List of moths of Canada (Sphingidae)
This article is a list of the moths of Family Sphingidae
Sphingidae is a family of moths , commonly known as hawk moths, sphinx moths and hornworms, that includes about 1,200 species . It is best represented in the tropics but there are species in every region . They are moderate to large in size and are distinguished among moths for their rapid,...

 which are found in Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

. It also acts as an index to the species articles and forms part of the full List of moths of Canada.

Following the species name, there is an abbreviation which indicates in which of the Canadian provinces and/or territories the species can be found.
  • Eastern Canada
    • On = Ontario
      Ontario is a province of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province and second largest in total area. It is home to the nation's most populous city, Toronto, and the nation's capital, Ottawa....

    • Qb = Quebec
      Quebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....

    • NB = New Brunswick
      New Brunswick
      New Brunswick is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and is the only province in the federation that is constitutionally bilingual . The provincial capital is Fredericton and Saint John is the most populous city. Greater Moncton is the largest Census Metropolitan Area...

    • NS = Nova Scotia
      Nova Scotia
      Nova Scotia is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and is the most populous province in Atlantic Canada. The name of the province is Latin for "New Scotland," but "Nova Scotia" is the recognized, English-language name of the province. The provincial capital is Halifax. Nova Scotia is the...

    • PE = Prince Edward Island
      Prince Edward Island
      Prince Edward Island is a Canadian province consisting of an island of the same name, as well as other islands. The maritime province is the smallest in the nation in both land area and population...

    • NF = Newfoundland
      Newfoundland and Labrador
      Newfoundland and Labrador is the easternmost province of Canada. Situated in the country's Atlantic region, it incorporates the island of Newfoundland and mainland Labrador with a combined area of . As of April 2011, the province's estimated population is 508,400...

    • LB = Labrador
      Newfoundland and Labrador
      Newfoundland and Labrador is the easternmost province of Canada. Situated in the country's Atlantic region, it incorporates the island of Newfoundland and mainland Labrador with a combined area of . As of April 2011, the province's estimated population is 508,400...

  • Western Canada
    • BC = British Columbia
      British Columbia
      British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...

    • AB = Alberta
      Alberta is a province of Canada. It had an estimated population of 3.7 million in 2010 making it the most populous of Canada's three prairie provinces...

    • SK = Saskatchewan
      Saskatchewan is a prairie province in Canada, which has an area of . Saskatchewan is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota....

    • MB = Manitoba
      Manitoba is a Canadian prairie province with an area of . The province has over 110,000 lakes and has a largely continental climate because of its flat topography. Agriculture, mostly concentrated in the fertile southern and western parts of the province, is vital to the province's economy; other...

    • YU = Yukon
      Yukon is the westernmost and smallest of Canada's three federal territories. It was named after the Yukon River. The word Yukon means "Great River" in Gwich’in....

    • NT = Northwest Territories
      Northwest Territories
      The Northwest Territories is a federal territory of Canada.Located in northern Canada, the territory borders Canada's two other territories, Yukon to the west and Nunavut to the east, and three provinces: British Columbia to the southwest, and Alberta and Saskatchewan to the south...

    • NV = Nunavut
      Nunavut is the largest and newest federal territory of Canada; it was separated officially from the Northwest Territories on April 1, 1999, via the Nunavut Act and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act, though the actual boundaries had been established in 1993...

Subfamily Macroglossinae

  • Aellopos fadus
    Aellopos fadus
    The Fadus Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives in Central America and the northern part of South America.The wingspan is 57-60 mm. The body is brown with a wide white band across the abdomen. The upperside of the wings is dark brown and the forewing has two bands of pale spots and...

    (Cramer, 1776) -ON
  • Aellopos tantalus
    Aellopos tantalus
    Aellopos tantalus, known as the Tantalus Sphinx, is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found in Florida, the Antilles, from Mexico to Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Surinam, and in the Amazons....

    (Linnaeus, 1758) -MB
  • Aellopos titan
    Aellopos titan
    The Titan Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It has been found all the way from Maine in the United States through Central America and south to Argentina and Uruguay in South America....

    (Cramer, 1777) -QC, ON
  • Erinnyis alope
    Erinnyis alope
    The Alope Sphinx is a moth of the Family Sphingidae. It lives from the Northern part of South America, through Central America, up to Northern Mexico and the very south of the United States, although strays have been recorded as far north as Arkansas and Kansas.The wingspan is 82-100 mm...

