Road speed limits in the United Kingdom
Road speed limits in the United Kingdom are used to define the maximum legal speed limit
(which may be variable) for road vehicles
using public roads in the UK
, and are one of the measures available to attempt to control traffic speeds. The speed limit in each location is indicated on a nearby traffic sign
or by the presence of street lighting. Signs show speed limits in miles per hour
(mph) or use of the national speed limit (NSL) symbol.
Since 1965 the maximum speed limit on any UK road has been 70 mph (31 m/s). This limit now only applies to otherwise unrestricted motorways and dual-carriageways, and only to car
s (including car-derived vans) up to 2 tonnes maximum laden weight (MLW), to motorcycle
s, to bus
es, coaches
and minibus
es up to 12 metres (39.4 ft) in length and to goods vehicle
s not exceeding 7.5 tonnes MLW.
Speed limits in the UK are used to define maximum desirable traffic speeds for the purposes of road safety (to reduce the number of road casualties), to reduce negative environmental impacts of traffic, to increase fuel use efficiency and to satisfy local community wishes.
Enforcement of UK road speed limits
was traditionally done using police 'speed traps' set up and operated by the police who now increasingly use speed guns, automated in-vehicle
systems and automated roadside traffic cameras. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiter
Ever since they have been introduced, speed limits have been controversial. They have either been opposed or supported from various sources; including motoring advocacy groups, anti-motoring groups and others who either consider them to be irrelevant, set too low or set too high.
s which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. Older vehicles still in use do not have limiters fitted or have them set at a higher speeds. New vehicles should be fitted with limiters as follows:
to improve traffic flows for given prevailing conditions.
Part time variable speed limits may also be used outside schools.
The Department for Transport
believes that effective speed management involves many components but that speed limits play a 'fundamental role' and are 'a key source of information to road users' particularly as an indicator of the nature and risks posed by that road to both themselves and other motorised and non-motorised road users.
The Parliamentary Select Committee for Transport Safety published a report entitled 'The Ending the Scandal of Complacency' in 2007 which highlighted how casualty levels rise with increasing speed and recommended reducing speed limits on streets with high pedestrian populations and on dangerous rural roads. The report highlights that when two cars crash at 60 mph a driver there is a 90% chance of death which falls to 65% at 50 mph. While recommending 20 mph speed zones the committee noted that these zones 'should not rely on heavy-handed enforcement measures'.
The World Health Organisation published a report in 2004 highlighting that a total of 22% of all 'injury mortality' worldwide were from road traffic injuries in 2002World Heath Organisation (2004) p. 34 fig 2.1 and that the speed of vehicles was 'at the core of the problemWorld Heath Organisation (2004) p. 76 Road incidents are said to be the leading cause of deaths among children
10 – 19 years of age (260,000 children die a year, 10 million are injured).
In 2008 14% of collisions reported to the police had a speed related contributory factor (either "exceeding the speed limit" or "travelling too fast for conditions") reported rising to 24% for fatal accidents and 25% of all road deaths.Department for Transport (2009), p. 41 "Fourteen per cent of accidents had a speed related contributory factor reported, either exceeding the speed limit or travelling too fast for conditions. This rose to 24 per cent for fatal accidents, accounting for 25 per cent of all road deaths." "Exceeding the speed limit" was reported as a contributory factor in 5% of collisions and 14% of fatal collisions. "Travelling too fast for conditions" (but within the prevailing speed limit) was recorded as one of the contributory factors in a further 8% of all collisions (and 9% of all fatal, 9% of all serious and 8% of all slight accidents),Department for Transport (2009), p. 45 "Exceeding the speed limit was reported as a contributory factor in 5 per cent of all accidents. However, the factor became more significant with the severity of the accident. It was reported in 14 per cent of fatal accidents and these accidents accounted for 362 fatalities, 15 per cent of all deaths... The factor travelling too fast for conditions was a contributory factor in 8 per cent of accidents. Again the proportion of accidents where it was reported rose with the severity of the accident and 9 per cent of fatal resulting in 224 fatalities, 10 per cent of all deaths (Excluding accidents and casualties in accidents which had exceeding the speed limit reported as a contributory factor)"
The UK government publishes Reported Road Casualties Great Britain (RRCGB) each year, based on road traffic casualties data (STATS19) reported to the police, which has been collected since 1949, and with additional data going back to 1926. The highest number of road fatalities recorded in a single year in GB was 9,196 in 1941.Department for Transport (2009), p.106 "The highest record road death figure was 9,196 in 1941" The highest number of fatalities during peacetime was 7,985 for 1966,Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2 following the introduction of the national 70 mph speed limit in 1965 and the year before the legal drink drive limit and the associated Breathalyzer
laws were introduced.
The 2009 edition also summarised the characteristics of speed related fatal collisions as typically occurring on unclassified rural 30 mph speed limit roads, the driver being a male under the age of 30, with the collision types being head-on, lost control or cornering and the cause being loss of control whilst cornering or overtaking and the contributory factors being excess or inappropriate speed, loss of control, aggressive, careless or reckless behaviour or in a hurry.Department for Transport (2010), pdf p. 91, table 7a
During the 1973 oil crisis
a temporary maximum national speed limit of 50 mph (22.4 m/s) was introduced on all roads, including motorways to reduce fuel consumption.
In 1998 the TRL reported that signed 20 mph (8.9 m/s) speed limits only reduced traffic speeds by about 1 mph and delivered no discernible reduction in accident numbers but that 20 mph zones achieved average speed reductions of 10 mph with child pedestrian accident reductions of 70% and child cyclist accident reductions of 48%. The reported noted that the cost of wide area traffic calming was prohibitive.
A report published in 2009 by the Department for Transport regarding Portsmouth City Council's 20 mph (8.9 m/s) speed limit on 410 km (254.8 mi) of the city's 438 km (272.2 mi) of roads resulted in a small (0.9 mph) reduction in traffic speed and a small increase in the number of crashes - neither of which results were statistically significant. There was no change in the numbers killed or seriously injured (KSI) and a 15% reduction in the number of slightly injured road casualties.
measures to reduce speeds to below 20 mph.
By August 2002 Kingston upon Hull
had introduced one hundred and twelve 20 mph zones and 190 km of roads subject to a 20 mph limit covering 26% of the city's streets which they described as contributing to "dramatic reductions in road casualties". Total collisions were reduced by 56%, Killed & seriously injured collisions down 90%, child casualties collisions down 64% and all pedestrian collisions down 54% and child pedestrian collisions down 74%.
