Yummy (Kamen Rider)
A is a fictional monster and an antagonist featured in the 2010-2011 Kamen Rider Series
Kamen Rider OOO
. A Yummy is created when one of the beings known as the Greeed approaches a human and asks what the human desires. A coin slot called a , which is also used on the Ride Vendor, appears on the human, and after the Greeed inserts a mystical object called a into the slot, a Yummy is created from the human. Each Greeed has a different method of producing a Yummy: the monster can start off as a humanoid , be parasitic to the human host, begin as a roe
-like mass from which multiple Yummies are hatched from, or be born directly from the Greeed with a Cell Medal. All of these types are the incarnation of its host's desire, feeding that person's object of desire and "digesting them" into Cell Medals. White Yummy-like creatures that are not fully developed, and contain only half of the normal Cell Medals, most of which are broken, are known as . These Waste Yummy are far weaker than White Yummy, but can be easily created by the Greeed for grunt work without need of a host at all.
Once consuming enough of the desire, a Yummy can assume its complete form, modeled after the animal on the Cell Medal used in its creation, named after the Japanese name for the animal and sporting multiple hand-like projections. Similar to the Greeed, Yummy are composed of Cell Medals and thus "bleed" Cell Medals when wounded, or explode into a shower of them when destroyed. According to Ankh, the more desire a Yummy consumes, the stronger it becomes. More powerful Yummy produce more Cell Medals upon their destruction; White Yummy do not produce any. These Cell Medals are able to power up the Greeed, but the Kougami Foundation also seeks out Cell Medals, as they have created devices which run off of their power.
There are also rare cases when a host's desire has two parts to it, causing the Yummy to split into two similar beings. While the original Yummy will continue with first part of the host's desire, the new Yummy feeds off the true desire.
The name "Yummy" comes from both the English word "yummy", referring to how it eats objects of desire, and the English word mummy
, as the White Yummy form resembles an Egyptian mummy.
Yummy created by Uva via a Kamakiri Cell Medal, formed from a woman's (portrayed by Maaya Natsuno) desire to have a particular necklace in a jewelry store, resulting in the White Yummy eating all of the jewelry in the store before assuming his current form. The power he gets from the Cell Medal enables him to form several scythe-like energy projectiles to attack with. Uva tasks him with finding Ankh and retrieving the Greeed's stolen Core Medals. While he locates him and overpowers the incomplete Greeed with ease, Eiji intervenes and prevents him from finishing Ankh off. In return, Ankh grants Eiji the ability to become Kamen Rider OOO and fight back. During the ensuing fight against Tatoba Combo, Ankh gives Kamen Rider OOO the Kamakiri Core Medal and to transform into Takakiriba. In this new form, Kamen Rider OOO destroys the Kamakiri Yummy with his Kamakiri Swords.
The Kamakiri Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy created by Uva via a Cell Medal on one of the thieves (portrayed by Touta Isa) who attempted to rob the Kougami Art Museum blind. As his host's desire is money, the White Yummy attacks a bank and begins to eat all of the money it can find. Upon devouring enough, it molts into the monstrous Otoshibumi Yummy which begins to grow very large and demolishes a building, as a result of Ankh wishing to allow it to grow stronger to provide more Cell Medals. Kamen Rider OOO is initially unable to defeat the Yummy until he receives several Cell Medals, a Ride Vendor motorcycle, and the Medajaribur sword from Shintaro Goto representing the Kougami Foundation. By performing a Triple Scanning Charge OOO Bash, Kamen Rider OOO destroys the Otoshibumi Yummy.
Yummy created by Kazari by using a Cell Medal on the gluttonous . With a parasitic White Yummy having him submit to his gluttony, Monta consumes food voraciously. When Eiji fights Monta, he holds back because he is still human. However, the White Yummy emerges from Monta and transforms into the Neko Yummy, whose fat made him immune to cutting attacks. However, Kamen Rider OOO changes tactics and uses blunt attacks to weaken the Neko Yummy before attempting to use the Tatoba Kick to finish him, only to be saved by Kazari. Going back into Monta's body, the Yummy force feeds him to become complete while consuming the human from the inside out. However, assuming Takatorartar, Kamen Rider OOO manages to use his new found high speed kicks to keep the Yummy's wound open long enough to pull Monta out, allowing Kamen Rider OOO to use a Triple Scanning Charge OOO Bash attack to destroy the Yummy.
The Neko Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy created by Mezool after she uses a Cell Medal on the mad bomber , a worker at the Kougami Biotech Laboratory. Hatching one by one in response to Tadano's actions, a Same Yummy gathers enough Cell Medals before making his way to the Greeed to be devoured by them. The first Same Yummy lives long enough to be fed on by the Greeed while the second is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo's Gush Cross Scanning Charge. But when Tadano creates multiple explosives to lace across an amusement park, the remaining Same Yummy eggs hatch and attack the scientists. But as Tadano is arrested while his bombs were all disarmed in time, the group of Yummy are all destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo using the Toride Vendor against them.
Yummy created by Uva after he uses a Cell Medal on , a blog
ger who wishes to become famous. The Ageha Yummy uses his proboscis
to suck the talent out of humans, then transfers the stolen talent via pollen into Tsukuba. In the end, the Ageha Yummy is defeated by the Kamen Rider OOO in his Sagohzo Combo with the Sagohzo Impact Scanning Charge.
