List of characters in the Predator series
This article lists characters and actors in the Predator series
of science fiction
films. The series currently spans three films: Predator
(1987), Predator 2
(1990) and Predators (2010).
The film series was crossed-over with the Alien
films with the releases of Alien vs. Predator
(2004) and its sequel Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007). Together, the two Alien vs. Predator films serve as sequel
s to the Predator series.
) is the leader of the team and the protagonist of the first movie. Dutch is an elite veteran. He and Dillon served together in Vietnam
during the Battle of Huế. He is sent on a mission in Val Verde
, under the belief that presidential cabinet members of Guatemala
were kidnapped by guerrilla forces. After attacking the guerrilla's post, they discover that the men were actually CIA agents. It is also known that Dutch and his team fought in Afghanistan
for a time as stated by Poncho. After the Predator kills all of Dutch's team and Dillon, and with Anna being rescued, he is the only man left in the jungle with the Predator. Using a knife and vines to fashion primitive weapons and traps including a spear (with the knife as the blade), and a bow with an explosive-tipped arrow made from a 40mm grenade, he covers his body in mud after discovering the Predator sees through infrared, essentially making him invisible. Though the Predator falls victim to a number of Dutch's traps, they fail to kill. Eventually, the Predator catches him and the two fight hand to hand. Despite his impressive physique, Dutch is no match for the Predator, only surviving when he manages to lure it into a trap where it is nearly crushed by a log. The beaten Predator then activated a self-destruct device for its suicide and to kill Dutch, but Dutch is rescued by the rescue helicopter that saved Anna. Dutch is referenced in Predators, when Isabelle says the creature they just saw matched the "detailed description" by the only survivor of the 1987 Guatemala mission.
) is a former teammate of Dutch and current CIA agent, sent along with Dutch's team for the mission. He and Dutch were comrades during the Vietnam War and saw heavy combat during the Battle of Huế. Having not served in the field for sometime, Dillon nearly shows the team's position to the rebels while en route to the rebel camp in the jungle. He and the CIA have a secret agenda for the mission; the Army told Dutch that it was Guatemalan cabinet members that were kidnapped and needed to be rescued, but it was actually CIA Agents, and also to discover what happened to American soldiers led by Jim Hopper (the leader of a team that previously tried to recover the CIA Agents). Dutch's team later finds Hopper and his men with their skins torn off and hanging from a tree. Dillon and Dutch clash frequently when the latter realises that he and his men have been used, something Dillon is disdainful of. He insists on taking Anna with them, escorting her personally most of the time. He volunteers to go after Mac, who chased off after the predator in a suicide revenge mission, knowing he is unlikely to live. He is impaled by the Predator after having his arm shot off by it, and being the third-last victim of the Predator, his dying scream warns the others of the Predator's proximity.
) is a guerrilla, captured by Dutch's troops following a battle with the rebels. She later tells them of a legend inspired by the Predators, of an "old demon
" that during hot summers attacks people from violent areas who are later found skinned and hollowed. Anna is the only one to reach the rescue helicopter that later picks up Dutch. She is the only character other than Dutch to survive, mostly since the Predator never attacked her. After the extraction, she is seen aiding government agents in a video tape on Predator 2, showing the devastating after-effects of the Predator's self-destruct device to the U.S. Army.
), is a Native American
. Billy is the first one to notice the Predator is hunting them. Throughout the film it is alluded that Billy has a strong jungle sense. At several points during the film he feels the presence of the Predator and becomes spooked. At one point he is so perturbed he stops flat in his tracks. Billy dies shortly after presenting a formal knife fight challenge to the Predator (he discarded all of his equipment before doing so), in order to buy Dutch, Poncho,and Anna more time to escape. The manner in which he is killed is unknown as only his terrifying scream is heard, but the Predator is later seen removing his spine & skull as a trophy. Billy's laughter is mimicked in the Predator's dying scene as it activates its self-destruct.
) fought alongside Mac in the Vietnam War
and were the only members of their platoon to survive a night-long battle. He often chews tobacco
, and wears a battered old cowboy hat
. He does not like Dillon and makes that clear on a helicopter ride by spitting on his boot. His weapon of choice is a modified minigun
he calls "Ol' Painless", he also carries a submachine gun when he needs to be stealthy. As he is searching for Hawkins' body, the Predator shoots him through the chest with its plasma caster, killing him instantly.
) is the team's radio operator and technical expert. He tells sexual jokes (often badly to the point that he has to explain the punchline) and reads comic books. He uses a submachine gun as his main weapon. As he captures Anna trying to escape, Hawkins becomes the first on-screen victim of the Predator, presumably slashed to death by its blade. Apparently, the Predator eviscerates him in one swift motion, leaving behind a pile of his organs. The Predator takes his body, but leaves his pack and weapon, giving Dutch the first indication that what's following them isn't the rebels of the area.
) is a close friend of Blain's; they served in Vietnam together and were the only two members of their platoon to make it out alive after a night-long battle. Both he and Blain are unfriendly towards Dillon. After Dillon lags behind and potentially makes their presence known, Mac threatens to kill him. He is the first to harm the Predator, by shooting him in revenge after Blain's death. He is also the first of the team to see the Predator (albeit in its camouflaged state). Enraged and saddened by the murder of Blain, he swears that he will avenge Blain's death. Later Mac and Dillon go after the Predator together, which kills Mac by shooting him in the head with its plasma caster. His line, "Anytime", is mimicked by the Predator throughout the film, in a mocking fashion.
