British 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division
The 50th Infantry Division was a 1st Line Territorial Army (UK) division during the Second World War. The two Ts in its insignia represent the two boundaries to its recruitment area, the rivers Tyne
and Tees
. The division served in almost all of the major engagements of the European War from 1940-1945.
. In June 1940, it was reorganized as an Infantry Division and joined the British II Corps of the British Expeditionary Force
(BEF) in Belgium
. The division was heavily committed during the withdrawal to Dunkirk, and also took part in the British counter-attack at Arras
A serious situation had developed to the south where the German spearheads had had pierced the Peronne
gap and were threatening Boulogne
and Calais
, cutting the BEFs lines of communication and separating it from the main French Armies. A plan by General Weygand to close this gap included Frank Force, consisting of the 5th and 50th Divisions and the 1st Army Tank Brigade. The British 5th Infantry Division
was to hold the line of the river Scarpe to the East of Arras, while the other two formations attacked to the south of that city. During the afternoon of 21 May, the attack by the 50th Division and the 1st Tank Brigade was seen progressing south from Arras. This was to be the only large scale attack mounted by the BEF during the campaign. The attack was supposed to be manned by two infantry divisions, comprising about 15,000 men. It was ultimately executed by just two infantry battalions, the 6th and 8th Battalions Durham Light Infantry
supporting the 4th and 7th Royal Tank Regiment
s, totalling around 2,000 men, and reinforced by 74 tanks. The infantry battalions were split into two columns for the attack, which took place on 21 May. The right column initially made rapid progress, taking a number of German prisoners, but they soon ran into German infantry and Waffen-SS
, backed by air support, and took heavy losses.
The left column also enjoyed early success before running into opposition from the infantry units of Erwin Rommel
's 7th Panzer Division. French cover enabled British troops to withdraw to their former positions that night. Frankforce was over, and the next day the Germans regrouped and continued their advance. Frankforce took around 400 German prisoners and inflicted a similar number of casualties, as well as destroying a number of tanks. The operation had punched far beyond its weight - the attack was so fierce that 7th Panzer Division believed it had been attacked by five infantry divisions. The attack also made the German commanders nervous, and it may have been one of the factors for the surprise German halt on 24 May, that gave the BEF the slimmest of opportunities to begin evacuation from Dunkirk. Luckily most of the Division was fortunate enough to get out at Dunkirk, but had to leave all its equipment behind. On returning home it 150th Infantry Brigade and 151st Infantry Brigade was joined by the 69th Infantry Brigade from the now disbanded 23rd (Northumbrian) Division, and become part of IIX Corps, British Home Forces. It remained in Britain until 22 April 1941, when it was sent to North Africa
in the British Eighth Army, which was one of the best-known formations in the Second World War.
In 1942, Rommel
's Afrika Korps
broke through the Allied defensive line at Gazala
and the Eighth Army ordered them to abandon their positions.
The "Gazala Line" was a series of occupied "boxes" each of brigade strength set out across the desert with minefields and wire watched by regular patrols between the boxes. The Free French were to the south at the Bir Hakeim box. The line was not equally staffed with a greater number of troops covering the coast leaving the south less protected.
By late May Rommel was ready. Facing him on the Gazala defences were 1st South African Division, nearest the coast, 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division (on their left) and 1st Free French Brigade
furthest left at Bir Hakeim. The British 1st and 7th Armoured Divisions waited behind the main line as a mobile counter-attacking force while 2nd South African Division formed a garrison at Tobruk and Indian 5th Infantry Division (which had arrived in April to relieve Indian 4th Infantry Division) were held in reserve.
On 27 May, although first spotted by the 4th South African Armoured Car Regiment at first light, the speed of the German advance was so swift that at about 8:30 am they overran the 7th Armoured Division HQ. This scattered the 7th Motor Brigade, capturing General Messervy, then commanding. He escaped later the next day. The 7th Motor Brigade withdrew to the Retma Box, fifteen miles (24 km) east of Bir Hakeim, while 4th Armoured Brigade fought all day to stem the attackers.
The 4th Armoured Brigade's 'B' Echelon was then overrun and the 1st KRRC (kings Royal Rifle Corps), had to withdraw to the Retma Box and then on to El Duda. On the same day the 3rd (Indian) Motor Brigade, which was under the control of 7th Armoured Division, was also overwhelmed and did not reform for some days. By the afternoon of the 27th, the German attack had shattered the 7th Armoured Division and they were in position to assault the 201st Guards Motor Brigade in the Knightsbridge Box. Once again the British armour had been committed piecemeal, although in this case there was little other choice.
The Germans now attacked the Box at Retma which was garrisoned by 9th KRRC, 2nd Rifle Brigade, 'C' Bty 4 RHA (Royal Horse Artillery
), and a Rhodesia
n anti-tank unit. Accompanied by heavy artillery fire the Panzers swarmed in, swiftly overrunning the 9th KRRC, with the rest of the garrison then moving back to east of Bir El Gubi. The Germans now pushed their panzers on to the north, moving behind the Gazala Boxes, but British resistance now stiffened. Thus unable to maintain their supply route round the south flank, the Germans cleared two paths through the minefield either side of the 150th Infantry Brigade Box and very heavy fighting took place in this area which was to become known as The Cauldron.
150th Brigade, with field and anti-tank artillery, held the Sidi Muftah box between the Trigh el Abd and Trigh Capuzzo, along which the enemy cut supply lines through the British minefields. The brigade kept the supply lines under artillery fire and, although it was unable to stop the flow of traffic, it made the route so ineffective that the enemy armoured divisions to the east of the minefields were reduced to a parlous state for petrol, ammunition and food. Their water ration was down to half a cup a man.
Against this isolated brigade, the enemy committed parts of 15 Panzer, Trieste Motorised and 90 Light Divisions, supported finally by heavy bombing attacks.
Panzerarmee Afrika said in its daily battle report: "The encircled enemy, supported by numerous infantry tanks, again resisted most stubbornly, Each separate element within the fortress-like strengthened defences had to be fought for. The enemy suffered extraordinary heavy, bloody losses. Eventually the operation, which also caused considerable losses to our troops, ended in complete success"
On 28 May 4th Armoured Brigade attacked a battle group of the German 90th Light Infantry Division
. The 7th Armoured Brigade harried enemy positions near Bir El Gubi. The German 15th Panzer Division came to halt near the Knightsbridge Box, being seriously low on fuel and ammunition.
On 29 May the German advance had stopped. The Germans started to open lanes through the British minefield, but they were engaged by artillery from Knightsbridge and the Guards. The Axis forces awaited the British counterattack in the open desert east of Knightsbridge, with the British minefields and the Guards Box still at their rear. The German plan was for the British tanks to waste themselves against a well dug-in anti-tank screen, but a sandstorm blew up and the British attack did not really develop, with the 4th Armoured Brigade not attacking until the evening to engage the German 90th Light Infantry Division
again, near Bir-el Harmat.
On 30 May Rommel had been forced to concentrate his forces in a defensive position near the 150th Infantry Brigade Box, as his original position was not tenable and various attacks took place all day. On 31 May the British thought they had Rommel cornered and he himself contemplated surrender, but the Italian Trieste Division managed to open a route through the minefield and get a supply column to him.
As the British had not attacked in any real form, the Axis forces took the offensive again with a fierce assault on the 150th Infantry Brigade Box, supported by Stukas, along with attacks on the French in the Bir Hakeim
On 1 June the 150th Infantry Brigade Box fell at noon, with the fighting now opening up between the Guards and the Bir Hacheim Boxes. The 7th Motor Brigade continued to operate in "Jock column
s" in no-mans land, shooting up enemy positions and transport. Rommel now struck out of his defensive positions in the Cauldron, with the British putting in attack after attack. At this time Major-General Herbert Lumsden
commanding 1st Armoured Division, attempted to a combine forces with what was left of 7th Armoured Division, but this was not possible and a valuable chance to mount a coordinated counter-attack by both armoured divisions was lost.
and Pavia
Divisions and headed south into the desert before turning east and heading back to friendly territory. Weary units of 7th Armoured Division managed to delay the German armour allowing most of the 50th Northumbrian to escape and the 1st South African Division, withdrawing along the coast road lost only its rearguard. By now most of the 8th Army
was in retreat to the El Alamein
General Auchinleck took direct command of the Eighth Army from General Ritchie, reversing the earlier decision to stand a Mersa Matruh and ordered a withdrawal to the secure line between the Qattara Depression
and El Alamein. By 27 June Mersa Matruh fell. By now the Western Desert was a full of mixed up units all heading east, and with both sides using each others transport it was difficult for both air forces to know who to attack and mistakes were made by both sides. This retreat became known as the 'Gazala Gallop' .
On 1 July After attacking west through the Italian Lines and then swinging east behind Rommel's forces all the remaining units of the 50th (Northumbrian) Division were on or behind the Alamein Line. 50th Northumbrian did not take part in the First Battle of El Alamein
, being held in reserve because it was understrength.
, 50th (Northumbrian) Division was initially deployed in the south, where it was to attack the Italian 185th Parachute Division Folgore supported by elements of the British 7th Armoured Division. Since it was understrength, owing to the loss of the 150th Infantry Brigade, the 1st Free French Brigade
and 1st Greek Brigade were attached to it for the battle. It was then transferred north to take part in Operation Supercharge.
, followed by a four and a half hour barrage of 360 guns firing 15,000 shells. The initial thrust of Supercharge was to be carried out by 151st and 152nd Infantry Brigades supported by the British 9th Armoured Brigade
The infantry gained most of their objectives, but as with Operation Lightfoot lanes could not be cleared through the minefields until night was almost over.
, where Montgomery launched his major attack, Operation Pugilist
, against the Mareth Line
in the night of 19–20 March 1943. Elements of the division penetrated the line and established a bridgehead west of Zarat on 20/21 March, but a determined counterattack by 15th Panzer Division destroyed the pocket and established the line once again during 22 March.
was destroyed, although casualties among the 6th Green Howards had been severe; two senior officers, six senior NCOs and junior officers and one hundred and eighteen other ranks killed. http://www.greenhowards.org.uk/bill-cheall/cheall12.htm
"When we were about ten yards away we had reached the top of the slit trench and we killed any of the survivors," recalled British infantryman Bill Cheall of the 6th Green Howards, who had just seen his section leader shot down by a San Marco Marine. "It was no time for pussy footing, we were intoxicated with rage and had to kill them to pay for our fallen pal." http://www.greenhowards.org.uk/bill-cheall/cheall11.htm
German General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim later said of the San Marco Marines fighting abilities in Tunisia in 1943, that they were "the best soldiers I ever commanded". *http://www.avalanchepress.com/Italy_marines.php
Eighth Army's attack along the eastern coast of Tunisia lead eventually to the surrender of Axis forces in Africa. 250,000 men were taken prisoner, a number equal to that at Stalingrad.
