List of artists from the MACBA collection
This is an alphabetical list of the names of artists with one or more works in the MACBA Collection, of the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
(MACBA), or its funds, as of May 10, 2011.
, Valerio Adami
, Félix Adelantado, Pic Adrian, James Agee, Ramon Aguilar, Sergi Aguilar, Agustín Parejo School,
Pep Agut, Chantal Akerman
, Rafael Alberti
, Alberto
, Pierre Alechinsky
, Francisco Alemany, Helena Almeida, Neville Almeida, Chema Alvargonzález, Francis Alÿs
, Frederic Amat, Rosa Amorós, Tonet Amorós,
Muneaki Ando, Armando Andrade Tudela
, Carl Andre
, Jordi Andreu Fresquet, J. Andreu, Martí Anson, Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin
, Henry d'Anty, Dieter Appelt
, Ibon Aranberri, Archivo F.X., Daniel Argimon, Elisa Arimany, Xano Armenter, Jean Arp
, Eduard Arranz Bravo, Art & Language
, Francesc Artigau, Richard Artschwager
, Teodor Asensio, ASPEN
, Fikret Atay, Terry Atkinson
, Salvador Aulestia.
, Craig Baldwin
, Michael Baldwin
, Sandra Balsells, Bimal Banerjee, Walter Darby Bannard
, José Barceló, Miquel Barceló
, Leonora de Barros, Judith Barry, Jaime Bartolomé, Rafael Bartolozzi, Xavier Basiana, Jean-Michel Basquiat
, Nestor Basterretxea, Rafael Bataller, Lothar Baumgarten
, Joan Carles Bayod Serafini, Thomas Bayrle,
Max Becher, Erwin Bechtold, Samuel Beckett
, Beleg II Beleg I, Joan Benàssar, Antonio Beneyto, Jordi Benito, Joël Benzakin, Werner Berges, Héctor Bermejo, Toni Bernad, David Bestué, Joseph Beuys
, Rafael G. Bianchi, Ursula Biemann, Max Bill
, Dara Birnbaum
, Pierre Bismuth
, Sixte Blasco, Gerardo Blázquez,
Taki Bluesinger, Mel Bochner
, Manon de Boer, Antonio Bolleurs, Christian Boltanski
, Bordes/Tusquets/Diaz,
Alfons Borrell, Lluís Bosch Cruañas, Fernando Botero
, Graham Boyd, Brassaï
, George Brecht
, George Brecht
, K.P. Brehmer, Sergio Brito, Marcel Broodthaers
, Joan Brossa
, José Manuel Broto, stanley Brouwn,
James Brown
, Roser Bru Llop, Lucía Bru, Günter Brus, Ramon Bufí Mas, Carlos Bunga, Chris Burden
Daniel Buren
, Victor Burgin
, Ian Burn
, Ilsa Burns, Simó Busom Grau, Jean-Marc Bustamante
, James Lee Byars.
, Tino Calabuig, Santiago Calatrava
, Waltercio Caldas, Antonio Calderara, Carmen Calvo, Joaquim Camp, Miguel Ángel Campano, Eugenio Cano, Jordi Cano, Vicenç Caraltó,
Gustau Carbó Bechtold, Eduard Carbonell, Janet & Miller Cardiff, Armand Cardona Torrandell, Manuel Carmona de la Puente, Fulvia Carnevale, Anthony Caro
, Tom Carr
, Carlos Carretero, Jesús Casaus, Francesc Català-Roca,
Jordi Cerdà, Rosa Cervera, Alfredo Cès Lara, Cèsar
, Cesc, Luis Chacón, Joaquim Chancho, Cozette de Charmony, Sandro Chia
, Eduardo Chillida
, Hsiao Chin, Jan Christi Dibbets, Pavlina Fichta Cierna, Santiago Cirugeda, Victoria Civera, Pere Clapera, Lluís Claramunt, Antoni Clavé
, Mikael Clegg, Francesco Clemente
James Coleman
, Colita, Charles Collet
, Hannah Collins
, Joan Colom
, Jordi Colomer, Mercedes Colveé,
Albert Coma Estadella, Georges Condo, Constant, Alberto Corazón, Xavier Corberó, Enric Cormenzana,
Jef Cornelis, Michael Corris
, Montserrat Costa, Anne-Lise Coste, Anthony Cragg, Alice Creischer, Nacho Criado, Leandre Cristòfol, Enzo Cucchi
, Modest Cuixart, Antoni Cumella, François Curlet, Jordi Curós.
, Chen Dao-min, Hanne Darboven
, Dau al Set
, Pere Daura,
Franco Daverio, Jaime Davidovich
, Jaap De Ruig, Isabel De Daganzo, Amanda De León, Richard Deacon,
Tacita Dean
, Guy Debord
, Chérif Defraoui, Silvie Defraoui, Carles Delclaux, Terry Dennett, Maurício & Riedweg Dias, Rineke Dijkstra
, Braco Dimitrijevic
, Lluís Doñate, Peter Downsbrough, Jean Dubuffet
, Marcel Duchamp
, Pep Duran, Giuseppe Durini.
, F. Escalada, Manel Esclusa, Marisa Esmatjes Mompó, Pepe Espaliú, Agustí Español Viñas, Iran do Espirito Santo
, Adolfo Estrada, Jon Mikel Euba,
, David Evison, Valie Export
, Marcelo Expósito.
, Hans-Peter Feldmann, María Luisa Fernández, Àngel Ferrant, León Ferrari
, Esther Ferrer
, Magda Ferrer, Marianne Filliou, Robert Filliou
, Fin
, Peter & Weiss Fischli, Joel Fisher, Lucio Fontana
, Joan Fontcuberta
, Gunther Förg
, Pere Formiguera, Francesc Fornells, Irene Fortuyn, Andreu Fossas, Ricard Fradera Veiga, Michel François
, Robert Frank
, Andrea Fraser
, Jordi Freixas Cortés, Peter Friedl, John Furnival,
Joan Furriols, Coco Fusco
, Menchu Gal Orendain, Julio Galan
, Jordi Galí
, Carlos Garaicoa, Antoni Garau,
Josep Mª Garcia Llort, A. Garcia Patiño, Ferran Garcia Sevilla, Dora García, Iñaki Garmendia, Gego,
General Idea
, Adolf Genovart, John Gibbons
, Sheila Girling, Narcís Giró Carrer, Maria Girona, Domenico Gnoli
, David Goldblatt
, Jack Goldstein
, Fernando Gómez Catón, Francesc Gómez Muntadas Torres, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Félix González Torres, Antonio Gonzalo Lindín, Luís Gordillo, Tom Gormley
, Dan Graham
, Rodney Graham
, Lluïsa Granero, Josep Grau Garriga, Otto Grau, Xavier Grau, Heinz Greissing, Grup de Treball, Grupo de artistas de vanguardia, Sílvia Gubern, Montserrat Gudiol, Carles Guerra, Guerrilla Girls
, Ramon Guillén-Balmes,
Josep Guinovart
, Josep Gumí Cardona, Philip Guston
, Martin Guttmann, Federico Guzmán.
, Jonas Hafner, Raymond Hains
, Kiyoshi Hamada, Richard Hamilton
, Keith Haring
, Charles Harrison
, Rudolf Hässler, Risk Hazekamp, Erwin Heerich, Nigel Henderson
, Joseantonio Hergueta, Joan Hernández Pijuan, José Antonio Hernández-Díez
, Georg Herold, Ramon Herreros, Frank Hesse, Peter Hide
, David Hockney
Karl Horst Hödicke, Hans Hollein
, Rebecca Horn
, Craigie Horsfield
, Shirazeh Houshiary
, Ts'ai Hsia-Ling,
Huo Hsüen-Kang, Jean Charles Hue, Marine Hugonnier, Harold Hurrell, Josep Hurtuna, Jaqueth K. Hutchinson.
, Michiko Itatani, Sanja Ivekovic
, Katja Jacobs, Jean-Paul Jacquet, Ann Janssens, Robert Janz, Adrienne Jenik, Jiménez Balaguer, Sture Johannesson, Jasper Johns
, Joan Jonas
, Glyn Jones, Jiliane Jones, Joaquim Jordà,
Jos de Gruyter & Harald, Àngel Jové, Antoni Jové, Salvador Juanpere, Donald Judd
, Joan Junyer.
, Anish Kapoor
, Allan Kaprow, Mike Kelley, William Kentridge
, Anselm Kiefer
, Martin Kippenberger
, Michael Kirby
, Paul Klee
, Joseph Kosuth
, Joseph Kosuth, Masao Kotsuka, Jannis Kounellis
Robert Krier
, Guillermo Kuitca
, Manolo Laguillo, Menchu Lamas, David Lamelas, José Lapayese del Río,
Francisco Larraz, LBT, Malcom Le Grice, Jean Jacques Lebel, Anne Marie Goodes Léger, Jac Leirner,
Francisco Leiro, Pilar Leita, Carlos León
, Leonilson, Jeannette Leroy, Les ready-made appartiennent à tout le monde® pour la Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Helen Levitt, Glenn Lewis
, Sol LeWitt
, Emanuel Licha,
Roy Lichtenstein
, Antonio Linde, Lyle Lis, Maria Teresa Llàcer, Antoni Llena, Robert Llimós, Lluís Llongueras, Francesca Llopis, Salvador Llorens Faixà, Joaquim Llucià, Thomas Locher, Janice Loeb,
Richard Paul Lohse
, Richard Long
, Jan van der Loo, Eva Lootz, Rogelio López Cuenca,
Chip Lord
, Mario Lorieto, los ready-made pertenecen a todos®, Renata Lucas, Urs Lüthi.
, David Mach
, Rodger Mack, Ken Macklin, Juan Madojo, Paul Maenz, Mª Lluïsa Magraner,
Babette Mangolte
, Esko Mänikkö, Gianfranco Mantegna, Piero Manzoni
, Máquina P.H., Walter Marchetti,
Ángeles Marco, Marlez, Lluís Marsans
, Marcel Martí
, Emilio Martínez, Rosa Martínez
, Antoni Mas,
Bartomeu Massot, Pedro Mata Saralegui, Gordon Matta-Clark
, Rita McBride, Anthony McCall
, Paul McCarthy
Dario Mecatti, Xavier Medina Campeny, Richard Meier
, Cildo Meireles
, Mauro Mejíaz, Andrew Menard,
Ana Mendieta
, Asier Mendizabal, Carlos Mensa, Jordi Mercadé, Lawrence Mercati, Gerhard Merz, Mario Merz
, Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, Henri Michaux
, Jacques Michel, Ito Miharu, Manuel Millares, Catherine Millet
, Hsiao Ming-Hsien, Frans Minnaert, Víctor Mira, Miralda
, Fina Miralles, Antoni Miró Bravo, Joan Miró
, Santu Mofokeng, Herminio Molero, Joan Moncada, Ramon Lluís Monllaó, Jacqueline Monnier, Rafael Montañez Ortiz, Juan Luís Moraza, François Morellet
, François Morellet
, Pedro Moreno Meyerhoff, Didier Morin,
Emilia Morin, Robert Morris
, Rabih Mroué, Luis F. Muller Fontana, Ana Muller, Mathias Müller, Matt Mullican
, Bruno Munari
, Antoni Muntadas
, Aurèlia Muñoz, Juan Muñoz
, Ramón Muriedas Mazorra, Pat Murphy, Jaume Muxart.
