Chironomidae are a family of nematocera
Nematocera , is a suborder of elongated flies with thin, segmented antennae and mostly aquatic larvae, consisting of the mosquitoes, crane flies, gnats, and midges....

n flies
True flies are insects of the order Diptera . They possess a pair of wings on the mesothorax and a pair of halteres, derived from the hind wings, on the metathorax...

 with a global distribution. They are closely related to the Ceratopogonidae
Ceratopogonidae, or biting midges , are a family of small flies in the order Diptera...

, Simuliidae, and Thaumaleidae
Thaumaleidae, the solitary midges or trickle midges, are a group of nematoceran flies related to the Ceratopogonidae, Chironomidae, and the Simuliidae. They are small, stocky, yellow to brown flies . There are very few species known for this family...

. Many species superficially resemble mosquitoes but they lack the wing scales and elongate mouthparts
Insect mouthparts
Insects exhibit a range of mouthparts, adapted to particular modes of feeding. The earliest insects had chewing mouthparts...

 of the Culicidae.

Common names and biodiversity

This is a large taxon
|thumb|270px|[[African elephants]] form a widely-accepted taxon, the [[genus]] LoxodontaA taxon is a group of organisms, which a taxonomist adjudges to be a unit. Usually a taxon is given a name and a rank, although neither is a requirement...

 of insects; some estimates of the species numbers suggest well over 10000 world-wide. Males are easily recognized by their plumose antennae
Antenna (biology)
Antennae in biology have historically been paired appendages used for sensing in arthropods. More recently, the term has also been applied to cilium structures present in most cell types of eukaryotes....

. Adults are known by a variety of vague and inconsistent common names, largely by confusion with other insects. For example chironomids are known as "lake flies" in parts of Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

, as "sand flies", "muckleheads", or "muffleheads" in various regions of the USA Great Lakes
Great Lakes
The Great Lakes are a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America, on the Canada – United States border. Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth by total surface, coming in second by volume...

 area, and as "blind mosquitoes" or "chizzywinks" in Florida
Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, located on the nation's Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. With a population of 18,801,310 as measured by the 2010 census, it...

, USA. However, they are not mosquitoes of any sort, and the term sandflies
thumb|Sandfly biting a human's little fingerthumb|Sandfly biteSandfly is a colloquial name for any species or genus of flying, biting, blood-sucking Dipteran encountered in sandy areas...

 generally refers to biting flies unrelated to the Chironomidae.

The biodiversity of Chironomidae often goes unnoticed because they are notoriously difficult to identify and ecologists usually record Chironomidae by species groups. Each morphologically distinct group comprises a number of morphologically (sibling) identical species that can only be identified by rearing adult males or by cytogenetic analysis of the polytene chromosome
Polytene chromosome
To increase cell volume, some specialized cells undergo repeated rounds of DNA replication without cell division , forming a giant polytene chromosome...

s. Polytene chromosomes were originally observed in the larval salivary glands of Chironomus
Chironomus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family, Chironomidae.-Species:*Chironomus anonimi Williston *Chironomus anthracinus Zetterstedt, 1860 *Chironomus athalassicus Cannings, 1975...

 midges by Balbiani in 1881. They form through repeated rounds of DNA replication without cell division, resulting in characteristic light and dark banding patterns which can be used to identify inversions and deletions which allow species identification.

Behavior and description

Larval stages of Chironomidae can be found in almost any aquatic or semiaquatic habitat, including treeholes, bromeliads, rotting vegetation, soil, and in sewage and artificial containers. They form an important fraction of the macro zoobenthos of most freshwater ecosystems. They are often associated with degraded or low biodiversity ecosystems because some species have adapted to virtually anoxic conditions and are dominant in polluted waters.
A larva is a distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. Animals with indirect development such as insects, amphibians, or cnidarians typically have a larval phase of their life cycle...

e of some species are bright red in color due to a hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates, with the exception of the fish family Channichthyidae, as well as the tissues of some invertebrates...

 analog; these are often known as "bloodworms".
Their ability to capture oxygen is further increased by making undulating movements.

Many reference sources in the past century or so have repeated the assertion that Chironomidae do not feed as adults, but an increasing body of evidence contradicts this view. It now is widely accepted that adults of many species do in fact feed. The natural foods reported include fresh fly dropping, nectar, pollen and honeydew and various sugar-rich materials.

The question whether feeding is of practical importance has by now been clearly settled for some Chironomus species at least; specimens that had fed on sucrose flew for far longer than starved specimens, and starved females longer than starved males, which suggested that they had eclosed
A pupa is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, going through four life stages; embryo, larva, pupa and imago...

 with larger reserves of energy than the males. Some authors suggest that the females and males apply the resources obtained in feeding differently. Males expend the extra energy on flight, while females use their food resources to achieve a longer life-span. The respective strategies should be compatible with maximal probability of successful mating and reproduction in those species that do not mate immediately after eclosion, and in particular in species that have more than one egg mass maturing, the less developed masses being oviposited after a delay. Such variables also would be relevant to species that exploit wind for dispersal, laying eggs at intervals. Chironomids that feed on nectar or pollen may well be of importance as pollinators, but currently evidence on such points is largely anecdotal. However, the content of protein and other nutrients in pollen, in comparison to nectar, might well contribute to the females' reproductive capacity.

Adults can be pests when they emerge in large numbers. They can damage paint, brick, and other surfaces with their droppings. When large numbers of adults die they can build up into malodorous piles. They can provoke allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.


