World War II German Army Ranks and Insignia
The German Army of the Nazi regime inherited its uniforms and rank structure from the Reichsheer of the Weimar republic (1921–1935), many of whose traditions went back to the Imperial Army of the German Empire and beyond. The Reichsheer was renamed Wehrmacht Heer in May 1935. There were few alterations and adjustments made as the Army grew from a limited peacetime defense force of 100,000 men to a war-fighting force of several million men.
These ranks and insignia were peculiar to the Heer and in special cases to senior Wehrmacht officers in the independent services; the SS
, Luftwaffe and Navy
uniforms and rank system were different. The Nazi Party also had its own series of paramilitary uniforms and insignia
, some of which were conceived by Hitler.
's visual acknowledgement of the new National Socialist reality came on 17 February 1934, when the Defense Ministry
ordered the Nazi Party eagle-and-swastika, now Germany
's National Emblem, to be worn on uniform blouses and headgear effective 1 May. The design adopted, in silver for the Reichsheer (Army) and in gold for the Reichsmarine (Navy), was a stylized eagle with outstretched, beveled wings clutching a wreathed mobile Hakenkreuz, later to be called the Wehrmachtsadler ("Armed Forces eagle"). On tunics this took the form of a cloth patch about 9 cm (3⅝") wide worn on the right breast, above the pocket. For enlisted uniforms it was jacquard-woven ("BeVo") or sometimes machine-embroidered in silver-grey rayon, for officers machine- or hand-embroidered in white silk or bright aluminum wire, and for generals hand-embroidered in gold bullion. The backing was "badge-cloth" (Abzeichentuch), a close-woven velvetish fabric; this was originally Reichsheer grey, but in late 1935 the renamed Wehrmacht Heer changed its Abzeichentuch color to a dark blue-green called flaschengrün (bottle-green).
The war brought several variations to the breast eagle, although it should be kept in mind that none of them was replaced or de-authorized, and all were being worn side-by-side at war's end. When hostilities began in 1939, on the enlisted Feldbluse or field blouse the eagle was changed from off-white to matte grey for reduced visibility; and in 1940 backings began to be produced in field-grey (feldgrau). Another version appeared with the advent of the Model 1944 Field Blouse, which used a triangular backing for speed and simplicity of manufacture. Very late in the war some Hoheitszeichen were simply printed on thin fabric.
There were also versions for other uniforms: both white and grey variants on black for the Panzer uniform, and in dull grey-blue on tan backing for the tropical (Afrikakorps) uniform. A stamped metal pin-on breast eagle was worn with the officers' white summer tunic.
On the dress tunic (Waffenrock) and the later "ornamented" uniform, the Litzen
were embroidered in fine aluminum thread on a patch of Abzeichentuch in the wearer's Waffenfarbe
, or branch color; the backing also showed through in the space between the two Litzen, the Mittelstreife. On field and service uniforms, beginning in late 1935, the patch (Patten) was dark bottle-green to match the collar; the Waffenfarbe "showed through" (in fact colored cord was sewn into) the center strip of each braid, the Litzenspiegel. For enlisted men service Litzen were machine-woven in silver-grey rayon; officers' were embroidered more elaborately in white silk or aluminum thread, and were somewhat larger to match their higher collars.
Non-commissioned officers (Unteroffiziere) wore standard enlisted collar patches but were distinguished by a strip of 9mm silver-grey diamond-woven rayon braid (Tresse) sewn around the collar's front and lower edges, except on the dress Waffenrock where the Tresse was bright aluminum and encircled the collar's upper edge.
By 1938 the fast-growing Heer had found that it was impractical, for the enlisted field uniform, to manufacture and stock a multitude of collar patches in assorted Waffenfarben which also had to be sewn on and frequently changed by unit tailors. Accordingly, new universal Litzen were introduced with the Litzenspiegel and Mittlestreife woven in dark green to match the backing patch, and which could be applied at the factory; Waffenfarbe was now displayed on the shoulder-straps, which simply buttoned on and were easily switched. With the wartime change to lower-visibility insignia enlisted Litzen were woven in matte "mouse-grey" with field-grey stripes, which were at first sewn to green collar patches as before but increasingly directly to the collar, which beginning in 1940 was made in feldgrau like the uniform; grey Patten were never produced. The troops however preferred the green patches (and collars) if they had or could get them, especially on "clean" uniforms for walking-out; and long-service veterans took particular pride in pre-38 Litzen with colored stripes.
In contrast, officers' service uniform collar patches never changed. While most officers in the front lines wore the enlisted field uniform as per wartime regulations, many opted to have their green-and-silver Kragenpatten added instead of (or on top of) the factory Litzen.
On olive tropical uniforms the collar patches were tan with dull grey-blue Litzen for all personnel; officers again sometimes added their green Kragenpatten. Tropical NCO Tresse was copper-brown, or sometimes olive drab.
In mid-1940 crews of assault guns (Sturmgeschütz
en) received a uniform of their own, identical in cut to the Panzerjacke but in standard field-grey, which they wore with red artillery piping. Over the course of the war a bewildering and changing series of regulations governed the uniforms and insignia for assault guns, tank destroyers, armored cars and self-propelled artillery. Depending on the unit and the date either the black or grey wrap or the standard Feldbluse might be authorized, and on the grey "assault gun" jacket the regulation collar patches could be black with skulls, or grey with skulls, Litzen, or no device at all. The result in practice was chaos; wartime photos show a mix of uniforms and insignia worn not only in the same battalion, but even in the same vehicle.
Officially both colors of panzer wrap were working and field uniforms to be worn only in or around the vehicle; this regulation was universally ignored. Panzertruppen were issued standard uniforms for service-dress and walking out but rarely wore them, much preferring their unique jackets.
In North Africa, AFV crews wore the same tropical uniform as the other branches, including collar Litzen; many tankers however pinned their Totenkopf badges to their lapels.
In addition to their collar patches, General Staff Officiers wore trouser-stripes, of the same desgn as generals' but in carmine rather than scarlet.
From 1900 Prussian generals had worn ornate collar patches embroidered in a style called alt-Larisch, which had first been worn in the 18th century by the 26th (älterer von Larisch) Infantry Regiment; the Reichsheer and the Wehrmacht continued the tradition. These devices, sometimes called Arabesken (arabesques), were embroidered in gold bullion or golden synthetic Celleon on Hochrot (scarlet) backing.
Field Marshals wore the same Arabesken as generals until April 1941, when they were authorized a longer variant with three rather than two iterations of the repeating pattern, for a total of six "prongs." In some cases GFM did not bother to replace their generals' tabs, or did so only on their dress uniforms.
General officers of the Special Troop Service (Truppensonderdienst — TDS) and of the specialist careers (medical, veterinary, ordnance, and motor park) wore the same insignia until april 1944, when they were ordered to exchange their scarlet Kragenpatten for alt-Larisch tabs backed in their respective Waffenfarbe.
