2002 in Norwegian football
Round 1
April 13: Molde - Brann 2-0April 14: Vålerenga - Bodø/Glimt 1-1
- Lillestrøm - Viking 2-0
- Rosenborg - Odd Grenland 0-1
- Moss - Sogndal 3-3
- Start - Stabæk 1-1
- Bryne - Lyn 0-1
Round 2
April 20: Stabæk - Vålerenga 0-0April 21: Sogndal - Start 0-0
- Brann - Moss 0-1
- Odd Grenland - Molde 1-1
- Viking - Rosenborg 2-0
- Lyn - Lillestrøm 2-0
- Bodø/Glimt - Bryne 4-0
Round 3
April 27: Rosenborg - Lyn 5-1April 28: Vålerenga - Sogndal 2-0
- Bodø/Glimt - Stabæk 2-0
- Molde - Viking 3-0
- Moss - Odd Grenland 0-1
- Start - Brann 2-2
- Bryne - Lillestrøm 1-1
Round 4
May 1: Sogndal - Bodø/Glimt 0-2-
- Brann - Vålerenga 0-4
- Odd Grenland - Start 2-0
- Viking - Moss 4-1
- Lyn - Molde 3-1
- Lillestrøm - Rosenborg 0-1
- Stabæk - Bryne 2-1
Round 5
May 4: Molde - Lillestrøm 0-0May 5: Vålerenga - Odd Grenland 2-0
- Bodø/Glimt - Brann 0-1
- Stabæk - Sogndal 4-0
- Moss - Lyn 0-2
- Start - Viking 1-1
- Bryne - Rosenborg 2-1
Round 6
May 8: Odd Grenland - Bodø/Glimt 2-3-
- Lyn - Start 1-0
- Viking - Vålerenga 4-1
May 9: Brann - Stabæk 4-1
- Lillestrøm - Moss 1-1
- Rosenborg - Molde 3-0
May 20: Sogndal - Bryne 3-2
Round 7
May 11: Vålerenga - Lyn 1-2-
- Bodø/Glimt - Viking 0-0
May 12: Stabæk - Odd Grenland 1-0
- Sogndal - Brann 2-3
- Moss - Rosenborg 2-2
- Start - Lillestrøm 0-2
- Bryne - Molde 0-2
Round 8
May 16: Odd Grenland - Sogndal 4-2-
- Viking - Stabæk 3-3
- Lyn - Bodø/Glimt 3-1
- Lillestrøm - Vålerenga 1-1
- Rosenborg - Start 4-2
- Molde - Moss 5-1
- Brann - Bryne 1-2
Round 9
May 25: Vålerenga - Rosenborg 0-0May 26: Bodø/Glimt - Lillestrøm 0-1
- Sogndal - Viking 0-2
- Brann - Odd Grenland 1-3
- Start - Molde 0-4
- Bryne - Moss 0-0
May 27: Stabæk - Lyn 5-0
Round 10
June 2: Viking - Brann 4-1-
- Lyn - Sogndal 1-0
- Lillestrøm - Stabæk 1-2
- Rosenborg - Bodø/Glimt 4-3
- Molde - Vålerenga 2-0
- Moss - Start 0-2
- Odd Grenland - Bryne 3-1
Round 11
June 8: Sogndal - Lillestrøm 5-2June 9: Bodø/Glimt - Molde 0-2
- Stabæk - Rosenborg 0-0
- Brann - Lyn 1-1
- Odd Grenland - Viking 2-0
- Bryne - Start 3-1
June 10: Vålerenga - Moss 3-1
Round 12
June 15: Bryne - Viking 3-3June 16: Lyn - Odd Grenland 3-0
- Lillestrøm - Brann 0-1
- Rosenborg - Sogndal 3-0
- Molde - Stabæk 1-0
- Moss - Bodø/Glimt 1-0
- Start - Vålerenga 2-7
Round 13
June 22: Odd Grenland - Lillestrøm 3-1July 31: Bodø/Glimt - Start 2-0
- Stabæk - Moss 3-2
- Sogndal - Molde 2-1
August 1: Viking - Lyn 0-0
- Brann - Rosenborg 2-3
August 14: Vålerenga - Bryne 1-1
Round 14
June 30: Bodø/Glimt - Vålerenga 2-2-
- Viking - Lillestrøm 3-1
- Odd Grenland - Rosenborg 1-3
- Brann - Molde 4-1
- Sogndal - Moss 0-4
- Stabæk - Start 5-2
- Lyn - Bryne 1-0
Round 15
July 20: Moss - Brann 0-1-
- Molde - Odd Grenland 0-0
July 21: Vålerenga - Stabæk 0-2
- Lillestrøm - Lyn 0-1
- Bryne - Bodø/Glimt 4-3
July 22: Rosenborg - Viking 0-2
August 14: Start - Sogndal 0-3
Round 16
July 28: Sogndal - Vålerenga 2-0-
- Stabæk - Bodø/Glimt 2-1
- Viking - Molde 0-0
- Odd Grenland - Moss 2-0
- Lillestrøm - Bryne 2-1
July 29: Lyn - Rosenborg 2-3
September 11: Brann - Start 3-1
Round 17
August 4: Bodø/Glimt - Sogndal 2-1-
- Start - Odd Grenland 2-0
- Moss - Viking 2-2
- Molde - Lyn 2-0
- Rosenborg - Lillestrøm 3-1
- Bryne - Stabæk 2-1
August 5: Vålerenga - Brann 1-1
Round 18
August 10: Lillestrøm - Molde 0-2August 11: Odd Grenland - Vålerenga 1-3
- Sogndal - Stabæk 2-0
- Lyn - Moss 0-1
- Viking - Start 4-1
- Rosenborg - Bryne 3-2
August 12: Brann - Bodø/Glimt 1-3
Round 19
August 17: Molde - Rosenborg 1-2August 18: Stabæk - Brann 1-0
- Bodø/Glimt - Odd Grenland 1-3
- Vålerenga - Viking 0-0