Larvae and pupae are important food items for fish
Fish are a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic vertebrate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups...

 such as trout
Trout is the name for a number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily of the family Salmonidae. Salmon belong to the same family as trout. Most salmon species spend almost all their lives in salt water...

 and stickleback
The Gasterosteidae are a family of fish including the sticklebacks. FishBase currently recognises sixteen species in the family, grouped in five genera. However several of the species have a number of recognised subspecies, and the taxonomy of the family is thought to be in need of revision...

s and for other aquatic organisms
Aquatic animal
An aquatic animal is an animal, either vertebrate or invertebrate, which lives in water for most or all of its life. It may breathe air or extract its oxygen from that dissolved in water through specialised organs called gills, or directly through its skin. Natural environments and the animals that...

. An amphibian that eats them is the rough-skinned newt
Rough-skinned Newt
The rough-skinned newt is a North American newt known for its strong poison.- Toxicity :Many newts produce toxins to avoid predation, but the toxins of the genus Taricha are particularly potent...

. Many aquatic insects such as various predatory Hemiptera
Hemiptera is an order of insects most often known as the true bugs , comprising around 50,000–80,000 species of cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, shield bugs, and others...

 in the families Nepidae, Notonectidae and Corixidae eat Chironomidae in their aquatic phases. So do predatory water beetles in families such Dytiscidae
Dytiscidae – based on the Greek dytikos , "able to dive" – are the predaceous diving beetles, a family of water beetles. They are about 25 mm long on average, though there is much variation between species. Dytiscus latissimus, the largest, can grow up to 45 mm long...

 and Hydrophilidae. Fly angler
Angling is a method of fishing by means of an "angle" . The hook is usually attached to a fishing line and the line is often attached to a fishing rod. Fishing rods are usually fitted with a fishing reel that functions as a mechanism for storing, retrieving and paying out the line. The hook itself...

s design and tie imitators to catch trout. The flying midges are eaten by fish and by insectivorous birds such as swallow
The swallows and martins are a group of passerine birds in the family Hirundinidae which are characterised by their adaptation to aerial feeding...

s and martins. They also are preyed on by bats and flying predatory insects such as Odonata
Odonata is an order of insects, encompassing dragonflies and damselflies . The word dragonfly is also sometimes used to refer to all Odonata, but the back-formation odonate is a more correct English name for the group as a whole...

 and dance flies
Empididae is a family of flies with over 3,000 described species occurring worldwide, but the majority are found in the Holarctic. They are mainly predatory flies like most of their relatives in the Empidoidea, and exhibit a wide range of forms but are generally small to medium sized, non-metallic...


Chironomidae are important as indicator organisms, i.e., the presence, absence, or quantities of various species in a body of water can indicate whether pollutants are present. Also, their fossils are widely used by palaeolimnologist
Paleolimnology is a scientific subdiscipline closely related to both limnology and paleoecology. Palaeolimnological studies are concerned with reconstructing the paleoenvironments of inland waters – and especially changes associated with such events as climatic change, human impacts , and...

s as indicators of past environmental changes, including past climatic variability.

Subfamilies and genera

The family is divided into eleven subfamilies: Aphroteniinae, Buchonomyiinae
Buchonomyiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family . There is only one genera and 3 known species.-Genera And Species:*Buchonomyia Brundin and Sæther, 1978*B. thienemanni Fittkau, 1955...

, Chilenomyinae, Chironominae
Chironominae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera:*Tribe Chironomini*Axarus Roback 1980*Baeotendipes Kieffer, 1913*Beckidia Sæther 1979*Carbochironomus Reiss & Kirschbaum 1990...

, Diamesinae
Diamesinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Boreoheptagyiini Brundin, 1966*Genus Boreoheptagyia Brundin, 1966...

, Orthocladiinae
Orthocladiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family . For lack of a better common name, they are simply referred to as orthoclads.-Genera:*Abiskomyia Edwards, 1937*Acamptocladius Brundin, 1956...

, Podonominae
Podonominae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Boreochlini Saether, 1981*Genus Boreochlus Edwards, 1938*Genus Lasiodiamesa Kieffer, 1924*Genus Paraboreochlus Thienemann, 1939...

, Prodiamesinae
Prodiamesinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:*Genus Compteromesa Saether, 1981*C. oconeensis Saether, 1981*Genus Monodiamesa Kieffer, 1922*M. bathyphila...

, Tanypodinae
Tanypodinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Anatopyniini*Anatopynia Johannsen, 1905*Tribe Coelotanypodini*Clinotanypus Kieffer, 1913*Tribe Macropelopiini...

, Telmatogetoninae
Telmatogetoninae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:*Genus Telmatogeton Schiner, 1866*T. abnormis *T. alaskensis Coquillett, 1900*T. atlanticum Oliveira, 1950...

, Usambaromyiinae
Usambaromyiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family . The subfamily differs from other known adult Chironomidae in having nearly completely black wings in both males and Females & tibial spurs with lateral denticles....

  • Aagaardia
    Aagaardia is a genus of fly in the Chironomidae family. Aagaardia has been found in Finland, the mainland of Norway and Russia.-Species:There are five species described within this genus.*Aagaardia longicalcis...

     Saether, or Sæther 2000
  • Abiskomyia
    Abiskomyia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

    Frederick Wallace Edwards
    Frederick Wallace Edwards FRS , was an English entomologist who specialised in Diptera....