) is a Chicano
. He also speaks fluent Spanish, and shows a sarcastic wit throughout the film, though is highly spooked after the attacks begin. Is the first to find Hawkins' remains. He is badly wounded when the Predator inadvertently uses one of the traps set by the commandos against them and a tree trunk slams into his waist. The others had to carry him for the rest of the way. He is the last victim of the Predator, shot in the head by it in an ambush.
s in Malaysia.
(Kevin Peter Hall
) is a member of an alien warrior race which hunts
aggressive members of other species for sport, uses active camouflage
, a plasma weapon and can see in the infrared
spectrum. He eventually kills every member of Dutch's team and nearly kills him until Dutch traps it under a log. The Predator, however, tries to kill himself and Dutch with a self-destruct device, but Dutch escapes, while the Predator is killed by its own bomb.
) is an LAPD
officer and the protagonist of the second movie, who while dealing with rival Jamaica
n and Colombia
n drug cartel
s, discovers that the Predator is killing members of both factions, as well as police officers. He is very stubborn, and often is conflicted by superior officers for he "never obeys orders", but his record for busting criminals keeps him on the force. Seeking vengeance for the death of his friend, Danny Archuleta, Harrigan ultimately defeats the Predator inside its ship using its own weapon. He is then confronted by several other Predators, but seeing that their clan-mate was killed by Harrigan in a fair fight, the Predators let him go, giving him an antique pistol from the 18th century. Harrigan then barely escapes the tunnel where the ship is located as it lifts off, leaving the area burnt.
) is a part of Harrigan's team; he is apparently the long-time friend of Harrigan. He is later killed by the Predator while retrieving a suspicious spear tip the Predator left behind during a penthouse slaughter. The Predator Elder later returns his collar (which he took as a trophy) to Harrigan as a symbol of respect.
) is an LAPD
cop involved in the Jamaican-Colombian Gang wars. Along the way to meeting Harrigan via subway train, they notice a man being threatened to be killed by a group of thugs. Lambert and Leona draw their weapons, only to notice all the doors have been shut tight, and the Predator which was on the roof of the train is now inside, killing the thugs and other armed citizens. After being ordered by Jerry to evacuate the people, she heads back only to find Jerry dead. The Predator attacks her, but just as it's about to kill her it notices a fetus inside her and lets her live, though the shock of the event causes her to pass out.
) is an NSA agent leading a special task force
investigating a supposed drug conspiracy; this is only a cover for his attempts to capture the Predator. His entire team is killed by the Predator while they are attempting to freeze him for study in a slaughterhouse, while Keyes is temporarily incapacitated by a glancing blow from the Predator's Plasma Caster. Moments before the Predator is about to kill Harrigan, Keyes jumps in front of the Predator, attempting to freeze the Predator as per his original mission, however the Predator launches his disc at Keyes which bisects him.
) is an a member of Keyes' task force
investigating a supposed drug conspiracy; this is only a cover for his attempts to capture the Predator. His entire team is killed by the Predator while they are attempting to freeze him for study in a slaughterhouse. He is one of the only four survivors of the team.
) is an LAPD
cop, eventually transferred from another precinct into Metro Command. He is a comedic member of the team often telling bad jokes with Leona. During the Predator fight in the subway, he makes a stand by allowing other civilians as well as Leona to escape. He died fighting the Predator, and is hung upside down with the gang members, and Harrigan witnesses his mutilation.
) is the boss of the Jamaican Voodoo Posse. He appears to be psychotic to a certain degree because of his voodoo beliefs, doing things such as ordering his men to remove the heart of a rival drug dealer. He is having the same problem with the Predator as Harrigan is. All that he knows at his meeting with Harrigan is that the Predator is from another world. When he sees the Predator at sight he says, "His foundation lie in the Holy Mountain. Selah
", and draws his sword against the alien before his head is sliced off and his spine is torn out of his body for a trophy.
) is a journalist
, who reports the gruesome and murderous homicides
left by the Predator. He is constantly harassed by the police for reporting at inappropriate times or interfering when least useful. When trying to ask Harrigan about the situation of the Predators attack on a subway train, Harrigan punches him out.
) appears in Los Angeles 10 years later, hunting drug lords and then members of the LAPD
when they interfere in its hunt. The Predator is eventually killed by Harrigan, who rams one of The Predator's weapons into its own stomach while fighting it in its ship.
This Predator was designed to look more urban and hip
than its predecessor. Design changes included tribal ornamentation on the forehead, which was made steeper and shallower, brighter skin colouration and a greater number of fangs.
) is an American ex-military
turned mercenary
. He realizes that he and others are on an alien game preserve planet, and are being hunted as game by some unknown hunters. Royce releases the Classic Predator for his help to start the ship in order to escape the planet. He disarms Edwin and booby-traps Edwin's body with grenades and uses him as bait in a trap for the Berserker Predator. Royce disorients the Predator and after a violent fight, he defeats and decapitates it. He and Isabelle sit together by the remains of a fire, watching the sky as more humans and other aliens are being dropped into the jungle. Royce says to Isabelle that it is time to find a way off the planet, and they walk away into the jungle.
) is an IDF black ops sniper. Out of the group, she is the only one with previous knowledge of the Predators, after hearing reports and detailed descriptions that took place during the course of the first film. Isabelle and Edwin are captured by the final super Predator, who throws them into a pit. She is paralyzed by Edwin after being cut with his scalpel
covered in neurotoxin
. She helps Royce out by shooting the super Predator with her sniper rifle
. Isabelle and Royce sit together by the remains of a fire, watching the sky as more humans and other aliens are being dropped into the jungle. Royce says to Isabelle that it is time to find a way off the planet, and they walk away into the jungle.
