Toirdhealbhach Ua Briain
Toirdhealbhach Ua Briain (old spelling: Toirdelbach Ua Briain), anglicised Turlough O'Brien (1009 – 14 July 1086), was King of Munster and effectively High King of Ireland
. A grandson of Brian Bóruma, Toirdelbach was the son of Tadc mac Briain
who was killed in 1023 by his half-brother Donnchad mac Briain
For the first forty years of his life nothing is known of Toirdelbach. It was not until the 1050s that he found allies in Connacht
and in Leinster
, particularly the powerful King of Leinster Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó
, who would aid his claims to be ruler of Munster
. It took perhaps ten years of sustained attack to remove his uncle Donnchad from power, and send him into exile, and to place Toirdelbach in power in Munster as Diarmait's faithful ally.
On Diarmait's death Toirdelbach took over the reins of power, establishing himself as ruler of more than half of Ireland. While not a great military leader, he was a capable politician whose influence extended as far north as Ulaid
and who made and unmade Kings of Connacht
. He died after more than two decades in power, following a lengthy illness, still in control of events. His son Muirchertach Ua Briain would be the leading king of his day, and his grandson Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair would be greater yet.
Brian Bóruma was the first man in many centuries to establish himself as High King of Ireland
by force of arms. Previous men reckoned High King had belonged to the great Uí Néill
kindred, the large group of families who claimed to descend from Niall of the Nine Hostages
, which dominated much of central and northern Ireland from the 7th century onwards. No king from the south, where Brian's kindred, the hitherto rather obscure Dál gCais
of the region of Tuadmumu (north Munster), had come close to dominating Ireland since the time of Feidlimid mac Crimthainn in the early 9th century, and none had been included in the more widely accepted lists of high kings in historic times. The last effective high king of Ireland from Munster was Cathal mac Finguine
(d. 742), and likely before him the prehistoric Crimthann mac Fidaig
Brian, building on his own resources and those of the Viking
towns of the south such as Limerick
and Cork
, first took control of Munster
, overthrowing the domination of the Eóganachta
, a kindred which had dominated the kingship of Munster as effectively as the Uí Néill had dominated the High Kingship, and for just as long. With the Uí Néill disunited and the resources of Munster at his command, Brian first brought the Uí Néill High King Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill
to recognise him as an equal, and then to acknowledge him as the master of Ireland. Brian met his death at the Battle of Clontarf
on 23 April 1014—Good Friday
—fighting against the King of Leinster and his allies. In myth and medieval pseudohistory, as exemplified by the Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh written in the time of Toirdelbach's son, this battle would become the last and greatest between the Irish and the Vikings, and Brian would become the greatest of all Irish kings.
, son of Brian Bóruma, and Mór, daughter of Gilla Brigte Ua Maíl Muaid of Cenél Fiachach. His father was killed in 1023, probably on the orders of his half-brother Donnchad mac Briain
who thereby made himself king of Munster. Donnchad, while he successfully retained control of Munster for four decades, was never able to achieve the same success as Brian. Epigraphic evidence shows that he aimed to be king of Ireland, and perhaps considered himself to be such, but the annalists and later historians recognised no such pretensions.
As for Toirdelbach, the annals record nothing of him until the 1050s, at which time he was seeking, and finding, outside assistance against his uncle. Donnchad's main rivals were Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó
, King of Leinster from 1042, and Áed in Gaí Bernaig
, King of Connacht from 1046. Diarmait in particular was a serious threat; allied with Niall mac Eochada
, King of Ulster, he installed his son Murchad as ruler of Dublin in 1052, driving out Donnchad's brother-in-law and ally Echmarcach mac Ragnaill
. From the beginning of the 1050s onwards, Donnchad came under sustained attack from both Áed and Diarmait. Toirdelbach first joined with Áed in the early 1050s, raiding into Tuadmumu in 1052 and inflicting a heavy defeat on Donnchad's son Murchad in Corco Mruad, the north-west of modern County Clare
in 1055. By 1058 Toirdelbach had gained Diarmait's support, for he was present when Diarmait, the Leinstermen and the Osraige drove Donnchad from Limerick
, which he burned so that it would not fall into the hands of his enemies, and defeated him at Sliabh gCrot in the Galtee Mountains
In 1060 Donnchad attempted to divide his enemies by submitting to Áed. This was unsuccessful as Áed attacked again in 1061, razing the Dál gCais fortress at Kincora
and burning their church at Killaloe
. Injury was added to insult when Diarmait brought an army, and Toirdelbach in his train, to Munster in 1062. Donnchad's son Murchad led the unsuccessful resistance, and even when Diarmait returned to Leinster, Toirdelbach defeated his kinsmen. By 1063, Donnchad was beaten. Deposed, he went on pilgrimage to Rome
where he died the following year. Diarmait installed Toirdelbach as a puppet king in Munster.
