is always cold and negligent with her son. She is the only character to ever demonstrate joy when Arnaldo and Celinha were married. She also might be bisexual, as has a romantic past with Deise.
Iraci was a new maid of Rita after Bozena quits of her job, but its soon turned that she is a paranormal witch, and she start to use her mystical/psychical powers for her own selfish purposes, much of Rita angers, since that she was hired to clean her house, not to make fortune teller seasons with the others residents. When Rita fires her, Iraci gets mad and angrily curses them to have an even more unhappy and unlucky life than before, and the curse only could be broken if someone has his wish granted. Celinha then ask Bozena and Rita to reconcile, which the both agree. In certain sense, Iraci was one of the most important minor characters in the series, since that she was the main responsible for Isadora losses her political powers with her curse.
Main cast
- Miguel FalabellaMiguel FalabellaMiguel Falabella is a Brazilian TV, cinema and theater actor, producer, writer and director.-External links:*...
- Mário Jorge Dassoin - Adriana Esteves - Célia Regina "Celinha" Rocha Dassoin
- Diogo Vilela - Arnaldo Moreira
- Marisa Orth - Rita Olate Moreira
- Stella Miranda - "Dona" Álvara Treio Miranda
- Ítalo Rossi - "Seu" Ladir Miranda
- Arlete Salles - Copélia Rocha
- Norma BengellNorma BengellNorma Aparecida Almeida Pinto Guimarães D´Áurea Bengell , best known as Norma Bengell, is a Brazilian film and television actress, singer, director, producer, and screenwriter....
- Deise Coturno - Fernanda Souza - Isadora Olate Dassoin
- Daniel TorresDaniel TorresDaniel Torres is a Costa Rican footballer. He is currently without a club.-Professional:Torres started his football career with Deportivo Saprissa, where he won several national and international titles between 1996 and 2001. He signed with the Columbus Crew of Major League Soccer on September 8,...
- Adônis Rocha Moreira - George Sauma - Antônio Carlos "Tatalo" Olate Dassoin
- Alessandra Maestrini - Bozena Doméstica
- Miguel Magno - Dr. Perci Tugio
The Jambalaya Ocean Drive
- Residential Blocks: The condo has a total of 10 apartment blocks (A to J). Mário Jorge and Arnaldo's houses are both located on the H Block. From Celinha's balcony, it is possible to see Barra da TijucaBarra da TijucaBarra da Tijuca is a famous neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, located southwest of the city on the Atlantic Ocean. Barra, as it is popularly known, will have most of the venues of the 2016 Summer Olympics, which will be the first edition held in South America. Barra is well-known for its...
, the other buildings and the Shrubs. According to the main characters' histories, apparently there are no normal people in the whole condo: everyone has a weird tendency (usually involving sex or humiliating someone) and/or is a criminal. During the final episodes, the blocks are occupied by a slumSlumA slum, as defined by United Nations agency UN-HABITAT, is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security. According to the United Nations, the percentage of urban dwellers living in slums decreased from 47 percent to 37 percent in the...
community called "Nova Jambalaya" (New Jambalaya in Portuguese) that Álvara tricked by saying she would give them the remains of the culinary contest's foods. As a result, they ordered a massive rebellion that expelled the original residents and held the main characters as hostages. Ladir saves them in a flying saucer during the climax, and they fly away as the condo is devastated block by block.
- Water ParkWater parkA waterpark is an amusement park that features waterplay areas, such as water slides, splash pads, spraygrounds , lazy rivers, or other recreational bathing, swimming, and barefooting environments...
: Area where Dr. Percy makes her therapy sections with Adônis and her other patients, and where Álvara takes the water for her illegal purposes. Copélia usually swims naked in the pool every night of full moonFull moonFull moon lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. More precisely, a full moon occurs when the geocentric apparent longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees; the Moon is then in opposition with the Sun.Lunar eclipses can only occur at...