- Moss - Lillestrøm 0-2
- Bryne - Sogndal 3-0
- Start - Lyn 2-2
Round 20
August 24: Lyn - Vålerenga 1-0August 25: Odd Grenland - Stabæk 1-1
- Brann - Sogndal 2-3
- Rosenborg - Moss 2-0
- Lillestrøm - Start 7-0
- Molde - Bryne 2-1
August 26: Viking - Bodø/Glimt 2-2
Round 21
September 1: Sogndal - Odd Grenland 1-0-
- Stabæk - Viking 1-2
- Bodø/Glimt - Lyn 0-2
- Start - Rosenborg 1-2
- Moss - Molde 2-3
- Bryne - Brann 4-0
September 2: Vålerenga - Lillestrøm 1-1
Round 22
September 14: Rosenborg - Vålerenga 1-1September 15: Lillestrøm - Bodø/Glimt 2-0
- Lyn - Stabæk 2-0
- Viking - Sogndal 1-1
- Molde - Start 2-0
- Moss - Bryne 1-0
September 16: Odd Grenland - Brann 2-0
Round 23
September 29: Vålerenga - Molde 0-3-
- Sogndal - Lyn 2-2
- Stabæk - Lillestrøm 1-1
- Bodø/Glimt - Rosenborg 1-4
- Start - Moss 1-6
- Bryne - Odd Grenland 0-0
September 30: Brann - Viking 2-3
Round 24
October 6: Moss - Vålerenga 1-1-
- Molde - Bodø/Glimt 3-0
- Rosenborg - Stabæk 2-1
- Lillestrøm - Sogndal 3-0
- Lyn - Brann 2-3
- Start - Bryne 0-2
October 7: Viking - Odd Grenland 0-3
Round 25
October 19: Sogndal - Rosenborg 2-2October 20: Brann - Lillestrøm 1-2
- Stabæk - Molde 4-2
- Bodø/Glimt - Moss 2-0
- Vålerenga - Start 4-0
- Viking - Bryne 1-1
October 21: Odd Grenland - Lyn 1-1
Round 26
October 27: Start - Bodø/Glimt 0-3-
- Moss - Stabæk 2-7
- Molde - Sogndal 3-3
- Rosenborg - Brann 4-0
- Lillestrøm - Odd Grenland 3-0
- Lyn - Viking 0-1
- Bryne - Vålerenga 2-2
Final Table
1. Rosenborg 26 17 5 4 57-30 56 UEFA Champions LeagueUEFA Champions League
The UEFA Champions League, known simply the Champions League and originally known as the European Champion Clubs' Cup or European Cup, is an annual international club football competition organised by the Union of European Football Associations since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. It...
2. Molde 26 15 5 6 48-26 50 UEFA Cup
The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
3. Lyn 26 14 5 7 36-29 47 UEFA Cup
The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
4. Viking 26 11 11 4 44-31 44
5. Stabæk 26 12 6 8 48-34 42
6. Odd Grenland 26 12 5 9 36-30 41
7. Lillestrøm 26 10 6 10 37-30 36
8. Vålerenga 26 7 12 7 38-31 33 UEFA Cup
The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
(cup winner)
9. Bryne 26 8 7 11 38-39 31
10.Bodø/Glimt 26 9 4 13 38-41 31
11.Sogndal 26 8 6 12 37-51 30
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12.Brann 26 8 3 15 35-52 27 Play-off
13.Moss 26 6 6 14 32-49 24 Relegated
14.Start 26 2 5 19 21-72 11 Relegated
Play off
November 2: Sandefjord - Brann 0-0November 6: Brann - Sandefjord 2-1 (agg. 2-1)
Brann stay up.
Top Scorers
17 goals: Harald Martin BrattbakkHarald Martin Brattbakk
Harald Martin Brattbakk is a Norwegian former football player, now working as a pilot. He was the all time top scorer in the Norwegian top division with 166 goals in 255 matches, before being surpassed by Sigurd Rushfeldt in 2011.-Club career:He has played for Kolstad, Rosenborg BK, Celtic, F.C...
, Rosenborg
15 goals: Tryggvi Gudmundsson, Stabæk
12 goals: Bengt Sæternes
Bengt Sæternes
Bengt Sæternes is a football player from Egersund, Norway. He plays in the striker position for Viking FK. His former clubs are Egersund IK, IL Eiger, Viking FK, Odd Grenland, FK Bodø/Glimt, Club Brugge, SK Brann, OB, and Vålerenga.-Career:Bengt Sæterners had short stints in boths Viking and Odd...
, Bodø/Glimt
10 goals: Erik Nevland
Erik Nevland
Erik Nevland is a Norwegian football forward who currently plays for Viking. He has eight caps for Norway, and 22 caps at U-21 level....