After Tunisia
, the Division was involved in the Sicily landings of 1943. Eighth Army was to operate in the eastern sector, and had as its objectives the port of Syracuse and the airfield at Pachino
. Its XIII Corps
, (which included 50th (Northumbrian) Division), was to land south of Cap Murro Di Porco with 5th Division on a two-brigade front,and the 50th (Northumbrian) Division on a one-brigade front. XIII Corps, was to move on to the port and airfield at Augusta, then to the airfields at Catania
and Gerbini. When it landed at Avola there objective was the hills above the landing beaches. The 168th (London) Infantry Brigade was attached from the 56th Infantry Division during this campaign. The British 151st Infantry Brigade
was ordered to advance towards Primosole Bridge. The order was for the 9th Battalion Durham Light Infantry
, to lead the way to the Simeto River on which the Primosole Bridge stood. Primosole Bridge was a key bridge on the Sicilian coast near Mount Etna
which the British required intact to continue their drive along the coast.
As part of the overall plan 3 British Commando battalion were to capture the Ponti di Malati, another bridge just north of Lentini
, to enable the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division and 4th Armoured Brigade to sweep north over both bridges and then on to Catania
. 1st and 2nd Parachute Regiment took the southern approaches, but 3rd Para lacked the numbers to secure the northern approach. Heavily outnumbered, the handful of Paras were forced to abandon the bridge after 24 hours, which was longer than the entire Brigade was supposed to hold it, and were saved from destruction by the arrival of 9th Durham Light Infantry
. On 16 July at 01:30, after an artillery bombardment of an hour, the Durham Light Infantry 6th, 8th and 9th battalions of 151st Brigade launched another attack to secure Primosole Bridge. They captured the north end of the Bridge but tanks and infantry scheduled to cross immediately afterwards to establish a bridgehead failed to do so because of the failure of British wireless sets. Only when a War Office observer riding a bicycle crossed the bridge to 'observe' the battle and was able to report with news of the success of the DLI did the tanks get forward. However five Sherman tanks were knocked out. Meanwhile the infantry clung tenaciously to the small bridgehead established and fierce hand-to-hand fighting continued throughout the day.
After Sicily the division was then recalled from the Eighth Army in Italy, on the wishes of the General Bernard Law Montgomery, to prepare for the invasion of North-West Europe.
when they were assigned to be replacements for other divisions taking part in the Allied invasion of Italy.
About 1500 men had sailed from Tripoli, on the understanding that they were to join the rest of their units, based in Sicily. Instead, once aboard ship, they were told that they were being taken to Salerno, to join the 46th Division
, fighting as part of U.S. Fifth Army. Many of the soldiers felt they had been deliberately misled. The men refusing postings to unfamiliar units. They were addressed by the commander of X Corps
, Lt-General Richard McCreery
, who admitted that a mistake had been made, and promised that they would rejoin their old units once Salerno was secure. The men were also warned of the consequences of mutiny in wartime. Of the three hundred men left, 108 decided to follow orders, leaving a hard core of 192. They were all charged with mutiny under the Army Act, the largest number of men accused at any one time in all of British military history. The accused were shipped to Algeria, where the courts-martial opened towards the end of October. All were found guilty, and three sergeants were sentenced to death. The sentences were subsequently suspended, though the men faced constant harassment for the rest of their military careers.
on D-Day
, 6 June 1944, with the 231st Infantry Brigade
(previously an independent unit formed from regular troops stationed on Malta
) permanently attached, and the 56th Infantry Brigade temporarily attached (eventually, the 56th would be transferred to the 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division
and then head south towards Route Nationale 13 linking Caen
with Bayeux
The first wave comprised the 231st and 69th Infantry Brigades. Once the initial assault was over and the beachhead established, the follow-up brigades the 56th and 151st would push inland to the south-west towards RN 13 supported by the tanks of the 8th Armoured Brigade
The 50th Infantry Division was also ordered to meet up with Canadian troops coming from Juno Beach
and Juno Beach
, was 8 km wide and divided into four sectors. From West to East they were Item, Jig, King, and Love.
The task of invading Gold Beach was given to the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division commanded by Major-General Douglas Alexander Graham
, and the British 8th Armoured Brigade
of the British 2nd Army, under Lieutenant-General Miles Dempsey
. The beach was assaulted by multiple brigades of the 50th Infantry Division; on the west was the 231st Brigade
, followed by the 56th Brigade
, attached to this was a regiment of DD tank
s from The Nottinghamshire Yeomanry (Sherwood Rangers)
, the infantry assault battalions that attacked in the west were; the 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment, and the 1st Battalion Dorset Regiment
. On the east 69th Brigade
, followed by 151st Brigade
, again a regiment of DD tanks was attached, they were from the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
, the infantry assault battalions that attacked in the East were; the 5th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment
, and the 6th Battalion The Green Howards
. Their primary objective was to seize the town of Bayeux
, the Caen
road, and the port of Arromanches with the secondary objectives being to make contact with the Canadians landing at Juno Beach
to the east. The 716th Static Infantry Division commanded by Generalleutnant
Wilhelm Richter, and elements of the 1st Battalion of the German 352nd Infantry Division
commanded by Generalleutnant
Dietrich Kraiss
, defended the Channel coast for the Germans. H-Hour for the Gold beach landing was set for 0725 hours.
At 0725 hours, the 50th (Northumbrian) Division landed on Gold beach, then moving to Bayeux. The landing craft were deployed seven miles (11 km) off the beach, compared to the American ones that were deployed 12 miles (19.3 km) off the beaches, this meant they had a shorter run in. It was decided that the DD-tanks would go all the way up to shore instead of floating ashore and thus, the men had cover. The successful launch of almost every DD-tank onto the beach in fighting condition.
Company Sergeant-Major Stanley Hollis of the Green Howards was already a seasoned veteran when he landed on Gold Beach. His first action was the single handed capture of a pill box which had been bypassed by the first waves of troops. Later that day he led an assault to destroy German gun positions. For his action he was awarded the Victoria cross
. He was the only soldier to earn the medal on D-Day.
The Division suffered 400 casualties while securing their beachhead
. By midnight on 6 June, 24,970 men had landed on Gold Beach, and had penetrated six miles (10 km) into occupied France. They fulfilled one of their secondary objectives by meeting up with the Canadians who had landed at Juno Beach
, but failed in their primary objective of reaching the Caen-Bayeux road. However they had established a foothold into France.
after the direct attack from Sword Beach
on 6 June failed. 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division was ordered to strike south to capture Bayeux
, then Tilly-sur-Seulles
following which the 7th Armoured Division would capture Villers-Bocage
and Evrecy
However the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division attack bogged down in front of Tilly-sur-Seulles
which resulted in heavy fighting with the Panzer-Lehr-Division. With the division unable to break through the Panzer Lehr defences, they attacked the towns and villages on the flank of Tilly near the town of Lingevres. These attacks were a success enabling the British infantry to eat away at the German defence line with one commander stating this was his best battalion action of the war.
On 11 June the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry entered Tilly-sur-Seulles, while tanks of the 22nd Armoured Brigade
were pulled back. The next day the British were pushed out of the town. After this failure General Montgomery attempted an envelopment manoeuvre through Livry toward Villers-Bocage on 13 June. On 15 June in the evening General Bayerlein mustered all tanks available to contain a counter-attack of the 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division and 50th (Northumbrian)Infantry Division. On 16 June the 50th (Northumbrian)Infantry Division renewed the assault. After several hours of raging battle the 2nd Battalion The Essex Regiment of the 56th Infantry Brigade entered in Tilly-sur-Seulles, while the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry
and tanks of the 24th Lancers
pierced west of the town and formed a hedgehog defencelay. The next day the British liberated the ruins of Tilly-sur-Seulles. after the town had been lost and recaptured 23 times before it was finally liberated.
http://www.normandie44lamemoire.com/versionanglaise/fichesvillesus/tillyus2.html This fighting became known as the Battle of Tilly-sur-Seulles
The Division was considered to have performed very well in Normandy. It was one of the driving forces behind the British advance, and was exhausted by the end of the battle. After the German collapse, XXX Corps including 50th (Northumbrian) Division quickly advanced North-east and liberated both Antwerp and Brussels
in Belgium
. There the advance was halted because there was a shortage of fuel.
military operation in the Netherlands and Germany.
17 September 1944 at 13.30hrs the 50th Division watched as one of the largest air armadas of the war pass overhead. The division's field artillery 74th, 90th and 124th Fd Regts RA and the Mortars of Cheshire Regiment took part in the opening barrage. During the day the Irish Guards captured Valkenswaard
and later on the infantry of 231st Brigade were called up to clear woods on the left of the Guards' advance. The following day 231st Brigade took over Valkenswaard, as the Guards advanced north on to Nijmegen.
22 September, 69th Brigade was in trouble when two battalions of infantry and a regiment of tanks cut the main Corps centre-line near Uden
, eight miles (13 km) south of the bridge at Grave. The brigade was cut in half with East Yorkshires in the north while the Green Howards were in the south. The next day, the Germans attempted to strengthen their grip on the road by attacking Veghel
, farther south, they were met with very warm reception. The American infantry, British tanks and artillery, working in an improvised but close co-operation, drove off the enemy with heavy losses it was a fine example of allied co-operation in the field. Rations were short because of the road congestion. 69th Brigade were forced to eat captured German rations.
23 September, 151st and 231st Brigades were ordered to move north and east of Eindhoven to guard the right flank while 69th Brigade, with 124th Fd Regt RA continued onward towards Nijmegen. On arrival there they came under command of the Guards Armoured Division with the task of capturing Bremmel, a village north of the river. This the 5th East Yorks achieved on 25 September but the Germans were not happy at losing this village, and kept them under heavy artillery fire for days.
26 September the 6th Green Howards were ordered to occupy Halderen , but the infantry ran in to severe opposition, and failed to capture there objective. The 69th Brigade now attacked in the direction of Halderen continued throughout the 27 September. During the day the East Yorks gained some ground as they were supported by a quick barrage. The airborne troops farther north at Arnhem had by now been withdrawn. The attempt to reach them by land had clearly failed, and attempts to supply them by air had been only partially successful. Thus the final objective of Operation "Market Garden" Arnhem and the crossing of the Rhine defences had not been achieved.
30 September The whole of 50th Division was now tasked with guarding the bridge and bridgehead north of Nijmegen called the Island. The first serious German counter attack came when seventy tanks and the equivalent of an infantry division was unleashed on the division. 69th Brigade and 5th Guards Brigade were holding the line, while another attack was put in against 43rd Division across the Nederijn. The intensity of the attack on the 69th Brigade and the intensity of there defence can be judged by the fact that 124th Field Regiment RA fired a total of 12,500 25-pound shells during the action and 'B' Company of 2nd Cheshires fired 95,000 rounds of medium-machine-gun fire. For nearly two months static warfare was the norm on the Island. The forward troops rotated regularly. The great bridge at Nijmegen was under constant shellfire and journeys over it were made at full speed. The casualties in the battles on the island in early October had been severe: almost 900 including 12 officers and 111 ORs killed in action, 30 officers and 611 ORs wounded and another 114 missing.