The Annals of Innisfallen record to Toirdelbach as a law-maker, reporting that in 1068: "A law and ordinance was made by Tairdelbach Ua Briain-and no better law was enacted in Mumu for a long time—with the result that neither cow nor horse was housed [at night] but allowed to wander at will." In the same year, and perhaps related to this law-making, Máel Ísu mac Amalgada, comarba Pátraic or abbot of Armagh and successor of Saint Patrick
, visited Munster for the first time and received "his full visitation, both in tribute and offerings".
Toirdelbach's ally and protector Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó faced increasing difficulties in his final years, difficulties which led Toirdelbach to intervene on Diarmait's behalf against his enemies in Leinster. Diarmait's sons Murchad and Glúniairn died in 1070, leaving the succession uncertain and disputed. Later in 1070 Toirdelbach took an army into Leinster, carrying off hostages, and receiving the submission of the king of Osraige. Toirdelbach had to return to Leinster again in 1071 open warfare broke out between Diarmait's grandson Domnall, Murchad's son, and his nephew Donnchad, son of Domnall Remair. The annal states that the hostages Toirdelbach took were handed over into the keeping of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó. Toirdelbach was not idle on his own account in these years. He led an army on a raid into the midlands in 1071, and had his soldiers build wooden bridges across the Shannon, evidently for military purposes, at Áth Caille (perhaps modern O'Briensbridge
) and Killaloe
Diarmait visited Munster in 1071, distributing gifts. Diarmait had earlier given Toirdelbach treasures which included Brian Bóruma's sword, and "the standard of the king of the Saxons". This was among Diarmait's last recorded acts before his death in battle on 7 February 1072.
Toirdelbach was the chief beneficiary of Diarmait's death, the Annals of Innisfallen recording that:
which would serve him well. In Dublin he installed one Gofraid mac Amlaíb meic Ragnaill, perhaps a kinsman of Echmarchach mac Ragnaill, as his client king.
A campaign in 1075 directed against the Uí Néill
and their allies in the north turned out less well. Toirdelbach's son Muirchertach was defeated by the Airgíalla
near Áth Fhirdia (modern Ardee
, County Louth
) with heavy loss. At more or less the same time Gofraid was banished from Dublin by Toirdelbach, seemingly replaced by Domnall son of Murchad son of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó, who ruled for only a short time before he died, and was replaced by Toirdelbach's son Muirchertach. With Muirchertach securely installed in Dublin, and another son, Diarmait, ruling over Waterford
, Toirdelbach was master of half of Ireland.
It was during Gofraid's short reign over Dublin, on 6 May 1074, that Donat
us, first archbishop of Dublin
died. This led the archbishop of Canterbury
, Lanfranc of Pavia, to take an interest in Irish matters. Lanfranc, basing himself, he said, on Bede's writings, had already assured Pope Alexander II
that Dublin formed part of the province of Canterbury and that it was for him to consecrate the new bishop. He also wrote to the Irish kings concerned, being careful not to cause offense. His letter to Toirdelbach calls him "magnificent king of Ireland", a title which might seem the more impressive had Lanfranc not also addressed Gofraid of Dublin as "glorious king of Ireland".
The Annals of Innisfallen report that "five Jews came from over sea with gifts to Toirdelbach, and they were sent back again over sea". The meaning and significance of this event is unclear. Hudson remarks that "[i]f the delegation wanted [Toirdelbach]'s approval for settling in Ireland they were disappointed". Bracken suggests that if this was the intention of the delegation, the otherwise astute Toirdelbach missed a significant opportunity to strengthen his position.
to maintain control of Leinster and to prevent the emergence of a rival in Connacht. In the north, he supported the Ulaid
to weaken the Cenél nEógain
kings of Ailech
. This policy was successful in keeping Leinster pacified, but was less successful in dealing with the Cenél nEógain of the north and the kings of Connacht in the west.
The Cenél nEógain, who appear to have had no widely-accepted candidates for the kingship, hit upon a candidate in the person of Conchobar Ua Briain, grandson of Toirdelbach's uncle Donnchad mac Briain and Toirdelbach's most obvious rival for the kingship of Munster. Conchobar was king for only a short time when he was murdered, along with his wife. His brother Cennétig was chosen to succeed him.
