Timeline of Canadian history
This is a timeline of the history of Canada
History of Canada
The history of Canada covers the period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago to the present day. Canada has been inhabited for millennia by distinctive groups of Aboriginal peoples, among whom evolved trade networks, spiritual beliefs, and social hierarchies...
- Years BCBCs in Canada-Events:* c. 40,000-30,000 BC: Prehistoric hunters migrate from Asia across the Bering strait land bridge to settle* 8000 BC: Ice age ending. Rising waters cover Bering land bridge....
- Early years ADADs in Canada-Events:* c. 175 AD: Funeral offerings in graves at the Norton Mounds in Michigan are elaborate. Materials imported from great distances indicate vigorous trade.* c. 500 AD: The Thule people arrive in Alaska...
- 1000s11th century in Canada-Events:* c. 985-1014 AD: Viking Explorations. Norsemen, including Erik the Red and Leif Ericson, set up outposts in North America and encounter Inuit, Beothuks, and Micmacs.* c. 1000: Thule people arrive in Nunavut....
- 1400s15th century in Canada-Events:* 1450 - the Iroquois form the Great League of Peace and Power.* 1492 - Christopher Columbus , backed by Spain, reaches San Salvador Island , "discovering the New World" and encountering Arawak and Taíno people...
- 1500s16th century in Canada-Events:* c. 1500: European diseases begin killing native North Americans, who have no immunity to them.* 1521-26: João Álvares Fagundes establishes the first European colony in North America on Cape Breton Island. It later fails....
- 1600s: 1600s1600s in Canada-Events:* c. 1600: By now, perhaps 250,000 Indians and Inuit inhabit what is now Canada.* 1627: King Louis XIII grants a fur-trading monopoly in the Gulf of St...
- 1610s1610s in Canada-Events:* 1610-11: The English explorer Henry Hudson, in Dutch service, continues the fruitless search for a passage to Asia.* 1610: Henry Hudson, in service of the Netherlands, explores the river named for him. Hudson explores Hudson Bay in spite of a mutinous crew. Manhattan Indians attack his ship...
- 1620s1620s in Canada-Events:* 1621: Dutch West India Company chartered, expands up the Hudson and Delaware rivers.* 1621: James I of England grants Acadia to Sir William Alexander who renames it New Scotland * 1625: the Baronet of Nova Scotia is founded...
- 1630s1630s in Canada-Events:* 1631: Charles de la Tour builds Fort La Tour at the mouth of the Saint John River.* 1632: British lose control of Acadia through the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, which returns Quebec to France....
- 1640s1640s in Canada-Events:* c. 1640: Beavers and otters nearly exterminated in Iroquois country. To expand territory, Iroquois launch decades-long "Beaver Wars" against Huron, Algonquin and Themselves* 1640: Lake Erie discovered....
- 1650s1650s in Canada-Events:* 1649-64: the Beaver Wars: Encouraged by the English, and the need for more beaver for trade , Haudenosee make war on Hurons , Tobaccos , Neutrals , Erie , Ottawa , Illinois and Miami , and members of the Mahican confederation...
- 1660s1660s in Canada-Events:* 1649-64: the Beaver Wars: Encouraged by the English, and the need for more beaver for trade , Haudenosee make war on Hurons , Tobaccos , Neutrals , Erie , Ottawa , Illinois and Miami , and members of the Mahican confederation...
- 1670s1670s in Canada-Events:* 1670: Charles II charters Hudson's Bay Company in London. Underwritten by a group of English merchants, HBC is granted trade rights over Rupert's Land -- i.e., all territory draining into Hudson Bay...
- 1680s1680s in Canada-Events:* 1682: Robert Cavelier, sieur de la Salle reaches the mouth of the Mississippi River and claims the entire Mississippi Valley for France, naming the area Louisiana....
- 1690s1690s in Canada-Events:* 1690: Sent by Massachusetts, Sir William Phips captures Port Royal . Frontenac repels Phips' attack on Quebec . These events are part of what is sometimes called King William's War.... - 1700s: 17001700 in Canada-Events:* January 26 - The Cascadia Earthquake, one of the largest earthquakes on record, ruptures the Cascadia subduction zone offshore from Vancouver Island to northern California, creating a tsunami that wiped out the winter village of Pachena Bay leaving no survivors.-Full date unknown:* By...
- 17011701 in Canada-Full date unknown:* Peace treaty signed between the Iroquois Confederacy and the French and English.* Detroit, Michigan founded as Fort Pontchartrain du détroit by Antoine de Lamothe Cadillac....
- 17021702 in Canada-Events:* Having begun in Europe in 1701, the War of the Spanish Succession spreads to North America in Acadia and New England.* 1702-13: The short-lived Peace of Ryswick collapses with the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession, which erupts in the colonies as Queen Anne's War...
- 17031703 in Canada-Events:* May 26 - Louis-Hector de Callière, Governor General of New France, dies in office.* May 27 - Philippe de Rigaud Vaudreuil becomes Governor General of New France.-Births:* June 6 - Louis de la Corne, Chevalier de la Corne, explorer .-Deaths:...
- 17041704 in Canada-Deaths:...
- 17051705 in Canada-Events:*Jacques Raudot becomes co-Intendant of New France with his son Antoine-Denis Raudot.-Deaths:* Louis Hennepin, Récollet missionary, explorer...
- 17061706 in Canada-Deaths:* July 9 - Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville - Canadian-born French explorer who established settlements in what is now southern Louisiana ....
- 17071707 in Canada-Events:* Port Royal is attacked twice by the English from Massachusetts.-Deaths:*Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin...
- 17081708 in Canada-Births:* Christopher Dufrost de La Jemeraye born December 6 of this year. In ill health he was travelling from Fort Maurepas on the Red River to Fort St. Charles on Lake of the Woods. He was buried near the junction of the Red and Rousseau rivers .-Deaths:* May 6 - François de Laval, 1st Bishop...
- 17091709 in Canada-Births:* September 7 Dr. Samuel Johnson born in Lichfield, Staffordshire. * September 26 - Jean-Louis Le Loutre, priest, Spiritan, and missionary -Deaths:... - 1710s: 17101710 in Canada-Events:* The English recapture Acadia, this time permanently, and rename it Nova Scotia.* Francis Nicholson captures Port Royal for England.* The English take Port Royal and name it Annapolis Royal....
- 17111711 in Canada-Events:* 1711-13 - Tuscarora War on North Carolina frontier fought between British settlers and Tuscarora Indians. Remnants of this Iroquoian tribe migrate north....
- 17121712 in Canada-Events:* 1712-34 - Fox resistance against the French in the Great Lakes area.-Deaths:...
- 17131713 in Canada-Events:* The Treaty of Utrecht. The French cede Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay region. They retain Cape Breton Island and Île Saint-Jean ....
- 1714 - 17151715 in Canada-Births:* Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet, superintendent of northern Indians -Deaths:...
- 17161716 in Canada-Deaths:...
- 17171717 in Canada-Events:* Fort Kaministiquia was founded by French merchants to be the first in a series of forts reaching westward to expand trade and seek a route to the western sea. -Births:* January 29 - Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst, army officer -Events:* Fort Kaministiquia was founded by French...
- 17181718 in Canada-Births:* September 8 - Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, military officer. * September 17 - Joseph Fairbanks, merchant and political figure in Nova Scotia. born in Sherborn, Massachusetts-Full date unknown:...
- 17191719 in Canada-Events:* Construction of Fortress Louisbourg by the French begins on Ile Royale .-Deaths:... - 1720s: 17201720 in Canada-Events:* 1720-60 - The Chickasaw fight the French and the Choctaw in the Southeast.* c. 1720: French forts along the Mississippi River spread northward from New Orleans....
- 17211721 in Canada-Deaths:...
- 17221722 in Canada-Events:* The Tuscarora become the sixth tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy.* Haudenosee League admits Tuscarora as 6th Nation. The refugee band was accepted according to the terms of the League Constitution...
- 17231723 in Canada-Births:* May 7 - Louis Dunière, politician * July 19 - Jean-Marie Ducharme, fur trader...
- 17241724 in Canada-Births:* April 30 - Jean-Baptiste de La Brosse, Jesuit, priest, missionary, and professor -Deaths:...
- 17251725 in Canada-Events:* Claude-Thomas Dupuy was appointed intendant of New France.* Peter the Great sends Vitus Bering to explore the North Pacific.* 1725-1729 - First Arctic expedition of Vitas Bering.-Deaths:...
- 17261726 in Canada-Events:* Claude-Thomas Dupuy took up his duties as intendant of New France.* Charles de la Boische, Marquis de Beauharnois was appointed as Governor of New France....
- 1727 - 17281728 in Canada-Events:* Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Vérendrye was appointed commandant of the French posts on the north shore of Lake Superior and stationed at Fort Kaministiquia* Vitus Bering sails through the Bering Strait....
- 17291729 in Canada-Events:* La Vérendrye became first commandant of the Posts of the West. He was posted to Fort Kaministiquia in this year and began the western expansion in 1731.... - 1730s: 17301730 in Canada-Events:* Seven Cherokee chiefs visit London and form an alliance, The Articles of Agreement, with King George II.* 1730s: The Mississauga drive the Seneca Iroquois south of Lake Erie.-Deaths:...