. During the revolution, a police helicopter was shot down by the Nova Jambalaya slum and crashed in the water park, presumably destroying it.
- ShrubShrubA shrub or bush is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height, usually under 5–6 m tall. A large number of plants may become either shrubs or trees, depending on the growing conditions they experience...
s (or Matagal): Located behind the J Block, it is Copélia's favorite place in the condo. Area where people make love without fear of being noticed between the trees and bushes. It was believed to be an extremely rare source of "Futestonium", a mineral that brings back the human's sexual metabolismMetabolismMetabolism is the set of chemical reactions that happen in the cells of living organisms to sustain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is usually divided into two categories...
, when actually there was little (if any) quantity of the mineral around the area. It serves as a "Fun House" of sorts for Copélia, Ladir and Deise. Due to the quantity of people having sex in the area, the local FaunaFaunaFauna or faunæ is all of the animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora.Zoologists and paleontologists use fauna to refer to a typical collection of animals found in a specific time or place, e.g. the "Sonoran Desert fauna" or the "Burgess shale fauna"...
completely disappeared. The only animal to appear in the area are some CapybaraCapybaraThe capybara , also known as capivara in Portuguese, and capibara, chigüire in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador ronsoco in Peru, chigüiro, and carpincho in Spanish, is the largest living rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs...
s, confirmed when Copélia once said she mistakenly caressed one. Near the series' finale, an MSTLandless Workers' MovementLandless Workers' Movement is a social movement in Brazil; it is the second largest social movement in Latin America with an estimated 1.5 million landless members in 23 out of Brazil's 26 states. The MST states it carries out land reform in a country it sees as mired by unjust land distribution...
movement from a slum community completely occupies the Shrubs, devastating it entirely.
- PenthousePenthouse apartmentA penthouse apartment or penthouse is an apartment that is on one of the highest floors of an apartment building. Penthouses are typically differentiated from other apartments by luxury features.-History:...
: Álvara and Ladir's apartment, and the only rich-looking apartment in the condo. As Álvara has no regards for any kind of law, it is possible that the fancy decoration was bought with stolen money. It only appears in the Third Season, near the end. The Nova Jambalaya community raided the penthouse entirely in the final episodes, leaving Álvara officially homeless.
- BallroomBallroomA ballroom is a large room inside a building, the designated purpose of which is holding formal dances called balls. Traditionally, most balls were held in private residences; many mansions contain one or more ballrooms...
: Used for parties and other special events. Álvara uses the Ballroom as a stage for the Superintendent election, Ladir once used it as a stage for his fashion line "Ladiríssimo", and it also hosted a funeral for the "late" Mr. Barafun. It possibly did not resist the revolution and was presumably destroyed as well.
- Parking LotParking lotA parking lot , also known as car lot, is a cleared area that is intended for parking vehicles. Usually, the term refers to a dedicated area that has been provided with a durable or semi-durable surface....
: The unprotected parking lot of the condo. Frequently raided by local burglars and the like. Both Arnaldo and Mário Jorge had incidents involving their cars being either vandalized or stolen. It is also an average place for external (and mostly internal) robbery of the condo's residents. Isadora already attacked two women that walked in the area looking for money.
- Isadora briefly mentions during The Sex Strike that the condo has a GymGymThe word γυμνάσιον was used in Ancient Greece, that mean a locality for both physical and intellectual education of young men...
for soccer tournaments, and is said in Look to the Snake! that it also has an "ArraialArraialArraial is a town and municipality in the state of Piauí in the Northeast region of Brazil.-References:...
" for the season of Festa JuninaFesta JuninaFesta Junina , also known as festa de São João for their part in celebrating the nativity of St. John the Baptist, are the annual Brazilian celebrations historically related to European Midsummer that take place in the beginning of the Brazilian winter...