Bruce Nauman
, Manuel Navarro Fuertes, Miquel Navarro, E. R. Nele, NEMO
, Ernesto Neto
, Rivane Neuenschwander, Palle Nielsen, Tina Nin Ibars, Astrid Nippoldt, no informat, Pere Noguera, Hideki Noh,
Jorge Noriega, Nils Norman
, Josep Nosàs Gené.
, Ocaña, Keiji Ohmura, Hélio Oiticica
, Claes Oldenburg
, Julian Opie
, Dennis Oppenheim, Kristin Oppenheim, Gabriel Orozco
, Igor Ortega, Jorge Oteiza
, Ulrike Ottinger
, Tony Oursler
, Pablo Palazuelo
, Palermo Objekte, Octavi Pallissa, Pilar Palomer, Panamarenko
, Gina Pane
, Giulio Paolini
, Eduardo Paolozzi
, Julian Parada, Elena Paredes, Ramon Parramon,
Josep Lluís Pascual, Víctor Pasmore
, Perico Pastor, Anton Patiño, Reimundo Patiño, Carlos Pazos, Owe Pellsjó, A.R. Penck, Beverly Pepper
, Lluís Pera Moner, Perejaume
, José Pérez Gil, Lluís Carles Pericó,
Santiago Pericot, Alberte Permuy, Claudio Perna, Carmen Perrin, Lluís Pessarodona, Raymond Pettibon
, Christian Philipp Müller, Peter Phillips
, Pablo Picasso
, Ramon Pichot Soler, Philip Pilkington, Falke Pisano, Michelangelo Pistoletto
, Jaime Pitarch, Lari Pittman, Josep Pla Narbona, Enric Pladevall, Jaume Planas Gallés, Enric Planasdurà, Jaume Plensa
, Mathias Poledna, Joan Ponç, Josep Ponsatí, Lawrence Poons,
Pere Portabella
, Postkarten, Txuspo Poyo, Ana Prada, Charo Pradas, Flora Pratilo, Sergio Prego, Programm Zufall System, August Puig, Xavier Puigmartí, Carles Pujol, Joan Pujol, Ramon Pujol, Florian Pumhösl.
, Mark Raidpere, Mel Ramsden, Miquel Rasero, Rationale Spekulationen, Robert Rauschenberg
, Maria Assumpció Raventós, Man Ray
, Teresa Recarens, Rosangela Renno, José Alejandro Restrepo, Lluís Rey Polo, Rafael Reyes
, Alberto Reyna, Jaume Ribas, Xavier Ribas
Àngels Ribé
, Gerhard Richter
, Riera i Aragó, Alejandra Riera, Amèlia Riera, Diamantino Riera, Miguel Angel Rios, Andrea Robbins, Juan Carlos Robles
, Josep Roca Sastre, Alexander Rodchenko
, Modest Rodríguez-Cruells, Arturo-Fito Rodríguez, Otto Rogers, Joan Rom, Agustí Roqué, Martha Rosler
, Benet Rossell, Antoni Rosselló, Dieter Roth
, Xavier Rovira, Javier Rubio, Ulrich Rückriem, María Ruido, Aureli Ruiz, Edward Ruscha
, Edward Ruscha
, David Rushton, Reiner Ruthenbeck.
, Gerard Sala, Xabier Salaberria, Doris Salcedo
, David Salle
, Mariona Sanahuja, Ramón Santos, Juliao Sarmento
, Lluís M. Saumells, Adolf Schlosser, Gregor Schneider
, Jean-Louis Schoellkopf
, Alberto Schommer, Jan J. Schoonhoven, Robert A. Scott
, Sindria Segura, Allan Sekula
, Dorothée Selz, Xavier Serra de Rivera, Carme Serra Viaplana, Eudald Serra, Richard Serra
, Servei de Vídeo Comunitari,
Soledad Sevilla, Michael Shamberg
, Willoughby Sharp
, Ahlam Shibli
, Wu Shih-Lu, José María Sicilia, Seth Siegelaub
, Simon Siegmann, Andreas Siekmann, Gemma Sin, Sandi Slone, Michael Smith, Robert Smithson
, Michael Snow
, Valeska Soares, Alexander Sokurov
, Maria Jesús de Solà, Susana Solano, Keith Sonnier
,Montserrat Soto, Jo Spence
, Nancy Spero
, François Stahly
, Frank Stella
, Varvara Stepanova
, Jana Sterbak
, Beat Streuli
, Josep Maria Subirachs
, Josep Maria de Sucre, Hiroshi Sugimoto
, Raimon Sunyer, Àlvar Suñol, Carol Sutton
, Ladislao Szody.
, Antoni Tàpies
, Josep Tapiola Gironella, Antoni Taulé
, Gonzalo Tena, Joan Josep Tharrats, The Otolith Group, Pierre Thys Droulers, Francesc Todó, Cheron Tomkins, Marcelo Tommasi, Alexandre Tornabell, Jordi Torrent, Joaquín Torres García
, Francesc Torres Monsó, Miquel Tort, Pere Tort, Nuria Tortas, Rosemarie Trockel
, Tunga.
, Hans-Günter van Look, Loïc Vanderstichelen, Pablo Vargas Lugo, Joan Vehí, Patricio Vélez, Berbar Venet, Richard Venlet, Lluís Ventós, Ángel Vergara, Joerg Veronica Bader, Vídeo-Nou, Antoni Vila Arrufat, Joan Vilacasas, Joan Pere Viladecans, Mateo Vilagrasa, Oriol Vilanova, Moisès Villèlia,
Gabriel Villota, Manuel Viola, Marc Vives, Pilar Viviente.
, Andy Warhol
, Lawrence Weiner
, Joyce Weinstein, Stephan Wielgus, Krzysztof Wodiczko
, Gil J Wolman, Paul Wood
, Oyan Wuen-Yven.
, Gilberto Zorio, Zush, Mariano Zuzunaga.
Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art
The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art is situated in the Plaça dels Àngels, in El Raval, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, Spain. The museum opened to the public on November 28, 1995. Its current director is Bartomeu Marí . Previous directors were Daniel Giralt-Miracle , Miguel Molins , Manuel J...
(MACBA), or its funds, as of May 10, 2011.
Antoni Abad, Francesc Abad, Ignasi Aballí, Joan Abelló Prat, Acconci Studio, Vito AcconciVito Acconci
Vito Hannibal Acconci is a Bronx, New York-born, Brooklyn-based designer, landscape architect, performance and installation artist.-Education:...
, Valerio Adami
Valerio Adami
Valerio Adami is an Italian painter. Educated at the Accademia di Brera in Milan, he has since worked in both London and Paris. His art is influenced by Pop Art....
, Félix Adelantado, Pic Adrian, James Agee, Ramon Aguilar, Sergi Aguilar, Agustín Parejo School,
Pep Agut, Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman
Chantal Anne Akerman is a Belgian film director, artist, and professor of film at the European Graduate School. Akerman's best-known film, Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles , exemplifies a dedication to the ellipses of conventional narrative cinema.-Early life:Akerman was born to...
, Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti
Rafael Alberti Merello was a Spanish poet, a member of the Generation of '27....
, Alberto
Alberto is the Romance version of the Latinized form of Germanic Albert. It is used in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The diminutive is Albertito in Spanish or Albertico in Latin America, and Albertino in Italian. It derives from the name Adalberto which in turn derives from Athala and Berth...
, Pierre Alechinsky
Pierre Alechinsky
Pierre Alechinsky is a Belgian artist. He has lived and worked in France since 1951. His work is related to Tachisme, Abstract expressionism, and Lyrical Abstraction.Alechinsky was born in Brussels...
, Francisco Alemany, Helena Almeida, Neville Almeida, Chema Alvargonzález, Francis Alÿs
Francis Alÿs
Francis Alÿs is a Belgian artist. His work emerges in the interdisciplinary space of art, architecture, and social practice. After leaving behind his formal training as an architect and relocated to Mexico City, he has created a diverse body of artwork that explores urbanity, spatial justice, and...
, Frederic Amat, Rosa Amorós, Tonet Amorós,
Muneaki Ando, Armando Andrade Tudela
Armando Andrade Tudela
Armando Andrade Tudela is an artist living and working in St Etienne, France.Tudela studied at Pontifícia Universidad Católica, Lima, Perú, The Royal College of Arts, London, and at the Jan Van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht...
, Carl Andre
Carl Andre
Carl Andre is an American minimalist artist recognized for his ordered linear format and grid format sculptures. His sculptures range from large public artworks to more intimate tile patterns arranged on the floor of an exhibition space Carl Andre (born September 16, 1935) is an American...
, Jordi Andreu Fresquet, J. Andreu, Martí Anson, Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin
Eleanor Antin
Eleanor Antin is an American photographer, author, and artist working with video, film, performance, and drawing. Originally from New York, USA, she is currently based in Southern California where she is a professor Emeritus at the University of California, San Diego...
, Henry d'Anty, Dieter Appelt
Dieter Appelt
Dieter Appelt is a photographer whose work ranges from photography, film and video to performance art that typically involves sculpture of his own construction.-External links:...
, Ibon Aranberri, Archivo F.X., Daniel Argimon, Elisa Arimany, Xano Armenter, Jean Arp
Jean Arp
Jean Arp / Hans Arp was a German-French, or Alsatian, sculptor, painter, poet and abstract artist in other media such as torn and pasted paper....
, Eduard Arranz Bravo, Art & Language
Art & Language
Art & Language is a shifting collaboration among conceptual artists that has undergone many changes since its inception in the late 1960s. Their early work, as well as their journal Art-Language, first published in 1969, is regarded as an important influence on much conceptual art both in the...