The Ageha Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy, with scalpel-like claws and Cell Medal-like objects hanging from her body, created by Kazari after he uses a Cell Medal on a female doctor named a genius surgeon who feels the director of the hospital, her father, is holding her back due to her pride and lack of fear for the patients' well being. As a result, the Yummy uses Tamura to perform unauthorized surgeries by herself, giving her father a heart attack in the process. Eventually getting Tamura out of the hospital, Kamen Rider OOO fights the Siam-Neko Yummy, almost destroying her as Sagohzo Combo before the Yummy retreats back into Tamura and escapes. By the time Eiji finds her, Tamura is consumed by the Siam-Neko Yummy as he uses Takatoratar to free her. As Tamura manages to discard her pride to save her father, the Siam-Neko Yummy is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO using the OOO Bash on her.
The Siam-Neko Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy created by Gamel to defeat Kamen Rider OOO to gain Mezool's approval, tricked into doing so by Kazari. While slow, the Rikugame Yummy can withdraw his arms into his body to spin extremely fast. Though the Yummy overpowers Kamen Rider OOO in both his Sagohzo and Latoratar Combos, keeping him from pursing Kazari when he spirits Gamel off, the Rikugame Yummy is knocked on his back by Shintaro's bazooka and left defenseless as Kamen Rider OOO uses the OOO Bash while in Tatoba Combo to destroy him.
Yummy created by Uva from a girl named , feeding on her supposed desire to become stronger. To that end, while achieving his complete form, the Kabuto Yummy targets Rei's Kendo classmates before Eiji fights him as Kamen Rider OOO Takagoriba to counter the Yummy's hard-armored body. However, during the fight the Kabuto Yummy creates the Kuwagata Yummy from its body in response to Rei's growing desires. With the Kuwagata Yummy's support, the Kabuto Yummy overwhelms Kamen Rider OOO and Ankh until Kamen Rider Birth appears and evens the odds, the two Riders ultimately destroying the Kabuto Yummy with a Cell Burst attack and Tatoba Kick combo attack.
The Kabuto Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy that appears from the Kabuto Yummy's body during his fight with Kamen Rider OOO due to Rei's true desire to get rid of her kendo teacher's pride after becoming strong enough to get the job done. Other than having body armor like the Kabuto Yummy, the Kuwagata Yummy can create lightning. Both Yummy overpower Kamen Rider OOO until Kamen Rider Birth arrives to even the odds. While Kamen Riders Birth and OOO destroy the Kabuto Yummy, the Kuwagata Yummy manages to escape and proceeds to make his way to the chapel to kill the bride. But slowed now by Rie, the Kuwagata Yummy ends up fighting the Kamen Riders with Uva before Kamen Rider Birth quadruples the Cell Burst in his Breast Cannon to completely obliterate the Yummy.
The Kuwagata Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy augmented with jellyfish
features as Kazari had increased his power upon absorbing a Combo set of Mezool's Core Medals into his body. Other than the ability to emit intense light and intense heat, the Lion-Kurage Yummy can also spawn small from his Cell Medals that self-replicate upon being attacked. He is eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo.
Yummy created by Uva by using the desires of , a father with a sense of justice who attended law school and failed to pass the board exam as a prosecutor. As a result, the Batta Yummy develops a warped hero mentality and attacks anyone who Susumu considers evil, attacking Kamen Riders OOO and Birth when they interfere. Managing to evade Kamen Rider OOO Takajaba's Giga Scan due to Susumu's dependence, the Batta Yummy continues his attack on untouchable criminals as Susumu begins to see realize too late that his desire for justice is making him as much of a monster as those he wants to take down. After talking Susumu to not to rely on justice but instead on protecting those dear to him, Eiji becomes Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo and uses his Giga Scan to incinerate the Batta Yummy.
The Batta Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy augmented with the feature of a rhinoceros
that Kazari, absorbing Gamel's two Core Medals prior, created using the desires of , a researcher for the cosmetics
company and an old friend of Akira Date. Though Kazari's plan was a failure at first, the Yummy egg holding the Ei-Sai Yummy manages to talk Yumi into succumbing to her desire of being more beautiful than her younger sister Rei. As she takes him with her, she comes across Eiji and Ankh and the egg sends out several to attack them and hold them at bay, allowing her to become more beautiful. The egg eventually hatches into his complete Yummy form to hold Rei captive so Yumi can assume control of Beauty Marine Lab before Date intervenes and takes the Cell Medals that make up the Ei-Sai Yummy's rhinoceros attributes with his upgraded Drill Arm. This causes the large Ei Yummy to evolve further into the giant devilray-like , which is only finally destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo's Octo Banish.
The Ei-Sai Yummy in all his forms is voiced by .
Yummy created by a being identical to Ankh, able to use fire-based attacks. The first of these is a Blue Ōmu Yummy created through the desire of boxer to enter the ring once more. To do so, the Blue Ōmu Yummy attacks strong armed men and petrifies their arms to heal Okamura of his medical condition. The Blue Ōmu Yummy is also charged with the task of taking Ankh's Core Medals. He initially manages to overpower both of the Kamen Riders, but Kamen Rider Birth uses the Birth Day armor to immobilize the blue Ōmu Yummy such that Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo can land the final blow. A Red Ōmu Yummy later appears to continue the task of retrieving Ankh's Core Medals, only to be destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo.