In Connacht, three rival branches of the Uí Briúin
, the Ua Conchobair, the Ua Flaithbertaig, and the Ua Ruairc, were in competition. Ruaidrí na Saide Buide
of the Ua Conchobair was king of Connacht when he submitted to Toirdelbach in 1076. Toirdelbach deposed Ruaidrí in 1079 and replaced him with an Ua Ruairc, Áed son of Art Uallach.
The Ua Ruairc proved to be a threat to Toirdelbach and to their neighbours. Máel Sechnaill, king of Mide, submitted to Toirdelbach in 1080, perhaps for fear of Ua Ruairc. War broke out in 1084 between Toirdelbach and the Ua Ruairc, joined by Cennétig Ua Briain. Toirdelbach raided Mide, but while he was absent the Conmaicne, clients of the Ua Ruairc, raided Munster. A battle was fought at Monecronock, near modern Leixlip
, on 19 October 1082 where Toirdelbach's sons Muirchertach and Tadc won, killing Domnall Ua Ruairc and Cennétig Ua Briain.
, a late and not always reliable source, state that he had been ill for many years. He may never have fully recovered from his earlier illness. The Annals of Ulster report that he "died in Kincora [near Killaloe] after great suffering and long repentance, and after receiving the Body of Christ and His Blood, on [14 July] in the seventy-seventh year of his age [1086]". Rarely given to over-praising southern kings, this northern annal calls him "king of Ireland". The Annals of Tigernach
, another northern record, styles Toirdelbach rí urmóir Erenn, "king of the greater part of Ireland".
Toirdelbach was probably married three times. Dubchoblaig of the Uí Cheinnselaig
, who died in 1088, was the mother of Diarmait, perhaps named for her kinsman and Toirdelbach's protector Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó. Derbforgaill of Osraige was the mother of Tadc and Muirchertach. No children of Gormlaith of Ua Fógarta are named and the mother of Toirdelbach's daughter Mór is not recorded.
Mór married Ruaidrí na Saide Buide. Her son Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair was one of the greatest kings of medieval Ireland. She died in 1088, perhaps coincidently the year in which a gloss to the Annals of Ulster records Toirdelbach's birth. Toirdelbach apparently planned to divide his lands between his three sons. Tadc survived him by only weeks, dying of natural causes at Kincora, after which Muirchertach and Diarmait disputed the succession. Diarmait was the loser, banished by his half-brother, and exiled with his mother's kin in Leinster.
High King of Ireland
The High Kings of Ireland were sometimes historical and sometimes legendary figures who had, or who are claimed to have had, lordship over the whole of Ireland. Medieval and early modern Irish literature portrays an almost unbroken sequence of High Kings, ruling from Tara over a hierarchy of...
. A grandson of Brian Bóruma, Toirdelbach was the son of Tadc mac Briain
Tadc mac Briain
Tadc or Tadg mac Briain was the son of Brian Boru and Echrad, daughter of Carlus mac Ailella of Uí Áeda Odba. Tadc had one son, Toirdelbach Ua Briain , with his wife Mór, daughter of Gilla Brigte Ua Maíl Muaid of Cenél Fiachach....
who was killed in 1023 by his half-brother Donnchad mac Briain
Donnchad mac Briain
Donnchadh mac Briain , formerly anglicised as Donough O'Brian, son of Brian Bóruma and Gormflaith ingen Murchada, was King of Munster.-Background:...
For the first forty years of his life nothing is known of Toirdelbach. It was not until the 1050s that he found allies in Connacht
Connacht , formerly anglicised as Connaught, is one of the Provinces of Ireland situated in the west of Ireland. In Ancient Ireland, it was one of the fifths ruled by a "king of over-kings" . Following the Norman invasion of Ireland, the ancient kingdoms were shired into a number of counties for...
and in Leinster
Leinster is one of the Provinces of Ireland situated in the east of Ireland. It comprises the ancient Kingdoms of Mide, Osraige and Leinster. Following the Norman invasion of Ireland, the historic fifths of Leinster and Mide gradually merged, mainly due to the impact of the Pale, which straddled...
, particularly the powerful King of Leinster Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó
Diarmait mac Mail na mBo
Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó was King of Leinster, and also High King of Ireland .He was one of the most important and significant Kings in Ireland in the pre-Norman era...
, who would aid his claims to be ruler of Munster
Munster is one of the Provinces of Ireland situated in the south of Ireland. In Ancient Ireland, it was one of the fifths ruled by a "king of over-kings" . Following the Norman invasion of Ireland, the ancient kingdoms were shired into a number of counties for administrative and judicial purposes...
. It took perhaps ten years of sustained attack to remove his uncle Donnchad from power, and send him into exile, and to place Toirdelbach in power in Munster as Diarmait's faithful ally.