In october 1944, the wear-out period of the scarlet backing color for Generals of the specialist careers was extended for an undetermined period.
In the Wehrmacht Heer, upon retirement, certain senior German generals were awarded the honorary post of Chef of a regiment, much like the Honorary Colonel in the British Army. It was a German custum dating from the late 18th Century. Adolf Hitler appointed first Generaloberst Hans von Seeckt
, ancient "Chef der Heeresleitung", Chef of the 67th Infanterie Regiment on his 70th birthday, in April 1936, a few months before he died. These generals were authorized to wear the tunic and insignia of an officer of the regiment, including ordinary officers’ Litzen. Field Marshals von Rundstedt, Chef of the 18th Infanterie Regiment, wore a big 18 on his shoulderboards. Only six German generals were appointed Chefs : General der Infanterie Ritter von Epp Chef of the 61st Infanterie Regiment in Munich ; Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen
Chef of the 5th Kavallerie Regiment in Stolp, Generaloberst von Fritsch
Chef of the 12th Artillerie Regiment in Schwerin (in the Mecklenburg), and Feldmarschall Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli Chef of the 18th Infanterie Regiment in Troppau. Generalfeldmarschall von Blomberg was appointed Chef of I.R. 73 and wore a big 73 superimposed over the crossed batons of his shoulder board but on the 4th of February 1938 he was discharged and his name was deleted from the seniority list.
In 1938, simultaneous with the removal of Waffenfarbe from field-uniform collar patches, new shoulder-straps were issued. These "second pattern" straps had round rather than pointed ends, and were edged on three sides with wool (later rayon) piping in Waffenfarbe. This pattern would be used through the end of the war, although in 1940 manufacture reverted to field-grey uniform cloth, and as usual alternate versions were made to go with the Panzer uniform (black), tropical uniform (olive cotton) and HBT summer uniform (reed-green twill). Schulterklappen were not worn with the fatigue uniform, nor with camouflage smocks and parkas which used an alternate system of rank insignia.
For junior enlisted men (Mannschaften), rank insignia if any was worn on the left sleeve. However the epaulettes did indicate the wearer's unit (usually regiment or independent battalion) together with his sub-branch if any, machine-embroidered in branch-color. For example, a Schulterklappe with rose-pink piping and number "4" would indicate the 4th Panzer Regiment; but if it carried a pink number "4" and letter "A" it would indicate the 4th Armored Reconnaissance (Aufklärungs) Battalion. The German Army used a very large assortment of Latin initials, Gothic initials, script ciphers, Arabic numerals, Roman numerals and symbols to designate all its various service branches and installations. Before the war, shoulder-buttons were embossed with the number of the wearer's company as well, this practice was discontinued "for the duration."
Beginning in January 1940, shoulder-straps with unit insignia were (supposed to be) phased out as a security measure, and removable fabric loops with devices were issued instead. In May 1944 the embroidery was changed from waffenfarbe to light gray.
Non-commissioned officers wore their rank insignia on their shoulder-straps, consisting of braid and pips (pyramidal "stars"). An Unteroffizier's (corporal's) epaulette was edged with Tresse on three sides and an Unterfeldwebel's (sergeant's) on all four. Senior NCO's (Unteroffiziere mit Portepee) added one to three pips; in addition, their unit identifiers took the form of white-metal pins rather than embroidery.
Shoulder-straps were made in both a standard width (4.5 cm, 1¾") and a wider one for three-digit unit numbers (5.3cm, 2"), and in three lengths depending on the size of the man. There was in addition an extra-large size for the overcoat (Mantel).
Field-grade officer (Stabsoffizier) shoulderboards were made by plaiting together double widths of Russia braid and looping them to form a buttonhole, sewn to a Waffenfarbe underlay; rank again was displayed by zero to two gilt pips.
Once the war began, dull grey aluminum braid appeared, but bright aluminum continued in use.
In April 1941, Generalfeldmarschall epaulettes were changed to incorporate a central gold cord instead of silver.
Colonels-in-chief wearing that uniform wore gold generals' shoulderboards underlaid with the Waffenfarbe of the regiment rather than scarlet; GFM von Rundstedt sometimes simply pinned his crossed batons to an infantry colonel's epaulettes.
, or "God with us." For field wear these were usually painted field-grey to reduce visibility; on the other hand dress buckles were silver-washed.
Officers' field and service buckles were of a two-pronged frame type. With dress uniform officers wore a belt of silver brocade with a circular silver-washed or -plated aluminum buckle, in the form of an oakleaf wreath surrounding a Heeresadler. Generals' were the same but gilt or gold-plated.
With the tropical uniform and its belt of cotton webbing, officers wore a buckle identical to the dress buckle but painted olive-drab.
Mannschaften (Enlisted personnel or Non-commissioned member
Hauptfeldwebel/Hauptwachtmeister: Hauptfeldwebel
was not a rank but an appointment: the administrative and mustering NCO of a company and the commander's logistical assistant. He was therefore roughly analogous to a Company Sergeant-Major or First Sergeant, although his duties did not usually involve combat leadership. Der Spieß or die Kompanie-Mutter, as he was called, was not necessarily the ranking Unteroffizier in the company, especially since typically two of the platoons were commanded by senior NCO's rather than officers. A Hauptfeldwebel however had to be a Stabs- or Oberfeldwebel; a junior NCO filling the role was a Hauptfeldwebeldiensttuer, "one doing Hauptfeldwebel duties."
The insignia for a Hauptfeldwebel was a pair of NCO Tressen encircling each lower sleeve, nicknamed "piston rings;" he also carried a leather Meldetasche or report-case tucked into his tunic front.
These men wore shoulderboards braided in a unique pattern, orange-red and silver on black underlay with Gothic "Fp" for fortress engineers, and gold-yellow and silver on carmine with a horseshoe device for farriers.
The Officials had titles not ranks: intendant, direktor, rat, vorsteher, inspektor, meister, assistent. It is a complex matter as each branches had their own titles.
Up to 1944, none of these officials were classified as soldiers, but certain groups were converted into officers in the Special Troop Service (Truppensonderdienst — TDS). These were the higher administrative officers (Intendanten) in ranks from captain to lieutenant general; the lower administrative officers (Zahlmeister) in the ranks of first and second lieutenant, and the judge advocates (Richter) in ranks from captain to lieutenant general. It was also made possible for reserve technical service officials to become reserve officers of the motor maintenance troops if qualified.
Titles of the Military Courts officials:
President of court martial (Senatspräsident beim Reichskriegsgericht), Senior attorney in the War Office (Oberreichskriegsanwalt) (1)
Army court martial councillor (Reichskriegsgerichtsrat), Attorney in the War Office (Reichskriegsanwalt) (2)
Oberkriegsgerichtsrat beim Reichskriegsgericht, Bürodirektor beim Reichskriegsgericht (3)
Amtsrat beim Reichskriegsgericht (4)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Oberinspektor (5)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Inspektor, Reichskriegsgerichts-Obersekretär (6)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Sekretär (7)
Oberbotenmeister beim Reichskriegsgericht (8)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Wachtmeister (9)
These ranks and insignia were peculiar to the Heer and in special cases to senior Wehrmacht officers in the independent services; the SS
Uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel
The uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel were paramilitary ranks and uniforms used by the SS between 1925 and 1945 to differentiate that organization from the regular German armed forces, the German state, and the Nazi Party....