Since D-Day 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division had suffered total casualties of 488 officers and 6,932 ORs, but had also assimilated 358 officers and 8,019 ORs. Many of these reinforcements were soon posted to other formations. The division stayed in northwest Europe until December 1944, when it was again returned to Britain, this time for the remainder of the war, and was converted into a training division. At the end of the war, it was sent to Norway
, and converted into British Ground Forces, Norway.
25th Infantry Brigade
150th Infantry Brigade
151st Infantry Brigade
Divisional Troops
Right Column
69th Infantry Brigade
150th Infantry Brigade (destroyed at Gazala)
151st Infantry Brigade
Divisional Troops
1st Greek Infantry Brigade
69th Infantry Brigade
151st Infantry Brigade
168th (London) Infantry Brigade
Divisional Troops
Attached to the Division
69th Infantry Brigade
151st Infantry Brigade
231st Infantry Brigade
Divisional Troops
(from D-Day to August 1944)
8th Armoured Brigade
(Normandy Campaign)
4th Special Service Brigade
(9 June 1914-27 June 1942)
Was 28 years old, and a private
in the 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
, On 27 June 1942 south of Mersa Matruh, Egypt
, Private Wakenshaw was a member of a crew of a 2 pounder (907 g) anti-tank gun, when the enemy attacked, silencing the gun and killing or seriously wounded all the crew. Private Wakenshaw's left arm was blown off but he crawled back to his gun, loaded it with one arm and fired five more rounds with considerable effect. He was then blown away from the gun by an enemy shell and was again severely wounded, but he still managed to crawl back and was preparing to fire again when a direct hit on the ammunition killed him and destroyed the gun.
(24 September 1903-6 April 1943) 39 year old, Derek Seagrim was made a Temporary Lieutenant Colonel
in the 7th Bn., The Green Howards (Alexandra Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment),
On 20/21 March 1943 at the Mareth Line
, Tunisia
, Lieutenant Colonel Seagrim's courage and leadership led directly to the capture of an important objective. When it appeared that the attack on the position would fail owing to the intensity of enemy fire, he placed himself at the head of his battalion and led them forward. He personally helped to place a scaling ladder over an anti-tank ditch and was the first across. Leading an attack on two machine-gun posts, he accounted for 20 of the enemy and when a counter-attack was launched next day he moved from post to post quite unperturbed, until it was defeated.
(15 September 1915–6 April 1943)
was 27 years old and a private
in the 5th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment, during the Second World War. On 6 April 1943 on the Wadi Akarit, Tunisia
, when a company of The East Yorkshire Regiment had to withdraw temporarily behind the crest of a hill, Private Anderson, a stretcher-bearer, went forward alone through heavy fire to rescue the wounded. Three times he brought in wounded comrades, and was rendering first aid to a fourth when he was mortally wounded
, VC
(September 21, 1912 - February 8, 1972)
He has the unique distinction of winning the only Victoria Cross awarded on D-Day
(June 6, 1944).
On June 6, 1944 in Normandy
, France
, Stanley Hollis 6th Battalion Green Howards , went with his company commander to investigate two German pill-boxes which had been by-passed as the company moved inland from the beaches. He rushed forward to the first pill-box, taking all but five of the occupants prisoner and then dealt with the second, taking 26 prisoners. Then he cleared a neighbouring trench. Later that day, he led an attack on an enemy position which contained a field gun and Spandau machine guns. After withdrawing he learned that two of his men had been left behind and told Major Lofthouse, his commanding officer, " I took them in. I will try to get them out." Taking a grenade from one of his men Hollis carefully observed the enemy's pattern of behaviour and threw it at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to prime the grenade but the enemy didn't know this and kept their heads down waiting for it to explode. By the time they realised their mistake Hollis was on top of them and had shot them.
River Tyne
The River Tyne is a river in North East England in Great Britain. It is formed by the confluence of two rivers: the North Tyne and the South Tyne. These two rivers converge at Warden Rock near Hexham in Northumberland at a place dubbed 'The Meeting of the Waters'.The North Tyne rises on the...
and Tees
River Tees
The River Tees is in Northern England. It rises on the eastern slope of Cross Fell in the North Pennines, and flows eastwards for 85 miles to reach the North Sea between Hartlepool and Redcar.-Geography:...
. The division served in almost all of the major engagements of the European War from 1940-1945.
In 1939 50th (Northumbrian) Motorised Division was part of Southern CommandSouthern Command (United Kingdom)
-History:The Command was established in 1905 from the Second Army Corps and was initially based at Tidworth but in 1949 moved to Fugglestone Farm near Wilton in Wiltshire....
. In June 1940, it was reorganized as an Infantry Division and joined the British II Corps of the British Expeditionary Force
British Expeditionary Force (World War II)
The British Expeditionary Force was the British force in Europe from 1939–1940 during the Second World War. Commanded by General Lord Gort, the BEF constituted one-tenth of the defending Allied force....
(BEF) in Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
. The division was heavily committed during the withdrawal to Dunkirk, and also took part in the British counter-attack at Arras
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. The historic centre of the Artois region, its local speech is characterized as a Picard dialect...
Attack at Arras

Cambrai is a commune in the Nord department in northern France. It is a sub-prefecture of the department.Cambrai is the seat of an archdiocese whose jurisdiction was immense during the Middle Ages. The territory of the Bishopric of Cambrai, roughly coinciding with the shire of Brabant, included...
gap and were threatening Boulogne
-Road:* Metropolitan bus services are operated by the TCRB* Coach services to Calais and Dunkerque* A16 motorway-Rail:* The main railway station is Gare de Boulogne-Ville and located in the south of the city....
and Calais
Calais is a town in Northern France in the department of Pas-de-Calais, of which it is a sub-prefecture. Although Calais is by far the largest city in Pas-de-Calais, the department's capital is its third-largest city of Arras....
, cutting the BEFs lines of communication and separating it from the main French Armies. A plan by General Weygand to close this gap included Frank Force, consisting of the 5th and 50th Divisions and the 1st Army Tank Brigade. The British 5th Infantry Division
British 5th Infantry Division
The 5th Infantry Division is a regular army division of the British Army. It was established by Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington for service in the Peninsula War, as part of the Anglo-Portuguese Army, and has been active for most of the period since, including the First World War and the...
was to hold the line of the river Scarpe to the East of Arras, while the other two formations attacked to the south of that city. During the afternoon of 21 May, the attack by the 50th Division and the 1st Tank Brigade was seen progressing south from Arras. This was to be the only large scale attack mounted by the BEF during the campaign. The attack was supposed to be manned by two infantry divisions, comprising about 15,000 men. It was ultimately executed by just two infantry battalions, the 6th and 8th Battalions Durham Light Infantry
Durham Light Infantry
The Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
supporting the 4th and 7th Royal Tank Regiment
Royal Tank Regiment
The Royal Tank Regiment is an armoured regiment of the British Army. It was formerly known as the Tank Corps and the Royal Tank Corps. It is part of the Royal Armoured Corps and is made up of two operational regiments, the 1st Royal Tank Regiment and the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment...
s, totalling around 2,000 men, and reinforced by 74 tanks. The infantry battalions were split into two columns for the attack, which took place on 21 May. The right column initially made rapid progress, taking a number of German prisoners, but they soon ran into German infantry and Waffen-SS
The Waffen-SS was a multi-ethnic and multi-national military force of the Third Reich. It constituted the armed wing of the Schutzstaffel or SS, an organ of the Nazi Party. The Waffen-SS saw action throughout World War II and grew from three regiments to over 38 divisions, and served alongside...
, backed by air support, and took heavy losses.
The left column also enjoyed early success before running into opposition from the infantry units of Erwin Rommel
Erwin Rommel
Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel , popularly known as the Desert Fox , was a German Field Marshal of World War II. He won the respect of both his own troops and the enemies he fought....
's 7th Panzer Division. French cover enabled British troops to withdraw to their former positions that night. Frankforce was over, and the next day the Germans regrouped and continued their advance. Frankforce took around 400 German prisoners and inflicted a similar number of casualties, as well as destroying a number of tanks. The operation had punched far beyond its weight - the attack was so fierce that 7th Panzer Division believed it had been attacked by five infantry divisions. The attack also made the German commanders nervous, and it may have been one of the factors for the surprise German halt on 24 May, that gave the BEF the slimmest of opportunities to begin evacuation from Dunkirk. Luckily most of the Division was fortunate enough to get out at Dunkirk, but had to leave all its equipment behind. On returning home it 150th Infantry Brigade and 151st Infantry Brigade was joined by the 69th Infantry Brigade from the now disbanded 23rd (Northumbrian) Division, and become part of IIX Corps, British Home Forces. It remained in Britain until 22 April 1941, when it was sent to North Africa
North Africa
North Africa or Northern Africa is the northernmost region of the African continent, linked by the Sahara to Sub-Saharan Africa. Geopolitically, the United Nations definition of Northern Africa includes eight countries or territories; Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, and...
North Africa
In April 1941 the Division was dispatched to the Middle East first via Cyprus, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and then into Libya as part of XIII CorpsXIII Corps (United Kingdom)
XIII Corps was a British infantry corps during World War I and World War II.-World War I:XIII Corps was formed in France on 15 November 1915 under Lieutenant-General Walter Congreve to be part of Fourth Army. It was first seriously engaged during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. On the First day on...
in the British Eighth Army, which was one of the best-known formations in the Second World War.
In 1942, Rommel
Erwin Rommel was a German World War II field marshal.Rommel may also refer to:*Rommel *Rommel Adducul , Filipino basketball player*Rommel Fernández , first Panamanian footballer to play in Europe...
's Afrika Korps
Afrika Korps
The German Africa Corps , or the Afrika Korps as it was popularly called, was the German expeditionary force in Libya and Tunisia during the North African Campaign of World War II...
broke through the Allied defensive line at Gazala
Gazala, or Ain el Gazala , is a small Libyan village near the coast in the northeastern portion of the country. It is located west of Tobruk....
and the Eighth Army ordered them to abandon their positions.
Battle of Gazala

By late May Rommel was ready. Facing him on the Gazala defences were 1st South African Division, nearest the coast, 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division (on their left) and 1st Free French Brigade
1st Free French Division
The 1st Free French Division was one of the principal units of the Free French Forces during World War II, and the first Free French unit of divisional size.-World War II:...
furthest left at Bir Hakeim. The British 1st and 7th Armoured Divisions waited behind the main line as a mobile counter-attacking force while 2nd South African Division formed a garrison at Tobruk and Indian 5th Infantry Division (which had arrived in April to relieve Indian 4th Infantry Division) were held in reserve.