A report published in 2008 estimated that following the introduction of 20 mph zones in London, a reduction of casualties by 45% and KSI by 57% occurred.
in Staffordshire (the better weather was noted too) and continued to fall on the M5
in Worcestershire as it had before the new limit was imposed, and there was no change in the crash rate on the M6 in Cheshire or on the M1
in Northamptonshire.
are complying with the speed limits. Methods used include Fixed speed cameras, Average speed cameras and also police operated LIDAR speed gun
s and older radar speed guns. In addition Vehicle activated sign
and Community Speed Watch groups also encourage compliance. For lower speed limits physical Traffic Calming
is normally required. Fixed speed cameras are controversial with various advocacy groups supports and opposing their use. roadside 'speed traps', police car pacing and vehicle activated signs.
The Nottingham Safety Camera Pilot achieved "virtually complete compliance" on the major ring road into the city using average speed cameras, and across all Nottinghamshire SPECS installations their KSI figures have fallen by an average of 65%.
Advocacy groups include Association of British Drivers
, The Automobile Association
, Living Streets
(originally Pedestrians' Association), RAC Foundation
, RoadPeace
, Royal Automobile Club
(originally the Automobile Club), Safe Speed
and others.
s in the United Kingdom were set by a series of restrictive Locomotive Acts (in 1861, 1865 and 1878). The 1861 Act introduced a 10 mph (4 m/s) limit (automobiles were in those days termed “light locomotives”). The 1865 (the 'red flag act') reduced the speed limit to 4 mph (6 km/h) in the country and 2 mph (3 km/h) in towns and required a man with a red flag or lantern to walk 60 yards (54.9 m) ahead of each vehicle, and warn horse riders and horse drawn traffic of the approach of a self-propelled machine. The 1878 Act removed the need for the flag and reduced the distance of the escort to 20 yards (18.3 m).
Following intense advocacy
by motor vehicle enthusiasts, including Harry J. Lawson
of the Daimler Motor Company
the most restrictive parts of the acts were lifted by the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896
. which raised the speed limit to 14 mph (23 km/h) and removed the need for the escort. A celebratory run from London to Brighton was held soon after the act was passed and has been commemorated each year since 1927 by the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run
The speed limit for motor cars was raised to 20 mph (32 km/h) by the Motor Car Act 1903
which stood until 1 January 1931 when all speed limits for cars and motorcycles were abolished under the Road Traffic Act 1930
. Lord Buckmaster's opinion at the time was that the speed limit was removed because "the existing speed limit was so universally disobeyed that its maintenance brought the law into contempt". Between 1930 and 1935 the number of annual road fatalities dropped from 7,305 to 6,502.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2 The same act also introduced a 30 mph (48 km/h) speed limits for UK coach services, UK bus services
and most HGVs
. Buses were not necessarily fitted with Speedometer
s at this stage.
A 'Road traffic (speedometer) bill' was debated in 1933 relating only to vehicles to which current speed limits applied.
The Road Traffic Act 1934
, created by Leslie Hore-Belisha
, the then Minister of Transport
, introduced a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) in built-up areas for cars and motorcycles which came into effect on 18 March 1935. The definition of a built-up area was based on the presence of street lighting, which had previously been mandated by the Public Health Act 1875
. The re-introduction of a speed limit for cars was in response to concern at increased road casualties. The number of fatalities had increased to 7,343 deaths, half of the deaths were pedestrians and of three-quarters of these occurred in built-up areas. Between 1935 and 1940 the number of annual road fatalities increased from 6,502 to 8,609.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2
Speedometers were made compulsory for new cars in 1937.
s. Following the introduction fatalities rose on speed-limited roads from 289 in March 1939 to 325 in March 1940. For October 1940 the total number of deaths during daylight (when the speed limit didn't apply) fell, in relation to those for October 1939, from 511 to 462, whereas the figures for the black-out hours (when the speed limit did apply) rose from 501 to 684. The highest number of deaths in any one year in the UK occurred the following year (9,196 people in 1941).Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 "The highest record road death figure was 9,196 in 1941"
The maximum speed limit for goods vehicles was raised from 20 mph (8.9 m/s) to 30 mph (13.4 m/s) in 1957.
Following a series of serious motorway multiple crashes in the fog in 1965, Tom Fraser
, the then Minister of Transport
, following consultations in early November with the police and with the National Road Safety Advisory Council (NRSAC), concluded that the crashes were caused by vehicles travelling too fast for the prevailing conditions. The NRSAC advised that a 20 mph (8.9 m/s) motorway speed limit should be imposed on motorway stretches affected by fog and that a general speed limit of 70 mph (31.3 m/s) should be experimentally applied for the winter months. On 25 November 1965 the government announced that a temporary 30 mph (13.4 m/s) speed limit would be applied to sections of motorway (there were 350 miles (563.3 km) of it at that time) affected by fog, ice or snow and that a general maximum speed limit of 70 mph (31.3 m/s) would be applied to all otherwise unrestricted roads, including motorways, for a trial period of four months starting just before Christmas. The four-month trial 70 mph (112.7 km/h) speed limit on 100000 miles (160,934 km) of previously unrestricted roads and motorways was introduced at noon on 22 December 1965. Also on that day, the power for the police to apply advisory speed limits of 30 mph (13.4 m/s) to motorways affected by bad weather was also introduced. The advisory limit was activated by the use of flashing amber lights placed at 1 miles (1.6 km) intervals along the motorways. In April 1966 Barbara Castle, the new Minister of Transport, decided to extend the experimental 70 mph (31.3 m/s) limit for a further two months to allow the Road Research Laboratory
(RRL) time to collect data as there was still no conclusive evidence of its effectiveness. In May 1966 Barbara Castle extended the experimental period by a further fifteen months to 3 September 1967 as "the case is not proven" but there were signs of crash rate reduction.
In July 1966 the speed limit for "public service vehicles" (notably bus
es) was raised from 40 mph (64 km/h) to 50 mph (80 km/h).