, Luftwaffe and Navy
Uniforms and insignia of the Kriegsmarine
The Kriegsmarine was the navy of Nazi Germany prior to and during World War II. Kriegsmarine uniform design followed that of the preexisting Reichsmarine, itself based on that of the 1st World War Kaiserliche Marine...
uniforms and rank system were different. The Nazi Party also had its own series of paramilitary uniforms and insignia
Nazi party paramilitary ranks
Nazi party paramilitary ranks were pseudo-military titles which were used by the National Socialist German Workers Party between the years of 1920 and 1945...
, some of which were conceived by Hitler.
National Emblem (breast eagle): Hoheitszeichen or Wehrmachtsadler
The ReichswehrReichswehr
The Reichswehr formed the military organisation of Germany from 1919 until 1935, when it was renamed the Wehrmacht ....
's visual acknowledgement of the new National Socialist reality came on 17 February 1934, when the Defense Ministry
Ministry of the Reichswehr
In the history of Germany, the Ministry of the Reichswehr was the defence ministry of the Weimar Republic and the early Third Reich. The 1919 Weimar Constitution provided for a unified, national ministry of defence to coordinate the new Reichswehr, and that ministry was set up in October 1919,...
ordered the Nazi Party eagle-and-swastika, now Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
's National Emblem, to be worn on uniform blouses and headgear effective 1 May. The design adopted, in silver for the Reichsheer (Army) and in gold for the Reichsmarine (Navy), was a stylized eagle with outstretched, beveled wings clutching a wreathed mobile Hakenkreuz, later to be called the Wehrmachtsadler ("Armed Forces eagle"). On tunics this took the form of a cloth patch about 9 cm (3⅝") wide worn on the right breast, above the pocket. For enlisted uniforms it was jacquard-woven ("BeVo") or sometimes machine-embroidered in silver-grey rayon, for officers machine- or hand-embroidered in white silk or bright aluminum wire, and for generals hand-embroidered in gold bullion. The backing was "badge-cloth" (Abzeichentuch), a close-woven velvetish fabric; this was originally Reichsheer grey, but in late 1935 the renamed Wehrmacht Heer changed its Abzeichentuch color to a dark blue-green called flaschengrün (bottle-green).
The war brought several variations to the breast eagle, although it should be kept in mind that none of them was replaced or de-authorized, and all were being worn side-by-side at war's end. When hostilities began in 1939, on the enlisted Feldbluse or field blouse the eagle was changed from off-white to matte grey for reduced visibility; and in 1940 backings began to be produced in field-grey (feldgrau). Another version appeared with the advent of the Model 1944 Field Blouse, which used a triangular backing for speed and simplicity of manufacture. Very late in the war some Hoheitszeichen were simply printed on thin fabric.
There were also versions for other uniforms: both white and grey variants on black for the Panzer uniform, and in dull grey-blue on tan backing for the tropical (Afrikakorps) uniform. A stamped metal pin-on breast eagle was worn with the officers' white summer tunic.
In 19th century German armies, Guard and other elite regiments wore lengths of double braid (Doppellitze) encircling all or most of the collar as a mark of distinction. By the middle of World War I these ornate collars had been reduced to an embroidered representation of short lengths of braid joined at the ends, sewn to patches worn at the front of the collar. When the Reichsheer was established in 1921 as Germany's first national army Litzen were prescribed as the universal collar device for all personnel other than generals, and the Third Reich continued the practice.On the dress tunic (Waffenrock) and the later "ornamented" uniform, the Litzen
were embroidered in fine aluminum thread on a patch of Abzeichentuch in the wearer's Waffenfarbe
Waffenfarbe is a means the German military uses to distinguish between different corps or troop functions in its armed services...
, or branch color; the backing also showed through in the space between the two Litzen, the Mittelstreife. On field and service uniforms, beginning in late 1935, the patch (Patten) was dark bottle-green to match the collar; the Waffenfarbe "showed through" (in fact colored cord was sewn into) the center strip of each braid, the Litzenspiegel. For enlisted men service Litzen were machine-woven in silver-grey rayon; officers' were embroidered more elaborately in white silk or aluminum thread, and were somewhat larger to match their higher collars.
Non-commissioned officers (Unteroffiziere) wore standard enlisted collar patches but were distinguished by a strip of 9mm silver-grey diamond-woven rayon braid (Tresse) sewn around the collar's front and lower edges, except on the dress Waffenrock where the Tresse was bright aluminum and encircled the collar's upper edge.
By 1938 the fast-growing Heer had found that it was impractical, for the enlisted field uniform, to manufacture and stock a multitude of collar patches in assorted Waffenfarben which also had to be sewn on and frequently changed by unit tailors. Accordingly, new universal Litzen were introduced with the Litzenspiegel and Mittlestreife woven in dark green to match the backing patch, and which could be applied at the factory; Waffenfarbe was now displayed on the shoulder-straps, which simply buttoned on and were easily switched. With the wartime change to lower-visibility insignia enlisted Litzen were woven in matte "mouse-grey" with field-grey stripes, which were at first sewn to green collar patches as before but increasingly directly to the collar, which beginning in 1940 was made in feldgrau like the uniform; grey Patten were never produced. The troops however preferred the green patches (and collars) if they had or could get them, especially on "clean" uniforms for walking-out; and long-service veterans took particular pride in pre-38 Litzen with colored stripes.

On olive tropical uniforms the collar patches were tan with dull grey-blue Litzen for all personnel; officers again sometimes added their green Kragenpatten. Tropical NCO Tresse was copper-brown, or sometimes olive drab.
Armored vehicle uniforms
A major exception to the wearing of collar Litzen was the "panzer wrap", the double-breasted jacket worn by crews of tanks and other armored vehicles. When the Panzertruppe were established in 1935 they were issued a distinctive black uniform and as a badge the Totenkopf or Death's-head, versions of which had formerly been worn by the Imperial tank corps and various cavalry units. These skulls took the form of white-metal pins attached to black Kragenpatten which were edged in Waffenfarbe piping.In mid-1940 crews of assault guns (Sturmgeschütz
Sturmgeschütz is a German word for "assault gun", usually abbreviated StuG. The vehicle was a leading weapon of the Sturmartillerie, a branch of the German artillery tasked with close fire support of infantry in infantry, panzer, and panzergrenadier units...
en) received a uniform of their own, identical in cut to the Panzerjacke but in standard field-grey, which they wore with red artillery piping. Over the course of the war a bewildering and changing series of regulations governed the uniforms and insignia for assault guns, tank destroyers, armored cars and self-propelled artillery. Depending on the unit and the date either the black or grey wrap or the standard Feldbluse might be authorized, and on the grey "assault gun" jacket the regulation collar patches could be black with skulls, or grey with skulls, Litzen, or no device at all. The result in practice was chaos; wartime photos show a mix of uniforms and insignia worn not only in the same battalion, but even in the same vehicle.