On Diarmait's death Toirdelbach took over the reins of power, establishing himself as ruler of more than half of Ireland. While not a great military leader, he was a capable politician whose influence extended as far north as Ulaid
The Ulaid or Ulaidh were a people of early Ireland who gave their name to the modern province of Ulster...
and who made and unmade Kings of Connacht
Kings of Connacht
The Kings of Connacht were rulers of the cóiced of Connacht, which lies west of the River Shannon, Ireland. However, the name only became applied to it in the early medieval era, being named after The Connachta.The old name for the province was Cóiced Ol nEchmacht . Ptolemy's map of c. 150 AD...
. He died after more than two decades in power, following a lengthy illness, still in control of events. His son Muirchertach Ua Briain would be the leading king of his day, and his grandson Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair would be greater yet.

High King of Ireland
The High Kings of Ireland were sometimes historical and sometimes legendary figures who had, or who are claimed to have had, lordship over the whole of Ireland. Medieval and early modern Irish literature portrays an almost unbroken sequence of High Kings, ruling from Tara over a hierarchy of...
by force of arms. Previous men reckoned High King had belonged to the great Uí Néill
Uí Néill
The Uí Néill are Irish and Scottish dynasties who claim descent from Niall Noigiallach , an historical King of Tara who died about 405....
kindred, the large group of families who claimed to descend from Niall of the Nine Hostages
Niall of the Nine Hostages
Niall Noígíallach , or in English, Niall of the Nine Hostages, son of Eochaid Mugmedón, was an Irish king, the eponymous ancestor of the Uí Néill kindred who dominated Ireland from the 6th century to the 10th century...
, which dominated much of central and northern Ireland from the 7th century onwards. No king from the south, where Brian's kindred, the hitherto rather obscure Dál gCais
Dál gCais
The Dál gCais were a dynastic group of related septs located in north Munster who rose to political prominence in the 10th century AD in Ireland. They claimed descent from Cormac Cas, or Cas mac Conall Echlúath, hence the term "Dál", meaning "portion" or "share" of Cas...
of the region of Tuadmumu (north Munster), had come close to dominating Ireland since the time of Feidlimid mac Crimthainn in the early 9th century, and none had been included in the more widely accepted lists of high kings in historic times. The last effective high king of Ireland from Munster was Cathal mac Finguine
Cathal mac Finguine
Cathal mac Finguine was an Irish King of Munster or Cashel, and effectively High King of Ireland as well. He belonged to the Eóganacht Glendamnach sept of the dominant Eóganachta kin-group whose members dominated Munster from the 7th century to the 10th...
(d. 742), and likely before him the prehistoric Crimthann mac Fidaig
Crimthann mac Fidaig
Crimthann Mór, son of Fidach , also written Crimthand Mór, was a semi-mythological king of Munster and High King of Ireland of the 4th century. He gained territory in Britain and Gaul, but died poisoned by his sister Mongfind. It is possible that he was also recognized as king of Scotland or Alba...
Brian, building on his own resources and those of the Viking
The term Viking is customarily used to refer to the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century.These Norsemen used their famed longships to...
towns of the south such as Limerick
Limerick is the third largest city in the Republic of Ireland, and the principal city of County Limerick and Ireland's Mid-West Region. It is the fifth most populous city in all of Ireland. When taking the extra-municipal suburbs into account, Limerick is the third largest conurbation in the...
and Cork
Cork (city)
Cork is the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland and the island of Ireland's third most populous city. It is the principal city and administrative centre of County Cork and the largest city in the province of Munster. Cork has a population of 119,418, while the addition of the suburban...
, first took control of Munster
Munster is one of the Provinces of Ireland situated in the south of Ireland. In Ancient Ireland, it was one of the fifths ruled by a "king of over-kings" . Following the Norman invasion of Ireland, the ancient kingdoms were shired into a number of counties for administrative and judicial purposes...
, overthrowing the domination of the Eóganachta
The Eóganachta or Eoghanachta were an Irish dynasty centred around Cashel which dominated southern Ireland from the 6/7th to the 10th centuries, and following that, in a restricted form, the Kingdom of Desmond, and its offshoot Carbery, well into the 16th century...
