List of Phi Kappa Psi chapters
Phi Kappa Psi
, also called "Phi Psi," is an American collegiate social fraternity
founded at Jefferson College
in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
on February 19, 1852. There are 101 chapters and 6 colonies
at accredited four year colleges and universities throughout the United States. More than 112,000 men have been initiated into Phi Kappa Psi since its founding.
The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity is composed of chapters and alumni associations, the former of which is the scope of this list. Each chapter is chartered to an individual host institution. These host institutions must be accredited four year degree granting colleges and universities in a state, province, territory, or federal district of Canada or the United States. To date, chapter charters have only been granted to groups at U.S. institutions.
When Phi Kappa Psi is extending to an institution that does not currently have a chapter, a probationary group called a "colony" is formed. After criteria are met, that colony receives its charter and becomes a chapter.
A chapter becomes inactive when it relinquishes its charter, or the charter is revoked by the fraternity.
The chapter naming convention is composed of the top level subnational division of that chapter's host institution, and a Greek letter in alphabetical order from when the charter was originally issued. For example, the first Phi Psi chapter is from Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. The first letter in the Greek alphabet is Alpha. The chapter name is Pennsylvania Alpha. The second chapter was installed at the University of Virginia, so it is the Virginia Alpha chapter. The third chapter was installed at Washington & Lee University, in Virginia, so it is the Virginia Beta chapter. The George Washington University chapter is only one ever chartered in the District of Columbia, so it is the District of Columbia Alpha chapter.
If borders change, the chapter name does not. Virginia Delta was chartered at Bethany College in 1859. After the Civil War
, Bethany College was in West Virginia
, but the chapter remained Virginia Delta.
Chapters are named based on when the charter is granted, not when it is installed. As a result, there have been rare instances when the chapter naming convention may not appear to be consistent with the charter dates. For example, four charters have been granted in Iowa. The second granted was the fourth installed, so Iowa Beta chartered after Iowa Gamma and Iowa Delta.
| 37
| Kansas Alpha
| 1876
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2004)
| 38
| Michigan Alpha
| 1876 –1972,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 39
| Wisconsin Beta
| 1876 –1877
| Racine College
| College no longer exists. There was a faculty of 5 and a student body of 50
| 40
| Pennsylvania Iota
| 1877–1973,
| 41
| Maryland Alpha
| 1879–1969,
| Johns Hopkins University
| 42
| Ohio Delta
| 1880
| Ohio State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 43
| California Alpha
| 1881 –1892
| First chapter in the fraternity to own and occupy a house in which the members lived. Members transferred to the new Stanford University and became the founders of California Beta.
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 44
| New York Delta
| 1881 –1892
| Hobart College
| The chapter was always small, and with fewer than 100 students in attendance at the college, fraternity prospects were scarce
| 45
| Wisconsin Gamma
| 1881 –1970,
| Beloit College
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 46
| Iowa Delta
| 1882–1889
| Simpson College
| College declined and students scattered
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 47
| Minnesota Alpha
| 1883–1888
| Carleton College
| Most of the members became the founders of Minnesota Beta
| 48
| New York Beta
| 1884–1995,
| Syracuse University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 49
| New York Epsilon
| 1887–1982
| Colgate University
| Formerly named Madison University. In the 1980s the university launched an effort to accommodate women on the formerly all-male campus. The university offered an interest-free loan to the chapter to be used for house repaired in exchange for accepting coed members. The house corporation donated the chapter house to Colgate
| 50
| Minnesota Beta
| 1888
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 51
| Pennsylvania Kappa
| 1889–1963
| Swarthmore College
|Chapter returned charter in 1963 and became a local fraternity today known as "Phi Psi"
| 52
| West Virginia Alpha
| 1890
| West Virginia University
| 53
| California Beta
| 1891
| Stanford University
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2001, 2005, 2007, 2010)
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 54
| New York Zeta
| 1891 –1912
| Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
| style="background-color:#355E3B"|
| 55
| Nebraska Alpha
| 1895
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 56
| Massachusetts Alpha
| 1895 –1948
| Amherst College
| The chapter charter was revoked by the fraternity Executive Council after the chapter broke its promise to the EC in a matter involving membership selection
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 57
| New Hampshire Alpha
| 1896–1967
| Dartmouth College
| 58
| California Gamma
| 1899–1972,
| 59
| Indiana Delta
| 1901
| Purdue University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#191970"|
| 60
| Tennessee Delta
| 1901–2009
| Vanderbilt University
|Suspended until August 2011
| 61
| Rhode Island Alpha
| 1902–1978,
| Brown University
| Chapter turned in its charter in 1978 when it decided that it did not want to be part of the national fraternity. It changed its name to "Phi Psi." The local fraternity soon changed its mind, was accepted back as a colony, and re-chartered in 1984
| 62
| Texas Alpha
| 1904
|Chartered from the last chapter of the regional fraternity Phi Phi Phi (Tri-Phi), which was founded in 1897
| 63
| Illinois Delta
| 1904
| 64
| Ohio Epsilon
| 1906
| Case Western Reserve University
| 65
| Pennsylvania Lambda
| 1912
| Pennsylvania State University
| 66
| Iowa Beta
| 1913–1999,
| Iowa State University
| 67
| Colorado Alpha
| 1914 –1994,
| 68
| Washington Alpha
| 1914
| 69
| Oklahoma Alpha
| 1920–1996,
| 70
| Oregon Alpha
| 1928–1999,
| Chapter house can be seen in the 1978 movie Animal House. It was used for exterior shots of Omega House
| 71
| California Delta
| 1927
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 72
| Pennsylvania Mu
| 1927 –1934
| Carnegie Mellon University
| 73
| California Epsilon
| 1931-2011
| UCLA's Phi Kappa Psi chapter was suspended for at least four years and declared "null and void" by the national chapter due to unspecified inappropriate actions.