The highest number of fatalities during peacetime was 7,985 in 1966.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2
In July 1967 Mrs Castle announced that 70 mph (31.3 m/s) was to become the permanent maximum speed limit for all roads and motorways. She had accepted RRL evidence that the speed limit had reduced the number of casualties on motorways. She ruled out minimum speed limits for motorways which would also reduce the danger of slow traffic as being too difficult to enforce and likely to increase congestion off the motorways. The two major motoring organisations at the time, The Automobile Association
and the R.A.C.
welcomed the maximum speed limits for all-purpose roads, but the R.A.C. would have preferred more flexibility for motorways. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
suggested that a lower speed limit would be more appropriate for all-purpose roads and the Pedestrian's Association for Road Safety condemned the new limits as being too high, preferring 60 mph (26.8 m/s) limits for all roads. Mrs Castle's decision and acceptance of the RRL research at face value was controversial. Peter Walker
's motion in Parliament to annul the speed limit on motorways was negatived.
, a temporary maximum national speed limit of 50 mph (22.4 m/s) for all roads, including motorways, was introduced on 8 December 1973. The 70 mph (31.3 m/s) limit was restored on motorways in March 1974 and on all other roads on 8 May 1974.
As an initiative to reduce energy consumption, the national speed limits for otherwise unrestricted single-carriageway and dual-carriageway roads were temporarily reduced to 50 mph (22.4 m/s) and 60 mph (26.8 m/s) respectively (motorway speed limits were left unchanged at 70 mph (31.3 m/s)) from 14 December 1974. In November 1976 the temporary speed limits were extended at least until the end of May 1977. In April 1977, the government announced that the national speed limits for single-carriageway roads was to be increased to 60 mph (26.8 m/s) and that the 70 mph (31.3 m/s) speed limit was to be restored on dual-carriageways on 1 June 1977.
requirement for mopeds was introduced in 1977.
The 70 mph (113 km/h) speed limit was made permanent in 1978.Department for Transport (2009), p.179 "60 and 70 mph speed limits are made permanent"
The Road Traffic Regulation Act
, which was passed in 1984, includes legislation relating to speed limits. Part IV of the Act defines the default speed limit for 'regularly'-lit roads, gives local authorities
powers to create 'speed limit orders', and exempts emergency vehicles from speed limits; the Act also defines speeding offences.
The first 20 mph (32 km/h) speed limits for residential areas were introduced in 1991Department for Transport (2009), p.180 "First 20mph zones introduced" and then speed limiters for buses
and coaches set at 65 mph (105 km/h) and also for HGVs
set at 56 mph (90 km/h) in 1994. It was made easier for local authorities to introduce a 20 mph (32 km/h) limit in 1999.
In March 2009 the government consulted on reducing speed limits on rural roads on which 52% of fatalities had occurred in the previous year to 50 mph. They explained that 'crashes were more likely on rural parts of the road network, upon most of which the national speed limit of 60 mph applies'. The Conservative opposition party and the AA
were both opposed. The president of the AA said that speed limits that are too low can result in a greater number of accidents and that a "blanket reduction of speed limits would not make roads safer, given that many accidents on rural roads involved only one car".
In February 2010 the Department for Transport proposed that the speed limit for all vehicles able to carry more than 8 people should be set at 65 mph.
Speed limit
Road speed limits are used in most countries to regulate the speed of road vehicles. Speed limits may define maximum , minimum or no speed limit and are normally indicated using a traffic sign...
(which may be variable) for road vehicles
A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo. Most often vehicles are manufactured, such as bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats, and aircraft....
using public roads in the UK
Roads in the United Kingdom
Roads in the United Kingdom form a network of varied quality and capacity. Road distances are shown in miles or yards and UK speed limits are in miles per hour or use of the national speed limit symbol. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiters...
, and are one of the measures available to attempt to control traffic speeds. The speed limit in each location is indicated on a nearby traffic sign
Traffic sign
Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of roads to provide information to road users. With traffic volumes increasing over the last eight decades, many countries have adopted pictorial signs or otherwise simplified and standardized their signs to facilitate international travel...
or by the presence of street lighting. Signs show speed limits in miles per hour
Miles per hour
Miles per hour is an imperial unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one hour. It is currently the standard unit used for speed limits, and to express speeds generally, on roads in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is also often used to express the speed of...
(mph) or use of the national speed limit (NSL) symbol.
Since 1965 the maximum speed limit on any UK road has been 70 mph (31 m/s). This limit now only applies to otherwise unrestricted motorways and dual-carriageways, and only to car
Čar is a village in the municipality of Bujanovac, Serbia. According to the 2002 census, the town has a population of 296 people.-References:...
s (including car-derived vans) up to 2 tonnes maximum laden weight (MLW), to motorcycle
A motorcycle is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycles vary considerably depending on the task for which they are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions.Motorcycles are one of the most...
s, to bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
es, coaches
Coach (vehicle)
A coach is a large motor vehicle, a type of bus, used for conveying passengers on excursions and on longer distance express coach scheduled transport between cities - or even between countries...
and minibus
A minibus or minicoach is a passenger carrying motor vehicle that is designed to carry more people than a multi-purpose vehicle or minivan, but fewer people than a full-size bus. In the United Kingdom, the word "minibus" is used to describe any full-sized passenger carrying van. Minibuses have a...
es up to 12 metres (39.4 ft) in length and to goods vehicle
Large Goods Vehicle
A large goods vehicle , is the European Union term for any truck with a gross combination mass of over...
s not exceeding 7.5 tonnes MLW.
Speed limits in the UK are used to define maximum desirable traffic speeds for the purposes of road safety (to reduce the number of road casualties), to reduce negative environmental impacts of traffic, to increase fuel use efficiency and to satisfy local community wishes.
Enforcement of UK road speed limits
Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom
Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom is the action taken by appropriately empowered authorities to attempt to persuade road vehicle users to comply with the speed limits in force on the UK's roads...
was traditionally done using police 'speed traps' set up and operated by the police who now increasingly use speed guns, automated in-vehicle
VASCAR is a type of device for calculating the speed of a moving vehicle. The first VASCAR device was created in 1966 by Arthur Marshall...
systems and automated roadside traffic cameras. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiter
Speed limiter
A speed limiter is a governor used to limit the top speed of a vehicle. For some classes of vehicle and in some jurisdictions they are a statutory requirement, for some other vehicles the manufacturer provides a non-statutary system which may be fixed or programmable by the driver.-Mopeds:Mopeds in...