- 17311731 in Canada-Events:* 1731: Fort St. Pierre on Rainy Lake established by Christopher Dufrost de La Jemeraye and Jean Baptiste de La Vérendrye. This was the first fort in La Verendrye's expansion of the "Posts of the West"....
- 17321732 in Canada-Events:* 1732: Fort St. Charles, on Lake of the Woods was constructed by La Vérendrye's nephew, Christopher Dufrost de La Jemeraye and his eldest son Jean Baptiste de La Vérendrye....
- 17331733 in Canada-Events:* Vitus Bering's second expedition, with George Wilhelm Steller aboard, the first naturalist to visit Alaska.-Deaths:...
- 17341734 in Canada-Events:* Jean Baptiste de La Vérendrye establishes Fort Maurepas on the Red River about five leagues south of Lake Winnipeg, third of the main La Vérendrye posts....
- 17351735 in Canada-Events:* Father Jean-Pierre Aulneau came to Fort St. Charles with Pierre La Vérendrye to carry out his duties as a missionary.-Full date unknown:* Alexander McKee, agent for the Indian Department -Deaths:...
- 17361736 in Canada-Full date unknown:* Father Jean-Pierre Aulneau, Jean Baptiste de La Vérendrye and 19 French voyageurs were headed from Fort St. Charles to Montreal via Fort St. Pierre. On their first night out they were massacred by Sioux warriors on a nearby island in Lake of the Woods...
- 17371737 in Canada-Events:* Marguerite d'Youville and some friends in Montreal, begin taking in the poor and educating abandoned children.-Deaths:...
- 17381738 in Canada-Events:* Smallpox strikes the Cherokee in the Southeast, killing almost half the population. Smallpox also reaches tribes in western Canada.* Esther Brandeau, in the guise of a cabin boy, is the first known Jewish woman to arrive in Canada...
- 17391739 in Canada-Events:* Joseph La France begins to explore between Lake Superior and Hudson Bay.* Census of New France counts 42,801 inhabitants-Births:* February 23: Jean-François Hubert, bishop of Quebec... - 1740s: 17401740 in Canada-Events:* 1740s: The Mandan Indians west of the Great Lakes begin to trade in horses descended from those brought to Texas by the Spanish. Itinerant Assiniboine Indians bring them from Mandan settlements to their own territories southwest of Lake Winnipeg....
- 17411741 in Canada-Events:* First Fort Dauphin, was built near Winnipegosis, Manitoba.* Vitus Bering, in service of Russia, reaches Alaska; Russians soon trade with natives for sea otter pelts....
- 17421742 in Canada-Events:* First scientific report on the North Pacific fur seal.* First Fort Paskoya built by La Vérendrye at Cedar Lake.-Births:* Esteban José Martínez Fernández y Martínez de la Sierra, naval officer * Benjamin Frobisher, fur-trader...
- 17431743 in Canada-Events:* Concentrated hunting of sea otter by Russia begins.* Father Claude-Godefroy Coquart joins La Vérendrye at Fort La Reine becoming the first recorded missionary in present-day Manitoba and the first to travel beyond Lake of the Woods.-Deaths:...
- 17441744 in Canada-Events:* France declares war on England * Treaty of Lancaster .* Having begun in Europe in 1740, The War of the Austrian Succession spreads to North America ....
- 17451745 in Canada-Events:* Louisbourg surrenders to English after six-week siege .* English forces take Louisbourg and make new conquests from the French in the West Indies.* Massachusetts Governor William Shirley takes the French Fortress Louisbourg.* Battle of Culloden....
- 17461746 in Canada-Events:* Typhoid fever epidemic breaks out among the Micmac of Nova Scotia.* August 30: Duc d'Anville Expedition, led by a French aristocrat, arrives at Chebucto with 13,000 men in 70 ships. His orders from the King of France: Expel the British from Nova Scotia, then burn Boston and sack New...
- 17471747 in Canada-Events:* Marguerite d'Youville founds the Sisters of Charity or the Grey Nuns of Montreal....
- 17481748 in Canada-Events:* Louisbourg is returned to France by the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.* Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle returns Ile Royale and Ile Saint-Jean to French.* Treaty of Logstown...
- 17491749 in Canada-Events:* Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, is founded by British General Edward Cornwallis to counter French presence at Louisbourg.* La Vérendrye was awarded the cross of Saint Louis, in honour of his career.... - 1750s: 17501750 in Canada-Events:* 1750s: Hudson's Bay Company Saskatchewan River region, reached by trade drummers sent out with goods to tempt the Indians to York.* c. 1750: The Ojibwa begin to emerge as a distinct tribal amalgamation of smaller independent bands....
- 17511751 in Canada-Events:* Fort Le Jonquiere was established in 1751 by Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre on the Saskatchewan River .-Deaths:...
- 17521752 in Canada-Events:* French kill Miami chief, fortify the Ohio Valley region with forts from Lake Erie to the forks of the Ohio River* Canada's first newspaper, the weekly Halifax Gazette, appears ....
- 17531753 in Canada-Events:* The 2nd Fort Paskoya built at a new location which became the Pas.* A trading post, to be later known as Fort de la Corne was built just below the junction of the two branches of the Saskatchewan....
- 17541754 in Canada-Events:* 1754-63 - French and Indian War .* Anthony Henday travels west from Hudson Bay onto Plains, meets natives on horseback and sees Rocky Mountains....
- 17551755 in Canada-Events:* 1755-75 - William Johnson, British superintendent of Indian affairs in the northern colonies, persuades the Iroquois League to break its neutrality and side with England against France....
- 17561756 in Canada-Events:* France sends two battalions to Canada, with provisions, and 1,300,000 livres, in specie, which has the effect of depreciating the paper currency by 25 per cent....
- 17571757 in Canada-Events:* Thursday March 17 to Tuesday March 22 - In four nights 1,500 French Canadians and Indians destroy the out-works of Fort William-Henry.* Saturday July 30 - Seven thousand men are collected to attack Fort William Henry....
- 17581758 in Canada-Events:* Saturday July 8 - General Abercrombie, with 15,390 men, attacks 3,600 French and Canadian troops entrenched and barricaded at Fort Ticonderoga...
- 17591759 in Canada-Events:* Tuesday May 22 - A British fleet approaches Quebec.* Thursday June 28 - French fire ships, intended to burn the British fleet, at Quebec, are taken ashore by British sailors.* Thursday July 26 - Carillon is abandoned by the French.... - 1760s: 17601760 in Canada-Events:* Sunday April 20 - Seven thousand French troops start to recapture Quebec.* Monday April 28 - Murray's 7,714 troops retire to the Citadel, after fighting the Canadians outside the walls of Quebec. The French prepare to besiege....
- 17611761 in Canada-Events:* Wednesday July 29 - The British terms of peace are so hard that Choiseul declares: "I am as indifferent to peace as Pitt can be. I freely admit the King's desire for peace, and his Majesty may sign such a treaty, but my hand shall never be set to it."...
- 17621762 in Canada-Events:* Wednesday November 3 - According to the preliminaries of peace, signed at Fontainebleau, England is to have, with certain West Indies, Florida, Louisiana, to the Mississippi River , Canada, Acadia, Cape Breton Island and its dependencies, and the fisheries, subject to certain French...
- 17631763 in Canada-Events:With the Royal Proclamation of 1763 Lower Canada was renamed the "Province of Quebec".* 1763-1820 The Conquest: French defeated. British take over and successfully expand fur trade from Montreal...
- 17641764 in Canada-Full date unknown:* 1764-65: The Sugar Act and Stamp Act, by which Britain aims to recover revenue from the American colonies, arouses local opposition....
- 17651765 in Canada-Events:* May 18 – Fire destroys one quarter of the town of Montreal, Quebec.* The Stamp Act increases discontent. A Stamp Act Congress meets to protest the Act.* Reserve system in Canada begins with the provision of a tract of land for the Maliseet tribe....
- 17661766 in Canada-Deaths:...
- 17671767 in CanadaSee also:1766 in Canada,other events of 1767,1768 in Canada.----Events from the year 1767 in Canada.-Births:*May 15 - Ezekiel Hart, entrepreneur, politician, and first Jew to be elected to public office in the British Empire...
- 17681768 in Canada-Events:* Guy Carleton succeeds James Murray as governor of Quebec.-Deaths:...
- 17691769 in Canada-Events:* The American colonies begin their westward expansion, settling Tennessee.* Prince Edward Island becomes a separate colony from Nova Scotia.* April 20 - Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa is killed by a Kaskaskia Indian in Illinois.-Births:... - 1770s: 17701770 in Canada-Events:* December - Samuel Hearne departs on his third voyage of discovery* The city of Saint-Eustache, Quebec is established-Births:*April 7 - William Wordsworth, in Cockermouth, England...
- 17711771 in Canada-Events:* July 17 - Massacre at Bloody Falls: Chipewyan chief Matonabbee traveling as the guide to Samuel Hearne on his Arctic overland journey, massacre a group of unsuspecting Inuit.* Captain James Cook completes his first voyage around the world....