The Ōmu Yummy are voiced by .
Yummy augmented with the features of a squid
that is created by Kazari through the desire of a former Shocker Combatman to beat the Kamen Riders. The Ika-Jaguar Yummy has the agility of a jaguar and the strength of a squid at his disposal, wearing a belt whose buckle is similar to the Shocker symbol. He is ultimately destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo controlling Kamen Rider Birth's CLAWs Sasori.
The Ika-Jaguar Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy augmented with killer whale features that is created by Kazari by using the desires held by Kiyoto Maki to see his deceased sister Hitomi (who is physically identical to Chiyoko Shiraishi). The Shachi-Panda Yummy has a bear hug-like attack and claws on his right arm, along with a spinning attack with the killer whale-like left arm. Eventually, Kamen Rider OOO Takajaba keeps the Yummy occupied long enough to be destroyed by Kamen Rider Birth's Cell Burst.
Yummy created by Uva using the desire held by , a pawn in his Cell Medal scheme who worked to earn money to pay back the family of his late teacher. As a result, the Kuro Ageha Yummy acts on stealing money and distributing it across the city, causing anarchy among the people as they fight over it. She is overpowered by the concerted efforts of Kamen Riders OOO and Birth, with Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo using the Giga Scan to destroy her.
The Kuro Ageha Yummy is voiced by .
films, created by Giru. After being driven away by Nobunaga as Kamen Rider Birth, a male Pteranodon Yummy appears in Futo to collect the memory of all past Kamen Riders battles with Memeory Memory, finding an ideal one by using the Gaia Memory on Akiko to reveal how her father became Kamen Rider Skull
. After Kamen Rider Core is created, the male Pteranodon is later destroyed by Kamen Riders Accel and Birth. A female Pteranodon Yummy appears in the Nobunaga's Desire portion of the film during Kamen Rider OOO's fight against Nobunaga, created from Yoshino Akechi's ballet shoes after her desire to dance is shattered with her strained foot. The female Pteranodon meddles in Kamen Rider OOO's fight with Nobunaga before being destroyed by OOO Gatakiriba Combo.
Another pair of Pteranodon Yummy appear in the television series in episode 32, after the Purple Core Medals enter Eiji's body. They proceed on using their mist to dissolve people into nothingness until Kamen Riders OOO and Birth show up. The two Yummy hold the Kamen Riders at bay until the purple Core Medals react and transform Kamen Rider OOO into Putotyra Combo, using its Scanning Charge to shatter the female Pteranodon after freezing her, and then vaporize the Pteranodon male with the Strain Doom Putotyranno Hissatsu. After having the other Core Medals enter his body, Maki produces a Pteranodon Yummy using the candle he had used to burn his sister to death. This Pteranodon Yummy is soon used to by Maki to test Eiji's worth as a more ideal holder of the purple Core Medals, easily destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Putotyra Combo.
The male Pteranodon Yummy is voiced by and , and the female Pteranodon Yummy is voiced by and .
Yummy, armed with bladed feathers, created by Ankh (Lost) from the desires of , a former high school friend of Eiji's who became rich through an Internet venture and wanted no one else to be Eiji's friend. To that end, the Fukurō Yummy targets Date and Shintaro, using the latter to escape from Kamen Rider OOO Sagohzo Combo. After the two of them are freed, Kamen Rider OOO fights against the Yummy again in Putotyra Combo and destroys him with the Strain Doom Putotyranno Hissatsu.
The Unicorn Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy augmented with the features of a sea urchin
that was created by Mezool using a Cell Medal on a sleepy Gamel. The Uni-Armadillo Yummy acts on a scheme to cause insomnia
on those he hits with his spines, until the desire to sleep becomes strong enough that he puts everyone to sleep and gets full of Cell Medals. Although he manages to withstand Kamen Rider OOO's attacks with the Medagabryu, he is destroyed when the Kamen Rider eventually gains the upper hand as Takauba in conjunction with the Medagabryu.
The Uni-Armadillo Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy created by Ankh (Lost) using the desires of , a deranged perfectionist who bullies her husband, Gonzo Shimoda, to use his position as the new neighborhood association
president to put surveillance cameras around the area so the Yummy can attack anyone she considers a horrible neighbor. Able to use a Muay Thai
fighting style, the Shamo Yummy can use the ribbons on his wings to attack and manipulate objects. He is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo's Scanning Charge.
The Shamo Yummy is voiced by .
The Ankylosaurus Yummy is voiced by .
Yummy created by Ankh from who is revealed to be Uva's host and thus the Yummy acts on two desires: Kusada's wish to be the sole male so he can have all the women and Uva's desire for a new body. In battle, the Hagetaka Yummy is able to create whirlwinds by flapping his wings. Though destroyed by the teamwork of Kamen Rider OOO Shagorita and Kamen Rider Birth, the Hagetaka Yummy succeeds in his ulterior motive by having his remains used by Ankh to revive Uva.
The Hagetaka Yummy is voiced by .
. The Yummy is created by Gara to enter the time distortion in Edo with a platoon of Knights to obtain the orange Core Medals in the possession of Tokugawa Yoshimune. However, the Nue Yummy ends up facing Kamen Rider OOO when he assumes Burakawani Combo and destroys the Yummy with his Scanning Charge.