Ever since they have been introduced, speed limits have been controversial. They have either been opposed or supported from various sources; including motoring advocacy groups, anti-motoring groups and others who either consider them to be irrelevant, set too low or set too high.
National speed limits
Default maximum speed limits apply to all roads where no specific lower numeric speed limit is already in force. The default speed limit is known as the national speed limit (NSL). The NSLs vary by road type and for vehicle types.Built-up area | Single carriageway Single carriageway A single carriageway is a road with 1, 2 or more lanes arranged within a single carriageway with no central reservation to separate opposing flows of traffic. Two-lane road or two-lane highway are single carriageway with one lane for each direction... | Dual carriageway Dual carriageway A dual carriageway is a class of highway with two carriageways for traffic travelling in opposite directions separated by a central reservation... | Motorway | |
Cars and motorcycles | 30 mph (48 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) | 70 mph (113 km/h) | 70 mph (113 km/h) |
Vehicles towing caravans or trailers inc cars, motorcycles, goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW |
30 mph (48 km/h) | 50 mph (80 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) |
Buses, coaches, minibuses up to 12 metres (39.4 ft) Goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW |
30 mph (48 km/h) | 50 mph (80 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) | 70 mph (113 km/h) |
Goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes MLW | 30 mph (48 km/h) | 40 mph (64 km/h) | 50 mph (80 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) |
Speed limiters
Some classes of vehicles are required to have speed limiterSpeed limiter
A speed limiter is a governor used to limit the top speed of a vehicle. For some classes of vehicle and in some jurisdictions they are a statutory requirement, for some other vehicles the manufacturer provides a non-statutary system which may be fixed or programmable by the driver.-Mopeds:Mopeds in...
s which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. Older vehicles still in use do not have limiters fitted or have them set at a higher speeds. New vehicles should be fitted with limiters as follows:
- BusBusA bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
es and coachesCoach (vehicle)A coach is a large motor vehicle, a type of bus, used for conveying passengers on excursions and on longer distance express coach scheduled transport between cities - or even between countries...
: 65 mph (105 km/h) - HGVLarge Goods VehicleA large goods vehicle , is the European Union term for any truck with a gross combination mass of over...
s: 56 mph (90 km/h) - Mopeds: 30 mph (48 km/h)
Fixed speed limits
Speed limit road signs are used to inform road users where speed limits other than the applicable national speed limit apply. For some types vehicles on some types of road speed limits lower than the signed limit apply.Signed | |Vehicle type | |Speed limit if other than signed | ||
Single carriageway Single carriageway A single carriageway is a road with 1, 2 or more lanes arranged within a single carriageway with no central reservation to separate opposing flows of traffic. Two-lane road or two-lane highway are single carriageway with one lane for each direction... | Dual carriageway Dual carriageway A dual carriageway is a class of highway with two carriageways for traffic travelling in opposite directions separated by a central reservation... | Motorway | ||
50 | Goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes MLW | 40 mph (64 km/h) | ||
60 | Any Vehicle under 7.5 tonnes towing caravans or trailers; buses, coaches and minibuses up to 12 metres (39.4 ft) and Goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW | 50 mph (80 km/h) | ||
Goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes MLW | 40 mph (64 km/h) | 50 mph (80 km/h) | ||
70 | Buses, coaches and minibuses up to 12 metres (39.4 ft) and Goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW (modern vehicles also have speed limiter Speed limiter A speed limiter is a governor used to limit the top speed of a vehicle. For some classes of vehicle and in some jurisdictions they are a statutory requirement, for some other vehicles the manufacturer provides a non-statutary system which may be fixed or programmable by the driver.-Mopeds:Mopeds in... s which limit speed further - see below) |
n/a | 60 mph (97 km/h) | |
Cars, motorcycles and Goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW and towing caravans or trailers | n/a | 60 mph (97 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) | |
Goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes MLW | n/a | 50 mph (80 km/h) | 60 mph (97 km/h) |
Variable speed limits
Variable speed limits are used on some major traffic roads. These can be changed in response to weather, traffic levels, time of day or for other reasons with the currently applicable speed limit is displayed using an electronic road sign. Signs with the speed shown in a red circle are compulsory, signs where the speed is not within a red circle are advisory and exceeding these speeds while driving safely within the applicable national speed limit is not in itself an offence. Variable speed limits were introduced on some congested major routes as an element of managed motorway techniquesManaged motorways in the United Kingdom
Managed motorways are motorways with technology to allow variable speed limits to be applied and hard shoulder running.-Background:The first section of motorway in the UK to use this technique was the M42 in the West Midlands...
to improve traffic flows for given prevailing conditions.
Part time variable speed limits may also be used outside schools.
According to the government, speed limits are used to help achieve appropriate traffic speeds for safety, and environmental and accessibility reasons. The Department for Transport state that "speed limits play a fundamental role" in the effective management of traffic speeds in relation to the safety of both drivers and all other road users.Safety
The 30 mph speed limit in built-up areas was introduced in 1930 in response to high casualty levels. The 70 mph limit on previously unrestricted roads was introduced in 1965 following a number of serious motorway accidents in fog earlier the same year.The Department for Transport
Department for Transport
In the United Kingdom, the Department for Transport is the government department responsible for the English transport network and a limited number of transport matters in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which are not devolved...
believes that effective speed management involves many components but that speed limits play a 'fundamental role' and are 'a key source of information to road users' particularly as an indicator of the nature and risks posed by that road to both themselves and other motorised and non-motorised road users.
The Parliamentary Select Committee for Transport Safety published a report entitled 'The Ending the Scandal of Complacency' in 2007 which highlighted how casualty levels rise with increasing speed and recommended reducing speed limits on streets with high pedestrian populations and on dangerous rural roads. The report highlights that when two cars crash at 60 mph a driver there is a 90% chance of death which falls to 65% at 50 mph. While recommending 20 mph speed zones the committee noted that these zones 'should not rely on heavy-handed enforcement measures'.
The World Health Organisation published a report in 2004 highlighting that a total of 22% of all 'injury mortality' worldwide were from road traffic injuries in 2002World Heath Organisation (2004) p. 34 fig 2.1 and that the speed of vehicles was 'at the core of the problemWorld Heath Organisation (2004) p. 76 Road incidents are said to be the leading cause of deaths among children
Child mortality
Child mortality, also known as under-5 mortality, refers to the death of infants and children under the age of five. In 2010, 7.6 million children under five died , down from 8.1 million in 2009, 8.8 million in 2008, and 12.4 million in 1990. About half of child deaths occur in Africa....