, Viking
Round 1
April 14: Hamarkameratene - Ørn-Horten 2-2-
- Haugesund - Hødd 0-0
- Strømsgodset - Raufoss 1-2
- Tollnes - Tromsdalen 2-1
- Tromsø - Sandefjord 4-0
- Aalesund - Oslo Øst 1-1
- Åsane - Hønefoss 1-3
April 24: Skeid - Lørenskog 1-1
Round 2
April 21: Hødd - Tollnes 1-0-
- Hønefoss - Skeid 1-2
- Lørenskog - Strømsgodset 1-5
- Oslo Øst - Tromsø 2-2
- Raufoss - Aalesund 3-3
- Sandefjord - Haugesund 2-2
- Tromsdalen - Hamarkameratene 1-1
- Ørn-Horten - Åsane 1-0
Round 3
April 27: Strømsgodset - Hønefoss 3-0April 28: Hamarkameratene - Hødd 3-0
- Haugesund - Tollnes 4-0
- Sandefjord - Oslo Øst 3-0
- Skeid - Ørn-Horten 1-0
- Tromsø - Raufoss 2-1
- Aalesund - Lørenskog 3-0
- Åsane - Tromsdalen 3-0
Round 4
May 5: Hødd - Åsane 1-0-
- Hønefoss - Aalesund 0-0
- Lørenskog - Tromsø 1-1
- Oslo Øst - Haugesund 2-0
- Raufoss - Sandefjord 0-3
- Tollnes - Hamarkameratene 3-1
- Tromsdalen - Skeid 2-0
- Ørn-Horten - Strømsgodset 4-4
Round 5
May 9: Haugesund - Hamarkameratene 2-2-
- Oslo Øst - Raufoss 2-1
- Sandefjord - Lørenskog 4-2
- Skeid - Hødd 1-2
- Strømsgodset - Tromsdalen 4-1
- Tromsø - Hønefoss 3-1
- Aalesund - Ørn-Horten 6-1
- Åsane - Tollnes 2-1
Round 6
May 12: Hamarkameratene - Åsane 2-0-
- Hødd - Strømsgodset 0-2
- Hønefoss - Sandefjord 2-1
- Lørenskog - Oslo Øst 1-3
- Raufoss - Haugesund 3-0
- Tollnes - Skeid 0-4
- Tromsdalen - Aalesund 1-2
- Ørn-Horten - Tromsø 0-0
Round 7
May 16: Haugesund - Åsane 2-2-
- Oslo Øst - Hønefoss 0-3
- Raufoss - Lørenskog 2-0
- Sandefjord - Ørn-Horten 3-0
- Skeid - Hamarkameratene 1-2
- Strømsgodset - Tollnes 2-0
- Tromsø - Tromsdalen 3-0
- Aalesund - Hødd 0-1
Round 8
May 20: Hamarkameratene - Strømsgodset 3-1-
- Hødd - Tromsø 0-3
- Hønefoss - Raufoss 3-0
- Lørenskog - Haugesund 0-2
- Tollnes - Aalesund 0-2
- Tromsdalen - Sandefjord 1-2
- Ørn-Horten - Oslo Øst 0-0
- Åsane - Skeid 3-0
Round 9
May 26: Haugesund - Skeid 2-0-
- Lørenskog - Hønefoss 1-2
- Oslo Øst - Tromsdalen 3-4
- Raufoss - Ørn-Horten 3-1
- Strømsgodset - Åsane 0-2
- Tromsø - Tollnes 5-0
- Aalesund - Hamarkameratene 1-1
May 27: Sandefjord - Hødd 3-0
Round 10
June 1: Hamarkameratene - Tromsø 0-2June 2: Hødd - Oslo Øst 4-1
- Hønefoss - Haugesund 0-1
- Skeid - Strømsgodset 2-0
- Tromsdalen - Raufoss 1-2
- Ørn-Horten - Lørenskog 1-3
- Åsane - Aalesund 2-1
June 3: Tollnes - Sandefjord 0-4
Round 11
June 9: Haugesund - Strømsgodset 0-4-
- Hønefoss - Ørn-Horten 2-0
- Lørenskog - Tromsdalen 2-1
- Oslo Øst - Tollnes 5-2
- Raufoss - Hødd 3-1
- Sandefjord - Hamarkameratene 2-1
- Tromsø - Åsane 3-2
- Aalesund - Skeid 3-0
Round 12
June 16: Tromsdalen - Hønefoss 1-2-
- Hødd - Lørenskog 7-0
- Tollnes - Raufoss 0-6
- Hamarkameratene - Oslo Øst 2-2
- Åsane - Sandefjord 0-0
- Skeid - Tromsø 1-1
- Strømsgodset - Aalesund 2-0
- Ørn-Horten - Haugesund 4-1
Round 13
June 19: Haugesund - Aalesund 1-3-
- Hønefoss - Hødd 0-0
- Lørenskog - Tollnes 0-2
- Oslo Øst - Åsane 3-0
- Raufoss - Hamarkameratene 2-1
- Sandefjord - Skeid 1-0
- Tromsø - Strømsgodset 4-2
- Ørn-Horten - Tromsdalen 5-0
Round 14
June 10: Hamarkameratene - Lørenskog 1-1-
- Haugesund - Tromsdalen 1-0
- Hødd - Ørn-Horten 5-2
- Skeid - Oslo Øst 2-3
- Strømsgodset - Sandefjord 4-2
- Tollnes - Hønefoss 2-4
- Aalesund - Tromsø 4-2
- Åsane - Raufoss 1-3
Round 15
June 29: Tromsdalen - Hødd 0-1June 30: Hønefoss - Hamarkameratene 2-1
- Lørenskog - Åsane 1-0
- Oslo Øst - Strømsgodset 1-1
- Raufoss - Skeid 1-2
- Sandefjord - Aalesund 0-0
- Tromsø - Haugesund 5-1
- Ørn-Horten - Tollnes 3-3
Round 16
July 7: Hødd - Haugesund 4-1-
- Hønefoss - Åsane 7-2
- Lørenskog - Skeid 1-2
- Oslo Øst - Aalesund 1-2
- Raufoss - Strømsgodset 3-1
- Sandefjord - Tromsø 3-2
- Tromsdalen - Tollnes 4-2
- Ørn-Horten - Hamarkameratene 2-0
Round 17
July 14: Hamarkameratene - Tromsdalen 2-0-
- Haugesund - Sandefjord 1-1
- Skeid - Hønefoss 0-2
- Strømsgodset - Lørenskog 2-0
- Tollnes - Hødd 0-1
- Tromsø - Oslo Øst 3-0
- Aalesund - Raufoss 4-1
- Åsane - Ørn-Horten 5-0
Round 18