, Francesc Artigau, Richard Artschwager
Richard Artschwager
Richard Artschwager is an American painter, illustrator and sculptor, born in 1923 in Washington, D.C.. Artschwager is best known for his stylistic independence; although he has associations with the Pop Art movement, Conceptual art and Minimalism....
, Teodor Asensio, ASPEN
Populus section Populus, of the Populus genus, includes the aspen trees and the white poplar Populus alba. The five typical aspens are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the Northern Hemisphere, extending south at high altitudes in the mountains. The White Poplar, by...
, Fikret Atay, Terry Atkinson
Terry Atkinson
Terry Atkinson is an English artist.Atkinson was born in Thurnscoe, near Barnsley, Yorkshire. In 1967 he began to teach art at the Coventry School of Art while producing conceptual works, sometimes in collaboration with Michael Baldwin...
, Salvador Aulestia.
Txomin Badiola, Ángel Bados, David Bainbrige, Maja Bajevic, Eugènia Balcells, John BaldessariJohn Baldessari
John Anthony Baldessari is an American conceptual artist known for his work featuring found photography and appropriated images. He lives and works in Santa Monica and Venice, California...
, Craig Baldwin
Craig Baldwin
Craig Baldwin is an American experimental filmmaker. He uses “found” footage from the fringes of popular consciousness as well as images from the mass media to undermine and transform the traditional documentary, infusing it with the energy of high-speed montage and a provocative commentary that...
, Michael Baldwin
Michael Baldwin
Michael Baldwin is a fictional character on the CBS television soap opera The Young and the Restless, portrayed by Christian LeBlanc originally from late December 1991 until June 1993 and then he returned on April 25, 1997. The character has also crossed over briefly to As the World Turns on April...
, Sandra Balsells, Bimal Banerjee, Walter Darby Bannard
Walter Darby Bannard
Walter Darby Bannard , also known as Darby Bannard, is an American abstract painter.Bannard attended Phillips Exeter Academy and Princeton University, where he struck up a friendship and working relationship with Frank Stella, which continued after graduation and eventuated in the extreme...
, José Barceló, Miquel Barceló
Miquel Barcelo
Miquel Barceló is a Spanish painter from Felanitx, Majorca.-Career:After having studied at the Arts and Crafts School of Palma for two years, he enrolled at the Fine Arts School of Barcelona in 1974. A year later he returned to Mallorca to participate in the happenings and actions of protest of...
, Leonora de Barros, Judith Barry, Jaime Bartolomé, Rafael Bartolozzi, Xavier Basiana, Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat was an American artist. His career in art began as a graffiti artist in New York City in the late 1970s, and in the 1980s produced Neo-expressionist painting.-Early life:...
, Nestor Basterretxea, Rafael Bataller, Lothar Baumgarten
Lothar Baumgarten
Lothar Baumgarten is a German conceptual artist, based in New York and Düsseldorf. His work includes installation and film.-Life and work:...
, Joan Carles Bayod Serafini, Thomas Bayrle,
Max Becher, Erwin Bechtold, Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet. He wrote both in English and French. His work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human nature, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humour.Beckett is widely regarded as among the most...
, Beleg II Beleg I, Joan Benàssar, Antonio Beneyto, Jordi Benito, Joël Benzakin, Werner Berges, Héctor Bermejo, Toni Bernad, David Bestué, Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys was a German performance artist, sculptor, installation artist, graphic artist, art theorist and pedagogue of art.His extensive work is grounded in concepts of humanism, social philosophy and anthroposophy; it culminates in his "extended definition of art" and the idea of social...
, Rafael G. Bianchi, Ursula Biemann, Max Bill
Max Bill
Max Bill was a Swiss architect, artist, painter, typeface designer, industrial designer and graphic designer.Bill was born in Winterthur...
, Dara Birnbaum
Dara Birnbaum
Dara Birnbaum, born in 1946 in New York ,USA, where she continues to live and work, uses video to reconstruct television imagery using as material such archetypal formats as quizzes, soap operas, and sports programmes. Her techniques involve the repetition of images and interruption of flow with...
, Pierre Bismuth
Pierre Bismuth
Pierre Bismuth is a contemporary artist. Through efficient and often humorous gestures, Bismuth interrupts pre-established codes of reading the images and objects that pervade daily life, from headline stories in newspapers to magazine clippings from gentlemen's magazines, to even the color of the...
, Sixte Blasco, Gerardo Blázquez,
Taki Bluesinger, Mel Bochner
Mel Bochner
Mel Bochner is an American conceptual artist. Mr. Bochner received his BFA in 1962 and honorary Doctor of Fine Arts in 2005 from the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University...
, Manon de Boer, Antonio Bolleurs, Christian Boltanski
Christian Boltanski
Christian Boltanski is French sculptor, photographer, painter and film maker.-Life and work:Having no formal art education, he began painting in 1958. Nevertheless, he first came to public attention in 1960 with few short films and publication of several notebooks...
, Bordes/Tusquets/Diaz,
Alfons Borrell, Lluís Bosch Cruañas, Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero Angulo is a Colombian figurative artist. His works feature a figurative style, called by some "Boterismo", which gives them an unmistakable identity...
, Graham Boyd, Brassaï
Brassaï was a Hungarian photographer, sculptor, and filmmaker who rose to international fame in France in the 20th century. He was one of the numerous Hungarian artists who flourished in Paris beginning between the World Wars...
, George Brecht
George Brecht
George Brecht , born George Ellis MacDiarmid, was an American conceptual artist and avant-garde composer as well as a professional chemist who worked as a consultant for companies including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Mobil Oil...
, George Brecht
George Brecht
George Brecht , born George Ellis MacDiarmid, was an American conceptual artist and avant-garde composer as well as a professional chemist who worked as a consultant for companies including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Mobil Oil...
, K.P. Brehmer, Sergio Brito, Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers was a Belgian poet, filmmaker and artist with a highly literate and often witty approach to creating art works....
, Joan Brossa
Joan Brossa
Joan Brossa i Cuervo Joan Brossa i Cuervo Joan Brossa i Cuervo (Barcelona, Catalonia,(1919–1998) was a Catalan poet in the Catalan language, playwright, graphic designer and plastic artist. He was one of the founders of both the group and the publication known as Dau-al-Set (1948) and one of the...
, José Manuel Broto, stanley Brouwn,
James Brown
James Brown
James Joseph Brown was an American singer, songwriter, musician, and recording artist. He is the originator of Funk and is recognized as a major figure in the 20th century popular music for both his vocals and dancing. He has been referred to as "The Godfather of Soul," "Mr...
, Roser Bru Llop, Lucía Bru, Günter Brus, Ramon Bufí Mas, Carlos Bunga, Chris Burden
Chris Burden
Christopher "Chris" Burden is an American artist working in performance, sculpture, and installation art.-Education:Burden studied for his B.A...
Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren is a French conceptual artist.- Work :Sometimes classified as an abstract minimalist Buren is known best for using regular, contrasting maxi stripes to integrate the visual surface and architectural space, notably historical, landmark architecture.Among his chief concerns is the...
, Victor Burgin
Victor Burgin
Victor Burgin is an artist and a writer. Burgin first came to attention as a conceptual artist in the late 1960s and at that time was most noted for being a political photographer of the left, who would fuse photographs and words in the same picture. He has worked with photography and film,...
, Ian Burn
Ian Burn
Ian Burn was an influential Australian conceptual artist. He was a notable member of the Art and Language group that flourished in the 1970s. Ian Burn was also an art writer, curator, and scholar.-Biography:...
, Ilsa Burns, Simó Busom Grau, Jean-Marc Bustamante
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Jean-Marc Bustamante is a French artist, sculptor and photographer. He was born in Toulouse. He is noted as a conceptual and installation artist and has incorporated ornamental design and architectural space in his works. He has also worked with film . From 1983 to 1987 he and Bernard Bazile...
, James Lee Byars.
Antoni Cabot, Patricio Cabrera, John CageJohn Cage
John Milton Cage Jr. was an American composer, music theorist, writer, philosopher and artist. A pioneer of indeterminacy in music, electroacoustic music, and non-standard use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde...
, Tino Calabuig, Santiago Calatrava
Santiago Calatrava
Santiago Calatrava Valls is a Spanish architect, sculptor and structural engineer whose principal office is in Zürich, Switzerland. Classed now among the elite designers of the world, he has offices in Zürich, Paris, Valencia, and New York City....
, Waltercio Caldas, Antonio Calderara, Carmen Calvo, Joaquim Camp, Miguel Ángel Campano, Eugenio Cano, Jordi Cano, Vicenç Caraltó,
Gustau Carbó Bechtold, Eduard Carbonell, Janet & Miller Cardiff, Armand Cardona Torrandell, Manuel Carmona de la Puente, Fulvia Carnevale, Anthony Caro
Anthony Caro
Sir Anthony Alfred Caro, OM, CBE is an English abstract sculptor whose work is characterised by assemblages of metal using 'found' industrial objects.-Background and early life:...
, Tom Carr
Tom Carr (artist)
Tom Carr is a contemporary artist, who lives and works at Sant Quirze del Vallès.Professor at the Escola Massana de Barcelona, and has taught courses for the School of Visual Arts of New York-Biography:...
, Carlos Carretero, Jesús Casaus, Francesc Català-Roca,
Jordi Cerdà, Rosa Cervera, Alfredo Cès Lara, Cèsar
Cesar or César is a form of the name Caesar, and may refer to:-People:* César, an alias for Gerardo Aguilar Ramírez, a Colombian guerrillero...
, Cesc, Luis Chacón, Joaquim Chancho, Cozette de Charmony, Sandro Chia
Sandro Chia
Sandro Chia is an Italian painter and sculptor.A native of Florence, he was a key member of the Italian Transavanguardia movement, along with fellow countrymen Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino, Nicola De Maria, and Enzo Cucchi....
, Eduardo Chillida
Eduardo Chillida
Eduardo Chillida Juantegui, or Eduardo Txillida Juantegi in Basque, was a Spanish Basque sculptor notable for his monumental abstract works.-Early life and career:...
, Hsiao Chin, Jan Christi Dibbets, Pavlina Fichta Cierna, Santiago Cirugeda, Victoria Civera, Pere Clapera, Lluís Claramunt, Antoni Clavé
Antoni Clavé
Antoni Clavé was a Catalan master painter, printmaker, sculptor, stage designer and costume designer. He was nominated for two Academy Awards for his work on the 1952 film Hans Christian Andersen.Clavé was one of Spain's best known and most celebrated artists...