The Nue Yummy is voiced by .
Kamen Rider Series
The is a metaseries of manga and tokusatsu television programs and films created by manga artist Shotaro Ishinomori. The various Kamen Rider media generally feature a motorcycle-riding superhero with an insect motif who fights supervillains often referred to as...
Kamen Rider OOO
Kamen Rider OOO
is a 2010-2011 Japanese tokusatsu drama in Toei Company's Kamen Rider Series, being the twelfth series in the Heisei period run and the twenty-first overall. It began airing on September 5, 2010, the week following the conclusion of Kamen Rider W, joining Tensou Sentai Goseiger and then Kaizoku...
. A Yummy is created when one of the beings known as the Greeed approaches a human and asks what the human desires. A coin slot called a , which is also used on the Ride Vendor, appears on the human, and after the Greeed inserts a mystical object called a into the slot, a Yummy is created from the human. Each Greeed has a different method of producing a Yummy: the monster can start off as a humanoid , be parasitic to the human host, begin as a roe
Roe or hard roe is the fully ripe internal egg masses in the ovaries, or the released external egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins...
-like mass from which multiple Yummies are hatched from, or be born directly from the Greeed with a Cell Medal. All of these types are the incarnation of its host's desire, feeding that person's object of desire and "digesting them" into Cell Medals. White Yummy-like creatures that are not fully developed, and contain only half of the normal Cell Medals, most of which are broken, are known as . These Waste Yummy are far weaker than White Yummy, but can be easily created by the Greeed for grunt work without need of a host at all.
Once consuming enough of the desire, a Yummy can assume its complete form, modeled after the animal on the Cell Medal used in its creation, named after the Japanese name for the animal and sporting multiple hand-like projections. Similar to the Greeed, Yummy are composed of Cell Medals and thus "bleed" Cell Medals when wounded, or explode into a shower of them when destroyed. According to Ankh, the more desire a Yummy consumes, the stronger it becomes. More powerful Yummy produce more Cell Medals upon their destruction; White Yummy do not produce any. These Cell Medals are able to power up the Greeed, but the Kougami Foundation also seeks out Cell Medals, as they have created devices which run off of their power.
There are also rare cases when a host's desire has two parts to it, causing the Yummy to split into two similar beings. While the original Yummy will continue with first part of the host's desire, the new Yummy feeds off the true desire.
The name "Yummy" comes from both the English word "yummy", referring to how it eats objects of desire, and the English word mummy
A mummy is a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness , very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs, so that the recovered body will not decay further if kept in cool and dry...
, as the White Yummy form resembles an Egyptian mummy.
The is a mantisMantis
Mantis is the common name of any insect in the order Mantodea, also commonly known as praying mantises. The word itself means "prophet" in Latin and Greek...
Yummy created by Uva via a Kamakiri Cell Medal, formed from a woman's (portrayed by Maaya Natsuno) desire to have a particular necklace in a jewelry store, resulting in the White Yummy eating all of the jewelry in the store before assuming his current form. The power he gets from the Cell Medal enables him to form several scythe-like energy projectiles to attack with. Uva tasks him with finding Ankh and retrieving the Greeed's stolen Core Medals. While he locates him and overpowers the incomplete Greeed with ease, Eiji intervenes and prevents him from finishing Ankh off. In return, Ankh grants Eiji the ability to become Kamen Rider OOO and fight back. During the ensuing fight against Tatoba Combo, Ankh gives Kamen Rider OOO the Kamakiri Core Medal and to transform into Takakiriba. In this new form, Kamen Rider OOO destroys the Kamakiri Yummy with his Kamakiri Swords.
The Kamakiri Yummy is voiced by .
The is a leaf-rolling weevilAttelabidae
The Attelabidae or leaf-rolling weevils are a widespread family of weevils. There are more than 2000 species. They are included within the primitive weevils, because of their straight antennae, which are inserted near the base of the rostrum...
Yummy created by Uva via a Cell Medal on one of the thieves (portrayed by Touta Isa) who attempted to rob the Kougami Art Museum blind. As his host's desire is money, the White Yummy attacks a bank and begins to eat all of the money it can find. Upon devouring enough, it molts into the monstrous Otoshibumi Yummy which begins to grow very large and demolishes a building, as a result of Ankh wishing to allow it to grow stronger to provide more Cell Medals. Kamen Rider OOO is initially unable to defeat the Yummy until he receives several Cell Medals, a Ride Vendor motorcycle, and the Medajaribur sword from Shintaro Goto representing the Kougami Foundation. By performing a Triple Scanning Charge OOO Bash, Kamen Rider OOO destroys the Otoshibumi Yummy.
The is a catCat
The cat , also known as the domestic cat or housecat to distinguish it from other felids and felines, is a small, usually furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests...
Yummy created by Kazari by using a Cell Medal on the gluttonous . With a parasitic White Yummy having him submit to his gluttony, Monta consumes food voraciously. When Eiji fights Monta, he holds back because he is still human. However, the White Yummy emerges from Monta and transforms into the Neko Yummy, whose fat made him immune to cutting attacks. However, Kamen Rider OOO changes tactics and uses blunt attacks to weaken the Neko Yummy before attempting to use the Tatoba Kick to finish him, only to be saved by Kazari. Going back into Monta's body, the Yummy force feeds him to become complete while consuming the human from the inside out. However, assuming Takatorartar, Kamen Rider OOO manages to use his new found high speed kicks to keep the Yummy's wound open long enough to pull Monta out, allowing Kamen Rider OOO to use a Triple Scanning Charge OOO Bash attack to destroy the Yummy.