Officially both colors of panzer wrap were working and field uniforms to be worn only in or around the vehicle; this regulation was universally ignored. Panzertruppen were issued standard uniforms for service-dress and walking out but rarely wore them, much preferring their unique jackets.
In North Africa, AFV crews wore the same tropical uniform as the other branches, including collar Litzen; many tankers however pinned their Totenkopf badges to their lapels.
Infanterie Regiment "Großdeutschland"
In June 1939, the Wehrmacht Heer wanted to renew its ties with the Old Army tradition by introducing a new uniform for its most prestigious unit: Wachregiment "Berlin" which was renamed Infantry Regiment "Großdeutschland". The new Waffenrock for I.R. "Großdeutschland" had an elongated Litzen. Although shown to the press, this new uniform was not provided to the unit due to the outbreak of WWII. Instead, it was placed in depot storage.General Staff Corps Officers
Generalstaboffiziere were officers carefully selected and trained to represent the German General Staff Corps in both command and staff functions. They ranked from Hauptmann im Generalstab (captain) through Oberst i.G. (colonel). All were before 1939 graduates of the Military Academy, the Kriegsakademie. On division staffs they held the position of Ia (operational chief of staff) or Ib (chief of the rear echelon). In the higher echelons, the intelligence and training staff sections were most of the time in the personal charge of General Staff Corps officers. The General Staff Officers had their own distinctive Litzen called alt-Preußische (old Prussian), or Kolbenstickerei ("lobe-embroidery"). These were the same whether on carmine dress Kragenpatten or green service patches; colored Litzenspiegel were unnecessary. General Staff officers assigned to the supreme headquarters (the Reichskriegsministerium, later the OKH and the OKW), the Kriegsakademie, and military attaches were further distinguished by having their Litzen in gold rather than silver. These Generalstaboffiziere were called "des Generalstabs", Oberst d.G., etc. The special golden Litzen were abolished in November 1942. Only Military attaches kept their Litzen as long as they were in their present position. The Fürher wanted a closer union between the front and the OKW and OKH.In addition to their collar patches, General Staff Officiers wore trouser-stripes, of the same desgn as generals' but in carmine rather than scarlet.

Field Marshals wore the same Arabesken as generals until April 1941, when they were authorized a longer variant with three rather than two iterations of the repeating pattern, for a total of six "prongs." In some cases GFM did not bother to replace their generals' tabs, or did so only on their dress uniforms.
General officers of the Special Troop Service (Truppensonderdienst — TDS) and of the specialist careers (medical, veterinary, ordnance, and motor park) wore the same insignia until april 1944, when they were ordered to exchange their scarlet Kragenpatten for alt-Larisch tabs backed in their respective Waffenfarbe.
- medical – cornflower blue Waffenfarbe;
- veterinary – crimson Waffenfarbe;
- ordnance – orange Waffenfarbe;
- motor park – pink Waffenfarbe;
- TDS administrative – light blue Waffenfarbe;
- TDS judiciary – wine red Waffenfarbe.
In october 1944, the wear-out period of the scarlet backing color for Generals of the specialist careers was extended for an undetermined period.
In the Wehrmacht Heer, upon retirement, certain senior German generals were awarded the honorary post of Chef of a regiment, much like the Honorary Colonel in the British Army. It was a German custum dating from the late 18th Century. Adolf Hitler appointed first Generaloberst Hans von Seeckt
Hans von Seeckt
Johannes Friedrich "Hans" von Seeckt was a German military officer noted for his organization of the German Army during the Weimar Republic.-Early life:...
, ancient "Chef der Heeresleitung", Chef of the 67th Infanterie Regiment on his 70th birthday, in April 1936, a few months before he died. These generals were authorized to wear the tunic and insignia of an officer of the regiment, including ordinary officers’ Litzen. Field Marshals von Rundstedt, Chef of the 18th Infanterie Regiment, wore a big 18 on his shoulderboards. Only six German generals were appointed Chefs : General der Infanterie Ritter von Epp Chef of the 61st Infanterie Regiment in Munich ; Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen
August von Mackensen
Anton Ludwig August von Mackensen , born August Mackensen, was a German soldier and field marshal. He commanded with success during the First World War and became one of the German Empire's most prominent military leaders. After the Armistice, Mackensen was interned for a year...
Chef of the 5th Kavallerie Regiment in Stolp, Generaloberst von Fritsch
Werner von Fritsch
Werner Thomas Ludwig Freiherr von Fritsch was a prominent Wehrmacht officer, member of the German High Command, and the second German general to be killed during World War II.-Early life:...
Chef of the 12th Artillerie Regiment in Schwerin (in the Mecklenburg), and Feldmarschall Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli Chef of the 18th Infanterie Regiment in Troppau. Generalfeldmarschall von Blomberg was appointed Chef of I.R. 73 and wore a big 73 superimposed over the crossed batons of his shoulder board but on the 4th of February 1938 he was discharged and his name was deleted from the seniority list.
Enlisted men
The Reichsheer's shoulder-straps were very similar to those of World War I, made of feldgrau uniform cloth with pointed or "gable" button ends. In December 1934 the material was changed to grey badge-cloth (Abzeichentuch;) and in September 1935 changed again to dark bottle-green (flaschengrün). These "first pattern" shoulder-straps were not edged in Waffenfarbe piping.In 1938, simultaneous with the removal of Waffenfarbe from field-uniform collar patches, new shoulder-straps were issued. These "second pattern" straps had round rather than pointed ends, and were edged on three sides with wool (later rayon) piping in Waffenfarbe. This pattern would be used through the end of the war, although in 1940 manufacture reverted to field-grey uniform cloth, and as usual alternate versions were made to go with the Panzer uniform (black), tropical uniform (olive cotton) and HBT summer uniform (reed-green twill). Schulterklappen were not worn with the fatigue uniform, nor with camouflage smocks and parkas which used an alternate system of rank insignia.
For junior enlisted men (Mannschaften), rank insignia if any was worn on the left sleeve. However the epaulettes did indicate the wearer's unit (usually regiment or independent battalion) together with his sub-branch if any, machine-embroidered in branch-color. For example, a Schulterklappe with rose-pink piping and number "4" would indicate the 4th Panzer Regiment; but if it carried a pink number "4" and letter "A" it would indicate the 4th Armored Reconnaissance (Aufklärungs) Battalion. The German Army used a very large assortment of Latin initials, Gothic initials, script ciphers, Arabic numerals, Roman numerals and symbols to designate all its various service branches and installations. Before the war, shoulder-buttons were embossed with the number of the wearer's company as well, this practice was discontinued "for the duration."