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 74
| North Carolina Alpha
| 1934–2001
| Duke University
| 75
| Arizona Alpha
| 1947–1962,
| Former Phi Kappa Psi Executive Director Ralph "Dud" Daniel was a founding father in 1947
| 76
| Oregon Beta
| 1948
| Oregon State University
| 77
| Ohio Zeta
| 1950 –1997,
| Bowling Green State University
| 78
| Ohio Eta
| 1950
| The chartering of Ohio Eta initiated the most members at one time in Phi Kappa Psi history, as 150 men were initiated into the fraternity
| 79
| New York Eta
| 1950 –1970,
|The chapter was discontinued after the University dissolved all of Greek Life and came to life again after the University re-instituted Greek Life in 1984
| 80
| Indiana Epsilon
| 1953
| Valparaiso University
| Chartered on February 21, 1953 from the local fraternity Phi Delta Psi, which was founded in 1914. When it became Phi Kappa Psi, it was the first local fraternity at Valparaiso University to go national. Grand Chapter Award recipient (2003)
| 81
| Texas Beta
| 1953
| Texas Tech University
| Chartered from the Centaur Club, which was founded in 1929. One of the original eight national fraternities at the college
| 82
| Michigan Beta
| 1954
| Michigan State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 83
| Connecticut Alpha
| 1956–1970
| Trinity College
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 84
| Missouri Beta
| 1960–1976
| Westminster College
| 85
| Florida Alpha
| 1962 –1969,
| Florida State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 86
| Arizona Beta
| 1962–2007
| Arizona State University
| Suspended 2006. Chapter started by two colonizers from Washington Alpha
| 87
| Alabama Alpha
| 1964
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 88
| California Zeta
| 1964 –1972,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 89
| New Jersey Alpha
| 1965 –1993
| Rider University
| The chapter ended as a result of hazing and racial insensitivity by a chapter Fraternity Educators, and the chapter's cover-up. The charter was suspended by emergency order of the national fraternity president and Executive Director
| 90
| Nebraska Beta
| 1965
| Creighton University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 91
| Rhode Island Beta
| 1966 –1988,
|Expelled from campus in 2008 for four years
| 92
| Ohio Theta
| 1966
| Ashland University
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2000)
| 93
| California Eta
| 1966
| California Polytechnic State University
| 94
| Louisiana Alpha
| 1966
| Louisiana State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 95
| Florida Beta
| 1967 –1971,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 96
| Oklahoma Beta
| 1967 –1991
| Oklahoma State University
| 97
| Tennessee Epsilon
| 1967
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 98
| California Theta
| 1967 –1995
| California State University, Northridge
| Cal Theta was CSUN's first fraternity, founded in 1958 as a local fraternity, Kappa Delta Psi, which then affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi in 1967. The damage done to the CSUN campus by the 1994 Northridge earthquake had a dramatic effect on lessening the size of subsequent freshmen classes, and as result, some of the university's fraternities and sororities including Phi Kappa Psi were forced to close
| 99
| New Jersey Beta
| 1967 –1994,
| Monmouth University
| 100
| Texas Gamma
| 1969 –1993,
| Texas State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 101
| Louisiana Beta
| 1969 –1991
| 102
| Minnesota Gamma
| 1969
| Minnesota State University, Mankato
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 103
| New Mexico Alpha
| 1969 –2006
| Eastern New Mexico University
| 104
| Pennsylvania Nu
| 1970
| Indiana University of Pennsylvania
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 105
| Ohio Iota
| 1970 –1997
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 106
| Tennessee Zeta
| 1970 –1985
| 107
| Indiana Zeta
| 1971
| Butler University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 108
| Ohio Kappa
| 1971 –1978
| Kent State University
| The chapter was organized by the fraternity staff and came concurrent with a wave of student protest on the campus culminating with the Kent State Massacre
| 109
| Ohio Lambda
| 1972
| Miami University
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (1992, 1994, 1998)
| 110
| Alabama Beta
| 1974–1988,
| Auburn University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 111
| Montana Alpha
| 1975–1983
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 112
| Virginia Zeta
| 1976–2010
| Virginia Tech
| 113
| Georgia Alpha
| 1976
| 114
| California Iota
| 1979 –1995,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 115
| Arkansas Alpha
| 1979 –1991
| 116
| Pennsylvania Xi
| 1984
| Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
| 117
| Illinois Epsilon
| 1985
| Illinois State University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 118
| Delaware Alpha
| 1985 –1990
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 119
| Pennsylvania Omicron
| 1985 –1992
| Lehigh University
| Indiana Eta
|Indiana State University
| 121
| New Jersey Gamma
| 1987 –1995,
| Rutgers – New Brunswick
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 122
| Pennsylvania Pi
| 1987 –1993
| Temple University
| 123
| Kentucky Beta
| 1988
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 124
| Texas Delta
| 1988 –1997
| Southern Methodist University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 125
| Maryland Beta
| 1988 –1996
| 126
| New Jersey Delta
| 1990
| 127
| California Kappa
| 1991
| 128
| Massachusetts Beta
| 1991
| Brandeis University
| 129
| North Carolina Beta
| 1991
| East Carolina University
| 130
| New York Theta
| 1992
| Rochester Institute of Technology
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2006)
| 131
| Pennsylvania Rho
| 1992
| York College of Pennsylvania
| 132
| Louisiana Gamma
| 1993
| Loyola University New Orleans
| 133
| Illinois Zeta
| 1993
| DePaul University
| 134
| California Lambda
| 1996
| San Diego State University
|On 6 May 2008, four members of Phi Kappa Psi at San Diego State University
were among 96 individuals, including 75 students, arrested as the result of an undercover investigation
into drug trafficking on the University's campus after multiple overdose deaths around the campus. The chapter was suspended for 18 months before being fully reinstated on May 1, 2010
| 135
| Pennsylvania Sigma
| 1996
| 136
| Illinois Eta
| 1999
| Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
| 137
| New Jersey Epsilon
| 2000
| Rowan University
| 138
| Georgia Beta
| 2000
| Georgia Institute of Technology
| 139
| Pennsylvania Upsilon
| 2002
| Drexel University
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 140
| Pennsylvania Tau
| 2002 –2003
| Penn State Altoona
| 141
| Texas Epsilon
| 2002
| Stephen F. Austin State University
| 142
| Minnesota Delta
| 2002
| 143
| Illinois Theta
| 2003
| 144
| Pennsylvania Phi
| 2004
| Lycoming College
| 145
| New York Iota
| 2004
| Binghamton University
| 146
| New York Kappa
| 2004
|First chapter to charter at a Grand Arch Council (San Diego 2004)
| 147
| Ohio Mu
| 2005
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2009)
| 148
| Illinois Iota
| 2007
| Northern Illinois University
| 149
| Maryland Gamma
| 2007
| 150
| Texas Zeta
| 2008
| Houston Baptist University
| 151
| Ohio Nu
| 2008
| Ohio University
| 152
| California Mu
| 2008
| Occidental College
| 153
| Indiana Theta
| 2008
| Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
| 154
| California Nu
| 2009
| 155
| Ohio Xi
| 2010
| Capital University
|California Xi
|California State University, Long Beach
| Virginia Commonwealth University Colony
|Virginia Commonwealth University
| Muskingum University Colony
|Muskingum University
| University of Houston Colony
| Verderbilt University Colony
|Vanderbilt University
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Psi is an American collegiate social fraternity founded at Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on February 19, 1852. There are over a hundred chapters and colonies at accredited four year colleges and universities throughout the United States. More than 112,000 men have been...