On 27 May, although first spotted by the 4th South African Armoured Car Regiment at first light, the speed of the German advance was so swift that at about 8:30 am they overran the 7th Armoured Division HQ. This scattered the 7th Motor Brigade, capturing General Messervy, then commanding. He escaped later the next day. The 7th Motor Brigade withdrew to the Retma Box, fifteen miles (24 km) east of Bir Hakeim, while 4th Armoured Brigade fought all day to stem the attackers.
The 4th Armoured Brigade's 'B' Echelon was then overrun and the 1st KRRC (kings Royal Rifle Corps), had to withdraw to the Retma Box and then on to El Duda. On the same day the 3rd (Indian) Motor Brigade, which was under the control of 7th Armoured Division, was also overwhelmed and did not reform for some days. By the afternoon of the 27th, the German attack had shattered the 7th Armoured Division and they were in position to assault the 201st Guards Motor Brigade in the Knightsbridge Box. Once again the British armour had been committed piecemeal, although in this case there was little other choice.
The Germans now attacked the Box at Retma which was garrisoned by 9th KRRC, 2nd Rifle Brigade, 'C' Bty 4 RHA (Royal Horse Artillery
Royal Horse Artillery
The regiments of the Royal Horse Artillery , dating from 1793, are part of the Royal Regiment of Artillery of the British Army...
), and a Rhodesia
Rhodesia , officially the Republic of Rhodesia from 1970, was an unrecognised state located in southern Africa that existed between 1965 and 1979 following its Unilateral Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom on 11 November 1965...
n anti-tank unit. Accompanied by heavy artillery fire the Panzers swarmed in, swiftly overrunning the 9th KRRC, with the rest of the garrison then moving back to east of Bir El Gubi. The Germans now pushed their panzers on to the north, moving behind the Gazala Boxes, but British resistance now stiffened. Thus unable to maintain their supply route round the south flank, the Germans cleared two paths through the minefield either side of the 150th Infantry Brigade Box and very heavy fighting took place in this area which was to become known as The Cauldron.
150th Brigade, with field and anti-tank artillery, held the Sidi Muftah box between the Trigh el Abd and Trigh Capuzzo, along which the enemy cut supply lines through the British minefields. The brigade kept the supply lines under artillery fire and, although it was unable to stop the flow of traffic, it made the route so ineffective that the enemy armoured divisions to the east of the minefields were reduced to a parlous state for petrol, ammunition and food. Their water ration was down to half a cup a man.
Against this isolated brigade, the enemy committed parts of 15 Panzer, Trieste Motorised and 90 Light Divisions, supported finally by heavy bombing attacks.
Panzerarmee Afrika said in its daily battle report: "The encircled enemy, supported by numerous infantry tanks, again resisted most stubbornly, Each separate element within the fortress-like strengthened defences had to be fought for. The enemy suffered extraordinary heavy, bloody losses. Eventually the operation, which also caused considerable losses to our troops, ended in complete success"
On 28 May 4th Armoured Brigade attacked a battle group of the German 90th Light Infantry Division
German 90th Light Infantry Division
The 90th Light Infantry Division was a German Army division during World War II.- History :The 90th Light Infantry Division was created in August 1941 as Division z.b.V. Afrika, from units already in Africa under the control of Divisions-Kommando z.b.V. Afrika. The abbreviation z.b.V...
. The 7th Armoured Brigade harried enemy positions near Bir El Gubi. The German 15th Panzer Division came to halt near the Knightsbridge Box, being seriously low on fuel and ammunition.
On 29 May the German advance had stopped. The Germans started to open lanes through the British minefield, but they were engaged by artillery from Knightsbridge and the Guards. The Axis forces awaited the British counterattack in the open desert east of Knightsbridge, with the British minefields and the Guards Box still at their rear. The German plan was for the British tanks to waste themselves against a well dug-in anti-tank screen, but a sandstorm blew up and the British attack did not really develop, with the 4th Armoured Brigade not attacking until the evening to engage the German 90th Light Infantry Division
German 90th Light Infantry Division
The 90th Light Infantry Division was a German Army division during World War II.- History :The 90th Light Infantry Division was created in August 1941 as Division z.b.V. Afrika, from units already in Africa under the control of Divisions-Kommando z.b.V. Afrika. The abbreviation z.b.V...
again, near Bir-el Harmat.
On 30 May Rommel had been forced to concentrate his forces in a defensive position near the 150th Infantry Brigade Box, as his original position was not tenable and various attacks took place all day. On 31 May the British thought they had Rommel cornered and he himself contemplated surrender, but the Italian Trieste Division managed to open a route through the minefield and get a supply column to him.
As the British had not attacked in any real form, the Axis forces took the offensive again with a fierce assault on the 150th Infantry Brigade Box, supported by Stukas, along with attacks on the French in the Bir Hakeim
Battle of Bir Hakeim
Bir Hakeim is a remote oasis in the Libyan desert, and the former site of a Turkish fort. During the Battle of Gazala, the 1st Free French Division of General Marie Pierre Kœnig defended the site from 26 May-11 June 1942 against attacking German and Italian forces directed by Lieutenant-General ...
On 1 June the 150th Infantry Brigade Box fell at noon, with the fighting now opening up between the Guards and the Bir Hacheim Boxes. The 7th Motor Brigade continued to operate in "Jock column
Jock column
During World War II, "Jock columns" were small combined arms groups of armoured cars, artillery, and motorised infantry, generally drawn from the 7th Armoured Division...
s" in no-mans land, shooting up enemy positions and transport. Rommel now struck out of his defensive positions in the Cauldron, with the British putting in attack after attack. At this time Major-General Herbert Lumsden
Herbert Lumsden
Lieutenant-General Herbert Lumsden, CB, DSO, MC, psc was a British Army general during World War II.-Early career:...
commanding 1st Armoured Division, attempted to a combine forces with what was left of 7th Armoured Division, but this was not possible and a valuable chance to mount a coordinated counter-attack by both armoured divisions was lost.
Withdrawal from the Gazala Line
On 14 June Auchinleck authorised Ritchie to withdraw from the Gazala line. Stuck in boxes to the north of Knightsbridge, cut of by the Axis who were swarming towards Tobruk. 50th Northumbrian and 1st South African were ordered to break out east while the 15th and 21st Panzer tried to cut them off. The defenders in the El Adem Box and two neighbouring boxes held firm and the 1st South African Division was able to withdraw along the coastal road practically intact. The road could not accommodate two divisions so the remaining two brigades of the 50th Northumbrian had to find an alternative. They could not retreat directly east because of the presence of the Axis armour so, instead, they attacked south west breaking through the lines of the Italian X Corps' BresciaBrescia
Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, between the Mella and the Naviglio, with a population of around 197,000. It is the second largest city in Lombardy, after the capital, Milan...
and Pavia
Pavia , the ancient Ticinum, is a town and comune of south-western Lombardy, northern Italy, 35 km south of Milan on the lower Ticino river near its confluence with the Po. It is the capital of the province of Pavia. It has a population of c. 71,000...
Divisions and headed south into the desert before turning east and heading back to friendly territory. Weary units of 7th Armoured Division managed to delay the German armour allowing most of the 50th Northumbrian to escape and the 1st South African Division, withdrawing along the coast road lost only its rearguard. By now most of the 8th Army
Eighth Army (United Kingdom)
The Eighth Army was one of the best-known formations of the British Army during World War II, fighting in the North African and Italian campaigns....
was in retreat to the El Alamein
El Alamein
El Alamein is a town in the northern Matrouh Governorate of Egypt. Located on the Mediterranean Sea, it lies west of Alexandria and northwest of Cairo. As of 2007, it has a local population of 7,397 inhabitants.- Climate :...
General Auchinleck took direct command of the Eighth Army from General Ritchie, reversing the earlier decision to stand a Mersa Matruh and ordered a withdrawal to the secure line between the Qattara Depression
Qattara Depression
The Qattara Depression is a depression in the north west of Egypt in the Matruh Governorate and is part of the Libyan Desert. It lies below sea level and is covered with salt pans, sand dunes and salt marshes. The region extends between latitudes of 28°35' and 30°25' North and longitudes of 26°20'...
and El Alamein. By 27 June Mersa Matruh fell. By now the Western Desert was a full of mixed up units all heading east, and with both sides using each others transport it was difficult for both air forces to know who to attack and mistakes were made by both sides. This retreat became known as the 'Gazala Gallop' .
On 1 July After attacking west through the Italian Lines and then swinging east behind Rommel's forces all the remaining units of the 50th (Northumbrian) Division were on or behind the Alamein Line. 50th Northumbrian did not take part in the First Battle of El Alamein
First Battle of El Alamein
The First Battle of El Alamein was a battle of the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War, fought between Axis forces of the Panzer Army Africa commanded by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, and Allied forces The First Battle of El Alamein (1–27 July 1942) was a battle of the Western Desert...
, being held in reserve because it was understrength.
Second Battle of El Alamein
In the Second Battle of El AlameinSecond Battle of El Alamein
The Second Battle of El Alamein marked a major turning point in the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War. The battle took place over 20 days from 23 October – 11 November 1942. The First Battle of El Alamein had stalled the Axis advance. Thereafter, Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery...
, 50th (Northumbrian) Division was initially deployed in the south, where it was to attack the Italian 185th Parachute Division Folgore supported by elements of the British 7th Armoured Division. Since it was understrength, owing to the loss of the 150th Infantry Brigade, the 1st Free French Brigade
1st Free French Division
The 1st Free French Division was one of the principal units of the Free French Forces during World War II, and the first Free French unit of divisional size.-World War II:...
and 1st Greek Brigade were attached to it for the battle. It was then transferred north to take part in Operation Supercharge.
Operation Supercharge
This phase of the battle began on 2 November at 1 am, with the objective of destroying enemy armour, forcing the enemy to fight in the open, reducing the Axis stock of petrol, attacking and occupying enemy supply routes, and causing the disintegration of the enemy army. The intensity and the destruction in Supercharge were greater than anything witnessed so far during this battle. The objective of this operation was Tell el Aqqaqir along the Rahman Track, which was the base of the Axis defence. This attack started with a seven hour aerial bombardment focused on Tell el Aqqaqir and Sidi Abdel RahmanSidi Abdel Rahman
Sidi Abdel Rahman is a small settlement in Egypt. It is most famous for its beach located 132 km west of Alexandria and some 30 km west of Al Alamin...