    , 1937
  • Ablabesmyia
    Ablabesmyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. longistyla *A. monilis *A. phatta -Ecology:...

     Johannsen, 1905
  • Acalcarella
  • Acamptocladius
    Acamptocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Brundin, 1956
  • Acricotopus
    Acricotopus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

  • Acricotopus
    Acricotopus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Aedokritus
  • Aenne
  • Afrochlus
  • Afrozavrelia
    Afrozavrelia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae that are closely related to Zavrelia.-Species:*A. kribiensis...

     Harrison, 2004
  • Allocladius
  • Allometriocnemus
  • Allotrissocladius
  • Alotanypus
    Alotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. aris Roback, 1971*A. kuroberobusta...

     Roback, 1971
  • Amblycladius
  • Amnihayesomyia
  • Amphismittia
  • Anaphrotenia
  • Anatopynia
    Anatopynia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Distribution and Ecology:At present A. plumipes is the only species of Anatopynia known from the Palaearctic. The larvae can be found in polluted standing waters on anaerobic sediments and may be absent from nearby...

     Johannsen, 1905
  • Ancylocladius
  • Andamanus
  • Antillocladius
    Antillocladius is a genus of midges belonging to the family Chironomidae, subfamily Orthocladiinae. The name Antillocladius means orthoclad that occurs in the Antilles, where it was primarily recorded.-Distribution:...

     Sæther, 1981
  • Anuncotendipes
  • Apedilum
    Apedilum is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. elachistus Townes, 1945*A. subcinctum Townes, 1945...

     Townes, 1945
  • Aphrotenia
  • Aphroteniella
  • Apometriocnemus
    Apometriocnemus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. beringensis Cranston and Oliver, 1988*A. fontinalis Sæther, 1984*A. japonicus Kobayashi & Suzuki, 1999...

     Sæther, 1984
  • Apsectrotanypus
    Apsectrotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Archaeochlus
  • Arctodiamesa
    Arctodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. appendiculata *A. breviramosa Makarchenko, 1995*A. marinae Makarchenko, 2005...

     Makarchenko, 1983
  • Arctopelopia
    Arctopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Arctosmittia
  • Asachironomus
  • Asclerina
  • Asheum
    Asheum is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*A. beckae...

  • Australopelopia
    Australopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

  • Austrobrillia
    Austrobrillia is a genus of chironomid midges. For many years there was a single described species, A. longipes of Australia, but in 2000 two further South American species were described from pupal exuviae.-References:*...

  • Austrochlus
  • Austrocladius
  • Axarus
    The genus Axarus is widely distributed with records from the Holarctic, the Neotropics and Australasia . There are currently 5 described nearctic species . Erected as a subgenus of Xenochironomus , Axarus was subsequently renamed and elevated to generic status ...

     Roback 1980
  • Baeoctenus
    Baeoctenus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

  • Baeotendipes
    Baeotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges, in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Bavarismittia
  • Beardius
    Beardius is a genus of Pan-american non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*B. parcus Reiss & Sublette, 1985*B. breviculus Reiss & Sublette, 1985*B. truncatus Reiss & Sublette, 1985...

  • Beckidia
    Beckidia is a genus of European and African non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*B. biraensis Zorina, 2006*B. connexa Zorina, 2006*B. hirsti...

     Sæther 1979
  • Belgica
    Belgica (genus)
    Belgica is a flightless midge genus in the family Chironomidae containing the two species: Belgica albipes and Belgica antarctica....

  • Bernhardia
  • Bethbilbeckia
  • Biwatendipes
  • Boreochlus  Edwards, 1938
  • Boreoheptagyia
    Boreoheptagyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*B. alpicola Serra-Tosio, 1989*B. alulasetosa Makarchenko Wu & Wang, 2008*B. ambigua Makarchenko Wu & Wang, 2008...

     Brundin 1966
  • Boreosmittia
    Boreosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

  • Botryocladius
  • Brillia
    Brillia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the family .-Species:*B. bifida *B. flavifrons *B. flavifrons...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Brundiniella
  • Brunieria
  • Bryophaenocladius
    Bryophaenocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1934
  • Buchonomyia
    Buchonomyia is the only genus of the midges sub family of the non-biting midge family . There are only 3 known species.-Species:*B. thienemanni Fittkau, 1955*B. burmanica Brundin and Sæther, 1978...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1955
  • Caladomyia
  • Camposimyia
  • Camptocladius
    Camptocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Cantopelopia
  • Carbochironomus
    Carbochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. improvisus Reiss & Kirschbaum, 1990...

     Reiss & Kirschbaum 1990
  • Cardiocladius
    Cardiocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1912
  • Chaetocladius
    Chaetocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family .-Species:*C. subplumosus *C. acuminatus Brundin 1956*C. acuticornis...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1911
  • Chasmatonotus
  • Chernovskiia
    Chernovskiia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. macrocera Sæther, 1977*C. orbicus...

     Sæther 1977
  • Chilenomyia
  • Chirocladius
  • Chironomidae (genus)
  • Chironominae
    Chironominae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera:*Tribe Chironomini*Axarus Roback 1980*Baeotendipes Kieffer, 1913*Beckidia Sæther 1979*Carbochironomus Reiss & Kirschbaum 1990...

  • Chironomini
    Chironomini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:*Genus Apedilum Townes, 1945 *A. elachistus Townes, 1945*A. subcinctum Townes, 1945*Genus Axarus Roback 1980*A. dorneri...