, Mikael Clegg, Francesco Clemente
Francesco Clemente
Francesco Clemente is an Italian and American contemporary artist. Influenced by thinkers as diverse as Gregory Bateson, William Blake, Allen Ginsberg, and J Krishnamurti, the art of Francesco Clemente is inclusive and nomadic, crossing many borders, intellectual and geographical.Dividing his time...
James Coleman
James Coleman (Irish artist)
James Coleman, born in Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon in 1941, is an Irish installation and video artist associated with slide-tape works: sequences of still images fading one into the other with synchronized sound...
, Colita, Charles Collet
Charles Collet
Charles Herbert Collet DSO , was a British Naval airman during the First World War, regarded as one of the best Naval airmen of his day.-Background:...
, Hannah Collins
Hannah Collins
Hannah Collins is a contemporary artist and filmmaker.Hannah Collins makes work on the collective experiences of memory, history and the everyday in the modern World...
, Joan Colom
Joan Colom
Joan Colom i Altemir is a Catalan photographer renowned for his portraits of Barcelona's underworld and working class, especially in the infamous neighbourhood of Raval. Colom was a self-taught photographer, and produced his best-known pictures while working during the week as an accountant...
, Jordi Colomer, Mercedes Colveé,
Albert Coma Estadella, Georges Condo, Constant, Alberto Corazón, Xavier Corberó, Enric Cormenzana,
Jef Cornelis, Michael Corris
Michael Corris
Michael Corris is an artist, art historian and writer on art. He is currently Professor and Chair of the Division of Art, Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Previously, Corris held the post of Professor of Fine Art at the Art and Design Research Center,...
, Montserrat Costa, Anne-Lise Coste, Anthony Cragg, Alice Creischer, Nacho Criado, Leandre Cristòfol, Enzo Cucchi
Enzo Cucchi
Enzo Cucchi is an Italian painter. A native of Morro d'Alba, province of Ancona, he was a key member of the Italian Transavanguardia movement, along with fellow countrymen Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino, Nicola De Maria, and Sandro Chia...
, Modest Cuixart, Antoni Cumella, François Curlet, Jordi Curós.
Danica Dakic, Dolors Dalmau, Jose DamascenoJosé Damasceno
José Damasceno , also known as Tiba, is a Mexican-Brazilian footballer.-External links:...
, Chen Dao-min, Hanne Darboven
Hanne Darboven
Hanne Darboven was a German conceptual artist. She became best known for her large scale minimalist installations consisting of handwritten tables of numbers.-Early life and career:...
, Dau al Set
Dau al Set
Dau al Set , the first post-World War II artistic movement in Catalonia, was founded in Barcelona in October 1948 by poet Joan Brossa. The avant-garde group had connections to the Surrealist and Dadaist movements and stressed the importance of both the conscious and unconscious in their works...
, Pere Daura,
Franco Daverio, Jaime Davidovich
Jaime Davidovich
Jaime Davidovich is an artist whose innovative and multi-dimensional artworks and art-making activities produced several distinct professional reputations including painter, installation artist, video artist, Public-access television cable TV producer, activist, and non-profit...
, Jaap De Ruig, Isabel De Daganzo, Amanda De León, Richard Deacon,
Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean is an English visual artist who works primarily in film. She is one of the Young British Artists, and was a nominee for the Turner Prize in 1998.-Life and work:...
, Guy Debord
Guy Debord
Guy Ernest Debord was a French Marxist theorist, writer, filmmaker, member of the Letterist International, founder of a Letterist faction, and founding member of the Situationist International . He was also briefly a member of Socialisme ou Barbarie.-Early Life:Guy Debord was born in Paris in 1931...
, Chérif Defraoui, Silvie Defraoui, Carles Delclaux, Terry Dennett, Maurício & Riedweg Dias, Rineke Dijkstra
Rineke Dijkstra
Rineke Dijkstra is a female Dutch photographer.-Life and work:Dijkstra concentrates on single portraits, and usually works in series, looking at groups such as adolescents, clubbers, and soldiers. Her subjects are often shown standing, facing the camera, against a minimal background...
, Braco Dimitrijevic
Braco Dimitrijevic
Slobodan Dimitrijević , known as Braco Dimitrijević is a Paris-based Yugoslavian artist. His works deal mainly with history and the individual's place in it....
, Lluís Doñate, Peter Downsbrough, Jean Dubuffet
Jean Dubuffet
Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet was a French painter and sculptor. His idealistic approach to aesthetics embraced so called "low art" and eschewed traditional standards of beauty in favor of what he believed to be a more authentic and humanistic approach to image-making.-Life and work:Dubuffet was...
, Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp was a French artist whose work is most often associated with the Dadaist and Surrealist movements. Considered by some to be one of the most important artists of the 20th century, Duchamp's output influenced the development of post-World War I Western art...
, Pep Duran, Giuseppe Durini.
Latifa Echakhch, Begoña Egurbide, Clay Ellis, Equip Crònica, ErróErró
Erró is a postmodern artist. He studied art in Norway and in Italy, and has resided in Paris, Thailand and on the island of Formentera for most of his life...
, F. Escalada, Manel Esclusa, Marisa Esmatjes Mompó, Pepe Espaliú, Agustí Español Viñas, Iran do Espirito Santo
Iran do Espirito Santo
Iran do Espirito Santo is a prominent Brazilian artist, based in São Paulo.His works are included in major international collections such as MOMA in New York. He has exhibited at the Venice Biennale and the Bienal de São Paulo.-Reviews:* *...
, Adolfo Estrada, Jon Mikel Euba,
Eulalia is a feminine given name of Greek origin meaning "well-spoken." It may refer to:* Saint Eulalia, several people, and places named after them* 495 Eulalia, an asteroid...
, David Evison, Valie Export
Valie Export
Valie Export is an Austrian artist...
, Marcelo Expósito.
Ivano Fabbriano, Will Faber, Öyvind Fahlström, Patrick Faigenbaum, Pere Falcó, Jordi Farjas, Harun FarockiHarun Farocki
Harun Farocki is a German filmmaker.He has made over 90 films, the vast majority of them short experimental documentaries...
, Hans-Peter Feldmann, María Luisa Fernández, Àngel Ferrant, León Ferrari
León Ferrari
León Ferrari , is a contemporary conceptual artist.Born in Buenos Aires, Ferrari employs methods such as collage, photocopying and sculpture in wood, plaster or ceramics. He often uses text, particularly newspaper clippings or poetry, in his pieces...
, Esther Ferrer
Esther Ferrer
Esther Ferrer is a Spanish interdisciplinary artist and performance art teacher. She is regarded as one of the major Spanish artists of her generation...
, Magda Ferrer, Marianne Filliou, Robert Filliou
Robert Filliou
Robert Filliou was a French Fluxus artist, who produced works as a filmmaker, "action poet," sculptor, and happenings maestro....
, Fin
A fin is a surface used for stability and/or to produce lift and thrust or to steer while traveling in water, air, or other fluid media, . The first use of the word was for the limbs of fish, but has been extended to include other animal limbs and man-made devices...
, Peter & Weiss Fischli, Joel Fisher, Lucio Fontana
Lucio Fontana
Lucio Fontana was an Italian painter, sculptor and theorist of Argentine birth. He was mostly known as the founder of Spatialism and his ties to Arte Povera.-Early life:...
, Joan Fontcuberta
Joan Fontcuberta
Joan Fontcuberta is a conceptual artist whose best-known works, such as Fauna and Sputnik, examine the truthfulness of photography. In addition, he is a writer, editor, teacher, and curator....
, Gunther Förg
Günther Förg
Günther Förg is a prominent German painter, graphic designer, sculptor, and photographer. His abstract style is influenced by American abstract painting.- Vita :...
, Pere Formiguera, Francesc Fornells, Irene Fortuyn, Andreu Fossas, Ricard Fradera Veiga, Michel François
Michel François
Joseph-Michel François was a colonel in the Haitian army. As Haiti Chief of National Police he participated in the 1991 Haitian coup d'état, which overthrew Haiti's elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The Haitian Presidential candidate Michel "Sweet Mickey" Martelly is known to have...
, Robert Frank
Robert Frank
Robert Frank , born in Zürich, Switzerland, is an important figure in American photography and film. His most notable work, the 1958 photobook titled The Americans, was influential, and earned Frank comparisons to a modern-day de Tocqueville for his fresh and skeptical outsider's view of American...
, Andrea Fraser
Andrea Fraser
Andrea Fraser is a New York-based performance artist, mainly known for her work in the area of institutional critique. She is currently a member of the Art Department faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles.-Position:...
, Jordi Freixas Cortés, Peter Friedl, John Furnival,
Joan Furriols, Coco Fusco
Coco Fusco
Coco Fusco is a Cuban-American interdisciplinary artist and writer who began her career in 1988. Fusco has performed and curated throughout America and internationally, and currently is full-time faculty in the School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design...
Pedro G. Romero, GabrielGabriel
In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel is an Archangel who typically serves as a messenger to humans from God.He first appears in the Book of Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions. In the Gospel of Luke Gabriel foretells the births of both John the Baptist and of Jesus...
, Menchu Gal Orendain, Julio Galan
Julio Galán
Julio Galán was a Mexican artist and architect.- Biography :Galán was one of Latin America's renowned neo-expressionist painters of the end of the last century and the beginning of this one.. His paintings and collages are full of elements that usually represent his life.Galán started his career...
, Jordi Galí
Jordi Galí
Jordi Galí is a Spanish macroeconomist who is regarded as one of the main figures in New Keynesian macroeconomics today...
, Carlos Garaicoa, Antoni Garau,
Josep Mª Garcia Llort, A. Garcia Patiño, Ferran Garcia Sevilla, Dora García, Iñaki Garmendia, Gego,
General Idea
General Idea
General Idea was a collective of three Canadian artists, Felix Partz, Jorge Zontal and AA Bronson, who were active from 1967 to 1994.As pioneers of early conceptual and media-based art, their collaboration became a model for artist-initiated activities and continues to be a prominent influence on...
, Adolf Genovart, John Gibbons
John Gibbons
John Michael Gibbons was the manager of the Toronto Blue Jays in Major League Baseball from 2004 to 2008...
, Sheila Girling, Narcís Giró Carrer, Maria Girona, Domenico Gnoli
Domenico Gnoli
Domenico Gnoli was an Italian author.-Biography:Gnoli was born in Rome. He attracted public attention by his volume of poems published under the pseudonym of Dario Gaddi, and a collection of critical essays, Odi Tiberine. He was professor of Italian literature at Turin, and in 1893 was made...