- 17721772 in Canada-Events:* Samuel Hearne explores Coppermine River to Arctic Ocean.* HBC Mathey Cocking, to Blackfeet country west of Eagle Hills.* The Hudson's Bay Company opens Cumberland House on the Saskatchewan River....
- 17731773 in Canada-Events:* December - Prominent French Canadians petition the King to restore their ancient laws and accord them the rights of British subjects, reminding him that five-sixths of the seigniories belong to Frenchmen. They represent that the Labrador Coast and fisheries, now alienated to Newfoundland,...
- 17741774 in Canada-Events:* September 4 - Delegates from twelve colonies discuss measures for common safety, at Philadelphia. Canada and Georgia are not represented, though invited...
- 17751775 in Canada-Events:* 1775-83: Demands by the American colonists that they be represented in the English Parliament lead to the American Revolution.* April 19 - The Revolutionary War begins, at Lexington....
- 17761776 in Canada-Events:* 1776-77 - Capt. James Cook of England explores the Pacific Northwest.* US Revolutionary war. United Empire Loyalists move to Upper Canada and settle ....
- 17771777 in Canada-Events:*July 4 - Near Fort Ticonderoga, General Burgoyne offers condonement if colonists lay down their arms.*September 19 - General Burgoyne's Indian and French allies desert at the battle of Stillwater....
- 17781778 in Canada-Events:* March 29-April 26 British Captain James Cook explores Alaskan coast, seeking Northwest Passage back to the Atlantic. On the last of three voyages to the west coast, he travels as far north as the Bering Strait and claims Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island for the British. While there, he...
- 17791779 in Canada-Events:* At a Parliamentary investigation, General Burgoyne charges failure to the Canadian forces and to St. Luc, commander of the Indians.* A retaliatory U.S. campaign destroys Indian towns and crops, breaking the Iroquois League's power.... - 1780s: 17801780 in Canada-Events:* May 19: an unusual darkening of the day sky was observed over the New England states and parts of Canada. This has never been explained, though clouds of smoke from massive forest fires are the most likely cause....
- 17811781 in Canada-Events:* February 2 - Ethan Allen receives a further proposal from Col. Robinson; but sends both to Congress, with a request for the recognition of Vermont...
- 17821782 in Canada-Events:* 1782-83: A smallpox epidemic hits the Sanpoil of Washington.* Montreal Upper Yellowstone, on old Indian trail along east slope of the mountains, challenging Spanish trade goods.* January 1 - Threatened by three hostile forces, Vermont is advised by Gen...
- 17831783 in Canada-Incumbents:-Events:* American independence is formally recognized at the Treaty of Paris.** Treaty of Paris gives Americans fishing rights off Newfoundland, but not to dry or cure fish on land....
- 17841784 in Canada-Events:* August 16 -: In response to Loyalist demands, the Crown creates New Brunswick out of Nova Scotia.* 1784-: North West Company Built up Grand portage as a general summer rendezvous for all companies and free traders, drawing furs from as far as Oregon and the Arctic Circle.* David Thompson...
- 17851785 in Canada-Events:* Introduction of Power loom in England for weaving cloth* North West Company Strengthened far west trade through such forts as Athabasca and English River.* May 18: The city of Saint John, New Brunswick is incorporated....
- 17861786 in Canada-Events:*New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland allowed to import goods from the United States.*Gerassin Pribilof discovers the rookeries on the islands now known as the Pribilofs.*John Molson founds his first brewery in Montreal.-Births:...
- 17871787 in Canada-Events:*HBC David Thompson wintered with Piegans on Bow River.*Prince William Henry lands at Quebec.*At an investigation into judicial abuses, it is stated that one judge takes wine to excess, before taking his seat on the Bench; and that another habitually disregards the pertinent French law and...
- 17881788 in Canada-Events:* Attorney-General Monk and Solicitor-General Williams are of opinion that, as the Jesuits have no civil existence as a Canadian corporation, their estates accrue to the Crown.* Ontario is divided into five districts, under English law.-Births:...
- 17891789 in Canada-Events:* 1789-93 - Alexander Mackenzie of Canada, seeking northern river route to the Pacific, travels to the Arctic Ocean; on second journey he crosses continent by land, making contact with many tribes.... - 1790s: 17901790 in Canada-Events:* British Captain George Vancouver begins his three-year survey of northwest coast of North America* Spain signs the Nootka Convention, ceding the Pacific Northwest to England and the United States....
- 17911791 in Canada-Events:* 1791-95 - British Captain George Vancouver explores Northwest Coast exhaustively with two ships, but finds no Northwest Passage.* Edmund Burke supports the proposed constitution for Canada, saying that: "To attempt to amalgamate two populations, composed of races of men diverse in...
- 17921792 in Canada-Events:* Catherine II grants a monopoly of furs in Alaska to Grigorii Shelikov.* Captain George Vancouver begins his explorations of the British Columbia Coast....
- 17931793 in Canada-Events:* Alexander Mackenzie reaches Pacific Ocean at Bella Coola* David Thompson surveys Muskrat Country west of Hudson Bay.* HBC Brandon House established on the Assiniboine River, outpost for trade south and southwest to Missouri and Yellowstone....
- 17941794 in Canada-Events:*1794 - Baranov builds first vessel in northwestern America at Voskres-senski on Kenai.*Jay Treaty establishes neutral commission to settle border disputes between United States and Canada; restores trade between the United States and British colonies of Canada; also guarantees Indians free...
- 17951795 in Canada-Events:* 1790s - British create protective tariffs to encourage timber production for Navy after Napoléon Bonaparte cuts off Baltic supply of tall trees and hardwood. First in New Brunswick then in Lower and Upper Canada...
- 17961796 in Canada-Events:*About 600 Blacks from Jamaica are deported to Nova Scotia. Known as Maroons, they help rebuild the Halifax Citadel. In 1800, most of them leave for Sierra Leone, Africa.*York officially becomes the capital of Upper Canada....
- 17971797 in Canada-Events:* An American, named McLane, being convicted of high treason, is hanged on a gibbet, on the glacis of the fortifications, at Quebec. * David Thompson leaves Hudson's Bay Company to join North West Company....
- 17981798 in Canada-Events:*David Thompson travels to Mandan villages and charts headwaters of Mississippi River*A new fur trading company is formed to compete with the North West Company...
- 17991799 in Canada-Events:* David Thompson marries Charlotte Small* North West Company establishes a fur post at Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. The nearby Hudson's Bay Company fur post which is also established at this time is called Acton House.... - 1800s: 18001800 in Canada-Events:* Spain cedes Louisiana back to France.* Alexander Mackenzie, the explorer, joins XY Fur Company* May 30 - Bar of Quebec is founded-Births:*January 3 - Etienne-Michel Faillon, Catholic historian...
- 18011801 in Canada-Events:*David Thompson attempts to cross Rocky Mountains.*Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans published in London.*Mackenzie knighted in honor of his explorations.*Shipbuilding has become an important industry in Canada....
- 18021802 in Canada-Events:* The Tlingit start resisting Russian incursions into their territory.* First Nations massacre Russians at Old Sitka; only a few survive.* Alexander Mackenzie is knighted for his efforts in 1802 and becomes a member of the XY Company....
- 18031803 in Canada-Events:*Thomas Jefferson completes Louisiana Purchase extending U.S. control west of the Mississippi River; federal plans to resettle Eastern tribes beyond the Mississippi soon begin....
- 18041804 in Canada-Events:*October 8 - HMS Speedy sinks during snowstorm*David Thompson works in Peace River country.*Lewis and Clark start up the Missouri River.*Merger of the North West Company and XY Fur Companies. The XY Company is absorbed by the North West Company....
- 18051805 in Canada-Events:* January 29 - 4th Parliament of Lower Canada session starts, ends April 27, 1808* February 1 - 4th Parliament of Upper Canada session starts, ends May 21, 1808* 100th Regiment of Foot arrives in Nova Scotia...
- 18061806 in Canada-Events:* Minor trouble arises after 1806 when a governor attempts to anglicize Lower Canada, but he is able to quell dissent if not to achieve his goal.* Russian-American Company Company collects otter pelts from Alaska to Spanish California....
- 18071807 in Canada-Events:* The slave trade is abolished in the British Empire, although slavery continues in the colonies.* The Embargo Act aims at keeping US ships out of European conflicts.* David Thompson crosses Rockies and builds a trading post at headwaters of Columbia River...
- 18081808 in Canada-Events:* David Thompson explores Kootenay River.* Simon Fraser follows Fraser River to the Pacific.* The American Fur Company is chartered by John Jacob Astor to compete with Canadian fur trade...
- 18091809 in Canada-Events:* On August 17, the foundation of Nelson's Column, Montreal is laid* November 3: John Molson's steamboat, Accommodation, starts for Quebec City. It is overall, has a engine, and makes the distance in 36 hours, but stops at night and reaches Quebec on November 6... - 1810s: 18101810 in Canada-Events:* January - A Governor declares that, in case of hostilities, a force of regulars, adequate for the defence of Canada, will cooperate with the Militia....
- 18111811 in Canada-Events:* John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company establishes a post at mouth of the Columbia River.* David Thompson follows Columbia to Pacific and finishes charting entire length of the river....