  • Chironomus
    Chironomus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family, Chironomidae.-Species:*Chironomus anonimi Williston *Chironomus anthracinus Zetterstedt, 1860 *Chironomus athalassicus Cannings, 1975...

    Johann Wilhelm Meigen
    Johann Wilhelm Meigen was a German entomologist famous for his pioneering work on Diptera.-Early years:Meigen was born in Solingen, the fifth of eight children of Johann Clemens Meigen and Sibylla Margaretha Bick. His parents, though not poor, were not wealthy either. The ran a small shop in...

    , 1803
  • Chrysopelopia
  • Cladopelma
    Cladopelma is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae and tribe [] of the bloodworm family Chironomidae. Species are distributed world-wide Cladopelma is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae and tribe [(Chironomini)] of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Cladotanytarsus
    Cladotanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. amandus Hirvenoja, 1962*C. atridorsum Kieffer, 1924*C. australomancus Glover, 1973...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Clinotanypus
    Clinotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Clunio
    Clunio is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family .-Species:*C. balticus Heimbach 1978*C. marinus Haliday 1855*C. marshalli Stone and Wirth, 1947...

     Haliday, 1855
  • Coelopynia
  • Coelotanypus
  • Coffmania
    Coffmania is a genus of small yellow chironomid midges with two known species, both found in the Darjeeling and Sikkim areas of the Indian Himalayas. The generic name honours Professor W. P. Coffman of the University of Pittsburgh....

  • Collartomyia
  • Colosmittia
  • Compteromesa
    Compteromesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family ....

     Sæther 1981
  • Compterosmittia
  • Conchapelopia
    Conchapelopia is a genus of flies belonging to the family Chironomidae .-European species:*C. aagardi Murray, 1987 - Britain, Germany, Norway*C. abiskoensis Goetghebuer, 1940 - Finland, Sweden...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1957
  • Conochironomus
  • Constempellina
    Constempellina is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. bita Pankratova, 1983*C. brevicosta...

     Brundin, 1947
  • Corynocera
    Corynocera is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. ambigua Zetterstedt, 1837*C. oliveri Lindeberg, 1970...

    Johan Wilhelm Zetterstedt
    Johan Wilhelm Zetterstedt was a Swedish naturalist who worked mainly on Diptera and Hymenoptera.-Biography:Zetterstedt studied at the University of Lund, where he was a pupil of Anders Jahan Retzius. He received the title of professor in 1822 and succeeded Carl Adolph Agardh as professor of botany...

    , 1838
  • Corynoneura
    Corynoneura is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. arctica Kieffer, 1923*C. brundini Hirvenoja & Hirvenoja, 1988*C. carriana Edwards, 1924...

     Winnertz, 1846
  • Corynoneurella
    Corynoneurella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Brundin, 1949
  • Corytibacladius
  • Cricotopus
    Cricotopus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. annulator Goetghebuer, 1927*C. beckeri Hirvenoja, 1973*C. bicinctus *C. caducus Hirvenoja, 1973...

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Cryptochironomus
    Cryptochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. albofasciatus *C. argus Roback, 1957*C. blarina...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1918
  • Cryptotendipes
    Cryptotendipes is a genus of holarctic non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. ariel *C. casuarius *C. darbyi...

     Lenz, 1941
  • Cyphomella
    Cyphomella is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*C. argentea *C. cornea Sæther, 1977*C. gibbera Sæther, 1977*C. grisa...

     Sæther 1977
  • Dactylocladius
  • Daitoyusurika
  • Demeijerea
    Demeijerea is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*D. abruptus *D. brachialis *D. obreptus...

     Kruseman, 1933
  • Demicryptochironomus
    Demicryptochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*D. cuneatus *D. fastigatus *D. latior Reiss, 1988...

     Lenz, 1941
  • Denopelopia
  • Derotanypus
  • Diamesa
    Diamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*D. aberrata Lundbeck, 1898*D. alata Storå, 1945*D. alpina Tokunaga, 1936*D. amanoi Makarchenko & Kobayashi, 1997...

    Johann Wilhelm Meigen
    Johann Wilhelm Meigen was a German entomologist famous for his pioneering work on Diptera.-Early years:Meigen was born in Solingen, the fifth of eight children of Johann Clemens Meigen and Sibylla Margaretha Bick. His parents, though not poor, were not wealthy either. The ran a small shop in...

     in Gistl, 1835
  • Diamesinae
    Diamesinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Boreoheptagyiini Brundin, 1966*Genus Boreoheptagyia Brundin, 1966...

  • Dicrotendipes
    Dicrotendipes is a worldwide genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*D. adnilus Epler, 1987 *D. aethiops *D. botaurus...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Diplocladius
    Diplocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*D. cultriger Kieffer in Kieffer & Thienemann, 1908...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1908
  • Diplosmittia
  • Djalmabatista Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1968
  • Doithrix
  • Doloplastus
  • Doncricotopus
  • Dratnalia
  • Echinocladius
  • Edwardsidia
  • Einfeldia
    Einfeldia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*E. austini Beck & Beck, 1970*E. brunneipennis Johannsen, 1905*E. chelonia...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1924
  • Endochironomus
    Endochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*E. albipennis *E. nigricans *E. oldenbergi Goetghebuer, 1932...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1918
  • Endotribelos
  • Epoicocladius
    Epoicocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae. There is one known species.-Species:*E. ephemerae...