) is a seemingly innocent doctor
. He falls behind as the group escapes and is saved by Nikolai after being noticed by a Predator. Edwin is crippled by a trap, trying to escape with Royce and Isabelle. Edwin and Isabelle are captured by the final super Predator, who throws them into a pit. Edwin temporarily paralyzes Isabelle by cutting her with his scalpel
covered in neurotoxin
and reveals that he is a psychopathic killer who wishes to stay on the planet to become like the Predators. After he attempts to paralyze Royce, Royce disarms him and booby-traps Edwin's body with grenades and uses him as bait in a trap for the super Predator.
) is the Mexican Los Zetas
drug cartel enforcer. After he and the other members engaged in a battle with the Predator Hounds, he became cornered and killed. His body is later used as bait by the Predators.
) is a Sierra Leone
death squad officer. Mombasa is the first one to notice the Predator is hunting them. He is killed when he is stabbed through the chest by the predators trap, while in their camp.
) is a Russian Spetsnaz
commando during the Second Chechen War
. He has two children back home. After saving Edwin he sacrifices his life, using explosives to destroy himself and the Tracker Predator.
) is a notorious and deadly death-row inmate from San Quentin State Prison
. Being transferred to the planet during imprisonment, he is the only member of the hunted group besides Edwin who is not armed (he did have a shank at the beginning of the film but later discarded it). After being wounded by a plasma caster shot, he then sacrifices himself in a suicide attack to buy the other survivors time to escape, and has his skull and spined ripped out by the Beserker Predator.
) is a Yakuza
enforcer. Hanzo does not speak much throughout the film, and when asked why, he responds, "Because I talk too much" and showed that he is missing the ring and pinkie fingers of his left hand, revealing he had committed yubitsume
. Hanzo stays behind wielding a centuries old authentic samurai
which he found on the planet, he engages the Falconer Predator in single combat, resulting in both of their deaths.
) is a stranded U.S. Air Cavalry Soldier, driven insane from his time on the planet. He scavenged and used Predator technology as his weaponry. He takes the group to his hiding place and tells them what they are dealing with and why they are on the planet. After an attempt to murder the group, he is killed after running into a Predator.
) is a massive Black Super Predator with an Alien's jawbone built onto its mask. Steele was nicknamed "Mr. Black" by the film crew. This predator is the leader of the group. He likes to run through and bash through forces, such as in the scene where he is being shot at, he runs straight through the shots. He likes to appear right in front of everyone. After finding out the captive Predator had been freed by Royce and collaborates with him, he engages the Predator and defeats him. After this he immediately destroys the spaceship heading for Earth. The predator is decapitated by Royce after having its mask smashed and being repeatedly sliced by an axe Royce acquires.
. He engages in a duel with Hanzo, resulting in its and Hanzo's death.
) is a Predator that is held prisoner by the three larger, more aggressive Predators. It is named Classic because its design resembles the Predator from the 1987 film. It is later released by Royce with the agreement to let Royce gain access to the ship. By doing so in the agreement, the Berserker Predator finds out and becomes furious. The two predators engage in battle, and the Berserker wins by cutting its opponent's head off.
Predator (franchise)
The Predator film series is a science fiction horror film franchise. Produced by 20th Century Fox, the series started in 1987 with the film Predator, which led to two sequels and novel, comic book and video game spin-offs....
of science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...
films. The series currently spans three films: Predator
Predator (film)
Predator is a 1987 American science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and Kevin Peter Hall. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox....
(1987), Predator 2
Predator 2
Predator 2 is a 1990 science fiction action film starring Danny Glover, Gary Busey, María Conchita Alonso, Rubén Blades, and Bill Paxton. Written by Jim and John Thomas and directed by Stephen Hopkins, the film is a sequel to 1987's Predator, with Kevin Peter Hall again playing the role of the...
(1990) and Predators (2010).
The film series was crossed-over with the Alien
Alien (franchise)
The Alien film series is a science fiction horror film franchise, focusing on Lieutenant Ellen Ripley and her battle with an extraterrestrial lifeform, commonly referred to as "the Alien"...
films with the releases of Alien vs. Predator
Alien vs. Predator (film)
Alien vs. Predator is a 2004 American science fiction film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson for 20th Century Fox and starring Sanaa Lathan and Lance Henriksen. The film adapts the Alien vs. Predator crossover imprint bringing together the eponymous creatures of the Alien and Predator series, a...
(2004) and its sequel Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007). Together, the two Alien vs. Predator films serve as sequel
A sequel is a narrative, documental, or other work of literature, film, theatre, or music that continues the story of or expands upon issues presented in some previous work...
s to the Predator series.
Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer (Arnold SchwarzeneggerArnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American former professional bodybuilder, actor, businessman, investor, and politician. Schwarzenegger served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 until 2011....
) is the leader of the team and the protagonist of the first movie. Dutch is an elite veteran. He and Dillon served together in Vietnam
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. This war followed the First Indochina War and was fought between North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of...
during the Battle of Huế. He is sent on a mission in Val Verde
Val Verde (fictional country)
Val Verde is a fictional country or city used by Hollywood filmmakers when they require a South/Central American locale without getting into legal or diplomatic disputes.-Appearances:...
, under the belief that presidential cabinet members of Guatemala
Guatemala is a country in Central America bordered by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the Caribbean to the east, and Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast...
were kidnapped by guerrilla forces. After attacking the guerrilla's post, they discover that the men were actually CIA agents. It is also known that Dutch and his team fought in Afghanistan
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...
for a time as stated by Poncho. After the Predator kills all of Dutch's team and Dillon, and with Anna being rescued, he is the only man left in the jungle with the Predator. Using a knife and vines to fashion primitive weapons and traps including a spear (with the knife as the blade), and a bow with an explosive-tipped arrow made from a 40mm grenade, he covers his body in mud after discovering the Predator sees through infrared, essentially making him invisible. Though the Predator falls victim to a number of Dutch's traps, they fail to kill. Eventually, the Predator catches him and the two fight hand to hand. Despite his impressive physique, Dutch is no match for the Predator, only surviving when he manages to lure it into a trap where it is nearly crushed by a log. The beaten Predator then activated a self-destruct device for its suicide and to kill Dutch, but Dutch is rescued by the rescue helicopter that saved Anna. Dutch is referenced in Predators, when Isabelle says the creature they just saw matched the "detailed description" by the only survivor of the 1987 Guatemala mission.