, also called "Phi Psi," is an American collegiate social fraternity
Fraternities and sororities
Fraternities and sororities are fraternal social organizations for undergraduate students. In Latin, the term refers mainly to such organizations at colleges and universities in the United States, although it is also applied to analogous European groups also known as corporations...
founded at Jefferson College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington & Jefferson College, also known as W & J College or W&J, is a private liberal arts college in Washington, Pennsylvania, in the United States, which is south of Pittsburgh...
in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Canonsburg is a borough in Washington County, Pennsylvania, southwest of Pittsburgh. Canonsburg was laid out by Colonel John Canon in 1789 and incorporated in 1802....
on February 19, 1852. There are 101 chapters and 6 colonies
Colony (fraternity or sorority)
A colony is a probationary body of a national fraternity or sorority. A group wishing to become a member of a fraternity or sorority must first petition for status as a colony. If the colony prospers, the colony may later be chartered, thereby becoming a full chapter of the fraternity...
at accredited four year colleges and universities throughout the United States. More than 112,000 men have been initiated into Phi Kappa Psi since its founding.
The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity is composed of chapters and alumni associations, the former of which is the scope of this list. Each chapter is chartered to an individual host institution. These host institutions must be accredited four year degree granting colleges and universities in a state, province, territory, or federal district of Canada or the United States. To date, chapter charters have only been granted to groups at U.S. institutions.
When Phi Kappa Psi is extending to an institution that does not currently have a chapter, a probationary group called a "colony" is formed. After criteria are met, that colony receives its charter and becomes a chapter.
A chapter becomes inactive when it relinquishes its charter, or the charter is revoked by the fraternity.
Chapter naming convention

If borders change, the chapter name does not. Virginia Delta was chartered at Bethany College in 1859. After the Civil War
American Civil War
The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ; the other 25...
, Bethany College was in West Virginia
West Virginia
West Virginia is a state in the Appalachian and Southeastern regions of the United States, bordered by Virginia to the southeast, Kentucky to the southwest, Ohio to the northwest, Pennsylvania to the northeast and Maryland to the east...
, but the chapter remained Virginia Delta.
Chapters are named based on when the charter is granted, not when it is installed. As a result, there have been rare instances when the chapter naming convention may not appear to be consistent with the charter dates. For example, four charters have been granted in Iowa. The second granted was the fourth installed, so Iowa Beta chartered after Iowa Gamma and Iowa Delta.
List of chapters and colonies
- Italicization of an entire row indicates an inactive chapter or a colony.
- The S column indicates the status of a chapter or colony:
- The # column indicates in which each chapter originally chartered.
S | # | Chapter Name | Chartered |
Host Institution | Notes | Ref(s) |
1 | Pennsylvania | Alpha 1852–1868, 1873 |
Washington & Jefferson College Greek organizations at Washington & Jefferson College Washington & Jefferson College is host to 10 Greek organizations and a significant percentage of the undergraduate student body is active in Greek life. With 37% of the student body participating in "greek life," The Princeton Review named Washington & Jefferson College 12th on their 2010 list of... |
Grand Chapter (1852–1856). Founded at Jefferson College, which merged with Washington College (home of Pennsylvania Delta) in 1865 to create Washington & Jefferson College. At that time, Pennsylvania Alpha and Pennsylvania Delta merged, and continued under the name of Pennsylvania Alpha | ||
2 | Virginia | Alpha 1853–1861, 1865 |
Grand Chapter (1856–1861), inactive during the Civil War American Civil War The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ; the other 25... |
3 | Virginia | Beta 1855 1865 |
–1861,Washington & Lee University | First fraternity at Washington & Lee, inactive during the Civil War. At chapter's request, a new fraternity, founded at Washington & Lee in 1865, changed its name because of similarities from Phi Kappa Chi to Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Alpha Order is a social fraternity and fraternal order. Kappa Alpha Order has 124 active chapters, 3 provisional chapters, and 2 commissions... |
4 | Pennsylvania | Beta1855 | Allegheny College Allegheny College Allegheny College is a private liberal arts college located in northwestern Pennsylvania in the town of Meadville. Founded in 1815, the college has about 2,100 undergraduate students.-Early history:... |
First fraternity at Allegheny, this chapter has operated longer without interruption than any other in Phi Kappa Psi | ||
5 | Pennsylvania | Gamma 1855 1991 |
–1988, Bucknell University Bucknell University Bucknell University is a private liberal arts university located alongside the West Branch Susquehanna River in the rolling countryside of Central Pennsylvania in the town of Lewisburg, 30 miles southeast of Williamsport and 60 miles north of Harrisburg. The university consists of the College of... |
First fraternity at Bucknell, this chapter existed as an alumni chapter from 1873 until 1880 as a response to the university's anti-fraternity legislation | ||
6 | Pennsylvania | Delta1855 | –1865Washington College | Grand Chapter (1861–1866), merged into Pennsylvania Alpha when their host institutions merged | ||
7 | Virginia | Gamma 1855 1865–1900 |
–1861,Hampden–Sydney College | Inactive during the Civil War, reestablished soon after. Charter was withdrawn by the fraternity in 1900 due to declining enrollment and a saturated fraternity system | ||
8 | Pennsylvania | Epsilon1855 | Gettysburg College Gettysburg College Gettysburg College is a private four-year liberal arts college founded in 1832, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, United States, adjacent to the famous battlefield. Its athletic teams are nicknamed the Bullets. Gettysburg College has about 2,700 students, with roughly equal numbers of men and women... |
First fraternity at Gettysburg, which is the site of Miller Hall, 1882, the first chapter house built in the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the oldest building in the inter-fraternity world on its original site that is till in use by undergraduates. Grand Chapter (1884–1886) | ||
9 | South Carolina | Alpha 1857 1867–1872, 1884–1892, 1972–1991 |
–1861,Went inactive at the beginning of the Civil War, re-chartered in 1867 and remained active until the university's decision to desegregate in 1872 led to the withdrawal of almost the entire student body. Re-chartered in 1884 and remained active until state politics crippled the university to the point that the student body dramatically decreased in size and the chapter closed in 1892. The 1972 rechartering remained in force until the chapter was no longer viable due to low membership | |||
10 | Mississippi | Alpha 1857 1881–1912, 1930 |
–1861, University and chapter closed during American Civil War American Civil War The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ; the other 25... . Re-chartered in 1881, but anti-fraternity legislation closed all fraternities on campus in 1912. Re-chartered in 1930 |
11 | Virginia | Delta1859 | –1882Bethany College | First fraternity at school, which is now in West Virginia. Served as Grand Chapter (1866–1869.) In 1880 because of a faculty refusal to punish a student guilty of a vicious assault on a member of the chapter the members voted to all leave the college | ||