- 18121812 in Canada-Events:* June 18 - The U.S. declares war on Britain, beginning the War of 1812. There are but 4,000 British troops in Canada. Sir George Prevost is Governor...
- 18131813 in Canada-Events:* January 22 - General Henry Proctor's 1,300 British and natives capture 495 U.S. troops, under General Winchester.* February 7 - Battle of Elizabethtown.* March 30 - Engagement at Lacolle....
- 18141814 in Canada-Events:* March 3 - The Governor refuses to suspend Chief Justices Sewell and Monk, on suggestion of one branch of the Legislature. James Stuart moves, affirming the Assembly's right to inform the Governor of irregularities, without concurrence of the Council; and that the Governor has violated the...
- 18151815 in Canada-Events:* Great Migration from Europe begins.* January - Unaware of the Treaty of Ghent, Gen. Andrew Jackson wins an overwhelming victory at the Battle of New Orleans.* February 9 - A Bill, to give the speaker a salary is read: salary 1,000 pounds....
- 18161816 in Canada-Events:* January 5 - Sir George Prevost dies before consideration of Commodore Yeo's charges; but the Duke of Wellington says: "He must have returned, after the fleet was beaten, I am inclined to think he was right...
- 18171817 in Canada-Events:* February 4 - Francois Page petitions for monopoly of navigation of Lower Canadian Rivers, by an invention of which he produces a model.* February 18 - Mr. McCord reads a petition for the deepening of the St. Lawrence....
- 18181818 in Canada-Events:* April 1 - An expedition sails for the North Pole.* August 28 - The Governor dies of hydrophobia.-Full date unknown:* Halifax and St. John's are made free ports.* 49th parallel becomes British North America/U.S...
- 18191819 in Canada-Births:*February 12** Frederick Carter, Premier of Newfoundland ** Eden Colvile, Governor of Rupert's Land *February 13 — James Cockburn, politician *March 1 — Alexander Melville Bell, educator... - 1820s: 18201820 in Canada-Events:* June 18 - The Governor, Earl of Dalhousie, arrives.-Full date unknown:* Creation of the municipality of Prescott and Russell in Upper Canada .* William Lyon Mackenzie emigrates to Canada.-Births:...
- 18211821 in Canada-Events:*July 17 - Construction of the Lachine Canal in Montreal begins.*July - The Hudson's Bay Company merges with arch rivals, the Montreal-based North West Company, creating unemployment for a substantial proportion of their Métis workforce....
- 18221822 in CanadaSee also:1821 in Canada,other events of 1822,1823 in Canada.----Events from the year 1822 in Canada.-Events:*Louis-Joseph Papineau, a member of the legislative assembly since 1814, travels from Montreal to England to oppose an Act of Union identifying the French Canadians as a minority without...
- 18231823 in CanadaSee also:1822 in Canada,other events of 1823,1824 in Canada.----Events from the year 1823 in Canada.-Events:*May 10 - Louis-Joseph Papineau and John Neilson are in London to present a petition of 60,000 signatures against favouring Union of the colonies*October 14 - At a meeting, in Montreal, Mr...
- 18241824 in CanadaSee also:1823 in Canada,other events of 1824,1825 in Canada.----Events from the year 1824 in Canada.-Events:*The first Welland Canal is begun, partly in response to American initiatives in the Erie Canal....
- 18251825 in CanadaSee also:1824 in Canada,other events of 1825,1826 in Canada.----Events from the year 1825 in Canada.-Events:*January 2 - The Parliament House, at Toronto, is burned.*June 27 - The Canada Company is founded...
- 18261826 in CanadaSee also:1825 in Canada,other events of 1826,1827 in Canada.----Events from the year 1826 in Canada.-Events:*June 8 - A mob of the ruling party, the Family Compact, destroy the Colonial Advocate's press at York...
- 18271827 in CanadaSee also:1826 in Canada,other events of 1827,1828 in Canada.----Events from the year 1827 in Canada.-Events:*March 15 - The University of Toronto is chartered*First temperance society in Canada formed in Montreal...
- 18281828 in CanadaSee also:1827 in Canada,other events of 1828,1829 in Canada.----Events from the year 1828 in Canada.-Events:*William Lyon Mackenzie elected to the Assembly with the first Reform majority.*Settlement begins in Stratford, Ontario...
- 18291829 in CanadaSee also:1828 in Canada,other events of 1829,1830 in Canada.----Events from the year 1829 in Canada.-Events:*January 4 - Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada founds Upper Canada College, as a feeder school to the newly formed University of Toronto and a home for the colony's upper... - 1830s: 18301830 in CanadaSee also:1829 in Canada,other events of 1830,1831 in Canada.----Events from the year 1830 in Canada.-Events:*Influenza epidemic strikes tribes of British Columbia.*Canada is divided into counties....
- 18311831 in CanadaSee also:1830 in Canada,other events of 1831,1832 in Canada.----Events from the year 1831 in Canada.-Events:*A charter for a railway, from La Prairie, Quebec to St...
- 18321832 in CanadaSee also:1831 in Canada,other events of 1832,1833 in Canada.----Events from the year 1832 in Canada.-Events:*January 1 - William Lyon Mackenzie readmitted to the Legislative Assembly after being expelled...
- 18331833 in CanadaSee also:1832 in Canada,other events of 1833,1834 in Canada.----Events from the year 1833 in Canada.-Events:*September - William Lyon Mackenzie returns from the United Kingdom.*September 19 - Military riot at Montreal....
- 18341834 in CanadaSee also:1833 in Canada,other events of 1834,1835 in Canada.----Events from the year 1834 in Canada.-January to June:*January - King William IV appoints an arbitrator to settle questions regarding customs dues between the Canadas....
- 18351835 in CanadaSee also:1834 in Canada,other events of 1835,1836 in Canada.----Events from the year 1835 in Canada.-Events:*February 21 - The Governor's speech, proroguing the Assembly's last session, is expunged from the Journals. The revolutionary speech reduces the Country Party in the House to less than...
- 18361836 in CanadaSee also:1835 in Canada,other events of 1836,1837 in Canada.----Events from the year 1836 in Canada.-Events:*Opening of Canada's first railway line, from St. Johns, Quebec, to La Prairie, Quebec....
- 18371837 in CanadaSee also:1836 in Canada,other events of 1837,1838 in Canada.----Events from the year 1837 in Canada.-Events:*British attempts to unite the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada lead to revolt...
- 18381838 in CanadaSee also:1837 in Canada,other events of 1838,1839 in Canada.----Events from the year 1838 in Canada.-January to June:*January - Samuel Lount captured.*January 13 - Navy Island evacuated....
- 18391839 in CanadaSee also:1838 in Canada,other events of 1839,1840 in Canada.----Events from the year 1839 in Canada.-Events:*February 15 - Chevalier DeLorimier and others who joined in the Rebellion are executed.... - 1840s: 18401840 in CanadaSee also:1839 in Canada,other events of 1840,1841 in Canada.----Events from the year 1840 in Canada.-Events:*May 6 — Postage stamps come into use.*June 10 — Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are shot at.*June 28 — Queen Victoria is crowned....
- 18411841 in CanadaSee also:1840 in Canada,other events of 1841,1842 in Canada.----Events from the year 1841 in Canada.-Events:*June 13 - First Parliament of Canada meets at Kingston....
- 18421842 in CanadaSee also:1841 in Canada,other events of 1842,1843 in Canada.----Events from the year 1842 in Canada.-Events:*January 10 - Governor General of Canada Sir Charles Bagot arrives at Kingston, Ontario.*January 12 - The Islander is founded...
- 18431843 in CanadaSee also:1842 in Canada,other events of 1843,1844 in Canada.----Events from the year 1843 in Canada.-Events:*January 19 - Mount Allison University is founded.*September 1 - First Prime Minister of Canada Sir John A...
- 18441844 in CanadaSee also:1843 in Canada,other events of 1844,1845 in Canada.----Events from the year 1844 in Canada.-Events:*March 5 - The Toronto Globe is founded by George Brown*May 10 - Government moves from Kingston to Montreal....
- 18451845 in CanadaSee also:1844 in Canada,other events of 1845,1846 in Canada.----Events from the year 1845 in Canada.-Events:*Halifax native Samuel Cunard chooses Boston as the western terminus for his steamships.*Lord Cathcart, the new governor, arrives....
- 18461846 in CanadaSee also:1845 in Canada,other events of 1846,1847 in Canada.----Events from the year 1846 in Canada.-Events:*January 29 - Many persons in the Eastern Townships are arrested on charge of counterfeiting, being afterwards tried before Sir James Stuart and other Judges. Hon L. T. Drummond and Edward...
- 18471847 in CanadaSee also:1846 in Canada,other events of 1847,1848 in Canada.----Events from the year 1847 in Canada.-Events:*January 30 - Lord Elgin, Governor, arrives at Montreal.*September 1 - Lord Elgin visits the immigrant 'fever' sheds at Pointe St...
- 18481848 in CanadaSee also:1847 in Canada,other events of 1848,1849 in Canada.----Events from the year 1848 in Canada.-Events:*January 2 - Maple sugar is made in St...