Agent George Dillon (Carl WeathersCarl Weathers
Carl Weathers is an American actor, as well as former professional football player in the United States and Canada. He is best known for playing Apollo Creed in the Rocky series of films...
) is a former teammate of Dutch and current CIA agent, sent along with Dutch's team for the mission. He and Dutch were comrades during the Vietnam War and saw heavy combat during the Battle of Huế. Having not served in the field for sometime, Dillon nearly shows the team's position to the rebels while en route to the rebel camp in the jungle. He and the CIA have a secret agenda for the mission; the Army told Dutch that it was Guatemalan cabinet members that were kidnapped and needed to be rescued, but it was actually CIA Agents, and also to discover what happened to American soldiers led by Jim Hopper (the leader of a team that previously tried to recover the CIA Agents). Dutch's team later finds Hopper and his men with their skins torn off and hanging from a tree. Dillon and Dutch clash frequently when the latter realises that he and his men have been used, something Dillon is disdainful of. He insists on taking Anna with them, escorting her personally most of the time. He volunteers to go after Mac, who chased off after the predator in a suicide revenge mission, knowing he is unlikely to live. He is impaled by the Predator after having his arm shot off by it, and being the third-last victim of the Predator, his dying scream warns the others of the Predator's proximity.
Anna Gonsalves (Elpidia CarrilloElpidia Carrillo
Elpidia Carrillo is a Mexican actress who has appeared in various acclaimed Latin-American films and television shows, in addition to some Hollywood films. She is also credited as Elpedia Carrillo on some of her films....
) is a guerrilla, captured by Dutch's troops following a battle with the rebels. She later tells them of a legend inspired by the Predators, of an "old demon
call - 1347 531 7769 for more infoIn Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an "unclean spirit" which may cause demonic possession, to be addressed with an act of exorcism...
" that during hot summers attacks people from violent areas who are later found skinned and hollowed. Anna is the only one to reach the rescue helicopter that later picks up Dutch. She is the only character other than Dutch to survive, mostly since the Predator never attacked her. After the extraction, she is seen aiding government agents in a video tape on Predator 2, showing the devastating after-effects of the Predator's self-destruct device to the U.S. Army.
Billy Sole (Sonny LandhamSonny Landham
William M. "Sonny" Landham is an American movie actor and political candidate.-Acting career:At the beginning of his acting career, Landham was an actor in pornographic films...
), is a Native American
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North and South America, their descendants and other ethnic groups who are identified with those peoples. Indigenous peoples are known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, and in the United States as Native Americans...
. Billy is the first one to notice the Predator is hunting them. Throughout the film it is alluded that Billy has a strong jungle sense. At several points during the film he feels the presence of the Predator and becomes spooked. At one point he is so perturbed he stops flat in his tracks. Billy dies shortly after presenting a formal knife fight challenge to the Predator (he discarded all of his equipment before doing so), in order to buy Dutch, Poncho,and Anna more time to escape. The manner in which he is killed is unknown as only his terrifying scream is heard, but the Predator is later seen removing his spine & skull as a trophy. Billy's laughter is mimicked in the Predator's dying scene as it activates its self-destruct.
Blain Cooper (Jesse VenturaJesse Ventura
James George Janos , better known as Jesse Ventura, is an American politician, the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003, Navy UDT veteran, former SEAL reservist, actor, and former radio and television talk show host...
) fought alongside Mac in the Vietnam War
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. This war followed the First Indochina War and was fought between North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of...
and were the only members of their platoon to survive a night-long battle. He often chews tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...
, and wears a battered old cowboy hat
Cowboy hat
The cowboy hat is a high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat best known as the defining piece of attire for the North American cowboy. Today it is worn by many people, and is particularly associated with ranch workers in the western and southern United States, western Canada and northern Mexico, with...
. He does not like Dillon and makes that clear on a helicopter ride by spitting on his boot. His weapon of choice is a modified minigun
The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel heavy machine gun with a high rate of fire , employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source...
he calls "Ol' Painless", he also carries a submachine gun when he needs to be stealthy. As he is searching for Hawkins' body, the Predator shoots him through the chest with its plasma caster, killing him instantly.
Rick Hawkins (Shane BlackShane Black
Shane Black is an American actor, screenwriter and film director. He contributed to some of the biggest blockbuster action films of the late 1980s and early 1990s, including work on Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout...
) is the team's radio operator and technical expert. He tells sexual jokes (often badly to the point that he has to explain the punchline) and reads comic books. He uses a submachine gun as his main weapon. As he captures Anna trying to escape, Hawkins becomes the first on-screen victim of the Predator, presumably slashed to death by its blade. Apparently, the Predator eviscerates him in one swift motion, leaving behind a pile of his organs. The Predator takes his body, but leaves his pack and weapon, giving Dutch the first indication that what's following them isn't the rebels of the area.
Sergeant "Mac" Eliot (Bill DukeBill Duke
William Henry "Bill" Duke, Jr. is an American actor and film director with over 30 years of experience. Known for his physically imposing frame, Duke's work frequently dwells within the action/crime and drama genres but also includes comedy.-Early life:Duke was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, the...