12 | Tennessee | Alpha1859 | –1860LaGrange Synodical College | In 1861 every member of the chapter enlisted in the Confederate Army. In 1863 the college was burned to the ground by the Union Army Union Army The Union Army was the land force that fought for the Union during the American Civil War. It was also known as the Federal Army, the U.S. Army, the Northern Army and the National Army... and never recovered |
13 | Pennsylvania | Zeta1859 | –2007 Dickinson College Dickinson College Dickinson College is a private, residential liberal arts college in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Originally established as a Grammar School in 1773, Dickinson was chartered September 9, 1783, five days after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, making it the first college to be founded in the newly... |
Grand Chapter (1869–1875) | ||
14 | Pennsylvania | Eta1860 | Franklin & Marshall College Franklin & Marshall College Franklin & Marshall College is a four-year private co-educational residential national liberal arts college in the Northwest Corridor neighborhood of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States.... |
Phi Beta Tau, founded in 1858 in opposition to the perceived arrogance of the two existing fraternities, became a Phi Psi chapter two years later | ||
15 | Tennessee | Beta 1860 1867–1879 |
–1861, Cumberland University Cumberland University Cumberland University is a private university in Lebanon, Tennessee, United States. It was founded in 1842, though the current campus buildings were constructed between 1892 and 1896.-History:... |
Ceased operating during the Civil War, returned as a viable chapter until the chapter membership became concentrated in the law department, and all but one member withdrew or graduated in 1877 | ||
16 | Mississippi | Beta1860 | –1861 Mississippi College Mississippi College Mississippi College, also known as MC, is a private, Christian university located in Clinton, Mississippi. Mississippi College comprises the main campus in Clinton, as well as satellite campuses in Brandon and Madison, Mississippi, and the Mississippi College School of Law in Jackson... |
First fraternity at college, the chapter had been in existence only a few weeks when the Civil War broke out and every member enlisted. Several were killed and the chapter never recovered | ||
17 | Ohio | Alpha1861 | Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio Wesleyan University is a private liberal arts college in Delaware, Ohio, United States. It was founded in 1842 by Methodist leaders and Central Ohio residents as a nonsectarian institution, and is a member of the Ohio Five — a consortium of Ohio liberal arts colleges... |
Grand Chapter (1875–1878), instrumental in the establishment of the New York Alpha chapter at Cornell University | ||
18 | Illinois | Alpha 1864–1870, 1878 |
Northwestern University Northwestern University Northwestern University is a private research university in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, USA. Northwestern has eleven undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools offering 124 undergraduate degrees and 145 graduate and professional degrees.... |
Only chapter established during the Civil War | ||
19 | Indiana | Alpha1865 | DePauw University DePauw University DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, USA, is a private, national liberal arts college with an enrollment of approximately 2,400 students. The school has a Methodist heritage and was originally known as Indiana Asbury University. DePauw is a member of both the Great Lakes Colleges Association... |
Instrumental in the establishment of the chapters at Indiana University, University of Missouri and Wabash College | ||
20 | Kentucky | Alpha1865 | –1866 Transylvania University Transylvania University Transylvania University is a private, undergraduate liberal arts college in Lexington, Kentucky, United States, affiliated with the Christian Church . The school was founded in 1780. It offers 38 majors, and pre-professional degrees in engineering and accounting... |
Faculty opposition forced the chapter to disband, it is the smallest and shortest lived in Phi Kappa Psi's history | ||
21 | Illinois | Beta 1865 1880–1886, 1894–1970, 1985–1997 |
–1869,Illinois Beta was chartered at a University of Chicago that opened in 1857, but closed in 1886. A new University of Chicago was created in 1890, and Illinois Beta was revived when Phi Kappa Psi chartered there in 1894 | |||
22 | Ohio | Beta 1866–1988, 1991 |
Wittenberg University Wittenberg University Wittenberg University is a private four-year liberal arts college in Springfield, Ohio serving 2,000 full-time students representing 37 states and approximately 30 foreign countries... |
Oldest fraternity on campus | ||
23 | Iowa | Alpha 1867–1876, 1885 |
Grand Chapter award recipient (2002, 2008) | |||
24 | District of Columbia | Alpha 1868 1991 |
–1899, George Washington University George Washington University The George Washington University is a private, coeducational comprehensive university located in Washington, D.C. in the United States... |
Grand Chapter (1881–1884), in 1899 the entire active membership enlisted in the Spanish-American War and the charter was recalled | ||
25 | Iowa | Gamma1868 | –1871 Cornell College Cornell College Cornell College is a private liberal arts college in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Originally called the Iowa Conference Seminary, the school was founded in 1853 by Reverend Samuel M. Fellows... |
First fraternity at the school, disbanded at the request Cornell College's President due to anti-fraternity sentiment | ||
26 | New York | Alpha 1869 1886 |
–1877, Cornell University Cornell University Cornell University is an Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. It is a private land-grant university, receiving annual funding from the State of New York for certain educational missions... |
Chartered in the same year that Cornell began teaching by three Phi Psis who transferred from the Ohio Wesleyan chapter. New York Alpha went inactive in 1877 when Psi Upsilon Psi Upsilon Psi Upsilon is the fifth oldest college fraternity in the United States, founded at Union College in 1833. It has chapters at colleges and universities throughout North America. For most of its history, Psi Upsilon, like most social fraternities, limited its membership to men only... recruited existing members into their chapter, a practice that is now prohibited by all members of the North-American Interfraternity Conference North-American Interfraternity Conference The North-American Interfraternity Conference , is an association of collegiate men's fraternities that was formally organized in 1910, although it began on November 27, 1909. The power of the organization rests in a House of Delegates where each member fraternity is represented by a single delegate... , of which both fraternities belong. The chapter re-chartered in 1886 from the efforts of six Phi Psis, one from this chapter, two from the Syracuse University chapter, and three from the Hobart College chapter. |
27 | Pennsylvania | Theta1869 | Lafayette College Lafayette College Lafayette College is a private coeducational liberal arts and engineering college located in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA. The school, founded in 1826 by James Madison Porter,son of General Andrew Porter of Norristown and citizens of Easton, first began holding classes in 1832... |
Grand Chapter (1878–1881) | ||
28 | Indiana | Beta1869 | Indiana University | Delta Psi Theta was a local fraternity that chose to go national, considered three fraternities, and selected Phi Kappa Psi in 1869 | ||
29 | Missouri | Alpha 1869 1908 |
–1876,First fraternity established on this campus, it occupies a house that is a former plantation | |||
