List of Toho alien races
This is a list of the extraterrestrial races
featured in the tokusatsu
s and television
series produced by Japan
ese production company Toho
, including the various Godzilla
The (from The Mysterians
, 1957) make their presence known on Earth following a sequence of disasters in the Fuji
area: a forest fire, an earthquake, and the rampage of a giant robot called Moguera
. Following these events their leader meets with five scientists and reveals their history: Originally inhabitants of the (formerly) hypothetical planet
Mysteroid, ancient Mysterians had advanced nuclear power
and subsequently destroyed themselves and their planet in a nuclear war
(thereby creating the asteroid belt
). Their descendants colonized Mars
and remained there until Earthlings began claiming Martian land. In retribution, and to preserve their fading race, the Mysterians request a 3-kilometer patch of land on Earth and the right to marry
Earthling women. They wrought destruction at first, they claim, to demonstrate their power and prevent humankind from foolishly instigating a nuclear war against them.
Despite their unprovoked attack, the Mysterians claim to be pacifists
, using mild force at first to prevent large-scale conflict later. Mysterian uniforms consist of white bodysuits with color trim, boots, gloves, and helmets, with color indicative of rank (red the highest, then yellow, then blue). As would become the norm in Toho alien invasion movies, the Mysterians are basically human in form; however, unlike many future alien races, this is their true form, rather than a disguise. Their tactics are innovative and clever; during the Markalite raid on the Mysterians' dome, they destroy one of the devices with a flood and another by sacrificing a second Moguera.
, the 1959 sequel to The Mysterians
. This film itself takes place in 1965, several years after the formation of the Earth Defence Force, of which Etsuko Shiraishi and Dr. Adachi are now members.
More information is needed.
(located behind Jupiter
), the (in Invasion of Astro-Monster
, 1965) pleaded for assistance from the people of Earth, as it seemed King Ghidorah
, having been driven off Earth the previous year by Godzilla, Rodan
, and Mothra
, was now assaulting their planet. Mankind allowed the aliens to "borrow" Godzilla and Rodan, and the two monsters were transported to Planet X and were successful in driving Ghidorah away.
Shortly after this, however, the aliens revealed their true intentions and that they had captured Godzilla and Rodan to gain complete control over them and King Ghidorah. They gave humanity twenty-four hours to choose between surrendering themselves to Planet X or being destroyed by the monsters. They finally grew tired of waiting for an answer and unleashed all three kaiju
upon Japan
Water, very scarce on Planet X, is highly coveted by the Xiliens, and this was the main reason behind their invasion of Earth. The aliens were vulnerable to loud, high-pitched sounds, and humanity used this to defeat them.
The Xiliens were a completely emotionless race, letting their lives be run by computers. Their leader is known as the Controller. Everything on Planet X is numbered, according to the Controller, and King Ghidorah was known as Monster Zero. When the aliens gained control of Godzilla and Rodan, they were known as Monster Zero-One, and Monster Zero-Two.
The Xiliens' spacecraft were capable of traveling one-tenth the speed of light, and could fire explosive laser beams from the domes on their underside. Their ships could also encase targets as big as kaiju inside giant force-bubbles, then use tractor beams to haul them great distances, even from Earth to Planet X. They also possessed laser pistols that were capable of disintegrating a human being. Their greatest power, however, had to be their ability to take control of any creature's mind; they did this to Godzilla, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. These aliens were often called Xians by American fans, though this is not an actual name.
' version of the invaded the Earth
, masking their true intentions with peaceful purposes. They had the ability to control any creature with a certain DNA
compound called M-Base, a compound which both the mutant soldiers of M-Force and they can also alter DNA so they can control other creature like the kaiju
. They used their control of M-Base to send the monsters on rampages across the globe - Rodan
in New York City
, Anguirus
in Shanghai
, Kamacuras
in Paris
, Zilla
in Sydney
, King Caesar
in Okinawa, Kumonga
in Arizona
, and Ebirah
in Tokai
. After allowing them to cause enough damage to their locations, the Xiliens teleported the monsters away, telling the people of the Earth that they rescued them, and want only peace between their planets (Earth and Planet X
). They warned humanity of a small run-away planet known as Gorath
, saying that unless we aimed all our firepower at it, Gorath would collide with the Earth (the planet was the main concern in Gorath
, an older film).
Tension among the Xiliens' ranks soon rose, however. While the leader of the Xiliens wanted to take over the planet through as peaceful means as possible, the second-in-command believed in their superior firepower and technology, and wanted to return the monsters to Earth. It was soon discovered that the Xiliens were replacing high political leaders with Xilien clones, and that Gorath didn't actually exist. The Xiliens were exposed on national television, and with their plan revealed, the second-in-command (henceforth known as the Controller) shot and killed the leader, taking command of the invasion from that point on. He explained that the reason for their invasion was to use mankind as a food source - the Xiliens needed mankind's mitochondria to survive. Upon returning to the Mothership, he returned the monsters to Earth, and this time they were assisted by swarms of Xilien fighters. He also activated the Xiliens' ancient weapon - a cyborg kaiju named Gigan
When Godzilla
was awoken to battle the Xilien army of monsters, the Controller was unfamiliar with the beast, and sent the monsters to defeat him. One by one, Gigan, Zilla, Kumonga, and Kamacuras all fell, and even a team attack by Rodan, Anguirus, and King Caeser failed to stop Godzilla. Upon landing in Tokyo
, Godzilla simultaneously obliterated Ebirah and Hedorah (Hedorah's location prior to this scene is a mystery, as he is not seen at any other time in the film, leading to the belief he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Hedorah could merely have been making a cameo appearance). Enraged, the Controller sent a secret, last monster, Monster X into battle via an enormous Asteroid in which he was contained. The monster was much more powerful than the previous monsters and overpowered Godzilla numerous times. When Mothra
(whom the Controller was also unfamiliar with) arrived in Tokyo, a repaired and upgraded Gigan was sent to destroy her. Monster X and Gigan briefly double-teamed Godzilla before Gigan was destroyed by a kamikaze
attack from Mothra. As the two monsters fought, the Controller revealed to the heroes that mutants were the product of interbreeding between humans and Xiliens in the past. He also revealed that he was a Kaiser (spelled as "Keizer" for unknown reasons)- an extremely rare type of mutant who is granted super powers due to the fusion of M-base and human DNA. Kaisers are able to control any other lifeform by telepathic means if that organism has M-base. Ozaki, one of the mutant soldiers, was also a Kaiser, and defeated the Controller in battle. Moments before the Xilien Mothership came crashing down around him, the Controller is seen screaming in anger and agony among the explosions, due to his defeat. Scenes change back to Monster X and Godzilla, who continue to rage in their war for ultimate defeat of the other. After they are both blown away by a massive conflagration when their energy beams collide, Monster X transforms into a hideous monstrosity known as Keizer Ghidorah
The Xilien Mothership is immense, and is made of four parts: one massive orb-body, and three claw-shaped ships. These "claw ships" can travel on their own, and have the ability to teleport targets, even ones as large as daikaiju, with ease. Where the monsters were stored once they were teleported out of their designated cities is unknown, but it was presumably within the main body. The Mothership is protected by a powerful forcefield, the generator for which is in the core of the ship itself. The Mothership also houses hundreds of fighters.
The (in Destroy All Monsters
, 1968) were a race of female humanoids from the planet Kilaak. Kilaak is an endonym for one of the asteroids
between Mars
and Jupiter
. The aliens invaded Monsterland and assumed control of the kaiju
and resident scientists. Soon the monsters were attacking cities across the globe - Godzilla
attacked New York
, Rodan
assaulted Moscow
, Mothra
invaded Beijing
, Manda attacked London
, and Gorosaurus
destroyed Paris
. Despite the military's efforts to stop them, the aliens remained unscathed until their base on the moon was destroyed by the rocketship, Moonlight SY-3. When humanity broke the kaiju from their control, the aliens pulled out their trump card - King Ghidorah
. However, up against the combined might of Godzilla, Anguirus
, Gorosaurus, Rodan, Mothra, Kumonga
, and Minilla
, Ghidorah was easily slain. Godzilla then destroyed the Kilaakians' base on Earth, ending their threat.