     Sulc & ZavÍel, 1924
  • Eretmoptera
  • Eukiefferiella
    Eukiefferiella is a genus of European non-biting midgets in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1926
  • Eurycnemus
    Eurycnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Euryhapsis
    Euryhapsis is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Oliver, 1981
  • Eusmittia
  • Fissimentum
  • Fittkauimyia
  • Fleuria
    Fleuria is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*F. lacustris Kieffer, 1924...

  • Freemaniella
  • Friederia
  • Georthocladius
    Georthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Strenzke, 1941
  • Gillotia Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Glushkovella
  • Glyptotendipes
    Glyptotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*G. aequalis *G. amplus Townes, 1945*G. barbipes...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Goeldichironomus
  • Graceus
    Graceus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*G. ambiguus Goetghebuer 1928...

     Goetghebuer, 1928
  • Gravatamberus
  • Gressittius
  • Guassutanypus
  • Guttipelopia
    Guttipelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*G. currani Beck & Beck, 1966*G. guttipennis *G. rosenbergi Bilyj, 1984...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Gymnometriocnemus
    Gymnometriocnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Goetghebeur, 1932
  • Gynnidocladius
  • Gynocladius
    Gynocladius is a parthenogenetic genus in the subfamily Orthocladiinae . A single species is recorded from Southeast Brazil, Gynocladius scalpellosus, described by Mendes, Sæther and Andrade-Morraye in 2005...

     Mendes, Sæther & Andrade-Morraye, 2005
  • Hahayusurika
  • Halirytus
  • Halocladius
    Halocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Hirvenoja, 1973
  • Hanochironomus
  • Hanocladius
  • Harnischia
    Harnischia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*H. angularis Albu & Botnariuc, 1966*H. curtilamellata *H. fuscimana Kieffer, 1921...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921

  • Harrisius
  • Harrisonina
  • Hayesomyia
    Hayesomyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Murray & Fittkau, 1985
  • Heleniella
    Heleniella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Gouin, 1943
  • Helopelopia
    Helopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*H. cornuticaudata *H. pilicaudata...

    Roback, 1971
  • Henrardia
    Henrardia is a genus of grass in the Poaceae family.- External links :*...

  • Heptagyia
  • Heterotanytarsus
    Heterotanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Spärck, 1923
  • Heterotrissocladius
    Heterotrissocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Spärck, 1923
  • Hevelius
  • Himatendipes
  • Hirosimayusurika
  • Hudsonimyia
    Hudsonimyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*H. karelena Roback, 1979*H. parrishi Caldwell & Soponis, 1982...

     Roback, 1979
  • Hydrobaenus
  • Hyporhygma
  • Ichthyocladius
    Ichthyocladius is a genus of chironomid midges that belongs to the subfamily Orthocladiinae described by Fittkau based on one species, Ichthyocladius neotropicus, from Peru, though some other species were recognised, the lack of knowledge did not allow their description...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1974
  • Ikiprimus
  • Ikisecundus
  • Imparipecten
  • Indoaxarus
  • Indocladius
  • Ionthosmittia
  • Irisobrillia
  • Kaluginia
  • Kamelopelopia
  • Kaniwhaniwhanus
  • Kiefferophyes
  • Kiefferulus
    Kiefferulus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*K. dux *K. tendipediformis...

     Goetghebuer, 1922
  • Knepperia
  • Kloosia
    Kloosia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*K. pusilla...

     Kruseman 1933
  • Krenopelopia
    Krenopelopia is a Holarctic genus of the subfamily Tanypodinae of the non-biting midge family Chironomidae.*Krenopelopia alba Tokunaga, 1937*Krenopelopia amaminova Sasa, 1991*Krenopelopia binotata...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Krenopsectra
  • Krenosmittia
    Krenosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann & Krüger, 1939
  • Kribiobius
  • Kribiocosmus
  • Kribiodosis
  • Kribiopelma
  • Kribiothauma
  • Kribioxenus
  • Kurobebrillia
  • Kuschelius
  • Labrundinia
    Labrundinia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Lappodiamesa
    Lappodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*L. multiseta Makarchenko, 1995*L. vidua *L. willasseni Makarchenko et Kerkis, 1991...

     Serra-Tosio, 1968
  • Lappokiefferiella
  • Lapposmittia
  • Larsia
    Larsia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*L. atrocincta *L. curticalcar...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Lasiodiamesa Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1924
  • Laurotanypus
  • Lauterborniella Thienemann & Bause, 1913
  • Lepidopelopia
  • Lepidopodus
  • Lerheimia
    Lerheimia is a genus of chironomid midges containing four described species found in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.These are small chironomids with bare, protruding eyes, and distinctive wing venation with extended costa and down-curved anal vein.-References:*...

  • Limaya
  • Limnophyes
    Limnophyes is a genus of non-biting midges belonging to the family Chironomidae.-Holarctic species:*L. asquamatus*L. brachytomus*L. eltoni*L. minimus - global distribution except Australasia...

     Eaton, 1875
  • Lindebergia
  • Linevitshia
  • Lipiniella
    Lipiniella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*L. araenicola Shilova, 1961*L. moderata Kalugina, 1970*L. prima Shilova, Kerkis & Kiknadze, 1993...

     Shilova 1961
  • Lipurometriocnemus
  • Lithotanytarsus
  • Litocladius
    Litocladius is a genus of chironomid midges that belongs to the subfamily Orthocladiinae and is composed of three species, Litocladius confusus Mendes et Andersen , Litocladius mateusi Mendes, Andersen & Sæther , and Litocladius floripa Mendes et Andersen all described from Brazil only...