, a kindred which had dominated the kingship of Munster as effectively as the Uí Néill had dominated the High Kingship, and for just as long. With the Uí Néill disunited and the resources of Munster at his command, Brian first brought the Uí Néill High King Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill
Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill
Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill , also called Máel Sechnaill Mór, Máel Sechnaill II, anglicized Malachy II, was King of Mide and High King of Ireland...
to recognise him as an equal, and then to acknowledge him as the master of Ireland. Brian met his death at the Battle of Clontarf
Battle of Clontarf
The Battle of Clontarf took place on 23 April 1014 between the forces of Brian Boru and the forces led by the King of Leinster, Máel Mórda mac Murchada: composed mainly of his own men, Viking mercenaries from Dublin and the Orkney Islands led by his cousin Sigtrygg, as well as the one rebellious...
on 23 April 1014—Good Friday
Good Friday
Good Friday , is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of...
—fighting against the King of Leinster and his allies. In myth and medieval pseudohistory, as exemplified by the Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh written in the time of Toirdelbach's son, this battle would become the last and greatest between the Irish and the Vikings, and Brian would become the greatest of all Irish kings.
Family quarrels
Toirdelbach was the son of Tadc mac BriainTadc mac Briain
Tadc or Tadg mac Briain was the son of Brian Boru and Echrad, daughter of Carlus mac Ailella of Uí Áeda Odba. Tadc had one son, Toirdelbach Ua Briain , with his wife Mór, daughter of Gilla Brigte Ua Maíl Muaid of Cenél Fiachach....
, son of Brian Bóruma, and Mór, daughter of Gilla Brigte Ua Maíl Muaid of Cenél Fiachach. His father was killed in 1023, probably on the orders of his half-brother Donnchad mac Briain
Donnchad mac Briain
Donnchadh mac Briain , formerly anglicised as Donough O'Brian, son of Brian Bóruma and Gormflaith ingen Murchada, was King of Munster.-Background:...
who thereby made himself king of Munster. Donnchad, while he successfully retained control of Munster for four decades, was never able to achieve the same success as Brian. Epigraphic evidence shows that he aimed to be king of Ireland, and perhaps considered himself to be such, but the annalists and later historians recognised no such pretensions.
As for Toirdelbach, the annals record nothing of him until the 1050s, at which time he was seeking, and finding, outside assistance against his uncle. Donnchad's main rivals were Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó
Diarmait mac Mail na mBo
Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó was King of Leinster, and also High King of Ireland .He was one of the most important and significant Kings in Ireland in the pre-Norman era...
, King of Leinster from 1042, and Áed in Gaí Bernaig
Áed in Gai Bernaig
Áed Ua Conchobair or Áed in Gai Bernaig, King of Connacht, reigned 1046–1067.King Art of Connaught was slain by the Cinel-Conaill in 1046, "the second year after his having plundered Cluain-mic-Nois."...
, King of Connacht from 1046. Diarmait in particular was a serious threat; allied with Niall mac Eochada
Niall mac Eochada
Niall mac Eochada , was king of Ulaid from 1016.His father, Eochada mac Ardgair, died in 1004. His early military ventures were against members of his own sept, Dál Fiatach. He defeated a cousin in 1012 at the ‘battle of the Summits’ and in 1020 defeated and blinded Flaithbertach Ua EochadaIn 1022...
, King of Ulster, he installed his son Murchad as ruler of Dublin in 1052, driving out Donnchad's brother-in-law and ally Echmarcach mac Ragnaill
Echmarcach mac Ragnaill
Echmarcach mac Ragnaill was the Gall-Gaidhel King of the Isles, Dublin , and much of Galloway. According to Seán Duffy he was either a grandson or great-grandson of Ivar of Waterford, but an alternative exists. Benjamin Hudson has contended Echmarcach was a grandson of Gofraid mac Arailt...
. From the beginning of the 1050s onwards, Donnchad came under sustained attack from both Áed and Diarmait. Toirdelbach first joined with Áed in the early 1050s, raiding into Tuadmumu in 1052 and inflicting a heavy defeat on Donnchad's son Murchad in Corco Mruad, the north-west of modern County Clare
County Clare
-History:There was a Neolithic civilisation in the Clare area — the name of the peoples is unknown, but the Prehistoric peoples left evidence behind in the form of ancient dolmen; single-chamber megalithic tombs, usually consisting of three or more upright stones...
in 1055. By 1058 Toirdelbach had gained Diarmait's support, for he was present when Diarmait, the Leinstermen and the Osraige drove Donnchad from Limerick
Limerick is the third largest city in the Republic of Ireland, and the principal city of County Limerick and Ireland's Mid-West Region. It is the fifth most populous city in all of Ireland. When taking the extra-municipal suburbs into account, Limerick is the third largest conurbation in the...
, which he burned so that it would not fall into the hands of his enemies, and defeated him at Sliabh gCrot in the Galtee Mountains
Galtee Mountains
The Galtee Mountains or Galty Mountains are a mountain range in Munster, located in Ireland's Golden Vale across parts of counties Limerick, South Tipperary and Cork. The name "Galtee" is thought to be a corruption of the Irish "Sléibhte na gCoillte" - "Mountains of the Forests" in English,...