August 4: Hødd - Hamarkameratene 1-3-
- Hønefoss - Strømsgodset 0-0
- Lørenskog - Aalesund 1-4
- Oslo Øst - Sandefjord 0-5
- Raufoss - Tromsø 4-3
- Tollnes - Haugesund 1-2
- Tromsdalen - Åsane 1-2
- Ørn-Horten - Skeid 0-0
Round 19
August 11: Hamarkameratene - Tollnes 6-0-
- Haugesund - Oslo Øst 4-3
- Sandefjord - Raufoss 2-1
- Skeid - Tromsdalen 0-2
- Strømsgodset - Ørn-Horten 2-3
- Tromsø - Lørenskog 2-1
- Aalesund - Hønefoss 2-1
- Åsane - Hødd 2-4
Round 20
August 14: Hamarkameratene - Haugesund 0-1-
- Hødd - Skeid 3-3
- Hønefoss - Tromsø 1-0
- Lørenskog - Sandefjord 3-3
- Raufoss - Oslo Øst 6-1
- Tollnes - Åsane 2-1
- Tromsdalen - Strømsgodset 2-4
- Ørn-Horten - Aalesund 1-1
Round 21
August 18: Haugesund - Raufoss 1-2-
- Oslo Øst - Lørenskog 4-3
- Sandefjord - Hønefoss 2-0
- Skeid - Tollnes 0-3
- Strømsgodset - Hødd 4-3
- Tromsø - Ørn-Horten 4-0
- Aalesund - Tromsdalen 4-0
- Åsane - Hamarkameratene 1-4
Round 22
August 24: Tollnes - Strømsgodset 0-4August 25: Hamarkameratene - Skeid 2-2
- Hødd - Aalesund 0-1
- Hønefoss - Oslo Øst 3-1
- Lørenskog - Raufoss 1-4
- Tromsdalen - Tromsø 2-5
- Ørn-Horten - Sandefjord 1-2
- Åsane - Haugesund 0-4
Round 23
September 1: Haugesund - Lørenskog 1-1-
- Oslo Øst - Ørn-Horten 5-1
- Raufoss - Hønefoss 3-2
- Sandefjord - Tromsdalen 7-1
- Skeid - Åsane 1-1
- Strømsgodset - Hamarkameratene 3-2
- Tromsø - Hødd 3-0
- Aalesund - Tollnes 6-0
Round 24
September 8: Hamarkameratene - Aalesund 1-2-
- Hødd - Sandefjord 2-1
- Skeid - Haugesund 1-2
- Tollnes - Tromsø 1-2
- Tromsdalen - Oslo Øst 3-1
- Ørn-Horten - Raufoss 0-3
- Åsane - Strømsgodset 1-2
September 10: Hønefoss - Lørenskog 3-0
Round 25
September 15: Haugesund - Hønefoss 2-3-
- Lørenskog - Ørn-Horten 2-1
- Oslo Øst - Hødd 0-2
- Raufoss - Tromsdalen 1-1
- Sandefjord - Tollnes 2-0
- Strømsgodset - Skeid 4-2
- Tromsø - Hamarkameratene 2-4
- Aalesund - Åsane 4-1
Round 26
September 22: Hamarkameratene - Sandefjord 2-2-
- Hødd - Raufoss 3-2
- Strømsgodset - Haugesund 2-2
- Tollnes - Oslo Øst 5-6
- Tromsdalen - Lørenskog 3-0
- Ørn-Horten - Hønefoss 0-6
- Åsane - Tromsø 0-1
September 24: Skeid - Aalesund 1-1
Round 27
September 29: Haugesund - Ørn-Horten 3-0-
- Hønefoss - Tromsdalen 1-1
- Lørenskog - Hødd 1-2
- Oslo Øst - Hamarkameratene 3-1
- Raufoss - Tollnes 4-1
- Sandefjord - Åsane 3-2
- Tromsø - Skeid 3-0
- Aalesund - Strømsgodset 4-0
Round 28
October 6: Hamarkameratene - Raufoss 5-3-
- Hødd - Hønefoss 2-1
- Skeid - Sandefjord 0-1
- Strømsgodset - Tromsø 2-3
- Tollnes - Lørenskog 2-1
- Tromsdalen - Ørn-Horten 1-2
- Aalesund - Haugesund 7-0
- Åsane - Oslo Øst 2-1
Round 29
October 19: Tromsø - Aalesund 2-1October 20: Hønefoss - Tollnes 6-3
- Lørenskog - Hamarkameratene 0-3
- Raufoss - Åsane 2-2
- Sandefjord - Strømsgodset 0-2
- Tromsdalen - Haugesund 4-1
- Ørn-Horten - Hødd 0-0
October 21: Oslo Øst - Skeid 1-0
Round 30
October 27: Hamarkameratene - Hønefoss 2-3-
- Haugesund - Tromsø 2-3
- Hødd - Tromsdalen 0-1
- Skeid - Raufoss 2-0
- Strømsgodset - Oslo Øst 5-4
- Tollnes - Ørn-Horten 2-3
- Aalesund - Sandefjord 5-1
- Åsane - Lørenskog 1-2
Final Table
1. Tromsø 30 21 4 5 78-36 67 Promoted2. Aalesund 30 19 7 4 77-26 64 Promoted
3. Sandefjord 30 18 6 6 65-38 60 Play-off
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Hønefoss BK 30 18 4 8 64-36 58
5. Strømsgodset 30 17 4 9 72-51 55
6. Raufoss 30 17 3 10 71-50 54
7. Hødd 30 16 4 10 50-41 52
8. Hamarkameratene 30 11 8 11 60-47 41
9. Haugesund 30 11 7 12 46-59 40
10.Oslo Øst 30 11 5 14 59-71 38
11.Ørn-Horten 30 7 8 15 38-69 29
12.Skeid 30 7 7 16 31-48 28
13.Åsane 30 8 4 18 41-59 28 Relegated
14.Tromsdalen 30 8 3 19 40-65 27 Relegated
15.Lørenskog 30 5 5 20 31-72 20 Relegated
16.Tollnes 30 6 1 23 37-92 19 Relegated
First round
May 23: Ringsaker - Hamarkameratene 0-8May 28: Borg Fotball - Strømsgodset 1-2 (extra time)
- Vindbjart - Bryne 1-3
- Vardeneset - Vard Haugesund 2-3 (extra time)
- Narvik FK - Vesterålen 6-2
- Salangen - Alta 1-5