, David Goldblatt
David Goldblatt
David Goldblatt is a South African photographer noted for his portrayal of South Africa during the period of apartheid and more recently that country's landscapes.-Life and work:...
, Jack Goldstein
Jack Goldstein
Jack Goldstein was a Canadian born, California-based performance and conceptual artist turned painter in the 1980s art boom.-Early life and education:...
, Fernando Gómez Catón, Francesc Gómez Muntadas Torres, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Félix González Torres, Antonio Gonzalo Lindín, Luís Gordillo, Tom Gormley
Tom Gormley
Tom Gormley was a politician in Northern Ireland.Born in Claudy, Gormley became a farmer before following his brother Paddy into politics. He was elected to Strabane Rural District Council in 1947, and to Tyrone County Council in 1950....
, Dan Graham
Dan Graham
Dan Graham , is a conceptual artist now working out of New York City. He is an influential figure in the field of contemporary art, both a practitioner of conceptual art and an art critic and theorist. His art career began in 1964 when he moved to New York and opened the John Daniels Gallery....
, Rodney Graham
Rodney Graham
Rodney Graham is an artist and musician born in Abbotsford, British Columbia. He is most often associated with the Vancouver School...
, Lluïsa Granero, Josep Grau Garriga, Otto Grau, Xavier Grau, Heinz Greissing, Grup de Treball, Grupo de artistas de vanguardia, Sílvia Gubern, Montserrat Gudiol, Carles Guerra, Guerrilla Girls
Guerrilla Girls
Guerrilla Girls are an anonymous group of feminists devoted to fighting against sexism within the visual fine art world internationally. Started in New York City in 1985 to protest gender and racial inequality in the art world, members are known for the gorilla masks they wear to keep their...
, Ramon Guillén-Balmes,
Josep Guinovart
Josep Guinovart
Josep Guinovart was a Spanish Catalan painter most famous for his informalist or abstract expressionist work.In 1941, he began to work as a decorator...
, Josep Gumí Cardona, Philip Guston
Philip Guston
Philip Guston was a notable painter and printmaker in the New York School, which included many of the Abstract expressionists, such as Jackson Pollock and Willem De Kooning...
, Martin Guttmann, Federico Guzmán.
Hans HaackeHans Haacke
Hans Haacke is a German-American artist who lives and works in New York.- Early life :Haacke was born in Cologne, Germany. He studied at the Staatliche Werkakademie in Kassel, Germany, from 1956 to 1960. He was a student of Stanley William Hayter, a well-known and influential English printmaker,...
, Jonas Hafner, Raymond Hains
Raymond Hains
Raymond Hains was a French artist and photographer.-Biography:In 1945, Hains briefly enrolled in the sculpture course at the École des Beaux-Arts, Rennes and met Jacques de la Villeglé that same year. He then collaborated with E. Sougez as a photographer for France-Illustration...
, Kiyoshi Hamada, Richard Hamilton
Richard Hamilton (artist)
Richard William Hamilton, CH was a British painter and collage artist. His 1956 collage, Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?, produced for the This Is Tomorrow exhibition of the Independent Group in London, is considered by critics and historians to be one of the...
, Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Keith Haring was an artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s.-Early life:...
, Charles Harrison
Charles Townsend Harrison
Charles Townsend Harrison , BA Hons , MA , PhD was a prominent UK art historian who taught Art History for many years and was Emeritus Professor of History and Theory of Art at the Open University....
, Rudolf Hässler, Risk Hazekamp, Erwin Heerich, Nigel Henderson
Nigel Henderson
Admiral Sir Nigel Stuart Henderson GBE KCB DL was a Royal Navy officer who went on to be Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.-Naval career:Henderson joined the Royal Navy in 1927. He served in World War II as a gunnery officer...
, Joseantonio Hergueta, Joan Hernández Pijuan, José Antonio Hernández-Díez
José Antonio Hernández-Díez
Jose Antonio Hernandez-Diez is a South American artist who works with sculpture, photography and installation art. He currently lives and works in Barcelona, Spain and Caracas, Venezuela.- Biography :...
, Georg Herold, Ramon Herreros, Frank Hesse, Peter Hide
Peter Hide
Peter Hide is an English born abstract sculptor. A one-time pupil of Sir Anthony Caro, Hide is best known for upright, large-scale welded sculptures made of heavy, rusted industrial scrap steel....
, David Hockney
David Hockney
David Hockney, CH, RA, is an English painter, draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and photographer, who is based in Bridlington, Yorkshire and Kensington, London....
Karl Horst Hödicke, Hans Hollein
Hans Hollein
Hans Hollein, is an Austrian architect and designer.Hollein achieved a diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna in 1956, then attended the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1959 and the University of California, Berkeley in 1960...
, Rebecca Horn
Rebecca Horn
Rebecca Horn is a German installation artist and film director most famous for her body modifications such as Einhorn , a body-suit with a very large horn projecting vertically from the headpiece, and Pencil Mask, a mesh harness for the head with many pencils projecting out...
, Craigie Horsfield
Craigie Horsfield
Craigie Horsfield is an English artist. In 1996 he was nominated for the annual Turner Prize.Horsfield described his work as, "intimate in scale but its ambition is, uncomfortable as I find it, towards an epic dimension, to describe the history of our century, and the centuries beyond, the...
, Shirazeh Houshiary
Shirazeh Houshiary
Shirazeh Houshiary is an Iranian installation artist and sculptor. She is a former Turner Prize nominee, and lives and works in London.-Life and work:Shirazeh Houshiary left her native country of Iran in 1973...
, Ts'ai Hsia-Ling,
Huo Hsüen-Kang, Jean Charles Hue, Marine Hugonnier, Harold Hurrell, Josep Hurtuna, Jaqueth K. Hutchinson.
i ready made appartengono a tutti®, Concepció Ibáñez, Cristina Iglesias, Isidore IsouIsidore Isou
Isidore Isou , born Ioan-Isidor Goldstein, was a Romanian-born French poet, film critic and visual artist...
, Michiko Itatani, Sanja Ivekovic
Sanja Iveković
Sanja Iveković is a Croatian photographer, sculptor and installation artist. Considered to be one of the leading artists from the former Yugoslavia, she continues to inspire many young female artists.-Biography:...
Alfredo JaarAlfredo Jaar
Alfredo Jaar is a Chilean-born artist, architect, and filmmaker who lives in New York. He was born in 1956 in Santiago de Chile. He is mostly known as an installation artist, often incorporating photography and covering socio-political issues and war - the best known perhaps being the 6-year long...
, Katja Jacobs, Jean-Paul Jacquet, Ann Janssens, Robert Janz, Adrienne Jenik, Jiménez Balaguer, Sture Johannesson, Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns, Jr. is an American contemporary artist who works primarily in painting and printmaking.-Life:Born in Augusta, Georgia, Jasper Johns spent his early life in Allendale, South Carolina with his paternal grandparents after his parents' marriage failed...
, Joan Jonas
Joan Jonas
Born in 1936 in New York City, Joan Jonas is a pioneer of video and performance art and one of the most important female artists to emerge in the late 1960s and early 1970s.She began her career in New York City as a sculptor...
, Glyn Jones, Jiliane Jones, Joaquim Jordà,
Jos de Gruyter & Harald, Àngel Jové, Antoni Jové, Salvador Juanpere, Donald Judd
Donald Judd
Donald Clarence Judd was an American artist associated with minimalism . In his work, Judd sought autonomy and clarity for the constructed object and the space created by it, ultimately achieving a rigorously democratic presentation without compositional hierarchy...
, Joan Junyer.
Šejla KamerićŠejla Kamerić
Šejla Kamerić is a Bosnian artist. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, at the Department of Graphic Design. Between 1994 and 1997, she collaborated with the design group Trio, also of Sarajevo. Then she worked as art director for the advertising agency Fabrika until 2000. That...
, Anish Kapoor
Anish Kapoor
Anish Kapoor CBE RA is a British sculptor of Indian birth. Born in Mumbai , Kapoor has lived and worked in London since the early 1970s when he moved to study art, first at the Hornsey College of Art and later at the Chelsea School of Art and Design.He represented Britain in the XLIV Venice...
, Allan Kaprow, Mike Kelley, William Kentridge
William Kentridge
William Kentridge is a South African artist best known for his prints, drawings, and animated films. These are constructed by filming a drawing, making erasures and changes, and filming it again. He continues this process meticulously, giving each change to the drawing a quarter of a second to two...
, Anselm Kiefer
Anselm Kiefer
Anselm Kiefer is a German painter and sculptor. He studied with Joseph Beuys and Peter Dreher during the 1970s. His works incorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac...
, Martin Kippenberger
Martin Kippenberger
Martin Kippenberger was a German artist known for his extremely prolific output in a wide range of styles and media as well as his provocative, jocular and hard-drinking public persona....
, Michael Kirby
Michael Kirby (artist)
Michael Kirby is a street artist who was born in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. His work has been featured and exhibited across the world for governments, cities, museums, and corporations.-Biography:...
, Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Paul Klee was born in Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, and is considered both a German and a Swiss painter. His highly individual style was influenced by movements in art that included expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. He was, as well, a student of orientalism...
, Joseph Kosuth
Joseph Kosuth
Joseph Kosuth , is an American conceptual artist. Kosuth lives in New York and Rome.-Early life and career:Kosuth was born in Toledo, Ohio. He attended the Toledo Museum School of Design from 1955 to 1962 and studied privately under the Belgian painter Line Bloom Draper. In 1963, Kosuth enrolled at...
, Joseph Kosuth, Masao Kotsuka, Jannis Kounellis
Jannis Kounellis
Jannis Kounellis was born on March 23, 1936 in Piraeus, Greece. He studied in art college in Athens until 1956 and at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome....
Robert Krier
Robert Krier
Rob Krier is a Luxembourgian sculptor, architect, urban designer and theorist. He is former professor of architecture at Vienna University of Technology, Austria...
, Guillermo Kuitca
Guillermo Kuitca
Guillermo Kuitca is an Argentinean artist who was born in Buenos Aires in 1961, where he continues to work and live. Kuitca's work has been shown extensively around the globe, and is included in many important public collection, including The Tate Gallery, England; The Metropolitan Museum of Art,...
Roser Lacasa, Katalin LadikKatalin Ladik
Katalin Ladik poet, actress and performance artist. Born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia and emigrated to Hungary in 1992...