, followed by a four and a half hour barrage of 360 guns firing 15,000 shells. The initial thrust of Supercharge was to be carried out by 151st and 152nd Infantry Brigades supported by the British 9th Armoured Brigade
British 9th Armoured Brigade
The 9th Armoured Brigade was a British Army brigade formed during the Second World War.The 9th Armoured Brigade was formed from the redesignation of the 4th Cavalry Brigade, a 1st Line Yeomanry brigade in the Territorial Army which had been part of the 1st Cavalry Division...
The infantry gained most of their objectives, but as with Operation Lightfoot lanes could not be cleared through the minefields until night was almost over.
First assault on the Mareth Line
The division fought in TunisiaTunisia
Tunisia , officially the Tunisian RepublicThe long name of Tunisia in other languages used in the country is: , is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area...
, where Montgomery launched his major attack, Operation Pugilist
Operation Pugilist
Operation Pugilist was an Allied operation in Tunisia during the Second World War. In his General Plan, General Bernard Montgomery stated "...the object of operation Pugilist is to destroy the enemy now opposing Eighth Army in the Mareth position, and to advance and capture Sfax." Pugilist itself...
, against the Mareth Line
Mareth Line
The Mareth Line was a system of fortifications built by the French between the towns of Medenine and Gabès in southern Tunisia, prior to World War II...
in the night of 19–20 March 1943. Elements of the division penetrated the line and established a bridgehead west of Zarat on 20/21 March, but a determined counterattack by 15th Panzer Division destroyed the pocket and established the line once again during 22 March.
Both the Eighth Army and the U.S. II Corps continued their attacks over the next week, and eventually the 8th broke the lines and the DAK was forced to abandon Gabes and retreat to join the other Axis forces far to the north. On the night of 5 April, Wadi Akarit was attacked and the "Tobruk" Battalion of the Italian San Marco MarinesSan Marco Regiment
The San Marco Regiment , located in Brindisi, are the marines of the Italian Navy. Until the middle of the 1990s the unit was known as the “San Marco Battalion” , until it was expanded beyond battalion size because of the new geopolitical situation after the end of the Cold War and an increasing...
was destroyed, although casualties among the 6th Green Howards had been severe; two senior officers, six senior NCOs and junior officers and one hundred and eighteen other ranks killed. http://www.greenhowards.org.uk/bill-cheall/cheall12.htm
"When we were about ten yards away we had reached the top of the slit trench and we killed any of the survivors," recalled British infantryman Bill Cheall of the 6th Green Howards, who had just seen his section leader shot down by a San Marco Marine. "It was no time for pussy footing, we were intoxicated with rage and had to kill them to pay for our fallen pal." http://www.greenhowards.org.uk/bill-cheall/cheall11.htm
German General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim later said of the San Marco Marines fighting abilities in Tunisia in 1943, that they were "the best soldiers I ever commanded". *http://www.avalanchepress.com/Italy_marines.php
Eighth Army's attack along the eastern coast of Tunisia lead eventually to the surrender of Axis forces in Africa. 250,000 men were taken prisoner, a number equal to that at Stalingrad.
Battle of Sicily

Tunisia , officially the Tunisian RepublicThe long name of Tunisia in other languages used in the country is: , is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area...
, the Division was involved in the Sicily landings of 1943. Eighth Army was to operate in the eastern sector, and had as its objectives the port of Syracuse and the airfield at Pachino
Pachino is a town and comune in the Province of Syracuse, Sicily . The name derives from the Phoenician word pachum which means guardia in Italian ; an alternative origin is the Greek word paxum translating into fertile...
. Its XIII Corps
XIII Corps (United Kingdom)
XIII Corps was a British infantry corps during World War I and World War II.-World War I:XIII Corps was formed in France on 15 November 1915 under Lieutenant-General Walter Congreve to be part of Fourth Army. It was first seriously engaged during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. On the First day on...
, (which included 50th (Northumbrian) Division), was to land south of Cap Murro Di Porco with 5th Division on a two-brigade front,and the 50th (Northumbrian) Division on a one-brigade front. XIII Corps, was to move on to the port and airfield at Augusta, then to the airfields at Catania
Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. It is the capital of the homonymous province, and with 298,957 inhabitants it is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth in Italy.Catania is known to have a seismic history and...
and Gerbini. When it landed at Avola there objective was the hills above the landing beaches. The 168th (London) Infantry Brigade was attached from the 56th Infantry Division during this campaign. The British 151st Infantry Brigade
British 151st Infantry Brigade
The 151st Infantry Brigade was a World War II British Army formation. Part of the British 50th Infantry Division.-Commanders:* Brig. Viscount Downe* Brig. J. A. Barstow* Brig. G. W. E. J. Erskine...
was ordered to advance towards Primosole Bridge. The order was for the 9th Battalion Durham Light Infantry
Durham Light Infantry
The Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
, to lead the way to the Simeto River on which the Primosole Bridge stood. Primosole Bridge was a key bridge on the Sicilian coast near Mount Etna
Mount Etna
Mount Etna is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, close to Messina and Catania. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe, currently standing high, though this varies with summit eruptions; the mountain is 21 m higher than it was in 1981.. It is the highest mountain in...
which the British required intact to continue their drive along the coast.
As part of the overall plan 3 British Commando battalion were to capture the Ponti di Malati, another bridge just north of Lentini
Lentini , historically Leontini, Leontinoi , or Leontium, is a town and comune in the Province of Syracuse, southeast Sicily .-History:...
, to enable the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division and 4th Armoured Brigade to sweep north over both bridges and then on to Catania
Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. It is the capital of the homonymous province, and with 298,957 inhabitants it is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth in Italy.Catania is known to have a seismic history and...
. 1st and 2nd Parachute Regiment took the southern approaches, but 3rd Para lacked the numbers to secure the northern approach. Heavily outnumbered, the handful of Paras were forced to abandon the bridge after 24 hours, which was longer than the entire Brigade was supposed to hold it, and were saved from destruction by the arrival of 9th Durham Light Infantry
Durham Light Infantry
The Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
. On 16 July at 01:30, after an artillery bombardment of an hour, the Durham Light Infantry 6th, 8th and 9th battalions of 151st Brigade launched another attack to secure Primosole Bridge. They captured the north end of the Bridge but tanks and infantry scheduled to cross immediately afterwards to establish a bridgehead failed to do so because of the failure of British wireless sets. Only when a War Office observer riding a bicycle crossed the bridge to 'observe' the battle and was able to report with news of the success of the DLI did the tanks get forward. However five Sherman tanks were knocked out. Meanwhile the infantry clung tenaciously to the small bridgehead established and fierce hand-to-hand fighting continued throughout the day.
After Sicily the division was then recalled from the Eighth Army in Italy, on the wishes of the General Bernard Law Montgomery, to prepare for the invasion of North-West Europe.
Salerno Mutiny
On 16 September 1943 men from the division and the 51st (Highland) Infantry Division, totalling 600 men, took part in the Salerno MutinySalerno Mutiny
The Salerno Mutiny was a mutiny by about 600 men of the British X Corps, who on September 16, 1943 refused assignment to new units as replacements during the Allied invasion of Italy....
when they were assigned to be replacements for other divisions taking part in the Allied invasion of Italy.
About 1500 men had sailed from Tripoli, on the understanding that they were to join the rest of their units, based in Sicily. Instead, once aboard ship, they were told that they were being taken to Salerno, to join the 46th Division
46th Infantry Division (United States)
The 46th Infantry Division was a formation of the Michigan Army National Guard active between 1947 and 1968. It was initially headquartered at Lansing. Many of its units had previously been part of the 32nd Infantry Division. It was converted to the Reorganization Objective Army Division structure...
, fighting as part of U.S. Fifth Army. Many of the soldiers felt they had been deliberately misled. The men refusing postings to unfamiliar units. They were addressed by the commander of X Corps
X Corps (United Kingdom)
The X Corps was a British Army formation in the First World War and was later reformed in 1942 during the North African campaign of the Second World War as part of the Eighth Army.- First World War :...
, Lt-General Richard McCreery
Richard McCreery
General Sir Richard Loudon McCreery GCB, KBE, DSO, MC , was a British career soldier, who was Chief of Staff to Field Marshal Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis, at the time of the Second Battle of El Alamein and later commanded the British Eighth Army in Northern Italy during...
, who admitted that a mistake had been made, and promised that they would rejoin their old units once Salerno was secure. The men were also warned of the consequences of mutiny in wartime. Of the three hundred men left, 108 decided to follow orders, leaving a hard core of 192. They were all charged with mutiny under the Army Act, the largest number of men accused at any one time in all of British military history. The accused were shipped to Algeria, where the courts-martial opened towards the end of October. All were found guilty, and three sergeants were sentenced to death. The sentences were subsequently suspended, though the men faced constant harassment for the rest of their military careers.
Operation Overlord
On 19 October 1943 the division was withdrawn to Britain for reforming and training before landing on Gold BeachGold Beach
Gold Beach was the code name of one of the D-Day landing beaches that Allied forces used to invade German-occupied France on 6 June 1944, during World War II....
on D-Day
D-Day is a term often used in military parlance to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. "D-Day" often represents a variable, designating the day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred; see Military designation of days and hours for similar...
, 6 June 1944, with the 231st Infantry Brigade
British 231st Infantry Brigade
.- History :The 231st Infantry Brigade was a Second World War British Army unit, originally formed from the 1st Malta Brigade.It was composed of regular British Army battalions, was stationed on Malta at the start of the Second World War...
(previously an independent unit formed from regular troops stationed on Malta
Malta , officially known as the Republic of Malta , is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily, east of Tunisia and north of Libya, with Gibraltar to the west and Alexandria to the east.Malta covers just over in...
) permanently attached, and the 56th Infantry Brigade temporarily attached (eventually, the 56th would be transferred to the 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division
British 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division
This military division was formed on 1 April 1908 as the West Riding Division in the Territorial Force of the British Army.- First World War :...
The 50th (Northumbrian)Infantry Division was to establish a beachhead between Arromanches and Ver-sur-MerVer-sur-Mer
and then head south towards Route Nationale 13 linking Caen
Caen is a commune in northwestern France. It is the prefecture of the Calvados department and the capital of the Basse-Normandie region. It is located inland from the English Channel....
with Bayeux
Bayeux is a commune in the Calvados department in Normandy in northwestern France.Bayeux is the home of the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.-Administration:Bayeux is a sub-prefecture of Calvados...
The first wave comprised the 231st and 69th Infantry Brigades. Once the initial assault was over and the beachhead established, the follow-up brigades the 56th and 151st would push inland to the south-west towards RN 13 supported by the tanks of the 8th Armoured Brigade
British 8th Armoured Brigade
The 8 Armoured Brigade was a British Army brigade, formed in August 1941 during the Second World War and active until 1956. The brigade was formed by the re-designation of 6th Cavalry Brigade when the 1st Cavalry Division based in Palestine , converted from a motorised formation to an armoured...