May 29: Sarpsborg - Kvik Halden 4-3
- Østsiden - Sprint/Jeløy 3-2
- Mercantile - Skeid 2-3
- Frigg Oslo - Fredrikstad 1-5
- Ullern - Moss 0-5
- Fossum (Bærum) - Raufoss 1-4
- Romerike - Larvik Fotball 4-1
- Fjellhamar - Lørenskog 2-3
- Ullensaker/Kisa - Kjelsås 0-2 (extra time)
- Grue - Lillestrøm 0-4
- Tynset - Kongsvinger 1-2
- Elverum - Follo 2-0
- Gjøvik/Lyn - Nybergsund 0-3
- Vang - Vålerenga 2-7
- Lom - Sogndal 1-3
- Grindvoll - Bærum 1-2 (extra time)
- Jevnaker - FF Lillehammer 0-2
- Hønefoss BK - KFUM Oslo 8-0
- Åssiden - Odd Grenland 0-9
- Ørn-Horten - Falk 2-1
- Eik-Tønsberg - Pors Grenland 1-2
- Notodden - Tollnes 1-4 (extra time)
- Langesund/Stathelle - Mandalskameratene 0-6
- Jerv - FK Tønsberg 1-0 (extra time)
- FK Arendal - Start 1-3
- Lyngdal - Vidar 5-1
- Hana - Haugesund 1-4
- Torvastad - Viking 0-6
- Vedavåg Karmøy - Løv-Ham 3-0
- Klepp - Nord 1-0
- Åsane - Trane 6-0
- Arna-Bjørnar - Fana 0-5
- Os - Nest-Sotra 0-2
- Hovding - Fyllingen 2-1
- Fjøra - Brann 0-3
- Tornado - Spjelkavik 2-3
- Jotun - Førde 5-2
- Velledalen/Ringen - Aalesund 0-6
- Skarbøvik - Byåsen 1-4
- Langevåg - Eidsvold Turn 0-2
- Gossen - Molde 1-3
- Træff - Clausenengen 3-3 (extra time), 4-2 on penalties
- Verdal - Melhus 3-2
- Kolstad - Strindheim 3-5
- Levanger - Ranheim 3-4
- Mosjøen - Bodø/Glimt 2-11
- Senja - Tromsdalen 0-4
- Skånland/Omegn - Rosenborg 0-15
- Mo - Steinkjer 2-1
- Lofoten - Harstad 4-1
- Skjervøy - Hammerfest FK 1-1 (extra time), 4-5 on penalties
- Skarp - Stålkameratene 5-2
- Porsanger - Tromsø 1-7
May 30: Sparta - Lyn 0-5
- Aurskog/Finstadbru - Stabæk 0-9
- Oslo Øst - Fagerborg 5-0
- Sandefjord Fotball - Flint 8-0
- Hødd - Ørsta 8-1
Second round
June 12: Alta - Skarp 5-4-
- Bodø/Glimt - Narvik FK 9-0
- Brann - Hovding 4-1
- Bryne - Vedavåg Karmøy 7-0
- Byåsen - Verdal 1-0
- Bærum - Ørn-Horten 2-1
- Fana - Åsane 4-2
- FF Lillehammer - Rosenborg 1-3
- Hammerfest FK - Lyn 0-9
- Haugesund - Vard Haugesund 5-0
- Jerv - Sandefjord Fotball 0-3
- Kongsvinger - Strømsgodset 0-4
- .Kjelsås - Start 2-3 (extra time)
- Lyngdal - Odd Grenland 1-4
- Lørenskog - Romerike Fotball 4-2
- Molde - Træff 7-0
- Nest-Sotra - Aalesund 0-2
- Nybergsund - Hamarkameratene 3-2
- Pors Grenland - Oslo Øst 3-2
- Ranheim - Stabæk 3-6 aet
- Sarpsborg - Lillestrøm 1-4
- Skeid - Elverum 3-0
- Sogndal - Jotun 4-0
- Spjelkavik - Hødd 1-6
- Strindheim - Raufoss 2-3
- Tollnes - Mandalskameratene 0-2
- Tromsdalen - Mo 2-0
- Tromsø - Lofoten 3-2
- .Viking - Klepp 3-0
June 13: Fredrikstad - Hønefoss BK 3-1
- Moss - Østsiden 6-0
June 19: Eidsvold Turn - Vålerenga 0-5
Third round
June 26: Lillestrøm - Skeid 0-1-
- Vålerenga - Lørenskog 5-0
- Stabæk - Nybergsund 3-0
- Raufoss - Bryne 2-2 (extra time), 3-4 on penalties
- Strømsgodset - Fredrikstad 1-0
- Sandefjord Fotball - Moss 0-1
- Odd Grenland - Bærum 2-0
- Start - Haugesund 1-0 (extra time)
- Aalesund - Sogndal 5-0
- Hødd - Molde 1-0
- Tromsø - Tromsdalen 2-0
- Alta - Bodø/Glimt 1-6
June 27: Lyn - Pors Grenland 3-2
- Mandalskameratene - Viking 0-2
- Fana - Brann 0-2 (extra time)
- Rosenborg - Byåsen 4-0
Fourth round
August 7: Bodø/Glimt - Tromsø 1-5-
- Bryne - Lyn 1-2
- Odd Grenland - Start 4-1
- Skeid - Stabæk 1-5
- Viking - Rosenborg 2-0
August 8: Brann - Aalesund 1-1 (extra time), 5-6 on penalties
- Moss - Vålerenga 2-2 (extra time), 4-5 on penalties
- Strømsgodset - Hødd 2-1
August 28: Odd Grenland - Strømsgodset 4-3Aalesund - Tromsø 2-0 (extra time)
August 29: Vålerenga - Viking 3-1
September 11: Lyn - Stabæk 2-2 (extra time), 4-5 on penalties
European Cups 2002/2003
Norwegian representatives:- Rosenborg (UEFA Champions LeagueUEFA Champions LeagueThe UEFA Champions League, known simply the Champions League and originally known as the European Champion Clubs' Cup or European Cup, is an annual international club football competition organised by the Union of European Football Associations since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. It...