The Kilaakians attempted to conquer Earth in order to create a great scientific civilization, which they stated needed some death to create. The aliens thrived in high temperatures and were greatly susceptible to cold. When they were struck by low temperatures, they shed their human guises and reverted to their true forms: small, metallic worm-like creatures.
Aside from their mind control devices (that can enslave both humans and kaiju alike), they don't seem to have any great technology, though they do have force fields that can't be penetrated even by bullets. Their flying saucers aren't much of a threat in and of themselves, but they have the ability to engulf their outer hulls in flames, burning anything the ship may touch. This mode is called a "Fire Dragon".
Godzilla vs. Gigan
(1972) had the (also known as Nebula M Space Hunter, Space Hunter Galaxy M) invade Earth
in order to escape their own dying planet, long plagued by pollution caused by its previous (and now long extinct) inhabitants, a species just like humans. Using "action signal tapes" to control Gigan
and King Ghidorah
, the aliens had the two monsters demolish Tokyo
until they were challenged by Godzilla
and Anguirus
They were headquartered in a large Godzilla-shaped structure called the Godzilla Tower. The Tower was capable of firing lethal laser beams from its mouth, and these beams very nearly killed Godzilla until the Tower was destroyed by explosives smuggled into the head section, freeing Gigan and Ghidorah in the process. The aliens called their human guises "uniforms," and could only use previously deceased humans for them.
When their uniforms were killed (or perhaps simply sustained enough damage), the aliens' disguises dissolve, revealing their true forms: massive, human-sized cockroach
es. With the exception of the Godzilla Tower, the aliens possessed nothing impressive, and after their initial invasion, were never heard from again, except to send Gigan
to assist Megalon in Godzilla vs. Megalon
Though terrestrial, the Seatopians performed a very similar role to an invading alien species in Godzilla vs. Megalon
, and even seemed to have an alliance with the M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens from the previous film.
The Seatopians lived under the sea, and wished to exact their revenge upon the human race, whom had obliterated most of their Kingdom through the testing of nuclear weapons. They sent their monster god Megalon to destroy the world, and captured the robot Jet Jaguar
to guide him, and also to build an army of robots. Eventually, control of Jet Jaguar was regained, and the robot teamed up with Godzilla
to drive away Megalon and Gigan
The Simians are also known as the "Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens."
sentient beings. They built the robotic Mechagodzilla
as a tool for world domination. They do not seem to be capable of ultra-high technology like that of their predecessors, apart from the ability construct a colossal machine such as Mechagodzilla. Simians can even change into a more human-like appearance. They establish a secret base in Okinawa, only to be discovered and killed by Interpol
agents. Simultaneously, Mechagodzilla is destroyed by the combined strength of Godzilla and King Caesar
(1975) with a rebuilt Mechagodzilla, and a plan to destroy Tokyo to rebuild it as a high-tech city (and branch out from there).
The second wave of Planet 3 Aliens were disfigured humans wearing rubber masks (similar to the underground mutant race depicted recently in Beneath the Planet of the Apes
). This time the aliens joined forces with a vengeful scientist named Shinzo Mafune, who controlled the huge aquatic dinosaur dubbed Titanosaurus
by Mafune. The aliens didn't really care for the scientist, and merely saw Titanosaurus as a way to weaken Godzilla before he faced Mechagodzilla. After Mafune and the Planet 3 Aliens settled their differences, Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus attacked Tokyo
, and were faced with Godzilla. After a lengthy fight, Godzilla eventually triumphed over both foes, blowing up Mechagodzilla in a giant chasm and (apparently) killing Titanosaurus (this was never really confirmed, although that particular monster hasn't been heard from since; in the movie, Titanosaurus
was struck by a powerful atomic ray from Godzilla and fell over a cliff, but since he fell into the ocean, it is entirely possible that, freed from Mafune's control, the dinosaur simply swam back to his home on the ocean floor and never returned). The Planet 3 Aliens tried to escape in their spacecraft, but they were blown out of the sky by Godzilla. All remaining aliens were already killed by Interpol
agents and the military.
The Planet 3 Aliens, like the Nebula M Aliens, didn't seem to possess any impressive technology other than their ability to construct Mechagodzilla. The Second Wave aliens, however, wore silver bulletproof suits. Also like the Nebula M Aliens (and the Kilaakians), the Planet 3 Aliens' human appearance was merely a disguise.
The Futurians were a group of time travelers who appeared in the 1991 film Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
. Although not actually aliens, the Futurians arrived in a large time machine called "Mother Ship" which resembles traditional representation of an alien spaceship. The Futurians themselves consisted of an American man named Wilson, a Russian man named Grenchko (referred to as Glenn Chico in the English dub of the film), a Japanese woman named Emi Kano, and a crew of superhuman androids led by Unit M-11. Upon their arrival, they explained to members of Japan
's government that they had come back from the year 2204 to save the country from total destruction at the hands of Godzilla
. They proposed to do this by traveling back in time to 1944 and eliminating the dinosaur that would become Godzilla as a result of an atomic bomb test 10 years later. However, after teleporting the Godzillasaurus to the depths of the Bering Sea
, Emi "accidentally" left behind the three Dorat
pet animals that had been brought along on the mission. The trio of creatures was exposed to the radiation in Godzilla's stead, and as a result fused together and mutated into the monster King Ghidorah
. By the time Emi and the others returned to the present, King Ghidorah was destroying major cities all across Japan, and the Futurians' true plot was revealed.
Apparently radical members of an organization called the "Earth Union", which is possibly the 23rd-century equivalent of the United Nations
, Wilson and Grenchko had been dissatisfied with the balance of world power in their own time. In this age, Japan was the only major superpower on the planet, and since nuclear weaponry was banned in 2204, Wilson was forced to come up with a different scheme: to travel back in time and cripple Japan in the past, making it weaker in their own time and thus resulting in a fairer balance of world power. With Godzilla gone, he reasoned, Japan would be defenseless; and the Dorats, which could be easily controlled through microwave impulses, would be the ideal template for a monster which would obey their commands.
In the end, Wilson and Grenchko's overconfidence proved to be their undoing, as well as them being unknowing that nuclear pollution was in the Bering Sea that could mutate the dinosaur into Godzilla, who returned to Japan, possibly due to sensing King Ghidorah. Wilson ordered King Ghidorah to be sent to kill Godzilla and while King Ghidorah has the upper hand in the beginning a disillusioned Emi and Terasawa sabotaged the computer controlling Ghidorah with the help of a reprogrammed M-11, allowing Godzilla to hand the three-headed monster a crushing defeat. The three then knock out Wilson and Grenchko and teleport the Mother Ship to the battle field before their emergency override could take them back to the future. While Ghidorah was stunned by a nuclear pulse and the loss of his middle head, Godzilla blasted Mother with his atomic breath, destroying it and killing everyone aboard. Afterwards, King Ghidorah attempted to flee but Godzilla blew a hole in his wing with an atomic ray, sending him falling into the ocean, before Godzilla began to rampage through Japan. Emi and M-11 returned to their own time to resurrect King Ghidorah with cyborg technology in order to stop Godzilla's rampage, guessing that the cold sea water would keep the golden dragon alive. She returned to the present piloting Mecha-King Ghidorah, and eventually defeated Godzilla before returning once again to 2204, but not before revealing that she was Terasawa's descendant. In the manga version, Emi dies as she is about to depart when Godzilla shoots his atomic ray out of the ocean.
The (from Godzilla 2000: Millennium, 1999) were a race of beings that, while traveling in space in their solar-powered spacecraft, crashed on Earth in the Cretaceous Period, and were reduced to anti-matter. In the year 1999, a submarine built by the Crisis Control Intervention Center (CCI) accidentally awakened it from its 65 million year old slumber by shining the submarine's lights on it. The revived Millennians needed a way to regain their physical form. Scanning a group of humans, they found their DNA insufficient, and so their saucer flew off to find DNA that met their needs. They found this DNA in Godzilla
, who was just attacking Tokaimura. Scanning Godzilla, the Millennians found his eternally reproducing cells (dubbed "Organizer G-1", "Regenerator G-1" in the American version) to be ideal for their ambitions. The saucer attacked Godzilla with a powerful energy cannon, but when Godzilla returned fire with his fiery, powerful plasmatomic energy beam, the fight ended up in a double knock-out. The CCI tried to contain the saucer, but it easily broke free from its bindings and flew off, landing in Shinjuku. There, it began remotely absorbing any information it could from computers throughout the city.