The Neko Yummy is voiced by .
The are a school of Yummy created by Mezool by using a Cell Medal on the shopaholic , one of Hina Izumi's classmates in fashion college. Hatching from their egg-like form, the vast number of Piranha Yummy are countered by Kamen Rider OOO assuming Gatakiriba Combo to even the odds before the Yummy gather into a larger form that he destroys from the inside out with the Gatakiriba Kick. Another batch of Piranha Yummy are later created from a con artist while Eiji and Ankh with preoccupied with the Siam-Neko Yummy and Uva's Waste Yummy, succeeding in their purpose before being fed on by the Greeed.Bison
The is a Yummy created by Gamel from a Cell Medal born from Gamel's own desire to be amused of human suffering after witnessing a fight between married couple and . He has immense brute strength, pounding the ground with his fist to create a shock wave that lifts objects into the air to throw them at people. Later, after being overwhelmed by Kamen Rider OOO Latoraba, the Bison Yummy acts on his own to punish Kamen Rider OOO for temporarily blinding his master, attacking to attract the Kamen Rider's attention. However, the Bison Yummy is blinded by Kamen Rider OOO Lakiriba before being destroyed, with only a single Cell Medal remaining of him.Same
The are sharkShark
Sharks are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago....
Yummy created by Mezool after she uses a Cell Medal on the mad bomber , a worker at the Kougami Biotech Laboratory. Hatching one by one in response to Tadano's actions, a Same Yummy gathers enough Cell Medals before making his way to the Greeed to be devoured by them. The first Same Yummy lives long enough to be fed on by the Greeed while the second is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo's Gush Cross Scanning Charge. But when Tadano creates multiple explosives to lace across an amusement park, the remaining Same Yummy eggs hatch and attack the scientists. But as Tadano is arrested while his bombs were all disarmed in time, the group of Yummy are all destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo using the Toride Vendor against them.
The is a swallowtail butterflySwallowtail butterfly
Swallowtail butterflies are large, colorful butterflies that form the family Papilionidae. There are over 550 species, and though the majority are tropical, members of the family are found on all continents except Antarctica...
Yummy created by Uva after he uses a Cell Medal on , a blog
A blog is a type of website or part of a website supposed to be updated with new content from time to time. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in...
ger who wishes to become famous. The Ageha Yummy uses his proboscis
A proboscis is an elongated appendage from the head of an animal, either a vertebrate or an invertebrate. In simpler terms, a proboscis is the straw-like mouth found in several varieties of species.-Etymology:...
to suck the talent out of humans, then transfers the stolen talent via pollen into Tsukuba. In the end, the Ageha Yummy is defeated by the Kamen Rider OOO in his Sagohzo Combo with the Sagohzo Impact Scanning Charge.
The Ageha Yummy is voiced by .
The is a female Siamese CatSiamese (cat)
The Siamese is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. The origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed to be from Thailand. In Thailand, where they are one of several native breeds, they are called Wichian Mat...
Yummy, with scalpel-like claws and Cell Medal-like objects hanging from her body, created by Kazari after he uses a Cell Medal on a female doctor named a genius surgeon who feels the director of the hospital, her father, is holding her back due to her pride and lack of fear for the patients' well being. As a result, the Yummy uses Tamura to perform unauthorized surgeries by herself, giving her father a heart attack in the process. Eventually getting Tamura out of the hospital, Kamen Rider OOO fights the Siam-Neko Yummy, almost destroying her as Sagohzo Combo before the Yummy retreats back into Tamura and escapes. By the time Eiji finds her, Tamura is consumed by the Siam-Neko Yummy as he uses Takatoratar to free her. As Tamura manages to discard her pride to save her father, the Siam-Neko Yummy is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO using the OOO Bash on her.
The Siam-Neko Yummy is voiced by .
The is a tortoiseTortoise
Tortoises are a family of land-dwelling reptiles of the order of turtles . Like their marine cousins, the sea turtles, tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. The tortoise...
Yummy created by Gamel to defeat Kamen Rider OOO to gain Mezool's approval, tricked into doing so by Kazari. While slow, the Rikugame Yummy can withdraw his arms into his body to spin extremely fast. Though the Yummy overpowers Kamen Rider OOO in both his Sagohzo and Latoratar Combos, keeping him from pursing Kazari when he spirits Gamel off, the Rikugame Yummy is knocked on his back by Shintaro's bazooka and left defenseless as Kamen Rider OOO uses the OOO Bash while in Tatoba Combo to destroy him.
The is a rhinoceros beetleRhinoceros beetle
The Rhinoceros Beetles or Rhino Beetles are a subfamily of the scarab beetle family . Other common names – some for particular groups of rhino beetles – are for example Hercules beetles, unicorn beetles or horn beetles...