) - Lillestrøm (UEFA Champions LeagueUEFA Champions LeagueThe UEFA Champions League, known simply the Champions League and originally known as the European Champion Clubs' Cup or European Cup, is an annual international club football competition organised by the Union of European Football Associations since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. It...
) - Viking (UEFA CupUEFA CupThe UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
, cup winner) - Stabæk (UEFA CupUEFA CupThe UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
) - Brann (UEFA CupUEFA CupThe UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
, fair play)
Second Preliminary Round
July 31: Lillestrøm - Zeljeznicar (BosniaBosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina , sometimes called Bosnia-Herzegovina or simply Bosnia, is a country in Southern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. Bordered by Croatia to the north, west and south, Serbia to the east, and Montenegro to the southeast, Bosnia and Herzegovina is almost landlocked, except for the...
) 0-1
August 7: Zeljeznicar - Lillestrøm 1-0 (agg. 2-0)
Third Preliminary Round
August 14: Rosenborg - Brøndby (DenmarkDenmark
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark...
) 1-0
August 28: Brøndby - Rosenborg 2-3 (agg. 2-4)
Champions League, Phase 1, Group D
September 17: Rosenborg - Inter (ItalyItaly
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
) 2-2
September 25: Lyon (France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
) - Rosenborg 5-0
October 2: Rosenborg - Ajax (Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
) 0-0
October 22: Ajax - Rosenborg 1-1
October 30: Inter - Rosenborg 3-0
November 12: Rosenborg - Lyon 1-1
Final Table, Group D
1. Internazionale 6 3 2 1 12 8 112. Ajax 6 2 2 2 6 5 8
3. Olympique Lyonnais 6 2 2 2 12 9 8 UEFA Cup
The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
4. Rosenborg BK (Trondheim) 6 0 4 2 4 12 4
Preliminary Round
August 15: Brann - Suduva Marijampole (LithuaniaLithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...
) 2-3
- Stabæk - Linfield (Northern IrelandNorthern IrelandNorthern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west...
) 4-0
- Stabæk - Linfield (Northern Ireland
August 29: Linfield - Stabæk 1-1 (agg. 1-5)
- Suduva Marijampole - Brann 3-2 (agg. 6-4)
First round
September 19: Anderlecht (BelgiumBelgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
) - Stabæk 0-1
- Chelsea (EnglandEnglandEngland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
) - Viking 2-1
- Chelsea (England
October 3: Stabæk - Anderlecht 1-2 (agg. 2-2, Anderlecht on away goals)
- Viking - Chelsea 4-2 (agg. 5-4)
Second round
October 31: Celta (SpainSpain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
) - Viking 3-0
November 14: Viking - Celta 1-1 (agg. 1-4)
Round 1
April 20: Trondheims/Ørn - Sandviken 4-0Klepp - Kolbotn 0-2
Arna-Bjørnar - Byåsen 2-1
Larvik - Asker 0-8
Røa - Team Strømmen 3-1
Round 2
April 27: Byåsen - Larvik 1-4Kolbotn - Arna-Bjørnar 5-0
Sandviken - Klepp 0–4
Team Strømmen - Trondheims/Ørn 2-2
Asker - Røa 0-0
Round 3
May 20: Klepp - Team Strømmen 1-2Arna-Bjørnar - Sandviken 3-0
Larvik - Kolbotn 0-4
Asker - Byåsen 4-2
Trondheims/Ørn - Røa 4-0
Round 4
May 25: Kolbotn - Asker 4-1Sandviken - Larvik 1-1
Team Strømmen - Arna-Bjørnar 3-1
Trondheims/Ørn - Klepp 4–0
Røa - Byåsen 7-0
Round 5
June 1: Larvik - Team Strømmen 1-2Asker - Sandviken 5-0
Byåsen - Kolbotn 0-3
Arna-Bjørnar - Trondheims/Ørn 1-2
June 2: Klepp - Røa 5-1
Round 6
August 24: Sandviken - Byåsen 2-0Team Strømmen - Asker 0-6
Trondheims/Ørn - Larvik 6-0
Klepp - Arna-Bjørnar 4-1
Røa - Kolbotn 1-1
Round 7
June 15: Byåsen - Team Strømmen 1-1Kolbotn - Sandviken 5-0
Larvik - Klepp 1–1
Asker - Trondheims/Ørn 5-4
Arna-Bjørnar - Røa 4-2
Round 8
June 22: Team Strømmen - Kolbotn 1-3Trondheims/Ørn - Byåsen 8-0
Klepp - Asker 1-3
Arna-Bjørnar - Larvik 8-1
Røa - Sandviken 2-1
Round 9
August 31: Sandviken - Team Strømmen 4-1Asker - Arna-Bjørnar 5-1
Byåsen - Klepp 1–3
Kolbotn - Trondheims/Ørn 1-2
Larvik - Røa 2-4
Round 10
July 6: Sandviken - Trondheims/Ørn 1-2Kolbotn - Klepp 2–1
Byåsen - Arna-Bjørnar 2-4
Asker - Larvik 2-2
Team Strømmen - Røa 0-5
Round 11
August 3: Larvik - Byåsen 1-0Arna-Bjørnar - Kolbotn 1-2
Klepp - Sandviken 1-0
Trondheims/Ørn - Team Strømmen 7-1
Røa - Asker 1-4
Round 12
August 17: Team Strømmen - Klepp 2–1Kolbotn - Larvik 4-0
Byåsen - Asker 0-6
Røa - Trondheims/Ørn 4-3
September 17: Sandviken - Arna-Bjørnar 3-3 (*
(*: Match annulled by NFF and replayed after refereeing error in
original 2-2 draw on August 17.