) is a close friend of Blain's; they served in Vietnam together and were the only two members of their platoon to make it out alive after a night-long battle. Both he and Blain are unfriendly towards Dillon. After Dillon lags behind and potentially makes their presence known, Mac threatens to kill him. He is the first to harm the Predator, by shooting him in revenge after Blain's death. He is also the first of the team to see the Predator (albeit in its camouflaged state). Enraged and saddened by the murder of Blain, he swears that he will avenge Blain's death. Later Mac and Dillon go after the Predator together, which kills Mac by shooting him in the head with its plasma caster. His line, "Anytime", is mimicked by the Predator throughout the film, in a mocking fashion.
Jorge "Poncho" Ramirez (Richard ChavesRichard Chaves
-Career:Chaves helped write the critically acclaimed stage drama Tracers. In the early 1980s, he began work as an actor taking on various soap opera roles until he gained a notable role in 1987 as Poncho in the science fiction film Predator. Soon afterward his career received another boost with the...
) is a Chicano
The terms "Chicano" and "Chicana" are used in reference to U.S. citizens of Mexican descent. However, those terms have a wide range of meanings in various parts of the world. The term began to be widely used during the Chicano Movement, mainly among Mexican Americans, especially in the movement's...
. He also speaks fluent Spanish, and shows a sarcastic wit throughout the film, though is highly spooked after the attacks begin. Is the first to find Hawkins' remains. He is badly wounded when the Predator inadvertently uses one of the traps set by the commandos against them and a tree trunk slams into his waist. The others had to carry him for the rest of the way. He is the last victim of the Predator, shot in the head by it in an ambush.
James "Jim" Hopper was an old friend of Dutch. He was the leader of an experienced and well-armed unit of Green Berets. They were the first team sent to raid the rebel encampment, but were waylaid by the Predator. Dutch and his men find them hanging from trees with their skin ripped off and can only identify them by their dog tags. The novelization states that Hopper served with Dutch in black opBlack op
A black operation or black op is a covert operation typically involving activities that are highly clandestine and often outside of standard military protocol or even against the law.-Origins:...
s in Malaysia.
General Phillips
Major General Homer Phillips (R.G. Armstrong) sends Dutch's team on the mission. He is later seen in the rescue helicopter sent to get the team.The Predator
The titular humanoid extraterrestrialExtraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth...
(Kevin Peter Hall
Kevin Peter Hall
Kevin Peter Hall was an American actor known for his roles in Misfits of Science, Prophecy, Without Warning, and Harry and the Hendersons. He was also best known as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise.-Early life:Hall was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...
) is a member of an alien warrior race which hunts
Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife, for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching, which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law...
aggressive members of other species for sport, uses active camouflage
Active camouflage
Active camouflage or adaptive camouflage, is a group of camouflage technologies which allow an object to blend into its surroundings by use of panels or coatings capable of altering their appearance, color, luminance and reflective properties...
, a plasma weapon and can see in the infrared
Infrared light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength longer than that of visible light, measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 0.74 micrometres , and extending conventionally to 300 µm...
spectrum. He eventually kills every member of Dutch's team and nearly kills him until Dutch traps it under a log. The Predator, however, tries to kill himself and Dutch with a self-destruct device, but Dutch escapes, while the Predator is killed by its own bomb.
Lieutenant Michael "Mike" R. Harrigan (Danny GloverDanny Glover
Danny Lebern Glover is an American actor, film director, and political activist. Glover is perhaps best known for his role as Detective Roger Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon film franchise.-Early life:...
) is an LAPD
Los Angeles Police Department
The Los Angeles Police Department is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. With just under 10,000 officers and more than 3,000 civilian staff, covering an area of with a population of more than 4.1 million people, it is the third largest local law enforcement agency in...
officer and the protagonist of the second movie, who while dealing with rival Jamaica
Jamaica is an island nation of the Greater Antilles, in length, up to in width and 10,990 square kilometres in area. It is situated in the Caribbean Sea, about south of Cuba, and west of Hispaniola, the island harbouring the nation-states Haiti and the Dominican Republic...
n and Colombia
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia , is a unitary constitutional republic comprising thirty-two departments. The country is located in northwestern South America, bordered to the east by Venezuela and Brazil; to the south by Ecuador and Peru; to the north by the Caribbean Sea; to the...
n drug cartel
Drug cartel
Drug cartels are criminal organizations developed with the primary purpose of promoting and controlling drug trafficking operations. They range from loosely managed agreements among various drug traffickers to formalized commercial enterprises. The term was applied when the largest trafficking...
s, discovers that the Predator is killing members of both factions, as well as police officers. He is very stubborn, and often is conflicted by superior officers for he "never obeys orders", but his record for busting criminals keeps him on the force. Seeking vengeance for the death of his friend, Danny Archuleta, Harrigan ultimately defeats the Predator inside its ship using its own weapon. He is then confronted by several other Predators, but seeing that their clan-mate was killed by Harrigan in a fair fight, the Predators let him go, giving him an antique pistol from the 18th century. Harrigan then barely escapes the tunnel where the ship is located as it lifts off, leaving the area burnt.
Sergeant Danny "Danny Boy" Archuleta (Rubén BladesRubén Blades
Rubén Blades Bellido de Luna is a Panamanian salsa singer, songwriter, lawyer, actor, Latin jazz musician, and politician, performing musically most often in the Afro-Cuban and Latin jazz genres...
) is a part of Harrigan's team; he is apparently the long-time friend of Harrigan. He is later killed by the Predator while retrieving a suspicious spear tip the Predator left behind during a penthouse slaughter. The Predator Elder later returns his collar (which he took as a trophy) to Harrigan as a symbol of respect.