When Godzilla arrived in Shinjuku to destroy his foe, the saucer was able to overwhelm him, knocking a massive skyscraper onto him and rendering him unconscious. While Godzilla was out, the saucer extracted a large amount of his DNA and began using it to take form. The Millennians took form as a single, gigantic squid-like creature. Unfortunately, the Millennian could not control the power of Organizer G-1, and began mutating much further than it had expected. The creature collapsed to the ground as the DNA changed its body. As this was happening, Godzilla regained consciousness and blasted the saucer out of the sky. As Godzilla moved in towards the wreckage to investigate, the Millennian stood up, revealing its new form - the monstrous Orga
. Startled by the new creature's sudden appearance, Godzilla went on the attack.
As the Orga, the Millenians acquired massive physical strength and the ability to fire a beam of energy similar to that of their spaceship from its right shoulder. They also gained the ability to assimilate an opponent's DNA by biting them and regenerate rapidly. They also gained a snake-like jaw letting Orga devour opponents whole. This turned out to be their undoing, as Godzilla allowed himself to be partly swallowed so he could destroy the genetic horror from within, decapitating and killing Orga.
The Millennians pilot the saucer using telepathy, which it also uses to tap into all technological devices, including computers, to gather their data, as well as transmit messages on all media machines. It also used telepathy to lasso Godzilla with underground cables, so that the alien can wear out the monster in order to gain the Organizer G-1. The Millennian also seems to not want to fight unless absolutely necessary; even once it has mutated into Orga, it is obvious that it does not want to battle Godzilla until it realizes that escape is not an option. They also rarely attacked humans unless they felt threatened, indicating that despite wanting to conquer the Earth, they wanted to do it peacefully.
The Vortaak are an alien warlike species that appeared in the Godzilla Vortaak Saga of video games, and seem to be based on the Xilians that appear in Monster Zero and Godzilla Final Wars. In Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
the Vortaak seem to be one of the Universe's most dominant species. They conquer planets to expand their civilization. They attack Earth by the best way possible: controlling the Kaiju. Godzilla (not the only monster available) breaks free from the alien mind control and defeats the other Kaiju, who are released from their control and flee to their homes. The Vortaak bring Godzilla aboard their ship to kill him for his attack on them. Their "champion", Mechagodzilla, is released on him, but Godzilla defeats him and is teleported back to Earth as the Vortaak flee with their evil scheme foiled. The upcoming Godzilla: Unleashed website reveals show the Vortaak have secretly attacked Earth Before this game.
The Vortaak return two years later in Godzilla: Save the Earth
. The Vortaak queen oversees her planets attempts to conquer Earth because of their recent defeat. The Vortaak try to steal Godzilla's DNA by tricking the humans. Godzilla travels across the globe after being aware of their return. He passes numerous tests including defeating a larger variety of monsters until he is brought aboard the royal Vortaak ship to defeat the result of his stolen genes, SpaceGodzilla
. Godzilla wins the battle and returns home once again, leaving the Vortaak queen Vorticia screaming as they flee.
The Vortaak appear as villains in the next entry in the series Godzilla: Unleashed
on the Alien Faction, though Spacegodzilla
, Krystalak, and their faction, the Mutants, are the main antagonists of the game. They play an important role in the games storyline and climax due to the fact that they control one of the four teams in the game and the changing storyline. The alien mothership in this game is partially destroyed in a crash and rather than fixing it Vorticia focuses all the Vortaak's power on the recently discovered alien crystals on Earth. Vorticia's plan is to send the players monster to Earth to steal the crystals to empower her own monsters more powerful than Earth's. The Mothership is eventually destroyed in gameplay.
In the Xbox
version of Destroy All Monsters Melee, the Vortaak mothership homeworld is an arena. It is unknown if this is actually their homeplanet or if just another planet in their system. It is unlocked by beating adventure mode with Kiryu.The planet has a harsh rocky landscape surrounded by mountains and rocks are in the landscape and few buildings.
In Destroy All Monsters Melee, Vorticia does not appear but the Vortaak take over the planets and their own kaiju to wreak havoc on Earth until the planets surrender. Godzilla defeats the army of kaiju and the Vortaak flee. Two years later in Save The Earth the Vortaak return and Vorticia makes her appearance to Earth sending the Vortaak kaiju to attack Earth again but Godzilla defeats the bigger army of monsters and passes numerous tests and the Vortaak flee as Vorticia screams.
Early Unleashed revealed videos show an aged Vorticia wondering about the alien crystals on Earth that apparently empower kaiju. She sends the players kaiju to Earth to steal the crystals to empower the other kaiju rather than repair the crashed ship.
Extraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth...
featured in the tokusatsu
is a Japanese term that applies to any live-action film or television drama that usually features superheroes and makes considerable use of special effects ....
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...
s and television
Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with accompanying sound...
series produced by Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
ese production company Toho
is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group...
, including the various Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Mysterians | |
Height | 1.8 meters |
Weight | 80 kilograms |
First appearance | The Mysterians The Mysterians The Mysterians, released in Japan as , is a tokusatsu science fiction film produced and released by Toho Studios in 1957. It was directed by the "Golden Duo" of Ishirō Honda and Eiji Tsuburaya . It is notable for being the first tokusatsu filmed in TohoScope and the first Toho film to use... |
Pawns | Moguera Moguera is a Kaiju featured in two of Toho's science fiction films. The name is derived from the Japanese word for mole.-Showa:... |
Major Enemies | Humans |
The (from The Mysterians
The Mysterians
The Mysterians, released in Japan as , is a tokusatsu science fiction film produced and released by Toho Studios in 1957. It was directed by the "Golden Duo" of Ishirō Honda and Eiji Tsuburaya . It is notable for being the first tokusatsu filmed in TohoScope and the first Toho film to use...
, 1957) make their presence known on Earth following a sequence of disasters in the Fuji
Mount Fuji
is the highest mountain in Japan at . An active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji lies about south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and...
area: a forest fire, an earthquake, and the rampage of a giant robot called Moguera
is a Kaiju featured in two of Toho's science fiction films. The name is derived from the Japanese word for mole.-Showa:...
. Following these events their leader meets with five scientists and reveals their history: Originally inhabitants of the (formerly) hypothetical planet
Hypothetical planet
A hypothetical Solar System object is a planet, natural satellite or similar body in our Solar System whose existence is not known, but has been inferred from observational scientific evidence. Over the years a number of hypothetical planets have been proposed, and many have been disproved...
Mysteroid, ancient Mysterians had advanced nuclear power
Nuclear power
Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Nuclear power plants provide about 6% of the world's energy and 13–14% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear generated electricity...
and subsequently destroyed themselves and their planet in a nuclear war
Nuclear warfare
Nuclear warfare, or atomic warfare, is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weaponry is detonated on an opponent. Compared to conventional warfare, nuclear warfare can be vastly more destructive in range and extent of damage...
(thereby creating the asteroid belt
Asteroid belt
The asteroid belt is the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets...
). Their descendants colonized Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. It is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance...
and remained there until Earthlings began claiming Martian land. In retribution, and to preserve their fading race, the Mysterians request a 3-kilometer patch of land on Earth and the right to marry
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found...
Earthling women. They wrought destruction at first, they claim, to demonstrate their power and prevent humankind from foolishly instigating a nuclear war against them.
Despite their unprovoked attack, the Mysterians claim to be pacifists
Pacifism is the opposition to war and violence. The term "pacifism" was coined by the French peace campaignerÉmile Arnaud and adopted by other peace activists at the tenth Universal Peace Congress inGlasgow in 1901.- Definition :...
, using mild force at first to prevent large-scale conflict later. Mysterian uniforms consist of white bodysuits with color trim, boots, gloves, and helmets, with color indicative of rank (red the highest, then yellow, then blue). As would become the norm in Toho alien invasion movies, the Mysterians are basically human in form; however, unlike many future alien races, this is their true form, rather than a disguise. Their tactics are innovative and clever; during the Markalite raid on the Mysterians' dome, they destroy one of the devices with a flood and another by sacrificing a second Moguera.