- 18491849 in CanadaSee also:1848 in Canada,other events of 1849,1850 in Canada.----Events from the year 1849 in Canada.-Events:*January 1 - King's College becomes the University of Toronto... - 1850s: 18501850 in CanadaSee also:1849 in Canada,other events of 1850,1851 in Canada.----Events from the year 1850 in Canada.-Events:*January 14 - Malcolm Cameron visits Washington, D.C. about a trade reciprocity agreement....
- 18511851 in CanadaSee also:1850 in Canada,other events of 1851,1852 in Canada.----Events from the year 1851 in Canada.-Events:*April 7 - The first Canadian postage stamps are printed*April 25 - Prince Edward Island wins responsible government...
- 18521852 in CanadaSee also:1851 in Canada,other events of 1852,1853 in Canada.----Events from the year 1852 in Canada.-Events:*January 15 - Trinity College opens*July 8 - Beginning of a fire which burns 11,000 houses in Montreal....
- 18531853 in CanadaSee also:1852 in Canada,other events of 1853,1854 in Canada.----Events from the year 1853 in Canada.-Events:*February 23 - A description of the proposed bridge across the St...
- 18541854 in CanadaSee also:1853 in Canada,other events of 1854,1855 in Canada.----Events from the year 1854 in Canada.-Events:*January 27 - The Great Western Railway opens, linking Toronto, Hamilton and Windsor....
- 18551855 in CanadaSee also:1854 in Canada,other events of 1855,1856 in Canada.----Events from the year 1855 in Canada.-Events:*January 1 - Bytown is renamed Ottawa.*March 8 - A bridge over the Niagara River near Niagara Falls is completed...
- 18561856 in CanadaSee also:1855 in Canada,other events of 1856,1857 in Canada.----Events from the year 1856 in Canada.-Events:*May 15 - Creation of the village of Embrun, Ontario.*Formation of the British Methodist Episcopal Church , an all Black church....
- 18571857 in CanadaSee also:1856 in Canada,other events of 1857,1858 in Canada.----Events from the year 1857 in Canada.-Events:*March 12 — The bridge over Desjardins Canal, near Hamilton, Canada West, collapses under a Great Western Railway passenger train...
- 18581858 in CanadaSee also:1857 in Canada,other events of 1858,1859 in Canada.----Events from the year 1858 in Canada.-Events:*The Canadian government imposes revenue tariffs on US manufactured goods to pay for railroad debts....
- 18591859 in CanadaSee also:1858 in Canada,other events of 1859,1860 in Canada.----Events from the year 1859 in Canada.-Events:*Abraham Shadd is elected to the town council in Raleigh, Ontario and becomes the first Black elected to public office.... - 1860s: 18601860 in CanadaSee also:1859 in Canada,other events of 1860,1861 in Canada.----Events from the year 1860 in Canada.-Events:*February 20 - 205 killed when the SS Hungarian is wrecked at Cape Sable, Nova Scotia...
- 18611861 in CanadaSee also:1860 in Canada,other events of 1861,1862 in Canada.----Events from the year 1861 in Canada.-Events:*April 14 - A major flood hits Montreal...
- 18621862 in CanadaSee also:1861 in Canada,other events of 1862,1863 in Canada.----Events from the year 1862 in Canada.-Events:*April 7 - United Kingdom-United States treaty for suppression of African slave trade is signed....
- 18631863 in CanadaSee also:1862 in Canada,other events of 1863,1864 in Canada.----Events from the year 1863 in Canada.-Governors:*Governor General of the Province of Canada — Charles Monck, 4th Viscount Monck*Colonial Governor of Newfoundland — Alexander Bannerman...
- 18641864 in CanadaSee also:1863 in Canada,other events of 1864,1865 in Canada.----Events from the year 1864 in Canada.-Events:*June 29 - A train of newly arrived immigrants fails to stop at the open swing span near Beloeil, Canada East...
- 18651865 in CanadaSee also:1864 in Canada,other events of 1865,1866 in Canada.----Events from the year 1865 in Canada.-Events:*February 3 - Legislature approves message to Crown for union of British North America provinces....
- 18661866 in CanadaSee also:1865 in Canada,other events of 1866,1867 in Canada.----Events from the year 1866 in Canada.-Events:*May–June - The 1866 New Brunswick election...
- 18671867 in CanadaSee also:1866 in Canada,other events of 1867,1868 in Canada.----Events from the year 1867 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch — Queen Victoria*Prime Minister — John A. Macdonald*Premier of New Brunswick — Andrew R...
Post-Confederation timeline
- 1860s: 18671867 in CanadaSee also:1866 in Canada,other events of 1867,1868 in Canada.----Events from the year 1867 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch — Queen Victoria*Prime Minister — John A. Macdonald*Premier of New Brunswick — Andrew R...
- 18681868 in CanadaSee also:1867 in Canada,other events of 1868,1869 in Canada.----Events from the year 1868 in Canada.-Incumbents:Crown*Head of state : Queen VictoriaFederal government...
- 18691869 in CanadaEvents from the year 1869 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Prime Minister - John A. Macdonald*Governor General - Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon then Lord Lisgar*Premier of New Brunswick - Andrew Wetmore*Premier of Nova Scotia - William Annand... - 1870s: 18701870 in CanadaEvents from the year 1870 in Canada.-Events:*June-July - The 1870 New Brunswick election*September 16 - Alfred Boyd becomes its first premier of Manitoba.*December 27 - The 1870 Manitoba election-Births:...
- 18711871 in CanadaEvents from the year 1871 in Canada.-January to June:*March 10 - Government of Manitoba meets for the first time*March 21 - The 1871 Ontario election: Edward Blake's Liberals win a majority, defeating J. S...
- 18721872 in CanadaEvents from the year 1872 in Canada.-Events:*March 14 - Henry Joseph Clarke becomes premier of Manitoba, replacing Marc-Amable Girard*March 25 - The beginning of the Toronto Printers' Strike for a nine-hour day....
- 18731873 in CanadaEvents from the year 1873 in Canada.-January to June:*February 26 - Gédéon Ouimet becomes Premier of Quebec, replacing Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau*April 1**Prince Edward Island general election, 1873...
- 18741874 in Canada-Events:*January 22 - Federal election: Alexander Mackenzie's Liberals win a majority, defeating J. A. Macdonald's Liberal-Conservatives*February 11 - George Walkem becomes premier of British Columbia, replacing Amor De Cosmos...
- 18751875 in Canada-Events:*January 14 - The Halifax Herald is first published*January 18 - 1875 Ontario election: Sir Oliver Mowat's Liberals win a second consecutive majority*April 5 - The Supreme Court of Canada is created...
- 18761876 in Canada-Events:*February 1 - Andrew Elliott becomes premier of British Columbia, replacing George Walkem*July 1 - The Intercolonial Railway connecting central Canada to the Maritimes is completed...
- 18771877 in CanadaSee also:1876 in Canada,other events of 1877,1878 in Canada.----Events from the year 1877 in Canada.-Full date unknown:*Charles Alphonse Pantaléon Pelletier appointed Minister of Agriculture and called to the Senate of Canada...
- 18781878 in Canada-Events:*March 7 - Both the Université de Montréal and the University of Western Ontario are incorporated*March 8 - Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière becomes premier of Quebec, replacing Sir Charles-Eugène de Boucherville...
- 18791879 in CanadaEvents from the year 1879 in Canada.-Events:*February 4 - Prince Edward Island election: William Wilfred Sullivan's Conservatives win a third consecutive majority*March 12 - Sir John A... - 1880s: 18801880 in Canada-Events:*February 4 - Five members of the Donnelly family are killed near Lucan, Ontario*February 14 - The wife of the governor general, The Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, is seriously injured when the viceregal sleigh overturns on a Rudolph Ottawa street....
- 18811881 in Canada-Events:*January 17 - The Interprovincial Bridge connecting Ottawa to Hull, Quebec, opens*February 16 - The Canadian Pacific Railway is incorporated*April 4 - The 1881 census finds Canada's population to be 4,324,810...
- 18821882 in Canada-Events:*May 17 - Provisional districts of the North-West Territories are established between Manitoba and British Columbia: the districts of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Athabaska...
- 18831883 in Canada-Events:*January 23 - Manitoba election*January 29 - William Smithe becomes premier of British Columbia, replacing Robert Beaven*February 27 - Ontario election: Sir Oliver Mowat's Liberals win a fourth consecutive majority...
- 18841884 in Canada-Events:*January 2 - "Humber Railway Disaster" 32 men and boys were killed upon the head on collision of a of a Grand Trunk Railway commuter train with an unscheduled freight train #42C near Toronto, Ontario...
- 18851885 in CanadaEvents from the year 1885 in Canada.-Events:*March 26 - Louis Riel and the Métis battle the North-West Mounted Police at Duck Lake*April 24 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Fish Creek fought between Canadian forces and the Métis...
- 18861886 in Canada-Events:*March 25 - Workman's Compensation Act passed in Ontario*April 6 - Vancouver incorporated as a city*April 26 - New Brunswick general election, 1886*June 6 - The Parliament buildings open in Ottawa...