10 – 19 years of age (260,000 children die a year, 10 million are injured).
In 2008 14% of collisions reported to the police had a speed related contributory factor (either "exceeding the speed limit" or "travelling too fast for conditions") reported rising to 24% for fatal accidents and 25% of all road deaths.Department for Transport (2009), p. 41 "Fourteen per cent of accidents had a speed related contributory factor reported, either exceeding the speed limit or travelling too fast for conditions. This rose to 24 per cent for fatal accidents, accounting for 25 per cent of all road deaths." "Exceeding the speed limit" was reported as a contributory factor in 5% of collisions and 14% of fatal collisions. "Travelling too fast for conditions" (but within the prevailing speed limit) was recorded as one of the contributory factors in a further 8% of all collisions (and 9% of all fatal, 9% of all serious and 8% of all slight accidents),Department for Transport (2009), p. 45 "Exceeding the speed limit was reported as a contributory factor in 5 per cent of all accidents. However, the factor became more significant with the severity of the accident. It was reported in 14 per cent of fatal accidents and these accidents accounted for 362 fatalities, 15 per cent of all deaths... The factor travelling too fast for conditions was a contributory factor in 8 per cent of accidents. Again the proportion of accidents where it was reported rose with the severity of the accident and 9 per cent of fatal resulting in 224 fatalities, 10 per cent of all deaths (Excluding accidents and casualties in accidents which had exceeding the speed limit reported as a contributory factor)"
The UK government publishes Reported Road Casualties Great Britain (RRCGB) each year, based on road traffic casualties data (STATS19) reported to the police, which has been collected since 1949, and with additional data going back to 1926. The highest number of road fatalities recorded in a single year in GB was 9,196 in 1941.Department for Transport (2009), p.106 "The highest record road death figure was 9,196 in 1941" The highest number of fatalities during peacetime was 7,985 for 1966,Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2 following the introduction of the national 70 mph speed limit in 1965 and the year before the legal drink drive limit and the associated Breathalyzer
A breathalyzer or breathalyser is a device for estimating blood alcohol content from a breath sample...
laws were introduced.
The 2009 edition also summarised the characteristics of speed related fatal collisions as typically occurring on unclassified rural 30 mph speed limit roads, the driver being a male under the age of 30, with the collision types being head-on, lost control or cornering and the cause being loss of control whilst cornering or overtaking and the contributory factors being excess or inappropriate speed, loss of control, aggressive, careless or reckless behaviour or in a hurry.Department for Transport (2010), pdf p. 91, table 7a
Environmental and accessibility
Speed limits are also used where reduced vehicle speeds are desired to help reduce vehicle emissions and traffic noise, and to improve the accessibility conditions for more vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists and to reduce the perceived traffic risk for local people.During the 1973 oil crisis
1973 oil crisis
The 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries or the OAPEC proclaimed an oil embargo. This was "in response to the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military" during the Yom Kippur war. It lasted until March 1974. With the...
a temporary maximum national speed limit of 50 mph (22.4 m/s) was introduced on all roads, including motorways to reduce fuel consumption.
Parliament estimates that "Most drivers and pedestrians think speeds are generally too high but 95 per cent of all drivers admit to exceeding speed limits". DfT guidance makes it clear that setting speed limits in isolation, or setting ones that are "unrealistically low" may be ineffective and lead to disrespect for the speed limit. Bath and North East Somerset Council say that speed limits on their own do not necessarily reduce traffic speeds and should be supported by enforcement to target "irresponsible drivers" or traffic calming.20 mph speed limits and zones
The Department for Transport encourages the use of either '20 mph speed limits' or '20 mph speed limit zones' in urban situations where vulnerable road users are at particular risk.In 1998 the TRL reported that signed 20 mph (8.9 m/s) speed limits only reduced traffic speeds by about 1 mph and delivered no discernible reduction in accident numbers but that 20 mph zones achieved average speed reductions of 10 mph with child pedestrian accident reductions of 70% and child cyclist accident reductions of 48%. The reported noted that the cost of wide area traffic calming was prohibitive.
20 mph speed limits
20 mph speed limits are based on signage alone and are used where 85th percentile speeds are already below 24 mph.A report published in 2009 by the Department for Transport regarding Portsmouth City Council's 20 mph (8.9 m/s) speed limit on 410 km (254.8 mi) of the city's 438 km (272.2 mi) of roads resulted in a small (0.9 mph) reduction in traffic speed and a small increase in the number of crashes - neither of which results were statistically significant. There was no change in the numbers killed or seriously injured (KSI) and a 15% reduction in the number of slightly injured road casualties.
20 mph zones
In places where 20 mph speeds are desired but where excessive speeds (85th percentile speed of 24 mph or above) occur, 20 mph zones are recommended. These have to use traffic calmingTraffic calming
Traffic calming is intended to slow or reduce motor-vehicle traffic in order to improve the living conditions for residents as well as to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Urban planners and traffic engineers have many strategies for traffic calming...
measures to reduce speeds to below 20 mph.
By August 2002 Kingston upon Hull
Kingston upon Hull
Kingston upon Hull , usually referred to as Hull, is a city and unitary authority area in the ceremonial county of the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. It stands on the River Hull at its junction with the Humber estuary, 25 miles inland from the North Sea. Hull has a resident population of...
had introduced one hundred and twelve 20 mph zones and 190 km of roads subject to a 20 mph limit covering 26% of the city's streets which they described as contributing to "dramatic reductions in road casualties". Total collisions were reduced by 56%, Killed & seriously injured collisions down 90%, child casualties collisions down 64% and all pedestrian collisions down 54% and child pedestrian collisions down 74%.
A report published in 2008 estimated that following the introduction of 20 mph zones in London, a reduction of casualties by 45% and KSI by 57% occurred.