The Natarls appeared in Battle in Outer SpaceBattle in Outer Space
Battle in Outer Space, released in Japan as is a tokusatsu film produced and released by Toho Studios in Japan in 1959, and distributed worldwide in 1960 by Columbia Pictures...
, the 1959 sequel to The Mysterians
The Mysterians
The Mysterians, released in Japan as , is a tokusatsu science fiction film produced and released by Toho Studios in 1957. It was directed by the "Golden Duo" of Ishirō Honda and Eiji Tsuburaya . It is notable for being the first tokusatsu filmed in TohoScope and the first Toho film to use...
. This film itself takes place in 1965, several years after the formation of the Earth Defence Force, of which Etsuko Shiraishi and Dr. Adachi are now members.
More information is needed.
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Xiliens | |
Species | Cybernetic humanoids (Invasion of Astro-Monster Invasion of Astro-Monster Invasion of Astro-Monster is a Science Fiction kaiju film released in 1965 as a direct sequel to Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster... ) Reptilian humanoids (Godzilla: Final Wars Godzilla: Final Wars is a 2004 Japanese science fiction-kaiju film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, written by Wataru Mimura and Isao Kiriyama and produced by Shogo Tomiyama. It is the twenty-eighth film in the Godzilla film series, and the sixth in terms of the series' Millennium era... ) |
Form(s) | Keizer (only in Godzilla: Final Wars Godzilla: Final Wars is a 2004 Japanese science fiction-kaiju film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, written by Wataru Mimura and Isao Kiriyama and produced by Shogo Tomiyama. It is the twenty-eighth film in the Godzilla film series, and the sixth in terms of the series' Millennium era... ) |
Height | 1.8 meters |
Weight | 80 kilograms |
First appearance | Invasion of Astro-Monster Invasion of Astro-Monster Invasion of Astro-Monster is a Science Fiction kaiju film released in 1965 as a direct sequel to Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster... |
Pawns | King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... (only in Invasion of Astro-Monster) Rodan Rodan is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile... Gigan Gigan is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,... Anguirus Anguirus is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again... Kamacuras Kamacuras , is a fictional gigantic praying mantis that has appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In its first appearance, the creature was called Gimantis in the U.S. version.-Showa:... King Caesar King Caesar is a fictional Kaiju from the Toho produced Godzilla series. King Caesar's appearance was inspired by the Shisa, a beast that looks like a combination between a dog and a lion. It first appeared in the 1974 Showa film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla... Ebirah Ebirah , is a fictional kaiju that first appeared in the Showa Godzilla film Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster. He is one of the two main antagonists of the film.-Showa series:... Kumonga Kumonga is a giant spider daikaiju that appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In the monster's first two appearances, it was called Spiega or Spiga. Spiga/Kumonga is the main antagonist in Son of Godzilla.-Abilities:... Zilla Zilla , also known as the American Godzilla, is a movie monster that first appeared as the title character in the 1998 Roland Emmerich film Godzilla. The design by Patrick Tatopoulos is that of a hunched bent-over marine iguana... Monster X Keizer Ghidorah |
Major Enemies | Humans Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... (only in Final Wars) Rodan Rodan is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile... (only in Invasion of Astro-Monster) |
Invasion of Astro-Monster
Hailing from the mysterious Planet XPlanet X
Following the discovery of the planet Neptune in 1846, there was considerable speculation that another planet might exist beyond its orbit. The search began in the mid-19th century but culminated at the start of the 20th with Percival Lowell's quest for Planet X...
(located behind Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a gas giant with mass one-thousandth that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn,...
), the (in Invasion of Astro-Monster
Invasion of Astro-Monster
Invasion of Astro-Monster is a Science Fiction kaiju film released in 1965 as a direct sequel to Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster...
, 1965) pleaded for assistance from the people of Earth, as it seemed King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah
is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films...
, having been driven off Earth the previous year by Godzilla, Rodan
is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile...
, and Mothra
is a kaiju, a type of fictional monster who first appeared in the serialized novel The Luminous Fairies and Mothra by Takehiko Fukunaga, Shinichiro Nakamura, and Yoshie Hotta...
, was now assaulting their planet. Mankind allowed the aliens to "borrow" Godzilla and Rodan, and the two monsters were transported to Planet X and were successful in driving Ghidorah away.
Shortly after this, however, the aliens revealed their true intentions and that they had captured Godzilla and Rodan to gain complete control over them and King Ghidorah. They gave humanity twenty-four hours to choose between surrendering themselves to Planet X or being destroyed by the monsters. They finally grew tired of waiting for an answer and unleashed all three kaiju
is a Japanese word that means "strange beast," but often translated in English as "monster". Specifically, it is used to refer to a genre of tokusatsu entertainment....
upon Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
Water, very scarce on Planet X, is highly coveted by the Xiliens, and this was the main reason behind their invasion of Earth. The aliens were vulnerable to loud, high-pitched sounds, and humanity used this to defeat them.
The Xiliens were a completely emotionless race, letting their lives be run by computers. Their leader is known as the Controller. Everything on Planet X is numbered, according to the Controller, and King Ghidorah was known as Monster Zero. When the aliens gained control of Godzilla and Rodan, they were known as Monster Zero-One, and Monster Zero-Two.
The Xiliens' spacecraft were capable of traveling one-tenth the speed of light, and could fire explosive laser beams from the domes on their underside. Their ships could also encase targets as big as kaiju inside giant force-bubbles, then use tractor beams to haul them great distances, even from Earth to Planet X. They also possessed laser pistols that were capable of disintegrating a human being. Their greatest power, however, had to be their ability to take control of any creature's mind; they did this to Godzilla, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. These aliens were often called Xians by American fans, though this is not an actual name.
Godzilla: Final Wars
Godzilla: Final WarsGodzilla: Final Wars
is a 2004 Japanese science fiction-kaiju film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, written by Wataru Mimura and Isao Kiriyama and produced by Shogo Tomiyama. It is the twenty-eighth film in the Godzilla film series, and the sixth in terms of the series' Millennium era...
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...
, masking their true intentions with peaceful purposes. They had the ability to control any creature with a certain DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms . The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in...
compound called M-Base, a compound which both the mutant soldiers of M-Force and they can also alter DNA so they can control other creature like the kaiju
is a Japanese word that means "strange beast," but often translated in English as "monster". Specifically, it is used to refer to a genre of tokusatsu entertainment....
. They used their control of M-Base to send the monsters on rampages across the globe - Rodan
is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile...
in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...
, Anguirus
is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again...
in Shanghai
Shanghai is the largest city by population in China and the largest city proper in the world. It is one of the four province-level municipalities in the People's Republic of China, with a total population of over 23 million as of 2010...
, Kamacuras
, is a fictional gigantic praying mantis that has appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In its first appearance, the creature was called Gimantis in the U.S. version.-Showa:...
in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
, Zilla
, also known as the American Godzilla, is a movie monster that first appeared as the title character in the 1998 Roland Emmerich film Godzilla. The design by Patrick Tatopoulos is that of a hunched bent-over marine iguana...
in Sydney
Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. As of June 2010, the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people...
, King Caesar
King Caesar
is a fictional Kaiju from the Toho produced Godzilla series. King Caesar's appearance was inspired by the Shisa, a beast that looks like a combination between a dog and a lion. It first appeared in the 1974 Showa film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla...
in Okinawa, Kumonga
is a giant spider daikaiju that appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In the monster's first two appearances, it was called Spiega or Spiga. Spiga/Kumonga is the main antagonist in Son of Godzilla.-Abilities:...
in Arizona
Arizona ; is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. It is also part of the western United States and the mountain west. The capital and largest city is Phoenix...
, and Ebirah
, is a fictional kaiju that first appeared in the Showa Godzilla film Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster. He is one of the two main antagonists of the film.-Showa series:...
in Tokai
Tōkai in Japanese may refer to:* Tōkai region, a subregion of Chūbu* Tōkai, Ibaraki, a village, also nown as "Tokaimura" * Tōkai, Aichi, a city* Tōkai University, a private university in Tokyo...
. After allowing them to cause enough damage to their locations, the Xiliens teleported the monsters away, telling the people of the Earth that they rescued them, and want only peace between their planets (Earth and Planet X
Planet X
Following the discovery of the planet Neptune in 1846, there was considerable speculation that another planet might exist beyond its orbit. The search began in the mid-19th century but culminated at the start of the 20th with Percival Lowell's quest for Planet X...