The 50th Infantry Division was also ordered to meet up with Canadian troops coming from Juno Beach
Juno Beach
Juno or Juno Beach was one of five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during the Second World War. The sector spanned from Saint-Aubin, a village just east of the British Gold sector, to Courseulles, just west of the British Sword sector...
Gold Beach
Gold Beach was the codename given for the central invasion beach during the invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944. It lay between Omaha BeachOmaha Beach
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II...
and Juno Beach
Juno Beach
Juno or Juno Beach was one of five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during the Second World War. The sector spanned from Saint-Aubin, a village just east of the British Gold sector, to Courseulles, just west of the British Sword sector...
, was 8 km wide and divided into four sectors. From West to East they were Item, Jig, King, and Love.

Douglas Alexander Graham
Major General Douglas Alexander Henry Graham CB, CBE, DSO & Bar, MC, DL was a British soldier of the First and Second World Wars. During his early life he studied at the University of Glasgow...
, and the British 8th Armoured Brigade
British 8th Armoured Brigade
The 8 Armoured Brigade was a British Army brigade, formed in August 1941 during the Second World War and active until 1956. The brigade was formed by the re-designation of 6th Cavalry Brigade when the 1st Cavalry Division based in Palestine , converted from a motorised formation to an armoured...
of the British 2nd Army, under Lieutenant-General Miles Dempsey
Miles Dempsey
General Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, GBE, KCB, DSO, MC was commander of the British Second Army during the D-Day landings in the Second World War...
. The beach was assaulted by multiple brigades of the 50th Infantry Division; on the west was the 231st Brigade
British 231st Infantry Brigade
.- History :The 231st Infantry Brigade was a Second World War British Army unit, originally formed from the 1st Malta Brigade.It was composed of regular British Army battalions, was stationed on Malta at the start of the Second World War...
, followed by the 56th Brigade
British 56th Infantry Brigade
The British Army's 56th Infantry Brigade was originally a Kitchener's Army brigade within 19th Division during the First World War.Later during the Second World War it was reformed on 15 February 1944 in the United Kingdom....
, attached to this was a regiment of DD tank
DD tank
DD tanks , were a type of amphibious swimming tank developed by the British during the Second World War...
s from The Nottinghamshire Yeomanry (Sherwood Rangers)
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry is one of the five squadrons of the Royal Yeomanry , an armoured regiment of the Territorial Army. Designated as 'S' Squadron, the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry's current role is to support the Formation Reconnaissance Regiments and the Joint Chemical Biological Nuclear...
, the infantry assault battalions that attacked in the west were; the 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment, and the 1st Battalion Dorset Regiment
Dorset Regiment
The Dorset Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1958, the county regiment of Dorset. Until 1951 it was formally called The Dorsetshire Regiment, although usually known as "The Dorsets".-History:...
. On the east 69th Brigade
British 69th Infantry Brigade
.The 69th Infantry Brigade was a World War II British Army formation. It was a 2nd Line Territorial Army unit and during the Battle of France served with the British 23rd Division a division which suffered such heavy losses that it was disbanded...
, followed by 151st Brigade
British 151st Infantry Brigade
The 151st Infantry Brigade was a World War II British Army formation. Part of the British 50th Infantry Division.-Commanders:* Brig. Viscount Downe* Brig. J. A. Barstow* Brig. G. W. E. J. Erskine...
, again a regiment of DD tanks was attached, they were from the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
The 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards was a cavalry regiment of the British Army from 1922 to 1992.It was formed in India in 1922 by the amalgamation of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards and 7th Dragoon Guards , as the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards; it gained the distinction Royal in 1935...
, the infantry assault battalions that attacked in the East were; the 5th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment
East Yorkshire Regiment
The East Yorkshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the line in the British Army, first raised in 1685 as Sir William Clifton's Regiment of Foot. It saw service for three centuries, before being amalgamated with the West Yorkshire Regiment , becoming The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of...
, and the 6th Battalion The Green Howards
The Green Howards
The Green Howards was an infantry regiment of the British Army, in the King's Division...
. Their primary objective was to seize the town of Bayeux
Bayeux is a commune in the Calvados department in Normandy in northwestern France.Bayeux is the home of the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.-Administration:Bayeux is a sub-prefecture of Calvados...
, the Caen
Caen is a commune in northwestern France. It is the prefecture of the Calvados department and the capital of the Basse-Normandie region. It is located inland from the English Channel....
Bayeux is a commune in the Calvados department in Normandy in northwestern France.Bayeux is the home of the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.-Administration:Bayeux is a sub-prefecture of Calvados...
road, and the port of Arromanches with the secondary objectives being to make contact with the Canadians landing at Juno Beach
Juno Beach
Juno or Juno Beach was one of five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during the Second World War. The sector spanned from Saint-Aubin, a village just east of the British Gold sector, to Courseulles, just west of the British Sword sector...
to the east. The 716th Static Infantry Division commanded by Generalleutnant
General (Germany)
General is presently the highest rank of the German Army and Luftwaffe . It is the equivalent to the rank of Admiral in the German Navy .-Early history:...
Wilhelm Richter, and elements of the 1st Battalion of the German 352nd Infantry Division
German 352nd Infantry Division
The 352nd Infantry Division was a formation of the German Wehrmacht during World War II. A western front unit, the 352nd became notable for its tenacious defense of Omaha Beach on D-Day, 6 June 1944.-Formation and strengths:...
commanded by Generalleutnant
General (Germany)
General is presently the highest rank of the German Army and Luftwaffe . It is the equivalent to the rank of Admiral in the German Navy .-Early history:...
Dietrich Kraiss
Dietrich Kraiss
Dietrich Kraiss was a German Generalleutnant during World War II, awarded the German Cross in Gold and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.Kraiss was born in Stuttgart...
, defended the Channel coast for the Germans. H-Hour for the Gold beach landing was set for 0725 hours.
At 0725 hours, the 50th (Northumbrian) Division landed on Gold beach, then moving to Bayeux. The landing craft were deployed seven miles (11 km) off the beach, compared to the American ones that were deployed 12 miles (19.3 km) off the beaches, this meant they had a shorter run in. It was decided that the DD-tanks would go all the way up to shore instead of floating ashore and thus, the men had cover. The successful launch of almost every DD-tank onto the beach in fighting condition.
Company Sergeant-Major Stanley Hollis of the Green Howards was already a seasoned veteran when he landed on Gold Beach. His first action was the single handed capture of a pill box which had been bypassed by the first waves of troops. Later that day he led an assault to destroy German gun positions. For his action he was awarded the Victoria cross
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories....
. He was the only soldier to earn the medal on D-Day.
The Division suffered 400 casualties while securing their beachhead
Beachhead is a military term used to describe the line created when a unit reaches a beach, and begins to defend that area of beach, while other reinforcements help out, until a unit large enough to begin advancing has arrived. It is sometimes used interchangeably with Bridgehead and Lodgement...
. By midnight on 6 June, 24,970 men had landed on Gold Beach, and had penetrated six miles (10 km) into occupied France. They fulfilled one of their secondary objectives by meeting up with the Canadians who had landed at Juno Beach
Juno Beach
Juno or Juno Beach was one of five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during the Second World War. The sector spanned from Saint-Aubin, a village just east of the British Gold sector, to Courseulles, just west of the British Sword sector...
, but failed in their primary objective of reaching the Caen-Bayeux road. However they had established a foothold into France.
Operation Perch
Operation Perch was the second attempt to capture CaenCaen
Caen is a commune in northwestern France. It is the prefecture of the Calvados department and the capital of the Basse-Normandie region. It is located inland from the English Channel....
after the direct attack from Sword Beach
Sword Beach
Sword, commonly known as Sword Beach, was the code name given to one of the five main landing areas along the Normandy coast during the initial assault phase, Operation Neptune, of Operation Overlord; the Allied invasion of German-occupied France that commenced on 6 June 1944...
on 6 June failed. 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division was ordered to strike south to capture Bayeux
Bayeux is a commune in the Calvados department in Normandy in northwestern France.Bayeux is the home of the Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.-Administration:Bayeux is a sub-prefecture of Calvados...
, then Tilly-sur-Seulles
-External links:*...
following which the 7th Armoured Division would capture Villers-Bocage
Battle of Villers-Bocage
The Battle of Villers-Bocage took place during the Second World War on 13 June 1944, one week after the Allies landed in Normandy to begin the liberation of German-occupied France. The battle was the result of a British attempt to improve their position by exploiting a temporary vulnerability in...
and Evrecy
However the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division attack bogged down in front of Tilly-sur-Seulles
-External links:*...
which resulted in heavy fighting with the Panzer-Lehr-Division. With the division unable to break through the Panzer Lehr defences, they attacked the towns and villages on the flank of Tilly near the town of Lingevres. These attacks were a success enabling the British infantry to eat away at the German defence line with one commander stating this was his best battalion action of the war.

British 22nd Armoured Brigade
The 22nd Armoured Brigade, a British Army brigade, was formed as the 22nd Heavy Armoured Brigade on 3 September 1939 with three Yeomanry mechanised cavalry regiments The 22nd Armoured Brigade, a British Army brigade, was formed as the 22nd Heavy Armoured Brigade on 3 September 1939 with three...
were pulled back. The next day the British were pushed out of the town. After this failure General Montgomery attempted an envelopment manoeuvre through Livry toward Villers-Bocage on 13 June. On 15 June in the evening General Bayerlein mustered all tanks available to contain a counter-attack of the 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division and 50th (Northumbrian)Infantry Division. On 16 June the 50th (Northumbrian)Infantry Division renewed the assault. After several hours of raging battle the 2nd Battalion The Essex Regiment of the 56th Infantry Brigade entered in Tilly-sur-Seulles, while the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry
Durham Light Infantry
The Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
and tanks of the 24th Lancers
24th Lancers
The 24th Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army from 1940 to 1944.- Origins :The regiment was raised in December 1940 from a cadre of personnel taken from the 9th Queen's Royal Lancers and the 17th/21st Lancers, and was assigned to 29th Armoured Brigade of 11th Armoured Division...
pierced west of the town and formed a hedgehog defencelay. The next day the British liberated the ruins of Tilly-sur-Seulles. after the town had been lost and recaptured 23 times before it was finally liberated.
http://www.normandie44lamemoire.com/versionanglaise/fichesvillesus/tillyus2.html This fighting became known as the Battle of Tilly-sur-Seulles
-External links:*...

Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...
in Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
. There the advance was halted because there was a shortage of fuel.
Market Garden
Operation Market Garden (17–25 September 1944) was an AlliedAllies of World War II
The Allies of World War II were the countries that opposed the Axis powers during the Second World War . Former Axis states contributing to the Allied victory are not considered Allied states...
military operation in the Netherlands and Germany.