Detective Leona Cantrell (María Conchita AlonsoMaria Conchita Alonso
María Conchita Alonso , better known as María Conchita, is a Venezuelan Grammy Award-nominated singer and actress.- Early life :...
) is an LAPD
Los Angeles Police Department
The Los Angeles Police Department is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. With just under 10,000 officers and more than 3,000 civilian staff, covering an area of with a population of more than 4.1 million people, it is the third largest local law enforcement agency in...
cop involved in the Jamaican-Colombian Gang wars. Along the way to meeting Harrigan via subway train, they notice a man being threatened to be killed by a group of thugs. Lambert and Leona draw their weapons, only to notice all the doors have been shut tight, and the Predator which was on the roof of the train is now inside, killing the thugs and other armed citizens. After being ordered by Jerry to evacuate the people, she heads back only to find Jerry dead. The Predator attacks her, but just as it's about to kill her it notices a fetus inside her and lets her live, though the shock of the event causes her to pass out.
Peter Keyes
Special Agent Peter J. Keyes (Gary BuseyGary Busey
William Gary Busey , best known as Gary Busey, is an American film and stage actor and artist. He has appeared in a large variety of films, as well as making regular appearances on Gunsmoke, Walker, Texas Ranger, Law & Order, and Entourage...
) is an NSA agent leading a special task force
Task force
A task force is a unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity. Originally introduced by the United States Navy, the term has now caught on for general usage and is a standard part of NATO terminology...
investigating a supposed drug conspiracy; this is only a cover for his attempts to capture the Predator. His entire team is killed by the Predator while they are attempting to freeze him for study in a slaughterhouse, while Keyes is temporarily incapacitated by a glancing blow from the Predator's Plasma Caster. Moments before the Predator is about to kill Harrigan, Keyes jumps in front of the Predator, attempting to freeze the Predator as per his original mission, however the Predator launches his disc at Keyes which bisects him.
Garber (Adam BaldwinAdam Baldwin
Adam Baldwin is an American actor, known for his roles as Animal Mother in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket, Ricky Linderman in My Bodyguard, Knowle Rohrer in The X-Files, and Marcus Hamilton in Joss Whedon's Angel...
) is an a member of Keyes' task force
Task force
A task force is a unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity. Originally introduced by the United States Navy, the term has now caught on for general usage and is a standard part of NATO terminology...
investigating a supposed drug conspiracy; this is only a cover for his attempts to capture the Predator. His entire team is killed by the Predator while they are attempting to freeze him for study in a slaughterhouse. He is one of the only four survivors of the team.
Detective Jerry Lambert (Bill PaxtonBill Paxton
William "Bill" Paxton is an American actor and film director. He gained popularity after starring roles in the films Apollo 13, Twister, Aliens, True Lies, and Titanic...
) is an LAPD
Los Angeles Police Department
The Los Angeles Police Department is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. With just under 10,000 officers and more than 3,000 civilian staff, covering an area of with a population of more than 4.1 million people, it is the third largest local law enforcement agency in...
cop, eventually transferred from another precinct into Metro Command. He is a comedic member of the team often telling bad jokes with Leona. During the Predator fight in the subway, he makes a stand by allowing other civilians as well as Leona to escape. He died fighting the Predator, and is hung upside down with the gang members, and Harrigan witnesses his mutilation.
King Willie
King Willie (Calvin LockhartCalvin Lockhart
Calvin Lockhart was a Bahamian-American actor on stage and in film. He was best known for the role of a big time gangster "Biggie Smalls" in the 1975 film Let's Do It Again, not to be confused with the deceased rapper Biggie Smalls...
) is the boss of the Jamaican Voodoo Posse. He appears to be psychotic to a certain degree because of his voodoo beliefs, doing things such as ordering his men to remove the heart of a rival drug dealer. He is having the same problem with the Predator as Harrigan is. All that he knows at his meeting with Harrigan is that the Predator is from another world. When he sees the Predator at sight he says, "His foundation lie in the Holy Mountain. Selah
Selah is a word used frequently in the Hebrew Bible, often in the Psalms, and is a difficult concept to translate. It is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen"...
", and draws his sword against the alien before his head is sliced off and his spine is torn out of his body for a trophy.
Tony Pope (Morton Downey, Jr.Morton Downey, Jr.
Morton Downey, Jr. was an American singer, songwriter and later a television talk show host of the 1980s who pioneered the "trash TV" format on his program The Morton Downey Jr. Show....
) is a journalist
A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism.A reporter is a type of journalist who researchs, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media , electronic media , and digital media A...
, who reports the gruesome and murderous homicides
Homicide refers to the act of a human killing another human. Murder, for example, is a type of homicide. It can also describe a person who has committed such an act, though this use is rare in modern English...
left by the Predator. He is constantly harassed by the police for reporting at inappropriate times or interfering when least useful. When trying to ask Harrigan about the situation of the Predators attack on a subway train, Harrigan punches him out.
The Predator
Another Predator (Kevin Peter HallKevin Peter Hall
Kevin Peter Hall was an American actor known for his roles in Misfits of Science, Prophecy, Without Warning, and Harry and the Hendersons. He was also best known as the title character in the first two films in the Predator franchise.-Early life:Hall was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...
) appears in Los Angeles 10 years later, hunting drug lords and then members of the LAPD
Los Angeles Police Department
The Los Angeles Police Department is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. With just under 10,000 officers and more than 3,000 civilian staff, covering an area of with a population of more than 4.1 million people, it is the third largest local law enforcement agency in...
when they interfere in its hunt. The Predator is eventually killed by Harrigan, who rams one of The Predator's weapons into its own stomach while fighting it in its ship.