30 | Tennessee | Gamma1870 | –1875Chapter closed as result of an outbreak of Asiatic Cholera that caused the institution to close | |||
31 | Indiana | Gamma 1870 1948 |
–1901, Wabash College Wabash College Wabash College is a small, private, liberal arts college for men, located in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Along with Hampden-Sydney College and Morehouse College, Wabash is one of only three remaining traditional all-men's liberal arts colleges in the United States.-History:Wabash College was founded... |
Chartered at the initiative of the DePauw University chapter, Indiana Gamma closed in 1901 after enrollment in the college dropped dramatically. A local fraternity, Gamma Phi, was formed in 1947 by Phi Psis with the intention of becoming a Phi Kappa Psi chapter, and succeeded in 1948 | ||
32 | Ohio | Gamma1871 | –1892First fraternity at the school, a conflict between the student body and the faculty caused a substantial amount of the student body to withdraw, which made the chapter nonviable | |||
33 | Illinois | Gamma1871 | –1884 Monmouth College Monmouth College Monmouth College is a four-year coeducational private liberal arts college located in Monmouth, Illinois, United States.-History:Monmouth College was founded on April 18, 1853 by the Second Presbytery of Illinois, a frontier arm of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church... |
After four years the college ordered its fraternities to disband, but for ten years thereafter the chapter continued sub rosa Sub rosa The Latin phrase sub rosa means "under the rose" and is used in English to denote secrecy or confidentiality, similar to the Chatham House Rule.... until pressure from the faculty resulted in the chapter agreeing to disband |
34 | Virginia | Epsilon1871 | –1879Randolph–Macon College | Founded largely through the efforts of a Phi Kappa Psi alumnus, who was a member of the faculty, after he died, the chapter quickly faded away | ||
35 | New York | Gamma 1872–1876, 1892–1991 |
Columbia University Columbia University Columbia University in the City of New York is a private, Ivy League university in Manhattan, New York City. Columbia is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges founded before the... |
36 | Wisconsin | Alpha 1875–1894, 1897–1939, Colony |
Phi Kappa Psi was the third fraternity to establish a chapter at Madison. Colony was installed on March 7, 2011 |
| 37
| Kansas Alpha
| 1876
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2004)
| 38
| Michigan Alpha
| 1876 –1972,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 39
| Wisconsin Beta
| 1876 –1877
| Racine College
Racine College
Racine College was an Episcopal college in Racine, Wisconsin, founded in 1852. The collegiate department closed in 1887, but the college continued to be used as a grammar school and a military school until it closed in 1933....
| College no longer exists. There was a faculty of 5 and a student body of 50
| 40
| Pennsylvania Iota
| 1877–1973,
| 41
| Maryland Alpha
| 1879–1969,
| Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University, commonly referred to as Johns Hopkins, JHU, or simply Hopkins, is a private research university based in Baltimore, Maryland, United States...
| 42
| Ohio Delta
| 1880
| Ohio State University
Ohio State University
The Ohio State University, commonly referred to as Ohio State, is a public research university located in Columbus, Ohio. It was originally founded in 1870 as a land-grant university and is currently the third largest university campus in the United States...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 43
| California Alpha
| 1881 –1892
| First chapter in the fraternity to own and occupy a house in which the members lived. Members transferred to the new Stanford University and became the founders of California Beta.
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 44
| New York Delta
| 1881 –1892
| Hobart College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, located in Geneva, New York, are together a liberal arts college offering Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Teaching degrees. In athletics, however, the two schools compete with separate teams, known as the Hobart Statesmen and the...
| The chapter was always small, and with fewer than 100 students in attendance at the college, fraternity prospects were scarce
| 45
| Wisconsin Gamma
| 1881 –1970,
| Beloit College
Beloit College
Beloit College is a liberal arts college in Beloit, Wisconsin, USA. It is a member of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, and has an enrollment of roughly 1,300 undergraduate students. Beloit is the oldest continuously operated college in Wisconsin, and has the oldest building of any college...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 46
| Iowa Delta
| 1882–1889
| Simpson College
Simpson College
Simpson College is a four-year, coeducational liberal arts institution situated in Indianola, Iowa, USA, and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Simpson, which has been fully accredited by North Central Association since 1913, is a small school with approximately 1,400 full-time students...
| College declined and students scattered
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 47
| Minnesota Alpha
| 1883–1888
| Carleton College
Carleton College
Carleton College is an independent non-sectarian, coeducational, liberal arts college in Northfield, Minnesota, USA. The college enrolls 1,958 undergraduate students, and employs 198 full-time faculty members. In 2012 U.S...
| Most of the members became the founders of Minnesota Beta
| 48
| New York Beta
| 1884–1995,
| Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Syracuse University is a private research university located in Syracuse, New York, United States. Its roots can be traced back to Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1832, which also later founded Genesee College...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 49
| New York Epsilon
| 1887–1982
| Colgate University
Colgate University
Colgate University is a private liberal arts college in Hamilton, New York, USA. The school was founded in 1819 as a Baptist seminary and later became non-denominational. It is named for the Colgate family who greatly contributed to the university's endowment in the 19th century.Colgate has 52...
| Formerly named Madison University. In the 1980s the university launched an effort to accommodate women on the formerly all-male campus. The university offered an interest-free loan to the chapter to be used for house repaired in exchange for accepting coed members. The house corporation donated the chapter house to Colgate
| 50
| Minnesota Beta
| 1888
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 51
| Pennsylvania Kappa
| 1889–1963
| Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College is a private, independent, liberal arts college in the United States with an enrollment of about 1,500 students. The college is located in the borough of Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 11 miles southwest of Philadelphia....
|Chapter returned charter in 1963 and became a local fraternity today known as "Phi Psi"
| 52
| West Virginia Alpha
| 1890
| West Virginia University
West Virginia University
West Virginia University is a public research university in Morgantown, West Virginia, USA. Other campuses include: West Virginia University at Parkersburg in Parkersburg; West Virginia University Institute of Technology in Montgomery; Potomac State College of West Virginia University in Keyser;...
| 53
| California Beta
| 1891
| Stanford University
Stanford University
The Leland Stanford Junior University, commonly referred to as Stanford University or Stanford, is a private research university on an campus located near Palo Alto, California. It is situated in the northwestern Santa Clara Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, approximately northwest of San...