     Andersen, Mendes & Sæther 2004
  • Ljungneria
  • Lobodiamesa
  • Lobomyia
  • Lobosmittia
  • Lopescladius
  • Lunditendipes
  • Lyrocladius
    Lyrocladius is a genus of chironomid midges that belongs to the subfamily Orthocladiinae and is composed of a single species, Lyrocladius radulatus Mendes et Andersen , described from Brazil. The genus is known from male adult stage only...

     Mendes & Andersen, 2008
  • Macropelopia
    Macropelopia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1916
  • Macropelopini
  • Manoa
  • Maoridiamesa
  • Mapucheptagyia
  • Maryella
  • Mecaorus
  • Megacentron
  • Mesocricotopus
  • Mesosmittia
    The genus Mesosmittia is cosmopolitan, thus occurring in all biogeographical regions except for Antarctica. Almost nothing or very little is known about its ecology, the larva of one species was described by Strenze as terrestrial, but adults can be collected using emergence traps set over...

     Brundin, 1956
  • Metriocnemus
    Metriocnemus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*M. acutus Sæther, 1995*M. aequalis Johannsen, 1934*M. albolineatus...

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Microchironomus
    Microchironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*M. deribae *M. lendli *M. nigrovittatus...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1918
  • Micropsectra
    Micropsectra is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1909
  • Microtendipes
    Microtendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*M. anticus *M. brevitarsis Brundin, 1947*M. britteni...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1915
  • Microzetia
  • Molleriella
    Molleriella is a genus of fungi in the family Elsinoaceae....

  • Mongolchironomus
  • Mongolcladius
  • Mongolyusurika
  • Monodiamesa
    Monodiamesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Species:*M. bathyphila *M. depectinata Saether, 1973*M. ekmani *M. prolilobata Saether, 1973*M. tuberculata Saether, 1973...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1922
  • Monopelopia
    Monopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Murraycladius
  • Nakataia
  • Nandeca
  • Nanocladius
    Nanocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Naonella
  • Nasuticladius
  • Natarsia
    Natarsia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*N. baltimoreus *N. fastuosa *N. miripes *N. nugax...

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Neelamia
  • Neobrillia
  • Neopodonomus
  • Neostempellina
  • Neozavrelia
    Neozavrelia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae. From the tribe Tanytarsini, There are 23 described species.-Distribution:...

     Goetghebuer, 1941
  • Nesiocladius
  • Nilodorum
  • Nilodosis
  • Nilotanypus
    Nilotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1923
  • Nilothauma
    Nilothauma is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*N. babiyi *N. bicorne *N. mirabile...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Nimbocera
  • Notocladius
  • Odontomesa
    Odontomesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Species:*O. ferringtoni Saether, 1985*O. fulva *O. lutosopra...

     Pagast, 1947
  • Okayamayusurika
  • Okinawayusurika
  • Olecryptotendipes
  • Oleia
  • Oliveridia
    Oliveridia is a genus of midges and consists of two species: hugginsi and tricornis.Oliveridia hugginsi Ferrington and Sæther is known from the Big Caney River in Kansas. It commonly emerges in January. This is the southern-most record of a species of the genus Oliveridia....

     Sæther, 1980
  • Omisus
    Omisus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*O. caledonicus *O. pica Townes, 1945...

     Townes, 1945
  • Onconeura
  • Ophryophorus
  • Oreadomyia
  • Orthocladiinae
    Orthocladiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family . For lack of a better common name, they are simply referred to as orthoclads.-Genera:*Abiskomyia Edwards, 1937*Acamptocladius Brundin, 1956...

  • Orthocladius
    Orthocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Oryctochlus
  • Oukuriella
  • Pagastia
    Pagastia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. sequax *P. altaica Makarchenko Kerkis & Ivanchenko, 1997*P. lanceolata...

     Oliver, 1959
  • Pagastiella
    Pagastiella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. orophila *P. ostansa...

     Brundin, 1949
  • Paraboreochlus Thienemann, 1939
  • Parachaetocladius
  • Parachironomus
    Parachironomus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. abortivus *P. aculeatus *P. acutus...

     Lenz, 1921
  • Paracladius
    Paracladius is a genus of European non-biting midget in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Hirvenoja, 1973
  • Paracladopelma
    Paracladopelma is a genus of Palearctic and Nearctic non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. alphaeus *P. camptolabis *P. doris...

     Harnisch, 1923
  • Paracricotopus
    Paracricotopus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann & Harnisch, 1932
  • Parakiefferiella
    Parakiefferiella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1936
  • Paralauterborniella
    Paralauterborniella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. nigrohalteralis...

     Lenz, 1941
  • Paralimnophyes
    Paralimnophyes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Brundin, 1956
  • Paramerina
    Paramerina is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Parametriocnemus
    Parametriocnemus is a genus of non-biting midges, distributed world-wide , in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the family ....

     Goetghebuer, 1932
  • Pamirocesa
  • Paraborniella
  • Parachironominae
  • Paradoxocladius
  • Paraheptagyia
  • Paranilothauma
  • Parapentaneura
  • Paraphaenocladius
    Paraphaenocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1924
  • Paraphrotenia
  • Parapsectra
    Parapsectra is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. chionophila *P. nana...

     Reiss, 1969
  • Parapsectrocladius
  • Parasmittia
  • Paratanytarsus
    Paratanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:* Paratanytarsus corbii Trivinho-Strixino, 2010* Paratanytarsus grimmi...