The introduction of the 70 mph speed limit
In 1966, at the end of the four month trial of a blanket 70 mph (31 m/s) speed limit on previously unrestricted roads and motorways, speed checks on the M6 in Cheshire suggested that although cars were actually being driven about 10 mph (4.5 m/s) faster, they were still usually travelling at speeds below the new limit. The crash rate was lower on the M6M6 motorway
The M6 motorway runs from junction 19 of the M1 at the Catthorpe Interchange, near Rugby via Birmingham then heads north, passing Stoke-on-Trent, Manchester, Preston, Carlisle and terminating at the Gretna junction . Here, just short of the Scottish border it becomes the A74 which continues to...
in Staffordshire (the better weather was noted too) and continued to fall on the M5
M5 motorway
The M5 is a motorway in England. It runs from a junction with the M6 at West Bromwich near Birmingham to Exeter in Devon. Heading south-west, the M5 runs east of West Bromwich and west of Birmingham through Sandwell Valley...
in Worcestershire as it had before the new limit was imposed, and there was no change in the crash rate on the M6 in Cheshire or on the M1
M1 motorway
The M1 is a north–south motorway in England primarily connecting London to Leeds, where it joins the A1 near Aberford. While the M1 is considered to be the first inter-urban motorway to be completed in the United Kingdom, the first road to be built to motorway standard in the country was the...
in Northamptonshire.
Speed limit enforcement is used to check that road vehiclesVehicle
A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo. Most often vehicles are manufactured, such as bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats, and aircraft....
are complying with the speed limits. Methods used include Fixed speed cameras, Average speed cameras and also police operated LIDAR speed gun
LIDAR speed gun
A LIDAR speed gun is a device used by the police for speed limit enforcement which uses LIDAR to detect the speed of a vehicle. Unlike Radar speed guns which rely on doppler shifts to measure the speed of a vehicle these devices allow a police officer to measure the speed of an individual vehicle...
s and older radar speed guns. In addition Vehicle activated sign
Vehicle activated sign
Vehicle activated sign is a generic term for a type of road traffic sign which displays a message conditional upon the presence, or speed, of a road vehicle. These devices are used for speed limit enforcement at some locations in the UK....
and Community Speed Watch groups also encourage compliance. For lower speed limits physical Traffic Calming
Traffic calming
Traffic calming is intended to slow or reduce motor-vehicle traffic in order to improve the living conditions for residents as well as to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Urban planners and traffic engineers have many strategies for traffic calming...
is normally required. Fixed speed cameras are controversial with various advocacy groups supports and opposing their use. roadside 'speed traps', police car pacing and vehicle activated signs.
The Nottingham Safety Camera Pilot achieved "virtually complete compliance" on the major ring road into the city using average speed cameras, and across all Nottinghamshire SPECS installations their KSI figures have fallen by an average of 65%.
Since they have been introduced various groups have campaigned on the subject who either consider them to be irrelevant, set too low or set too high.Advocacy groups include Association of British Drivers
Association of British Drivers
The Association of British Drivers , founded in 1992, is a British motorists' advocacy group."The Association of British Drivers" is the sole operating name of "Pro-Motor", a company limited by guarantee and registered in the United Kingdom....
, The Automobile Association
The Automobile Association
The Automobile Association , a British motoring association founded in 1905 was demutualised in 1999 to become a private limited company which currently provides car insurance, driving lessons, breakdown cover, loans and motoring advice, and other services...
, Living Streets
Living Streets
Living Streets is an organisation which advocates for the rights and interests of pedestrians and aims to 'create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets, where people want to walk'...
(originally Pedestrians' Association), RAC Foundation
RAC Foundation
The RAC Foundation is a motoring advocacy group that 'explores the economic, environmental, mobility and safety issues relating to roads and motor vehicles and campaigns to secure a fair deal for responsible road users'...
, RoadPeace
RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims in the UK. It supports the people affected by road crashes with emotional and practical support and advocacy. It operates a help line and provides practical support to people affected...
, Royal Automobile Club
Royal Automobile Club
The Royal Automobile Club is a private club and is not to be confused with RAC plc, a motorists' organisation, which it formerly owned.It has two club houses, one in London at 89-91 Pall Mall, and the other in the countryside at Woodcote Park, Surrey, next to the City of London Freemen's School...
(originally the Automobile Club), Safe Speed
Safe Speed
Safe Speed is a United Kingdom based pressure group. While notionally supporting road safety the organisation primarily campaigns against speed cameras...
and others.
Early years
The first speed limitSpeed limit
Road speed limits are used in most countries to regulate the speed of road vehicles. Speed limits may define maximum , minimum or no speed limit and are normally indicated using a traffic sign...
s in the United Kingdom were set by a series of restrictive Locomotive Acts (in 1861, 1865 and 1878). The 1861 Act introduced a 10 mph (4 m/s) limit (automobiles were in those days termed “light locomotives”). The 1865 (the 'red flag act') reduced the speed limit to 4 mph (6 km/h) in the country and 2 mph (3 km/h) in towns and required a man with a red flag or lantern to walk 60 yards (54.9 m) ahead of each vehicle, and warn horse riders and horse drawn traffic of the approach of a self-propelled machine. The 1878 Act removed the need for the flag and reduced the distance of the escort to 20 yards (18.3 m).
Following intense advocacy
Advocacy is a political process by an individual or a large group which normally aims to influence public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions; it may be motivated from moral, ethical or faith principles or simply to protect an...
by motor vehicle enthusiasts, including Harry J. Lawson
Harry John Lawson
Henry John Lawson, also known as Harry Lawson, was a British bicycle designer, motor industry pioneer, and fraudster. As part of his attempt to create and control a British motor industry Lawson formed and floated The Daimler Motor Company Limited in London in 1896. It later began manufacture in...
of the Daimler Motor Company
Daimler Motor Company
The Daimler Motor Company Limited was an independent British motor vehicle manufacturer founded in London by H J Lawson in 1896, which set up its manufacturing base in Coventry. The right to the use of the name Daimler had been purchased simultaneously from Gottlieb Daimler and Daimler Motoren...
the most restrictive parts of the acts were lifted by the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896
Locomotives on Highways Act 1896
The Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 removed the strict rules and UK speed limits that were included in the earlier Locomotive Acts which had greatly restricted the adoption of motorised vehicles in the United Kingdom...
. which raised the speed limit to 14 mph (23 km/h) and removed the need for the escort. A celebratory run from London to Brighton was held soon after the act was passed and has been commemorated each year since 1927 by the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run
London to Brighton Veteran Car Run
The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run is the longest-running motoring event in the world. The first run was in 1896, and has taken place most years since then. To qualify, the cars must have been built before 1905...