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2001, 2005, 2007, 2010)
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 54
| New York Zeta
| 1891 –1912
| Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
| style="background-color:#355E3B"|
| 55
| Nebraska Alpha
| 1895
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 56
| Massachusetts Alpha
| 1895 –1948
| Amherst College
Amherst College
Amherst College is a private liberal arts college located in Amherst, Massachusetts, United States. Amherst is an exclusively undergraduate four-year institution and enrolled 1,744 students in the fall of 2009...
| The chapter charter was revoked by the fraternity Executive Council after the chapter broke its promise to the EC in a matter involving membership selection
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 57
| New Hampshire Alpha
| 1896–1967
| Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College is a private, Ivy League university in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. The institution comprises a liberal arts college, Dartmouth Medical School, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, as well as 19 graduate programs in the arts and sciences...
| 58
| California Gamma
| 1899–1972,
| 59
| Indiana Delta
| 1901
| Purdue University
Purdue University
Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S., is the flagship university of the six-campus Purdue University system. Purdue was founded on May 6, 1869, as a land-grant university when the Indiana General Assembly, taking advantage of the Morrill Act, accepted a donation of land and...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#191970"|
| 60
| Tennessee Delta
| 1901–2009
| Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University is a private research university located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Founded in 1873, the university is named for shipping and rail magnate "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt, who provided Vanderbilt its initial $1 million endowment despite having never been to the...
|Suspended until August 2011
| 61
| Rhode Island Alpha
| 1902–1978,
| Brown University
Brown University
Brown University is a private, Ivy League university located in Providence, Rhode Island, United States. Founded in 1764 prior to American independence from the British Empire as the College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations early in the reign of King George III ,...
| Chapter turned in its charter in 1978 when it decided that it did not want to be part of the national fraternity. It changed its name to "Phi Psi." The local fraternity soon changed its mind, was accepted back as a colony, and re-chartered in 1984
| 62
| Texas Alpha
| 1904
|Chartered from the last chapter of the regional fraternity Phi Phi Phi (Tri-Phi), which was founded in 1897
| 63
| Illinois Delta
| 1904
| 64
| Ohio Epsilon
| 1906
| Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University is a private research university located in Cleveland, Ohio, USA...
| 65
| Pennsylvania Lambda
| 1912
| Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University, commonly referred to as Penn State or PSU, is a public research university with campuses and facilities throughout the state of Pennsylvania, United States. Founded in 1855, the university has a threefold mission of teaching, research, and public service...
| 66
| Iowa Beta
| 1913–1999,
| Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Iowa State University of Science and Technology, more commonly known as Iowa State University , is a public land-grant and space-grant research university located in Ames, Iowa, United States. Iowa State has produced astronauts, scientists, and Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners, along with a host of...
| 67
| Colorado Alpha
| 1914 –1994,
| 68
| Washington Alpha
| 1914
| 69
| Oklahoma Alpha
| 1920–1996,
| 70
| Oregon Alpha
| 1928–1999,
| Chapter house can be seen in the 1978 movie Animal House. It was used for exterior shots of Omega House
| 71
| California Delta
| 1927
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 72
| Pennsylvania Mu
| 1927 –1934
| Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University is a private research university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States....
| 73
| California Epsilon
| 1931-2011
| UCLA's Phi Kappa Psi chapter was suspended for at least four years and declared "null and void" by the national chapter due to unspecified inappropriate actions.
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 74
| North Carolina Alpha
| 1934–2001
| Duke University
Duke University
Duke University is a private research university located in Durham, North Carolina, United States. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present day town of Trinity in 1838, the school moved to Durham in 1892. In 1924, tobacco industrialist James B...
| 75
| Arizona Alpha
| 1947–1962,
| Former Phi Kappa Psi Executive Director Ralph "Dud" Daniel was a founding father in 1947
| 76
| Oregon Beta
| 1948
| Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Oregon State University is a coeducational, public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees and a multitude of research opportunities. There are more than 200 academic degree programs offered through the...
| 77
| Ohio Zeta
| 1950 –1997,
| Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University, often referred to as Bowling Green or BGSU, is a public, coeducational research university located in Bowling Green, Ohio, United States. The institution was granted a charter in 1910 by the State of Ohio as part of the Lowry Bill, which also established Kent State...
| 78
| Ohio Eta
| 1950
| The chartering of Ohio Eta initiated the most members at one time in Phi Kappa Psi history, as 150 men were initiated into the fraternity
| 79
| New York Eta
| 1950 –1970,
|The chapter was discontinued after the University dissolved all of Greek Life and came to life again after the University re-instituted Greek Life in 1984
| 80
| Indiana Epsilon
| 1953
| Valparaiso University
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso University, known colloquially as Valpo, is a regionally accredited private university located in the city of Valparaiso in the U.S. state of Indiana. Founded in 1859, it consists of five undergraduate colleges, a graduate school, a nursing school and a law school...
| Chartered on February 21, 1953 from the local fraternity Phi Delta Psi, which was founded in 1914. When it became Phi Kappa Psi, it was the first local fraternity at Valparaiso University to go national. Grand Chapter Award recipient (2003)
| 81
| Texas Beta
| 1953
| Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University, often referred to as Texas Tech or TTU, is a public research university in Lubbock, Texas, United States. Established on February 10, 1923, and originally known as Texas Technological College, it is the leading institution of the Texas Tech University System and has the...
| Chartered from the Centaur Club, which was founded in 1929. One of the original eight national fraternities at the college
| 82
| Michigan Beta
| 1954
| Michigan State University
Michigan State University
Michigan State University is a public research university in East Lansing, Michigan, USA. Founded in 1855, it was the pioneer land-grant institution and served as a model for future land-grant colleges in the United States under the 1862 Morrill Act.MSU pioneered the studies of packaging,...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 83
| Connecticut Alpha
| 1956–1970
| Trinity College
Trinity College (Connecticut)
Trinity College is a private, liberal arts college in Hartford, Connecticut. Founded in 1823, it is the second-oldest college in the state of Connecticut after Yale University. The college enrolls 2,300 students and has been coeducational since 1969. Trinity offers 38 majors and 26 minors, and has...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 84
| Missouri Beta
| 1960–1976
| Westminster College
| 85
| Florida Alpha
| 1962 –1969,
| Florida State University
Florida State University
The Florida State University is a space-grant and sea-grant public university located in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. It is a comprehensive doctoral research university with medical programs and significant research activity as determined by the Carnegie Foundation...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 86
| Arizona Beta
| 1962–2007
| Arizona State University
Arizona State University
Arizona State University is a public research university located in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area of the State of Arizona...
| Suspended 2006. Chapter started by two colonizers from Washington Alpha
| 87
| Alabama Alpha
| 1964
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 88
| California Zeta
| 1964 –1972,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 89
| New Jersey Alpha
| 1965 –1993
| Rider University
Rider University
Rider University is a private, coeducational and nonsectarian university located chiefly in Lawrenceville, in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States...
| The chapter ended as a result of hazing and racial insensitivity by a chapter Fraternity Educators, and the chapter's cover-up. The charter was suspended by emergency order of the national fraternity president and Executive Director
| 90
| Nebraska Beta
| 1965
| Creighton University
Creighton University
Creighton University is a private, coeducational, Jesuit, Roman Catholic university located in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1878, the school is one of 28 member institutions of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. The university is accredited by...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 91
| Rhode Island Beta
| 1966 –1988,
|Expelled from campus in 2008 for four years
| 92
| Ohio Theta
| 1966
| Ashland University
Ashland University
Ashland University is a mid-sized, private, non-profit university that is located in Ashland, Ohio.The University offers 73 undergraduate majors and nine pre-professional programs. The majors include toxicology/environmental science and entrepreneurship, which are unusual for an institution of its...