). They warned humanity of a small run-away planet known as Gorath
Gorath, released in Japan as , is a Japanese science fiction tokusatsu film produced by Toho in 1962. The story for Gorath was by Jojiro Okami.-Synopsis:...
, saying that unless we aimed all our firepower at it, Gorath would collide with the Earth (the planet was the main concern in Gorath
Gorath, released in Japan as , is a Japanese science fiction tokusatsu film produced by Toho in 1962. The story for Gorath was by Jojiro Okami.-Synopsis:...
, an older film).
Tension among the Xiliens' ranks soon rose, however. While the leader of the Xiliens wanted to take over the planet through as peaceful means as possible, the second-in-command believed in their superior firepower and technology, and wanted to return the monsters to Earth. It was soon discovered that the Xiliens were replacing high political leaders with Xilien clones, and that Gorath didn't actually exist. The Xiliens were exposed on national television, and with their plan revealed, the second-in-command (henceforth known as the Controller) shot and killed the leader, taking command of the invasion from that point on. He explained that the reason for their invasion was to use mankind as a food source - the Xiliens needed mankind's mitochondria to survive. Upon returning to the Mothership, he returned the monsters to Earth, and this time they were assisted by swarms of Xilien fighters. He also activated the Xiliens' ancient weapon - a cyborg kaiju named Gigan
is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,...
When Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
was awoken to battle the Xilien army of monsters, the Controller was unfamiliar with the beast, and sent the monsters to defeat him. One by one, Gigan, Zilla, Kumonga, and Kamacuras all fell, and even a team attack by Rodan, Anguirus, and King Caeser failed to stop Godzilla. Upon landing in Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
, Godzilla simultaneously obliterated Ebirah and Hedorah (Hedorah's location prior to this scene is a mystery, as he is not seen at any other time in the film, leading to the belief he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Hedorah could merely have been making a cameo appearance). Enraged, the Controller sent a secret, last monster, Monster X into battle via an enormous Asteroid in which he was contained. The monster was much more powerful than the previous monsters and overpowered Godzilla numerous times. When Mothra
is a kaiju, a type of fictional monster who first appeared in the serialized novel The Luminous Fairies and Mothra by Takehiko Fukunaga, Shinichiro Nakamura, and Yoshie Hotta...
(whom the Controller was also unfamiliar with) arrived in Tokyo, a repaired and upgraded Gigan was sent to destroy her. Monster X and Gigan briefly double-teamed Godzilla before Gigan was destroyed by a kamikaze
The were suicide attacks by military aviators from the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II, designed to destroy as many warships as possible....
attack from Mothra. As the two monsters fought, the Controller revealed to the heroes that mutants were the product of interbreeding between humans and Xiliens in the past. He also revealed that he was a Kaiser (spelled as "Keizer" for unknown reasons)- an extremely rare type of mutant who is granted super powers due to the fusion of M-base and human DNA. Kaisers are able to control any other lifeform by telepathic means if that organism has M-base. Ozaki, one of the mutant soldiers, was also a Kaiser, and defeated the Controller in battle. Moments before the Xilien Mothership came crashing down around him, the Controller is seen screaming in anger and agony among the explosions, due to his defeat. Scenes change back to Monster X and Godzilla, who continue to rage in their war for ultimate defeat of the other. After they are both blown away by a massive conflagration when their energy beams collide, Monster X transforms into a hideous monstrosity known as Keizer Ghidorah
King Ghidorah
is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films...
The Xilien Mothership is immense, and is made of four parts: one massive orb-body, and three claw-shaped ships. These "claw ships" can travel on their own, and have the ability to teleport targets, even ones as large as daikaiju, with ease. Where the monsters were stored once they were teleported out of their designated cities is unknown, but it was presumably within the main body. The Mothership is protected by a powerful forcefield, the generator for which is in the core of the ship itself. The Mothership also houses hundreds of fighters.
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Kilaakians | |
Species | Shapeshifting silicon based organisms |
Height | 1.7 meters |
Weight | 500 kilograms |
First appearance | Destroy All Monsters Destroy All Monsters Destroy All Monsters, released in Japan as , is a 1968 Japanese horror Science fiction Kaiju film. The ninth in Toho Studios' Godzilla series, it was directed by Ishirō Honda with special effects by Sadamasa Arikawa This is the fifth film to feature Mothra, third to feature King Ghidorah, fourth... |
Pawns | Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... Anguirus Anguirus is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again... Rodan Rodan is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile... Mothra Mothra is a kaiju, a type of fictional monster who first appeared in the serialized novel The Luminous Fairies and Mothra by Takehiko Fukunaga, Shinichiro Nakamura, and Yoshie Hotta... Gorosaurus Gorosaurus is a fictional theropod dinosaur created by Toho Studios. He stands 35 meters tall and weighs 8,000 tons in his first appearance. He was an opponent of King Kong in 1967's King Kong Escapes. He later enjoyed a prominent role in 1968's Destroy All Monsters, in which his size was increased to match... Manda Baragon Baragon is a fictional Kaiju that was first featured in the 1965 Toho-produced film, Frankenstein Conquers the World. Baragon is a four-legged dinosaur with a horn on his head and large ears. His main weapon is a heat ray that he can fire from his mouth... Varan Varan is a kaiju that first appeared in Varan the Unbelievable . Physically, Varan resembles a giant reptile with skin membranes between his arms and legs, allowing him to glide much like a flying dragon or flying squirrel; he also has a horned head.... Minilla Minilla is a Kaiju from the Godzilla series of films and is the first of several young Godzillas. He first appeared in the Showa film Son of Godzilla and also appeared in Destroy All Monsters, All Monsters Attack and the Millennium film Godzilla: Final Wars.-Origin:The son of the famous Godzilla, Minilla... Kumonga Kumonga is a giant spider daikaiju that appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In the monster's first two appearances, it was called Spiega or Spiga. Spiga/Kumonga is the main antagonist in Son of Godzilla.-Abilities:... King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... |
Major Enemies | Humans All of their pawns except King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... |
The (in Destroy All Monsters
Destroy All Monsters
Destroy All Monsters, released in Japan as , is a 1968 Japanese horror Science fiction Kaiju film. The ninth in Toho Studios' Godzilla series, it was directed by Ishirō Honda with special effects by Sadamasa Arikawa This is the fifth film to feature Mothra, third to feature King Ghidorah, fourth...
, 1968) were a race of female humanoids from the planet Kilaak. Kilaak is an endonym for one of the asteroids
Asteroid belt
The asteroid belt is the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets...
between Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. It is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance...
and Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a gas giant with mass one-thousandth that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn,...
. The aliens invaded Monsterland and assumed control of the kaiju
is a Japanese word that means "strange beast," but often translated in English as "monster". Specifically, it is used to refer to a genre of tokusatsu entertainment....
and resident scientists. Soon the monsters were attacking cities across the globe - Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
attacked New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...
, Rodan
is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile...
assaulted Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
, Mothra
is a kaiju, a type of fictional monster who first appeared in the serialized novel The Luminous Fairies and Mothra by Takehiko Fukunaga, Shinichiro Nakamura, and Yoshie Hotta...
invaded Beijing
Beijing , also known as Peking , is the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the most populous cities in the world, with a population of 19,612,368 as of 2010. The city is the country's political, cultural, and educational center, and home to the headquarters for most of China's...
, Manda attacked London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...
, and Gorosaurus
is a fictional theropod dinosaur created by Toho Studios. He stands 35 meters tall and weighs 8,000 tons in his first appearance. He was an opponent of King Kong in 1967's King Kong Escapes. He later enjoyed a prominent role in 1968's Destroy All Monsters, in which his size was increased to match...
destroyed Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
. Despite the military's efforts to stop them, the aliens remained unscathed until their base on the moon was destroyed by the rocketship, Moonlight SY-3. When humanity broke the kaiju from their control, the aliens pulled out their trump card - King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah
is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films...
. However, up against the combined might of Godzilla, Anguirus
is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again...
, Gorosaurus, Rodan, Mothra, Kumonga
is a giant spider daikaiju that appeared in the Toho produced Godzilla series. In the monster's first two appearances, it was called Spiega or Spiga. Spiga/Kumonga is the main antagonist in Son of Godzilla.-Abilities:...