- 18871887 in Canada-Events:*January 25 - Sir Louis-Olivier Taillon becomes premier of Quebec, replacing John Jones Ross.*January 27 - Honoré Mercier becomes premier of Quebec, replacing Sir Louis-Olivier Taillon.*February 22 - Federal election: Sir John A...
- 18881888 in Canada-Events:*January 19 - Thomas Greenway becomes premier of Manitoba, replacing David H. Harrison.*June 20 - The Northwest Territories holds its first general election; 22 members of the Legislative Assembly are elected. All are independents; there are no party politics in the territories*July 11 -...
- 18891889 in Canada-Events:*August 1 - Alexander Davie, Premier of British Columbia, dies in office.*August 2 - John Robson becomes premier of British Columbia.*September 19 - A rock slide in Quebec City kills 45... - 1890s: 18901890 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch — Victoria of Canada*Governor General — Frederick Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby*Prime Minister — John A. MacdonaldOntario*Lieutenant Governor — Sir Alexander Campbell*Premier — Sir Oliver MowatQuebec...
- 18911891 in Canada-Events:* February 21 - The first Springhill Mining Disaster occurs killing 125.* March 5 - Federal election: Sir John A. Macdonald's Conservatives win a fourth consecutive majority...
- 18921892 in Canada-Events:*June 29 - John Robson, Premier of British Columbia, dies in office*July 2 - Theodore Davie becomes Premier of British Columbia*July 8 - Two-thirds of St. Johns, Newfoundland, destroyed in a fire*November 24 - Sir John Abbott resigns as Prime Minister...
- 18931893 in Canada-Events:*May 27 - Algonquin Provincial Park is established as a wildlife sanctuary in Ontario*September 16 - Calgary incorporated as a city*October 27 - The National Council of Women meets for the first time...
- 18941894 in Canada-Events:*February 20 - Manitoba Schools Question: The Supreme Court refuses to hear the appeal of Manitoba francophones.*May 17 - Pioneers' Obelisk unveiled*June 14 - Massey Hall opens in Toronto....
- 18951895 in CanadaEvents from the year 1895 in Canada.-Events:*March 2 - Theodore Davie resigns as premier of British Columbia*March 4 - John Herbert Turner becomes premier of British Columbia*April 24 - Jean-Olivier Chénier Monument unveiled...
- 18961896 in Canada-Events:*April 27 - Sir Mackenzie Bowell resigns as Prime Minister due to cabinet infighting. He is replaced by Sir Charles Tupper.*May 1 - Sir Charles Tupper becomes prime minister, replacing Sir Mackenzie Bowell...
- 18971897 in Canada- Events :* January 29 - The Victorian Order of Nurses is founded in Ottawa* February 2 - Clara Brett Martin becomes the first woman to practise law in Ontario* February 19 - World's first Women's Institute founded in Stoney Creek, Ontario...
- 18981898 in CanadaEvents from the year 1898 in Canada.-Events:*March 1 - 1898 Ontario election: A. S. Hardy's Liberals win a majority*June 13 - Yukon becomes a distinct territory from the North-West Territories*July 29 - White Pass and Yukon Route opens...
- 18991899 in Canada-Events:*January 20 - About 2000 Doukhobors arrive in Halifax, Nova Scotia*June 21 - Treaty No. 8 cedes much of northern Alberta to the federal government... - 1900s: 19001900 in Canada-January to June:* January 8 - Hugh John Macdonald becomes premier of Manitoba, replacing Thomas Greenway.* February 18-February 27 - Boer War: The Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry plays a decisive role in the Battle of Paardeberg....
- 19011901 in Canada-Events:*March 9 — Japanese Canadians win the vote in British Columbia*December 12 — Guglielmo Marconi receives a transatlantic radio message at St. John's, Newfoundland*December 18 — The Territorial Grain Growers' Association is founded...
- 19021902 in Canada-Incumbents:*Prime Minister: Wilfrid Laurier*Governor General: Earl of Minto*Premier of British Columbia: James Dunsmuir then Edward Prior*Premier of Manitoba: R.P. Roblin*Premier of New Brunswick: Lemuel J. Tweedie...
- 19031903 in Canada-Events:* March 22 - Because of a drought, the U.S. side of Niagara Falls runs short of water* March 1 - Henri Bourassa's Ligue nationaliste is founded* March 25 - The Alaska Boundary Dispute is settled in the United States' favour...
- 19041904 in Canada-Events:*April 8 - In the Lansdowne-Cambon Convention France gives up some of its longstanding rights in Newfoundland* April 18 - The Great Toronto Fire destroys much of that city's downtown, but kills no one....
- 19051905 in Canada-Events:* January 25 - 1905 Ontario election: Sir James Whitney's Conservatives win a majority, defeating G. W. Ross's Liberals* February 8 - Sir James Whitney becomes premier of Ontario, replacing George Ross* February 27 - Clifford Sifton resigns from cabinet...
- 19061906 in Canada-Events:*January 1 - Canada's first movie theatre Ouimetoscope opens in Montreal* January 22 – The SS Valencia strikes a reef off Vancouver Island, killing over 100 in the ensuing disaster....
- 19071907 in Canada-Events:*March 6 - William Pugsley becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Lemuel John Tweedie*May 24 - Boer War Memorial unveiled*May 30 - King Edward VII grants the Coat of Arms of Alberta...
- 19081908 in Canada-Incumbents:*Prime Minister: Sir Wilfrid Laurier*Governor General: Earl Grey*Premier of Alberta: Alexander Rutherford*Premier of British Columbia: Richard McBride*Premier of Manitoba: R.P. Roblin*Premier of New Brunswick: Clifford Robinson then John Hazen...
- 19091909 in Canada-Events:* January 11 - The Boundary Waters Treaty signed.* February 23 - The first powered flight in Canada is made by John McCurdy aboard the Silver Dart.* March 22 - 1909 Alberta election: Alexander Rutherford's Liberals win a second consecutive majority.... - 1910s: 19101910 in CanadaEvents from the year 1910 in Canada.-Events:*January 3 - Happiness and contentment are found from one end of Canada to the other - headline in London Times...
- 19111911 in Canada-Events:* May 16 - James Palmer becomes Premier of Prince Edward Island, replacing F. L. Haszard* June 14 - Nova Scotia election: George Henry Murray's Liberals win a second consecutive majority...
- 19121912 in Canada-Events:*February 1 - Strathcona merges with Edmonton, Alberta*April 1 - The Parliament of Canada passes Quebec Boundaries Extension Act that transferred to the Province of Quebec the territory bounded by the Eastmain River, the Labrador coast, and Hudson and Ungava Bays, extending the northern...
- 19131913 in Canada-Events:*April 17 - Alberta general election, 1913: Arthur Sifton's Liberals win a third consecutive majority*November 7 - November 8 - A storm on the Great Lakes sinks some thirty-four ships*November 17 - The National Transcontinental Railway is completed...
- 19141914 in Canada-January to June:* March 19 - The Royal Ontario Museum opens* April 11 - Canadian Margaret C. MacDonald is appointed Matron-in-Chief of the Canadian Nursing service band and becomes the first woman in the British Empire to reach the rank of major....
- 19151915 in Canada-Events:*January 4 - WWI: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry becomes the first Canadian troops sent to the front lines*January 15 - The Canadian Northern Railway line to Vancouver, British Columbia, is completed...
- 19161916 in Canada-January to June:*January 28 - Women are given the right to vote in Manitoba, after protests by people such as Nellie McClung*February 3 - The Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa burns down*February 10 - An anti-German riot hits Calgary...
- 19171917 in Canada-January to June:*February 1 - James Alexander Murray becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing George Johnson Clarke*April 4 - Walter Foster becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Murray*April 9 - April 14 - Battle of Vimy Ridge....
- 19181918 in Canada-Events:*March 1 - Harlan Brewster, premier of British Columbia, dies in office*March 6 - John Oliver becomes premier of British Columbia*March 30 - C Squadron of Lord Strathcona's Horse conducts a cavalry charge against the Germans at Moreuil Wood...
- 19191919 in Canada-January to June:*January 19 - Canadian troops take part in the Battle of Shenkursk, part of the Russian Civil War.*February 17 - Wilfrid Laurier, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, dies in office.*April 17 - New Brunswick women are permitted to vote.... - 1920s: 19201920 in Canada-Events:*January 10 - Canada is a founding member of the League of Nations*February 1 - The Royal Northwest Mounted Police renamed the Royal Canadian Mounted Police*February 14 - Université de Montréal founded...
- 19211921 in Canada-Events:*March 26 - The Bluenose is launched*June 9 - Saskatchewan general election, 1921: William M. Martin's Liberals win a fifth consecutive majority*June 15 - Prohibition comes to an end in British Columbia...
- 19221922 in Canada-Incumbents:*Sovereign: King George V*Prime Minister: William Lyon Mackenzie King*Governor General: Viscount Byng*Premier of Alberta: Herbert Greenfield*Premier of British Columbia: John Oliver*Premier of Manitoba: Tobias Norris then John Bracken...
- 19231923 in Canada-Incumbents:*Prime Minister: William Lyon Mackenzie King*Governor General: Viscount Byng*Premier of Alberta: Herbert Greenfield*Premier of British Columbia: John Oliver*Premier of Manitoba: John Bracken*Premier of New Brunswick: Walter Foster then Peter Veniot...