Yummy created by Uva from a girl named , feeding on her supposed desire to become stronger. To that end, while achieving his complete form, the Kabuto Yummy targets Rei's Kendo classmates before Eiji fights him as Kamen Rider OOO Takagoriba to counter the Yummy's hard-armored body. However, during the fight the Kabuto Yummy creates the Kuwagata Yummy from its body in response to Rei's growing desires. With the Kuwagata Yummy's support, the Kabuto Yummy overwhelms Kamen Rider OOO and Ankh until Kamen Rider Birth appears and evens the odds, the two Riders ultimately destroying the Kabuto Yummy with a Cell Burst attack and Tatoba Kick combo attack.
The Kabuto Yummy is voiced by .
The is a stag beetleStag beetle
Stag beetles are a group of about 1,200 species of beetle in the family Lucanidae, presently classified in four subfamilies Some species grow up to over 12 cm , but most are about 5 cm .-Overview:...
Yummy that appears from the Kabuto Yummy's body during his fight with Kamen Rider OOO due to Rei's true desire to get rid of her kendo teacher's pride after becoming strong enough to get the job done. Other than having body armor like the Kabuto Yummy, the Kuwagata Yummy can create lightning. Both Yummy overpower Kamen Rider OOO until Kamen Rider Birth arrives to even the odds. While Kamen Riders Birth and OOO destroy the Kabuto Yummy, the Kuwagata Yummy manages to escape and proceeds to make his way to the chapel to kill the bride. But slowed now by Rie, the Kuwagata Yummy ends up fighting the Kamen Riders with Uva before Kamen Rider Birth quadruples the Cell Burst in his Breast Cannon to completely obliterate the Yummy.
The Kuwagata Yummy is voiced by .
The is a new type of Yummy created by Kazari by using the desires of , a criminal who broke out of jail to get his revenge on Shingo for arresting him and his ex-partner Yasuji Okumura for turning him in for a lighter sentence. Unlike Kazari's previous creations, the Lion-Kurage Yummy is a lionLion
The lion is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger...
Yummy augmented with jellyfish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. Medusa is another word for jellyfish, and refers to any free-swimming jellyfish stages in the phylum Cnidaria...
features as Kazari had increased his power upon absorbing a Combo set of Mezool's Core Medals into his body. Other than the ability to emit intense light and intense heat, the Lion-Kurage Yummy can also spawn small from his Cell Medals that self-replicate upon being attacked. He is eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo.
The is a grasshopperGrasshopper
The grasshopper is an insect of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera. To distinguish it from bush crickets or katydids, it is sometimes referred to as the short-horned grasshopper...
Yummy created by Uva by using the desires of , a father with a sense of justice who attended law school and failed to pass the board exam as a prosecutor. As a result, the Batta Yummy develops a warped hero mentality and attacks anyone who Susumu considers evil, attacking Kamen Riders OOO and Birth when they interfere. Managing to evade Kamen Rider OOO Takajaba's Giga Scan due to Susumu's dependence, the Batta Yummy continues his attack on untouchable criminals as Susumu begins to see realize too late that his desire for justice is making him as much of a monster as those he wants to take down. After talking Susumu to not to rely on justice but instead on protecting those dear to him, Eiji becomes Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo and uses his Giga Scan to incinerate the Batta Yummy.
The Batta Yummy is voiced by .
The is a sting rayBatoidea
Batoidea is a superorder of cartilaginous fish commonly known as rays and skates, containing more than 500 described species in thirteen families...
Yummy augmented with the feature of a rhinoceros
Rhinoceros , also known as rhino, is a group of five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae. Two of these species are native to Africa and three to southern Asia....
that Kazari, absorbing Gamel's two Core Medals prior, created using the desires of , a researcher for the cosmetics
Cosmetics are substances used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. Cosmetics include skin-care creams, lotions, powders, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail and toe nail polish, eye and facial makeup, towelettes, permanent waves, colored contact lenses, hair colors, hair sprays and...
company and an old friend of Akira Date. Though Kazari's plan was a failure at first, the Yummy egg holding the Ei-Sai Yummy manages to talk Yumi into succumbing to her desire of being more beautiful than her younger sister Rei. As she takes him with her, she comes across Eiji and Ankh and the egg sends out several to attack them and hold them at bay, allowing her to become more beautiful. The egg eventually hatches into his complete Yummy form to hold Rei captive so Yumi can assume control of Beauty Marine Lab before Date intervenes and takes the Cell Medals that make up the Ei-Sai Yummy's rhinoceros attributes with his upgraded Drill Arm. This causes the large Ei Yummy to evolve further into the giant devilray-like , which is only finally destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo's Octo Banish.
The Ei-Sai Yummy in all his forms is voiced by .
The are a series of cockatooCockatoo
A cockatoo is any of the 21 species belonging to the bird family Cacatuidae. Along with the Psittacidae and the Strigopidae , they make up the parrot order Psittaciformes . Placement of the cockatoos as a separate family is fairly undisputed, although many aspects of the other living lineages of...
Yummy created by a being identical to Ankh, able to use fire-based attacks. The first of these is a Blue Ōmu Yummy created through the desire of boxer to enter the ring once more. To do so, the Blue Ōmu Yummy attacks strong armed men and petrifies their arms to heal Okamura of his medical condition. The Blue Ōmu Yummy is also charged with the task of taking Ankh's Core Medals. He initially manages to overpower both of the Kamen Riders, but Kamen Rider Birth uses the Birth Day armor to immobilize the blue Ōmu Yummy such that Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo can land the final blow. A Red Ōmu Yummy later appears to continue the task of retrieving Ankh's Core Medals, only to be destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo.