Garden consisted primarily of XXX Corps and was initially spearheaded by the Guards Armoured Division, with the 43rd Wessex and 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division in reserve. with the 231st Infantry Brigade detached to help support the advance of Guards Armoured.17 September 1944 at 13.30hrs the 50th Division watched as one of the largest air armadas of the war pass overhead. The division's field artillery 74th, 90th and 124th Fd Regts RA and the Mortars of Cheshire Regiment took part in the opening barrage. During the day the Irish Guards captured Valkenswaard
Valkenswaard is a municipality and a town in the southern Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant. The municipality had 30,871 citizens and spans an area of 56,50 square kilometers ....
and later on the infantry of 231st Brigade were called up to clear woods on the left of the Guards' advance. The following day 231st Brigade took over Valkenswaard, as the Guards advanced north on to Nijmegen.
22 September, 69th Brigade was in trouble when two battalions of infantry and a regiment of tanks cut the main Corps centre-line near Uden
Uden is a municipality and a town in the province of Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.- History :Uden was first recorded around 1190 as “Uthen”. However, earlier settlements have been found in the areas of the modern day Moleneind, Vorstenburg and Bitswijk and evidence of ice-age settlements has been...
, eight miles (13 km) south of the bridge at Grave. The brigade was cut in half with East Yorkshires in the north while the Green Howards were in the south. The next day, the Germans attempted to strengthen their grip on the road by attacking Veghel
Veghel is a municipality and a town in the southern Netherlands.Since 1994 Veghel and the neighbouring village of Erp have formed a single municipality.Veghel is twinned with Goch in Germany.- Population centres :*Boerdonk*Eerde*Erp*Keldonk...
, farther south, they were met with very warm reception. The American infantry, British tanks and artillery, working in an improvised but close co-operation, drove off the enemy with heavy losses it was a fine example of allied co-operation in the field. Rations were short because of the road congestion. 69th Brigade were forced to eat captured German rations.

26 September the 6th Green Howards were ordered to occupy Halderen , but the infantry ran in to severe opposition, and failed to capture there objective. The 69th Brigade now attacked in the direction of Halderen continued throughout the 27 September. During the day the East Yorks gained some ground as they were supported by a quick barrage. The airborne troops farther north at Arnhem had by now been withdrawn. The attempt to reach them by land had clearly failed, and attempts to supply them by air had been only partially successful. Thus the final objective of Operation "Market Garden" Arnhem and the crossing of the Rhine defences had not been achieved.
30 September The whole of 50th Division was now tasked with guarding the bridge and bridgehead north of Nijmegen called the Island. The first serious German counter attack came when seventy tanks and the equivalent of an infantry division was unleashed on the division. 69th Brigade and 5th Guards Brigade were holding the line, while another attack was put in against 43rd Division across the Nederijn. The intensity of the attack on the 69th Brigade and the intensity of there defence can be judged by the fact that 124th Field Regiment RA fired a total of 12,500 25-pound shells during the action and 'B' Company of 2nd Cheshires fired 95,000 rounds of medium-machine-gun fire. For nearly two months static warfare was the norm on the Island. The forward troops rotated regularly. The great bridge at Nijmegen was under constant shellfire and journeys over it were made at full speed. The casualties in the battles on the island in early October had been severe: almost 900 including 12 officers and 111 ORs killed in action, 30 officers and 611 ORs wounded and another 114 missing.
Return to England
Early in November Field Marshal Montgomery made a speech to the division's officers in a cinema in Bourg Leopold. Most of 50th Division would return to England as a training division for reinforcements.Since D-Day 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division had suffered total casualties of 488 officers and 6,932 ORs, but had also assimilated 358 officers and 8,019 ORs. Many of these reinforcements were soon posted to other formations. The division stayed in northwest Europe until December 1944, when it was again returned to Britain, this time for the remainder of the war, and was converted into a training division. At the end of the war, it was sent to Norway
Norway , officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of and a population of about 4.9 million...
, and converted into British Ground Forces, Norway.
50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, 1940 (France)
Officer Commanding: Major-General G. Le Q. MartelGiffard LeQuesne Martel
General Sir Giffard Le Quesne Martel, KCB, KBE, DSO, MC , familiarly known as "Q Martel", was a British Army officer during World War I and World War II....
25th Infantry Brigade
British 25th Infantry Brigade
The 25th Infantry Brigade was a war-formed brigade of the British Army during the First and Second World Wars.- History :Created in 1915, the Brigade saw action in the European theatre of the Great War....
- 1st/7th Battalion, The Queen's Royal Regiment
- 1st Battalion, The Royal Irish Fusiliers
- 2nd Battalion, The Essex Regiment
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company
150th Infantry Brigade
- 4th Battalion, The Green HowardsThe Green HowardsThe Green Howards was an infantry regiment of the British Army, in the King's Division...
- 4th Battalion, The East Yorkshire RegimentEast Yorkshire RegimentThe East Yorkshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the line in the British Army, first raised in 1685 as Sir William Clifton's Regiment of Foot. It saw service for three centuries, before being amalgamated with the West Yorkshire Regiment , becoming The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of...
- 5th Battalion, The Green Howards
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company
151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Battalion, The Durham Light InfantryDurham Light InfantryThe Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
- 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- Brigade Anti-Tank Company
Divisional Troops
- 4th Battalion, The Royal Northumberland FusiliersRoyal Northumberland FusiliersThe Royal Northumberland Fusiliers was an infantry regiment of the British Army. Originally raised in 1674, the regiment was amalgamated with three other fusilier regiments in 1968 to form the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.-Origins:...
- 72nd Field Regiment, Royal ArtilleryRoyal ArtilleryThe Royal Regiment of Artillery, commonly referred to as the Royal Artillery , is the artillery arm of the British Army. Despite its name, it comprises a number of regiments.-History:...
- 74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 92nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 65th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 232nd Field Company, Royal EngineersRoyal EngineersThe Corps of Royal Engineers, usually just called the Royal Engineers , and commonly known as the Sappers, is one of the corps of the British Army....
- 505th Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 235th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
"Frank Force" (Arras, 1940)
Left Column- 4th Battalion, The Royal Tank RegimentRoyal Tank RegimentThe Royal Tank Regiment is an armoured regiment of the British Army. It was formerly known as the Tank Corps and the Royal Tank Corps. It is part of the Royal Armoured Corps and is made up of two operational regiments, the 1st Royal Tank Regiment and the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment...
- 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 368th Battery, 92nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 206th Anti-Tank Battery, 52nd Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery
- Platoon from 151st Infantry Brigade Anti-Tank Company
- Company and Reconnaissance Platoon from 4th Battalion, The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Right Column
- 7th Battalion, The Royal Tank Regiment
- 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 365th Battery, 92nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 260th Anti-Tank Battery, 65th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery
- Platoon from 151st Infantry Brigade Anti-Tank Company
- Reconnaissance Platoon from 4th Battalion, The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, 1942-1943 (North Africa)
Officer Commanding: Major-General William Havelock RamsdenWilliam Havelock Ramsden
Major-General William Havelock Ramsden CB, CBE, DSO, MC was a British Army commander during World War II.-Military career:...
69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment
- 6th Battalion, The Green Howards
- 7th Battalion, The Green Howards
150th Infantry Brigade (destroyed at Gazala)
- 4th Battalion, The Green Howards
- 4th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment
- 5th Battalion, The Green Howards
151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Battalion, The Durham Light InfantryDurham Light InfantryThe Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
- 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Divisional Troops
- 2nd Battalion, The Cheshire RegimentCheshire RegimentThe Cheshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army, part of the Prince of Wales' Division.The regiment was created in 1881 as part of the Childers reforms by the linking of the 22nd Regiment of Foot and the militia and rifle volunteers of Cheshire...
- 74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 90th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 124th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment (The Northumberland HussarsNorthumberland HussarsThe Northumberland Hussars is a Squadron of The Queen's Own Yeomanry is an armoured Squadron of the British Territorial Army. It is part of a Formation Reconnaissance Regiment, equipped with the FV107 Scimitar and FV103 Spartan type armoured reconnaissance vehicles...
), Royal Artillery - 25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 233rd Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 501st Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 505th Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 235th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
Attached to the Division in North Africa
1st Free French Brigade13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade
The 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade is a mechanized infantry demi-brigade in the French Foreign Legion. It is the only permanent demi-brigade in the French Army, and is a unit of particular notoriety and reputation within the Legion...
- 2nd Battalion, The French Foreign LegionFrench Foreign LegionThe French Foreign Legion is a unique military service wing of the French Army established in 1831. The foreign legion was exclusively created for foreign nationals willing to serve in the French Armed Forces...
- 3rd Battalion, The French Foreign Legion
- 22nd North African March Battalion
- One Battalion from the Fusiliers Marins
- One Marine Infantry Battalion
- 17th Sappers Company
- 1st Free French Artillery Regiment
1st Greek Infantry Brigade
- 1st Greek Infantry Battalion
- 2nd Greek Infantry Battalion
- 3rd Greek Infantry Battalion
- 1st Greek Artillery Battalion
- 1st Greek Machine-Gun Company
- 1st Greek Engineer Company
50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, 1943-44 (Sicily)
Officer Commanding: Major-General S. C. KirkmanSidney Kirkman
General Sir Sidney Chevalier Kirkman GCB, KBE, MC was a general in the British Armed Forces from 1944 to 1950 and Director General of Civil Defence in the Civil Defence Department from 1954 to 1960.-Biography:...
69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment
- 6th Battalion, The Green Howards
- 7th Battalion, The Green Howards
151st Infantry Brigade
- 1st/7th Battalion, The Queen's Royal Regiment
- 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
168th (London) Infantry Brigade
- 1st Battalion, The London Irish RiflesLondon Irish RiflesThe London Irish Rifles is now known more formally known as "D Company, London Regiment" and is a volunteer Rifle Regiment with a distinguished history...
- 1st Battalion, The London Scottish Regiment
- 10th Battalion, The Royal Berkshire Regiment
Divisional Troops
- 2nd Battalion, The Cheshire RegimentCheshire RegimentThe Cheshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army, part of the Prince of Wales' Division.The regiment was created in 1881 as part of the Childers reforms by the linking of the 22nd Regiment of Foot and the militia and rifle volunteers of Cheshire...
- 74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 90th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 124th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment (The Northumberland HussarsNorthumberland HussarsThe Northumberland Hussars is a Squadron of The Queen's Own Yeomanry is an armoured Squadron of the British Territorial Army. It is part of a Formation Reconnaissance Regiment, equipped with the FV107 Scimitar and FV103 Spartan type armoured reconnaissance vehicles...