This Predator was designed to look more urban and hip
Hip (slang)
Hip is a slang term meaning fashionably current and in the know. Hip is the opposite of square or prude.Hip, like cool, does not refer to one specific quality. What is considered hip is continuously changing. The term hip is said to have originated in African American Vernacular English in the...
than its predecessor. Design changes included tribal ornamentation on the forehead, which was made steeper and shallower, brighter skin colouration and a greater number of fangs.
Royce (Adrien BrodyAdrien Brody
Adrien Brody is an American actor and film producer. He received widespread recognition and acclaim after starring in Roman Polanski's The Pianist . Winning the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2003 at age 29, he is the youngest actor to do so...
) is an American ex-military
A military is an organization authorized by its greater society to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, in defending its country by combating actual or perceived threats. The military may have additional functions of use to its greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g...
A soldier is a member of the land component of national armed forces; whereas a soldier hired for service in a foreign army would be termed a mercenary...
turned mercenary
A mercenary, is a person who takes part in an armed conflict based on the promise of material compensation rather than having a direct interest in, or a legal obligation to, the conflict itself. A non-conscript professional member of a regular army is not considered to be a mercenary although he...
. He realizes that he and others are on an alien game preserve planet, and are being hunted as game by some unknown hunters. Royce releases the Classic Predator for his help to start the ship in order to escape the planet. He disarms Edwin and booby-traps Edwin's body with grenades and uses him as bait in a trap for the Berserker Predator. Royce disorients the Predator and after a violent fight, he defeats and decapitates it. He and Isabelle sit together by the remains of a fire, watching the sky as more humans and other aliens are being dropped into the jungle. Royce says to Isabelle that it is time to find a way off the planet, and they walk away into the jungle.
Isabelle (Alice BragaAlice Braga
Alice Braga Moraes is a Brazilian actress. She has appeared in several Brazilian films, most notably as Angélica in 2002's highly acclaimed City of God and as Karina in 2005's Lower City...
) is an IDF black ops sniper. Out of the group, she is the only one with previous knowledge of the Predators, after hearing reports and detailed descriptions that took place during the course of the first film. Isabelle and Edwin are captured by the final super Predator, who throws them into a pit. She is paralyzed by Edwin after being cut with his scalpel
A scalpel, or lancet, is a small and extremely sharp bladed instrument used for surgery, anatomical dissection, and various arts and crafts . Scalpels may be single-use disposable or re-usable. Re-usable scalpels can have attached, resharpenable blades or, more commonly, non-attached, replaceable...
covered in neurotoxin
A neurotoxin is a toxin that acts specifically on nerve cells , usually by interacting with membrane proteins such as ion channels. Some sources are more general, and define the effect of neurotoxins as occurring at nerve tissue...
. She helps Royce out by shooting the super Predator with her sniper rifle
Sniper rifle
In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a precision-rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military...
. Isabelle and Royce sit together by the remains of a fire, watching the sky as more humans and other aliens are being dropped into the jungle. Royce says to Isabelle that it is time to find a way off the planet, and they walk away into the jungle.
Edwin (Topher GraceTopher Grace
Christopher John "Topher" Grace is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Eric Forman on the Fox sitcom That '70s Show, Eddie Brock/Venom in the Sam Raimi film Spider-Man 3, and Edwin in the 2010 film Predators....
) is a seemingly innocent doctor
A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...
. He falls behind as the group escapes and is saved by Nikolai after being noticed by a Predator. Edwin is crippled by a trap, trying to escape with Royce and Isabelle. Edwin and Isabelle are captured by the final super Predator, who throws them into a pit. Edwin temporarily paralyzes Isabelle by cutting her with his scalpel
A scalpel, or lancet, is a small and extremely sharp bladed instrument used for surgery, anatomical dissection, and various arts and crafts . Scalpels may be single-use disposable or re-usable. Re-usable scalpels can have attached, resharpenable blades or, more commonly, non-attached, replaceable...
covered in neurotoxin
A neurotoxin is a toxin that acts specifically on nerve cells , usually by interacting with membrane proteins such as ion channels. Some sources are more general, and define the effect of neurotoxins as occurring at nerve tissue...
and reveals that he is a psychopathic killer who wishes to stay on the planet to become like the Predators. After he attempts to paralyze Royce, Royce disarms him and booby-traps Edwin's body with grenades and uses him as bait in a trap for the super Predator.
Cuchillo (Danny TrejoDanny Trejo
Dan "Danny" Trejo is an American actor who has appeared in numerous Hollywood films, most notably in roles as an antagonist, or anti-hero.-Early life:...
) is the Mexican Los Zetas
Los Zetas
Los Zetas is the second most powerful drug cartel in Mexico and considered by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as the most violent drug cartel and paramilitary enforcement group in Mexico...
drug cartel enforcer. After he and the other members engaged in a battle with the Predator Hounds, he became cornered and killed. His body is later used as bait by the Predators.
Mombasa (Mahershalalhashbaz AliMahershalalhashbaz Ali
Mahershalalhashbaz Ali is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Richard Tyler on the USA Network science fiction television series The 4400, and "Tizzy" in the 2008 motion picture The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.Ali was born Mahershalalhashbaz Gilmore in Oakland,...
) is a Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone , officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Guinea to the north and east, Liberia to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west and southwest. Sierra Leone covers a total area of and has an estimated population between 5.4 and 6.4...
Revolutionary United Front
The Revolutionary United Front was a rebel army that fought a failed eleven-year war in Sierra Leone, starting in 1991 and ending in 2002. It later developed into a political party, which existed until 2007...
death squad officer. Mombasa is the first one to notice the Predator is hunting them. He is killed when he is stabbed through the chest by the predators trap, while in their camp.