, and Minilla
is a Kaiju from the Godzilla series of films and is the first of several young Godzillas. He first appeared in the Showa film Son of Godzilla and also appeared in Destroy All Monsters, All Monsters Attack and the Millennium film Godzilla: Final Wars.-Origin:The son of the famous Godzilla, Minilla...
, Ghidorah was easily slain. Godzilla then destroyed the Kilaakians' base on Earth, ending their threat.
The Kilaakians attempted to conquer Earth in order to create a great scientific civilization, which they stated needed some death to create. The aliens thrived in high temperatures and were greatly susceptible to cold. When they were struck by low temperatures, they shed their human guises and reverted to their true forms: small, metallic worm-like creatures.
Aside from their mind control devices (that can enslave both humans and kaiju alike), they don't seem to have any great technology, though they do have force fields that can't be penetrated even by bullets. Their flying saucers aren't much of a threat in and of themselves, but they have the ability to engulf their outer hulls in flames, burning anything the ship may touch. This mode is called a "Fire Dragon".
Space Hunter Nebula M Aliens
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens | |
Species | Insect Insect Insects are a class of living creatures within the arthropods that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body , three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae... oids |
Height | 1.7 meters |
Weight | 60 kilograms |
First appearance | Godzilla vs. Gigan Godzilla vs. Gigan Godzilla vs. Gigan, released in Japan as and also known as Godzilla on Monster Island when first released to U.S. theaters, is a 1972 Science Fiction Kaiju film. The 12th of Toho Studio's Godzilla series, it was directed by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. It is the fourth film... |
Allies | Seatopians |
Pawns | Gigan Gigan is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,... King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... |
Major Enemies | Humans Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... Anguirus Anguirus is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again... |
Godzilla vs. Gigan
Godzilla vs. Gigan
Godzilla vs. Gigan, released in Japan as and also known as Godzilla on Monster Island when first released to U.S. theaters, is a 1972 Science Fiction Kaiju film. The 12th of Toho Studio's Godzilla series, it was directed by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. It is the fourth film...
(1972) had the (also known as Nebula M Space Hunter, Space Hunter Galaxy M) invade Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...
in order to escape their own dying planet, long plagued by pollution caused by its previous (and now long extinct) inhabitants, a species just like humans. Using "action signal tapes" to control Gigan
is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,...
and King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah
is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films...
, the aliens had the two monsters demolish Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
until they were challenged by Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
and Anguirus
is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again...
They were headquartered in a large Godzilla-shaped structure called the Godzilla Tower. The Tower was capable of firing lethal laser beams from its mouth, and these beams very nearly killed Godzilla until the Tower was destroyed by explosives smuggled into the head section, freeing Gigan and Ghidorah in the process. The aliens called their human guises "uniforms," and could only use previously deceased humans for them.
When their uniforms were killed (or perhaps simply sustained enough damage), the aliens' disguises dissolve, revealing their true forms: massive, human-sized cockroach
Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattaria or Blattodea, of which about 30 species out of 4,500 total are associated with human habitations...
es. With the exception of the Godzilla Tower, the aliens possessed nothing impressive, and after their initial invasion, were never heard from again, except to send Gigan
is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,...
to assist Megalon in Godzilla vs. Megalon
Godzilla vs. Megalon
is a 1973 Japanese science fiction kaiju film directed and co-written by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. It was the thirteenth film in the Godzilla franchise...
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Seatopians | |
Species | Humans |
First appearance | Godzilla vs. Megalon Godzilla vs. Megalon is a 1973 Japanese science fiction kaiju film directed and co-written by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. It was the thirteenth film in the Godzilla franchise... |
Allies | M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens |
Pawns | Megalon Gigan Gigan is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,... |
Major Enemies | Humans Jet Jaguar Jet Jaguar is a fictional character who appears in the Godzilla film Godzilla vs. Megalon .-History:In Godzilla vs. Megalon, Jet Jaguar is a robot created by the protagonist, Goro Ibuki. He is initially depicted as a mindless automaton, and is controlled by the evil Seatopians for most of the film... Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... |
Though terrestrial, the Seatopians performed a very similar role to an invading alien species in Godzilla vs. Megalon
Godzilla vs. Megalon
is a 1973 Japanese science fiction kaiju film directed and co-written by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano. It was the thirteenth film in the Godzilla franchise...
, and even seemed to have an alliance with the M Space Hunter Nebula Aliens from the previous film.
The Seatopians lived under the sea, and wished to exact their revenge upon the human race, whom had obliterated most of their Kingdom through the testing of nuclear weapons. They sent their monster god Megalon to destroy the world, and captured the robot Jet Jaguar
Jet Jaguar
is a fictional character who appears in the Godzilla film Godzilla vs. Megalon .-History:In Godzilla vs. Megalon, Jet Jaguar is a robot created by the protagonist, Goro Ibuki. He is initially depicted as a mindless automaton, and is controlled by the evil Seatopians for most of the film...
to guide him, and also to build an army of robots. Eventually, control of Jet Jaguar was regained, and the robot teamed up with Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
to drive away Megalon and Gigan
is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,...
The Simians
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens | |
Species | Hominid |
Height | 1.8 meters |
Weight | 90 kilograms |
First appearance | Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla , originally known in the United States as Godzilla vs. Bionic Monster and subsequently Godzilla vs. Cosmic Monster, is a 1974 science fiction kaiju film. This was the 14th of the Toho studio's Godzilla series , it was directed by Jun Fukuda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano and the... |
Pawns | Mechagodzilla Mechagodzilla is a fictional character from various films in the Godzilla series, introduced in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla . He is Godzilla's mechanical doppelgänger and one of the most popular Toho kaiju... Titanosaurus Titanosaurus (Godzilla) is a fictional kaiju featured in the 1975 Showa film Terror of Mechagodzilla, the fifteenth Godzilla film to be produced by Toho.-Abilities:... |
Major Enemies | Humans Anguirus Anguirus is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again... Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... King Caesar King Caesar is a fictional Kaiju from the Toho produced Godzilla series. King Caesar's appearance was inspired by the Shisa, a beast that looks like a combination between a dog and a lion. It first appeared in the 1974 Showa film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla... |
The Simians are also known as the "Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens."
First Wave
The Simians are a race of war-like, wine-drinking humanoid apeApe
Apes are Old World anthropoid mammals, more specifically a clade of tailless catarrhine primates, belonging to the biological superfamily Hominoidea. The apes are native to Africa and South-east Asia, although in relatively recent times humans have spread all over the world...
sentient beings. They built the robotic Mechagodzilla
is a fictional character from various films in the Godzilla series, introduced in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla . He is Godzilla's mechanical doppelgänger and one of the most popular Toho kaiju...
as a tool for world domination. They do not seem to be capable of ultra-high technology like that of their predecessors, apart from the ability construct a colossal machine such as Mechagodzilla. Simians can even change into a more human-like appearance. They establish a secret base in Okinawa, only to be discovered and killed by Interpol
Interpol, whose full name is the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL, is an organization facilitating international police cooperation...
agents. Simultaneously, Mechagodzilla is destroyed by the combined strength of Godzilla and King Caesar
King Caesar
is a fictional Kaiju from the Toho produced Godzilla series. King Caesar's appearance was inspired by the Shisa, a beast that looks like a combination between a dog and a lion. It first appeared in the 1974 Showa film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla...
Second Wave
A new army of Planet 3 Aliens returned the next year in Terror of MechagodzillaTerror of Mechagodzilla
Terror of Mechagodzilla, released in Japan as , is a 1975 science fiction kaiju film. The film was titled The Terror of Godzilla in its original American theatrical release. The 15th film in Toho's Godzilla series, it was directed by Ishirō Honda with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano...
(1975) with a rebuilt Mechagodzilla, and a plan to destroy Tokyo to rebuild it as a high-tech city (and branch out from there).
The second wave of Planet 3 Aliens were disfigured humans wearing rubber masks (similar to the underground mutant race depicted recently in Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes is a 1970 American science fiction film directed by Ted Post and written by Paul Dehn. It is the second of five films in the original Planet of the Apes series produced by Arthur P. Jacobs...