Brazil's Last Episodes with All Original Titles.Pilot (2005)
Piloto (Pilot)
Season One (2007)
1- O dia em que a terra tremeu (The Day The Earth Shook)
2- A Mais Bela Casada (The Most Beautiful Bride)
3- Quando Paris Ilumina (When Paris Lights)
4- Boi Sonso, Marrada Certa (Dizzy Ox, Precise Hit)
5- A Língua não tem Osso (The Tongue Doesn't Have A Bone)
6- Espelho, espelho meu (Mirror, Mirror on the Wall)
7- Dolly Pancada Seca (Dolly Clap)
8- Boa Noite, seu Ladir (Good Evening, Mr. Ladir)
9- Freud já não explica mais (Freud Doesn't Explain Anymore)
10- Entrando pelo Cano (Flushed Away)
11- O Sequestro (The Kidnapping)
12- O "Y" do Problema (The "Y" Problem)
13- Atrás do Trio Elétrico (Behind the Electric Trio)
14- De Véu e Grinalda (From Wreath and Veil)
15- Onde Há Fumaça... (Where There is Smoke...)
16- Quem muito se Abaixa... (Who is much Lowers ...)
17- Sem Terra, Sem Grana e Sem Vergonha (No Land, No Money, No Shame)
18- Galinha que come Pedra (A Chicken that Eats Rocks)
19- Nem tudo é Realidade (Not Everything is Reality)
20- O Homem que veio Arrochar (The Man who Came Bursting)
Season Two (2008)
21- Sempre cabe Mais Um (Always Have Space for One More) (First episode with Ladir)
22- Despedida de Casado (To Marry)
23- Quem Canta seus Males Espanta (Who Sings Scares Away His Woes)
24- Uma Epidemia Politicamente Correta (A Politically Correct Epidemy)
25- Errados pra Cachorros (Wrong a Lot)
26- Em Pratos Limpos (Beautiful Plates)
27- Nosso Homem em Malibu (Our Man In Malibu)
28- Falando Grosso (Rough Talk) (First episode with Deise)
29- Os Bem Casados (Well Married)
30- Olha a Cobra! (Look to the Snake!)
31- Mãe só tem Uma (Only a Mother)
32- A Isadora o que é de Isadora (To Isadora what's from Isadora)
33- A Cinderela de Pato Branco (Pato Branco's Cinderella)
34- O Vestido que a Lady Deu (The Dress that Lady Gave)
35- A Greve da Carne (The Sex Strike)
36- A Classe Média vai ao Paraíso (The Middle Class goes to Paradise)
37- Dª Rita, a Solteira (Rita, the Bachelorette)
38- Sururu no Matagal (Scrub the Shrubs)
39- A Vida é uma Roleta (Life is a Roulette)
40- Na Boca do Sapo (At the Frog's Mouth)
41- A Mais Linda das Idades (The Most Beautiful of Ages)
42- A Importância de ser Copélia (Being Copélia)
43- Império sem Sentido (Senseless Empire)
44- Adivinhe quem vem para Mamar (Guess Who's Coming To Nurse)
45- Pior do que está Sempre pode Ficar (Worser than it is, Always will be)
46- O Buraco é mais Embaixo (The Hole's a Little Deeper)
47- Além da Arrebentação (Beyond the Crushing)
48- Vôo Cego (Blind Flight)
49- O Pecado Malha ao Lado (The Seven Days Workout)
50- É dos Carecas que elas gostam mais (They Always Liked the Bald Men)
51- Cara de Uma, Olho Junto da Outra (One's Face, the Other's Devil Eye)
52- A Malícia da Milícia (The Militia's Malice)
53- A Ilha do Dr. Ladir (The Island of Dr. Ladir)
54- A Terceira Praga do Egito (The Third Egypt Plague)
55- Até que a Morte os Reúna (Until Death do us Gather)
56- A Grama do Vizinho (The Neighbor's Grass)
57- Milagre no Jambalaya (Miracle on Jambalaya) (Ladir's last physical appearance)
Season Three (2009)
58- Cada Vez mais Pobres (Pour People)
59- Por Causa da Maionese (Maionnaise) (First episode with Dr. Percy)
60- A Bolsa ou a Vida (Give me the Purse!)