     Thienemann & Bause, 1913
  • Paratendipes
    Paratendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. albimanus *P. basidens Townes, 1945*P. fuscitibia Sublette, 1960...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1911
  • Paratrichocladius
    Paratrichocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1942
  • Paratrissocladius
    Paratrichocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     ZavÍel, 1937

  • Parochlus Enderlein
    Günther Enderlein
    Günther Enderlein was a German zoologist, entomologist and later a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products. Enderlein got some international renown because of his insect research but in Germany he became famous because of his concept of the pleomorphism of microorganisms and his hypotheses about...

    , 1912
  • Parorthocladius
    Parorthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1935
  • Parvitergum
  • Paucispinigera
  • Pelomus'
  • Pentaneura
  • Pentaneurella
  • Pentaneurini
    Pentaneurini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:* Genus Ablabesmyia Johannsen, 1905*A. longistyla Fittkau, 1962*A. monilis *A. phatta...

  • Pentapedilum
  • Petalocladius
  • Phaenopsectra
    Phaenopsectra is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. albescens *P. dyari *P. flavipes *P. incompta...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Physoneura
  • Pirara
  • Platysmittia
    Platysmittia is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .Only two species are known. P. fimbriata is recorded from Tennessee and North Carolina. P. bilyji is known from Pennsylvania and Maryland,...

     Saether, 1982
  • Plhudsonia
  • Podochlus
  • Podonomopsis
  • Podonomus
  • Polypedilum
    Polypedilum is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae. This is probably is the most species-rich of all chironomid genera.-Species:*Subgenus Cerobregma Zhang & Wang 1999...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1912
  • Pontomyia
  • Potthastia
    Potthastia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. gaedii *P. iberica Serra-tosio, 1971*P. longimana Kieffer, 1922*P. montium...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1922
  • Prochironomus
  • Procladiini
    Procladiini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:*Genus Procladius Skuse, 1889*Sub Genus Holotanypus Roback, 1982...

  • Procladius
    Procladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. abetus Roback, 1971*P. abrupta *P. appropinquatus *P. arcuata...

    Frederick A. Askew Skuse
    Frederick A. Askew Skuse was a British-Australian Entomologist.- Biography :thumb|Skuse's description of the Asian tiger mosquito under the name of Culex albopictus....

    , 1889
  • Prodiamesa
    Prodiamesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Species:*P. cubita Garrett, 1925*P. olivacea *P. rufovittata Goetghebuer, 1932...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1906
  • Propsilocerus
  • Prosmittia
  • Protanypus
    Protanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. caudatus Edwards, 1924*P. forcipatus *P. hamiltoni Saether, 1975*P. morio...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1906
  • Psectrocladius
    Psectrocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1906
  • Psectrotanypus
    Psectrotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1909
  • Pseudobrillia
  • Pseudochironomus
    Pseudochironomus is a genus of European and North American non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. anas Townes, 1945*P. articaudus Saether, 1977*P. badius Saether, 1977...

    John Russell Malloch
    John Russell Malloch was a Scottish entomologist who specialised in Diptera.In 1910 he emigrated to Urbana, Illinois, United States.-References:See...

    , 1915
  • Pseudodiamesa
    Pseudodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*P. arctica *P. branickii *P. latistyla Makarchenko, 1989...

     Goetghebuer, 1939
  • Pseudohydrobaenus
  • Pseudokiefferiella
    Pseudokiefferiella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Zavrel, 1941
  • Pseudorthocladius
    Pseudorthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Goetghebuer, 1932
  • Pseudosmittia
    Pseudosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Goetghebuer, 1932
  • Psilochironomus
  • Psilometriocnemus
    Psilometriocnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Sæther, 1969
  • Pterosis
  • Qiniella
    Qiniella is a genus of non-biting midges in the diptera subfamily Orthocladiinae of the family Chironomidae.The genus Qiniella was first described by Xinhua Wang & Ole A. Sæther in 1998 for a single species, Q. lii, recorded from China. Posteriorly, Mendes and Andersen described two additional...

  • Reissmesa
  • Rheochlus
  • Rheocricotopus
    Rheocricotopus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Brundin, 1956
  • Rheomus
  • Rheomyia
  • Rheopelopia
    Rheopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Rheosmittia
    Rheosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Brundin, 1956
  • Rheotanytarsus
    Rheotanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Thienemann & Bause, 1913
  • Rhinocladius
  • Riethia
  • Robackia
    Robackia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*R. claviger *R. demeijerei *R. pilicauda Sæther, 1977...

     Sæther, 1977
  • Saetheria
    Saetheria is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. hirta Saether, 1983*S. reissi Jackson, 1977*S. tylus...

     Jackson, 1977
  • Saetheriella
    Saetheriella is a genus of North American non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family .-Genera & Species:*S. amplicristata Halvorsen, 1982...

     Halvorsen, 1982
  • Saetherocladius
  • Saetherocryptus
  • Saetheromyia
  • Saetherops
  • Sasayusurika
  • Schineriella
    Schineriella is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Murray & Fittkau, 1988
  • Semiocladius
  • Setukoyusurika
  • Seppia
  • Sergentia
    Sergentia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. albescens *S. baueri Wülker, Kiknadze, Kerkis & Nevers, 1999*S. coracina...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1922
  • Shangomyia
  • Shilovia
  • Skusella
  • Skutzia
  • Smittia
    Smittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family .-Species:*S. albipennis *S. amoena Caspers, 1985*S. aterrima...

