Pseudodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae
of the bloodworm family Chironomidae
Diamesinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family .-Tribes & Genera:*Tribe Boreoheptagyiini Brundin, 1966*Genus Boreoheptagyia Brundin, 1966...
of the bloodworm family Chironomidae
Chironomidae are a family of nematoceran flies with a global distribution. They are closely related to the Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae, and Thaumaleidae...
- P. arctica (MallochJohn Russell MallochJohn Russell Malloch was a Scottish entomologist who specialised in Diptera.In 1910 he emigrated to Urbana, Illinois, United States.-References:See...
, 1919) - P. branickii (Nowicki, 1837)
- P. latistyla Makarchenko, 1989
- P. nivosa (Goetghebuer, 1932)
- P. pertinax (Garrett, 1925)
- P. stackelbergi (Goetghebuer, 1933)