, Manolo Laguillo, Menchu Lamas, David Lamelas, José Lapayese del Río,
Francisco Larraz, LBT, Malcom Le Grice, Jean Jacques Lebel, Anne Marie Goodes Léger, Jac Leirner,
Francisco Leiro, Pilar Leita, Carlos León
Carlos Leon
Carlos Manuel Leon is a Cuban personal trainer and actor and is most famous for being Madonna's baby daddy, as she gave birth to their daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon, on October 14, 1996....
, Leonilson, Jeannette Leroy, Les ready-made appartiennent à tout le monde® pour la Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Helen Levitt, Glenn Lewis
Glenn Lewis
Glenn Lewis is a Canadian R&B and neo soul singer-songwriter. Originally planning to pursue a career in animation as a teenager, Lewis instead decided to focus on music. His father was a member of the musical group Crack of Dawn...
, Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt
Solomon "Sol" LeWitt was an American artist linked to various movements, including Conceptual art and Minimalism....
, Emanuel Licha,
Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein was a prominent American pop artist. During the 1960s his paintings were exhibited at the Leo Castelli Gallery in New York City and along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, James Rosenquist and others he became a leading figure in the new art movement...
, Antonio Linde, Lyle Lis, Maria Teresa Llàcer, Antoni Llena, Robert Llimós, Lluís Llongueras, Francesca Llopis, Salvador Llorens Faixà, Joaquim Llucià, Thomas Locher, Janice Loeb,
Richard Paul Lohse
Richard Paul Lohse
Richard Paul Lohse was a Swiss painter and graphic artist and one of the main representatives of the concrete and constructive art....
, Richard Long
Richard Long (artist)
Richard Long is an English sculptor, photographer and painter, one of the best known British land artists. Long is the only artist to be shortlisted for the Turner Prize four times, and he is reputed to have refused the prize in 1984...
, Jan van der Loo, Eva Lootz, Rogelio López Cuenca,
Chip Lord
Chip Lord
Chip Lord is an American Digital Media artist currently teaching at UC Santa Cruz and residing in the Bay Area. He is best known for his work with the alternative architecture and media collective known as Ant Farm, which he co-founded with Doug Michels in 1968...
, Mario Lorieto, los ready-made pertenecen a todos®, Renata Lucas, Urs Lüthi.
Jackson Mac LowJackson Mac Low
Jackson Mac Low was an American poet, performance artist, composer and playwright, known to most readers of poetry as a practioneer of systematic chance operations and other non-intentional compositional methods in his work, which Mac Low first experienced in the musical work of John Cage, Earle...
, David Mach
David Mach
David Mach is a Scottish sculptor and installation artist.Mach's artistic style is based on flowing assemblages of mass-produced found art objects. Typically these include magazines,vicious teddy bears,newspapers, car tyres, match sticks and coat hangers...
, Rodger Mack, Ken Macklin, Juan Madojo, Paul Maenz, Mª Lluïsa Magraner,
Babette Mangolte
Babette Mangolte
-Biography:Mangolte was born and raised in France and moved to New York City in 1970. She was the first woman accepted to L'Ecole Nationale de la Photographie et de la Cinematographie, graduating in 1966...
, Esko Mänikkö, Gianfranco Mantegna, Piero Manzoni
Piero Manzoni
Piero Manzoni was an Italian artist best known for his ironic conceptual art. Influenced by the work of Yves Klein, his own work anticipated, and directly influenced, the work of a generation of younger Italian artists brought together by the critic Germano Celant in the first Arte Povera...
, Máquina P.H., Walter Marchetti,
Ángeles Marco, Marlez, Lluís Marsans
Lluís Marsans
Lluís Marsans i Julià is a Catalan painter. He grew up in Paris, and in 1947 traveled to Mexico and the United States. He studied painting in Barcelona in 1948–50. In 1966–70 he explored the world of Marcel Proust's work In Search of Lost Time in a suite of drawings which he exhibited at Trece...
, Marcel Martí
Marcel Martí
Marcel Martí is an Argentine-born sculptor of Catalan descent. At the age of three, he returned with his parents to Spain, where the family became established in Barcelona. His father was imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War for activities related to his membership in Acció Catòlica. Martí...
, Emilio Martínez, Rosa Martínez
Rosa Martinez
Rosa Martínez is an independent curator, art critic and international art advisor based in Barcelona, Spain. Currently she is co-curator of "TRA.Edge of Becoming" for Axel Vervoordt Foundation and Palazzo Fortuny Museum http://www.tra-expo.comAs an independent curator, Rosa Martínez has...
, Antoni Mas,
Bartomeu Massot, Pedro Mata Saralegui, Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark was an American artist best known for his site-specific artworks he made in the 1970s. He is famous for his "building cuts," a series of works in abandoned buildings in which he variously removed sections of floors, ceilings, and walls.-Life and work:Both of Gordon Matta-Clark's...
, Rita McBride, Anthony McCall
Anthony McCall
Anthony McCall is a British-born American Avant-Garde artist, specializing in cinema/projected film.thumb|Anthony McCall at Gallery Zander , Cologne...
, Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy , is a contemporary artist who lives and works in Los Angeles, California.-Life:McCarthy was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and studied art at the University of Utah in 1969. He went on to study at the San Francisco Art Institute receiving a BFA in painting...
Dario Mecatti, Xavier Medina Campeny, Richard Meier
Richard Meier
Richard Meier is an American architect, whose rationalist buildings make prominent use of the color white.- Biography :Meier is Jewish and was born in Newark, New Jersey...
, Cildo Meireles
Cildo Meireles
Cildo Meireles is a Brazilian conceptual artist, installation artist and sculptor. He is noted especially for his installations, many of which express resistance to political oppression in Brazil. These works, often large and dense, encourage the viewer's interaction.-Life:Cildo Meireles was born...
, Mauro Mejíaz, Andrew Menard,
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban American performance artist, sculptor, painter and video artist who is known for her "earth-body" art work....
, Asier Mendizabal, Carlos Mensa, Jordi Mercadé, Lawrence Mercati, Gerhard Merz, Mario Merz
Mario Merz
Mario Merz was an Italian artist, and husband of Marisa Merz.-Life:Born in Milan, Merz started drawing during World War II, when he was imprisoned for his activities with the Giustizia e Libertà antifascist group. He experimented with a continuous graphic stroke–not removing his pencil point from...
, Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, Henri Michaux
Henri Michaux
Henri Michaux was a highly idiosyncratic Belgian-born poet, writer, and painter who wrote in French. He later took French citizenship. Michaux is best known for his esoteric books written in a highly accessible style, and his body of work includes poetry, travelogues, and art criticism...
, Jacques Michel, Ito Miharu, Manuel Millares, Catherine Millet
Catherine Millet
Catherine Millet is a French writer, art critic, curator, and founder and editor of the magazine Art Press, which focuses on modern art and contemporary art....
, Hsiao Ming-Hsien, Frans Minnaert, Víctor Mira, Miralda
Miralda is a genus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Pyramidellidae, the pyrams and their allies.-Species:Species within the genus Miralda include:* Miralda abbotti Olsson & McGinty, 1958* Miralda agana Bartsch, 1915...
, Fina Miralles, Antoni Miró Bravo, Joan Miró
Joan Miró
Joan Miró i Ferrà was a Spanish Catalan painter, sculptor, and ceramicist born in Barcelona.Earning international acclaim, his work has been interpreted as Surrealism, a sandbox for the subconscious mind, a re-creation of the childlike, and a manifestation of Catalan pride...
, Santu Mofokeng, Herminio Molero, Joan Moncada, Ramon Lluís Monllaó, Jacqueline Monnier, Rafael Montañez Ortiz, Juan Luís Moraza, François Morellet
François Morellet
François Morellet is a contemporary French painter, engraver, sculptor and light artist. His early work prefigured Minimal art and Conceptual art, and he has played an important role in geometrical abstraction over the past half century.-Career:After a short period of figurative/representational...
, François Morellet
François Morellet
François Morellet is a contemporary French painter, engraver, sculptor and light artist. His early work prefigured Minimal art and Conceptual art, and he has played an important role in geometrical abstraction over the past half century.-Career:After a short period of figurative/representational...
, Pedro Moreno Meyerhoff, Didier Morin,
Emilia Morin, Robert Morris
Robert Morris (artist)
Robert Morris is an American sculptor, conceptual artist and writer. He is regarded as one of the most prominent theorists of Minimalism along with Donald Judd but he has also made important contributions to the development of performance art, land art, the Process Art movement and installation...
, Rabih Mroué, Luis F. Muller Fontana, Ana Muller, Mathias Müller, Matt Mullican
Matt Mullican
Matt Mullican is a American artist and son of artists Lee Mullican He received his BFA from CalArts in 1974, and rose to prominence as a member of the "Pictures Generation" along with such artists as Troy Brauntuch, Jack Goldstein, David Salle, Jim Welling, Sherri Levine, Cindy Sherman, Louise...
, Bruno Munari
Bruno Munari
Bruno Munari was an Italian artist and designer, who contributed fundamentals to many fields of visual arts and non visual arts with his research on games, didactic method and creativity.-Biography:Bruno Munari was born in Milan but spent his...
, Antoni Muntadas
Antoni Muntadas
Antoni Muntadas is a multidisciplinary, media artist, sometimes also referred to as Antonio Muntadas or, simply, Muntadas. Since 1971, he lives and works in New York. Muntadas was a Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT,1977–1984, and is currently Visiting Professor with...
, Aurèlia Muñoz, Juan Muñoz
Juan Muñoz
Juan Muñoz was a Spanish sculptor, working primarily in paper maché, resin and bronze. He was also interested in the auditory arts and created compositions for the radio. He was a self-described "storyteller"...
, Ramón Muriedas Mazorra, Pat Murphy, Jaume Muxart.
Carles Nadal, Andrés Nagel, Norio Nakajima, Ronald Nameth, Deimantas Narkevicius, Rosalind NashashibiRosalind Nashashibi
Rosalind Nashashibi is a British artist of Palestinian descent.Born in Croydon, Nashashibi studied at the Glasgow School of Art, and as of 2003 is based in Glasgow...
Bruce Nauman
Bruce Nauman
Bruce Nauman is a contemporary American artist. His practice spans a broad range of media including sculpture, photography, neon, video, drawing, printmaking, and performance. Nauman lives in Galisteo, New Mexico....
, Manuel Navarro Fuertes, Miquel Navarro, E. R. Nele, NEMO
Henry Nemo
Henry Nemo was a musician, songwriter and actor in Hollywood films who had a reputation as a hipster and was sometimes referred to as the "creator of jive" talk...
, Ernesto Neto
Ernesto Neto
Ernesto Saboia de Albuquerque Neto is a contemporary visual artist.Ernesto Neto began exhibiting in Brazil in 1988 and has had solo exhibitions abroad since 1995...