Nikolai (Oleg TaktarovOleg Taktarov
Oleg Nikolaevich Taktarov is a retired Russian mixed martial artist and actor. He is a practitioner of Sambo and Judo and has competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and Pride Fighting Championships. Taktarov was the UFC 6 tournament champion and holds notable wins over Marco Ruas and David...
) is a Russian Spetsnaz
Spetsnaz, Specnaz tr: Voyska specialnogo naznacheniya; ) is an umbrella term for any special forces in Russian, literally "force of special purpose"...
commando during the Second Chechen War
Second Chechen War
The Second Chechen War, in a later phase better known as the War in the North Caucasus, was launched by the Russian Federation starting 26 August 1999, in response to the Invasion of Dagestan by the Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade ....
. He has two children back home. After saving Edwin he sacrifices his life, using explosives to destroy himself and the Tracker Predator.
Stans (Walton GogginsWalton Goggins
Walton Sanders Goggins, Jr. is an American actor best known for his roles on the FX Networks series The Shield and Justified, portraying Detective Shane Vendrell and Boyd Crowder, respectively. He is also known for his character roles in the films Miracle at St. Anna and Predators...
) is a notorious and deadly death-row inmate from San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin State Prison is a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation state prison for men in unincorporated San Quentin, Marin County, California, United States. Opened in July 1852, it is the oldest prison in the state. California's only death row for male inmates, the largest...
. Being transferred to the planet during imprisonment, he is the only member of the hunted group besides Edwin who is not armed (he did have a shank at the beginning of the film but later discarded it). After being wounded by a plasma caster shot, he then sacrifices himself in a suicide attack to buy the other survivors time to escape, and has his skull and spined ripped out by the Beserker Predator.
Hanzo (Louis Ozawa ChangchienLouis Ozawa Changchien
Louis Ozawa Changchien is an American actor. He is best known for his role in the 2010 film Predators.-Early life:...
) is a Yakuza
, also known as , are members of traditional organized crime syndicates in Japan. The Japanese police, and media by request of the police, call them bōryokudan , literally "violence group", while the yakuza call themselves "ninkyō dantai" , "chivalrous organizations". The yakuza are notoriously...
enforcer. Hanzo does not speak much throughout the film, and when asked why, he responds, "Because I talk too much" and showed that he is missing the ring and pinkie fingers of his left hand, revealing he had committed yubitsume
is a Japanese ritual to atone for offenses to another, a way to be punished or to show sincere apology to another, by means of amputating portions of one's own little finger...
. Hanzo stays behind wielding a centuries old authentic samurai
is the term for the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. According to translator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society, and this is also true of the original term in Japanese, saburau...
A Japanese sword, or , is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. There are several types of Japanese swords, according to size, field of application and method of manufacture.-Description:...
which he found on the planet, he engages the Falconer Predator in single combat, resulting in both of their deaths.
Ronald Noland (Laurence FishburneLaurence Fishburne
Laurence John Fishburne III is an American film and stage actor, playwright, director, and producer. He is perhaps best known for his roles as Morpheus in the Matrix science fiction film trilogy, as Cowboy Curtis on the 1980's television show Pee-wee's Playhouse, and as singer-musician Ike Turner...
) is a stranded U.S. Air Cavalry Soldier, driven insane from his time on the planet. He scavenged and used Predator technology as his weaponry. He takes the group to his hiding place and tells them what they are dealing with and why they are on the planet. After an attempt to murder the group, he is killed after running into a Predator.
Predator Hounds
Predator Hounds are dog-like alien creatures controlled by the Tracker Predator.Berserker
The Berserker Predator (Brian SteeleBrian Steele
Brian Steele is an American actor best known for playing many of Hollywood's favorite monsters and creatures.-Roles:On television, he played the Bigfoot called Harry in the series Harry and the Hendersons before moving on to play creatures in theatrical motion pictures, with roles like Mr. Wink in...
) is a massive Black Super Predator with an Alien's jawbone built onto its mask. Steele was nicknamed "Mr. Black" by the film crew. This predator is the leader of the group. He likes to run through and bash through forces, such as in the scene where he is being shot at, he runs straight through the shots. He likes to appear right in front of everyone. After finding out the captive Predator had been freed by Royce and collaborates with him, he engages the Predator and defeats him. After this he immediately destroys the spaceship heading for Earth. The predator is decapitated by Royce after having its mask smashed and being repeatedly sliced by an axe Royce acquires.
The Tracker Predator (Carey Jones) has tusks attached to its helmet. This Predator controls the Predator Hounds. In a scene where he tries to kill Edwin, he quits and concentrates on killing Nikolai, stabs and kills him with his wristblade and dies once Nikolai detonates an explosive.Falconer
The Falconer Predator (Carey Jones) is a Predator that has an angular mask, as opposed to other Predators's more organic, rounder looking masks. His skill is to learn and require tactics from its foes. The name comes from using a biomechanical bird creature to track the humansFalconry
Falconry is "the taking of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of a trained raptor". There are two traditional terms used to describe a person involved in falconry: a falconer flies a falcon; an austringer flies a hawk or an eagle...
. He engages in a duel with Hanzo, resulting in its and Hanzo's death.
The Classic Predator (Derek MearsDerek Mears
Derek Mears is an American actor and stuntman, best known for his role as Jason Voorhees in the reboot of Friday the 13th.-Early life:...
) is a Predator that is held prisoner by the three larger, more aggressive Predators. It is named Classic because its design resembles the Predator from the 1987 film. It is later released by Royce with the agreement to let Royce gain access to the ship. By doing so in the agreement, the Berserker Predator finds out and becomes furious. The two predators engage in battle, and the Berserker wins by cutting its opponent's head off.