Beginning in January 1940, shoulder-straps with unit insignia were (supposed to be) phased out as a security measure, and removable fabric loops with devices were issued instead. In May 1944 the embroidery was changed from waffenfarbe to light gray.
Non-commissioned officers wore their rank insignia on their shoulder-straps, consisting of braid and pips (pyramidal "stars"). An Unteroffizier's (corporal's) epaulette was edged with Tresse on three sides and an Unterfeldwebel's (sergeant's) on all four. Senior NCO's (Unteroffiziere mit Portepee) added one to three pips; in addition, their unit identifiers took the form of white-metal pins rather than embroidery.
Shoulder-straps were made in both a standard width (4.5 cm, 1¾") and a wider one for three-digit unit numbers (5.3cm, 2"), and in three lengths depending on the size of the man. There was in addition an extra-large size for the overcoat (Mantel).
Officers' shoulderboards were constructed from "Russia" braid, an aluminum-thread double piping. Company-grade officers (Leutnant through Hauptmann/Rittmeister) wore epaulettes constructed by wrapping two side-by-side lengths of braid around the buttonhole and back, giving the appearance of eight parallel cords; the whole was sewn to an underlay (Unterlagen) of Waffenfarbe badge-cloth. Until 1938 the underlay was of the same outer dimensions as the braid, and only visible edge-on; in that year the underlay was made wider, so as to create the impression of edge piping like the enlisted shoulder-strap. Rank was indicated by zero to two gilt-metal pips; unit designators were also of gilt metal.Field-grade officer (Stabsoffizier) shoulderboards were made by plaiting together double widths of Russia braid and looping them to form a buttonhole, sewn to a Waffenfarbe underlay; rank again was displayed by zero to two gilt pips.
Once the war began, dull grey aluminum braid appeared, but bright aluminum continued in use.
Generals' shoulderboards were constructed similarly to those of field-grade officers, but comprised a length of silver Russia braid between two braided cords of gold bullion or Celleon. Since the resulting combination was wider, generals' boards were plaited in four 'loops' rather than five. Their buttons were gilt, and rank was indicated by zero to four silver pips, or crossed batons in the case of field marshals. The underlay was scarlet, except (from 1944) for generals of staff corps, who were instructed to wear Waffenfarbe instead.In April 1941, Generalfeldmarschall epaulettes were changed to incorporate a central gold cord instead of silver.
Colonels-in-chief wearing that uniform wore gold generals' shoulderboards underlaid with the Waffenfarbe of the regiment rather than scarlet; GFM von Rundstedt sometimes simply pinned his crossed batons to an infantry colonel's epaulettes.
Retired Personnel
By order of Marshal Hindenburg in March 1932, soldiers who retire after 15 years of service can receive the right to wear the uniform of the unit they leave. The shoulderboards and shoulder straps of the retired soldiers had a bridle of 1.5 cm wide attached under the middle.Headgear
Caps and helmets bore two common insignia elements, in various forms: the National Emblem (eagle and swastika) and the national colors. World War I caps had carried dual cockades or roundels, one in Imperial black-white-red and one in the colors of the particular State within the Empire. The Reichsheer changed this to a single cockade in the Weimar Republic's black, red and gold; almost as soon as Hitler took power he restored the pre-1919 tricolor flag, and ordered the Army to return to black-white-red.Peaked cap (Schirmmütze)
Officers' old-style field cap or "crusher" (Feldmütze älterer Art)
Panzer beret
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Garrison cap (Feldmütze)
Mountain, tropical, and M43 field caps (Gebirgs-, Tropen- und Einheitsfeldmützen)
Steel helmet (Stahlhelm)
See also StahlhelmStahlhelm
Stahlhelm is German for "steel helmet". The Imperial German Army began to replace the traditional boiled-leather Pickelhaube with the Stahlhelm during World War I in 1916...
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Pith helmet (Tropenhelm)
Belt Buckles (Koppelschlösser)
Belt buckles for enlisted men were of box type, made of aluminum or stamped steel with a pebbled surface, and bearing a circular device with a version of the Hoheitszeichen called the Army eagle or Heeresadler (an eagle with downswept wings clutching an unwreathed swastika) surmounted by the motto Gott mit unsGott Mit Uns
Gott mit uns is a phrase commonly associated with the German military from the German Empire to the end of the Third Reich, although its historical origins are far older, ultimately tracing back to the Hebrew term Immanuel from the Bible...
, or "God with us." For field wear these were usually painted field-grey to reduce visibility; on the other hand dress buckles were silver-washed.
Officers' field and service buckles were of a two-pronged frame type. With dress uniform officers wore a belt of silver brocade with a circular silver-washed or -plated aluminum buckle, in the form of an oakleaf wreath surrounding a Heeresadler. Generals' were the same but gilt or gold-plated.
With the tropical uniform and its belt of cotton webbing, officers wore a buckle identical to the dress buckle but painted olive-drab.
Mannschaften (Enlisted personnel or Non-commissioned memberNon-commissioned memberA non-commissioned member , in the Canadian Forces, is defined in the Queen's Regulations and Orders as:"… any person, other than an officer, who is enrolled in, or who pursuant to law is attached or seconded otherwise than as an officer to, the Canadian Forces…" Thus, an NCM is any member who is...