    (Drury, 1773) -SK
  • Erinnyis ello
    Erinnyis ello
    Erinnyis ello, commonly known as the Ello Sphinx, is a member of the Sphingidae family. It resides from Argentina, through Central America, and as far north as Nevada, US in North America....

    (Linnaeus, 1758) -QC, ON
  • Erinnyis obscura
    Erinnyis obscura
    The Obscure Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives from the northern part of South America up to the central United States....

    (Fabricius, 1775) -ON
  • Hemaris diffinis
    Hemaris diffinis
    The Snowberry Clearwing is a moth of the order Lepidoptera, family Sphingidae.-Adults:It is about 1.25”- 2”. The moth's abdomen has yellow and black segments much like those of the bumblebee, whom it might be mistaken for due to its color and flight pattern similarities...

    (Boisduval, 1836) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT
  • Hemaris gracilis
    Hemaris gracilis
    The Slender Clearwing or Graceful Clearwing is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from Nova Scotia to central Florida along the East Coast and west through New England to Michigan to Saskatchewan....

    (Grote & Robinson, 1865) -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK
  • Hemaris senta
    Hemaris senta
    The Rocky Mountain clearwing or California Clearwing is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah west to California and north to British Columbia. The habitat consists of streamsides and meadows in mountainous areas.The wingspan is...

    (Strecker, 1878) -BC
  • Hemaris thysbe
    Hemaris thysbe
    Hemaris thysbe, or the Hummingbird Clearwing, is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives in Alaska and the Northwest Territories south through British Columbia to Oregon; east through the Great Plains and the Great Lakes area to Maine and Newfoundland; south to Florida and Texas.Adults are...

    (Fabricius, 1775) -NF, LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT, YT
  • Amphion floridensis
    Amphion floridensis
    The Nessus Sphinx is a day-flying moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives throughout the eastern United States and Canada and occasionally down into Mexico, and is one of the more commonly-encountered day-flying moths in the region, easily recognized by the two bright yellow bands across the...

    Clark, 1920 -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, AB
  • Darapsa choerilus
    Darapsa choerilus
    The Azalea Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found in the United States and southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains.The wingspan is 57-75 mm.The larvae feed on Azalea and Viburnum species....

    (Cramer, [1780]) -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Darapsa myron
    Darapsa myron
    The Virginia creeper sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives from Maine south to south Florida; west to North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas...

    (Cramer, 1780) -NS, QC, ON, MB
  • Darapsa versicolor
    Darapsa versicolor
    The Hydrangea sphinx is a member of the Sphingidae family that inhabits eastern North America, often in wetlands.Their wingspans can reach 58 to 80 mm, their forewings are green-brown with curved white patches...

    (Harris, 1839) -QC, ON
  • Deidamia inscripta (Harris, 1839) -QC, ON
  • Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758) -BC
  • Eumorpha achemon
    Eumorpha achemon
    The Achemon sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from Maine west to North Dakota, Manitoba and southern Oregon and south to southern Florida, west to southern California and Mexico.The wingspan is 87-97 mm...

    (Drury, 1773) -QC, ON, MB
  • Eumorpha fasciatus
    Eumorpha fasciatus
    The Banded Sphinx Moth is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, north through Central America to southern California and southern Arizona, east to Texas, Mississippi, Florida and South Carolina...

    (Sulzer, 1776) -NS, NB, ON
  • Eumorpha labruscae (Linnaeus, 1758) -NB, MB, SK
  • Eumorpha pandorus (Hübner, 1821) -NS, ON
  • Hyles euphorbiae
    Hyles euphorbiae
    The Spurge Hawk-moth is a European moth of the family Sphingidae. This hawk moth is used as an agent of biological pest control against the noxious weed known as leafy spurge , but usually only in conjunction with other agents...

    (Linnaeus, 1758) -ON, SK, AB
  • Hyles gallii
    Hyles gallii
    The Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found in North America, Europe, Central Asia and Japan....

    (Rottemburg, 1775) -LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT, YT
  • Hyles lineata
    Hyles lineata
    The White-lined sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives from Central America, through the United States and into parts of Canada.-Description:...