- 19241924 in Canada-Events:*January 3 - First session of the British Columbia Older Boys' Parliament held in Victoria, British Columbia.*January 10 - Narcisse Pérodeau becomes Quebec's 14th Lieutenant Governor....
- 19251925 in Canada-Events:*February 5 - Post Office workers are brought under civil service regulations.*February 24 - The Lake of the Woods Treaty works out joint Canadian-American control of the Lake of the Woods.*April 13 - Women win the right to vote in Newfoundland...
- 19261926 in Canada- Events :*February 24 – Robert Randolph Bruce becomes British Columbia's 13th Lieutenant Governor*February 26 – James Garfield Gardiner becomes premier of Saskatchewan, replacing Charles Dunning...
- 19271927 in Canada-Events:*January 9 - 76 are killed when a fire breaks out at the Laurier Palace Theatre in Montreal*March 1 - The location of the boundary between Labrador and Quebec is settled by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, accepting the Dominion of Newfoundland's claim rather than Canada's.*May...
- 19281928 in Canada-Events:*April 2 - Camillien Houde elected mayor of Montreal*April 24 - The Supreme Court of Canada rules that women are not persons who can hold office according to the British North America Act—reversed a year later by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Britain*May 7 - The St. Roch is...
- 19291929 in Canada-Events:*January 10 - Lomer Gouin becomes Quebec's 15th Lieutenant Governor, serving until his death on March 28, 1929.*March 22 - The Canadian schooner and rum-runner I'm Alone was sunk by the US Coast Guard.... - 1930s: 19301930 in Canada-Events:*February 15 - Cairine Wilson becomes Canada's first female senator*May 20 - Walter Lea becomes Premier of Prince Edward Island, replacing Albert Saunders...
- 19311931 in Canada-Events:*May 19 - Charles Richards becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing John Baxter*August 29 - James D. Stewart becomes premier of Prince Edward Island for the second time, replacing Walter Lea*November 12 - Maple Leaf Gardens opens in Toronto...
- 19321932 in Canada-Events:* February 17 - The "Mad Trapper" is killed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the Yukon* June 1 - Leonard Tilley becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Charles Richards...
- 19331933 in Canada-Events:* April 7 - Raymond Paley becomes the first known skiing fatality in the Canadian Rockies on Fossil Mountain.* August 16 - A race riot occurs at Christie Pits in Toronto.* November 11 - The magnitude 7.3 Baffin Bay earthquake occurs at Baffin Bay, Nunavut....
- 19341934 in Canada-Events:*March 9 - New Brunswick women win the right to hold office*June 19 - Ontario election: Mitchell Hepburn's Liberals win a majority, defeating George S. Henry's Conservatives...
- 19351935 in Canada-January to June:*January 2 - Prime Minister R. B. Bennett outlines his programme*March 11 - Bank of Canada established*March 11 - The Bank of Canada issued a $500 banknote with Sir John A...
- 19361936 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: George V, then Edward VIII, then George VI*Governor General: John Baron Tweedsmuir*Prime Minister: Mackenzie King*Secretary of State for External Affairs: Mackenzie King*Minister of National Defence: Ian Mackenzie...
- 19371937 in Canada-Events:*April 10 - Trans-Canada Airlines, the predecessor of Air Canada, was created as a subsidiary of Canadian National Railway*July 5 - Midale, Saskatchewan and Yellow Grass record the highest temperature ever in Canada, with a record high of 45 °C ....
- 19381938 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - George VI*Governor General - John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir*Prime Minister - William Lyon Mackenzie King-Events:*June 8 - Saskatchewan general election: William John Patterson's Liberals win a second consecutive majority...
- 19391939 in Canada-Events:*May 17 - King George VI and Queen Elizabeth begin their royal tour of Canada, eventually visiting every province.*September 7 - Prime Minister Mackenzie King calls for a special session of Parliament, to discuss a declaration of war versus Nazi Germany... - 1940s: 19401940 in Canada-January to June:*March 13 - David Boon becomes premier of New Brunswick, replacing Allison Dysart*March 21 - Alberta election: William Aberhart's Social Credit Party wins a second consecutive majority...
- 19411941 in Canada-Events:* January 1: The news division of CBC is founded* March 4: All Japanese Canadians are registered by the government* July 16: The highest temperature ever recorded in British Columbia is measured in Lytton, when the temperature hit an all time high of 44.4 degrees Celsius.* July 24: Alcan...
- 19421942 in Canada-Events:* January 10 - Elizabeth Monk and Suzanne Pilon become the first female lawyers in Quebec* February 26 - Japanese Canadians are interned and moved further inland.* April 27 - A national plebiscite is held on the issue of conscription...
- 19431943 in Canada-Events:*January 8 - Stuart Garson becomes premier of Manitoba, replacing John Bracken, who had governed for 21 years*May 11 - J. Walter Jones becomes premier of Prince Edward Island, replacing Thane Campbell...
- 19441944 in Canada-Events:*March 20 - Henry Duncan Graham Crerar becomes chief of the Canadian Army*June 6 - World War II: The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division lands at Juno Beach, part of the Invasion of Normandy...
- 19451945 in Canada-Events:* January 8 - Brantford, Ontario becomes the first Canadian community to fluoridate its water supply.* 1944-1945: World War II: Japan's Special Balloon Regiment drops 9,000 balloon bombs over the Pacific Northwest, intended to cause panic, by starting forest fires. Six casualties, a woman...
- 19461946 in Canada-Events:*January 21 - The Bluenose sinks off Haiti*May 14 - The Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 is passed. It creates a Canadian citizenship separate from the British.*May 31 - All Japanese-Canadians ordered deported to Japan...
- 19471947 in Canada-Events:*January 1 - Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 comes into effect*January 27 - The cabinet order deporting Japanese-Canadians to Japan is repealed after widespread protests*February 13 - Oil is discovered near Leduc, Alberta...
- 19481948 in Canada-Events:*June 7 - Ontario election: George Drew's PCs win a second consecutive majority*June 24 - Saskatchewan election: Tommy Douglas's Co-operative Commonwealth Federation wins a second consecutive majority...
- 19491949 in Canada-Events:*March 31 - Newfoundland becomes Canada's 10th province at a fraction of a second from April 1, April Fools' Day.*April 1 - Joey Smallwood becomes the first premier of Newfoundland as a Canadian province... - 1950s: 19501950 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: King George VI*Governor General: Earl Alexander of Tunis*Prime Minister: Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: Byron Johnson*Premier of Manitoba: Douglas Campbell...
- 19511951 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – King George VI*Governor General – Earl Alexander of Tunis*Prime Minister – Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – Byron Johnson*Premier of Manitoba – Douglas Campbell...
- 19521952 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarchy in Canada: King George VI then Elizabeth II*Governor General: Earl Alexander of Tunis then Vincent Massey*Prime Minister: Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: Byron Johnson then W.A.C...
- 19531953 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Vincent Massey*Prime Minister – Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19541954 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Vincent Massey*Prime Minister – Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19551955 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Vincent Massey*Prime Minister: Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19561956 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Vincent Massey*Prime Minister – Louis Saint Laurent*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19571957 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Vincent Massey*Prime Minister – Louis Saint Laurent then John Diefenbaker*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19581958 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Vincent Massey then Georges Vanier*Prime Minister – John Diefenbaker*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19591959 in Canada-Incumbents:* Monarch—Elizabeth II* Governor General—Georges Vanier* Prime Minister – John Diefenbaker* Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning* Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C... - 1960s: 19601960 in Canada-Incumbents:* Monarch: Elizabeth II* Governor General: Georges Vanier* Prime Minister: John Diefenbaker* Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning* Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19611961 in Canada- Incumbents :* Monarch: Elizabeth II* Governor General: Georges Vanier* Prime Minister: John Diefenbaker* Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning* Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19621962 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Georges Vanier*Prime Minister – John Diefenbaker*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19631963 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Georges Vanier*Prime Minister: John Diefenbaker then Lester B. Pearson*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19641964 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Georges Vanier*Prime Minister: Lester B. Pearson*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19651965 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Georges Vanier*Prime Minister: Lester B. Pearson*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19661966 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Georges Vanier*Prime Minister: Lester B. Pearson*Premier of Alberta: Ernest Manning*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19671967 in Canada1967 is remembered as one of the most notable years in Canada. It was Canada's centenary and celebrations were held throughout the nation. The most prominent event was Expo 67 in Montreal, the most successful World's Fair ever and one of the first events to win international acclaim for the country...
- 19681968 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Roland Michener*Prime Minister – Lester B. Pearson then Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta – Ernest Manning then Harry Strom*Premier of British Columbia – W.A.C...
- 19691969 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Roland Michener*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Harry Strom*Premier of British Columbia - W.A.C... - 1970s: 19701970 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Roland Michener*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Harry Strom*Premier of British Columbia - W.A.C...
- 19711971 in Canada- Incumbents :*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Roland Michener*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta: Harry Strom then Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19721972 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Roland Michener*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: W.A.C...
- 19731973 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Roland Michener*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia - Dave Barrett*Premier of Manitoba - Edward Schreyer...