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2000)
| 93
| California Eta
| 1966
| California Polytechnic State University
California Polytechnic State University
California Polytechnic State University, or Cal Poly, is a public university located in San Luis Obispo, California, United States. The university is one of two polytechnic campuses in the 23-member California State University system....
| 94
| Louisiana Alpha
| 1966
| Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, most often referred to as Louisiana State University, or LSU, is a public coeducational university located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The University was founded in 1853 in what is now known as Pineville, Louisiana, under the name...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 95
| Florida Beta
| 1967 –1971,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 96
| Oklahoma Beta
| 1967 –1991
| Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University–Stillwater
Oklahoma State University–Stillwater is a land-grant, sun-grant, coeducational public research university located in Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. OSU was founded in 1890 under the Morrill Act...
| 97
| Tennessee Epsilon
| 1967
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 98
| California Theta
| 1967 –1995
| California State University, Northridge
California State University, Northridge
California State University, Northridge is a public university in Northridge, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California, United States....
| Cal Theta was CSUN's first fraternity, founded in 1958 as a local fraternity, Kappa Delta Psi, which then affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi in 1967. The damage done to the CSUN campus by the 1994 Northridge earthquake had a dramatic effect on lessening the size of subsequent freshmen classes, and as result, some of the university's fraternities and sororities including Phi Kappa Psi were forced to close
| 99
| New Jersey Beta
| 1967 –1994,
| Monmouth University
Monmouth University
Monmouth University is a private university located in West Long Branch, New Jersey, United States.Founded in 1933 as Monmouth Junior College, it became Monmouth College in 1956, and later Monmouth University in 1995 after receiving its charter....
| 100
| Texas Gamma
| 1969 –1993,
| Texas State University
Texas State University–San Marcos
Texas State University–San Marcos is a doctoral-granting university located in San Marcos, Texas...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 101
| Louisiana Beta
| 1969 –1991
| 102
| Minnesota Gamma
| 1969
| Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato is a public four-year university located in Mankato, Minnesota, a community of 53,000 located southwest of Minneapolis-St. Paul. As of Fall 2011, the student body is the third-largest in the state of Minnesota with over 15,000 students...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 103
| New Mexico Alpha
| 1969 –2006
| Eastern New Mexico University
Eastern New Mexico University
Eastern New Mexico University , frequently called Eastern, is a state university in Portales, Roosevelt County, New Mexico, USA...
| 104
| Pennsylvania Nu
| 1970
| Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University of Pennsylvania is a public university in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, USA. The university is northeast of Pittsburgh. It is the largest university in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and is the commonwealth's fifth largest university...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 105
| Ohio Iota
| 1970 –1997
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 106
| Tennessee Zeta
| 1970 –1985
| 107
| Indiana Zeta
| 1971
| Butler University
Butler University
Butler University is a private university located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Founded in 1855 and named after founder Ovid Butler, the university offers 60 degree programs to 4,400 students through six colleges: business, communication, education, liberal Arts and sciences, pharmacy and health...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 108
| Ohio Kappa
| 1971 –1978
| Kent State University
Kent State University
Kent State University is a public research university located in Kent, Ohio, United States. The university has eight campuses around the northeast Ohio region with the main campus in Kent being the largest...
| The chapter was organized by the fraternity staff and came concurrent with a wave of student protest on the campus culminating with the Kent State Massacre
| 109
| Ohio Lambda
| 1972
| Miami University
Miami University
Miami University is a coeducational public research university located in Oxford, Ohio, United States. Founded in 1809, it is the 10th oldest public university in the United States and the second oldest university in Ohio, founded four years after Ohio University. In its 2012 edition, U.S...
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (1992, 1994, 1998)
| 110
| Alabama Beta
| 1974–1988,
| Auburn University
Auburn University
Auburn University is a public university located in Auburn, Alabama, United States. With more than 25,000 students and 1,200 faculty members, it is one of the largest universities in the state. Auburn was chartered on February 7, 1856, as the East Alabama Male College, a private liberal arts...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 111
| Montana Alpha
| 1975–1983
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 112
| Virginia Zeta
| 1976–2010
| Virginia Tech
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, popularly known as Virginia Tech , is a public land-grant university with the main campus in Blacksburg, Virginia with other research and educational centers throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, United States, and internationally.Founded in...
| 113
| Georgia Alpha
| 1976
| 114
| California Iota
| 1979 –1995,
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 115
| Arkansas Alpha
| 1979 –1991
| 116
| Pennsylvania Xi
| 1984
| Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Edinboro University is a public liberal arts university located in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, USA and one of 14 schools associated with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. The town is named after Edinburgh, Scotland. It is also not to be confused with the University of Edinburgh...
| 117
| Illinois Epsilon
| 1985
| Illinois State University
Illinois State University
Illinois State University , founded in 1857, is the oldest public university in Illinois; it is located in the town of Normal. ISU is considered a "national university" that grants a variety of doctoral degrees and strongly emphasizes research; it is also recognized as one of the top ten largest...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 118
| Delaware Alpha
| 1985 –1990
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 119
| Pennsylvania Omicron
| 1985 –1992
| Lehigh University
Lehigh University
Lehigh University is a private, co-educational university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in the Lehigh Valley region of the United States. It was established in 1865 by Asa Packer as a four-year technical school, but has grown to include studies in a wide variety of disciplines...
| Indiana Eta
|Indiana State University
Indiana State University
Indiana State University is a public university located in Terre Haute, Indiana, United States.The Princeton Review has named Indiana State as one of the "Best in the Midwest" seven years running, and the College of Education's Graduate Program was recently named as a 'Top 100' by U.S...
| 121
| New Jersey Gamma
| 1987 –1995,
| Rutgers – New Brunswick
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 122
| Pennsylvania Pi
| 1987 –1993
| Temple University
Temple University
Temple University is a comprehensive public research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Originally founded in 1884 by Dr. Russell Conwell, Temple University is among the nation's largest providers of professional education and prepares the largest body of professional...
| 123
| Kentucky Beta
| 1988
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 124
| Texas Delta
| 1988 –1997
| Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University is a private university in Dallas, Texas, United States. Founded in 1911 by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, SMU operates campuses in Dallas, Plano, and Taos, New Mexico. SMU is owned by the South Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 125
| Maryland Beta
| 1988 –1996
| 126
| New Jersey Delta
| 1990
| 127
| California Kappa
| 1991
| 128
| Massachusetts Beta
| 1991
| Brandeis University
Brandeis University
Brandeis University is an American private research university with a liberal arts focus. It is located in the southwestern corner of Waltham, Massachusetts, nine miles west of Boston. The University has an enrollment of approximately 3,200 undergraduate and 2,100 graduate students. In 2011, it...
| 129
| North Carolina Beta
| 1991
| East Carolina University
East Carolina University
East Carolina University is a public, coeducational, engaged doctoral/research university located in Greenville, North Carolina, United States. Named East Carolina University by statute and commonly known as ECU or East Carolina, the university is the largest institution of higher learning in...
| 130
| New York Theta
| 1992
| Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
The Rochester Institute of Technology is a private university, located within the town of Henrietta in metropolitan Rochester, New York, United States...