Rank | Translation | Approx. US/UK equivalent | Insignia | Notes |
Soldat | Soldier | Recruit Private (or equivalent British Army ranks) | Soldat was the generic term; for actual ranks see below. Could be advanced directly to Gefreiter. | |
Fahnenjunker | Flag-Junker | Officer candidate 2nd class | See below | |
Obersoldat Oberschütze Oberschütze is a German military rank which was first used in the Bavarian Army of the late 19th century.It was commonly introduced in the Reichswehr in 1920.... (from 1936) |
Senior Soldier | Private | Obersoldat was the generic term; for actual ranks see below. Automatic after 12 (later 6) months if not yet advanced to Gefreiter. | |
Gefreiter Gefreiter Gefreiter is the German, Swiss and Austrian equivalent for the military rank Private . Gefreiter was the lowest rank to which an ordinary soldier could be promoted. As a military rank it has existed since at least the 16th century... |
"Exempted man" | Private First Class Private First Class Private First Class is a military rank held by junior enlisted persons.- Singapore :The rank of Private First Class in the Singapore Armed Forces lies between the ranks of Private and Lance-Corporal . It is usually held by conscript soldiers midway through their national service term... |
Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter | Flag-Junker-Exempted | Officer Candidate 1st class | See below | |
Obergefreiter Obergefreiter Obergefreiter is a rank of the German and Swiss militaries which dates from the 19th century.The rank was only used in the German army's heavy artillery branch before 1919 and commonly established with the founding of the Reichswehr... |
Senior Exempted | Lance Corporal Lance Corporal Lance corporal is a military rank, used by many armed forces worldwide, and also by some police forces and other uniformed organizations. It is below the rank of corporal, and is typically the lowest non-commissioned officer, usually equivalent to the NATO Rank Grade OR-3.- Etymology :The presumed... |
2d sleeve insignia indicates 6 years' service. | |
Stabsgefreiter (from 1942) |
Staff Exempted | Senior Lance Corporal | Promotions to this rank were suspended in 1934, although existing Stabsgefreiter retained it; promotions resumed in 1942. Automatic after 5 years' service and 2 years as an Obergefreiter if not yet an NCO. | |
Unteroffizier-Anwärter (to 11/43) Unteroffizier-Bewerber (from 11/43) |
Underofficer Candidate Underofficer Applicant |
NCO candidate | Soldier selected for or attending Unteroffizierschule (NCO school); could be of any rank from Soldat through Stabsgefreiter | |
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Non-commissioned officers (Unteroffiziere)
Rank | Translation | Approx. US equivalent | Insignia | Notes |
Junior NCO's, Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee | ||||
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier Unteroffizier is both a specific military rank as well as a collective term for non-commissioned officers of the German military that has existed since the 19th century. The rank existed as a title as early as the 17th century with the first widespread usage occurring in the Bavarian Army of the... Oberjäger (Light and mountain infantry) |
Underofficer Senior Ranger |
Corporal Corporal Corporal is a rank in use in some form by most militaries and by some police forces or other uniformed organizations. It is usually equivalent to NATO Rank Code OR-4.... Lance Sergeant Lance Sergeant A lance sergeant in the armies of the Commonwealth was a corporal acting in the rank of sergeant. The appointment is retained now only in the Foot Guards and Honourable Artillery Company... |
Originally only upon completion of NCO school; later also an automatic promotion for acting squad leaders with 4 months' combat experience. Could be advanced directly to Feldwebel/Wachtmeister. | |
Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier | Flag-Junker Underofficer | Officer candidate Sergeant | See below | |
Unterfeldwebel Unterwachtmeister Wachtmeister Wachtmeister was a German, Austrian and Swiss military rank of non-commissioned officers. It was also adopted into Russian Army vakhmistr and was used as Sergeant-grade rank in cavalry , then Special Corps of Gendarmes and Cossack cavalry and Cossack Leib Guard units... (Cavalry, artillery and transport) |
Junior Field Guide Junior Watch Master |
Sergeant | Called Sergeant to 1921. Automatic after 6 years' service and 3 years as an Unteroffizier if not yet advanced to Feldwebel/Wachtmeister. | |
Senior NCO's, Unteroffiziere mit Portepee | ||||
Feldwebel Feldwebel Feldwebel is a German military rank which has existed since at least the 18th century with usage as a title dating to the Middle Ages. The word Feldwebel is usually translated as sergeant being rated OR-6 in the NATO rank comparison scale, equivalent to the British Army Sergeant and the US Army... Wachtmeister Wachtmeister Wachtmeister was a German, Austrian and Swiss military rank of non-commissioned officers. It was also adopted into Russian Army vakhmistr and was used as Sergeant-grade rank in cavalry , then Special Corps of Gendarmes and Cossack cavalry and Cossack Leib Guard units... (Cavalry, artillery and transport) |
Field Guide Watch Master |
Staff Sergeant | From mid-war an automatic promotion for acting platoon leaders with 4 months' combat experience. | |
Fähnrich | Ensign | Officer candidate | See below | |
Oberfeldwebel Oberwachtmeister Wachtmeister Wachtmeister was a German, Austrian and Swiss military rank of non-commissioned officers. It was also adopted into Russian Army vakhmistr and was used as Sergeant-grade rank in cavalry , then Special Corps of Gendarmes and Cossack cavalry and Cossack Leib Guard units... (Cavalry, artillery and transport) |
Senior Field Guide Senior Watch Master |
Master Sergeant/Quartermaster Sergeant | ||
Stabsfeldwebel Stabswachtmeister Wachtmeister Wachtmeister was a German, Austrian and Swiss military rank of non-commissioned officers. It was also adopted into Russian Army vakhmistr and was used as Sergeant-grade rank in cavalry , then Special Corps of Gendarmes and Cossack cavalry and Cossack Leib Guard units... (Cavalry, artillery and transport) |
Staff Field Guide Staff Watch Master |
Sergeant Major | Restricted to career volunteers; automatic after 12 years' service. | |
Oberfähnrich | Senior Ensign | Student Officer/Third Lieutenant | (worn with officers' uniform) |
See below |
Hauptfeldwebel/Hauptwachtmeister: Hauptfeldwebel
In the German military, the appointment of Hauptfeldwebel was the German equivalent of a Commonwealth Company Sergeant Major or American Company First Sergeant. There was one such non-commissioned officer in every infantry company, artillery battery, cavalry squadron, etc...
was not a rank but an appointment: the administrative and mustering NCO of a company and the commander's logistical assistant. He was therefore roughly analogous to a Company Sergeant-Major or First Sergeant, although his duties did not usually involve combat leadership. Der Spieß or die Kompanie-Mutter, as he was called, was not necessarily the ranking Unteroffizier in the company, especially since typically two of the platoons were commanded by senior NCO's rather than officers. A Hauptfeldwebel however had to be a Stabs- or Oberfeldwebel; a junior NCO filling the role was a Hauptfeldwebeldiensttuer, "one doing Hauptfeldwebel duties."
The insignia for a Hauptfeldwebel was a pair of NCO Tressen encircling each lower sleeve, nicknamed "piston rings;" he also carried a leather Meldetasche or report-case tucked into his tunic front.
Senior non-commissioned specialist officers
In two specialist career paths it was possible to attain rank above Stabsfeldwebel: fortifications engineers (Festungspioniere) and farriers (Hufbeschlagschmieder). They were actual NCO's with command authority, not Heeresbeamten (uniformed Army civil servants). There is no real Anglosphere equivalent; perhaps the closest would be the US non-commissioned Warrant Officer (WO1)Warrant Officer (United States)
In the United States military, the rank of warrant officer is rated as an officer above the senior-most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below the officer grade of O-1...
Rank | Translation | Insignia |
Festungswerkmeister Hufbeschlaglehrmeister |
Fortress Works Master Farrier Instruction Master |
Festungsoberwerkmeister Oberhufbeschlaglehrmeister |
Fortress Senior Works Master Senior Farrier Instruction Master |
These men wore shoulderboards braided in a unique pattern, orange-red and silver on black underlay with Gothic "Fp" for fortress engineers, and gold-yellow and silver on carmine with a horseshoe device for farriers.