- 19741974 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Roland Michener then Jules Léger*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia - David Barrett*Premier of Manitoba - Edward Schreyer...
- 19751975 in CanadaEvents from the year 1975 in Canada.-Incumbents:* Monarch - Elizabeth II* Governor General - Jules Léger* Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau* Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed* Premier of British Columbia - David Barrett then Bill Bennett...
- 19761976 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jules Léger*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: W.R...
- 19771977 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jules Léger*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: W.R...
- 19781978 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jules Léger*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: W.R...
- 19791979 in Canada-January to June:*January 17 - Edward Richard Schreyer replaces Jules Léger as Governor General*February 1 - The first Winterlude is held in Ottawa*February 24 - An explosion rips through Number 26 Colliery located in Glace Bay, Cape Breton killing 12 men.... - 1980s: 19801980 in Canada-Incumbents:* Monarch - Elizabeth II* Governor General - Edward Schreyer* Prime Minister - Joe Clark then Pierre Trudeau* Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed* Premier of British Columbia - Bill Bennett* Premier of Manitoba - Sterling Lyon...
- 19811981 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Edward Schreyer*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia - Bill Bennett*Premier of Manitoba - Sterling Lyon then Howard Pawley...
- 19821982 in Canada-Incumbents:* Monarch: Elizabeth II* Governor General: Edward Schreyer* Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau* Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed* Premier of British Columbia: Bill Bennett* Premier of Manitoba: Howard Pawley...
- 19831983 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Edward Schreyer*Prime Minister - Pierre Trudeau*Premier of Alberta - Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia - Bill Bennett*Premier of Manitoba - Howard Pawley*Premier of New Brunswick - Richard Hatfield...
- 19841984 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Edward Schreyer then Jeanne Sauvé*Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau then John Turner then Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed*Premier of British Columbia: Bill Bennett...
- 19851985 in Canada-Incumbents:* Monarch: Elizabeth II* Governor General: Jeanne Sauvé* Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney* Premier of Alberta: Peter Lougheed then Don Getty* Premier of British Columbia: Bill Bennett* Premier of Manitoba: Howard Pawley...
- 19861986 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Jeanne Sauvé*Prime Minister - Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta - Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia - Bill Bennett then Bill Vander Zalm*Premier of Manitoba - Howard Pawley...
- 19871987 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jeanne Sauvé*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia: Bill Vander Zalm*Premier of Manitoba: Howard Pawley...
- 19881988 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch – Elizabeth II*Governor General – Jeanne Sauvé*Prime Minister – Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta – Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia – Bill Vander Zalm*Premier of Manitoba – Howard Pawley then Gary Filmon...
- 19891989 in Canada-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jeanne Sauvé*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia: Bill Vander Zalm*Premier of Manitoba: Gary Filmon*Premier of New Brunswick: Frank McKenna... - 1990s: 19901990 in CanadaEvents from the year 1990 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Jeanne Sauvé then Ray Hnatyshyn*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia: Bill Vander Zalm...
- 19911991 in CanadaEvents from the year 1991 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Ray Hnatyshyn*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Don Getty*Premier of British Columbia: Bill Vander Zalm then Rita Johnston then Michael Harcourt...
- 19921992 in CanadaEvents from the year 1992 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Ray Hnatyshyn*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney*Premier of Alberta: Don Getty then Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia: Mike Harcourt...
- 19931993 in CanadaEvents from the year 1993 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Ray Hnatyshyn*Prime Minister: Brian Mulroney then Kim Campbell then Jean Chrétien*Premier of Alberta: Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia: Mike Harcourt...
- 19941994 in CanadaEvents from the year 1994 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Ray Hnatyshyn*Prime Minister: Jean Chrétien*Premier of Alberta: Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia: Mike Harcourt*Premier of Manitoba: Gary Filmon...
- 19951995 in CanadaEvents from the year 1995 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Ray Hnatyshyn then Roméo LeBlanc*Prime Minister - Jean Chrétien*Premier of Alberta - Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia - Mike Harcourt...
- 19961996 in CanadaEvents from the year 1996 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch: Elizabeth II*Governor General: Roméo LeBlanc*Prime Minister: Jean Chrétien*Premier of Alberta: Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia: Mike Harcourt then Glen Clark...
- 19971997 in CanadaEvents from the year 1997 in Canada.-Incumbents:*Monarch - Elizabeth II*Governor General - Roméo LeBlanc*Prime Minister - Jean Chrétien*Premier of Alberta - Ralph Klein*Premier of British Columbia - Glen Clark*Premier of Manitoba - Gary Filmon...
- 19981998 in CanadaEvents from the year 1998 in Canada.-January to March:*January 1 - Toronto and six other communities are merged to form a new megacity. The next day Mel Lastman is sworn in as its first mayor...
- 19991999 in CanadaEvents from the year 1999 in Canada.-January to June:*January 1 - An avalanche destroys a school gymnasium during New Year's celebrations in Kangguspoo in far northern Quebec, killing 9.*February 9 - Brian Tobin's Liberals are re-elected in Newfoundland... - 2000s: 20002000 in CanadaEvents from the year 2000 in Canada.-Incumbents:Estimated Canadian population: 30,790,834-January to June:*January 1 - The magnitude 5.2 Kipawa earthquake occurs in Ontario and Quebec, Canada...
- 20012001 in CanadaEvents from the year 2001 in Canada.- Incumbents :Estimated Canadian population: 31,110,565-January to March:*January 1 - The Ontario cities of Ottawa, Hamilton and Sudbury officially merge with their suburban municipalities to create new "megacities". Events from the year 2001 in Canada.-...
- 20022002 in CanadaEvents from the year 2002 in Canada.-Incumbents:Estimated Canadian population: 31,413,990-January to March:*January 11 - Ford Motor Co...
- 20032003 in CanadaEvents from the year 2003 in Canada.-January to March:*January - A Windsor, Ontario court invalidates Canada's marijuana laws*January 20 - Avalanche kills eight skiers in eastern British Columbia...
- 20042004 in CanadaEvents from the year 2004 in Canada.-January:* January 1 - Montreal Dorval Airport is renamed, after some controversy, Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport....
- 20052005 in CanadaEvents from the year 2005 in Canada. This year was recognized, by Veterans Affairs Canada, as the Year of the Veteran.-January:*January 7 - Minister of Health Ujjal Dosanjh arrives in Sri Lanka to survey the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami damage....
- 20062006 in CanadaEvents from the year 2006 in Canada.-January to March:*January 1 - Thirty cities across the province of Quebec are reconstituted as the result of a referendum held on June 20, 2004.*January 10–29 seniors injured in a Toronto bus crash....
- 20072007 in CanadaEvents from the year 2007 in Canada.-January to March:*January 5 - The domed roof of BC Place Stadium in Vancouver collapses.*January 11 - A major blizzard rips through Central Saskatchewan....
- 20082008 in CanadaEvents from the year 2008 in Canada.-January to March:* January 3 - In Montreal, a false bomb threat forces the closing of Victoria Bridge for four and a half hours....
- 20092009 in CanadaEvents from the year 2009 in Canada.-January to March:*January 5 - Fourth explosion from 2008-09 British Columbia pipeline bombings destroyed a metering shed near the community of Tomslake, British Columbia.... - 2010s: 20102010 in CanadaEvents from the year 2010 in Canada.-January:*January 1 - The Ontario government files a lawsuit in an American court to stop the dumping of Asian carp into the Great Lakes, a fish that could damage the fishing industry....
- 20112011 in CanadaEvents from the year 2011 in Canada.- Crown :* Head of state - Queen Elizabeth II - Federal government :* Governor general - David Johnston...
See also
- Bibliography of CanadaBibliography of CanadaThis is a bibliography of works on Canada.-Atlases:* Matthews, Geoffrey J. . University of Toronto Press ISBN 0802024955*Schwartzenberger, Tina , , Weigl Educational ISBN 1553881419-Cities and suburbs:...
- Canadian electoral calendarCanadian electoral calendarThis is list of elections in Canada in 2006. Included are provincial, municipal and federal elections, by-elections on any level, referendums and party leadership races at any level.-January:*9: Municipal by-election in Orléans Ward, Ottawa...
- Canadian incumbents by yearCanadian incumbents by yearThis is a list of Canadian incumbents in any given year. This includes cabinet ministers, premiers and lieutenant governors of provinces, mayors, Supreme Court justices, religious leaders, and others.See also: Timeline of Canadian history...
- Timeline of Ontario historyTimeline of Ontario historyOntario came into being as a province of Canada in 1867 but histoarians use the term to cover its entire history. This article also covers the history of the territory Ontario now occupies....
- Timeline of Quebec historyTimeline of Quebec historyThis article presents a detailed timeline of Quebec history. Events taking place outside Quebec, for example in English Canada, the United States, Britain or France, may be included when they are considered to have had a significant impact on Quebec's history....
Further reading
- See Bibliography of Canadian historyBibliography of Canadian HistoryThis is a bibliography of major works on the History of Canada.-Canada:* Matthews, Geoffrey J. . University of Toronto Press ISBN 0802024955-Surveys :* J. Murray Beck. Pendulum of Power; Canada's Federal Elections...
for an extensive list of sources.