Motor Car Act 1903
The Motor Car Act 1903 introduced registration of motor cars and licensing of drivers in the United Kingdom and increased the speed limit.-Context:...
which stood until 1 January 1931 when all speed limits for cars and motorcycles were abolished under the Road Traffic Act 1930
Road Traffic Act 1930
The Road Traffic Act 1930 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom introduced by the then Minister of Transport Herbert Morrison following the 1929 election which resulted in a hung parliament in which the Labour party won the most seats for the first time and Ramsay MacDonald became...
. Lord Buckmaster's opinion at the time was that the speed limit was removed because "the existing speed limit was so universally disobeyed that its maintenance brought the law into contempt". Between 1930 and 1935 the number of annual road fatalities dropped from 7,305 to 6,502.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2 The same act also introduced a 30 mph (48 km/h) speed limits for UK coach services, UK bus services
Bus transport in the United Kingdom
Buses play a major role in the public transport of the United Kingdom, as well as seeing extensive private use.- The horse bus era :The first omnibus service in the United Kingdom was started by John Greenwood between Pendleton and Manchester in 1824. Stagecoach services, sometimes over short...
and most HGVs
Large Goods Vehicle
A large goods vehicle , is the European Union term for any truck with a gross combination mass of over...
. Buses were not necessarily fitted with Speedometer
A speedometer is a gauge that measures and displays the instantaneous speed of a land vehicle. Now universally fitted to motor vehicles, they started to be available as options in the 1900s, and as standard equipment from about 1910 onwards. Speedometers for other vehicles have specific names...
s at this stage.
A 'Road traffic (speedometer) bill' was debated in 1933 relating only to vehicles to which current speed limits applied.
The Road Traffic Act 1934
Road Traffic Act 1934
The Road Traffic Act 1934 was Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom introduced by the then Minister of Transport Hore-Belisha after the 1931 general election which was won by the Conservative Party by an absolute majority of the votes cast...
, created by Leslie Hore-Belisha
Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1st Baron Hore-Belisha
Isaac Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1st Baron Hore-Belisha PC was a British Liberal, then National Liberal Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister. He later joined the Conservative Party...
, the then Minister of Transport
Secretary of State for Transport
The Secretary of State for Transport is the member of the cabinet responsible for the British Department for Transport. The role has had a high turnover as new appointments are blamed for the failures of decades of their predecessors...
, introduced a speed limit of 30 mph (48 km/h) in built-up areas for cars and motorcycles which came into effect on 18 March 1935. The definition of a built-up area was based on the presence of street lighting, which had previously been mandated by the Public Health Act 1875
Public Health Act 1875
The Public Health Act 1875 was established in the United Kingdom to combat filthy urban living conditions, which caused various public health threats, including the spread of many diseases such as cholera and typhus. Reformers wanted to resolve sanitary problems, because sewage was flowing down the...
. The re-introduction of a speed limit for cars was in response to concern at increased road casualties. The number of fatalities had increased to 7,343 deaths, half of the deaths were pedestrians and of three-quarters of these occurred in built-up areas. Between 1935 and 1940 the number of annual road fatalities increased from 6,502 to 8,609.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2
Speedometers were made compulsory for new cars in 1937.
World War II
A 20 mph (32 km/h) night-time speed limit for built-up areas was introduced in 1940 as an attempt to halt the increase in the number of road casualties occurring during the World War IIWorld War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
Blackout (wartime)
A blackout during war, or apprehended war, is the practice of collectively minimizing outdoor light, including upwardly directed light. This was done in the 20th century to prevent crews of enemy aircraft from being able to navigate to their targets simply by sight, for example during the London...
s. Following the introduction fatalities rose on speed-limited roads from 289 in March 1939 to 325 in March 1940. For October 1940 the total number of deaths during daylight (when the speed limit didn't apply) fell, in relation to those for October 1939, from 511 to 462, whereas the figures for the black-out hours (when the speed limit did apply) rose from 501 to 684. The highest number of deaths in any one year in the UK occurred the following year (9,196 people in 1941).Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 "The highest record road death figure was 9,196 in 1941"
1945 - 1969
On 1 October 1956, the 30 mph (13.4 m/s) speed limit for built-up areas became permanent under the Road Traffic Act 1956. The speed limit, which was introduced on a trial basis in 1935, relied on being renewed by parliament each year.The maximum speed limit for goods vehicles was raised from 20 mph (8.9 m/s) to 30 mph (13.4 m/s) in 1957.
Following a series of serious motorway multiple crashes in the fog in 1965, Tom Fraser
Tom Fraser
Tom Fraser PC was a Labour Member of Parliament for the Hamilton constituency between 1943 and 1967.He was Minister of Transport from October 16, 1964 until December 23, 1965...
, the then Minister of Transport
Secretary of State for Transport
The Secretary of State for Transport is the member of the cabinet responsible for the British Department for Transport. The role has had a high turnover as new appointments are blamed for the failures of decades of their predecessors...
, following consultations in early November with the police and with the National Road Safety Advisory Council (NRSAC), concluded that the crashes were caused by vehicles travelling too fast for the prevailing conditions. The NRSAC advised that a 20 mph (8.9 m/s) motorway speed limit should be imposed on motorway stretches affected by fog and that a general speed limit of 70 mph (31.3 m/s) should be experimentally applied for the winter months. On 25 November 1965 the government announced that a temporary 30 mph (13.4 m/s) speed limit would be applied to sections of motorway (there were 350 miles (563.3 km) of it at that time) affected by fog, ice or snow and that a general maximum speed limit of 70 mph (31.3 m/s) would be applied to all otherwise unrestricted roads, including motorways, for a trial period of four months starting just before Christmas. The four-month trial 70 mph (112.7 km/h) speed limit on 100000 miles (160,934 km) of previously unrestricted roads and motorways was introduced at noon on 22 December 1965. Also on that day, the power for the police to apply advisory speed limits of 30 mph (13.4 m/s) to motorways affected by bad weather was also introduced. The advisory limit was activated by the use of flashing amber lights placed at 1 miles (1.6 km) intervals along the motorways. In April 1966 Barbara Castle, the new Minister of Transport, decided to extend the experimental 70 mph (31.3 m/s) limit for a further two months to allow the Road Research Laboratory
Transport Research Laboratory
TRL is a British transport consultancy and research organisation based at Wokingham Berkshire with approximately 500 staff. TRL is owned by the Transport Research Foundation , which is overseen by 80 sector members from the transport industry. TRL also own small UK regional offices situated in...