The Ōmu Yummy are voiced by .
The is a jaguarJaguar
The jaguar is a big cat, a feline in the Panthera genus, and is the only Panthera species found in the Americas. The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. The jaguar's present range extends from Southern United States and Mexico...
Yummy augmented with the features of a squid
Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer, tentacles...
that is created by Kazari through the desire of a former Shocker Combatman to beat the Kamen Riders. The Ika-Jaguar Yummy has the agility of a jaguar and the strength of a squid at his disposal, wearing a belt whose buckle is similar to the Shocker symbol. He is ultimately destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Shauta Combo controlling Kamen Rider Birth's CLAWs Sasori.
The Ika-Jaguar Yummy is voiced by .
The product of Sendo's desire for like-minded allies to defeat the Kamen Riders, the based on the grunts from past villainous groups who fought against Kamen Riders, whom Sendo refers to as the . The Combatmen Yummy include: the , the , the , the , the , the , the , and the . They fight Kamen Rider OOO but are eventually all destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo's Magna Blaze Giga Scan.Shachi-Panda
The is a pandaPanda
Panda or Panda bear most often refers to:*Giant panda, an animal in the Bear familyPanda may also refer to:*Red panda, the only living member in the Ailuridae family-In biology:* Species related to the Giant panda...
Yummy augmented with killer whale features that is created by Kazari by using the desires held by Kiyoto Maki to see his deceased sister Hitomi (who is physically identical to Chiyoko Shiraishi). The Shachi-Panda Yummy has a bear hug-like attack and claws on his right arm, along with a spinning attack with the killer whale-like left arm. Eventually, Kamen Rider OOO Takajaba keeps the Yummy occupied long enough to be destroyed by Kamen Rider Birth's Cell Burst.
Kuro Ageha
The is a SpanglePapilio protenor
The Spangle Papilio protenor is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the Swallowtail family. -Male:Upperside: velvety indigo-blue black, duller on the fore wing than on the hind wing. Fore wing with pale adnervular streaks broadened along the terminal margin and extended...
Yummy created by Uva using the desire held by , a pawn in his Cell Medal scheme who worked to earn money to pay back the family of his late teacher. As a result, the Kuro Ageha Yummy acts on stealing money and distributing it across the city, causing anarchy among the people as they fight over it. She is overpowered by the concerted efforts of Kamen Riders OOO and Birth, with Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo using the Giga Scan to destroy her.
The Kuro Ageha Yummy is voiced by .
Two appear as antagonists in the Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W Featuring Skull: Movie War CoreKamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W featuring Skull: Movie War Core
is a 2010 film in the Kamen Rider Series, featuring the casts and characters of Kamen Rider W and Kamen Rider OOO. Originally announced in a teaser at the end of the film Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate, film was released in Japan on December 18, 2010. The catchphrase for...
films, created by Giru. After being driven away by Nobunaga as Kamen Rider Birth, a male Pteranodon Yummy appears in Futo to collect the memory of all past Kamen Riders battles with Memeory Memory, finding an ideal one by using the Gaia Memory on Akiko to reveal how her father became Kamen Rider Skull
Kamen Rider Skull
is a fictional character who appears in the films of the 2009-2010 Kamen Rider Series Kamen Rider W. Kamen Rider Skull first appears in the film Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010 in the portion Kamen Rider W: Begins Night, and then makes appearances in the Movie War 2010 portion,...
. After Kamen Rider Core is created, the male Pteranodon is later destroyed by Kamen Riders Accel and Birth. A female Pteranodon Yummy appears in the Nobunaga's Desire portion of the film during Kamen Rider OOO's fight against Nobunaga, created from Yoshino Akechi's ballet shoes after her desire to dance is shattered with her strained foot. The female Pteranodon meddles in Kamen Rider OOO's fight with Nobunaga before being destroyed by OOO Gatakiriba Combo.
Another pair of Pteranodon Yummy appear in the television series in episode 32, after the Purple Core Medals enter Eiji's body. They proceed on using their mist to dissolve people into nothingness until Kamen Riders OOO and Birth show up. The two Yummy hold the Kamen Riders at bay until the purple Core Medals react and transform Kamen Rider OOO into Putotyra Combo, using its Scanning Charge to shatter the female Pteranodon after freezing her, and then vaporize the Pteranodon male with the Strain Doom Putotyranno Hissatsu. After having the other Core Medals enter his body, Maki produces a Pteranodon Yummy using the candle he had used to burn his sister to death. This Pteranodon Yummy is soon used to by Maki to test Eiji's worth as a more ideal holder of the purple Core Medals, easily destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Putotyra Combo.
The male Pteranodon Yummy is voiced by and , and the female Pteranodon Yummy is voiced by and .
The is an owlOwl
Owls are a group of birds that belong to the order Strigiformes, constituting 200 bird of prey species. Most are solitary and nocturnal, with some exceptions . Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish...