), Royal Artillery - 25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 233rd Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 501st Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 505th Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 235th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
Attached to the Division
- 44th Battalion, The Royal Tank Regiment (landings)
50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, 1944-45 (North-West Europe)
Officer Commanding:Major General Douglas Alexander Graham69th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment
- 6th Battalion, The Green Howards
- 7th Battalion, The Green Howards
151st Infantry Brigade
- 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
- 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
231st Infantry Brigade
British 231st Infantry Brigade
.- History :The 231st Infantry Brigade was a Second World War British Army unit, originally formed from the 1st Malta Brigade.It was composed of regular British Army battalions, was stationed on Malta at the start of the Second World War...
- 1st Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment
- 1st Battalion, The Dorsetshire Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, The Devonshire RegimentThe Devonshire RegimentThe Devonshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army which served under various titles from 1685 to 1958. Its lineage is continued today by The Rifles.-Origin and titles:...
(to December 1944) - 1st/7th Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment)
Divisional Troops
- 2nd Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment
- 74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 90th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 124th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 102nd Anti-Tank Regiment (The Northumberland Hussars), Royal Artillery
- 25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
- 233rd Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 501st Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 505th Field Company, Royal Engineers
- 235th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers
- 6th Assault Regiment, Royal Engineers (attached for D-Day)
Attached to the Division in North-West Europe
56th Infantry BrigadeBritish 56th Infantry Brigade
The British Army's 56th Infantry Brigade was originally a Kitchener's Army brigade within 19th Division during the First World War.Later during the Second World War it was reformed on 15 February 1944 in the United Kingdom....
(from D-Day to August 1944)
- 2nd Battalion, The South Wales BorderersThe South Wales BorderersThe South Wales Borderers was an infantry regiment of the British Army. It first came into existence, as the 24th Regiment of Foot, in 1689, but was not called the South Wales Borderers until 1881. The regiment served in a great many conflicts, including the American Revolutionary War, various...
- 2nd Battalion, The Gloucestershire RegimentThe Gloucestershire RegimentThe Gloucestershire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army. Nicknamed "The Glorious Glosters", the regiment carried more battle honours on their regimental colours than any other British Army line regiment.-Origins and early history:...
- 2nd Battalion, The Essex RegimentEssex RegimentThe Essex Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army that saw active service from 1881 to 1958. Members of the regiment were recruited from across Essex county. Its lineage is continued by the Royal Anglian Regiment.-Origins:...
8th Armoured Brigade
British 8th Armoured Brigade
The 8 Armoured Brigade was a British Army brigade, formed in August 1941 during the Second World War and active until 1956. The brigade was formed by the re-designation of 6th Cavalry Brigade when the 1st Cavalry Division based in Palestine , converted from a motorised formation to an armoured...
(Normandy Campaign)
- 4th/7th Dragoon Guards
- 24th Lancers24th LancersThe 24th Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army from 1940 to 1944.- Origins :The regiment was raised in December 1940 from a cadre of personnel taken from the 9th Queen's Royal Lancers and the 17th/21st Lancers, and was assigned to 29th Armoured Brigade of 11th Armoured Division...
- The Nottinghamshire Yeomanry (Sherwood Rangers)Sherwood Rangers YeomanryThe Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry is one of the five squadrons of the Royal Yeomanry , an armoured regiment of the Territorial Army. Designated as 'S' Squadron, the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry's current role is to support the Formation Reconnaissance Regiments and the Joint Chemical Biological Nuclear...
4th Special Service Brigade
4th Special Service Brigade
The 4th Special Service Brigade was created in March 1944 from units of the Royal Marines. Due to the success of the Army Commandos’ operations in Norway, the Channel Islands, St...
- 47th Royal Marine CommandoRoyal MarinesThe Corps of Her Majesty's Royal Marines, commonly just referred to as the Royal Marines , are the marine corps and amphibious infantry of the United Kingdom and, along with the Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary, form the Naval Service...
Adam Wakenshaw VC
Adam Herbert WakenshawAdam Herbert Wakenshaw
Adam Herbert Wakenshaw VC was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.-Details:...
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories....
(9 June 1914-27 June 1942)
Was 28 years old, and a private
Private (rank)
A Private is a soldier of the lowest military rank .In modern military parlance, 'Private' is shortened to 'Pte' in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries and to 'Pvt.' in the United States.Notably both Sir Fitzroy MacLean and Enoch Powell are examples of, rare, rapid career...
in the 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Durham Light Infantry
The Durham Light Infantry was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1968. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot along with the militia and rifle volunteers of County Durham...
, On 27 June 1942 south of Mersa Matruh, Egypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...
, Private Wakenshaw was a member of a crew of a 2 pounder (907 g) anti-tank gun, when the enemy attacked, silencing the gun and killing or seriously wounded all the crew. Private Wakenshaw's left arm was blown off but he crawled back to his gun, loaded it with one arm and fired five more rounds with considerable effect. He was then blown away from the gun by an enemy shell and was again severely wounded, but he still managed to crawl back and was preparing to fire again when a direct hit on the ammunition killed him and destroyed the gun.
Derek Seagrim VC
Derek Anthony SeagrimDerek Anthony Seagrim
Lieutenant Colonel Derek Anthony Seagrim VC was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. His VC was earned during the North Africa CampaignHis brother was Hugh...
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories....
(24 September 1903-6 April 1943) 39 year old, Derek Seagrim was made a Temporary Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant colonel
Lieutenant colonel is a rank of commissioned officer in the armies and most marine forces and some air forces of the world, typically ranking above a major and below a colonel. The rank of lieutenant colonel is often shortened to simply "colonel" in conversation and in unofficial correspondence...
in the 7th Bn., The Green Howards (Alexandra Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment),
On 20/21 March 1943 at the Mareth Line
Mareth Line
The Mareth Line was a system of fortifications built by the French between the towns of Medenine and Gabès in southern Tunisia, prior to World War II...
, Tunisia
Tunisia , officially the Tunisian RepublicThe long name of Tunisia in other languages used in the country is: , is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area...
, Lieutenant Colonel Seagrim's courage and leadership led directly to the capture of an important objective. When it appeared that the attack on the position would fail owing to the intensity of enemy fire, he placed himself at the head of his battalion and led them forward. He personally helped to place a scaling ladder over an anti-tank ditch and was the first across. Leading an attack on two machine-gun posts, he accounted for 20 of the enemy and when a counter-attack was launched next day he moved from post to post quite unperturbed, until it was defeated.
Eric Anderson VC
Eric AndersonEric Anderson (VC)
Eric Anderson VC was an English soldier who received the Victoria Cross.- Early life :He was born in Fagley in Bradford, West Yorkshire, the only son of George and Mary Anderson....
(15 September 1915–6 April 1943)
was 27 years old and a private
Private (rank)
A Private is a soldier of the lowest military rank .In modern military parlance, 'Private' is shortened to 'Pte' in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries and to 'Pvt.' in the United States.Notably both Sir Fitzroy MacLean and Enoch Powell are examples of, rare, rapid career...
in the 5th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment, during the Second World War. On 6 April 1943 on the Wadi Akarit, Tunisia
Tunisia , officially the Tunisian RepublicThe long name of Tunisia in other languages used in the country is: , is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a Maghreb country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area...
, when a company of The East Yorkshire Regiment had to withdraw temporarily behind the crest of a hill, Private Anderson, a stretcher-bearer, went forward alone through heavy fire to rescue the wounded. Three times he brought in wounded comrades, and was rendering first aid to a fourth when he was mortally wounded
Stanley Elton Hollis VC
Stanley Elton HollisStanley Elton Hollis
Stanley Elton Hollis VC was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces....
, VC
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration awarded for valour "in the face of the enemy" to members of the armed forces of various Commonwealth countries, and previous British Empire territories....
(September 21, 1912 - February 8, 1972)
He has the unique distinction of winning the only Victoria Cross awarded on D-Day
D-Day is a term often used in military parlance to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. "D-Day" often represents a variable, designating the day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred; see Military designation of days and hours for similar...
(June 6, 1944).
On June 6, 1944 in Normandy
Normandy is a geographical region corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy. It is in France.The continental territory covers 30,627 km² and forms the preponderant part of Normandy and roughly 5% of the territory of France. It is divided for administrative purposes into two régions:...
, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
, Stanley Hollis 6th Battalion Green Howards , went with his company commander to investigate two German pill-boxes which had been by-passed as the company moved inland from the beaches. He rushed forward to the first pill-box, taking all but five of the occupants prisoner and then dealt with the second, taking 26 prisoners. Then he cleared a neighbouring trench. Later that day, he led an attack on an enemy position which contained a field gun and Spandau machine guns. After withdrawing he learned that two of his men had been left behind and told Major Lofthouse, his commanding officer, " I took them in. I will try to get them out." Taking a grenade from one of his men Hollis carefully observed the enemy's pattern of behaviour and threw it at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to prime the grenade but the enemy didn't know this and kept their heads down waiting for it to explode. By the time they realised their mistake Hollis was on top of them and had shot them.
Time Line
- British 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division - Existing Territorial Army division at the start of the war, headquartered in Darlington. Organized as a motor division. Served in:-
- France and Belgium from 1.1940 until 6.1940.
- Egypt from 6.1941 until 7.1941 & 2.1942, from 6.1942 until 12.1942, & from 5.1943 until 9.1943.
- Cyprus from 7.1941 until 11.1941.
- Syria from 1.1942 until 2.1942.
- Libya from 2.1942 until 6.1942 & from 12.1943 until 3.1943 & from 4.1943 until 5.1943.
- North Africa from 3.1943 until 4.1943.
- Sicily from 7.1943 until 10.1943.
- Northwestern Europe from 6.1944 until 12.1944.
- Redesignated an Infantry (Reserve) Division in the U.K. 8.1945.
- Arrived in Norway and retitled HQ British Land Forces Norway.
See also
- British Divisions in World War IIBritish Divisions in World War IIThis page is a list of British Army divisions that fought in World War II.-Armoured:*Guards Armoured Division*1st Armoured Division*2nd Armoured Division - Formed 15 December 1939 in the UK. Served in Egypt from January 1941 until March 1941 and from April 1941 until May 1941, and in Libya from...
- British Army Order of Battle - September 1939
External links
- http://www.britannica.com/dday/article-9389939
- http://www.war-experience.org/history/keyaspects/husky1943/pagethree.asp
- http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/wwii/husky/grandstrategy.aspx?p=3
- http://www.faithfuldurhams.com/primosole_bridge.htm
- http://www.routetovictory.info/50history.php
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/timeline/factfiles/nonflash/a1119926.shtml?sectionId=2&articleId=1119926
- http://ibiblio.org/hyperwar/UN/UK/UK-NWE-Flanders/UK-NWE-Flanders-6.html
- http://www.flamesofwar.com/Default.aspx?tabid=108&art_id=453&kb_cat_id=100
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A1006606
- http://warchronicle.com/50th_div/historiantales_wwii/victorygold.htm