(RRL) time to collect data as there was still no conclusive evidence of its effectiveness. In May 1966 Barbara Castle extended the experimental period by a further fifteen months to 3 September 1967 as "the case is not proven" but there were signs of crash rate reduction.
In July 1966 the speed limit for "public service vehicles" (notably bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
es) was raised from 40 mph (64 km/h) to 50 mph (80 km/h).
The highest number of fatalities during peacetime was 7,985 in 1966.Department for Transport (2009), p. 106 table 2
In July 1967 Mrs Castle announced that 70 mph (31.3 m/s) was to become the permanent maximum speed limit for all roads and motorways. She had accepted RRL evidence that the speed limit had reduced the number of casualties on motorways. She ruled out minimum speed limits for motorways which would also reduce the danger of slow traffic as being too difficult to enforce and likely to increase congestion off the motorways. The two major motoring organisations at the time, The Automobile Association
The Automobile Association
The Automobile Association , a British motoring association founded in 1905 was demutualised in 1999 to become a private limited company which currently provides car insurance, driving lessons, breakdown cover, loans and motoring advice, and other services...
and the R.A.C.
RAC plc
RAC Limited is a breakdown company in the United Kingdom supplying products and services for motorists. Initially formed as the "Associate Section" of the Royal Automobile Club, it was incorporated as R.A.C. Motoring Services Ltd. in 1978. It was then sold by the members of the Royal Automobile...
welcomed the maximum speed limits for all-purpose roads, but the R.A.C. would have preferred more flexibility for motorways. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is a British charity which aims to promote safety. It is particularly known for its vocal campaigns on issues of road safety, including Tufty the road crossing squirrel, the Cycling Proficiency Test and the Green Cross Code, as well as on issues of...
suggested that a lower speed limit would be more appropriate for all-purpose roads and the Pedestrian's Association for Road Safety condemned the new limits as being too high, preferring 60 mph (26.8 m/s) limits for all roads. Mrs Castle's decision and acceptance of the RRL research at face value was controversial. Peter Walker
Peter Walker, Baron Walker of Worcester
Peter Edward Walker, Baron Walker of Worcester, MBE, PC , was British politician. A member of the Conservative Party, he served in the Cabinet as the Environment Secretary , Trade and Industry Secretary , Agriculture Minister , Energy Secretary and Welsh Secretary...
's motion in Parliament to annul the speed limit on motorways was negatived.
1973 oil crisis
Due to the 1973 oil crisis1973 oil crisis
The 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries or the OAPEC proclaimed an oil embargo. This was "in response to the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military" during the Yom Kippur war. It lasted until March 1974. With the...
, a temporary maximum national speed limit of 50 mph (22.4 m/s) for all roads, including motorways, was introduced on 8 December 1973. The 70 mph (31.3 m/s) limit was restored on motorways in March 1974 and on all other roads on 8 May 1974.
As an initiative to reduce energy consumption, the national speed limits for otherwise unrestricted single-carriageway and dual-carriageway roads were temporarily reduced to 50 mph (22.4 m/s) and 60 mph (26.8 m/s) respectively (motorway speed limits were left unchanged at 70 mph (31.3 m/s)) from 14 December 1974. In November 1976 the temporary speed limits were extended at least until the end of May 1977. In April 1977, the government announced that the national speed limits for single-carriageway roads was to be increased to 60 mph (26.8 m/s) and that the 70 mph (31.3 m/s) speed limit was to be restored on dual-carriageways on 1 June 1977.
From 1977 - present day
A 30 mph (48 km/h) speed limiterSpeed limiter
A speed limiter is a governor used to limit the top speed of a vehicle. For some classes of vehicle and in some jurisdictions they are a statutory requirement, for some other vehicles the manufacturer provides a non-statutary system which may be fixed or programmable by the driver.-Mopeds:Mopeds in...
requirement for mopeds was introduced in 1977.
The 70 mph (113 km/h) speed limit was made permanent in 1978.Department for Transport (2009), p.179 "60 and 70 mph speed limits are made permanent"
The Road Traffic Regulation Act
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom, which provided powers to regulate or restrict traffic on UK roads, in the interest of safety. It superseded some earlier legislation, including the majority of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967...
, which was passed in 1984, includes legislation relating to speed limits. Part IV of the Act defines the default speed limit for 'regularly'-lit roads, gives local authorities
Local government in the United Kingdom
The pattern of local government in England is complex, with the distribution of functions varying according to the local arrangements. Legislation concerning local government in England is decided by the Parliament and Government of the United Kingdom, because England does not have a devolved...
powers to create 'speed limit orders', and exempts emergency vehicles from speed limits; the Act also defines speeding offences.
The first 20 mph (32 km/h) speed limits for residential areas were introduced in 1991Department for Transport (2009), p.180 "First 20mph zones introduced" and then speed limiters for buses
Bus transport in the United Kingdom
Buses play a major role in the public transport of the United Kingdom, as well as seeing extensive private use.- The horse bus era :The first omnibus service in the United Kingdom was started by John Greenwood between Pendleton and Manchester in 1824. Stagecoach services, sometimes over short...
and coaches set at 65 mph (105 km/h) and also for HGVs
Large Goods Vehicle
A large goods vehicle , is the European Union term for any truck with a gross combination mass of over...
set at 56 mph (90 km/h) in 1994. It was made easier for local authorities to introduce a 20 mph (32 km/h) limit in 1999.
In March 2009 the government consulted on reducing speed limits on rural roads on which 52% of fatalities had occurred in the previous year to 50 mph. They explained that 'crashes were more likely on rural parts of the road network, upon most of which the national speed limit of 60 mph applies'. The Conservative opposition party and the AA
The Automobile Association
The Automobile Association , a British motoring association founded in 1905 was demutualised in 1999 to become a private limited company which currently provides car insurance, driving lessons, breakdown cover, loans and motoring advice, and other services...
were both opposed. The president of the AA said that speed limits that are too low can result in a greater number of accidents and that a "blanket reduction of speed limits would not make roads safer, given that many accidents on rural roads involved only one car".
In February 2010 the Department for Transport proposed that the speed limit for all vehicles able to carry more than 8 people should be set at 65 mph.
Further reading
- Roads: speed limits Parliamentary briefing paper (June 2011)