     Holmgren, 1869
  • Stackelbergina
  • Stelechomyia
  • Stempellina
    Stempellina is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Thienemann & Bause, 1913
  • Stempellinella
    Stempellinella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Brundin, 1947
  • Stenochironomus
    Stenochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. aestivalis Townes, 1945*S. albipalpus Borkent, 1984*S. annettae Borkent, 1984...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1919
  • Stictochironomus
    Stictochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. albicrus *S. annulicrus *S. crassiforceps...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1919
  • Stictocladius
  • Stictotendipes
  • Stilocladius Rossaro, 1979
  • Sublettea
  • Sublettiella
  • Sumatendipes
  • Symbiocladius Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1925
  • Sympotthastia
    Sympotthastia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. fulva *S. gemmaformis Makarchenko, 1994*S. huldeni Tuiskunen, 1986...

     Pagast, 1947
  • Syndiamesa
    Syndiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. edwardsi *S. hygropetrica *S. mira *S. nigra Rossaro, 1980...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1918
  • Synendotendipes
    Synendotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*S. luski Grodhaus, 1987*S. abranchius *S. dispar *S. impar...

     Grodhaus, 1987
  • Synorthocladius
    Synorthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Thienemann, 1935
  • Tanypodinae
    Tanypodinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Anatopyniini*Anatopynia Johannsen, 1905*Tribe Coelotanypodini*Clinotanypus Kieffer, 1913*Tribe Macropelopiini...

  • Tanypus
    Tanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Meigen, 1803
  • Tanytarsini
    Tanytarsini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Genera & Species:* Genius Afrozavrelia Harrison, 2004*A. kribiensis * Genius Cladotanytarsus Kieffer, 1921*C. amandus Hirvenoja, 1962...

  • Tanytarsus
    Tanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family .-Species:*T. aberrans Lindeberg, 1970*T. aculeatus Brundin, 1949*T. anderseni Fittkau & Reiss, 1971...

     van der Wulp, 1874
  • Tavastia
  • Telmatogeton
    Telmatogeton is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Species:*T. abnormis *T. alaskensis Coquillett, 1900*T. atlanticum Oliveira, 1950*T. australicus Womersley, 1936...

     Schiner, 1866
  • Telmatopelopia
    Telmatopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Telopelopia
  • Tempisquitoneura
  • Tethymyia
  • Thalassomya
    Thalassomya is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Species:*T. africana Edwards, 1926*T. bureni Wirth, 1949*T. frauenfeldi Schiner, 1856*T. japonica Tokunaga & Komyo, 1996*T. longipes Johnson, 1924...

     Schiner, 1856
  • Thalassosmittia
    Thalassosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Strenzke & Remmert, 1957
  • Thienemannia
    Thienemannia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1909
  • Thienemanniella
    Thienemanniella is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1911
  • Thienemannimyia
    Thienemannimyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1957
  • Thienemanniola
  • Tobachironomus
  • Tokunagaia
    Tokunagaia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodworm family ....

     Sæther, 1973
  • Tokunagayusurika
  • Tokyobrillia
  • Tosayusurika
  • Townsia
  • Toyamayusurika
  • Tribelos
    Tribelos is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*T. ater *T. donatoris *T. fuscicorne...

     Townes, 1945
  • Trichochilus

  • Trichosmittia
  • Trichotanypus Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1906
  • Trissocladius
    Trissocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1908
  • Trissopelopia
    Trissopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*T. conformis *T. dimorpha Cheng & Wang, 2005*T. flavida Kieffer, 1923...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1923
  • Trondia
  • Tsudayusurika
  • Tusimayusurika
  • Tvetenia
    Tvetenia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1922
  • Unniella
    Unniella is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Sæther, 1982
  • Usambaromyia
    Usambaromyia is a genus of African non-biting midges, and is the only genus in the subfamily Usambaromyiinae.-Species:*U. nigrala Andersen & Sæther, 1994...

     Andersen & Sæther, 1994
  • Virgatanytarsus
    Virgatanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Pinder, 1982
  • Vivacricotopus
  • Wirthiella
  • Xenochironomus
    Xenochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*X. trisetosis *X. ugandae...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1921
  • Xenopelopia
    Xenopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Xestochironomus
  • Xestotendipes
  • Xiaomyia
  • Xylotopus
  • Yaeprimus
  • Yaequartus
  • Yaequintus
  • Yaesecundus
  • Yaetanytarsus
  • Yaetertius
  • Yama
  • Zalutschia
    Zalutschia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

     Lipina, 1939
  • Zavrelia
    Zavrelia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.Species of the genus are small to minute chironomids, which are recorded from both continents of the northern hemisphere...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1913
  • Zavreliella
    Zavreliella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.-Species:*Z. marmorata...

    Jean-Jacques Kieffer
    Jean-Jacques Kieffer was a French naturalist and entomologist who specialised in the study of parasitic insects. Educated as a priest, Kieffer taught natural science in Bitche, Lorraine while working on the description and classification of insects...

    , 1920
  • Zavrelimyia
    Zavrelimyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm family Chironomidae....

    Ernst Josef Fittkau
    Ernst Josef Fittkau is a German entomologist. He specializes in the Diptera, especially the family Chironomidae.-References:...

    , 1962
  • Zelandochlus
  • Zhouomyia
  • Zuluchironomus

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