In 1060 Donnchad attempted to divide his enemies by submitting to Áed. This was unsuccessful as Áed attacked again in 1061, razing the Dál gCais fortress at Kincora
Kincora was the palace of Brian Boru, situated on the summit of the hill in Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland.Kincora may also refer to:* Kincora Boys' Home in Belfast, which became notorious because of a child abuse scandal...
and burning their church at Killaloe
Killaloe, County Clare
Killaloe is a large village in east County Clare, Ireland, situated in the midwest of Ireland. The village is on the south end of Lough Derg, while the settlement spreads across the River Shannon, with the County Tipperary side known as Ballina...
. Injury was added to insult when Diarmait brought an army, and Toirdelbach in his train, to Munster in 1062. Donnchad's son Murchad led the unsuccessful resistance, and even when Diarmait returned to Leinster, Toirdelbach defeated his kinsmen. By 1063, Donnchad was beaten. Deposed, he went on pilgrimage to Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...
where he died the following year. Diarmait installed Toirdelbach as a puppet king in Munster.
Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó
Following Donnchad's deposition, Toirdelbach was one of Diarmait's key allies, particularly in Diarmait's final years when his authority was challenged within Leinster. In 1066 Diarmait and Toirdelbach each paid 30 ounces of gold to the king of Ciarraige Luachra of West Munster for his help in assassinating their enemies. In 1067 they campaigned together to defeat and kill the king of Ciarraige Luachra. Toirdelbach's nephew Murchad son of Donnchad was killed in 1068 while raiding in the midlands.The Annals of Innisfallen record to Toirdelbach as a law-maker, reporting that in 1068: "A law and ordinance was made by Tairdelbach Ua Briain-and no better law was enacted in Mumu for a long time—with the result that neither cow nor horse was housed [at night] but allowed to wander at will." In the same year, and perhaps related to this law-making, Máel Ísu mac Amalgada, comarba Pátraic or abbot of Armagh and successor of Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick was a Romano-Briton and Christian missionary, who is the most generally recognized patron saint of Ireland or the Apostle of Ireland, although Brigid of Kildare and Colmcille are also formally patron saints....
, visited Munster for the first time and received "his full visitation, both in tribute and offerings".
Toirdelbach's ally and protector Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó faced increasing difficulties in his final years, difficulties which led Toirdelbach to intervene on Diarmait's behalf against his enemies in Leinster. Diarmait's sons Murchad and Glúniairn died in 1070, leaving the succession uncertain and disputed. Later in 1070 Toirdelbach took an army into Leinster, carrying off hostages, and receiving the submission of the king of Osraige. Toirdelbach had to return to Leinster again in 1071 open warfare broke out between Diarmait's grandson Domnall, Murchad's son, and his nephew Donnchad, son of Domnall Remair. The annal states that the hostages Toirdelbach took were handed over into the keeping of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó. Toirdelbach was not idle on his own account in these years. He led an army on a raid into the midlands in 1071, and had his soldiers build wooden bridges across the Shannon, evidently for military purposes, at Áth Caille (perhaps modern O'Briensbridge
O'Brien's Bridge or O'Briensbridge is a village in east County Clare, Ireland, on the west bank of the River Shannon. The first bridge across the river here was built in 1506 by Turlough O'Brien, First Earl of Thomond and his brother, the Bishop of Killaloe.This 16th-century bridge was replaced or...
) and Killaloe
Killaloe, County Clare
Killaloe is a large village in east County Clare, Ireland, situated in the midwest of Ireland. The village is on the south end of Lough Derg, while the settlement spreads across the River Shannon, with the County Tipperary side known as Ballina...
Diarmait visited Munster in 1071, distributing gifts. Diarmait had earlier given Toirdelbach treasures which included Brian Bóruma's sword, and "the standard of the king of the Saxons". This was among Diarmait's last recorded acts before his death in battle on 7 February 1072.
Toirdelbach was the chief beneficiary of Diarmait's death, the Annals of Innisfallen recording that:
Toirdelbach Ua Briain went to Osraige and Leinster, burned Uí CheinnselaigConchobar Ua Máel Shechnaill, king of Mide, was murdered the next year, and Toirdelbach took advantage of this to ravage the midlands, followed by an expedition to Connacht where he obtained hostages from both the Uí Conchobair and the Uí Ruairc. He divided Leinster between various rivals, a policy of divide and ruleUí CheinnselaigThe Uí Ceinnselaig , from the Old Irish "grandsons of Cennsalach", are an Irish dynasty of Leinster who trace their descent from Énnae Cennsalach, a supposed contemporary of Niall of the Nine Hostages...
and brought away much booty and cows, and took hostages from it as well as from Leinster. And the foreigners gave him the kingship of Dublin, and he made prisoner the sons of Domnall, son of Máel na mBó, in Dublin, and brought back the hostages of Osraige on that occasion.