, Rivane Neuenschwander, Palle Nielsen, Tina Nin Ibars, Astrid Nippoldt, no informat, Pere Noguera, Hideki Noh,
Jorge Noriega, Nils Norman
Nils Norman
Nils Norman is an English artist. He is "known for combining wacky invention with a vision of how cities should be used [and] has developed his own mix of art and activism." In 2007, his work was on show at Tate Modern in the Global Cities exhibition, his presentation featured a series of posters...
, Josep Nosàs Gené.
Rober O'Brien, Roberto Obregon, Manuel OcampoManuel Ocampo
Manuel Ocampo is a Filipino artist. His work fuses sacred Baroque religious iconography with secular political narrative. His works draw upon a wide range of art historical references, contain cartoonish elements, and draw inspiration from punk subculture.-Background:Manuel Ocampo was born in the...
, Ocaña, Keiji Ohmura, Hélio Oiticica
Hélio Oiticica
Hélio Oiticica was a Brazilian visual artist, best known for his participation in the Neo-Concrete group, for his innovative use of color, and for what he later termed "environmental art", which included Parangolés and Penetrables, like the famous Tropicália.- Early work :Oiticica's early works,...
, Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg is a Swedish sculptor, best known for his public art installations typically featuring very large replicas of everyday objects...
, Julian Opie
Julian Opie
Julian Opie is a visual artist, and one of the New British Sculpture movement.-Life and work:Julian Opie was raised in Oxford, England, where he attended the Dragon School and Magdalen College School. He attended Goldsmith's School of Art in London from 1979-82...
, Dennis Oppenheim, Kristin Oppenheim, Gabriel Orozco
Gabriel Orozco
Gabriel Orozco is a Mexican artist, who in 1998 was called "one of the most influential artists of this decade, and probably the next one too." He was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico and educated in the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas between 1981 and 1984. He then continued his education...
, Igor Ortega, Jorge Oteiza
Jorge Oteiza
Jorge Oteiza Enbil , was a Basque Spanish sculptor, painter, designer and writer, renowned for being one of the main theorists on Spanish modern art....
, Ulrike Ottinger
Ulrike Ottinger
Ulrike Ottinger is a German filmmaker, documentarian photographer and professor at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.-Biography:From 1959 she was a visiting student at the Academy of Arts in Munich and worked as a painter...
, Tony Oursler
Tony Oursler
Tony Oursler is a multimedia and installation artist.- Tapes, Installations: 1977-1989:Tony Oursler is known for his fractured-narrative handmade video tapes including The Loner, 1980 and EVOL 1984. These works involve elaborate sound tracks, painted sets, stop-action animation and optical special...
Mabel Palacín, Mimmo PaladinoMimmo Paladino
Mimmo Paladino is an Italian sculptor, painter and printmaker.-Paintings and drawing:Mimmo Paladino was born Domenico Paladino in Paduli, Campania, southern Italy...
, Pablo Palazuelo
Pablo Palazuelo
Pablo Palazuelo was a Spanish painter and sculptor.- Work and Biography :Pablo Palazuelo was born in Madrid in 1916. In 1933 he studied architecture at the School of Arts and Crafts at Oxford University. Upon returning to Madrid in 1939, he began to devote all of his time to painting...
, Palermo Objekte, Octavi Pallissa, Pilar Palomer, Panamarenko
Panamarenko is a prominent assemblagist in Belgian sculpture. Famous for his work with airplanes as theme; none of which are able nor constructed to actually leave the ground....
, Gina Pane
Gina Pane
Gina Pane..... was a French artist. She was one of the founders of the 1970s Body Art movement in France, called "Art corporel". Pane was best known for her performance piece The Conditioning which was recreated by Marina Abramovic as part of her 7 easy pieces in 2005....
, Giulio Paolini
Giulio Paolini
Giulio Paolini is an Italian artist. Often linked to the Arte Povera movement, he is best known for an artistic practice that is inscribed in a more strictly conceptual sphere.-Biography:Paolini was born in Genoa....
, Eduardo Paolozzi
Eduardo Paolozzi
Sir Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi, KBE, RA , was a Scottish sculptor and artist. He was a major figure in the international art sphere, while, working on his own interpretation and vision of the world. Paolozzi investigated how we can fit into the modern world to resemble our fragmented civilization...
, Julian Parada, Elena Paredes, Ramon Parramon,
Josep Lluís Pascual, Víctor Pasmore
Victor Pasmore
Edwin John Victor Pasmore was a British artist and architect. He pioneered the development of abstract art in Britain in the 1940s and 1950s.-Biography:...
, Perico Pastor, Anton Patiño, Reimundo Patiño, Carlos Pazos, Owe Pellsjó, A.R. Penck, Beverly Pepper
Beverly Pepper
Beverly Pepper is a pioneering sculptor known for her monumental works,site specific and land art. She remains independent from any particular art movement.- Early Life and Education :...
, Lluís Pera Moner, Perejaume
Pere Jaume Borrell i Guinart, known as Perejaume, , is a contemporary artist.Of self-taught formation he takes clear influences of authors like Joan Brossa, with he will share work mixing the painting and the poetry.His work covers a discursive plane of subject matter that includes humans'...
, José Pérez Gil, Lluís Carles Pericó,
Santiago Pericot, Alberte Permuy, Claudio Perna, Carmen Perrin, Lluís Pessarodona, Raymond Pettibon
Raymond Pettibon
Raymond Pettibon is an American artist who currently lives and works in Venice Beach, California.-Early life:...
, Christian Philipp Müller, Peter Phillips
Peter Phillips
Peter Phillips is the son of Anne, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom.Peter Phillips or Philips may also refer to:* Peter Philips Peter Phillips (born 1977) is the son of Anne, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom.Peter Phillips or Philips may also refer to:* Peter Philips Peter Phillips (born...
, Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso known as Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most influential artists of the...
, Ramon Pichot Soler, Philip Pilkington, Falke Pisano, Michelangelo Pistoletto
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Michelangelo Pistoletto is an Italian painter, action and object artist, and art theorist. Pistoletto is acknowledged as one of the main representatives of the Italian Arte Povera...
, Jaime Pitarch, Lari Pittman, Josep Pla Narbona, Enric Pladevall, Jaume Planas Gallés, Enric Planasdurà, Jaume Plensa
Jaume Plensa
Jaime Plensa is an Spanish artist and sculptor.-Biography:Plensa was born at Barcelona. Plensa studied art in his home city, in the "Llotja" School and in the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de San Jorge....
, Mathias Poledna, Joan Ponç, Josep Ponsatí, Lawrence Poons,
Pere Portabella
Pere Portabella
Pere Portabella i Ràfols is a Catalan experimental filmmaker, artist and politician.-Career as a Filmmaker:...
, Postkarten, Txuspo Poyo, Ana Prada, Charo Pradas, Flora Pratilo, Sergio Prego, Programm Zufall System, August Puig, Xavier Puigmartí, Carles Pujol, Joan Pujol, Ramon Pujol, Florian Pumhösl.
Joan Rabascall, Rosa Rabassa, Albert Ràfols-CasamadaAlbert Ràfols-Casamada
Albert Ràfols-Casamada was a Catalan painter and poet. His work was both post-expressionist and figurative. In 2001 he was the subject of a retrospective at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art....
, Mark Raidpere, Mel Ramsden, Miquel Rasero, Rationale Spekulationen, Robert Rauschenberg
Robert Rauschenberg
Robert Rauschenberg was an American artist who came to prominence in the 1950s transition from Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art. Rauschenberg is well-known for his "Combines" of the 1950s, in which non-traditional materials and objects were employed in innovative combinations...
, Maria Assumpció Raventós, Man Ray
Man Ray
Man Ray , born Emmanuel Radnitzky, was an American artist who spent most of his career in Paris, France. Perhaps best described simply as a modernist, he was a significant contributor to both the Dada and Surrealist movements, although his ties to each were informal...
, Teresa Recarens, Rosangela Renno, José Alejandro Restrepo, Lluís Rey Polo, Rafael Reyes
Rafael Reyes
Rafael Reyes Prieto was Chief of Staff of the Colombian National Army and President of Colombia .- Biographic data :...
, Alberto Reyna, Jaume Ribas, Xavier Ribas
Xavier Ribas
Xavier Ribas Centelles is a field hockey defender from Spain. He represented the Men's National Team at three consecutive Summer Olympics, starting in 2000.-References:*...
Àngels Ribé
Àngels Ribé
Àngels Ribé is considered one of the most important Catalan conceptual artists of the 70s. With a strong international presence, she worked alongside such artists as Vito Acconci, Laurie Anderson, Gordon Matta-Clark, Lawrence Weiner, Hannah Wilke, Martha Wilson, Francesc Torres, and Krzysztof...
, Gerhard Richter
Gerhard Richter
Gerhard Richter is a German visual artist. Richter has simultaneously produced abstract and photorealistic painted works, as well as photographs and glass pieces, thus undermining the concept of the artist’s obligation to maintain a single cohesive style.- Biography :Gerhard Richter was born in...
, Riera i Aragó, Alejandra Riera, Amèlia Riera, Diamantino Riera, Miguel Angel Rios, Andrea Robbins, Juan Carlos Robles
Juan Carlos Robles
Juan Carlos Robles Ania is a Spanish volleyball player who represented his native country with the men's national team twice at the Summer Olympics: in 1992 and 2000.-References:...
, Josep Roca Sastre, Alexander Rodchenko
Alexander Rodchenko
Aleksander Mikhailovich Rodchenko was a Russian artist, sculptor, photographer and graphic designer. He was one of the founders of constructivism and Russian design; he was married to the artist Varvara Stepanova....
, Modest Rodríguez-Cruells, Arturo-Fito Rodríguez, Otto Rogers, Joan Rom, Agustí Roqué, Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler is an American artist. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, where she now lives. She graduated from Brooklyn College and the University of California, San Diego . Rosler works in video, photo-text, installation, and performance, as well as writing about art and culture...
, Benet Rossell, Antoni Rosselló, Dieter Roth
Dieter Roth
Dieter Roth was an Icelandic artist of Swiss German origin best known for his artist's books and for his sculptures and pictures made with rotting food stuffs. He was also known as Dieter Rot and Diter Rot....
, Xavier Rovira, Javier Rubio, Ulrich Rückriem, María Ruido, Aureli Ruiz, Edward Ruscha
Edward Ruscha
Edward Joseph Ruscha IV is an American artist associated with the Pop art movement. He has worked in the media of painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, and film. Ruscha lives and works in Culver City, California...