61- Cada Macaco no seu Galho (Stick to the Status Quo)
62- A Garota da Capa (Tha Girl on the Cover)
63- O Rouxinol do Jambalaya (Jambalaya's Songbird)
64- Não tem Pão, Comam Bolo (If There isn't Bread, Eat Cake!)
65- Doze Horas para Salvar seu Casamento (12 Hours to Save your Marriage)
66- Os Politicamente Esquecidos (Politically Forgotten)
67- A Tal da Metalinguagem (That Metalanguage
Broadly, any metalanguage is language or symbols used when language itself is being discussed or examined. In logic and linguistics, a metalanguage is a language used to make statements about statements in another language...
68- Família é Quadrilha (Family Mafia)
69- A Alma Boa do Bloco H (The H Block's Pure Soul)
70- O Anel que tu me Deste (The Ring you Gave Me)
71- Entre Quatro Paredes (Trapped)
72- A Bicharada em Festa (Party of the Animals)
73- Respondez S'il Vous Plait (Dr. Percy's last appearance)
74- O Melhor Alfredo (The Best Alfredo)
75- Bodas de Latão (Iron Jubilee)
76- Álvara é um Show! (Álvara's Showtime!)
77- Tatalo, Mãos de Tesoura (Tatalo Scissorhands)
78- As Duas Faces de Celinha (Celinha's Other Faces)
79- Cada Qual em seu Preço (Each in its Price)
80- A Foca no Armário (Seal in the Closet)
81- Eu Também Compro esta Mulher (I Also Buy this Woman)
82- A Gravidez das Coisas (The Pregnancy Of Things)
83- Asilo das Almas Aflitas - Parte 1 (Asylum for Troubled Souls - Part 1)
84- Asilo das Almas Aflitas - Parte 2 (Asylum for Troubled Souls - Part 2)
85- Safados na Pista (Rascals on the Trail)
86- Darwin se Equivocou (Darwin
Charles Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin FRS was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.He published his theory...
got Mad) - Part 1
87- Darwin se Equivocou (Darwin
Charles Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin FRS was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.He published his theory...
got Mad) - Part 2
88- A Guerra das Panelas (War of the Pans) (December 1, 2009)
89- Família Vende Tudo (Family Sells Everything) (December 8, 2009)
90- Revolução no Jambalaya (Jambalaya's Big Revolution) December 15, 2009
91- O Caminho das Estrelas (The Way of the Stars) (December 22, 2009) Series Finale
Whereabouts Around the Condo
"Deise did sleep with Bozena" (Bozena asking Deise)."Dona Álvara raises mosquitoes to attack superintendent candidates, which coincidentally caught Dengue during the elections" (Adônis in Ep. 26, Beautiful plates).
"Dona Álvara and Seu Ladir aren't human." (Rita in Ep. 33, Pato Branco's Cinderella).
"Jambalaya's whole structure is made of beach sand
Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles.The composition of sand is highly variable, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most common constituent of sand in inland continental settings and non-tropical coastal...
, and is slowly sinking into the Barra da Tijuca
Barra da Tijuca
Barra da Tijuca is a famous neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, located southwest of the city on the Atlantic Ocean. Barra, as it is popularly known, will have most of the venues of the 2016 Summer Olympics, which will be the first edition held in South America. Barra is well-known for its...
" (Tatalo in Ep. 33).
"Ladir is Celinha's biological father" (Adônis in Ep. 40, At the Frog's Mouth).
"Jambalaya was built over a swamp" (Arnaldo in many episodes).
Satan , "the opposer", is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible...
himself dismissed Álvara" (Álvara herself in Ep. 80, Seal in the Closet).
"Celinha can read the future in a washing machine" (Adônis in Ep. 7, Dolly Clap).