). This time the aliens joined forces with a vengeful scientist named Shinzo Mafune, who controlled the huge aquatic dinosaur dubbed Titanosaurus
Titanosaurus (Godzilla)
is a fictional kaiju featured in the 1975 Showa film Terror of Mechagodzilla, the fifteenth Godzilla film to be produced by Toho.-Abilities:...
by Mafune. The aliens didn't really care for the scientist, and merely saw Titanosaurus as a way to weaken Godzilla before he faced Mechagodzilla. After Mafune and the Planet 3 Aliens settled their differences, Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus attacked Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
, and were faced with Godzilla. After a lengthy fight, Godzilla eventually triumphed over both foes, blowing up Mechagodzilla in a giant chasm and (apparently) killing Titanosaurus (this was never really confirmed, although that particular monster hasn't been heard from since; in the movie, Titanosaurus
Titanosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur, first described by Lydekker in 1877. It is known from the Maastrichtian Lameta Formation of India...
was struck by a powerful atomic ray from Godzilla and fell over a cliff, but since he fell into the ocean, it is entirely possible that, freed from Mafune's control, the dinosaur simply swam back to his home on the ocean floor and never returned). The Planet 3 Aliens tried to escape in their spacecraft, but they were blown out of the sky by Godzilla. All remaining aliens were already killed by Interpol
Interpol, whose full name is the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL, is an organization facilitating international police cooperation...
agents and the military.
The Planet 3 Aliens, like the Nebula M Aliens, didn't seem to possess any impressive technology other than their ability to construct Mechagodzilla. The Second Wave aliens, however, wore silver bulletproof suits. Also like the Nebula M Aliens (and the Kilaakians), the Planet 3 Aliens' human appearance was merely a disguise.
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Futurians | |
Species | Human Human Humans are the only living species in the Homo genus... s |
First appearance | Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah , alternatively spelled Godzilla vs. King Ghidora, is the 18th installment in the Godzilla series of films. This is the fifth film to feature King Ghidorah and the first film to feature Mecha-King Ghidorah, . The movie was released theatrically in Japan on December 14, 1991... |
Pawns | Dorats King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... |
Major Enemies | Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... |
The Futurians were a group of time travelers who appeared in the 1991 film Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
, alternatively spelled Godzilla vs. King Ghidora, is the 18th installment in the Godzilla series of films. This is the fifth film to feature King Ghidorah and the first film to feature Mecha-King Ghidorah, . The movie was released theatrically in Japan on December 14, 1991...
. Although not actually aliens, the Futurians arrived in a large time machine called "Mother Ship" which resembles traditional representation of an alien spaceship. The Futurians themselves consisted of an American man named Wilson, a Russian man named Grenchko (referred to as Glenn Chico in the English dub of the film), a Japanese woman named Emi Kano, and a crew of superhuman androids led by Unit M-11. Upon their arrival, they explained to members of Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
's government that they had come back from the year 2204 to save the country from total destruction at the hands of Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
. They proposed to do this by traveling back in time to 1944 and eliminating the dinosaur that would become Godzilla as a result of an atomic bomb test 10 years later. However, after teleporting the Godzillasaurus to the depths of the Bering Sea
Bering Sea
The Bering Sea is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean. It comprises a deep water basin, which then rises through a narrow slope into the shallower water above the continental shelves....
, Emi "accidentally" left behind the three Dorat
Dorat may refer to:* Jean Daurat , , French poet and scholar, member of the Pléiade* Claude Joseph Dorat , French writer, also known as Le Chevalier Dorat...
pet animals that had been brought along on the mission. The trio of creatures was exposed to the radiation in Godzilla's stead, and as a result fused together and mutated into the monster King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah
is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films...
. By the time Emi and the others returned to the present, King Ghidorah was destroying major cities all across Japan, and the Futurians' true plot was revealed.
Apparently radical members of an organization called the "Earth Union", which is possibly the 23rd-century equivalent of the United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...
, Wilson and Grenchko had been dissatisfied with the balance of world power in their own time. In this age, Japan was the only major superpower on the planet, and since nuclear weaponry was banned in 2204, Wilson was forced to come up with a different scheme: to travel back in time and cripple Japan in the past, making it weaker in their own time and thus resulting in a fairer balance of world power. With Godzilla gone, he reasoned, Japan would be defenseless; and the Dorats, which could be easily controlled through microwave impulses, would be the ideal template for a monster which would obey their commands.
In the end, Wilson and Grenchko's overconfidence proved to be their undoing, as well as them being unknowing that nuclear pollution was in the Bering Sea that could mutate the dinosaur into Godzilla, who returned to Japan, possibly due to sensing King Ghidorah. Wilson ordered King Ghidorah to be sent to kill Godzilla and while King Ghidorah has the upper hand in the beginning a disillusioned Emi and Terasawa sabotaged the computer controlling Ghidorah with the help of a reprogrammed M-11, allowing Godzilla to hand the three-headed monster a crushing defeat. The three then knock out Wilson and Grenchko and teleport the Mother Ship to the battle field before their emergency override could take them back to the future. While Ghidorah was stunned by a nuclear pulse and the loss of his middle head, Godzilla blasted Mother with his atomic breath, destroying it and killing everyone aboard. Afterwards, King Ghidorah attempted to flee but Godzilla blew a hole in his wing with an atomic ray, sending him falling into the ocean, before Godzilla began to rampage through Japan. Emi and M-11 returned to their own time to resurrect King Ghidorah with cyborg technology in order to stop Godzilla's rampage, guessing that the cold sea water would keep the golden dragon alive. She returned to the present piloting Mecha-King Ghidorah, and eventually defeated Godzilla before returning once again to 2204, but not before revealing that she was Terasawa's descendant. In the manga version, Emi dies as she is about to depart when Godzilla shoots his atomic ray out of the ocean.
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Millennians | |
Form(s) | Orga Orga is the main antagonist in Godzilla 2000.Before becoming Orga, the Millennian dwelt within its spaceship, awakened from its slumber at the bottom of the ocean by searchlights... (mutated form) |
Height | 40 meters |
Weight | 10,000 tons |
First appearance | Godzilla 2000: Millennium |
Major Enemies | Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... |
The (from Godzilla 2000: Millennium, 1999) were a race of beings that, while traveling in space in their solar-powered spacecraft, crashed on Earth in the Cretaceous Period, and were reduced to anti-matter. In the year 1999, a submarine built by the Crisis Control Intervention Center (CCI) accidentally awakened it from its 65 million year old slumber by shining the submarine's lights on it. The revived Millennians needed a way to regain their physical form. Scanning a group of humans, they found their DNA insufficient, and so their saucer flew off to find DNA that met their needs. They found this DNA in Godzilla
is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,...
, who was just attacking Tokaimura. Scanning Godzilla, the Millennians found his eternally reproducing cells (dubbed "Organizer G-1", "Regenerator G-1" in the American version) to be ideal for their ambitions. The saucer attacked Godzilla with a powerful energy cannon, but when Godzilla returned fire with his fiery, powerful plasmatomic energy beam, the fight ended up in a double knock-out. The CCI tried to contain the saucer, but it easily broke free from its bindings and flew off, landing in Shinjuku. There, it began remotely absorbing any information it could from computers throughout the city.
When Godzilla arrived in Shinjuku to destroy his foe, the saucer was able to overwhelm him, knocking a massive skyscraper onto him and rendering him unconscious. While Godzilla was out, the saucer extracted a large amount of his DNA and began using it to take form. The Millennians took form as a single, gigantic squid-like creature. Unfortunately, the Millennian could not control the power of Organizer G-1, and began mutating much further than it had expected. The creature collapsed to the ground as the DNA changed its body. As this was happening, Godzilla regained consciousness and blasted the saucer out of the sky. As Godzilla moved in towards the wreckage to investigate, the Millennian stood up, revealing its new form - the monstrous Orga
is the main antagonist in Godzilla 2000.Before becoming Orga, the Millennian dwelt within its spaceship, awakened from its slumber at the bottom of the ocean by searchlights...
. Startled by the new creature's sudden appearance, Godzilla went on the attack.
As the Orga, the Millenians acquired massive physical strength and the ability to fire a beam of energy similar to that of their spaceship from its right shoulder. They also gained the ability to assimilate an opponent's DNA by biting them and regenerate rapidly. They also gained a snake-like jaw letting Orga devour opponents whole. This turned out to be their undoing, as Godzilla allowed himself to be partly swallowed so he could destroy the genetic horror from within, decapitating and killing Orga.