, Edward Ruscha
Edward Ruscha
Edward Joseph Ruscha IV is an American artist associated with the Pop art movement. He has worked in the media of painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, and film. Ruscha lives and works in Culver City, California...
, David Rushton, Reiner Ruthenbeck.
Roland Sabatier, Anri SalaAnri Sala
Anri Sala is a contemporary artist whose primary medium is video. He studied art at the Albanian Academy of Arts from 1992 to 1996. He also studied video at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris and film direction in Le Fresnoy-Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing...
, Gerard Sala, Xabier Salaberria, Doris Salcedo
Doris Salcedo
Doris Salcedo is a Colombian-born sculptor.Salcedo completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in 1980, before traveling to New York, where she completed a Master of Fine Arts degree at New York University. She then returned to Bogotá to teach at the Universidad...
, David Salle
David Salle
David Salle is an American painter who helped define postmodern sensibility by combining figuration with a varied pictorial language of multi-imagery...
, Mariona Sanahuja, Ramón Santos, Juliao Sarmento
Julião Sarmento
Julião Sarmento is a Portuguese multimedia artist and painter.He was born in Lisbon , studied painting and architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Arts...
, Lluís M. Saumells, Adolf Schlosser, Gregor Schneider
Gregor schneider
Gregor Schneider is a German artist, whose main area of work is constructed rooms. In 2001, he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale for his infamous work Totes Haus u r exhibited at the German Pavilion....
, Jean-Louis Schoellkopf
Jean-Louis Schoellkopf
Jean-Louis Schoellkopf is a French photographer.Schoellkopf’s work explores the problems of the contemporary cities confronted to the changes caused by the new economical choices, the changes in companies and industrial production....
, Alberto Schommer, Jan J. Schoonhoven, Robert A. Scott
Robert A. Scott
Dr. Robert A. Scott is the current president of Adelphi University located in Garden City, New York. He was appointed by the Adelphi University Board of Trustees as the ninth president and professor of anthropology and sociology in July 2000....
, Sindria Segura, Allan Sekula
Allan Sekula
Allan Sekula is an American artist of Polish descent, writer, and critic based at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California.-Work:...
, Dorothée Selz, Xavier Serra de Rivera, Carme Serra Viaplana, Eudald Serra, Richard Serra
Richard Serra
Richard Serra is an American minimalist sculptor and video artist known for working with large-scale assemblies of sheet metal. Serra was involved in the Process Art Movement.-Early life and education:...
, Servei de Vídeo Comunitari,
Soledad Sevilla, Michael Shamberg
Michael Shamberg
Michael Shamberg is an American former Time-Life correspondent and current film producer.-Life and career:His credits include Erin Brockovich, A Fish Called Wanda, Garden State, Gattaca, Pulp Fiction and The Big Chill...
, Willoughby Sharp
Willoughby Sharp
Willoughby Sharp was an internationally known artist, independent curator, independent publisher, gallerist, teacher, author, and telecom activist. In 1968, Sharp co-founded Avalanche magazine with writer/filmmaker Liza Béar...
, Ahlam Shibli
Ahlam Shibli
Ahlam Shibli is a Palestinian artist who was born in Palestine Shibli's work explores the everyday life of the Palestinian population. Adrian Searle describes her work as "unsentimental and undramatic...extremely moving."...
, Wu Shih-Lu, José María Sicilia, Seth Siegelaub
Seth Siegelaub
Seth Siegelaub is an American-born art dealer, curator, author and researcher. He is best known for his innovative promotion of conceptual art in New York in the 1960s and 70s., but has also been a political researcher and publisher, textile history bibliographer and collector, and a researcher...
, Simon Siegmann, Andreas Siekmann, Gemma Sin, Sandi Slone, Michael Smith, Robert Smithson
Robert Smithson
Robert Smithson was an American artist famous for his land art.-Background and education:Smithson was born in Passaic, New Jersey and studied painting and drawing in New York City at the Art Students League of New York....
, Michael Snow
Michael Snow
Michael Snow, CC is a Canadian artist working in painting, sculpture, video, films, photography, holography, drawing, books and music.-Life:...
, Valeska Soares, Alexander Sokurov
Alexander Sokurov
Alexander Nikolayevich Sokurov is a Russian filmmaker. His most significant works include a semi-documentary, Russian Ark , filmed in a single unedited shot, and Faust , which was honoured with the Golden Lion, the highest prize for the best film at the Venice Film Festival.- Life and work...
, Maria Jesús de Solà, Susana Solano, Keith Sonnier
Keith Sonnier
Keith Sonnier is a Postminimalist, performance, video and light artist. Sonnier was one of the first artists to use light in sculpture in the 1960s, and has been one of the most successful with this technique...
,Montserrat Soto, Jo Spence
Jo Spence
Jo Spence was a British photographer. Many of her works were self portraits about her own fight with breast cancer.Spence was born of working class parents in London, 1934...
, Nancy Spero
Nancy Spero
Nancy Spero was an American visual artist.-Life and work:Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Spero lived for much of her life in New York City. She was married to, and collaborated with artist Leon Golub....
, François Stahly
François Stahly
François Stahly was a German-French sculptor....
, Frank Stella
Frank Stella
Frank Stella is an American painter and printmaker, significant within the art movements of minimalism and post-painterly abstraction.-Biography:...
, Varvara Stepanova
Varvara Stepanova
Varvara Fyodorovna Stepanova , was a Russian artist associated with the 'Constructivist' movement.She came from peasant origins but was fortunate enough to get an education at Kazan School of Art, Odessa. There she met her lifelong friend and collaborator Alexander Rodchenko...
, Jana Sterbak
Jana Sterbak
Jana Sterbak is a Canadian artist best known for her works constructed from meat. Two sculptures, Vanitas: Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic and Chair Apollinaire , were both works whose primary medium was cured flank steak also known as skirt steak in the UK butcher trade.Born in Prague,...
, Beat Streuli
Beat Streuli
Beat Streuli is a Swiss visual artist who works with photo and video based media. His photographs, videos and window installations have been exhibited in galleries and museums internationally...
, Josep Maria Subirachs
Josep Maria Subirachs
Josep Maria Subirachs i Sitjar , is a Catalan sculptor and painter of the late 20th century. His best known work is probably the Passion Facade of the basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona...
, Josep Maria de Sucre, Hiroshi Sugimoto
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Hiroshi Sugimoto , born on February 23, 1948, is a Japanese photographer currently dividing his time between Tokyo, Japan and New York City, USA. His catalog is made up of a number of series, each having a distinct theme and similar attributes.-Life and works:Hiroshi Sugimoto was born and raised in...
, Raimon Sunyer, Àlvar Suñol, Carol Sutton
Carol Sutton
Carol Sutton was an American journalist. In 1974 she became the first female managing editor of a major U.S. daily newspaper, The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Kentucky. She was cited as the example of female achievement in journalism when Time named American Women as the 1975 People of the Year...
, Ladislao Szody.
T.R Uthco, TakisTakis
Vassilakis Takis is an artist living in Greece. Adopted by France, his works can be found in many public locations in and around Paris.-Life and work:1940–1950...
, Antoni Tàpies
Antoni Tàpies
Antoni Tàpies i Puig, 1st Marquess of Tàpies is a Catalan painter. He is one of the most famous European artists of his generation. After studying law for 3 years, he devoted himself from 1943 onwards only to his painting...
, Josep Tapiola Gironella, Antoni Taulé
Antoni Taulé
Antoni Taulé i Pujol is a painter of Catalonian origin living in France.In the 1970s the press labelled him as hyper-realist, and a representative of the "new figurative" movement, a "painter of the daily mythology". He then stated,...
, Gonzalo Tena, Joan Josep Tharrats, The Otolith Group, Pierre Thys Droulers, Francesc Todó, Cheron Tomkins, Marcelo Tommasi, Alexandre Tornabell, Jordi Torrent, Joaquín Torres García
Joaquín Torres García
Joaquín Torres García , was a Uruguayan plastic artist and art theorist, also known as the founder of Constructive Universalism...
, Francesc Torres Monsó, Miquel Tort, Pere Tort, Nuria Tortas, Rosemarie Trockel
Rosemarie Trockel
Rosemarie Trockel is a German Artist, and an important figure in the international contemporary art movement.- Life :...
, Tunga.
Ricard Vaccaro, Meyer Vaisman, Francesc Valbuena, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Pedro de Valencia, Eulàlia Valldosera, Evarist Vallès, Romà Vallès, Abel Vallmitjana, Xavier Valls, Lorenzo Valverde, Wonter van Der Hallen, Aldo Van EyckAldo van Eyck
Aldo van Eyck or van Eijk was an architect from the Netherlands.-Family:...
, Hans-Günter van Look, Loïc Vanderstichelen, Pablo Vargas Lugo, Joan Vehí, Patricio Vélez, Berbar Venet, Richard Venlet, Lluís Ventós, Ángel Vergara, Joerg Veronica Bader, Vídeo-Nou, Antoni Vila Arrufat, Joan Vilacasas, Joan Pere Viladecans, Mateo Vilagrasa, Oriol Vilanova, Moisès Villèlia,
Gabriel Villota, Manuel Viola, Marc Vives, Pilar Viviente.
Jeff WallJeff Wall
Jeffrey "Jeff" Wall, OC, RSA is a Canadian artist best known for his large-scale back-lit cibachrome photographs and art-historical writing. Wall has been a key figure in Vancouver's art scene since the early-1970s...
, Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andrew Warhola , known as Andy Warhol, was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art...
, Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner
Lawrence Weiner was a central figure in the formation of conceptual art in the 1960s His work often takes the form of typographic texts.- Life and career :...
, Joyce Weinstein, Stephan Wielgus, Krzysztof Wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko, born April 16th 1943, is an artist renowned for his large-scale slide and video projections on architectural facades and monuments...
, Gil J Wolman, Paul Wood
Paul Wood
Paul Wood is an English professional rugby league footballer for the Warrington Wolves of Super League.Wood played for Warrington in the 2010 Challenge Cup Final victory over the Leeds Rhinos....
, Oyan Wuen-Yven.
Antonio Zarco Fortes, Katarina Zdjelar, Fernando ZobelFernando Zobel
Fernando Zóbel de Ayala , is a Filipino businessman, from the prominent Ayala-Zóbel family. Zóbel graduated from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1982. He also completed a program in International Management at INSEAD in France....
, Gilberto Zorio, Zush, Mariano Zuzunaga.