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2006)
| 131
| Pennsylvania Rho
| 1992
| York College of Pennsylvania
York College of Pennsylvania
York College of Pennsylvania is a private, coeducational, 4-year college located in southcentral Pennsylvania. The school offers more than 50 baccalaureate majors in professional programs, the sciences, and humanities to its 4,600 undergraduate students...
| 132
| Louisiana Gamma
| 1993
| Loyola University New Orleans
Loyola University New Orleans
Loyola University New Orleans is a private, co-educational and Jesuit university located in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Originally established as Loyola College in 1904, the institution was chartered as a university in 1912. It bears the name of the Jesuit patron, Saint Ignatius of Loyola...
| 133
| Illinois Zeta
| 1993
| DePaul University
DePaul University
DePaul University is a private institution of higher education and research in Chicago, Illinois. Founded by the Vincentians in 1898, the university takes its name from the 17th century French priest Saint Vincent de Paul...
| 134
| California Lambda
| 1996
| San Diego State University
San Diego State University
San Diego State University , founded in 1897 as San Diego Normal School, is the largest and oldest higher education facility in the greater San Diego area , and is part of the California State University system...
|On 6 May 2008, four members of Phi Kappa Psi at San Diego State University
San Diego State University
San Diego State University , founded in 1897 as San Diego Normal School, is the largest and oldest higher education facility in the greater San Diego area , and is part of the California State University system...
were among 96 individuals, including 75 students, arrested as the result of an undercover investigation
Operation Sudden Fall
Operation Sudden Fall was a 2008 joint operation between the United States Drug Enforcement Agency and San Diego State University campus police. It was the largest campus drug bust in San Diego County history and one of the largest college drug busts in U.S. history.-Background:The sting operation...
into drug trafficking on the University's campus after multiple overdose deaths around the campus. The chapter was suspended for 18 months before being fully reinstated on May 1, 2010
| 135
| Pennsylvania Sigma
| 1996
| 136
| Illinois Eta
| 1999
| Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, commonly abbreviated SIUE, is a four-year coed public university in Edwardsville, Illinois about from St. Louis, Missouri. SIUE was established in 1957 as an extension of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and is the younger of the two largest...
| 137
| New Jersey Epsilon
| 2000
| Rowan University
Rowan University
Rowan University is a public university in Glassboro, New Jersey, USA with a satellite campus in Camden, New Jersey. The school was founded in 1923 as Glassboro Normal School on a twenty-five acre tract of land donated by the town...
| 138
| Georgia Beta
| 2000
| Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
The Georgia Institute of Technology is a public research university in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States...
| 139
| Pennsylvania Upsilon
| 2002
| Drexel University
Drexel University
Drexel University is a private research university with the main campus located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. It was founded in 1891 by Anthony J. Drexel, a noted financier and philanthropist. Drexel offers 70 full-time undergraduate programs and accelerated degrees...
|- style="font-style:italic"
| style="background-color:#C41E3A"|
| 140
| Pennsylvania Tau
| 2002 –2003
| Penn State Altoona
Penn State Altoona
Penn State Altoona is a commonwealth campus of The Pennsylvania State University. It is located in Logan Township, Pennsylvania, just outside of Altoona, Pennsylvania, although some of its buildings are located in the heart of Altoona's downtown.-History:...
| 141
| Texas Epsilon
| 2002
| Stephen F. Austin State University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Stephen F. Austin State University is a public university located in Nacogdoches, Texas, United States. Founded as a teachers' college in 1923, the university was named after one of Texas' founding fathers, Stephen F. Austin. Its campus resides on part of the homestead of another Texas founding...
| 142
| Minnesota Delta
| 2002
| 143
| Illinois Theta
| 2003
| 144
| Pennsylvania Phi
| 2004
| Lycoming College
Lycoming College
Founded in 1812, Lycoming College is located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. One of the 50 oldest colleges in America, Lycoming enrolls 1400 undergraduate students from over 28 states and 12 foreign countries. Eighty percent of the college's students live on campus...
| 145
| New York Iota
| 2004
| Binghamton University
Binghamton University
Binghamton University, also formally called State University of New York at Binghamton, , is a public research university in the State of New York. The University is one of the four university centers in the State University of New York system...
| 146
| New York Kappa
| 2004
|First chapter to charter at a Grand Arch Council (San Diego 2004)
| 147
| Ohio Mu
| 2005
|Grand Chapter Award recipient (2009)
| 148
| Illinois Iota
| 2007
| Northern Illinois University
Northern Illinois University
Northern Illinois University is a state university and research institution located in DeKalb, Illinois, with satellite centers in Hoffman Estates, Naperville, Rockford, and Oregon. It was originally founded as Northern Illinois State Normal School on May 22, 1895 by Illinois Governor John P...
| 149
| Maryland Gamma
| 2007
| 150
| Texas Zeta
| 2008
| Houston Baptist University
Houston Baptist University
Houston Baptist University is a private Baptist institution founded in 1960. It is located in Greater Sharpstown in Houston, Texas near the Southwest Freeway.- History :...
| 151
| Ohio Nu
| 2008
| Ohio University
Ohio University
Ohio University is a public university located in the Midwestern United States in Athens, Ohio, situated on an campus...
| 152
| California Mu
| 2008
| Occidental College
Occidental College
Occidental College is a private, coeducational liberal arts college located in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1887, Occidental College, or "Oxy" as it is called by students and alumni, is one of the oldest liberal arts colleges on the West Coast...
| 153
| Indiana Theta
| 2008
| Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
| 154
| California Nu
| 2009
| 155
| Ohio Xi
| 2010
| Capital University
Capital University
Capital University is a private liberal arts university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America located in Bexley, Ohio, founded in 1830. In addition to its rigorous liberal arts program, the university also offers a reputable adult degree program in Columbus, Ohio. It is one of the oldest...
|California Xi
|California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Long Beach is the second largest campus of the California State University system and the third largest university in the state of California by enrollment...
| Virginia Commonwealth University Colony
|Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University is a public university located in Richmond, Virginia. It comprises two campuses in the Downtown Richmond area, the product of a merger between the Richmond Professional Institute and the Medical College of Virginia in 1968...
| Muskingum University Colony
|Muskingum University
| University of Houston Colony
| Verderbilt University Colony
|Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University is a private research university located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Founded in 1873, the university is named for shipping and rail magnate "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt, who provided Vanderbilt its initial $1 million endowment despite having never been to the...