Officer candidates (Fähnriche)
To 1940 | 1940–1941 | 1942–1945 | Translation | Notes |
Fahnenjunker | Schütze (Offizier-Bewerber) | Schütze (Offizier-Bewerber) | Flag-Junker Rifleman (Officer Applicant) |
Officer candidate in basic training |
Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter | Gefreiter (Offizier-Bewerber) | Gefreiter (Offizier-Bewerber) | Flag-Junker-PFC PFC (Officer Applicant) |
Officer candidate in advanced training with the Field Army |
Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier Fahnenjunker-Oberjäger |
Unteroffizier (Offizier-Anwärter) Oberjäger (Offizier-Anwärter) |
Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier Fahnenjunker-Oberjäger |
Flag-Junker-Underofficer/Flag-Junker Senior Ranger Underofficer (Officer Candidate)/Senior Ranger (Officer Candidate) |
Cadet beginning Officer Candidate School or specialist academy |
Fähnrich Fähnrich Fähnrich is a German and Austrian military rank in armed forces which translates as "Ensign" in English. The rank also exists in a few other European military organizations, often with historical ties to the German system. Examples are Sweden, Norway and Finland . The French Army has a similar... |
Feldwebel (Offizier-Anwärter) Wachtmeister (Offizier-Anwärter) |
Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel Fahnenjunker-Wachtmeister |
Ensign Field Guide (Officer Candidate)/Watch Master (Officer Candidate) Flag-Junker Field Guide/Flag-Junker Watch Master |
Cadet completing Officer Candidate School or specialist academy |
Oberfähnrich Fähnrich Fähnrich is a German and Austrian military rank in armed forces which translates as "Ensign" in English. The rank also exists in a few other European military organizations, often with historical ties to the German system. Examples are Sweden, Norway and Finland . The French Army has a similar... Unterarzt (Medical) Unterveterinär (Veterinary) Oberfähnrich im Ing. Korps (Engineering) Feuerwerker m. b. Offiziersprüfung (Ordnance) |
Oberfähnrich Unterarzt Unterveterinär Feldingenieur Oberfähnrich (Waffen) |
Oberfähnrich Unterarzt Unterveterinär Feldingenieur Oberfähnrich (Waffen) |
Senior Ensign Undersurgeon Underveterinarian Sr. Ensign in the Engineer Corps/Field Engineer Fireworker on Officer Probation/Sr. Ensign (Ordnance) |
Graduate serving as acting lieutenant, ensign or 3rd Lieutenant prior to commissioning as an officer. |
Officers (Offiziere)
Rank | Translation | US/UK equivalent | Shoulder Insignia |
Leutnante | |||
Leutnant Assistenzarzt (Medical) Veterinär (Veterinary) |
Lieutenant Assistant Surgeon Veterinarian |
2nd Lieutenant/Sublieutenant | White: Infantry |
Oberleutnant Oberleutnant Oberleutnant is a junior officer rank in the militaries of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In the German Army, it dates from the early 19th century. Translated as "Senior Lieutenant", the rank is typically bestowed upon commissioned officers after five to six years of active duty... Oberarzt (Medical) Oberveterinär (Veterinary) |
Senior Lieutenant Senior Surgeon/Veterinarian |
1st Lieutenant/Lieutenant Lieutenant A lieutenant is a junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces. Typically, the rank of lieutenant in naval usage, while still a junior officer rank, is senior to the army rank... |
Gold-yellow: Cavalry |
Hauptleute | |||
Hauptmann Hauptmann Hauptmann is a German word usually translated as captain when it is used as an officer's rank in the German, Austrian and Swiss armies. While "haupt" in contemporary German means "main", it also has the dated meaning of "head", i.e... Rittmeister Rittmeister Rotamaster was the military rank of a commissioned cavalry officer in charge of a squadron , the equivalent of O3 or Captain, in the German-speaking armies, Austro-Hungarian, Polish-Lithuanian, Russian and some other states.The exact name of this rank maintains a variety of spellings in different... (Cavalry and horse transport) Stabsarzt (Medical) Stabsveterinär (Veterinary) Stabsrichter (Judicial) Heereshilfspfarrer (Chaplain) |
Captain/Riding Master Staff Surgeon/Veterinarian/Lawyer Army Help-Chaplain |
Captain Captain (OF-2) The army rank of captain is a commissioned officer rank historically corresponding to command of a company of soldiers. The rank is also used by some air forces and marine forces. Today a captain is typically either the commander or second-in-command of a company or artillery battery... |
Orange: Ordnance |
Stabsoffiziere (Field officer Field officer A field officer is an army, marine, or air force commissioned officer senior in rank to a company officer but junior to a general officer; in some navies, it is an officer who is a Lieutenant Commander, Commander, or Captain.... ) |
Major Major Major is a rank of commissioned officer, with corresponding ranks existing in almost every military in the world.When used unhyphenated, in conjunction with no other indicator of rank, the term refers to the rank just senior to that of an Army captain and just below the rank of lieutenant colonel. ... Hauptfach(Panzer units) Oberstabsarzt (Medical) Oberstabsveterinär (Veterinary) Oberstabsrichter (Judicial) Heerespfarrer (Chaplain) |
Major Senior Staff Surgeon/Veterinarian/Lawyer Army Chaplain |
Major | Rose-pink: Armor |
Oberstleutnant Oberstleutnant Oberstleutnant is a German Army and Air Force rank equal to Lieutenant Colonel, above Major, and below Oberst.There are two paygrade associated to the rank of Oberstleutnant... Oberfeldarzt (Medical) Oberfeldveterinär (Veterinary) Oberrichter (Judicial) Heeresoberpfarrer (Chaplain) |
Lieutenant Colonel Senior Field Surgeon/Field Veterinarian/Lawyer Army Senior Chaplain |
Lieutenant Colonel | Red: Artillery |
Oberst Oberst Oberst is a military rank in several German-speaking and Scandinavian countries, equivalent to Colonel. It is currently used by both the ground and air forces of Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Norway. The Swedish rank överste is a direct translation, as are the Finnish rank eversti... Oberstarzt (Medical) Oberstveterinär (Veterinary) Oberstrichter (Judicial) Wehrmachtsdekan (Chaplain) |
Colonel (lit. "seniormost") Seniormost Surgeon/Veterinarian/Lawyer Defence Force Deacon |
Colonel | Meadow-green: Panzergrenadiere |
General Officers and Marshals (Generäle)
Rank | Translation | US/UK equivalent rank | Shoulder Insignia |
Generalmajor Generalarzt (Medical) Generalrichter (Judicial) Feldbischof (Chaplain) |
Major General General Surgeon/Lawyer Field Bishop |
Brigadier General/Brigadier | |
Generalveterinär | General Veterinarian | Brigadier General/Brigadier | |
Generalleutnant Generalstabsarzt (Medical) Generalstabsveterinär (Veterinary) Generalstabsrichter (Judicial) |
Lieutenant General General Staff Surgeon/Veterinarian/Lawyer |
Major General | |