Round 13
September 7: Larvik - Sandviken 2-2Arna-Bjørnar - Team Strømmen 5-0
Klepp - Trondheims/Ørn 0-4
Byåsen - Røa 0-7
September 8: Asker - Kolbotn 1-3
Round 14
September 28: Team Strømmen - Larvik 0-2Sandviken - Asker 1-7
Kolbotn - Byåsen 9-0
Røa - Klepp 4–0
October 16: Trondheims/Ørn - Arna-Bjørnar 0-0
Round 15
October 5: Byåsen - Sandviken 1-3Asker - Team Strømmen 7-1
Larvik - Trondheims/Ørn 0-5
Arna-Bjørnar - Klepp 2–1
Kolbotn - Røa 2-0
Round 16
October 12: Team Strømmen - Byåsen 8-2Sandviken - Kolbotn 0-3
Klepp - Larvik 0-6
Trondheims/Ørn - Asker 0-5
Røa - Arna-Bjørnar 3-2
Round 17
October 19: Kolbotn - Team Strømmen 6-0Byåsen - Trondheims/Ørn 0-5
Asker - Klepp 8–1
Larvik - Arna-Bjørnar 0-4
October 23: Sandviken - Røa 0-0
Round 18
October 26: Team Strømmen - Sandviken 4-2Arna-Bjørnar - Asker 2-4
Klepp - Byåsen 2-2
Trondheims/Ørn - Kolbotn 1-1
Røa - Larvik 3-3
Final Table
1. Kolbotn 18 15 2 1 60- 9 47 UEFA CupUEFA Cup
The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League...
2. Asker 18 14 2 2 81-23 44
3. Trondheims/Ørn 18 12 3 3 63-21 39
4. Røa 18 9 4 5 47-32 31
5. Arna-Bjørnar 18 8 2 8 44-38 26
6. Team Strømmen 18 6 2 10 29-59 20
7. Klepp 18 5 2 11 26-45 17
8. FK Larvik 18 4 5 9 26-55 17
9. Sandviken 18 3 4 11 20-48 13 Relegated
10.Byåsen 18 0 2 16 13-79 2 Relegated
Round 1
April 27: Liungen - Medkila 5-0Skeid - Haugar 2-0
April 28: Nittedal - Fortuna 1-0
Fløya - Vålerenga 4-1
Round 2
May 4: Haugar - Nittedal 5-2Follese - Skeid 0-3
May 5: Fortuna - Fløya 1-3
May 27: Vålerenga - Liungen 1-3
Round 3
May 20: Skeid - Medkila 4-0Nittedal - Follese 1-0
Fortuna - Haugar 4-0
Liungen - Fløya 2-1
Round 4
May 1: Vålerenga - Skeid 1-1May 25: Medkila - Nittedal 0-1
May 26: Follese - Fortuna 1-3
Fløya - Haugar 1-0
Round 5
June 1: Nittedal - Vålerenga 2-3Skeid - Liungen 3-3
June 2: Fortuna - Medkila 1-0
Haugar - Follese 2-0
Round 6
June 9: Medkila - Haugar 1-2Vålerenga - Fortuna 3-0
Liungen - Nittedal 8-0
Fløya - Follese 4-0
Round 7
June 15: Skeid - Fløya 1-0June 16: Haugar - Vålerenga 2-3
Follese - Medkila 0-5
Fortuna - Liungen 0-5
Round 8
June 21: Skeid - Nittedal 5-2June 22: Fløya - Medkila 2-0
June 23: Liungen - Haugar 6-1
June 24: Vålerenga - Follese 2-1
Round 9
June 29: Medkila - Vålerenga 4-0Follese - Liungen 1-3
Nittedal - Fløya 2-2
June 30: Fortuna - Skeid 0-0
Round 10
July 27: Medkila - Liungen 1-2Vålerenga - Fløya 1-0
July 28: Haugar - Skeid 1-2
Fortuna - Nittedal 2-1
Round 11
August 3: Skeid - Follese 5-1Liungen - Vålerenga 4-1
Fløya - Fortuna 1-0
August 4: Nittedal - Haugar 1-4
Round 12
August 10: Medkila - Skeid 3-0Follese - Nittedal 1-3
Haugar - Fortuna 3-1
August 11: Fløya - Liungen 1-5
Round 13
August 17: Fortuna - Follese 3-1Skeid - Vålerenga 1-1
August 18: Nittedal - Medkila 2-2
Haugar - Fløya 2-1
Round 14
August 24: Medkila - Fortuna 4-2Liungen - Skeid 6-0
August 25: Follese - Haugar 1-5
August 26: Vålerenga - Nittedal 0-1
Round 15
August 31: Nittedal - Liungen 2-1September 1: Haugar - Medkila 1-2
Fortuna - Vålerenga 2-1
Follese - Fløya 1-2
Round 16
September 8: Vålerenga - Haugar 1-2Medkila - Follese 10-0
Liungen - Fortuna 3-1
Fløya - Skeid 2-1
Round 17
September 21: Follese - Vålerenga 3-1Nittedal - Skeid 1-2
Medkila - Fløya 0-0
September 22: Haugar - Liungen 1-3
Round 18
September 28: Vålerenga - Medkila 2-2Skeid - Fortuna 1-1
Liungen - Follese 12-0
Fløya - Nittedal 3-0
Final Table
1. Liungen 16 14 1 1 71-14 43 Promoted2. Fløya 16 9 2 5 27-17 29 Promoted
3. Skeid 16 8 5 3 31-22 29
4. Haugar 16 8 0 8 31-31 24
5. Medkila 16 6 3 7 34-24 21
6. Fortuna 16 6 2 8 21-28 20
7. Nittedal 16 6 2 8 22-38 20 (ex Gjelleråsen)
8. Vålerenga 16 5 3 8 22-32 18
9. Follese 16 1 0 15 11-64 3 Relegated
Athene Moss withdrew before the season because of financial problems.
UEFA Cup, Group 5
(in Saloniki)September 25: Trondheims/Ørn - Saestum (Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
) 2-0
September 27: Trondheims/Ørn - PAOK Saloniki (Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....