    (Fabricius, 1775) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Proserpinus clarkiae
    Proserpinus clarkiae
    Clark's Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from British Columbia and Washington south through California to Baja California, east to Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. The habitat consists of oak woodland and pine-oak woodland in foothills.The wingspan is 30-38 mm. The forewing underside...

    (Boisduval, 1852) -AB, BC
  • Proserpinus flavofasciata
    Proserpinus flavofasciata
    The Yellow-banded Day Sphinx is a species of hawk moth which occurs at the edges of, and in clearings in, boreal and mountain forests across Canada, as far south as Maine and Massachusetts in the east and as far north as Alaska in the west...

    (Walker, 1856) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT
  • Proserpinus juanita
    Proserpinus juanita
    The Juanita Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from North Dakota south to Arizona and east to Missouri and Texas.The wingspan is 45-64 mm....

    (Strecker, 1877) -MB, SK, AB
  • Sphecodina abbottii
    Sphecodina abbottii
    Abbott's sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives in eastern North America.Adults fly in May-June in the north, but have several generations in the south. The underwings have a strong yellow band and in flight, the moth buzzes, appearing like a bee...

    (Swainson, 1821) -QC, ON
  • Xylophanes tersa
    Xylophanes tersa
    The Tersa Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from the United States , through Mexico, the West Indies and Central America and into parts of South America...

    (Linnaeus, 1771) -QC, ON


  • Amorpha juglandis
    Amorpha juglandis
    The Walnut Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains and from the southern United States up into parts of Canada.The wingspan is 45-75 mm...

    (Smith, 1797) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB
  • Pachysphinx modesta
    Pachysphinx modesta
    The Modest Sphinx or Poplar Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It ranges from the southern United States up and throughout Canada....

    (Harris, 1839) -LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Pachysphinx occidentalis
    Pachysphinx occidentalis
    The Big Poplar Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It lives throughout Canada and the United States. The habitat consists of riparian areas and suburbs....

    (Edwards, 1875) -AB
  • Paonias astylus
    Paonias astylus
    The Huckleberry Sphinx is a moth in the family Sphingidae. It is found in eastern North America, from Maine south to Florida, west to Missouri and Mississippi....

    (Drury, 1773) -NS
  • Paonias excaecata (Smith, 1797) -LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Paonias myops
    Paonias myops
    The Small-eyed Sphinx is a species of moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from south-eastern Canada to Florida and westward almost to the Pacific Coast. It is also known from Mexico....

    (Smith, 1797) -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Smerinthus cerisyi
    Smerinthus cerisyi
    The One-eyed Sphinx or Cerisy's Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is known from south-eastern Alaska, the southern parts of all Canadian provinces and in the northern border states of the United States south into northern Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio and along the west coast to...

    Kirby, 1837 -NF, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, NT, YT
  • Smerinthus jamaicensis
    Smerinthus jamaicensis
    The Twin-spotted Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is widely distributed across North America and is found everywhere except in the southern half of western California...

    (Drury, 1773) -NF, LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, YT


  • Agrius cingulata
    Agrius cingulata
    The Pink-spotted Hawkmoth or Sweetpotato Hornworm is a species of moth in the Sphingidae family. The imagines have a wingspan of 3 3/4 - 4 3/4 inches . They have a robust gray brown body with pink bands, hence the name. Their abdomen tapers to a point. The hindwings are gray with black bands and...

    (Fabricius, 1775) -NS, NB, QC, ON, BC
  • Ceratomia amyntor
    Ceratomia amyntor
    The Elm sphinx, , sometimes called the Four-horned Sphinx, is a North American species of moth in the Sphingidae family. It has a wingspan of 3¼ - 4½ inches...

    (Geyer, 1835) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK
  • Ceratomia catalpae
    Ceratomia catalpae
    The Catalpa Sphinx is a hawk moth of the Sphingidae family.-Range:Ceratomia catalpae is a native of southeastern North America and can be located on catalpa trees that grow within this region...

    (Boisduval, 1875) -ON
  • Ceratomia undulosa
    Ceratomia undulosa
    The Waved Sphinx is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found in the United States, and southern Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains....