General General (Germany) General is presently the highest rank of the German Army and Luftwaffe . It is the equivalent to the rank of Admiral in the German Navy .-Early history:... der Infanterie — der Artillerie — der Kavallerie — der Panzertruppen (from 1935) — der Pioniere (from 1938) — der Gebirgstruppen (from 1940) — der Nachrichtentruppen (from 1940) Generaloberstabsveterinär (Veterinary) Generaloberstabsrichter (Judicial) |
General of Infantry/Artillery/Cavalry/Armored Troops/Engineers/Mountain Troops/Signals Troops General Senior Staff Veterinarian/Lawyer |
Lieutenant General | |
Generaloberstabsarzt | General Senior Staff Surgeon | Lieutenant General | |
Generaloberst | Senior General/Colonel General | General | |
Generalfeldmarschall Generalfeldmarschall Field Marshal or Generalfeldmarschall in German, was a rank in the armies of several German states and the Holy Roman Empire; in the Austrian Empire, the rank Feldmarschall was used... |
General Field Marshal | General of the Army/Field Marshal | |
Smock/parka rank insignia
On camouflage smocks, camouflage and winter parkas, mountain windbreakers and paratroop jump smocks, epaulettes were not worn. Officers and NCOs instead wore sleeve rank insignia made up of bars and oak leaves.Ranks at the Private/Senior Private levels
Branch | ||
Infantry Motorized Infantry (to 7/43) |
Schütze (Rifleman) (to 10/42) Grenadier (from 10/42) Füsilier (Fusilier) Musketier (Musketeer) |
Oberschütze Obergrenadier Oberfüsilier Obermusketier |
Mechanized Infantry (to 7/43) | Panzerschütze (Armored Rifleman) | Panzeroberschütze |
Motorized Infantry Mechanized Infantry (from 7/43) |
Panzergrenadier (Armored Grenadier) | Panzerobergrenadier |
Light and Mountain Infantry |
Jäger (Ranger, Hunter) | Oberschütze |
Cavalry Reconnaissance |
Reiter (Trooper) | Oberreiter (Senior Trooper) |
Artillery | Kanonier (Gunner) Panzerkanonier (Armored Gunner) |
Oberkanonier Panzeroberkanonier |
Engineers | Pionier (Sapper) Baupionier (Construction Sapper) (from 1943) |
Oberpionier Bauoberpionier |
Construction troops | Bausoldat (to 1943) | Bauobersoldat |
Signals | Funker (Radioman) Fernsprecher (Telephonist) |
Oberfunker Oberfernsprecher |
Armor | Panzerschütze (Armor Rifleman) | Oberpanzerschütze |
Armored Engineers | Panzerpionier | Oberpanzerpionier |
Armored Signals | Panzerfunker | Oberpanzerfunker |
Anti-tank | Panzerjäger (Tank hunter) | Oberpanzerjäger |
Motorcycle Rifles | Kradschütze (Motor Rifleman) | Kradoberschütze |
Military Police | Feldgendarm (Field Gendarme) | Feldobergendarm |
Transport | Fahrer (Driver, horse) Kraftfahrer (Driver, motor vehicles) |
Oberfahrer Oberkraftfahrer |
Medical | Sanitätssoldat | Sanitätsobersoldat |
Bandsmen | Musiker (to 1936) Musikschütze (Rifleman Musician) (from 1936) Trompeterreiter (Trumpet Rider) (Cavalry) |
Musikoberschütze Trompeteroberreiter |
Armed Forces Officials (Wehrmachtbeamte)
Officials in administrative, legal, and technical service positions are a category peculiar to the German Armed Forces. They consist of civil service personnel performing functions within the Armed Forces and are recruited, in part, from former professional non-commissioned officers who became military candidates for civil service (Militärarwärter) at the end of their 12-year contractual period of active military service.Wehrmachtbeamten des Heeres
Most officials wore in addition to their dark green Waffenfarbe a secondary colour (Nebenfarbe) denoting their branch:- Bright Red (Hochrot): Officials of the administration of the Military Area (Wehrkreis)
- Crimson (Karmesinrot): Officials of all branches on duty with the OKW and OKH; and also Librarians, Archivists, Museum officials, etc.
- Light Blue (Hellblau): Judicial Officials
- Light Green (Hellgrün): Pharmacists
- White (Weiß): Officials of the "Standard Branch" (Paymasters)
- Black (Schwarz): Officials of the Technical Services (Fortress Engineer, Geological Service, Ballistics, etc.)
- Golden Yellow (Gelb): Officials of the Remount Service
- Orange Red (Orange): Officials of the Recruiting Service
- Light Brown (Hellbraun): Non-technical Teacher Officials
The Officials had titles not ranks: intendant, direktor, rat, vorsteher, inspektor, meister, assistent. It is a complex matter as each branches had their own titles.
Up to 1944, none of these officials were classified as soldiers, but certain groups were converted into officers in the Special Troop Service (Truppensonderdienst — TDS). These were the higher administrative officers (Intendanten) in ranks from captain to lieutenant general; the lower administrative officers (Zahlmeister) in the ranks of first and second lieutenant, and the judge advocates (Richter) in ranks from captain to lieutenant general. It was also made possible for reserve technical service officials to become reserve officers of the motor maintenance troops if qualified.
Military Supreme Court Officials (Wehrmachtbeamte beim Reichskriegsgericht)
Officials of the Wehrmacht who worked in Military Supreme Courts wore shoulder straps without the "HV" and had the secondary colour of Bordeaux red (Bordorot).Titles of the Military Courts officials:
President of court martial (Senatspräsident beim Reichskriegsgericht), Senior attorney in the War Office (Oberreichskriegsanwalt) (1)
Army court martial councillor (Reichskriegsgerichtsrat), Attorney in the War Office (Reichskriegsanwalt) (2)
Oberkriegsgerichtsrat beim Reichskriegsgericht, Bürodirektor beim Reichskriegsgericht (3)
Amtsrat beim Reichskriegsgericht (4)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Oberinspektor (5)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Inspektor, Reichskriegsgerichts-Obersekretär (6)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Sekretär (7)
Oberbotenmeister beim Reichskriegsgericht (8)
Reichskriegsgerichts-Wachtmeister (9)
Sonderführer (Specialist leaders)
Sonderführers wore the standard military uniform but with distinctive rank and collar insignia. Certain positions in ranks from major to lieutenant and in all non-commissioned officer ranks (except sergeant) may be filled by specialists in foreign languages, propaganda work, medical service, and veterinary service, who have been trained to fill such positions as "Specialist leader" (Sonderführer). They receive the pay applicable to the position they are holding, but only by virtue of their appointment to the temporary position and without the disciplinary powers vested in the rank.See also
- World War II German uniformWorld War II German uniformThe Wehrmacht went through a large overhaul during the 1930s as its size grew once the Nazis came to power. The following is a general overview of Germany's main uniforms, though there were so many specialist uniforms and variations that not all can be included...
- WaffenfarbeWaffenfarbeWaffenfarbe is a means the German military uses to distinguish between different corps or troop functions in its armed services...
- Glossary of German World War II military terms
- Comparative officer ranks of World War II