Yummy, armed with bladed feathers, created by Ankh (Lost) from the desires of , a former high school friend of Eiji's who became rich through an Internet venture and wanted no one else to be Eiji's friend. To that end, the Fukurō Yummy targets Date and Shintaro, using the latter to escape from Kamen Rider OOO Sagohzo Combo. After the two of them are freed, Kamen Rider OOO fights against the Yummy again in Putotyra Combo and destroys him with the Strain Doom Putotyranno Hissatsu.
The is created by Doctor Maki from the second place trophy of that she won at design contest held by Hina's fashion school. Because he is the product of a shattered dream, the Unicorn Yummy uses his power to remove the life-long dreams of anyone he comes across and destroys it, thus robbing people of their purpose and eventually causing them to fall into comas. Among the Yummy's victims is Hina Izumi, destroying her dream of becoming a world-renowned fashion designer. Later, unable to destroy Eiji's dream because it was too large for him to destroy, the Unicorn Yummy is supported by Uva, Mezool, and Gamel in fighting the Kamen Riders until he is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Putotyra Combo's Strain Doom Putotyranno Hissatsu with his victims restored to normal.The Unicorn Yummy is voiced by .
The is an armadilloArmadillo
Armadillos are New World placental mammals, known for having a leathery armor shell. Dasypodidae is the only surviving family in the order Cingulata, part of the superorder Xenarthra along with the anteaters and sloths. The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one"...
Yummy augmented with the features of a sea urchin
Sea urchin
Sea urchins or urchins are small, spiny, globular animals which, with their close kin, such as sand dollars, constitute the class Echinoidea of the echinoderm phylum. They inhabit all oceans. Their shell, or "test", is round and spiny, typically from across. Common colors include black and dull...
that was created by Mezool using a Cell Medal on a sleepy Gamel. The Uni-Armadillo Yummy acts on a scheme to cause insomnia
Insomnia is most often defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties. While the term is sometimes used in sleep literature to describe a disorder demonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response to either of two questions:...
on those he hits with his spines, until the desire to sleep becomes strong enough that he puts everyone to sleep and gets full of Cell Medals. Although he manages to withstand Kamen Rider OOO's attacks with the Medagabryu, he is destroyed when the Kamen Rider eventually gains the upper hand as Takauba in conjunction with the Medagabryu.
The Uni-Armadillo Yummy is voiced by .
The is a gamecockGamecock
A gamecock or game fowl is a type of rooster with physical and behavioral traits suitable for cockfighting. Game fowl are more closely related to their wild cousins "jungle fowl"; a shy wild chicken from forests in South Central and Southeastern Asia...
Yummy created by Ankh (Lost) using the desires of , a deranged perfectionist who bullies her husband, Gonzo Shimoda, to use his position as the new neighborhood association
Neighborhood association
A neighborhood association is a group of residents or property owners who advocate for or organize activities within a neighborhood. An association may have elected leaders and voluntary dues....
president to put surveillance cameras around the area so the Yummy can attack anyone she considers a horrible neighbor. Able to use a Muay Thai
Muay Thai
Muay Thai is a combat sport from Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. It is similar to other Indochinese kickboxing systems, namely pradal serey from Cambodia, tomoi from Malaysia, lethwei from Myanmar and muay Lao from Laos...
fighting style, the Shamo Yummy can use the ribbons on his wings to attack and manipulate objects. He is destroyed by Kamen Rider OOO Latorartar Combo's Scanning Charge.
The Shamo Yummy is voiced by .
The is created by Doctor Maki from shards of ice that Ankh (Lost) broke apart after still feeling incomplete because he is missing one more Medal. The Ankylosaurus Yummy's body is covered in sharp thorns and his right hand ends in a powerful mace-like ball. He can also fire shards of ice out of his body and spray freezing mist. While fighting Kamen Rider Birth, the Ankylosaurus Yummy is destroyed when hit by the Breast Cannon's Cell Burst at point blank range.The Ankylosaurus Yummy is voiced by .
The is a vultureVulture
Vulture is the name given to two groups of convergently evolved scavenging birds, the New World Vultures including the well-known Californian and Andean Condors, and the Old World Vultures including the birds which are seen scavenging on carcasses of dead animals on African plains...
Yummy created by Ankh from who is revealed to be Uva's host and thus the Yummy acts on two desires: Kusada's wish to be the sole male so he can have all the women and Uva's desire for a new body. In battle, the Hagetaka Yummy is able to create whirlwinds by flapping his wings. Though destroyed by the teamwork of Kamen Rider OOO Shagorita and Kamen Rider Birth, the Hagetaka Yummy succeeds in his ulterior motive by having his remains used by Ankh to revive Uva.
The Hagetaka Yummy is voiced by .
The is a Yummy that appears as an antagonist in the movie Kamen Rider OOO Wonderful: The Shogun and the 21 Core MedalsKamen Rider OOO Wonderful: The Shogun and the 21 Core Medals
is the film adaptation of the 2010 & 2011 Kamen Rider Series drama Kamen Rider OOO. The film was released on August 6, 2011, alongside the film for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie: The Flying Ghost Ship...
. The Yummy is created by Gara to enter the time distortion in Edo with a platoon of Knights to obtain the orange Core Medals in the possession of Tokugawa Yoshimune. However, the Nue Yummy ends up facing Kamen Rider OOO when he assumes Burakawani Combo and destroys the Yummy with his Scanning Charge.
The Nue Yummy is voiced by .