    (Walker, 1856) -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB
  • Dolba hyloeus
    Dolba hyloeus
    The Pawpaw Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It ranges throughout the eastern United States from Maine south to Florida, and west to Wisconsin, eastern Oklahoma, and southern Texas.The wingspan is 50-68 mm....

    (Drury, 1773)- NB, QC, ON
  • Lapara bombycoides
    Lapara bombycoides
    The Northern Pine Sphinx is a member of the Sphingidae family of moths. It is known from mixed and coniferous forest in southern Canada as well as north-eastern Alberta and central Saskatchewan...

    Walker, 1856 -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB
  • Manduca quinquemaculata (Haworth, 1803) -NS, QC, ON, SK, BC
  • Manduca rustica
    Manduca rustica
    The Rustic Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found in the southern parts of the United States , southward through Mexico, Central America and South America to Uruguay....

    (Fabricius, 1775) -QC
  • Manduca sexta (Linnaeus, 1763) -ON
  • Paratrea plebeja
    Paratrea plebeja
    The Plebeian Sphinx Moth is a moth of the Sphingidae family and only member of the Paratrea genus. It is found in the eastern part of the United States up to the Great Plains. It is also present in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and eastern Texas.The length of the forewing is 31-35 mm...

    (Fabricius, 1777) -ON
  • Sphinx canadensis
    Sphinx canadensis
    The Canadian Sphinx is a member of the family Sphingidae that is found the Northeastern United States and as north as Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada....

    Boisduval, 1875 -NB, QC, ON, MB
  • Sphinx chersis
    Sphinx chersis
    The Great Ash Sphinx or Northern Ash Sphinx is a moth that belongs to the family Sphingidae.-Appearance:This insect has a large wing span . The upperside of the forewing is soft dark-gray to blue-gray with a series of black dashes, one of which reaches the wing tip. The upperside of the hindwing...

    (Hübner, 1823) -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Sphinx drupiferarum
    Sphinx drupiferarum
    The Wild Cherry Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from the temperate parts of the United States to southern Canada....

    Smith, 1797 -NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, BC
  • Sphinx eremitus
    Sphinx eremitus
    The Hermit Sphinx is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found in the temperate areas of the eastern United States, north into southern Canada over the Great Plains. It prefers gardens and yards, but is common wherever the nectar and larval host plants are found...

    (Hübner, 1823) -NS, QC, ON
  • Sphinx gordius
    Sphinx gordius
    The Apple Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found in the northern parts of the United States and southern Canada, mostly east of the Rocky Mountains, additionally it is found along the east coast to Florida and in the Rocky Mountains to Colorado.The wingspan is 68-108 mm.The larvae...

    Cramer, 1780 -ON, MB, SK
  • Sphinx kalmiae
    Sphinx kalmiae
    The Laurel Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found in the temperate parts of the United States and southern Canada east of the Great Plains, in the north it occurs west of the Rocky Mountains.The wingspan is 75-103 mm....

    Smith, 1797 -NF, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK
  • Sphinx luscitiosa
    Sphinx luscitiosa
    Clemens' Hawkmoth is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from Nova Scotia south to New Jersey, west through Michigan, Wisconsin and the northern plains to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Montana and south to Utah. It has been taken as far north as Yukon.The wingspan is 56-80 mm...

    Clemens, 1859 -NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, YT
  • Sphinx perelegans
    Sphinx perelegans
    The Elegant Sphinx is a species of hawkmoth. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Baja California and to New Mexico....

    Edwards, 1874 -BC
  • Sphinx pinastri
    Sphinx pinastri
    Sphinx pinastri, known as the Pine Hawk-moth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found in Palearctic ecozone and sometimes the Nearctic ecozone. This species has been found in Scotland but is usually found in England....

    Linnaeus, 1758 -AB
  • Sphinx poecila
    Sphinx poecila
    The Poecila Sphinx is a moth of the Sphingidae family. It is found from Newfoundland and Maine south to Pennsylvania and west to Michigan, northeastern Illinois and Wisconsin.The wingspan is 68-95 mm....

    Stephens, 1828 -LB, NS, PE, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC
  • Sphinx vashti
    Sphinx vashti
    The Vashti Sphinx is a member of the Sphingidae family of moths. It is found from British Columbia east to Manitoba, south to southern California, Nevada, central Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas....

    Strecker, 1878 -MB, SK, AB, BC

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