Divide and rule
In politics and sociology, divide and rule is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy...
which would serve him well. In Dublin he installed one Gofraid mac Amlaíb meic Ragnaill, perhaps a kinsman of Echmarchach mac Ragnaill, as his client king.
A campaign in 1075 directed against the Uí Néill
Uí Néill
The Uí Néill are Irish and Scottish dynasties who claim descent from Niall Noigiallach , an historical King of Tara who died about 405....
and their allies in the north turned out less well. Toirdelbach's son Muirchertach was defeated by the Airgíalla
Airgíalla or Airgialla was the name of an Irish federation and Irish kingdom which first formed around the 7th century...
near Áth Fhirdia (modern Ardee
Ardee is a town and townland in County Louth, Ireland. It is located at the intersection of the N2, N52, and N33 roads. Ardee is on the banks of the River Dee and is approximately 20 km from Dundalk, Drogheda, Slane and Carrickmacross...
, County Louth
County Louth
County Louth is a county of Ireland. It is part of the Border Region and is also located in the province of Leinster. It is named after the town of Louth. Louth County Council is the local authority for the county...
) with heavy loss. At more or less the same time Gofraid was banished from Dublin by Toirdelbach, seemingly replaced by Domnall son of Murchad son of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó, who ruled for only a short time before he died, and was replaced by Toirdelbach's son Muirchertach. With Muirchertach securely installed in Dublin, and another son, Diarmait, ruling over Waterford
Waterford is a city in the South-East Region of Ireland. It is the oldest city in the country and fifth largest by population. Waterford City Council is the local government authority for the city and its immediate hinterland...
, Toirdelbach was master of half of Ireland.
The wider world
While Toirdelbach's son Diarmait, ruler of Waterford, raided Wales in 1080, in general Toirdelbach is seen as less interested in matters outwith Ireland than his protector Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó, or his son Muirchertach.It was during Gofraid's short reign over Dublin, on 6 May 1074, that Donat
Donat, Bishop of Dublin
Dúnán was the first bishop of Dublin, appointed under Dublin's Hiberno-Norse kings. He is known also as Donatus or Donat. The diocese was put on a regular basis, in 1028, at the request of Sigtrygg Silkbeard...
us, first archbishop of Dublin
Archbishop of Dublin (Roman Catholic)
The Archbishop of Dublin is the title of the senior cleric who presides over the Archdiocese of Dublin. The Church of Ireland has a similar role, heading the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough. In both cases, the Archbishop is also Primate of Ireland...
died. This led the archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and the diocesan bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury. In his role as head of the Anglican Communion, the archbishop leads the third largest group...
, Lanfranc of Pavia, to take an interest in Irish matters. Lanfranc, basing himself, he said, on Bede's writings, had already assured Pope Alexander II
Pope Alexander II
Pope Alexander II , born Anselmo da Baggio, was Pope from 1061 to 1073.He was born in Milan. As bishop of Lucca he had been an energetic coadjutor with Hildebrand of Sovana in endeavouring to suppress simony, and to enforce the celibacy of the clergy...
that Dublin formed part of the province of Canterbury and that it was for him to consecrate the new bishop. He also wrote to the Irish kings concerned, being careful not to cause offense. His letter to Toirdelbach calls him "magnificent king of Ireland", a title which might seem the more impressive had Lanfranc not also addressed Gofraid of Dublin as "glorious king of Ireland".
The Annals of Innisfallen report that "five Jews came from over sea with gifts to Toirdelbach, and they were sent back again over sea". The meaning and significance of this event is unclear. Hudson remarks that "[i]f the delegation wanted [Toirdelbach]'s approval for settling in Ireland they were disappointed". Bracken suggests that if this was the intention of the delegation, the otherwise astute Toirdelbach missed a significant opportunity to strengthen his position.