) 12-0
September 29: Regal Bucureşti (Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...
) - Trondheims/Ørn 0-4
Final Table
1. Trondheims-Ørn SK 3 3 0 0 18- 0 92. Saestum (Zeist) 3 2 0 1 10- 3 6
3. FC Regal Bucureşti 3 1 0 2 3- 6 3
4. PAOK FC (Thessaloniki) 3 0 0 3 1-23 0
October 30: Trondheims/Ørn - Fortuna Hjørring (DenmarkDenmark
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The countries of Denmark and Greenland, as well as the Faroe Islands, constitute the Kingdom of Denmark . It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark...
) 2-2
November 30: Fortuna Hjørring - Trondheims/Ørn 1-0 (agg. 3-2)
Date | Venue | Opponent | Res. |
Comp. | Norwegian goalscorers |
February 13 | Brussel | 1 - 0 | F | ||
March 27 | Tunis Tunis Tunis is the capital of both the Tunisian Republic and the Tunis Governorate. It is Tunisia's largest city, with a population of 728,453 as of 2004; the greater metropolitan area holds some 2,412,500 inhabitants.... |
0 - 0 | F | ||
April 17 | Oslo Oslo Oslo is a municipality, as well as the capital and most populous city in Norway. As a municipality , it was established on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King... |
0 - 0 | F | ||
May 14 | Oslo Oslo Oslo is a municipality, as well as the capital and most populous city in Norway. As a municipality , it was established on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King... |
3 - 0 | F | Henning Berg Henning Berg Henning Stille Berg is a Norwegian former football player. He played as a central defender or right-back.He is one of only three players to have won the Premier League with two different clubs, the others being Ashley Cole and Nicolas Anelka .-Club career:Born in Eidsvoll, Berg played for... , Sigurd Rushfeldt Sigurd Rushfeldt Sigurd Rushfeldt is a current Norwegian football coach for Tromsø IL and retired football player. During his career, he played for IL Norild, Tromsø IL, Birmingham City F.C., Rosenborg BK, Racing de Santander, and FK Austria Wien. He is well known for his strength and for being a prolific goalscorer... , Ole Gunnar Solskjær Ole Gunnar Solskjær Ole Gunnar Solskjær is the manager of Norwegian first division side Molde. He is better known as a former footballer who spent most of his career playing for Manchester United. Often dubbed "the baby-faced assassin," he played 366 times for the Red Devils and scored 126 goals during a very... |
May 22 | Bodø Bodø is a city and a municipality in Nordland county, Norway. It is part of the Salten region.The city of Bodø was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 . Bodin was merged with Bodø on 1 January 1968. Skjerstad was merged with Bodø on 1 January 2005... |
1 - 1 | F | Ole Gunnar Solskjær Ole Gunnar Solskjær Ole Gunnar Solskjær is the manager of Norwegian first division side Molde. He is better known as a former footballer who spent most of his career playing for Manchester United. Often dubbed "the baby-faced assassin," he played 366 times for the Red Devils and scored 126 goals during a very... |
August 21 | Oslo Oslo Oslo is a municipality, as well as the capital and most populous city in Norway. As a municipality , it was established on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King... |
0 - 1 | F | ||
September 7 | Oslo Oslo Oslo is a municipality, as well as the capital and most populous city in Norway. As a municipality , it was established on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King... |
2 - 2 | ECQ | John Arne Riise John Arne Riise John Arne Semundseth Riise is a Norwegian footballer who currently plays as a left wing-back for Fulham and the Norwegian national team. Riise spent seven years playing for Premier League side Liverpool before moving to Roma in 2008... , John Carew John Carew John Alieu Carew , is a Norwegian professional association football player who plays for West Ham United and the Norwegian national team. His father is Gambian and his mother is Norwegian; he was born and raised in Norway.-Vålerenga:John Alieu Carew began his career with his local club Lørenskog,... |
October 12 | Bucharest Bucharest Bucharest is the capital municipality, cultural, industrial, and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, at , and lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River.... |
1 - 0 | ECQ | Steffen Iversen Steffen Iversen Steffen Iversen is a Norwegian football player who currently plays for Crystal Palace. He has earned four Norwegian league championships with Rosenborg and one with Vålerenga.... |
October 16 | Oslo Oslo Oslo is a municipality, as well as the capital and most populous city in Norway. As a municipality , it was established on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The city was moved under the reign of Denmark–Norway's King... |
2 - 0 | ECQ | Claus Lundekvam Claus Lundekvam Claus Lundekvam is a former Norwegian footballer, who spent most of his career at English side Southampton. He played for Southampton in the 2003 FA Cup Final against Arsenal .-Playing career:... , John Arne Riise John Arne Riise John Arne Semundseth Riise is a Norwegian footballer who currently plays as a left wing-back for Fulham and the Norwegian national team. Riise spent seven years playing for Premier League side Liverpool before moving to Roma in 2008... |
November 20 | Wien Wien Wien is the German language name for Vienna, the city and federal state in Austria.* Wien , in Vienna, Austria* Theater an der Wien, a theater in Vienna located at the former river WienWien may also refer to:... |
1 - 0 | F | Pa-Madou Kah |
Note: Norway's goals first
- F = Friendly
- ECQ = Euro 2004 Qualifier
January 23: NorwayNorway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– USA 1-0, friendly
January 25: China
People's Republic of China
China , officially the People's Republic of China , is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres...
– Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
0-3, friendly
January 27: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
1-3, friendly
March 1: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...
3-1, friendly
March 3: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– Sweden
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....
3-3, friendly
March 5: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– USA 3-2, friendly
March 7: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– China
People's Republic of China
China , officially the People's Republic of China , is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres...
0-1, friendly
March 24: Czech Republic
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west and northwest....
– Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
1-5, World Cup qualifier
May 9: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
3-1, World Cup qualifier
May 12: Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...
– Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
1-1, World Cup qualifier
July 17: Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...
– Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
2-2, friendly
July 21: USA – Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
4-0, friendly
September 14: Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
– Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
1-3, friendly