The Millennians pilot the saucer using telepathy, which it also uses to tap into all technological devices, including computers, to gather their data, as well as transmit messages on all media machines. It also used telepathy to lasso Godzilla with underground cables, so that the alien can wear out the monster in order to gain the Organizer G-1. The Millennian also seems to not want to fight unless absolutely necessary; even once it has mutated into Orga, it is obvious that it does not want to battle Godzilla until it realizes that escape is not an option. They also rarely attacked humans unless they felt threatened, indicating that despite wanting to conquer the Earth, they wanted to do it peacefully.
The atmosphere is very different from Earth's, most species won't survive on our world from this planet.Vortaak
Toho Toho is a Japanese film, theater production, and distribution company. It is headquartered in Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and is one of the core companies of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group... alien race |
Vortaak | |
First appearance | Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... |
Pawns | Godzilla Godzilla is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games,... (only in Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... ) Anguirus Anguirus is the second Kaiju to appear in the Toho franchise. Anguirus appeared only a year after Godzilla in the 1955 Toho film Godzilla Raids Again... (only in Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... ) Rodan Rodan is a fictional Japanese mutated pterosaur introduced in Rodan, a 1956 release from Toho Studios, the company responsible for the Godzilla series. Like Godzilla and Anguirus, he is designed after a type of prehistoric reptile... (only in Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... ) Destoroyah Destoroyah , alternatively Destroyah, or Destroyer, is a fictional Japanese monster from the Godzilla Franchise appearing only in the 1995 film Godzilla vs. Destoroyah and in some of the Godzilla video games. He originated as a colony of Precambrian crustaceans that had been awakened and mutated when the... (only in Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... ) Megalon King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is a kaiju, a fictional Japanese monster featured in several of Toho Studios' Godzilla films... Gigan Gigan is a kaiju from the Godzilla series, introduced in the 1972 film Godzilla vs. Gigan. Gigan is a cybernetic monster sporting a buzzsaw weapon in its frontal abdominal region and large metallic hooks for hands. Gigan is considered Godzilla's most brutal and violent opponent, alongside Destroyah,... Mechagodzilla Mechagodzilla 2 (only in Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003... ) Orga Orga is the main antagonist in Godzilla 2000.Before becoming Orga, the Millennian dwelt within its spaceship, awakened from its slumber at the bottom of the ocean by searchlights... SpaceGodzilla SpaceGodzilla , is a modified clone of Godzilla featured in the Heisei Godzilla film Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla . SpaceGodzilla is the main antagonist of the film. It was originally planned for use in the Showa era of films but dropped, and its physical appearance is nearly identical to Super Godzilla, a variant... (only in Save the Earth Godzilla: Save the Earth Godzilla: Save the Earth is a fighting game released on November 2, 2004 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox game consoles based on characters and situations from the Godzilla film series. The game is itself the sequel to the 2002 game Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee which was released for the... ) Ebirah Ebirah , is a fictional kaiju that first appeared in the Showa Godzilla film Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster. He is one of the two main antagonists of the film.-Showa series:... (only in Save the Earth Godzilla: Save the Earth Godzilla: Save the Earth is a fighting game released on November 2, 2004 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox game consoles based on characters and situations from the Godzilla film series. The game is itself the sequel to the 2002 game Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee which was released for the... ) |
Major Enemies | Humans Any monster who thwarts their plans in the story modes of the Godzilla games |
The Vortaak are an alien warlike species that appeared in the Godzilla Vortaak Saga of video games, and seem to be based on the Xilians that appear in Monster Zero and Godzilla Final Wars. In Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is a fighting video game produced by Pipeworks Software, Inc. and released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 8, 2002. The game was later released for the Xbox in North America on April 16, 2003...
the Vortaak seem to be one of the Universe's most dominant species. They conquer planets to expand their civilization. They attack Earth by the best way possible: controlling the Kaiju. Godzilla (not the only monster available) breaks free from the alien mind control and defeats the other Kaiju, who are released from their control and flee to their homes. The Vortaak bring Godzilla aboard their ship to kill him for his attack on them. Their "champion", Mechagodzilla, is released on him, but Godzilla defeats him and is teleported back to Earth as the Vortaak flee with their evil scheme foiled. The upcoming Godzilla: Unleashed website reveals show the Vortaak have secretly attacked Earth Before this game.
The Vortaak return two years later in Godzilla: Save the Earth
Godzilla: Save the Earth
Godzilla: Save the Earth is a fighting game released on November 2, 2004 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox game consoles based on characters and situations from the Godzilla film series. The game is itself the sequel to the 2002 game Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee which was released for the...
. The Vortaak queen oversees her planets attempts to conquer Earth because of their recent defeat. The Vortaak try to steal Godzilla's DNA by tricking the humans. Godzilla travels across the globe after being aware of their return. He passes numerous tests including defeating a larger variety of monsters until he is brought aboard the royal Vortaak ship to defeat the result of his stolen genes, SpaceGodzilla
, is a modified clone of Godzilla featured in the Heisei Godzilla film Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla . SpaceGodzilla is the main antagonist of the film. It was originally planned for use in the Showa era of films but dropped, and its physical appearance is nearly identical to Super Godzilla, a variant...
. Godzilla wins the battle and returns home once again, leaving the Vortaak queen Vorticia screaming as they flee.
The Vortaak appear as villains in the next entry in the series Godzilla: Unleashed
Godzilla: Unleashed
Godzilla: Unleashed, abbreviated as G3 or GU, is a 3D fighting video game based on the Godzilla film franchise for the Wii and PlayStation 2, developed by Pipeworks and published by Atari. The PS2 version was released on November 20 and the Wii version on December 5, 2007 in North America and both...
on the Alien Faction, though Spacegodzilla
, is a modified clone of Godzilla featured in the Heisei Godzilla film Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla . SpaceGodzilla is the main antagonist of the film. It was originally planned for use in the Showa era of films but dropped, and its physical appearance is nearly identical to Super Godzilla, a variant...
, Krystalak, and their faction, the Mutants, are the main antagonists of the game. They play an important role in the games storyline and climax due to the fact that they control one of the four teams in the game and the changing storyline. The alien mothership in this game is partially destroyed in a crash and rather than fixing it Vorticia focuses all the Vortaak's power on the recently discovered alien crystals on Earth. Vorticia's plan is to send the players monster to Earth to steal the crystals to empower her own monsters more powerful than Earth's. The Mothership is eventually destroyed in gameplay.
In the Xbox
The Xbox is a sixth-generation video game console manufactured by Microsoft. It was released on November 15, 2001 in North America, February 22, 2002 in Japan, and March 14, 2002 in Australia and Europe and is the predecessor to the Xbox 360. It was Microsoft's first foray into the gaming console...
version of Destroy All Monsters Melee, the Vortaak mothership homeworld is an arena. It is unknown if this is actually their homeplanet or if just another planet in their system. It is unlocked by beating adventure mode with Kiryu.The planet has a harsh rocky landscape surrounded by mountains and rocks are in the landscape and few buildings.
Vorticia is queen of the alien race known to the universe as the Vortaak. She is one of the main villains of the Atari/Pipeworks Godzilla Vortaak Saga video game series. Little of her past is known due to the first two games lack of storyline (although Save the Earth did have a great storyline planned but due to time reasons it was cut) but she presumably hails from the planet seen in the Xbox version the Destroy All Monsters Melee. It is presumed she became Queen before the first game but because she does not appear in the first game she could have become Queen between the two games or she just does not appear and is represented by the Vortaak seen.In Destroy All Monsters Melee, Vorticia does not appear but the Vortaak take over the planets and their own kaiju to wreak havoc on Earth until the planets surrender. Godzilla defeats the army of kaiju and the Vortaak flee. Two years later in Save The Earth the Vortaak return and Vorticia makes her appearance to Earth sending the Vortaak kaiju to attack Earth again but Godzilla defeats the bigger army of monsters and passes numerous tests and the Vortaak flee as Vorticia screams.
Early Unleashed revealed videos show an aged Vorticia wondering about the alien crystals on Earth that apparently empower kaiju. She sends the players kaiju to Earth to steal the crystals to empower the other kaiju rather than repair the crashed ship.