Divide and rule
Toirdelbach employed the policy of divide and ruleDivide and rule
In politics and sociology, divide and rule is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy...
to maintain control of Leinster and to prevent the emergence of a rival in Connacht. In the north, he supported the Ulaid
The Ulaid or Ulaidh were a people of early Ireland who gave their name to the modern province of Ulster...
to weaken the Cenél nEógain
Cenél nEógain
Cenél nEóġain is the name of the "kindred" or descendants of Eógan mac Néill , son of Niall Noígiallach who founded the kingdom of Tír Eoghain in the 5th century...
kings of Ailech
Kings of Ailech
The Kings of Ailech belonged to the northern Uí Néill and took their name from the Grianán of Ailech , a hillfort on top of Greenan Mountain in modern County Donegal...
. This policy was successful in keeping Leinster pacified, but was less successful in dealing with the Cenél nEógain of the north and the kings of Connacht in the west.
The Cenél nEógain, who appear to have had no widely-accepted candidates for the kingship, hit upon a candidate in the person of Conchobar Ua Briain, grandson of Toirdelbach's uncle Donnchad mac Briain and Toirdelbach's most obvious rival for the kingship of Munster. Conchobar was king for only a short time when he was murdered, along with his wife. His brother Cennétig was chosen to succeed him.
In Connacht, three rival branches of the Uí Briúin
Uí Briúin
The Uí Briúin were an Irish kin-group. Their eponymous apical ancestor was Brion, son of Eochaid Mugmedon and Mongfind, and an elder half brother of Niall of the Nine Hostages. They formed part of the Connachta, along with the Uí Fiachrach and Uí Ailello, putative descendants of Eochaid Mugmedon's...
, the Ua Conchobair, the Ua Flaithbertaig, and the Ua Ruairc, were in competition. Ruaidrí na Saide Buide
Ruaidrí na Saide Buide
Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair , called Ruaidrí na Saide Buide was King of Connacht, perhaps twice.-Background:...
of the Ua Conchobair was king of Connacht when he submitted to Toirdelbach in 1076. Toirdelbach deposed Ruaidrí in 1079 and replaced him with an Ua Ruairc, Áed son of Art Uallach.
The Ua Ruairc proved to be a threat to Toirdelbach and to their neighbours. Máel Sechnaill, king of Mide, submitted to Toirdelbach in 1080, perhaps for fear of Ua Ruairc. War broke out in 1084 between Toirdelbach and the Ua Ruairc, joined by Cennétig Ua Briain. Toirdelbach raided Mide, but while he was absent the Conmaicne, clients of the Ua Ruairc, raided Munster. A battle was fought at Monecronock, near modern Leixlip
-Politics:Since 1988 Leixlip has had a nine member Town Council , headed by a Cathaoirleach , which has control over many local matters, although it is limited in that it is not also a planning authority...
, on 19 October 1082 where Toirdelbach's sons Muirchertach and Tadc won, killing Domnall Ua Ruairc and Cennétig Ua Briain.
Toirdelbach fell seriously ill in 1085 and lost his hair. The Annals of the Four MastersAnnals of the Four Masters
The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland or the Annals of the Four Masters are a chronicle of medieval Irish history...
, a late and not always reliable source, state that he had been ill for many years. He may never have fully recovered from his earlier illness. The Annals of Ulster report that he "died in Kincora [near Killaloe] after great suffering and long repentance, and after receiving the Body of Christ and His Blood, on [14 July] in the seventy-seventh year of his age [1086]". Rarely given to over-praising southern kings, this northern annal calls him "king of Ireland". The Annals of Tigernach
Annals of Tigernach
The Annals of Tigernach is a chronicle probably originating in Clonmacnoise, Ireland. The language is a mixture of Latin and Old and Middle Irish....
, another northern record, styles Toirdelbach rí urmóir Erenn, "king of the greater part of Ireland".
Toirdelbach was probably married three times. Dubchoblaig of the Uí Cheinnselaig
Uí Cheinnselaig
The Uí Ceinnselaig , from the Old Irish "grandsons of Cennsalach", are an Irish dynasty of Leinster who trace their descent from Énnae Cennsalach, a supposed contemporary of Niall of the Nine Hostages...
, who died in 1088, was the mother of Diarmait, perhaps named for her kinsman and Toirdelbach's protector Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó. Derbforgaill of Osraige was the mother of Tadc and Muirchertach. No children of Gormlaith of Ua Fógarta are named and the mother of Toirdelbach's daughter Mór is not recorded.
Mór married Ruaidrí na Saide Buide. Her son Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair was one of the greatest kings of medieval Ireland. She died in 1088, perhaps coincidently the year in which a gloss to the Annals of Ulster records Toirdelbach's birth. Toirdelbach apparently planned to divide his lands between his three sons. Tadc survived him by only weeks, dying of natural causes at Kincora, after which Muirchertach and Diarmait disputed the succession. Diarmait was the loser, banished by his half-brother, and exiled with his mother's kin in Leinster.